SSC Tcs Reasoning Complete PDF

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SSC Bilingual

4500 TCS MCQ
All TCS Questions asked in SSC Exams Till March 2021

Chapter Wise Coverage



eBook Baljit Dhaka Sir



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Dear Students,

Reasoning is an important subject and plays a vital role in SSC prelims exams.

This book is a collection of all 4725 previous years' TCS questions with their detailed solution.

This includes:

(a) All questions asked by TCS in SSC exams such as ( CGL Tier-I, CHSL, CPO Tier-I, MTS) till date.
(b) Chapterwise questions with their solutions which are very helpful for time-bound exams.
(c) The index has a number of questions asked in each exam of all chapters for detailed analysis.

This book is a wholesome effort of veteran faculties and mentors. The uniqueness of this book is that it is designed in
such a scientific way that any student can reach the zenith of excellence once he completes the book honestly and can
increase his knowledge, depth, skills, and marks in Reasoning to an optimum level.

All the Best.


S. No TOPIC Number of Que. Page no.

1. ANALOGY VERBAL 850 1-81
2. ODD ONE OUT 448 82-108
3. CODING-DECODING 474 109-161
4. SERIES 530 162-213
5. MISSING NUMBER 127 214-229
7. BLOOD RELATION 109 273-288
8. VENN DIAGRAM 207 289-320
9. DICE AND CUBE 128 321-339
11. DIRECTION 42 360-368
14. WORD ARRANGEMENT 138 411-427
15. AGE 26 428-431
16. CALENDAR 15 432-433
17. SERIES NON VERBAL 211 434-465
18. COUNTING OF FIGURES 120 466-482
19. PAPER CUT/FOLD 169 483-505
20. EMBEDDED FIGURE 190 506-522
22. MIRROR/WATER IMAGE 190 528-543
Total 4725 543


S.No Exam Name Number of Question Number of shift Total
1. SSC CPO 2018 50 11 550
2. SSC CGL 2018 25 21 525
3. SSC CHSL 2018 25 25 625
4. SSC MTS 2019 25 39 975
5. SSC CPO 2019 50 8 400
6. SSC CGL 2019 25 18 450
7. SSC CHSL 2019 25 36 900
8. SSC CPO 2020 50 6 300
TOTAL 4725

No (18) (18) (18) (19) (19) (19) (19) (20)
1. ANALOGY VERBAL 119 93 143 163 80 66 167 19 850

2. ODD ONE OUT 88 70 70 2 64 52 90 12 448

3. CODING-DECODING 43 42 55 157 30 36 81 30 474

4. SERIES 530
57 52 56 119 42 56 107 41
0 19 0 28 8 22 26 24
23 20 23 78 16 18 36 12
0 19 26 0 0 18 34 12
33 21 25 37 24 18 37 12
11 20 25 0 8 18 34 12
0 0 0 113 6 0 2 12
22 0 0 0 10 0 0 10
12. 90
ARITHMETIC 0 10 22 4 0 13 28 13
13. MATHEMATICAL 33 23 25 77 24 20 41 18 261
14. LOGICAL WORD 22 20 23 2 16 18 25 12 138
15. AGE 26
0 11 0 0 0 2 10 3
0 0 7 0 0 3 1 4
33 21 25 39 24 18 32 19
11 21 25 0 8 18 37 0
11 21 25 39 8 18 36 11
20. EMBEDDED FIGURE 22 21 25 39 16 18 37 12 190

21. COMPLETION OF 0 0 0 39 0 0 2 0 41
22 21 25 39 16 18 37 12
550 525 625 975 400 450 900 300 4725


In analogy based questions, a particular KUWAIT DINAR LION/TIGER CUB
relationship is given and another similar SPAIN PESETA SHEEP LAMB
relationship has to be identified from the BANGLADESH DHAKA INSECT LARVA
alternatives provided. Analogy tests are, NETHERLANDS GUILDER
therefore, meant to test a SWEDEN KRONA Some important individual and their
students/teachers overall knowledge, IRAN RIAL class
power of reasoning and ability to think SPAIN PESETA
concisely and accurately. THAILAND BAHT INDIVIDUAL CLASS
Before solving the questions, you have to BUTTERFLY INSECT
keep in mind the following relationship. Some important quantity and their FROG AMPHIBIAN
/सा आधा रत ों म, एक िवशेष संबंध िदया unit: OSTRICH BIRD
जाता है और एक अ समान संबंध दान िकए गए QUANTITY UNIT SNAKE REPTILE
िवक ों से पहचाना जाता है । इसिलए, सा ता MAN MAMMAL
परी ण एक छा / िश क को सम ान, तक की MASS KILOGRAM CUP CROCKERY
श और संि और सटीक प से सोचने की POWER WATT WHALE MAMMAL
मता का परी ण करने के िलए होता है । RAT RODENT
ों को हल करने से पहले, आपको िन िल खत
संबंधो को ान म रखना होगा।
ENERGY JULE Some important individuals and their
Some important countries and their
PRESSURE PASCAL dwelling place:
Some important and instruments and LION DEN
measurements KNIGHT MANSION
Some important animals and their Some important Male and Female:
Some important countries and their
young ones:
Male Female
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning


DRAKE DUCK (b)Clean : Wash/ साफ़ : धोना
COLT FILLY Some important Study and topic: (c)Think : Thought/ सोचना : िवचार
TUTOR GOVERNESS (d)Whisper : Shout/ फुसफुसाना : िच ाना
BACHELOR SPINSTER PHYCOLOGY ALGAE Q4. Select the set of numbers that is
LORD LADY CRANIOLOGY SKULL similar to the following set of numbers.
GANDER GOOSE ASTROLOGY FUTURE सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
COCK HEN PATHOLOGY DISEASES सं ा-समूह के समान है |
PEDOLOGY SOIL (a){25,40,56} (b){20,28,36}
Some important Games and Place of OOLOGY EGGS (c){40,55,75} (d){12,24,32}
VIROLOGY VIRUSES Q5. Select the option that is related to the
BADMINTON COURT MYCOLOGY FUNGI third term in the same way as the second
BOXING RING NEPHROLOGY KIDNEY term is related to the first term.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
पद से संबंिधत है
BDFH : DWDS :: TVYZ : ____
EXERCISE GYMNASIUM ZOOLOGY ANIMALS Q6. Select the option that is related to the
third term in the same way as the second
Some important Worker and Tool: SSC CPO 2018 TIER I term is related to the first term.
DOCTOR STETHOSCOPE उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
CARPENTER SAW Q1. Select the option that is related to the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
AUTHOR PEN third term in the same way as the second पद से संबंिधत है
GARDENER HARROW term is related to the first term. 8: 81 :: 10 :__
CHEF KNIFE उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
MASON PLUMBLINE उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (a)100 (b)121
LABOURER SPADE पद से संबंिधत है | (c)120 (d)111
TAILOR NEEDLE CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) Q7. Select the word-pair in which the two
SOLDIER GUN (a) CXVB words are related in the same way as are
SCULPTOR CHISEL (b) BZXC the two words in the following word-pair.
WARRIOR SWORD (c) CXWD उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
WOODCUTTER AXE (d) BYWE बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए
SURGEON SCALPEL िन िल खत श -यु म है |
BLACKSMITH ANVIL Q2. ‘Tuesday’ is related to ‘Mars’ in the Memory : Amnesia
same way as ‘Thursday’ is related to ृित : ृित लोप
‘_____’. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
Some important Tool and Action:
‘मंगलवार का ‘मंगल ह’ के साथ ठीक वही संबंध (a)Cholera : Epidemic/ है जा : महामारी
KNIFE CUT है जो संबंध ‘बृह ितवार’ का _______ से है | (b)Old age : Senility/ बुढ़ापा : वृ ाव था
CHISEL CARVE CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (c)Audition : Hearing/ वण : सुनवाई
(a)Venus/ शु (d)Vision : Blindness/ ि : ि हीनता
(b)Mercury/ बुध  
(c)Saturn/ शिन Q8. Select the option that is related to the
(d)Jupiter/ बृह ित third number in the same way as the
SPADE DIG second number is related to the first
SWORD SLAUGHTER Q3. Select the word-pair in which the two number.
PEN WRITE words are related in the same way as are उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
the two words in the following word-pair. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए दो 15: 25 ::24:___
SHIELD GUARD श ों के बीच है | CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
SHOVEL SCOOP Request : Order (a)40 (b)35 (c)32 (d)45
SPANNER GRIP अनुरोध : आदे श
LOUDSPEAKER AMPLIFY CPO 12/03/2019 (Morning)

Q9. Select the number-pair in which the (b) Heavy/भारी : Weight/भार

two numbers are related in the same way Q15. Select the word-pair in which the (c) Triangle/ि भुज : Area/ े फल
as are the two numbers of the given two words are related in the same way as (d) Cold/ठं डा : Winter/सद
number pair. are the two words in the given word-pair.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श उसी Q 21. Select the number-pair in which the
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए श -यु म दो two numbers are related in the same way
सं ा-यु की सं ाओं के बीच है | श ह। as are the two numbers in the given pair.
5:9 Circle/वृ : Circumference/प रिध उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाएँ
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) उसी तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िक िदए गए यु म दो
(a)10:29 (b)25:79 (a) Square/वग : Diagonal/िवकण सं ाएँ ह।
(c)17:65 (d)12:33 (b) Triangle/ि भुज : Area/ े फल 65 : 126
(c) Plane/समतल : Dimension/ िवमाएँ CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
Q10. Select the set of numbers that is (d) Rectangle/आयत : Perimeter/प रिध (a) 37 : 50 (b) 2 : 10
similar to the following set of numbers. (c) 9 : 28 (d) 26 : 65
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो Q16. Select the option that is related to
िन िल खत सं ा-समूह के समान है | the third number in the same way as the Q22. Select the option that is related to
{7,13,20} second number is related to the first the third term in the same way as the
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) number. second term is related to the first term.
(a){10,18,24} (b){9,15,23} उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से उसी उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से उसी
(c){12,19,29} (d){4,10,17} तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहली सं ा कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले पद
से संबंिधत है ? से संबंिधत है ?
Q11. ‘Meat’ is related to ‘Vegetarian’ in 6 : 35 :: 9 : ______ HKNQ : JIPO :: DGJM : ________
the same way as ‘Alcohol’ is related to’ CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
_____’. (a) 65 (b) 80 (c) 85 (d) 99 (a) FELK (b) FEJK
‘मां स’ का शाकाहा रयों से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (c) FENO (d) FELK
संबंध ‘शराब’ का ______ से है | Q17. Select the set of numbers that is
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) similar to the following set. Q23. Select the set of numbers that is
(a)Teetotaller/ म ागी उन सं ाओं के समूह का चयन कर जो िन सेट similar to the following set.
(b)Smoker/धू पान करने वाला के समान है । सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
(c)Water/ पानी {10, 19, 32} समूह के समान है |
(d)Dietician/आहार िवशेष CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) {9,15,24}
  (a) {5, 14, 19} (b) {12, 25, 49} CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q12. Select the option that is related to (c) {3, 7, 10} (d) {7, 13, 23} (a) {21,33,55} (b) {12,20,30}
the third term in the same way as the (c) {6,10,16} (d) {15,25,35}
second term is related to the first term. Q18. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत the third number in the same way as the Q24. Select the option that is related to
है ठीक उसी कार िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले second number is related to the first the third term in the same way as the
पद से संबंिधत है । number. second term is related to the first term.
ATKR : FYPW :: TLPG: ___. िन िल खत चार श ों म से तीन एक िनि त तरीके उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) से एक जैसे ह और एक अलग है । िवजातीय को ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(a) XTQL (b) YQUL चुन। सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
(c) YTQL (d) XQTL 24 : 13 :: 38 : _______. 12 : 145 :: 8 : ___
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q13. ‘Disease’ is related to ‘Pain’ in the (a) 23 (b) 17 (c) 20 (d) 25 (a)60 (b)85 (c)65 (d)73
same way as ‘Accident’ is related to
‘________’. Q19. Select the set of numbers that is Q25. Select the option that is related
‘रोग’ उसी तरह ’दद’ से संबंिधत है िजस कार similar to the following set.
to the third number in the same way
‘दु घटना’ ‘________’ से संबंिधत है । उन सं ाओं के समूह का चयन कर जो िन सेट
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) के समान है । as the second number is related to the
(a) Collision/टकराव {9, 16, 23} first number.
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
(b) Driving/डाइिवंग
(a) {16, 25, 32} (b) {15, 24, 33} ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(c) Injury/चोट सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
(d) Carelessness/लापरवाही (c) {7, 15, 25} (d) {4, 9, 16}
4 : 8 ::25 : ____
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q14. ‘Bird’ is related to ‘Wings’ in the Q20. Select the word pair in which the
(a)100 (b)75 (c)625 (d)125
same way as ‘Fish’ is related to two words are related in the same way as
‘_______’. are the two words in the given word-pair.
उस श यु का चयन कीिजये िजसम दो श Q26. Select the word-pair in which the
िजस कार 'प ी' का संबंध 'पंखों' से है ,उसी तरह
उसी तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए श -यु म two words are related in the same way as
मछली का संबंध िकस से है ?
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) दोनो श ह। are the two words in the given word-pair.
Small/छोटा : Dimension/िवमाय उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
(a) Belly/कु (b) Scales/श
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के श ों
(c) Fins/पंख (d) Gills/गलफड़े म है |
(a) Heat/गम : Temperature/तापमान 3
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Wish : Desire (a)25 : 37 (b) 4 : 11 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक

चाहत : इ ा (c)36 : 56 (d)15 : 27 उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) पद से संबंिधत है |
(a)Run : Ride/ दौड़ना : सवारी Q32. ‘Picture’ is related to ‘Coloured’ in ACFJ : ZXUQ :: ELHK : ___________
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
(b)Drive :Speed/ हां कना : चाल the same way as ‘Letter’ is related to
(a) WRSQ (b) VUSP
(c)Morning :Evening/ सुबह : शाम ‘_____’.
िजस कार ‘त ीर’ का संबंध ‘रं गीन’ से है ठीक (c) VOSP (d) WOSP
(d)Cool : Cold/ ठं डा : सद
उसी कार ‘अ र’ का संबंध ______ से है |
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) Q38. Select the option that is related to
Q27. Select the set of numbers that is the third term in the same way as the
(a)Bold/ मोटा (b)Alphabet/ वणमाला
similar to the following set. second term is related to the first term.
(c)Word/ श (d)Language/ भाषा
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
िन िल खत समूह के समान है | उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
Q33. Select the option that is related to
{9, 54, 6} पद से संबंिधत है ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) the third term in the same way as the
9:19 :: 29: ____________
(a) {3, 15, 6} (b) {8, 64, 9} second term is related to the first term.
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
(c) {7, 74, 12} (d) {5, 35, 7} (a) 39 (b) 69 (c) 59 (d) 49
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
पद से संबंिधत है |
Q28. Select the word-pair in which the Q39. Experiment is related to ‘Invention’
HKNQ : IJPO :: DFHJ : _____
two words are related in the same way as CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) in the same way as Read is related to
are the two words in the given word-pair. (a)EGJH (b)CGLJ _____________
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच योग का ‘नवाचार' से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के श ों ‘अ यन’ का ______ से है |
म है | CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Weigh : Balance Q34. Select the option that is related to
the third term in the same way as the (a)Invention/ आिव ार
तौलना : तराजू
second term is related to the first term. (b)Concentration/ एका ता
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) (c)Learn/ सीखना
(a)Volume : Liquid/ आयतन : तरल उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (d)Evaluation / मू ां कन
(b)Pour : Water/ बहाना : पानी
पद से संबंिधत है |
(c)Swim : River/ तैरना : नदी
HJLN : ILOR :: DFHJ : _______ Q40. Select the word-pair in which two
(d)Detect : Radar/ पता लगाना : राडार
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) words are related in the same way as the
(a) EHJL (b) EHKN two words in the given word-pair.
Q29. Select the option that is related to (c) CGJM (d) EHLO उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
the third term in the same way as the first बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए
term is related to the second term. Q35. Select the word-pair in which the श ों के बीच है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक Word:Letter
two words are related in the same way as
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला पद दू सरे श :अ र
are the two words in the given word-pair?
पद से संबंिधत है | CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ठीक
DFIM : WURN :: CMHV:____ उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार िदए गए यु के (a)Father-Son/ िपता : बेटा
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) (b)Doctor-Medicine/ िचिक क : दवाई
श आपस म संबंिधत ह |
(a)XNSE (b)XVTR Dress : Stitch (c)House-Building / घर : भवन
(c)XNTE (d)YNSE व : िसलाई करना (d)School-Class/ िव ालय : क ा
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q30. ‘Star’ is related to ‘Galaxy’ in the (a) Dish : Cook/ ंजन : पकाना Q 41. Select the number-pair in which the
same way as ‘Flower’ is related to (b) Water : Swim / जल : तैरना two numbers are related in the same way
‘_____’. (c) Liquid : Measure/ तरल : मापना as are the two numbers of the given
‘तारा’ ‘आकाशगंगा’ से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत (d) Drive : Road/ वाहन चलाना : सड़क number pair:
है िजस कार ‘फूल’ ______ से संबंिधत है | उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के
Q36. Select the option that is related to
(a)Jasmine/ चमेली िदए गए यु म है |
the third number in the same way as the
(b)Blossom/ खलना 1:8
second number is related to the first
(c)Bouquet/ गुलद ा CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
(d)Petal/ प ी (a)9:36 (b)6:30
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (c)8:27 (d)16:49
Q31. Select the number-pair in which the सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
two numbers are related in the same way 9 : 21 :: 27 : __ Q 42. Tired is related to Exhausted, in the
as are the two numbers in the given pair. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) same way as Sad is related to ______
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं (a) 51 (b) 49 (c) 63 (d) 72 िजस कार ‘थका आ’ का संबंध ‘कमज़ोर’ से है
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए ठीक उसी कार ‘उदास’ का संबंध ______ से है |
यु की दो सं ाओं म है | CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q 37. Select the option that is related to
16 : 26 (a) Emotional / भावुक
the third term in the same way as the
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) (b) Withdrawn/अंतमुखी
second term is related to the first term.

(c) Depressed/ उदास Q49. Select the word-pair in which the (c)289 : 324 (d)256 : 361
(d) Regret/ खेद two words are related in the same way as
are the two words in the given word-pair. Q55. Select the option that is related to
Q 43. Select the set of numbers that is उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श उसी the third term in the same way as the
similar to the following set. तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए श -यु म दो second term is related to the first term.
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो श ह। उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
िन िल खत समूह के समान है | Mammal/ नपायी : Bear/भालू उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
{ 5,10, 17} CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) पद से संबंिधत है |
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a)Pen/पेन : Pencil/पिसल 2264 : 7241 :: 3129 : ____
(a) {26,50,65} (b) {17,35,72} (b)Player/ खलाड़ी : Team/टीम CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
(c) {37, 50, 65} (d) {24,35,48} (c)Fruit/फल : Mango/आम (a)6342 (b)2572
(d)Plants/पौधे : Food/भोजन (c)7132 (d)9521
Q 44. Select the set of numbers that is
similar to the following set: Q50. Select the word-pair in which the Q56. Select the set of numbers that is
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गये two words are related in the same way as similar to the following set of numbers.
समूह के समान है | are the two words in the given word-pair. सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए
{8, 19, 30} उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श उसी गए सं ा-समूह के समान है |
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए श -यु म दो (3,15,123)
(a){11,24,38} (b){9,20,35} श ह। CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(c){12,25,38} (d){6,21,32} Doctor/डॉ र : Hospital/अ ताल (a)(8,63,998) (b)(5,36,341)
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (c)(2,26,125) (d)(4,24,214)
Q45. Select the option that is related to (a)Supervisor/पयवे क : Officer/अिधकारी
the third term in the same way as the (b)Teacher/िश क : School/िव ालय Q57. Select the option that is related to
second term is related to the first term. (c)Museum/सं हालय : Visitor/आगंतुक the third term in the same way as the
उस िवक का चयन कीिजये जो तीसरे पद से (d)Governor/रा पाल : President/रा पित second term is related to the first term.
स त है ,ठीक उसी कार िजस कार दू सरा उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
पद पहले से स त है ? Q51. Select the option that is related to उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
6 :18 :: 14 :___ the fourth term in the same way as the पद से संबंिधत है |
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) first term is related to the second term. 24:102::16:____
(a)64 (b)98 (c)108 (d)70 उस िवक का चयन कर, जो चौथे पद से उसी CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
तरह संबंिधत है जैसे िक पहला पद दू सरे पद से (a)60 (b)64 (c)68 (d)346
Q46. Select the set of numbers that is संबंिधत है ।
similar to the following set of numbers. CFZ : HIU :: ____ :JLS Q58. ‘Laziness’ is related to ‘Alertness’
सं ाओं के उस सेट का चयन कर जो िन िल खत CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) in the same way as ‘Hostility’ is related to
सं ा सेट के समान है ? (a)EIX (b)EHW ‘_______’.
{7,16,34} (c)FHX (d)EIY ‘आल ’ का ‘सजगता’ के साथ वही संबंध है जो
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) संबंध ‘श ुता ’ का ______ के साथ है
(a)(10,19,28) (b)(23,31,48) Q52. ‘Ocean’ is related to ‘Water’ in the CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(c)(29,57,96) (d)(49,58,76) same way as ‘Desert’ is related to: (a) Pride / अिभमान
महासागर’ उसी तरह ‘जल’ से संबंिधत है िजस (b) congeniality / आ ीयता
Q47. Select the set of numbers that is तरह ‘रे िग ान’ से_______ संबंिधत है । (c) Violence / िहं सा
similar to the following set of numbers. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (d) opposition / िवरोध
सं ाओं के सेट का चयन कर जो सं ाओं के (a)Sand/रे त (b)Wind/वायु
िन िल खत सेट के समान है । (c)Wave/लहर (d)Mountain/पवत Q59. Select the set of numbers that is
{3,5,7} similar to the following set of numbers.
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Q53. ‘Skating’ is related to ‘Rink’ in the सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
(a)(29,35,41) (b)(23,29,31) same way as ‘Tennis’ is related to: सं ा-समूह के समान है |
(c)(19,21,31) (d)(11,13,19) े िटं ग का ‘ रं क’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध (23,136,45)
‘टे िनस’ का _____ से है | CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
Q48. Select the option that is related to CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)(19,96,29) (b)(31,126,37)
the third term in the same way as the (a)Court/ कोट (b)Arena/ए रना (c)(17,50,33) (d)(29,78,11)
second term is related to the first term. (c)Pitch/िपच (d)Racket/रै केट
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से Q60. Select the option that is related to
संबंिधत है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से Q54. Select the number-pair in which the the third term in the same way as the
संबंिधत है । two numbers are related in the same way second term is related to the first term.
REFORM : MROFER : : ACTION : ____ as are the two numbers in the given उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) number-pair. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
(a)NOITCA (b)NOTICA उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं पद से संबंिधत है |
(c)CTOINA (d)CTIONA के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए MUSCLE:SUMLEC::OUTPUT:_____
सं ाओं के यु म है | CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
36: 49 (a) TOUTUP (b) UTOPUT
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (c) PUTOUT (d) TUOUTP
(a)25 : 64 (b)16 : 36 5
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q61. Select the word-pair in which the उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
two words are related in the same way as बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए (a)MKQO (b)KMOQ
are the two words in the given word-pair. सं ा-यु के श ों के बीच है | (c)KMQO (d)MKOQ
उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के 216 : 343
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) Q72. Select the option that is related to
श -यु के श ों के बीच है | (a)216:727 (b)1009:1331 the third term in the same way as the
Army / सेना : General / जनरल (c)27:125 (d)8:27 second term is related to the first term.
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
(a) Hospital/अ ताल : Patient/मरीज Q67. ‘Chef’ is related to ‘Food’ in the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
(b) Worker/कामगार : Factory/कारखाना same way as ‘Choreographer’ is related पद से संबंिधत है
(c) University/महािव ालय :Student / िव ाथ to: GOWE : OWOG :: MXML : __.
(d) Company/ कंपनी : Director/ िनदे शक िजस कार ‘बावच ’ का संबंध ‘भोजन’ से है ठीक CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
उसी कार ‘नृ िनदशक’ का संबंध िकस से है ? (a)LMLM (b)MXMX
Q62. Select the number-pair in which the CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (c)XLXL (d)XMXM
two numbers are related in the same way (a)Stage/ मंच
as are the two numbers of the given (b)Dance/ नृ Q73. Select the number-pair in which the
number pair. (c)Music/ संगीत two numbers are related in the same way
उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं (d)Photography/ फोटो ाफी as are the two numbers in the given
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए number-pair.
सं ा-यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | Q68. Select the set of numbers that is उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
13 : 338 similar to the following set of numbers. के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी यु की सं ाओं के बीच है |
(a) 9:729 (b) 15:225 सं ाओं के समूह के समान है | 222 : 130
(c) 8:128 (d) 5:52 (13, 40, 121) CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (a) 125 : 27 (b) 350 : 49
Q63. Select the option that is related to (a) (5, 16, 49) (b) (3, 12, 39) (c) 68 : 30 (d) 25 : 36
the fourth term in the same way as the (c) (7, 24, 73) (d) (9, 28, 83)
second term is related to the first term. Q74. Select the word-pair in which the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे पद से ठीक Q69. Select the word-pair in which the two words are related in the same way as
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले two words are related in the same way as are the two words in the following
पद से संबंिधत है are the two words in the following word-pair. (in the same order)
EGJ:JLO::____:TVY word-pair. (in the same order) उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध म िदए गए
(a)ORT (b)NPS बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िन िल खत श यु के श ों के बीच है |
(c)OQT (d)NPR यु के दो श ों के बीच है | Thermometer : Temperature
Council : Ministers तापमापी : तापमान
Q64. ‘Mass’ is related to ‘Kilogram’ in प रषद : मं ी CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
the same way as ‘Force’ is related to CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (a)Odometer : Pressure/ ओडोमीटर : दाब
‘_____’. (a)Band : Musicians/ बड : संगीतकार (b)Scale : Humidity/ पैमाना : आ ता
‘ मान’, ‘िकलो ाम’ से ठीक उसी कार (b)Team : Umpire/ टीम : अ ायर (c)Barometer : Depth/ बैरोमीटर : गहराई
संबंिधत है िजस कार ‘बल’ ______ से संबंिधत है (c)Student : Teacher/ छा : िश क (d)Anemometer : Wind/ एिनमोमीटर : हवा
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (d)King : Palace/ राजा : महल
(a) Jule / जूल (b) Second / सेकंड Q75. ‘Bee’ is related to ‘Hive’ in the
(c) Newton / ूटन (d) Pascal / पा ल Q70. Select the word-pair in which the same way as ‘Horse’ is related to:
two words are related in the same way as िजस कार ‘मधुम ी’ का संबंध ‘छ े’ से है ठीक
Q65. Select the word-pair in which the are the two words in the given word-pair. उसी कार ‘घोड़े ’ का संबंध िकस से है ?
two words are related in the same way as उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
are the two words in the given word-pair. के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िन िल खत (a)Cottage/ कॉटे ज (b)Stable/ अ बल
उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सं ा-यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | (c)Den/ मां द (d)House/ घर
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए 7 :54
श -यु के श ों के बीच है | CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) Q76. Select the set of numbers that is
Smile / मु ान : Laughter / हं सी (a)8 : 69 (b)15 : 224 similar to the following set of numbers.
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (c) 4 : 17 (d) 9: 81 सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
(a) Mix / िमलाना : Blend / िम ण समूह के समान है |
(b) Run / दौड़ना : Stand / खड़ा होना Q71. Select the option that is related to (20, 42, 72)
(c) Sad / उदास : Happy / खुश the third number in the same way as the CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(d) Speak / बोलना : Scream / िच ाना second number is related to the first (a)(10, 22, 52) (b)(16, 40, 70)
number. (c)(2, 12, 20) (d)(18, 38, 68)
Q66. Select the number-pair in which the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
two words are related in the same way as उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले Q77. Select the option that is related to
are the two words in the given पद से संबंिधत है the third term in the same way as the
number-pair. YWUS : TVXZ :: PNLJ : _____ second term is related to the first term.

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक 28:36

उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
पद से संबंिधत है पद से संबंिधत है (a)91:117 (b)133:171
33: 198 :: 19 ____ Body : Vitamin :: Crop : _____ (c)63:72 (d)119:153
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) शरीर : िवटािमन :: फैसले : ____
(a)49 (b)346 CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q89. ‘Month’ is related to ‘March’ in the
(c)114 (d)77 (a) Air /हवा (b) Fertilizer /उवरक same way as ‘Season’ is related to
(c) Farmer /िकसान (d) Water / पानी ‘______’.
Q78. Select the set of numbers that is िजस कार महीने का संबंध ‘माच’ से है ठीक उसी
similar to the following set: Q84. Select the word-pair in which the कार ‘ऋतु’ का संबंध िकस से है ?
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गये two words are related in the same way as CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
समूह के समान है | are the two words in the given word-pair? (a) Year/ वष (b) Week / स ाह
(11,16,31) उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ठीक (c) Spring/ बसंत (d) Festival/ ौहार
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार िदए गए यु के
(a)((17,22,37) (b)(29,34,41) श आपस म संबंिधत ह | Q90. ‘Temperature’ is related to ‘Degree’
(c)(19,24,31) (d)(23,28,31) Needle / सुई : Stitch / िसलाई in the same way as ‘Time’ is related to
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q79. Select the option that is related to (a) Pen / पेन : Pencil / पिसल ‘तापमान’ ‘िड ी’ से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है
the third term in the same way as the (b) Gun / ब दूक : Bullet / बुलेट िजस कार ‘समय' _______ से संबंिधत है |
second term is related to the first term. (c) Chisel / छे नी : Carve / तराशना CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (d) Axe / कु ाड़ी : Handle / ह ा (a) Metre/ मीटर (b) Litre/ लीटर
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) Newton/ ूटन (d) Seconds/ सेकंड
पद से संबंिधत है Q85.Select the word-pair in which the
4262:4271::2139:_____ two words are related in the same way as Q91. Select the option that is related to
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) are the two words in the given word-pair? the fourth term in the same way as the
(a)2572 (b)2346 उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ठीक first term is related to the second term.
(c)9521 (d)7132 उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार िदए गए यु के उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे पद से ठीक
श आपस म संबंिधत ह | उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला पद दू सरे
Q80. Select the option that is related to Astrophysicist / खगोल शा ी : Observatory पद से संबंिधत है |
the third term in the same way as the / वैधशाला FHK : KMP : : _______ : UWZ
second term is related to the first term. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) Surveyor / पव क : Officer / अिधकारी (a) PSU (b) PRU
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (b) Museum / सं हालय : Visitor / आगुंतक (c) PRV (d) ORU
पद से संबंिधत है (c) Doctor / डॉ र : Nurse / नस
12:72::26:_____ (d) Farmer : Field / िकसान : खेत Q92. Select the number-pair in which the
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
two numbers are related in the same way
(a)165 (b)155 Q86. Select the option that is related to as are the two numbers of the given
(c)160 (d)156 the third term in the same way as the उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसकी दो सं ाओं
second term is related to the first term. के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध दी गयी दो
Q81. Select the set of numbers that is उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक सं ाओं म है |
similar to the following set: उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले 11 : 242
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गये पद से संबंिधत है | CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
समूह के समान है | PRODUCT : TCUDORP :: FRACTION : (a) 5 : 52 (b) 8 : 128
(4,3,19) ______ (c) 9 : 729 (d) 15 : 375
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)(8,5,96) (b)(6,4,40) (a) CTOINAFR (b) NOITCARF Q93. Select the set of numbers that is
(c)(5,9,28) (d)(3,5,25) (c) CTIONAFR (d) NOTICARF similar to the following set of numbers.
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए
Q82. Select the option that is related to Q87. ‘Flower’ is related to ‘Bouquet’ in गए समूह के समान है |
the fourth term in the same way as the the same way as ‘Animal’ is related to (4, 24, 214)
second term is related to the first term. ‘_____’. / ‘पु ‘ ‘गुलद ा’ से ठीक उसी कार CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे पद से ठीक संबंिधत है िजस कार ‘पशु’ ______ से संबंिधत है (a) (5, 35, 341) (b) (8, 81, 721)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले | (c) (2, 26, 125) (d) (3, 27, 81)
से संबंिधत है ? CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
DFZ: IIU::_____:KLT (a) Herd / झु (b) Group / दल Q94. Select the number pair in which the
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) (c) Cow / गाय (d) Cluster / समूह two numbers are related in the same way
(a)EHW (b)FHX
as are the two numbers of the given
(c)FIY (d)EIY Q88. Select the number-pair in which the उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसकी सं ाओं के
two numbers are not related in the same बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध दी गयी दो
Q83. Select the option that is related to way as are the two numbers of the given सं ाओं म है |
the third term in the same way as the उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं 343 : 512
second term is related to the first term. के बीच वह संबंध नहीं है जो संबंध िदए गए यु की CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
दो सं ाओं के बीच है | 7
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 8 : 27 (b) 216 : 729 Q100. Select the set of numbers that is (a) (15, 46, 139) (b) (7, 24, 73)
(c) 1009 : 1331 (d) 27 : 125 similar to the following set of numbers. (c) (13, 40, 118) (d) (9, 28, 83)
सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
Q95. Select the option that is related to सं ा-समूह के समान है | Q106. Select the number-pair in which
the third term in the same way as the (18, 54, 36) the two numbers are related in the same
second term is related to the first term. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) way as are the two numbers of the given
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) (16, 40, 32) (b) (10, 40, 20) number pair.
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) (2, 6, 10) (d) (8, 24, 16) उस सं ा-यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
पद से संबंिधत है | के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए
FLOWER : UOLDVI : : JASMINE : Q101. Select the word-pair in which the सं ा-यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
_______ two words are related in the same way as 13 : 174
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) are the two words in the given word-pair. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) QZHNRMV (b) QAHNRMV उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (a) 15 : 224 (b) 8 : 69
(c) QZHMRNV (d) QZGNRMV बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए (c) 14 : 200 (d) 9 : 81
श -यु के श ों के बीच है |
Q96. Select the option that is related to Steel : Iron Q107. Select the option that is related to
the third number in the same way as the इ ात : लोहा the third term in the same way as the
second number is related to the first CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
second term is related to the first term.
number. (a) Chromium : Silver/ ोिमयम : चां दी उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (b) Brass : Copper/ पीतल : तां बा उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (c) Bronze : Iron/ कां सा : लोहा पद से संबंिधत है
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | (d) Nickel : Tin/ िनकेल :िटन HVW : FTU :: DRS : _____
16 : 68 : : 28 : _____ CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q102. Which of the option has the same (a) FTU (b) BOQ
(a) 346 (b) 49 (c) 119 (d) 77 pair as the relation in given pair: (c) BPQ (d) APQ
िन म से िकस िवक म वही संबंध है जो िदए गए
Q97. Select the word-pair in which the यु म है | Q108. If in a language, ‘foot’ is called
two words are related in the same way as Aeroplane : Airport Apron ‘elbow’, ‘elbow’ is called ‘ankle’, ‘ankle
are the two words in the given word-pair. एयरो ेन : हवाई अ ा is called palm’, ‘palm’ is called ‘finger’
श ों के उस यु का चयन कर िजसके दो श ों CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
and ‘finger’ is called ‘knee’, then in that
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु (a) Car : Garage/ कार : गेराज
language, on what would one wear a ring?
के श ों के बीच है | (b) Field : Grain/ खेत : अनाज यिद िकसी भाषा म ‘पैर’ को ‘कोहनी’ कहा जाता
Surgeon/श िचिक क : Scalpel/छु री :: ? (c) Things : Warehouse/ व ुएं : गोदाम है , ‘कोहनी’ को ‘टखना’ कहा जाता है , ‘टखने’ को
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (d) Horse : Riding/ घोड़ा : सवारी हथेली कहा जाता है , ‘हथेली' को ‘अंगुली’ कहा
(a) Doctor : Hospital/ िचिक क : अ ताल जाता है तथा ‘अंगुली’ को ‘घुटना’ कहा जाता है तो
(b) Sculptor : Chisel/ मूितकार : छे नी Q103. Select the option that is related to इस भाषा म एक अंगूठी कहाँ पहनेगा ?
(c) Navy : Lieutenant/ नौसेना : ले नट the third term in the same way as the CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Tailor : Shirt/ दज : कमीज़ second term is related to the first term. (a) Ankle/ टखना (b) Knee/ घुटना
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (c) Palm/ हथेली (d)Finger/ अंगुली
Q98. Select the set of numbers that is उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
similar to the following set of numbers: पद से संबंिधत है Q109. Select the number-pair in which
सं ाओं के उस सेट का चयन कर जो सं ाओं के ADGJ : ZWTQ :: MPSV : ___. the two numbers are related in the same
िन िल खत सेट के समान है : CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) way as are the two numbers of the given
( 25, 144, 47) (a) NKHE (b) MKHE उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (c) NJGC (d) GJLM के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु
(a) ( 16, 82, 23) (b) (19,78,20) की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
(c) (9,72,8) (d) (15,96,340) Q104. ‘Optimist’ is related to ‘Pessimist’ 68 : 30
in the same way as ‘Cheerful’ is related to CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Q99. Select the word-pair in which the ‘_____’. (a) 350 : 49 (b) 222 : 131
two words are related in the same way as आशावादी ‘िनराशावादी’ से ठीक उसी कार (c) 125 : 27 (d) 520 : 350
are the two words in the given word-pair: संबंिधत है िजस कार ‘हं समुख’ ______ से
उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श उसी संबंिधत है | Q110. ‘Belgium’ is related to ‘Europe’ in
तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए श -यु के दो CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) the same way as ‘Japan’ is related to
श ह: (a) Selfish/ ाथ (b) Beautiful/ सुंदर ‘_______’.
Horse/घोड़ा: Gallop/ सरपट दौड़ (c) Ugly/ कु प (d) Gloomy/ उदास ‘बे यम’ का ‘यूरोप’ के साथ वही संबंध है जो
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) संबंध ‘जापान’ का ______ के साथ है |
(a) Bird/प ी:Fly/उड़ान भरना Q105. Select the set of numbers that is CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Mouse/चूहा : Hole/िबल similar to the following set of numbers. (a)Africa/अ ीका (b)Australia/ऑ े िलया
(c) Lion/शेर: Roar/दहाड़ सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए (c)Asia/ एिशया (d)Europe/ यूरोप
(d) Elephant/हाथी:Big /िवशालकाय गए सं ा-समूह के समान है |
(12, 37, 112) Q111. Select the option that is related to
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) the third number in the same way as the

second number is related to the first उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) (6, 35, 11) (b) (2, 30, 8)
number. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) (12, 84, 4) (d) (4, 72, 9)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से से संबंिधत है ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी Apple : Fruit :: Spinach:____ Q122. ‘Lawyer’ is related to ‘Justice’ in
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | सेब : फल :: पालक : _____
the same way as ‘Arbitrator’ is related to
23 : 138 :: 17 : _____ CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a)Flower/ फूल (b)Root/ जड़
‘वकील’ का ‘ ाय’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
(a)96 (b)102 (c)346 (d)56 (c)Foot/ पैर (d)Vegetable/ स ी ‘पंच’ का _____ से है |
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
Q112. Select the option that is related to Q117. Select the option that is related to (a) Judgement/ िनणय
the third term in the same way as the the third number in the same way as the (b) Injustice/ अ ाय
second term is related to the first term. second number is related to the first (c) Settlement/ िनपटारा
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक number. (d) Communication/ संचार
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
पद से संबंिधत है ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q123. Select the option that is related to
RY : QZ :: HK : ____ सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | the third letter-cluster in the same way as
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) 13: 84.5 :: 20:___
the second letter-cluster is related to the
(a)GL (b)IM (c)GJ (d)IL CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)150 (b)100 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे समूह से ठीक
Q113. Select the option in which the (c)120 (d)200 उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा अ र
words share the same relationship as that समूह पहले से संबंिधत है |
shared by the given set of words (in the Q118. Select the option that is related to CEGI : AGEK :: DFHJ : ?
same order). the third number in the same way as the CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच second number is related to the first (a) CHFI (b) CGIK
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह के number. (c) BHFL (d) BDJK
श ों म ( समान म म ) है | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
Hand : Finger : Ring ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी Q124. Select the number-pair in which
हाथ : अंगुली : अंगूठी सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | the two numbers are related in the same
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) 4 : 20 :: 8: ___ way as are the two numbers of the
(a)Face : Nose : Nosepin/चेहरा : नाक :नथुनी CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
following number-pair.
(b)Earring : Ear :Jewel/ झुमका : कान : गहना (a)56 (b)64 (c)40 (d)32 उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
(c)Cap : Head : Hair/ टोपी : िसर : बाल म ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िन िल खत
(d)Anklet : Foot : Ankle/ पायल : पैर : टखना Q119. ‘Cardiology’ is related to ‘Heart’ सं ा-यु म है |
in the same way as ‘Pathology’ related 36 : 84
Q114. Select the option that is related to to’____’. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
the third term in the same way as the दयरोग िव ान का संबंध ‘ दय’ से है ठीक इसी (a) 27 : 63 (b) 21 : 51
second term is related to the first term. कार िवकृित िव ान का संबंध ‘______’ से है | (c) 57 : 135 (d) 45 : 95
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (a)Body/ शरीर (b)Soil/ मृदा Q125. Select the word-pair in which the
पद से संबंिधत है (c)Man/ मनु (d)Diseases/ रोग two words are related in the same way as
25 : 15625 :: 30 : _____
are the two words in the following word.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
SSC CGL 2018 TIER I उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ठीक
(a)2500 (b)900 उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार नीचे िदए गए
(c)2700 (d)27000 Q120. Select the set in which the numbers श यु के श संबंिधत ह |
are related in the same way as are the Book : Thesaurus
Q115. Select the word-pair in which the िकताब : श कोश
numbers of the following set.
two words are related in the same way as उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ ठीक उसी CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
are the two words in the given word-pair. कार संबंिधत `ह िजस कार िन िल खत समूह म (a) Tree : Forest/ वृ : वन
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह | (b) Reptile : Python/ सरीसृप : पाइथन
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए श (c) Furniture : Wood/ फन चर : लकड़ी
(9, 35, 16)
यु के दोनों श ों के बीच है | CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (d) Tennis : Ball/ टे िनस : गद
Boy : Girl (a) (16, 50, 64) (b) (25, 30, 4)
लड़का : लड़की Q126. Select the number pair in which
(c) (36, 55, 25) (d) (81, 65, 36)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
the two numbers are related in the same
(a)Horse : Doe/ घोड़ा : िहरनी
Q121. Select the set in which the numbers way as are the two numbers of the
(b)Cock : Hen/ मुगा : मुग
are related in the same way as are the following number-pair.
(c)Cat : Kitten/ िब ी : िब ी का ब ा
numbers of the following set. 4 : 32
(d)Donkey : Bray/ गधा : रकना उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं ठीक उसी
कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार िन िल खत समूह म के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए सं ा
Q116. Select the option that is related to सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
the third term in the same way as the (3, 24, 4) CGL 04/06/2019-afternoon
second term is related to the first term. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (a) 8 : 248 (b) 5 : 62
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 10 : 160 (d) 6 : 108 the second- letter cluster is related to the MNOP : LONQ :: FGHI: ?
first letter-cluster. CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
Q127. ‘Action’ is related to ‘Reaction’ in उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a)GFIJ (b)EGHJ
the same way as ‘Stimulus’ is related to ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c)DHGK (d)EHGJ
‘______’. अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
‘ि या’ और ‘ िति या’ म ठीक वही संबंध है जो DKFM: FIHK : : BLGP : ? Q138. Select the number-pair in which
संबंध ‘उ ेजना’ और _____ म है | CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) the two numbers are related in the same
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon (a)DNER (b)CKHO way as are the two numbers of the
(a) Reception/ हण (b)Vision/ ि (c)ZNEN (d)DJIN following number-pair.
(c)Response/जवाब (d)Feedback/ ितपुि उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाएँ
Q133. Select the word-pair in which the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार
Q128. Select the option that is related to two words are related in the same way as िन िल खत सं ा यु की दो सं ाएं संबंिधत ह |
the third letter-cluster in the same way as are the two words in the following word. 7 : 32
the second letter-cluster is related to the उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िन िल खत श (a) 3 : 11 (b) 13 :98
first letter-cluster.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से यु के श ों के बीच है | (c) 12 : 85 (d) 16:145
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा Frown : Displeasure
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | घुड़की : नाराज़गी Q139. ‘Cinema’ is related to ‘Audience’
BECD : YVXW :: DGEF : ? CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) in the same way as ‘Church’ is related to
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon (a) Grief : Sorrow/ शोक : दु ः ख ‘______’.
(a) VRTS (b) WTVU (b) Madness : Illness/ पागलपन : बीमारी ‘िसनेमा’ का ‘दशक’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
(c) WUTV (d) XUWV (c) Laugh : Comedy/ हं सी : कॉमेडी संबंध चच का _____ से है |
(d) Smile : Ecstasy/ मु राहट : परमान CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
Q129. Select the set in which the numbers (a) Congregation / समूह
are related in the same way as are the Q134. Select the option that is related to (b) Meditation / ान
numbers of the following set. the third term in the same way as the (c) Concentration / एका ता
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं ठीक उसी second term is related to the first term. (d) Prayer / ाथना
कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार िदए गए समूह की उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
सं ाएं संबंिधत ह | उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले Q140. Select the set in which the numbers
(7, 13, 21) पद से संबंिधत है are related in the same way as are the
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon 29 : 13 :: 37 : ? numbers of the following set./
(a) (12, 18, 25) (b) (17, 22, 30) CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
(c) (9, 16, 25) (d) (2, 8, 16) (a) 15 (b) 21 (c) 17 (d) 14 ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की
सं ाओं म है
Q130. Select the word-pair in which the Q135. Select the set in which the numbers (5 ,13 ,12)
two words are related in the same way as are related in the same way as are the CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
are the two words in the following word numbers of the following set. (a) (13, 17, 11) (b) (11, 15. 9)
pair. उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (c) (15 ,19, 13) (d) (6, 10, 8)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए श सं ाओं के बीच है | Q141. Select the word-pair in which the
यु के दो श ों के बीच है | (9,15,27) two words are related in the same way as
Heat : Sun / ऊ ा : सूय CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) are the two words of the following
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon (a) (6,9,18) (b) (15,25,35) word-pair.
(a) Home : Terrace/ घर : छत (c) (21,35,56) (d) (12,20,36) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ठीक
(b) Ride : Car/ सवारी : कार उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार नीचे िदए गए
(c) Atmosphere : Humidity / वातावरण : Q136. Select the set in which the numbers श यु के श संबंिधत ह |
आ ता are related in the same way as are the Apathy : Excitement / उदासीनता : उ ाह
(d) Vitamin : Fruit/ िवटािमन : फल numbers of the following set./ CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) War : Attack / लड़ाई : आ मण
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह म है | (b) Treaty : Friendship /: संिध : दो ी
Q131. Select the set in which the numbers
(8, 12, 24) (c) Nomination : Servicing / नामां कन :
are related in the same way as are the
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) सेिविसंग
numbers of the following set.
(a) (6, 9, 18) (b) (12, 20, 40) (d) Condemnation : Respect / िनंदा : आदर
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िन िल खत समूह की (c) (6, 10, 18) (d) (9, 18, 27)
सं ाओं के बीच ह | Q142. ‘Dumbness’ is related to ‘Speech’
(10, 18, 38) Q137. Select the option that is related to in the same way as ‘_____’ is related to
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon the third letter-cluster in the same way as ‘Memory’.
(a) (4, 12, 22) (b) (14, 12, 8) the second letter-cluster is related to the िजस कार गूंगापन ‘भाषण’ से संबंिधत है , उसी
(c) (12, 22, 46) (d) (18, 6, 14) first letter-cluster. कार _____, ‘ ृित’ से संबंिधत है ।
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
Q132. Select the option that is related to ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (a) Thoughtlessness/ िवचारहीनता
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (b) Amnesia/ ए ेिशया
the third letter- cluster in the same way as

(c) Recognition/ पहचान Q148. Select the word pair in which the (c) EAML (d) LAME
(d) Illusion/ म two words are related in the same way as
the two words in the following word-pair. Q154. Choose the set of numbers similar
Q143. Select the set in which the numbers उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम िदए गए दो to the following set.
are related in the same way as are the श ों के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए
numbers of the following set. गए श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | गए समूह के समान है |
उस समु य का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाएं Author : Book/लेखक : पु क (4 , 12 , 16)
आपस म उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
सं ाएं िन िल खत समु य म संबंिधत ह। (a) Spider : Web/ मकड़ी : जाल (a) (81 , 36 , 9) (b) (64 , 36 , 100)
(15, 22, 31) (b) Reptile : Crawl/ सरीसृप : रगना (c) (16 , 20 , 25) (d) (36 , 25 , 49)
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) (c) Mother : Son/ माँ : बेटा
(a) (7, 14, 23) (b) (5, 11, 20) (d) Doctor : Medicine/ िचिक क : औषिध Q155. Select the number pair in which
(c) (23, 30, 40) (d) (11, 18, 29) the two numbers are related in the same
Q149. Choose the set of numbers that is way as the two numbers of the pair given
Q144. Select the option that is related to similar to the following set. below:
the third term in the same way as the सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
second term is related to the first term. गए समूह के समान है | के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे श से (6 , 9 , 18) यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) 35 : 5
श पहले श से संबंिधत है । (a) ( 14 , 21 , 42 ) (b) ( 10 , 15 , 35 ) CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
Happy : Mirthful :: Sad : ?/ खुश : आनंिदत :: (c) ( 18 , 27 , 56 ) (d) ( 8 , 14 , 24 ) (a) 63 : 7 (b) 135 : 12
उदास : ? (c) 99 : 10 (d) 48 : 7
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) Q150. Select the number pair in which
(a) Contented/संतु (b) Jolly/मज़ािकया the two numbers are related in the same Q156. ‘STUDY’ is related to
(c) Morose/उदास (d) Gleeful/िज़ंदािदल way as the two numbers of the pair given ‘KNOWLEDGE’ , in the same way that
below : ‘WORK’ is related to :
Q145. Select the number-pair in which उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं ‘अ यन’ का ‘ ान’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
the two numbers are related in the same के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए ‘काय’ का ____ से है |
way as are the two numbers of the यु म है | CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
following number-pair. 35 : 6 (a) Salary/ वेतन
उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम दो CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) (b)Employment/रोज़गार
सं ाओं के बीच आपस म ठीक वही संबंध है जो (a) 85 : 9 (b) 26 : 5 (c)Experience/अनुभव
संबंध िन िल खत सं ा यु की सं ाओं के बीच (c) 64 : 8 (d) 120 : 11 (d) Training/ िश ण
है ।
28 : 63 Q151. ‘Room’ is related to ‘ceiling’ , in Q157. Choose the set of numbers similar
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) the same way as ‘Mouth’ is related to : to the following set.
(a) 16 : 36 (b) 36 : 78 ‘कमरे ’ का ‘छत’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के उस समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए
(c) 12 : 28 (d) 48 : 98 ‘मुख’ का ____ से है | गए समूह के समान है |
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) (8 , 28 , 6)
Q146. Select the option that is related to (a) Throat/ गला (b) Lip/ होठ CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
the third letter-cluster in the same way as (c) Palate/तालू (d) Teeth/ दां त (a) (12, 48, 14) (b) (17, 70, 13)
the second letter-cluster is related to the (c) (5, 26, 9) (d) (3, 20, 7)
first letter-cluster. Q152. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से the third letter cluster in the same way as Q158. Select the word pair in which the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा the second letter cluster is related to the two words are related in the same way as
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | first letter cluster. the two words in the following word pair.
JKLM : HLKO :: PQRS : ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(a) NRQU (b) MRQV अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | श यु के दो श ों के बीच है |
(c) NQRU (d) ORQT CDAF : XWZU :: DEFC : ? Grief : Consolation
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) शोक : सां ना
Q147. Select the set in which the numbers (a) VWXU (b) WVUX CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
are related in the same way as are the (c) WVXU (d) XWYV (a) Drought : Famine/सूखा : अकाल
numbers of the following set. (b) Happiness : Excitation/ ख़ुशी : उ ेजना
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Q153. Select the option that is related to (c) Planet : Revolution/ ह : च र
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की the third term in the same way as the (d) Pain : Sedative/ दद : शामक
सं ाओं के बीच ह |
second term is related to the first term.
(12, 16, 28) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक Q159. Select the option that is related to
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श the third letter cluster in the same way as
(a) (18, 24, 42) (b) ( 9 , 15, 21) पहले श से संबंिधत है | the second letter cluster is related to the
(c) (36, 48, 77) (d) (20, 25, 35) LAMP : PALM :: MALE : ____. first letter cluster.
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(a) MEAL (b) ELAM 11
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Q170. Select the word pair in which the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की two words are related in the same way as
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | सं ाओं के बीच है | the two two words in the following word
FKPV : HIRT :: BHMR : ? (3 , 16 , 5) pair.
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
(a) EEPO (b) DFKT (a) (9 , 35 , 11) (b) (7 , 32 , 9) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(c) DFOP (d) ZJKT (c) (11 , 45 , 14) (d) (5 , 26 , 9) श यु के श ों के बीच है |
Mnemonic : Memory
Q160. Select the set in which the numbers Q165. As ‘Break’ is related to ‘Unity’ , ृित सहायक : ृित
are related in the same way as they are Similarly ‘Improvement’ is related to ___. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
numbers of the following set. िजस कार 'टू ट' का संबंध 'एकता' से है , उसी तरह (a) Drama : Acting/ नाटक : अिभनय
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच 'सुधार' का संबंध ____ से है । (b) Audition : Music/ ऑिडशन : संगीत
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) Sedative : Sleep/ शामक : नींद
सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) Rough/खुरदु रा (b) Damage/ ित (d) Audience : Speech/ ोता : भाषण
(8 , 15 , 9) (c)Inconvenience/असुिवधा (d) Stitch/िसलाई
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) Q171. ‘Judgement’ is related to ‘Deliver’
(a) (5 , 17 , 11) (b) (4 , 16 , 12) Q166. Select the set in which the numbers in the same way as ‘Rule’ is related to :
(c) (7 , 13 , 14) (d) (9 , 12 , 15) are related in the same way as the ‘िनणय’ का ‘दे ने’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
numbers of the following set. ‘िनयम’ का _____ से है |
Q161. Select the word pair in which the उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
two words are related in the same way as ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (a) Implement/ लागू करना
the two words in the following word pair. सं ाओं के बीच है | (b) Practice/ अपनाना
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (11 , 16 , 20) (c) Follow/ पालन करना
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (d) Render/ ुत करना
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | (a) (9 , 14 , 19) (b) (15 , 20 , 24)
Caress : Affection (c) (17, 23, 26) (d) (21 , 26 , 32) Q172. Select the set in which the numbers
दु लार : ेह
are related in the same way as the
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) Q167. Select the option which is related numbers of the following set.
(a) Crime : Confession to the fifth term in the same way as the उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम दी गयी सं ाओं
अपराध :दोष- ीकृित second term is related to the first term and के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(b)Interview:Selection/ सा ा ार : चयन the fourth term is related to the third term. समूह की सं ाओं के बीच है |
(c) Anger:Emotion/ ोध : भावनाएं उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चव पद से ठीक (17, 12, 7)
(d)Kick: Hostility/फटकार : श ुता उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
पद से और चौथा पद तीसरे पद से संबंिधत है | (a) (42 , 34 , 27) (b) (23 , 32 , 39)
Q162. Select the option that is related to 3125 : 25 :: 16707 : 49 :: 1024 : ? (c) (15 , 19 , 23) (d) (39 , 28 , 19)
the third letter cluster in the same way as CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
the second letter cluster is related to the (a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 13 Q173. Select the set in which the numbers
first letter cluster. are related in the same way as the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से Q168. Select the number pair in which numbers of the following set.
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा the two numbers are related in the same उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम दी गयी सं ाओं
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | way as the two numbers of the following के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
DFIM : WURN :: GKNP : number pair. समूह की सं ाओं के बीच है |
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं (5, 24, 7)
(a) SOLJ (b) TROK के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) TPNL (d) TPMK सं ा यु की सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) (8 , 80 , 12) (b) (10 , 71 , 13)
27 : 8 (c) (9 , 63 , 14) (d) (6 , 75 , 11)
Q163. Select the number pair in which CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
the two numbers are related in the same (a) 12 : 3 (b) 39 : 14 Q174. ‘Geology’ is related to ‘Rocks’ in
way as the two numbers of the following (c) 33 : 9 (d) 19 : 5 the same way as ‘Cytology’ is related to :
number pair. ‘भूिव ान’ का ‘च ानों’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं Q169. Select the option that is related to संबंध ‘कोिशका िव ान’ का _____ से है |
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए the third letter cluster in the same way as CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | the second letter cluster is related to the (a) Organism/ जीव (b) Cells/ कोिशका
12 : 42 first letter cluster. (c) Plants/ पादप (d) Life/ जीवन
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
(a) 15 : 52 (b) 24 : 82 ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा Q175. Select the word pair in which two
(c) 8 : 28 (d) 16 : 53 अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | words are related in the same way as the
FLQV : JISU :: DJNR : ? two words in the following word pair.
Q164. Select the set in which the numbers CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
are related in the same way as the (a) FGQN (b) HMPS बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के
numbers of the following set. (c) HGLQ (d) HGPQ दो श ों के बीच है |
Barter : Commodities

व ु िविनमय : व ु (a) Rand/ रड (b) Sshi/ सशी

CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) (c) Lira/ लीरा (d) Yen/ येन Q186. ‘Cheerful ‘ is related to ‘Sad’ in
(a) Treat : Disease/ उपचार : रोग the same way as ‘Generous’ is related to
(b) Debate : Discussion/ बहस : चचा Q181. ‘Fly ‘ is related to ‘Bird’ in the ‘_____’
(c)Movement:Traffic/गित: यातायात same way as ‘Gallop’ is related to ‘हं समुख’ का ‘उदास’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
(d) Correspond : Letters/ प ाचार : प ‘______’. संबंध ‘दानी’ का ___ से है |
‘उड़ान’ का ‘प ी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
Q176. Select the option that is related to ‘सरपट चाल’ का ____ से है | (a) Gloomy/ उदास (b) Kind/ दयालु
the third letter cluster in the same way as CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (c) Selfish/ ाथ (d) Intelligent/ बु मान
the second letter cluster is related to the (a) Tiger/ बाघ (b) Lion/ शेर
first letter cluster. (c) Horse / घोड़ा (d) Elephant/ हाथी Q187. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से the third number in the same way as the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा Q182. Select the option that is related to second number is related to the first
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | the third term in the same way as the number?
DGIL : WTRO :: FHKM : ? second term is related to the first term? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(a) USPN (b) TRON उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
(c) QPLJ (d) WTSP पद से संबंिधत है | 2139 : 3246 :: 4262 : ?
WOLF : FLOW :: DRAW : ? CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
Q177. Select the number pair in which CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (a) 1461 (b) 2471
the two numbers are related in the same (a) WRAD (b) WARD (c) 2371 (d) 2483
way as the two numbers of the following (c) RWAD (d) DARW
number pair: Q188. Select the option that is related to
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं Q183. Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first
की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | second number is related to the first number?
24 : 56 number? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(a) 18 : 48 (b) 12 : 36 ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
(c) 9 : 21 (d) 15 : 40 सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | 9 : 86 :: 13 : ?
17 : 102 :: 23 : ? CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q178. Select the word pair in which the CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (a) 175 (b) 135
two words are related in the same way as (a) 196 (b) 256 (c) 174 (d) 124
the two words in the following word pair. (c) 138 (d) 152
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के Q189. ‘Deer’ is related to ‘ Doe’, in the
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के Q184. Select the word pair in which the same way as ‘Bull’ is related to ‘______’.
दो श ों के बीच है | two words are related in the same way as ‘िहरण’ का ‘िहरणी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
Season : Winter the two words in the following word pair. ‘सां ड’ का _____ है |
मौसम : सद उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के (a) Fox/ लोमड़ी (b) Mare/ घोड़ी
(a) Week : Calendar/ स ाह : कैलडर दो श ों के बीच है | (c) Cow/ गाय (d) Ox/ बैल
(b) Summer : Autumn/ गम : पतझड़ CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
(c) Year : Century/ वष : शता ी Feet : Socks Q190. Select the option that is related to
(d) Month : April/ माह : अ ैल पाँ व : मोज़े the third word in the same way as the
(a) Finger : Nail/ अंगुली : नाख़ून second word is related to the first word?
Q179. Select the option that is related to (b) Head : Turban/ िसर : पगड़ी उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
the third number in the same way as the (c) Legs : Vest/ पैर : बिनयान उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला श
second number is related to the first (d) Abdomen : Pants/ पेट : पट दू सरे श से संबंिधत है |
number? Potato : Starch :: Stevia : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से Q185. Select the word pair in which the आलू : ाच :: े िवया : ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी two words are related in the same way as CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | the two words in the following word pair. (a) Milk/ दू ध (b) Butter/ म न
12 : 68 :: 21 : ? उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (c) Sugar/ चीनी (d) Salt/ नमक
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के
(a) 49 (b) 117 दो श ों के बीच है | Q191. ‘Insulin’ is related to ‘ Harmon’
(c) 119 (d) 79 Brass : Copper in the same way as ‘ Pepsin’ is related to
पीतल : तां बा ‘______’./‘इं सुिलन’ का ‘हाम न’ से ठीक वही
Q180. ‘China ‘ is related to ‘ Yuan ‘ in CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) संबंध है जो संबंध ‘पे न’ का___ से है |
the same way as ‘ Japan is related to (a) Chromium : Silver/ ोिमयम : चाँ दी CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
‘______’. (b) Bronze : Gold/ कां : सोना (a) Enzymes/ एं जाइम (b) Digestion/ पाचन
‘चीन’ का ‘युआन’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध (c) Nickel : Iron/ िनकेल : लोहा (c) Stomach/ पेट (d) Vitamins/ िवटािमन
‘जापान’ का ____ से है | (d) Solder : Tin / सो र : िटन
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) 13
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q192. Select the word pair in which the (c) 156 (d) 152 Q202. Select the option that is related to
two words are related in the same way as the third number in the same way as the
the two words in the following word pair. Q197. Select the option that is related to second number is related to the first
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के the third number in the same way as the number.
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के second number is related to the first उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
दो श ों के बीच है | number. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Walnut : Fig उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
अखरोट : अंजीर ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी 3 : 30 :: 4 : ?
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | CGL12/06/2019(Evening)
(a)Raisin:Apricot/ रे िसन : खुबानी 7 : 344 :: 11 : ? (a) 64 (b) 66 (c) 70 (d) 68
(b)Turmeric:Spices/ह ी : मसाले CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c)Almond : Dry Fruits/ बादाम : डाई ू ट् स (a) 121 (b) 1331 Q203. Select the option that is related to
(d)Asafoetida :Cashew Nuts/ हींग : काजू (c) 122 (d) 1332 the third number in the same way as the
second number is related to the first
Q193. Select the option that is related to Q198. Select the word-pair in which the number.
the third number in the same way as the two words are related in the same way as उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
second number is related to the first are the two words in the following ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
number. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के 1 : 2 :: 5 : ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | दो श ों के बीच है | (a)120 (b)129
16 : 240 :: 6 : ? Dermatology : Skin (c)128 (d)130
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) चा िव ान : चा
(a) 25 (b) 35 (c) 40 (d) 30 CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) Q204. 'Pencil' is related to 'Stationary' in
(a) Cardiology : Angiography/ दय िव ान : the same way as 'Pilates' is related
Q194. Select the word-pair in which the वािहका िच ण to'________'.
two words are related in the same way as (b)Paediatrics:Lungs/बाल िचिक ा : फेफड़े ‘पिसल’ का ‘लेखन साम ी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है
are the two words in the following word (c)Orthopaedics:Bones/अ थ िव ान : ह ी जो संबंध ‘िपलेट्स’ का _____ से है |
pair. (d) Medicine : Treatment/ दवा : उपचार CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (a)Pulses/ दाल
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के Q199. ‘Valuable’ is related to ‘Precious’ (b)Spices/ मसाले
दो श ों के बीच है | in the same way as ‘Dry’ is related to (c)Dry fruits/ डाई ू ट् स
Suitcase : Cloak Room ‘________’. (d)Exercise/ ायाम
सूटकेस : या ी सामान घर ‘मू वान’ का ‘कीमती’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) संबंध ‘शु ’ का ______ से है | Q205. Select the word-pair in which the
(a) Salary : Credit/ वेतन : े िडट CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) two words are related in the same way as
(b) Money : Bank/ धन : बक (a) Farm/ खेत (b) Arid/ सूखा are the two words in the following
(c)Chair :Furniture/ कुस : फन चर (c) Rough/ खुरदु रा (d) Wet/ गीला word-pair.
(d) Bag : Luggage/ बैग : सामान उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
Q200. Select the word pair in which the बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के
Q195. ‘Political Science’ is related to two words are related in the same way as दो श ों के बीच है |
‘Social Science’ in the same way as the two words in the following word pair. Resistance:Ohm
‘Chemistry’ is related to ‘________’. उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के ितरोध : ओम
‘राजनीित िव ान’ का ‘सामािजक िव ान’ से ठीक बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
वही संबंध है जो संबंध ‘रसायन िव ान’ का दो श ों के बीच है | (a)Time:Clock/ समय : घड़ी
______ से है | Accident : Injury/ दु घटना : चोट (b)Temperature:Thermometer
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) CGL12/06/2019(Evening) तापमान : थमामीटर
(a) Equations/ समीकरण (a) Infection : Disease/ सं मण : रोग (c)Pressure:Barometer/दाब: बैरोमीटर
(b) Science/ िव ान (b) Farmer : Hard Work/ िकसान : मेहनत (d)Length:Metre/ लंबाई : मीटर
(c) Humanities/ मानिवकी (c) Income : Corruption/ आय : ाचार
(d) Elements/ त (d) Police : Fine/ पुिलस : दं ड Q206. Select the option that is related to
the third number in the same way as the
Q196. Select the option that is related to Q201. ‘Similarity’ is related to second number is related to the first
the third number in the same way as the ‘Difference’ in the same way as number.
second number is related to the first ‘Transparent’ is related to ‘___’. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
number. ‘समानता’ का‘अंतर’से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से ‘पारदश ’ का _____ से है | सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी CGL12/06/2019(Evening) 12 : 192 :: 15 : ?
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | (a) Clear/ (b) Water/ पानी CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
9 : 90 :: 12 : ? (c) Lake/ झील (d) Turbid/ पंिकल (a)245 (b)240
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) (c)225 (d)250
(a) 160 (b) 150

Q207. Select the word-pair in which the same way that the second letter-cluster is उस सं ा जोड़ी का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाएँ
two words are related in the same way as related to the first letter-cluster. उसी तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िक िन िल खत सं ा
the two words in the following उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र जोड़ी के दो सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह।
word-pairs. समूह से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार 7 : 85
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के दू सरा अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के AFKP:BGLQ::GLQV:? (a) 3 : 31 (b) 2 : 9
दो श ों के बीच है | CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (c) 5 : 43 (d) 8 : 113
Dirty:Filthy/ गंदा : मैला (a)HMRW (b)HNRW
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (c)HKRW (d)HMPW Q218. ‘Chickenpox’ is related to ‘Virus’
(a)Perfect:Unique/ उ म : अि तीय in the same way as ‘Ringworm’ is related
(b)Shy:Timid/ शम ला : डरपोक SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I to ‘____’.
(c)Cute:Child ‘चेचक’ का ‘िवषाणु’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
(d)Bright:Sunlight Q213. Select the word pair in which two संबंध ‘दाद’ का _____ से है |
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
words are related in the similar manner as
Q208. 'Heart' is related to 'Circulation' in (a) Protozoan/ ोटोजोआ
the two words are related in the word
the same way as 'Kidney' is related to (b) Bacterium/ जीवाणु
(c) Nematodes/ िनमेटोड
'________'. उस श जोड़ी का चयन कर िजसम दो श यु
‘ दय’ का ‘प रसंचरण’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो उसी प से संबंिधत ह जैसे दो श यु आपस म (d) Fungus/ कवक
संबंध ‘गुद ’ का _____ से है | संबंिधत ह:
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) Q219. Select the option that is related to
(a)Reproduction/ जनन Butterflies : Lepidopterist the third number in the same way as the
(b)Respiration/ सन (a) Chromosome : Botanist second number is related to the first
(c)Energy Production/ ऊजा उ ादन (b) Postcard : Deltiologist number.
(d)Excretion/ मल ाग (c) Ornaments : Jewelar उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
(d) Map : Mapmaker ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q209. Select the option that is related to सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
the third number in the same way as the 54 : 41 :: 32 : ____
Q214. Select the option that is related to
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
second number is related to the first the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(a) 29 (b) 13 (c) 17 (d) 11
number. the second letter-cluster is related to the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से first letter-cluster.
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी Q220. ‘Cardiologist’ is related to ‘Heart’
तीसरे अ र-समूह से संबंिधत िवक का चयन
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले in the same way as ‘Chiropractor’ is
19 : 400 :: 24 : ______ अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । related to ‘_________’.
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) GATE : HXYX :: SINK : _____ ‘कािडयोलॉिज ’ का ‘ दय’ से ठीक वही संबंध है
(a)652 (b)566 CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) जो संबंध ‘काइरो ै र’ का ______ से है |
(c)676 (d)625 CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
(a) TGSE (b) TETD
(c) TESD (d) TFSD (a) Skin/ चा (b) Foot/ पैर
Q210. Select the word-pair in which the (c) Chest/ सीना (d) Joints/ जोड़
two words are related in the same way as Q215. Select the set in which the numbers
the two words in the following word-pair. Q221. Select the set in which the numbers
are related in the same way as the
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के are related in the same way as the
numbers of the following set.
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से numbers of the following set.
दो श ों के बीच है | संबंिधत ह जैसे िक िन िल खत सेट की सं ाएँ है । उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
School:Student::_____:_____ ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
(4 , 14 , 44)
िव ालय : छा :: _____ : _____ सं ाओं के बीच है |
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (4, 10 , 23)
(a) (11, 35, 107) (b) (5, 15, 30)
(a)Hospital:Patient/अ ताल:मरीज़ CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
(c) (7, 23, 69) (d) (9, 30, 57)
(b)Hotel:Chef/ होटल : शेफ (a) (7, 23, 49) (b) (3, 7, 17)
(c)Court:Judge/ ायालय: ायाधीश (c) (4, 12, 21) (d) (2, 6, 15)
Q216. Select the set in which the numbers
(d)College:Teacher/कॉलेज: िश क are related in the same way as the
Q222. Select the option that is related to
numbers of the following set.
Q211. ACCIDENT is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as
उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
TNEDICCA in the same way as संबंिधत ह जैसे िक िन िल खत सेट की सं ाएँ है । the second letter-cluster is related to the
PASSENGER is related to '______'. (4, 152, 6) first letter-cluster.
‘ACCIDENT’ का ‘TNEDICCA’ से ठीक वही CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) तीसरे अ र-समूह से संबंिधत िवक का चयन
संबंध है जो संबंध ‘PASSENGER’ का ____ से है | उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले
(a) (5, 287, 8) (b) (4, 179, 7)
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है ।
(c) (3, 55, 4) (d) (2, 208, 6) MARKET : IEONCV :: THERMO : _______
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
(c)REGMESSAP (d)RGENESSAP Q217. Select the number pair in which (a) PLBUKQ (b) JKCTKQ
the two numbers are related in the same (c) PLDSKQ (d) JLZUKQ
Q212.Select the letter-cluster that is way as the two numbers of the following
related to the third letter-cluster in the number pair.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q223. Select the set in which the numbers उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से Q234. Select the set in which the numbers
are related in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा are related in the same way as the numbers
numbers in the following set. अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | of the following set.
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच LENOVO : EKISSQ :: FINGER : ______ उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) YOIJBT (b) YOIKBT सं ाओं के बीच है |
(5 , 2 , 30) (c) YNIKBT (d) YOIKCT (15 , 102 , 313)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
(a) (5, 1, 29) (b) (9, 2, 87) Q229. ‘Iraq’ is related to ‘Dinar’ in the (a) (11, 74, 229) (b) (5, 32, 121)
(c) (4, 3, 28) (d) (7, 8, 114) same way as ‘Myanmar’ is related to (c) (8, 53, 164) (d) (9, 60, 185)
Q224. Select the word pair in which the ‘इराक’ का संबंध उसी तरह ‘दीनार’ से है िजस Q235. Select the word pair in which the
two words are related in the same way as तरह से ां मार ’का संबंध‘ _______ से है । two words are related in the same way as
the two words in the following word pair. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) the two words in the following word pair.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम दो (a) Yen (b) Lira उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
सं ाएँ आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस (c) Kyat (d) Rand बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए श
कार िन िल खत सं ा यु की दो सं ाएँ यु केदो श ों के बीच है |
संबंिधत ह। Q230. Select the word-pair in which the Year : June/ वष : जून
Spoke : Wheel two words are related in the same way as CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) the two words in the following word-pair. (a)Week:Thursday/ स ाह :गु वार
(a)Word : Sentence (b) Printer : Computer उस श -यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श उसी (b) April : Month/ अ ैल : माह
(c)Square : Side (d) Tree : Branch तरह से संबंिधत ह जैसे िक िन िल खत श -जोड़ी (c) Week :Calendar/ स ाह : कैलडर
म दो श स त है । (d) Year : Century/ वष : शता ी
Q225. Select the set in which the numbers Candle : Illuminate
are related in the same way as the CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) Q236. Select the set in which the numbers
numbers of the following set. (a) Fan : Suffocation (b) Bulb : Dark are related in the same way as the
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (c) Refrigerator : Cool (d)Oven: Grind numbers in the following set.
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
सं ाओं के बीच है | Q231. Select the option that is related to ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
(3, 13, 196) the third letter-cluster in the same way as सं ाओं के बीच है |
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) the second letter-cluster is related to the (11, 13, 288)
(a) (4, 14, 441) (b) (2, 12, 287) first letter-cluster. CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning)
(c) (5, 15, 350) (d) (6, 16, 569) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a) (7, 11, 162) (b)(19,23, 828)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c) (3, 5, 31) (d)(13,17, 415)
Q226. Select the set in which the numbers अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
are related in the same way as the BANK : WXLJ :: IDOL : _______ Q237. Select the option that is related to
numbers of the following set. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) the third letter-cluster in the same way as
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) DAKM (b) ADMK the second letter-cluster is related to the
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (c) DAMJ (d) DAMK first letter-cluster.
सं ाओं के बीच है | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
(8, 101, 35) Q232. ‘Cone’ is related to ‘Ice Cream’ in ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) the same way as ‘Bowl’ is related अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
(a) (11, 136, 47) (b) (7, 89, 31) to ‘________’. MARK : FHMP :: LOAN : ______
(c) (9, 121, 39) (d) (6, 76, 27) ‘शंकु’ का ‘आइस ीम’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning)
संबंध ‘कटोरी’ का ______ से है | (a) SVEV (b) EVSV
Q227. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) (c) EVVS (d) SVVE
the third number in the same way as the (a) Soup/ सूप (b) Soap/ साबुन
second number is related to the first (c) Sip/ िसप (d) Drink/ पेय पदाथ Q238. Select the option that is related to
number. the third number in the same way as the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से Q233. Select the word-pair in which the second number is related to the first
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी two words are related in the same way in number.
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | the same way as the two words in the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
80 : 63 :: 74 : _____ following word-pair. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधतहै िजस कार दू सरी
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
(a) 13 (b) 53 (c) 47 (d) 57 बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए 68 : 100 :: 45 : _______
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning)
Q228. Select the option that is related to Myopic : Farsighted (a) 41 (b) 114 (c) 14 (d) 141
the third letter-cluster in the same way as कमबीन : दू र ि ता
the second letter-cluster is related to the CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
first letter-cluster. (a)Famous : Obscure (b)Confusion:Chaotic
(c)Postpone:Suspend (d) Trouble : Grief


Q239. ‘Painter’ is related to ‘Paintbrush’ Q245. Select the option that is related to the second letter-cluster is related to the
in the same way as ‘Farmer’ is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as first letter-cluster.
‘________’. the second letter-cluster is related to the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
‘िच कार’ का ‘तूिलका’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो first letter-cluster. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
संबंध ‘िकसान’ का _____ से है | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning) ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा CQHL : FTEI :: OPAR : ?
(a) Colour/ रं ग (b) Crops/ फसल अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) Harvest/ कटाई (d) Plough/ हल QDUJ : VIZO :: LPAR : ? (a) RTYO (b) RSXO
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) RSXP (d) YTXO
Q240. Select the set in which the numbers (a) QUEX (b) RUFW
are related in the same way as the (c) PUFY (d) QUFW Q251. Select the word-pair in which the
numbers in the following set. two words are related in the same way as
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Q246. Select the word-pair in which the the two words in the following word-pair.
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की two words are related in the same way as उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
सं ाओं के बीच है | the two words in the following word-pair. बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के
(11 , 13 , 17) उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के दो श ों के बीच है |
CHSL 03/7/2019 (Morning) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के Fossils : Paleontology
(a) (5, 7, 9) (b) (29, 31, 41) दो श ों के बीच है | जीवा : पैिलयोंटोलॉजी
(c) (19, 23, 29) (d) (31, 37, 43) Nephrology : Kidney/ने ोलॉजी : गुद CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a)Flowers:Zoology/ फूल : जूलॉजी
Q241. Select the number-pair in which (a) Cardiology : Liver/ कािडयोलॉजी : यकृत (b) Rocks : Astronomy/ च ान : ए ोनॉमी
the two numbers are related in the same (b) Ophthalmology :Eyes/ ओ थैमोलॉजी : ने (c) Fungi : Phycology/ कवक : फायकोलॉजी
way as the numbers of the following (c) Pathology : Tissues/ पैथोलॉजी : उ क (d) Plants : Botany/पौधे : बॉटनी
number-pair. (d) Zoology : Plants/ जूलॉजी : पौधे
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं Q252. Select the number pair in which
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए Q247. ‘Glaucoma’ is related to ‘Eyes’ in the numbers are related in the same way
सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | as the numbers in the following number
the same way as ‘Arthritis’ is related to
442 : 21 pair.
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
ूकोमा का आँ खों से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
(a) 257 : 16 (b) 323 : 19 गिठया का ______ से है | के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह
(c) 223 : 13 (d) 238 : 14 CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) की सं ाओं के बीच है |
(a) Liver/ यकृत (b) Joints/ जोड़ (53 : 477)
Q242. ‘Chassis’ is related to ‘Car’ in the (c) Ears/ कान (d)Arteries/ धमिनयाँ CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
same way as ‘Skeleton’ is related to (a) 55 : 525 (b) 43 : 367
‘_____’. Q248. Select the number-pair in which (c) 45 : 460 (d) 39 : 351
‘चेिसस’ का ‘कार’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध the two numbers are related in the same
‘कंकाल’ का ______ से है | Q253.‘HARD-WORK is related to
way as the two numbers of the following
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) ‘SUCCESS’ in the same way as ‘CRIME’
(a) Spinal Cord (b) Organs is related to ‘______’.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
(c) Bones (d) Body के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह मेहनत’ का ‘सफलता’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
की सं ाओं के बीच है | संबंध ‘अपराध’ का _____ से है |
Q243. Select the set in which the numbers 7 : 729 CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
are related in the same way as the CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) (a) Punishment/ सज़ा (b)Society/ समाज
numbers in the following set. (a) 8 :1000 (b) 4 : 64 (c) Police/ पुिलस (d)Reward/इनाम
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (c) 5 : 125 (d) 6 : 343
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की Q254. Select the set in which the numbers
सं ाओं म है | are related in the same way as are the
Q249. Select the word-pair in which the
(84 , 60 , 51) numbers of the following set.
two words are related in the same way as
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
the two words in the following word-pair.
(a) (64, 80, 72) (b) (80, 98, 69)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह।
(c) (72, 56, 62) (d) (52, 64, 47) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के 8, 9, 145
दो श ों के बीच है | CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
Q244. Select the set in which the numbers Fan : Electricity (a) 10, 11, 121 (b) 7, 8, 117
are related in the same way as the पंखा : िबजली (c) 6, 8, 104 (d) 6, 7, 85
numbers in the following set. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) Cooler : Water/ कूलर : पानी Q255. Select the set in which the numbers
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (b) Petrol : Fuel/पेटोल : ईंधन are related in the same way as are the
सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) Bike : Kick/ बाइक : िकक numbers of the following set.
(4, 6, 52) (d)Vehicles : Diesel/ वाहन : डीजल उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह।
(a) (3, 5, 34) (b) (5, 7, 72) Q250. Select the option that is related to (94, 44, 82)
(c) (6, 7, 95) (d) (7, 9, 120) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(a) (64, 58, 42) (b) (98, 68, 86)17
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) (78, 40, 88) (d) (48, 31, 76) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Q.266 Select the set in which the numbers
(a) NQQT (b) LQQT are related in the same way as are the
Q256. Select the option that is related to (c) LPPT (d) NPPT numbers of the following set.
the third letter-cluster in the same way as उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
the second letter-cluster is related to the Q261. Select the word pair in which the ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
first letter-cluster. two words are related in the same way as सं ाओं के बीच है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से the two words in the following word pair. (2, 4, 8)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के (a) (5, 25, 625) (b) (3, 9, 34)
RDPC : NHLG :: SKDG : ? दो श ों के बीच है | (c) (1, 2, 6) (d) (4, 16, 64)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) Seismology : Earthquake
(a) NOYK (b) OOYK सी ोलॉजी : भूकंप Q.267 Select the word-pair in which the
(c) OOZK (d) OPZK CHSL - 4 July 2019 (Evening) two words are related in the same way as
(a)Entomology:Plants/ ए ोमोलॉजी: पौधे are the two
Q257. Select the set in which the numbers (b)Ornithology:Birds/प ीिव ान: प ी words in the following word-pair.
are related in the same way as are the (c)Psychology : Poplar/मनोिव ान: िचनार उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
numbers of the following set. (d)Renal Science : Veins/वृ िव ान: नस बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच दो श ों के बीच है |
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की Q262. ‘Man’ is related to 'Mammal’ in Zinc : Brass
सं ाओं के बीच है | the same way as ‘Rat’ is related to ज ा : पीतल
8, 6, 28 ‘________’. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) ‘मनु ’ का ' नपायी' से वही संबंध है , जो संबंध (a) Gold : Ornament / सोना: आभूषण
(a) 7, 2, 45 (b) 6, 4, 30 ‘चूहा’ का '________' से है । (b) Copper : Bronze / तां बा: कां
(c) 10, 5, 85 (d) 12, 6, 98 CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c) Mercury : Thermometer/ पारा: थमामीटर
(a) Mice/ चूहे (b) Rodent/ कृंतक (d) Silver : Ring / चाँ दी : अंगूठी
Q258. Select the number-pair in which (c) Burrow / िबल (d) Reptile / साँ प
the two numbers are related in the same Q268. Select the number-pair in which
way as are the two numbers of the Q263. Select the set in which the numbers the two numbers are related in the same
following number-pair. are related in the same way as are the way as are the two numbers of the
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं numbers of following number-pair.
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह the following set. उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
की सं ाओं के बीच है | उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह
4 : 49 ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की की सं ाओं के बीच है |
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) सं ाओं के बीच है | 19 : 380
(a). 8 : 144 (b). 6 : 64 (6, 36, 1296) CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(c). 7 : 100 (d). 5 : 81 CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (a) 12 : 146 (b) 17 : 289
(a) (7, 49, 2409) (b) (4, 16, 64) (c) 14 : 196 (d) 13 : 182
Q259. Select the word-pair in which the (c) (3, 9, 81) (d) (10, 100, 5000)
two words are related in the same way as Q269. Select the set in which the numbers
are the two words in the following Q264. Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the
word-pair. are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के numbers of उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के the following set. ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
दो श ों के बीच है | उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच सं ाओं के बीच है |
Waiter : Serve ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (5, 7, 11)
वेटर : परोसना सं ाओं के बीच है | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (3, 5, 34) (a) (15, 17, 23) (b) (23, 29, 31)
(a) Lawyer : Legal / वकील : कानूनी CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c) (14, 16, 18) (d) (17, 19, 21)
(b) Architect : Fashion/ वा ुिश : फैशन (a) (9, 10, 190) (b) (4, 7, 65)
(c) Engineer : Technical / इं जीिनयर: (c) (6, 7, 89) (d) (1, 2, 12) Q270. Select the option that is related to
तकनीकी the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(d) Mechanic : Repair / मैकेिनक : मर त Q265. 'Kidney' is related to 'Excretion' in the second letter-cluster is related to the
the same way as 'Heart' is related to first letter-cluster.
Q260. Select the option that is related to ________'. तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन
the third letter-cluster in the same way as उ जन से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध ‘ दय’ का उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा प - र पहले
the second letter-cluster is related to the _____ से है | अ र- र से संबंिधत है ।
first letter-cluster. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) MDUK : QHYO : : SALQ : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a) Heart Chambers/ दय को क CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (b) Human body/ मानव शरीर (a) VDPV (b) WDPU
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (c) Blood Circulation/ र प रसंचरण (c) WEPV (d) WEPU
DFHJ : MOQS :: CGGK : ______ (d) Artery/ धमनी


Q271. Select the set in which the numbers टे लीफोन : संचार ‘बीमारी’ का ‘मधुमेह’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
are related in the same way as are the CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) संबंध ‘वाहन’ का _____ से है |
numbers of the following set. (a)Television : Entertainment/ टे लीिवज़न : CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच मनोरं जन (a)Driver/ चालक
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (b)Heater : Electricity/ हीटर : िवद् युत (b)Fuel/ ईंधन
सं ाओं के बीच है | (c)Refrigerator : Equipment/ रे ीिजरे टर : (c)Car/ कार
(16,24,88) उपकरण (d)Chassis/ हवाई जहाज़ का पिहया
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (d)Air Cooler : Water/ एयर कूलर : पानी
(a)(18,27,98) (b)(12,18,64) Q282. Select the set in which the numbers
(c)(20,30,100) (d)(14,21,77) Q277. Select the number- pair in which are related in the same way as are the
the two numbers are related in the same numbers of the following set.
Q272. Select the option that is related to way as are the two numbers of the उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
the third letter-cluster in the same way as following number-pair. ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
the second letter-cluster is related to the उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं सं ाओं के बीच है |
first letter-cluster. के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (88,56,72)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से सं ा-यु की सं ाओं के बीच है | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा 2:8 (a)(62, 48, 52) (b)(34, 28, 21)
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (c)(18, 24, 28) (d)(66, 48, 57)
KSDO : NPGL : : SBJY : ? (a)8 : 502 (b)7 : 343
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c)11 : 1321 (d)9 : 629 Q283. Select the set in which the numbers
(a)VZMW (b)WYMV are related in the same way as are the
(c)VYNW (d)VYMV Q278. Select the set in which the numbers numbers of the following set.
are related in the same way as are the उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के
Q273. Select the number-pair in which numbers of the following set. बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
the two numbers are related in the same उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच समूह की सं ाओं के बीच है |
way as are the two numbers of the ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (8, 27, 64)
following number pair. सं ाओं के बीच है | CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के (4,9,16) (a) (49, 64, 81) (b) (125, 636, 864)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए यु CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) (216, 343, 529) (d) (343, 512, 729)
की सं ाओं के बीच है | (a)(25,36,64) (b)(16,36,49)
25 : 600 (c)(36,81,100) (d)(49,64,81)
Q284. ‘Heart’ is related to ‘Circulation’
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
in the same way as ‘Lungs’ are related to
(a)16 : 256 (b)18 : 306 Q279. Select the option that is related to ‘______’.
(c)20 : 420 (d)14 : 210 the third letter- cluster in the same way as ‘ दय’ का ‘प रसंचरण’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
the second letter-cluster is related to the संबंध ‘फेफड़ों’ का ____ से है |
Q274. 'Gynecology' is related to 'Women' first letter-cluster. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
in the same way as 'Paediatrics' is related उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a)Excretion/ उ जन
to '____'. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (b)Respiration/ सन
‘ सूितशा ’ का ‘मिहलाओं’ से ठीक वही संबंध है अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (c)Ribs/ पसिलयाँ
जो संबंध ‘बाल िचिक ा’ का _____ से है | GSDL : JPGI : : UCWF : ? (d)Oxygen/ऑ ीजन
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(a)Treatment/उपचार (b)Children/ब े (a)XZZC (b)XYYC
Q285. Select the number-pair in which
(c)Men/पु ष (d)Human beings/मनु (c)YZZD (d)WZZB
the two numbers of the following
Q275. Select the set in which the numbers Q280. Select the word-pair in which the
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाएं
are related in the same way as are the two words are related in the same way as आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार
numbers of the following set. are the two words in the following नीचे िदए गए सं ा यु की सं ाएं संबंिधत ह |
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच word-pair. 12:102
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
सं ाओं के बीच है | बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (a)14:126 (b)8:68
(56,38,96) श यु के श ों के बीच है |
(c)6:52 (d)16:218
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) Architect : House map
(a)(28,48,86) (b)(12,18,50) वा ुकार : गृह न ा
Q286. Select the word-pair in which the
(c)(16,14,40) (d)(10,20,40) CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(a)Carpenter : Furniture/ बढ़ई : फन चर two words are related in the same way as
(b)Lawyer : Court/ वकील : अदालत are the two words in yeh following
Q276. Select the word-pair in which the word-pair.
two words are related in the same way as (c)Doctor: Hospital/ िचिक क : अ ताल
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
are the two words in the following (d)Teacher : Writer/ िश क : लेखक
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
word-pair. श यु के श ों के बीच है |
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के Q281. 'Disease' is related to 'Diabetes' in Exercise : Fitness
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए the same way as 'Vehicle' is related ायाम : तंद ी
श यु के श ों के बीच है | to_______.
Telephone : Communication 19
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) (c) VENG (d) VFMH (d) Loud : Loose / ज़ोरदार : ढीला
(a) Harmony : War/ समरसता : यु
(b) Hobby : Internet/ शौक : इं टरनेट Q292. Select the set in which the numbers Q297. Select the number-pair in which
(c) Education : Institute/ िश ा : सं थान are related in the same way as are the the two numbers are related in the same
(d) Treatment :Recovery/ उपचार :ठीक होना numbers of the following set. way as are the two numbers of the
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच following number-pair.
Q287. Select the set in which the numbers ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
are related in the same way as are the सं ाओं के बीच है | के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
numbers of the following set. (8, 39, 5) यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) 2:9
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (a) (10, 60, 6) (b) (14, 115, 9) CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) (9, 55, 4) (d) (11, 67, 8) (a) 8 : 65 (b) 4 : 65
(4, 41, 5) (c) 7 : 50 (d) 3 : 26
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q293. Select the word-pair in which the
(a) (7, 81, 9) (b) (6, 85, 8) two words are related in the same way as Q298. Select the set in which the numbers
(c) (2, 21, 4) (d) (5, 61, 6) are the two words in the following are related in the same way as are the
word-pair. numbers of the following set.
Q288. Select the option that is related to उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
the third letter-cluster in the same way as बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
the second letter-cluster is related to the श यु के श ों के बीच है | सं ाओं के बीच है |
first letter-cluster. Temple : Worship (8, 112, 28)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से मंिदर : पूजा CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) (16, 282, 36) (b) (18, 216, 22)
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (a) School : Education / िव ालय : िश ा (c) (14, 364, 52) (d) (12, 216, 34)
KSOE : MQQC : : ACZN : ? (b) Hotel : Expenditure / होटल: य
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) (c) Hospital : Doctor / अ ताल : िचिक क Q299. Select the set in which the numbers
(a) CABL (b) CBBL (d) University : Professor / िव िव ालय : are related in the same way as are the
(c) DACL (d) CABK ोफ़ेसर numbers of the following set.
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
Q289. ‘Mercury’ is related to ‘Metal’ in Q294. Select the set in which the numbers ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
the same way as ‘Frog’ is related to are related in the same way as are the सं ाओं के बीच है |
‘_________’. numbers of the following set. (4, 113, 7)
‘पारा’ का ‘धातु’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
‘मढक’ का ______ से है | ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (a) (3, 118, 9) (b) (8, 155, 4)
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) (5, 141, 4) (d) (6, 161, 4)
(a)Rodent / कृंतक (145, 65, 115)
(b) Mammal / नधारी CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q300. Select the option that is related to
(c)Reptilian/सरीसृप (a) (130, 70, 100) (b) (185, 70, 95) the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(d)Amphibian /उभयचर (c) (185, 65, 170) (d) (80, 50, 110) the second letter-cluster is related to the
first letter-cluster.
Q290. Select the number-pair in which Q295. ‘Tadpole’ is related to ‘Frog’ in the िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
the two numbers are related in the same same way as ‘Caterpillar’ is related to ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
way as are the two numbers of the ‘____’. अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
following number-pair. ‘टै डपोल का ‘मढक’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो SMKJ : VONL : : DPOA : ?
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं संबंध ‘इ ी’ का ___ से है | CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (a) GSSC (b) GSSD
सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) Butterfly/ िततली (b) Bat / चमगादड़ (c) GRRC (d) HRRD
11 : 120 (c) Baboon / लंगूर (d) Boar / सूअर
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q301. Select the set in which the numbers
(a) 8 : 65 (b) 17 : 289 Q296. Select the word-pair in which the are related in the same way as are the
(c) 12 : 144 (d) 2 : 3 two words are related in the same way as numbers of the following set.
are the two words in the following उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
Q291. Select the option that is related to word-pair. ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
the third letter-cluster in the same way as उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सं ाओं के बीच है |
the second letter-cluster is related to the बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (64, 7, 27)
first letter-cluster. श यु के श ों के बीच है | CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से Detailed : Meticulous (a) (127, 15, 161) (b) (216, 11, 125)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा िव ृत : सू (c) (216, 15, 64) (d) (343, 18, 125)
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
DHMR : BJKT : : XCOE : ? (a) Heavy : Light / भारी : ह ा Q302. Select the set in which the numbers
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (b) Hungry : Fulfilled / भूखा : प रपूण are related in the same way as are the
(a) UENG (b) VEMG (c) Fat : Obese / चब : मोटा numbers of the following set.

उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (a) Animal / पशु (b) Human / मानव
सं ाओं के बीच है | सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) Red / लाल (d) Iron / आयरन
(140, 85, 115) 7 : 56
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) Q313. Select the option that is related to
(a) (125, 65, 120) (b) (65, 50, 90) (a) 13 : 173 (b) 11 : 121 the third letter- cluster in the same way as
(c) (55, 70, 90) (d)(115,65, 80) (c) 9 : 90 (d) 6 : 36 the second letter- cluster is related to the
first letter- cluster.
Q303. Select the option that is related to Q308. Select the set in which the numbers तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन
the third letter-cluster in the same way as are related in the same way as are the उसी तरह कर जैसे िक दू सरा अ र- र पहले
the second letter-cluster is related to the numbers of the following set. अ र- र से संबंिधत है ।
first letter-cluster. उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Ginger: Stem:: Chill: ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) Fruit/फल (b) flower/फूल
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (5, 8, 89) (c) Root/जड़ (d) Stem/तना
LPCK : QUHP : : HRMT : ? CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (a) (7, 10, 149) (b) (2, 5, 19) Q314. ‘Lizard’ is related to ‘Reptiles’ in
(a) LWSY (b) MVRZ (c) (3, 4, 7) (d) (6, 9, 60) the same way as ‘Toad’ is related to
(c) NWSY (d) MWRY ‘____’.
Q309. Select the set in which the numbers ‘िछपकली’ का ‘सरीसृपों’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
Q304. ‘Pain’ is related to ‘Agony’ in the are related in the same way as are the संबंध ‘मढक’ का ____ से है |
same way as ‘Angry’ is related to numbers of the following set. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
‘______’. उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के (a) Vertebrata / कशे की
‘दद’ का ‘पीड़ा’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (b) Reptiles / सरीसृप
‘ ोधी’ का ____ से है | समूह की सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) Mammals / नधारी
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (16, 64, 8) (d) Amphibians / उभयचर
(a) Ecstasy / उ ाह CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
(b) Bitterness / कड़वाहट (a) (15, 60, 8) (b) (18, 90, 6) Q315. Select the set in which the numbers
(c) Grandiosity / भ ता (c) (10, 80, 8) (d) (14, 62, 4) are related in the same way as are the
(d) Furious / उ
numbers of the following set.
Q310. Select the option that is related to उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
Q305. Select the word-pair in which the the third letter-cluster in the same way as संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह।
two words are related in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the (7, 4, 65 )
are the two words in the following first letter-cluster. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
word-pair. िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a) (11, 8, 105 ) (b) (5, 4, 41 )
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c) (6, 4, 70 ) (d) (9, 6, 80 )
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है |
श यु के श ों के बीच है | BEH : FJN : : ILO : ? Q316. Select the number-pair in which
Merchant : Trade CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) the two numbers are related in the same
ापारी : ापार (a) MQU (b) MQV way as are the two numbers of the
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
(c) MOU (d) MOV following number-pair.
(a) Lawyer : Court / वकील : अदालत
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
(b) Scientist : Expert / वै ािनक : िवशेष
Q311. Select the word-pair in which the के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(c) Doctor : Treatment / िचिक क : उपचार two words are related in the same way as सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
(d)Engineering:Science/ इं जीिनय रं ग : िव ान are the two words in the following 13 : 65
word-pair. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
Q306. Select the number-pair in which उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (a) 19 : 95 (b) 17 : 42
the two numbers are related in the same बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (c) 12 : 45 (d) 21 : 85
way as are the two numbers of the श यु के श ों के बीच है |
following number-pair. Tortoise : Reptile Q317. Select the word-pair in which the
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं कछु आ : सरीसृप two words are related in the same way as
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) are the two words in the following
सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | (a) Snake : Amphibian / सां प : उभयचर word-pair.
8 : 128 (b) Shark : Mammal / शाक : नधारी उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
(c) Spider : Reptile / मकड़ी : सरीसृप बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(a) 10 : 220 (b) 9 : 152 श यु के श ों के बीच है |
(d) Snail : Mollusk / घोंघा : मोल
(c) 12 : 288 (d) 6 : 82 Important : Essential
Q312. ‘Sunflower’ is related to ‘Yellow’ मह पूण : अिनवाय
Q307. Select the number-pair in which CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
in the same way as ‘Blood’ is related to
the two numbers are related in the same (a) Pick : Drop / उठाना : छोड़ना
way as are the two numbers of the ‘सूरजमुखी’ का ‘पीले रं ग’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (b) Never : Always / कभी नहीं : हमेशा
following number-pair. संबंध ‘र ’ का _____ से है | (c) Awful : Horrible / भयंकर : भयानक
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(d) Up : Down / ऊपर : नीचे CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) Q329. ‘HONEY’ is related to ‘BEE’ in
(a) KO (b) LO (c) LM (d) KL the same way as ‘EGG’ is related to
Q318. Select the set in which the numbers ‘_______’.
are related in the same way as are the Q324. Select the set in which the numbers 'मधु' का संबंध 'मधुम ी' से उसी तरह है जैसे िक
numbers of the following set. are related in the same way as are the 'अंडा' का '______' से संबंध है । CHSL 10/7/19
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच numbers of the following set. (Afternoon)
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) YOLK (b) LARVA
सं ाओं के बीच है | ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (c) OOLOGY (d) BIRD
(16, 4, 80 ) सं ाओं के बीच है |
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) (16, 25, 82) Q330. Select the set in which the numbers
(a) (13, 5, 78) (b) (6, 4, 40) CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) are related in the same way as are the
(c) (5, 5, 70) (d) (11, 7, 77) (a) (11, 121, 110) (b) (25, 36, 51) numbers of the following set.
(c) (36, 49, 170) (d) (25, 49, 81) उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
Q319. Three of the following four ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
numbers are alike in a certain way and Q325. Select the word-pair in which the सं ाओं के बीच है |
one is different. Pick the number that is two words are related in the same way as (16, 64, 320)
different from the rest. are the two words in the following CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत चार म से तीन सं ाएं िकसी िनि त word-pair. (a) (15, 60, 310) (b) (15, 45, 180)
कार से एक जैसी ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है | उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (c) (10, 40, 200) (d) (25, 75, 125)
अलग सं ा का चयन कर | बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) श यु के श ों के बीच है | Q331. Select the word-pair in which the
(a) 71 (b) 87 (c) 59 (d) 73 Paper : Pen / कागज़ : कलम two words are related in the same way as
CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
are the two words in the following
Q320 Select the set in which the numbers (a) Blackboard : Chalk / ैकबोड : चाक
are related in the same way as are the (b) Chalk : Duster / चाक : ड र उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
numbers of the following set. (c) Curd : Milk / दही : दू ध बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (d) Wood : Table / लकड़ी : मेज श यु के श ों के बीच है |
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की Mumbai : Capital
सं ाओं के बीच है | Q326. Select the set in which the numbers मुंबई : राजधानी
(24, 48, 36) are related in the same way as are the CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) numbers of the following set. (a) Hill : High / पहाड़ी : ऊँचा
(a) (26, 58, 46) (b) (15, 49, 37) उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (b) New York : China / ूयाक : चीन
(c) (45, 49, 77) (d) (25, 49, 37) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (c) Delhi : Tajmahal / िद ी : ताजमहल
सं ाओं के बीच है | (d) Yen : Currency / येन : मु ा
Q321. Select the number-pair in which (15, 49, 151)
the two numbers are related in the same CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) Q332. ‘Machine’ is related to ‘Operator’
way as are the two numbers of the (a) (6, 18, 37) (b) (17, 55, 155) in the same way as ‘Car’ is related to
following number-pair. (c) (25, 79, 137) (d) (5, 19, 61) ‘_________’.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं ‘मशीन’ का ‘संचालक’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए Q327. Select the option that is related to संबंध ‘कार’ का ___ से है |
सं ा यु की सं ाओं के बीच है | the third letter-pair in the same way as the CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
6 : 40 second letter pair is related to the first (a) Driver / चालक (b) Bus / बस
CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) letter-pair. (c) Mechanic / मैकेिनक (d) Engine / इं जन
(a) 15 : 45 (b) 9 : 72 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से
(c) 5 : 25 (d) 7 : 53 ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा Q333. Select the set in which the numbers
अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | are related in the same way as are the
Q322. ‘Man’ is related to ‘Crowd’ in the GI : KN : : PQ : ? numbers of the following set.
same way as ‘Student’ is related to _____. CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
‘मनु ’ का ‘भीड़’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध (a) TV (b) TX (c) VT (d) UV ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
‘छा ’ का _____ से है | सं ाओं के बीच है |
CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) Q328. Select the number-pair in which (64, 100, 328)
(a) Class / वग (b) Cinema / िसनेमा the two numbers are related in the same CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(c) Gang / गुट (d) Family / प रवार way as are the two numbers of the (a) (16, 36, 54) (b)(49,81, 137)
following number-pair. (c) (25, 49, 148) (d) (36, 64, 97)
Q323. Select the option that is related to उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
the third letter-pair in the same way as the के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए Q334. Select the set in which the numbers
second letter pair is related to the first सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | are related in the same way as are the
letter-pair. 8 : 72 numbers of the following set.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-यु से CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
उसी तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे िक दू सरा अ र यु (a) 11 : 132 (b) 15 : 625 ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
पहले अ र के जोड़े से संबंिधत है (c) 13 : 156 (d) 12 : 144 सं ाओं के बीच है |
DH : HL : : GK : ? (45, 49, 47)

CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) Q340. Select the number-pair in which उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
(a) (25, 54, 79) (b) (15, 19, 37) the two numbers are related in the same ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
(c) (5, 39, 44) (d) (35, 59, 47) way as are the two numbers of the सं ाओं के बीच है |
following number-pair. (16, 23, 32)
Q335. Select the option that is related to उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
the third letter-pair in the same way as the के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (a) (10, 23, 46) (b) (11, 18, 27)
second letter pair is related to the first सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | (c) (6, 14, 25) (d) (10, 17, 28)
letter-pair. 29, 31
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) Q346. Select the word-pair in which the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (a)15, 17 (b) 23, 25 two words are related in the same way as
अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | (c) 11, 13 (d) 20, 21 are the two words in the following
PM : UT : : RU : ? word-pair.
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) Q341. Select the word-pair in which the उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
(a) XA (b) XB (c) WA (d) WB two words are related in the same way as बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
are the two words in the following श यु के श ों के बीच है |
Q336. Select the number-pair in which word-pair. Ostrich : Eagle
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के शुतुरमुग : चील
the two numbers are related in the same
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
way as are the two numbers of the
श यु के श ों के बीच है | (a) Cow : Elephant / गाय : हाथी
following number-pair.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं Cement : Building (b) Swan : Lion / हं स : शेर
के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए सीमट : भवन (c) Whale : Kite / े ल : पतंग
सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) (d) Hen : Goat / मुग : बकरी
42 : 56 (a) Wire : Electricity / तार : िबजली
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) (b) Wood : Furniture / लकड़ी : फन चर Q347. Select the option that is related to
(a) 17 : 49 (b) 22 : 44 (c) Book : Author / िकताब : लेखक the third letter-pair in the same way as the
(c) 35 : 51 (d) 12 : 20 (d) Pen : Pencil / कलम : पिसल second letter pair is related to the first
Q337. Select the word-pair in which the Q342. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से
two words are related in the same way as the third letter-pair in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
second letter-pair is related to the first अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है |
are the two words in the following
letter-pair. CH : FP : : GK : ?
उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (a) JS (b) MP (c) JL (d) NU
श यु के श ों के बीच है | सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
Trim : Hair DJ : HT : : HM : ? Q348. Select the set in which the numbers
काटना : केश CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) are related in the same way as are the
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) (a) PY (b) JK (c) LW (d) LP numbers of the following set.
(a) Dog : Stag / कु ा : बारहिसंगा उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
(b) Eye : Red / आँ ख : लाल Q343. Select the set in which the numbers ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की
(c) Prune : Shrub / छं टाई : झाड़ी are related in the same way as are the सं ाओं के बीच है |
(d) Nail : Face / नाख़ून : चेहरा numbers of the following set. (25, 49, 37)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (a) (12, 14, 8) (b) (16, 64, 78)
Q338. ‘ENGINEER’ is related to
सं ाओं के बीच है (c) (26, 64, 120) (d) (6, 4, 5)
‘BUILDING’ in the same way as
‘WRITER’ is related to (49, 81, 121)
‘_________’. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) Q349. Select the number-pair in which
‘अिभयंता’ का ‘भवन’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (a)(9, 4, 8) (b)(16, 25, 49) the two numbers are related in the same
संबंध ‘लेखक’ का ____ से है | CHSL 11/7/2019 (c) (36, 64, 100) (d)(16,64, 100) way as are the two numbers of the
(Morning) following number-pair.
(a) BOOK / िकताब (b) PAPER / कागज़ Q344. ‘RETINA’ is related to ‘EYE’ in उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं
(c) PEN / कलम (d) INK / ाही the same way as ‘HYDROGEN’ is related के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
to ‘______’. सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है |
Q339. Select the set in which the numbers ‘रे िटना’ का ‘ने ’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध 7, 13
are related in the same way as are the ‘हाइडोजन’ का _____ से है | CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 15, 19 (b) 17, 25
numbers of the following set.
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) WATER / पानी (b) IODINE / आयोडीन (c) 23, 31 (d) 17, 21
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की (c) EAR / कान (d) LEGS / पैर
सं ाओं के बीच है | Q350. Select the number-pair in which
(16, 36, 64) Q345. Select the set in which the numbers the two numbers are related in the same
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) are related in the same way as are the way as are the two numbers of the
(a) (6, 36, 80) (b) (10, 30, 58) numbers of the following set. following number-pair.
(c) (9, 25, 62) (d) (12, 32, 50)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं Q361. Select the option that is related to

के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए Q356. Select the option that is related to the third letter-pair in the same way as the
सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | the third number in the same way as the second letter-pair is related to the first
20 : 30 second number letter-pair.
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम अ रों के बीच
is related to the first number.
(a) 12 : 23 (b) 6 : 14 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से वही संबंध है जो संबंध अ रों के िदए गए यु म है
(c) 30 : 42 (d) 16 : 36 ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी PB:UW::JT:?
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q351. ‘Dice’ is related to ‘Cube’ in the 35 : 66 :: 29 : ? (a) PP (b) NO (c) OO (d) MO
same way as ‘Ball’ is related to MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
‘__________’. (a) 63 (b) 62 (c) 60 (d) 57 Q362. Select the option that is related to
‘पासे’ का ‘घन’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध the third term in the same way as the
‘गद’ का _______ से है | Q357. Select the word pair in which the second term is related to the first term.
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) two words are related in the same way as उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
(a) Sphere / गोला (b) Line / रे खा the two words in the following word-pair. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
(c) Cone / शंकु (d) Cube / घन उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के पहले श से संबंिधत है |
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए श Den : Lion :: Stable : ?
Q352. Select the option that is related to यु के दो श ों के बीच है | मां द : शेर :: अ बल : ?
the third letter-pair in the same way as the Five : Pentagon MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
second letter pair is related to the first MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Car/ कार (b) Leopard/ तदु आ
letter-pair. (a) Four : Rectangle (c) Bird/ प ी (d) Horse/ घोड़ा
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से (b) Triangle : Three
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c) Square : Four Q363. Select the option that is related to
अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | (d) Six : Septagon the third number in the same way as the
FU : UF : : RS : ? second number is related to the first
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) Q358. Select the option that is related to number.
(a) IH (b) GH (c) IP (d) JH the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
second term is related to the first term. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q353. Select the set in which the numbers उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
are related in the same way as are the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श 36 : 109 :: 25 : ?
numbers of the following set. पहले श से संबंिधत है | MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Colour : Red :: Profession : ? (a) 74 (b) 78 (c) 76 (d) 72
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की रं ग : लाल :: पेशा : ?
सं ाओं के बीच है | MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) Q364. Select the option that is related to
(35, 48, 83) (a) Lawyer/ वकील (b) Court/ अदालत the third term in the same way as the
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) (c) School/ िव ालय (d) Black/ रं ग second term is related to the first term.
(a) (24, 49, 75) (b) (15, 24, 39) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
(c) (25, 49, 91) (d) (15, 25, 41) Q359. Select the option in which the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
letters share the same relationship as that पहले श से संबंिधत है |
Q354. Select the option that is related to shared by the given pair of letters. Circumference:Circle::Perimeter : ?
the third letter-pair in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम अ रों के बीच प रिध : वृ :: प रमाप : ?
second letter pair is related to the first वही संबंध है जो संबंध अ रों के िदए गए यु म है MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
letter-pair. JT : NX (a) 3D/ ीडी (b) Big/ बड़ा
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Breadth/ चौड़ाई (d) Square/ वग
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (a) TP : XT (b) RK : VG
अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | (c) GS : KU (d) LD : PG Q365. Select the word pair in which the
GP : TK : : DR ? two words are related in the same way as
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) Q360. Select the word pair in which the the two words in the following word-pair.
(a) WI (b) WX (c) VU (d) IW two words are related in the same way as उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
the two words in the following word-pair. बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
Q355. Select the set in which the उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के श यु के दो श ों के बीच है |
numbers are related in the same way as बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए Pen : Author
are the numbers of the following set. श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | कलम : लेखक
उस समूह का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच Circle : Figure MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए समूह की वृ : आकृित (a) Knife : Chef/ चाक़ू : शेफ
सं ाओं के बीच है | MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Surgeon : Scalpel/ सजन : छु री
(10, 32, 54) (a) Toy : Play/ खलौना : खेलना (c) Carpenter : Saw/ बढ़ई : चीरना
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) (b) Car : Driver/ कार : चालक (d) Gun : Gardener/ बंदूक : माली
(a) (25, 47, 77) (b) (15, 49, 37) (c)Sharpener : Stationary/ शापनर : े शनरी
(c) (35, 57, 79) (d) (16, 37, 56) (d) Lion : Reptile/ शेर : सरीसृप Q366. Select the option in which the
letters have the same relationship as that
SSC MTS 2019 shared by the given pair of letters.

उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम अ रों के बीच (a) KY (b) KZ (c) JZ (d) JY Q377. Select the option in which the
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध अ रों के िदए गए यु letters share the same relationship as that
म है | Q372. Select the word pair in which the shared by the given pair of letters.
DP:FR two words are related in the same way as उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
the two words in the following word-pair.
(a) DJ:BH (b) JZ:HB उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के श यु म है |
(c) LQ:NU (d) MA:OC बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए GOM : JSR :: ?
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
Q367. Select the option that is related to Stale: Fresh/ बासी : ताज़ा (a) COB : FSG (b) MOP : PSV
the third number in the same way as the MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) RAT : UFY (d) LAP : OFU
second number is related to the first (a) Hot:Sun/ गम : सूय
number. (b) Create:Bat/ सृजन : ब ा Q378. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (c) Final:Initial/ अंितम : पहला the third term in the same way as the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (d) Deep:Hard/ गहरा : कठोर second term is related to the first term.
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत
32:61::44:? Q373. Select the option that is related to है उसी तरह दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है ।
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Cloth : Mill :: Crop : ?
the third number in the same way as the
(a) 89 (b) 73 (c) 71 (d) 67 second number is related to the first MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
number. (a) Field (b) Factory
Q368. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (c) Press (d) Maize
the third term in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
second term is related to the first term. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है Q379. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक 101:10202::107:? the third number in the same way as the
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) second number is related to the first
पहले श से संबंिधत है | (a) 11447 (b) 11450 number.
Salary : Job :: Profit : ? (c) 12449 (d) 12550 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी
वेतन : नौकरी :: लाभ : ? तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) संबंिधत है ।
Q374. Select the option that is related to
(a) Loss/ हािन (b) Business/ वसाय 17 : 289 :: 31 : ?
the third term in the same way as the
(c) Huge/ बड़ा (d) Seller/ िव े ता MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
second term is related to the first term.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक (a) 1021 (b) 941
Q369. Select the option that is related to उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श (c) 961 (d) 1089
the third term in the same way as the पहले श से संबंिधत है |
second term is related to the first term. Touch : Push :: Speak : ? Q380. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक छूना : धकेलना :: बोलना : ? the third term in the same way as the
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) second term is related to the first term.
पहले श से संबंिधत है | (a) Mistake/ गलती (b) Shout/ िच ाना उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
Water : Drink :: Bread : ? (c) Sad/ उदास (d) Crime/ अपराध उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
पानी : पीना :: ेड : ? पहले श से संबंिधत है |
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) Office : Clerk :: Site : ?
Q375. Select the option that is related to
(a) Hard/ कठोर (b) Eat/ खाना कायालय : िलिपक :: थल : ?
the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(c) Milk/ दू ध (d) White/ सफ़ेद MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
the second letter-cluster is related to the
first letter-cluster. (a) Servent/ नौकर
Q370. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से (b) Shopkeeper/ दु कानदार
the third number in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c) Teacher/ िश क
second number is related to the first अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | (d) Engineer/ अिभयंता
number. RAT :UXW::TOG:?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q381. Select the option that is related to
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) XKC (b) WLC the third term in the same way as the
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | (c) XMD (d) WLJ second term is related to the first term.
325 : 18 :: 226 : ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
Q376. Select the option that is related to
(a) 14 (b) 17 (c) 15 (d) 16 पहले श से संबंिधत है |
the third term in the same way as the
second term is related to the first term. Chapter : Book :: Handle : ?
Q371. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक अ ाय : पु क :: हडल : ?
the third letter-pair in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
second letter pair is related to the first पहले श से संबंिधत है | (a) Break/ ेक (b)Cycle/ साइिकल
letter-pair. Eraser : Pencil :: Chair : ? (c) Pedal/ पेडल (d) Circle/ वृ
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र यु से रबड़ : पिसल :: कुस : ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Q382. Select the option that is related to
अ र यु पहले अ र यु से संबंिधत है | (a) Sit/ बैठना (b) Wood/ लकड़ी the third number in the same way as the
RG : QE :: LB : ? (c) Table/ मेज (d) Plastic/ ा क second number is related to the first
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
number. 25
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (c) 135 (d) 125
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | Q393. Select the option that is related to
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) 31:54::43:? the third term in the same way as the
18 : 323 :: 38 : ? MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
second term is related to the first term.
(a) 1331 (b) 1339 (a) 66 (b) 74 (c) 76 (d) 64 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
(c) 1449 (d) 1443 उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
Q388. Select the option that is related to पहले श से संबंिधत है |
Q383. Select the option in which the the third number in the same way as the Heptagon : Figure :: Male : ?
letters share the same relationship as that second number is related to the first स भुज : आकृित :: पु ष : ?
shared by the given pair of letters. number. MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के सही िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (a) Female/ मिहला (b) Gender/ िलंग
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (c) Brother/ भाई (d) Work/ काय
श यु म है | सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है l
RP : SQ :: ? 16 : 9 :: 36 : ? Q394. Select the option in which the
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) words share the same relationship as that
(a) KG : LH (b) JL : IK (a) 17 (b) 19 (c) 23 (d) 11 shared by the given pair of words.
(c) RV : QW (d) MA : NZ उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
Q389. Select the option that is related to बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
Q384. Select the word pair in which the the third term in the same way as the श यु के दो श ों म है |
two words are related in the same way as second term is related to the first term. Garage : Mechanic :: ?
the two words in the following word-pair. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक गेराज : िम ी :: ?
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए पहले श से संबंिधत है | (a) Labour : Factory/ िमक : कारखाना
श यु के दो श ों म है | Rainbow : Sky : : Tsunami : ? (b)Hospital:Doctor/अ ताल: िचिक क
Food : Chef :: ? इं धनुष : आसमान : : सुनामी : ? (c)Temple: Teacher/ मंिदर : िश क
भोजन : शेफ :: ? MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) (d)Teacher:School/िश क:
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) (a) Pond/ तालाब (b) Sea/ समु िव ालय
(a) Farmer : Crop/ िकसान : फसल (c) Land/ भूिम (d)Atmosphere/वायुमंडल
(b)Furniture:Wood/फन चर:लकड़ी Q395. Select the option that is related to
(c) Tailor : Clothes/ दज : कपड़े Q390. In the following question, select the third term in the same way as the
(d)Ornaments:Jeweller/गहने: जौहरी the related letters from the given second term is related to the first term
alternatives. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
Q385. In the following question, Select नीचे िदए गए म, िदए गए िवक ों म से संबंिधत उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
the related letter pair from the given अ रों का चयन कर | पद से संबंिधत है | .
alternatives. JRM : DLG :: TNL : ? JOM : KPN :: PET : ?
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (a) NHF (b) NHE (a) QFV (b) ODS
श यु के दो श ों म है | (c) MHF (d) MHE (c) QFU (d) QDU
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) Q391. Select the option that is related to Q396. Select the option that is related to
(a) RAP:TCS (b) LOD:NMF the third term in the same way as the the third term in the same way as the
(c) GAR:IYT (d) GEM:IGO second term is related to the first term. second term is related to the first term.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
Q386. Select the option that is related to उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
the third term in the same way as the पहले श से संबंिधत है |
पहले श से संबंिधत है |
second term is related to the first term. Hold : Tongs :: Dig : ?
Nest : Bird :: Palace : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक पकड़ना : िचमटा :: खोदना : ?
घोसला : प ी :: महल : ?
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
पहले श से संबंिधत है | (a) Pen/ कलम (b) Gutter/ ग ा
(a) Jeep/ जीप (b) Soldier/ सैिनक
Bricks : Wall :: Gold : ? (c) Spoon/ च च (d) Hoe/ कुदाल
(c) Big/ बड़ा (d) King/ राजा
ईंट : दीवार :: सोना : ?
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) Q392. Select the option that is related to
Q397. Select the option that is related to
(a) Ornaments / गहने (b) Metal/ धातु the third number in the same way as the
the third number in the same way as the
(c) Yellow/ पीला (d) Hard/ कठोर second number is related to the first
second number is related to the first
number. number.
Q387. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
the third number in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
second number is related to the first सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
number. 39 : 117 :: 45 : ?
31 : 963 :: 17 : ?
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 145 (b) 155
(a) 291 (b) 290

(c) 289 (d) 287 Q403. Select the option in which the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
letters share the same relationship as that ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q398. Select the option in which the shared by the given pair of letters. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
letters share the same relationship as that TG : SE :: ? 18 : 323 :: 24 : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम अ रों के बीच MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
shared by the given pair of letters.
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम अ रों के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध अ रों के िदए गए यु (a) 625 (b) 575
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध अ रों के िदए गए यु म है (c) 675 (d) 535
म है | MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
GUN : JYS :: ? (a) MA : LZ (b) LR : KT Q409. Select the option that is related to
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) KB : JZ (d) TP : UN the third term in the same way as the
(a) TOL : WSQ (b) NAP : QWU second term is related to the first term.
(c) HUB : KYH (d) SUC : VYG Q404. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
the third term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
Q399. Select the option that is related to second term is related to the first term. पहले श से संबंिधत है |
the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक Leather : Shoes :: Asphalt : ?
second term is related to the first term. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श चमड़ा : जूते :: ए ा : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक पहले श से संबंिधत है | MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श Litre : Volume :: Hectare : ? (a) Car/ कार (b) Air/ वायु
पहले श से संबंिधत है | लीटर : आयतन :: हे े यर : ? (c) Water/ जल (d) Road/ सड़क
Amphibian : Frog :: Insect : ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
उभयचर : मढक :: कीट : ? (a) Area/ े फल (b) Time/ समय Q410. Select the word pair in which the
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Mass/ मान (d) Force/ बल two words are related in the same way as
(a) Butterfly/ िततली (b)Ostrich/ शतुरमुग the two words in the following word-pair.
(c) Rat/ चूहा (d) Snake/ सां प Q405. Select the option that is related to उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
the third Letter Cluster in the same way as बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
Q400. Select the option that is related to the second Letter Cluster is related to the श यु के दो श ों के बीच है |
the third term in the same way as the first Letter Cluster. Web : Spider :: ?
second term is related to the first term. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से जाल : मकड़ी :: ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (a) Nest : Bird/ घोसला : प ी
पहले श से संबंिधत है | TOL : WRO :: GRA : ? (b) Palace : Rat/ महल : चूहा
Car : Wheel :: Clock : ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (c) Convict : Prison/ दोषिस : जेल
कार : पिहया :: घड़ी : ? (a) JUC (b) JVF (d) Den : Eskimo/ मां द : ए मो
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (c) JUD (d) JVE
(a) Second/ सेकंड (b) Hour/ घंटा Q411. Select the option that is related to
(c) Needle/ सुई (d) Circular/ वृ ाकार Q406. Select the number-pair in which the third Letter Cluster in the same way as
the two numbers are related in the same the second Letter Cluster is related to the
Q401. In the following question, select way as the two numbers in the following first Letter Cluster.
the related number from the given number-pair. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
alternatives. उस सं ा यु का चयन कर िजसम दो सं ाओं ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
इस म, िदए गए िवक ों म से संबंिधत सं ा के बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
का चयन कर | सं ा यु की दो सं ाओं के बीच है | TOK : SNJ :: LAP : ?
446 : 491 :: 963 : ? 18 : 57 :: ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (a) KAN (b) KAO
(a) 1008 (b) 1014 (a) 26 : 75 (b) 24 : 70 (c) KZO (d) LAN
(c) 1024 (d) 1018 (c) 14 : 43 (d) 28 : 87
Q412. Select the option that is related to
Q402. Select the word pair in which the Q407. Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the
two words are related in the same way as the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
the two words in the following word pair. second term is related to the first term. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श पहले श से संबंिधत है |
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | पहले श से संबंिधत है | Jute : Sack :: Wood : ?
Star : Sun :: ? Crockery : Cup :: Garment : ? जुटे : बोरी :: लकड़ी : ?
िसतारा : सूय :: ? िम ी के बतन : कप :: व : ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Furniture/ फन चर (b) Brown/ भूरा
(a) Sparrow : Bird/ गौरै या : प ी (a) Rat/ चूहा (b)Shopkeeper/ दु कानदार (c) Plastic/ ा क (d) Hard/ कठोर
(b) Animal : Wild/ पशु : वन (c) Shop/ दु कान (d)Trouser/ पजामा
(c) Venus : Hot/ शु : गम Q413. Select the option that is related to
(d) Planet : Mars/ ह : मंगल Q408. Select the option that is related to the third Letter Cluster in the same way as
the third number in the same way as the the second Letter Cluster is related to the
second number is related to the first first Letter Cluster.
number. 27
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (a) JAN : LCL (b) ORF : QPH
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | (c) TUE : VWG (d) AND : CLB
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) Q424. Select the option that is related to
(a) OMRY (b) PMSZ (a) RTJW (b) SUKX the third term in the same way as the
(c) PNSZ (d) OLRY (c) RUJW (d) SVRX second term is related to the first term.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
Q414. Select the option that is related to Q419. Select the option that is related to उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
the third term in the same way as the the third number in the same way as the पहले श से संबंिधत है |
second term is related to the first term. second number is related to the first Plate : Utensils :: Car : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक number. ेट : बतन :: कार : ?
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
पहले श से संबंिधत है | ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) Driver/ चालक (b)Vehicle/ वाहन
Film : Producer :: Poem : ? सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है (c) Tyre/ टायर (d) Bike/ बाइक
िफ : िनमाता :: किवता : ? 95 : 141 :: 87 : ?
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) Q425. Select the option that is related to
(a) Director/ िनदशक (b)Actor/अिभनेता (a) 147 (b) 137 the third Letter Cluster in the same way as
(c) Poet/ किव (d) Cobbler/ मोची (c) 133 (d) 127 the second Letter Cluster is related to the
first Letter Cluster.
Q415. Select the option that is related to Q420. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
the third number in the same way as the the third number in the same way as the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
second number is related to the first second number is related to the first अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
number. number. ROL : URO :: TAG : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) XEL (b) XEK
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है (c) WEJ (d) WDJ
596 : 965 :: 824 : ? 14 : 68 :: 16 : ?
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q426. Select the word pair in which the
(a) 248 (b) 408 (a) 87 (b) 78 (c) 95 (d) 26 two words are related in the same way as
(c) 418 (d) 258 the two words in the following word-pair.
Q421. Select the option that is related to उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
Q416. Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term. श यु के दो श ों के बीच है |
second term is related to the first term. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक Arc : Circle :: ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श चाप : वृ :: ?
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श पहले श से संबंिधत है | MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
पहले श से संबंिधत है | Court : Tennis :: Rink : ? (a) Watch : Needle/ घड़ी : सूई
Season : Winter :: Figure : ? कोट : टे िनस :: रं क : ? (b) House : Room/ घर : कमरा
ऋतु : सद :: आकृित : ? MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Blade : Sofa/ ेड : सोफा
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Golf/ गो (b) Skating/ े िटं ग (d) Tyre : Bike/ टायर : बाइक
(a) Diagonal/ िवकण (b) Angle/ कोण (c) Cricket/ ि केट (d) Chess/ शतरं ज
(c) Triangle/ ि भुज (d) Sides/ भुजाएँ
Q427. Select the option that is related to
Q422. Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the
Q417. Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term.
the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term. उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथी सं ा से ठीक
second term is related to the first term. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहली सं ा
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श तीसरी सं ा से संबंिधत है
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श पहले श से संबंिधत है | 16 : 272 :: ? : 380
पहले श से संबंिधत है | Green : Colour :: Cricket : ? MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
Cold : Refrigerator :: Hot : ? हरा : रं ग :: ि केट : ? (a) 17 (b) 19 (c) 21 (d) 23
शीतल : रे ीिजरे टर :: गम : ? MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) (a) Ball/ गद (b) Bat/ ब ा
Q428. Select the option that is related to
(a) Paper/ कागज़ (b) Cold/ ठं डा (c) Game/ खेल (d) Hockey/ हॉकी
the fourth term in the same way as the
(c) Oven/ ओवन (d) AC/ एसी
first term is related to the second term.
Q423. Select the option in which the उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे अ र समूह से
Q418. Select the option that is related to letters share the same relationship as that ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला
the third Letter Cluster in the same way as shared by the given pair of letters. अ र समूह तीसरे अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
the second Letter Cluster is related to the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से DFIM : CEHL :: ? : KMPT
first Letter Cluster. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
(a) LNUQ (b) LNQU
ROJ : TQL :: ?
(c) JLOS (d) UVWL

PECL : OFHS : : QTJM : ? Q440. Select the option that is related to

Q429. ‘Furniture’ is related to the MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) the third letter-cluster in the same way as
‘Carpenter’in the same way as ‘Cloth’ is (a) PNVT (b) ONVS the second letter-cluster is related to the
related to the _______. (c) PMWT (d) OMWS first letter-cluster.
‘फन चर’ का ‘बढ़ई’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
संबंध ‘व ’ का _____ से है | Q435. Select the set in which the numbers ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) are related in the same way as are the अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
(a) Butcher/ कसाई (b) Cobbler/ मोची numbers of the following set. HKRC : ENOF : : SRYK : ?
(c) Tailor/ दज (d) Blacksmith/ लोहार उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ है । (a) OTVM (b) PVUN
Q430. ‘Candle’ is related to the ‘Wick’ in 5, 30, 40 (c) PUVN (d) OUVM
the same way as ‘Pen’ is related to the MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
_______. (a) 4, 25, 32 (b) 6, 42, 49 Q441. Select the option that is related to
‘मोमब ी’ का ‘ब ी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (c) 8, 72, 88 (d) 7, 56, 77 the third letter-cluster in the same way as
संबंध ‘कलम’ का _____ से है | the second letter-cluster is related to the
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Q436. Select the option that is related to first letter-cluster.
(a) Pencil/ पिसल (b) Nib/ नोक the third number in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
(c) Inkpot/दवात (d)Light/ काश second number is related to the first ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
number. अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
Q431. Jharkhand’ is related to ‘State’ in उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से KSJ:MUL::RCU:?
the same way as ‘Lakshwadweep’ is ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
related to ‘_________’. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है (a) TDV (b) TEV
‘झारखंड’ का ‘रा ’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो 17 : 306 : : 21 : ? (c) UEW (d) TEW
संबंध ‘ल ीप’ का ______ से है | MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 459 (b) 462 Q442. Select the set in which the numbers
(a) Punjab/ पंजाब (c) 460 (d) 464 are related in the same way as are the
(b)Union Territory/ क शािसत दे श numbers of the following set:
(c) Ranchi/ रां ची Q437. ‘Magician’ is related to ‘Magic’ in उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम नंबर उसी तरह से
(d) District/ िजला the same way as ‘Joker’ is related to संबंिधत ह जैसे िन िल खत सेट की सं ाएँ ह:
‘_________’. 46,92,69
Q432. Select the word pair in which the ‘जादू गर’ का ‘जादू ’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
two words are related in the same way as ‘जोकर’ का ______ से है | (a) 56, 78, 60 (b) 48, 82, 63
the two words in the following word-pair. MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) (c) 50, 88, 59 (d) 34, 72, 53
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (a) Ball/ गद (b) Movie/ मूवी
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (c) Comedy/ कॉमेडी (d) Stage/ मंच Q443. Select the word-pair in which the
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | two words are related in the same way as
Skin : Eczema Q438. Select the set in which the numbers are the two words in the following
चा : खुजली are related in the same way as are the word-pair.
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) numbers of the following set. उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के
(a)Kidney: Diabetics/ गुद : मधुमेह उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
(b)Lungs:Oxygen/फेफड़े :ऑ ीजन संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह। श यु के दो श ों के बीच है
(c)Eyes:Cataracts/ने :मोितयािबंद 7, 18, 126 Toad:Amphibian
(d) Heart : Blood/ दय : र MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) मढक : उभयचर
(a) 12, 80, 320 (b) 8, 21, 148 MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Q433. Select the option that is related to (c) 10, 20, 200 (d) 11, 30, 340 (a) Snail : Amphibian/ घोंघा : उभयचर
the third number in the same way as the (b) Crab : Amphibian/ केकड़ा : उभयचर
second number is related to the first Q439. Select the word-pair in which the (c) Squirrel : Reptile/ िगलहरी : सरीसृप
number. two words are related in the same way as (d) Tortoise : Reptile/ कछु आ : सरीसृप
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से are the two words in the following
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी word-pair. Q444. ‘Creative’ is related to ‘Innovative’
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के in the same way as ‘Clear’ is related
12 : 121 : : 10 : ? बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए to’’____’.
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | ‘रचना क’ का ‘अिभनव’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
(a) 64 (b) 81 (c) 112 (d) 91 Phone : Telecommunication / फ़ोन : संबंध ‘ ’ का _____ से है |
दू रसंचार MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Q434. Select the option that is related to MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) (a)Opaque/अपारदश
the third letter-cluster in the same way as (a)Newspaper:Magazine/ समाचार प : (b)Transparent/पारदश
the second letter-cluster is related to the पि का (c) Covered/ ढका आ
first letter-cluster. (b) Bus : Transportation/ बस : प रवहन (d) Smooth/िचकनी
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (c) Refrigerator : Snow/ रे ीिजरे टर : बफ
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (d) Geyser : Water/ गीजर : पानी Q445. Select the option that is related to
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है the third number in the same way as the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

second number is related to the first ‘नागालड’ का ‘रा ’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
number संबंध ‘दि ण अमे रका’ का ____ से है | Q456. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) the third term in the same way as the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) Continent/ महा ीप (b) Land/ भूिम second term is related to the first term.
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है (c) Country/ दे श (d) Capital/ राजधानी उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
10 : 1010 :: 11 : ? उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) Q451. Select the option that is related to पहले श से संबंिधत है
(a) 1342 (b) 1331 the third number in the same way as the BUCKET :DSEIGR : : BONUS : ?
(c) 1352 (d) 1351 second number is related to the first MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
number. (a) DPMSU (b) DMSPU
Q446. Select the set in which the numbers उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से (c) DMPSU (d) DSPUM
are related in the same way as are the ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
numbers of the following set. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है Q457. Select the option that is related to
उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से 225 : 210 : : 324 : ? the third number in the same way as the
संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ है । MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) second number is related to the first
17, 85, 425 (a) 256 (b) 290 number.
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 316 (d) 306 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
(a) 15, 75, 300 (b) 18, 108, 440 ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(c) 21, 105, 525 (d) 16, 80, 320 Q452. Select the option that is related to सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
the third letter-cluster in the same way as 735 : 612 ∷ 476 : ?
Q447. Select the option that is related to the second letter-cluster is related to the MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
the third number in the same way as the first letter-cluster. (a) 353 (b) 336
second number is related to the first उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (c) 343 (d) 432
number. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है Q458. Select the option that is related to
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी TKJR : VNNW : : GXMQ : ? the third term in the same way as the
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) second term is related to the first term.
4 : 41 : : 7 : ? (a) HARV (b) JBQV उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) IAQV (d) IZPV उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
(a) 111 (b) 114 पहले श से संबंिधत है |
(c) 113 (d) 112 Q453. 'School’ is related to ‘Study’ in the Jasmine : White ∷ Sunflower : ?
same way as ‘Restaurant’ is related to चमेली : सफ़ेद :: सूयमुखी : ?
Q448. Select the option that is related to ‘________’. MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
the third letter-cluster in the same way as ‘िव ालय’ का ‘अ यन’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (a) Indigo/ नील (b) Yellow/ पीली
the second letter-cluster is related to the संबंध ‘रे ोरट’ का ______ से है | (c) Violet / बगनी (d) Pink/ गुलाबी
first letter-cluster. MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से (a) Waiter/ वेटर (b)Eat/ खाना Q459. Select the option that is related to
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (c) Vegetables/ स याँ (d)Menu/ मेनू the third Letter Cluster in the same way as
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है | the second Letter Cluster is related to the
BTU : JBC : : HLA : ? Q454. Select the word-pair in which the first Letter Cluster.
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) two words are related in the same way as उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से
(a) OTH (b) PSH are the two words in the following ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
(c) PTI (d) OTI word-pair. अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के BDHP : CFJT : : PHDB : ?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
Q449. Select the word-pair in which the बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | (a) BSWN (b) HWSH
two words are related in the same way as
Gallon : Volume/ गैलन : आयतन (c) HSWH (d) QJFF
are the two words in the following
word-pair. MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
उस श यु का चयन कर िजसम दो श ों के (a) Mile : Distance/ मील : दू री Q460. Find the correct option that can
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए (b) Light : Power/ काश : श complete the analogy.
श यु के दो श ों के बीच है | (c) Minute : Seconds/ िमनट : सेकंड सही िवक का चयन कर जो इस सा ता को
Bird : Nest / प ी : घोसला (d) Yards : Weight/ याड : वज़न पूण कर सकता है |
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) ? : Music :: Calculator : Calculation
(a) Rabbit : Burrow/ खरगोश : िबल ? : संगीत :: कैलकुलेटर : गणना
Q455. Select the set in which the numbers
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Lion : Hole/ शेर : िछ are related in the same way as are the
(a) Violin/ वायिलन (b) Bird/ प ी
(c) Shed : Cow/ कुिटया : गाया numbers of the following set. (c) Notebook/ नोटबुक (d) Phone/ फ़ोन
(d) Bear : Stable/ भालू : अ बल उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह।
Q461. Select the option that is related to
Q450. ‘Nagaland’ is related to ‘State’ in 6, 37, 217
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) the third letter-cluster in the same way as
the same way as ‘South America’ is
(a) 7, 48, 284 (b) 5, 26, 124 the second letter-cluster is relates to the
related to ‘_______’.
(c) 4, 17, 65 (d) 10, 100, 1002 first letter-cluster

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से Q467. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा the third term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है second term is related to the first term. पद से संबंिधत है
AhbH : HbhA :: YfgT : ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र समूह से 4 : 60 :: 5 : ?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) YfgT (b) TfgY अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है (a) 116 (b) 120
(c) YgfT (d) TgfY GP:NH::ET:? (c) 115 (d) 110
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
Q462. Select the option that is related to (a) JK (b) HJ (c) JJ (d) JL Q473.‘Eraser’ is related to the 'Stationery'
the third term in the same way as the in the same way as 'Saucer' is related to
second term is related to the first term. Q468. Select the option that is related to '______'.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक the third term in the same way as the ‘रबड़’ का ‘लेखन साम ी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श second term is related to the first term. संबंध ‘त री’ का ______ से है |
पहले श से संबंिधत है | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Austria : Vienna :: Jordan : ? उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श (a) Tea / चाय
ऑ या : िवएना :: जॉडन : ? पहले श से संबंिधत है | (b) Table/ मेज
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Genuine: Authentic :: Mirage : ? (c) Football / फुटबॉल
(a) Syria/ सी रया (b) Amman/ ओमान वा िवक : ामािणक :: मृगतृ ा : ? (d) Crockery/िम ी के बतन
(c) Arab/ अरब (d) Lebanon/ लेबनान MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) Reflection/ परावतन (b)Image / ितिबंब Q474. Select the option that is related to
Q463. Select the option that is related to (c) Illusion/ म (d) Hideout / शरण the third term in the same way as the
the third number in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
second number is related to the first Q469. ‘Lion’ is related to ‘Cub’ in the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
number. same way as 'Cow’ is related to _____. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से ‘शेर’ का ‘शावक’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध पहले श से संबंिधत है
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी ‘गाय’ का _____ से है | AJET:CHGR:: GKQN:?
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
9 : 28 :: 56 : ? (a) Calf/ बछड़ा (a) ISIL (b) SIIL
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Lamb / मेमना (c) IISL (d) IILS
(a) 3 (b) 112 (c) 169 (d) 18 (c) Foal/ घोड़े का ब ा
(d) Joey/ पशु शावक Q475. Select the option that is related to
Q464. Find the correct option that can the third term, in the same way as the
complete the analogy. Q470. Select the option that is related to second term is related to the first term.
सही िवक का चयन कर जो इस सा ता को the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
पूण कर सकता है | second term is उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
Kiln:Bricks::?:Bread पद से संबंिधत है
related to the first term.
भ ी : ईंट :: ? : ेड 64 : 512 :: 144 : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
(a) Bakery/ बेकरी पद से संबंिधत है (a) 1728 (b) 1618
(b)Distillery/म शाला 147:159∷167:? (c) 1788 (d) 1548
(c) Shop/ दु कान MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
(d) Diary/ डे यरी (a) 276 (b) 143 Q476. Select the option that is related to
(c) 176 (d) 181 the third term in the same way as the
Q465. Select the option that is related to second term is related to the first term.
the third term in the same way as the Q471. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
second term is related to the first term. the Fourth term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से पहले श से संबंिधत है |
first term is related to the second term.
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी Teacher : Student :: Doctor : ?
उस िवक का चयन कर, जो चौथे पद से उसी
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है िश क : छा :: िचिक क : ?
कार संबंिधत है जैसे िक पहला पद दू सरे पद से
6:2::8:? संबंिधत है । MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Patient/ मरीज
Pinna : Ears :: ? : Eyes
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 1 िप ा: कान ::?: आं ख (b) Coat/ कोट
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Stethoscope/ े थो ोप
Q466. Find the correct option that can (a) Cornea / कॉिनया (d) Hospital/ अ ताल
complete the analogy. (b) Corns / कॉ
सही िवक का चयन कर जो इस सा ता को (c) Anvil / एनिवल Q477. Select the option that is related to
पूण कर सकता है |
(d) Vision / ि the third term inthe same way as the
Tailor:SewingMachine:: Farmer: ?
second term is related to the first term.
दरजी : िसलाई मशीन :: िकसान : ?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) Q472. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
the third term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
(a) Crops/ फसल (b) Fields/ खेत
second term is related to the first term. पद से संबंिधत है
(c) Plough/ हल (d) Seed/ बीज
MRW : JOT :: QGP : ?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) 31
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) OGN (b) NPO Q483. Select the set in which the numbers Q489. Select the option that is related to
(c) NGM (d) NDM are related in the same way as are the the third term in the same way as the
numbers of the following set. second term is related to the first term.
Q478. Select the option that is related to उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
the third term in the same way as the संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह। उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
second term is related to the first term. (4,9, 37) पहले श से संबंिधत है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Letter : Word :: Sentence : ?
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श (a) (9,19,77) (b) (5,12,46) अ र : श :: वा : ?
पहले श से संबंिधत है | (c) (6,13,51) (d) (7,15,62) MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
Man : Boy :: Dog : ? (a)Digit/ अंक
मनु : लड़का :: कु ा : ? Q484. Select the option that is related to (b) Number/ सं ा
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) the third term in the same way as the (c)Paragraph/अनु े द
(a) Puppy/ िप ा (b) Cub/ शावक second term is related to the first term. (d)Equation/ समीकरण
(c) Kennel/ कु ा-घर (d)Bitch/ कुितया उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले Q490. Select the option that is related to
Q479. Select the option that is related to पद से संबंिधत है the third term in the same way as the
the letter-cluster in the same way as the 35:34::76:? second term is related to the first term.
second letter-cluster is related to the first MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत
letter-cluster. (a) 42 (b) 62 (c) 85 (d) 80 है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है ।
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक Dictionary:Words::Atlas:?
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले Q485. ‘Cattle’ is related to ‘Herd’ in the श कोश: श :: एटलस:?
पद से संबंिधत है same way as ‘Player’ is related to MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
DBZ:WUS::PNL:? _______. (a) Dates/तारीख
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) ‘मवेिशयों’ का ‘झुंड’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (b) Phone Numbers/फोन नंबर
(a) JIG (b) JHF संबंध ‘ खलािड़यों’ का ______ से है | (c) Food Items/खा पदाथ
(c) IFC (d) IGE MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (d) Maps/मानिच
(a) Medal/ पदक
Q480. Select the option that is related to (b) Gang/ गुट Q491. Select the option that is related to
the third number on the same basis as the (c) Team/ टीम the third term in the same way as the
second number is related to the first (d)Tournament/ ितयोिगता second term is related to the first term.
number. उस िवक का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक Q486. Select the option that is related to म अगले थान पर आएगा |
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले the third in the same way as the second BDF : GIK :: MOQ : ?
पद से संबंिधत है term is related to the first term. MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
7:42::9:? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे से संबंिधत है (a) RTU (b) RSV
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) उसी तरह दू सरा श पहले श से संबंिधत है । (c) QPR (d) RTV
(a)81 (b)90 (c)49 (d)72 SHOW:OWHS::FOUL:?
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q492. Select the option that is related to
Q481. Choose the word from the given (a) ULOF (b) UOFL the third number on the same basis as the
options that is similar to the given words (c) ULFO (d) UFOL second number is related to the first
and hence belongs to the same group. number.
िदए गए िवक ों म से वह श चुन जो िदए गए Q487. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
श ों के समान हो और इसिलए उसी समूह से the third term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
संबंिधत हो। second term is related to the first term. पद से संबंिधत है
Cat, Dog , Goat उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे से संबंिधत है 2.5 : 0.0025 :: 3.6
िब ी, कु ा, बकरी उसी तरह दू सरा श पहले श से संबंिधत है । MTS 21/08/2019(Morning)
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (a) 0.0036 (b) 0.00036
(a) Lion/शेर (b) Leopard/तदु आ MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 0.036 (d) 0.36
(c) Cheetah/चीता (d) Cow/गाय (a) bPP (b) EEA
(c) ppp (d) BBp Q493. If O=1 and E=17, and OPEN=46,
Q482. Select the option that is related to then PAINTER=______.
the third word in the same way as the Q488. Select the option that is related to यिद O = 1 , E = 17 और OPEN = 46 ,तो
second word is related to the first word. the third term in the same way as the PAINTER = ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक second term is related to the first term. MTS 21/08/2019(Morning)
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (a) 89 (b) 85 (c) 84 (d) 92
पहले श से संबंिधत है
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है ।
Orange: Saffron:: Blue
342:18::156:? Q494. Select the term that will come next
नारं गी : भगवा रं ग:: नीला : ?
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) in the following series.
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 5 (b) 14 (c) 11 (d) 12 उस श का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
(a) Lavender/ लैवडर (b) Violet/ बगनी
अगले थान पर आएगा |
(c) Olive / जैतून (d)Turquoise/िफरोजा
पासा : घन :: पृ ी : ?

MTS 21/08/2019(Morning) (a) 115 (b) 105 (c) 95 (d) 85 ITEM : METI : : ACHE : ?
(a)Universe/ ा (b)Moon/ चं मा MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) Sun/ सूय (d)Sphere/ गोला Q501. Select the option that is related to (a) HECA (b) EHAC
the third word in the same way as the first (c) EHCA (d) CEHA
Q495. Select the option that is related to word is related to the second.
the third word in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से Q507. Select the set in which the numbers
second word is related to the first word. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी are related in the same way as are the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है numbers of the following set.
तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले श से Spoon : Fork :: Plate : ? उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से
संबंिधत है । च च : कां टा :: ेट : ? संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह।
King: Palace :: Lion:? MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (13, 29,89)
राजा: महल :: शेर:? (a) Cooker/ कूकर MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 21/08/2019(Morning) (b) Pan / तवा (a) (8, 19, 61) (b) (7, 23, 49)
(a) Den /मां द (b) Cub/शावक (c) Stove / ोव (c) (11, 25, 77) (d) (5,13,40)
(c) Forest /वन (d) Lioness /शेरनी (d) Bowl/ कटोरी
Q508. Select the option that is related to
Q496. Select the option that is related to Q502. From the given alternative, select the fourth term in the same way as the
the third letter in the same way as the the word which is similar to the given second term is related to the first term.
second letter is related to the first letter. word and hence belongs to the same उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे श से ठीक
उस िवक का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला group. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
म अगले थान पर आएगा िदए गए िवक म से, उस श का चयन कर जो पहले श से संबंिधत है
ACE:IKM::QSU:? िदए गए श के समान है और इसिलए उसी समूह Water: Hydrogen oxide:: ? : Sodium
MTS 21/08/2019(Morning) से संबंिधत है । chloride
(a) YBD (b) YAB Cucumber, Pumpkin, Carrots जल : हाइडोजन ऑ ाइड :: ? :सोिडयम
(c) YAC (d) YZB ककड़ी, कद् दू , गाजर ोराइड
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
Q497. Select the term that will come next (a) Mango / आम (b) Apple / सेव (a) Vinegar/ िसरका
in the following series. (c) Cherry / चेरी (d) Potatoes / आलू (b) Limestone/ चूनाप र
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला (c) Common salt/ साधारण नमक
म अगले थान पर आएगा | Q503. Select the option that is related to (d) Baking soda/ बेिकंग सोडा
CIN : GMR :: LUV : ? the third word in the same way as the first
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) word is related to the second. Q509. ‘Fish’ is related to ‘School’ in the
(a) PYZ (b) RZA उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से same way as ‘Birds’ is related to
(c) SZA (d) QXY ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी ‘________’.
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है । ‘मछली’ का ‘झुंड’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
Q498. Select the term that will come next ZB : AY :: HJ : ? ‘पि यों’ का ____ से है |
in the following series. MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 22/08/ 2019 (Morning)
उस श का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म (a)QN (b) SP (c) QP (d) SQ (a) Army/ सेना
अगले थान पर आएगा | (b) Parliament/ संसद
Cockroach : Nymph :: Sheep : ? Q504. If L=15 and A=26, and JAIL=76, (c)Convocation/दी ां त समारोह
कॉकरोच : िन फ :: भेड़ : ? then THEIF = _________. (d) Flock/ झुंड
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) यिद L = 15 और A = 26, और JAIL = 76, तो
(a) Calf/ बछड़ा (b) Lamb/ मेमना THEIF = _________. Q510. Select the option that is related to
(c) Colt/बछे ड़ा (d) Larva/ लावा MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) the third number in the same way as the
(a) 95 (b) 88 (c) 74 (d) 87 second number is related to the first
Q499. Select the term that will come number.
next in the following series. Q505. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
उस िवक का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला the third word in the same way as the first ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
म अगले थान पर आएगा | word is related to the second. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है
Day : Night :: Dawn : ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से 7 : 98 :: 11 :?
िदन : रात :: भोर : ? ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी MTS 22/08/ 2019 (Morning)
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है । (a) 242 (b) 290
(a) Morning / सुबह 625 : 529 :: 1225 : ? (c) 190 (d) 230
(b) Dusk / सां झ MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Sunset/ सूया (a)1155 (b)1156 Q511. Select the option that is related to
(d) Sunrise / सूय दय (c) 1190 (d)1089 the third term in the same way as the
second term is related to the first term.
Q500. Select the term that will come next Q506. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
in the following series. the third term in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
उस िवक का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला second term is related to the first term. पद से संबंिधत है
म अगले थान पर आएगा | उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक 125 : 27 :: 216 : ?
52 : 65 :: 76 : ? उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले MTS 22 August 2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) पद से संबंिधत है (a) 342 (b) 8 33
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 64 (d) 100 Q517. Select the option that is related to (73, 78, 93)
the third term in the same way as the CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
Q512. Select the option that is related to second term is related to the first term. (a) (29, 34, 39) (b) (23, 33, 38)
the third word in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (c) (145, 150, 165) (d) (67, 72, 82)
second word is related to the firstword. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक पद से संबंिधत है Q523. Select the option in which the
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श 841 : 29 :: 484 : ? words share the same relationship as that
पहले श से संबंिधत है | MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) shared by the given pair of words.
Bangladesh : Taka :: Greece : ? (a) 24 (b) 22 (c) 28 (d) 32 उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
बां ादे श : टका :: ीस : ? ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
MTS 22 August 2019 (Afternoon) Q518. Select the option that is related to म है |
(a) Euro/ यूरो (b) Yuan/ युआन the third term in the same way as the Wheel : Spoke/ पिहया : ित ी
(c) Dinar/ दीनार (d) Pound/ पौंड second term is related to the first term. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (a) Table : Chair/ मेज : कुस
Q513. Select the option that is related to है उसी तरह दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । (b) House : Room/ घर : कमरा
the third term in the same way as the Moo : Cow :: neigh : ? (c) Star: Galaxy/ िसतारा : आकाशगंगा
second term is related to the first term. MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Chapter : Book/ अ ाय : िकताब
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक (a) Owl /उ ू (b) Wolf /भेिड़या
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श (c) Horse /घोड़ा (d) Bear /भालू Q524. Select the option that is related to
पहले श से संबंिधत है the third term in the same way as the
KP : OT :: TH : ? SSC CPO 2019 TIER I second term is related to the first term.
MTS 22 August 2019 (Afternoon)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
(a) ZM (b) WF उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
Q519. Select the option that is related to
(c) YM (d) XL पद से संबंिधत है |
the fourth term in the same way as the
first term is related to the second term. Ballet : Choreographer :: Clothes : ?
Q514. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे पद से ठीक बैले : नृ िनदशक :: व : ?
the third word in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला पद दू सरे CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
second word is related to the first word. पद से संबंिधत है | (a) Tailor/ दरजी
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी QMDFEHKNJ : FDMQVJNKH :: ? : (b) Printer/ काशक
तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले श से HELIOPTER (c) Shopkeeper/ दु कानदार
संबंिधत है । CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) (d) Producer/ उ ादक
Famous : Noted::Anger : ? (a) ILEHOERTP (b) ILEHLRETP
िस : ात :: ोध : ?
(c) ILEHORETP (d) LIEHLREPT Q525. Select the option in which the
MTS 22 August 2019 (Afternoon)
numbers share the same relationship as
(a) Sad / उदास (b) Happy / खुश
Q520. ‘Greedy’ is related to ‘Generous’ that shared by the given pair of numbers.
(c) Quiet / शां त (d) Dander / गु ा
in the same way as ‘Vindictive’ is related उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच
to: ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
Q515. Select the option that is related to यु म है |
‘लालची’ का ‘दानी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
the third term in the same way as the ‘ ितशोधी’ का ______ से है | 76 : 171
second term is related to the first term. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) Merciful/ दयालु (a) 24:39 (b) 52:115
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) 28:63 (d) 62:135
(b) Revengeful/ ितिहं सक
पद से संबंिधत है
(c) Inimical/श ुवत
LSX : NUZ :: GKQ : ?
(d) apathetic/ उदासीन Q526. Select the option in which the
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
words share the same relationship as that
(a) IMS (b) JNP
Q521. Select the option that is related to shared by the given pair of words.
(c) JMS (d) INP
the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
second term is related to the first term. ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
Q516. Select the option that is related to म है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
the third term in the same way as the Lotus : Flower/ कमल : पु
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
second term is related to the first term. पद से संबंिधत है | CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक AOE : FUJ :: RKT : ? (a) Furniture : wood/ फन चर : लकड़ी
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श (b) Rial : Currency/ रयाल : मु ा
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
पहले श से संबंिधत है |
(a) WQY (b) WOY (c) Paper : Book/ कागज़ : पु क
Scientist : Laboratory :: Teacher : ?
(c) VOY (d) VQX (d) Metal : Copper/ धातु : तां बा
वै ािनक : योगशाला :: िश क : ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
Q522. Select the option in which the Q527. Select the option that is related to
(a) Students/ छा (b) Knowledge/ ान
number shares the same relationship as the fifth number in the same way as the
(c) Education/ िश ा (d) School/ िव ालय
that shared by the given pair of numbers. second number is related to the first
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच number and the fourth number is related
वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए समूह to the third number.
म है |

उस िवक का चयन कर जो पाँ चवीं सं ा से CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a) Mill/ िमल (b) Skirt/ ट
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) Unicorn/ घोड़ा (c) Design/ िडजाईन (d) Yarn/ सूत
सं ा पहली सं ा से एवं चौथी सं ा तीसरी (b)Bat/ चमगादड़
सं ा से संबंिधत है | (c) Sparrow/ गौरै या Q538 Select the option that is related to
9 : 102 :: 11 : 146 :: 13 : ? (d) Shark/ शाक the third term in the same way as the
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
second term is related to the first term.
(a) 198 (b) 171
Q533. Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
(c) 175 (d) 200 उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
the fifth number in the same way as the
second number is related to the first पहले श से संबंिधत है |
Q528.Select the option that is related to Camel : Howdah :: Horse : ?
number and the fourth number is related
the fifth number in the same way as the to the third number. ऊंट : हौदा : : घोड़ा : ?
second number is related to the first उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चवी सं ा से CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
number and the fourth number is related ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) Hoof / खुर (b) Saddle / काठी
to the third number सं ा पहली सं ा से और चौथी सं ा तीसरी (c) Chariot / रथ (d) Seat/ सीट
उस िवक का चयन कर जो पाँ चवीं सं ा से सं ा से संबंिधत है |
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी 10 : 142 :: 17 : 359 :: 21 : ? Q539.Select the word from the given
सं ा पहली सं ा से एवं चौथी सं ा तीसरी CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) options that is similar to the given words
सं ा से संबंिधत है | (a) 525 (b) 576 hence belong to the same group.
31: 3 :: 75 : 35 :: 54: ? (c) 529 (d) 527 िदए गए िवक ों म से उस श का चयन कर जो
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) िदए गए श ों के समान है और इसिलए इसी समूह
(a) 19 (b) 9 (c) 20 (d) 21 म आता है |
Q534 Select the option that is related to
the third term in the same way as the Squeak : Quack : Cackle
Q529. Select the option that is related to second term is related to the first term. िकिकयाना : े क : कुडकुडाना
the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
second term is related to the first term. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (a) Speak/ बोलना (b) Croak /टरटराना
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक पद से संबंिधत है | (c) Noise/ शोर (d) Sound/ िन
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले SUNDAY : RWKHVE :: ANNUAL : ?
श से संबंिधत है | Q540. Select the option that is related to
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
SPORTS : 214 :: SOCIAL : ? the fourth term in the same way as the
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
(c) ZPKYVR (d) BPKYVQ first term is related to the second term.
(a) 118 (b)116 उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे श से ठीक
(c) 60 (d) 120 उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला श
Q535 Select the option in which the
दू सरे श से संबंिधत है |
numbers share the same relationship as
Q 530 Select the option in which the NRGLEDGLLQ : MOTIVATION :: ? :
that shared by the given set of numbers.
numbers share the same relationship as DEMEANOURS
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
that shared by the given pair of numbers. वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की सं ाओं CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच म है | (a) WHMHZQLWIV
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु की (b) WHNIYOLXIV
(9, 28, 85)
सं ाओं म है | CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (c) WHNHZQLXIV
63 : 72 (a) (7, 22, 67) (b)(11,34, 102) (d) WHHNZLQXIV
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
(c) (14, 52, 156) (d) (3, 12, 37)
(a) 112 : 144 (b) 188 : 216 Q541. Select the option that is related to
(c) 161 : 184 (d) 152 : 133
Q536 Select the option in which the the third term in the same way as the
words share the same relationship as that second term is related to the first term.
Q531 Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
shared by the given pair of words.
the third number in the same way as the उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
second number is related to the first वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए श ों के यु म है | पद से संबंिधत है |
number. Food : Chef / भोजन : खानसामा Bricks: House :: Twigs: ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) ईंट : घर :: टहिनयाँ : ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Painter : Painting / िच कार : िच
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | (a) Wood/ लकड़ी (b) Fire/ आग
(b) Farmer : Field / िकसान : खेत
289 : 324 :: 441 : ? (c) Nest/ घोंसला (d) Tree/ वृ
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
(c) Film : Producer/ िफ : िनमाता
(d) Hospital : Doctor / अ ताल : िचिक क
(a) 529 (b) 484 Q542.Select the option in which the
(c) 401 (d) 483 numbers share the same relationship as
Q537 Select the option that is related to
the third term in the same way as the that shared by the given pairs of numbers.
Q532. Select the word from the given उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
second term is related to the first term.
options that is similar to the given words ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
and hence belong to the same group. यु म है |
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
िदए गए िवक ों म से उस श का चयन कर जो 72:108
पहले श से संबंिधत है |
िदए गए श ों के समान है और इसिलए इसी समूह CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
Wall : Brick :: Fabric : ?
म आता है | (a) 36:57 (b) 92:153
दीवार : ईंट :: कपड़ा : ?
Eagle, Ostrich, Kiwi / चील, शतुरमुग, िकवी (c) 84:126 (d) 90:136
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) 35
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q.543.Select the option that is related to Q.548.‘Moisten’ is related to ‘Drench’ in ULJ : POO :: ? : KRT
the fifth number in the same way as the the same way as ‘Prick’ is related to: CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
second number is related to the first ‘गीला’ का ‘सराबोर’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (a) PIO (b) FMO
number and the fourth number is related संबंध ‘चुभन’ का ____ से है | (c) FIY (d) PIY
to the third number. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चवी सं ा से (a) Pin/ िपन (b) Knife/ चाक़ू Q554. Select the option in which the
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (c) Scratch/ खंरोच (d) Stab/ आवेग number set shares the same relationship
सं ा पहली सं ा से और चौथी सं ा तीसरी as that shared by the given number set.
सं ा से संबंिधत है | Q549 Select the option that is related to उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
121 : 145 :: 49 : 65 :: 169 : ? the third number in the same way as the ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) second number is related to the first समूह म है |
(a) 197 (b) 196 number. (101, 106, 131)
(c) 198 (d) 193 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) (29, 34, 39) (b) (123, 128, 153)
Q.544.Select the option that is related to सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | (c) (170, 202, 137) (d) (419, 424, 437)
the third term in the same way as the 428 : 717 :: 236 : ?
second term is related to the first term. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) Q555. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) 713 (b) 349 the fifth number in the same way as the
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) 339 (d) 249 second number is related to the first
पद से संबंिधत है | number and the fourth number is related
7/50 : 9/82 :: 13/170 : ? Q550. Select the option that is related to to the third number.
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) the third term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चवी सं ा से
(a) 15/225 (b) 225 second term is related to the first term. / ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
(c) 15/224 (d) 15/226 उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक सं ा पहली सं ा से और चौथी सं ा तीसरी
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श सं ा से संबंिधत है |
Q545. Select the options in which the पहले श से संबंिधत है | 19 : 23 :: 11 : 13 :: 7 : ?
numbers do NOT share the same Field : Farmer :: Observatory : ? CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
relationship as that shared by the given खेत : िकसान : : वेधशाला : ? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) 11
pair of numbers CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) Telescope/ टे िल ोप Q556. Select the option in which the
ठीक वही संबंध नहीं है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए (b) Astronomer/ अंत र या ी numbers share the same relationship as
गए समूह म है | (c) Astronaut / खगोलिवद that shared by the given pair of numbers
(23, 115, 207) (d) Stars / िसतारे उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
(a) (8, 35, 72) (b) (6, 30, 54) Q551. Select the option that is related to यु म है |
(c) (16, 80, 144) (d) (21, 105, 189) the third term in the same way as the 56 - 63
second term is related to the first term. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
Q.546.Select the option in which the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (a) 154 - 171 (b) 104 - 117
words share the same relationship as that उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले (c) 134 - 153 (d) 28 - 39
shared by the given pair of words. पद से संबंिधत है |
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच NEEDLE : MFDEKF :: BUCKET : ? Q557. Select the option in which the
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) words share the same relationship as that
म है | (a) AVBLDS (b) AVBLDU shared by the given pair of words.
Apple : Fruit (c) CVDLFS (d) CVBLDU उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श उसी र े
सेब : फल को साझा करते ह जो श ों की जोड़ी ारा साझा
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) Q552. ‘Needle’ is related to ‘Sew’ in the िकया जाता है ।
(a) Rose : Red/ गुलाब : लाल same way as ‘Microscope’ is related to Players : Team
(b) Cup : Saucer/ कप : त री ‘______ ’. खलाड़ी: टीम
(c) Okra : Vegetable/ ओकरा : स ी ‘सूई’ का िसलाई’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
(d) State : Assam/ रा : असम ‘सू दश ’ का ______ से है | (a) Class : Students / क ा: छा
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (b) Flowers : Bouquet / फूल: गुलद ा
Q.547.Select the option that is related to (a) Lens/ लस (c) Grapes : Dozen / अंगूर: दजन
the third term in the same way as the (b) Laboratory / योगशाला (d) Band : Musician / बड: संगीतकार
second term is related to the first term. (c) Magnify / आवधन
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक (d) Science/ िव ान Q558. Select the option in which the
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले words share the same relationship as that
पद से संबंिधत है | shared by the given pair of words.
Q553. Select the option that is related to
INSPIRE: JPVTNXL :: PERSIST : the fourth term in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श उसी र े
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
first term is related to the second term. को साझा करते ह जो श ों की जोड़ी ारा साझा
(a) QGUWNYA (b) QFVWNYA उस िवक का चयन कर जो चौथे पद से ठीक िकया जाता है ।
(c) QGUWNXZ (d) QGUVMYA उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार पहला पद दू सरे Touch : Push
पद से संबंिधत है | श: ध ा


CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) Q564. Select the options in which the एक कोड भाषा म, DOCUMENT को
(a) Speak : Shout / बोलो: िच ाओ numbers do NOT share the same FRGUMWQH के प म िलखा जाता है । उस
(b) Refuse : Accept / मना करना: ीकार relationship as that shared by the given भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाता है ?
करना CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
pair of numbers
(c) Run : Walk / दौड़ना : चलना उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) UHSCEHXM (b) UHSCEHYL
(d) Eat : Drink / खाओ: िपयो वही संबंध नहीं है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए (c) VHSCEHYL (d) VHSCEHYK
समूह म है |
Q559.Select the option in which the (98, 107, 125) Q570. ‘Pleasure’ is related to ‘Joy’ in the
words share the same relationship as that CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) same way as ‘Diligent’ is related to
shared by the given pair of words. (a) (319, 328, 346) (b) (122, 131, 149) ‘______’.
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच (c) (29, 38, 56) (d) (73, 82, 99) ‘खुशी’ उसी तरह ’जॉय’ से संबंिधत है िजस तरह
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु ‘Diligent’ ’ ______ ’से संबंिधत है ।
म है | Q565. Select the option that is related to CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Fatigue : Rest the third number in the same way as the (a) Breathlessness (b) Industrious
थकान: आराम second number is related to the first (c) Anger (d) Sympathy
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) number.
(a) Water : Thirst / पानी: ास उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी Q571. Choose the option that has the
(b) Disease: Medicine / रोग: िचिक ा तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से same relation between words as between
(c) Darkness : Night / अंधेरा: रात संबंिधत है । the given words?
(d) Food : hunger / भोजन: भूख 104 : 117 :: 216 : ? उस िवक को चुन िजसम िदए गए श ों के बीच
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) श ों के बीच समान संबंध हो?
Q560. ‘Link’ is related to ‘Chain’ in the (a) 342 (b) 243 Gallop: Horse
same way as ‘Bead’ is related to _______ (c) 234 (d) 245 CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
‘िलंक’ उसी तरह ’चेन’ से संबंिधत है िजस तरह (a) Bird: Kangaroo
’बीड’ _______ से संबंिधत है । Q566. Select the option that is related to (b) Race: Lion
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) the third term in the same way as the (c) Stampede: rat
(a) Pearl (b) Necklace second term is related to the first term. (d) Elephant: slow motion
(c) Jewellery (d) sea उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । Q572. Select the word from among the
Q561. Select the option that is related to Monk : Monastery :: Knight : ? given options that is similar to the given
the third term in the same way as the िभ ु: मठ :: नाइट:? words and hence belongs to the same
second term is related to the first term. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) group.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (a) Stable (b)Cottage िदए गए िवक ों म से उस श का चयन कर जो
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । (c)Mansion (d) Convent िदए गए श ों के समान है और इसिलए उसी समूह
WARDROBE : AWDROREB :: से संबंिधत है ।
AQUARIUM : ? Q567. Select the option in which the Crocodile : Snake : Iguana : ?
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) numbers share the same relationship as मगरम : नाग: इगुआना:?
(a) QAAIURMU (b) UQAAIRMU that shared by the given pair of numbers CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(c) MUIRRAUQA (d) QAAUIRMU उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच (a) Frog / मेढक (b)Starfish / ारिफश
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए (c)Chameleon /िगरिगट (d) Toad / टॉड
Q562. Select the option that is related to यु म है |
the third term in the same way as the 72-14 Q573. Select the option in which the
second term is related to the first term . CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) numbers share the same relationship as
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (a) 45- 20 (b) 92- 17 that shared by the given pair of numbers.
है उसी तरह दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । (c) 36- 19 (d) 81-80 उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच
HOSPITAL : JLWKOMIC :: MEDICINE : ? ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) Q568. Select the option that is related to यु म है |
(a) OBHDIBVW (b) PBIHIBWV the fifth number in the same way as the 72 : 14
(c) PCHDIBWV (d) OBHDIBVV second number is related to the first CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
number and the fourth number is related (a) 36 : 19 (b) 92 : 17
Q563. Select the option in which the to the third number (c) 45 : 20 (d) 81 : 80
words share the same relationship as that उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चव नंबर से उसी
shared by the given pairs of words. तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से Q574. Select the option that is related to
उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच संबंिधत है और चौथी सं ा तीसरे नंबर से संबंिधत the third word in the same way as the
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए है second word is related to the first word.
यु म है | 14:98::18:162::26: ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी
Leaves:Rustle CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले श से
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) (a) 345 (b) 338 संबंिधत है ।
(a) Jackal: Roar (b) Rain : Patter (c) 328 (d) 262 Power : Watt :: Pressure : ?
(c) Drum: Jingle (d) Bells : Temple श : वाट :: दबाव:?
Q569. In a code language, DOCUMENT CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
is written as FRGUMWQH. How is (a) Degrees (b) Pascal
(c) Newton (d) Ohm
PERCEIVE written in that language? 37
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

‘झगड़ा’ उसी तरह ‘वार’ से संबंिधत है िजस तरह CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

Q575. Select the option that is related to ुिट ’ _________ से संबंिधत है । (a) 35 - 14 (b) 67 - 42
the third term in the same way as the CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (c) 45 - 21 (d) 24 - 19
second term is related to the first term. (a) Mend (b) Defect
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (c) Blunder (d) Flaw Q586. Select the option that is related to
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । the third term in the same way as the
6/34 : 8/62 :: 11/119 : ? Q581. Select the option that has the same second term is related to the first term.
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) relation with the third word as the second उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
(a) 13/165 (b) 17/167 word. उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
(c) 15/171 (d) 13/167 उस िवक का चयन कर िजसका दू सरे श के पद से संबंिधत है |
साथ तीसरे श से समान संबंध है । TRAMPOLINE:RTMAQPILEN::
Q576. Select the option that is related to Son: Daughter :: Reindeer :? BINOCULARS : ?
the third term in the same way as the CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
second term is related to the first term. (a) Reindeer cub (b) American reindeer (a) RSLAVDNOBI
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (c) Antelope (d) Deer (b) ICONVDALSR
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । (c) IBONUCALSR
PURPOSE : QWUTTYL :: SERVICE : ? Q582. Select the option in which the (d) IBONDVALSR
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) numbers are NOT related in the same way
(a) RGVZNHL (b) TGUZNGL as are the numbers in the given set. Q587. Select the option in which the
(c) RFUZNGL (d) TGUZNIL उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम नंबर उसी तरह words share the same relationship as that
से संबंिधत नहीं ह जैसे िदए गए सेट म नंबर ह। shared by the given set of words (in the
Q577. Select the option that is related to (143, 110, 88) same order).
the fifth number in the same way as the CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श उसी तरह
second number is related to the first (a) (69, 36, 14) (b) (61, 28, 6) संबंिधत ह िजस तरह श ों के िदए गए सेट (उसी
number and the fourth number is related (c) (114, 82, 60) (d)(123,90, 68) म म) संबंिधत है ।
to the third number. Track : Train : Driver
उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चव नंबर से उसी Q583 Select the option that is related to CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा नंबर पहली सं ा से the fifth number in the same way as the (a) Road : Bus : Conductor
संबंिधत है और चौथा नंबर तीसरे नंबर से संबंिधत second number is related to the first (b) Sea : Ship : Captain
है । number and the fourth number is related (c) Sky : Pilot : Air Hostess
14 : 289 :: 17 : 400 :: 21 : ? to the third number. (d) Field : Athlete : Pole
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चव नंबर से उसी
(a) 576 (b) 441 तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा नंबर पहली सं ा से Q588 Select the option that is related to
(c) 570 (d) 504 संबंिधत है और चौथा नंबर तीसरे नंबर से संबंिधत the third term in the same way as the
है ।
second term is related to the first term.
Q578. Select the option that is related to 16 : 128 :: 18 : 162 :: 22 : ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से ठीक
the third term in the same way as the CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा पद पहले
second term is related to the first term. (a) 246 (b) 242 पद से संबंिधत है |
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत (c) 88 (d) 484 AQUARIUM : ZSREMONU ::
है उसी कार दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । HUMIDITY : ?
ZPEEXFLCRQ : SHIFT :: ATEXXDIBVO : ? Q584. Select the option in which the CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) words share the same relationship as that (a) IWJNYOMG (b) GVJMXOMG
(a) ADORE (b) WAGER shared by the given pair of words. (c) GWJMYOMG (d) IVJNYOMH
(c) VADER (d) EAGLE उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु Q589. Select the options in which the
Q579. Three of the four options are म है |
given numbers share the same
similar to the given number set in a Anemometer : Wind / एनीमोमीटर: पवन relationship as that shared by the given
certain manner while one is different. CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
numbers of pairs.
Select the option that is NOT like the (a] Barometer : Depth / बैरोमीटर: गहराई उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच
given number set. (b) Seismograph : Earthquake / सी ो ाफ: ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
चार िवक ों म से तीन एक िनि त तरीके से िदए भूकंप यु म है |
गए नंबर के समान ह जबिक एक अलग है । वह (c) Scale : Current / े ल: करं ट 16 : 35
िवक चुन जो िदए गए नंबर सेट की तरह नहीं है । (d) Odometer : Pressure / ओडोमीटर: दबाव CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
(90, 450, 810) (a) 43 : 67 (b) 19 : 93
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) Q585 Select the option in which the (c) 14 : 35 (d) 54 : 96
(a) (5, 25, 45) (b) (21, 105, 189) numbers share the same relationship as
(c) (7, 35, 56) (d) (17, 85, 153) that shared by the given a pair of Q590. Select the option that is related to
numbers. the third number in the same way as the
Q580. ‘Quarrel’ is related to ‘War’ in the उस िवक का चयन कर िजनम सं ाओं के बीच second number is related to the first
same way as ‘Error’ is related to ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
‘_________’. यु म है |
78 - 57

उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी (a) 324 (b) 441 number and the sixth number is related to
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से (c) 361 (d) 289 the fifth number
संबंिधत है । उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
91 : 104 :: 161 : ? Q596. Select the option that has the same ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
relationship with the third term as the सं ा पहली सं ा से एवं छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं
(a) 235 (b) 237 सं ा से संबंिधत है |
second term is from the first term.
(c) 184 (d) 344 उस िवक का चयन कर , िजसका तीसरे पद के 12:72 :: 18:? :: 22:242
साथ वही संबंध है जो दू सरे पद का पहले पद से ह CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
Q591. Select the options in which the DEMOGRAPHY : EDOMHSPAYH :: (a) 160 (b) 164 (c) 162 (d) 140
numbers are NOT related in the same way BACKGROUND : ?
as are the numbers in the given set. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) Q601.Select the option in which the
उन िवक ों का चयन कर, िजनम सं ा उसी (a) DNKCSHUOAB numbers are related in the same way as
तरह से संबंिधत नहीं ह, जैसे िदए गए सेट म सं ा (b) ABKCHSUODN are the numbers in the given set .
है । उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ आपस
(123, 88, 63)
(d) DNKCHSUOAB म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार िदए गए
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) समूह म सं ाएँ आपस म संबंिधत है |
(a) (135, 100, 75) (b) (70, 35, 10) (269, 278, 296)
Q597. Select the option in which words
(c) (100, 65, 25) (d) (150, 115, 90) CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
share the same relationship as that shared
(a) (419, 430, 448) (b) (109, 118, 128)
by the given pair of words.
Q592. Select the option that has the same (c) (313, 322, 340) (d) (577, 586, 598)
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
relationship with the third term as the ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
second term is from the first term. म है | Q602.Select the option in which the
उस िवक का चयन कर , िजसका तीसरे पद के Barometer : Pressure / बैरोमीटर: दबाव words share the same relationship as that
साथ वही संबंध है जो दू सरे पद का पहले पद से shared by the given pair of words.
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
ह उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
(a) Thermometer : Volume / थमामीटर:
CANOPY : BCKSKE :: WARDROBE :: वॉ ूम ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
? (b) Ammeter : Current / एमीटर: करं ट म है |
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) Scale : Seconds / े ल: सेकंड् स Clock : Time/ घड़ी : समय
(a) XCOHMUUN (b) VCOHMUVN CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
(d) Voltmeter : Heat / वो मीटर: हीट
(c) XCOHMUUM (d) VCOHMUUM (a) Ammeter : Current/ ए ीटर : धारा
(b) Balance : Scale / तराजू : पैमाना
Q598. Select the option in which words
Q593. 'Scientist' is related to 'Laboratory' (c) Anemometer : Strain / एनीमोमीटर :
share the same relationship as that shared
in the same way 'Teacher' is related to तनाव
by the given set of words.
______. (d) Taseometer : Wind/ टै िसयोमीटर : हवा
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
'वै ािनक' का संबंध ' योगशाला' से है उसी कार ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
'िश क' का संबंध ______ से है । म है | Q603.Select the option in which the
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) words share the same relationship as that
Cat : Lion : Jaguar
(a) Job (b) Students CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) shared by the given pair of words
(c) Research (d) School (a) Reptile : Snake : Toad उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
(b) Shark : Dolphin : Bat ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
Q594.Select the option that is related to म है |
(c) Monkey : Chimpanzee : Gorilla
the third word in the same way as the Faculty/ िवशेष :Teachers/ िश क
(d) Sports : Athlete : Jaevlin
second word is related to the first one. CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
उस िवक का चयन कर , िजसका तीसरे श के (a) Ants:Flocks / चींिटयाँ : झु
साथ वही संबंध है जो दू सरे श का पहले श से SSC CGL 2019 TIER I (b) Fleet:Trucks / बेड़ा : टक
ह (c) Galaxy:Apartments / गैले ी : अपाटमट
Island : Sea :: Oasis : ? Q599.Select the option that is related to (d) Colony:Wolves/ कॉलोनी : भेिड़ये
ीप : समु :: म उ ान : ? the third word in the same way as the
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) same way as the second word is related to Q604.Select the option that is related to
(a) Mountain/पवत (b) Desert/म भूिम the first word the third number in the same way as the
(c) Trees/पेड़ (d) Air/ हवा उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
second number is related to the first
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
Q595. Select the option that is related to पहले श से संबंिधत है ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
the fifth number in the same way as the Medicine : Disease :: Food : ? ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
दवा : रोग :: भोजन : ? सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
second number is related to first number
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
and fourth number is related to the third 2809 : 53 :: 1524 : ?
(a) Hunger / भूख (b) Energy / ऊजा CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Nutrition / पोषण (d) Thirst / ास (a) 31 (b) 35 (c) 32 (d) 33
उस िवक का चयन कर जो पां चव नंबर से उसी
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से
संबंिधत है और चौथी सं ा तीसरे नंबर से संबंिधत Q600. Select the option that is related to Q605.’Cardiologist’ is related to ‘Heart’
है । the third number in the same way as the in the same way as Neurologist is related
21 : 529 :: 25 : 729 :: 17 : ? second number is related to the first to ‘______’
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

‘कािडयोलॉिज ’ का ‘ दय’ से ठीक वही संबंध है Q616.Select the option that is related to
जो संबंध ‘ ूरोलॉिज ’ का ______ से है | Q611.Select the option in which the the third number in the same way as the
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) words share the same relationship as that second number is related to the first
(a) Lungs/ फेफड़े (b) Brain / म shared by the given pair of words. number .
(c) Teeth / दां त (d) Ears/ कान उस िवक ों का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए यु के श ों म है | ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q606.Select the option in which the Hive:Bee / छ ा : मधुम ी सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है |
words share the same relationship as that CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) 6 : 252 :: 5 : ?
shared by the given pair of words share (a) Burrow:Hare/ िबल : खरगोश CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
the same relationship as that shared by the (b) Stable:cow / अ बल : गाय (a) 175 (b) 150
given pair of words. (c) Sty:Dog / शूकरशाला : कु ा (c) 125 (d) 225
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों का आपस (d) Eyrie: Bear / बाजनीड़ : भालू
म वही संबंध है जो संबंध नीचे िदए गए श -यु Q617.Select the option that is related to
के श ों के बीच है | the third term in the same way as the
Q612.Select the option that is related to
Calendar/ कैले र :Date/ ितिथ second term is related to the first term and
the third number in the same way as the
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) sixth term is related to fifth term.
second number is related to the first
(a) Clock : time / घड़ी : समय उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
number and the sixth number is related to
(b) Food : Vegetarian / भोजन : शाकाहारी ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
the fifth number. .
(c) Weight : Kilogram / वज़न : िकलो ाम सं ा पहली सं ा से तथा छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से
(d) Class : Group / वग : समूह ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी सं ा से संबंिधत है |
सं ा पहली सं ा से तथा छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं 72 : 14 :: 87 : ? :: 96 : 54
Q607. Select the option in which the सं ा से संबंिधत है | CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
numbers are related in the same way as 52 : 221:: 20 : ? :: 64: 272 (a) 56 (b) 52 (c) 29 (d) 15
are the numbers in the given set. CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (a) 85 (b) 84 (c) 255 (d) 170 Q618. Select the option in which the
वही संबंध है जो िदए गए समूह की सं ाओं म है | words share the same relationship as that
(11, 165, 209) Q613.Select the option that is related to shared by the given pair of words.
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) the third word in the same way as the उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
(a) (14, 210, 276) (b) (12, 180, 228) second word is related to the first word ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
(c) (17, 245, 323) (d) (15, 225, 275) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक म है |
उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श Dentist : Doctor/दं त िचिक क : दां त
Q608.Select the option that is related to पहले श से संबंिधत है | CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
the third number in the same way as the Jackal/िसयार : Howl/ गरजना :: Rain / (a) Line : Circle / रे खा : वृ
second number is related to the first बा रश : ? (b) Algebra : Geometry / बीजगिणत :
number CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) ािमित
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरी सं ा से वैसे (a) Hustle/ ऊधम (b)Thunder / गडगडाहट (c) Chemistry : Science / रसायन शा :
ही संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहली सं ा से है | (c) Drops / बूँद (d) Patter / पटपटाहट िव ान
7 : 329 :: 9: ? (d) Biology : Astrology / जीव िव ान :
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) Q614. ‘Grapes’ is related to ‘Fruits’ in the ोितष शा
(a) 711 (b) 1029 same way as ‘Pepper’ is related to
(c) 728 (d) 743 ’अंगूर’ उसी तरह ‘फल’ से संबंिधत है िजस तरह Q619. Select the option in which the
काली िमच संबंिधत है number set shares the same relationship
Q609. ‘Beverages’ is related to ‘ Tea’ in CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) as that shared by the given number set
the same way ‘Medicine’ is related to. (a) Pulses / दलहन उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के
‘पेय पदाथ’ का ‘चाय’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो (b)Dry Fruits / डाई ू ट् स समूह म ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के
संबंध ‘औषिध’ का _____ से है | (c) Spices / मसाले िदए गए समूह म है
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) (d) Cereals / अनाज (17, 24, 45)
(a) Disease / रोग CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(b) Doctor / िचिक क (a) (18, 23, 46) (b) (19, 26, 34)
Q615.Select the option in which the
(c)Analgesic /पीड़ाहर (c) (15, 20, 43) (d) (12, 19, 40)
words share the same relationship as that
(d) Hospital/अ ताल shared by the given pair of words
Q620. ‘Wheat’ is related to ‘Bread’ in the
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम श ों के बीच
Q610.Select the option in which the ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु same way as ‘Sugarcane’ is related to
numbers are related in the same way as म है | ‘_________’
are the numbers in the given set . Turmeric : Spices / ह ी : मसाला ‘गे ँ ’ का ‘रोटी’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) ‘ग ा’ का _______ से है |
वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की सं ाओं CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) Fig : Cashew Nuts / अंजीर : काजू
म है | (a) Jaggery / गुड़
(b) Dates : Dry Fruits / खजूर : मेवे
(109, 114, 139) (b) Mayonnaise /मेयोनीज
(c) Nutmeg : Chilli Flakes / जायफल : कुटी
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) (c) Grass / घास
लाल िमच
(a) (268, 302, 237) (b) (313, 318, 343) (d) Ketchup / केचअप
(d) Apricot : Pear / खुबानी : नाशपाती
(c) (579, 534, 549) (d) (419, 424, 439)

Q621.Select the option that is related to Q626. Select the option in which the (c) (11, 12, 450) (d) (9, 6, 297)
the third word in the same way as the numbers are related in the same way as
second word is related to the first word. are the numbers in the given set. Q632. Select the option in which the
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे श से उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के words share the same relationship as that
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की shared by the given pair of words
श पहले श से संबंिधत है | सं ाओं म है | उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच
Ministers/ मं ी : Council/ प रषद :: Sailors/ (7, 98, 196) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
नािवक : ? CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) म है |
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) (a) (20, 267, 520) (b) (11, 154, 308) Player/ खलाड़ी : Team / समूह
(a) Ship/ जहाज़ (b) Captain / क ान (c) (18, 185, 360) (d) (15, 190, 380) CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) Crew / दल (d) Sea / समु (a) Flower : Bouquet/ फूल : गुलद ा
Q627. ‘Vertebrate’ is related to ‘Monkey’ (b) Purpose : Crowd/ उ े : भीड़
Q622. Select the option in which the in the same way as ‘Invertebrate’ is (c) Ant : Bee/ चींटी : मधुम ी
words share relationship as that shared by related to ‘________’./ (d) Student : Teacher/ छा : िश क
the given pair of words. ‘कशे की’ का ‘बंदर’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों का संबंध ‘अकशे की’ का ______ से है | Q633. Select the option in which the
आपस म वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
words share the same relationship as that
यु म है | (a) Starfish/ ारिफश (b) Frog/ मढक
shared by the given pair of words.
Blunder/ बड़ी भूल : Error/ अशु (c) Deer/ िहरण (d) Snake/ साँ प उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजनम श ों के बीच
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
(a) Euphoria : Happiness/ उ ाह : ख़ुशी Q628. Select the option that has the same म है |
(b) Speak : Hear/ बोलना : सुनना relation with each other as the given word North/ उ र : South/ दि ण
(c) War : Peace/ यु : शां ित pair. CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
(d) Anger : Rage/ ोध : रोष उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसके बीच ठीक (a) Ductile : Bendable/ नमनीय : मोड़ने यो
वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु म है | (b) Whole : Total / स ूण : कुल
Q623. Select the option that is related to Exam/ परी ा : Examiner/ परी क (c) Frown : Smile/ ूभंग : मु ान
the third number in the same way as the CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) (d) Integrity : Honesty/ अखंडता : ईमानदारी
second number is related to the first (a) Election/ चुनाव : observer / पयवे क
number and the sixth number is related to (b) Bank/ बक : Loan/ ऋण Q634. ‘Astronomy’ is related to ‘Stars’ in
the fifth number (c) Inspection/ जाँ च : Acceptance/ the same way as ‘Agronomy’ is related to
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से ीकायता ‘अंत र िव ान’ का ‘तारों’ से ठीक वही संबंध है
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (d) Film/ िफ : Comedian/ कॉमेिडयन जो संबंध ‘कृिष िव ान’ का _____ से है |
सं ा पहली सं ा से तथा छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
सं ा से संबंिधत है | Q629. Select the option that is related to (a) Emotions/ भावनाएँ (b) Planets/ ह
72 : 108 :: 84 : ? :: 102 : 153 the third number in the same way as the (c) Crops/ फसल (d) Mines/ खान
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) second number is related to the first
(a) 126 (b) 144 number Q635. Select the option in which the
(c) 117 (d) 135 उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से numbers are related in the same way as
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी are the numbers in the given set.
Q624. Select the option in which the सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के
numbers are related in the same way as 13 : 109 :: 24 : ? बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की
are the numbers in the given set. CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) सं ाओं म है |
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के (a) 201 (b) 194 (343, 98, 21)
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की (c) 216 (d) 197 CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
सं ाओं म है | (a) (1331, 242, 33) (b) (512, 126, 27)
(13, 65, 117) Q630. .How ‘Criticism’ is related to (c) (1728, 288, 24) (d) (217, 72, 18)
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) ‘Condemnation’ , the same way
(a) (14, 70, 127) (b) (15,75, 135) ‘Solidarity’ is related to ‘________’ Q636.Select the option that is related to
(c) (17, 85, 163) (d) (12,55, 109) ‘आलोचना’ ‘िनंदा’ से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है the third word in the same way as the
िजस कार ‘एकजुटता’ ______ से संबंिधत है | second word is related to the first word
Q625. Select the option that is related to CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे श से
the third number in the same way as the (a) Heinous/ जघ (b) Prosperity/ समृ ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा
second number is related to the first (c) Guilty/ दोषी (d) Unity/ एकता श पहले श से संबंिधत है ।
number. Crop/ फसल : Farmer/ िकसान :: Food /
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से Q631.Select the option in which the भोजन : ?
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी numbers are related in the same way as CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | are the numbers in the given set. (a) Kitchen/ रसोई (b)Vegetables/ स याँ
4 : 69 :: 11 : ? उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाओं के बीच (c) Chef/ खानसामा (d)Utensil/ बतन
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए गए
(a) 176 (b) 1029 समूह म है | Q637.Select the option that is related to
(c) 198 (d) 1336 (8, 7, 407) the third number in the same way as the
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
number is related to the first number and
(a) (12, 8, 555) (b) (10, 8, 576) 41
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

the sixth number is related to the fifth (a) 18 : 104 : 171 (b) 23 : 162 : 207 (b) Heart/ दय
number . (c) 16 : 96 : 144 (d) 13 : 78 : 108 (c) Red blood cells/ लाल र कोिशकाएँ
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से (d) Blood Pressure/ र दाब
ठीक उसी कार से संबंिधत है िजस कार यह Q643.Select the option in which the
सं ा पहली सं ा से तथा छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं words share the same relationship as that Q648.Select the option in which the
सं ा से संबंिधत है ।
shared by the given pair of words. words share the same relationship as that
78 : 117 :: 90 : ? :: 108 : 162 उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच shared by the given pair of words.
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच
(a) 144 (b) 126 म है | ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
(c) 117 (d) 135 Bacteria/ जीवाणु : Illness/ बीमारी म है ।
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) Office/ कायालय : Work / काय
Q638.Select the option that is related to (a) Carelessness/ लापरवाही : Errors / CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
the third number in the same way as the अशु याँ (a) School : Study/ िव ालय : अ यन
second number is related to the first (b) Disease/ रोग : Doctor / िचिक क (b) House : Bricks/ घर : ईंट
number. (c) Appraisal/ मू ां कन : Performance / (c) Hospital : Director/अ ताल : िनदे शक
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से दशन (d) Court : Lawyer/ अदालत : वकील
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (d) Painting/ िच कारी : Painter / िच कार
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है | Q649.Select the option that is related to
8 : 576 :: 4 : ? Q644.Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first
(a) 120 (b) 80 (c) 70 (d) 90 second number is related to the first number.
number and the sixth number is related to उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से
Q639.Select the option in which the the fifth number ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
numbers are related in the same way as उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है ।
are the numbers in the given set. ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी 11 : 265 :: 20 : ?
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाएँ ठीक सं ा पहली सं ा से और छठी सं ा पाँ चवीं CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
वैसे ही संबंिधत ह िजस कार िदए गए समूह की सं ा से संबंिधत है | (a) 835 (b) 841
सं ाएँ आपस म संबंिधत ह | 6 : 16 :: 20 : ? :: 11 : 81 (c) 838 (d) 840
(14, 18, 277) CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) (a) 324 (b) 91 Q650. ‘Bangladesh’ is related to ‘Dhaka’
(a) (18, 16, 485) (b)(24,20, 576) (c) 120 (d) 361 in the same way as ‘Pakistan’ is related to
(c) (20, 22, 521) (d)(12,32, 320)
Q645.Select the option that is related to ‘बां ादे श’ का ‘ढाका’ से वही संबंध है जो संबंध
Q640.Select the option in which the the third word in the same way as the ‘पािक ान’ का _____ से है ।
words share the same relationship as that second word is related to the first word. CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
shared by the given pair of words. उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे श से (a) Karachi/ कराची
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा (b) Lahore/ लाहौर
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु श पहले श से संबंिधत है | (c) Islamabad/ इ ामाबाद
म है । Amusing/मनोरं जक : Hilarious/ फु :: (d) Multan/ मु ान
Ear/ कान : Tinnitus/ िटनीटस Moisten/ गीला : ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) Joints : Muscles / जोड़ : मां सपेशी Q651.Select the option that is related to
(a) Soak/ सोखना (b) Water/ पानी the third number in the same way as the
(b) Skin : Acne/ चा : मुहाँ से (c) Humid/ आ (d) Dry/ सूखा
second number is related to the first
(c) Eye : Ophthalmologist/ ने : ने िवशेष
(d) Nose : Nerve/ नाक : नस Q646.Select the option in which the उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से
numbers are related in the same way as ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
Q641. ‘Size’ is related to ‘Medium’ in the are the numbers in the given set. सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है ।
same way as ‘Shape’ is related to ‘_____’ उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के 3 : 20 :: 7 : ?
‘िव ार’ का ‘म म’ से ठीक वही संबंध है जो बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
संबंध ‘आकार’ का ______ से है | गए समूह म है ।
(a) 98 (b) 96 (c) 105 (d) 100
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) (45, 24, 441)
(a) Oval/ अंडाकार (b) Object/ व ु CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q652.Select the option in which the
(c) Colour/ रं ग (d)Corner/ कोना (a) (30, 60, 1024) (b)(41,18, 630)
words share the same relationship as that
(c) (50, 30, 480) (d)(35,17, 324)
shared by the given pair of words .
Q642.Select the option in which the
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच
numbers are related in the same way as Q647. ‘Diabetes’ is related to Blood ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
are the numbers in the given set. sugar’ in the same way as ‘High Blood म है ।
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के Pressure’ is related to ________ / Horse : Neigh/ घोड़ा : िहनिहनाना
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए ‘मधुमेह’ का ‘र शकरा’ से ठीक वही संबंध है CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
गए समूह म है जो संबंध उ र चाप का _____ से है । (a) Elephants : Whine/ हाथी : र रयाहट
17 : 102 : 153 CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) (b) Donkeys : Chortle/ गधा : अ हास
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) (a) Cells of Body/ शरीर की कोिशकाएँ (c) Camels : Grunt/ ऊंट : घुरघुर

(d) Bears : Roar/ भालू : दहाड़ना second number is related to the first (c) (13, 19, 1024) (d)(15,14, 743)
Q653. Select the option in which the उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से Q663. ‘Family’ is related to ‘Upbringing’
words share the same relationship that ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी in the same way as ‘School’ relates to
shared by the given pair of words सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है । ‘_______’.
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच 3 : 51 :: 7 : ? ‘प रवार’ का ‘लालन-पालन’ से ठीक वही संबंध है
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) जो संबंध ‘िव ालय’ का _____ से है ।
म है । (a) 335 (b) 679 CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
Audition/ ऑिडशन : Selection/ चयन (c) 319 (d) 609 (a) Children/ ब े (b) Education / िश ा
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) (c)Parents/ माता-िपटा (d)Parents/ माता-िपता
(a) Machine : Fault/ मशीन : खराबी Q659. ‘Photoshop’ is related to
(b) Competition : Poem/ ित धा : किवता ‘Software’ in the same way as ‘Optical Q664. Select the option that is related to
(c) Loyalty : Fraud/ वफ़ादारी : धोखाधड़ी Mouse’ is related to ‘_______’ the third number in the same way as the
(d) Examination : Pass/ परी ा : उ ीण ‘फोटोशॉप’ का ‘सॉ वेयर’ से ठीक वही संबंध है second number is related to the first
जो संबंध ‘ऑि कल माउस’ का _____ से है । number .
Q654. Select the option that is related to CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से
the third number in the same way as the (a) Hardware/ हाडवेयर ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी
second number is related to the first (b) Touch-screen/ टच ीन सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है ।
number . (c) Hard-disc/ हाडिड 23 : 527 :: 19 : ?
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरी सं ा से (d) Malware/ मालवेयर CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरी (a) 363 (b) 402
सं ा पहली सं ा से संबंिधत है । Q660. Select the option in which the (c) 359 (d) 325
56 : 30 :: 78 : ? words share the same relationship as that
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) shared by the given pair of words. SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I
(a) 53 (b) 50 (c) 56 (d) 61 उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच
ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
Q665.Select the option that is related to
Q655. ‘Ethiopia’ is related to ‘Africa’ in म है ।
the third number in the same way as the
the same way ‘Brazil’ is related to Temple : Worship/ मंिदर : पूजा second number is related to the first
‘________’. CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
‘इिथयोिपया’ का ‘अ ीका’ से ठीक वही संबंध है (a) Church : Prayer/ िग रजाघर : ाथना उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी
जो संबंध ‘ ाज़ील’ का ____ से है । (b) University : President / िव िव ालय : तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) अ संबंिधत है ।
(a) Brasilia/ ाजीिलया (c) Garden : Plants/ बाग़ : पौधे 27:125::343:?
(b) South America/ दि ण अमे रका (d) Golden Temple : Amritsar/ ण मंिदर : CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(c) Africa/ अ ीका अमृतसर (a)1000 (b)512
(d) North America/ उ री अमे रका (c)729 (d)1343
Q661. Select the option in which the
Q656.Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that Q666.Select the option that is related to
numbers are related in the same way as shared by the given pair of words. the third term in the same way as the
are the numbers in the given set. उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम श ों के बीच
second term is related to the first term.
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध श ों के िदए गए यु
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं के िदए म है । तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी श पहले श से
गए यु म है । Arteries/ धमिनयाँ : Circulatory System/ संबंिधत है ।
( 88, 60, 37) प रसंचरण तं CAG:GEK::HEL:?
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(a) ( 43, 49, 27) (b) (36, 70, 38) (a) Nerves : Nervous System (a)EP (b)LIP
(c) (94, 42, 34) (d) (56, 38, 28) तंि काएँ : तंि का तं
(c)GAC (d)INP
(b) Lungs : Olfactory system
फेफड़े : ाण तं
Q657.Select the option in which the Q667.Select the option that is related to
(c) Eyes : Endocrine system
numbers are related in the same way as the third word in the same way as the
ने : अंतः ावी तं
are the numbers in the given set. second word is related to the first word.
उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के (d) Kidney : Respiratory system
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध सं ाओं म िदए गुद : सन तं
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी श पहले श से
गए समूह म है । संबंिधत है ।
(22, 64, 352) Q662.Select the option in which the Farmer : Field : : Artist : ?
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) numbers are related in the same way as CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(a) (14, 68, 238) (b)(27,52, 453) are the numbers in the given set. (a)Actor (b)Action
(c) (24, 16, 108) (d)(19,52, 257) उस िवक का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाओं के (c)Theatre (d)Hero
बीच ठीक वही संबंध है जो संबंध िदए गए समूह की
Q658.Select the option that is related to सं ाओं म है ।
Q668. Select the option that is related to
the third number in the same way as the (14, 17, 961)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) the third number in the same way as the
(a) (11,12, 729) (b)(12,18, 851)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

second number is related to the first (c) Tree (d) Root 23 : 120
number. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q674. Select the option that is related to (a) 18 : 90 (b) 45 : 230
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा the third number in the same way as the (c) 54 : 250 (d) 63 : 316
श पहले से है ? second number related to the first number.
13 : 17 : : 73 : ? िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q680. Select the option that is related to
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(a) 99 (b) 81 (c) 78 (d) 79 श पहले से है ? the second letter-cluster is related to the
19 : 23 :: 97 : ? first letter-cluster.
Q669. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
the third word in the same way as the (a) 94 (b) 77 (c) 101 (d) 91 म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
second word is related to the first word. श पहले से है ?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q675. Select the set in which the numbers GROW : IMRS :: PEST : ?
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा are related in the same way as are the CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
श पहले से है ? numbers of the following set. (a) THVW (b) SZWQ
Energy : Joule : : Power : ? िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार (c) RZVP (d) ODQP
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ?
(a) Watt (b) Newton (2, 6, 32) Q681. Select the option that is related to
(c) Energy (d) Work CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) the third word in the same way as the
(a) (9, 13, 43) (b) (4, 12, 36) second word is related to the first word.
Q670. Select the option that is related to (c) (8, 18, 80) (d) (4, 8, 34) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी
the third term in the same way as the तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले श से
second term is related to the first term. Q676. Select the option that is related to संबंिधत है ।
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला the third number in the same way as the Gradual : Abrupt :: Factual : ?
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा second number is related to the first CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
श पहले से है ? number. (a) Bonafide (b) Actual
AB : C : : HJ : ? िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c) Fictional (d) Verifiable
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(a) Q (b) K (c) R (d) I श पहले से है ? Q682. Select the option that is related to
9 : 121 :: 7 : ? the third word in the same way as the
Q671. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) second word is related to the first word.
the third term in the same way as the (a) 79 (b) 102 (c) 81 (d) 105 िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
second term is related to the first term. म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q677. Select the option that is related to श पहले से है ?
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा the third letter-cluster in the same way as Exercise : Gymnasium :: Boxing : ?
श पहले से है ? CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
the second letter-cluster is related to the
HI8J : J22L :: P34R : ? (a) Track (b) Ring
first letter-cluster.
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c) Court (d) Rink
(a) R38T (b) R36T म तीसरे श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(c) R36S (d) T38V श पहले से है ? Q683. Select the option in which the
INTEX : EINTX :: SMALL : ? numbers are related in the same way as
Q672. Select the pair of words from the CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) are the numbers in the given set.
given options that shares a similar (a) ALMLV (b) AJKLM िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
relationship as (c) LLAMV (d) ALLMS आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ?
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार (36, 10, 16)
आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है Q678. Select the option in which the CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
Ship : Sailor words share the same relationship as that (a) (24, 9, 18) (b) (81, 11, 4)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) (c) (13, 5, 8) (d) (21, 5, 28)
shared by the given pair of words.
(a) Doctor: Engineer िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार
(b) Advocate: Office आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है Q684. Select the option in which the
(c) Jail: Judge Chair : Furniture words share the same relationship as that
(d) Laboratory: Scientist CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) shared by the given pair of words.
(a) Seat : Cover िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार
Q673. Select the option that is related to (b) Bicycle : Travel आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है
the third word in the same way as the (c) Pencil : Wood Cow : Byre
second word is related to the first word. (d) Letter paper : Stationary CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (a) Nun : Monk (b) Owl : Barn
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा Q679. Select the option in which the (c) Stag : Doe (d) Rat : Rodent
श पहले से है ?
numbers share the same relationship as
Butter : Milk :: Oil : ?
that shared by the given number-pair. Q685. Select the option in which the
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार numbers share the same relationship as
(a) Oil factory (b) Seed आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? that shared by the given number-pair.

िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी
आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है Q691.Select the option in which the तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से
50 : 357 number set shares the same relationship संबंिधत है ।
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) as that shared by the given number set. 3:67::6:?
(a) 15 : 115 (b) 18 : 133 िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon)
(c) 17 : 136 (d) 20 : 153 आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? (a)222 (b)349 (c)42 (d)55
Q686. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) Q697. Select the option that is related to
the third letter-cluster in the same way as (a)(24,13,225) (b)(9,13,147) the third term in the same way as the
the second letter-cluster is related to the (c)(22,14,318) (d)(12,21,273) second term is related to the first term.
first letter-cluster. िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र- र Q692.Select the option that is related to म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
से उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा प - र श पहले से है ?
the third letter cluster in the same way as
पहले अ र- र से संबंिधत है । Painting : Colour :: Homework : ?
the second letter cluster is related to the
CELH : GANF :: BUPO : ? CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
first letter cluster.
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) (a)Ink (b)School
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(a) DYXH (b) XYNQ म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा (c)Teacher (d)Notebook
(c) FQRM (d) HUML श पहले से है ?
NR:MI::BK:? Q698.Select the option that is related to
Q687. Select the option in which the CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) the third letter cluster in the same way as
numbers are related in the same way as (a)OP (b)YP (c)XM (d)YU the second letter cluster is related to the
are the numbers in the given set. first letter cluster.
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार Q693.Select the word-pair in which the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? two words are related in the same way as म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(12, 96, 8) are the two words in the following श पहले से है ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) word-pair.
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
(a) (15, 50, 5) (b) (8, 40, 6) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार
(a)QNH (b)QMH
(c) (13, 39, 4) (d) (7, 63, 9) आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है
(c)QNG (d)PNH
Q688. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon)
(a)Bottle:Water Q699.Select the option in which the
the third word in the same way as the
(b)Office:Employee number set shares the same relationship
second word is related to the first word.
(c)Summer:Season as that shared by the given number set.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
म तीसरे श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा (d)Crop:Farmer
श पहले से है ? आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ?
Needle : Sew :: Auger : ? Q694.Select the option in which the
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
number set shares the same relationship
(a) Bore (b) Feed (a)(12,60,186) (b)(16,20,160)
as that shared by the given number set.
(c) Dig (d) View (c)(22,34,176) (d)(18,30,135)
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ?
Q689. Select the option that is related to (52,48,64) Q700.Select the word-pair in which the
the third word in the same way as the CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) two words are related in the same way as
second word is related to the first word. (a)(92,90,8) (b)(82,78,81) are the two words in the given word-pair.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c)(70,62,441) (d)(61,55,36) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है
श पहले से है ? Q695.Select the option that is related to Admission Card: Examination
Boxing:Ring::Race:? CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
the third term in the same way as the
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) (a)Ticket:Train Journey
second term is related to the first term.
(a)Arena (b)Track िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (b)Passenger:Bus Stand
(c)Ground (d)Court म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा (c)Hotel:Chef
श पहले से है (d)Weather:Winter
Q690.Select the option that is related to Gloves:Hands: : Shoes:?
the third number in the same way as the CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) Q701.Select the option in which the
second number is related to the first (a)Feet (b)Leather number set shares the same relationship
number. (c)Cobbler (d)Knee as that shared by the given number set.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा Q696.Select the option that is related to आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ?
श पहले से है ? the third number in the same way as the (11,15,400)
2197:12167::343:? CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
second number is related to the first
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) (a) (10,12,244) (b) (20,22,870)
(a)729 (b)1000 (c) (12,17,493) (d) (18,24,786)
(c)515 (d)4913
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q702.Select the option that is related to (c) PSBU (d) RSDW

the third in the same way as the second Q714. Select the option that is related to
term is related to the first term and sixth Q708. Select the option in which the the third letter-cluster in the same way as
term is related to the fifth term. numbers are related in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला are the numbers in the given set. first letter-cluster.
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा िन ल खत िवक ों म से िक अंक िदए गए अंक कौन सा िवक तीसरे श समूह से उसी कार
श पहले से है ? समूह की तरह ही संबंिधत है ? स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श समूह पहले से है ?
27:6: : 8: ?: : 64:8 (7, 15, 31) CLOCK : CNSIS : : WATCH : ?
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
(a)2 (b)4 (c)1 (d)3 (a) (2, 17, 14) (b) (5, 625, 6) (a) WCXIP (b) WBVFL
(c) (6, 13, 21) (d) (3, 7, 15) (c) WBWHO (d) WCVEJ
Q703. Select the option in which the
words share the same relationship as that Q709. Select the option in which the Q715. Select the option in which the
shared by the given pair of words. numbers share the same relationship as numbers share the same relationship as
िन िल खत िवक ों म से वह उदाहरण चुने िजसमे that shared by the given number-pair. that shared by the given pair of numbers?
िदए गए जोड़े जैसा ही स है | उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम नंबर उसी र े िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए अंक समूह की तरह
Cow : Milk को दशाते ह जो िदए गए नंबर-जोड़ी ारा दशाये ही एक दू सरे से संबंिधत है ?
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) गए है । 42 : 18
(a) Goat : Bleat (b) Eagle : Swoop 34 : 210 CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
(c) Bird : Fly (d) Hen : Egg CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (a) 71 : 45 (b) 19 : 5
(a) 38 : 236 (b) 66 : 402 (c) 31 : 29 (d) 10 : 9
Q704. Select the option that is related to (c) 47 : 282 (d) 54 : 100
the third word in the same way as the Q716. 'Pythagoras' is related to
second word is related to the first word. Q710. Select the option in which the 'Geometry' in the same way as 'Kepler' is
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श से numbers are related in the same way as related to '______'.
उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा िवक पहले से are the numbers in the given set. जैसे "पाइथागोरस", ' ोमेटी' से स ंिधत है , उसी
संबंिधत है | िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे कार "के ेर", '___' से स ंिधत है |
Work : Joule :: Area : ? िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (5, 6, 61) (a) Electronics (b) Geography
(a) Hectare (b) Radian CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (c) Astronomy (d) Optics
(c) Length (d) Perimeter (a) (3, 4, 25) (b) (3, 8, 24)
(c) (9, 4, 26) (d) (5, 2, 49) Q717. Select the option in which the
Q705. Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that
numbers share the same relationship as Q711. Select the option that is related to shared by the given pair of words.
that shared by the given number-pair. the third term in the same way as the िकस िवक म श ों म वही संबंध है जो िदए गए
िन िल खत म से कौन से िवक म वही स है second term is related to the first term. श ों के जोड़े म है ?
जो िदए गए अंकों के जोड़े म है | िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श से Sahara : Africa
8 : 49 उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले से | CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) EASY : IETZ :: LAKE : _______ (a) Thar : Australia (b) Sandy : America
(a) 15 : 210 (b) 13 : 170 CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (c) Gobi : Asia (d) Gibson : Europe
(c) 9 : 87 (d) 12 : 121 (a) PBKL (b) MELI
(c) PELI (d) MBLI Q718. 'Human-beings' is related to
Q706. Select the option in which the 'Mammals' in the same way as 'Snake' is
numbers are related in the same way as Q712. Select the option in which the related to '_____'.
are the numbers in the given set. numbers are related in the same way as िजस कार 'ह्यूमन िबं ' मैम से स ंिधत है ,
िन िल खत िवक ों म से िकसम वही स है जो are the numbers in the given set. उसी कार 'सां प' ___ से स ंिधत है |
िदए गए अंक समूह म है | िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िदए गए अंक CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
(3, 68, 5) समूह के समाना र है ? (a)Amphibian (b)Reptile
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (9, 217, 8) (c)Mammals (d)Non-chordates
(a) (5, 95, 8) (b) (2,72, 10) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
(c) (4, 65, 5) (d) (2, 10, 1) (a) (5, 625, 6) (b) (4, 37, 3) Q719. Select the option that is related to
(c) (3, 49, 2) (d) (2, 76, 5) the third number in the same way as the
Q707. Select the option that is related to second number is related to the first
the third letter-cluster in the same way as Q713. Select the option in which the number.
the second letter-cluster is related to the numbers are related in the same way as िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक ृंखला के तीसरे
first letter-cluster. are the numbers of the following set. / उस अंक से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा पहले से
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से 88:308::126:?
श समूह से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा संबंिधत ह जैसे िन िल खत सेट की सं ाएँ ह। CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
श समूह पहले श समूह से है ? (3, 6, 30) (a)379 (b)450
GOAT : DQYW :: TRES : ? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) (c)441 (d)456
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (a) (4, 12, 132) (b)(4,24, 342)
(a) QTCV (b) HUMO (c) (5, 20, 420) (d) (2, 4, 22)

Q720.Select the option in which the 8 : 81 : :12 : ? : : 11 : 144 समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श
numbers are related in the same way as CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) समूह पहले से ?
are the numbers in the given set. (a) 196 (b) 256 (c) 169 (d) 144 EASY:DDNF:: MAKE:?
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म संबंिधत है ? Q726. Select the option in which the (a)LFD (b)NXPX
(15,556,331) words share the same relationship as that (c)LDFL (d)XXPN
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) shared by the given pair of words.
(a)(4,331,305) िन िल खत िवक ों म से िकस श समूह म वही Q732.Select the option that is related to
(b)(17,495,104) संबंध है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ? the third term in the same way as the
(c)(9,159,78) Wheat : Cereal second term is related to the first term.
(d)(12,,228,74) CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे पद से
(a) Winner : Prize उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा पद पहले से ?
Q721. Select the option in which the (b) Tea : Coffee AIDS:VIRUS:: MALARIA:?
(c) Cinnamon : Spices CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
numbers are related in the same way as
(d) City : Traffic (a)Virus (b)Parasite
are the numbers in the given set.
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार (c)Bacteria (d)Nematodes
स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है | Q727. Select the option in which the
(15,49,201) numbers are related in the same way as Q733.Select the option in which the
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) are the numbers in the given set. word-pair shares the same relationship as
(a)(18,58,290) (b)(29,91,369) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए that shared by the given word-pair.
(c)(24,76,307) (d)(17,55,220) अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ? िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही
(789, 501, 645) स है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ?
Q722.Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) Tiger-Felidae
(a) (645, 705, 573) (b) (701, 538, 600) CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
the third letter-cluster in the same way as
(c) (455, 573, 514) (d) (224, 640, 330) (a)Rabbit:Bovidae
the second letter-cluster is related to the
first letter- cluster.
तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन Q728. Select the option in which the (c)Elephant:Canidae
उसी तरह कर जैसे िक दू सरा प - र पहले numbers are related in the same way as (d)Whale:Cetacea
अ र- र से संबंिधत है । are the numbers in the given set.
LZ: OA:: UR:? िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए Q734.Select the option in which the
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ? number set shares the same relationship
(a)FS (b)HB (13, 17, 442) as that shared by the given number set.
(c)GK (d)FI CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए
(a) (18, 15, 540) (b) (17, 21, 367) अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
Q723. Four number-pairs have been (c) (15, 14, 415) (d) (11, 19, 628) (6,42,1890)
given out of which three alike in some CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
manner and one is different. Select the Q729. ‘Nagaland’ is related to ‘Kohima’ (a)(2,6,54) (b)(4,20,420)
number-pair that is different from the rest. in the same way as ‘Assam’ is related to (c)(7,23,1069) (d)(9,102,1190)
िन िल खत चार िवक ों म से तीन सामानां तर है ‘_____’.
और एक िवषम | िवषम अंक समूह को चुन | िजस कार नागालड कोिहमा से स ंिधत है उसी Q735. Select the word-pair in which the
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) कार आसाम ______ से स ंिधत है | two words are related in the same way as
(a)11:1331 (b)12:1757 CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) are the words in the following word-pair.
(c)7:343 (d)3:27 (a) Assamese (b) Konkani िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श िदए गए
(c) Dispur (d) Itanagar श समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
Q724. Select the option in which the Paper : Pulp
words share the same relationship as that Q730. Select the option that is related to CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
shared by the given pair of words. the third letter-cluster in the same way as (a) Linen : Flax (b) Fan : Blade
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही the second letter-cluster is related to the (c) Pear : Fruit (d)Road: Latex
संबंध है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ? first letter-cluster.
Weight:Kilogram िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श Q736. Select the number-pair in which
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श the two numbers are related in the same
(a)Height:Length (b)Time:Clock समूह पहले से ? way as are the two numbers of the
(c)Distance:Hertz (d)Resistance:Ohm KRZ : HOW : : CUX : ? following number-pair?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए
Q725. Select the option that is related to (a) ZRU (b) ZTV अंक जोड़े की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
the third number in the same way as the (c) YSU (d) YTU 44 : 408
second number is related to the first CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
number and the sixth number is related to Q731.Select the option that is related to (a) 61 : 549 (b) 53 : 489
the fifth number. the third term in the same way as the (c) 77 : 715 (d) 82 : 740
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अंक से second term is related to the first term.
उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अंक पहले से िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श Q737. Select the option that is related to
और छटा अंक पां चवे से ? the third letter-cluster in the same way as
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

the second letter-cluster is related to the (c) (6, 36, 9) (d) (9, 92, 11) (6,18,162)
first letter-cluster. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन Q743. Select the word-pair in which the (a) (4,8,32) (b) (4,12,34
उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा प - र पहले two words are related in the same way as (c) (5,15,80) (d) (3,18,36)
अ र- र से संबंिधत है । are the two words in the following
TALP : UXQO : : DUXR : ? word-pair. Q749.Select the option in which the
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार numbers are related in the same way as
(a) FSDR (b) ERCQ स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है ? are the numbers of the following set.
(c) ESBQ (d) FQBP Sheep : Flock िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
Q738. Select the word-pair in which the (a) City : District (b) Fish : Shoal (11,57,8)
two words are related in the same way as (c) Man : Human (d) River : Sea CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
are the two words in the following (a)(18,89,15) (b)(15,38,13)
word-pair. Q744. Select the set in which the numbers (c)(12,64,10) (d)(15,81,12)
िकस िवक म श िदए गए श ों की तरह ही are related in the same way as are the
आपस म संबंिधत है ? numbers of the following set. Q750.Select the option in which the
Temple : Church उस सेट का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएँ उसी तरह से numbers share the same relationship as
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) संबंिधत ह जैसे िन सेट की सं ाएँ ह। that shared by the given pair of numbers.
(a) Hotel : Office (8,6,9) उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं उसी
(b) College : University CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) संबंध को साझा करती ह जो सं ाओं की जोड़ी
(c) University : Student (a) (5,3,3) (b) (2,1,3) ारा साझा की गई है ।
(d) College : Theatre (c) (3,3,6) (d) (4,2,6) 12:64
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
Q739. Select the option that is related to Q745. Select the option that is related to (a)16:76 (b)14:72
the third number in the same way as the the third letter-cluster in the same way as (c)11:56 (d)13:65
second number is related to the first the second letter-cluster is related to the
number. first letter-cluster. Q751.'Umpire' is related to 'Pitch' in the
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अंक से िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अ र same way as 'Mechanic' is related to
उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा पहले से ? समूह से उसी कार स त है जैसे दू सरा पहले '______'.
10 : 1010 : : 11 : ? से ? जैसे ‘Umpire’, ‘Pitch’ से संबंिधत है , उसी कार
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) PURPLE:OWOTGK::GREEN:? ‘Mechanic’, __________ से संबंिधत है |
(a) 132 (b) 1342 CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(c) 1320 (d) 131 (a) FTBJI (b) FTBBI (a)Spanner (b)Machine
(c) FTBIJ (d) FTBII (c)Garage (d)Repair
Q740. Select the option that is related to
the fourth term in the same way as the Q746. Select the option that is related to Q752.Select the option in which the
first term is related to the second term. the third word in the same way as the words share the same relationship as that
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक चौथे पद से उसी second word is related to the first word. shared by the given pair of words.
कार संबंिधत है जैसे पहला दू सरे से ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से उसी िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श िदए गए
TIGER : CAT : : ? : DOG तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले श से श समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) संबंिधत है । Syringe:Piston
(a) Jaguar (b) Lynx School:Education::Hospital:? CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(c) Fox (d) Lion CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) (a)Vehicle:Passenger (b)Balloon:Air
(a) Diseases (b) Booksc (c)Tyre:Tube (d)Bulb:Light
Q741. Select the option that is related to (c) Treatment (d) Doctors
the third term in the same way as the Q753.Select the option in which the
second term is related to the first term. Q747. Select the option that is related to numbers are related in the same way as
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श से the third number in the same way as the are the numbers of the following set.
उसी कार संबंिधत है , जैसे दू सरा पहले से है ? second number is related to the first िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए
JUST : IWPX : : AWAY : ? number. अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म स ंिधत है ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी (26,63,124)
(a) AYWC (b) ZYXC तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(c) WYAA (d) AAYW संबंिधत है (a)(63,123,213) (b)(63,124,215)
3:25::1:? (c)(125,216,343) (d)(126,217,344)
Q742. Select the option in which the CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
number set shares the same relationship (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 10 Q754.Select the option that is related to
as that shared by the given number set. the third letter-cluster in the same way as
िदए गए िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार आपस Q748. Select the set in which the numbers the second letter-cluster is related to the
म स ंिधत है जैसे दी गई अंक समूह म है ? are related in the same way as are the first letter-cluster.
(2, 41, 7) numbers of the following set. िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) िन िल खत म िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार समूह से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा पहले
(a) (4, 57, 11) (b) (8, 81, 11) आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? से ?

STOP: HGLK:: LAMB:? Q760. Select the option in which the CHSL16-10-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning) numbers are related in the same way as (a) IHGS (b) IHSG
(a)OZNY (b)NCOD are the numbers in the given set. (c) IGHS (d) IGSH
(c)JYKZ (d)PYOX उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं उसी
तरह संबंिधत ह िजस तरह सं ाओं की यु Q766. Select the option that is related to
Q755. Select the option that is related to संबंिधत है । the third term word in the same way as
the third letter-cluster in the same way as (4, 67, 20) the second word is related to the first
the second letter-cluster is related to the CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) word.
first letter-cluster. (a) (3, 30, 12) (b) (5, 28, 56) उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत
तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन (c) (6, 219, 44) (d) (7, 52, 104) है उसी तरह दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है ।
उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा प - र पहले Car : Garage :: Aeroplane : ?
अ र- र से संबंिधत है । Q761. Select the option that is related to CHSL16-10-2020 (Morning)
DASH : FYUF :: BOARD : ? the third number in the same way as the (a) Sky (b) Runway
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) second number is related to the first (c) Hanger (d) Pilot
(a) ZPCLZ (b) DQYBF number.
(c) DMCPF (d) ZQYTB उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी Q767. Select the option that is related to
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से the third number in the same way as the
Q756. Select the option in which the संबंिधत है । second number is related to the first
numbers share the same relationship as 11 : 143 :: 23 : ? number.
that shared by the given pair of numbers. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अंक
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं उसी (a) 572 (b) 667 (c) 470 (d) 529 समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अंक
तरह संबंिधत ह िजस तरह सं ाओं की यु समूह पहले से है ?
संबंिधत है । Q762. Select the option in which the 215 : 125 :: 415 : ?
8 : 36 words share the same relationship as that CHSL16-10-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) shared by the given pair of words. (a) 625 (b) 145 (c) 250 (d) 154
(a) 4 : 8 (b) 10 : 42 िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही
(c) 12 : 78 (d) 6 : 24 स है जो िदए गए श ों म है ? Q768. Select the option that is related to
Asia : China the third number in the same way as the
Q757. Select the option in which the CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) second number related to the first number.
words share the same relationship as that (a) Asia : Antarctica िन िल खत िवक ों म से कौन सा अंक तीसरे अंक
shared by the given pair of words. (b) Thailand : Bangkok समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसा दू सरा अंक
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही (c) Asia : Malaysia पहले से है ?
स है जो िदए गए श ों म है ? (d) Africa : Continent 236 : 263 : : 768 : ?
Fish : Pisciculture CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) Q763. Select the option in which the (a) 788 (b) 778 (c) 876 (d) 786
(a) Goat : Apiculture numbers are related in the same way as
(b) Honeybee : Citriculture are the numbers in the given set. Q769. Select the option that is related to
(c) Earthworm : Horticulture उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम नंबर उसी तरह the third term in the same way as the
(d) Silkworm : Sericulture से संबंिधत ह जैसे िदए गए सेट म नंबर ह। second term is related to the first term.
(16, 88, 296) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श
Q758. 'Algebra' is related to 'Maths' in the CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) समूह से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसा दू सरा श
same way as 'optics' is related to (a) (28, 140, 518) (b)(12,66, 222) समूह पहले से है ?
'________'. (c) (20, 110, 250) (d)(14,77, 385) PTR : R38 : : IMK : ?
िजस कार अलजे ा मै स से स ंिधत है उसी CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
कार ऑि स _____ से स ंिधत होगा | Q764. Select the option that is related to (a) M24 (b) K20
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) the third letter-cluster in the same way as (c) M20 (d) K24
(a) Physics (b) Geography the second letter-cluster is related to the
(c) Electronics (d) Biology first letter-cluster. Q770. Select the option that is related to
तीसरे अ र- र से संबंिधत िवक का चयन the third term in the same way as the
Q759. 'Curtain' is related to 'cloth' in the उसी तरह से कर जैसे दू सरा प - र पहले second term is related to the first term.
same way as 'jewellery' is related to अ र- र से संबंिधत है । िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िदए गए तीसरे
'_______'. TZS : WCV :: KQP : ? श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसा दू सरा पहले
'पदा', 'कपड़ा' से उसी कार स ंिधत है िजस CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) से है ?
कार 'आभूषण', '_______' से स ंिधत है ! (a) NSP (b) MTS BUS : AWP : : CAR : _______
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) (c) NTP (d) NTS CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a)Valuable/ ब मू (a) BUD (b) BCD
(b)Gold/ ण Q765. Select the option that is related to (c) CAB (d) BCO
(c)Goldsmith/ णकार the third term in the same way as the
(d)Beauty/ सौंदय second term is related to the first term. Q771. Select the word-pair in which the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे पद से संबंिधत two words are related in the same way as
है उसी तरह दू सरा पद पहले पद से संबंिधत है । are the two words in the following
KLEN : EKNL :: GHIS : ? word-pair.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श Q783. Select the option in which the
आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह ? समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श numbers share the same relationship as
Coach : Player समूह पहले से है ? that shared by the given pair of numbers.
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) BLISS : STNLF :: STOP :_______ िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
(a)Captain : Team (b)Teacher : Student CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है
(c)Umpire : Cricket (d)Team : Practice (a) BLSQ (b) TQST 2197 : 1331
(c) TTSQ (d) TTRR CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)
Q772. 'Tree' is related to 'Mango’ in the (a) 1331 : 729 (b) 343 : 125
same way as 'Vine' is related to '_____'. Q778. 'House' is related to 'Foundation' in (c) 512 : 216 (d) 729 : 343
िजस कार 'पेड़', ‘आम’ से स ंिधत है उसी कार the same way as 'Tree' is related to
'वाइन" ___ से स ंिधत है | '______'. Q784. 'Advocate' is related to 'Client' in
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) जैसे ‘house’, ‘foundation’ से स रखता है , the same way as 'Doctor' is related to
(a) Guava (b) Banana उसी कार ‘tree’, _____ से स रखता है | '_____'.
(c) Orange (d) Grape CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) िजस कार ‘advocate’, ‘client’ से संबंिधत है ,
(a) Root (b) Branch उसी कार ‘doctor’, _____ से संबंिधत है |
Q773. Select the set in which the numbers (c) Stem (d) Soil CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
are related in the same way as are the (a) Patient (b) Nurse
numbers of the following set. Q779. Select the option in which the (c) Disease (d) Treatment
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंकों म वही words share the same relationship as that
स है जो िदए गए अंक समूहों म है ? shared be the given pair of words. Q785. Select the option in which the
(2, 6, 42) िन िल खत म से कौन से श समूह म वही स numbers are related in the same way as
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ?
are the numbers of the following set.
(a) (9,13,43) (b) (1,2,6) Stringent : Flexible िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक िदए गए
(c) (4,12,86) (d) (4,8,39) CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) अंक समूह की तरह ही आपस म संबंिधत है ?
(a) Anxious : Depressed (31, 18, 7)
Q774. Select the set in which the numbers (b) Responsive : Passionate CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
are related in the same way as are the (c) Daring : Venturesome (a) (72, 34, 15) (b) (70, 38, 20)
numbers of the following set. (d) Authoritarian : Liberal (c) (64, 50, 40) (d) (90, 54, 12)
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? Q780. Select the option that is related to Q786. Select the option that is related to
(10,50,1250) the third letter-cluster in the same way as the third letter-cluster in the same way as
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) the second letter-cluster is related to the the second letter-cluster is related to the
(a) (2,10,125) (b) (4,8,32) first letter-cluster. first letter-cluster.
(c) (9,45,945) (d) (4,20,300) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श से
समूह से उस कार संबंिधत है दू सरा श समूह उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले से है
Q775. Select the option that is related to पहले से है ? JAPAN : NAQAJ :: INDIA : ?
the third number in the same way as the RICH : IRXS :: BOOK : ? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
second number is related to the first CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) (a) DNIAI (b) AIENI
number. (a) XKKO (b) DQQM (c) AIDNI (d) NIEAI
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अंक से (c) YLLP (d) ZLLH
उसी कार संबंिधत है दू सरा अंक पहले से ? Q787. Select the option in which the
9 : 72 :: 5 : ? Q781. Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) numbers are related in the same way as shared by the given pair of words.
(a) 39 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 35 are the numbers of the following set. िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श उसी कार
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए श समूह म है
Q776. Select the letter-cluster that can आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? Phobia : Fear
replace the question mark (?) in the (25, 20, 16) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
following series. CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) (a) Amnesia : Forgetting
िच के थान पर कौन सा िवक आएगा जो (a) (28, 18, 12) (b) (32, 16, 8) (b) Cough : Infection
तीसरे श समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे (c) (30, 17, 10) (d) (34, 19, 9) (c) Dengue : Mosquitoes
दू सरा श समूह पहले से है ? (d) Dyslexia : Disability
IHUW : HFRS :: LMQT : ? Q782. Select the option in which the
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) numbers are related in the same way as Q788. Select the option in which the
(a) LKPN (b) KKNP are the numbers of the following set. numbers are related in the same way as
(c) LMNO (d) LNMK िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार are the numbers of the following set.
आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
Q777. Select the option that is related to (12, 48, 8) आपस म संबंिधत है , जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है
the third letter-cluster in the same way as CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) (26, 144, 18)
the second letter-cluster is related to the (a) (15, 45, 12) (b) (18, 54, 13) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
first letter-cluster. (c) (16, 64, 13) (d) (19, 57, 15) (a) (18, 120, 13) (b)(32,196, 24)
(c) (28, 190, 16) (d)(21,108, 12)


Q789. Select the option that is related to Q795. Select the option in which the िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही
the third term in the same way as the numbers are related in the same way as स है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ?
second term is related to the first term. are the numbers of the following set. Distance : Kilometers
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे पद से िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श पहले से है आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? (a) Volume : Liters (b) Weight : Scale
MAKE : AEKM :: JUST : _______ (5, 8, 39) (c) Fame : Television (d) Bushel : Corn
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) UTSS (b) UTJS (a) (13, 16, 88) (b) (11, 14, 74) Q802. Select the option that is related to
(c) JSTU (d) UJTS (c) (9, 12, 63) (d) (6, 8, 44) the third term in the same way as the
second term is related to the first term.
Q790. Select the option in which the Q796. 'Myopia' is related to 'Eye' in the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
numbers share the same relationship as same way as 'Pyorrhea' is related to म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
that shared by the given pair of numbers. '______'. श पहले से है ?
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंकों म वही जैसे ‘मायोिपया ’, ‘आँ ख’ से संबंिधत है , उसी Longest day : June : : Shortest day : ?
स है जो िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? कार ‘पाइ रया’, ____ से संबंिधत है | CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (a) February (b) November
512 : 64 (a) Stomach (b) Gums (c) December (d) January
(a) 1331 : 144 (b) 1000 : 81 (c) Lung (d) Brain
(c) 1728 : 121 (d) 1331 : 121 Q803. Select the option that is related to
Q797. Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the
Q791. Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first
the third letter-cluster in the same way as second number is related to the first number.
the second letter-cluster is related to the number. िन िल खत िवक ों म से कौन सा अंक दी गयी
first letter-cluster. िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे अंक से ृंखला के तीसरे अंक से उसी कार संबंिधत है
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे श उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसा दू सरा अंक पहले से है जैसे दू सरा अंक पहले से है ?
समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श 29 : 838 : : 14 : ? 14 : 182 : : 22 : ?
समूह पहले से है ? CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
RAMP : IZNK :: CEILING : ? (a) 199 (b) 196 (c) 193 (d) 195 (a)482 (b)462 (c)444 (d)244
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) XVRORMT (b) XVTRPNL Q798. Study the given pattern carefully Q804. Select the option in which the
(c) WUQNQLS (d)YWSPSNU and select the number that can replace the words share the same relationship as that
question mark (?) in it. shared by the given pair of words.
Q792. Select the option in which the िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों म वही
numbers share the same relationship as की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? स है जो िदए गए श समूह म है ?
that shared by the given pair of numbers. 4 (15) 1; 7 (22) 3; ? (57) 4 Chief Justice : President
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंकों म वही CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
स है जो िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? (a) 11 (b) 16 (c) 12 (d) 14 (a) Corporator : Mayor
132 : 12 (b) Chief Minister : Cabinet Minister
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Q799. Select the option that is related to (c) Chief of Army Staff : Prime Minister
(a) 182 : 14 (b) 224 : 15 the third term in the same way as the (d) Municipal Commissioner : State
(c) 169 : 13 (d) 240 : 15 second term is related to the first term. Government
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक तीसरे पद से
Q793. Select the letter-cluster that can उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे पहला पद दू सरे से है ? Q805. Select the option that represents
replace the question mark (?) in the Malaria : Parasite : : Stomach ulcers : ? the words in a logical sequence.
following series. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक मश ों म तक के
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कौन सा अ र समूह (a) Protozoa (b) Parasites आधार पर सबसे सटीक स है ?
िच के थान पर आएगा ? (c) Insects (d) Bacteria CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
STRAIN : TRAIN :: STABLE : ? (a) Peanut - Mouse - Snake - Eagle
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Q800. Select the option that is related to (b) Mouse - Peanut -Eagle - Snake
(a) TABLE (b) ABLE the third number in the same way as the (c) Mouse - Snake - Peanut - Eagle
(c) BALES (d) LABLE second number is related to the first (d) Eagle - Snake - Peanut - Mouse
Q794. 'Anemia' is related to 'Blood' in the कौन सा िवक िदए गए ित प म तीसरे अंक से Q806. Select the option that is related to
same way as 'Hepatitis' is related to उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अंक पहले अंक the third number in the same way as the
'______'. से है ? second number is related to the first
िजस कार ‘amnesia’, ‘blood’ से संबंिधत है , 132 : 156 : : 462 : ? number.
उसी कार ‘hepatitis’, _____ से संबंिधत है | CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा अंक दी गयी ृंखला के
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (a) 505 (b) 484 (c) 503 (d) 506 तीसरे अंक से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(a) Toxin (b) Liver अंक पहले से है ?
(c) Inflammation (d) Viral Q801. Select the option in which the 36 : 27 :: 16 : ?
words share the same relationship as that CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
shared by the given pair of words. / (a)125 (b)64 (c)124 (d)8
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q807. Select the option in which the (a) Book (b) Wood (a) Kidney (b) Lungs
numbers are related in the same way as (c) Printer (d) Plastic (c) Brain (d) Rib-cage
are the numbers in the given set. /
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार Q813. Select the option that is related to Q819. Select the option that is related to
आपस म संबंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? the third letter-cluster in the same way as the third letter-cluster as the second
(23, 59, 18) the second letter-cluster is related to the letter-cluster is related to the first
CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) first letter-cluster. letter-cluster.
(a) (9, 92, 24) (b) (71, 83, 21) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(c) (24, 68, 46) (d) (43, 59, 67) के तीसरे श समूह से उसी कार स ंिधत है म तीसरे श समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे
जैसे दू सरा पहले से है ? दू सरा श समूह पहले से है ?
Q808. Select the option that is related to COAT : APZV : : ROAD : ? HEAVY : ICBTZ : : LIGHT : ?
the third letter-cluster in the same way as CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
the second letter-cluster is related to the (a) TNCC (b) PQZF (a) MGHFU (b) GMFHU
first letter-cluster. / िन िल खत म से कौन सा (c) SPBE (d) PPZF (c) HGMUFH (d) FUGHM
िवक दी गयी अिभ के तीसरे श समूह से
उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा श समूह पहले Q814. Select the option in which the Q820. Select the option that is related to
से है ? numbers share the same relationship as the third word in the same way as the
CDE : XWV :: HIJ : ? that shared by the given number-pair. second word is related to the first word.
CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) िकस िवक म अंकों म वही स है जो िदए गए िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(a) SRQ (b) QRS अंक समूह म है ? म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(c) PON (d) NOP 4 : 25 श पहले से है ?
CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) Sand : Desert : : Water : ?
Q809. Select the option in which the (a) 11 : 170 (b) 6 : 49 रे त: रे िग ान:: पानी:?
numbers are related in the same way as (c) 12 : 120 (d) 6 : 36 CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
are the numbers in the given set. (a) Ocean / महासागर (b) Land / भूिम
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंकों म वही Q815. Select the option that is related to (c) Vapour/ वा (d) Ice / बफ
स है जो िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? the third word in the same way as the
(13, 133, 6) second word is related to the first word. Q821. Select the option in which the
CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला numbers are related in the same way as
(a) (9, 65, 4) (b) (10, 8, 6) म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा are the numbers in the following set.
(c) (3, 4, 2) (d) (11, 122, 2) श पहले से है ? िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार
Time : Second : Length : ? आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है
Q810. Select the option that is related to CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) (7, 46, 340)
the third word in the same way as the (a) Meter (b) Distance CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
second word is related to the first word. (c) Long (d) Measuring Rule (a) (4, 28, 68) (b) (8, 68, 500)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c) (5, 22, 130) (d) (15, 222, 3372)
म तीसरे श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा Q816. 'TQUS' is related to 'UPVR' in the
श पहले से है ? same way as 'FIRE' is related to _____. Q822. Select the option that is related to
India : Delhi :: Jharkhand : ? िजस कार ‘TQUS’, ‘UPVR’ से संबंिधत है , उसी the third term in the same way as the
CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) कार ‘FIRE’, ______ से संबंिधत है | second term is related to the first term.
(a) Dispur (b) Bhubaneshwar CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(c) Ranchi (d) Bhopal (a) GIRG (b) GHSD म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
(c) GIRF (d) GHRD श पहले से है ?
Q811. Select the option that is related to Belt : Leather : : Bread : ?
the third number in the same way as the Q817. Select the option in which the CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
second number is related to the first numbers are related in the same way as (a) Flour (b) Cake
number. are the numbers in the following set. (c) Wood (d) Sandwich
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िन िलखत म से िकस िवक म अंकों म वही
के तीसरे अंक से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा स है जो िदए गए अंक समूह म है ? Q823. Select the option that is related to
अंक पहले से है ? (12, 27, 9) the third number in the same way as the
6 : 252 : : 5 : ? CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening) second number is related to the first
CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning) (a) (14, 21, 6) (b) (15, 52, 13) number.
(a)150 (b)125 (c)25 (d)100 (c) (11, 21, 7) (d) (5, 18, 8) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
Q812. Select the option that is related to Q818. Select the option that is related to श पहले से है ?
the third term in the same way as the the third word in the same way as the 7 : 42 : : 18 : ?
second term is related to the first term. second word is related to the first word. / CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (a) 304 (b) 308 (c) 306 (d) 302
म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा म तीसरे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा
श पहले से है ? श पहले से है ? Q824. Select the number-pair in which
Shoe : Leather : : Paper : ? Angioplasty : Heart : : Dialysis : ? the two numbers are related in the same
CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning) CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)

way as are the two numbers of the given उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे अ र
number-pair. समूह से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार दू सरा अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है ।
आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है SLOW : MPTX :: CAUGHT : ?
31:250 CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) Select the option that is related to the (a) WVHIUV (b) BDHIUV
(a)75:614 (b)81:657 third letter-pair in the same way as the (c) BDIUVH (d) DBVHIU
(c)54:434 (d)40:320 second letter-pair is related to the first
letter pair. Q834. Select the number-pair in which
Q825. Select the word pair that has the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला the two numbers are related in the same
same relation between the words as the म तीसरे श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा way as are the two numbers of the
relation between the words of the given श पहले से है ? following number-pair.
word pair. LB:KJ::ND:? उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम दो
उस श -यु का चयन कर, िजसम श ों के बीच CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) सं ाएँ आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस
वही संबंध है , जो संबंध िदए गए श -यु के श ों (a)DE (b)QP (c)IH (d)HI कार िन िल खत सं ा यु की दो सं ाएँ
के बीच है संबंिधत ह।
Fast: slow / ती : धीमा Q830. Select the option that is related to 16 : 224
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
the third number in the same way as the
(a) Rancid: Fresh / बासी:ताज़ा (a) 20 : 400 (b) 22 : 440
second number is related to the first
(b) Blank : empty / र :खाली (c) 25 : 650 (d) 17 : 289
(c) Mending: Repairing / सुधारना:मर त िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
करना म तीसरे अंक से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा Q835. Select the option that is related to
(d) Restrictions: Prohibition / ितबंध:िनषेध अंक पहले से है ? the third letter-cluster in the same way as
23:110::17:? the second letter-cluster is related to the
Q826. Select the option in which the CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) first letter-cluster.
number set shares the same relationship (a)70 (b)85 (c)90 (d)80 उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे अ र
as that shared by the given number set. समूह से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है , िजस कार
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म अंक उसी कार Q831. Select the option that is related to दू सरा अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है ।
आपस म स ंिधत है जैसे िदए गए अंक समूह म है the fourth term in the same way as the CROW : XILD :: SPONGE : ?
(2,4,8) first term is related to the second term. CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (a) HKLPRV (b) HKLMSY
(a)5,21,80 (b)6,17,54 म चौथे श से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे पहला (c) HKLMTV (d) FJLMTV
(c)4,16,64 (d)5,25,625 श दू सरे से है ?
World Environment Day : 5 June : : ? : Q836. Which number will replace the
Q827. Select the option that is related to 20 August question mark(?) in the following series?
the third letter-cluster in the same way as CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
the second letter-cluster is related to the (a) Renewable energy Day / अ य ऊजा कौन सी सं ा आएगी?
first letter-cluster. िदवस 65, 85, 112, ? , 215, 305, 430
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (b) International Women's Day / अंतरा ीय CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
म तीसरे श से उसी कार स ंिधत है जैसे दू सरा मिहला िदवस (a) 153 (b) 150 (c) 167 (d) 161
श पहले से है ? (c) World AIDS Day / िव एड् स िदवस
STAR:PRWU::TRZP:? (d) World Water Day / िव जल िदवस Q837. Select the number-pair in which
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) numbers are related in the same way as
(a)STWY (b)QPVS SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1 are two numbers of the following
(c)POUR (d)RQWT number-pair.
उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम सं ाएँ
Q832. Select the option that is related to
Q828. 'Movie' is related to 'Actor' in the आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस कार
the third letter-cluster in the same way as
same way as 'Magazine' is related to िन िल खत सं ा यु की दो सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह।
the second letter-cluster is related to the
'_______'. 5 : 75
first letter-cluster. CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
िजस कार ‘actor’ से ‘movie’ स ंिधत है , उसी उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे अ र
कार _____ ‘magazine’ से स ंिधत है ? (a) 6 : 36 (b) 8 : 192
समूह से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) दू सरा अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है । (c) 9 : 343 (d) 7 : 83
(a)Singer / गायक (b)Publisher / काशक ABSORPTION : ROSBANOITP ::
(c)Writer / लेखक (d)Seller / िव े ता VISUALIZER : ? Q838. Select the option that is related to
CPO 23/11/20(Morning) the third letter-cluster in the same way as
Q829. Observe the following pattern and (a) AUSIVREILZ (b) VUAISREZIL the second letter -cluster is related to the
answer the given question. (c) AUSIVREZIL (d) UASIVERZIL first letter- cluster
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और पूछे गए उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो तीसरे अ र
का उ र द | समूह से ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार
Q833. Select the option that is related to
दू सरा अ र समूह पहले अ र समूह से संबंिधत है ।
the third letter-cluster in the same way as
the second letter-cluster is related to the CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
first letter-cluster. (a) NITUFS (b)SFUTJN
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) SMIRTE (d) SIMRET Q844. Select the option that is related to
the third letter- cluster in the same way as Q849. Select the option that is related to
Q839. Select the number-pair in which the second-cluster to the first the third letter-cluster in the same way as
the two numbers are related in the same letter-cluster. the second letter-cluster is related to the
way as are the two numbers of the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से first letter-cluster.
following number-pair. उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र- र
उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम दो अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । से उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा प - र
सं ाएँ आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस FOREST: TSROFE:: MOVING: ? पहले अ र- र से संबंिधत है ।
कार िन िल खत यु की दो सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह। CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) FEEDBACK : DEABEFKC ::
14:588 (a)OVINMG (b) VONMIG HIGHLAND: _______
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (c)GIMNOV (d)VOMNGI CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) 20 : 980 (b) 12 : 666 (a) HGIHDNAL
(c) 18 : 972 (d) 11 : 344 Q845. Select the option that is related to (b) HGALIHDN
the third letter-cluster in the same way as (c) ALHGDNIH
Q840. Select the option that is related to the second letter-cluster is related to the (d) IHHGALDN
the third letter-cluster in the same way as first letter-cluster.
the second letter-cluster is related to the उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से Q850. Select the option in which the
first letter-cluster. उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले numbers share the same relationship as
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । that shared by the given pair of numbers.
उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले JEALOUSY : LAYSEJUO :: उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं समान
अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । FUSEWIRE : _______ संबंध साझा करती ह जो िक िदए गए जोड़े की
VOWEL: ZPAFP :: FRICK: ? CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) सं ा ारा साझा िकया गया है ।
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (a)REWISEFU 48:60
(a) JVJGO (b) OGMVH (b)ESERUFIW CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(c) JVMGO (d) JVGOK (c)EEFIRSUW (a) 78:94 (b) 64:72
(d)ESUFERIW (c) 86:100 (d) 98:114
Q841. Select the option that is related to
the third letter-cluster in the same way as Q846. Select the option that is related to ANSWERS
the second letter-cluster is related to the the third letter-cluster in the same way as
first letter-cluster. the second letter-cluster is related to the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से first letter-cluster. 1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(b)
उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से
अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(d) 8.(a)
BEST : WVHE :: CROP : ? अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है ।
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) ACTION : TCANOI :: BOTTLE : _____ 9.(c) 10.(d) 11.(a) 12.(b)
(a) PRUM (b) SRVG CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(c) SRUF (d) RTUF (a)EBLOTT (b)TOBELT 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(b)
Q842. Select the number-pair in which 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(b)
the two numbers are related in the same Q847. Select the option in which the
21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(c) 24.(c)
way as are the two numbers of the numbers share the same relationship as
following number pair. that shared by the given pair of numbers.
25.(d) 26.(d) 27.(d) 28.(d)
उस सं ा यु का चयन कीिजए िजसम दो उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम सं ाएं समान
सं ाएँ आपस म ठीक उसी कार संबंिधत ह िजस संबंध साझा करती ह जो िक िदए गए जोड़े की
कार िन िल खत यु की दो सं ाएँ संबंिधत ह। सं ा ारा साझा िकया गया है । 29.(a) 30.(c) 31.(a) 32.(a)
7: 198 84 :72
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 33.(c) 34.(b) 35.(a) 36.(c)
(a) 6:72 (b)9:162 (a) 64 : 56 (b) 68 : 54
37.(c) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(d)
(c)5: 240 (d)8:228 (c) 76 : 62 (d) 77 : 64
41.(c) 42.(c) 43.(c) 44.(c)
Q843. Select the option that is related to Q848. Select the option that is related to
the third letter-cluster in the same way as the third letter-cluster in the same way as 45.(b) 46.(d) 47.(b) 48.(a)
the second-cluster to the first the second letter-cluster is related to the
letter-cluster. first letter-cluster. 49.(c) 50.(b) 51.(a) 52.(a)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र-समूह से उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे अ र- र
उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा अ र-समूह पहले से उसी तरह संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरा प - र 53.(a) 54.(c) 55.(a) 56.(d)
अ र-समूह से संबंिधत है । पहले अ र- र से संबंिधत है ।
PORCH : IDSPQ:: MOIST: RUBBER : BURREB :: CATTLE : 57.(c) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60.(d)
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) ________
(a)OMITS (b)UTJQO CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 61.(d) 62.(c) 63.(c) 64.(c)

65.(d) 66.(d) 67.(b) 68.(a) 193.(a) 194.(b) 195.(b) 196.(c) 321.(d) 322.(a) 323.(a) 324.(c)

69.(a) 70.(a) 71.(b) 72.(d) 197.(d) 198.(c) 199.(b) 200.(a) 325.(a) 326.(d) 327.(a) 328.(a)

73.(c) 74.(d) 75.(b) 76.(c) 201.(d) 202.(d) 203.(d) 204.(d) 329.(d) 330.(c) 331.(d) 332.(a)

77.(c) 78.(a) 79.(b) 80.(d) 205.(d) 206.(b) 207.(b) 208.(d) 333.(c) 334.(d) 335.(d) 336.(d)

81.(b) 82.(c) 83.(b) 84.(c) 209.(d) 210.(a) 211.(b) 212.(a) 337.(c) 338.(a) 339.(b) 340.(c)

85.(d) 86.(b) 87.(a) 88.(c) 213.(b) 214.(d) 215.(a) 216.(d) 341.(b) 342.(c) 343.(c) 344.(a)

89.(c) 90.(d) 91.(b) 92.(b) 217.(d) 218.(d) 219.(b) 220.(d) 345.(b) 346.(a) 347.(a) 348.(d)

93.(a) 94.(a) 95.(a) 96.(c) 221.(d) 222.(a) 223.(d) 224.(a) 349.(c) 350.(c) 351.(a) 352.(a)

97.(b) 98.(b) 99.(a) 100.(d) 225.(c) 226.(b) 227.(d) 228.(b) 353.(b) 354.(a) 355.(c) 356.(c)

101.(b) 102.(a) 103.(a) 104.(d) 229.(c) 230.(c) 231.(d) 232.(a) 357.(a) 358.(a) 359.(a) 360.(c)

105.(a) 106.(b) 107.(c) 108.(b) 233.(a) 234.(a) 235.(a) 236.(a) 361.(c) 362.(d) 363.(c) 364.(d)

109.(d) 110.(c) 111.(b) 112.(a) 237.(c) 238.(a) 239.(d) 240.(c) 365.(a) 366.(d) 367.(b) 368.(b)

113.(a) 114.(d) 115.(b) 116.d() 241.(a) 242.(d) 243.(b) 244.(a) 369.(b) 370.(c) 371.(b) 372.(c)

117.(d) 118.(c) 119.(d) 120.(c) 245.(d) 246.(b) 247.(b) 248.(a) 373.(b) 374.(b) 375.(d) 376.(c)

121.(d) 122.(c) 123.(c) 124.(a) 249.(d) 250.(b) 251.(d) 252.(d) 377.(a) 378.(a) 379.(c) 380.(d)

125.(b) 126.(d) 127.(c) 128.(b) 253.(a) 254.(d) 255.(d) 256.(c) 381.(b) 382.(d) 383.(a) 384.(d)

129.(d) 130.(d) 131.(c) 132.(d) 257.(a) 258.(c) 259.(d) 260.(c) 385.(d) 386.(a) 387.(a) 388.(b)

133.(d) 134.(c) 135.(d) 136.(a) 261.(b) 262.(b) 263.(c) 264.(b) 389.(b) 390.(a) 391.(d) 392.(c)

137.(d) 138.(b) 139.(a) 140.(d) 265.(c) 266.(d) 267.(b) 268.(f) 393.(b) 394.(b) 395.(c) 396.(d)

141.(d) 142.(b) 143.(a) 144.(c) 269.(b) 270.(d) 271.(d) 272.(d) 397.(a) 398.(a) 399.(a) 400.(c)

145.(a) 146.(a) 147.(a) 148.(a) 273.(b) 274.(b) 275.(c) 276.(a) 401.(a) 402.(d) 403.(c) 404.(a)

149.(a) 150.(d) 151.(c) 152.(b) 277.(b) 278.(d) 279.(a) 280.(a) 405.(c) 406.(d) 407.(d) 408.(b)

153.(c) 154.(b) 155.(a) 156.(c) 281.(c) 282.(d) 283.(d) 284.(b) 409.(d) 410.(a) 411.(c) 412.(a)

157.(d) 158.(d) 159.(c) 160.(b) 285.(b) 286.(d) 287.(d) 288.(a) 413.(d) 414.(c) 415.(a) 416.(c)

161.(d) 162.(d) 163.(c) 164.(b) 289.(d) 290.(d) 291.(b) 292.(b) 417.(c) 418.(a) 419.(c) 420.(b)

165.(b) 166.(b) 167.(b) 168.(a) 293.(a) 294.(b) 295.(a) 296.(c) 421.(b) 422.(c) 423.(c) 424.(b)

169.(d) 170.(c) 171.(a) 172.(c) 297.(b) 298.(c) 299.(c) 300.(c) 425.(d) 426.(d) 427.(b) 428.(b)

173.(a) 174.(b) 175.(d) 176.(a) 301.(b) 302.(d) 303.(d) 304.(d) 429.(c) 430.(b) 431.(b) 432.(c)

177.(c) 178.(d) 179.(c) 180.(d) 305.(c) 306.(c) 307.(c) 308.(a) 433.(b) 434.(c) 435.(c) 436.(b)

181.(c) 182.(b) 183.(c) 184.(b) 309.(a) 310.(a) 311.(d) 312.(c) 437.(c) 438.(c) 439.(b) 440.(c)

185.(d) 186.(c) 187.(b) 188.(c) 313.(a) 314.(d) 315.(b) 316.(a) 441.(d) 442.(d) 443.(d) 444.(b)

189.(c) 190.(c) 191.(b) 192.(d) 317.(c) 318.(a) 319.(b) 320.(d) 445.(a) 446.(c) 447.(c) 448.(c)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

449.(a) 450.(a) 451.(d) 452.(c) 573.(c) 574.(b) 575.(d) 576.(d) 697.(a) 698.(a) 699.(d) 700.(a)

453.(b) 454.(a) 455.(c) 456.(c) 577.(a) 578.(b) 579.(c) 580.(c) 701.(c) 702.(b) 703.(d) 704.(a)

457.(a) 458.(b) 459.(d) 460.(a) 581.(d) 582.(c) 583.(b) 584.(b) 705.(d) 706.(d) 707.(a) 708.(d)

461.(d) 462.(b) 463.(c) 464.(a) 585.(c) 586.(c) 587.(b) 588.(c) 709.(b) 710.(a) 711.(b) 712.(b)

465.(a) 466.(c) 467.(c) 468.(c) 589.(a) 590.(c) 591.(c) 592.(d) 713.(a) 714.(a) 715.(d) 716.(c)

469.(a) 470.(d) 471.(a) 472.(b) 593.(d) 594.(a) 595.(c) 596.(b) 717.(c) 718.(b) 719.(c) 720.(c)

473.(d) 474.(c) 475.(a) 476.(a) 597.(b) 598.(c) 599.(a) 600.()c 721.(b) 722.(d) 723.(b) 724.(d)

477.(d) 478.(a) 479.(d) 480.(d) 601.(c) 602.(a) 603.(b) 604.(c) 725.(c) 726.(c) 727.(c) 728.(a)

481.(d) 482.(d) 483.(a) 484.(c) 605.(b) 606.(a) 607.(b) 608.(a) 729.(c) 730.(a) 731.(c) 732.(b)

485.(c) 486.(a) 487.(a) 488.(d) 609.(c) 610.(b) 611.(a) 612.(a) 733.(d) 734.(a) 735.(a) 736.(b)

489.(c) 490.(d) 491.(d) 492.(a) 613.(d) 614.(c) 615.(b) 616.(b) 737.(b) 738.(b) 739.(b) 740.(c)

493.(a) 494.(d) 495.(a) 496.(c) 617.(a) 618.(c) 619.(d) 620.(a) 741.(b) 742.(a) 743.(b) 744.(a)

497.(a) 498.(b) 499.(b) 500.(c) 621.(c) 622.(a) 623.(a) 624.(b) 745.(d) 746.(c) 747.(c) 748.(a)

501.(d) 502.(d) 503.(d) 504.(d) 625.(d) 626.(b) 627.(a) 628.(a) 749.(d) 750.(b) 751.(c) 752.(c)

505.(d) 506.(c) 507.(c) 508.(c) 629.(d) 630.(d) 631.(d) 632.(a) 753.(b) 754.(a) 755.(c) 756.(c)

509.(d) 510.(a) 511.(c) 512.(a) 633.(c) 634.(c) 635.(a) 636.(c) 757.(d) 758.(a) 759.(b) 760.(a)

513.(d) 514.(d) 515.(a) 516.(d) 637.(d) 638.(b) 639.(c) 640.(b) 761.(b) 762.(c) 763.(b) 764.(d)

517.(b) 518.(c) 519.(b) 520.(a) 641.(a) 642.(c) 643.(a) 644.(a) 765.(d) 766.(c) 767.(b) 768.(d)

521.(a) 522.(c) 523.(b) 524.(a) 645.(a) 646.(d) 647.(d) 648.(a) 769.(d) 770.(d) 771.(b) 772.(d)

525.(c) 526.(b) 527.(a) 528.(c) 649.(b) 650.(c) 651.(d) 652.(c) 773.(b) 774.(b) 775.(c) 776.(b)

529.(a) 530.(c) 531.(b) 532.(c) 653.(d) 654.(c) 655.(b) 656.(c) 777.(d) 778.(a) 779.(d) 780.(c)

533.(d) 534.(c) 535.(a) 536.(c) 657.(a) 658.(b) 659.(a) 660.(a) 781.(b) 782.(a) 783.(b) 784.(a)

537.(d) 538.(b) 539.(c) 540.(c) 661.(a) 662.(c) 663.(b) 664.(c) 785.(d) 786.(b) 787.(a) 788.(d)

541.(c) 542.(c) 543.(a) 544.(d) 665.(c) 666.(b) 667.(c) 668.(d) 789.(c) 790.(d) 791.(a) 792.(a)

545.(a) 546.(c) 547.(a) 548.(d) 669.(a) 670.(b) 671.(a) 672.(d) 793.(a) 794.(b) 795.(c) 796.(b)

549.(c) 550.(b) 551.(b) 552.(c) 673.(b) 674.(c) 675.(c) 676.(c) 797.(c) 798.(a) 799.(d) 800.(d)

553.(a) 554.(b) 555.(d) 556.(b) 677.(d) 678.(d) 679.(b) 680.(c) 801.(a) 802.(c) 803.(b) 804.(d)

557.(b) 558.(a) 559.(b) 560.(b) 681.(c) 682.(b) 683.(b) 684.(b) 805.(a) 806.(d) 807.(b) 808.(a)

561.(d) 562.(d) 563.(b) 564.(d) 685.(b) 686.(c) 687.(d) 688.(a) 809.(a) 810.(c) 811.(a) 812.(b)

565.(b) 566.(c) 567.(a) 568.(b) 689.(b) 690.(d) 691.(d) 692.(b) 813.(d) 814.(b) 815.(a) 816.(b)

569.(b) 570.(b) 571.(c) 572.(c) 693.(c) 694.(a) 695.(a) 696.(b) 817.(a) 818.(a) 819.(a) 820.(a)


Opposite letter of V=E Sol 14. (c) Birds fly with the help of
821.(d) 822.(a) 823.(c) 824.(c)
Y-2 = W Wings. In the same way, Fishes swim
825.(a) 826.(c) 827.(b) 828.(c) Opposite letter of Z = A with the help of Fins.

