Unit 1 - Using Literature in The Language Classroom: The Issues

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Ocenar, Jojie V. BSEd-English 3-A

Ms. Mae Saschiel P. Montallana

Task 10

Read both examples and note down any implications for teachers using literature in the language

Basically, literature gives every learner an opportunity to be more comprehensive and express
freely one's thoughts while reading a literary text. Also, it opens a wide perspective on the varied
cultures and traditions that countries across the globe have been possessed. And through the aid of
literary analysis, students, as readers of the texts, are given the chance to comprehend and give their
own interpretation of the intentions of the authors in coming up with a mind-boggling and thought-
provoking literary pieces. However, teaching literature is not that easy. We cannot reject the fact that
literature mirrors our day-to-day living; it helps us appreciate life despite diversity. So, it is really
necessary to note that learning literature needs a great understanding on the tenets of the different
literary theories with the help of our teachers.

Further, those who are fond of teaching literature in language classroom play a vital role in
harnessing student's skills while analyzing and appreciating interesting literature through learning the
hidden ideas beneath certain literary piece. Apparently, literary teachers make themselves learned to
completely discuss and facilitate the teaching of literature in language classroom. In the two examples
given, it is evident that through assessing learner's ability to comprehend and interpret certain text,
teachers in literature create possibility for his or her students to dither cultural background in various
places globally. It just simply implies that when a facilitator of learning literature conducts literature
class in language classroom, it will not only help students develop reading comprehension and language
awareness, but that teacher also encourages learners to widen their views on the difference and
similarity of culture around the world. In addition, through introducing literature in the language class, it
can also impact students' deep understanding on diversity and language variations.

On a positive note, there may be negative connotations that can be made out of learner's analysis
of a certain literary text that could lead to confusion, however, as a would-be teacher of literature, I still
believe that there are many positive thoughts and astounding realizations that would transpire upon
studying literature in language classroom. And so, based also on the given examples, my heart and mind
are filled with so much excitement, for I would be experiencing the perks of teaching literature among
my future students. Since I am certain that they would enjoy learning a language while discovering the
aesthetic beauty of literature, I would not hesitate to administer a language class while incorporating
classic and modern literary texts. After all, teaching literature makes one's life substantial and
experience freedom of expressing comprehensive views.

Task 11
What different views of Mrs. Ramsay are being expressed by the two reviewers? Can you suggest any
reasons for this? Do you think this has any implications for using literature with the language learner?

Obviously, in the two reviewers given, Mrs. Ramsay gave her thoughts about the different
perceptions of readers who read literary text. Others may view it using Feminist lens, but some have
different opinions on it. And the main reason of it is our ability to have dissimilar interpretations on
what we are reading. Since we differ our understanding on things, it only implies that when teacher uses
literary piece in language class, he or she has to make sure that all the responses of the language
learners will be accepted and be rated properly. Ergo, as long as the teacher of literature will not ask his
or her students about the parameter of their analysis, learners are still free to express what he or she
understands upon reading the text. And by doing so, teacher allows students to think creatively and
showcase thought-provoking analysis of any literary text that the teacher is about to utilize.

Task 12

a) What other factors could you add to this list?

The following are the factors that I would like to add on reader's interpretation of literary texts:

 Reader's educational background;

 Reader's styles/preference of interpreting literary text;
 One's political beliefs that contribute to analyzing certain text;
 Reader's level of literary competence; and
 Reader's perceived concepts of analyzing literature (e.g., Feminist, Marxist, etc.) from different

b) Now, decide which of the factors listed above, and the ones you may have added, might be the
most important in influencing the interpretation that your own students might make of a literary text.

So, with regard to the factors that are listed above and the other five I have written, I strongly
believe that the most important factor is the one that I gave, which puts emphasis on the level of
reader's literary competence. It is because of the fact that it is undeniable that nowadays, our learners
who have inclinations on learning literature are going through difficult activities just to scrutinize the
basic and even the most complex details of analyzing literary text. Really, as a soon-to-be teacher of
literature, I assume that my learners would learn best when they are exposed to broad-gauge discussion
on literary analysis; its meticulous features. And since I know that it is already given that students have
different point of views when it comes to interpreting literature due to the desperate periods or age
where they first exposed to certain literature, religious beliefs, political views, and many others, it is now
my task to escalate their knowledge on literature through accentuating their literary competence. And
for me, that makes my students more appreciative to distinguishable literary pieces around the world.

Task 13
We have just suggested that the meaning of a literary text can never be fixed. But this view can be
problematic for some teachers and students. Look at these possible objections to the suggestion that
the meaning of a literary text can never be fixed. Think about your own response to the objections.

