Soc Sci

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For Karl Marx, what is the classification of slums

dwellers who lead marginalized, often criminal

1. What is/are possible effect/s of human

interactions on individuals in society?
I. Determine their action
II. Constrain their behavior A. Lumpenproletariat
III. No effect B. Proletariat
A. II only C. III only C. Petite bourgeoisie
B. I only D. I and II D. bourgeosie
2. Who is the recognized Father of Sociology? 11. How can integration be best achieved during
A. Auguste Comte the step of introducing new lessons to be
B. Herbert Spencer learned?
C. C. Henri Saint-Simon A. Present illustrative materials
D. Harriet Martineau B. Relate topic to the past experiences
3. For which are the state policies on “equal C. State objectives of the unit
access to opportunities for the public service D. Present birds eye-view of the lesson
and prohibition of political dynasties” and 12. What kind of study examines specific sub-
“strengthening the merit and rewards system” populations, such as those who who played a
intended? part in EDSA revolt in order to understand how
A. To increase labor protection and social their attitudes have change?
security. A. Trend Study C. Cross-
B. To put men and women on equal footing. sectional study
C. To uphold the quality of public service. B. Longitudinal study D. Cohort study
D. To build an egalitarian society. 13. In observing students as part of evaluation
4. What is a group of businesses or industries that outside of the tests, the teacher need to be
gets a monopoly of goods or resources in a ______ to be fair and accurate in assessing
specific market or sector? students.
A. Cartel A. Objective C. partesan
B. Command Economy B. Biased D. subjective
C. Collusion 14. What is the role played by assessment that
D. Network determines the extent objectives of learning
5. From Max Weber’s idea about “status culture”, were met?
how can the establishment of religious schools A. Placement C. Formative
for children of Hispanic, mixed Hispanic, and B. Diagnostic D. Summative
well to do natives be characterized? 15. What essential power of the state may be
A. Religious education C. Sectarian education exercised by public service corporations?
B. Elitist education D. Mass education A. Taxation
6. Which type of map illustrates the physical B. Polices power
contour of an area? C. Eminent domain and taxation
A. Physical Map C. Topographic map D. Eminent domain
B. Roadmap D. Climate map 16. Which kind of prejudice has been accepted in
7. In rearing the youth for civic efficiency and the Philippines by inclusion of the Muslim
development or moral character, the holidays, which gained national respect aside
constitution that shall receive the support from from the Catholic holidays like Christmas,
the _________? Lenten season, etc.?
A. Civic groups C. Church A. Heterosexualism C. Religious intolerance
B. Government D. NGO’s B. Looksism D. Sexism
8. What is the law that set a full free trade policy 17. Preferential attention to the welfare of the less
abolishing the quota limitations on Philippine fortunate in society is the legitimate goal of the
exports to the United States? _________:
A. Payne Aldrich Act A. Fisheries Law C. constitutional reform
B. Underwood-Simons Act B. Cooperative movement D. anti-poverty
C. C. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act program
D. Bell Trade Act 18. Effictive teaching requires that teachers must
9. The most important factor that is affecting all be able to be equipped with?
the chemical weathering processes is A. Strong knowledge on pedagogical approach
_________. B. Various teaching methodologies and
A. Topography C. climate strategies
B. None of these D. vegetation C. Expert knowledge of subject matter on
various subjects
D. Deep love for children
19. To which is stratification most closely related? 30. Which type of map illustrates the physical
A. Social differentiation contour of an area?
B. Social identification A. Physical map C. Roadmap
C. Assimilation B. Climate map D. Topographic map
D. Social disorganization 31. The late President Ferdinand Marcos placed the
20. You would like to research on academic Philippines under the State of Martial Law
problems met by Indigenous Peoples’ children through which of the following laws?
in your school. Which sampling you will use? A. Article 6 Section 4 of the 1973 Constitution
A. No sampling B. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 s 1974
B. Stratified sampling C. Proclamation 1081
C. Random sampling of all school children D. Republic Act 274
D. Purposive sampling 32. Student B is driving to a place, the location of
21. Which of the following has Traditional Authority which he does not know. Which can help him
as defined by Max Weber? best?
A. King Louis XIV A. Cellphone C. TV
B. US President Trump B. Radio D. Waze
C. President Duterte 33. To be able to save the environment and make a
D. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai difference, what can we doas a Filipino citizen?
22. Who among the early civilization set the great A. Encourage your children to buy disposable
educational goal to develop the individual man- things so they no longer need to tend to it
to think and act? afterwards.
A. Greece C. Persia B. Burn your trash and don’t mind complaining
B. Babylon D. Sumeria neighbor.
23. How can man achieve the the highest form of C. When you are outside , pick up your rubbish
institutionalized social life? and teach your kids that, just as they do not
A. Through culture C. Through tradition litter at home, they should act the same in
B. Through folkways D. Through politics our “global home”.
24. Prisoners from city jails nationwide are D. Fish anytime you feel like it, and capture
complaining about the detention room that even the smallest fish for business
they are occupying. They feel that they deserve purposes.
better facilities. What does the Philippine 34. Which Illustrates content-based instruction?
Constitution prescribe penal facilities? Teacher Jenny ______.