829.(c) 830.(d) 831.(a) 832.(c) Sol 6. (b) In the following equation 8:81 Sol 15. (d) Circumference is the outer
:: 10: ----- length of a Circle. In the same way,
833.(b) 834.(b) 835.(c) 836.(a) There is 8+1=9 Perimeter is the outer length of a
So, (9)2=81 Rectangle.
837.(b) 838.(d) 839.(c) 840.(a) Same in case of 10+1=11
So, (11)2 = 121 Sol 16. (b)
841.(c) 842.(d) 843.(c) 844.(b) 62 - 1 = 35
Sol 7. (d) In this question, Memory : Similarly, 92 -1 =80
845.(b) 846.(b) 847.(b) 848.(b) Amnesia, in other words loss of memory
is called Amnesia. Sol 17. (d)
849.(b) 850.(c) In the same way in Option D, Vision : Given: 10+19= 29, 29+ 3= 32.
Blindness. Therefore loss of vision is Similarly, 7+ 13 = 20, 20+3 = 23.
called Blindness.
SOLUTIONS Sol 18. (c)
Sol 8. (a) Logic is : 3n : 5n
Sol 1. (c) In this question BYWD:DWUF In this 3 × 5 = 15
B is the second letter from starting and Y 5 × 5 = 25
is the second last letter of the alphabet Same as 3 × 8 = 24
series. Sol 19. (b) Given: 9+7=16; 16+7=23
5 × 8 = 40
W is the fourth letter from last and D is Similarly, 15+9=24; 24+9=33
the fourth letter from starting.
Sol 9. (c)
AZYB: CXWD 2 3 Sol 20. (b) As, Small is used to denote a
A is the first letter from starting and Z is 5 = 2 +1, 9 = 2 +1
Similarly dimension. Similarly, Heavy is used to
the last letter from last denote Weight.
2 3
Y is the second last letter and B is the 17 = 4 +1, 65 = 4 +1
second letter from starting. 3 3
Sol 21. (c) 65= 4 +1,126= 5 +1
C is the third letter from starting and X is Sol 10. (d) In the given option {7, 13, 20}
3 3
the third last letter of the alphabet series. There is a gap of 13-7=6 9= 2 +1, 28= 3 +1
D is the 4th letter from starting and W is 20-13=7
the fourth last letter. Now in option, Sol 22. (d) F E L K is related to D G J M.
{10, 18, 24} 18-10=8 ,24-18=6 The pattern is as follows: there is a gap of
Sol 2. (d) In the given question Tuesday {9, 15, 23} 15-9=6 ,23=15=8 one alphabet between two letters of the
is related to MARS. {12, 19, 29} 19-12=7 29-19=10 third and fourth term.
tuesday(मंगलवार)= Mars(मंगल ह) {4, 10, 17} 10-4=6 ,17-10=7
Same Thursday (वृह ित )= jupiter Therefore, option D is following the same Sol 23. (c) According to the {9, 15, 24}
(वृह ित ) pattern as given in the question. Logic is 3 × 3 = 9; 3 × 5 = 15; 3 × 8 = 24
Hence, Option D is the correct answer. Same logic is following in the option C
Sol 11(a) As per question MEAT is {6, 10, 16}
Sol 3. (d) In the given question, both related to Vegetarian. Like a vegetarian Here 2 × 3 = 6; 2 × 5 = 10; 2 × 8 = 16
Request: Order are opposite words. avoids Meat. Option C is correct.
In the same way, Whisper: Shout are also In the same way TEETOTALLER is
opposite words. related to Alcohol. Sol 24. (c) In the given question
So, the correct option is D. Teetotaller who avoids Alcohol. Logic is (12)2+ 1= 145
So option A is correct. In the same way, (8)2+ 1= 65
Sol 4. (b) In the given question [25,40,56] Option C is correct.
40-25=15, 56-40=16 Sol 12. (b)
[20,28,36] 28-20=8; 36-28=8 The required pattern is: Sol 25. (d) In the given question
[40,55,75] 55-40=15; 75-55=20 ATKR = FYPW 4: 8 :: 25 : ??
[12,24,32] 24-12=12; 32-24=8 A+5 = F, T+5 = Y, K+5 = P, R+5 = W Here the logic is (2)2 : (2)3 :: (5)2 : (5)3
Only option B is following the pattern in Similarly, Option D is correct.
which there is an equal gap of 8 in both TLPG = YQUL
the terms. T+5 = Y, L+5 = Q, P+5 = U, G+5 = L Sol 26. (d) Like WISH is synonym of
Sol 5. (d)B+2 = D Sol 13. (c) Disease causes Pain. In the In the same way, option D cool is
Opposite letter of D=W F-2 = D same way Accidents cause Injury. synonymous with COLD.
Opposite letter of H = S
Similarly,T+2 = V Sol 27. (d) In the given question
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

{ 9, 54, 6} Sol 38. (c) 9 × 2= 18+1=19 Sol 47. (b) (3, 5, 7) All are consecutive
Here, by multiplying the first and third 29 × 2= 58+1=59 prime numbers.
term we will get the second term. Therefore, 59 is the correct answer. In the same way (23, 29, 31) is also a
9 × 6= 54 consecutive prime numbers.
Same in the option D { 5, 35, 7 } Sol 39. (c) As per the question,
5 × 7= 35. Experiment results into Innovation. In the Sol 48. (a) In this question REFORM is
same way when we read something we written in reverse order MROFER
Sol 28. (d) Balance is used to weigh the Learn it. In the same way ACTION will be written
things and Radar is used to detect the as NOITCA
required information about the thing. Sol 40. (d) As per the question,
collection of LETTERS makes the Sol 49. (c) As, Bear belongs to Mammal.
Sol 29. (a) In this question WORD. Similarly, the group of CLASS In the same way Mango belongs to the
DFIM : WURN :: CMHV : ____ makes the SCHOOL. Fruit.
So, the logic is D is the fourth letter from
the starting, same W is the fourth last Sol 41. (c) Sol 50. (b) As, Doctor is related to the
from the end. 3
2 =8 hospital. In the same way Teacher is
Pair if D is W, F is U, I is R, M is N. 3 related to the School.
3 =27
In the case of CMHV, the pair of C is X,
Therefore, option c is correct
M is N, H is S and V is E. Sol 51. (a) Here, in the given Question,
So option A is correct. CFZ: HIU : : __ : JLS
Sol 42. (c) In the question, Tired:
C+5=H, E+5=J
Sol 30. (c) In this question, Star is related F+3=I, I+3=L
Here, Exhausted is the synonym of the
to the galaxy. Collection of stars is the Z-5=U, X-5=S
galaxy. So, option A is correct
In the same way, Sad: Depressed. Second
In the same way a group of flowers is
one is the synonym of the First.
Bouquet. Sol 52. (a) As Water is present in the
Sol 43 (c) In the given question:
ocean . In the same way, Sand is present
22 = 4+1= 5 in Desert.
Sol 31. (a)
2 3 2 = 9+1=10
16 = 4 , 26 = 4 × (4+2) + 2 = 26 2
similarly, 4 = 16+1=17 Sol 53. (a) Skating is done in the Rink. In
2 In the same way the same way, Tennis is played in Court.
25 = 5 , 37 = 5 × (5+2) + 2 = 37
6 2 =36+1=37
7 2 = 49+1=50 Sol 54. (c) in the given question 36: 49
Sol 32. (a) According to the question,
2 It is square of 6 and 7. Square of two
Picture is related to Coloured. 8 = 64+1=65
consecutive numbers.
As like Therefore option C is correct
In the same way 289: 324 = (17)2 : (18)2
Pictures must be Coloured in the same
Both are consecutive numbers.
way Letter must be BOLD. Sol 44. (c) In the following question, Sum
of first and third term is divided by 2 to
Sol 55. (a) Here in the given question
Sol 33. (c) Here in the question get the second term.
2264 : 7241 : : 3129 : ____
HKNQ : IJPO :: DFHJ : ?? 8+30=38/2=19
So, sum of digits are 2+2+6+4=14
Here logic is, H+1=I, K-1=J 11+38=49/2=24.5
N+2=P, Q-2=O 9+35=44/2=22
Now add 3129
In the same way, D+1 = E 12+38=50/2=25
F-1 = E, H+2 = J, J-2 = H 6+32=38/2=17
Option C is correct. Only Option C satisfies the condition.
Sol 56. (d) Here the logic is (3, 15, 123)
Sol 34. (b)Except for EHKN, rest follows Sol 45. (b) In the Given question
is a multiple of 3. Similarly, (4, 24, 214)
a similar pattern of a gap of two 6 : 18 :: 14 : ??
is a multiple of 4. However, other options
Alphabets between two consecutive Here (6) 2 = 36 now 36/2=18 are not divisible by a common number
letters. In the Same way (14)2 = 196 now 196/2 except 1.
Therefore, 98 is the answer.
Sol 35. (a) As we stitch the dress in the
Sol 57. (c)
same way we use to cook the dish. Sol 46. (d) In this question the sum of all 24/4 = 6 ⇒ 24 × 4 + 6 = 102
terms are equal. 16/4 = 4 ⇒ 16 × 4 + 4 = 68
Sol 36. (c) 9 × 3=27, 21 × 3=63 (7,16,34) (7; 1+6=7; 3+4=7)
In the same way, (49, 58, 76) Sol 58. (b) As Laziness is an antonym of
Sol 37. (c) 2nd term is opposite of 1st (4+9=13; 5+8=13; 7+6=13) Alertness.
term, so opposite of ELHK is DOSJ
Similarly, Hostility is antonyms of

Similarly, Group of Musicians is called Sol 79. (b) Here, sum of 4262 : 4271 is 14
Sol 59. (a) (23, 136, 45) Band. (4+2+6+2=4+2+7+1= 14)
Logic is 23 +45 =68; then 68 × 2 = 136 Similarly, in option B
Similarly option A (19, 96,29) Sol 70. (a) In the following question, 2139 : 2346 (2+1+3+9 = 2+3+4+6 = 15)
19+29=48; 48 × 2 = 96 7 : 54
Here, (7)2 + 5 = 54 Sol 80. (d) Here 12 : 72 (12×6=72)
Sol 60. (d) Here first three letters are In the same way, (8) 2
+ 5 = 69 Similarly, 26×6=156 is the correct
reversed & 4th letter moved to last answer.
position. Sol 71. (b) Here in the question
Y-2=W; W-2=U; U-2=S Similarly, Sol 81. (b) Here (4, 3, 19)
T+2=V; V+2=X; X+2=Z (4)2 + 3 = 19
Now in PNLJ Similarly, (6, 4, 40)
P-2=N; N-2=L; L-2=J (6)2 + 4 = 40 is following the same
Similarly in KMOQ pattern.
K+2=M; M+2=O; O+2=Q
Hence, Option B is correct. Sol 82. (c) Here the logic is

Sol 72. (d)

Sol 61. (d) As, General is the head of the

Army. Similarly, the Director is the head
of the Company. In the same way,
So, option D is the correct answer.
Sol 83. (b) body gets nutrients from
Sol 62. (c) Here logic is
vitamin Similarly crops get nutrients from
( 13 )2 = 169 × 2 = 338
Similarly (8)2 = 64 × 2 = 128 XMXM is the correct answer.
Sol 84. (c) As Needle is used for
Sol 63. (c) The gap between the adjacent Sol 73. (c) logic is :222 : 130 stitching. Similarly, Chisel is used for
letters is 5: 222= (6)3 + 6 =222 curving the stones/sculptures.
Similarly, OQT:TVY is following the 130 = (5)3 + 5 = 130
same pattern. In the same way, 68 : 30 Sol 85. (d) As, Astrophysicist belongs to
68 = (4)3 + 4 Observatory
Sol 64. (c) As Mass is measured in 30 = (3)3 + 3 In the same way, Farmer belongs to Field.
Similarly, Force is measured by Newton. Sol 74. (d) As, Thermometer is used for Sol 86. (b) Here, PRODUCT is written in
measuring temperature . reverse order TCUDORP
Sol 65. (d) As, Smile is related to Similarly, Anemometer is used for Wind. Similarly, FRACTION will be written as
Laughter. NOITCARF.
In the same way, Speak is related to Sol 75. (b) As per question, BEE lives in
Scream. HIVE. Sol 87. (a) As ‘Flower’ is related to
Similarly, Horse is related to STABLE. ‘Bouquet’. In the same way, animals are
Sol 66. (d) As, 216 : 343 is cube root of 6 related to Herd.
& 7. Sol 76. (c) 20, 42, 72
Similarly, 8 : 27 is the cube root of 2 & 3. 4 × 5=20, 6 × 7=42, 8 × 9=72 Sol 88. (c)
(product of consecutive number) 28 = 4 × 7, 36 = 4 × 9
Sol 67. (b) as food is made by the chef in similarly, in option (c) (2, 12, 20) 91 = 13 × 7, 117 = 13 × 9
the same way dance steps are made by 1 × 2=2, 3 × 4=12, 4 × 5=20 133 = 19 × 7, 171 = 19 × 9
63 = 9 × 7, 72 = 8 × 9
Sol 77. (c) Logic is 119 = 17 × 7, 153 = 17 × 9
Sol 68. (a) Logic is,
33 × 6=198 Options c is not following the above
13×3=39+1= 40
In the same way, 19 × 6=114 pattern.
Similarly in option A
Sol 78. (a) Here the gap between the Sol 89. (c) As March is a month. In the
integers is 5 and 15 (11, 16, 31) same way Spring is a season.
Similarly, (17, 22, 37) is following the
same pattern. Sol 90. (d) Temperature is measured in
Sol 69. (a) A per question Group of
Ministers is called Council Degree. Similarly, Time is measured in
Seconds. 59
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 112. (a) R-1=Q

Sol 91. (b) FHK:KMP :: PRU:UWZ Y+1=Z
(There is one letter gap between F&H, H-1=G K+1=L
and there are two letter gap between
H&K. Also, the second term starts from Sol 113. (a)
where the first term ends.) We wear ring in our finger and fingers are
So, option B is the correct answer. in hand.
Similarly, Face : Nose : NosePin
Sol 92. (b) 242 is twice the square of 11.
Similarly, 128 is twice the square of 8. Sol 114. (d) 25: (25)3 = 15625
Sol 104. (d) Pessimist is the antonym of
optimist. Similarly, gloomy is the 30 : (30) 3 = 27000
Sol 93. (a)
antonym of cheerful.
Middle term =(first term +1)2 -1 Sol 115. (b) Boy and Girl are opposite in
Last term = (first term + 2)2 -2 gender.
Sol 105. (a) 12 × 3+1=37
37 × 3 +1=112 Similarly, Cock and Hen are opposite in
Sol 94. (a) Given ratio is the cube of the gender.
two consecutive numbers i.e. 7:8. Similarly, (15, 46, 139)
Option A follows the same trend i.e. cube 15 × 3+1=46 and 46 × 3+1=139
Sol 116. (d) Apple is the fruit whereas
of 2:3 Spinach is Vegetable.
Sol 106. (b)
Sol 95. (a) logic is : coding is done on the (13) + 5 = 174 Sol 117. (d)
basis of reverse alphabetical order Similarly, (8) 2 + 5 = 69 The logic is (13) 2 = 169 , now
Jasmine will be coded as: QZHNRMV
169 ÷ 2= 84.5
Sol 107. (c)
Sol 96. (c) Similarly, (20) 2 = 400 , now
40 ÷ 2 = 200

Sol 118. (c) logic is : 4 : 4*5

which is (4 : 20)
Sol 97. (b) Surgeon uses Scalpel, Similarly, 8 : 8*5 which is (8 : 40)
Similarly Sculptor uses Chisel.
Sol 119. (d)
Sol 98. (b) (25+47) × 2 = 144 Cardiology is the study of Heart
Similarly, (19+20) × 2 = 39 × 2 = 78 Similarly, Pathology is the study of
Sol 99. (a) Gallop is related to the motion So, option C is the right answer.
of a horse. Similarly, fly is related to the Cgl 2018 Tier I
motion of a bird. Sol 108. (b)
As, FINGER = KNEE Sol 120. (c) (9, 35, 16)
Sol 100. (d) We wear rings in the FINGER, that is √9 =3 , √16 =4
18*2=36 & 18*3=54 equal to KNEE. 3+4 = 7 , 7 × 5 = 35
Similarly 8*2=16 & 8*3=24 So KNEE is the right answer. Similarly, (36, 55, 25)

Sol 101. (b) Iron is a component of Steel Sol 109. (d)

√36 = 6 , √25 =5
6+5= 11 , 11 × 5 = 55
Similarly Copper is a component of 68 : 30
Brass. (4) 3 + 4 : (3) 3 + 3
Sol 121. (d) (3, 24, 4) = 3 × 4 = 12 ,
Similarly, 520 : 350
Sol 102. (a) Aeroplanes are kept at 12 × 2 = 24
(8) 3 + 8 : (7) 3 + 7 Similarly, (4, 72, 9) = 4 × 9 = 36 ,
Airport Apron.
Similarly, cars are kept in the Garage. 36 × 2 = 72
Sol 110. (c) Belgium is the country in
Europe. Similarly, Japan is the country in
Sol 103. (a) Here the alphabets are Sol 122. (c) As a Lawyer is related to
following reverse order. Justice, i.e. lawyer helps to get justice.
Similarly Arbitrator helps people to settle
Sol 111. (b)
their problems.
23 × 6 = 138
Similarly 17 × 6 = 102 Sol 123. (c) The relationship between the
So, option B is the correct answer alphabets is shown in figure


Sol 133. (d) Frown : Displeasure ; these Sol 145. (a)

are synonyms. Similar word pair is Smile 7 × 4 = 28 Similarly 4 × 4 = 16
: Ecstasy. 7 × 9 = 63 4 × 9 = 36

By following the same rule, we will get Sol 134. (c) Sol 146. (a)
the BHFL. 29 : 13 ⇒ 29 - 3 = 26 Then 262 = 13
Similarly 37 : ? ⇒ 37 -3 = 34 and 2
Sol 124. (a) 36 : 84 17
12 × 3 = 36 ; 12 × 7 = 84
Similarly , 9 × 3 = 27 ; 9 × 7 = 63. In the Sol 135. (d)
other three options, the second term is not After taking 3 common from (9, 15, 27)
We get (3, 5, 9) Sol 147. (a) (12, 16, 28).
divisible by 7.
Similarly from (12, 20, 36) taking 4 Here , 12 + 16 = 28
common We get, (3, 5, 9) Similarly... 18 + 24 = 42.
Sol 125. (b) Thesaurus is another name
for a dictionary. That means, Thesaurus is
Sol 136. (a) Logic is n : 1.5n : 3n Sol 148. (a) A Book is written by an
a part of the class - Books. Similarly,
Python is a part of class Reptile. Similarly : 6 : 1.5 × 6 : 3 × 6 Author, similarly, a Web is created by a
= 6 : 9 : 18
Sol 126. (d) Logic is : n : 2 Sol 149. (a) Logic is n : 1.5n : 3n
3 Sol 137. (d)
Similarly , 6 : 108 → 6 = 216 Similarly 14 : 14 × 1.5 : 14 × 3
then 216
= 108 14 : 21 : 42

Sol 127. (c) Reaction is an antonym of Sol 150. (d)

action. Similarly, Response is an 35:6 ⇒ 35 = 62 - 1
antonym of Stimulus. (n+1)2 Similarly, 120 : 11 ⇒ 120 = 112 - 1
Sol 138. (b) Logic is : n : 2
Sol 128. (b) BECD : YVXW ; B is 13 : 98 ⇒ 2
: 98
Sol 151. (c) Upper part of the Room is
opposite of Y, E of V, C of X and D is called Ceiling. Similarly, the upper part in
opposite of W. So for DGEF , the code Sol 139. (a) Audience is the group of
the Mouth is called Palate.
will be their opposite letters. people to watch Cinema. Similarly,
DGEF - WTVU Congregation is the group of people that
Sol 152. (b)
collects in the church for the prayer.

Sol 140. (d)

According to the question
2 2 2
12 + 5 = 13
Sol 129. (d) 2 2 2
Sol 153. (c)
Similarly 6 + 8 = 10

Sol 141. (d) Apathy : Excitement ; These

are antonyms. Similar pair is
Sol 130. (d) As, Sun is the source of Condemnation and Respect.
Heat similarly, Fruit is the source of
Vitamins. Sol 142. (b) Dumb person can not speak. Sol 154. (b) Third no is the sum of 1st
Similarly , a person suffering from and 2nd.
Sol 131. (c) Amnesia can not Memorize things. 4 + 12 = 16 ; Similarly, 64 + 36 = 100.

Sol 143. (a) Sol 155. (a) 5 + 2 = 7 ; 5 * 7 = 35.

7 + 2 = 9 ; 7 * 9 = 63.

Sol 156. (c) Study gives us knowledge,

similarly, work gives us experience.
Sol 132. (d)
Sol 157. (d) Logic is : Add 1st and 3rd
number and multiply it by 2 to get the
middle number.
Sol 144. (c) Happy is a synonym for Similarly ; 3 + 7 = 10 ; 10 × 2 = 20.
Mirthful. Similarly, Sad is a synonym for
Morose. Sol 158. (d) When someone is there in
grief, we used to console him. Similarly,61
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

If someone is in pain, then we sedative the difference between 1st & 2nd and 2nd Sol 185. (d) Except Solder : Tin , all
him. & 3rd is equal(4). others are pairs of metals used at each
other's place.
Sol 159. (c) FKPV : HIRT :: BHMR : ? Sol 173. (a) Logic is : difference between
the square of the smaller number is the Sol 186. (c) Cheerful is the opposite of
larger number. sad , and opposite of Generous is Selfish.
Similarly : 144-64=80
Sol 187. (b) Sum of digits of 1st and 2nd
Sol 174. (b) ‘Geology’ is related to number is the same , and sum of 3rd
Sol 160. (b) ‘Rocks’ in the same way as ‘Cytology’ is number is 14 , and sum of 2471 is 14. So ,
8 + 9 + 15 = 32 related to Cells. option (b) is the correct answer.
Similarly , 4 + 16 + 12 = 32
Sol 175. (d) Barter is the process of Sol 188. (c)
Sol 161. (d)Caress : Affection are exchanging Commodities. Similarly , 2
9 + 5 = 86.
synonyms. Similarly, Kick : Hostility are Correspond is the method of used by
synonyms. Similarly... 132 + 5 = 174.

Sol 162. (d)Opposite letters are used for Sol 189. (c) Here opposite gender is
Sol 176. (a) Opposite letters are used.
coding. So the code for GKNP is TPMK. given, Bull is related to Cow.

Sol 163. (c)Logic is : Multiply the Sol 190. (c) Just as potato is rich in
number by 3.5 starch, similarly sugar is rich in stevia.
So, 8✕3.5 = 28
Sol 191. (b) Insulin is created inside the
2 2
Sol 177. (c) body by the harmons , and in the same
Sol 164. (b) 5 - 3 = 25 - 9 = 16. 8 × 3 , 8 × 7 = 24 , 56.
2 2 way , Pepsin is created by the Enzymes.
Similarly 9 - 7 = 81 - 49 = 32. Similarly....3 × 3 , 3 × 7 = 9 , 21
Sol 192. (d) Walnut and Fig are similar
Sol 165. (b) Break and Unity are Sol 178. (d) Winter is a season. kinds of dry fruits , Similarly Raisin and
antonyms , similarly Improvement and Similarly, April is a Month. Apricot.
Damage are antonyms.
Sol 179. (c) Sol 193. (a)
Sol 166. (b) There are +5 and +4 rules. 12 ⨯ 6 = 72 ; 12
=4 ; 72 - 4 = 68. 162 - 16 = 256 - 16 = 240
11 + 5 = 16 ; 16 + 4 = 20 21 2
21 ⨯ 6 = 126 ; 3 = 7 ; 126 - 7 = 119. 6 - 6 = 36 - 6 = 30
Similarly 15 + 5 = 20 ; 20 + 4 = 24
So, the similar pair is (21 , 119).
Sol 167. (b) 3125 : 25 :: 16707 : 49 :: Sol 194. (b) Suitcase is to be kept in a
Sol 180. (d) Currency of China is Yuan cloak room and money is to be kept in the
1024 : ?
5 2 5 2 5 2 and the currency of Japan is Yen. bank.
5 : 5 :: 7 : 7 :: 4 : 4
So , the missing number is 4 = 16. Sol 181. (c) Fly is the way of movement Sol 195. (b) ‘Political Science’ is a
a bird , similarly, Gallop is the name branch of ‘Social Science’ and Chemistry
Sol 168. (a) 8 × 3 + 3 = 24 + 3 = 27. given to the movement of Horse. is a branch of Science.
Similarly 3 × 3 + 3 = 9 + 3 = 12.
Sol 182 (b) Logic is : Reverse the letter Sol 196. (c)
Sol 169. (d) 2
9 + 9= 81 + 9 = 90.
122 + 12 = 144 + 12 = 156.

Sol 197. (d) Cube of the no. + 1

Cube of 11 = 1331 + 1 = 1332.
Sol 183. (c)
Sol 170. (c) The science related to
Memory is Mnemonic. Similar pair is Sol 198. (c) Dermatology is related to
Sedative : Sleep. Skin, similarly , Orthopaedics is rel;ated
to Bones.
Sol 171. (a) Judgement is to be delivered
and rule is to be implemented. Sol 184. (b) Socks are to be worn at feet, Sol 199. (b) Valuable and Precious are
similarly Turbon is to be worn at the synonyms , Similarly , Dry and Arid.
Sol 172. (c) head.
Difference between 1st & 2nd and 2nd & Sol 200. (a) Injury occurs due to accident
3rd is equal(5) Similarly , in option (c) and Disease occurs due to Infection.


Sol 201. (d) Here antonyms are used. Sol 227. (d) 80 - 17 = 63
Transparent is opposite of Turbid. Sol 216. (d) Logic is : (Third number) - Similarly
(First number)3 74 - 17 = 57 So, the missing number is
Sol 202. (d) So, (2 , 104 , 6). 57.
3 63 - 23 = 216 - 8 = 208
3 + 3 = 27 + 3 = 30.
4 + 4 = 64 + 4 = 68. Sol 228. (b) Logic is : -7, +6, -5, +4, -3,
Sol 217. (d) Logic is:- n : n2 + (n-1)2 +2 rule is used.
So, 82 +72 = 64 + 49 = 113
Sol 203. (d)
1 +1=1+1=2
Sol 218. (d)
5 + 5 = 125 + 5 = 130 As Virus causes Chickenpox. Similarly,
Fungus causes Ringworm.
Sol 204. (d) Pencil is an object of the Sol 1. (b) Logic is : sum of square of Sol 229. (c) Dinar is currency of Iraq
class stationary. Similarly , Pilates is digits similarly, Kyat is the currency of
related to exercise. Ex. 52 + 42 = 25+16= 41 Myanmar.
Similarly, 32 + 22 = 9 + 4 = 13
Sol 205. (d) Ohm is the unit to measure Sol 230. (c)
resistance , metre is the unit to measure Sol 219. (b) Logic is : sum of square of To give light is the work of a candle , to
length. digits cool the things is the work of a
Ex. 52 + 42 = 25+16= 41 refrigerator.
Sol 206. (b) Similarly, 32 + 22 = 9 + 4 = 13
12 × 16 = 192 ; 15 × 16 = 240. Sol 231. (d)Here opposite letters are used
Sol 220. (d) and -2 rule is used.
Sol 207. (b) Here synonyms are used. Cardiologist is the doctor of Heart and
Shy and Timid are synonyms. Chiropractor is the doctor of Joints.

Sol 208. (d) Circulation of blood is there Sol 221. (d) Opposite letter of B = Y ,
in the Heart. Kidney is related to 4 + 6 = 10 ; 6+3 = 9 ; 4 + 10 = 14 ⇒ 14 Y - 2 = W ; Opposite of N = M , M - 2 =
excretion. + 9 = 23. L ; and so on.
Similar rule is used for IDOL.
2 + 4 = 6 ; 4 + 3=7;2+6=8 ⇒ 8+7
Sol 209. (d) = 15.
19 + 1 = 20 ; 202 = 400.
24 + 1 = 25 ; 252 = 625. Sol 222. (a) Logic is : -4 , +4 , -3 , +3 , -2
, +2 rule is used.
So, THERMO will be coded as PLBUKQ So , the missing term is DAMK.
Sol 210. (a) Students are admitted into
the school. Patients are admitted in the
Sol 232. (a)Cone is used to keep ice
Hospital. Sol 223. (d) Logic is : In (a, b, c) logic is
cream and a bowl is used to keep soup.
a2 + b2 + 1 = c
2 2
Sol 211. (b) Just a sequence of the letters 5 + 2 + 1 = 25 + 4 + 1 = 30.
Sol 233. (a)Cone is used to keep ice
is exchanged from 1st to the last. 2 2
Similarly, 7 + 8 + 1 = 49 + 64 + 1 = cream and a bowl is used to keep soup.
Sol 212. (a) +1 rule is used.
Sol 234. (a)
Sol 224. (a)
CHSL 2018 Tier I Wheel is made up of Spokes and
Sentence is made up of Words.
Sol 213. (b)
A person who studies and collects Sol 225. (c) Logic is : In (a, b, c)
butterflies is Lepidopterist. Similarly, a a3 + b2 = c
person who collects postcards is called a 3 2
3 + 13 = 27 + 169 = 196
deltiologist. 3 2 Sol 235. (a)
Similarly, 5 + 15 = 125 + 225 = 350
June is a month which comes in a year
Sol 214. (d) Logic is : +1, -3, +5, -7 rule Similarly thursday is a day which comes
is used. Sol 226. (b) The given set is : (8, 101,
in a week.
So, S +1 =T, I -3 = F, N +5 = S, K -7 = D 35).
TFSD is the correct answer 8 x 12 = 96 , 96+5=101 ; 35 x 3 = 105 ,
Sol 236. (a) Logic is : In (a, b, c) Average
105 - 4 = 101
of a and b then double its square is equal
Sol 215. (a)Logic is : n : 3n+2 The similar set is (7, 89, 31).
to C
4 × 3 + 2 = 14, 14 × 3 + 2= 44. 7 x 12 = 84 , 84 + 5 = 89 ; 31 x 3 = 93 ,
93 - 4 = 89 11 + 13 = 242 = 12 , 122 = 144 × 2 =
11 × 3 + 2 = 35, 35 × 3 + 2= 107.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

7 + 11 = 18
2 = 9 , 9 = 81 × 2 = 162. Similarly, ( 3, 9 , 81 ) ⇒ 3, 32, 34
Sol 249. (d) Fan runs on electricity and
Sol 237. (c) Vehicles runs on Diesel. Sol 264. (b) Logic is : Sum of squares of
the first and second number is equal to the
Sol 250. (b) +3 , +3 , -3 , -3 rule is used. third number.
O +3 = R, P +3 = S, A -3 = X, R -3 = O, So, 42 + 72 = 16 + 49 = 65.
RSXO is the correct answer.
Sol 265.(c) ‘Kidney’ is related to
Sol 238. (a) Logic is :Sum of squares of Sol.251. (d)Paleontology is the science of ‘Excretion’ in the same way as ‘Heart’ is
digits of first is equal to the second. fossils, and Botany is the science of related to ‘Blood Circulation’.
2 2 Plants.
68 is used as ( 6 + 8 ) = 36 + 64 = 100.
2 2 Sol 266.(d) Logic is : (n : n2 : n3)
Similarly for 45, 4 + 5 = 16 + 25 = 41. Sol.252. (d) Logic is : n : 9n 2x2=4;4x2=8
53 x 9 = 477 Similarly, 42 = 16 ; 43 = 64
Sol 239. (d) Painter uses paintbrush similarly 39 x 9 = 351
similarly a farmer uses plough.
Sol 267. (b) Zinc is a component of alloy
Sol.253. (a) Hard Work results in Brass, similarly Copper is related to
Sol 240. (c) Logic is : In (a, b, c) all three Success, in the same way as Crime results Bronze.
are continuous prime number in Punishment.
19, 23, 29 all three are continuous prime Sol 268. (d) Logic is : n : n(n+1)
number Sol.254(d) Logic is : Sum of the square of So, 13 x 14 = 182.
the first and second term is equal to the
Sol 241. (a) Logic is : n2 + 1 : n third term. Sol 269. (b) logic is : three continuous
442 : 21 ⇒ 442 = 212 + 1 So, 62 + 72 = 36 + 49 = 85 prime numbers
Similarly, 257 : 16 ⇒ 257 = 162 + 1 So, 23, 29, 31 is a set of continuous prime
Sol.255. (d) Logic is : numbers.
Sol 242. (d)‘Chassis’ is the object on (2a, average of a and b , 2b)
which whole ‘Car’ is mounted in the (48, 31, 76) is (24 × 2, (24+38)/2, 38 × 2) Sol 270. (d) Logic is : +4 rule is used.
same way as ‘Skeleton’ is related to SALQ is coded as S +4 = W, A +4 = E, L
‘Body’. Sol.256. (c) Logic is : -4 , +4 , -4 , +4 rule +4 = P, Q +4 = U
is used. WEPU is the correct answer.
Sol 243. (b) Logic is : (4a, 2b, a+b) SKDG is : S -4 = O, K +4 = O, D -4 = Z
(84, 60, 51) → (21 × 4, 30 × 2, 21 + 30) and G +4 = K ,So. OOZK is the answer Sol 271. (d) Logic is : (2n, 3n, 11n)
Similarly, (16,24,88)= (2*8, 3*8, 11*8)
(80, 98, 69) → (20 × 4, 49 × 2, 20 + 49) Sol 257. (a) Logic is : Difference of Similarly, in the given set (14, 21, 77) =
square of the first two terms is the third (2*7, 3*7, 11*7)
Sol 244. (a) Logic is : (a, b, a2+b2) term. 82 - 62 = 28,
2 2
4 + 6 = 16 + 36 = 52. Similarly, 72 - 22 = 45. Sol 272. (d) Logic is : +3 , -3 , +3 , -3
Similarly, (3, 5, 34) rule is used.
2 2
3 + 5 = 9 + 25 = 34. Sol 258. (c) Logic is : n : (n +3)2 So, S +3 = V, B -3 = Y, J +3 = M and
2 Y -3 = V.
4 + 3 = 7, 7 = 49.
Similarly, 7 + 3 = 10, 102 = 100. VYMV is the correct answer.
Sol 245. (d) Logic is : +5 rule is used for
each letter.
Sol 259. (d) The work of Waiter is to Sol 273. (b) Logic is : n : n(n-1)
Similarly, L +5 = Q, P +5 = U, A +5 = F,
R +5 = W So, QUFW is the correct serve and the work of Mechanic is to 25 : 600 = 25*24 = 600
answer. Repair. Similarly, 18 : 306 = 18*17 = 306

Sol 274. (b) Gynecology the study and

Sol 246. (b) Nephrology is the science Sol 260. (c) Logic is : +9 rule is used.
So, CGGK is coded as C +9 = L, G +9 = treatment of the diseases and medical
related to Kidney and Ophthalmology is
P, G +9 = P and K +9 = T problems of women in the same way as
related to Eyes.
‘Paediatrics is the study of medicine
Sol 247. (b) ‘Glaucoma’ is a disease Sol 261. (b)Seismology is the science connected with the diseases of children.
related to ‘Eyes’ in the same way as related to Earthquake and Ornithology is
Sol 275. (c) Logic is : (a, half of average
‘Arthritis’ is a disease related to ‘Joints’. related to Birds.
of a and b, b)
Sol 262. (b) Man is from Mammal class So in (16,14,40) the average of 40 and 16
Sol 248. (a) Logic is : n : (n+2)3
3 and Rat is from Rodent class. is 28. 28/2 = 14
7 + 2 = 9; 9 = 729.
Similarly, 8 + 2 = 10; 103 = 1000.
Sol 263. (c) (6, 36, 1296) ⇒ 6, 62, 64


Sol 276. (a) The telephone is used for

Communication in a similar way, Sol 300. (c) +3, +2, +3, +2 rule is used.
Television is used for Entertainment. S+3 = V, M+2 = O, K+3 = N, J+2 = L
Sol 277. (b) Logic is : n : n3 DPOA = GRRC
(2)3 = 8, similarly (7)3= 343 Sol 289. (d) Mercury is a Metal in the D+3 = G, P+2 = R, O+3 = R, A+2 = C
same way a Frog is an Amphibian.
Sol 278. (d) Logic is : Squares of three Sol 301. (b) Logic is : (a3, a+b, b3)
consecutive numbers. Sol 290. (d) Logic is : n : n2-1 So, Cube root of 216=6, and Cube root of
(4, 9, 16)= (22, 32, 42) (11)2-1 = 121 - 1 = 120 125 =5, 6 + 5 = 11.
Similarly (49, 64, 81) = (72, 82, 92) similarly, (2)2-1 = 4 - 1 = 3.
Sol 302. (d) Logic is :(a, (a+b)/3), b)
Sol 279. (a) Logic is : +3 , -3 , +3 , -3 Sol 291. (b) Logic is : -2 , +2 , -2 , +2 So, (115, 65, 80) = (115+80)/3 = 195/3=
rule is used. rule is used. 65
G+3 = J, S-3 = P, D+3 = G, L-3 = I
Similarly, Sol 303. (d) Logic is : +5 rule is used.
U+3 = X, C-3 = Z, W+3 = Z, F-3 = C LPCK = QUHP
L+5 = Q, P+5 = U, C+5 = H, K+5 = P
Sol 280. (a) Architect : a person whose Similarly,
job is to design house map building etc. HRMT = MWRY
Similarly, Carpenter: a person whose job H+5 = M, R+5 = W, M+5 = R, T+5 = Y
is to make furniture things from wood.
Sol 304. (d) Here synonyms are used.
Sol 281. (c) Diabetes is a disease, in the Pain and agony are similar words in the
Sol 292. (b) Logic is : (a, a2-b2, b)
same way, a car is a vehicle. same way furious and angry are
(8)2 - (5)2 = 64 - 25 = 39.
Similarly (14)2 - (9)2 = 196 - 81 = 115.
Sol 282. (d) Logic is :
(a, b, average a and b) Sol 305. (c) The main job of a merchant is
Sol 293. (a) Temple is the place for
So, (66, 48, 57) = (66+48)/2= 114/2=57 to trade, similarly a Doctor's job is to treat
worship Similarly, School is the place to
the patient.
get Education.
Sol 283. (d) Logic is : Cubes of
consecutive numbers. Sol 306. (c) Logic is : n : 2n2.
Sol 294. (b) Logic is :
(8, 27, 64) = ( 23, 33, 43) 8 * 8 = 64 * 2 = 128.
(a, half of average of a and b, b)
Similarly, (343, 512, 729) = (73, 83, 93) Similarly 12 * 12 = 144 * 2 = 288.
(145, 65, 115) → Average of 145 and 115
is 130,
Sol 284. (b) The function of the heart is
Half of average is 65
to circulate blood similarly, the function Sol 307. (c) 7 × ( 7+1) = 7 × 8 = 56.
(185, 70, 95) → (185 + 95) = 280 ÷ 4 =
of the Lungs is to Respirate. 9 × (9 + 1) = 9 × 10 = 90.
Sol 285. (b) Logic is : n : 8.5n Sol 308. (a) The logic applied here is:
Sol 295. (a) Tadpole is the early stage of
The pattern : 12 * 8.5 = 102. (5)2 + (8)2 = 25 + 64 = 89.
frog and Caterpillar is the early stage of
Similarly, 8 * 8.5 = 68. A similar pattern is used in (7 , 10 , 149).
(7)2 + (10)2 = 49 + 100 = 149.
Sol 286. (d) Exercise provides us fitness.
Sol 296. (c) Here synonyms are used.
In the same way, Treatment provides or Sol 309. (a)Given set (16, 64,8)
Detailed & meticulous are similar words,
gives us recovery. (1st number × 3rd number) ÷ 2 = middle
in the same way, Fat & Obese are
similare words. number
Sol 287. (d) Logic is : (a, a2+b2, b) =16 × 8/2= 16 × 4=64 middle number
(4)2 +(5)2 = 16 + 25 = 41. similarly, (15, 60, 8) =15 × 8/2=15 ×
Sol 297. (b) Logic : n : n3+1
Similarly (5)2 + (6)2 = 25 + 36 = 61. 4=60=middle number
So, (2)3+1=8+1=9
Similarly, (4)3 + 1= 64+1= 65
Sol 288. (a) +2 , -2 , +2 , -2 rule is used. Sol 310. (a) +4 , +5 , +6 rule is used.
Sol 298. (c) Logic is : (a, ab/2 , b) B + 4 = F, E + 5 = J, H + 6 = N
8 × 28/2 = 4 × 28=112 Similarly,
similarly, 14 × 52/2= 364 I + 4 = M, L + 5 = Q, O + 6 = U
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
Sol 299. (c) Logic is : (a, a3+b2 , b)
Sol 311. (d) Tortoise comes under the
43+72 = 64+49=113.
category of reptile similarly, Snail
Similarly in (5, 141, 4)
comes under the category of Mollusk.
53+42=125+16=141 65
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 325. (a) Pen is used to write on the

Sol 312. (c) Colour of the given thing is Paper and Chalk is used to write on the Sol 339. (b) Gap of 20 and 28.(16, 36,
told here.As we know that the colour of Blackboard. 64)
sunflower is yellow similarly the colour 16+20= 36, 36+28= 64.Similarly,
of blood is red. Sol 326. (d) (15, 49, 151) option(b) (10, 30, 58) is following the
15 × 3 =45 + 4 = 49 ; 49 × 3= 47 + 4 = same rule.
Sol 313. (a) ginger is a stem similarly 151.
chilli is considered to be as fruit. Similarly, (5, 19, 61) 5 × 3 = 15 + 4 = 19 Sol 340. (c) 29 & 31 are a set of
; 19 × 3 = 57 + 4 = 61. consecutive prime numbers. Similarly, 11
Sol 314. (d) Lizard comes under the & 13 are consecutive prime numbers.
category of Reptiles,similarly, Toad Sol 327. (a) +4 , +5 rule is used.
comes under the category of GI : KN( G+4=K, I+5=N), similarly, Sol 341. (b) Cement is used to make or
Amphibians. PQ(P+4=T, Q+5= V ) construct buildings in the same way wood
Hence, TV is related to PQ. is used to make furniture.
Sol 315. (b)The logic: The third number
is the sum of squares of the first two Sol 328. (a) 8 + 1 = 9 , 8 × 9 = 72. Sol 342. (c) +4 , +10 rule is used.
numbers. 11 + 1 = 12 ; 11 × 12 = 132. DJ : HT( D+4= H, J + 10= T), similarly
(7, 4, 65 ) ⇒ 72 + 42 HM( H+ 4= L, M+10 = W)
=49+16=65. Sol 329. (d) Bees give Honey and the Hence, the correct answer will be LW.
Similarly, (5, 4, 41 ) ⇒ 52 + 42=25+16= Bird lay Egg.
41 Sol 343. (c) (49, 81, 121)
Sol 330. (c) 16 ×4 = 64 × 5 = 320. The pattern followed here is the square of
Sol 316. (a) The logic 13 × 5 = 65 ; 10 ×4 = 40 ×5 = 200. alternate numbers. Similarly in option (c)
19 × 5 = 95. (36, 64, 100) are squares of alternate
Sol 331. (d) Mumbai is the capital of numbers.
Sol 317. (c) Essential and important are Maharashtra state similarly Yen is the
similar words, similarly Awful and currency of japan. Sol 344. (a) ‘RETINA’ is a part of
Horrible have the same meaning. ‘EYE’ in the same way HYDROGEN is
Sol 332. (a) Operator handles Machine a part of the molecule of WATER.
Sol 318. (a) 16 × 4 = 64 + 16 = 80. and Driver handles Car.
In the same way, 13 × 5 = 65 + 13 = 78. Sol 345. (b) +7 , +9 rule is used.
Sol 333. (c) Here, the logic : first & (16, 23, 32) = (16+7)=23, (23+9)= 32
second numbers are added then multiply Similarly in the given set: (11, 18, 27) =
Sol 319. (b) Except 87 , all the other
by 2. (11+7)=18, (18+9)=27
numbers are prime.while 87 is a
composite number. 64 + 100 = 164 × 2 = 328.
Similarly in option (c) Sol 346. Ostrich and eagle are birds.
Sol 320. (d) Here, the pattern : 24 + 48 = 25 + 49 = 74 × 2 = 148. Similarly,Cow and elephant are animals
Hence, 'Cow : Elephant' is the correct
72 / 2 = 36.
Sol 334. (d) The first & second numbers answer
25 + 49 = 74 / 2 = 37. So the correct
answer is (25, 49, 37). are added then divided by 2.
45+49= 94, 94 ÷ 2= 47 Sol 347. (a) +3 , +8 rule is used.
Sol 321. (d) The logic: Similarly, (35+59= 94, 94 ÷ 2=47).
C+ 3=F, H+8=P. , similarly, GK( G+3=J,
6 × 6 + 4 = 36 + 4 = 40.
7 × 7 = 49 + 4 = 53 Sol 335. (d) +5 , +7 RULE IS USED.
PM : UT=( P+5= U, M+ 7= T), similarly,
Sol 348. (d) The pattern : 25+49= 74 &
Sol 322. (a) crowd is created by men, RU( R+5= W, U+7=B)
74 ÷ 2= 37 similarly, 6+4= 10 ÷ 2 = 5
and in the same way, class is created by Hence, the correct answer is WB.
Hence, the correct answer will be (6, 4,
Sol 336. (d)
Sol 323. (a) Alphabet is increased by 4 6 × 7=42, 8 × 7=56
Sol 349. (c) 7 & 13 are a set of prime
positions. 3 × 4=12, 5 × 4=20
numbers. Similarly, 23 & 31 are prime
D+4=H, H+4=L
G+4=K, K+4=O Sol 337. (c) Hairs are to be Trimmed and
Shrubs are to be Pruned.
Sol 350. (c)The pattern followed here is,
Sol 324. (c) The logic : 16+25=41, 41 ×
4 × 5=20; 5 × 6=30.
2=82, similarly, (36, 49, 170) = (36+49)= Sol 338. (a) The Engineer’s work
Similarly 5 × 6=30 ; 6 × 7=42.
85, 85 × 2=170. involves the construction of Buildings.
Similarly,The Writer’s work involves
Sol 351. (a) Dice is an example of Cube
writing books.
and the Ball is an example of the Sphere.

Sol 367.(b)
Sol 352. (a) Here, Opposite alphabets are 32 + 29 = 61 ; 44 + 29 = 73. Sol 385.(d) Each alphabet is increased by
cod. As the opposite of F is U and 2
vice-versa.Similarly, Sol 368.(b) Job has a salary and the
RS : IH Business has a profit. Sol 386.(a) Wall is made by the bricks
and the Ornaments are made from Gold
Sol 353. (b) 1st number + 2nd number = Sol 369. (b) Water is used to drink and
3rd number. (35, 48, 83) = 35+48=83. the Bread is used to eat. Sol 387.(a) 31 + 23 = 54
Similarly, (15, 24, 39) = 15+24=39 Similarly , 43 + 23 = 66.
Sol 370. (c)18 × 18 = 324 + 1 = 325.
Sol 354. (a) The pattern followed here is: 15 × 15 = 225 + 1 = 226. Sol 388.(b)The given analogy is
(G, T), (P, K) are opposite alphabet -pairs. 16 : 9 :: 36 : x.
Similarly, Sol 371.(b) 16 = 9 x 2 - 2
(D, W), (R, I) are opposite alphabet-pairs. Similarly , 36 = 19 x 2 - 2
Hence, the correct answer is WI.
Sol 389.(b) Rainbow occurs in the Sky
Sol 355. (c) The logic: 10+22=32 and the Tsunami comes in the Sea
Similarly in option (c): 35+22=57, Sol 372.(c) Given words are antonyms to Sol 390.(a)Each alphabet is decreased by
57+22=79. each other. 6.

Mts 2019 Tier I Sol 373. (b). 1012 +1=10202 Sol 391.(d) Tongs are used to hold and
2 the Hoe is used to Dig.
107 +1=11450
Sol 356.(c). 35 +31 =66
Similarly , 29 + 31 = 60 Sol 392.(c) 39 × 3 = 117
Sol 374. (b) Touch and push are
Similarly , 45 × 3 = 135.
synonyms to each other. Synonym of
Sol 357.(a)Number of sides is given at 1st
speak is shout.
place and the name of the shape is at 2nd Sol 393.(b) Septagon is the name of a
place. Figure and Male is a Gender.
Sol 375.(d) 1st term is increased by 3 2nd
term is decreased by 3 and 3rd term is
Sol 358.(a) Red is the name of a colour Sol 394.(b) Mechanic works in the
also increased by 3.
and Lawyer is the name of a profession. Garage and the Doctor works in the
Sol 376.(c) Eraser and pencil are pair.
Sol 359.(a)From 1st letter to the 3rd letter
Similarly , table and chair are pair.
and from the 2nd letter to the 4th letter , Sol 395.(c) Alphabets are increased by 1.
+4 , +4 rule is used. P+1=Q, E+1=F, T+1=U
Sol 377.(a) G+3=J, O+4=S, M+5=R.
C+3=F, O+4=S, B+5=G.
Sol 360.(c)Circle is related to the figure Sol 396.(d) Bird lives in the nest and the
class and the Sharpener is related to the King lives in the Palace.
Sol 378.(a)Cloth is manufactured in a
Stationary class.
mill and Crop is produced in the field.
Sol 397.(a) Code is 2 more than the
Sol 361.(c) +5 , -5 rule is used. P + 5 = U Square of the number .
Sol 379.(c)
, U - 5 = B. 312 =961+2=963
172 =289, 312 =961
J+5=O,T-5=O 172 =289+2=291

Sol 362. (d) Lion lives in the Den and the Sol 380.(d) Clerk works in the Office and
the Engineer works at the Site. Sol 398.(a) G+3=J, U+4=Y, N+5=S
Horse lives in the Stable.
Similarly , T+3=W, O+4=S, L+5=Q
36 × 3 = 108 + 1 = 109.
Sol 381.(b) Chapter is the part of the
25 × 3 = 75 + 1 = 76.
Book and Handle is the part of the cycle. Sol 399.(a) 1st word is the name of a
class and the 2nd word is one of the
Sol 364.(d)Circle has circumference and members of the class.
the square has the perimeter. Sol 382.(d) 18 : 323 = 182 - 1 = 323
Similarly , 38 : 1443 = 38 -1=1443
Sol 400.(c) Wheels are the part of the
Sol 365.(a)Pen is the instrument of a car and needles are the part of the clock.
writer and the knife is the instrument of a Sol 383.(a) Each alphabets are increased
Sol 401.(a) 446 + 45 = 491 ; 963 + 45 =
chef. by 1

Sol 366.(d)D+2=F, P+2=R Sol 384.(d) Food is made by the Chef

Sol 402.(d) Sun is a star and mars is a
Similarly , M+2=O, A+2=C and the Ornaments are made by the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 403.(c) 1st alphabet is decreased by 1 Similarly, 10-1 = 9 = 92 = 81

and 2nd alphabet is decreased by 2. This N+4 = R, O+5 = T, D+6 = J, P+7 = W
pattern is followed in option c. Sol 434.(c) The given analogy is PECL :
Sol 419.(c) OFHS : : QTJM : ?.
Sol 404.(a) Volume is measured in Litres 95 + 46 = 141 ; 87 + 46 = 133 Here +2 rule is used with the change in
and the Area is measured in Hectares. place of letters as given below.
Sol 420.(b)
Sol 405.(c) Each alphabet is increased by 14 x 5 = 70 - 2 = 68
3. So, G+3=J, R+3=U, A+3=D 16 x 5 = 80 - 2 = 78
Sol 406.(d) 18 + 1 = 19 × 3 = 57 ; Sol 421.(b) Tennis is to be played in the
Sol 435.(c)
28 + 1 = 29 × 3 = 87 Court and the Skating is to be done in the
Rink 5, 30, 40 ⇒ 2 =5
Sol 407.(d) Cup is a part of the Crockery This pattern follows in only option (c)
and the Trouser is a part of the Garment Sol 422.(c) Green is a colour and Cricket 8, 72, 88 ⇒ 88−272 = 8
is a Game.
Sol 408.(b) 182 -1=323 Sol 436.(b) 17 × 18 = 306
2 Sol 423.(c) +2 rule is followed Similarly , 21 × 22 = 462.
Similarly 24 -1=575
R+2 = T, O+2 = Q, J+2 = L Sol 437.(c) ‘Magician’ is related to
Sol 409.(d) Shoes are to be made by the
Same pattern follows in only option (c) ‘Magic’ in the same way as ‘Joker’ is
Leather and the Road is from the Asphalt.
related to ‘Comedy’.
Sol 424.(b) Plate is a member of the class
Sol 410.(a) Spider lives in the Web and
Utensils and the Car is a member of the Sol 438.(c)
the Bird lives in the Nest.
class Vehicle. 7, 18, 126
Sol 411.(c) Each alphabet is decreased by 7 × 18 = 126
Sol 425.(d) +3 rule is followed. This pattern follows in only option (c)
ROL : URO :: TAG : ? 10 × 20 = 200
L-1=K, A-1=Z, P-1=O
R+3 = U, O+3 = R, L+3 = O
Similarly, T+3 = W, A+3 = D, G+3 = J Sol 439.(b) Instrument and its purpose.
Sol 412.(a) Sack is made up of Jute and
the Furniture is made up of Wood.
Sol 426.(d) Arc is a part of the Circle and Sol 440.(c) -3 , +3 , -3 , +3 rule is
the Tyre is a part of the Bike. followed.
Sol 413.(d) +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 rule is
followed. H-3 = E, K+3 = N, R-3 = O, C+3 = F
Sol 427.(b) 16 x 17 = 272 In the same way , S-3 = P, R+3 = U, Y-3
Similarly , 19 x 20 = 380. = V, K+3 = N
R+2 = T, O+3 = R, A+4 = E, D+5 = I
Sol 428.(b) -1 rule is followed. Sol 441.(d) +2 rule is followed.
M+2 = O, I+3 = L, N+4 = R, T+5 = Y
D-1 = C, F-1 = E, I-1 = H, M-1 = L K+2 = M S+2 = U J+2 = L
In the same way, In the same way,
Sol 414.(c) Film is made by the Producer
LNQU = KMPT R+2 = T C+2 = E U+2 = W
and the Poem is written by the Poet.
L-1 = K, N-1 = M, O-1 = P, U-1 = T
Sol 415.(a) The given analogy is Sol 442.(d) There is Common difference
Sol 429.(c) Furniture is made by the between the given numbers
596 : 965 :: 824 : ? .
Carpenter and the cloth is made by the 92-69=23, 46-23=23
Here , first digit is placed at the last. So
Tailor. 72-53=19, 53-34=19
the missing number is 248.
Sol 430.(b) Candle can not be burn Sol 443.(d) An animal and its class is
Sol 416.(c) Winter is a season and
without Wick and Pen can not write given by the relation.
Triangle is a Figure.
without Nib
Sol 417.(c) Refrigerator is used to keep Sol 444.(b) Synonyms are used.
Sol 431.(b) Jharkhand is a state and Innovative is the synonym of Creative.
the things Cold and the Oven is used to
Lakshadweep is a Union Territory. Similarly , Transparent is the synonym of
keep the things Hot.
Sol 432.(c) Relation of the part of the
Sol 418.(a) +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 rule is
body and its disease is given. Sol 445.(a) Cube of the number + given
ROLF : VTRM :: NODP : ? number.
Sol 433.(b) 103+10 = 1010
R+4 = V, O+5 = T, L+6 = R, F+7 = M
12-1 = 11 = 112 = 121 113+11 = 1342

147 +(1+4+7) 12 = 159 ; 167 +(1+6+7)

Sol 446.(c) The logic: × 5 Sol 458.(b) Colour of Jasmine is white. 14 = 181. So , the missing term is 181.
17, 85, 425 Similarly,
17 × 5 = 85, 85 × 5 = 425 Colour of Sunflower is Yellow. Sol 471.(a) Pinna is the protective layer
Only option (c) follow this pattern: of the ears and similarly, Cornea is the
21 × 5 = 105 105 × 5 = 525 Sol 459.(d) The pattern: +1,+2, +3, +4 protective layer in the eyes.
BDHP : CFJT : : PHDB : ?
Sol 447.(c) The given analogy is B+1 = C D+2 = F H+2 = J P+4 = T Sol 472.(b) The logic: 43 - 4 = 60.
4 : 41 : : 7 : ?. In the same way, 53 - 5 = 120
Here , 42 + 52 = 16 + 25 = 41. P+1 = Q H+2 = J D+2 = F B+4 = F
Similarly ,72 + 82 = 49 + 64 = 113. Sol 473.(d) An object and its class is
So , the missing number is 113. Sol 460.(a) Calculator is used for given.
Calculation and Violin is used for Music. Eraser comes under the category of
Sol 448.(c) +8 rule is followed. stationary similarly, Saucer comes under
BTU : JBC : : HLA : ? Sol 461.(d) Here, reverse sequence of the category of crockery.
B+8 = J, T+8 = B, U+8 = C the letters is used.
In the same way, AhbH : HbhA :: YfgT : ? Sol 474.(c) +2 , -2 rule is followed.
H+8 = P, L+8 = T, A+8 = I YfgT = TgfY AJET:CHGR:: GKQN:?
A+2 = C, J-2 = H, E+2 = G, T-2 = R
Sol 449.(a) Bird lives in the Nest and the Sol 462.(b) Country and its capital. In the same way,
Rabbit lives in the Burrow. Vienna is the capital of Austria. Similarly, G+2 = I, K-2 = I, Q+2 = S, N-2 = L
Amman is the capital of Jordan.
Sol 450.(a) Nagaland is a State and Sol 475.(a) Square of 8 and cube of 8 ;
South America is a Continent Sol 463.(c) Square and cube of 12
9 × 3 + 1 = 28 64 : 512 :: 144 : ?
Sol 451.(d) The logic: (15)2- 15=210 In the same way, 56 × 3 + 1 = 169 82 = 64 83 = 512
Similarly, (18)2-18=324-18=306 In the same way,
Sol 464.(a) Bricks are to be made in 122 = 144 123 = 1728
Sol 452.(c) The pattern followed: Bricks Kiln , Bread is to be made in
+2,+3,+4, +5 Bakery. Sol 476.(a) Teacher works for the
TKJR : VNNW : : GXMQ : Students and a Doctor works for the
T+2 = V , K+3 = N, J+4 = N, Sol 465.(a) Patient.
R+5 = W The pattern:1st term= (2nd term × 2)+2
In the same way, 6:2::8. 6= 2 × 2 =4+2=6, Sol 477.(d) -3 rule is followed.
G+2 = I, X+3 = A, M+4 = Q, Similarly, 3 × 2=6+2=8 MRW : JOT
Q+5 = V M-3 = J R-3 = O W-3 = T
Sol 466.(c) A person and its equipment is In the same way,
Sol 453.(b) School is used for Study and given. QGP = NDM
Restaurant is used for Eating. Tailor uses sewing machines for stitching Q-3 = N G-3 = D P-3 = M
clothes.Similarly farmer uses plough for
Sol 454.(a) Unit of Volume is Gallon and agriculture purpose. Sol 478.(a) Mature stage and the
the unit of the Distance is Mile childhood of the same living being.
Sol 467.(c)The place value of G is 7, Man is the maturity stage of boy,
Sol 455.(c) 7+7=14=N similarly, dog is the maturity stage of a
6, 37, 217 And place value of H= 8, 8+8=16= P puppy.
62+1 = 37, 63+1 = 217 Similarly, E=5, 5+5= 10= J, and place
Same pattern follows in only option (c) value of J = 10, 10+10= 20= T Sol 479.(d) -7 rule is followed
42+1 = 17 43+1 = 65 DBZ:WUS::PNL:?
Sol 468.(c) Synonyms are used. D-7 = W, B-7 = U, Z-7 = S
Sol 456.(c) +2 , -2 rule is followed. Genuine and Authentic are synonyms. In the same way,
B+2 = D U-2 = S Similarly, PNL = IGE
C+2 = E K-2 = I Mirage and illusion are synonyms. P-7 = I, N-7 = G, L-7 =E
E+2 = G T-2 = R
In the same way, Sol 469.(a) Relation of an animal with its Sol 480.(d)
B+2 = D O-2 = M N+2 = P kid. second term:= 1st term × (1st term -1)
U-2 = S S+2 = U A kid of a lion is called a cub. Similarly, 7 * 6 = 42 ; 9 * 8 = 72
A kid of cow is called a calf.
Sol 457.(a) 123 is subtracted to get 2nd Sol 481.(d)Cow is the same group(
number. Sol 470.(d) The given analogy is domestic animals) of Cat, Dog, Goat
735 - 612 = 123; 476 - 123 = 353 147 : 159 ∷ 167 : ?.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 482.(d) Similar colour is used . BDF : GIK :: MOQ : ? Sol 502. (d) Logic is : all are different
Saffron looks like orange colour type. B+5 = G, D+5 = I, F+5 = K types of vegetable
In the same way, blue colour looks like In the same way, Except potato, all three are fruits.Hence,
Turquoise colour type. M+5 = R, O+5 = T, Q+5 = V potatoes belong to the same group.

Sol 483.(a)The logic: (1st term × 2)+1= Sol 492.(a) Here, the logic: 1st term is Sol 503.(d) Opposite letters are used
2nd term & (2nd term × 4)+1= 3rd term divided by 1000 to get 2nd term. ZB : AY :: HJ : ? Z = A, B = Y
(4,9, 37)= (4 × 2)+1=9, (9 × 2.5 ÷ 1000= 0.0025 In the same way, H = S, J = Q
4)+1=36+1=37 When 3.6 is divided by 1000 = 0.0036
This pattern follows in only option (a) Sol 504.(d)Here, positional value of
9 × 2+1 =19 Sol 493.(a)Here,positional values of the alphabet used in reverse order.
19 × 4+1= 77 alphabets start from O → 1 , P → 2, Q → Opposite of L = O = 15
3.. So on. Opposite of A = Z = 26
Sol 484.(c)HERE, THE LOGIC: The 2nd O = 1 , E = 17 and OPEN = 46 , means P In the same way,
number is the sum of square of the digits = 2 , N = 26 , A = 13 , I = 21 , T = 6 and Opposite of T = G = 7
of 1st number. R = 4 , then PAINTER = 2 + 13 + 21 + 26 Opposite of H = S = 19
35 = (32+52) = 9+25 = 34 + 6 + 17 + 4 = 89. Opposite of E = V = 22
Similarly , 76=(72+62)=49+36=85 Opposite of I = R = 18
Sol 494.(d) Shapes and their examples. Opposite of F = U = 21
Sol 485.(c) Group of Cattle - Herd ; Shape of the dice is cube, similarly the THEIF = 7+19+22+18+21 = 87
Group of Players - Team. shape of earth is Sphere.
Sol 505.(d) Square of 25 and 23(gap of
Sol 486.(a) Just change in the pattern. Sol 495.(a)The place where King lives is two) ; Square of 35(35-2=33) so square of
called Palace, similarly, 33.
The place where Lion lives is called Den. √625 = 25
√529 = 23
Sol 496.(c) +8 rule is followed. Similarly,
In the same way, ACE:IKM::QSU:?
A+8 = I, C+8 = K, E+8 = M √1225 = 35
In the same way, √1089 = 33
Q+8 = Y, S+8 = A, U+8 = C
Sol 506.(c) Reverse sequences of the
Sol 497.(a) +4 rule is followed. alphabets are used.
Sol 487.(a) Just change in the pattern CIN : GMR :: LUV : ?
C+4 = G, I+4 = M, N+4 = R
In the same way,
L+4 = P, U+4 = Y, V+4 = Z
In the same way,
Similarly, Sol 498.(b) Animal and its kids or its A C H E
early stage or childhood stage. E H C A
Early stage or childhood stage of
Cockroach is Nymph. Sol 507.(c) (1st term × 2)+3=2nd term
Similarly, Early stage or childhood stage (2nd term × 3)+2= 3rd term
of sheep is lamb. (13, 29,89)
13 × 2 +3 = 29 29 × 3 +2 = 89
Sol 488. (d) Here, the pattern followed is: Sol 499.(b) Opposite words are
Similar, pattern follows only in option (c)
342:18::156:? used.opposite of day is night. 11 × 2 +3 = 25 25 × 3 +2 = 77
182+18 = 342 And opposite of Dawn is Dusk
In the same way,
x2+x = 156 Sol 508.(c) Chemical names are used.
Sol 500.(c)
x = 12 Water is called Hydrogen oxide, and
52 = 13 × 4 , 65 = 13 × 5
common salt is sodium chloride.
In the same way,
Sol 489.(c) Letters form a Word and 76 = 19 × 4 95 = 19 × 5.
Sentences form a Paragraph. Sol 509.(d) Group of Fish is known as
School in the same way the Group of
Sol 501. (d) Spoon and Fork are generally Birds is known as Flock.
Sol 490.(d)Dictionary is compilation of used together or in pairs.similarly, Bowl
words, similarly Hence the correct answer is Flock.
& Plate are generally used together or in
Atlas is compilation of Maps pairs Sol 510.(a) 7 × 7 = 49 × 2 = 98 ;
Sol 491.(d) +5 rule is followed. 11 × 11 = 121 × 2 = 242

‘Vindictive’ means having or showing a Sol 532. (c) Eagle , Ostrich and Kiwi , all
Sol 511.(c) Cube of 5 and 3( Having gap strong or unreasonable desire for revenge. are birds which live on earth and also fly
2) ; Cube of 6 and 4 ‘Merciful’ means showing or exercising in the sky. Similar Sparrow is a
125 = 53, 27 = 33 (5-3 = 2) mercy. bird.‘Sparrow’ is similar to the given
In the same way, words and hence belong to the same
216 = 63, 64 = 43 (6-4 = 2) Sol 521.(a) Logic is : +5, +6, +5 rule is group.
Sol 512.(a) Currency of Bangladesh is Similarly, R +5 = W, K + 6 = Q, T +5 = Sol 533. (d) Here , 10 + 4 = 14 , 10 × 14
Taka and that of Greece is Euro. Y = 140 + 2 = 142 ;
And 17 + 4 = 21 , 17 × 21 = 357 + 2 =
Sol 513.(d) +4 rule is followed. Sol 522. (c )Logic is : +5, +15 is used 359
KP : OT :: TH : ? Similarly, only the third option matches And similarly , 21 + 4 = 25 , 21 × 25 =
K+4 = O, P+4 = T the given pattern 252 + 2 = 527.
In the same way, 145 + 5 = 150 150 + 15 = 165 So , the missing number of the analogy is
T+4 = X, H+4 = L 527.
Sol 523. (b)
Sol 514.(d) Synonym is used . As, wheel is made up of spokes similarly Sol 534. (c) The given analogy is
Noted is synonyms of Famous, In the house is made up of Rooms. SUNDAY : RWKHVE :: ANNUAL : ?
same way, Here , -1 , +2 , -3 , +4 and so on , rule is
Anger is synonymous of Dander. S.524. (a) used. So , the code for ANNUAL will be
In the given pair ‘Ballet’ is a form of ZPKYVR.
Sol 515.(a) +2 rule is used. dance that is taught by a choreographer’
LSX : NUZ :: GKQ : ? In the same manner ‘Clothes’ are made Sol 535. (a) First number is multiplied by
L+2 = N, S+2 = U, X+2 = Z by Tailor. 3 and one is added to get the second
In the same way, number and similarly , the second number
G+2 = I, K+2 = M, Q+2 = S Sol 525.(c) Logic is : 4x : 9x is multiplied by 3 and added 1 in that to
Only option C follow the above rule as get the third number.
Sol 516.(d) Scientist works in the 7(4) : 7(9) = 28 : 63 9 × 3 = 27 + 1 = 28 ; 28 × 3 = 84 + 1= 85
Laboratory and in the similar way, the ;
Teacher works in the School. Sol 526. (b) The similar pair is (7 , 22 , 67).
‘Lotus’ is a ‘Flower’ 7 × 3 = 21 + 1 = 22 ; 22 × 3 = 66 + 1 =
Sol 517.(b) Square of 29 is 841 and This relation is only followed by the 67.
Square of 22 is 484. option B as Rial is the currency of Iran.
Sol 536. (c) Food is made by Chef.
Sol 518.(c)The sound of Cow is Mow, Sol 527.(a) Logic is : n : (n+1)2+2 Similarly , Films are produced by a
similarly 13 : (13+1)2 +2 = 196+2 = 198 Producer.
The sound of Horse is Neigh.
Sol 528. (c) Logic is : number : product of Sol 537. (d) A wall is built with bricks.
Cpo 2019 Tier I both digit Similarly , a Fabric is made by Yarn.
As, 75, 7 × 5 = 35 ;
Sol 519. (b) And similarly, from 54, 5 × 4 = 20. Sol 538. (b) There is a Howdah on
So, the missing number is 20. Camel’s back to sit. Similarly , there is a
Saddle on Horse’s back to sit on.
Sol 529(a)Logic is : Double the sum of all
alphabetical position. Sol 539.(c)
So, sum of SOCIAL = 19 + 15 + 3 + 9 + SQUEAK: a short, high-pitched sound or
1 + 12 =59*2=118 cry.
Similarly ILEHLRETP is related to the
HELIOPTER QUACK: the characteristic harsh sound
Sol 530. (c) The given pair is 63 : 72. made by a duck.
9 × 7 = 63 ; 9 × 8 = 72. CACKLE: laugh in a loud, harsh way.
Sol 520.(a)
‘Greedy’ means having or showing an Similar pair is 161 : 184. Squeak, Quack, and cackle all are forms
intense and selfish desire for wealth or 23 × 7 = 16 ; 23 × 8 = 184. of voices and only CROAK among the
power. given options belongs to the group.
‘ Generous’ means showing a readiness to Sol 531. (b) The given analogy is : CROAK: a characteristic deep hoarse
give more of something, especially 289 : 324 :: 441 : ? sound made by a frog or a crow.
money, than is strictly necessary or Square of 17 : square of 18 :: square of 21
expected : square of 22 Sol 540. (c) Logic is : odd places =
Clearly Greedy is an antonym for So , the missing number of the analogy is opposite letter and even places are
generous. In the same manner Vindictive 484. reduced by three.
is opposite in meaning to Merciful
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 564. (d) Here , the gap between the

Sol 552. (c) Needle is used to sew the numbers is 9 and 18.
clothes similarly, Microscope is used to Except (73, 82, 99), in all the sets of
Magnify the objects. numbers the same rule is applied.
Similar coding is given in the given word.
Sol 553. (a) Logic is : first letter -5, Sol 565. (b) Logic is : 8n : 9n
Second letter is coded as opposite letter Similarly, 27 * 8 = 216, 27 * 9 = 243.
and third letter +5. So, the missing number is 243.
So, P - 5 = K ; Opposite of I is R ; O + 5
Sol 541. (c) Houses consist of bricks and = T. PIO is the correct answer. Sol 566. (c) Monk lives in Monastery
trees consist of twigs. similarly, Knight lives in the Mansion.
Sol 554. (b) Difference of the last two
Sol 542. (c) Logic is : The numbers are numbers is the square of the difference of Sol 567. (a) Here 7 * 2 = 14.
in ratio 2 : 3 the first two numbers. Similar pair is 45 - 20.
Only other ratio that is in ratio 106 - 101 = 5 , square of 5 = 25 , 131 - Here 4 * 5 = 20.
2 : 3 is 84 :126. 106 = 25.
Similar set of numbers is (123, 128, 153). n2
Sol 568. (b) Logic is : n : 2
Sol 543.(a) Logic is : n2 : (n+1)2 +1 Here, 128 - 123 = 5 , square of 5 = 25 , 262 = 676/2=338
So, ⇒ 169 = 132 153 - 128 = 25. So, the missing number is 338.
⇒ 197 = (13 + 1)2 +1.
Sol 555. (d) Logic is : prime number : Sol 569.(b)
numerator next prime number
Sol 544.(d) Logic is = 2
(numerator) +1 Here , just the next prime number is
Therefore, the only option following this written in the given pairs. Next prime
pattern is 15/226 number of 7 is 11.
Sol 545.(a) Logic is : n : 5n : 9n Sol 556. (b) Logic is : 8n : 9n.
This pattern is not only followed by (8, 7 × 8 = 56 , 7 × 9 = 63 ;
35, 72). Here , the similar pair is 104 - 117.
13 × 8 = 104 , 13 × 9 = 117.
Sol 546. (c)
As, Apple belongs to the family of Fruits Sol 570. (b) ‘Pleasure’ is synonym of
Sol 557.(b) A Team is made by the ‘Joy’ in the same way as ‘Diligent’ is
And Okra belongs to the family of Players. Similarly, Flowers collectively
Vegetables. synonym of ‘Industrious’.
make a Bouquet.

Sol 547.(a)Logic is : first letter +1, Sol 571. (c) The given analogy is Gallop
Sol 558. (a) The given analogy is Touch : : Horse. The relation of an animal and its
second letter +2, and so on... Push. Similar word pair is Speak : Shout.
In the same way ‘PERSIST’ gives walking style is given. So , a similar pair
‘QGUWNYA’ is Stampede : Rat.
Sol 559. (b) Rest is taken to overcome
Fatigue similarly, Medicine is taken to
Sol 548.(d) Sol 572. (c) Here, Crocodile and Snake
overcome Disease.
‘Drench’ is the extreme form for both belong to the Reptile family.
‘Moisten’ Similarly, Iguana and Chameleon belong
Sol 560. (b) Links are used to make a to the family of Lizards.
And similarly ‘Stab’ is the extreme form Chain similarly, Beads are used to make a
of ‘Prick’ Necklace. Sol 573. (c) Here 7 * 2 = 14.
Sol 549. (c) Logic is : in each number the Similar pair is 45 - 20.
Sol 561. (d) Logic is : first make a pair of
first number is multiplied to the second Here 4 * 5 = 20.
two letters then exchange their positions.
number is equal to the third number. In the same manner, the code for
So, 236 = 2 × 3 = 6 ; and similar number Sol 574. (b) Watt is the unit to measure
AQUARIUM will be QAAUIRMU. Power. Similarly, Pascal is the unit to
is 339, 339 = 3 × 3 = 9.
measure Pressure.
Sol 562. (d) Logic is : +2 , -3 , +4 , -5
Sol 550. (b) The given analogy is Field : rule is used. Sol 575. (d) Logic is : n : n2 - 2
Farmer :: Observatory : ? In the similar manner , the code for Similarly, 13 : 13 * 13 - 2 = 13 : 167.
A Farmer works in the Field, similarly, an MEDICINE will be OBHDIBVV.
Astronomer works in an Observatory.
Sol 576. (d) Logic is : +1 , +2 , +3 and
Sol 563. (b) Rustle is the sound made by so on, this rule is followed.
Sol 551. (b) Logic is : -1, +1, -1, +1 rule the leaves. Similarly, Patter is the sound After applying the same rule, the code for
is used. made by Rain. SERVICE will be TGUZNIL.
So, the code for BUCKET is AVBLDU.

A Train runs on a Track and is driven by a Similar analogy is Monkey : Chimpanzee

Sol 577. (a) Logic is : n : (n+3)2 Driver. : Gorilla.
So , 21 + 3 = 24 , 24 * 24 = 576. Similar set of words is Sea : Ship :
Captain. Cgl 2019 Tier I
Sol 578. (b) Logic is : ignore odd places A Ship rune on the Sea and is driven by
and add 3 to even places. the Captain. Sol 599.(a) As ‘Medicine’ is the cure for
Similarly, in ATEXXDIBVO after a ‘Disease’
ignoring odd places TXDBO Sol 588. (c) Logic is : -1 , +2 , -3 , +4 , In the same way ‘Food’ is the cure for
And adding 3 now -5 rule is used. ‘Hunger’
T ( + 3) → W X ( + 3) → A By using the same method , the code for
D ( + 3) → G B ( + 3) → E HUMIDITY will be GWJMYOMG. Sol 600.(c) The required pattern is:
O ( + 3) → R 122= 144/2= 72. Similarly, 182= 324/2=
Sol 589. (a) Logic is : 3 × 5+1 =16 162.
Sol 579. (c) Logic is : n : 5n : 9n\ By this logic 6 × 7+1 = 43
But this rule is not followed in (7, 35, 56). Sol 601.(c) Here, the logic: +9, +18
7 * 5 = 35, 7 * 8(not 9) = 56 Sol 590. (c) The given analogy is 91 : 1st number + ‘9’ = 2nd number
104 :: 161 : ?. 2nd number + ‘ 18’ = 3rd number(‘18’ is
Sol 580. (c) Quarrel can lead to ‘War’ in 13 * 7 = 91 , 13 * 8 = 104 ; double of ‘9’)
the same way Error may lead to a Similarly , 161 / 7 = 23 , 23 * 8 = 184 ; 269+9 = 278
‘Blunder’. So , the missing number is 184. 278+18 = 296
Now only (313, 322, 340) is following the
Sol 581. (d) The given analogy is Son : Sol 591. (c) The given set of numbers is given pattern.
Daughter :: Reindeer : ?. (123, 88, 63).
Here kids of the same parent are given, The gap between the numbers is 35 and Sol 602.(a) As Clock is an instrument to
i.e. siblings. Similarly, Deer is the sibling 25. measure Time.
of Reindeer. Similar set of numbers is (100, 65, 25). Similarly, Ammeter is used to measure
Sol 582. (c) Logic is : The gap between Sol 592. (d) Logic is : -1 , +2 , -3 , +4
the numbers is 33 and 22. and so on, rule is used. Sol 603.(b) Group of Teachers is known
This rule is followed in all the pairs By using the same rule, the code for as ‘Faculty’
except (114, 82, 60). WARDROBE will be VCOHMUUM. Similarly, Group of Trucks is known as ‘
n2 Sol 593. (d) A Scientist works in the
Sol 583. (b) Logic is : n : 2
22 = 484/2=242 Laboratory similarly, a Teacher works in a Sol 604.(c) The required pattern is:
School. 2809 = 2 + 8 + 0 + 9 = 19 × 3 = 57 − 4 = 53
Sol 584. (b) Anemometer is used to 1524 = 1+ 5+ 2+ 4= 12 × 3 = 36-4 = 32
measure the speed of Wind. Similarly, Sol 594. (a) Island is found in the Sea ,
Seismograph is used to measure the similarly , Oasis is found in the Deserts. Sol 605. (b) Cardiologist - a doctor who
Earthquake. specializes in the study or treatment of
Sol 595. (c) Logic is : n : (n+2)2 heart diseases and heart abnormalities.
Sol 585. (c) Logic is : product of both Square of (17 + 2) =Square of 19 = 361. Neurologist - who studies brain-damaged
digit +1 So, the missing number is 361. patients
7*8=56, 56+1= 57
Similarly in the option (c) 4*5=20+1=21 Sol 596. (b) Sol 606.(a) ‘Calendar’ shows us the
‘Date’ and ‘Clock’ shows the ‘Time’
Sol 586. (c) Logic is : Make pair of 2
letters then swap their position. Sol 607.(b) The required pattern is :
1st number × 15 = 2nd number
Applying the same logic 1st number × 19 = 3rd number
BACKGROUND will be coded as Similarly, ‘15’ and ‘19’ should be
ABKCHSUODN. multiplied to the 1st number in order to
get the desired result.
Sol 597. (b) The given pair of words is
Barometer : Pressure. Sol 608.(a) The required pattern is:
Barometer is used to measure the 2nd number in the ratio = (1st number)3 − 2 × 1s
Pressure. Similarly , Ammeter is used to 711 = (9)3 − 2 × 9
measure Current.
Sol 587. (b) The given analogy is Track :
Train : Driver. Sol 609.(c) ‘Tea’ is a type of ‘Beverage’
Sol 598. (c) Car , Lion and Jaguar, all Similarly ‘Analgesic’ is a type of
belong to the same category. ‘Medicine’
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

12 + ‘7’ = 19 (13 × 8)+5=104+5=109

Sol 610.(b) The required pattern is : 19 + ‘21’ = 40 similarly,(24 × 8)+5=192+5=197
109 + 5 = 114
114 + 25 = 139 Sol 620.(a) ‘Wheat’ is used to prepare Sol 630.(d) ‘Condemnation’ is the
The only option that follows the same ‘Bread’ similarly ‘Sugarcane’ is used to synonym to ‘Criticism’ & ‘Unity’ is the
pattern is make ‘Jaggery’ synonym to ‘Solidarity’.
(313, 318, 343)
313 + 5 = 318 Sol 621.(c) Here, ‘Council’ means a Sol 631.(d) 64(82) + 343(73)= 407
318 + 25 = 343 group of ministers. Similarly, crew means Similarly, 81(92) + 216(63)= 297
a group of sailors.
Sol 611.(a) animal & its living place Sol 632.(a) A group of ‘Players’ is called
Hive = a dome-shaped or boxlike Sol 622.(a) Blunder : The highest ‘Team’
structure in which bees are kept. intensity of error Similarly, A group of ‘Flowers’ is called
Burrow = a hole or tunnel dug by a small Similarly, Euphoria : a feeling or state of ‘Bouquet’.
animal, especially a rabbit or Hare, as a extreme excitement and happiness.
dwelling. Sol 633.(c)
Sol 623.(a)Following pattern is followed The opposite to ‘NORTH’ direction is
Sol 612.(a) The required pattern is: 72 : 108 102 : 153 ‘SOUTH’ Similarly, the opposite to
52 × 4= 208, 52/4= 13, 208+13= 221. 12 × 6 = 72 17 × 6 = 102 ‘FROWN’ is ‘SMILE’
64 × 4= 256, 64/4=16, 256+16= 272. 12 × 9 = 108 17 × 9 = 153
Similarly, 20 × 4=80, 20/4=5, 80+5= 85. Similarly, Sol 634.(c)
14 × 6 = 84 Astronomy is a natural science that
Sol 613.(d) Animal & its sound 14 × 9 = 126 studies celestial objects and phenomena.
The noise made by ‘Jackals’ is known as Similarly, Agronomy is the science and
‘Howl’. Sol 624.(b) The pattern followed in the technology of producing and using plants
Similarly, the noise made by ‘Rain’ is given set (13, 65, 117) is in agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, and
called ‘Patter’ 13 × 5 = 65 13 × 9 = 117 land restoration.
Similarly only one option satisfies it i.e.
Sol 614.(c) (15, 75, 135) Sol 635.(a) (343, 98, 21) = (343 = 7 , 98
‘Grapes’ comes under the category of 15 × 5 = 75 15 × 9 = 135 2
= 7 x 2 , 21 = 7 x 3 )
(1331, 242, 33) = (1331 = 113 , 242 =
Similarly, ‘Pepper’ comes under the Sol 625.(d)
category of ‘Spices’ 112 x 2 , 33 = 11 x 3)
4 : 69 :: 11 : 1336
The following pattern is being followed
Sol 615.(b) Sol 636.(c)
(1st number)3 + 5 = 2nd number
As ‘Turmeric’ is a type of ‘Spice’ As ‘Crops’ are grown by ‘Farmer’
Similarly, Similarly, ‘Food’ is prepared by ‘Chef’
similarly ‘dates’ is a type of ‘Dry fruit’
(third number)3 + 5 = 4th number
Sol 616.(b) Sol 637.(d)
Sol 626.(b)The pattern followed by the 13 × 6= 78 18 × 6=108
The required pattern is:
given set (7, 98, 196) is 13 × 9=117 18 × 9=162
63+ 62= 252
7 × 14 = 98 7 × 28 = 196 Similarly,
Similarly, 53 + 52= 150
After observing all the options, we find 15 × 6=90 15 × 9=135
that set (11, 154, 308) follows the given
Sol 617.(a)The pattern being followed is:
pattern Sol 638.(b)
Product of the digits of first term= Second
11 × 14 = 154 11 × 28 = 308 The following pattern is being followed
7 × 2 =14, 9 × 6= 54 Let the ratio be
Sol 627.(a)Vertebrate: an animal, bird or a : b :: c : d
fish that has a bone along its back (a (a)3 + (a)2 = b
8 × 7 =56
backbone).As monkey is a vertebrate
Where , a= 8, b= 576, c= 4 and d= 80
whereas starfish is an invertebrate.
Sol 618.(c) ‘Dentist’ comes under the (c)3 + (c)2 = d
category of ‘Doctors’ in the same way (4)3 + (4)2 = 80
Sol 628.(a) profession & his duty.
‘Chemistry’ comes under the category of
Invigilator’s duty is to monitor during the
‘ Science’. 2
Sol 639.(c) (14 18 277) ⇒ 14 + 9 =
Similarly, ‘Election’ is monitored by an 277
Sol 619.(d) The pattern:
‘Observer’ Similarly, (20, 22, 521) ⇒ 202 + 112 =
17 + ‘7’ = 24
24 + ‘21’ = 45 521
Sol 629.(d) The pattern: (1st number ×
By observing, we find that only (12, 19,
8)+5= 2nd number Sol 640.(b)
40) satisfies the above pattern

Tinnitus is the perception of noise or Similarly, the capital of ‘Pakistan’ is present outside the system) connected to
ringing in the ears . Similarly, Acne is a ‘Islamabad’ the computer
skin condition that occurs when your hair
follicles become plugged with oil and Sol 651.(d)The pattern followed here is: Sol 660.(a) In the ‘temple’ we ‘worship’
dead skin cells. 3 : 20 → 3 : (32 + 1) × 2 and similarly in a ‘Church’ we offer
Similarly,7 : ? → 7 : (72 + 1) × 2 ‘Prayers’.
Sol 641.(a) ⇒ ? = 100
Small, Medium and Large are types of Hence, ‘100’ is the correct answer Sol 661. (a) The relation is that arteries
‘Sizes’ But, ‘oval’ is a type of shape. forms the Circulatory system of our body.
Sol 652.(c) Neigh: a characteristic high Similarly , The nerves form the nervous
Sol 642.(c) whinnying sound made by a horse. system.
The pattern given below is being Grunt: a low, short guttural sound made
followed: by Camel. Sol 662.(c)
17 : 102 : 153 Below mentioned pattern is being
17 × 6 = 102 17 × 9 = 153 Sol 653.(d) People give ‘Audition’ for followed by the given set (14, 17, 961)
Similarly, only (16 : 96 : 144) follow the ‘Selection’ 14 + 17 = 31 (31)2 = 961
given rule Similarly, ‘Examination’ is taken by Similarly, set (13, 19, 1024) follows the
16 × 6 = 96 16 × 9 = 144 students to ‘Pass’. rule
13 + 19 = 32 (32)2 = 1024
Sol 643.(a) As ‘ Bacteria’ causes Sol 654.(c) 56 : 30 :: 78 : 56
‘Illness’ Similarly, ‘Carelessness’ causes 5 × 6 = 30 Sol 663.(b) Here relation is:
‘Errors’ Similarly, 7 × 8 = 56 The treatment and instruction received by
a child from its parents throughout its
Sol 644.(a) Sol 655. (b) Ethiopia’ is a country in the childhood is called upbringing.
The required pattern is: continent ‘Africa’. Similarly, ‘Brazil’ is a Similarly,
6-2= 4, 42= 16. 11-2= 9, 92= 81 country in the continent ‘South America’ ‘A school is responsible for the education
Similarly, 20-2= 18, 182= 324. of a child.
Sol 656.(c)Here the logic followed : (88, Hence, ‘education’ is the correct answer.
Sol 645.(a) 60, 37) → (88 + 60) ÷ 4 = 37
Amusing means causing laughter and Similarly, (94, 42, 34) → (94 + 42) ÷ 4 = Sol 664.(c)The logic: (23)2 -2=527
providing entertainment and Hilarious 34 Similarly :(19)2-2=359
means extremely amusing. Hence, ‘(94, 42, 34)’ is the correct
Similarly, Moisten means wet slightly and answer. CHSL 2019 Tier I
‘Soak’ means make or allow (something)
to become thoroughly wet by immersing Sol 657.(a) Here the logic: (22, 64, 352) Sol 665. (c) (3)3 : (3 + 2)3 ⇒ (3)3 : (5)3
it in liquid. The 3rd number is divided by the first ⇒ 27 : 125
number then multiplied by 4, we get the Similarly , (7)3 : (7 + 2)3 ⇒ (7)3 : (9)3 ⇒
Sol 646.(d) 2nd number. 343 : 729
In the given set (45, 24, 441) the pattern 352
being followed is: 22 = 16, 16 x 4 = 64. Similarly
option(a),(14, 68, 238) satisfies the same Sol 666. (b) The required pattern is:
(45 - 24) = 21 (21)2 = 441
while the others not.
The only set that follows the above rule is
(35, 17, 324) Sol 658.(b)Here the pattern follows:,
35 - 17 = 18 (18)2 = 324 3 : 33 + 33 – 3
3 : 27 + 27 – 3 Similarly,
Sol 647.(d) 3 : 54 – 3
Diabetes is caused by fluctuation in Blood 3 : 51
Sugar level. Similarly, ‘Highly Blood Similarly,
Pressure’ is caused by fluctuating blood 7 : 73 + 73 – 7
pressure levels. 7 : 343 + 343 – 7
7 : 686 – 7 Sol 667. (c)
Sol 648.(a) 7 : 679 Farmer : Field : : Artist : ?
In ‘Office’ people do ‘Work’, Similarly at Hence, “679” is the correct answer. As farmers work in the field. Similarly,
‘school’ students ‘Study’. artists work in theatre.
Sol 659. (a)
Sol 649.(b) Logic is n : (2n+2)n +1 ‘Photoshop’ is a software(one can’t see or Sol 668. (d)
Similarly 20 : 42(20) +1= 841 touch ) used to edit photos in a computer
Similarly , ‘Optical mouse’ is a
Sol 650.(c) The capital of ‘Bangladesh’ is hardware(one can see and touch and is
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 691. (d)

In (11,17,204) ⇒ 204 = 17 × (11+1)
Similarly in option (d):- 273 = 21 ×
Sol 681. (c)
Sol 669. (a) The pair of words are antonyms of each
Unit of energy is Joule. Similarly, the unit Sol 692. (b)
of power is Watt. Therefore, the antonym of Factual is
Sol 670. (b)
Sol 682. (b)
AB C : : HJ ?=K Exercise is done in the Gymnasium. Sol 693. (c)
Similarly, boxing is played in the ring. Diabetes is a type of disease. Similarly,
Sol 671. (a) Summer is a type of season.
H + J = 8 + 10 = 18 Sol 683. (b)
J + L = 10 + 12 = 22 10 = √36 + Sol 694. (a)
P + R = 16 + 18 = 34
√16 = 6 + 4 52 - 48 = 4; (4)3 = 64
Similarly, Similarly , 92 - 90 = 2; (2)3 = 8
R + T = 18 + 20 = 38
11 = √81 + √4 = 9 + 2
Sol 695. (a)
Sol 672. (d) Sol 684. (b) As gloves are worn in hands, similarly,
Sailors work on ships. Similarly, Cows live in byre. Similarly, Owl reside shoes are worn in feet.
scientists work in laboratories. in a barn.
Sol 696. (b)
Sol 673. (b) Sol 685. (b) 3 : (3 + 1)3 + 3 = 67
Butter is extracted from milk. Similarly, Similarly, 6 : (6+1)3 + 6 = 349
oil is extracted from seed.
Sol 697. (a)
Sol 674. (c) Painting is made using colours. Similarly,
19 : 23 :: 97 : ? homework is done using ink in pen.

Sol 686. (c) Sol 698. (a)

Sol 675. (c) (2+1) x 2=6; (6+2) x 4=32

Similarly , (8+1) x 2=18; (18+2) x 4=80

Sol 676. (c) Similarly,

9 : 121 :: 7 : ? Similarly,
⇒ 9 : (9+2)2 :: 7 : (7 + 2)2 = 81

Sol 677. (d)

While coding the letters of the given word
are arranged in alphabetical order.
Thus, SMALL → ALLMS. Sol 687. (d)
In (12, 96, 8) :- 12 × 8 = 96 Sol 699. (d)
Sol 678. (d) Similarly, in (7, 63, 9) :- 7 × 9 = 63 In 14,24,84 :- 14
= 7 , 242
= 12 , 7 × 12
Chair is a kind of furniture. Similarly, = 84
letter paper is a kind of stationary. Sol 688. (a) Similarly, in option (d):- 18,30,135 :-
As a needle is used for sewing, auger is 2
= 9 , 30
= 15 , 9 × 15 = 135
Sol 679. (b) used for boring.
23 × 5 + 5 = 120 Sol 700. (a)
Similarly, 45 × 5 + 5 = 230 Sol 689. (b) Admission card is required for giving the
Boxing is played in a ring. Similarly, examination. Similarly, to travel via train
Sol 680. (c) Race is run on track. you need a ticket.

Sol 690. (d) Sol 701. (c)

2197:12167::343:? (11,15,400)
⇒ (13)3 : (23)3 :: (7)3 : (17)3 = 4913 = (11+1)2+(15+1)2 = 400
Similarly, In the same way, in option (c)

= (12+1)2+(17+1)2 = 493 Given set:- (9,217,8) ⇒ (9, 93 - 83, 8) ⇒

(9, 729 - 512, 8) ⇒ (9, 217, 8) Sol 723. (b)
Sol 702. (b) Similarly, (4, 217, 3) ⇒ (4, 43 - 33, 3) ⇒ (11)3 = 1331
27:6: : 8: ?: : 64:8 (4, 64 - 27, 3) ⇒ (4, 37, 3) (12)3 = 1728 =/ 1757
⇒ (3)3 : 3 × 2 : : (2)3 : 2 × 2 : : (4)3 : 8 (7)3 = 343
⇒ (3)3 : 3 × 2 : : (2)3 : 4 : : (4)3 : 8 Sol 713. (a) (3)3 = 27
The given set is:- 3, (3 × 2) , (6 × 5) =
Sol 703. (d) 3, 6, 30 Sol 724. (d)
Cow gives milk. Similarly, hen gives Similarly in option (a):- 4, (4 × 3) , The unit of weight is kilogram. Similarly,
eggs. (12 × 11) = 4, 12, 132 the unit of resistance is Ohm.

Sol 704. (a) Sol 725. (c)

Sol 714. (a)
Work is measured in Joule. Similarly, 8 : (8+1)2 ⇒ 8 : 81
Area is measured in hectares. 12 : (12+1)2 ⇒ 12 : 169
11 : (11+1)2 ⇒ 11 : 144
Sol 705. (d)
Given set:- 8 : 49 ⇒ (8-1)2 = 49 Similarly, Sol 726. (c)
Similarly, in option (d); 12 : 121 ⇒ Wheat is a kind of cereal. Similarly,
(12-1)2 = 121 cinnamon is a kind of spice.

Sol 706. (d) Sol 727. (c) Logic :- Difference between

(5+3)2+ (5-3)2 = (8)2+ (2)2 = 64 + 4 = 68 the first two numbers is twice the
Similarly, Sol 715. (d) difference between the last two numbers.
(2+1)2+ (2-1)2 = (3)2+ (1)2 = 9 + 1 = 10 |789 - 501| = 288
|645 - 501| = 144
Sol 707. (a) Similarly,
In the given sequence, alphabets are |573 - 455| = 118
added in the following order:- -3, +2, -2, |573 - 514| = 59
Sol 716. (c) Sol 728. (a)
Sol 708. (d) Pythagora’s theorem is used in geometry . Given set :- (13, 17, 442) ⇒ 13, 17, 13 ×
7 × 2+1 = 15, 15 × 2 + 1 = 31 Similarly, Kepler’s law is used in 17 × 2
Similarly, in option (d) 3 × 2 + 1 = 7, 7 × 2 astronomy to define planetary motion. Similarly in option (a) :-
+ 1 = 15 18, 15, 18 × 15 × 2 ⇒ 18, 15, 540
Sol 717. (c)
Sol 709. (b) Sahara is a desert in Africa. Similarly, Sol 729. (c)
34 : 210 ⇒ 34 : (34+1) × 6 = 210 Gobi is a desert in Asia. Kohima is the capital of Nagaland.
Similarly , 66 : (66+1) × 6 = 402 Similarly, Dispur is the capital of Assam.
Sol 718. (b)
Sol 710. (a) Human beings are a kind of mammal. Sol 730. (a)
For the given set:- (5,6,61) following rule Similarly, snakes are a kind of reptile. K - 3 = H, R - 3 = O, Z - 3 = W
has been applied : 52 + 62 = 25 + 36 = 61 Sol 719. (c) Similarly, C - 3 = Z, U - 3 = R, X - 3 = U
Similarly in option (a):- 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 88 × 72 = 308
25 7 Sol 731. (c)
Similarly, 126 × 2 = 441

Sol 711. (b)

Sol 720. (c)
Increase of 1 in consonants and increase
(15)2 + 331 = 225 + 331 = 556
of 4 in vowels.
Similarly, (9)2 + 78 = 81 + 78 = 159

Sol 721. (b) In the given set, following
rule applies:- 15, 15 × 3+4 = 49, 49 × 4+5
= 201
Similarly, in option (b):- 29, 29 × 3+4 =
91, 91 × 4+5 = 369

Sol 722. (d) Logic :- Opposite letters of

the alphabets are given. Sol 732. (b)
Sol 712. (b) AIDS is a disease caused due to HIV
virus while Malaria is caused by
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

plasmodium parasite carried by anopheles Similarly, in option (d):- (15)2 - (12)2 =

mosquito. 225 - 144 = 81

Sol 733. (d) Sol 750. (b)

Felidae refers to cats which look similar Similarly, 12 × 6 - 8 = 72-8 = 64
to that of tigers. Similarly,
Similarly, Cetacea is a kind of mammal 14 × 6-8 = 84 - 8 = 72
that has lived for the longest such as the
blue whale. Sol 751. (c)
As the umpire works on pitch, similarly,
Sol 734. (a) Sol 742. (a) mechanics work in the garage.
The given sequence :- (6, 42, 1890) In the given set:- (2, 41, 7) ⇒ 41 = (7)2 -
6 x (6+1) =42, (2)3 = 49 - 8 Sol 752. (c)
42 x (42 + 3) = 1890 Similarly, in option (a), (4, 57, 11) ⇒ 57 A piston is a part of a syringe. Similarly, a
Similarly option (a):- = (11)2 - (4)3 = 121 - 64 = 57 tube is a part of tyre.
2 x (2+1) = 6
6 x (6+3) = 54 Sol 743. (b) Sol 753. (b)
Here 1 and 3 are consecutive prime The group of sheep is called Flock. Given set:- (3)3-1, (4)3-1, (5)3-1 ⇒ 27 - 1,
numbers. Similarly, the group of fish is called 64 - 1, 125 - 1 ⇒ 26, 63, 124
shoal. Similarly,
Sol 735. (a) (4)3-1, (5)3-1 , (6)3-1 ⇒ 64 - 1, 125 - 1,
Paper is made up of wood pulp while Sol 744. (a) 216 - 1 ⇒ 63, 124, 215
Linen is a textile made of fibres of flax Sum of digits = 8 + 6 + 9 = 23 (odd
plant. number)(A triangle can be formed with a Sol 754. (a)
given set) STOP: HGLK:: LAMB:?
Sol 736. (b) Similarly, only in option (a), the sum of Opposite pattern is given:
44 × 9 + 12 = 396 + 12 = 408 digits is an odd number (5+3+3 = 11) and S = H, T = G, O = L, P = L
Similarly, 53 × 9 + 12 = 477 + 12 = 489 a set with which a triangle can be formed. In the same way,
L = O, A = Z, M = N, B = Y
Sol 737. (b) Sol 745. (d)
Sol 755. (c)

Similarly, Similarly,

Sol 738. (b) Sol 746. (c)

Both temple and church are places of Education is bestowed by schools. Sol 756. (c)
worship for people of different religions. Similarly, treatment is provided in 8 × 82 + 82 = 36
Similarly, both college and university are hospitals. Similarly
institutions for bestowing education to 12 × 12 + 12 = 78
2 2
children. Sol 747. (c)
3 : (3+2)2 ⇒ 3 : (5)2 ⇒ 3 : 25 Sol 757. (d)The branch of husbandry that
Sol 739. (b) Similarly, deals with raising fish is called
(10)3 +10 = 1000 + 10 = 1010 1 : (1+2)2 ⇒ 1 : (3)2 ⇒ 1 : 9 pisciculture. Similarly, the farming of
Similarly, silkworms is called sericulture.
(11)3 + 11 = 1331 + 11 = 1342 Sol 748. (a)
In the given set:- (6, 18, 162) ⇒ 2 × 3 = Sol 758. (a) Algebra is a part of
Sol 740. (c) mathematics. Similarly, optics is a part of
6, 2 × 32 = 18 and 2 × 34 = 162
Both tiger and cat belong to the feline physics.
Similarly, in option (a):- (4, 8, 32) ⇒ 2 ×
family. Similarly, Fox and Dog belongs to
2 = 4, 2 × 22 = 8 and 2 × 24 = 32
the canine family. Sol 759. (b) Just as the curtain is made of
Sol 749. (d) cloth, the jewellery is made of gold.
Sol 741. (b)
(11)2 - (8)2 = 121 - 64 = 57
Sol 760. (a)

For the given set:- 67 - 4 = 63 and 67 - 20 Similarly, The House is stable on the ground based
= 47. Now, 63 - 47 = 16 = (4)2 ⇒ I → K and M = 13, K = 11 i.e its foundation. Similarly, a tree is
Similarly, 30 - 3 = 27 and 30 - 12 = 18. ⇒ M + K = 13 + 11 = 24 stable on the ground based i.e its roots.
Now, 27 - 18 = 9 = (3)2 ⇒ IMK → K24
However, this condition does not meet in Sol 779. (d)
any other option. Sol 770. (d) The words in a given word pair are
BUS : AWP antonyms of each other.
Sol 761. (b) The given number is Antonym of stringent is - flexible.
multiplied by the next prime number in Similarly, the antonym of authoritarian is
that sequence. - liberal.
I.e. 11 × 13 = 143
Similarly, 23 × 29 = 667 Similarly, Sol 780. (c)
Here, opposite pattern is given:
Sol 762. (c) As China is a country in Asia R = I, I = R, C = X, H = S
continent, similarly, Malaysia is a country In the same way,
in Asia. B = Y, O = L, O = L, K = P

Sol 763. (b) Sol 771. (b) Sol 781. (b)

Players are trained by a coach. Similarly,
The ratio of number of given set :- 20 = √25 × 16 = 5 × 4 = 20
16:88:296 ⇒ 2 : 11 : 37 students are taught by Teacher.
Similarly, in option (b):- 12:66:222 ⇒ 2 :
Sol 772. (d) Mangoes grow on trees. 16 = √32 × 8 = 4 × 4 = 16
11 : 37
Similarly, grapes grow on vine.
Sol 782. (a)
Sol 764. (d) 48 = (12) × (12-8) = 12 × 4
Sol 773. (b)
TZS : WCV :: KQP : ? Similarly,
Given set:- 2 × (2+1) = 6, 6 × (6+1) = 42
T + 3 = W, Z + 3 = C, S + 3 = V 45 = 15 × (15-12) = 15 × 3
Similarly, in option (b):-
1 × (1+1) = 2, 2 × (2+1) = 6
K + 3 = N, Q + 3 = T, P + 3 = S
Sol 783. (b) Cubes of two consecutive
Sol 774. (b) prime numbers are given.
Sol 765. (d)
10 × 10 = 50, 50 × 50 = 1250 (13)3 : (11)3
2 2
Similarly, Similarly in option (b):-
343 : 125 = (7)3 : (5)3
4 × 42 = 8, 8 × 82 = 32
Sol 784. (a)
Sol 775. (c) Advocate solves the problems of his
9 × (9 - 1) = 72 clients. Similarly, doctors treat their
Similarly, patients.
5 × (5 - 1) = 20
Sol 785. (d)
Sol 776. (b) 2
7 - 18 = 31
Similarly 122 - 54 =90
Sol 766. (c) A place where cars are kept is
called a garage while aeroplanes are kept
in a hanger. Sol 786. (b)
Sol 767. (b)
In the given pattern, numbers are
rearranged in ascending order.
215 → 125
Similarly, Similarly,
415 → 145 Sol 777. (d)

Sol 768. (d)1st digit remains constant &

the other two interchange their places.

Sol 769. (d)

PTR : R38 Sol 787. (a)
⇒ P → R and T = 20, R = 18 Synonym of phobia is - fear. Similarly,
⇒ T + R = 38 synonyms of amnesia are - forgetting/
Sol 778. (a)
⇒ PTR → R38 memory loss. 79
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

⇒ (?)2 - 64 = 57 Sol 810. (c)

Sol 788. (d) ⇒ (?)2 = 57 + 64 = 121 The capital of India is Delhi. Similarly,
In the given set:- (26, 144, 18) ⇒ 144 = the capital of Jharkhand is Ranchi.
⇒ ?= √121 = 11
18 × (26 - 18)
Similarly, in option (d):- Sol 811. (a)
Sol 799. (d)
108 = 12 × (21 - 12) = 12 × 9 ⇒ 6 : (6)3 + (6)2 ⇒ 6 : 216 + 36 ⇒ 6 :
Malaria is caused by (plasmodium)
parasites. Similarly, stomach ulcers are 252
Sol 789. (c) caused by (helicobacter pylori) bacteria. Similarly,
The letters are arranged as per their ⇒ 5 : (5)3 + (5)2 ⇒ 5 : 125 + 25 ⇒ 5 :
positional values while coding. Sol 800. (d) 150
Therefore, JUST → JSTU 132 : 156 ⇒ 11 × 12 : 12 × 13
Similarly, Sol 812. (b)
Sol 790. (d) 462 = 21 × 22 Leather is used to make shoes.. Similarly,
512 : 64 ⇒ (8)3 : (8)2 wood is used to make paper.
Similarly in option (d):- 21 × 22 : 22 × 23 ⇒ 462 : 506
⇒ (11)3 : (11)2 ⇒ 1331 : 121 Sol 813. (d)
Sol 801. (a)
Sol 791. (a) Distance is measured in kilometers.
Here opposite pattern is given: Similarly, volume is measured in liters.
R = I, A = Z, M = N, P = K
in the same way, Sol 802. (c) The longest day of the year is Similarly,
C = X, E = V, I = R, L = O, I = R, N = M, on 21st June. Similarly, the shortest day
G=T of the year is on 21st December.
so, the correct answer is XVRORMT
Sol 803. (b)
Sol 792. (a) 182 ⇒ 14 × 13
132 : 12 ⇒ 11 × 12 : 12 Similarly, 462 = 22 × 21 Sol 814. (b)
Similarly in option (a):- 4 : 25 ⇒ 4 : (4+1)2
182 : 14 ⇒ 13 × 14 : 14 Sol 804. (d) The Chief justice is Similarly in option (b)
appointed by the president similarly, the 6 : 49 ⇒ 6 : (6+1)2
Sol 793. (a) Municipal Commissioner is appointed by
While coding, the first letter is deleted. the state government . Sol 815. (a)Time is measured in second.
STRAIN → TRAIN Similarly, length is measured in meters.
Similarly, Sol 805. (a) Here, food chain is used.
STABLE → TABLE. The correct sequence of words:- peanut - Sol 816. (b)
mouse - snake - eagle.
Sol 794. (b)
Amnesia is caused due to deficiency of Sol 806. (d)36 : 27= (6)2 : 6/2= 3, (3)3
blood. Similarly, hepatitis is caused due to Similarly, 16 : 8 ⇒ 42 : 4/2=(2)3 =
liver malfunctioning. 8 Similarly,

Sol 795. (c) Sol 807. (b)

2 2
8 - 5 = 39
2 2
Similarly.... 12 - 9 = 63

Sol 796. (b) Myopia is an eye related Sol 817. (a)

disease. Similarly, pyorrhea is gums Similarly , Option (b) follows the pattern. 12 × 9
related disease. Similarly , 14 × 6
Sol 808. (a)Here opposite pattern is used,
Sol 797. (c) C = X, D = W, E = V Sol 818. (a)
(29)2 - 3 = 841 - 3 = 838 In the same way, Angioplasty is used to treat heart disease.
Similarly, (14)2 - 3 = 196 - 3 = 193 H = S, I = R, J = Q Similarly, dialysis is done while treating
the kidney.
Sol 798. (a) Sol 809. (a)
The given pattern follows the following In the given set:- (13)2 - (6)2 = 169 - 36 = Sol 819. (a)
rule:- (4)2 - (1)3 = 16 - 1 = 15 133
(7)2 - (3)3 = 49 - 27 = 22 Similarly,
Similarly, (?)2 - (4)3 = 57 (9)2 - (4)2 = 81 - 16 = 65


Sol 830. (d) Sol 841. (c)
23 : 110 ⇒ 23 : (23 - 1) × 5 After adding 3 to each letter of the word
Similarly, BEST, we get EHVW and then it is
17 : ? ⇒ 17 : (17 - 1) × 5 ⇒ 17 : 80 reversed.
Similarly, adding 3 to each letter of the
Sol .820 (a)As deserts are full of sand. word CROP, we get FURS and then it is
Sol 831. (a)
Similarly, oceans are full of water. written in reversed order as SRUF,
World Environment day is celebrated on
5th June. Similarly, renewable energy day
Sol 821. (d) Sol 842. (d) Logic is : n : 2n2 + 100
is celebrated on 20th August.
Given set:- So (82 × 2) + 100 = 228
(7, 46, 340) ⇒ 340 = 7 × (46 + 3) - 3
Sol 832.(c) Logic is : divide the word into
Similarly, in option (d):- two parts of 5 letter each then reverse the Sol 843. (c) Logic is : increase 1 and then
(15, 222, 3372) ⇒ 3372 =15 × (222 + 3) both half reverse the letter.
-3 VISUA - AUSIV So MOIST ⇨ NPJTU and now on
LIZER - REZIL reversing we get UTJPN
Sol 822. (a) so, the complete code is AUSIVREZIL
Belt is made up of leather. Similarly, Sol 844. (b) Logic is : Arrange all the
bread is made up of flour. Sol 833.(b) Logic is : Add 1 to each letter letters in a reverse alphabetical order.
position and then arrange them in So, MOVING is coded as VONMIG .
Sol 823. (c) alphabetical order.
7 : 42 ⇒ 7 : 7 x ( 7-1 ) SLOW after adding 1 we get TMPX and Sol 845. (b)
Similarly, after arranging them in alphabetical order JE AL OU SY is written as LA YS
18 : 306 ⇒ 18 : 18 x (18 - 1) we get MPTX. EJ UO
CAUGHT after adding 1 we get Similarly, FUSHWIRE is written as
Sol 824. (c) DBVHIU and after arranging them in ESERUFIW
31 : 250 ⇒ 31 : 31 × 8 + 2 alphabetical order we get BDHIUV Option B is the correct answer.
Similarly in option (c)
54 : 434 ⇒ 54 : 54 × 8 + 2 Sol 834. (b) Logic is : n : n(n-2) Sol 846. (b) Logic is : divide the word
16 : 224 into two halves and then reverse each
Sol 825. (a) The relation is 162-2 × 16=256-32=224 group.
The given words are antonyms of each Same in option B 222-2 × 22=440 Similarly, BOT-TLE will be written as
other. Also, words in option (a) are TOB-ELT.
antonyms of each other. Sol 835.(c) Logic is : opposite letter is
used as a code. Sol 847. (b) Logic is : second number =
Sol 826. (c) 2nd number= square of 1st. So the code for SPONGE is HKLMTV first number - (sum of digits of first
3rd number= cube of 1st number number)
In the given set:- (2, 4, 8) Sol 836. (a) 84-(8+4=12)=72 68-(6+8=14)=54
Similarly, in option (c):-
4,16,64 follows the same. Sol 848. (b) Logic is : divide the word
into two equal parts and then reverse each
Sol 827. (b) part.
Sol 837. (b) Logic is : n : 3n2
Sol 849. (b) Logic is : make group of 2
52 = 25 × 3 =75
letters and arrange them as shown
Similarly, In the same way 82=64 × 3=192

Sol 838. (d) Logic is : divide the word

into two equal parts and then reverse each
group. Code for HIGHLAND is HGALIHDN
So MIS-TER is coded as SIM-RET
Sol 828. (c) An actor acts in movies.
Sol 850. (c)
Similarly,a writer writes in magazines. Sol 839. (c) Logic is : n : 3n2 Logic is : first number + (sum of digit of
142 × 3= 196 × 3=588 first number) = second number
Sol 829. (c) In the same way 182 × 3=972. 86 + (8+6=14) = 100

Sol 840.(a) Logic is : consonant is coded

by plus four and vowel by plus one.
So, F + 4 = J, R + 4 = V, I + 1 = J, C + 4 =
G, K + 4 = O 81
Classification (Odd one Out)

CLASSIFICATION/वग करण िन िल खत चार म से तीन अ र समूह िकसी (a) 56 : 75 (b) 36 : 63

िनि त कार से एक जैसे ह जबिक कोई एक (c) 24 : 48 (d) 48 : 84
Definition of Classification/वग करण की
अलग है | िवषम िवक का चयन कर |
प रभाषा - Classifying a number, word,
(a) DW Q12. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
letter or group of them on the basis of
(b) UE (a) 13 : 29 (b) 9 : 17
their particular type of property is called
(c) MN (c) 7 : 11 (d) 11 : 25
classification./िकसी अंक, श , अ र या
उनके समूह को उनके िकसी िवशेष कार के गुण
(d) GT
के आधार पर उ वग कृत करना, वग करण Q13. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
कहलाता है । Sol: Except B, All letters are opposite (a) Venus/शु (b) Mercury/बुध
Often in the examination, a set of each other in the alphabet./ B को छोड़कर (c) Mars/मंगल (d) Moon/चं मा
numbers, words, and letters etc. or a सभी अ र वणमाला म एक दू सरे के िवपरीत है ।
group of them is given, out of which we Q14. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
have to separate those numbers, words, Direction(Q1-Q297): Three of the (a) 345 : 678 (b) 123 : 456
and letters etc. or their group which following four number pairs are alike in a (c) 234 : 567 (d) 456 : 798
follows the other virtue of that group. We certain way and one is different. Find the
understand this by the following odd one out. Q15. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
example./ ायः परी ा म अंको,श ों,तथा अ रों िन िल खत चार म से तीन सं ा-यु िकसी (a) 49 : 82 (b) 36 : 63
आिद या उनका एक समूह िदया जाता है , िजसमे से िनि त कार से एक जैसे ह तथा एक यु अलग है (c) 25 : 50 (d) 9 : 26
हमे उन अंको,श ों,तथा अ रों आिद या उनके | उस अलग यु की पहचान कर |
समूह को अलग करना होता है जो उस समूह के
Q16. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
अ गुण धम का अनुसरण करते है । इसे हम िन Q1. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(a) Rhombus/समचतुभुज
उदहारण ारा समझते है । (a)14 :33 (b)8 : 25
(b) Hexagon/षट् कोण
(c)5 : 15 (d)9: 23 (c) Parallelogram/समां तर चतुभुज
(d) Ellipse/दीघवृ
Three of the following four numbers are Q2. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
alike in a certain way and one is different. (a)Carpenter/बढ़ई
Q17. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Pick the number that is different. (b)Blacksmith/लोहार
िन िल खत चार म से तीन सं ाएं िकसी िनि त (a)865 : 722 (b)378 : 255
(c)Gardening/ बागवानी
कार से एक जैसी ह और एक अलग है | उस (c)756 : 633 (d)967 : 844
(d)Tailor/ दज
सं ा का चयन कर जो अलग है |
(a) April Q18. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q3. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a)Potato /आलू (b)Carrot/गाजर
(b) November
(a)10: 99 (b)5: 26 (c)Cabbage/ गोभी (d)Turnip/शलजम
(c) July (c)4: 17 (d)9: 82
(d) September
Q19. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q4.CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
SOL: Except July, there are 30 days in all (a)CHEL (b)ZVXT
the months while in July there are 31 (c)VSUP (d)MROV
days./जुलाई को छोड़कर सभी महीनो म 30 िदन
होते है जबिक जुलाई म 31 िदन होते है । Q20. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Q5. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a)8 :80 (b)6 :48 (c)4 :26 (d)10:120
(a)Jealous/ ई ा (b)Weep/ रोना
Three of the following four numbers are
(c)Sad/ उदास (d)Angry/ ोिधत
alike in a certain way and one is different. Q21. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Pick the number that is different. (a) 56 : 11 (b) 78 :13
Q6. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
िन िल खत चार म से तीन सं ाएं िकसी िनि त (c) 12 :3 (d) 34 :7
कार से एक जैसी ह और एक अलग है | उस (a)78:13 (b)18:9 (c) 34:7 (d)56:11
सं ा का चयन कर जो अलग है | Q22. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
(a) 26-62 Q7. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a)DFIM (b)FHKM
(b) 72-27 (a)6:18 (b)8:32 (c)12:72 (d)14:94 (c)MORV (d)QSVZ
(c) 89-98
(d) 19-94 Q8. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
Q23. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Sol - Except D, numbers are written in (a) ILOU (b)AEIU
(a)49 : 94 (b)56 : 67
reverse order. Reverse of 19 should be 91. (c)EIOU (d)AIOU
(c)15 : 51 (d)38 : 83
So, option D is correct./D को छोड़कर,
सं ाएं रवस ऑडर म िलखी गयी ह। 19 का उ ा Q9. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) Q24. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
91 होना चािहए। इसिलए, िवक D सही है । (a) MNOQ (b) QSUW (a)Pan/ कड़ाही (b)Jug/ जग
(c) BDFH (d) EGIK
(c)Mug/ मग (d)Cup/ कप
Three of the following four letter-clusters Q10. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
Q25. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
are alike in a certain way and one is (a) HPKM (b) KQNT
(a)Stress/ दबाव
different. Select the odd one out. (c) TVUW (d) BFDH

Q11. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c)Concentration/एका ता (c)Engineer/ इं जीिनयर (c)21-43 (d)25-53

(d)Tension/तनाव (d)Education/ िश ा
Q54.CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
Q 26. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) Q40. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)13-40 (b)18-55
(a)739:527 (b)456:234 (a)8 : 20 (b)10: 25 (c)9-29 (d)17-52
(c)975:753 (d)697:475 (c)18 : 81 (d)12: 36
Q55. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
Q27. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) Q41. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (a)FHLO (b)EINT
(a)9:20 (b)19:40 (a)32 (b)28 (c)48 (d)104 (c)KOTZ (d)JNSY
(c)14:30 (d)21:45
Q42. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) Q56. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
Q28. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a)594 (b)693 (c)462 (d)573 (a)6051 (b)2027
(a) 20:30 (b) 12:20 (c)2306 (d)5024
(c) 30:40 (d) 42:56 Q43. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(a)44,2 (b)22,4 (c)7,12 (d)11,8 Q57. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q29. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a)48:81 (b)25:49
(a)35:42 (b)45:55 Q44. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (c)16:36 (d)64:100
(c)15:18 (d)25:30 (a) 152-171 (b) 104-117
(c) 63-72 (d) 136-153 Q58.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q30. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a) Climb / चढना
(a)Intermission/ म ां तर Q45. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (b) Staircase / सीढ़ी
(b)Conclusion/ समापन (a)Success/सफलता (c) Escalator / ए े लेटर
(c)Valediction/ िवदाई (b)Victory/िवजय (d) Ladder / जीना
(d)Termination / समा (c)Failure /असफलता
(d)Win /जीत Q59.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q31. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a)25 (b)33 (c)27 (d)15
(a)SQOM (b)JMPS Q46. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(c)GHIJ (d)WUTR (a) Parrot / तोता - Eagle / ग ड़ Q60.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(b) Bear / भालू - Deer / िहरन (a) 11:13 (b) 23:29
Q32. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (c) Frog / मढक - Crocodile / मगरम (c) 17:21 (d) 3:5
(a) NEHK (b) NSOQ (d) Snake / सां प - Lizard / िछपकली
(c) RWTV (d) GPKM Q61.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q47. CPO14/03/2019(Evening) (a) Speak / बोलना : Shout / िच ाना
Q33. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)GHTR (b)CKXP (b) Morning / सुबह : Night / रात
(a)14,6 (b)7,12 (c)21,4 (d)41,2 (c)AEZV (d)FJUQ (c) Touch / छूना : Push / ध ा दे ना
(d) Deny / इं कार करना : Refuse / मना कर
Q34. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Q48. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) दे ना
(a)130 (b)60 (c)52 (d)78 (a)HKNQT (b)QTWZC
(c)BEHKN (d)TWYBC Q62.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q35. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)LMOQ (b)DFHJ
(a)LNPRT (b)NPRTV Q49. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (c)TVXZ (d)GIKM
(c)HSKP (d)QJTG Q63.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q36. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a) EGIKM (b) NPRTV
(a) Flaw/ ुिट : Defect/दोष Q50. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (c) MOQSU (d) IKLPS
(b)Mend/सुधारना : Repair/मर त करना (a)7-56 (b)23-185
(c)Vacant/ र : Empty/खाली (c)13-104 (d)17-136 Q64. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(d)Sink/डूबना : Float/तैरना (a)25:65 (b)46:64
Q51.CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (c)28:82 (d)62:26
Q37. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)Mercury/ बुध (b)Mars/ मंगल
(a)93 : 117 (b)63 : 81 (c)Moon/ चं मा (d)Venus/ शु Q65. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(c)133 : 171 (d)119: 153 (a) OQSV (b) KMPT
Q52. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (c) QSVZ (d) EGJN
Q38. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a)Division/ िवभाजन
(a)KKlmn (b)EEfgg (b)Addition/ जोड़ Q66. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(c)CCdee (d)TTuvv (c)Subtraction/ घटाव (a) 396 (b) 571 (c) 451 (d) 792
(d)Mathematics/ गिणत
Q39. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Q67.CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a)Lawyer/ वकील Q53. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (a) 21 : 2 (b) 14 : 3
(b)Doctor/ िचिक क (a)29-59 (b)27-55 (c) 12 : 4 (d) 7 : 6
Classification (Odd one Out)

(c)6 - 36 - 216 (d)3 - 6 - 27 (c)GESO (d)IVHU

Q68. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) 8 (b) 34 (c) 64 (d) 16 Q83. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q97. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
(a)Ottawa/ ओटावा (b)Paris/ पे रस (a) Bangladesh : Taka/ बां ादे श : टका
Q69.CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (c)Cairo/ कािहरा (d)Kyat/ ात (b) South Korea : Rupian/ दि ण को रया :
(a) 54 : 64 (b) 91 : 104 िपयन
(c) 28 : 32 (d) 119 : 136 Q84. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (c) Russia : Ruble/ स : बल
(a)FEDC (b)NMKL (d) Malaysia : Ringgit/ मलेिशया : र ट
Q70. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (c)LKIJ (d)YXVW
(a) Barn/खिलहान (b) Den/ माद Q98. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) Habitat/ वास थल (d) Stable/ अ बल Q85. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) TUWZ (b) MNPS
(a)Warrior : Sword/ यो ा : तलवार (c) DEGJ (d) PQTX
Q71. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (b)Mason : Knife/ मजदू र : चाक़ू
(a) QTWZC (b) CFILO (c)Author : Pen/ लेखक : कलम Q99. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) HKNQT (d) SWYBE (d)Carpenter : Saw/ बढ़ई : आरा (a) Benevolence/ परोपकार
(b) Courtesy/ िश ाचार
Q72. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q86. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (c) Indulgence/ अनु ह
(a) Eraser/ रबड़ (a)IJkLLMM (b)BCdEFFF (d) Hindrance/ बाधा
(b) Pen/ पेन (c)PQrSSTT (d)UVwXXYY
(c) Paper/ कागज़ Q100. CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(d)Stationery/ लेखन-साम ी Q87.CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) RQST (b) FGHT
(a)4 : 16 (b)10 : 100 (c) MLNO (d) CBDE
Q73. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (c)7 : 49 (d)64 : 6
(a) 2047 (b) 4702 Q101. CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) 6041 (d) 4306 Q88. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) Krishna/ कृ ा (b)Mahanadi/ महानदी
(a)215 (b)144 (c)169 (d)196 (c) Tapti/ ता (d)Godavari/गोदावरी
Q74. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Lion/ शेर (b) Whale/ े ल CGL 2018 TIER I Q102. CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
(c) Elephant/ हाथी (d) Shark/ शाक (a) ZOOM (b) PAST
Q89. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (c) BIRD (d) DECK
Q75. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) CFIL (b) GHIJ
(a) 37 : 75 (b) 29 : 59 (c) MOQS (d) PSUX Q103. CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
(c) 28 : 56 (d) 26 : 53 (a) Guava/ अम द (b) Pomegranate/अनार
Q90. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (c) Cucumber/ खीरा (d) Papaya/ पपीता
Q 76. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 126 (b) 189 (c) 254 (d) 217
(a) KOTZ (b) DHMS Q104. CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
(c) GIMP (d) FJOU Q91. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) (a) 166 (b) 341 (c) 132 (d) 209
(a) Groundnut/ मूंगफली
Q77. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Mustard/ सरसों Q105. CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(a) 15 : 115 (b) 23 : 161 (c) Cumin/जीरा (a) Interval/म ां तर (b) Ending/समापन
(c) 29 : 203 (d) 27 : 189 (d) Fennel/ सौंफ (c) End/अंत (d) Farewell/िवदाई

Q78. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) Q92. CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon Q106. CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(a) UFXC (b) SHBY (a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 56 (d) 30 (a) ABOP (b) EFST
(c) TGPK (d) YAJO (c) CDQR (d) GHTV
Q93. CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon
Q79. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) DGEF (b) HNLJ Q107.CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(a) 9 : 729 (b) 13 : 2197 (c) TWUV (d) MSOQ (a)Garden : Ladle/ बगीचा : करछु ल
(c) 7 : 343 (d) 17 : 4814 (b) Study room : Table lamp/अ यन क :
Q94. CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon टे बल लै
Q80. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Trend/सामा य वृि (c) Kitchen : Karahi/रसोई : कड़ाही
(a)Potato/ आलू (b)Garlic/ लहसुन (b) Perseverance/ ढ़ता (d)Bathroom : Shower/ बाथ म : शावर
(c)Tomato/ टमाटर (d)Ginger/ अदरक (c) Patience/धीरज
(d) Stability/ थरता Q108. CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
Q81. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) BFMQ (b) JNPS
(a)5 : 29 (b)3 : 7 Q95. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) (c) DGKL (d) GKRV
(c)8 : 62 (d)6 : 34 (a)123 (b)789 (c)457 (d)567
Q109. CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
Q82. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q96. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) (a) 325 (b) 416 (c) 544 (d) 143
(a)5 - 25 - 125 (b)10 - 100 - 1000 (a)MZLY (b)KXJW
Q110. CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) 84
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) WVUS (b) JMPS (a) Big /बड़ा (b) Expensive/महं गा

(c) DEFG (d) NPRT (c) Costly/महं गा (d)Valuable /महं गा Q137. CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
(a) HSYB (b) DWKO
Q111. CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) Q124. CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) GTXC (d) QJUF
(a) Camouflage/ छ ावरण (a) 56 : 49 (b) 64 : 54
(b) Mask/ मुखौटा (c) 104 : 91 (d) 32 : 28 Q138. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) Conceal/ िछपाना (a) PUYBD (b) JOSVX
(d) Horde/ झु Q125. CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) EJNQS (d) TYBEG
(a) POWZ (b) KNQT
Q112.CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) FILO (d) QTWZ Q139. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
(a) 39 (b) 57 (c) 43 (d) 63 (a) 4 : 16 (b) 14 : 196
Q126.CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (c) 12 : 244 (d) 2 : 4
Q113. CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) Scalpel : Surgeon / िचिक कीय छु री :
(a) RSTY (b) HJLO सजन Q140. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) BDFA (d) PQRU (b) Chisel : Sculptor/ छे नी : मूितकार (a)Honesty/ईमानदारी
(c) Anvil : Blacksmith/िनहाई : लोहार (b)Integrity/स िन ा
Q114. CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (d) Paper : Book/ कागज़ : िकताब (c)Hypocrisy/पाख
(a) Condemn/ िनंदा करना (d)Truthfulness/स ाई
(b) Disparage/ उपे ा करना Q127. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
(c) Denigrate/ बदनाम करना (a) Dogri : Jammu and Kashmir/ डोगरी : Q141. CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(d) awkward/ भ ा ज ू और क ीर (a) UVYCH (b) JKNRV
(b) Tamil : Kerala/ तिमल : केरल (c) GHKOT (d) PQTXC
Q115. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (c) Bori : Arunachal Pradesh/ बोरी :
(a) Nepal/ नेपाल अ णाचल दे श Q142. CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(b) Ireland/ आयरलड (d) Konkani : Goa/ कोंकणी : गोवा (a) Inquire/ जां च करना
(c) Indonesia/ इं डोनेिशया (b) Deliberate/ जानबूझकर
(d)Afghanistan/ अफगािन ान Q128. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (c) Explore/ अनुसंधान करना
(a) KMT (b) OQV (d) Examine/ परी ण करना
Q116. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (c) FHO (d) QSZ
(a) HLP (b) DHL Q143. CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) PTX (d) LPQ Q129. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (a) 13 : 170 (b) 11 : 120
(a) SUW (b) FHJ (c) 5 : 24 (d) 7 : 48
Q117. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (c) PQR (d) KMO
(a) Tamil Nadu : South/ तिमलनाडु : दि ण Q144. CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Punjab : North/ पंजाब : उ र Q130. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (a) BDGKP (b) OQTXC
(c) Assam : North East / असम : उ र पूव (a) 8 : 69 (b) 13 : 179 (c) JLKRW (d) SUXBG
(d) Kerala : North West/ केरल : उ र पि म (c) 12 : 149 (d) 14 : 201
Q145. CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Q118. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) Q131. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) (a) 13 : 171 (b) 7 : 51
(a) 2197 (b) 1331 (a) Thorium/ थो रयम (b)Uranium/ यूरेिनयम (c) 8 : 66 (d) 10 : 98
(c) 343 (d) 731 (c) Radium/ रे िडयम (d)Sodium/ सोिडयम
Q146. CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Q119.CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) Q132. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) (a) Ears/ कान (b) Eyes / आँ ख
(a) PXWQ (b) SKLV (a) 4 : 48 (b) 5 : 75 (c) Noes/ नाक (d) Throat/ गला
(c) BKJC (d) FNMG (c) 2 : 6 (d) 3 : 18
Q147 CGL 12/06/2019(Evening)
Q120. CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Q133 CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) (a) 4 : 65 (b) 1 : 2
(a) 953 (b) 523 (c) 312 (d) 734 (a) 65 : 101 (b) 26 : 50 (c) 3 : 27 (d) 2 : 9
(c) 17 : 37 (d) 49 : 82
Q121. CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Q148. CGL 12/06/2019(Evening)
(a) Steal / चोरी करना Q134. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) (a) Diabetes / मधुमेह
(b) Hinder/ बाधा प ँ चाना (a) FGE (b) NOR (c) KLJ (d) YZX (b) Frustration/ िनराशा
(c) Impede/ कावट डालना (c) Anaemia/ र ा ता
(d) Arrest/ अव करना Q135. CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) (d) hypertension/ उ र चाप
(a) Jupiter/ बृह ित (b) Mars/ मंगल
Q122. CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) (c) Earth/ पृ ी (d) Metis/मेटीस Q149. CGL 12/06/2019(Evening)
(a) MLKP (b) TSRN (a) ZXUQL (b) NLHDC
(c) XVWZ (d) DCBZ Q136. CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) SQNJE (d) PNKGB
(a) 7 - 126 (b) 9 - 164
Q123. CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) 13 - 234 (d) 11 - 198 Q150. CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
Classification (Odd one Out)

(a)MOQSU (b)PRTWY (c) Purse/बटु आ (d) Carpet/क़ालीन Q178.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)

(c)CEGIK (d)UWYAC (a) Farmer/ िकसान (b) Worker/ िमक
Q164.CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) (c) Carpenter/बढ़ई (d) Tailor/दरजी
Q151. CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) (a) 4147 (b) 8205
(a)Humorous/हा पूण (c) 9368 (d) 7298 Q179.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(b)Comical/हा कर (a) DGMJ (b) PSZV
(c)Hilarious/ स Q165. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (c) SVBY (d) KNTQ
(d)Gangster/ गग र (a) 4836 (b) 3864
(c) 6394 (d) 4638 Q180.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q152. CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) (a) Shirt/ शट (b) Sandals/ सडल
(a)7:46 (b)9:80 Q166.CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Slippers/च ल (d) Shoes/ जूते
(c)6:35 (d)4:15 (a) UQJF (b) OKPL
(c) AWDZ (d) IDWS Q181.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q153. CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) 99 (b) 97 (c) 89 (d) 83
(a)4 : 27 (b)49 : 218 Q167.CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
(c)16 : 125 (d)9 : 64 (a) 83115 (b) 54215 Q182.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) 43217 (d) 12347 (a)Nozzle/नोक
Q154.CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (b) Pitch/िपच
(a)RVZDG (b)DHLPT Q168. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) (c)Skating ring/ े िटं ग रं ग
(c)UYCGK (d)AEIMQ (a) Germany/ जमनी (d)Arena/अखाडा
(b) Singapore/ िसंगापुर
Q155. CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) Austria/ ऑ या Q183. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(a)Indigo/ नीला (b)Silver/ चाँ दी (d) Italy/ इटली (a) OQTX (b) EGJN
(c)Orange/ नारं गी (d)Violet/ बगनी (c) IKNQ (d) ACFJ
Q169.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
Q156. CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (a) 2421 (b) 7261 Q184. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
(a)Pedology/ भूिम िव ान (c) 5472 (d) 4842 (a) 313 (b) 323 (c) 353 (d) 373
(b)Seismology/भूकंप िव ान
(c)Terminology/ श ावली Q170.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) Q185.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(d)Cardiology/ दयरोग िव ान (a) AVZ (b) UPF (a) Political Science/ राजनीित िव ान
(c) OKL (d) EZV (b) Biology/ जीविव ान
Q157.CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (c) History/ इितहास
(a)196:14 (b)123:11 Q171.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) (d) Sociology/ समाजशा
(c)225:15 (d)144:12 (a) Parasailing/ पैरासेिलंग
(b) Surfing/ सिफग Q186.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
Q158. CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (c) Swimming/ तैराकी (a) XBFJ (b) HLPT
(a)E (b)V (c)I (d)U (d) Driving/ वाहन चलाना (c) DHLP (d) CGKQ

CHSL 2018 TIER I Q172. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q187. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(a)Cells/कोिशकाएं (b)Atoms/परमाणु (a) 65 (b) 170 (c) 195 (d) 50
Q159.CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) (c)Tissues/उ क (d)Organs/अंग
(a) Neigh/ िहनिहनाना Q188.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Whoop/ की आवाज़ Q173. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) (a)Photocopier / फोटोकािपयर
(c) Walking/ टहलना (a)Bleat/िमिमयाना (b)Croak/टरटराना (b)Microwave /माइ ोवेव
(d) Roaring/ दहाड़ना (c) Bark/ भौंकना (d) Larva/ लावा (c)Scanner / ै नर
(d)Printer / ि ंटर
Q160. CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) Q174.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) HSKPM (b) PKSHV (a) 173 (b) 179 (c) 181 (d) 183 Q189.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q175.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) (c)KNQT (d)SVYB
Q161.CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) (a) BCEH (b) KLNQ
(a) 5138 (b) 3128 (c) TUWZ (d) LMPS Q190.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(c) 9178 (d) 7158 (a)277 (b)239 (c)233 (d)253
Q176. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
Q162. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) (a) 317 (b) 319 (c) 349 (d) 347 Q191. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) GSVE (b) LOPK (a)IMQU (b)AFIM
(c) CXGT (d) MNQJ Q177.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) (c)UYCG (d)SWAE
(a) DJMG (b) JPSM
Q163. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) (c) UADX (d) RXBU Q192. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) Bag/बैग (b) Suitcase/सूटकेस (a)127 (b)118 (c)130 (d)129
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q193. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) Q207. CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q222.CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
(a)Circle/ वृ (b)Triangle/ि भुज (a) PRKI (b) LNOM (a) 65 (b) 95 (c) 75 (d) 85
(c)Diagram/ आरे ख (d)Rectangle/आयत (c) STHI (d) CEXV
Q223.CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
Q194. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q208.CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) Kiwi/ कीवी (b) Eagle/ चील
(a)193 (b)171 (c)173 (d)191 (a) 47 (b) 57 (c) 67 (d) 37 (c) Vulture/ िग (d) Goose/ हं स

Q195. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q209. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) Q224. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
(a)VXZB (b)BDGJ (a) Cat/ िब ी (b) Wolf/ भेिड़या (a) 13 (b) 23 (c) 17 (d) 51
(c)DFHJ (d)JLNP (c) Cow/ गाय (d) Goat/ बकरी
Q225. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
Q196. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q210. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) (a) IKMO (b) PRTW
(a)Carbohydrates/ काब हाइडे ट (a) NPR (b) BDF (c) HJL (d) SUV (c) BDFH (d) CEGI
(b)Energy/ ऊजा
(c)Protein/ ोटीन Q211. CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) Q226. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
(d)Vitamins/िवटािमन (a) EGK (b) IKM (c) BDH (d) DFJ (a) 7815 (b) 6915
(c) 8715 (d) 8915
Q197. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q212. CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
(a) Hypertension/ उ र चाप (a) 145 (b) 325 (c) 425 (d) 235 Q227. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
(b) Ulcer/ एनीिमया (a) Tomato/ टमाटर (b) Onion/ ाज
(c) Hormone/ हॉम न Q213.CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) (c) Egg/ अंडा (d) Potato/ आलू
(d) Anaemia / अ र (a) Lucknow/ लखनऊ
(b) Punjab/ पंजाब Q228. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
Q198.CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) Mumbai/ मुंबई (a) NRV (b) DHL (c) PTX (d) FKM
(a) 224 (b) 336 (c) 226 (d) 448 (d) Patna / पटना
Q199. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q214.CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(a) BDGJ (b) DGJM (a) 459 (b) 259 (c) 639 (d) 189 Q229. MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) KNQT (d) TWZC (a) 63:3906 (b) 15:210
Q215.CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) (c) 18:306 (d) 37:1331
Q200. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (a) DGL (b) BFJ (c) KOS (d) MQU
(a) 49 (b) 64 (c) 16 (d) 25 Q230. MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
Q216. CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) (a) Deer /िहरण (b) Sheep /भेड़
Q201. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) (a) Blackboard/ ैकबोड (c) Cow /गाय (d) Donkey /गधा
(a) DHLP (b) PTXB (b) Stationery/ लेखन साम ी
(c) RVZD (d) JNRW (c) Duster/ ड र
(d) Chalk/ चाक
Q202.CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
Q231. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Serene/ शां त Q217.CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
(a) wall/ दीवार (b) ceiling/ छत
(b) Nervous/ बेचैन (a) CGK (b) LPT (c) BFM (d) NRV
(c) Floor/ फश (d) Fan/ पंखा
(c) Anxious/ िचंितत
(d) Apprehensive/ भयभीत Q218. CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
Q232.CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Disaster/ आपदा
(a) 16-3 (b) 50-7
Q203.CHSL 9-7-2019 (Morning) (b) Storm/ तूफ़ान
(c) 51-25 (d) 64-32
(a) Thyroxine/ थाईरो न (c) Cyclone/ च वात
(b) Insulin/ इं सुिलन (d) Flood/ बाढ़
Q233.CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) Adrenalin/ एडे नैिलन
(a) 798 : 897 : 798
(d) Hormone/ हॉम न Q219. CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
(b) 432 : 324 : 231
(a) 16 (b) 121 (c) 100 (d) 81
(c) 321 : 213 : 123
Q204. CHSL 9-7-2019 (Morning)
(d) 564 : 645 : 456
(a) GLQV (b) CHMR Q220.CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
(c) LQVZ (d) SXCH (a) QSUV (b) DFHJ
Q234.CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) JLNP (d) CEGI
(a) 113 (b) 117 (c) 103 (d) 107
Q205.CHSL 9-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) 216 (b) 159 (c) 512 (d) 343 Q221. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
Q235. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Car/ कार
(a) BEHK (b) GJMQ
Q206. CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon) (b) Jeep/ जीप
(c) MPSV (d) RUXA
(a) Bark/ भौंकना (b) Bleat/ िमिमयाना (c) Truck/ टक
(c) Frog/ मढक (d) Moo/ रं भाना (d) Ship/ समुं ी जहाज
Classification (Odd one Out)

Q236. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) (a) 61 (b) 109 (c) 73 (d) 91

(a) OLEV - EVOL (b) ARNI - RMIZ Q265.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(c) TSRA - ZIHG (d) XHEP - KVRA Q251. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (a) 73-79 (b) 31-41
(a) 126 (b) 91 (c) 196 (d) 169 (c) 61-71 (d) 83-97
Q237.CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(a) 64 : 100 : 18 (b) 25 : 16 : 9 Q252.CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) Q266. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(c) 16 : 64 : 12 (d) 81 : 9 : 19 (a) 7 : 50 (b) 21 : 462 (a) 16-64 (b) 26-168
(c) 14 : 210 (d) 25 : 650 (c) 34-289 (d) 18-81
Q238.CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Rockets/ रॉकेट Q253. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) Q267.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(b) Planets/ ह (a) NVH-KUK (b) CWX-AVZ (a) 18 : 306 (b) 25 : 650
(c) Galaxies/ आकाशगंगा (c) REA-ODD (d) TXB-QWE (c) 23 : 552 (d) 13 : 182
(d) Stars/ िसतारे
Q254. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) Q268.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
Q239 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a) 761 : 617 : 176 (a) Car/गाड़ी (b) Aeroplane/िवमान
(a) 19,39 (b) 25,53 (b)416 :641 : 461 (c) Petrol/पेटोल (d) Bus/बस
(c) 68,137 (d) 37,75 (c) 236 : 325 : 263
(d)189 :198 : 819 Q269. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
Q240. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a) NOQ-MLK (b) EGI-VTR
(a) dEefFF (b) mnNoOO Q255.CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (c) QSU- JHF (d) BEG- YVT
(c) uvVwWW (d) pqQrRR (a) Melon/ खरबूज (b) Apple/ सेब
(c) Rose/ गुलाब (d) Orange/ संतरा Q270.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
Q241.CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a) DGK (b) MLY
(a) Steel/ इ ात Q256 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (c) ENR (d) QFW
(b) Tin/ िटन (a)632 : 325 : 236
(c) Aluminium/ ए ुमीिनयम (b)561 :615 : 165 Q271.CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(d) Zinc/ ज ा (c)289 : 829 : 928 (a) 197 (b) 193 (c) 195 (d) 191
(c)426 :642 : 246
Q242. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) Q272. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(a) Steam/ भाप (b) Grill/ ि ल Q257 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (a) Stable/घुड़साल (b) Court/कोट
(c) Fire/ आग (d) Roast/ भूनना (a) 48 - 81 (b) 64 - 100 (c) Den/गुफ़ा (d) Igloo/िहमकुटी
(c) 25 - 36 (d) 16 - 49
Q243.CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) Q273. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 133 (b) 195 (c) 171 (d) 209 Q258. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (a) 13 : 182 (b) 25 : 650
(a) Thesaurus/ समां तर कोश (c) 23 : 552 (d) 18 : 306
Q244. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (b) Dictionary/ श कोष
(a) QUAIL (b) PIOUS (c) Book / पु क Q274. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(c) AEONS (d) PENAL (d) Encyclopaedia/ इनसाइ ोपीिडया (a) 34 - 289 (b) 18 - 81
(c) 16 - 64 (d) 26 -168
Q245.CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) Q259. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 42, 72 (b) 132, 182 (a) 17 : 102 : 204 (b) 12 : 72 : 144 Q275 CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(c) 20, 42 (d) 56, 63 (c) 14 : 90 : 180 (d) 26 :156 : 312 (a) Authentic/िव सनीय
(b) Genuine/वा िवक
Q246. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) Q260.CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (c) Spurious/जाली
(a) 6, 12 (b) 24, 4 (a) 18 (b) 25 (c) 24 (d) 33 (d) Bonafide/ ामािणक
(c) 6, 16 (d) 12, 8
Q261. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) Q276.CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Q247. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (a) GJB - ROW (b) EFR - VUI (a) 73 - 79 (b) 31 - 41
(a) OQRT (b) IKMO (c) DFL - USM (d) IKN - PNK (c) 61 - 71 (d) 83 - 97
(c) CEGI (d) TVXZ
Q262.CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) Q277. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Q248. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (a) NOQST (b) EGIKM (a) REAYBL (b) ETWAH
(a) Rial / रयाल (b) Dollar/ डॉलर (c) BDFHJ (d) QSUWY (c) EZAMI (d) SEHCWA
(c) Lira/ लीरा (d) Money/ मु ा
Q263. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) Q278 CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Q249.CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (a) 91 (b) 171 (c) 169 (d) 195 (a) NIZAM (b) STEIN
(a) Incision/ चीरा (b) Chisel/ छे नी (c) MAINS (d) SAINT
(c) Knife/ चाक़ू (d) Knife/ चाक़ू Q264. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(a) DEFECT (b) FAULT Q279.CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
Q250. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (c) FLAW (d) MEND (a) 18 : 306 (b) 23 : 552
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 13 : 182 (d) 25 : 650 Q294. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) 35:1221 (d) 21:437
(a) HNU (b) MKX
Q280 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (c) QLZ (d) GKR Q303.CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) Gladsome/ख़ुश (a) TSR (b) YXW
(b) Morose/उदास CGL 2019 TIER I (c) NML (d) FGH
(c) Joyous/आनंिदत
(d) Cheerful/हं समुख Q295 CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) Q304. CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) FVKO (b) BYGT (a) Probity / स िन ा
Q281 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (c) NMSH (d) DWIR (b) Conduct/ आचरण
(a) GKR (b) QIZ (c) Righteousness / ईमानदारी
(c) HNU (d) MKX Q296. CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) (d) Virtue / सदाचार
(a) Ferry / फेरी
Q282 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (b) Ship / जहाज़ Q305.CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 90 (b) 165 (c) 195 (d) 170 (c) Submarine / पनडु ी (a) 8- 38 (b) 11- 143
(d) Yacht / नौका (c) 6-174 (d) 5-155
Q283 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) 5 : 7 (b) 17 : 23 Q297. CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q306.CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) 13 : 19 (d) 31 : 41 (a) 39-72 (b) 28-60 (a) HFE (b) GMF
(c) 42-12 (d) 57-38 (c) DVR (d) OVG
Q284.CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) 16 : 64 (b) 34 : 289 Q298. Eight words have been given , out Q.307. CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) 24 : 142 (d) 14 : 49 of which Seven are alike in some manner (a) Ahmedabad / अहमदाबाद
, one is different . Select the odd word . (b) Surat / सूरत
Q285 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) Monitor, Headphone, Mouse, Keyboard, (c) Jhalrapatan / झालरापाटन
(a) Depression/िड ेशन Windows, Printer, Scanner, Speaker (d) Rajkot / राजकोट
(b) Malaria/मले रया आठ श िदए गए ह, िजनम से सात श िकसी
(c) Typhoid/आं र िनि त कार से एक जैसे ह जबिक कोई एक Q308. CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(d) Flu/ लू अलग है | अलग श का चयन कर | (a) 10 : 123 (b) 17 : 290
मॉिनटर, हे डफोन, माउस, कीबोड, िवंडोज, ि ंटर, (c) 14 : 227 (d) 11 : 146
Q286. CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) ै नर, ीकर
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) OPR – JKL (b) BFX – YUC Q309.CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) PHJ – KSQ (d) RTV – IGE (a) Mouse/ माउस (b) Printer/ ि ंटर (a) Hyderabad / है दराबाद
(c)Monitor / मॉिनटर (d)Windows/िवंडोज
(b) Aurangabad / औरं गाबाद
Q287. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) Chennai / चे ई
(a) 176 (b) 160 (c) 240 (d) 178 Direction(Q299-Q350) :Four (d) Gangtok / गंगटोक
number-pairs have been given, out of
Q288.CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) which three are alike in some manner and Q310. CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 34 : 3 (b) 17 : 6 one is different . Select the number-pair (a) FGL (b) ABF
(c) 2 : 51 (d) 24 : 4 that is different from the rest./ सं ाओं के (c) IJN (d) MNR
चार यु िदए गए ह, िजनम से तीन िकसी कार से
एक जैसे ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है । उस
Q289. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) Q311.CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
सं ा-यु का चयन कीिजए जो शेष यु ों से
(a) 7: 37 (b) 18 : 49 अलग है । (a) Meanness/ द र ता
(c) 13 : 29 (d) 24 : 51 (b) Prosperity/ समृ
Q299.CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) (c) Lack/ अभाव
Q290.CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (a) JMPS (b) BEHK (d) Pauperism/ कंगाली
(a) deer/िहरण (b) Cub/शावक
(c) ADGJ (d) FHKM
(c) Calf/बछड़ा (d) Lamb/मेमना Q312.CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) TVW (b) LNP
Q300.CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
Q291. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) FHJ (d) DFH
(a) Truth / सच
(a) Mirth/आनंद (b)Morose/उदास
(b) Non-Violence/ अिहं सा
(c) Desolate/एकाकी (d) sad/दु खी (c) Hatred / घृणा Q313. CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
(d) Peace / शां ित (a) 225-241 (b) 169-197
Q292. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) 121-145 (d) 289-325
(a) 9 - 81 - 729 (b) 5 - 25 - 225
Q301.CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) 3 - 9 - 27 (d) 6 - 36 - 216 Q.314. CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) BGLQ (b) KPUZ
(a) 19 : 475 (b) 17 : 323
(c) HMRV (d) OTYD
Q293.CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (c) 11 : 143 (d) 23 : 667
(a) AEW - ZVD (b) QJR - JQH
Q302. CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) SUL - HFO (d) PHK - KSP (a) 33:1085 (b) 11:118 Q315. CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) NRW (b) ADL
Classification (Odd one Out)

(c) PTY (d) LPU Q329.CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) (c) 21 : 154 (d) 39 : 270
(a) Shout/ िच ाना
Q316.CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) (b) Mumble/बुदबुदाना Q344.CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) Polio/ पोिलयो (c) Scream/ चीखना (a) DPG (b) CIF
(b) Measles/ खसरा (d) Roar/दहाड़ना (c) BFF (d) EYH
(c) schizophrenia/ िसजो े िनया
(d) Rabies / रे बीज Q330. CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) Q345. CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 25/41 : 8 (b) 4 / 5 : 3 (a) 76 : 42 (b) 44 : 16
Q317.CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) (c) 30/ 51 : 9 (d) 16/ 20 : 6 (c) 55 : 25 (d) 28 : 56
(a) ZCFI (b) JMPS
(c) PSVX (d) ORUX Q331. CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) Q346. CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) FIK (b) SVY (c) NQT (d) XAD (a) Russia/ स (b) Africa / अ ीका
Q318.CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) (c) Asia/ एिशया (d) Europe/ यूरोप
(a) Pancreas/ अ ाशय (b) Liver/ यकृत Q332 .CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Renin/ रे िनन (d) Kidney/ गुदा (a) Litre/ लीटर (b)Distance/ दू री CHSL 2019 TIER I
(c)Minute/िमनट (d)Kilogram/िकलो ाम
Q319.CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) Q347. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(a) 5121 : 12 (b) 4209 : 15 Q333. CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a)Foal/घोड़े का ब ा
(c) 7456 : 22 (d) 8101 : 10 (a) 44 : 136 (b) 27 : 85 (b)Howl/चीख़
(c) 33 : 109 (d) 30 : 94 (c)Caw/कां व-कां व
Q320.CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (d)Chirp/कलरव
(a) Trumpet/ तुरही Q334.CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(b) Xylophone/ िसलाफन (a) NOSV (b) TWZC Q348. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(c) Saxophone/ से ोफोन (c) PSVY (d) EHKN (a)256 (b)144 (c)81 (d)676
(d) Clarinet/ शहनाई
Q335.CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) Q349.CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
Q321. CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (a) 28-164 (b) 12-72 (a) 122 (b) 170 (c) 256 (d) 226
(a) DDP (b) BJT (c) 19-114 (d) 17-102
(c) FBL (d) GCV Q350. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
Q336.CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) (a) Ladakh/ल ाख
Q322. CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (a) BCEHL (b) GHJMP (b) Shimla/िशमला
(a) 15 : 250 (b) 13 : 169 (c) ABDGK (d) NOQTX (c) Dehradun/दे हरादू न
(c) 17 : 289 (d) 11 : 121 (d) Gangtok/गंगटोक
Q337.CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
Q323. CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) Carrot / गाजर (b) Potato/ आलू Q351. Identify the letter-cluster that does
(a) LAIM (b) VINE (c) Spinach/ पालक (d)Radish/ मूली NOT belong to the following series. /
(c) NOHA (d) SWJK िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
Q338. CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) के अनु प नहीं है ?
Q324.CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) TVXZ (b) RSTU DE, GH, JK, NM, PQ
(a) Brass/पीतल (b) Iron/लोहा (c) JNQS (d) ADGJ CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
(c) Copper/तां बा (d) Silver/चां दी (a) GH (b) JK (c) PQ (d) NM
Q339.CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
Q325.CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) 53 : 378 (b) 37 : 266 Direction(Q351-Q408) :Four
(a) 16, 7 (b) 14, 8 (c) 45 : 322 (d) 43 : 318 number-pairs have been given, out of
(c) 28, 5 (d) 56, 2 which three are alike in some manner and
Q340. CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) one is different . Select the number-pair
Q326.CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) (a) Distance/ दू री (b)Gallon/गैलन that is different from the rest./ सं ाओं के
(a) Machine / मशीन (c) Weight/ भार (d)Volume/आयतन चार यु िदए गए ह, िजनम से तीन िकसी कार से
(b) Television / टे लीिवज़न एक जैसे ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है । उस
(c) Geyser/ गीजर Q341. CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) सं ा-यु का चयन कीिजए जो शेष यु ों से
अलग है ।
(d) Computer/ क ूटर (a) GT (b) AZ (c) KN (d) LO

Q327.CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) Q342. CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q352.CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
(a) 26584 : 25 (b) 85245 : 24 (a) Diabetes/ मधुमेह (a) 12326 (b) 52477
(c) 77052 : 21 (d) 41263 : 18 (b) Cancer/ कसर (c) 11982 (d) 14978
(c) Asthma/ अ थमा
Q328. CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) (d) Bone Marrow/ मे दं ड Q353. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
(a) UFW (b) BYD (a) US (b) OM (c) BE (d) AY
(c) CXE (d) KPT Q343.CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 37 : 256 (b) 31 : 214 Q354. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
(a) 2514 (b) 1568
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 2628 (d) 1432 Q368. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (a) Oyster (b) Shark
(a) TUGD (b) EGVT (c) Cod (d) Salmon
Q355. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) (c) NOML (d) ADZW
(a) Hive/मधुमुखी का छ ा Q384. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
(b) Heifer/कलोर Q369. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (a) AMANA (b) UGALI
(c) Byre/गोशाला (a) FHJ (b) DFH (c) EVOLV (d) OMANI
(d) Eyrie/आँ ख मारना (c) TVW (d) LNP
Q385. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
Q356.CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) Q370. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (a)529 (b)49 (c)9 (d)8
(a) OPTU (b) LMST (a) PONL (b) WVUT
(c) CDJK (d) ABHI (c) TSRQ (d) MLKJ Q386. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
(a) UQNL (b) VXAE
Q357. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) Q371. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (c) LNQU (d) YADH
(a) UVS (b) LMH (a) 6-35 (b) 4-17 (c) 5-26 (d) 7-50
(c) HIF (d) YZW Q387. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
Q372. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) (a) Assemble (b) Construct
Q358.CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) (a) 28 : 70 (b) 320 : 480 (c) Disband (d) Create
(a) Larva/लावा (c) 120 : 300 (d) 16 : 40
(b) Foal/घोड़े का ब ा Q388. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
(c) Nymph/कॉकरोच का ब ा Q373.CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) (a) CUX (b) BIZ
(d) Stag/बारहिसंगा (a) MQS (b) FHN (c) MOW (d) ABY
(c) JPZ (d) DLP
Q359. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) Q389. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
(a) 954 : 549 (b) 198 : 981 Q374. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) (a) 21:484 (b) 25:676
(c) 132 : 321 (d) 246 : 426 (a)BGL (b)PUZ (c) 24:529 (d) 30:961
(c)AFK (d)NSW
Q360. CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) Q390. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(a)528 (b)196 (c)224 (d)360 Q375. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) (a)ADHM (b)ORVA
(a)Typhoid (b)Depression (c)ILPU (d)YVRO
Q361.CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) (c)Malaria (d)Dengue
(a)AEIM (b)SVZD Q391. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(c)RVZD (d)CGKO Q376. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) (a)FHLQR (b)NKHEB
(a) NTZ (b) BGQ (c)SPMJG (d)UROLI
Q362.CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) (c) LRX (d) FLR
(a)Africa/अ ीका Q392.CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
(b)Europe/यूरोप Q377. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) (a) CFLXV (b) DHPFL
(c)North America /उ री अमे रका (a) 22 : 506 (b) 14 : 210 (c) BDHPF (d) ABDGN
(d)South Africa/दि ण अ ीका (c) 17 : 306 (d) 11 : 142
Q393.CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
Q363.CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) Q378. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) (a) 289 : 5832 (b) 576 : 3375
(a)YACF (b)LNPR (a) Fork (b) Knife (c) 16 : 125 (d) 25 : 216
(c)SUWY (d)ZBDF (c) Spoon (d) Spade
Q394.CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
Q364. CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) Q379. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) (a)651 (b)725 (c)853 (d)421
(a)Hour/घंटे (b)Minute/िमनट (a) ADGPI (b) OMKLU
(c)Second/सेकंड (d)Time/समय (c) VDCKA (d) ECVMU Q395. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
(a) 25 : 200 (b) 15 : 120
Q365. CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) Q380. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (c) 22 : 166 (d) 14 : 112
(a)4:17 (b)11:122 (a) 32 - 45 (b) 13 - 16
(c)5:26 (d)13:175 (c) 16 - 30 (d) 12 - 15 Q396. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
(a) CUZ (b) DPT
Q366. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) Q381. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (c) EYC (d) BDH
(a) Chirp / चहचाना (a) Axe (b) Microscope
(b) Frisk / उछल कूद करना (c) Gun (d) Amplify Q397. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
(c) Bleat / िमिमयाना (a) Dollar (b) Oslo
(d) Neigh / िहनिहना Q382.CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (c) Yuan (d) Dinar
(a) CGF (b) MPL
Q367. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (c) DGC (d) QTP Q398. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) 124 (b) 255 (c) 268 (d) 212 (a) dining table / खाने की मेज
Q383. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) (b) water filter / पानी का िफ़ र
Classification (Odd one Out)

(c) Wardrobe / अलमारी Direction(Q410-Q433):Four number (a) BFYV (b) MONL

(d) Study Table / अ यन मेज -pairs have been given, out of which three (c) NOPE (d) HJSQ
are alike in some manner and one is
Q399. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) different . Select the number-pair that is Q422.CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) KITE : TIEK (b) FIRU : RIUF different from the rest./ सं ाओं के चार यु (a) Paris / पे रस
(c) MANY : NAYM (d) LICK : ILCK िदए गए ह, िजनम से तीन िकसी कार से एक जैसे (b) Istanbul / इ ां बुल
ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है । उस सं ा-यु का (c) Maputo / मापुटो
Q400. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) चयन कीिजए जो शेष यु ों से अलग है । (d) London / लंदन
(a) 1331 (b) 1728
(c) 2197 (d) 2306 Q410. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q423.CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) FX (b) DP (c) ET (d) CK (a) 729 (b) 125
Q401. CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) (c) 216 (d) 676
(a) WXYZ (b) LMNO Q411. CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) ABCD (d) IJKL (a) Biomass / बायोमास Q424.CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
(b) Coal / कोयला (a) Sincere / ईमानदार
Q402. CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) (c) Natural Gas / ाकृितक गैस (b) Naughty / शरारती
(a)393 (b)441 (c)384 (d)600 (d) Nuclear Fuel / परमाणु ईंधन (c) Creative / ि एिटव
(d) Kids / ब े
Q403. CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning) Q412. CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) VSPMJ (b) YWUSQ (a) HGIFJ (b) DCEBF Q425. CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
Q404. CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning) Q413.CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Den (b) Burrow (a)(35, 81, 173) Q426. CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) Stable (d) Barrack (b)(71, 108, 182) (a) Decibelmeter / डे िसबलमीटर
(c)(84, 116, 181) (b) Udometer / उडोमीटर
Q405. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) (d)(44, 89, 179) (c) Ombrometer / ऑ ोमीटर
(a) KMOQS (b) PRTVX (d) Pluviometer / ुिवओमीटर
(c) SQOMK (d) FHJLN Q414. CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) HJR (b) DFU Q427.CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
Q406. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (c) CEW (d) KMO (a) FILO (b) EHKN
(a) TPMKJ (b) UQNLK (c) ADGJ (d) CFIM
(c) ROLIF (d) WSPNM Q415. CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) Volleyball / वॉलीबॉल Q428.CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
Q407. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (b) Hockey / हॉकी (a) Intact : Unflawed / अ त: अनफ़ल
(a) Fluorine / ोरीन (c) Kabaddi / कब ी (b) Bright : Luminous / चमकीला: चमकदार
(b) Iodine / आयोडीन (d) Football / फुटबॉल (c) Pure : Perfect / शु : िब ु ल सही
(c) Bromine / ोमीन (d) Entire : Partial / संपूण: आं िशक
(d) Iron / आयरन Q416. CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) 17523 (b) 3164 Q429. CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
Q408. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (c) 132 (d) 2685 (a) 210 : 14 (b) 276 : 16
(a)(273, 546, 819) (b)(192, 384, 576) (c) 156 : 12 (d) 240 : 15
(c)(326, 654, 981) (d)(291, 438, 657) Q417. CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
(a) EIMQ (b) CGKO Q430. CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q409. Which of the following options is (c) DHLN (d) BFJN (a)Angle /कोण (b)Hectare/हे े यर
NOT an example of a number triad with (c)Meter /मीटर (d)Volt/वो
the following properties? / िन िल खत म से Q418. CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
िकस िवक म तीनो सं ाओं म स िदए गए (a) 182 : 13 (b) 156 : 12 Q431. CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
ल णों का पालन नहीं करता ? (c) 309 : 17 (d) 132 : 11 (a)TVX (b)JLN
1. Sum of the digits of the third number is (c)NOQ (d)CEG
twice the sum of the digits of the first Q419. CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
number. / तीसरी सं ा के अंको का जोड़ पहली (a) Radish / मूली (b) Potato / आलू Q432. CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
सं ा के अंकों के जोड़ की दो गुना है | (c) Peas / मटर (d) Carrot / गाजर (a)360 (b)231
2. Sum of the digits of the second number (c)340 (d)123
is thrice the sum of the digits of the first Q420.CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
number. / दू सरी सं ा के अंको का जोड़ पहली (a) Kelvin / के न Q433.CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening)
सं ा के अंकों के जोड़ के तीन गुना है | (b) Celsius / से यस (a)GIK (b)TUV
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (c) Pascal / पा ल (c)BDF (d)NPR
(a)(200, 600, 300) (b)(201, 702, 303) (d) Fahrenheit / फ़ारे नहाइट
(c)(400, 660, 800) (d)(111, 207, 222)
Q421. CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) 92
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q434. Which of the given options is NOT Q443. SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
69.(a) 70.(c) 71.(d) 72.(d)
an example of a number triad with the (a)KFBY (b)TOKH
following properties? / िन िल खत म से कौन (c)BWSP (d)ZUQO 73.(c) 74.(d) 75.(c) 76.(c)
सा िवक िदए गए गुणों के अनु प नहीं है ?
1. The second number is the square of the Q444. SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 77.(a) 78.(d) 79.(d) 80.(c)
first number / दू सरी सं ा पहली सं ा का वग (a) QTWZC (b) RUXAE
है (c) BEHKN (d) HKNQT 81.(a) 82.(d) 83.(d) 84.(a)
2. The third number is the cube of the first
number / तीसरा नंबर पहले नंबर का घन है Q445. SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 85.(b) 86.(b) 87.(d) 88.(a)
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) (a)CQLJ (b)DPNH
(a)(11,121,1341) (c)GKDT (d)BSMK 89.(d) 90.(c) 91.(a) 92.(b)
(c)(13,169,2197) Q446. SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 93.(b) 94.(a) 95.(c) 96.(c)
(d)(12,144,1728) (a)WDVE (b)YACE
(c)SHRI (d)UFTG 97.(b) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(b)
Direction(Q435-Q448) :Four
number-pairs have been given, out of 101.(c) 102.(a) 103.(c) 104.(a)
Q447. SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
which three are alike in some manner and (a) HEBY (b) OLIF
one is different . Select the number-pair 105.(a) 106.(d) 107.(a) 108.(c)
(c) SPLI (d) WTQN
that is different from the rest./ सं ाओं के
चार यु िदए गए ह, िजनम से तीन िकसी कार से 109.(c) 110.(a) 111.(d) 112.(c)
Q448. SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
एक जैसे ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है । उस
(a) RIVE (b) HSLO 113.(a) 114.(d) 115.(b) 116.(d)
सं ा-यु का चयन कीिजए जो शेष यु ों से
(c) MNPK (d) DWHS
अलग है ।
Q435. CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) 117.(d) 118.(d) 119.(b) 120.(a)
(a)(192,384,576) ANSWERS
(b)(352,436,646) 121.(a) 122.(c) 123.(a) 124.(b)
(c)(219,438,657) 1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 125.(a) 126.(d) 127.(b) 128.(b)
5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(a) 129.(c) 130.(b) 131.(d) 132.(d)
Q436. CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening)
(a)April (b)June 9.(a) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(d) 133.(d) 134.(b) 135.(d) 136.(b)
(c)March (d)May
13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(d) 137.(b) 138.(b) 139.(d) 140.(c)
CPO 2020 TIER 1
17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(c) 141.(b) 142.(b) 143.(a) 144.(c)
Q437. SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
21.(b) 22.(b) 23.(b) 24.(a) 145.(d) 146.(d) 147.(c) 148.(b)
25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(c) 149.(b) 150.(b) 151.(d) 152.(a)
Q438. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) 29.(b) 30.(a) 31.(d) 32.(a) 153.(b) 154.(a) 155.(b) 156.(c)
(a) BYHE (b) HSNZ
(c) DWJC (d) UFAL 33.(d) 34.(b) 35.(c) 36.(d) 157.(b) 158.(b) 159.(c) 160.(a)

Q439. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) 37.(a) 38.(a) 39.(d) 40.(a) 161.(b) 162.(a) 163.(d) 164.(d)
(a) FJNQ (b) SVAD
(c) LPTW (d) BFJM 41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(c) 44.(c) 165.(c) 166.(d) 167.(a) 168.(b)

Q440. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) 45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(a) 48.(d) 169.(b) 170.(c) 171.(d) 172.(b)
(a) JYTO (b) YNID
(c) IXSN (d) CSMH 49.(b) 50.(b) 51.(c) 52.(d) 173.(d) 174.(d) 175.(d) 176.(b)

Q441.SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) 53.(d) 54.(c) 55.(a) 56.(a) 177.(d) 178.(b) 179.(b) 180.(a)
(a) ORVB (b) ZCGL
57.(a) 58.(a) 59.(a) 60.(c) 181.(a) 182.(b) 183.(a) 184.(c)
(c) KNRW (d) HKOT
61.(b) 62.(a) 63.(d) 64.(a) 185.(b) 186.(d) 187.(c) 188.(b)
Q442. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(a) BYFC (b) MNRT 65.(a) 66.(b) 67.(c) 68.(b) 189.(b) 190.(c) 191.(b) 192.(a)
(c) SHWL (d) GTKX

Classification (Odd one Out)

193.(c) 194.(b) 195.(b) 196.(b) 321.(d) 322.(a) 323.(d) 324.(a) SOLUTIONS

197.(c) 198.(c) 199.(a) 200.(b) 325.(c) 326.(a) 327.(d) 328.(d) Sol 1 (b) Logic is : n : 2n+5
14:33 is 14 × 2=28+5=33
201.(d) 202.(a) 203.(d) 204.(c) 329.(b) 330.(a) 331.(a) 332.(b)
5: 15 is 5 × 2=10+5=15
9: 23 is 9 × 2=18+5=23
205.(b) 206.(c) 207.(c) 208.(b) 333.(c) 334.(a) 335.(a) 336.(b)
8:25 is 8 × 2=16+5=21(not 25)
209.(b) 210.(d) 211.(b) 212.(c) 337.(c) 338.(c) 339.(d) 340.(b) Option B is not satisfying the condition.

213.(b) 214.(b) 215.(a) 216.(b) 341.(c) 342.(d) 343.(c) 344.(c) Sol 2 (c) Except Option C all are the
person who belongs to the profession
217.(c) 218.(a) 219.(b) 220.(a) 345.(d) 346.(a) 347.(a) 348.(c) whereas Gardening is the technique.

221.(d) 222.(c) 223.(a) 224.(d) 349.(c) 350.(a) 351.(d) 352.(b) Sol 3 (a) Logc is : n : n2 +1
5:26 5 × 5+1=26
225.(b) 226.(d) 227.(c) 228.(d) 353.(c) 354.(a) 355.(b) 356.(a) 4:17 4 × 4+1=17
9:82 9 × 9+1=82
229.(d) 230.(a) 231.(d) 232.(d) 357.(b) 358.(d) 359.(d) 360.(b)
But in option A, instead of 10:99 there
233.(b) 234.(b) 235.(b) 236.(d) 361.(b) 362.(d) 363.(a) 364.(d) should be 10*10+1=101.

237.(d) 238.(a) 239.(b) 240.(a) 365.(d) 366.(b) 367.(b) 368.(a) Sol 4 (c) Logic is : The gap between the
first and the third letter is 1 & the gap
241.(a) 242.(c) 243.(b) 244.(d) 369.(c) 370.(a) 371.(a) 372.(b) between the second and the fourth letter is
245.(d) 246.(a) 247.(a) 248.(d) 373.(a) 374.(d) 375.(b) 376.(b) Like PYRU (in P and R there is gap of 1
letters) (gap between U and Y is 3)
249.(a) 250.(d) 251.(d) 252.(a) 377.(d) 378.(d) 379.(c) 380.(c) CLEH (in C and E gap is 1 & in H and L
gap is 3)
253.(b) 254.(c) 255.(c) 256.(a) 381.(d) 382.(a) 383.(a) 384.(c) TRVN (in T and V gap is 1 & in N and R
gap is 3)
257.(a) 258.(c) 259.(c) 260.(b) 385.(d) 386.(a) 387.(c) 388.(d) But in option C as :free
MKOH( in M and O gap is 1 but in H and
261.(b) 262.(a) 263.(b) 264.(d) 389.(c) 390.(d) 391.(a) 392.(a)
K is 2)
265.(a) 266.(b) 267.(a) 268.(c) 393.(b) 394.(d) 395.(c) 396.(a)
Sol 5 (b) All the options except B are
269.(a) 270.(c) 271.(c) 272.(b) 397.(b) 398.(b) 399.(d) 400.(d) feelings whereas WEEP is an action.

273.(d) 274.(d) 275.(c) 276.(a) 401.(a) 402.(c) 403.(b) 404.(d) Sol 6 (a) Logic is: the sum of two
numbers in the first term is equivalent to
277.(c) 278.(b) 279.(a) 280.(b) 405.(c) 406.(c) 407.(d) 408.(c) the second term.
18: 9 (8+1=9)
281.(c) 282.(d) 283.(a) 284.(c) 409.(a) 410.(c) 411.(d) 412.(c) 34: 7 (3+4=7)
56:11 (5+6=11)
285.(a) 286.(a) 287.(d) 288.(d) 413.(c) 414.(b) 415.(c) 416.(b) Whereas in option A 78:13 (7+8=15 is
not equal to the second term 13)
289.(b) 290.(a) 291.(a) 292.(b) 417.(c) 418.(c) 419.(c) 420.(c)
Sol 7 (d) Logic is : Second number is
293.(b) 294.(a) 295.(a) 296.(c) 421.(c) 422.(b) 423.(d) 424.(d) multiple of first
6: 18; 18 is a multiple of 6.
297.(d) 298.(d) 299.(d) 300.(c) 425.(c) 426.(a) 427.(d) 428.(d)
8: 32; 32 is a multiple of 8.
301.(c) 302.(b) 303.(d) 304.(b) 429.(b) 430.(a) 431.(c) 432.(c) 12:72; 72 is a multiple of 12.
But in option D, 14: 94 (94 is not a
305.(a) 306.(a) 307.(c) 308.(b) 433.(b) 434.(a) 435.(b) 436.(b) multiple of 14).

309.(b) 310.(a) 311.(b) 312.(a) 437.(c) 438.(b) 439.(b) 440.(d) Sol 8 (a) Except Option A all contain a
group of vowels.
313.(a) 314.(a) 315.(b) 316.(c) 441.(a) 442.(b) 443.(d) 444.(b) But in option A (ILOU), there is an
alphabet L which is consonant. All other
317.(c) 318.(c) 319.(a) 320.(b) 445.(d) 446.(b) 447.(c) 448.(c) options are vowels.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 25 (c) Except the word

Sol 9 . (a) Except for MNOQ, rest follows CONCENTRATION all the words are
a similar pattern of a gap of one alphabet related to sadness and stress.
between two consecutive alphabets in the
letter-cluster. Sol 26 (a) In the given question
Sol 10. (a) 4+5+6=15 2+3+4= 9 15-9=6
Option c and d follow a definite pattern. 975:753
1st term +2=3rd term 9+7+5=21 7+5+3=15 21-15=6
3rd term +2=2nd term 697:475
2nd term +2=4th term 6+9+7=22 4+7+5=16 22-16=6
Option b also follows a pattern.
1st term +3=3rd term Except option A, all are following the
3rd term +3=2nd term same pattern.
2nd term +3=4th term 739: 527
Option a does not follow any pattern. but this pattern is not followed in option 7+3+9=19 5+2+7=14 19-14=5
Sol 11. (a) All the numbers in all the Sol 27 (d) In the following options,
options are divisible by 3 but in option A Sol 20. (c) In the given question Except option D all are following a
56 is not divisible by 3. 8 + 1= 9, 92= 81-1= 80. similar pattern
6+ 1= 7, 72= 49-1 = 48. 9 × 2=18+2=20
Sol 12. (d) Difference of all the options 10+ 1= 11, 112= 121-1 = 120. 19 × 2=38+2=40
except D is in the form of power of 2 4+1=5, 52= 25-1= 24(but 26 is given in 14 × 2=28+2=30
But in the option d , 14 is not in the form the option). Hence, this option is not 21 × 2=42+3=45
of power of 2. correct. Option D is not following the pattern.

Sol 13. (d) Moon is a natural satellite. Sol 21. (b) In the given question sum of Sol 28. (c)
Whereas, Venus, Mercury and Mars are digit of first term is equal to the second 20 : 30 = 4 × 5 : 5 × 6
planets. term
12 : 20 = 3 × 4 : 4 × 5
56 : 11 ( 5+6=11)
30 : 40 = 5 × 6 : 5 × 8
Sol 14. (d) Logic is : difference between 78 : 13 (7+8=15)
42 : 56 = 6 × 7 : 7 × 8
all the consequent digits is of 3 12 : 3 (1+2=3)
Clearly, option C is odd one out.
But in option d the difference between the 34 : 7 (3+4=7
consequent digit of tens place is of 4. Except option B all are satisfying the
above condition. Sol 29 (b) In the given question
7 × 5=35 7 × 6=42
Sol 15. (b) Logic is : n2 : (n + 2)2 +1
Sol 22. (b) In the given question, 3 × 5=15 3 × 6=18
But only option (b) i.e. 36:63 does not
follow it. DFIM (D+1=F; F+2=I; I+3= M) 5 × 5=25 5 × 6=30
FHKM (F+1=H; H+2=K; K+1=M) But in Option B, 5 × 9=45
Sol 16. (d) Rhombus, Hexagon and MORV(M+1=O; O+2=R; R+3= V) 5 × 11=55
Parallelogram are polygons. Whereas, QSVZ (Q+1=S; S+2=V; V+3=Z) All the options, except B are multiplying
Ellipse is not a polygon. Except option B, all are following the by 5 and 6.
same pattern.
Sol 17. (a) Logic is : n : n + 123 Sol 30 (a) Intermission means
865: 722 difference = 143 Sol 23. (b) In the given question, Pause/Break
378: 255 difference = 123 Second term is obtained by reversing the Conclusion means End/Finish
756: 633 difference = 123 first term. Valediction means Farewell/Goodbye
967: 844 difference = 123 As, 49 : 94 Termination means End/Terminate
15: 51 Except Option A all have the same
Sol 18. (c) All the options except C are 38 : 83 meaning.
underground crops. Whereas ,Cabbage is Except option B, 56 : 67 all are following
a plant grown above the ground. the same pattern. Sol 31 (d) In SQOM there is a gap of 2
Sol 19. (b) Sol 24. (a) According to the question, M+2=O; O+2=Q; Q+2= S
Except option A all are cylindrical in In JMPS there is a gap of 3 letters
shape whereas PAN is hemispherical in J+3=M; M+3=P; P+3=S
shape. In GHIJ there is no gap
R+2=T; T+1=U; U+2=W

Classification (Odd one Out)

There is no fixed pattern. Hence, option d Like; 594 = 5+4 = 9 Which does not follow the pattern.
is the correct answer. But option (d) does not follow the above
pattern Sol 55 (a)
Sol 32 (a) In the given question, 573 = 5 +3=8(not equal to 7)
E+3=H; H+3=K; K+3=N
Therefore, there is a similar pattern or gap Sol 43 (c) Except option C first term is a
between the letters. multiple of 11 which is not followed in
option (c) as 7 is not a multiple of 11.
Sol 33 (d) In all the pair except (d) first
number is a multiple of 7 which is not Sol 44 (c) In all the options except C first
followed in option (d). And second is a number is a multiple of 8 and second
non-prime even number. And in option number is a multiple of 9.
(d) is a prime number
Sol 45 (c) Except option C, all are
Sol 34 (b) Except option B all are antonyms of victory.
divisible by 13.
130, 52, 78 all are divided by 13 but 60 is Sol 46 (c) Except option C all pairs
not divided by 13. belong to the same category.
While in option C, frog is amphibian and
Sol 35 (c) pattern of all other options Crocodile belongs to the reptile family.
So, option A is not following the same
:LNPRT(L+2=N; N+2=P; P+2=R;
R+2=T) Sol 47 (a) first letter is opposite to the
Pattern of option (c) : HJMOR(H+2=J, third letter ans second letter is opposite to
Sol 56 (a) Logic is : sum of all digits =11
J+3=M, M+2=O, O+3=R) the last letter which is not followed in
Except option (a) 6051 = 6+0+5+1=12
option A as R is not the opposite of H.
Sol 36 (d) The words given in all the
Sol 57 (a) Except option A all are square
options are synonyms of each other. Sol 48 (d) Except option D all other
of the numbers.
Except Option D in which the two words options have a difference of 2 letters in
25 : 49
are antonyms. between them. For ex.
16 : 36
64 : 100
Sol 37 (a) In the following question First
But in option A 48 : 81 (48 is not square)
term is divisible by 7 and the second term
is divisible by 9.
Sol 58 (a) Except option A, all are the
But the option A, 93 : 117 But option D is not following the pattern.
ways to climb (ladder, escalator, staircase)
93 is not divided by 7. So the correct
answer is option A. Sol 49 (b) All are following the opposite
Sol 59 (a) Except option A all are
pair rule multiple of 3 whereas 25 is square of 5.
Sol 38 (a) In all the options last two A--Z; B--Y; C--X; D--W; E--V; F--U and
letters are in consecutive order but in so on.
Sol 60 (c) all pairs are prime numbers.
option A the last two letters are not the Except option B, all are following the
While 21 is not a prime number.
same mn. same pattern. So, DWYA
D--W & A--Z will be the correct answer.
Sol 61 (b) Except option B, all are
Sol 39 (d) Here, the first three options are
synonyms of one-another while morning :
Professions but Option D is not a Sol 50 (b) Logic is n : n × 8 night is an example of antonyms.
Profession. But, in option B (23-185)
185 is not divisible by 23. Sol 62 (a) Here,A B C are following
Sol 40 (a) Here in the given question
D+2=F; F+2=H; H+2=J
8 : 20 (4 × 2 : (5 × 4) ) Sol 51 (c) All the options except C are T+2=V; V+2=X; X+2=Z
2 planets.
10 : 25 (5 × 2 : (5) ) G+2=I; I+2=K; K+2 = M
18 : 81 (9 × 2 : (9) 2 ) But, LMOQ does not follow this pattern.
Sol 52 (d) Except option D, all are the
12 : 36 (6 × 2 : (6) 2 )
functions used in Mathematics. Sol 63 (d) Except Option D all are
Here, in option A, the same pattern is not
Division, Addition, Subtraction are parts following the same pattern.
of Mathematics. E+1=G; G+1=I; I+1=K; K+1=M
Sol 41(b) Except option B, all the options N+1=P; P+1=R; R+1=T; T+1=V
Sol 53 (d) Logic is : n : 2n+1 M+1=O; O+1=Q; Q+1=S; S+1=U
are a multiple of 8.
But in option D 25 : 53 (25 × 2+1=51)
Sol 42 (d) Here, the sum of the first and Sol 64 (a) Except Option A all are written
Sol 54 (c) Logic is n : 3n+1 in the reverse order.
third digit in the given number is equal to
But in option (c) 9-27 (9 × 3+2 = 29 ) But 25 : 65 is not following the pattern.
the second digit.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

M+2=O, O+2=Q, Q+2=S

Sol 65. (a) Sol 78 (d) Logic is : first two and last two P+3=S, S+2=U, U+3=X
O+2=Q, Q+2=S, S+3=V letter are reverse alphabetical order of
K+2=M, M+3=P, P+4=T each other but in option D J and O are Sol 90. (c) Logic is : All others are the
Q+2=S, S+3=V, V+4=Z not the opposite pair of each other. multiple of 7 except 254.
E+2=G, G+3=J, J+4=N
Sol 79 (d) Sol 91. (a) Groundnut is dicot whereas
Sol 66. (b) Except 571, all others are (9)3 = 729 , (13) 3 = 2197 the other 3 are monocots.
divisible by 11. 3 3
(7) = 343 , (17) = 4913 =/ 4814
Sol 92 (b) Logic is : product of two
Sol 67. (c) except option c in all other Sol 80 (c) Except TOMATO all other consecutive number
options, the first number is a multiple of 7 options are underground crops. But this logic is not followed by 14
and the second number is a factor of 6 .
Sol 81 (a) Logic is : n:(n2-2) Sol 93. (b) Option (b) does not follow
Sol 68. (b) Except 34, rest numbers are But in option A the correct sequence.
power of 2. 2
5 -2=27 which is not equal to 29.
Sol 69. (a) Except 54:64, all other options
Sol 82 (d)Logic is : n : n2 : n3
are in the form of 7:8
Except option D, all other options are
Sol 70. (c) Habitat is a general term, Sol 94. (a) Except option 1 , the other 3
whereas Barn, Den and Stable are places are synonyms.
for Cattle, Lion and Horse respectively. Sol 83 (d) Except Option D, all other
options are the capital City
but Kyat is the currency. Sol 95. (c) Logic is : numbers consist of
Sol 71. (d) three consecutive digits.
QTWZC = 17 20 23 26 3 But 457 are not consecutive.
Sol 84 (a) The pattern is
CFILO= 3 6 9 12 15
First term is increasing by 1 with third
HKNQT = 8 11 14 17 20 Sol 96. (c)
SWYBE = 19 23 25 2 5
Second term is increasing by 1 with
Option D is the correct answer.
Fourth Term. but option (a) doesn’t
follow this pattern.
Sol 72. (d) Stationery includes Eraser,
Pen and Paper. Rest are specific but
Sol 85 (b)
Stationery is general.
Warrior uses sword,Author uses Pen,
Carpenter uses Saw But Mason does not
Sol 73 (c)
use Knife as a professional tool.
2047 = 2+0+4+7=13
4702 = 4+7+0+2 = 13
4306 = 4+3+0+6=13 Sol 86 (b) Sol 97. (b) Here countries and their
6041 = 6+0+4+1 = 11 In all options, first three letters are currency is given. But the currency of
Option C is different from all other consecutive and then two letters are South Korea is Wrong.
options. repeated. But in option B, there should be
double EE instead of FFF. Sol 98. (d)
Sol 74 (d) Expect option d all other are
mammals. Sol 87 (d) Logic is : n : n2
But this pattern does not follow in option
Sol 75 (c) Logic is : second number = D.
(first number × 2) +1
But option c does not follow the above Sol 88 (a)
rule. 28 : 56 (28 × 2 +0 = 56) 144, 196, 169 are perfect squares but 215
Is not.
Option (d) does not follow the correct
Sol 76(c) sequence.
K+3=O; O+4 = T; T+5 = Z CGL 2018 TIER I
D+3=H; H+4 = M; M+5 = S Sol 99. (d) Except HINDRANCE , other
G+1=I; I +4= M; M+3 = P Sol 89. (d) In others, the gap between the 3 options are positive terms.
F+3=J; J+4= O; O+5 = U alphabets is regular. Gap is 3 in first , 1 in
second and 2 in third. But , in fourth, the Sol 100. (b)
Sol 77 (a) Logic is- second number is the gap is irregular.
7 times the first number. G+1=H, H+1=I, I+1=J
This logic does not follow in option A. C+3=F, F+3=I, I+3=L
Classification (Odd one Out)

734 ⇒ 7 = 3 + 4

Sol 121. (a) Except Steal, the other three

are synonyms of each other.

Sol 122. (c) Option (c) does not follow

any proper pattern like others.
Option (a) does not follow any sequence
like others.
Option (b) does not follow the sequence.
Sol 111. (d) Except Horde , all others are
Sol 101. (c) Tapti river flows westward synonyms of each other.
and other three rivers are eastward rivers.
Sol 112. (c) 43 is a prime number, all
Sol 102. (a) In word ZOOM , two vowels others are composite.
are there, while in other 3 words, only one Sol 123. (a) Except Big, the other three
vowel is there. Sol 113. (a) option (a) does not have a are synonyms.
vowel while other options have at least
Sol 103. (c) The other three items are one vowel. Sol 124. (b) Except 64 : 54, all the other
counted in fruits except Cucumber. number-pairs are multiples of 8 and 7.
Cucumber is counted in both fruits as Sol 114. (d) Except Awkward , all others 56 : 49 ⇒ 7 ⨯ 8 : 7 ⨯ 7
well as vegetables. have the same meaning as saying bad 104 : 91 ⇒ 13 ⨯ 8 : 13 ⨯ 7
words about anyone. 32 : 28 ⇒ 4 ⨯ 8 : 4 ⨯ 7
Sol 104. (a) Except 166 , all others are
divisible by 11. Sol 115. (b) Ireland is a European Sol 125. (a) Except POWZ, in the others
country, all others are Asian. +3 rule is used.
Sol 105. (a) Other three have the same
meanings. These all are synonyms. Only Sol 116. (d) Except LPQ, in all the Sol 126. (d) Except Paper : Book , All
Interval is different from others. others, +4 rule is used. others are the people related to any field
and their instruments.
Sol 106. (d) Logic is : first letter : second
letter :: first letter + 14 : second letter + Sol 127. (b) Except Tamil : Kerala , all
14 others are states and their languages.
So, GHTV does not satisfy the above rule Malayalam is commonly spoken in
as G +14 = 21(U) Kerala.
option (d) does not follow the pattern of
Sol 107. (a) In the other three options, the +4. Sol 128. (b) Except OQV, in all the
second object is a thing used at the place others, +2 , +7 rule is used.
given in the first word. But in option 1, Sol 117. (d) Except Kerala : North West ,
both words don’t have any relation. all other states and their direction is right. Sol 129. (c) Except PQR, in all the
others, +2 rule is used.
Sol 108. (c) Sol 118. (d) Except 731, all the numbers
are perfect cube. Sol 130. (b) Except 13 : 179, in all the
others 2nd number is square of 1st + 5.
Sol 119. (b) Except SKLV, in others , 2
8 : 69 ⇒ 8 + 5
Other options are following a proper
13 : 179 ⇒ 132 + 10
12 : 149 ⇒ 122 + 5
. 14 : 201 ⇒ 142 + 5
Option (c) does not follow the sequence.
Sol 131. (d) Sodium is a metal, whereas
Sol 109. (c) Except 544, all others are others are radioisotopes.
divisible by 13.
Sol 132. (d) Logic is : n : 3n2
Sol 110. (a) But, in (d) 3 : 3 * 32 = 3 : 27 (not 18)

Sol 133. (d)

Sol 120. (a) 2 2
65 : 101 ⇒ 8 + 1 : 10 + 1
953 ⇒ 9 =/ 5 + 3
26 : 50 ⇒ 52 + 1 : 72 + 1
523 ⇒ 5 = 2 + 3
312 ⇒ 3 = 1 + 2 17 : 37 ⇒ 42 + 1 : 62 + 1
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

49 : 82 ⇒ 72 + 0 : 92 + 1 7 : 54 ⇒ 72 + 2 = 51
2 Sol 157. (b) Logic is : n2 : n
8 : 66 ⇒ 8 + 2 = 66
Sol 134. (b) Except NOR, in all the 10 : 98 ⇒ 102 + 2 =/ 98 But 123 =/ 112
others, +1 -2 rule is used.
Sol 146. (d) Throat is one , all others are Sol 158. (b) Except V, all the others are
in pairs.

Sol 147. (c) Logic is n : n3 + 1 CHSL 2018 TIER I

But option C does not follow the above
rule, 3 : 27 ⇒ 3 + 1 =/ 27 Sol 159. (c) Except walking, all are
sounds of animals
Sol 148. (b) Frustration is a feeling,
Sol 160. (a)
Sol 135. (d) Except Metis, the other three others are diseases.
Except for HSKPM, in all the other options
are planets of our soar system.
Sol 149. (b) Except NLHDC , all others 1st, 3rd and 5th letters are with +3 rule.
Sol 136. (b) Except 9 - 164 , in all the are following -2 , -3 , -4 , -5 rules.
Sol 161. (b) Logic is : First number -
others the 1st number is multiplied by 18
Third number = 2
to get the second number.
But in 3128, 3 - 2 = 1 (not 2)

Sol 137. (b) Except DWKO , in all the

Sol 162. (a)
others, 1st is opposite of 2nd and 3rd is
Except GSVE, all other options contain
opposite of 4th.
alphabets are in opposite pairs.
Sol 138. (b) Except TYBEG, in all the Sol 150. (b) Except PRTWY, in all the Sol 163. (d)
others +5, +4, +3, +2 rule is used. others +2 rule is used. Except Carpet, the other three belong to
the same class of luggage.

Sol 164. (d) Logic is : Half of Product of

First and Last digit is equal to middle two
Ex : 4147 = 4*7 = 28/2 = 14
Sol 151. (d) Except Gangster , all others Except 7298 all follow above logic as
Sol 139. (d) Square of 12 is 144. So it is are synonyms. 7*8= 56 /2 = 28 (not 29)
Sol 152. (a) Logic is n : n2 -1 Sol 165. (c)
Sol 140. (c) Except Hypocrisy, the other But this 7:46, does not follow the above Except 6394, in all the others the sum of
three are synonyms. rule. the digits is 21.

Sol 141. (b) Except JKNRV, in all the Sol 153. (b) Option (b) does not follow Sol 166. (d)
others +1, +3, +4, +5 is used. the fix pattern like others. Except IDWS, in all the others 1st and 4th
2 3
4 : 27 ⇒ 2 : 3 are opposite letters and 2nd and 3rd also.
Sol 142. (b) Except Deliberate, the other 2
16 : 125 ⇒ 4 : 5

three are synonyms. Sol 167. (a)

9 : 64 ⇒ 32 : 43
Except 83115, all the others have the same
Sol 143. (a) Logic is : a : a2-1 sum of the digits.
Sol 154. (a)
But option (a) does not follow the above
rule. Sol 168. (b)
13 : 170 ⇒ 132 - 1 =/ 170 Except Singapore, all the others belong to
Sol 144. (c)
Sol 169. (b) Except 7261, all the others
are divisible by 9. .
Sol 155. (b) Except Silver(it is a medal),
the other three are the colours of a Sol 170. (c) Logic is : sum of all the pairs
rainbow. is an odd number.
Except OKL, As 15 + 11 + 12 = 38 (even
Sol 156. (c) Except Terminology, the number)
Sol 145. (d) other three are the study of different types
13 : 171 ⇒ 132 + 2 = 171 of science related to the body.
Classification (Odd one Out)

Sol 171. (d) Sol 188. (b) Photocopier, Scanner & peaceful which is opposite to all other
Except Driving, all the other activities are Printer all three are used for scanning or given words.
to be done in water. printing . But a microwave is used for
heating or cooking food items. Sol 203. (d) Thyroxine, Insulin and
Sol172. (b) Except Atoms, the other Adrenaline are different types of
three belong to our body. Sol 189. (b) Except CFJM, in all the hormones .
others +3 rule is used.
Sol173. (d) CFJM( C+3= F, F+4= J, J+3= M) odd one Sol 204. (c) Logic is : +5 rule is used.
Except Larva, all the others are sounds
produced by the animals or birds. Sol 190. (c) Except 253, all other
numbers are prime numbers. But 253 is
Sol174. (d) Except 183, all the others are 23*11.
prime numbers.
Sol 191. (b) Logic is : Except AFIM , in
Sol175. (d) all the options +4 rule is used.
Except LMPS, all the others are following But, A(+5) = F, F(+3) = I, I(+4) = M.(odd
the rule +1 , +2 , +3. one) Sol 205. (b) Except 159, all the other
numbers are perfect cubes.
Sol 176. (b) Sol 192. (a) Only 127 is a prime number,
Except 319 all other options are prime all the other numbers are composite Sol 206. (c) Except Frog , all others are
numbers but 319 = 29 x 11 numbers. the sounds of the animals.So, frog is
different from others.
Sol 177. (d) Except RXBU, all the other Sol 193. (c) Circle, rectangle & triangle
+3 rule from 1st to 4th, then 2nd and 3rd all are different geometrical figure Sol 207. (c) The pattern followed here
as in DJMG, D +3 = G and J +3 = M So, diagram is the odd one out. is:+2, -2
PRKI( P+2=R, K-2=I)
Sol 178. (b) Sol 194. (b) Except 171 ( 9*19) all the LNOM(L+2=N, O-2=M)
Other three come under the category of numbers are prime numbers. STHI(S+1= T, H+1=I)does not follow the
workers only. pattern
Sol 195. (b) Logic is : +2, rule is followed CEXV(C+2=E, X-2=V)
Sol 179. (b) Except PSZV, others are But not in option b Except STHI, all follow the same
following the rule +3, +6, -3. B → (+2) → D → (+3) → G → (+3) → J pattern. Hence, STHI is different .
(odd one)
Sol 180. (a) Except Shirt, the other three Sol 208. (b) Except 57 , all the other
come under the category of footwear. Sol 196. (b) Except Energy, the other numbers are prime.
three Carbohydrates,Protein & Vitamins
Sol 181. (a) Except 99, the other three are are sources of energy. Sol 209. (b) A wolf is a wild animal
prime numbers. while all others are domestic animals.
Sol 197. (c) Except Hormone, the other So, wolf is different from others.
Sol 182. (b) Except 323 all other options three are names of diseases.
are prime number. Sol 210. (d) Here, +2 rule is used.
And 323 is a multiple of 17 and 19 Sol 198. (c) Except 226, all other are NPR(N+2= P, P+2= R), BDF (B+2=D,
multiple of 112. D+2= F), & HJL(H+2= J, J+2 SUV does
Sol 183. (a) not follow the rule.SO, SUV is different
Except Nozzle, all the area where Sol 199. (a) Except BDGJ, all the others one.
different games are played are following the rule +3.
BDGJ – B (+2) D (+3) G (+3) J ... (odd Sol 211. (b) Here +2 ,+4 RULE IS
Sol 184. (c) Except IKNQ, others are one) USED,
following the rule +2 , +3 , +4. EGK →(E+2=G, G + 4= K), BDH →(B+
Sol 200. (b) All others are perfect squares 2=D, D+4= J),. DFJ →(D+2=F, F+4=J)
Sol 185. (b) Except Biology, all the only, while 64 is a square number as well But in IKM , +2 , +2 rule is used.So,
others belong to the study of social as a perfect cube. IKM is an odd one out.
Sol 201. (d) Here, +4 rule is used. Sol 212. (c) Here, sum of the digits is
Sol 186. (d) Except CGKQ, all the But, J(+4) = N, N(+4) = R, R(+5) = W. 10.
others are following the +4 rule. 145(1+4+5)= 10
Sol 202. (a) Except Serene, all others 325(3+2+5)=10
Sol 187. (c) Only the sum of the digits of have the same meaning i.e 235(2+3+5)=10
195 is divisible by 3, no other number. synonyms.Whereas, serene means But in 425, the sum of the digits is 11.So,
425 is the odd one out.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 224. (d) Except 51, all the others are In option B, M+2= P (not Q)
Sol 213. (b) Lucknow, Patna & Mumbai prime numbers.
are capitals of the states, whereas Punjab Sol.236.(d) Logic is : first letter is
is a state. Sol 225. (b) Except PRTW, all others are opposite to the last letter, second to the
So, Punjab is different one. following the rule of +2. third and so on…
IKMO , I+2= k But in XHEP-KVRA. H-R and X-A are
Sol 214. (b) Except 259, the other three k+2=M not the opposite pair.
numbers are divisible by 9. M+2= O
Sol.237.(d) Logic is : sum of square root
Sol 215. (a) Here, +4 rule is used. BFJ Sol 226. (d) Except 51, all the others are of first and second term is equal to the
(B+4=F, F+4=J), KOS (K+4=O, O+4=S) prime numbers. sum of third term.
& MQU (M+4= Q, Q+ 4=U). But in But the 4th ratio doesn't follow the given
DGL , +3 , +5 rule is used. Thus DGL is Sol 227. (c) Except EGG, the other three pattern
2 2
an odd one . are vegetables 81 :9 : 19 = 9 : 3 : 19
⇒ 9 + 3 = 12
Sol 216. (b) Duster, Chalk & blackboard Sol 228. (d) The logic is: N (+4) = R 12 ≠ 19
are different types of stationery items. (+4) = V
D (+4) = H (+4) = L Sol.238.(a) Planets, Galaxies and Stars
Sol 217. (c)The logic: Here, +4, +4 rule is P (+4) = T (+4) = X are heavenly bodies and are natural but
used. CGK(C+4=G, G+4=K), F (+5) = K (+2) = M Rocket is a man made.
LPT(L+4=P, P+4=T), NRV(N+4=R, Option D doesn’t follow the logic, so it is
R+4=V), different from others. S.239.(b) The pattern being followed
but in BFM, +4 , +7 rule is used. Thus Hence, option D is different among the 19 × 2 = 38 + 1 = 39
option (C) is a different one. rest. 25 × 2 = 50 +3 = 53
68 × 2 = 136 + 1 = 136
Sol 218. (a) Storm, Cyclone & Flood MTS 2019 TIER I 37 × 2 = 34 +1 = 35
are the types of disaster. So, disaster is the
But option b does follow the same , it
odd one out. Sol 229 (d) will be an odd one out.
632-63 = 3906
Sol 219. (b) 16,100 & 81 are the squares 152-15 = 210 Sol240.(a) Except dEefFF , in all the
of composite numbers , whereas 121 is 182-18 = 306 other options , the first two letters are
the square of a prime number. So, 121 is 372-37 =/ 1331 small and third is capital. So , dEefFF is
the odd one out.
different from others.
Sol 230.(a)As sheep, donkey & cow are
Sol 220. (a)+2 rule is used. DFHJ → domestic animals and deer is a wild Sol 241. (a) Tin , Aluminium and Zinc all
D+2= F, F+ 2 = H, H+2= J & so on. animal. are elements , But Steel is an alloy of
All are following the rule except option
Iron and Carbon.
(a), thus QSUV(U+2=W =/ V) is different. CPO 2019 TIER I
Sol 242. (c) Fire is used for Grill , Steam
Sol 221. (d) Ship runs/ moves in water, Sol231. (d) and Roast. So , Fire is different from
others on the roads. Wall, ceiling and floor are part of a house others.
whereas Fan is an electrical appliance.
Sol 222. (c) When all the numbers are Sol 243. (b) All numbers are divisible by
divided by 5, except 75, all the other Sol232. (d) 19 except 195.
numbers are giving prime number as In options (a), (b) & (c) all numbers are in
quotients. their simplest form means no further Sol 244. (d) Except PENAL , in all the
1. 65 ÷ 5=13 division takes place but in option (d) both other numbers three vowels are there. But
2. 95 ÷ 5=19 numbers are further divisible by 2. in PENAL , only two vowels are there.
3. 75 ÷ 5=15
4. 85 ÷ 5=17 Sol233 (b) logic is : All the options Sol 245. (d) 42 = 6 × 7 ; 72 = 8 × 9 ;
So, 13, 19, & 17 are prime numbers consist of just 3 individual digits 132 =11 × 12 ; 182 = 13 × 14 ;
except 15. So, option (c) is a different But option b has 4 digits such as 4, 3, 2 20 = 4 × 5 ; 42 = 6 × 7 ;
one. and 1 Here, consecutive numbers are multiplied.
But in (56, 63) , 56 = 7 × 8 ; 63 = 7 × 9 ;
Sol 223. (a) Eagle, Goose, and Vulture Sol234 (b) Logic is : Except 117, all other So, (56 , 63) is different from others.
are Birds which can fly. are prime numbers.
Kiwi is a flightless bird.Hence, Kiwi is Sol 246. (a) except option (a), all follow
the odd one. Sol235. (b) Logic is : +2, +2, +2 rule is the logic given below-
used. First number × second number = 96
Classification (Odd one Out)

Hence, the correct option is A. Sol 260. (b) Except 25, all the other Sol 275. (c) Except Spurious, all the
numbers are divisible by 3 and only 25 is other words are synonyms.
Sol. 247.(a) Logic is: +2, +2, +2 is used a perfect square.
Clearly, OQRT doesn’t follow the pattern Sol 276. (a) 73 - 79 are a pair of
as Q +2 =S(not R) Sol 261. (b) Logic is : sum of continuous prime numbers. Others are not
corresponding letters is 25 consecutive prime numbers.
Sol. 248.(d)Rial, Dollar and Lira all are Ex. GJB - ROW, G+R=25, J+O=25,
currencies of different countries but B+W=25 Sol 277. (c) Arranging the words in a
money is not a currency. But EFR - VUI, E+V = F+U = R+I = 27 meaningful order,
not 25 Option 1 → BARLEY
Sol. 249.(a) Incision means the action of Option 2 → WHEAT
making a surgical cut in skin or flesh(It is Sol 262. (a) Logic is : +2 rule is used Option 3 → MAIZE
activity). Except NOQST, where N + 2 = P (not O) Option 4 → CASHEW
Whereas all other options are tools used and S + 2 = U (Not T) Wheat, Barley and Maize are cereals.
to cut(all other are objects). Whereas,
Sol 263. (b) Except 171, all the other Cashew is a dry fruit.
Sol. 250.(d) 61, 109, and 73 are prime numbers are divided by 13.
numbers except 91 Sol 278. (b)NIZAM , MAINS and SAINT
Sol 264. (d) Except MEND, all the other have two vowels in them, which are ‘A’
Sol. 251.(d) words are synonyms. and ‘I’.
All the three options are divisible by 7 Whereas,
except 169. Sol 265. (a) 73 - 79 are a pair of In STEIN, the two vowels are ‘E’ and ‘I’.
continuous prime numbers. Others are not Hence, “STEIN” is the odd one.
Sol. 252.(a) Logic is : n : n(n+1) consecutive prime numbers.
But option A does not follow this logic Sol 279. (a) Logic is : n : n(n+1)
As 7 : 7(7+1) = 7:56 (not 50) Sol 266. (b) Logic is : 2n : n2 Except (18 : 306), As 18*19=342(not
Except option D all follow the logic: 306)
Sol. 253.(b) Logic is : first letter -3, 26/2 = 132 = 169(not 168)
second letter -1, third letter +3 Sol 280. (b) Except Morose, all the other
But option b does not follow the above Sol 267. (a) Logic is : n : n(n+1) words are synonyms.
logic as C-3=Z, X+3=A. Except (18 : 306), As 18*19=342(not
306) Sol 281. (c) Logic is : sum of alphabetical
Sol. 254.(c) In option (c) four digits 2, 3, position of first and second is equal to
6, 5 are used to in the three digit ratios Sol 268. (c) Car , Aeroplane and Bus, all the third. Except HNU, all follow the
whereas in all other options three digits are automobile but Petrol is a fuel. above rule
are only used. H = 8 , N = 14 , 8 + 14 = 22 = V , not U.
Sol 269. (a) Logic is : corresponding
Sol 255. (c) Rose is a flower whereas the letters are opposite to each other Sol 282. (d) Logic is : Multiple of 15
other three are the fruits. So, Rose is Except (NOQ - MLK), As J opposite to Q Except 170, all the other numbers are
different from others. (not K) multiple of 15.

Sol 256. (a) Logic is : all the option Sol 270. (c) Logic is : Sum of Sol 283. (a) Here 5 and 7 are consecutive
consist of only 3 digit alphabetical positions of first and second prime numbers, whereas, all the other
Except (632 : 325 : 236), Here 4 digits is equal to the third. pairs have prime numbers but they are
are used. Except ENR, As E(5) + N(14) = S(19), non consecutive.
(not R)
Sol 257. (a) Logic is : n2 : m2 Sol 284. (c) Logic is : 2n : n2
Except (48 - 81), where 48 is not a perfect Sol 271. (c) Except 195, all are prime For n = 12, 2n = 24, and n2 = 144.
square. numbers. But, this rule is not followed in (24 142).

Sol 258. (c) Thesaurus, Dictionary and Sol 272. (b) Except Court, all the others Sol 285. (a) Except Depression, all the
Encyclopaedia, all these come under the are places to reside. others are diseases.
category of Books. So, Book is different
from others. Sol 273. (d)Logic is : n : n(n+1) Sol 286. (a) Logic is : corresponding
Except (18 : 306), As 18 × 19=342(not letters are coded as the opposite letters.
Sol 259. (c) Logic is : n : 6n : 12n 306) Except (OPR – JKL), all other follow the
Except (14 : 90 : 180) As, 14*6 =84 not above logic.
90. Sol 274. (d) Logic is : 2n : n2 As, J is not opposite to O and L is not
13 × 2 = 26, 13 × 13 = 169(not 168) opposite to R.

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 287. (d) Except 178 all other are 42 = 4+2 = 6 , 4 - 2 = 2 ; 6 × 2 = 12 But, this pattern is not followed in option
divisible by 16 But, option d is not following the above (b) i.e, 17+1= 18, 172= 289+1= 290.
Sol 288. (d) Except (24 : 4) , no other Sol 309.(b)Except ‘Aurangabad’ all the
pair is completely divisible. But in Sol 298.(d)Except ‘Windows’ all others rest are capital cities.
(24 : 4) , 24 is completely divisible by 4. are Hardware whereas ‘windows’ being Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana,
So , (24 : 4) is different from others. an operating system is Software. Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu &
Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim.
Sol 289. (b) Except (18 : 49), the Sol 299.(d)The required pattern is:+3 rule
difference or sum of all others is a is used Sol 310.(a)The pattern: +1, +4 rule is
composite number. (a) JMPS → J+3=M, M+3=P, P+3=S. used.
All follow the same pattern except A+1 = B, B+4 = F
Sol 290. (a) Deer is different from others. FHKM. I+1 = J, J+4 = N
Because all the others are kids of different M+1 = N, N+4 = R
animals. Sol 300.(c)Only ‘Hatred’ is a negative The above-fixed pattern is not being
word(action) while, truth, peace and non- followed by ‘FGL’
Sol 291. (a) Mirth is different from violence are positive words.
others. All the others are antonyms of Sol 311.(b)All the other options mean
Mirth. Sol 301.(c) The Pattern: +5 Rule is used negative habit, behaviour or situation in
Except ‘HMRV’, all the other options terms of money and amenities. Whereas,
Sol 292. (b) Logic is n : n2 : n3 follow the same given pattern Prosperity means ‘successful in material
But, this rule is not followed in 5 : 25 : terms, flourishing financially’
225. Sol 302.(b)The logic: 2nd number =
Because cube of 5 is 125. square of 1st number -4 Sol 312.(a)The logic: +2, rule is used
So, 5 : 25 : 225 is different from others. (33)2- 4=1089-4=1085 TVW=T+2=V, V+1=W(odd one)
(11)2-4=121-4=117 ≠ 118 LNP=L+2=N, N+2=P,
Sol 293. (b) Except (QJR - JQH), in all (35)2-4=1225-4=1221 FHJ= F+2=H, on
the other letter - clusters, opposite letters (21)2-4=441-4=437 The following pattern is being followed
are given. Here R and H are not opposite by all the options except
pairs. So, (QJR - JQH) is different from Sol 303.(d)The logic: -1 rule is used. ‘ TVW’
others. Except ‘FGH’ all other options follow the
given pattern Sol 313.(a)The pattern followed is
Sol 294. (a) Logic is : sum of first and 169-197
second is equal to the third. Sol 304.(b)Conduct - the manner in which (13)2 = 169 , (14)2+1=197
Except HNU all other follow the same a person behaves, especially in a 121-145
pattern particular place or situation. 2 2
(11) = 121, (12) + 1 = 145
H(8) + N(14) =/ U(21) Except for Conduct, all other options 289-325
refer to high moral values 2 2
(17) = 289, (18) + 1 = 325
CGL 2019 TIER I But, option a 225-241 does not follow
Sol 305.(a) 8-38 is the only option in this fix pattern.
Sol.295.(a)The pattern : opposite pairs are which the second number is not divisible
used. by the first number.
Sol 314.(a)The logic: 1st number is
multiplied by its next prime number= 2nd
Sol 306.(a) Sum of numerical value of 1st number.
and 3rd alphabets= numerical value of (a) 19 : 475( odd one)
2nd alphabet. (b) 17 : 323=17 × 19=323
Thus, GMF = G(7) + F(6) = M(13)
All follow the same pattern except (c) 11 : 143=11 × 13=143
DVR, = D(4) + R(18) = V(22)
FVKO. (d) 23 : 667=23 × 29=667
OVG, = O(15) + G(7) = V(22)

Sol.296.(c)Ships, boats & ferries all float Sol 315.(b)The logic: +4, +5 rule is used.
Sol 307.(c) Jhalrapatan is a town in
on the surface of water while submarine Except ‘ADL’ all are following the
Jhalawar district in the south of Rajasthan
can also float underwater. explained rule.
state in India. Whereas , the other three
NRW = N+4=R, R+5=W
options are in Gujarat.
Sol 297.(d)The required pattern is: PTY = P+4=T, T+5= Y
Second Number = Multiple of the sum of ADL = A+3=D,D+8=L(odd one)
Sol 308.(b) The pattern followed here is:
digits of the 1st number and difference of
(1st number + 1)2 +2
digits. Sol 316.(c)Polio, Measles & Rabies are
10 + 1= 11, 112+ 2 = 121+2= 123
39 = 3+9 = 12 , 9 - 3 = 6 ;12 × 6 = 72 viral diseases and can be cured by
14 + 1= 15, 152 + 2= 225+2= 227
28 = 2+8 = 10 , 8 - 2 = 6 ; 10 × 6 = 60 vaccination.Whereas, Schizophrenia is a
11 + 1= 12, 122 + 2 = 144+2= 146
Classification (Odd one Out)

mental disorder that is caused by a Sol.327.(d) The sum of the digits of the
combination of genetics, environment, first number in the ratio gives the second
and altered brain chemistry.It can't be number.
cured. 2+6+5+8+4= 25
8+5+2+4+5= 24 Except ‘GHJMP’ all other options follow
Sol 317.(c)The logic: +3 rule is used. 7+7+0+5+2= 21 the above rule.
ZCFI: Z+3=C, C+3=F, F+3= I 4+1+2+6+3= 16(18)
JMPS: J+3=M, M+3=P, P+3=S But, this pattern is not followed by option Sol.337.(c) Except ‘Spinach’ all others
PSVX: P+3=S, S+3=V, V+2=X(odd one) d. are root vegetables.

Sol 318.(c)All other options except renin Sol.328.(d) Except ‘KPT’ rest of the Sol 338.(c) Except ‘JNQS’ in all other
are organs. Whereas, Renin is an enzyme options follow the pattern given below options the difference between the letters
secreted by the kidney & a part of the is equal.
physiological system that regulates blood Hence, ‘JNQS’ is the correct answer.
Sol 339.(d) The logic followed here is:
Sol 319.(a)The sum of the digits of the (53 x 7)+7=378
first number in the ratio gives the second Similarly (45 x 7)+ 7= 322
4+2+0+9= 15 Sol.329.(b) ‘Shout’, ‘Scream’ and ‘Roar’ Sol 340.(b) Except for ‘Distance’ all other
7+4+5+6= 22 are high pitched and loud voices, but options are weighing units.
8+1+0+1= 10 ‘mumble’ is to say something indistinctly
But, this pattern is not followed by option and quietly. So, Mumble is different Sol.341.(c) The pair of the letter and its
a as, 5+1+2+1= 9(12)(odd one) among all the options. opposite letter is given. Here, KN doesn't
follow the pattern. So, it is different from
Sol.320.(b) The xylophone is a musical Sol.330.(a) Logic is : sum of first two others.
instrument in the percussion family that digit = square of the third
consists of wooden bars struck by mallets. But this logic in not followed by option A Sol.342.(d)Bone marrow is the spongy
All others are Wind instruments. As, 25+41=66≠64 tissue inside some of your bones.The rest
of the three options are the name of
Sol.321.(d) Except ‘GCV’ all others Sol.331.(a) Except for FIK, all the options diseases.
follow the pattern given below, have a common gap between two
DDP = 4 x 4 = 16 consecutive alphabets. Sol.343.(c) The pattern followed is,
BJT = 2 x 10 = 20 For example, S + 3= V, V + 3= Y 37 : 256 → 37 : 37 × 7 – 3
FBL = 6 x 2 = 12 But, F+2= I, I+1= K 31 : 214 → 31 : 31 × 7 – 3
21 : 154 → 21 : 21 × 7 + 7
Sol.322.(a) Except ‘15 : 250’ Sol.332.(b) Except ‘Distance’ all other 39 : 270 → 39 : 39 × 7 – 3
In all other options, the second term of options are ‘S.I. units’ All follow the same pattern, except ’21 :
the ratio is the square of the first term. 154’. Hence, “21 : 154” is the number –
Sol.333.(c) Following pattern is followed pair that is different.
132 = 169
17 = 289 here
44 : 136, (44 × 3) + 4= 136 Sol.344.(c) The gap between the first
112 = 121 letter and third letter is 3 in each case
27 : 85, (27 × 3 ) + 4= 85
30 : 94, (30 × 3 ) + 4= 94 except option (c) , and also the 2nd letter
Sol.323.(d) All the options except option is square of 1st letter in each case except
d contain two vowels(a, e, i, o & u). option c.
Option d does not contain a single vowel. Sol.334.(a) Except ‘NOSV’ all other
options follow the rule of having a gap of
Sol.345.(d) Here the logic:
Sol.324.(a) Except Brass which is an two alphabets between two consecutive
55:(5 × 5)= 25
alloy of copper and zinc, all other options alphabets.
44(4 × 4)= 16
are metals. Like , ⇒ T U V W XY Z AB C
76(7 × 6)= 42
28(2 × 8)= 16 =/ 56
Sol.325.(c) Sol.335.(a)Here each number is
Hence, option d is different from others.
16 x 7 = 112 multiplied by 6, except ‘28-164’.
14 x 8 = 112 12 × 6=72
Sol.346.(a)‘Russia’ is the only option
28 x 5 = 140 19 × 6 = 114
which is the name of a country otherwise
56 x 2 = 112 17 × 6 = 102
all other are the names of the continent.
So, 28-164 is different from others.
Sol.326.(a) Television, Geyser and CHSL 2019 TIER I
Computer are types of machine. Sol.336.(b)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 347. (a) Option (a):- 528 = (23)2 - 1 7 - [(7)2 + 1] = 50

Except foal, all other options are sounds Option (b):- 196 = (14)2
by different animals. Option (c):- 224 = (15)2- 1 Sol 372. (b)Except option (b), rest all are
Option (d):- 360 = (19)2 - 1 in 2:5 when converted into the smallest
Sol 348. (c) fraction.
256 = (16)2 Sol 361. (b)
144 = (12)2 Sol 373. (a) Except in option (a), the third
81 = (9)2 letter is the sum of the alphabet number of
676 = (26)2 the first two letters.
Except 81, all others are squares of an Example:- F=6, H=8, N = 8+6=14
even number. J = 10, P = 16, Z = 10+16 = 26

Sol 349. (c) Only 256 is a perfect square. Sol 374. (d)
122 = (11)2 + 1 B+5=G+5=L
170 = (13)2 + 1 P+5=U+5=Z
226 = (15)2 + 1 Sol 362. (d) Africa, Europe and North A+5=F+5=K
America are continents while South N+5=S+4=W
Sol 350. (a) Except Ladakh, all other Africa is a country.
options represent capital of different Sol 375. (b) Typhoid, Malaria and dengue
states. Sol 363. (a) are a kind of stomach infection while
Depression is a state of mind.
Sol 351. (d)
Sol 376. (b)
B + 5 = G + 10 = Q
Sol 352. (b) Except option (b), all other L+6=R+6=X
options are even numbers. F+6=L+6=R

Sol 353. (c) Sol 377. (d)

U-2 = S, O-2 = M 22 : 22 × 23 ⇒ 22 : 506
B+3 = E, A-2 = Y Sol 364. (d) Hour, minute and second are 14 : 14 × 15 ⇒ 14 : 210
units of measurement of time. 17 : 17 × 18 ⇒ 17 : 306
Sol 354. (a) Except option (a), all other
11 : 11 × 12 ⇒ 11 : 132
options are multiples of 4. Sol 365. (d) Except option (d) all other
options are in the following format:- x Sol 378. (d) Fork, knife and spoon are
Sol 355. (b) Except heifer, all others are :(x)2+1 kitchen utensils used for eating. While
places of living.
spade is used for digging.
Sol 366. (b) Except for frisk all other are
Sol 356. (a) different types of sounds of animals.Birds Sol 379. (c) Except in option (c), all other
O+1 = P, P+4 = T, T+1 = U chirp, sheep bleat and horse neigh. letter clusters start and end with a vowel.
L+1 = M, M+6 = S, S+1 = T
While option (c) only ends with a vowel
C+1 = D, D+6 = J, J+1 = K Sol 367. (b) Except 255 all three are even and starts with a consonant.
A+1 = B, B+6 = H, H+1 = I numbers.
Sol 380. (c) Except in option (c), the
Sol 357. (b) Sol 368. (a) Except in option (a), The difference between numbers of given
U+1 = V, V-3 = S alphabets at odd and even places pairs are prime numbers. But in option
L+1 = M, M-5 = H respectively are opposite to each-other. (c), it is an even number (30-16 = 14).
H+1 = I, I-3 = F,
Y+1 = Z, Z-3 = W Sol 369. (c) Except in option (c), there is Sol 381. (d) Axe, microscope and gun are
an increase of two in the given letter tools while amplify is a action.
Sol 358. (d) Larva, foal and nymph are clusters.
all infants of animals while Stag is a male
Sol 382. (a) Except in option (a), there is
deer. Sol 370. (a) Except in option (a) , the an increase of 3 in the first two letters and
alphabet number consequently decreases decrease of 4 in the last two letters of
Sol 359. (d) In option (a), (b) and (c); the by 1. letter clusters.
first digit comes back at the end while in
option (d) the first digit shifts to the Sol 371. (a) Logic is : n : n2+1 Sol 383. (a) Shark, cod and salmon are a
middle position. 6 - [(6)2 - 1] = 35 type of fish while oysters belong to
4 - [(4)2 + 1] = 17 different family.
Sol 360. (b) 5 - [(5)2 + 1] = 26
Classification (Odd one Out)

Sol 384. (c) Except in option (c), all other Sol 395. (c)
options have three vowels. 25 × 8 = 200 Sol 404. (d)
15 × 8 = 120 Barrack is a place where soldiers live.
Sol 385. (d) 22 × 8 =/ 176 However, den, burrow and stable are the
529 = (23)2, 49 = (7)2, 9 = (3)2 and 8 = 14 × 8 = 112 residing place of an animal.
Sol 396. (a) Sol 405. (c)
Sol 386. (a) Except option (a) all options
are following the given sequence.

Sol 387. (c) Except option (c), all three

refers to joining things while disband Sol 406. (c)
refers to breaking up.
Sol 397. (b) Dollar, Yuan and Dinar are
Sol 388. (d) Except in option (d), the currencies while Oslo is the capital of
vowel lies in the middle of the letter Norway.
Sol 398. (b) All are made up of wood or
Sol 389. (c) Logic is : n : (n + 1)2 come under the category of furniture
21 : (22)2 except water filter. Sol 407. (d) Fluorine, Iodine and bromine
25 : (26)2 are non metals while iron is a metal.
24 : (23)2 Sol 399. (d)
30 : (31)2 Sol 408. (c) Except option (c) , All the
numbers of other options are divisible by
Sol 390. (d) 3.

Sol 409. (a)

In option (a):- sum of digits of first
number = 2+0+0 = 2, sum of digits of
second number = 6+0+0 = 6, sum of
digits of third number = 3+0+0 = 3
Option (d) doesn’t follow this pattern. In option (b):-sum of digits of first
number = 2+0+1 = 3, sum of digits of
Sol 400. (d) second number = 7+0+2 = 9, sum of
Sol 391. (a) digits of third number = 3+0+3 = 6
(11)3 = 1331
Except option (a) in all other options , the In option (c):-sum of digits of first
(12)3 = 1728
letters are decreasing by 3 places. number = 4+0+0 = 4, sum of digits of
(13)3 = 2197
2306 is not a cube of any number. second number = 6+6+0 = 12, sum of
Sol 392. (a) Except in option (a), the last digits of third number = 8+0+0 = 8
letter in other letter clusters has twice the In option (d):-sum of digits of first
Sol 401. (a) Except in option (a), rest all
alphabet number as its previous one. number = 1+1+1 = 3, sum of digits of
other letter-clusters have a vowel.
Example in option (b) F=6 and L = 12, in second number = 2+0+7 = 9, sum of
option (c) P = 16 and F = 32, in option (d) digits of third number = 2+2+2 = 6
Sol 402. (c)
G = 7 and N = 14. Thus, only option (a), does not follow the
Except in option (c), the middle digit is
multiple of the other two. given condition.
Sol 393. (b) Logic is: n2 : (n+1)3
⇒ (17)2 : (18)3 3×3 = 9
4×1 = 4 Sol 410. (c)Here,the difference between
⇒ (24)2 : (15)3 positional values of alphabets are even
⇒ (4)2 : (5)3 3 × 4 =/ 8
except option(c).
⇒ (5)2 : (6)3 6×0 = 0
X - F = 24 - 6 = 18 (even number)
P - D = 16 - 4 = 12 (even number)
Sol 403. (b) -3 rule is used.
Sol 394. (d) T - E = 20 - 5 = 15 (odd number)
6=5+1 K - C = 11 - 3 = 8 (even number)
8=5+3 Sol 411. (d)
4 =/ 2 + 1

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Biomass, coal & natural , all these are Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit are units
directly obtained from nature except of temperature measurement . While Sol 433. (b) Here, +2 rule is used except
nuclear fuel. pascal is the unit to measure pressure. option (b).
G+2 = I, I+2 = K
Sol 412. (c) Sol 421. (c) Here, 1st & 3rd alphabets are T+1 = U, U+1 = V
opposite or reverse alphabets and the B+2 = D, D+2 = F
same followed by 2nd & 4th alphabets. N+2 = P, P+2 = R
Thus, NOPE does not follow the same
pattern. Sol 434. (a) In option (a), the second
property does not follow. 113 = 1331
Sol 422. (b) Except Istanbul, all others are
capital of different nations. Sol 435. (b)
Maputo is the capital of Mozambique . (192,384,576) → 192 × 2 = 384 , 192 ×
3 = 576
Sol 413. (c) Sol 423. (d) Cubes are given. (352,436,646) → 352 x 2 = 407 =/
In option (a):- 173 - 81 = 2 × (81 - 35) ⇒ 729 = (9)3, 125 = (5)3, 216 = (6)3, 676 = 436(odd one)
92 = 2 × 46 (26)2 (219,438,657) → 219 x 2 = 438 , 219 x 3
In option (b):- 182 - 108 = 2 × (108 - 71) = 657
⇒ 74 = 2 × 37 Sol 424. (d) Sincere, Naughty and (327,654,981) → 327 x 2 = 654 , 327 x 3
In option (c):- 181 - 116 =/ 2 × (116 - 84) Creative are behaviours & nature of an
= 981
⇒ 65 =/ 2 × 32 individual. While Kid is a stage of
In option (d):- 179 - 89 = 2 × (89 - 44) ⇒ Sol 436. (b) All other options except June
90 = 2 × 45 has a common vowel ‘a’.
Sol 425. (c) Except in option (c), the sum
of the alphabet number of letters in the
Sol 414. (b) Sol 437. (c)
alternative pair is 27.
Except in DFU, the sum of the alphabet Except option C all the other 3 are
Example:- CX-GT-IR ⇒ 3+24 - 7+20 -
number of the first and last letter is 26 but following a similar pattern which is
9+18 ⇒ 27 - 27 - 27. alphabet+3
option (b) does not follow the pattern. So,
option (b) is the correct answer. In Option a, C+3=F,F+3=I,I+3=L,L+3=O
Sol 426. (a) Except for the decibel meter, Similarly in option B and D, so Option C
all other instruments are used to measure is the odd one out because O+3 =/ M
Sol 415. (c) Except for kabaddi, all other
precipitation. Decibelmeter is used to
sports are played using a ball.
measure noise. Sol 438. (b) Logic is : first two letters are
Sol 416. (b) Except option (b) , All the opposite to each other and the other two
Sol 427. (d) Logic is : +3 rule is used here sum up to 13.
numbers are divisible by 3.
But, in CFIM , I +3 = L (not M) HSNZ, H and Z are opposite to each
Sol 417. (c) Here: +4 rule is used. other. But N + Z = 40(not 13)
Sol 428. (d) The given pair of words are
synonyms of each other. However, in Sol 439. (b) Logic is : +4, +4, +3 rule is
option (d), the words are antonyms of used
each other. But except option b all follow the above
Sol 429. (b) SVAD, S + 4 = W (not V).
156 = 122 + 12
210 = 142 + 14 Sol 440. (d) Logic is : +15, -5, -5 rule is
276 =/ 162 + 16 used.
Sol 418. (c) 2nd number × (2nd
240 = 152 + 15
number+1)=1st number
182 = 13 × 14
Sol 430. (a) Except for an angle, all other
156 = 12 × 13
options are units of measurement. In all the given options this rule is
309 =/ 18 × 17 (odd one)
followed except option D. (C+15 =/ S)
132 = 11 × 12
Sol 431. (c)
T+2 = V, V+2 = X Sol 441. (a) Logic is : +3, +4, +5 rule is
Sol 419. (c) Peas is a kind of seed while J+2 = L, L+2 = N used.
radish, potato and carrot are kind of roots. N+1 = O, O+2 = Q This rule is followed in all the options
C+2 = E, E+2 = G except A .
Sol 420. (c)
Sol 432. (c) Except 340, all other options
all multiples of 3.
Classification (Odd one Out)

Sol 442. (b) Logic is : when 4 is added to

the first and second letter,third and fourth
letter is obtained respectively.
E.g B +4 = F, Y +4 = C
But this pattern does not follow in option

Sol 443.(d) Logic is : -5, -4, -3 rule is

Eg. KFBY(K-5=F, F-4=B, B-3)
Except option d all follow the above

Sol 444.(b) Logic is : +3 rule is used.

But in option B, R+3=U, U +3=X,
X+3=A, A+3= D(not E)

Sol 445. (d) Logic is : Sum of alphabtical

positioning is equal to 42.
Except BSMK all follow the above rule
B+S+M+K = 41

Sol 446.(b) Except YACE all other sums

up to 54
But, Y+A+C+E=34 (not 54)

Sol 447. (c) Except option C, all other

options follow the same pattern i.e -3

Sol 448. (c)

R+4=V, H+4=L, D+4=H, M+4=Q =/ P
Hence, option C is different from all other



F+1=G; A+1=B; C+1=D; Sol : Here all place value has been
कोिडं ग िडकोिडं ग T+1= U; O+1=P; R+1= S. multiplied by 2. i.e.- B × 2 = 4
Therefore after reversing it A × 2 = 2, D × 2 = 8, G × 2 = 14
INTRODUCTION OF CODING SPUDBG is the correct option. E × 2 = 10. In the same way,
-DECODING / कोिडं ग िडकोिडं ग NORMS = N × 2 = 28, O × 2 = 30
का प रचय 2. Ex - if NBSJOF is coded as R × 2 = 36. M × 2 = 26, S × 2 = 38
ENIRAM, then how will UFNQFS be So, answer should be: 2830362638
CODING-DECODING is an important
written in that language ?
part of the Logical reasoning section in all
एक कूट भाषा म, NBSJOF को ENIRAM TYPE - III
aptitude related examinations. Coding is a
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म UFNQFS को िकस Word coding - It contains a word or a set
process used to encrypt a word, a number कार िलखा जाएगा ?
in a particular code or pattern based on of words whose code is given as another
some set of rules. Decoding is a process word or group of words.
Sol : in the following question:
to decrypt the pattern into its original Based on this, the code of a word has to
NBSJOF is represented by ENIRAM.
form from the given codes/ be determined. Some exmples of this
There is a pattern
CODING-DECODING सभी संबंिधत are:/इसम श या श ों का एक समूह िदया
NBRJOF = FOJRBN (reverse) जाता है िजसका कोड अ श या श समूह
परी ाओं म तािकक तक अनुभाग का एक
F-1 = E, O-1 = N, J-1 = I, के प म िदया रहता है । इसी आधार पर श या
मह पूण िह ा है । कोिडं ग एक श को कूट
S-1 = R, B-1 = A, N-1 = M श ों के समूह के िकसी एक श का कोड ात
करने के िलए उपयोग की जाने वाली एक ि या
है , जो िकसी िवशेष कोड म एक सं ा या िनयमों In the same way UFNQFS is करना होता है । इसके कुछ िन उदाहरण है :
के कुछ सेट के पैटन पर आधा रत होती है । Written as :
िडकोिडं ग दी गई कोड से पैटन को उसके मूल प UFNQFS = SFQNFU (reverse) If in a language, ‘foot’ is called ‘elbow’,
म कूट करने की एक ि या है । S-1 = R, F-1 = E, Q-1 = P, ‘elbow’ is called ‘ankle’, ‘ankle is called
In this chapter, mainly four types of N-1 = M, F-1 = E, U-1 = T palm’, ‘palm’ is called ‘finger’ and
questions are asked /इस अ ाय म म मु तः Therefore, the correct answer ‘finger’ is called ‘knee’, then in that
चार तरह के पूछे जाते है - Should be REPMET language, on what would one wear a ring?
1. Letter coding यिद िकसी भाषा म ‘पैर’ को ‘कोहनी’ कहा जाता
TYPE - II है , ‘कोहनी’ को ‘टखना’ कहा जाता है , ‘टखने’ को
2. Number/Symbol coding
Number/symbol coding - In the हथेली कहा जाता है , ‘हथेली' को ‘अंगुली’ कहा
3. Words coding
जाता है तथा ‘अंगुली’ को ‘घुटना’ कहा जाता है तो
4. Condition coding letters of the English alphabet are coded
इस भाषा म एक अंगूठी कहाँ पहनेगा ?
with numbers or symbols which have to
TYPE-I be understood and answered in the same
Sol :
Letter coding - It consists of a set of code.
letters, whose code is given as another set Following are some examples
of this/ नंबर िसंबल कोिडं ग म अं ेजी
of characters. Based on this, the code of ANKLE = PALM
वणमाला के अ रों को, अंको को या
another letter group has to be PALM = FINGER
संकेतो से कूट िकया जाता है
found.Following are some examples of िजसको उसी कूट म समझ कर उ र दे ना होता FINGER = KNEE
this -/ इसम अ रों का एक समूह िदया जाता है , है । इसके कुछ उदाहरण िन िल खत है - So, we will wear ring in the
िजसका कोड एक अ अ र समूह के के पम In a code language, YOGHURT is written FINGER
िदया रहता है । इसी आधार पर एक अ अ र as 251578211820. How will DEVELOP which is equal to KNEE.
समूह का कोड ात करना होता है । इसके कुछ be written as in that language? So KNEE is the right answer.
उदाहरण िन िल खत है - एक कूट भाषा म, YOGHURT को
Ex - In a code language, QUESTION is 251578211820 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म TYPE - IV
written as OPJUTFVR. How will DEVELOP को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? Condition coding - In this type of
FACTOR be written in that language? questions, some letters or numbers are
एक कूट भाषा म, QUESTIO को OPJUTFVR Sol : YOGHURT is written as given, and some signs or letters are
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा N म FACTOR को 251578211820. Direct place values of the marked in the form of signs and some
िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? letters are written. So the code for special rules are given below.In the
Sol: In the following question DEVELOP will be 45225121516. question, one has to find a group of signs
(c) In the following question from a group of numbers or letters or a
QUESTION is represented by 2. Ex- In a code language, if group of letters from a group of signs
OPJUTFVR . There is a pattern ‘BADGE’ is written as '4281410', then Following are some examples of
Q+1=R; U+1=V; E+1=F; how will ‘NORMS’ be written in that this:/ इस कार के ो म कुछ अ र
S+1=T; T+1= U; I+1=J; O+1= language? या सं ाएं दी गयी होती है , और िच ो के पम
N+1= एक कोड भाषा म, यिद BADGE को उनके कुछ संकेत या अ र अंिकत होते है तथा
Write it in reverse order. िनचे कुछ खास िनयम िदए गए होते ह। म
'4281410’ िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा
Therefore OPJUTFV सं ाओं या अ र के समूह से संकेतों का समूह या
म NORMS ’कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
In the same way FACTOR is 109
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

संकेतों के समूह से अ रों का समूह ात करना यिद FAKE को 52106 और MAD को 1225 के िकसी कूट भाषा म MONEY को LPMLDZ िलखा
होता है । इसके कुछ उदाहरण िन है : प म कोिडत िकया जाता है , तो DEER को कैसे जाता है | इसी भाषा म STROKE को कैसे िलखा
Ex - In a code language, कोिडत िकया जाएगा? जाएगा ?
GATE is written as CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
5 ⋆ 3 $ and TOUR is written as 32&% (a) 35418 (b) 36420 (a)TSSNLD (b)RUQFJP
then How will URGE be written in that (c) 36419 (d) 47520 (c)RUQNLD (d)RUQPJF
एक कूट भाषा म, GATE को 5 ⋆ 3 $ िलखा जाता Q6. In a code language, MACHINE is Q12. If DIG=41 and GOAD=55, then
है , TOUR को 32&%| िलखा जाता है इसी भाषा
written as CAMHENI. How will FACT=____.
MONSTER be written as in that यिद DIG = 41 तथा GOAD = 55 है , तो FACT =
म URGE को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
language? _____ ?
Sol : GATE = 5 ⋆ 3 $ it means G=5
एक कोड भाषा म, MACHINE को CAMHENI CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
A = ⋆ , T=3, E = $ (a)45 (b)61 (c)53 (d)63
के प म िलखा जाता है । उस भाषा म
TOUR = 32&%|, it means T = 3 MONSTER को कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
O = 2, U = &, R = % CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) Q13. In a code language, EXPLAIN is
Then U = &, R = %, G = 5, E = $ (a) NOMSRET (b) OMNSETR written as XEALPNI. How will
URGE = &%5 $ (c) NOMETSR (d) SNOMRET FACTORY be written in that language?
एक कूट भाषा म, EXPLAIN को XEALPNI
Q7. In a code language, BACHELOR is िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म FACTORY को कैसे
written as SNMDIBBA. How will िलखा जाएगा ?
COHESION be written as in that CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q1. In a code language, BANKER is (a) AFTCROY (b) CAFOTYR
written as NABREK. How will STRING (c) AFOTCYR (d) AFTOCYR
एक कोड भाषा म, BACHELOR को
be written as in that language?
SNMDIBBA के प म िलखा जाता है । उसी
एक कूट भाषा म BANKER को NABREK िलखा
भाषा म COHESION को कैसे िलखा जाएगा? Q14. If DRIVE is coded as 59372, and
जाता है | इसी भाषा म STRING कैसे िलखा जाएगा
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) SPUR is coded as 6489, what will be
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(c) NPHTDIND (d) BPJTFINO यिद DRIVE का कूट 59372 तथा SPUR का कूट
6489 है , तो PRIDE का कूट ा होगा ?
Q8. If CAB = 13 and FEED = 41, then CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q2. If CAB=12 and FED=30, then (a)49235 (b)94532
JADE = ________.
HIDE=____. (c)49352 (d)43925
यिद CAB = 13 और FEED = 41, तो JADE =
यिद CAB = 12 और FED = 30 है , तो HIDE =
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) Q15. In a code language PENCIL is
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(a) 35 (b) 43 (c) 41 (d) 45 written as PNEICL , How will MOTHER
(a)44 (b)68 (c)52 (d)48
be written in that language?
Q9. In a code language, CONCERT is एक कूट भाषा म PENCIL को PNEICL िलखा
Q3. In a code language, QUESTION is
written as CNEROCT. How will जाता है | इसी भाषा म MOTHER को ा िलखा
written as OPJUTFVR. How will जाएगा ?
SMARTER be written in that language?
FACTOR be written in that language? CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
एक कूट भाषा म CONCERT को CNEROCT
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म SMARTER को ा
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म FACTOR को कैसे
िलखा जाएगा ? (c)OMHTRE (d)MTOEHR
िलखा जाएगा ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(c)RATMESR (d)RETRAMS 9, then DISTANT = ______.
यिद FATHER = 7 और DAUGHTER = 9 है , तो
Q10. If MADE is coded as 12236 and DISTANT = _______
Q4. If HECK is coded as 94410 and DIG
BAD is coded as 123, then how will CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
is coded as 588, then how will BIKE be (a) 6 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 7
DECK be coded as?
coded as?
यिद MADE को 12236 तथा BAD को 123 के
यिद HECK को 94410 और DIG को 588 के प
प म कूटब िकया जाता है , तो DECK को िकस Q17. In a certain language EMBEZZLE
म कोिडत िकया गया है , तो BIKE को कैसे कोिडत
कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? is coded as MEEBZZEL. How will
िकया जाएगा?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) MAXIMIZE be coded in the same
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(a)36212 (b)34312 language?
(a)38124 (b)38115
(c)36201 (d)44412 एक िनि त भाषा म EMBEZZLE को
(c)19113 (d)39105
MEEBZZEL के प म कोिडत िकया गया है ।
Q11. In a code language, MONKEY is उसी भाषा म MAXIMIZE को कैसे कोिडत िकया
Q5. If FAKE is coded as 52106 and MAD जाएगा?
written as LPMLDZ. How will STROKE
is coded as 1225, then how will DEER be CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
be written as in that language?
coded as? (a)AIMXMIEZ (b)AMIXIMEZ

(c)AMIMIXEZ (d)EMIXIMEM प म कूटब िकया गया है | उसी भाषा म CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
‘IDEAL’ को कैसे कूटब िकया जायेगा ? (a)DLENEE (b)OFLEKF
Q18. If in a certain code ‘OPERATION’ CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (c)MFENKF (d)MFDEKF
is written as ‘BWDATXPBJ’ and (a)73648 (b)37684
‘PARENT’ is written as ‘WTADJX’, (c)84673 (d)37468 Q30.If X=48 and ACT=48 then TALL = ?
how will ‘ORIENT’ be written in that यिद X=48 है और ACT=48 है , तो TALL होगा |
code? Q24. If in a certain code, EARTH is CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
यिद एक िनि त कोड म OPERATION ’को written as FZSSI, then which word will (a)88 (b)92 (c)90 (d)45
िलखा जाता है , तो ORIENT ’को उस कोड म कैसे यिद िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म EARTH को Q31.In a code language, TIGER is
िलखा जाएगा? FZSSI िलखा जाता है , तो िकस श का कूट written as SUHJFHDFQS. How will
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) XZUDS होगा ? GINPQSRTDF be written in that
(a)PSJFOU (b)BAPDJX CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(c)WAVER (d)YXVET िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म GINPQSRTDF को
Q19. In a certain code language कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
‘CANDLE’ is written as ‘D1OEM2’ and Q25. If, in a certain code, EDITION is CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
‘MODERN’ is written as N4E2SO. How written as VWRGRLM, which word (a)HERBS (b)HORSE
will ‘BEWARE’ be written in the same would be coded as SLMVHGB? (c)HOESR (d)HORTF
code language? यिद एक िनि त कूट भाषा म EDITION को
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म 'CANDLE' को VWRGRLM िलखा जाता है , तो िकस श का Q32. In a code language, TANK is
'D1OEM2' और 'MODERN' को N4E2SO िलखा कूट SLMVHGB होगा ? written as 7-26-13-16. How will CARGO
जाता है । Will BEWARE ’को समान कूट भाषा म CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
be written in that language?
कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a)HAUGHTY (b)HONESTY
एक कूट भाषा म, TANK को 7-26-13-16 िलखा
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (c)EDITORS (d)AMNESTY जाता है | इसी भाषा म CARGO को कैसे िलखा
(a)D2OEM2 (b)C2X2S2 जाएगा ?
(c)CFY2S2 (d)C2X1S2 Q26. In a certain code language, ‘ROCK’ CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
is written as ‘3587’ and ‘TIDE’ is written (a)24-26-9-20-15 (b)24-26-9-20-12
Q20. If AN=14 and CAT=60, then as ‘4261’. How will ‘DOCTOR’ be (c)24-26-18-20-12 (d)23-01-9-20-12
BEG=? written in the same code language?
यिद AN=14 और CAT=60, तो BEG=? यिद िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘ROCK’ को 3587 Q33. In a certain language, CADET is
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) तथा TIDE को 4261 िलखा जाता है , तो इसी कूट written as 31457. How will DEFER be
(a)68 (b)72 (c)74 (d)70 भाषा म DOCTOR को ा िलखा जाएगा ? written as in the same language?
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) एक िनि त भाषा म CADET को 31457 िलखा
(a)658453 (b)658435 जाता है | इसी भाषा म DEFER को कैसे िलखा
Q21. If A=4 and C=6, then how will you
(c)654853 (d)685453 जाएगा ?
code ‘Power’ ?
यिद A=4 है और C=6 है , तो आप Power को कैसे CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
कूटब करगे Q27. In a certain language, JUSTICE is (a) 45678 (b) 45769
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) coded as JSUTCIE. How will JUPITER (c) 35658 (d) 45659
(a)181726821 (b)191826821 be coded in that language?
(c)191825821 (d)181725720 एक िनि त भाषा म, JUSTICE को JSUTCIE Q34. If in a given code language,
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म JUPITER को ा WATER is coded as XZUDS, then which
िलखा जाएगा ? word will be coded as BMHKF?
Q22. In a certain code language
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) यिद िकसी िदए गए कोड भाषा म, WATER को
‘EXAMPLE’ is coded as ‘DWZLOKD’.
(a)JPUIERT (b)PJUIETR XZUDS के प म पढ़ा जाता है ,तो BMHKF के
Then how will ‘ELECTION’ be coded in
(c)JPUEITR (d)JPUIETR िकसे पढ़ा जाएगा?
the same code language
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
िकसी कूट भाषा म ‘EXAMPLE’ को प
Q28. If AS=19 and BAT=40, then how (a) ALIEN (b) CLING
‘DWZLOKD’ म कूटब िकया गया है | उसी
भाषा म ‘ELECTION’ को कैसे कूटब िकया will you code BREAD? (c) ANGLE (d) EARTH
जायेगा ? यिद AS = 19 तथा BAT = 40 है , तो BREAD का
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) कूट ा होगा ? Q35. In a code language CERTAIN is
(a)DKDBSJHM (b)DKDBSHNM CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) written as DFSUBJO , How will
(c)EKDBSHNM (d)DKEBSHNM (a)30 (b)720 (c)205 (d)625 SUMMER be written in this language?
एक कोड भाषा म CERTAIN को DFSUBJO के
Q23. In a certain code language ‘DEAR’ Q29. If in a certain code, ‘HAMMER’ is प म िलखा जाता है , इस भाषा म SUMMER
is coded as ‘7465’ and ‘LIFE’ is coded as written as ‘GBLNDS, then ‘NEEDLE’ कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
‘8394’. Then how will ‘IDEAL’ be coded will be coded as? CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
in the same code language यिद िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘HAMMER’ को (a) TVNNFS (b) TVNNFT
‘GBLNDS’ िलखा जाता है , तो NEEDLE का कूट (c) RVNNFS (d) TUNMFS
िकसी कूट भाषा म ‘DEAR’ को ‘7465’ के पम
होगा ?
कूटब िकया गया है और ‘LIFE’ को ‘8394’ के
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q36. If A = 2, C= 4, then PARTICLE = CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)

_____. (a)87 (b)67 (c)76 (d)78 (a) 22 (b)18 (c) 20 (d) 28
यिद A = 2, C= 4,तो PARTICLE = ________
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q43. In a code language, 54831 is coded Q49. In a code language if FRIDGE is
(a) 1721921104136 (b) 172172094136 as 63922. What will be the code for written as GTLHLK, then in the same
(c) 172192094126 (d) 1621820104136 86274 in that language? language, how will you write the word
एक कूट भाषा म 54831 का कूट 63922 है | इसी KETTLE?
Q37. If AT = 20 and BEG =70, then भाषा म 86274 का कूट ा होगा ? एक कूट भाषा म यिद FRIDGE को GTLHLK
BANK = _______. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) िलखा जाता है , तो इसी भाषा म श KETTLE को
यिद AT = 20 तथा BEG = 70 है , तो BANK = (a)95365 (b)95185 िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
________ (c)77185 (d)75365 CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) WQLGXK (b) LGWXQK
(a) 318 (b) 308 (c) 228 (d) 282 SSC CGL 2018 TIER I (c) GLXWQK (d) XKWQLG

Q38. In a certain code language, SON is Q44. If DIG is coded as 25 and CUT is Q50. In a code language SUNDAY is
written as 345 and ROAM is written as coded as 49, then how will KICK be written as DNUAYS. How will
6412. How will RANSOM be written in coded as? MOTHER be written as in that language?
the same language? िकसी कूट भाषा म SUNDAY को DNUAYS
यिद DIG को 25 एवं CUT को 49 के प म
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म SON को 345 तथा कूटब िकया जाता है , तो KICK को िकस कार िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म MOTHER को कैसे
ROAM को 6412 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म कूटब िकया जाएगा ? िलखा जाएगा ?
RANSOM को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ? CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 43 (b) 39 (c) 41 (d) 34 (a) HTEOMR (b) HTOERM
(a) 615342 (b) 651342 (c) HOTERM (d) THEORM
(c) 615324 (d) 612435 Q45. In a code language, VICTORY is
written as CIVSYRO. How will Q51. If CAB is coded as 6 and BED is
Q39. If in a certain code, EDITION is TRAITOR be written in that language? coded as 40,then how will HAD be coded
written as VWRGRLM, then which word एक कूट भाषा म, VICTORY को CIVSYRO as?
will be coded as SLMVHGB? िलखा जाता है |इसी भाषा म TRAITOR को कैसे यिद CAB का कूट 6 तथा BED का कूट 40 है , तो
यिद िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म EDITION को िलखा जाएगा ? HAD का कूट ा होगा ?
VWRGRLM िलखा जाता है , तो िकस श का CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
कूट SLMVHGB होगा ? (a) RATHORT (b) RTAJORT (a)16 (b)52 (c)32 (d)46
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (c) ARTJOTR (d) ARTHROT
(a) HAUGHTY (b) HONESTY Q52. In a code language, COMPUTER is
(c) AMNESTY (d) EDITORS Q46. If BACK is coded as 11312 and written as OCREPMTU. How will
CAKE is coded as 51113, then how will DAUGHTER be written in the same
Q40. If TEMPLE is coded as ELPMET, MADE be coded as? language?
then how will CHURCH be coded as? यिद BACK का कूट 11312 तथा CAKE का कूट एक कूट भाषा म COMPUTER को
यिद TEMPLE का कूट ELPMET है , तो 51113 है , तो MADE को िकस कार कूटब OCREPMTU िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
CHURCH का कूट ा होगा ? िकया जाएगा ? DAUGHTER को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(a)HCURHC (b)HCRUHC (a) 51413 (b) 54113 (a) READTHGU (b) ADTHREGU
(c)HCURCH (d)HCRUCH (c) 31145 (d) 13145 (c) ADREGUTH (d) ADERUGTH

Q41. In a certain code language, ‘mee Q47. In a code language, TEMPLE is Q53. If POSTER is coded as 592314 and
muk pic’ means ‘roses are yellow’, ‘nil written as DKOLDS. How will DARK is coded as 8647, then how will
dic’ means ‘white flowers’ and ‘pic muk WORSHIP be written in that language? STROKE be coded as
dic’ means ‘flowers are fruits’. What is िकसी कूट भाषा म, TEMPLE को DKOLDS यिद POSTER को 592314 तथा DARK को 8647
the code for ‘white’ in that language? िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म WORSHIP को कैसे के प म कूटब िकया जाता है , तो STROKE
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘mee muk pic’ का अथ है िलखा जाएगा ? का कूट ा होगा ?
‘roses are yellow’ , ‘nil dic’ का अथ है ‘white CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
flowers’ तथा ‘pic muk dic’ का अथ है ‘flowers (a) OHGRQNV (b) VNQGHOR (a) 234917 (b) 234971
are fruits’ , तो इस भाषा म ‘white’ का कूट ा (c) QJITSPX (d) OGHQRVN (c) 493287 (d) 329417
होगा ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q54. In a code language, TEACHING is
Q48. If FLOWER is coded as 14 and
(a)nil (b)pic (c)dic (d)muk written as SDBDGHOH. How will
DISTASTE is coded as 18, then how will
BUREAUCRAT be coded as? BOOKWORM be written in that
Q42. If ‘ARUN’ is coded as 54, then how यिद FLOWER का कूट 14 तथा DISTASTE का language?
will ‘VARUN’ be coded as? कूट 18 है , तो BUREAUCRAT को िकस कार एक कूट भाषा म, TEACHING को
यिद ARUN का कूट 54 है , तो VARUN का कूट कूटब िकया जाएगा ? SDBDGHOH िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
ा होगा ? BOOKWORM को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?

CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) एक कूट भाषा म, REGULAR को GERTRAL एक कूट भाषा म, SUN को NUS तथा TOP को
(a) ANPLXNNS (b) ANPLXPSL िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म BROTHER को कैसे POT िलखा जाता है | श FUR के कूट का अंितम
(c) CPNJXPSL (d) ANPLVNSN िलखा जाएगा? अ र कौन सा होगा ?
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
Q55. In a code language, SEDATIVE is (a) ORBSREH (b) ROBSERH (a) F (b) U (c) R (d) E
coded as ATDESEVI. How would (c) ORBUREH (d) ORBEHTS
PERSONAL becoded in that language? Q67. If DON is coded as 345 and ROAM
िकसी कूट भाषा म SEDATIVE का कूट Q61. If the word ANGEL is coded as is coded as 6412 , then how will
ATDESEVI है | इसी भाषा म PERSONAL को BOHFM , then what will be the third RANDOM be coded?
िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? alphabet in the code for the word यिद DON का कूट 345 और ROAM का कूट
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) SAVAGE. 6412 है , तो RANDOM का कूट ा होगा ?
(a) OSREPLAN (b) SOPERLAN यिद श ANGEL को BOHFM के प म CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
(c) SOREPLAN (d) SOERPANL कूटब िकया जाता है , तो SAVAGE के कूट का (a) 615342 (b) 615324
तीसरा अ र कौन सा होगा ? (c) 613542 (d) 651342
Q56. In a code language, if ‘VERY’ is CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
written as ‘UDQX’ ,then in the same (a) B (b) U (c) W (d) X Q68. If AU = 21 and EGG = 245 , then
language, how will you write the word how will you code BAKE?
‘URGENT’ ? Q62. If HEAD is coded as 37 and BANK यिद AU = 21 और EGG = 245 है , तो BAKE को
िकसी कूट भाषा म, यिद VERY को ‘UDQX’ is coded as 57, then how will KITE be आप िकस कार कूटब करगे ?
िलखा जाता है , तो इसी भाषा म, आप URGENT coded as CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
श को कैसे िलखगे ? यिद HEAD का कूट 37 है और BANK का कूट (a) 19 (b) 75 (c) 110 (d) 155
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) 57 है , तो KITE का कूट ा होगा ?
(a) TMSQF (b) MSQTFD CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) Q69. In a code language , NEEDLE is
(c) QFDTMS (d) TQFDMS (a) 87 (b) 91 (c) 69 (d) 76 written as MFDEKF . How will
HAMMER be written in that language?
Q57. In a code language, STROKE is Q63. In a code language, PASTEUR is एक कूट भाषा म, NEEDLE को MFDEKF िलखा
written as FLPSUT. How would BRIGHT coded as TPRUASE. How would जाता है | इस भाषा म HAMMER को ा िलखा
SEVENTY be coded in that language? जाएगा?
be written in the same code language?
एक कूट भाषा म, PASTEUR को TPRUASE के CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
एक कूट भाषा म, STROKE को FLPSUT िलखा
जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म BRIGHT को िकस प म कूटब िकया जाता है | इसी भाषा म (a) GBLNFTS (b) IBLNDS
कार िलखा जाएगा ? SEVENTY का कूट ा होगा ? (c) GALNDS (d) GBLNDS
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) UIHJSC (b) CSJHIU (a) ENVETYS (b) NSYTEVN Q70. In a code language , PAINTER is
(c) SGFHQA (d) UJHHCS (c) ESYETNV (d) ESYTEVN written as SCLPWGU. What is the code
for the word WRITER?
Q58. If SMOKE is coded as 81643 and Q64. In a code language , COMPUTER is एक कूट भाषा म, PAINTER को SCLPWGU
PRANK is coded as 72954, how would written as IVGFKNLX . How will िलखा जाता है | श WRITER का कूट ा होगा
you code ROSE? TELEPHONE be written in that ?
language? CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
यिद SMOKE का कूट 81643 और PRANK का
कूट 72954 है , तो आप ROSE को िकस कार एक कूट भाषा म, COMPUTER को (a) YTLVHT (b) ZTLVHU
कूटब करगे ? IVGFKNLX िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म (c) ZTLVHT (d) ZTLVGV
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) TELEPHONE को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
(a) 2682 (b) 3276 CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) Q71. If N = 28 and ORE = 76 , then how
(c) 9238 (d) 2683 (a) VMNSKVOVG (b) GVOVKSLMV will you code PALE?
(c) VMLSKUOVG (d) VMLSKVOVG यिद N = 28 और ORE = 76 है , तो आप PALE
Q59. If CLEAN is coded as 1415123 and का कूट ा िलखगे ?
Q65. If EAGER is coded as 51759, then CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
BLOW is coded as 2315122 , then how
how will CADET be coded? (a) 68 (b) 76 (c) 19 (d) 72
will JOKE be cded?
यिद CLEAN का कूट 1415123 और BLOW का यिद EAGER का कूट 51759 है , तो CADET का
कूट 2315122 है , तो JOKE को िकस कार कूट ा होगा ? Q72. In a code language , PICTURE is
कूटब िकया जाएगा ? CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) written as 16932021185 . How will
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) 31457 (b) 34157 FUNCTION be written in that language?
(a) 4111612 (b) 5121611 (c) 31547 (d) 31450 एक कूट भाषा म, PICTURE को 16932021185
(c) 5111510 (d) 1011155 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म FUNCTION को
Q66. In a code language , SUN is written ा िलखा जाएगा ?
Q60. In a coded language, REGULAR is as NUS and TOP is coded as POT. What CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
written as GERTRAL. How will is the last letter in the code for the word (a) 6211432091413 (b) 6211432081514
BROTHER be written in that language? FUR? (c) 6211432091514 (d) 6211332091513

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q73. In a code language, SELECTION is एक कूट भाषा म, CLIMAX को 312913124 CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
written as ESELDITNO. How will िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म RESIGN को िकस (a)1925192051393 (b)1925192051493
NOSTALGIA be written in the same कार िलखा जाएगा ? (c)1825182051393 (d)1925192051383
एक कूट भाषा म, SELECTION को
(a) 185199714 (b) 185198614 Q84. If 'J' coded as '20' and 'BAT' is
ESELDITNO िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म (c) 195209714 (d) 185199713 coded as '46' then how will 'CRICKET' be
NOSTALGIA को ा िलखा जाएगा ? coded?
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Q79. In a code language, यिद J का कूट 20 और BAT का कूट 46 है , तो
(a) ONSTBGLAI (b) ONTSBGLAI DISTRIBUTION is written as CRICKET को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा
ABBREVIATING be written in that CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
Q74. In a code language, YOGHURT is language? (a)138 (b)158 (c)142 (d)140
written as 251578211820. How will एक कूट भाषा म, DISTRIBUTION को
DEVELOP be written as in that SIDIRTTUBNOI िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म Q85. In a code language, FRIEND is
ABBREVIATING को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा written as GQJDOC. How will PEACE
? be written in that language?
एक कूट भाषा म, YOGHURT को
251578211820 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म एक कूट भाषा म, FRIEND को GQJDOC िलखा
(a)BBAVERIATGNI जाता है | इसी भाषा म PEACE को ा िलखा
DEVELOP को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 45225111516 (b) 45215121516 (c) BBAVERTAIGNI CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
(c) 45225121516 (d) 45225121515 (d) BABRVEAIITGN (a)QDBDF (b)ODBBF
Q75. In a code language, PERMANENT Q80. In a code language, ROUTINE is
is written as EPMRBENTN. How will written as 181521209145. How will SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I
TECHNICAL be written as in that VEHICLE be written in that language?
एक कूट भाषा म, ROUTINE को
language? Q86. In a code language, BLEND is
181521209145 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
एक कूट भाषा म, PERMANENT को written as ENHPG. How will WINNER
VEHICLE को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
EPMRBENTN िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म be written in the same language?
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
TECHNICAL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? एक कोड भाषा म, BLEND को ENHPG के प
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(a)215893125 (b)225893125
म िलखा जाता है । WinNER को उसी भाषा म कैसे
(a) TEHCOCIAL (b) ETCHOCILA (c)225893115 (d)225793125
िलखा जाएगा?
(c) ETHCPCILA (d) ETHCOCILA CHSL 01/07/19(Evening)
Q81. In a code language, ASTRONOMY
Q76. In a code language, is written as SARTPONYM. How will
INFORMATIVE is written as FENUGREEK be written as in that
ROFNILEVITA. How will language?
Q87. If V = 44 and FAT = 54, then how
एक कूट भाषा म, ASTRONOMY को
SUPERFICIAL be written as in that will you code LATE?
SARTPONYM िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
language? यिद V = 44 और FAT = 54 है , तो आप LATE को
FENUGREEK को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, INFORMATIVE को कैसे कोड करगे?
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
ROFNILEVITA िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म CHSL 01/07/19(Evening)
SUPERFICIAL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? (a) 76 (b) 110 (c) 54 (d) 19
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) (c)EFUNFERKE (d)EFUNHERKE
(a) USEPRFICAIL (b) REPUSGLAICI Q88. In a code language,
(c) LAICIGREPUS (d) REPUSELAICI Q82. In a code language, TROPICAL is
PERMUTATION is coded as
written as PORTLACI.How will
Q77. In a code language, ARDOUS is DISTANCE be written in that language?
PUBLICSECTOR be coded in the same
written as 1184152119. How will िकसी कूट भाषा म TROPICAL को PORTLACI
िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म DISTANCE को िकस
SYSTEM be written in that language? िकसी कोड भाषा म, PERMUTATION को
कार िलखा जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, ARDOUS को 1184152119 IBKFRMXMFLG के प म कोिडत िकया गया
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म SYSTEM को िकस है । PUBLICSECTOR को उसी भाषा म कैसे
कार िलखा जाएगा ? कोिडत िकया जाएगा?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
(a) 19251920513 (b) 19251920514 (a) ICUFEVLBVNLK
(c) 19251921513 (d) 18251820513 Q83. In a code language, if LAMINATE
is coded as 121139141205, then how will
Q78. In a code language, CLIMAX is SYSTEMIC be coded in the same
written as 312913124. How will RESIGN language?
एक कूट भाषा म, LAMINATE को
be written as in that language? Q89. If MASTER is coded as
125139141205 के प म कूटब िकया जाता है |
इसी भाषा म SYSTEMETIC का कूट ा होगा ?
26138402536 and GOVIND is coded as

142254481288, then how will को QOJKYOUYJWP के प म िलखा जाता है । (a) SBUVLQXO (b) SBOULQXO
BACKSPACE be coded? उस भाषा म MASTERMINDS कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (c) SBUVLQDO (d) RAUVMQYO
यिद MASTER को 26138402536 के प म और CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
GOVIND को 142254481288 के प म कोिडत (a) APOWIIOZJEI (b) APOWHIOZJEI Q100. If W = 46 and CAT = 48, then how
िकया गया है , तो BACKSPACE को कैसे कोिडत (c) APOWIHOZJEI (d) APOWJIOZJEI will you code SALE?
िकया जाएगा?
यिद W = 46 और CAT = 48 है , तो आप SALE
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) Q95. If ‘FORTUNE’ is coded as 6521347 को िकस कार कूटब करगे ?
(a) 4162238321625 (b) 5172339317125 and ‘PREY’ is coded as 8279, then how CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(c) 4172393337125 (d) 5172933373215 will ‘NEPTUNE’ be coded? (a) 54 (b) 74 (c) 110 (d) 19
यिद एक खास भाषा म FORTUNE को
Q90. In a code language, CABLEPADS ‘6521347’ कोड िकया जाता है और PREY को Q101. In a code language, ELECTION is
is written as IADCYGAPJ. How will 8279 कोड िकया जाता है तो NEPTUNE को कैसे written as DKDBSHNB. How will
BACKSPACE be coded in the same कोड िकया जाएगा?
EXAMPLE be written in the same
language? CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
एक कोड भाषा म, CABLEPADS को (a) 4781347 (b) 4781342
एक कूट भाषा म, ELECTION को DKDBSHNB
IADCYGAPJ के प म िलखा जाता है । (c) 4782347 (d) 4781343 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म EXAMPLE को िकस
BACKSPACE को उसी भाषा म कैसे कोिडत कार िलखा जाएगा
िकया जाएगा? Q96. In a code language, ‘CERTAIN’ CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) is written as ‘XVIGZRM’.How (a) FWZLOKD (b) DWZLOKD
(a) DAEBJGAEY (b) DEIBJGEIY will ‘CLIMATE’ be written in the (c) DYZLOKD (d) DWZLOKF
(c) DAJBJGAJY (d) DAIBJGAIY same coding language?
यिद एक खास भाषा म CERTAIN को Q102. In a code language, ELASTIC is
Q91. If PEAR is coded as 7519 and ‘XVIGZRM’ कोड िकया जाता है तो CLIMATE
written as DOHVFLW. How will
TOIL is coded as 2693, then how will को कैसे कोड िकया जाएगा?
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
SMARTER be written in the same
DOCTOR be coded?
(a) XORNZGV (b) XORNZVG language?
यिद PEAR को 7519 और TOIL को 2693 के प
एक कूट भाषा म, ELASTIC को DOHVFLW
म कोिडत िकया जाता है , तो DOCTOR को कैसे (c) XRONZGV (d) XONRZGV
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म SMARTER को िकस
कोिडत िकया जाएगा?
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) कार िलखा जाएगा ?
Q97. If ‘FINGER’ is coded as
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) 463269 (b) 463729 15232112239 and ‘MARKET’ is coded
(c) 463296 (d) 463239 (a) DPVTUGW (b) DOTUUHX
as 14192916252, then how will ‘MILTON’
be coded as ? / यिद 'FINGER' को 15232112239
Q92. In a certain code, SLUMBER is के प म कोिडत िकया गया है और 'MARKET' को
coded as PORPYHO. How will 14192916252 के प म कोिडत िकया गया है , तोQ103. If MAGENTA is coded as
PURPOSE be written in the same coded 'MILTON' को िकस कार कोिडत िकया जाएगा? 1317514201, then how will VISCOUS be
language? CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) coded?
एक िनि त कोड म, SLUMBER को PORPYHO (a) 22213235295 (b) 22122353295 यिद MAGENTA का कूट 1317514201 है , तो
के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है । उसी कूट भाषा (c) 2222213355 (d) 21223239525 VISCOUS को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा
म PURPOSE कैसे िलखा जाएगा? CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) Q98. In a code language, LOGITECH is (a) 218193162018 (b) 229193152119
(a) OTQONRD (b) MXOSLVB written as CFCEBAYD. How will (c) 239203152219 (d) 228193142118
(c) SRUMRPG (d) QVSQPTF INFORMATION be written in the same
language? Q104. In a code language, ‘POSSIBLE’
Q93. If MARBLES is coded as एक कोड भाषा म, 'LOGITECH' को is written as ‘QRUUDKGN’. How will
181132192512 and INVITED is coded as 'CFCEBAYD' िलखा जाता है । उसी भाषा म ‘FAREWELL’ be written in the same
221969942520 , then how will ‘INFORMATION’ कैसे िलखी जाएगी? language?
COMPARE be coded as? CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) एक कूट भाषा म, POSSIBLE को
यिद MARBLES को 181132192512 के पम (a) EEBFIDBWFEE ‘QRUUDKGN’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
कोिडत िकया गया है और INVITED को (b) EBEDIFBWFEE FAREWELL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
221969942520 के प म कोिडत िकया गया है , (c) EEBFIDWBEFE CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
तो COMPARE को कैसे कोिडत िकया जाएगा? (d) EBEFDIWBEFE (a) BHGUGYNN (b) CIGTGZNN
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (c) CHGTGYNN (d) CHGTGYMM
(a) 1322531253221 (b) 1312531653241
Q99. In a code language, CONVEYER is
(c) 1322531652241 (d) 1322531653241
coded as FLQYBBBU. How will Q105. If ‘REGIONAL’ is coded as
PERSONAL be written as in that 185791514112, then how will
Q94. In a code language, CONSULTANCY
language? ‘PICTURES’ be coded?
is written as QOJKYOUYJWP. How यिद REGIONAL का कूट 185791514112 है , तो
एक कूट भाषा म, CONVEYER को
will MASTERMINDS be written in that FLQYBBBU िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म PICTURES को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा
language? PERSONAL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
एक कोड भाषा म, CONSULTANCY CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) 1693202118519 (b) 1693192117523
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c)1693202118520 (d)1693202219520 Q118. If FINANCIAL is coded as

Q112. If YOGHURT is coded as 695153913, then how will LUCRATIVE
Q106. In a code language, COLD is 7678392, then how will QUICKLY be be coded as?
written as ALHY. How will IRON be coded as? यिद FINANCIAL का कूट 695153913 है , तो
written in the same language? यिद YOGHURT का कूट 7678392 है , तो LUCRATIVE को िकस कार कूटब िकया
यिद COLD का कूट ALHY है , तो IRON का कूट QUICKLY को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा जाएगा ?
ा होगा ? CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) 8393117 (b) 8393237 (a) 333912955 (b) 433922945
(a) GOKI (b) GPKI (c) 7383237 (d) 8393127 (c) 343912945 (d) 333912945
(c) FOKI (d) GUKI
Q113. If FASHION is coded as 6118965, Q119. In a code language, PROXIMITY
Q107. In a code language, ‘HEDONISM’ then how will LASTING be coded as? is written as ZQTRKAVKO. How will
is written as ‘QFGJOUKP’. How will यिद FASHION का कूट 6118965 है , तो ILLOGICAL be written as in that
‘PROFITED’ be written as in that LASTING को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा language?
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
language? िकसी कूट भाषा म, PROXIMITY को
(a)3112947 (b)3113947 ZQTRKAVKO िलखा जाता है , तो इस भाषा म
एक कूट भाषा म, HEDONISM को
(c)3112957 (d)2112857 ILLOGICAL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
‘QFGJOUKP’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म,
PROFITED को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q114. In a code language, ADVOCATE (a) QNNLINBEL (b) QMMKIMCEK
(a) HQTSFFVK (b) HQTRFGVK is written as QXFCCRYA. How will (c) QNNKINCEK (d) RNNLINCEK
DIALOGUE be written as in that
language? Q120. If CALLOSUM is coded as
एक कूट भाषा म, ADVOCATE को 31336134, then how will CEREMONY
Q108. If ‘TRANSFER’ is coded as
QXFCCRYA िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म be coded as?
'2018114196518', then how will
DIALOGUE को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? यिद CALLOSUM को 31336134 के प म
‘INCLUDED’ be coded as in that CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) कूटब िकया जाता है , तो CEREMONY को
language? (a)NCFKCSEN (b)NCKFCSEM िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, ‘TRANSFER’ को (c)NCKFMESC (d)MCKFCSEM CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
2018114196518 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म,
(a) 35954657 (b) 35954547
‘INCLUDED’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
Q115. In a code language, PROMOTE is (c) 25945757 (d) 35854656
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
written as QTROGVQ. How will
(a) 91431221454 (b)18231220454
LICENSE be written as in that language? Q121. In a code language, ADVISORY is
(c) 91331121454 (d)81431222353
एक कूट भाषा म, PROMOTE को QTROGVQ written as GDLYRVBU. How will
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म LICENSE को िकस CHEMICAL be
Q109. If 'E' is coded as '5' and 'PEN' is कार िलखा जाएगा ? written as in that language?
coded as '35' then how will 'PAGE' be CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) एक कूट भाषा म, ADVISORY को GDLYRVBU
coded? (a)EKNGPUG (b)EKNGGUP िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म CHEMICAL को
यिद E का कूट 5 और PEN का कूट 35 है , तो (c)EKMHHUP (d)NKEGGUP िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
PAGE का कूट ा होगा ? CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (a) MFOHFLOD (b) KFQHFLPE
Q116. If LUCRATIVE is coded as
(a) 28 (b) 27 (c) 36 (d) 29 333912945, then how will (c) JFPGFMOD (d) KFPHFLOD
AMSTERDAM be coded as?
Q110. If R = 36 and BIN = 50, then how यिद LUCRATIVE का कूट 333912945 है , तो Q122. If DIRECTOR is coded as
will you code 'TALE'? AMSTERDAM का कूट ा होगा ? 49953269, then how will FRIENDLY be
यिद R का कूट 36 और BIN का कूट 50 है , तो CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) coded as?
TALE को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? यिद DIRECTOR का कूट 49953269 है , तो
(a)141248414 (b)141259414
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) FRIENDLY को िकस कार कूटब िकया
(c)149248414 (d)131458311
(a) 19 (b) 110 (c) 76 (d) 54 जाएगा ?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
Q117. In a code language, CARNIVAL is
Q111. In a code language, VERBATIM is (a) 69955437 (b) 69845447
written as LPYAJYTG. How will
written as EUHYPLWD. How will (c) 79954435 (d) 68955438
DISTANCE be written as in that
SALESMAN be written as in that language?
language? Q123. In a code language, MILITARY is
एक कूट भाषा म, CARNIVAL को LPYAJYTG
एक कूट भाषा म, VERBATIM को written as ATCVKNKO. How will
के प म िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
EUHYPLWD िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म DISTANCE को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? DISORDER be written as in that
SALESMAN को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) language?
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) एक कूट भाषा म, MILITARY को ATCVKNKO
(a) VDOHQDPV (b) HODVQDPV िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म DISORDER को
(c) HODVVPDQ (d) OHVDDQVP िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?


CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 10-7-2019 (Morning) (c) CRFKF (d) CREKF
(c) SHGTRUKF (d) TGFTSTLF (c) ALEGFRA (d) ILEGFRB Q136. If BARBER is coded as 116 and
GLINT is coded as 73, then how will
Q124. If AWESOME is coded as Q130. If BUS is coded as 126 and FUEL LIZARD be coded
1551645, then how will DIGNITY be is coded as 176, then how will SHRUB be as?
coded as? coded as? यिद BARBER का कूट 136 और GLINT का कूट
एक कूट भाषा म, AWESOME को 1551645 यिद BUS को 126 के प म कोिडत िकया गया है 184 है , तो LIZARD का कूट ा होगा ?
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म DIGNITY को िकस और FUEL को 176 के प म कोिडत िकया गया CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
कार िलखा जाएगा ? है , तो SHRUB को कैसे कोिडत िकया जाएगा? (a) 92 (b)93 (c)91 (d)90
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 10-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) 4975927 (b) 4875928 Q137. If SAW is coded as 8264 and
(a) 340 (b) 68 (c) 204 (d) 272
(c) 4974937 (d) 3965927 CUDDLE is coded as 24623231522, then
Q131. In a code language, ROCKET is how will MEDULLA be coded as?
Q125. In a code language, GLUCOSE is यिद SAW का कूट 8264 तथा CUDDLE का कूट
written as TEKROC. How will DRIVER
written as DJTCPUH. How will 24623231522 है , तो MEDULLA को िकस कार
be written as in that
SUCROSE be written as in that language? कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, GLUCOSE को DJTCPUH CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
एक कूट भाषा म, ROCKET को TEKROC िलखा
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म SUCROSE को िकस (a) 1422237151525 (b) 1422236151526
जाता है | इसी भाषा म DRIVER को ा िलखा
कार िलखा जाएगा ? (c) 1422236151625 (d) 1422236161526
जाएगा ?
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 10-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) PSBRPUH (b) PSBSPUH Q138. In a code language, KNIFE is
(c) PSBRPVH (d) PSBTPUH written as MPGHG. How will SWORD
be written in that language?
Q126. If BOOK is coded as 24411 and एक कूट भाषा म, KNIFE को MPGHG िलखा
Q132. If EAST is coded as 180 and जाता है | इसी भाषा म SWORD को िकस कार
EQUATION is coded as 51721203414,
NORTH is coded as 375, then how will िलखा जाएगा ?
then how will FOOTBALL be coded as?
SOUTH be coded as? CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
यिद BOOK का कूट 24411 है तथा EQUATION
यिद EAST का कूट 180 तथा NORTH का कूट (a) UYMTF (b) VYMTF
का कूट 51721203414 है , तो FOOTBALL को
375 है , तो SOUTH का कूट ा होगा ? (c) UYMTE (d) UYQTF
िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
CHSL 10-7-2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 625 (b) 415 (c) 83 (d) 332 Q139. If WIND is coded as 414923 and
(a) 64420212212 (b) 64420221212
(c) 61520211212 (d) 64420211212 CARDS is coded as 1941813, then how
Q133. If CAT is coded as 72 and TROT is will ORIENT be coded as?
coded as 292, then how will STAG be यिद WIND का कूट 414923 तथा CARDS का
Q127. If RUBY is coded as 264 and PAY
coded as? कूट 1941813 है , तो ORIENT को िकस कार
is coded as 126, then how will RUPAY be
यिद CAT का कूट 72 तथा TROT का कूट 292 है , कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
coded as?
तो STAG को िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
यिद RUBY का कूट 264 तथा PAY का कूट 126
CHSL 10-7-2019 (Evening) (a) 2014591815 (b) 2013591815
है , तो RUPAY को िकस कार कूटब िकया
(a) 47 (b) 235 (c) 141 (d) 188 (c) 2014581815 (d) 1518951420
जाएगा ?
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Evening)
(a) 81 (b) 145 (c) 405 (d) 375 Q134. In a code language, HUSK is Q140. In a code language, THRUST is
written as LZYR. How will SERIAL be written as UJUYXZ. How will WOOD be
Q128. In a code language, MYCOLOGY written as in that language? written as in that
एक कूट भाषा म, HUSK को LZYR िलखा जाता language?
is written as PBFRORJV. How will
है | इस भाषा म SERIAL को िकस कार िलखा िकसी कूट भाषा म, THRUST को UJUYXZ
जाएगा ? िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म WOOD को िकस
written as in that language? CHSL 10-7-2019 (Evening) कार िलखा जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, MYCOLOGY को (a) WJXPIU (b) WKYQJU CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
PBFRORJV िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
AMMONIA को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Evening)
(c) XORH (d) XQRH
(a) DPPRQLX (b) DPJRQLX Q135. In a code language, GOURD is
(c) DPQRQLD (d) CPPSQJX written as IQSTF. How will APHID be SSC MTS 2019
written as in that
Q129. In a code language, TRILOGY is language? Q141. In a certain code language,
एक कूट भाषा म, GOURD को IQSTF िलखा
written as OGYLTRI. How will ‘RIGIDS’ is written as ‘TFIFFP’. What
जाता है | APHID को इस भाषा म ा िलखा
FRAGILE be written as in that language? will be the code for
जाएगा ?
एक कूट भाषा म, TRILOGY को OGYLTRI ‘CORNET’ in that code language? /िकसी
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म FRAGILE को िकस िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘RIGIDS’ का कूट ‘TFIFFP’
कार िलखा जाएगा ?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘CORNET’ का कूट ा Q147. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘ROAD’ को ‘40’ और
होगा ? ‘GREAT’ is written as ‘ALYUN’. What ‘HEAR’ को 34 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) will be the code for ‘RAPID’ in that ‘POEM’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
(a) GNVMIS (b) FMULHR language? MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) ELTKRQ (d) ELTKGQ एक िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘GREAT’ को ‘ALYUN’ (a) 50 (b) 49 (c) 47 (d) 51
िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘RAPID’ को
Q142. In a certain code language, ‘ROK’ ा िलखा जाएगा ? Q153. In a certain code language,
is written as ‘44’ and ‘MIG’ is written as MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) ‘MANGO’ is written as ‘93425’ and
‘29’. What will be (a) RVKDY (b) LUJCX ‘GREAT’ is written as ‘28631’. What will
the code for ‘TAL’ in that code language? (c) LVJCX (d) SWLEZ be the code for ‘GREEN’ in that code
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘ROK’ को 44 तथा language?
‘MIG’ को 29 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म Q148. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, MANGO को ‘93425’
‘TAL’ का कूट ा होगा ? ‘STEALH’ is written as ‘UXGENL’. तथा GREAT को ‘28631’ िलखा जाता है | इसी
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) What will be the code for ‘ROBNRT’ in कूट भाषा म ‘GREEN’ का कूट ा होगा?
(a) 33 (b) 34 (c) 41 (d) 43 that code language ? MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘STEALH’ को (a) 28664 (b) 28994
Q143. In a certain code language, ‘PING’ ‘UXGENL’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म (c) 28661 (d) 28665
is written as ‘4’ and ‘METAL’ is written ‘ROBNRT’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
as ‘5’. What will be the code for MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q154. In a certain code language, ‘CAP’
‘STEADYS’ in that code language? (a) TSERTX (b) TSDRTX is written as ‘20’ and ‘ROM’ is written as
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘PING’ को 4 तथा (c) UTESUY (d) UTFSUY ‘46’. What will be the code for ‘RUB’ in
‘METAL’ को 5 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म that code language?
‘STEADYS’ का कूट ा होगा ? Q149. In a certain code language, ‘PAIN’ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, CAP को 20 और
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) is written as ‘161914’ and ‘TYRE’ is ROM को 46 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म
(a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 6 written as ‘2025185’. What will be the RUB को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
code for ‘LONG’ in that code language?
Q144. In a certain code language, (a) 47 (b) 41 (c) 53 (d) 51
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 'PAIN’ को '161914’
‘GROUND’ is written as ‘BMJPIY’. और 'TYRE’ को '2025185’ िलखा जाता है । उस
What will be the code for कोड भाषा म 'LONG' के िलए कोड ा होगा? Q155. In a certain code language,
‘FREAK’ in that code language? /एक MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) ‘RIMPY’ is written as ‘OFJMV’. What
िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘GROUND’ को ‘BMJPIY’ (a) 1215197 (b) 1215417 will be the code for
िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘FREAK’ का (c) 1215147 (d) 1215917 ‘CORPSE’ in that code language?
कूट ा होगा ? एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'RIMPY' को 'OFJMV'
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) Q150. In a certain code language, के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म
(a) BOAYH (b) AMYVF ‘TOPAS’ is written as ‘WRSDV’. What 'CORPSE’ के िलए कोड ा होगा?
(c) BNAWG (d) AMZVF will be the code for ‘FREIGHT’ in that MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
code language?
Q145. In a certain code language, (c) ZLONPB (d) AMPNQC
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'TOPAS' को 'WRSDV'
‘PRINT’ is written as ‘96512’ and िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'FREIGHT' के
‘FROM’ is written as ‘8603’. What will िलए कोड ा होगा? Q156. In a certain code language,
be the code for ‘PROMPT’ in that code MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) ‘COMFORTS’ is written as
language? (a) IVHLJKW (b) IUHLJKW ‘FJPARMWN’. What will be the code for
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘PRINT’ को ‘96512’ (c) KWJNLMY (d) JVIMKLX ‘HINDWARE’ in that code language?
तथा ‘FROM’ को 8603 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, COMFORTS को
भाषा म ‘PROMPT’ का कूट ा होगा ? Q151. In a certain language, ‘ROCKER’ ‘FJPARMWN’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) is written as ‘SNDJFQ’. What will be the ‘HINDWARE’ का कूट ा होगा ?
(a) 960398 (b) 980392 code for ‘PRIEST’ in that code language? MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) 960392 (d) 960395 एक िनि त भाषा म, 'ROCKER' को 'SNDJFQ' के (a) KDRYZVUZ (b)LERZAWVA
प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म (c) KDQYZVUZ (d) MFSABXWB
Q146. In certain code language, ‘TAN’ is 'PRIEST' का कोड ा होगा?
written as ‘33’ and ‘PAM’ is written as MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Q157.In a certain code language,
‘28’. What will be the code for ‘BUG’ in (a) RRKEUT (b) SSLFVU ‘PAPER’ is written as ‘UFUJW’. What
that code language? (c) QQJDTS (d) QQJDTU will be the code for ‘MOURN’ in that
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘TAN’ को 33, ‘PAM’ code language?/िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म,
को 28 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘BUG’ Q152. In a certain code language, ‘PAPER’ को ‘UFUJW’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट
को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘ROAD’ is written as ‘40’ and ‘HEAR’ is भाषा म ‘MOURN’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) written as ‘34’. What will be the code for MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 30 (b) 32 (c) 29 (d) 28 ‘POEM’ in that language? (a) SUAXT (b) RTAWS


Q158. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘POLE’ को 48 तथा
ROGER’ is written as ‘5’ and ROG को 40 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म Q169. In a certain code language,
‘MOULDS; is written as ‘6’. What will ‘TIP’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘SOLVED’ is written as ‘OSVLDE’.
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
be the code for ‘PIN’ in that code What is the code for ‘CREATE’ in that
(a) 35 (b) 45 (c) 48 (d) 44
language? code language?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ROGER को ‘5’, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘SOLVED’ को
‘MOULDS’ को ‘6’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट Q164. In a certain code language, ‘OSVLDE’ िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म
भाषा म ‘PIN’ का कूट ा होगा ? ‘BOTANY’ is written as ‘CQWBPB’. ‘CREATE’ का कूट ा होगा ?
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) What will be the code for ‘INSECT’ in MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
(a) 8 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4 that code language? (a) RCAEET (b) RCAETE
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘BOTANY’ को (c) RCTAEE (d) RCEAET
Q159. In a certain language, ‘ALERT’ is ‘CQWBPB’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म
written as ‘11251820’ and ‘HERD’ is ‘INSECT’ का कूट ा होगा ? Q170. In a certain code language,
written as ‘85184’. What will be the code MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) ‘FRAUD’ is written as ‘6181214’ .
for ‘CLOTH’ in that code language? ‘RING’ is written as’189147’. What is the
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ALERT को (c) JPUFEW (d) KRWGFX
code for ‘GLOBE’ in the code language?
‘11251820’ तथा HERD को ‘85184’ िलखा जाता िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘FRAUD’ को
है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘CLOTH’ को िकस कार Q165. In a certain code language, ‘6181214’, RING को ‘189147’ िलखा जाता है |
िलखा जाएगा ? ‘GARAGE’ is written as ‘JEUEJI’ What इस कूट भाषा म GLOBE को िकस कार िलखा
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) is the code for ‘OFFICE’ in that code जाएगा ?
(a) 38152014 (b) 31215218 language? MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
(c) 31215208 (d) 31512207 िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘GARAGE’ को (a) 7131525 (b) 7125125
‘JEUEJI’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म (c) 7121525 (d) 7525121
Q160. In a certain code language, ‘OFFICE’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
‘EMPTYD’ is written as ‘CJNQWA’. MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) Q171. In a certain code language. ‘LIP’ is
What will be the code for ‘VACANT’ in (a) JLNGJ (b) JKJNGJ written as ‘40’, ‘GILT’ is written as ‘51’.
that code language? (c) RKIMFI (d) RJIMFI What is the code for ‘ ROPE’ in that code
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘EMPTYD’ को language?
‘CJNQWA’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म Q166. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, LIP को 40 और GILT
‘VACANT’ का कूट ा होगा ? ‘POEM’ is written as ‘1351516’ , ‘ROB’ को 51 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म ROPE का
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) is written as ‘21518’. What is the code for कूट ा होगा ? MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
(a) TXAXLQ (b) UYBYMR ‘MAID’ in that code language? (a) 54 (b) 56 (c) 57 (d) 51
(c) UYAMYR (d) TXBXLQ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, POEM को ‘1351516’
तथा ROB को ‘21518’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट Q172. In a certain code language.
Q161. In a certain code language. भाषा म ‘MAID’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? MTS ‘RAPID’ is written as ‘ LUJCX’. What is
‘PLANTS’ is written as ‘QNBPUU’. 06/08/2019 (Morning) the code for ‘STARE’ in that code
What will be the code for ‘KIDNEY’ in (a) 49113 (b) 59146
(c) 13195 (d) 13194
that code language? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘RAPID’ को
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘PLANTS’ को ‘LUJCX’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म
‘QNBPUU’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म Q167. In a certain code language, STARE को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
‘KIDNEY’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘FOSSIL’ is written as MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) ‘KHRRNE’. What is the code for (a) NPULY (b) NOULY
(a) LKFPFA (b) MLEQGE ‘FUNGAL’ in that code language? (c) MMULY (d) MNULY
(c) LKEPFA (d) MLFQGB िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘FOSSIL’ को
‘KHRRNE’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म Q173. In a certain code language, ‘JAN’
Q162. In a certain code language, ‘RIP’ is ‘FUNGAL’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? is written as ‘25’, ‘WED’ is written as
written as ‘42’ and ‘MOL’ is written as MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
‘32’. What is the
‘39’. What will be the code for ‘GAN’ in (a) LAGMUF (b) LAGNUF
code for ‘SEP’ in that code language?
that code language? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, JAN को 25 तथा WED
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, RIP को 42 और MOL को 32 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म SEP को
को 39 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘GAN’ Q168. In a certain code language, ा िलखा जाएगा ?
को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘RIGHT’ is written as ‘98653’, ‘CLERK’ MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) is written as ‘04297’. What is the code for (a) 38 (b) 39 (c) 40 (d) 41
(a) 22 (b) 20 (c) 21 (d) 23 ‘GREET’ in that code language?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘RIGHT’ को ‘98653’ Q174. In a certain code language,
Q163. In a certain code language, ‘POLE’ , ‘CLERK’ को ‘04297’ िलखा जाता है | इसी ‘DRAUGH’ is written as ‘LKYEVH’.
is written as ‘48’ and ‘ROG’ is written as भाषा म ‘GREET’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? What is the code for ‘MAHTOS’ in that
‘40’. What will be the code for ‘TIP’ in MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) code language?
that code language? (a) 69227 (b) 69332
(c) 69223 (d) 69330
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘DRAUGH’ को िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, PANKIL को
‘LKYEVH’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘SDQNLO’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म Q185. In a certain code language,
‘MAHTOS’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘ROHANS’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘FLOWER’ is written as ‘GKPVFQ’.
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) What is the code for ‘PRODUC’ in that
code language?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘FLOWER’ को
‘GKPVFQ’ िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म
Q175. In a certain code language, Q180. In a certain code language, ‘GUD’ ‘PRODUC’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
‘MOTHER’ is written as ‘TOMREH’. is written as ‘31’, ‘PUH’ is written as MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
What is the code for ‘STORME’ in that ‘44’. What is the code for ‘FAR’ in that (a) RRWDQC (b) RRQDWC
code language? code language? (c) QQRCVB (d) QQPCVB
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘MOTHER’ को /िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘GUD’ को 31,
‘TOMREH’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘PUH’ को 44 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म Q186. In a certain code language,
‘STORME’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘FAR’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘DRAPE’ is written as ‘4181165’,
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) ‘CEMANT’ is written as ‘351311420’.
(a) OUSEMR (b) EMROTS (a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 24 (d) 26 What is the code for ‘PRINTR’ in that
code language?
Q181. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘DRAPE’ को
Q176. In a certain code language, ‘RAFTS’ is written as ‘96432’, ‘4181165’ तथा CEMANT को ‘351311420’
‘ROCKS’ is written as ‘82649’, ‘WEBAR’ is written as ‘75169’. What is िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म ‘PRINTR’ का
‘MENTR’ is written as ‘01578’. What is the code for ‘FRAWT’ in that code कूट ा होगा ?
the code for ‘TROMN’ in that code language? MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
language? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘RAFTS’ को ‘96432’ (a) 16184192018 (b) 16418920188
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘ROCKS’ को और ‘WEBAR’ को ‘75169’ िलखा जाता है | इस (c) 16189142018 (d) 16819412018
‘82649’ , ‘MENTR’ को ‘01578’ िलखा जाता है | कूट भाषा म ‘FRAWT’ को ा िलखा जायेगा ?
इस कूट भाषा म ‘TROMN’ का कूट ा होगा? MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q187. In a certain code language,
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) (a) 49673 (b) 49672 ‘DIRTYS’ is written as ‘FMTXAW’.
(a) 78205 (b) 78203 (c) 49675 (d) 49671 What is the code for ‘MONDAX’ in that
(c) 76205 (d) 70581 code language?
Q182. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘DIRTYS’ को
Q177. In a certain code language, ‘HORSED’ is written as ‘ABPOLE’. ‘FMTXAW’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म
‘STORED’ is written as ‘URQPGB’. What is the code for ‘PRISON’ in that ‘MONDAX’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
What is the code for ‘POINTA’ in that code language? MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
code language? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘HORSED’ को (a) PTRIDD (b) ORPHCB
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘STORED’ को ‘ABPOLE’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म (c) PTQIDD (d) OSPHCB
‘URQPGB’ िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म ‘PRISON’ का कूट ा होगा ?
‘POINTA’ का कूट ा होगा ? MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q188. In a certain code language,
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (a) LMQGPN (b) LNQGPN ‘TYRE’ is written as ‘70’, ‘MON’ is
(a) SNMLWZ (b) SNLMWZ (c) KMPFOM (d) KLPFOM written as ‘44’. What is the code for
(c) RMLKVY (d) RMKLVY ‘FROM’ in that code language?
Q183. In a certain code language, िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, TYRE को 70 और
Q178. In a certain code language, ‘CHIRPS’ is written as ‘AJGTNU’. What MON को 44 िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म
‘TABLE’ is written as ‘2012125’, is the code for ‘RAINED’ in that code ‘FROM’ का कूट ा होगा ?
‘ROBIN’ is written as ‘18152914’. What language? MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
is the code for ‘NATOM’ in that code िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘CHIRPS’ को (a) 50 (b) 52 (c) 55 (d) 54
language? ‘AJGTNU’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, TABLE को ‘RAINED’ का कूट ा होगा ? Q189. In a certain code language,
‘2012125’, ROBIN को ‘18152914’ िलखा जाता MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) ‘PRISON’ is written as ‘659210’,
है | इस कूट भाषा म NATOM को ा िलखा (a) QEHQEG (b) PDGPDF ‘SCAMP’ is written as ‘23476’.
जाएगा ? (c) PCGPCF (d) QDHQDG What is the code for ‘CROPS’ in that
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) code language?
(a) 142101153 (b) 142011513 Q184. In a certain code language, ‘SOL,’ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, PRISON को ‘659210’
(c) 141201315 (d) 141201513 is written as ‘45’, ‘KIN’ is written as ‘33’. तथा ‘SCAMP’ को ‘23476’ िलखा जाता है | इसी
What is the code for ‘OWL’ in that code कूट भाषा म ‘CROPS’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
Q179. In a certain code language, language? MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
‘PANKIL’ is written as ‘SDQNLO’. What एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘SOL’ को 45, KIN को (a) 35762 (b) 35462
is the code for ‘ROHANS’ in that code 33 िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म OWL को ा (c) 35160 (d) 35162
language? िलखा जाएगा ?
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 49 (b) 50 (c) 48 (d) 51

Q190. In a certain code language, MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) is written as ‘6’. What is the code for
‘STABLE’ is written as ‘TVDFQK’. (a) BJGYM (b) BJGYN ‘WEDNESDAY’ in that code language?
What is the code for ‘COWARD’ in that (c) BKGYM (d) BKGYN एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'PHONE' को '5',
code language? 'MONDAY' को '6' िलखा जाता है । उस कोड
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘STABLE’ को Q196. In a certain code language, भाषा म 'WEDNESDAY' का ा कोड है ?
‘TVDFQK’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म ‘BLADE’ is written as ‘LBAED’. What is MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
‘COWARD’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? the code for ‘TABLE’ in that code (a) 7 (b) 11 (c) 9 (d) 8
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) language?
(a) DQZEWJ (b) DRZEWJ एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'BLADE' को 'LBAED' Q202. In a certain code language,
(c) ERAFXU (d) ERBFXV िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'TABLE' के ‘MOUSE’ is written as ‘FTVPN’. What is
िलए ा कोड है ? the code for ‘ROPED’ in that code
Q191 In a certain code language, MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) language?
‘RODENT’ is written as ‘PJAZKN’. (a) ATLBE (b) ATBEL एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'MOUSE' को 'FTVPN'
What is the code for ‘CURTAN’ in that (c) ATLEB (d) ATBLE िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'ROPED' के
code language? िलए ा कोड है ?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, RODENT को Q197. In a certain code language, MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
‘PJAZKN’ िलखा जाता है | इस कूट भाषा म ‘WINDOW’ is written as ‘TLAKFT’. (a) FESQT (b) EFQPS
CURTAN का कूट ा होगा ? What is the code for ‘BLADES’ in that (c) EEQPS (d) FGRQT
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) code language?
(a) KXPNQY (b) JVPNQY एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'WINDOW' को Q203. In a certain code language,
(c) KWPNQY (d) JWPNQY 'TLAKFT' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड ‘HORSE’ is written as ‘98543’, ‘WASTE’
भाषा म 'BLADES' के िलए ा कोड है ? is written as ‘16423’. What is the code for
Q192. In a certain code language, ‘COW’ MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) ‘ROAST’ in that code language?
is written as ‘41’, ‘PIG’ is written as ‘32’. (a) QCBYJZ (b) PBBXIY एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'HORSE' को '98543',
What is the code for ‘CUP’ in that code (c) PBAXIY (d) QBBYJZ 'WASTE' को '16423' िलखा जाता है । उस कोड
language? भाषा म ’ROAST’ का कोड ा है ?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘COW’ को ‘41’ िलखा Q198. In a certain code language,
जाता है | ‘PIG’ को 32 िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा ‘ROAM’ is written as ‘44’, ‘HIMP’ is (a)58692 (b)51642
म ‘CUP’ का कूट ा होगा ? written as ‘43’. What is the code for (c)58642 (d)53642
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) ‘BONE’ in that code language?
(a) 44 (b) 38 (c) 40 (d) 30 एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, ROAM को 44, HIMP Q204. In a certain code language,
को 43 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म ’BONE’ ‘BRICKS’ is written as ‘GXNIPY’. What
Q193. In a certain code language, ‘RAM’ के िलए ा कोड है ? is the code for ‘TRAVEL’ in that code
is written as ‘31’, ‘FAN’ is written as MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) language?/एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'BRICKS'
‘20’. What is the code for ‘COR’ in that (a) 33 (b)34 (c) 39 (d) 36 को 'GXNIPY' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस
code language? कोड भाषा म ’TRAVEL’ का कोड ा है ?
एक िनि त भाषा म 'RAM' को '31' . 'FAN' को Q199. In a certain code language, MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
'20' िलखा जाता है । ‘COR’ को इस भाषा म कैसे ‘PENCIL’ is written as ‘RIPGKP’. What (a) ZYGCKS (b) YXFBJR
िलखा जायेगा ? is the code for ‘FABRIC’ in that code (c) YYFBJR (d) ZZGCKS
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) language?
(a) 34 (b) 37 (c) 35 (d) 36 एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'PENCIL' को Q205. In a certain code language, ‘FORT’
'RIPGKP' िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म is written as ‘56’, ‘MAN’ is written as
Q194. In a certain code language, 'FABRIC' के िलए ा कोड है ? ‘25’. What is the code for ‘CALF’ in that
‘SHOES’ is written as ‘19815519’, MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) code language?
‘SEED’ is written as ‘19554’. What is the (a)HFDVKG (b)HEDVKG एक िनि त कोड भाषा म FORT को 56, MAN को
code for ‘CHAIR’ in that code language? (c)IEFWLH (d)IFEWLH 25 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'CALF' के
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'SHOES' को िलए कोड ा है ?
'19815519', 'SEED' को '19554' िलखा जाता है । Q200. In a certain code language, ‘PAL’ MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
उस कोड भाषा म 'CHAIR' के िलए ा कोड है ? is written as ‘29’, ‘CAR’ is written as (a) . 21 (b) 22 (c) 25 (d) 19
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) ‘22’. What is the code for ‘ZON’ in that
(a) 389111 (b) 371918 code language? Q206. In a certain code language,
(c) 381918 (d) 381917 एक िनि त कूट भाषा म PAL को 29, CAR को 22 ‘ALGAES’ is written as ‘XJFLQF’. What
िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म ZON के िलए is the code for ‘ROBUST’ in that code
Q195. In a certain code language, ा कोड है ? language?
‘BRICK’ is written as ‘WMDXF’. What MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'ALGAES' को
is the code for ‘GOLDS’ in that code (a) 43 (b) 45 (c) 55 (d) 51 'XJFLQF' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड
language? भाषा म 'ROBUST' के िलए कोड ा है ?
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'BRICK' को Q201. In a certain code language, MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
'WMDXF' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड ‘PHONE’ is written as ‘5’, ‘MONDAY’ (a) YXZGTW (b) ZYAHUX
भाषा म 'GOLDS' का कोड ा है ? (c) ZYBUHX (d) YYZGTW
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

What is the code for ‘NUMBER’ in that

Q207. In a certain code language, code language? Q218. In a code language, if ‘CLASS’ is
‘TABLE’ is written as ‘ATBEL’. What is एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'MODERN' को written as '24152688, then how will
the code for ‘CHAIR’ in that code 'JLABOK' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड ‘MORPH’ be written in that language?
language? भाषा म NUMBER का कोड ा है ? एक कोड भाषा म, अगर CLASS को 24152688
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'TABLE' को 'ATBEL' MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) िलखा जाता है , तो MORPH को उस भाषा म कैसे
िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'CHAIR' के (a) LSKZCP (b) LTKZCP िलखा जाएगा?
िलए कोड ा है ? (c) KRJYBO (d) LRKUBO MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 151291119 (b) 141291119
(a) CHARI (b) HCAIR Q213. In a certain code language, if the (c) 131291018 (d) 141181118
(c) HCARI (d)RIAHC word ‘CLASSIFY’ is coded as
‘XOZHHRUB’, then how is the Word Q219. In a code language, 'people are
Q208. In a certain code language, ‘MODIFY’ coded in that language? confident' is written as 'lur bur duk', 'we
‘FISHES’ is written as ‘69198519’, एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 'CLASSIFY' को are helpful' is written as 'kur duk sur', 'we
‘BODY’ is written as ‘215425’. What is 'XOZHHRUB' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस have cars' is written as 'sur mur jur' and
the code for ‘LEAD’ in that code कोड भाषा म 'MODIFY' के िलए कोड ा है ? 'people have honesty' is written as 'lur jur
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
language? nur'. What is the code for 'confident'?
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, FISHES को 69198519,
(a) RUBNLW (b) NLRUBW एक कोड भाषा म, 'people are confident' को 'lur
BODY को 215425 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड (c) NLWRUB (d) RUBNWL bur duk' के प म िलखा गया है ,' 'we are helpful'
भाषा म 'LEAD' के िलए कोड ा है ? ’को 'kur duk sur' के प म िलखा गया है , 'we
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q214. If in a certain code language have cars' को 'sur mur jur' और 'people have
(a) 121514 (b) 12514 ‘RUN’ is written as ‘202316’ and ‘PEN’ honesty' को 'lur jur nur' के प म िलखा गया है ।
(c) 215412 (d) 12511 is written as ‘18716’, then how will 'confident' के िलए कोड ा है ?
‘RANSOM’ be coded in that language? MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, RUN को 202316, PEN (a) bur (b) duk (c) jur (d) lur
Q209. In a certain code language, ‘PRO’
is written as ‘48’, ‘BAL’ is written as को 18716 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म
RANSOM का कोड ा है ? Q220. In a code language, 'LANTERN' is
‘14’. What is the code for ‘COH’ in that
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) written as ‘AELNNRT’. How will
code language?
(a) 20316211715 (b) 20114131915 ‘POSITIVE’ be written as in that
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, PRO को 48, BAL को
(c) 18114191315 (d) 1841491315 language?
14 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म COH का
कोड ा है ? एक कोड भाषा म, 'LANTERN' को 'AELNNRT'
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) Q215. If ‘LEMON’ is coded as िलखा जाता है । उस भाषा म 'POSITIVE' कैसे
(a) 26 (b) 25 (c) 24 (d) 27 ‘NCOMP’, then ‘MANGO’ is coded as िलखा जाएगा?
_______. MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, LEMON को NCOMP (a) IIEPOSTV (b) EIIOPTVS
Q210. In a code language, ‘REASON’ is
के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म (c) ISOPEVIT (d) EIIOPSTV
written as ‘SDBRPM’. What is the code
for ‘NGLISH’ in that code language? MANGO के िलए कोड ा है ?
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'REASON' को
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Q221. In a code language, if 'VISUAL' is
'SDBRPM' के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड (a) OYPEQ (b) OZRDS written as '22181942212', then how will
भाषा म 'NGLISH' के िलए कोड ा है (c) ZDRHP (d) RZPES 'DETOX' be written in that language?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) एक कोड भाषा म, यिद VISUAL को
(a) OFMHTG (b) PGMIUH Q216. If in a certain code language 22181942212, िलखा जाता है , तो DETOX' को
(c) PGNIUH (d) OEMHTG ‘HACB’ is written as ‘8132’, then how उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
will ‘DEFA’ be written in that language? MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, HACB को 8132 िलखा (a) 310301524 (b) 410203024
Q211. In a certain code language,
जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'DEFA' के िलए कोड (c) 405302022 (d) 420204024
‘VERBAL’ is written as ‘225182112’.
ा है ?
‘CURANT’ is written as ‘3211811420’.
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Q222. In a code language, if ‘CAMPER’
What is the code for ‘SOLVER’ in that
(a) 5641 (b) 4156 is written as '314567', and 'SORE' is
code language?
(c) 4561 (d) 4651 written as '8976', then how will ‘CEASE’
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, VERBAL को
225182112, CURANT को 3211811420 िलखा be written in that language?
जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म SOLVER के िलए Q217. In a code language, if 'REPAIR' is एक कोड भाषा म, यिद ‘CAMPER’ को 314567
कोड ा है ? written as 18101621818', then how will और SORE को 8976 िलखा जाता है , तो’ CEASE
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) 'GALAXY' be written in that language? को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
(a) 19152412518 (b) 19151222518 एक कोड भाषा म, यिद 'REPAIR' को MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) 19151122518 (d) 19151123518 18101621818 िलखा गया है , तो उस भाषा म (a) 36286 (b) 36186
'GALAXY' कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (c) 34186 (d) 86315
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q212. In a certain code language,
(a) 721212425 (b) 721222425
‘MODERN’ is written as ‘JLABOK’.
(c) 711212425 (d) 611212324

Q223. In a code language, 'FRESH' is (c) 451823 (d) 481623 एक कोड भाषा म, 'SAMPLE' को 'MASELP' के
written as ‘UIVHS’. How will ‘DOUGH’ प म िलखा जाता है , उस भाषा म 'COTTON' को
be written as in that language? Q229. In a code language, if 'SOLID' is कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
एक कोड भाषा म, 'FRESH' को 'UIVHS' िलखा MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
written as '8415323', then how will
जाता है । उस भाषा म DOUGH ’कैसे िलखा (a) TOCTON (b) TOCNOT
'LUCID' be written in that language?
जाएगा? (c) OCTTNO (d) COTNOT
एक कूट भाषा म, यिद 'SOLID' को '8415323'
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म 'LUCID' कैसे
(a) VKFHS (b) UKERT िलखा जाएगा? Q235. In a code language, if ‘HE’ = 40
(c) WKGSS (d) WLFTS MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) and 'GO' = 105, then what will be the
(a) 14524323 (b) 15524323 code for ‘BAND’ in that language? /एक
Q224. In a language, 'TEMPER' is (c) 15424322 (d) 15423322 कोड भाषा म, यिद ’HE '= 40 और' GO '= 105 है ,
written as 'VGORGT', how would तो उस भाषा म' BAND 'के िलए कोड ा होगा?
'FRIEND' be written in that language? Q230. In a code language, 'are you MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
िकसी भाषा म, ‘TEMPER’ को ‘VGORGT’ coming' is written as 'gla pla sot', 'they are (a) 52 (b) 112 (c) 21 (d) 102
िलखा जाता है , इसी भाषा म ‘FRIEND’ को ा right' is written as 'kla sot pom', 'are they
िलखा जाएगा ? coming' is written as 'sot pla pom'. What Q236. In a code language, 'this is done' is
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) is the code for 'right'?/एक कोड भाषा म, 'are written as 'koj mor soj', 'that is okay' is
(a) HTKGPF (b) KTHFPG you coming' को pl gla pla sot’ के प म िलखा written as 'loj roj mor', and 'you are okay'
(c) JSHFPG (d) KTHGOG जाता है , 'they are right को kla sot pom’ के प is written as 'hok nok loj', then what is the
म िलखा जाता है , 'are they coming' को sot pla code for 'that' in that language?
Q225.In a code language, if ‘PARTY’ is pom’ के प म िलखा जाता है । 'right' के िलए एक कोड भाषा म, 'this is done' को 'koj mor soj'
written as ‘161182025’. Then how well कोड ा है ? के प म िलखा जाता है , 'that is okay' को 'loj roj
‘CAMERA’ is written in that language? MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) mor' के प म िलखा जाता है , और 'you are okay'
एक कोड भाषा म, 'PARTY' को '161182025' (a) pom (b) sot (c) kla (d) gla को 'hok nok loj' के प म िलखा जाता है , उस
िलखा जाता है , उस भाषा म 'CAMERA' कैसे भाषा म 'that' के िलए कोड है ?
िलखा जाएगा? Q231. In a code language, if ‘BADGE’ is MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) written as '4281410', then how will (a) mor (b) loj (c) koj (d) roj
(a) 32116181 (b) 24116126 ‘NORMS’ be written in that language?
(c) 31135181 (d) 31451926 एक कोड भाषा म, यिद BADGE को '4281410’ Q237. If J = 10 and JAM = 130, then JAR
िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म NORMS ’कैसे =?
Q226. In a code language, ‘EARNING’ is िलखा जाएगा? यिद J = 10 और JAM = 130, तो JAR =?
written as ‘SBFOHOJ’, how would MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
‘AUDIBLE’ be written in that language? (a) 2832362436 (b) 2430362630 (a) 170 (b) 140 (c) 150 (d) 180
एक कोड भाषा म, 'EARNING' को 'SBFOHOJ' (c) 1415181320 (d) 2830362638
िलखा जाता है , उस भाषा म 'AUDIBLE' कैसे Q238. If A = 1, B = 3, C = 5 and similarly
िलखा जाएगा? Q232. In a code language, 'MAGICAL' is Z = 51, then find the code for PULSE?
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) written as ‘GAMILAC’. How will यिद A = 1, B = 3, C = 5 और इसी तरह Z = 51
(a) FVBJFNC (b) DVBJFMC ‘LECTURE’ be written as in that है , तो PULSE के िलए कोड ात कर?
(c) EUBKFMC (d) EVBJFMC MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
एक कोड भाषा म, 'MAGICAL' को 'GAMILAC' (a) 314123379 (b) 323412379
Q227. In a code language, ‘DEVELOP’ is िलखा जाता है । 'LECTURE’ को उस भाषा म कैसे (c) 342231279 (d) 314213279
written as ‘POLEVED’, then how would िलखा जाएगा?
‘SCRIBBLE’ be written in that language? MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q239. In a certain code, 'GRAPH' is
एक कोड भाषा म, DEVELOP को 'POLEVED' (a) CELTURE (b) CELTERU written as 'JUZSK'. How is 'CARE'
के प म िलखा जाता है , उस भाषा म (c) ELTCERU (d) CLETERU written in that code?
'SCRIBBLE' को कैसे िलखा जाएगा? एक कोड भाषा म, 'GRAPH' को 'JUZSK'िलखा
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) Q233. In a code language, if 'LODGE' is जाता है । 'CARE' को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा
(a) ELBBISCR (b) ELBBIRCS written as '122254725', then how will जाएगा?
(c) CSIRBBEL (d) RCSIBELB 'CARING' be written in that language? MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) FZTO (b) FZUU
एक कोड भाषा म, यिद 'LODGE' को ''
Q228. In a code language, if CITRUS’ is 122254725 '' िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म (c) FZZD (d) FZUD
written as ‘982154’, ‘YOU’ is written as 'CARING' कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
‘365’ then how will ‘SURITY’ be written MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) Q240. In a certain code, 'MIGHTY' is
in that language? (a) 411809146 (b) 321881147 written as 'BJFISN'. How is 'BUILDER'
एक कूट भाषा म, यिद ‘CITRUS’ को ‘982154’ (c) 311809137 (d) 311881147 written in that code?
िलखा जाता है , तो ‘YOU’ को ‘365’ िलखा जाता एक कोड भाषा म, 'MIGHTY' को 'BJFISN'िलखा
है , िफर उस भाषा म ‘SURITY’ कैसे िलखी Q234. In a code langauge, 'SAMPLE' is जाता है । 'BUILDER' को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा
जाएगी? written as 'MASELP', how would जाएगा?
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) 'COTTON' be written in that language? MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 651832 (b) 451923 (a) IHVMGFY (b) IVHMCFY
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) YUIMCFI (d) YFCMHVI VER ROVER ’को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा (c) 3487 (d) 7348
Q241. If in a certain way, 3 + 4 =25 and MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) Q253. If B=2 and BUT=43 then BOSS=?
7+24=625, then find 9+40=? (a) 35283 (b) 35832 यिद B = 2 और BUT = 43 है तो BOSS =?
यिद एक कोिडं ग म, 3 + 4 = 25 और 7 + 24 = (c) 32538 (d) 38253 MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
625, तो 9 + 40 = ? (a) 56 (b) 59 (c) 55 (d) 57
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q247. If ‘TAMIL’ is written as ‘WZPHO’
(a) 1681 (b) 1649 in certain code then how ‘ MATHS’ Q254. If 4 + 5 = 41 and 10 +12 = 244,
(c) 2048 (d) 1709 would be written in the same code? then 6 + 8 =?
एक कोड भाषा म, 'TAMIL' को 'WZPHO'िलखा यिद 4+5 = 41 और 10+12 = 244, तो 6+8 =?
Q242. In a certain code, ‘TABLE’ is जाता है । 'MATHS' को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
written as ‘IPFEX’. How will ‘SCRAP’ जाएगा (a) 200 (b) 88 (c) 96 (d) 100
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
be written as in the same code?
एक कोड भाषा म, 'TABLE' को 'IPFEX'िलखा
(a) LBSHV (b) PZWGV Q255. In a certain code language.
जाता है । 'SCRAP' को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा (c) PXHWV (d) ZWGVP ‘BREAK’ is written as ‘23615455’ How
जाएगा? is ‘XEROX’ written in that code
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q248. IF ‘LANE is coded as ‘KZOF’, language?
(a) TDSBQ (b) TEVGW then ‘MASK’ is coded as ____. एक कोड भाषा म, ‘BREAK’ को
(c) VAUDM (d) RBQZO एक कोड भाषा म, 'LANE' को 'KZOF'िलखा ‘23615455’िलखा जाता है । ‘XEROX’ को उस
जाता है । 'MASK' को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
Q243. In a certain language if ‘APPLES’ जाएगा? MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (a) 24154610 (b) 2410546024
is coded as ‘122456’ and ‘CANCEL’ is
(a) NZTM (b) LZSK (c) 24105460120 (d) 2410546012
coded as ‘918954’, then state which the
(c) LZTL (d) NBTL
correct code for below word is.
‘CLEANESS’ Q256. If HE = 41, COMA=76 then
एक कूट भाषा म, यिद PL APPLES ’को Q249.If HA= 8 and CAT=60 then HEN=? HERE will be equal to:
'123456’, और if CANCEL ’को is 918954’ यिद HA = 8 और CAT = 60 है , तो HEN =? यिद HE = 41, COMA = 76 है तो HERE के
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
िलखा जाता है , तो if CLEANESS ’को lthat भाषा बराबर होगा:
म कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a) 542 (b) 560 (c) 524 (d) 564 MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 72 (b) 56 (c) 58 (d) 62
(a) 45399824 (b) 94518566 Q250. If in a certain code language,
(c) 98263332 (d) 89214634 'RAW' is written as 'TIN', 'NET' is written 7. In a code language, ‘CERTAIN’ is
as 'SHG', how is 'WATER' written in that written as ‘XVIGZRM’. How will
Q244. In a certain code, ‘PHYSICS’ is code? ‘ACQUIRE’ be written as in that
written as ‘CHIPSSY’. How is यिद एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 'RAW' को 'TIN' के language?
‘HISTORY’ written in that code? प म िलखा जाता है , तो 'NET' को 'SHG' के प एक कोड भाषा म, ‘CERTAIN’ को
एक कोड भाषा म, 'PHYSICS' को म िलखा जाता है , उस कोड म 'WATER' को कैसे ‘XVIGZRM’ िलखा जाता है । ‘ACQUIRE’ को
'CHIPSSY'िलखा जाता है । 'HISTORY' को उस िलखा जाता है ? उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा? MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) GHTIN (b) TINGH (a) ZXJFIRV (b) ZXJFRIV
Q251. If in a certain language, Q258. In a certain ‘FAIL’ is written as
Q245. In a certain language if ‘FLY’ is 'EXECUTIVE' is coded as 'EVITUCEXE' ‘IFLA’ and ‘SOUL’ is written as ‘USLO’.
coded as ‘285’ and ‘ACCESS’ is coded as then how is How is ‘DUST’ written in that code?
‘399711’, then state the correct code for 'MAUSOLEUM' coded in that language? एक कोड भाषा म, ‘SOUL’ को ‘USLO’िलखा
below word:‘CYCLE’ /एक कोड भाषा म, 'EXECUTIVE' को जाता है । ‘DUST’ को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर FLY ’को, 285’, और 'EVITUCEXE' िलखा जाता है । 'MAUSOLEUM' जाएगा?
'ACCESS ’को, 399711’ िलखा जाता है , तो को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा? MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
CYCLE ’को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा ? MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) (a) STUD (b) STDU
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) AUUCOSLMM (b) MUELOSUAM (c) SDTU (d) SDUT
(a) 95987 (b) 95978 (c) MUELOSUMA (d) ALUEOSUMM
(c) 95897 (d) 98597 Q259. In a certain code language, ‘6532’
Q252. If in a certain code language is written as ‘3467’. What will be the
Q246. If ‘FEVER’ is coded as ‘98283’ ‘BHAI’ is written as ‘2819’, then how code for ‘7915’ in that code language?
and ‘REVOLVE’ is coded as ‘3825128’, will ‘CDGH’ be written in that language? एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, ’6532’ को ‘3467’ िलखा
then what is ‘ROVER’ coded as? एक कोड भाषा म, ‘BHAI’ को ‘2819’िलखा जाता जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म ‘7915’ का कोड ा
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर VER FEVER ’को है । ‘CDGH’ को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा? होगा?
'98283’ िलखा जाता है , और language MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
REVOLVE ’को as 3825128’ िलखा जाता है , तो (a) 3478 (b) 8437 (a) 2084 (b) 3939

(c) 1463 (d) 2658 Q265. If B=2 and P=16 and Bat=23, then यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म LANDMARK को
CRICKET? 1311811121144 िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म
Q260. In a certain code language, यिद B = 2 , P = 16 और BAT = 23 तो NOTEBOOK कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
CRICKET=? MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
‘CLAY’ is written as ‘FODB’. What will
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (a) 21510111415205
be the code for ‘FROG’ in that code
(a) 69 (b) 65 (c) 63 (d) 60 (b) 21515111415205
एक कोड भाषा म, ‘CLAY’ को ‘FODB’िलखा (c) 21515101415205
जाता है । ‘FROG’ को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा Q266. In a certain code language, ‘GUN’ (d) 14152052151511
जाएगा? is written as ‘JXQ’. What will be the code
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) for ‘RIFLE’ in that code language?/यिद Q272 If PLAIN is coded as NJYGL, then
(a) IMSK (b) JMOI एक िनि त कोड भाषा म GUN को JXQ िलखा MUG is coded as ____.
(c) KMRI (d) IURJ जाता है , तो RIFLE को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म PLAIN को
जाएगा? NJYGL के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म
Q261. If DECEMBER is coded as MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) MUG कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
5354185213 and CONFIDENCE is coded (a) WLJQH (b) UKIOE MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) WMIPH (d) ULIOH (a) LTF (b) JPE (c) JPF (d) KSE
as 9614153531454 then how will
STAMPEDE be coded as?
यिद एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 'DECEMBER' को Q267. In a certain code language ‘STAY’ Q 273. If in a certain code language,
'5354185213', 'CONFIDENCE' को is written as ‘19403100’. How is ‘HOUR’ BHOPAL is written as DKTWLY, how is
'9614153531454' िलखा जाता है , तो written in that code language? MHOW written in that code?
'STAMPEDE' को उस कोड म कैसे िलखा जाता यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म STAY को यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म BHOPAL को
है ? 19403100 िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म HOUR DKTWLY के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) कैसे िलखा जाएगा? म MHOW ’कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
(a) 132101954516 (b) 131201954510 MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) 131201954516 (d) 131201594510 (a) 8306372 (b) 8456478 (a) TDKO (b) OKDT
(c) 456372 (d) 8306072 (c) OKTD (d) DTOK
Q262. In a certain code language,
‘SLAM’ is written as ‘OHWI’. What will Q268 If A=1 and ANT=105 then ASK=? Q274. If RACK=9; TOP = 5; then
be the code for ‘NEST’ in that code यिद A = 1 और ANT = 105 तो ASK =? MAPLE = ?
language ? MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) यिद RACK = 9; TOP = 5; िफर MAPLE =?
एक कोड भाषा म, ‘SLAM’ को ‘OHWI’िलखा (a) 99 (b) 93 (c) 96 (d) 91 MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
जाता है । ‘NEST’ को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 28 (d) 7
जाएगा? Q269. In a certain language if
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) ‘HAMMER’ is codded as ‘8#66$’ and Q275. In a certain code language,
(a) RHID (b) JAOP ‘DISTRICT’ is codded as ‘7&51*&21’, ‘HISTORY’ is written as ‘IJTUPSZ’.
(c) IAOP (d) IBMQ then state which the correct code for What will be the code language of
below word is ‘MERCI’. ‘ENGLISH’ ?
Q263. In a code language, DOCTOR is यिद एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 'HAMMER' को '8 यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म HISTORY को
written as ALZQLO. How will NURSE # 66 $ *' िलखा जाता है , 'DISTRICT' को '7 & 51 IJTUPSZ िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म
be written in that language? * & 21' िलखा जाता है , उस कोड म 'MERCI' कैसे ‘ENGLISH’ कैसे िलखी जाएगी?
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म DOCTOR को िलखा जाएगा है ? MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
ALZQLO के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) DNHMHTI (b) FOGMJSI
म NURSE ’कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a) 6#21 (b) 6#*24 (c) FOHMJTI (d) DMFKHRG
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (c) 6$*2& (d) 6$*24
(a) KROPB\ (b) KSPQC Q276. In a certain code language, ‘Tiger’
(c) LQNOA (d) LROPC Q270 If in a certain if ‘ADETP’ is is written as ‘18-7-5-3-16’. What will be
codded as ‘DGHWS’, and ‘GVMN’ is the code for ‘LEOPARD’ in that code
Q264. In a certain language, ‘JACKET’ is written in that code? language?
written as ‘8-25-1-9-3-18’. What will be यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'ADETP' को यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म TIGER को
the code for ‘SWEATER’ in that code 'DGHWS', 'GVMN' को 'JYPQ' के प म िलखा 18-7-5-3-16 िलखा जाता है , तो LEOPARD को
language? जाता है , तो 'DTPQUV' को उस कोड म कैसे उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म JACKET को िलखा जाएगा ? MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
8-25-1-9-3-18 के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 8-3-10-12-25-16-2
भाषा म 'SWEATER' कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a) GQSTYX (b) GQRTXY (b)10-3-13-14-25-16-2
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (c) GWSTXY (d) GSQTYX (c) 8-3-13-14-25-16-2
(a) 17-21-3-25-18-3-16 (d) 10-2-12-14-25-15-2
(b) 19-22-4-26-17-4-17 Q271 In a certain language,
(c) 19-23-5-27-20-5-17 ‘LANDMARK’ is written as Q277. In a certain code language, ‘CITY’
(d) 17-20-2-24-18-3-16 ‘131181112144’. How is ‘NOTEBOOK’ is written as ‘BHSX’. What will be the
written in that code language?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

code for ‘CAPITAL’ in that code Q283. In a code language, ‘GYM’ is MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
language? written as ‘FXL’. What will be the code (a) TGMJCR (b) SGMJCQ
यिद िकसी िनि त भाषा म CITY को BSHX िलखा for ‘TRAINER’ in the same code (c) TGMJCQ (d) TGWCQ
जाता है , तो उस भाषा म 'CAPITAL' कैसे िलखा language?
जाएगा? यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म GYM को FXL Q289. In a certain code language.
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म ’TRAINER’ कैसे 'BREAK' is written as '23615455' How is
(a) BZOHSZK (b) BXMHSYK िलखा जाएगा? 'XEROX' written in that code language?
(c) EAPHTZM (d) EZOJUAL MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) एक िनि त कोड भाषा म 'BREAK' को
(a)POZHLCQ (b)SQZHMDQ '23615455' के प म िलखा गया है ,उस कोड
Q278. In a certain code language, ‘98563’ (c)POYFMDQ (d)SQAJMES भाषा म XEROX कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
is written as ‘32896’. What will be the MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
code for ‘72104’ in that code language? Q284. In a code language, ‘DINNER’ is (a) 2410546024 (b) 2410546012
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म 98563 को 32896 written as ‘5-10-15-15-6-19’. ‘SNACKS’ (c) 24105460120 (d) 24154610
िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म 72104 ’कैसे िलखा in same code language will be?
जाएगा? यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म DINNER को Q290. In a certain code language, ‘STAY’
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) 5-10-15-15-6-19 िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म is written as ‘WXEC’. What will be the
(a) 24650 (b) 21362 SNACKS कैसे िलखा जाएगा? code for ‘PERK in that code language?
(c) 15495 (d) 15437 MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'STAY' को 'WXEC'
(a)20-15-2-4-12-20 (b)20-16-2-5-12-20 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म PERK के िलए
Q279. In a certain code language, (c)19-14-2-4-11-19 (d)19-5-1-3-12-19 कोड ा होगा?
‘FLAG’ is written as ‘KQFL’. What will MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
be the code for ‘TRUCK’ in that code Q285. In a certain coding system, (a) TIVO (b) SJWO
language? 'HYBRID' is written as 'IAEUOE'. What (c) SJWP (d) TJVO
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म FLAG को KQFL is the code for 'PENCIL'?
के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म TRUCK एक िनि त कोिडं ग णाली म 'HYBRID' को Q291. In a certain code language,
कैसे िलखा जाएगा? 'IAEUOE' िलखा जाता है । 'PENCIL' के िलए ‘HANKER’ is written as ‘KXQHHO’.
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) कोड ा है ? What will be the code for ‘JINGLE’ in
(a) YWAHR (b) VWXLR MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) that code language?
(c) XWAJR (d) YWZHP (a) QGQGNM (b) UIOEEO एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'HANKER' को
(c) UIOEOO (d) QGQGNR 'KXQHHO' िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म
Q280. In a certain code language, JINGLE का कोड ा होगा?
‘PARROT’ is written as ‘RYTPQR’. Q286. In a certain language 'CAKE' is MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
What will be the code for ‘BEHOLD’ in coded as '2163' and 'KATTLE' is coded as (a) MFRDOC (b) NERCPC
that code language? 617743, how (c) MFQDOB (d) NERDOB
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म PARROT को will 'LAKE' be coded in that
RYTPQR के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा language?/एक िनि त भाषा म 'CAKE' को Q292. In a certain code language, ‘AEBI’
म BEHOLD कैसे िलखा जाएगा? '2163' और 'KATTLE' को 617743 के प म is written as ‘2618’. What will be the
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) िलखा गया है , उस भाषा म 'LAKE' को कैसे िलखा code for ‘DFCH' in that code language?
(a) DESNOC (b) EDTMNB जाएगा? एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, AEBI को।2618 िलखा
(c) EDTNOC (d) DCJMNB MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म DFCH ’के िलए कोड
(a) 1743 (b) 3157 ा होगा?
Q281. If DBFEI is coded as 33568, then the (c) 4136 (d) 4163 MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
code for EFIBB is _____. (a) 5727 (b) 3527
यिद िकसी िनि त भाषा म DBFEI को 33568 Q287. If A is coded as '+', B is coded as (c) 5749 (d) 5635
िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म EFIBB कैसे िलखा 'x', C is coded as '÷' and D is coded as '-',
जाएगा? then 18 A 6 B 2 C 16 B 4 D 21 = ? Q293. In a certain code language, ‘231’ is
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
यिद A को '+' के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है , B written as ‘4-9-1’. What will be the code
(a)47831 (b)41325 को 'x' के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है , C को '÷' for ‘569' in that code language?
(c)12358 (d)65112 'के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है और D को ' - ' के एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, '231' को '4-9-1' के प
प म कोिडत िकया जाता है , तो 18 A 6 B 2 C म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 569 ’का कोड
Q282. In a code language, ‘GLOBE’ is 16 B 4 D 21 =? ा होगा?
written as ‘EJMZC’. What will be the MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
code for ‘WATCH’ in the same code (a) 2 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d) 1 (a) 7-9-1 (b) 25-36-81
language? (c) 25-36-64 (d) 20-30-45
यिद एक िनि त कोड भाषा म GLOBE को Q288. In a certain coding system '
EJMZC के प म िलखा जाता है , तो उस भाषा म BROWN ' is written as ' ZPMUL '. What Q294. In a certain code language,
WATCH कैसे िलखा जाएगा? is the code for 'VIOLET'? 'FRAUD’ is written as ‘KWFZI’. What
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) एक िनि त कोिडं ग णाली म 'BROWN' को will be the code for ‘GLAIR’ in that code
(a)UYRAF (b)VYRBF 'ZPMUL' िलखा जाता है । 'VIOLET' के िलए कोड language?
(c)UYSBF (d)UYRBE ा है ?

एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'FRAUD' को 'KWFZI' Q300. If in a certain code , ‘BRIDGE’ is ‘tic dur doe’ is written as ‘carnations are
िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'GLAIR' के written as ‘ACQSHJCEFHDF’, what is pink’. What is the code for ‘pink’ in that
िलए कोड ा होगा? the code of POWER? language?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) यिद िकसी िनि त कूट म, BRIDGE को एक िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘dee duc tic’ का अथ
(a) KRHOX (b) KQGMX ‘ACQSHJCEFHDF’ िलखा जाता है , तो POWER ‘roses are red’ है , ‘bil doe’ का अथ ‘yellow
(c) LQFNW (d) LRHMX का कूट ा होगा ? carnations’ है तथा ‘tic dur doe’ का अथ
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) ‘carnations are pink’ है | इस भाषा म ‘pink’ का
Q295. In a certain code language, (a)OQNPVXEFRS (b)OQNPVXDFQS कूट ा है ?
'GIBECH' is written as ‘974356’. What (c)QONPXVDFQS (d)QOPNVXDFSQ CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
will be the code for ‘FHCIAD’ in that (a) doe (b) dee (c) tic (d) dur
code language? Q301. In a certain code language ,’apple’
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'GIBECH' को '974356' is called ‘pear’, ‘pear’ is called ‘orange’ , Q306. In a code language, HONEY is
िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म 'FHCIAD' के ‘orange’ is called ‘guava’ and ‘guava’ is written as G4M2X. How is STATUE
िलए कोड ा होगा? called ‘melon’. In this language, which written in that language?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) one of the following will be a citrus fruit? एक कूट भाषा म, HONEY को G4M2X िलखा
(a) 965726 (b) 572803 एक िनि त कूट म, ‘सेब’ को ‘नाशपाती’, जाता है | इसी भाषा म STATUE को ा िलखा
(c) 794125 (d) 865732 जाएगा ?
‘नाशपाती’ को ‘संतरा’ , ‘संतरे ’ को ‘अम द’ तथा
‘अम द’ को ‘खरबूज’ कहा जाता है | इस भाषा म, CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
Q296. In a certain code language, िन म से कौन एक ख ा फल है ? (a) RS1S5D (b) RS1S52
‘BLANCH’ is written as ‘YIXKZE’. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) (c) RS1T5D (d) TS1S5D
What will be the code for ‘DEFAME’ in (a) Pear/ नाशपाती (b)Melon/ खरबूज
that code language? (c) Guava/ अम द (d) Orange/ संतरा Q307. If Y=50, SEA = 50 , then
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'BLANCH' को ‘YACHT’ will be equal to?
'YIXKZE' िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म Q302. In a certain code language, यिद Y = 50, SEA = 50 है , तो YACHT का मान
'DEFAME' का कोड ा होगा? ‘ULTERIOR’ is written as ‘33259969’. ा होगा ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) How will ‘NAVIGATION’ be written as CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
(a) CDEJKL (b) BCDXJC (a) 100 (b) 114
in that language?
(c) ABCXJB (d) ABDXIB (c) 102 (d) 104
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म ULTERIOR को
‘33259969’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
Q297. In a certain code language, ‘NAVIGATION’ को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? Q308. If each English alphabet is
'15-78-25-36' is written as CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) assigned even numerical values like A=2,
‘28-154-48-70’. What will be the code for (a) 1412297215 (b) 5149722965 B=4 and so on , what will be the code of
‘23-63-42-81’ in that code language? (c) 1419712915 (d) 5149712965 EARTH?
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, 15 -78-25-36 को यिद ेक अ र को सम सं ा का मान िदया
28-154-48-70 िलखा जाता है । उस कोड भाषा म Q303. In a certain code language, जाए, जैसे A= 2, B = 4 तथा आगे भी इसी कार,
23-63-42-81 का कोड ा होगा? ‘PAYCHECK’ is written as तो EARTH का कूट ा होगा ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
‘YHQZFXMV’ and ‘TEACH’ is written
(a)44-124-82-160 (b)125-511-152-982 (a) 102384218 (b) 122384216
as ‘NXHZF’. How will ‘YACHT’ be
(c)65-218-362-542 (d)46-126-84-164 (c) 102364016 (d) 102364018
written as in that language?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘PAYCHECK’ को
‘YHQZFXMV’ तथा ‘TEACH’ को ‘NXHZF’ Q309. In a certain code language , W is
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘YACHT’ को कैसे written as B , K is written as H, L is
िलखा जाएगा ? written as U, n is written as A, O is
Q298. If D=12, AGE=39, then ‘JADE’
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) written as M, E is written as R, D is
will be equal to ? (a) QHZFN (b) HQZFB written as G, G is written as E, then how
यिद D = 12, AGE = 39 है , तो JADE का मान (c) QXZFN (d) YHZF will KNOWLEDGE be written in that
ा होगा ?
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) Q304. In a certain code language, ‘KITE’
(a) 62 (b) 48 (c) 52 (d) 60 िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, W को B िलखा जाता है ,
is written as ‘9’ and ‘MAGIC’ is written K को H िलखा जाता है , L को U िलखा जाता है , N
as ‘11’. How will ‘FELICITATION’ be को A िलखा जाता है , O को M िलखा जाता है , E
Q299. In a certain code language,
written as in that language? को R िलखा जाता है , D को G िलखा जाता है , G
‘RIVER’ is written as ‘10-3-5-2-10, then िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘KITE’ को 9 तथा को E िलखा जाता है , तो इस कूट भाषा म
how will ‘PETROL’ be written in the MAGIC को 11 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म KNOWLEDGE को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
same code language? ‘FELICITATION’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
एक िनि त कूट भाषा म, RIVER को 10-3-5-2-10 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a)HAMBUGREG (b) MAHBURGER
िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म ‘PETROL’ को (a) 25 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 12 (c)MAHBERGUR (d)HAMBURGER
कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) Q305. In a certain code language, ‘dee Q310. In a certain code language, pink is
(a) 11-2-7-10-13-16 (b) 13-5-8-9-4-15
duc tic’ is written as ‘roses are red’, ‘bil called wood, wood is called Pen, Pen is
(c) 12-2-8-10-13-15 (d) 12-2-8-10-4-16
doe’ is written as ‘yellow carnations’ and called colour and colour is called brown.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

In this language, which of the following is यिद अं ेजी वणमाला के ेक अ र को एक (a) 25945905 (b) 45945915
used for writing? िवषम सं ा क मान से इं िगत िकया जाये जैसे A (c) 13594591 (d) 35945915
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, गुलाबी को लकड़ी कहा = 1, B = 3 और इसी तरह, तो NOMINAL श
जाता है , लकड़ी को कलम, कलम को रं ग तथा रं ग के अ रों का कुल मान ा होगा? Q320. In a certain code, REASON is
को भूरा कहा जाता है | इस भाषा म, िन म से CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
coded as 13, CHAIR is coded as 11, then
िकसका योग िलखने के िलए िकया जाएगा ? (a) 150 (b)144 (c) 146 (d) 149
what is the code of EXAMINATION?
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
एक िनि त कोड म, 'REASON' को 13 के पम
(a) Pink/ गुलाबी (b) Brown/ भूरा Q316. In a certain code language, कोिडत िकया गया है , ‘CHAIR’ को 11 के पम
(c) Pen / कलम (d) Colour/ रं ग ‘REQUEST’ is written as कोिडत िकया गया है , िफर 'EXAMINATION' का
‘22-21-7-23-19-7-20’. How will कोड ा है ?
Q311. In a certain code language, ‘SWITCH’ be written as in that language? CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
GOURD is written as 21-4-5-10-24. How एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'REQUEST' को '22 (a) 22 (b) 11 (c) 23 (d) 12
will BRINJAL be written in the same -21-7-23-19-7-20 'िलखा जाता है । ‘SWITCH’
code language? को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा? Q321. If each of the letters of the English
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, GOURD को CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) alphabet is assigned an odd numerical
21-4-5-10-24 िलखा जाता है | इसी कूट भाषा म (a) 21-25-11-22-5-10
value beginning with A = 1, B = 3 and so
BRINJAL को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? (b) 19-23-11-22-5-8
on, then what will be the total value of the
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (c) 10-5-20-11-25-21
letters of the word CARDINAL?
(a) 2-10-3-14-18-1-12 (d) 10-5-22-11-25-21 यिद अं ेजी वणमाला के ेक अ र को एक
(b) 26-10-3-14-18-1-16 िवषम सं ा क मान से इं िगत िकया जाये जैसे A
(c) 26-10-5-14-18-2-16 Q317. In a certain code language , O is = 1, B = 3 और इसी तरह, तो श CARDINAL
(d) 25-9-3-14-18-1-15 written as R , R is written as A, A is के अ रों का कुल मान ा होगा?
written as I, I is written as N, N is written CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
Q312. If W = 46, BAT = 46, then as E, E is written as P, P is written as T, C (a) 114 (b) 116 (c) 110 (d) 119
‘LAMB’ will be equal to: is written as M, and L is written as L, then
यिद W = 46, BAT = 46 है , तो ‘LAMB’ का मान how will PORCELAIN be written in that Q322. In a certain code language, G is
िकसके बराबर होगा ? code language? written as S, L as A, A as O, O as N, N as
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, O को R के प म E, E as G, H as L and S as H. How will
(a) 54 (b) 56 (c) 52 (d) 28 िलखा जाता है , R को A के प म िलखा जाता है , I HALOGENS be written in that code?
को N के प म िलखा जाता है , N को E के पम एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, G को S के प म िलखा
Q313. If in a certain code, HORSE is िलखा जाता है , E को P के प म िलखा जाता है , P जाता है , L को A के प म, A को O के प म, O
written as GINPQSRTDF, How will को T के प म िलखा जाता है । C को M के प को N के प, N को E के प म, E को G के प
म िलखा जाता है , और L को L के प म िलखा म, H को L के प म, और S को H के प िलखा
JOCKEY be written in that language?
गया है , िफर उस कोड भाषा म PORCELAIN जाता है , उसी कोड म HALOGENS को कैसे
यिद िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, HORSE को
कैसे िलखा जाएगा? िलखगे ?
GINPQSRTDF िलखा जाता है , तो इसी भाषा म
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
JOCKEY को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
(c) KINPBDJLDFZX Q318. In a certain code language, U is Q323. In a certain code language,
(d) IKNPDBJLFDZX written as A, A as G, D as I, N as T, B as SCIENCE is written as 7-5-16-7-11-5-21.
R, E as D and C as U. How will How will MUSEUM be written in that
Q314. In a certain code ABUNDANCE be written in that code? code language?
language,’MACHINE’ is written as एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, U को A के प म, A एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, SCIENCE को
को G के प म, D को I के प म, N को T के 7-5-16-7-11-5-21 के प म िलखा जाता है । उस
‘N5XS3M4’.How will ‘PREDICT’ be
प म , B को R के प म, E को D के प म, कोड भाषा म MUSEUM कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
written in that language? और C के प म U िलखा जाता है । उस कोड म CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, 'MACHINE' को ABUNDANCE कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a) 14-22-5-5-22-14
'N5XS3M4'H के प म िलखा जाता है । उस CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
भाषा म' PREDICT 'कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
(b) 13-21-6-21-21-13
(a) GRATITUDE (b) GRATITGUD (c) 15-23-7-21-23-15
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(c) RGATIGTUD (d) GRATIGTUD (d) 13-23-7-21-23-13
(a) K34W3XH (b) KI4W3XG
(c) KI2W3YF (d) JI4V3YG
Q319. In a certain language, if Q324. In a certain code, CATHODE is
MOUNTAIN is written as 46352195, then written as X5GS2W4. How will
Q315. If each of the letters in the English
how is UNIVERSE coded in the same RELATION be written in that code?
alphabet is assigned an odd numerical
language? एक िनि त कोड म, CATHODE को X5GS2W4
value beginning with A=1,B=3 and so on
एक िनि त भाषा म, अगर MOUNTAIN को के प म िलखा जाता है । उस कोड म
, what will be the total value of the letters 46352195 िलखा जाता है , तो UNIVERSE को RELATION कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
of the word NOMINAL ? उसी भाषा म कैसे कोिडत िकया जाता है ? CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) (a) J4O1G32N (b) I3O1G32M

(c) I4O5G32M (d) J3O5G32M (a) DZGPXTBV (b) CZHPYTBV िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, LARVAE को
(c) BZHPXTBV (d) CZGPXTBV 15-1-9-5-1-2 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
Q325. If each of the letters of english INSECT को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
alphabet is assigned an old numerical Q330.In a certain code language ,
value beginning with A=1, B=3 and so HAMMER is written as ICPQJX. How
(b) 9-13-8-22-24-7
on, what will be the total value of the will WRENCH be written in that
(c) 3-13-8-2-24-7
word RADICAL? language ?
यिद अं ेजी वणमाला के ेक अ र को एक िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, HAMMER को
(d) 3-13-8-2-24-8
िवषम सं ा क मान से इं िगत िकया जाये जैसे A ICPQJX िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म WRENCH
= 1, B = 3 और इसी तरह, तो श RADICAL को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ? Q336. In a certain code language, ‘GUM’
के अ रों का कुल मान ा होगा? CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) is coded as ‘49441169’. How will ‘WAX’
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (a) XTIRIN (b) XTIRHN be coded as in that language?
(a) 88 (b) 89 (c) 90 (d) 99 (c) XTHRIN (d) XTHRHN िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘GUM’ का कूट
‘49441169’ है | इसी भाषा म ‘WAX’ को िकस
Q326. In a certain code language I is Q331.In a certain code language , PEN is कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
written as P, L as A, A as O, O as N, N as CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
written as 321028. How will be TUB
C, C as T, P as L and T as I. How will (a) 5291576 (b) 2891400
written in that language ?
POLITICIAN be written in that code? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, PEN को 321028 िलखा
(c) 3611121 (d) 8412525
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, I को P के प म िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म, TUB को िकस कार िलखा
जाता है , L को A के प म, A को O के प म, जाएगा ? Q337.In a certain code language,
O को N के प म, N को C के प म, C को T CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) ‘PYTHON’ is written as ‘LMFRWN’,
के प म, P को L के प म, T को I के प म, (a) 40422 (b) 40424 How will ‘RHYTHM’ be written as in
िलखा जाता है । उसी कोड म POLITICIAN को (c) 42404 (d) 44024 that language?
कैसे िलखगे िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘PYTHON’ को
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) Q332 In a certain code language , ‘LMFRWN’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
(a) LNAPIPTPON (b) LNAPIPTPOC ‘RHYTHM’ को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
SERVANT is written as 192182211420.
(c) TNAPIPLPOC (d) LNAIPITPOC CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
How will be ‘MAGNIFY’ written in that
language ?
Q327. In a certain language ABIDE is िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, SERVANT को (c) MFRWFT (d) MFRWFX
written as 14811625, then how will 192182211420 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
CAGED be written as in that language? MAGNIFY को ा िलखा जाएगा ? Q338.In a certain language ‘EARTH’ is
एक िनि त भाषा म ABIDE को 14811625 िलखा CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) coded as ‘8201815’. How will ‘ORBIT’
जाता है , िफर CAGED को उस भाषा म कैसे िलखा (a) 1317143625 (b) 1417139625 be coded in that language
जाएगा? (c) 1316143522 (d) 1426693625 िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, EARTH का कूट
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) ‘8201815’ है | इसी भाषा म ORBIT का कूट ा
(a) 11493514 (b) 91416514 होगा ?
Q.333.In a certain code language ,
(c) 61492516 (d) 91492516 CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
DEPEND is written as EPHTJJ. How will
(a) 18172372 (b) 20921815
TRAVEL be written in that language ?
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म DEPEND को EPHTJJ (c) 37681026 (d) 17113912
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म TRAVEL को ा
िलखा जाएगा ? Q339. In a certain code language,
Q328.In the certain code language , CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) ‘JUPITER’ is written as ‘JVOJSFR’.
‘HARVEST’ is coded as (a) MGWEWY (b) MGZEXZ How will ‘NEPTUNE ‘ be written as in
‘22-21-7-24-20-3-10’ .How will (c) MGYEWZ (d) NGYFWZ that language?
‘FARMER’ be coded as in that language ? िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, JUPITER को
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, HARVEST को Q334. In a certain code language , ‘JVOJSFR’ िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म
22-21-7-24-20-3-10 के प म कूटब िकया ‘NEPTUNE’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
STRAIGHT is written as TSARGITH.
जाता है | इसी भाषा म FARMER का कूट ा CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
How will be THURSDAY written in that
होगा ? (a) NDPSVME (b) NGOUTOE
language ? /
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) (c) NFOUTOE (d) NFOSTOE
(a) 20-7-14-21-3-8 (b) 19-7-15-20-3-7 िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, STRAIGHT को
TSARGITH िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म
(c) 19-7-15-19-3-8 (d) 20-7-15-20-3-8 Q340. If each letter of the English
THURSDAY को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) alphabet is assigned an odd numerical
Q329. In a certain code language , (a) UHTDRSYA (b) AYSDURTH value in increasing order, such as A=1,
WARDROBE is written as YXVYXHJV. (c) HTRUDSYA (d) HTRUDSAY B=3 and so on , then what will be the
How will be ACCURATE written as in code of HONEY?/ यिद अं ेजी वणमाला के
that language ? Q335.In a certain code language , ेक अ र को बढ़ते म म एक िवषम
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, WARDROBE को सं ा क मान िदया जाए, जैसे A = 1, B = 3 तथा
LARVAE is written as 15-1-9-5-1-2. How
YXVYXHJV िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म इसी कार से आगे, तो HONEY का कूट ा होगा
will INSECT be written in that language ?
ACCURATE को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) 129
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 132725745 (b) 132725747 (c) RLTILK (d) SLIRLM Q351. In a certain language, ‘NECTAR’
(c) 152927949 (d) 152927947 is written as ‘DFOSBU’. How will
Q346. In a certain code language, ‘CARPET’ be written as in that language?
Q341. In a certain code language, U is ‘DKQX’ is written as ‘WPJC’ . How will एक िनि त भाषा म, NECTAR को ‘DFOSBU’
written as C, K is written as H , L is ‘AFKP’ be written as in that language? िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘CARPET’ को ा
written as U, N is written as E, S is िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘DKOX’ को ‘WPJC’ िलखा जाएगा ?
िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म “AFKP’ को िकस CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
written as L, E is written as K, and C is
कार िलखा जाएगा ? (a) DBSQGR (b) SBDUFQ
written as N .How will ‘KNUCKLES’ be
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (c) BDSSUG (d) SBDVFR
written as in that language? / िकसी िनि त
कूट भाषा म, U को C िलखा जाता है , K को H (a) ZVQL (b) ZTOK
िलखा जाता है , L को U िलखा जाता है , N को E (c) ZUQJ (d) ZUPK Q352. In a certain code language,
िलखा जाता है , S को L िलखा जाता है , E को K ‘CREATION’ is written as
िलखा जाता है तथा C को N िलखा जाता है | इस Q347.In a certain language, ‘PAGE’ is RCAEITNO.How will ‘SEQUENCE’ be
भाषा म ‘KNUCKLES’ को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ? coded as ‘161495’. How will ‘PART’ be written as in that language?/ िकसी िनि त
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) coded as in that language? कूट भाषा म, ‘CREATION’ को RCAEITNO
(a) KECNKUHL (b) CHUECKN िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘PAGE’ को 161495 िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘SEQUENCE’ को
(c) HECNHULK (d) HECNHUKL िलखा जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘PART’ को िकस कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
Q342. In a certain code language, CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (a) ESUQENEC (b) QESEUENC
‘CAUGHT” is coded as ‘326212087’ . (a) 16128620 (b) 16132420 (c) ESUQNEEC (d) QESEUCNE
How will ‘SOLDIER’ be coded as in that (c) 16125020 (d) 16136220
language? / िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, Q353.In a certain code language,
‘CAUGHT’ को ‘326212087’ के प म कूटब Q348.In a certain code language, CIRCULAR is coded as
िकया जाता है | इसी भाषा म ‘SOLDIER’ को BREATHER is coded as 29512859. How 24-3-9-24-1-15-5-9. How will
िकस कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ? will AVIATION be coded as in that VERTICAL be coded as in that language
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) language ? ?/ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, CIRCULAR को
(a) 1812122459 (b) 1915124359 िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, BREATHER को 24-3-9-24-1-15-5-9 के प म कूटब िकया
(c) 2012152358 (d) 1912122359 29512859 के प म कूटब िकया जाता है | इसी जाता है | इसी भाषा म VERTICAL को िकस
भाषा म AVIATION को कैसे कूटब िकया कार कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
Q343.In a certain code language, जाएगा ? CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
‘SANCTION’ is written as ‘XFSHODJI’ . CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) 5 - 4 -9 - 7 - 3 - 24 - 5 - 15
How will ‘PROFOUND’ be written as in (a) 12910965 (b) 12912954 (b) 22 - 4 - 9 - 7 - 3 - 23 - 1 - 15
that language?/ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, (c) 14912965 (d) 14912956 (c) 5 - 2 - 9 - 7 - 3 - 24 - 5 - 15
‘SANCTION’ को ‘XFSHODJI’ िलखा जाता है | (d) 22 - 4 - 9 - 7 - 9 - 24 - 5 - 15
इसी भाषा म ‘PROFOUND’ को कैसे िलखा Q349.In a certain code language,
जाएगा ? ‘VERBAL’ is written as ‘QNMYXK’ and Q354. In a certain language, ‘SOLID’ is
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) ‘REACH’ is written as ‘MNXZF’ .How coded as ‘64’ and ‘POUR’ is coded as
(a) UWTKJPIY (b) UWTKKPIZ will ‘BRAVE’ be written as in that ‘74’. How will ‘TON’ be coded as in that
(c) VWUKMPI (d) UXTKNQIY language? language?/ िकसी िनि त भाषा म, ‘SOLID’ को
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘VERBAL’ को 64 तथा ‘POUR’ को 74 के प म कूटब िकया
Q344.In a code language , ‘AUSTERE’ is ‘QNMYXK’ तथा ‘REACH’ को ‘MNXZF’ जाता है । इस भाषा म ‘TON’ को िकस कार
coded as ‘13102595’. How will िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म ‘BRAVE’ को कैसे कूटब िकया जाएगा ?
‘SETTING’ be coded as in that िलखा जाएगा ? CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) 49 (b) 60 (c) 85 (d) 52
language?/ िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘AUSTREE’
का कूट ‘13102595’ है | उस भाषा म
“SETTING’ को िकस कार कूटब िकया (c) YMXQN (d) KMQXN Q355.In a certain code language,
जाएगा ? ‘PAINTS’ is written as ‘CRPKUV’. How
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) Q350.In a certain code language, will ‘PURITY’ be written as in that
(a) 11522867 (b) 10522948 ‘BLINK’ is coded as ‘78’ and ‘PURSE’ is language?/ िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म
(c) 10522957 (d) 11544957 coded as ‘54’. How will ‘FIRST’ be ‘PAINTS’ को ‘CRPKUV’ िलखा जाता है । इसी
coded as in that language? भाषा म ‘PURITY’ को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ?
Q345. In a certain code language , िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘BLINK’ को 78 तथा CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
‘FASTER’ is written as ‘CDPQHO’ . PURSE को 54 के प म कूटब िकया जाता है | (a) WRKTAV (b) XSISBM
How will ‘VIOLIN’ be written as in that इसी भाषा म FIRST को िकस कार कूटब (c) WRKSU (d) VSKTAZ
language? / िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, िकया जाएगा ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
‘FASTER’ को ‘CDPQHO’ िलखा जाता है | इसी Q356. In a certain code language,
भाषा म ‘VIOLIN’ को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ?
(a) 71 (b) 64 (c) 76 (d) 54
‘FIGURE’ is written as ‘DJEVPF’. How
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) will ‘DECODE’ be written as in that
(a) SKIRKO (b) SLRILK language ? / िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म,

‘FIGURE’ को ‘DJEVPE’ िलखा जाता है । इस Q362. In a certain code language, ‘FOX’ CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
भाषा म ‘DECODE’ को कैसे िलखा जाएगा ? is coded as ‘108’ and ‘SOUP’ is coded as (a) FOH (b) FHO (c) GOI (d) NGH
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) ‘148’. How will ‘UPSIDE’ be coded as in
(a) BFDNBF (b) BDDNBD that language? Q368. In a certain code language, 214673
(c) BFAPBF (d) BDANBD िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘FOX’ को 108 तथा is coded as SEARCH, 73456 is coded as
SOUP को 148 िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म CHAIR and 961473 is coded as
Q357.In a certain code language, UPSIDE को ा िलखा जाएगा ? PREACH. How will 734673 be coded as
‘LAMP’ is coded as ‘2422632’.How will CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) in that language?
‘FORK’ be coded as in that language? / (a) 528 (b) 590 (c) 385 (d) 494 िकसी भाषा म 214673 को SEARCH, 73456 को
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, ‘LAMP’ को CHAIR और 961473 को PREACH िलखा जाता
‘2422632’ के प म कूटब िकया जाता है । Q363.In a certain code language, ‘TAPE’ है | उसी भाषा म 734673 को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
इसी भाषा म ‘FORK’ को िकस कार कूटब is written as ‘SUZBOQDF’ . How will CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
िकया जाएगा ? ‘MOCK” be written as in that language? (a) CHARH (b) CARRCH
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, TAPE को (c) CHARCH (d) RHACRH
(a) 12303422 (b) 12303622 ‘SUZBOQDF’ िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म
(c) 12302624 (d) 12303424 MOCK को िकस कार िलखा जाएगा ? Q369. In a certain code language,
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) OPERATION is written as POFQBSJNO.
Q358. In a certain language, ‘DRONE’ is (a) MOPQDELM (b) LNNPBDJL How will INVISIBLE be written as in
written as ‘SERFO’ . How will ‘HOUSE’ (c) LOPQBCKL (d) KNNPBEBL that language?
be written as in that language? िकसी भाषा म OPERATION को POFQBSJNO
िकसी िनि त भाषा म, DRONE’ को ‘SERFO’ िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म INVISIBLE को ा
िलखा जाता है । उसी भाषा म HOUSE को कैसे SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I
िलखा जाएगा ?
िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) (a) JMWHTHCID (b) JMUHTHCKD
Q364. In a certain code language,
RUMMY is written as QVLNX. How is
CHESS written in that code?
िकसी भाषा म RUMMY को QVLNX िलखा Q370. In a code certain code language,
Q359. In a certain code language , जाता है | उसी भाषा म CHESS को ा िलखा MUSIC is coded as 60 and TUNE is
‘POUND’ is coded as ‘106’ and जाएगा ? coded as 56. How will LYRIC be coded
‘CLEAN’ is coded as ‘41’. How will CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning) as in that language? िकसी भाषा म MUSIC
‘MAKER’ be coded as in that language? (a)BGFTR (b)BIFRT को 60 और TUNE को 56 िलखा जाता है |
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म, POUND को 106 तथा (c)BGDTR (d)BIDTR उसी भाषा म LYRIC को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CLEAN को 41 के प म कूटब िकया जाता है CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
। इसी भाषा म MAKER को िकस कार कूटब Q365. If 683 is coded as FOX, 654 is (a) 65 (b) 67 (c) 63 (d) 62
िकया जाएगा ?
FIN, 4581 is NIOC, then what will be the
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
code of 654513? Q371. In a certain code language,
(a) 50 (b) 54 (c) 112 (d) 78
िकसी भाषा म 683 को FOX, 654 को FIN और 'APRICOT' is written as 'GLXRIKZ' then
4581 को NIOC िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म how will 'ORANGE' be written in the
Q360. In a certain code language, 654513 को ा िलखा जाएगा ? same code language?
‘FIXATION” is written as ‘AXIFNOIT”. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning) िकसी भाषा म ‘APRICOT’ को 'GLXRIKZ'
How will ‘GLYCERIN’ be written as in (a)FINICX (b)FINNCX िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘ORANGE’ को
that language? (c)FIXICN (d)FNINXC ा िलखा जाएगा ?
िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म ‘FIXATION को CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
‘AXIFNOIT िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म Q366. In a certain code language, (a) LHZMSV (b) LIZMTV
‘GLYCERIN’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? OPERATION is written as (c) VTMZIL (d) VTNZHM
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
written as in code language? Q372. In a certain code language,
िकसी भाषा म OPERATION को PNFPBRJMM PAGER is written as MIDOO. How will
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ACCIDENT को ा ANGEL be written as in that language? /
Q361.In a certain code language, िलखा जाएगा ? िकसी भाषा म PAGER को MIDOO िलखा जाता
‘SPECIAL’ is coded as ‘20176410213’. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) है | उसी भाषा म ANGEL को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
How will ‘MACHINE’ be coded as in (a) BADGFFOR (b) ABDGECOR CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
that language? / िकसी िनि त कूट भाषा म (c) BADGECOR (d) BADGECRO (a) IKDOI (b) AVIDI
SPECIAL को ‘20176410213’ िलखा जाता है । (c) AOIDK (d) ILVDN
इसी भाषा म MACHINE को िकस कार िलखा Q367. If 3129 is coded as CCI and 5674
जाएगा ?
is coded as EMD, then how will 6878 be Q373. In a certain code language,
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
coded as? 'SURGEON' is written as
(a) 1424910156 (b) 1424901056
िकसी भाषा म 3129 को CCI और 5674 को िलखा '5-3-6-17-19-9-10' then how will
(c) 1524910146 (d) 1324810155 जाता है | उसी भाषा म 6878 को ा िलखा जाएगा 'DENTIST' be written in the same code
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िकसी भाषा म SURGEON को (a)JHOKKU (b)JHNKKT

'5-3-6-17-19-9-10' िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म Q379. In a certain code language, (c)JGNKKS (d)KHNJJT
‘DENTIST’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? JONAILL is written as IRMDHO. How
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
will PLMUTG be written as in code Q384. In a certain code language,
(a) 19-18-10-4-15-5-4
language? 'SHARP' is written as '73'. How will
(b) 20-19-10-4-15-5-4
िकसी भाषा म JONAILL को IRMDHO िलखा 'AUDIT' be written as in the same
(c) 20-19-10-4-15-6-5 जाता है | उसी भाषा म PLMUTG को ा िलखा language?
(d) 23-22-13-7-18-8-7 जाएगा ? िकसी भाषा म ‘SHARP’ को ‘73’ िलखा जाता है |
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) उसी भाषा म ‘AUDIT’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
Q374. In a certain code language, STAR (a)OOLXSJ (b)OPLXSJ CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
is coded as 55 and CUT is coded as 42. (c)OOLYTJ (d)OOLLXRK (a)80 (b)84 (c)76 (d)72
How will 'PEN' be coded as in that
language? Q380. In a certain code language, Q385. In a certain code language, N is
िकसी भाषा म STAR को 55 और CUT को 42 'WORKSHOP' is written as coded as 30 and COT is coded as 78.
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म PEN को ा िलखा '231518118191211'. How will How will PET be coded as in that
जाएगा ? 'NOVEMBER' be written as in that language?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) language? िकसी सां केितक भाषा म N को 30 और COT को
(a) 63 (b) 55 (c) 51 (d) 68 िकसी भाषा म ‘WORKSHOP’ को 78 का संकेत िदया गया है | इस भाषा म PET का
'231518118191211' िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म संकेत ा होगा ?
Q375. In a certain code language, ‘NOVEMBER’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning)
'MARINE' is written as 'IRMVEQ'. How CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) (a) 100 (b) 70 (c) 84 (d) 41
will 'BEAUTY' be written as in that (a)14152251425229
language? (b)13172251325229 Q386. In a certain code language,
िकसी भाषा म ‘MARINE’ को 'IRMVEQ' िलखा (c)11151251422227 'BROWSE' is written as 'GUYQTD'. How
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘BEAUTY’ को ा िलखा (d)14142251424228 will 'AMALGAM' be written as in that
जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
Q381. In a certain code, 'sky is blue' is िकसी भाषा म BROWSE को GUYQTD िलखा
(a) CJHZE (b) CDOPLY गया है | उसी भाषा म AMALGAM को िकस
written as '815'; 'blue and red' is written as
(c) CXYEIF (d) CIGZYD कार िलखा जाएगा ?
'725'; 'Ram likes red' is coded as '203';
'Sita and Ram' is written as '379'. What CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning)
Q376. In a certain code language, (a) OCINCOC (b) PMDGCPD
will be the code for 'Ram likes blue'?
'JACKET' is written as 'MEHQLB'. How िकसी भाषा म, 'sky is blue' को '815'; 'blue and (c) DPMDGCP (d) CONCICO
will 'BLAZER' be written as in that red' को '725'; 'Ram likes red' को '203'; 'Sita and
language? Ram' को '379' िलखा जाता है | इस भाषा म 'Ram Q387. Select the option that is related to
िकसी भाषा म ‘JACKET’ को ‘MEHQLB’ िलखा likes blue' को ा िलखा जाएगा ? the third-cluster in the same way as the
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘BLAZER’ को ा िलखा CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) second letter-cluster is related to the first
जाएगा ? (a)503 (b)257 (c)573 (d)512 letter-cluster.
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
िन ल खत िवक ों म से कौन सा श समूह
(a) EPFFLZ (b) EQFGLY Q382. In a certain code language, तीसरे श समूह से उसी कार संबंिधत है जैसे
(c) DQPGLY (d) DOEFLZ 'STAFF' is written as 'RTSUZBEGEG'. दू सरा श समूह पहले वाले संबंिधत से है |
How will 'ORDER' be written as in that LAME : OXPB :: TREE : ?
Q377. In a certain code language, SUM is language? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
coded as 62 and POT is coded as 66. How िकसी भाषा म ‘STAFF’ को 'RTSUZBEGEG' (a) VNGB (b) WOHB
will HULK be coded as in that language? िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘ORDER’ को ा (c) QUBH (d) UMFA
िकसी भाषा म SUM को 62 और POT को 66 िलखा जाएगा ?
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म HULK को ा CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) Q388. In a certain code language,
िलखा जाएगा ? (a)OPQTCEDFQS 'LOCKER' is written as 'OLXPVI'. How
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) (b)NPQSCEGFQT will 'GLOBAL' be written as in that
(a) 132 (b) 112 (c) 130 (d) 120 (c)NQRSCFDFRS language?
(d)NPQSCEDFQS यिद िकसी भाषा म 'LOCKER' को 'OLXPVI'
Q378. In a certain code language, 21683 िलखा गया है | उसी भाषा म 'GLOBAL' को िकस
is coded as UFHC and 15654 is coded as Q383. In a certain code language, कार िलखा जाएगा ?
OFED. How wil 15236 be coded as in 'WARDEN' is written as 'SJIWFB'. How CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
that language? will 'OFFICE' be written as in that (a) UPMZAP (b) HUYTRE
िकसी भाषा म 21683 को UFHC और 15654 को (c) TOLYZO (d) JOREDO
OFED िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म 15236 को
िकसी भाषा म ‘WARDEN’ को 'SJIWFB' िलखा
ा िलखा जाएगा ?
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘OFFICE’ को ा िलखा Q389. In a certain code language, NIB is
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)
जाएगा ? coded as 112 and COB is coded as 122.
(a)FOX (b)OBCF CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)

How will JET be coded as in that (a) 68 (b) 88 (c) 77 (d) 71 (c) TUAQ (d) TATU
यिद िकसी भाषा म 'NIB' को 112 और 'COB' को Q395. In a certain code language Q401. If in a certain code language,
122 िलखा गया है , तो उसी भाषा म JET को िकस ‘BEAUTY’ is written as ‘ZUVBFC’. SITUATION is written as 133 and
कार िलखा जाएगा? How will ‘MARTYR’ be written as in RIGHT is written as 67, then how will
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
that language? CONSTITUTION be written as in that
(a) 92 (b) 81 (c) 119 (d) 102 िकसी भाषा म ‘BEAUTY’ को ‘ZUVBFC’ िलखा language?
गया है | उसी भाषा म ‘MARTYR’ को ा िलखा िकसी भाषा म ‘SITUATION’ को ‘133’ और
Q390. In a certain code language, BLINK जाएगा ? ‘RIGHT’ को ‘67’ िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म
is coded as 2226 and ALL is coded as CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) ‘CONSTITUTION’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
1312. How will EYES be coded as in that (a) SZUSBN (b) TXURBN CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
language? (c) SYUSDM (d) SZUQDN (a) 179 (b) 132 (c) 167 (d) 184
िकसी िविश भाषा म BLINK को 2226 और ALL
को 1312 िलखा गया है | इस भाषा म EYES को Q396. In a certain code language Q402. If in a code language PATNA is
ा िलखा जाएगा ? KNOWLEDGE is written as coded as 260 and GOA is coded as 69,
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
DEEGKLNOW. How will SERIAL be then how will you code RANCHI?
(a) 3219 (b) 5448
written as in the same language? िकसी भाषा म PATNA को 260 और GOA को 69
(c) 6513 (d) 1044 िकसी भाषा म ‘KNOWLEDGE’ को िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म RANCHI को ा
‘DEEGKLNOW’ िलखा गया है | इस भाषा म िलखा जाएगा ?
Q391. In a certain language, TRAIN is ‘SERIAL’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
written as FHYQL. How will CHEQUE CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) (a) 620 (b) 360 (c) 135 (d) 318
be written as in that language? (a)AEIRS (b)AEIRM
िकसी भाषा म TRAIN को FHYQL िलखा गया है | (c)AEIRM (d)AEILRS Q403. In a certain code language, TIGER
उस भाषा म CHEQUE को ा िलखा जाएगा ? is written as ROEIP. How will LION be
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) Q397. In a certain code language, IF is written as in that language?
(a) WRUIEU (b) VQTHDT written as 225 and BUT is written as िकसी भाषा म TIGER को ROEIP िलखा जाता है |
(c) XSVJFV (d) OTQCGQ 1849. How will SLIP be written as in that उसी भाषा म LION को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
language? CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
िकसी भाषा म IF को 225 और BUT को 1849 (a) JOUL (b) JOIL
Q392. In a certain language, 'TENDER' is
िलखा गया है | इस भाषा म SLIP को ा िलखा (c) JOUR (d) JOMR
coded as '185414520'. How will
'REQUESTED' be coded as in that जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) Q404.In a certain code language,
(a)3136 (b)1336 ‘STYLE’ is written as ‘181924114’. How
िकसी भाषा म ‘TENDER’ को ‘185414520’ का
कोड िदया गया है | इसी भाषा म ‘REQUESTED’
(c)6313 (d)3163 would ‘FIRST’ be written in the same
को ा कोड िदया जाएगा ? code language.
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) Q398. If O = 20, LIT = 46, how will PIG िकसी भाषा म ‘STYLE’ को ‘181924114’ िलखा
(a)45221942116518 be coded using the same code language? जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘FIRST’ को ा िलखा
(b)45203952017558 यिद िकसी भाषा म O = 20 और LIT = 46, तो जाएगा ?
(c)65101852117516 उसी भाषा म PIG को ा िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (a) 69181920 (b) 58171820
(a) 41 (b) 53 (c) 46 (d) 37 (c) 58181920 (d) 58171819
Q393. In a certain code language,
Q399. In a certain code language, if Q405. In a certain code language, TIFFIN
'SECTION' is written as 'PHZQLRK'.
‘BURMUD’ is coded as 'RKHCKT', then is coded as 67 and BOX is coded as 44.
How will 'HOSTELS' be written as in that
how will 'ANGLE' be written as in that How will CARDBOARD be coded as in
िकसी भाषा म ‘SECTION’ को ‘PHZQLRK’
language? that language?
िलखा गया है | उसी भाषा म ‘HOSTELS’ को ा िकसी भाषा म ‘BURMUD’ को ‘RKHCKT’ िकसी भाषा म TIFFIN को 67 और BOX को 44
िलखा जाएगा ? िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘ANGLE’ को ा िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म CARDBOARD को
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) िलखा जाएगा ? ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(a) PCVAT (b) QDWBU (a)69 (b)66 (c)67 (d)64
Q406. In a certain code language,
Q394. In a certain code language
Q400. In a certain code language, LIFE is HIMACHAL is written as LAHCAMIH.
‘REQUIRE’ is coded as ‘100’. How will
written as MOGI. How will SOUP be How will MAGNETIC be written as in
‘ARRANGE’ be coded as in that
written as in the same language? that language?
िकसी भाषा म LIFE को MOGI िलखा जाता है | िकसी भाषा म HIMACHAL को LAHCAMIH
िकसी भाषा म ‘REQUIRE’ को ‘100’ िलखा गया
उसी भाषा म SOUP को ा िलखा जाएगा ? िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म MAGNETIC को
है | उसी भाषा म ‘ARRANGE’ को ा िलखा
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) ा िलखा जाएगा ?
जाएगा ?
(a) TUVO (b) TUOQ CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a)GAMNECIT (b)ETICNGAM Q412. In a certain code language, 458693 (a) BTYZ (b) TSRA
(c)CIETNGAM (d)CITENGAM is coded as 367784. How will 742351 be (c) BTYA (d) BUYZ
coded as in that language?
Q407. If 'DESIGN' is coded as 'OHJTFE' िकसी भाषा म 458693 को 367784 िलखा जाता है Q418. In a certain code language, SKILL
in a code language, then, how will । उसी भाषा म 742351 को ा िलखा जाएगा ? is coded as 57 and LOVE is coded as 40.
'STRONG' be coded as in the same code CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) How will LIE be coded as in that
language? (a) 651442 (b) 655442 language?
िकसी भाषा म ‘DESIGN’ को ‘OHJTFE’ िलखा (c) 651462 (d) 863442 िकसी भाषा म SKILL को 57 और LOVE को 40
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘STRONG’ को ा िलखा िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म LIE को ा िलखा
जाएगा ? Q413. In a certain code language, जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) NEPOLIAN is written as MCQQKGBP. CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) HOPSUT (b) DOPSKJ How will MOHANDEV be written as in (a) 22 (b) 20 (c) 26 (d) 17
(c) TUSPOH (d) HOPSVU that language?
िकसी भाषा म NEPOLIAN को MCQQKGBP Q419. In a certain code language,
Q408. In a certain code language, िलखा जाता है । उसी भाषा म MOHANDEV को THAILAND is written as VFCGNYPB.
BOARD is written as CMDNI. How will ा िलखा जाएगा ? How will SRILANKA be written as in
WHITE be written as in that language? CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) that language?
एक भाषा म BOARD को CMDNI िलखा गया है | (a) LMICMBFX (b) LMICMBXF िकसी भाषा म ‘THAILAND’ को ‘VFCGNYPB’
उसी भाषा म WHITE को ा िलखा जाएगा ? (c) NQGCLBFX (d) NQICMBFX िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘SRILANKA’ को
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) ा िलखा जाएगा ?
(a) XJMQZ (b) VJFPZ Q414. If in a coded language 'UNIQ' is CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) VFJQB (d) XFLPJ written as 'SJCI', then in the same coded (a) UQKKCMMZ (b) TQJKBPJC
language, 'MODE' will be written as: (c) UPKJCLMY (d) UTKNCMMZ
Q409. In a certain code language, SYNC यिद िकसी भाषा म ‘UNIQ’ को ‘SJCI’ िलखा
is coded as 4417 and MINT is coded as जाता है , उसी भाषा म ‘MODE’ को ा िलखा Q420. In a certain code language, RAMP
2234. How will NOSE be coded as in that जाएगा ? is coded as 46 and HORSE is coded as
CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon) 63. How will CARPENTER be coded as
(a) KKXW (b) KKXV in that language?
िकसी भाषा म SYNC को 4417 और MINT को
2234 िलखा गया है | उसी भाषा म NOSE को ा
(c) KKXX (d) KKXT िकसी भाषा म RAMP को 46 और HORSE को 63
िलखा जाएगा ? िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म CARPENTER को
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) Q415. In a certain code language, 458 is ा िलखा जाएगा ?
(a) 2924 (b) 5729 written as 'she is good', 742 is written as CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) 1758 (d) 3419 'that is cow' and 841 is written as 'good is (a) 98 (b) 102 (c) 96 (d) 100
bad'. Which number denotes the word
Q410. In a certain code language, 'bad' in that language? Q421. If in a coded language 'ORAL' is
'PROCTOR' is written as 'RUSBURW'. िकसी भाषा म 458 को ‘she is good’, 742 को written as '1518112', then in the same
How will 'HOSTING' be written as in that ‘that is cow’ और 841 को ‘good is bad’ िलखा coded language, 'WRITTEN' will be
जाता है | उस भाषा म िन िल खत म से कौन सा written as:
अंक ‘bad’ को दशाता है | िकस भाषा म ‘ORAL’ को ‘1518112’ िलखा जाता
िकसी भाषा म ‘PROCTOR’ को ‘RUSBURW’
CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon) है | उसी भाषा म ‘WRITTEN’ को ा िलखा
िलखा जाता है , उसी भाषा म ‘HOSTING’ को
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 1 जाएगा ?
ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) VQKSLSL (b) VRKSJQL Q416. In a certain code language, (a) 231892020614 (b) 231892020514
(c) VRKTJRL (d) WXKSJQN RDHKLP is written as QCJMKO. How (c) 221792020514 (d) 221891919514
will ROHINY be written as in that
Q411. In a certain code language, language? Q422. In a certain code language,
'VARIOUS' is coded as '519812254418'. िकसी भाषा म RDHKLP को QCJMKO िलखा COBBLER is coded as 130 and TABLE
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ROHINY को ा िलखा is coded as 93. How will ALMIRAH be
How will 'PENSION' be coded as in that
जाएगा ? coded as in that language?
CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon) िकसी भाषा म COBBLER को 130 और TABLE
िकसी भाषा म ‘VARIOUS’ को ‘519812254418’
(a) QNJKMX (b) QNJKCX को 93 िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ALMIRAH
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘PENSION’ को ा
िलखा जाएगा ? (c) QNJLNX (d) QNIJMX को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20 (Evening) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 16551388120513 Q417. In a certain code language, (a) 125 (b) 129 (c) 123 (d) 127
(b) 11251388122513 SCIENCE is written as TFNLWNR. How
(c) 16251488122812 will ARTS be written in that language? Q423. In a certain code language,
(d) 11241398122514 िकसी भाषा म SCIENCE को TFNLWNR िलखा GOGGLE is written as IMIENC. How
जाता है , उसी भाषा म ARTS को ा िलखा will PENCIL be written as in that
जाएगा ? language?
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)

िकसी भाषा म GOOGLE को IMIENC िलखा (a) 5304 (b) 7432 िकसी भाषा म ‘TELEVISION’ को
जाता है | उसी भाषा म PENCIL को ा िलखा (c) 5213 (d) 2534 ‘OPJTJWFMFU’ िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म
जाएगा ? ‘REMOTE’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) Q429. In a certain code language, DEAF CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
is written as 'HJGM'. How will CALM be
written as in that language?
िकसी भाषा म DEAF को HJGM िलखा जाता है |
Q424. In a certain language, a letter is उसी भाषा म CALM को ा िलखा जाएगा ? Q435. In a certain code language,
coded by the letter at the same position CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) 'TRAFFIC' is written as 'VTCHHKE'.
but from the end of the English alphabet. (a) E B X Y (b) G F R T How will 'POLICE' be written as in that
then how will the word MANGO be (c) F B X Y (d) G C Y Z language?
written in that code language? िकसी भाषा म ‘TRAFFIC’ को 'VTCHHKE'
िकसी भाषा म एक अ र को उसी थान पर उसका Q430. In a certain code language, BOOK िलखा जाता है , उसी भाषा म ‘POLICE’ को ा
अंक पीछे से िगनती करने पर िलखा जाता है | इस िलखा जाएगा ?
is coded as 139 and PEN is coded as 302.
भाषा म MANGO को ा िलखा जाएगा ? CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
How will COPY be coded as in that
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (a) RMNGEC (b) ONKHBD
िकसी भाषा म BOOK को 139 और PEN को 302
(c) NMZLT (d) NMZTL िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म COPY को ा िलखा
जाएगा ? Q436. If the word SMART is coded as
Q425. In a certain code language, CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) 191311820, then how will the word
CLOTH is written as LCPHT. How will (a) 167 (b) 279 FUNNY be coded?
GARMENT be written as in that (c) 2822 (d) 2547 यिद SMART को 191311820 िलखा जाता है तो
language? FUNNY को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
िकसी भाषा म CLOTH को LCPHT िलखा जाता है CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
Q431. In a certain code language,
| उसी भाषा म GARMENT को ा िलखा जाएगा (a) 622131325 (b) 620131325
MENTION is written as NEITNOM.
? (c) 621141425 (d) 621131325
How will PATTERN be written as in that
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) AGMRTNE (b) RAGMTNE Q437. In a certain code, if BRDKE is
िकसी भाषा म MENTION को NEITNOM िलखा
(c) RAGNTNE (d) AGTNMRE जाता है | उसी भाषा म PATTERN को ा िलखा written as AQCJD, then SLEEP will be
जाएगा ? written in that code as:
Q426. If Rat is coded as 93 and Rabbit is CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) िकसी भाषा म BRDKE को AQCJD िलखा जाता
coded as 25, then how will you code (a) DOEECTS (b) NAETTRP है , उसी भाषा म SLEEP को ा िलखा जाएगा ?
Horse? (c) LSOIANN (d) RESWNDU CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
िकसी भाषा म अगर RAT को 93 और RABBIT (a) PJDDQ (b) RKDDO
को 25 िलखा जाता है | तो उसी भाषा म HORSE Q432. In a certain code language, 'salute' (c) PNDDO (d) RJDDN
को ा िलखगे ?
is written as 'iuamet'. How will 'mango' be
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) Q438. In a certain code language,
written as in that language?
(a) 65 (b) 70 (c) 07 (d) 56 'TIGER' is written as 'YMJGS'. How will
िकसी भाषा म ‘salute’ को ‘iuamet’ िलखा जाता है
| उसी भाषा म ‘mango’ को ा िलखा जाएगा ? 'PANDA' be written as in that language? /
Q427. In a certain code language, CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) िकसी भाषा म ‘TIGER’ को ‘YMJGS’ िलखा
VICTORY is written as XGERQPA. How (a) uhoen (b) phobn जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘PANDA’ को ा िलखा
will KINDLE be written as in that (c) uhobn (d) uhpen जाएगा ?
language? CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
िकसी भाषा म VICTORY को XGERQPA िलखा (a) UEQFB (b) UFSIF
Q433. In a certain code language, 'Wand'
जाता है | उसी भाषा म KINDLE को ा िलखा (c) EQUFB (d) USIFC
is coded as '240153' and 'curd' is coded as
जाएगा ?
'420193'. How will 'East' be coded as in
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q439. In a certain language code,
that language?
(a) SOWNEQ (b) IKLFJG 'SMART' is written as AMRST. How will
िकस भाषा म ‘Wand’ को ‘240153’ और ‘curd’
(c) BEDRVH (d) MGPBNC 'DESIGN' be written as in that language?
को ‘420193’ िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘East’
को ा िलखा जाएगा ? िकसी भाषा म ‘SMART’ को ‘AMRST’ िलखा
Q428. In a certain code language, PARK CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening) जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘DESIGN’ को ा िलखा
is coded as 6739, ROAD is coded as (a) 421821 (b) 602019 जाएगा ?
3574, POND is coded as 6584 and LANE CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) 612120 (d) 421719
is coded as 2781. How will the LORD be (a) EIADGS (b) DEIGNS
coded as in that language? (c) DAISGN (d) SGITMD
Q434. In a certain code language,
िकसी भाषा म PARK को 6739, ROAD को 3574, 'TELEVISION' is written as
POND को 6584 और LANE को 2781 िलखा Q440. In a certain code language, GOLF
'OPJTJWFMFU'. How will 'REMOTE' be
जाता है | उसी भाषा म LORD को ा िलखा is written as 60 and START is written as
written as in that language?
जाएगा ? 117. How will NEST be written as in that
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) language?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िकसी भाषा म को और को िलखा जाता है | उसी िकसी कूट भाषा म, यिद ‘265’ को PNH, 187 को SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
भाषा म को ा िलखा जाएगा ? ‘OXB’ तथा 248 को ‘NUB’ िलखा जाता है , तो (a) 160 (b) 216 (c) 168 (d) 186
CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning) सं ा 4 के िलए कूट कौन सा है ?
(a) 21 (b) 78 (c) 58 (d) 87 SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning) Q451. In a code language, ‘TORCH’ is
(a) U (b) B (c) N (d) P written as ‘WRUFK’. How will
Q441. In a certain code language, if ‘WINTER’ be written in that language?
'STUDENT" is written as 'URWBGLV' Q446. In a code language,’TORCH’ is िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘TORCH’ को ‘WRUFK’
then how would 'COMPUTER' be coded written as ‘UNPSDI’ and ‘BEST’ is िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म ‘WINTER’ को कैसे
as in the same code language? written as ‘CDFTU’. How will ‘MARKS’ िलखा जाएगा?
िकसी भाषा म ‘STUDENT’ को ‘URWBGLV’ be written in that language? SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘COMPUTER’ को िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘TORCH’ को ‘UNPSDI’ (a) ZLQWHV (b) YLQXHU
ा िलखा जाएगा ? तथा ‘BEST’ को ‘CDFTU’ िलखा जाता है । इसी (c) ZLQWHU (d) ZLPWGU
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) भाषा म, ‘MARKS को ा िलखा जाएगा?
(a)AQKRSVCT (b)EMONWRGP SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning) Q452.. In a code language, ‘NIGHT’ is
(c)AQKRWRGP (d)EMNOWRGU (a) NABSLU (b) NZCSLT written as ‘GHINT’. How will
(c) OZBSMT (d) NZBSLT ‘AMPLITUDE’ be written in that
Q442. In a certain code language, if language?
'BREEZE' is written as 'ZOAZTX', then Q447. In a code language, if ‘you are िकसी कूट भाषा म ‘NIGHT’ को ‘GHINT’ िलखा
how will 'FROTHY' be written as in that there’ is written as ‘ter der jer’, ‘we stay जाता है । उसी भाषा म ‘AMPLITUDE’ को ा
language? here’ is written as ‘yer mer ner’, ‘We are िलखा जाएगा?
िकसी भाषा म ‘BREEZE’ को ‘ZOAZTX’ िलखा late’ is written as ‘ser ner der’ and ‘I stay SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘FROTHY’ को ा िलखा there’ is written as ‘yer fer jerr’, then how (a) PDEILMATU (b) ADELPIMATU
जाएगा ? would ‘you stay late’ be written in this (c) ADEILMPTU (d) PDEILMTPU
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) language ?
(a)DOJNAQ (b)DOLPCS िकसी कूट भाषा म, यिद ‘you are there’ को ‘ter Q453.In a code language, if ‘she was
(c)DOKOBR (d)DKOPHG der jer’, ‘we stay here’ को ‘yer mer ner’ तथा ‘I working’ is written as ‘592’, ‘I was
stay there’ को ‘yer fer jerr’ िलखा जाता है , तो curious’ is written as ‘267’ , and ‘she is
Q443. In a certain code language, इस भाषा म ‘you stay late’ को िकस कार िलखा curious’ is written as ‘987’ , then what
PERNMETER is coded as 152785352, जाएगा? will be the code for the word ‘she’ in this
SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
AREA is coded as 4254, and METAL is language?
(a) ter yer ser (b) ter yer mer
coded as 85349. How will LANE be िकसी कूट भाषा म, यिद ‘she was working’ को
(c) der yer ser (d) ter mer ser ‘592’, ‘I was curious’ को ‘267’ तथा ‘she is
coded as in that language?
िकसी भाषा म PERNMETER को 152785352, curious’ को ‘987’ िलखा जाता है , तो श ‘she’
AREA को 4254 और METAL को 85349 िलखा Q448. In a code language ‘DENT’ is के िलए इस भाषा म कौन सा कूट आएगा?
जाता है | उसी भाषा म LANE को ा िलखा written as ‘51’ and ‘LOAD’ is written as SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
जाएगा ? ‘40’.How will ‘COST’ be written in that (a) 9 (b)2 (c) 8 (d) 5
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) language?
(a)8451 (b)9475 िकसी कूट भाषा म DENT को 51 तथा LOAD को Q454. In a code language, if ‘dish is
(c)5214 (d)3245 40 िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म COST को िकस tasty’ is written as ‘lam kam dam’, ‘it is
कार िलखा जाएगा? sweet’ is written as ‘ram sam kam’ , and
Q444. In a certain code language, SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) ‘it ate dish’ is written as ‘ram dam pam’ ,
'QUESTION' is written as 'PTDRSHNM'. (a) 65 (b) 62 (c) 75 (d) 57
then how would ‘tasty sweet’ be written
How wil 'ANSWER' be written as in that in this language?
language? Q449. In a code language ‘PLACARD’ is िकसी कूट भाषा म, यिद ‘dish is tasty’ को ‘lam
िकसी भाषा म ‘QUESTION’ को ‘PTFRSHNM’ written as ‘TPEYEVH’. How will kam dam’, ‘it is sweet’ को ‘ram sam kam’
िलखा जाता है | उसी भाषा म ‘ANSWER’ को ा ‘MONSTER’ be written in that तथा ‘it ate dish’ को ‘ram dam pam’ िलखा जाता
िलखा जाएगा ? language? है , तो इस भाषा म ‘tasty sweet’ को ा िलखा
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘PLACARD’ को जाएगा?
(a)NRVDQ (b)YQUCP ‘TPEYEVH’ िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म, SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(c)YMRVDQ (d)ZMRVDQ ‘MONSTER’ को कैसे िलखा जाएगा? (a) sam lam (b) lam ram
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) (c) sam dam (d) sam kam
(c) QSRRXIV (d) PSSOXJV Q455.In a code language, ‘PLUM’ is
Q445. In a code language, If ‘265’ is written as ‘KQOMFVNN’. How will
Q450. In a code language,’CLARITY’ is ‘BIG’ be written in that language ?
written as ‘PNH’, ‘187’ is written as
written as ‘176’. How will ‘FROZEN’ be िकसी कूट भाषा म, PLUM को ‘KQOMFVNN’
‘OXB’, and ‘248’ is written as ‘NUB’ ,
written in that language? िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म ‘BIG’ को ा िलखा
then which of the following represent the
िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘CLARITY’ को 176 िलखा जाएगा?
number 4?
जाता है । इसी भाषा म ‘FROZEN’ को िकस कार SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
िलखा जाएगा? (a) YCRJTH (b) CYTJGT

(c) YCRKTM (d) XCSJTH (a) these personal things useful’ को ‘9675’ के प म िलखा जाता है , और
(b) my these things ‘useful book is good’ को ‘‘5479’’ के पम
Q456. In a code language, ‘BLOCK’ is (c) my personal things िलखा जाता है , िफर इस भाषा म ‘This book is
good’ श का कोड ा होगा?
written as ‘31316412’. How will (d) my personal use
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
‘SUPREME’ be written in that language?
(a)4965 (b)7859
िकसी कूट भाषा म, ‘BLOCK’ को ‘31316412’ Q461. In a code language, ‘EAGER’ is
िलखा जाता है । इसी भाषा म, ‘SUPREME’ को (c)6457 (d)8495
written as ‘BXJBU’ and ‘MARKS’ is
ा िलखा जाएगा? written as ‘PXNUV’. How will
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) Q466. In a certain coding system, if
‘LOCUTS’ be written in that language?
(a) 202217196146 (b) 192217196156 OXBRIDGE is written as BDEGIORX,
एक कोड भाषा म, 'EAGER' को 'BXJBU' और
(c) 202317206146 (d) 192116185605 'MARKS' को 'PXNUV' िलखा जाता है । उस how will MOUTHFUL be written in the
भाषा म language LOCUTS ’कैसे िलखा जाएगा? same coding system?
Q457. In a code language, if ‘fast and SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) एक िनि त कोिडं ग िस म म, अगर OXBRIDGE
furious’ is written as ‘co mo jo’, ‘do it (a) ORFXVW (b) OLGRBW को BDEGIORX िलखा जाता है , तो
MOUTHFUL को उसी कोिडं ग िस म म कैसे
fast’ is written as ‘cha mo ga’, and ‘she (c) ILZRPQ (d) OLFRVW
िलखा जाएगा?
did it’ is written as ‘ga la nop’, then what
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
will be the code for the word ‘do’ in this Q462. In a code language, ‘DOUBLE’ is
language? written as ‘VPEFMC’. How will
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘fast and furious’ को ‘CLIQUE’ be written in that language?
‘co mo jo’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘do it fast’ एक कोड भाषा म, 'DOUBLE' को 'VPEFMC' के
Q467. In a certain code system, ‘how are
को ‘cha mo ga’' के प म िलखा जाता है , और प म िलखा जाता है । उस भाषा म 'CLIQUE'
‘she did it’' को ‘ga la nop’ के प म िलखा जाता कैसे िलखा जाएगा? you’ is coded as ‘639’, ‘are you fine
है , िफर इस भाषा म 'do' श का कोड ा होगा? SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) today’ is coded as ‘6453’ and ‘stay fine’
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (a)JMDFVS (b)KNDFVR is coded as ‘58’. What is the code for ‘
(a) mo (b) ga (c) cha (d) nop (c)JMDGVQ (d)JMDFVR today’ in this system?
एक िनि त कोड णाली म, ‘how are you’ ’को,
Q458. In a code language, if ‘I like 639’ के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है , ‘are you
Q463. In a code language, ‘SOGGY’ is
chocolates’ is written as ‘958’, ‘we fine today’ को ‘6453’ ’के प म कोिडत िकया
written as ‘78’ and ‘PLINTH’ is written
गया है और ‘stay fine’ को ’58’ के प म कोिडत
bought chocolates’ is written as ‘153’, as ‘85’. How will ‘DEVOTION’ be िकया गया है । इस णाली म ‘ today’ के िलए कोड
and ‘we like them’ is written as ‘816’, written in that language? ा है ?
then how would ‘I bought them’ be एक कोड भाषा म, 'SOGGY' को '78' और SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
written in this language? 'PLINTH' को '85' िलखा जाता है । उस भाषा म (a)6 (b)4 (c)5 (d)8
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘I like chocolates’ को DEVOTION ’कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
'958' िलखा जाता है , 'हमने चॉकलेट खरीदी' को SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
Q468. If in a coding system, FIXED is
'153' िलखा है , और ‘we like them’ को '816' के (a)112 (b)120
coded as 86 and COMPANY is coded as
प म िलखा गया है , िफर ‘I bought them’' 'इसे (c)104 (d)98
िकस भाषा म िलखा जाए? 101, then how will INTERIM be coded in
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) the same coding system?
Q464. In a code language, if ‘get up now’
(a) 936 (b) 951 (c) 859 (d) 251 यिद एक कोिडं ग णाली म, FIXED को 86 के
is written as ‘pax max rax’ ‘he will get’ is प म कोिडत िकया गया है और कंपनी को 101
written as ‘max dax zax’ and ‘will it stop’ के प म कोिडत िकया गया है , तो INTERIM को
Q459. In a code language, ‘OBESITY’ is
is written as ‘zax kax lax’ then for which उसी कोिडं ग णाली म कैसे कोिडत िकया जाएगा?
written as ‘EBOHYTI’. How will
word is the code ‘dax’ used in this SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
‘FIXTURE’ be written in that language?
language? (a)102 (b)101 (c)99 (d)100
एक कोड भाषा म, 'OBESITY' को 'EBOHYTI'
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘get up now’ को ‘pax
िलखा जाता है । उस भाषा म language FIXTURE
max rax’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘he will get’ Q469. In a certain coding system, if
’कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
को ‘max dax zax’ के प म िलखा जाता है , और CHICANERY is written as
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
‘will it stop’ को ‘zax kax lax’ के प म िलखा DNODTHVKS, how will CRANE be
(a) IFYGERU (b) XIFGERU जाता है , िफर इस भाषा म 'dax’' श का कोड
(c) XIFMERU (d) XIFGEUS written in the same coding system?
ा होगा?
एक िनि त कोिडं ग णाली म, यिद
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
Q460.. In a code language, if ‘my (a) get (b) it (c) he (d) will
िलखा जाता है , तो CRANE को उसी कोिडं ग
personal use’ is written as ‘169’,
णाली म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
‘personal things’ is written as ‘29’, then Q465. in a certain code system, ‘Read SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
which phrase would the code ‘569’ this book’ is coded as ‘689’, ‘This book is (a)DKTHV (b)HKSHO
represent in this language? useful’ is coded as ‘9675’ and ‘useful (c)DOTKV (d)CJSGU
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘my personal use’ को book is good’ is coded as ‘5479’. What is
‘169’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘personal things’ the code for ‘This book is good’ in this Q470. In a certain code language, if
को ‘29’ के प म िलखा जाता है , िफर इस भाषा
system? TRAILER is written as RPYGJCP, then
म ‘569’ का कोड ा होगा?
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘Read this book’ को how will PEACOCK be written in the
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
‘689’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘This book is
same code language? 137
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, यिद TRAILER को SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 161.(c) 162.(c) 163.(b) 164.(b)
RPYGJCP िलखा जाता है , तो PEACOCK को (a) 765 (b) 876 (c) 785 (d) 476
उसी कोड भाषा म कैसे िलखा जाएगा?
165.(d) 166.(a) 167.(c) 168.(c)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 169.(a) 170.(c) 171.(c) 172.(d)
173.(c) 174.(c) 175.(d) 176.(a)
177.(d) 178.(d) 179.(d) 180.(c)
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(a)
Q471. If in a coding system, 181.(a) 182.(d) 183.(c) 184.(a)
5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(c)
SUBSTANCE is coded as 101 and 185.(d) 186.(c) 187.(d) 188.(d)
SUPREME is coded as 94, then how will 9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(d) 12.(b)
189.(d) 190.(a) 191.(d) 192.(c)
PORTRAIT be coded in the same coding 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(c)
system? 193.(c) 194.(c) 195.(b) 196.(b)
17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(d)
यिद एक कोिडं ग िस म म, SUBSTANCE को 197.(c) 198.(a) 199.(b) 200.(c)
101 के प म कोिडत िकया जाता है और 21.(b) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(a)
201.(c) 202.(b) 203.(c) 204.(b)
SUPREME को 94 के प म कोिडत िकया जाता 25.(b) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(b)
है , तो PORTRAIT को उसी कोिडं ग िस म म 205.(d) 206.(a) 207.(c) 208.(b)
कैसे कोिडत िकया जाएगा? 29.(d) 30.(c) 31.(b) 32.(b)
209.(b) 210.(a) 211.(b) 212.(c)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 33.(d) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(a)
(a) 117 (b) 114 (c) 116 (d) 115 213.(c) 214.(a) 215.(a) 216.(c)
37.(b) 38.(a) 39.(b) 40.(b)
217.(b) 218.(b) 219.(a) 220.(d)
Q472. In a certain code language, if 41.(a) 42.(c) 43.(a) 44.(b)
221.(b) 222.(b) 223.(d) 224.(a)
CARPENTER is written as 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(a) 48.(a)
ACEENPRRT, then how will 225.(c) 226.(d) 227.(b) 228.(c)
49.(b) 50.(b) 51.(c) 52.(c)
BLACKSMITH be written in the same 229.(b) 230.(c) 231.(d) 232.(b)
53.(b) 54.(d) 55.(c) 56.(d)
code language? 233.(d) 234.(b) 235.(b) 236.(d)
एक िनि त कोड भाषा म, यिद CARPENTER को 57.(a) 58.(d) 59.(c) 60.(a)
ACEENPRRT िलखा जाता है , तो उसी कोड भाषा 237.(d) 238.(a) 239.(d) 240.(b)
61.(c) 62.(b) 63.(d) 64.(d)
म BLACKSMITH कैसे िलखा जाएगा? 241.(a) 242.(b) 243.(b) 244.(d)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 65.(a) 66.(a) 67.(a) 68.(c)
245.(a) 246.(a) 247.(b) 248.(c)
(a) ALBSKCIMHT (b) CALBIMKSTH 69.(d) 70.(c) 71.(a) 72.(c)
(c) ABCHIKLMST (d) LBCASKIMHT 249.(b) 250.(c) 251.(b) 252.(a)
73.(b) 74.(c) 75.(d) 76.(d)
253.(c) 254.(d) 255.(c) 256.(a)
Q473. In a certain coding system, ‘mango 77.(a) 78.(a) 79.(c) 80.(b)
257.(b) 258.(c) 259.(a) 260.(d)
is sweet’ is coded as ‘629’, ‘mango tree is 81.(d) 82.(b) 83.(a) 84.(a)
tall ’ is coded as ‘7289’, and ‘tall tree is 261.(c) 262.(b) 263.(a) 264.(a)
85.(d) 86.(a) 87.(a) 88.(c)
healthy’ is coded as ‘5287’. What is the 265.(a) 266.(d) 267.(a) 268.(b)
89.(a) 90.(d) 91.(a) 92.(b)
code for ‘healthy’ in this coding system? 269.(c) 270.(c) 271.(b) 272.(d)
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘mango is sweet’ को 93.(d) 94.(a) 95.(a) 96.(a)
‘629’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘mango tree is
273.(c) 274.(c) 275.(c) 276.(b)
97.(a) 98.(c) 99.(a) 100.(b)
tall’ को ‘7289’ के प म िलखा जाता है , और 277.(a) 278.(d) 279.(d) 280.(d)
‘tall tree is healthy’ को ‘5287’. के प म िलखा 101.(b) 102.(d) 103.(b) 104.(c)
281.(a) 282.(a) 283.(b) 284.(a)
जाता है , िफर इस भाषा म ‘healthy’ श का 105.(a) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(a)
कोड ा होगा? 285.(c) 286.(d) 287.(c) 288.(a)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 109.(d) 110.(c) 111.(b) 112.(b)
289.(c) 290.(a) 291.(c) 292.(a)
(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 7 113.(c) 114.(b) 115.(b) 116.(b)
293.(b) 294.(c) 295.(d) 296.(c)
117.(c) 118.(d) 119.(c) 120.(a)
Q474. In a certain coding system, 297.(a) 298.(d) 299.(d) 300.(b)
121.(d) 122.(a) 123.(b) 124.(a)
‘Watches are beautiful’ is coded as ‘856, 301.(c) 302.(d) 303.(a) 304.(a)
‘Beautiful things are expensive’ is coded 125.(a) 126.(d) 127.(c) 128.(d)
305.(d) 306.(b) 307.(b) 308.(c)
as ‘3845’, and ‘Expenditure things are 129.(d) 130.(a) 131.(b) 132.(b)
preferred’ is coded as ‘3874’. How 309.(d) 310.(d) 311.(b) 312.(b)
133.(d) 134.(a) 135.(c) 136.(a)
will ‘Watches are preferred’ be coded in 313.(b) 314.(b) 315.(d) 316.(d)
this coding system? 137.(b) 138.(a) 139.(a) 140.(d)
317.(a) 318.(d) 319.(d) 320.(c)
एक कोड भाषा म, अगर ‘Watches are beautiful’ 141.(d) 142.(a) 143.(b) 144.(d)
को ‘856’ के प म िलखा जाता है , ‘Beautiful 321.(b) 322.(b) 323.(c) 324.(c)
145.(c) 146.(d) 147.(b) 148.(b)
things are expensive’ को ‘3845’ के प म 325.(b) 326.(b) 327.(d) 328.(d)
िलखा जाता है , और ‘Expenditure things are 149.(c) 150.(b) 151.(c) 152.(d)
preferred’ को ‘3874’. के प म िलखा जाता है ,
329.(d) 330.(d) 331.(b) 332.(a)
153.(a) 154.(b) 155.(b) 156.(c)
िफर इस भाषा म '‘Watches are preferred’' श 333.(c) 334.(c) 335.(c) 336.(a)
का कोड ा होगा? 157.(c) 158.(b) 159.(c) 160.(a)

337.(a) 338.(b) 339.(c) 340.(c) Therefore STR=RTS ING=GNI, So

341.(d) 342.(d) 343.(a) 344.(c)
345.(b) 346.(d) 347.(b) 348.(c) Sol 2. (c) In the given question there is a
349.(c) 350.(d) 351.(b) 352.(c) code of alphabets A=1; B=2; C=3 and so Similarly, MONSTER will be written as
353.(a) 354.(d) 355.(a) 356.(c) on…. NOMSRET.
Here in question CAB=12 means
357.(b) 358.(c) 359.(b) 360.(d)
3+1+2=6 now multiply by 2 Sol 7. (b)
361.(a) 362.(a) 363.(b) 364.(d) 6*2 = 12
365.(a) 366.(c) 367.(a) 368.(c) FED = 30 means 6+5+4 =15
15*2 = 30
369.(d) 370.(d) 371.(c) 372.(a)
Same in case of HIDE = ??
373.(b) 374.(c) 375.(c) 376.(a) H=8; I=9; D=4; E = 5
377.(d) 378.(b) 379.(c) 380.(a) Therefore, 8+9+4+5 =26
26*2 = 52 Alphabets of BACHELOR change their
381.(a) 382.(d) 383.(b) 384.(a)
Option C is the correct answer position with 1 position increasing and
385.(c) 386.(a) 387.(b) 388.(c) decreasing alternatively
389.(a) 390.(d) 391.(a) 392.(d) Sol 3. (c) In the following question, Therefore, COHESION will be coded as
393.(c) 394.(d) 395.(a) 396.(d) QUESTION is represented by O N J R F G P B.
397.(a) 398.(d) 399.(b) 400.(c)
There is a pattern Q+1=R; U+1=V; Sol 8. (c) Given CAB = (3+1+2)x2 + 1 =
401.(d) 402.(d) 403.(a) 404.(d) E+1=F; S+1=T; T+1= U; I+1=J; O+1=P; 13
405.(a) 406.(d) 407.(a) 408.(d) N+1=O FEED = (6+5+5+4)x2 + 1 = 41
Write it in reverse order. Therefore, JADE = (10+1+4+5)x2 + 1 =41
409.(a) 410.(b) 411.(b) 412.(a)
413.(a) 414.(a) 415.(d) 416.(a) Sol 9. (b) In the given question
In the same way FACTOR is written as
417.(d) 418.(d) 419.(c) 420.(a) F+1=G; A+1=B; C+1=D; T+1= U; CONCERT is coded as CNEROCT
421.(b) 422.(a) 423.(c) 424.(a) O+1=P; R+1= S. Let’s give them numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Therefore after reversing it SPUDBG is and they are coded as 4 3 5 6 2 1 7
425.(c) 426.(d) 427.(d) 428.(d)
the correct arrangement. C O N C E R T now arrange them in
429.(b) 430.(c) 431.(b) 432.(a) CNEROCT
433.(b) 434.(a) 435.(c) 436.(c) Sol 4. (a) In question HECK is coded as In the same way, S M A R T E R
94410. Will be coded as R A T E M S R
437.(b) 438.(a) 439.(b) 440.(d)
Every alternate alphabet is adding or
441.(b) 442.(c) 443.(b) 444.(d) Sol 10. (a) In the given question MADE
subtracting 1 from the real number.
445.(a) 446.(d) 447.(a) 448.(a) H=8 (8+1=9) is coded as 12236 and BAD is coded as
449.(b) 450.(c) 451.(c) 452.(c) E=5(5-1=4) 123.
C=3(3+1=4) According to the alphabets code for M is
453.(a) 454.(a) 455.(a) 456.(a)
K=11(11-1=10) 13, A is 1,
457.(c) 458.(a) 459.(b) 460.(c) Same in DIG, M(13-1)=12; A(1+1)=2; D(4-1)= 3;
461.(d) 462.(d) 463.(a) 464.(c) D= 4 (4+1=5) E(5+1)=6
I= 9 (9-1=8) B(2-1)=1; A(1+1)=2; D(4-1)=3;
465.(a) 466.(b) 467.(b) 468.(d)
G= 7 (7+1=8) In the same way, DECK will be written as
469.(a) 470.(c) 471.(b) 472.(c) D(4-1)=3; E(5+1)=6; C(3-1)=2;
473.(c) 474.(b) BIKE is B= 2 (2+1=3) I= 9 (9-1=8) K= K(11+1)=12.
11 (11+1=12) E= 5 (5-1=4) So, code will be 36212. Hence, Option A
So, the code will be 38124 Option A is is correct.
SOLUTIONS correct.
Sol 11. (d) In this question MONKEY is
Sol 5. (c) FAKE is coded as 5 2 10 6 and coded as LPMLDZ.
MAD is coded as 12 2 5 Here, M-1=L
The fixed pattern here is that the O+1=P, N-1=M, K+1=L
Sol 1. (b) In the following question
numerical value of the alphabet first E-1=D, Y+1=Z
decreases by 1 and then increases by 1. In the same way, STROKE will be written
First three letters are reversed BAN=
Following the same trend, DEER is coded as:
NAB and last three again reversed KER=
as 3 6 4 19 S-1=R, T+1=U, R-1=Q
O+1=P, K-1=J, E+1=F
Sol 6. (a) The required pattern is: Hence, Option D is correct.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 19. (d) Logic is vowel = vowel Sol 27. (d) 2nd and 3rd letters are
Sol 12. (b) In the given question, position number (A=1, E=2...) swapped and 5th and 6 letters are
DIG=41 4+9+7=20; Consonant is coded as the next alphabet. swapped, rest everything is the same. By
Now, 20 × 2+1=41 In the same way, BEWARE will be this logic JUPITER is coded as JPUIETR.
GOAD=55; 7+15+1+4=27; written as C2X1S2
Now, 27 × 2+1=55 Sol 28. (b) LOGIC is : product of all
Then FACT=?? Sol 20. (d) As, AN=14 (A=1; N=14) 1 alphabetical positions
6+1+3+20= 30; × 14 = 14 BREAD (B=2; R=18; E=5; A=1; D=4)
Now, 30 × 2+1=61 In the same way, CAT=60; (C=3; A=1; 2 × 18 × 5 × 1 × 4=720
T=20) 3 × 1 × 20 = 60
Sol 13. (c) As per question EXPLAIN is Now find BEG (B=2; E=5; G=7) 2 Sol 29. (d) Here the logic is
written as XEALPNI in the same way we × 5 × 7 = 70
can write FACTORY as AFOTCYR. The
first two letters are reversed, the fifth Sol 21. (b) If A=4, B=5, C=6, D=7, E=8,
letter comes in third place and all others F=9 and so on
were reversed. Logic is alphabetical position +3.
Then, POWER will be written as Similarly
Sol 14. (c) According to the question, 191826821.
DRIVE is coded 59372 SPUR is coded
as 6489. Sol 22. (b) Here, we are subtracting 1
Therefore, PRIDE will be written as from all the given letters.
P=4 R=9 I=3 D=5 E=2. So ELECTION would be DKDBSHNM.
49352 is the correct answer
Sol 23. (d) As DEAR is coded as 7465 it
Sol 15. (d) In the following question means E is coded as 4 which is given in Sol 30. (c) According to the alphabet
PENCIL will be written as PNEICL. only one option D. codes X=24 (24×2=48)
The First and the last letter will not ACT=48 (1+3+20=24) Now, 24×2=48
change their position but the 2nd and 3rd Sol 24. (a) Logic is: Similarly, TALL = (20+1+12+12 = 45)
letter interchange their position and in the Now, 45×2=90
same way 4th and 5th will interchange. In
the same way MOTHER will be written Sol 31. (b) Here, we have to make pairs
as MTOEHR. and write the alphabet between them

Sol 16. (c) According to the question,

FATHER have 6 alphabets 6+1=7 Similarly,
In next word DAUGHTER have 8 Similarly GINPQSRTDF will be written as
alphabets 8+1=9 HORSE
Therefore in the word DISTANT we have
7 alphabets so 7+1=8 Sol 32. (b) logic is : opposite alphabetical
So 8 is the right answer. position of each letter.
So, CARGO will be written as
Sol 17. (b) EMBEZZLE is written as 24-26-9-20-12.
MEEBZZEL Sol 25. (b) logic is that each letter is
In this, the first two letters are reversed, coded to its opposite letter. Sol 33. (d) logic is : alphabetical position
3rd and 4th are reversed, 5th and 6th are So, of all letters except the last letter which is
reversed and so on… coded in reverse alphabetical order.
In the same way MAXIMIZE will be DEFER = 45659 (R= 27-18=9)
written as AMIXIMEZ
Sol.34. (c) Pattern is:- next term to W is
Sol 18. (b) As, second letter of all option X, previous term to A is Z, next term to T
Sol 26. (a) Here in the question ROCK is
is different So, is U, previous term to E is D and next
coded as 3587 (R=3; O=5; C=8; K=7)
R in OPERATION is coded as A in term to R is S.
TIDE is coded as 4261 (T=4; I= 2; D=6;
BWDATXPBJ Similarly, ANGLE will be coded as
A is given in option (B) so, it is the BMHKF.
So, we write DOCTOR
correct answer.
D=6, O=5, C=8, T=4, O=5, R=3
Sol 35. (a) pattern is :- 1 is added in every
So, the code will be 658453 for Doctor.
alphabet of the word ‘CERTAIN’.

Therefore, SUMMER will be coded as

TVNNFS Sol 45. (d)

Sol 36. (a)Logic is : alphabetical position

Sol 53. (b)
So, PARTICLE will be coded as
Sol 46. (b) BACK is written as 11312
Sol 37. (b) (A=1 & T=20) So, 1 × 20 = 20 and CAKE is written as 51113. In this
Similarly, (B=2; E=5; G=5) So, 2 × 5 × 7 coding values of letters are written
= 70 opposite.
And, (B=2, A=1, N=14, K=11) So, 2 × 1
× 14 × 11=308

Sol 38. (a) Sol 54. (d) T

SON = 345
ROAM = 6412 Similarly, MADE has value as 13145.
Direct code is applicable: By reversing it,we will get 54113.
RANSOM - 615342
So, ransom is coded as 615342 Sol 47. (a)

Sol 39. (b) Logic is : coded as the

opposite alphabetical position.
So, HONESTY will be written as
SLMVHGB Sol 48. (a) Logic is : 2 × (number of
letters +1) Sol 55. (c)
Sol 40. (b) TEMPLE is written in reverse Similarly, BUREAUCRAT has 10
order letters.
Similarly, CHURCH is coded as 10 + 1 = 11 × 2 = 22.
Sol 49. (b)
Sol 41. (a) Sol 56. (d)
nil dic white flowers
pic muk dic flowers are fruits
So, ‘nil’ is the code for the white.
Sol 42. (c) ARUN is coded as 54
Sol 57. (a) Logic is: +1 to each letter
A+R+U+N= 1+18+21+14=54
then reverse the word.
Similarly VARUN will be written as
Similarly , required code will be
V+A+R+U+N = 19+1+18+21+14 =76

Sol 43. (a) 54831 is coded as 63922 Sol 50. (b)

54831 = 69322
5+1 = 6, 4-1 = 3, 8+1 = 9,
3-1 = 2, 1+1 = 2
Similarly, Sol 58. (d)
86274 = 95365
8+1 = 9, 6-1 = 5, 2+1 = 3,
Sol 51. (c)
7-1 = 6, 4+1 = 5
CAB → 312 ⇒ 3 × 2 × 1 = 6
BED → 254 ⇒ 2 × 5 × 4 = 40
Similarly … HAD → 814 ⇒ 8 × 1 × 4 =
32 Sol 59. (c) Logic is : reverse the word and
Sol 44. (b) Add the places of alphabets then write its numbering
and add 5 in it.
Sol 52. (c)
DIG = 4 + 9 + 7 = 20 ; 20 + 5 = 25;
Similarly, KICK = 11 + 9 + 3 + 11 = 34 ;
34 + 5 = 39
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 60. (a) REGULAR is written as Sol 76. (d)

GERTRAL. Here positions are changed
as shown below. Only -1 is used in the
middle letter.
Sol 67. (a)

So using the same rule , the code for

BROTHER is Sol 77. (a)
Sol 68. (c) Logic is : product of all
alphabetical position
BAKE = 2 × 1 × 11 × 5 = 110.
Sol 78. (a)
Sol 61. (c) Logic is : each letter position Sol 69. (d)
is increased by 1
So, third letter of SAVAGE is coded as V
+ 1 = W. Sol 79. (c) DISTRIBUTION is written as
SIDIRTTUBNOI. The method of coding
Sol 62. (b) is shown below.
HEAD = 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 = 18 ; 18 × 2 = 36 Sol 70. (c)
; 36 + 1 = 37.
Now using the same pattern , the code for
KITE = 11 + 9 + 20 + 5 = 45 ; 45 × 2 = So the code for ABBREVIATING will be
90 ; 90 + 1 = 91. made with the same method.
Sol 71. (a) Logic is : double the
Sol 63. (d) Here the positions of the alphabetical position.
letters are changed. So PALE = 16 + 1 + 12 + 5 = 34 ; 34 × 2
= 68.

Sol 72. (c) Sol 80. (b)

Sol 73. (b) Sol 81. (d)

Similarly , the code for SEVENTY will

Sol 64. (d) Logic is : reverse the word and

code it as the opposite letter.
Sol 74. (c) YOGHURT is written as
251578211820. Direct place values of the
letters are written. So the code for
DEVELOP will be 45225121516.
Sol 82. (b)
Sol 65. (a) Sol 75. (d)

Sol 66. (a) Logic is :reverse the word.

Sol 83. (a)


Sol 99. (a) Logic is : +3, -3 rule is used.

Sol 84. (a) Logic is : double the sum
alphabetical position
CRICKET = 3 + 18 + 9 + 3 + 11 + 5 + 20
= 69.
69 × 2 = 138.
Sol 100. (b) Logic is : double the
Sol 94. (a) alphabetical position
Sol 85. (d) Ex. CAT = 3 + 1 + 20 = 24 x 2 = 48
SALE = 19 + 1 + 12 + 5 = 37 x 2 = 74.

Sol 101. (b) Logic is : -1 rule is used.

So the code for EXAMPLE will be
SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I Sol 95. (a) FORTUNE is coded as
6521347 and ‘PREY’ is coded as 8279. Sol 102. (d)
Sol 86. (a) Logic is : +3 , +2 , +3 , +2 F is for 6
rule is used. O is for 5
So, the code for WINNER will be R is for 2 and so on
ZKQPHT. taking the value from given terms,
NEPTUNE will be coded as 4781347.
Sol 87. (a) Logic is : 2 × (sum of
alphabetical position) Sol 96. (a) CERTAIN is written as
So, LATE = 12 + 1 + 20 + 5 = 38 × 2 = ‘XVIGZRM’. Here clearly , the opposite
76. letters are given. So the code for
Sol 88. (c) Logic is : consonant is coded
by -7, and vowel is coded by -3 to their Sol 97. (a) Sol 103. (b) Logic is : coded as
respective alphabetical position. corresponding alphabetical position.
P = 16 - 7 = 9 = I So the code for VISCOUS will be
E = 5 - 3 = 2 =B 229193152119.
So the code for PUBLICSECTOR will be
IRUEFVLBVMLK. Sol104. (c) Logic is : Make group of 2,
Reverse them and add 2.
Sol 89. (a) Logic is : consonant is coded
as double and vowel as square of their
respective alphabetical position.
So the code for B-A-C-K-S-P-A-C-E will
be 4-1-6-22-38-32-1-6-25. Sol 98. (c) Logic:- (-4) is subtracted from
Sol 90. (d) Logic is : direct coding is the alphabets having single digit place
given for the alphabets. C = I, A = A, B = value, and the sum of the digits is
D AND SO ON. Sol 105. (a)
considered in case of alphabets having Logic is : alphabetical position of each
So the code for BACKSPACE will be two digits place value.
L ⇒ 12 → 1+2 = 3 ⇒ C
O ⇒ 15 → 1+5 = 6 ⇒ F = 18-5-7-9-15-14-1-12
Sol 91. (a) Logic is : Sum of digits of G ⇒ 7 → (-4) → 3 ⇒ C
corresponding alphabetical position P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S
I ⇒ 9 → (-4) → 5 ⇒ E
Ex. P = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7, = 16-9-3-20-21-18-5-19
T ⇒ 20 → 2+0 = 2 ⇒ B
So, The code for DOCTOR will be E ⇒ 5 → (-4) → 1 ⇒ A
463269. Sol 106. (a) Logic is : -2 , -3 , -4 and -5
C ⇒ 3 or 29 → (-4) → 25 ⇒ Y
rule is used.
H ⇒ 8 → (-4) → 4 ⇒ D The code for IRON is I -2 =G, R -3 = O,
Sol 92. (b) Logic is : -3 , +3 , -3 , +3 rule So, LOGITECH is written as
is used. O -4= K, N -5 = I.
So the code for PURPOSE will be By using the same logic we find that
MXOSLVB. Sol 107. (b) Logic is : Divide the word
INFORMATION can be written as
into two groups, then reverse the order of
EEBFIDWBEFE. both the group and then increase each
Sol 93. (d) Hence, option C is correct response. letter by +2.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

F-R-I-E-N-D-L-Y will be 6-(18 = 1+8 =

9)-9-5-(14 = 1 + 4 = 5)-4-(12 = 1+2 =

Similarly ,the code for license will be

Sol 108. (a) Logic is : each letter is coded Sol 123. (b) Logic is : increase each letter
as per their alphabetical numbering. by 2 and then reverse the word
T-R-A-N-S-F-E-R is
Sol 116. (b) Logic is : sum of digits of
alphabetical positioning is used as the
So, I-N-C-L-U-D-E-D is
9-14-3-12-21-4-5-4 Sol 124. (a) Logic is : sum of digits of
L-U-C-R-A-T-I-V-E is coded as (12 = 1+
2 = 3)-(21 = 2+1 = 3)-3-(18 = 1+8 = alphabetical position
Sol 109. (d) Logic is : sum of alphabetical A-W-E-S-O-M-E is 1-(23 = 2+3
9)-1-(20 = 2 + 0 = 2)- 9-(22= 2+2 = 4)-5,
positon. =5)-5-(19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1)-(15 =
Similarly the code for AMSTERDAM
E = 5 ; PEN = 16 + 5 + 14 = 35 1+5 = 6)-(13 = 1+3 = 4)-5,
will be 141259414.
PAGE = 16 + 1 + 7 + 5 = 29 Similarly, the code for DIGNITY will be
Sol 117. (c) Logic is : Divide the group 4975927.
Sol 110. (c) Logic is : double the
into two equal half then reverse each
alphabetical positioning Sol 125. (a)
group and subtract 2 from each letter.
TALE = 20 + 1 + 12 + 5 = 38 x 2 = 76.
C-2 = A
A-2 = Y
Sol 111. (b) Logic is : divide the word
R-2 = P
into 2 groups of 4 each, and then reverse
N-2 = L, Reverse it, LPYA
the number and then do +3.
So the code for SALESMAN will be as Similarly,
I-2 = G
V-2 = T
A-2 = Y
L-2 - J, Reverse it, JYTG
Similarly the code for DISTANCE will
be RQGBCALY. Hence, option A is the correct answer.
Sol 112. (b) Logic is : sum of digits of
alphabetical position of the letter. Sol 118. (d) Logic is : Sum of digits of Sol 126. (d)Here vowels are coded as, A
alphabetical positioning ↔ 1, E ↔ 2, I ↔ 3, O ↔ 4, U ↔ 5
F-I-N-A-N-C-I-A-L = 6-9-(14 = 1 + 4 = And, place value is used for all
5)-1-(14 = 1 + 4 = 5)-3-9-1-(12= 1+2 = 3) consonants.
Similarly Thus, BOOK → 24411
LUCRATIVE = 333912945 EQUATION → 21751203414
So the code for QUICKLY will be Similarly,
8393237. Sol 119. (c) FOOTBALL → 64420211212
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
Sol 113. (c) Logic is : Sum of digits of
alphabetical positioning of each letter. Sol 127. (c) Adding the place value of
F-A-S-H-I-O-N is coded as 6-1-(19= 1+9 the alphabets then Multiply by the
= 10= 1+0=1)-8-9-(15 = 1 + 5 = 6)-(14 = Sol 120. (a) Logic is : Sum of digits of number of letters in the word.
1+4 = 5), alphabetical position of each letter RUBY → 18+21+2+25=66, 66 × 4= 264
So the code for L-A-S-T-I-N-G will be C-E-R-E-M-O-N-Y will be 3-5-(18 = 1+8 PAY → 16+1+25=42, 42 × 3= 126
3-1-1-2-9-5-7 = 9)-5-(13 = 1 + 3 = 4)-(15 = 1+5 = RUPAY → 18+21+16+125= 81, 81 ×
6)-(14 = 1 + 4 = 5)-(25 = 2+5 = 7). 5=405
Sol 114 (b) Logic is : divide the word
into 2 group of 4 letters each, then reverse Sol 121. (d) Sol 128. (b) Here, the logic. +3,+3,......&
each group and add 2 so on but in the last alphabet -3 logic
applied. So,

Sol 122. (a) Logic is : Sum of digits of

Sol 115. (b) Here +2 rule is used with the alphabetical position of each letter
change of position.

Sol 133. (d) Adding the place value of the Sol 140. (d) The pattern followed here
alphabets then Multiply by the number of is:+1, +2, +3, +4, & so on.
letters in the word.
CAT is coded as 72 ; CAT = 3 + 1 + 20 =
24 × 3 = 72. TROT is coded as 292 ;
TROT = 20 + 18 + 15 + 20 = 73 × 4 =
292. STAG = 19 + 20 + 1 + 7 = 47 × 4 = Similarly,

Sol 134. (a) HUSK is written as LZYR.

Here the logic: +4 , +5 , +6 and +7 rule is
Sol 129. (d) TRILOGY is written as
used. So the code for SERIAL will be
OGYLTRI. Here only the position of the Hence, the correct answer is XQRH.
first three and the last three are
S + 4 = W ; E + 5 = J ; R + 6 = X and so
interchanged. So the code for FRAGILE SSC MTS 2019
will be ILEGFRA.

Sol 135. (c) GOURD is written as Sol 141.(d) +2 , -3 , +2 , -3 rule is used.

IQSTF. +2 , +2 , -2 , +2 and +2 rule is R+2=T, I-3=F, G+2=I, I-3=F, D+2=F,
used. So the code for APHID will be S-3=P

Sol 130. (a) Adding the place value of the Sol 142. (a) ROK = 18 + 15 + 11 = 44 ;
Sol 136. (a) Reverse letter pair
alphabets then Multiply by the number of combination for BARBER is YZIYVI MIG = 13 + 9 + 7 = 29 ;
letters in the word. TAL = 20 + 1 + 12 = 33.
and its place value is
BUS = 2 + 21 + 19 = 42 × 3 = 126.
FUEL is coded as 176, FUEL = 6 + 21 + Similarly, reverse letter pair for GLINT is Sol 143. (b) Total number of alphabets in
5 + 12 = 44 × 4 = 176 = TORMG and its place value is the given word is the code.
So SHRUB = 19 + 8 + 18 + 21 + 2 = 68 × (20+15+18+13+7)=73
5 = 340. Similarly for LIZARD reverse letter pair Sol 144. (d) Each alphabet is decreased
is ORAZIW and its place value is( by 5. G-5=B, R-5=M,O-5=J, U-5=P,
Sol 131. (b) ROCKET is written as 15+18+1+9+26+23)=92 N-5=I, D-5=Y,
KETROC. Here only position of the first So, the code for FREAK is AMZVF .
three and the last three are interchanged. Sol 137. (b) SAW is coded as 8264. The
So the code for DRIVER will be opposite letters of SAW are HZD, and Sol 145. (c) . Code of alphabet: P-9, R-6,
VERDRI. their place values are 8264. and O-0, M-3, T-2.
CUDDLE is coded as 24623231522,So
the opposite letters of MEDULLA are Sol 146. (d) ‘TAN’ is written as ‘33’ ,
NVWFOOZ , SO THE CODE WILL BE ‘PAM’ is written as ‘28’.
1422236151526. TAN = T + A + N = 20 + 1 + 14 = 35 , 35
- 2 = 33.
Sol 132. (b)
Sol 138. (a) The pattern followed here is: PAM = P + A + M = 16 + 1 + 13 = 30 - 2
Adding the place value of the alphabets
= 28.
then Multiply by the number of letters in
Similarly , BUG = B + U + G = 2 + 21 +
the word.
7 = 30 , 30 - 2 = 28.
EAST is coded as 180, EAST = 5 + 1 +
19 + 20 = 45 ;
Similarly, Sol 147. (b) Each alphabet is decreased
45 × 4 = 180. Multiplied by 4 because
by 6. G-6=A, R-6=L, E-6=Y, A-6=U,
EAST has 4 letters. T-6=N.
and NORTH is coded as 375, NORTH =
So the code for ‘RAPID’ is LUJCX
14 + 15 + 18 + 20 + 8 = 75;
75 × 5 = 375. Multiplied by 5 because Sol 148. (b) +2 , +4 , +2 , +4 rule is used.
Hence, the correct answer is UYMTF
NORTH has 5 letters. S+2=U, T+4=X, E+2=G, A+4=E,
So SOUTH = 19 + 15 + 21 + 20 + 8 = 83 L+2=N, H+4=L
Sol 139. (a) The pattern followed here is:
; 83 × 5 = 415. Multiplied by 5 because So, the code for ‘ROBNRT’ is TSDRTX
SOUTH has 5 letters.
Sol 149. (c) place values of the letters are
written in the code

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 150. (b) Each alphabet is increased by Sol 164. (b)

3. So, the code for FREIGHT is

Sol 151. (c) Alphabets are increasing or
decreasing by 1 alternatively. So, the code So, the code for INSECT is JPVFEW
Sol 175.(d)
Sol 165. (d) Alphabets at odd positions
Sol 152. (d) ROAD = 18 + 15 + 1 + 4 = are increasing by 3 and alphabets at even
38 + 2 = 40 ; positions are increasing by 4.
HEAR = 8 + 5 + 1 + 18 = 32 + 2 = 34 ;
POEM = 16 + 15 + 5 + 13 = 49 + 2 = 51. Sol 166. (a) Place values of alphabets are So, the code for STROME is OTSEMR
written in reverse order in the code as
Sol 153. (a) ‘MANGO’ is written as shown in figure Sol 176.(a) Direct values for the letters
‘93425’ and ‘GREAT’ is written as are taken here. R = 8 , O = 2 , C = 6 and
‘28631’. So , the code for GREEN is so on.
28664. So, T=7,R=8,O=2, M=0,N=5 ,

Sol 154. (b) CAP = 3 + 1 + 16 = 20 ; Sol 177.(d) Alphabets at odd position is

ROM = 18 + 15 + 13 = 46 ; Sol 167. (c) ‘FOSSIL’ is written as increasing by 2 and alphabets at even
RUB = 18 + 21 + 2 = 41. ‘KHRRNE’. Here -1 rule is used and 1st position is decreasing by 2. So, the code
letter is used at the last , 2nd at the 2nd for POINTA is RMKLVY
Sol 155. (b) Alphabets are decreasing by last and so on. Similarly , the code for
3. So, the code for CORPSE is ZLOMPB ‘FUNGAL’ is ‘KZFMTE’. Sol 178.(d) Place value of the alphabet is
written in the code. So, the code for
Sol 156. (c) Alphabets at odd positions is NATOM is 141201513.
increased by3 and alphabets at even
positions is decreased by 5. Sol 179.(d) Each alphabet is increased by
3 in the code.
Sol 168.(c) Code for G=6 ,R=9 ,E=2 ,E=2
Sol 157. (c) Each alphabet is increased by ,T= 3
5. So the code for MOURN is RTZWS Sol 180.(c) Code is 1 less than the sum of
place value of all the alphabets in the
Sol 169. (a)
Sol 158. (b) Number of the alphabet in word.
the given word is the code for that word. GUD = 7+21+4=32 - 1 =31
FAR = 6+1+18=25, 25-1=24
Sol 159. (c) Place value of the alphabet is
written in the code. Sol 181.(a) Code for F=4, R=9, A=6,
Sol 170. (c) place values of alphabets are W=7, T=3
Sol 160. (a) Alphabets at odd positions written in the code.
are decreased by 2 and alphabets at even Sol 182.(d)
positions are decreased by 3. Sol 171. (c) Code is Sum of place values
of alphabets + 3.
Sol 161. (c) Alphabets at odd positions Lip = 12+9+16 = 37 + 3 =40
are increased by 1 and alphabets at even Similarly , ROPE = 18 + 15 + 16 + 5 = 54
positions are increased by 2. + 3 = 57
So the code for PRISON is KLPFOM

Sol 162. (c) Sum of the place values of Sol 172.(d) Each alphabet is decreased by
6. Sol 183. (c) -2 , +2 , -2 , +2 rule is used.
alphabets in RIP=18+9+16=43. Code is
R-2=P, A+2=C, I-2=G, N+2=P, E-2=C,
Sol 173.(c) Sum of the place values of D+2=F
Sum of the place value of alphabets
GAN=7+1+14=22, code will be 22-1=21 alphabets of the word is the code of that
word. Sol 184. (a) Sum of place values - 1.
SEP=19+5+16=40 OWL = 15 + 23 +12 = 50 - 1 = 49
Sol 163. (b) Sum of the place values
Sol 174. (c) WSXLEQ Sol 185. (d)
Sum of the place values


T+5 = Y, R+6 = X, A+5 = F, V+6 = B,
E+5 = J, L+6 = R
So the code for TABLE is
So, the code for PRODUCE is QQPCVB. ATBEL. Sol 205. (d) Sum of place values - 3.
FORT = 6+15+18+20-3 = 56
Sol 186.(c) Direct place values of the Sol 197.(c) Similarly,
alphabets are written in the code. So code CALF = 3+1+12+6-3 = 19
for PRINTER is 161891420518.
Sol 206. (a)
Sol 187.(d) Similarly,
S-3 = P, E-3 = B, D-3 = A, A-3 = X, L-3
= I, B-3 = Y
Similarly , ROBUST = YXZGTW

So the code for MONDAX is OSPHCB Sol 198 (a) Sum of place values - 3.
Sol 207. (c) Just letters are interchanged.
ROAM = 18+15+1+13-3 = 44
Sol 188.(d) Here, Code is 2 more than the BONE = 2+15+14+5-3 = 33
sum of the place value of all alphabets in
Sol 199. (b) +2 , +4 , +2 , +4 rule is used. Similarly,
the word. So, code for FROM is
6+18+15+13+2=54 PENCIL = RIPGKP
P+2 = R, E+4 = I, N+2 = P, C+4 = G, I+2 Sol 208. (b) Direct place values are
= K, L+4 = P written.
Sol 189.(d) Direct values for the letters
Similarly, FISHES = 69198519
are given here. R = 5 , P = 6 , I = 9 and so
FABRIC = HEDVKG F= 6, I = 9, S = 19, H = 8, E = 5, S = 19
F+2 = H, A+4 = E, B+2 = D, R+4 = V, LEAD = 12514
I+2 = K, C+4 = G L = 12, E = 5, A = 1, D = 4
Sol 190.(a)

Sol 200. (c) Sum of place values. Sol 209. (b) Sum of place values - 1.
PAL = 16+1+12 = 29 PRO = 16+18+15-1 = 48
ZON = 26+15+14 = 55 In the same way,
So, the code for COWARD is DQZEWJ COH = 3+15+8-1 = 25
Sol 201. (c) Total number of alphabets in
Sol 191.(d) the given word. Sol 210. (a) +1 , -1 rule is used.
PHONE = 5 (Number of alphabets) REASON = SDBRPM
WEDNESDAY = 9 (Number of R+1 = S, E-1 = D, A+1 = B, S-1 = R,
alphabets) O+1 = P, N-1 = M
In the same way,
So , The code for
Sol 202. (b) NGLISH = OFMHTG
N+1 = O, G-1 = F, L+1 = M, I-1 = H, S+1
= T, H-1 = G
Sol 192.(c) COW→3+15+23=41
Sol 211. (b) Direct place values are
Similarly, written.
Sol 193(c) The code for RAM is 1 less ROPED = EFQPS VERBAL = 225182112
than the sum of its alphabets.
RAM→18+1+13=32-1=31 Sol 203. (c) Direct values for the letters SOLVER = 19151222518
COR→3+15+18=36-1=35 are taken here. R = 5 , O = 8 , H = 9 and
so on. Sol 212. (c) -3 rule is used.
Sol 194(c) Place value of alphabets is HORSE = 98543 MODERN = JLABOK
written in the code . So the code for WASTE = 16423 M-3 = J, O-3 = L, D-3 = A, E-3 = B, R-3
CHAIR is 381918. ROAST = 58642 = O, N-3 = K
Sol 195.(b) 5 is subtracted from each Sol 204. (b) +5 , +6 , +5 , +6 rule is used. NUMBER = KRJYBO
alphabet of BRICK. So, the code for BRICKS = GXNIPY N-3 = K, U-3 = R, M-3 = J, B-3 = Y, E-3
'GOLDS' is BJGYN B+5 = G, R+6 = X, I+5 = N, C+6 = I, = B, R-3 = O
K+5 = P, S+6 = Y
Sol 196.(b) Similarly, Sol 213.(c) Opposite letters are used.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

‘CLASSIFY’ = XOZHHRUB written as 'sur mur jur' and 'people have

C = X, L = O, A = Z, S = H. S = H, I = R, honesty' is written as 'lur jur nur'. So the
F = U, Y = B code for ‘confident' is ‘bur’.
In the same way,
Similarly , 'SCRIBBLE'
MODIFY = NLWRUB Sol 220 (d)
M = N, O = L, D = W, I = R, F = U, Y = Alphabet of LANTERN is written in an
B increasing order of alphabet.So the code
Sol 228.(c)
CITRUS = 982154
Sol 214.(a) 2 is added in the place value
YOU = 365
of every letter. Sol221.(b) Place values of the consonants
Direct coded has been done here.
RUN = 202316 are the same , while of the vowels is
SURITY = 451823
R+2 = 20, U+2 = 23, N+2 = 16 doubled.
In the same way, VISUAL = 22181942212
Sol 229.(b) Consonants are replaced by
RANSOM = 20316211715 V = 22, I = 9 × 2 = 18, S = 19
the place value of the opposite alphabet.
R+2 = 20, A+2 = 3, N+2 = 16, S+2 = 21, U = 21 × 2 = 42, A = 1 × 2 = 2, L = 12
And vowels are replaced by the place
O+2 = 17, M+2 = 15 In the same way,
value of the alphabet in the vowel
'DETOX = 410203024
Sol 215.(a) +2 , -2 rule is used. D = 4, E = 5 × 2 = 10, T = 20
→ 1, E → 2, I → 3, O → 4, U → 5.)
LEMON = NCOMP O = 15 × 2 = 30, X = 24
L+2 = N, E-2 = C, M+2 = O, O-2 = M,
L (opposite alphabet)= O= 15
N+2 = P Sol 222.(b) Direct values for the letters
U(vowel ) = 5
In the same way, are taken here. P = 5 , M = 4 , R = 7 and
C (opposite alphabet)=X= 24
MANGO = OYPEQ so on.
I( vowel)= 3
M+2 = O, A-2 = Y, N+2 = P, G-2 = E,
D (opposite alphabet)=W=23
O+2 = Q Sol 223.(d) Opposite letters are used.
Sol 230.(c) 'Are you coming' is written as
Sol 216.(c) Direct place values are In the same way, ‘DOUGH = WLFTS
'gla pla sot', 'they are right' is written as
'kla sot pom', 'are they coming' is written
HACB = 8132 Sol 224. (a) +2 rule is followed.
as 'sot pla pom'. So the code for ‘right’ is
H = 8, A = 1, C = 3, B = 2 TEMPER = VGORGT
In the same way, T+2 = V, E+2 = G, M+2 = O, P+2 = R,
DEFA = 4561 E+2 = 7, R+2 = T
Sol 231.(d)‘BADGE’ = 4281410
D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, A = 1 In the same way, FRIEND = HTKGPF
B×2 = 4
A×2 = 2
Sol 217.(b) Place values of the Sol 225.(c) Direct place values are written
consonants are the same , while of the ‘PARTY’ = ‘161182025’ D×2 = 8
vowels is doubled. P = 16 G × 2 = 14
REPAIR = 18101621818 A=1 E × 2 = 10
R = 18, E = 5 × 2 = 10, P = 16 R = 18 In the same way,
A = 1 × 2 = 2, I = 9 × 2 = 18, R = 18 T = 20 NORMS = 2830362638
In the same way, Y = 25 N × 2 = 28
GALAXY = 721222425 In the same way, O × 2 = 30
G = 7, A = 1 × 2 = 2, L = 12 ‘CAMERA’ = 31135181 R × 2 = 36
A = 1 × 2 = 2, X = 24, Y = 25 M × 2 = 26
Sol 226.(d) S × 2 = 38
Sol 218.(b) Place values of the opposite
letters are used for coding. Sol 232. (b) First three letters are
CLASS = 24152688 interchanged and the last three letters are
C = X = 24, L = O = 15, A = Z = 26, S = interchanged.
H = 8, S = H = 8 Similarly , MAGICAL = GAMILAC
M = N = 14, O = L = 12, R = I = 9, P = K
= 11, H = S = 19 Sol 227. (b)

In the same way,

Sol 219.(a) 'People are confident' is
written as 'lur bur duk', 'we are helpful' is
written as 'kur duk sur', 'we have cars' is

Sol 240.(b) From 2nd to 5th letter , +1 , -1 MATHS = PZWGV

rule is used. Opposite of 1st is at the last M+3 = P, A-1 = Z, T+3 = W, H-3 = G,
and the opposite of the last letter is first S+3 = V
on the 1st position in the coding.
Sol 248. (c) -1 , -1 , +1 , +1 rule is used.
Sol 233 . (d) Logic is : consonant is coded LANE = KZOF
as its alphabetical position and vowel is L-1 = K, A-1 = Z, N+1 = O, E+1 = F
coded as alphabetical position square. In the same way,
'L-O-D-G-E' = 12-225-4-7-25 MASK =
CARING = 3-1-18-81-14-7 M-1 = L, A-1 = Z, S+1 = T, K+1 = L
Sol 241.(a)3 + 4 =25
Sol 234 . (b) First three letters are 32 + 42 = 25 Sol 249.(b) Multiply the place values.
interchanged and the last three letters are In the same way, HA= 8 × 1 = 8
interchanged 9+40 = 1681 CAT = 3 × 1 × 20 = 60
SAMPLE = MASELP 92 + 402 = 1681 In the same way,
HEN = 8 × 5 × 14 = 560
Sol 242.(b) Firstly reverse all the
alphabets and then, +4.
Sol 250.(c) Direct coding is done for the
letters. R = T , A = I , W = N and so on.
In the same way, TABLE = ELBAT
E+4 = I, L+4 = P, B+4 = F, A+4 = E, T+4
Sol 251.(b) First four letters are
In the same way, interchanged with the last four letters &
vice versa and the middle alphabet
Sol 235. (b) Place values are multiplied. SCRAP = PARCS
remains the same.
HE = 5 × 8 = 40 P+4 = T, A+4 = E, R+4 = V, C+4 = G,
In the same way, S+4 = W
Sol 252.(a) Direct place values are
BAND = 2 × 1 × 14 × 4 = 112 written.
Sol 243. (b)Here, direct given coding
‘BHAI’ = 2819
Sol 236.(d) 'This is done' is written as 'koj values are used.
B = 2, H = 8, A = 1, I = 9
mor soj', 'that is okay' is written as 'loj roj APPLES = 122456
In the same way,
mor', and 'you are okay' is written as 'hok CANCEL = 918954
‘CDGH’ = 3478
nok loj' ‘CLEANESS’ = 94518566
C = 3, D = 4, G = 7, H = 8
So, code for that is roj.
Sol 244.(d) Logic is : Arrange the letters
Sol 253.(c)Sum of the place values.
Sol 237.(d) Multiply the place values in the alphabetical order as they appear.
BUT = 43
JAM = 10 × 1 × 13 = 130 So, HISTORY is coded as HIORSTY
B+U+T = 2+21+20 = 43
JAR = 10 × 1 × 18 = 180 BOSS = 55
Sol 245.(a) Direct values for the letters
B+O+S+S = 2+15+19+19 = 55
are taken here. F = 2 , L = 8 , Y = 5 and
Sol 238.(a) Each place value is multiplied
so on.
by 2, then - 1. Sol 254.(d)4 + 5 = 41
A = 1 × 2-1 = 1, C = 3 × 2-1 = 5 FLY = 285 42 + 52 = 41
ACCESS = 399711
Pulse = In the same way,
Direct values for the letters are taken
P=16 × 2-1=31, U=21 × 2-1=41 62 + 82 = 100
L=12 × 2-1=23, S=19 × 2-1=37
CYCLE = 95987
E=5 × 2-1=9 Sol 255. (c) Place value of 1st letter is
multiplied by 1 , 2nd by 2 , 3rd by 3 and
Sol 246.(a) Direct values for the letters
Sol 239.(d) For consonants , +3 , for so on.
are taken here. F = 9 , E = 8 , V = 2 and
vowels , -1. ‘BREAK’ = 23615455
so on.
GRAPH = JUZSK B = 2×1 = 2
ROVER = 35283
G+3 = J, R+3 = U, A-1 = Z R = 18 × 2 = 36
P+3 = S, H+3 = K E = 5 × 3 = 15
Sol 247. (b) The logic: +3, -1, +3, -1..&
In the same way, A = 1×4 = 4
so on.
CARE = FZUD K = 11 × 5 = 55
C+3 = F, A-1 = Z T+3 = W, A-1 = Z, M+3 = P, I-1 = H, L+3 In the same way,
R+3 = U, E-1 = D =O ‘XEROX’ = 24105460120
In the same way, X = 24 × 1 = 24
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

E = 5 × 2 = 10 In the same way,

R = 18 × 3 = 54 ‘NEST’ = JAOP Sol 269 (c) Direct coding is used for the
O = 15 × 4 = 60 N-4 = J, E-4 = A, S-4 = O, T-4 = P letters. M = 6 , E = $ , R= * and so on.
X = 24 × 5 = 120 MERCI = 6$*2&
Sol 263 (a) -3 rule is followed.
Sol 256. (a) Logic is : sum of reverse DOCTOR = ALZQLO Sol 270 (c) +3 rule is followed.
alphabetical positioning D-3 = A, O-3 = L, C-3 = Z, T-3 = Q, O-3 ADETP = DGHWS
HE = 19 + 22 = 41 = L, R-3 = O A+3 = D, D+3= G, E+3 = H, T+3 = W,
So, HERE = 19 + 22 + 9 + 22 = 72 In the same way, P+3 = S
NURSE = KROPB In the same way,
Sol 257. (b) Opposite letters are used. N-3 = K, U-3 = R, R-3 = O, S-3 = P, E-3 'DTPQUV' = GWSTXY
‘ACQUIRE’ = ZXJFRIV =B D +3 = G, T+3 = W, P+3 = S, Q+3 = T,
Opposite of : U+3 = X, V+3 = Y
A = Z, C = X, Q = J, U = F, I = R, R = I, Sol 264 (a) -2 in each place value.
E=V ‘JACKET’ = 8-25-1-9-3-18 Sol 271 (b) First 4 letters are exchanged
J-2 = 8, A-2 = 25, C-2 = 1, K-2 = 9, E-2 = with the last 4 letters with their positional
Sol 258. (c) Just interchange of the letters. 3, T-2 = 18 values.
FAIL = IFLA In the same way, ‘LANDMARK’ = 131181112144
‘SWEATER’ = 17-21-3-25-18-3-16 M A R K L A N D
S-2 = Q, W-2 = U, E-2 = C, A-2 = Y, T-2 13 1 18 11 12 1 13 4
= R, E-2 = 3, R-2 = 16 In the same way,
NOTEBOOK = 21515111415205
In the same way, Sol 265 (a) Sum of the place values. B O O K N O T E
BAT = 23 2 15 15 11 14 15 20 5
B+A+T = 2+1+20 = 23
In the same way, Sol 272 (d) -2 rule is followed.
Sol 259. (a) Logic is : coding is done as 9 C+R+I+C+K+E+T P-2 = N, L-2 = J, A-2 = Y, I-2 = G, N-2 =
- digits . = 3+18+9+3+11+5+20 = 69 L
6532 In the same way,
9-6=3 Sol 266 (d) +3 rule is followed. MUG = KSE
9-5=4 & so on.. ‘GUN’ = JXQ M-2 = K, U-2 = S, G-2 = E
So, code for 7 is 9-7=2 , 9-9=0, 9-1=8 and G+3 = J, U+3 = X, N+3 = Q
9-5=4 In the same way, Sol 273 (c) The pattern: +2, +3, +5, +7,
2084 is the answer. ‘RIFLE’ = ULIOH +11, +13( consecutive prime numbers are
R+3 = U, I+3 = L, F+3 = I, L+3 = O, E+3 added)
Sol 260. (d) +3 rule is followed. =H BHOPAL = DKTWLY
‘CLAY’ = ‘FODB’ B+2 = D, H+3 = K, O+5= T, P+7 = W,
C+3 = F, L+3 = O, A+3 = D, Y+3 = B Sol 267 (a) Place value of 1st letter is A+11 = L, L+13 = Y
In the same way, multiplied by 1 , 2nd by 2 , 3rd by 3 and In the same way,
F+3 = I, R+3 = U, O+3 = R, G+3 = J STAY = 19403100 M+2 = O, H+3 = K, O+5 = T, W+7 = D
S = 19 × 1 = 19
Sol 261.(c) Logic is : divide the word into T = 20 × 2 = 40 Sol 274 (c)For RACK=9
two equal half then reverse both the word A = 1×3 = 3 R= 18, A= 1, C= 3, K= 11
and code as their alphabetical position. Y = 25 × 4 = 100 sum(18+1+3+11)= 33=3 × 3=9
In the same way, For Top
HOUR = 8306372 T= 20
H = 8 × 1= 8 O= 15
O = 15 × 2 = 30 P= 16
U = 21 × 3 = 63 sum(20+15+16)= 51=5 × 1=5
Similarly. STAM PEDE after reversing
R = 18 × 4 = 72 Similarly, For maple, (13+1+16+12+5)=
47=4 × 7=28
Now its code is 1312019 54516
Sol 268 (b)ANT=105
Sol 262. (b)-4 rule is followed. A+N+T = 1+14+20 = 35 × 3 = 105 Sol 275 (c) +1 rule is followed.
SLAM = OHWI In the same way,
S-4 = O, L-4 = H, A-4 =W, M-4 = I ASK = 1+19+11 = 31 × 3 = 93

H+1 = I, I+1 = J, S+1 = T, T+1 = U, O+1 DBFEI = 33568 B -2 = Z, R-2 = P, O-2 = M, W-2 = U,
= P, R+1 = S, Y+1 = Z D-1 = 3, B+1 = 3, F-1 = 5, E+1 = 6, N-2 = L
In the same way, I-1 = 8 In the same way,
E+1 = F, N+1 = O, G+1 = H, L+1 = M, EFIBB = 47831 V - 2 = T, I-2 = G, O-2 = M, L-2 = J, E-2
I+1 = J, S+1 = T, H+1 = I E-1 = 4, F+1 = 7, I-1 = 8, B+1 = 3, = C, T-2 = R
B-1 = 1
Sol 276 (b) Every place value is Sol 289 (c) Place value of 1st letter is
decreased by 2. Sol 282 (a) -2 rule is followed. multiplied by 1 , 2nd by 2 , 3rd by 3 and
‘Tiger’ = 18-7-5-3-16 ‘GLOBE’ = ‘EJMZC’ so on.
T-2 = 18, I-2 = 7, G-2 = 5, E-2 = C, R-2 = G -2 = E, L-2 = J, O-2 = M, B-2 = Z, E-2 B = 2×1 = 2
16 =C R = 18×2 = 36
In the same way, ‘WATCH’ = UYRAF E = 5×3 = 15
‘LEOPARD’ = 10-3-13-14-25-16-2 W-2 = U, A-2 = Y, T-2 = R, C-2 = A, H-2 A = 1×4 = 4
L-2 = 10, E-2 = 3, O-2 = 13, P-2 = 14, =F K = 11×5 = 55
A-2 = 25, R-2 = 16, D-2 = 2 In the same way,
Sol 283 (b) -1 rule is followed. XEROX = 24105460120
Sol 277 (a) -1 rule is followed. GYM = FXL X = 24×1 = 24
‘CITY’ = ‘BHSX’ G-1 = F, Y-1 = X, M-1 = L E = 5×2 = 10
C-1 = B, I-1 = H, T-1 = S, Y-1 = X In the same way, R = 18×3 = 54
C-1 = B, A-1 = Z, P-1 = O, I-1 = H, T-1 = T-1 = S, R-1 = Q, A-1 = Z, I-1 = H, N-1 = X = 24×5 = 120
S, A-1 = Z, L-1 = K M, E-1 = D, R-1 = Q
Sol 290 (a) +4 rule is followed.
Sol 278 (d)Here, numbers greater than 6 Sol 284 (a) +1 rule is used in place values ‘STAY’ = ‘WXEC’
are subtracted by 6 and smaller than 6 are of alphabets. S+4 = W, T+4 = X, A+4 =E, Y+4 =C
added by 3. ‘DINNER’ = 5-10-15-15-6-19 In the same way,
D+1 = 5, I+1 = 10, N+1 = 15, N+1 = 15, PERK = TIVO
E+1 = 6, R+1 = S P+4 = T, E+4 =I, R+4 = V, K+4 = O
In the same way,
‘SNACKS’ = 20-15-2-4-12-20 Sol 291 (c) +3 , -3 , +3 , -3 & so on.. rule
Similarly, S+1 = 20, N+1 = 15, A+1 = B, C+1 = 4, is followed.
K+1 = 12, S+1 = 20 ‘HANKER’ = ‘KXQHHO’
H+3 = K, A-3 = X, N+3 = Q, K-3 = H,
Sol 285 (c) Here whatever letter is given , E+3 = H, R-3 = O
its next vowel is taken as its code. In the same way,
Sol 279 (d) +5 rule is followed. J+3 = M, I-3 =F, N+3 = Q, G-3 = D, L+3
‘FLAG’ = ‘KQFL’ = O, E-3 = B
F+5 = K, L+5 = Q
A+5 = F, G+5 = L Sol 292 (a) +1 , +1 , -1 , -1( in their place
In the same way, values ) rule is followed.
‘TRUCK’ = YWZHP ‘AEBI’ = ‘2618’
T+5 = Y, R+5 = W A+1 = 2, E+1 = 6, B-1 = 1, I-1 = 8
U+5 = Z, C+5 = H, K+5 = P Sol 286 (d) CAKE' is coded as '2163' and In the same way,
'KATTLE' is coded as 617743, ‘DFCH' = 5727
Sol 280 (d) +2 , -2 , +2 , -2 & so on ..rule Direct coding is done for the letters. C = 2 D+1 = 5, F+1 = 7, C-1 = 2, H-1 = 7
is followed. , K = 6 , E= 3 and so on.
‘PARROT’ = ‘RYTPQR’ 'LAKE' = 4163 Sol 293 (b)The logic: Squares of the
P+2 = R, A-2 = Y, R+2 = T, R+2 = T, numbers are coded.
O+2 = Q, T-2 = R Sol 287 (c)18 A 6 B 2 C 16 B 4 D 21 ‘231’ = 491
In the same way, After coding, 18 + 6 x 2 ÷ 16 x 4 - 21 22 = 4, 32 = 9, 12 = 1
‘BEHOLD’ = DCJMNB 18 + 6 x 162 x 4 - 21 569 = 25-36-81
B+2 = D, E-2 = C. H+2 = J, O-2 = M, 18 + 3 - 21 52 = 25, 62 = 36, 92 = 81
L+2 = N, D-2 = B =0
Sol 294 (c)+5 rule is used.
Sol 281 (a) -1 , +1 , -1 , +1& so on.. rule Sol 288 (a) -2 rule is followed. 'FRAUD’ = ‘KWFZI’
is followed. BROWN = ZPMUL 151
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

F+5 = K, R+5 = W, A+5 = F, U+5 = Z, Since ORANGE is a citrus fruit and it is S-1 = R, T-1 = 19, A = 1
D+5 = I called GUAVA in the given language, T-1 = S, U = 5, E = 2
In the same way, therefore the citrus fruit as per the
GLAIR = LQFNW condition is GUAVA. Sol 307.(b) Logic is : double the sum of
G+5 = L, L+5 = Q, A+5 = F, I+5 = N, alphabetical position
R+5 = W Sol 302.(d) YACHT= 25 + 1 + 3 + 8 + 20
U = 21 = 2+1 = 3 =57 × 2 = 114
Sol 295 (d) +2 , -2 , +2 , -2.. So on rule is L = 12 = 1+2 = 3
followed. T = 20 = 2+0 = 2 Sol 308.(c) Here the logic is: each
'GIBECH' = ‘974356’ E=5 alphabet *2
G+2 = 9, I-2 = 7, B+2 = 4, E-2 = 3 R = 18 = 1+8 = 9 As per the given condition EARTH will
C+2 = 5, H-2 = 6 I=9 be written as 102364016.
In the same way, O = 15 = 1+5 = 6
‘FHCIAD’ = 865732 R = 18 = 1+8 = 9 Sol 309.(d) It's clearly visible that only
F+2 = 8, H-2 = 6, C+2 = 5, I-2 = 7, A+2 = Similarly, This is the pattern being ‘HAMBURGER’ is the word that can be
3, D-2 = 2 followed to code the given word formed from the given code.
Thus similarly NAVIGATION will be
Sol 296 (c) -3 rule is followed. code as ‘5149712965’ Sol 310. (d) Generally, Pen is used for
‘BLANCH’ = ‘YIXKZE’ writing. But in the given coding, Pen is
B-3 = Y, L-3 = I, A-3 = X, N-3 = K, C-3 Sol 303.(a) Here direct coding is given. called Colour. So, Colour is used for
= Z, H-3 = E writing.
In the same way,
‘DEFAME’ = ABCXJB Sol 311. (b) Logic is : Consonant =
D-3 = A, E-3 = B, F-3 = C, A-3 = X, M-3 Reverse alphabetical numbering
= J, E-3 = B vowel = numerical order. A=1, E=2, I=3,
O=4, U=5
Sol 297 (a) The logic: (Number × 2) - 2. So, BRINJAL = 26-10-3-14-18-1-16
'15-78-25-36' = ‘28-154-48-70’
15 × 2 - 2 = 28, 78 × 2 - 2 = 154 Sol 312. (b) Logic is : double the
25 × 2 - 2 = 48, 36 × 2 - 2 = 70 In the similar manner , the code for alphabetical sum
In the same way, ‘YACHT’ will be written as QHZFN. Similarly, LAMB = 12 + 1 + 13 + 2 = 28
‘23-63-42-81’ = 44-124-82-160 = 28 * 2 = 56.
23 × 2 - 2 = 44, 63 × 2 - 2 = 124
42 × 2 - 2 = 82, 81 × 2 - 2 = 160 Sol 313. (b) Logic is : previous and next
letter is coded.
Similarly, the code for JOCKEY will be
SSC CPO 2019 TIER I Sol 304. (a) KITE has 4 letters , So , 4 * as :I J K ; N O P ; B C D ; J K L ; D E F ;
2 = 8 + 1 = 9. XYZ
Sol 298 (d) Logic is : (sum of all MAGIC has 5 letters , So , 5 * 2 = 10 + 1 So, the code for JOCKEY is
alphabetical position) × 3 = 11. IKNPBDJLDFXZ.
So, JADE = 60 ⇒ 10 + 1 + 4 + 5 = 20 * 3 Similarly , FELICITATION has 12 letters
= 60 , So 12 * 2 = 24 + 1 = 25. Sol 314. (b) Logic is : consonant is coded
So , 25 is the code for FELICITATION. as opposite letter and vowel is coded as
Sol 299. (d) Direct coding is given in the
question.Vowels are numbered from 1 to Sol 305. (d) In a certain code language, So, the code for ‘PREDICT’ will be
5. ‘dee duc tic’ is written as ‘roses are red’, ‘KI4W3XG’.
A = 1, E = 2, I = 3, O = 4, U = 5. ‘bil doe’ is written as ‘yellow carnations’
and ‘tic dur doe’ is written as ‘carnations Sol 315. (d) Logic is : (Alphabetical
are pink’. So , the code for ‘pink’ is ‘dur’. numbering *2) + 1
So, the code for NOMINAL = 27 + 29 +
Sol 306. (b)Logic is : Consonant = 25 + 17 + 27 + 1 + 23 = 149.
previous alphabet, vowel = numerical
Sol 300. (b)Logic is : for each letter order. A=1, E=2, I=3, O=4, U=5 Sol 316. (d) Logic is : Here +2 rule is
previous and next letter is used. HONEY = G4M2X used but position is changed as given
So, P=OQ, O=NP, W=VX, E=DF, R=QS, H-1 = G, O = 4, N-1 = M below :
So, code for power is OQNPVXDFQS E = 2, Y-1 = X
Sol 301. (c) STATUE =

Sol 324. (c) Logic is : vowels are coded

as- A,E,I,O,U → 5,4,3,2,1 and
consonants are coded as opposite letter.
Similarly, RELATION is coded as
Similarly , the code for ‘SWITCH’ will I4O5G32M.
be as follows :
Sol 325. (b) Here, alphabets are coded
with odd numbers, their new place values
are one less than double of the old place
values. Sol 331.(b)The required pattern
B=2*2-1=4-1=3; is:Positional value × 2
F = 6 * 2 - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11 and so on.
Sol 317. (a) According to the given
Now , the total value of RADICAL is R +
coding , the code for PORCELAIN will
= 35 + 1 + 7 + 17 + 5 + 1 + 23 = 89.
Sol 318. (d) According to the given
Sol 326. (b) In a certain code language I
coding , the code for ABUNDANCE will
is written as P, L as A, A as O, O as N, N
be GRATIGTUD. Sol 332.(a)In the given question,
as C, C as T, P as L and T as I. So ,
positions to the alphabets are given in the
according to the given coding , the code
Sol 319. (d) Logic is : Sum of digits of way as they fall in the series excluding
alphabetical positions vowels.
Ex. M = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4 ; O = 15 = 1 + 5 = Vowels i.e, a,e,i,o,u are coded as
Sol 327. (d) Logic is : square of the each
6 and so on. 1,2,3,4,5.
alphabetical position
Similarly, the code for UNIVERSE will So, coding for MAGNIFY will be
In the similar manner, the code for
be 35945915. 1317143625
CAGED will be 91492516.
Sol 320. (c) Logic is : 2*(number of Sol 333.(c)The required pattern is:
letters) +1
Similarly , EXAMINATION = 11 , (11 *
2) +1 = 23.
So, the code for EXAMINATION will be
23. SSC CGL 2019 TIER I
Sol 321. (b) Logic is : 2(alphabetical Sol.328.(d)HARVEST is coded as Similarly, TRAVEL will be written as
position)+1 MGYEWZ.
22-21-7-24-20-3-10. The pattern which
So, C = 5, A = 1, R = 35 , D = 7 , I = 17 , follows is: the number corresponding to
N = 27 , A = 1 , L = 23. the alphabet in English is written in
Code for CARDINAL is 5 + 1 + 35 + 7 + reverse order after adding 2 in it means
17 + 27 + 1 + 23 = 116. code for R(18+ 2=20) is written first then
E(5+2=7) and so on.
Sol 322. (b) According to the given Similarly, F A R M E R will be coded
coding, the code for HALOGENS is as 20-7-15-20-3-8 Sol 334.(c)The required pattern is:
Sol 323. (c) Logic is : increase the
alphabetical position by two and then
reverse the code.

Similarly, ACCURATE will be written as Sol 335.(c)The logic: consonants are

CZGPXTBV. numbered according to their reverse
position value. and vowels are A → 1, E
Sol 330.(d)The required pattern is: → 2, I → 3. & so on.
3 13 8 2 24 7

Sol 336.(a) 153

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

The pattern followed is as follows: L ⇒ U P = 16, A = 1 ,G = 49 = (7)2 , E = 5

The alphabets of GUM are replaced by N ⇒ E Similarly, ‘PART’ is coded as ‘16132420’
the squares of their numerical values in S ⇒ L P = 16 , A = 1 , R = 324 = (18)2 = 324 ,
the given code. E ⇒ K T = 20
G = (7)2 = 49 Thus, KNUCKLES will be written as Sol.348.(c)
U = (21)2 = 441 HECNHUKL Logic :- Sum of the digits of place value
M = (13)2 = 169 of each alphabets.
GUM = 49441169 Sol 342.(d)The logic: alphabets written at BREATHER = 29512859
2 2
Similarly, WAX = (23) (1) (24) 2 odd places are coded as their same Similarly , AVIATION = 14912965
= 5291576 positional values & even places are coded A = 1 , V = 4(22 ⇒ 2+2= 4) , I = 9 , A = 1
as their reverse positional value. , T = 2(20 ⇒ 2 + 0 = 2 ) , I = 9 , O =
Sol 337.(a) So code for SOLDIER will become 6(15 ⇒ 1 + 5 ) , N = 5(14 ⇒ 1 + 4 )
The required pattern is: 19-12-12-23-9-22-18.
Sol 343.(a)The pattern: for 1st 4 alphabets ‘VERBAL’ is written as ‘QNMYXK’ and
+5, for next 4 alphabets -5. ‘REACH’ is written as ‘MNXZF’ .
SANCTION’ S+5=X, A+5=F,N+5= S..& However, codes for BRAVE will be taken
so on. from the codes of VERBAL & REACH.
Similarly, Similarly, ‘PROFOUND’ will be written So, BRAVE will be coded as B-Y, R-M,
as ‘UWTKJPIY’ following the same A-X, V-Q, E-N & YMXQN will become
pattern. the answer.

Sol 344.(c)Here, positional values are Sol.350.(d)

used. If the value of an alphabet is more Logic :- sum of place value of opposite
than 9 , then its digits are added. letter of consonants and place value of
Sol 338.(b)In the given question, the
A→1 vowels.
alphabetical positions of each alphabet
U → 21(2+1)=3 BLINK - 25 + 15 + 9 + 13 + 16 = 78
are written in reverse order
S → 19=(1+9)=10 FIRST - 21 + 9 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 54
T → 20=(2+0)=2
E→5 Sol.351.(b)
R → 18=(1+8)=9
Similarly, Setting will be coded as
Similarly, ORBIT’will be coded as 10522957.
According to the pattern mentioned
Sol 345.(b)Here,The pattern for
Sol 339.(c)The required pattern is:1st & above, ‘CARPET’ is coded as
consonants positional value -3.
last alphabet → no change, then +1, -1 ‘SBDUFQ’
For vowels positional value +3.
rule is used.
The required pattern is:

So, ‘VIOLIN’ on following the above

Similarly, ‘SEQUENCE’ will be coded as
pattern is coded as ‘SLRILK’
Following the same pattern, ‘NEPTUNE’ ‘ESUQNEEC’.
will be coded as ‘NFOUTOE’
Sol.346.(d) The opposite alphabetical pair
Sol.353.(a) logic is : consonant is coded
is written for each alphabet.
Sol 340.(c)As per the given information in reverse alphabetical order
‘DKQX’ is written as ‘WPJC’. Similarly,
A=1, B=3 and so on, thus place values of And vowel is coded as reverse
AFKP will be written as ZUPK.
Honey are: alphabetical position of vowel (A=5,E=4,
H = 15, O = 29, N = 27, E = 9, Y = 49 I=3 O=2, U=1)
So, VERTICAL is coded as
Here, the pattern given below is being
Sol 341.(d)As per the question, 5-4-9-7-3-24-5-15
U ⇒C
‘PAGE’ is coded as ‘161495’
K ⇒ H

Sol.354.(d) logic is : sum of all Sol 364. (d)

alphabetical position + number of letters The required pattern is:
TON = 20+15+14 = 49+3 = 52

Sol 360.(d)

On following the above pattern

‘PURITY’ will be coded as ‘WRKTAV’
Following the above pattern we conclude
Sol.356.(c) Here -2, +1, -2, & so on..
that ‘GLYCERIN’ will be coded as Sol 365. (a)
654 → FIN
Sol 361.(a) Following pattern is being 4581 → NIOC
followed to code ‘SPECIAL’ into
Similarly , DECODE = BFAPBF Therefore, 654513 → FINICX
S = 19 + 1 (adding ‘1’ to the place value
Sol.357.(b) ‘LAMP’ is coded as Sol 366. (c)
of the given alphabet)= 20
‘2422632’ Similarly, P = 16 + 1,E = 5 + 1,C = 3 +
The alphabetical place value is multiplied 1,I = 9 + 1,A = 1+ 1,L = 12 + 1
by ‘2’ in each case so as to give the coded On following the above rule,
result. ‘MACHINE’ is coded as ‘1424910156’ Similarly,
L = 12 × 2 = 24
A=1 × 2=2 Sol 362.(a) The logic:
M = 13 × 2 = 26 The letters are reversed first and then the
P = 16 × 2 = 32 sum of all the reverse letters is multiplied
As per the above pattern, the coded form by the number of letters in each word
of ‘FORK’ is ‘12303622’ Sol 367.(a)

Sol 358.(c)

Sol 368. (c) Direct value is given for each

214673 → SEARCH , 73456 →
Similarly, 961473 → PREACH.
Similarly, Thus,
734673 → CHARCH

Sol 369. (d)

‘HOUSE’ will be written as PIXFT in
that code. Sol.363.(b)

Sol 359.(b) the vowels are multiplied by 2 Similarly,

and the consonants are multiplied by 1.

Sol 370. (d)

Hence, ‘LNNPBDJL’ is the correct While coding, the alphabet number of the
answer. corresponding alphabet is added and then
the number of letters in that word is
Similarly, SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I subtracted.
MUSIC → 13+21+19+9+3 = 65 - 5 = 60
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

TUNE → 20+21+14+5 = 60 - 4 =56 Take the reverse counting for given

Similarly, characters and add 5 to the sum:-
LYRIC → 12+25+18+9+3 = 67 - 5 = 62 STAR = 8 + 7 + 26 + 9 = 50 + 5 = 55
CUT = 24 + 6 + 7 = 37 + 5 = 42
Sol 371. (c) Similarly, PEN = 11 + 22 + 13 = 46 + 5 =

Sol 375. (c)

Sol 380. (a)




Sol 372. (a)

For vowels, alternative vowels are
written. While for consonants, the Sol 376. (a)
alphabet number is decreased by 3.

Sol 381. (a)

sky is blue → 815
blue and red → 725
(Ram) [likes] red → 2 [0] (3)
Similarly, Similarly, Sita and (Ram) → (3) 7 9
blue = 5; Ram = 3; red = 2; likes = 0
Therefore, Ram likes blue = 503

Sol 382. (d)

Sol 373. (b)

While coding, the code is given such that Sol 377. (d) Logic :- (Sum of the place
the sum of the corresponding alphabet value of opposite letters + Number of
number and its code comes as 24. letters in the word) x 2
S = 19 ⇒ 24 - 19 = 5 S U M=(27-19)+(27-21)+(27-13) Similarly, ORDER = NPQSCEDFQS
U = 21 ⇒ 24 - 21 = 3 =8+6+14=28 ⇒ (28+3) × 2=62
HULK=(27-8)+(27-21)+(27-12)+(27-11) Sol 383. (b)
R = 18 ⇒ 24 - 18 = 6
G = 7 ⇒ 24 - 7 = 17 =19+6+15+16
=(56+4) × 2=120
E = 5 ⇒ 24 - 5 = 19
O = 15 ⇒ 24 - 15 = 9
Sol 378.(b) Logic :- Direct place value of
N = 14 ⇒ 24 - 14 = 10
alphabets is given as code.
21683 → UFHC , 15654 → OFED
Similarly , 15236 → OBCF Similarly,
D = 4 ⇒ 24 - 4 = 20
E = 5 ⇒ 24 - 5 = 19
Sol 379. (a)
N = 14 ⇒ 24 - 14 = 10
T = 20 ⇒ 24 - 20 = 4
I = 9 ⇒ 24 - 9 = 15
S = 19 ⇒ 24 - 19 = 5
T = 20 ⇒ 24 - 20 = 4
Hence the code will be :- Sol 384. (a) Logic :- Sum of the opposite
20-19-10-4-15-5-4. Similarly, letters is given
Take S = 27 - 19 = 8
Sol 374. (c) H = 27 - 8 = 19 …. and so on.
SHARP = 8+19+26+9+11 = 73


AUDIT = 26 + 6 + 23 + 18 + 7 = 80 Sol 390. (d) Logic :- Sum of the place

value of alphabets at odd places and even
Sol 385. (c) places.
N = 14, N → 14 × 2 + 2 = 30 BLINK ⇒ B+I+K = 2 + 9 + 11 = 22 and
COT = 3 + 15 + 20 = 38, COT → 38 × 2 L + N = 12 + 14 = 26
+ 2 = 78 Therefore, BLINK = 2226
Similarly, PET = 16 + 5 + 20 = 41, PET ALL ⇒ A+L = 1 + 12 = 13 and L = 12
Sol 396. (d)
→ 41 × 2 + 2 = 84 Therefore, ALL = 1312
In this following code language, letters of
EYES ⇒ E+E = 5 + 5 = 10 and Y+S =
the given words (KNOWLEDGE) are
Sol 386. (a) 25 + 19 = 44
arranged alphabetically.
Therefore, EYES = 1044
Similarly, SERIAL will be coded as :-
Sol 391. (a)
Sol 397. (a) Logic :- Square of sum of
Similarly, place value of the alphabets.
I = 9, F = 6,
⇒ I+F = (9+6)2 = 152 = 225
⇒ B+U+T = (2+21+20)2 = (43)2 = 1849
Similarly, Similarly,
⇒ S+L+I+P = (19+12+9+16)2 = (56)2 =
Sol 387. (b)
Sol 398. (d)
O = 15 + 5 = 20
LIT = 12+9+20 = 41 + 5 = 46
Sol 392. (d) PIG = 16+9+7 = 32 + 5 = 37

Similarly, Sol 399.(b)

There is an increase of 16 in each of the
Similarly , Code for REQUESTED = B + 16 = R
45201952117518 U + 16 = K
R + 16 = H
Sol 393. (c) According to SSC option (c) M + 16 = C
is correct. U + 16 = K
The pattern of increase and decrease in D + 16 = T
Sol 388. (c)
the number of alphabets followed in the Similarly,
opposite pattern is given,
given series is as follows:- -3, +3, -3, -3, A + 16 = Q
L = O, O = L, C = X, K = P, E = V, R = I
+3, +3, -3 N + 16 = D
in the same way,
Therefore, HOSTELS = ERPQHOP G + 16 = W
G = T, L = O, O = L, B = Y, A = Z, L = O
L + 16 = B
Sol 394. (d) E + 16 = U
Sol 389. (a) Logic :- (Sum of opposite
REQUIRE = 18+5+17+21+9+18+5 = 93
letters) x 2
+ 7 = 100 Sol 400. (c)
N = 27 - 14 = 13
Similarly, ARRANGE = In the given code, there is an increase of 1
I = 27 - 9 = 18
1+18+18+1+14+7+5 = 64 + 7 = 71 alphabet in consonants and the next vowel
B = 27 - 2 = 25
is written in place of given.
NIB = 2 × ( 13 + 18 + 25) = 2 × (56) =
Sol 395. (a)
COB = 2 × (24 + 12 + 25 ) = 2 × (61) =
Therefore, JET = 2 × (17+22+7) = 2 × (46)
= 92

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

While coding the letters are kept in While coding, the alphabet number of
Sol 401. (d) Logic ;- (Sum of the place reverse order. vowels is squared & Consonants are
value of alphabets) + 5 Therefore, MAGNETIC will be coded as getting an opposite number of alphabet
SITUATION ⇒ 19 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 1 + CITENGAM. series.
20 + 9 + 15 + 14 = 128 + 5 = 133 For example, vowels in VARIOUS are A,
RIGHT ⇒ 18 + 9 + 7 + 8 + 20 = 62 + 5 = Sol 407. (a) I, O, U and while coding their alphabet
67 While coding the alphabet number is number is squared.
Similarly, increased by 1 and alphabets are kept in Similarly, for PENSION ⇒ vowels are E,
CONSTITUTION ⇒ 3 + 15 + 14 + 19 + reverse order. I, O and their alphabet number are 5, 9
20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 20 + 9 + 15 + 14 = Therefore, and 15 respectively. Therefore, an option
179 + 5 = 184 S+1=T which has the square of these numbers
T+1=U will eventually be the answer. Only
Sol 402. (d) R+1=S option (b) satisfies the condition.
Here, for coding, the sum of the alphabet O+1=P
number of a given word is multiplied by N+1=O Sol 412. (a)
the number of alphabet in that word. G+1=H
PATNA = (16+1+20+14+1) × 5 = (52) × 5 It will written as:- HOPSUT
= 260
GOA = (7+15+1) × 3 = (23) × 3 = 69 Sol 408. (d)
RANCHI = (18+1+14+3+8+9) × 6 = (53)
× 6 = 318

Sol 403. (a) Similarly,

There is a decrease of 2 alphabets in
Sol 413. (a)
consonants and the next vowel is added in
place of vowels.

Sol 409. (a)
Similarly, SYNC ⇒ S = 19, Y = 25, N = 14, C = 3;
S + Y = 19 + 25 = 44 and N + C = 14 + 3
= 17
Therefore, SYNC = 4417
MINT ⇒ M = 13, I = 9, N = 14, T = 20;
Sol 414. (a)
M + I = 13 + 9 = 22 and N + T = 14 + 20
Sol 404. (d) = 34
Here, the previous alphabet number is Therefore, MINT = 2234
written for given letter, i.e. S = 19, but Similarly,
code is written by decreasing it by 1. N = 14, O = 15, S = 19, E = 5; N + O =
STYLE = (19-1)(20-1)(25-1)(12-1)(5-1) 14 + 15 = 29 and S + E = 19 + 4 = 24 Similarly,
= (18)(19)(24)(11)(4) Therefore, NOSE = 2924
Similarly, FIRST =
(6-1)(9-1)(18-1)(19-1)(20-1) = Sol 410. (b)
(5)(8)(17)(18)(19) = 58171819

Sol 405. (a) Logic :- Sum of place value

Sol 415. (d)
of the alphabets + 3
458 → she is good
TIFFIN = 20+9+6+6+9+14 = 64 + 3 = 67
Similarly, 742 → that is cow
BOX = 2 + 15 + 24 = 41 + 3 = 44
841 → good is bad
is → 4, good → 8, bad → 1.
CARDBOARD = 3 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 2 + 15
+ 1 + 18 + 4 = 66 + 3 = 69
Sol 416. (a)
Sol 406. (d)
Sol 411. (b)

COBBLER ⇒ 24+12+25+25+15+22+9
= 132 - 2 = 130 Sol 428. (d) Direct coding is used.
TABLE ⇒ 7+26+25+15+22 = 95 - 2 =93 PARK = 6739, ROAD = 3574, POND =
Similarly , ALMIRAH ⇒ 6584 and LANE = 2781
26+15+14+18+9+26+19 = 127 - 2 = 125 Thus, L = 2, O = 5, R = 3, D = 4.

Sol 423. (c) Sol 429. (b)

Sol 417. (d)


Sol 418. (d)

In case of vowel we will use A=1 , E = 2 , Sol 430. (c)
I = 3 , O = 4 and U = 5 Sol 424. (a)
Skill ⇒ 19+11+3+12+12 = 57 The alphabet number of given letters from
Love ⇒ 12+4+22+2 = 40 back :-
M = 27 - 13 = 14 = N
Similarly , LIE ⇒ 12+3+2 = 17
A = 27 - 1 = 26 = Z
N = 27 - 14 = 13 = M
Sol 419. (c) Sol 431. (b)
G = 27 - 7 = 20 = T
O = 27 - 15 = 12 = L
Therefore, code of MANGO = NZMTL .

Sol 425. (c)

Similarly, Similarly,

Sol 420. (a) Logic is:- Sum of place value Sol 432. (a) Reverse pattern with for
of alphabets - 2 vowel use next vowel and consonant
RAMP ⇒ 18+1+13+16 = 48 - 2 = 46 ‘+1’.
HORSE ⇒ 8+15+18+19+5 = 65 - 2 = 63
Sol 426. (d)
3+1+18+16+5+14+20+5+18 = 100 - 2 =
Sum of alphabet number of letters of RAT
= 18+1+20 = 39. Sol 433. (b) While coding there is an
Now reverse the digits to get the code. alternate increase and decrease of 1 in the
Sol 421. (b)
Therefore, RAT = 93 alphabet number of the letters of a given
While coding the place value of the
Similarly, RABBIT = 18+1+2+2+9+20 = word.
alphabets are written.
52 ⇒ 25 W = 23 = 23+1 = 24
O → 15, R → 18, A → 1, L → 12.
HORSE = 8+15+18+19+5 = 65 ⇒ 56 A = 1 = 1-1 = 0
Therefore, ORAL ⇒ 1518112
N = 14 = 14+1 = 15
Similarly, W = 23, R = 18, I = 9, T = 20, D = 4 = 4-1 = 3
Sol 427. (d)
T = 20, E = 5, N = 14.
Hence, code for WRITTEN ⇒ EAST = 6-0-20-19
231892020514 E = 5 = 5+1 = 6
A = 1 = 1-1 = 0
Sol 422. (a) Similarly,
S = 19 = 19+1 = 20
Hint :- Sum of place value of opposite T = 20 = 20-1 = 19
letters - 2

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 434. (a)Here, +1 in reverse order is START = 19+20+1+18+20 = 78 x 2
used. 117
NEST = 14 + 5 + 19 +20= 58 x 2
= 87
Similarly MARKS will correspond to
Sol 441. (b) M+1=N, A-1=Z and A+1=B,
Sol 447.(a)
you are there ↔ ‘ter der jer -----1
Similarly, we stay here ↔ yer mer ner----2
‘I stay there ↔ yer fer jer-----3
We are late ↔ ‘ser ner der---4
Sol 435. (c) Using code 1 and 3 we can say There=jer
Using code 1 and 4 we can say are=der
Using code 2 and 3 we can say Stay=yer,
Sol 442. (c)
I=fer, you= ter,
You stay late will be written as ter yer ser
Similarly, (there is no word given for late but from
the given options we can say that the
Similarly, words mentioned in the above lines will
not be used as late is a new word so
option a is the appropriate answer.)

Sol 436. (c) While coding, The positional Sol 448.(a) Logic is : Sum of alphabetical
positioning and 8.
value of the alphabet is used. Sol 443. (b) Here, direct coding is used. DENT = 4+5+14+20=43 +8 = 51
Therefore, FUNNY → 621141425 PERNMETER → 152785352 LOAD = 12+15+1+4=32 +8 = 40
AREA → 4254 So, COST = 3+15+19+20 = 57+8 = 65
Sol 437. (b)
METAL → 85349
On comparing above data, we get:- L = 9, Sol 449. (b) Logic is : +4 rule is used
A = 4, N = 7 and E = 5 ‘PLACARD’ = ‘IPEYEVH’
So , LANE → 9475 P+4 = T, L+4 = P, A+4 = E, C-4 = Y, A+4
= E, R+4 = V, D+4 = H
Sol 444. (d) The pattern: -1 is used. using the same logic in MONSTER we
get QSROXIV as the required answer.

Sol 450. (c) Logic is : Double the

Sol 438. (a) alphabetical positioning.
Similarly, CLARITY = 3+12+1+18+9+20+25=88 ×
2 =176
So,FROZEN = 6+18+15+26+5+14=84 ×
2 =168
Sol 451.(c) Logic is : +3 rule is used.
In TORCH adding 3 we get WRUFK.
Similarly by adding 3 to all the alphabets
of WINTER we get ZLQWHU.
Sol 445.(a)
P N H = 2 6 5,
Sol 452. (c) Logic is : Arrange in the
Sol 439. (b) O X B = 1 8 7,
alphabetical order
While coding the letters of the words are N U B = 2 4 8.
Such as N(14) I(9) G(7) H(8) T(20) is
arranged in alphabetical order. In NUB U is left so it will correspond to
arranged as G(7) H(8) I(9) N(14) T(20)
So , AMPLITUDE will be written as
Similarly, DESIGN → DEIGNS.
Sol 446.(d) Logic is : +1 to each letter
Sol 440. (d) and -1 of second letter from left
3 Sol 453. (a)
GOLF = 7+15+12+6 = 40 ; 40 x 2
‘she was working’ is written as ‘592

she is curious’ is written as ‘987

Sol 462.(d) Sol 469.(a) Logic is : pick up the code of
Sol 454. (a) the corresponding letter from the word in
‘dish is tasty’ is written as lam kam dam the question
‘it is sweet’ is written as ram sam kam C=D, R=K, A=T, N=H, E=V
‘it ate dish’ is written as ram dam pam
So, tasty is lam and sweet is sam. Sol 470.(c)
Each alphabet is decreased by 2. So, code
Similarly, CLIQUE will be written as
Sol 455.(a) Logic is : Replacing P by 2 for PEACOCK is NCYAMAI.
alphabets one is the opposite of P and the
other one is Increasing P by +1 Sol 471.(b)
Sol 463. (a) Logic is : sum of
Applying the same logic in BIG we get Logic is : difference of sum of all
alphabetical positioning of each letter
YCRJTH. alphabetical position and number of
and number of letters.
SOGGY = (19+15+7+7+25)
Sol 456.(a) Logic is : adding +1 to the SUBSTANCE
=73+5( number of words)= 78,
alphabetic positions ⇒ 19+21+2+19+20+1+14+3+5
PLINTH (16+12+9+14+20+8 ) =
So, ‘B-L-O-C-K’ is written as = 104 - 3 = 101
79+6(number of words) = 85
‘3-13-16-4-12’ SUPREME
Similarly S-U-P-R-E-M-E we get ⇒ 19+21+16+18+5+13+5
DEVOTION (4+5+22+15+20+9+15+14)
20-22-17-19-6-14-6 = 97 - 3 = 94
= 104+8(number of words)=112.
Similarly, PORTRAIT
Sol 457. (c) ⇒ 16+15+18+20+18+1+9+20
Sol 464. (c) get up now ⇨ pax max rax
Fast and furious ---- co mo jo = 117 - 3 = 114
(he) will get ⇨ max (dax) zax
Do it fast ----- cha mo ga ( fast means
will it stop ⇨ zax kax lax
mo) Sol 472.(c) Logic is : arrange the given
Dax is the code of he.
She did it ----- ga lanop (It means ga) word in the alphabetical order.
So, do means cha So, BLACKSMITH is coded as
Sol 465. (a)
Read this book - 689 ABCHIKLMST.
Sol 458.(a)
This book is useful - 9675
I {like} chocolates = 95{8} Sol.473.(c)
useful book is (good) - 5(4)79
we bought chocolates = 153 mango is sweet - 629
Codes are-
we {like} them = {8}16 mango tree is tall - 7289
This-6, book-9, good- 4, is- 5/7,
Chocolate-5, like-8, we-1, I-9, bought-3, tall tree is healthy - 5287
So, code for “this book is good’ can be
them-6 tall/tree- either 7 or 8, So, healthy- 5
either 6954 or 6974.
Hence, code for “I bought them” is 936
But only option A has all four digits-
4,6,9,5 Sol 474.(b)
Sol 459.(b) Watches are beautiful - 856
So, the correct answer is option A.
OBE is written as EBO, and ITY is Beautiful (things are) [expensive] -
written as TYI, and S is written as H (38)[4]5
Sol 466. (b) Logic is : Arrange the given
(S&H are opposite pairs) [Expenditure] (things are) preferred -
word into alphabetical order
Similarly, FIXTURE is written as (38)7[4]
So, code for MOUTHFUL will be
XIFGERU. “Watches are preferred” is coded as 876
Sol 460. (c)
Sol 467. (b)
my personal use = 169
how (are you) - (63)9
personal things = 29
(are you) fine today - (63)45
Code for 569 = 9 means personal(option b
stay fine - 58
ruled out)
So, today is coded as 4
6 means either my or use (option a
doesn’t have any of them) and (option d
Sol 468.(d)
have both)
Logic is : sum of opposite alphabetical
Option c is the answer.
position - 1
FIXED = 21+18+3+22+23= 87-1=86
Sol 461.(d) Logic is : vowels are
subtracted by 3 and consonants are added
24+12+14+11+26+14=3+2= 102-1=101
by 3.
So, code for L-O-C-U-S-T is

SERIES / ृंखला Ex -3 (here, series is based on addition and

5, 15, 45, 135, ?, 1215, 3645 division, i.e, every number is added by 1
Basics of Series - In this chapter a series Sol: and then divided by 2)
of numbers or letters are given, in which ((here, series is based on multiplication, 20 + 1 ÷ 2 = 10.5
they are arranged under a particular rule. i.e- every digit is multiplied by 3) 10.5 + 1 ÷ 2 = 5.75
These series are formed in many ways 5 × 3 = 15 5.75 + 1 ÷ 2 = 3.375
and different rules work in them. 15 × 3 = 45 3.375 + 1 ÷ 2 = 2.1875
Additionally, sometimes one of the terms 45 × 3 = 135 2.1875 + 1 ÷ 2 = 1.59375
in this series is given incorrectly and it is 135 × 3 = 405 It means ? = 3.375
necessary to find out which term is 405 × 3 = 1215
incorrect in the given question./इस अ ाय 1215 × 3 = 3645 Ex- 7
म सं ा या अ रों की एक ृंखला दी गयी होती है , It means, ? = 405 1808, 452, 448, 212, ?, 52, 48, 12, 8
िजसमे वे एक िवशेष िनयम के अंतगत ृंखलाब Sol:
होते है । ये ृंखलाएं कई कार से बनती है और
Ex - 4 (Here, series is based on subtraction and
इनमे अलग अलग िनयम काय करते है । इसके
7500, 1500, 300, ?, 12 division, i.e every number is divided by 4
अित र , कभी कभी इस ृंखला म से कोई एक
पद गलत िदया होता है और यह ात करना होता है
and then subtracted by 4)
की िदए गए म कौन सा पद गलत है । Sol: 1808 ÷ 4 = 452
Some important types/कुछ मह पूण ((here, series is based on division, i.e 452 - 4 = 448
कार every number is divided by 5 then that 448 ÷ 4 = 212
number is the next) 212 - 4 = 208
TYPE - I (BASED ON)- 7500 ÷ 5 = 1500 208 ÷ 4 = 52
Addition/जोड़ 1500 ÷ 5 = 300 52 - 4 = 48
Subtraction/घटाव 300 ÷ 5 = 60 48 ÷ 4 = 12
Multiplication/गुणन 60 ÷ 5 = 12 12- 4 = 8
Division/िवभाजन It means, ? = 60 It means, ? = 208
Addition and multiplication/जोड़ और गुणा Ex- 5
Addition and Division/जोड़ और िवभाजन 6, 13, 27, 55, ?, 223, 447 Ex - 8
Subtraction and Division/घटाव और िवभाजन Sol: 12, 21, 37, 62, 98, 147, ?
perfect square/पूण वग (Here is the series based on addition and
Perfect cube/पूण घन multiplication. i.e, Sol :
Prime numbers/अभा सँ ा Every number is multiplied by 2 and (Here, series is based on perfect square,
2 2 2
added by 1) i.e every number is added by 3 , 4 , 5 ,
Ex - 1 6 × 2 + 1 = 13 2 2
6 , 8 ,...)
5, 11, 19, 29, ? , 55, 71 13 × 2 + 1 = 27 2
Sol: 12 + 3 = 21
27 × 2 + 1 = 55 2
(here, series is based on Addition, i.e +6, 21 + 4 = 37
55 × 2 + 1 = 111 2
+8, +10, +12, +14, +16) 37 + 5 = 62
111 × 2 + 1 = 223
5+6 = 11 62 + 6 = 98
223 × 2 + 1 = 447
11+8 = 19 2
It means, ? = 111 98 + 7 = 147
19+10 = 29
29+12 = 41 147 + 8 = 211
Ex - 6 It means, ? = 211
41+14 = 55
10, 19, 37, 73, ?, 289, 577
It means ? = 41
Sol: Ex - 9
(Here is the series based on subtraction 13, 14, 22, 49, 113, ?, 454, 797
Ex - 2
and multiplication, i.e every number is (Here, the series is based on perfect cube,
84, 81,76, 69, ?, 49, 36
Sol: multiplied by 2 and subtracted by 1) 3 3
i.e, every number is added by 1 , 2 , 3
10 × 2 − 1 = 19 3 3 3 3
((here, series is based on subtraction, i.e, , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 respectively)
-3, -5, -7, -9, -11, -13,) 19 × 2 − 1 = 37 3
37 × 2 − 1 = 73 13+ 1 = 14
84-3 = 81 3
73 × 2 − 1 = 145 14+ 2 = 22
81-5 = 76
76-7 = 69 145 × 2 − 1 = 289 22+ 3 = 49
69-9 = 60 289 × 2 − 1 = 577 49+ 4 = 113
60-11 = 49 113+ 5 = 238

49-13 = 36 Ex- 6 3
238+ 6 = 454
It means ? = 60 20,10.5, 5.75, ?, 2.1875, 1.59375 3
454+ 7 = 797
It means, ? = 238
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a)R (b)S (c)K (d)J

Ex - 9 TYPE - IV (Based on continuous
21, 23, 26, 31, 38, ?, 62 pattern series) Q6. Which letter-cluster will replace the
question mark (?) in the following series?
Sol: Ex - 1 िन िल खत ेणी म िच (?) के थान पर कौन
(Here, series is based on prime number, mn_p_nop_no_m_op सा अ र समूह आएगा?
i.e, every number is added by +2, +3, +5, Sol: CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
+7, +11, 13) Here, series is mnop/mnop/mnop/mnop BECD, FIGH, KNLM, ?, XAYZ
21+2 = 23 So, answer is ommpn (a) PSQR (b) QWSU
23+3 = 26 (c) QTRS (d) ORPQ
26+5 = 31 Ex- 2
31+7 = 38 abc_a_bcc_a_cc_ _bcca Q7. Which number will replace the
38+11 = 49 Sol: question mark (?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान कौन
49+13 = 62 Here series is
सा अंक आएगा?
It means, ? = 49 abcca/abcca/abcca/abcca
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
So, answer is caabaa
0, 1, 5, 14, 30, ?
TYPE - II (Based on wrong term)
(a) 43 (b) 53 (c) 55 (d) 46
3, 6, 9, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384 CPO 2018 TIER I
Q8. Which number will replace the
Sol: Here, every number is multiplied by Q1. Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the following series?
2 by the previous number. question mark(?) in the following series? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान कौन
3×2 = 6 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर सा अंक होगा?
6 × 2 = 12 कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
12 × 2 = 24 CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) 4, 10, 18, 38, ?, 150
24 × 2 = 48 3,5,7,8,15,?,31,26 (a) 78 (b) 74 (c) 84 (d) 70
(a)24 (b)14 (c)21 (d)18
48 × 2 = 96
96 × 2 = 192 Q9. Which letter will replace the question
Q2. Which letter-cluster will replace the mark (?) in the following series?
192 × 2 = 384
question mark(?) in the following series? िन िल खत ेणी म वाचक िच (?) की जगह
Here, replace 9 with 12
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर कौन सा अ र आएगा?
So, wrong term is 9. कौन सा अ र-समूह आएगा ? CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) B, D, G, I, L, ?, Q
Ex - 2 BZD, DXF, GUI,?,PLR (a) P (b) N (c) M (d) O
12, 19, 28, 33, 40, 47, 54 (a)KQM (b)MOQ
(c)KPN (d)LRT Q10. Which number will replace the
Sol: Here, every number is added by 7 question mark (?) in the following series?
12+7 = 19 Q3. Which number will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
19+7 = 26 question mark(?) in the following series? कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
26+7 = 33 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
33+7 = 40 कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, ?
40+7 = 47 CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a) 22 (b) 25 (c) 29 (d) 31
47+7 = 54 7,10,16,19,25,?
Here, replace 28 with 26. (a)29 (b)33 (c)31 (d)28 Q11. Which letter-cluster will replace the
So, 28 is wrong term. question mark(?) in the following series?/
Q4. Which fraction will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
TYPE - III (Based on Alphabetical question mark(?) in the following series? कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ?
series) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
कौन सा िभ आएगा ? CGE, HJI, LPN, SUT, ?
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a)XBZ (b)YAZ
1 3 6 10
4 , 5 , 7 , 11 ,?
(c)YCA (d)XZY
Sol : (a) 15 (b) 15 (c) 17
(d) 21
Here, 23 19 27 Q12. Which letter-cluster will replace the
UVW = U+5, V+5, W+5 = ZAB question mark(?) in the following series?/
Q5. Which letter will replace the question िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
ZAB = Z+5, A+5, B+5 = EFG
mark(?) in the following series? कौन सा अ र-समूह आएगा ?
EFG = E+5, F+5, G+5 = JKL
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
JKL = J+5, K+5, L+5 = OPQ
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? Y,X,V,S,?,J
OPQ = O+5, P+5 , Q+5 = TUV CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a) O (b) N (c) Q (d) P
So, ? = TUV M,N,O,L,Q,J,?,H

िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर (a) A (b)W (c)Z (d)X

Q13. Which number will replace the कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
question mark(?) in the following series? CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) Q28. Which number will replace the
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर 7 9 13 15 ? 21 25 question mark (?) in the following series?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a)18 (b)20 (c)17 (d)19 / िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
3, 7, 13, 27, ?, 107, 213 Q21. Which letter will replace the CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(a)63 (b)53 (c)58 (d)49 question mark(?) in the following series? 1,2,5,?,677
िन िल खत ेणी म कौन सा अ र िच (?) को (a) 11 (b)25 (c)26 (d)95
Q14. Which number will replace the ित थािपत करे गा।
question mark(?) in the following series? CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
Q29. Which number is wrong in the given
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Z,X,V,T,R,?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a)S (b)O (c)P (d)Q
दी गई ृंखला म कौन सी सं ा गलत है ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
1, 3, 4, 7, ?, 18, 29 Q22. Which number will come next in the 3,7,7,11,9,13,13,17,15,23
(a)10 (b)13 (c)15 (d)11 following series? (a) 9 (b)23 (c)13 (d)17
िन िल खत ृंखला म कौन सी सं ा आगे आएगी
Q15. Which number will replace the ?
Q30. Which letter custer will replace the
question mark(?) in the following series? CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
question mark (?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर 1, 4, 4, 16, 64, ________. िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a)216 (b)1024 कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) (c)128 (d)1026 CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
1, 2, 6, 12, ?, 72, 216 DEY, FFW, IGT, KHR, NIO, ?
(a)24 (b)32 (c)36 (d)48 Q23. Which number will come next in the (a) QJM (b)PJM (c)QJN (d)PJN
following series?
Q16. Which letter will replace the िन िल खत ेणी म अगला पद ा होगा? Q31. Which number will come next in the
question mark (?) in the following series? CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर 3,7,16,32,57,____ िन िल खत ृंखला म अगले थान पर कौन सी
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? (a)85 (b)80 (c)98 (d)93 सं ा आएगी ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
J, Q, L, O, N, ?, P, K Q24. Which set of letters will come next 5, 12, 31, 68, 129, _____
(a) M (b) I (c) K (d) L in the following series? (a)220 (b)218
िन िल खत ेणी म अगला अ र कौन सा होगा? (c)131 (d)190
Q17. Which number will replace the CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
question mark (?) in the following series? BDZ, DGX, FJV, HMT, JPR, ______ Q32. Which letter-cluster will replace the
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर (a)MSP (b)LSP question mark(?) in the following series?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (c)LTP (d)LSO िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थानं पर कौन
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) सा अ र समूह आएगा ?
3, 5, 10, 18, 29, ?, 60 Q25. Which number in the given series is CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a) 46 (b) 37 (c) 45 (d) 43 INCORRECT? EZI, FYJ, GXK, HWL, ?
दी गई ृंखला म कौन सी सं ा गलत है ? (a)MVM (b)MVN
Q18. Which letter cluster will replace the CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (c)JVM (d)IVM
question mark ? in the following series? 11, 30, 67, 120, 219, 346
अ रों का कौन सा समूह िन िल खत ृंखला म (a)11 (b)120 (c)67 (d)346 Q33. Which number will come next in the
िच (?) के थान पर आ सकता है ? following series?
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q26. Which number will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म अगले थान पर कौन सी
HKNQ, JIPO, KHQN, MFSL, ? सं ा आएगी ?
question mark (?) in the following series?
(a)ODUJ (b)NGRM / िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(c)NEKT (d)NETK कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? 9, 196, 25, 169, 49, 144, 81, ____
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (a)121 (b)100 (c)64 (d)36
Q19. Which number will replace the 136,137,135,138,134,139, ?
question mark (?) in the following series. (a) 136 (b)138 Q34. Which number in the given series is
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर (c)139 (d)133 Incorrect?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? दी गयी ृंखला म कौन सी सं ा गलत है ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q27. Which letter will replace the CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
5 7 11 14 23 ? 43 48 3, 7, 15, 27, 53, 63
question mark (?) in the following series?
(a)27 (b)39 (c)31 (d)26 (a)53 (b)63 (c)27 (d)7
/ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
Q20. Which number will replace the CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) Q35. Which letter will replace the
question mark ? in the following series: C,E,I,O,? question mark(?) in the following series?164
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q42. Identify the number that does NOT Q49. Which letter-cluster will replace the
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? belong in the given series. question mark (?) in the following series?
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) उस सं ा की पहचान कर जो दी गयी ृंखला से िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
A, D, G, J, M, ? संबंिधत नहीं है | कौन सा अ र समूह आयेगा ?
(a)Q (b)P (c)O (d)N CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
2, 6, 6, 10, 8, 12, 12, 15, 14, 18 IVM, HWL, GXK, FYJ, ?
Q36. Identify the number that does NOT (a) 15 (b) 8 (c)18 (d) 12 (a) EZH (b) EAH
belong in the given series. (c) EZI (d) DZI
उस सं ा की पहचान कर जो दी गयी ृंखला से Q43. Which number will replace the
संबंिधत नहीं है | question mark (?) in the following series? Q50. Which letter will replace the
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ?) के थान पर question mark (?) in the following series?
0,6,24,60,120,216 कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
(a)120 (b)216 (c)6 (d)60 CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
3 , ? , 101 , 10202 CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Q37.Which number will replace the (a)10 (b)99 (c)100 (d) 95 B, E, H, K, N, ?
question mark (?) in the following series? (a) O (b) P (c) Q (d) N
/ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q44. Which letter will replace the
कौन सी सं ा आएगी? question mark (?) in the following series? Q51. Which letter-cluster will replace the
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर question mark(?) in the following series?
60,64,32,36,18,? कौन सा अ र आएगा ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
(a)22 (b)11 (c)15 (d)20 CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ?
C, F, K, R, A, ? CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Q38.Which letter will replace the (a) M (b) I (c) J (d) L XCA, WDZ, UFX, RIU, NMQ, ?
question mark (?) in the following series? (a)JFU (b)IKJ
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q45. Which number will replace the (c)JKO (d)IRL
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? question mark(?) in the following series?
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन Q52. In the following number series, two
X,V,T,R,P,? सा अंक आएगा? numbers have been put within brackets.
(a)Q (b)S (c)N (d)O CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Select the most appropriate option for
0.15, 0.20, 0.30, 0.45, 0.65 ? these numbers in relation to their
Q39. Which letter will replace the inclusion in the series.
question mark (?) in the following series? (a) 0.90 (b) 0.80 िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म दो सं ाओं को
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर (c) 0.95 (d) 0.85 को क म रखा गया है | इस ृंखला म इन सं ाओं
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? के समावेशन के संबंध म सवािधक उपयु
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q46. Identify the number that does NOT िवक का चयन कर |
GXB,JVD,MTF,PRH,? belong in the given series. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)SQJ (b)RPJ उस सं ा की पहचान कर जो दी गयी ृंखला से 1, 9, 25, 49, (81), 121, 169, (215), 289
(c)RQI (d)SPJ संबंिधत नहीं है | (a)Both the bracketed numbers are
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) incorrect./
Q40. Which letter-cluster will replace the 5, 9, 17, 29, 55, 65 को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएं ग़लत ह |
question mark (?) in the following series? (a) 55 (b) 29 (c) 9 (d) 5 (b)Both the bracketed numbers are
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर correct./
कौन सा अ र-समूह आएगा ? Q47. Which number will replace the को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएं सही ह |
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) question mark (?) in the following series? (c)The first bracketed number is correct
1,5,5,25,?,3125 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर and the second is incorrect./
(a)215 (b)125 कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा सही है तथा दू सरी
(c)225 (d)375 CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) गलत है |
1, 4, 3, 4, 7, 7, 13, 13, ? (d)The first bracketed number is incorrect
Q41. Which letter-cluster will replace the (a)20 (b)22 (c)31 (d) 21 and the second is correct./
question mark (?) in the following series? को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा ग़लत है तथा
िन िल खत ृंखला म अ रों का कौन सा समूह Q48. Which number will replace the दू सरी सही है |
िच के थान पर आएगा ? question mark (?) in the following series?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q53.Which number will come next in the
CFZ, EGX, HIU, JLS, MPP, ? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? following figure series.?
(a) NTO (b) OUN CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म अगले थान पर कौन सी
(c) MSN (d) OTN 7, 14, 33, 70, 131, ? सं ा आएगी ?
(a) 190 (b) 218 CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) 131 (d) 222 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63,___
(a)126 (b)127


(c)125 (d)139 अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज िमक अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कर िजसे दी गयी
प से दी गयी अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म अ र ृंखला म िमक प से रखने पर यह
Q54. Identify the number that does NOT रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी | ृंखला पूरी हो जायेगी |
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
belong in the given series.
उस सं ा की पहचान कर जो दी गयी ृंखला से b_bab_bc_abbb_ba_b bac_cab_cd_a_ac_ca
संबंिधत नहीं है | (a) cbbac (b) cbabc (a) bdabc (b) dcbac
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (c) cbbcb (d) bcbab (c) cadbc (d) dacbd
1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 344, 512, 729
(a)344 (b)729 Q59. Which number will replace the Q65. Select the combination of letters
(c)64 (d)512 question mark (?) in the following series? that when sequentially placed in the gaps
इस ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर कौन सी of the given letter series will complete the
Q55. Which number will replace the सं ा आएगी ? series.
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कीिजए िज दी
question mark(?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153 गयी अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a) 84 (b) 74 (c) 78 (d) 63 से रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी।
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ?, 65, 82, 101 Q60. Which number will replace the dc_abc_cb_bcd_ba_c
(a)48 (b)42 (c)50 (d)49 question mark (?) in the following series? (a) dbacb (b) cbadb
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन (c) bdacb (d) bdcab
Q56. In the following number series, two सी सं ा आएगी ?
numbers have been put within brackets. CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon Q66. Which number will replace the
2, 5, 11, 23, 44, ? question mark (?) in the following series?
Select the most appropriate option for
(a) 77 (b) 51 (c) 63 (d) 66 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
these numbers in relation to their
कौन सी सं ा आएगी?
inclusion in the series.
िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म, दो सं ाओं को Q61. Select the combination of letters CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
को क म रखा गया है | ृंखला म इन सं ाओं के that when sequentially placed in the gaps 2, 3, 6, 10, 17, 28, ?
समावेशन के संबंध म सवािधक उपयु िवक of the given letter series will complete the (a) 45 (b) 39 (c) 43 (d) 46
का चयन कर | series.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कर िजसे दी गयी Q67. Select the term that will come in
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, (12), 14, 16, (18), 20 अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से place of ?.
(a)The first bracketed number is correct भरने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो ( ? ) के थान पर
and the second is incorrect./ CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon आएगा
को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा सही है तथा दू सरी ac_d_b_cbdd_a_bddb CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
सं ा गलत है | (a) bdabc (b) bdbca 7 , 11 , 19 , 31 , ? , 67
(b)The first bracketed number is incorrect (c) bdcab (d) cbdbc (a) 45 (b) 51 (c) 43 (d) 47
and the second is correct./
को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा गलत है तथा Q62. Select the combinations of letters Q68. A letter series is given below in
दू सरी सं ा सही है | that when sequentially placed in the gaps which some letters are missing. Select the
(c)Both the bracketed numbers are of the given letter series will complete the option that gives the letters that can fill
correct./ series. these blanks in that order.
को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएं सही ह | अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कर िजसे दी गयी नीचे एक अ र ृंखला दी गयी है िजसम कुछ अ र
(d)Both the bracketed numbers are अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से लु ह | उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम वे अ र
incorrect./ रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? ह जो िमक प से इन खाली थानों म भरे जा
को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएं ग़लत ह | CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) सकते ह |
cb_db_cba_bc_bad_c CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
Q57. Which letter will come next in the (a) acdeb (b) cabde a_ca_bab_ad_abc_db
following series? (c) acbed (d) dcbcb (a) bdcab (b) bdcba
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगले थान पर कौन सा (c) bcdba (d) bddac
अ र आएगा ? Q63. Which number will replace the
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) question mark(?) in the following series? Q69. Find the next number in the given
Z,U,Q,N,L,____ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन series.
(a)K (b)H (c)G (d)M सी सं ा आएगी ? दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर कौन
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) सी सं ा आएगी |
CGL 2018 TIER I 98, 95, 86, 82, 66, ?, 36 CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(a)58 (b)60 (c) 61 (d)63 3 , 13 , 31 , ? , 91
(a) 48 (b) 63 (c) 69 (d) 57
Q58. Select the combination of letters
Q64. Select the combination of letters
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
that when sequentially placed in the gaps Q70. A letter series is given below in
of the given letter series will complete the
of the given letter series will complete the which some letters are missing. Select the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

option which gives the letters that can fill Q76. Which number will replace the Q83. Select the option that will come next
these blanks in that order. question mark (?) in the following in the following series.
नीचे एक अ र ृंखला दी गयी है िजसम कुछ अ र number series? उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
लु ह | उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम वे अ र िन िल खत अ र ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के अगले थान पर आएगा ?
ह जो िमक प से इन खाली थानों म भरे जा थान पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
सकते ह | CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) OBE , PDH , QFK , RHN , ?
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) 16 , 24 , 36 , ? , 81 (a) SKQ (b) RJQ
ba_d_cb_cdb_ba_dbc (a)54 (b)52 (c)61 (d) 58 (c) SJQ (d) SJP
(a) cbcad (b) cbacc
(c) abbdc (d) bcabc Q77. Select the combinations of letters Q84. Select the option that will come next
that when sequentially placed in the gaps in the following series.
Q71. Select the term that will come next of the given letter series will complete the उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
in the following series. series. अगले थान पर आएगा ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज दी गयी CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
अगले थान पर आएगी | अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से 57 , 62 , 31 , 36 , 18 , ?
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी | (a) 34 (b) 23 (c) 19 (d) 36
3 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 37 , ? CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 58 (b) 61 (c) 69 (d) 63 ca_bab_ad_ab_ad_ab Q85. Which number will replace the
(a) bcdcb (b) cdbcd question mark (?) in the following series?
Q72. Which number will replace the (c) dcbcb (d) dcabc िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान कौन
question mark (?) in the following series? सा अंक आएगा?
दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर कौन Q78. Which number will replace the CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
सी सं ा आएगी ? question mark (?) in the following series? K,M,O,?,S,U,?,Y
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान कौन (a) R , W (b) P , W
5 , 12 , 26 , 54 , ? सा अंक आएगा? (c) Q , W (d) Q , X
(a) 112 (b) 92 (c) 110 (d) 98 CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)
3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, ? Q86. Select the option that will come next
Q73. Select the combination of the letters (a) 16 (b) 17 (c) 14 (d) 18 in the following series.
that when sequentially placed in the gaps उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
of the given letter series will complete the Q79. Which letter will replace the अगले थान पर आएगा ?
series. question mark (?) in the following series? CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज दी गयी िन िल खत ेणी म वाचक िच (?) की जगह 2 , 7 , 17 , 32 , 52 , ?
ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर कौन सा अ र आएगा? (a) 77 (b) 134
यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी | CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) 126 (d) 102
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) A, B, E , J , Q ,
db_cbd_ba_bd_bac_d (a) A (b) Y (c) X (d) Z Q87. Select the letter cluster that will
(a) adbcd (b) adcdb come next in the following series.
(c) bdcbd (d) dacdb Q80. Select the letter cluster that will िन िल खत ृंखला म अगले थान पर कौन सा
come next in the following series. अ र समूह आएगा ?
Q74. Which number will replace the उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
question mark (?) in the following series. म अगले थान पर आएगा ? GZI , HYJ , IXK , JWL , ?
इस ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर कौन सी CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) JVN (b) KVM
सं ा आएगी ? BOP , DPN , FQL , HRJ, ? (c) LVM (d) KUM
CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (a) JSH (b) JSI
7 , 11 , 18 , 29 , ? , 76 (c) ISH (d) ITI Q88. Which number will replace the
(a) 53 (b) 61 (c) 44 (d) 47 question mark (?) in the following series?
Q81. Find the next term in the series. िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
Q75. Select the combination of letters इस ृंखला का अगला पद ात कर | कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
that when sequentially placed in the gaps CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
of the given letter series will complete the CBA , FGE , ILI , LQM , ? 120 , 128 , 144 , 168 , ? , 240
series. (a) OVP (b) NVQ (a) 200 (b) 216
अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज दी गयी (c) OUP (d) OVQ (c) 208 (d) 202
अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जायेगी | Q82. Find the next term in the series. Q89. Select the letter cluster that will
CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) इस ृंखला म अगला पद ात कर | come next in the following series.
cd_ab_cd_abb_dda_b CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
(a) bbcdb (b) dbdcb 5 , 9 , ? , 29 , 45 अगले थान पर आएगा ?
(c) dbcbc (d) cbdab (a)25 (b)17 (c)15 (d)19 CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
ADH , XAE , UXB , RUY , ?