Upon comprehending the situation given by the teacher in the possible objections of the claim that
the meaning of literature can never be fixed, I certainly disagree on the set example because of the
premises below:

1. Literature creates wide and dissimilar perceptions of analyzing certain tex. Meaning to say, the
main goal of the literary teacher here is to appreciate and respond equally to the interpretations that
will be given by his or her students. Let us not invalidate strange or not-so-direct answers when giving
literary-related quizzes or activities, for we should note that literature has underlying meanings.

2. When administering literature class, a teacher of must be open-minded and appreciative to the
responses of the students on certain literary piece. As literary critics, it is vital to them to acknowledge
everyone's interpretation or thoughts on the particular literature prepared by the teacher. Therefore, as
facilitator of learning, we should not hinder our students from being creative and commonsensical in
their analysis. And this gives an idea that the meaning of literature is not really fixed, for we have
different principles and preference that affect our interpretation to any literary pieces that we need to

Can you identify with the teacher's objections above? Can you think of any ways of overcoming the
problems she describes?

Personally, given that literature represents diversity, I am sure that it is easy to solve issues that
concern teacher's objections to the above-mentioned claim regarding literature. Since we all know that
learners have different ways of learning certain body of knowledge, teachers are also expected to offer
distinct opportunities to a particular learning preference. Similarly, when teachers are having confusion
on the issue about the different exegeses of students regarding literary analysis, one solution to be
made is to start being flexible and inclusive to all learners' analyses, and not be biased to what is right
for you. Let us not forget that our students see teachers as exemplary individuals, for they possess good
qualities to be followed by many. And so, it is just to promote equal chance of showcasing excellent
interpretation to any literary activities set by the teacher; to uplift the importance of inclusivity and
highlight the flamboyant differentiae of literary texts.

Do you think we should accept any interpretation of a text that our students offer us? Why? If we only
find certain interpretations acceptable, what criteria do we use to decide what is acceptable or not?

It is noticeable in my previous responses that I have already created a criteria on how a teacher of
literature should rate a student who gives different interpretations on the literary text being utilized in
the class. However, it may sound different when teachers have already incorporated specific literary
analysis to be used in the activity — and that needs to be considered, too. So, as literary teachers, if we
are going to set specific literary lens to use such as Feminist, Marxist, and Queer, it is totally accepted
that we utilize unbiased rubrics that could rate the analyses of students well. For instance, we can use
Feminist rubrics when we want to let our students analyze only the text with the Feminist lens. And by
doing so, we can still possibly allow our students to think freely and carefully interpret the text with a
set literary theory to develop.

Task 16

Before reading the following text, think about these questions:

a) What is 'literary competence'?

Accordingly, literary competence was introduced by Jonathan Culler (1975) that refers to a person's
implicit, internalized knowledge of the rules of literature. He also suggests that knowledge of a language
and a certain experience of the world do not suffice to make someone a perceptive and competent
reader. This only means that literary competence does not only cover the language competence and
lived experiences of a reader, but also deals with the exquisite knowledge that needs to be enhanced
just to compendiously give literary analysis. Again, literary competence is a pivotal element that one
should consider to make extraordinary interpretations on various concepts of literature.

b) How important it is for language teachers and students?

In a broader sense, literary competence does not only deal with learners who want to improve
their knowledge on critiquing literary texts. Teachers, as facilitators of learning, also need this
competence to successfully teach literature in a language class. In addition, since it has been said that,
"literature promotes language awareness", both teachers and students should equip themselves by
studying the necessary learnings intended for interpreting any literary texts with the proper usage of
lexicons in every literary concept that needs to be analyzed. And as we all believe that language has
been playing a great role in improving one's life through the utilization of words, it is therefore essential
to be competent both in linguistics and literature, for both of them make the world impactful and worth

Task 18

Below is a list of reasons for using literature with the language learner. Think about which reasons are
the most important. List your reasons in order of importance.

The list below is composed of the most important reasons in using literature with the language
learner up to the least ones:

 It expands students language awareness;

 It is a stimulus for language acquisition;
 It develops student's interpretative abilities;
 It helps students understand another culture;
 It has general educational value;
 It encourages students to talk about their opinions and feelings;
 It is found in many syllabi;
 It is very motivating;
 It is highly valued and has a high status;
 Students enjoy it and it is fun; and
 It is authentic material.

Are there any other reasons for using literature that you want to add to this list?

As for me, I am satisfied with the list presented in the activity, for all of the elements that I wanted
to include in the reasons why utilizing literature in language is important are all present, and everything
has different goals to achieve yet connected in one thought — that is to incorporate literature in
language class to encourage students to be more literary competent. Also, the list of reasons above
proves that in studying language, literature should be always considered to not miss its contribution
when it comes to language development.

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