Unified La Consolacion College - South Luzon: Cluster 3: Governance & Human Resource
Unified La Consolacion College - South Luzon: Cluster 3: Governance & Human Resource
Unified La Consolacion College - South Luzon: Cluster 3: Governance & Human Resource
PEOPLE Strengthen C3S-3 Extend leadership C3KPI-3 Implement Leadership Dev’t Leadership Dev’t Leadership Dev’t
succession planning development annual thematic and Training Series 1 Training Series 2 Training Series 3
SPIRITUALITY by encouraging staff opportunities to middle- progressive Focus on Focus on Decision Focus on Total Quality
to participate in level management for leadership training Management of Making, Communication Mgt, Building Quality
leadership operational succession development Curriculum and Mgt, and Conflict Mgt. Culture and
development Instructional in the workplace International
Supervision Benchmarking
Y sustainability fund
Unified La Consolacion College – South Luzon
STATEMENT INDICATOR 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
GROWTH Strengthen C3S-4 Hire a full time C3KPI -4 Increase Increase enrollment Increase enrollment Increase
the marketing Marketing Director enrollment by 15% by 5% by 5% enrollment by 5%
mechanism a to Out -source
retain and attract marketing director
more students
TECHNOLOGY Streamline Office C3S-5 Create MIS C3KPI-5 Create Automation of HR Automation of Automation of
operation thru office mechanism for Office/Finance DO/SCLCM Library
automation system automation prioritizing Develop of system
key offices. of automation
Sustainability Strengthen campus C3S-6 Promote C3KPI-6 Realize a 20 % Replacement of Implementation of Installation of solar
image in terms of institutional energy savings on electricity traditional lights of energy-saving energy panels
facilities efficiency efforts to consumption the school to LED mechanism
management and reduce electricity
sustainability consumption
Unified La Consolacion College – South Luzon
the facilities maintenance facilities facilities management management on facilities
annual evaluation and operation manual utilization
on the area of
Intensify programs C3S- Develop a safety C3KPI -10 Realize zero Provision of additional Use of RFID Improvement of
on campus safety and security- culture security risks and CCTV monitoring system physical structure
and security in the campus safety hazards in the Use of RFID for students
campus monitoring system for Design contingency
personnel plans and protocols
for diff situations
like natural
calamities, bomb
threats and civil
Unified La Consolacion College – South Luzon
STATEMENT INDICATOR 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Sustainability Improve Collection C3S-Implement add- C3KPI -12 Increase cash Implementation of Provide online Offer multiple
(how much we efficiency on policy mode of flow and reduce bad on-line payment platform for payment options
lose or how mechanism payment debts Use of multi-channel external mode of Follow strict
much strategy payment protocol on missed
benefit?) payments
Quality/Peopl Raise the bar of C3S- 11 Develop a C3KPI-13 Implement a Development Development Development
e quality in the training program for Development Training Training –Series 1 Training –Series 2 Training –Series 3
training of teachers both the teachers and Program responsive to ASSESSMENT OF VALUES DECISION MAKING
Spirituality and non-teaching non-teaching the current needs and STUDENT LEARNING INTEGRATION
personnel personnel to intensify requirements of IR 4.0 COMMUNICATION TEACHING