(a) OSV (b) PRV (a) 184 (b) 182 CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) ORV (d) ORU (c) 181 (d) 183 114 , 127 , 153 , 192 , 244 , ?
(a)309 (b)361
Q90. Select the term that will replace the Q97. Which number will replace the (c)344 (d)284
question mark (?) in the following series. question mark (?) in the following series?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर Q104. Select the term that will come next
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आएगा ? कौन सी सं ा आयेगी ? in the following series.
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) CGL12/06/2019(Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म अगले
A,G,L,?,S,U,V 102 , 110 , 126 , 150 , 182 , ? थान पर आएगा |
(a) P (b) O (c) N (d) Q (a) 246 (b) 214 CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) 220 (d) 222 DGJ , BDN , ZAR , XXV , ?
Q91. Which letter will replace the (a)VUZ (b)UUZ
question mark (?) in the following series? Q98. Which letter will replace the (c)VUY (d)VTZ
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर question mark (?) in the following series?
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर Q105. Select the term that will come next
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) कौन सा अ र आएगा ? in the following series.
X, R, ?, I, F, D, C CGL12/06/2019(Evening) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
(a) Q (b) M (c) N (d) O D,J,?,S,V,X िच के थान पर आएगा |
(a) O (b) M (c) P (d) Q CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q92. Which letter-cluster will replace the M,E,P,H,S,?,V,N
question mark (?) in the following series? Q99. Which letter cluster will replace the (a)U (b)K
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर question mark (?) in the following series? (c)M (d)J
कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ? Q106. Select the option that will fill in
FKP, HNT, JQX, LTB,? CGL12/06/2019(Evening) the blanks and complete the given series.
(a) MWF (b) NWG SWA , OAW , KES , ? , CMK उस िवक का चयन कर जो खाली थान म भरा
(c) NXF (d) NWF (a) GIO (b) GHO जाएगा और ृंखला को पूण करे गा|
(c) FIP (d) FIO CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
Q93. Which number will replace the 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ____ , 65, 82, 101
question mark (?) in the following series? Q100. Which number will replace the (a)54 (b)48
/ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर question mark (?) in the following series? (c)50 (d)51
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म अगले
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) थान पर आएगा | Q107.Select the combination of letters
115, ?, 134, 145, 157, 170 CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) that when sequentially placed in the gaps
(a) 124 (b) 122 116 , 128 , 146 , 170 , 200 , ? of the given letter series will complete the
(c) 125 (d) 127 (a) 232 (b) 236 series.
(c) 264 (d) 260 अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कर िज दी गई
Q94. Which letter-cluster will replace the अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
question mark (?) in the following series? Q101.Which letter will replace the रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जायेगी ?
/ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर question mark(?) in the following series? CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
कौन सा अ र-समूह आएगा ? दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर कौन _c_bd_cbcda__a___db__a
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) सा अ र आएगा ? (a)bdbcba (b)adabcd
PRT, TVX, ?, BDF, FHJ CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) (c)cdcbad (d)acbcad
(a) XZC (b) XAB R,C,T,E,V,?,X,I
(c) XZB (d) YZB (a)Y (b)W (c)G (d)F Q108.Select the term that will come next
in the following series.
Q95. Which letter will replace the Q102. Which letter-cluster will replace उस सं ा का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला म
question mark (?) in the following series? the question mark(?) in the following अगले थान पर आएगी|
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर series? CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा 11 , 13 , 17 , 23 , 31 , 41 , 53 , 67 , 83 , ?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) अ र समूह आ सकता है ? (a)101 (b)97
P, U, R, W, T, ?, V, A, X CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) (c)110 (d)100
(a) X (b) Y (c) W (d) Z PSV, UXA, ZCF, EHK,?
(a)JMO (b)IMP Q109. Select the option that will fill in
Q96. Which number will replace the (c)JMP (d)JNP the blank and complete the given series.
question mark (?) in the following series? उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर Q103. Select the term that will come next म खाली थान पर आएगा |
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? in the following series. CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म अगले 0 , 7 , 26 , 63 , 124 , 215 , 342 , 511 , 728
118, 129, 141, 154, 168, ? थान पर आएगा | , ____
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a)996 (b)1001 CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) Q121. Which number will replace the
(c)999 (d)1000 3 , 27 , 243 , 2187 , ? question mark (?) in the following series?
(a) 27139 (b) 13561 िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन
CHSL 2018 TIER I (c) 21377 (d) 19683 सा होगा?
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)

Q110. Which number will replace the Q116. Select the combination of letters 3, 14, 29, 38, 51, 58, 69, ?
question mark (?) in the following series? that when sequentially placed in the gaps (a) 74 (b) 37 (c) 73 (d) 47
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन of the given letter series will complete the
सा होगा? series. Q122. Select the combination of letters
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो जब िमक that when sequentially placed in the gaps
5 , 8 , 20 , 34 , 76 , 142 , ? प से िदए गए अ र ृंखला के अंतराल म रखा of the given letters will complete the
(a) 284 (b) 302 जाता है , ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। letters.
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) 296 (d) 272 अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो िदए गए अ रों
ab_bcab_b_ab_bcab_bc के अंतराल म िमक प से रखे जाने पर प ों को
(a) dcdcd (b) ccdcc पूरा करगे।
Q111. Select the combination of letters
(c) ddcdd (d) cdcdc CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
_ _ Q D P C _ _ Q C Q__CPDQC_
of the given letter series will complete the
Q117. Which number will replace the DP_PD
अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो जब िमक
question mark (?) in the (a) QCPCPPQC
प से िदए गए अ र ृंखला के अंतराल म रखे following series?/िन िल खत ृंखला म (b) PCPDDPDC
जाने पर ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। िच ( ? ) के थान पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (c) QCDDDPQD
CHSL01-July-19(Evening) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) (d) QCPDDPQC
abc_dab_ _d_b_cdab_c_ 2 , 4 , 16 , 52 , 132 , 282 , ?
(a) cacacdc (b) acacdcc (a) 512 (b) 527 Q123. Select the term that will come next
(c) ccaacdc (d) cccaccd (c) 534 (d) 572 in the following series.
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
Q112. Which number will replace the Q118. Select the combination of letters अगले थान पर आएगी |
question mark (?) in the following series? that when sequentially placed in the gaps CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन of the given letter series will complete 6 , 24 , 60 , 120 , ?
सा नंबर आएगा? the series (a) 216 (b) 240
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) .िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गयी अ र ृंखला के (c) 210 (d) 186
5 , 9 , 18 , 43 , 92 , 213 , 382 , ? खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह ृंखला
(a) 328 (b) 617 पूरी हो जाएगी ? Q124. Which number will replace the
(c) 382 (d) 671 CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) question mark (?) in the following series?
ab_ba_db_bd_ac_ba_db_cdbabd_ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
Q113. Select the combination of letters (a) dcadbbab (b) dcabdbab कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
that when sequentially placed in the gaps (c) cdabdbba (d) dcdabbab CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
of the given letter series will complete the 16 , 30 , 62 , 122 , 246 , ?
series. Q119. Which number will replace the (a) 490 (b) 488
अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो जब िमक question mark (?) in the following series? (c) 492 (d) 494
प से िदए गए अ र ृंखला के अंतराल म रखे िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन
जाने पर ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। सा होगा? Q125 Select the term that will come next
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) in the following series.
ab_ba_babd_acb_bdba_b 89 , 90 , 82 , 109 , 45 , ? अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।
(a) cdabc (b) dcbac (a) -80 (b) 125 CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(c) acbcd (d) dcabc (c) 170 (d) 109 JVD , MTF , PRH , ? , VNL
(a) RPJ (b) SPJ
Q114. Which number will replace the Q120. Select the combination of letters (c) SQJ (d) RQI
question mark (?) in the following series? that when sequentially placed in the
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन gaps of the given letter series will
Q126.Select the combination of letters
सा होगा? complete the series./िकस समूह के अ रों को दी that when sequentially placed in the gaps
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) गई अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प
of the given letter series will complete the
4 , 10 , 27 , 140 , ? से रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ?
(a) 379 (b) 973 CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गयी अ र ंृखला के
(c) 937 (d) 397 a_b_aad_ca_dbc_adb_a खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह
(a) dcabca (b) dbcaca ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ?
Q115. Select the term that will come next
(c) dcbaac (d) dcabac
in the following series.
ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।

CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर

H_ _E P C K _ _ C D E P _ K F H C _ E U _ _ R P K Q_UKD_PK_R_KD कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) DCFHFDD (a) KQPRQUPQ 16, 18, 21, 26, 33, ?
(b) CDHHDCK (b) KDRRUURQ (a)46 (b)44 (c)45 (d)43
(d) CCFHKDK (d) KDRRQPPR Q138. Select the combination of letters
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
Q127. Select the letter-cluster that will Q.132 Select the term that will come next of the given letter series will complete the
come next in the following series. in the following series. series.
उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ंृखला के
ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगा | CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) FBA, IGE, LLI, OQM, ? ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ?
(a) RVQ (b) QVQ CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
DOP , FPN , HQL , JRJ , ?
(a) LSH (b) LSI (c) RVP (d) RUP g _ k m _ s k m_gkm_skmggk_p
(c) KSH (d) KTI s_m
Q133. Select the number that will come (a)gspgkm (b)gpgpmk
next in the following series. (c)gpgskm (d)gpgpkm
Q128. Select the combination of letters
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म अगले
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
थान पर आएगी | Q139. Which number will replace the
of the given letter series will complete the
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) question mark (?) in the following series?
2, 6, 14, 30, 62, ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गयी अ र ंृखला के
(a) 122 (b) 98 कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? (c) 134 (d) 126
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) 20,10,10,15,30,?
Q134. Which number will replace the (a)45 (b)90 (c)60 (d)75
MB_DN question mark (?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर Q140. Select the combination of letters
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? that when sequentially placed in the gaps
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) of the given letter series will complete the
4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144, 196, ? series.
(a) 256 (b) 284 िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गयी अ र ंृखला के
(c) 225 (d) 246 खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह
Q129. Which number will replace the ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ?
question mark (?) in the following series ? CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन Q135. Select the letter cluster that will
come next in the following series. xq _ _ m c c _ _ q p f m _ _ b x_ _ f m c _
सा सं ा आएगा?
िन िल खत ृंखला म आने वाले अ र समूह का b
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
चयन कर। (a)pfbxccqpc (b)sfbcccqpc
15, 43, 83, 137, 207, ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c)qfbxccqpc (d)pfbxcxqpc
(a) 297 (b) 292
(c) 295 (d) 294 LVD, OTF, RRH, ?, XNL
(a) UQI (b) TPJ Q141. Which number will replace the
(c) TQJ (d) UPJ question mark (?) in the following series?
Q130 Which number will replace the
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
question mark (?) in the following series? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q136. Select the combination of letters
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? that when sequentially placed in the gaps
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) of the given letter series will complete the 28,32,41,57,82,?
series. (a)120 (b)118
7, 11, ?, 31, 47
िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ंृखला के (c)116 (d)122
(a) 29 (b)55 (c)5 (d)19
खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? Q142. Which number will replace the
Q.131 Select the combination of letters
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) question mark(?) in the following series?
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
s_ _m r q c t_p d m _ q _ t s _ _ m r q c t िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
of the given letter series will complete the कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
(a) pdsrcrd (b) pdsrcpd
series. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
(c) rdsrcrd (d) pdsrbpd
अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो जब िमक
25, 42, 67, 101, 145, ?
प से िदए गए अ र ृंखला के अंतराल म रखा
जाता है , ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। Q137. Which number will replace the (a)200 (b)199
question mark (?) in the following series? (c)201 (d)202

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q143. Select the combination of letters (d) z y s q y y y z t Q154. Which number will replace the
that when sequentially placed in the gaps question mark (?) in the following series?
of the given Q148. Which number will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
letter series will complete the series. िकस question mark (?) in the following series? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ृंखला के खाली िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, ?
हो जाएगी ? CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (a) 240 (b) 570
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) 52, 54, 57, 62, 69, ? (c) 720 (d) 360
tsm__nq__smmn__st_mmn_ (a)90 (b)95 (c)80 (d) 85
qs Q155. Which letter-pair will replace the
(a) mnstnqmn (b) mmstmqtn Q149. Select the combination of letters question mark (?) in the following series?
(c) mnstnqsn (d) nmstnqns that when sequentially placed in the gaps िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
of the given letter series will complete the कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ?
Q144. Select the combination of letters series. CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
GD, IF, ? , SP, AX
that when sequentially placed in the gaps िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ंृखला के
खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह (a) MJ (b) NM
of the given letter series will complete the
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? (c) JK (d) MN
िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ंृखला के CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह c__plopc__rplo_c_c_pl_pc Q156. Which letter-pair will replace the
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? (a) c r c c p c r o question mark (?) in the following series?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (b) c r p c p r r o िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
(c) p r c c p c r r कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ?
u _ _ m p m__uucm_mmj_uc_p
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
mm_ (d) c r p c p c r o
HE, ? , NK, TQ, BY
(a) u c u j p m m j
(a)IK (b)JG (c)JH (d) IG
(b) u c m j u u m m Q150. Which letter-pair will replace the
(c) u c m j p u m j question mark (?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
Q157. Which number will replace the
(d) p c j m p u m j
कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ? question mark (?) in the following series?
CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
Q145. Which number will replace the कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
BE, DG, FK, HQ, ?
question mark (?) in the following series? CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(a) JY (b) JX (c) JS (d) YJ
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर 12, 22, 42, 72, ?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a) 102 (b) 92
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q151. Which number will replace the
(c) 122 (d) 112
question mark (?) in the following series?
55, 56, 64, 91, 155, ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
(a) 265 (b) 275 Q158. Which letter-pair will replace the
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
(c) 280 (d) 270 question mark (?) in the following series?
CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
6, 7, 11, 20, ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
Q146. Which number will replace the (a)29 (b)32 (c)35 (d) 36 कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ?
question mark (?) in the following series? CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर Q152. Select the combination of letters
JG, LI, ? , VS, DA
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a)PM (b)QM (c)PQ (d)OR
that when sequentially placed in the gaps
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
of the given letter series will complete the
77, 92, 125, 178, 253, ? Q159. Which number will replace the
(a) 350 (b) 352 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर question mark (?) in the following series?
(c) 353 (d) 351 िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
Q147. Select the combination of letters OL, QO, __, UU, WX CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
that when sequentially placed in the gaps 6, 12, 36,144, ?
(a)ST (b)RS (c)SU (d)SR
of the given letter series will complete the (a)720 (b)520
series. (c)620 (d)420
Q153. Which number will replace the
िकस समूह के अ रों को दी गई अ र ंृखला के question mark (?) in the following series?
खाली थानों म िमक प से रखने पर यह Q160. Which number will replace the
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? question mark (?) in the following series?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर
x__yq__txz__qsqtx__yqs_t 6, 10, 26, 62, ? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
(a) z y s q y y z y q (a) 92 (b) 126 CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
2, 4, 7, 12, 19, 30, ?
(b) y y s q z y z y q (c) 216 (d) 112
(a) 47 (b) 38 (c) 43 (d) 36
(c) z y q s y z z y q

MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) VJB (b) WJB

Q161. Which letter-pair will replace the 31, 44, 58, 73, 89, ? (c) WJC (d) VIB
question mark (?) in the following series? (a) 105 (b) 106
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर (c) 115 (d) 116 Q174.Select the number that can replace
कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ? the question mark (?) in the following
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) Q168. Select the letter-pair that can series.
FJ, HL, ? , LP, NR replace the question mark (?) in the िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(a)JM (b) JN (c)GM (d)IN following series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ?
Q162. Which number will replace the ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
question mark (?) in the following series? MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) 47 (b)50 (c)48 (d)49
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर AR, CU, EX, GA, ?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a) JE (b) ID (c) IF (d) KF Q175. Select the number that can replace
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) the question mark (?) in the following
7, 9, 12, 17, 24, 35, ? Q169. Select the number that can replace series.
(a) 52 (b) 45 (c) 47 (d) 48 the question mark (?) in the following िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
Q163. Which letter-pair will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ?
question mark (?) in the following series? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a)41 (b)43 (c)37 (d)31
कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ? 69,109,159,219,289,?
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 349 (b) 369 Q176. Select the numbers that can replace
EI, GK, ? , KO, MQ (c) 379 (d) 359 the question marks (?) in the following
(a) IL (b)KM (c) IM (d) JK series.
Q170. Select the number that can replace िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
Q164. Which number will replace the the question mark (?) in the following ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
question mark (?) in the following series? series. 36, 49, 51, 39, 53, 54, 42, 57, 57, 45, ?, ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (a) 71, 60 (b) 60, 63
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 60, 61 (d) 61, 60
2, 3, 8, 31, ? 43,31,74,105,179,?
(a) 154 (b) 134 (a) 263 (b) 279 Q177. Select the letter-cluster that can
(c) 105 (d) 95 (c) 294 (d) 284 replace the question mark (?) in the
following series.
Q165. Which letter-pair will replace the Q171. Select the letter-pair that can िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
question mark (?) in the following series? replace the question mark(?) in the ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर following series. MRT, TYA, AFH, HMO, ?
कौन सा अ र-यु आएगा ? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (a) PUV (b) PUU
KH, ? , QN, WT, EB KP, HM, EJ, BG, ? (c) OTV (d) OTU
(a) NJ (b) MJ MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) LN (d) MK (a) YD (b)ZE (c)YC (d) XC Q178. Select the number that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following
MTS 2019 TIER I Q172. Select the number that can replace series.
the question mark (?) in the following िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
Q166. Select the number that can replace series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
the question mark (?) in the following िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 72,69,64,?,48
series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 137, 148, 161, 176, 193, ? (a) 57 (b) 54 (c)59 (d) 55
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) (a) 232 (b) 214 Q179. Select the number that can replace
16, 20, 29, 45, 70, ? (c) 224 (d) 212 the question mark (?) in the following
(a) 106 (b) 116 series.
(c) 96 (d) 126 Q173. Select the letter-cluster that can िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
replace the question mark (?) in the ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
Q167. Select the number that can replace following series. 37, 33, 29, 25 ?
the question mark (?) in the following िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (a)19 (b)21 (c)20 (d)22
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को RAP, SCS, TEV, UGY,?
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) 172
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q180. Select the letter-cluster that can Q186. Select the number that can replace (a) 1228 (b) 1440
replace the question mark (?) in the the question mark (?) in the following (c) 1680 (d) 1448
following series. series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q192. Select the number that can replace
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the question mark (?) in the following
RAB, TDG, VGL, ?,ZMV 3, 7, 22, 89, ? series.
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(a) XJQ (b) YLR (a) 452 (b) 446 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(c) XKQ (d) YKR (c) 440 (d) 448 16, 49, 149, 450, 1354, ?
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
Q181. Select the number that can replace Q187. Select the correct alternative from (a) 4067 (b) 4062
the question mark (?) in the following the given ones that will complete the (c) 4066 (d) 4068
series. series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को िदए गए िवक ों म से सही िवक का चयन कर Q193. Select the number that can replace
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। the question mark (?) in the following
8, 8, 16, 48, ? ROD, XUJ, DAP, JGV,? series.
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(a) 216 (b) 190 (a) QNC (b) PNB ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(c) 196 (d) 192 (c) PMB (d) QMB 16, 17, 21, 30, 46, ?
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
Q182. Select the letter-pair that can Q188.Select the number that can replace (a) 81 (b) 77
replace the question mark (?) in the the question mark(?) in the following (c) 71 (d) 63
following series. series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q194. Select the number that can replace
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the question mark (?) in the following
MR, NU, OX, PA, ? 16,17,23,18,19,26,20,21,29,22,?,? series.
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(a)RE (b)QC (c)RC (d)QD (a) 23,32 (b) 25,36 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(c) 32,23 (d) 36,25 1138, 1150, 1163, 1177, ?
Q183. Select the number that can replace MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following Q189. Select the number that can replace (a) 1196 (b) 1202
series. the question mark(?) in the following (c) 1192 (d) 1204
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series.
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q195. Select the correct alternative from
279, 277, 273, 267, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the given ones that will complete the
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) 63,82,102,123,145,? series.
(a) 259 (b) 263 MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) िदए गए िवक ों म से सही िवक का चयन कर
(c) 261 (d) 257 (a) 167 (b) 178 जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
(c) 168 (d) 159 RAM, VET, ZIA, ? , HQO
Q184. Select the number that can replace MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following Q190. A series is given with one term (a) DNI (b) DNH
series. missing. Select the correct alternative (c) DMI (d) DMH
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को from the given ones that will complete the
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। series. Q196. A series is given with one term
307, 303, 209, 295? एक ृंखला लापता के साथ एक श दी गई है । missing. Select the correct alternative
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) िदए गए िवक ों म से सही िवक का चयन कर from the given ones that will complete the
(a) 287 (b) 293 जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। series.
(c) 289 (d) 291 LP, MR, ? , OV, PX एक ृंखला लापता के साथ एक श दी गई है ।
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) िदए गए िवक ों को सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला
Q185. A series is given with one term (a) MT (b) NU को पूरा करे गा।
missing. Select the correct alternative (c) MU (d) NT JG, FC, BY, XU, ?
form the given ones that will complete the MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
series. Q191. Select the number that can replace (a) TR (b) VQ
एक ृंखला लापता के साथ एक श दी गई है । the question mark (?) in the following (c) VR (d) TQ
िदए गए िवक ों को सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला series.
को पूरा करे गा। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q197. Select the number that can replace
ML, RQ, WV, BA, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the question mark (?) in the following
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) 12, 12, 24, 72, 288, ? series.
(a) GE (b) GF (c) HF (d) HE MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)

िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को एक ृंखला लापता के साथ एक श दी गई है । Q209. Select the number that can replace
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िदए गए िवक ों को सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला the question mark (?) in the following
13, 22, 33, 48, 69, ? को पूरा करे गा। series.
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) AMD, CLF, EKH, ?, IIL िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(a) 112 (b) 96 MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(c) 98 (d) 88 (a) GJL (b) HJJ 600, 120, 30, 10, 5, ?
(c) HJK (d) GJJ MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
Q198. Select the number that can replace (a). 4 (b). 5
the question mark (?) in the following Q204. Select the number that can replace (c). 3 (d). 2
series. the question mark (?) in the following
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series. Q210. In the following question, select
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को the missing number from the given series.
197, 220, 244, 269, 295, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत म, दी गई ृंखला से लु सं ा
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) 14, 17, 22, 29, 40, ? का चयन कर।
(a) 328 (b) 322 MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) 17, 31, 47, 65, ?
(c) 330 (d) 312 (a) 59 (b) 53 MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) 63 (d) 57 (a). 87 (b). 89
Q199. Select the letter-pair that can (c). 85 (d). 83
replace the question mark (?) in the Q205. Select the number that can replace
following series. the question mark (?) in the following Q211. Select the number that can replace
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series. the question mark (?) in the following
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series.
RJ, XP, DV, JB, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, ? ‘ ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) QH (b) PI MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) 461, 481, 502, 524, 547, ?
(c) QJ (d) PH (a) 53 (b) 44 MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) 59 (d) 43 (a)573 (b) 585
Q200. Select the number that can replace (c) 571 (d) 581
the question mark (?) in the following Q206. Select the number that can replace
series. the question mark (?) in the following Q212. Select the number that can replace
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series. the question mark (?) in the following
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series.
961, 984, 1008, 1033, 1059, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) 37, 43, 51, 61, 73, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) 1086 (b) 1084 MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) 39, 19, 58, 77, 135, ?
(c) 1078 (d) 1096 (a) 85 (b) 89 MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) 87 (d) 83 (a)202 (b)224
Q201. Select the number that can replace (c) 196 (d)212
the question mark (?) in the following Q207. A series is given with one Letter
series. Cluster missing. Select the correct Q213. Select the letter-pair that can
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को alternative from the given ones that will replace the question mark (?) in the
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। complete the series. following series.
13, 40, 121, 364, ? एक ृंखला लापता के साथ एक श दी गई है । िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) िदए गए िवक ों को सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) 1091 (b) 1093 को पूरा करे गा। JL, GJ, DH, AF, ?
(c) 1092 (d) 1094 POND, UVSK, ZCXR, EJCY, ? MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a)YD (b)XC (c)YC (d)XD
Q202. In the following question, select (a) JQHF (b) KQHF
the missing number from the given series. (c) JQHE (d) KQHE Q214. Select the number that can replace
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को the question mark (?) in the following
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। Q208. Select the letter-pair that can series.
31, 17, 48, 65, 113, ? replace the question mark (?) in the िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) following series. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) 174 (b) 162 िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 11, 14, 31, 14, 16, 34, 17, 18, 37, ?, 20, ?
(c) 168 (d) 178 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
RD, XJ, DP, JV, ? (a) 21, 41 (b) 20, 41
Q203. A series is given with one term MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (c).21, 40 (d).20, 40
missing. Select the correct alternative (a)QC (b)PB (c)PC (d)QB
from the given ones that will complete the
series. 174
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q215. Select the Letter Cluster that can MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
replace the question mark (?) in the Q221. Which letter will replace the (a)85 (b)84 (c)86 (d) 87
following series. question mark(?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q228. Which number will replace the
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। question mark (?) in the following series?
ROB, URE, XUH, ?, DAN FLO, H?Q, JPS, LRU िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) BYL (b) AYK (a) M (b) P (c) N (d) I 28, 32, 48, 84, ?
(c) AXK (d) BXL MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
Q222. Select the correct option that will (a) 150 (b) 152
Q216. Select the number that can replace fill in the blank and complete the series. (c) 154 (d) 148
the question mark (?) in the following सही िवक चुन जो र थान को भरे गा और
series. ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। Q229. Which of the following letter
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 10, 17, 26,37, ___ clusters will replace the question mark (?)
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) to complete the given series?
3, 3, 6, 24, 192, ? (a) 49 (b) 50 (c) 54 (d) 52 दी गई ंृखला को पूरा करने के िलए िन िल खत म
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) से कौन सा प र िच (?) की जगह
(a) 3072 (b)1536 Q223. Which of the following letter लेगा?
(c) 4992 (d) 2688 clusters will replace the question mark (?) KUCJ, NRFG, QOID, ?
to complete the given series? MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Q217. Select the number that can replace िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को (a) ULLA (b) TKLB
the question mark (?) in the following ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (c) TLLA (d) ULKA
series. PTX, AEI, LPT, ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q230. Which number will replace the
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (a) XAE (b) WZE question mark (?) in the following series?
1107, 1127, 1167, 1227, 1307, ? (c) XAD (d) WAE िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(a) 1417 (b) 1427 Q224. Which number will replace the 65, 67, 69, 81, 93, ?
(c) 1397 (d) 1407 question mark (?) in the following series? MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को (a) 137 (b) 117
Q218. Select the Letter Cluster that can ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (c) 113 (d) 123
replace the question mark (?) in the 15, 17, 20, 25, 32, 43, ?
following series. MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q231. One term in the given number
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को (a) 56 (b) 55 (c) 57 (d) 54 series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। दी गई सं ा ृंखला म एक श गलत है । गलत
MONG, RUUL, WABT, BGIB, ? Q225. Which number will replace the श का पता लगाएं ।
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) question mark (?) in the following series? 120, 143, 168, 196, 224
(a) HNQJ (b) HNPS िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) GMPJ (d) GMQJ ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (a) 224 (b) 196
105, 106, 114, 141, ? (c) 168 (d) 120
Q219. Select the number that can replace MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
the question mark (?) in the following (a) 207 (b) 208 Q232. Which of the following letter
series. (c) 205 (d) 206 clusters will replace the question mark (?)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को to complete the given series?
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। Q226. Select the letter Cluster that can िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
36, 73, 147, 295, ? replace the question mark (?) in the ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) following series. CATCH, DATCH, DCTCH, DCWCH, ?,
(a) 621 (b) 591 िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को DCWGM
(c) 581 (d) 691 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q220. Select the number that can replace MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) (c) DCWDH (d) DCWGI
the question mark (?) in the following (a) GAH (b) FZG
series. (c) GAI (d) FBH Q233. Which number will replace the
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को question mark (?) in the following series?
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। Q227. Which number will replace the िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
423, 407, 439, 391, 455, ? question mark (?) in the following series? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को 14, 15, 32, ?, 400
(a) 375 (b) 420 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) 365 (d) 360 15, 32, 55, ?, 127, 180 (a) 98 (b) 99

(c) 69 (d) 100 MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q247. Select the number that can replace
(a) 36.25 (b) 36.5 the question mark (?) in the following
Q234. Which number will replace the (c) 38.5 (d) 38.75 series.
question mark (?) in the following series? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q241. Select the number that can replace ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the question mark(?) in the following 2807, 1400, 697, ? , 171, 84
4, 9, 19, 39, 79, ? series. MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को (a) 697 (b) 84
(a) 161 (b) 156 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (c) 371 (d) 346
(c) 159 (d) 158 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q248. Select the number that can replace
Q235. Which of the following letter (a) 127 (b) 115 the question mark (?) in the following
cluster will replace the question mark (?) (c) 131 (d) 92 series.
to complete the given series? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q242. Select the term that will come next ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। in the following series. -1, 5, 23, 59, 119, 209,?
SXP, PVO, MTN, ? , GPL अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, ______, MLNA (a) 409 (b) 309
(a) KRM (b) JRM MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 335 (d) 289
(c) JSM (d) JQN (a) OLPA (b) KLMA
(c) LLMA (d) KLLA Q249. Select the option that is related to
Q236. Which number will replace the the third term in the same way as the
question mark (?) in the following series? Q243.Select the term that will come next second term is related to the first term.
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को in the following series. उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे श से ठीक
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। उसी कार संबंिधत है िजस कार दू सरा श
10, 17, 31, 52, 80, ? BY, CX, EV, HS, _____ पहले श से संबंिधत है
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) CINQ : EKPS :: FRGS : ?
(a) 115 (b) 125 (a) JQ (b) PK MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) 135 (d) 105 (c) LO (d) MN (a) HTIU (b) HITU
(c) ITJU (d) HTUI
Q237. One term in the given number Q244.Select the correct option that will
series is wrong. Find out the wrong term. complete the series Q250. Select the correct option that will
दी गई सं ा ृंखला म एक श गलत है । गलत सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। complete the series.
श का पता लगाएं । 26,51,176,801,? सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
15, 17, 22, 32, 49, 76 MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) 15, 31, ?, 127, 255
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (a) 3926 (b) 3625 MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 49 (b) 32 (c) 2441 (d) 2854 (a) 63 (b) 89 (c) 47 (d) 21
(c) 22 (d) 76
Q245.Find the wrong therm in the given Q251. Select the letter-cluster that can
Q238. Select the correct option that will series: replace the question mark(?) in the
fill in the blank and complete the series. दी गई सं ा ृंखला म गलत श खोज: following series.
सही िवक चुन जो र थान को भरे गा और 80, 70, 55, 35, 10, -20, -50 ACZ, EGV, HJS, JLQ, ?
ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म -िच (?) को बदलने वाले
1440, 240, 48, ? , 4, 2 (a) 70 (b) -20 प -समूह का चयन कर सकते ह। ACZ, EGV,
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (c) 10 (d) -50 HJS, JLQ,?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 12 MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q246. Select the letter cluster that will (a) LMO (b) KMP
Q239. Find the wrong term in the given replace the question mark (?) in the (c) LNO (d) KNO
number series: following series.
दी गई सं ा ृंखला म गलत श खोज: िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) को बदलने वाले Q252. Select the correct option that will
34, 32, 35, 33, 36, 37 अ र समूह का चयन कर। complete the series.
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) ACEGI, BDFHJ, KMOQS, ? , UWYAC, सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
(a) 33 (b) 37 (c) 32 (d) 34 VXZBD 900, 450, 90, 45, 9,?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q240. Select the number that can replace (a)PQRTV (b) LPRTV (a) 6 (b) 4.5 (c) 3 (d) 2.5
the question mark(?) in the following (c)TUVWX (d)LNPRT
series0. Q253. Select the correct option that will
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को complete the series.
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
1500, 745, 370, 180, 87.5, ? 441, 484, 529, 576, _______ 176
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) 641 (b) 630 Q259. Select the term that will complete (a) Both the bracket numbers are incorrect
(c) 610 (d) 625 the following letter series. / दोनों ैकेट नंबर गलत ह
अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। (b) The first bracket number(from the
Q254. Select the term that will come next QN, RP, TS, WW, ______, FH left) is correct and the second is incorrect.
in the following series. MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) / पहला ैकेट नंबर (बाएं से) सही है और दू सरा
अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। (a) YC (b) XB (c)AC (d)AB गलत है ।
CAY, FDB, IGE, ______ (c) Both the bracket numbers are correct. /
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) Q260. Select the correct option that will दोनों ैकेट नंबर सही ह।
(a) KJL (b) LJH complete the series. (d) The first bracket number(from the
(c) KIG (d) JHL सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। left) is incorrect and the second is correct.
1,3,9,31,______,651 / पहला ैकेट नंबर (बाएं से) गलत है और दू सरा
Q255. Select the correct option that will MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) सही है ।
complete the series. (a) 109 (b) 97
सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। (c) 127 (d) 129 Q266. Complete the following number
13, 42, 129, 390, ______ series:
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) Q261. Select the number that can replace िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला को पूरा कर:
(a) 1220 (b) 1173 the question mark(?) in the following 529,441,361,289,______
(c) 1179 (d) 1170 series. MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को (a) 220 (b) 256
Q256. Which number will replace the ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। (c) 235 (d) 225
question mark (?) in the following series. 4,2,2,3,6,?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q267. Select the term that will come next
सा नंबर आएगा। (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 15 in the following series.
12,14,17,22,29,40,? अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Q262 Select the term that will come next aaCee,gglkk,mmOqq,______.
(a) 51 (b) 53 (c) 38 (d) 47 in the following series. MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। (a) ssTww (b) ssUww
Q257.Select the term that will come next MN, NOP, PQRS, STUVW,? (c) rrTww (d) sSuww
in the following series. MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला (a) WXYZ (b) WXYZA Q268. Select the correct option that will
म अगले थान पर आएगा | (c) XYZABC (d) WXYZAB complete the series.
BDf, Glk, LNp, ______. सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Q263.Find the wrong term in the given 7, 25, 79, 241, _____
(a) QTu (b) QSU series. MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) QSu (d) QTv दी गई ृंखला म गलत श खोज। (a) 439 (b) 652
17, 22, 29, 36, 49, 62 (c) 380 (d) 727
Q258. In the following number series two MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
numbers have been put within brackets. (a) 22 (b) 49 (c) 29 (d) 36 Q269. Select the term that will come next
Study the series carefully and select in the following series.
alternatives with respect to the series. Q264. Select the correct option that will अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।
िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म दो सं ाओं को complete the series. GN, MT, SZ, _____
को क के भीतर रखा गया है । ृंखला का सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
ानपूवक अ यन कर और ृंखला के संबंध म 7, 22, 52, 97, 157, ? (a) WD (b) ZG
िवक ों का चयन कर। MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) (c) YF (d) XE
1,9,25,(36),81,121,(169),225 (a) 232 (b) 222
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (c) 257 (d) 254 Q270. Select the term that will come next
(a) The first bracketed number (from the in the following series.
left) is correct and the second incorrect. / Q265. In the following number series two अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।
पहली ैकेटे ड सं ा (बाएं से) सही है और दू सरी numbers have been put within brackets. 8, 27, 64, 125, ____
गलत है । Study the series carefully and select the MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Both the bracketed numbers are (a) 280 (b) 343
correct alternative with respect to the
incorrect / दोनों ैकेटे ड नंबर गलत ह (c) 250 (d) 216
(c) The first bracketed number (from the िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म दो सं ाओं को
left) is incorrect and the second is correct. को क के भीतर रखा गया है । ृंखला का Q271. The following number series item
/ पहली ैकेटे ड सं ा (बाएं से) गलत है और ानपूवक अ यन कर और ृंखला के संबंध म numbers are placed within the bracket.
दू सरी सही है । सही िवक का चयन कर। Study the series. Select the correct option
(d) Both the bracketed numbers are 5, 11, 18, (25), 35, (45), 56, in relation to numbers given in the
correct. / दोनों ैकेटे ड नंबर सही ह। MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) bracket.

िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला आइटम नंबर ैकेट के (c) NPQ (d) NOP (a) 1450 (b) 1054
भीतर रखे गए ह। ृंखला का अ यन कर। ैकेट (c) 1296 (d) 1312
म दी गई सं ाओं के संबंध म सही िवक का Q277. Select the correct option that will .
चयन कर।
complete the series. Q284. Select the term that will come next
4, 5, 6, 16, (24), 36, (60), 125, 216 सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। in the following series.
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) 18, 12, 5, -3, -12, _____ अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर।
(a)the number of the first one (from left) MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) HM, EJ, BG, _____
is correct and the rest is wrong./पहले वाले (a) -22 (b)-23 (c)-19 (d)-21 MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(बाएं से) की सं ा सही है और बाकी गलत है । (a) YD (b) SC (c)TE (d) YC
(b)the number of the first one (from left)
Q278. Select the correct option that will
is wrong and the rest is correct./ पहले वाले
complete the series. CPO 2019 TIER I
(बाएं से) की सं ा गलत है और बाकी सही है ।
सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
(c)Both numbers are correct./ दोनों सं ाएँ
108, 162, 243, ______ Q285. Select the option that will replace
सही है । MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) both numbers are incorrect./ दोनों the question mark to complete the given
(a) 362 (b) 352
सं ाएँ गलत है । series.
(c) 325.5 (d) 364.5 उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ंृखला म
िच के थान पर आकर ृंखला पूरी कर
Q272 Select the option that will be
Q279. Select the term that will come next सकता है |
followed in the following series.
in the following series. 7, 17, 41, 85, ? , 257
िन िल खत ृंखला म िवक का चयन कर। अगले ृंखला म आने वाले श का चयन कर। CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
YVS, ROL, KHE, _____ MJG, QNK, URO, ______ (a) 155 (b) 105
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) 165 (d) 150
(a)DBZ (b)EBY (a) YUR (b) WUS
(c)DAX (d) DAY (c) YVS (d) ZWT Q286. Select the letter that can replace
question mark (?) in the following series.
Q273. Complete the following number Q280. Find the missing number from the उस अ र का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला म
series. below options. िच के थान पर आएगा |
िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला को पूरा कर। नीचे िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात K, J, L, I, ?, H
620, 670, 722, 776, ______ कीिजए। CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) 86 49 74 (a) D (b) N (c) l (d) M
(a) 850 (b) 841 105 75 60
(c) 859 (d) 832 93 64 ? Q287. Select the option that will fill in
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) the blank and complete the given series.
Q274. Select the number that can replace (a) 29 (b) 58 (c) 50 (d) 72 उस िवक का चयन कर जो र थान पर
the question mark (?) in the following आकर इस ृंखला को पूण कर सकता है |
series. Q281. Select the correct option that will FTB, IQE, LNH, OKK, ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को complete the series. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। (a) RHN (b) RGM
26, 34, 41, 46, 56, ? 7.5, 4.7, 1.9, -0.9, ____ (c) SHM (d) SHN
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) 68 (b) 64 (c) 70 (d) 67 (a) -25 (b) -3.7 Q288. Select the option that will replace
(c) -15 (d) -19 the question mark(?) to complete the
Q275. Select the number that can replace
given series.
the question mark (?) in the following Q282. Find the missing number from the उस िवक का चयन कर जो िच ( ? ) के
series. below options. थान पर आ कर दी गयी ृंखला को पूरा कर
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को नीचे िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात सकता है |
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। कीिजए। 40, 50, 61, 73, 86, ?, 115
101, 106, 116, 131, 151, ? 3 5 7 71 CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) 9 2 1 29 (a) 99 (b) 105
(a) 156 (b) 146 (c) 100 (d) 98
6 4 11 ?
(c) 166 (d) 176 MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) 134 (b) 143 Q289. Identify the number that does NOT
Q276. Select the letter-Cluster that can (c) 123 (d) 132 belong to the following series.
replace the question mark (?) in the उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला से संबंिधत
following series. Q283. Select the correct option that will नहीं है ?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को complete the series. 104, 108, 54, 58, 29, 31
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
सही िवक चुन जो ृंखला को पूरा करे गा।
ACD, EGH, IKL, ?, QST (a) 29 (b) 54
256, 384, 576, 864, ____
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (c) 58 (d) 31
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) MNO (b) MOP
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q290. Select the number that can replace उस िवक का चयन कर जो खाली थान म Q299. Select the option that will fill in
the question mark (?) in the following आकर इस ृंखला को पूण कर सकता है | the blank and complete the given series.
series. CYB, FUG, IQL, LMQ, OIV, _____ उस िवक का चयन कर जो र थान म आकर
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) दी गयी ृंखला को पूण कर दे गा |
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | (a) PFZ (b) REA 14, 17, 23, 32, 44,______
1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 22, ? (c) REZ (d) PEA CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a) 69 (b) 56
(a) 152 (b) 155 Q295. Select the letter that can replace (c) 54 (d) 59
(c) 157 (d) 156 the question mark(?) in the following
series. Q300. Select the number that can replace
Q291. Select the number that can replace उस अ र का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला म the question mark (?) in the following
the question mark (?) in the following िच (?) के थान पर आ सकता है | series.
series. E,Y,U,O,K,?,A उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | (a) E (b) F (c) H (d) G 105, 107, 103, ?, 101, 111
14, 17, 23, 32, 44, 59, ? CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) Q296. Select the option that will fill in (a) 102 (b) 97
(a) 78 (b) 77 (c) 74 (d) 67 the blank and complete the given series . (c) 113 (d) 109
उस िवक का चयन कर जो खाली थान म
Q292. In the following number series, आकर दी गयी ृंखला को पूण कर दे गा | Q301. Select the letter that can replace
two numbers have been put within DXB, GSI, JNP, MIW, ____ the question mark (?) in the following
brackets. Select the most appropriate CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) series.
option for these numbers in relation to (a) ODE (b) PDE उस अ र का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
their inclusion in the series. (c) PDD (d) OED िच (?) के थान पर आ सकता है |
िन िल खत सं ा- ृंखला म, दो सं ाओं को K, I, G, E, C, ?
को क म रखा गया है | इन सं ाओं के िलए, उ Q297. Select the option that will fill in CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
ृंखला म शािमल करने के संबंध म सवािधक the blank and complete the given series. (a) A (b) B (c) D (d) Z
उपयु िवक का चयन कर | उस िवक का चयन कर जो र थान म आकर
1, 5, 17, (39), 65, 101, (145), 197 ृंखला को पूण कर दे गा | Q302. Select the number that can replace
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) 35, 52, 75, 110, 151, ______ the question mark (?) in the following
(a) The first bracketed number from the CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) series.
left is correct and the second bracketed (a) 204 (b) 218 उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
number from the left is incorrect. / बायीं (c) 210 (d) 206 िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है |
ओर से को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा सही और 40, 44, 22, 26, 13, ?
बायीं ओर से को क म रखी गयी दू सरी सं ा Q298. Select the option that is correct for CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
गलत है | the bracketed numbers with respect to (a) 16 (b) 20
(b) Both the bracketed numbers are their inclusion in the given series. (c) 17 (d) 22
incorrect./ को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएँ उस िवक का चयन कर जो को क म रखी गयी
गलत ह | सं ाओं को ृंखला म शािमल करने के संबंध म Q303. Select the number that can replace
(c) Both the bracketed numbers are सही है | the question mark (?) in the following
correct./ को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएँ सही ह 4, 11, 30, (67), 128, 219, (349), 515 series.
(d) The first bracketed number from the CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म िच
left is incorrect and the second bracketed (a) Both the bracketed numbers are (?) के थान पर आ सकती है |
number from the left is correct./ को क म correct/ को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएँ सही ह 1, 11, 35, 79, ?, 251
बायीं ओर से रखी गयी पहली सं ा सही है तथा | CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
को क म बायीं ओर से रखी गयी दू सरी सं ा (b) The first bracketed number is correct (a) 152 (b) 149
गलत है | and the second bracketed number is (c) 105 (d) 150
incorrect/ को क म रखी गयी पहली सं ा सही
Q293. Select the letter that can replace है तथा को क म रखी गयी दू सरी सं ा गलत है | Q304. Select the letter-cluster that can
the question mark (?) in the following (c) Both the bracketed numbers are replace the question mark (?) in the
series. incorrect/ को क म रखी गयी दोनों सं ाएँ following series.
उस अ र का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला म गलत ह | उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | (d) The first bracketed number is म िच (?) के थान पर आ सकता है |
B, C, E, ?, Q, G incorrect and the second bracketed TXB, QWE, NVH, KUK, ?
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) number is correct/ को क म रखी गयी पहली CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
(a) H (b) I (c) E (d) F सं ा गलत है तथा को क म रखी गयी दू सरी (a) ITM (b) HSN
सं ा सही है | (c) JTM (d) HTN
Q294. Select the option that will fill in
the blank and complete the given series.


Q305. Select the option that will fill in Q311 Select the number that can replace (a) 22 (b) 20
the blank and complete the given series. the question mark (?) in the following (c) 25 (d) 23
उस िवक का चयन कर जो र थान को series.
भरे गा और दी गई ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Q316. Select the number that can replace
CDZ, DGE, EJJ, FMO, GPT, ______. ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। the question mark (?) in the following
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) 1, 5, 11, 19, 29, 41, ? series.
(a) GRY (b) HRZ CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
(c) HSY (d) IQX (a) 50 (b) 57 ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
(c) 55 (d) 49 3, 12, 36, 80, ?, 248
Q306.Select the given option that will fill CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
in the blanks and complete the given Q312. Select the letter that can replace (a) 149 (b) 146
series. the question mark (?) in the following (c) 147 (d) 152
िदए गए िवक को चुन जो र थान को भरे गा series.
और दी गई ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। िन िल खत ृंखला म वाचक िच (?) को बदल Q317. Select the option that is related to
7, 16, 40, 84, ______, 252 सकने वाले अ र का चयन कर। the third number in the same way as the
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) Z, V, P, L, ?, B second number is related to the first
(a) 151 (b) 149 CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) number.
(c) 150 (d) 153 (a) E (b) F (c) I (d) H उस िवक का चयन कर जो तीसरे नंबर से उसी
तरह से संबंिधत है जैसे दू सरी सं ा पहले नंबर से
Q307. Identify the number that is NOT Q313. In the following number series, संबंिधत है ।
related to the following series . two numbers have been put within 184 : 207 :: 208 : ?
उस सं ा को पहचान जो िन िल खत ृंखला से brackets. Select the most appropriate CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
संबंिधत नहीं है । option for these numbers in relation to (a) 234 (b) 344
25, 28, 23, 30, 21, 33 their inclusion in the series. (c) 235 (d) 237
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म, दो सं ाओं को
(a) 21 (b) 30 को क के भीतर रखा गया है । ृंखला म उनके Q318. Select the letter-cluster that can
(c) 23 (d) 33 समावेश के संबंध म इन सं ाओं के िलए सबसे replace the question mark (?) in the
उपयु िवक का चयन कर। following series.
Q308. Select the option that will fill in 0,7, 26, (65), 124, 215, (344), 511 िन िल खत ृंखला म -िच (?) को बदलने वाले
the blank and complete the given series. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) प -समूह का चयन कर सकते ह।
उस िवक का चयन कर जो र थान को (a) The first bracketed number is correct EFY, FID, GLI, HON, IRS, ?
भरे गा और दी गई ृंखला को पूरा करे गा। and the second bracketed number is CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
6, 10, 19, 35, 60, _______ incorrect. / पहली ैकेटे ड सं ा सही है और (a) KUX (b) KQY
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) दू सरी ैकेटे ड सं ा गलत है । (c) JUX (d) JVY
(a) 93 (b) 95 (b) The first bracketed number is
(c) 96 (d) 98 incorrect and the second bracketed Q319. Select the letter that can replace
number is correct./ पहली ैकेटे ड सं ा गलत the question mark (?) in the following
Q309. Select the letter that can replace है और दू सरी ैकेटे ड सं ा सही है । series.
the question mark(?) in the following (c) Both the bracketed numbers are िन िल खत ृंखला म वाचक िच (?) को बदल
series. incorrect. / दोनों ैकेटे ड सं ाएँ गलत ह। सकने वाले अ र का चयन कर।
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िच ( ? ) के (d) Both the bracketed numbers are W, T, O, L, ?, D
थान पर आ कर दी गयी ृंखला को पूरा कर correct. / दोनों ैकेटे ड नंबर सही ह। CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
सकता है | (a) J (b) K (c) G (d) H
X, U, P, M, ?, E Q314. Select the number that can replace
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) the question mark (?) in the following Q320. Select the number that can replace
(a) I (b) H (c) J (d) K series. the question mark (?) in the following
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series.
Q310. Select the letter-cluster that can ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को
replace the question mark (?) in the 13, 15, 19, 25, 33, ? ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर।
following series. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) 7, 11, 20, 36, 61, ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ंृखला म (a) 54 (b) 43 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
िच के थान पर आकर ृंखला पूरी कर (c) 42 (d) 41 (a) 97 (b) 99
सकता है | (c) 95 (d) 94
DZA, FUD, HPG, JKJ, LFM, ? Q315. Select the number that can replace
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
the question mark (?) in the following Q321. In the following number series,
(a) MAP (b) NAQ
series. two numbers have been put in brackets.
(c) NBQ (d) NAP
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को Select the most appropriate option for
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। these numbers in relation to their
15, 18, 13, 20, 11, ? inclusion in the series.
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म, दो सं ाओं को (c) QVY (d) QXY (c) S (d) R

को क म रखा गया है । ृंखला म उनके समावेश
के संबंध म इन सं ाओं के िलए सबसे उपयु Q326 Select the letter that can replace the Q332. Select the letter-cluster that can
िवक का चयन कर। question mark(?) in the following series. . replace the question mark(?) in the
21, 24, 19, (29), 17, 28, (15), 30 िन िल खत ृंखला म वाचक िच (?) को following series.
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) बदलने वाले अ र का चयन कर। । उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी
(a) The first bracketed number (from the U, P, M, H, ?, Z ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
left) is correct and second bracketed CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) BRH, ZUD, ?, VAV, TDR, RGN
number (from the left) is incorrect / पहली (a) H (b) K (c) E (d) J CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
ैकेटे ड सं ा (बाएं से) सही है और दू सरी ैकेटे ड (a)XZZ (b)XYZ
सं ा (बाएं से) गलत है (c)XZY (d)XXZ
(b) The first bracketed number (from the
left) is incorrect and second bracketed Q327. Select the number that can replace
Q333. Select the letter-cluster that can
number (from the left) is correct / पहली the question mark(?) in the given series .
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म replace the question mark(?) in the
ैकेटे ड सं ा (बाएं से) गलत है और दू सरी following series.
ैकेटे ड सं ा (बाएं से) सही है िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है |
17, 21, 30, 46, 71, ? उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी
(c) Both bracketed number are incorrect /
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
दोनों ैकेटे ड नंबर गलत ह KQG, JTK, HXO, ECS,?
(d) Both bracketed number are correct / (a) 101 (b) 96
(c) 107 (d) 105 CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
दोनों ैकेटे ड नंबर सही ह (a) AIW (b) BIV
(c) AHW (d) BIX
Q322. Select the number that can replace Q328. Select the set of letters that when
the question mark (?) in the following sequentially placed in the blanks of the
Q334. Select the number that can replace
series. given letter series will complete the
the question mark(?) in the given series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को series.
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज दी गई
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
6, 9, 14 , 21, 30, 41, ? अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
भरने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी | 87, 89, 92, 97, 104, 115, ?, 145
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 54 (b) 53 K_lmml_mk_mmk_lkkl_m
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) 125 (b) 133
(c) 57 (d) 49
(a) l, k, m, k, k (b) k, l, m, k, k (c) 132 (d) 128

Q323. In the given series one number is (c) k, l, k, l, m (d) k, m, m, k,l

Q335. Select the letter that can replace
incorrect. Identify the INCORRECT
Q329. Select the letter-cluster that can the question mark(?) in the given series.
number from among the options given. उस अ र का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
दी गई ृंखला म एक नंबर गलत है । िदए गए replace the question mark(?) in the
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
िवक ों म से गलत नंबर को पहचान। following series.
O, B, L, C, I, D, F, E, ?
3, 5, 7, 6, 10, 14, 12, 24, 28, 24, 40, 56 उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
(a) C (b) K
(a) 28 (b) 24 CXB, HUI, MRP, ROW, ?
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) (c) H (d) N
(c) 12 (d) 10
(a) WLD (b) VKC
(c) WLZ (d) VKD Q336. Select the set of letters that when
Q324. If in a certain code COATED is
sequentially placed in the blanks of the
written as X41G2W, then how will
Q330. Select the number that can replace given letter series will complete the
ORIENTAL be written in that code?
the question mark(?) in the following series.
यिद एक िनि त कोड म COATED को
series अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कर िज दी गयी
X41G2W िलखा जाता है , तो उस कोड म अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म
ORIENTAL को कैसे िलखा जाएगा? रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी |
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है 55, 58,
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) _swws_wwws_swwww_sss
64, ? , 85
(a) I432NGZP (b) 4I32MG10 CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) I432MGZO (d) 4I32NGZP (a) w, s, s, w (b) w, s, s, s
(a) 77 (b) 70
(c) 67 (d) 73 (c) w, s, w, s (d) w, w, s, s
Q325. Select the letter cluster that can
replace the question mark(?) in the Q337. Select the number that can replace
Q331. Select the letter that can replace
following series. the question mark(?) in the given series . /
the question mark(?) in the given series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) को बदलने वाले उस सं ा का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
उस अ र का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
अ र समूह का चयन कर। िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
FIY, HLD, JOI, LRN, NUS, ? 17, 20, 15, 22, 13, ?
J, M, P, ?, V, Y
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) PVX (b) PXX (a) 4 (b) 2
(a) T (b) O

(c) 22 (d) 24 CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)

Q344. Select the letter that can replace (a) BOC (b) COD
Q338. Select the letter-cluster that can the question mark(?) in the following (c) BUK (d) FIC
replace the question mark(?) in the series
following series. उस अ र का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म Q350. Select the number that can replace
उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | the question mark(?) in the following
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | A, E, J, ?, W series.
DAC, GWH, JSM, MOR, ? CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) (a) R (b) P (c) S (d) Q ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
(a) PKW (b) PJV 61, 63, 65, 77, 89, ? , 149, 205
(c) QKV (d) QJW Q345. Select the set of letters that when CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
sequentially placed in the blanks of the (a) 132 (b) 115
Q339. Select the letter-cluster that can given letter series will complete the (c) 123 (d) 119
replace the question mark(?) in the series.
following series, अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कीिजए िज दी गयी Q351. Select the letter that can replace
उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से the question mark(?) in the following
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | भरने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी | series.
AOS, CQU, ?, GUY, IWA f_hg_fh_gf_hg_fh_g उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
(a) FSX (b) DRV (a) g, h, f, g, h, f A, T, E, U, I, V, O, W, ?, X
(c) ESW (d) GSW (b) f, g, h, f, g, h CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) g, f, g, f, h, f (a) Z (b) R (c) M (d) U
Q340. Select the number that can replace (d) h, f, g, h, f, g
the question mark(?) in the following Q352. Select the number that can replace
series. Q346. Select the letter- cluster that can the question mark (?) in the following
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म replace the question mark(?) in the series.
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | following series उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला
4, 25, 121, ?, 529, 961 उस अ र-समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आता है | 45, 47, 53, 65, 85, ?
(a) 361 (b) 256 aYd, fTi, kOn, pJs, ? CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(c) 324 (d) 289 CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) (a) 130 (b) 105
(a) uFw (b)VeX (c) 115 (d) 145
Q341. Select the letter that can replace (c) uEx (d) uEw
the question mark(?) in the following Q353. Select the letter-cluster that can
series. Q347. Select the number that can replace replace the question mark(?) in the
उस अ र का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म the question mark(?) in the following following series.
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | series. उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी
W, Q, ?, H, E, C उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | TULG, WRPC, ZOTY, CLXU, ?
(a) K (b) N (c) L (d) M 40, 37, 43, 34, 46, ? CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) (a) FICR (b) FJCQ
Q342. Select the number that can replace (a) 51 (b) 61 (c) FIBQ (d) GIAQ
the question mark(?) in the following (c) 31 (d) 41
series. Q354. Select the letter that can replace
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म Q348. Select the letter - cluster that can the question mark (?) in the following
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | replace the question mark (?) in the series.
1537, 1539, 1543, ? , 1557, 1567 following series. उस अ र का चयन कीिजए िजसे आप दी गयी
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) उस अ र-समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर रख सकते ह
(a) 1553 (b) 1550 ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | ?
(c) 1546 (d) 1549 AR, CP, ? , GL, IJ, KH A, E, I, ?, Q, U
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
Q343. Select the letter-cluster that can (a) DN (b) DM (a) M (b) O
replace the question mark(?) in the (c) EN (d) EM (c) K (d) N
following series. Q355. Select the letter-cluster that can
उस अ र समूह का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी Q349. Select the letter-cluster that can replace the question mark(?) in the
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | replace the question mark(?) in the following series.
DAG, FCI, ? , JGM, LIO following series. उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है |
(a) GDJ (b) IFL ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है | ADG, CGK, EJO, ? , IPW
(c) HKE (d) HEK SAT, VEW, YIZ, ? , EUF CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) GNZ (b) GNS अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कीिजए िज दी गयी (c) q, r, p, p, r, q
(c) GMS (d) GMZ अ र ृंखला म िमक प से रखने पर यह (d) p, r, p, s, r, p
ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी ।
Q356. Select the number that can replace _m_ln_mlmnk_k_nl Q367. Select the number that can replace
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
the question mark(?) in the following the question mark(?) in the following
(a) k, l, k, l, m (b) l, n , k, l, n
series. series.
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला (c) m, n, k, l, m (d) k, n, k, l, m उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
5, 10, 26, ? , 122, 170 Q362. Select the letter-cluster that can 17, 19, 22, 27, 34, 45, 58, ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) replace the question mark (?) in the CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) 50 (b) 65 following series. (a) 78 (b) 73
(c) 77 (d) 82 उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी (c) 75 (d) 67
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है

Q357. Select the number that can replace Q368.Select the letter will replace the
the question mark (?) in the following question mark (?) in the following series.
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
series. उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला
(a) PDDQ (b) QCCQ
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है ।
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
(c) PCDR (d) PCCQ C, B, B, C, Z, E, W, H, S, ?, N
62, 66, 74, 90, ? CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) Q363. Select the number that can replace (a) L (b) K
(a) 122 (b) 116 the question mark(?) in the following (c) P (d) I
(c) 106 (d) 120 series.
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी Q369. Select the letter-cluster that can
Q358. Select the letter-cluster that can ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | replace the question mark (?) in the
58, 73, 99, 138, 193, ? , 368
replace the question mark(?) in the following series.
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
following series. उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
(a) 268 (b) 260
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है
ृंखला म िच के थान पर आ सकता है |
(c) 312 (d) 329 PERSONA, ANPERSO, ANOSPER, ?
qDx, nHs, kLn, hPi, ? CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q364. Select the letter will replace the (a) ANOSERP (b) NOSAREP
(a) EtD (b) fTe question mark(?) in the following series. (c) ANSORPE (d) ANOSREP
(c) eSD (d) eTd उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आएगी |
Q370. Select the number that can replace
K, Q, V, ?, C, E, F
Q359. Select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in the following
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
the question mark(?) in the following series.
(a) X (b) Y
series. उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
(c) Z (d) A
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | 35, 36, 40, ?, 83, 208, 244
11, 12, 36, 41, ?, 296 Q365. Select the letter-cluster that can CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) replace the question mark(?) in the (a) 73 (b) 55
(a) 123 (b) 287 following series. (c) 67 (d) 60
(c) 205 (d) 48 उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | Q371. Select the number that can replace
eBd, hXi, kTn, nPs, ?
Q360. Select the combination of letters the question mark(?) in the following
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
that that when sequentially placed in the series .
(a) Qlv (b) pLw
blanks of the given series will complete उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
(c) qLx (d) qKx
the series ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है ।
अ रों के उस संयोजन का चयन कीिजए िज दी 1, 5, 9, ?, 21
गयी ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
Q366. Select the set of letters that when CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी। sequentially placed in the blanks of the (a) 15 (b) 19
_uvwuv_wvtuw_uvwuv_wv_uw given letter series will complete the (c) 11 (d) 20
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) series.
(a) t v w t t (b) t t t t t अ रों के उस समूह का चयन कीिजए िज दी गयी Q372. Select the letter-cluster that can
(c) t u t u t (d) t t u t v अ र ृंखला के खाली थानों म िमक प से
replace the question mark (?) in the
रखने पर यह ृंखला पूरी हो जाएगी |
following series.
Q361. Select the set of letters that when उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
sequentially placed in the blanks of the ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ सकता है ।
(a) q, r, p, s, r, q ABDE, FGIJ, ?, PQST, UVXY
given letter series will complete the
(b) r, p, q, s, r, q CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) KLMN (b) KLMO Q384.Select the number that can replace
(c) KLNP (d) KLNO Q379. Select the letter - cluster that can the question mark(?) in the following
replace the question mark(?) in the series.
Q373. Select the letter that can replace following series. दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
the question mark(?) in the following उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए, जो िन िल खत अंक आएगा ?
series. ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है 213, 217, 233, 269,?
उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी । CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है । NAVIGATE, PCVIGATE, NAXKGATE, (a)312 (b)296
A, D, ?, P, Y ? , NAVIGAVG (c)428 (d)333
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) J (b) I (a) NAXKICTE Q385.Select the letter that can replace the
(c) G (d) H (b) NAVIICTE question mark(?) in the following series.
(c) PCVIICUG दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
Q374. Select the letter-cluster that can (d) NAVIJCTF अ र आएगा ?
replace the question mark (?) in the A,C,E,D,C,E,G,F,?
following series. Q380. Select the letter that can replace CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी the question mark(?) in the following (a)C (b)H
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है । series (c)D (d)E
DJQC, ELTG, FNWK, GPZO, ? उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है । Q386.Select the option that does NOT
(a) HRCS (b) HQCT C, E, H, J, M, O, R, ? belong to the given series:
(c) GRDS (d) HRBU CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(a) D (b) T के अनु प नहीं है ?
Q375. Identify the number that does NOT (c) S (d) W EC, H, HF, N, KL, U
belong to the following series. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला Q381. Select the letter - cluster that can (a)N (b)EC
से संबंिधत नहीं है ? replace the question mark(?) in the (c)HF (d)U
2, 6, 14, 30, 62, 126, 250 following series.
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए, जो नीचे दी गयी Q387.Select the number that can replace
(a) 14 (b) 126 ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है । the question mark(?) in the following
(c) 250 (d) 62 PROGRESS, QTOGRESS, QTRKRESS, series.
?, QTRKWKZA दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
Q376. Select the letter that can replace CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) अंक आएगा ?
the question mark(?) in the following (a) QTRKWKTY 126,217,344,?
series. (b) PRRKWKSS CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी (c) QTRKWKSS (a)729 (b)521
अि ला म िच के थान पर आ सकता है । (d) QTRKVMSS (c)513 (d)512
Y, R, L, G, ?, Z
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) Q382. Select the number that can replace Q388. Choose the correct cluster of
(a) F (b) E the question mark (?) in the following letters to complete the given series.
(c) C (d) D series िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला को पूण करे गा ?
Q377. Select the number that can replace म िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है । abb _ baa _ a _ bad _ aba
the question mark(?) in the following 45, 63, 101, 160, 241, ? CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
series. CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) (a) abab (b) ccac
उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी (a) 368 (b) 345 (c) abba (d) aabb
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है । (c) 305 (d) 319
39, 50, 63, 80, ?, 122, 151, 182 Q389. Select the option that does NOT
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 2019 TIER I belong to the given series: / िन िल खत म से
(a) 99 (b) 108 कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला के अनु प नहीं है
(c) 105 (d) 90 ?
Q383.Choose the correct custer of letters
to complete the given series. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
Q378. Select the letter will replace the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
question mark(?) in the following series. (a) JK (b) ON
को पूण करे गा ?
उस अ र का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला (c) LM (d) NO
_bac_ac_acb_ _ba
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकता है । CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
A, J, E, L, I, N, O, P, U, ? Q390. Select the letter that will come next
(a)c,b,b,a,c (b)c,a,b,b,c
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) in the following series.
(c)a,c,c,b,b (d)a,b,b,a,c
(a) W (b) B दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
(c) K (d) R अ र आएगा ?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

L, M, K, N, J, O, ? िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)

CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) को पूण करे गा ? (a) cffeccef (b) ffceefde
(a) P (b) H BYT, WUQ, RQN, MMK, ? (c) eececfce (d) dffgccef
(c) I (d) R CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
(a) IHJ (b) GIH Q402. Select the number that can replace
Q391. Select the number that will come (c) HIH (d) HJI the question mark (?) in the following
next in the following series. series.
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा Q397. Select the number that can replace दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
अंक आएगा ? the question mark (?) in the following अंक आएगा ?
7, 11, 13, 17, 23, 37, ? series. 8, 13, 23, 43, ? , 163, 323
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
(a) 25 (b) 41 अंक आएगा ? (a) 79 (b) 63
(c) 33 (d) 27 10, 26, 50, 82, ? (c) 83 (d) 93
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
Q392. Select the number that can replace (a) 122 (b) 121 Q403. Select the combination of letters
the question mark (?) in the following (c) 169 (d) 101 that when sequentially placed in the
series. blanks of the given letter series will
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा Q398. Select the combination of letters complete the series.
अंक आएगा ? that when sequentially placed in the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
2, 10, 26, ?, 82 blanks of the given letter series will को पूण करे गा ?
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) complete the series. _ _ m _ oznz _ _ no _ _ zzm
(a) 46 (b) 58 िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
(c) 50 (d) 65 को पूण करे गा ? (a) zznznzm (b) nznnzzn
e _ geef _ gg _ ee_f_ggg (c) znzmznn (d) zznzmzn
Q393. Select the number that can replace CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following (a) f, f, e, f, f (b) f,g, f, g, g Q404. Select the number that can replace
series. (c) g, f, e, f, f (d) f, f, f, f, f the question mark (?) in the following
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा series.
अंक आएगा ? Q399. Select the number that can replace दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
25, 5, 49, 10, 81, 20, 121, ? the question mark (?) in the following अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) series. 2, 7, 23, 72, 220, ?
(a) 30 (b) 40 दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
(c) 25 (d) 35 अंक आएगा ? (a) 600 (b) 500
2, 8, 15, 24, 36, 52, ? (c) 665 (d) 472
Q394. Select the combination of letters CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
that when sequentially placed in the (a) 73 (b) 78 Q405.Identify the letter/letter-cluster that
blanks of the given series will complete (c) 83 (d) 63 does NOT belong to the following series.
the series. िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q400. Select the combination of letters के अनु प नहीं है ?
को पूण करे गा ? that when sequentially placed in the EC, G, HF, M, KI, T
rtx_sx_z_txy_ _yz blanks of the given letter series will CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) complete the series. (a)T (b)HF
(a) yyrsx (b) yyrxs िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c)M (d)EC
(c) yxyrs (d) sysys को पूण करे गा ?
ab _ _ _ cba _ _ _ dd _ _ _ abcd _ _ baa _ Q406.Select the number that can replace
Q395. Select the letter that can replace _ _ _ cba the question mark(?) in the following
the question mark (?) in the following CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) series.
series. (a) acbdecdeaacecdd दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा (b) cddabccbadcbcdd अंक आएगा ?
अ र आएगा ? (c) abbaacdeecdecdd 30,130,350,?
L, M, O, K, R, I, U, ? (d) abeaacdecdeecdd CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) (a)1350 (b)64
(a) R (b) I Q401. Select the combination of letters (c)729 (d)738
(c) G (d) P that when sequentially placed in the
blanks of the given letter series will Q407.Select the letter that can replace the
Q396. Select the letter-cluster that can complete the series. question mark(?) in the following series.
replace the question mark (?) in the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
following series. को पूण करे गा ? अ र आएगा ?
cc _ e _ _ gcccdeff _ _ _ cd _ _ fgc C,E,G,F,E,G,I,H,?


CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) (a)MZMZX (b)XZMZK CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)

(a) E (b) G (c) I (d) J (c)XXMKX (d)XZMZX (a) HT (b) GT
(c) FT (d) GS
Q408.Identify the letter-cluster that does Q414.Select the combination of letters
NOT belong to the following series. that when sequentially placed in the gaps Q420. Select the number that can replace
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला of the given letter series will complete the the question mark (?) in the following
के अनु प नहीं है ? series. series?
DEC, HIG, LKM, PQO, TUS िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िच के थान पर दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) को पूण करे गा ? के िलए कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a)PQO (b)TUS U_D_U P_M_P D M U_D M 1, 8, 9, 64, 25, 216, ?
(c)LKM (d)HIG CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
(a)PMDUP (b)PMUDP (a) 256 (b) 343
Q409.Select the number that can replace (c)UMDUD (d)MPUDU (c) 49 (d) 128
the question mark(?).
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं Q415.Select the number that can replace Q421. Select the number that can replace
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? the question mark(?) in the following the question mark (?) in the following
C10G, H20L, L17E, L?Q series. series?
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a)29 (b)19 अंक आएगा ? 2, 7, 5, 2, 3, 1, ?
(c)30 (d)25 19,20,24,51,67,? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) (a) 0 (b) 4
Q410.Select the number that can replace (a)190 (b)191 (c) -1 (d) 2
the question mark(?) in the following (c)195 (d)192
series. Q422. Select the combination of letters
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा Q416. Select the combination of letters that when sequentially placed in the
अंक आएगा ? that when sequentially placed from left to blanks of the given letter series will
211, 215, 231, 267, ? right in the blanks of the given letter complete the series.
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) िन िल खत म से िकस िवक को दी गयी ृंखला
series will complete the series.
(a)296 (b)421 र थान पर अ र बाएं से दाएं मानुसार िकस म बाएं से दाएं रखना उिचत है ?
(c)312 (d)331 कार भर िजससे दी गयी ंखला पूरी हो जाए | ab_ _ _ bca _ _ acb _ _ _ aac _ _
aba_ccdab_b_ _dababc_ _ CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
Q411.Select the combination of letters CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (a) aabcabccab
that when sequentially placed in the (a) abdccd (b) bacacd (b) aacbacabbc
blanks of the given series will complete (c) bacccd (d) cacccd (c) cabaabcabc
the series. (d) cbaabcabca
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला Q417. Complete the following series.
को पूण करे गा ? िन िल खत ृंखला को पूरा कीिजए | Q423. Select the letter-cluster that can
mn_pmno_ _nopm_op 7, 16, 34, 70, ____, _____ replace the question mark (?) in the
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) following series.
(a)oppn (b)opmn (a) 142, 294 (b) 144, 292 िच के थान पर कौन सा श समूह आएगा
(c)mpmo (d)oomn (c) 144, 286 (d) 142, 286 ?
Q412.Select the number that can replace Q418. Select the combination of letters CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
the question mark(?) in the following that when sequentially placed from left to (a)NUS (b)MUI
series. right in the blanks of the given letter (c)MTJ (d)MVR
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा series will complete the series.
अंक आएगा ? िन िल खत अनु म म से र थान पर कौन सा Q424. Select the number that can replace
50,49,53,44,,60,35, ? िवक बाएं से दाएं रखना उिचत है ? the question mark (?) in the following
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) _ _bc_daabc_ _a_ _ccd series.
(a)117 (b)71 CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
(c)70 (d)104 (a) accdaac (b) aaccdab सा अंक आएगा ?
(c) acccdcb (d) cacdcab 88,95,106,119,136,155,178,?
Q413. Select the combination of letters CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
that when sequentially placed in tha gaps Q419. Complete the following series by (a)217 (b)207
of the given letter series will complete the replacing the question mark (?) given in (c)249 (d)197
series. the series.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला ंृखला म िदए गए िच (?) को ित थािपत Q425. Select the number that can replace
को पूण करे गा ? करके िन िल खत ृंखला को पूरा कर। the question mark (?) in the following
K_ _M K X Z_ K X_ M K_Z M AZ, CX, EV, ? IR series.
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) 186
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन Q431. Select the combination of letters Q436. Select the number that can replace
सा अंक आएगा ? that when sequentially placed from left to the question mark(?) in the following
65, 70, 80, 95, 115, ?, 170 right in the gaps of the given letter series series.
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) will complete the series. दी गई ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
(a) 130 (b) 165 िन ल खत म कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला को अंक आएगा ?
(c) 140 (d) 145 पूण करता है ? 0,1,1,3,2,?,3,13,4,21
_ k _ _ mmk _ ikiim _ _ ki _ i _ _ mkk CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
Q426. Select the letter that can replace CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (a) 7 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 3
the question mark (?) in the following (a) miikmkiim (b) iikimimmk
series. (c) kiikmkkik (d) iiikmkkim Q437.Which letter will replace the
िच के थान पर कौन सा अ र आएगा ? question mark(?) to complete the
K, B, N, D, Q, F, T, H, ? Q432. Select the number that can replace following series?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) the question mark (?) in the following िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a) V (b) K series. F,I,M,?,X
(c) W (d) J िन ल खत म से कौन सा अंक िच के थान CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
पर आएगा ? (a)T (b)R
Q427.Select the number that will come 8, 11, 15, 23, 40, 73, ? (c)Q (d)S
next in the following series. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
दी गयी ृंखला म अगला अंक कौन सा होगा ? (a) 131 (b) 113 Q438.Which letter-cluster will replace the
6,9,13,21,38,71,? (c) 122 (d) 93 question mark(?) to complete the
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) following series?
(a)129 (b)101 Q433. Select the number that can replace िन िल खत ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए िच
(c)99 (d)121 the question mark (?) in the following के थान पर कौन सा िवक उिचत है ?
series. PGD, SEE, VCF,?,?
Q428. Select the letter cluster that will िन ल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
replace the question mark (?) in the सा अंक आएगा ? (a)ZBD, CYI (b)YAD, BYH
following series. 8, 17, 9, 19, 10, 21, ?, ? (c)YAG, BYH (d)YAH, BZH
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िच के CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
थान पर आएगा ? (a) 10, 23 (b) 11, 24 Q439.Select the number that can replace
JAM, KEL, LIK ?, NUI (c) 11, 22 (d) 11, 23 the question mark(?) in the following
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) series.
(a)MAJ (b)JEM Q434. Select the combination of letters िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(c)MOJ (d)MEJ that when sequentially placed in the gaps 2,2,6,10,22,42,?
of the given letter series will complete the CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
Q429. Select the combination of letters series. (a)82 (b)84
that when sequentially placed in the gaps िन ल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला (c)64 (d)86
of the given letter series will complete the म रखने पर वह पूण होगा ?
series. a _ _ ccde _ _ _ bc _ _ _ eaabc _ _ _ _ Q440. Select the combination of letters
िन ल खत म से कौन से िवक के अ रों को दी aabc _ _ ee that when sequentially placed in the
गयी ृंखला म कमानुसार रखने पर वह पूण होगी ? CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) blanks of the given letter series will
abcc_ _ _ab_ _ _de_ _ccd _ eab _ _ _de (a) abcdecdeecdeaa complete the series.
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) (b) abeaacdecdeecd िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(a)ddeccdabdccd (c) abbaacdeecdecd को पूण करे गा ?
(b)ddecbdccdcda (d) acbdecdeaacecd ab _ a _ _ ba _ _ a _ _ ac
(c)ccdabdccddde CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
(d)ddeccdabddcc Q435. Select the combination of letters (a) cabbacb (b) acaacba
that when sequentially placed in the (c) abccaba (d) cbaabcb
Q430. Select the number that can replace blanks of the given letter series will
the question mark (?) in the following complete the series. Q441. Select the number that can replace
series. अ रों के संयोजन का चयन कर जो िक िदए गए the question mark (?) in the following
दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने हे तु िच के अ र ृंखला के र थान म िमक प से रखे series.
थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? जाने पर ृंखला को पूरा करगे िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
216, ? , 64, 27, 8 a_ _dda_ _cb_ _ _cac_ _da_ 589, 572, 557, 544, 533, ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
(a) 144 (b) 125 (a) cbcaddabdc (b) bddaccbbdd (a) 522 (b) 525
(c) 121 (d) 169 (c) bddacbdcbd (d) bdddcbdacc (c) 523 (d) 524


Q442. Select the number that can replace Q448. Select the number that will replace िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark (?) in the following सा अंक आएगा ?
series. series. 5, 3, 3, 5, 15, ?
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
5, 9, 10, 28, 17, 65, ? 4, 5, 9, 18, 34, 59, ?, 144, 208, 289 (a) 45 (b) 39
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) (c) 69 (d) 59
(a) 93 (b) 26 (a) 95 (b) 89
(c) 78 (d) 32 (c) 90 (d) 88 Q455. Select the combination of letters
that when sequentially placed in the
Q443. Select the number that can replace Q449. Identify the letter that does NOT blanks of the given letter series will
the question mark (?) in the following belong to the following series. complete the series.
series? िन िल खत म से कौन सा अ र दी गयी ृंखला के िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िदए गए श
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? संबंिधत नहीं है ? समूह को पूण करे गा ?
114, 121, 138, 175, 242, ? I, L, O, S, U, X _ _ bc _ _ _ eaa _ _ cde _ _abc _ _ _ ea _
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) _ _ cdee
(a) 349 (b) 347 (a) S (b) O CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) 356 (d) 345 (c) X (d) L (a) abceacdeabcacde
(b) aacdebceaabccde
Q444. Select the combination of letters Q450. Select the combination of letters (c) aacdebceacdeabc
that when sequentially placed from left to that when sequentially placed from left to (d) aacdebceabceaced
right in the blanks of the given letter right in the blanks of the given series will
series will complete the series. complete the series. Q456. Select the combination of letters
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला that when sequentially placed in the
को पूण करे गा ? को पूण करे गा ? blanks of the given letter series will
L_U K _ A _ K L A _ K L _ U K _om_onm_mnon_omn_n complete the series.
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला
(a) KLAUL (b) LUUAL (a) moomm (b) mnomo को पूण करे गा ?
(c) ALUUA (d) AUUAL (c) nnmmo (d) nmomn a _ cdeacdd _ acdeea _ _ deac _ _ e
CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
Q445. Select the combination of letters Q451. Select the letter that can replace (a) aaaccd (b) ceacce
that when sequentially placed from left to the question mark (?) in the following (c) bbbcbd (d) ceaccd
right in the blanks of the given series, will series?
complete the series. िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? Q457. Select the number that can replace
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला A, D, C, G, F, K, J, ? the question mark (?) in the following
को पूण करे गा ? CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) series.
a_ cd _ cba _ bcddc _ a (a) L (b) T िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) (c) O (d) P 99, 82, 63, 50, 35. ?
(a) aaba (b) bdab CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
(c) adcb (d) babd Q452. Select the number that can replace (a) 26 (b) 27
the question mark (?) in the following (c) 24 (d) 25
Q446. Select the number that can replace series.
the question mark (?) in the following िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? Q458. Select the number that can replace
series. 7, 16, 24, 31, 37, ? the question mark (?) in the following
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) series.
5, 5, 15, 75, 525, ? (a) 45 (b) 58 दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए िच के
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) (c) 39 (d) 42 थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a) 1575 (b) 2625 33, 53, 61, 85, 97, ?, 141
(c) 4725 (d) 1050 Q453. Select the number that can replace CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following (a) 125 (b) 113
Q447. Select the letter that can replace series. (c) 123 (d) 121
the question mark (?) in the following िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
series. 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 24, 44, ? Q459. Select the number that can replace
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) the question mark (?) in the following
अंक आएगा ? (a) 81 (b) 73 series.
A, D, B, F, D, I, G, ?, K (c) 63 (d) 112 दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए के थान
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a) N (b) M Q454. Select the number that can replace 80, 79, 75, 66, ? , 25
(c) E (d) J CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
the question mark (?) in the following
(a) 46 (b) 50
(c) 54 (d) 57 188
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q460. Select the number that can replace Q466. Identify the number that does NOT Q472. Select the number that will come
the question mark (?) in the following belong to the following series. next in the following series.
series. कौन सा अंक िन िल खत ृंखला से असंगत है ? िन िल खत ृंखला म अगला अंक कौन सा होगा ?
िन िल खत ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए िच 81, 54, 36, 27, 22 386, 401, 417, 434, ?
के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon) CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
1, 27, 125, 343, 729 , ? (a) 54 (b) 27 (a) 552 (b) 351
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) (c) 36 (d) 22 (c) 451 (d) 452
(a) 1029 (b) 1331
(c) 1244 (d) 1525 Q467. Select the combination of letters Q473. Select the term that will come next
that when sequentially placed in the in the following series.
Q461. Select the number that can replace blanks of the given series will complete िन िल खत ृंखला म अगला पद कौन सा होगा ?
the question mark (?) in the following the series. EB, HC, KD, NE, QF, ?
series. िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए िच के को पूण करे गा ? (a) SG (b) TG
थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? abb_b__bab__babbbb__ (c) UH (d) VH
2, 10, 26, 50, 82, ? CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (a)babbaab (b) abbabab Q474. Select the number that can replace
(a) 120 (b) 124 (c) abbaaab (d) abbaabb the question mark (?) in the following
(c) 122 (d) 114 series.
Q468. Select the number that can replace दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
Q462. Select the letter-cluster that can the question mark (?) in the following अंक आएगा ?
replace the question mark (?) in the series. 0, 2, 10, 30, ?, 130, 222
following series. दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
िच के थान पर कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा अंक आएगा ? (a) 68 (b) 72
? 2, 3, 6, 15, ?, 157.5, 630 (c) 60 (d) 64
DFH, FHJ, ? , JLN, LNP CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) (a) 48 (b) 54 Q475. Select the letters that can replace
(a) HJL (b) HJM (c) 49 (d) 45 the question marks (?) in the following
(c) HJK (d) HKL series respectively.
Q469. Select the number that can िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
Q463. Select the number that can replace represent the question mark (?) in the सा िवक आएगा ?
the question mark (?) in the following following series. AG, GL, MQ, S?, ?A
series. दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) को अंक आएगा ? (a) V and Y (b) V and Z
ित थािपत करने वाली सं ा का चयन कर। -13, 16, -20, 25, -31, ? (c) T and Y (d) U and Y
6, 10, 18, 34, ? CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) (a) 48 (b) -38 Q476. Select the combination of letters
(a) 70 (b) 68 (c) 38 (d) -48 that when sequentially placed in the
(c) 66 (d) 64 blanks of the given letter series will
Q470. Select the combinations of letters complete the series.
Q464. Select the letter-cluster that can that when sequentially placed in the दी गयी ृंखला को िन िल खत म से कौन सा
replace the question mark (?) in the blanks of the given letter series will िवक पूण करे गा ?
following series. complete the series. dabx _ dab _ _ d _ b _ xdab _ x _
िन िल खत ृंखला म -िच (?) को बदलने वाले िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
प -समूह का चयन कर सकते ह। को पूण करे गा ? (a) dxadadd (b) xxxaxxd
BDF, DHL, FLR, ? ac _ b _ ac _ _ aa _ d _ a _ cd _ _ (c) xxcbxad (d) axdaxxd
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) IQY (b) HPY (a) dadbcbaba (b) bcdbcdaba Q477. Select the number that can replace
(c) HOX (d) HPX (c) cbdcabada (d) acbdcdabc the question mark (?) in the following
Q465. Identify the number that does NOT Q471. Select the term that can replace the दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
belong to the following series. question mark (?) in the following series. अंक आएगा ?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा अंक दी गयी ृंखला से दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए िच के 6, 7, 16, 51, 208, ?
असंगत है ? थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
1, 4, 9, 15, 25, 36 BK, FJ, JI, NH, ?, VF (a) 2000 (b) 2570
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning) (c) 1045 (d) 1250
(a) 9 (b) 4 (a) SE (b) SG
(c) 15 (d) 25 (c) RG (d) RE

Q478. Identify the number that does NOT will complete the series. / िन िल खत म से Q490. Which number will replace the
belong to the following series. कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करे गा ? question mark(?) in the following series?
कौन सा अंक दी गयी ृंखला म सही नहीं है ? c_ cce_fcdc_ _ef _ _cc_e_ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
17, 19, 23, 30, 47, 79 CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) कौन सी सं ा आएगी?
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening) (a)ecdefcde (b)eecdeefc 17,51,58,116,123,123,?
(a) 79 (b) 23 (c)dececdef (d)fcfeefcd CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
(c) 30 (d) 47 (a) 150 (b) 120
Q485.Select the number that can replace (c) 130 (d) 140
Q479. Select the combination of letters the question mark(?) in the following
that when sequentially placed in the series. Q491. Select the letter-cluster that can
blanks of the given series will complete दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा replace the question mark (?) in the given
the series. अंक आएगा ? letter-cluster series .
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला 6,12,?,144,720,4320 उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए
को पूण करे गा ? CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) अ र समूह की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
PA _ A _ AP _ P _ Y _ PA _ AY _ (a)72 (b)40 आ सकता है ।
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening) (c)36 (d)24 AE, KQ, EI, LR,IO, ? , OU, NT
(a) AYPPAAA (b) AYAPAPP CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
(c) YAPPAPA (d) PYAAAPA Q486.Select the combination of letters (a) MR (b) NR
that when sequentially placed in the (c) MS (d) NS
Q480. Select the term that will come next blanks of the given letter series will
in the following series. complete the series. Q492. Which number will replace the
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी ृंखला question mark(?) in the following series?
िवक सटीक होगा ? को पूण करे गा ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
YF, WJ, UN, SR, QV, ? ab_/ _ bb/_ _a/a_b/ a_ _/ab_ कौन सी सं ा आएगी?
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) 2430, ? ,270, 90, 30 , 10
(a) PX (b) OY (a)ababbaab (b)aaabbbab CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
(c) OZ (d) PZ (c)babaabaa (d)bbaabbaa (a) 800 (b) 805
(c) 810 (d) 540
Q481. Select the letters that can replace Q487.Select the number that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark(?) in the following Q493. Which number will replace the
series respectively. series. question mark (?) in the following series?
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा कौन सी सं ा िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?)
अंक आएगा ? अंक आएगा ? के थान पर आएगी?
ZKA, CHX, FEU, ?BR, L?O 1,4,3,9,5,?,7,25 112, ? , 83, 70, 58, 47,37
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
(a) D and Y (b) J and Z (a)12 (b)18 (a) 94 (b) 104
(c) H and Z (d) I and Y (c)14 (d)16 (c) 97 (d) 100

Q482. Select the number that will come Q488.Complete the following series by Q494. Select the letter-cluster that can
next in the following series. replacing the question mark(?) in the replace the question mark(?) in the given
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा given series. letter-cluster series.
अंक आएगा ? दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो अ र समूह
487, 502, 518, 535, ? िवक आएगा ? की दी गयी ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) AA, BD, GK,? सकता है ।
(a) 451 (b) 653 CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) XMT, ENA, LOH, SPO, ?
(c) 552 (d) 553 (a)OU (b)PV CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
(c)PU (d)OV (a) ZQV (b) YPC
Q483.Select the letter-number clusters (c) ZQZ (d) YQU
that will replace the blank spaces to Q489.Identify the number that does NOT
complete the series. belong to the following series. Q495. Which number will replace the
र थान पर कौन सा अ र समूह आएगा ? िन िल खत म से कौन सा अंक दी गयी ृंखला के question mark (?) in the following series ?
A27Z, C5B, E9D, _,_ अनु प नहीं है ? िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सी
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) 2,4,8,14,20,32 सं ा आएगी?
(a)G13F, I17H (b)G13F, J18H CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) 82, ? , 119, 142, 168, 197
(a)32 (b)14 CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
(c)G13F, I17J (d)G12E,I17H
(c)8 (d)20 (a) 99 (b) 95
(c) 85 (d) 107
Q484.Select the combination of letters
that when sequentially placed from left to CPO 2020 TIER 1
right in the gaps of the given letter series
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q496. Select the letter-cluster that can (c) 139 (d) 97 Q508. Select the letter-cluster that can
replace the question mark(?) in the given replace the question mark (?) in the given
letters-cluster series. Q502. Which number will replace the letter-cluster series.
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो अ र समूहों question mark(?) in the following series? उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
की दी गयी ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर अ र-समूह ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल
सकता है । कौन सी सं ा आएगी? सकता है ।
HBS, GDP, FFM, ? , DJG 37, ?, 61, 78, 97, 120, 149 UKS, ZPX, EUC, JZH, ?
CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(a) EHJ (b) EGI (a)48 (b)60 (c)51 (d)42 (a) PEM (b) OEM
(c) EHG (d) DHJ (c) ODN (d) ODM
Q503. Which number will replace the
Q497. Select the letter-cluster that can question mark(?) in the following series? Q509. Which number will replace the
replace the question mark (?) in the given िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सी question mark(?) in the following series?
letter-cluster series. सं ा आएगी? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए 65, 62, 56, 47, 35, ? सा होगा?
अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) 160, 183, 213, 252, 303, ?, 446
आ सकता है । (a) 20 (b) 11 (c) 25 (d) 21 CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) (a) 361 (b) 333
YM,WO,UQ,?,QU Q504. Which number will replace the (c) 379 (d) 367
(a) SS (b) TS question mark(?) in the following series?
(c) RS (d) ST िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर Q510. Which number will replace the
कौन सी सं ा आएगी? question mark (?) in the following series?
Q498. Select the letter-cluster that can CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन
replace the question mark(?) in the given 24, 25, 33, 60, ?, 249 सा नंबर आएगा?
letter-cluster series. (a) 147 (b) 133 46, 66, 94, 132, 182, ?
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए (c) 121 (d) 124 CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
अ र समूह म िच के थान पर आ सकता है । (a) 292 (b) 220
ZBQS, WXLM, ? ,QPBA, NLWU Q505. Select the letter-cluster that can (c) 246 (d) 232
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) replace the question mark (?) in the given
(a) TTGG (b) STGG letter-cluster series. Q511. Which number will replace the
(c) TSHG (d) TTHG उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत question mark (?) in the following series?
अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन
Q499. Select the letter-cluster that can पर आ सकता है । सा नंबर आएगा?
replace the question mark(?) in the given THC, DIU, VJE, FKW, XLG, ? 16,32,?,192, 576,1152
letter-cluster series. CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए (a) HMY (b) FKX (a) 96 (b) 80
अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच के थान पर (c) GMY (d) HNZ (c) 64 (d) 48
आ सकता है ।
AGM, EKN, IOO, ? , UWQ Q506. Select the letter-cluster that can Q512.Select the letter cluster that can
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) replace the question mark (?) in the given replace the question mark (?) in the given
(a) OSP (b) MSP letter-cluster series. letter cluster series.
(c) OTP (d) NSQ उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए
अ र-समूह ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल अ र-समूह ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल
Q500. Which number will replace the सकता है । सकता है ।
question mark(?) in the following series? KOY, JPX, IQW, HRV, ? POUR, MLRO, IHNK, DCIF,?
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
कौन सी सं ा आएगी? (a) GRU (b) GSU (a)XVBZ (b)XWBY
17, 37, 77, 157, 317, ? (c) GSV (d) ETU (c)YWCA (d)XWCZ
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) 683 (b) 637 Q507. Which number will replace the Q513. Which number will replace the
(c) 649 (d) 634 question mark(?) in the following series? question mark (?) in the following series?
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन
Q501. Which number will replace the सा होगा? सा नंबर आएगा?
question mark(?) in the following series? 3, 12, 52, 159, 640, ? 57, ?, 62, 71, 87, 112, 148
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
कौन सी सं ा आएगी? (a) 1731 (b) 1923 (a)58 (b)60 (c)59 (d)61
58, 59, 51, 78, 14, ? (c) 1910 (d) 1863
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) 163 (b) 83

Q514. Select the letter cluster that can Q520. Which letter-cluster will replace (c) ZBE (d) ADG
replace the question mark (?) in the given the question mark (?) in the following
letter cluster series. series? Q526. Which letter-cluster will replace
उस अ र-समूह का चयन कर जो िदए गए उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत the question mark(?) in the following
अ र-समूह ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान series?
सकता है । पर आ सकता है । उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए
AZA, EVW, ? , OLM, UFG EBF, JGK, OLP, ? अ र समूह की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) आ सकता है ।
(a) JQS (b) JRS (a)TQU (b)ZWC SQO, LJH, ECA, ?
(c) IRS (d) IRV (c)AXE (d)YVC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) XVT (b) XUS
Q515. Which number will replace the Q521. Which number will replace the (c) YWV (d) YWU
question mark (?) in the following series? question mark (?) in the following
िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन number series? Q527. Which number will replace the
सा नंबर आएगा? िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म सं ा (?) की question mark(?) in the following number
25, 36, 51, 70, 93, 120, ? जगह कौन सा नंबर आएगा? series.
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 8, 13, 23, 43, ? िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म सं ा (?) की
(a)163 (b)141 CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) जगह कौन सा नंबर आएगा।
(c)159 (d)151 (a)86 (b)81 (c)84 (d)83 5,17,53,?,485
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
Q516. Select the letter cluster that can Q522. Which number will replace the (a) 159 (b) 161
replace the question mark (?) in the given question mark (?) in the following (c) 163 (d) 157
letter cluster series. number series?
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म सं ा (?) की Q528. Which number will replace the
अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान जगह कौन सा नंबर आएगा? question mark(?) in the following series?
पर आ सकता है । 24, 61, 122, 213, ? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) का थान कौन
PZX, QAY, SCA, VFD, ? CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) सा होगा?
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) (a)334 (b)337 124,140,128,136,132,?
(a) YKH (b) ZJH (c)340 (d)343 CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(c) AJG (d) ZKH (a) 130 (b) 132
Q523. Which letter-cluster will replace (c) 136 (d) 128
Q517. Which number will replace the the question mark (?) in the following
question mark (?) in the following series? Q529. Which number will replace the
number series? िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन question mark(?) in the following number
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सी सा नंबर आएगा? series?
सं ा आएगी? SAG, KSY, CKQ, ? िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म सं ा (?) की
16,28, ?, 46, 52 CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) जगह कौन सा नंबर आएगा?
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) (a)SAG (b)RZF 52, 42, 34, 28, ?
(a) 42 (b) 40 (c) 36 (d) 38 (c)UZF (d)UCI CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) 28 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 22
Q518. Which letter-cluster will replace Q524. Which letter-cluster will replace
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark(?) in the following Q530. Which number will replace the
series? series? question mark(?) in the following series.
उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए िन िल खत ृंखला म सं ा (?) की जगह कौन
अ र समूहों की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान अ र समूह की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर सा नंबर आएगा।
पर आ सकता है । आ सकता है । 5, 24, 61, 122, 213, ?
PMJ, EBY, TQN, ? KAP, MIN, IUR, OEL, GOT, ? CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) (a) 343 (b) 340
(a)IFC (b)IGE (a) PUJ (b) QAJ (c) 337 (d) 346
(c)JGD (d)HFD (c) PAK (d) QUK
Q519. Which number will replace the Q525. Which letter-cluster will replace
question mark (?) in the following the question mark(?) in the following
number series? series? 1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(b)
िन िल खत सं ा ृंखला म सं ा (?) की उस अ र समूह का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए
जगह कौन सा नंबर आएगा? अ र समूह की ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(b)
34, 42, 50, 56, 62, 66, ? आ सकता है ।
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) TWZ, VYB, XAD,? 9.(b) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(a)
(a)66 (b)70 (c)68 (d)72 CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) ZCF (b) YBE 13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(c) 16.(s)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

17.(d) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(d) 141.(b) 142.(a) 143.(c) 144.(c) 261.(d) 262.(d) 263.(d) 264.(a)

21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(b) 265.(d) 266.(d) 267.(b) 268.(d)

145.(c) 146.(b) 147.(a) 148.(c)
25.(b) 26.(d) 27.(b) 28.(c) 269.(c) 270.(d) 271.(d) 272.(c)
149.(a) 150.(a) 151.(d) 152.(d)
29.(b) 30.(b) 31.(a) 32.(d) 273.(d) 274.(d) 275.(d) 276.(b)
153.(b) 154.(c) 155.(a) 156.(b)
33.(a) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(b) 277.(a) 278.(d) 279.(c) 280.(b)
157.(d) 158.(a) 159.(a) 160.(c)
37.(a) 38.(c) 39.(d) 40.(b) 281.(b) 282.(a) 283.(c) 284.(a)
161.(b) 162.(d) 163.(c) 164.(a)
41.(b) 42.(a) 43.(a) 44.(d) 285.(a) 286.(d) 287.(a) 288.(c)
165.(b) 166.(a) 167.(b) 168.(b)
45.(a) 46.(a) 47.(d) 48.(d) 289.(d) 290.(b) 291.(b) 292.(d)
169.(b) 170.(d) 171.(a) 172.(d)
49.(c) 50.(c) 51.(d) 52.(c) 293.(b) 294.(b) 295.(a) 296.(c)
173.(d) 174.(b) 175.(d) 176.(d)
53.(b) 54.(a) 55.(c) 56.(c) 297.(a) 298.(b) 299.(d) 300.(d)
177.(c) 178.(a) 179.(b) 180.(a)
57.(a) 58.(c) 59.(b) 60.(a) 301.(a) 302.(c) 303.(b) 304.(d)
181.(d) 182.(d) 183.(a) 184.(d)
61.(a) 62.(a) 63.(c) 64.(d) 305.(c) 306.(a) 307.(d) 308.(c)
185.(b) 186.(b) 187.(c) 188.(a)
65.(c) 66.(d) 67.(d) 68.(b) 309.(b) 310.(d) 311.(c) 312.(b)
189.(c) 190.(d) 191.(b) 192.(a)
69.(d) 70.(b) 71.(d) 72.(c) 313.(c) 314.(b) 315.(a) 316.(a)
193.(c) 194.(c) 195.(d) 196.(d)
73.(b) 74.(d) 75.(b) 76.(a) 317.(a) 318.(c) 319.(c) 320.(a)
197.(c) 198.(b) 199.(d) 200.(a)
77.(c) 78.(a) 79.(d) 80.(a) 321.(b) 322.(a) 323.(b) 324.(b)
201.(b) 202.(d) 203.(d) 204.(b)
81.(d) 82.(b) 83.(c) 84.(B) 325.(b) 326.(c) 327.(c) 328.(c)
205.(d) 206.(c) 207.(a) 208.(b)
85.(c) 86.(a) 87.(b) 88.(a) 329.(a) 330.(d) 331.(c) 332.(d)
209.(b) 210.(c) 211.(c) 212.(d)
89.(c) 90.(a) 91.(b) 92.(d) 333.(a) 334.(d) 335.(a) 336.(b)
213.(d) 214.(d) 215.(c) 216.(a)
93.(a) 94.(c) 95.(b) 96.(d) 337.(d) 338.(a) 339.(c) 340.(d)
217.(d) 218.(c) 219.(b) 220.(a)
97.(d) 98.(a) 99.(a) 100.(b) 341.(c) 342.(d) 343.(d) 344.(b)
221.(c) 222.(b) 223.(d) 224.(a)
101.(c) 102.(c) 103.(a) 104.(a) 345.(a) 346.(c) 347.(c) 348.(c)
225.(c) 226.(a) 227.(c) 228.(d)
105.(b) 106.(c) 107.(b) 108.(a) 349.(a) 350.(d) 351.(d) 352.(c)
229.(c) 230.(d) 231.(b) 232.(b)
109.(c) 110.(c) 111.(d) 112.(d) 353.(c) 354.(a) 355.(c) 356.(a)
233.(b) 234.(c) 235.(b) 236.(a)
113.(b) 114.(b) 115.(d) 116.(c) 357.(a) 358.(d) 359.(b) 360.(b)
237.(d) 238.(d) 239.(b) 240.(d)
117.(c) 118.(b) 119.(c) 120.(c) 361.(d) 362.(d) 363.(a) 364.(c)
241.(a) 242.(d) 243.(c) 244.(a)
121.(a) 122.(d) 123.(c) 124.(a) 365.(c) 366.(a) 367.(c) 368.(a)
245.(d) 246.(d) 247.(d) 248.(c)
125.(b) 126.(c) 127.(a) 128.(c) 369.(d) 370.(c) 371.(a) 372.(d)
249.(a) 250.(a) 251.(b) 252.(b)
129.(c) 130.(d) 131.(b) 132.(a) 373.(b) 374.(a) 375.(c) 376.(c)
253.(d) 254.(b) 255.(b) 256.(b)
133.(d) 134.(a) 135.(d) 136.(b) 377.(a) 378.(d) 379.(b) 380.(b)
257.(c) 258.(c) 259.(d) 260.(d)
137.(b) 138.(b) 139.(d) 140.(a) 381.(c) 382.(b) 383.(a) 384.(d)


As per question:
385.(d) 386.(d) 387.(c) 388.(c) 509.(d) 510.(c) 511.(a) 512.(d)
M, N, O, L, Q, J, ?, H
389.(d) 390.(c) 391.(b) 392.(c) 513.(c) 514.(c) 515.(d) 516.(b) M+2=O; O+2= Q. Q+2=S
N-2=L; L-2= J; J-2=H
393.(b) 394.(a) 395.(c) 396.(c) 517.(d) 518.(a) 519.(b) 520.(a) So, option B is the correct answer.
Sol 6. (c)
397.(a) 398.(a) 399.(a) 400.(b) 521.(d) 522.(c) 523.(d) 524.(b) The required pattern is:

401.(d) 402.(c) 403.(d) 404.(c) 525.(a) 526.(a) 527.(b) 528.(b)

405.(a) 406.(d) 407.(b) 408.(c) 529.(b) 530.(b)

409.(a) 410.(d) 411.(b) 412.(b)

Sol 7. (c) Square of natural numbers is
413.(d) 414.(a) 415.(d) 416.(c) added in the previous term to obtain the
Sol 1 (b) In the following question
next term.
3, 5, 7, 8, 15, ?, 31, 26 2
417.(d) 418.(b) 419.(b) 420.(c) There is a gap of 7-3=4; 15-7=8; Therefore, Next term = 30 + 5 =30+25 =
31-15=16 55
421.(d) 422.(b) 423.(b) 424.(b)
In the same way 8-5=3; ?-8=6; 26-?=12
So in place of ? ,14 will satisfy the Sol 8. (b) The question follows the given
425.(c) 426.(c) 427.(a) 428.(c) pattern:
Option B is correct 4x2+2=10; 10x2-2=18; 18x2+2=38;
429.(a) 430.(b) 431.(d) 432.(a)
433.(d) 434.(b) 435.(a) 436.(a) Sol 2 (a) In this given question BZD,
DXF, GUI, ? , PLR. Sol 9. (b) B (C) D (E,F) G (H) I (J,K) L
437.(b) 438.(c) 439.(d) 440.(b) The gap between B & D is 1, D & G is 2. (M) N (O,P) Q
So, the gap between G and the missing
441.(d) 442.(b) 443.(a) 444.(c) alphabet should be 3 as the gap is Sol 10. (c)
increasing by 1. Whereas, the gap The pattern followed is given below:
445.(b) 446.(c) 447.(b) 448.(a) between Z & X is 1, X & U is 2. So, the 3 + 1 = 4, 4 + 3 = 7, 7 +4 = 11, 11 + 7 =
gap between U & the missing alphabet 18, 18 + 11 = 29.
449.(a) 450.(b) 451.(d) 452.(d)
should be 3. Hence, the answer will be
KQM. Sol 11.(c) According to the question,
453.(a) 454.(c) 455.(c) 456.(d)
CGE here C+2=E; E+2=G
Sol 3 (d) In the given question 7,10, 16, Next HJI here H+1=I; I+1=J
457.(a) 458.(a) 459.(b) 460.(b)
19, 25, ?? Next LPN here L+2=N;
461.(c) 462.(a) 463.(c) 464.(d) There is a gap of 3 and 6 in the alternate N+2= P.
integer. Next SUT here S+1=T; T+1=
465.(c) 466.(d) 467.(b) 468.(d) 10-7=3 16-10=6 19-16=3 U.
25-19=6 ??-25=3 Now YCA is satisfying the condition.
469.(c) 470.(a) 471.(c) 472.(d) Option D is satisfying the condition. Y+2=A; A+2=C.
28-25=3 Option C is correct.
473.(b) 474.(a) 475.(a) 476.(b)
Sol 4 (b) In the given question. Sol 12.(a) In the given series as:
477.(c) 478.(c) 479.(d) 480.(c) 1 3 6 10 Y, X, V, S, ?, J
4 5 7 11
, ??
Here Y-1=X, X-2= V; V-3= S; S-4= O;
481.(d) 482.(d) 483.(a) 484.(c) Now check the gap between the
O-5= J
numerator 3-1=2, 6-3=3, 10-6= 4 now
So option A is correct.
485.(c) 486.(b) 487.(d) 488.(b) ?-10=5 (15-10=5 is satisfying the
489.(d) 490.(c) 491.(c) 492.(c) Sol 13.(b) The given pattern is: 3 × 2 + 1=
Then numerator will be 15
Now check the gap of denominator 7, 7 × 2-1=13, 13 × 2+1= 27, 27 × 2-1=53.
493.(c) 494.(a) 495.(a) 496.(a) 4+1=5; 5+2=7; 7+4=11; 11+8=19(directly Hence, 53 is the answer.
adding the double number in the
497.(a) 498.(a) 499.(a) 500.(b) Sol 14.(d) In the given series 1, 3, 4, 7, ?,
following series.
So, answer will be 15 18, 29
501.(c) 502.(a) 503.(a) 504.(d) 19
Sum of the first two digits is next term.
1+3=4; 3+4=7; 4+7=11
505.(a) 506.(b) 507.(b) 508.(b) Sol 5 (b) There is a pattern between the
11 will be the correct answer.
alternative letters.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

So, R-2=P
Sol 15.(c) Here in the series 1, 2, 6, 12, ? , Sol 31.(a) logic is cube of natural number
72, 216 Sol 22.(b) Logic is multiplication of +4
1 × 2=2 consecutive two numbers will give the So, 63 + 4=220 is the next term
2 × 3=6 following number so, 16*64= 1024
6 × 2=12 Sol 32.(d) first letter increasing by 1 So,
12 × 3=36 Sol 23.(d) H +1= I which is only in one option.
36 × 2=72 Second letter is decreasing by 1 So, W-1=
72 × 3=216 V
Last letter is increasing by 1 So, L +1= M
Once, the integer is multiplying by 2 and
once by 3. From the above logic 57+36 = 93. So, IVM is the correct answer.

Sol 16.(a) There is a gap of one letter Sol 24.(b) Sol 33.(a)
First letter is increasing by 2 alphabetical There are 2 series, one is square of
between the alternative alphabets.
position 3,5,7,9 and second series is square of
J+2= L
L+2= N Second letter by 3 position and last letter 14,13,12,11
is decreasing by 2 alphabetical position 112 = 121.
Similarly in Q - 2= O
O- 2= M So, J+2=L, P+3=S, R-2=P : LSP is the
correct answer. Sol 34.(a) Here in the given question
3, 7, 15, 27, 53, 63,
Sol 17.(d) According to the question
Sol 25.(b) Logic is n3 + 3 7-3=4
120 does not follow the above logic. It 15-7=8
There is a gap 5-3 =2
will be 128 as (53 + 3) = 128. 27-15=12
18-10=8 53-27=26
Sol 26(d) Here in the given question 63-53=10
So, 53 is incorrect because there is a gap
Now, the result will be 2, 5, 8, 11 in
which we can notice that there is a gap of of 4 between two integers.
3 between two consecutive terms, so the
Sol 35.(b) Logic is : +3 to get the next
next term will be 14 and we add
29+14=43 letter
Sol 18.(d) NETK Sol 27.(b) Here the logic is : Sol 36.(b) logic is : n3-n
H+2 = J+1 = K+2 = M+1 = N
But 63-6=210 not 216, so, option b is the
K-2 = I-1 = H-2 = F-1 = E
N+2 = P-1 = Q+2 = S+1 = T right answer.
Q-2 = O - 1 = N-2 = L - 1 = K
Sol 37.(a) Here the logic is:
Sol 19 (a) 7-5=2, 11-7=22=4
14-11=3,23-14=32=9 Sol 28.(c) The logic is square of previous
+ 4 64 ÷ 2 +4 36 ÷ 2 +4
number in the series +1 :
Therefore ??-23=4 The pattern here is +4 and then divided by
43-??=42=16 (1) +1=2;
2 is followed.
27 will replace the ??. we can say 27 is (2) + 1 = 5;
satisfying the condition. 2
(5) + 1 = 26 Sol 38.(c) Here the gap between the series
So, the correct option is C. is 2.
Sol 20.(d) 7 , 9 , 13 , 15 , ? , 21 , 25 X-2=V; V-2=T; T-2=R; R-2=P;
According to the question there is a gap Sol 29.(b) The logic is that the gap So; P-2=N is the correct answer.
of 2 and 4 between the alternate integers. between the numbers after making pairs is
9-7=2 4 but in 15 & 23 the gap is 8. Sol 39.(d) Here the logic is:
25-21=4 Sol 30.(b) The logic is :
Therefore, 19 is the correct option. D+2=F+3=I+2=K+3=N+2=P Similarly;
Sol 21.(c) Z-2=X X-2=V V-2=T T-2= Y-2=W-3=T-2=R-3=O-2=M
R So option B is the correct answer.

Sol 59.(b) 3, 7, 16, 35, ?, 153 ; Here

Sol 49.(c) Here the logic is: multiply by 2 and add 1 in first, add 2 in
second , add 3 in third and so on.
3 × 2+1=7, 7 × 2+2=16, 16 × 2+3=35,
So, the next term of the series is SPJ. 35 × 2+4=74

Sol 40.(b) Logic is : previous number×5 Sol 60.(a) 77

So the next letter cluster will be EZI.
= next number
So, 25×5=125
Sol 50.(c)
B+3=E; E+3=H; H+3=K; K+3=N;
Sol 41.(b)
N+3= Q
CFZ = 3626
EGX = 5724 Sol 61.(a) After dividing in three groups
Sol 51.(d)
HIU = 8921, of six each we get ac_d_b / _cbdd_ /
JLS = 101219 a_bddb. After comparing different
MPP = 131616 positions we get acbddb as a pattern. So
OUN = 152114, the group having letters bdabc will be
Sol 42.(a)
So, IRL is the correct answer. Sol 62.(a) After dividing in three groups
of six each we get cb_db_ / cba_bc /
Sol 52.(c) _bad_c. After comparing different
81 is 92 but 215 is not a perfect square. positions we get cbadbc as a pattern. So
So, 81 is correct but 215 is wrong. the group having letters acdcb will be
Sol 53.(b) Logic is : 2n-1
So, 15 is the wrong number. So, 27 - 1 = 128-1 = 127 Sol 63.(c)

Sol 43.(a) Logic is : next term is 1 more Sol 54.(a) Except 344, all other numbers
than the square of the previous term. are perfect cube.

Sol 44.(d) C+3=F, F+5=K Sol 55.(c) Logic is : difference is = 3, 5, Sol 64.(d) bac_cab_cd_a_ac_ca.
K+7=R, R+9=A, A+11=L 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, so on... If we break the series in this sequence
37+13=50 then we find that
Sol 45.(a) 0.15 + 0.05 = 0.20 So, 50 is the correct answer
0.20 + 0.10 = 0.30
0.30 + 0.15 = 0.45 Sol 56.(c) Logic is : +2 to get next
0.45 + 0.20 = 0.65 number
0.65+ 0.25 = 0.90 So, both the brackets are correct.

Sol 46.(a) Sol 57.(a) So , The correct sequence of the letters is

bac dca bac dca bac dca and the required
code for the series is dacbd.

So, 55 does not belong to the given series. L-1 = K Sol 65.(c) After dividing it into three
So, the correct answer is K. groups of six each We get dc_abc /
Sol 47.(d) _cb_bc / d_ba_c . on comparing
There are 2 series in this series. Cgl 2018 Tier I different positions we get that the dcbabc
1st series:1, 3, 7,13, is a repetitive term. So the required code
1+2=3, 3+4=7, 7+6=13, 13+8=21 Sol 58. (c) b_bab_bc_abbb_ba_b . There for completion of the series is bdacb.
2nd series:4,4,7,13 are 18 letters. If we break them in groups
4+0=4, 4+3=7, 7+6=13 of 6 each. We will get like Sol 66.(d)
So, 21 is the number. b_bab_ bc_abb b_ba_b
So, bcbabb bcbabb bcbabb is the correct
Sol 48.(d) sequence.
Logic is : n3 + 6
So, 63 + 6 = 222
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 84. (b)

So the
series will be completed as
cdd abb cdd abb cdd abb ; So the code
required for the series is dbdcb. Sol 85. (c) Logic is : 2 is added to the
Sol 67.(d) alphabetical position of the previous
Sol 76.(a) Logic is : Multiply the number. O + 2 = Q, U + 2 = W
previous number by 1.5 to get the next
number. Sol 86. (a)
So, 36 × 1.5 = 54.

Sol 68.(b) After dividing the series in 3

Sol 77. (c)
parts of 6 letter each we get a_ca_b /
ab_ad_ / abc_db. On comparing Sol 87. (b)
different positions we get abcadb as a
repetitive term. So the code required for
the series is bdcba.
So the series will be completed as
Sol 69.(d) cad bab cad bab cad bab ; So the code
required for the series is dcbcb.
Sol 88. (a)
Sol 78.(a)

Sol 70.(b) After dividing it into 3 groups

Sol 89. (c)
each of 6 letters we get ba_d_c / b_cdb_
/ ba_dbc. On comparing we get bacdbc Sol 79. (d)
as the repetitive term. So the code
required for the series is cbacc.

Sol 71.(d)

Sol 80. (a) Logic is : first letter is coded Sol 90. (a)
as +2 So, H+2=J
Second letter as +1 So, R+1=S
And the third letter is coded as -2 So, .
Sol 72.(c) Logic is : multiply by 2 plus 2 Sol 91. (b) The given series is X, R, ?, I,
54*2 = 108+2 = 110 Sol 81. (d) Logic is : first letter +3, F, D, C.
Second letter +5, last letter +4. Here , -6 , -5 , -4 , -3 , -2 and -1 rules are
Sol 73.(b) After dividing it into 3 group So, L +3 = O, Q +5 = V, M +4 = Q. followed. So , the missing letter is M. As
of 6 each we get db_cbd / _ba_bd / R - 5 = M.
_bac_d Sol 82. (b)
On comparing we get a repetitive unit as Sol 92. (d) Given series is: FKP, HNT,
dbacbd and filling the blank answer as JQX, LTB,?

Sol 74.(d) Logic is : previous number is Sol 83. (c)

added to get the next number.
7 + 11 = 18
18 + 11 = 29
Similarly 29 + 18 = 47. Sol 93. (a)
115+9=124, 124+10=134, 134+11=145
Sol 75.(b) 145+12=157, 157+13=170


Sol 94. (c) Given: PRT, TVX, ?, BDF, 2 2 2

5 → + 2 → 9 → + 3 → 18 → + 5 →
FHJ 2 2
43 → + 7 → 92 → + 11 → 213 → +
It is visible that every next term is +4
132 → 382 → + 172 → 671
more than the previous term at the same
place. Hence, the required term is XZB.
Sol 113. (b) The given series is
Sol 104. (a)
Sol 95. (b)

Sol 114. (b) Logic is : multiplied by

prime number ± number

Sol 105. (b) The given series is M, E, P,

Sol 96. (d)
H, S, ?, V, N
1 3 5 7
Sol 115. (d) Logic is : 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 ,
3 = 19683

Sol 97. (d) Sol 116. (c) The correct series of letters is
Sol 106. (c) Logic is : n2 +1
So, 72 +1 = 37
Sol 117. (c)The given series is 2 , 4 , 16 ,
52 , 132 , 282 , ?
Sol 98. (a) Sol 107. (b) The series is acdb / dacb /
cdab / acdb / da.
The third letter in each sequence becomes
the first letter in the following sequence.

Sol 108. (a)

Sol 99. (a)

Sol 118. (b) The correct sequence of

letters is :-
Sol 109. (c) The given series is
abdbacdb / abdbacdb / abdbacdb / abdb
0, 7, 26, 63, 124, 215, 342, 511, 728,
Sol 119. (c)
Sol 100. (b) Logic is : difference It follows a trend where the cube of a
between two numbers is 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 natural number is reduced by 1.
So, 200+36=236 3 3 3
Which is: 1 − 1 , 2 − 1 , 3 − 1 , …,
n3 − 1
Sol 101. (c) The given series is R , C , T
Hence, the required term is: 103 − 1 = Sol 120. (c) The given series is
, E , V , ? , X , I.
1000 - 1 = 999. ab_ba_db_bd_ac_ba_db_cdbabd_
On observing it closely, we can
CHSL 2018 TIER I complete the series as:
a b d b a c d b /a b d b a c d b/ a b d b a
Sol 110. (c) The required pattern is: c d b/ a b d b
Here 2 series are there. In both +2 rules
5x2 = 10 - 2 = 8
are used. 8x2 = 16 + 4 = 20 Sol 121. (a)
So , the missing number is G.
20x2 = 40 - 6 = 34
34x2 = 68 + 8 = 76
Sol 102. (c) 76x2 = 152 - 10 = 142
142x2 = 284 + 12 = 296

Sol 111. (d) The required pattern is:

abccd/abccd/abccd/abccd Sol122. (d) The correct sequence of the
letters is :- QCQDPCPD / QCQDPCPD /
Sol 112. (d) Logic is : square of prime QCQDPCPD
number is added to get the next number.
Sol 103. (a)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 123. (c) Logic is : product three OQM is coded as O +3 = R, Q +5 = V Series Verbal
continuous term is given and M +4 = Q
Ex.1 x 2 x 3 = 6 and 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 RVQ is the answer.
Sol 142. (a) The given series is 25, 42,
Similarly, 5 x 6 x 7 = 210
67, 101, 145, ?
Sol 133. (d) Logic is : *2 +2
Sol 124. (a) Logic is : Multiply by 2 So, 62*2 +2 = 124 +2 = 126
then ± 2
So, 122 x 2 = 244 + 2 = 246 Sol 134. (a) Logic is : square of even
246 x 2 = 492 - 2 = 490. numbers
So, 162 = 256 Sol 143. (c) After dividing the series into
Sol 125. (b) Logic is : +6, -4 +4 rule is three groups of 8 each and comparing the
used. Sol 135. (d) Logic is : +3, -2, +2 rule is corresponding term. Repetitive unit is
used found to be tsmmnnqs
R +3= U, R -2 = P, H +2 = J The series is : t s m m n n q s ⁄ t s m m
So, UPJ is the correct answer. n n q s/ t s m m n n q s

Sol 136. (b) After dividing it into 3 Sol 144. (c) After dividing the series into
groups of 8 each and comparing the three groups of 8 each and comparing the
corresponding term we, get spdmrqct as corresponding term. Repetitive unit is
Sol126. (c) Making 3 groups of 8 letters the repetitive term. found to be uucmpmmj
each. The series formed is: s p d m r qct/spdmrqct/spdmr Series is : u u c m p m m j ⁄ u u c m p m
Repetitive term is hcdepckf qct mj/uucmpmmj
HCDEPCKF Sol 137. (b) Logic is : Addition of prime Sol 145. (c)
Sol 127. (a) Logic is : +2 , +1 , -2 rule is
J +2 = L, R +1 = S, J -2 = H, LSH is the
correct answer.

Sol.128. (c) Dividing the given series into Sol 146.(b)

Sol 138. (b) After making three groups of
3 parts of 8 letters each and comparing
8 letters each and comparing the
the corresponding terms we get the
corresponding term. we get the repetitive
repetitive term as TCQMVCDN.
term as ggkmpskm
Sol 147. (a) After dividing the series into
Sol 139. (d) Logic is : × 0.5 , × 1 , × 1.5
Sol.129. (c) three groups of 8 each and comparing the
, × 2 , × 2.5 rule is used corresponding term. Repetitive unit is
So, 30*2.5 = 75 found to be xzyyqsst
The series is: xzyyqsqt / xzyyqsqt /

Sol 148. (c) Logic is : Addition of

Sol 130. (d)
Sol 140. (a) After making three groups of consecutive prime number
8 letters each and comparing the 62+7=69, next prime number is 11 So,
corresponding term. we get the repetitive 69+11=80
term as xqpfmccb.
Sol 131. (b) After dividing it into 3 Required series is: x q p f m c c b / x q p Sol 149. (a) Divide the series into three
groups of 8 letters each and comparing fmccb/xqpfmccb group of 8 letters each and on comparing
the corresponding term, we get the the corresponding letters, we get the
repetative term as UKDRPKQR. So, the Sol 141. (b) Logic is : difference repetitive term as ccrplopc
series is between the terms is n2 And the series is ccrplopc / ccrplopc /
UKDRPKQR / UKDRPKQR / As, 82-57 = 25, next perfect square is 36 ccrplopc
UKDRPKQR So, 82 + 36 = 118.
Sol 150. (a)The given series is BE, DG,
Sol 132. (a) Logic is : +3, +5, +4 rule is FK, HQ, ?

The pattern followed is : for 1st alphabet Sol 159. (a) The given series is 6, 12, Sol 166 (a) Given series: 16, 20, 29, 45,
B+2=D, D+2=F, F+2=H, H+2=J 36,144, ? 70, ?
For 2nd alphabet 2 2
6 × 2=12, 12 × 3=36 Trend Followed: 16 + 2 → 20 + 3 →
E+2=G, G+4=K, K+6=Q, Q+8=Y 36 × 4=144, 144 × 5=720 2 2
29+ 4 → 45 + 5 → 70+ 6 → 106

Sol 151. (d)The pattern: Sol 160. (c) The given series is 2, 4, 7, Sol 167 (b) Given series: 31, 44, 58, 73,
(+12 , +22, +32,+42) 12, 19, 30, ? 89, ?
6 + 12 = 7; 7 + 22 = 11; Here, the next number in the given series Trend Followed: 31 +13 → 44 +14 → 58
11 + 32 = 20; 20 + 42 = 36 is obtained by adding a consecutive prime +15 → 73 +16 → 89 +17 → 106
number to the previous one.
Sol 152. (d) Here, +2, +3, rule is used. 2 → +2 → 4
Sol 168 (b) Given series: AR, CU, EX,
4 → +3 → 7 GA, ?
7 → +5 → 12 In the given series the first term increases
12 → +7 → 19 by +2 and the second term by +3. Hence,
19 → +11 → 30 the required answer is: I D
So, the correct answer is SR. 30 → +13 → 43
Sol 169. (b)
Sol 153. (b)The logic: 6 → + 2 → 10 Sol 161. (b) The given series is FJ, HL, ?
2 2 2
→ + 4 → 26 → + 6 → 62 → + 8 → , LP, NR
126 Every next alphabet is 2 more than the
previous one. F+2= H, J+2=L & so on.
Sol 170. (d) Addition of two consecutive
Therefore, the missing term is J N.
numbers from the series gives the next
Sol 162. (d) The pattern followed here is:
Trend Followed: 43 → (-12) → 31 →
The next term is the sum of consecutive
(+43) → 74 → (+31) → 105 → (+74) →
prime numbers.
Sol 154. (c) 179 → (+105) → 284
1 × 2=2, 2 × 3=6
9 + 3 = 12
6 × 4=24, 24 × 5=120 Sol 171. (a) KP, HM, EJ, BG, ?
12 + 5 = 17
120 × 6=720 -3 rule is followed in both the letters.
17 + 7 = 24
24 + 11 = 35
Sol 155. (a) The given series is GD, IF, ? , Sol 172.(d)137, 148, 161, 176, 193, ?
35 + 13 = 48
SP, AX Here 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 are consecutive Hint :- +11 , +13 , +15 , + 17 , +19.
The pattern:For 1st alphabet So 193 + 19 = 212.
prime numbers.
G+2=I, I+4=M, M+6=S, S+8=A
Hence, 48 is the correct answer.
For 2nd alphabet: Sol 173.(d) RAP, SCS, TEV, UGY, ?
D+2=F, F+4=J, J+6=P, P+8=X For 1st letter , +1 , for 2nd letter , +2 and
Sol 163. (c) The given series is EI, GK, ?
, KO, MQ for 3rd letter , +3 , is used. So the next
Sol 156. (b)The pattern: The Logic: Every next alphabet is 2 more term is VIB.
than the previous one. E+ 2=G, I+ 2= K
& so on. Sol 174.(b) 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ?
Hence, the required answer is I M. Rule:- +5 , +7 , +9 , +11 , +13.
So , 37 + 13 = 50.
Sol 164. (a)The pattern is:
2 × 2-1=3 Sol 175 (d) 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, ?
Sol 157. (d) The correct answer is 112.
Prime numbers are used. So the next term
3 × 3-1=8
is 31.
8 × 4-1=31
31 × 5-1=154
Sol 176 (d)

Sol 165. (b) The pattern followed here is:

Sol 158. (a) The given series is JG, LI, ?

, VS, DA Sol 177 (c) MRT, TYA, AFH, HMO, ?
The logic: J+2=L+4=P+6=V+8=D So, the correct answer is MJ. For each letter , +7 rule is followed. So
the next term is OTV.
Mts 2019 Tier I
Sol 178(a). 72, 69, 64, ?, 48
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

-3 , -5 , -7 , -9 Rule is used. So 64 - 7 = 57 149× 3 + 3=450 After 37, 43 is the prime number.

and 57 - 9 = 48. 450×3+4=1354
1354 × 3 + 5 = 4062 + 5 = 4067 Sol 206 (c) 37+6=43
Sol 179(b). Each term is decreased by 4. 43+8=51
Sol 193 (c) 51+10=61
Sol 180(a). 1st term is increasing by 2, 2 61+12=73
16+ 1 =17
2nd term is increasing by 3 and 3rd term 2
17+ 2 =21 73+14=87.
is increasing by 5. 2
21+ 3 =30
Sol 207 (a) 1st and 3rd alphabet is
Sol 181 (d) 8, 8, 16, 48, ? 30+ 4 =46 increasing by 5 and 2nd & 4th alphabet is
× 1 , × 2 , × 3 , × 4 rule is followed. So 46+ 5 =71. increasing by 7.
48 × 4 = 192. E+5=J, J+7=Q, C+5=H, Y+7=F
Sol 194 (c)
Sol 182 (d) MR, NU, OX, PA, ? 1138+12=1350+13=1363+14=1377+15= Sol 208 (b) +6 rule is used for each letter.
+1 , +3 rule is used for 1stand 2nd letters 1392 Next term = PB
respectively. J+6 = P
Sol 195 (d) 1st and 2nd alphabet is V+6 = B
Sol 183 (a) increasing by 4 and 3rd alphabet is
279-2=277 increasing by 7. Sol 209 (b)
277-4=273 Z+4=D, I+4=M, A+7=H.
267-8=259 Sol 196 (d) Each alphabet is decreasing
by 4. So, next term will be X-4=T, U-4=Q
Sol 184 (d) Each term is decreased by 4
Sol 210 (c) +14 , +16 , +18 , +20 rule is
from the previous term. Sol 197 (c)
? = 65+20 = 85

Sol 185 (b) Each term is increased by 5..

Sol 211.(c) +20 , +21 , +22 , +23 , +24
So the next term is GF.
rule is followed. So 547 + 24 = 571.

Sol 186 (b)

Sol 198 (b) 197+23= 220+24= 244+25= Sol 212.(d) 39 + 19 = 58 ; 58 + 19 = 77 ;
3× 2 +1=7
269+26= 295+27=322, 77 + 58 = 135 ; 135 + 77 = 212.
7 × 3 + 1=22
22× 4 + 1=89
Sol 199 (d) Each alphabet is increasing Sol 213.(d) -3 , -2 rule is used.
89 × 5 + 1 =446
by 6. So next letter pair be J+6=P, B+6=H Next term =
A-3 = X, F-2 = D
Sol 187 (c)Each alphabet is increased by
Sol 200 (a) Here the gap is 23 , 24 , 25 ,
26 , 27 and so on. Sol 214 (d) Here three series are there. In
So, 1059 + 27 = 1086. all the three , +3 rule is there. 17 + 3 =
Sol 188 . (a)
20 and 37 + 3 = 40.
Sol 201 (b) ×3 + 1 rule is followed. 364
× 3 + 1 = 1093.

Sol 189 (c) 63, 82, 102, 123, 145, ? Sol 202 (d) 31 + 17 = 48 ; 48 + 17 = 65 ;
+19 , +20 , +21 , +22 , +23 rule is 65 + 48 = 113 ; 113 + 65 = 178.
Sol 215 (c) +3 rule is used for each of the
followed. So 145 + 23 = 168. letters.
Sol 203 (d) The 1st alphabet is increasing ? = AXK
Sol 190 (d) 1st alphabet is increasing by 1 by 2, the 2nd alphabet is decreasing by 1 X+3 = A
and 2nd is increasing by 2. and the 3rd alphabet is increasing by 2. U+3 = X
H+3 = K
Sol 191 (b) 12, 12, 24, 72, 288, ? Sol 204 (b) Here prime numbers are
× 1 , × 2 , × 3 , × 4 , × 5 rule is followed. used. The gap between the numbers is +3 Sol 216 (a) ×1 , ×2 , ×4 , ×8 , ×16 rule is
So 288 × 5 = 1440. , +5 , +7 , +11 ; So the next gap will be
used. So 192 × 16 = 3072.
13. 40 + 13 = 53.
Sol 192 (a)
Sol 217 (d) +20 , +40 , +60 , +80 , +100
16× 3 + 1=49 Sol 205 (d) Logic is: series is of
rule is used. So 1307 + 100 = 1407.
49× 3 + 2=149 continuous prime number

4÷2 = 2
Sol 218 (c) +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 rule is used. Sol 229 (c)
Next term = B+5 = G KUCJ, NRFG, QOID, ? Sol 239 (b) Here, the pattern:-2, +3
G+6 = M K+3 = N, N+3 = Q, Q+3 = T on
I+7 = P U-3 = R, R-3 = O, O-3 = L 34-2=32
B+8 = J C+3 = F, F+3 = I, I+3 = L 32+3=35
J-3 = G, G-3 = D, D-3 = A 35-2=33
Sol 219 (b) 33+3=36
× 2 + 1 rule is followed. So 295 × 2 + 1 Sol 230 (d) Logic is : difference is of 2, 2, 36-2=34
= 591. 12, 12, so on…
Difference is the consecutive multiple of Sol 240 (d) The pattern, (1500 ÷ 2)-5 =
Sol 220 (a) two consecutive numbers 745
Such as 1*2, 1*2, 3*4, 3*4, 5*6=30 (370 ÷ 2)-5 = 180
So, 93+30 = 123 (87.5 ÷ 2)-5 = 38.75

Sol 231 (b) 120, 143, 168, 196, 224 Sol 241 (a)The logic: (× 2)+1
Sol 221 (c) +2 rule is used. 112-1 = 120 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, ?
FLO, H?Q, JPS, LRU 122-1 = 143 So, (63 × 2)+1=126+1=127
Every letter cluster is increasing by +2 132-1 = 168
F+2 = H, L+2 = N, O+2 = Q 142-1 = 195
Sol 242 (d) +2 , +0 , +2 , +0 rule is used.
So, ? = N 152-1 = 224
Replace 196 with 195
I+2 = K
Sol 222 (b) +7 , +9 , +11 , +13 rule is
L+0 = L
used. So 37 + 13 = 50. Sol 232 (b) From the 1st to the 2nd +1 in J+2 = L
the 1st letter , then +2 in the 2nd letter
A+0 = A
Sol 223 (d) from 2nd cluster to the 3rd cluster , then
+3 in the 3rd letter from 3rd cluster to the Sol 243 (c) +1 , +2 , +3 rule is used for
4th cluster and so on.
the 1st letter and -1 , -2 , -3 rule is used
for the 2nd letter.
Sol 233 (b) × 1 + 1 , × 2 + 2 , × 3 + 3 Next term is: H+4 = L, S-4 = O
and so on. So 32 × 3 + 3 = 96 + 3 = 99.
Sol 244 (a) The gap between the numbers
Sol 224 (a) Here prime numbers are Sol 234 (c) Gap of 5 , 10 , 20 , 40 , 80. is 25 , 125 , 625. Means square of 5 ,
used. The gap between the numbers is +3 So the next number will be 79 + 80 = 159. cube of 5 , 4 powers of 5 and the last will
, +5 , +7 , +11 ; So the next gap will be 43 be 5 powers of 5. 625 * 5 = 3125. So 801
+ 13 = 56. Sol 235 (b) -3 , -2 , -1 rule is used. + 3125 = 3926.
Sol 225 (c) Cube of 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 are So, ? = JRM Sol 245 (d) -10 , -15 , -20 , -25 , -30 ,
added. +1 , +8 , +27 , +64. So 141 + 64 = M-3 = J -35. So -20 - 35 = -55. So -50 is wrong.
205. T-2 = R 80, 70, 55, 35, 10, -20, -50
N-1 = m 80-10 = 70, 70-15 = 55
Sol 226 (a) +4 rule is used. 55-20 = 35, 35-25 = 10
Every number is increased by 4 Sol 236 (a) Gap of 7 , 14 , 21 , 28 , 35 10-30 = -20, -20-35 = -55
So, next term is:- C+4 = G, W+4= A, etc. So Next term = 80 + 35 = 115. Therefore, replace -50 with -55
D+4= H
Sol 237 (d)15, 17, 22, 32, 49, 76 Sol 246 (d)Every letter cluster is
Sol 227 (c) 15+12+1 = 17 increased by +1, to its previous cluster,
17+22+1 = 22 A+1=B
22+32+1 = 32 C+1= D
32+42+1 = 49 E+1=F
49+52+1 = 75 G+1=H
Replace 76 with 75 I+1=J
Similarly, K+1=L..& so on.
Sol 228 (d) 28, 32, 48, 84, ?. Here the Sol 238 (d) 1440 ÷ 6 = 240 Only option (d) follows this pattern.
gap is +4 , +16 , +36 , +64. Means 240 ÷ 5 = 48
squares of 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 etc. 48 ÷ 4 = 12 Sol 247 (d) The logic: -7,-6, -5, .. so on is
So, Next term = 84 + 64 = 148. 12 ÷ 3 = 4 subtracted, then divided by 2.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(2807-7) ÷ 2 =2800÷ 2 = 1400 Sol 256 (b)consecutive Prime numbers 7 + 15 = 22

(1400 -6) ÷ 2 =1394÷ 2 = 697 are used here. Gap is 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 and 22 + 30 = 52
(697 -5) ÷ 2 =692÷ 2 = 346 13. So 40 + 13 = 53. 52 + 45 = 97
(346 -4) ÷ 2 =342÷ 2 = 171 12,14,17,22,29,40,? 97 + 60 = 157
(171 -3) ÷ 2 =168÷ 2 = 84 12+2 = 14 157 + 75 = 232
14+3 = 14
Sol 248 (c) Here the gap is 6 , 18 , 36 , 17+5 = 22 Sol 265 (d) The pattern: +6, +7, +8, +9,
60 , 90. The second gap is 12 , 18 , 24 , 30 22+7 = 29 +10
and 36. So 90 + 36 = 126. And 209 + 126 29+11 = 40 So, 18+8=26 (not 25) and 35+10=45
= 335. 40+13 = 53 So, the first bracket is incorrect and
second is correct.
Sol 249 (a) +2 rule is followed. Sol 257 (c) +5 rule is followed
CINQ : EKPS :: FRGS : ? BDf, Glk, LNp, Sol 266 (d) Given series: 529, 441, 361,
C+2 = E B+5= G, G+5= L, L+5= Q. 289, ____
I+2 = K QSu is the correct answer. 232 , 212 , 192 , 172 , 152
N+2 = P Therefore, required number = 225
Q+2 = S Sol 258 (c)The given series is a square of
In the same way, odd numbers. Sol 267 (b) Given series: aaCee, ggIkk,
F+2 = H 12, 32, 52, (72), 92, 112,132, 152 mmOqq, _______
R+2 = T It means replace 36 with 49. In the given series each alphabet is
G+2 = I increased by 6 places.
S+2 = U Sol 259 (d) aaCee, ggIkk, mmOqq, ssUww

Sol 250 (a)Here, the logic: × 2, +1 Sol 268 (d) Given series: 7, 25, 79, 241,
15 × 2+1 = 31 _____
31 × 2+1 = 63 Followed trend: next term =( previous
63 × 2+1 = 127 Sol 260 (d) term × 3) +4
127 × 2+1 = 255 1*1+2=3 7 x 3 + 4 = 25
3*2+3=9 25 x 3 +4 = 79
Sol 251 (b) 9 * 3 + 4 = 31 79 x 3 +4 = 241
31 * 4 + 5 = 129. 241 x 3 + 4 = 727

Sol 261 (d) Series follows: × 0.5, × 1, × Sol 269 (c) Given series: GN, MT, SZ,
1.5, × 2, × 2.5 & so on.. ____
Each of the next alphabet is 6 more than
4 x 0.5 = 2
Sol 252 (b)The pattern: next term is 1/2 the previous one.
of the previous term. G+6= M, M+6=S, S+6= Y
2 x 1.5 = 3
900, 450, 90, 45, 9,? N+6= T, T+6= Z, Z+6= F
900 ÷ 2 = 450
6 x 2.5 = 15
450 ÷ 5 = 90 Sol 270 (d) Given series: 8, 27, 64, 125,
90 ÷ 2 = 45 _____
Sol 262 (d)MN, NOP, PQRS, STUVW,?
3 3 3 3 3
45 ÷ 5 = 9 Every letter starts with previous Alphabet Followed trend: 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
9 ÷ 2 = 4.5 with +1 alphabet, therefore, next letter Therefore, required number = 216
will be WXYZAB
Sol 253 (d)The given series is the square Sol 271 (d)4, 5, 6, 16, (24), 36, (60), 125,
form of Consecutive numbers 21, 22, 23, Sol 263 (d) The logic: +5, +7, +9, +11, 216
24. Therefore, next will be 252 = 625 +13 rule is used. Here,the logic: 1st three terms : 41, 51, 61
17, 22, 29, 36, 49, 62 Next three terms are squares of these
Sol 254 (b)Next pattern is increased by 17+5 = 22 numbers: 42, 52, 62 = 16, 25, 36
+3, therefore, next pattern = LJH 22+7 = 29 Again further three next terms are cubes
I+3 = L, G+3 = J, E+3 = H 29+9 = 38 of these numbers:43, 53, 63= 64, 125, 216
38+11 = 49 So, instead of 24 it should be 25.
Sol 255 (b)13 × 3 + 3 = 42 49+13 = 62 And instead of 60 it should be 64.
42 × 3 + 3 = 129 Here, 36 is the incorrect term. So,both bracket numbers are incorrect.
129 × 3 + 3 = 390
390 × 3 + 3 = 1173 Sol 264 (a) The rule: +15, +30, +45, & so Sol 272 (c)Here, -7 rule is used.
on.. Given series: YVS, ROL, KHE, _______

Each term in the series is reduced by 7 to In the given series each alphabet in the So, RHN is the correct answer.
get the next term.K-7= D,H-7= A, E-7= next term increases by 4 places.
X. Hence, the required term is DAX. Sol.288.(c) Logic is : series is increasing
Sol 280 (b) (difference of 1st & 2nd term) by +10, +11, +12, and so on...
Sol 273 (d) Given series: 620, 670, 722, × 2= 3rd term. 86+14=100
776, ____ (86-49) × 2 = 74
Followed trend:+50, +52, +54, +56 (105-75) × 2 = 60 Sol 289. (d)
620+50 = 670 (93-64) × 2 = 58 There are 2 series in this question.
670+52 = 722 1st series: 104,54,29
722+54 = 776 Sol 281 (b) Given Series: 7.5, 4.7, 1.9, 104 ÷ 2+2=54, 54 ÷ 2+2=29
776+56 = 832 -0.9, ____ 2nd series:108,58,31
7.5 - 2.8 = 4.7 108 ÷ 2+4=58, 58 ÷ 2+4=33
Sol 274 (d) Here, the next term is the 4.7 - 2.8 = 1.9 Instead of 31 it should be 33.
sum of the previous digits. 1.9 - 2.8 = -0.9
Given series: 26, 34, 41, 46, 56, ? -0.9 - 2.8 = -3.7 Sol 290.(b)
26 +(2+6) = 26+8=34
34 +(3+4) = 34+7=41 Sol 282 (a)Here, the pattern: (1st term ×
41 +(4+1) = 41+5=46 2nd term)+(2nd term × 3rd term)+(1st
46 +(4+6) = 46+10=56 The next number in the series is 7 × 22 =
term × 3rd term)= 4th term
56 +(5+6) = 56+11=67 154 + 1 = 155
Given set: (3 5 7 71 )
=(3 × 5)+(5 × 7)+(3 × 7) Sol 291.(b) The given series is 14, 17,
Sol 275 (d) Given series: 101, 106, 116,
=15+35 +21 23, 32, 44, 59, ?.
131, 151, ?
= 71= 4th term The gap between the numbers is 3 , 6 , 9 ,
pattern followed:+5, +10, +15, +20, & so
Similarly in the given set: 6 4 11 ? 12 , 15 and the next gap will be 18.
=(6 × 4)+(4 × 11)+(11 × 6) So , 59 + 18 = 77.
101+5 = 106
=24+44+66=134 So , the missing number is 77.
106 +10 = 116
116 +15 = 131
Sol 283.(c) The logic: Sol 292.(d) The numbers are one more
131+20 = 151
151 +25 = 176 than the squares of consecutive even
Sol 276 (b)+4 rule is used . Square of 2 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5 ; square of 4 +
Given Series: ACD, EGH, IKL, ?, QST 1 = 16 + 1 = 17 ;
pattern Followed: A(+4)=E, E(+4)= I, Sol 284 (a) Given series: HM, EJ, BG, Square of 6 + 1 = 36 + 1 = 37 ; Square of
I(+4)=M.. & so on. _____ 8 + 1 = 64 + 1 = 65 ;
Similarly, each 3rd place alphabets follow Trend Followed: HM, EJ, BG, YD Square of 10 + 1 = 100 + 1 = 101 ; Square
the same. Each term is reduced by 3 places to get of 12 + 1 = 144 + 1 = 145 ;
the next term. So, 39 is wrong and it should be 37.
So , the first number in the bracket is
wrong and the second is right.
Sol 293. (b) The given series is B, C, E,
Sol 277 (a)The logic: (-6, -7, -8 & so on..) ?, Q, G.
Given Series: 18, 12, 5, -3, -12, _____ Here , the gap between the alphabets is +1
18 -6 = 12 12 -7 = 5 , +2 , +4 , +8 , +16.
5 -8 = -3 -3 -9 = -12 E + 4 = I and I+ 8 = Q.
-12 -10 = -22 Common difference on the third step is 6, So , the missing letter is I.
so 155 is the correct answer.
Sol 278 (d) Given Series: the next term is Sol 294. (b) The first of each word is with
1.5 times the previous one. Sol 286.(d) a multiple of 3 , so the next letter will be
108 R. The middle letter is with -4 series , so
108+ 2 = 162
the next letter will be I - 4 = E.
162+ 162
2 = 243 The last letter is with +5 series and the
243 next letter will be V + 5 = A.
243+ 2 = 364.5
So , the missing letter pair is REA.

Sol 279 (c) +4 rule is used. Sol 287. (a)Logic is : first letter +3,
Sol.295. (a)
Followed Trend: MJG, QNK, URO, YVS second letter -3, third letter +3.
O + 3 = R, K - 3 = H, K + 3 = N 204
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

So, 26 * 8 = 208 and 26 * 9 = 234.

Sol 318. (c) Logic is : +1 rule is used for

the 1st letter , +3 for the 2nd letter and +5
for the last letter. So I +1 = J, R +3 = U, S
Sol.296. (c) Logic is : first letter +3,
+5 = X the correct answer will be JUX.
second letter -5 and third letter +7 153 is the missing number.
So, M + 3 = P, I - 5 = D, W + 6 = D
Sol 319. (c) Logic is : -3 , -5 , -3 , -5 , -3
So, PDD is the answer. Sol 307. (d) Here, two different series are rule is used.
So, L - 5 = G.
Sol.297.(a) 25, 23, 21; In this -2 rule is followed.
And 28, 30, 33; Here +2 rule is followed. Sol 320. (a) Logic is : the gap between
So, 33 is wrong here.
the numbers is(n2) 4 , 9 , 16 , 25… so on.
So, 61 + 36 = 97.
Sol 308. (c) Logic is : gap between the
numbers is 4, 9, 16, 25, 36.
Sol 321. (b) Here two series are there.
So, 60 + 36 = 96 1. One is 21 , 19 , 17 , 15. Here , -2 rule is
Sol.298.(b) Logic is : series is in the form
So, the missing number is 96.
of n3+3 used.
43+3 = 64 + 3 = 67 2. Second is 24 , 29 , 28 , 30. Here , +2
Sol 309. (b) Logic is : -3 , -5 , -3 , -5 rule rule is used.
73+3 = 343 +3 = 346 =/ 349
is followed.
But 29 is wrong here , it should be 26.
X - 3 =U,U-5=P,P-3=M,M-5=
H , H - 3 = E. Sol 322. (a) Logic is : gap between the
14+3=17, 17+6=23, 23+9=32,
32+12=44, 44+15=59 numbers is +3 , +5 , +7 , +9 , +11 and
Sol 310. (d) Logic is : +2 rule for the first +13.
letter , -5 for the second letter and +3 for
Sol 300. (d) Logic is : The series So , 41 + 13 = 54.
the last letter is used.
continues in +2, -4, +6, -8, +10.
L+2=N;F-5=A;M+3=P; Sol 323. (b) Here three different
So, 103 + 6 = 109 and 109 - 8 = 101.
NAP is the correct answer.
series(all doubling series) are given.
Sol 301. (a) Logic is : -2 rule is used 3,6,12,24 first series
Sol 311. (c) Logic is : The gap between 5, 10, 20, 40 second series , so 24 is
So, the missing letter will be C - 2 = A.
the numbers is 4, 6, 8, 10… so on.
wrong here
So, 41 + 14 = 55. Third series is 7, 14, 28, 56
Sol 302. (c) Logic is : +4 , ÷ 2 , +4 , ÷ 2
, +4 , ÷ 2 and so on …
Sol 312. (b) Logic is :The -4 , -6 , -4 , -6 ,
40 + 4 = 44 , 44 ÷ 2 = 22 , 22 + 4 = 26 , Sol 324. (b) Logic is: consonants are
-4 rule is used. coded with their opposite letters. Vowels
26 ÷ 2 = 13 , and in the last ,
L - 6 = F ; F - 4 = B.
13 + 4 = 17. are coded as A = 1 , E = 2 , I = 3 , O = 4
and U = 5.
Sol 313. (c) Logic is : n3-1 By using the same method , the code for
Sol 303. (b) Logic is : n3 + n2 -1
So, 43-1 = 63, 73-1 = 342
By this logic 53 +52 -1 = 125 + 25 - 1 = ORIENTAL will be 4I32MG10.
Hence, Both the bracketed numbers are
incorrect. Sol 325. (b) Logic is : For the 1st letter,
Another method , the gap between the
numbers is 10 , 24 , 44 , 70 , 102. +2 rule is used. For the 2nd letter, +3 rule
Sol 314. (b) Logic is : +2 , +4 , +6 , +8 , and for the last letter, +5 rule is used. So,
The second gap(+6) between the numbers
+10 rule is followed.
is 14 , 20 , 26 and 32. N + 2 = P , U + 3 = X and S + 5 = X.
33 + 10 = 43
So , 79 + 70 = 149 and 149 + 102 = 251.
Sol 326. (c) Logic is : -5, -3, -5, -3, -5
Sol 315. (a) Logic is : The gap is of +3 ,
Sol 304. (d) Logic is : First letter -3, rule is followed.
-5 , +7 , -9 , +11
second letter -1, Third letter +3. M - 5 = H , H - 3 = E , E - 5 = Z and so
So, 11 + 11 = 22. on.
So, K - 3 = H, U - 1 = T, K + 3 = N ;
So, the missing letter-pair is HTN. So , the missing letter is E.
Sol 316. (a)

Sol 305. (c) Logic is : First letter +1, CGL 2019 Tier I
second letter +3, and third letter+5.
So , G + 1 = H , P + 3 = S , T + 5 = Y. Sol 327.(c)Here, the pattern followed:

Sol 306. (a)

Sol 317. (a) Logic is : 8n : 9n

Sol 337.(d)17, 20, 15, 22, 13, 24 Sol 345.(a)The required pattern is:
There are two series simultaneously going f g h/g h f/h f g/f g h/g h f/h f g
4= (2)2 , 9= (3)2 , 16= (4)2 , 25= (5)2 17, 15, 13 ……. 1st series Sol 346.(c) +5, rule is used & middle
Finally, 36= (6)2 13 + 2 = 15 alphabet is in capital.
15 + 2 = 17 a+5=f
Sol 328.(c)k_lmml_mk_mmk_lkkl_m 20, 22, 24………. 2nd series Y+5=T
Kklmmllmkkmmkllkklmm 20 + 2 = 22 d+5=i
22 + 2 = 24 Similarly, p+5=u,
Sol 329.(a)The pattern being followed: J+5=E
1st alphabet is increasing by 5, 2nd Sol 338.(a) Here, the pattern: +3,-4, +5: s+5=x
alphabet is decreasing by 3, 3rd alphabet DAC, GWH, JSM, MOR, ?
is increasing by 7. Sol 347.(c)40, 37, 43, 34, 46, 31
R+5=W, O-3=L, W+7=D There are two series which are going on
Sol 330.(d)The required pattern is: 1st series(from left to right)
40 + 3 = 43
43 + 3 = 46
Sol 339.(c)
2nd series ( from left to right)
First letter is increasing by 2 . So
37- 3 = 34
A+ 2 = C + 2 = E
34 - 3 = 31
Only option (c) has E in the starting.

Sol 331.(c) Sol 348.(c)Here, the logic: +2 & -2

Sol 340.(d)
The required pattern is: The required pattern is:
Square of alternate Prime Numbers is the
1st alphabet is increasing by 2 and 2nd
sequence for the given series.
alphabet is decreasing by 2.
22= 4, 52=25, 112= 121, 172=289,
C+2=E, P-2=N
232=529, 312=961.

Sol 349.(a)The required pattern is:1st &

Sol 332.(d)The required pattern is: -2, +3, Sol 341.(c)
3rd letter= +3 rule & for middle alphabets
-4 is used. The required pattern is:
vowel series continue.
B-2= Z, Z-2= X, X-2=V, V-2= T,T-2=R

Sol 333.(a)The required pattern is: Sol 342.(d)The required pattern here
Sol 350.(d)Here, the pattern:
61 + (1)2+1 = 63
1537 + 2 = 1539, 1539 + 4 = 1543
63 + (2)2-2 = 65
1543 + 6 = 1549, 1549 + 8= 1557,
65 + (3)2+3 = 77
1557 + 10= 1567
77 + (4)2-4 = 89
89+(5)2+5=119..& so on.
Sol 343.(d)The required pattern is:+2 rule
Sol 334.(d)In the given series, the
is used.
following prime numbers are adding Sol 351.(d)Here, two series are following
between the successive terms. simultaneously.
+2, +3, +5, +7, +11, +13, +17 Odd places alphabets follow successive
Sol 335.(a)The required pattern is: Even places follow+ 1.

Sol 352.(c)The required pattern is:

Sol 344.(b)The required pattern here

Sol 336.(b)The required pattern is: J+6=P
W s/wws S /wwws S s/wwww S sss P+7=W
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 353.(c)The required pattern is:+3,-3,

+4, -4 rule is used. Sol 361.(d) Sol 369.(d)
TULG(T+3=W,U-3=R, L+4=P, G-4=C) The required pattern is: In the second term, the last two letters of
Similarly CLXU → FIBQ kmnl/nkml/mnkl/kmnl the first term are placed at the beginning
in the reverse order.
Sol 354.(a)The required pattern is: Sol 362.(d) DYKM, GZIN, JAGO, In the third term, the last two letters are
A, E, I, M, Q, U MBEP, PCCQ placed in the middle in reverse order but
The pattern followed here is shown they are shifted by two positions.
below: Similarly , The term which will come
next in the series is ANOSREP

Sol 370.(c)
Sol 355.(c)
The pattern required is:
Sol 363.(a)

13= 1 22= 4
3 = 27 42=16

Sol 356.(a) 53= 125 62= 36

5, 10, 26, 50 , 122, 170
The pattern being followed is as follows: Sol 371.(a)The vowels as per the English
5 = (2)2 + 1 Sol 364.(c) alphabetical series are A, E, I, O, and U.
10 = (3)2 + 1 The required pattern is: The positional values of A → 1; E → 5; I
26 = (5)2 + 1 K+6 = Q, Q+5 = V, V+4 = Z → 9; O → 15; U → 21. Hence, 15 is the
50 = (7)2 + 1 Z+3 = C, C+2 = E, E+1 = F correct answer.

122 = (11)2 + 1
Sol 365.(c)The required pattern is: Sol 372.(d)
170 = (13)2 + 1 A + 5 = F ; F + 5 = K; K + 5 = P ;
2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 are prime numbers. P+5=U
B + 5 = G; G + 5 = L; L + 5 = Q ;
Sol 357.(a) Q+5=V
62, 66, 74, 90, 122 D+5=I ;I+5=N;N+5=S;
Following pattern is being followed Sol 366.(a) S+5=X
62 + 4 = 66 The required pattern is: E + 5 = J ; J + 5 = O; O + 5 = T ;
66 + 8 = 74 T+5=Y
74 + 16 = 90 Hence, ‘KLNO’ is the correct answer
90 + 32 = 122
Sol 373.(b)The logic : 12, 22, 32, 42, 52
Sol 358.(d)The required pattern is: 1 4 9 16 25
Sol 367.(c)
qDx, nHs, kLn, hPi, eTd The pattern mentioned below is being Position Value of alphabets:
followed. A D I P Y
17 + 2 = 19
19 + 3 = 22 Sol 374.(a) DJQC, ELTG, FNWK,
22 + 5 = 27 GPZO, ?
27 + 7 = 34 D + 1 → E ; E + 1→F;F+1→G ;G
Sol 359.(b) 11, 12, 36, 41, ?, 296 +1→H
34 + 11 = 45
11 + 1 = 12 J + 2 → L ; L + 2→N;N+2→P ;P
45 + 13 = 58
12 x 3 = 36 +2→R
58 + 17 = 75
36 + 5 = 41 Q + 3 → T; T + 3 → W ; W + 3 → Z ; Z
Here, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ,17……. are
41 x 7 = 287 +3→C
consecutive prime numbers.
287 + 9 = 296 C + 4 → G ;G+4→K;K+4→O;O
Sol 368.(a) The required pattern is: +4→S
Sol 360.(b) Hence, ‘HRCS’ is the correct answer.
The required pattern is:
Sol 375.(c)


2, 10, 26, ?, 82
2+8 = 10, 10+16 = 26
26+24 = 50, 50+32 = 82

Sol 376.(c) Here the logic followed: the Sol 393. (b)
subsequent next letter is decreasing by 25, 5, 49, 10, 81, 20, 121, ?
-7,-6,-5,-4,&- 3. CHSL 2019 TIER I The given sequence is a combination of
Y - 7 → R; R - 6 → L; L - 5 → G; G - 4 two sequences:- 25, 49, 81, 121 and 5, 10,
→ C; C - 3 → Z Sol 383. (a) 20, ?
Hence, ‘C’ is the correct answer. The required pattern is :- ⇒ 5 × 2 = 10 × 2 = 20 × 2 = 40
Sol 377.(a)
Sol 394. (a)
Sol 384. (d)
The given pattern is:- rtxysxyz / rtxysxyz
213+4 = 217, 217+16 = 233,
233+36 = 269, 269+64 = 333 Sol 395. (c)
Clearly, 11,13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 ……..
L, M, O, K, R, I, U, ?
are consecutive prime numbers. Sol 385. (d) The given sequence is a combination of
A+2 = C, C+2 = E, E-1 = D, two sequences:-
Sol 378.(d) D-1 = C, C+2 = E, E+2 = G
L+3 = O, O+3 = R, R+3 = U and,
The pattern followed is: G-1 = F, F-1 = E M-2 = K, K-2 = I, I-2 = G
Sol 396. (c)
Sol 386. (d)The required pattern is:
Hence, “R” is the correct answer.
H + F = 14 = N
Sol 379.(b)
K + L = 23 = W
The pattern followed is,
Sol 387. (c)
Sol 397. (a)
⇒ (5)3 + 1, (6)3 + 1, (7)3 + 1,
10, 26, 50, 82, ?
(8)3 + 1 = 513 10+16 = 26, 26+24 = 50, 50+32 = 82,
82+40 = 122
Sol 388. (c) Discrepancy is found in the
question. 13th character is given Sol 398. (a)
d(officially by SSC) but it should be b to
The given pattern is:-
satisfy the pattern. efg/eeffgg/eeefffggg .
pattern if 13th character is d:-
Hence, “NAVIICTE” is the correct abbabaababbadaaba
answer. Sol 399. (a)
pattern if 13th character is b:- 2, 8, 15, 24, 36, 52, ?
abba/baab/abba/baab/a 2+6 = 8, 8+7 = 15, 15+9 = 24,
Sol 380.(b) The logic: +2,+3 , +2, +3, &
so on.. 24+12 = 36, 36+16 = 52, 52+21 = 73
Sol 389. (d)
C, E, H, J, M, O, R, T Q-1 = P, J+1 = K, O-1 = N
Sol 400. (b)
L+1 = M, N+1 = O
Sol 381.(c)The logic is: The given pattern is:- abcd / dcba

Sol 390. (c)

Sol 401. (d)
L, M, K, N, J, O, ? The given pattern is:- ccde / ffgc
The given sequence is a combination of
L-1 = K, K-1 = J, J-1 = I
Sol 402. (c)
M+1 = N, N+1 = O

Sol 391. (b)

Hence, ‘QTRKWKSS’ is the correct

answer. Sol 403. (d)
The given series is:- zzmnozn / zzmnozn /
Sol. 382.(b) The logic follows: zzm
Sol 392. (c)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 404. (c) 70 + 10 = 80

Sol 414. (a) 80 + 15 = 95
The given series is: UPDM 95 + 20 = 115
140 + 30 = 170
Sol 415. (d)
Sol 405. (a) 19+13 = 20, 20+22 = 24, Sol 426. (c)
EC, G = (5)(3), (5 + 3 - 1= 7) 24+33 = 51, 51+42 = 67
HF, M = (8)(6), (8 + 6 - 1 = 13) 67+53 = 192
KI, S = (11)(9), (11 + 9 - 1 = 19)
Sol 416. (c)
Sol 406. (d) The given sequence is:- ababccd.
⇒ 33 + 3 = 30 Hence, option (c) follows. Sol 427. (a)
⇒ 53 + 5 = 130
⇒ 73 + 7 = 350 Sol 417. (d)
⇒ 93 + 9 = 738 The pattern followed in given series is as
follows:- N × 2 + 2, where N is the
Sol 407. (b) number.
Therefore, next numbers will be:- 70 × 2 +
2 = 142 and 142 × 2 + 2 = 286. Sol 428. (c) ‘MO’ is only present in
option (c) .
Sol 418. (b) The given pattern is : aabccd
Sol 408. (c)
Sol 419. (b)
D+4 = H , H+4 = L, L+4 = P , P+4 = T
E+4 = I , I+4 = M , M+4 = Q. Q+4 = U
Z-2=X-2=V-2=T-2=R Sol 429. (a)
C+4 = G , G+4 = K , K+4 = O, O+4 = S
So, LKM should be replace with LMK The given pattern is :- abccdde
Sol 420. (c)
The given pattern is as follows: (1)2 , (2)3 Sol 430. (b)
Sol 409. (a)
, (3)2 , (4)3 , (5)2 , (6)3 , (7)2 The given sequence represents a cube of
C10G = C+G = 3+7 = 10
H20L = H+L = 8+12 = 20 numbers in decreasing order.
Sol 421. (d) (6)3, (5)3, (4)3, (3)3, (2)3
L17E = L+E = 12+5 = 17
Here, the following number is the
L?Q = L+Q = 12+17 = 29
difference of the first two numbers. Sol 431. (d)
For example:- 2, 7, (7-2 =)5, (7-5 =)2 , The given pattern is: ikiimmkk
Sol 410. (d)
(5-2=) 3, (3-2 =)1, (3-1=)2
211+22 = 215
215+42 = 231 Sol432. (a)
Sol 422. (b)
231+62 = 267
The given pattern is: abaacbc
267+82 = 331

Sol 423. (b)

There is an increase of 2 and 1
Sol 411. (b)
respectively in the first and second letter Thus, ? = 73 + 58 = 131
The given series is:- mnop
and decrease of 1 in the third letter in the
given pattern. Sol 433. (d)
Therefore the next letter cluster would The given pattern is a sequence of two
Sol 412. (b)
be:- K + 2 = M, T + 1 = U and J - 1 = I. series 8, 9, 10, ? and 17, 19, 21, ? .
8+1 = 9, 9+1 = 10, 10+1 = 11
Sol 424. (b) 17+2 = 19, 19+2 = 21, 21+2 = 23
88+7=95, 95+11=106, 106+13=119
119+17=136, 136+19=155, 155+23=178 Sol 434. (b)
178+29=207 The given pattern is :- aabccdee
Series of prime numbers.
Sol 435. (a)
Sol 413. (d)
Sol 425. (c) The given pattern is :- acbddac
The given sequence is:- KXZM
65 + 5 = 70

Sol 436. (a) The given series is a Sol 446. (c)

combination of two series. 5515 75 525? = 4725 Sol 457. (a)
99, 82, 63, 50, 35. ?
Sol 447. (b) ⇒ 10 2 -1 , 92 +1 , 82 -1 , 72 +1 , 62 -1 ,
A, D, B, F, D, I, G, ?, K 2
5 +1=26
This given sequence is a combination of
two series:- A, B, D, G, K and D, F, I, ?
Sol 458. (a)
Sol 437. (b) ABDGK and DFI? = M
F+3 = I, I+4 = M,
M+5 = R, R+6 = X Sol448. (a)
4, 5, 9, 18, 34, 59, ?, 144, 208, 289
Sol 438. (c) 4+12 = 5, 5+22 = 9, 9+32 =18, 18+42 =34
In the given series there is an increase of 34+52 = 59, 59+62 = 95, 95+72 = 144,
3 and 1 alphabet in first and third letters 144+82 = 208, 208+92 = 289
respectively. However, there is a decrease ? = 95 Sol 459. (b)
of 2 alphabet in the middle letter.
80797566? = 5025
Therefore, the next two letter clusters will Sol 449. (a) +3, rule is used.
be as follows. I, L, O, S, U, X Sol 460. (b) cubes of the consecutive odd
V + 3 = Y, C - 2 = A and F + 1 = G ⇒ I + 3 = L + 3 = O + 3 =/ S + 3 =/ U + numbers.
Similarly, 3= X The given sequence is as follows:- (1)3,
Y + 3 = B, A - 2 = Y and G + 1 = H. Therefore, it should be ‘R’ in place of S. (3)3, (5)3, (7)3, (9)3, (11)3

Sol 439. (d) Sol 450. (b) Sol 461. (c)

The given pattern is:- momnon 2, 10, 26, 50, 82, ?

Sol 451. (d)

A, D, C, G, F, K, J, ?
The given series is a combination of two
Sol 462. (a) +2 rule is used.
series:- A, C, F, J and D, G, K, ?
Sol 440. (b)
ACFJ and DGK? = P
The given pattern is:- abaac
ab _ a _/ _ ba _ _ /a _ _ ac
Sol 452. (d)
7, 16, 24, 31, 37, ?
Sol 441. (d) ⇒ 716243137? = 42
589-17 = 572, 572-15 = 557
557-13 = 544, 544-11 = 533 Therefore, ? = HJL.
Sol 453. (a)
533-9 = 524
1+2+4 = 7 Sol 463. (c)
2+4+7 = 13 6, 10, 18, 34, ?
Sol 442. (b)
4+7+13 = 24
5, 9, 10, 28, 17, 65, ?
7+13+24 = 44
The given series is a sum of two series:-
13+24+44 = 81. ⇒
5, 10, 17, ? and 9, 28, 65
5+5 = 10, 10+7 = 17, 17+9 = 26
Sol 454. (c)
Sol 464. (d) Here, +2, +4, +6 rule is used.
Sol 443. (a) Here, 3rd gaps are :
+10,+20,30, ..& so on.
114+7 = 121, 121+14 = 138
5 x 4 - 5 = 15
138+37 = 175, 175+67 = 242
15 x 5 - 6 = 69
242+107 = 349
Sol 455. (c)The given pattern is:-
Sol 444. (c) The given pattern is:- LAUK
L_U K/ _ A _ K/ L A _ K/ L _ U K
_ _ bc _ _ _ e/aa _ _ cde _/ _abc _ _ _ e/a
_ _ _ cdee Sol 465. (c) All are squares of the
Sol 445. (b) The given pattern is:- consecutive natural numbers. So, in place
abcddcba of 15 there should be 16.
Sol 456. (d)
a_ cd _ cba/ _ bcddc _ a
The given pattern is:-
a c cde/acdd e /acdee/a ac de/ac cd e. Sol 466. (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

81, 54, 36, 27, 22

⇒ repeated pattern is cdcceef.
The difference should be a multiple of 9.
Sol 485. (c)
Sol 467. (b) Sol 476. (b) 6 × 2 = 12 × 3 = 36
dabx _ / dab _ _ / d _ b _ x / dab _ x _ 36 × 4 = 144 × 5 = 720
720 × 6 = 4320
The given pattern is:- abbabbbbab. The given pattern is:- dabxx
Sol 486. (b)
Sol 468. (d) The given pattern is:- aba / abb . is the
2, 3, 6, 15, ?, 157.5, 630 correct sequence of letters.
Sol 477. (c)

Sol 478. (c)

Sol 469. (c)
In the given pattern , a negative sign is Sol 487. (d)
put alternatively.

Sol 479. (d)

Sol 470. (a) dadbcbaba The given pattern is:- papaya
Sol 488. (b)

The given pattern is :- acdba

Sol 471. (c) Here, +4, -1 rule is used.

Sol 480. (c)

Sol 489. (d) Logic is : difference is of +2,

+4, +6, +8 and so on…
So 14 +8 = 22 (not 20)
Sol 472. (d) Sol 481. (d)
386, 401, 417, 434, ? Sol 490. (c)
There are 2 series involved in this.
One is × 3, × 2, × 1… and second one is
17 × 3 = 51+7 = 58 × 2 = 116+7 = 123 × 1
Sol 473. (b)
Sol 482. (d) = 123+7 = 130.
487, 502, 518, 535, ?
⇒ 487502518535? = 553 Sol 491. (c) There are 2 series involved in
this series at even and odd places.
At odd place there is a series of
Sol 483. (a)
consecutive vowels. AE,EI,IO,OU.
Sol 474. (a)
At even places +1 is added to the
corresponding letters,
So, L+1=M and R+1=S
MS is the correct answer.

Sol 492. (c) Logic is : to obtain next term

Sol 475. (a) Sol 484. (c) divide the previous term by 3
So 2430 ÷ 3=810 will be the answer.

Sol 511. (a) Logic is : The number is

Sol 493. (c) Logic is : Difference is of 10, Sol 503. (a) The difference is 3,6,9,12 multiplied by 2 and 3 alternatively
11, 12, 13….. which is in AP clearly so the next number 192 × 3=576 576 × 2=1152
37+10=47, 47=11=58, 58+12=70, will be 35-15=20
70+13=83, 83+14=97, 97+15=112 Sol 512. (d) Logic is : (-3,-4,-5,-6) rule is
So the correct answer will be 97. Sol 504. (d) Logic is : difference is used
1,8,27,64, D -6 = X, C -6 = W, I -6 = C and F -6 = Z
Sol 494. (a) First and last term is It is clearly the cube of consecutive
increasing by 7 and the middle term is numbers so the next number will be 64 Sol 513. (c) Logic is : difference is the
increasing by 1. Hence the answer will be 60+64=124. square of natural number.
S (19)+7=26(Z), 2
So, 57+ 1 =58 or 62 - 22 = 58
P(16)+1=17(Q), Sol 505. (a)
O(15)+7=22(V) There are two series in this series. 1st Sol 514. (c) The pattern followed here is;
series is of 1st, 3rd, 5th term and 2nd
Sol 495. (a) series is of 2nd, 4th, and 6th term. In both
series alphabet are increasing by 2
So, the next term is F+2=H, K+2=M,
W+2=Y Sol 515. (d)
The difference is in AP ith common
difference of 3. AP is 17,20,23,26,29 Sol 506. (b) Logic is : -1, +1, -1 rule is
So, 82+17= 99 or 119-20=99. used.
H-1=G, R+1=S and V-1=U
Sol 496 (a) Logic is : -1, +2, -3 rule is So, the correct answer is GSU. Sol 516. (b)The logic: +1, +2, +3, +4 rule
used is followed here
F-1=E, F+2=H, M-3=J Sol 507. (b) Logic is : alternatively use V+4=Z, F+4=J and D+4=H
*3+3 and *4+4. So the correct answer is ZJH.
Sol 497. (a) Logic is : -2 : +2 is the rule 159 × 4+4=640
used here 640 × 3+3=1923 Sol 517. (d) Logic is : difference is of 12,
Y-2=W, W-2=U , M+2=O, O+2=Q 10, 8, 6
By following this pattern the answer will Sol 508. (b) Logic is : +5, +5, +5 rule is 28+10=38 or 38+8 = 46
be U-2=S and Q+2=S so SS will be the used. Hence, the correct number is 38.
correct answer. J+5=O, Z+5=E, H+5=M
So, OEM is the correct answer. Sol 518. (a) Logic is : simultaneously two
Sol 498. (a) Logic is : -3, -4, -5, -6 rule is logics are followed.
used. Sol 509. (d) Logic 1 is :Difference of 3 is followed
By applying the same logic on WXLM Question is bit tricky so, try to solve it between letters of a given series.
the answer will be TTGG. from options Logic 2 is : J-5 = E, Y-5 =T, N-5=I
160, 183, 213, 252, 303, ? , 446 Hence, IFC is the right answer.
Sol 499. (a) Logic is : +4, +4, +1 rule is Gap is v 23, 30, 39, 51, 143
used. Gap is 7, 9, 12, …. Sol 519. (b) Logic is : difference is 8, 8,
I + 4 = O, O + 4 = S, O + 1 = P As the gap is continuously increasing 6, 6, 4, 4 and so on…
OSP is the correct answer. 7,9,12 so to continue this sequence further 62+4=66
divide 143 such that this order is 66+4=70
Sol 500. (b) Logic is : *2 + 3 to the maintained and satisfy one of the option
number gives the next number. Dividing 143 into 64 and 79 we the gap Sol 520. (a) Logic is : +5, +5, +5, for
So 317*2 = 634 + 3 = 637 further as 7,9,12,13,15 every corresponding letter is used
So, 303+64=367 is the correct answer. O + 5 = T, L + 5 = Q, P +5 = U
Sol 501 (c) Logic is : Difference is +1,-8, So, TQU is the answer.
+27, -64 Sol 510. (c)
Clearly it is cube of successive numbers Sol 521. (d) Logic is : *2 -3 rule is
so the next number will be +125 followed
So the next number will be 14+125=139 (43 * 2) - 3 = 83

Sol 502. (a) Logic is : Difference is Sol 522. (c) Logic is : n3 - 3

?,17,19, 23, 29( Continuous Prime 3
So, 7 - 3 =340
Hence the next number will be 37+11=48
Sol 523. (d) 212
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Logic is : corresponding letters are

reduced by 8
S-8=K, K-8=C, C-8=U
A-8=S, S-8=K, K-8=C
G-8=Y, Y-8=Q, Q-8=I
So, UCI is the answer

Sol 524. (b) This series comprises of two

series at odd and even positions
At even position series Logic is : +2, -4,
-2 rule is used.
So, O +2 = Q, E -4 = A and L -2 = J.
QAJ is the correct option.

Sol 525. (a) Logic is : +2 rule is used

So, X +2 = Z, A +2 = C, D +2 = F
ZCF is the answer

Sol 526. (a) Logic is : -7 rule is used

E -7 = X, C -7 = V, A -7 = T
XVT is the correct answer.

Sol 527. (b) Logic is : *3 +2 rule is used

So, 53 *3 = 159 + 2 = 161

Sol 528. (b)

In first, third and fifth number, 4 is added.
Similarly, in second, fourth and sixth
number, 4 is subtracted. Hence, 136 - 4 =

Sol 529. (b) Logic is : difference is of 10,

8, 6, 4 and so on...
34-6=28 so, 28-4=24

Sol 530. (b) Logic is : n3-3

3 3
6 -3=213 and 7 -3=340

Missing Number

7 = 49 (c) 96 (d) 140
सं ा 2
8 = 64
2 Q4. Find the missing number from the
9 = 81
given options.
Quiz table - In this chapter, numbers are 102 = 100 िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
given to solve by decorating the figures in So, ? = 81 17 22 37
different shapes which are bound by a
23 28 43
particular rule. Based on those rules, the
Ex - 3 16 ? 36
correct answer has to be chosen from the
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
alternatives in place of the question mark (a) 12 (b) 32
in the figure. This rule is obtained by (c) 21 (d) 34
adding or subtracting or multiplying or
dividing the digits or adding or Q5. Find the missing number from the
subtracting the squares of the number. given options.
Following are some examples of this:/ इस िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
अ ाय म, िविभ आकृितयों म अंको को सजा कर Sol: 4 3 19
हल करने को िदया जाता है जो िकसी िवशेष िनयम (Here, series is based on multiplication 6 4 40
से बंधे होते है । उन िनयमो के आधार पर, आकृित and addition) 9 9 ?
म उप थत वाचक िच के थान पर , िवक ों In column I, CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
म से सही उ र चुनना होता है । यह िनयम अंको 7 × 2 + 1 = 15 (a) 90 (b) 80
को या तो जोड़कर या घटाकर या गुणा कर या भाग
15 × 2 + 1 = 31 (c) 72 (d) 100
दे कर या सं ा के वग के जोड़ या घटाकर आिद
से अ ात अंक ा िकया जाता है । इसके कुछ 31 × 2 + 1 = 63
िन िल खत उदाहरण है : In column II, Q6. Find the missing number from the
9 × 2 + 1 = 19 given options.
Ex - 1 19 × 2 + 1 = 39 िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
39 × 2 + 1 = 79 6 24 96
So, ? = 39 7 28 112
13 52 ?
CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
CGL 2018 TIER I (a) 208 (b) 142
(c) 232 (d) 116
Q1. Find the missing number from the
given options. Q7. Find the missing number from the
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | given options.
Sol: 19 78 20 िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
Given table is based on multiplication - 25 144 47 50 31 9
In column I, 16 ? 13 43 11 6
8 × 1.5 =12 CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) 42 21 ?
12 × 2 = 24 (a) 96 (b) 76 CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) 58 (d) 29 (a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 5 (d) 6
24 × 2.5 = 60
In the same way,
Q2. Find the missing number from the Q8. Find the missing number from the
In column III
given options. given options.
7 × 1.5 = 10.5
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
10.5 × 2 = 21
12 7 95 9 25 49
21 × 2.5 = 52.5 14 8 132 6 11 13
It means, ? = 10.5 16 9 ? 9 16 ?
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
Ex - 2 (a) 175 (b) 164 (a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 19 (d) 21
(c) 185 (d) 154
Q9. Find the missing number from the
Q3. Find the missing number from the given options.
given options. िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | 4 6 7
5 3 ?
9 28 85 41 45 58
Sol: 12 37 ? CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
Here, series is based on Square 16 49 148 (a) 3 (b) 51
5 = 25 CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) (c) 9 (d) 12
6 = 36 (a) 134 (b) 112
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q10. Select the missing number from the Q15. Select the missing number from the
below options. given options.
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
35 32 51
28 18 37 MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
? 14 47 (a) 28 (b) 42
CGL12/06/2019(Evening) (c) 52 (d) 56
(a) 40 (b) 41
(c) 42 (d) 43 Q21. Study the given pattern carefully
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 12 (b) 14 and select the number that can replace the
Q16. Select the missing number from the question mark(?) in it.
(c) 11 (d) 10
given options. ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस सं ा
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | का चयन कर जो िच ( ?) के थान पर आ
Q11. Select the missing number from the सकती है |
18 28 50
below options.
17 13 11
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
26 27 ?
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
(a) 61 (b) 30
(c) 29 (d) 36

CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) Q17. Select the missing number from the MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 54 (b) 55 given options. (a) 20 (b) 25
(c) 52 (d) 53 िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | (c) 22 (d) 18
7 11 14
Q12. Select the missing number from the 8 12 9 Q22.Study the given pattern carefully and
113 265 ? select the number that can replace the
given options.
question mark (?) in it.
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
(a)277 (b)625
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
(c)361 (d)281
के थान पर आ सकती है |

Q18. Select the missing number from the

given options.
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर |
(a) 16 (b) 64 36 52 86
(c) 36 (d) 25 28 40 12
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
32 46 ? (a) 94 (b) 88
Q13. Select the missing number from the CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) 84 (d) 98
given options. (a)43 (b)53
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | (c)49 (d)51 Q23.Study the given pattern carefully and
select the number that can replace the
Q19. Select the missing number from the question mark (?) in it.
given options. िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
2 3 5 के थान पर आ सकती है |
125 343 216
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 16 (b) 12 3 4 ?
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) 36 (d) 25
(a)2 (b)1 (c)4 (d)3
Q14. Select the missing number from the MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
given options. MTS 2018 TIER I (a) 36 (b) 72
िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात कर | (c) 48 (d) 54
4 3 1 Q20. Study the given pattern carefully
5 4 2 and select the number that can replace the Q24.Study the given pattern carefully and
89 43 ? question mark (?) in it. select the number that can replace the
CGL12/06/2019(Evening) िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और question mark (?) in it.
(a) 8 (b) 27 उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? ) िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
के थान पर आ सकती है | उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
(c) 5 (d) 36
के थान पर आ सकती है |

Missing Number

question mark (?) from the given Q32. In the following question, select the
alternatives. number which can be placed at the sign of
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे question mark (?) from the given
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर alternatives.
रखा जा सकता है । िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
रखा जा सकता है ।
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) 9 11 7 24
(a) 18 (b) 20
17 6 4 24
(c) 16 (d) 28
12 12 9 ?
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
Q25. Study the given pattern carefully MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) 23 (b) 24
and select the number that can replace the (a) 5 (b) 3
question mark (?) in it. (c) 27 (d) 30
(c) 6 (d) 4
ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस सं ा
का चयन कर जो िच ( ?) के थान पर आ Q33. In the following question, select the
Q29. .In the following question, select the
सकती है | number which can be placed at the sign of
number which can be placed at the sign of
3 4 7 question mark (?) from the given
question mark (?) from the given
6 4 2 िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
3 2 5 के थान पर आ सकती है |
रखा जा सकता है ।
6 12 7
15 12 ? 9 3 7 9 4 11
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) 6 2 8 11 6 2
(a) 41 (b) 43 4 5 3 13 ? 10
(c) 37 (d) 31 MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
38 20 ?
(a) 11 (b) 22
Q26. In the following question, select the MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) 10 (d) 13
number which can be placed at the sign of (a) 72 (b) 36
question mark (?) from the given (c) 54 (d) 18
alternatives. Q34. In the following question, select the
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे number which can be placed at the sign of
Q30. In the following question, select the
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर question mark (?) from the given
रखा जा सकता है ।
number which can be placed at the sign of
question mark (?) from the given
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
रखा जा सकता है ।
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
5 9 6 39
रखा जा सकता है ।
3 11 7 26
7 6 3 48
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) 4 9 8 63 8 5 4 ?
(a) 15 (b) 21 MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
2 5 7 ?
(c) 18 (d) 17 (a). 48 (b) 44
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 68 (b) 37 (c). 36 (d). 34
Q27.In the following question, Select the
(c) 64 (d) 42
number which can be placed at the sign of Q35. In the following question, select the
question mark(?) from the given number which can be placed at the sign of
Q31. In the following question, select the
alternatives. question mark (?) from the given
number which can be placed at the sign of
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे alternatives.
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर question mark (?) from the given
alternatives. िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
रखा जा सकता है ।
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर रखा जा सकता है ।
रखा जा सकता है ।
5 3 7
9 11 5 94 6 15 12
7 9 13 ? 9 2 3
6 5 14 16 ? 20 22
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 14 (b) 20 (a) 50 (b) 60 (a). 26 (b). 18
(c) 19 (d) 17 (c). 24 (d). 20
(c) 48 (d) 44

Q28. In the following question, select the Q36. In the following question, select the
number which can be placed at the sign of
number which can be placed at the sign of 216
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

question mark (?) from the given 8 3 ?

alternatives. 10 9 361
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर (a) 101 (b) 111
रखा जा सकता है । (c) 144 (d) 121
6 7 3
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
5 ? 5 Q46. Select the number that will replace
(a) 82 (b) 77
4 9 8 the question mark.
(c) 58 (d) 94
34 30 23 उस नंबर का चयन कर जो िच को बदल
दे गा।
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q41.In the following question, select the 11 11 11
(a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 6 (d). 2 number which can be placed at the sign of 27 9 ?
question mark(?). From the given 4 6 9
Q37. In the following question, select the alternatives. MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
number which can be placed at the sign of िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 5
question mark (?) from the given िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
alternatives. रखा जा सकता है ।
Q47. Find the number which will come at
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे 37 142 87 the place of (?) from the following
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर 5 27 18 options.
रखा जा सकता है । 27 88 ? िन िल खत िवक ों म से (?) के थान पर आने
6 13 72 MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) वाली सं ा ात कीिजए।
(a) 71 (b) 45 7 13 84
4 7 24 (c) 38 (d) 51 4 19 72
8 14 ?
9 11 ? Q42. Select the number that will replace MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
the question mark. (a)104 (b)112
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
उस नंबर का चयन कर जो िच को बदल (c) 96 (d) 108
(a) 16 (b) 20
दे गा।
(c) 90 (d) 31
4 16 63 CPO 2019 TIER I
7 35 ?
Q38. In the following question, select the 8 48 287
number which can be placed at the sign of MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) Q48. Study the given pattern carefully
question mark (?) from the given (a) 210 (b) 140 and select the number that can replace the
alternatives. (c) 174 (d) 198 question mark(?) in it .
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
Q43. Find the missing number from the उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच के
रखा जा सकता है ।
6 13 51 below options. थान पर आ सकती है |
4 7 29 नीचे िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात 3 18 27
19 11 ? 14 13 ?
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) 7 5 144 34 62 98
(a) 61 (b) 16
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) 17 (d) 71 9 4 169 (a) 15 (b) 25
(c) 22 (d) 23
Q39. In the following question, select the 8 6 ?
number which can be placed at the sign of MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Q49. Study the given pattern carefully
question mark (?) from the given (a) 225 (b) 176
(c) 256 (d) 196 and select the number that can replace the
question mark(?) in it?
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
Q44. Study the following pattern and find िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर
the missing number from the given उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
रखा जा सकता है ।
options. के थान पर आ सकती है |
67 39 28
िन िल खत पैटन का अ यन कर और िदए गए
51 ? 14 िवक ों म से लापता सं ा ात कर।
75 28 47 8 25 76
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) 5 16 49
(a) 37 (b) 26 7 22 ?
(c) 13 (d) 41 MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) 90 (b) 64
(c) 67 (d) 79 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
Q40. In the following question, select the [a] 23 (b) 72
number which can be placed at the sign of (c) 14 (d) 21
Q45 Find the missing number from the
question mark(?) from the given
alternatives. below options.
नीचे िदए गए िवक ों म से लु सं ा ात
िन िल खत म, उस नंबर का चयन कर िजसे
िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच पर कीिजए।
रखा जा सकता है । 6 7 169
Missing Number

Q50. Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
and select the number that can replace the उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच के उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
question mark(?) in it . थान पर आ सकती है | के थान पर आ सकती है |
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा 7 13 6
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? ) 4 22 18
के थान पर आ सकती है | 15 ? 7
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (a) 23 (b) 24
[a] 48 (b) 52 (c) 22 (d) 21
(c) 40 (d) 50

CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
Q.59. Study the given pattern carefully
Q55. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the
(a) 8 (b) 5
and select the number that can replace the question mark(?) in it.
(c) 3 (d) 4
question mark(?) in it. िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस उस सं ा का चयन कर जो िच ( ? ) के
Q51. Study the given pattern carefully सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को थान पर आ सकती है |
and select the number that can replace the बदल सकती है ।
question mark (?) in it.
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो िच ( ? ) के
थान पर आ सकती है |

CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (a) 164 (b) 166
(a) 157 (b) 154 (c) 268 (d) 162
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) (c) 150 (d)165
[a] 350 (b) 530 Q.60. Study the given pattern carefully
(c) 529 (d) 550
CGL 2019 TIER I and select the number that can replace the
Q52. Study the given pattern carefully question mark(?) in it.
Q.56. Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा
and select the number that can replace the
and select the number that can replace the उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
question mark(?) in it .
के थान पर आ सकती है |
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और question mark(?) in it .
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच के िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा 7 11 14
थान पर आ सकती है | उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? ) 53 127 ?
के थान पर आ सकती है | 4 6 3
6 21 14 CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) 196 (b) 200
40 500 ?
(c) 169 (d) 199
8 25 7
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) Q.61.Study the given pattern carefully
(a) 8 (b) 12
(a) 84 (b) 78
(c) 13 (d) 15 and select the number that can replace the
(c) 98 (d) 91
question mark(?) in it
Q53. Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा
Q57.Study the pattern carefully and select उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
and select the number that can replace the
the number that will replace the question के थान पर आ सकती है |
question mark (?) in it.
mark(?) in it
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच के
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? )
थान पर आ सकती है |
के थान पर आ सकती है |
5 4 41
15 6 ?
9 11 202
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 212 (b) 209 CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(c) 261 (d) 122 (a) 446 (b) 464
[a] 2 (b) 5
(c) 4126 (d) 444
(c) 4 (d) 3
Q58.Study the pattern carefully and select
the number that will replace the question Q.62.Study the given pattern carefully
Q54. Study the given pattern carefully
mark(?) in it and select the number that can replace the
and select the option that can replace the
question mark(?) in it.
question mark (?) in it.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा Q.66.Study the given pattern carefully (c) 14 (d) 18
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच ( ? ) and select the number that can replace the
के थान पर आ सकती है | question mark (?) in it. Q.70.Study the given pattern carefully
10 3 14 िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए and select the number that can replace the
49 15 68 तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िच ( ? ) question mark(?) in it.
के थान पर आ सकती है | िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
33 19 ?
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) 42 37 ?
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
(a) 28 (b) 29
(c) 25 (d) 27 18 24 36 50 48 30
252 296 540 56 32 40
Q.63. Study the given pattern carefully
and select the number that can replace the CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 50 (b) 40 350 192 ?
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा
(c) 55 (d) 45 CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो इस म िच ( ? ) (a) 150 (b) 145
के थान पर आ सकती है | Q.67 Study the given pattern carefully (c) 180 (d) 140
and select the number that can replace the
question mark(?) in it. Q.71.Study the given pattern carefully
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए and select the number that can replace the
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम question mark(?) in it.
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
23 5 110 तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
56 9 121 िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
49 3 ? 29 71 67
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 64 (b) 96 CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) 8 11 14
(a) 95 (b) 77 4 7 ?
(c) 82 (d) 74
(c) 111 (d) 113 3 6 3
Q.64. Study the given pattern carefully CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
Q.68. Study the given pattern carefully (a) 4 (b) 6
and select the number that can replace the
and select the number that can replace the (c) 5 (d) 3
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
question mark (?) in it.
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए Q.72. Study the given pattern carefully
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम and select the number that can replace the
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
question mark (?) in it.
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है ।

14 17 22

CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) 49 61 ?

(a) 6 (b) 9 (a) 82 (b) 92
(c) 7 (d) 8 (c) 88 (d) 98 189 237 317
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q.65. Study the given pattern carefully Q.69. Study the given pattern carefully (a) 83 (b) 71
and select the number that can replace the and select the number that can replace the (c) 79 (d) 81
question mark(?) in it. question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए Q.73.Study the given pattern carefully
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम and select the number that can replace the
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है |
question mark(?) in it.
21 18 32 10 4 7 5 िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
19 22 ? तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
299 296 348 15 7 8 25 िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है ।
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
14 3 6 12
(a) 28 (b) 24
(c) 30 (d) 14 10 ? 14 65
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 10 (b) 16
Missing Number

33 35 39 CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)

189 191 ? (a) 16 (b) 26
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) (c) 12 (d) 20
(a) 217 (b) 203
(c) 199 (d) 195 Q82. Study the given carefully and select
the number that can replace the question
CHSL 2019 TIER I mark (?) in it.
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
(a) 54 (b) 18 की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
Q78.Select the number that can replace
(c) 38 (d) 29 5 6 4 26
the question mark(?) in the following
7 6 5 37
Q.74.Study the given pattern carefully 4 8 10 ?
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
and select the number that can replace the CHSL 17/03/20(Afternoon)
अंक आएगा ?
question mark(?) in it. (a) 22 (b) 49
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए (c) 17 (d) 65
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है । Q83. Study the given pattern carefully
and select the number that can replace the
CHSL 17/03/20(Morning)
question mark (?) in it.
(a)31 (b)21
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
(c)23 (d)17
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
13 108 26 55 ? 157
Q79.Select the number that can replace
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) 11 9 14
the question mark(?) in the following
(a) 59 (b) 63 CHSL 17/03/20(Evening)
(c) 71 (d) 77 pattern.
(a) 32 (b) 39
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
(c) 72 (d) 52
अंक आएगा ?
Q.75.Study the given pattern carefully
10 17 8
and select the number that can replace the Q84. Study the given pattern carefully
5 3 15
question mark (?) in it. and select the number that can replace the
6 14 ?
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए question mark (?) in it.
42 68 92
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है । CHSL 17/03/20(Morning) की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a)46 (b)23 9 14 7
11 12 18
(c)10 (d)25 130 135 168
4 5 6
13 9 ?
57 19 ? Q80. Of the four given equations, the first
CHSL 17/03/20(Evening)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) three are solved on the basis of a certain
(a) 11 (b) 15
(a) 69 (b) 55 system. Find the correct answer for the
(c) 21 (d) 19
(c) 108 (d) 205 unsolved fourth equation on the same
basis. Q85. Study the given pattern carefully
Q.76.Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए चार समीकरणों म से, पहले तीन एक
and select the number that can replace the
and select the number that can replace the िनि त णाली के आधार पर हल िकए जाते ह।
question mark (?) in it.
question mark(?) in it. उसी आधार पर अनसुलझे चौथे समीकरण के िलए
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए सही उ र ात करे ।
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम 6*5 = 91
15 18 ?
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है । 8*7 = 169
5 6 4 9 6 7
15 18 ? 10*7 = 211
CHSL 18/03/20(Afternoon)
8 9 12 22*5 = ?
(a) 15 (b) 21
161 243 432 CHSL 17/03/20(Morning)
(c) 22 (d) 23
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a)993 (b)331
(a) 22 (b) 26 (c)678 (d)845 Q86. Study the given pattern carefully
(c) 24 (d) 20 and select the number that can replace the
Q81. Study the given pattern carefully
question mark (?) in it.
Q.77. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in it. सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
question mark(?) in it. िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं बदल सकती है ।
िदए गए ा प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? 26 25 ?
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम 13 19 71 9 128 32
4 6 7 1 5 3
िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है । 4 10 ? CHSL 18/03/20(Evening)
11 13 17 (a) 17 (b) 24
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 19 (d) 22 9 ? 169 िदए गए पैटन ान से अ यन कर और प है िक

CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) यह म िच (?) की जगह ले सकता का चयन
Q87.Study the given pattern carefully and (a) 3 (b) 6 कर।
select the number that can replace the (c) 4 (d) 7
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं Q92.Study the given pattern carefully and
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? select the number that can replace the
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए टे बल को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं की CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? (a) S (b) K (c) J (d) R
150 25 100
Q97. Study the given pattern carefully
CHSL 19/03/20(Morning)
132 22 88
and select the number that can replace the
(a)13 (b)11 162 ? 108
question mark (?) in it.
(c)21 (d)23 CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
(a)24 (b)29
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
Q88.Study the given pattern carefully and (c)30 (d)27
2 10 18
select the number that can replace the 3 30 84
question mark(?) in it. Q93. Study the given pattern carefully
4 68 ?
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं and select the number that can replace the CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? question mark (?) in it. (a) 264 (b) 256
11 17 8 िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(c) 260 (d) 512
5 3 15
3 7 ? Q98. Study the given pattern carefully
361 729 1225 and select the number that can replace the
CHSL 19/03/20(Morning) question mark (?) in it.
(a)22 (b)25 िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(c)12 (d)21 की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(a) 81 (b) 196
(c) 256 (d) 289 9, 12, 48
Q89.Study the given pattern carefully and 17, 20, 80
select the number that can replace the 33, 36, ?
Q94. Select the number that can replace
question mark(?) in it. CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following
िन िल खत ित प को ानपूवक पढ़ और (a) 118 (b) 144
िच के थान पर उिचत अंक चुन | (c) 110 (d) 120
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
(1,2,2) (7,35,5) (12,96,?)
CHSL 13/10/20(Evening) Q99. Select the number that can replace
(a)11 (b)8 the question mark (?) in the following
(c)7 (d)9 series.
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
Q90. Find the missing number from the CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) अंक आएगा ?
below options. (a) 11 (b) 5
िच के थान पर उिचत िवक चुन | (c) 14 (d) 16

Q95. Study the given pattern carefully

and select the number that can replace the
question mark (?) in it. CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? (a) 241 (b) 225
(c) 210 (d) 425
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
Q100. Select the number that can replace
(a)62 (b)22
the question mark (?) in the following
(c)38 (d)58
CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) series.
(a) 737 (b) 521 दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सा
Q91. Study the given pattern carefully
(c) 729 (d) 396 अंक आएगा ?
and select the number that can replace the
question mark (?) in it.
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं Q96. Study the given pattern carefully
की िच के थान पर ा आएगा ? and select the letter that can replace the
6 4 100 question mark (?) in it. CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
7 5 144 (a) 2 (b) 18
Missing Number

(c) 22 (d) 6 (a) 12 (b) 4

Q105. Study the given pattern carefully (c) 16 (d) 15
Q101. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the
and select the number that can replace the question mark (?) in it. Q109. Study the given pattern carefully
question mark (?) in it. िदए गए ित प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए and select the number that can replace the
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं और उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम question mark(?) in it.
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है । िदए गए ित प का अ यन कीिजए तथा उस
सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम िच (?) के
थान पर आ सकती है ।

16 14 19

SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) CPO 23/11/20(Morning) 391 270 ?

(a) 168 (b) 130 (a) 22 (b) 30
(c) 204 (d) 241 (c) 39 (d) 32 23 18 14

Q102. Study the given pattern carefully Q106. Study the given pattern carefully CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
and select the number that can replace the and select the number that can replace the (a) 258 (b) 280
question mark (?) in it. question mark(?) in it. (c) 240 (d) 320
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं िदए गए ित प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम Q110. Study the given pattern carefully
3 30 84 िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है ।
and select the number that can replace the
question mark(?) in it.
2 10 18 िदए गए ित प का अ यन कीिजए तथा उस
सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम िच (?) के
4 ? 260 थान पर आ सकती है ।
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
(a) 64 (b) 60 CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
4507 7077 37
(c) 16 (d) 68 (a) 188 (b) 150
(c) 194 (d) 176 2503 3067 26
Q103.Study the given pattern carefully
and select the number that can replace the 3307 4061 ?
question mark(?) in it. Q107. Study the given pattern carefully
िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं and select the number that can replace the CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ? question mark(?) in it. (a) 67 (b) 45
िदए गए ित प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए (c) 72 (d) 24
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
िच के थान पर आ सकती है ।
Q111. Study the given pattern carefully
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
14 16 60 and select the number that can replace the
(a)15 (b)35 question mark (?) in it.
11 17 ? िदए गए ित प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए
(c)16 (d)24
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम
15 18 99
िच (?) के थान पर आ सकती है ।
CPO 2020 TIER 1 CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
9 8 12
(a) 78 (b) 168
Q104. Study the given pattern carefully (c) 89 (d) 144 6 3 8
and select the number that can replace the
question mark(?) in it. Q108. Study the given pattern carefully 45 ? 80
िन िल खत ित प को ान से दे खए तथा उस and select the number that can replace the
सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो इसम िच (?) के question mark(?) CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
थान पर आएगी। िदए गए ित प का ानपूवक अ यन कीिजए (a) 50 (b) 60
तथा उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो िच (?) (c) 55 (d) 75
के थान पर आ सकती है ।

14 28 98 Q112. Study the given pattern carefully

and select the number that can replace the
7 48 84
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
CPO 23/11/20(Morning) ? 60 60
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 7 CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) बदल सकती है ।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)

14 26 182
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को (a)596 (b)544
बदल सकती है । (c)558 (d)552
24 16 192
14 4 28
? 22 187
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) 21 6 63 Q120. Study the given pattern carefully
(a) 21 (b) 30 and select the number that can replace the
45 8 ? question mark (?) in it.
(c) 17 (d) 23
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
(a)150 (b)210 सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(c)195 (d)180 बदल सकती है ।
Q113. Study the given pattern carefully
and select the number that can replace the
18 21 24
question mark(?) in it. 24 11 27
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस Q117. Study the given pattern carefully 12 ? 16
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को and select the number that can replace the 16 22 18
बदल सकती है । question mark (?) in it. CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस (a)32 (b)38
17 41 ?
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को (c)36 (d)42
15 24 29 बदल सकती है ।

19 9 140 Q121.Study the given pattern carefully

49 106 85 and select the number that can replace the
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) 17 9 130 question mark (?) in it.
(a) 32 (b) 24 िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
? 5 120 सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(c) 37 (d) 28
बदल सकती है ।
Q114. Study the given pattern carefully CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 12 33 28
and select the number that can replace the (a) 24 (b) 28 9 12 ?
question mark(?) in it. (c) 19 (d) 47 13 40 17
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को Q118. Study the given pattern carefully (a)16 (b)61
बदल सकती है । and select the number that can replace the (c)51 (d)15
125 8 64 question mark (?) in it.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस Q122. Study the given pattern carefully
27 55 72 सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को and select the number that can replace the
बदल सकती है । question mark (?) in it.
135 ? 288 36 55 49 िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(a) 144 (b) 208 64 47 39 बदल सकती है ।
(c) 192 (d) 110 8 27 32 16
49 ? 61
Q115. Study the given pattern carefully 12 18 16 20
and select the number that can replace the CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
question mark(?) in it. (a) 88 (b) 72 18 12 ? 25
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस (c) 68 (d) 120
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
बदल सकती है । Q119. Study the given pattern carefully (a)10 (b)14
17 18 19 and select the number that can replace the (c)12 (d)8
question mark (?) in it.
21 22 ? िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस Q123. Study the given pattern carefully
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को and select the number that can replace the
396 437 520 बदल सकती है । question mark (?) in it.
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
(a) 30 (b) 25 557 835 504 सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(c) 27 (d) 28 बदल सकती है ।
447 753 612
46 12 30 28
Q116. Study the given pattern carefully
502 794 ?
and select the number that can replace the 32 16 ? 30
question mark (?) in it.
Missing Number

Q127. Study the given pattern carefully 125.(d) 126.(c) 127.(c)

54 10 29 35
and select the number that can replace the
question mark (?) in it.
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस
(a)20 (b)18 सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
(c)22 (d)16 बदल सकती है । CGL 2018 Tier I
36 49 43
Q124. Study the given pattern carefully Sol 1. (c)
and select the number that can replace the 42 64 ? 19 + 20 = 39 × 2 = 78
question mark(?) in it. 25 + 47 = 72 × 2 = 144
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस 24 36 30
16 + 13 = 29 × 2 = 58.
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
बदल सकती है ।
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) Sol 2. (d) Logic is : difference between
12 9 16 (a) 38 (b) 32 the square
(c) 34 (d) 36 2 2
9 3 27 16 - 9 = 256 - 81 = 175

14 ? 28 Sol 3. (b)
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 9 × 3 = 27 + 1 = 28 ; 28 × 3 = 84 + 1 =
1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(c)
(a) 8 (b) 9 85.
(c) 7 (d) 11 5.(a) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(a) Similarly….12 × 3 = 36 + 1 = 37 ; 37 ×
9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(b) 12.(b) 3 = 111 + 1 = 112.
Q125. Study the given pattern carefully 13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(d)
and select the number that can replace the Sol 4. (c)
17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(b) 17 + 5 = 22 + 15 = 37 ;
question mark(?) in it.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस 21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(a) Similarly 16 + 5 = 21 + 15 = 36.
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को 25.(c) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(b)
बदल सकती है । Sol 5. (a)
29.(b) 30.(d) 31.(a) 32.(d) 2
12 9 14 4 + 3 = 16 + 3 = 19 ;
33.(a) 34.(c) 35.(d) 36.(a) 2
6 + 4 = 36 + 4 = 40 ;
6 ? 8 37.(c) 38.(d) 39.(a) 40.(b) 2
Similarly , 9 + 9 = 81 + 9 = 90.
7 10 4 41.(d) 42.(c) 43.(d) 44.(c)
45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(a) 48.(c) Sol 6. (a)
14 18 7 6 + 7 = 13 ; 24 + 28 = 52 ; 96 + 112 =
49.(d) 50.(d) 51.(b) 52.(d)
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 208.
53.(a) 54.(d) 55.(a) 56.(d)
(a) 8 (b) 7
(c) 6 (d) 5 57.(c) 58.(c) 59.(d) 60.(d) Sol 7. (a) Logic is : in a row addition of
61.(d) 62.(a) 63.(d) 64.(b) the first two, when divided by 9 gives the
Q126. Study the given pattern carefully third number.
65.(d) 66.(d) 67.(b) 68.(c)
and select the number that can replace the 50 + 31 = 81 ÷ 9 = 9
question mark (?) in it. 69.(b) 70.(a) 71.(c) 72.(d) 43 + 11 = 54 ÷ 9 = 6
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस 73.(a) 74.(a) 75.(c) 76.(c) Similarly , 42 + 21 = 63 ÷ 9 = 7
सं ा का चयन कर जो इसम िच (?) को
77.(d) 78.(a) 79.(b) 80.(b)
बदल सकती है ।
81.(d) 82.(a) 83.(b) 84.(c) Sol 8. (a) Logic is : √1st row + 2nd row
9 8 7 = Third row.
85.(b) 86.(a) 87.(a) 88.(c)
6 7 8 89.(b) 90.(a) 91.(c) 92.(d)
√9 + 6 = 3 + 6 = 9 ;
√25 + 11 = 5 + 11 = 16 ;
4 5 3 93.(c) 94.(c) 95.(a) 96.(c)
Similarly , √49 + 13 = 7 + 13 = 20.
97.(c) 98.(b) 99.(b) 100.(b)
50 ? 53
101.(d) 102.(d) 103.(c) 104.(c) Sol 9. (d)
2 2
105.(d) 106.(c) 107.(b) 108.(b) 4 + 5 = 16 + 25 = 41.
2 2
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 109.(b) 110.(d) 111.(c) 112.(c) 6 + 3 = 16 + 09 = 25
(a) 61 (b) 52 2 2 2
113.(d) 114.(d) 115.(b) 116.(d) 7 + X = 49 + X = 58
(c) 51 (d) 47 X2 = 9 ; X = 3
117.(c) 118.(c) 119.(c) 120.(d)
121.(b) 122.(d) 123.(b) 124.(c)
Sol 10. (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

3 6+9+11=26, 26 ÷ 2=13
11 + √16 = 11 + 4 = 15 216 = 6 , 6 = 5 + 1.
12+4+6=22, 22 ÷ 2=11
17 + √36 = 17 + 6 = 23
Similarly , 8 + √4 = 8 + 2 = 10. MTS 2019 Tier I
Sol 20.(b) 7+6+3=16 × 3=48 Sol 34.(c)
4+9+8=21 × 3=63 5 x 9 = 45 - 6 = 39
Sol 11. (b)
3 x 1 = 33 - 7 = 26
2 2
9 - 6 = 81 - 36 = 45 ; 2+5+7=14 × 3=42
8 x 5 = 40 - 4 = 36.
2 2
11 - 8 = 121 - 64 = 57 ;
Sol 21.(c) 4+5+9=18
2 2
8 - 3 = 64 - 9 = 55. Sol 35.(d)
So , the missing number is 55. 7+12+3 = 22
3+15+2 = 20
Sol 22.(b) 5 × 6 + 6 × 62 = 30 + 18 = 5+6+9 = 20
Sol 12. (b)
9-7=2, 2 =8 48 ; 9 × 2 + 2 × 22 = 18 + 2 = 20 ;
3 8
Sol 36.(a) 6 x 5 + 4 = 30 + 4 = 34
5 - 2 = 3 , 3 = 27 7 × 8+8 × = 56 + 32 = 88.
2 3 x 5 = 15 + 8 = 23
7 - 3 = 4 , 4 = 64 7x + 9 = 30 ; 7x = 21 ; x = 3.
Sol 23.(d) 7 × 7 - 1 = 48 ; 9 × 5 - 0 = 45
Sol 13. (a) 11 × 5 - 1 = 55 - 1 = 54. Sol 37.(c)
20 - 12 = 8 , 8 = 64 13 - 1 = 12 , 6 x 12 = 72
24 - 17 = 7 , 7 = 49
Sol 24(a). 3 + 4 + 9 = 16 + 1 = 17 7 - 1 = 6 , 4 x 6 = 24
2 7 + 2 + 5 = 14 + 1 = 15 11 - 1 = 10 , 9 x 10 = 90.
8 - 4 = 4 , 4 = 16.
6 + 8 + 3 = 17 + 1 = 18.
Sol 38.(d)
Sol 14. (c) Sol 25.(c) 3 × 3+6=15,
3 2
6 + 13 = 19 ; 19 x 3 - 6 = 51
4 + 5 = 64 + 25 = 89 4 × 2+4=12, 4 + 7 = 11 ; 11 x 3 - 4 = 29
3 2
3 + 4 = 27 + 16 = 43 7 × 5+2=37 19 + 11 = 30 ; 30 x 3 - 19 = 71
3 2
1 + 2 =1+4=5 Sol 26 (c) 7 + 8 + 4 = 19 - 1 = 18
Sol 39.(a)In row 1st 39 + 28 = 67 ;
2 + 3 + 9 = 14 - 1 = 13
Sol 15. (a) 5 + 6 + 8 = 19 - 1 = 18. 3rd row; 47 + 28 = 75 ;
32 2nd row 51 - 14 = 37.
35 +
2 = 35 + 16 = 51 ; Sol 27.(b)6 + 3 + 3+ 8 = 20 ; 11+ 4 + 4+ 7
18 = 26 ; Sol 40.(b) Logic is : In each row (a, b, c)
28 + = 28 + 9 = 37 ;
2 9 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 20. is a + c = b + a/2
Similarly , 40 + 2
= 40 + 7 = 47. So, 32+61 = 93 - 16 = 77.
So , the missing number is 40. Sol 28.(b) 5 + 6 + 9 + 9 = 29
3 + 7 + 4 + 4 = 18 Sol 41.(d)Here, in the 1st column, 1st
Sol 16. (d) 1 + 3 + 9 + 9 = 22. term- 2 × 2nd term= 3rd term
18 37 - 5 × 2 = 37 - 10 = 27 ;
+ 17 = 9 + 17 = 26
2 Sol 29.(b) 142 - 27 × 2 = 142 - 54 = 88 ;
28 9+6+4=19 × 2=38, 87 - 18 × 2 = 87 - 36 = 51.
+ 13 = 14 + 13 = 27
2 3+2+5=10 × 2=20
Similarly , 502 + 11 = 25 + 11 = 36 7+8+3=18 × 2=36 Sol 42.(c)For column 1st: 4 × 4 = 16 × 4
=64-1= 63 ;
Sol 30.(d)
Sol 17. (a) 7 × 5=35 × 5=175-1=174
2 2 7+6+3=16 × 3=48
7 + 8 = 49 + 64 = 113. 8 × 6 =48 × 6 = 288-1=287
2 2
4+9+8=21 × 3=63
14 + 9 = 196 + 81 = 277. 2+5+7=14 × 3=42
Sol 43.(d)7 + 5 = 12 , (12)2 = 144 ;
Sol 18. (c) 36 - 8 = 28 + 4 = 32. 9 + 4 = 13 , (13)2 = 169 ;
Sol 31.(a) 11 × 9 - 5 = 99 - 5 = 94
Difference between 1st and 2nd is double 8 + 6 = 14 , (14)2= 196.
6 × 5 - 14 = 30 - 14 = 16
the difference between 2nd and 3rd.
9 × 7 - 13 = 63 - 13 = 50 Sol 44. (c) Here, the pattern :
52 - 12 = 40 + 6 = 46.
86 - 74 = 12 + 37 = 49. (25-8) × 4 + 8 = 76
Sol 32.(d) 11 + 9 + 7 = 27 - 3 = 24 (16-5) × 4 + 5 = 49
17 + 6 + 4 = 27 - 3 = 24 (22-7) × 4 + 7 = 67
Sol 19. (b)
3 12 + 12 + 9 = 33 - 3 = 30.
2 + 3 = 5 , 5 = 125 ;
3 Sol 45.(d) Here, in all rows: (sum of 1st
3 + 4 = 7 , 7 = 343 ; Sol 33.(a) & 2nd term)2= 3rd term.
Missing Number

6 + 7 = 13 , 13 * 13 = 169 ; In the 3rd row, 72 + 12 + 22

10 + 9 = 19 , 19 * 19 = 361. = 49 + 1 + 4 = 54 ; Sol:63.(d)The pattern: +6, +10, 14,
8 + 3 = 11 , 11 * 11 = 121. Similarly , in the 2nd row , 52 + 32 + 42 +18…& so on starting from 4.
= 25 + 9 + 16 = 50. Thus, the gap between them is 4. For
Sol 46.(b)In all rows: square root of eg.4=(10-6) & next (14-10) on
(First number × Third number) = Second Sol 55. ( a) Logic is : In each row n : 3n
number +1
11 × 11= square root of 121= 11 = second As, 7 × 3+1=22, 22 × 3+1=67 and so on..
number So, answer is 52 × 3+1= 157
27 × ? = (9)2
? = 81/27= 3 Sol:.56.(d)
Here, the pattern which is being followed
Sol 47. (a) The logic followed here is: column wise is:
1st row: 7 × (13-1)= 7 × 12= 84 (1st term × 3rd term) - 3rd term = 2nd
2nd row: 4 × (19-1)=4 × 18=72 term
Similarly, 3rd row: 8 × (14-1)= 8 × 6 × 8 = 48
13=104 48-8 = 40
Sol 48. (c) 14 × 7 = 98
Sol:64.(b) In this question, logic has been
1st Column: 3 + 14 = 17 × 2 = 34 98-7 = 91
applied row wise i.e. (1st term × 3rd term)
2nd Column:18 + 13 = 31 × 2 = 62 / 2nd term = 4th term.
3rd Column: 27 + 22 = 49 × 2 = 98 Sol:57.(c) Here, in the first row, Square of
So, as per 4th row= (18 × 8) / x = 16
the 1st term + Square of the 2nd term =
x= (18 × 8 )/16= 9
Sol 49.(d) In the first column , 48-28=20 3rd term.
× 3=60 Square of 15 + Square of 6 = 225 + 36 =
Sol:65.(d)In this question, logic has been
Similarly. 71-65= 6 × 18=108 261
applied column wise, i.e,
98/7=14 (35-21) (1st no. × 2nd no.)- 100= 3rd no.
Sol:58.(c)Here, the row-wise required
35-21=14 × 7=98 21 × 19= 399-100= 299
pattern is as follows:
so the answer will be 21. Similarly, 32 × 14=448-100= 348
1st term + 3rd term = Middle term
7 + 6 = 13
Sol.50.(d) Logic is : In each Row 4 + 18 = 22 Sol:66.(d)The logic:
F irst number F ourth number 15 + 7 = 22 42 × 6(18/3)= 252,
Second number = T hird number
37 × 8(24/3)= 296,
18 / 4 = 4.5 × 2 = 9.
Sol:59.(d)The required pattern is: Similarly,
So, the missing number is 4.
28 × 36= 1008/4= 252 45 × 12(36/3)= 540.
Sol 51. (b) In the first row, Square of 4 + 30 × 32= 960/4= 240
3 = 16 + 3 = 19 ; 36 × 18= 648/4= 162 Sol:.67.(b)
In the second row , square of 18 + 6 = (23 , 5 , 110) ⇒ 2 + 5 + 5 = 10 x 11 =
324 + 6 = 330 ; Sol:60.(d)The required pattern is: 110
So, in the 3rd row, 232 + 1 = 529+ 1 = In the 1st column. 72 + 4= 53, ( 56 , 9 , 121 ) ⇒ 5 + 6 = 11 ⇒ 1 + 1 + 9
530. 112 + 6= 127 = 11 x 11 = 121
Similarly, 142 + 3= 199. (49 , 3 , 77 ) ⇒ 4 + 9 = 13 ⇒ 1 + 3 + 4 =
Sol 52.(d) Logic is : (First number × 7 x 11 = 77
Third number ) - Third number Sol:61.(b)
255 = (18x) - x NN3 are given together in the pattern. Sol:.68.(c)
255 / 17 = 15. 113= 11, Logic is : In each row a, b, 2(a-b)
So, the missing number is 15. 223= 28, So, (49-5)*2 = 44*2 = 88
333= 327
443= 464. Sol:.69.(b)
Sol 53. (a) Logic is : In each column
553= 5125 In column i - 10 x(15-14) = 10
(first number × third number) + fourth In column ii - 4 x (7-3) = 16
number = second number. In column iii - 7 x (8-6) = 14
Similarly, in the 3rd column, 64 - 48 = 16, Sol:62.(a) In column iv - 5 x (25-12)=65
16/8 = 2. The required pattern is:
10= 3 + 7[14/2] Sol:.70.(a)
2 2
Sol 54. (d) In the first row, 3 + 2 + 52 49= 15 + 34[68/2] 50 × 568 = 350
= 9 + 4 + 25 = 38 ; Similarly, 33 = 19 + 14[28/2] 48 × 32
= 192
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Similarly, In first figure:- (25)2 - (5)2 = 625 - 25 = Similarly,

30 × 408 = 150. 600 34
(5)2 + (3)2 = 25 + 9 = 34 ; 2 = 17
In second figure:- (27)2 - (3)2 = 729 - 9 =
Sol:.71.(c) 720
Sol 87. (a)
Here, the required pattern is being Similarly,
25 × 5-5 = 120
followed column-wise. In the third figure:- (?)2 - (9)2 = 880 ⇒
23 × 7-7 = 154
In 1st column (?)2 = 880 + 81 = 961
13 × 13-13 = 156
8 × 4 = 32 , 32 - 3 = 29 ?= √961 = 31
In second column Sol 88. (c)
11 × 7 = 77 , 77 - 6 = 71 Sol 79(b) 10+5+6=21 × 2=42 11 17 8
Similarly, 17+3+14=34 × 2=68 5 3 15
In third column 8+15+23=46 × 2=92 3 7 ?
14 × 5 = 70 , 70 - 3 = 67 So , 23 will be the correct answer. 2
=(11+5+3) =(17+3+7) 2
2 2
=(19) =(27) =(35)2
Sol:.72.(d) The pattern followed is: Sol 80. (b) =361 =729 =1225
1st column (14 × 4)-7= 49 , (49 × 6 × 5 = 30 × 3+1=91
4)-7=189 8 × 7 = 56 × 3+1=169 Sol 89. (b)
For 2nd column (17 × 4)-7= 61, (61 × 10 × 7 = 70 × 3+1=211 In the given patterns the middle number
4)-7= 237 22 × 5 = 110 × 3+1=331 in the sets is the product of the other two.
For 3rd column (22 × 4)-7= 81, (81 × (1,2,2):- 2 = 1 × 2
4)-7= 317 Sol 81. (d) (7,35,5):- 35 = 7 × 5
13 + 19 = 32 ⇒
32 = 4 Similarly, (12,96,?):- 96 = 12 × ?
Sol:.73.(a) Here, 8 Thus, ? = 8
3 × 6 =18 71 + 9 = 80 ⇒ = 10
3 × 9 = 27 160 Sol 90. (a) In column (i)
128 + 32 = 160 ⇒ 8 = 20
6 × 9 = 54 16 + 4 = 20 ⇒ 202 =10
In column (ii) , 30 + 34 = 64 ⇒ 2
= 32
Sol 82. (a) 80
Sol:.74.(a) 7 x 3= 21 -(7+3)= 21-10= 11 In column (ii) , 18 + 62 = 80 ⇒ 2
= 40
5 6 4 26 ⇒ 5 × 6 - 4= 26
9 x 4= 36- (9+4)= 36-13=23
7 6 5 37 ⇒ 7 × 6 - 5 = 37
Similarly : 11 x 7= 77-(18)= 59 Sol 91. (c)
4 8 10 ? ⇒ 4 × 8 - 10 = 22 The number in the third column is the
Sol:75.(c)112 - 43 =57 square of the sum of numbers in the first
Sol 83. (b)
Similarly , 122 -53= 19 two columns.
182- 63 =108 11 = √13 + 108 = √121 6 + 4 = 10 ⇒ (10)2 = 100
9 = √26 + 55 = √81 7 + 5 = 12 ⇒ (12)2 = 144
Sol:.76.(c)Here the pattern is: 14 = √? + 157 ⇒ 196 = ? + 157 ⇒ ? = Similarly,
1st Column (1st Number )2 – (2nd 9 + 4 = 13 ⇒ (13)2 = 169
196 - 157 = 39
Number )2 =3rd Number
For Column 1: Sol 84 (c) Sol 92. (d)
152 – 82 9+1=10 x 13=130 The middle column has the (
225 – 64 = 161 14+1=15 x 9=135 HCF of numbers in the other two columns
For Column 2: 7+1=8 x 21=168 2
182 – 92 +).
324 – 81 = 243 Sol 85. (b) HCF (162, 108) = 54
For Column 3: The pattern followed : odd no. × 54
242 – 122 ?= = 27
Even N o. 2
576 – 144 = 432 2
Hence, “24” is the correct answer. 15 = 5 × 26 = 5 × 3 Sol 93. (c)
In figure (i) :- (7+6)2 = (13)2 = 169;
18 = 9 × 24 = 9 × 2
Sol:.77.(d) The logic: Row 1 ⇒ In figure (ii) :- (9+2)2 = (11)2 = 121;
6 Similarly,
11+2=13, 13+4= 17 ? = 7 × 2 = 7 × 3 = 21
Row 2 ⇒ 33+2=35, 35+4= 39 In figure (i) :- (9+7)2 = (16)2 = 256;
Similarly , Row 3 ⇒ 189+2= 191, Sol 86. (a)
191+4= 195 52 Sol 94. (c)
(4)2 + (6)2 = 16 + 36 = 52; 2 = 26 5 = 2 + (8 - 5)
50 16 = 9 + (10 - 3)
Sol 78. (a) (7)2 + (1)2 = 49 + 1 = 50; 2 = 25
? = 7 + (8 - 1) = 14
Missing Number

3 + 5 = 8 x 10 = 16 x 5 Hence x is equal to 28.