A. Well ventilated and fully furnished rooms A. Integrates values in the teaching of
B. State-of-the-art penal facilities economics
C. Penal facilities not under subhuman B. Make use of an interactive teaching of
conditions technique to present a history lesson
D. Fully air-conditioned rooms C. Uses facts on Philippines geography to
25. For Herbert Spencer, this is NOT among the teach grammar lessons in Filipino.
cultural values eliminated by industrialized D. Requires her class to enrich lesion content
societies. by surfing the net.
A. Kinship C. Castes 35. Under the constitution, in case of the President
B. Selfdom D. Slavery and the Vice-President’s death, who shall act as
26. Which is true about APEC? the President?
A. It means Asia Pacific Economic Council A. Executive Secretary
B. It is meant to facilitate trade among Europe, B. Speaker of the House of Representatives
the Islands in the Pacific and Asia C. Senate President
C. The Philippines became a member in 2001 D. Chief Justice of the Supreme Count
D. It is meant to facilitate trade among North 36. As the principle of taxation states, “Your
America, Oceana and Asia contribution will go back to you in the form of
27. People living in highly elevated areas have services from your government.” Which of the
higher tendency of drinking, smoking, and even following is supported by constitution in
eating domestic animals such as dogs. What utilizing the taxes of the people?
factor affects these cultures? A. Taxes are used to purchase nuclear
A. Isolation C. Environment weapons
B. Cultural themes D. Technology B. Taxes collected are given to government
28. Located within the Pacific Plate, the Philippines employees through “Christmas bonus”
is prone to ________. C. Taxes collected will be used as campaign
A. Earthquake C. Flood funds for the party of incumbent president
B. Volcanic Eruptions D. Typhoons of the country
29. With which are the words ‘Uncle Sam, D. Taxes are used to construct churches and
Superpowers and Coca-Cola’ associated? mosques
A. Europe C. Singapore 37. You have a building which you leased to
B. United States D. Sweden another person who uses it for charitable
purposes. What then are your responsibilities as 47. Which is one reason given by Duterte
lessor and lessee with regard to taxation? administration for the proposed change to
A. You are are exempted from tax federal form of government?
B. The lessee is exempted from tax A. To extend the term of the president
C. You are not exempted from tax while the B. To extend the term of Government officials
one who leased it is exemted C. To eliminate dynasties
D. Both you and the lessee are exempted from D. For local governments to get a greater
tax share in revenue
38. As the composition of older people in the 48. At what stage is the Philippines today following
population increases, per capita real income Herbert Spencer’s ideas about societies evolving
tends to decrease because __________. forwards, backsliding at time?
A. less production supports the population A. Militant C. Compound
B. money income lags behind population B. Simple D. Industrial
C. less money income is earned 49. Which demonstrates interconnectedness
D. the proportion of the productive group to Between social and environmental injustices?
total population decreases A. Desertification of verdant regions
39. What has been established to provide Muslim B. Highly industrialized countries’ toxic waste
communities a greater share in development? disposed to poorer countries
A. Federal state C. Autonomous region C. Extinction of rare animal species
B. Industrial zones D. Free trade zones D. Temperature warming and rise of sea level
40. Which will legally serve as a shadow 50. Arrange the following events in Philippine
government to fiscalize the ruling democratic history in chronological order.
administration? I. Philippines was under the Japanese
A. Majority Senate C. People power occupation
B. Churches D. Free trade zones II. The Philippines was under America in
41. It is an approach that make students “think the form of a commonwealth
about their thinking” Students get conscious of III. The Commonwealth Period was
their cognitive task, this is an example of an interrupted by World War II
approach called ___________. A. I-II-III C. II-III-I
A. Metacognitive C. behaviourist B. III-II-I D. II-I-III
B. Constructivist D. cognitive 51. Which place in CALABARZON was named “
42. Far from the central government, what is the Special Science and Nature City” of the
only region in the Philippines that has its own Philippines?
government as decided by its people? A. Tagaytay C. Pagsanjan
A. CAR C. ARMM B. Los Banos D. Kawit
B. NCR D. SOCCARGEN 52. Filipinos are known to be thrifty, fungal,
43. Here is an essay test for the finals given by a creative and resourceful. They have the ability
teacher to his class: “Write everything that you to do things that are next to impossible. They
learned from this course.” What’s wrong with can fix appliances that seem to be beyond
the test item? repair. What Filipino attitude is being reffered
I. it is to broad to in this statement?
II. it does not show how scoring will be A. Persistence C. Gaya-gaya attitude
done B. Flexibility D. Remedyo Attitude
III. it is very open-ended. 53. What is the rainfall carried by wind and polluted
A. I only C. I and II air that poisons fish and destroys vegetation?
B. II and III D. I, II and III A. Greenhouse effect C. La niña
44. To teach student to be less competitive, which B. Acid rain D. El Niño
teaching approach should be used more? 54.
A. Interdiciplinary C. Collaborative
B. Reflective D. Integrative
45. Does Congress have sole power to declare the
existence of war?
A. No, the house of representatives has also
the power provided, vote is unanimous.
B. Yes
C. Yes, provided the president approves it
D. No, the Senate has also the power on
condition that Senator objects
46. Which was claimed to be the most tangible
symbol of the cold war?
A. The Berlin Wall
B. Tiananmen Square
C. The Great Wall of China
D. Vatican

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