Majorship Exam Social Science 2016 Key

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9. What consists of the internal waters of the Philippines?

A. Waters around, between and connecting the island of the

B. Territorial sea, the sea bed, he subsoil and other
submarine areas
C. Any body of water surrounding the Philippine archipelago
CLASSIFIED EXAMINATION D. Terretrial, fluvial and aerial domain
BOARD LICENSURE EXAMINATION 10. In August 30, 1951, Mutual Defense Treaty was signed by the
FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Philippines and the United States. What is their basic
SOCIAL SCIENCE A. To trade exclusively with each other
Specialization B. To support each other if either of them will be attacked by
other country
Warning: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized use
shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws. For exclusive
C. To exchange military intelligence and hardware
use of CBRC reviewees only. D. To fight terrorism

1. What is the One China Policy? 11. It is a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy in
A. The Republic of China includes manland China, People’s life, liberty or security is violated or threatened by an unlawful
Republic of China, Hongkong and Macau act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private
B. One China excludes Hongkong ad Macau. individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing
C. To relate to China, maintain relation with Republic of of data or information regarding the person, family, home and
China. correspondence of the aggrieved party.
D. People’s Republic of China includes mainland China, A. Writ of Habeas Corpus C. Writ of Habeas Data
Republic of China, Hongkong and Macau B. Writ of Amparo D. Writ of Kalikasan

2. Which civic society was formed by Jose Rizal before his 12. When the Filipino Reformist asked for the assimilation of the
deportation to Dapitan? Philippines by Spain, what did they ask for? For the Philippines
A. La Propaganda C. La Liga Filipina to ________
B. La Solidaridad D. El Superior Gobierno A. become independent
B. become a province of Spain
3. Who was the lawmaker, chief executive and judge of the pre- C. be independent from Spain with certain conditions
Hispanic barangays? D. become self-governed with the guidance of Spain
A. Datu C. Maharlika
B. Babaylan D. Timawa 13. Consumers buy more of a product at relatively low prices than at
relatively high prices.
4. A concept in many economic theories portraying humans as a A. Law of supply
consistently rational person who pursues wealth for his own B. Substitution effect
interest. C. Law of demand
A. Invisible hand argument C. Laissez faire policy D. Income effect
B. The rule of the nature D. Homo economicus
14. Aside from the Phillipines, which countries claim part of the
5. Which of the following practices is not an influence of USA in Spratly islands in the South China Sea?
the Filipino way of life? A. China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia
A. Political democracy B. China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia
B. Universal primary education C. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia
C. Economic free enterprise D. Thailand, China, Malaysia, Brunei
D. Compulsary religious education in the schools
15. Who among the following presidents was known for his
6. Which was well accepted by the Filipino natives under Spanish nationalistic moves particularly in the field of economics?
rule? A. Ferdinand Marcos C. Joseph Estrada
A. Spanish assimilation of the Philippines B. Fidel Ramos D. Carlos Garcia
B. Employment of Reduccion
C. Polo y servicio 16. Which order of presidents correctly applies to Philippine history?
D. Payment of cedula I. Elpidio Quirino III. Ferdinand Marcos
II. Ramon Magsaysay IV. Manuel Roxas
7. Which statement correctly describes the nature of the Filipino?
A. He is totally Westernized. A. II-I-IV-III C. IV-I-II-III
B. He is basically a Spaniard B. IV-II-I-III D. II-IV-I-III
C. He is blending of the East and the West.
D. He is pure indegeneous. 17. Eminent Domain is the power of the State to take or expropriate
private property for public use upon paying the owner a
8. They are the rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at _________ to be ascertained according to law.
the instance of private individuals for the purpose of securing A. Fair Market Value C. Reasonable Price
their enjoyment of their means of happiness. B. Just Compensation D.Equitable Compensation
A. Constitutional Rights
B. Social and Economic Rights 18. In essence, this principle means that legislation belongs to
C. Civil Rights Congress, execution to the executive, settlement of legal
D. Political Rights controversies to the judiciary. Each is therefore prevented from
invading the domain of the others.
A. Blending of Powers C. Separation of Powers
B. Check and Balance D. Constitutional Supremacy

DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -1-

19. The theory that population increases by geomethrical ratio while Religious differences between ________
the means of subsistence increases by arithmetical ratio is A. Hindus and Christians C. Hindus and Buddhists
attributed to B. Christins and Muslims D. Hindus and Muslims
A. David Ricardo C. Karl Marx
B. Thomas Malthus D. Adam Smith 33. Which maybe an effect of the island character of our
20. The following are component factors that make possible the flow A. Low literacy C. Widespread poverty
of production except B. Multi-cultural diversity D. Indolence
A. Capital C. Labor
B. Investment D. Land 34. What do we have in abundance as a result of the insular nature
of our country?
21. The maximum price that can be legally charged for a good or A. Local and international tourists
service is called B. Spa saloons and sing along
A. Price ceiling C. Legal wage C. Beautiful ladies and handsome gentlemen
B. Floor price D. Minimum price D. Beautiful beaches and fishing grouns

22. What does “presumption of innocence” mean in so far as human 35. Which of the following was the first to happen?
right is concerned? A. The Philippine was ceded to the US through the Treaty of
A. A suspect has the right to remain silent Paris
B. A suspect has the right to a legal counsel. B. Aguinaldo declared the Philippine independence
C. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty. C. Guirilla warfare against the US was initiated
D. A suspect is considered guilty until proven otherwise. D. Aguinaldo was captured.

23. Which of the four pillars of education for the 21st century is 36. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the
crucial in the light of conflicts between Israel and Palestine? surrender of the joint Filipino-American forces on May 6, 1942.
A. Learning to know C. Learning to do Where did this happen?
B. Learning to be D.Learning to live together A. Manila C. Corregidor
B. Capas D. Bataan
24. Which refers to the act of the president to stay the execution of
a convict? 37. Whos was the last Filipino general who fought the Americans
A. Pardon C. Amnesty and established the so-called “Tagalog Republic”?
B. Reprieve D. Commutation A. Manuel Lucban C. Miguel Malvar
B. Macario Sakay D. Gregorio del Pilar
25. Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice
President in every election? 38. What characteristics of government was established by the
A. Senate and Congress 1987 Constitution?
B. Supreme Court and Congres I. Parliamentary system of government
C. COMELEC and Chief Justice II. Presidential system of government with three branches
D. Joint Committee of Congress III. The three branches of government have a check and
balance over one another.
26. Which among the following represents the political process is IV. The three branches of government are separate and
involved in amending or revising the Philippine constitution to independent of one another.
adapt to the present Philippine situation? A. I only C. II, III, and IV only
A. Citizen’s Assembly C. Constitutional correction B. II only D. I, III, and IV
B. Charter change D. Constitutional conversion
39. Which one goes with this principle: “The end justifies the
27. Which of the following was the first to happen? means.”?
A. The Philippine was ceded to the US through the Treaty of A. All objectives must be accomplished.
Paris B. An evil act can never become good in spite of the good
B. Aguinaldo declared the Philippine independence motive.
C. Guirilla warfare against the US was initiated C. An evil act can become good because of the good motive.
D. Aguinaldo was captured. D. An indifferent act may become morally good or evil
depending on the motive.
28. In which place in the Philippines is the DOLE pineapple
plantation found? 40. On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga build on?
A. Zamboanga C. Bukidnon A. Adaptability C. Extreme personalism
B. Cotabato D. Cagayan de Oro B. Bayanihan spirit D. Joy and Humor