Sol 95. (a)
131 = (5)3 + 6 = 125 + 6 Sol 104. (c) Logic is : in each column Sol 114. (d) Logic is : In each column a3,
348 = (7)3 + 5 = 343 + 5 (a+1)(b+1) = c b, ab.
? = (9)3 + 8 = 729 + 8 = 737
√125 × 27 = 135
So 48=(7+1) × (5+1)
5 is the correct answer.
√8 × 55 = 110

Sol 96. (c)

√64 × 72 = 288
The sum of the alphabet numbers of Sol 105. (d) Logic is : (a, b, 4(a - b))
letters which are vertically opposite to (54-40) × 4 = 56
each other is 19. (68-57) × 4 = 44 Sol 115. (b) Logic is : In each column a,
A + R = 19 Similarly (47-39) × 4= 32 b, (a+1)(b+1)
G + L = 19 (17+1) × (21+1)=396
Similarly, Sol 106. (c) Logic is : In each row *2 + 2 (18+1) × (22+1)=437
I + J = 19 (19+1) × (x+1)=520
we give the next term.
28 × 2 +2 = 58, 58 × 2 +2 =118, similarly So, x is 25
Sol 97.(c) Here, row wise:
in second row
10 x 2 = 20 , 20 - 2 x (2 - 1) = 18 Sol 116. (d) Logic is : In each row a, b,
In 3rd row 47 × 2 + 2 = 96, 96 × 2 + 2 =
30 x 3 = 90 , 90 - 3 x (3 - 1) = 84 ab/2
4 x 68 = 272 , 272 - 4 x (4-1) = 260 194
= 28,
Sol 98. (b) Sol 107. (b) Logic is : (a, b, b2-a2) 21×6
In (14, 16, 60) = 162-142 = 256 - 196 = 60 = 63
9+3 = 12 = 12 × 4 = 48 2
Similarly In (11, 17, 168) = 172 - 112 = 45×8
17+3 = 20 = 20 × 4 = 80 Similarly, = 180
289 - 121 = 168
33+3 = 36 = 36 × 4 = 144
Sol 108. (b) Logic is :In each row (a, b, Sol 117. (c)here logic follows as:
Sol 99. (b) (19+9)= 28, 28 × 5= 140
Logic is : a2 - b2 = c (14 × 28)/4=98 (17+9)=26, 26 × 5=130
So, 252 - 202 = 625 - 400 = 225 Similarly,(x+5) × 5=120
(7 × 48)/4=84
(x × 60)/4=60 x+5=120/5
Sol 100. (b) x=24-5=19
14 + 18 = 32 - 8 = 24 So x=4.
8 + 2 = 10 - 2 = 18 Sol 118. (c) Logic is : In each row a2, a+b,
Sol 109. (b) Logic is : In each column
12 + 10 = 22 - 4 = 18 b
(a+1)c = b
So, in the third row 49, x, 61
Sol 101 (d) So, (19 + 1= 20) × 14 = 280
7 + 61 = x, x = 68.
(7+3) =10 ⇒ 102 = 100 + 16 = 116
Sol 110. (d)
(8+4) = 12 ⇒ 122 = 144 + 16 = 160 Sol 119. (c) Logic is : In each column a,
Logic is : In each row, sum of digit of
(13 + 2) = 15 ⇒ 152 = 225 + 16 = 241 b, average of a and b
first two is equal to the third
So, 504+612=1116/2=558.
(4+5+0+7)+(7+0+7+7)= 37
Sol 102. (d)The logic : Row wise: (1st
(2+5+0+3)+(3+0+6+7)= 26
number × 2nd number)-[1st number × (1st Sol 120. (d) Logic is : Row I and III are
(3+3+0+7)+(4+0+6+1)= 24
number-1)] related in the same way as the row II and
In first row:- (3 × 30)-3 × (3-1)=90-6=84 IV
Sol 111. (c) Logic is : In each column a,
In second row:- (2 × 10)-2(2-1)=20-2=18 As 12 × 1.5=18 in the same way 16 ×
b, a2-b2
Similarly, 1.5=24
So, 82 - 32 = 64 -9 = 55
In the third row:- ? - 4 = x …. (i) In column II,
? + x × (4 - 1) = ? + x × (3) ⇒ ? + 3x = 22 × 0.5=11 In the same way 42 × 0.5=21
Sol 112. (c) Logic is : In each row (a, b,
260 …. (ii) ab/2)
From 3 × (i) and (ii):- (14 × 26) ÷ 2=182
3 × ? - 3 × x = 12 …. (a) Sol 121. (b)
Similarly (x × 22) ÷ 2=187
? + 3x = 260 …. (b) The difference between the first row and
So, x = 17
(a) + (b) ⇒ 4 × ? = 272 second row is a multiple of 3 and the
272 difference between the second row and
?= = 68 Sol 113. (d) Logic is : In each column a,
4 the third row is the multiple of 4
b, 2a+b
For ex 33-12=21(a multiple of 3, As 3 ×
Sol 103. (c) 17 × 2+15=49
4 + 5 = 9 ⇒ 9 × 10 = 18 x 5 41 × 2+24=106
40-12=28(a multiple of 4, As 4 × 7=28)
9 + 2 = 11 ⇒ 11 x 10 = 22 x 5 x × 2+29=85
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

similarly 61-28=33(a multiple of 3, As 11

× 3=33)
61-17=44 (a multiple of 4, As 11 × 4=44)
So, 61 is the correct answer

Sol 122. (d)

Logic is : In each column, first number ✕
third number = (second number)2
32✕ ? = 162

Sol 123. (b) Logic is : In each row, the

sum of first and second is equal to the
third and fourth number.
So, 32+16=? + 30
? = 18

Sol 124. (c)

Logic is : in each row square of first
number is equal to the product of the
So, 14 × 14 = 28 × ?
So ? = 7

Sol 125.(d) Logic is : In each column

product of first and third is equal to
second fourth.
9 × 10= 90, 5 × 18=90

Sol 126. (c) In each column : a, b, c, ab-c

8 × 7 - 5 = 51

Sol 127 (c)

Logic is : first number ±
√second number = third number
42 ± √64 = 50, 34
50 is not an option so 34 is the correct

Statement and Conclusion

STATEMENT AND पर ु वे एक साथ अस हो सकते है ऐसे पदों को called the short term./िन ष के उ े या
िवपरीत पद कहते है । जैसे - िदन -रात , पतला - कता को लघु पद कहते है ।
CONCLUSION / कथन और मोटा (xiii) Major term/वृहद् पद - The
िन ष There is a possibility of a third term like conclusion or predicate of incorporation
there can be a common boy between is called a major term./िन ष या िनगमन के
BASICS RULES OF SYLLOGISM : thin and thick./इसम तीसरे पद की संभावना िवधेय को वृहद् पद कहते है ।
It concludes on the basis of two or more बनी रहती है जैसे पतले और मोटे के बीच एक (xiv) Middle term/म पद - The term
statements. In this, reasoning has to be समा लड़का हो सकता है । which establishes a relationship between
done on the basis of inference, whether (vi) Definite term/िनि त पद - The term
the two statements and in its absence no
the given statement is true or not, yet the which gives the sense of certainty and
valid conclusion can be drawn, such
statement is concluded as true./ इसम दो truth is called definite post. Like - sky,
terms are called middle terms./ जो पद दो
या दो से अिधक कथनो के आधार पर िन ष star, moon/ िजस पद से िनि तता और स का कथनो के दोनों के बीच स थािपत करता है
िनकाला जाता है । इसम अनुमान के आधार पर बोध हो , िनि त पद कहलाता है । जैसे - तथा इसकी अनुप थित म कोई वैध िन ष नहीं
तक करना होता है , चाहे िदया गया कथन स आसमान, तारा, चाँ द िनकला जा सकता , ऐसे पदों को म पद कहते
हो या न हो, िफर भी कथन को स मानकर (vii) Indefinite post/अिनि त पद - - The है ।
िन ष िनकाला जाता है । post which indicates uncertainty or ⋆ Logical sentences have been
Some important words related to untruth is called indefinite post. i.e - a classified in two ways on the basis of
Syllogism :/ इससे स ंिधत कुछ मह पूण house, a child/िजस पद से अिनि तता या quality and quantity.
श अस ता का बोध हो , अिनि त पद कहलाता है । 1. universal/सावभौिमक
जैसे - कोई घर, कोई ब ा 2. Particular/अंश ापी
(i) Term - A word used as a subject and (viii) Equivocal term/अनेकाथक पद - 1.universal/सावभौिमक - Such sentences
predicate in a sentence is called a Term. Such terms which have more than one
are said for the subject and such
i.e - Ram is a good boy./ पद - िकसी वा meaning, are called Equivocal terms. sentences always start with "all" or
मउ े तथा िवधेय के प म यु होने वाले Defects arise in the statements of such
श को पद कहा जाता है । जैसे - राम एक "some" and they are fully connected to
terms because such terms express the subject./ऐसे वा िजसमे उ े के िलए
अ ा लड़का है ।
different meanings in both the कही गयी हो तथा ऐसे वा हमेशा "सभी" या
In this sentence, Ram, good and boy are
statements. i.e - Rama replied, Ram has "कोई" से शु होते है तथा ये कता से पूणतः जुड़े
three different words./इस वा म राम,
gone north./ऐसे पद िजनसे एक से अिधक अथ होते है ।
अ ा तथा लड़का तीनो अलग अलग श है ।
का बोध हो अनेकाथक पद कहलाते है । ऐसे पदों Ex - All cows are cattle./सभी गाय मवेशी
(ii) Subject term - The term of a
के कथनो म दोष उ हो जाता है ुिक ऐसे है । (This sentence is universal
sentence about which it is said is called पद दोनों कथनो म अलग अलग अथ करते affirmative)
the subject term. i.e - Ram is a good है । जैसे - राम ने उ र िदया, राम उ र की तरफ
No cow is cattle./कोई गाय,मवेशी नहीं है ।
boy. गया है ।
(This sentence is universal negative)
Here, Ram is a subject term. (ix) Catergorematic posts/पदयो पद -
2. Particular/अंश ापी - Such
िकसी वा का ऐसा पद िजसके बारे म कहा गया The term that can become the subject
है तो वह उ े पद कहलाता है । जैसे - राम एक
Statements in which some part of the
and predicate of a sentence
अ ा लड़का है । subject is said, are called particular
independently are called Categorematic
यहां राम एक उ े पद है । sentences. Such sentences always start
terms. i.e - all human beings are mortal.
(iii) Predicate term - A term of a with few, some, many, nothing etc./ऐसे
ऐसे पद जो तं प से िकसी वा के उ े
sentence that describes someone's कथन िजसमे उ े के कुछ अंश के बारे म कहा
और िवधेय बन सकते है , पदयो पद कहलाते है
speciality is called a predicate term. i.e - गया हो , अंश ापी वा कहलाते है । ऐसे वा
। जैसे - सभी मनु मरणशील है ।
Ram is a good boy. हमेशा कुछ, कभी -कभी , अनेक, कुछ नहीं आिद
Here, man and mortal are used as
से शु होते है ।
In this sentence, 'good boy' is the subjects and predicates without any
i.e - some cows are cattle./कुछ गाय मवेशी
predicate./वा का ऐसा पद जो िकसी की other word attached to them./यहां मनु
है । (The sentence is particular
िवशेषता बताता हो उसे िवधेय पद कहते है । जैसे और मरणशील िबना िकसी दू सरे श से जुड़े ए
- राम एक अ ा लड़का है । affirmative)
भी उ े और िवधेय के प म यु ए है ।
इस वा म 'अ ा लड़का ' िवधेय पद है । Some cows are not cattle/कुछ गाय मवेशी
(x) Proposition/तक वा - A term that
(iv) Contradictory term / िवरोधाभासी नहीं है ।.(The sentence is particular
shows the relationship between two
श - Two terms when they oppose each negative)
terms of a statement. Like - all cows are
other are called contradictory term. Like ⋆ Distribution of terms:/पदों का
dogs./वैसे पद जो िकसी कथन के दो पदों के
- true-false, speaking-silent/दो पद जब वे िवतरण:
बीच स को दशाता है । जैसे - सभी गाय, कु े
एक दू सरे का िवरोध करते हो िवरोधाभाषी पद है ।
(i) Distributed and undistributed
कहलाते है । जैसे - स -अस , बोलना -चुप (xi) Copula/संयोजक - A term that / ा और अ ा - जब िकसी कथन म ऐसे
रहना पद उप थत हो िजससे संपूणता का बोध हो उसे
establishes a relationship between two
(v) Contrary term/ िवपरीत पद ा पद कहते है तथा िजससे आं िशकता का
terms of a sentence is called a Copula.
Two such terms which cannot be true बोध हो उसे अ ा पद कहते है ।
i.e- Ram is handsome./ वैसे पद जो िकसी
together but they can be untrue ⋆ Kinds of immediate
वा के दो पदों के बीच स थािपत करता है
simultaneously, such terms are called inference/अनुमान के कार -
उसे संयोजक कहते है । जैसे - राम सु र है ।
contrary terms. i.e- day-night, thin - fat (i) Conversion/प रवतन
(xii) Minor term/लघु पद - The
/दो ऐसे पद जो एक साथ स नहीं हो सकते है (ii) Obversion/ ितवतन
subjective or doer of the conclusion is 230
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(iii) Contraposition/ ितप रवतन base sentence and conclusion sentence conclusion/िन ष - No boys are
are equal in meaning./ऐसे अनुमान िजसके dwarfs./कोई मुख लड़के नहीं है ।
1. Conversion/प रवतन - A change in कथन का िवधेय का ाघाती पद िन ष वा (ii) contraposition of Universal
which the subjective present in the का िवधेय होता है तथा आधार वा तथा िन ष negative/सव ापी नकारा क वा का
sentence becomes predicate in the वा दोनों समानाथ होते है । ितप रवतन -
conclusion and the predicate becomes (i) Obversion of universal affirmative/ Statement - conclusion
the subjective. And the quality of the सव ापी सकारा क वा का ितवतन- No-----------ALL-----------Some
Statement - conclusion
base sentence is the same quality as the Statement/कथन - Some tall boys are
All/सभी = No/नहीं
conclusion sentence. That is, conclusion men./ कुछ ल े लड़के आदमी है ।
Statement/कथन- All boys are tall./सभी
will be positive if sentence is positive conclusion/िन ष - Some tall boys are
लड़के ल े है । - Conclusion/िन ष - No
and conclusion will be negative if men./ कुछ ल े लड़के आदमी है ।
boy is a dwarf./कोई लड़का बौना नहीं है ।
sentence is negative./एक ऐसा प रवतन (iii) contraposition of particular
िजसमे वा म उप थत उ े िन ष म िवधेय
(ii) Obversion of universal negative/
Affirmative/अंश ापी सकारा क वा
हो जाता है तथा िवधेय उ े हो जाता है । तथा सव ापी नकारा क वा का ितवतन-
का ितप रवतन -
जो गुण आधार वा का होता है वही गुण िन ष Statement - conclusion Statement/कथन - Some boys are
वा का होता है । अथात , वा सकारा क No/नहीं All/सभी scholars./कुछ लड़के िव ान है ।
होने पर िन ष सकारा क तथा वा Statement/कथन- All boys are not conclusion/िन ष - Some boys are not
नकारा क होने पर िन ष नकारा क होगा। tall./सभी लड़के ल े नहीं है । dunce/ कुछ लड़के अिव ान नहीं है ।
(i) Conversion of Universal Conclusion/िन ष - All boy is a (iv) contraposition of particular
Affirmative / सव ापी सकारा क वा dwarf/सभी लड़के बौने है । negative/अंश ापी नकारा क वा का
का पांतरण - (iii) Obversion of particular ितप रवतन -
Statement - conclusion affirmative/ अंश ापी सकारा क वा Statement/कथन - Some boys are
All/सभी = Some/कुछ का ितवतन-
scholars/ कुछ लड़के िव ान है ।
Statement/कथन - All cows are Statement - conclusion
conclusion/िन ष - Some boys are not
cattle/सभी गाय मवेशी है । Some Some+not
dunce/ कुछ िव ान लड़के है ।
Conclusion/िन ष - Some cows are Statement/कथन - Some boys are
cattle/ कुछ गाय मवेशी है । tall./कुछ लड़के ल े है ।
How to solve SYLLOGISM/
(ii) Conversion of Universal Negative/ Conclusion/िन ष - Some boys are not
SYLLOGISM को कैसे हल कर-
सव ापी नकारा क वा का पांतरण - dwarf./कुछ लड़के ल े नहीं है ।
1.Analytical method/िव ेषणा क िविध
Statement - conclusion (iv) Obversion of particular negative/
2. Venn-diagram/वेन-आरे ख
No = Some+not अंश ापी नकारा क वा का ितवतन-
Statement/कथन - No cow is cattle/कोई Statement - conclusion
गाय,मवेशी नहीं है ।
1.Analytical method/िव ेषणा क िविध
Some+not Some
Conclusion/िन ष- No cow is - In this method, we will first arrange in
Statement/कथन - Some boys are not
cattle/कोई मवेशी गाय नहीं है । queue. You will see that in two
skilled./कुछ लड़के कुशल नहीं है ।
(iii) Conversion of Particular reasoning sentences there is always a
Conclusion/िन ष - Some boys are
Affirmative/अंश ापी सकारा क वा common term which is called the middle
inefficient./कुछ लड़के अकुशल है ।
का पांतरण - term and with the help of that
Statement - conclusion conclusion is found./इस िविध म सबसे पहले
3. Contraposition/ ितप रवतन - The
पं ब करगे। आप दे खगे की दो तक वा ों
Some/कुछ = Some/कुछ inference in which the predicate of the म हमेशा एक उभयिन पद होता है जो म पद
Statement/कथन - Some cows are predicate sentence of the base sentence कहलाता है और उसी की सहायता से िन ष
cattle/कुछ गाय मवेशी है । is derived from the place of subjective िनकाला जाता है ।
conclusion/िन ष- Some cattle are in the conclusion and the subjective i.e. - All dogs are cats./सभी कु े िब यां है
cows./कुछ मवेशी गाय है term of the base sentence in place of the ।
(iv) Conversion of Particular predicate sentence in the Some cats are goats./सभी िब याँ बकरी है
Negative/अंश ापी नकारा क वा का conclusion./ऐसा अनुमान िजसमे आधार वा ।
पांतरण - के िवधेय पद के ाघाती पद को िन ष म conclusion/िन ष - All dogs are
Statement - conclusion उ े के थान पर तथा आधार वा के उ े goats./सभी कु े बकरीयाँ है ।
Some+not/कुछ+नहीं = × पद को िन ष वा के िवधेय के थान पर रख Some goats are dogs./कुछ बकरीयाँ कु े है
Statement/कथन - Some cows are not कर िन ष की ा होता है । ।
cattle/ कुछ गाय मवेशी नहीं है । (i) contraposition of Universal Solution: In the given statement, the
conclusion/िन ष- × × × × × Affirmative/सव ापी सकारा क वा middle term is cats. So the conclusion,
(Here, Nothing will come to का ितप रवतन - all dogs are goats, is a valid conclusion.
conclusion/यह पर िन ष कुछ भी नही ं Statement - conclusion While conclusion (ii) is some goats are
िनकलेगा ) All---------------No--------- No dogs, conclusion (ii) is a valid variation
2.Obversion/ ितवतन- Assumptions Statement/कथन - All boys are of (i), so conclusion (i) and (ii) both
whose statement of predicate is intelligent ./सभी लड़के बु मान है । follow statements logically./िदए गए कथन
predicate of predicate sentence and both म , म पद िब यां है । अतः िन ष ,सभी
Statement and Conclusion

कु े बक रयां है , एक बैध िन ष है । जबिक ⇒ If the statement is positive then its

कुछ+नहीं Some+not/
िन ष (ii) कुछ बक रयां कु े है , िन ष (i) opposite statement is negative and if the
no one
का एक वैध प रवतन है अतः िन ष (i) (ii) दोनों statement is negative then its opposite
तक संगत प से कथन को अनुसरण करते है ।
statement is positive./यिद कथन सकारा क
Through the above table, we can reach
है तो इसका िवपरीत कथन नकारा क होता है
Statement/कथन - All mangoes are the correct conclusion only if both the और यिद कथन नकरा क है तो इसका िवपरीत
mobile./सभी आम मोबाइल ह। statements are properly ordered/उपरो कथन सकारा क होता है ।
No mobile is lychee./कोई भी मोबाइल, तािलका के मा म से हम सही िन ष तक तभी ⇒ The opposite of "some" is "none"
लीची नहीं है । प ं च सकते हो जब दोनों कथन उिचत प से
and the opposite of "nothing" is
conclusion/िन ष -All mobile are मब हो।
"all"./"कुछ" का िवपरीत "कोई नहीं" होता है
mangoes ./ सभी मोबाइल आम ह। .2. Venn diagram/वेन-आरे ख- With this
और "कुछ नहीं" का िवपरीत "सभी" होता है ।
No mangoes are lychees./कोई भी आम, method, it is very important to keep the ⇒ The condition of "either..........or" is
लीची नहीं है । following three
only when the possible figures do not
Sol: Here, positive conclusions should points in mind for the precise solution of
conclude, and where something does not
not be drawn as per rules. Hence the questions./इस िविध से ो के सटीक हल
come true, in this case, it cannot be
conclusion (i) is an invalid conclusion के िलए िन तीन िब दुओ को ान म रखना अित
called wrong and also not completely
while conclusion (ii) No mangoes are आव क है ।
correct. In this way, by using the
lychees’ is a valid conclusion./यहां पर (i) Draw different diagrams of all the
opposite rule, the two conditions make
िनयमानुसार सकारा क िन ष नहीं िनकलने given statements/िदए गए सभी कथनो का
"either........or" the condition of being
चािहए । अतः िन ष (i) एक अवैध िन ष है अलग अलग आरे ख बनाये
together./"either........or" की थित तभी
जबिक िन ष (ii) कोई भी आम, लीची नहीं है ' (ii) join the picture together as much as
होती है जब संभािवत आकृितयों से िन ष नहीं
एक वैध िन ष है । possible./िच को िजतना संभव हो एक साथ
िनकलता है , और कही सही नहीं िनकलता है इस
Analytical Table/िव ेषणा क तािलका जोड़ दे ते है ।
थित म उसे गलत भी नहीं कहा जा सकता और
(iii) Draw conclusions based on the
पूण प से सही भी नहीं कहा जा सकता। इस
added image. Any conclusion will be कार िवपरीत िनयम का सहारा लेकर दोनों
If the first If the Conclusion
statement second /िन ष true only if it conforms to the combined थितयां साथ साथ रहने पर "either........or" का
is / यिद पहला statement picture and no picture is contradictory to थित बनाते है ।
कथन हो is / यिद दू सरा the other./जोड़े गए िच के आधार पर िन ष TYPE-1
कथन हो िनकाले। कोई भी िन ष तभी सही होगा यिद Statement/कथन -
वह संयु िच के अनु प हो और कोई भी िच All dogs are animals./सभी कु े जानवर ह।
All / सभी All / सभी All / सभी दू सरे के िलए िवरोधाभासी न हो All animals are cows./सभी जानवर गाय ह।
Some important points related to
All / सभी No one / No one /
कोई नहीं कोई नहीं Venn diagram /वेन डाय ाम से स ंिधत
कुछ मह पूण िबंदु -
All / सभी Some/कुछ X ⇒ When we draw further conclusions
from the predicate, it is always in the
All / सभी Some+not X form of 'some'/िवधेय से जब उ े की और
/ कुछ +नहीं
िन ष िनकालते है तो वह हमेशा कुछ के पम
होता है ।
No one / All / सभी Some+not
कोई नहीं / कुछ+ नहीं
⇒ Generally: A positive statement does Assumption/अनुमान :
not lead to a negative conclusion and a Some cows are dogs/कुछ गाय कु े है
No one / No one / X negative statement does not lead to a Some cows are animals./कुछ गाय जानवर
कोई नहीं कोई नहीं positive conclusion./समा तः :सकारा क है ।
कथन से नकारा क िन ष एवं नकारा क All dogs are cows./सभी कु े गाय है ।
No one / Some/कुछ Some+not कथन से सकारा क िन ष नहीं िनकलता है । Some animals are dogs./कुछ जानवर कु े
कोई नहीं / कुछ +नहीं ⇒ If the two statements are interlinked, है ।
then the conclusion as "some" will come All animals are cows./सभी जानवर गाय है ।
No one / Some+not/ X
कोई नहीं कुछ +नहीं out in every situation, even if they start TYPE-II
with "all" or "some"./यिद दो कथन आपस म Statement/कथन -
Some/कुछ All / सभी Some/कुछ जुड़े हो तो "कुछ" के प म िन ष हर थित म All toys are elephants./सभी खलोने हाथी
िनकलेगा चाहे वे "सभी" या "कुछ" से शु होने है ।
Some/कुछ No one / Some+not वाले ही ों न हो All animals are elephants./सभी जानवर
कोई नहीं / कुछ +नहीं ⇒ If the statement is positive or हाथी है ।
negative, there is a relation between
Some/कुछ Some/कुछ X
"all", then the conclusion as "some" will
Some/कुछ Some+not/ X always be valid./कथन सकारा क हो या
कुछ+नहीं नकारा क यिद उनके बीच "सभी" का स
हो तो "कुछ" के प िन ष हमेशा मा होगा
Some+not/ All/Some/ X OR
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

TYPE-V Some guava are mangoes./कुछ अम द

Statement/कथन - आम है ।
All dew is water./सभी ओस पानी है । Some bananas are guava./कुछ केला
Some dew is stone./कुछ ओस प र है अम द है ।
There may or may not be some mangoes
are bananas here./यहां पर कुछ आम केला भी
Assumption: हो सकते है और नहीं भी हो सकते है ।
Some elephants are toys/कुछ हाथी खलोने TYPE -VIII
है । . Statement/कथन -
Some elephants are animals/कुछ हाथी All salt is sugar./सभी नमक चीनी है ।
जानवर है । . No sugar is pulse./कोई चीनी दाल नहीं है ।
Some water is dew./कुछ पानी ओस है ।
There may or may not be some toys are
Some stones are dew./कुछ प र ओस है ।
animals here/यहां पर कुछ खलोने जानवर भी
Some water is stone./कुछ पानी प र है ।
हो सकते है और नहीं भी हो सकते है । .
Some stones are water./कुछ प र पानी है ।
This is the case of "either.......or "/यह
"either.......or" की थित है । .
Statement/कथन -
All copies are books./सभी कॉपी िकताब है ।
Statement/कथन - Assumption:
Some pens are books./कुछ कलम िकताब
All cups are glasses./सभी कप िगलास है । Some sugar is salt./कुछ चीनी नमक है ।
है ।
Some glasses are spoons./कुछ िगलास There is no lentil sugar./कोई दाल चीनी नहीं
च च है । है ।
There is no salt and lentils./कोई नमक
दाल नहीं है ।
There is no lentil salt./कोई दाल नमक नहीं
है ।
OR Statement/कथन -
No mobiles are laptop./कोई मोबाइल
लैपटॉप नहीं है ।
All laptops are computers./सभी लैपटॉप
कं ूटर है ।
Some books are copies./कुछ िकताब कॉपी
है ।
Some books are pens./कुछ िकताब पेन है ।
Some glasses are cups./कुछ िगलास कप है ।
There may or may not be some copy are
Some spoon is glass/कुछ च च िगलास है ।
pens here./यहां पर कुछ कॉपी पेन हो भी सकते
. OR
है और नहीं भी हो सकते है ।
There may or may not be some cups are
This is the case of "either.......or "/यह
spoon/यहां पर कुछ कप च च हो भी सकते है
"either.......or" की थित है ।
और नहीं भी हो सकते है ।
This is the case of "either.......or "/यह
Statement/कथन -
"either.......or" की थित है । .
Some mangoes are guava./कुछ आम
अम द है ।
Statement/कथन - Assumption:
Some guava is banana./कुछ अम द केला
Some trees are leaves./कुछ पेड़ प े है । No laptop is mobile./कोई लैपटॉप मोबाइल
है ।
All leaves are fruits./सभी प े फल है नहीं है ।
Some computers are laptops./कुछ कं ूटर
लैपटॉप है ।
Some computers are not mobile./कुछ
OR कं ूटर मोबाइल नहीं है ।
There may or may not be some mobile
are computers here./यहां कुछ मोबाइल
Assumption: कं ूटर हो भी सकते है और नहीं भी हो सकते है ।
Some leaves are trees./कुछ प े पेड़ है ।
Some fruits are leaves./कुछ फल प े है । TYPE-X
Some trees are fruits./कुछ पेड़ फल है । Assumption: Statement/कथन -
Some fruits are trees./कुछ फल पेड़ है । Some oranges are Apple./कुछ संतरे सेब है ।

Statement and Conclusion

No appleis fruit./कोई सेब फल नहीं है । (a) Only conclusions I and III

Q2. Statements कथन : follow./केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते
Some mangoes are fruits./ कुछ आम फल ह | ह।
No fruit is a vegetable./ कोई भी फल स ी (b) Only conclusions I and II follow./केवल
नहीं है | िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
Conclusions/ िन ष : (c) Only conclusions II and III
I. Some mangoes are vegetables./ कुछ आम follow./केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते
स ीह| ह।
II. Some fruits are mangoes.कुछ फल आम (d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
ह| िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
III.No vegetable is a mango./ कोई भी स ी
Assumption: आम नहीं है | Q5. Statements / कथन :
Some apples are oranges./कुछ सेब संतरे CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) Some men are players./ कुछ पु ष खलाड़ी ह
है । |
No fruit is apple./कोई फल सेब नहीं है । (a)Only conclusion II follows/ केवल िन ष All players are athletes./ सभी खलाड़ी
Some oranges are not fruits./कुछ संतरे II सही है | एथलीट ह |
फल नहीं है । (b))Only conclusion II and III follow/ Conclusions/ िन ष :
some oranges are fruit here and no केवल िन ष II और III सही है | I. No athlete is a man./ कोई भी एथलीट
oranges are fruit, both can be./यहां पर (c))Only conclusion I and III follows/ पु ष नहीं है |
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | II. All men are athletes./ सभी पु ष एथलीट
कुछ संतरे फल है और कोई संतरा फल नहीं है ,
दोनों हो सकता है । (d))Only conclusion I follows/ केवल ह|
िन ष I सही है | III. Some athletes are men./ कुछ एथलीट
This is the case of "either.......or "/यह
पु ष ह |
"either.......or" की थित है
Q3. Statements/कथन CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
All computers are instruments./सभी कं ूटर
QUESTIONS यं ह। (a)Only conclusion I follows./ केवल िन ष
Some machines are computers./कुछ मशीन I सही है |
Directions(Q1-22): Read the given कं ूटर ह। (b)Only conclusion II and III follow./
statements and conclusions carefully. Conclusions/िन ष: केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
Assuming that the information given CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) (c)Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
in the statements is true, even if it appears I. All instruments are computers./सभी िन ष II सही है |
to be at variance with commonly known उपकरण कं ूटर ह। (d)Only conclusion III follows./ केवल
facts, II. Some machines are instruments./कुछ िन ष III सही है |
decide which of the given conclusions मशीन यं ह।
logically follow(s) from the statements. III. Some instruments are machines./कुछ Q6. .Statements/ कथन :
िदए गए कथनों और िन ष को ान से पढ़। यह उपकरण मशीन ह। All teachers are researchers./ सभी िश क
मानते ए िक कथनों म दी गई जानकारी सही है , शोधकता है |
भले ही यह सामा प से ात त ों के साथ (a) All the conclusion follow./सभी िन ष No researcher is unemployed./ कोई भी
िवचरण करती हो, यह तय कर िक िदए गए का अनुसरण होता ह। शोधकता बेरोज़गार नहीं है |
िन ष म से कौन सा कथन से तािकक प से (b) Only conclusions I and II follow./केवल Conclusions/ िन ष :
अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। I.Some unemployed are teachers./ कुछ
Q1. Statements/ कथन : (c) Only conclusions II and III बेरोजगार िश क ह |
Some plants are trees./ कुछ पौधे पेड़ ह | follow./केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते II.No teacher is unemployed./ कोई भी
All trees are bushes./ सभी पेड़ झािड़याँ ह | ह। िश क बेरोजगार नहीं है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : (d) Only conclusions I and II follow./ III.Some teachers are unemployed./ कुछ
1.Some bushes are plants./ कुछ झािड़याँ पौधे केवल िन ष I और II का अनुसरण होता है िश क बेरोजगार ह |
ह CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
2.All bushes are plants./ सभी झािड़याँ पौधे ह | Q4. Statements/कथन:
3.No bush is a plant./ कोई भी झाड़ी पौधा नहीं Some rivers are brooks./कुछ निदयां नाले है (a)Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
है No brook is a stream./कोई भी नाला एक धारा िन ष II सही है |
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) नहीं है । (b)Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
Conclusions/िन ष: िन ष I सही है |
(a)Only conclusion 1 follows/ केवल िन ष I. No stream is a brook./कोई धारा नाला नहीं (c)Only conclusion II and III follows./
1 सही है | है । केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
(b)Only conclusion 3 follows/ केवल िन ष II. Some streams are rivers./कुछ धाराएँ (d)Only conclusion I and III follows./
3 सही है | निदयाँ ह। केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
(c)Only conclusion 1 and 3 follow/ केवल III. Some brooks are rivers./कुछ नाले निदयाँ
िन ष 1 और 3 सही है | ह। Q7. Statement/ कथन :
(d)Only conclusion 2 and 3 follow./ केवल CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) Some male are swimmers./ कुछ पु ष तैराक
िन ष 2 और 3 सही है | ह
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

All swimmers are athletes./ सभी तैराक (d)Only conclusion II follows./केवल (c) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
एथलीट ह | िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I सही है |
Conclusion/ िन ष : (d) Either conclusion I or II follows./या तो
l. Some athletes are males. / कुछ एथलीट Q10. Statements/ कथन : I या II िन ष सही है |
पु ष ह | A. Some bulbs are LEDs/ कुछ ब एलइडी
ll. No athlete is male. / कोई भी एथलीट पु ष ह Q13. Statements/ कथन :
नहीं है | B. Some LEDs are tubelights./ कुछ एलइडी All Chairs are expensive./ सभी कुिसयाँ
lll. Some athletes are swimmers. / कुछ ूबलाइट ह | महँ गी ह |
एथलीट तैराक ह | Conclusions/ िन ष : All expensive are unique./ सभी महँ गी चीज़
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) I. Some tubelights are bulbs./ कुछ अि तीय ह |
ूबलाइट ब है | Conclusions/ िन ष :
(a)Only conclusion I and II follows./केवल II. No tubelight is a bulb./ कोई भी ूबलाइट I.All chairs are unique./ सभी कुिसयाँ
िन ष I एवं II सही है | ब नहीं है | अि तीय ह |
(b)Only conclusion I and III follows./ CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) II.All unique are expensive./ सभी अि तीय
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | चीज़ महँ गी ह |
(c)Only conclusion II and III follows./ (a)Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / ना CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है
(d)All of the conclusion follows./ सभी (b)Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (a)Both conclusion I and II follows./
िन ष सही ह | िन ष II सही है | िन ष I एवं II दोनों सही है |
(c)Either conclusion I or II follows. / I या (b)Nither conclusion I and II follows. / ना
Q8. Statement/ कथन : II म से कोई एक सही है | तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है
Some animals are mammals./ कुछ पशु (d)Only conclusion I follows. / केवल (c)Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
नधारी ह | िन ष I सही है | िन ष I सही है |
No mammal is herbivore. / कोई भी नधारी (d)Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
शाकाहारी नहीं है | Q11.Statements/ कथन : िन ष II सही है |
Conclusion/ िन ष All leaders are politicians./सभी नेता
l. No herbivore is mammal./कोई भी राजनीित है | Q14. Statements :कथन
शाकाहारी नपायी नहीं है l All politicians are eloquent./सभी राजनीित Some mirrors are combs/ कुछ दपण कंघी ह |
ll. Some mammals are animals/कुछ सुव ा है | Some combs are stools./ कुछ कंघी ू ल ह |
नधारी जानवर हl Conclusions / िन ष: Conclusions/ िन ष :
lll. No animal is herbivore/कोई भी जानवर I. All leaders are eloquent./ सभी नेता I. All stools are either mirrors or combs./
शाकाहारी नहीं है l सुव ा है | सभी ू ल या तो दपण या िफर कंघी ह |
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) II. All politicians are leaders./ सभी II.Some stools are combs./ कुछ ू ल कंघी ह
राजनीित नेता है | CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a)None of the conclusion follows./ कोई CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
भी िन ष सही नहीं है | (a)Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
(b)Only conclusion II and III follows. / (a) Both conclusions I and II follow./ I और िन ष II सही है |
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | II िन ष दोनों सही है | (b)Either conclusion I and II follows. / या
(c)Only conclusion I and II follows. / (b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल तो िन ष I या II सही है |
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | िन ष I सही है | (c)Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
(d)Only conclusion I and III follows. / (c) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल िन ष I सही है |
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | िन ष II सही है | (d)Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है
Q9. Statements/कथन: तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
A.All roads are vehicles./सभी सड़क वाहन Q15. Statements/ कथन :
ह। Q12. Statements/ कथन : All vans are cats. / सभी वैन िब यां है |
B.Some vehicles are trees./कुछ वाहन पेड़ ह। I. Some watches are machines. / कुछ All jeeps are cats. / सभी जीपे िब यां है |
Conclusions/िन ष: घिड़याँ यं है | Conclusion/ िन ष :
I. Some trees are roads/कुछ पेड़ सड़क ह।. II. Some machines are hands. / कुछ यं हाथ
l. All van is jeep. / सभी वैन जीप है |
II. All vehicles are trees./सभी वाहन पेड़ ह। है |
ll. Some jeeps are van. / कुछ जीपे वैन है |
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Conclusions/ िन ष :
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
I.Few hands are watches. / कुछ हाथ घिड़याँ
(a)Both conclusion I and II follows. है |
(a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
/िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते है II. No hand is watch./ कोई भी हाथ घडी नहीं
िन ष I सही है |
(b)Only conclusion I follows./केवल िन ष है | CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
I अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है
(c)Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II (a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
(c) Both conclusion I and II follow./ दोनों
follows./न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II िन ष II सही है |
िन ष I और II सही है |
अनुसरण करता है । (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
Statement and Conclusion

(d) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल (a) Only conclusion (i) follows./केवल (c)Both conclusion I and II follow./ िन ष
िन ष II सही है | िन ष (i) अनुसरण करता है । I एवं II दोनों सही है |
(b) Only conclusion (ii) follows./केवल (d)Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
Q16. Statement/ कथन : िन ष (ii) अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है |
Some dancers are students / कुछ नतक (c) Both conclusion (i) and conclusion (ii)
िव ाथ है | follow./दोनों िन ष (i) और (ii) अनुसरण करते Q22. Statements/ कथन :
Some students are singers / कुछ िव ाथ है Some boxes are dolls./ कुछ िड े गुिड़या ह |
गायक है | (d) Neither conclusion (i) follow nor All dolls are pens./ कुछ गुिड़या कलम ह |
Conclusion / िन ष : conclusion (ii) follows./न िन ष (i) और न Conclusions/ िन ष :
I. Some singers are dancers / कुछ गायक ही िन ष (ii) अनुसरण करते है I.Some boxes are pens./ कुछ िड े कलम ह |
नतक है |
II.Some pens are boxes./ कुछ कलम िड े ह
II. No singer is dancer / कोई भी गायक नतक Q19. Statements/ कथन : III.Some pens are dolls./ कुछ कलम गुिड़या
नहीं है | Some roads are metros./ कुछ सड़क मेटो ह | ह|
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Some metros are cars./ कुछ मेटो कार ह IV.All pens are dolls./ सभी कलम गुिड़या ह |
Conclusion/ िन ष : CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल I. All cars are either roads or metros./ सभी
िन ष I सही है |
कार या तो सड़क या िफर मेटो ह | (a)Only conclusion II,III and IV follow./
(b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
II. Some cars are metros./ कुछ कार मेटो ह | केवल िन ष II, III और IV सही है
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) (b)Only conclusion I,II and III follows./
(c) Either conclusions I or II follow./ या तो
केवल िन ष I, II और III सही है
िन ष I या िन ष II दोनों सही है |
(a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल (c)Only conclusion I,II and IV follow./
(d) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
िन ष I सही है | केवल िन ष I, II और IV सही है |
िन ष II सही है | (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना (d)All the conclusions follows./ सभी
तो िन ष I और ना ही II सही है | िन ष सही ह |
Q 17. Statement/कथन: (c) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
Some bed sheets are towels/कुछ चादर िन ष II सही है | Q23. Select the option that gives the
तौिलए ह (d) Either conclusion I or II follows./ या तो correct explanation for the following
Some towels are pillow./कुछ तौिलए तिकये िन ष I या िफर II सही है | group of words. / उस िवक का चयन कर जो
श ों के िन िल खत समूह की सही ा ा करता
Conclusion/िन ष: Q20. Statements/ कथन : है |
i. Some pillows are bed sheets/कुछ तिकए No Table is lion./ कोई भी टे बल शेर नहीं है | Bridge, Link, Chain
चादर ह All lions are bells./ सभी शेर घंटी ह | पुल, कड़ी, जंजीर
ii. No pillow is bedsheet./कोई तिकये चादर Conclusions/ िन ष : CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
नहीं है ।
1. No bell is table./ कोई भी घंटी टे बल नहीं है | (a)They are suits of cards/ वे ताश के रं ग ह |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
2. Some bells are lions./ कुछ घंिटयाँ शेर ह | (b)They are types of medals/ वे पदक के
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) कार ह |
(a) Neither conclusion (i) follow nor
(c)They are jewels./ वे गहने ह |
conclusion (ii) follows./न तो िन ष (i)
(a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल (d)They join two parts./ वे दो िह ों को
अनुसरण करता है और न ही िन ष (ii) अनुसरण
िन ष I सही है | जोड़ते ह |
करता है ।
(b) Both conclusions I and II follow./ I
(b) Only conclusion (i) follows./केवल
और II िन ष दोनों सही है | CGL 2018 TIER I
िन ष (i) अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
(c) Only conclusion (ii) follows./केवल
िन ष II सही है |
िन ष (ii) अनुसरण करता है । Directions(Q24-Q226): Read the given
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना
(d) Either conclusion (i) or conclusion (ii) statements and conclusions carefully.
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
follows./या तो िन ष (i) या िन ष (ii) Assuming that the information given
अनुसरण करता है । in the statements is true, even if it appears
Q21. Statements/ कथन :
to be at variance with commonly known
All plants are flowers./ सभी पौधे फूल ह |
Q18. Statement/कथन: facts, decide which of the given
No flower is blue./ कोई भी फूल नीला नहीं है |
All executives are humble people./सभी conclusions logically follow(s) from the
कायकारी अिधकारी िवन होते है
Conclusions/ िन ष :
All humble people are rich./सभी िवन I.Some plants are blue./ कुछ पौधे नीले ह |
िदए गए कथनों और िन ष को ान से पढ़। यह
धनवान होते है II. Those plants that are not flowers are
मानते ए िक कथनों म दी गई जानकारी सही है ,
Conclusion/िन ष : blue./ वे पौधे जो फूल नहीं ह, नीले ह | भले ही यह सामा प से ात त ों के साथ
I. All executives are rich./सभी कायकारी CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) िवचरण करती हो, यह तय कर िक िदए गए
धनवान होते है िन ष म से कौन सा कथन से तािकक प से
II. All humble people are executives./सभी (a)Only conclusion II follows./ केवल अनुसरण करता है ।
िवन कायकारी अिधकारी होते है िन ष II सही है |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (b)Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
िन ष I सही है |
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) All conclusions follow./ सभी िन ष सही I. Some ponds are not wells./ कुछ तालाब
Q24. Statements/ कथन : ह| कुँए नहीं ह |
All rulers are machines./ सभी लर मशीन ह (b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल II.Some wells are pools./ कुछ कुँए कुंड ह |
| िन ष I सही है | III. All pools are wells./ सभी कुंड कुँए ह
Some machines are costly items./ कुछ (c) Only conclusion III and either CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
मशीन महँ गी व ुएं ह | conclusion I or II follows./
Conclusions/ िन ष : केवल िन ष III एवं िन ष I या II म से कोई एक (a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
I. Some rulers are costly items./ कुछ लर सही है | िन ष I सही है |
महं गी व ुएं ह | (d) Only conclusion I and III follows./ (b) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
II. Some costly items are machines./ कुछ केवल िन ष I और III सही है | िन ष II सही है |
महँ गी व ुएं मशीन ह | (c) None of the conclusions follow./ कोई
III. All costly items are machines./ सभी Q27. Statements/कथन : भी िन ष सही नहीं है |
महँ गी व ुएं मशीन ह | No crow is a bird./ कोई भी कौवा प ी नहीं है | (d) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) All birds are animals./ सभी प ी पशु ह | िन ष III सही है |
Conclusion/ िन ष :
(a) Both conclusions II and III follow/ I.Some animals are crows./ कुछ पशु कौवे ह Q30. Statement/ कथन :
िन ष II और III दोनों सही है | | All knives are instruments./ सभी चाकू
(b) Both conclusions I and II follow/ II. some animals are birds./ कुछ पशु प ी ह | औजार ह |
िन ष I और II दोनों सही है | III. No animal is a crow ./ कोई भी पशु कौवा Some cutters are knives./ कुछ कटर चाकू
(c) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल नहीं है | ह|
िन ष II सही है | CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) Conclusions/ िन ष :
(d) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष I. Some cutters are instruments./ कुछ
I सही है | (a)Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल कटर औजार ह |
िन ष I और II सही है | II. All knives are cutters./ सभी चाकू कटर
Q25. Statements./ कथन : (b) None of the conclusions follows/ कोई ह|
Some cars are vehicles./ कुछ कार वाहन ह | भी िन ष सही नहीं है | III. Some knives are not instruments./
No vehicle is a four-wheeler./ कोई भी वाहन (c)Only conclusion III follows/ केवल कुछ चाकू औजार नहीं ह |
चौपिहया नहीं है | िन ष III सही है | CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
Conclusions/ िन ष : (d) Conclusion II and either conclusion I
I. No car is a four-wheeler./ कोई भी कार or III follows/ िन ष II तथा I या III म से कोई (a) None follows./ कोई सही नहीं है |
चौपिहया नहीं है | एक सही है | (b) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
II. All four-wheelers are cars./ सभी िन ष II सही है
चौपिहया कार ह | Q28. Statements/ कथन : (c) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल
III. Some vehicles are cars. कुछ वाहन कार Some students are players./ कुछ छा िन ष III सही है |
ह| खलाड़ी ह | (d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon Some players are athletes./ कुछ खलाड़ी िन ष I सही है |
एथलीट ह |
(a) Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल Conclusions/ िन ष : Q31. Statement/ कथन :
िन ष I और II सही ह | I. Some students are athletes./ कुछ छा Some roads are streets./कुछ सड़क गिलयाँ
(b) All conclusions follow/ सभी िन ष सही एथलीट ह | ह|
ह| II. Some players are students./ कुछ Some streets are lanes./ कुछ गिलयाँ लेन ह |
(c) Only conclusion III follows/ केवल खलाड़ी छा ह | Conclusion/ िन ष
िन ष III सही ह | III. No student is an athlete. /
(d) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) I. No road is a lane./ कोई भी सड़क लेन नहीं
I सही है | है
(a) Only conclusion II and either II. All streets are lanes./ सभी सड़क लेन ह|
Q26. Statements/ कथन : conclusion I or III follow./ केवल िन ष II III. Some lanes are roads./ कुछ लेन सड़क
Some mobiles are instruments./ कुछ तथा िन ष I या III म से कोई एक सही है | ह
मोबाइल साधन ह | (b) None of the conclusions follows/ CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
All instruments are heavy item./ सभी साधन कोई भी िन ष सही नहीं है |
भारी व ुएं ह | (c) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल (a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
Conclusions/ िन ष : िन ष I सही है | िन ष II सही है |
I. Some mobiles are heavy items./ कुछ (d) Only conclusions II and III follow/ (b) Only conclusions II and III follows./
मोबाइल भारी व ुएं ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही है केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
II. No mobile is a heavy item./ कोई भी (c) Either conclusion I or III follows./ या
मोबाइल भारी व ु नहीं है | Q29. Statements/ कथन : तो िन ष I या II सही है |
III. Some heavy items are instruments./ All ponds are pools./ सभी तालाब कुंड ह | (d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
कुछ भारी व ुएं साधन ह | िन ष I सही है |
Some wells are ponds./ कुछ कुँए तालाब ह |
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Conclusions/ िन ष :
Q32. Statement/ कथन :
Statement and Conclusion

Some quadrilaterals are squares./ कुछ (c) Neither I nor II follows./ ना तो I ना ही (c) Only II and III follows./ केवल II और
चतुभुज वग ह | II सही है III सही है |
All squares are rhombuses./ सभी वग (d) Only I follows./ केवल I सही है | (d) All I , II and III follows./ I, II और III
समचतुभुज ह | सभी सही ह |
Conclusion/ िन ष : Q35. Statements/ कथन :
I. No quadrilateral is a rhombus./ कोई भी I. All teachers are painters./ सभी िश क Q38. Statements/ कथन :
चतुभुज समचतुभुज नहीं है | िच कार ह | All drums are sticks./ सभी डम छड़ी ह |
II. All rhombuses are squares./ सभी II. Some painters are rich./ कुछ िच कार Some drums are boxes./ कुछ डम िड े ह |
समचतुभुज वग ह | अमीर ह Conclusions/ िन ष :
III. Some quadrilaterals are rhombuses./ Conclusions/ िन ष : I. Some boxes are sticks./ कुछ िड े छड़ी
कुछ वग समचतुभुज ह | I.All painters are teachers./ सभी िच कार ह|
CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) िश क ह | II. Some sticks are drums./ कुछ छिड़याँ
II. Some rich are not painters./ कुछ अमीर डम ह |
(a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल िच कार नहीं ह | III.All sticks are drums./ सभी छिड़याँ डम
िन ष II सही है | CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) ह|
(b) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
िन ष III सही है | (a) Only II follows./ केवल II सही है | (a) Only conclusions II and III follow./
(c) None of the conclusion follows./ कोई (b) Neither I nor II follows./ ना तो I ना ही केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
भी िन ष सही नहीं है | II सही है | (b) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
(d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल (c) Only I follows./ केवल I सही है केवल िन ष I और II सही ह |
िन ष I सही है | (d) Either I or II follows./ या तो I या II सही (c) Only conclusions I and III follow./
है | केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
Q33. Statement/ कथन : (d) All the conclusion I, II and III
Some carpenters are technicians./ कुछ Q36. Statements/ कथन : follow./ िन ष I, II और III सभी सही ह|
बढ़ई तकनीिशयन ह | I. All humans are parents./ सभी मनु
अिभभावक ह | Q39. Statements/ कथन :
All technicians are mechanics./ सभी
II. All parents are teachers./ सभी All postcards are envelopes./ सभी
तकनीिशयन मेकैिनक ह |
अिभभावक िश क ह | पो काड िलफाफे ह |
Conclusions/ िन ष :
Conclusions/ िन ष : No envelope is a paper./ कोई भी िलफाफा
I. Some carpenters are mechanics./ कुछ
I. Some teachers are parents./ कुछ िश क कागज़ नहीं है |
बढ़ई मैकेिनक ह |
अिभभावक ह | Conclusions/ िन ष :
II. Some mechanics are technicians./ कुछ
II. Some teachers are humans../ कुछ I. Some envelopes are postcards./ कुछ
मैकेिनक तकनीिशयन ह |
िश क मनु ह | िलफ़ाफ़े पो काड ह |
III. All carpenters are mechanics./ सभी
CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) II. No paper is an envelop./ कोई भी कागज़
बढ़ई मैकेिनक ह |
िलफाफा नहीं है |
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Both follows./ दोनों सही है | III. No postcard is a paper./ कोई भी
(b) Only II follows./ केवल II सही है | पो काड िलफाफा नहीं है |
(a) None of the conclusion follows./ कोई
(c) Either I or II follows./ या तो I या II सही CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
भी िन ष सही नहीं है |
(b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल है |
(d) Only I follows./ केवल I सही है (a) Only conclusions I and III follow./
िन ष I सही है |
केवल िन ष I और III सही ह |
(c) Only conclusion I and II follows./
Q37. Statements/ कथन : (b) Only conclusions I and II follow./
केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
I. All squirrels are lizards./ सभी िगलह रयाँ केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
(d) Only conclusion II and III follows./
िछपकली ह | (c) Only conclusions II and III follow./
केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
II. All lizards are goose./ सभी िछपकिलयाँ केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
हं स ह | (d) All the conclusions I, II and III
Q34. Statements/ कथन :
Conclusions/ िन ष : follow./ िन ष I, II और III सही है |
I. Some teachers are philosophers./ कुछ
िश क दाशिनक ह | I. Some squirrels are not goose./ कुछ
II. Some philosophers are writers./ कुछ िगलह रयाँ हं स नहीं ह | Q40. Statement/ कथन :
दाशिनक लेखक ह | II. Some lizards are squirrels./ कुछ All owls are parrots./ सभी उ ू तोता ह |
Conclusions/ िन ष: िछपकिलयाँ िगलहरी ह | Some parrots are crows./ कुछ तोते कौवा ह
I. Some writers are teachers./ कुछ लेखक III. Some goose are squirrels./ कुछ हं स Conclusions/ िन ष :
िश क ह | िगलहरी ह | I. No owl is a crow./ कोई भी उ ू कौवा
II. No writer is a teacher./ कोई भी लेखक CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) नहीं है |
िश क नहीं है | II. All parrots are owls./ सभी तोते उ ू ह |
10/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) Only I and III follows./ केवल I और III III.Some owls are crows./ कुछ उ ू कौवे
सही है | ह|
(a) Only II follows./ केवल II सही है | (b) Only I and II follows./ केवल I और II CGL12/06/2019(Evening)
(b) Either I or II follows./ या तो I या II सही सही है |
है | 238
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) All I , II and III follows./ I, II और III I.Some trees are flowers./ कुछ पेड़ फूल ह | (c) Only conclusions I and II follows./
सभी सही ह | II.Some trees are grasses./ कुछ पेड़ घास ह केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
(b) Only II and III follows./ केवल II और III.No tree is a grass/कोई भी पेड़ घास नहीं (d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
III सही ह | है िन ष I सही है |
(c) Either I or III follows./ या तो I या III CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
सही है | Q46. Statements: / कथन:
(d) Either I or II follows./ या तो I या II सही (a)Only conclusion III follows/ केवल All women are engineers/.सभी मिहलाएं
है िन ष III सही है | इं जीिनयर ह |
(b)Either conclusions II or III, and I Some singers are engineers./ कुछ गायक
Q41. Statements/ कथन : follow/ या तो िन ष II या III तथा I सही है | इं जीिनयर ह |
All fields are farm-houses/ सभी खेत फाम (c)Either conclusion II or III follows/ या Conclusions: / िन ष:
हाउस ह | तो िन ष II या III सही है | I. All women are singers./ सभी मिहलाएं
Some fields are gardens/ कुछ खेत बाग़ ह | (d)Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष गायक ह |
Conclusions/ िन ष : I सही है | II. All singers are women./ सभी गायक
I.Some farm-houses are fields/ कुछ फाम
मिहलाएं ह |
हाउस खेत ह |
SSC CHSL 2018 TIER 1 III. Some engineers are women./ कुछ
II.Some gardens are fields/ कुछ बाग़ खेत
इं जीिनयर मिहलाएं ह |
Q44. Statements:/ कथन: CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
III.Some farm-houses are gardens/ कुछ
फाम हाउस बाग़ ह | All rocks are oceans./सभी च ान सागर ह |
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) All oceans are balloons./सभी सागर गु ारे ह (a) Only conclusions I and II follow./
Some watches are balloons./कुछ घिड़याँ केवल िन ष I और II सही ह |
(a)All the conclusions, I and II and III, गु ारा ह | (b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
follow/ िन ष I, II और III सभी सही ह | Conclusions:/ िन ष: िन ष I सही है |
(b)Either conclusion I or III follows/ या I. Some balloons are rocks./कुछ गु ारे (c) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल
तो िन ष I या III सही है | च ान ह | िन ष III सही है |
(c)Only conclusions I and II follow/ II. Some watches are oceans./कुछ घिड़याँ (d) Only conclusion II and III follow. /
केवल िन ष I और II सही है सागर ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही ह
(d)Only conclusions I and III follow/ III. All oceans are rocks./सभी सागर च ान ह
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) Q47. Statements /कथन :
Some tractors are boats./ कुछ टे र नाव ह |
Q42. Statements/ कथन : (a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल All cups are boats./ सभी कप नाव ह |
All utensils are spoons./ सभी बतन च च िन ष II सही है | All jars are tractors./ सभी जार टे र ह |
ह| (b) Only conclusions I and III Conclusions/ िन ष :
All bowls are spoons./ सभी कटो रयाँ च च follow./केवल िन ष I और III सही है | I. Some tractors are cups./ कुछ टे र कप ह
ह| (c) Only conclusions I and II follows./ II. No jar is boat./ कोई भी जार नाव नहीं है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
III. Some cups are jars./ कुछ कप जार ह
I. No utensil is a bowl/ कोई भी बतन कटोरी (d) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
नहीं है | िन ष I सही है |
II. Some utensils are bowls./ कुछ बतन (a) Only conclusions I and II follow./
कटोरी ह |
Q45. Statements: / कथन:
केवल िन ष I और II सही ह |
III. No spoon is a utensil./ कोई भी च च Some essays are poems./ कुछ िनबंध किवताएँ
(b) Only conclusions II and III follow./
बतन नहीं है | ह|
केवल िन ष II और III सही ह |
Some poems are directors./ कुछ किवताएँ
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) None of the conclusions follow./ कोई
िनदशक ह |
भी िन ष सही नहीं है |
(a)Only conclusions I follows/ केवल All directors are singers./ सभी िनदशक
(d) Only conclusions I and III follow./
िन ष I सही है | गायक ह |
केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
(b)Conclusions I and III follow/ िन षI Conclusions: / िन ष:
और III सही है | I.Some directors are poems./ कुछ िनदशक
Q48. Statements/ कथन :
(c)Either conclusion I or II follows/ या तो किवताएँ ह |
All parks are schools./ सभी उ ान िव ालय ह
िन ष I या II सही है | II.Some singers are essays./ कुछ गायक
No school is a college./ कोई भी िव ालय
(d)Only conclusion III follows/ केवल िनबंध ह |
कॉलेज नहीं है |
िन ष III सही है | III.Some singers are poems./ कुछ गायक
Conclusions/ िन ष :
किवताएँ ह |
I. No college is a school./ कोई भी कॉलेज
Q43. Statements/ कथन : CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
िव ालय नहीं है |
No grass is a flower./ कोई भी घास फूल नहीं II. Some schools are parks./ कुछ िव ालय
है | (a) Only conclusions I and III follow./
उ ान ह |
All flowers are trees./ सभी फूल पेड़ ह | केवल िन ष I और II सही है
Conclusions/ िन ष : (b) Only conclusions II and III follow./
केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
Statement and Conclusion

I. Some boxes are pens./ कुछ िड े पेन ह | No juice is chocolate./ कोई भी जूस चॉकलेट
III. No park is a college./ कोई भी उ ान II. Some boxes are balls.// कुछ िड े गद ह | नहीं है |
कॉलेज नहीं है | III. No box is ball.// कोई भी िड ा गद नहीं है Conclusions/ िन ष :
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) I.Some chocolates are ice-creams./ कुछ
चॉकलेट आइस ीम ह |
(a) All the conclusions follow./ सभी िन ष (a) Either conclusion II or III follows / या II.Some juices are ice-creams./ कुछ जूस
सही ह | तो िन ष II या III सही है | आइस ीम ह |
(b) Only conclusions II and III follow./ (b) Conclusion I and either II or III III.No ice-cream is chocolate./ कोई भी
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | follows/ िन ष I तथा िन ष II या III म से आइस ीम चॉकलेट नहीं है |
(c) Only conclusions I and II follow./ कोई एक सही है | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | (c) All conclusions follow / सभी िन ष
(d) Only conclusions I and III follow./ सही ह | (a)Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | (d) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष िन ष I और II सही है |
I सही है | (b)Either conclusion I or III follows/ या तो
Q49. Statements/ कथन : िन ष I या III सही है |
All breads are cakes./ सभी ेड केक ह | Q52. Statements/ कथन : (c)Only conclusions II and III follow/
All eggs are cakes./ सभी अंडे केक ह | All purses are rupees./ सभी पस पये ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : Some rupees are coins/ कुछ पये िस े ह | (d)Only conclusions I and III follow//
I. Some cakes are breads./ कुछ केक ेड ह | Conclusions /िन ष : केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
II. Some breads are eggs./ कुछ ेड अंडे ह | I.Some purses are coins./ कुछ पस िस े ह |
III. No bread is an egg./ कोई भी ेड अंडा II.No purse is coin./कोई भी पस िस ा नहीं है Q55. Statements/ कथन :
नहीं है | | All equipment are screw-drivers. / सभी
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) III.No rupee is coin/ कोई भी पया िस ा औजार पचकस ह |
नहीं है | All machines are equipment. / सभी मशीन
(a) All the conclusions follow./ सभी िन ष CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) औजार ह |
सही ह | (a) Either Conclusion I or II follows/ या तो Conclusions/ िन ष :
(b) Conclusion I and either conclusion II िन ष I या II सही है | I. Some screw-drivers are equipment./
कुछ पचकस उपकरण ह |
or III follow. / िन ष I और II या III म से कोई
II. Some screw-drivers are machines. /
एक सही है | (b) Only Conclusion I and III follow/
(c) Only conclusions I and II follow./ केवल िन ष I और III सही है | कुछ पचकस मशीन ह |
िन ष I और II सही है | (c) Only Conclusion I and II follow/ केवल III. All equipment are machines. / सभी
(d) Only conclusions I and III follow./ िन ष I और II सही है | उपकरण मशीन ह |
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
िन ष I और III सही है | (d) Only Conclusion II and III follow./
केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
(a) Only conclusions I and III follow. /
Q50. Statements/ कथन :
Q53. Statements/ कथन : केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
Some ants are bats./कुछ चींिटयाँ चमगादड़ ह |
(b) Only conclusions II and III follow. /
Some ants are crabs./ कुछ चींिटयाँ ककड़ा ह | Some children are clever./कुछ ब े चालाक
केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : ह|
(c) All conclusions follow. / सभी िन ष
I. Some bats are crabs./ कुछ चमगादड़ ककड़े All children are honest/सभी ब े ईमानदार ह
सही है |
ह| Conclusions/ िन ष :
(d) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
II. No crab is ant./ कोई भी ककड़ा चींटी नहीं I.Some clever are children/ कुछ चालाक ब े
केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
है | ह|
III. No bat is crab./ कोई भी चमगादड़ ककड़ा II.Some honest are children./ कुछ ईमानदार
Q56. Statements/ कथन :
नहीं है | ब ेह|
Some plants are vegetable./ कुछ पौधे
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) III.Some clever are honest./ कुछ चालाक
स याँ ह |
ईमानदार ह |
All vegetables are vitamins./ सभी स याँ
(a) Only conclusions I and III follow./ CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
िवटािमन ह |
केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow./ (a)Either conclusion I or III follows/ या तो
I. Some vitamins are plants. / कुछ िवटािमन
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | िन ष I या III सही है |
पौधे ह |
(c) Either conclusion I or III follows./ या (b)Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल
II. Some vitamins are vegetables./ कुछ
तो िन ष I या III सही है | िन ष I और II सही है |
िवटािमन स याँ ह |
(d) Either conclusion I or II follows./ या तो (c)Only conclusions II and III follow/
III. No vitamin is plant. / कोई भी िवटािमन
िन ष I या II सही है | केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
पौधा नहीं है |
(d)All conclusions follow/सभी िन ष सही
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q51. Statements/कथन : ह|
No ball is pen./कोई भी गद पेन नहीं है |
(a) Either conclusion I or III follows. / या
All pens are boxes. /सभी पेन िड े ह | Q54. Statements/ कथन :
तो िन ष I या III सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : All ice creams are juices./ सभी आइस ीम
जूस है |
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(b) Only conclusions I and II follow. ./ (a) Either conclusion II or III follows./ या
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | (a) Only conclusions I and II follow. / तो िन ष II या III सही है |
(c) Only conclusions I and III follow. / केवल िन ष I और II सही है | (b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | (b) Only conclusions II and III follow./ I सही है |
(d) Only conclusions II and III follow. / केवल िन ष II और III सही है | (c) All the conclusions follow. / सभी
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | (c) Only conclusions I follow. / केवल िन ष सही ह |
िन ष I सही है | (d) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
Q57. Statements/ कथन : (d) All the conclusions follow./ सभी िन ष केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
Some chilies are potatoes. / कुछ िमच आलू है सही ह |
Some potatoes are onions. /कुछ आलू ाज़ Q63. Statements/ कथन :
है | Q60. Statements/ कथन : All knifes are axes/ सभी चाकू कु ाड़ी ह | .
Conclusions/ िन ष : All eggs are hens.सभी अंडे मुग ह All axes are swords/सभी कु ािड़याँ तलवार ह
I. Some onions are chilies. /कुछ ाज़ िमच All hens are birds./ सभी मुिगयाँ प ी ह | All saws are swords. / सभी आरी तलवार है |
ह| All birds are crows./ सभी प ी कौवे ह | Conclusions/ िन ष :
II. Some onions are potatoes. / कुछ ाज़ Conclusions िन ष : I. All swords are knifes./ सभी तलवार चाकू ह
आलू ह | I. All eggs are crows./ सभी अंडे कौवे ह | II. Some axes are saws. / कुछ कु ािड़याँ
III. No onion is chilly. / कोई भी ाज़ िमच II. All hens are crows./ सभी मुिगयाँ कौवा ह | आरी ह |
नहीं है | III. Some crows are birds./ कुछ कौवे प ी ह | III. No axe is saw./ कोई भी कु ाड़ी आरी नहीं
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) है |
(a) Conclusion II and either conclusion I CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
or III follow. / िन ष II तथा I या III म से कोई (a) Only conclusion I and II follow./ केवल
एक सही है | िन ष I और II सही है | (a) Either conclusion II or III follows. / या
(b) All conclusions I, II and III follow./ तो िन ष II या III सही है |
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow. ./ िन ष I, II और III सभी सही है | (b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | (c) Only conclusion I follow./ केवल िन ष I सही है |
(c) Only conclusions II and III follow. ./ I सही है | (c) All the conclusions follow. ./ सभी
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | (d) Only conclusion II and III follow/ िन ष सही है |
(d) Conclusion I and either conclusion II केवल िन ष II और III सही है | (d) Only conclusions I and II follow./
or III follow. / केवल िन ष I तथा II या III म केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
से कोई एक सही है | Q61.Statements/ कथन :
All hens are eggs. / सभी मुिगयाँ अंडे ह | Q64. Statements/ कथन :
Q58. Statements/ कथन : All birds are eggs. / सभी प ी अंडे ह | All hens are eggs. / सभी मुिगयाँ अंडे ह |
Some autos are cycles/ कुछ ऑटो साइिकल ह Some eggs are lions. / कुछ अंडे शेर ह | All birds are eggs. / सभी प ी अंडे ह
All cycles are trucks. / सभी साइिकल टक है | Conclusions: / िन ष : All eggs are lions. / सभी अंडे शेर ह |
Conclusions/ िन ष : I. Some lions are eggs. / कुछ शेर अंडे ह | Conclusions/ िन ष :
I. Some trucks are autos. / कुछ टक ऑटो ह II. Some eggs are hens./ कुछ अंडे मुिगयाँ ह | I. All hens are lions. / सभी मुिगयाँ शेर ह |
II. Some trucks are cycles. / कुछ टक III. Some eggs are birds./ कुछ अंडे प ी ह | II. Some lions are eggs. / कुछ शेर अंडे ह |
साइिकल ह | CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) III. All birds are lions. / सभी प ी शेर ह |
III. Some cycles are autos. / कुछ साइिकल CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
ऑटो ह |
(a) All the conclusions follow. /सभी िन ष
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
सही ह | (a) Only conclusions II and III follow./
(b) Either conclusion II or III follows. /या केवल िन ष II और III सही ह |
(a) Conclusion I and III follow. / िन षI
तो िन ष II या III सही है | (b) Only conclusions I and II follow. ./
और III सही है | केवल िन ष I और II सही ह |
(c) Only conclusion I follows. /केवल
(b) Only conclusions II and III follow./ िन ष I सही है (c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
िन ष II तथा III सही है | (d) Only conclusions I and II follow. िन ष I सही है |
(c) All conclusions follow. / सभी िन ष (d) All the conclusions follow. / सभी
/केवल िन ष I और II सही ह |
सही है | िन ष सही ह |
(d) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
Q62.Statements/ कथन :
केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
All hens are eggs./ सभी मुिगयाँ अंडे ह | Q65. Statement : कथन :
No birds are eggs. / कोई भी प ी अंडा नहीं है | No carrot is root. /कोई भी गाजर जड़ नहीं है ।
Q59. Statements/ कथन :
All eggs are lions. / सभी अंडे शेर ह | All roots are potatoes. /सभी जड़ आलू ह।
All cocks are bears/ सभी मुग भालू ह | .
Conclusions/ िन ष : Conclusions: िन ष :
All bears are horses./ सभी भालू घोड़े ह |
I. All hens are lions./ सभी मुिगयाँ शेर ह | I. No carrot is potatoes. /कोई भी गाजर आलू
Conclusions/ िन ष : नहीं है ।
II. Some lions are hens. / कुछ शेर मुग ह |
I. Some bears are cocks. / कुछ भालू मुग ह | II. No potatoes is carrot. /कोई भी आलू गाजर
III. No eggs are birds. / कोई भी अंडा प ी
II. Some horses are cocks. / कुछ घोड़े मुग ह नहीं है ।
नहीं है |
III. All cocks are horses./ सभी मुग घोड़े ह | III. Some potatoes are roots./कुछ आलू जड़
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) ह।
Statement and Conclusion

IV . All the potatoes are roots. / सभी आलू II. Some rat are wild. / कुछ चूहे जंगली है । MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
जड़ ह। Conclusions:/ िन ष:
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) I. Some wild are rat. / कुछ जंगली चूहे है । (a) Only conclusion l follows./केवल िन ष
II. All wild are rat. / सभी जंगली चूहे है । l अनुसरण करता है ।
(a) Only conclusion (III) follow /केवल III. Some red are wild. / कुछ लाल जंगली है । (b) None of the conclusions follow./ कोई
िन ष III सही है MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) भी िन ष नहीं िनकलता है ।
(b) Conclusion (I) and (IV) follows /केवल (c) Only conclusion ll follows./ केवल
िन ष I और IV सही ह | (a) None of the conclusions follows./ िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Conclusion (I) and (II) follows/ केवल कोई भी िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है । (d) Both conclusion l and ll follow/ िन ष
िन ष I और II सही ह | (b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल l और ll दोनों अनुसरण करगे।
(d) Only conclusion (I) follow /केवल िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष I सही है (c) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल Q72. Statements: /कथन:
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । l . All wood are chairs./सभी लकड़ी कुिसयां
Q66. Statements/ कथन : (d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल ह।
All knives are axes. / सभी चाक़ू कु ाड़ी ह | िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । ll. All chairs are blue./ सभी कुिसयां नीली ह।
All axes are swords. / सभी कु ािड़याँ तलवार lll. No chair is table./ सभी कुिसयां नीली ह।
ह| Q69. Statements:/कथन: Conclusion:/िन ष:
All saws are swords. / सभी आरी तलवार ह | l.Some K are M./ कुछ K, M ह। l. Some tables are blue./कुछ टे बल नीले ह।
Conclusions/ िन ष : ll.No T is M./ कोई T, M नहीं है । ll. No wood is a table./कोई लकड़ी टे बल नहीं
I. All swords are knifes. / सभी तलवार चाक़ू Conclusions:/िन ष: है ।
ह| l.Some T are K/कुछ T, K है । lll. Some blue are wood./कुछ नीले लकड़ी ह।
II. Some swords are axes. / कुछ तलवार ll.Some M are K/ कुछ M, K है । MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
कु ाड़ी ह | MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
III. Some swords are saws. ./ कुछ तलवार (a) Both conclusion II and III
आरी ह | (a) Only conclusion ll follows./केवल follows./दोनों िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है । ह।
(b) Only conclusion l follows./ केवल (b) Only conclusion lll follows./ केवल
(a) Only conclusions II and III follow. ./ िन ष l अनुसरण करता है । िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
केवल िन ष II और III सही ह | (c) None of the conclusions follows./ कोई (c) All conclusions l,ll and lll, follow./सभी
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow. / भी िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है । िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
केवल िन ष I और II सही ह | (d) Both conclusions l and ll follow./दोनों (d) Only conclusion ll follows./ केवल
(c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल िन ष I और ii अनुसरण करते है । िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष I सही है |
(d) All the conclusions follow. ./ सभी Q70. Statements / कथन : Q73. Statements: /कथन:
िन ष सही ह | Some pots are lamps./ कुछ बतन दीपक ह। I. No A is B. / कोई A, B नहीं है ।
All lamps are trees./ सभी दीपक पेड़ ह। II. All C are B./ सभी C, B ह।
MTS 2019 TIER I No tree is branches/ कोई वृ शाखा नहीं है । Conclusions:/ िन ष:
Conclusions: / िन ष : I. No C is A. / कोई C, A नहीं है ।
Q67. Statements: / कथन: I. Some pots are branches/ कुछ बतन दीपक II. Some A are C. / कुछ A, C ह।
I. No A is B. / कोई A, B नहीं है । ह। MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)

II. All C are D. / सभी C, D ह। II. Some trees are lamps/ सभी दीपक पेड़ ह।
III. Some branches are lamps/ कुछ शाखाएँ (a) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
III. Some C are B. / कुछ C, B ह।
दीपक ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
Conclusions/ िन ष :
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) (b) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
I. Some D are B. / कुछ D, B ह।
दोनों िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
II. Some B are C. / कुछ B, C ह।
(a) conclusion I and III follow/ िन ष I (c) None of the conclusions follows./ कोई
III. All C are B. / सभी C, B ह। भी िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है ।
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) और III अनुसरण करते ह
(b) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल (d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
(a) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों
(c) Only conclusion III follows/ केवल
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
िन ष III इस कार है Q74. Statements: / कथन:
(b) Both conclusions I and III follow. /
(d) Conclusions I and II follows/ िन षI I. Some red are cars./ कुछ लाल कार है ।
दोनों िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह।
और II िन िल खत ह II. All yellow are cars./ सभी पीला कार है ।
(c) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल
Conclusions:/ िन ष:
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
Q71. Statements:/कथन: I. Some cars are red. / कुछ कार लाल ह।
(d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
l.All red are cars./ सभी लाल कार है । II. Some yellow are red./ कुछ पीले लाल ह।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
ll.Some yellow are red./ कुछ पीले लाल है । III. Some cars are yellow./ कुछ कार पीली
Conclusion:/ िन ष: ह।
Q68. Statements: / कथन:
l.Some yellow are cars./ कुछ पीला कार है । MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
I. Some red are rat. / कुछ लाल चूहे है ।
ll.No yellow is red./ कोई पीला लाल नहीं है । 242
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) Both conclusions I and II follow./ I. Some wood are chairs. / कुछ लकड़ी Q81. Statements:/कथन:
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। कुिसयाँ ह। l. All T are P./ सभी T, P ह।
(b) Both conclusions I and III follow. / II. All chairs are mats. / सभी कुिसयां मैट ह। ll.Some P and Q./ कुछ P, Q ह।
दोनों िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। Conclusions: / िन ष: Conclusions:/ िन ष:
(c) Both conclusions II and III follow. / I. Some mats are wood. / कुछ मैट लकड़ी ह। l.Some Q are P./ कुछ Q, P ह।
िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। II. Some chairs are wood. / कुछ कुिसयाँ ll. Some P are T./ कुछ P, T ह।
(d) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल लकड़ी ह। MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । III. All wood are mats. / सभी लकड़ी मैट ह।
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Both conclusion l and ll follows/िन ष
Q75. Statements:/कथन: I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
l.Some bikes are cars./कुछ बाइक कार है । (a) None of the conclusions follows / कोई (b) Neither conclusion follow/कोई भी
ll.Some cars are trucks./कुछ कार टक ह। भी िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है । िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है ।
Conclusions:/ िन ष: (b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल (c) Only conclusion I follows/केवल िन ष
l.Some trucks are bikes/ कुछ टक बाइक ह िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । l अनुसरण करता है ।
ll.No bike is a truck./कोई बाइक टक नहीं है । (c) Both conclusions I and II follow / दोनों (d) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है ।
(d) Both conclusions II and III follow /
(a) Either conclusion l or ll follows./या तो िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। Q82. Statements:/कथन:
िन ष l या ll अनुसरण करता है । l.All photos are phone./ सभी त ीर फोन ह ।
(b) Only conclusion ll follows./ केवल Q79. Statements:/कथन: ll. Some phone are yellow/ कुछ फोन पीले
िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है । I. Some land are hard./कुछ भूिम कठोर है । ह।
(c) Only conclusion l follows./ केवल II. No hard is hot./ कोई कठोर गम नहीं है । lll. No yellow is red./ कोई पीला लाल नहीं है ।
िन ष l अनुसरण करता है । Conclusions:/िन ष: Conclusions:/ िन ष:
(d) Both conclusions l and ll follow./ दोनों I. Some hot are land./कुछ गम भूिम है । l. Some red are photo/ कुछ लाल फोटो ह।
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। II. Some hard are land./ कुछ कठोर भूिम है । ll. Some yellow are phone./ कुछ पीले फोन ह
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) ।
Q76. Statements:/कथन: lll.No red is photo./ कोई लाल फोटो नहीं है ।
I. All T are M./सभी T, M है । (a) Neither conclusions follow/कोई भी MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
II. No T is P./कोई T, P नहीं है । िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है ।
Conclusions:/िन ष: (b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल (a) Only conclusion lll follows./केवल
I. No P is M./कोई P, M नहीं है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
II. Some M are T./कुछ M, T ह। (c) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल (b) Neither conclusion follow./कोई िन ष
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । अनुसरण नहीं करता है ।
(d) Both conclusion I and II follows/ (c) Only conclusion ll follows./केवल
(a) Only conclusion II follows/केवल िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है (d) Only conclusion l follows./केवल िन ष
(b) None of the conclusions follows/ कोई Q80. Statements:/कथन: l अनुसरण करता है ।
भी िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है I. No cycle is handle./ कोई साइिकल हडल
(c) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष नहीं है । Q83. Statements: /कथन:
I अनुसरण करता है II. Some handle are tyre./ कुछ हडल टायर I. No T is L. /कोई T, L नहीं है ।
(d) Both conclusions I and II follow/ ह। II. All L are K. /सभी L, K ह।
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह Conclusions:/ िन ष: Conclusions: / िन ष:
I. No tyre is cycle./ कोई टायर साइिकल नहीं I. Some K are L./कुछ K, L ह।
Q77. Statements: / कथन: है । II. Some K are T. / कुछ K, T ह।
I. All P are Q. / सभी P, Q ह। II. Some tyre are handle./ कुछ टायर हडल III. No K is L. / कोई K L नहीं है ।
II. Some Q are Z. / कुछ Q, Z ह। ह।
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
III. Some Z are T. / कुछ Z, T ह। III. Some cycle are handle./ कुछ साइिकल
Conclusions: / िन ष: हडल ह। (a) Both conclusion II and III follows /
I. Some T are P / कुछ T, P ह। MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
II. Some P are Z / कुछ P, Z ह। (b) Neither conclusion follow / कोई िन ष
(a) Only conclusion III follows/केवल
III. No T is Z. / कोई T, Z नहीं है । अनुसरण नहीं करता है
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
(b) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
(a) None of the conclusions follows. (d) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
(c) Both conclusion I and II
(b) Only conclusion II follows. िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
follows/िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
(c) Only conclusion I follows.
(d) Both conclusion II and III follows/
(d) Both conclusion I and II follow. Q84. Statements: / कथन:
िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
I. Some numbers are letters. / कुछ नंबर
Q78. Statements: / कथन: अ र ह।
Statement and Conclusion

II. No letter is water. / कोई अ र पानी नहीं I. Some S are Q. / कुछ S, Q ह। III. No odd is prime. / कोई िवषम ाइम नहीं
है । II. Some Q are P. / कुछ Q, P ह। है ।
Conclusions:/ िन ष: III. Some R are S. / कुछ R, S ह। MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
I. Some water are numbers. / कुछ पानी नंबर MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
ह। (a) Only conclusion III follows / केवल
II. Some letters are numbers. / कुछ अ र (a) Both conclusion I and II follows / िन ष III अनुसरण करता है
नंबर ह। िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (b) Both conclusion II and III follows /
III. All letters are water./ सभी अ र पानी है । (b) Both conclusion II and III follows / िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
(c) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
(a) Both conclusion I and III follows / िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है (d) Either conclusion I or III follows /या तो
िन ष I और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (d) Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष l या III अनुसरण करता है ।
(b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है Q91. Statements:/ कथन:
(c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल Q88. Statements:/ कथन: I. Some J are T./ कुछ J, T ह।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है I. No T is R. / कोई T, R नहीं है । II. No T is V. / कोई T, V नहीं है ।
(d) Neither conclusion follow / कोई िन ष II. All R are V. / सभी R, V ह। Conclusions:/ िन ष:
अनुसरण नहीं करता है Conclusions: / िन ष: I. Some V are J. / कुछ V, J ह।
I. Some V are R. / कुछ V, R ह। II. All J are T. / सभी J, T ह।
Q85. Statements:/कथन: II. Some T are R. / कुछ T, R ह। MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
I. Some D are A. / कुछ D, A ह। III. All V are T. / सभी V, T ह।
II. All A are B. / सभी A, B ह। MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी
Conclusions:/ िन ष: िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है
I. Some B are D./ कुछ B, D ह। (a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल (b) Both conclusion I and II follows /
II. All D are A. /सभी D, A ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (b) Both conclusion I and III follows / (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
िन ष I और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
(a) Both conclusion I and II follows / (c) Both conclusion II and III follows / (d) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
(b) Only conclusion II follows / केवल (d) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है िन ष का अनुसरण नहीं करता है Q92. Statements: /कथन:
(c) Only conclusion I follows / केवल I. All K are B./सभी K, B ह।
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है Q89. Statements: / कथन: II. No T is K. / कोई T, K नहीं है ।
(d) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी Conclusions: / िन ष:
I. Some yellow are pen. / कुछ पीले कलम ह।
िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है I. No K is T. / कोई K,T नहीं है ।
II. Some pen are sharpener. / कुछ पेन
शापनर होते ह। II. Some B are K./ कुछ B, K ह।
Q86.Statements: / कथन: III. Some T are B./ कुछ T, B ह।
Conclusions:/ िन ष:
I. Some wires are black./ कुछ तार काले ह। MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
I. Some sharpener are yellow./ कुछ शापनर
II. Some wires are yellow./ कुछ तार पीले पीले होते ह।
ह। II. No yellow is pen. / कोई पीला कलम नहीं (a) Both conclusion I and II follows /
Conclusions: / िन ष: है । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
I. Some black are yellow. / कुछ काले पीले MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (b) Only conclusion III follows / केवल
ह। िन ष III अनुसरण करता है
II. Some black are wires. / कुछ काले तार ह। (a) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी (c) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) िन ष का अनुसरण नहीं करता है िन ष का अनुसरण नहीं करता है
(b) Both conclusion I and II follows / (d) Both conclusion II and III follows /
(a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है (c) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
(b) Both conclusion I and II follows / िन ष I अनुसरण करता है Q93. Statements: / कथन:
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (d) Only conclusion II follows / केवल I. All A are K./ सभी A, K है ।
(c) Neither conclusion follow / कोई भी िन ष II अनुसरण करता है II. Some J are K./कुछ J, K ह।
िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है । Conclusions: / िन ष:
(d) Only conclusion II follows / केवल Q90. Statements: / कथन: I. Some A are J./ कुछ A, J ह।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है I. All prime are even. / सभी ाइम सम ह। II. No K is J./ कोई K, J नहीं है ।
II. Some even are odd. / कुछ िवषम सम ह। III. All K are J./ सभी K, J ह।
Q87. Statements: / कथन:
Conclusions: / िन ष: MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
I. Some P are Q. / कुछ P, Q ह।
I. Some odd are prime. / कुछ िवषम ाइम ह।
II. Some S are R. / कुछ S, R ह। (a) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
II. All odd are even. / सभी िवषम सम ह।
III. No R is Q. / कोई R, Q नहीं है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
Conclusions: / िन ष:
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(b) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल (c). Both conclusion I and III follows./ (c). . Neither conclusion follows. / कोई भी
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है ।
(c) Both conclusion II and III follows. / (d). Both conclusion II and III follows./ (d). Both conclusions II and III follow. /
िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। दोनों िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
(d) Neither conclusion follow. / कोई भी
िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है । Q97. Statements: / कथन: Q100. Statements: / कथन:
I. All J are M./ सभी J, M ह। I. Some onion are tomato. / कुछ ाज
Q94. Statements: / कथन: II. Some K are M. / कुछ K, M ह। टमाटर है ।
I. Some red are phone. / कुछ लाल फोन ह। Conclusions:/ िन ष: II. No tomato is potato. / कोई टमाटर आलू
II. No phone is car. / कोई फोन कार नहीं है । I. Some K are J. / कुछ K, J ह। नहीं है ।
Conclusions: / िन ष: II. Some M are K. / कुछ M, K ह। Conclusions: / िन ष:
I. Some car are red. / कुछ कार लाल ह। III. Some M are J./ कुछ M, J ह। I. Some potato are onion. / कुछ आलू ाज
II. Some phone are red. / कुछ फोन लाल ह। MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) है ।
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) II. No potato is tomato. / कोई भी आलू
(a). Both conclusion I and II follows. / टमाटर नहीं है ।
(a) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (b). Both conclusion I and III follows. /
(b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल िन ष I और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। (a). . Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (d). Both conclusion II and III follows. / िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Both conclusion I and II follows. / िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। (b). . Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। (b). Only conclusion I follows. / केवल िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
(d) Neither conclusion follow. / कोई भी िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (c). Neither conclusion follow. / न तो
िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करते है िन ष का पालन कर।
Q98. Statements:/ कथन: (d). Both conclusion I and II follows. /
Q95. Statements: / कथन: िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते है ।
I. Some red are wood. / कुछ लाल लकड़ी ह।
I. Some pen are sharpener. / कुछ पेन शापनर II. No wood is bench. / कोई लकड़ी बच नहीं
ह। Q101. Statements: / कथन:
है ।
II. All pen are pencil. / सभी पेन पिसल ह। Conclusions:/ िन ष: Some flower are soft./ कुछ कठोर फूल ह।
Conclusions:/ िन ष: I. No bench is red. / कोई बच लाल नहीं है । No hard is soft./ कोई कठोर नरम नहीं है ।
I. Some pencil are pen. / कुछ पिसल कलम II. No bench is wood. / कोई बच लकड़ी नहीं Conclusions:/ िन ष:
ह। है । I.some hard are flower./ कुछ कठोर फूल ह।
II. All sharpener are pen. / सभी शापनर पेन III. Some red are bench. / कुछ लाल बच ह। II. Some soft are flower./ कुछ मुलायम फूल
ह। MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) ह।
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
(a). Conclusion II and either I or III
(a). Both conclusion I and II follows. / follow. / िन ष II और I या III अनुसरण करते (a) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। ह। िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
(b). Only conclusion I follows. / केवल (b). Neither conclusion follow. / कोई भी (b) Both conclusion I and II follows/
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । िन ष का अनुसरण नहीं करता है । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
(c). Neither conclusion follow. / कोई भी (c). Only conclusion I follows. / केवल (c) Only conclusion I follows /केवल िन ष
िन ष का अनुसरण नहीं करता है । I अनुसरण करता है
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(d). Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (d). Only conclusion III follows. / केवल (d) Neither conclusion follows/ कोई भी
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । िन ष अनुसरण नहीं करता है

Q96. Statements:/ कथन: Q99. Statements:/ कथन: Q102. Statements:/कथन:

I. All L are B./ सभी L, B ह। I. No K is L. / कोई K, L नहीं है । I. All H are B./सभी H, B है ।
II. No T is L. / कोई T, L नहीं है । II. Some L are M. / कुछ L, M ह। II. All R are B./सभी R, B है ।
III. Some R are T./ कुछ R, T ह। III. All M are G. / सभी M, G ह। Conclusions:/िन ष:
Conclusions:/ िन ष: Conclusions:/ िन ष: I. Some H are R./कुछ H, R ह।
I. Some T are R. / कुछ T, R ह। I. Some G are L. / कुछ G, L है । II. No H is R./कोई H R नहीं है ।
II. No B is T. / कोई B, T नहीं है । II. Some M are L. / कुछ M, L ह। III. Some B are R./कुछ B R ह।
III. No L is T. / कोई L, T नहीं है । III. No L is K. / कोई L, K नहीं है । MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Both conclusion II and III follow/
(a). Only conclusion I follows./ केवल िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते है ।
(a). Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (b) Conclusion III and either conclusion I
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(b). Only conclusion II follows./ केवल (b). All conclusions I, II and III follow. / or II follows/िन ष III और िन ष I या II
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह। अनुसरण करता है ।

Statement and Conclusion

(c) Only conclusion I follows/केवल िन ष (a) Either conclusion II or III follow. / या (a) Conclusions I and II follow. / िन षI
I अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष II या III अनुसरण करता है । और II अनुसरण करते ह।
(d) Only conclusion II follows/केवल (b) Conclusions II and III follow. / िन ष (b) Conclusions II and III follow. / िन ष
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । II और III अनुसरण करते ह। II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
(c) Either conclusion I or III follow. / या तो (c) Either conclusion I or II follow. / या तो
Q103. Statements:/कथन: िन ष I या III अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है ।
I. Some cups are glasses./ कुछ कप िगलास (d) Conclusions I and II follow. / िन षI (d) Conclusions I and III follow. / िन षI
ह। और II अनुसरण करते ह। और III अनुसरण करते ह।
II. No plate is cup as well as glass./कोई भी
ेट कप के साथ-साथ िगलास नहीं है । Q106. Statements: / कथन: Q109. Statements:/कथन:
Conclusion: /िन ष: Some plants are leaves. / कुछ पौधे पि यां ह। I. All posters are pamphlets./सभी पो र पच
I. Some cups are plates./कुछ कप ेट ह। All leaves are twigs. / सभी प े टहिनयाँ ह। है ।
II. All glasses are not plates./सभी िगलास No twig is banana. / कोई टहनी केला नहीं है । II. All envelopes are pamphlets./सभी
ेट नहीं है । Conclusions: / िन ष: िलफाफे पच है ।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) I. Some plants are bananas. / कुछ पौधे केले Conclusions:/िन ष:
ह। I. All pamphlets are envelopes./सभी पच
(a) Only conclusion I follow/केवल िन षI II. Some twigs are leaves. / कुछ टहिनयाँ िलफाफे है ।
अनुसरण करता है पि यां ह। II. Some pamphlets are posters./कुछ पच
(b) Only conclusion II follows/केवल III. Some bananas are leaves. / कुछ केले पो र है ।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है प े ह। III. Some posters are envelopes./कुछ पो र
(c) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) िलफाफे है ।
follow/न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
अनुसरण करता है (a) Only conclusion III follows / केवल
(d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II िन ष III अनुसरण करता है (a) Only Conclusion II follows/ केवल
follows./या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण (b) Conclusions I and II follow / िन षI िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
करता है । और II अनुसरण करते ह। (b) Conclusions I and II follow/ िन ष I
(c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल और II अनुसरण करते ह
Q104. Statement:/ कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (c) Conclusions II and III follow/ िन ष II
(d) Conclusions II and III follow / िन ष और III अनुसरण करते ह
Sama Veda is believed to be written
II और III अनुसरण करते ह। (d) Only conclusion III follows/केवल
around 200 BC./माना जाता है िक सामवेद 200
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है
ईसा पूव के आसपास िलखा गया था।
Conclusions:/ िन ष: Q107. Statements: / कथन:
All gifts are prizes. / सभी उपहार पुर ार है । Q110. Statements:/कथन:
I. Sama Veda is one of the oldest books in
Some gifts are objects./ कुछ उपहार व ुएं I. Some ornaments are diamonds./कुछ
history./ सामवेद इितहास की सबसे पुरानी
है । गहने हीरे है ।
पु कों म से एक है ।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) II. Some diamonds are necklaces./कुछ हीरे
II. Sama veda is the oldest book in
हार है ।
history./सामवेद इितहास की सबसे पुरानी पु क
(a) All prizes are gifts./ सभी पुर ार उपहार III. All necklaces are rings./सभी हार अंगूठी
है ।
ह। ह।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
(b) Some gifts are not prizes. / कुछ उपहार Conclusions:/िन ष:
पुर ार नहीं ह। I. Some rings are diamonds./कुछ छ े हीरे
(a) Only Conclusion I follows./केवल
(c) No object is prize. / कोई व ु पुर ार ह।
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
नहीं है । II. Some rings are necklaces./कुछ छ े हार
(b) Either conclusion I or conclusion II
(d) Some objects are prizes. / कुछ व ुएं ह।
follow./या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण
पुर ार ह। III. No ring is diamond./कोई अंगूठी हीरा नहीं
करता है ।
है ।
(c) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
Q108. Statements: / कथन: MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
follow./न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II
अनुसरण करता है । I. All markers are pens./ सभी माकर पेन ह।
II. No pen is pencil./ कोई पेन पिसल नहीं है । (a) Either conclusion I or III follows/या तो
(d) Only Conclusions II follows./केवल
III. Some pens are sharpeners. / कुछ पेन िन ष I या III अनुसरण करता है
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
शापनर ह। (b) Conclusions I and II follow/िन ष I
Conclusions: / िन ष: और II अनुसरण करते ह
Q105. Statements: / कथन:
(c) Conclusions I and III follow/िन ष I
Some caps are shirts./ कुछ कैप शट है । I. Some pens are markers. / कुछ पेन माकर
और III अनुसरण करते ह
Some shirts are coats. / कुछ शट कोट है । ह।
(d) Only Conclusion II follows/केवल
Conclusions: / िन ष: II. No marker is pencil. / कोई माकर पिसल
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
नहीं है ।
I. No coat is cap. / कोई कोट कैप नहीं है ।
III. No marker is sharpener. / कोई माकर
II. No coat is shirt. / कोई कोट शट नहीं है । Q111. Statements: /कथन:
शापनर नहीं है ।
III. Some coats are caps. / कुछ कोट कैप ह। All roots are plants./ सभी जड़ पौधे ह।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) No plant is fruit. / कोई भी पौधा फल नहीं है ।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) No hospital is clinic./ कोई अ ताल ीिनक I. Some accountants are managers. / कुछ
नहीं है । एकाउं टट बंधक ह।
(a) No plant is root. / कोई भी पौधा जड़ नहीं All clinics are houses./ सभी ीिनक घर ह। II. Some accountants are cashiers. / कुछ
है । MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) एकाउं टट कैिशयर ह।
(b) Some fruits are roots. / कुछ फल जड़ ह। (a). Some houses are not hospitals. / कुछ Conclusions: / िन ष:
(c) No fruit is root. / कोई फल जड़ नहीं है । घर अ ताल नहीं ह। I. All cashiers are accountants. / सभी
(d) Some roots are not plants. / कुछ जड़ (b) All houses are hospitals. / सभी घर कैिशयर अकाउं टट ह।
पौधे नहीं होती ह। अ ताल ह। II. Some managers are accountants / कुछ
(c)All houses are clinics. /सभी घर ीिनक बंधक एकाउं टट ह।
Q112. Statements: / कथन: ह। MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
I. All match-boxes are torches. / सभी (d) No house is hospital. / कोई घर अ ताल
मैच-बॉ मशाल है । नहीं है । (a) Either conclusion I or conclusion II
II. All torches are lanterns. / सभी मशाल follows. / या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण
लालटे न ह। Q115. Statements: / कथन: करता है ।
Conclusions: / िन ष: I. Some dawns are nights./ कुछ भोर रात ह। (b) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
I. Some torches are match-boxes. / कुछ II. No night is a noon. / कोई रात एक दोपहर िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
मशाल मैच-बॉ ह। है । (c) Only conclusion i follows / केवल
II. Some lanterns are match-boxes. / कुछ III. No dawn is a dusk. / कोई भोर सां झ नहीं िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
लालटे न मैच-बॉ ह। है । (d) Both conclusion I and II follow /
III. No match-box is lantern. /कोई भी Conclusions: / िन ष: िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
मैच-बॉ लालटे न नहीं है । I. Some dusks are nights. / कुछ डस रात ह।
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) II. Some noons are dawns. / कुछ रािनयाँ Q118. Statement: / कथन:
िभखारी ह। Sound cannot travel in vacuum. / िन
(a) Conclusions II and III follow. / िन ष MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) िनवात म या ा नहीं कर सकती।
II और III अनुसरण करते है । Conclusion: / िन ष:
(b) Conclusions I and II follow. / िन ष I (a) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल I. We cannot hear sound of explosion in
और II अनुसरण करते है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । vacuum. / हम िनवात म िव ोट की आवाज नहीं
(c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल (b) Neither I nor II follows. / न तो I और न सुन सकते ह।
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । ही II अनुसरण करता है । II. We cannot hear sound of explosion in
(d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (c) Either conclusion I or II follows./ या तो atmosphere. / हम वातावरण म िव ोट की
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । आवाज नहीं सुन सकते ह।
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q113. Statements:/ कथन: Q116. Statement: / कथन:
I. Some guavas are apples./ कुछ अम द Road offers the fastest connectivity (a) Only Conclusion I follows / केवल
सेब ह। between Agra and Delhi. / रोड आगरा और िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
II. All grapes are oranges. / सभी अंगूर संतरे िद ी के बीच सबसे तेज कने िवटी दान करता (b) Either conclusion I or conclusion II
ह। है । follows / या तो िन ष I या िन ष II
III. Some apples are grapes./ कुछ सेब अंगूर Conclusions: / िन ष: अनुसरण करता है ।
ह। I. There is no rail connectivity between (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
Conclusions: / िन ष: Agra and Delhi. / आगरा और िद ी के बीच िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
I. Some apples are oranges. / कुछ सेब संतरे कोई रे ल संपक नहीं है । (d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
ह। II. There is no air connectivity between follow / न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II
II. No orange is guava. / कोई नारं गी अम द Agra and Delhi. /आगरा और िद ी के बीच अनुसरण करता है ।
नहीं है । कोई हवाई संपक नहीं है ।
III. Some oranges are guavas. / कुछ संतरे MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) Q119. Statement:/कथन:
अम द ह। Rain water is the purest form of water./वषा
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II जल जल का शु तम प है ।
follows. / न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II Conclusions:/िन ष:
(a) Conclusions I and II follow./ िन षI अनुसरण करता है । l.Rainwater will contain the least amount
और II अनुसरण करते ह। (b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल of impurities./बा रश के पानी म कम से कम
(b) Conclusion I and either II or III िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । मा ा म अशु याँ होंगी।
follow. / िन ष I और II या III अनुसरण करते (c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Conclusions II and III follow. / िन ष (d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II (a) Both conclusion l and conclusion ll
II और III अनुसरण करते ह। follows. / या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण follow./िन ष I और िन ष II दोनों अनुसरण
(d) Only either conclusion I or III follow. करता है । करते ह।
/ केवल िन ष I या III अनुसरण करते ह। (b) Either conclusion l or conclusion ll
Q117. Statement: / कथन: follows./या तो िन ष l या िन ष ll इस कार
Q114. Statements: / कथन: है ।

Statement and Conclusion

(c) Only conclusion l follow./ केवल िन ष (c) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II (c) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष
l अनुसरण करता है । follow / न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II I अनुसरण करता है
(d) Only conclusion ll follow./ केवल िन ष अनुसरण करता है । (d) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
का अनुसरण करगे। (d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
follows./ या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण
Q120. Statements: / कथन: करता है । Q126. Statements:/कथन:
l.Some bats are cats. / कुछ चमगादड़ िब याँ All pans are jugs. / सभी पान जग ह।
ह। Q123. Statements:/कथन: No plates are jugs. / कोई ेट जग नहीं ह।
ll.All cats are darts. / सभी िब यां डाट् स ह। l. All dens are hens. / सभी डस मुिगयाँ ह। Conclusion:/िन ष:
Conclusion: / िन ष: ll. All pens are hens / सभी पेन मुिगयाँ ह I : Some pans are plates. / कुछ पैन ेट ह।
l.All bats are darts. / सभी चमगादड़ डाट् स ह। lll. All yens are hens / सभी येन मुिगयाँ ह II. Some jugs are pans. / कुछ जग पान ह।
ll.Some bats are darts. / कुछ चमगादड़ डाट् स Conclusion:/िन ष: III. No pans are plated. / कोई पैन ेट नहीं
ह। l.Some pens are dens. / कुछ पेन डस ह। है ।
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) ll.Some yens are dens. / कुछ यस डस ह। MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Neither conclusion l nor ll follows. / न (a) Only conclusion II and III follows /
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । (a) neither conclusion l nor ll follows / न केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करता ह ।
(b) Only conclusion l follow. / केवल िन ष तो िन ष l और न ही ll अनुसरण करता है (b) All conclusion I, II and III follows /
I अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion ll follows / केवल सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Only conclusion ll follow. / केवल िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है (c) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (c)Either conclusion l or ll follows / या तो िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(d) Either conclusion l or ll follows. / या तो िन ष l या ll अनुसरण करता है (d) Only conclusion I and III follows /
िन ष l या ll अनुसरण करता है । (d) Only conclusion l follows / केवल केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष l अनुसरण करता है
Q121. Statement: /कथन : Q127. Statements:/कथन:
I. All tables are books. /सभी टे बल िकताब ह। Q124. Statement:/कथन: l. All boys are experts./ सभी लड़के िवशेष
II. All pens are books. /सभी पेन िकताब ह। A very large number of students love ह।
Conclusions: / िन ष: dancing in the rain rather than studying in ll.Some experts are travelers./ कुछ िवशेष
I. Some tables are pens./ कुछ टे बल पेन ह । class./ ब त बड़ी सं ा म छा ों को क ा म पढ़ने या ी ह।
II. Some books are pens. / कुछ िकताब पेन के बजाय बा रश म नाचना पसंद है । lll.All travelers are foreigners./ सभी या ी
ह। Conclusions:/िन ष: िवदे शी ह।
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) l. Rain keeps students healthy./बा रश छा ों Conclusion:/ िन ष:
को थ रखती है । l.Some foreigners are experts./ कुछ िवदे शी
(a) Only conclusion II follows / केवल ll. Dancing is a good Exercise./डां स करना िवशेष ह।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । एक अ ी ए रसाइज है । ll.Some foreigners are boys./ कुछ िवदे शी
(b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) लड़के ह।
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । lll.No foreigners is boy./ कोई िवदे शी लड़का
(c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II (a) Both conclusion l and ll follow./िन ष नहीं है ।
follows / या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। lV.All travelers are expert./ सभी या ी
करता है । (b) Neither conclusion l nor ll follows./न िवशेष ह।
(d) Both conclusion I and conclusion II तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
follow / िन ष I और िन ष II दोनों अनुसरण (c) Only conclusion l follows./केवल िन ष
करते ह। I अनुसरण करता है । (a) Conclusion IV and Either II or III
(d) Only conclusion ll follows./केवल follows/िन ष IV और या तो II या III अनुसरण
Q122. Statement: / कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । करता है
Only white colour vehicles should be (b) All conclusion follow/सभी िन ष का
allowed in India for promoting peace. Q125. Statements:/ कथन: पालन करते ह
/शां ित को बढ़ावा दे ने के िलए भारत म केवल सफेद All bears are tigers. /सभी भालू बाघ ह। (c) Conclusion I, II and IV follow/ िन ष
रं ग के वाहनों को अनुमित दी जानी चािहए। Some bears are lions./कुछ भालू शेर ह I, II और IV अनुसरण करते ह
Conclusions: / िन ष: (d) Conclusion I and Either II or III
Conclusion/िन ष:
I. Blue colour vehicles promote peace. / follows/िन ष I और II या III अनुसरण करते है
I. Some tigers are lions./कुछ बाघ शेर ह।
नीले रं ग के वाहन शां ित को बढ़ावा दे ते ह। II. No lions are tigers./कोई भी शेर बाघ नहीं
II. White colour vehicles promote peace / Q128. Statements/कथन
है ।
सफेद रं ग के वाहन शां ित को बढ़ावा दे ते ह MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) I. All go downs are warehouses./सभी भंडार
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) घर गोदाम ह।
(a) both conclusions I and II follows/ II. Some warehouses are buildings./कुछ
(a) Only Conclusion I follows. / केवल गोदाम भवन ह।
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ न Conclusions:/िन ष:
(b) Only Conclusions II follows. / केवल तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है I. No building are warehouses./कोई इमारत
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । गोदाम नहीं ह।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

II. Some go downs are building./कुछ भंडार ll. Botany helps us in understanding 1. Rakesh is not clever. /राकेश चतुर नहीं है ।
घर िब ं ग बन रही ह। animal bodies./वन ित शरीर जानवरों को II. Rakesh is clever. /राकेश चतुर है ।
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) समझने म हमारी मदद करता है । MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल (a) Both conclusions I and II
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (a) Either conclusion l or ll follows./या तो follow/िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
(b) Only conclusion I follow./ केवल िन ष िन ष l या ll अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion II follows./केवल
I अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion ll follows./केवल िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Both conclusion I and II follow./ िन ष ll अनुसरण करता है । (c) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/न
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। (c) Only conclusion l follows./ केवल तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ न िन ष l अनुसरण करता है । (d) Only conclusion I follows/केवल िन ष
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है (d) Neither conclusion l nor ll follow./ न I अनुसरण करता है
तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II अनुसरण करगे।
Q129. Statement:/कथन: Q135.Statements: / कथन:
I. All flowers are trees./सभी फूल पेड़ ह। Q132. Statements:/कथन: All ships are butterflies./ सभी जहाज
II. All trees are fruits./सभी पेड़ फल ह। Some tables are ears./कुछ टे बल कान ह। िततिलयाँ ह।
Conclusions:/िन ष: All ears are spoons./सभी कान च च ह। Some aeroplanes are butterflies. / कुछ
I. Some fruits are flowers./कुछ फल फूल ह। Some spoons are glasses./कुछ च च िगलास हवाई जहाज िततिलयाँ ह।
II. All flowers are fruits./सभी फूल फल ह। ह। Conclusions:/ िन ष:
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Conclusions:/िन ष: I. All ships are aeroplanes./सभी जहाज हवाई
I. Some glasses are tables./कुछ ास टे बल जहाज ह।
(a) Either conclusion I or II follows./या तो है । II. Some butterflies are ships./ कुछ िततिलयाँ
िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । II. Some glasses are ears./कुछ िगलास कान जहाज ह।
(b) Both conclusions I and II follow./दोनों ह। MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Only conclusion I follow./केवल िन ष (a)Only conclusion II follows/केवल िन ष
I अनुसरण करता है । (a) only conclusion II follows./केवल II अनुसरण करता है
(d) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (b)Neither conclusion I nor II follow/न तो
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ न िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है (c) Only conclusion I follows/केवल िन ष
Q130. Statements:/कथन: (c) Only conclusion I follow/केवल िन ष I I अनुसरण करता है
I. Some drivers are racers./कुछ डाइवर रे सर अनुसरण करता है (d)Both conclusions I and II follow/
ह। (d) Both conclusion I and II follow/िन ष िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
II. Some racers are pilots./कुछ रे सर पायलट I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह
ह। Q136. Statements:/ कथन:
Conclusions:/िन ष: Q133 Statement:/कथन: All peacocks are swans./सभी मोर हं स ह ।
I. Some pilots are drivers./कुछ पायलट I. All ships are water vessels./सभी जहाज Some parrots are swans./कुछ तोते हं स ह ।
डाइवर ह। पानी के जहाज ह। Conclusions:/िन ष:
II. No pilot is a driver./कोई भी पायलट II. Some boats are ships./कुछ नाव जहाज ह। I. Some parrots are peacocks./कुछ तोते मोर
डाइवर नहीं है । Conclusions:/िन ष: ह
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) I. All boats are water vessels./सभी नाव पानी II. Some swans are peacocks./कुछ हं स मोर
के जहाज ह। ह
(a) Only conclusion II follows./केवल II. All water vessels are ships./सभी पानी के III. Some swans are parrots./कुछ हं स तोते ह
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । जहाज ह। MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) Only conclusion I follow./केवल िन ष MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
I अनुसरण करता है । (a) Only conclusion I and III follow/ केवल
(c) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./न (a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ न िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion I and II follow/ केवल
(d) Either conclusion I or II follows./या तो (b) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह
िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। (c) All conclusion I, II and III follow /
(c) Only conclusion I follow./ केवल िन ष सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह
Q131. Statements/कथन I अनुसरण करता है । (d) Only conclusion II and III follow/
The scientific study of plants is known as (d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह
Botany. िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
पौधों के वै ािनक अ यन को वन ित िव ान के Q137. Statement: / कथन:
प म जाना जाता है । Q134. Statement:/कथन: I. All husband are son. / सभी पित पु ह।
Conclusions:/िन ष: All philosophers are clever. Rakesh is a II. Some son are father. / कुछ बेटे िपता ह।
l. Botany helps us understand human philosopher./सभी दाशिनक चतुर ह। राकेश एक Conclusion:/ िन ष
behaviour./ वन ित िव ान हम मानव वहार दाशिनक ह। I. Some sons are husband./ कुछ बेटे पित ह।
को समझने म मदद करता है । Conclusions:/िन ष:
Statement and Conclusion

II. Some husband are father./कुछ पित िपता (c) Only conclusion II follows/केवल िन ष (b) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
ह। II अनुसरण करता है िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (d) Either conclusion I or Conclusion II (c) Both conclusions I and II follow / दोनों
follows./या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह
(a) Only conclusion I follow/ केवल िन ष करता है (d) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
I अनुसरण करता है िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
(b) Neither I nor II follow/ न तो I और न ही Q140 Statements / कथन:
II अनुसरण करता है I. All doors are floors. / सभी दरवाजे फश ह। Q.143 Statements: / कथन:
(c) only conclusion II follow/ केवल िन ष II. Some floors are tiles. /कुछ मंिजल टाइल All nieces are sisters. / सभी भतीजी बहन ह।
II अनुसरण करता है ह। Some nieces are brothers. / कुछ भतीजे भाई
(d) both I and II follow/ I और II दोनों III. All tiles are paints. / सभी टाइ पट ह। ह।
अनुसरण करते ह Conclusions: / िन ष: Conclusion / िन ष
I. Some floors are paints. / कुछ मंिजल पट I : Some brothers are sisters. / कुछ भाई
Q138. Statement: /कथन: ह। बहन ह।
Is the choice of junk food a better option II. Some doors are tiles. / कुछ दरवाजे टाइल II : All sisters are nieces. / सभी बहन भतीजी
to create interest in eating in children?/ ह। ह।
ा ब ों म खाने के ित िच पैदा करने के िलए MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) III : No brothers are sisters. / कोई भाई बहन
जंक फूड का िवक बेहतर िवक है ? नहीं ह।
Arguments: / तक: (a) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
I. Yes, the best way to create interest is to िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
give the food a child likes./ हाँ , िच पैदा (b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल (a) Only Conclusion I and III follows /
करने का सबसे अ ा तरीका यह है िक भोजन िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करता है
ब े को पसंद िकया जाए। (c) Both conclusion I and II follow. / (b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
II. No, junk food is the reason behind िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and other (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
health problems and it is important to तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
induce healthy eating habits in children. / (d) All conclusions I, II and III follow /
नहीं, जंक फूड मोटापे, दय रोगों, मधुमेह और Q141 Statements : / कथन: सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह
अ ा सम ाओं का कारण है और ब ों म I. Some chairs are doors. /कुछ कुिसयां
थ भोजन की आदतों को े रत करना मह पूण दरवाजे ह। Q.144 Statements: / कथन:
है । II. All doors are tables./ सभी दरवाजे टे बल Some cats are mice. /कुछ िब याँ चूहे ह।
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) है । All mice are dogs. / सभी चूहे कु े ह।
Conclusion / िन ष Conclusion / िन ष
(a) only argument II is strong./ केवल तक II I : Some chairs are tables. /कुछ कुिसयां I: No dogs are cats. / कोई भी कु े िब यां
मजबूत है ।
टे बल है । नहीं है ।
(b) both arguments I and II are strong./ II : No doors are chairs. /कोई दरवाजे कुिसयां II: All cats are dogs. / सभी िब याँ कु े ह।
दोनों तक I और II मजबूत ह। नहीं है । MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) Neither argument I nor II is strong./ न III : Some tables are doors. /कुछ टे बल
तो I और न ही II मजबूत है । दरवाजे ह। (a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
(d) only argument I is strong./ केवल तक I MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन ष I अनुसरण करता है
मजबूत है ।
(b) Both conclusions I and II follow / दोनों
(a) All conclusions I, II and III follows. िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह
Q139. Statement: कथन: /सभी िन ष I, II और III िन ह। (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
Physical abuse is apparent, so it is easy to (b) Only conclusion I and II follows. िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
accept it, but mental abuse does not /केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करता है । (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न
appear, so we keep denying it. (c) Only conclusion I and III follows. तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है
शारी रक शोषण है , इसिलए इसे ीकार /केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह।
करना आसान है , लेिकन मानिसक शोषण िदखाई (d) Only conclusion II follows. /केवल CPO 2019 TIER I
नहीं दे ता है , इसिलए हम इसे नकारते रहते ह। िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
Conclusion : िन ष:
I. We reject to what we cannot see../ हम Q145. Statements/ कथन :
Q.142 Statements: / कथन:
जो नहीं दे ख सकते ह उसे अ ीकार करते ह। I.Some Delhites are Singaporeans/ कुछ
All cakes are rocks. /सभी केक च ान है । िद ीवासी िसंगापुर के वासी ह |
II. It is easy to accept what we see./ हम जो
All rocks are dams. / सभी च ान बां ध है । II.No singaporean is an American./ कोई भी
दे खते ह उसे ीकार करना आसान है ।
Conclusion: / िन ष: िसंगापुर का वासी अमे रकी नहीं है |
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
I : Some dams are cakes. / कुछ बां ध केक ह। Conclusions/ िन ष :
II : All rocks are cakes. / सभी च ान केक ह। I.Some Americans are Singaporeans./ कुछ
(a) Only Conclusion I follows/केवल िन ष
I अनुसरण करता है
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) अमे रकी िसंगापुर के वासी ह |
(b) Conclusion I and II both II. All Singaporeans are Delhiites./ सभी
follows/िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न िसंगापुर के वासी िद ी वासी ह |
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) Only conclusions II and III follow./ (b) Only conclusion I and IV follow. /
(a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना केवल िन ष II और III सही है | िन ष I और IV दोनों सही है |
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | (d) Only conclusions I and IV follow./ (c) Only conclusion II and III follow
(b) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष केवल िन ष I और IV सही है | /िन ष II और III दोनों सही है |
I सही है | (d) Only conclusion I and II follow/
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows/ या तो Q148.Statements/ कथन : िन ष I और II दोनों सही है |
िन ष I या II सही है | 1.All petunias are flowers/सभी पेटूिनया फूल
(d) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल ह Q151 Statements/ कथन :
िन ष II सही है | 2. No flower is black./ कोई भी फूल काला 1. Some dancers are singers./ कुछ नतक
नहीं है | गायक ह |
Q146. Statement/ कथन : Conclusions/ िन ष : 2. No singer is an actor. / कोई भी गायक
The Prime Minister has made clear that I.Some petunias are black./ कुछ पेटूिनया अिभनेता नहीं है |
his government will make concerted काले ह | Conclusions/ िन ष :
effort for the upliftment of poor farmers II.No petunia is black./ कोई भी पेटूिनया I. Some actors are singers./ कुछ अिभनेता
and announced an annual pension for काला नहीं है | गायक ह |
them . CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) II. All singers are dancers./ सभी गायक
धानमं ी ने िकया िक उनकी सरकार गरीब नतक ह |
िकसानों के उ ान के िलए ठोस यास करे गी और (a) Both the conclusion I and II follow./ CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
उनके िलए वािषक पशन की घोषणा की | िन ष I और II दोनों सही ह |
Conclusions/ िन ष : (b) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल (a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / ना
I. Government understands that the िन ष II सही है | तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
condition of poor farmers needs (c) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल (b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
िन ष I सही है | िन ष I सही है |
immediate attention./ सरकार समझती है िक
गरीब िकसानों की थित पर तुरंत ान दे ने की (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows./ ना (c) Either conclusion I or II follows / या तो
आव कता है | तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | िन ष I या II सही है |
II. No benefits are announced for the (d) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
other sections of society./ समाज के अ वग Q149. Statements/ कथन : िन ष II सही है |
के िलए िकसी भी लाभ की घोषणा नहीं की जाती है I. All chairs are wood/ सभी कुिसयाँ लकड़ी ह
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) II.No wood is furniture./ कोई भी लकड़ी Q152. Statement/ कथन :
फन चर नहीं है | “On October 2, let us pledge to make the
(a) Both conclusions I and II follows/ Conclusions:/ िन ष: country free of single-use plastic.”- Prime
िन ष I और II दोनों सही ह | I.All chairs are furniture./ सभी कुिसयाँ Minister of India/
(b) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल फन चर ह | “2 अ ू बर को, आइये हम दे श को एकल योग
िन ष II सही है | II.Some furniture are wood./ कुछ फन चर वाले ा क से मु करने की शपथ ल |” -
(c) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ ना लकड़ी ह | भारत के धानमं ी
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) Conclusions / िन ष :
(d) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष I. All Indians should reduce and then
I सही है | (a) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष completely eliminate the consumption of
I सही है | single-use plastic like packaged drinking
Q147. Statements/ कथन : (b) Both conclusions I and II follows/ water /
1. All papers are stationery/ सभी कागज़ िन ष I और II दोनों सही है | सभी भारतीयों को पैके पेयजल जैसे एकल योग
े शनरी ह | (c) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल वाले ा क की खपत को कम करना चािहए
2. Some papers are books./ कुछ कागज़ िन ष II सही है | तथा िफर पूरी तरह से समा कर दे ना चािहए |
पु कह| (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows/ ना II.India is going to be completely plastic
Conclusions/ िन ष : तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | free on October 2 / भारत 2 अ ू बर को
I. Some stationery are papers./ कुछ े शनरी ा क से पूरी तरह मु होने जा रहा है |
कागज़ ह | Q150. Statements/ कथन : CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
II. No stationery is paper./ कोई भी े शनरी I. All parrots are crows/ सभी तोते कौवे ह |
कागज़ नहीं है | II. All crows are robins/ सभी कौवे रॉिबन ह | (a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
III. No book is stationery/ कोई भी पु क िन ष I सही है |
III. All robins are swans./ सभी रॉिबन हं स ह |
े शनरी नहीं है | (b) Both conclusions I and II follow/
Conclusions/ िन ष :
IV.Some books are papers./ कुछ पु क िन ष I और II दोनों सही ह |
I.All parrots are Swans./ सभी तोते हं स ह |
े शनरी ह | (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल
II.All swans are crows./ सभी हं स कौवे ह |
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) िन ष II सही है |
III.All robins are parrots./ सभी रॉिबन तोते ह
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / ना
IV.All crows are swans./ सभी कौवे हं स ह |
(a) Only conclusions I, II and IV follow./ तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है |
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
केवल िन ष I, II और IV सही है |
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow./ Q153. Statements: / कथन:
(a) All the conclusion follow / सभी िन ष
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | I.Some appliances are electronic. / कुछ
सही ह |
उपकरण इले ॉिनक ह।
Statement and Conclusion

II.Some electronics are tube lights. / कुछ (b) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों पा म का अ यन िकया था तािक वे परी ा
इले ॉिन ूबलाइट ह। िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। पास कर सक।
Conclusions: / िन ष: (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल Conclusions: / िन ष:
I.Some appliances are tube lights / कुछ िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । I. Most of the students are just trying to
उपकरण ूबलाइट ह । (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न pass the examination. / अिधकां श छा परी ा
II.No tube light is an appliance. / कोई ूब तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । पास करने की कोिशश कर रहे ह।
लाइट उपकरण नहीं है । II. There is less emphasis on learning by
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) Q156. Statements: / कथन: teachers. / िश कों ारा िसखाने पर जोर कम है ।
A. All purses are coins. / सभी पस िस े ह। CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) Only conclusion II follows / केवल B. All coins are rupees. / सभी िस े पये
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । ह। (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
(b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल C. All rupees are pink. / सभी पये गुलाबी ह। िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । Conclusions: / िन ष: (b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows / या तो I. All purses are pink. / सभी पस गुलाबी ह। िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । II. All pink are coins. / सभी गुलाबी िस े ह। (c) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न III. All rupees are purses. / सभी पए पस ह। I अनुसरण करता है ।
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न
IV. All coins are pink. / सभी िस े गुलाबी
ह। तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
Q154. Statements: / कथन: CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
The United Nation has adopted 21st June Q159. Statements : / कथन:
as World Yoga Day.This has promoted (a) Only conclusions I and IV follow. / Some chimpanzees are tigers. / कुछ िचंपां जी
India’s glorious tradition all over the केवल िन ष I और IV अनुसरण करते ह। बाघ ह।
world. / संयु रा ने 21 जून को िव योग िदवस (b) Only conclusions I and II follow. / Some elephants are chimpanzees. / कुछ
के प म अपनाया है । इसने पूरे िव म भारत की केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। हाथी िचंपां जी ह।
गौरवशाली परं परा को बढ़ावा िदया है । (c) All the conclusions follow. / सभी Conclusions: / िन ष:
Conclusions: / िन ष िन ष पालन करते ह। 1. Some elephants are tigers. / कुछ हाथी
I. Yoga is practiced only on 21st June. / 21 (d) Only conclusions II and III follow. / बाघ ह।
जून को ही योग का अ ास िकया जाता है । केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह। 2. Some chimpanzees are elephants. / कुछ
II. More people are coming to India now िचंपां जी हाथी ह।
to practice Yoga. / योग का अ ास करने के Q157 Statements: / कथन: CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
िलए अब अिधक लोग भारत आ रहे ह। I. Some chocolates are toffees. / कुछ
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) चॉकलेट टॉफ़ी ह। (a) Both conclusion I and II follow. /
II. All toffees are éclairs. / सभी टॉिफयां िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
(a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न ए ेयस ह। (b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है Conclusions: / िन ष: िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
(b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल I. Some éclairs are toffees. / कुछ ए ेयस (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है टॉफी ह। िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
(c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल II. Some éclairs are chocolates. / कुछ (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follow. / न
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ए ेयस चॉकलेट ह। तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
(d) Both conclusions I and II follows / CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह Q160. Statements. / कथन
(a) Both conclusions I and II follow. / I. All pictures are coloured. / सभी िच रं गीन
Q155. Statement: / कथन: िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। ह।
The importance of a person is not (b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल II. No coloured is black. / कोई रं गीन काला
dependent only on one’s status and िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । नहीं है ।
money. / िकसी का मह केवल एक की (c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल Conclusions: / िन ष:
थित और धन पर िनभर नहीं है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । I. Some pictures are black. / कुछ िच काले
Conclusions: / िन ष: (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न ह।
I.The goal of most people is just to तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । II. No picture is black. / कोई िच काला नहीं
acquire more money. / अिधकां श लोगों का है ।
ल िसफ अिधक धन ा करना है । Q158 Statement: / कथन: CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
II.There are some factors other than status Most of the students usually fail to apply
and money which contribute to the in practice what they studied on their (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
importance of a person. / थित और धन के courses in school and colleges because
अलावा कुछ कारक ह जो िकसी के मह म
(b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
they studied the course just so they could
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
योगदान करते ह। pass the examination. / अिधकां श छा
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
आमतौर पर ू ल और कॉलेजों म अपने
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
पा मों पर अ यन िकए गए अ ास म
(a) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष आवेदन करने म िवफल होते ह ोंिक उ ोंने (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न
I अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(b) Only conclusion II and III follows / (a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
CGL 2019 TIER I केवल िन ष II और III सही ह | िन ष I सही है |
(c) Only conclusion I and III follows / (b) Only conclusions II and III follow /
Q161.Statements / कथन : केवल िन ष I और III सही ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही ह |
(d) Only conclusion I and II follows / (c) only conclusions I and III follow /
I. Some animals are elephants/ कुछ पशु
केवल िन ष I और II सही ह | केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
हाथी ह |
(d) Only Conclusion II follows / केवल
II.Some elephants are tigers/कुछ हाथी बाघ
Q164. Statements/ कथन : िन ष II सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : I. Some Cars are Rockets / कुछ कार रॉकेट
ह| Q167. Statements/ कथन :
I. Some animals are tigers/ कुछ पशु बाघ ह |
II. All Rockets are Engines / सभी रॉकेट 1.All parakeets are cuckoos./ सभी तोते
II. No tiger is an animal / कोई भी बाघ पशु
इं जन ह | कोयल ह |
नहीं है |
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) Conclusions / िन ष : 2.All cuckoos are rabbits./ सभी कोयल
I. Some Engines are Rockets / कुछ इं जन खरगोश ह |
(a) Only conclusion II follows / केवल रॉकेट ह | 3.All rabbits are snakes./ सभी खरगोश साँ प
II. Some Engines are cars / कुछ इं जन कार ह ह|
िन ष II सही है |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) Conclusions/ िन ष :
(b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
I.All parakeets are snakes./ सभी तोते साँ प ह |
िन ष I सही है |
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows / या तो (a) Only conclusion II follows / केवल II.All snakes are cuckoos./सभी साँ प कोयल
िन ष I या II सही है | िन ष II सही है | ह|
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / ना (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / ना III.All rabbits are parakeets/ सभी खरगोश
तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | तो िन ष I ना ही II सही है | तोते ह |
(c) Only conclusion I follows / केवल IV.All cuckoos are snakes/सभी कोयल साँ प
िन ष I सही है | ह|
Q162.Statements / कथन :
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
1.All dogs are lions/ सभी कु े शेर ह | (d) Both conclusion I and II follows /
2.No elephant is a lion / कोई भी हाथी शेर िन ष I और II दोनों सही है |
(a) Only conclusions II and III follow./
नहीं है |
केवल िन ष II और III सही है |
Conclusions/ िन ष : Q165.Statements / कथन :
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow./
I. No dog is an elephant/ कोई भी कु ा हाथी 1. All cars are trucks / सभी कार टक ह |
केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
नहीं है | 2. Some buses are cars / कुछ बस कार ह |
(c) All the conclusions follow / सभी िन ष
II. No lion is a dog / कोई भी शेर कु ा नहीं है | Conclusions / िन ष : सही ह |
III. Some elephants are dogs / कुछ हाथी I. All cars are buses / सभी कार बस ह | (d) Only conclusions I and IV follow/
कु े ह | II. Some buses are trucks / कुछ बस टक ह | केवल िन ष I तथा IV सही ह |
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) III. All trucks are buses / सभी टक बस ह |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q168. Statements / कथन :
(a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल
1. Some papers are copies/ कुछ कागज़ कॉपी
िन ष I सही है | (a) Only conclusions II and III follows / ह|
(b) Only conclusion II and III / केवल केवल िन ष II और III सही है | 2. No copy is an eraser/ कोई भी कॉपी रबड़
िन ष II और III सही है | (b) Only conclusion I follows / केवल नहीं है |
(c) Only conclusion I and III follows / िन ष I सही है | Conclusions/ िन ष :
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | (c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल I. Some copies are papers/ कुछ कॉिपयाँ
(d) Only conclusion II follows / केवल िन ष II सही है | कागज़ ह |
िन ष II सही है | (d) Only conclusions I and III follows / II. Some papers are erasers/ कुछ कागज़
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | रबड़ ह |
Q163.Statements / कथन : III. No paper is an eraser/ कोई भी कागज़
1.All Prizes are medals /सभी पुर ार पदक Q166. Statements / कथन : रबड़ नहीं है |
ह 2.Some Prizes are certificates / कुछ All Singers are dancers / सभी गायक नतक ह CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
पुर ार माण-प ह | |
Conclusions / िन ष : No dancer is a plumber / कोई भी नतक ंबर (a) Only conclusion II and either
I. Some certificates are Prizes / कुछ नहीं है | conclusion I or II follow. / केवल िन ष II
माण-प पुर ार ह | Conclusions / िन ष : तथा या तो I या II सही है |
II. Some medals are prizes / कुछ पदक I.No plumber is a singer /कोई भी ंबर (b) Only conclusion I and either
पुर ार ह | गायक नहीं है | conclusion II or III follow./ केवल िन ष I
III. Some certificates are Medals / कुछ II.Some singers are plumbers / कुछ गायक तथा या तो िन ष II या III सही है |
माण-प पदक ह | ंबर ह | (c) Only conclusions I and III follow/
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) III.Some dancers are singers / कुछ नतक केवल िन ष I और III सही है |
गायक ह | (d) Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल
(a) Only conclusion I, II and III follows / CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) िन ष I और II सही है |
केवल िन ष I, II और III सही ह|
Statement and Conclusion

Q169. Statements/ कथन : (b) Only conclusions I and II follow./ II. No pen is a game./ कोई भी कलम खेल नहीं
1. No bottle is a pen/ कोई भी बोतल कलम केवल िन ष I और II सही है | है ।
नहीं है | (c) Only conclusions II and III follow./ III.Some toys are games./कुछ खलौने खेल ह
2. All jugs are bottles/ सभी जग बोतल ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही है | ।
Conclusions/ िन ष : (d) Only conclusions I and IV follow/ CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
I. Some jugs are pens/ कुछ जग कलम ह | केवल िन ष I और IV सही है |
II. No jug is pen / कोई भी जग कलम नहीं है | (a) Only conclusions I and II follow./
III. Some bottles are jugs/ कुछ बोतल जग ह | Q172. Statements/ कथन : केवल िन ष I और II सही है ।
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) 1.All helmets are objects./सभी हे लमेट व ु (b) Only conclusions II and III follow./
ह| केवल िन ष II और III सही है ।
(a) All conclusions I, II and III follow/ 2.Some helmets are vehicles./ कुछ हे लमेट (c) All conclusions I, II and III follow./
वाहन ह | सभी िन ष I, II और III सही है ।
सभी िन ष I, II और III सही ह |
(b) Conclusion III and either conclusion I Conclusions/ िन ष : (d) Either conclusion I or III follows./ या
or II follow/ िन ष III तथा या तो I या II सही I.Some objects are helmets./ कुछ व ुएँ तो िन ष I या III सही है ।
है | हे लमेट ह |
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows/ या तो II.Some vehicles are helmets./ कुछ वाहन Q175.Statements / कथन :
I या II सही है | हे लमेट ह | 1. All laptops are computers./ सभी लैपटॉप
(d) Only conclusions II and III follow/ III.Some vehicles are objects./ कुछ वाहन कं ूटर ह ।
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | व ुएँ ह | 2. Some tablets are laptops/ कुछ टै बलेट
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) लैपटॉप ह ।
Q170. Statements / कथन : Conclusions/ िन ष :
I. Some machines are kites./ कुछ मशीन (a) Only conclusions I and III follow./ I. All tablets are computers./ सभी टै बलेट
केवल िन ष II और III सही है | कं ूटर ह ।
पतंग ह |
II. No machine is a pigeon./ कोई भी मशीन (b) Only conclusions I and II follow./ II. Some tablets are computers./ कुछ टै बलेट
कबूतर नहीं है | केवल िन ष I और II सही है | कं ूटर ह ।
Conclusions/ िन ष : (c) Only conclusions II and III follow./ III.Some computers are laptops./ कुछ
I.Some machines are pigeons/ कुछ मशीन केवल िन ष II और III सही है | कं ूटर लैपटॉप ह ।
कबूतर ह | (d) All conclusions I, II and III follow./ CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
II. All kites are pigeons./ सभी पतंग कबूतर ह सभी िन ष I, II और III सही ह |
III. Some kites are not pigeons./ कुछ पतंग (a) All conclusions I, II and III follow/
कबूतर नहीं ह |
Q173. Statements/ कथन : सभी िन ष I, II और III सही ह ।
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) I. Some cars are buses./ कुछ कार बस ह | (b) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल
II. Some buses are trucks./ कुछ बस टक ह| िन ष III सही है ।
(a) Only conclusions I and II follow / III. Some trucks are scooters./ कुछ टक (c) Only conclusions II and III follow/
केवल िन ष I और II सही है | ू टर ह | केवल िन ष II और III सही है ।
(b) Only conclusions I and III follow / Conclusions/ िन ष : (d) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल
केवल िन ष I और III सही है | I.Some cars are scooters./ कुछ कार ू टर ह िन ष II सही है ।
(c) Only conclusion II follow/ केवल िन ष II.Some trucks are buses./ कुछ टक बस ह |
II सही है | III.Some scooters are buses./ कुछ ू टर Q176.Statements/ कथन:
(d) Only conclusion III follow/ केवल बस ह | 1.Some dancers are writers./ कुछ नतक
िन ष III सही है | IV. All scooters are trucks./सभी ू टर टक लेखक ह ।
ह| 2. All Writers are students./ सभी लेखक छा
Q171. Statements/ कथन : CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) ह।
1.All books are magazines./ सभी िकताब Conclusions/ िन ष :
पि का ह | (a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल I. Some students are dancers./ कुछ छा
2.Some books are novels./ कुछ िकताब नतक ह ।
िन ष I सही है |
उप ास ह | II. Some students are writers./ कुछ छा
(b) All the conclusions follow./ सभी िन ष
Conclusions/ िन ष : लेखक ह ।
सही ह |
I. Some magazines are books./ कुछ (c) Only conclusions II and IV follow./ III. No student is a dancer. /कोई भी छा
पि काएँ िकताब ह | केवल िन ष II और IV सही है | नतक नहीं है ।
II. No magazine is a book. / कोई भी पि का CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
(d) Only conclusions I and II follow./
िकताब नहीं है | केवल िन ष I और II सही है |
III.No novel is a magazine./ कोई भी (a)Only conclusions II and III follow./
उप ास पि का नहीं है | केवल िन ष II और III सही है ।
Q174. Statements/ कथन :
IV. Some novels are books./ कुछ उप ास (b)Only conclusions I and II follow./ केवल
1. All toys are pens./ सभी खलौने कलम ह ।
िकताब ह | िन ष I और II सही है ।
2. All games are pens./ सभी खेल कलम ह ।
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (c) All conclusions I, II and II follow./
Conclusions/ िन ष :
सभी िन ष I, II और III सही ह ।
I.No toy is a game./ कोई भी खलौना खेल नहीं
(a) Only conclusion I, II and IV follow. / (d) Either conclusion I or III follow/ या तो
है ।
केवल िन ष I, II और IV सही है | िन ष I या II सही है ।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning) III. All teachers are doors. / सभी िश क

Q177. Statements/ कथन: दरवाजे ह।
I. No garden is a park./ कोई भी बाग़ उ ान (a)Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II IV. Some cups are teachers. / कुछ कप
नहीं है । follows / न तो िन ष I और न ही िन ष II िश क ह।
II. Some gardens are schools./ कुछ बाग़ अनुसरण करता है CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
िव ालय ह । (b)Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष
Conclusions/ िन ष : I अनुसरण करता है (a) Only conclusions I and III follow. /
I. No park is a garden./ कोई भी उ ान बाग़ (c)Only conclusion II follows / केवल केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह।
नहीं है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है (b) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
II. Some schools are gardens./ कुछ िव ालय (d) Both concussion I and II follows / केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
बाग़ ह । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह (c) Only conclusions II and IV follow. /
III. Some parks are gardens./ कुछ उ ान केवल िन ष II और IV अनुसरण करते ह।
बाग़ ह । Q180. Statements:/ कथन: (d) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) Some Pen are Ink./ कुछ पेन इं क ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
Some Paper are Ink./ कुछ पेपर इं क ह।
(a) Only conclusions II and III follow./ Conclusions:/ िन ष: Q183. Statements: / कथन:
केवल िन ष II और III सही है । (I) All Ink are Pen./सभी इं क पेन ह। 1. No cup is a book. / कोई कप िकताब नहीं
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow./ (II) Some Pens are Paper./ कुछ पेन पेपर ह। है ।
केवल िन ष I और II सही है । CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon) 2. Apple is a cup. / सेब एक कप है ।
(c) Either conclusion I or III and Conclusions: / िन ष:
conclusion II follow./ या तो िन ष I या III (a) Both conclusions I and II I. Apple is not a book. / सेब कोई पु क नहीं
तथा िन ष II सही है । follow./िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। है ।
(d) Either conclusion I or III follows./ या (b) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल II. Apple may or may not be a book. / सेब
तो िन ष I या III सही है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । एक िकताब हो भी सकती है या नहीं भी ।
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
(c) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल
Q178. Statements/ कथन : िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
1. Some bottles are glasses./ कुछ बोतल (d) Either conclusion I or conclusion II (a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न
िगलास ह । तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
follows./ या तो िन ष I या िन ष II अनुसरण
2. Some glasses are bowls./ कुछ िगलास करता है ।
(b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
कटोरी ह । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
Conclusions / िन ष : (c) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों
Q181. Statements: / कथन:
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
I. Some bowls are bottles./ कुछ कटो रयाँ 1. Some cats are dogs. / कुछ िब याँ कु े
बोतल ह ।
(d) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
II. Some glasses are bottles./ कुछ िगलास िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
2. Some trees are dogs. / कुछ पेड़ कु े ह।
बोतल ह । Conclusions: / िन ष:
III. No bowl is a bottle./ कोई भी कटोरी Q184. Statements: / कथन:
(I) Some dogs are cats. / कुछ कु े िब याँ
बोतल नहीं है । 1. Some buns are tarts / कुछ ब टाटस है ।
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) 2. All tarts are pastries. / सभी टाटस पे ी ह।
(II) Some cats are trees. / कुछ िब याँ पेड़
ह। 3. All pastries are breads. / सभी पे ी ेड ह।
(a) All conclusions I, II and III follow./ CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) Conclusions: / िन ष:
सभी िन ष I, II और III सही है । I. Some breads are buns. / कुछ ेड ब ह।
(b) Either conclusion II or III follows/ या (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. / II. Some pastries are buns. / कुछ पे ी ब
तो िन ष II या III सही है । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। ह।
(c) Only conclusions II and III follow./ (b) Either conclusion I or II follows. / या III. Some buns are breads. / कुछ ब ेड
केवल िन ष II और III सही है । तो िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । ह।
(d) Only conclusion II and either (c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
conclusion I or III follow./ केवल िन ष II िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
तथा या तो िन ष I या III सही है । (d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (a) Only conclusions II and III follow. /
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
CHSL 2019 TIER I (b) All the conclusions follow. / सभी
Q182. Statements: / कथन: िन ष अनुसरण करते ह।
1. All doors are teachers. / सभी दरवाजे (c) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
Q179. Statements: / कथन:
िश क ह। केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
All woods are roots. / सभी जंगल जड़ ह।
2. All teachers are cups. / सभी िश क कप (d) Only conclusions I and IV follow. /
All fruits are roots. / सभी फल जड़ ह।
ह। केवल िन ष I और IV अनुसरण करते ह।
No woods are a fruit. / कोई लकड़ी फल नहीं
Conclusion: / िन ष:
है । Q185. Statements: / कथन:
Conclusion / िन ष I. All cups are doors. / सभी कप दरवाजे ह।
II. All doors are cups. / सभी दरवाजे कप ह। 1.All men are animals / सभी लोग जानवर ह।
I. Some roots are fruits. / कुछ जड़ फल ह।
2. No man is a bird / कोई भी आदमी एक प ी
II.All roots are woods. / सभी जड़ जंगल ह। नहीं है ।
Statement and Conclusion

Conclusions: / िन ष: Conclusions: / िन ष : (d) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल

I. All animals are birds / सभी जानवर प ी ह। I. Some beans are breads. / कुछ बी ीड है िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
II. All animals are men / सभी जानवर पु ष II. Some breads are beans. / कुछ ीड बी
ह। है | Q191. Statements: / कथन
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) 1. Some computers are phones / कुछ
क ूटस फोन है |
(a)Both concussions I and II follow / दोनों (a) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल 2. All phones are televisions. / सभी फोन
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । टे लीिवज़न है |
(b)Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न Conclusions: / िन ष
I अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । I. Some phones are computers / कुछ फोन
(c)Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न (c) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों कं ूटर ह
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। II. Some televisions are computers / कुछ
(d)Only conclusion II follows / केवल (d) Either conclusion I or II follows. / या टे लीिवजन कं ूटर ह
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । III. No television is a computer / कोई भी
टे लीिवजन कं ूटर नहीं है
Q186.Statements: / कथन: Q189. Statements:/कथन: CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
No plastic is iron / कोई ा क लोहा नहीं है 1. All parrots are pigeons./ सभी तोते कबूतर
All steel is iron / सभी ील लोहे है । होते ह। (a)Only conclusions I and II follow / केवल
Conclusions: / िन ष: 2. No pigeons are tables./कोई कबूतर टे बल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह
I.Some plastic is steel /कुछ ा क ील है नहीं ह। (b)Only conclusions III follows / केवल
II. Some iron is steel / कुछ लोहा ील है । Conclusions:/िन ष: िन ष III अनुसरण करता है
III. No steel is plastic / कोई ील ा क I. All pigeons are tables./सभी कबूतर टे बल (c)Either conclusion II or III follows / या
नहीं है । ह। तो िन ष II या III अनुसरण करता है
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) II. No parrot is a table./ कोई तोता मेज नहीं (d)Only conclusions I and III follows /
है । केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह
(a)Only conclusions I and III follow / CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह । Q192. Statements: / कथन
(b)Only conclusions I and II follow / केवल (a) Both conclusions I and II follow./ 1. All boys are robots. / सभी लड़के रोबोट है |
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। 2. All girls are robots./ सभी लड़िकया रोबोट
(c)Only conclusion II follows / केवल (b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल है |
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । Conclusion: / िन ष
(d)Only conclusions II and III follow / (c) Either conclusion I or II follows./या तो I. Some robots are boys./ कुछ रोबोट लड़के
केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह । िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । ह|
(d) Only conclusion II follows. /केवल II. No robot is a girl. / कोई भी रोबोट लड़की
Q187.Statements: / कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । नहीं है |
All speakers are equipment / सभी व ा III. Some robots are girls. / कुछ रोबोट
उपकरण ह। Q190. Statements: / कथन: लड़िकयां है |
All equipment are wires / सभी उपकरण तार 1. Some boys play hockey. / कुछ लड़के CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)
ह। हॉकी खेलते ह।
Conclusions: / िन ष: 2.Some girls don't play badminton. / कुछ (a) Only conclusion I and III follows. /
I. Some wires are equipment / कुछ तार लड़िकयां बैडिमंटन नहीं खेलती ह। केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करता है ।
उपकरण ह। 3. Everyone plays either hockey or (b) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल
II. No speakers is wire / कोई व ा तार नहीं badminton./ हर कोई या तो हॉकी या बैडिमंटन िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
है । खेलता है । (c) All conclusions I, II and III follow. /
III. Some speakers are not wires / कुछ Conclusions: / िन ष सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
ीकर तार नहीं ह। I. Boys don't play badminton. / लड़के (d) Only conclusion I and II follows. /
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) बैडिमंटन नहीं खेलते ह। केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करता है ।
II. Some girls play hockey. / कुछ लड़िकयां
(a)Only conclusion III follows / केवल हॉकी खेलती ह। Q193. Statements:/ कथन
िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । III. No one plays both hockey and I. Some men are animals. / कुछ आदमी
(b)All conclusions I, II and III follow / badminton. / कोई भी हॉकी और बैडिमंटन दोनों जानवर ह |
सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह। नहीं खेलता है । II. All trees are rivers. / सभी पेड़ निदयाँ है |
(c)Both conclusions I and III follow / दोनों CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) III. All animals are trees. / सभी जानवर पेड़
िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। ह|
(d)Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष (a) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल Conclusions:/ िन ष
I अनुसरण करता है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । I. Some men are rivers. /कुछ आदमी निदयां
(b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष ह|
Q188. Statements: / कथन: I अनुसरण करता है । II. All rivers are animals. / सभी निदयाँ
1. All beans are meat. / सभी बी मीट है | (c) Only conclusions II and III follow. / जानवर ह |
2. All breeds are meat. / सभी ीड् स मीट ह | केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

III. All rivers are men. / सभी निदयां 2. Some horses are kites. / कुछ घोड़े पतंग है | (d) Only conclusions I and III follow. /
आदमी ह | Conclusions: ‘/ िन ष: केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह।
IV. All men are trees. / सभी आदमी पेड़ ह | I. Some horses are fishes. / कुछ घोड़े
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) मछिलयां है | Q199. Statements: / कथन:
II. Some kites are fishes. / कुछ पतंग 1. All bottles are jugs. / सभी बोतल जग ह।
(a) Only conclusion IV follows / केवल मछिलयां है | 2. Some jugs are glasses. / कुछ जग िगलास
िन ष IV अनुसरण करता है । III. Some kites are horses. / कुछ पतंग घोड़े ह।
(b) Only conclusions I and II follows / ह| Conclusions: / िन ष:
केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करता है । CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) I. Some jugs are bottles. / कुछ जग बोतल ह।
(c) Only conclusions I follows / केवल II. Some glasses are jugs. / कुछ िगलास जग
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (a) Only conclusions I and III follow. / ह।
(d) Only conclusions III and II follow / केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। III. All glasses are bottles. / सभी िगलास
केवल िन ष III और II अनुसरण करता है । (b) All conclusions I, II and III follow. / बोतल ह।
सभी िन ष I, II और III अनुसरण करते ह। CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
Q194. Statements: / कथन (c) Only conclusions II and IV follow. /
1. No butter is jam. / कोई बटर जैम नहीं है | केवल िन ष II और IV अनुसरण करते ह। (a) Only conclusions II and III follow. /
2. Banana is a butter. / केला बटर है | (d) Only conclusions I and II follow. / केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
Conclusions: / िन ष केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। (b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष
I. Banana is not a jam. / केला जैम नहीं है | I अनुसरण करता है ।
II. Banana may or may not be a jam. / Q197.Statements:/कथन: (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
केला जैम हो भी सकता है और नहीं भी | 1. All cars are motors. / सभी कार मोटर है | िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) 2. Al motors are cycles. / सभी मोटर (d) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
साइिकल है | केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
(a) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों Conclusions: ‘/ िन ष:
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। 1. All cycles are cars. / सभी साइिकल कार है Q200.Statements: / कथन:
(b) Neither conclusions I nor II follows. / 2.All cars are cycles. / सभी कार साइिकल है | 1. All squares are rectangles. / सभी वग
न तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning) आयत ह।
(c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल 2. All rectangles are polygons. / सभी आयत
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल ब भुज ह।
(d) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष I अनुसरण करता है | Conclusions: / िन ष:
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (b)Both conclusions I and II follow / दोनों I. Square is not a polygon. / वग ब भुज नहीं
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह | है ।
Q195.Statements:/कथन: (c)Only conclusion II follows / केवल II. Square is both rectangle and polygon. /
I. Some books are tables. / कुछ िकताब टे बल िन ष II अनुसरण करता है | वग आयत और ब भुज दोनों है ।
है | (d)Neither conclusions I nor II follows / न CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
II. All tables are chairs. / सभी टे बल कुिसयां तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है |
है | (a) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
Conclusions: ‘/ िन ष: Q198. Statements: / कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
I. All books are chairs. / सभी पु क कुिसयां 1. Some students are listeners. / कुछ छा (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न
ह। ोता ह। तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
II. Some books are chairs. / कुछ िकताब 2. Some listeners are observers. / कुछ ोता (c) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों
कुिसयाँ ह। पयवे क ह। िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
III. Some tables are book. / कुछ टे बल 3. Many students are not observers. / कई (d) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल
िकताब ह। छा पयवे क नहीं ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
IV. All chairs are book. / सभी कुिसयां िकताब Conclusions: / िन ष:
ह। I. Some students are observers. / कुछ छा Q201. Statements: / कथन:
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) पयवे क ह। 1. Some bananas are mangoes. / कुछ केले
II. Some observers are not students. / कुछ आम ह।
(a) Only conclusions II, III and IV follow. पयवे क छा नहीं ह। 2. Some mangoes are cats. / कुछ आम
/ केवल िन ष II, III और IV अनुसरण करते ह। III. Some observers are listeners. / कुछ िब याँ ह।
(b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल पयवे क ोता ह। Conclusions: / िन ष:
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) I. All cats are bananas. / सभी िब याँ केले
(c) Only conclusions I and IV follow. / ह।
केवल िन ष I और IV अनुसरण करते ह। (a) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल II. Some cats are mangoes. / कुछ िब यों
(d) Only conclusions II and III follow. / िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । आम ह।
केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह। (b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
Q196.Statements:/कथन: (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (a) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष
1. Some fishes are horses. / कुछ मछिलयां िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । I अनुसरण करता है ।
घोड़े ह |
Statement and Conclusion

(b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
(c) Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों (b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न (c) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है | तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
(d) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
Q202.Statements: / कथन: I अनुसरण करता है । (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न
1. Some bananas are green/कुछ केले हरे रं ग तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
के ह। Q205. Statements: / कथन:
2. Some greens are yellow/कुछ साग पीले ह। All cars are mangoes / सभी कार आम ह। Q208. Statements: / कथन:
Conclusions: / िन ष: All buses are mangoes / सभी बस आम ह। 1. All workers are honest. / सभी कायकता
I. Some bananas are yellow/कुछ केले पीले Some apples are buses. / कुछ सेब बस ह। ईमानदार ह।
ह। Conclusions: / िन ष: 2. Few of my friends are workers. / मेरे
II. Some yellow are bananas/कुछ पीले केले I. Some cars are buses. / कुछ कार बस ह। कुछ दो कामगार ह।
ह। II. Some mangoes are cars. / कुछ आम कार 3. All my friends are honest. / मेरे सभी दो
III. All yellow are bananas/ सभी पीले केले ह। ईमानदार ह।
ह। III. Some mangoes are apples. / कुछ आम Conclusions: / िन ष:
IV. Some green are bananas/कुछ हरे केले ह। सेब ह। I. All my friends are workers. / मेरे सभी
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) िम कामगार ह।
II. All workers are my friends. / सभी
(a) Only conclusions I and IV follow. / (a) Only conclusions I and II follow. / कायकता मेरे िम ह।
केवल िन ष I और IV अनुसरण करते ह। केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। III. All my non-worker friends are honest.
(b) Only conclusions II and IV follow. / (b) Only conclusions II and III follow. / / मेरे सभी गैर-कमचारी िम ईमानदार ह।
केवल िन ष II और IV अनुसरण करते ह। केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह। CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) Only conclusion IV follows. / केवल (c) Only conclusions I and III follow. /
िन ष IV अनुसरण करता है । केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। (a) Only conclusion III follows. / केवल
(d) Only conclusion I, II and IV follow. / (d) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल िन ष III अनुसरण करता है ।
केवल िन ष I, II और IV अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusions I and III follow. /
केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह।
Q203. Statements: / कथन: Q206. Statements: / कथन: (c) Only conclusions I and II follow. /
1. Some buses are trucks. / कुछ बस टक ह। 1. All bowls are plates. / सभी कटोरे ेट ह। केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
2. All trucks are vans. / सभी टक वैन ह। 2. No plate is a cup. / कोई ेट कप नहीं है । (d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
Conclusions: / िन ष: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
Conclusions: / िन ष:
I. Some buses are vans. / कुछ बस वैन ह। I. Only some bowls are cups. / केवल कुछ
II. All vans are buses. / सभी वैन बस ह। कटोरे कप ह।
Q209. Statements: / कथन:
CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) II. No bowl is a cup. / कोई कटोरा कप नहीं I. All keyboards are mouse. / सभी कीबोड
है । माउस ह।
(a) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) II. Some mouse are printer. / कुछ माउस
िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । ि ंटर ह।
(b) Only conclusions I and II follow. / (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. / Conclusions: / िन ष:
केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह। 1. No printer is keyboard. / कोई ि ंटर
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows. / या (b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल कीबोड नहीं है ।
तो िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । 2. Some printers are mouse. / कुछ ि ंटर
(d) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल (c) Only conclusion I follows. / केवल माउस ह।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । 3. All printers are mouse. / सभी ि ंटर माउस
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / ह।
Q204. Statements: / कथन: न तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । 4. No keyboards are printer. / कोई कीबोड
ि ंटर नहीं है ।
1. Some trees are silver oaks. / कुछ पेड़
Q207. Statements: / कथन: CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
चां दी के ओक ह।
2. Some silver oaks are tall objects. / कुछ 1. Most teachers are women. / ादातर
(a) Only conclusion 1 follows / केवल
चां दी के ओल ेऑ े ह। िश क मिहलाएं ह।
Conclusions: / िन ष: 2. Some women are managers. / कुछ िन ष 1 अनुसरण करता है
मिहलाएं मैनेजर ह। (b) Only conclusion 3 follows / केवल
I. Some tall objects are silver oaks. / कुछ
िन ष 3 अनुसरण करता है
ल ीव ुएँ िस र ओक ह। Conclusions: / िन ष:
(c) Only conclusion 2 follows / केवल
II. All tall objects are trees. / सभी ऊँची I. Some managers are women. / कुछ
िन ष 2 अनुसरण करता है
व ुएँ पेड़ ह। बंधक मिहलाएं ह।
(d) Only conclusion 4 follows / केवल
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) II. Some teachers are managers. / कुछ
िन ष 4 अनुसरण करता है
िश क बंधक ह।
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q210. Statements: / कथन: (b) Only conclusion I follows./ केवल SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
1. All malls are kings. / सभी मॉल राजा ह। िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
2. No king is a heater. / कोई राजा हीटर नहीं (c) Only conclusion III follows./ केवल (a) All of the conclusion follows/ सभी
है । िन ष III अनुसरण करता है । िन ष सही ह।
Conclusions: / िन ष: (d) Only conclusion IV follows./ केवल (b) Only conclusion I and II follows /
I. No mall is a heater. / कोई मॉल हीटर नहीं िन ष IV अनुसरण करता है । केवल िन ष I और II सही है ।
है । (c) Only conclusion II and III follows /
II. All kings are malls. / सभी राजा मॉल ह। Q213.Statements / कथन: केवल िन ष II और III सही ह।
CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) 1.All egg are needles / सभी अंडे सुइयों ह (d) Only conclusion I and III follows /
2.All grapes are needles / सभी अंगूर सुइयों ह केवल िन ष I और III सही है ।
(a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न Conclusions / िन ष
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । I. Some needles are eggs / कुछ सुईयां अंडे ह Q216. Statements/ कथन:
(b) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल 2. Some grapes are eggs / कुछ अंगूर अंडे ह No plant is a tree/ कोई भी पौधा वृ नहीं है ।
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) All ornaments are plants./ सभी गहने पौधे ह।
(c) Either conclusion I or II follows. / या Conclusions/ िन ष:
तो िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । (a)Both conclusions I and II follow / I. No ornaments is a tree./ कोई भी गहना वृ
(d) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल िन ष िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह नहीं है ।
I अनुसरण करता है । (b)Neither conclusions I nor II follows / न II some plants are ornaments./ कुछ पौधे
तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है गहने ह।
Q211. Statements:/ कथन: (c)Either conclusions I or II follows / या तो SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
(1) All cats are animals./ सभी िब याँ िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है
जानवर ह। (d)Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष (a) Both conclusion follows/ दोनों िन ष
(2) Some animals are dogs./ कुछ जानवर I अनुसरण करता है सही ह।
कु े ह। (b) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष
Conclusions:/ िन ष: Q214. Statements: / कथन: I सही है ।
(i) All dogs are animals./ सभी कु े जानवर 1.All singers are honest. / सभी गायक (c) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
ह। ईमानदार ह। िन ष II सही है ।
(ii) All animals are cats./ सभी जानवर 2.Some players are singers. / कुछ खलाड़ी (d) Either conclusion I or II follows / या तो
िब याँ ह। गायक होते ह। िन ष I या II सही है ।
CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening) Conclusions: / िन ष:
I.All players are honest. / सभी खलाड़ी Q217. Statements/ कथन:
(a) Only conclusion (ii) follows./ केवल ईमानदार ह। No actor is an engineer/ कोई भी अिभनेता
िन ष (ii) अनुसरण करता है । II.Some players are honest. / कुछ खलाड़ी इं जीिनयर नहीं है ।
(b) Neither conclusion (i) nor (ii) ईमानदार होते ह। All engineers are magicians./ सभी इं जीिनयर
follows./ न तो िन ष (i) और न ही (ii) CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) जादू गर ह।
अनुसरण करते है । Conclusion/ िन ष:
(c) Both conclusions (i) and (ii) follow./ (a)Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न I. No magician is an engineer./ कोई भी
दोनों िन ष (i) और (ii) अनुसरण करते ह। तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है जादू गर इं जीिनयर नहीं है ।
(d) Only conclusion (i) follow. / केवल (b)Both conclusions I and II follow / दोनों II. Some magicians are engineers./ कुछ
िन ष (i) अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह जादू गर इं जीिनयर ह।
(c)Only conclusion II follows / केवल SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Q212. Statements:/ कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है
1. All scanners are mouse./ सभी ै नर (d)Only conclusion I follows / केवल िन ष (a) Either conclusion I or II follows/ या तो
माउस ह। I अनुसरण करता है िन ष I या II सही है ।
2. Some mouse are printers./ कुछ माउस (b) Both conclusion follow/ दोनों िन ष
ि ंटर ह। SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1 सही ह।
Conclusions:/ िन ष: (c) Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष
I. No printer is a scanner./ कोई ि ंटर ै नर Q215. Statements/ कथन : I सही है ।
नहीं है । (d) Only conclusion II follows/ केवल
All photographs are newspapers./ सभी
II. Some printers are mouse./ कुछ ि ंटर फोटो ाफ अखबार ह। िन ष II सही है ।
माउस ह। Some photographs are computers./ कुछ
III. No printer is a mouse./ कोई भी ि ंटर फोटो ाफ कं ूटर ह। Q218. Statements/ कथन:
माउस नहीं है । Conclusions/ िन ष All plums are pomegranates/ सभी बेर अनार
IV. No scanner is a printer./ कोई ै नर ह।
I. Some computers are photographs/ कुछ
ि ंटर नहीं है । Some plums are lemons./ कुछ बेर नी ू ह।
कं ूटर, फोटो ाफ ह।
CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning) Conclusions/ िन ष :
II. Some computers are newspapers./ कुछ
कं ूटर अखबार ह। I Some pomegranates are lemons./ कुछ
(a) Only conclusion II follows./ केवल अनार नी ू ह।
III. Some newspapers are photographs. /
िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
कुछ अखबार फोटो ाफ ह।

Statement and Conclusion

II No lemon is a pomegranate/ कोई भी नींबू Some colleges are schools. / कुछ कॉलेज Q224. Statements: / कथन:
अनार नहीं है । ू ल ह। l. All covers are red. / सभी कवर लाल ह।
III Some pomegranates are Plums/ कुछ No ground is a college. / कोई मैदान कॉलेज ll. All red are magazines. / सभी लाल
अनार बेर ह। नहीं है । पि काएँ ह।
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) Conclusions. / िन ष lll. Some magazines are books. / कुछ
I.No college is ground. / कोई कॉलेज ाउं ड पि काएँ िकताब ह।
(a) Only conclusions I and III follow/ नहीं है । Conclusions: / िन ष:
केवल िन ष I और III सही ह। II.No school is a college. / कोई ू ल एक l. Some books are red./ कुछ िकताब लाल ह।
(b)Only conclusion I follows/ केवल िन ष कॉलेज नहीं है । ll. Some magazines are covers. / कुछ
I सही है । III. Some schools are colleges. / कुछ ूल पि काएं कवर ह।
(c) Only conclusion III follows/ केवल कॉलेज ह। lll. No cover is book. / कोई आवरण पु क
िन ष III सही है । SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) नहीं है ।
(d) Only conclusions I and II follow/ केवल SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
िन ष I और II सही है । (a) Only conclusions II and III follow. /
केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह। (a)Only conclusion I follows. / केवल
Q219. Statements/ कथन: (b) All the conclusions follow / सभी िन ष िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
All farmers are doctors/ सभी िकसान अनुसरण करते ह। (b)Both conclusions II and III follow. /
िचिक क ह। (c) Only conclusions I and II follow. / िन ष II और III दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
All doctors are magicians./ सभी िचिक क केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। (c)Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों
जादू गर ह। (d)Only conclusions I and III follow. / िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह।
Conclusions/ िन ष : केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। (d)Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
I. All farmers are magicians/ सभी िकसान िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
जादू गर ह। Q222. Statements: / कथन
II. No farmer is a magician/ कोई भी िकसान Some octopuses are fish. / कुछ ऑ ोपस Q225. Statements: / कथन:
जादू गर नहीं है । मछली ह। All wolves are dogs. / सभी भेिड़ये कु े ह।
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) Some fish are frogs. / कुछ मछिलयाँ मढक All dogs are jackals. / सभी कु े िसयार ह।
होती ह। Conclusions / िन ष
(a) Only conclusion I follows / केवल Conclusions: / िन ष: I. All wolves are jackals. / सभी भेिड़ये िसयार
िन ष I सही है । I Some frogs are fish. / कुछ मढक मछली ह। ह।
(b) Either conclusion I or II follows / या तो II Some fish are octopuses / कुछ मछिलयाँ II. All jackals are wolves. / सभी िसयार
िन ष I या II सही है । ऑ ोपस ह भेिड़ये ह।
(c) Only conclusion II follows / केवल SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
िन ष II सही है ।
(d) .Both the conclusion follow/ दोनों (a)Either conclusion I or II follows. / या तो (a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
िन ष सही ह। िन ष I या II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
(b)only conclusion I follows. / केवल (b) Neither conclusion I nor II follows / न
Q220. Statements: / कथन: िन ष I अनुसरण करता है । तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
No tree is a plum. / कोई वृ बेर नहीं है । (c)Both conclusions follow / दोनों िन ष (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
All pomegranates are trees. / सभी अनार पेड़ अनुसरण करते ह िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
ह। (d)only conclusion II follows / केवल (d) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल
Conclusions / िन ष िन ष II अनुसरण करता है । िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
I. No pomegranate is a plum./ कोई अनार
बेर नहीं है । Q223. Statements: / कथन: Q226. Statements:/कथन:
II. No plum is a tree. / कोई भी बेर एक पेड़ Some cats are rats. / कुछ िब याँ चूहे ह। All bats are sticks. / सभी बैट क ह।
नहीं है । All rats are mice. / सभी चूहे चुिहया ह। No stick is a ball. / कोई क बॉल नहीं है ।
III. Some trees are pomegranates. / कुछ Conclusions: / िन ष: Conclusions / िन ष
पेड़ अनार ह। l. Some cats are mice. / कुछ िब याँ चूहे ह। I. No bat is a ball. / कोई बैट गद नहीं है ।
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) ll. Some mice are cats. / कुछ चुिहया िब ी II. No ball is bat. / कोई बॉल बैट नहीं है ।
ह। SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) Only conclusions II and III follow. / SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
केवल िन ष II और III अनुसरण करते ह।
(a) Both conclusions I and II follow. /
(b) Only conclusions I and III follow. / (a)Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न िन ष I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह।
केवल िन ष I और III अनुसरण करते ह। तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है । (b) Only conclusion I follow. / केवल
(c) All of the conclusions follow. / सभी (b)Only conclusion I follows./ केवल िन ष िन ष I अनुसरण करता है ।
िन ष अनुसरण करते ह। I अनुसरण करता है । (c) Only conclusion II follows. / केवल
(d) Only conclusions I and II follow. / (c)Both conclusions I and II follow. / दोनों िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।
केवल िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। िन ष I और II अनुसरण करते ह। (d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. / न
(d)Only conclusion II follows. / केवल तो िन ष I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।
Q221. Statements: / कथन: िन ष II अनुसरण करता है ।

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

ANSWERS 117.(b) 118.(a) 119.(d) 120.(c)

1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 121.(a) 122.(b) 123.(a) 124.(b)

125.(c) 126.(a) 127.(d) 128.(d) Sol 2 (a)

5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(c)

9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(b) 12.(d) 129.(b) 130.(d) 131.(d) 132.(b)

13.(c) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(c) 133.(a) 134.(b) 135.(a) 136.(d)

137.(a) 138.(a) 139.(b) 140.(b) Sol3. (c) From the Venn diagram:
17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(c)

21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(c) 141.(c) 142.(d) 143.(b) 144.(d)

25.(c) 26.(d) 27.(d) 28.(a) 145.(a) 146.(d) 147.(d) 148.(b)

29.(b) 30.(d) 31.(c) 32.(b) 149.(d) 150.(b) 151.(a) 152.(a) Only Conclusion II and III follows.

33.(c) 34.(b) 35.(b) 36.(a) 153.(c) 154.(a) 155.(c) 156.(a) Sol4. (a) Venn diagram for the Statements
37.(c) 38.(b) 39.(d) 40.(c) 157.(a) 158.(c) 159.(c) 160.(c)

41.(a) 42.(c) 43.(b) 44.(d) 161.(c) 162.(a) 163.(a) 164.(d)

45.(a) 46.(c) 47.(c) 48.(a) 165.(c) 166.(c) 167.(d) 168.(b) Only conclusion I and III follows.

169.(d) 170.(d) 171.(d) 172.(d) Sol 5. (d)

49.(b) 50.(c) 51.(a) 52.(a)

53.(d) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56.(b) 173.(a) 174.(d) 175.(c) 176.(b)

57.(a) 58.(a) 59.(a) 60.(d) 177.(b) 178.(d) 179.(b) 180.(b)

No athlete is a men false because some
61.(a) 62.(c) 63.(a) 64.(d) 181.(c) 182.(c) 183.(d) 184.(b)
athlete are men
All men are athlete is false because some
65.(a) 66.(a) 67.(a) 68.(b) 185.(c) 186.(d) 187.(d) 188.(b)
athlete are men
189.(d) 190.(c) 191.(a) 192.(a) Some athlete are men is true
69.(a) 70.(b) 71.(a) 72.(a)
So, conclusion III is true.
73.(a) 74.(b) 75.(a) 76.(a) 193.(c) 194.(d) 195.(d) 196.(a)
Sol 6. (a)
77.(a) 78.(c) 79.(c) 80.(b) 197.(c) 198.(a) 199.(d) 200.(a)

201.(b) 202.(c) 203.(a) 204.(d)

81.(a) 82.(c) 83.(d) 84.(c)

85.(c) 86.(d) 87.(b) 88.(a) 205.(b) 206.(b) 207.(b) 208.(a) Some unemployed are teachers is false
because no unemployed is teacher
89.(a) 90.(d) 91.(a) 92.(a) 209.(c) 210.(d) 211.(b) 212.(a)
No teacher is unemployed is true.
Some teachers are unemployed is false
213.(d) 214.(c) 215.(a) 216.(a)
93.(d) 94.(a) 95.(b) 96.(c) because no teacher is unemployed. So
217.(d) 218.(a) 219.(a) 220.(c) conclusion II is only true.
97.(c) 98.(a) 99.(b) 100.(b)

221.(d) 222.(c) 223.(c) 224.(d) Sol 7 (b)

101.(a) 102.(b) 103.(b) 104.(a)

105.(c) 106.(c) 107.(d) 108.(a) 225.(d) 226.(a)

109.(a) 110.(b) 111.(c) 112.(b)

SOLUTIONS: Sol 8 (c) Only conclusion I and II
113.(b) 114.(a) 115.(b) 116.(a)
Sol 1 (a)

Statement and Conclusion

Sol 9 (c) Here in the given question, Hence, Neither Conclusion I nor II
Only Conclusion II follows.
according to the given statements neither follows.
conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Sol 15 (b) According to the statements
Sol 22 (b)

So, only Conclusion I, II, III follows.

Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Sol 10 (c) According to the question All pen are doll is false (not definitely
these two figures can be drawn. true)
Sol 16 (c) According to the statements the
vein diagram will be:
Sol 23 (d)
All of these (Bridge, Link, Chain) used
for joining two parts.

Either conclusion I or conclusion II


Sol 24. (c) By looking at the figure, we

Sol 17. (d) Either of the diagram can be
So, Either conclusion I or II follows. can see that Rulers don’t have any
made on the basis of the given
relation with Costly Items. So, the
information so either conclusion I or
Sol 11 (b) conclusion I is false. Costly items have
conclusion II follows:
some relations with Machines. So, the
conclusion III is also false. But , the
conclusion II is true.

So, only Conclusion I follow.

There are some politicians who are not
leaders, so the conclusion II is false.
Sol 25 (c) From the figure , we can see
Sol 12 (d) Either I or II conclusion
Sol 18. (a) Only conclusion I follows. that the car and four wheeler doesn’t
follows. have any relation. So the conclusion I is
false as well as II is also false.
Cars and vehicles have relations with
some. So conclusion III is true.

Sol 19 (c)

Either of the above diagram can be drawn Sol 26. (d) According to the given
on the basis of the given information. statements, we get the following diagram.
Only Conclusion II follows.
Sol 13 (c)
Sol 20 (c)

Observing this diagram that conclusion I

No bell is table is not definitely true is true that Some mobiles are heavy items.
All chairs are unique is true but All
because there is no direct relationship Conclusion III also follows as some of the
unique are not expensive. So, Only
between bell and table is given. So, Only heavy items are Instruments. But
conclusion I follow.
Conclusion II follows. conclusion II doesn’t follow as there any
condition of NOT is not given in the
Sol 14 (a) According to the statements
statements. So, only conclusion I and III
Sol 21 (d)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 27. (d) Animal and crow don’t have

any relation as the figure below is drawn Sol 36. (a) Teachers and parents have a
using Statements. So, the conclusion I is relation of SOME with Humans. So both
false. Conclusion II is true as it is clear the conclusions are true.
that some animals are crows. Again , the
conclusion III is also false as there is no Sol 31. (c) From the given information
relation between animals and the crows. these two diagram can be drawn and one
But either animals are crows or the of the two diagram is true
animals are not crows. Means there will
be an either - or situation. Therefore, the Sol 37. (c) There is nothing negative in
conclusion II and Either conclusion I or the statements. And goose and lizards
III will be true. have a relation of SOME with squirrels.
So the conclusions II and III are true.

Sol 28. (a) According to the statements So, there is no confirmed relation
given in the question , we will have the between R and L which means there is a
diagram as condition of either or between R and L.
Sol 38. (b) Boxes , Sticks have a relation
Sol 32. (b) Rhombus and square has a of SOME with Drums not ALL. So the
relation of SOME. and Rhombus and conc. III is false and I and II are true.
So, by observing this diagram, we can see Quadrilateral also has a condition of
clearly that students and athletes don’t SOME. So only the conclusion III is true
have any relation. So Conclusion I and III , all others are false.
both are wrong. But it is not possible that
positive and negative both conditions can
not be true at the same time. So, either Sol 39. (d) Here all the conclusions
conclusion I or conclusion III will be true. follow , because envelopes have a relation
Conclusion II is absolutely right. So, of SOME with postcards. And postcards
conclusion II and either conclusion I or don’t have any relation with paper.
Sol 33. (c) As we can see there is a
conclusion III follows.
relation of SOME in Carp. and Tech.
AND in carp. And mech. Also. So the
Sol 29. (b) According to the given
conclusion III showing the relation of
statements, the venn diagram will be as
ALL is false, and I and II are true.
given below. Sol 40. (c) Parrots have a relation of
SOME with Owls. So the conc. II is false.
Now conc. I and III are opposite to each
other , so both can not be false. So either I
or III will be true.
Conclusion I is absolutely wrong because
the condition of NOT is nowhere in the Sol 34. (b) As we can see that both the
conclusions are opposite to each other and
statements. There is a condition of Some
both are false , So the concondition of
in well and pool, so conclusion II is
absolutely right. And conclusion III is either-or will be true.
also wrong because only Some conditions
Sol 41. (a) All the given conclusions are
are true between well and pool.
true. As farmhouses , gardens have a
relation of SOME with farms and with
Sol 30. (d) From the figure given below,
each other also.
we can observe that knives and cutters Sol 35. (b) There is nothing negative in
have a relation of SOME and there is the statements, so the conc. II is false.
nothing negative. So the conclusions II Painters have a relation of SOME with
and III are false. Only I is true as the teachers. So conc. I is also wrong.
cutters and instruments have a relation of Sol 42. (c) Here we can see that utensils
SOME. and bowls don’t have any relations. But
the condition can either be positive or
negative. So either I or II is true.
Statement and Conclusion

with parks. It means , all the three conc.

are true.

Sol 43. (b) Trees have a relation of Sol 55. (d) Using the venn diagram
SOME with flowers. So the conc. I is below mentioned it can be concluded that
Sol49. (b) screwdrivers has a relation of SOME with
true. Conc. II and III are opposite to each
It is visible that some cakes are breads , machines and equipment, So cocl. I and II
other, both can not be right or wrong at
so the conc. I is true. Now there is no are true, III is false.
the same time. So either II or III and I
positive or negative relation between
will be true.
bread and eggs , means Either II or III
will be true and I is true.

CHSL 2018 Tier I

Sol 56. (b) There is nothing negative in
the statements, so conc. III is false.
Sol 44. (d) Balloons and rocks have a Sol 50. (c)Crab and ant have a relation of Vitamins has a relation of SOME with
relation of SOME with Rocks, so Conc. I SOME , so conc. II is false. Now there is plants and vegetables, so the conc. I and
is true but III is false. II is also false as no positive or negative relation between II are true.
watches don’t have any relation with bats and crabs , so either I or III will be
oceans. true.

Sol 57. (a) Potatoes and onions has a

relation of SOME, so conc. II is true.
Sol 51. (a) Boxes and pens don’t have
Conc. I and III are opposite of each other,
any relation , so conc. I is false. Conc. II
Sol 45. (a) As we can see in the diagram, So either I or III can be true at one time.
and III are opposite to each other , So
essays and singers don’t have any So conc. II and either I or III is true.
either II or III will be true.
relation, so Conc. II is false. However,
Singers and directors have a relation of
SOME with poems. So, Conc. I and III
are true.
Sol 58. (c) Here all the conclusions are
Sol 52. (a) Rupee has a relation with true as all the three have relation of
coins, So conc. III is false. Conc. I and II SOME with each other.
are opposite of each other, So either I or
Sol46. (c) Women and singers don’t have II can be true at one time.
any relation , So conclusion I and II both
are false. Conc. III is true as engineers has
a relation of SOME with women.
Sol 59. (d) Here all the conclusions
Sol 53. (d) follow. Horse and bears have a relation of
SOME with cocks. And cock has a
relation of ALL with horses.
Sol 47. (c) None of the conclusions
follows, as cups don’t have any relation
with tractors or jars, and there is nothing All the conclusions have some relation
negative in the statements. So all the with each other so all three conclusions
conc. are false. are true.

Sol 60. (b) Here all the conclusions

Sol 54. (c) Chocolates don’t have any
follow. Crows have a relation of SOME
relation with ice cream, so conc. I is false
with birds. And birds and eggs have a
and III is true. Juice has a relation of
Sol48. (a) relation of ALL with crows. From the
SOME with ice cream, So conc. II and III
figure, it is evident that all conclusions I,
As no school is a college , so no park is a are true.
college. School has a relation of SOME II, & III follow.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning


Sol 67.(a) Only 1 and 2 follows as B has
a relation of some with C and D.

Sol 75.(a)
Sol 61. (a) Here all the conclusions
follow. Eggs has a relation of SOME with
birds and hens and lions.
Sol 68.(b) Only 1 follows as rat has a Either Some trucks can be bikes or Some
relation of some with red and wild , and trucks can not be bikes.
red and wild has no relation at all.
Sol 76(a).
Only 2 follows as there is no relation
Sol 62. (c) Here all the conclusions
between P and M.
follow. Eggs and lions have a relation of
SOME with birds and hens. And hens and
birds don’t have any relation with each Sol 69.(a) Only conc. II follows as K has
other. a relation of some with M and T has no
relation at all with M or K.
Sol 77.(a)
None follows. There is no relation of T
with P or Q.

Sol 70. Only conc. II follows as Lamp

Sol 63. (a) Swords have a relation of has a relation of some with Tree and Tree
SOME with knives, so the conc. I is false. and Lamp have no relation at all with
Conc. II and III are opposite of each Branches Sol 78.(c) conc. I & II follows as wood
other, So either II or III can be true at one
has the relation of some with chair and
time. So either conc. II or III is true.

Sol 71.(a) Only1 follows as there is no

negative line in the question.
Sol 64. (d)
Sol 79.(c)
Only 2 follows as there is no relation
between lands and hot.

From the diagram it is evident that all the Sol 72.(a) Only 2 and 3 follow as Tables
conclusions follow . don’t have any relation with blue or wood
, so 1 is false.
Sol 65. (a) From the diagram, it is evident Sol 80.(b)
that Some potatoes are roots.Thus only Only 2 is true , all others are irrelevant.
conclusion III follows.

Sol 73.(a)
Sol 81.(a) Both follows as P has a relation
Only 1 follows as C doesn't have any
of Some with Q as well as T.
Sol 66. (a) From the diagram, it is clear, relation with A.
Some swords are axes, Some swords are

Sol 74.(b) Sol 82.(c)

Only 1 and 3 follow because red and Only 2 follows as there is a relation of
Hence, the correct answer is Only yellow don’t have any relation. some between phones and yellow.
conclusions II and III follow.
Statement and Conclusion

Sol 91.(a) All are true , as given in the figure.

None follows as there is no condition of
All anywhere in the question.

Sol 83.(d) Only 1 follows as K has a

relation of Some with L. Sol 100.(b) Only 2 is true as there is no
Sol 92.(a) relation between onion and potato.
Only 1 and 2 follow as T and B doesn’t
have any relation.

Sol 84.(c)
Only 2 follows as water doesn't have any Sol 101.(a)
relation with numbers or letters. Only 2 follows as flowers and hard has no
Sol 93.(d) None follows as there is no relation at all.
relation in A and J and there is a
condition of Some between K and J.

Sol 85.(c) Only 1 follows as there is a

condition of Some between A and D not Sol 102.(b) Only conclusion III and either
All. I or II follows. Because H and R either
have positive or negative relations.
Sol 94.(a)

Sol 86.(d)
Only 2 follows as there is no relation There is no relation between Red and Car. Sol 103.(b) Only 2 is true as it is given
between Black and Yellow. that no plate is glass or a cup.
Sol 95.(b)
Only conclusion I follows as sharpeners
has a relation of Some with Pens.

Sol 87.(b) Sol 104.(a) Only 1 follows as it is not

Only 2 and 3 follow as S don’t have any mentioned that Samved is the oldest book
relation with Q. , but surely it is one of the oldest books

Sol 96.(c) 2 is false as there is no relation Sol 105.(c)

between B and T. So 1 and 3 are true. Either 1 or 3 follows as a solution can
either be positive or negative.
Sol 88.(a) Only 1 follows as T don’t have
any relation with R and V.

Sol 97.(c) 2 and 3 follows as J and K has

no relation at all, so 1 is false. Sol 106.(c) Only 2 follows as there is no
relation of banana with any other thing.
Sol 89.(a) Both are wrong.

Sol 98.(a) Only 2 and either 1 or 3

follows , because at the same time , a
Sol 90.(d) Either 1 or 3 follows as any Sol 107.(d)
statement can be either positive or
conclusion can either be positive or It is clear from the figure that there is the
negative. relation of SOME between objects and

Sol 99.(b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 116.(a) Both are wrong. As it is said

Sol 108.(a) 3 is false as there is no that the road is the fastest connectivity ,
relation between sharpener and the not told that any other medium is not
marker. Only 1 and 2 follow. there.

Sol 117.(b) Only 2 is true as only the Sol 127.(d) Only conclusion 1 and either
condition of some is true between conclusion 2 or 3 follows. 4 is false and
cashiers and accountants. there is the relation of Some in travellers
and experts.
Sol 109.(a) Only 2 follows as there is no
relation between posters and envelops.

Sol 118.(a)Only 1 is true about the

Sol 128.(d) None follows as there is the
Sol 119.(d) Rain water is the purest water relation of All from inside to outside
Sol 110.(b) Only 1 and 2 follows as there
means it has fewer impurities than the according to the figure.
is nothing negative in the statements.
other place water.

Sol 120.(c) Only 2 is true as the condition

of Some is only true here.

Sol 111.(c) No fruit is root as it is given Sol 129.(b) Both conclusions follow
that no plant is fruit. according to the figure.

Sol 121.(a) Only 2 is true , as there is no

relation between tables and pens.

Sol 112.(b) Only 1 and 2 follows as there

is nothing negative in the statements. Sol 130.(d) Either 1 or 2 follows as both
are opposite to each other and only one
can be true at one time.
Sol 122.(b) Only 2 is true as there is said
about white colour should be used for
promoting peace, not the blue colour.

Sol 113.(b) Conclusion I and either II or Sol 131.(d) Both are wrong as it is said
Sol 123.(a) None follows because there is
III follow , because at the same time , that Botany is the science of plants , not
no relation between dens , pens and yens.
statement can either be positive or of Human or Animal behaviour.
Sol 132.(b) None follows as glass has no
relation with tables and ears.

. Sol 124.(b) None follows as dancing in

the rain is just an enjoyment , it is not
Sol 114.(a) Some houses are not hospitals related to any fitness or exercise.
as all clinics are not hospitals.
Sol 125.(c) Only 1 follows as it is true
that some tigers are lions. Sol 133 (a) None follows as there is the
relation of Some not All.

Sol 115.(b) None follows as there is no

relation between dusk and noon ; dusk
Sol 126.(a) Only 2 and 3 follows. As
and night. Sol 134 (b)According to the sentence, All
there is no relation between pans and
plates , so 1 is false. philosophers are clever and Rakesh is also
a philosopher, it means Rakesh is clever
also. So, only 2 follows.
Statement and Conclusion

Sol 148. (b) According to the given

Sol 135 (a) only conclusion II follows statements , the following figure can be
and as there is no relation between ships drawn.
and airplanes.

Sol 143 (b)From the diagram mentioned

below, it is evident that Only 1 follows. It is clear from the figure that flowers are
Sol 136 (d) Only conclusion: 2 and 3 not black , so petunias are also not black.
follow and as there is no relation between So , only conclusion 2 follows.
peacocks and parrots.
Sol 149.(d)

Sol 144 (d) None follows as there is the

relation of Some between cats and doge ,
neither all nor not.
Sol 137 (a)Only 1 follows as there is no
relation between husband and father. As per the Venn diagram derived from the
given statements
It is clear that none of the conclusion

CPO 2019 TIER I Sol 150.(b)

Sol 138 (a) Anything or everything that a
child likes to eat might not be good for
him. Ex. junk food Therefore, the first
argument is weak.
The various health issues mentioned in Some Americans are Singaporeans is
the second argument strongly suggest that false as there is a relation of ‘No’ between
S and A Clearly from the Venn diagram, it can be
junk food is harmful and causes many
All Singaporeans are Delhites is false as seen that only conclusions I and IV
health problems. Hence argument II is
relation of ‘some’ is not true for ‘false’. follow.

Sol 146. (d) Sol 151. (a) According to the given

Sol 139 (b)Conclusion 1 follows because
In the given statement it is clearly said statements , the following figure is to be
we generally believe what we see only.
that for the upliftment of poor farmers the drawn.
Conclusion 2 follows as we accept what
we see. government has announced pension
So, both the conclusion follows. which shows that the Government knows
that the condition of poor farmers is not
Sol 140 (b) Only 1 follows as there is no good and it requires immediate attention Now, according to the given figure ,
relation between doors and tiles. which is being stated in Conclusion I but neither of the conclusions follows.
the statement does not imply that no
benefits have been announced for other Sol 152. (a) On October 2, only pledge
sections of the society,therefore was taken, not compulsorily free from the
Conclusion II cannot be derived from the single-use plastic. So, conclusion 2 does
given statement. not follow. But whatever is given in
Sol 141 (c) Only 1 and 3 follows as there Hence only Conclusion I follow. conclusion 1, is definitely true. So,
is nothing negative in the statements. conclusion 1 follows.
Sol 147.(d) Only conclusions I and IV
follow. Sol 153. (c) These diagrams can be drawn
from the given information.

Sol 142 (d) Only 1 follows as Rocks has a

relation of Some with Cakes.

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

tigers. So , the conclusion 1 is wrong but

2 is true.

Sol 160. (c) According to the given

statements , the following figure will be Clearly, only I and III follow
Both can not be true at the same time
Sol 167.(d)
either of them had to be true at a time. So
option C is true

Sol 154. (a) According to the given

statement, neither conclusion 1 follows And it is clear that Pictures are not Black.
nor conclusion 2 follows. So , conclusion 1 is wrong and only
conclusion 2 follows.
Sol 155. (c) To acquire the money is not Clearly, only conclusion I and IV follows
the only motto of any person. So, CGL 2019 TIER I
conclusion 1 does not follow. Yes, it is Sol168.(b)
true that there are some important factors Sol 161.(c)It is clear from the diagram
other than money and status. So, Either conclusion I or II follows
conclusion 2 definitely follows.

Sol 156. (a) Here, only 1 and 4 are true as Only conclusion I and either conclusion II
Pink is at the outermost place. So, Pink or III follow.Clearly , option(b) follows
has a relation of SOME with other things.
So, 2 and 3 are false. Sol 162.(a) Sol 169.(d)

Clearly, only Conclusion 1 follows

Clearly, only conclusions II and III
Sol 163.(a)
Sol 157. (a) According to the given
figure , both the conclusions are true.
Because , Eclairs has a relation of Some
with Toffees as well as Chocolate.

According to the given figure, only Clearly from the above diagram, only
Conclusion I, II, and III follow. conclusion III follows.

Sol 164.(d) Sol.171.(d)

Sol 158. (c) Yes, this is true that most of

the students used to study just to pass the
exam. So , conclusion 1 is right. But there
is no role of teachers. So , conclusion 2 is Clearly from the above Venn diagram, we
wrong. can deduce that both Conclusions I and II Clearly, from the above figure, we find
follow that only conclusions I and IV follow.
Sol 159. (c) According to the given
figure , the following figure will be Sol165.(c) Sol.172.(d)

Clearly, only conclusion II follows As per the given figure, all the three
And according to the figure , it is true that
conclusions follow.
some chimpanzees are elephants. But
elephants don’t have any relation with Sol 166.(c)

Statement and Conclusion

Clearly, Only conclusion II follows.

Clearly, Only conclusion II and either
Sol.174.(d) conclusion I or III follow. Because a
conclusion can not be positive and
negative at the same time. Sol 185. (c)
There are two possibilities:-
Chsl 2019 Tier I
Sol 179. (b)


Either of the diagrams can be made from

the given information so for a statement Clearly, Only conclusion I follows.
to be correct both of the diagrams should
follow. Sol 180. (b) SSC answer is option (b).
No toy is a game. (false because figure I
doesn’t follow) Sol 186. (d)Only conclusions II and III
No pen is a game. (false as some pens are follow as iron has a relation of some with
game) steel and steel has no relation with plastic.
Some toys are games. (false because But conclusion ll also does not follow as
figure II doesn’t follow) it is not necessary that some pens are
But either of the diagrams is true at a time paper.
so either conclusion I or III follows’.
Sol 181. (c) Only conclusion i follows as
Sol.175.(c) dog has a relation of SOME with cat and Sol 187. (d) Only conclusion I follows as
dog has no relation with tree. wire has a relation of SOME with

Clearly, from the above figure, we

conclude ‘Only conclusions II and III Sol 182. (c) Only conclusions II and IV
follow’. follow because the door has relation of
SOME with Teachers and Cups.
Sol 188. (b) No relation is given among
Sol 176.(b)
beans and breads. Therefore, neither
conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

Clearly from the above diagram we

Sol 183. (d) Since Apple is a cup and cup
conclude that only conclusion I and II Sol 189. (d) Only conclusion II follows as
has NO relation with BOOK. So , The
follow. Parrot has no relation with TABLE.
only conclusion i follows the statements.
Sol 177.(b)

Sol 184. (b) All the conclusions follow as

Sol 190. (c)
Clearly, ‘Only conclusions I and II buns have a relation of SOME with tarts ,
As it is given in statement (3) that
follow.’ breads and pastries.
everyone plays either hockey or
badminton and statement (2) states that
Sol 178.(d)
few girls do not play badminton. Thus,
few girls will surely play hockey. Also,
few is used in statements (1) and (2)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

which means no one plays both hockey

and badminton.

Sol 191. (a) Only conclusions I and II

follow as Computers have the relation of There is no relation given between trees
SOME with phones and televisions. and tall objects.
Sol 198. (a)
Sol 205. (b) It is clear from the venn
diagram that Only conclusions II and III

In statement (3), it’s only given that many

Sol 192. (a) Only conclusion I and III students are not observers. Therefore, we
follows as robots have the relation of cannot say anything definite about student
Some with both boys and girls. and observer relationships. Hence, only
conclusion III will follow. Sol 206. (b)

Sol 199. (d)

Sol 193. (c) Only conclusions I follows There is no relationship given between
as Men has the relation of SOME with bowls and cups.
There is no relationship between bottles
and glasses.
Sol 207. (b)
Sol 200.(a) Here, it is evident from the
diagram Only conclusion II follows.

Sol 194. (d) There is no link given between the

teacher and manager.

Sol 208. (a)It is clear from the diagram

Sol 201. (b) It is clear from the diagram that Only conclusion III follows.
As there is no relation given between that Only conclusion II follows.
banana and jam, either of conclusion I or
II will follow.

Sol 195. (d)

Sol 209. (c) It is clear from the diagram
Sol 202. (c) below: Only conclusion 2 follows

According to the diagram, only

There is no relationship between bananas
conclusion II and III follows as books
and yellow.
have the relation of SOME with table and Sol 210. (d)Using the venn diagram, it is
chairs. evident that Only conclusion I follow.
Sol 203. (a) It is clear from the diagram
below: Only conclusion I follows.
Sol 196. (a)

There is no relation given between kites

Sol 211. (b) Here, it is evident from the
and fishes So , Only conclusions I and III
diagram Neither conclusion (i) nor (ii)
follow. Sol 204. (d)

Sol 197. (c) Only conclusion II follows as

CAR has a relation of all with cycle.
Statement and Conclusion

in conclusion I is Wrong and conclusion

2 is correct.

Sol 218.(a)

Sol 212. (a) It is evident from the venn

diagram below that Some printers are Clearly, only conclusion II follows.
Sol 225.(d)
Some pomegranates are plums so they
will be lemons too hence Conclusion I is
true and conclusion II is wrong as some
lemons are pomegranate
All plums are pomegranates so some
Sol 213. (d) From the venn diagram it is pomegranates are plums is true hence Option D is the right answer.
clear:Only conclusion I follows conclusion III is also correct.
Sol 226.(a)
Sol 219.(a)

Sol 214. (c) Only conclusion ll follows Clearly, both conclusions I and II follows.
the statement.
All farmers are doctors and all doctors are
magicians so all farmers are also
magicians.hence conclusion I is true and
conclusion II is wrong.

Sol 215.(a) Sol 220.(c)

From the figure we can clearly say that
some computers are photographs.
Some computers are newspapers is also
All photographs are newspapers so some
all the three conclusions follow.
newspapers are photographs is also true
hence all the conclusions are true.
Sol 221.(c)

It is clear that “ No college is ground &

Sol 216. (a) Some schools are colleges” are true

Sol 222.(c)

No plant is a tree is given so no

ornaments will be tree is also correct.
If all ornaments are plants then some
It is clear from the Venn diagram both
plants are obviously ornaments.
Hence both the conclusions are correct. conclusions are true.

Sol 223.(c)
Sol 217.(d)

Clearly, both conclusions I and II follow.

From the draw figure we can see that
some magicians are Engineers.Therefore
Sol 224.(d) 272
Blood Relation

BLOOD RELATION/र बड़े भाई की प ी law/भाभी Daughter/daughter's

Daughter's husband/ Son-in- daughter's husband/ Granddaughter/

पु ी की पित law/दामाद पु ी/पु ी के पित की पु ी नितनी
Son's wife/ Daughter-in-law/ Son's son/ Grandson/
पु की प ी पु वधु पु का या पु वधु का पु पोता या पौ
this chapter, the questions are asked to
Wife's sister/ Sister-In-Law/ Son's or daughter-in-
know the relationship between the
प ी की बहन साली law's daughter Granddaughter
characters by making a lot of zigzag. Wife's brother/ brother in law पु की या पु वधु की पु ी पोती या पौ
There are basically two types of questions प ी का भाई साला Grandfather's only
asked. In the first one, one has to find the Father's father/ grandfather Daughter-in-law/ mother
relation from the statement made by िपता का िपता दादा दादा की एकलौती पु वधु माता
someone and in the second there will be Mother's father/ maternal grandfather
signs which will be code of माता का िपता नाना TYPE - I
relationship./इस अ ाय म ो को काफी Father's mother/ grandmother Bharat and Sapna are husband and wife.
टे ढ़ा-मेढ़ा करके पा ों के बीच स को ात िपता का माता दादी Rohit and Bharat are brothers. Suresh is
करने को कहा जाता है । इसम मूल प से दो तरह Mother's mother/ Maternal Grandm. the father of Rohit. Sapna’s son is Krish.
के पूछे जाते है । पहले म, िकसी के ारा कहे माता की माता नानी
How is Krish related to Suresh?
गए व से समब ात करना होता है और Father's brother/ uncle भरत तथा सपना पित-प ी ह | रोिहत तथा भरत
दू सरे म संकेत होंगे जो स ो के कूट होंगे। िपता का भाई चाचा भाई ह | सुरेश रोिहत का िपता है | सपना का बेटा
Mother's brother/ Maternal uncle/ कृष है | कृष सुरेश से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
Relations Symbols माता का भाई मामा
Father's brother's son/ cousin brother Sol:
Couple/जोड़ा िपता के भाई का पु चचेरा भाई
Father's sister's son/ Cousin brother
िपता की बहन का पु फुफेरा भाई
Male/पु ष (+) Mother's brother's son/ Maternal cou.
माता के भाई का पु ममेरा भाई
Female/मिहला (-)
Mother's sister's son/ Cousin
Same generation/ माता की बहन का पु मौसेरा भाई
Siblings/समान Maternal grandfather’s/ According to the above diagram, Krish is
पीढ़ी / भाई बहन Son maternal uncle/ the grandson of Suresh./उपरो आरे ख के
नाना का पु मामा अनुसार, कृष सुरेश का पोता है ।
Generation gap / Maternal grandfather’s TYPE - II
पीढ़ी का अंतर only daughter/ mother/ ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’.
नाना की एकलौती पु ी माता ‘A - B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’.
Mother's brother's ‘A ✕ B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’.
wife/ Aunt/ ‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’.
Usually, for gender identification denotes माता के भाई की प ी मामी A + B' का अथ है 'A, B की मां है '
(+) for male and (-) for female./समा तः , Grandfather's only ‘A - B 'का अथ है ' A, B की प ी है '
िलंग पहचान के िलए मेल को (+) से तथा फीमेल son/ Father ‘A ÷ B’ 'का मतलब है ,'A, B का भाई है ।
को (-) से दशाते है । दादा का एकलौता पु िपता 'A'+ B 'का अथ है ' A, B का पित है ।
i.e A is wife of B./A , Bकी प ी है । Wife's mother/ mother-in-law/
A(-) ← B(+) प ी का माँ सास If T ÷ V + Q - J ✕ M + U , then how is T
KEY TO REMEMBER WHILE Wife’s father/ Father in law/ related to J?
SOLVING THE QUESTION प ी का िपता ससुर
यिद T ÷ V + Q - J ✕ M + U है , तो T,
J से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
Mother’s sister/ Aunty/ only daughter/ wife/
माँ की बहन मौसी सास/ससुर की
Father’s sister/ Aunty/ एकलौती पु ी प ी
sister's husband/ Brother-in-law/
िपता की बहन बुआ या फुआ
बहन का पित बहनोई
Mother or father's son/ Brother/
Sister's husband's
माता या िपता का पु भाई
son/ Nephew
Mother or father's Sister/
बहन के पित का पु भां जा
daughter/ माता या िपता बहन
Sister's husband's
का पु ी
Daughter niece
Brother's son/ Nephew/ According to the above diagram, T is
बहन के पित की पु ी भां जी
भाई का पु भतीजा father in law of J./उपरो िच के अनुसार, T,
Brother's daughter/ Niece/ J का ससुर है ।
husband's son/ Grandson
भाई का पु ी भतीजी
पु ी/पु ी के पित का पु नाती
Elder brother's wife/ Sister-in-
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CGL 2018 TIER I (d) Sister/ बहन सात यों के प रवार म, B, A का भाई है और
C का पु है . D, C का दामाद है , िजसके दो पोते, E
Q5. In a family of eight persons, there are और F ह। F की माँ A है , जो भतीजी है G िक . E
Q1. In a family of eight persons, there are
का पु G है । यिद C के दो ब े ह, तो E, D से कैसे
two couples, each having two children. B two couples, each having two children. C
संबंिधत है ?
and D are brothers and each has two and D are cousin brothers. The father of E
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
children. E is the aunt of A. who is the is married to G, who is the aunt of F. F’s (a) Brother-in-law/ साला या बहनोई
cousin brother of C. C is the sister of H, mother, H, is married to B, the brother of (b) Son/ बेटा
who is the cousin brother of G, F is the A. C is the nephew of H. How is A (c) Cousin/ चचेरा-मौसेरा र ेदार
wife of B. How is H related to F? related to D? (d) Nephew/ भतीजा
आठ लोगों के एक प रवार म, दो जोड़े ह, िजनम से आठ लोगों के एक प रवार म, दो जोड़े ह, िजनम से
ेक के दो ब े ह | B तथा D भाई ह तथा ेक ेक के दो ब े ह। C और D चचेरे भाई ह। E के
Q9. Saksham introduced Nidhi to his
को दो ब े ह | E, A की आं टी है जो C का चचेरा िपता का िववाह G से आ है , जो F की आं टी है । F
friend,” She is the daughter of the only
भाई है | C, H की बहन है , जो G का चचेरा भाई है | की माँ , H, B से िववािहत है जो A का भाई है । C, H
का भतीजा है । A, D से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? son of my father’s wife.” How is
F, B की प ी है | H, F से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) Saksham related to Nidhi?/स म ने िनिध को
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Nephew/ भतीजा (a) Uncle/ अंकल अपने दो से िमलवाया, "वह मेरे िपता की प ी के
(b) Brother/ भाई इकलौते बेटे की बेटी है ।" स म,िनिध से कैसे जुड़ा
(b) Son-in-law/ दामाद
है ?
(c) Son/ भाई (c) Nephew/ भतीजा
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)
(d) Brother-in-law/ साला (d) Father/ िपता
(a) Son,बेटा (b) Cousin/चचेरा भाई
(c) Father/िपता (d) Brother/भइया
Q2. P is the father of Q and the Q6. In a family of 8 persons with two
grandfather of R, who is the brother of S. couples, P is the son of Q and brother of
Q10. Bharat and Sapna are husband and
S’s mother, T is married to V. T is the R. S is the daughter of M, who is married
wife. Rohit and Bharat are brothers.
sister of Q. How is V related to P? to R. T is the aunt of S and mother of V.
Suresh is the father of Rohit. Sapna’s son
P, Q का िपता है और R का नाना है , जो S का भाई R’s nephew W is the son of P and has a
is Krish. How is Krish related to Suresh?
है | S की माँ , T की शादी V से ई है | T, Q की sister V. How is V related to M?
भरत तथा सपना पित-प ी ह | रोिहत तथा भरत
बहन है | V, P से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? दो यु ों वाले एक प रवार िजसम आठ सद ह,
भाई ह | सुरेश रोिहत का िपता है | सपना का बेटा
CGL 04/06/2019- (Afternoon) उसम P, Q का बेटा और R का भाई है | S, M की
कृष है | कृष सुरेश से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
(a) Nephew/ भतीजा बेटी है िजसकी शादी R से ई है | T, S की आं टी है
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
(b) Brother-in-law/ बहनोई और V की माँ है | R का भतीजा W, P का बेटा है (a) Son/ बेटा (b) Father/ िपता
(c) Son/ बेटा तथा उसे एक बहन V है | V, M से िकस कार
(c) Uncle/ अंकल (d) Grandson/ पोता
(d) Son-in-law/ दामाद संबंिधत है ?
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Nephew/ भतीजा Q11. Priyank is Akshay’s brother. Sonia
Q3. P is the father of Q and R is the son
(b) Daughter/ बेटी is Saksham’s sister. Akshay is Sonia’s
of S. T is the brother of P. Q is the sister
(c) Niece/ भतीजी son. How is Priyank related to Sonia?
of R. How is S related to T? ि यां क अ य का भाई है | सोिनया स म की बहन
P, Q का िपता है और R, S का बेटा है | T, P का (d)Cousin Sister/ चचेरी-मौसेरी बहन
है | अ य सोिनया का बेटा है | ि यां क, सोिनया से
भाई है | Q, R की बहन है | S, T से िकस कार िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
संबंिधत है ? Q7. P is the sister of Q and mother of R. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) S is the daughter-in-law of W and wife of (a) Nephew / भतीजा (b) Father / िपता
(a) Brother-in-law/ बहनोई Q. W’s grandson M is the nephew of P (c) Son/ बेटा (d) Brother/ भाई
(b) Daughter/ बेटी and brother of V. W has only two
(c) Sister-in-law/ननद या भाभी children. How is Q related to V? Q12. Introducing Rukmani, Vijay said , “
(d) Brother/ भाई P, Q की बहन और R की माँ है | S, W की ब तथा She is the mother of the son of only
Q की प ी है | W का पोता M, P का भतीजा तथा brother of my wife.” What is the relation
Q4. D is son of C and brother of E. E is V का भाई है | W के केवल दो ब े ह | Q, V से
of Rukmani’s husband with Vijay?
niece of F. C is the sister of B and aunt of िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
णी का प रचय करवाते ए, िवजय ने कहा,
A. The father of B has two kids, a son and CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
“वह मेरी प ी के एकमा भाई के बेटे की माँ है |
(a) Uncle/ अंकल (b) Father/ िपता
a daughter. If A is the son of F , then how णी के पित का िवजय से ा संबंध है ?
(c) Brother/ भाई (d) Son/ बेटा
F is related to C? CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
D, C का बेटा है और E का भाई है | E, F की (a) Brother-in-law/ साला या बहनोई
भतीजी है | C, B की बहन और A की आं टी है | B Q8. In a family of seven persons, B is the (b) Father/ िपता
के िपता के दो ब े ह - एक बेटा और एक बेटी | brother of A and the son of C. D is the (c) Father-in-law/ ससुर
यिद A, F का बेटा है , तो F, C से िकस कार son-in-law of C, who has two (d) Son/ बेटा
संबंिधत है ? grandchildren , E and F. A is the mother
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) of F, who is the niece of G. E is the son of Q13. Read the following information
(a) Cousin/ चचेरा मौसेरा भाई /बहन G. If C has two children , how is E related carefully and answer the question which
(b) Aunt/ आं टी to D? follow:
(c) Sister - in - law/ ननद या भाभी

Blood Relation

िन िल खत जानकारी को ान से पढ़ और के ‘A ✖ B’ means ‘A is the son of B’./ ‘A ✖ (c)Mother/ माँ

उ र द जो िन िल खत ह: B’ का अथ है , A, B का बेटा है | (d)Aunt/ चाची
If 'A x B’ means ‘A is sister of B’./यिद 'A ‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’./ ‘A
÷ B’ का अथ है , A, B की माँ है | SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I
x B' का अथ 'A B बहन है '।
If ‘A + B' means ‘A is the mother of If T + Q ✖ P - U ÷ R ÷ S + V, then how is
B'./यिद A + B ’का अथ है A, B की माँ है ’। R related to Q?
Q20. In a family, B is the father of K. B
यिद T + Q ✖ P - U ÷ R ÷ S + V है , तो R, Q से
If ‘A ÷ B' means 'A is daughter ‘of has only two children. K is the brother of
िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
B'./यिद ‘A ÷ B’ का अथ है A, B की पु ी है ’। R. R is the daughter of P. A is the grand
CGL 12/06/2019(Evening)
If ‘A- B’ means ‘A is father of B’./यिद A- (a) Daughter/ बेटी daughter of P. S is the father of A. How is
B ’का अथ है A, B का िपता है ’ (b) Maternal Grandmother/ नानी S related to K?
If P + R ⨯ T - Q ÷ S + U, then how is S (c) Sister/ बहन िकसी प रवार म, B, K का िपता है | B के केवल दो
related to T? (d) Mother/ माँ ब े ह | K, R का भाई है | R, P की बेटी है | A, P
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) की पोती है | S, A का िपता है | S का K से ा
(a) Daughter /बेटी संबंध है ?
Q17. 'A + B' means 'A is the daughter of
(b) Mother/मां CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
B'./ 'A + B' का अथ है , A, B की बेटी है | (a) Son/बेटा
(c) Sister /बहन
'A - B' means 'A is the brother of B'/ 'A - (b) Brother-in-law/बहनोई
(d) Wife/प ी
B' का अथ है , A, B का भाई है |
(c) Brother/भाई
A × B' means 'A is the mother of B'./ A ×
Q14. ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the sister of (d) Son-in-law/दामाद
B' का अथ है , A, B की माँ है |
B’./ A+B का अथ है , A, B की बहन है |
'A ÷ B' means 'A is the son of B'./'A × B' Q21. In a family of 5 members, X is the
‘A - B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’./
का अथ है , A, B का बेटा है |
A-B का अथ है , A, B का भाई है | sister of Y. M has 2 children and he is the
If U + C × Q - P ÷ R ÷ S - T, then how is S son of E, who is the father-in-law of H. H
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’./ ‘A
related to U?
× B’ का अथ है , A, B की माँ है | has only one son. Y is not the
यिद U + C × Q - P ÷ R ÷ S - T है , तो S, U से िकस
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the father of B’./‘A ÷ grand-daughter of E. How is X related to
कार संबंिधत है ?
B’ का अथ है , A, B का िपता है | E?
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
If V + S × Q - P ÷ T + R × U, then how 5 सद ों वाले प रवार म, X, Y की बहन है । M के
(a)Maternal grandfather/ नाना
is R related to S? 2 ब े ह और वह E का बेटा है , जो H का ससुर है ,
(b)Paternal grandfather/ दादा िजसका केवल एक ही बेटा है । Y, E की पोती नहीं
यिद V + S × Q - P ÷ T + R × U है , तो R, S से
(c)Mother/ माँ है । X, E से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
(d)Paternal grandmother/ दादी CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) Sister / बहन
(a) Grandson/ पोता या नाती
Q18. 'A + B' means 'A is the sister of B'/ (b) Daughter / बेटी
(b) Daughter/ बेटी
'A + B' का अथ है , A , B की बहन है | (c) Grand-daughter / पोती
(c) Grand-Daughter/ पोती या नितनी
'A - B' means 'A is the daughter of B'/ A-B (d) Grandson / पोता
(d) Maternal grandmother/ नानी
का अथ है , A, B की बेटी है |
'A × B' means 'A is the brother of B'/ 'A × Q22. T is the sister of D. D is married to P. P
Q15.‘A + B,’ means ‘A is the brother of
B' का अथ है , A, B का भाई है | is the son of M. T is the mother of J. Y is the
B’ /A + B का अथ है , A, B की भाई है | 'A ÷ B' means 'A is the husband of B'/ 'A father of U. Y has only one son and one
‘A - B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’./ A - B ÷ B' का अथ है , A, B का पित है | daughter. U is the daughter of T. Q is the son
का अथ है , A, B की प ी है |
If V + U × Q - T ÷ R + P × S, then how of D. If M is the wife of W, then how is Q
‘A × B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’./
is P related to V? related to W?
‘A × B’ का अथ है , A, B की बेटी है |
यिद V + U × Q - T ÷ R + P × S है , तो P, V से T, D की बहन है । D की शादी P से होती है । P, M का
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the father of B’./ ‘A बेटा है । T, J की माँ है । Y, U का िपता है । Y का एक ही
िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
÷ B’ का अथ है , A, B का िपता है | बेटा और एक बेटी है । U, T की बेटी है । Q, D का पु है ।
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
If P + S × Q × R - T ÷ V ÷ U, then (a)Paternal uncle/ चाचा M, W की प ी है , तो Q, W से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
how is T related to P ? (b)Maternal aunt/ मामी CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
यिद P + S × Q × R - T ÷ V ÷ U है , तो T, P से (a) Son-in-law/दामाद (b) Son/बेटा
(c)Maternal uncle/ मामा
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? (c) Grandson/पोता (d) Nephew/भतीजा
(d)Paternal aunt/ चाची
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Paternal grandmother/ दादी Q23. There are two married couples in a
Q19. Introducing Kavi, Veena said, "She
(b) Maternal grandmother/ नानी family. % has two children. A is the wife of
is the sister of the son of the wife of my
(c) Maternal grandfather/ नाना @, who is the brother of #. F is the daughter
husband." How is veena related to Kavi?
(d) Paternal grandfather/ दादा of %. U is the sister of S, who is the son of @.
किव से प रचय करवाते ए, वीना ने कहा, “ वह
मेरे पित की प ी के बेटे की बहन है |” वीना का T is son of #, who is a male. How is A related
Q16 ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’./ किव से ा संबंध है ? to %?
A+B का अथ है , A, B की प ी है | CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
‘A - B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’./A (a)Daughter/ बेटी
- B का अथ है , A, B का पित है | (b)Sister/ बहन
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

एक प रवार म दो िववािहत जोड़े ह | % के दो ब े (d) Brother / भाई (d) N is the brother of M / N, M का भाई है
ह | A, @ की प ी है , जो # का भाई है | F, % की
बेटी है | U, S की बहन है , जो @ का बेटा है | T, # Q27.A + B means ‘A is sister of B’. Q.31 A + B means ‘A is husband of B’
का बेटा है , जो पु ष है | A, % से िकस कार A - B means ‘ A is son of B’.
/A+ B का अथ है , A, B का पित है
संबंिधत है ? A ⨯ B means ‘A is husband of B’.
A ÷ B means ‘A is mother of B’. A – B means ‘A is brother of B’ / A - B का
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) अथ है , A, B का भाई है
If P + Q ÷ C - D -L ⨯ J , then how is J
(a) Sister/बहन A × B means ‘A is sister of B’ / A x B का
related to Q?
(b) Sister-in-law/भाभी A + B का अथ है 'A, B की बहन है ' अथ है , A, B की बहन है
(c) Brother/भइया A - B का अथ है 'A, B का पु है ' A ÷ B means ‘A is mother of B’/A ÷ B का
A ⨯ 'B का अथ है ' A, B का पित है । ' अथ है , A, B की माँ है |
(d) Brother-in-law/बहनोई A ÷ B का अथ है ' A, B की माता है । If P + R ÷ S × M – K, then how is R
यिद P + Q ÷ C - D -L ⨯ J है , तो J, Q से िकस related to K?
कार संबंिधत है ? यिद P + R ÷ S × M – K है , तो R, K से िकस
Q24. Mayank is the son of Chhaya.
Chhaya and Deepa are sisters. Gayatri is CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) कार संबंिधत है ?
the mother of Deepa. If Naman is the son (a) Mother/मां CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
of Gayatri , How is Mayank related to (b) Daughter/बेटी (a) Paternal grandmother / दादी
(c) Mother-in-law/सास (b) Daughter / बेटी
(d) Father-in-law/ससुर
मयंक छाया का बेटा है | छाया और दीपा बहन ह | (c) Mother / माँ
गाय ी, दीपा की माँ है | यिद नमन, गाय ी का बेटा (d) Sister / बहन
Q.28 Rishabh is Namita's only brother.
है , तो मयंक, नमन से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
Rishabh's wife, Mridu has a brother Sonu.
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q32. A + B means 'A is brother of B'/A +
Illena is Namita's only niece. How is
(a) Nephew/भतीजा (b) Brother/भइया B का अथ है 'A, B का भाई है |
Sonu related to Illena?
(c) Father/िपता (d) Son/बेटा A - B means 'A is daughter of B'/ A - B का
ऋषभ निमता का एकमा भाई है | ऋषभ की प ी
अथ है 'A, B की बेटी है |
मृदु का एक भाई सोनू है | इिलयाना निमता की
Q25. ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the mother of A x B means 'A is husband of B'/A x B का
एकमा भतीजी है | सोनू, इिलयाना से िकस कार
B’. संबंिधत है ? अथ है 'A, B का पित है |
‘A - B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) A ÷ B means 'A is son of B'/ A ÷ B का
‘A ✕ B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’. अथ है 'A, B का पु है |
(a). Maternal uncle / मामा
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’. If J + R ÷ T × K - Z, then how is K related
(b). Father / िपता
If T ÷ V + Q - J ✕ M + U , then how is T to j? यिद J + R ÷ T × K - Z है , तो K, J से िकस
(c). Brother/ भाई
related to J? कार संबंिधत है ?
(d). Paternal uncle / चाचा
‘A+B’ का अथ है ‘A, B की माता है ’ CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
‘A - B’ का अथ है ‘A, B की प ी है ’ (a)Maternal grandmother/ नानी
Q.29 Mayank's father has a brother,
‘A × B’ का मतलब ‘A,B का भाई है ’ (b)Paternal grandmother/ दादी
Prakash, whose daughter, Ritu is Kavita's
‘A ÷ B’ का अथ है ‘A, B का पित है ’ (c)Sister/ बहन
mother. Sonu is Ritu's only brother. How
यिद T ÷ V + Q - J ✕ M + U है , तो T, J से कैसे (d)Mother/ माँ
संबंिधत है ? is Sonu related to Mayank?
मयंक के िपता के एक भाई काश है , िजनकी बेटी
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
ऋतु किवता की माँ है |सोनू, ऋतु का एकमा भाई Q33. A + B means 'A is son of B'/A + B
(a) Father-in-law/ ससुर है | सोनू, मयंक से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? का अथ है 'A, B का पु है '
(b) Son-in-law/ दामाद CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) A - B means 'A is husband of B' /A - B का
(c) Brother/ भाई अथ है 'A, B का पित है '
(a) Brother/भाई
(d) Father/ िपता (b) Cousin/चचेरा-मौसेरा A x B means 'A is sister of B'/A x B का
(c) Nephew/भतीजा अथ है 'A, B की बहन है '
Q26. ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the brother of A ÷ B means 'A is daughter of B'/A ÷ B
B’. (d) Son/बेटा
का अथ है 'A, B की बेटी है '
‘A - B’ means ‘A is the husband of B’.
‘A ⨯ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’. Q.30 M is the brother of N. N is the If F x R x S ÷ G - P ÷ X, then how is X
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’. brother of P. Q is the father of M. Based related to R?
A + B' का अथ है 'A' B का भाई है । on these यिद F x R x S ÷ G - P ÷ X है , तो X, R से िकस
‘A - B 'का अथ है ' A, B का पित है | statements, which of the following कार संबंिधत है ?
A x B का अथ है , A, B की माँ है | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
statements cannot be definitely true?
‘A ÷ B’ का अथ है , A, B की बहन है | (a)Paternal grandfather or paternal
M, N का भाई है । N, P का भाई है । Q, M का िपता
If P + R ÷ T - K ⨯ O ⨯ C, then how is P
है । इन कथनों के आधार पर, िन िल खत म से grandfather/ दादाजी या दादीजी
related to O?
यिद P + R ÷ T - K ⨯ O ⨯ C है , तो P, O से िकस कौन सा कथन िनि त प से स नहीं हो सकता (b)Maternal grandfather or maternal
कार संबंिधत है ? है ? grandmother/ नानाजी या नानाजी
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c)Father or mother/ िपता या माता
(a) Paternal Grandfather / दादाजी (a) P is the brother of M / P, M का भाई है (d)Grandson or granddaughter/ पोता या
(b) Father / िपता (b) M is the brother of P / M, P का भाई है पोती
(c) Paternal Uncle / चाचा (c) N is the son of Q / N, Q का पु है
Blood Relation

Q.34 A + B means ‘A is mother of B’ /A यिद K – S ÷ J × B + C – Q है , तो Q, J से िकस (a) Grand daughter/ पोती

+ B का अथ है 'A, B की मां है ' कार संबंिधत है ? (b) Wife/ प ी
A – B means ‘A is husband of B’ /A - B CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (c) Sister / बहन
का अथ है 'A, B का पित है ' (a) Father / िपता
(d) Daughter – in - law/ ब
A × B means ‘A is son of B’ /A × B का (b) Father-in-law / दामाद
अथ है 'A, B का पु है (c) Maternal grandfather / नाना
Q.43 Anil and Abhay are brothers. Swati
A ÷ B means ‘A is brother of B’ / A ÷ B (d) Son / बेटा
is the daughter of Samir and sister of
का अथ है 'A, B का भाई है ' Anil. How is Abhay's mother related to
If Q ÷ U × K × H – D + J, then how is K Q.38 Dev is the brother of Sneha and son
related to J? of Mayank. Swati is the sister of Sneha. अिनल और अभय भाई ह | ाित समीर की बेटी
यिद Q ÷ U × K × H – D + J है , तो K, J से िकस How is Mayank related to Swati? और अिनल की बहन है | अभय की माँ का समीर से
कार संबंिधत है ? दे व ेहा का भाई और मयंक का बेटा है | ाित ा संबंध है ?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) ेहा की बहन है | मयंक, ाित से िकस कार CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
(a) Brother/ भाई (b) Father / िपता संबंिधत है ? (a) Sister / बहन
(c) Sister / बहन (d) Paternal uncle / चाचा CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
(b) Wife/ प ी
(a) Son / बेटा (b) Brother/ भाई
(c) Sister-in-law/ ननद या भाभी
Q.35 A + B means ‘A is sister of B’ /A + (c) Father / िपता (d) Sister/ बहन
(d)Mother/ माँ
B का अथ है 'A, B की बहन है '
A – B means ‘A is son of B’ /A - B का अथ Q39 Sona is sister of Ramesh and
daughter of Mohit. Rama is wife of Mohit Q.44 Mala and Lali are sisters. Mahesh is
है 'A, B का पु है '
and mother of Prabhat. How Ramesh is the father of Dev. Gargi is the mother of
A × B means ‘A is father of B’ /A × B का
related to Prabhat ? Mala and Dev. How Mahesh's father is
अथ है 'A, B का िपता है '
सोना रमेश की बहन और मोिहत की बेटी है | रमा related to Lali?
A ÷ B means ‘A is brother of B’ / A ÷ B मोिहत की प ी और भात की माँ है | रमेश भात माला और लाली बहन ह | महे श दे व का िपता है |
का अथ है 'A, B का भाई है से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? गाग , माला और दे व की माँ है | महे श के िपता का
If S × M ÷ U + L × Z – I, then how is L CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) लाली से ा संबंध है ?
related to I? (a) Father/ िपता CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
यिद S × M ÷ U + L × Z – I है , तो L, I से िकस (b) Brother/ भाई (a) Paternal Grand Father / दादा
कार संबंिधत है ? (c) Son/ बेटा
(b) Uncle/ अंकल
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (d) Cousin/चचेरा-मौसेरा र ेदार
(c) Father / िपता
(a) Brother / भाई (b) Father / िपता (d) Maternal Grand Father / नाना
Q.40 Manju introduced Sushma to her
(c) Son / बेटा (d) Husband /पित
friend, “Her (Sushma’s) father’s only
son’s wife is my mother-in-law.” How is Q.45. Shyam is Riya's brother. Mohini is
Q.36 A + B means ‘A is sister of B’/A + B the mother of Anuj. Riya is the daughter
का अथ है 'A, B की बहन है ' Manju’s husband related to Sushma?
of Ram. Anuj is Shyam's brother. How is
A – B means ‘A is daughter of B’ /A - B मंजू ने सुषमा का प रचय अपनी दो से करवाते Mohini related to Ram?
ए कहा, “उसके ( सुषमा के ) िपता के एकमा ाम रया का भाई है । मोिहनी अनुज की माता है ।
का अथ है 'A, B की बेटी है '
A × B means ‘A is brother of B’ /A × B का बेटे की प ी मेरी सास ह | मंजू का पित सुषमा से रया राम की बेटी है । अनुज ाम का भाई है ।
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? मोिहनी का राम से ा स है ?
अथ है 'A, B का भाई है '
CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
A ÷ B means ‘A is mother of B’ / A ÷ B
(a) Son/ बेटा (b) Brother/ भाई (a) daughter/ बेटी (b) mother/ माँ
का अथ है 'A, B की माता है (c) sister/ बहन (d) wife/ प ी
(c) Nephew/ भतीजा (d) Father /िपता
If D + P ÷ I × K ÷ T – R, then how is R
related to P? Q.41 S is son of M. R is the father of Q SSC CGL 2019 TIER I
यिद D + P ÷ I × K ÷ T – R है , तो R, P से िकस
and A. A is the daughter of M. How is A Q.46. Amit is brother of Sonia , Jyoti is
कार संबंिधत है ?
related to S? the sister of Nikita , Sonia is the daughter
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
S, M का बेटा है | R, Q और A का िपता है | A, M of Satish’s father . Nikita is the daughter
(a) Son / बेटा की बेटी है | A, S से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? of Kavinder , Jyoti is the mother of Amit .
(b) Brother / भाई CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
Mukesh is Nikita’s only sister's husband .
(c) Daughter’s husband/ बेटी का पित (a) Aunt / आं टी (b) Mother / माँ
How is Satish related to Kavinder ?
(d) Daughter’s son/ बेटी का बेटा (c) Daughter / बेटी (d) Sister / बहन
अिमत सोिनया का भाई है , ोित िनिकता की बहन
है , सोिनया सतीश के िपता की बेटी है | िनिकता,
Q.37 A + B means ‘A is daughter of B’ Q.42 Deepthi said to her friend, "That girl
किवंदर की बेटी है , ोित अिमत की माँ है | मुकेश
/A + B का अथ है 'A, B की बेटी है ' playing with the dog is the younger of the िनिकता की एकमा बहन का पित है | सतीश,
A – B means ‘A is wife of B’ /A - B का two sisters of the son of my mother’s किवंदर से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
अथ है 'A, B की प ी है ' husband." How is the girl playing with CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
A × B means ‘A is husband of B’ /A × B the dog related to Deepthi ? (a) Grandson/ पोता या नाती
का अथ है 'A, B का पित है ' दी ने अपनी दो से कहा, “कु े के साथ खेल (b) Son-in-law / दामाद
A ÷ B means ‘A is father of B’ /A ÷ B का रही वह लड़की मेरी माँ के पित के बेटे की दो बहनों (c) Son / बेटा
अथ है 'A, B का िपता है म से छोटी बहन है |” कु े के साथ खेल रही लड़की
(d) Brother / भाई
If K – S ÷ J × B + C – Q, then how is Q का दी के साथ ा संबंध है ?
related to J? CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q47. A+B means, ‘B is the brother of A;/ यिद E ÷ F - H + J × G + D है , तो D, H से िकस A × B means ‘A is the father of B’/ A × B
A+B का अथ है , B, A का भाई है | कार संबंिधत है ? का अथ है , A, B का िपता है |
A-B means ‘A is the mother of B; / A-B CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) A ÷ B means ‘A is the daughter of B ‘/ A
का अथ है , A, B की माँ है | (a) Uncle/ अंकल (b) Father / िपता ÷ B का अथ है , A, B की बेटी है |
A × B means ‘A is the father of B;/ A x B (c) Niece / भां जी (d) Aunt / आं टी If, P - K × Y - J ÷ S + R, then which of
का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है |
the following statements is NOT correct?
A ÷ B means ‘A is the son of B;/ A ÷ B का Q.51. A + B means ‘A is the wife of B’/ यिद, P - K × Y - J ÷ S + R है , तो िन िल खत
अथ है , A, B का बेटा है | A+B का अथ है , ‘A, B की प ी है | ; म से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ?
If,P+R × T-Q ÷ S+U, then how is S related A - B means ‘B is the daughter of A’/ A - CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
to R? B का अथ है , ‘B, A की बेटी है |; (a) P is paternal uncle of R/ P, R का चाचा है
यिद P+R × T-Q ÷ S+U है , तो S, R से िकस कार A × B means ‘B is the brother of A’/ A x B (b) J is daughter of P/ J, P की बेटी है |
संबंिधत है ? का अथ है , B, A का भाई है | ; (c) Y is the son of S/ Y, S का पु है |
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) A ÷ B means ‘A is the father of B’./ A (d) K is husband of S/ K, S का पित है |
(a) Grandfather/ दादा या नाना ÷ B का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है |
(b) Brother / भाई If, P+ R × T - Q + S ÷ U, then how is P Q.55. A + B means ‘ A is the husband of
(c) Grandson / पोता या नाती related to the mother of U ?/ B’ / A+B का अथ है ‘A, B का पित है |’
(d) Son-in-law / दामाद यिद P+ R × T - Q + S ÷ U है , तो P, U की माँ से A - B means ‘B is the sister of A’ ;/ A - B
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? का अथ है , ‘B, A की बहन है |’
Q.48. A+ B means ‘A is the father of B; / CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
A × B means ‘A is the mother of B;/ A x
A+B का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है | (a) Maternal grandmother / नानी
B का अथ है ‘A, B की माँ है |’
A - B means ‘A is the sister of B; / A-B का (b) Mother / माँ
A ÷ B means ‘B is the son of A;/ A ÷ B
अथ है , ‘A, B की बहन है | (c) Paternal grandmother / दादी
A × B means ‘A is the brother of B; / A का अथ है ‘B, A का पु है |’
(d) Aunt / आं टी
× B का अथ है , A, B का भाई है | If, P + R × T - Q ÷ S + U , then how is P
related to S?
A ÷ B means ‘A is the mother of B;/ A Q.52.There is a family of five members:
यिद P + R × T - Q ÷ S + U है , तो P, S से
÷ B का अथ है , ‘A, B की माँ है | K, L, M, N and O. Among them , there is
If, U + H × L - Q ÷ R - Y, then how is L one married couple.O is unmarried and is िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
the brother of K, N is the sister of O, M is CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
related to Y ? /
यिद U + H × L - Q ÷ R - Y है , तो L, Y से िकस the only married female and the mother of (a) Father -in - law/ ससुर
कार संबंिधत है ? N, L and O are the only males in the (b) Maternal grandfather/ नाना
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) group. Who is the father of K? (c) Paternal grandfather/ दादा
(a) Mother’s brother/ माँ का भाई पाँ च सद ों- K, L, M, N तथा O का एक प रवार (d) Uncle/ अंकल
(b) Maternal grandmother / नानी है | उनम से एक िववािहत जोड़ा है | O अिववािहत है
(c) Sister / बहन तथा K का भाई है | N, O की बहन है | M एकमा Q.56.A + B means ‘A is the father of B’/
(d) Mother’s Sister / माँ की बहन िववािहत मिहला है तथा N की माँ है | समूह म A + B का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है ।
केवल L और O ही पु ष ह | K का िपता कौन है ? A - B means ‘A is the sister of B’ / A - B
Q.49. Arsh is Shivam’s father and Dhruv CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) का अथ है , ‘A, B की बहन है ।
(a) O (b) M (c) K (d) L A × B means ‘A is the brother of B’/ A ×
is the son of Bimla.Eshwar is the father of
B का अथ है , ‘A, B का भाई है ।
Arsh . If Shivam is the brother of Dhruv ,
Q.53. Pointing to the photograph of A ÷ B means ‘A is the daughter of B’/ A
how is Bimla related to Eshwar?
Sanchi, Nitin said, “Her mother’s son’s ÷ B का अथ है ‘A, B की बेटी है ।
अश िशवम का िपता है तथा ुव िबमला का बेटा है |
ई र, अश का िपता है | यिद िशवम ुव का भाई है , wife is my mother-in-law’s only If, R + S × T - V ÷ U, then how is S
तो िबमला का ई र से ा संबंध है ? daughter”. How is Nitin related to related to U ?
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) Sanchi’s mother? यिद R + S × T - V ÷ U है , तो S, U से िकस
(a) Daughter-in-law/ ब साँ ची की त ीर की तरफ इशारा करते ए, िनितन कार संबंिधत है ?
(b) Mother/ माँ ने कहा, “उसकी माँ के बेटे की प ी मेरी सास की CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Wife / प ी एकमा बेटी है |” िनितन का साँ ची की माँ से ा (a) Brother/ भाई (b) Son/ बेटा
(d) Sister-in-law / ननद या भाभी संबंध है ? (c) Husband/ पित (d) Daughter/ बेटी
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Maternal Uncle/ मामा
Q.50. A + B means ‘ B is the sister of A;/ Q.57. A + B means ‘A is the husband of
A+B का अथ है , ‘B, A की बहन है |’
(b) Paternal grandfather/ दादा
B’ / A+B का अथ है , ‘A, B का पित है |’
A-B means ‘A is the father of B;/ A-B का (c) Brother/ भाई
A - B means ‘A is the wife of B’ / A - B
अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है |’ (d) Paternal uncle/ चाचा
का अथ है , ‘A, B की प ी है |
A × B means ‘B is the son of A;/ A x B A × B means ‘A is the mother of B’/ A ×
का अथ है , ‘B, A का बेटा है |’ Q.54. A + B means ‘A is the mother of
B का अथ है , A, B की माँ है |
A ÷ B means ‘B is the husband of A’. / A B’/ A+B का अथ है , ‘A, B की माँ है |
A ÷ B means ‘A is the son of B’/ A ÷ B
÷ B का अथ है , ‘B, A का पित है |’ A - B means ‘A is the brother of B ‘/ A-B
का अथ है A, B का बेटा है |
If, E ÷ F - H + J × G + D, then how is D का अथ है , A, B का भाई है |
related to H ?
Blood Relation

If, W × R × J - S ÷ V + L, then which (b) Paternal grandmother / दादी है | S P की बहन है | Q S की बहन है | T R का

of the following statements is NOT (c) Paternal grandfather/ दादा भाई है | T का अंकल कौन है ?
correct?/ यिद W × R × J - S ÷ V + L है , तो (d) Maternal grandfather/ नाना CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ?
(a)Q (b)C (c)S (d)P
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) Q.61. A + B means ‘A is the father of B’ /
(a) V is the father-in-law of J./ V, J का Q65. A + B means 'A is the father of B; /
A + B का अथ है , A, B का िपता है ।
A + B का अथ है 'A B का िपता है |
ससुर है | A × B means ‘A is the brother of B;/ A x
(b) L is the wife of V./ L, V की प ी है | A - B means 'A is the wife of B', /A - B का
B का अथ है , A, B का भाई है । अथ है 'A B की प ी है |
(c) L is the mother-in-law of S./ L, S की A ÷ B means ‘A is the sister of B ‘/ A ÷ A × B means 'A is daughter of B', / A × B
सास है | B का अथ है , A, B की बहन है ।
(d) W is the maternal grandmother of J/ का अथ है 'A B की बेटी है |
Which of the following expressions A ÷ B means 'A is the son of B' / A ÷ B
W, J की नानी है |
means ‘H is the paternal grandson of P’? का अथ है 'A B का बेटा है |
िन िल खत म से िकस समीकरण का अथ है िक H, If J × K + L ÷ M , then how is M related
Q.58.A + B means ‘A is the mother of B’/ P का पोता है ?
A+B का अथ है , ‘A, B की माँ है |’ to J? / यिद J × K+L ÷ M, तो M, L से िकस कार
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
A - B means ‘A is the husband of B’/ A - स ंिधत है ?
(a) H + K + D × P ÷ M
B का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है | CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
(b) D + H + K × M ÷ P
A × B means ‘A is son of B’ / A × B का (a) Mother/मां (b) Father/िपता
(c) P + K + D ÷ H × M (c) Brother/भइया (d) Sister/बहन
अथ है , ‘A, B का बेटा है |’
(d) P + K + D × H ÷ M
A ÷ B means ‘A is the daughter of B’./ A
÷ B का अथ है , ‘A, B की बेटी है |
Q66. Sheela introduced Rahul saying,
Q.62. A - B means ‘A is the sister of B / "His sister is the single daughter of my
If , W × Z + Y ÷ X , then how is X
A - B का अथ है , ‘A, B की बहन है । mother". How are Rahul and Sheela
related to Z?
A × B means ‘A is the husband of B’/ A related to each other?'
यिद W × Z + Y ÷ X है , तो X, Z से िकस कार
× B का अथ है , A, B का पित है । शीला ने रा ल का प रचय दे ते ए कहा, " इसकी
संबंिधत है ?
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) A ÷ B means ‘ A is the son of B / A ÷ B बहन मेरी माँ की इकलौती बेटी है |" रा ल और
का अथ है , A, B का बेटा है । शीला एक दू सरे से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
(a) Daughter/ बेटी (b) Son/ बेटा
If, Y × M - T - Z ÷ L × U, then how is CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
(c) Wife/ प ी (d) Husband/ पित
U related to Y ? (a) Uncle-Niece/चाचा-भतीजी
यिद Y × M - T - Z ÷ L × U है , तो U, Y से (b) Son-Mother/बेटे-मां
Q.59.A-B means ‘A is the mother of B’/A
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? (c) Cousins/चचेरे भाई बिहन
- B का अथ है , A, B की माँ है ।
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) (d) Brother-Sister/भाई बहन
A × B means ‘A is the sister of B’/ A × B
(a) Mother-in-law/ सास
का अथ है , A, B की बहन है । Q67. B does not have a sister. A is the
(b) Mother/ माँ
A ÷ B means ‘A is the daughter of B’./ A sister-in-law of B. D is the only brother of
(c) Father / िपता
÷ B का अथ है , A, B की बेटी है ।
(d) Father -in - law/ ससुर B, while B is unmarried. F is the
Which of the following expressions father-in-law of D. K is the wife of F.
means ‘U is the daughter of Q’ ?/ How is K related to A?
Q.63.Pointing to the photograph of a girl
िन िल खत म से िकस समीकरण का अथ है िक B की कोई बहन नहीं है | A, B की न है | D, B
Akansha, Rajeev said, “ Her daughter’s
‘U, Q की बेटी है ।’ ? का इकलौता भाई है जबिक B कुंवारा है | F, D का
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
father’s wife’s mother is my wife’s
ससुर है | K, F की प ी है | K, A से िकस कार
(a) Q - Z ÷ U × K daughter’s mother’s mother - in - law”.
स ंिधत है ?
(b) Q - Z × U ÷ K How is Rajeev related to Akansha?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
आकां ा नाम की एक लड़की की त ीर की ओर
(c) K - Z ÷ U × Q (a) Mother in law/सास (b) Sister/बहन
इशारा करते ए, राजीव ने कहा, “उसकी बेटी के
(d) K - U ÷ Z × Q (c) Daughter/बेटी (d) Mother/मां
िपता की प ी की माँ मेरी प ी की बेटी की माँ की
सास है । राजीव, आकां ा से िकस कार संबंिधत
Q.60.A + B means ‘ B is the daughter of है ? Q68. If A is the sister of B, C is the father
B’ / A + B का अथ है , B, B की बेटी है । CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening) of D, L is the paternal uncle of D and B is
A - B means ‘B is the sister of A ‘/ A - B (a) Paternal Uncle/ चाचा the sister of L, then how is A related to
का अथ है , B, A की बहन है । (b) Brother/ भाई D?
यिद A, B की बहन है , C, D का िपता है , L, D के
A × B means ‘B is the husband of A’/ A (c) Father/ िपता
चाचा है और B, L की बहन है , तो A, D से िकस
x B का अथ है , B, A का पित है । (d) Maternal Uncle/ मामा
कार संबंिधत है ?
A ÷ B means ‘A is the father of B ‘./ A ÷
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
B का अथ है , A, B का िपता है । SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I (a) Paternal aunt/पैतृक चाची
If, P ÷ R × T + Q - S × U + Z, then how (b) Sister/बहन
is R related to Z? Q64. P is the brother of Q. R is the (c) Mother/मां
यिद P ÷ R × T + Q - S × U + Z है , तो R, Z से daughter of Q. S is the sister of P. Q is (d) Paternal grandmother/दादी
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? sister of S. T is the brother of R. Who is
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
the uncle of T? / P Q का भाई है | R Q की बेटी
(a) Maternal grandmother / नानी
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q69.X is the sister of Y. Y is the daughter (a) Grandmother/दादी मा

of M. M is the mother of P. P is the (b) Sister/बहन Q78. If A is the mother of B, X is the
brother of Y.T is the brother of X's (c) Daughter in law/ब ॅ father of Y, H is the brother of J, L is the
mother. How is T related to M? (d) Mother/माँ brother of Y's father, B is the sister of L
X, Y की बहन है , Y, M की बेटी है | M, P की माँ है and J is the husband of A, then how is J
| P, Y का भाई है | T, X की माँ का भाई है | T, M से Q74. B is the only son of A. C is the related to Y?
िकस कार स ंिधत है ? mother of D. A is the mother of C. The यिद A, B की माँ है ; X, Y का िपता है ; H, J का
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) relation of B with D is: भाई है ; L, Y के िपता का भाई है ; B, L की बहन
(a)Son/बेटा (b)Father/िपता B , A का इकलौता पु है | C , D की माँ है | A , C है और J, A का पित है , तो J, Y से िकस कार
(c)Husband/पित (d)Brother/भइया की माँ है | B और D के िबच ा स है | स ंिधत है ?
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening) CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
Q70.Pointing to the photograph of Amit, (a) Paternal uncle/ पैतृक चाचा (a) Son-in-law/दामाद
Gagan Said, 'His sister's mother's husband (b) Father/िपता (b) Paternal grandfather/दादा
is my daughter's mother's husband's (c) Maternal uncle/ मातृ चाचा (c) Nephew/भतीजा
father. How is Amit related to Gagan? / (d) Brother/भाई (d) Son/पु
अिमत की त ीर की तरफ इशारा करते ए गगन
ने कहा, "इसकी बहन की माँ के पित मेरी बेटी की Q75. A × B means ' A is the wife of B; / A Q79. Introducing Shikha, Arvind said,
माँ के पित के िपता है | " अिमत गगन से िकस × B का अथ ' A , B की बीवी है |'
"The only daughter of her mother is my
कार स ंिधत है ? son's wife". How is Arvind related to
A ÷ B means 'A is the father of B; / A ÷ B
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) Shikha?
का अथ ' A , B का िपता है |'
(a)Nephew/भतीजा िशखा का प रचय दे ते ए अरिव ने कहा, "
Which of the following expressions
(b)Maternal uncle/मामा इसकी माँ की इकलौती बेटी मेरे बेटे की प ी है |"
means 'R is the paternal grandfather of S'?
(c)Father/िपता अरिव िशखा से िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
/ िन िल खत म से िकस अिभ का अथ ' R , CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
(d)Brother/भइया S का नाना है |' से है ? (a) Father-in-Law/ससुर
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
Q71.Himmat is the husband of Kavita. (b) Uncle/चाचा
(a)J × S ÷ R × U
(c) Father/िपता
Sharda is the daughter of Ravi whose (b)S ÷ U × J ÷ R
wife is Ketaki. Kavita is Shraddha's sister. (d) Mother/माँ
(c)R ÷ J ÷ S × U
How is Ravi related to Himmat?
(d)S × U × R ÷ J Q80. A is husband of M who is
िह त किवता का पित है | ा रिव की बेटी है
sister-in-law of N, N is daughter of R and
िजसकी प ी केतकी है | किवता ा की बहन है |
Q76. A+B means ‘A is the mother of B’. / U, M is daughter-in-law of U. How A is
रिव िह त से िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
A+B का अथ 'A, B की माँ है |'
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) related to U?
A-B means ‘A is the sister of B’. / A-B का
(a)Brother/भइया अथ 'A, B की बहन है |' A, M का पित है जो की N की भाभी है | N, R और
(b)Father/िपता A × B means ‘A is the son of B’. / A × B U की बेटी है , M, U की ब है | A , U से िकस
(c)Paternal Uncle/चाचा का अथ 'A, B की बेटा है |' कार संबंिधत है ?
A ÷ B means ‘A is the father of B’. / A ÷ B CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
का अथ 'A, B की िपता है |' (a) Father/िपता
(b) Brother/भाई
Q72. X is the mother of A. Y is the sister
In K+U-T × R ÷ M, then how is K related (c) Son/पु
of B's father. R is the father of B. A and Z to M? (d) Brother-in-law/जीजा
are sisters. B is the brother of Z. How is R िन िल खत अिभ के अनुसार K, M से िकस
related to X? कार स ंिधत है ?
Q81. Introducing a lady, Raman said,
X , A की माँ है | Y , B के िपता की बहन है | R , B CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)
(a) Mother/माता ''She is the wife of my father's
का िपता है | A और Z बहने है | B , Z का भाई है |
(b) Sister/बहन father-in-law.'' How is the lady related to
R , X से िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (c) Wife/प ी Raman?
(a) Son/बेटा (d) Maternal Grandmother/नानी एक औरत का प रचय दे ते ए रमन ने कहा, " यह
म िपता के ससुर की प ी है |" वह औरत रमन से
(b) Husband/पित
Q77. Pointing to a picture of Rajiv, a lady िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
(c) Father-in-law/ससुर
Neena said, ''His sister's father is the only CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
(d) Father/िपता (a)Mother in law/सास
son of my father-in-law.'' How is Neena
related to Rajiv? (b)Paternal grandmother/दादी
Q73. Showing the picture of shikha, Parul
राजीव की तरफ इशारा करते ए नीना के कहा, " (c)Maternal grandmother/नानी
said. "she is the grandmother of my इसकी बहन के िपता मेरे ससुर के इकलौते बेटे ह |" (d)Maternal aunt/मामी
father's only son". How is the Shikha नीना राजीव से िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
related to Parul? CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) Q82. What is the relation of Ramesh with
पा ल ने िशखा की त ीर िदखाते ए कहा, " यह (a)Sister/ बहन his mother's son-in-law's wife's sister?
मेरे िपता के इकलौते बेटे की दादी है " | िशखा (b)Grandfather/दादा रमेश का अपनी माँ के दामाद की वधु की बहन से
पा ल से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? (c)Mother/माँ ास है ?
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
(d)Paternal Grandmother/दादी CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
Blood Relation

(a) Husband/पित Q87. Anita is the sister of Babita and

(b) Brother/भाई Dharmendar is the brother of Sushma. If Q92. Jay is husband of Geetanjali who is
(c) Father/ िपता Sushma is the sister of Anita, then how is sister of Deepali. Deepali is daughter of
(d) Father-in-law/ससुर Babita related to Sushma? Vijay. Sarita is mother-in-law of Rohit.
अनीता बिबता की बहन है और धमदर शु ा का Harish Chander is the father of Jay and
Q83. Pointing to the photograph of a boy, भाई है | अगर शु ा अनीता की बहन है , तो बिबता Sarita is the wife of Vijay. Vijay and
Vikas said, ''His father's mother, Sunitha, शु ा से िकस कार स ंिधत है ? Sarita have only two daughters. How is
is my wife's sister's mother." How is SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
Rohit related to Vijay?
Sunitha related to Vikas? (a) Brother/भाई
जय गीतां जिल का पित है जो की दीपाली की बहन
एक लड़के की त ीर की तरफ इशारा करते ए (b) Information is incomplete/सूचना अपूण है | दीपाली िवजय की बेटी है | स रता रोिहत की
िवकास ने कहा, " इसके िपता की माँ सुनीता , मेरी (c) Aunt/आं टी सासु माँ है | हरीश च र जय के िपता है और
प ी की बहन की माँ है |" सुनीता िवकास से िकस (d) Sister /बहन स रता िवजय की प ी है | िवजय और स रता के
कार स ंिधत है ? केवल दो बेिटयां है | रोिहत िवजय से िकस कार
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) Q88. Introducing a boy, Ritika said, 'This स ंिधत है ?
(a) Mother-in-law/सास is the son of the only son of my father.' So SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
(b) Maternal grandmother/नानी how is Ritika related to that boy's mother? (a) Son/बेटा
(c) Maternal aunt /मामी एक लड़के से प रचय कराते ए रितका ने कहा (b) Father/िपता
(d) Mother/माँ 'यह मेरे िपता के इकलौते पु का पु है |' तो रितका (c) Brother/भाई
का उस लड़के की माँ से ा संबंध है ? (d) Son-in-law/दामाद
Q84. When Laxmi saw Mahesh, she said, SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
"He is the son of the father-in-law of the (a) Aunt/ बुआ Q93. Introducing a boy, I said, "His
father of my daughter". How is Mahesh (b) sister/ बहन mother is the only daughter of my mother
related to Laxmi? (c) sister-in-law/ननद in law". How am I related to the boy?
जब ल ी म महे श को दे खो, उसने कहा, " यह (d) cousin / मौसेरी बहन एक लड़के का प रचय कराते ए मैने कहा, "
मेरी बेटी के िपता के ससुर का बेटा है |" महे श इसकी माँ मेरी सासु माँ की इकलौती बेटी है |" म
ल ी से िकस कार स ंिधत है ? Q89. A and B are brothers of C. B is the उस लड़के से िकस कार स ंिधत ँ ?
SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) son of D and E. D is the daughter of F. P SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Brother/भाई is the father-in-law of E. Q is the son of F. (a) Brother/भाई
(b) Son/बेटा How is A related to P? (b) Father/िपता
(c) Maternal uncle/मामा A और B, C के भाई ह | B, D और E का पु है | (c) Brother-in-law/जीजाजी
(d) Nephew/भतीजा D, F की पु ी है | P, E का ससुर है | Q, F का पु है (d) Nephew/भतीजा
| A का P से ा संबंध है ?
Q85. Pointing to a photograph, Mohan SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q94. Pointing to Rehan, Rukhsana said,
said, "The person who is standing with (a) Daughter/ पु ी "His paternal grandfather's
my mother in the photograph is the only (b) Grandson/ नाती daughter-in-law is my daughter's paternal
son of my father". How is the person (c) Son/पु grandmother". How is Rukhsana related
related to Mohan? (d) Father/ िपता to Rehan?
एक त ीर की तरफ इशारा करते ए मोहन ने रे हान की तरफ इशारा करते ए कसाना ने कहा ,
कहा, " त ीर म जो मेरी माँ के पास खड़ा है Q90. G is the grandfather of S. B has only " इसके दादा की ब मेरी बेटी की दादी है |"
वह मेरे िपता का इकलौता बेटा है | " वह two sons E and F. A and B are the only कसाना रे हान से िकस कार संबंिधत है ?
मोहन से िकस कार संबंिधत है | sons of G. Who is the father of S? SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) G, S का दादा है | B के केवल दो बेटे है E और F (a) Mother/माता (b) Wife/प ी
(a) Nephew/भतीजा G के केवल दो बेटे है A और B| S का िपता कौन (c) Sister/बहन (d) Daughter/बेटी
(b) Father/िपता है SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) Cousin/चचेरे भाई (a) F (b) B (c) E (d) A Q95. Deepali is daughter of Vijay, who is
(d) Mohan himself/मोहन married to Sunita. If Deepali is the wife
Q91. Shraddha says to Sharayu, "Your of Mohit, then how is Mohit related to
Q86. Between the siblings A and B, one mother-in-law is my father's mother who Vijay?
is a brother and the other a sister. B is the is the eldest son, but your husband is not दीपाली िवजय की बेटी है िजसकी प ी सुनीता है |
son of X. X is Y's husband and O's my father." How is Sharayu related to यिद दीपाली मोिहत की प ी है , तो मोिहत िवजय से
brother. How is A related to O? Shraddha? िकस कार स ंिधत है ?
A और B म से एक भाई और दू सरी बहन है | B, X ा शरयु से कहती है , " तु ारी सासु माँ मेरे िपता SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
का बेटा है , X, Y का पित है और O का भाई | A, O की माँ है जो की सबसे बड़ा बेटा है पर तु ारा पित (a) Brother / भाई (b) Father / िपता
से कैसे संबंिधत है ? मेरा िपता नहीं है |" शरयु ा से िकस कार (c) Son / पु (d) Son-in-law / दामाद
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening) स ंिधत है ?
(a) Cousin/चचेरा भाई SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening) Q96.If A is the brother of B, C is the
(b) Nephew/भतीजा (a) Niece/भतीजी father of D, F is the daughter of E, L is
(c) Granddaughter/पोती (b) Daughter/बेटी the brother of D's father, B is the sister of
(d) Niece/भतीजी (c) Mother/माँ L and E is the wife of C, then how is F
(d) Aunt /आं टी related to A? 281
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

यिद A, B का भाई है , C, D का िपता है , F, E की Q100. ‘A % B’ means ’A is the sister of SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
बेटी है , L, D के िपता का भाई है , B, L की बहन है B’./ ‘A % B’ का अथ है , A, B की बहन है । (a) R and T are brothers. / R और T भाई ह।
और E, C की प ी है | तो F, A से िकस कार ‘A + B’ means ‘A is the father of B’./ A + (b) Z is the sister of T. / Z, T की बहन है ।
स ंिधत है ? B का अथ है , A, B का िपता है । (c) K is the father in law of N. / K, N का
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) ससुर है ।
‘A ! B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’./ A !
(a)Aunt/चाची B का अथ है A, B का भाई है । (d) J is the mother of S. / J, S की माँ है ।
(b)Daughter in law/ब ॅ If P ! H + Q % M + T % K ! J, then how
(c)Sister/बहन is Q related to J? Q104. ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the brother of
(d)Niece/भतीजी यिद P ! H + Q % M + T % K ! J है , तो Q, J से B’. / A#B का अथ है , A, B का भाई है ।
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’. /
Q97.Seeing a portrait, Rucha asked SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) A@B का अथ है , A, B की प ी है ।
Seema, ''Whose portrait is this?''. Seema (a) Paternal aunt/ चाची ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’. /
replied, ''Her son is the father of my (b) Daughter-in-law / ब A&B का अथ है , A, B की पु ी है ।
daughter''.Whose portrait is it? (c) Sister-in-law/ ननद ‘A % B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’. /
एक त ीर को दे खते ए चा सीमा से पूछती है , (d) Maternal aunt / मासी A%B का अथ है , A, B का बहन है ।
"यह त ीर िकसकी है ?" सीमा ने कहा, " इसका If P % R & Y @ Z # M % N, then how is
बेटा मेरी बेटी का िपता है |" त ीर िकसकी है ? M related to P?
Q101. pointing to a photograph of a girl,
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) यिद P % R & Y @ Z # M % N है तो M, P से
Dev said, “She is my wife’s sister’s
(a)Seema/ सीमा कैसे स त है ?
mother’s only son’s daughter”. How is
(b)Seema's mother-in-law/सीमा की सास SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
Dev’s wife related to that girl’s paternal
(c)Seema's sister/सीमा की बहन (a) Paternal aunt / चाची
(d)Seema's mother/सीमा की माँ (b) Paternal uncle / चाचा
एक लड़की की त ीर की ओर इशारा करते ए,
दे व ने कहा, “वह मेरी प ी की बहन की माँ के (c) Mother / माँ
SSC CPO 2020 TIER I एकमा बेटे की बेटी है । “ दे व की प ी उस लड़की (d) Maternal aunt / मौसी
के दादा की ा लगती है ?
Q98. Ronita’s only brother Vikram is the SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) Q105. Pointing towards a man a lady
(a) Daughter/ बेटी said, “His brother is my mother’s only
husband of Kartik’s mother Sejal. How is
(b) Sister/ बहन daughter’s husband’s son’s father’. How
Ronita’s mother Chandni related to Kartik
(c) paternal aunt/ चाची is the man related to the lady’s husband?
रोिनता का एकमा भाई िव म, काितक की माँ
(d) Daughter-in-law/ ब एक आदमी की ओर इशारा करते ए एक मिहला
सेजल का पित है । रोिनता की माँ चां दनी, काितक ने कहा, "उसका भाई मेरी माँ की बेटी के बेटे का
से िकस कार संबंिधत है ? Q102. Preeti is the only sister of Virat. िपता है ।" मिहला के पित से आदमी से ा स
Manoj is the son of Dileep, who is the है ?
SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
(a) Mother-in-law/ सास husband of Maaya. Virat is the son of
(a) Brother-in-law / जीजा / साला
(b) Maternal grandmother/ नानी Devansh. Devansh is Manoj’s
(b) Brother / भाई
(c) Paternal aunt/ चाची father-in-law. How is Maaya related to
(c) Father / िपता
(d) Parental grandmother/ दादी Preeti?
ीित िवराट की एकमा बहन है । मनोज, िदलीप
(d) Paternal uncle / चाचा
Q99. ‘A % B’ means ’A is the mother of का पु है , जो माया का पित है । िवराट दे वां श का
पु है । दे वां श मनोज का ससुर है । माया, ीित से Q106. Pointing to a portrait of a man,
B’./ A % B’ का अथ है , ‘A, B की माँ है ।’
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? Ravish said, “ I am the only child of my
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is the father of B’./ ‘A $
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) parents but that man’s father is my
B’ का अथ है , ‘A, B का िपता है ।’
(a) Daughter-in-law/ ब father’s son”. How is the man in the
‘A # B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’./ ‘A
(b) Sister-in-law/ ननद/भाभी portrait related to Ravish?
# B’ का अथ है , A, B का भाई है ।’
(c) Mother/ माँ एक के िच की ओर इशारा करते ए,
‘A & B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’./
(d) mother-in-law/ सास रवीश ने कहा, "म अपने माता-िपता की एकमा
A&B का अथ है , A, B की बहन है ।
संतान ं लेिकन उस का िपता मेरे िपता का
If J $ H # R % N & T # U % P, then पु है "। िच का आदमी रवीश से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
Q 103. ‘A#B’ means ‘A is the husband of
which of the following statements is NOT SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
B’. / A#B का अथ है , A, B का पित है ।
correct ? (a) Cousin/चचेरा भाई
‘A@B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’. /
यिद J $ H # R % N & T # U % P है , तो (b) Nephew/भतीजा
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ? A@B का अथ है , A, B की बहन है ।
‘A&B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’. / (c) Father/िपता
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
A&B का अथ है , A, B की माँ है ।
(d) Son/पु
(a) J is the maternal grandfather of N./ J,
N का नाना है । ‘A%B’ means ‘A is the son of B’. / A%B
का अथ है , A, B का बेटा है । Q107. In a family of five members, P is
(b) R is the maternal grandmother of P. /
If S#Z@R%K#J&T#N, then which of the Q’s sister and R is Q’s mother. S is R’s
R, P का नानी है ।
(c) R is the mother of U./ R, U की माँ है । following statements is NOT correct? father and T is S’s mother. How is P
(d) N is the sister of P./ N, P की बहन है । यिद S#Z@R%K#J&T#N है तो िन म से कौन related to S?
सा कथन गलत है ?
Blood Relation

पां च सद ों वाले प रवार म P, Q की बहन है और 61.(c) 62.(a) 63.(b) 64.(d)

R, Q की मां है । S, R का िपता है और T, S की माँ
है । P, S से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
65.(a) 66.(d) 67.(d) 68.(a)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 69.(d) 70.(d) 71.(d) 72.(d)
(a)Grand-daughter / पोती According to the family chart, A is Uncle
73.(a) 74.(c) 75.(c) 76.(a)
(b)Niece / भतीजी of D.
(c)Mother / माँ 77.(c) 78.(b) 79.(a) 80.(c)
(d)Daughter / बेटी 81.(c) 82.(b) 83.(a) 84.(a) Sol 6. (c) By observing the family chart
85.(d) 86.(d) 87.(d) 88.(c) given below. we can easily say that V is
Q108. C is the mother-in-law of B; A is the niece of M.
89.(b) 90.(d) 91.(d) 92.(d)
the elder son of C and the father of D. If
B is not the wife of A, then how is B 93.(b) 94.(b) 95.(d) 96.(d)
related to D? 97.(b) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(a)
C, B की सास है ; A, C का बड़ा पु है और D का
101.(d) 102.(c) 103.(d) 104.(a)
िपता है । यिद B, A की प ी नहीं है , तो B, D से
िकस कार संबंिधत है ? 105.(b) 106.(d) 107.(a) 108.(d)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) Sol 7. (b) By observing the family chart
(a) Sister / बहन given below. We can see that Q is the
(b) Mother / माँ father of V.
(c) Maternal Aunt / मामी SOLUTIONS
(d) Aunt / आं टी
Sol 1. (a)
Q109. Pointing to a portrait of a lady, As, F is wife of B and H is son of D. So,
kanika said, “Her daughter-in-law is the H is the son of her husband’s brother. So
wife of my son’s grandfather’s only son.” H is the nephew of F.
Sol 8. (d) After observing the following
How is the lady in the portrait related to
family chart. We can see that E is the
kanika? Sol 2. (d) By observing the question , we
एक मिहला के िच की ओर इशारा करते ए
nephew of A.
got the family chart as given below.
किणका ने कहा, "उनकी ब मेरे बेटे के दादा के From here , we can see clearly that V is
इकलौते बेटे की प ी है ।" िच म मिहला किनका Son-in-law of P.
से कैसे संबंिधत है ?
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) Sister-in-law/भाभी
(b) Mother-in-law/सास
Sol 9. (c)
(c) Paternal aunt/चाची
Father’s wife is a mother and if they had
(d) Mother/माँ
only one son he is certainly Saksham and
Sol 3. (c) According to the question, the then Nidhi is his Daughter.
ANSWERS following family chart will be followed.
And according to the figure, S is Sol 10. (d) After seeing the family chart
1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(c) sister-in-law of T. given below it is clear that Krish is the
grandson of Suresh.
5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d)
9.(c) 10.(d) 11.(c) 12.(a)
13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(c) 16.(c)
17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(b)
Sol 4. (c) As the statements are given in
21.(c) 22.(c) 23.(b) 24.(a) the question, we get the following
25.(a) 26.(c) 27.(c) 28.(a) diagram.
Sol 11. (c) After observing the following
29.(b) 30.(a) 31.(c) 32.(d) picture. We can see that Priyank is the son
33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(d) 36.(c) of Sonia.
37.(b) 38.(c) 39.(b) 40.(c)
41.(d) 42.(c) 43.(b) 44.(a)
According to the family chart, F is
45.(d) 46.(a) 47.(d) 48.(d)
sister-in-law of C.
49.(a) 50.(c) 51.(d) 52.(d) Sol 12. (a)
53.(c) 54.(b) 55.(b) 56.(b) Sol 5. (a) According to the question , the
following family chart will be obtained.
57.(c) 58.(d) 59.(b) 60.(a)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

So , Vijay is the brother in law of Sol 20. (b)


Sol 13. (a) By observing the following

family chart. We can see that S is the
wife T.

Diagram tells that R is the sister of K and Sol 28.(a) According to the following
the sister's husband is brother in law. family chart Sonu is the maternal uncle of
Sol 21. (c) According to the following
Sol 14. (c) After observing the following family chart X is the granddaughter of E.
family chart. We can see that R is the
granddaughter of S.
Sol 29. (b) According to the following
family chart, Mayank and sonu are

Sol 22. (c)According to the following

family chart Q is the grandson of W.
Sol 15. (c) After observing the following
family chart. We can see that T is the
maternal grandfather of P.
Sol 30. (a) According to the following
family chart the gender of P is not clear.
So, we can not say that P is the son of Q.

Sol 23. (b) According to the following

family chart, A is the sister in law of %.
Sol 16. (c)

Sol 31. (c) According to the following

Sol:24. (a) Gayatri has 3 children, family chart R is the mother of K.
Chhaya(F), Deepa(F) and Naman(M)
Sol 17. (b) According to the family chart Mayank is the son of Chhaya. Mayank is
which is given below, S is the paternal the son of Naman’s sister. So he is the
grandfather of U. nephew of Naman.
Sol 32. (d)
Sol:25. (a) According to the following
family chart T is the father-in-law of J.

Sol 18. (c) According to the family chart

given below. P is the maternal uncle of V.
From the given diagram K is the mother
Sol:26. (c) According to the following of J
family chart P is the paternal uncle of O.
Sol 33. (b)

Sol 19. (c) Wife of the husband is she

herself(veena) and her son’s sister is her
daughter. So Kavi is Veena’s daughter.

CHSL 2018 TIER I Sol.27. (c) According to the following

family chart J is the mother-in-law of Q. X is the maternal grandparent of R

Blood Relation

Sol 34. (a)

A is the sister of S

Sol 42. (c) So, L is the mother’s sister to y.

From the given diagram, K is brother of J The Daughter of my mother’s husband is
my sister So, Girl playing with a dog is Sol:49.(a)Here, + represents male and -
Sol 35. (d) Deepti’s sister represents female.
Sol 43. (b)

As Abhay and Swati are brother-sister So,

From the given diagram L is the husband Abhay’s mother and Swati’s father are
of I. husband and wife. As per the above figure, ‘Bimla’ is the
daughter-in-law of ‘Eshwar’.
Sol 36. (c) Sol 44. (a)

Mahesh’s father is Lali’s grandfather.

R is P’s daughter's husband. Sol 45. (d) From the above diagram, we can
conclude that ‘D’ is the niece of ‘H’
Sol 37. (b)


Mohini and Ram are couple.

From the figure, Q is the father-in-law of CGL 2019 Tier I

J Sol:.46.(a)

Sol 38. (c) P is the aunt of Q who is the mother of U.


According to the diagram, Mayank is the

father of Swati.
By observing the above diagram, we can
Sol 39. (b) say that L is the father of K.
Thus, Satish is the Grandson of Kavinder

Sol:53.(c) According to the following

family chart, Nitin is the brother of
According to the diagram Ramesh and
Prabhat are bothers.

Sol 40. (c)

Manju’s husband is Sushma’s nephew
‘S’ is the son-in-law’ of ‘R’ Sol:54.(b)
Sol 41. (d)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

As per the above family tree,Option b Sol:61.(c) P + K + D ÷ H × M Sol 68. (a) According to the following
which states J is the daughter of P is NOT expressions means ‘H is the paternal family chart A is the paternal aunt of D.
TRUE. grandson of P’.


Sol 69. (d)


By observing the above diagram, we can Sol 70. (d)

conclude that P is the maternal
grandfather of S.
Clearly, from the above family tree we
Sol:.56.(b) can conclude that ‘U’ is the
mother-in-law of Y.


Clearly, ‘S’ is the son of ‘U’ Gagan and Amit are brothers.

Sol:.57.(c) Sol 71. (d)

Hence, Rajiv is the brother of Akansha.

CHSL 2019 Tier I From the diagram, it is evident that Ravi

is the father-in-law of Himmat.
Clearly, ‘L’ is the mother of ‘S’
Sol 64. (d)
Sol 72. (b)
Sol:.58.(d) According to the following
family chart X is the husband of Z.

Therefore, P is the uncle of T.

Sol 65. (a) According to the following According to given statements R is the
family chart M is the mother of L. husband of X.
Sol:.59.(b) According to the following
family chart. U is the daughter of Q. Sol 73. (a) According to the following
family chart Sikha is the Grandmother of

Sol 66. (d)

Sol:.60.(a) According to the following

family tree R is the maternal grandmother
of Z.

Sol 67. (d)According to the following

family chart K is the mother of A. Sol 74. (c)

Blood Relation

Therefore, B is the maternal uncle of D.

Clearly, Babita is Sushma’s sister.

Sol 75. (c)
Option (c):- R ÷ J ÷ S × U
Sol 88. (c)

Clearly, the lady is Raman’s maternal


Sol 82. (b)

Sol 76. (a)

Therefore, Ritika will be the sister-in-law
of his brother’s wife.

Sol 89. (b)

Clearly, K is the mother of M.
Sol 83. (a)
Sol 77. (c) According to the following
family chart Neene is the mother of Rajiv.

Hence, P is the maternal grandfather of A.

Hence, Sunita is the mother-in-law of Sol 90. (d) According to the following
family chart . A is the father of S.
Sol 84. (a)

Sol 78. (b)

Sol 91. (d)

Thus, J is the paternal grandfather of Y.

Sol 85. (d)
Sol 79. (a)

Sharayu is the aunt of Shraddha.

Sol 92. (d) According to the following

Mohan is the only son of their parents and
family chart Rohit is the son-in-law of
he is pointing towards himself.
Clearly, Arvind is the father-in-law of Vijay.
Sol 86. (d)
Sol 80. (c)

Sol 93. (b)

Therefore, A is the niece of O.
Therefore, A is the son of U and R.
Sol 87. (d)
Sol 81. (c)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 105 . (b)

I am the father of the boy.

Sol 94. (b)

Sol 100. (a) From
the family tree diagram Man is brother of
Lady’s husband.

Sol 106. (d)

Thus, Rukshana is the wife of Rehan.

From the drawn family tree we can

Sol 95. (d)
clearly see that Q is a woman who is the
paternal aunt of J.

Sol 101. (d)

Man in the portrait is the son of Ravish

Hence, Mohit is the son-in-law of Vijay. Sol 107. (a)

Sol 96. (d) According to the following

family chart F is the niece of A.
The girl's paternal grandfather is Dev’s
father and Dev’s wife is daughter-in-law
of Dev’s father.

Sol 97. (b) Sol 102. (c) So, P is the grand-daughter of S.

Sol 108. (d)

From the drawn family tree, Maya is the

Sol 98. (d) mother-in-law of Preeti.

Sol 103. (d) B is generation above D so, sister can’t be

the correct option
As, B is not the wife A so, Mother can’t
be the correct option
B is related to D from father side so,
From the diagram we can see that
maternal Aunt can’t be the correct option
Chandani is the paternal grandmother of
B is aunt of D
J is the mother-in-law of S. Sol 109(b)
Sol 99. (d)
From the family tree drawn we can
Sol 104. (a)
clearly say that
J is the maternal grandfather of N.
R is the maternal grandfather of P.
R is the mother of U.
N is the maternal aunt of P hence option Lady is the Mother-in-law of Kanika.
From the family tree diagram M is the
D is the wrong Answer.
paternal aunt of P.
Venn Diagram

VENN DIAGRAM/ वेन आरे ख Ex-3 It is clear that some parents can be rich
Mango, Apple, Fruit and farmers too. Similarly, rich people
BASICS OF VENN DIAGRAM - can also be parents and farmers.
In the chapter of the Venn diagram, we Similarly, farmers can also be rich and
show the relationship between various parents. Hence: we will draw these three
objects, subjects, and numbers by the from this diagram.
diagram. Generally, two types of यहां है की कुछ अिभभावक, अमीर ओर
Sol: िकसान भी हो सकते है । उसी कार अमीर
questions are asked in this chapter./वेन
It is clear that Apple and Mango are two , अिभभावक और िकसान भी हो सकते है ।
आरे ख के अ ाय म, हम िविभ व ुओ,ं िवषयों
different things, but both are the types of ठीक उसी कार, िकसान, अमीर और
और सं ाओं के बीच के संबंध को आरे ख ारा
fruits, so they are shown above./यह अिभभावक भी हो सकते है । अतः :इन तीनो को
दशाते ह। सामा तः इस अ ाय म दो कार के
है की आम ओर सेब दो अलग अलग व ु है इसी आरे ख से आरे खत करगे
पूछे जाते ह।
TYPE - 1 लेिकन दोनों फल के कार है इसिलए इ े Ex-7
उपयु प से दशाया गया है । Vegetable, Tomato, Orange
In this type of question some groups of
objects are given and some diagrams are
Woman, Mother, Sister
given. Through those diagrams one has
to find that diagram which correctly
classifies the group of objects in the
given question. Let us understand these
types of questions with the following Sol:
example./इस कार के म कुछ व ुओं के Sol: It is clear here that tomato is a type of
समूह िदए जाते है तथा कुछ आरे ख िदए जाते है । It is clear that some mothers may be vegetable. The relation of these two is
उन आरे खों के मा म से उस एक आरे ख को ात sisters and some sisters may also be shown by making two circles. But the
करना होता है जो िदए गए म व ुओं के समूह mothers. Therefore the relation of orange class is completely different from
को सही तौर पर वग कृत करते है । इस कार के both. Therefore it is drawn
mother and sister will be drawn from
ो को िन उदाहरण ारा समझते है ।
small circles and since mother and sister differently./यहां है की टमाटर, स ी का
Ex- 1
are women, the diagram will be shown एक कार है । इन दोनों के संबंध को दो वृ
Mango, potato, Book बनाकर िदखाया गया है । लेिकन नारं गी का वग
from the above diagram./यह है की
दोनों से िबलकुल अलग है । इसिलए इसको अलग
कुछ माता, बहन भी हो सकती है ओर कुछ बहन
माता भी हो सकती है । इसिलए माता ओर बहन कार से आरे खत िकया गया है । .
के स को छोटे वृतो से आरे खत िकया जायेगा Ex-8
ओर चुिक माता ओर बहन, मिहला है इसिलए Snake, Reptiles, Poisonous
आरे ख को उपयु आरे ख से दशाया जायेगा।

Domestic animal, Dog, Cat
Looking at the above group, it is unclear It is clear here that all snakes are
that there is no mutual relationship reptiles. It is drawn by drawing two
among the three. Therefore, all three circles. But some snakes are also
have been drawn differently./उपरो ुप poisonous. Therefore, the person
को दे खकर अ है की तीनो म कोई पार रक It is clear that some dogs and some cats representing the poisons will be
स नहीं है । इसिलए तीनो को अलग अलग are pets, but not all pets are dogs and connected to these two circles. Hence
आरे खत िकया गया है । cats. And dogs and cats are not related to the diagram will be drawn as above./यहां
each other, so the above question will be है की सभी सां प, सरीसृप होते है । इसको दो
Ex-2 shown from this diagram./यह है की वृ बनाकर आरे खत िकया गया है । पर ु कुछ
India, Bihar, Patna कुछ कु े ओर कुछ िब यां पालतू जानवर है सां प जहरीले भी होते है । अतः जो जहरीलों का
पर ु सभी पालतू जानवर कु े ओर िब यां नहीं ितिनिधतव कर रहा है इन दोनों वृ ों से जुड़ा
है । तथा कु े ओर िब यां एक दू सरे से संबंिधत रहे गा। अतः आरे ख को उपयु कार से
नहीं है इसिलए उपयु को इसी आरे ख से आरे खत िकया जायेगा।
दशाया जायेगा। Ex-9
Ex-6 Woman, Mother, Baby girl
Parents, Rich person, Farmers
It is clear here that Patna is part of Bihar
and Bihar is part of India. Hence the
diagram is drawn as above./यहां है की
पटना, िबहार का भाग है तथा िबहार, इं िडया का
It is clear that all mothers are women. It
भाग है । इसिलए आरे ख को उपयु कार से
Sol: is drawn by drawing two circles. Some
आरे खत िकया गया है ।
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

women can also be children. But no Q3. In the following diagram the
child can be a mother./यह है की सभी Sol: 26 triangle represents ‘rich’, the circle
माता मिहला होती है । इसको दो वृ बनाकर represents ‘doctor’, the rectangle
आरे खत िकया गया है । कुछ मिहला ब ी भी हो Q.2. How many doctors are there who represents ‘happy’ persons. The numbers
सकती है । पर ु कोई ब ी माँ नहीं हो सकती। are neither players nor artist?/ऐसे िकतने in different segments show the number
Ex-10 डॉ र है जो िक न तो खलाडी है और न ही of persons.
Fathers , Uncles , Aunts कलाकार है ? िन िल खत आरे ख म ि भुज ‘अमीरों’ को
दशाता है , वृ ‘िचिक क’ को दशाता है
Sol: 18 तथा आयत ‘खुश लोगों’ को दशाता है |
िविभ ख ों म दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की
CPO 2018 TIER I सं ा बताती ह |
Sol: CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
It is clear that some fathers can also be
uncles and some uncles can also be Q1. In the following diagram the
fathers. But the class of aunt is triangle represents ‘dancers’, the circle
completely different from these two. represents ‘swimmers’, the rectangle
Hence: The diagram will be drawn as represents ‘students’ and the square
above./यह है की कुछ िपता, चाचा भी हो
represents ‘cricket fans’. The numbers in
सकते है तथा कुछ चाचा, िपता भी हो सकते है । different segments show the number of
How many rich doctors are not happy?
पर ु आं टी का वग इन दोनों से िबलकुल िभ है । persons. िकतने अमीर िचिक क खुश नहीं ह ?
अतः : आरे ख को उपयु कार से आरे खत िन िल खत आरे ख म ि भुज ‘नतकों’ का (a)1 (b)26 (c)9 (d)17
िकया जायेगा। ितिनिध करता है ; वृ ‘तैराकों’ को दशाता है
; आयत ‘ छा ों’ को दशाता है तथा वग ‘ ि केट
शंसकों’ का ितिनिध करता है |
Q4. In the following diagram, the
TYPE-II triangle represents ‘actors’, the circle
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
In this type of question, a joint figure is represents ‘instrumentalists’ and the
attached to each other. In that figure, the
rectangle represents ‘dancers’. The
letters or numbers are represented at numbers in different segments show the
different places which they represent to a number of persons.
particular class of letters or numbers. िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज अिभनेताओं का
Questions are to be answered on the How many student dancers are ितिनिध करता है , वृ वादकों का ितिनिध
basis of different relations of the drawn swimmers but not cricket fans? करता है और आयत नतक का ितिनिध
number or letter./इस कार के म एक िकतने छा नतक तैराक ह लेिकन ि केट करता है । िविभ खंडों म सं ा यों की
दू सरे से जुड़े ए संयु आकृित दी जाती है । उस शंसक नहीं ह ? सं ा को दशाती है ।
आकृित म अ रों या सं ाओं को अलग अलग (a)15 (b)10 (c)3 (d)13 CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
थान पर िन िपत िकया जाता है िजसे वे अ र या
सं ा िकसी िवशेष वग को िन िपत करते है ।
Q2. In the following diagram the
आरे खत सं ा या अ र के िविभ स ो के
आधार पर ो के उ र दे ने होते है । triangle represents ‘players’, the circle
Study the following diagram and answer represents ‘students’, the rectangle
the questions given below/िन आरे ख का represents ‘high achievers’. The
अ यन करे और िनचे िदए गए ो का उ र numbers in different segments show the
दीिजये number of persons. How many dancers are instrumentalists
िन िल खत आरे ख म ि भुज खलािड़यों को but not actors?
दशाता है , वृ ‘छा ों' को दशाता है , आयत ‘बड़ी िकतने नतक वादक ह लेिकन अिभनेता नहीं?
उपल हािसल करने वाले लोगों' को दशाता है | (a) 21 (b) 12 (c) 17 (d) 20
िविभ ख ों म दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा
को दशाती ह | Q5. In the following diagram, the
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) triangle represents ‘actors’, the circle
(i) Here, the circle represents the
represents ‘male’, the rectangle
player./यहां वृ खलाडी को िन िपत करता है ।
(ii) Here, The triangle represents the represents ‘painters’ and the square
represents ‘artists’. The numbers in
doctor./यहां ि भुज डॉ र को िन िपत करता
different segments show the number of
है ।
How many high-achieving students are persons.
(iii) Here, The rectangle represents the
not players? िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज अिभनेताओं , वृ
artists./यहां आयत कलाकारों को िन िपत
बड़ी उपल हािसल करने वाले िकतने छा पु षों का,आयत िच कारों का, वग कलाकारों का
करता है ।
खलाड़ी नहीं ह ? ितिनिध करता है । िविभ खंडों म सं ा
Q.1. How many players are there who (a)15 (b)13 (c)12 (d)3 यों की सं ा को दशाती है ।
are neither artists nor doctors/ऐसे िकतने CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
खलाडी है जो िक न तो कलाकार है और न ही
डॉ र है
Venn Diagram

Q8. In the following diagram, the How many students are swimmers but
triangle represents ‘army men’, the circle not cricket players?
represents ‘athletes’, the rectangle िकतने छा तैराक ह लेिकन ि केट खलाड़ी नहीं
represents ‘strong men’. The numbers in ?
different segments show the number of (a) 17 (b) 8 (c) 13 (d) 18
How many male actors are painters but Q11. In the following diagram, the
िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज ‘सैिनकों’ को
not artists? दशाता है , वृ ‘एथलीट’ को दशाता है , आयत ‘ triangle represents ‘teachers’, the circle
िकतने पु ष अिभनेता िच कार ह लेिकन श शाली पु षों’ को दशाता है | िविभ खंडो म represents ‘intelligent’, the rectangle
कलाकार नहीं है ? दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा के बारे म बताती represents ‘urban’ and the square
(a) 13 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 15 ह| represents ‘males’. The numbers in
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
different segments show the number of
Q6. In the following diagram, the
triangle represents ‘rich’, the circle
िन िल खत आरे ख म ि भुज ‘िश कों’ का
represents ‘Farmer’ and the rectangle ितिनिध करता है ; वृ ‘बु जीिवयों' को
represents ‘rural’. The numbers in दशाता है और आयत ‘शहरी’ तथा वग ‘पु षों’
different segments show the number of को दशाता है | िविभ खंडो म मौजूद सं ाएं
persons. How many strong army men are not लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह |
िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज ‘धनवान’ का CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
ितिनिध करता है , वृ , िकसान ’का
िकतने श शाली सैिनक एथलीट नहीं ह ?
ितिनिध करता है और आयत ामीण’ का
(a)13 (b)19 (c)11 (d)10
ितिनिध करता है । िविभ खंडों म सं ा
यों की सं ा को दशाती है ।
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) Q9. In the following diagram, the
triangle represents ‘women’, the circle How many urban intelligent teachers are
represents ‘graduates’, the rectangle not male?
represents ‘teachers’. The numbers in िकतने शहरी बु जीवी िश क पु ष नहीं ह ?
different segments show the number of (a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 10 (d) 4
िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज ‘मिहलाओं’ को Q 12. In the following diagram, the
How many rich Farmers are not rural? दशाता है , वृ ‘ ातकों’ को दशाता है , आयत ‘ triangle represent ‘businessmen, the
िकतने धनवान िकसान ामीण नहीं ह? िश कों’ को दशाता है | िविभ खंडो म दी गयी circle represent ‘rich’ and the rectangle
(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 7 सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा के बारे म बताती ह |
represent city dwellers.The number in
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
different segments shows the number of
Q7. In the following diagram, the persons.
triangle represents ‘cricket players’, the िन िल खत आरे ख म ि भुज ‘ ापा रयों' को
circle represents ‘students’, the rectangle दशाता है , वृ ‘अमीरों' को दशाता है तथा आयत
represents ‘boys’ and the square ‘ शहरी िनवािसयों' को दशाता है | िविभ खंडो म
represents ‘dancers’. The numbers in दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह |
How many women graduates are not CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
different segments show the number of
persons. teachers?
िन िल खत आरे ख म, ि भुज ‘ि केट खलािड़यों’ िकतनी मिहला ातक िश क नहीं ह ?
को दशाता है , वृ ‘छा ों’ को दशाता है , आयत ‘ (a)9 (b)12 (c)17 (d)5
लड़कों’ को दशाता है तथा वग ‘नतकों’ को
दशाता है | िविभ खंडो म दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों Q10. In the following diagram, the
की सं ा के बारे म बताती ह CPO triangle represents ‘cricket players’, the
13/03/2019(Morning) How many rich city dwellers are not
circle represents ‘swimmers’ and the
rectangle represents ‘students’. The
िकतने अमीर शहरी िनवासी ापारी नहीं ह ?
numbers in different segments show the
(a) 20 (b)14 (c)18 (d)16
number of persons.
इस आरे ख म ि भुज ‘ि केट खलािड़यों’ को
Q13. Choose the venn diagram from the
दशाता है , वृ ‘तैराकों को दशाता है तथा आयत
‘छा ों’ का ितिनिध करता है | िविभ खंडों म given options that best represents the
दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह | relationship amongst the following
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) classes:
How many students are dancers and
Vienna, Europe, New Zealand
cricket players but not boys?
िदए गए िवक ों म से वेन आरे ख चुन, जो
िकतने छा नतक और ि केट खलाड़ी ह लेिकन
िन िल खत वग के बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा
लड़के नहीं ह ?
ितिनिध करता है :
(a)7 (b)1 (c)4 (d)16
िवयना, यूरोप, ूजीलड
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) 291
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q17. Select the venn diagram that

represents the correct relationship
(a) (b) between the following classes. (a) (b)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
के बीच सही संबंध को दशाता है |
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (c) (d)
(c) (d) Indonesia, Asia, Bangladesh
इं डोनेिशया, एिशया, बां गलादे श
Q14. Choose the venn diagram from the Q21. Choose the venn diagram from the
given options that best represents the given options that best represents the
relationship amongst the following relationship amongst the following
classes: (a) (b) classes:
िदए गए िवक ों म से वेन आरे ख चुन, जो उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
िन िल खत वग के बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
ितिनिध करता है : CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Year, month, day
(c) (d)
Mothers, Doctors, Homo Sapiens वष, माह, िदन
माता, डॉ र, मानव-जाित
Q18. Select the venn diagram that
represents the correct relationship
(a) (b)
between the following classes.
(a) (b) उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
के बीच सही संबंध को दशाता है |
Graduate, Painter, Teacher (c) (d)
(c) (d) ातक, िच कार, अ ापक
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) Q22.Select the venn diagram that
represents the correct relationship
Q15. Choose the venn diagram from the
between the following classes.
given options that best represents the
(a) (b) उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
relationship amongst the following
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
classes: Stationary, Pen, Nib
िदए गए िवक ों म से वेन आरे ख चुन, जो
े शनरी, पेन, िनब
िन िल खत वग के बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा (c) (d)
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
ितिनिध करता है :
Inert Gases, Chlorine, Helium Q19. Choose the venn diagram from the
िन य गैस, ोरीन, हीिलयम given options that best represents the
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) relationship amongst the following (a) (b)
िदए गए िवक ों म से उस वेन आरे ख का चयन
(a) (b) कर जो िन िल खत वग के बीच संबंध को सव े
(c) (d)
तरीके से दशाता है |
Mizoram, Manipur, India
Q23. Select the venn diagram that
िमजोरम, मिणपुर, भारत
represents the correct relationship
(c) (d) CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
between the following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
Q16. Choose the Venn diagram from the के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
given options that best represents the (a) (b) CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
relationship amongst the following Student, Player, Spectator
classes: िव ाथ , खलाड़ी, दशक
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग (c) (d)
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
Q20. Choose the venn diagram from the
Clerk, Male, Permanent Employee (a) (b)
given options that best represents the
क, पु ष, थायी कमचारी
relationship amongst the following
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग (c) (d)
(a) (b)
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
Q24.Select the venn diagram that
Bird. Parrot, Snake
(c) (d) represents the correct relationship
प ी : तोता : सां प
between the following classes.
Venn Diagram

उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग Q28. Select the venn diagram that

के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | represents the corret relationship
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) between the following classes.
Teacher, Singer, Mothers उस व आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
िश क, गायक, माताएं के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाती है |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Vegetables, Brinjal, Apple According to the given diagram, How
स यां , बगन, सेब many players are philosophers but not
(a) (b)
िदए गए आरे ख के अनुसार िकतने खलाड़ी
(a) (b) दाशिनक ह लेिकन िचिक क नहीं ?
(c) (d) (a)12 (b)17 (c)5 (d)7

Q25. Select the venn diagram that (c) (d) Q32. Choose the venn diagram from the
represents the correct relationship given options that best represents the
between the following classes. Q29. Select the venn diagram that relationship amongst the following
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग represents the correct relationship classes:
के बीच सही संबंध को दशाता है | िदए गए िवक ों म से उस वेन आरे ख का चयन
between the following classes.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) कर िजसम नीचे िदए गए वग के बीच संबंध का
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
Females, Mothers, Fathers के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | सव े िच ण िकया गया है |
मिहलाएं , माताएं , िपता CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Jaisalmer, Jaipur, Rajasthan Hospital, Doctor, Patient
जैसलमेर, जयपुर, राज थान अ ताल, िचिक क, मरीज
(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q26. Select the Venn diagram that (c) (d)

(c) (d)
represents the correct relationship
between the following classes. Q33. Select the Venn diagram that best
Q30. Select the venn diagram that
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग illustrates the relationship between the
represents the correct relationship
के बीच सही संबंध दशाता है | following three classes.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
between the following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत तीन
World, Asia. Nepal उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
वग के बीच संबंध का सव े िच ण
के बीच सही संबंध को दशाता है |
िव , एिशया, नेपाल करता है |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Fathers, Doctors, Singers
Stationery, Pencil, Apple
िपता, िचिक क, गायक
लेखन साम ी, पिसल, सेब
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q27. Select the Venn diagram that

(c) (d) (c) (d)
represents the correct relationship
between the following classes.
Q31. In the following diagram, the CGL 2018 tier I
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
के बीच सही संबंध दशाता है | rectangle represents ‘doctors’, the
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) triangle represents ‘players’, the circle Q34. Select the venn diagram that best
Cat , Mammal , Parrot represents ‘philosophers’. illustrates the relationship between the
The numbers in different segments show following classes.
the number of persons.. Uncle, Relatives, Rich
िन िल खत आरे ख म आयत ‘िचिक कों’ का उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
ितिनिध करता है , ि भुज ‘ खलािड़यों’ का के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है |
(a) (b) ितिनिध करता है तथा वृ ‘ दाशिनकों’ का अंकल, संबंधी, अमीर
ितिनिध करता है | CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
िविभ खंडो म दी गयी सं ाएं लोगों की सं ा
(c) (d) बताती ह |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
Q35. Select the Venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship between the (c) (d)
following classes. (c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग Q39. Choose the venn diagram that best
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | Q43. Select the venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship among the
Parents, Rich Persons, Farmers following classes : illustrates the relationship between the
अिभभावक, अमीर , िकसान following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon
के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
Women , Entrepreneurs , Engineers के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
मिहलाएं , उ मी, इं जीिनयर Indians , Females , Voters
(a) (b) CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) भारतीय, मिहलाएं , मतदाता
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q36. Select the Venn Diagram that best (a) (b)

illustrates the relationship between the (c) (d)
following classes.
Graduates , Literates and Hardworking. Q40. Choose the venn diagram that best (c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग illustrates the relationship among the
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | following classes: Q44. Which one of the following figures
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग represents students, teachers and
के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | schools?
Crocodiles, Aquatic animals , Reptiles िन म से कौन सी आकृित छा ों, िश कों और
(a) (b) मगरम , जलीय जीव, सरीसृप िव ालयों को दशाती है ?
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
Q37. Select the Venn diagram that
illustrates the relationship between the (c) (d) (c) (d)
following classes./
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
Q41. Select the Venn diagram that best Q45. Which one of the following figures
के बीच संबंध को दशाता है |
illustrates the relationship between the represents players, singers and students?
Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous
following classes: िन म से कौन सी आकृित खलािड़यों, गायकों
सां प, सरीसृप, ज़हरीले
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग और छा ों को दशाती है ?
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
Graduates , Teachers , Literates
ातक, िश क ,िशि त
(a) (b) (c) CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)

(d) (a) (b)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

Q38. Select the Venn diagram that best Q46. Which one of the following figures
illustrates the relationship between the (c) (d)
represents wheat, mustard and cabbage?
following classes. िन म से कौन सी आकृित गे ं , सरसों और बंधा
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत Q42. Select the venn diagram that best
को दशाती है ?
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है । illustrates the relationship between the CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
Doctors/ िचिक क, Salaried Persons/ following classes:
वेतनभोगी , Parents/ माता-िपता उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
Villagers , Poor Persons , Males (a) (b)
ामीण, गरीब लोग, पु ष
Venn Diagram

How many businessmen are taxpayers number of persons in that particular

but NOT landlords? category.
(c) (d) िकतने ापारी आयकरदाता तो ह लेिकन िदए गये वेन आरे ख म, षट् भुज ‘िकसानों’ को
भू- ामी नहीं ? दशाता है , वृ ‘लाभािथयों’ को दशाता है तथा वग
Q47. Which one of the following figures (a) 8 (b) 22 (c) 17 (d) 19 ‘भू- ािमयों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी गयी
represents bowl, table and crockery? सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा के
Q50. In the given Venn diagram, the बारे म बताती ह |
िन म से कौन सी आकृित कटोरी, मेज और िम ी
के बतनों को दशाती है ? CGL13/06/2019(Morning)
pentagon represents ‘cricketers’, the
CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) square represents ‘Chess players’ and
the circle represents ‘Clerks’. The
numbers given in the diagram represent
(a) (b)
the number of persons in that particular
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, पंचभुज ‘ि केटरों’ को How many farmers are both land-owners
(c) (d) दशाता है , वग ‘शतरं ज खलािड़यों’ को दशाता है and beneficiaries?
तथा वृ ‘िलिपकों’ का ितिनिध करता है | िकतने िकसान ऐसे ह जो भू- ामी और लाभाथ
Q48. In the venn diagram given below, आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म दोनों ह ?
the ‘Circle’ represents ‘Ladies’ , the लोगों की सं ा के बारे म बताती ह | (a)21 (b)55 (c)12 (d)52
‘triangle’ represents ‘Constables’ and the CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
‘square’ represents ‘Married Persons’. Q53. In the Venn diagram shown here,
The numbers given in the diagram the triangle represents 'students', the
represents the number of persons of that circle represents 'diploma holders' and
particular category.How many lady the quadrilateral represents 'graduates'.
constables are not married? The numbers given in the diagram
नीचे िदए गए इस वेन आरे ख म, ‘वृ ’ ‘मिहलाओं’ How many cricketers are chess players represent the number of persons of that
को दशाता है , ि भुज ‘कां े बल’ को दशाता है but NOT clerks? particular category.
और वग ‘िववािहत लोगों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म िकतने ि केटर शतरं ज खलाड़ी तो ह लेिकन नीचे िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ि भुज ‘छा ों’ को
दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की िलिपक नहीं ? दशाता है , वृ ‘िड ोमा धारकों’ को दशाता है
सं ा के बारे म बताती ह | िकतनी मिहला (a) 22 (b) 34 (c) 40 (d) 36 तथा चतुभुज ‘ ातकों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म
कां े बल िववािहत नहीं है ? दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Q51. In the given venn diagram, the सं ा के बारे म बताती ह |
rectangle represents ‘Women’ , the CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
pentagon represents ‘Entrepreneurs’ and
the triangle represents ‘Mothers’. The
number given in the diagram represents
the number of persons in that particular
(a) 15 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 14 िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, आयत ‘मिहलाओं’ को How many students are diploma holders
दशाता है , पंचभुज ‘उ िमयों’ को दशाता है तथा
but NOT graduates?
Q49. In the given venn diagram, the ि भुज ‘माताओं’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी गयी
िकतने छा िड ोमा धारक ह लेिकन ातक नहीं
सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा के
circle represents ‘businessman’, the ?
बारे म बताती ह |
triangle represents ‘landlords’ and the (a) 8 (b) 11 (c) 40 (d) 30
rectangle represents ‘income tax payers’.
The numbers given in the diagram Q54. Choose the Venn diagram which
represent the number of persons in that best illustrates the relationship among
particular category. the three given classes:
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, वृ ‘ ापा रयों’ को उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए तीन
दशाता है , ि भुज ‘भू- ािमयों’ को दशाता है तथा वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
आयत ‘आयकर दाताओं’ का ितिनिध करता How many women are entrepreneurs but CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
है | आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म NOT mothers? Fruit, Vegetable, Apple
लोगों की सं ा बताती ह | िकतनी मिहलाएं उ मी तो ह लेिकन माँ नहीं ? फल, स ी, सेब
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) (a) 21 (b) 74 (c) 50 (d) 46

Q52. In the given Venn diagram, the (a) (b)

hexagon represents 'farmers', the circle
represents 'beneficiaries' and the square
represents 'land-owners'. The numbers (c) (d)
given in the diagram represent the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के

Q55. Select the venn diagram that shows बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
the best relation between the following CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) (b)
classes. Cucumber , Spices , Food
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए तीन खीरा, मसाले, भोजन
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
Laziness, Tension, Power (c) (d)
आल , तनाव, श (a) (b)
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) Q59. Select the venn diagram that best
illustrates the relation between the following
(c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के बीच
(a) (b)
सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) Q.63 Select the Venn diagram that best
Lecturers , Singers , Men illustrates the relationship between the
ा ाता, गायक, पु ष following classes.
(c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से ुत करता
Q56. Select the venn diagram that best है |
illustrates the relationship between the (a) (b) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
following classes.
Sikkim, Manipal, Imphal
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए तीन
िस म, मिणपुर, इ फाल
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ? (c) (d)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
Raw Material , Labourers , Machines
Q60. Select the venn diagram that best (a) (b)
क ा माल, िमक, मशीन
illustrates the relationship between the
following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के (c) (d)
(a) (b)
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q64. Select the Venn diagram that best
Mens , Players , Fathers illustrates the relationship between the
(c) (d) पु ष, खलाड़ी, िपता following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
Q57. Select the venn diagram that best के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से ुत करता
illustrates the relationship between the है |
(a) (b)
following classes. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग Moon, Venus, Universe
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से ुत करता (c) (d) चं मा, शु , ा
है |
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)
Mothers , Women , Pilots Q61. Select the venn diagram that best (a) (b)
माताएँ , मिहलाएं , पायलट illustrates the relationship between the
following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के (c) (d)
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
(a) (b) CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
Q65. Select the Venn diagram that best
Women, Sisters, mothers
illustrates the relationship between the
मिहलाएं , बहन, माताएं
(c) (d) following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
Q58. Select the venn diagram that best (a) (b) CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
illustrates the relationship between the
following classes. Fuel, Diesel, Liquid
ईंधन, डीजल, तरल
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
(c) (d)
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से ुत करता
है |
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) Q62. Select the venn diagram that best (a) (b)
Nurses , Doctors , Pharmacists illustrates the relation between the
नस, िचिक क, फामािस following classes.
(c) (d)
Venn Diagram

Q66. Select the Venn diagram that best

illustrates the relationship between the (c) (d)
(c) (d)
following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के Q70. Select the Venn diagram that best
Q74. Select the venn diagram that best
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ? illustrates the relationship between the
illustrates the relationship between the
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) following classes.
following classes.
Mango, Eatables, Liquid उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग
आम, खा पदाथ, तरल बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से ुत करता
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
है |
Food, Lentils, pulses CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
(a) (b) भोजन, मसूर, दाल Pi, Theta, Symbols
पाई, थीटा, तीक

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
Q67. Select the Venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship between the
(c) (d)
following classes. (c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
Q71. Select the Venn diagram that best
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
illustrates the relationship between the Q75. Select the venn diagram that best
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
following classes. illustrates the relationship between the
Metal, Iron, Mercury
Engineers, Graduates, Males following classes.
धातु, लोहा, पारा
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
बीच के संबंधों को सबसे अ ा िदखाता है । बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
इं जीिनयर, ातक, पु ष CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(a) (b) CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) Flower, Roses, Yellow
फूल, गुलाब, पीला

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
Q68.Select the Venn diagram that best
(c) (d)
illustrates the relationship between the
following classes. (c) (d)
Q72 Select the Venn diagram that best
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
illustrates the relationship between the Q76. Select the venn diagram that best
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) following classes. illustrates the relationship between the
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के following classes.
Mobile phones, Electronic devices,
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
Laptops CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
मोबाइल फ़ोन, इले ॉिनक उपकरण, लैपटॉप बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
Heart, Body, House CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
दय, शरीर, घर Wools, Wood, Leather
ऊन, लकड़ी, चमड़ा
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q69. Select the Venn diagram that best (c) (d)
illustrates the relationship between the Q73. Select the venn diagram that best
following classes. illustrates the relationship between the Q77. Select the venn diagram that best
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के following classes. illustrates the relationship between the
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ? उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के following classes.
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
Women, Lawyers, Sons CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
मिहलाएं , वकील, बेटा Doctors, Males, Brothers CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
िचिक क, पु ष, भाई Rats, Frogs, Snakes
चूहा, मढक, सां प
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच Q85. Identify the diagram that best
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । represents the relationship between the
(a) (b) MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) given classes.
Car , Wood , Rat / कार, लकड़ी, चूहा उस आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
(c) (d) Lawyer, Engineer, Doctor / वकील,
(a) (b) इं जीिनयर, डॉ र
Q78. Select the Venn diagram that best MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
illustrates the relationship between the
following classes.
(c) (d)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | (a) (b)
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) Q82. Identify the Venn diagram that best
Ants, Butterflies, Insects represents the relationship between the
चींिटयाँ , िततिलयाँ , कीड़े given classes.
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच (c) (d)
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
(a) (b) MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Q86. Identify the diagram that best
Males, Brothers, Daughters. represents the relationship among the
नर, भाई, बेिटयाँ । given classes.
उस आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
(c) (d) संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
(a) (b) Colour, Red, Yellow
Q79. Select the Venn diagram that best रं ग, लाल, पीला
illustrates the relationship between the MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
following classes.उस वेन आरे ख का चयन
कर जो िदए गए वग के बीच सव े संबंध को (c) (d)
दशाता है ?
(a) (b)
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) Q83. Identify the venn diagram that best
Lawyers, Architects, Human Beings/ represents the relationship between the
वकील, वा ुकार, मनु given classes.
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच (c) (d)
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) Q87. Identify the diagram that best
(a) (b)
Venus, Planet, Sun represents the relationship among the
शु , ह, सूय given classes.
(c) (d)
उस आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
(a) (b) Lawyer, Profession, Client’
MTS 2018 TIER I वकील, पेशा, ाहक
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
Q80. Identify the venn diagram that best
(c) (d)
represents the relationship between the
given classes. (a) (b)
Q84. Identify the diagram that best
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
represents the relationship between the
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) given classes.
Painter, Lawyer, Singer / िच कार, वकील, उस आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच (c) (d)
गायक संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
Cars, Bikes, Trucks Q88. Identify the venn diagram that best
कार, बाइक, टक represents the relationship between the
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) given classes.
(a) (b) वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
(a) (b) Pentagon, Hexagon, Figure
(c) (d) पंचकोण, षट् कोण, िच
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
Q81. Identify the diagram that best (c) (d)
represents the relationship between the
given classes. (a) (b)
Venn Diagram

Fathers, Uncles, Aunts

िपता, चाचा, चाची
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q89. Identify the venn diagram that best

(c) (d)
represents the relationship between the (a) (b)
given classes.
Q93. Identify the venn diagram that best
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
represents the relationship between the
Rat, Shoes, Bat given classes.
(c) (d)
चूहा, जूते, चमगादड़ वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
Chair, Bench, Furniture Q97. Identify the Venn diagram that best
कुस , बच, फन चर represent the relationship among the
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) given classes.
(a) (b) वेन आरे ख की पहचान कर जो िदए गए वग के
बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करते है ।
Table, Chair, Refrigerator/टे बल, कुस ,
(a) (b)
ि ज
(c) (d) MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

Q90. Identify the venn diagram that best (c) (d)

represents the relationship between the (a) (b)
given classes. Q94. Identify the venn diagram that best
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच represents the relationship between the
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । given classes.
Female, Mother, Sister (c) (d)
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
ी, माता, बहन संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Producer, Director, Actor Q98. Select the set of classes that best
िनमाता, िनदशक, अिभनेता represents the given Venn diagram.
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) उन वग के सेट का चयन कर जो िदए गए वेन
आरे ख का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करते ह।
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) State, Sea, District / रा , सागर, िजला
Q91 Identify the venn diagram that best (c) (d) (b) India, Mumbai, Delhi /भारत, मुंबई,
represents the relationship between the िद ी
given classes. Q95. Identify the venn diagram that best (c) Water, River, Dam/ जल, नदी, बां ध
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच represents the relationship between the (d) Asia, India, Pune / एिशया, भारत, पुणे
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । given classes.
Car, vehicle, Road वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच Q99. Identify the venn diagram that best
कार, वाहन, सड़क संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । represents the relationship between the
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Bottle, Cat, Book given classes.
बोतल, िब ी, िकताब वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, Women
(a) (b)
माता, िपता, पुि यां , मिहलाएं
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q92. Identify the venn diagram that best
represents the relationship between the (c) (d)
given classes.
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच Q96 . Identify the venn diagram that best (c) (d)
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । represents the relationship between the
Sister, Aunt, Uncle given classes. Q100. Select the venn diagram that best
बहन, चाची, चाचा वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच illustrates the relationship between the
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । following classes. 299
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के (d) Doctor, nurse, patient / डॉ र, नस, MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
बीच के संबंधों को सबसे अ ा िदखाता है । मरीज (a) teachers, women and humans /
Scooters, Vehicles, Auto-rickshaws िश कों, मिहलाओं और मनु ों
ू टर, वाहन, ऑटो- र ा Q104. Select the Venn diagram that best (b) mangoes, potatoes and vegetables /
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) represents the given set of classes. आम, आलू और स याँ
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो वग के िदए गए सेट (c) flowers, leaves and bees/ फूल, प े और
का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । मधुम याँ
(a) (b) Birds, Insects, animals (d) cats, dogs and pets/ िब याँ , कु े और
प ी, कीड़े , जानवर पालतू जानवर
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
Q108. In the following figure, the
(c) (d)
rectangle represents artists, triangle
(a) (b) represents accountants, circle represents
Q101. Select the set of classes which is
social workers and square represents
best represented by the following venn
fathers. Which set of letters represents
social workers who are NOT fathers?
उन वग के सेट का चयन कर, जो िन िल खत वेन (c) (d) िन िल खत आकृित म, आयत कलाकारों का
आरे ख ारा सव म प से दशाए गए ह।
ितिनिध करती है , ि कोण लेखाकार का
Q105. Identify the venn diagram that ितिनिध करता है , वृ सामािजक कायकताओं
best represents the relationship between का ितिनिध करता है और वग िपता का
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) the given classes. ितिनिध करता है । अ रों का कौन सा सेट उन
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच सामािजक कायकताओं का ितिनिध करता है
(a) Doctors, Mothers, Women/डॉ रों,
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । जो िपता नहीं ह?
माताओं, मिहलाओं
(b) Fathers, Sons, Engineers/िपता, बेटा, Fishes, Sharks, dolphins
इं जीिनयर मछिलयां , शाक, डॉ फ़न
(c) Carpenter, Doctors, Men/बढ़ई, डॉ र, MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
पु ष
(d) Girls, children, Human
Beings/लड़िकयों, ब ों, मानव जीवन (a) (b)
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
Q102. Identify the venn diagram that (a) GAI (b) DEB
best represents the relationship between (c) (d) (c) IGF (d) GFH
the given classes.
वेन आरे ख को पहचान जो िदए गए वग के बीच
Q106. Select the Venn diagram that best Q109. Select the Venn diagram that best
संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
represents the given set of classes. represents the given set of classes.
Continent, Country, State
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो वग के िदए गए सेट वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो वग के िदए गए सेट
महा ीप, दे श, रा का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
Silver, gold, jewellery
चां दी, सोना, आभूषण
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) (b) (a) Water, Salt, Soda/ पानी, नमक, सोडा
(b) Man, Teacher, Tool/मैन, टीचर, टू ल
(c) (d)
(c) Principal, Man, Woman/ि ंिसपल, मैन,
Q103. Select the set classes that best (c) (d) (d) Boy, Girl, Groom/लड़का, लड़की, दू ा
represent the given diagram.
उन सेट वग का चयन कर जो िदए गए आरे ख का Q107. The Venn diagram given in the Q110. Select the venn diagram that best
सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करते ह।
question represents the relationship represents the given set of classes.
between the items given in which of the वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो वग के िदए गए सेट
following options? का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) म िदए गए वेन आरे ख िन िल खत म से िकस Hard bed, Sofa, Furniture
(a) Human, sea, mountain / मानव, समु , िवक म दी गई व ुओं के बीच संबंध को दशाते कठोर िब र, सोफा, फन चर
पहाड़ ह? MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) Domestic animal, dog, buffalo / घरे लू
पशु, कु ा, भस
(c) Sun, moon, water / सूय, चं , जल (a) (b)

Venn Diagram

Mothers, Doctors, Females/ माँ , िचिक क,

(c) (d) CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) (d)

Q111. The Venn diagram given in the Q114. Select the Venn diagram that best
represents the given set of classes. (a) (b)
question represents the relationship
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो वग के िदए गए सेट
between the items given in which of the
का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है ।
following options?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (c) (d)
म िदया गया वेन आरे ख िन िल खत म से
िकस िवक म दी गई व ुओं के बीच संबंध को
दशाता है ? Q118. Select the Venn diagram that best
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) represents the relationship between the
(a) Furniture, Plastic, Bag / फन चर, following classes.
ा क, बैग उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
(b) Furniture, Chair, Bag / फन चर, कुस , बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता
थैला है |
(c) India, Monsoon, Desert / भारत, Star, Sun, Mercury/ िसतारा, सूय, बुध
(a) Tables, Chairs and Furniture/ टे बल,
मानसून, रे िग ान CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
कुिसयाँ और फन चर
(d) Ponds, waterfall, river / तालाब, झरना,
(b) Earth, Planets and Jupiter/पृ ी, ह
और बृह ित
(c) Games, Cricket and Tennis/खेल, (a) (b)
Q115. The Venn diagram given in the
ि केट और टे िनस
(d) Apples, Fruits and Vegetables/सेब, question represents the relationship
फल और स याँ between the items given in which of the (c) (d)
following options.
Q112. In the following figure, triangle म िदया गया वेन आरे ख िन िल खत म से Q119. The Venn diagram given below
िकस िवक म दी गई व ुओं के बीच के संबंध shows the artists in a Music School. The
represents teachers, square represents
को दशाता है ।
father, circle represents poets and ‘Triangle’ represents ‘Pianist’, ‘Circle’
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
rectangle represents Americans. Which represents ‘Drummers’, ‘Rectangle’
set of the letter represents fathers who represents ‘Guitarist’ and the ‘Square’
are NOT poets? represents ‘Singers’ . The numbers given
िन िल खत आकृित म, ि कोण िश कों का in the diagram represent the number of
ितिनिध करता है , वग िपता का ितिनिध 1. Fathers, men, teachers / िपता, पु ष, persons of that particular category.
करता है , सकल किवयों का ितिनिध करता है How many singers are also pianists and
िश क
और आयत अमे रिकयों का ितिनिध करता है । guitarists but not drummers ?
2. Cows, buffaloes, cattle / गाय, भस, मवेशी
प का कौन सा सेट उन िपता का ितिनिध यह वेन आरे ख एक संगीत िव ालय के कलाकारों
3. Solids, liquid, gases / ठोस, तरल, गैस
करता है जो किव नहीं ह? को दशाता है | ‘ि भुज’ ‘िपयानो वादकों’ को
4. Yellow, red, colours / पीला, लाल, रं ग
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) दशाता है | ‘वृ ’ ‘डम वादकों’ को दशाता है |
‘आयत’ ‘िगटार वादकों’ को दशाता है तथा ‘वग’
Q116. Which of the following Venn
‘गायकों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएं
diagrams the relationship between cars, उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह |
auto-rickshaws and diesel vehicles? िकतने गायक िपयानो वादक तथा िगटार वादक ह
िन िल खत म से कौन सा कार, ऑटो- र ा और लेिकन डम वादक नहीं है ?
डीजल वाहनों के बीच संबंध को दशाता है ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) GEJ (b) ICEFGJ
(c) BDGF (d) EFGJ

(a) (b)
Q113. Which of the following diagram
best indicates the group of
Female, Doctor, Poet.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा आरे ख सबसे अ ा (c) (d) CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
समूह दशाता है (a) 9 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 12
मिहला, डॉ र, किव। SSC CPO 2019 TIER I
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) Q 120 Select the venn diagram that best
represents the relationship between the
Q117.Select the Venn diagram that best
following classes.
represents the relationship between the
(a) (b) Cows, Wild animals, Fox
following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
वग के बीच संबंध को दशाता है |
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | 301
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

गाय, जंगली पशु, लोमड़ी Q.124. The following Venn diagram

CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) gives data regarding the sports team of Q127 Select the Venn diagram that best
ABC school. The ‘Circle’ represents represents the relationship between
‘Junior '(under 14 yrs),the ‘Triangle’ following classes.
(a) (b) represents ‘swimmers', the ‘Rectangle’ उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए
represents ‘Cyclists' and the ‘Square’ वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
represents ‘Athletes’.The numbers given Star, Sun, Polaris
(c) (d) in the diagram represents the number of िसतारा, सूय, पोला रस
persons of that particular category. How CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
Q 121 Select the venn diagram that best many Junior students are both good
represents the relationship between the Athletes and swimmers but not Cyclists? (a) (b)
following classes. िन िल खत वेन आरे ख ABC िव ालय की खेल
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए टीम के बारे म जानकारी दे ता है | वृ ‘किन ों (
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | 14 वष से कम ) ’ को दशाता है , ि भुज ‘तैराकों’
Days, Hours, Weeks/ िदन, घंटे, स ाह को, आयत ‘साइिकल चालकों’ को तथा वग (c) (d)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) ‘एथलीटों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी गयी
सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म मौजूद यों की Q128 In the given Venn diagram, the
सं ा को दशाती ह | िकतने किन छा ‘अ े triangle represents politicians, the circle
एथलीट और तैराक दोनों ह लेिकन साइिकल represents lawyers, the rectangle
(a) (b) चालक’ नहीं है ?
represents teachers and the square
represents businessmen. The numbers
(c) (d)
given in the diagram represent the
number of persons of that particular
Q122 In the following figure, Circle
represents Surgeons, Triangle represents िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ि कोण राजनेताओं का
Doctors, Rectangle represents ितिनिध करता है , वृ वकीलों का ितिनिध
Professionals and Pentagon represents CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
करता है , आयत िश कों का ितिनिध करता है
(a) 19 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 9
Indians. Which number represents और वग ापा रयों का ितिनिध करता है ।
Indian Doctors who are also आरे ख म िदए गए नंबर उस िवशेष ेणी के
Surgeons?/नीचे दी गयी आकृित म, वृ ‘सजन’ Q.125. Select the Venn diagram that best यों की सं ा को दशाते ह।
को दशाता है , ि भुज ‘िचिक कों’ को दशाता है ,
represents the relationship between the
आयत ‘पेशेवरों’ को दशाता है तथा पंचभुज following classes.
‘भारतीयों’ को दशाता है | कौन सी सं ा उन उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए
भारतीय िचिक कों को दशाती है जो सजन भी ह वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है |
? Fiber, Cotton, Jute
रे शा, कपास, जूट
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) How many lawyers are also teachers, but
are neither politicians nor businessmen?
िकतने वकील भी िश क ह, लेिकन न तो राजनेता
(a) (b) ह और न ही ापारी ह?
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 3 (a) 10 (b) 7 (c) 18 (d) 12
(c) (d)
Q.123.Select the Venn diagram that best Q.129. In the Venn diagram given, the
represents the relationship between the Q 126. Select the Venn diagram that best circle represents ‘North Indian’, the
following classes. represents the relationship between triangle represents ‘ Pianists’,the
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए following classes. rectangle represents ‘Males’ and the
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | Males, Fathers, Accountants square represents ’Engineers’.The
Male, Doctors, Singers/ पु ष, िचिक क, उस व आरे ख का चयन कर जो नीचे िदए गए वग numbers given in the diagram represent
गायक के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है | the number of persons of that particular
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) पु ष, िपता, लेखापाल
category below. Who among the
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
following is female,North Indian,
(a) (b) िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, वृ 'उ र भारतीय' का
(a) (b) ितिनिध करता है , ि भुज 'िपयानोवादक' का
ितिनिध करता है , आयत 'पु ष' का
ितिनिध करता है और वग 'इं जीिनयस' का
(c) (d) ितिनिध करता है । िच म िदए गए अंक उस
(c) (d) िवशेष ेणी के यों की सं ा का

Venn Diagram

ितिनिध करते ह । िन िल खत म से कौन candidates with an experience of more िकसी कंपनी के कमचा रयों का डे टा िदए गए वन
मिहला, उ र भारतीय, इं जीिनयर है ? than 10 years, the rectangle represents आरे ख ारा िदखाया गया है । वृ इं जीिनयरों ’का
industrious candidates and the square ितिनिध करता है , ि कोण’ कं ूटर िवशेष ों
represents candidates aged between 40 ’का ितिनिध करता है , आयत MBAs’ का
ितिनिध करता है और पंचभुज मिहलाओं ’का
and 50 years. The numbers given in the
ितिनिध करता है । आरे ख म िदए गए नंबर उस
diagram represent the number of persons
िवशेष ेणी के यों की सं ा को दशाते ह।
of that particular category. The company
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) has called for the final interview, only
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 7 those who meet all the above criteria.
How many people have been called for
Q.130.Select the Venn diagram that best the final interview?
represents the relationship between the एक िति त कंपनी ने उ ीदवारों को सा ा ार
following classes. के िलए बुलाया था। उनका डे टा िदए गए वेन
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के आरे ख ारा ुत िकया गया है । वृ एक How many of the employees are MBAs,
बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । िति त सं थान से एमबीए उ ीदवारों का and how many male MBAs are computer
Copper, Metal,Iron ितिनिध करता है , ि कोण 10 से अिधक वष experts but NOT engineers, respectively
तां बा, धातु, लोहा के अनुभव वाले उ ीदवारों का ितिनिध करता ?
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) है , आयत मेहनती उ ीदवारों का ितिनिध िकतने कमचारी MBA ह, और िकतने पु ष
करता है और वग 40 से 50 वष के आयु वग के MBA कं ूटर िवशेष ह लेिकन इं जीिनयर नहीं
उ ीदवारों का ितिनिध करता है । आरे ख म
(a) (b) िदए गए नंबर उस िवशेष ेणी के यों की
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
सं ा को दशाते ह। कंपनी ने अंितम सा ा ार
(a) 44, 11 (b) 63, 11
के िलए बुलाया है , जो केवल उपरो सभी
(c) 25, 18 (d) 44,16
मानदं डों को पूरा करते ह। अंितम सा ा ार के
(c) (d) िलए िकतने लोगों को बुलाया गया है ?
Q136. Select the Venn diagram that
Q.131.Select the Venn diagram that best represents the correct relationship
represents the relationship between the between the following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
following classes.
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
Singers, Homo Sapiens, Cricketers /
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता
गायक, होमो सेिपय , ि केटस
है | CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Flowers, Stems, roots / फूल, तना, जड़ (a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 7 (d) 9
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
Q134 Select the Venn diagram that best
represents the relationship between the
(a) (b) following Classes -
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत क ाओं
के बीच के संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध
(c) (d) करता है ।
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
Woman , Officer , Stenographer
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3
मिहला, अिधकारी, आशुिलिपक
Q132. Select the Venn diagram that best
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
represents the relationship between the Q137 Select the Venn diagram that
following classes. represents the correct relationship
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के between the following classes.
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है (a) (b)
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के
Periodical, Weekly, Publisher बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) Table, Stationary, Carpet / टे बल, े शनरी,
(c) (d) कालीन
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)
Q135 The data of a company’s
employees is shown by the given Venn
(c) (d) (a) (b)
diagram. The circle represents
‘engineers’, the triangle represents
Q133. A prestigious company had called
‘computer experts’, the rectangle
for candidates to be interviewed. Their (c) (d)
represents ‘MBAs’ and the pentagon
data has been presented by the given
represents ‘females’. The numbers given
Venn diagram. The circle represents Q138. Select the Venn diagram that
in the diagram represent the number of
MBA candidates from a reputed represents the correct relationship
persons of that particular category.
institution, the triangle represents between the following classes: 303
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के ि भुज कायका रयों को दशाता है , वृ मिहलाओं represents males and the square
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है के बारे म बताता है , आयत MBA करने वाले represents ringmasters. The numbers
Female, Mother, Sister / ी, माता, बहन लोगों को दशाता है तथा वग तकनीकी कमचा रयों given in the diagram represent the
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) के बारे म बताता है | आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ number of persons in that particular
उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह |
िदया गया वेन आरे ख एक सकस म कलाकारों के
(a) (b) बारे म बताता है | ि भुज ‘जोकरों’ को दशाता है ,
वृ ‘कलाबाज़ों’ को दशाता है , आयत ‘पु षों’ को
तथा वग ‘ रं ग मा रों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म
(c) (d) दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की
How many female executives are there सं ा को दशाती ह |
Q139. There are 70 students in a class, in the organisation
of them 50 students like cricket, 35 like इस संगठन म िकतने कायकारी ह ?
both cricket and football, and some like CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
only football. Select the venn diagram (a 10 (b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 5
that correctly represents the given
information. Q142.The given Venn diagram How many male clowns are also
एक क ा म 70 छा ह, उनम से 50 छा ि केट represents employees in an organisation ringmasters, but NOT acrobats
पसंद करते है , 35 ि केट और फ़ुटबॉल दोनों The triangle represents ‘teachers’, the िकतने पु ष जोकर रं ग मा र भी ह, लेिकन
पसंद करते ह और कुछ केवल फ़ुटबॉल पसंद circle represents ‘ladies’, the rectangle कलाबाज़ नहीं ह ?
करते ह। वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो दी गई represents ‘unmarried persons’. The CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
जानकारी को सही ढं ग से ुत करता है । numbers given in the diagram represent (a) 17 (b) 15 (c) 11 (d) 5
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
the number of persons in that particular
category. Q145. In the given Venn diagram
िदया गया वेन आरे ख एक संगठन म कमचा रयों ‘Group A’ represents those who can
(a) (b)
की सं ा को दशाता है | ि भुज ‘िश कों’ को speak ‘English’, ‘Group B’ represents
दशाता है , वृ ‘मिहलाओं’ को दशाता है , आयत those who can speak ‘Hindi’, and
(c) (d) ‘अिववािहत लोगों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी ‘Group C’ represents those who can
गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म यों की speak ‘Marathi’. The numbers given in
सं ा को दशाती ह |
Q140. Select the Venn diagram that the diagram represent the number of
represent the correct relationship persons in that particular category. /
between the following classes: िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ‘समूह A’ उ दशाता है
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िदए गए वग के जो ‘अं ेजी’ बोल सकते ह | समूह B उ दशाता
बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है | है जो ‘िहं दी’ बोल सकते ह तथा समूह C उ
Doctor, Surgeon, cardiologist / डॉ र, दशाता है जो ‘मराठी’ बोल सकते ह | आरे ख म दी
सजन, कािडयोलॉिज How many married ladies are teachers गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा
िकतनी िववािहत मिहलाएं िश क ह ? को दशाती ह|
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 3 (d) 6
(a) (b)
Q143. Which of the following Venn
diagrams best represents the relationship
(c) (d) between the following classes? How many persons can speak exactly
िन म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख नीचे िदए गए वग two languages?
के बीच संबंध की सव े ा ा करता है ? िकतने केवल दो भाषाएँ बोल सकते
Police Officers, Mothers, Females ह?
पुिलस अिधकारी, माताएँ , मिहलाएं CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q141. The given Venn diagram CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
represents employees in an organisation (a) 18 (b) 3 (c) 21 (d) 12
The triangle represents executives, the
circle represents females, the rectangle Q146. In the given Venn diagram, the
(a) (b) ‘rectangle’ represents ‘engineers’, the
represents MBAs and the square
represents technical staff. The numbers ‘circle’ represents ‘managers’, and the
given in the diagram represent the ‘triangle’ represents ‘married’. The
(c) (d)
number of persons in that particular numbers given the diagram represent the
category. number of persons in that particular
Q144.The given Venn diagram
िदया गए वेन आरे ख िकसी संगठन म कमचा रयों category.
represents artists in a circus:
को दशाता है | िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, आयत ‘इं जीिनयरों’ को
The triangle represents Clowns, the दशाता है , वृ ‘ बंधकों’ को दशाता है तथा
circle represents acrobats, the rectangle
Venn Diagram

ि भुज ‘िववािहत लोगों’ को दशाता है | आरे ख म Q149. Which of the following Venn (d) Truck, Ships, Transport/ टक, जहाज़,
दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म मौजूद लोगों diagrams best represents the relationship प रवहन
की सं ा बताती ह | between the following classes?/
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िन िल खत Q152.Which of the following Venn
वग के बीच सव े संबंध का दशन करता है ? diagrams best represents the relationship
Cricketers/ ि केटर , Players/ खलाड़ी, between the following classes?
Human beings/ मनु िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) िन िल खत वग के बीच सव े संबंध
How many people are married but NOT दशाता है ?
engineers? Spices/ मसाले , Cumin seeds/ जीरा ,
िकतने लोग िववािहत ह लेिकन इं जीिनयर नहीं ह ? (a) (b) Food/ भोजन
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 29 (b) 16 (c) 70 (d) 13
(c) (d)
Q147. In the given Venn diagram, the
Q150. In the given Venn diagram, the (a) (b)
triangle represents students playing table
‘rectangle’ represents ‘travellers who
tennis , the rectangle represents students
like to travel by plane’, the ‘circle’
playing badminton, the circle represents
represents ‘travellers who like to travel (c) (d)
female students, and the pentagon
represents students playing football. The by bus’ , and the ‘triangle ‘represents
travellers who like to travellers who like Q153.The given Venn diagram
numbers given in the diagram represent
to travel by train’. The numbers given in represents results of a class of students/
the number of persons in the particular
the diagram represent the number of िदया गया वेन आरे ख एक क ा के छा ों के
category. प रणाम को दशाता है |
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ‘ि भुज’ टे बल टे िनस travellers in that particular category.
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ‘आयत’ उन याि यों को The triangle represents students who
खेलने वाले छा ों को दशाता है , ‘आयत’ बैडिमंटन
दशाता है जो िवमान के ारा सफ़र करना पसंद scored 85% and above in Maths , the
खेलने वाले छा ों को दशाता है , ‘वृ ’ छा ाओं को
करते ह | ‘वृ ’ उन याि यों को दशाता है जो circle represents students who scored
दशाता है , तथा ‘पंचभुज’ फुटबॉल खेलने वाले
छा ों को दशाता है | आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ ‘बस’ के ारा सफ़र करना पसंद करते ह तथा 85% and above in English, the rectangle
उस िवशेष ेणी म मौजूद लोगों की सं ा को ‘ि भुज’ उन याि यों को दशाता है जो टे न से या ा represents students who scored 85% and
दशाती ह | करना पसंद करते ह | आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ above in Science, and the square
उस िवशेष ेणी के याि यों की सं ा को दशाती represents students who scored 85% and
above in Social Sciences. The numbers
given in the diagram represent the
number of students in that particular
category./ ि भुज उन छा ों को दशाता है
िज ोंने गिणत म 85% अथवा उससे अिधक अंक
How many female students play both ा िकया है , वृ उन छा ों को दशाता है
How many travellers like to travel either िज ोंने अं ेजी म 85% तथा अिधक अंक ा
table tennis and badminton?
िकतनी छा ाएँ टे बल टे िनस तथा बैडिमंटन दोनों
by train or plane but NOT by bus? िकये ह, आयत उन छा ों को दशाता है िज ोंने
खेलती ह ? िकतने या ी ऐसे ह जो टे न या िवमान से सफ़र िव ान म 85% तथा अिधक अंक ा िकये ह
करना पसंद करते ह लेिकन बस से नहीं ? तथा वग उन छा ों को दशाता है िज सामािजक
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) िव ान म 85% तथा अिधक अंक िमले ह | आरे ख
(a) 22 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 18
(a) 27 (b) 36 (c) 30 (d) 29 म दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म छा ों की
सं ा को दशाती ह |
Q148. Which of the following Venn
Q151.Which of the following sets is best
diagrams best represents the relationship
represented by the given Venn diagram
between the following classes?
िदया गया वेन आरे ख िन िल खत म से िकस
िन िल खत म से कौन-सा वेन आरे ख िन िल खत
समूह का सव े ितिनिध करता है ?
वग के बीच सव े संबंध का दशन करता है ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Income Tax payers/ आयकर दाता ,
Employees/ कमचारी , Males/ पु ष How many students scored 85% and
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) above in all the subjects?
िकतने छा ों ने सभी िवषयों म 85% तथा उससे
अिधक ा िकया है ?
(a) (b) (a) House, Window, Tenant/ घर, खड़की, CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
िकरायेदार (a) 17 (b) 5 (c) 15 (d) 11
(b) Weeks, Years, Months/ स ाह, वष,
महीने Q154.Which of the following Venn
(c) (d) (c) Paragraph, Sentence, Pen/ अनु े द,
diagrams best represents the relationship
वा , कलम
between the following classes?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख इन वग के CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)

बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ? Lady Constables/ मिहला कां े बल ,
Accountants/ लेखापाल, Girls/ लड़िकयाँ , Uncles/ चाचा , Mothers/ माँ
Internet users/ इं टरनेट उपयोगकता
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)
(a) 23 (b) 16 (c) 20 (d) 5
(a) (b)
(c) (d) Q161. In the given Venn diagram, A
likes milk, B likes bread and C likes
(c) (d) Q158. Which of the following Venn meat. Who likes all the given eating
diagrams best represents the relationship materials? / िकसी वन आरे ख म A को दू ध, B
Q155.In the given Venn Diagram, the between the following classes? को ेड और C को मीट पसंद है | िकसको सब
‘rectangle’ represents ‘ladies of a club’ , खाना पसंद है ?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िन िल खत
the ‘triangle’ represents ‘like to dance’, वग के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है CHSL 17/03/20(Evening)
the ‘circle’ represents ‘like to sing’ and ?
the ‘pentagon’ represents ‘like to CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
mimic’. The number given in the Utensils/ बतन , Spoons/ च च , Steel
diagram represents the number of items/ ील की व ुएँ
persons in that particular category.
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, ‘आयत’ एक ब की (a) Both A and B (b) Both B and C
मिहलाओं को दशाता है , ‘ि भुज’ नृ पसंद करने (a) (b) (c) Only C (d) Only B
वाले लोगों को दशाता है , ‘वृ ’ गायन पसंद करने
वाले लोगों को दशाता है तथा ‘पंचभुज’ उन लोगों Q162. Study the following diagram and
को दशाता है िज आवाज़ की नक़ल करना पसंद (c) (d) answer the given question.
है । आरे ख म दी गयी सं ाएँ उस िवशेष ेणी म
िन िल खत आरे ख का अ यन कर और िदए गए
लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह ।
CHSL 2019 TIER I का उ र द।

Q159.In the given Venn diagram, A

denotes mangoes, B denotes bananas, C
denotes apples, and the numbers in each
How many ladies of the club NEITHER
section represent the number of persons
like to dance NOR like to mimic?
who like fruits. How many persons like
ब की िकतनी मिहलाओं को ना तो नृ करना
only bananas? / िदए गए वन आरे ख म A आम
पसंद है ना ही आवाज़ की नक़ल करना ?
को, B केले को, C सेब को दशाता है | ेक अंक
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
उस अनुभाग के फलों को पसंद करने वाले लोगों
(a) 72 (b) 64 (c) 23 (d) 26
को दशाता है | िकतने लोगों को केवल केले पसंद
है ? How many people like both tea and
Q156.Which of the following Venn CHSL 17/03/20(Morning) coffee, but do NOT like juice?
diagrams best represents the relationship
िकतने लोग चाय और कॉफी दोनों पसंद करते ह,
between the classes?
लेिकन जूस पसंद नहीं करते?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख नीचे िदए
CHSL 18/03/20(Morning)
गए वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ?
(a) 8 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 12
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
Tables/ मेज , Wooden objects/ लकड़ी की
Q163. Select the Venn diagram that best
व ुएँ , Chairs/ कुिसयाँ (a)33 (b)31 (c)38 (d)7
represents the relationship between the
following classes. / िन िल खत िवक ों म
Q160. In the given Venn diagram, circle
कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए श ों म उिचत
(a) (b) A represents books, circle B represents
स को दशाता है ?
pens and circle C, represents pencils. CHSL 18/03/20(Afternoon)
Which number represents only books
(c) (d)
and pencils? / िदए गए वन आरे ख म, वृ A Tortoise, Mammal, Amphibian / कछु आ,
िकताबों को , वृ B पेन को और वृ C पिसल को नपायी, उभयचर
Q157.Which of the following Venn दशाता है | कौन सा अंक िकताबों पे लों को
diagrams best represents the relationship दशाता है ?
between the following classes? CHSL 17/03/20(Afternoon)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िन िल खत (a) (b)
वग के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है

Venn Diagram

िन िल खत िवक ों म कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए Q171. Select the Venn diagram that best
गए श ों म उिचत स को दशाता है ? illustrates the relationship between the
CHSL 19/03/20(Afternoon) following: Australia, Sydney,
(c) (d) Infants, Males, Fathers/िशशु, नर, िपता Amsterdam.
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत के बीच
Q164. Select the Venn diagram that best (a) (b) संबंधों को सबसे अ ा िदखाता है :
represents the relationship between the ऑ े िलया, िसडनी, ए डम
following classes. CHSL 12/10/20(Evening)
िन िल खत िवक ों म कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए (c) (d)
गए श ों म उिचत स को दशाता है ?
CHSL 18/03/20(Evening) Q168.In the given Venn Diagram, (a) (b)
Guitar,Instrument,Thermometer/िगटार, 'Circle' represents 'Players', 'Triangle'
इं मट, थमामीटर represents 'Graduates' and 'Rectangle'
represents 'Managers'. Which of the (c) (d)
numbers depicts the area which
(a) (b) represents 'Graduate Players who are not Q172. Which of the following options
Managers'? best represents the given Venn diagram?
िदए गए वेन आरे ख म, "वृ खलािड़यों को, िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िदए गए वन
ि कोण ातकों को और आयत मैनेजर को आरे ख के अनु प है ?
(c) (d) दशाता है |" िन िल खत म से कौन सा े ातक CHSL 13/10/20(Morning)
खलािड़यों को दशाता है जो की मैनेजर नहीं है ?
Q165.In the given Venn diagram, 'A' CHSL 19/03/20(Evening)
denotes 'likes teaching', 'B' denotes 'likes
cooking', and 'C' denotes 'likes playing',
How many persons like only teaching (a)Mothers, Females, Aunts/माताओं,
and playing but NOT cooking? मिहलाओं, चाची
िदए गए वन आरे ख म A पढ़ाने को, B खाना (b)Accountants, Literates, Human
बनाने को और C खेल पसंद को दशाता है | िकतने beings/लेखाकार, सािह कार, मानव
यों को पढ़ना और खेलना पसंद है पर खाना (a)1 (b)5 (c)7 (d)2 (c)Fathers, Nurses, Males/िपता, नस, नर
बनाना नहीं ? (d)Mothers, Sisters, Daughters/माताएँ ,
CHSL 19/03/20(Morning) Q169. Select the Venn diagram that best बहन, बेिटयाँ
represents the relationship between the
following classes. Q173. In the given Venn diagram, if the
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के ‘circle’ represents the ‘senior lawyers’,
बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । the ‘triangle’ represents the ‘fathers’ and
CHSL 12/10/20(Morning) the ‘rectangle’ represents the ‘Indians’,
Reptile, Mammal, Lizard / सरीसृप,
then how many Indian senior lawyers are
नपायी, िछपकली
there who are NOT fathers?
(a)29 (b)48 (c)41 (d)23 िदए गए वन आरे ख म वृ , 'सीिनयर लॉयस' को,
ि कोण, 'िपता' को और आयत, 'इं िडयंस' को
(a) (b)
दशाता है | बताएं की िकतने इं िडयन सीिनयर
Q166.In a batch of 68 students, 23
लॉयर ऐसे ह जो िपता नहीं है ?
students do not participate in any of the
CHSL 13/10/20(Afternoon)
two games i.e, cricket and squash. 17 (c) (d)
students participate in cricket only, 24
students participate in cricket and Q170. Select the Venn diagram that best
squash. How many students participate represents the relationship between the
in squash only? following classes.
एक 68 िव ािथयों के दल म 23 िव ाथ ि केट वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के
और ाश दोनों म से िकसी भी खेल म िह ा बीच संबंधों का सबसे अ ा ितिनिध करता है । (a) 36 (b) 12 (c) 25 (d) 61
नहीं लेते | 17 िव ाथ केवल ि केट म भाग लेते CHSL 12/10/20(Afternoon)
है , 24 िव ाथ दोनों खेलों म भाग लेते है | िकतने Chandigarh, India, Seoul / चंडीगढ़, भारत, Q174.Select the Venn diagram that best
िव ाथ केवल ाश म भाग लेते है ? िसयोल represents the relationship between the
CHSL 19/03/20(Afternoon) following classes.
(a)20 (b)4 (c)28 (d)21 िन ल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िदए गए
(a) (b) श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ?
Q167.Select the Venn diagram that best CHSL 13/10/20(Evening)
represents the relationship between the Doctors,Neurosurgeons,Female/डॉ र,
following classes.
(c) (d) ूरोसजन, मिहला

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 4 (b) 7 (c) 21 (d) 11 मछिलयां , े D का अथ है मोंगूज़, े E का अथ

है चूहे, े F का अथ है खरगोश । कौन सा े
Q178. Select the Venn diagram that best कु ों, मछिलयों और मोंगूज़ को दशाता है ?
(a) (b) CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
illustrates the relationship between the
following classes.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िदए गए
(c) (d) श ों म सबसे उिचत स दशाता है ?
CHSL 15/10/20(Morning)
Q175. Select the venn diagram that best Fruits, Eatables, Cookies/फल, खाने की
represents the relationship between the साम ी, कुकीज़ (a) C (b) D (c) A (d) F
following classes.
िन ल खत म से कौन से वन आरे ख िदए गए Q182. In the given Venn diagram,
श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ?
(a) (b) different areas denote different types of
CHSL 14/10/20(Morning)
players. 'A' denotes 'tennis players', 'B'
Sisters, Mothers, Men./बहनों, माताओं,
denotes 'badminton players', 'C' denotes
पु षों
(c) (d) ''hockey players' and 'D' denotes 'football
players'. Which area represents the
Q179. Select the Venn diagram that best group of all types of sports players?
(a) (b) illustrates the relationship between the िदए गए वन आरे ख म िविभ े िविभ
खलािडयों को दशाता है | A ‘tennis players’
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िदए गए को, B ‘badminton players’ को , C
श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ? ‘hockey players’ को और D ‘football
(c) (d)
CHSL 15/10/20(Afternoon) players’ को दशाता है | िन िल खत म से कौन
Omnivore, Bear, Cattle/ओमिनवोर, भालू, सा अ र सभी खलािडयों को दशाता है ?
Q176. Select the Venn diagram that best CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
represents the relationship between the
following classes.
िदए गए श ों म कौन सा वन आरे ख सबसे उिचत
स दशाता है ? (a) (b)
CHSL 14/10/20(Afternoon)
Animals, Cows, Dogs /पशु, गाय, कु े
(a) A (b) C (c) B (d) D
(c) (d)
Q183. Study the following diagram.
Q180. Select the Venn diagram that best दी गयी आकृित के आधार पर पूछे गए का
(a) (b)
represents the relationship between the उ रद|
following words.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए
(c) (d) श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ?
CHSL 15/10/20(Evening)
Q177. Consider the following diagram. / Graduates,Post-graduates,Sisters/ ातक,
िन िल खत िच के आधार पर पूछे गए का ातको र, बहन
उ र दीिजए |

(a) (b)
How many persons have only a
(c) (d) िकतने लोगों के पास िसफ मोटरसाइिकल है ?
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)
Students who like geography / िजन Q181. In the Venn diagram, different (a) 12 (b) 32 (c) 9 (d) 3
छा ों को भूगोल पसंद है animals are represented by different
⚪ Students who like mathematics / areas. 'A' denotes 'dogs', 'B' denotes Q184. Select the Venn diagram that best
िजन छा ों को गिणत पसंद है 'cats', 'C' denotes 'fishes', 'D' denotes illustrates the relationship between the
▭ Students who like history / जो छा 'mongooses', 'E' denotes 'rats', and 'F' following classes.
इितहास को पसंद करते ह denotes 'rabbits'. Which area represents िन िल खत म से कौन सा वेन आरे ख िदए गए
How many students like both geography श ों म सटीक स को दशाता है ?
the group of only dogs, fishes and
and mathematics but Not history? / िकतने CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
ब ों को भूगोल और गिणत पसंद है पर इितहास Table, Transistor, Furniture/टे बल,
िदए गए वन आरे ख म े A का अथ है कु े, े
नहीं ? टां िज र, फन चर
B का अथ है िब यां , े C का अथ है
CHSL 14/10/20(Evening)
Venn Diagram

िदए गए वन आरे ख म वृ लड़कों को, ि कोण

िववािहत को और वग उन लोगों को दशाता है
िजनके पास जानवर है | कौन सा े उन लड़कों
(a) (b) (a) (b)
को दशाता है जो िववािहत है पर ु िजनके पास
जानवर नहीं है ?
CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q185. Select the Venn diagram that best Q192. Select the Venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship between the illustrates the relationship between the
following classes. following classes.
िन िल खत िवक ों म कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए
श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ?
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4 गए श ों म उिचत स को दशाता है ?
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
Fathers, Males, Brothers/िपता, नर, भाई Q189. Select the Venn diagram that best (A) Quadrilateral, (B) Rectangle, (C)
represents the relationship between the Square
following classes. (A)चतुभुज, (B) आयत, (C) वग
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए
(a) (b) श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ?
CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
Devanagari, Hindi, Sanskrit /दे वनागरी,
िहं दी, सं ृ त (a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q186. Find the number of students who

play any two of the three sports. (a) (b) (c) (d)
िकतने खलाडी तीन म से कोई दो खेल खेलते ह ?
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q193. Select the Venn diagram that best
(c) (d)
represents the relationship between the
following classes.
Q190. Study the given Venn diagram
िन िल खत िवक ों म कौन सा वेन आरे ख िदए
carefully and answer the following गए श ों म उिचत स को दशाता है ?
question. CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
िदए गए वन आरे ख को ान पूवक पढ़ और Solar System, Earth, Jupiter/सौर मंडल,
(a) 11 (b) 9 (c) 15 (d) 13 का उ र द | पृ ी, बृह ित

Q187. Select the Venn diagram that best

represents the relationship between the (a) (b)
following classes.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए
श ों म उिचत स दशाता है ? (c) (d)
CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Physics, Science, Biology, Q194.In the given Venn diagram the
Zoology/भौितक िव ान, िव ान, जीविव ान, 'Triangle' represents 'females', 'Circle'
ािण िव ान
represents 'graduates', the 'Rectangle'
How many persons use both a bicycle represents 'Employed' and the 'Square'
and a bike but not a car? represents 'Youth(under 30years)'. The
िकतने लोग साईिकल और बाइक दोनों चलाते है numbers given in the diagram represents
(a) (b)
पर ु कार नहीं चलाते ? the number of persons of that particular
CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) category.
(a) 14 (b) 30 (c) 34 (d) 40 िदए गए वन आरे ख म ि कोण मिहलाओं को, वृ
(c) (d) ातकों को, आयत रोजगारों को और वग 30 साल
Q191. Select the Venn diagram that best से कम जवानों को दशाता है | दी गयी आकृित म
represents the relationship between the अंक उस वग म िकतने है को दशाता है |
Q188. In the Venn diagram given below,
following classes. How many female graduates who are
the 'circle' represents 'boys'; the
िन िल खत म से कौन सा वन आरे ख िदए गए under 30 years are employed? / िकतनी
'Triangle' represents 'married', and the
श ों म सटीक स दशाता है ? ऐसी ातक मिहलाएं है जो 30 वष से कम है और
'Square' represents 'the persons who own CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon) िजनके पास रोजगार है ?
pets'. Then select the area which Dirham, USD, Currency/डरहम, अमरीकी CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
represents boys who are married but do डालर, मु ा
not own pets?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

का अथ ‘शहरी िनवासी’ है । दी गयी सं ाएँ उस

िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की सं ा को दशाती ह।
िकतनी प कार मिहलाएँ ह लेिकन शहरी िनवासी
नहीं ह?
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) (a) (b)

(a)7 (b)12 (c)9 (d)5

(c) (d)
Q195.Select the correct option that
represents the given Venn diagram Q201. In the following Venn diagram,
िन िल खत म से कोण सा िवक िदए गए वन the ‘Circle’ stands for ‘Lawyers’, the
आरे ख के अनु प है ? (a) 25 (b) 9 (c) 18 (d) 13 ‘Hexagon’ stands for ‘Females’ and the
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) ‘Rectangle’ stands for ‘Food-lovers’.
Q198.1Select the Venn diagram that best The given number represent the number
illustrates the relationship between the of persons in that particular category.
following classes. How many females are food-lovers and
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे िदए गए lawyers?
वग के बीच संबंध को सव े तरीके से दशाता है ।
िन िल खत वेन आरे ख म, ‘वृ ’ वकीलों के िलए
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(a)School, Class, Students/ ू ल, क ा, है , ‘षट् भुज’ मिहलाओं के िलए है तथा ‘आयत’
Sisters, Nephews, Mothers खा ेिमयों के िलए है । दी गयी सं ा उस िवशेष
छा बहन, भतीजे, माताएं ेणी म लोगों की सं ा को दशाती है । िकतनी
(b)Ocean, River, Lake/महासागर, नदी, झील
मिहलाएं खा ेमी तथा वकील ह?
(c)Whole numbers, Even numbers, Odd SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
numbers/संपूण सं ाएँ , सम सं ाएँ , िवषम (a) (b)
सं ाएँ
(d)Maharashtra, Mumbai, Delhi/महारा ,
मुंबई, िद ी (c) (d)

SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1 Q199. In the following Venn diagram

(a) 27 (b) 12 (c) 19 (d) 7
the ‘Pentagon' stands for ‘Architects’,
Q196. The given Venn diagram best the ‘Circle’ stands for
Q202. Select the Venn diagram that best
represents the relationship between ‘Morning-walkers’ and the ‘Square’
illustrates the relationship between the
which set of classes given in the stands for ‘Diploma holders’. The given
following classes
options? number represents the number of
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के
िदया गया वेन आरे ख िवक ों म िदए गए िकस persons in that particular category. How बीच के संबंधों को सबसे अ ा दशाता है ।
समु य के वग के बीच संबंध का ितिनिध many diploma holders are also morning- SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
करता है ? walkers but NOT architects? Car drivers, Human Beings,Men/
SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning) िन िल खत वेन आरे ख म, ‘पंचभुज’ वा ुकारों कार चालक, मानव मधुम ी, पु ष
को संदिभत करता है । ‘वृ ’ ‘सुबह टहलने वालों’
को तथा ‘वग’ िड ोमा धारकों को संदिभत करता
है । दी गयी सं ा उस िवशेष ेणी म लोगों की
सं ा को दशाती है । िकतने िड ोमा धारक ऐसे (a) (b)
(a) Males, Fathers, Sons/ पु ष, िपता, बेटे ह जो सुबह टहलने वाले ह लेिकन वा ुकार नहीं
(b) Sisters, Females, Mothers/ बहन, ह?
मिहलाएँ , माताएँ SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(c) Fathers, Males, Doctors/ िपता, पु ष, (c) (d)
िचिक क
(d) Engineers, Brothers, Males/ इं िजिनयर, Q203.In the following Venn diagram,
भाई, पु ष the ‘Rectangle’ stands for ‘Judges’ the
‘Triangle’ stands for ‘Males’ and the
Q197. In the following venn diagram, (a) 18 (b) 40 (c) 55 (d) 21 ‘Hexagon’ stands for ‘Golf players’. The
the ‘Circle’ stands for ‘Journalists’, the given numbers represent the number of
‘Triangle’ stands for ‘Females’ and the Q200. Select the Venn diagram that best persons in that particular category. How
‘Rectangle’ stands for ‘Urban residents’. illustrates the relationship between the many male judges are there in total?
The given numbers represent the number following classes. िन िल खत वेन आरे ख म, ’आयत’ ’ ायाधीशों
of persons in that particular category. के िलए’ ि भुज’ पु षो के िलए, षट् भुज गो
Infants, Father, Males
खलािडयों के िलए, है । िदए गए नंबर उस िवशेष
How many journalists are females but उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
ेणी के यों की सं ा को दशाते ह। कुल
NOT urban residents? वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ।
िकतने पु ष ायाधीश ह?
िन िल खत वेन आरे ख म, ‘वृ ’ का अथ नवजात, िपता, पु ष
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
‘प कार’, ‘ि भुज’ का अथ ‘मिहलाएँ ’ तथा आयत SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

Venn Diagram

िश क, िगटारवादक, छा
97.(d) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(d)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)

101.(c) 102.(d) 103.(b) 104.(c)

105.(d) 106.(a) 107.(a) 108.(a)

(a) (b)
(a) 34 (b) 22 (c) 17 (d) 26 109.(c) 110.(d) 111.(d) 112.(d)

Q204. Study the venn diagram that best 113.(c) 114.(b) 115.(a) 116.(b)
(c) (d)
illustrates the relationship between the
117.(d) 118.(d) 119.(c) 120.(b)
following classes.
उस वेन आरे ख का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ANSWERS
121.(a) 122.(c) 123.(d) 124.(d)
वग के बीच सव े संबंध को दशाता है ।
Girls, Tennis players, Boys
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(c) 125.(d) 126.(b) 127.(d) 128.(c)
लड़िकयों, टे िनस खलाड़ी, लड़कों
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(c) 129.(b) 130.(c) 131.(c) 132.(b)

9.(c) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(c) 133.(c) 134.(a) 135.(b) 136.(b)

(a) (b)
13.(b) 14.(a) 15.(a) 16.(d) 137.(a) 138.(a) 139.(d) 140.(b)

17.(b) 18.(d) 19.(c) 20.(d) 141.(d) 142.(c) 143.(b) 144.(a)

(c) (d)
21.(b) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(c) 145.(a) 146.(a) 147.(b) 148.(c)
Q205. Study the venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship between the 25.(a) 26.(b) 27.(b) 28.(c) 149.(b) 150.(c) 151.(b) 152.(a)
following classes.
वेन आरे ख का अ यन कर जो िन िल खत 29.(d) 30.(a) 31.(b) 32.(b) 153.(b) 154.(d) 155.(b) 156.(d)
क ाओं के बीच संबंधों को सबसे अ ा दशाता
है । 33.(c) 34.(d) 35.(b) 36.(a) 157.(d) 158.(b) 159.(b) 160.(b)
Potato, Vegetable, Carrot
आलू, स ी, गाजर 37.(a) 38.(b) 39.(c) 40.(b) 161.(c) 162.(d) 163.(d) 164.(a)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
41.(a) 42.(d) 43.(a) 44.(c) 165.(c) 166.(d) 167.(c) 168.(d)
(a) (b)
45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(b) 48.(a) 169.(c) 170.(b) 171.(d) 172.(d)

49.(b) 50.(a) 51.(b) 52.(a) 173.(a) 174.(b) 175.(c) 176.(d)

(c) (d)
53.(a) 54.(b) 55.(c) 56.(a) 177.(d) 178.(d) 179.(b) 180.(a)
Q206. Select the Venn diagram that best
illustrates the relationship between the 57.(c) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60.(d) 181.(b) 182.(c) 183.(a) 184.(a)
following classes.
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के 61.(c) 62.(c) 63.(d) 64.(a) 185.(b) 186.(a) 187.(b) 188.(d)
बीच के संबंधों को सबसे अ ा दशाता है ।
Crops, Farm, Barley / फसल, खेत, जौ 65.(b) 66.(c) 67.(c) 68.(d) 189.(b) 190.(c) 191.(d) 192.(c)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
69.(b) 70.(d) 71.(a) 72.(a) 193.(c) 194.(d) 195.(d) 196.(a)

73.(d) 74.(a) 75.(a) 76.(d) 197.(c) 198.(a) 199.(b) 200.(c)

(a) (b)
77.(c) 78.(c) 79.(b) 80.(a) 201.(b) 202.(c) 203.(a) 204.(d)

(c) (d) 81.(b) 82.(c) 83.(b) 84.(a) 205.(b) 206.(d) 207.(a)

Q207. Select the Venn diagram that best 85.(b) 86.(b) 87.(c) 88.(a)
illustrates the relationship between the
89.(b) 90.(c) 91.(d) 92.(c) Sol 1(b) In the following question, we
following classes.
have to tell the student dancers who are
वेन आरे ख का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वग के
93.(c) 94.(c) 95.(b) 96.(c) swimmers but not cricket fans.
बीच के संबंधों को सबसे अ ा दशाता है ।
Teachers, Guitarists, Students 311
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

As we know, Rectangle represents So, find the common number to

Students, Triangle represents Dancer & rectangle as well as triangle and not in
Circle represents Swimmers. circle.
So, we have to take a number common So, 11 is the correct answer.
to rectangle, triangle as well as circle.
Sol 15 (a) Helium is inert gas whereas
Therefore, 10 is common to all. Sol 9. (c) In the following question, we
Chlorine is not an inert gas.
have to tell the women graduates who
So, the venn diagram will be
Sol 2 (c) In the given equation, we have are not teachers.
to tell high achieving students are not Here, the Circle represents the
players. Graduates.
Rectangle represents the High achievers, Triangle is representing the women.
circle represents the students.1 So find the common number to the circle
Now we have to take the common as well as triangle.
number in the circle as well as the Option C is the correct answer. Sol 16 (d) The vein diagram for clerk,
rectangle. man, permanent employee will be:
Sol 10 (a) As per the question,the circle
Sol 3 (d) In the following question, we represents the swimmers and we have to
have to tell rich doctors who are not tell the number of students who are
happy. swimmers not cricketers then we have to
Triangle represents the Rich whereas count the number which is in circle and
Circle represents the Doctors. Find the rectangle but not in triangle. Therefore Sol 17 (b) The vein diagram for the
common number in the triangle as well 17 is the no. common to both circle and given question will be:
as the circle. rectangle.
Therefore 15+2=17 is the correct
answer. Sol 11 (c) According to the question we
have to tell the urban intelligent teachers
Sol 4. (c) Dancers who are who are not male. Urban is represented
instrumentalist but not actors = 9+8 = 17 by rectangle whereas intelligent is
This is the number common in rectangle represented by circle, and triangle is Sol 18 (d) The venn diagram for
and circle but not in triangle. representing the teacher. We have to find Graduate, Painter & Teacher will be:
the number common to circle, rectangle
Sol 5. (b) ‘Male actors are painters but as well as triangle but not in square.
not artists’ are people who are common Therefore 10 is the no. common to three
in circle, rectangle and triangle but not in fields.
square. Sol 19 (c)Manipur and Mizoram both are
Sol 12 (c) The circle represents the rich, states of India.
Sol 6. (b) For people who are rich the rectangle represents the city
farmers but not in rural areas. We have dwellers. So, we count the number
to count people who are common in common in rectangle as well as circle
triangle and circle but not in rectangle. but not triangle. Therefore 11+7=18 is
the right answer.
Sol 7. (a) In the question, students who
are dancers as well as cricket players but Sol 13 (b)Vienna is in the Europe Sol 20 (d) Birds, Parrot, Snake
not boys. Continent whereas New Zealand is
Here, students are represented by Circle. another country not in Europe Continent.
Boys are represented by rectangles.
Dancers are represented by square
Cricket players are represented by Parrot is in the category of Birds while
Triangle. Snake is an Animal.
So now find the common number in
circle,square, triangle. Hence, Sol 14 (a) Both mothers and doctors fall Sol 21 (b) In the following question,
Option A is correct. Year is Collection of Months & Months
in the category of Homo Sapiens
is collection of Days.
Sol 8. (c) In the following question :
Rectangle is representing the Strong
Triangle is representing the Army Men.
Venn Diagram

Some fathers can be doctors. Some parents are not salaried persons. But
Sol 22 (b) The vein diagram for doctors can be singers. Some singers can these three have the condition of Some.
Stationary, Pen, Nib will be: be fathers.
So, option A is the right answer.

Sol31(b) Common in triangle and

circle but not in rectangle is 12 + 5 =
Sol 23 (c) The vein diagram will be : 17.
Sol 39. (c) All Women are neither
Sol32 (b) Patient as well as doctor are Entrepreneurs nor Engineers. Similarly,
in hospital. But there is no relation all Entrepreneurs are not Engineers. But
between patient and doctor. these three have some condition of Some
with each other.
Sol 24 (c)

Sol 40. (b) Crocodile belongs to the

reptile class and it may or may not live
Cgl 2018 Tier I
in water.

Sol 34. (d) All uncles come under the

Sol 25. (a) All mothers are female. But,
category of relatives. But all uncles and
father is different from them.
relatives may not be rich. So the
So, option A is the correct answer.
condition of some will be true.
Sol 41. (a)
Sol 26. (b) Nepal is in Asia, and Asia is
in the World. So, the correct venn
diagram will be:
Sol 35. (b) All parents are neither rich
nor farmers , but some sharing between Sol 42. (d)
all three is possible.

Sol 27. (b) Cats are mammals, But

parrots are not.
Sol 36. (a) Graduates , Literates and
Hardworking. Here, Graduates come Sol 43. (a) when there is a relation of
under the class Litrates. But all it is not some between all three this venn
necessary that all Graduates or Literates diagram is the answer.
Sol 28 (c) are Hardworking. But the condition of
some can be true. Sol 44. (c)

Brinjal is a vegetable but apple is a fruit. Sol 37. (a) Snakes, Reptiles, Poisonous
Sol 45. (d)
; Reptiles is a class and Snakes is a name
Sol 29 (d) of a member of it. But neither all reptiles
nor all snakes are poisonous. But they
surely have relationships of some.

Sol 46. (b)

Sol 38. (b) Doctors, Salaried Persons,

Sol30 (a) Parents ; All doctors are neither salaried
persons nor parents. Similarly, all

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 47. (b)

Sol 68. (d) Both laptops & mobile

Sol 48. (a) 12 is the only number that Sol 60. (d) phones are electronic devices.
shows the number of lady constables are
not married.

Sol 49. (b) 22 is the number which

shows businessmen who are taxpayers
but NOT landlords. Sol61. (c)
Sol 69. (b)
Sol 50. (a) 22

Sol 51. (b) 74

Sol 52. (a) 21(Common in all three

figures) Sol62. (c)
Sol 70. (d)
Sol 53. (a) 8 (common in triangle and
circle but not in square)

Sol 54. (b)

Sol 63. (d) Sol 71 (a) Ideally it is considered that all

engineers are graduate, but diploma in
engineering is also considered as
engineering and is not considered as
CHSL 2018 Tier I graduate. So, all three have a relation of
some with each other Therefore option 1
Sol 55. (c) All three are entirely different is correct.
Sol 64. (a)
Sol 72. (a) Heart is a part of human body
and body and house has no relation.

Sol 56. (a)All three are entirely different Sol 65. (b) Diesel is a liquid fuel.

Sol 73. (d)

Sol 66. (c) All the mangoes are eatable

Sol 57. (c)
but some liquid are eatables, the best
representation is-

Sol 74. (a) Pie & Theta are symbols.

Sol 58. (b) Sol 67. (c) As iron & mercury are

Sol 59. (a)

Venn Diagram

Sol 75. (a) Roses are flowers and some

roses can be yellow & also some flowers Sol 92.(c)
can be yellow.

Sol 83.(b)
Sol 93.(c)

Sol 76. (d)Wools, Wood & Leather are

different items.
Sol 84.(a). Sol 94.(c)

Sol 85.(b) Lawyers, engineers and Sol 95.(b)

Sol 77. (c) Rats Frogs & Snakes are doctors are different from each other.
different creatures.

Sol 96.(c)

Sol 86.(b) Red and Yellow both are

Sol 78. (c) Ants & Butterflies are
insects, but both are different insects.
Sol 97.(d)

Sol 87.(c)

Sol 98.(d)
Sol 79. (b) Lawyers and Architects are Pune is in India and India is in Asia.
different professions of human beings.
Sol 99.(d)
Sol 88.(a) Both Pentagon and Hexagon
are figures.


Sol 100.(d)
Sol 80.(a)
Painters can be lawyers, lawyers can be Sol 89.(b)
singers and also painters can be singers.

Sol 101.(c) A man can be a carpenter

and can be a doctor.

Sol 90.(c)
Sol 102.(d)Country is on the continent.
Sol 81.(b)All three are different from
And state is in the country
each other.

Sol 91.(d)

Sol 82.(c)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 103.(b)Buffalo and Dog both are

domestic animals , but both are different.

21/08/2019 (Morning)
Sol 111.(d)Apple is a fruit and no
vegetables can be fruits. S.118 (d)
Sol 104.(c)Birds & animals are distinct
but both are types of animals.

Sol 112.(d) The Sun is known as a Star but Mercury

is a planet.
Sol 105.(d)
S.119. (c)As per the Venn Diagram, only
5 depicts the area that is common to
Square,Triangle and Rectangle but not
Circle.Thus, the answer is ‘5’
Sol 113.(c)Some doctors are poet &
Sol 106.(a)Some jewelleries are made of S.120.(b)
some poet are female, and also some
silver and some are made of gold.
doctors are female.

Sol 107.(a)A human can be a woman or

teacher or both.
Sol 121. (a) A week consists of days
Sol 114.(b)Chair is furniture and the bag and days consists of hours.
is different.

Sol 108.(a)

Sol 115.(a)Fathers are definitely men , Sol 122. (c) The single number which
but teachers may or may not be men. shows Doctors as well as Surgeons is 5.


Social workers who are not father = GAI

Sol 109.(c)Principal can be a male or a

female. Sol 116.(b) Some auto-rickshaws and
some cars are diesel vehicles.

S.124.(d) Common in Triangle, Square

and circle but not in Rectangle.


Sol 110.(d)Sofa and Hard bed come
under furniture. S.117. (d)

Venn Diagram

S.125.(d) Sol 134. (a) Woman, Officer,

Stenographer. A woman can be an Sol141.(d)We can clearly see from the
officer and can be a stenographer. But an figure that ‘5’ Female executives are
officer can not be a stenographer. there in the organization because 5 is
common in both the circle and the
triangle which are representing
executives and females.
Sol 126. (b) Fathers always come under
the class Male. But Accountants can be Sol 135. (b) Sol142.(c)As we can observe, 3 & 9 are
Male as well as Fathers. But Number of employees who are MBA’s = common in the triangle and the circle
Accountants may be a father or a male. 25 + 12 + 11 + 5 + 3 + 7 = 63. representing teachers & ladies. Now, we
So , the venn diagram will be as follows. Number of male MBAs who are want married ladies for which we have
computer experts but NOT engineers to take a number which should not be in
=11. the rectangle(representing unmarried
peoples) but common to both triangle
Sol 136. (b) Singers, Homo Sapiens, and circle. Hence, 3 is the answer.
Homo Sapiens means Human Being. Sol143.(b)
Sol 127. (d) Both the Sun and Polaris
are stars. Both singers and Cricketers are Human

Sol 144.(a)
Sol 128. (c) 18, Common in circle and Sol 137. (a) All three are different
rectangle but not in square and triangle things. These have no relation with each
Sol 129. (b) 3, Common in circle and
square not in rectangle.

Sol 130. (c) Copper and Iron both are The rectangle represents males and the
Metals. But both are different from each triangle represents Clowns. So, 5, 7 & 15
Sol 138. (a) Female, Mother, Sister. represents male clowns. Now, the square
Mother and sister both are females. And represents ringmasters. So, 5 & 17
mother and sister can be together and represents male clowns who are also
may be different. Means they may have ringmasters. But, we have to exclude
a relation of SOME with each other. acrobats. So, 17 is the correct answer.

Sol 131. (c) Flowers, Stems, roots. All Sol145.(a)

are different from each other.

Sol 139. (d)

Total students =70
Cricket = 50
5 + 11 + 2 = 18
Sol 132. (b) Cricket and football = 35
Only cricket = 50-35=15
Sol146.(a)The triangle represents
Only football = 70-50=20
married people and the rectangle
represents engineers but we want
Sol 140. (b)
married people and not engineers.
All surgeon and cardiologist can be
doctor but reverse is not true
Hence, option B is the correct answer. 13 + 16 = 29(Married but not Engineers)
Some surgeons can be cardiologists, So
is the answer.
Sol 133 (c) There are 7 people who option b is the correct answer.
meet all the said criteria. Sol147.(b)The circle represents female
SSC CGL 2019 TIER 1 students, the triangle represents students
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

playing table tennis and the rectangle

represents students playing badminton. Sol155(b)
So, the number common to all is 7
because it lies in Circe, triangle and

Sol148.(c) Number of ladies of the club who Sol 165. (c)

NEITHER like to dance NOR like to
mimic = 41 + 23 = 64
Hence, ‘64’ is the correct answer.


Sol149.(b)The following vein diagram

Person who likes teaching and playing
shows the relationship between cricketer,
but not cooking = 21 + 6 + 14 = 41
human beings & Players. Sol157.(d)
Sol 166. (d)
Total number of students = 68
Only cricket players = 17
Cricket + squash player = 24
Students in who participated in squash
along with cricket = 24 - 17 = 7
Sol150.(c) Students who did not participated in any
Only plane = 11 games = 23
Only train = 13 Let only squash player = x
Both bus and plane = 6 Total students = Only cricket player +
13 + 6 + 11 = 30 CHSL 2019 Tier I only squash player + who did not
participate at all + who participated in
Sol151.(b) Sol 159. (b) 31 squash along with cricket
Those who like bananas do not like ⇒ 68 = 17 + x + 23 + 7
mangoes and apples. ⇒ 68 = 47 + x
⇒ x = 68 - 47 = 21
Sol 160. (b)
The number 16 represents only books Sol 167. (c)
and pencils.
Sol 161. (c)

Sol 168. (d)

Sol153.(b) Sol 162. (d)

‘5’ depicts students who scored 85% and 12 people like both tea and coffee.
above in all the subjects because it is
common to all the figures which are Sol 163. (d) A tortoise is neither a
containing different subjects. mammal nor an amphibian, they are Graduate players who are not managers
classified as reptiles. are represented by:- 2.
Sol 164. (a) Sol 169. (c)
Lizard is a reptile. While mammals are
different kinds of organisms.

Sol 170. (b)

Venn Diagram

Chandigarh is part of India while Seoul

is the capital of South Korea.

Sol 171. (d)

Sydney is a state in Australia while
Sol 190. (c) It is clear from the diagram
Amsterdam is the capital city of the
that 34 persons use both a bicycle and
Netherlands. Sol 181. (b) ‘D’ represents the group of
bike but not a car.
only dogs, fishes and mangoes.
Sol 172. (d)
Mothers, sisters and daughters are Sol 182. (c) C represents all type of
interrelated to each other as all of them sports player.
are females and play similar roles with
one or another relatives in a family. Sol 183. (a)
Persons having motorcycles = 3 + 9 =
Sol 173. (a) According to the given 12.
diagram 36 people are Indian senior
lawyers but not fathers. Sol 184. (a)
Table is a kind of furniture. However, Sol 191. (d) Both Dirham and USD are
Sol 174. (b) transistors are a different entity different types of currencies.
Neurosurgeons are a kind of doctor and altogether.
females can be doctors or

Sol 192. (c)

Sol 175. (c) Mother and sisters are of a
similar gender while men are different. Sol 185. (b)

Sol 176. (d)

Both cows and dogs are animals.

Sol 193. (c) Planet Jupiter and Earth are

part of the solar system.
Sol 186. (a)
Number of students who play any of two
Sol 177. (d) of the three sports = 6 + 5 = 11
From the diagram it is clear that(7+4 =
11) 11 students like geography and Sol 187. (b)
mathematics but not history. Sol 194. (d)

Sol 178. (d)

Sol 188. (d) Here, 4 represents boys who

are married but do not own pets.

Sol 179. (b) Bear is an omnivore while Sol 195. (d)

cattle is an herbivore animal.

Sol 180. (a)

Sol 196.(a)
Sol 189. (b) Both Hindi and Sanskrit are
All the fathers are sons and all the
written in Devanagari script.
fathers and sons are obviously Male.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Hence option A is the most appropriate Barley is a crop and all crops are grown
answer. in farms.
So, option D is the right answer.
Sol 197.(c)
Common in circle and triangle but not in
rectangle is 18 Sol 207.(a)
Teachers and students both can be
Sol 198.(a) Guitarists. Both no teacher can be
Some Sisters are Mothers and all students.
nephews are Male so there is nothing in
common between Nephews and

Sol 199.(b) Diploma holders are also

morning- walkers but NOT architects are
the person who are common in square
and circle but not in pentagon.

Sol 200.(c)
All fathers are males and no infants are
fathers. Whereas some infants can be

Sol 201.(b)
Females who are food-lovers and
lawyers means common in all three
hexagon circle and rectangle.

Sol 202.(c) Some car drivers are men

and all car drivers and men are human

Sol 203.(a) The persons who are

common in rectangle and triangle are
male judges.
So, Number of male judge are =26+8=34

Sol 204.(d)
Some girls can be tennis players.
Similarly some boys can be tennis
players. But boys cannot be girls. Hence,
option D is the correct answer.

Sol 205.(b)
Both Potato and carrot are vegetables.
But no potato is a carrot or vice-versa.

Sol 206.(d)

Cubes and Dices

DICE / पासा digits marked on opposite surfaces of the On the opposite surface of 5/5 के िवपरीत
digit. like - सतह पर = 2 (5+2 = 7)
BASICS OF DICE - On the opposite surface of 2 = may be On the opposite surface of 6/1 के िवपरीत
Dice is a three-dimensional shape with a 1/3/6. सतह पर = 1 (1+6 = 7)
surface whose length, width and height On the opposite surface of 5 = may be
are equal. Its 3 surfaces are always 1/3/6 Example: 1
visible and three are not visible. On the opposite surface of 4 = may be Which digit will be opposite to digit 4 in
Numbers or dots or different shapes are 1/3/6 the dice given below?/नीचे िदए गए पासा म
represented on its surfaces from 1 to Rules for solving dice related अंक 4 के िवपरीत कौन सा अंक होगा ?
6./पासा 6 सतह वाली एक तीन िवमीय आकृित questions/पासा से स ंिधत ो को हल करने
होती है िजसकी ल ाई , चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई के िनयम
आपस म बराबर होती है । इसकी 3 सतह हमेशा 1. Rules of standardisation/मानकता के
िदखाई दे ते है और तीन िदखाई नहीं दे ते है । िनयम
इसके सतहों पर 1 से लेकर 6 तक अंक अथवा 2. Rule of adjacent
िबंदु या अलग आकृितया िन िपत होती है । digit/figure/symbol/िनकटवत
Classification of dice/पासा का वग करण अंको/आकृितयों या संकेतो का िनयम (a) 2
There are two types of dice/पासा दो कार 3. Rule of common digit, figure, (b) 3
की होती है symbol/उभयिन अंक, आकृित, संकेत का (c) 5
(i) Standard Dice /मानक पासा िनयम (d) 6
(ii) General Dice/समा पासा 4. Rule of square circular motion/वग
च ीय ुणन का िनयम We can see that the sum of the digits on
(i) Standard Dice/मानक पासा - A dice RULE OF STANDARDISATION - the two adjacent faces of the dice is not
whose sum of digits on opposite surfaces According to the law of standardisation, 7. Therefore it is a standard dice. So
is always 7 and the sum of digits on any if a dice whose sum of two adjacent according to standardisation rules, the
two adjacent surfaces is not 7./ऐसा पासा digits, present in any shape is not 7, then sum of two opposite faces of such dice
िजसके िवपरीत सतहों पर अंिकत अंकों का योग the sum of the digits on two opposite will be 7.
हमेशा 7 होता है तथा इसके कोई भी दो surfaces of such a pass will always be Therefore, the number on the opposite
िनकटवत सतहों पर अंिकत अंको का योग 7 नहीं 7./ऐसा पासा िजसके िकसी भी आकृित म surface of digit 4 will be 3./यह हम दे ख
होता है । उप थत दो िनकटवत अंकों का योग 7 नहीं हो सकते है की पासा के दो िनकटवत फलकों पर
तो मानकता के िनयम के अनुसार ऐसे पास के दो थत अंको का योग 7 नहीं है । इसिलए यह एक
िवपरीत सतहों पर अंिकत अंकों का योग हमेशा 7 मानक पासा है । तो मानकता के िनयमानुसार ऐसे
होगा पासा के दो िवपरीत फलकों का योग 7 होगा ।
अतः अंक 4 के िवपरीत फलक पर अंिकत अंक 3
4+3 = 7
Here, 1+2 =/ 7 2. Rule of adjacent (digit/figure/
1+4 =/ 7 symbol)/आस का िनयम -
Here we see that the sum of any two A group of dice in which the same dice
(ii) General Dice//समा पासा- A dice in adjacent digits of a given dice is not 7, is represented in many forms and if four
which the sum of the numbers on any thus this dice is the standard dice and the different digits/figures/signs of a
two adjacent surfaces is 7, it is a sum of digits of opposite surfaces is digit/figure/sign inscribed on a surface
common dice./ऐसा पासा िजसमे कोई भी दो always 7./यहां हम दे ख रहे है की िदए गए पासा are found, then a digit/figure which is
िनकटवत सतहों पर अंिकत अंकों का योग अगर के िकसी भी दो िनकटवत अंको का योग 7 नहीं है not found on the adjacent surfaces, then
7 होता है तो वह समा पासा होता है । , इस तरह यह पासा मानक पासा है तथा इसके the digit/figure/sign is definitely located
िवपरीत अंको का योग हमेशा 7 होता है ।
on the opposite surface./पासों का ऐसा
If a digit is inscribed on a surface of a
समूह, िजसमे एक ही पासा कई पों म दशाया
standard dice, it will have the following गया हो तथा िकसी सतह पर अंिकत
digit on its opposite surface:/यिद िकसी अंक/आकृित/संकेत का यिद चार अलग अलग
मानक पासा के िकसी सतह पर कोई अंक अंिकत िनकटवत अंक/आकृित/संकेत ा होते हो तो
हो, तो उसके िवपरीत सतह पर िन िल खत अंक ऐसा अंक /आकृित जो िनकटवत सतहों पर ा
होंगे : नहीं होता हो तो िनि त ही अंक/आकृित/संकेत
On the opposite surface of 1/1 के िवपरीत िवपरीत सतह पर थत होता है ।
सतह पर = 6 (1+6 = 7) Ex-1
On the opposite surface of 2/2 के िवपरीत If 4 is placed on the upper surface in the
2+4 = 6 सतह पर = 5 (2+5 = 7) dice given below, then in such situation,
5+4 = 9 On the opposite surface of 3/3 के िवपरीत which number will be on the lower
This would be a common dice as it has 2 सतह पर = 4 (3+4 = 7) surface?/नीचे िदए गए पासा म ४ को ऊपरी
on the adjacent surface of 5 and the On the opposite surface of 4/4 के िवपरीत सतह पर कर िदया जाये तो ऐसी थित म िनचली
adjacent can not be opposite. Therefore, सतह पर = 3 (3+4 = 7) सतह पर कौन सा अंक होगा ?
it is a common dice and may contain 321
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

forms of the same dice are represented A group of dice in which the same dice
and the number/figure/sign marked on is represented in different forms and to
any two positions is the same, then in find any number/figure/sign inscribed on
such case, the remaining the surfaces of the dice, take the two
Sol: in the given dice is 5, 6, 2 and 3 digits/figure/signs on those dice are positions of the dice, in which any
four different digits on the adjacent opposite to each other./पासों का ऐसा समूह number/figure/sign is taking
िजसमे एक ही पासे के िविभ प दशाया गया it as base, one can easily find out the
surfaces of 1. Whereas the digit 4 is the
हो और कोई दो थित पर अंिकत digit/figure/sign on the opposite surface
only digit that is not located on the
अंक/आकृित/संकेत समान हो तो ऐसी थित म from the clock wise rule./पासों का एक ऐसा
adjacent surface.
उन पासों पर अंिकत शेष अंक/आकृित/संकेत समूह िजसमे एक ही पासा िविभ पों म दशाया
Hence the digit at the opposite place of 4 एक दू सरे के ही िवपरीत होते है । गया हो तथा पासों के सतहों पर अंिकत िकसी
will be 1./िदए गए पासा म अंक १ िनकटवत Ex-1 अंक/आकृित/संकेत के िवपरीत सतह पर
सतहों पर 5,6,2 और 3 चार अलग अलग अंक है । Two different positions of the same dice उप थत अंक/आकृित//संकेत ात करना हो तो
जबिक अंक ४ केवल ऐसा अंक जो िनकटवत
are given. Which number will be at the पासों की दो थितओं को लेते है । िजसमे कोई
सतह पर थत नहीं है ।
top when 5 will be at the bottom? एक अंक कॉमन हो उसको आधार मानकर
अतः 4 के िवपरीत थान पर अंक 1 होगा
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई ॉक वाइज से वग च ीय िनयम से िवपरीत
गयी ह | यिद तल पर 5 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सतह पर थत अंक/आकृित/संकेत को आसानी
सं ा होगी ? से ात कर सकते है
Four forms of the same dice are shown
below, whose numbers are numbered
from 1 to 6 on the faces. Which digit
will be on the opposite surface to digit
2?/नीचे एक ही पासा के चार ा प को दशाया
In the given two dice, 3 is common. So,
गया है , िजनके फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक के अंक
Sol : write in proper way(clock wise)
अंिकत है । इनमे अंक 2 के िवपरीत फलक पर
कौन सा अंक होगा ? In the given dice we see that both the 3 4 2
dice have 4 and 6 common and unequal 3 5 6
digits are 5 and 2. In this case, according It means opposite of 4 is 5 and opposite
to the above rule, there will be 2 on the of 2 is 6.
opposite side of 5. Ex-1
िदए गए पासा म हम दे खते है की दोनों पासों म 4 The given figure shows four positions of
तथा 6 कॉमन है तथा असमान अंक 5 तथा 2 है the same dice. Which number will be at
इस थित म उपयु िनयम के अनुसार 5 के the top of digit 4 in the given dice?/िदए
िवपरीत फलक पर 2 होगा। गए िच म एक ही पासे की चार थितयां दशाई
गयी है । िदए गए पासे म अंक 4 के सामने वाले
Ex - 2 फलक पर कौन सा अंक होगा?
Three different positions of a dice are
After understanding the given figures,
shown below. Which number will appear
we find that the adjacent surfaces of
on the face opposite number 5?
digit 2 have 3,4,1 and 6 four different
एक पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
digits. While number 5 is the only digit
गयी ह | सं ा 5 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी
that is not present on the adjacent सं ा आएगी ?
Hence: According to the rules of
adjacent points, there will be 5 on the
surface opposite to digit 2./िदए गए
आकृितयों को समझने के बाद , हम पते है की Sol: Dice 1 and 3 have 5 common. So,
अंक 2 के िनकटवत सतहों पर 3,4,1 तथा 6 चार In the given dice (i) and (ii), we see that we will write it first and after the
अलग अलग अंक है । जबिक अंक 5 केवल ऐसा both the dice have 4 and 2 common and common digit, we write the clock
अंक है जो िनकटवत सतह पर मौजूद नहीं है । unequal digits are 3 and 5. In this case, wise./पासा 1 तथा 3 म 5 कॉमन है । अतः इसे
अतः : िनकटवत अंको के िनयमानुसार अंक 2 के according to the above rule, there will be पहले िलखगे तथा कॉमन अंक के बाद अंक को
िवपरीत सतह पर अंक 5 होगा । 3 on the opposite side of 5. ॉक वाइज िलखते है ।
Note - The rule of adjacent, applies to िदए गए पासा (i), (ii) म हम दे खते है की दोनों 5 2 1
both dice, standard dice and General पासों म 4 तथा 2 कॉमन है तथा असमान अंक 5 5 6 4
dice./िनकटवत का िनयम पासा की दोनों तथा 3 है इस थित म उपयु िनयम के अनुसार
It means the opposite of 4 is 1.
थित मानक पासा तथा साधारण पासा दोनों 5 के िवपरीत फलक पर 3 होगा।
पर लागू होता है ।
4. Rule of square circular motion/वग
3. Rule of common digit/figure or च ीय ुणन का िनयम -
symbol/उभयिन अंक/आकृित/संकेतो का
िनयम -A group of dice in which different
Cubes and Dices

Q1. Two positions of the same dice are यिद िन िल खत आकृित को मोड़कर एक घन का
given. Which number will be at the top Q6. Two positions of the same dice are िनमाण िकया जाता है , तो चार िबंदुओं वाले फलक
if ‘6’ is at the bottom? shown below. When there is five points के िवपरीत फलक पर िकतने िबंदु होंगे ?
एक ही पासे की दो अव थाएं दी गयी ह | यिद 6 on the upper panel, how many points CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
तल पर है तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी ? will be on the lower pane?
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) एक ही पासे की दो थितयाँ नीचे दशायी गयी है |
जब ऊपरी फलक पर पां च िबंदु है , तो िनचले
फलक पर िकतने िबंदु होंगे ?
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 2

(a)2 (b)3 (c)1 (d)4

(a)2 (b)6 (c)3 (d)1 Q11. Three different positions of the

Q2. Two positions of the same dice are
same dice are shown below: Which
given. Which number will be at the
Q7. Two positions of a dice are shown number is on the face opposite the face
bottom if ‘4’ is at the top?
below. After rolling the dice, if we get showing 4?
एक ही पासे की दो थितयां दी गई है ।यिद शीष
पर सं ा 4 है ,तो तल पर कौन सी सं ा होगी? the number 4 on the face at the top, नीचे एक ही पासे की तीन अव थाएं दी गयी ह |
which number will be on the face at the िजस फलक पर 4 है , उसके िवपरीत फलक पर
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
bottom? कौन सी सं ा होगी ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
एक पासे की दो अव थाएं दी गयी ह | पासे को
घुमाने के बाद यिद हम शीष फलक पर सं ा 4
ा करते ह, तो तल पर थत फलक पर कौन
सी सं ा होगी ?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 6 CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a)5 (b)3 (c)2 (d)6
Q3. Two positions of the same dice are
given. Which number will be at the top CGL 2018 TIER I
if ‘3’ is at the bottom?
एक ही पासे की दो अव थाएं दी गयी ह | यिद ‘3’ (a)1 (b)2 (c)5 (d)3 Q12. Two different positions of the same
तल पर है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी ?
dice are shown. Which number will be at
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) Q8. Different faces of the same dice are the top if 6 is at the bottom?
displayed. What is the number against एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
the number '1'? गयी ह | शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी यिद तल
एक ही पासे की अलग अलग थितयाँ दशायी पर 6 है |
गयी है | सं ा '1' के िवपरीत कौन-सी सं ा होगी CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
(a)4 (b)6 (c)5 (d)1 ?
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
Q4. Two positions of the same dice are
given. Which number will be at the top
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2
if 6 is at the bottom?
एक ही पासे की दो अव थाएं दी गयी ह | यिद 6
(a)6 (b)4 (c)3 (d)2 Q13. Two different positions of the same
तल पर है तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) dice are shown. Which number will be at
Q9. Two positions of the same dice are the top if 6 is at the bottom?
shown. What will be the number एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएँ दी गयी
opposite ‘3’? ह | यिद 6 तल पर है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा
एक ही पासे की दो अव थाएं दी गयी ह | 3 के होगी ?
िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा होगी ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon
(a) 3 (b)4 (c)5 (d)1

Q5. Three different positions of a dice

are shown below: Find the number
opposite ‘2’.
(a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 4 (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
एक पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी
ह | 2 के िवपरीत सं ा ात कर |
Q10. If the following figure is folded to Q14. Two different positions of the
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
form a cube, how many dots would same dice are shown. Which number
appear on the face opposite the face will be at the top if 4 is at the bottom?
bearing four dots? एक ही पासे की दो अलग अलग अव थाएं दी गयी
ह | शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी यिद तल पर 4 है
(a)1 (b)3 (c)5 (d)6 323
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)

(a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 4

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 1
Q19. Two different positions of the sme Q23. Three different positions of a dice
Q15. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown. Which number will be at are shown below. Which number will
dice are shown. Which number will be at
the top when 6 will be at the bottom? appear on the face opposite number 4 ?
the top if 1 is at the bottom?
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई एक पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग थितयां दी गयी
गयी ह | यिद तल पर 6 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी गयी ह |सं ा 4 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी
ह। यिद तल पर 1 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा
सं ा होगी ? सं ा आएगी ?
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 5

(a)4 (b)2 (c)6 (d)5 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
Q24. Three different positions of a dice
Q16. Two different positions of the same Q20. Two different positions of the same are shown below. Which number will
dice are shown. Which number will be at dice are given. Which number will be at appear on the face opposite number 6?
the top if 1 is at the bottom? the top when 3 will be at the bottom? एक पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
गयी है | सं ा 6 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग थितयां दी गयी एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
गयी ह | यिद तल पर 3 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
ह। यिद तल पर 1 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी सं ा
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
होगी? सं ा होगी ?
CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon) CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5

Q25. Two different positions of a dice

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 4
are shown below. Which number will
Q17. Two rotated positions of a dice are appear on the face opposite number 1?
Q21. Two different positions of the same
given below. Which number will be at एक पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
the top if the number 1 is at the bottom dice are shown below. Which number गयी ह | सं ा 1 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी
will be at the top if 5 is at the bottom? सं ा होगी ?
of the dice?
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
एक पासे की दो आवितत अव थाएं दी गयी ह
गयी ह | यिद तल पर 5 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी
|शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी यिद तल पर 1 है ?
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) सं ा होगी ?
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5

Q26. Three different positions of a dice

(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 5 (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3 are shown below. Which number will
appear on the face opposite number * ?
Q18. Two rotated positions of a dice are एक पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
Q22. Three different positions of a dice
given below. Which number will be at are shown below. Which number will गयी ह | ‘*’ के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सा तीक
the top if the number 4 is on the bottom आएगा ?
appear on the face opposite number 3?
of the dice? एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)
एक पासे की दो आवितत अव थाएं दी गयी ह िदखाई गयी ह | सं ा 3 के िवपरीत फलक पर
|शीष पर कौन सी सं ा होगी यिद तल पर 4 है ? कौन सी सं ा होगी ?
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)
(a) & (b) + (c) % (d) #

Q27. Three different positions of the

same dice are shown. Which number
Cubes and Dices

will be on the face opposite to the one एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं
having 2? िदखाई गयी ह | सं ा 5 के िवपरीत फलक पर
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
िदखाई गयी ह | सं ा 2 के िवपरीत फलक पर CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
Q36. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown. Which number will be
(a)1 (b)3 (c)2 (d)6 on the top when 2 is on the bottom?
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 6 CHSL 2018 Tier I गई है | यिद तल पर 2 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी
सं ा होगी ?
Q28. Three different positions of the Q32. Four different positions of the CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
same dice are shown. Which symbol will same dice are shown. Find the number
be on the face opposite to the one having on the face opposite to the face having
‘&’? 3?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं एक ही पासे की चार अलग-अलग अव थाएं
िदखाई गयी ह | तीक & के िवपरीत फलक पर
िदखाई गयी है | सं ा 3 के िवपरीत फलक पर (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 3
कौन सा तीक आएगा ? कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
Q37. Three different positions of the
same dice are shown. Find the number
on the face opposite the face showing 3?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1 गयी ह | 3 के िवपरीत फलक पर मौजूद सं ा
(a) # (b) + (c) $ (d) ⋀
ात कर CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q33. Two different positions of the same
Q29. Three different positions of the
dice are shown. Find the number
same dice are shown. Which symbol will
opposite to the face having 4.
be on the face opposite to the face
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
having ‘*’ ?
गयी है | सं ा 4 के िवपरीत फलक पर आने वाली
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं (a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 2
सं ा ात कर |
िदखाई गयी ह | ‘*’ के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
सा तीक आएगा ?
CGL12/06/2019(Evening) Q38. The different positions of the same
dice are shown. How many dots will be
on the top if four dots are at the bottom?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 गयी ह | यिद तल पर चार िबंदु ह, तो शीष पर
िकतने िबंदु होंगे ?
(a) $ (b) ! (c) + (d) @ CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
Q34. Three different positions of a dice
Q30. Three different positions of the are shown below. Which number appears
same dice are shown. Which number on the face opposite the number 6?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं
will be on the face opposite to the one
िदखाई गई है | सं ा 6 के िवपरीत फलक पर
having 4?
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 5
िदखाई गयी ह | सं ा 4 के िवपरीत फलक पर
कौन सी सं ा आएगी ? Q39. Three different positions of the
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) same dice, which have one to six dots on
its six faces, are shown below. When one
dot is at the bottom the number of dots
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 3 on the top will be:
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
गयी है , िजनके छः फलकों पर एक से छः तक
Q35. Three different positions of the
(a)1 (b)3 (c)6 (d)2 िबंदु थत ह | जब तल पर एक िबंदु है , तो शीष
same dice are shown below. Find the पर िकतने िबंदु होंगे ?
number on the face opposite to the face CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
Q31. The different positions of the same
having 1?
dice are shown here. Which number is
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं
on the face opposite the face showing '5'
िदखाई गयी है | सं ा 1 के िवपरीत फलक पर
? आने वाली सं ा ात कर |
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 325
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी

Q.40 Three different positions of the है , िजसके छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक की सं ा है
same dice, which has one to six dots on | 5 के िवपरीत फलक पर थत सं ा ात कर |
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
its faces, are shown below. When six
dots are at the bottom then the number of
dots on the top will be: (a)3 (b)1 (c)4 (d)2
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
गयी है , िजनके छः फलकों पर एक से छः तक Q44. Two different positions of the same
िबंदु थत ह |जब तल पर छः िबंदु ह, तो शीष पर (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3
dice are shown below, the six faces of
िकतने िबंदु होंगे ?
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q48. Two different positions of the same
number on the face opposite to the one
dice are shown below, the six faces of
having 3.
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी
है , िजसके छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक की सं ा है number opposite to the face having 2.
| 3 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान नीचे
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4 ? िदखाए गए ह, िजनम से छह चेहरों की सं ा 1 से
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) 6 है । चेहरे 2 के िवपरीत सं ा ात कर।
Q41.Three different positions of the CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
same dice are shown. Which alphabet
will appear on the opposite surface on
which alphabet P appears?
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी (a)2 (b)6 (c)4 (d)1
गयी ह | जब P तल पर है , तो शीष पर कौन सा (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 3
अ र होगा ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Q45. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown below, the six faces of Q49. Three different positions of the
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the same dice are shown. Select the pattern
number opposite to the face having 1. that will be on the face opposite to the
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी one having ‘+’.
है , िजसके छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक की सं ा है एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी
है , + के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सा तीक
(a) Z (b) S (c) T (d) X | 1 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी
आएगा ?
? CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
Q42. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown below, the six faces of
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find The
number of the face opposite to the one
(a) # (b) $ (c) & (d) O
having ‘5’.
एक पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी ह
(a)5 (b)3 (c)2 (d)4
Q50. Three different positions of the
| 5 के िवपरीत कौन सी सं ा होगी? same dice are shown. Select the option
Q.46 Two different positions of the same
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) that will be opposite to the face having
dice are shown below, the six faces of
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the ‘S’?’
number opposite to the face having 3? एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी गयी ह |$ के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सा तीक
आएगा ?
है , िजसके छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक की सं ा है CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
| 3 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q43. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown below, the six faces of
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the
(a) # (b) E (c) & (d) ©
number on the face opposite to the one
having 2. Q51. Two positions of a dice are shown
एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी गयी (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6 below. When the number 3 is at the top,
है , िजसके छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक की सं ा है which number would appear at the
| 2 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी bottom?
Q47. Two different positions of the same
? एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएं िदखाई
dice are shown below, the six faces of
गयी है | यिद तल पर 3 है , तो शीष पर कौन सी
which are numbered 1 to 6. Find the
सं ा होगी ?
number in the face opposite to the CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
having 5.

Cubes and Dices

Q55. A paper sheet is made into the

following pattern (a) Find the cube that
will best represent after folding the paper
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 6 एक पेपर शीट िन िल खत पैटन (ए) म बनाई गई
है । कागज को मोड़ने के बाद सबसे अ ा
Q52. Three different positions of a dice ितिनिध करने वाले घन का पता लगाएं (ए).
are shown below. Which number CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
appears on the face opposite the number (a) (b)
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएं दी
गयी ह | 6 के िवपरीत फलक पर कौन सी सं ा
आएगी ? (c) (d)
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
Q58 Which number will appear on the
bottom face in the last cube?
अंितम घन की िनचली सतह पर कौन सी सं ा
आएगी ?
(a)1 (b)4 (c)3 (d)5 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
Q53. Three different positions of a dice
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 2 and 3 only
are shown below. Select the pattern that
will be on the face opposite to the one (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 6
Q56. Two different positions of the same
dice are shown. Select the pattern that
having ? Q59.Two positions of a DICE are shown
एक पासा के तीन अलग-अलग पदों को नीचे
will be on the face opposite to the one
. What number must be on the opposite
िदखाया गया है । उस पैटन का चयन कर जो
face of 4?
having .एक पासा के तीन एक पासे की दो अव थाएँ दी गयी ह | 4 के
के िवपरीत होगा? अलग-अलग पदों को नीचे िदखाया गया है । उस िवपरीत सतह पर कौन सी सं ा आएगी ?
CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
पैटन का चयन कर जो के िवपरीत
फलक पर होगा?
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)

(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

(a) (b)
Q60 If the given figure is folded to form
(c) (d) a cube, which sign will come opposite
Q54.Three different positions of a dice यिद दी गयी आकृित को मोड़कर एक घन बनाया
(a) (b)
are shown below. Select the pattern that जाता है , तो ‘+’ िच के सामने कौन सा िच
आएगा ?
will be on the face opposite to the one
(c) (d) CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

having ?
एक पासा के तीन अलग-अलग पदों को नीचे CPO 2019 TIER I
िदखाया गया है । उस पैटन का चयन कर जो
Q57. If the given figure is folded to form
के िवपरीत फलक पर होगा? the cube, which symbol will come
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) (a) $ (b) @ (c) % (d) #
opposite to Q61. A cube is made by folding the
यिद दी गयी आकृित को मोड़कर एक घन बनाया
given sheet. In the cube so formed , what
would be the symbol on the opposite
जाता है , तो के िवपरीत कौन सा तीक
आएगा ?
side of ‘+’
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) दी गई शीट को मोड़कर एक ूब बनाया जाता
है । '+' के िवपरीत िदशा म तीक ा होगा ?
(a) (b)
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

on the face opposite to the one showing

एक ही पासे की दो अव थाएँ दी गई ह | उस
सं ा का चयन कर जो 6 के िवपरीत सतह पर
आएगी ? (a) (b)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) # (b) % (c) $ (d) &

Q62 Four positions of a dice are shown.

(c) (d)
What number must be at the bottom face
when the dice is in position as shown in (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 Q69.Three different positions of the
figure (a)?
same dice are shown. Select the symbol
एक पासा के चार थान िदखाए गए ह। जब Q66.Three different positions of the that will be on the face opposite to the
आं कड़ा (ए) म िदखाया गया है तो पासा नीचे की
same dice are shown .Select the face that one showing ‘@’
ओर िकस सं ा म होना चािहए?
will be on the face opposite opposite to एक पासे की तीन अव थाएँ दी गयी ह | उस
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
the one showing ‘<’ तीक का चयन कर ‘@’ की सतह के पीछे थत
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाएँ दी है |
गयी ह | उस सतह का चयन कर जो ‘<’ को CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
दशाने वाली सतह के पीछे है |
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5 CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q63 A cube is made by folding the
given sheet. In the cube so formed, what
would be the symbol on the opposite (a) ! (b) & (c) < (d) #
(a) # (b) @ (c) & (d) $
side of ‘ ’. Q70. Three different positions of the
दी गई शीट को मोड़कर एक घन बनाया जाता है । same dice are shown. Select the symbol
Q67. Select the dices that can be formed
by folding the given sheet along the that will be on the face opposite to the
घन के िनमाण म, ‘ ’ के िवपरीत फलक पर one showing ‘=’.
ा होगा।
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग-अलग अव थाओं को
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) उस पासे का चयन कर िजसका िनमाण िदए गए
िदखाया गया है | उस तीक का चयन कर ‘=’ को
कागज़ को रे खाओं पर मोड़ने से िकया जा सकता
दशाने वाली सतह के पीछे है |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) $ (b) # (c) % (d) *

(c) (d) Q71.Four positions of the same dice are

shown. Select the number that will be on
Q64. If the given figure is folded to form the face opposite to the one showing ‘3’
(a) Only B and D / केवल B और D
a cube, which symbol will come (b) Only B, C and D / केवल B, C और D एक ही पासे की चार अव थाएँ दी गयी ह | उस
opposite ‘&’ ? सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो ‘3’ वाले फलक के
(c) Only A and B / केवल A और B
यिद दी गयी आकृित को मोड़कर एक घन बनाया िवपरीत फलक पर होगी ?
(d) Only B and C / केवल B और C
जाता है , तो ‘&’ के िवपरीत कौन सा तीक CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
आएगा ?
Q68.Select the box that CANNOT be
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
formed by folding the given unfolded
box उस िड े का चयन कर िजसे नीचे दी गयी
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2
खुली आकृित को मोड़कर नहीं बनाया जा सकता
है |
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning) Q72. Select the dice that can be formed
by folding the given sheet along the
(a) $ (b) @ (c) % (d) # lines.
उस पासे का चयन कीिजए िजसका िनमाण नीचे
िदए गए कागज़ को रे खाओं पर से मोड़ने के बाद
CGL 2019 Tier I
िकया जा सकता है ?
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q65. Two positions of the same dice are
shown . Select the number that will be
Cubes and Dices

Q79. Three different positions of the

same dice are shown. Select the symbol
that will be on the face opposite to the
(c) (d)
on showing ‘%’
एक ही पासे की तीन अलग अव थाएँ दी गयी ह ।
Q76.Two different positions of the same उस िच का चयन कीिजए, जो ‘%’ को दशाने
dice are shown, the six faces of which वाली सतह के िवपरीत सतह पर आएगा ।
are numbered from 1 to 6. Select the CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) Only C and D (b) Only A number that will be on the face opposite
(c) Only B (d) Only A and B to the face opposite to the one having
Q73.Three different positions of the एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएँ नीचे दी
गयी ह | इस पासे की छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक (a) + (b) @ (c) * (d) =
same dice are shown, the six faces of
सं ाएँ ह | उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो ‘5’
which are numbered from 1 to 6 . Select
को दशाने वाली फलक के िवपरीत फलक पर Q80.A cube is made by folding the
the number that will be on the face
होगी ? given sheet. In the cube so formed,
opposite to one showing ‘6’ CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) which of the following pairs of letters
एक ही पासे की तीन िविभ अव थाएँ दी गयी ह,
will be on opposite sides ?
िजसकी छः फलकों पर 1 से 6 तक सं ाएँ दज ह
िदए गए कागज़ को मोड़कर एक घन का िनमाण
| उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो ‘6’ को दशाने
िकया जाता है । इस कार िनिमत घन म, अ रों
वाली सतह के िवपरीत सतह पर आएगी |
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) का िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु आमने-सामने
होगा ?
(a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)

Q77.Select the box that CANNOT be

formed by folding the given unfolded
(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 box.
उस बॉ का चयन कीिजए िजसका िनमाण िदए (a) B and E (b) L and U
Q74.Three different positions of the गए खुले बॉ को मोड़कर नहीं िकया जा सकता (c) Q and E (d) A and Q
same dice are shown. Select the symbol है CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
that will be on the face opposite to the Q81.Select the dice that can be formed
one showing ‘+’ एक ही पासे की तीन िभ by folding the given sheet along the
अव थाएँ दी गयी ह | उस िच का चयन कीिजए lines.
जो ‘+’ को दशाने वाली फलक के िवपरीत फलक उस पासे का चयन कीिजए िजसका िनमाण िदए
पर होगा ? गए कागज़ को रे खाओं पर से मोड़कर िकया जा
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) सकता है ।
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) $ (b) @ (c) # (d) *

Q75.Select the cube that can be formed

by folding the given sheet (unfolded (c) (d)
box) along the lines.
उस घन का चयन कीिजए िजसका िनमाण िदए Q78.A cube is made by folding the
गए कागज़ ( खुला आ बॉ ) को रे खाओं पर से given sheet. In the cube so formed,
(a) Only B and D (b) Only A, B and C
मोड़ने के बाद िकया जा सकता है । which of the following pairs of numbers
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (c) Only A and B (d) Only A
will be on opposite sides ?
एक घन का िनमाण नीचे िदए गए कागज़ को
मोड़कर िकया जाता है । इस कार िनिमत घन म, Q82. A cube is made by folding the
इनम से कौन सी दो सं ाएँ आमने-सामने होंगी ? given sheet. In the cube so formed,
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) which of the following pairs of symbols
will be on opposite sides?
िदए गए कागज़ को मोड़कर एक घन का िनमाण
िकया जाता है । इस कार िनिमत घन म, िच ों
का िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु आमने-सामने
होगा ?
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) (b) (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 5 (d) 3 and 6
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 6

(a) @ and % (b) $ and +
Q87.Two different positions of the same Q91. Two different positions of the same
(c) & and % (d) # and @
dice are shown below, the six faces of dice are shown. Select the number that
which are numbered 1 to 6. Which will be on the face opposite to the one
CHSL 2019 Tier I number is on the face opposite the face having '2', if the number on the face
showing '1'? opposite to '3' is odd.
Q83.Three different positions of the एक पासे के दो पद िदए गए है िजसके मुख पर एक पासे की दो प र िथयाँ दी गयी ह | 2 की
same dice are shown. Select the number अंक 1 से 6 िलखे गए है | ‘1’ के िवपरीत कौन सा िवपरीत कौन सा अंक होगा यिद 3 के िवपरीत एक
that will be on the face opposite to the अंक आएगा ? िवषम सं ा है ?
one having 5. CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘5’ के िवपरीत
कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)

(a)3 (b)2 (c)5 (d)4 (a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 3

(a) 4 (b)1 (c)6 (d)3 Q88.A cube is made by folding the Q92. A cube is made by folding the
given sheet. In the cube so formed, what given sheet. In the cube so formed,
Q84. Three different positions of the would be the letter on the opposite side which number would be on the face
same dice are shown. Select the number of 'L'? एक कागज को मोड़ कर उसे पासे की opposite to the one showing ‘5’ ?
that will be on the face opposite to the आकृित दी गयी है | ‘L’ के िवपरीत कौन सा अ र िदए गए कागज को मोड़कर एक पासा बनाया
one having 3. आएगा? गया है | इस कार उस पासे म अंक '5' के
एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘3’ के िवपरीत
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) िवपरीत कौन सा अंक होगा ?
कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)

(a)Q (b)R (c)N (d)S

(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 4
Q89. Three different positions of the (a)2 (b)1 (c)4 (d)6
Q85. If the following figure is folded to same dice are shown. Select the number
form a cube, then how many dots will be that will be on the face opposite to the Q93. A cube is made by folding the
face showing the number '1'. / एक पासे की given sheet. In the cube so formed,
on the face opposite to the face having 2
which of the following pairs of numbers
dots? तीन िथयाँ दी गयी ह | ‘1’ के िवपरीत कौन सा
will be on the opposite faces?
यिद दी गयी आकृित को एक पासा बनाने की िलए अंक आएगा ?
िदए गए कागज से एक पासे बनाया जाता है | कौन
मोड़ा जाता है , तो 2 के िवपरीत िकतने िबंदु होंगे ? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) सा िवक पासे के िवपरीत अंको को दशाता है ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)

(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 6 (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 4

(a) 1 and 5 (b) 6 and 3
Q86. Three different positions of the Q90. Two positions of the same dice are (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 6
same dice are shown. Select the number shown. Select the number that will be on
Q94.Three different positions of the
that will be on the face opposite to the the face opposite to the one having the
same dicce are shown. Select the symbol
face showing the number '1'. number 5.
एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘1’ के िवपरीत
that will be on the face opposite to the
एक पासे की दो अव था दी गयी | 5 के िवपरीत
कौन सा अ र आएगा ? one having '!'.
कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) एक पास के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘!’ के िवपरीत
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
कौन सा िच आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)

Cubes and Dices

(a)2 (b)3 (c)1 (d)5 CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)

Q99. Two different positions of the same

dice are shown. Assuming that the sum
(a)& (b)$ (c)# (d)% of opposite faces is an odd number,
select the number that will be on the face
Q95. In a dice 1, 2, 3 and 4 dots are on opposite to the one having the number
the adjacent faces, in a clockwise order, '2'. एक पासे के दो पद िदए गए ह | यह मानते ए
and 5 and 6 dots at the top and bottom. की िवपरीत मुखों के अंकों का जोड़ िवषम सं ा
When 1 dot is at the top, then what है , बताएं की ‘2’ के िवपरीत कौन सा अंक होगा ?
number of dots will be at the bottom? CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
(a) (b)
एक पासे म िबंदु 1, 2, 3 और 4 दि णावत म म
मौजूद है | 5 और 6 कमानुसार ऊपरी और िनचली
सतह पर मौजूद है | बताएं की 1 के िवपरीत कौन
सा िबंदु होगा ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning) (c) (d)
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 5

Q100. Two different positions of the Q103. If the following figure is folded to
same dice are shown, the six faces of form a cube, then which number will be
which are marked by the letters A B, C, on the face opposite to the face having
D, E and F. Which letter will be on the number '1'?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 2 face opposite to the one showing 'D'? यिद दी गयी आकृित से एक पासा बनाया जाए, तो
एक पसे के दो पद िदए गए है | पासे पर अ र A, िन िल खत म से कौन सा अंक ‘1’ के िवपरीत
Q96. Four different positions of the आएगा ?
B, C, D, E, F िलखे ए ह | D के िवपरीत कौन
same dice are shown. Select the number सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)
that will be on the face opposite to the CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
one having 5.
एक पासे के चार पद िदए गए है | अंक ‘5’ के
िवपरीत कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 1

(a) C (b) F (c) E (d) A Q104. Four different positions of the

same dice are shown. Select the number
Q101. Select the answer figure that can that will be on the face opposite to the
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 4
be formed by folding the given sheet face having number '1'.
along the lines. एक पासे के चार पद िदए गए ह | ‘1’ के िवपरीत
Q97. Three different positions of the
िदए गए कागज को मोड़ने पर िन िल खत म से कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
same dice are shown below. Which
िकस कार की आकृित बनेगी ? CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)
symbol is on the face opposite the face
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
showing ‘?’
एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए ह | िन िल खत म
से कौन सा िच ‘(’ के िवपरीत आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 6

Q105. Three different positions of the

same dice are shown. Select the number
that will be on the face opposite to the
face having number '5'.
(a) + (b) * (c) # (d) $
एक पास के तीन पद िदए गए है | '5' के िवपरीत
कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
Q98.Four different positions of the same (a) (b) CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
dice are shown. Select the number that
will be on the face opposite to the face
having number '6'.
एक पासे के चार पद िदए गए ह | '6' के िवपरीत
(c) (d)
कौन सा अंक आएगा ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)
Q102. Select the answer figure that can (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 6
be formed by folding the given sheet
along the series. Q106. A cube of 3" × 3" × 3" inch size
िदए गए कागज को तह लगाने से िन िल खत म से was painted on all six sides and then cut
कौन सी आकृित बनेगी ? into 27 small cubes of 1 inch size. How
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

many smaller cubes will have only two Q110. Two different positions of the
sides painted? same dice are shown. Select the number
एक पासा िजसका माप 3" × 3" × 3" है को छह that will be on the face opposite to the
तरफ से रं गा जाता है और िफर 27 भागों म काट one having '6'.
िदया जाता है िजनका माप 1 inch है | िकतने पासे एक पासे के दो पद िदए गए ह | अंक ‘6’ के CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
ऐसे होंगे जो दो तरफ से रं गीन हो ? िवपरीत कौन सा अंक आएगा ? (a) a (b) f (c) e (d) d
CHSL19-10-2020 (Evening) CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
Q115.Four different positions of the
same dice are shown. Select the letter
that will be on the face opposite to the
one having B.
(a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 2 एक पासे के चार पद िदए गए ह | B के िवपरीत
(a) 12 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 6 कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q111. Three different positions of the
Q107. Two different positions of the same dice are shown. Select the letter
same dice are shown. Select the number that will be on the face opposite to the
that will be on the face opposite to the one having 'f'.
face having number '3'. एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘f’ के िवपरीत (a)E (b)A (c)C (d)D
एक पासे के दो पद िदए गए है | ‘3’ के िवपरीत कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
कौन सा अंक आएगा ? CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)
CHSL19-10-2020 (Evening)
Q116.Three different positions of a dice
are shown. Select the letter that will be
on the face opposite to the one having
एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘A’ के िवपरीत
(a) a (b) d (c) g (d) h कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3 CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening)
Q112. Two different positions of the
Q108. Two different positions of the same dice shown here. Select the letter
same dice are shown. Select the number that will be on the face opposite to the
that will be on the face opposite to the one showing the letter 'C'.
(a)E (b)F (c)D (d)C
one having '4'. एक पासे के दो पद िदए गए है |‘C’ के िवपरीत
एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए कौन सा अ र आएगा ?
ह। उस सं ा का चयन कर जो '4' वाले के CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) CPO 2020 TIER 1
िवपरीत चेहरे पर होगा।
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q117. Two different positions of the
same dice are shown, the six faces of
which are numbered from 1 to 6. Select
(a) F (b) A (c) E (d) B the number that will be on the opposite
to the face showing ‘5’?
Q113. A cube of 4 cm size is painted एक ही पासे की दो अलग-अलग अव थाएँ दी गयी
green on all six faces. It is cut into ह, िजनकी छः फलकों को 1 से 6 तक सं ां िकत
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2
smaller cubes of 1 cm size. How many िकया गया है । उस सं ा का चयन कीिजए जो
फलक 5 पर मौजूद सं ा के िवपरीत आएगी?
Q109. Select the box (figures 1 to 4) that cubes are there with 3 green faces?
SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
can be formed by folding the given sheet एक पासा िजसके िकनारे 4 cm है उसे छह तरफ
से रं गा गया है | अगर उसे 1 cm की भुजा वाले
along the lines.
पासे म काटा गया है , तो बताओ की िकतने ऐसे
िदए गए कागज को मोड़ने पर चार पासों की
छोटे पासे होंगे िजनकी तीन मुख रं गीन होंगे ?
आकृितयों म से कौन सी आकृित बनेगी ?
CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 4 (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 6 (d) 4

Q114. Three different positions of the Q118. A cube is made by folding the
same dice are shown. Select the letter given sheet. In the cube so formed,
that will be on the face opposite to the which of the following pairs of symbols
one having 's'. will NOT be on the opposite faces?
(a) Only figures 1 and 2 एक पासे के तीन पद िदए गए है | ‘s’ के िवपरीत िदए गए कागज़ को मोड़ कर एक घन बनाया
(b) Only figures 3 and 4 कोण सा अ र आएगा ? जाता है । इस कार िनिमत घन म, तीकों का
(c) Only figure 4 िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु िवपरीत फलकों
(d) Only figure 2 पर नहीं होगा?
SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)

Cubes and Dices

एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए

है । उस अ र का चयन कर जो 'A' के िवपरीत
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)

(a) & and $ (b) $ and # (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2

(c) @ and % (d) # and >
Q122. A cube is made by folding the
Q119. Select the dice that can be formed given sheet. In the cube so formed, (a) C (b) E (c) D (d) B
by folding the given sheet in the form of which of the following pairs of letters
a cube. will be on opposite sides? Q126. Three different positions of the
उस पासे का चयन कीिजए िजसका िनमाण िदए दी गई शीट को मोड़कर एक ूब बनाया जाता same dice are shown. Find the letter on
गए कागज़ को घन के प म मोड़कर िकया जा है । ूब म, िन म से िकस अ र के जोड़े the face opposite to the one having the
सकता है । िवपरीत िदशाओं म होंगे? number 6.
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए
है । उस सं ा का चयन कर जो '6' के िवपरीत
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)

(a) Q and X (b) R and X (a)2 (b)5 (c)4 (d)3

(a) Only 2 can be formed/ केवल 2 का (c) A and E (d) A and Z
िनमाण िकया जा सकता है Q127. Three different positions of the
(b) Only 3 can be formed/ केवल 3 का Q123. A cube is made by folding the same dice are shown. Find the letter on
िनमाण िकया जा सकता है given sheet. In the cube so formed, the face opposite to the one having the
(c) None can be formed/ िकसी का िनमाण which letter will be on the face opposing letter A.
नहीं िकया जा सकता है to the one showing “P”? एक ही पासा के तीन अलग-अलग थान िदखाए
(d) 1 and 4 can be formed / 1 और 4 का दी गई शीट को मोड़कर एक ूब बनाया जाता गए ह। अ र A के िवपरीत वाले चेहरे पर अ र
िनमाण िकया जा सकता है है । घन म, "P" िदखाने वाले के िवपरीत कौन सा ात कीिजए।
अ र होगा? SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
Q120. Which of the following pairs of SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
symbols will be on the opposite faces
when the given sheet is folded to form a
cube ?
तीकों का िन िल खत म से कौन सा यु (a) B (b) C (c) F (d) D
िवपरीत फलकों पर होगा, जब िदए गए कागज़ को
(a) K (b) A (c) L (d) H
मोड़कर एक घन बनाया जाता है । Q128. Three different positions of the
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) same dice are shown. Find the number
Q124. Two different positions of the
on the face opposite to the one having
same dice are shown, the six faces of
the number 1.
which are numbered 1 to 6. Select the एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए
number that will be on the face opposite है । उस सं ा का चयन कर जो '1' के िवपरीत
to the face showing ‘3’. होगी।
एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
ह, िजनम से छह चेहरों की सं ा 1 से लेकर 6
(a) + and @ (b) % and +
तक है । उस सं ा का चयन कर जो '3' के
(c) @ and & (d) # and & िवपरीत होगी।
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
Q121. Two different positions of the (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 2
same dice are shown, the six faces of
which are numbered from 1 to 6. Select
the number that will be on the opposite
to the face showing ‘1’. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1
एक ही पासा के दो अलग-अलग थान िदखाए गए 1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b)
ह, िजनम से छह चेहरों की सं ा 1 से लेकर 6 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(b)
Q125. Three different positions of the
तक है । उस सं ा का चयन कर जो '1' के
िवपरीत होगी। same dice are shown. Find the letter on 9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(d)
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) the face opposite to the one having the 13.(b) 14.(a) 15.(a) 16.(a)
letter A.
17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(c)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

21.(b) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(d) 2 is common and now write it in a CGL 2018 TIER I
clockwise direction
25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(a) 28.(a)
236 Sol 12. (d) 1 is common in both dice. So
29.(c) 30.(c) 31.(c) 32.(c) 241 move clockwise from 1 in both dice. So
33.(c) 34.(a) 35.(a) 36.(b) So 4 is opposite to 3. 5 will be opposite to 3 and 6 will be
37.(d) 38.(a) 39.(c) 40.(c) Option A is correct. opposite to 2. As shown in the diagram.
41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(b) 44.(a)
Sol: 4 (b) In the dice question we firstly Sol 13. (b) In both positions of dice 3 is
45.(c) 46.(d) 47.(c) 48.(a) find the common integer in the given common. On moving clockwise from 3,
49.(a) 50.(b) 51.(c) 52.(a) dice. we will have 1 is opposite to 4 and 2 is
Here, 1 is common in both and now opposite to 5. So 3 is opposite to 6.
53.(c) 54.(d) 55.(c) 56.(b)
write it into clockwise 1,6,2 and 1,4,5.
57.(c) 58.(d) 59.(d) 60.(d) Now, relate the number 6 is opposite to 4
61.(d) 62.(a) 63.(a) 64.(d) and 2 is opposite to 5 and 1 is opposite
65.(a) 66.(b) 67.(d) 68.(a) the remaining one 3.
In the question, we have to tell what
69.(d) 70.(a) 71.(a) 72.(b)
number is opposite to 6 therefore 4 is the
73.(c) 74.(b) 75.(b) 76.(b) right answer.
77.(b) 78.(b) 79.(a) 80.(c) Sol 14. (a) In both positions of the dice,
Sol: 5 (c) 6 is common So, write them in 2 is common. When we move clockwise
81.(c) 82.(d) 83.(b) 84.(c)
a clockwise direction. from 2 in both dice,
85.(c) 86.(c) 87.(b) 88.(a) Opposite pairs are
89.(b) 90.(b) 91.(b) 92.(b) 624
93.(c) 94.(d) 95.(c) 96.(d) 651
Hence, the number opposite to 2 is 5.
97.(a) 98.(b) 99.(d) 100.(c)
101.(b) 102.(b) 103.(c) 104.(c) Sol: 6 (a) The face opposite to 5 is 2. Sol 15. (a) Here, 3 is common in both
105.(d) 106.(a) 107.(c) 108.(b) 4 and 3 are opposite to each other. the positions of dice. So , start moving
6 and 1 are opposite to each other. clockwise from 3 in both dice
109.(c) 110.(d) 111.(a) 112.(a)
113.(c) 114.(c) 115.(a) 116.(a) Sol: 7 (d) As in both the position 5 and 6
117.(b) 118.(b) 119.(c) 120.(a) are common so 4 is opposite to 3.
121.(a) 122.(b) 123.(d) 124.(b)
Sol: 8 (b) First, find the common digit in
125.(a) 126.(a) 127.(b) 128.(a)
the given dice
So , The opposite of 1 is 4.
Now, write them in clockwise direction.
5 3 1
SOLUTION Sol 16. (a) Here, 3 is common in both
5 6 4
Sol: 1 (d) In the following question we the positions of dice. So , start moving
The opposite face to 1 is 4.
will take the common number in the clockwise from 3 in both dice
given two dice.
Sol 9. (b) Select the common number
Here, 5 is common and written in a and then write in clockwise direction.
clockwise direction. 2 1 6
Like, 524 2 5 3
Same, 5 1 6 So, ‘6’ will be opposite to ‘3’.
So, replace the extra 5 with 3 and 4 will So , The opposite of 1 is 4.
Sol 10 (a) When we fold the cube, we
be the opposite face to the 6.
Sol 17. (c) Here 6 is common in both
Sol: 2. (a) The common in both dice is c. 1 3 5
dice. Moving clockwise from 6, we get
2 6 4
Sequence of numbers clockwise in 1st that, 3 is opposite to 1 and 2 is opposite
dice from 3 is 1,6. Sequence of numbers to 4.
clockwise in 2nd dice from 3 is 4,5. So, Hence, 5 dots will appear on the face
opposite of 4 is 1. opposite to the face having 4 dots.

Sol: 3. (a) Here we have to find the Sol 11 (a) opposite pair are
opposite face of 3. 5 is opposite to 4, 2 is opposite to 6
Firstly, find the common integer in the and 1 is opposite to 3.
Sol 18. (b) Here 3 is common in both
given diagram of dice. dice. Moving clockwise from 3, we get
Cubes and Dices

that, 4 is opposite to 2 and 6 is opposite From 1st and 2nd dice, we can see that 1
to 1. is common. Now move clockwise from
1 , 4 is opposite to 6.

Sol 25. (c) Here 6 and 4 are common ,

so 1 is opposite to 3.
Sol 19. (d) Here, 3 is common in both Sol 35. (a) From 2nd and 3rd dice, we
the positions of dice. So , start moving Sol 26. (a) From 1st and 2nd dice, we can see that 5 and 2 are common. So 1 is
clockwise from 3 in both dice can see that # is common. Now move opposite to 6.
clockwise from # , * is opposite to &.
Sol 36. (b) We can see that 3 is
common. Now move clockwise from 3,
4 is opposite to 5 and 6 is opposite to 2.

So , We get 2 as opposed to 6.

Sol 20. (c) We can see that 1 is Sol 27. (a) From 1st and 2nd dice, Here
common. Now move clockwise from 1 , 1 and 3 are common , so 2 is opposite to
3 is opposite to 5. 4. Sol:37. (d) From 2nd and 3rd dice, we
can see that 1 is common. Now move
Sol 28. (a) From the 1st and 3rd dice, clockwise from 1 , 5 is opposite to 6 and
we can see that + is common. Now move 2 is opposite to 3.
clockwise from + , & is opposite to #.

Sol 21. (b) we can see that 4 is

common. Now move clockwise from 4 ,
Sol:38. (a) We can see that in both the
1 is opposite to 2 , 3 is opposite to 6 and
Sol 29. (c) From the 1st and 3rd dice, cubes 1, 2, 5, 6 are adjacent to 4. So, 3
4 is opposite to 5.
we can see that $ and ! are common. So will be opposite to 4.
* is opposite to +.
Sol.39. (c) From 1st and 2nd dice, we
Sol 30. (c) From the 1st and 3rd dice, can see that 6 is common. Now move
we can see that 1 is common. Now move clockwise from 6 , 2 is opposite to 5 and
Sol 22. (a) From the 1st and 2nd dice, clockwise from 1 , 4 is opposite to 6. 1 is opposite to 3.
we can see that 1 is common. Now move
clockwise from 1 , 3 is opposite to 5. Sol 40. (c) From the 1st and 2nd dice,
we can see that 1 is common. Now move
clockwise from 1, 3 is opposite to 4 and
2 is opposite to 6 as shown in the figure.
Sol 31. (c) From the 1st and 3rd dice,
we can see that 6 and 4 are common. So
2 is opposite to 5.
Sol 23. (d) From the 1st and 3rd dice,
we can see that 1 is common. Now move
clockwise from 1 , 4 is opposite to 5.
Sol 41. (a) From 2nd and 3rd dice, we
Sol 32. (c) can see that S is common. Now move
By observing the 1st and 2nd dice, we clockwise from S , T is opposite to X
can see that 5 and 4 are common. So, 2 and Z is opposite to P.
is opposite to 3.

Sol 24. (d) From the 1st and 2nd dice, Sol 33. (c)
we can see that 3 is common. Now move 1 and 5 are common, so 2 is opposite to
clockwise from 3 , 2 is opposite to 4 and 4.
5 is opposite to 6. Sol 42. (b) We can see that 1 is
Sol 34. (a) common. Now move clockwise from 1 ,
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

4 is opposite to 3 and 6 is opposite to 2 Sol 53. (c) From the diagram it is

so 5 is opposite to 1.
evident will be on the face
opposite to the one having

Sol 43. (b) As 3, 4, 5 and 6 are Sol 61. (d) According to the given
adjacent to 2. So, the remaining side of figure , + is opposite to &.
1, is opposite to 2. Sol 54. (d)The arrow marked figure is a
common figure in the given two dices,
Sol 44.(a) As 1, 4, 5 and 6 are so now if we rotate the dice
adjacent to 3. So, the remaining side of anticlockwise or clockwise directions.
2, is opposite to 3.

Sol 45. (c) As 3, 4, 5 and 6 are

adjacent to 1. So, the remaining side of From the above diagram, it is evident
Sol 62. (a) In figure (a), 4 is at the top.
2, is opposite to 1.
that “ is opposite to . In the third and fourth figure, 5 and 6 are
common. So, it is clear that 4 is opposite
Sol 46.(d) As 1, 2, 4 and 5 are adjacent
Sol 55. (c) 2, 3 and 4 only will best to 3.
to 6. So, the remaining side of 3, is
opposite to 6. represent after folding the paper (A).

Sol 47. (c) As 1, 3, 4 and 6 are

Sol 56. (b) is a common figure in
adjacent to 5. So, the remaining side of
the given two dices so, now if we rotate
2, is opposite to 5.
the dice anticlockwise or clockwise
directions. Sol 63. (a) It is clear from the figure
Sol 48. (a) As, 1, 3, 5 and 6 are adjacent
From the diagram, it is evident that “
to 4 So the remaining face 2 is opposite that is opposite to .
to 4. is opposite to

Sol 49. (a) From the 1st two figure, @ Hence, the correct answer is .
and $ are common so, # is on the
opposite side of +.
Sol 57. (c)
When folded, opposite pairs are
Sol 50. (b) From 2nd and 3rd dice , we
can see that $ is common. Now move
Sol 64. (d) Here opposite pair are of (& ,
clockwise from $ , O is opposite to &
#) (@, %) and ($, !) . So # is the correct
and # is opposite to © , so E is opposite
to $.

Sol:65. (a)In the 2 positions of the dice.

Sol 58. (d) In the first and the second We can clearly see ‘3’ & 5 as common
cubes , 4 and 5 are common , so 1 is in both dices in both the cases (a) and (b)
opposite to 2. the number number left in both dices
Sol 51. (c) We can see that 4 and 6 are In the second and third cube , 2 and 3 are will be opposite to ‘6’ is ‘1’
common. So 1 is opposite to 3. common , so 5 is opposite to 3.
So , 4 is opposite to 6.

Sol 52. (a) S.59.(d) Here 1 and 5 is common in both

From the 1st and 2nd dice, We can see the cubes, So 4 is opposite to 2.
that 3 and 5 are common. So 1 is
opposite to 6. Sol 60. (d) # will be opposite to +. Sol:66.(b)After observing the 2nd and
3rd figure % is common in both the dice.
After moving clockwise from % , we get
@ is opposite to <.
Cubes and Dices

Sol:67.(d)Dice made by folding the

sheet along the lines, gives the following 2 ↔ 3, 4 ↔ 1 and 6 ↔ 5 Clearly, option (b) is the answer.
opposite pairs are: Thus, only option b follows the observed
5 ↔ 3, 6 ↔ 2 and 4 ↔ 1 pattern. Sol:79.(a) # is common in the 1st and
the 3rd cube. After moving clockwise
Sol:68.(a)The box made by folding the Sol:73.(c)By observing all the three from # , we get + is opposite to %.
unfolded box, gives the following positions of the dice, we find that
pattern of opposite pairs. ‘4’ is Opposite to face ‘2’
‘6’ is Opposite to face ‘3’
‘1’ is Opposite to face ‘5
Thus, ‘3’ is the answer.
By observing all the three positions of
the dice, we conclude that
a ⇒ c, e ⇒ b and f ⇒ d $ ⇒ %, * ⇒ # and + ⇒ @
Clearly ‘@’ will be on the face opposite
to the one showing ‘+’.
Thus, is not possible On folding the given sheet (unfolded
because ‘e’ is opposite to ‘b’, not box) along the lines.
adjacent. We get the following results
R ⇒ *, × ⇒ @ and # ⇒ Q
Sol:69.(d) Thus, the only dice that follows this
On comparing the three positions of the sequence is Clearly, only “Only A and B” will be
dices we find the following opposite true.
! ⇒ &, ⋆ ⇒ # and < ⇒ @ Sol:82.(d)

Sol:70.(a)By observing the three Sol:76.(b) As per the two positions of

positions of the dices, we find that the dices, we can say that 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 are
‘#’ ⇒ % adjacent to 4 . So , 5 will be at the
‘=’ ⇒ $ opposite side of 4.
′⋆′ ⇒ +
Sol:77.(b) CHSL 2019 Tier I
After folding the given unfolded box, the
following faces will appear opposite to Sol 83. (b)
each other. 2, 3, 4 and 6 will be adjacent to 5.
Therefore, 1 will be opposite to 5.

Sol:71.(a)After observing the four Sol 84. (c)

positions of the dice, the following 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be adjacent to 3.
conclusions are derived: Therefore, 6 will be opposite to 3.
4 ⇒ 6, 1 ⇒ 2 and 5 ⇒ 3 Thus, option (b) will not be formed
So, the face opposite to ‘3’ is ‘5’. because ‘d’ is opposite to ‘e’ so they Sol 85. (c)
both can’t be placed adjacent to each The dots at alternative faces will be on
Sol:72.(b)The following pairs of other. opposite faces :- 4-5, 3-6 and 1-2.
numbers facing each other will be
observed after folding the dice. Sol:78.(b) Sol 86. (c)
The cube so formed by folding the sheet On counting clockwise from 2, we get:
follows the pattern of following opposite
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

From cube 1st and 3rd, it is evident that

3, 4, 5 and 6 are on adjacent faces of 1.
Therefore, 2 will appear opposite to 1.

Sol 105. (d)

Sol 87. (b) Sol 95. (c) From the 2nd and 3rd cube, it is clear
From the diagram it is clear that , 3, 6, 5 Clearly, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are in a clockwise that 1, 2, 3 and 4 will appear on adjacent
and 4 on the adjacent sides of 1. faces of 5. Therefore, 6 will be opposite
order on adjacent faces of a cube.
Therefore, 2 will be on the opposite side to 5.
of 1. Therefore, the opposite pairs will be:-
1-3, 2-4 and 5-6.
Sol 88. (a) Sol 106. (a) Formula for two sided
Opposite pairs:- Sol 96. (d) From cube 3rd and 4th, it is painting: 12(n-2).
evident that number 1 ,3 2 , 6 are =12(3-2)=12(Here, n= 3 )
adjacent to 5. So , 4 will be on the
opposite side of 5. Sol 107. (c)
From the 1st cube position, it is clear
Sol 97. (a) that 1 and 5 will be adjacent to 3. Now,
In 1st and 2nd cube ( is common and &, count clockwise from 1, we get:- 1-5-3
Sol 89. (b)
$ ,*,# are adjacent to (. So , + will be on and 1-2-4. Therefore, opposite pairs:-
From the last two figures it is clear that 2
the opposite side of (. 2-5, 3-4 and 1-6.
and 5 are common in both. it can be seen
that 1 and 6 are at opposite faces.
Sol 98. (b) Sol 108. (b)
From the first two cubes it is clear that, From both the cubes, It is clear that 1
Sol 90. (b)
1,4, 5 and 2 will be on adjacent sides of and 5 are common in both the cubes. So
In both the cubes 1 ,2 ,4 ,6 are adjacent
to 5 . So , 3 will be on the opposite 6. 3 will be opposite to 4.
surface of 5. Hence, only 3 can appear on the opposite
side of 6. Sol 109. (c)
Sol 91. (b)
Sol 99. (d) As 1 is common to both the
From the given diagram it is clear that 5
and 4 are on opposite faces. Now, 2 and dices then counting clockwise from 1,
3 can be opposite to either 1 or 6. It is we get the following order:- 1-6-2 and
given that 3 is facing an odd number.
Therefore, 3 will face 1 and 2 will face Therefore, opposite pairs are as follows:
even numbers i.e. 6. 1-4, 2-5 and 3-6. Sol 110. (d)
To keep digits 1 and 3 in the front, digits
Sol 100. (c) 2 and 6 must be opposite to each other.
Sol 92. (b)
It is evident that A, C, B and F will be
We know that opposite faces lie at
adjacent to D. Thus, E will appear Sol 111. (a)
alternative positions in the given sheet.
opposite to D. From the second and third cube it is
Therefore, opposite faces will be
clear that d, e, g and h will be on
Sol 101. (b)According to the given
adjacent sides of f. Therefore, ‘a’
condition, only option (b) follows. appears on the opposite side of f.

Sol 102. (b) Sol 112. (a)

From both the cubes it is clear that A, B,
D and E will be adjacent to C. Therefore,
Sol 93. (c) the opposite pairs are : -
only F will appear opposite to C.

Sol 113. (c) No. of cubes with three sides

Sol 103. (c) painted is always 8 irrespective of
number of layers.
Sol 94. (d)
After moving clockwise from # in first Sol 114. (c)
two cubes, we get , the opposite pairs From the 1st and 3rd cube, it is clear that
are:- a, d, f, g are on adjacent sides of s.
Sol 104. (c) Therefore, ‘e’ will be opposite to ‘s’.

Sol 115. (a)

Cubes and Dices

B is adjacent to :- D, F, C, A. The only Sol 125. (a) From all three dice B, D, E
left is E which will be opposite to B and F are adjacent to A so the remaining
Therefore, B is opposite to E. face of C is opposite to A.

Sol 116. (a) In the 1st and 2nd cube C is Sol 126. (a)
common to both dices. Then move In 1st and 2nd figure 3 and 4 are
clockwise or anticlockwise , we can common. So, 6 and 2 are opposite to
conclude ,B ↔ D, E ↔ A, F ↔ C. each other.

Sol 117. (b) In both the dice condition 2 Sol 127. (b)
and 4 are common so the remaining face From first and second cube D and E are
1 is opposite to 5. same and this is only possible when C is
opposite to A
Sol 118.(b)
The symbols which forms opposite pair Sol 128. (a) As 2,3,5 and 6 are adjacent
are to 1, So remaining face 4 is opposite to 1
@↔%, #↔>, &↔$
It is clearly seen that $ and # are not
opposite pairs of symbols.

Sol 119. (c)

A is opposite to C
D is opposite to E
B is opposite to F
In figure 1 AC, the opposite pair is
In figure 2 DE, the opposite pair is
In figure 3 DE, the opposite pair is
In figure 4 FB, the opposite pair is
So , None of the given dice can be

Sol 120. (a)

% and # will form a opposite pair
@ and + will form a opposite pair
& and $ will form a opposite pair

Sol 121. (a)

From figure 2 and figure 3, 2 and 6 are
common so the remaining face 1 and 4
are opposite to each other.

Sol 122. (b) opposite pairs are : EZ, XR

and QA.
Hence, option B is the right answer.

Sol 123. (d) These A ↔ K, F ↔ L, and P

↔ H are opposite pairs
So, Opposite to P is h

Sol 124. (b) As 1, 2, 5 and 6 are adjacent

to each other so the remaining face of 3
is opposite to 4.

Sitting Arrangement

SITTING ARRANGEMENT MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) necessarily in the same order). Only one
(a) T (b) H (c) P (d) R book is kept between N and G. B is just
Sitting arrangement - To solve this, above P. B is above N. G is not above N.
some conditions are given based on which Q3. Six laptops, N, Q, P, L, R and A, are Which book is at the top?
the questions have to be solved. In this, placed in a row facing towards the north B, G, N, P और T नामक पाँ च पु क एक के
(not necessarily in the same order). N is ऊपर एक रखी गई ह (ज री नहीं िक उसी म
questions are asked mainly related to
placed to the immediate left of A. R is म)। N और G. B के बीच केवल एक पु क रखी
seating of people or arrangement of items.
placed second to the left of Q. P is placed गई है । B, P के ठीक ऊपर है । G, N के ऊपर नहीं
To solve such questions, it is necessary to है । कौन सी पु क सबसे ऊपर है ?
have knowledge of the left and right of a second to the right of A. P is placed to the
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
person and an item. If many people are immediate right of R. L is placed to the
(a) G (b) P (c) B (d) T
sitting on a circular path and all of them left of N. Which laptop is placed to the
are sitting facing the centre, then the immediate right of L?
Q7. Six computers labelled E, F, G, H, I
sequence of rotation to their left is छह लैपटॉप, N, Q, P, L, R और A को उ र की
ओर एक पं म रखा गया है (ज री नहीं िक and J are placed in a row facing towards
clockwise and the order of rotation to the the north(not necessarily in the same
उसी म म)। N को A के त ाल बाय रखा गया
right is anti-clockwise./इसे हल करने के है ।R, Q के बाएं से दू सरे थान पर है ।P को A के order). Two computers are placed
िलए कुछ शत दी जाती है िजनके आधार पर दाईं ओर दू सरा थान िदया गया है ।P, R के त ाल between E and I. G is placed second to
ो को हल करना होता है । इसम मु तः दाय रखा जाता है । L, N के बाईं ओर रखा गया है । the right of J, F is placed second to the
लोगो के बैठने का या व ुओं के रखने की L के त ाल दाएं को कौन सा लैपटॉप रखा गया right of E. I is placed to the left of E.
व था से संबंिधत पूछे जाते है । ऐसे ो है ? Which computer is placed to the right of
को हल करने के िलए िकसी और व ु MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
के बां या और दां ये की जानकारी होनी ज री (a) N (b) Q (c) P (d) A छः कं ूटर- E, F, G, H, I और J एक पं म
है । अगर ब त से वृताकार पथ पर बैठे उ र की ओर मुख करके रखे गए ह, लेिकन
हो और सभी क की तरफ मुख करके बैठे हो Q4.Six friends, C, E, G, I K and M, are ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | E और I के बीच दो
तो उनके बां ये घूमने का म ॉकवाइज sitting around a circular table facing कं ूटर ह | G, J के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | F,
होता है तथा दां ये घूमने का म towards the centre and at equal distance E के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | I, E के बाएं को
from each other (not necessarily in the रखा गया है | G के दाय को कौन सा कं ूटर है ?
एं टी- ॉकवाइज होता है ।
same order). E is second to the right of C, MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
K is to the immediate right of G. G and I (a) E (b) F (c) H (d) G
are facing towards each other. Moving
towards the left of I, how many friends Q8. Five articles K,L,P,R and T, are kept
Q1. Five articles, bat, ball, fan, table and one above the other(not necessarily in the
are sitting between I and M?
chair, are kept one above the other (not same order). K is just above T and just
छः िम - C, E, G, I, K और M एक वृ ाकार मेज
necessarily in the same order). The bat is below R. L is just above P and just below
के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह,
four places above the fan. The table is
लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | सभी T. Which article is at the second position
between the ball and the chair. The chair एक-दू सरे से बराबर दू री पर ह | E, C के दाय को from the bottom?
is three places below the bat. Which दू सरे थान पर है | K, G के तुरंत दाय को है | G पां च व ुएँ- K, L, P, R और T एक के ऊपर एक
article is at the second position from the और I एक-दू सरे के सामने ह | I के बाएं को I और रखी गयी ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म |
top? M के बीच िकतने लोग ह ? K, T के तुरंत ऊपर है और R के तुरंत नीचे है | L,
पां च व ुओं यथा, ब ा, गद, पंखा, मेज और MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) P से तुरंत ऊपर और T से तुरंत नीचे है | नीचे से
कुस , को एक के ऊपर एक रखा गया है लेिकन (a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2 दू सरे थान पर कौन सी व ु है ?
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | ब ा पंखे से चार MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
थान ऊपर है | मेज, गद तथा कुस के बीच है | Q5. Five persons, F, J, N, R and V, are (a) T (b) P (c) K (d) L
कुस , ब े से तीन थान नीचे है | कौन सी व ु sitting around a circular table facing
ऊपर से दू सरे थान पर है ? Q9. Five products, N, L, T, U, and R, are
towards the centre (not necessarily in the
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
same order). J is to the immediate left of placed in a row facing towards the east
(a) Fan /पंखा (b) Table /मेज
F. N is second to the left to F, V is second (Not necessarily in the same order). T is
(c) Ball /गद (d) Chair /कुस
to the left of J. WHo is sitting second to second to the left of U. N is second to the
the right of J? right of L. R is to the immediate right of
Q2. Five teachers, H, K, P, R and T, are
पां च लोग - F, J, N, R और V एक वृ ाकार मेज के U. Which product is at the second
sitting around a circular table facing
चारो ओर क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, लेिकन position from the north end?
towards the centre (not necessarily in the ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | J, F के तुरंत बाएं को पां च उ ाद N, L, T, U और R एक पं म पूरब
same order). T is between H and R. P is है | N, F के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | V, J के बाएं की ओर मुख करके रखे गए ह | ( ज़ री नहीं िक
second to the right of R. H is to the को दू सरे थान पर है | J के दाय को दू सरे थान पर इसी म म ) T, U के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है |
immediate left of T. Who is sitting to the कौन बैठा है ? N, L के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | R, U के तुरंत
immediate left of K? / पां च िश क - H, K, P, MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) दाय को है | उ र की ओर से कौन सा उ ाद दू सरे
R और T एक वृ ाकार मेज के चारो ओर क की (a) N (b) F (c) V (d) R थान पर है ?
ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
इसी म म | T, H और R के बीच है | P, R के दाय Q6. Five books labelled B, G, N, P and T (a) U (b) T (c) N (d) L
को दू सरे थान पर है | H, T के तुरंत बाएं को है | K are kept one above the other(Not
के तुरंत बाएं को कौन बैठा आ है ? 340
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q10. Five boys, G, K, P, R and T, are छः कुिसयाँ - J, K, P, R, S और T एक-दू सरे के (a) F (b) N (c) J (d) L
sitting around a circular table facing ऊपर रखी गयी ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी
towards the centre (not necessarily in the म म | R केवल P और S से ऊपर है | J और S के Q17. Six actors, C, E, G, I, K and M, are
बीच चार कुिसयाँ ह | K, P से तीन थान ऊपर है |
same order). R is third to the left of K. P sitting around a circular table facing
यिद हम कुिसयों को नीचे से ऊपर तक वणमाला के
and G are the immediate neighbours of K. towards the centre ( not necessarily in the
म म व थत कर द, तो ( िसवाय J के ) िकतनी
T is to the immediate left of P. Who is same order). M is second to the left of G.
कुिसयों का थान बदल जाएगा ?
sitting second to the right of P? / पां च MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) E is second to the right of C. K is to the
लड़के - G, K, P, R और T एक वृ ाकार मेज के (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 1 immediate left of M. Who is sitting to the
चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, लेिकन immediate right of E?
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | R, K के बाएं को छह अिभनेता, C, E, G, I, K और M, क की ओर
Q14. Six persons, L, M, N, P, Q and R,
तीसरे थान पर है | P और G, K के िनकट पड़ोसी एक गोलाकार टे बल के चारों ओर बैठे ह (ज री
ह | T, P के तुरंत बाएं को है | P के दाय को दू सरे
are sitting in a row facing towards the
नहीं िक उसी म म हों)। M, G के बाएं से दू सरा
थान पर कौन बैठा है ? north (not necessarily in the same order).
है । E, C के दाईं ओर से दू सरा है । K, M के एकदम
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) There are three person between P and
बाएं है । E के एकदम दाएं कौन बैठा है ?
(a) G (b) K (c) T (d) R M.P is not at any of the ends. There are MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
three persons between L and Q. N is to (a) I (b) M (c) K (d) G
Q11. Five phones, H, M, R, T and V, are the left of R. L is at one of the ends. M is
kept one above the other (not necessarily to the right of P. How many person are Q18. Five subjects, R, T, V, X and Z, are
in the same order). The number of phones sitting to the left of N? taught from Monday to Friday (not
above T is same as the number of phones छः - L, M, N, P, Q और R उ र की ओर necessarily in the same order). One
below V. R is just above H. V is at the मुख करके एक पं म बैठे ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री
subject is taught on one day. Only Z is
bottom. There are two phones between M नहीं िक इसी म म | P और M के बीच तीन लोग
taught before R. T is taught before X. T is
ह | P िकसी भी छोर पर नहीं है | L और Q के बीच
and V. Which of the following phones are not taught on Wednesday. How many
केवल तीन लोग ह | N, R के बाएं को है | L िकसी
above R? / पां च फोन - H, M, R, T और V एक subjects are taught before V?
एक छोर पर है | M, के दाय को है | N के बाएं को
दू सरे के ऊपर रखे गए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक पां च िवषयों, आर, टी, वी, ए और जेड को
िकतने लोग ह ?
इसी म म | T के ऊपर रखे गए फोन की सं ा सोमवार से शु वार तक पढ़ाया जाता है (ज री
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
V के नीचे रखे गए फ़ोन की सं ा के बराबर है | नहीं िक उसी म म)। एक िदन म एक िवषय
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2
R, H के ठीक ऊपर है | V तल पर है | M और V पढ़ाया जाता है । केवल R को T से पहले पढ़ाया
के बीच दो फ़ोन ह | R के ऊपर इनम से कौन से जाता है । X को बुधवार को नहीं पढ़ाया जाता है । V
फ़ोन ह ? Q15. Five girls, D, L, N, O and Q, are के पहले िकतने िवषय पढ़ाए जाते ह?
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) sitting in a row facing towards the south ( MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) M and T (b) H and T not necessarily in the same order). L is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0
(c) M and V (d) M and H second to the right of O, Q is to the
immediate right of D. Two girls are Q19. Six teachers A, D, G, J, M and P are
Q12. Six tables labelled C, D, L, N, P and between Q and N. How many girls are sitting around a circular table facing
X are placed in a row facing towards the sitting to the right of D? towards the centre ( not necessarily in the
south (not necessarily in the same order). पाँ च लड़िकयाँ - D, L, N, O और Q दि ण की same order). M is third to the-left of G. D
D is placed second to the left of L. X is ओर मुख करके एक पं म बैठी ई ह, लेिकन
is to the immediate left of J. A is to the
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | L, O के दाय को
placed second to the right of P. N is immediate left of M. If we count in
दू सरे थान पर है | Q, D के तुरंत दाय को है | Q
placed third to the left of D. How many clockwise direction from P, then how
और N के बीच दो लड़िकयाँ ह | D के दाय को
tables are placed between C and X? िकतनी लड़िकयाँ ह ? many teachers are sitting between P and
छः मेज- C, D, L, N, P और X दि ण की ओर MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) J?
मुख करके एक पं म रखे गए ह, लेिकन ज़ री छः िश क A, D, G, J, M और P एक वृ ाकार
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4
नहीं िक इसी म म | D, L के बाएं को दू सरे थान मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे
पर है | X, P के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | N, D ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | M, G
के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर है | C और X के बीच
Q16. Six cars labelled D, F, H, J, L and N
के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर है | D, J के तुरंत बाएं
िकतने मेज ह ? are parked around a circular path facing
को है | A, M के तुरंत बाएं को है | यिद हम P से
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) towards the centre (not necessarily in the दि णावत िगनती कर, तो P और J के बीच िकतने
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4 same order). H is third to the right of N. J िश क बैठे ए ह ?
is to the immediate left of D, F is second MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
Q13. Six chairs labelled J, K, P, R, S and to the left of N, D is second to the left of (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3
T are kept one above the other F, Which car is parked second to the right
(notnecessarily in the same order). R is of H? / छः कार - D, F, H, J, L और N एक Q20. Six trucks K, M, O, Q, S and u are
above only P and S. There are four chairs वृ ाकार पथ के चारो ओर खड़ी की गयी ह िजनका parked around a circular path facing
between J and S, K is three places above मुख क की ओर है | ( ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म towards the centre ( not necessarily in the
) | H, N के दाय को तीसरे थान पर है | J, D के
P. If we arrange these chairs in same order). Q is second to the left of U.
तुरंत बाएं को है | F, N के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है
alphabetical order from top to bottom, S is to the immediate left of M. K is
| D, F के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | H के दाय को
then the position of how many chairs दू सरे थान पर कौन सी कार है ?
second to the right of O. O is to the
(excluding J) will be remains same? MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)

Sitting Arrangement

immediate right of Q. Which truck is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2 Q27. Six players C, E, G, I, K and M are
parked at second position to the left of O. standing in a row facing towards north
छः टक - K, M, O, Q, S और U एक वृ ाकार Q24. Six employees L, N, P, R, T and V (Not
माग के चारो तरफ खड़े िकये गए ह, लेिकन ज़ री are sitting around circular table facing necessarily in the same order). Two
नहीं िक इसी म म | Q, U के बाएं को दू सरे थान towards centre(not necessarily in the players are standing between C and M. I
पर है | S, M के तुरंत बाएं को है | K, O के दाय को
same order),V is second to the left of N. L is
दू सरे थान पर है | O, Q के तुरंत दाय को है | O के
is to the immediate left of P. R is second standing to the immediate left of C. E is
बाएं को दू सरे थान पर कौन सा टक खड़ा है ?
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
to the left of P. P is third to the right of N. standing second to the left of G. K is third
(a) S (b) M (c) K (d) U Who is sitting immediately right of V? to the right of G. Who is standing second
छः कमचारी, L, N, P, R, T और V एक वृ ाकार to the right of I?
मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, छः खलाड़ी - C, E, G, I, K और M एक पं म
Q21. Five articles A, K, P, R and T are
लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | V, N के बाएं उ र की ओर मुख करके खड़े ह, लेिकन ज़ री
kept one above the other (not necessarily
को दू सरे थान पर है | L, P के तुरंत बाएं को है | R, नहीं िक इसी म म | C और M के बीच दो
in the same order). Only T is between K P के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | P, N के दाय को खलाड़ी खड़े ह | I, C के तुरंत बाएं को खड़ा है | E,
and P. P is below K. R is just below P. A तीसरे थान पर है | V के तुरंत दाय को कौन बैठा है G के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | K, G के दाय को
is three places below T, Which article is at ? तीसरे थान पर है | I के दाय को दू सरे थान पर
the bottom? MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) कौन खड़ा है ?
पां च व ुएँ - A, K, P, R और T एक के ऊपर एक (a) R (b) T (c) P (d) N MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
रखी गयी ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | (a) E (b) M (c) K (d) C
K और P के बीच केवल T है | P, K के नीचे है | R, Q25. Five boys J, K, L, M and T are
P के ठीक नीचे है | A, T से तीन थान नीचे है | standing in a queue one after the other Q28. Six shopkeepers K, P, R, X, A and C
सबसे नीचे कौन सी व ु है ?
(not necessarily in the same order). There are sitting around a circular table facing
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
is only one boy between K and J. There is towards the centre (not necessarily in the
(a) T (b) P (c) K (d) A
only one boy between K and L. There are same order). C is second to the left of A.
four boys behind J. T is three places P is to the immediate the right of K. X is
Q22. Six doctors E, G, I, K, M and O are
ahead of L. How many boys are ahead of second to the right of R. A is to the
standing in a row facing towards the north
M? immediate left of X. Which of the
(Not necessarily in the same order). M is
पां च लड़के - J, K, L, M और T एक कतार म एक following pairs of shopkeepers represents
standing to the immediate right of E. K is के बाद एक खड़े ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी the immediate neighbours of X?
standing second to the right of O. Two म म | K और J के बीच केवल एक लड़का है | K छः दु कानदार - K, P, R, X, A और C एक
doctors are standing between I and M. K और L के बीच केवल एक लड़का है | J के पीछे वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख
is towards the left of G. चार लड़के ह | T, L से तीन थान आगे है | M से करके बैठे ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म |
Who is standing to the immediate right of आगे िकतने लड़के ह ? C, A के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | P, K के तुरंत
K? MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) दाय को है | X, R के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | A,
छः िचिक क E, G, I, K, M और O उ र की (a) 3 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) 1 X के तुरंत बाएं को है | दु कानदारों का िन म से
ओर मुख करके एक पं म खड़े ह, लेिकन कौन सा यु X के िनकट पड़ोिसयों को दशाता है
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | M, E के तुरंत दाय Q26. Six cameras G, H, P, S, K and I are ?
को है | K, O के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | I और placed in a row facing towards north (Not MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
M के बीच दो िचिक क ह | K, G के बाएं को है | necessarily in the same order). S is placed (a) A and K (b) A and C
K के तुरंत दाय को कौन है ? (c) K and P (d) A and R
second to the left of I. H is placed second
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
to the right of G. K is placed third to the
(a) E (b) M (c) I (d) G Q29. Six friends B, D, F, H, J and L are
left of G. Which of the following
statements is correct about camera I? sitting around a circular table facing
Q23. Five movies K, L, M, N and P (not towards the centre (not necessarily in the
छः कैमरे G, H, P, S, K और I एक पं मउ र
necessarily in the same order) are की ओर मुख करके लगाए गए ह, लेिकन ज़ री same order). B is to the immediate right
displayed from Monday to Friday. Only नहीं िक इसी म म | S को I के बाएं दू सरे थान of L. D is second to the left of J. F is
one movie is displayed on one day. Each पर लगाया गया है | H को G के दाय को दू सरे थान second to the left of H. L is second to the
movie is displayed only one time. Movie पर लगाया गया है | K को G के बाएं को तीसरे right of H. Who is sitting third to the left
K is displayed on Monday. Two movies थान पर लगाया गया है | कैमरा I के बारे म िन म of F?
are displayed between N and P. L is से कौन सा कथन सही है ?
छः िम B, D, F, H, J और L एक वृ ाकार मेज के
displayed just one day after p. How many MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, लेिकन
movies are displayed before M? (a) I is not the immediate neighbour of H ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | B, L के तुरंत दाय को
पां च िफ़ K, L, M, N और P सोमवार से शु वार / ‘I’ 'H' का िनकटतम पड़ोसी नहीं है है | D, J के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | F, H के बाएं
तक अलग-अलग िदनों को िदखाई गयी, लेिकन (b) I is between G and S / I, G और S के बीच को दू सरे थान पर है | L, H के दाय को दू सरे थान
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | हर िदन एक िफ है पर है | F के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर कौन बैठा है ?
िदखाई गयी | िफ K सोमवार को िदखाई गयी | N (c) P is third to left of I / P, I के बाएं से तीसरा MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
और P के बीच दो िफ़ िदखाई गयी | L को P के है (a) D (b) B (c) J (d) L
बस एक िदन बाद िदखाया गया | M के पहले (d) I is to the immediate left of G / I, G के
िकतनी िफ़ िदखाई गयी ? त ाल बाएं है Q30. There are five cinema halls in a
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) building - Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3, Hall 4
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

and Hall 5. They are one above the other. necessarily in the same order). Number of छः लड़के R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 और R6 एक
Hall 1 is at the bottom, then Hall 2 above tables above T4 are the same as the पं म उ र की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, लेिकन
it and so on. Five movies A, B, C, D and number of tables below T5. T3 is just ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | R4 और R2 के बीच
तीन लड़के ह | R4 िकसी भी छोर पर नहीं है | R1
E are displayed in these given halls. Only above T1. T5 is at the bottom. There are
तथा R5 के बीच केवल तीन लड़के ह | R3, R6 के
one movie is displayed in a particular two tables between T2 and T5. Which of
बाएं तरफ है | R1 िकसी एक छोर पर है | R2, R4
cinema hall. Each movie is displayed only the following is the correct position of
के दाय को है | िन म से कौन सा कथन सही है ?
one time. Movie E is displayed at a even T1? MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
numbered hall. Movie B is displayed at पां च टे बल T1, T2, T3, T4 और T5 को एक के (a) R1 is towards the right of R4
Hall 1 Movie A is displayed at the hall ऊपर एक रखा गया है , लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी (b) R4 is second to the left of R6
just below E. Movie D is not displayed at म म | T4 के ऊपर टे बल की सं ा T5 के नीचे
(c) R5 is at one of the end
रखे गए टे बलों की सं ा के बराबर है | T3, T1 के
even numbered hall. (d) R3 is to the immediate right of R6
ठीक ऊपर है | T5 सबसे नीचे है | T2 और T5 के
एक इमारत म पां च िसनेमा हॉल ह - हॉल 1, हॉल 2,
बीच दो टे बल ह | T1 का सही थान िन म से कौन
हॉल 3, हॉल 4 और हॉल 5. वे एक के ऊपर एक ह। Q36. Six tablets T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and
सा है ?
हॉल 1 सबसे नीचे है , तो हॉल 2 इसके ऊपर और
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) T6 are placed in a row facing towards
इसी तरह। इन िदए गए हॉल म पां च िफ A, B,
C, D और E दिशत ह। केवल एक िफ िकसी (a) T1 is just above T5 North (Not necessarily in the same order).
िवशेष िसनेमा हॉल म दिशत की जाती है । ेक (b) T1 is just below T5 Two tablets are placed between T1 and
िफ को केवल एक बार दिशत िकया जाता है । (c) T1 is three places below T2 T5. T3 is placed second to the right of T6.
मूवी E एक सम सं ा वाले हॉल म दिशत िकया (d) T2 is two places below T1 T2 is placed second to the right of T1. T5
गया। मूवी B को हॉल 1 म िदखाया गया है । मूवी A is towards the left of T1. Which of the
को हॉल E के ठीक नीचे दिशत िकया गया है । Q33. Five teachers P, K, A, R and M are following pair of tablets represents the
मूवी D को िकसी सम सं ा वाले हॉल म दिशत sitting in a row facing towards south (Not tablets to the immediate right of T6
नहीं िकया जाता है ।
necessarily in the same order). K is sitting and T5 respectively?
Which of the following statements is not छह गोिलयाँ T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 और T6 को
second to the right of R. M is sitting to
correct about movie C? / िन िल खत म से उ र की ओर एक पं म रखा गया है (ज री
the immediate right of P. Two teachers are
कौन सा कथन िफ C के बारे म सही नहीं है ? नहीं िक उसी म म)। दो गोिलयाँ T1 और T5 के
sitting between M and A. Who is sitting
MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) बीच रखी गई ह।T3 को T6 के दाईं ओर दू सरे
to the immediate left of R?
(a) C is displayed at the hall just below A. थान पर रखा गया है । T2 को T1 के दाईं ओर रखा
पां च िश क- P, K, A, R और M दि ण की ओर
/ C, A के ठीक नीचे हॉल म दिशत होता है । गया है । T5 T1 के बाईं ओर है । िन म से कौन सी
मुख करके एक पं म बैठे ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री
(b) C is displayed at the odd number Hall. टै बलेट मशः T6 और T5 के दाईं ओर टै बलेट का
नहीं िक इसी म म | K, R के दाय को दू सरे थान
/ C को िवषम सं ा हॉल म दिशत िकया जाता ितिनिध करती है ?
पर है | M, P के तुरंत दाय को बैठा है | M और A
है । MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
के बीच दो िश क बैठे ह | R के तुरंत बाएं को कौन
(c) B is displayed at the hall just below C (a) T1, T4 (b) T4, T1
बैठा है ?
/ B, C के ठीक नीचे हॉल म दिशत होता है । MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) T3, T4 (d) T1, T2
(d) C is displayed at the even number (a) M (b) K (c) P (d) A
Hall. / C सम सं ा हॉल म दिशत िकया गया Q37. Five subjects S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5
है । Q34. Five pens D, E, F, G and H are kept (not necessarily in the same order) are to
one above the other (not necessarily in the be taught from Monday to Friday. One
Q31. Six phones P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 and same order). Only H is between E and F. subject will be taught one day. Only S5 is
P6 are placed in a row facing towards F is below E. G is just below F. D is three taught before S1. S2 is taught before S4.
north (Not necessarily in the same order). places below H. S2 will not be taught on Wednesday.
P1 is placed to the immediate left of P6. How many pens are between E and D? Which of the following pairs of subjects
P5 is placed second to the left of P2. P4 is पां च पेन D, E, F, G और H को एक के ऊपर एक is taught after S3? / पां च िवषयों - S1, S2, S3,
placed second to the right of P6. P4 is to रखा जाता है (ज री नहीं िक उसी म म)। केवल S4 और S5 को सोमवार से शु वार तक पढ़ाया
the immediate right of P5. P3 is towards H, E और F के बीच है । F, E के नीचे है । G, F के जाना है , लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | एक
the left of P1. How many phones are ठीक नीचे है । D, H के नीचे तीन जगह है । E और िदन केवल एक ही िवषय पढ़ाया जाएगा | S1 के
D के बीच िकतने पेन है ? पहले केवल S5 को पढ़ाया जाता है | S2 को S4 से
placed between P3 and P6?
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) पहले पढ़ाया जाता है | S2 को बुधवार को नहीं
छः फ़ोन - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 और P6 एक पं
(a) 3 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) 1 पढ़ाया जाएगा | िन म से कौन से दो िवषय S3 के
म उ र की ओर ,मुख करके रखे गए ह लेिकन
बाद पढ़ाये जाते ह ?
ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | P1 को P6 के तुरंत
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
बाएं को रखा गया है | P5 को P2 के बाएं को दू सरे Q35. Six boys R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 and R6
(a) S4, S1 (b) S2, S5
थान पर रखा गया है | P4 को P6 के दाय को दू सरे are sitting in a row facing towards the
थान पर रखा गया है | P4, P5 के तुरंत दाय को है |
(c) S1, S2 (d) S2, S4
north (Not necessarily in the same order).
P3, P1 के बायीं ओर है | P3 और P6 के बीच िकतने There are three boys between R4 and R2.
फ़ोन रखे गए ह ? Q38. Six tailors T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and
R4 is not at any of the end. Only three
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) T6 are sitting around a circular table
boys are between R1 and R5. R3 is
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 2 facing towards the centre (Not necessarily
towards the left of R6. R1 is at one of the
in the same order). T2 is second to the
end. R2 is towards the right of R4. Which
Q32. Five tables T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 right of T1. T5 is to the immediate right
of the following statements is correct?
are kept one above the other (Not
Sitting Arrangement

of T3. T3 and T4 are facing towards each class. Each video is displayed only one छः बस B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 और B6 एक
other. time. Video M5 is displayed at a even वृ ाकार माग के चारो तरफ खड़ी की गयी ह,
Three of the four given options follow the numbered class. Video M2 is displayed at लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | B3, B6 के
दाय को तीसरे थान पर है | B4, B1 के तुरंत बाएं
same logic. Which of the following does class 1. Video M1 is displayed at the class
को है | B2, B6 के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | B5
not follow that logic? छः दरजी - T1, T2, T3, just
और B1 के बीच िकतनी बस ह ?
T4, T5 और T6 एक वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ below M5. Video M4 is not displayed at
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं even numbered class. एक ू ल म पाँ च (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 2
िक इसी म म | T2, T1 के दाय को दू सरे थान क ाएं ह: क ा 1, क ा 2, क ा 3, क ा 4 और
पर है | T5, T3 के तुरंत दाय को है | T3 और T4 क ा 5। वे एक के ऊपर एक ह। क ा 1 सबसे
एक-दू सरे के सामने ह | िन िल खत चार म से तीन Q44. Five chairs J, H, P, S and M are
नीचे है , िफर क ा 2 इसके ऊपर और इसी तरह
िवक समान तक का अनुसरण करते ह | िन म ऊपर। इन िदए गए वग म पां च वीिडयो M 1, M 2, placed in a row facing towards east (Not
से कौन उस तक का अनुसरण नहीं करता ? M 3, M 4 और M 5 दिशत िकए गए ह। केवल necessarily in the same order). P is second
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) एक वीिडयो एक िवशेष वग म दिशत होता है । to the left of S. J is second to the right of
(a) T2, T3 (b) T4, T6 ेक वीिडयो को केवल एक बार दिशत िकया H. M is to the immediate right of S.
(c) T1, T3 (d) T6, T5 जाता है । वीिडयो M5 को एक सम सं ा वाले वग Which of the following is the correct
म दिशत िकया जाता है । वीिडयो M2 को क ा 1 position of J?
Q39. Five advocates G, N, M, L and A म दिशत िकया गया है । वीिडयो M1 को M5 के पां च कुिसयाँ J, H, P, S और M पूरब की ओर मुख
are sitting around a circular table facing ठीक नीचे की क ा म दिशत िकया गया है । करके एक पं म रखी गयी ह, लेिकन ज़ री
towards the centre (not necessarily in the वीिडयो M4 को िकसी भी सम सं ा वाले म नहीं िक इसी म म | P, S के बाएं को दू सरे थान
दिशत नहीं िकया गया है । पर है | J, H के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | M, S के
same order). A is sitting between G and
Which of the following statement is not तुरंत दाय को है | J का सही थान िन म से कौन
L. M is second to the right of L. G is
correct? / िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही सा है ?
towards the immediate left of A. Who is
नहीं है ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
sitting second to the left of A?
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a). Third to the left of M / M के बाय तीसरा
पां च अिधव ा G, N, M, L और A क की ओर
(a) Only one video is displayed after M3 / (b). Second to the right of H / H के दाईं ओर
एक प रप तािलका के चारों ओर बैठे ह (ज री
M 3 के बाद केवल एक वीिडयो दिशत िकया दू सरा
नहीं िक उसी म म हों)। A, G और L के बीच
जाता है (c). Exactly between S and H / िब ु ल S
बैठा है । M, L के दाय से दू सरे थान पर है । G, A
के बायीं ओर है । A के बाएं से दू सरा कौन बैठा है ? (b) Only two videos are displayed above और H के बीच
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) M1 / M1 के ऊपर केवल दो वीिडयो दिशत (d). To the immediate right of S / 'S' के
(a) M (b) G (c) L (d) N िकया जाता ह त ाल दाईं ओर
(c) Only one video is displayed between
Q40. Six scientists R, L, T, S, N and P are M2 and M5 / केवल एक वीिडयो M2 और M5 Q45. Five toys A, B, C, D and E are kept
standing in a row facing towards north के बीच दिशत होता है one above the other (not necessarily in the
(d) M1 is displayed between M3 and M5 / same order). A is four places above C. D
(Not necessarily in the same order). N is
M1 को M3 और M5 के बीच दिशत िकया जाता is between B and E. E is three places
standing to the immediate right of R. S is
है below A. Three of the given four options
standing second to the right of P. Two
scientists are standing between T and N. S follow the same logic based on their
Q42. Five persons H1, H2, H3, H4 and
is towards the left of L. Which of the arrangement. Which of the following does
H5 are sitting around a circular table
following is correct about the position of not follow that logic? / पां च खलौने- A, B, C,
facing towards the centre (Not necessarily D और E एक के ऊपर एक रखे गए ह, लेिकन
in the same order). H4 is third to the left ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | A, C से चार थान
छः वै ािनक R, L, T, S, N और P उ र की ओर
of H2. H3 and H1 are the immediate ऊपर है | D, B और E के बीच म है | E, A से तीन
मुख करके एक पं म खड़े ह, लेिकन ज़ री
neighbours of H2. H5 is to the immediate थान नीचे है | िन िल खत चार म से तीन िवक
नहीं िक इसी म म | N, R के तुरंत दाय को खड़ा
है | S, P के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | T और N के left of H3. समान तक का अनुसरण करते ह | इनम से कौन सा
Who is sitting third to the right of H1? िवक उस तक का अनुसरण नहीं करता है ?
बीच दो वै ािनक खड़े ह | S, L के बायीं ओर है | L
के थान के िवषय म िन म से कौन सा िवक पां च H1, H2, H3, H4 और H5 एक MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
सही है ? वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख (a) BD (b) DE (c) EC (d) AC
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) करके बैठे ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म |
(a) Between R and N H4, H2 के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर है | H3 तथा Q46. Six boys R, L, B, T, W and N are
(b) Third to the right of R H1, H2 के िनकट पड़ोसी ह | H5, H3 के तुरंत बाएं standing in a row facing towards north
को है | H1 के दाय को तीसरे थान पर कौन बैठा है (Not necessarily in the same order). Two
(c) L is at one of the end
? boys are standing between R and N. T is
(d) Towards the immediate left of N
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
standing to the immediate left of R. L is
(a) H2 (b) H4 (c) H5 (d) H3
Q41. There are five classes: class 1, class standing second to the left of B. W is
2, class 3, class 4 and class 5 in a school. third to the right of B. Who is standing to
Q43. Six buses B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 and
They are one above the other. Class 1 is at the immediate right of R?
B6 are parked around a circular path (not
the bottom, then class 2 above it and so छः लड़के- R, L, B, T, W और N एक पं म
necessarily in the same order). B3 is third उ र की ओर मुख करके खड़े ह, लेिकन ज़ री
on. Five videos M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5
to the right of B6. B4 is to the immediate नहीं िक इसी म म | R तथा N के बीच दो लड़के
are displayed in these given classes. Only
left of B1. B2 is second to the left of B6. खड़े ह | T, R के तुरंत बाएं को खड़ा है | L, B के
one video is displayed in a particular
How many buses are between B5 and B1? 344
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | W, B के दाय को तीसरे है । L2, L3 के ठीक ऊपर और L5 के ठीक नीचे बाएं है | G3 के दाय को दू सरे थान पर कौन सा
थान पर है | R के तुरंत दाय को कौन खड़ा है ? है । L2 के ऊपर िकतनी गद ह? दज बैठा है ?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) L (b) W (c) T (d) B (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1 (a) G1 (b) G6 (c) G5 (d) G4

Q47. Six employees R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Q50. Six sellers G, H, J, K, C and M are Q53. Six boys P, Q, R, S, T and G are
and R6 are sitting around a circular table sitting around a circular table facing sitting around a circular table facing
facing towards the centre (not necessarily towards the centre (not necessarily in the towards the centre (not necessarily in the
in the same order). R5 is third to the left same order). M is second to the left of C. same order). P is to the immediate right of
of R3. R2 is to the immediate left of R4. H is to the immediate right of G. K is G. Q is second to the left of T. R is
R1 is to the immediate left of R5. Which second to the right of J. C is to the second to the left of S. G is second to the
of the following statements is incorrect immediate left of K. Which of the right of S. How many boys are sitting
about R6? following pair of sellers represents the between R and T?
छः कमचारी - R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 और R6 एक immediate neighbours of J and G छः लड़के - P, Q, R, S, T और G एक वृ ाकार
वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख respectively? मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह,
करके खड़े ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | छः िव े ता G, H, J, K, C और M एक वृ ाकार लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | P, G के तुरंत
R5, R3 के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर है | R2, R4 के मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह, दाय को है | Q, T के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | R,
तुरंत बाएं को है | R1, R5 के तुरंत बाएं को है | R6 लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म म | M, C के बाएं S के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | G, S के दाय को
के बारे म िन म से कौन सा कथन गलत है ? को दू सरे थान पर है | H, G के तुरंत दाय को है | दू सरे थान पर है | R तथा T के बीच िकतने लड़के
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) K, J के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | C, K के तुरंत बैठे ह ?
(a). R4 is second to the left of R6. /R4, R6 बाएं को है | िव े ताओं का िन म से कौन सा यु MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
के बाईं ओर से दू सरा है । मशः J और G के िनकट पड़ोिसयों को दशाता है (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0
(b). R6 is between R3 and R1./ R6, R3 और ?
R1 के बीच है । MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q54. Six benches N1, N2, N3, N4, N5
(c). R2 is sitting opposite to R6./ R2 R6 के (a) CK, HM (b) CM, HM and N6 are kept one above the other (not
िवपरीत बैठा है । (c) KH, MC (d) CM,KH necessarily in the same order). N4 is
(d). R5 is to the immediate right of R6./ above N3 and N5 only. There are four
R5 R6 के त ाल दाईं ओर है । Q51. Six toys T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 benches between N1 and N5. N2 is three
are kept around a circular path (not places above N3. Which of the following
Q48. Five movies F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 necessarily in the same order). T4 is statements is not correct?
(not necessarily in the same order) are second to the left of T6. T5 is to the छः बच - N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 और N6 एक के
displayed from Monday to Friday. Only immediate left of T2. T1 is second to the ऊपर एक रखी गयी ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी
one movie is displayed on one day. Each right of T3. T3 is to the immediate right म म | N4, N3 और N5 के ठीक ऊपर है | N1
of T4. If we start counting the number of और N5 के बीच चार बच ह | N2, N3 से तीन थान
movie is displayed only one time. Movie
ऊपर है | िन म से कौन सा कथन गलत है ?
F1 is displayed on Monday. Two movies toys towards the left of T5, then how
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
are displayed between F4 and F5. F2 is many toys are kept
(a) N2 is just above N6/ N2 N6 के ठीक
displayed just one day after F5. Which between T6 and T5?
ऊपर है
movie is displayed on Wednesday? छः खलौने - T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 और T6 एक
(b) There are two bench between N3 and
पां च िफ़ F1, F2, F3, F4, तथा F5 सोमवार से वृ ाकार माग पर रखे गए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं
िक इसी म म | T4, T6 के बाएं को दू सरे थान
N2/N3 और N2 के बीच दो बच ह
शु वार तक दिशत की जाती ह, लेिकन ज़ री
पर है | T5, T2 के तुरंत बाएं को है | T1, T3 के दाय (c) N1 is between N6 and N2/N1, N6 और
नहीं िक इसी म म | एक िदन केवल एक ही
को दू सरा है | T3, T4 के तुरंत दाय को है | यिद हम N2 के बीच है
िफ िदखाई जाती है | एक समय म केवल एक ही
T5 के बायीं ओर खलौनों की िगनती करना शु (d) N5 is at the bottom end/ N5 सबसे िनचले
िफ का दशन िकया जाता है | िफ F1 का
दशन सोमवार को िकया गया | F4 तथा F5 के कर, तो T6 और T5 के बीच िकतने खलौने रखे ह िसरे पर है
बीच दो िफ़ दिशत की गयी | F2 का दशन F5 ?
के ठीक एक िदन बाद िकया गया | बुधवार को कौन MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q55. Eight boys P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and
सी िफ दिशत की गयी ? (a) 2 (b) 0 (c) 3 (d) 1 W are sitting in a Circular table. P and Q
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) are sitting in front of each other. S is
(a) F2 (b) F3 (c) F4 (d) F5 Q52. Six tailors G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and sitting second from the right of P and V is
G6 are sitting around a table facing sitting second to the right of Q. T and W
Q49. Five balls L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 are towards the centre(not necessarily in the are sitting in front of each other. R is
kept one above the other (not necessarily same order). G6 is second to the left of sitting between P and V. How many boys
in the same order). L1 is just above L5 G3. G2 is second to the right of G1. G5 are sitting between U and V, When
and just below L4. L2 is just above L3 goes to the immediate left of G6. Which counted from the right of U?
and just below L5. How many balls are tailor is sitting second to the right of G3? आठ लड़के - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक
above L2? छः दज - G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 और G6 एक वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ बैठे ए ह | P तथा Q
पां च गदों L1, L2, L3, L4 और L5 को एक के वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख एक दू सरे के सामने ह | S, P के दाय को दू सरे थान
ऊपर एक रखा जाता है (ज री नहीं िक उसी म करके बैठे ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक इसी म पर तथा V, Q के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | T और
म)। L1, L5 के ठीक ऊपर और L4 के ठीक नीचे म | G6, G3 के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है | G2, G1 W एक-दू सरे के सामने ह | R, P और V के बीच म
के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | G5, G6 के तुरंत बैठा आ है |यिद हम U के दािहनी ओर से िगनना
Sitting Arrangement

शु कर, तो U और V के बीच िकतने लड़के बैठे P, Q के तुरंत दाय को बैठा है | P और W के बीच MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
एह? कौन बैठा आ है ? (a) A (b) G (c) B (d) D
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Three /तीन (b) Five / पां च (a) U (b) T (c) V (d) Q Q64. Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G
(c) Four /चार (d) Two /दो and H are standing in two lines of four
Q60. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are students each during school prayer. H is
Q56. Six friends A, B, C, C, E and F are sitting in a line. E is between D and F. A after D. C is just before A. E is after B. C
standing in a row facing north. B is is second to the right of F. C is at the and G are in the front positions. F is
exactly in between F and D. E is standing extreme right. Who is sitting at second between G and B. Which two persons are
exactly in between A and C. A is not a place to the left of C? standing at third position in both the
neighbour of D and F. C is not a छः A, B, C, D, E और F एक पं म बैठे
neighbour of D but immediate right of F. ए ह | E, D और F के बीच है | A, F के दाय को
आठ िम - A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H दो
C is standing in between which of the दू सरे थान पर है | C एकदम दायीं ओर है | C के
पं यों म बैठे ह िजनम से ेक पं म चार
बाएं को दू सरे थान पर कौन बैठा आ है ?
following? लोग ह | H, D के बाद है | C, A के ठीक पहले है |
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
छः िम - A, B, C, D, E और F उ र की ओर मुख E, B के बाद है | C और G अपनी पं यों म आगे
करके एक पं म खड़े ह | B, F और D के बीच (a) D (b) A (c) B (d) F ह | F, G और B के बीच है | ेक पं के तीसरे
खड़ा है | E, A और C के बीच खड़ा है | A, D और थान पर कौन से दो िम बैठे ह ?
F का पड़ोसी नहीं है | C, D का पड़ोसी नहीं है , Q61. Among five rods P, Q, R, S and T, S MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
लेिकन C, F के एकदम दाय को है | इनम से िकन is lengthier than T. R is shorter than P. Q (a) B and H (b) B and F
दो लोगों के बीच म C खड़ा है ? is lengthier than S. P is lengthier than (c) D and B (d) D and F
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) only one rod. Which rod is second
(a) E and F (b) E and B lengthiest among all the rods? Q65. Five persons participated in a race.
(c) D and F (d) A and E पां च छड़ों - P, Q, R, S और T म से, S, T से लंबा है Kartik finished the race immediately after
| R, P से छोटा है | Q, S से लंबा है | P केवल एक ही Prabhjot. Faraz finished just before
Q57. Compare the salary of employees B, छड़ से लंबा है | सभी छड़ों म दू सरा सबसे लंबा छड़
Lakshya.Anil finished the race just before
R, G, A, and M in relation to each other: कौन सा है ?
Faraz. Anil came at third place. Who
M get more salary than A and G. R’s MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
came second in the race?
salary is less than three persons. B’s (a) S (b) T (c) P (d) Q
एक दौड़ म पां च यों ने भाग िलया। भजोत
salary is the lowest. Whose salary is the के तुरंत बाद काितक ने दौड़ पूरी की। फ़राज़ ने
second lowest? Q62. Total 42 students are standing in a ल ा से ठीक पहले समा िकया। अिनल ने
एक दू सरे के संबंध म कमचा रयों के वेतन की line facing east. Neha's position is 16th फ़राज़ से ठीक पहले समा िकया।अिनल तीसरे
तुलना B, R, G, A और M कर: from the right end. Vinita is standing at थान पर आए। दौड़ म दू सरे नंबर पर कौन आया?
M को A और G से अिधक वेतन िमलता है । R का 26th position from the left. If Mangala is MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
वेतन तीन यों से कम है । B का वेतन सबसे standing at the 7th place to the right of (a) Faraz/फ़राज़ (b) Lakshya/ल ा
कम है । िकसका वेतन दू सरा सबसे कम है ? Neha, what is Mangala's position from the (c) Kartik/काितक (d) Prabhjot/ भजोत
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) left end of the row?
(a) R (b) A (c) G (d) M कुल 42 छा पूव की ओर एक पं म खड़े ह। Q66. Some players are standing in a
दािहने छोर से नेहा की थित 16वीं है । िवनीता बाईं queue. Veer is 15th from the front and
Q58. Amrit is older than Vikrant. Shanaz ओर से 26 व थान पर ह। यिद मंगला नेहा के Sanket is 20th from the rear end of the
is older than Joya. Ketan is younger than दािहने से 7व थान पर खड़ी है , तो पं के बाएं
queue. Aryan is after Veer but has two
Joya.Vikrant is older than Shanaz. Who is छोर से मंगला की थित ा है ?
players between him and Veer. Sanket is
the youngest in the group? MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
immediately after Aryan. How many
अमृत िव ां त से बड़ा है । जोया से शनाज बड़ी है । (a) 34th (b) 33rd (c) 35th (d) 32nd
players are there in the queue?
केतन जोया से छोटा है । िव ां त शनाज़ से बड़ा है ।
कुछ खलाड़ी एक पं म खड़े ह | वीर आगे से
समूह म सबसे छोटा कौन है ? Q63. The houses of eight persons A, B,
15व थान पर खड़ा है | साकेत पीछे से 20व थान
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon) C, D, E, F, G and H are located in two पर है | आयन, वीर के पीछे है तथा उनके बीच दो
(a) Shanaz (b) Ketan rows of four houses each. Both rows are खलाड़ी ह | साकेत आयन के ठीक बाद है | इस
(c) Joya (d) Vikrant facing each other. E's house is between F पं म िकतने खलाड़ी ह ?
and G's house. B and H's houses are at MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
Q59. Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and corners. B's house is diagonally located to (a) 37 (b) 39 (c) 38 (d) 36
W are sitting around a circular table at C's house. A's house is facing B's house.
equal distances from each other. U is Whose house is located between C's and Q67. Yuvraj has got more marks than
sitting extremely opposite to P. S is H's house? Shakti. Neha has got less marks than
between V and Q. R is between U and W. आठ यों - A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H के Anamika. Swapnil has got more marks
P is sitting to the immediate right of Q. घर दो पं यों म थत ह िजनम से ेक पं म than Adil. Yuvraj gets less marks than
Who is sitting between P and W? चार घर ह | दोनों पं याँ एक-दू सरे के सामने ह | Adil. Anamika and Shakti has got equal
आठ िम - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक E का घर F और G के घर के बीच है | B तथा H के marks. Aditya has got more marks than
वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ एक-दू सरे से बराबर घर िकनारों पर ह | B का घर C के घर से ितरछी
Adil but less than only one person in the
दू री पर बैठे ए ह | U, P के एकदम सामने बैठा है | िदशा ( diagonally ) थत है | A का घर B के घर
group. Who has got the highest and
S, V और Q के बीच है | R, U और W के बीच है | के सामने है | C तथा H के घरों के बीच िकसका घर
lowest marks?
थत है ? 346
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

युवराज को श से अिधक अंक िमले ह | नेहा को MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q75. M, N, P, R, T, W, F and H are sitting
अनािमका से कम अंक िमले ह | ि ल को आिदल (a) S (b) P (c) W (d) U around a circle at the centre, P is third to
से अिधक अंक िमले ह | युवराज को आिदल से कम the left of M and second to the right of T.
अंक िमले ह | अनािमका और श को बराबर Q71. Among 45 students of a class, 26 N is second to the right of P. R is second
अंक िमले ह | आिद को आिदल से अिधक लेिकन
attend Yoga class, 28 attend Gymnastic to the right of W who is second to the
समूह म केवल एक ही से कम अंक िमले ह |
class and 5 students attend neither Yoga right of M. F is not an immediate
सबसे अिधक एवं सबसे कम अंक िकसको िमले ह
nor Gymnastic class. How many students neighbour of P. Who is to the immediate
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) attend both Yoga and Gymnastic classes? right of P?
(a) Yuvraj - highest, Neha - lowest एक क ा के 45 छा ों म से, 26 योग की क ा म M, N, P, R, T, W, F और H क म एक वृ के
शािमल ए, 28 िजमना क की क ा म शािमल चारों ओर बैठे ह, P, M के बाएं से तीसरे और T के
(b) Swapnil - highest, Shakti - lowest
ए तथा 5 छा ना तो योग ना ही िजमना क की दाय से दू सरे थान पर है ।N, P के दाईं ओर दू सरा
(c) Swapnil - highest, Neha - lowest
क ा म शािमल ए | िकतने छा योग तथा है ।R, W के दाय से दू सरे नंबर पर है , जो M के दाय
(d) Adil - highest, Swapnil - lowest िजमना क दोनों की क ाओं म शािमल ए ? से दू सरे नंबर पर है , P का त ाल पड़ोसी नहीं है ।
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) P के त ाल दाएं को कौन है ?
Q68. In a class of 70 students, 40 students (a) 16 (b) 14 (c) 12 (d) 10 MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
have passed in philosophy, 36 have (a) H (b) F (c) R (d) W
passed in History, 10 students have failed Q72. Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are
in both the subjects. How many students standing in a circular form. U is standing Q76. Six people have different heights. U
have passed in Philosophy only? between S and T. T is not standing is the tallest one. P is taller than R, who is
70 छा ों की एक क ा म, 40 छा दशन म पास adjacent to P. P is standing between S and shorter than S. Q is shorter than R, but
ए है , 36 इितहास म उ ीण ए है , दोनों िवषयों म
R. Who is standing between T and R? taller than T. Who is the shortest one?
10 छा असफल रहे ह। केवल दशनशा म
छः P, Q, R, S, T और U गोल घेरा बना कर छह लोगों की अलग-अलग ऊंचाइयां ह। U सबसे
िकतने छा उ ीण ए ह?
खड़े ह | U, S और T के बीच खड़ा है | T, P के लंबा है ।P, R से लंबा है , जो S से छोटा है ।Q, R से
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
सि कट नहीं खड़ा है | P, S और R के बीच खड़ा है छोटा है , लेिकन T से लंबा है । सबसे छोटा कौन है ?
(a) 16 (b) 24 (c) 20 (d) 34 | T और R के बीच कौन खड़ा है ? MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (a) Q (b) S (c) P (d) T
Q69. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are (a) U (b) P (c) Q (d) S
sitting in two lines with three persons in Q77. Satish is 9 ranks ahead of Ajay in
each line. All are facing north. B is ahead Q73. Among five vehicles, A, B, C, D the class of 39 students. If Ajay’s rank is
of D. F is behind E. C and D are diagonal and E, the mileage of D is more than B 15th from the last, then what is Satish’s
to each other. C is just before E. A is after and C. A's mileage is less than B but rank from the start? सतीश 39 छा ों की क ा
D. Which two persons are sitting at the more than C. E's mileage is more than A म अजय से 9 रक आगे है । अगर अजय की रक
last positions of both the rows? but less than B. Which vehicles's mileage आ खरी से 15वीं है , तो सतीश की रक शु से ा
छः - A, B, C, D, E और F दो पं यों म is the highest among all five vehicles? है ?
बैठे ए ह, िजनम से ेक पं म तीन लोग ह | पां च वाहनों - A, B, C, D और E म से, D का MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)
सभी का मुख उ र िदशा म है | B, D से आगे है | F, (a) 18th (b) 14th (c) 24th (d) 16th
माइलेज B और C से अिधक है | A का माइलेज B
E के पीछे है | C तथा D एक दू सरे के ितरछी िदशा
से कम लेिकन C से अिधक है | E का माइलेज A से
म ह | C, E से ठीक पहले है | A, D के बाद है | अिधक लेिकन B से कम है | इन पाँ चों म से िकस Q78. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are
कौन से दो ेक पं म अंितम थान पर वाहन का माइलेज सबसे अिधक है ? standing in a row. B is exactly in between
बैठे ए ह ? MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) F and D. E is standing in between A and
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) B (b) A (c) D (d) E C. A is not a neighbor of D and F. C is not
(a) D and E (b) B and E
(c) B and F (d) A and F a neighbor of D but the immediate right
Q74. Five friends' houses are located in of F.In between which of the following
an straight line. Amit's house is not near pairs , is F standing?
Q70. Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and
Dipesh's house. Shayana's house is छः िम - A, B, C, D, E और F एक पं म खड़े
W are sitting around a circular table at
between Brinda's and Sheetal's house. ह | B, F और D के बीच है | E, A और C के बीच है
equal distances from each other. S is
Brinda's house is between Shayana and | A, D तथा F का पड़ोसी नहीं है | C, D का पड़ोसी
between V and Q. Also Q is between P नहीं है लेिकन F के तुरंत दाय को है | िन म से
Dipesh. Whose houses are located near
and S. V is sitting in north-east and P is िकन दो लोगों के बीच F खड़ा है ?
sitting in the south direction. W and S, T MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
पां च िम ों के घर एक ही पं म ह | अिमत का घर
and V, and Q and R are sitting at exact दीपेश के घर के समीप नहीं है | शानाया का घर (a) C and A (b) B and C
opposite ends. Who is sitting between R बृंदा तथा शीतल के घर के बीच है | बृंदा का घर (c) Band A (d) B and D
and V? शानाया और दीपेश के घर के बीच है | शीतल के
आठ िम - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक घर के समीप िकन लोगों के घर थत ह ? Q79. Among 6 persons A, B, C, D, E and
वृ ाकार मेज के चारो तरफ एक दू सरे से बराबर MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) F, it is known that; A is taller than at-least
दू सरी पर बैठे ए ह | S, V और Q के बीच है | Q, P (a) Shayana and Brinda 3 persons. C is taller than B, who is taller
और S के बीच है | V उ र-पूव म बैठा आ है | W (b) Amit and Dipesh than exactly 1 person. D is not shorter
तथा S, T और V तथा Q एवं R ठीक िवपरीत छोरों (c) Amit and Shayana
पर बैठे ए ह | R और V के बीच कौन बैठा आ है than C. E is taller than A and D is shorter
(d) Amit and Brinda

Sitting Arrangement

than A. Who is 4th shortest than A. Who is 35 ब ों की क ा म, आरव की रक शीष से छठे िजनकी कीमत अलग-अलग थीं | B की कार C की
4th shortest person among all? थान पर है । रोनी आरव से सात रक नीचे है । नीचे कार से महँ गी थी लेिकन E की कार से स ी थी |
6 यों म A, B, C, D, E और F, यह ात है से रोनी की रक ा है ? A की कार D की कार से महँ गी थी लेिकन C की
िक; A कम से कम 3 यों से लंबा है । C, ठीक MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) कार से स ी थी | िकसकी कार दू सरी सबसे महँ गी
1 से लंबा है । D, C से छोटा नहीं है । E, A से (a) 30th (b) 23rd (c) 20th (d) 22nd कार थी ?
लंबा है और D, A से छोटा है । A से 4 वाँ सबसे MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
छोटा और कौन 4 से सबसे छोटा है ? (a) E (b) A (c) B (d) C
Q83. Six boys are sitting around a
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
circular table facing centre.M is second to
(a) F (b) C (c) D (d) A Q87. Among A, B, C, D and each having
the right of K who is sitting opposite to
a different weight, D is heavier than A
F.L and O are sitting opposite to each
Q80. Study the following information and E, while M is lighter than C who is
other.Neither L nor R is sitting near F.
carefully and answer the question given lighter than E. Who among them is the
Who is sitting opposite to R?
below. heaviest?
छः लड़के एक गोल घेरा बना कर बैठे ह तथा
िन िल खत जानकारी का ानपूवक अ यन उनका मुख क की ओर है | K, F के सामने है तथा A, B, C, D और E - इन सभी के वज़न
कर और नीचे िदए गए का उ र द। M, K के दाय को दू सरा है | L और O एक-दू सरे के अलग-अलग ह | D का वज़न A और E से अिधक है
(i) Eight boys P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W सामने है | ना तो L ना ही R, F के समीप ह | R के तथा B का वज़न C से कम है , जो E से ह ा है |
are sitting in a circular table. आठ लड़के P, सामने कौन है ? सबसे अिधक वज़न िकसका है ?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक गोलाकार टे बल म MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)
बैठे ह। (a) F (b) K (c) O (d) M (a) B (b) C (c) D (d) A
(ii) P and Q are sitting opposite to each
other. / P और Q एक दू सरे के िवपरीत बैठे ह। Q84. Six persons B, C, D, F, G and H are Q88. (i) Five boys A, B, C, D, E are
(iii) S is sitting second to the right of P sitting in a row facing the north. B and C sitting in a park in a circle. / पां च लड़के A,
B, C, D, E एक वृताकार पाक म बैठे ह।
and V is sitting second to the right of Q/ are sitting at the ends. F is sitting second
S, P के दाय से दू सरे थान पर बैठा है और V, Q के (ii) A is facing south-west and D is facing
to the left of C. D is adjacent to both B
दाय से दू सरे थान पर बैठा है south-east. / A का मुख दि ण-पि म की तरफ
and H.
(iv) T and W are sitting opposite to each है और D का मुख दि ण-पूव की तरफ है ।
What is the position of G with respect to
other. / T और W एक दू सरे के िवपरीत बैठे ह। (iii) B and E are right opposite A and D
(v) R is sitting between P and V./ R, P और respectively. / B और E मशः A और D के
छः - B, C, D, F, G और H एक पं म
ठीक िवपरीत ह।
V के बीच म बैठा है । उ र की ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह | B तथा C
What is the position of T with respect to िकनारों पर ह | F, C के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है |
(iv) C is equidistant between D and B. / C,
Q? / Q के संबंध म T की थित ा है ? D, B और H दोनों के सि कट है | F के संबंध म G D और B के बीच समान दु री पर है ।
का थान कौन सा है ? In which direction C is facing? / C का मुख
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) िकस िदशा म है ?
(a) Second to the left / बाईं ओर दू सरा
(a) Immediate right / त ाल दाएं MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) second to the right / दाईं ओर दू सरा
(b) Immediate left / त ाल बाएं (a) West / पि म (b) South / दि ण
(c) Third to the left / बाईं ओर तीसरा
(c) Second to the left / बाईं ओर दू सरा (c) East / पूव (d) North / उ र
(d) Third to the right / दाईं ओर तीसरा
(d) Second to the right / दायीं ओर दू सरा
Q89. Seven kids M, N, O, P, Q, R and S
Q81. Five persons are sitting in a row
Q85. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are are standing in a row facing north. S is to
facing north C is fourth to the left of M
sitting around a round table facing the the immediate right of P and to the
and both have only one neighbour. B is
centre. A sits second to the right of B, E immediate left of N. M is on the
sitting exactly at the middle of the row. N
sits second to the left of C. B doesn't sit immediate right of O. M and P have one
is sitting immediate left of M. V is
adjacent to E.D does not sit opposite to E kid standing between them. Q and N have
another person. What is the position of N
or C. Who sits to the immediate left of E? two kids between them. P and R have also
with respect to V?
छः िम - A, B, C, D, E और F एक गोलाकार मेज two kids standing between them. Who is
पां च एक पं म उ र की ओर मुख करके
के चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह | exactly in the middle?
बैठे ए ह | C, M के बाएं को चौथा है तथा दोनों का
A, B के दाय को दू सरे थान पर है | E, C के बाएं सात ब े M, N, O, P, Q, R और S उ र की ओर
केवल एक ही पड़ोसी है | B इस पं के ठीक बीच
म है | N, M के तुरंत बाएं को है | V एक अ को दू सरे थान पर है | B, E के सि कट नहीं बैठा है एक पं म खड़े ह। S, P के त ाल दाएं और N
है | V के संबंध म N का थान ा है ? | D, E या C के समीप नहीं बैठा है | E के तुरंत बाएं के बाएं है । M, O के त ाल दाईं ओर है । M और
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) को कौन बैठा आ है ? P के बीच एक ब ा खड़ा है । Q और N के बीच दो
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) ब े ह। P और R के बीच दो ब े भी ह। िबलकुल
(a) Second to the right / दाईं ओर दू सरा
(a) A (b) D (c) B (d) C बीच म कौन है ?
(b) Immediate right / त ाल दाईं
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Second to the left / बाईं ओर दू सरा
Q86. Five friends A, B, C, D and E (a) M (b) S (c) O (d) P
(d) Immediate left / त ाल बाईं
bought cars which were priced differently.
B's car was costlier than C's car but was Q90. There are five cousins namely
Q82. In a class of 35 children, Aarav’s
less costly than E's car. A's car was Ashish, Manish, Kailash, Daksh, and
rank is sixth from the top. Ronnie is seven
costlier than D's car but less costly than Lalit of different ages. All these cousins
ranks below Aarav. What is Ronnie’s rank
C's car. Whose car was the 2nd costliest? / are arranged in the descending order of
from the bottom?
पां च िम - A, B, C, D और E ने कार ख़रीदी their ages. Ashish, brother of Kailash, is
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

the second youngest and is 19 years old. होता है । िकन नाटकों का मंचन सोमवार को होता A, F से तीन से लंबा है ।C, D से छोटा है , जो
Daksh, brother of Lalit, is between है ? सबसे लंबा है । B, E से लंबा है ।C, F से न तो छोटा
Kailash and Manish. Kailash is 42 years MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) है और न ही A से लंबा है ।िदए गए लोगों म दू सरा
(a) B & A (b) A & F सबसे छोटा कौन है ?
old and Ashish is 20 years younger than
(c) B & C (d) C & E MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Daksh. Who among the following is the
(a) C (b) A (c) E (d) B
पां च चचेरे भाई - आशीष, मनीष, कैलाश, द और Q94. A group of friends A,B,C,D and E
लिलत ह िजनकी उ अलग-अलग है | इन सभी are sitting in a row. D is sitting to B’s Q98 P, Q, R, S, T, U are 6 persons sitting
भाइयों को इनकी उ के अनुसार अवरोही म म immediate right. C is sitting to E’s in a straight line facing north but not in
खड़ा िकया जाता है | आशीष, जो कैलाश का भाई immediate left and is at one of the ends. If the same order. There are sitting between
है , दू सरा सबसे छोटा है एवं 19 वष का है | द , जो A is not sitting at either end, who among the P and T,S is to the immediate right of
लिलत का भाई है , कैलाश और मनीष के बीच है | these friends are sitting at the two ends of P,R is at the extreme right. Q is second to
कैलाश 42 वष का है तथा आशीष द से 20 वष the left of P. U is sitting between Q & P.
the sequence?
छोटा है | इनम से सबसे छोटा कौन है ? Who is sitting at the left end?
एक समूह के पां च िम - A, B, C, D और E िकसी
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) P, Q, R, S, T और U एक सीधी पं म उ र की
पं म बैठे ए ह | D, B के तुरंत दाय को है | C,
(a) Ashish/आशीष (b) Daksh/द E के तुरंत बाएं को है तथा िकसी एक छोर पर बैठा ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह, लेिकन ज़ री नहीं िक
(c) Lalit/लिलत (d)Manish/मनीष है | यिद A िकसी भी छोर पर नहीं है , तो कौन से दो इसी म म | P और T के बीच दो बैठे ए ह
िम िकनारों पर बैठे ए ह ? | S, P के तुरंत बाएं को है | R दायीं छोर पर है | Q,
Q91. There are five different cottages, M MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) P के बाएं को दू सरा है | R, Q और P के बीच बैठा है
to Q in a row. M is to the right of N and Q (a) B and C (b) D and E | बायीं छोर पर कौन बैठा है ?
is to the left of O and right of M. N is to MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) B and E (d) D and C
the right of P. The first cottage from the (a) S (b) T (c) Q (d) P
left is______. Q95. B,I,J,T,A and D are sitting around a
M से लेकर Q तक एक पं म पां च अलग-अलग Q99. Seven children A, B, C, D, E, F and
round table facing the centre. D is to the
कॉटे ज ह | M, N के दाय को है तथा Q, O के बाएं G are standing in a queue from top to
right of I who is opposite of T, B is not
को तथा M के दाय को है | N, P के दाय को है | bottom. E is at fifth place. Only C is
next to J, who is to the right of T. Who is
बायीं ओर से पहला कॉटे ज है ______ between A and B. G is at bottom. B is
to the left of A?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) three places after F. What is the position
B, I, J, T, A और D एक वृ ाकार मेज के चारो
(a) M (b) N (c) P (d) Q of D from top?
तरफ बैठे ए ह | D, I के दाय को है जो T के
सामने है | B, J का पड़ोसी नहीं है जो T के दाय को सात ब े - A, B, C, D, E, F और G एक कतार म
Q92. Harmeet, Ishpreet, Jaspreet, है | A के बाएं को कौन बैठा है ? ऊपर से नीचे तक खड़े ह | E 5व थान पर है | A
Karpreet and Rashmeet are sitting on a MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) और B के बीच केवल C है | G अंितम म है | B, F से
bench facing North. Jaspreet is between (a) T (b) D (c) I (d) J तीन थान पीछे है | शीष से D का थान ा है ?
Ishpreet and Rashmeet. Harmeet is to the MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
right of Ishpreet. Karpreet is not next to (a) Sixth (b) Fourth
Q96.(i) K,L,M,N,O,P and Q are sitting
Rashmeet. Who is to the right of (c) Second (d) Last
around a circular table facing the centre.
Harmeet? (ii) L sits between N and O.
हरमीत, इश ीत, जस ीत, कर ीत तथा रस ीत Q100. Radhika ranks sixteenth from the
(iii) K is third to the left of O.
उ र की ओर मुख करके एक बच पर बैठे ए ह | top and thirteenth from the bottom in a
(iv) Q is second to the left of M who is to
जस ीत, इश ीत और रस ीत के बीच है | हरमीत, certain examination. How many students
the left of P.
इश ीत के दाय को है | कर ीत, रस ीत के बगल are there in the class?
Which of the following pairs has the first
म नहीं है | हरमीत के दाय को कौन है ? रािधका एक िनि त परी ा म शीष से सोलहवीं
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) person sitting to the immediate left of the
और नीचे से तेरहवीं रक पर ह। क ा म िकतने
(a) Karpreet (b) Ishpreet second person?
छा ह?
(i) K, L, M, N, O, P और Q एक वृ ाकार मेज के
(c) Rashmeet (d) Jaspreet MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
चारो तरफ बैठे ए ह |
(a) 27 (b) 29 (c) 28 (d) 30
(ii) L, N तथा O के बीच बैठा है |
Q93. Six plays A,B,C,D,E and F are to be (iii) K, O के बाएं को तीसरे थान पर बैठा है |
staged on 6 days of the week starting (iv) Q, M के बाएं को दू सरे थान पर है , जो P के Q101. Priya, Dinesh, Mahi, Chetan, Jay,
from Monday and ending on Saturday. तुरंत बाएं को है | Bravo, Amit and Alok are sitting around a
Play D is staged on Tuesday. Play A, C,F िन म से िकस यु म, पहला दू सरे circle facing the centre. Bravo is third to
are staged one after the other in the same के बायीं ओर बैठा आ है ? the right of Mahi and second to the left of
order. Play E is not staged on a Monday MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) Alok. Chetan is not an immediate
or a Wednesday. Which plays are staged (a) LN (b) QN (c) LO (d) MK neighbour of Mahi or Alok. Jay is on the
Monday & Wednesday respectively? immediate right of Priya, who is second
नाटक A, B, C, D, E और F का मंचन सोमवार से Q97. A is taller than F, three persons. C is to the right of Amit.Who sits to the
शु होकर शिनवार को समा होने वाले स ाह shorter than D, who is the tallest. B is immediate right of Alok?
के 6 िदनों म िकया जाना है । मंगलवार को नाटक taller than E. C is neither shorter than F ि या, िदनेश, मािह, चेतन, जय, ावो, अिमत और
D का मंचन िकया जाता है । एक ही म म एक के nor taller than A.Who is the second आलोक िकसी गोल मेज के चारो तरफ क की
बाद एक नाटक C, F का मंचन िकया जाता है । shortest person among the given? ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह | ावो, मािह के दाय को
नाटक E का मंचन सोमवार या बुधवार को नहीं तीसरा तथा आलोक के बाएं को दू सरा है | चेतन,
Sitting Arrangement

मािह तथा आलोक का पड़ोसी नहीं है | जय, ि या िनशा मंगलवार को दशन करगी। आकाश, (iv) B who is in between A and D, is third
के तुरंत दाय को है , जो अिमत के दाय को दू सरी है | िफरोज और िबशाल एक ही म म एक के बाद to the Left of T.
आलोक के तुरंत दाय को कौन बैठा/बैठी है ? एक दशन करगे। दी ा सोमवार या बुधवार को (v) D is at the left end.
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) दशन नहीं करगे। आकाश के बाद िकतने
Which of the following is true?
(a) Mahi (b) Chetan कलाकार दशन करते ह?
(i) A,B,C,D,E और T दि ण की ओर मुख करके
(c) Priya (d) Bravo MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
एक पं म खड़े ह |
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3
(ii) A, E के दाय को तीसरा है |
Q102 L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting (iii) C पं के एक छोर से चौथा है |
around a round table facing the centre. P Q106. F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 are sitting (iv) B, जो A और D के बीच है , T के बाएं को
is opposite Q, Q is to the left of L, O is on a bench. F4 sits to the immediate left तीसरा है |
not next to N, N is to the opposite L. Who of F2. F3 sits to the immediate right of (v ) D बायीं छोर पर है |
is to the right of M? F5. F1 is sitting at one of the corners and िन म से ा सही है ?
L, M, N, O, P और Q एक गोल मेज के चारो तरफ F2 has only one neighbour. Then who MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह | P, Q के सामने among the following friends is sitting in (a) C is in between T and E / C, T और E के
है | Q, L के बाएं को है | O, N का पड़ोसी नहीं है | the middle with two friends at both the बीच म है
N, L के सामने है | M के दाय कौन है ? (b) C is second to the right of B / C, B के दाईं
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) ओर है
F1, F2, F3, F4 तथा F5 एक बच पर बैठे ह | F4,
(a) P (b) Q (c) N (d) L (c) E is immediate right of T / E, T के ठीक
F2 के तुरंत बाएं को बैठा है | F3, F5 के तुरंत दाय
दाय है
को है | F1 िकसी एक छोर पर है तथा F2 का केवल
(d) A is immediate left of C / C के तुरंत बाय है
Q103. V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a एक ही पड़ोसी है | बीच म कौन बैठा है िजसके
row facing north. W is between V and X. दोनों तरफ दो-दो िम ह ?
Q110. Jassi, Akash, Garima, Nitin,
Y is to the left of Z, who is at one end. X MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
Vaishali and Kailash are sitting around a
sits in the centre of the row. Who is to the (a) F2 (b) F3 (c) F5 (d) F4
round table facing the centre. Kailash is to
right of X? the left of Garima, who is opposite
V, W, X, Y और Z एक पं म उ र की ओर Q107. R,N, O, W, Q and C are sitting
Akash, Vaishali is between Akash and
मुख करके बैठे ए ह | W, V और X के बीच है | Y, around a circular table facing inside the
Jassi. Who is to the left of Nitin?
Z के बाएं को है | Z िकसी एक छोर पर है | X क centre. R is sitting immediately to the left
ज ी, आकाश, ग रमा, िनितन, वैशाली और
पर है | X के दाय को कौन है ? of W, who is facing O. O is sitting
कैलाश क की ओर मुख करके एक गोल मेज के
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) immediately to the left to the N. C is not चारो तरफ बैठे ए ह | कैलाश, ग रमा के बाएं को
(a) Z (b) V (c) W (d) Y an immediate neighbour of W. Who is है , जो आकाश के सामने है | वैशाली, आकाश और
sitting to the left of Q? ज ी के बीच है | िनितन के बाएं को कौन है ?
Q104. Five persons are standing in one R, N, O, W, Q और C एक गोल मेज के चारो MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
line facing north. One of the two persons तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह | R, W (a) Vaishali /वैशाली (b) Garima /ग रमा
at extreme end is a painter and the other is के बाएं को दू सरा है , जो O के सामने है | C, W का (c) Akash /आकाश (d) Kailash / कैलाश
a basketball player. A lawyer is to the पड़ोसी नहीं है तथा N, R के सामने नहीं है | Q के
right of a student. A dancer is to the left बाएं को कौन बैठा है ?
Q111. Four students are sitting on a bench
of the basketball player. What is the MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
in a classroom facing North. Sarita is
(a)O (b)W (c)R (d)C
position of lawyer from the left. sitting to the left of Raman. Manish is
पां च एक पं म उ र की ओर मुख करके sitting to the right side of Raman. Rakesh
खड़े ह | िकनारों पर खड़े दो यों म से एक Q108. Eight executives J, K, L, M, N, O,
is sitting between Raman and Manish.
िच कार है तथा दू सरा बा े टबॉल खलाड़ी है | P, & Q are sitting around a circular table
Who is sitting in the second position from
वकील, छा के दाय को खड़ा है | नतक, for a meeting. J is second to the right of P
बा े टबॉल खलाड़ी के बाएं को खड़ा है | बायीं
the left hand side on the bench?
who is third to the right of K. M is second
ओर से वकील का थान कौन सा है ? चार छा एक क ा म बच पर उ र की ओर मुख
to the left of O who sits between P & J, L
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) करके बैठे ए ह | स रता, रमण के बाएं को बैठी है |
is not a neighbour of K or N. Who is to
मनीष, रमण के दायीं ओर बैठा है | राकेश रमण
(a) 5th (b) 3rd (c) 2nd (d) 4th the immediate left of L? और मनीष के बीच बैठा है | बच पर बायीं ओर से
आठ कायकारी अिधकारी J, K, L, M, N, O, P दू सरे थान पर कौन बैठा है ?
Q105. Six performers Akash, Bishal, और Q बैठक करने के िलए एक गोल मेज के चारो MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Nisha, Diksha, Esha and Firoz will तरफ बैठे ए ह | J, P के दाय को दू सरा है जो K के (a) Manish /मनीष (b) Sarita /स रता
perform on one day each of the six days दाय को तीसरा है | M, O के बाएं दू सरा है जो P
(c) Rakesh /राकेश (d) Raman /रमण
of the week starting from Monday and तथा J के बीच बैठा है | L, K या N का पड़ोसी नहीं
ending on Saturday. Nisha will perform है | L के तुरंत बाएं को कौन है ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Q112. Pratik, Esha, Rashmi, Sakshi and
on Tuesday. Akash, Firoz and Bishal will Trisha are sitting on a bench facing North.
(a) Q (b) N (c) J (d) K
perform one after the other in the same Trisha & Esha are sitting together, Trisha
order. Diksha will not perform on & Rashmi are sitting together, Pratik is on
Q109. (i) A,B,C,D,E and T are standing
Monday or Wednesday. How many the extreme left, Esha is second from
in a row facing south.
performers perform after Akash? extreme right. Who is sitting between
छह कलाकार आकाश, िबशाल, िनशा, दी ा, एशा
(ii) A is third to the right of E.
(iii) C is fourth from one end of the row. Pratik & Esha?
और िफरोज स ाह के छह िदनों म से एक िदन
तीक, ईशा, र , सा ी तथा तृषा उ र की ओर
सोमवार से शु होकर शिनवार को समा होंगे।
मुख करके एक बच पर बैठे ए ह | तृषा तथा ईशा
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

एक साथ है | तृषा तथा र एक साथ बैठी है | बीच है | G, E का पड़ोसी है | A और B के बीच is to the immediate right of Akshaya.
तीक सबसे बायीं ओर है | ईशा दायीं ओर से दू सरी कौन है ? Aditi and Priya have one person between
है | तीक और ईशा के बीच कौन बैठा/बैठी है ? CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) them. Trisha and Diksha have two people
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (a) D (b) G (c) F (d) H between them. Anika and Priya have two
(a) Rashmi and Trisha / र और तृषा
people between them. Who is at the
(b) Rashmi and Sakshi / र और सा ी Q.116. Seven professionals are standing extreme right end?
(c) Esha and Trisha / ईशा और तृषा in a row. A journalistis to the immediate सात िम एक पं म बैठे ह। ोित ि या के
(d) Trisha and Sakshi / तृषा और सा ी right of a pharmacist and to the त ाल दाएं और ि शा के बाईं ओर है । अिदित
immediate left of a teacher. An advocate अ य के त ाल दाएं म है । अिदित और ि या के
Q113. Usha, Damini, Amisha, Manju, is on the immediate right of an accountant बीच एक है । ि शा और दी ा के बीच दो
Lalita and Harshita are sitting around a . The advocate and pharmacist have one लोग ह। अिनका और ि या के बीच दो लोग ह।
round table facing the centre. Usha is person between them .The teacher and a दािहने छोर पर कौन है ?
opposite Damini, who is to the right of CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
doctor have two persons between them,
Manju, Usha is between Amisha and (a) Anika / अिनका (b) Akshaya / अ य
an architect and the pharmacist have two
Harshita, Harshita is not next to Manju. (c) Jyoti / ोित (d) Trisha / तृषा
persons between them . Who is in the
Who is to the right of Lalita? middle?
ऊषा, दािमनी, अमीषा, मंजू, लिलता और हिषता सात पेशेवर एक पं म खड़े ह। एक फामािस Q119. A, E, I, O and U are sitting in a
क की ओर मुख करके एक गोल मेज पर बैठी ई के त ाल दाईं ओर एक प कार और एक िश क row facing north, 'O' is sitting next to 'E'
ह | ऊषा, दािमनी के सामने है , जो मंजू के दाय को के त ाल बाईं ओर है । एक वकील एक एकाउं टट and 'U'. 'A' is sitting next to 'I' who is
है | ऊषा, अमीषा और हिषता के बीच है | हिषता के त ाल दाईं ओर है । अिधव ा और फामािस sitting on the extreme left. 'U' is not
मंजू के बगल म नहीं है | लिलता के दाय को कौन है के बीच एक है । िश क और डॉ र के बीच sitting next to' A '. Who is sitting in the
? दो ह। आिकटे और फामािस बीच म middle?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) दो होते ह। बीच म कौन है ? A, E, I, O और U उ र की मुँह करके एक पं
(a) Damini /दािमनी CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) मे बैठे ह 'O' , 'E' और 'U' के बगल मे बैठा ह l 'A',
(b) Usha /ऊषा (a) Pharmacist / फामािस 'I' के बगल म बैठा है , जो सबसे बाईं और बैठा है
(c) Harshita /हिषता (b) Doctor / डॉ र l'U' , 'A' के बगल म नहीं बैठा है l बीच मे कौन
(d) Manju /मंजू (c) Journalist / प कार बैठा है ?
(d) Teacher / िश क CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
CPO 2019 TIER I (a) O (b) U (c) E (d) A
Q114. A, E, I, O, U, H, F and W are Q117. Naveen, Sapna, Alka, Jenny,
sitting around a circular table in Megan, Farhad and Bhavna are sitting in CHSL 2019 TIER I
clockwise manner in the same sequence at a row in a cinema hall. All of them are Q120. The six faces of a dice have been
equal distances from each other. Then O facing the screen that is towards the east. marked with the letters A, B, C, D, E and
and F interchange their positions. If H is Sapna is at the extreme end and her F. If A is adjacent to B, C and E, then
facing the north, then which direction will immediate neighbour is Megan. Jenny is which of the following statements is true?
O be facing? on the right of Megan. Bhavna has Megan / एक पासे के छह मुख िदए गए है िजनपे अ र A,
A, E, I, O, U, H, F और W िकसी गोलाकार मेज and Farhad on each side. Alka is to the B, C, D, E और F िलखे ए है | यिद A के बगल म
के चारो तरफ दि णावत तरीके से समान म म immediate right of Jenny who is sitting B, C और E िलखे ए है , तो िन िल खत म से
बैठे ए ह | तभी O और F आपस म अपना थान third from the south end. Jenny is sitting कौन सा कथन स है ?
बदल लेते ह | यिद H का मुख उ र िदशा की ओर CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
immediately between which of the
है , तो O का मुख िकस िदशा म होगा ? (a) B is adjacent to E / B, E के समीप है ।
following pairs of people?
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (b) A is adjacent to D / A, D के समीप है ।
नवीन, सपना, अलका, जेनी, मेगन, फरहाद और
(a) East/ पूरब भावना िसनेमा हॉल म एक पं म बैठे ह। उन
(c) A is adjacent to F / A, F के समीप है ।
(b) South -west./ दि ण पि म सभी को ीन का सामना करना पड़ रहा है जो पूव (d) D is adjacent to F / D, F के समीप है ।
(c) West/ पि म की ओर है । सपना चरम छोर पर है और उसका
(d) North-east/ उ र-पूव त ाल पड़ोसी मेगन है । जेनी मेगन के दािहने Q121. Read the given statements
तरफ है । हर तरफ मेवना और फरहाद ह। अलका carefully. Assuming that the information
Q115. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are जेनी के त ाल दाईं ओर है जो दि ण छोर से given in the statements is true, decide
तीसरे थान पर बैठा है । जेनी िन िल खत लोगों म which of the given conclusions is correct
sitting around a circular table facing
से िकस जोड़े के बीच तुरंत बैठी है ? based on the statements. / िदए गए वा ों
toward the centre. H is on the immediate
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
left of A but is not a neighbour of D and और िन ष को ान पूवक पढ़ और दी गयी
(a) Bhavna and Farhad / भावना और फरहाद
E. F is on the immediate right of B. C is जानकारी को स मानते ए िन िल खत िवक ों
(b) Naveen and Alka / नवीन और अलका म से सटीक िवक का चुनाव कर |
between E and F , G is neighbour of E.
(c) Farhad and Alka / फरहाद और अलका Statements:
Who is between A and B?
(d) Megan and Bhavna / मेगन और भावना 1. Ram goes to mathematics class on
A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H एक वृ ाकार मेज के
चारो तरफ क की ओर मुख करके बैठे ह | H, A Monday. / राम सोमवार को गिणत की क ा म
के तुरंत बाएं को है लेिकन D और E का पड़ोसी
Q118. Seven friends are sitting in a row. जाता है ।
नहीं है | F, B के तुरंत दाय को है | C, E और F के Jyoti is to the immediate right of Priya 2. He attends literature classes on Friday.
and to the immediate left of Trisha. Aditi / वह शु वार को सािह क ाओं म भाग लेता है ।
Sitting Arrangement

3. He goes to guitar classes the day before (d) Either Sush or Sumi / या तो सुष या सुमी वाणी, ि ी के त ाल दाईं ओर है । एक ही पं
he goes to history classes. / वह इितहास की म कौन से तीन बैठे ह?
क ाओं म जाने से एक िदन पहले िगटार क ाओं Q127. Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
म जाता है । and H are sitting clockwise at equal (a) Jogi, Vikrant and Tripti
4. He attends history classes 2 days before distances from each other in the same (b) Jogi, Tripti and Vaani
literature classes. / वह सािह क ाओं से 2 sequence around a circular table facing (c) Vikrant,Vaani and Tripti
िदन पहले इितहास की क ाओं म भाग लेता है । the centre. If D is facing southwest, then (d) Jogi, Vikrant and Saroj
CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon) who is sitting third to the right of H?
(a) Ram goes to guitar classes on आठ िम A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H दि णावत Q131. Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
Tuesday. / राम मंगलवार को िगटार की क ाओं िदशा म एक-दू सरे से बराबर दू री पर इसी अनु म and H are sitting anticlockwise in the
म जाता है । म वृ ाकार मेज के चारों तरफ बैठे ए ह। यिद D same sequence around a circular table at
(b) Ram goes to guitar classes on Sunday. का मुख दि ण पि म िदशा की ओर है , तो H के equal distance from each other. All are
/ राम रिववार को िगटार की क ाओं म जाता है । दाएँ से तीसरे थान पर कौन बैठा है ? facing the centre of the table. If G is
(c) Ram attends history classes on CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) sitting in the Southeast, then in which
Saturday. / राम शिनवार को इितहास की (a) D (b) F (c) C (d) E direction is A sitting? / आठ िम A, B, C, D,
क ाओं म भाग लेते ह। E, F, G, और H एक ही म म एक दू सरे से समान
(d) Ram goes to guitar classes on Q128. Eight friends A, B,C,D,E,F,G and दू री पर एक गोलाकार टे बल के चारों ओर वामावत
Saturday. / राम शिनवार को िगटार की क ाओं H are sitting in a straight line, all facing म म बैठे ह। सभी टे बल के क का सामना कर
म जाता है । the North. F is sitting between D and G. B रहे ह। यिद G दि ण पूव म बैठा है , तो A िकस
is sitting between H and A. E is third to िदशा म बैठा है ?
the left of G, who is sitting at one of the CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
CPO 2020 TIER 1 (a) South-west / दि ण-पि म
corners. H is third to the left of C. Who is
sitting between A and E? / आठ िम A, B, (b) North-west / उ र-पि म
Q122. Four friends are playing carrom (c) North-east / उ र-पूव
C, D, E, F, G और H एक सीधी रे खा म बैठे ह,
and sitting on the four sides of the carrom (d) North / उ र
सभी उ र की ओर मुंह िकए ए ह। F, D के बीच
board. B is on the right of C, D is to the बैठा है और B, H के बीच बैठा है और E, G के बाएं
left of A. Who is sitting to the left of C? से तीसरा है , जो िकसी छोर म से एक पर बैठा है । Q132. Five students J,K,L,M and N are
चार िम कैरम खेल रहे ह और कैरम बोड के चारों H, C के बाएं से तीसरा है । A और E के बीच कौन sitting on a bench facing the blackboard.
तरफ बैठे ए ह। B, C के दाएँ को है , D, A के बाएँ बैठा है ? K is sitting to the immediate right of M,
को है । C के बाएँ को कौन बैठा है ? CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
who is sitting at the extreme left. If J is to
(a) H (b) B (c) G (d) C
(a) Data is inadequate/ सूचना अपया है । the immediate left of L but exactly right
(b) D (c) B (d) A of N, then who is sitting in the middle of
Q129. Six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U are
the bench? / ैकबोड का सामना करने वाली
sitting around a circular table, facing the बच पर पां च छा J, K, L, M और N बैठे ह। K, M
Q125. At the time of sunrise, Diksha and centre of the table. P is second to right of के एकदम दाय बैठा है , जो सबसे बायीं ओर बैठा
Arpita are sitting in a park with their S. Q is sitting to the immediate left of T. P है । यिद J, L के त ाल बाएं है , लेिकन N के ठीक
backs facing each other. If the shadow of is sitting between R and U. S is sitting to दाएं है , तो बच के बीच म कौन बैठा है ?
Diksha falls to the right of Arpita, then in the immediate left of R. Who is sitting SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
which direction is Arpita facing. between P and S? (a)J (b)L (c)K (d)N
सूय दय के समय, दी ा तथा अिपता एक उ ान म छह िम P, Q, R, S, T और U एक गोल मेज के
बैठी ई ह तथा उनकी पीठ एक-दू सरे के सामने है । चारों ओर बैठे ह, जो तािलका के क का सामना Q133. Six persons P,Q,R,S,T and U were
यिद दी ा की परछाई अिपता के दायीं तरफ पड़ती कर रहे ह। P, S के दू सरे से दाईं ओर है । Q, T के sitting around a hexagon table facing the
है , तो अिपता का मुख िकस िदशा म है ।
बाएं बाएँ पर बैठा है । P, R के बीच बैठा है । S, R के centre. U was sitting opposite to P, who
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) त ाल बाएँ से बैठा है । P और S के बीच म कौन
(a) North/ उ र (b) South/ दि ण was to the immediate left of R, S was
बैठा है ?
(c) West/ पि म (d) East/ पूरब sitting to the immediate right of U, and T
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
was exactly between P and S. What was
(a) Q (b) R (c) T (d) U
Q126. Five persons Lopa, Kripa, Sumi, the sitting location of Q?
छह P, Q, R, S, T और U क की ओर एक
Jani and Sush are sitting in a straight line Q130. Six friends are sitting in two lines,
षट् भुज टे बल के चारों ओर बैठे थे। U, P के ठीक
facing north. Sush is to the immediate left one behind the other line and all the िवपरीत बैठा है , जो R के त ाल बाएं तरफ है , S,
of Sumi, Jani is to the immediate right of friends are facing north. Each line has U के एकदम दाय बैठा है , और T, P और S के बीच
Lopa. Kripa is between Sush and Jani. three friends. Jogi is sitting between म है । Q का बैठने का थान ा था?
Who is sitting between Lopa and Kripa? Vikrant and Saroj.Shrikant is sitting just SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
पाँ च लोपा, कृपा, सुमी, जानी तथा सुष एक behind Vikrant. Vaani is to the immediate (a) Opposite to T / T के िवपरीत
सीधी रे खा म उ र की ओर मुख करके बैठे ए ह। right of Tripti. Which three persons are (b) Opposite to R / R के िवपरीत
सुष, सुमी के तुरंत बाएँ को है , जानी, लोपा के तुरंत sitting in the same line? (c) Opposite to S / S के िवपरीत
दाएँ को है । कृपा सुष तथा जानी के बीच है । लोपा
छह िम दो लाइनों म बैठे ह, दू सरी पं के पीछे (d) Immediate left of P / P के तुरंत बाएं
तथा कृपा के बीच कौन बैठा आ है ?
एक और सभी िम उ र की ओर ह। ेक पं
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
म तीन िम ह। जोगी, िव ां त और सरोज के बीच
(a) Jani/ जानी (b) Sush/ सुष बैठा है । ीकां त िव ां त के ठीक पीछे बैठा है ।
(c) Data is inadequate/ आं कड़े अपया ह 352
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Hence, R is sitting second to the right of

1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(b) 125.(b) 126.(a) 127.(b) 128.(d)
5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) 129.(b) 130.(d) 131.(c) 132.(d)
Sol 6. (c) Correct order of books is :-
9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(c) 133.(a) Top - B - P - N - T - G - Bottom
Book B is at the top.
13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(a) 16.(d)
Solution: Sol 7.(b) As per the given data,
17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(b) arrangement of computers are as follows:
Mts 2019 Tier I
21.(d) 22.(a) 23.(c) 24.(b) Sol 1. (c) As per given conditions, the
following order is obtained:
Hence, F is placed to the right of G.
25.(a) 26.(c) 27.(c) 28.(a)
Sol 8.(d) As per given data, sitting
29.(c) 30.(b) 31.(b) 32.(a)
arrangement of persons are in the
33.(d) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(a) following sequence:
Top - R - K - T - L - P - Bottom
37.(d) 38.(c) 39.(a) 40.(c) Hence, L is at the second position from
Hence, Ball is at the second position from the bottom.
41.(c) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(b) the top.
Sol 9.(b) T is at the second place from the
45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(a) Sol 2 (d) As per given data, circular table north end.
arrangement is as follows:
49.(b) 50.(d) 51.(d) 52.(d)

53.(b) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56.(a)

57.(a) 58.(b) 59.(b) 60.(c)

61.(a) 62.(a) 63.(d) 64.(c) Hence, R is sitting to the immediate left

of K.
65.(c) 66.(c) 67.(c) 68.(b)
Sol 3 (a) N is placed to the immediate Sol 10 (a) As per given directions,
69.(d) 70.(d) 71.(b) 72.(c)
right of L. following circular arrangement is
73.(c) 74.(c) 75.(a) 76.(d) obtained:

77.(d) 78.(b) 79.(c) 80.(c)

Sol 4. (b) As per given data, following
81.(a) 82.(b) 83.(d) 84.(a) circular sitting arrangement is obtained:

85.(a) 86.(c) 87.(c) 88.(c)

89.(d) 90.(c) 91.(c) 92.(a) Hence, G is sitting second to the right of
93.(a) 94.(d) 95.(d) 96.(a)
Hence, going towards the left of I, there
Sol 11 (a) As per given directions,
97.(d) 98.(b) 99.(a) 100.(c) are a total of three persons between I and following arrangement is obtained:
M (namely C, K and G).
101.(c) 102.(b) 103.(d) 104.(b)
Sol 5. (d) As per given data, following Hence, M and T are above R.
105.(d) 106.(b) 107.(b) 108.(c) circular sitting arrangement is obtained:

109.(a) 110.(c) 111.(d) 112.(a) Sol 12 (c) As per given directions,

following arrangement is obtained:
113.(c) 114.(d) 115.(a) 116.(c)

117.(c) 118.(a) 119.(c) 120.(d)

121.(a) 122.(d) 123.(c) 124.(d)

Sitting Arrangement

Hence, there are two tables ( P and D) Sol 19 (c) As per given direction,
between C and X. following arrangement is obtained: Sol 27 (c) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Sol 13(b). As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Hence, K is standing second to the right
of I.

Hence, between P and J in the clockwise Sol 28(a) As per given directions,
direction only G is sitting. following arrangement is obtained:

Sol 20 (b)As per given directions,

following arrangement is obtained:

Hence, the positions of three chairs have

been changed.
Hence, A and K are the immediate
Sol 14(d). As per given direction,
neighbour of X.
following arrangement is obtained:
Hence, Truck M is at the second left of O. Sol 29 (c) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Hence, there are only two people (namely Sol 21 (d) A is at the bottom.
P and L) on the left on N. Top K - T - P - R - A Bottom

Sol 15(a). As per given direction, Sol 22 (a) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained: following arrangement is obtained:

E is to the immediate right of K. Hence, J is sitting third to the left of F.

Hence, there is only one girl to the right
of D. Sol 23 (c) Sequence of movies displayed Sol 30 (b)
from Monday to Friday is K P L M N. 3
Sol 16 (d) (c) L is second to the right of movies are shown before M. Hall Movie
Hall 5 D
Sol 24 (b) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained: Hall 4 E

Hall 3 A

Hall 2 C
Sol 17 (a)
As per given directions, following Hall 1 B
arrangement is obtained:
Hence, T is sitting to the immediate right
of V. Sol 31 (b) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Sol 25 (a) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Top J - T - K - M - L Bottom
Hence, only 1 person is placed between
P3 and P6.
Hence, 3 boys (namely K, T and J) are
Hence, I was sitting on the immediate ahead of M.
right of E. Sol 32 (a) As per given directions,
following arrangement is obtained:
Sol 26 (c) As per given directions,
Sol 18 (b)2 subjects are taught before V. following arrangement is obtained:
and the sequence of subjects from
Monday to Friday is Z , R , V , T and X. Hence, T1 is just above T5, is the correct
Hence, P is third to the left of I. 354
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

5 M4 Tues F5
Sol 33 (d) A is sitting to the immediate
left of R. Wed F2
4 M5

3 M1 Thrus F3

2 M3 Fri F4
Sol 34 (a) Three pens are between E and
D. 1 M2 Sol 49 (b)
Top L4 - L1 - L5 - L2 - L3 Bottom
There are 3 balls above L2
Sol 35 (b) R4 is second to the left of R6. Sol 42 (d) H3 is sitting third to the right
of H1. Sol 50 (d) CM,KH pair of sellers
represents the immediate neighbours of J
and G respectively.
Sol 36 (a)

Sol 37 (d) S2, S4 pair of subjects is

taught after S3.
Sol 43 (d) 2 buses are between B5 and
Mon S5 B1. Sol 51 (d) If we start counting the
number of toys towards the left of T5,
Tue S1 then 1 toy T1 is kept between T5 and T6.

Wed S3

Thurs S2

Fri S4 Sol 44 (b) J is second to the right of H.

Sol 38 (c) T1, T3 does not follow the

Sol 52 (d) G4 is sitting second to the
logic given in the solution. Sol 45 (d) AC does not follow that logic.
right of G3.

Sol 46 (b) W is standing to the

immediate right of R.

Sol 53 (b)2 boys are sitting between R

Sol 39 (a) and T.
Sol 47 (d) This is absolutely wrong that
R5 is to the immediate right of R6.

M is sitting 2nd to the left of A.

Sol 40 (c) L is at one of the ends , i.e. , at

Sol 54 (c) This is absolutely wrong that
the right end of the row.
N1 is in between N2 and N6.

Sol 48 (a) F2 movie is displayed on

Sol 41 (c)
Mon F1
Class Video

Sitting Arrangement

Sol 55 (d) If we count from the right side

of U , two boys are sitting between U and Sol 72 (c) Q is standing between T and
V. R.

Sol 65 (c)
Sequence of person who finish the race
:Prabhjot, Kartik, Anil, Faraz , Lakshya.

Sol 66 (c) Aryan is behind Veer and two Sol 73 (c) D vehicle's mileage is the
Sol 56 (a) C is standing between E and F. players are standing between them. So
highest among all five vehicles. The
Aryan = 15 + 3 = 18th from the front and
sequence of vehicles with the highest
Saket is just after Aryan So Aryan is 21st
mileage to the lowest mileage is D , B , E
from the back. So total students = 18 + 21
, A and C.
Sol 57 (a) - 1 = 38. Highest D - B - E - A - C Lowest
In 5 employees R’s salary is less than 3
employees so R’s salary is the second Sol 67 (c) Swapnil has got the highest
Sol 74 (c) Amit and Shayana houses are
lowest in all. and Neha has got the lowest marks. located near Sheetal’s house. The
sequence of houses from the first to the
Sol 58 (b) last is Dipesh , Brinda , Shayana , Sheetal
A>V>S>J>K and Amit.
Ketan is the youngest in the group.
Sol 75 (a)
Sol 59 (b) T is sitting between P and W. Sol 68 (b)

H is the immediate right of P.
Sol 60 (c) B is sitting at second place to d=failed in both the subjects=10
Sol 76 (d)
the left of C. a+b+c=70-d=60
U -- S -- P -- R -- Q -- T
T is the shortest one.
Sol 77 (d) Satish rank = 39-15-9+1 = 16
Sol 61 (a) S is second lengthiest among
Sol 69 (d) A and F are sitting at the last
all the rods. Diagram in order of shortest Sol 78 (b) F is standing between B and
positions of both the rows.
to lengthiest. C.

Sol 62 (a) Sol 79 (c) The sequence:

Neha is 16th from the right end and E>A>D>C>B>F
meghna is 7th to the right of Neha. That Sol 70 (d) U is sitting between R and V. So, D is the fourth shortest person.
means meghna is 9th from the right end.
Position on Neha from the left end Sol 80 (c)

Sol 63 (d)
Clearly option D is the right answer.