29. Complete this analogy: 41. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores
The world: The Nile River in a coconut farm. In this instance culture is transmitted by:
The Philippines: ___________ A. Acculturation C. Assimilation
A. Agno River C. Rio Grande de Pampanga B. Immersion D. Enculturation
B. Rio Grande de Mindanao D. Cagayan River
42. Trade-offs are required because needs are unlimited and
30. Which is the second largest island in the Philippine archipelago? resources are:
A. Mindanao C. Mindoro A. Marginal C. Unlimited
B. Palawan D. Samar B. Scarce D. Economical

31. If Bukidnon-Lanao area is a plateau, Zamboanga is more of

A. Islands C. Archipelago
B. Valley D. Peninsula
43. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the:
32. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a nation in 1947? A. Manufactured goods
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -2-
B. Intermidiate goods C. Yes
C. Inferior goods and services D. No. The suspension of the privilege applies only with
D. Final goods and services respect to persons judicially charged for rebellion.

44. To which Filipino trait does the German gemeinschaft 55. When recession gets prolonged resulting to a slump in business
correspond? activity, we are in a period of
A. Hospitality C. Pakikisama A. Economic boom C. Depression
B. Utang na loob D. Bayanihan spirit B. Deflation D. Inflation

45. Why is every government employee required to submit an 56. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?
annual statement of assets and liabilities? A. Cultural relativism C. Xenocentrism
A. To be objective in performance evaluation B. Cultural Diversity D. Ethnocentrism
B. To safeguard the people against corruption
C. To determine who deserves promotion 57. Who was the American president who proclaimed the
D. To determine who is fit for the job Benevolent Assimilation policy during the American colonial
years of the Philippines?
46. It is a method by which a public officer may be removed from A. Theodore Roosevelt C. Franklin Roosevelt
office during his tenure or before the expiration of his term by a B. Woodrow Wilson D. William Mckinley
vote of the people after registration of a petition signed by a
required percentage of the qualified voters. 58. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term
A. Initiative C. Referendum applies?
B. Recall D. Plebiscite A. Equilibrium C. Economic stability
B. Monopoly D. Inflation
47. Which is required of cooperative members for the operation of
their cooperative? 59. As a result of EDSA 1, the Philippines:
A. Patronage refund C. Interest on share capital A. Change its form of government to parliamentary
B. Share capital D. Net surplus B. Intensified its participation in international affairs
C. Saw the impeachment of Joseph Etrada as president
48. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single universal D. Became known worldwide for its People Power revolution
standard to be used to judge any culture based?
A. Culture shock C. Ethical relativism 60. Every right has a built-in duty. Which of the following illustrates
B. Cultural diversity D. Cultural relativism this correctly?
A. My right to privacy requires my neighbor to respect it.
49. Tomatoes are off season and so price for tomatoes is up. Which B. I have the right to sell you may cellphone but it is your duty
law/principle in economics explains it? to pay for it.
A. Law of cause and effect C. I have the right to drive my car but I must see to it that I
B. Substitution effect obey traffic rules.
C. Law of supply and demand D. I have the right to vote and it is the duty of the COMELEC
D. Principle of marginal utility to allow me to vote.

50. If one agrees with Rizal on the best way to redeem our country,
what would he do?
A. Work for quality education for all.
B. Campaign for more foreign investors
C. Attract tourists to come to the country
D. Do advocacy for health programs to get the biggest share
in the national budget
51. Which among the following represents a detrimental aspect of
he Philippine culture and society?
A. Ningas cogon C. Delicadeza
B. Amor propio D. Palabra de honor

52. Which among the following best describes the concept of

A. Organized interaction of people sharing land and culture
B. Limited by geographical boundaries
C. The same as culture or nation
D. A political entity

53. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a
Filipino. Your negative comment may be mistaken to be an
attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is this
advise based?
A. Adaptability C. Bayahihan spirit
B. Sakop mentality D. Extreme personalism

54. Does the power to declare martial law automatically suspend

the privelege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus?
A. Yes, in favor of the state and in fairness to all citizens
B. No
DR. CARL E. BALITA REVIEW CENTER TEL. NO. 735-4098/7350740 -3-

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