Sol 71 (b) Among 45 students of a class ,

26 attend a Yoga class, 28 attend So, T might be in the third to the left of Q
Gymnastic class , and 5 students attend or at the immediate to the right of Q. But
neither Yoga nor Gymnastic class, which in the option only one option is given that
Sol 64 (c) D and B are standing at 3rd means 45 - 5 = 40. So 26 + 28 = 54 - 40 = T is third to the left of Q.
place of each row. In the First row 14 are attending both the classes.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 81 (a) N is 2nd to the right of V. So, B is the second shortest person among
Sol 90 (c) Lalit is the youngest. the given arrangements.
Kailash - 42
Daksh - 39 Sol 98 (b)Using all given information, we
Sol 82 (b)In the class
Manish - can conclude:
From Top… 5 students… Aarav ….6
Ashish - 19 T is sitting at the left end.
students ….Ronnie…. Left students
Lalit -
Left students = 35-(5+1+6+1) = 22
So, Ronnie is 23rd from the bottom.
Sol 91 (c) The first cottage from the left
is P.
Sol 83 (d) M is opposite to R. Sol 99 (a) D is at the 6th position from
the top.

Sol 92 (a)Using the given equation the

Sequence will be as :
Sol 100 (c)Number of Students =
16+13-1 = 28
Therefore, Karpreet is to the right of
Sol 84 (a) The position of G is the Sol 101(c) Priya is sitting to the
immediate right of F. immediate right of Alok.
Sol 93 (a) From the given information, we
can conclude:
Mon Tues Wedn Thur Fri Satu
day day esday sday day rday
Sol 85 (a) A sits to the immediate left of
B Staged on Monday and A staged on
Sol 102 (b) Q is to the right of M.
Sol 94 (d)Using the given information,
we can conclude:

Sol 86 (c)B’s car was the 2nd costliest.

And the sequence from costliest to the D and C are sitting on the corners.
cheapest car is
E , B , C , A and D. Sol 95 (d) J is sitting to the left of A.
Sol 103 (d) Y is to the right of X.

Sol 87 (c) D is the heaviest. The

sequence from the heaviest to lowest is D
, A , E , C and B. Sol 104 (b)From the given information,
we can conclude:
Sol 88 (c)

Sol 96 (a) In the pair LN , the first Lawyer is at the 3rd position from the left
person is sitting to the immediate left of end.
the 2nd person.
Sol 105.(d) The final arrangement as per
given information:
According to the above figure, C is facing Monday Esha
Tuesday Nisha
Sol 89 (d)
Wednesday Akash
Sol 97 (d)Using all given information, we
can conclude: Thursday Firoz
From the diagram, it can be observed that D> A> >C>F>B> E
P is exactly in the middle Friday Bishal

Sitting Arrangement

Sol 119. (c) According to the given

Saturday Diksha
statement, E is sitting in the middle of the
After Akash, three performers will line.

Sol 106.(b) As per the given information,

According to the above figure, Harshita is
we can conclude the sequence of the line
right to Lalita.
assuming all are facing north direction: CHSL 2019 TIER I
Cpo 2019 Tier I
Sol 120. (d)
F3 is in the middle. Let A be on the top, then, B, C and E are
Sol 114. (d) After interchanging the
on three sides of four sides adjacent to A.
positions of O and F , the new sitting
Sol 107.(b) W is sitting to the left of Q. As we are not given fixed positions of B,
arrangement will be as
C and E, we cannot say anything specific
about them.
However, D and F will definitely be
adjacent to each other irrespective of their
definite positions.

Sol 108.(c) J is to the immediate left of Sol 121. (a)

So , according to the new arrangement , O
L. Mathematics class → Monday
is facing the North-East.
Literature class → Friday
Sol 109.(a) C is between T and E. This is Sol 115.(a) According to the question the History class → Wednesday
true. figure is Guitar class → Tuesday
From north view point :
Sol 122. (d)

From south view point :

Assuming all A,B,C,D are

sitting facing inwards we get the seating
Sol 116. (c) According to the given
Sol 110.(c) Akash is to the left of Nitin. arrangement. From the figure we can
statement , the following figure will be
clearly see that A is sitting to the left of

Sol 123.(c)
According to the given figure, Pharmacist
is in the middle of the line.

Sol 117. (c) According to the given

Sol 111 (d) Using the given information, statement, the row will be as follows :
we can conclude that :
Sarita Raman Rakesh Manish As asked in the question The person
So, Raman is sitting in the second sitting at the second place to the left of T
position from the left hand So , it is clear that Jenny is sitting
is P.
side on the bench. between Farhan and Alka.
Sol 124.(d)
Sol 112 (a) As, it is evident from the Sol 118. (a) According to the
diagram below, Rashmi and Trisha are arrangement of the people in the row as
sitting between Pratik & Esha. shown in the figure given below, Anika is
at the extreme right end.
From the figure we can clearly see that
LNP and KMO are in the same team.
Sol 113 (c) Hence option D is the correct answer.

Sol 125. (b)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Diksha and Arpita are not facing east

west (because the shadow of one would
be on the right hand of the other whereas
if they were facing east west their shadow
Clearly, N is sitting in the middle of the
would be on the front side or backside of
the other)
According to the question shadow of
Sol 133. (a)
Diksha falls to the right of Arpita
It is only possible when Arpita is facing

Sol 126. (a)

From the diagram it is clear that Q is

Jani is clearly sitting between Lopa and sitting opposite to T.
Jani so option A will be the correct

Sol 127. (b)

The person sitting third to the right of H
is E

Sol 128. (d)

The correct order of sitting is
Hence, C is sitting between A and C.

Sol 129. (b)

R is sitting between P and S.

Sol 130. (d) Line from the question - Jogi

is sitting between Vikrant and Saroj
Clearly tells that Jogi, Vikrant and Saroj
are sitting in the same row.

Sol 131. (c)

So, the direction of A is north east.

Sol 132. (d)


DIRECTIONS / िदशाएं िदशा म मुख करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई

उसके पीछे यािन पि म िदशा म बनती है ।
BASICS OF DIRECTIONS: ⇒ If a person is standing facing in the
The directions are four - east, west, west direction at sunrise, then his
north, and south. Apart from this, we use shadow is made in the front or in the
four more directions which are as west direction./यिद कोई सूय दय के
follows - Northeast, Northwest, समय पि म िदशा म मुख करके खड़ा है तो
उसकी परछाई सामने की ओर यािन पि म िदशा
Southwest, South East/िदशाएँ चार है -
म बनती है । Ex-2
पूरब,पि म,उ र,और दि ण। इसके अित र
⇒ If a person stands facing north in the Rinky walked 70 m towards the east
हम चार और िदशाओं का योग करते है जो
िन िल खत है - sunrise, then his shadow is made from her house, and then take a right
पूव र,पि मो र,दि ण-पि म,दि ण-पूरब । towards the left i.e west direction./यिद turn and walk 50 m to reach the post
We understand this by the direction कोई सूय दय के समय उ र िदशा म मुख office, From there she took a right turn
indicator./इसे हम िदशा सूचक ारा समझते है । करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई बायीं ओर यािन again and walked 150m to reach the
पि म िदशा म बनती है । market, from where she took a left turn
⇒ If a person stands facing south in the and walked a few meters to reach the
sunrise, then his shadow is made school. If the air distance between
towards the right i.e west direction./यिद Rinky’s house and the school is 170m.
कोई सूय दय के समय दि ण िदशा म मुख What is the air distance between the
करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई दायी ओर यािन
market and the school?
पि म िदशा म बनती है ।
रं की अपने घर से पूरब की तरफ 70 मी चली और
⇒ If a person is standing facing towards
िफर दाय मुड़ी तथा 50 मी चल कर डाक घर
the east at sunset, then his shadow is प ं ची | वहां से वह िफर से दाय मुड़ी और 150
made in front of him i.e east./यिद कोई मीटर चल कर बाज़ार प ं ची जहाँ से वह बाएं मुड़ी
सूया के समय पूरब की िदशा म मुख और कुछ मीटर चल कर िव ालय प ं ची | यिद
करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई उसके सामने रं की के घर तथा िव ालय की हवाई दू री 170
REMEMBER/याद रखने के िलए कुछ
यािन पूरब की िदशा म बनती है । मीटर है , तो बाज़ार एवं िव ालय के बीच िकतनी
मह पूण त /
⇒ If a person is standing facing towards हवाई दू री है ?
⇒ If a person stands facing east and
the west at sunset, then his shadow is Sol:
turns to his left, then he faces north and
formed in the direction of east./यिद कोई 100m
if he turns to the right, he will face
सूया के समय पि म की िदशा म मुख Let the starting point is A and final point
towards south./यिद कोई पूव की ओर करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई पीछे यािन पूरब is E.
मुख करके खड़ा है और वह अपने बाएं मुड़ता है की िदशा म बनती है ।
तो उसका मुख उ र और दायी तरफ मुड़ता है तो ⇒ If a person stands facing north in the
उसका मुख दि ण िदशा की और हो जायेगा
sunset, then his shadow is formed behind
⇒ If a person stands facing west and
him i.e. in the direction of west./यिद कोई
turns to his left, then he faces south and
सूया के समय उ र की िदशा म मुख
if he turns to the right, he will face करके खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई उसके पीछे
north./यिद कोई पि म की ओर मुख यािन पि म की िदशा म बनती है ।
करके खड़ा है और वह अपने बाएं मुड़ता है तो ⇒ If a person is standing facing towards
उसका मुख दि ण और यिद दायी तरफ मुड़ता है
south at sunset, then his shadow is made
तो उसका मुख उ र िदशा की और हो जायेगा
towards his left i.e east./यिद कोई
⇒ If a person stands facing north and AE = 170 m
सूया के समय दि ण की िदशा म मुख करके
turns to his left, he faces west and if he खड़ा है तो उसकी परछाई उसके बायीं ओर यािन AF = 150 -70 = 80 m
turns to the right, he will face east./यिद
कोई उ र की ओर मुख करके खड़ा है
पूव की िदशा म बनती है ।
EF = √ 2 2
170 − 80 = 150
और वह अपने बाएं मुड़ता है तो उसका मुख Ex - 1 Distance between market and school
पि म और यिद दायी तरफ मुड़ता है तो उसका (DE) = 150-50 = 100 m
Tina is to the 75 m south east of veena.
मुख पूव िदशा की और हो जायेगा
Rina is to the 75m south west of veena.
⇒ ⇒ If a person stands facing south and
Tina is to the _____ of Rina. SSC CPO 2018 TIER I
turns to his left, he faces east and if he
टीना, वीना के 75 मीटर दि ण-पूव म है | रीना,
turns to the right, he will face west./यिद वीना के 75 मीटर दि ण पि म म है | टीना, रीना Q1. Priya’s school bus was facing
कोई दि ण की ओर मुख करके खड़ा है के ____ म है | north-west when it reached her school.
और वह अपने बाएं मुड़ता है तो उसका मुख पूव Sol: After starting from her house, the bus
और यिद दायी तरफ मुड़ता है तो उसका मुख
Teena is in the East direction of Reena. took one left turn, one right turn and
पि म िदशा की और हो जायेगा
⇒ If a person stands facing east in the another left turn to reach her school. In
which direction was the bus facing when
time of sunrise, then his shadow is
it left Priya’s house?
formed in the west direction after
ि या की ू ल बस का मुख उ र-पि म की
him./यिद कोई सूय दय के समय पूव
तरफ था जब वह ू ल प ं ची थी | उसके घर से
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

खुलने के बाद बस एक बार बाएं , एक बार दाय राकेश अपने घर से चलना शु करता है और office, From there she took a right turn
तथा िफर से बाएं मुड़ी और उसके िव ालय प ं ची िफर बाजार तक प ँ चने के िलए दो बार बाएँ again and walked 150m to reach the
| ि या के घर से खुलने के समय बस का मुख िकस मुड़ता है और एक बार दाएँ मुड़ता है । यिद वह market, from where she took a left turn
िदशा म था ? बाजार प ं चने पर उ र की ओर मुंह करके खड़ा
and walked a few meters to reach the
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) है , तो राकेश अपने घर के संदभ म िकस िदशा म
school. If the air distance between
(a)South-east/ दि ण-पूव खड़ा है ?
Rinky’s house and the school is 170m.
(b)North-west/ उ र-पि म CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
(a) North/उ र What is the air distance between the
(c)South-west/ दि ण-पि म
(b) South/ दि ण market and the school?
(d)North-east/ उ र-पूव
रं की अपने घर से पूरब की तरफ 70 मी चली और
(c) East/पूव
िफर दाय मुड़ी तथा 50 मी चल कर डाक घर
Q2. After starting from her house, (d) West/पि म
प ं ची | वहां से वह िफर से दाय मुड़ी और 150
Sameera walked a few metres towards मीटर चल कर बाज़ार प ं ची जहाँ से वह बाएं मुड़ी
the east, from there, she took a right turn Q5. Starting from Anand’s house, the और कुछ मीटर चल कर िव ालय प ं ची | यिद
and walked 100 m, and then took a left school bus takes a right turn and covers रं की के घर तथा िव ालय की हवाई दू री 170
turn and walked 30m. Finally, she took a 3 km. Then, it takes a left turn and मीटर है , तो बाज़ार एवं िव ालय के बीच िकतनी
left turn again and walked 40 m to reach covers 2 km Finally, it takes a right turn हवाई दू री है ?
again and covers 4 km to reach the CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
the market. If the air distance between
school. Upon reaching the school, the (a)70m (b)90m
her house and the market is 100m, how
bus faces south-east. In which direction (c)100m (d)120m
far did Sameera walk towards the east
initially from her house? was the bus facing when it left Anand’s
अपने घर से िनकलने के बाद समीरा पूरब म कुछ house? Q8. Swati’s school bus starts from her
मीटर चली, वहां से वह दाय मुड़ी तथा 100 मीटर आनंद के घर से िनकलते ए ू ल बस दाय house and takes one left turn to reach the
चली और िफर बाएं मुड़कर 30 मीटर चली | अंत मुड़ती है तथा 3 िकमी जाती है | इसके बाद यह hospital. Then,it takes a right turn and
म वह िफर से बाएं मुड़ी और 40 मीटर चल कर बाएं मुड़ती है और 2 िकमी चलती है | अंत म यह covers5 km, On reaching the school, the
बाज़ार प ं ची | यिद उसके घर एवं बाज़ार के बीच िफर से दाय मुड़ती है तथा 4 िकमी की दू री तय bus faces south-west. In which direction
की हवाई दू री 100 मीटर है तो आरं भ म समीरा करके िव ालय प ँ चती है | िव ालय प ँ चने पर was the bus facing when it left Swati’s
अपने घर से पूरब की तरफ िकतना चली थी ? बस का मुख दि ण-पूव म है | जब यह आनंद के
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) घर से चली तो इसका मुख िकस िदशा म था ?
ाित की ू ल बस उसके घर से खुलती है तथा
(a)30 m (b)50 m CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
एक बार बाएं मुड़ कर अ ताल प ँ चती है |
(c)60 m (d)80 m (a)South-west/ दि ण-पि म इसके बाद, यह दाय मुड़ती है और 5 िकमी की
(b)South-east/ दि ण-पूव दू री तय करती है | िव ालय प ँ च कर बस का
Q3. After starting from his house, Naren (c)North-east/ उ र-पूव मुख दि ण-पि म म है | जब यह बस ाित के
walked a few meters towards the east. (d)North/ उ र घर से खुली तो इसका मुख िकस िदशा म था ?
From there, he took a right turn and CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
walked 80m, and then took a left turn Q6. Riya walked 90 m towards the north (a)North-east/ उ र-पूव
and walked 20m. Finally, he took a right from her house, and then took a right (b)East/ पूरब
turn again and walked 40m to reach the turn and walked 60 m to reach the (c)North-west उ र-पि म
hospital. If the air distance between his market. Then, she took a left turn and (d)South-west/ दि ण-पूव
house and the hospital is 130m, how far walked a few meters from the market to
did Naren walk towards the east reach the post office, from where she Q9. Mayank’s house faces South. He
initially? took a left turn again and walked 160m leaves from the back gate of his house
अपने घर से शु करने के बाद, नरे न पूव की ओर to reach the school. If the air distance and walks 18 m. Then he turns right and
कुछ मीटर की दू री तय करता है । वहाँ से, वह दाईं between Riya’s house and the school is walks 28m. Then he turns right and
तरफ मुड़ा और 80 m की दु री तय की और िफर 260 m, what is the air distance between walks 35m. Then he turns left and walks
बाईं तरफ मुड़ा और 20 m चला । अंत म, यह the market and the post office? 12 m. He then turns left and walks 17m.
िफर से दाईं तरफ मुड़ा और अ ाल तक प ँ चने रया अपने घर से उ र की तरफ 90 मीटर चली In which direction and how many metres
के िलए 40 m चला। यिद उसके घर और और िफर दाय मुड़ी तथा 60 मी चल कर बाज़ार away is he from the original position?
अ ताल के बीच की हवाई दू री 130 मीटर है , तो प ं ची| इसके बाद वह बाएं मुड़ी तथा बाज़ार से मयंक का घर दि ण की ओर है । वह अपने घर के
शु आती िबंदु से नरे न पूव की ओर िकतनी दू री कुछ मीटर चल कर डाक घर प ं ची | यहाँ से वह िपछले गेट से िनकलता है और 18 मीटर चलता
पर था? पुनः बाएं मुड़ी और 160 मीटर चल कर िव ालय है । िफर वह दाएं मुड़ता है और 28 मी चलता है ।
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) प ं ची | यिद रया के घर एवं िव ालय के बीच की िफर वह दाएं मुड़ता है और 35 मी चलता है । िफर
(a) 50m (b) 25m हवाई दू री 260 मीटर है , तो बाज़ार एवं डाक घर वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 12 मीटर चलता है । वह
(c) 40m (d) 30m के बीच की हवाई दू री ात कर | िफर बाएं मुड़ता है और 17 मीटर चलता है । वह
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) मूल थित से िकस िदशा म और िकतने मीटर की
Q4. Rakesh starts walking from his (a)180 m (b)120 m दू री पर है ?
house and then takes two left turns and (c)150 m (d)100 m CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
one right turn to reach the market. If he (a)20 m North/20 मीटर उ र
is facing north on reaching the market, in Q7. Rinky walked 70 m towards the east (b)17 m South/17 मीटर दि ण
which direction was Rakesh facing when from her house, and then take a right (c)30 m West/30 मीटर पि म
he started from his house? turn and walk 50 m to reach the post (d)40 m East/40 मीटर पूव

turned left twice and then right before के उ र म थानीय बाज़ार है | यिद उ ान से
Q10. If South-East becomes North, reaching her office. Which direction was बाज़ार की दू री कुनाल के घर से कॉफ़ी शॉप की
North-East becomes West and so on, Seema facing when she started from her दू री के बराबर है तो कॉफ़ी शॉप के संबंध म
बाज़ार िकस िदशा म थत है ?
what will South-West become? home?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
अगर दि ण-पूव, उ र बन जाता है , उ र-पूव, सीमा अपने ऑिफस गयी | जब वह ऑिफस प ं ची
पि म बन जाता है , तो दि ण-पि म ा हो तो उसका मुख दि ण िदशा की ओर था | घर से
(a) South - West/ दि ण-पि म
जाएगा? िनकलने के बाद वह दो बार बाएं मुड़ी तथा िफर (b) West/ पि म
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) ऑिफस प ँ चने से पहले दाय मुड़ी | जब सीमा घर (c) South-East/ दि ण-पूव
(a)North/उ र (b)West/ पि म से िनकली तो उसका मुख िकस िदशा म था ? (d) North-East/ उ र-पूव
(c)East/पूव (d)South/दि ण CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a)South/दि ण (b)East/पूरब Q18. Arjun starts walking towards the
Q11. Tina is to the 75 m south east of (c)North/ उ र (d)West/पि म east, after walking 50 Km he turns to his
veena. Rina is to the 75m south west of left and walks 15 m. From there he again
veena. Tina is to the _____ of Rina. Q15.Kartik started walking from a mall. turns to the left and walk 30m. Finally
टीना, वीना के 75 मीटर दि ण-पूव म है | रीना, First of all, he turned 8 towards the north he turns to the left one last time and
वीना के 75 मीटर दि ण पि म म है | टीना, रीना direction. From there, he turned to the walk 15 m. How far is he from the
के ____ म है | right and went 3 km. After that, he starting point?
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) turned to the right and turned 5 km. अजुन पूव की ओर चलना शु कर दे ता है , 50
(a) East / पूव (b)West/ पि म After this he turned to the right and िकलोमीटर चलने के बाद वह अपनी बाईं ओर
(c) South/दि ण (d)North/उ र turned 7. What is the shortest distance मुड़ता है और 15 मीटर चलता है । वहां से वह िफर
from the mall to the last place of Kartik? से बाईं ओर मुड़ता है और 30 मीटर चलता है ।
Q12. Abhijit comes out of his house and काितक ने एक मॉल से चलना शु िकया | सबसे अंत म वह अंितम बार बाईं ओर मुड़ता है और 15
runs 30 meters northwest. After this, he पहले, वह उ र िदशा की ओर 8 km चला | वहां मीटर चलता है । वह शु आती िबंदु से िकतनी दू र
से वह दाईं ओर मुड़कर 3 km चला | उसके है ?
runs 30 meters southwest. After this, he
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
runs 30 meters south east. After this, he उपरां त वह दाई ओर मुड़कर 5 km चला | इसके
बाद वह िफर से दाई ओर मुड़कर 7 km चला | (a) 20 m (b) 10 m
runs 30 meters north east. How far is he
मॉल से काितक के अंितम थान की दू री ा है ? (c) 40 (d) 30 m
from his house?
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
अिभजीत अपने घर से िनकलता है और उ र
पि म िदशा म 30 m चलता है | इसके बाद, वह (a)7 km (b)3 km Q19. A man is facing towards the east.
दि ण पि म िदशा म 30 m चलता है | इसके (c)5 km (d)10 km He then turns 45° anti-clockwise, again
बाद, वह दि ण पूव िदशा म 30 m चलता है | 180° anti-clockwise and then 225°
इसके बाद वह उ र पूव िदशा म 30 m चलता है Q16.Arjun starts moving in the east clockwise. In which direction is he
| वह अपने घर से िकतनी दू री पर है ? direction. After running 50 meters, he facing now?
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) turns his left and walks 15 meters एक का मुख पूरब िदशा म है | इसके बाद
(a)20m (b)0m straight. Then, from there, he turns to his वह 45° वामावत तथा िफर 180° वामावत एवं
(c)10m (d)30m left and walks 30 meters straight. He इसके बाद 225° दि णावत मुड़ता है | उसका
again turns 15 turns to his left. How far मुख अभी िकस िदशा म है ?
Q13. Abhishek started from a point A CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
is he from the starting point ?
and walked 15 meters towards south. He (a) West/ पि म (b) North/ उ र
अजुन पूव िदशा म चलना शु करता है | 50
turned left and walked 20 meters. He मीटर चलने के प ात , वह अपनी बाई ओर
(c) South/ दि ण (d) East/ पूरब
then turned left again and walked 15 मुड़कर 15 मीटर सीधा चलता है | िफर , वहां से
meters. He again turned left and walked वह अपनी बाई ओर मुड़कर 30 मीटर सीधा Q20. From his house, Avinash went to
35 metres and reached a point B. How चलता है | वह पुन: अपनी बाई ओर मुड़कर 15 Kapil’s house situated 500 m towards the
far and in which direction is point B with मीटर चलता है | वह ारं िभक िबंदु से िकतनी दू री north-east of his own house. From there,
पर है ? both of them went to Varun’s house
respect to point ‘A’?
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) situated 400 m towards the south of
अिभषेक एक िबंदु A से शु करते ए दि ण की
(a)10 m (b)40 m Kapil’s house. What is the shortest
तरफ 15 मीटर चला | वह बाएं मुड़ा तथा 20 मीटर
चला | इसके बाद वह िफर से बाएं मुड़ा और 15 (c)20 m (d)30 m distance between Avinash’s current
मीटर चला | वह पुनः बाएं मुड़ा एवं 35 मीटर चला location and his location at the
तथा एक िबंदु B पर प ँ च गया | िबंदु A के संबंध Q17. Kunal’s house is located to the beginning?
म िबंदु B िकतनी दू री पर तथा िकस िदशा म है ? south of a coffee shop. There is a park to अपने घर से अिवनाश किपल के घर गया जो
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) the east of the coffee shop. The local उसके खुद के घर से 500 मीटर उ र-पूव म थत
(a)15 meters, West market is to the north of the park. If the है | वहां से, वे दोनों व ण के घर गए जो किपल के
(b)20 meters, North distance of the market from the park is घर के दि ण म 400 मीटर पर थत है | अिवनाश
(c)35 meters, South equal to the distance of the coffee shop के वतमान थान एवं आरं भ म उसके थान के
(d)15 meters, East from Kunal’s house in which direction is बीच की ूनतम दू री िकतनी है ?
the market with respect to the coffee CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Q14. Seema walks to her office, she is (a) 900 m (b) 400 m
facing south when she reaches her कुनाल का घर एक कॉफ़ी शॉप के दि ण म थत (c) 300 m (d) 500 m
office, after starting from home, she है | कॉफ़ी शॉप के पूरब म एक उ ान है | उ ान
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q21. A Nurse moved 90 m in the East in मुड़ता है एवं 10 िकमी जाता है जहाँ उसका टे र मुड़ती है एवं 30 मी चलती है | इसके बाद वह िफर
a hospital to look for her duty Doctor, क जाता है | उसके वतमान थान एवं गैरेज के से बाएं मुड़ती है एवं 120 मी चलती है | वह अंततः
then she turned right and went 20m. बीच ूनतम दू री िकतनी है ? दाय मुड़ती है और 20 मी चलकर अपने गंत
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) थल पर प ँ चती है | अभी वह अपने घर से
After this she turned right and after
(a) 9 km (b) 6 km िकतनी दू सरी पर है तथा वह अपने घर से िकस
going 30m she reached I.C.U, but the
(c) 5 km (d) 2 km िदशा म है ?
Doctor was not there. From there she
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
went 100m to her north and met her (a) 40m, North West/ उ र-पि म
Q24. Satyen starts walking towards the
doctor. What distance did she move to (b) 30m, South/ दि ण
North. After walking 70m he turns to the
meet her duty doctor from the starting (c) 40m , North East/ उ र-पूव
left and walks 35m straight. He then
point. (d) 30m, North/ उ र
turns to the left and walks 30m, again he
एक नस अ ताल म अपने ूटी िचिक क की
तलाश म पूरब म 90 मी गयी | इसके बाद वह दाय turns to the left and walks a distance of
35m. How far is he from the starting Q27. Rishabh starts walking towards the
मुड़ी और 20 मीटर चली | इसके बाद वह दाय
मुड़ी तथा 30 मीटर चलने के बाद वह आईसीयू म point and in which direction? west. After walking 70 m he turns to the
प ं ची लेिकन िचिक क वहां नहीं था | वहां से वह स म उ र की ओर चलना शु करता है | 70 left and walks 35 m straight. He turns
अपने उ र म 100 मीटर गयी और िचिक क से मी चलने के बाद वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 35 मी left again and walks 30 m, again he turns
िमली | अपने ूटी िचिक क से िमलने के िलए सीधे चलता है | िफर वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 30 मी to the left and walks a distance of 35 m.
उसे आरं िभक िबंदु से िकतनी दू री तय करनी पड़ी चलता है , पुनः वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 35 मी की How far is he from the starting point?
? दू री तय करता है | वह आरं िभक िबंदु से िकतनी ऋषभ पि म की तरफ चलना शु करता है | 70
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) दू र और िकस िदशा म है ? मीटर चलने के बाद वह बाएं को मुड़ता है और 35
(a)80 m (b)100 m CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) मीटर सीधा चलता है | वह पुनः बाएं मुड़ता है एवं
(c)140 m (d)120 m (a) 40m, south/ 40 मी, दि ण 30 मीटर चलता है , िफर से बाएं मुड़ता है और 35
(b) 35m, North/ 35 मी, उ र मीटर चलता है | आरं िभक िबंदु से वह िकतनी दू री
Q22. Rama walks from his university (c) 35m, South/ 35 मी, दि ण पर है ?
(d) 40m, North/ 40 मी, उ र CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
campus 4 km towards north and then
(a) 60 m (b) 10 m
turns to the right to reach his department.
Q25 A bus driver started from a point (c) 70 m (d) 40 m
After walking 2.5 km from the
department he turns to the left and walks ‘A’ and drove 25 km towards the east.
Q28. Mayank started driving from his
4 km and reached Conference hall. Now He turned left and drove 30 km. He then
office to the hotel. He drove 10 km
in which direction is he from the starting turned left and drove 15 km. He again
north. From there, he turned right and
place? turned left and drove 30 km and reached
drove 8 km. Then, he turned right and
रमा अपने िव िव ालय प रसर से उ र म 4 a point ‘B’. How far and in which
िकमी चलता है तथा िफर दाय मुड़कर अपने drove 6 km. Again, he turned right and
direction is the point ‘B’ from the point
िवभाग म प ँ चता है | िवभाग से 2.5 िकमी चलने drove 5 km and reached his hotel. What
के बाद वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 4 िकमी चल कर is the shortest distance from the office to
एक बस चालक िबंदु A से चला और पूरब की
सभा क म प ँ चता है | आरं िभक थान से अभी तरफ 25 िकमी गया | वह बाएं मुड़ा और 30 िकमी his hotel?
वह िकस िदशा म है ? चला | इसके बाद वह बाएं मुड़ा एवं 15 िकमी गया मयंक अपने कायालय से होटल की ओर चला |
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) | वह िफर से बाएं मुड़ा और 30 िकमी बस उसने उ र म 10 िकमी वाहन चलाया | वहां से,
(a)South/ दि ण चलाकर िबंदु B पर प ं चा | िबंदु B िबंदु A से वह दाय मुड़ा और 8 िकमी गया | िफर वह दाय
(b)West/ पि म िकतनी दू री पर एवं िकस िदशा म है ? मुड़ा और 6 िकमी चला | िफर से , वह दाय मुड़ा
(c)South-West/ दि ण-पि म CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) और 5 िकमी जाकर अपने होटल प ँ च गया |
(a) 40 km, East/ पूरब उसके कायालय से होटल की सबसे छोटी दू री
(d)North-East/ उ र-पूव
(b) 40 km, West/ पि म कौन सी है ?
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
SSC CPO 2019 TIER I (c) 10 km, West/ पि म
(a) 5 km (b) 9 km
(d) 10 km, East/ पूरब
(c) 2 km (d) 6 km
Q23. A farmer is preparing his field. He
Q26. Richa starts walking from her
starts his tractor from the garageand Q29. Ameeta walks 20 m towards the
home and walks 50m towards west and
drives 5 km towards the east. From there north and then turns right and walks
then turns left and walks 90m. Then she
he turns right and drives 6 km. Then, he 30m. Then she turns left and walks 25m.
again turns left and walks 30m. After
turns right and drives 8km. Again, he After that she turns right and walks 30m
that she again turns left and goes 120 m.
turns right and drives 10 km when his . From there, she turns right and walks
She finally turns right and walks 20m
tractor breaks down. What is the shortest 65m. Then she again turns left and walks
and reaches her final destination. How
distance between his current location 40 m . She finally turns left and walks
far is she from her home now and in
and garage? 20m . How far is she from her home now
एक िकसान अपने खेत को तैयार कर रहा है | वह which direction in reference to her
and in which direction with reference to
अपने टे र को गैरेज से िनकालता है और पूरब home?
her home?
की तरफ 5 िकमी चलाता है | वहां से वह दाय ऋचा अपने घर से चलना शु करती है तथा
अमीता उ र की ओर 20 मीटर चलता है और
मुड़ता है तथा 6 िकमी जाता है | िफर वह दाय पि म की तरफ 50 मीटर चलती है और िफर बाएं
िफर दाईं ओर मुड़ता है और 30 मीटर चलता है ।
मुड़ता है और 8 िकमी जाता है | िफर से वह दाय मुड़कर 90 मी चलती है | तब वह िफर से बाएं
िफर वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 25 मी चलता है ।

उसके बाद वह दाएं मुड़ती है और 30 मी चलती और िफर से बाएं मुड़ती है और 10 िकमी डाइव
है । वहां से, वह दाएं मुड़ती है और 65 मीटर चलती करती है । उसके घर और कायालय के बीच सबसे Q36. Bismita walks 200 m towards the
है । वह िफर से बाएं मुड़ता है और 40 मीटर चलता छोटी दू री ा है ? East and then turns right and walks 210
है । वह अंततः बाएं मुड़ता है और 20 मी चलता है । CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
m to reach a hospital. What is the
वह अपने घर से िकतनी दू र है और अपने घर के (a) 10 km (b) 5 km
shortest distance between the starting
संदभ म िकस िदशा म है ? (c) 4 km (d) 9 km
point and the hospital?
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(a) 20m, west िब ता पूरब म 200 मीटर चलती है तथा िफर
SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1 दाएं मुड़ती है और 210 मीटर चल कर एक
(b) 40m , south
अ ताल प ँ चती है ।
(c) 100m, East आरं िभक िबंदु तथा अ ताल के बीच की ूनतम
Q33. Ratan walks 15m towards the north
(d) 20m, East दू री िकतनी है ?
and then turns right and walks 23m.
Then he turns left and walks 16m. After SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
Q30. Rohan is facing west and turns 45° (a) 220 m (b) 290 m
that, he turns left and walks 11m. Then
clockwise, again 180° clockwise and (c) 260 m (d) 310 m
he turns right and walks 17m. Then, he
then turns 225° anticlockwise. In which
turns left and walks 12m. He finally
direction is he facing now? Q37. Z’s house is 45m South to P’s
turns right and walks 19m. In which
रोहन पि म का सामना कर रहा है और 45° house. J’s house is 50m South to H’s
दि णावत, िफर से 180° दि णावत और िफर
direction and how far is he now with
house. Q’s house is 30m West to Z’s
225° वामावत मुड़ता है । अब वह िकस िदशा म reference to the starting point?
रतन उ र की ओर 15 मी चलता है तथा िफर दाएँ house. M’s house is 50m North to P’s
सामना कर रहा है ?
मुड़कर 23 मी जाता है । िफर वह बाएं मुड़ता है house. H’s house is 30m West to M’s
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
तथा 16 मी चलता है । उसके बाद, वह बाएँ मुड़ता house. In which direction and at what
(a) West / पि म
(b) East / पूव है और 11 मी चलता है । तब वह दाएं मुड़ता है distance is J’s house with reference to
तथा 17 मी चलता है । उसके बाद वह बाएं मुड़ता Q’s house?
(c) South / दि ण
है और 12 मी चलता है । अंततः वह दाएं मुड़ता है Z का घर P के घर से 45 मी दि ण म है । J का घर
(d) North / उ र
और 19 मी चलता है । आरं िभक िबंदु के संदभ म H के घर से 50 मीटर दि ण म है । Q का घर 30
वह िकतनी दू री पर तथा िकस िदशा म है ? मी पि म से Z के घर तक है । M का घर P के घर
Q31. Vimla starts from her home and SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) से 50 मीटर उ र की ओर है । H का घर 30 M
walks 30 m towards north and then turns (a) North/ उ र , 52m पि म से M के घर तक है । Q के घर के संदभ म J
right and walks 40 m. Then, she turns (b) South/ दि ण , 51m का घर िकस िदशा म और िकस दू री पर है ?
left and walks 35 m. After that, she turns (c) North/ उ र , 67m SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
right and walks 40 m. From there, she (d) North/ उ र , 48m (a) South, 50m (b)West, 30m
turns right and walks 85 m. Then, she (c) North,45m (d)South,45m
again turns right and walks 50 m. From Q34. Kartik walks 40 m straight from
there, she finally turns right and walks his home towards the North,Then he Q38. Arjun walks 40 m towards the
20 m. How far is she from her home now turns left and walks 25 m. He turns left South from his home, and then he turns
and in which direction with reference to again and walks 15 m.Finally he turns left and walks 55 m. Then, he takes
her home? left and walks 25 m to reach point X. another left turn and walks 15 m. Then,
िवमला अपने घर से शु होती है और 30 मीटर What is the shortest distance between his he turns left again walks 55 m. How far
उ र की ओर चलती है और िफर दाईं ओर मुड़ती Home and Point-X. is he from his home now ?
है और 40 मीटर चलती है । िफर, वह बाएं मुड़ती अजुन अपने घर से दि ण की ओर 40 मीटर
काितक अपने घर से उ र की ओर 40 मीटर सीधे
है और 35 मीटर चलती है । उसके बाद, वह दाईं चलता है , िफर बाएँ मुड़ता है और 25 मी चलता चलता है , और िफर वह बाएं मुड़ता है और 55
ओर मुड़ती है और 40 मीटर चलती है । वहां से, है । वह िफर से बाएँ मुड़ता है तथा 15 मी चलता मीटर चलता है । िफर, वह एक और बाएं मोड़
वह दाएं मुड़ती है और 85 मीटर चलती है । िफर, है । अंततः वह बाएँ मुड़ता है और 25 मी चल कर लेता है और 15 मीटर चलता है । िफर, वह बाएं
वह िफर से दाईं ओर मुड़ती है और 50 मीटर िबंदु X पर प ँ चता है । उसके घर तथा िबंदु X के मुड़ता है िफर से 55 मीटर चलता है । अब वह
चलती है । वहां से, वह अंत म दाईं ओर मुड़ती है बीच की ूनतम दू री िकतनी है ? अपने घर से िकतनी दू र है ?
और 20 मीटर चलती है । वह अपने घर से िकतनी SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
दू र है और अपने घर के संदभ म िकस िदशा म है ? (a) 35 (b) 15
(a) 55 (b) 22
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (c) 30 (d) 25
(c) 25 (d) 15
(a) 30 m, South
(b) 20 m, West Q39. While coming home from school at
Q35 If the minute hand of a clock points
(c) 100 m, East 5 p.m., Ketaki’s shadow was falling to
towards the South at 12:00 a.m., then in
(d) 30 m, East her left. In which direction is the school
which direction will the minute hand
point at 3:00 a.m. in the same clock? from her home?
Q32. Rehana drives 6 km west from her शाम 5 बजे ू ल से घर आते समय, केतकी की
यिद िकसी घड़ी का िमनट हाथ दोपहर 12:00 बजे
home and turns left and drives 3 km and दि ण की ओर इं िगत करता है , तो उसी घड़ी म परछाई उसके बाईं ओर िगर रही थी। उसके घर
then turns left again and drives 10 km. दोपहर 3:00 बजे िमनट का हाथ िकस िदशा म से ू ल िकस िदशा म है ?
What is the shortest distance between इं िगत करे गा? SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
her home and office? SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (a) South
रे हाना अपने घर से 6 िकमी पि म म डाइव करती (a) South (b) East (b) North-West
है और बाएं मुड़ती है और 3 िकमी डाइव करती है (c) North (d) West (c) North
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(d) North-East करने के बाद, वह अंततः बाएं मुड़ गया और सीधे

या ा की। रितक अंत म िकस िदशा म बढ़ रहा
Q40. John went straight from a hotel and था?
turned left after covering 3 km and SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
travelled 5 km in that direction to reach (a) South-west / दि ण-पि म
point X. From here, he took a right turn (b) South / दि ण
and travelled 4 km, and again took a (c) South-east / दि ण-पूव The triangle forms a right angle triangle,
right turn and travelled 4 km. From here, (d) North / उ र with pythagoras triplet of 130, 120 and
he took a turn to reach point X straight. 50.
If john is now moving towards the ANSWERS Therefore, x+20 = 50
North-West direction, in which direction ⇒ x = 20 m
did he start moving from the hotel? 1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(c)
जॉन एक होटल से सीधे चला गया और 3 िकमी Sol 4.(c) Figure as per instructions:
की दू री तय करने के बाद बाएं मुड़ गया और िबंदु 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(d)
X तक प ं चने के िलए उस िदशा म 5 िकमी की
या ा की। यहां से, उसने दाएं मुड़कर 4 िकमी की 9.(d) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(b)
या ा की, और िफर से दाएं मुड़कर 4 िकमी की
या ा की। यहां से, उसने िबंदु X पर सीधे प ं चने 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(c) 16.(c)
के िलए एक मोड़ िलया। यिद जॉन अब
उ र-पि म िदशा की ओर बढ़ रहा है , तो उसने 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(c)
होटल से िकस िदशा म बढ़ना शु िकया?
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(c) 24.(d)
(a)East (b)West Rakesh was facing East, when he started
(c)North (d)South-East 25.(d) 26.(d) 27.(d) 28.(a) from his house.

Q41. While going to school, Rohit goes 29.(c) 30.(a) 31.(d) 32.(b) Sol 5.(c)
straight for 2km from his house, then
takes a left turn and travels 4km. From 33.(c) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(b)
here, he takes a right turn, and after
covering 2 km, he again turns right and 37.(c) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40.(a)
finally travels 2 km to reach the school.
If he was finally travelling towards the 41.(b) 42.(b) If Bus starts in the north direction, It will
West, in which direction is his house face the East after reaching school. Now,
from the school? Solution; If we replace East direction from
ू ल जाते समय, रोिहत अपने घर से 2 िकमी के South-East North becomes North-East.
िलए सीधे जाता है , िफर एक बाएं मुड़ता है और 4
Sol 1 (d) If priya starts her journey in the
िकमी की या ा करता है । यहां से, वह दाएं मुड़ता Sol 6. (c)
है , और 2 िकमी की दू री तय करने के बाद, वह
north direction then she will face west
िफर से दाईं ओर मुड़ता है और अंत म ू ल after reaching school. After replacing the
प ं चने के िलए 2 िकमी की या ा करता है । यिद west direction from the north west, the
वह अंततः पि म की ओर या ा कर रहा था, तो north direction becomes North-East.
ू ल से उसका घर िकस िदशा म है ?
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) South-west / दि ण-पि म PM=Distance between post office and
(b) North-west / उ र-पि म market
(c) West / पि म Let AB=PM=x, AS=(160-60)m=100m
(d) North / उ र In △ AHS
Sol 2 (b)
AH 2 + AS 2 = HS 2
Q42. Hritik went straight eastward from (x + 90)2 + 1002 = 2602
his office and took a right turn after x=150m
travelling 4 km. From here, he covered a
distance of 3 km and again took a right Sol 7.(c) 100m
turn. After covering a distance of 4 km, BC=50m Let the starting point is A and the final
he finally turned left and travelled point is E.
straight. In which direction was Hritik Sol3. (d) From the figure formed:
moving at the end?
रितक अपने कायालय से सीधे पूव की ओर गया
और 4 िकमी की या ा करने के बाद दाएं मुड़
गया। यहां से, उ ोंने 3 िकमी की दू री तय की
और िफर से दाएं मुड़ गया । 4 िकमी की दू री तय

AE = 170 m
AF = 150 -70 = 80 m

EF = √ 2 2
170 − 80 = 150
Sol 13.(a) In the given question,

Distance between market and school Market is in the North-East direction

(DE) = 150-50 = 100 m with respect to Coffee-shop.

Sol 8.(d) Sol 18.(a) it is clear that Arjun is 20m

Abhishek is 15 meter, West with respect away from the starting point.
to point A.

Sol 14.(d)

If the bus starts from the north, It will

face north after reaching the school.
Now, if we replace north direction from Sol 19.(d)
south-west then bus was facing man moves in an anti-clockwise
south-west when it left house direction = 45+180 = 225 degrees.
man moves in clockwise direction = 225
Sol 9.(d) Now the distance between the degrees.
current position of mayank and his house So he will be facing in the same
is 40km. Here in the diagram, Home is in the east direction as he was facing earlier.
and when she reaches the office she is
facing in the north direction while in Sol 20.(c) The distance between
question she is facing in the South avinash’s house and varun’s house is 300
direction. meter.
So, she rotated at 180 degrees and she
Sol 10 (c) It is 135° rotation in was facing in the West direction when
clockwise direction. she started from home.
Then South west becomes East
Sol 15.(c) The distance between mall
and kartik’s current position is 5 KM.

Sol 21.(b)

Sol 11.(a) Teena is in the East direction

of Reena.

Sol 16.(c) The distance from the starting

point is 20 meters.

Sol 12.(b) He is 0 mt from his house.

Sol 17.(d) So, the distance between AE = 100 km.

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 22. (d) So , Vimla is 30m North from her

original position.

Rama is in North-East direction from the

starting place.
As per the given instruction we can get
Cpo 2019 Tier I from the above figure that Richa is at
point F her final position and it is 30m
Sol 23.(c) North to her Home. Sol 32.(b) According to the given
statement, the following diagram will be
Sol 27.(d) Rishab is 40m away from his drawn. It is clear from the diagram that
starting point. This is shown in the given Rehana is how much away from the
figure. Office. This will be taken out using
Pythagoras theorem.

From point e to a when pythagoras
theorem is applied we get 5km as the Sol 28.(a) Distance travelled by Mayank Sol 33. (c)
shortest distance is shown in the figure and leftover
2 2 2
The distance of 23 kms covered in east
3 + 4 = 5 (by pythagoras theorem) distance is also shown by triangle. direction has been nullified by two
9 + 16 = 25 Smallest leftover distance = 5km. (Solve displacements of 11 kms and 12 kms in
it by Pythagoros theorem) the west direction so the displacement is
only in the North direction. The net
distance covered in North direction will
Sol 24.(d) be equal to 15
kms+16kms+17kms+19kms=67 Kms in
North Direction.

Sol 29.(c)

Clearly when satyen travels from point 1

to 5 as shown in figure he faces the north
direction 40m from point 1.

Sol 25.(d) The bus started from point A Sol 34. (c)
and after travelling a lot , it reached Shortest distance between his home and
point X is 40-15=25 metres
point B and in the same direction. The Closely observe the drawn figure. We
distance between A and B The distance he travelled in west is
can see that Ameeta is 30 + 30 + 40 =
= 25 - 15 = 10km. neutralised by distance travelled in east
100m East of her starting position.
hence the only displacement is left in
So , point B is 10 km East of B.
North direction.
Sol 30.(a) Consider clockwise as +ve
and anticlockwise as-va
So, (45) + (180) + (-225) = 0
As net change in position is equal to,
there is no net change in the direction of
the Rohan. He is in his original
Sol 35.(a)
Sol 31.(d) 40 + 40 - 50 = 80 - 50 = 30m
Sol 26.(d)

At both 12:00 and 3:00 am the minute If S-W becomes North-West then north
hand is at 12. So facing the same becomes East.
Sol 41. (b)
Sol 36(b)

Applying the pythagorean theorem in the

above triangle (hint there is a From school house is in north-west
pythagorean triplet of 20, 21 and 29)
So, shortest path is equal to 290 m Sol 42. (b)

Sol 37 (c)

Hritik was moving in the South


J’s House is 45m north of Q’s house..

Sol 38. (d)

Arjun is 40-15=25 m far from his home.

Sol 39. (c)

At 5 pm, the sun sets in the west.

Ketaki’s shadow will fall to her left if
she is coming from the North direction.
Hence, her school is in North Direction.

Sol 40. (a)

If John starts his journey in the north

direction, he will end journey in S-W.
Arithmetic Reasoning

ARITHMETIC REASONING / the ages of the father and the son at बनने वाले िम ण म दू ध और जूस का अनुपात
present? ा होगा ?
अंकगिणतीय संि याएं CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
10 वष पहले, िपता की आयु उसके बेटे की आयु
से 3 12 गुना थी तथा अब से 10 साल बाद िपता की (a) 7:5 (b) 1:1
Arithmetic reasoning - The questions (c) 5:3 (d) 5:4
आयु बेटे की आयु से 2 14 गुना हो जाएगी | वतमान
covered under this chapter are based on
general arithmetic rules. These questions म िपता एवं पु की उ का योग ा होगा ?
Q4. Rs 820 is divided among 6 men, 8
are mainly of four types./इस अ ाय के women and 12 boys in such a way that
अंतगत आने वाले समा अंकगिणतीय
Let the present age of son is x years and every woman gets an amount equal to
िनयमो पर आधा रत होते है । ये मु तः चार
that of the father is y years. According that received by one man and one boy
कार के होते है ।
to question, 7/2 (x - 10) = y - 10 ; from combined and that every man gets one
1. Number or calculation based
here we get the equation , 7x - 2y = 50 and a half times the amount received by
____________ I a boy. What is the total amount received
2. Data based problems
Again, 9/4 (x + 10) = y + 10 ; here the by 8 women?
3. Venn diagram based questions
equation will be as follows : 820 पये को 6 पु षों, 8 मिहलाओं तथा 12
4. Average or age based questions
लड़कों के बीच इस कार िवभािजत िकया जाता
9x - 4y = -50 ___________II
है िक ेक मिहला को एक पु ष तथा एक
Ex - 1 On solving equations I and II , we get x
लड़के को िमली संयु रािश के बराबर रािश
Ranga got thrice as many sums wrong = 30 years = Age of Son ; and िमलती है तथा ेक पु ष को एक लड़के को
as he got right in a mathematics Y = 80 years = Age of Father िमली रािश से डे ढ़ गुना रािश िमलती है | 8
assignment. If he attempted 72 sums in Sum of present age of Father and Son = मिहलाओं को िमली कुल रािश ात कर |
all, how many did he solve correctly in 80 + 30 = 110 years. CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)
his mathematics assignment? (a) Rs 400 (b) Rs 300
गिणत काय म रमण के िजतने सवाल सही ए CGL 2018 TIER I (c) Rs 240 (d) Rs 380
उससे ितगुने गलत ए | यिद उसने कुल िमलाकर
72 सवाल बनाए, तो उसने गिणत काय म िकतने Q1. Rs 1,875 is divided among A, B and Q5. A contractor planned to finish work
सवाल सही बनाए ? C in such a way that A’s share is half of in 12 days and employed a certain
the combined share of B and C, and B’s number of men. However, 6 of them
Sol: share is one-fourth of the combined remained absent from the very first day.
Let right questions = x , wrong = 3x. share of A and C. By what amount is C’s The rest could finish the work in 20
X + 3x = 72 share more than that of A? days. The number of men originally
4x = 72 , x = 18. Right = 18 , wrong = 1875 पये A, B और C के बीच इस कार employed were:
54. िवभािजत िकये जाते ह िक A का िह ा B और C एक ठे केदार ने िकसी काय को 12 िदनों म समा
के संयु िह े का आधा है तथा B का िह ा A करने की योजना बनाई और िनि त सं ा म
Ex - 2 और C के संयु िह े का एक चौथाई है | C का पु षों को काम पर लगाया | हालाँ िक, इनम से 6
The average of 9 numbers is 40. If the िह ा A के िह े से िकतना अिधक है ? पहले ही िदन से अनुप थित रहे | शेष पु ष इस
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) काय को 20 िदनों म समा कर सके |आरं भ म
average of the first five numbers is 38
(a) Rs 500 (b) Rs 225 िकतने पु षों को काय पर लगाया गया था ?
and the average of the last five numbers
(c) Rs 250 (d) Rs 200 CGL07/06/2019 (Morning)
is 50, then what is the fifth number?
(a) 15 (b) 18
9 सं ाओं का औसत 40 है | यिद पहली पां च
Q2. Three of the following four numbers (c) 20 (d) 24
सं ाओं का औसत 38 है तथा अंितम पां च
सं ाओं का औसत 50 है , तो पाँ चवीं सं ा कौन are alike in a certain way and one is
सी है ? different. Pick the number that is Q6. A cycle was sold for Rs. 4140 with
different from the rest. a profit of 15%. At what price could it
Sol : िन िल खत चार म से तीन सं ाएं एक िनि त have been sold to earn a profit of 25%?
The average of 9 numbers is 40. Total = कार से एक जैसी ह जबिक कोई एक अलग है | एक साइिकल 4140 पये म बेची गयी, िजसम
उस सं ा का चयन कर जो अ से अलग है 15% लाभ आ । 25% का लाभ कमाने के िलए,
40 * 9 = 360.
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) इसे िकस कीमत पर बेचा जा सकता था ?
Average of the first five numbers is 38.
(a) 338 (b) 217 CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
Total = 38 * 5 = 190.
(c) 28 (d) 65 (a) Rs. 4500 (b) Rs. 4350
Average of the last five numbers is 50.
(c) Rs. 4200 (d) Rs. 4850
Total = 5 * 50 = 250.
Q3. Two mixtures contain milk and juice
Fifth number = 190 + 250 - 360 = 440 -
in the ratio of 2 : 1 and 4 : 5. If equal Q7. The average of 9 numbers is 40. If
360 = 80.
volumes of the two mixtures are mixed the average of the first five numbers is
together, what would be the ratio of milk 38 and the average of the last five
Ex - 3
to juice in the resulting mixture? numbers is 50, then what is the fifth
10 years ago, a father’s age was 3 12
दो िम णों म दू ध और जूस 2 : 1 तथा 4 : 5 के number?
times that of his son and 10 years from अनुपात म है | यिद इन दोनों िम णों की बराबर 9 सं ाओं का औसत 40 है | यिद पहली पां च
now, the father’s age will be 2 14 times मा ा आपस म िमलाई जाती है , तो इसके बाद सं ाओं का औसत 38 है तथा अंितम पां च
that of the son. What will be the sum of
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

सं ाओं का औसत 50 है , तो पाँ चवीं सं ा कौन Q12. Rahul has Rs. 340 in the (a) Rs. 280 (b) Rs. 500
सी है ? denominations of Rs. 2 notes, Rs. 5 (c) Rs. 200 (d) Rs. 250
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) notes and Rs. 10 notes. The number of
(a) 90 (b) 84 notes of each denomination is equal. Q17. Twenty teams take part in a football
(c) 78 (d) 80 What is the total number of notes that tournament. Each team has to play every
Rahul has? other team. How many games would be
Q8. At a party, the number of girls is रा ल के पास Rs. 340 है िजसमे Rs.2, Rs.5, और played in the tournament?
half the number of boys. After an hour, Rs.10 के नोट है । सभी नोटों की सं ा बराबर है । एक फुटबॉल ितयोिगता म बीस टीमों ने भाग िलया |
five boys leave the party and three girls रा ल के पास नोटों की कुल सं ा ा है ? ेक टीम को हर दू सरी टीम से खेलना है | इस
join the party. Now the number of both CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning) ितयोिगता म िकतने मैच खेले जायगे ?
becomes equal in the party. How many (a) 40 (b) 60 CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
people were there at the party an hour (c) 20 (d) 80 (a) 195 (b) 190 (c) 170 (d) 180
एक पाट म, लड़िकयों की सं ा लड़कों की Q13. The sum of the squares of three Q18. In the month of June , the number
सं ा से आधी है | एक घंटे के बाद, पां च लड़के numbers is 336 and the ratio of the first of girls in a class was half of the number
पाट से िनकल गए और तीन लड़िकयाँ शािमल हो and the second as also of the second and of boys. In July, five more girls took
गयीं | अब पाट म दोनों की सं ा बराबर हो गयी third is 1 : 2. Then find the difference admission, whereas five boys left the
| एक घंटे पहले पाट म िकतने लोग थे ?
between the third and first number. school. Now, the number of boys and
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
तीन सं ाओं के वग का योग 336 है और पहले girls is equal in the class. How many
(a) 16 (b) 8
और दू सरे का अनुपात तथा दू सरे और तीसरे का students in total were there in the class in
(c) 24 (d) 22 अनुपात 1: 2 है । िफर तीसरे और पहले नंबर के June?
बीच का अंतर ात कर।
जून महीने म, एक क ा म लड़िकयों की सं ा
Q9. A cube coloured pink on all faces is CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)
लड़कों की सं ा से आधी थी | जुलाई म, पाँ च
cut into 27 small cubes of equal sizes. (a) 10 (b) 14 और लड़िकयों ने नामां कन िलया जबिक पाँ च
How many cubes are painted on one face (c) 12 (d) 16 लड़के िव ालय छोड़ कर चले गए | अब क ा म
only? लड़कों और लड़िकयों की सं ा बराबर है | जून
सभी सतहों पर गुलाबी रं ग से रं गे गये एक घन को Q14. Gopal’s age is the cube of a म क ा म कुल िकतने छा थे ?
बराबर आकार के 27 छोटे घनों म काटा जाता है | number. It was the square of a number CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
िकतने घनों के केवल एक ही सतह पर रं ग िकया two years ago. What is his age? (a) 30 (b) 25
गया है ? गोपाल की आयु एक सं ा का घन है । यह दो (c) 35 (d) 20
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
साल पहले एक नंबर का वग था। उसकी उ ा
(a)4 (b)3 है ? Q19. The total age of a mother and her
(c)8 (d)6 (a) 9 (b) 62 son is 60 years. The difference between
(c) 27 (d) 64 their ages is 30 years. Find out the age of
Q10. If you wrote down all the numbers
the mother.
from 1 to 99, then how many times Q15. Ranga got thrice as many sums एक माँ और उसके बेटे की कुल आयु 60 वष है ।
would you have written '7'? wrong as he got right in a mathematics उनकी उ का अंतर 30 वष है । माता की आयु
यिद आपने 1 से 99 तक की सभी सं ाओं को assignment. If he attempted 72 sums in all, ात कीिजये।
िलखा है , तो आपने ‘7’ को िकतनी बार िलखा है ?
how many did he solve correctly in his CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
mathematics assignment? (a) 50 years (b) 45 years
(a)19 (b)11
गिणत काय म रमण के िजतने सवाल सही ए (c) 35 years (d) 40 years
(c)21 (d)20 उससे ितगुने गलत ए | यिद उसने कुल िमलाकर
72 सवाल बनाए, तो उसने गिणत काय म िकतने Q20. There are fourteen teams playing
SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I सवाल सही बनाए ? in a tournament. If every team plays one
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
match with every other team, how many
Q11. A plastic toy costs Rs. 7. A plastic (a) 16 (b) 20
matches will be played in the
spoon costs Rs. 5. X spends Rs. 38 on (c) 14 (d) 18
these plastic items. Find the number of एक ितयोिगता म चौदह टीम खेल रही ह | यिद
plastic toys he/she purchased. Q16. Rs. 2100 is divided among in P , Q ेक टीम हर दू सरी टीम से एक मैच खेलती है ,
एक ा क के खलौने की कीमत 7 है । एक and R in such a way that P’s share is half तो इस ितयोिगता म कुल िकतने मैच खेले जायगे
ा क च च की कीमत 5 है । X कुल of the combined share of Q and R , and Q’s ?
ा क समानो पर 38 पए खच करता है । share is one-fourth of the combined share CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
ा क के खलोने की सं ा ात करे जो उसने of P and R. By what amount is R’s share (a) 66 (b) 78
ख़रीदा था more than that of P? (c) 91 (d) 101
CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
2100 को P, Q और R म इस तरह से िवभािजत
(a) 3 (b) 4 िकया गया है िक P का िह ा Q और R के संयु Q21. Three persons A , B and C have
(c) 5 (d) 2 िह े का आधा है और Q का िह ा P और R के different amounts of rupees with them. If
संयु िह े का एक-चौथाई िह ा है । R की A gives Rs. 11 to C, A will have equal
िह ेदारी P की िह ेदारी से िकतना अिधक है ?
amount as B has. A and B together have
Arithmetic Reasoning

a total Rs. 245. How many rupees does CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
B have? (a) 34 (b) 44 (a) 170 (b) 174
तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग (c) 40 (d) 30 (c) 172 (d) 176
रािशयाँ ह | यिद A, C को 11 पये दे ता है , तो A
के पास B के िजतनी रािश हो जाएगी | A और B Q26. Three persons A, B and C have Q30. A total sum of ₹153 is distributed
के पास कुल 245 पये ह | B के पास िकतने different amounts of rupees with them. If among three friends A, B and C in such
पये ह ? C takes Rs 11 from A, C will have equal a way that C gets 5 times as much
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
amount as B has. B and C together have money than A gets and B gets 3 times as
(a) 116 (b) 118 total Rs 111. How many rupees does C much money than A gets. How many
(c) 117 (d) 119 have? rupees does B get?
तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग 153 पये की एक रािश को A, B और C म इस
Q22. Two years ago a man was six times रािशयाँ ( पये म ) ह | यिद C, A से 11 पये लेता कार िवत रत िकया जाता है िक C को A की
as old as his son. In 18 years, he will be है , तो C के पास B के िजतनी रािश हो जाएगी | B तुलना म 5 गुनी रािश िमलती है तथा B को A की
twice as old as his son. What are their और C के पास कुल 111 पये ह | C के पास तुलना म ितगुनी रािश िमलती है | B को िकतने
present ages of the man and his son? िकतने पये ह ? पये िमले ?
दो साल पहले एक आदमी अपने बेटे से छह गुना CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
बड़ा था। 18 साल म, वह अपने बेटे से दोगुना बूढ़ा (a)50 (b)70 (a) 65 (b) 51
हो जाएगा। आदमी और उसके बेटे की वतमान (c)60 (d)65 (c) 61 (d) 66
उ ा है ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q27. Three persons A, B and C have Q31. A total sum of Rs. 209 is
(a) 34 and 9 years different amounts of rupees with them. If distributed among three friends A, B and
(b) 32 and 7 years A takes Rs. 12 from C, A will have C in such a way that A gets six times
(c) 32 and 13 years equal amount as B has. A and B together rupees than B, C gets 4 times rupees
(d) 34 and 7 years have a total Rs 102. How many rupees than B. How many rupees does A get?
does A have? 209 पये की रािश को A, B और C म इस कार
Q23. Vikarm is twice as old as his तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग िवत रत िकया जाता है िक A को B की तुलना म
brother Ajay. 5 years ago, Vikram was 3 रािशयाँ ( पये म ) ह | यिद A, C से 12 पये लेता छः गुना पये िमलते ह, C को B की तुलना म 4
times as old as Ajay. How old is Vikram है , तो A के पास B के िजतनी रािश हो जाएगी | A गुना पये िमलते ह | A को िकतने पये िमले ?
now? और B के पास कुल 102 पये ह | A के पास CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
िव म अपने भाई अजय से दोगुना उ का है । 5 िकतने पये ह ? (a) 114 (b) 113
साल पहले िव म अजय से 3 गुना बड़ा था। CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (c) 115 (d) 112
िव म अब िकतने साल का है ? (a)50 (b)55
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) (c)57 (d)45 Q32. The age of a father is twice the age
(a). 20 (b). 22 of his son. Five years ago, the father's
(c). 18 (d). 17 Q28. Three friends A, B and C have age was thrice the age of the son then.
different amounts of rupees with them. If What is the age of the son now?
Q24. Rohit's age is 10 years less than B takes ₹7 from A, then B will have एक िपता की उ उसके बेटे से दोगुनी है । पां च
half of his mother's age who is 5 years साल पहले, िपता की उ उस समय बेटे की उ
equal amount as C has. B and C together
younger than Rohit's father. If Rohit's के तीन साल थी। अब बेटे की उ ा है ?
have a total ₹157. How many rupees
father is 47 years old, what is Rohit's CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
does C have? (a) 15 years (b) 20 years
age? तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग
रोिहत की उ उसकी मां की उ के आधे से 10 (c) 10 years (d) 12 years
रािशयाँ ( पये म ) ह | यिद B, A से 7 पये लेता
साल कम है जो रोिहत के िपता से 5 साल छोटी है । है , तो B के पास C के िजतनी रािश हो जाएगी | B
अगर रोिहत के िपता 47 साल के ह, तो रोिहत की और C के पास कुल 157 पये है | C के पास SSC MTS 2019
उ ा है ? िकतने पये ह ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning) Q33. Sahiba, Trishla, Lakshya, vanshika
(a) 10 years (b) 11 years (a)80 (b)81 and Manish are sitting on a bench.
(c) 14 years (d) 21 years (c)83 (d)82 Manish is immediately between Trishla
and Lakshya. Lakshya is to the left of
Q25. Three persons A, B and C have Q29. Three friends A, B and C have Vanshika who is not at the end. Who is
different amounts of rupees with them. If different amounts of rupees with them. If to the left of Sahiba?
A takes ₹6 from C, A will have equal A takes ₹10 from B, then A will have ₹4 सािहबा, ि शला, ल ा, वंिशका और मनीष एक
amount as B has. A and B together have less than C. A and C together have a बच पर बैठे ह। मनीष तुरंत ि शला और ल ा के
total ₹74. How many rupees does B total ₹330. How many rupees does C बीच म है । ल ा वंिशका के बाईं ओर है जो अंत
have? have? म नहीं है । सािहबा के बाईं ओर कौन है ?
तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग तीन यों A, B और C के पास अलग-अलग MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
रािशयाँ ( पये म ) ह |यिद A, C से 6 पये लेता रािशयाँ ( पये म ) ह | यिद A, B से 10 पये लेता (a) Manish /मनीष
है , तो A के पास B के िजतनी रािश हो जाएगी | A है , तो A के पास C से 4 पये कम होंगे | A और (b) Trishla/ि शला
और B के पास कुल 74 पये ह | B के पास C के पास कुल 330 पये है | C के पास िकतने (c) Vanshika/वंिशका
िकतने पये ह ? पये ह ?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(d) Lakshya/ ल ा how many questions did he answer (a) Rs 700 (b) Rs 650
correctly? (c) Rs 520 (d) Rs 600
Q34. In a row of students P was standing 80 ों की परी ा म, एक सही उ र को 1 अंक
17th from the left end and 23rd from the िदया जाता है , एक गलत उ र को -1 अंक िदया Q41. Shaan has a total of Rs 5,500 with
जाता है और यिद एक का यास नहीं िकया
right end. If Q was standing exactly in him. He buys product ‘Z’ at Rs 5,000
जाता है तो शू अंक होते ह। यिद िकसी छा ने
the middle of the row, what was his from this sum and then sells it to another
केवल 80% ों का यास िकया और 32 अंक
position from the left end? (Assume ा िकए, तो उसने िकतने ों के सही उ र person, thus making a profit of 15% on it
students were facing the north.) िदए? . With all the money he has now, he buys
छा ों की एक पं म P, बाएं छोर से 17 व और CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) product ‘X’ and then sells it to another
दािहने छोर से 23 व थान पर था। यिद Q पं (a) 32 (b) 48 person making a profit of 25% on it.
के ठीक बीच म खड़ा था, तो बाएं छोर से उसकी (c) 16 (d) 56 What is the total money Shaan has now?
थित ा थी? (मान ल िक छा उ र का सामना शान के पास कुल 5,500 पये ह | वह इस रािश म
कर रहे थे।) से 5,000 पये दे कर व ु Z को खरीदता है तथा
MTS 22/08/2019(Morning) Q38. A recent survey of married
इसे िकसी अ को बेच दे ता है , िजससे
(a) 20th (b) 18th couples in Indian metro cities showed
उसे इस पर 15% का लाभ होता है | अब उसके
(c) 22nd (d) 19th that 20% of the couples have only one
पास िजतने पये ह, उससे वह व ु X खरीदता है
child, 45% of the remaining couples तथा इसे 25% के लाभ पर िकसी अ को
Q35. Five girls Ashi, Binita, Laila, have two children,and the rest of the बेच दे ता है | शान के पास अब िकतने पये ह ?
Diksha, Isha read a magazine. The one couples have three or more children . CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
who reads first gives it to Laila. The one What is the percentage of couples with (a) Rs. 7,812.50
who reads last had taken from Ashi. Isha three or more children (b) Rs. 7,187.50
was not the first or last to read. There भारतीय महानगरों म िववािहत जोड़ों पर िकया (c) Rs. 6,325.50
were two readers between Binita and गया हािलया सव ण दशाता है िक 20% जोड़ों को (d) Rs. 7,815.50
केवल एक ब ा है | शेष म से 45% जोड़ों के दो
Ashi. Who read the magazine first?
ब े ह तथा शेष जोड़ों के तीन या अिधक ब े ह |
पां च लड़िकयाँ आशी, िबनीता, लैला, दी ा, ईशा Q42. Vineet , Rajesh and Kriti have
तीन या अिधक ब ों वाले जोड़ों का ितशत
एक पि का पढ़ती ह | जो लड़की पहले पढ़ती है different amounts of money with them .
िकतना है ?
वह इसे लैला को दे ती है | जो लड़की अंत म पढ़ती Rajesh has just double the amount of
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
है उसने इसे आशी से िलया था| ईशा ने ना तो money than Vineet. The total amount of
(a) 56% (b) 44%
पहले और ना ही अंत म इस पि का को पढ़ा |
(c) 35% (d) 42% money that Rajesh and Kriti have is Rs
िबनीता और आशी के बीच दो पाठक थे |
सव थम पि का को िकसने पढ़ा ?
147. Kriti has Rs 6 more than the
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q39.Product A is costlier than product amount Vineet has. How much money
(a) Binita /िबनीता (b) Laila /लैला B by Rs. 2.If the price of product A is does Kriti have?/
(c) Diksha /दी ा (d) Isha / ईशा िवनीत, राजेश तथा कृित के पास अलग-अलग
increased by two times the price of
धनरािशयाँ ह | राजेश के पास िवनीत की तुलना म
product B , the new price of product A
दोगुनी धनरािश है | राजेश तथा कृित के पास कुल
Q36. Five girls took part in a race. Rajni becomes Rs.17. What is the price of
147 पये ह | कृित के पास िवनीत की तुलना म 6
finished before Mahika but behind Product B? पये अिधक ह | कृित के पास िकतनी धनरािश है
Garima. Ashmita finished before व ु A व ु B से 2 पये महँ गी है | यिद व ु A ?
Sanchali but behind Mahika. Who came की कीमत व ु B की कीमत से दोगुनी बढ़ जाए, CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
second in the race? तो व ु A की नयी कीमत 17 पये हो जाती है | (a) Rs 72 (b) Rs 53
एक दौड़ म पां च लड़िकयों ने िह ा िलया।।रजनी व ु B की कीमत िकतनी है ?
(c) Rs 64 (d) Rs 50
मािहका से पहले लेिकन ग रमा से पीछे CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
है ।अ ता सां ची से पहले लेिकन मािहका से पीछे (a) Rs.5 (b) Rs.6
Q43. In a class of 100 students, every
रह गई।दौड़ म दू सरे नंबर पर कौन आया? (c) Rs.3 (d) Rs.7
student has passed in one or more of the
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) Sanchali /सां चली three subjects, i.e. History, Economics
Q40. A product was marked for sale
(b) Mahika /मािहका and English. Among all the students , 24
with a label price, which is at a 20%
(c) Rajni /रजनी students have passed in English only , 14
discount on the printed price. At the time
(d) Garima / ग रमा students have passed in History only, 11
of sale, the shopkeeper gave an
students have passed in both English and
additional 10% discount on the label
Economics only, and 12 students have
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I price. If a custom bought the product at
passed in both English and History only.
Rs 468 , then what is the printed price of
A total of 50 students have passed in
Q37. In an exam of 80 questions , a the product?
History. If only 5 students have passed in
correct answer is given +1 mark, a एक व ु को कीमत पच के साथ िब ी के िलए
रखा गया जो मुि त मू से 20% की छूट पर है | all three subjects, then how many
wrong answer is given -1 mark and if a
िब ी के समय, दु कानदार ने कीमत पच मू पर students have passed in Economics
question is not attempted there are Zero
10% की अित र छूट दी | यिद एक ाहक ने only?
marks. If a student attempted only 80%
इस व ु को 468 पये म य िकया, तो इस व ु 100 छा ों की एक क ा म, ेक छा तीन
of the questions and got 32 marks, then का मुि त मू िकतना है ? िवषयों यानी इितहास, अथशा तथा अं ेजी म से
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening) एक या अिधक िवषय म पास आ है | सभी छा ों
Arithmetic Reasoning

म से, 24 छा केवल अं ेजी म पास ए ह, 11 10 खलािड़यों ने ि केट तथा हॉकी दोनों म भाग ितयोिगता म भाग िलया । केवल वाद-िववाद म
छा अं ेजी तथा अथशा दोनों म पास ए ह िलया लेिकन बैडिमंटन म भाग नहीं िलया | 9 िकतने छा ों ने भाग िलया ?
तथा 12 छा केवल अं ेजी और इितहास म पास खलािड़यों ने हॉकी तथा बैडिमंटन दोनों म भाग CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
ए ह | इितहास म कुल 50 छा पास ए ह | यिद िलया लेिकन ि केट म भाग नहीं िलया | 13 (a) 11 (b) 22
सभी तीन िवषयों म केवल 5 ही छा पास ए ह, खलािड़यों ने ि केट तथा बैडिमंटन दोनों म भाग (c) 20 (d) 14
तो केवल अथशा म पास करने वाले छा ों की िलया लेिकन हॉकी म नहीं | सभी तीन खेलों म
सं ा िकतनी है ? िकतने छा ों ने भाग िलया ?
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I
(a) 15 (b) 10 (a) 30 (b) 34
(c) 20 (d) 18 (c) 38 (d) 32 Q50. A and B can do a piece of work in
30 days and 18 days respectively. A
Q44. In a certain group of men and Q47. .A private taxi company charges a started the work alone and then after 6
horses, the total number of legs is 14 fixed charge along with a per kilometer days B joined him till the completion of
more than twice the number of heads. charge based on the distance covered. the work. In how many days has the
How many horses are there in the group? For a journey of 24 Km, the charges paid whole work completed?
मनु ों तथा घोड़ों के एक समूह म, टां गों की कुल are Rs 368 and for a journey of 32 Km , A और B मशः िकसी काम को 30 िदन और 18
सं ा िसरों की सं ा के दोगुने से 14 अिधक है | the charges paid are Rs 464. How much िदन म पूरा करते है | A िकसी काम को अकेले
इस समूह म िकतने घोड़े ह ? will a person have to pay for travelling a शु करता है और छह िदन बाद B उसके साथ
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) काम ख होने तक काम करता है | पूरा काम
distance of 15 Km ?
(a) 11 (b) 5 िकतने िदन म ख होगा ?
एक िनजी टै ी कंपनी तय की गयी दू री के
(c) 7 (d) 9 CHSL 18/03/20(Morning)
आधार पर ित िकलोमीटर शु वसूलने के साथ
ही एक िनधा रत शु भी लेती है | 24 िकमी की (a) 9 (b) 15
Q45. A group of three friends,K, L and या ा म, 368 पये तथा 32 िकमी की या ा म 464 (c) 12 (d) 17
M, are sitting in a cafe. Their average पये का भुगतान करना पड़ता है | 15 िकमी की
age is 24 years. Another friend ‘N’ joins दू री तय करने के िलए एक को िकतनी Q51. One pound is approximately equal
the group and the new average age of the रािश का भुगतान करना होगा ?
to 0.453 kg. Jennifer bought 4.409
group becomes 23 years.If another friend CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
pounds of custard apple. How many
(a) Rs 280 (b) Rs 180
‘R’, whose age is 2 years more than that kilograms of custard apple did she buy
(c) Rs 260 (d) Rs 290
of ‘N’, replace ‘K’, then the average age (approximately)?
of L, M, N and R becomes 22.5 years. एक पौंड लगभग 0.453 िकलो ाम के बराबर है |
What is the age of K ? Q48. Hemant buys a dozen eggs for Rs. जेिनफर एक शरीफा खरीदती है जो की 4.409
K, L और M, तीन दो ों का एक समूह एक कैफे 5.50 per egg. While carrying them, two पौंड का है | खरीदा आ शरीफा िकतने
म बैठा है । उनकी औसत आयु 24 वष है । एक eggs get wasted when they fall down and िकलो ाम का है ?
अ िम 'N' समूह म शािमल होता है और समूह get damaged . He sells the balance eggs CHSL 18/03/20(Afternoon)
की नई औसत आयु 23 वष हो जाती है । यिद कोई at Rs.&.7.70 per egg. Find the net profit (a) 2.5 (b) 1
अ िम ‘R’, िजसकी आयु, ‘N’ से 2 वष अिधक earned by him in the overall deal. (c) 2 (d) 1.5
है ,' K 'का थान ले लेगा, तो L, M, N और R की हे मंत एक दजन अंडे खरीदता है । 5.50 ित
औसत आयु 22.5 वष हो जाएगी। K की आयु ा अंडा। उ ले जाने के दौरान, दो अंडे बबाद हो Q52. The sum of a number and its
है ?
जाते ह जब वे नीचे िगरते ह और ित हो जाते reciprocal is 174 . Find the numbers.
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) ह। वह बचे ए अंडे को 7 म बेचता है । तो
(a) 20 years (b) 22 years एक सं ा और उसकी पर र सं ा का जोड़
उसके ारा पूरी लेन-दे न पर अिजत लाभ ात
4 है | सं ा का मान ात कीिजये |
(c) 24 years (d) 25 years करे ।
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) CHSL 19/03/20(Morning)
Q46. Among 160 players in a (a) Rs.15.40 (b) Rs. 15.00 (a)4 and 14 (b)3 and 13
tournament, 57 did not participate in any (c) Rs 10.70 (d) Rs. 11.00
(c)5 and 15 (d)4 and 12
of the three games, i.e. Cricket , Hockey
and Badminton. A total of 37 players Q49. 60 students participated in one or
participated in only one game, 10 more of the three competitions, i.e. Quiz Q53. In a class, every student
players participated in both Cricket and , Extempore and Debate. A total of 22 participated in one of the three activities
Hockey but not in badminton , 9 players students participated either in quiz only i.e, folk song, kathak and quiz. 22% of
participated in both Hockey and or Extempore only . 4 students the total students participated in folk
Badminton but not in Cricket , and 13 participated in all three competitions. A songs. 25% of the remaining students
players participated in both Cricket and total of 14 students participated in any of participated in kathak. The remaining
Badminton but not in Hockey. How the two competitions only. How many students participated in a quiz. What
many students participated in all the students participated in Debate only? percentage of students participated in the
three games? 60 छा ों ने तीन ितयोिगताओं, यानी - ज़, quiz?
एक ितयोिगता म 160 खलािड़यों म से, 57 आशु तथा वाद-िववाद म से एक या अिधक म भाग एक क ा म सभी िव ािथयों ने िकसी न िकसी
खलािड़यों ने तीन खेलों अथात ि केट, हॉकी तथा िलया । 22 छा ों ने या तो केवल ज़ या आशु म खेल - लोक गीत, कथक, ो री म भाग िलया है
बैडिमंटन म से िकसी म भी भाग नहीं िलया | कुल भाग िलया । 4 छा ों ने सभी ितयोिगताओं म भाग | कुल िव ािथयों के 22 ितशत ने लोक गीत म
37 खलािड़यों ने केवल एक खेल म भाग िलया | िलया । कुल 14 छा ों ने दो म से िकसी भी एक भाग िलया | बचे ए िव ािथयों म से 25 ितशत ने
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

कथक म भाग िलया | बािक िव ािथयों ने ो री िकराय से तेरह गुना अिधक दे ता है | तो वह बस (a) 3 (b) 1
म | िकतने ितशत िव ािथयों ने ो री म भाग और ऑटो र ा के िकराय म कुल िकतनी रकम (c) 2 (d) 4
िलया ? दे ता है ?
CHSL 19/03/20(Evening) CHSL 12/10/20(Evening)
Q62. In a grocery shop the number of
(a)41.5% (b)53% (a) Rs60 (b) Rs30
vegetables is three times the number of
(c)30.6% (d)58.5% (c) Rs390 (d) Rs570
fruits. Which among the following
numbers correctly represents the total
Q54. John used to buy petrol at the rate Q58. Arvind gives half of his monthly number of fruits and vegetables in the
of Rs 80 per litre till last month. Now he salary to his wife for household
buys it at the rate of Rs 85 per litre. By expenses. He spends Rs 2,500 on his एक दु कान म स यों की सं ा फलों की सं ा
what percentage did the petrol price personal expenses. The saving he की तीन गुना है | िन ल खत म से कौन सा
increase as compared to last month? manages per month is 3/7 of his monthly िवक फलों और स यों की कुल सं ा
जॉन िपछले महीने तक पेटोल 80 Rs ित लीटर salary. What is Arvind's per month दशाता है ?
के दर से लेता था | अब वह पेटोल 85 Rs ित salary? CHSL 14/10/20(Afternoon)
लीटर की दर से ले रहा है | पेटोल की कीमतों म अरिव अपनी आधी आय अपनी प ी को घर (a) 42 (b) 50
िपछले महीने के मुकाबले िकतने ितशत वृ ई खच के िलए दे ता है | वह Rs 2500 खुद पर खच (c) 39 (d) 60
है ? करता है | वह अपनी मािसक आय का 3 /7 िह ा
CHSL 12/10/20(Morning) बचाता है | अरिव की मािसक आय िकतनी है ?
(a) 6.25% (b) 8.35%
Q63. Three persons A, B and C had
CHSL 12/10/20(Evening)
Rs360 altogether. A transferred half of
(c) 10% (d) 5.5% (a) Rs 28,000 (b) Rs 35,000
the amount he had to B, and C
(c) Rs 25,000 (d) Rs 30,000
transferred half of the amount he had to
Q55. Disha's salary is Rs3,000 more A. After the transfer, all of them have
than Pratima's salary. The ratio of Q59. An amount of Rs 504 is to be equal amounts. What is the total amount
Disha's to Pratima's salary is 17 : 15, divided among three persons A, B and C
B had before the transfer?
respectively. What is the salary of in the ratio of 7:8:9, respectively. How तीन लोगों A, B, C के पास कुल 360 पय है |
Pratima? much amount will B and C receive in Aआधे पये B को दे ता है और C अपने आधे A
िदशा की आय ितमा की आय से Rs 3000 ादा total? पय को सोंपता है | पैसे आपस म बदलने के बाद
है | िदशा और ितमा की आय का अनुपात 504 पये की रकम तीन लोगों A , B और C म 7 तीनो के पास बराबर मू है | B के पास शु आत
मानुसार 17 : 15 है | ितमा की आय िकतनी है : 8 : 9 म कमानुसार बां टी गयी है | B और C को म िकतने पय थे ?
? कुल िकतनी रकम िमलेगी ? CHSL 15/10/20(Afternoon)
CHSL 12/10/20(Morning) CHSL 13/10/20(Morning) (a) Rs180 (b) Rs120
(a) Rs 27,250 (a)Rs. 357 (b)Rs. 419 (c) Rs240 (d) Rs0
(b) Rs 26,750 (c)Rs. 317 (d)Rs. 268
(c) Rs 25,500
Q64. In a family, Mr. and Mrs. Gajanan
(d) Rs 22,500
Q60. A boy has a total of Rs 740 in the have five daughters and each daughter
denominations of two rupee, five rupee, has one brother. How many people are
Q56. There are 6 boys in a class of 11 there in the family?
ten rupee and twenty rupee notes. If the
students. A student is chosen from the एक प रवार म ीमती और ी गजानन के पां च
number of each denomination is equal,
class at random to be made the class बेिटयां है और हर बेटी के एक भाई है । प रवार म
what is the total number of notes the boy
monitor. What is the probability that the कुल िकतने लोग है ?
class monitor is a girl? CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
एक लड़के के पास दो पय, पां च पय, दस
एक 11 छा ों की क ा म 6 लड़के ह | िकसी एक (a) 8 (b) 6
पय और बीस पय के नोट है जो कुल 740
िव ाथ को छा नायक चुना गया है | छा नायक (c) 9 (d) 5
पय बनाते ह | अगर हर कार के नोट बराबर है ,
के लड़की होने की ा स ावना है ?
तो लड़के के पास कुल िकतने नोट है ?
CHSL 12/10/20(Afternoon)
CHSL 13/10/20(Evening) Q65. After giving a discount of 25% on
(a) (b) 1 (a)80 (b)60 the marked price, a laptop is sold at Rs
6 5 (c)40 (d)20 22,500. What is its marked price?
(c) (d)
11 11 अंिकत मू पर 25% की छूट दे ने के प ात
एक लैपटॉप को Rs. 22500 म बेचा जाता है |
Q61. In a sale, the price of sarees was लैपटॉप का अंिकत मू ा है ?
Q57. While traveling by bus, a man
Rs700 each whereas the price of sandals CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
spent Rs 60 more than 10 times the fare
was Rs 500 each. A lady spent a total of (a) Rs32,000 (b) Rs36,500
he paid for an auto rickshaw. The total
Rs3,800 on both the items. Find the (c) Rs30,000 (d) Rs29,000
amount spent by him is 13 times the fare
number of sarees she bought.
he paid for an auto rickshaw. What total
एक साड़ी की कीमत Rs. 700 है और एक सडल Q66. Aman has an equal number of one,
amount of money was spent on Bus as की कीमत Rs. 500 है | एक औरत इन दो सामान
well as Auto rickshaw by the man? five, ten and twenty rupee bank notes, to
को खरीदने के िलए Rs. 3800 पए खच करती है
एक बस से या ा के दौरान एक आदमी ऑटो make a total of Rs1,080. How many
| तो उसने कुल िकतनी साड़ी खरीदी ?
र ा के िकराये के दस गुना से साठ पय CHSL 14/10/20(Morning) bank notes does Aman have in total?
अिधक दे ता है | वह कुल रकम ऑटो र ा के
Arithmetic Reasoning

अमन के पास एक, पां च, दस और बीस पए के Q75. Mahira bought some erasers and
नोट बराबर मा ा म है जो की कुल Rs. 1080 है |
Q71. A pipe can fill a leak-proof tank some pens for Rs 42. Each eraser costs
अमन के पास कुल िकतने नोट है ? Rs5 and each pen costs Rs9. How many
completely in 24 hours. A leakage at the
CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
midpoint of the same size tank empties erasers did she buy?
(a) 100 (b) 120
half the tank in 36 hours. How much मािहरा ने कुछ र ड़ और पेन 42 पय म खरीदे |
(c) 105 (d) 90
time will it take to fill this tank with the ेक र ड़ 5 पय और ेक पेन 9 पय का
है | मािहरा ने िकतने र ड़ खरीदे ?
given pipe?
Q67. Train 'A' runs at a speed of 80 एक नली एक रवास रिहत टक को 24 घंटे म
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)
kmph and leaves station 'X' at 11.00 a.m. भरती है | समान आकार के टक िजसम म म
(a) 6 (b) 3
Train 'B' leaves station 'X' at 11.15 a.m. छे द है आधे पानी को 36 घंटे म खाली करता है | (c) 8 (d) 7
in the same direction, on the same day. दी गयी नली से टक को भरने म िकतना समय
At what speed train 'B' should run in लगेगा ? Q76. 3 friends A, B and C are working
order to catch train 'A' at station 'Y' CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening) in a company. The salary of A is
located at a distance of 60 km? (a) 14.4 hrs (b) 30 hrs Rs45,000 per month. C's monthly salary
टै न A, 80 िकलोमीटर ित घंटे के िहसाब से (c) 18 hrs (d) 72 hrs is 3/5th of B's monthly salary. B's
े शन X से 11:00 am पर चलती है | टै न B उसी monthly salary is double of A's monthly
िदशा म उसी े शन से 11:15 am पर चलती है | Q72. In a company there are 3 salary. What is the total salary of A, B
टै न B को िकस गित पर चलना चािहए तािक वो
departments - IT, HR and Help Desk. In and C per month?
टै न A को े शन Y पर िमल सके जो की 60
the IT department there are 125 तीन दो A, B, C एक कंपनी म कायरत है | A
िकलोमीटर दू र है ?
employees and in the HR department the हर महीने 45000 पय कमाता है | C की मािसक
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
number of employees is 1/5 th of IT. The आय B की आय के 3/5 है | B की मािसक आय
(a) 115 km/h (b) 120 km/h
helpdesk department has 20 employees की A आय की दोगुना है | A, B, C की कुल
(c) 110 km/h (d) 125 km/h
मािसक आय िकतनी है ?
less than total employees in IT and HR
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
together. What is the total number of
Q68. There are 946 teachers and (a) Rs 1,90,000 (b) Rs1,79,000
employees working in all three
students in a school. If there is one (c) Rs 1,80,000 (d) Rs 1,89,000
teacher for every 42 students, then how
िकसी कंपनी म तीन िवभाग है - IT, HR और हे
many teachers are there in the school? डे | आई.टी. िवभाग म 125 कमचारी है और Q77. Rahul invests his savings, which is
एक ू ल म 946 िश क और छा ह | यिद 42 अच.र. िवभाग म आई.टी. िवभाग के कमचा रयों Rs. 25000, in his bank that pays 7
ब ों के िलए एक िश क है तो ू ल म कुल का 1 /5 भाग है | हे डे िवभाग म आई.टी. percent annual interest. How much will
िकतने िश क है ? और अच.र. िवभाग के कुल कमचा रयों से 20 कम he earn by way of interest in one year?
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) है | तीनो िवभागों म कुल िकतने कमचारी है ? रा ल अपनी बचत जो की 25000 पय है को एक
(a) 20 (b) 23 CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning) बक म जमा करता है जहां उसे 7 ितशत सालाना
(c) 21 (d) 22 (a) 150 (b) 170 ाज िमलता है | एक वष म उसे िकतना ाज
(c) 280 (d) 180 िमलेगा ?
Q69. While writing all the natural CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
numbers from 1 to 100, how many times Q73. The rate of onion increased from (a)1500 (b)1800
do we write 6? Rs 70 per kilogram to Rs120 per (c)1750 (d)1675
1 से 100 तक ाकृितक सं ा िलखने पर ‘6’ kilogram within a month. By what
िकतनी बार आएगा ?
percentage (approximate) did the rate of SSC CPO 2020 TIER I
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
onion increase?
(a) 19 (b) 21
ाज की कीमत 70 पय ित िकलो से 120 पय
(c) 18 (d) 20 Q78. One day, 90 students were
ित िकलो एक महीने म हो गयी | ाज की
travelling in a bus and the ratio of the
कीमत म िकतने ितशत की बढ़ोतरी ई है ?
number of boys to that of girls was 2 : 1,
Q70. A person is employed by a CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
The next day, the number of students
company on a salary of Rs6,000 per (a) 71.5% (b) 80%
remained the same, but the ratio of the
month. Throughout the year, he (c) 65% (d) 75.2%
number of boys to that of girls became 3
remained absent from work for 15 days.
: 2. What was the difference between the
If Rs200 gets deducted for every single Q74. The sum of the two digits of a number of boys travelling in the bus on
holiday, then how much money will he number is 5. If we add 9 to the number both the days?
earn at the end of the year? we get 50. What is that number? एक िदन 90 छा एक बस म या ा कर रहे थे तथा
एक को एक क नी म ित माह Rs. एक सं ा के दो अंकों का जोड़ 5 है | यिद इस लड़कों तथा लड़िकयों की सं ा म 2:1 का
6000 पर कायरत िकया जाता है | पुरे वष म वह सं ा म 9 जोड़ िदया जाए तो वह 50 बन जाएगी | अनुपात था। अगले िदन, छा ों की सं ा समान
15 िदनों के िलए काम से छु ी लेता है | यिद हर सं ा बताइए | रही लेिकन लड़कों और लड़िकयों का अनुपात
अवकाश के िलए उसके Rs. 200 कटते है तो CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening) 3:2 हो गया। दोनों िदन बस म या ा करने वाले
बताएं की वह साल के अंत म िकतने पैसे कमाएगा
(a) 32 (b) 41 लड़कों की सं ा म ा अंतर था?
(c) 14 (d) 23 CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Rs70,000 (b) Rs69,000 (a) 6 (b) 30
(c) 14 (d) 18
(c) Rs72,000 (d) Rs75,000 375
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q83. In a group of 73 friends, 14

Q79. Two numbers are named as friends go to Gym and Karate classes Q88. Rohit is ranked 18th from the top
Number A and Number B. The sum of both, whereas 7 friends neither go to in his class. When counted from the
Number A, It’s square and its cube is Gym class nor to Karate class. If a total bottom, he is ranked 36th . What is the
399. The sum of Number B, its square of 36 friends go to Gym class, then how
total number of students in the class?
and its cube is 819. What would be the many friends go to only Karate class?
रोिहत अपनी क ा म 18 व थान से शीष पर है ।
square of the number obtained by adding 73 दो ों के समूह म, 14 दो िजम और कराटे
जब नीचे से िगना जाता है , तो वह 36 व थान पर
Number A and Number B? दोनों क ाओं म जाते ह, जबिक 7 दो न तो है । क ा म छा ों की कुल सं ा िकतनी है ?
दो सं ाओं को A और B नाम िदया गया है । िजम ास म जाते ह और न ही कराटे ास।
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
सं ा A, उसके वग तथा उसके घन का योग 399 अगर कुल 36 दो िजम ास म जाते ह, तो
(a) 52 (b) 55
िकतने दो केवल कराटे ास म जाते ह?
है । सं ा B, उसके वग तथा उसके घन का योग (c) 54 (d) 53
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
819 है । सं ाओं A और B को जोड़ने से ा
होने वा ी सं ा का वग िकतना होगा? (a) 30 (b) 32
CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) (c) 23 (d) 44 Q89. The cost of four cycle tyres and
(a) 324 (b) 225 three tubes is ₹ 720, whereas the cost of
three cycle tyres and four tubes is ₹ 610.
(c) 289 (d) 256 Q84. ₹ 2,871 is to be divided among A,
B and C in the ratio of 9:11:13, What is the cost of a tube?
चार साइिकल टायर और तीन ूब की लागत
Q80. A total of 60 students are respectively. How much more money (in
720 है , जबिक तीन साइिकल टायर और चार
travelling in a bus. The ratio of the ₹) will C get as compared to A?
ूब की लागत ₹ 610 है । एक ूब की कीमत
number of boys to that of girls is 2 : 1. 2,871 को मशः A, B और C के बीच 9:11:13
ा है ?
Then, 15 boys get down and 5 girls get के अनुपात म िवभािजत िकया जाना है । A की
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
in the bus at the first stop, and 5 boys get तुलना म C (₹ म) को िकतना अिधक पैसा
(a) ₹ 42 (b) ₹ 40
in and 10 girls get down from the bus at (c) ₹ 45 (d) ₹ 50
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
the second stop. What is the ratio of the
(a) ₹ 783 (b) ₹ 348
number of boys to that of girls in the Q90. A tap fills up a tank of 1250 litres
(c) ₹ 402 (d) ₹ 296
bus after the second stop? in 4 hours, whereas another tap can fill
एक बस म कुल 60 छा या ा कर रहे ह। लड़कों the same tank in 8 hours. An outlet tap
तथा लड़िकयों की सं ा का अनुपात 2:1 है । Q85. Identify the number which when
added to itself 14 times gives 195. can empty that tank in 6 hours. If all the
िफर, पहले बस ॉप पर 15 लड़के उतर जाते ह
उस सं ा को ात करे जो यं को 14 बार जोड़े three taps are opened simultaneously,
तथा 5 लडिकयाँ चढ़ती ह। अगले बस ॉप पर 5
जाने पर 195 दे ता है । then how much time will it take to fill
लड़के चढ़ते ह और 10 लड़िकयाँ उतर जाती ह।
दू सरे ॉप के बाद बस म लड़कों तथा लड़िकयों CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) the tank completely?
की सं ा का ा अनुपात है ? (a)15 (b)14 (c)16 (d)13 एक नल 4 घंटे म 1250 लीटर का टक भरता है ,
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) जबिक दू सरा नल उसी टक को 8 घंटे म भर
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 सकता है । एक आउटलेट नल 6 घंटे म उस टक
Q86. On a farm, there are 48 ducks, 42
को खाली कर सकता है । यिद सभी तीन नल एक
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 3 : 1 goats and 10 cows with some attendants.
साथ खोले जाते ह, तो टक को पूरी तरह से भरने
If the total number of feet is 216 more म िकतना समय लगेगा?
Q81. The sum of a number’s square, its than the number of heads, what is the CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
cube and its next number’s cube is 205. number of attendants on the farm? (a) 4.2 hours (b) 4.5 hours
What is the number? एक खेत म, कुछ प रचारकों के साथ 48 ब ख, (c) 4.8 hours (d) 5 hours
एक सं ा के वग, उसके घन तथा उसकी अगली 42 बक रयां और 10 गाय ह। यिद पैरों की कुल
सं ा के घन का योग 205 है । वह सं ा कौन सी सं ा िसर की सं ा से 216 अिधक है , तो खेत
है ? पर उप थत लोगों की सं ा ा है ? ANSWERS
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 (a)12 (b)14 (c) 8 (d)10
1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(a)

Q82. When a number is added to its Q87. X is 7th from the top while Y is 5.(a) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(c)
next number and another number that is 16th from the bottom in the class
four times its next number, the sum of ranking. If they interchange their 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(b) 12.(b)
these three numbers is 95. Find the positions, then X becomes 21st from the
top. What will be the position of Y from 13.(c) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(a)
जब एक सं ा को, उसकी अगली सं ा म तथा the bottom?
X शीष से 7 व थान पर है जबिक Y क ा रिकंग 17.(b) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(c)
एक अ सं ा जो उसकी अगली सं ा से चार
गुना है , म जोड़ा जाता है , तो तीनों सं ाओं का म नीचे से 16 व थान पर है । यिद वे अपनी थित
को बदलते ह, तो X शीष से 21 व थान पर आ 21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(b)
जोड़ 95 आता है । वह सं ा ात कर।
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) जाता है । नीचे से Y की थित ा होगी?
(a) 15 (b) 17 CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(d)
(c) 16 (d) 14 (a)21st (b)16th
(c)29th (d)30th 29.(c) 30.(b) 31.(a) 32.(c)

Arithmetic Reasoning

4 : 5=9 Suppose if he bought all the toys then

33.(c) 34.(a) 35.(a) 36.(c)
10 : 8 maximum toys that can be bought
37.(b) 38.(b) 39.(a) 40.(b) So, 5 : 4 is the answer 38/7=5.42
And if he bought all the spoons then the
41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(a) 44.(c) Sol 4. (a) Here according to the maximum number of spoons that can be
question, bought = 38/5 = 7.6 .
45.(c) 46.(b) 47.(c) 48.(d) 1W = 1M + 1B……(i) So, he bought either 6 or 7 product
1M = 1B × 32 7 items can’t be bought as 7*5= 35, then
49.(c) 50.(b) 51.(c) 52.(a) 2M = 3B only 3 rupees are left.(So, this is not a
M:B:W=3:2:5 valid case)
53.(d) 54.(a) 55.(d) 56.(d) Let, toys = x and spoon = 6 - x
6M + 8W + 12B = 820
(6M × 3R) + (8W × 5R) + (12B × 2R) = So, 7x + (6 - x) × 5 = 38
57.(c) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60.(a)
820 7x + 30 - 5x = 38
61.(d) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64.(a) 82R = 820 2x = 8
40R = 400 x = 4 = plastic toys and spoons = 6 - 4 =
65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(b) 68.(d) 2.
Sol 5. (a)
69.(d) 70.(b) 71.(b) 72.(c) Let the number of man employed = M Sol 12. (b)Let each type of note = x.
According to the question So, 2x + 5x + 10 x = 340 ; 17x = 340 ; x
73.(a) 74.(b) 75.(b) 76.(d) 12 x M = (M-6) x 20 = total work = 20.
⇒ M = 15 So, total notes = 3x = 20 x 3 = 60.
77.(c) 78.(a) 79.(d) 80.(c)
Sol 6. (a) Sol 13. (c)
81.(c) 82.(a) 83.(a) 84.(b)
Since he gets 15% profit it means 1st : 2nd = 1 : 2
115% = 4140 2nd : 3rd = 1 : 2 = 2 : 4
85.(d) 86.(a) 87.(d) 88.(d)
⇒ 1% = 4140 So 1st : 2nd : 3rd = 1 : 2 : 4.
89.(b) 90.(c) So , to get 25% profit Now x2 + (2x)2 + (4x)2 = 21 x2 = 336.
125% = 4140115
× 125 x2 = 336 / 21 = 16 = 4 .

⇒ 4500 1st number = 4, 2nd = 4 x 2 = 8. 3rd =

4 x 4 = 16.
Sol 1. (c)
Sol 7. (d) The average of 9 numbers is Difference between 1st and 3rd = 16 - 4
In question given that
40. Total = 40 × 9 = 360. = 12.
A + B + C = 1875………(i)
Average of the first five numbers is 38.
A = B+C and B = A+C
2 4 Total = 38 × 5 = 190. Sol 14. (d) His present age is in cube
2A = B+C but 9 and 62 are not perfect cube
Average of the last five numbers is 50.
When we put value of B+C in equation 64 - 2 = 62 is not a perfect square.
Total = 5 × 50 = 250.
(i) then we get By eliminating all options, 27 is the
Fifth number = 190 + 250 - 360 = 440 -
⇒ 3A = 1875 correct answer.
360 = 80.
⇒ A = 625 …….(a)
4B = A+ C Sol 15. (d) Let right questions = x ,
Sol 8. (c) Girls = x , Boys = 2x.
When we put value of A+C in equation wrong = 3x.
After an hour, 2x - 5 = x + 3
(i) then we get X = 8 = Girls ; Boys = 16. X + 3x = 72
5B = 1875 , B = 375……(b) 4x = 72 , x = 18. Right = 18 , wrong =
Total = 8 + 16 = 24.
So , C = 875 54.
Difference between A and C is 250.
Sol 9. (d)
Formula for 1 face painted = (n − 2) 2 × Sol 16. (a)
Sol 2. (a) Logic is : n3+1 According to the question
But 338 does not follow the sequence. 6 = (3 − 2)2 × 6 = 1 × 6 = 6.
P : (Q+R) = 1 : 2 ⇒ 3 = 2100 So , P =
√N umber of small cubes
Where ‘n’ =
700 and (Q+R) = 1400
Sol 3. (d) And , Q : (P+R) = 1 : 4 ⇒ 5 = 2100 So
Milk : Water Total Sol 10. (d) 20 times. (10 times at unit
, Q = 420 and (P+R) = 1680
quantity place and 10 times at tens place)
Hence , P + R - P =1680-700 ⇒ R =
2 : 1 = 3 unit
4 : 5 = 9 unit SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I Finally , P-R = 980-700=280
Balancing the ratio for total quantity
Milk : Water Sol 11. (b) 20
Sol 17. (b) Logic is : C2 is the
6 : 3=9
maximum possible way.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

20 20×19
C2 = 2
= 190 Sol 26. (a) C - B = 11 Sol 35. (a) Binita read the magazine
C + B = 111 first. And the sequence is Binita → Laila
C + C + 11 = 111 → Isha , → Ashi and Diksha.
Sol 18. (a) In June, Girls = x , Boys =
C = 50.
In July , x + 5 = 2x - 5 Sol36. (c) From the given information ,
Sol 27. (d) A - B = 12 we can conclude:
x = 10 Girls, Boys = 20 in the month of
A + B = 102 S -- A -- M -- R -- G
Total = 30 students. A + A + 12 = 102 According to the above figure,
2A = 90 Rajni came second in the race.
A = 45.
Sol 19. (b) Mother = x , Son = 60 - x ;
The difference between their ages is 30 SSC CGL 2019 TIER I
Sol 28. (d) B - C = 7
B + C = 157 Sol 37. (b)80% = 4
x - (60 - x) = 30 5
B = 75. 4
x - 60 + x = 30 5
of 80 = 64
C = 75 + 7 = 82.
2x = 90; x = 45 years = Mother. Now correct answer fetches ‘1’ marks ,
-1 for every wrong answer and
Sol 29. (c) A + 10 = C - 4
Sol 20. (c) unanswered question gives ‘0’ marks
A = C - 14,
Logic is : nC2 is the maximum possible Since the student gets 32 marks therefore
ways C= A+14 ..eqn (1)
marks deducted are 64-32= 32.
A + C = 330(given)...eqn(2)
n = Number of observations Wrong answers= 32/2= 16
14 Using 1st & 2nd
C2 = (14 × 13)/2 = 91 So, he must have correctly done 32+16=
C - 14 + C = 330
2C = 344
Sol .21. (c)
C = 172.
A - B = 11 Sol 38. (b)Let the total number of
A + B = 245 married couples in Indian metro cities be
Sol 30. (b) C = 5A ; B = 3A ;
A = 128 100.
A + B + C = 153
B = 128 - 11 = 117. Now, as per question
A + 3A + 5A = 153
20% have only one child = 20
9A = 153
Sol 22. (b) Families left = 80
A = 17.
45% of the Families left have two
B = 3 × 17 = 51.
children = 45% of 80 = 36
09-July-19 (Morning)
Families with three or more children are
= 100 - (36 + 20) = 44
Sol 31. (a) A = 6B , C = 4B
Percentage of couples with three or more
A + B + C = 209
So , present age of father = 6 x 5 = 30 + children = 44%
6B + B + 4B = 209
2 = 32 11B = 209 ; B = 19.
And son’s age = 5 + 2 = 7 Sol 39. (a)
A = 6 × 19 = 114.
Let the price of product B be ‘x’
Sol 23. (a) Ajay = x, Vikram = 2x. Price of product A = x+2
Sol 32. (c) Son = x , Father = 2x ; Five
5 years ago, 2x - 5 = 3(x - 5) Now as per question ,
years ago,
2x - 5 = 3x - 15 3x + 2 = 17
2x - 5 = 3 (x - 5)
3x - 2x = -5 + 15 x=5
2x - 5 = 3x - 15
x = 10 years Ajay. Thus, the Price of B = Rs 5
X = 10 years = Son.
Vikram = 2x = 2 x 10 = 20 years.
Sol 40.(b) Printed Price=(468 × 10 ×
Sol 33. (c)
Sol 24. (b)Rohit's father = 47 years ; 5)/(9 × 4)= 650
Rohit’s mother's age = 42 years.
Rohit's age is 10 years less than half of Sol 41.(a)Total amount that Shaam has =
his mother's age = 422 - 10 = 21 - 10 = According to the above solution, Rs 5000
11 years. Vanshika is left to the Sahiba. He buys product ‘Z’ at Rs 5,000 from
this sum and then sells it to another
Sol 25. (c) A -B = 6 Sol 34. (a)Total number of students = person, thus making a profit of 15% on it
⇒ A + B = 74 17+23-1 = 39 Thus now the total sum of money Shaam
Q’s Position exactly in the middle = 20 has = 5000 × 115
On solving ⇒ A = 34 100

⇒ B = 34 + 6 = 40. = Rs 5750
= Rs ( 5750 + 500)

Arithmetic Reasoning

= Rs 6250 Players that only played Cricket and Hence the work is completed in = 6 + 9
Again he buys product ‘X’ and then sells Hockey = 10 = 15 days.
it to another person making a profit of Players that only played Cricket and
25% on it. Badminton = 13 Sol 51. (c)
Total money now with him = 6250 × 54 Players that only played Badminton and Custard apple = 4.409 pound = 4.409 ×
= Rs 7812.50 Hockey = 9 0.453 = 1.9972 ≈ 2 (approx)
Thus, students participated in all the
Sol 42.(b)Let the amount that Vineet has three games = 103 - ( 37 + 13 + 10 + 9) Sol 52. (a)
with him is ‘x’ = 34 Let the number = x
Thus, amount Rajesh has = 2x 1 1
x+ = 174 = 4 +
The amount kriti has = x + 6 ……(i) Sol 47. (c) x 4
Rajesh and Kriti have is Rs 147 ……(ii) Let F be the fixed value & X be the per
Now equating the equations(i) and (ii) kilometer charge based on the distance Sol 53. (d)
2x + x + 6=147 covered. Let there be 100 students in school
x= 47 Rs.368= F + 24X-------- I Students who participated in Folk song =
The amount that Kriti has(47+6) = Rs 53 Rs.464= F + 32X---------II 22% of total = 22
By solving equations 1 & 2, we get the Remaining students = 100 - 22 = 78
Sol 43.(a) fixed and variable value as F=80, x=12. Students who participated in Kathak =
Now, for 15 kilometers 25% of remaining students
Total Charge= 80(F) + 15 × 12(x)= 260. Therefore, students who participated
Quiz = 75% of remaining students = 100
Sol 48. (d) × 78 = 58.5
Number of eggs bought by hemant = 12 58.5
Quiz participation students = 100 ×
Students that have passed in Economics Number of eggs left = 12 - 2 = 10
100 = 58.5%
only = 100 - ( 24 + 12 + 14 + 5 + 11 + CP of total eggs = 12 × 5.50 = Rs66
19 ) = 15 Similarly SP of eggs = 10 × 7.70 = Rs
Sol 54. (a)
Sol 44.(c) 77 Petrol price last month = Rs. 80
Let the number of men be ‘n’ and the Net profit earned = SP - CP = Rs Petrol price this month = Rs. 85
number of Horses be ‘m’ ( 77 - 66) = Rs 11 85 − 80 5
% increase = × 100 = ×5
As per question, 80 4
(2n + 4m) = 2(n + m) + 14 Sol 49.(c) Total number of students: 60 25
= = 6.25%
The total number of students who 4
2m = 14
m=7 participated in all the three = 4
The total number of students who Sol 55. (d)
participated in any of the two = 14 Ratio of salary of Disha and Pratima =
Sol 45.(c)
The total number of students who 17:15
The average age of K, L and M = 24 yrs
participated either in Extempore or in Difference in ratio of salary of Disha and
Sum of K, L and M age = 72 yrs
Quiz = 22 Pratime = 2 units
K + L + M = 72
The number of students Who 2 units = Rs. 3000
L + M = 72 - K……….(i)
participated in debate only = 60 -( 4 + 14 1 units = Rs. 1500
Sum of K, L , M and N = 92 yrs
+ 22) Pratima salary = 15 units = 15 × 1500 =
K + L + M + N = 92
N = 20 yrs = 20 Rs. 22500
R’s age = 22 yrs
Sum of L, M, N and R = 90 CHSL 2019 Tier I Sol 56. (d)
Number of girl in the class = 11 - 6 = 5
L + M + 20 + 22 = 90
L + M = 90 - 42 = 48……..(ii) Sol 50. (b) Probability of monitor to be girl =
A → 30 days N umber of girls in the class
Putting the value in equation(i)
T otal number of students in the class =
K = 24 yrs B → 18 days
Total work = LCM (30,18) = 90 units 11
Sol 46 (b) 90
Efficiency A = 30 = 3 units per day
Total number of players in the 90 Sol 57. (c)
tournament = 160 Efficiency B = 18 = 5 units per day
Let auto rickshaw fare = Rs. x
Players that actually take part in the Work completed by A in 6 days = 3 × 6 = Then, bus fair = 10x + 60
tournament = 160- 57 = 103 18 units Total amount spent = 13x
Total players who participated in only Remaining work = 90 - 18 = 72 units Total amount = bus fare + auto rickshaw
one game = 37 A and B complete remaining work in = fare
T otal work 72 13 x = 10x + 60 + x
= = 9 days
total ef f iciency 8
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

13 x - 10 x -x = 60 Let the number of fruits = x Now, within the time in which train A
2x = 60 Then, number of vegetables = 3x travels remaining distance i.e. (60-20) =
X = Rs. 30 Total number of fruits and vegetables = 40 km, train B has to travel 60 km.
Total amount = 13x = 13 × 30 = Rs. 390 x + 3x = 4x Time = Distance
Or, you can directly see that the total This represents the total number of fruits
and vegetables is a multiple of 4. 40 60
amount is a multiple of 13. Therefore, ∴ =
80 x
the answer should also be a multiple of Among the given options, only option 1 60
(d) satisfies this condition.
⇒ 2 =
13. Only option (c) satisfies. x
⇒ x = 120 km/h
Sol 58. (b) Sol 63. (b)
Let monthly income of Arvind = Rs. x Let A had Rs. x and B had Rs. y initially. Sol 68. (d)
Amount given to wife = x/2 Then C had = 360 - x - y. Let there be x teachers in a school.
Personal expense = 2500 x Therefore, number of students = 946 - x
After transferring amount, A has =
Saving = 3x/7 2 For every 42 students, there is one
360 − x − y 360 − y
Total monthly salary of Arvind = amount + 2 = 2 teacher.
given to wife + personal expense + x Thus, for 1 student, number of teacher =
B has = y + 2 and C has =
saving 1
360 − x − y
x = x/2 + 2500 + 3x/7 2 42
7x + 6x 360 − y For (946 - x) students, number of teacher
x = 2500 + According to question:- = y+
14 2 946 − x
7x + 6x 360 − x − y = 42
x- = 2500 x
14 =
2 2 According to the question:-
14x − 7x − 6x 360 − y 360 − x − y
14 = 2500 ⇒ 2 = 2
946 − x
x = 2500 × 14 = Rs. 35000 ⇒ x=0 ⇒ 946 - x = 42 x
x 360 − x − y ⇒ 946 = 43 x
Also, ⇒ y + =
Sol 59. (a) Given that 2 2
3y ⇒ x= = 22
A:B:C=7:8:9 ⇒ 43
2 = 180
⇒ 24 unit = 504
⇒ y = Rs. 120
⇒ 01 unit = 21 Sol 69. (d)
Sol 64. (a) While counting from 1 to 100, 6 appears
So , Total amount of B and C
Members in the family are:- Mr. Gajanan in each line i.e. 6, 16, 26, and so on.
⇒ 17 unit = 21 x 17 = 357
+ Mrs. Gajanan + Five girls + One boy = Also, from 60 to 69, it appears
8 11times.Therefore, 6 appears a total 20
Sol 60. (a)
times .
Let each kind of note the boy has be x. Sol 65. (c)
Type of denominations the boy has = Rs. Let the marked price of laptop = Rs. x Sol 70. (b)
2, Rs. 5, Rs. 10 and Rs. 20 75
According to the question:- x × = Salary for one month = Rs. 6000
Total amount the boy has = Rs. 740 100
Salary for one year = 6000 × 12 = Rs.
Therefore, Rs. 22500
2x + 5x + 10x + 20x = 740 100 72000
x = 22500 × 75 = Rs. 30000 No. of leaves = 15
⇒ 37x = 740
Amount deducted for one leave = Rs.
⇒ x = 20
Sol 66. (b) 200
Total number of notes = 4x = 80
Let note of each type be x. Total amount deducted in an year = Rs.
Total notes = x+x+x+x = 4x. 200 × 15 = Rs. 3000
Sol 61. (d)
Total amount = Rs 1080 Therefore, the amount earned by him at
Price of 1 saree = Rs. 700
According to question:- x + 5x + 10x + the end of a year = Rs. (72000 - 3000) =
Price of 1 sandal = Rs. 500
20x = 1080 Rs. 69000.
Price of 1 pair of sandal = Rs. 500 × 2 =
⇒ 36x = 1080
Rs. 1000
⇒ x = 30 Sol 71. (b)
Let the lady buy x sandals.
Total notes = 4x = 120.
Total amount spent by her = Rs. 3800
According to question:-
Sol 67. (b)
700 x + 1000 = 3800
Speed of train A = 80 km/h
700 x = 3800 - 1000 = 2800 Total efficiency = 3-1 = 2
Speed of train B = x km/h
2800 Total time taken by both the pipes to fill
x= =4 Distance travelled by train A in 15 min =
700 the half tank = 362 = 18hrs
80 × 15
= 20 km
So , Total time = 12 + 18 = 30hrs
Sol 62. (d)
Arithmetic Reasoning

Sol 72. (c) Total number of students in class =

Employees in IT department = 125 Sol 79. (d) 21+16-1= 36
1 a+a2+a3=399 After interchanging their positions,
Employees in HR department = 5 × b+b2+b3=819 Position of Y from top becomes 7th.
125 = 25
Using hit and trial we can say easily that Position of Y from bottom = 36+1-7 =
Total employees in IT and HR
a=7 and b=9 as 83>399 30th
department = 125 + 25 = 150
So we have to find (a+b)2= 162=256.
Employees in Helpdesk department =
Sol 88. (d)
150 - 20 = 130
Sol 80. (c) Total students in class = 18+36-1 = 53
Total employees in all three departments
Initially boys = 40 and girls = 20
= 150 + 130 = 280
After first stop Sol 89. (b)
Boys = 40 - 15 = 25 and girls = 20 + 5 = 4 tyre + 3 tube = 720 ……(1)
Sol 73. (a)
25 3 tyre + 4 tube = 610 …….(2)
120 − 70
% increase = 70 × 100 = After second stop Multiply eqn(2) by 4 and eqn (1) by 3
50 5 Boys = 25 + 5 = 30 and girls = 25 - 10 = and then subtract,
70 × 100 = 7 × 100 = 71.5%
15 We get, 16tube - 9 tube = 610 × 4 -
Required ratio is = 30:15 = 2:1 720 × 3
Sol 74. (b)
7 tube = 280
On checking all the options, only option Sol 81. (c) 1 tube = 40 rupees.
(b) satisfies both the conditions. a2+a3 +(a+1)3 = 205
a=4 satisfies the equation Sol 90. (c)
Sol 75. (b) 1250
Efficiency of tap A = 4 = 312.5
Cost of each eraser = Rs. 5 Sol 82. (a) According to the question
Cost of each pen = Rs. 9 1250
X+X+1+4(X+ 1)=95 Efficiency of tap B = 8 = 156.25
Let mahira buy x erasers and y pens. =6X+5=95 so 6X=90 and X=15 1250
Efficiency of tap C = 6 = -208.33
According to the question:- 5x + 9y = 42
Now check the options. When all taps working simultaneously,
Sol 83. (a)
Only option (b) satisfies. time taken to fill the tank =
Friends who either go to Gym or Karate
5(3) + 9y = 42 1250 1250
= 73-7 = 66 312.5+156.25+ (−208.33) = 260.42 = 4.8
⇒ 15 + 9y = 42
Friends who go only Karate class = 66- hours.
⇒ 9y = 42 - 15 = 27 36 = 30
⇒ y = 3.
Thus, number of pens bought = number Sol 84. (b) a+b+c =2871
of erasers bought = 3. Let a = 9R, b = 11R, c = 13R
33R = 2871
Sol 76. (d) R = 2871/33 = 87
A’s monthly income = Rs. 45000 Difference of ratio between A & C is 4R
B’s monthly income = Rs. 90000 so 4*87=348
C’s monthly income = Rs. 90000 × 5 =
Rs. 54000 Sol 85. (d)
Total monthly income of three friends = x + 14x = 195
Rs. (45000 + 90000 + 54000) = Rs. 15x = 195
189000 x = 13,

Sol 77. (c) Sol 86. (a)

7 Let the number of attendants be y.
Interest in an year = 25000 × 100 = Total number of heads = 48 + 42 + 10 +
1750 y = 100+y
Total number of feet = (48 × 2) + (42 × 4)
Sol 78.(a) + (10 × 4) + (2y) = 96+168+40+2y =
Total number of students=90
Day 1 ratio of boys and girls=2:1 so the
According to the question,
number of boys and girls= 60 and 30
100+y+216 = 304+2y
316-304 = 2y-y
Sent day ratio of boys and girls=3:2
12 = y
So number of boys= 35 × 90=54
So the difference between boys on both Sol 87. (d)
Mathematical Operation

MATHEMATICAL Q1. Which two signs should be 18 + 12 × 8 − 6 ÷ 3 = 9

OPERATION/गिणतीय संि याएँ interchanged to make the given equation CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
correct? (a) + and × (b) − and ×
िदए गये समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन से (c) × and ÷ (d) ÷ and +
Basics of Mathematical Operations- दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ?
In this chapter, questions have to be 4+8 × 12 ÷ 6-4=8 Q7. Which two numbers should be
solved in which symbols like (III. III) CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) interchanged to make the given equation
have to be replaced by the symbols given (a) × and + (b)+ and ÷ correct?
in the instructions and solve them under (c) - and + (d) ÷ and - िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन सी
BODMAS rule./इस अ ाय म ऐसे ो को हल दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल दे ने की
करना होता है िजसमे िच ो जैसे (।।।।।। ) को Q2. Which of the following interchanges आव कता है ?
िनदश म िदए गए िच ो से उनका थान बदलकर
of signs and numbers would make the 4 × 2-8+9 ÷ 3 = 9 ÷ 3+4 × 2-8
BODMAS िनयम के तहत उसका हल करना होता
given equation correct? CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
िच ों तथा सं ाओं की कौन सी अदला-बदली (a)3 and 4 (b)3 and 2
B - Bracket - को
िदए गए समीकरण को सही कर दे गी ? (c)8 and 3 (d)8 and 4
O - of - का
8 ÷ 2-6 × 4+3=13
D - Division - भाग
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) Q8. Which of the following interchanges
M - Multiplication - गुणा
(a)- and +, 6 and 4 of signs and numbers would make the
A - Addition - जोड़
(b) ÷ and +, 4 and 8 given equation correct?
S - Subtraction - घटाव
(c) × and ÷ , 8 and 6 िच ों एवं सं ाओं की कौन सी अदला-बदली िदए
First of all, in mathematical operations
(d) × and -, 2 and 6 गए समीकरण को सही बना दे गी ?
first solve the bracket. Then solve "of ".
12 × 18 ÷ 3-6+4=5
The part is followed by the division. After
Q3. Which two numbers should be CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
that the action of "multiplication" is done. (a) ÷ and × , 6 and 3
After that the addition is done and finally interchanged to make the given equations
correct? (b) ÷ and × , 4 and 3
the subtraction is done./सभी गिणतीय
कौन सी दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल दे ना (c) ÷ and + , 3 and 4
संि याए म सबसे पहले ैकेट को हल करते है ।
चािहए तािक िदया गया समीकरण सही हो जाए ? (d) × and + , 3 and 6
उसके बाद "का" को हल करते है । उसके बाद
भाग की ि या होती है । उसके बाद "गुणा" की
6 × 3 - 8 ÷ 2 + 5 = 8 ÷ 2 + 3 × 5-6
ि या की जाती है । उसके बाद जोड़ की ि या की CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) Q9. Which two signs should be
जाती है और अंत म घटाव की ि या की जाती है । (a)6 and 2 (b)8 and 6 interchanged to make the following
(c)5 and 6 (d)3 and 5 equation correct?
Ex - 2 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
Which of the following interchanges of Q4. Which two numbers should be से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता
signs and numbers would make the given interchanged to make the है ?
equation correct? given equation correct?िदए गए समीकरण 10-15 × 9+6 ÷ 3=9
िच ों एवं सं ाओं की कौन सी अदला-बदली िदए को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो अंकों को आपस म CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
गए समीकरण को सही कर दे गी ? जोड़ा जाना चािहए? (a)- and + (b) ÷ and +
18-3 ÷ 6+24 × 12=48 9 + 4 ÷ 2 - 6 ×3 = 4 ÷ 3 × 6 - 9 + 1 (c) + and - (d) × and -
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
(a) × and +, 3 and 6 (a) 6 and 3 (b) 4 and 9 Q10. Which two signs should be
(b) ÷ and -, 12 and 6 (c) 4 and 2 (d) 6 and 4 interchanged to make the given equation
(c) ÷ and × , 3 and 12 correct?
Q5. Which of the following interchanges कौन से दो िच ों को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए
(d) × and - , 3 and 6
of signs and numbers would make the तािक िदया गया समीकरण सही हो जाए ?
given equation correct? 9 + 12 ÷ 6 × 8 − 4 = 14
िन िल खत म से िकन िच ों का आदान- दान CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
ccording to the equation given.
समीकरण को संतु करे गा? (a) - and × (b) + and ×
If we interchange the signs × and − 12 ÷ 4 + 2 -6 × 3 = 3 ÷ 12 + 6 × 2 - 4 (c) ÷ and + (d) × and ÷
and integer CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
3 & 6. (a) × and − , 4 and 6 Q11. Which of the following interchanges
Then the equation will be: (b) ÷ and + , 6 and 4 of signs and numbers would make the
18 × 6 ÷ 3 + 24 − 12 = 48
(c) × and ÷ , 4 and 6 following equation correct?
Now answer will be satisfied.
(d) − and + , 6 and 4 कौन से िच ों तथा सं ाओं को आपस म बदल
L.H.S = R.H.S दे ने से िन िल खत समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
Q6. Which two signs should be 18 − 8 ÷ 12 × 6 + 10 = 12
CPO 2018 TIER I interchanged to make the following CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
equation correct? (a) ×, ÷ , 12 and 6
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन (b) +, − , 8 and 10
दो िच ों का पर र संबंध होना चािहए? 382
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) +, − , 6 and 8
(d) ×, − , 18 and 6 Q17. If ‘$’ stands for addition, ‘ % ’ Q22. If ‘+’ stands for ‘-’, ′ − ′ stands for
stands for subtraction, ‘#’ stands for ‘ × ’, ‘ × ’ stands for ‘ ÷ ’ and ‘ ÷ ’ stands
Q12. Which two numbers should be multiplication and ‘@’ stands for for ‘+’, then what will be the value of the
interchanged to make the following division, then what is the value of following expression?
equation correct? यिद $’ का अथ जोड़ है , ‘ % ’ का अथ घटाव है , यिद '+' का मतलब '-' है , '-' का मतलब ' × ' है ' × '
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन ‘#’ का अथ गुना है और ‘@’ का अथ िवभाजन है , का मतलब ' ÷ ' है और ‘ ÷ ’ का मतलब '+' है , तो
सी दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलना पड़े गा ? तो िन िल खत का मान ा होगा ? िन िल खत का पद का ा मान है ?
8 + 12 ÷ 9 × 6 − 4 = 12 ÷ 6 × 8 + 9 - 1 CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) 14-3+10 × 5 ÷ 5
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) 18 # 2 @ 2 $ 18 % 18 CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)12 and 8 (b)6 and 9 (a)36 (b)0 (c)2 (d)18 (a)65 (b)48 (c)45 (d)40
(c)6 and 12 (d)8 and 4
Q18. Which two symbols should be Q23.Which option gives the two signs
Q13. If sign ′ × ′ is interchanged with interchanged to make the following that need to be interchanged to make the
′ ÷ ′ and number ‘3’ is interchanged with equation correct? given equation correct?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन िकस िवक म वे दो िच ह िजनकी
‘2’, then which of the following equations
सी दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता अदला-बदली करने से िदया गया समीकरण सही
would be correct?
है ? हो जाएगा ?
यिद िच ′ × ′ को ′ ÷ ′ ारा बदल िदया जाता है
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) 24-8 ÷ 5 + 5 × 3 = 13
और सं ा 3 को 2 ारा बदल िदया जाता है , तो
20+5 × 3 ÷ 3 − 1 = 14 CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा?
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) (a) ÷ and × (b) × and − (a) × and + (b) × and ÷
(a)3 ÷ 2 × 2+2-3=1 (c) × and + (d) ÷ and + (c) ÷ and + (d) ÷ and −
(b)3 × 2 ÷ 2+2-3=3
(c)2 × 3 ÷ 2+2-3=0 Q19. Which option gives the two signs Q24.Which option gives the two signs
(d)2 × 3- 2+2 ÷ 3=0 that need to be interchanged to make the that need to be interchanged to make the
given equation correct? given equation correct?
Q14. Which two signs should be िकस िवक म वे दो िच ह िजनकी िकस िवक म वे दो िच ह िजनकी
अदला-बदली करने से िदया गया समीकरण सही अदला-बदली करने से िदया गया समीकरण सही
interchanged to make the given equation
हो जाएगा ? हो जाएगा ?
6-20 ÷ 12 × 7+1=70 15 ÷ 15 × 10 − 10 + 5 = 15
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
संकेतों का पर र संबंध होना चािहए?
(a) ÷ and + (b) × and - (a) ÷ and × (b) + and −
14+4 ÷ 5-18 × 2=25
(c) × and + (d) ÷ and × (c) × and − (d) ÷ and −
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
(a) ÷ and + (b) × and +
(c) × and - (d) ÷ and × Q20. If ‘$’ stands for addition, ‘@’ Q25. Find out the two signs to be
stands for subtraction, ‘#’ stands for interchanged for making the following
multiplication and ‘&’ stands for division, equation correct.
Q15. If + means ‘ ÷ ’ - means ‘+’, ×
then what is the value of िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
means ‘-’ and ÷ means ‘ × ’, then what
यिद $’ का अथ जोड़ है , ‘@’ का अथ घटाव है , ‘#’ से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
will be the value of the following का अथ गुना है और ‘&’ का अथ िवभाजन है , तो 1
expression? 4
÷ 641 -5+45 × 120 = 5
िन िल खत का मान ा होगा ?
यिद + का अथ ‘ ÷ ’ - का अथ ‘+’, × का अथ ‘-’ CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
12 # 8 $ 36 & 3 @ 6?
और ÷ का अथ ‘ × ’, तो िन िल खत समीकरण का (a) × and + (b) ÷ and −
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
मान ा होगा? (a)98 (b)102 (c) + and − (d) × and −
18 ÷ 6-27+3 × 12=? (c)79 (d)46
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Q26. If ' ÷ ' means ′ × ', ' × ' means ‘+’, ‘+’
(a)92 (b)105 means ‘-’ and ‘-’ means ' ÷ ' , then what
Q21. Select the correct equation from the
(c)95 (d)107 will be the value of the following.
given options after interchanging
operations ‘-’ and ‘ × ‘ and numbers ‘4’ यिद ' ÷ ' का अथ ′ × ', ′ × 'का अथ ‘+’, ‘+’ का
Q16. If ÷ stands for ‘+’, ⨯ stands for ÷, अथ ‘-’ और ‘-’ का अथ ' ÷ ' है , तो िन िल खत का
and ‘5’.
‘+’ stands for ‘-’ and ‘-’ stands for ⨯, then मान ा होगा ?
गिणतीय िच ‘-’ एवं ‘ × ’ तथा सं ाओं 4 तथा 5
what will be the value of the following 16 × 3 ÷ 5-2 ÷ 4
को आपस म बदलने के बाद िदए गए िवक ों म से
expression? सही समीकरण का चयन कर | CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
यिद ‘ ÷ ’ का अथ ‘+’ है , ′ × ′ का अथ ′ ÷ ′ है , CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (a)10 (b)7 (c)9 (d)19
‘+’ का अथ ‘-’ है तथा ‘-’ का अथ ‘ × ’ है , तो (a)9-4 × 5 = 21
िन िल खत ंजक का मान ा होगा ? (b)5 × 4-9 = 7 Q27. Which two signs should be
16 - 4 + 12 ⨯ 3 ÷ 5 (c)5 × 9 - 4= 4 interchanged to make the following
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) equation correct?
(d)4-5 × 9= 11
(a)59 (b)67 (c)65 (d)53
Mathematical Operation

िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन what will be the value of the following िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना पड़े गा ? expression? से दो िच ों को आपस म बदल दे ने की
7 × 2 + 5 − 16 ÷ 4 = 13 यिद ‘A’ का अथ ‘ ÷ ’, ‘B’ का अथ ‘ × ’, C’ का आव कता है ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) अथ ‘ + ’, तथा D’ का अथ ‘-’ है , तो िन िल खत
12 - 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ 3 = 9
(a) × and - (b) × and + ंजक का मान ा होगा ?
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
(c) ÷ and + (d) ÷ and × (a) + and ÷ (b) + and ✖
12 B 12 A 4 C 5 D 1
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(c) - and ÷ (d) + and -
Q28. Which two numbers should be (a)50 (b)40 (c)39 (d)59
interchanged to make the following Q38. Which two signs should be
equation correct? Q33. Which of the following two signs interchanged in the following equation to
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन need to be interchanged to make the given make it correct?
सी दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने की िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
equation correct?
आव कता है ? से दो िच ों को आपस म बदल िदया जाना चािहए ?
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन से
7−8÷4+5×3=8×3+6÷2−3 दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ?
10 + 5 ÷ 10 ✖ 8 - 10 = 16
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) 6 ÷ 5 - 5 × 5 + 6=35 CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 4 and 5 (b) 7 and 5 CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) (a) + and ÷ (b) – and +
(c) 4 and 2 (d) 6 and 7 (a) × and - (b)+ and - (c) ÷ and ⨯ (d) ⨯ and +
(c) ÷ and × (d)+ and ÷
Q29. If ‘x’ stands for addition, ′ ÷ ′ Q39. Which two signs should be
stands for subtraction, ‘+’ stands for interchanged in the following equation to
multiplication and ‘-’ stands for division, make it correct?
then what will be the value of the िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
Q34. Which two signs should be से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
following expression?
interchanged in the following equation to 12 - 6 ÷ 12 × 6 + 6 = 9
यिद ‘x’ का अथ जोड़ है , ′ ÷ ′ का अथ घटाव है ,
make it correct? CGL 06/06/2019 (Afternoon)
‘+’ का अथ गुना है तथा ‘-’ का अथ िवभाजन है ,
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन (a) / and × (b) + and ÷
तो िन िल खत ंजक का मान ा होगा ?
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदल दे ने की
26 ÷ 13 × 8 + 6 − 2 (c) – and + (d) × and +
आव कता है ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
12 - 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ 3 = 9
(a) 17 (b) 47 Q40. What will be the value of the
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) 27 (d) 37 following equation if ‘÷’ means addition
(a) + and ÷ (b) + and ×
, ‘+’ means subtraction , ‘-’ means
(c) - and ÷ (d) + and -
Q30. If sign ‘+’ is interchanged with ‘ ÷ ′ multiplication and ‘⨯’ means division?
and number ‘2’ is interchanged with ‘6’, िन िल खत समीकरण का मान ा होगा यिद ‘÷’
Q35. Which two signs should be
which of the following equations would का अथ जोड़, ‘+’ का अथ घटाव, ‘-’ का अथ गुना
interchanged in the following equation to और ‘x’ का अथ िवभाजन है ?
be make it correct?
यिद िच ‘+’ को ‘ ÷ ′ के साथ बदल िदया जाए 72 ⨯ 9 - 3 ÷ 8 + 2 = ?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
तथा सं ा 2 को 6 के साथ बदल िदया जाए, तो CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता (a)25 (b)30 (c)40 (d)35
िन म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा ? है ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
18 + 6 - 6 ÷ 3 ✖ 3 = 6
(a) 8+6÷2=8 Q41. Which of the two signs should be
CGL 04/06/2019 (afternoon)
(b) 2+8÷6=6 interchanged in the following equation to
(a) + and - (b) + and ÷
(c) 2+8÷2= 8 make the given value correct?
(c) - and ÷ (d) + and ×
(d) 2 + 6 ÷ 8 = 11 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
Q36. What will be the value of the 15 + 5 - 10 ⨯ 6 ÷ 12 = 6
Q31. Which of the following interchanges following equation if ÷ means 'addition', CGL 07/06/2019(Morning)
of signs and numbers would make the + means 'subtraction', '-' means (a) + and ÷ (b) - and ÷
given equation correct? 'multiplication' and 'x' means 'division'?/ (c) + and ⨯ (d) + and -
िच ों एवं सं ाओं की कौन सी अदला-बदली िदए िन िल खत समीकरण का मान ा होगा यिद ÷
गए समीकरण को सही कर दे गी ? का अथ जोड़, + का अथ घटाव, ‘-’ का अथ गुणा
18-3 ÷ 6+24 × 12=48 Q42. Which two signs should be
एवं ‘x’ का अथ भाग है ?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) interchanged in the following equation to
54 × 6 − 7 ÷ 8 + 2 =?
(a) × and +, 3 and 6 make it correct?
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
(b) ÷ and -, 12 and 6 (a)63 (b)57 (c)69 (d)61
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(c) ÷ and × , 3 and 12
9 - 3 + 12 ⨯ 8 ÷ 4 = 11
(d) × and - , 3 and 6 Q37. Which two signs should be CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
interchanged in the following equation to (a) + and - (b) + and ⨯
Q32. If ‘A’ denotes ‘ ÷ ’, ‘B’ denotes ‘ × ’, make it correct? (c) - and ÷ (d) + and ÷
C’ denotes ‘ + ’, and D’ denotes ‘-’, then
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q43. If ‘+’ denotes ‘-’ , ‘-’ denotes ‘*’ , Q49. Which two signs should be
‘*’ denotes ‘/’ and ‘/’ denotes ‘+’, then interchanged in the following equation to Q55. Which two signs should be
what will be the numeric value of make it correct? interchanged to make the following
यिद ‘+’ का अथ * है , ‘-’ का अथ ‘+’ है , ‘*’ का िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन equation correct?
अथ ‘/’ है , और ‘/’ का अथ ‘-’ है , तो िन िल खत से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
का सं ा क मान ा होगा ? 12 ⨯ 8 ÷ 36 + 3 - 6 = 102 से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
60 × 10 /40 + 6 - 5 CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) 5 + 16 - 4 × 14 ÷ 2 = 59
CGL 07/06/2019(Evening) (a) ⨯ and + (b) + and - CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
(a)3 (b)144 (c)16 (d)200 (c) ÷ and ⨯ (d) ÷ and + (a) × and + (b) ÷ and ×
(c)+ and - (d) ÷ and -
Q44. Which two signs should be Q50. Which two signs should be
interchanged in the following equation to interchanged in the following equation to Q56. Which two signs should be
make it correct? make it correct? interchanged to make the following
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन equation correct?
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
24 - 12 ÷ 4 + 8 ⨯ 2 = 11 27 ÷ 3 - 18 + 3 ⨯ 2 = 18 से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) 20 ÷ 20 + 20 - 25 × 25 = 4
(a) + and ⨯ (b) - and ÷ (a) + and ÷ (b) + and - CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
(c) + and - (d) + and ÷ (c) ⨯ and + (d) ÷ and ⨯ (a) ÷ and × (b)+ and -
(c)+ and ÷ (d) × and -
Q45. Which two signs should be Q51. Which two signs should be
interchanged in the following equation to interchanged to make the following
make it correct?
CHSL 2018 Tier I
equation correct?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना पड़े गा ? से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? Q57. Which two signs should be
8 ⨯ 2 + 5 - 16 ÷ 4 = 14 4 × 5 − 24 ÷ 12 + 8 = 14 interchanged in the following equation to
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) make it correct?
(a) ⨯ and - (b) ⨯ and + (a) + and ÷ (b) ÷ and × िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
(c) ÷ and ⨯ (d) ÷ and + से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(c) + and - (d) × and +
132 ✖ 11 + 8 - 3 ÷ 12 = -16
Q46. Which two signs should be CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
Q52. Which two signs should be
interchanged in the following equation to (a) + and - (b) ✖ and ÷
interchanged to make the following
(c) + and ✖ (d) - and ✖
make it correct? equation correct?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? Q58. Which two signs should be
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
16 + 3 - 5 ⨯ 2 ÷ 4 = 9 interchanged in the following equation to
24 ÷ 12 - 6 × 6 + 2 = 18
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) make it correct?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) ÷ and + (b) ⨯ and - िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
(a) + and ÷ (b) ÷ and ×
(c) ÷ and ⨯ (d) ⨯ and + से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(c) + and - (d) × and + 24 ÷ 2 + 13 - 54 ✖ 2 = 34
Q47. If + denotes - , - denotes ⨯ , ⨯ CHSL 02-July-19(Morning)
Q53. Which two signs should be (a) + and ✖ (b) - and ✖
denotes ÷ and ÷ denotes + , then what will
interchanged to make the following (c) ✖ and ÷ (d) - and ÷
be the value of
equation correct?
25 - 2 ÷ 10 ⨯ 5 + 2 = ? िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) Q59. From the given alternatives select the
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? numbers that must be interchanged to make
(a)10 (b)26 (c)58 (d)50 18 + 24 - 6 ✖ 6 ÷ 3 = 39
the following equation correct.
CGL 12/06/2019(Evening)
Q48. Which two signs should be िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
(a) ÷ and + (b) + and - से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
interchanged in the following equation to (c) ÷ and - (d) ✖ and + 16 - 6 + 12 ✖ 3 ÷ 4 = 18
make it correct? CHSL 02-July-19(Evening)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन Q54. Which two signs should be (a) 16 and 3 (b) 6 and 3
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
interchanged to make the following (c) 12 and 4 (d) 6 and 4
24 ÷ 8 - 5 ⨯ 5 + 3 = 13
equation correct?
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन Q60. Which two signs should be interchanged
(a) ⨯ and - (b) ⨯ and +
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? in the following equation to make it correct?
(c) ÷ and ⨯ (d) ÷ and + 40 + 10 ÷ 2 × 8 - 17 = 17 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन से दो
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(a) ÷ and - (b) × and +
(c)+ and - (d) ÷ and ×
Mathematical Operation

28 - 42 ÷ 2 + 276 ✖ 23 = -44 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन Q72. Which two numbers should be
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? interchanged in the following equation to
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) + and ÷ (b) + and - 5 × 15 ÷ 7 - 20 + 4 = 77 make it
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) correct?
(c) ✖ and + (d) ✖ and ÷
(a) ( ÷ and +) (b) (+ and -) िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
(c) (+ and ×) (d) (- and ×) से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
Q61. Which two signs should be
731 ÷ 13 + 450 – 25 × 43 = 142
interchanged in the following equation to
Q67. Which two signs should be CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)
make it correct?
interchanged in the following equation to (a) 13 and 25 (b) 450 and 25
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? make it correct? (c)13 and 43 (d)731 and 450
868 + 14 ✕ 55 - 1064 ÷ 56 = 117 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon) से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? Q73. Which two signs should be
(a) + and ÷ (b) ✕ and - 405 + 27 × 40 - 308 ÷ 22 = 314 interchanged in the following equation to
(c) + and - (d) ÷ and ✕ CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) make it correct?
(a) × and + (b) ÷ and × िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
Q62. Which two signs should be (c) + and ÷ (d) + and - से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
interchanged to make the given equation 612 ÷ 36 – 12 × 88 + 208 = 324
CHSL 09/07/19 (Morning)
correct? Q68. Which two signs should be
(a) × and – (b) + and ÷
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन interchanged in the following equation to
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (c) ÷ and × (d) ÷ and –
make it correct?
20 + 5 ⨯ 3 ÷ 3 - 1 = 14 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? Q74. Which two signs should be
(a) ÷ and + (b) ⨯ and - 615 - 377 ÷ 29 × 15 + 308 = 502 interchanged in the following equation to
(c) ⨯ and + (d) ÷ and ⨯ CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) make it correct?
(a) ÷ and × (b)+ and ÷ िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
Q63. Which two signs should be से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(c)+ and - (d) × and +
interchanged in the following equation to 15 + 8 - 20 × 10 ÷ 5 = 13
CHSL 09/07/19 (Afternoon)
make it correct? Q69. Which two signs should be
(a) + and - (b) × and -
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन interchanged in the following equation to
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (c) × and ÷ (d) + and ÷
make it correct?
207 ⨯ 9 + 13 ÷ 26 - 301 = 60 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) Q75. Which two signs and two numbers
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
(a) + and ⨯ (b) + and - should be interchanged in the following
211 x 14 + 627 ÷ 33 - 17 = 520
(c) ⨯ and ÷ (d) + and ÷ equation to make it correct?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
(a) + and - (b) ÷ and x
Q64 Which two signs should be दो िच ों एवं दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने की
(c) + and ÷ (d) x and - आव कता है
interchanged to make the given equation
18 + 25 - 10 × 10 ÷ 5 = 203
correct? Q70. Which of the following sequence of CHSL 09/07/19 (Evening)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
signs will correctly solve the given (a) + and - , 18 and 25
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
equation by replacing the question marks? (b) × and - , 18 and 25
14 + 4 ÷ 5 – 18 × 2 = 25
िन िल खत म से कौन सा अनु म िच को (c) × and ÷ , 25 and 5
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
बदलकर िदए गए समीकरण को सही ढं ग से हल (d) + and ÷ , 18 and 5
(a) ÷ and + (b) × and ÷
करे गा?
(c) × and – (d) × and +
1105 ? 65 ? 835 ? 25 ? 5 =727
Q76. Which two signs and numbers
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
Q65. Which two numbers should be should be interchanged in the following
(a) × ,-, +, ÷ (b) ÷ ,+,-, ×
interchanged in the following equation to equation to make it
(c) +,-, × , ÷ (d) +, ÷ ,-, ×
make it correct? correct?
इसे सही बनाने के िलए िन िल खत समीकरण म िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
Q71. Which two numbers should be से दो िच ों एवं दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलना
िकन दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलना चािहए?
interchanged in the following equation to होगा?
618 + 37 × 12 –703 ÷ 14 = 767
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
make it correct? 10 + 8 - 200 × 15 ÷ 5 = 407
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन CHSL 10/07/19 (Morning)
(a) 14 and 37 (b) 618 and 14
सी दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (a) + and -, 15 and 10
(c) 703 and 12 (d) 12 and 37
779 +14 × 21 – 532 ÷41 = 807 (b) × and ÷, 8 and 5
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) × and -, 5 and 15
Q66. Which two signs should be
(a) 532 and 779 (b) 21 and 41 (d) + and ÷, 200 and 10
interchanged in the following equation to
(c) 532 and 41 (d) 779 and 21
make it correct?
Q77. Which two signs should be
interchanged in the following equation to
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

make it correct? 73 – 13 × 42 ÷ 14 + 56 = 56 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन

िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (a) + and × (b) × and ÷ है ?
35 + 7 - 5 × 2 ÷ 25 = 20 (c) – and + (d) – and × 7–9×3÷9+5=5
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) × and ÷ (b) + and - Q83. If the two signs, '+ and ÷ ' are (a) – and × (b) ÷ and ×
(c) + and ÷ (d) × and - interchanged, which of the following (c) + and – (d) + and ÷
equations will be correct?
Q78. Which two signs should be यिद दो संकेत, ‘+’ और ‘ ÷ ’ पर र बदले ए ह, Q89.Which two numbers need to be
interchanged in the following equation to तो िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा? interchanged to make the following
make it correct? MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning) equation correct?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन (a) 16 ÷ 9 + 4 × 8 = 34 िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (b) 16 ÷ 21 + 13 × 26 = 56 दो नंबरों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
15 + 15 - 2 × 10 ÷ 35 = 16 (c) 11 + 13 × 4 ÷ 2 = 37 3+4–6÷2=7
CHSL 10/7/19 (Evening) (d) 13 × 9 + 16 ÷ 2 = 125 MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) + and - (b) × and ÷ (a) 6 and 2 (b) 3 and 6
(c) × and - (d) + and ÷ Q84. If the two signs, ‘ × and ÷ ‘ are (c) 2 and 3 (d) 6 and 4
interchanged, which of the following will
Q79. Which two signs should be Q90. Which two signs need to be
be correct?
interchanged in the following equation to interchanged to make the following
यिद दो िच ‘÷’ और ‘×’ को आपस म बदल िदया
make it correct? जाए, तो िन म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा ? equation correct?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ? (a) 14+9 ÷ 23 × 3 = 83 दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
5 + 8 - 30 × 10 ÷ 2 = 240 14 × 16 ÷ 8+2-1 = 17
(b) 14+62 × 13 ÷ 31 = 38
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning) MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) 11 × 12 ÷ 48+6 = 40
(a) × and ÷ (b) + and ÷ (a) + and × (b) × and -
(d) 63+59 ÷ 4 × 8 = 171
(c) + and - (d) × and - (c) - and ÷ (d) + and ÷

Q85. If digit 2 is interchanged with digit

Q80. Which two signs and two numbers Q91. If + is interchanged with -,then what
1 then what will be the value of the
should be interchanged in the following will be the value of the following
following equation?
equation to equation?
यिद अंक 2 को अंक 1 से बदला जाता है तो
make it correct? 72-91 ÷ 13 × 12+6=?
िन िल खत समीकरण का मू ा होगा?
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए 9+6 ÷ 4 × 21-5 = ? MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
कौन से दो िच ों कौन सी दो सं ाओं को आपस (a)140 (b)156 (c)144 (d)150
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
म बदलना होगा ?
(a) 22 (b) 29 (c) 23 (d)24
8 + 15 - 20 × 10 ÷ 5 = 47 Q92. If the given two numbers are
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) interchanged, which of the following
(a) × and ÷, 5 and 8 Q86. Which two numbers need to be
interchanged to make the following equations will become correct?
(b) + and -, 8 and 15 यिद िदए गए दो नंबर आपस म बदल िदए जाये तो
equation correct?
(c) + and ÷, 10 and 20 िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही हो
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
(d) × and -, 15 and 20 जाएगा?
दो नंबरों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
4+2 ÷ 3 × 8-1 = 6
Q81. Which two signs should be (a) 3+5-4 × 2 = -1
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
interchanged in the following equation to (b) 1+9+3+5 = 9
(a) 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 4
make it correct? (c) 6+5 × 2-3 = 7
(c) 8 and 4 (d) 3 and 8
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन (d) 3+4-1 × 5 = 2
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
Q87. If digit 3 is interchanged with digit
10 + 18 - 20 × 100 ÷ 5 = 27 Q93. Which two numbers need to be
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
1, then what will be the value of the
following equation? interchanged to make the following
(a) × and - (b) + and ÷
यिद अंक 3 को अंक 1 के साथ बदल िदया जाए, तो equation correct?
(c) × and ÷ (d) + and -
िन िल खत समीकरण का मान ा होगा ? िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
6+9 ÷ 1 × 3-2 = ? दो नंबरों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
MTS 2019 TIER I MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) 5 × 8+7-3 = 14
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
Q82. Which two signs need to be (a) 3 and 7 (b) 8 and 5
interchanged to make the following Q88. Which two signs need to be (c) 8 and 3 (d) 7 and 8
equation correct? interchanged to make the following
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन equation correct?
से दो िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा ?
Mathematical Operation

Q94. By interchanging the given two Q106. By interchanging which two signs
signs, which of the following equations Q100. After interchanging the given two the equation will be correct?
will be correct? numbers, what will be the value of 6 + 7 िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने से िदया गया
िदए गए दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलने से × 3 – 8 ÷ 4? समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
िन िल खत समीकरणों म से कौन सा सही होगा? दी गई दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने पर, 6 + 7 11 + 16 × 12 ÷ 4 – 2 = 21
X and + × 3 – 8 ÷ 4 का मान ा होगा ? MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) 3 and 6 /3 और 6 (a) × and - (b) – and +
(a) 6 X 11 + 13 + 11= 17 MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (c) ÷ and + (d) ÷ and ×
(b) 4 + 9 X 11 + 3 = 37 (a)43 (b)41 (c)42 (d)38
(c) 11 X 6 ÷ 18 + 54 =29 Q107. By interchanging which two signs
(d) 13 - 12 X 5 + 11 = 46 Q101. By interchanging the given two the equation will be correct?
signs, which of the following equations िदए गए दो संकेतों को पर र बदलने से,
Q95. After interchanging the given signs, will be correct? िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा?
what will be the value of 16 + 19 × 51 ÷ िदए गए दो संकेतों को पर र बदलने से, 13 – 9 × 2 ÷ 3 + 16 = 3
153 - 12? िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा? MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)
+ and – (a) – and × (b) – and +
िदए गए संकेतों को आपस म बदलने के बाद, 16 +
19 × 51 ÷ 153 - 12 का मू ा होगा? MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning) (c) × and – (d) – and ÷
× and ÷ (a) 11 × 3 + 5 – 2 = 36
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) (b) 9 + 16 – 11 × 2 = 3 Q108. By interchanging which two signs
(a)51 (b)61 (c)57 (d)63 (c) 13 – 14 × 3 + 7 = 48 the equation will be correct?
(d) 16 × 4 + 11 – 10 = 65 िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने से िदया गया
समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
Q96. Which two signs need to be
Q102. By interchanging which two signs 9 × 11 ÷ 31 + 62 – 13 = 18
interchanged to make the given equation
the equation will be correct? MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िदए गए दो संकेतों को पर र बदलने से, (a) × and ÷ (b) – and ×
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा? (c) ÷ and + (d) + and ×
संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
19+63 ÷ 7-8 × 12=79 11 + 9 – 4 × 12 ÷ 6 = 32
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q109. After interchanging the given two
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
(a) × and ÷ (b) - and × (a) ÷ and – (b) – and + numbers, what will be the value of 3 + 2
(c) ÷ and - (d) × and + (c) × and + (d) × and ÷ ÷1×4–7?
िदए गए दो नंबरों को बदलने के बाद, 3 + 2 ÷ 1
Q103. After interchanging the given two × 4 – 7 का मान ा होगा?
Q97. By interchanging which two
signs, what will be the value of 9 + 143 ÷ 4 and 7
numbers the equation will be correct?
13 × 11 – 160 =? MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन
िदए गए दो संकेतों को बदलने के बाद, 9 + 143 ÷ (a)10 (b)12 (c)13 (d)11
सी दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलना होगा?
9-2 × 4 ÷ 6=-3 13 × 11 – 160 = का मान ा होगा?
× and ÷ Q110. After interchanging which two
MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
(a) 6 and 2 (b) 6 and 9 MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon) numbers, the value of the given equation
(c) 4 and 9 (d) 2 and 4 (a)18 (b) –32 (c) –17 (d)28 will be ‘4’?
िकन दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने पर, िदए
Q104. By interchanging which two गए समीकरण का मान 4 होगा
Q98. By interchanging which two signs
numbers the equation will be correct? 6+3÷9×7–5
the equation will be correct?
िदए गए दो संकेतों को पर र बदलने से, MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने से िदया गया
िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण सही होगा? (a) 7 and 6 / 7 और 6
समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
3+6÷2×4–7=5 (b) 3 and 5 / 3 और 5
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (c) 5 and 6 / 5 और 6
(a) – and ÷ (b) – and + (a) 4 and 3 (b) 3 and 2 (d) 9 and 5 / 9 और 5
(c) + and ÷ (d) ÷ and × (c) 7 and 6 (d) 6 and 3
Q111. By interchanging the given two
Q99. By interchanging which two Q105. After interchanging the given two signs which of the following equations
numbers, the value obtained after solving signs, what will be the value of 11 ÷ 9 – will be incorrect?
63 + 7 × 2 ? िदए गए दो संकेतों को आपस म जोड़ने से
the given equation will be ’13’?
िदए गए दो संकेतों को पर र बदलने के बाद, 11 िन िल खत म से कौन सा समीकरण गलत होगा?
िकन दो नंबरों को आपस म बदलकर, िदए गए
÷ 9 – 63 + 7 × 2 का मान ा होगा? ÷ and +
समीकरण को हल करने के बाद ा मान '13'
होगा? ÷ and + MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)
7+8÷4×3 MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (a). 12 ÷ 9 × 31 + 3 = 105
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening) (a)2 (b)5 (c)-4 (d)-2 (b). 7 × 16 + 4 ÷ 5 = 33
(a) 8 and 3 (b) 8 and 4 (c). 9 ÷ 11 + 11 × 2 = 9
(c) 7 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 (d). 6 × 11 + 2 ÷ 5 = 38
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q118 . Find out the two signs to be Q123. If 'A' stands 'addition', B stands for
Q112. By interchanging the given signs interchanged for making following 'division', C stands for 'subtraction' and D
which of the following equations will be equation correct: stands for 'multiplication, then what is the
correct? िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए value of the following equation?
िदए गए िच ों को आपस म बदलने पर िन म से िकन दो संकेतों को आपस म बदला जाना चािहए। यिद 'A' 'जोड़' के िलए है है , B ‘भाग’ के िलए है , C
कौन सा समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ? 6 ÷ 5+12 × 4-7=26 'घटाव' के िलए है और D 'गुणा' के िलए है , तो िन
+ and × /+ और × MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) समीकरण का मान ा है ?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) (a) ÷ and × (b) + and × 4 D (3 A 1) C 5 A (6 B 2) C 7
(a). 9 × 5 ÷ 10 + 30 = 24 (c) + and - (d) ÷ and - MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
(b). 11 + 13 ÷ 6 ×12 = 37 (a) 12 (b) 7 (c)17 (d) 5
(c). . 5 + 11 – 6 × 3 = –2 Q119. If the two signs, ‘ ÷ and × ’ and
(d). 16 + 32 × 19 ÷ 38 = 32 two numbers ‘2 and 8’ are interchanged, Q124. Which two numbers should be
what will be the value of the following interchanged to make the given equation
Q113. After interchanging the signs '× correct?
and ÷', what will be the value of the given िकन दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने से िदया
यिद दो िच , ‘ ÷ ’ और ‘ × ’ और दो सं ाएँ ‘2’
equation? गया समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
और ‘8’ आपस म बदल िदया जाए, तो िन िल खत
'×’और ‘÷' के संकेतों को आपस म बदलने के 55+32-4 × (1 × 12)+(16 ÷ 4)=31
समीकरण का मान ा होगा?
बाद, िदए गए समीकरण का मू ा होगा? MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
4×8 ÷ 2 = ?
11 + 13 – 24 × 3 ÷ 2 = ? (a) 12 and 32/ 12 और 32
MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) (b) 55 and 32/ 55 और 32
(a)16 (b)15 (c)8 (d)14
(a)12 (b)10 (c)6 (d)8 (c) 12 and 16/ 12 और 16
(d) 16 and 32/ 16 और 32
Q120. Which two signs and two numbers
Q114. By interchanging which two signs should be interchanged to make the given
the equation will be correct? Q125. Which two signs should be
िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने से िदया गया interchanged to make the given equation
समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ? correct?
िकन दो िच ों एवं दो सं ाओं को आपस म
9 – 11 + 26 ÷ 78 × 27 = 11 िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
बदलने से िदया गया समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) संकेतों का पर र संबंध होना चािहए?
28 + 4 × 16 ÷ 5 – 17 = 127
(a) – and × (b) × and ÷ 52 + 64 -16 ÷ 36 × 6 = 20
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) – and + (d) + and ÷ MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) 4 and 5, + and ×
(a) - and ÷ (b) ÷ and +
(b) 28 and 16, + and ÷
Q115. By interchanging which two signs (c) 4 and 5, + and – (c) × and ÷ (d) + and ×
the equation will be correct? (d) 28 and 5, ÷ and ×
िकन दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलने पर समीकरण Q126. If 'A' stands 'addition', B stands for
सही होंगे? 'division', C stands for 'subtraction' and D
Q121. If 'A' stands 'addition', B stands for
6 ÷ 3 × 5 – 15 + 4 = 9 stands for 'Multiplication', then what is
'division', C stands for 'subtraction' and D
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) the value of the following equation?
(a) – and ÷ (b) ÷ and + stands for 'multiplication, then what is the
यिद 'A' 'जोड़' के िलए है है , B ‘भाग’ के िलए है , C
value of the following equation?
(c) ÷ and × (d) + and – 'घटाव' के िलए है और D 'गुणा' के िलए है , तो िन
यिद 'A' का अथ ‘जोड़’, B का अथ ‘भाग’, C का
समीकरण का मान ा है ?
अथ ‘घटाव’ और D का अथ ‘गुणा’ है , तो
Q116. By interchanging which two signs 14 A 7 D 5 D (2 D 2) C ( 96 B 6) D 3 = ?
िन िल खत समीकरण का मान ा होगा ?
the equation will be correct? 25 D 13 A 82 C 132 B 11 = ? MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने से िदया गया MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a)104 (b)105 (c)106 (d)107
समीकरण सही हो जाएगा ?
(a)395 (b)415 (c)375 (d)253
5-9+16 × 91 ÷ 13 = -98 Q127. Which two signs and two numbers
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
Q122. Which two signs and two numbers should be interchanged to make the given
(a) × and - (b) + and - equation correct?
should be interchanged to make the given
(c) + and ÷ (d) ÷ and - िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए कौन से
दो संकेत और दो सं ाओं का पर र संबंध होना
Q117. After interchanging two signs ‘+’ चािहए?
िकन दो िच ों और दो सं ाओं को आपस म
and ‘ × ’ What will be the value of the 54 – 45 ÷ 9 + 7 × 11 = 14
बदलने से िदया गया समीकरण सही हो जाएगा?
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)
given equation? 45 – 87 × 20 ÷ 5 + 29 = 50
(a) 7 and 54, + and –
दो संकेतों ‘+’ और ‘ × ’ को बदलने के बाद िदए MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
(b) 9 and 11, – and ÷
गए समीकरण का मू ा होगा? (a) 20 and 29, ÷ and ×
(c) 54 and 45, + and ×
6 × 8 ÷ 32 +64-11= ? (b) 29 and 45, + and ÷
(d) 45 and 11, ÷ and ×
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) (c) 20 and 29, ÷ and +
(a)14 (b)13 (c)10 (d)11 (d) 45 and 5, × and –

Mathematical Operation

Q128. Which two signs should be उस िवक का चयन कर जो दपण के दाईं ओर Q140. Which two numbers need to be
interchanged to make the given equation रखे जाने पर िदए गए िच की दपण छिव से ब त interchanged to make the given equation
correct? िनकट से िमलता जुलता हो। correct?
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो 36 ÷ 2+15 × 5-18 = 57 िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
िच ों को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए ? MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) सं ाओं को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए ?
15 - 18 + 14 × 3 ÷ 3 = 19 (a) +,- (b) × ,- 96 × 6 - 8 + 2 + 3 = 768
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) (c) ÷ , × (d) ÷ ,+ MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) '×' and ' –' (b) '+' and '–' (a) 6, 8 (b) 6, 3
(c) '×' and '+' (d) +' and '÷' Q135. If ‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’, ‘÷’ (c) 2, 3 (d) 96, 8
means ‘+’ and ‘×’ means ‘÷’, then 10 × 5
Q129. Which two numbers should be ÷3–2+3=? Q141. Which two signs need to be
interchanged to make the given equation यिद ‘+’ का अथ ‘–’, ‘–’ का अथ‘×’, ‘÷’ का interchanged to make the given equation
correct? अथ ‘+’ और ‘×’ का अथ ‘÷’ है , तो 10 × 5 ÷ 3 correct?
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो –2+3=? िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
नंबरों को आपस म जोड़ा जाना चािहए? संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
64 – 17 + 55 × 65 ÷ 5 = 230 (a) 5 (b) 21 (c) 53/3 (d) 18 104 ÷ 8 + 6 - 9 × 3 = 34
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) 55 and 65 (b) 17 and 55 (a) +, - (b) ÷ , +
Q136. If ‘#’ means ‘+’, ‘@’ means ‘x’,
(c) 64 and 17 (d)17 and 65 (c) -, × (d) +, ×
‘&’ means ‘/’ and ‘$’ means ‘-’ then
200 & 5 @ 3 $ 20 # 5 =?
Q130. Select the correct combination of Q142. Which two numbers should be
यिद ‘#’ का अथ ‘+’, ‘@’ का अथ, ‘x ’,‘ &’
mathematical signs to replace * signs and interchanged to make the below equation
का अथ ‘/ ’ और ‘$’ का अथ ‘- ’ है तो 200 &
to balance the given equation: mathematically correct?
5 @ 3 $ 20 # 5 =?
िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए िकस नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को गिणतीय प से सही
MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
समूह के िच ‘*’ के थान पर आएं गे ? बनाने के िलए िकन दो नंबरों को पर र बदला
(a)105 (b)100 (c)85 (d)120
28 * 4 * 9 * 16 जाना चािहए?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) 3 × 6+72 ÷ 8-24=12
Q137. If P denotes ‘ ÷ ’,Q denotes ‘+’, R
(a) – = × (b) – × + MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) ÷ + = (d) + ÷ = denotes ‘ × ’ and S denotes ‘-’, then what
(a) 6,8 (b) 24,3
is the value of the following equation?
(c) 72,24 (d) 3,8
Q131. If A stands for ‘+’, B stands for यिद P ‘ ÷ ’ को दशाता है , Q ‘+’ को दशाता है , R,
‘–’, C stands for ‘×’, what would be the ‘ × ’ को दशाता है और S, ‘-’ को दशाता है , तो
Q143. Which two signs should be
value of the given equation? िन िल खत समीकरण का मान ा है ?
interchanged to make the below equation
(10 C 4) A (4 C 4) B 6 = ? 100 S 12 P 72 R 6 Q 5=?
mathematically correct?
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को गिणतीय प से सही
(a)46 (b)60 (c)50 (d)56 (a)140 (b)105 (c)104 (d)134
बनाने के िलए िकन दो संकेतों का पर र संबंध
होना चािहए?
Q132. If ‘ × ’ means ‘ ÷ ’ , ‘-’ means ‘ × ’, Q138. In the following question, which of 75 ÷ 5 × 15-3+10=60
‘ ÷ ’ means ‘+’ and ‘+ means ‘-’ then (3- the two signs will be interchanged to get MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)
the correct equation?
15 ÷ 11) × 8 +7= ? (a) -,+ (b) -, ×
िन िल खत म, सही समीकरण ा करने के
यिद ‘x ’का अथ ‘÷’, ‘- ’ का अथ ‘ x ’, ‘ ÷ ’का (c) -, ÷ (d) × , ÷
िलए िकन दो संकेतों का पर र संबंध होगा?
अथ ‘+’ और ‘+’ का अथ ‘-‘ है , तो (3 - 15 ÷ 11)
119-21 ÷ 7 +117 × 3=11
x8+7=? Q144. If ‘F’ means ‘+’, ‘P’ means ‘x’, ‘T’
MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) - and × (b) ÷ and + means ‘ ÷ ’ and ‘K’ means ‘-’ then 40 T 8
(a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 8 (d) 0
(c) ÷ and × (d) - and + F 16 P 4 K 13=?
यिद ‘F’ का अथ ‘+’, ‘P’ का अथ ‘x’,‘T’ का अथ
Q133. Which two numbers need to be ‘ ÷ ’ और ‘K’ का अथ ‘-’ तो 40 T 8 F 16 P 4 K
interchanged to make the given equation Q139. Which sequence of mathematical
correct? symbols can replace * in the given
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो equation:8*5*9*31. (a)5 (b)78 (c)75 (d)69
सं ाओं को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए ? िदए गए समीकरण को संतु करने के िलए * के
128 ÷ 4-3 × 12+6=26 थान पर िकस समूह के िच आएं गे ?
Q145. If ‘+’ means ‘ ÷ ’, ‘-’ means ‘ × ’,‘
MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) 8 * 5 * 9 * 31
× ’ means ‘+’ and ‘ ÷ ’ means ‘-’, then
(a) 3,12 (b) 4,12 MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
what will be the value of 7-2 × 14 ÷
(c) 3,6 (d) 12,6 (a) -, × ,= (b) -,=, ×
(c) =, × ,- (d) × ,-,=
यिद ‘+’ का अथ ‘ ÷ ’, '-' का अथ है ' × ', ‘ × ’ का
Q134. Which two signs need to be
अथ है ‘+’ और ' ÷ ' का अथ है '-', तो 7-2 × 14 ÷
interchanged to make the given equation
96+12 का मान ा होगा?
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a)-8 (b)8 (c)36 (d)20 16 × 1792 ÷ 7+9 - 15 = 778 Q157. Which two signs need to be
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) interchanged to make the given equation
Q146. Find out the two sings to be (a)16, 7 (b)16, 9 correct?
interchanged for making following (c)15, 9 (d)16, 15 िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
equation correct: संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
िन िल खत समीकरणों को सही बनाने के िलए Q152. Which two numbers are 16 + 27 ÷ 3 - 9 x 12 = 85
िकन दो िच ो को आपस म बदलना चािहए ? interchanged to make the given equation MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
96-16 ÷ 4 × 2+8=6 correct? (a) +, ÷ (b) -, x
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो (c) -, + (d) x, ÷
(a) × and ÷ (b) +and × सं ाओं का पर र संबंध है ?
(c) +and ÷ (d) -and ÷ 15 - 5 + 75 ÷ 30 × 2 = 35 Q158. Which two numbers need to be
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) interchanged to make the given equation
Q147. If ‘$’ means ‘ × ’, ‘#’ means ‘/’, ‘*’ (a) 5, 15 (b) 30, 15 correct?
(c) 2, 5 (d)5, 30 िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
means ‘+’ and ‘@’ means ‘-’ then find the
नंबरों को आपस म बदलना होगा?
value of the following equation.
Q153. In order to make the given 72 × 9 + 27 ÷ 3 - 6 = 213
यिद ‘$’ का अथ' ' × ', '#' का अथ '/', '*' का अथ '+'
equation correct, which two will have to MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)
और '@' का अथ '-' है तो िन समीकरण का मान
(a) 9, 6 (b) 9, 3
ात कीिजए। be interchanged?
95#19$11@28*17 = ? िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए, िकन दो (c) 72, 27 (d) 72, 6
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening) को पर र जोड़ना होगा?
(a)34 (b)46 (c)44 (d)35 64 × 2+24 ÷ 3 -8 = 96 CPO 2019 TIER I
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
Q148. Which two signs should be (a) -, × (b) +, ÷ Q159. Which of the following pairs of
interchanged to make the below equation (c) × , ÷ (d) -, + numbers and signs , when their positions
mathematically correct? are interchanged , will correctly solve the
नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को गिणतीय प से सही Q154. In the following equation, two given mathematical equation?
बनाने के िलए िकन दो संकेतों का पर र संबंध signs need to be interchanged to make the सं ाओं तथा िच ों के िन म से िकस यु को
होना चािहए? given value correct. Choose the signs आपस म बदलने पर िदया गया गिणतीय समीकरण
60-4 × 12 ÷ 3+8=88 from the given alternatives. सही हो जाएगा ?
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) िन िल खत समीकरण म, िदए गए मान को सही 17*15+3-11/3=4
(a) +, × (b) × , ÷ बनाने के िलए दो संकेतों को पर र बदला जाना CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) -,+ (d) +, ÷ चािहए। िदए गए िवक ों म से संकेत चुन। (a) 15 and 11, + and *
84 ÷ 4 × 5 – 4 + 5 = 104 (b) 17 and 3 , - and /
Q149. Which two numbers should be MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (c) 15 and 11, - and *
interchanged to make the below equation (a) × and + (b) ÷ and × (d) 15 and 11, + and -
mathematically correct? (c) ÷ and + (d) + and –
नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को गिणतीय प से सही Q160. If + means -, - means *, * means / ,
बनाने के िलए िकन दो नंबरों को पर र बदला Q155. Which two signs need to be and / means +, then what will be the value
जाना चािहए? interchanged to make the given equation of the following expression ?
144+108 ÷ 12-16 × 6=24 correct? यिद + का अथ -, - का अथ *, * का अथ / , और /
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning) िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो का अथ + है , तो िन िल खत ंजक का मान ा
(a) 12,6 (b) 108,144 संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा? होगा ?
(c) 108,6 (d) 12,16 6 ÷ 3 + 12 x 4 - 9 = 12 13 - 3 + 15 * 3 / 5= ?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
Q150. Which two signs need to be (a) -, x (b) ÷, x (a)41 (b)37 (c)42 (d)39
interchanged to make the given equation (c) -, + (d) +, ÷
correct? Q161. The two given expressions on
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो Q156. Which two numbers need to be either side of the ‘=’ sign will have the
संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा? interchanged to make the given equation same value if two terms on either side or
27-3 × 2 ÷ 13+9 = 14 correct? on the same side are interchanged. Find
MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon) िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो from the given option the correct terms to
(a) × , ÷ (b) -, ÷ संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा? be interchanged.
(c) -, × (d) ÷ , + 12 ÷ 3 - 6 + 4 x 96 = 74 ‘=’ के दोनों तरफ िदए गए दोनों समीकरणों का
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) मान समान होगा यिद िकसी भी तरफ या एक तरफ
(a) 6, 4 (b) 12, 96 दो पद आपस म बदल िदए जाएँ | िदए गए िवक ों
Q151. Which two numbers need to be
(c) 3, 6 (d) 6, 96 म से आपस म बदले जाने वाले पद ात कर |
interchanged to make the given equation
5 × 2 + 8 ÷ 2 - 1 = 9 - 6 ÷ 3+6×3
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
नंबरों को आपस म बदलना होगा? (a)8,9 (b)5,9 (c)2,6 (d)1,9
Mathematical Operation

बदलने की आव कता है | िदए गए िवक ों म से (c) × and + (d) ÷ and –

Q162. If A indicates >; B indicates <; C सही िच ों तथा सं ाओं का चयन कर|
indicates =; D indicates +; E indicates –; 6 ✕ 8 + 2 = 20 Q172. If + means - , - means ✕, ✕ means
F indicates ×; G indicates /; then which of CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) ÷ , and ÷ means +, then what will be the
the following options is true? / (a) + and ✕, 2 and 8
value of the following expression ?
यिद A का अथ >; B का अथ <; C का अथ =; D (b) ✕ and +, 2 and 6 यिद + का अथ -, - का अथ ✕, ✕ का अथ ÷ , और
का अथ +; E का अथ –; F का अथ ×; G का अथ / (c) ✕ and +, 6 and 2 ÷ का अथ + है , तो िन िल खत ंजक का मान
है , तो िन म से कौन सा िवक सही है ? (d) + and ✕, 6 and 8 ा होगा ?
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) 27- 2 + 24 × 8 ÷ 4
(a) (27G3)C(75G5)C(6F2) Q167. If + means - , - means ✕, ✕ means CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(b) (35E15)C(5F5)A(20G4) ÷ , and ÷ means +, then what will be the (a)45 (b)55 (c)50 (d)51
(c) (5D6)A(6D12)A(13D6) value of the following expression ?
(d) (5D6)A(4D3)A(3D3) यिद + का अथ - , - का अथ ✕, ✕ का अथ ÷ , Q173. Select the correct combination of
और ÷ का अथ + है , तो नीचे िदए गए ंजक का mathematical signs to replace * signs and
Q163 If ‘×’ stands for ‘+’, ‘+’ stands for मान ा होगा ? to balance the following equation .
‘÷’, ‘–’ stands for ‘×’ and ‘÷’ stands for 15 - 2 ÷ 90 ✕ 9 + 10 * संकेतों को बदलने और िन िल खत समीकरण
‘–’, then find the value of the given CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) को संतुिलत करने के िलए गिणतीय संकेतों के सही
equation. (a)32 (b)50 (c)40 (d)30 संयोजन का चयन कर।
यिद ‘x’ का अथ ‘+’ है , ‘+’ का अथ ‘÷’, ‘–’ का (18*9*14)*37*4
अथ ‘×’ और ‘÷’ का अथ ‘–’ है , तो िदए गए Q168. Select the correct combination of CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
समीकरण का मान ात कर | (a) ÷ – × = (b) × – ÷ =
mathematical signs to replace * signs and
76 ÷ 5 – 6 + 3 × 4 = ? (c) – ÷ × = (d) × ÷ – =
to balance the following equation.
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
गिणतीय िच ों के सही संयोजन का चयन कर जो *
(a)62 (b)46 (c)65 (d)70 के थान पर आ सकते ह तथा इस समीकरण को Q174. If + means −, − means ×, × means
संतुिलत कर सकते ह | ÷, and ÷ means +, then what will be the
Q164. Select the correct equation after (9 * 8 * 7) * 13 * 5 value of following expression?
interchanging the operators ‘–’ and ‘×’ CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) यिद + का अथ - है , - का अथ ×, × का अथ ÷ ,
and the numbers ‘4’ and ‘3’. (a) ×, =, ÷, − (b) ×, −, ÷, = और ÷ का अथ + है , तो िन िल खत अिभ
‘–’ और ‘×’ के िच ों तथा सं ाओं 4 और 3 को (c) ÷, −, =, × (d) −, ÷, ×, = का मान ा होगा?
आपस म बदलने के बाद सही समीकरण कौन सा 50 + 10 ÷ 25 × 5 − 3 = ?
होगा ? Q169. Which two signs need to be CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (a)51 (b)50 (c)45 (d)55
interchanged to make the following
(a) 9 – 4 × 3 = 21
equation correct?
(b) 4 – 3 × 9 = 4 नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए Q175. Select the correct equation after
(c) 3 × 4 – 9 = 9 िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने की interchanging operators ‘+’ and ‘÷’, and
(d) 3 × 9 – 4 = 4 आव कता है ? numbers ‘2’ and ‘8’.
32 − 8 ÷ 4 + 5 × 6 = 30 ‘+’ एवं ‘÷’ तथा ‘2’ और ‘8’ के आपस म बदलने
Q165.The two given expressions on CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) के बाद सही समीकरण का चयन कर
either side of the ‘=’ sign will have the (a) × and + (b) × and ÷ CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
same value if two numbers on either side (c) ÷ and − (d) ÷ and + (a) 2 + 8 ÷ 4 = 2
or on the same side are interchanged. Find (b) 8 + 4 ÷ 2 = 8
from the given option the correct numbers Q170. If + means −, − means ×, × means (c) 8 + 2 ÷ 4 = 6
to be interchanged. ÷, and ÷ means +, then what will be the (d) 4 + 8 ÷ 2 = 4
‘=’ के दोनों तरफ िदए गए दो ंजकों का मान value of the following expression?
समान होगा यिद िकसी भी तरफ या एक तरफ की यिद + का अथ -, - का अथ x, x का अथ ÷ और ÷ Q176. Select the correct combination of
दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल िदया जाए | िदए का अथ + है , तो नीचे िदए गए ंजक का मान ा mathematical signs to replace * signs and
गए िवक ों म से आपस म बदली जाने वाली सही होगा ? to balance the following equation.
सं ाओं का चयन कर | 12 − 3 + 15 × 5 ÷ 6 = ? गिणतीय संकेतों के सही संयोजन को '*' संकेतों को
4 + 6 × 2 - 27 ÷ 3 = 8 × 2 - 4 + 9 ÷ 3 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening) बदलने और िन िल खत समीकरण को संतुिलत
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) (a)42 (b)33 (c)40 (d)39 करने के िलए चुन।
(a)6,2 (b)6,8 (c)4,3 (d)2,8 1/6 * 1/24 * 2 * 8 * 35 * 23
Q171.Which two signs need to be CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Q166. In the following equation,two interchanged to make the following (a) ×, −, ÷, +, =
signs and two numbers need to be equation correct? (b) ×, +, ÷, −, =
interchanged to make it correct. Select the िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन (c) +, −, ÷, ×, =
appropriate signs and numbers from the दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा? (d) ÷, −, ×, +, =
given alternatives. 45 - 9 ÷ 3 + 5 × 6 = 32
नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
इस म दो िच ों तथा दो सं ाओं को आपस म (a) × and ÷ (b) ÷ and +
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q177. Which two signs need to be '+' और '- और सं ा' 4 'और' 8 'को आपस म the * signs, to balance the following
interchanged to make the following बदलने के बाद सही समीकरण का चयन कर। equation / नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत
equation correct? CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) करने के िलए गिणतीय िच ों के सही संयोजन का
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन (a) 2 + 8 - 4 = 9 चयन कर िज िमक प से * के थान पर रखा
दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलना होगा? (b) 4 - 8 + 11 = 1 जा सकता है |
48 – 8 ÷ 4 + 5 × 6 = 32 (c) 8 + 4 - 2 = 10 (12 * 7 * 6) * 13 * 6
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) (d) 4 - 8 + 11 = 8 CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) × and + (b) ÷ and – (a) ÷ , -, =, ×
(c) × and ÷ (d) ÷ and + CGL 2019 TIER I (b) × , =, ÷ ,-
(c) -, ÷, × , =
Q178. If ‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ Q183. In the following equation ‘+’ is (d) ×, - , ÷ , =
means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’, then what interchanged with ‘-’ and ‘6’ is
will be the value of the following interchanged with ‘7’ , then which Q188.Which two signs should be
expression? equation will be correct? interchanged to make the given equation
यिद ‘+’ का अथ ‘-', '-' का अथ '×', '×' का अथ ‘ ÷ िदए गए म यिद ‘+’ को ‘-’ से तथा ‘6’ को ‘7’ correct ? /
’ और ‘ ÷ ’ का अथ ‘+’ है , तो िन िल खत से बदल िदया जाए, तो िन म से कौन सा िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
अिभ का मू ा होगा? समीकरण सही होगा ? CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ?
25 – 2 + 32 × 8 ÷ 4 (a 78 - 68 + 66 = 59 225 + 5 × 3 ÷ 5 - 7 = 133
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(b) 62 - 67 + 76 = 83
(a)51 (b)45 (c)55 (d)50 (a) - and ÷ (b) + and ×
(c) 76 - 75 + 77 = 56
(d) 67 - 76 + 43 = 100 (c) + and ÷ (d) - and ×
Q179. Select the combination of
mathematical signs that when sequentially Q189.Which two digits should be
Q184.Which two numbers should be
placed in the blanks of the given equation interchanged to make the given equation
interchanged to make the given equation
will balance the equation. correct?
correct ?
गिणतीय संकेतों के संयोजन का चयन कर, जब नीचे िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
िदए गए समीकरण के र थान म िमक प िकन दो अंकों को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए ?
सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ?
से रखा जाता है ।
9 + 7 × 5 − 18 ÷ 2 = 3 × 4 - 10 + 32 ÷ 6 + 26 - 13 × 6 = 54
45 ÷ 5 CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) (a) 2 and 3 (b) 6 and 2
(a) + ÷ – = (b) – ÷ + =
(a) 2 and 5 (b) 9 and 3 (c) 3 and 1 (d) 3 and 6
(c) + – ÷ = (d) ÷ – + =
(c) 7 and 4 (d) 18 and 45
Q190.Which two signs should be
Q180. Which two signs need to be
Q185. Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation
changed to make the following equation
interchanged to make the given equation correct?
correct? िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो श ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ?
दो संकेतों को बदलना होगा।
िच ों को आपस म बदलने की आव कता है ? 121 + 11 - 42 × 6 ÷ 7 = 83
64 - 8 ÷ 3 + 7 ✖ 5 = 40
36 ÷ 2 × 12 + 3 - 6 = 24 CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) - and ÷ (b) + and ÷
(a) ÷ and - (b) ✖ and +
(c) ÷ and + (d) ✖ and ÷ (a) − and ÷ (b) × and − (c) ÷ and × (d) × and -
(c) + and × (d) ÷ and ×
Q181. Select the correct combinations to Q191. The two given expressions on both
mathematical signs to replace * signs and Q186. Which two signs and two numbers the side of the ‘-’ sign will have the same
to balance the following equation. should be interchanged to make the given value if two numbers from either side or
* संकेतों को बदलने और िन िल खत समीकरण equation correct? both side are interchanged .Select the
को संतुिलत करने के िलए गिणतीय संकेतों के िलए िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो correct numbers to be interchanged from
सही संयोजनों का चयन कर। िच ों तथा दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदलने की the given options/
86 * ( 5 * 8 * 4 ) * 9 * 85 आव कता है ? ‘-’ िच के दोनों ओर िदए गए ंजकों का मान
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) 17 + 11 - 12 × 36 ÷ 6 = 80 बराबर होगा यिद उनम से िकसी एक ओर या दोनों
(a) +, ✕, ÷, -, = CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening) ओर की दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल िदया जाए
(b) ÷, -, ✕, +, = (a) × and - ; 6 and 12 | िदए गए िवक ों म से आपस म बदली जाने वाली
(b) × and - ; 17 and 11 सही सं ाओं का चयन कीिजए |
(c) -, ✕, ÷, +, =
3 + 5 × 4 - 24 ÷ 3 = 7 × 4 - 3 + 36 ÷ 6
(d) +, -, ✕, ÷, = (c) × and - ; 17 and 12
(d) + and - ; 6 and 12 CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
(a) 4, 7 (b) 5, 7
Q182. Select the correct equation after
(c) 24, 36 (d) 6, 3
interchanging operations '+' and '-' and Q187.Select the correct combination of
numbers '4' and '8'. mathematical signs to sequentially replace
Mathematical Operation

Q192. Which two signs and two numbers (a) 28 and 35 (b) 49 and 35 Q202. If ‘A’ stands for ‘subtraction’, ‘B’
should be interchanged to make the given (c) 28 and 49 (d) 4 and 28 stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ stands for
equation correct? ‘addition’, and D stands for ‘Division’ ,
कौन से दो िच ों तथा दो सं ाओं को आपस म Q197.Select the correct combination of then what is the value of the following
बदल िदया जाना चािहए तािक िदया गया समीकरण mathematical signs to sequentially replace expression?
सही हो जाए ? the * signs, to balance the following यिद A का अथ घटाव है , B का अथ ‘गुना’ है , C का
11 × 7 ÷ 35 - 64 + 56 = 47 equation. अथ ‘जोड़’ है तथा D का अथ ‘भाग’ है , तो
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) (14 * 9 * 6) * 15 * 8 िन िल खत ंजक का मान ा होगा ?
(a) × and ÷ ; 35 and 56 CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) 43 C 29 B 3 A 14 B ( 5 C 4) C 11 C( 14 A
(b) + and - ; 7 and 11 (a) -, ÷ , × , = 3) A 64 D 8 B 2
(c) + and - ; 35 and 11 CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(b) × , =, +, -
(d) × and ÷ , 35 and 11 (a)83 (b)27 (c)110 (d)10
(c) ÷ , -, =, ×
(d) × , -, ÷ , =
Q193.Which two signs and two numbers CHSL 2019 TIER I
should be interchanged to make the given
Q198. If ‘A’ stands for ‘subtraction’, B’
equation correct ? stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ stands for Q203. If '#' means '-', '&' means ' ÷ ', '@'
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो means 'x' and ' ÷ ' means '+', then 15@2 ÷
addition’, and D’ stands for ‘division’ ,
िच ों तथा दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल िदया 900&30#10 = ? / यिद '#' का अथ '-', '&' का
then what is the value of the following
जाना चािहए ?
expression ? अथ '' ÷ , '@' का अथ 'x' and ' ÷ ' का अथ '+', तो
28 - 32 ÷ 2 × 8 + 34 = 132 15@2900&30#10 = ? का ा मान होगा ?
यिद ‘A’ का अथ ‘घटाव’ है , B का अथ ‘गुणा’ है , C
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
का अथ ‘जोड़’ है तथा D का अथ ‘िवभाजन’ है , तो
(a) + and - ; 28 and 32 (a)21 (b)600 (c)50 (d)310
िन िल खत ंजक का मान ा होगा ?
(b) × and - ; 32 and 34
27 A 8 B 5 C (11 C 3) B 5 C 36 D 6
(c) + and - ; 32 and 34 CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q204. Which two signs or numbers need
(d) × and - ; 8 and 2 (a)24 (b)20 (c)63 (d)60 to be interchanged to make the following
equation correct?
Q194.Which two signs should be Q199.Which two signs should be िन िल खत अिभ म िकन िच ों या अंकों
interchanged to make the given equation interchanged to make the given equation को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ क
correct ? correct ? होगी ?
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो (18 ÷ 9) + 9 × 8 = 24
िच ों को आपस म बदल दे ना चािहए ? िच ों को आपस म बदल िदया जाना चािहए ? CHSL 17/03/20(Afternoon)
12 + 81 - 27 × 9 ÷ 3 = 36 121 ÷ 11 + 54 - 9 × 3 = 128 (a) 18, 8 (b) +, ÷
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) (c) ×, ÷ (d) +, ×
(a) + and × (b) × and - (a) ÷ and - (b) + and -
(c) ÷ and × (d) - and ÷ (c) × and ÷ (d) + and × Q205. Which two signs should be
interchanged to make the given equation
Q195.The two given expressions on both Q200.If ‘A’ stands for ‘Subtraction’, ‘B’ correct? / िन िल खत अिभ म िकन िच ों
sides of the ‘=’ sign will have the same stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ stands for को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ क
value if two numbers from either side or होगी ?
‘addition’ and ‘D’ stands for ‘division’
both sides are interchanged .Select the (72 ÷ 18) + 30 × 8 - 4 = 20
,then what is the value of the following
correct numbers to be interchanged from CHSL 17/03/20(Evening)
the given options. यिद ‘A’ का अथ ‘घटाव’, B का अथ ‘गुना’, C का (a) + and - (b) + and ×
‘=’ के दोनों तरफ िदए गए समीकरणों का मान अथ ‘जोड़’ तथा D का अथ भाग है , तो िन िल खत (c) × and ÷ (d) + and ÷
समान होगा यिद िकसी भी तरफ या दोनों तरफ की ंजक का मान ा होगा ?
दो सं ाओं को आपस म बदल िदया जाए | िदए 32 B 4 A 12 B ( 35 A 24) C 52 D 4 Q 206. Which two signs and numbers
गए िवक ों म से सही सं ाओं का चयन कीिजए CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) should be interchanged to make the
िज आपस म बदला जा सकता है | (a)19 (b)9 (c)47 (d)39 following equation correct?
4 + 6 × 7 - 27 ÷ 3 = 7 × 8 - 4 + 39 ÷ 3 दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो िच ों या अंकों को
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q201.Which two signs should be आपस म बदलने पर वह सही होगी ?
(a) 6, 4 (b) 6, 8 interchanged to make the given equation 16 × 18 + 2 - 14 ÷ 3 = 38
(c) 8, 7 (d) 3, 4 correct ? CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो (a) 14 and 18, + and -
Q196.Which two numbers should be िच ों को आपस म बदल िदया जाना चािहए ? (b) 14 and 18, + and ×
interchanged to make the given equation 14 × 3 ÷ 27 + 54 - 9 = 21 (c) 16 and 14, - and ×
correct ? CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) (d) 16 and 3, - and ÷
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो (a) × and - (b) + and -
सं ाओं को आपस म बदल िदया जाना चािहए ? (c) ÷ and - (d) × and ÷ Q207. Which two signs should be
28 + 49 - 35 ÷ 7 × 4 = 68
interchanged to make the following
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
equation correct? 394
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत अिभ म िकन िच ों को आपस Q212. Select the correct combination of CHSL 13/10/20(Morning)
म बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ क होगी ? mathematical signs to replace the sign(*) (a)4 × 30 - 15 ÷ 5 + 12 = 21
4 ÷ 6 + 9 - 48 × 8 = 27 and balance the following equation. (b)12 × 30 - 15 ÷ 5 + 4 = 37
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) संकेत (*) को बदलने के िलए गिणतीय संकेतों के (c)4 × 30 - 15 ÷ 5 + 12 = 27
(a) ÷ and × (b) ÷ and + सही संयोजन का चयन कर और िन िल खत (d)4 × 30 - 5 ÷ 15 + 14 = 21
(c) + and × (d) + and - समीकरण को संतुिलत कर।
Q217. Select the correct combination of
Q208. Select the correct combination of CHSL 19/03/20 (Evening)
mathematical signs to sequentially replace
mathematical signs to replace 'Y' (a) +, x, ÷ , -, =
the * signs and to balance the following
sequentially and balance the following (b) x, +, -, ÷ ,=
equation. (c) +, x, -, ÷ ,= िन िल खत म से िकस िवक के िच ों को * के
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक के िच ों को Y के (d) x, +, ÷ , -, = थान पर रखने से िदया गया अनु म संतुिलत हो
थान पर मशः रखने पर दी गयी अिभ जाएगा ?
संतुिलत होगी ? Q213. Select the correct combination of 11*15*78*6*18*160
18 Y 2 Y 3 Y 3 Y 9 mathematical signs to replace 'A' CHSL 13/10/20(Afternoon)
CHSL 18/03/20(Afternoon) sequentially from left to right and balance (a) +, × , ÷ , -, =
(a) ×,÷,+, = (b) ÷,×, =,−
the following equation. (b) +, × , -, ÷ , =
(c) ×, =,−,÷ (d) ÷,×, =,× िदए गए िवक ों म से िन िल खत समीकरण को (c) × , +, ÷ , -, =
संतुिलत करने के िलए A के जगह िकन िच ों का (d) × , +, -, ÷ , =
Q209. Select the correct combination of योग करना चािहए ?
mathematical signs to replace 'A' 26A2A3A3A13
Q218. Which two signs should be
sequentially and balance the following CHSL 12/10/20(Morning)
interchanged in the given equation to
equation. (a) ÷, ×, =, ×
make it correct?
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक के िच ों को दी (b) ×, ÷, +, =
िन ल खत अनु म म िकन दो िच ों को आपस म
गयी अिभ म के थान पर रखने पर वह (c) ÷, ×, =, − बदलने पर वह सही हो जाएगी ?
संतुिलत होगी ? (d) ×, =, −, ÷ 4 - 7 × 28 + 12 ÷ 3 = 4
16 A 8 A 6 A 3 A 4
CHSL 18/03/20(Evening) CHSL 13/10/20(Evening)
Q214. If '+' means 'divided by', '-' means (a) - and ÷ (b) × and -
(a) ÷, ×, =, −
'add', ' × ′ means 'minus' and ' ÷ ′ means (c) × and + (d) × and ÷
(b) ×, ÷, +, =
'multiplied by', what will be the value of
(c) ÷, ×, =, ×
the following expression? Q219. If '+' means ' ÷ ′ ; ' × ′ means '+'; '
(d) ×, =, −, ÷ यिद '+' का अथ ' ÷ ', '-' का अथ '+', ' × ' का अथ '-'
÷ ′ means '-' and '-' means ' × ′ . Then what
और ' ÷ ' का अथ ' × ' , तो िन िल खत अिभ
Q210.If # means -, & means ÷ , @ means will be the value of the following
का ा प रणाम होगा ?
× , and ÷ means +, then what is the value [{(32 × 24) − (4 ÷ 3)}+(3 − 2)] ÷ 3 expression? / यिद ‘+’ का अथ ‘ ÷ ’, ‘ ÷ ’ का
अथ ‘-’, ‘ × ’ का अथ ‘+’ और ‘-’ का अथ ‘ × ’ है ;
of the following expression? CHSL 12/10/20(Afternoon)
तो िन िल खत अिभ का ा िन ष होगा ?
यिद # का अथ -, & का अथ ÷ , @ का अथ × (a)12 (b)6 (c)8 (d)10
18 + 3 - 5 × 6 ÷ 4
और ÷ का अथ +, तो दी गयी अिभ का ा
मान होगा ? CHSL 14/10/20(Morning)
Q215. Which of the following order of
15@2 ÷ 900&10#50 (a) 30 (b) 32
numbers will make the below equation
CHSL 19/03/20(Morning) (c) 15.5 (d) 13.5
(a)290 (b)50 (c)70 (d)21 िन िल खत समीकरण के सं ाओं को िकस कार
रखना उिचत है ? Q220. If '+' means 'divided by', '-' means
Q211.Which two signs and two numbers 36 × 5 − 18 ÷ 6 + 2 = 78 'add', ′ × ′ means 'minus' and ' ÷ ' means
should be interchanged to make the given CHSL 12/10/20(Evening) 'multiplied by', what will be the value of
equation correct? (a) 18 × 5 − 36 ÷ 2 + 6 the following expression?
िन िल खत अिभ म िकन िच ों या अंकों (b) 5 × 6 − 36 ÷ 18 + 2 यिद ‘+’ का अथ ‘ ÷ ’, ‘-’ का अथ ‘+’, ‘ × ’ का
को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ अथ ‘-’, और ‘ ÷ ’ का अथ ‘ × ’ है , तो दी गयी
(c) 36 × 2 − 18 ÷ 6 + 5
सटीक होगी ? अिभ का ा उ र होगा ?
(d) 5 × 2 − 18 ÷ 6 + 36
16 + 8 x 25 - 15 ÷ 5 = 138 [{(12 × 8)-(2 ÷ 3)}+(3-2)] ÷ 2
CHSL 19/03/20(Afternoon) CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
Q216.If the following interchanges are (a)12 (b)4 (c)5 (d)3
(a)x and +; 15 and 25
made in signs and numbers, which
(b) ÷ and -; 15 and 5
equation would be correct?
(c)x and -; 8 and 25 Q221. Which two signs should be
िच ों और अंकों को बदलने पर िन िल खत म से
(d)x and +; 8 and 25 interchanged in the following equation to
कौन सा समीकरण सबसे उिचत है ?
make it correct?
Signs: ÷ and -
Numbers: 15 and 5
Mathematical Operation

िन ल खत म से कौन से दो िवक बदलने पर दी दो अंको को आपस म बदलने पर यह सही हो

गयी अिभव सही होगी 6 + 7 Q227. Which two signs should be जाएगी
× 8 − 21 ÷ 7 = 47 interchanged to make the given equation 8 × ( 43 ) + 9 − 5 = 10
CHSL 14/10/20(Afternoon) correct? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) + and × (b) + and - दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो िच ों को आपस म (a) 9, 3 (b) 8, 4
(c) ÷ and - (d) ÷ and × बदलने पर वह सही हो जाएगी ? (c) 4, 3 (d) 5, 3
(560 ÷ 80) + 90 × 8 − 38 = 600
Q222. Which two numbers should be CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) Q233. Which two numbers should be
interchanged to make the following (a) + and ÷ (b) × and + interchanged in the following equation to
equation correct? (c) ÷ and - (d) + and - make it correct?
िकन दो अंकों को आपस म बदलने पर दी गई दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो अंको को आपस म
अिभ सही होगी ? Q228. Which two signs or numbers बदलने पर यह सही हो जाएगी ?
3 × 9+5-18 ÷ 7=24 should be interchanged to make the given 12 × 2 + 8 − 48 ÷ 6 = 20
CHSL 14/10/20(Evening) equation correct? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)
(a) 3 and 5 (b) 9 and 7 दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो िच ों या अंको को (a) 12 and 48 (b) 2 and 6
(c) 5 and 7 (d) 18 and 9 आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ सही हो (c) 8 and 12 (d) 6 and 8
Q223.If '+' menas ' ÷ ' ; ' × ' means '-' ; ' ÷ ' (56 ÷ 7)+5 × 8-12 = 60 Q234. Select the correct equation when
means '+' and '-' means ' × ' . Then find the CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon) the signs '+' and ' × ′ and the numbers '4'
value of the following expression. (a) 7 and 5 (b) × and + and '8' are interchanged.
यिद '+' का अथ ' ÷ ', ' × ' का अथ '-' , ' ÷ ' का अथ (c) + and ÷ (d) 8 and 12 िन िल खत म से कौन सी अिभ सटीक होगी
'+' और '-' का अथ ' × ' है तो , दी गयी अिभ अगर िच ‘+’ और ‘ × ’ और अंक ‘4’ और ‘8’ को
का ा प रणाम होगा ? Q229. Which two numbers should be आपस म बदल िदया जाए ?
18 + 2 - 5 × 6 ÷ 4 = ? interchanged in the following equation to CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)
CHSL 15/10/20(Morning) make it correct? (a) 2 × 4 + 8 = 34
(a)47 (b)45 (c)43 (d)12.5 दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो अंकों को आपस म (b) 4 + 8 × 2 = 32
बदलने पर यह सही होगी ? (c) 6 + 8 × 4 = 38
Q224.Which two signs should be 6 + 28 ÷ 4 − 2 × 17 = 12 (d) 12 × 4 + 8 = 34
interchanged in the following equation to CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
make it correct? (a) 28 and 2 (b) 6 and 4 Q235. What will be the value of 'a + b' in
िन िल खत समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए (c) 17 and 6 (d) 17 and 4 the following equation?
िकन दो संकेतों को आपस म बदलना चािहए? दी गयी अिभ म ‘a+b’ का ा मू होगा ?
78 ÷ 6 × 4 - 3 + 9 = 10 Q230. If '-' means multiplication, ' × ′ [4(3 + {9 × 6 ÷ 3 + {12 ÷ (1 ÷ 1 × 3)}})] =
CHSL 15/10/20(Morning) means addition, ' ÷ ′ means subtraction, 5a × 2b
(a) × and ÷ (b) - and × and '+' means 'division', then which of the CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) + and - (d) ÷ and + following equations is correct? (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4
अगर ‘-’ का अथ ‘multiplication’, ‘ × ’ का अथ
Q225. Which of the following sequential ‘addition’, ‘ ÷ ’ का अथ ‘subtraction’ और ‘+’ Q236. If '+' means 'multiplication', ' × ′
order of operations will replace the '*' का अथ ‘division’ है , तो िन िल खत म से कौन सी means 'division', ' ÷ ′ means 'subtraction',
signs and make the equation 12 * 3 * 6 * अिभ सटीक है ?
and '-' means 'addition', then find the
8 * 4 = -4 correct? CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
value of the following expression.
‘*’ के थान पर उिचत िवक का चुनाव कीिजए (a) 8 + 3 ÷ 16 × 36 − 6 = 14
यिद का ‘+’ अथ गुना, ‘ × ’ का अथ भाग, ‘ ÷ ’ का
िजससे दी गयी अिभ संतुिलत हो जाए | (b) 8 - 3 ÷ 16 × 36 + 6 = 14
अथ घटा और ‘-’ का अथ जोड़ है , तो दी गयी
CHSL 15/10/20(Afternoon) (c) 8 ÷ 3 − 16 + 36 × 6 = 14 अिभ का ा मू होगा ?
(a) ×, −, +, ÷ (d) 8 × 3 ÷ 16 + 36 − 6 = 14 48 ÷ 12 × 3 - 6 + 3
(b) ÷, ×, +, − CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) +, ÷, ×, − Q231. Which two numbers should be (a)150 (b) 30 (c) 9 (d) 62
(d) -, ×, +, ÷ interchanged in the following equation to
make it correct? Q237. Which two signs need to be
Q226. Which two numbers should be दी गयी अिभ म कौन से दो अंक आपस म interchanged to make the following
बदलने पर दी गयी अिभ सही होगी ? equation correct?
interchanged to make the given equation
correct? 36 ÷ 6 − 15 × 2 + 48 = 14 दी गयी अिभ म िकन दो िच ों को आपस म
िकन दो अंकों को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) बदलने पर वह सही होगी
अिभ सही होगी ? (a) 6 and 14 (b) 48 and 15 5 × 4 + 12 - 3 ÷ 6 = 18
7 + 24 × 3 − 72 ÷ 18 = 58 (c) 2 and 6 (d) 36 and 48 CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
CHSL 15/10/20(Evening) (a) + and - (b) ÷ and -
(a) 18 and 24 (b) 3 and 7 Q232. Which two numbers need to be (c) ÷ and × (d) × and +
(c) 7 and 18 (d) 72 and 24 interchanged to make the following
equation correct? / दी गयी अिभ म िकन 396
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q238. Select the correct combination of Q243.Which two numbers need to be

mathematical signs to replace 'A' interchanged to make the following Q248. Select the correct combination of
sequentially and balance the following equation correct? mathematical signs that can sequentially
equation. िकन दो अंकों को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी replace the * signs from left to right to
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी अिभ सही होगी ? balance the following equation.
अिभ को पूण करे गा ? 8 × 34 + 5 - 9 = 10 गिणतीय िच ों के सही संयोजन का चयन कीिजए
40 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 15 CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) िज * के थान पर बाएँ से दाएँ के म म िमक
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon) (a)4 and 8 (b)3 and 9 प से रखा जा सकता है तािक यह समीकरण
(a) ÷, ×, =, × (c)5 and 9 (d)3 and 4 संतुिलत हो जाए?
(b) ×, ÷, +, = 24*12*35*24*6*319
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(c) ×, =, −, ÷ CPO 2020 TIER I
(a) × , ÷ ,+,-,= (b) ÷ ,+,-, × ,=
(d) ÷, ×, =, −
(c) +,-, ÷ , × ,= (d) × ,+,-, ÷ ,=
Q244. Which two signs be interchanged
Q239. If '+' means ' × ', '-' means '+', ′ × ′ to make the given equation correct?
Q249. If ‘A’ denotes ‘addition’, ‘B’
means ' ÷ ′ and ' ÷ ′ means '-', then what is िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
िच ों को आपस म बदलना होगा? denotes ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ denotes
the value of the following equation?
25-5 × 50 ÷ 10+35 = 155 ‘subtraction’, and ‘D’ denotes ‘division’,
यिद ‘+’ को ‘ × ’, ‘-’ को ‘+’, ‘ × ’ को ‘ ÷ ’ और ‘ ÷
then what will be the value of the given
’ को ‘-’ िलखा जाता है तो दी गयी समीकरण का SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
मान ा होगा ? (a) × and - (b) × and + expression?
24 × 4 + 12 − 14 ÷ 10 (c) + and - (d) × and ÷ यिद ‘A’ का अथ ‘जोड़’ है , ‘B’ का अथ ‘गुणा’ है ,
‘C’ का अथ ‘घटाव’ है , तथा D का अथ ‘िवभाजन’
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)
है तो िदए गए ंजक का मान ा होगा?
(a)90 (b)82 (c)76 (d)84 Q245. Select the correct combination of
74 A (31B2) B 2 C (68 C 4) D (4 B 2)=?
mathematical signs that can sequentially CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
Q240. Which of the following options of replace the * sign from the left to right to (a)160 (b)188 (c)98 (d)190
changing the mathematical operations balance the following combination.
will make the given equation correct? गिणतीय िच ों के सही संयोजन का चयन कीिजए Q250. Which two numbers should be
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी िज िमक प से बाएँ से दाएँ के म म * के
interchanged to make the given equation
अिभ को सही करे गा ? थान पर रखा जा सकता है , तािक समीकरण
2 ÷ 3 − 5 × 3 + 3 = 16 संतुिलत हो जाए।
31 * 2 * 60 * 30 * 15 * 49 िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो
CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)
नंबरों को आपस म बदलना चािहए?
(a) ÷→×, −→÷, ×→+, +→− CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
36 × 12 + 48 ÷ 6 - 18=202
(b) ÷→×, −→+, ×→÷, +→− (a) × , +, ÷ , -, =
CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(c) ÷→−, −→÷, ×→+, +→÷ (b) -, ÷ , +, × , =
(a) 36 and 18 (b) 36 and 48
(d) ÷→+, −→×, ×→−, +→÷ (c) × , ÷ , +, -, =
(c) 6 and 12 (d) 6 and 18
(d) × , -, +, ÷ , =
Q241. Which two signs should be Q251. If ‘A’ denotes ‘addition’, ‘B’
interchanged to balance the given Q246. If ‘A’ denotes ‘addition’,’B’ denotes ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ denotes
equation? denotes ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ denotes ‘subtraction’, and ‘D’ denotes ‘division’,
िकन दो िच ों को आपस म बदलने पर दी गयी ‘subtraction’ and ’D’ denotes ‘division’, then what will be the value of the
अिभ सही हो जाएगी ? then what will be the value of the following expression?
4 × 3 + 10 − 2 ÷ 7 = 10 following expression? यिद ‘A’ ‘जोड़’ को िन िपत करता है ,‘ B ‘गुणन’
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) यिद ‘A’ ‘जोड़’ को, B ‘गुणा’ को, C ‘घटाव’ को को दशाता है , ‘C’ घटाव’ को दशाता है , और’ D’
(a) × and + (b) ÷ and × तथा D ‘भाग’ को इं िगत करता है , तो िन िल खत िवभाजन ’को दशाता है , तो िन िल खत अिभ
(c) ÷ and - (d) + and - ंजक का मान ा होगा? का मान ा होगा?
35 B 2 A 5 B ( 40 C 37) A (8 B 4) D16 C 50 D (2 B 5) A 3 B(15 A 12)C 2 B(18 C
Q242.If '+' means 'divided by', '-' means 14? 15)=?
'add', 'x' means 'minus' and ' ÷ ' means CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
(a)54 (b)66 (c)73 (d)56 (a)127 (b)89 (c)54 (d)80
'multiplied by', what will be the
approximate value of the following
Q247. Which two signs should be Q252. Select the correct combination of
interchanged to make the given equation mathematical signs that can sequentially
यिद ‘+’ का अथ है भाग, ‘-’ का अथ है जोड़, ‘ × ’
correct? replace the * sign from the left to right to
का अथ है घटा और ‘ ÷ ’ का अथ है गुना, तो दी
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो balance the following combination.
गयी अिभ का ा मू होगा ?
िच ों को आपस म बदलना चािहए? गिणतीय संकेतों के सही संयोजन का चयन कर जो
[{(11 x 2) - (2 ÷ 3)} + (3 - 2)] ÷ 2
4 × 7+36-12 ÷ 6 = 25 िमक प से िन िल खत संयोजन को संतुिलत
CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a)4 (b)5 (c)6 (d)3 CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) करने के िलए बाएं से दाएं * संकेत को ित थािपत
(a) ÷ and - (b) + and - कर सकता है ।
(c) × and - (d) ÷ and × 15 * 5 * 24 * 140 * 7 * 71
Mathematical Operation

CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) यिद ‘+’ को ‘ × ’ से बदल िदए जाये, और ‘-’ को ‘ (a)22 (b)24 (c)18 (d)30
(a) × , -, ÷ , +, = ÷ ’ से बदल िदए जाये तो िन म से कौन सा
(b) × , -, +, ÷ , = समीकरण सही है ? ANSWERS
(c) ÷ , +, -, × , = CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(d) × , ÷ , +, -, = (a) 18-6 × 24 + 4 ÷ 64 = 50
(b) 18+6 × 24 - 4 ÷ 64 = 50 1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(d)

Q253. Select the correct combination of (c) 18+6 ÷ 24 - 4 × 64 = 50

5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(d) 8.(a)
mathematical signs that can sequentially (d) 18 ÷ 6 + 24 - 4 × 64 = 50
replace the * sign from the left to right to 9.(a) 10.(d) 11.(c) 12.(c)
balance the following combination. Q258. Which two numbers and two signs
गिणतीय संकेतों के सही संयोजन का चयन कर जो can be interchanged so as to balance the 13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(c)
िमक प से िन िल खत संयोजन को संतुिलत given equation?
करने के िलए बाएं से दाएं * संकेत को ित थािपत िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए िकन 17.(d) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(b)
कर सकता है । दो सं ाओं और दो संकेतों को आपस म जोड़ा जा
16*35*5*20*4*89 सकता है ? 21.(d) 22.(c) 23.(d) 24.(b)
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 16 × 4+12 ÷ 4-15=59
(a) −,÷,+,×, = (b) ×,÷, +,-,= CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 25.(d) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(b)
(c) −,×,÷,+, = (d) ×,−,+,÷, = (a)16 and 12; + and -
(b)15 and 16; × and + 29.(d) 30.(d) 31.(d) 32.(b)
Q254. Which two numbers should be (c)4 and 12; × and ÷
33.(c) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(c)
interchanged to make the given equation (d)12 and 15; ÷ and -
correct? 37.(b) 38.(b) 39.(c) 40.(b)
िदए गए समीकरण को सही बनाने के िलए िकन दो 259. Which two digits and signs can be
नंबरों को आपस म बदलना चािहए? interchanged so as to balance the given 41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(c) 44.(c)
63 ÷ 21- 42 + 8 × 7= 135 equation?
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए िकन 45.(b) 46.(c) 47.(d) 48.(b)
(a) 7 and 63 (b) 21 and 8 दो अंकों और संकेतों को पर र बदला जा सकता
(c) 7 and 21 (d) 21 and 42 है ? 49.(d) 50.(d) 51.(c) 52.(a)
25 - 9 + 42 ÷ 6 × 7=17
Q255. If ‘A’ denotes ‘addition, ‘B’ CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 53.(c) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56.(a)
denotes ‘multiplication’ ‘C’ denotes (a) 4 and 6; + and ÷
‘subtraction’,and ‘D’ denotes division (b) 9 and 6; + and × 57.(b) 58.(c) 59.(d) 60.(d)
then what will be the value of the (c) 5 and 7; - and ÷
following expression? 61.(c) 62.(a) 63.(c) 64.(b)
(d) 2 and 5; ÷ and ×
यिद ‘A’ ‘जोड़’ को िन िपत करता है ,‘ B ‘गुणन’
को दशाता है , ‘C’ घटाव’ को दशाता है , और’ D’
65.(a) 66.(a) 67.(c) 68.(c)
Q260. Select the correct sequence of
िवभाजन ’को दशाता है , तो िन िल खत अिभ
mathematical signs to replace the * signs 69.(d) 70.(b) 71.(a) 72.(c)
का मान ा होगा?
so as to balance the given equation.
15 B (14 C 7) A 25 D(18 C 13) C 8 B(2 A
िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए * 73.(a) 74.(c) 75.(b) 76.(a)
संकेतों को बदलने के िलए गिणतीय संकेतों के सही
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
अनु म का चयन कर। 77.(c) 78.(d) 79.(d) 80.(b)
(a)40 (b)70 (c)105 (d)115
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 81.(c) 82.(c) 83.(a) 84.(a)
Q256. Select the correct sequence of (a) ÷ , -, +, ×
mathematical signs to replace the * signs 85.(a) 86.(a) 87.(b) 88.(c)
(b) -, ÷ , +, ×
so as to balance the given equation.
(c) ÷ , +, × , -
िदए गए समीकरण को संतुिलत करने के िलए * 89.(d) 90.(a) 91.(d) 92.(c)
(d) × , +, ÷ , -
संकेतों को बदलने के िलए गिणतीय संकेतों के सही
अनु म का चयन कर। 93.(c) 94.(c) 95.(b) 96.(b)
72*12*8*6*22=32 Q261. If ‘ × ’ means ‘addition’, ‘ ÷ ’
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) means ‘multiplication’, ‘+’ means 97.(a) 98.(a) 99.(a) 100.(a)
(a) × , +, -, ÷ (b) ÷ , -, × , + ‘subtraction’, and ‘-’ means ‘division’,
(c) ÷ , +, × , - (d) +, ÷ , × , - then what is the value of the following 101.(c) 102.(a) 103.(a) 104.(d)
Q257. If ‘+’ is interchanged with ‘ × ’, यिद ‘A’ ‘जोड़’ को िन िपत करता है ,‘ B ‘गुणन’ 105.(a) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(d)
को दशाता है , ‘C’ घटाव’ को दशाता है , और’ D’
and ‘-’ is interchanged with ‘ ÷ ’, then
िवभाजन ’को दशाता है , तो िन िल खत अिभ 109.(c) 110.(a) 111.(b) 112.(a)
which of the following equations is
का मान ा होगा?
correct? 16-4 × 12 ÷ 3 +18 113.(d) 114.(c) 115.(a) 116.(b)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 398
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

If we interchange the integer 8 and 4.

117.(d) 118.(a) 119.(a) 120.(a) 241.(c) 242.(c) 243.(c) 244.(a)
Then, the equation will satisfy the
121.(a) 122.(a) 123.(b) 124.(d) 245.(a) 246.(c) 247.(a) 248.(d) condition.
125.(c) 126.(c) 127.(c) 128.(b) 249.(d) 250.(c) 251.(d) 252.(b) 15=15 (L.H.S = R.H.S)

129.(b) 130.(c) 131.(c) 132.(d) 253.(a) 254.(c) 255.(b) 256.(c) Sol 8. (a) In the given question,
12 × 18 ÷ 3 − 6 + 4 = 5
133.(d) 134.(c) 135.(a) 136.(a) 257.(b) 258.(a) 259.(c) 260.(d) We will interchange ÷ and × as well as
integer 6 and 3.
137.(c) 138.(c) 139.(d) 140.(a) 261.(a)
After interchanging, the equation will be
141.(a) 142.(a) 143.(c) 144.(a) satisfactory.
Solutions: 12 ÷ 18 × 6 − 3 + 4 = 5
145.(d) 146.(d) 147.(c) 148.(a) Sol 1.(b) In the given question 4+8 × 12 ÷ Hence proved.
149.(b) 150.(b) 151.(a) 152.(b) When we interchange the sign + and ÷ Sol 9. (a) In the following question we
4 ÷ 8 × 12 + 6 − 4 = 8 interchange the sign - and ÷
153.(c) 154.(d) 155.(b) 156.(b) After interchanging the equation will be
Equation is satisfactory.
10 ÷ 15 × 9 + 6 − 3 = 9
157.(b) 158.(b) 159.(a) 160.(d)
Sol 2. (c) In the following question, the Now, the answer is satisfying the
given equation is 8 ÷ 2 − 6 × 4 + 3 = 13. condition.
161.(b) 162.(d) 163.(d) 164.(b)
We will interchange the sign of ÷ and ×
165.(b) 166.(d) 167.(d) 168.(b) as well as integer 8 and 6. Sol 10. (d) In this question, we will
6 × 2 − 8 ÷ 4 + 3 = 13 interchange the symbol multiply and
169.(c) 170.(d) 171.(d) 172.(b) Now the equation is satisfactory. divide
In the following equation 9+12 ×
173.(b) 174.(d) 175.(a) 176.(d) 6/8-4=14
Sol 3.(c) In the given question equation is
6× 3 − 8 ÷ 2 + 5 = 8 ÷ 2 + 3 × 5 − 6 This equation is satisfactory.
177.(b) 178.(d) 179.(b) 180.(a)
For satisfying the condition we will
Sol 11. (c) In the following equation when
181.(c) 182.(b) 183.(d) 184.(c) interchange the integer 5 and 6.
Now the equation will be 5 we exchange the sign + and - and in the
×3−8÷2+6=8÷2+3×6−5 same way we exchange the integer 6 and
185.(b) 186.(a) 187.(d) 188.(c)
8 then the equation will be
So; L.H.S=R.H.S
189.(b) 190.(c) 191.(b) 192.(d) 18+6/12 × 8-10=12
Sol 4. (d) This equation will be satisfactory.
193.(c) 194.(d) 195.(b) 196.(a) 9 + 4 ÷ 2 - 6 × 3 = 4 ÷ 3 × 6 - 9 +1
Sol 12.(c) In the following equation
On interchanging 6 and 4, We get,
197.(d) 198.(c) 199.(a) 200.(b) when we interchange the integer 6 and 12
LHS = 9 + 6 ÷ 2 - 4 × 3 = 9 + 3 -12 = 0
then the equation will be 8+6/9 ×
201.(c) 202.(d) 203.(c) 204.(b) RHS = 6 ÷ 3 × 4 -9 +1 = 2 × 4 -8 =0
12-4=6/12 × 8+9-1
Therefore, LHS = RHS
205.(d) 206.(b) 207.(a) 208.(d)
Sol 13.(b) If we interchange × and ÷ as
Sol 5. (b) Given: 12 ÷ 4 + 2 -6 × 3 = 3
209.(c) 210.(c) 211.(a) 212.(d) well as integer 3 and 2.
÷ 12 + 6 × 2 - 4
Then, the equation will be 3
On interchanging ÷ and +, 6 and 4,
213.(a) 214.(a) 215.(a) 216.(a) ×2÷2+2−3 = 3.
We get
Now the condition is satisfactory.
LHS=12+6 ÷ 2-4 × 3=12+3-12=3
217.(c) 218.(b) 219.(b) 220.(b)
RHS=3+12 ÷ 6 × 2-4=3+4-4=3
Sol 14. (d) After interchanging the sign
221.(a) 222.(b) 223.(c) 224.(b) Therefore, LHS=RHS
× and ÷ the equation will satisfy the
225.(d) 226.(a) 227.(b) 228.(d) Sol 6. (d) On interchanging,
14+4 × 5 − 18 ÷ 2 = 25
LHS=18 ÷ 12 × 8-6+3
14+20-9= 25
229.(c) 230.(b) 231.(d) 232.(c) 12-6+3=9= RHS
233.(c) 234.(a) 235.(d) 236.(d) Sol 7. (d) In the given question
Sol 15. (b) after changing the sign as per
237.(b) 238.(a) 239.(c) 240.(d) question,

Mathematical Operation

Equation will be 18 × 6 + 27 ÷ 3 − 12 6=6

108+9-15=105 Hence, the answer is 105. Sol 26. (c)
Given, 16 × 3+5-2 ÷ 4 on interchanging Sol 36. (c) The given equation is 54 ✖ 6 -
Sol 16. (c) After interchanging the signs as per instructions: 7 ÷ 8 + 2 = ? After changing the signs ,
the resultant equation will be: 16+3-5 ÷ 2 × 4=16+3- 52 × 4=19-10=9 New equation will be as
16 × 4 − 12 ÷ 3 + 5 = 65 54 ÷ 6 ✖ 7 + 8 - 2 = ?
64-4+5=65 Sol 27. (b) After interchanging the signs 9✖7+8-2=?
65=65 × and + , we get 63 + 8 - 2 = 63 + 6 = 69
7 + 2 × 5 − 16 ÷ 4 = 13
Sol 17. (d) After interchanging all the 7+10-4=13 Sol 37. (b) The given equation is 15 - 9 ÷
signs equation will be: 13=13 6 × 10 + 5 = 25. After interchanging the
18 × 2 ÷ 2 + 18 − 18 = 18 signs + and - , the equation is :
18+18-18=18 Sol 28. (b) after interchanging 7 and 5,we 15 + 9 ÷ 6 × 10 - 5 = 25 ;
get 15 + 9 ÷ 6 × 10 - 5 = 15 + 3 /2 × 10 - 5
Sol 18. (d) After interchanging 5-8 ÷ 4 + 7 × 3 = 8 × 3 + 6 ÷ 2 − 3 = 15 + 3 × 5 - 5 = 15 + 15 - 5 = 25
÷ and + the given equation will be 5-2 + 21 = 24 + 3 − 3
satisfied 24=24 Sol 38. (b) The given equation is 10 + 5 ÷
20 ÷ 5 × 3 + 3 − 1 = 14 So, option B is correct. 10 ✖ 8 - 10 = 16. After interchanging the
Now, LHS = R.H.S signs - and + the new equation will be as :
Sol 29. (d) After changing sign 26-13+8 10 - 5 ÷ 10 ✖ 8 + 10 = 16
Sol 19. (a) After interchanging the signs × 6 ÷ 2 =13+24 =37 10 - 8 / 2 + 10 = 16
of ÷ and + 10 - 4 + 10 = 16
6-20+12 × 7 ÷ 1 = 70 Sol 30. (d) After interchanging the signs 20 - 4 = 16
6-20+84=70 + and ÷ , and 2 & 6, we get 16 = 16
Now, the equation is satisfying the 6 ÷ 2 + 8 = 11
condition. Sol 39. (c) 12 - 6 ÷ 12 ✖ 6 + 6 = 9.
Sol 31. (d) According to the equation After interchanging the signs - and + the
Sol 20. (b) After interchanging the sign given. new equation will be as:
12 × 8 + 36 ÷ 3 − 6 After interchanging the signs × and − , 12 + 6 ÷ 12 ✖ 6 - 6 = 9
96+12-6=102 and integer 3 & 6 12 + 126 ✖ 6 - 6 = 12 + 3 - 6 = 15 - 6 = 9
We get, 18 × 6 ÷ 3 + 24 − 12 = 48
Sol 21. (d) In the given question So, option D is correct. Sol 40. (b) After changing the signs, the
After interchanging sign - and × & new equation will be:
number 4 and 5. Sol 32. (b) 72 ÷ 9 ⨯ 3 +8 - 2 = ?
The equation 4-5 × 9 = 11 will be satisfied After putting the signs in given 8 ⨯ 3 + 8 - 2 = 24 + 8 - 2 = 24 + 6 = 30
. expression,
Sol 22. (c) After interchanging the signs 12 × 12 ÷ 4 + 5 − 1 = 40 Sol 41. (b) 15 + 5 - 10 ⨯ 6 ÷ 12 = 6
the equation will be: Here we will interchange - and ÷. So the
14 × 3 − 10 ÷ 5 + 5 = 45 Sol 33.(c) new equation will be
after interchanging ÷ and × ; we get 15 + 5 ÷ 10 ⨯ 6 - 12 = 6
Sol 23. (d) In the given equation if we 15 + 3 - 12 = 6
6 × 5 − 5 ÷ 5 + 6 = 35 , which is correct
interchange ÷ and − then the equation 6 = 6.
will be: SSC CGL 2018 Tier I
24 ÷ 8 − 5 + 5 × 3 = 13 Sol 42. (d) 9 - 3 + 12 ⨯ 8 ÷ 4 = 11
Here we will interchange + and ÷. So the
Sol 34. (a) 12 - 8 + 12 × 9 ÷ 3 = 9 ; if we
Sol 24. (b) Here, after interchanging + new equation will be
start from the first option and interchange
and - sign the equation will be: 9 - 3 ÷ 12 ⨯ 8 + 4 = 11
+ and ÷. Then , we get 12 - 8 ÷ 12 ✖ 9 +
9 - 2 + 4 = 11
15 ÷ 15 × 10 + 10 − 5 3=9
11 = 11.
1×10+10-5= 20-5=15 8
12- 12 × 9+ 3 = 9
12 - 6 + 3 = 9 Sol 43. (c) 60 × 10 /40 + 6 - 5
Sol 25. (d)
9=9 After changing the signs in the equation
Going through the options:
1 1 we get ,
4 ÷ 64 − 5 + 45 × 120 = 5 on Sol 35. (b) 18 + 6 - 6 ÷ 3 ✖ 3 = 6 ; If we 60 ÷ 10 + 40 - 6 × 5
interchanging × and - we get apply option 2 and interchange + and ÷ , ⇒ 6 + 40 - 30
÷ 1 then we will get 18 ÷ 6 - 6 + 3 ✖ 3 = 6 ;
4 64 − 5 + 45 × 120 = 5 ⇒ 46 - 30 = 16
LHS=80+45-120=5 RHS 3-6+9=6;
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 44. (c) 24 - 12 ÷ 4 + 8 ⨯ 2 = 11 Here we will interchange ÷ and -. So the

Here we will interchange - and +. So the new equation will be Sol 62. (a) Applying hit and trial method
new equation will be 18 + 24 ÷ 6 ✖ 6 - 3 = 39 and on interchanging + and ÷. So the new
24 + 12 ÷ 4 - 8 ⨯ 2 = 11 18 + 4 ✖ 6 - 3 = 18 + 24 - 3 = 18 + 21 = equation will be
24 + 3 - 16 = 11 39. 20 ÷ 5 ⨯ 3 + 3 - 1 = 14
27 - 16 = 11 4 x 3 + 3 - 1 = 12 + 2 = 14.
Sol 54. (c) 40 + 10 ÷ 2 × 8 - 17 = 17
Sol 45. (b) 8 ⨯ 2 + 5 - 16 ÷ 4 = 14 Here we will interchange - and +. So the Sol.63. (c)
Here we will interchange ⨯ and +. So the new equation will be After applying hit and trial and
new equation will be 40 - 10 ÷ 2 × 8 + 17 = 17 interchanging the ⨯ and ÷. We get the
8 + 2 ⨯ 5 - 16 ÷ 4 = 14 40 - 5 × 8 + 17 = 40 - 40 + 17 = 17. equation as
8 + 10 - 4 = 18 - 4 = 14. 207 ÷ 9 + 13 ⨯ 26 - 301 = 60
Sol 55. (d) 5 + 16 - 4 × 14 ÷ 2 = 59 23 + 338 - 301 = 361 - 301 = 60.
Sol 46. (c) 16 + 3 - 5 ⨯ 2 ÷ 4 = 9 Here we will interchange ÷ and -. So the
Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the new equation will be Sol 64. (b) After applying hit and trial
new equation will be 5 + 16 ÷ 4 × 14 − 2 = 59 method and interchanging ⨯ and ÷.
16 + 3 - 5 ÷ 2 × 4 = 9 5 + 4 × 14 - 2 = 5 + 56 - 2 = 59. 14 + 4 ⨯ 5 – 18 ÷ 2 = 25
19 - 10 = 9. 14 + 20 - 9 = 34 - 9 = 25.
Sol 56. (a) 20 ÷ 20 + 20 - 25 × 25 = 419
Sol 47. (d) Sol 65. (a) After applying hit and trial
Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the
After changing the signs according to the method and Interchanging 14 and 37 we
new equation will be
question. We get , get,
20 ⨯ 20 + 20 - 25 ÷ 25 = 419
⇒ 25 ⨯ 2 + 10 ÷ 5 - 2 = ? 618 +14 x 12 - 703 ÷ 37 = 767
400 + 20 - 1 = 419.
⇒ 50 +2 - 2 = 50 ⇒ 618 + 168 - 19 = 767
⇒ 618 + 149 = 767
SSC CHSL 2018 Tier I
Sol 48. (b) 24 ÷ 8 - 5 ⨯ 5 + 3 = 13
Here we will interchange ⨯ and +. So the Sol 57. (b) Here, we will interchange ⨯ Sol 66. (a) After applying Hit and trial
new equation will be and ÷ . So, the new equation will be method and interchanging the + and ÷.
24 ÷ 8 - 5 + 5 ⨯ 3 = 13 132 ÷ 11 + 8 - 3 ⨯ 12 = -16. We set the new equation as
3 - 5 + 15 = 18 - 5 = 13 12 + 8 - 36 = 20 - 36 = -16. 5 × 15 + 7 - 20 ÷ 4 = 77
75 + 7 - 5 = 82 - 5 = 77
Sol 49. (d) 12 ⨯ 8 ÷ 36 + 3 - 6 = 102 Sol 58. (c)
Here we will interchange ÷ and +. So the 24 ÷ 2 + 13 - 54 ✖ 2 = 34 Sol 67. (c) After applying Hit and Trial
new equation will be Here we will interchange the signs of ⨯ method and interchanging + and ÷. We
12 ⨯ 8 + 36 ÷ 3 - 6 = 102 and ÷. So the new equation will be get equation as
96 + 12 - 6 = 96 + 6 = 102. 24 ⨯ 2 + 13 - 54 ÷ 2 = 34 405 ÷ 27 × 40 – 308 + 22 = 314
48 + 13 - 27 = 61 - 27 = 34. 15 × 40 - 308 + 22 = 600 + 22 - 308 =
Sol 50. (d) 27 ÷ 3 - 18 + 3 ⨯ 2 = 18 622 - 308 = 314.
Here we will interchange ÷ and +. So the Sol 59. (d) 16 - 6 + 12 ✖ 3 ÷ 4 = 18
new equation will be Here we will interchange 6 and 4. So the Sol 68. (c) Using hit & trial method and
27 + 3 - 18 ÷ 3 ⨯ 2 = 18 new equation will be also checking the given options:
30 - 6 2 = 30 - 12 = 18. 16 - 4 + 12 x 3 ÷ 6 = 18 interchange + and -. So the new equation
12 + 36 ÷ 6 = 12 + 6 = 18. will be: 615 + 377 ÷ 29 × 15 - 308 = 502
Sol 51. (c) 4 × 5 − 24 ÷ 12 + 8 = 14 615 + 13 × 15 - 308 = 615 + 195 - 308 =
Here we will interchange - and +. So the Sol 60. (d) By applying a Hit and trial 810 - 308 = 502.
new equation will be method. we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So
4 × 5 + 24 ÷ 12 − 8 = 14 the new equation will be Sol 69. (d) Using hit & trial method and
20 + 2 - 8 = 22 - 8 = 14. 28 - 42 ⨯ 2 + 276 ÷ 23 = -44 also checking the options, interchange ⨯
28 - 84 + 12 = 40 - 84 = -44. and -. So the new equation will be
Sol 52. (a) 24 ÷ 12 - 6 × 6 + 2 = 18 211 - 14 + 627 ÷ 33 ⨯ 17 = 520
Here we will interchange ÷ and +. So the Sol 61. (c) After interchanging + and -. 211 - 14 + 19 × 17 = 211 - 14 + 323 =
new equation will be So the new equation will be 534 - 14 = 520.
24 + 12 - 6 × 6 ÷ 2 = 18 868 - 14 ✕ 55 + 1064 ÷ 56 = 117
36 - 6 × 3 = 36 - 18 = 18. 868 - 770 + 19 = 887 - 770 = 117. Sol 70. (b) Using hit & trial method
checking Option (b) ÷ ,+,-, × satisfy the
Sol 53. (c) 18 + 24 - 6 ✖ 6 ÷ 3 = 39 condition.
1105 ÷ 65+835-25 × 5
Mathematical Operation

17+835-125=727 Here using the hit & trial method, & Sol 88.(c) 7 – 9 × 3 ÷ 9 + 5 = 5
checking options , interchange + and - , 8 Here we will interchange + and -. So the
Sol 71. (a) Using, hit and trial method and 15. So the new equation will be new equation will be
interchanging 532 and 779. The new 15 - 8 + 20 × 10 ÷ 5 = 47 7+9×3÷9-5=5
equation will be 7 + 40 = 47. 7 + 3 - 5 = 10 - 5 = 5.
532 +14 × 21 – 779 ÷ 41 = 807
532 + 294 - 19 = 532 + 275 = 807. Sol 81. (c) 10 + 18 - 20 × 100 ÷ 5 = 27 Sol 89.(d) 3 + 4 – 6 ÷ 2 = 7
Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the 4 and 6 needs to be interchanged to make
Sol 72. (c) By using hit & trial method new equation will be the equation correct.
and interchanging 13 and 43. 10 + 18 - 20 ÷ 100 ⨯ 5 = 27 3+6–4÷2=7
731 ÷ 43 + 450 – 25 × 13 = 142 10 + 18 - 1 = 28 - 1 = 27.
17 + 450 - 325 = 17 + 125 = 142. Sol 90.(a)14 × 16 ÷ 8+2-1 = 17
SSC MTS 2019 Tier I After interchanging + and × , We get
Sol 73. (a) After applyong hit and trial 14+16 ÷ 8 × 2-1 = 17
and interchanging the ⨯ and -. We get the Sol 82.(c) 73 – 13 × 42 ÷ 14 + 56 = 56
new equation as Here we will interchange - and +. So the Sol 91.(d). 72-91 ÷ 13 × 12+6=?
612 ÷ 36 ⨯ 12 - 88 + 208 = 324 new equation will be After interchanging + and - , we get
17 ⨯ 12 - 88 + 208 = 204 + 208 - 88 = 73 + 13 × 42 ÷ 14 - 56 = 56 72+91 ÷ 13 × 12-6 = 72+84-6 = 150
412 - 88 = 324. 73 + 39 - 56 = 56.
Sol 92.(c) 6+5 × 2-3 = 7,
Sol 74. (c) 15 + 8 - 20 × 10 ÷ 5 = 13 Sol 83.(a) The given equation is 16 ÷ 9 + If 3 and 5 are interchanged , we get
Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the 4 × 8 = 34 6+3 × 2-5 = 7
new equation will be Here , the hit and trial method will be
15 + 8 - 20 ÷ 10 ⨯ 5 = 13 used. So , ÷ and + signs will be used to Sol 93.(c) 5 × 8+7-3 = 14
23 - 2 × 5 = 23 - 10 = 13. interchange with each other. After
8 and 3 needs to be interchanged then we
interchanging the signs , the new equation
get 5 × 3+7-8 = 14
Sol 75. (b) 18 + 25 - 10 × 10 ÷ 5 = 203 will be as
Here we will interchange ⨯ and - , 18 and 16+9÷ 4 × 8=34
Sol 94.(c) 11 X 6 ÷ 18 + 54 =29
25. So the new equation will be 16 + 94 × 8=34 After interchanging the signs , We get
25 + 18 ⨯ 10 - 10 ÷ 5 = 203
16+18=34 11 + 6 ÷ 18 X 54=11+6 × 3=29
25 + 180 - 2 = 203.
Sol 95.(b) 16 + 19 × 51 ÷ 153 – 12
Sol 76. (a) Here, using hit & trial method,
Sol 84.(a) 14 + 9 ÷ 23 × 3 = 83 Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the
10 + 8 - 200 × 15 ÷ 5 = 407
Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷. So the new equation will be
Here we will interchange + and - , 15 and
new equation will be 16 + 19 ÷ 51 × 153 – 12 = 16 + 57 - 12 =
10. So the new equation will be
14 + 9 ⨯ 23 ÷ 3 = 83 73 - 12 = 61.
15 - 8 + 200 × 10 ÷ 5 = 407
14 + 69 = 83
7 + 200 × 2 = 7 + 400 = 407.
Sol 96.(b) 19+63 ÷ 7-8 × 12=79
Sol 85.(a)9+6 ÷ 4 × 21-5 - and × needs to be interchanged.
Sol 77. (c) 35 + 7 - 5 × 2 ÷ 25 = 20
Here, digit 2 is interchanged with digit 1, 19+63 ÷ 7 × 8-12=79
Here we will interchange + and ÷. So the
the new equation will be as
new equation will be
9+6 ÷ 4 × 12-5 Sol 97.(a) 9 - 2 ⨯ 4 ÷ 6 = -3
35 ÷ 7 - 5 × 2 + 25 = 20
=9+6 ÷ 4 × 12-5 Here , we will interchange 6 and 2. So
5 - 10 + 25 = 20.
=9+ 64 × 12-5 the new equation will be
Sol 78. (d) 15 + 15 - 2 × 10 ÷ 35 = 16 =9+18-5 9 - 6 ⨯ 4 ÷ 2 = -3
Here we will interchange + and ÷. So the =9+13=22 9 - 12 = -3.
new equation will be
15 ÷ 15 - 2 × 10 + 35 = 16 Sol 86.(a) 4+2 ÷ 3 × 8-1 = 6 Sol 98.(a) 6 + 9 × 2 – 3 ÷ 4 = 8
1 - 20 + 35 = 36 - 20 = 16. After interchanging 3 and 4 Here we will interchange - and ÷. So the
3+2 ÷ 4 × 8-1 = 6 new equation will be
Sol 79. (d) 5 + 8 - 30 × 10 ÷ 2 = 240 6+9×2÷3-4=8
Here we will interchange ⨯ and - So the Sol 87.(b) 6 + 9 ÷ 1 × 3 – 2 = ? 6 + 6 - 4 = 12 - 4 = 8.
new equation will be Here we will exchange 3 and 1. So the
5 + 8 ⨯ 30 - 10 ÷ 2 = 240 new equation will be Sol 99.(a) 7 + 8 ÷ 4 × 3
5 + 240 - 5 = 240. 6+9÷3×1–2=? After interchanging 8 and 3, we get,
6 + 3 - 2 = 9 - 2 = 7. 7 + 3 ÷ 4 × 8=13
Sol 80. (b) 8 + 15 - 20 × 10 ÷ 5 = 47
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 100.(a) 6 + 7 × 3 – 8 ÷ 4 25 D 13 A 82 C 132 B 11

Here we will exchange 3 and 6. So the Sol 112.(a) 9 × 5 ÷ 10 + 30 = 24 = 25 x 13 + 82 - 132
= 325 + 82 - 12
new equation will be Here we will interchange ⨯ and +. So the = 325 + 70 = 395.
3 + 7 × 6 – 8 ÷ 4 = 3 + 42 - 2 = 45 - 2 = new equation will be
43. 9 + 5 ÷ 10 ⨯ 30 = 24 Sol 122.(a) 45 – 87 × 20 ÷ 5 + 29 = 50
9 + 15 = 24. Here we will interchange ⨯ and ÷ , 20
Sol 101.(c) 13 – 14 × 3 + 7, and 29. So the new equation will be
After interchanging + and - signs , we get Sol 113.(d) 11 + 13 – 24 × 3 ÷ 2 = ? 45 – 87 ÷ 29 × 5 + 20 = 50
13 + 14 × 3 - 7=48 After interchanging the signs '× and ÷', 45 - 15 + 20 = 65 - 15 = 50.
we get
Sol 102.(a) 11 + 9 – 4 × 12 ÷ 6 = 32 11 + 13 – 24 ÷ 3 × 2 Sol 123.(b)
After interchanging ÷ and – 11 + 13 - 16 = 8 4 D (3 A 1) C 5 A (6 B 2) C 7
11 + 9 ÷ 4 × 12 -6=11+27-6=32 4 × (3+1) - 5 + (6 ÷ 2) - 7
Sol 114.(c) 9 – 11 + 26 ÷ 78 × 27 = 11 16 - 5 + 3 - 7 = 7
Sol 103.(a) 9 + 143 ÷ 13 × 11 – 160 =? Here we will interchange - and +. So the
After interchanging × and ÷ , We get new equation will be Sol 124.(d) 55 + 32 – 4 × (1 × 12) + (16
9 + 143 × 13 ÷ 11 – 160 =18 9 + 11 - 26 ÷ 78 × 27 = 11 ÷ 4) = 31
20 - 9 = 11. Here we will interchange 16 and 32. So
Sol 104.(d)3 + 6 ÷ 2 × 4 – 7 = 5 the new equation will be
By interchanging 6 and 3. Sol 115.(a) 55 + 16 – 4 × (1 × 12) + (32 ÷ 4) = 31
6 + 3 ÷ 2 × 4 – 7 =6+6-7=5 6 ÷ 3 × 5 – 15 + 4 = 9 71 - 48 + 8 = 71 - 40 = 31.
Go with option (a)
Sol 105.(a) 11 ÷ 9 – 63 + 7 × 2 6 – 3 × 5 ÷ 15 + 4 = 9 Sol 125.(c) 52 + 64 -16 ÷ 36 × 6 = 20
After interchanging ÷ and + , We get 6-1+4=9 After interchanging the signs × and ÷ ,
11 + 9 – 63 ÷ 7 × 2 = 11+9-18=2 9=9 We get
52 + 64 -16 × 36 ÷ 6 = 20
Sol 106.(a) 11 + 16 × 12 ÷ 4 – 2 = 21 Sol 116.(b) 5 – 9 + 16 × 91 ÷ 13 = –98
52 + 64 -96 = 20
Here we will interchange ⨯ and -. So the Here we will interchange + and -. So the
20 = 20
new equation will be new equation will be
11 + 16 - 12 ÷ 4 ⨯ 2 = 21 5 + 9 - 16 × 91 ÷ 13 = –98
Sol 126.(c)14 A 7 D 5 D (2 D 2) C ( 96 B
11 + 16 - 6 = 11 + 10 = 21. 14 - 112 = -98.
6) D 3 = ?
After interchanging. 14 + 7 × 5 × (2 × 2)
Sol 107.(b) 13 – 9 × 2 ÷ 3 + 16 = 3 Sol 117.(d) 6 × 8 ÷ 32 +64-11= ?
- ( 96 ÷ 6) × 3
After interchanging – and + , we get After interchanging the signs ‘ + and x’
14 + 35 × 4 - 48
13 + 9 × 2 ÷ 3 -16=13+6-16=3 6 + 8 ÷ 32 × 64-11
14 + 140 - 48
6 + 16- 11 =11
= 106
Sol 108.(d) 9 × 11 ÷ 31 + 62 – 13 = 18
Here we will interchange ⨯ and +. So the Sol 118.(a) 6 ÷ 5 +12 × 4-7 = 26
Sol 127. (c)
new equation will be After interchanging the signs ‘ ÷ and × ’ 54 – 45 ÷ 9 + 7 × 11 = 14
9 + 11 ÷ 31 ⨯ 62 – 13 = 18 , we get 6 × 5 +12 ÷ 4-7 = 26 Go through option (c) interchanging, 54
9 + 22 - 13 = 9 + 9 = 18. 30 + 3 - 7 = 26 and 45, + and ×
26 = 26 45 – 54 ÷ 9 × 7 + 11 = 14
Sol 109.(c) 3 + 2 ÷ 1 × 4 – 7
45 - 6 × 7 + 11 = 14
After interchanging 4 and 7 the new Sol 119.(a) 4 × 8 ÷ 2 = ? 45 - 42 + 11 = 14
equation will be
After interchanging the two signs, ‘ ÷ and 14 = 14
3 + 2 ÷ 1 × 7 – 4=13
× ’ and two numbers ‘2 and 8’ , we get
4÷2× 8 Sol 128.(b)
Sol 110.(a) 6 + 3 ÷ 9 × 7 – 5
= 16 15 - 18 + 14 × 3 ÷ 3 = 19
Here we will interchange 7 and 6. So the
Here we will interchange + and -. So the
new equation will be
Sol 120.(a) 28 + 4 × 16 ÷ 5 – 17 = 127 new equation will be
7 + 3 ÷ 9 × 6 – 5 = 7 + 2 - 5 = 9 - 5 = 4.
Here we will interchange ⨯ and + , 4 and 15 + 18 - 14 × 3 ÷ 3 = 19
5. So the new equation will be 33 - 14 = 19.
Sol 111.(b) Go through option (b)
28 ⨯ 5 + 16 ÷ 4 – 17 = 127
7 × 16 + 4 ÷ 5 = 33
Sol 129.(b)
7 × 16 ÷ 4 + 5 = 33
Sol 121.(a)'A' stands 'addition', B stands 64 – 17 + 55 × 65 ÷ 5 = 230
7 × 4 + 5 = 33
for 'division', C stands for 'subtraction' Go through option (b) interchange, 17 and
33 = 33
and D stands for 'multiplication, 55.
Mathematical Operation

64 – 55 + 17 × 65 ÷ 5 = 230 119-21 × 7 +117 ÷ 3=11 6=6

64 – 55 + 17 × 13 = 230 119-147+39 = 11
64 - 55 + 221 = 230 11 = 11 Sol 147.(c)
230 = 230 95#19$11@28*17 = ?
Sol 139.(d) 8 * 5 * 9 * 31 By decoding mentioned information and
Sol 130.(c) 28 * 4 * 9 * 16 Here we will put *= × - and =. So the using BODMAS rule
Here we will put the symbols ÷ , + and =. new equation will be 95 ÷ 19 × 11-28+17
So the new equation will be 8 × 5 - 9 = 31 55-28+17
28 ÷ 4 + 9 = 16 40 - 9 = 31. = 44
7 + 9 = 16.
Sol 140.(a) 96 x 6 - 8 ÷ 2 + 3 = 768 Sol 148.(a)Given equation: 60-4 × 12 ÷
Sol 131.(c)(10 C 4) A (4 C 4) B 6 = ? Here we will interchange 6 and 8. So the 3+8 = 88
After Interchange, (10×4) + (4×4) - 6 new equation will be Go thorough option (a), interchange +, ×
40 + 16 - 6 96 x 8 - 6 ÷ 2 + 3 = 768 60-4 + 12 ÷ 3 × 8 = 88
= 50 768 - 3 + 3 = 768. 60 - 4 + 32 = 88
88 = 88
Sol 132.(d) given equation:(3 - 15 ÷ 11) Sol 141.(a)
× 8+7=? 104 ÷ 8 + 6 - 9 × 3 = 34 Sol 149.(b)Given equation: 144+108 ÷
After interchange, :(3 × 15 + 11) ÷ 8 - 7 Go with option (a) interchange +, - 12-16 × 6=24
= (45 + 11) ÷ 8 - 7 104 ÷ 8 - 6 + 9 × 3 = 34 Go through option (b), interchange
= 56 ÷ 8 - 7 13 - 6 + 27 = 34 108,144
= 7 - 7 = 0. 34 = 34 108+144 ÷ 12-16 × 6 = 24
108 + 12 - 96 = 24
Sol 133.(d)Given equation: 128 ÷ 4-3 × Sol 142.(a) 24 = 24
12+6=26 3 × 6+72 ÷ 8-24=12
Go with option (d) and interchange 12,6 Go through option (a) interchange 6, 8 Sol 150.(b)Given equation: 27-3 × 2 ÷
128 ÷ 4-3 × 6+12 = 26 3 × 8+72 ÷ 6-24=12 13+9 = 14
32 - 18 + 12 = 26 24+12-24 = 12 Go with option (b) interchange -, ÷
26 = 26 12 = 12 27 ÷ 3 × 2 − 13+9 = 14
18 - 13 + 9 = 14
Sol 134.(c)36 ÷ 2+15 × 5-18 = 57 Sol 143.(c) 5 + 9 = 14
Go through option (c) interchange ÷ , × 75 ÷ 5 × 15-3+10=60 14 = 14
36 × 2+15 ÷ 5-18 = 57 Go thorough option (c)
72 + 3 - 18 = 57 75-5 × 15 ÷ 3+10 = 60 Sol 151.(a)
57 = 57 75-5 × 5+10 = 60 16 × 1792 ÷ 7+9 - 15 = 778
60 = 60 Go through option (a) interchange 16, 7
Sol 135.(a) 10 × 5 ÷ 3 – 2 + 3 = ? 7 × 1792 ÷ 16 + 9 - 15 = 778
‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’, ‘÷’ means Sol 144.(a) After putting the given 7 × 112 + 9 - 15 = 778
‘+’ and ‘×’ means ‘÷’, then the new operations and using BODMAS rule: 784 + 9 - 15 = 778
equation will be 40 T 8 F 16 P 4 K 13 778 = 778
10 ÷ 5 + 3 × 2 - 3 = 2 + 6 - 3 = 8 - 3 = 5. 40 ÷ 8 + 16 x 4 - 13
5 + 64 - 13 Sol 152.(b)15 - 5 + 75 ÷ 30 × 2 = 35
Sol 136. (a)200 & 5 @ 3 $ 20 # 5 =? = 56 Checking through the option:
After replacing coded words and
Go with option (b) interchange 30,
usingBODMAS Sol 145.(d)After putting the given coded 15,new equation will be:
200 ÷ 5 × 3 - 20 + 5 information and using BODMAS rule: 30 - 5 + 75 ÷ 15 × 2 = 35
120 - 20 + 5 7-2 × 14 ÷ 96+12=? 30 - 5 + 5 × 2 = 35
105 7 × 2+14 − 96 ÷ 12=? 35 = 35
Sol 137.(c) 100 S 12 P 72 R 6 Q 5=? = 20 Sol 153.(c) given equation: 64 × 2+24 ÷ 3
After replacing, 100 - 12 ÷ 72 × 6 + 5
-8 = 96
100 - 1 + 5 Sol 146.(d) checking through the options Checking through the options: option(c)
104 Option (d): interchange -and ÷ and interchange × , ÷ ,
applying BODMAS rule : 64 ÷ 2+24 × 3 -8 = 96
Sol 138.(c)Using hit & trial ,checking 96-16 ÷ 4 × 2+8 = 6
through option 119-21 ÷ 7 +117 × 3=11 32 + 72 - 8 = 96
96 ÷ 16 − 4 × 2+8 = 6 96 = 96
interchange ÷ and × 6-8+8=6
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 154.(d) Given equation, 84 ÷ 4 × 5 – When 5,9 are interchanged on either side
4 + 5 = 104 of the given equation Sol 166.(d)
Going through options: interchange + and 5*2+8÷2-1=9-6÷3+6*3 6 ✕ 8 + 2 = 20
– It becomes Going through all the options, we find
84 ÷ 4 × 5 + 4 - 5 = 104 LHS that only option(d) satisfies the condition
105 + 4 - 5 = 104 9 ×2 + 8 ÷ 2 - 1 ⇒ 8 + 6 ×2
104 = 104 18 + 8 ÷ 2 - 1 ⇒ 8 + 12
18 + 4 - 1 ⇒ 20 = RHS
Sol 155.(b)given equation: 6 ÷ 3 + 12 x 4 22-1
- 9 = 12 21 Sol 167.(d)
Checking through option: with option (b) RHS 15 - 2 ÷ 90 ✕ 9 + 10
interchange ÷, x 5-6÷3+6 × 3 As per the given conditions, substituting
6 x 3 + 12 ÷ 4 - 9 = 12 5 - 2 + 18 the signs in the above equation
18 + 3 - 9 = 12 23- 2 =15 × 2 + 90 ÷ 9 - 10
12 = 12 21 =30 + 10 - 10 (As per BODMAS rule)
Therefore, LHS=RHS = 30
Sol 156.(b)12 ÷ 3 - 6 + 4 x 96 = 74
Checking through option: with option (b) Sol 162.(d) Sol 168. (b) By hit and trial method (9 ×
interchange 12, 96 (5D6)A(4D3)A(3D3) 8 - 7) ÷ 13 = 5
96 ÷ 3 - 6 + 4 x 12 = 74 Substituting the signs (72 - 7) ÷ 13 = 5
32 - 6 + 48 = 74 (5 + 6) > (4 + 3) > (3+3) 65 ÷ 13 =5
74 = 74 11 > 7 > 6
So, Option D is true. Sol 169. (c) The given equation is 32 − 8
Sol 157.(b)Using hit & trial and checking ÷ 4 + 5 × 6 = 30.
options, interchange -, x Sol 163. (d) The given equation is 76 ÷ 5 Here, the hit and trial method will be
Given equation, 16 + 27 ÷ 3 - 9 x 12 = 85 –6+3×4=? used. So , ÷ and - signs will be used to
After interchanging, 16 + 27 ÷ 3 x 9 - 12 after these conversions , the new equation interchange with each other. After
= 85 will be interchanging the signs , the new equation
16 + 9 x 9 - 12 = 85 76 - 5 × 6 ÷ 3 + 4 = 76 - 5 × 2 + 4 = 76 - will be as 32 ÷ 8 - 4 + 5 × 6 = 30
16 + 81 - 12 = 85 10 + 4 = 66 + 4 = 70. 4 - 4 + 30 = 30
85 = 85 So , the value of the correct equation is 30 = 30
Sol 158.(b) Using hit & trial and checking Sol 170. (d) If + means −, − means ×, ×
option , interchange 9, 3 Sol 164. (b) To find the correct equation , means ÷, and ÷ means +, after
Given equation, 72 × 9 + 27 ÷ 3 - 6 = 213 we will try the hit and trial method in the interchanging these signs , the new
After interchange, 72 × 3 + 27 ÷ 9 - 6 = given equations. And we will choose the equation will be as :
213 equation , 12 × 3 - 15 ÷ 5 + 6
72 × 3 + 3 - 6 = 213 4–3×9=4 = 36 - 3 + 6 = 33 + 6 = 39.
219 - 6 = 213 After interchanging , ‘–’ and ‘×’ signs and
‘4’ and ‘3’ numbers , the new equation Sol 171. (d) After applying the hit and
SSC CPO 2019 Tier I will be : trial method, we came to the result that ÷
3×4-9=3 and - will be interchanged to correct the
Sol 159. (a) 12 - 9 = 3 equation.45 ÷ 9 - 3 + 5 × 6 = 32
On replacing the numbers 15 and 11, 3=3 5 - 3 + 30 = 32
signs + and * we get the desired result 2 + 30 = 32
11 15
17 × 15+3- 3 ⇒ 17 + 11 × 3 - 3 Sol 165.(b)
⇒ 17 + 33 - 5 = 45 4 + 6 × 2 - 27 ÷ 3 = 8 × 2 - 4 + 9 ÷ 3 Sol 172. (b) 27 ⨯ 2 - 24 ÷ 8 + 4
On interchanging the position of 6,8 = 54 - 3 + 4
S.160. (d)On putting the values and positions on either side of the equal to = 58 - 3 = 55.
following the BODMAS rule sign.
⇒13 × 3 - 15 ÷ 3 + 5 Sol 173. (b) After applying the hit and
⇒39 - 5 + 5 trial method, we came to know that the
⇒39-0 correct set of symbols for the equation is
⇒39 (⨯, -, ÷, =).
So, after applying the correct set of
Sol 161.(b) symbols, the new equation will be
Hence LHS is equal to RHS
(18 ⨯ 9 - 14) ÷ 37 = 4
Mathematical Operation

(162 - 14) ÷ 37 = 4 Sol 181. (c) After applying the hit and LHS
148 ÷ 37 = 4 trial method , we came to know that the =17 + 11 × 6 - 36 ÷ 12
4=4 correct set of symbols is -, ⨯, ÷, +, = . =17 + 11 × 6 - 3 = 17 + 66 - 3 = 83 - 3
After applying the set of symbols, the =80 = RHS
Sol 174. (d) the new equation will be as new equation will be
follows : 86 - ( 5 ⨯ 8 ÷ 4 ) + 9 = 85 Sol 187.(d)(12 * 7 * 6) * 13 * 6
50 - 10 + 25 ÷ 5 × 3 86 - ( 5 ⨯ 2 ) + 9 = 85 By observing all the options, we find that
= 50 - 10 + 5 × 3 86 - 10 + 9 = 85 “ ×, - , ÷ , =” should replace the signs
= 50 - 10 + 15 76 + 9 = 85 respectively.
= 40 + 15 = 55. Hint : Try that option first which contains (12 × 7 - 6) ÷ 13 = 6
a division sign between two completely LHS
Sol 175. (a) we will interchange signs ‘+’ divisible numbers. = (84 - 6 ) ÷ 13 = 78 ÷ 13 = 6 =RHS
and ‘÷’, and numbers ‘2’ and ‘8’ in the
equation. After interchanging , the new Sol 182. (b) Here , we will apply the hit Sol 188.(c)225 + 5 × 3 ÷ 5 - 7 = 133
equation will be as and trial method , after that we came to
By observing all the options, we find that
8÷2+4=8 know that in the equation (4 - 8 + 11 = 1) only on interchanging
4+4=8 , we will interchange '+' and '-' and
‘+ and ÷ ’ we get the desired results.
numbers '4' and '8'. After applying the
Sol 176. (d) After applying the hit and interchanges , the new equation will be
225 + 5 × 3 ÷ 5 - 7
trial method, we came to know that the 8 + 4 - 11 = 1
225 ÷ 5 × 3 + 5 - 7
correct set of symbols is ÷, −, ×, +, = 12 - 11 = 1
45 × 3 + 5 - 7
1/6 ÷ 1/24 - 2 × 8 + 35 = 23 1=1
4 - 16 + 35 = 23 Hence Proved. 135 + 5 - 7
140 - 7
39 - 16 = 23
133= RHS
SSC CGL 2019 Tier I
Sol 177. (b) After applying the hit and
Sol 189.(b)
trial method , we came to know that we Sol 183.(d) After interchanging ‘+’ and
have to interchange ÷ and-. So , after 32 ÷ 6 + 26 - 13 × 6 = 54
‘-’ and ‘6’ and ‘7’. We see that,
interchanging the signs, the new equation On interchanging ‘6’ and ‘2’
Only option(d) is satisfying the condition
will be as follows. LHS = 36 ÷ 2 + 62 - 13 × 2
67 - 76 + 43 = 100
48 – 8 ÷ 4 + 5 × 6 = 32 LHS = 18 + 62 - 26
48 ÷ 8 - 4 + 30 = 32 After applying the condition = 80 - 26
6 - 4 + 30 = 32 =76 + 67 - 43 = 54=RHS
36 - 4 = 32 = 143-43
=100 = RHS Sol 190.(c)121 + 11 - 42 × 6 ÷ 7 = 83
Sol 178. (d) the new equation will be as By observing all the options, we find that
follows : Sol 184.(c) the option(c) gives the desired results.
25 × 2 - 32 ÷ 8 + 4 = 50 - 4 + 4 = 50 9 + 7 × 5 − 18 ÷ 2 = 3 × 4 − 10 + Now interchanging ‘ ÷ and × ’
45 ÷ 5 LHS
Sol 179. (b) After applying the hit and Through options, we find that exchanging 121 + 11 - 42 ÷ 6 × 7
trial method , we came to know that the 7 and 4 gives the required results = 121 + 11- 7 × 7
correct set of symbols for the equation LHS = 121 + 11 - 49
will be – ÷ + =. After applying the signs =9+4 × 5-18 ÷ 2 = 132 - 49
on the correct places , the new equation As per BODMAS = 83 = RHS
will be =9+20-9 = 29-9 = 20
(157 - 13) ÷ 36 + 1 = 5 RHS Sol 191.(b)By observing all the options,
144 ÷ 36 + 1 = 5 =3 × 7-10+45 ÷ 5 = 21-10+9 = 30-10 = 20 we conclude that interchanging ‘5 and 7’
4+1=5 gives the desired result.
Sol 185.(b) 36 ÷ 2 × 12 + 3 - 6 = 24 LHS = 3 + 7 × 4 - 24 ÷ 3 = 3 + 7 × 4 -
Sol 180. (a) After applying the hit and 8
Interchanging the signs ‘ × ’ and ‘-’ will
trial method , we came to know that we = 3 + 28 - 8 = 31 - 8 = 23
satisfy the given equation
need to interchange ÷ and -. After RHS = 5 × 4 - 3 + 36 ÷ 6 = 5 × 4 - 3 +
interchanging the signs , the new equation 6
=36 ÷ 2 - 12 + 3 × 6 = 18 - 12 + 18
will be = 26 - 3 = 23
= 36 - 12 = 24 = RHS
64 ÷ 8 - 3 + 7 ✖ 5 = 40
8 - 3 + 35 = 40 Sol 192.(d)11 × 7 ÷ 35 - 64 + 56 = 47
Sol 186.(a)17 + 11 - 12 × 36 ÷ 6 = 80
5 + 35 = 40
On interchanging , × and - ; 6 and 12
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

After observing all the options, we find = 35 + 49 - 28 ÷ 7 × 4

that option(d) i.e. ‘ × and ÷ , 35 and 11’ = 35 + 49 - 4 × 4 Sol 202.(d)
satisfies the given equation. = 35 + 49 - 16 43 C 29 B 3 A 14 B ( 5 C 4) C 11 C( 14 A
LHS = 84 - 16 3) A 64 D 8 B 2
=35 ÷ 7 × 11 - 64 + 56 = 68 On substituting the signs in the above
= 5 × 11 - 64 + 56 = RHS equation
= 55 - 64 + 56 = 43 + 29 × 3 - 14 × (5 + 4) +11 + (14 -
= 111 - 64 Sol 197.(d) 3) - 64 ÷ 8 × 2
= 47 = RHS By observing all the options, we find that = 43 + 29 × 3 - 14 × (5 + 4) +11 +(14 -
‘ × , -, ÷ , =’ will be the correct 3) - 8 × 2
Sol 193.(c)28 - 32 ÷ 2 × 8 + 34 = 132 mathematical combination to balance the = 43 + 29 × 3 - 14 × (5 + 4) + 1 + (14 -
By observing all the options, we find that given equation. 3) - 16
the interchanging “ + and - ; 32 and 34” ⇒ (14 × 9 - 6 ) ÷ 15 = 8 = 43 + 87 - 14 × (9) + 11 + (11) - 16
condition is satisfied. LHS = 43 + 87 - 126 + 11 + 11 - 16
LHS= ⇒ (14 × 9 - 6 ) ÷ 15 = 130 - 126 + 11 + 11 - 16
28 - 32 ÷ 2 × 8 + 34 ⇒ ( 126 - 6 ) ÷ 15 = 152 - 142
28 + 34 ÷ 2 × 8 - 32= ⇒ 120 ÷ 15 = 10
28 + 17 × 8 - 32= =8
28 + 136 - 32= = RHS SSC CHSL 2019 Tier I
164 - 32=
132= RHS Sol 198.(c) Sol 203. (c)
27 A 8 B 5 C (11 C 3) B 5 C 36 D 6 15@2 ÷ 900&30#10
Sol 194.(d) As per the given condition ⇒ 15 × 2 + 900 ÷ 30 - 10
12 + 81 - 27 × 9 ÷ 3 = 36 = 27 - 8 × 5 + (11 + 3) × 5 + 36 ÷ 6 ⇒ 15 × 2 + 30 - 10
On interchanging the signs ‘- & ÷ ’ we = 27 - 8 × 5 + ( 14 ) × 5 + 6 ⇒ 30 + 30 - 10
get, = 27 - 40 + 70 + 6 ⇒ 60 - 10
=12 + 81 ÷ 27 × 9 - 3 = 103 - 40 ⇒ 50
=12 + 3 × 9 - 3 = 63
=12 + 27 - 3 = 39 - 3 = 36 Sol 204. (b)
Sol 199.(a) 121 ÷ 11 + 54 - 9 × 3 = 128 (18 ÷ 9) + 9 × 8 = 24
Sol 195.(b) On interchanging the signs ÷ and - , we According to option (b):-
By observing all the options, we find that get ⇒ (18 + 9) ÷ 9 × 8 = 24
interchanging ‘6, 8’ will give the required = 121 - 11 + 54 ÷ 9 × 3 ⇒ (27) ÷ 9 × 8 = 24
result. = 121 - 11 + 18 ⇒ 3 × 8 = 24
LHS = 139 - 11 ⇒ 24 = 24
4 + 6 × 7 - 27 ÷ 3 = 128
On interchanging = LHS
Sol 205. (d)
= 4 + 8 × 7 - 27 ÷ 3
(72 ÷ 18) + 30 × 8 - 4 = 20
=4+8 × 7-9 Sol 200.(b) 32 B 4 A 12 B ( 35 A 24) C
According to option (d):-
= 4 + 56 - 9 52 D 4
⇒ (72 +18) ÷ 30 × 8 - 4 = 20
= 60-9 On substituting the signs as per the given
⇒ (90) ÷ 30 × 8 - 4 = 20
=51 information
⇒ 3 × 8 - 4 = 20
RHS = 32 × 4 -12 × ( 35 - 24) + 52 ÷ 4
⇒ 24 - 4 = 20
=7 × 6 - 4 + 39 ÷ 3 = 128 - 12 × (11) + 13
⇒ 20 = 20
On interchanging = 128 - 132 + 13
=7 × 6 - 4 + 13 = 141 - 132
=9 Sol 206. (b)
= 42 - 4 + 13
16 × 18 + 2 - 14 ÷ 3 = 38
= 51
Sol 201.(c) 14 × 3 ÷ 27 + 54 - 9 = 21 According to option (b):-
⇒ 16 + 14 × 2 - 18 ÷ 3 = 38
After interchanging the signs - and ÷
⇒ 16 + 14 × 2 - 6 = 38
Sol .196.(a) =14 × 3 - 27 + 54 ÷ 9
By observing all the options, we find that, ⇒ 16 + 28 - 6 = 38
=14 × 3 - 27 + 6
interchanging ‘28 and 35’ satisfies the ⇒ 44 - 6 = 38
= 42 - 27 + 6
given condition. = 48 - 27 ⇒ 38 = 38
28 + 49 - 35 ÷ 7 × 4 = 68 = 21
On interchanging we get, =RHS Sol 207. (a)

Mathematical Operation

4 ÷ 6 + 9 - 48 × 8 = 27 ⇒ [4] × 3 ⇒ 6 × 7 + 8 - 21 ÷ 7 = 47
According to option (a):- ⇒ 12 ⇒ 6 × 7 + 8 - 3 = 47
⇒ 4 × 6 + 9 - 48 ÷ 8 = 27 ⇒ 42 + 8 - 3 = 47
⇒ 4 × 6 + 9 - 6 = 27 Sol 215. (a) ⇒ 50 - 3 = 47
⇒ 24 + 9 - 6 = 27 In option (a):- 18 × 5 − 36 ÷ 2 + 6 ⇒ 47 = 47
⇒ 33 - 6 = 27 ⇒ 18 × 5 − 18 + 6
⇒ 27 = 27 ⇒ 90 − 18 + 6 Sol 222. (b)
⇒ 72 + 6 3 × 9+5-18 ÷ 7=24
Sol 208. (d) ⇒ 78 According to option (b):-
18 Y 2 Y 3 Y 3 Y 9 ⇒ 3 × 7+5-18 ÷ 9 = 24
⇒ 18 ÷ 2 × 3 = 3 × 9 Sol 216. (a) ⇒ 3 × 7+5-2 = 24
⇒9 × 3=3 × 9 4 × 30 - 15 ÷ 5 + 12 = 21 ⇒ 21+5-2 = 24
After interchanging the signs and ⇒ 26-2 = 24
Sol 209. (c) numbers ⇒ 24 = 24
16 A 8 A 6 A 3 A 4 ⇒ 4 × 30 ÷ 5 − 15 + 12 = 21
⇒ 16 ÷ 8 × 6 = 3 × 4 ⇒ 4 × 6 − 15 + 12 = 21 Sol 223. (c)
⇒ 2 × 6 = 12 ⇒ 24 − 15 + 12 = 21 18 + 2 - 5 × 6 ÷ 4 = ?
⇒ 12 = 12 ⇒ 9 + 12 = 21 After interchanging the signs , we get
⇒ 21 = 21 ⇒ 18 ÷ 2 × 5 -6 +4 = ?
Sol 210. (c) ⇒ 9 × 5 -6 +4 = ?
15@2 ÷ 900&10#50 Sol 217. (c) ⇒ 45 -6 +4 = ?
⇒ 15 × 2+900 ÷ 10-50 11*15*78*6*18*160 ⇒ 45 -2 = ?
⇒ 15 × 2+90-50 According to option (c):- ⇒ 43 = ?
⇒ 30+90-50 ⇒ 11 × 15+78 ÷ 6-18=160
⇒ 120-50 ⇒ 11 × 15+13-18=160 Sol 224. (b)
⇒ 70 ⇒ 165+13-18=160 78 ÷ 6 × 4 - 3 + 9 = 10
⇒ 178-18=160 Using option (b):-
Sol 211. (a) ⇒ 160 = 160 ⇒ 78 ÷ 6 - 4 × 3 + 9 = 10
Given :- 16 + 8 x 25 - 15 ÷ 5 = 138 ⇒ 13 - 4 × 3 + 9 = 10
Check option (a):-- Sol 218. (b) ⇒ 13 - 12 + 9 = 10
16 × 8 + 15 - 25 ÷ 5 = 138 4 - 7 × 28 + 12 ÷ 3 = 4 ⇒ 1 + 9 = 10
⇒ 16 × 8 + 15 - 5 = 138 Using option (b):- ⇒ 10 = 10
⇒ 128 + 15 - 5 = 138 ⇒ 4 × 7-28 + 12 ÷ 3 = 4
⇒ 143 - 5 = 138 ⇒ 28 - 28 + 12 ÷ 3 = 4 Sol 225. (d)
⇒ 138 = 138 ⇒ 12 ÷ 3 = 4 12 * 3 * 6 * 8 * 4 = -4
⇒ 4=4 According to option (d):-
Sol 212. (d) ⇒ 12 - 3 × 6 + 8 ÷ 4 = -4
15 × 4 + 26 ÷ 2 - 7 = 66 Sol 219. (b) ⇒ 12 - 3 × 6 + 2 = -4
According to option (d) :- 18 + 3 - 5 × 6 ÷ 4 ⇒ 12 - 18 + 2 = -4
⇒ 15 × 4 + 13 - 7 = 66 ⇒ 18 ÷ 3 × 5 + 6 - 4 ⇒ 12 - 16 = -4
⇒ 60 + 13 - 7 = 66 ⇒6 × 5+6-4 ⇒ -4=-4
⇒ 73 - 7 = 66 ⇒ 30 + 6 - 4
⇒ 66 = 66 ⇒ 36 - 4 Sol 226. (a) 7 + 24 × 3 − 72 ÷ 18 = 58
⇒ 32 According to option (a):-
Sol 213. (a) ⇒ 7 + 18 × 3 − 72 ÷ 24 = 58
26A2A3A3A13 Sol 220. (b) ⇒ 7 + 18 × 3 - 3= 58
26 ÷ 2 × 3 = 3 × 13 [{(12 × 8)-(2 ÷ 3)}+(3-2)] ÷ 2 ⇒ 7 + 54 - 3= 58
⇒ 13 × 3 = 39 After interchanging the signs , we get ⇒ 61 - 3= 58
⇒ 39 = 39 ⇒ [{(12 − 8)+(2 × 3)} ÷ (3+2)] × 2 ⇒ 58 = 58
⇒ [{(4)+(6)} ÷ (5)] × 2
Sol 214. (a) ⇒ [{10} ÷ (5)] × 2 Sol 227. (b)
[{(32 × 24) − (4 ÷ 3)} + (3 − 2)] ÷ 3 ⇒ [2] × 2 (560 ÷ 80) + 90 × 8 − 38 = 600
After interchanging the signs , we get :- ⇒4 On using option (b):-
⇒ [{(32 − 24) + (4 × 3)} ÷ (3 + 2)] × 3 ⇒ (560 ÷ 80) × 90+8-38 = 600
⇒ [{8 + 12} ÷ (5)] × 3 Sol 221. (a) ⇒ (7) × 90+8-38 = 600
⇒ [{20 } ÷ (5)] × 3 6 + 7 × 8-21 ÷ 7 = 47 408
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

⇒ 630 + 8 - 38 = 600 ⇒ 28 - 8 = 20 ⇒ 76
⇒ 638 - 38 = 600 ⇒ 20 = 20
⇒ 600 = 600 Sol 240. (d)
Sol 234. (a) 2 ÷ 3 - 5 × 3 + 3 = 16
Sol 228. (d) In option (a) :- 2 × 4+8 = 34 apply the According to option (d):-
(56 ÷ 7)+5 × 8-12 = 60 following changes, we get:- ⇒ 2 + 3 × 5 - 3 ÷ 3 = 16
According to option (d):- ⇒ 2 + 8 × 4 = 34 ⇒ 2 + 3 × 5 - 1 = 16
⇒ (56 ÷ 7) + 5 × 12 - 8 = 60 ⇒ 2 + 32 = 34 ⇒ 2 + 15 - 1 = 16
⇒ (8) + 5 × 12 - 8 = 60 ⇒ 34 = 34 ⇒ 17 - 1 = 16
⇒ (8) + 60 - 8 = 60 ⇒ 16 = 16
⇒ 68 - 8 = 60 Sol 235. (d)
⇒ 60 = 60 [4(3 + {9 × 6 ÷ 3 + {12 ÷ (1 ÷ 1 × 3)}})] = Sol 241. (c)
5 × 2b 4 × 3 + 10 - 2 ÷ 7 = 10
Sol 229. (c) After interchanging ÷ and -
⇒ [4(3 + {9 × 2 + {12 ÷ (1 × 3)}})] = 5a
6 + 28 ÷ 4 − 2 × 17 = 12 ⇒ 4 × 3 + 10 ÷ 2 - 7 = 10
Using option (c):- × 2b ⇒ 4 × 3 + 5 - 7 = 10
⇒ 17 + 28 ÷ 4 - 2 × 6 = 12 ⇒ [4(3 + {18 + {12 ÷ (3)}})] = 5a × 2b ⇒ 12 + 5 - 7 = 10
⇒ 17 + 7 - 2 × 6 = 12 ⇒ [4(3 + {18 + {4}})] = 5a × 2b ⇒ 17 - 7 = 10
⇒ 17 + 7 - 12 = 12 ⇒ 10 = 10
⇒ [4(3 + {22})] = 5a × 2b
⇒ 24 - 12 = 12
⇒ 12 = 12 ⇒ [4(25)] = 5a × 2b Sol 242. (c)
2 2 a
⇒ [2 × 5 )] = 5 × 2 b [{(11 x 2) - (2 ÷ 3)} + (3 - 2)] ÷ 2
Sol 230. (b) ⇒ a = 2 and b = 2 ⇒ [{(11 - 2) + (2 × 3)} ÷ (3 + 2)] × 2
8 - 3 ÷ 16 × 36 + 6 = 14 Thus, a + b = 2 + 2 = 4 ⇒ [{(9) + (6)} ÷ (5)] × 2
According to option (b):- ⇒ [{15} ÷ (5)] × 2
⇒ 8 × 3 - 16 + 36 ÷ 6 = 14 Sol 236. (d) ⇒ [3] × 2
⇒ 8 × 3 - 16 + 6 = 14 48 ÷ 12 × 3 - 6 + 3 ⇒ 6
⇒ 24 - 16 + 6 = 14 After interchanging the signs
⇒ 8 + 6 = 14 ⇒ 48 - 12 ÷ 3 + 6 × 3 Sol 243. (c)
⇒ 14 = 14 ⇒ 48 - 4 + 6 × 3 3
8 × 4 + 5 - 9 = 10
⇒ 48 - 4 + 18
After interchanging 5 and 9
Sol 231. (d) ⇒ 48 + 14
⇒ 8 × 3 + 9 - 5 = 10
36 ÷ 6-15 × 2+48 = 14 ⇒ 62 4
According to option (d):-
⇒ 2 × 3+ 9 - 5 = 10
⇒ 48 ÷ 6-15 × 2+36 = 14 Sol 237. (b)
⇒ 6 + 9 - 5 = 10
⇒ 8-15 × 2+36 = 14 5 × 4 + 12 - 3 ÷ 6 = 18 ⇒ 15 - 5 = 10
⇒ 8-30+36 = 14 According to option (b):-
⇒ 10 = 10
⇒ 8+6 = 14 ⇒ 5 × 4 + 12 ÷ 3 - 6 = 18
⇒ 14 = 14 ⇒ 5 × 4 + 4 - 6 = 18 Sol 244.(a) By Applying hit and trial and
⇒ 20 + 4 - 6 = 18 interchanging × and - sign, the equation is
Sol 232. (c) ⇒ 24 - 6 = 18 25 × 5-50 ÷ 10+35 = 155
4 = 125-5+35 = 155
8 × ( 3 ) + 9 - 5 = 10 ⇒ 18 = 18
155 = 155
⇒ 8 × ( 4 ) + 9 - 5 = 10
3 Sol 238. (a)
⇒ 2 × 3+ 9 - 5 = 10 Sol 245.(a) Using hit and trial method
40 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 15
⇒ 6 + 9 - 5 = 10 31 × 2+60 ÷ 30-15=49
According to option (a)
⇒ 15 - 5 = 10 ⇒ 40 ÷ 2 × 3 = 4 × 15 62+2-15=49
⇒ 10 = 10 ⇒ 20 × 3 = 60 HINT- Check for the divide sign first
because the dividend should be
⇒ 60 = 60
Sol 233. (c) completely divisible by the divisor.
12 × 2 + 8 - 48 ÷ 6 = 20 Sol 239. (c) 24 × 4 + 12 − 14 ÷ 10
Sol 246.(c)
According to option (c):- ⇒ 24 ÷ 4 × 12 + 14 - 10
⇒ 8 × 2 + 12 - 48 ÷ 6 = 20 35 × 2 + 5 × ( 40 -37) + (8 × 4) ÷ 16
⇒ 6 × 12 + 14 - 10
⇒ 8 × 2 + 12 - 8 = 20 -14?
⇒ 72 + 14 - 10 70+15+2-14
⇒ 16 + 12 - 8 = 20 ⇒ 86 - 10 =87-14
Mathematical Operation

=73. 18 × 6 + 24 ÷ 4 − 64 = 50
108+6-64 = 50
Sol 247.(a) After applying hit and trial 50=50
method and interchanging ÷ and - sign.
The equation is : Sol 258.(a) Applying hit and trial method
4 × 7+36 ÷ 12 − 6=25 putting the values of option A we get the
28+3-6=25 equation as
12 × 4 - 16 ÷ 4 +15 = 59
Sol 248.(d) After applying the hit and 48 - 4 +15 = 59
trial method and checking option d. The 59=59
equation is :
24 × 12+35-24 ÷ 6=319 Sol 259.(c)
288+35-4=288+31=319. 27 ÷ 9 + 42 − 6 × 5=15
3+ 45-30 =15
Sol 249. (d) 15=15
74 +(31 × 2) × 2 - (68 - 4) ÷ (4 × 2)=
74+124 - 64 ÷ 8 Sol 260.(d) applying hit and trial method
198-8=190 and using option d
24 × 4+16 ÷ 4-15=85
Sol 250.(c) Applying hit and trial method 96+4-15=85
and interchanging 6 and 12 we get the 85=85
equation as
36 × 6+48 ÷ 12-18=202 Sol 261.(a) After changing the operators
216+4-18=202 16 ÷ 4+12 × 3-18 = 22
4 + 36 - 18 = 22
Sol 251.(d) equation is : 50 ÷ (2 × 5)+3 × 22=22
(15+12) - 2 × (18-15)
50 ÷ 10+3 × 27 - 2 × 3
5+81-6 = 80

Sol 252.(b) equation is : 15 × 5 - 24+140

÷ 7 = 71
75 - 24 + 20 = 71

Sol 253.(a) Applying hit and trial method,

using option a
16 − 35 ÷ 5 + 20 × 4
16 - 7 + 80 = 89

Sol 254.(c) Applying hit and trial method

and interchanging 7 and 21 we get
63 ÷ 7- 42 + 8 × 21= 135
9 - 42 + 168 = 135

Sol 255.(b)
15 × (14-7)+25 ÷ (18-13)-8 × (2+3)

Sol 256.(c) applying hit and trial method

72 ÷ 12+8 × 6 - 22 = 32
6+48 - 22 = 32
32= 32

Sol 257.(b) Solving each equation with

the given condition , option B is the
correct answer
Word Arrangement

SEQUENCE OF WORDS एक श बनाता है । श ों का समूह एक वा ां श तािकक और साथक म म िन िल खत श ों की

बनाता है । वा ां शों का एक समूह एक वा व था को इं िगत करने के िलए सही िवक का
/श ों का अनु म बनाता है । चयन कर।
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
Introduction of sequence of words - in 1. Injury/चोट
this type of questions, certain 2. Recovery/ ा लाभ
inter-related words and numbered are 3. Accident/ दु घटना
Q1. Select the correct alternative to
given , followed by various sequences of 4. Showroom/शो म
indicate the arrangement of the
the numbers denoting them, as 4. Drive/गाडी चलाना
following words in a logical and
alternatives. the student is required to 5. Car/कार
meaningful order.
arrange these words in a logical (a) 4, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2 (b) 6, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2
सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
sequences based on a common property के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | (c) 4, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1 (d) 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4
and then choose the correctly graded CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
sequences from the given 1.Probation/ प रवी ा Q5. Select the correct alternative to
alternatives./इस अ ाय के ों म, कुछ एक 2.Selection/ चयन indicate the arrangement of the
दू सरे से जुड़े ए श और सं ाएं िदए जाती है , 3.Application/ आवेदन following words in a logical and
जो सं ाओं ारा िविभ अनु मों के अनुसार meaningful order.
4.Confirmation./ थायीकरण
उ िवक के प म दशाया जाता है । छा को सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
5.Appointment/ िनयु
समान गुणों के आधार पर तािकक म म इन के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
श ों को व थत करने की आव कता होती (a)3,2,5,1,4 (b)5,1,4,2,3
(c)4,1,3,2,5 (d)3,2,5,4,1 CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
है और िफर िदए गए िवक ों म से सही मब 1.Treatment/ उपचार
अनु मों का चयन करना होता है ।
Q2. Select the correct alternative to 2.Diagnosis/ रोग-िनणय
indicate the arrangement of the 3.Doctor/ िचिक क
Ex - 1
following words in a logical and 4.Discharge/ छूट
Arrange the following words in a logical
meaningful order. 5.Bill/ िबल
and meaningful order.
तािकक और साथक म म िन िल खत श ों की (a)3, 2, 1, 5, 4 (b)4, 5, 3, 2, 1
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण
व था को इं िगत करने के िलए सही िवक का (c)3, 2, 5, 1, 4 (d)2, 3, 1, 4, 5
म म व थत कर |
चयन कर।
1. Family
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) Q6. Select the correct alternative to
2. Community
1.Sleep/नींद indicate the arrangement of the
3. Member
2.Cold/सद following words in a logical and
4. Locality
3.Blanket/कंबल meaningful order.
5. Country
4.Winter/सद सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
5.Warm/गरम के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को दशाता है
6.Shop/दु कान CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Clearly, a member is part of a family, 1.Cloud/ बादल
(a)4,2,6,3,5,1 (b)4,3,6,2,1,5
which in turn is a part of community. 2.Shelter/ आ य
(c)6,3,2,1,4,5 (d)4,3,2,6,1,5
The community lives in a locality 3.Monsoon/ मानसून
which lies within a Country. Thus, the 4.Rain/ बा रश
Q3. Select the correct alternative to
correct order is 3,1,2,4,5/ प से, एक 5.Flood/ बाढ़
indicate the arrangement of the
सद एक प रवार का िह ा है , जो बदले म
following words in a logical and 6.Relief/ राहत
समुदाय का एक िह ा है । समुदाय उस इलाके म
meaningful order. (a)4, 1, 2, 5, 2, 6 (b)3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6
रहता है जो िकसी दे श के भीतर थत है । इस
तािकक और साथक म म िन िल खत श ों की (c)1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2 (d)3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6
कार, सही म 3,1,2,4,5 है
व था को इं िगत करने के िलए सही िवक का
चयन कर। Q7. Select the correct alternative to
Ex - 2
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening) indicate the arrangement of the
Arrange the following words in a logical 1. Diagnosis/िनदान
and meaningful order. following words in a logical and
2. Recovery/ ा लाभ meaningful order.
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण
3. Pain/दद उस सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
म म व थत कर |
4. Treatment/िचिक ा श ों के एक तकपूण और अथपूण म को
1. Phrase
5. Hospital/अ ताल दशाता है |
2. Letter
(a) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (b) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
3. Word 1. Fruit/ फल
(c) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 1, 2
4. Sentence
2. Harvest/ कटाई
Q4. Select the correct alternative to 3. Seed/ बीज
indicate the arrangement of the 4. Sell/ िब ी
Clearly, A group of letters makes a
following words in a logical and 5. Plant/ पौधा
word. A group of words make a phrase. (a) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 (b) 1, 3, 5, 2, 4
meaningful order.
A group of phrases makes a
(c) 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 (d) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
sentence./ प से, अ रों का एक समूह
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

4.India / भारत 2.Plan / योजना

Q8. Select the correct alternative to 5.World / िव 3.Think /सोचना
indicate the arrangement of the (a)1,5,4,3,2 (b)3,4,2,1,5 4.Feedback / ितपुि
following words in a logical and (c)2,1,4,3,5 (d)2,3,4,1,5 5.Idea / िवचार
meaningful order: (a)4,5,2,1,3 (b)3,2,5,1,4
उस सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत Q12. Select the correct alternative to (c)3,5,2,1,4 (d)2,3,4,5,1
श ों के तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | indicate the arrangement of the
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) following words in a logical and Q16.Select the correct alternative to
1.Judgement/ फैसला meaningful order. indicate the arrangement of the
2.Arrest/ िगर ारी सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों following words in a logical and
3.Prison/ जेल के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | meaningful order.
4.Court/ अदालत CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
5.Crime/ अपराध 1.State के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को दशाता है |
6,Punishment / दं ड 2.Street CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)
(a) 5 2 4 1 6 3 (b) 5 2 3 4 1 6 3.House Number 1.childhood / बचपन
(c)5 4 2 1 6 3 (d)3 6 4 1 2 5 4.City 2.Adulthood / यौवनाव था
5.Country 3.Infancy / शैशवा था
Q9. Select the correct alternative to (a)3,4,2,1,5 (b)1,5,4,3,2 4.Senillity / वृ ाव था
indicate the arrangement of the (c)2,3,4,5,1 (d)3,2,4,1,5 5.Adolescence / िकशोराव था
following words in a logical and (a)3,1,5,2,4 (b)5,1,3,2,4
meaningful order. Q13. Select the correct alternative to (c)5,4,3,2,1 (d)2,1,5,3,4
तािकक और साथक म म िन िल खत श ों की indicate the arrangement of the
व था को इं िगत करने के िलए सही िवक का following words in a logical and Q17. Select the correct alternative to
चयन कर। meaningful order. indicate the arrangement of the
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) सही िवक का चयन कर जो िदए गए श ों के
following words in a logical and
1.Ornaments/आभूषण meaningful order.
एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
2.Gold/सोना िन िल खत श ों की एक तकपूण और अथपूण
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
व था को दशाने वाले सही िवक का चयन
3.Goldsmith/सुनार 1. Paragraphs/ अनु े द कर |
4.Jewelry shop/आभूषणों की दु कान 2. Letters/ अ र CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
5.Bride/दु न 3. Sentences/ वा 1. Hour/ घंटा
(a)4, 2, 5, 3, 1 (b)2, 5, 4, 3, 1 4. Words/ श 2. Month/ महीना
(c)2, 4, 5, 1, 3 (d)2, 3, 1, 4 ,5 5. Book/ िकताब 3. Second/ सेकंड
4. Days/ िदन
6. Pages/ प े 5. Minute/ िमनट
Q10. Select the correct alternative to (a)234165 (b)241365 6. Week/ स ाह
indicate the arrangement of the (c)243156 (d)243165 (a) 3,5,1,4,6,2 (b) 6,2,5,4,3,1
following words in a logical and (c) 2,3,4,1,5,6 (d) 2,3,4,1,6,5
meaningful order. Q14. Select the correct alternative to
िन िल खत श ों के अथपूण एवं तकपूण म indicate the arrangement of the Q18. Select the correct alternative to
को दशाने वाले िवक का चयन कर | indicate the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) following words in a logical and
meaningful order. meaningful orser.
1. Chapter/ पाठ सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों उस िवक का चयन कर जो िदए गए श ों के
2. Word/ श के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को दशाता है | तकपूण और अथपूण म को दशाता है |
3. Letter/ अ र CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
4. Phrase/ वा ां श 1.State/ रा 1. Class/ वग
5. Paragraph/ अनु े द 2.Individual/ 2. Entrance/ वेश
3.Family/ प रवार 3. Result / प रणाम
6. Sentence/ वा
4. Admission/ नामां कन
(a)3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 1 (b)2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 5 4.Community/ समुदाय
5. Graduation/ ातक
(c)3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1 (d)3, 2, 4, 6, 1, 5 5.Country/ दे श 6. Job/ नौकरी
(a)2, 3, 4, 1, 5 (b)5, 2, 4, 3, 1 (a) 5, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6
Q11. Select the correct alternative to (c)2, 3, 4, 5, 1 (d)2, 5, 4, 3, 1 (c) 6, 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 (d) 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 5
indicate the arrangement of the
following words in a logical and Q15.Select the correct alternative to Q19. Select the correct alternative to
meaningful order. indicate the arrangement of the indicate the arrangement of the
सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों following words in a logical and following words in a logical and
के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | meaningful order: meaningful order.
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) उस सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
1.Karnataka / कनाटक श ों के तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
2.Bengaluru / बगलु CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
3.Asia / एिशया 1.Performance / िन ादन 1. Editor/ संपादक
Word Arrangement

2. Publisher/ काशक CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning) 4. Printing/ छपाई

3. Author/ लेखक 1. Buy/ खरीदना 5. Editing/ स ादन
4. Reader/ पाठक 2. Dinner/ राि भोजन (a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (b) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5
5. Bookseller/ पु क िव े ता 3. Market/ बाज़ार (c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 (d) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
(a) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 (b) 4, 3, 1, 2, 5 4. Vegetables/ स याँ
(c) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 (d) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4 5. Cook/ पकाना Q28. Arrange the following words in a
(a) 1, 4, 5, 3, 2 (b) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 logical and meaningful order.
Q20. Select the correct alternative to (c) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
indicate the arrangement of the म म व थत कर |
following words in a logical and Q24. Arrange the following words in a CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
meaningful order. logical and meaningful order. 1. Cloud/ बादल
सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण 2. Rainbow/ इं धनुष
के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को दशाता है | म म व थत कर | 3. Devastation/तबाही
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon) CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon 4. Rain/ बा रश
1. Knee 1. Medicine 5. Low Pressure/ िन दाब
2. Heel 2. Diagnosis 6. Flood/ बाढ़
3. Ankle 3. Prescription (a) 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 6 (b) 5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3
4. Thigh 4. Illness (c) 1, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3 (d) 5, 1, 4, 2, 6, 3
5. Calf 5. Recovery
(a) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 (b) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 6. Doctor Q29. Arrange the following words in a
(c) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 (d) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 (a) 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 5 (b) 4, 6, 1, 3, 2, 5 logical and meaningful order.
(c) 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5 (d) 4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5 िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
Q21. Select the correct alternative to म म व थत कर |
indicate the arrangement of the Q25. Arrange the following words in a CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
following words in a logical and logical and meaningful order. 1. Probation/ प रवी ा
meaningful order. िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथ पूण 2. Promotion/ पदो ित
म म व थत कर | 3. Job/ नौकरी
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) 4. Interview/ सा ा ार
1. Salary/ वेतन 5. Confirmation/ पुि
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
1.Gateway of India/ गेटवे ऑफ़ इं िडया 2. Recruitment/ भत (a) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 (b) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
2.World/ िव 3. Education/ िश ा (c) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 (d) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
3.Mumbai/ मुंबई 4. Promotion/ पदो ित
4.India/ भारत 5. School/ िव ालय Q30. Arrange the following words in
5.Maharashtra/ महारा 6. Employment/ रोज़गार logical and meaningful order.
(a)2, 4, 5, 1, 3 (b)4, 2, 5, 3, 1 (a) 5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 4 (b) 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 1 िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
(c)2, 4, 5, 3, 1 (d)4, 2, 5, 1, 3 (c) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 6 (d) 3, 5, 4, 2, 6, 1 म म व थत कर |
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q22. Select the correct alternative to Q26. Arrange the following words in a 1. Learn/ िश ा
indicate the arrangement of the logical and meaningful order. 2. College/ कॉलेज
following words in a logical and िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण 3. Degree/ िड ी
म म व थत कर | 4. Admission/ नामां कन
meaningful order.
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) 5. Assessment/ मू ां कन
सही िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों
1.Student/ छा 6. Class/ क ा
के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
2. Job/ नौकरी (a) 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 5 (b) 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
1.Alarm Set/ अलाम सेट 3. Interview/ सा ा ार (c) 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3 (d) 5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3
2.Office/ कायालय 4. Education/ िश ा
3.Car/ कार 5.Retirement/ सेवािनवृि Q31. Arrange the following words in a
4.Wake up/ जागना 6. Degree/ िड ी logical and meaningful order.
5.Alarm Rang/ अलाम बजा (a).1,5,3,6,42 (b)1,4,6,3,2,5 िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
6.Get Ready/ तैयार होना (c)5,3,2,1,4,6 (d)3,5,4,6,1,8 म म व थत कर |
(a)1,5,4,3,6,2 (b)1,2,3,4,5,6 CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
(c)1,5,4,6,3,2 (d)1,4,5,6,3,2 Q27. Arrange the following words in a 1. Doctor/ िचिक क
logical and meaningful order. 2. Recovery/ ठीक होना
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 3. Hospital/ अ ताल
SSC CGL 2018 TIER I म म व थत कर | 4. Home/ घर
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) 5. Sickness/ बीमारी
Q 23. Arrange the following words in a 1. Writing/ लेखन 6. Medicine Store/ दवाखाना
logical and meaningful order. 2. Distributing/ िवतरण (a) 1, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2 (b) 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 2
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण 3. Publishing/ काशन
म म व थत कर | (c) 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2 (d) 5, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

2. Heart/ दय 6.Treatment/ उपचार

Q32. Arrange the following words in a 3. Brain/ म (a)3,1,2,4,5,6 (b)3,4,1,2,5,6
logical and meaningful order. 4. Thyroid Gland/ थाइरोइड ंिथ (c)3,1,4,2,5,6 (d)3,1,4,2,6,5
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 5. Liver/ यकृत
म म व थत कर | (a) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5 (b) 3, 4, 2, 5, 1 Q41. Arrange the following words in a
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning) (c) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 (d) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 logical and meaningful order.
1. Child/ ब ा िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण
2. Marriage/ िववाह म म व थत कर |
Q37. Arrange the following words in a
3. Infant/ िशशु CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
logical and meaningful order.
4. Employment/ रोज़गार िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 1.Wrist/ कलाई
5. Education/ िश ा म म व थत कर | 2.Nails/ नाख़ून
(a) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 (b) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) 3.Shoulder/ कंधा
(c) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 (d) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 1. Writing/ िलखना 4.Elbow/ कोहनी
2. Book/ पु क 5.Palm/ हथेली
Q33. Arrange the following words in a 3. Seller/ िव े ता 6.Fingers/ अंगुली
logical and meaningful order : 4. Idea/ िवचार (a)3,5,1,4,6,2 (b)3,4,1,5,6,2
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 5. Feedback/ ितपुि (c)3,4,1,2,5,6 (d)3,1,4,2,5,6
म म व थत कर | 6. Reader/ पाठक
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) (a) 4, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5 (b) 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5 Q42. Arrange the following words in a
1. Egypt/ िम
(c) 4, 1, 3, 6, 5, 2 (d) 4, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3 logical and meaningful order.
2. Africa/ अ ीका
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
3. Great Pyramid/ ेट िपरािमड
Q38. Arrange the following words in a म म व थत कर |
4. World/ िव CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
logical and meaningful order.
5. Giza/ िगज़ा 1.Rajasthan/ राज थान
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
(a) 3 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 4 (b) 3 , 5 , 1 , 2 , 4 2. India/ भारत
म म व थत कर |
(c) 5 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 4 (d) 5 , 3 , 1 , 4 , 2 CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) 3. Jaipur/ जयपुर
1. Hunger/ भूख 4. North India/ उ र भारत
Q34. Arrange the following words in a 2. Cry/ रोना 5. Asia/ एिशया
logical and meaningful order : 3. Feeding/ भोजन करवाना (a)1,3,2,4,5 (b)1,3,4,2,5
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 4. Child/ ब ा (c)3,1,2,4,5 (d)3,1,4,2,5
म म व थत कर |
5. Sleep/ सोना
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
1. Write/ िलखना 6. Mother/ माँ SSC CHSL 2018 TIER I
2. Publish/ काशन (a) 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 1 (b) 4, 1, 3, 6, 5, 2
(c) 4, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5 (d) 4, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5 Q43. Arrange the following words in a
3. Author/ लेखक
4. Reader/ पाठक logical and meaningful order.
Q39. Arrange the following words in a िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
5. Sale/ िब ी
logical and meaningful order. म म व थत कर |
(a) 3 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 4 (b) 4 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 5
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
(c) 3 , 2 , 1 , 5 , 4 (d) 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 4 1. Monkey/ बंदर
म म व थत कर |
CGL12/06/2019(Evening) 2. Elephant/ हाथी
Q35. Arrange the following words in a 1. Ploughing up the field/ खेत म हल चलाना 3. Mouse/ चूहा
logical and meaningful order 2. Bread making/ रोटी बनाना 4. Fly/ म ी
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 3. Production of wheat/ गे ँ उ ादन 5. Lion/ शेर
म म व थत कर | 4. Wheat grinding/ गे ँ पीसना (a) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 (b) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
1. Bronze/ कां 5. Sowing the seeds/ बीज बोना (c) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 (d) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5
2. Gold/ सोना 6. Dough making / आं टा गूथना
3. Silver/ चाँ दी (a) 1, 5, 3, 4, 6, 2 (b) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6 Q44. Arrange the following words in a
4. Platinum/ ैिटनम (c) 1, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2 (d) 4, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3 logical and meaningful order.
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण
5. Iron/ लोहा
Q40. Arrange the following words in a म म व थत कर |
(a) 3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4 (b) 5 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 4
logical and meaningful order. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
(c) 2 , 1 , 5 , 3 , 4 (d) 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 1. Promotion / पदो ित
म म व थत कर | 2. Application / आवेदन
Q36. Arrange the following words in a
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning) 3. Job Appointment / नौकरी पर िनयु
logical and meaningful order. 1.Accident/ दु घटना 4. Written Test / िल खत परी ा
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण 2.Ambulance/ ए ुलस 5. Merit List / मे रट सूची
म म व थत कर | 3.Rash Driving/ अिनयंि त वाहन चलाना
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (a) 2 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 1 (b) 3 , 2 , 4 , 1 , 5
1. Kidney/ गुद 4.Injury/ चोट (c) 4 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 1 (d) 2 , 4 , 5 , 3 , 1
5.Hospital/ अ ताल
Word Arrangement

Q45. Arrange the following words in a following phrases in a logical and CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
logical and meaningful order. meaningful order. 1.Filling-in application form/ आवेदन प
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वा ों
म म व थत कर | के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
2.Bank Account opened/ बक खाता खुलना
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)
3.Submitting necessary
1. Results/ प रणाम 1. Vacant post in organization/ संगठन म
documents/आव क द ावेज़ जमा करना
2. Campaign/ अिभयान खाली पद
2. Receiving Applications/ आवेदन ा 4.Account closing/खाता बंद होना
3. Sworn/ शपथ 5.Depositing and withdrawing
4. Nominations/ नामां कन 3. Conducting written test and money/पैसे जमा करना और िनकालना
5. Polling/ मतदान interviews/ िल खत परी ा और सा ा ार (a)1,3,5,2,4 (b)1,3,2,5,4
(a) 4 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 3 (b) 5 , 4 , 2 , 1 , 3 करवाना (c)3,2,5,4,1, (d)1,3,2,4,5
(c) 4 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 3 (d) 5 , 2 , 4 , 1 , 3 4. Inviting applications for post/ पदों के
िलए आवेदन मंगवाना
5. Job offer to selected candidates/ Q53. Arrange the following activities in
Q46. Arrange the following words in a चयिनत उ ीदवारों को नौकरी की पेशकश a logical and meaningful order.
logical and meaningful order. 6. Joining and on-the-job training/ नौकरी िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक तकपूण और
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण शु करना तथा नौकरी म िश ण अथपूण म म व थत कर |
म म व थत कर | CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening) (a) 1 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6
(b) 1 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 6 1.Television audio defect/ टे लीिवज़न की
1. Lustrum/ पंचवषक
(c) 4 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 6 , 3 आवाज़ म खराबी
2. Century/ शता ी
(d) 4 , 1 , 5 , 6 , 2 , 3 2.Restart enjoying /पुनः लु फ़ उठाना
3. Year/ वष
3.Contact mechanic /मैकेिनक बुलाना
4. Millenium/ सह ा ी Q50. Select the correct alternative to 4.Television repair done/ टे लीिवज़न बनवाना
5. Decade/ दशक indicate the arrangement of the 5.Switch on television/ टे लीिवज़न ऑन
(a) 2 , 1 , 5 , 3 , 4 (b) 5 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 4 following phrases in a logical and करना
(c) 3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4 (d) 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 meaningful order. (a)5,1,4,2,3 (b)5,1,3,4,2
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों (c)4,5,1,3,2 (d)3,5,1,2,4
Q47. Arrange the following words in the के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
order as they would appear in English CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q54. Arrange the following activities in
dictionary. 1. World / िव
िन िल खत श ों को इस कार व थत कर िजस a logical and meaningful order.
2. Mumbai / मुंबई िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक तकपूण और
कार ये अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह | 3. Gateway of India / गेटवे ऑफ़ इं िडया
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) अथपूण म म व थत कर |
4. Asia / एिशया CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
1. Denote
5. Maharashtra / महारा 1. Marriage hall booking /िववाह हॉल की
2. Destiny
6. India / भारत बुिकंग
3. Diagonal
(a). 3, 2, 5, 6, 1, 4 (b). 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1 2. Deciding marriage day / िववाह के िदन
4. Demand
(c) 3, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1 (d) 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1 का िनधारण
5. Density
3. Inviting guests / मेहमानों को आमं ण
(a) 4 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 3 (b) 4 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 3
Q51. Arrange the following activities in 4. Marriage ceremony / िववाह उ व
(c) 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 5 (d) 3 , 5 , 1 , 4 , 2
a logical and meaningful order. 5. Invitation cards printing / आमं ण काड
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वा ों छपवाना
Q48. Arrange the following in a logical के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है | (a) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 (b) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4
and meaningful order. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) (c) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 (d) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
िन िल खत को एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण मम 1. Return journey / वापसी की या ा
व थत कर | Q55. Arrange the following activities in
2. Travel arrangements / या ा की व थाएं
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening) a logical and meaningful order.
3. Hotel stay /होटल म ठहरना
1. World Cup Semi Final Matches/ िव 4. Sightseeing / मण िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक तकपूण और
कप सेमी फाइनल मैच अथपूण म म व थत कर |
2. World Cup Finals Match/ िव कप
5. Reaching destination /गंत पर प ं चना
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
फाइनल मैच (a) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1 (b) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1
3. Organizing the World Cup/ िव कप का (c) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (d) 3, 2, 5, 4, 1 1. Setting up alarm clock /अलाम लगाना
आयोजन 2. Solving question paper / प हल
4. Finalizing the participating teams/ भाग Q52. Select the correct alternatives to करना
लेने वाली टीमों को तय करना 3. Alarm Bell ringing /अलाम की घंटी बजना
5. Winner of the World Cup/ िव कप indicate the arrangement of the
4. Reach examination center / परी ा क
िवजेता following activities in a logical and
पर प ं चना
(a) 5 , 2 , 3 , 1 , 4 (b) 4 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 meaningful order.
5. Getting dressed and be ready /कपड़े
(c) 4 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 5 (d) 4 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 उस िवक का चयन कर जो िन िल खत वा ों
पहनकर तैयार होना
के एक तकपूण एवं अथपूण म को दशाता है |
6. Returning answer book /उ र पु का
Q49. Select the correct alternative to
indicate the arrangement of the
(a) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6 (b) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 6
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2 (d) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6 4. Adolescence/िकशोराव था (e). Mars

5. Senility/बुढ़ापा (a) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 (b) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
Q56. Arrange the following activities in (a) 5,3,1,4,2 (b) 3,1,4,25 (c) 4, 2, 5, 3, 1 (d) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4
a logical and meaningful order. (c) 4,5,1,3,2 (d) 3,2,4,1,5
िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक अथपूण और Q64. Arrange the following words in the
तकपूण म म व थत कर | Q60. Arrange the following words in a sequence as they appear in English
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening) logical sequence as they would appear in dictionary order.
1. Attending classes in college /कॉलेज म the English िन िल खत श ों को उस तकपूण म म
क ाओं म शािमल होना dictionary. व थत कर जैसे वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए
2. Admission merit list declaration िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक तकपूण और जाते ह |
/नामां कन की मे रट सूची की घोषणा अथपूण म म व थत कर | CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
3. Getting admission in the college CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) 1. Master
/कॉलेज म नामां कन लेना (a) Examine 2. Marvel
4. Applying for admission to college (b) Excited 3. Market
/कॉलेज म नामां कन के िलए आवेदन दे ना (c) Exclaim 4. Marker
5. Annual Examination – Class 12 (d) Example 5. Marble
/वािषक परी ा - क ा 12 5. Execute 6. Margin
6. Result declaration – Class 12 /प रणाम (a) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 (b) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 (a) 6, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 (b) 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1
की घोषणा - क ा 12 (c) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 (d) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 (c) 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 2 (d) 5, 4, 6, 3, 2, 1
(a) 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 1 (b) 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1
(c) 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3 (d) 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 Q61. Arrange the following words in a Q65. Arrange the following words as
logical sequence as they would appear in they appear in the English Dictionary.
Q57. Arrange the following activities in the English dictionary. िन िल खत श ों को उस तकपूण म म
a logical and meaningful order. िन िल खत श ों को उस तकपूण म म व थत कर जैसे वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए
िन िल खत गितिविधयों को एक तकपूण और व थत कर जैसे वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह |
अथपूण म म व थत कर | जाते ह | CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon) 1. Chairman
1. Prescribing medications /दवा िलखना 1. Jacklight 2. Challan
2. Feeling pain in stomach /पेट म दद होना 2. Jacket 3. Chaos
3. Meeting doctor /िचिक क से िमलना 3. Jade 4. Champion
4. Diagnosis by doctor /िचिक क ारा रोग 4. Joker 5. Changing
िनधारण 5. Jampacked (a) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 (b) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5
5. Following medication schedule /दवा (a) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 (b) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 (c) 1, 3, 4, 2, 5 (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
समय पर लेना (c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (d) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
6. Recovery from pain /दद से छु टकारा
SSC MTS 2019
(a) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6 (b) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6 Q62. Arrange the following words in a
(c) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6 (d) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 6 logical and meaningful order. Q66. Arrange the given words in the
िन िल खत श ों को एक तािकक और साथक sequence in which they occur in the
Q58. Arrange the following words in a म म व थत कर। dictionary.
logical and meaningful order. CHSL 10-July-19(Evening) िदए गए श ों को उस म म व थत कर
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण
1. Summer / गम िजसम वे श कोश म होते ह।
म म व थत कर | 2. Winter / सद MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon) 3. Monsoon / मानसून 1.radiance
1. Pupa / ूपा 4. Spring / बसंत 2.rainbow
2. Death /मृ ु 5. Autumn / शरद
3. Larva /लावा (a) 4, 1, 5, 3, 2 (b) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 5.railing
4. Butterfly /िततली (c) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 (d) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (a) 21534 (b) 54231
5. Egg /अंडा (c) 13452 (d) 15234
(a) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4 (b) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 Q63. Arrange the following words in the
(c) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 (d) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 sequence as they appear in English Q67. Arrange the written word in it as it
dictionary order. appears in the dictionary.
इसम िल खत श को व थत कर जैसा िक
Q59. Arrange the following words in a िन िल खत श ों को उस तकपूण म म
श कोष म िदखाई दे ता है ।
logical and meaningful order. व थत कर जैसे वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
िन िल खत श ों को एक तािकक और साथक जाते ह | 1. Lacunae
म म व थत कर CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
2. Laminar
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) (a) Mercury 3. Lacquer
1. Childhood/बचपन (b) Earth 4. Lampoon
2.Adulthood/वय ता (c) Jupiter 5. laggard
3. Infancy (d) Venus (a)45312 (b)54132

Word Arrangement

(c)31425 (d)31524 6. Weather Q76. Which of the given options would

(a) Wink (b) Weather be a logical sequence of the following
SSC CPO 2019 TIER I (c) Whip (d) Wing words?
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िन िल खत
Q68. Which of the given options would Q72. Which one of the given options श ों का तािकक अनु म होगा?
would be the logical sequence of the CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
be a logical sequence of the following
words ? following words?
2.Kinder Garten
िन म से कौन सा िवक िन िल खत श ों का िन म से कौन सा िवक इन श ों का एक
एक तकपूण म होगा ? तकपूण म होगा ? 3.University
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) 4.Secondary
1.Decameter/ डे कामीटर 1.Plant/ पौधा 5.Higher Secondary
2.Millimeter/ िमलीमीटर 2.Seed/ बीज (a 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 (b) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4
3.Hectometer/ हे ोमीटर 3.Sprout/ अंकुर (c) 2,1, 4, 5, 3 (d) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
4.Centimeter/ सटीमीटर 4.Tree/ वृ
5.Decimeter/ डे सीमीटर 5.Sapling/ कोपल Q77. Arrange the following words in the
(a) 3,1,5,2,4 (b) 5,1,3,2,4 (a) 2,3,5,4,1 (b) 2,3,5,1,4 order in which they appear in an English
(c) 2,1,5,3,4 (d) 3,1,5,4,2 (c) 1,5,2,3,4 (d) 2,1,4,5,3 Dictionary.
इन श ों को उस म म व थत कर िजसम ये
Q69. Arrange the following words in the Q73. Arrange the following words in the अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह |
order in which they appear in an English CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
order in which they appear in an English
dictionary. Dictionary.
इन श ों को उस म म व थत कर िजसम ये िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत कर
अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह |
िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) ह| 4.Apology
1.Meticulous CPO 11/12/2019(Morning) 5.Appetite
2.Metric 1.General (a) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (b) 5, 3, 4, 1,2
3.Method 2.Gender (c) 4, 3, 2, 1,5 (d) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
4.Mettle 3.Gasket
5.Meter 4.Genial Q78. Arrange the following words in the
(a) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 (b) 5, 1, 3, 2, 4 5.Gather order in which they appear in an English
(c) 3,4,5,1,2 (d) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4 (a) 4, 3,2,1,5 (b) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 dictionary.
(c) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 (d) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4 इन श ों को उस म म व थत कर िजसम ये
Q70. Which of the given options would अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह |
be a logical sequence of the following CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
Q74. Arrange the following words in the
measurement units? order in which they appear in an English 1. Dementia
िन म से कौन सा िवक िन िल खत माप dictionary. 2. Demand
इकाइयों का तकपूण म होगा ? िन िल खत श ों को अं ेजी श कोश के म 3. Dearth
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) म व थत कर | 4. Demon
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
1. Furlong/ फलॉ ग 5. Daemon
1. Piquant
2. Mile/ मील 2. Pierce
(a) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 (b) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
3. Inch/ इं च 3. Patent (c) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (d) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
4. Yard/ याड 4. Perjury
5. Foot/ फूट 5. Pasture Q79. Which of the given options would
(a) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 (b) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 (a) 5, 3, 4, 2, 1 (b) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 be a logical sequence of the following
(c) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 (d) 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 (c) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 places when arranged in a clockwise
manner starting from north on India’s
Q71. Among the following words, Q75. Which of the given options would Map?
be a meaningful ascending order of the िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक भारत के
which one will come fifth if they are
following words? मानिच पर उ र से शु होने वाली घड़ी की
arranged as per their order in an English इनम से कौन सा िवक िदए गए श ों का
dictionary? िदशा म व थत होने पर िन िल खत थानों का
अथपूण आरोही म होगा ?
एक तािकक म होगा?
िन िल खत श ों म से, कौन सा श पाँ चव CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
1.Star / िसतारा CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
थान पर आएगा जब इन श ों को अं ेजी
श कोष म म म व थत िकया जाता है | 2.Satellite / उप ह 1. Ladakh
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) 3.Galaxy / आकाशगंगा 2. Goa
1. Wink 4.Planet / ह 3. Puducherry
2. Whip 5.Universe/ ां ड 4. Punjab
3. Weary (a) 5, 1, 3, 2, 4 (b) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 5. Odisha
(c) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 (d) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 (a) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 (b) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
4. Wing
5. Weigh (c) 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 (d) 1, 5, 2, 3, 4
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q84.Arrange the following words in the (a) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (b) 4, 5, 2, 1, 3

Q80. Select the option that gives a order in which they appear in an English (c) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (d) 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
meaningful sequence of the given words. dictionary .
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िदए गए श ों का नीचे िदए गए श ों को उस म म व थत कर Q88.Arrange the following words in a
एक साथक अनु म दे ता है । िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते logical and meaningful order. /
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) ह| िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण
1. Billion CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning) म म व थत कर |
2. Trillion 1.Rightly CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
3. Hundred 2.Rigidly 1. Micron / माइ ोन
4. Million 3.Righteous 2. Metre / मीटर
5. Thousand 4.Rigour 3. Mile / मील
(a) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 (b) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 5.Rights 4. Millimetre / िमलीमीटर
(c) 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 (d) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 (a) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 (b) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 5. Kilometre / िकलोमीटर
(c) 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 (d) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 6. Centimetre / सटीमीटर
Q81. Arrange the following words in the (a) 4-6-2-5-3-1 (b) 4-6-2-5-1-3
order in which they appear in an English Q85.Arrange the following words in a (c) 1-4-6-2-5-3 (d) 1-4-6-2-3-5
dictionary. logical and meaningful manner
इन श ों को उस म म व थत कर िजसम ये िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण और अथपूण Q89. Arrange the following words in a
अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह | म म व थत कर | logical and meaningful order(according
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning) CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
to population) /
1. Heist 1.Hexagon/ षट् भुज िन िल खत श ों को ( आबादी के अनुसार ) एक
2. Height 2.Nonagon/ नौभुज तकपूण तथा अथपूण म म व थत कर |
3. Heart 3.Pentagon / पंचभुज CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
4. Hackle 4.Heptagon/ स भुज 1. Andhra Pradesh / आं दे श
5. Higher 5.Octagon / अ भुज 2. Madhya Pradesh / म दे श
(a) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (b) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 (a) 3-1-4-5-2 (b) 1-4-5-2-3 3. Arunachal Pradesh / अ णाचल दे श
(c) 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 (d) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (c) 1-3-4-5-2 (d) 4-3-1-2-5 4. Uttar Pradesh / उ र दे श
5. Himachal Pradesh / िहमाचल दे श
Q82. Which of the given options would Q86. If the following words are arranged (a) 4-1-2-3-5 (b) 4-2-1-5-3
be a logical sequence of the following as per their order in the English (c) 4-1-2-5-3 (d) 4-2-1-3-5
words? dictionary which of the following words
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक िन िल खत will come third in the sequence. Q90.Arrange the following in a logical
श ों का तािकक अनु म होगा? यिद िन िल खत श ों को अं ेजी श कोष sequence from small to big.
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
म उनके म के अनुसार व थत िकया िन िल खत को एक तािकक प से छोटे से बड़े
जाए, तो इस म म तीसरे थान पर कौन सा के म म व थत कीिजए |
श आएगा ? CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
3.World 1. Crocodile/ मगरम
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
4.India 2. Lizard/ िछपकली
5.Asia 3. Whale/ े ल
6.Golden Temple 4. Housefly/ घरे लू म ी
(a) 2,1,4,5,3,6 (b) 6,2,1,4,5,3 5. Monkey/ बंदर
(c) 6,2,1,5,3,4 (d) 3,1,5,2,4,6 (a) 4, 5, 2, 1,3 (b) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
6.Isonomy (c) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
Q83. Arrange the following words in the
(a) Isoline (b) Isomer
order in which they would appear in an Q91. Arrange the following words in the
(c) Isolate (d) Isologs
English dictionary. order in which they would appear in an
इन श ों को उस म म व थत कर िजसम ये English dictionary
Q87.Arrange the following words in the
अं ेजी के श कोश म पाए जाते ह |
order in which they appear in an English िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
कीिजए िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोष म
1. Candid dictionary .
पाए जाते ह |
िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत कर,
2. Cancel CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोष के पाए जाते
3.Cachet 1. Category
4. Cable 2. Caption
CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
5. Canary 3. Captain
(a) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (b) 4, 3, 5, 2, 1 4.Capsule
(c) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 2, 1, 3, 5 5. Capacity
4.Geminal (a) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 (b) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I 5.Gemini (c) 5, 4, 1, 3, 2 (d) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Word Arrangement

Q92.Arrange the following words in a िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत 1. Casting/ का ं ग

logical and meaningful order. कीिजए, िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोष म 2. Acting/ अिभनय
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण पाए जाते ह | 3. Film Shooting/ िफ शूिटं ग
म म व थत कीिजए | CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)
4. Final Film/ तैयार िफ
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) 1. Decipher
5. Editing/ संपादन
1. Colonel/ कनल 2. Decide
(a) 4, 3, 5, 1, 2 (b) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
2. Field Marshal/ फी माशल 3. Decline
(c) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 (d) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
3. Brigadier/ ि गेिडयर 4. Deceive
4. Lieutenant/ ले नट 5. Decimal
Q101. Arrange the following words in a
5.General/ जनरल 6. Decision
logical and meaning order.
(a) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 (b) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 (a) 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3 (b) 4, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण
(c) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (d) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 (c) 3, 5, 4, 1, 6, 2 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6 म म व थत कीिजए ।
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
Q93. Arrange the following words in a Q97.Arrange the following words in the 1. Nose/ नाक
logical and meaningful order. order in which they would appear in an 2. Forehead/ ललाट
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण English dictionary./ 3. Chin/ ठु ी
म म व थत कीिजए | िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत 4. Waist/ कमर
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) कीिजए, िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोष म 5. Chest/ सीना
1. Quadrillion पाए जाते ह । (a) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4 (b) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
2. Quintillion CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) 3, 2, 4, 2, 1 (d) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3
3. Million 1. Temper
4. Octillion 2. Temple
3. Tamarind SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I
5. Trillion
(a) 3-5-1-4-2 (b) 4-3-5-1-2 4. Tender
(c) 3-5-1-2-4 (d) 2-3-5-1-4 5. Tenacity Q102. Arrange the following words in a
(a) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 (b) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 logical and meaningful order. / िदए गए
Q94.If the following words are arranged (c) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 (d) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4 श ों को अथ और तक के आधार पर व थत
कर |
as per their order in the English
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
dictionary, which word will come fifth in Q98. Arrange the following words in a
1. Letter
the sequence ? logical and meaningful order./ िन िल खत
श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म म 2. Satellite
यिद नीचे िदए गए श ों को अं ेजी श कोष म
व थत कीिजए 3. Telephone
उनके म के अनुसार व थत िकया जाए, तो
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) 4. Smartphone
इस म म पाँ चव थान पर कौन सा श आएगा
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) 1. Acre/ एकड़ (a) 4, 3, 1, 2 (b) 3, 1, 2, 4
1.Weekly 2. Square Yard/ वग याड (c) 1, 3, 4, 2 (d) 3, 2, 1, 4
2.Weather 3. Square Inch/ वग इं च
3.Weird 4. Hectare/ हे े यर Q103. Arrange the given words in a
4.Weaver 5. Square Feet/ वग फीट logical and meaningful sequence. / िदए
(a) 3-5-2-4-1 (b) 3-5-1-4-2 गए श ों को अथ और तक के आधार पर
(c) 3-5-2-1-4 (d) 3-5-1-2-4 व थत कर |
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening)
(a) Wielded (b) Weird 1. Sun
(c) Weight (d) Weekly Q99.Arrange the following words in the
2. Asteroid
order in which they would they would
3. Planet
Q95.Arrange the following words in a appear in an English dictionary
4. Galaxy
logical and meaningful order. िन िल खत श ों को उस म म व थत
(a) 2, 3, 4, 1 (b) 4, 1, 3, 2
िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण कीिजए िजस म म वे अं ेजी के श कोश म
पाए जाते ह । (c) 3, 1, 4, 2 (d) 4, 1, 3, 2
म म व थत कीिजए।
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
1. Realistic Q104.Select the correct alternatives to
1. Class / क ा
2. Realism indicate the arrangement of the
2. Admission/ नामां कन
3. Restore following words in a logical meaningful
3. Result / प रणाम
4. Research order. / िदए गए श ों को अथ और तक के
4. Examination / परी ा
आधार पर व थत कर |
5. Marking/ अंक 5. Resurge
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon)
(a) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 (b) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 (a) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 (b) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
1.Mount Abu
(c) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 3, 4, 2, 1, 5 (c) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 (d) 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
Q100.Arrange the following words in a
Q96.Arrange the following words in the logical and meaningful order.
order in which they appear in an English िन िल खत श ों को एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण
म म व थत कीिजए । 5.Nakki Lake
dictionary./ (a)5,1,4,3,2 (b)1,5,3,4,2
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) 419
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c)5,1,2,3,4 (d)5,1,4,2,3 CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) 2. Shoulders

1. Mankind 3. Eyes
Q105.Select the correct option that 2. Manner 4. Feet
arranges the following words in a logical 3. Manuscript 5. Knee
and meaningful sequence. / िदए गए श ों 4. Management (a) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4 (b) 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
को तक और अथ के आधार पर व थत कीिजए 5. Making (c) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 (d) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
| (a)5,4,1,2,3 (b)5,42,1,3
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) (c)5,1,4,2,3 (d)4,1,2,3,5 Q114. Arrange the following words in a
1.Prize logical and meaningful order. / िदए गए
2.Competition Q110. Which option represents the श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए |
3.Making by Judges correct order of the given words as they CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
4.Winner would appear in an English dictionary? / I. Millimeter
5.Participants िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म िदए गए श ों
II. Decameter
को अं ेजी श कोश के अनुसार रखा गया है ?
(a)5,3,2,1,4 (b)1,2,3,5,4 CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) III. Decimeter
(c)5,2,4,3,1 (d)5,2,3,4,1 1. Dovetail IV. Centimeter
2. Domestic (a) II, III, I, IV (b) III, II, I, IV
Q106. Arrange the given words in a 3. Dominate (c) I, III, IV, II (d) I, IV, III, II
logical and meaningful sequence. / 4. Donate
िन िल खत श ों को तािकक आधार पर मम 5. Dorsal Q115. Select the correct option that
लगाएं | (a) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1 (b) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 arranges the following words in a logical
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) (c) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 (d) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5
and meaningful order. / िदए गए श ों को
1. Flat
Q111.Select the correct alternatives to तािकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए |
2. Street CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
3. Room indicate the arrangement of the
1. Infant
4. Apartment following words in a logical and
2. Old age
5. Town meaningful order. / िन िल खत म से िकस
3. Adolescent
(a) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (b) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 िवक म िदए गए श ों को तािकक आधार पर
रखा गया है ? 4. Adult
(c) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 (d) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 5. Childhood
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
1.State (a) 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 (b) 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
Q107. Arrange the given words in a
2.Village (c) 5, 1, 3, 4, 2 (d) 5, 1, 4, 3, 2
logical and meaningful sequence. / िदए
गए श ों को तािकक अनु म म रख |
4.City Q116. Arrange the following words in a
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
1. Shoulder 5.Country logical and meaningful sequence. / िदए
(a)2,4,3,1,5 (b)1,3,5,4,2 गए श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत
2. Thigh
(c)1,3,5,2,4 (d)4,3,5,2,1 कीिजए |
3. Stomach CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
4. Chest 1. Quintal
5. Face Q112. Select the correct alternative to
indicate the arrangement of the 2. Kilo Gram
6. Neck 3. Gram
(a) 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 2 following words in a logical and
meaningful order. / िदए गए श ों को त रके 4. Milli Gram
(c) 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 5, 6, 1, 4, 3, 2 5. Ton
से व थत कर और उिचत िवक चुन |
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
Q108. Arrange the following words in a (a) 4-3-2-5-1 (b) 4-2-3-1-5
1. Deci
logical and meaningful order. / िन िल खत (c) 4-2-3-5-1 (d) 4-3-2-1-5
2. Mili
श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत कर |
3. Kilo
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
4. Hecto Q117. Arrange the following words in a
I. Heptagon
5. Centi logical and meaningful sequence. / िदए
II. Octagon
6. Deca गए श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत
III. Nonagon
(a) 4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 6 (b) 2, 1, 5, 6, 4, 3 कीिजए |
IV. Hexagon CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) III, II, I, IV (b) III, II, IV, I (c) 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3 (d) 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3
1. Paragraph
(c) IV, I, II, III (d) IV, III, I, II 2. Sentence
Q113. Select the correct alternative to
indicate the arrangement of the 3. Letter
Q109. Which option represents the 4. Phrase
following words in a logical and
correct order of the given words as they 5. word
meaningful order. / िन ल खत श ों को
would appear in an English dictionary? / (a) 3,5,4,2,1 (b) 5,3,1,2,4
तािकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए |
िन िल खत म से िकस िवक म श ों को (c) 1,2,3,4,5 (d) 3,5,1,2,4
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
अं ेजी श कोश के अनुसार सही अनु म म
1. Elbow
रखा गया है ?
Word Arrangement

Q118. Arrange the following words in a 4. Petal

logical and meaningful order. / िदए गए (a) 3, 2, 1, 4 (b) 3, 1, 2, 4 SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1
श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए | (c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 2, 1, 3, 4
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)
Q127. Select the correct option that
1. Letter Q123. Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the
2. Postman arranges the following words in a logical following words in a logical words in a
3. Delivery and meaningful order. / उस सही िवक का logical and meaningful order
4. Post Box चयन कर जो िन िल खत श ों को एक तािकक सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
5. Post Office और अथपूण म म व थत करता है | श ों की एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म म
(a) 3,1,2,5,4 (b) 1,4,5,2,3 CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning) व था को दशाता है ।.
(c) 3,2,1,5,4 (d) 5,4,3,1,2 1. गे ं का पौधा / Wheat plant SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
2. रोटी / Bread 1. Scrutiny/ जाँ च
Q119. Arrange the following words in a 3. बीज / Seeds 2. Application/ आवेदन
logical and meaningful order. / िदए गए 4. आटा / Dough 3. Interview/ सा ा ार
श ों को तरिकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए | 4. Job offer/ नौकरी ाव
CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) (a) 1, 2, 4, 3 (b) 1, 3, 4, 2 5. Joining/ नौकरी शु
1. Throat (c) 2, 1, 3, 4 (d) 3, 1, 4, 2 (a) 1,3,2,4,5 (b) 2,4,1,5,3
2. Bladder (c) 3,1,5,4,2 (d) 2,1,3,4,5
3. Pupil Q124. Arrange the given words in a
4. Liver logical and meaningful sequence. / िदए Q128. Select the option that represent
5. Pinna गए श ों को तक और अथ के आधार पर the correct order of the given words as
(a) 3-5-1-2-4 (b) 3-5-1-4-2 व थत कीिजए | they would appear in an English
(c) 5-3-1-2-4 (d) 5-3-1-4-2 CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) dictionary
1. Earth उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए श ों
Q120. Arrange the following names in 2. Saturn के सही म को दशाता है , िजस म म वे अं ेजी
logical and meaningful order./ िन िल खत 3. Jupiter के श कोष म नज़र आएं गे?
नामों को तािकक और अथपूण म म व थत 4. Mercury SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
कर | 5. Venus 1.Flexible
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon) 6. Mars 2.Flower
1. Socks /मोजे (a) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6 (b) 4, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2 3.Flooring
2. neck tie/गले की टाई (c) 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5 (d) 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6 4.Flood
3. Leash /प ा 5.Floater
4. Specs /च ा Q125. Select the correct option from the (a) 1, 5, 3, 4, 2 (b) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
5. Armlets /बाजूबंद given options that arranges the following (c) 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 (d) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
(a) 4-2-3-5-1 (b) 4-2-3-1-5 words in a logical and meaningful
(c) 4-3-2-5-1 (d) 4-2-5-3-1 sequence. / उस सही िवक का चयन कर जो
िन िल खत श ों को एक तािकक और अथ पूण Q129. Select the option that represents
Q121. Arrange the following words in a म म व थत करता है | the correct order of the given words as
logical and meaningful order. / िदए गए CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning) they would appear in an English
श ों को तािकक आधार पर व थत कीिजए | 1. Disease dictionary.
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) 2. Medicine उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िदए गए श ों
1. CFL bulb 3. Junk Food के उस म को दशाता है , िजसम वे अं ेजी के
2. Bulb 4. Healthy श कोश म उप थत होते ह।
3. Lantern (a) 1, 2, 4, 3 (b) 4, 3, 2, 1 SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
4. Earthen lamp (c) 3, 1, 2, 4 (d) 2, 1, 3, 4 1. Martial
5. LED bulb 2. Margin
(a) 3-4-1-2-5 (b) 4-3-1-2-5 Q126.Arrange the following words in 3. Martyr
(c) 4-3-2-1-5 (d) 3-4-2-1-5 logical words in a logical and 4. Marking
meaningful order. / िदए गए श ों को अथ 5. Marvel
Q122. Select the correct sequence of the और तक के आधार पर व थत कर | (a) 2,4,1,3,5 (b) 2,1,4,3,5
following words (based on inside to CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon) (c) 2,4,3,1,5 (d) 1,2,4,5,3
outside of the reproductive system of a 1.Bicycle
flower). / िदए गए श ों का उिचत अनु म 2.Car
एक फूल के भीतर से बाहर तक जनन अंगों के 3.Train Q130. Select the correct option that
आधार पर चुिनए | 4.Bus indicates the arrangement of the
CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) 5.Motorcycle following words in a logical and
1. Ovary (a)1,2,5,4,3 (b)1,5,2,4,3 meaningful order.
2. Stigma (c)1,3,5,2,4 (d)2,5,1,3,4
3. Ovule
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत 3. Hummingbird

श ों के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को Q134. Select the correct option that 4. Koel
दशाता है । indicates the arrangement of the 5. Bulbul
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) following words in a logical and (a) 5-3-1-4-2 (b) 3-5-4-1-2
1. Tissue / उ क
meaningful order. (c) 3-5-1-4-2 (d) 3-5-1-2-4
2. Cell / कोिशका
सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
3. Organ / अंग श ों के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को Q138. Select the correct option that the
4. Human Body / मानव शरीर दिशत करता है । arrangement of the following words as
5. Organ System / अंगतं SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) they appear in an English dictionary.
(a) 2,1,5,4,3 (b) 1,2,3,5,4 1. Knee सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
(c) 2,3,1,5,4 (d) 2,1,3,5,4 2. Navel श ों के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को
3. Eyebrows दिशत करता है ।
Q131. Select the correct option that 4. Waist SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
indicates the arrangement of the 5. Chin 1. Boatyard
following words in a logical and (a) 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 (b) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 2. Boathouse
meaningful order. (c) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3 (d) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 3. Boater
सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत 4. Boatman
श ों के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को Q135. Select the correct option that 5. Boating
दिशत करता है । indicates the arrangement of the (a) 2-5-3-1-4 (b) 2-3-5-4-1
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
following terms in a logical and (c) 3-2-5-4-1 (d) 3-2-5-1-4
1. Kilogram/ िकलो ाम
meaningful order.
2. Gram/ ाम
सही िवक का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ANSWERS
3. Quintal/ ं टल श ों के एक तकपूण तथा अथपूण म को
4. Decigram/ डे सी ाम दिशत करता है ।
1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a)
5. Milligram/ िमली ाम SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(a) 4, 5, 2, 1, 3 (b) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 1. Answer writing 5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(a)
(c) 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 (d) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 2. Answer book 9.(d) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(d)
3. Admit card
13.(d) 14.(a) 15.(c) 16.(a)
Q132. Select the option that represents 4. Question paper
the correct order of the given words as 5. Examination form 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(a) 20.(d)
they would appear in an English (a)3-5-2-4-1 (b)5-2-3-1-4 21.(c) 22.(c) 23.(d) 24.(a)
dictionary. (c)5-3-2-4-1 (d)3-2-4-1-5 25.(a) 26.(b) 27.(d) 28.(d)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िदए गए श ों के
सही म का ितिनिध करता है जैसा की वे एक
29.(d) 30.(c) 31.(d) 32.(b)
Q136. Select the correct option that
अं ेजी श कोश म िदखाई दगे। indicates the arrangement of the 33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(d)
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) following terms in a logical and 37.(a) 38.(c) 39.(a) 40.(c)
1. Pristine
meaningful sequence. 41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(b) 44.(d)
2. Precious
सही िवक का चयन कर जो तािकक और
3. Pressure साथक अनु म म िन िल खत श ों की व था 45.(a) 46.(c) 47.(b) 48.(c)
4. Presume को इं िगत करता है । 49.(a) 50.(d) 51.(a) 52.(b)
5. Precaution SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
53.(b) 54.(d) 55.(d) 56.(b)
(a) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 (b) 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 1. Mansion
(c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (d) 5, 2, 4, 3, 1 2. Cottage 57.(c) 58.(b) 59.(b) 60.(d)
3. Palace 61.(a) 62.(c) 63.(d) 64.(b)
Q133. Select the option that represents 4. Cabin
65.(a) 66.(c) 67.(d) 68.(d)
the correct order of the given words as 5. Villa
they would appear in an English (a)2-4-1-5-3 (b)2-1-3-4-5 69.(d) 70.(c) 71.(d) 72.(b)
dictionary (c)4-2-5-1-3 (d)3-1-2-4-5 73.(d) 74.(a) 75.(d) 76.(c)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो िदए गए श ों के 77.(c) 78.(a) 79.(c) 80.(d)
सही म का ितिनिध करता है जैसा की वे एक Q137. Select the correct option that
अं ेजी श कोश म िदखाई दगे। 81.(a) 82.(b) 83.b() 84.b)
indicates the arrangement of the
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 85.(a) 86.(d) 87.(d) 88.(c)
following words in a logical words in a
1 Lexicon
logical and meaningful order. 89.(b) 90.(d) 91.(d) 92.(c)
2 Lacuna
सही िवक का चयन कर जो तािकक और
3 Lacerate 93.(c) 94.(b) 95.(a) 96.(a)
साथक म म िन िल खत श ों की व था को
4 Lactation तािकक श ों म बताता है । 97.(d) 98.(c) 99.(c) 100.(c)
5 Locust SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
101.(a) 102.(c) 103.(d) 104.(a)
(a) 3,2,4,1,5 (b) 3,4,2,1,5 1. Myna
(c) 3,4,2,5,1 (d) 4,3,2,1,5 2. Kite 105.(d) 106.(c) 107.(d) 108.(c)
Word Arrangement

109.(a) 110.(c) 111.(a) 112.(c) Sol 7. (a) There is a series and we have Sol.17. (a) Arranging the time duration
to arrange them in a meaningful order. from smaller to larger. The correct pair
113.(a) 114.(d) 115.(b) 116.(d) is: 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2
Seed grows into Plant that gives Fruit,
117.(a) 118.(b) 119.(b) 120.(d) then we Harvest and Sell them.
Sol 18. (b) Correct Sequence will be:
121.(c) 122.(b) 123.(d) 124.(b) Therefore option A is correct. 3,5,1,2,4 Entrance → Result → Admission →
125.(c) 126.(b) 127.(d) 128.(b) Class → Graduation → Job.
Sol 8. (a)
129.(a) 130.(d) 131.(d) 132.(b)
When we arrange the words in Sol19.(a)
133.(b) 134.(b) 135.(c) 136.(c) meaningful order as: Author--->Editor--->Publisher--->Books
137.(c) 138.(c) First a crime happens then the accused eller--->Reader is the correct sequence.
gets arrested then he will appear in the
Solution: court then judgement will be given and Sol 20. (d)
then the accused will be punished and Heel---> Ankle---> Calf---> Knee--->
Sol 1. (a) The correct and meaningful sent to the prison. Hence, 5 2 4 1 6 3 will Thigh is the correct order.
order of the question is: be the correct arrangement.
(3)Application Sol 21. (c) Correct sequence is -
(2) Selection Sol 9. (d) According to the question if World-->India-->Maharashtra-->Mumba
(5) Appointment we arrange them in meaningful order i-->Gateway of India
(1) Probation. Gold--->Goldsmith--->Ornaments-->Je
(4) Confirmation wellery Shop--->Bride Sol 22. (c)
So, option A is the correct answ So, the 2,3,1,4,5 will be the right answer. correct sequence is-
Alarm set-->Alarm
Sol 2. (a) There is a meaningful order of Sol 10. (a) Letter makes the word, Word Rang-->Wakeup-->Get
the words given in the question. makes Phrase, Phrase makes Sentence, Ready-->Car-->Office
Firstly WINTER comes then COLD Sentence makes Paragraph and
starts, then we go to SHOP and buy a Paragraph makes Chapter. Hence, 3, 2, Cgl 2018 Tier I
BLANKET . Now I will feel WARM 4, 6, 5, 1 is the correct arrangement.
and SLEEP. Sol 23. (d) First go to the market then
So the order will be 4,2,6,3,5,1. Sol 11. (c) If we arrange the words in a choose vegetables and buy them. After
Option A is correct. meaningful order in terms of area. that cook the food and have dinner.So ,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, Asia, 3,4,1,5,2 is the correct sequence.
Sol 3. (c) Correct sequence is: first of all World.
there is Pain (3), then the patient is sent Sol 24. (a) When we feel ILLNESS ,
to the Hospital (5), doctors do the Sol 12. (d) The correct and meaningful we will go to DOCTOR , he
Diagnosis (1), then there is Treatment order is 3,2,4,1,5 DIAGNOSIS the disease and gives
(4) and at last the patient Recovers (2) House PRESCRIPTION and we purchase
number-Street-City-State-Country. MEDICINE for RECOVERY,
Sol 4. (a) Correct sequence is: From
Showroom(4), a Car(6) is bought which Sol 13. (d) In the following question we Sol 25. (a) First people go to SCHOOL
is Driven(5) then an Accident (3) occurs arrange them in an order , then they get EDUCATION , then they
which causes Injury (1) and then Letters-->Words-->Sentences-->Paragra go through RECRUITMENT and get
Recovery (2) takes place. phs-->Pages-->Books EMPLOYMENT , then they get
Hence, 2,4,3,1,6,5 is the right answer. SALARY and in last they get
Sol 5. (a) If we arrange them in a PROMOTION. So the correct and
meaningful order. Sol14.(a)Individual-->Family-->Commu meaningful order is 5 , 3 , 2 , 6 , 1 , 4.
Firstly, we went to DOCTOR then he nity-->State-->Country
DIAGNOSIS next will be So, 2,3,4,1,5 is the correct arrangement. Sol 26. (b) First a kid takes admission as
TREATMENT, now after paying BILL a STUDENT , then he gets
we will DISCHARGE. Sol 15. (c) After arranging the words in EDUCATION , then he gets a
Hence, the Order will be 3, 2, 1, 5, 4. meaningful order the sequence will be DEGREE. After that he goes for an
3,5,2,1,4 INTERVIEW and gets a JOB and in
Sol 6. (b) Think→ Idea→ Plan→ Performance→ the end, he gets RETIREMENT.
First Monsoon arrives, then clouds Feedback.
appear and bring rain, then rains result in Sol 27. (d)
floods, then we take shelter and relief is Sol 16. (a) Infancy→ Childhood→ When we arrange the given words in
provided. Hence, the correct sequence Adolescence→ Adulthood→ Senility. meaningful order, we will get it as :
will become: 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6. The sequence will be 3,1,5,2,4. Firstly, a book is to be Written, then
Editing is to be done, then it’s Printing
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

is to be done, then Publishing and in the the reader gives feedback.So , “4, 1, 2, 2. World Cup Finals Match
last, Distribution is to be done. 3, 6, 5” is the correct sequence of words. 5. Winner of the World Cup

Sol 28. (d) Sol 38. (c) When a child feels hunger Sol 49. (a) The most logical and
If we try to understand, then we know then it cries then mother feeds it then meaningful order is :-
that due to Low Pressure formation of finally the child sleeps. 1. Vacant post in organization
Clouds takes place. Then Rain comes, 4. Inviting applications for post
in between due to scattering of sun Sol 39. (a) Correct sequence of the 2. Receiving Applications
beans, Rainbow comes in the sky. Due words is “Ploughing up the field → 3. Conducting written test and interviews
to heavy rains, Flood comes and Sowing the seeds → Production of 5. Job offer to selected candidates
Devastation happens. So the correct wheat → Wheat grinding → Dough 6. Joining and on-the-job training
order of the words is 5, 1, 4, 2, 6, 3. making → Bread making”.
Sol 50. (d) Gateway of India < Mumbai
Sol 29. (d) First we have to face an Sol 40. (c) Rash driving causes < Maharashtra < India < Asia < World.
INTERVIEW , then we get a JOB , then accidents. In accident injury occur then
PROBATION , then CONFIRMATION , we call ambulance, go to hospital for Sol 51. (a) The most logical order is :-
then PROMOTION. treatment. 2. Travel arrangements
5. Reaching destination
Sol 30. (c) Sol 41. (b) The parts of the hand are 3. Hotel stay
Admission ⇒ College ⇒ Class ⇒ arranged from top to bottom. So 4. Sightseeing
Learn ⇒ Assessment ⇒ Degree “3,4,1,5,6,2” is the correct sequence of 1. Return journey
4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3 is the correct sequence. the words.
Sol 52. (b) Here,the process involving in
Sol 31. (d) Sol 42. (d) Jaipur is in Rajasthan and opening a bank account is given:
Sickness ⇒ Hospital ⇒ Doctor ⇒ Rajasthan is in North India which is in 1.Filling-in application form
Medicine Store ⇒ Recovery ⇒ Home India and India is in Asia. 3.Submitting necessary documents
2.Bank Account opened
Sol 32. (b) CHSL 2018 Tier I 5.Depositing and withdrawing money
“Infant ⇒ Child ⇒ Education ⇒ Sol 43. (b) In order of Size Fly > Mouse 4.Account closing
Employment ⇒ Marriage” is the correct > Monkey > Lion > Elephant.
Sol 53. (b) If a person wants to watch
Sol 44.(d) First, an application for the television. Thus meaningful logical
job is done, then a written test is taken order will be as follows:
Sol 33. (b) 3 , 5 , 1 , 2 , 4
After that merit list is displayed, then 5.Switch on television
The Great Pyramid is in Giza which is
the name of a place situated in Egypt appointment is done and then 1.Television audio defect
promotion is given to the employee. 3.Contact mechanic
which is in Africa which is situated in
4.Television repair done
the World.
Sol 45. (a) Nominations ⇒ Campaign 2.Restart enjoying
Sol 34. (a)Firstly an author writes a ⇒ Polling ⇒ Results ⇒ Sworn
Sol 54. (d) Here, the steps of organising
book then the book publishes then he
a marriage occasion are given:
sells and finally a reader reads it. So , Sol 46. (c) The most logical sequence of
2. Deciding marriage day
“3 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 4” is the correct sequence. the words is :-
3. Year 1. Marriage hall booking
5. Invitation cards printing
Sol 35. (b) Metals are arranged here 1. Lustrum
3. Inviting guests
according to their reactivity. 5. Decade
Iron < Bronze < Silver < Gold < 2. Century 4. Marriage ceremony
Platinum 4. Millenium
Sol 55. (d) The correct meaningful
order is:
Sol 36. (d) The body parts are arranged Sol 47. (b) Demand ⇒ Denote ⇒
1. Setting up alarm clock
from top to bottom according to their Density ⇒ Destiny ⇒ Diagonal. So, 4,
3. Alarm Bell ringing
places in the body.So , “3, 2, 4, 1, 5” is 1, 5, 2, 3 is the correct order.
5. Getting dressed and be ready
the correct sequence.
4. Reach examination center
Sol 48.(c) The most logical and
Sol 37. (a) Firstly we think of an idea 2. Solving question paper
meaningful order is :-
6. Returning answer book
then write it and make a book then the 4. Finalizing the participating teams
seller sells it to the reader and finally 3. Organizing the World Cup
1. World Cup Semi Final Matches
Word Arrangement

2. Winter So , the correct order of the

Sol 56.(b) Here, the process starts from words(highest to lowest) is Mile ,
appearing 12th board to getting Sol 63. (d) The sequence as they appear Furlong , Yard , Foot and Inch.
admission in colleges. in English dictionary
5. Annual Examination – Class 12 Order is as follows. Sol 71. (d) The exact order of the words
6. Result declaration – Class 12 2. Earth in the dictionary is :
4. Applying for admission to college 3. Jupiter 1. Weary
2. Admission merit list declaration 5. Mars 2. Weather
3. Getting admission in the college 1. Mercury 3. Weigh
1. Attending classes in college 4. Venus 4. Whip
5. Wing
Sol 57. (c) The correct Order is Sol 64. (b) The correct order of the 6. Wink
2. Feeling pain in stomach given words as per dictionary : So , Wing will come in fifth place.
3. Meeting doctor 5. Marble
4. Diagnosis by doctor 6. Margin S 72.(b)
1. Prescribing medications 4. Marker The seed germination process takes
5. Following medication schedule 3. Market place in this order
6. Recovery from pain 2. Marvel
1. Master
Sol 58.(b) The meaningful order of the
given words will be: Sol 65. (a) correct order as per S 73.(d) Gasket ⇒ Gather ⇒ Gender ⇒
5. Egg dictionary: General ⇒ Genial
3. Larva 1. Chairman So, the correct order of the words is 3, 5,
1. Pupa 2. Challan 2, 1, 4.
4. Butterfly 4. Champion
2. Death 5. Changing Sol 74. (a) Pasture ⇒ Patent ⇒ Perjury
3. Chaos ⇒ Pierce ⇒ Piquant
Sol 59. (b) Here, the stages of human So, the correct order of the words is 5, 3,
life in a logical order: Mts 2019 Tier I 4, 2, 1.
3. Infancy
1. Childhood Sol 66.(c)The correct sequence as per Sol 75. (d) Universe ⇒ Galaxy ⇒ Star
4. Adolescence dictionary: ⇒ Planet ⇒ Satellite
2. Adulthood Radiance, radical, Radiology, railing, So, the correct order of the words is 5 , 3
5. Senility rainbow
, 1 , 4 , 2.

Sol 60. (d) The correct order of the Sol 67 (d) As per the dictionary, the
Sol 76. (c) 1. KinderGarten (K.G.)2.
words according to dictionary is: given words appear as follows:
Primary 3. Secondary 4. Higher
1.Examine Lacquer , Lacunae, laggard, Laminar,
Lampoon Secondary 5. University
4. Example So, the correct order of the words will be
2. Excited 2 , 1 , 4 , 5 , 3.
3. Exclaim
Cpo 2019 Tier I
5. Execute Sol 77. (c) Apology ⇒ Apostle ⇒
S 68. (d) Apparent ⇒ Appear ⇒ Appetite
Sol 61.(a) The correct order of the
Hectometer = 100 metre, 1Decameter= So, the correct order of the words will be
words according to dictionary is:
10 metre, 1 metre = 10 decimetre, 1 4, 3, 2, 1, 5.
2. Jacket
metre = 100 cemtimetre, 1 metre = 1000
1. Jacklight
millimetre. Sol 78. (a) Daemon ⇒ Dearth ⇒
3. Jade
Demand ⇒ Dementia ⇒ Demon
5. Jampacked
S 69. (d) So, the correct order of the words is 5, 3,
4. Joker
As per the English dictionary order: 2, 1, 4.
Meter, Method, Meticulous, Metric,
Sol 62. (c) The meaningful order of the Mettle Sol 79. (c) Ladakh ⇒ Odisha ⇒
given words will be: Puducherry ⇒ Goa ⇒ Punjab
4. Spring Sol 70. (c) The best sequence of the Correct order is- 1, 5, 3, 2, 4
words will be 2, 1, 4, 5, 3.
1. Summer
3. Monsoon Sol80.(d)Trillion>Billion>Million>Thou
5. Autumn sand>Hundred.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

So, the correct order of the words is 2, 1, Sol89.(b)The logical and meaningful The correct order in which the given
4, 5, 3. order according to population is: words appear in English Dictionary is:
Uttar Pradesh> Madhya Pradesh > Tamarind
Sol 81. (a) Hackle ⇒ Heart ⇒ Height ⇒ Andhra Pradesh> Himachal Pradesh> Temper
Heist ⇒ Higher Arunachal Pradesh. Temple
So, the correct order of the words is 4 , 3 Tenacity
, 2 , 1 , 5. Sol90.(d)The logical sequence according Tender
to their size: Housefly<Lizard<
Sol 82. (b) Golden Temple is in Monkey< Crocodile< Whale Sol.98.(c) Following is the meaningful
Amritsar, a city of Punjab state, in India order of the given words:
which lies in the continent Asia. Sol91.(d)As per dictionary: Square Inch
So, the correct order of the words is 6 , 2
1. Capacity Square Feet
, 1 , 4 , 5 , 3.
2. Capsule Square Yard
3. Captain Acre
Sol 83. (b) The correct arrangement is:
Cable, Cachet, Canary, Cancel, Candid 4. Caption Hectare
So, the correct ascending order of the 5. Category
words is 4, 3, 5, 2, 1. As per the English Dictionary, these Sol99.(c) Below is the order in which the
words should be arranged as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 given words appear in an english
CGL 2019 Tier I dictionary.
Sol92.(c)The logical & meaningful order 1.Realism
Sol 84.(b) of the following words is 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 2.Realistic
Field Marshal >General> Brigadier > 3.Research
1-Rightly Colonel > Lieutenant 4.Restore
5-Rights Sol.93.(c) 5.Resurge
2-Rigidly The logical & meaningful order of the
4-Rigour given words is:3-5-1-2-4 Sol.100.(c)
Million<Trillion<Quadrillion<Quintillio The correct logical order is,
Sol85.(a)The correct sequence is n<Octillion Casting (1) → Acting (2) → Film
Pentagon(5 sided) < Hexagon(6 sided) < shooting (3) → Editing (5) → Final film
Sol.94.(b) (4)
Heptagon(7 sided) < Octagon(8 sided) <
On arranging the given words as per the Hence, option c is the correct answer.
Nonagon(9 sided)
English dictionary, we get the following
Sol.101(a)Part of a body from head to
Sol 86.(d)According to the English 1.Weather
dictionary, the correct sequence for the foot is arranged serially. So the correct
given words is: order is:
1. Isolate 2. Forehead
2. Isoline 1. Nose
3. Isologs 3. Chin
4. Isomer 5. Chest
5. Isonomy 4. Waist
6. Isotope The meaningful order of the given words
CHSL 2019 Tier I
Sol 87.(d) 2.Admission
4, 2, 5, 1, 3 Sol 102. (c) It is the sequence of the
1.Geminal methods of communication from ancient
2.Geminate time to modern time.
3.Gemini The correct order of words :- letter -
4.Gemlike telephone - smartphone - satellite.
5.Gemmier Sol.96.(a)
Sol 103. (d) The sequence is in
As per the English Dictionary, the
descending order according to their size.
Sol 88.(c) correct order for the given words is as
Galaxy → Sun → Planet → Asteroid.
The meaningful order for the given follows: 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3
words is as follows: Deceive, Decide, Decimal, Decipher, Sol 104. (a) Nakki lake is in Mount Abu
1-4-6-2-5-3 Decision, Decline and Mount Abu is in Rajasthan and So
Kilometre <Mile Sol.97.(d)

Word Arrangement

Nakki Lake → Mount Abu → Rajasthan Sol 117. (a) The correct order as per dictionary is
→ India → World The correct order of words :- letter - Flexible-floater-flood-flooring-flower.
word - phrase - sentence - paragraph.
Sol 105. (d) Sol 129.(a)
The correct order is:- Participants → Sol 118. (b) Here, the process of The correct alphabetical order as per the
Competition → Making by judges → delivery of post is mentioned. English Dictionary will be
Winner → Prize The correct order will be:- letter - post Margin--Marking--Martial--Martyr--Mar
box - post office - postman - delivery. vel .
Sol 106. (c)
The correct order is :- room- flat - Sol 119. (b) The given words are human Sol 130.(d)
apartment - street - town organs present in the organ system of Tissue consist of a cell
human body. They are arranged in order Organ consist of tissues
Sol 107. (d) The correct sequence would from top to bottom as :- pupil - pinna - Organ system consist of organ and
be : face - neck - shoulder - chest - throat - liver - bladder. Human body consist of organ system
stomach - thigh So the order is 2,1,3,5,4
Sol 120. (d) Here, things used by a man
Sol 108. (c) from head to foot are given. Sol 131.(d)
The given words represent the number of The correct order of words :- Specs, Milligram is the smallest unit of
sides of a polygon. neck tie, Armlets, Leash, Socks. measurement followed by Decigram
The correct order would be:- hexagon - then Gram then Kilogram and then
heptagon - octagon - nonagon. Sol 121. (c) Here, time of invention is quintal.
Sol 109. (a) The correct pattern of words:- earthen Sol 132.(b)
The correct order of words as per english lamp - lantern - bulb - CFL bulb - LED The correct alphabetical order as per the
dictionary would be:- making - bulb. English Dictionary will be
management - mankind - manner - Precaution--Precious--Pressure--Presum
manuscript. Sol 122. (b) The correct order of words e--Pristine .
:- ovule - ovary - stigma - petal.
Sol 110. (c) Sol 133.(b)As per the sequence in the
The correct order of words :- domestic - Sol 123. (d) dictionary, The correct order is
dominate - donate - dorsal - dovetail . The correct order of words :- Seeds, Lacerate - Lactation - Lacuna - Lexicon
Wheat plant, Dough, Bread. - Locust
Sol 111. (a)
The correct order will be:- village - city -
Sol 124. (b) Sol 134.(b) After arranging the above
district - state - country.
The correct order according to distance given body parts as in the body from
from the sun is, bottom to top we get,
Sol 112. (c)
4. Mercury, 5. Venus, 1. Earth 1.knee 2.waist 3. Naval 4.chin
The correct increasing order of words
6. Saturn, 3. Uranus, 2.saturn 5.Eyebrows
is:- mili - centi - deci - deca - hecto - kilo
Hence, the correct answer is 4, 5, 1, 6, 3,
Sol 113. (a) 2 Sol 135.(c) The correct sequence is
The correct order of words should be Examination form → Admit card →
from top to bottom of body parts:- eyes - Sol 125. (c) answer book → question paper → answer
shoulders - elbow - knee - feet. The correct order of words:- junk food -
disease - medicine - healthy.
Sol 114. (d) The correct order :- Sol 136.(c) The correct sequence is
millimeter - centimeter - decimeter - Sol 126. (b) The sequence of the words
Cabin → Cottage → Villa → Mansion →
decameter. is based on the size of vehicles.
The correct order of words:- bicycle -
Sol 115. (b) Here, stages of human life motorcycle - car - bus - train.
are considered.
The correct arrangement as per their
The correct order will be:- infant - Sol 127.(d)
increasing size is Hummingbird, Bulbul,
childhood - adolescent - adult - old age. First of all application is filled followed
Myna, Koel, Kite.
by Scrutiny, Then interview is conducted
Sol 116. (d) Here, quantity based and after that offer letter is given and in
Sol 138.(c)
sequence is given. the end joining.
The correct sequence is:- milligram -
atyard is the correct sequence.
gram - kilogram - quintal - ton. Sol 128. (b)


AGE (आयु ) Q10. The current age of Savan is four

Q5. Vishal is three times as old as times the age of Aksham. 10 years from
Saksham. After 8 years, he will be two now; Savan's age will be twice the age
times as old as Saksham. After 8 years, of Aksham. What is Savan's current age?
what will be Vishal’s age? सावन की वतमान आयु अ म की आयु से चार
Q1. 10 years ago, a father’s age was 3 12 गुना है । अब से 10 साल बाद; सावन की उ
िवशाल, स म से तीन गुना बड़ा है । 8 साल बाद,
times that of his son and 10 years from वह स म से दो गुना बड़ा होगा। 8 साल बाद, अ म से दोगुनी होगी। सावन की वतमान आयु
now, the father’s age will be 2 14 times िवशाल की उ ा होगी? ा है ?
that of the son. What will be the sum of CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
(a) 48 years (b) 24 years (a) 30 years (b) 20 years
the ages of the father and the son at
(c) 32 years (d) 40 years (c) 10 years (d) 5 years
10 वष पहले, िपता की आयु उसके बेटे की आयु
से 3 12 गुना थी तथा अब से 10 साल बाद िपता की Q6. The sum of Current ages of Natasha Q11. The sum of the current ages of
आयु बेटे की आयु से 2 14 गुना हो जाएगी | वतमान and Krishna is 50 years. 10 years ago, Shipra and Malini is 65 years. After 5
Krishna was twice as old as Natasha. years, Shipra's age will be 15 years more
म िपता एवं पु की उ का योग ा होगा ?
CGL 04/06/2019 (afternoon) What is Krishna’s current age? than Malini's age. What is Malini's
(a) 100 years (b) 110 years नताशा और कृ ा की वतमान आयु का योग 50 current age?
वष है । 10 साल पहले कृ ा नताशा से दोगुनी उ िश ा और मािलनी की वतमान आयु का योग 65
(c) 115 years (d) 120 years
के थे। कृ की वतमान आयु ा है ? वष है । 5 साल बाद िश ा की उ मािलनी की उ
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) से 15 साल ादा होगी। मािलनी की वतमान आयु
Q2. The ratio of the present age of (a) 10 years (b) 20 years ा है ?
Mitali to that of Shabnam is 4 : 7. If the (c) 30 years (d) 15 years CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
difference between the present ages of (a)25 years (b)30 years
Shabnam and Mitali after 5 years will be Q7. The sum of the current ages of (c)15 years (d)20 years
13 years, then what is the sum of present Vishal and Armaan is 70 years, 5 years
ages of Mitali and Shabnam?
िमताली और शबनम की वतमान उ का अनुपात
ago. Vishal was twice as old as Armaan. SSC CGL 2019 Tier I
What is Armaan’s current age?
4 : 7 है । यिद 5 वष बाद शबनम तथा िमताली की
िवशाल और अरमान की वतमान आयु का योग 70
उ म 13 वष का अंतर होगा, तो िमताली और Q12. The ratio of present ages of Asha
वष है । 5 साल पहले िवशाल अरमान से दोगुना
शबनम की वतमान उ का जोड़ िकतना है ? and Lata is 5:6 . If the difference
उ का था। अरमान की वतमान आयु ा है ?
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) between their ages is 6 years , then what
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 74 years (b) 60 years (a) 10 years (b) 45 years will be Lata’s age after 5 years?
(c) 66 years (d) 64 years (c) 25 years (d) 20 years आशा और लता की वतमान उ का अनुपात 5 : 6
है | यिद उनकी उ म 6 वष का अंतर है , तो 5 वष
Q3. 10 years ago, a father’s age was 3 12 Q8. The sum of the current ages of बाद लता की उ िकतनी होगी ?
times that of his son and 10 years from CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
Asma and her grandfather is 80 years. 10
(a) 45 (b) 41
now, the father’s age will be 2 14 times years from now, Asma’s age will be
(c) 35 (d) 40
that of the son. What will be the sum of one-fourth of her grandfather’s age.
the ages of the father and the son at What is Asma’s current age?
Q13.The total of the ages of Amit and
present? अ ा और उनके दादा की वतमान आयु का योग
80 वष है । अब से 10 साल बाद, अ ा की उ
Suvarna on 1 January 2015 is 61 years.
10 वष पहले, िपता की आयु उसके बेटे की आयु
उसके दादा की आयु का एक-चौथाई होगी। अ ा Amit is three years younger than
से 3 12 गुना थी तथा अब से 10 साल बाद िपता की
की वतमान आयु ा है ? Suvarna. What was the age of Suvarna
आयु बेटे की आयु से 2 14 गुना हो जाएगी | वतमान
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon) on 1 January 2010?
म िपता एवं पु की उ का योग ा होगा ?
(a) 16 years (b) 12 years 1 जनवरी 2015 को अिमत और सुवणा की उ
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) 20 years (d) 10 years का जोड़ 61 वष है | अिमत, सुवणा से तीन वष
(a) 100 years
छोटा है | 1 जनवरी 2010 को सुवणा की उ
(b) 110 years
Q9. The sum of the current ages of िकतनी थी ?
(c) 115 years CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
(d) 120 years Vinayak and his father is 50 years. 5
(a) 29 years (b) 24 years
year from now, Vinayak’s age will be
(c) 27 years (d) 32 years
Q4. A father was twelve times as old as one fifth of his father’s age. What is
his son twenty years ago. Now he is Vinayak’s current age?
िवनायक और उनके िपता की वतमान आयु का SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I
twice as old as his son. What are the
योग 50 वष है । अब से 5 साल बाद, िवनायक की
present ages of the son and the father?
उ उनके िपता की उ का पां चवा िह ा होगी। Q14. Aarav's mother was 3 times as old
एक िपता बीस साल पहले अपने बेटे से बारह गुना
िवनायक की वतमान आयु ा है ? as Aarav 5 years ago. After 5 years she
बड़ा था। अब वह अपने बेटे से दोगुना उ का है ।
CGL12/06/2019(Evening) will be twice as old as Aarav. How old is
पु और िपता की वतमान आयु ा है ?
(a) 15 years (b) 5 years Aarav today?
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)
(a) 22 and 44 (b) 33 and 66 (c) 8 years (d) 10 years
(c) 27 and 54 (d) 15 and 30
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

पां च साल पहले, आरव की माँ उसकी उ की (a) 27 years (b) 24 years (a) 32 years (b) 72 years
तीन गुनाह थी | पां च साल बाद वह आरव की उ (c) 25 years (d) 26 years (c) 47 years (d) 40 years
की दोगुना हो जाएगी | आरव िकतने साल का है ?
CHSL 17/03/20(Afternoon) Q20. X is 5 years older than Y. The total Q25. A mother told her son, “ I was of
(a) 15 years (b) 25 years of the current ages of X and Y is 33 your current age when you were born.”
(c) 10 years (d) 20 years years. What will be the age of Y after 7 If the son was 16 five years ago, what is
years? the current age of the mother?
Q15. The sum of the ages of a mother, X, Y से पां च साल बड़ा है | X और Y की वतमान एक माँ ने अपने बेटे से कहा, "जब आप पैदा ए
daughter and son is 96 years. What will आयु का जोड़ 33 साल है | Y की उ 7 साल बाद थे तब म आपकी वतमान उ का था।" यिद बेटा
be the sum of their ages after 5 years? ा होगा ? पाँ च साल पहले 16 साल का था, तो माँ की वतमान
माँ बेटे और बेटी की कुल उ 96 साल है | इन CHSL 15/10/20(Evening) आयु ा है ?
तीनो की कुल उ पां च साल बाद िकतनी होगी ? (a) 22 years (b) 20 years CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
CHSL 17/03/20(Evening) (c) 14 years (d) 21 years (a)32 (b)38
(a) 101 (b) 111 (c)37 (d)42
(c) 105 (d) 110 Q21. Raman's age is twice the age of his
daughter Shruti. If ten years ago Q26. The total of the ages of four
Q16. Rishabh is a 10 year old boy. If his Raman's age was three times to the age persons is 86 years. What was their
mother is 20 years older than him and 6 of Shruti, then what is the present age of average age 4 years ago?
years younger than his father, then what shruti? चार यों की कुल आयु 86 वष है । 4 साल
is his father's age? रमन की उ उसकी बेटी ुित की उ की दोगुना पहले उनकी औसत उ ा थी?
रषभ दस साल का है | यिद उसकी माँ उससे बीस है | अगर दस साल पहले रमन की उ ुित की CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
साल बड़ी है और वह उसके िपता से छह साल उ की तीन गुना थी तो ुित की वतमान आयु (a) 20 years (b) 19.5 years
छोटी है तो बताओ की उसके िपता की ा उ है िकतनी है ? (c) 17.5 years (d) 20.5 years
? CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
CHSL 18/03/20(Morning) (a) 8 years (b) 20 years ANSWERS
(a) 34 years (b) 36 years (c) 11 years (d) 12 years
(c) 26 years (d) 30 years
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(a)
Q22. The total ages of Ram, Shyam and
Q17. The sum of the ages of 4 friends A, 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(d)
Adil is 60 years. What was the total of
B, C and D is 70 years. What would be their ages four years ago? 9.(b) 10.(b) 11.(a) 12.(b)
the total of their ages 5 years later? चार राम, ाम और आिदल की कुल आयु 60 वष है । 13.(c) 14.(a) 15.(b) 16.(b)
दो ों A, B, C और D की उ का जोड़ 70 साल चार साल पहले उनकी उ िकतनी थी?
है | इन चारों दो ों की उ का जोड़ पां च साल CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) 17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(d)
बाद िकतना होगा ? (a) 46 years (b) 50 years 21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(d) 24.(c)
CHSL 18/03/20(Evening) (c) 36 years (d) 48 years
(a) 85 (b) 65 25.(d) 26.(c)
(c) 90 (d) 75 Q23.After three years, the total age of a
mother and son will be 50. The mother's Solution:
Q18.Rahul is three times as old as Amar. age was 30 before three years. What is
Amber was half the age of Rahul three her son's present age?
years ago. After four years from now, Sol 1. (b) Let the present age of the son
तीन साल बाद माँ और बेटे की कुल उ 50 हो
Rahul will be 43. What are the present जाएगी | तीन साल पहले माँ की उ 30 थी | बेटे
be x years and that of the father is y
ages of Amar and Amber? की वतमान आयु िकतनी है ? years. According to question, 7/2 (x -
अमर की उ रा ल की तीन गुनाह है | तीन साल CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening) 10) = y - 10 ; from here we get the
पहले अ ेर की उ रा ल से आधी थी | अब से (a)6 years (b)12 years equation , 7x - 2y = 50 ____________ I
चार साल बाद रा ल 43 साल का हो जाएगी | (c)8 years (d)11 years Again, 9/4 (x + 10) = y + 10 ; here the
अमर और अ ेर की वतमान आयु िकतनी है ? equation will be as follows :
CHSL 13/10/20(Evening) 9x - 4y = -50 ___________II
(a)38,21 (b)13,21 SSC CPO 2020 TIER I
On solving equations I and II , we get x
(c)39,21 (d)13,18 = 30 years = Age of Son ; and
Q24.The sum of Vishal and Aditi’s
Y = 80 years = Age of Father
Q19.Arun is celebrating his birthday current ages is 105 years. If Aditi is 25
Sum of present age of Father and Son =
today. On his next birthday, he will be years younger than Vishal, then what is
80 + 30 = 110 years.
twice his age that was 12 years ago. the current age of Pritam who is 7 years
How old is Arun today? older than Aditi?
Sol 2. (c) Let the age of Mitali = 4k and
अ ण आज अपना ज िदन मना रहा है | वह िवशाल और अिदित की वतमान आयु का योग
the age of Shabnam = 7k.
अपने अगले ज िदन पर खुद की बारह साल 105 वष है । अगर अिदित िवशाल से 25 साल
छोटी है , तो ीतम की वतमान उ ा है जो According to the question
पहले की उ का दो गुना हो जाएगा | अ ण आज
िकतने साल का हो गया ? अिदित से 7 साल बड़ी है ? 7k-(4k+5) = 13
CHSL 14/10/20(Evening) CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 3k-5 = 13 ⇒ k = 6.

Sum of their present age = 4k+7k =11k = X = 5 = Vinayak Rishabh’s age = 10 years
11 x 6 = 66. Rishabh’s mother age = 10 + 20 = 30
Sol 10. (b) Aksham = x , Saavan = 4x years
Sol 3. (b) 10 years from now; 4x + 10 = 2(x + 10) According to question:-
4x + 10 = 2x + 20 30 = Rishabh’s father age - 6
2x = 10 ; x = 5 years = Aksham Rishabh's father's age = 36 years.
Saavan = 4 * 5 = 20 years.
Sol 17. (c)
Sol 11. (a) Malini = x , Shipra = 65 - x. Sum of four friends A, B, C and D = 70
10 years ago
After 5 years, 65 - x + 5 = x + 5 + 15 years
father’s age = 70
70 - x = x + 20 After 5 years, the age of each of the four
Son’s age = 20
2x = 50 friends will increase by 5 years.
So, sum of their present ages = 80 + 30
X = 25 years = Malini. Therefore, a total increase in age = 5 × 4
= 20 years
Sol 4. (a) Let the present age of Son = x
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I Total sum of four friends after 5 years =
70 + 20 = 90 years.
; Father = 2x.
20 years ago , 2x - 20 = 12 (x - 20) Sol 12.(b)The ratio of present ages of
Asha and Lata is 5:6. Sol 18. (b)
2x - 20= 12x - 240
The difference between the ratios is 1 As it is given that four years from now,
10x = 220
unit Rahul’s age will be 43 years.
X = 220/10 = 22 years.
As per the question, 1 unit = 6 years Therefore, present age of Rahul = 43 - 4
Son = 22 years , Father = 2 × 22 = 44
Thus Lata’s age = 6 × 6 = 36 years = 39
After 5 years Lata’s age will be 36 + 5 = Rahul’s age is three times Amar’s age.
41 yrs Thus, Amar age = 39 3
= 13 years.
Sol 5. (d) Saksham = x , Vishal = 3x ;
Three years ago, Rahul’s age = 39 - 3 =
After 8 years, 3x + 8 = 2(x + 8)
Sol 13.(c)As per question, 36 years
3x + 8 = 2x + 16
x = 16 - 8 = 8 years = Saksham. On 1st January 2015 Amber’s age three years ago = 36 2
= 18
Vishal = 3x = 3 × 8 = 24 years. Amit’s age + Suvarna’s age(S + A) = years
61…….(1) Amber’s present age = 18 + 3 = 21
After 8 years , Vishal = 24 + 8 = 32
S - A = 3 years……….(2) years.
On adding eq(1) and eq(2)
Suvarna’s age = 32 years Sol 19. (c)
Sol 6. (c) Natasha = x , Krishna = 50 - x
Her age on January 1st 2010 = 32 - 5 = Let the present age of Arun = x years
; 10 years ago,
27 years After 1 year his age will be = x + 1
50 - x - 10 = 2(x - 10)
According to question:- x + 1 = 2 × (x -
40 - x = 2x - 20
3x = 60 SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I 12)
⇒ x + 1 = 2x - 24
X = 20 years = Natasha
Krishna = 50 - 20 = 30 years. Sol 14. (a) ⇒ 2x - x = 24 + 1 = 25
⇒ x = 25 years
Sol 7. (c) Armaan = x , Vishal = 70 - x
; Sol 20. (d)
5 years ago, 70 - x - 5 = 2(x - 5) Let present age of Y = y
65 - x = 2x - 10 Then present age of X = y + 5
3x = 75 Sum of present age of X and Y = 33
X = Armaan = 25 years. years
So , present age of Aarav = 10+5 = 15 ∴ y + y + 5 = 33
Sol 8. (d) Asma = x , Grandfather = 80 - year 2y = 33 - 5 = 28
x; y = 14 years
After 10 years , 80 - x + 10 = 4(x + 10) Sol 15. (b) Y’s age after 7 years = 14 + 7 = 21
90 - x = 4x + 40 After 5 years, the age of each mother, years.
5x = 50 daughter and son will increase by 5.
X = 10 = Asma Therefore, there will be a total increase Sol 21. (b)
of 15 years. Let the present age of Shruti = x years
Sol 9. (b) Vinayak = x , Father = 50 - x Hence, total age after 5 years = 96 + 15 Raman’s present age = 2x
5 year from now, 50 - x + 5 = 5(x + 5) = 111 years. 10 years ago, Raman’s age = 2x - 10
55 - x = 5x + 25 According to the question:-
6x = 30 Sol 16. (b) 2x - 10 = 3(x - 10)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

⇒ 2x - 10 = 3x - 30
⇒ 3x - 2x = 30 - 10
⇒ x = 20

Sol 22. (d)

Total ages of Ram, Shyam and Adil = 60
Four years ago, each of them had four
years lesser age,
Therefore, total age of Ram, Shyam and
Adil four years ago was = 60 - 4 × 3 =
60 - 12 = 48 years.

Sol 23. (d)

Present age of mother = 30 + 3 = 33
After 3 years, mother’s age = 33 + 3 =
Total age of mother and son after 3 years
= 50
36 + Son’s age after 3 years = 50
Son’s age after 3 years = 50 - 36 = 14
Present age of son = 14 - 3 = 11 years.

Sol.24.(c) Let Aditi’s age is x then

vishal’s age will be x+25,
So x+x+25= 105
2x= 80
x = 40 so pritam’s age will be 40+7= 47

Present age of son = 16+5 = 21 years.
When the son was born, the age of the
mother was 21 years.
So, current age of mother = 21+21= 42

Sol 26. (c)

Total of four person = 86
Average of four person = 21.5
Average 4 years ago = 21.5 - 4 = 17.5


Formula for calculating day of any (d) Monday / सोमवार CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
date (a) Monday / सोमवार
0 = sunday/रिववार Q2. If it was a Monday on 1 January (b) Tuesday / मंगलवार
1 = monday /सोमवार 2018, what was the day of the week on 31 (c) Sunday / रिववार
2 = Tuesday/मंगलवार December 2018? (d) Friday / शु वार
3 = Wednesday/बुधवार यिद 1 जनवरी 2018 को सोमवार था, तो 31 िदसंबर
2018 को स ाह का िदन ा था? SSC CGL 2019
4 = Thursday/ गु वार CHSL 09/07/19 (Evening)
5 = Friday/शु वार (a) Monday / सोमवार Q8.What day of the week was 31 January
6 = saturday/शिनवार (b) Friday / शु वार 2007?
A = century code (4,2,0,6 for (c) Sunday / रिववार 31 जनवरी 2007 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था ?
remainder 1,2,3,0 respectively) / सदी (d) Tuesday / मंगलवार CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
कोड (4,2,0,6 मशः शेष 1,2,3,0 के िलए) (a) Monday / सोमवार
remainder = Dividing the first two Q3. If it was a Sunday on 1 January 2017, (b) Tuesday / मंगलवार
digit of the year by 4 what was the day of the week on 31 (c) Thursday / गु वार
शेष=वष के पहले दो अंकों को 4 से िवभािजत December 2017? (d) Wednesday / बुधवार
करना यिद 1 जनवरी 2017 को रिववार था, तो 31 िदसंबर
2017 को स ाह का िदन ा था?
Example:- For year 19xx, After Q9. What day of the week was 29 June
CHSL 10/07/19 (Afternoon)
dividing 19 from 4 remainder will be 2010?
(a) Tuesday / मंगलवार
3 so, code will be 0. 29 जून 2010 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था ?
(b) Monday / सोमवार
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
उदाहरण :-वष 19xx के िलए, शेष, 19 को 4 से (c) Sunday / रिववार (a) Monday / सोमवार
िवभािजत करने पर 3 होगा और िफर कोड 0 होगा। (d) Friday / शु वार (b) Wednesday / बुधवार
B = last two digits of the year/वष के
(c) Sunday / रिववार
अंितम दो अंक Q4. If it was a Friday on 1 January 2016, (d) Tuesday / मंगलवार
C = number of leap years in that what was the day of the week on 31
century before that date./उस तारीख से December 2016? Q10. What day of the week was 5
पहले उस सदी म लीप वष की सं ा। यिद 1 जनवरी 2016 को शु वार था, तो 31 िदसंबर
February 2008?
2016 को स ाह का िदन ा था?
5 फरवरी 2008 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था ?
Point to remember: 25 Feb 2008 CHSL 10/07/19(Evening)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
has 1 leap year because till 28 Feb, a (a) Saturday / शिनवार
(a) Thursday / गु वार
leap is like an ordinary year. (b) Friday / शु वार
(b) Monday / सोमवार
याद रखने की बात:25 फरवरी 2008 म 1 लीप वष (c) Monday /सोमवार
(c) Tuesday / मंगलवार
होता है ोंिक 28 फरवरी तक, एक लीप एक (d) Sunday / रिववार
(d) Wednesday / बुधवार
सामा वष की तरह होता है ।
D = month code/महीने का कोड Q5. What was the day of the week on 15
August 2013?
(respective code of the months from
15 अग 2013 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था?
start to last are 0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5) Q11. If 29 January 2003 is a Wednesday,
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
संबंिधत महीनों की शु आत से लेकर आ खरी तक then what day of the week will be 26
के कोड 0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,5,3,3,5 ह
(a)Thursday / गु वार February 2005?
For ex June code is 4 , December is 5 (b)Monday / सोमवार यिद 29 जनवरी 2003 को बुधवार है , तो 26 फरवरी
(c) Wednesday / बुधवार 2005 को ह े का कौन सा िदन होगा ?
and so on. CHSL 13/10/20(Afternoon)
(d) Tuesday / मंगलवार
उदाहरण :-जून के िलए कोड 4, िदसंबर के िलए 5 (a) Saturday / शिनवार
E = date/तारीख (b) Sunday / रिववार
Q6. What was the day of the week on 26
Day = remainder of (A+B+C+D+E) (c) Thursday / गु वार
January 2012? (d) Friday / शु वार
when divided by 7. 26 जनवरी 2012 को स ाह का िदन ा था?
िदन:-7 से (A+B+C+D+E) िवभािजत होने पर CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC CPO 2020
(a) Sunday / रिववार
SSC CHSL 2018 (b) Saturday / शिनवार Q12. If 18 October 2006 was Wednesday,
(c) Thursday / गु वार then what was the day of the week on 17
Q1. What will be the day of the week on (d) Tuesday / मंगलवार October 2000?
15 August 2021?
यिद 18 अ ू बर 2006 को बुधवार था, तो 17
15 अग 2021 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन
Q7. If it was a Saturday on 10 November अ ू बर 2000 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था?
2018, what was the day of the week on 15 SSC CPO 23/11/20(Morning)
CHSL 09/07/19 (Evening)
August 2017? (a) Tuesday / मंगलवार
(a) Sunday / रिववार
यिद 10 नवंबर 2018 को शिनवार था, तो 15 अग (b) Wednesday / बुधवार
(b) Wednesday / बुधवार
2017 को स ाह का िदन ा था? (c) Monday / सोमवार
(c) Saturday / शिनवार
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(d) Sunday / रिववार A = 6, B = 3, C = 0, D = 0, E= 29

Sol 4. (a) In a leap year, the first and the A+B+C+D+E = 38
Q13. If 5 November 2019 was Tuesday, last day has a difference of +1 day. So the 38 divided by 7 gives remainder as 3
then what was the day of the week on 5 day on 31 December 2016 was a 3 means Wednesday (True according to
December 2011? Saturday. question)
यिद 5 नवंबर 2019 को मंगलवार था, तो 5 िदसंबर So, 26 February 2005 is
2011 को स ाह का कौन सा िदन था? Sol 5. (a) Using formula for 15 August A = 6, B =5, C = 1, D =3, E = 26
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) 2013 A+B+C+D+E = 41
(a) Tuesday / मंगलवार A = 6, B = 13, C = 3, D = 2, E = 15 41 divided by 7 gives remainder as 6
(b) Monday / सोमवार A+B+C+D+E = 39 6 means Saturday.
(c) Sunday / रिववार 39 divided by 7 gives remainder as 4
(d) Saturday / शिनवार 4 means Thursday. Sol 12. (a)Using formula for 18 October
Q14. What was the day of the week on Sol 6. (c) Using formula for 26 January A = 6, B = 6, C = 1, D = 0, E= 18
14th March 2010? 2012 A+B+C+D+E = 31
14 माच 2010 को स ाह का िदन ा था? A = 6, B = 12, C = 2, D = 0, E = 26 31 divided by 7 gives remainder as 3
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) A+B+C+D+E = 46 3 means Wednesday (True according to
(a) Tuesday / मंगलवार 46 divided by 7 gives remainder as 4 question)
(b) Monday / सोमवार 4 means Thursday. So, 17 october 2000 is
(c) Sunday / रिववार A = 6, B = 0, C = 0, D = 0 E = 17
(d) Saturday / शिनवार Sol 7. (b) Using formula for 10 November A+B+C+D+E = 23
2018 23 divided by 7 gives remainder as 2
Q15.What was the day of the week on A = 6, B = 18, C = 4, D = 3, E = 10 2 means Tuesday.
24 October 2011? A+B+C+D+E = 41
24 अ ू बर 2011 को स ाह का िदन ा था? 41 divided by 7 gives remainder as 6 Sol 13. (b)Using formula for 5 November
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 6 means Saturday (True according to 2019
(a) Tuesday / मंगलवार question) A = 6, B = 19, C = 4, D = 3, E= 5
(b) Monday / सोमवार So, 15 August 2017 A+B+C+D+E = 37
(c) Saturday / शिनवार A = 6, B = 17, C = 4, D = 2, E = 15 37 divided by 7 gives remainder as 2
(d) Wednesday / बुधवार A+B+C+D+E = 44 2 means Tuesday(True according to
44 divided by 7 gives remainder as 2 question)
ANSWERS 2 means Tuesday So, 5 December 2011 is
A = 6, B = 11, C = 2, D = 5, E = 5
1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) Sol 8.(d) Using formula for 31 January A+B+C+D+E = 29
2007 29 divided by 7 gives remainder as 1
5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) A=6, B=7, C=1, D=0, E=31 1 means Monday.
9.(d) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(a) A+B+C+D+E= 45
13.(b) 14.(c) 15.(b) 45 when divided by 7 then remainder is 3 Sol 14. (c)Using formula for 14 March
3 means wednesday. 2010
A = 6, B = 10, C = 2, D = 3, E= 14
SOLUTION Sol 9.(d) Using formula for 29 June 2010 A+B+C+D+E = 35
A = 6, B = 10, C = 2, D = 4, E = 29 35 divided by 7 gives remainder as 0
Sol 1. (a) Using formula for 15 August A+B+C+D+E = 51 0 means Sunday.
2021 51 when divided by 7 gives remainder as
A = 6, B = 21, C = 5, D = 2, E = 15 2 Sol 15. (b)Using formula for 24 October
A+B+C+D+E = 49 2 means Tuesday 2011
49 divided by 7 gives remainder as 0 A = 6, B = 11, C = 2, D = 0, E= 24
0 means Sunday. Sol 10.(c) Using formula for 5 February A+B+C+D+E = 43
2008 43 divided by 7 gives remainder as 1
Sol 2. (a) In a non-leap year, the first and A = 6, B = 8, C = 1(till 5 feb 2008 1 means Monday
the last day of the year are always the behaves like ordinary year), D = 3, E= 5
same. So the day on 31 December 2018 A+B+C+D+E = 23
was also a Monday. 23 divided by 7 gives remainder as 2
2 means Tuesday.
Sol 3. (c) In a non-leap year, the first and
the last day of the year are always the
Sol 11. (a)
same. So the day on 31 December 2017 Using formula for 29 January 2003
was also a Sunday.
Series (Non-Verbal)

SERIES (NON-VERBAL) िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी

CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
Q1. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series. (a) (b)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म आगे आएगी |

(c) (d)

(a) (b) Q8. Identify the missing figure in the

CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
following series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म लु आकृित की पहचान
(c) (d)
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)
Q5. Select the figure that will come next
in the following series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित को चुिनए?
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)
(c) (d)

Q2. Select the figure that will come next

in the following figure series. (a) (b)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
आकृित ृंखला म आगे आएगी |
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q9. Identify the missing figure in the

(c) (d) following series.
इस ृंखला म लु आकृित की पहचान कर |
Q6. Select the figure that will come next CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
in the following series.
(a) (b) िन िल खत ृंखला म आने वाली अगली आकृित
ा होगी?
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q3. Select the figure that will come next
in the following series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म आगे आने वाली आकृित का
चयन कर | (c) (d)
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)

Q10. Identify the missing figure in the

following series:
िन िल खत ृंखला म लु आकृित की पहचान
(c) (d) कर |
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q7. Select the figure that will come
next in the following series.
(a) (b) िन िल खत ृंखला म आगे आने वाली आकृित का
चयन कर |
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q4. Select the figure that will come next

in the following series.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

उस आकृित का चयन कर जो अगली आकृित

ृंखला म आएगी।
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q11. Identify the missing figure in the

following series: (c) (d)
िन िल खत ृंखला म लु आकृित की पहचान
कर |
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) (a) (b) Q18. Select the option that will come
next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगा ?
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(c) (d)

Q15. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
(a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो अगले आकृित
ृंखला म आएगी।
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q12. Select the figure that will come

next in the following series: (c) (d)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म आगे
आएगी | (a) (b)
Q19. Select the figure that will come
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening) next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी |
(c) (d)

Q16. Select the option that will come

next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)
अगले थान पर आएगी |
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q13. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
(c) (d)
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजये जो दी गई
आकृितयों के बाद आएगी ? (a) (b)
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning) Q20. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म अगले थान पर आएगी ?
(c) (d)

Q17. Select the option that will come

next in the given series. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(a) (b) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q14. Select the figure that will come (c) (d)

next in the following figure series.
Series (Non-Verbal)

Q28. Select the option that will come

Q21. Select the figure that will come next in the given series.
next in the following figure series. उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) अगले थान पर आएगी |
अगले थान पर आएगी |

(a) (b)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
Q25. Select the option that will come
next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म (c) (d)
(c) (d) आगे आएगा |
Q29. Select the option that will come
next in the given series.
Q22.Select the option that will come
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
next in the given series.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) अगले थान पर आयेगा ?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |

(a) (b)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) (c) (d)

Q26. Select the option that will come (a) (b)

next in the given series.
इस ृंखला म आगे आने वाला िवक कौन सा है
(a) (b) ?

(c) (d)

(c) (d) CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) Q30. Select the option that will come
next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
Q23.Select the option that will come अगले थान पर आएगा ?
next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म (a) (b)
अगले थान पर आएगी |

CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q27. Select the option that will come
next in the given series:
िदए गए ृंखला म अगले पद का चयन कीिजये? (a) (b)

(a) (b)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning) (c) (d)

Q31. Select the figure that will come

(c) (d) next in the following figure series.
(a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
Q24.Select the option that will come म आगे आएगी ?
next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी | (c) (d)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q35. Select the figure that will come

(a) (b) next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
(a) (b)
आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d)

Q32. Select the figure that will come 04/06/2019- afternoon

(c) (d)
next in the following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म आगे आने वाली आकृित का
चयन कर | Q39. Select the figure that will come
(a) (b) next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म आगे आएगी ?

(c) (d)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) 06/06/2019(Evening)
Q36. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
(a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म अगले थान पर आएगी ?
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
04/06/2019 (Evening) (c) (d)
Q33. Select the option that will come
next in the given series. Q40. Select the figure that will come
इस ृंखला म अगले थान पर आने वाले िवक next in the following figure series.
का चयन कर | (a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म आगे आएगी ?

CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) 07/06/2019 (Morning)

Q37. Select the figure that will come

(a) (b) next in the following series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी | (a) (b)

(c) (d)

06/06/2019 (Morning) (c) (d)

Cgl 2018 Tier I
Q41. Select the figure that will come
Q34. Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.
next in the following figure series? उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर (a) (b) म आगे आएगी ?
आने वाली आकृित का चयन कर |

CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
(c) (d)
04/06/2019 (Morning)
Q38. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
(a) (b)
(a) (b) ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी।

(c) (d)
(c) (d) 06/06/19 (Afternoon)

Series (Non-Verbal)

Q42. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series. Q49. Select the figure that will come
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला next in the following figure series.
म आगे आएगी ? िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर
(a) (b)
आएगी |

CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
(c) (d) CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)

Q46. Select the figure that will come

(a) (b)
next in the following series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला (a) (b)
म आगे आएगी ?

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q43. Select the figure that will come CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
next in the following figure series. Q50. Select the figure that will come
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला next in the following figure series.
म आगे आएगी ? उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
(a) (b) अगले थान पर आएगी |

CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
Q47. Find the next figure in the series.
(a) (b) ृंखला म अगला आं कड़ा ात कीिजए।

(a) (b)

(c) (d) CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)

(c) (d)
Q44. Select the figure that will come
next in the following series.
Q51. Select the figure that will come
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
(a) (b) next in the following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी

(c) (d)
Q48. Which figure will replace the
(a) (b) question mark (?) in the following
ृंखला म अगला आं कड़ा ात कीिजए।
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q45. Select the figure that will come

next in the following series. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (c) (d)
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी? Q52. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
(a) (b) होगी?


CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
(c) (d) 438
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Q59. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series./उस
(c) (d) (c) (d) आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित ृंखला म आगे

Q53. Select the figure that will come Q56 Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series. next in the following figure series. आएगी।
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
म आगे आएगी ? म आगे आएगी ?

(a) (b)
CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q60. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
(c) (d) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
(c) (d) ृंखला म आगे आएगी।

Q54. Select the figure that will come

Q57. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series. next in the following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी? उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी। CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)

CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q61. Select the figure that will come

(c) (d)
(c) (d) next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
Q58. Select the figure that will come next in ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
CHSL 2018 TIER I the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित ृंखला म
आगे आएगी।
Q55. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Series (Non-Verbal)

Q62. Select the figure that will come CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी। CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)
(a) (b)

CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q69. Select the figure that will come

(a) (b) next in the following series.
(c) (d) िन िल खत ृंखला म आगे आने वाले आं कड़े का
चयन कर।
Q66. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
(c) (d)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q63. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)
ृंखला म आगे आएगी। (a) (b)

(a) (b)
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) (d)

Q70. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
(c) (d)
(a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
Q67. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
(c) (d) म आगे आएगी ? CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)

Q64. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening) (a) (b)
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।

(a) (b) (c) (d)

CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
Q71. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
(a) (b) (c) (d) ृंखला म आगे आएगी।

Q68. Select the figure that will come

next in the following Series.
(c) (d) िन िल खत ृंखला म आने वाले आं कड़े का चयन CHSL 9-7-2019 (Morning)

Q65. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित (a) (b)
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

सम ा आकृित ृंखला म आगे आएगी। CHSL 11-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d) CHSL 10-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
Q72. Select the Answer Figure that will
come next in the following problem
Figure Series. (a) (b)
उ र आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
सम ा आकृित ृंखला म आगे आएगी। (c) (d)

Q79. Select the Answer fig. That will

(c) (d) come next in the following Problem Fig.
Q76. Select the answer figure that will
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Afternoon) उ र आकृित का चयन करे जो िन िल खत
come next in the following problem
ृंखला म आगे आएगी
figure series.
उ र आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
आकृित ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
(a) (b)
CHSL 11-7-2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) CHSL 10-7-2019 (Evening)

Q73. Select the figure that will come (a) (b)

next in the following series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला (a) (b)
म आगे आएगी ?

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
CHSL 9-7-2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 2019 Tier I
Q77. Select the answer figure that will
come next in the following problem
figure series. Q80.Select the option figure that will
(a) (b) उ र आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत come next in the following series.
सम ा आकृित ृंखला म आगे आएगी। िन ृंखला म अगले िवक िवक का चयन

(c) (d)
CHSL 11-7-2019 (Morning)
Q74. Select the answer figure that will MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
come next in the following problem
figure series./उ र आकृित का चयन कर जो
िन िल खत सम ा आकृित ृंखला म आगे
आएगी। (a) (b) (a) (b)

CHSL 10-7-2019 (Morning) (c) (d) (c) (d)

Q78. Select the figure that will come Q81. Select the figure what will come
(a) (b) next in the following figure series. next in the following series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
ृंखला म आगे आएगी। अगले थान पर आएगी |
Problem Figure

(c) (d)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q75. Select the answer figure that will
come next in the following problem
figure series.
उ र आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत (a) (b)
Series (Non-Verbal)

उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म

अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d) (a) (b)

MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
Q82.Select the figure that will come
next in the following series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
(a) (b)
अगले थान पर आएगी | (c) (d)

Q89. Select the option figure that will

(c) (d)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) come next in the following series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
Q86. In the following question, select
अगले थान पर आएगी |
the figure which can be place at the sign
of question mark (?) from the given
(a) (b) िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
पर रखा जा सकता है ।

(c) (d) MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

Q83.Select the option figure that will

come next in the following series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म (a) (b) (c) (d)
अगले थान पर आएगी |
Q90. Select the option figure that will
come next in the following series.
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) (c) (d) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
Q87. In the following question, Select
the figure which can be placed at the
sign of Question mark(?) from the given
(a) (b) MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
पर रखा जा सकता है ।
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q84. Select the figure that will come

next in the following series. MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी | (c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q91. Select the option figure that will
come at the place of question mark (?) in
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) (d) the following series.
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
Q88. Select the option figure that will पर रखा जा सकता है ।
come next in the following series.
(a) (b) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)

Q85. Select the figure that will come (a) (b)

next in the following series.
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) (d) (c) (d) (c) (d)

Q92. Select the option figure that will Q95. Select the option figure that will Q98. Which of the following answer
come at the place of question mark (?) in figures completes the series of the
come at the place of question mark (?) in
the following series. question figure?
the following series. उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर अगले थान पर आएगी |
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच आने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
पर रखा जा सकता है ।

MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(c) (d) Q99. Select the option figure that will
come at the place of question mark (?) in
Q96. Select the option figure that will
Q93 Select the option figure that will the following series.
come at the place of question mark (?) in
come at the place of question mark (?) in िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
the following series.
the following series. आने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर आने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
पर रखा जा सकता है ।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)

MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d) Q100. Select the option figure that will

Q97. In the following question, select
the figure which can be placed at the come at the place of question mark (?) in
Q94. Select the option figure that will sign of question mark (?) from the given the following series.
come at the place of question mark (?) in alternatives. उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
the following series. िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर अगले थान पर आएगी |
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
पर रखा जा सकता है ।
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
पर रखा जा सकता है ।
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) . (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Series (Non-Verbal)

Q101. Select the figure that will come

next in the following series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी | (a) (b)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q108. Select the figure that will come
next in the following series.
(a) (b) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
(c) (d)

Q105. In the following question, select

(c) (d) the figure which can be placed at the MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
sign of question mark (?) from the given
Q102. Select the figure that will come alternatives.
next in the following figure series. िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म आने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
(a) (b)
अगले थान पर आएगी |

MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Q109. Select the option that will come

(a) (b) next in the following series.
(a) (b) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d)
(c) (d) MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)

Q103. Select the figure that will come Q106.Which of the following answer
next in the following figure series. figures completes the series of the
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म question figure?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म (a) (b)
अगले थान पर आएगी |
अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)

Q110.Which of the following answer

figures completes the series?
(a) (b) (a) (b) उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d) (c) (d)

MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)

Q107. Select the figure that will come

Q104. In the following question, select
next in the following series.
the figure which can be placed at the उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
sign of question mark (?) from the given अगले थान पर आएगी | (a) (b)
िन िल खत म, उस आं कड़े का चयन कर
िजसे िदए गए िवक ों म से िच (?) के िच
पर रखा जा सकता है । MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)
Question figure (c) (d) 444
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q111. Select the option that will come

next in the given series.
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q118. Which of the following answer

figures complete the series of the
(c) (d) question figure?
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
िन िल खत म से कौन सी उ र आकृित
Q115. Which of the following answer आकृित की ृंखला को पूरा करती है ?
figures will complete the given series?
(a) (b) िन िल खत म से कौन सी उ र आकृित दी गई
ृंखला को पूरा करे गी?
MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
Q112. Select the figure that will come
next in the following series. (a) (b)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)
(c) (d) SSC CPO 2019 TIER I

Q116. Select the figure that will come Q119. Select the Figure that will come
(a) (b) next in the following series. next in the following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म आगे आने वाले आं कड़े उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
का चयन कर। आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c) (d)
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
Q113. Which of the following answer
figures will complete the series?
िन िल खत म से कौन सी उ र आकृित ृंखला
को पूरा करे गी? (a) (b)
(a) (b)

MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q117. Which of the following answer
Q120. Select the figure that will come
figures completes the series of the
next in the following figure series.
(a) (b) Question figure?
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
िन िल खत म से कौन सी उ र आकृित
म अगले थान पर आयेगी |
आकृित की ृंखला को पूरा करती है ?

(c) (d)

Q114. Which of the following answer CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)

MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
figures completes the series?
उस िवक का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Series (Non-Verbal)

Q124. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो इस ृंखला म
अगले थान पर आएगी |
(c) (d) CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)

Q121. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत (a) (b)
आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी |

(a) (b)
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
(c) (d)

Q128. Select the figure that can replace

(c) (d) the question mark (?) in the following
(a) (b) series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
Q125.Select the figure that will come म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
(c) (d) म अगले थान पर आयेगी |
CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
Q 122. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
म अगले थान पर आएगी |
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (c) (d)

Q129. Select the figure that can replace

(c) (d) the question mark (?) in the following
(a) (b) figure series.
Q126.Select the figure that will come उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
next in the following figure series .
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
(c) (d) आकृित- ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी |

CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
Q 123. Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत अ र CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी | (a) (b)

(a) (b)
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (c) (d)

Q130. Select the figure that can replace

(c) (d) the question mark (?) in the following
(a) (b) उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
Q127.Select the figure that will come म िच के थान पर आ सकती है |
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत ृंखला
म अगले थान पर आएगी |

(c (d) CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q134. Select the figure that can replace

the question mark (?) in the following (c) (d)
(c) (d) series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले
Q137. Select the option that can replace
Q131. Select the figure that will come सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
the question mark (?) in the following
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल
ृंखला म आगे आएगी।
सकने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)

CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q135. Select the figure that can replace

the question mark (?) in the following (c) (d)
Q132. Select the figure that will come series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले Q138. Select the option that can replace
next in the following figure series.
सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर। the question mark (?) in the following
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन आकृित
ृंखला म आगे आएगी। series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल
सकने वाले िवक का चयन कर।

CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)

CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q133. Select the figure that will come
Q136. Select the figure that can replace
next in the following figure series.
the question mark (?) in the following (c) (d)
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो िन िल खत
आकृित ृंखला म अगले थान पर आएगी | series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले Q139. Select the option that can replace
सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
the question mark (?) in the following
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) को बदल
सकने वाले िवक का चयन कर।
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

Series (Non-Verbal)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q146.Select the figure that can
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I replace the question mark(?) in the
Q140. Select the figure that can replace following series.
Q143.Select the figure that can replace उस आकृित का चयन कर, जो नीचे दी गयी
the question mark (?) in the following
the question mark(?) in the following ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती
series है |
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है ?

CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)

CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q147.Select the figure that can replace
Q141. Select the figure that can replace Q144.Select the figure that can the question mark(?) in the following
the question mark(?) in the following replace the question mark(?) in the series. /
series. उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
following series
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |

CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)

CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d) Q148.Select the figure that can replace

Q142. Select the figure that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following the question mark(?) in the following
series. Q145.Select the figure that can series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच (?) की जगह ले replace the question mark(?) in the उस आकृित का चयन कर जो नीचे दी गयी ृंखला
सकने वाली आकृित का चयन कर। following series. म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है ?
उस आकृित का चयन कर जो दी गयी ृंखला म
िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है |

CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)

CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)

CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q152. Select the figure that can replace
Q149. Select the figure that can replace the question mark (?) in the following Q155.Select the figure that can replace
the question mark(?) in the following series. the question mark (?) in the following
series उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती
है | है |

CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)

CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)

CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q150. Select the figure that can replace Q153.Select the figure that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following Q156.Select the figure that can replace
the question mark (?) in the following
series. the question mark(?) in the following
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो दी गयी ृंखला
म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है | ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
। ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती
है ।

CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)

CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q151.Select the figure that can replace

(c) (d) (c) (d)
the question mark (?) in the following
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी Q154. Select the figure that can replace Q157.Select the figure that can replace
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है the question mark(?) in the following the question mark (?) in the following
| series./ उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे series.
दी गयी ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
सकती है | ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती
है ।
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)

Series (Non-Verbal)

CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) CHSL 18/03/20(Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q161.Select the figure that can replace Q164. Select the option figure that can
Q158. Select the figure that can replace
the question mark(?) in the following replace the question mark (?) in the
the question mark(?) in the following
figure series. following series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
होगी ? सा िवक सटीक है ?
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है
Question figure:

CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning) CHSL 17/03/20(Morning) CHSL 18/03/20(Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q159.Select the figure that can replace
Q165. Select the option figure that can
the question mark(?) in the following Q162. Study the given pattern in the replace the question mark (?) in the
question figure carefully and select the following series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
option from the answer figures that can िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है
replace the question mark (?) in it. होगी ?

िदए गए ित प को ान पूवक पढ़ और बताएं
की िच के थान पर कौन सा अंक आएगा ?

CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)

CHSL 18/03/20(Evening)

(a) (b)
Answer figure: (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q160.Select the figure that can replace CHSL 17/03/20(Afternoon)
the question mark(?) in the following
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D Q166.Select the figure that will come
next in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो नीचे दी गयी
Q163. Select the option figure that will िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
ृंखला म िच ( ? ) के थान पर आ सकती है
come next in the following series. / सा िवक सटीक है ?

िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी ?

CHSL 19/03/20(Afternoon)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q173. Select the option figure that can

Q170. Select the correct mirror image of
replace the question mark (?) in the
(c) (d) the given figure when the mirror is
placed to the right side of the figure. /
figure series. / िच के थान पर कौन सी
उिचत दपण छाया को चुने जब दपण को दी गयी
Q167.Select the figure that will come आकृित आएगी ?
आकृित के दािहनी तरफ रखा गया हो |
next in the given series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी ?
CHSL 13/10/20(Morning)

CHSL 12/10/20(Evening)
CHSL 19/03/20(Evening)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q174. Select the option figure that can

(c) (d) (c) (d)
replace the question mark (?) in the
following figure series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन
Q168. Select the option figure that will सी आकृित आएगी ?
come next in the following series. Q171. Select the figure that will come
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी next in the following figure series. /
होगी ? िन िल खत िवक ों म से कौन सी आकृित दी
गयी ृंखला को पूण करे गी ? CHSL 13/10/20(Afternoon)

CHSL 12/10/20(Morning) CHSL 12/10/20(Evening) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Q175. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
(c) (d) िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए
कौन सा िवक उिचत होगा ?
Q169. Select the option figure that can (c) (d)
replace the question mark (?) in the
following series. Q172. Select the figure that will come CHSL 13/10/20(Evening)
िन िल खत म से कौन सी आकृित िच के next in the following figure series. /
थान पर आएगा ? िन ल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी ?

(a) (b)
CHSL 12/10/20(Afternoon)
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)

(c) (d)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
Series (Non-Verbal)

Q176. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series. /
CHSL 15/10/20(Evening) (a) (b)
िन ल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी

(a) (b)
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon) (c) (d)

Q183. Select the option figure that will

(c) (d) come next in the following series.
(a) (b) िन िल खत िवक ों म से अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी ?
Q180. Select the answer figure that can
replace the question mark (?) in the
following question figure.
(c) (d) िच के थान पर कौन सी आकृित आएगी ? CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)

Q177.Select the option figure that will

come next in the following series.
दी गयी ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी आएगी CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
CHSL 15/10/20(Morning) (c) (d)

Q184. Select the figure that will come

next in the following series.
(c) (d) दी गयी ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी होगी ?
(a) (b)
Q181. Select the answer figure that can
replace the question mark (?) in the
following question figure.
(c) (d) िन िल खत म से कौन सी आकृित िच के
थान पर आएगी ? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)

Q178. Select the figure that will come

next in the following figure series.
दी गयी ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी होगी ?
CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)

CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q185. Select the option figure that will

(a) (b) come next in the following series.
दी गयी ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी होगी ?
Q182. Select the option figure that will
come next in the following series.
िदए गए िवक ों म से कौन सी आकृित ृंखला म
(c) (d) आगे आएगी ? CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)

Q179. Select the figure that can replace

the question mark (?) in the following CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) (b)
figure series.
िच के थान पर कौन सी आकृित आएगी ?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) (d)
(c) (d) CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)

Q186. Select the option figure that can SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1
replace the question mark in the
following series. (a) (b) Q193. Select the figure that will replace
दी गयी ृंखला को पूण करने के िलए उिचत the question mark (?) in the following
िवक का चयन कर | figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
(c) (d) आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Q190. Select the option that will fill in
the blank and complete the given series.
िन िल खत ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी
होगी ? CPO 23/11/20(Morning)

CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning) (a) (b)
Q187. Select the option figure that can
replace the question mark (?) in the
following series. (a) (b)
िच के थान पर िन िल खत म से कौन सी (c) (d)
आकृित आएगी |
(c) (d) Q194. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark (?) in the following
CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
Q191.Select the figure that will come figure series
next in the following figure series. उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
दी गयी ृंखला म िच के थान पर कौन सी आकृित ृंखला म िच के थान पर आएगी?
आकृित आएगी ?
(a) (b)

CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) CPO 23/11/20(Morning)

(c) (d)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Q188. Select the option that will fill in
the blank and complete the given series.
िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक उपरो
ृंखला को पूण करे गा ?
(c) (d) (c) (d)

SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning) Q192.Select the option figure that can Q195. Select the figure that will replace
replace the question mark(?) in the the question mark(?) in the following
following series. figure series.
िच के थान पर िन िल खत िवक ों म से िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) के
(a) (b) थान पर आने वाली आकृित का चयन कीिजए।
कौन सी आकृित आएगी?

(c) (d)
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening)
Q189. Select the figure that will come
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)
next in the following series.
दी गयी ृंखला म अगली आकृित कौन सी आएगी
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
Series (Non-Verbal)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q196. Select the figure that will replace
Q202. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark(?) in the following Q199. Select the figure that will replace the question mark(?) in the following
figure series. the question mark (?) in the following
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत figure series.
figure series िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
सकती है ।
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर

SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q197. Select the figure that will replace Q203. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark (?) in the following Q200. Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following
figure series. the question mark (?) in the following figure series.
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत figure series. िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर आ िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
सकती है । ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।

CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)
CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q201. A paper is folded and cut as

Q198. Select the figure that will replace
shown below. How will it appear when Q204. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark (?) in the following
unfolded the question mark (?) in the following
figure series.
एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है । figure series
उस आकृित का चयन कीिजए जो िन िल खत
खोलने पर यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा ? िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) के थान पर
आएगी। ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर

CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)

CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q208. Select the figure that will replace

the question mark (?) in the following
figure series.
(c) (d) िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को (a) (b)
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।

Q205. Select the figure that will replace

the question mark (?) in the following
figure series. (c) (d)
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर। Q211. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark (?) in the following
figure series.
(a) िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।

(a) (b) (b) SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q206. Select the figure that will replace
the question mark (?) in the following
figure series. (c) (d)
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।

1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b)

Q209. Select the figure that will replace 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(a)
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
the question mark (?) in the following
9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(d)
figure series.
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(c) 16.(a)
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(a)
(a) (b)
21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(d)
25.(c) 26.(b) 27.(d) 28.(c)
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
29.(b) 30.(d) 31.(c) 32.(b)
(c) (d)
33.(a) 34.(d) 35.(d) 36.(d)

Q207. Select the figure that will replace (a) (b) 37.(b) 38.(a) 39.(d) 40.(c)
the question mark (?) in the following 41.(b) 42.(b) 43.(d) 44.(a)
figure series. 45.(b) 46.(a) 47.(a) 48.(a)
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर। (c) (d) 49.(a) 50.(c) 51.(b) 52.(d)
53.(a) 54.(d) 55.(a) 56.(d)
Q210. Select the figure that will replace
57.(d) 58.(d) 59.(d) 60.(d)
the question mark (?) in the following
CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) figure series. 61.(a) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64.(d)
िन िल खत आकृित ृंखला म िच (?) को 65.(d) 66.(d) 67.(c) 68.(a)
ित थािपत करने वाली आकृित का चयन कर।
69.(a) 70.(a) 71.(a) 72.(c)
(a) (b) 73.(b) 74.(c) 75.(d) 76.(c)
77.(d) 78.(a) 79.(b) 80.(d)
CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 81.(c) 82.(a) 83.(d) 84.(a)
(c) (d) 85.(c) 86.(a) 87.(b) 88.(c)
Series (Non-Verbal)

89.(b) 90.(b) 91.(c) 92.(d) Sol 3 (a) We will check the first letter of
each box. There are 5 symbols but in the
93.(c) 94.(b) 95.(c) 96.(d)
given 4 boxes there is a sign of minus(-)
97.(b) 98.(d) 99.(b) 100.(d) which is missing. In the same way now
101.(d) 102.(a) 103.(d) 104.(c) multiply
105.(d) 106.(d) 107.(d) 108.(c) (×) is missing and so on we will check third Sol 10 (c) In the given question, in each
symbol of each box now addition( +) is figure we are removing two lines.In the
109.(c) 110.(a) 111.(b) 112.(b)
missing. At fourth place after checking similar way at the place of ?? after
113.(c) 114.(d) 115.(d) 116.(b) we put the circle and in the last 5th sign removing two lines we get the image
117.(a) 118.(a) 119.(d) 120.(d) will be a triangle which is missed. given in OPTION C.
121.(d) 122.(c) 123.(c) 124.(a) So, option A is correct.
Sol 11 (a) In the first figure we noticed
125.(d) 126.(d) 127.(a) 128.(b)
Sol 4. (b) Line inside the circle rotates the location of the symbols. In the next
129.(a) 130.(c) 131.(a) 132.(b) anti clockwise by 45°. And the cross figure there is a clockwise rotation and
133.(c) 134.(d) 135.(a) 136.(a) sign is always on the left side of the line. in place of ?? there will again be a
137.(b) 138.(d) 139.(c) 140.(d) clockwise rotation . Therefore Option A
is correct.
141.(a) 142.(b) 143.(d) 144.(a)
145.(d) 146.(d) 147.(d) 148.(c) Sol 12 (d) Line and dot are on opposite
149.(d) 150.(b) 151.(a) 152.(a) will come next in the sides of hexagon in 1st and 3rd so in 5th
given series. diagram it will also on opposite side.
153.(b) 154.(b) 155.(c) 156.(a)
157.(b) 158.(a) 159.(a) 160.(d) Sol 5. (b) Five sides are added in every
161.(b) 162.(c) 163.(c) 164.(d) next diagram
165.(d) 166.(b) 167.(c) 168.(d)
169.(a) 170.(b) 171.(c) 172.(c)
173.(a) 174.(b) 175.(c) 176.(b) Sol 13 (c) In this question each figure
will come next in the
177.(c) 178.(c) 179.(d) 180.(b) symbol is interchanging.
given series.
181.(c) 182.(a) 183.(d) 184.(a) In first figure and are
185.(d) 186.(b) 187.(d) 188.(d) Sol 6. (c) In the given series
interchanging. In the next figure
189.(b) 190.(c) 191.(b) 192.(a)
193.(c) 194.(c) 195.(a) 196.(b) and signs are interchanging. In final

197.(c) 198.(b) 199.(c) 200.(d) image and will be

201.(b) 202.(d) 203.(b) 204.(d) will come next. interchanged
205.(d) 206.(a) 207.(b) 208.(b)
Sol 7. (d)
209.(a) 210.(a) 211.(c)

Sol 1 (b)
Logic here is that the number of vertex is
increasing by 1 in next figure and parts Now the next will be
Sol.8. (a) In the following question,
of figure is also increasing. there is a rotation in a clockwise
For ex; triangle 3 vertex 2 parts so in the direction.
answer it should be a heptagon with 6 Triangle is moving in an anticlockwise
parts which is in figure (B). direction at 90° angle. Signs are also
changing their position. Sol 14 (c) 1 line is being added
Sol 2 (a) So option A is the correct answer. constantly in every next image. 1 line
inside and next outside so in the answer
Sol 9. (c) image the 2 would be inside and 2
outside. So option C is the correct

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Sol 21 (a) Image is rotating in the anti rotates alternatively at 90° then it rotates
clockwise direction and small lines are at 45° in anticlockwise direction.
shifting inside and outside So, option a
is the correct option. Sol 32.(b)The pattern is lines are
moving in the clockwise direction and
Sol 15 (c) here the figure is rotating
Sol 22(d) The correct answer is numbers of lines are increased by 1.
clockwise and the signs inside the figure
are once moving at the top and another
Sol 33 (a) the symbol(looks like V) is
time at the bottom.
rotating 90 degrees anticlockwise, and
Arc and dot are interchanging their
the square box is rotating 45 degrees
position in every clockwise rotation.
in clockwise direction.
Now the next will be Here, the signs are shuffled in a
downward direction.
CGL 2018 Tier I
Sol.23 (b) Here, the X are replaced from
Sol 34. (d)
the upper side and added downwards.
Number of X will become four both
Sol 16 (a) Here, the figure which will upper and lower side
complete the series will be:
Sol.24 (d) Here, one line is being added
on the right side of the image.
So, the correct image which will
Sol 35. (d)
complete the series.

Here, one line is removed from the

hexagon and put that line inside the

Sol.17 (a) Here, the figure which Sol 36. (d) Circle is moving in
complete the series: Sol 25. (c) Next figure is the anticlockwise by skipping 1
anti-clockwise rotation of the previous And X is moving by skipping, 0,1,2,3 in
figure. clockwise direction.

Sol 26. (b)

Sol 37. (b)
Figure 1 and figure 3 are the same.
Similarly figure 2 and figure 4 must be
In this figure, one arrow is adding on & the same.
direction of the arrow is opposite.
Sol 27. (d) Figure 1 and figure 3 are the
Sol 18 (c) The given image is rotating in same. Similarly figure 2 and figure 4
must be the same.
a clockwise direction and its last line is Sol 38. (a)
half removed. Sol.28 (c) each time the new image is
The resultant figure will be: rotated by 90° clockwise and a line
joining the centre and left corner is
added in the figure.

Sol 29 (b) Logic is- one line is removed

Sol 39. (d)
from the triangle and one concentric
Sol 19 (d) In the question, the square
circle is added .
image is rotating in a clockwise direction
while the signs of + and dot is rotating in Sol 30 (d) the position of symbol ‘ × ’ is
anticlockwise direction. shifting 90 degrees in clockwise
direction and each time symbol ‘ × ’ is
Sol 20 (a) The arrow of the figure is Sol 40. (c) Shaded part is moving in
increased by 1.
rotating in the clockwise direction and clockwise direction after leaving 0, 1, 2,
So, option D is the right answer.
the shaded part of the circle is shifting 3 parts of the circle. So, after leaving 3
alternatively right and left. parts only option (b) satisfy the
Sol 31(c) Here the inner line first rotates
alternatively at 45° and 90° in clockwise condition.
direction. Similarly, outer Arrow first
Series (Non-Verbal)

Sol 41. (b)

Sol 51. (b) Sol 60. (d) Logic is : the shaded corner
Sol 42. (b) to get the 2nd picture we and the shaded part of the oval is on the
have to move the 1st picture clockwise same face of the square but on are
then make it’s water image. opposite to each other. So, option D is
the correct answer.
Sol 43. (d)
Sol 61. (a) Logic is : Next appearing
Sol 52. (d) figure has one more side than the
previous appeared figure and also the
previous appeared figure is shaded.

Sol 44. (a)

Sol.62. (d)

Sol 53. (a)

Sol 45. (b)

Sol 63. (b) The sum of * and + in all the
figure is 6. So, option a and c are ruled
Sol 54. (d)
out and the shaded part is rotating in the
clockwise direction so the left side will
be shaded in the left side. Now option d
ruled out and option b is the answer.
Sol 46. (a)
Sol 64. (d)
CHSL 2018 Tier I

Sol 55. (a) Logic is : the shaded part is

moving by skipping 1, 2, 1, 2… so on.
Sol 47. (a)
Sol 56. (d) Sol 65. (d)

Sol 48. (a)

Sol 66. (d) Here, in the given figure
Sol 57. (d) The figure in the lower left series, the shaded triangle is rotating in
corner comes in the centre of the next clockwise direction, and the circle
figure, so rhombus is only in centre of alternates between two positions at every
option D . next step. The next figure will be as
shown below.
Sol 49. (a) Sol 58. (d)

Sol 67. (c) Here, in the given figure

series, one line is added in every step &
Sol 59. (d)
Sol 50. (c) lines are rotating in clockwise direction.
And circles are shaded at every alternate
step & also the circle is moving at the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

corner of the given box in clockwise Sol 81.(c) Figure is rotating

direction.So, the next figure will be as Sol 75. (d) In the given figure series, the anticlockwise by 45°
shown below. number of dots described inside the
figure is reducing by one in each step &
also the figure is rotating in an
anticlockwise direction. So the next
figure will be as shown below.
Sol 68. (a) Here, at every step the circle Sol 82.(a)
& square are moving at 90 degree in
clockwise direction, and also the square
is shaded at alternate steps. So, the next
figure will be as shown below.
Sol 76. (c) The figures are rotating in the
anticlockwise direction in each figure. Sol 83.(d)
So, the next figure will be as shown

Sol 69. (a) Here in every next step, lines

and circles are added up in clockwise
Sol 84.(a).
Sol 77. (d) Here, the figure is moving in
Sol 70. (a) the clockwise direction at 90 degree.So,
Here, in the given figure series, square & the next image will be as shown below.
circle rotate at 45 degree in clockwise
direction and also circle & square are
shaded at the alternate steps. Sol 85.(c)Alphabets are changing their
positions in clockwise direction by 1
Sol 71. (a) Following the pattern, top place.
right corner and top right quadrant is Sol 78. (a) Figure 2 is the combination Sol 86.(a)
shaded So, figure a is the correct answer. of the rotation of figure 1 + figure 3
Figure 4 is the combination of rotation
Sol 72. (c) Here, the number of lines are of figure 3 + figure 5
reduced continuously by 1 at every step Each time a new figure is being added.
and the figure is rotating 45 degree in an Similarly answer figure would be
anticlockwise direction. So, the next rotation of figure 5 (option c and d ruled Sol 87.(b)
figure will be as shown below. out)
And option b has triangle, which is a old
figure (option b ruled out)
Option a is the correct answer.

Sol 73. (b) Here, the number of dots are Sol 79. (b) Here, in the given figure Sol 88.(c)
reduced continuously by 1 at every step series, the circle is rotating anticlockwise
and the figure is rotating in an with all including figures. Thus, the next
anticlockwise direction. So, the next image will be shown below.
figure will be as shown below.

Sol 89.(b)

Sol 74. (c) In the given figure series, the SSC MTS 2019 Tier I
figure is rotating in 90 degree clockwise
direction .So the next figure will be as Sol 80.(d)
Sol 90.(b)
shown below.

Series (Non-Verbal)

Sol 91.(c)

Sol 101.(d) Sol 107.(d) Here, triangle rotates at 90

degree anticlockwise at every next step.
Sol 92.(d) And the pentagon and + symbol rotate at
180 degree anticlockwise.

Sol 102.(a)Here, the shaded arrow

symbol moves two places in clockwise
wise direction. And square in the middle
Sol 93.(c) of the 1st figure is same alternatively
figure (e.g 1st ↔ 3rd) so the next image Sol 108.(c)The number of sides inside
will be as shown below. the figure is increasing by 1 at every
step, so the next figure will be pentagon.

Sol 94.(b)

Sol 103.(d)Here, the arrow symbol is

replaced by a star in the 3rd figure and Sol 109.(c)Here, arrow & triangle
also the square symbol in the 3rd figure symbols are rotating clockwise with
is replaced by diamond in the 4th figure. shifting of two places. The circle and
And also the circle symbol moves 90 square come alternatively.
Sol 95.(c) degree first time 180 degree second
time, 270 degree third time & so on. in
clockwise direction.

Sol 110.(a) Here, the triangle in the First

figure is a mirror image of the triangle in
Sol 96.(d)
the third figure, and the square and circle
Sol 104.(c) The dot inside the figure is interchange their positions. Similarly
rotating anticlockwise first one place , triangle in second figure will be mirror
then 2 places, 3 places & so on.. image of 4th figure and the square and
circle interchange their positions.
Sol 97.(b)

Sol 105.(d)Here, Star, Dot, & plus signs

are repeated after two figures. And also Sol 111.(b)The circle in the given figure
Sol 98.(d)
arrow sign keeps changing in each step. series is moving clockwise direction,
with shifting to two places ort vertex
from the initial position, so the next
image figure will be as shown below.

Sol 99.(b)
Sol 106.(d) Here, in the given figure
series, ↓ symbol rotates 90 degree in
clockwise direction.
Sol 112.(b) Here, symbols are rotating
anticlockwise and in every figure one

Sol 100.(d) 460

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

symbol is being replaced by a new


Sol 118.(a)Here, Δ & circle are rotating

at 90 degree in clockwise direction at Sol 124. (a)
Sol 113.(c)By interchanging square and every step. So, the next image will be as
circle positions and also reversing the shown below.
shape of the triangle from the 1st figure,
third figure is obtained. Similarly By
interchanging square and circle positions
and also reversing the shape of the
triangle from the 3rd figure, fourth Sol 125.(d)
figure is obtained. In the given figures a distinct pattern is
being followed the extreme left-hand
symbols shift to the extreme right and
S.119. (d) Logic is : Triangle moves
interchange their positions as well like *
anticlockwise direction by skipping
and @ in the first and second figure $
and @ in the third and fourth figure,
Sol 114.(d) square is rotating 90 degree finally + and Δ in the fourth and fifth
Sol 120.(d)
in clockwise direction and the triangle is figure.
rotating clockwise direction with
changing face at every step. Sol 126.(d)

The figure is rotated in clockwise

direction, if the circle is focussed in the
first figure then we can notice that the
Sol 115.(d) Here, in the given figure circle goes clockwise direction and in Sol 127.(a)
series, the shaded part inside the circle is the final figure we can easily place its In the given figure series in the First and
rotating anticlockwise and the square position. Third figures the shapes Δ and ▭ are in
type figure also keeps rotating at 90 opposite places. So, as per the given
degree in anticlockwise direction. Sol 121.(d) pattern the opposite of second figure
In the given sequence of figures, we can would be option (a)
see that Δ, *, ▭ remain in their
position in two figures and change Sol 128. (b)
anticlockwise to one place and again
hold their position in the next two
Sol 116.(b) Here, in the figure series, all
figures and the center figure ‘] [‘ opens
figures are moving at 90 degree in
in the first and then remains closed in the
clockwise direction. So, the next image
two consecutive figures ‘[ ]’ and then ‘]
will be as shown below. Sol 129. (a) Logic is : @ is moving in
[‘ in the next two.Now, in the fifth figure
they have to again change anticlockwise the anticlockwise direction at each
to one position corner. So, @ will be the right top
And hold so, only figure (d) satisfies the corner. The correct option will be option
given condition. (a).
Sol 117.(a) Here, in the given figure
series, circle and square type figures are Sol 122.(c) By observation, option c Sol 130. (c)
rotating at 90 degree in clockwise will be the correct answer.
direction and the triangle continues on
its alternate places with direction
changes only . So, the next image will be
as shown below.
Sol 131. (a) After carefully observing
Sol 123. (c) the figures given in the question, it is

Series (Non-Verbal)

very clear that the answer figure(a) will the bottom so, in the fourth figure it
be the next figure. should be at the top right corner. Which Sol 145.(d)In this series, the rotates
is only in option D. clockwise and similarly goes

Sol 139. (c) Each time a new symbol is clockwise, ‘ ’ keeps on increasing
added ahead of the previously added in the successive figure.
symbol in the clockwise direction.
Which is only present in the option C In this figure
Sol 132. (b)
alternately the sections get shaded in
Sol 140. (d) The figure in the left corner colour.
is coming at the middle of the base. So,
@ will be at the middle of the base. 6 Sol 146.(d)The triangle & circle in the
and 9 is coming in the alternate manner first figure move diagonally opposite to
so, 9 will be in the answer. the next figure.And pentagon moves left
Sol 133. (c) Arrow is moving in an side.
anticlockwise direction by 90 degree. Sol 141. (a)
Which is only in option C. Small circle is moving one place
anticlockwise and the star is moving one
Sol 134. (d) After carefully observing step clockwise. So option a is the correct
the figures given in the question, it is answer.
very clear that the answer figure(d) will
be the next figure. Sol 142. (b) Logic is : All the four parts
Sol 147.(d)
are moving in the clockwise direction
The required pattern is:
and the figure in the left side is replaced
1+ 4= 5,
by some new figure.
5+ 4= 9,
So, shaded part is in the upper side, ‘#’
9+ 6= 15
in the right side, ‘u’ at the bottom and ‘t’
15+ 6= 21.
Sol 135. (a) After carefully observing at the left. All these conditions are
the figures given in the question, it is fulfilled by the option (b)
very clear that the answer figure(a) will Difference between option (a) and (b) is Sol 148.(c)If the position of is
be the next figure. the number of lines. only focused then it is clear that in the
successive figures it takes a clockwise
SSC CGL 2019 TIER I direction position along with getting

Sol 143.(d) inverted alternately and also the

pentagon symbol follows the same.
Sol 136. (a) After carefully observing
the figures given in the question, it is Sol 149.(d)
very clear that the answer figure(a) will
be the next figure.
By tracking the movement of ‘+’ in the The figures is moving
given figure it is observed that it rotates clockwise within the square and in every
at 90 degree in an anti-clockwise path. successive figure the following patterns
Thus, the correct position of ‘+’ is in
option(d) are observed .
Sol 150.(b)Here, the diamond shaped
Sol 137. (b) After carefully observing Sol 144.(a)The Pentagon outside is symbol is moving in clockwise direction
inverted alternately. And, After two with +1. +2, +3 places & so on.
the figures given in the question, it is
places, Δ (three sides) is replaced with And plus symbol does the same in
very clear that the answer figure(b) will
be the next figure. square(four sides) now a four sided anticlockwise direction.
figure must be replaced with a 5 sided
figure i.e. Pentagon ‘ ’ in the series
The direction of the arrow keeps on
changing alternately from left to right Sol 151.(a) The triangle is shaded at
and vice versa. alternate steps and also rotating 45
Sol 138. (d) Here,each time a new
degree in clockwise direction.The
symbol is being added. In the second
diamond symbol is rotating 90 degree in
figure a new symbol came in the right
anticlockwise direction and also at
top corner and in the third figure it is at 462
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

alternate steps , a circle and semicircle

are mentioned. Sol 158.(a)

Sol 165. (d)

The given diagram is rotating 90°
Sol 152.(a) anticlockwise.
The required pattern is:

Sol 159.(a)

Only one figure follows the given

Sol 166. (b) The given figure is
Sol 153.(b) moving in clockwise direction by one
Sol 160.(d)In each of the successive place . So , The next figure will be as
figure , the number of horizontal lines option (b).
are keeping on decreasing by ‘1’ and the
vertical lines are increasing by ‘1
Hence option d is the correct answer.
Sol 154.(b)
Sol 167. (c) The STAR symbol is
moving clockwise by each corner and
the shaded part of the small square is
moving up and down. So , The next
SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I figure in the figure series is shown
Sol 155.(c) below.
The diagram given below depicts how Sol 161. (b)
all the signs in the question are moving: Here, the circle and triangle are
exchanged their position with +1 which
is on the upper side. If it continues, the
circle will be four in next figure. So,
option (b) is correct. Sol 168. (d)
The given figures have a number of
sides in a sequential order and the lines
Sol 156.(a)
at the top are decreasing by one in each
figure. Therefore, the following figure
should have seven sides and no extra
Sol 162. (c)
The sign ‘o’ moves clockwise inside the The number of horizontal lines is
Sol 169. (a) The outer diagram is
square in the successive figure, and the increasing by 1.
moving clockwise while the inner arrow
sign ‘ ⃞ ’ moves from right to left and
Sol 163. (c) The coloured part of the is moving up and down.
vice-versa in every alternate segment
inside along the top position of the figure is moving clockwise. So , The
square. next figure will be as option (c).

Sol 157.(b)

The sign is moving in Clockwise Sol 170. (b).

direction, and appear

Sol 164. (d) The whole figure is moving
alternately in the successive figure.
clockwise. So , The next figure will be
as option (d).
is rotating on its axis as well as Sol 171. (c)
within the hexagon in clockwise The coloured triangle is moving 2 places
direction. to the clockwise direction while the lined
Series (Non-Verbal)

triangle is moving 3 places in clockwise Sol 187. (d) Here, the number of arrow
direction. symbol is increasing by 1 at every next
step.And also shaded part of the arrow is
Sol 172. (c) moving inverted at every next step.
The diagrams in the given series are
moving in a clockwise direction. Sol 180. (b) Here all symbols in the Sol 188. (d) Here, the triangle symbol in
given figure series are rotating at 90 the middle of the figure series is rotating
Sol 173. (a) The circle is moving left degrees in anti clockwise direction. clockwise.
and right while the small square is
moving anti clockwise.

Sol 189. (b)

Sol 181. (c)
The given figure is rotating in a
Sol 174. (b) The arrow is moving
clockwise direction. Therefore, option
upward and downward with change in its
direction and the star is in the center at (c).
odd places.
Sol 190. (c) We can easily see the middle
arrow symbol is rotating in clockwise

Sol 182. (a) Here, both shaded parts are

Sol 175. (c) The coloured part of the moving clockwise.
circle is moving in clockwise direction
with the change in places by 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 Sol 191. (b)Here, the rectangle inside the
and so on. figure series is rotating in clockwise
direction & the shaded part of the
triangle is moving inside the rectangle
Sol 183. (d) Here, The outside shaded 1st time then outside in the next time &
triangle is rotating at 45 degree in anti so on.
clockwise direction & inside the shaded
Sol 176. (b) triangle is rotating at 45 degree in
The shaded portion in the given pattern clockwise direction.
is moving two places in the
anticlockwise direction.
Sol 192. (a) Here, the circle symbol in
Sol 177. (c) The small shaded triangle is the figure series is rotating in
moving clockwise and the small anticlockwise direction, and star symbol
coloured circle inside the circle is Sol 184. (a)Here, the lines are & shaded triangle are moving in
moving in clockwise direction with an clockwise direction.So, the next image
decreasing at every next step and also
angle of 600 . one side keeps decreasing at every in the figure series will as shown below.
step.For ex. Hexagon, Pentagon then

Sol 193.(c) Movement is as

Sol 178. (c) Shaded portion - clockwise
Smaller circle - clockwise
Sol 185. (d) Pointed arrow(tip) - clockwise
Hence option C is the correct answer.
Sol 186. (b) Here, the circle symbol is
shaded at every alternate step. And no of Sol 194.(c)
Sol 179. (d)Here, the shaded part is circles keep increasing at every step. Each of the given symbols are moving
shifting rightward at every step. one position upward diagonally.
Sol 195.(a)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

In the middle there is an alternate dark The main figure in the centre is shifting
and white circle so by this logic option C Sol 203.(b) 45 degree anticlockwise(option b and c
and D are eliminated. Also the Pentagon eliminated)
is moving clockwise so option A is also The dot is moving forward each so it
eliminated so the only option left is B will move further in the answer figure
which is the required answer. (option d eliminated)
1-2-3-4-5 are moving in a cyclic order.
Sol 196.(b) Means figure at 1 will move to 2 in the Sol 211.(c)
Cyclicity of arrow is of 4, cyclicity of next figure and so on... First and third figure are identical,
circle is of 4 and cyclicity of half shaded meaning that cyclicity is of 2. Similarly,
square is 2 So, Sol 204.(d) Logic is : the arrow is second and fourth must be identical.
The figure has a cyclicity of 4. So, after moving in its same position i.e
4 figure the last figure will appear. clockwise, so option 1 & 2 eliminated.
And the square which has 4 sides, its
Sol 197.(c) side increases by +1 so it changes to
Small figure at the bottom is the pattern Pentagon of side 5.
of the increasing side, so the next Sol.41.(d)The pattern follows as: In
Hexagon should appear at the bottom of middle symbols, the 1st symbol moves
the fourth rectangle. So option c is the to the last and rest are shifter forward.
correct answer. Oval shaped symbol has a cyclicity of 2.

Sol 198.(b) Sol 205. (d)The pattern follows as: In

middle symbols, the 1st symbol moves
to the last and rest are shifter forward.
Oval shaped symbol has a cyclicity of 2.
figure at 1 will move to 2, 2
to 3 and so on.
Sol.206.(a) Figure is rotating clockwise
Sol 199.(c) by 45° . So option b and c are
Circle moves forward at the next vertex eliminated. Curve of the tale also
in a clockwise direction. So , option a changes its direction. So, option d is
and b are eliminated. Dark side of the eliminated.Hence, option A is the correct
circle will be on the lower half of the answer.
Sol 207.(b)
Sol 200.(d) From observation, we can say that
Consider 8 places in a square (4 at option B is the correct answer.
vertices and 4 at the middle)
Star is moving in the anticlockwise Sol 208.(b)
leaving 0,1,2,3 places at a time. So, star In first figure: Square : Circle : Hexagon
will come along the upper side in the In second figure : Hexagon : Square :
middle which is present in only one Circle
option. In third figure : Circle : Hexagon
Sol 201.(b) From the above data observe the pattern
that the small figure inside is moving
outside and the large figure outside in
coming to the centre.
So, the pattern will be : Square : circle :
From observation, we can easily say that Hexagon
option B is the correct answer.
Sol 202.(d) Sol 209.(a) Half shaded figure is rotating
in the cyclic order at position 2-3-1 so
on…So, in the answer figure it should be
at the middle which is only in one
From the diagram, 1-2-3 option.
and a-b are changing their places in
cyclic order Sol 210.(a)
Counting Figure

आकृितयों की गणना 1 2 3
Basic of counting figure - 2
In this chapter, several shapes are given
inside a shape (eg triangle, rectangle, Number of rectangles = 1+2+3+4 = 10
square, straight line) in which we have to And 1+2+3 = 6
find the number of shapes. Let us In the given figure, row and column are
So, total number of rectangles
understand this by following some 3 = 10 × 6 = 60
questions/इस अ ाय म, एक आकृित के भीतर So, number of squares =
कई आकृितयां दी गयी होती है (जैसे- ि भुज, 12 + 22 + 32 = 14
आयत, वग, सीधी रे खा) िजसमे हमे आकृितयों की
सं ा ात करना होता है । इसे कुछ िन िल खत Type II - (when row and column are
ो ारा समझते है Q1. How many triangles are there in the
not equal)
following figure?
Some tricks to find number of triangles: दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
1 2 3 4

Number of triangle = 1 (a)12 (b)8 (c)14 (d)10
Number of squares = Q2. How many triangles are there in the
following figure?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह?
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

Number of triangles = ABC, ACD, ABD 4 × 3 = 12

=3 (a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 10
3×2 = 6
Trick = 1+2 = 3
2×1 = 2
In the same way, Q3. How many triangles are there in the
Total number of square = 12+6+2 = 20
following figure?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Some tricks to find number of triangles:
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
Type - I (when row and column are

1 2 3
(a)20 (b)17 (c)16 (d)14
Number of triangles = 1+2+3 = 6 2
In the same way,
3 Q4. How many triangles are there in the
following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)

Number of Rectangle =
1+2+3 = 6
1+2+3 = 6
Number of triangles = 1+2+3+4 = 10
Total number of rectangles
And so on…..
= 6 × 6 = 36 (a) 14 (b) 19 (c) 21 (d) 23
Some tricks to find number of square:
Type - II (when row and column are Q5. How many triangles are there in the
Type - I (when row and column are
not equal) following figure?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Find the number of square in the given
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
figure 1 2 3 4
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 11 (d) 15

Q17. How many triangles are there in

the following figure?
(a)35 (b)36 (c)34 (d)30 (a)9 (b)4 (c)6 (d)7 इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
Q6. How many triangles are there in the CGL 2018 TIER I
following figure?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Q12. How many squares are there in the
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने वग है ? (a) 32 (b) 24 (c) 28 (d) 36
CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)
Q18. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
(a)30 (b)24 (c)26 (d)28
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 13 (d) 14
Q7. How many triangles are there in
the following figure? Q13. How many triangles are there in
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? the following figure?
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) (a) 14 (b) 13 (c) 17 (d) 15
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज है ?
CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon
Q19. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
(a)22 (b)16 (c)18 (d)20 इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q8.How many triangles are there in the
following figure? (a) 14 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) 16
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q14. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज है ? (a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 16 (d) 14
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Q20. How many triangles are there in
(a)14 (b)12 (c)16 (d)20
the following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Q9. How many triangles are there in the
CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
following figure?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 18 (b) 12 (c) 14 (d) 16
CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Q15. How many squares are there in the
following figure?
इस आकृित म िकतने वग ह ? (a) 27 (b) 29 (c) 31 (d) 25
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)
(a) 21 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 24
Q21. How many triangles are there in
Q10. How many squares are there in the the following figure?
following figure? इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
इस आकृित म िकतने वग ह ? CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)

(a)12 (b)18 (c)16 (d)14

Q16. How many triangles are there in

the following figure?
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
इस आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 14 (b) 24 (c) 22 (d) 18
(a) 8 (b) 14 (c) 10 (d) 12
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)

Q11. Find the number of squares in the Q22. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
following figure.
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह?
िन िल खत आकृित म वग की सं ा ात कर |
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)

Counting Figure

Q28. How many triangles are there in

the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) 34 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 24
(a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 13
Q23. How many triangles are there in
the following figure? (a) 30 (b) 28 (c) 24 (d) 26 Q34. How many triangles are present in
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह? the following figure.
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) Q29. How many triangles are there in नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
the following figure? CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?

(a) 33 (b) 18 (c) 31 (d) 29

(a) 14 (b) 13 (c) 10 (d) 12
Q24. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
(a) 21 (b) 23 (c) 19 (d) 20 Q35. How many triangles are present in
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह?
the following figure?
CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)
Q30. How many triangles are there in नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)

(a) 16 (b) 30 (c) 32 (d) 22

(a) 20 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 14
Q25. How many triangles are there in
the following figure? Q36. How many triangles are present in the
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह? following figure?
CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon) (a)26 (b)22 (c)25 (d)24 नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
Q31. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
(a) 30 (b) 28 (c) 32 (d) 34 CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)

Q26. How many triangles are there in (a) 23 (b) 27 (c) 25 (d) 29
the given figure? Q37. How many triangles are present in the
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? following figure?
CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) (a)20 (b)18 (c)16 (d)22 नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
Q32. How many triangles are there in
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)

(a) 30 (b) 24 (c) 32 (d) 36 (a) 24 (b) 26 (c) 30 (d) 28

Q27. How many triangles are present in Q38. How many triangles are present in
the following figure? the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a)15 (b)12 (c)10 (d)9 नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
CHSL 2018 Tier I

Q33. How many triangles are present in

the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
(a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 17 CHSL 01-July-19(Evening) (a) 25 (b) 26 (c) 27 (d) 28

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) Q50. How many triangles are present in

Q39. How many triangles are present in the following figure?
the following fair? नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)
CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)

(a)28 (b)25 (c)26 (d)27

Q45. How many triangles are present in (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 5
the given figure?
(a) 27 (b) 29 (c) 31 (d) 30 नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? Q51 How many triangles are present in
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)
the following figure?
Q40. How many triangles are there in
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
the figure below?
CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)

(a)29 (b)31 (c)30 (d)32

Q46. How many triangles are present in

the given figure? (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 13
(a) 27 (b) 25 (c) 28 (d) 26 नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
Q41. How many triangles are there in Q52. How many triangles are present in
the figure given below. the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
(a) 29 (b) 28 (c) 27 (d) 30

Q47. How many triangles are present in

the given figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 11
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q53. How many squares are present in
(a) 33 (b) 32 (c) 35 (d) 34
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग ह ?
Q42. How many triangles are there in
CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 25 (b) 27 (c) 24 (d) 26
CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)
Q48. How many triangles are present in
the given figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
(a)16 (b)10 (c)15 (d)12
CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)

(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 6 Q54. How many squares are present in
the following figure?
Q43. How many triangles are present in नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग ह ?
CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)
the given figure? (a) 28 (b) 32 (c) 31 (d) 30
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) Q49. How many triangles are present in
the given figure ?
िदए गए आं कड़े म िकतने ि भुज मौजूद ह?
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (a)12 (b)14 (c)18 (d)16

Q55. How many triangles are present in

(a) 22 (b) 23 (c) 25 (d) 24 the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Q44. How many triangles are present in (a) 26 (b) 27 (c) 28 (d) 25 CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)
the given figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?

Counting Figure

(a) 24 (b) 27 (c) 20 (d) 26 दी गयी आकृित म िकतने आयत ह ?

CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
Q61 How many triangles are present in
the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज मौजूद ह ?
(a)11 (b) 9 (c)10 (d)13 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

Q56. How many triangles are present in (a) 34 (b) 33 (c) 32 (d) 30
the following figure?
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? Q67. How many triangles are there in
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) 17 (b) 26 (c) 28 (d) 27 the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Q62. How many triangles are there in CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
the given figure?
दी गई आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह?
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)

(a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 13 (d) 11

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 6
Q57. How many squares are present in
the following figure?
(a) 19 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 17 Q68. How many triangles are there in
नीचे दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग ह ?
the given figure?
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)
Q63 Identify the number of straight lines दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
in the given figure.
दी गई आकृित म सीधी रे खाओं की सं ा को
CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 17 (b) 19 (c) 23 (d) 21

CPO 2019 TIER I (a) 18 (b) 22 (c) 20 (d) 24

Q58. How many triangles are there in
the given figure ? Q69. How many triangles are present in
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 15 (b) 17 (c) 19 (d) 20 the given figure?
CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज मौजूद ह ?
Q64 How many triangles are present in CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
the given figure?
िदए गए आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह?
CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

(a) 33 (b) 32 (c) 30 (d) 25 (a) 26 (b) 28 (c) 22 (d) 30

Q59 How many triangles are there in Q70.How many triangles are there in the
the following figure? given figure ?
िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 17 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q65. How many triangles are there in
the given figure?
दी गई आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह?
CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12
(a) 16 (b) 24 (c) 26 (d) 25
Q71. How many rectangles are there in
Q60. How many triangles are there in the given figure?
the given figure ? (a) 17 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 23 दी गयी आकृित म िकतने आयत ह ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)

Q66.How many rectangles are there in

the given figure ?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 15 (b) 17 (c) 11 (d) 13

Q72. How many triangles are present in

the given figure ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज मौजूद ह ?
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) (a) 13 (b) 15 (c) 12 (d) 14
(a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 23

Q78. How many triangles are present in Q83. How many triangles are there in
the given figure? the given figure ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 23 (d) 20

Q73. How many triangles are there in

the given figure ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? (a) 30 (b) 22 (c) 28 (d) 26 (a) 22 (b) 24 (c) 20 (d) 23
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q79. How many triangles are there in
the given figure?
Q84.Find the number of triangles in the
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) given figure.
(a) 33 (b) 35 (c) 34 (d) 32 दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?

Q74. How many triangles are there in

the given figure ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
(a) 19 (b) 21 (c) 17 (d) 20 (a)24 (b)18 (c)28 (d)46

Q80. How many triangles are there in Q85. Find the number of triangles in the
the given figure? given figure.
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ? दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
(a) 26 (b) 27 (c) 24 (d) 25

Q75. How many triangles are there in

the given figure ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) (a) 19 (b) 31 (c) 29 (d) 21 (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 13 (d) 10

Q81. How many triangles are there in Q86. Find the number of triangles in the
the given figure ? given figure.
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
(a) 25 (b) 22 (c) 16 (d) 28 CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)

Q76. How many triangles are present in

the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज मौजूद ह ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) 13 (b) 7 (c) 9 (d) 17

(a) 24 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 23 Q87. How many triangles are present in
the given figure?
Q82. How many triangles are there in दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
(a) 23 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 18
the given figure? CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
Q77. How many triangles are there in
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज ह ?
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)

Counting Figure

(a) 26 (b) 24 (c) 22 (d) 28 (a)64 (b)16 (c)46 (d)32

Q88. How many triangles are there in Q93.How many triangles are there in the
the given figure? figure given below?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ? दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon) (a)11 (b)12 (c)13 (d)14

Q99. How many triangles are there in

the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)
(a) 8 (b) 13 (c) 12 (d) 10 (a)10 (b)11 (c)8 (d)9

Q89.How many squares are there in the Q94.How many triangles are there in the
following figure? figure given below?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग है ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening) (a) 14 (b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 13

Q100.How many triangles are there in

the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
(a)10 (b)7 (c)8 (d)9
(a) 36 (b) 33 (c) 25 (d) 42
Q95. How many triangles are there in
Q90. How many squares are there in the the following figure?
following series? िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने ि कोण ह ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग है ? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning)
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) (a)15 (b)12 (c)10 (d)8

Q101. How many squares are there in

the following figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग ह ?
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 18

(a) 53 (b) 39 (c) 48 (d) 60 Q96. How many squares are there in the
given figure?
Q91.How many cubes are there in the िन िल खत आकृित म िकतने चौकोर है ?
given figure? CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
दी आकृित म िकतने घन है ?
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
(a) 28 (b) 27 (c) 26 (d) 25

Q102. How many triangles are there in

the given figure?
(a) 29 (b) 32 (c) 34 (d) 33
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
Q97. How many squares are present in
the following figure?
(a)72 िदए गए िच म िकतने वग ह ?
(b)84 CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
(a) 27 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 38
Q92.Find the number of triangles in the
given figure. Q103. How many triangles are there in
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ? (a) 18 (b) 17 (c) 16 (d) 15
the given figure?
CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning) दी गई आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
Q98. How many triangles are there in CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)
the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि भुज है ?
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) 18 (b) 37 (c) 30 (d) 29 CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)

Q109. How many triangles are there in

the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)
(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a) 28 (b) 16 (c) 20 (d) 24

Q104.How many triangles are present in Q115. Find the number of rectangles in
the following figure? the given figure.
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ? दी गयी आकृित म िकतने आयताकार है ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning) (a) 11 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 13 CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)

Q110. How many triangles are present in

the following figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning) (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5
(a)12 (b)18 (c)14 (d)16
Q116. How many triangles are there in
Q105. How many triangles are present the following figure?
in the following figure? दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ? CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) 13 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 12
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
Q111. How many triangles are present in
the following figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ? (a) 28 (b) 24 (c) 14 (d) 20,
CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q117. How many triangles are there in
(a) 15 (b) 14 (c) 18 (d) 16
the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
Q106. How many triangles are there in
CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
the given figure? (a) 22 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
Q112. Find the number of triangles in
the following figure.
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
(a) 14 (b) 13 (c) 12 (d) 7
CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)

Q118. Find the number of triangles in

(a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8 the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
Q107. Find the number of triangles in CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)
the given figure. (a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 10 (d) 8
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
Q113. Find the number of squares in the
following figure. (a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 7
िन िल खत आकृित म वग की सं ा ात
कीिजए। Q119.How many squares are there in the
CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) following figure?
(a) 21 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 13 दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग है ?
CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q108. Find the number of triangles in
the given figure.
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?
(a) 12 (b) 17 (c) 13 (d) 16
CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q114. How many triangles are there in
the given figure?
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने ि कोण है ?

Counting Figure

(d)57 Sol 1.(a) Triangles in rectangle IDGL (4): ILK,

The number of triangles in the given LKG, ILG, IDG
Q120.Find the number of squares in the question is 12. Triangles in rectangle EFGH (7):ELM,
following figure. EMF, LMG, EMG, EFG, FMN, FGH
दी गयी आकृित म िकतने वग है ? Triangles in rectangle FBCH (4): FCB,
CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) FNC, NHC, FHC

ABH , BCD , DEF , FGH , HOB , BOD Sol 6 (b) The number of triangles in the
, DOF , FOH , HDB , BFD , HDF , BFH given figure is 24.
(a)30 (b)28 (c)24 (d)32

Sol 2. (c)
ANSWER There are a total 18 distinct triangles
possible in the given figure.
1.(a) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(c)
5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(c) AOH, AOB, AHB, FGE, FGI, FIE, DCJ,
9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(d) 12.(d) DEJ, DEC, EKI, EKJ, EIJ, EKF, EKD,
13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(d) EFD, AFK, AKD, AFD, AED, AEF,
17.(a) 18.(d) 19.(a) 20.(b)
21.(c) 22.(a) 23.(c) 24.(b) BEC, BCD, EDC, BED, FBD, AEC. Sol 7 (c) There are 18 distinct triangles
25.(c) 26.(a) 27.(b) 28.(b) in the given figure.
Sol 3.(b) The number of triangles in the
29.(a) 30.(d) 31.(b) 32.(a)
given figure is 17.
33.(b) 34.(b) 35.(c) 36.(b)
37.(d) 38.(b) 39.(b) 40.(d)
41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(d) 44.(d) Triangles in the square ABEF = ABG,
45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(a) 48.(d) BEG, EFG, FGA, ABF, AFE, BFE, ABE
Triangles in the square BCDF = BCH,
49.(d) 50.(a) 51.(a) 52.(b)
53.(c) 54.(d) 55.(a) 56.(a) DCB
57.(b) 58.(a) 59.(b) 60.(d) On combining both the square = AEC,
61.(d) 62.(d) 63.(b) 64.(d) FBD
65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(b) 68.(c)
Sol 8 (c) The number of triangles in the
69.(c) 70.(c) 71.(b) 72.(c) Sol 4.(c) There are 21 distinct triangles
given image is 16.
in the given figure.
73.(d) 74.(d) 75.(a) 76.(c)
77.(b) 78.(a) 79.(a) 80.(*)
81.(c) 82.(a) 83.(a) 84.(c)
85.(d) 86.(c) 87.(c) 88.(a)
89.(b) 90.(c) 91.(c) 92.(d) AOB, AOF, ABF, DTC, BTC, BDC,
93.(a) 94.(c) 95.(a) 96.(b) AIB, AIH, ABH, HOI, BOI, OBH, BED, BFD, BFM, BKD.
97.(a) 98.(c) 99.(d) 100.(c) OGH, GOF, HOF, FOE, DOE, DOF,
101.(b) 102.(d) 103.(c) 104.(d) BOC, COD, BOD, DFH, BDF, BDH, Sol 9. (a) 21 distinct triangles are there
BHF, AOH, AOB. in the given figure.
105.(d) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(d)
109.(c) 110.(c) 111.(d) 112.(c) Sol 5.(a) Here, the number of triangles
113.(b) 114.(d) 115.(d) 116.(a) are 35.
117.(a) 118.(c) 119.(a) 120.(a)
Triangles in square AFGH(8) : AIF, FIG,
SOLUTION: Triangles in square CDEF(8) : FJC,
Triangles in rectangle AILE(8): AJI, IJL, CJD, DJE, EJF, CDE, DEF, EFC, FDC
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

On combining both figure(5) : ABF,

CBF, ACF, ACE, GAC Sol 19. (a) 5 in the upper half and 5 in
the lower half. When two halves are
Sol 10 (c) There are a total 10 distinct
joined, 8 big triangles are also there.
squares in the given figure.
S0 5 + 5 + 8 = 18.

The triangles are AOB , AOH , COB ,

, COE , EOG , GOA , ACG , ACE ,
ABOH, BCDO, DOFE, FOHG, KINM, The following triangles are available in
ACEG, TIPO, POZN, QOZM, TKQO. Sol 15. (d) In this shape
the given picture AHI , AIB , BIJ , BJC ,
Sol 11 (d) The number of squares in the , AFG , CJE , CFE , AFC , GBE , ABG ,
given figure is 7. BCE.

Sol 20. (b)

The available squares are ADGI , ABQL

In ABCF (12) : BGA, BGC, AGC, EGD,
Cgl 2018 Tier I EGF, DGF, AGD, CGF, ADF, DFC,
Sol 16. (d) The given figure is
Sol 12. (d) 5 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 14 In CKFM (12) : HJC, HJF, CJF, LJK,
On combining both the figures : GCM,
Here the number of triangles is 15
which are named as HBA , HBF , ABF , Sol 21. (c) 4 pairs are of 3 triangles each
BDC , BDF , BFC , FGH , FGB , FED , and others by their joining. Total 22
The available squares in the given figure FEB , AFC , BCG , BAE , BHE , BDG. triangles.

This type of rectangle has 8 × 2 = 16

Sol 13. (d) One such Triangles are : ADJ, DJH, BJH, ABJ,
triangle has 3 triangles and in the JDL, LJH, BJK, HJK, ABD, ADH,
And the given figure has these 2 such
question 4 such triangles are there and DHB, HBA, JHF, FHG, GHE, EHJ,
rectangles. So 16 + 16 = 32
4 separate single triangles. So, 4 * 3 = KHE, LHF, EJF, JFG, FGE, GEJ.
12 + 4 = 16 triangles.
Sol 22. (a)
Sol 18. (d) 6 in the upper half , 3 in the
lower half and 6 big triangles. So 6 + 3 +
6 = 15.

The available triangles in the figure are

The available triangles are AGH , AGI , Triangles are:- AIB, IOB, OBA, BAI,
Sol 14. (d)
Counting Figure

KCB , BDC, BOD, NLO, NLG, IGD, Similarly 6*4=24 Other 5 triangles are BDC ,ADF ,GEB
GDB, DBI, BIG, AFC, AFH. On combining the figure (8) : DBE, ,BHE ,BHG )
Sol 23. (c) Sol 31. (b)
Sol 26. (a) 3+3+3+3+3+3=18 triangles.

In figure ABQL ⇒ 8 Triangles (MAB

ABQ ) Sol 32. (a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 15
In RFGH ⇒ 8 Triangle ( OFG , OGH , triangles.
Sol 27. (b) 8(in one square) + 8(in other
In DEFR ⇒ 4 Triangle ( EPD , EPF , square) + 2(on combining both the
squares) + 1(triangle at the down side) =
19 triangles.
In JKLQ ⇒ 4 Triangle ( NKL , NKJ ,
Sol 28. (b) 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 = 28 triangles.
In BDHJ ⇒ 5 Triangle ( CIB , CID ,
Sol 29. (a)
So , total triangles are 29. In ACE - 3 Triangles ( ADC , ADE ,
Sol 24. (b) Here 6 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + In AGI - 3 Triangles ( AHG , AHI , AIG
4 + 2 + 2 = 30 triangles are there in the )
figure. In GKI - 3 Triangles ( KHG ,KHI ,GKI
At the corners of the rectangle - 4
Triangles( BCG , GKJ ,KLI , IFE ) and 2
In figure ABGH → 8 Triangles ( KBA other triangles are AKG , AKI.
GHB ) CHSL 2018 Tier I
In triangle LBD, 6 triangles (LOP, LON,
In figure BDFG → 8 Triangles( LBD ,
LNP, LCD, LCB, LBD) Sol 33. (b)
triangle LGI, 6 triangles ( LRS, LRQ,
,GFD )
In figure BDE → 3 Triangles( ECB
triangle LDG, 3 triangles ( LMD,
2 Other triangles are HFB and ADG.
triangle LIB, 3 triangles ( LKI, LKB,
Sol 30. (d) 8 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 24
Square IGDB, 4 triangles ( BDI, BDG,
IGD, IGB ) triangles. ABU, MUN, XVN, AVC, MEN, AMN,
Other 8 triangles are IJK, IJL, IAB, IAD, ANC, AMF, CND, ABM, CXN, AFN,

Sol 25. (c) A total of 32 triangles are Sol 34. (b) There are a total of 13
there. triangles in the given figure.

In figure ABGF ⇒ 8 triangles ( JBA

,GFB )
In figure BDEF ⇒ 8 triangles ( KDB
There are 4 similar Square each contain ,EFB )
6 triangles In figure GEH ⇒ 3 triangles ( FHE
Ex. In square ABDO : ABD, DBO, DIO, ,FHG , GEH )
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

AHB, CBS, DSW, EXF, GFH, EHC, Triangles are : AIS, ASJ, AIJ, AMN,
Hint: A star with five pointed tips (like DBC, KPL, KOL, KOP, KBR, KBM,
in this question) has 10 triangles. KRM, ABC, ABV, AVC

Sol 35. (c) Sol39. (b)

Sol 45. (c) 8 + 8 + 4(AEC, BGF, CDE,

BGH) + 9 + 1(CDF) = 30 triangles.

In figure ABHF ⇒ 8 triangles ( GBA,

GAF, GFH, GHB, ABH, ABF, FHA, Triangles are : ABC, ABZ, ZBC, GBH,
In figure CEH ⇒ 3 triangles ( IHC, FKV, FVN, FCW, FWE, FCE, FLM,
In figure BCEF ⇒ 6 triangles (BCH, DRO, DCW, DWE, DCE, DCF, DEF.
FEH, BCF, BCE, EFB, EFC ) Sol 46. (c) 9 + 9 + 9 = 27 triangles.
1 other triangle is CED Sol 40. (d) In this type of figure 3
triangles are available. So, In the big
Sol 36. (b) triangle , 3 x 4 = 12 and in the tilted
triangle = 3 x 3 = 9. 5 more singles are
So total = 12 + 9 + 5 = 26 triangles.
Sol 47. (a) 9 + 12 + 3( Δ a, b, c) +
1(abc) = 25 triangles.
Sol 41. (a) In this type of figure 3
triangles are available. So 10 x 3 = 30
In this type of figure 3 triangles are
and 3 triangles in the above part of the
available. Hence , 5 Similar triangles are
figure. So, 30 + 3 = 33 triangles.
available in this given figure ( ABC ,
CMN , FKL , FDE , GHI ). So , 5 x 3 =
Sol 42. (b)
12 other small triangles are available in
the figure. Sol 48. (d) 15 + 9 + 6 = 30 triangles.

Sol 37. (d)

Triangles are ABC, ACD, ADE, AEF,


Sol 49. (d) Total triangles = 16 + 6 + 3

Sol 43. (d)
= 25
Triangles are : ALH, AMI, BLN, BLM,

Sol38. (b) Triangles are : AOB, BOC, COE, EOH, Sol 50. (a) 3 + 3 + 1(ABC) + 1(ACD) =
HOG, GOF, FOD, DOA, AOC, COH, 8 triangles.

Sol 44. (d) Here, the total number of Δ

s 12 + 6 + 9 = 27 triangles.
Counting Figure

Triangle are : DLG, DLH, DHG, GJC,

Sol 51. (a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 10 triangles. Sol 57. (b) JCF, GFC, FLB, LBE, FEB, HKA,
small square = 5 KAE, HAE, GIJ, GIM, GMJ, KEN,
let the side of the big square be 3 unit
then square of side 1*1 is 9 2*2 is 4
and 3*3 is1
Sol 61. (d) In the upper rectangle , 5 * 2
Total square=5+9+4+1=19 = 10 triangles.
Sol 52. (b) 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 triangles. Similarly , 5 * 2 = 10 triangles in the
Cpo 2019 Tier I
lower rectangle.
Sol 58. (a) In the side triangle , 3 triangles are there.
Figure consist of three smaller figures Other than this, 2 big triangles are
Figure 1= 3+3+2+1=9(Triangles) there(combining rectangle) and other
than this 2 big triangles (combining
upper rectangle and upper triangle).
Triangles are :AEB, AGE, ABG, DEC, So , total triangles = 10 + 10 + 3 + 2 + 2
=27 triangles.

Sol 53. (c) Because the side of the

square = 3 units. Figure 2 = 3+3=6(Triangles)
So sq of 3 + sq of 2 + sq of 1 = 9 + 4 + 1
= 14 + 1(small one inside) = 15 squares.
Sol 62. (d) In the central square , 8 * 2
= 16 triangles are there and 3 extra i.e A,
B, & C are there. So , a total of 19
triangles are there.
Figure 3 =
Sol 54. (d) Here, no of columns and
rows are the same i.e. 3 so n2 .
So sq of 3 + sq of 2 + sq of 1 = 9 + 4 + 1
= 14 + 2(small one, A,& B) = 16
Sol63. (b) Horizontal lines = 9 , Vertical
lines = 8.
Total straight lines = 9 + 8 = 17.

9+6+18 = 33(Triangles) Sol 64. (d)

Sol 59.(b)

Sol 55. (a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 2( Δ ABC, ABD)

= 11 triangles.

The total triangles are: ABC, ACD,

Triangles are : ADG, ADE, AEG, DEJ, BCF, BEF, CDF, FDG, BHK, AHJ, AJI,
NKB, ICF, CFB, HFB, HCB, CBI, Sol 65. (c)
Sol 56. (a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3+1(ABC) = 13

All 23 possible triangles are ABG, GCD,

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

OIM, POM, PQM, QNM, QMJ, OQM, Sol 70.(c) There are a total of 11 distinct
PMN, OMN, OLP, KQN, OLM, MNK, triangles in the given figure.

Cgl 2019 Tier I

In the standing line, we’ll add the parts OKH, BOL, CND, DNE, CDE, BLD,
i.e., 1+2+3+4+5+6= 21. In the two BHG, KLG, BOD, AKD, KDF.
extreme edges, we’ll add them like There are a total of 25 distinct triangles
1+2+3= 6 (Adding both the edges we’ll Sol 71.(b) There are 17 rectangles in the
given figure. in the given figure.
get 12).
Total rectangles= 21+12+2 (top and
bottom combined)= 35
But in option, 35 is not there, so we’ll
take it as 33 by excluding the combined
rectangles of the extreme edges. BOC, POC, BPC, CNA, NJK, CNG,
Sol67.(b)There are a total of 10 distinct ANH, BFD, FEM, DEM, FMD, PGF,
triangles in the given figure. Rectangles: AIHB,ATCB,AMPB, AJGB,
Sol 72.(c)There are a total of 23 distinct There are a total of 22 distinct triangles
triangles in the given figure. in the given figure.



Sol68.(c)There are a total of 20 distinct

triangles in the given figure. JKU, JUH, JKH, JAM, JMG, JAG,
NXJ, FXJ, FIJ, FGH, FIH, BNF, BLH, Sol77.(b)
LNJ, JFH, JNF, XQD. There are a total of 22 distinct triangles
in the given figure.
TIO, KIO, TOK, PCO, MCO, POM, Sol 73.(d)There are a total of
XOL, SXO, LOS, BOC, AOB, AOC, (16+16)=32 distinct triangles in the
COD, HUD, HED, FEH, FHD, AGD, given figure.

Sol69.(c)There are a total of 22 distinct

triangles in the given figure. AOB, AOK, ABK, AWC, AWJ, AJC,
Sol 74.(d)There are a total of
12+9+1(ABC)+1(ABE)+1(ABD)+1(AB Sol78.(a)
F)=25 distinct triangles in the given
Counting Figure



Note: SSC has given option a(30) as the

Triangles in the square IJLK are (8): In ΔABC , no. of triangles=11
answer. But actually, there are a total 32
distinct triangles in the given figure. So, IOL, LOK, KOJ, JOI, IKL, LKJ, KJI, and ΔDEF , no. of triangles=11
32 is the correct answer. JLI Total no. of triangles=11+11=22
In triangle ADF : ADF, ABC, CGH,
Sol79.(a) CHF, CGF Sol 88. (a) 8
There are a total of 19 distinct triangles
in the given figure. Sol 83.(a) 22


NOS, SOU, NOU, ZOY, YOV, ZOV, Triangles are ABC, ABK, AKC, ADE,
AOB, BOC, AOC, POS, XOM, POM, Sol 89. (b)
AOL, LOH, AOH, KOI, COD, ADC, 21 small squares + 9 medium size square
AHC. + 3 big square = 33

Sol 80.(*) Sol 90. (c)

CHSL 2019 Tier I
No. of single squares = 30
No. of squares using four squares = 14
Sol 84. (c)
No. of squares using 9 squares = 4
No. of triangle in each square = 8
Total squares = 30 + 14 + 4 = 48
Total small triangles = 8 × 3 = 24
No. of big triangles = 4 Sol 91. (c)
Total number of triangles = 24 + 4 = 28 Length = 6, Breadth = 4, Height = 6
Triangles are(15) BGH, BKG, BKH, No. of cubes = 6 × 4 × 6 = 144
BAC, BAL, BLC, AGT, HRC, LRM, Sol 85. (d)
DLC, SMD, BCD, MHB, MHK, MID. Sol 92. (d)
Similarly(15) EIJ, ENI, ENJ, EFD,

Sol 81.(c) 22 Total number of triangles = 10

No. of triangles = 2 × (2 × 8) = 32
Sol 86. (c)
Sol 93. (a)

Triangles in the square ABCD(16): AOF,

Remaining triangles (6): IAE, IAJ, JAE,
ABC, DBF, EFC, ADE, DEF, DHG, No. of triangles = 10 { Δ IFE, Δ IDF, Δ
Sol82.(a) Δ IGC, Δ IHC, Δ ABC}
Sol 87. (c)
Sol 94. (c)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Total number of triangles = 3 × 4 + 1 = Above trapezium is divided into four

13 triangles. Therefore, total number of
triangles in above triangle = 2 × 4 = 8
Sol 99. (d) Similarly, triangles in bottom trapezium
Number of triangles in above reverse =8
triangle = 12
Total number of triangles = 8 + 8 = 16
Also, there is one small triangle at the
Therefore, total triangles = 12 + 1 = 13 Sol 105. (d)
Total triangles = Δ ADI, Δ DIE, Δ AIE,
Δ GFH, Δ CFH, Δ GHC, Δ AJG, Δ Sol 100. (c)

Sol 95. (a)

There are following 16 triangles:- Δ

Triangles in the given figure are:- Δ Δ SXW, Δ RWZ, Δ QZY, Δ XYW, Δ

In this type of figure 3 triangles Sol 101. (b) Sol 106. (a)
are found.Since 5 similar figures(CBE , No. of single small squares = 17
CAH , HEK , HCL , CDF) are present. No. of squares using four small
So , 5 x 3 = 15 - 1 common squares = 8
triangles(FCH)= 14 No. of squares using nine small
6 Other triangles are : - FEG , FEO,FEH squares = 2
Total squares = 17 + 8 + 2 = 27
Sol 96. (b) Sol 102. (d) The triangles in given figure are:- Δ
Number of squares with one cube = 21 AFE, Δ AED, Δ FED, Δ DEH, Δ GCH,
Number of squares with four cubes = 9 Δ FDH, Δ GEB.
Number of squares with 9 cubes = 2
On counting, we get there are a total 32 Sol 107. (b)
squares in the given diagram.

Sol 97. (a)

Number of single small square = 10 Triangles are : ABG, AEG, ABE, BGH,
Number of square using four small BCH, BCG, EGI, DEI, DEG, DIJ, DEF,
squares = 3 DEJ, DFJ, CFJ, CDJ, CDI, CDE, CHJ,
Number of large squares = 3 CDH, BCD, BCJ, GHJ, GIJ, CGJ, DGJ,
Number of squares using 6 small and CFG, DFG, CDG, EGJ, BGJ, BEJ, AEJ, There are following 16 triangles in the
part of 1 big square = 2 ABJ, BDE, BCE, DGH, CGI, CEG, given figure:- Δ ABC, Δ APS, Δ ABD,
Total number of squares = 10+3+3+2 = BDG. Δ APQ, Δ AQR, Δ ARS, Δ ADE, Δ
18 Hint : In this type of compex questions AEF, Δ AFC, Δ APR, Δ AQS, Δ ABE,
where no certain pattern is followed Δ ADF, Δ AEC, Δ ABF, Δ ADC.
Sol 98. (c)
and the count of triangles are too
high, and if you manage to cross the Sol 108. (d)
second highest number of triangles
then the highest number is the answer.
For Ex. here you just have to count 28
triangles to claim 38 as an answer.

Sol 103. (c)

In Δ AHI, number of triangle = 2 + 1 = 3
On counting the number of triangles, we
Similarly in Δ AGJ, Δ AFK, Δ ABC
get it as 5. There are three squares. No. of small
number of triangles = 3 each
Other triangles are = Δ AEL triangles in each square = 8.
Sol 104. (d)
Counting Figure

Total small squares = 3 × 8 = 24 Total number of squares in straight Sol 119. (a)
Apart from this there are 5 more squares = 5 × 3 = 15
triangles = Δ AGC, Δ HBE, Δ CGF, Δ Total number of squares in given
BEI, Δ ACF. figure = 15 + 2 = 17
Therefore, total number of triangles = 24
+ 5 = 29. Sol 114. (d)
On counting , the number of triangles =
Sol 109. (c) A × B= 3 × 5=(3 × 5)+(2 × 4)+(1 ×
N × M=6 × 3=(6 × 3)+(5 × 2)+(4 ×
FINALLY TOTAL: 26+32+6+2=66
There are 10(1+2+3+4) and 2(ABC,
AIG)= 12 triangles in the given figure. Sol 120. (a) Here no of rows & columns
In figure FGHI ⇒ 8 Triangles ( OFG are 4.
Sol 110. (c) ,OGH ,OHI ,OIF ,FIG ,FIH ,GHI ,GHF ) No. of squares in the given figure =
In figure BFD ⇒ 3 Triangles ( FCD , (1)2+(2)2+(3)2+(4)2
FCB ,FBD) ; There are 4 similar =1+4+9+16=30
figures(BDF , USI , QNH and LJG )
So , 4 x 3 = 12 triangles.
4 Other triangles are ALD ,ESB ,RUN
and MQJ.
Triangles in the given figure:- Δ ADE,
Δ ADG, Δ AGE, Δ BDH, Δ BFH, Δ Sol 115. (d) According to SSC = 5
BDF, Δ CFI, Δ CEI, Δ CFE, Δ FGD, Δ triangles , but the correct answer is 6. 3
FGE, Δ FDE, Δ AFB, Δ AFC, Δ AEF, big and 3 small.
Sol 116. (a)
Sol 111. (d) Here, the total number of
triangles are:8+12(3 × 4)

Total number of triangles =

7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28

Sol 117. (a) There are 14 triangles:


Sol l12. (c)

Sol 118. (c) In this figure all the 8

Total number of triangles = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
triangles have been bolded.
= 10

Sol 113. (b)

No. of squares in smallest square = 5
Number of straight squares = 3
Number of tilted squares = 2
Paper Folding

PAPER FOLDING/कागज Q4. The sequence of folding a piece of

मोड़ना square paper and the manner in which
the folded paper has been cut is shown in
(a) (b) the figure X, Y and Z. How would the
Basic of Paper Folding -
paper look when unfolded?
the problems based on paper folding
एक वगाकार कागज़ को मोड़ने का म और िफर
involve the process of selecting a figure
मुड़े ए कागज़ को काटने का तरीका आकृित X,
which would most closely resembles the Y तथा Z म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
pattern that would be formed when a कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
transparent sheet, carrying designs on CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
either side of a dotted line, is folded
(Q)2. The sequence of folding a piece of
along the line. /इस अ ाय म, पेपर फो ं ग
square paper and the manner in which
पर आधा रत िदए जाते है जो उस पैटन से
the folded paper has been cut is shown in
संबंिधत होना चािहए जो िदए गए के िबंदुदार
रे खा के दोनों ओर िडज़ाइन ले जाने वाली पारदश the figure X, Y and Z. How would this
शीट के पैटन से मेल खाता हो। paper look when unfolded?
वगाकार कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म
Ex - 1 और िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काट िदया
गया है उसे िच X, Y और Z म िदखाया गया है । (a) (b)
Transparent sheet -
सीधा करने पर यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा?
CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)

Q5. A circular piece of paper is folded

and cut as shown below. How will it
appear when unfolded?
कागज का एक गोलाकार टु कड़ा िन अनुसार
(a) (b) मोड़ा गया है । खोलने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)
[a] (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q3. The sequence of folding a piece of

square paper and the manner in which (a) (b)
the folded paper has been cut is shown in
figures X, Y and Z. How would this
paper look when unfolded?
CPO 2018 TIER I िकसी वगाकार कागज़ को मोड़ने का म एवं मुड़े (c) (d)
ए कागज़ को काटने का तरीका आकृित X, Y
Q1.The sequence of folding a piece of तथा Z म िदखाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
Q6. The sequence of folding a piece of
square paper and the manner in which कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) square paper and the manner in which
the folded paper has been cut is shown in the folded paper has been cut is shown.
the figures X,Y and Z. How would z How would this paper look when
look if it is unfolded? unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा मोड़ने के
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा इसे काटने
बाद इसे काटने का तरीका आकृित X, Y और Z
का तरीका दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
िदखेगा ?
CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)
CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

एक वगाकार कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा

काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृित म दशाया
गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Q7. A paper is folded and cut as shown
below. How will it appear when CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
unfolded? Select the figure that most
closely resembles the formed figure after (a) (b)
िकसी कागज़ को नीचे दशाए गए म म मोड़ा (a) (b)
और काटा जाता है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ? खुलने के बाद बनने वाली आकृित के (c) (d)
सवािधक स श आकृित का चयन कर |
Question figure SSC CGL 2918 TIER I
(c) (d)
Q12. A paper is folded and cut as shown
Q10. The sequence of folding a piece of
below. How will it appear when
square paper and the manner in which
CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) the folded paper has been cut is shown.
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
How would this paper look when नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
unfolded? िदखेगा ?
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा इसे काटने
का तरीका दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
(a) (b) कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?

CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d) CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
Q8.The sequence of folding a piece of
square paper and the manner in which
the folded paper has been cut is shown.
How would this paper look when (a) (b)
(c) (d)
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा इसे काटने
का तरीका दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह Q13. A paper is folded and cut as shown
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? below. How will it appear when
(c) (d) unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
Q11. Given is a set of three figures, X, Y नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
and Z, showing the folding sequence of a
CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) piece of paper. Fig Z shows the manner
in which the folded paper has been cut.
Study these figures carefully and select
the option that would most closely CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon
(a) (b) resemble this piece of paper when
नीचे तीन आकृितयों X, Y तथा Z का एक समूह
िदया गया है जो िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने के म (a) (b)
को दशाती ह | आकृित Z उस तरीके को दशाती है
िजसम मोड़े गए कागज़ को काटा गया है | इन
(c) (d)
आकृितयों का ानपूवक अ यन कर तथा उस
िवक का चयन कर जो इस कागज़ के खुलने के
Q9. The sequence of folding a piece of (c) (d)
बाद सवािधक िनकट स श होगा |
square paper and the manner in which
the folded paper has been cut is shown. Q14. The sequence of folding a piece of
How would this paper look when square paper (figures X and Y) and the
Paper Folding

manner in which the folded paper has

been cut (figure Z) are shown. How will
the paper appear when unfolded?
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म (आकृित
(c) (d) (a) (b)
X और Y) तथा मोड़े गए कागज़ को काटने का
तरीका (आकृित Z) नीचे िदखाया गया है | खुलने
के बाद कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? Q17. A square paper is folded and cut as
shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक (c) (d)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening) िदखेगा ? Q20. A square paper is folded and cut as
shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
(a) (b) CGL 06/06/2019(Evening) िदखेगा ?

(c) (d) (a) (b)

CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)

Q15. The sequence of folding a piece of

square paper (figure X and Y) and the
manner in which the folded paper has (c) (d)
been cut (figure Z) are shown. How (a) (b)
will the paper appear when unfolded? Q18. A square paper is folded and cut as
एक कागज़ को मोड़ने ( आकृित X तथा Y ) और shown below. How will it appear when
मोड़े गए कागज़ को काटने का तरीका ( आकृित
Z ) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक (c) (d)
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
Q21. A square paper is folded as shown
below. How will it appear when
CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning) एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q16. A square paper is folded and cut as (c) (d)

shown below. How will it appear when (a) (b)
unfolded? Q19. A square paper is folded and cut as
एक वगाकार कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है ,
shown below. How will it appear when
जैसा िक दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक (c) (d)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
Q22. A square paper is folded and cut as
CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q25. A square paper is folded and cut as

shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(a) (b)
CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q28. Select the option that depicts how
the given transparent sheet of paper
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
उस िवक का चयन कर, िजसम यह दशाया
Q23. A square paper is folded and cut as
गया है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर मुड़ा आ है तो
shown below. How will it appear when कागज़ की पारदश शीट कैसे िदखाई दे गी।
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(c) (d)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
Q26. Given below is a transparent sheet
of paper with a pattern on the left and
CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
right side.How will the pattern appear
when the transparent sheet is folded on
CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) the dotted line?
नीचे दी गई बाईं और दाईं ओर एक पैटन के साथ
कागज की एक पारदश शीट है । पैटन को (a) (b)
िबंदीदार रे खा पर मुड़ा आ होने पर पैटन कैसे
िदखाई दे गा?
(a) (b) CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q29. Select the option that depicts how

(c) (d) the given transparent sheet of paper
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
Q24. A square paper is folded and cut line.
as shown below. How will it appear िजसम यह दशाया गया है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर
(a) (b) मुड़ा आ है तो कागज की पारदश शीट कैसे
when unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक िदखाई दे गी।
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)

Q27. Select the option that depicts how CGL12/06/2019(Evening)

CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning) the given transparent sheet of paper
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
उस िवक का चयन कर, िजसम यह दशाया
गया है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर मुड़ा आ है तो (a) (b)
(a) (b) कागज की पारदश शीट कैसे िदखाई दे गी।

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning) Q30. Select the option that depicts how
the given transparent sheet of paper

Paper Folding

would appear if it is folded at the dotted

उस िवक का चयन कर, िजसम यह दशाया
गया है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर मुड़ा आ है तो
(a) (b) CHSL 02/7/19(Afternoon)
कागज की पारदश शीट कैसे िदखाई दे गी।

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)

Q33. A paper is folded and cut as shown

(c) (d)
in the following figures. How will it
(a) (b)
appear when unfolded?
Q36. A paper is folded and cut as shown
एक कागज को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । खुलने पर in the following figures. How will it
यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा? appear when unfolded?
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाए गए अनुसार एक
(c) (d) कागज को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है । सामने आने
पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q31. Given below is a transparent sheet
CHSL 1/07/2019 (Evening)
of paper with some patterns drawn on it.
How would the transparent sheet look
when it is folded on the dotted line?
नीचे िदए गए कुछ पैटन के साथ कागज की एक CHSL 02-July-19(Evening)
पारदश शीट दी गई है । जब यह िबंदीदार रे खा (a) (b)
पर मुड़ी हो तो पारदश चादर कैसी िदखेगी?

(c) (d) (a) (b)

CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon)
Q34. A paper is folded and cut as shown
in the following figures. How will it
appear when unfolded? (c) (d)
एक कागज को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(a) (b) िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । खुलने पर
Q37. A paper is folded and cut as shown
यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
in the following figures. How will it
appear when unfolded?
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाए गए अनुसार एक
(c) (d) कागज को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है । सामने
आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?

Q32. Given here is a square transparent CHSL 02-July-19(Morning)

sheet with a pattern on it. How would
the pattern appear when folded on the
dotted line? (a) (b)
यहाँ िदया गया है िक इस पर एक पैटन के साथ CHSL 03-July-19(Morning)
एक चौकोर पारदश चादर है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर
मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q35. A paper is folded and cut as
shown below. How will it appear when
CGL 13/06/2019(Evening) (c) (d)
एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
खोलने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q38. Select the option that depicts how
the given transparent sheet of paper 487
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

would appear if it is folded at the dotted when the transparent sheet is folded at
line. the dotted line.
उस िवक का चयन कर, िजसम यह दशाया एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
गया है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर मुड़ा आ है तो (a) (b) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
कागज की पारदश शीट कैसे िदखाई दे गी। को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से |

(c) (d)

CHSL 03/7/19(Afternoon) Q41. A figure of transparent sheet with a

pattern is given below. Figure out from CHSL 05-July-19 (Morning)
amongst the four options as to how the
(a) (b) pattern would appear when the
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted
(a) (b)
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
(c) (d) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से । (c) (d)
Q39. Select the option that depicts how
the given transparent sheet of paper Q44. A figure of transparent sheet with a
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
pattern is given below. Select the option
line? that shows how the pattern would appear
उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम यह दशाया गया
CHSL 04/7/19 (Afternoon) when the transparent sheet is folded at
है िक यिद दी गई रे खा पर मुड़ा आ है तो कागज
the dotted line.
की पारदश शीट कैसे िदखाई दे गी?
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
(a) (b) को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से।

CHSL 03-July-19(Evening)
(c) (d)

Q42. A figure of transparent sheet with a CHSL 05-July-19(Afternoon)

pattern is given below. Select the option
(a) (b) that shows how the pattern would appear
when the transparent sheet is folded at
the dotted line. (a) (b)
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
(c) (d) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से |
Q40. A figure of transparent sheet with a (c) (d)
pattern is given below. Figure out from
amongst the four options as to how the Q45. A figure of transparent sheet with a
pattern would appear when the pattern is given below. Select the option
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted that shows how the pattern would appear
CHSL 04-July-19 (Evening)
line. when the transparent sheet is folded at
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
the dotted line.
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार (a) (b) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
िवक ों म से िच ा।
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से।

(c) (d)

CHSL 04-July-19(Morning) Q43. A figure of transparent sheet with a

pattern is given below. Select the option CHSL 05-July-19 (Evening)
that shows how the pattern would appear
Paper Folding

एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा

नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट Q51. A paper is folded and cut as shown
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार in the following problem figures (X, Y
(a) (b) िवक ों म से।
and Z). Select the answer figure that
depicts how the paper will appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(c) (d) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
CHSL 08-July-19 (Evening)
Q46. A figure of transparent sheet with a िदखेगा ?
pattern is given below. Select the option
that shows how the pattern would appear
when the transparent sheet is folded at (a) (b)
the dotted line.
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा CHSL 09-July-19 (Evening)
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार (c) (d)
िवक ों म से।
(a) (b)
Q49 A figure of transparent sheet with a
pattern is given below. Select the option
that shows how the pattern would appear
when the transparent sheet is folded at (c) (d)
CHSL 08-July-19 (Morning) the dotted line.
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
Q52. A paper is folded and cut as shown
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
in the following problem figures (X, Y
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
(a) (b) िवक ों म से।
and Z). Select the answer figure that
depicts how the paper will appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(c) (d) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)
Q47. A figure of transparent sheet with a
pattern is given below. Select the option
that shows how the pattern would appear
when the transparent sheet is folded at (a) (b)
the dotted line. CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
को मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
(c) (d)
िवक ों म से। (a) (b)
Q50. A paper is folded and cut as shown
in the following figure (X,Y and Z),
Select the option that depicts how this
paper will appear when unfolded? (c) (d)
CHSL 08/7/19 (Afternoon)
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा Q53. A paper is folded and cut as shown
िदखेगा ? below. how will it appear when
(a) (b) unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d) CHSL 09-July-19(Afternoon)

Q48. A figure of transparent sheet with a

pattern is given below. Select the option CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)
that shows how the pattern would appear
when the transparent sheet is folded at
the dotted line.
(a) (b)
(c) (d) 489
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q59. The paper is folded and cut as

shown below. How will it appear when
(c) (d) एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
Q54. A paper is folded and cut as shown िदखेगा ?
in the following problem figures (X, Y
and Z). Select the answer figure that
depicts how the paper will appear when (a) (b)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ? (c) (d)

Q.57 A paper is folded and cut as shown (a) (b)

in the following figures (X,Y and Z).
Select the option that depicts how this
CHSL 10-July-19(Evening) paper will appear when unfolded.
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक (c) (d)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
Q60. A paper is folded and cut as shown
(a) (b)
below.How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
(c) (d) नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening) िदखेगा ?

Q55. A paper is folded and cut as shown

in the following problem figures (X, Y
and Z). Select the answer figure that
depicts how the paper will appear when (a) (b)
unfolded. MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d) (a) (b)


Q58. A paper is folded and cut as shown (c) (d)
11/7/2019 (Morning)
below. How will it appear when
unfolded? Q61.A paper is folded and cut as shown
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक below. How will it appear when
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा unfolded?
(a) (b)
िदखेगा ? एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
सामने आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?

(c) (d)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
Q56. A paper is folded and cut as shown
in the following figure (X,Y and Z),
select the option that depicts how this
(a) (b)
paper will appear when unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है जैसा िक (a) (b)
नीचे दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Paper Folding

कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे

Q62. The sequence of folding a piece of िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए गए
paper and the manner in which the उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर
(a) (b) कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म और
िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काटा गया है , उसे (c) (d) MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । सामने
आने पर यह पेपर कैसा लगेगा? Q65. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
figure. From the given answer figure,
(a) (b)
Indicate how it will appear when
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक
आकृित म नीचे िदखाया गया है । िदए गए उ र
की आकृित से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर कैसे
(c) (d)
िदखाई दे गा?
(a) (b) Q68 A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures,
(c) (d) MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) indicate how will it appear when
Q63. The sequence of folding a piece of कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे
िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए गए
paper and the manner in which the
उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b) कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म और
िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काटा गया है , उसे
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । खुलने पर (c) (d)
MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)
यह पेपर कैसा िदखेगा?
Q66. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures,
(a) (b)
MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) indicate how will it appear when
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक
आकृित म नीचे िदखाया गया है । िदए गए उ र
(a) (b) की आकृित से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर कैसे
(c) (d)
िदखाई दे गा?
Q69. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
(c) (d)
figures. From the given answer figures,
MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)
indicate how will it appear when
Q64. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे
figures. From the given answer figures. िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए गए
Indicate how it will appear when उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर
(a) (b)
opened? कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे
िदए गए के आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए
गए उ र के आं कड़ों से इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने
पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा? (c) (d)
MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)

Q67. A piece of paper is folded and

punched as shown below in the question
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning) figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b)
indicate how will it appear when
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q75. A piece of paper is folded and

punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures,
(c) (d) MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) indicate how it will appear when
Q70. A piece of paper is folded and कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और मुड़ा आ है
punched as shown below in the question जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b) िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे
indicate how will it appear when खोलने पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे
िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए गए
उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर
(c) (d)
MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)
कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q73. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b)
MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) indicate how will it appear when
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और मुड़ा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे (c) (d)
(a) (b) खोलने पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q76. A Piece of paper is folded and cut
as shown below in the question figures.
Select from the given answer figures,
(c) (d) MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning) how it will appear when unfolded.
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कट जाता है
Q71. A piece of paper is folded and जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर, सामने
punched as shown below in the question
आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा।
figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b)
indicate how will it appear when
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा आ है जैसा िक नीचे
िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । िदए गए (c) (d) MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)
उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे खोलने पर
कैसे िदखाई दे गा? Q74. A piece of paper is folded and
punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b)
indicate how will it appear when
MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) opened?
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और मुड़ा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । (c) (d)
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे
(a) (b) खोलने पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q77. A figure of a transparent sheet with
a pattern is given below. Figure out from
amongst the four options as to how the
pattern would appear when the sheet is
(c) (d) MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
folded at the dotted line.
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
Q72. A piece of paper is folded and नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर शीट को
punched as shown below in the question मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
figures. From the given answer figures, (a) (b) िवक ों म से चुने।
indicate how will it appear when opened?
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और मुड़ा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे (c) (d)
खोलने पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Paper Folding

pattern would appear when the sheet is

folded at the dotted line.
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
(a) (b) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर शीट को
मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
(a) (b)
िवक ों म से िच ा।

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q78. A figure of transparent sheet with a
pattern is given below. Figure out from MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q83. Observe the following figure(A)
amongst the four options as to how the
and identify the correct figure. If the
pattern would appear when the sheet is figure (A) is folded at the dotted line.
folded at the dotted line. िन िल खत आकृित (A) का िनरी ण कर और
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा (a) (b)
सही आं कड़े की पहचान कर। यिद िबंदीदार रे खा
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर शीट को पर आकृित (A) मुड़ी ई है ।
मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से चुने।
(c) (d)

Q81. A figure of transparent sheet with a MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)

pattern is given below. Figure out from
MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening) amongst the four options as to how the
pattern would appear when the sheet is
folded at the dotted line. (a) (b)
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
(a) (b) नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर शीट को
मोड़ने पर पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके चार
िवक ों म से िच ा। (c) (d)

Q84. A piece of paper is folded and cut

(c) (d)
as shown below in the question figures.
Select from the given answer figures.
Q79. A figure of transparent sheet with a
MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening) How it will appear when open
pattern is given below. Figure out from
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कटा आ है
amongst the four options as to how the जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
pattern would appear when the िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर। खुला होने
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted (a) (b) पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा ?
एक पैटन के साथ पारदश शीट का एक आं कड़ा
नीचे िदया गया है । िबंदीदार रे खा पर पारदश शीट
को मोड़ने के दौरान पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा, इसके (c) (d)
चार िवक ों म से िच ा। MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)

Q82. A piece of paper is folded and

punched as shown below in the question
figures. From the given answer figures,
(a) (b)
MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) indicate how will it appear when
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और मुड़ा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से, इं िगत कर िक इसे (c) (d)
(a) (b) खोलने पर कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
Q85. The sequence of folding a piece of
paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(c) (d)
MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
Q80. A figure of transparent sheet with a
कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म और
pattern is given below. Figure out from
िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काटा गया है , उसे
amongst the four options as to how the
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । सामने

आने पर यह पेपर कैसा लगेगा?

(c) (d) MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)

Q88. A piece of paper folded and cut as

MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) shown below in the question figures.
Select from the given figures, how it will (a) (b)
appear when unfolded.
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कटा आ जैसा
िक के आं कड़ों म नीचे िदखाया गया है । िदए
(a) (b) गए आं कड़ों म से चुन, सामने आने पर यह कैसे
िदखाई दे गा। (c) (d)

Q91 A piece of paper is folded and cut

as shown below in the Question figures.
(c) (d)
Select from the given answer figures,
MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) how it will appear when unfolded.
Q86.A square transparent sheet with a
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कट जाता है
pattern is given, How will the pattern जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए के आं कड़ों म िदखाया
appear when the transparent sheet is गया है । िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर,
folded and punched along the dotted सामने आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा।
line? (a) (b)
एक पैटन के साथ एक चौकोर पारदश शीट दी
गई है , जब पैटन शीट को िबंदीदार रे खा के साथ
मुड़ा आ होता है तो पैटन कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) (d)

Q89. A piece of paper is folded and cut

as shown below in the question figures. (a) (b)
MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Select from the given answer figures,
how it will appear when unfolded.
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कटा आ जैसा (c) (d)
िक के आं कड़ों म नीचे िदखाया गया है । िदए
(a) (b) गए आं कड़ों म से चुन, सामने आने पर यह कैसे Q92. A piece of paper is folded and cut
िदखाई दे गा।
as shown below in the question figure.
Select from the given answer figure,
how it will appear when unfolded.
(c) (d) कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कट जाता है
MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon) जैसा िक आकृित म नीचे िदखाया गया है । िदए
गए उ र आकृित से चयन कर, सामने आने पर
Q87. A piece of paper is folded and cut यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा।
as shown below in the question figures.
Select from the given answer figures. (a) (b)
How it will appear when unfolded. MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कटा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर। सामने
(c) (d)
आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा।
(a) (b)
Q90 A piece of paper is folded and cut
as shown below in the question figures.
Select from the given answer figures,
MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening) how it will appear when unfolded.
(c) (d)
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कटा आ है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है ।
िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर, सामने Q93 A piece of paper is folded and cut
आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा। as shown in the question figure. Select
(a) (b) from the given option figures, how it
will appear when unfolded?
Paper Folding

प म िदखाए गए अनुसार कागज का एक Q96. A piece of paper is folded and cut

टु कड़ा मुड़ा और काटा जाता है । िदए गए िवक as shown below in the question figures.
के आं कड़ों म से चुन, सामने आने पर यह कैसे Select from the given answer
िदखाई दे गा? it will appear when (a) (b)
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कट जाता है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए के आं कड़ों म िदखाया
गया है । िदए गए उ र के आं कड़ों से चयन कर।
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening) (c) (d)
सामने आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा।

Q99.The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(a) (b) MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म एवं मोड़े गए
कागज़ को काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी
(c) (d) (a) (b) आकृितयों म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
Q94. A paper is folded and cut as shown
below. How will it appear when
unfolded? (c) (d)
एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
सामने आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा? CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)

Q97. The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which the
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा मोड़े गए
(a) (b) कागज़ को काटने का तरीका िन िल खत (c) (d)
आकृितयों म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? Q100. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is as shown in
(c) (d)
the following figures. How would this
paper look when unfolded?
Q95. A piece of paper is folded and cut CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने एवं उसे काटने के तरीके
as shown below in the question figures. को नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया है |
Select from the given answer figure, खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
how it will appear when unfolded.
(a) (b)
कागज का एक टु कड़ा मुड़ा और कट जाता है
जैसा िक नीचे िदए गए के आं कड़ों म िदखाया
गया है । िदए गए उ र आकृित से चयन कर,
सामने आने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा। (c) (d) CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

Q98. The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which folded
[a] (b)
paper has been cut is shown in the
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)
following figures. How would this paper
look unfolded?
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे काटने
का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया (c) (d)
(a) (b)
है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ?
Q.101.The Sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(c) (d) following figures .How would this paper
CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
look when unfolded?
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने की अनु म और

िजस तरह से मुड़े ए कागज को काट िदया गया
है जैसा उसे िन िल खत आकृितयों म िदखाया
गया है । पेपर खुलने पर कैसा िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q104.The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper (a) (b)
lock when unfolded?
कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म और
(a) (b) िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काटा गया है , उसे
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । जब
(c) (d)
सामने आया तो यह पेपर लॉक कैसे होगा?

[Q]107. The sequence of folding a piece

(c) (d) of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
Q102. The sequence of folding a piece CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) following figure. How would this paper
of paper and the manner in which the look when unfolded? /
folded paper has been cut is shown in the कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
following figures. How would this paper काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
look when unfolded? (a) (b) िदखाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
कागज के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म और िदखाई दे गा ?
िजस तरह से मुड़ा आ कागज काटा गया है , उसे
िन िल खत आं कड़ों म िदखाया गया है । खोलने
पर यह पेपर कैसा िदखेगा?
(c) (d)

SSC CGL 2019 TIER I CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

CPO 12/12/2019(Evening) (Q)105. The sequence of folding a piece

of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b)
following figures . How would this
(a) (b)
paper look when unfolded ?
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा
मोड़े गए कागज़ को काटने का तरीका नीचे दी (c) (d)
गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद
(c) (d)
यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? [Q]108. The sequence of folding a piece
Q103. A piece of paper is folded and cut of paper and the manner in which the
as shown in the following figures. How folded paper has been cut is shown in the
would this paper look unfolded? following figure. How would this paper
िकसी कागज़ को मोड़ने का म तथा मोड़े गए
look when unfolded?
CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)
कागज़ को काटने का तरीका िन िल खत कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
आकृितयों म दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? िदखाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(a) (b)

CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(c) (d) CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)

[Q]106. Select the option that depict

how the given transparent sheet would
(a) (b)
appear when folded at the dotted line (a) (b)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दशाता है िक िदए
गए पारदश कागज़ को िबंदु रे खा पर से मोड़ने के
बाद यह कैसा िदखेगा ?
Paper Folding

Q114. Select the option that depicts how

the given transparent sheet of paper
(c) (d) would appear if it folded at the dotted
CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)
line./ उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो दशाता है
Q109. Select the options that depict how िक यिद इस पारदश कागज़ को िबंदु वाली रे खा
the given transparent sheet of paper पर से मोड़ा जाए, तो यह कैसा िदखेगा ?
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
(a) (b)
line. /
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दशाता है िक िदए
गए पारदश कागज़ को िबंदु-रे खा से मोड़ने पर CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning)
यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा ?
(c) (d)

Q112. The sequence of folding a piece

(a) (b)
of paper and the manner in which the
CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
(c) (d)
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
(a) (b) दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा [Q]115.The sequence of folding a piece
िदखेगा ? of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
(c) (d)
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) काटने का तरीका िन िल खत आकृितयों म
Q110. Select the option that depicts how दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
the given transparent sheet of paper िदखेगा ?
would appear if it is folded at the dotted
line /
(a) (b)
उस िवक का चयन कर जो दशाता है िक िदए
गए पारदश कागज़ को यिद िबंदु-रे खा पर से
मोड़ा जाता है , तो यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा ? CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

[Q]113. The sequence of folding a piece (a) (b)

of paper and the manner in which the
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following .How would this paper look
when unfolded ?/ (c) (d)
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
(a) (b) काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म Q116. The sequence of folding a piece
दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा of paper and manner in which the folded
िदखेगा ? paper has been cut is shown in the
following figure . How would this paper
(c) (d)
look when unfolded?
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
Q111. The sequence of folding a piece of काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
paper and the manner in which the CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
folded paper has been cut is shown in the िदखेगा ?
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा (a) (b)
उसे काटने का तरीका िन िल खत आकृितयों म
दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)
िदखेगा ?

(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

would appear if it is folded at the dotted

उस िवक का चयन कीिजए जो यह दशाता है
(a) (b) िक यिद िदए गए पारदश कागज़ को िबंदुओं वाली
(a) (b)
रे खा पर से मोड़ा जाए, तो खुलने के बाद वह कैसा
िदखेगा ?

(c) (d)
(c) (d)

Q117. The sequence of folding a piece

CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) Q122.A piece of paper is folded and cut
of paper and the manner in which the
as shown below in the question figures.
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
Select from the given answer figures,
following figures.How would this paper
how it will appear when unfolded.
look when unfolded?
(a) (b) कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ा जाता है तथा काटा
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
जाता है , जैसा िक नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया है । उ र की आकृितयों म से चयन
दशाया गया है | खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
कीिजए िक यह खुलने के बाद कैसा िदखेगा ?
िदखेगा ?

(c) (d)

[Q]120. A piece of paper is folded and

CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) cut as shown below in the question
figures. Select from the given answer
figures, how it will appear when
unfolded? (a) (b)
(a) (b) कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ा तथा काटा जाता
है , जैसा िक नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया
है । उ र की आकृितयों म से चयन कीिजए िक
यह खुलने के बाद कैसा िदखेगा ? (c) (d) .
(c) (d) SSC CHSL 2019 TIER I

Q118.The sequence of folding a piece of Q123.The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which the paper and the manner in which the
CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded? look when unfolded?
कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
मोड़े गए कागज़ को काटने का तरीका नीचे दी (a) (b) म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
गयी आकृितयों म दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
यह कागज़ कैसा िदखेगा ? Question figure:

(c) (d)

CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q121. The sequence of folding a piece CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figure. How would this paper
look when unfolded? (a) (b)
(a) (b) कागज़ के एक टु कड़े को मोड़ने का म तथा उसे
काटने का तरीका नीचे दी गयी आकृितयों म
दशाया गया है ।खुलने के बाद यह कागज़ कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q124. The sequence of folding a piece
[Q]119. Select the option that depicts of paper and the manner in which the
CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
how the given transparent sheet of paper
Paper Folding

following figures. How would this paper

look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज (c) (d)
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ? CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)
Q127. The sequence of folding a paper
and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper (a) (b)
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ? (c) (d)
(a) (b)

Q130.The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which the
(c) (d) CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
Q125. The sequence of folding a piece
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
of paper and the manner in which the (a) (b) म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
question figure. Select the figure from
the answer figures that would most
closely resemble the unfolded paper. (c) (d)
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज Q128. The sequence of folding a paper CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon)
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
(a) (b)
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening) म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q131.The sequence of folding a piece of
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) paper and the manner in which the
(c) (d) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
Q126. A paper is folded and cut as look when unfolded?
(a) (b) एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
shown in the following figures. How
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
will this paper appear when unfolded?
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज (c) (d)
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?

Q129.The sequence of folding a piece of

paper and the manner in which the CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
question figure, Select the figure from
the answer figures that would most
CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)
closely resemble the unfolded paper. (a) (b)
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
(a) (b) िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
Question figure:
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q132. The sequence of folding a paper

and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening)
(c) (d)
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह करने का म और उसे िजस
Q135. Select the option that depicts how
कार काटा गया वह िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर
यह कागज कैसा िदखेगा ? the given transparent sheet of paper
would appear if it is folded at the dotted (a) (b)
यिद िन िल खत दशाए गए पारदश कागज जो
डॉटे ड लाइन से मोड़ा जाए तो कौन सा िवक
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning) सबसे उिचत है ?
(c) (d)

Q138. The sequence of folding a piece

of paper and the manner in which the
(a) (b)
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
(c) (d) (a) (b) अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज
कैसा िदखेगा ?
Q133. The sequence of folding a paper
and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the (c) (d)
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded? Q136. The sequence of folding a paper
and the manner in which the folded CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
एक कागज को तह लगाने का अनु म और उसे
काटने का तरीका िन िल खत आकृित म िदया paper has been cut is shown in the
गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज कैसा िदखेगा ? following figure. Select from the option
figures, how would this paper look when
unfolded? (a) (b)
एक कागज को मोड़ने और काटने का अनु म
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon)
िदया गया है | कागज की तह खोलने पर वह कैसा
िदखेगा ?
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q139. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(c) (d) following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
Q134. The sequence of folding a piece एक कागज की तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
of paper and the manner in which the (a) (b) अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने के प ात
कागज कैसा िदखेगा ?
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
(c) (d)
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज
कैसा िदखाई दे गा ? Q137. The sequence of folding a piece CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded? (a) (b)
CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
एक कागज की तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर कागज
कैसा िदखेगा ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Paper Folding

the answer figures that would most

Q140. The sequence of folding a paper closely resemble the unfolded paper.
and the manner in which the folded एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
paper has been cut is shown in the अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज
(a) (b) कैसा िदखेगा ?
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर कागज
िन िल खत िवक ों म से िकस कार का िदखेगा (c) (d) SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q143. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b)
CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening) following figures. Select from the option
figures, how would this paper look when
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का (c) (d)
अनु म िदया गया है | कागज को खोलने पर वह
(a) (b) कैसा िदखेगा ? Q146. The sequence of folding a paper
and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
(c) (d)
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening) look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
Q141.The sequence of folding a piece of
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज
paper and the manner in which the कैसा िदखेगा ?
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b)
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर यह कागज (c) (d)
SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Evening)
कैसा िदखेगा ?
Q144. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b)
question figure. Select the figure from
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning) the answer figures that would most
closely resemble the unfolded paper.
एक ए गज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का (c) (d)
अनु म िदया गया है । तह खोलने पर कागज
कैसा िदखेगा ?
(a) (b) Q147. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
(c) (d) SSC CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning) look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर कागज
Q142. The sequence of folding a piece
कैसा िदखेगा ?
of paper and the manner in which the (a) (b)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का (c) (d) SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Morning)
म िदया गया है | तह खोलने पर कागज कैसा
िदखेगा ?
Q145. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (a) (b)
question figure. Select the figure from
CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का

म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q148. The sequence of folding a piece

of paper and the manner in which the (c) (d)
SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper Q151. The sequence of folding a piece
look when unfolded? of paper and the manner in which the
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(a) (b)
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने के बाद कागज following figures. How would this paper
कैसा िदखेगा ? look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | कागज को खोलने के बाद
(c) (d)
वह कैसा िदखेगा ?
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q154. The sequence of folding a paper
and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
(a) (b) following figures. How would this paper
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Afternoon) look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
(c) (d) िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
(a) (b)
Q149 The sequence of folding a piece of
paper and the manner in which the
folded paper has been cut is shown in the SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Afternoon)
following figures. How would this paper (c) (d)
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का Q152. The sequence of folding a piece
अनु म िदया गया है | तह खोलने के बाद कागज of paper and the manner in which the
कैसा िदखेगा ? folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(a) (b)
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded?
SSC CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening) एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
अनु म िदया गया है | कागज को खोलने पर वह
कैसा िदखेगा ? (c) (d)

(a) (b) Q155. The sequence of folding a piece

of paper and the manner in which the
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening) folded paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
(c) (d)
look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
Q150. A paper is folded and cut as (a) (b) म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज
shown in the following figure. How will िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ?
this paper look when unfolded?
एक कागज को तह लगाने और काटने की ि या
िन िल खत आकृित म दी गयी है | कागज को
(c) (d)
खोलने पर वह कैसा िदखेगा ?

Q153. The sequence of folding a paper SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Evening)

and the manner in which the folded
paper has been cut is shown in the
following figures. How would this paper
SSC CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) look when unfolded? (a) (b)

Paper Folding

SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q156. The sequence of folding a piece
of paper and the manner in which the
(c) (d)
folded paper has been cut is shown in the
(c) (d)
following figures. How would this paper
look when unfolded? SSC CPO 2020 TIER 1
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का Q162. A paper is folded and cut as
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज Q159. A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ? shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?
unfolded? एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा तथा काटा जाता है , जैसा िक िक दशाया गया है । खुलने पर यह कैसा िदखेगा?
नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Morning)
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
Q157.The sequence of folding a piece of
paper and the manner in which the Q163. A paper is folded and cut as
folded paper has been cut is shown in the (c) (d) shown below. How will it appear when
following figures. How would this paper unfolded?
look when unfolded? Q160. A paper is folded and cut as एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का shown below. How will it appear when िक नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज unfolded? िदखेगा?
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ? एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा
िक नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने पर यह कैसा

SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Afternoon) SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q158.A paper is folded and cut as
(c) (d)
shown in the following figure. How will Q164. A paper is folded and cut as
this paper look when unfolded? shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज को तह लगाने और उसे काटने का
Q161. A paper is folded and cut as
म िदया गया है | तह को खोलने पर कागज shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
िन िल खत िवक ों म से कैसा िदखेगा ? unfolded? खोलने पर यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा ?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा
िक नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा

SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)

SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

17.(a) 18.(d) 19.(c) 20.(b)

(a) (b) (a) (b) 21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(b)

25.(d) 26.(d) 27.(d) 28.(c)

(c) (d) (c) (d) 29.(a) 30.(b) 31.(c) 32.(d)

Q168. A paper is folded and cut as 33.(c) 34.(b) 35.(c) 36.(c)

Q165. A paper is folded and cut as
shown below. How will it appear when shown below. How will it appear when
37.(d) 38.(b) 39.(a) 40.(b)
unfolded? unfolded?
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
41.(d) 42.(a) 43.(d) 44.(b)
िक नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा खोलने पर यह कैसे िदखाई दे गा?
िदखेगा? 45.(d) 46.(a) 47.(a) 48.(c)

49.(d) 50.(a) 51.(c) 52.(a)

SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
53.(d) 54.(c) 55.(d) 56.(c)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)

57.(c) 58.(b) 59.(d) 60.(c)

(a) (b) 61.(a) 62.(b) 63.(b) 64.(d)

(a) (b)
65.(d) 66.(d) 67.(c) 68.(c)

(c) (d) 69.(b) 70.(d) 71.(d) 72.(d)

(c) (d) 73.(c) 74.(c) 75.(d) 76.(c)

Q166. A paper is folded and cut as
shown in the following figures. How
Q169. A paper is folded and cut as 77.(c) 78.(c) 79.(c) 80.(c)
will it appear when unfolded?
shown below. How will it appear when
एक कागज़ को मोड़ा और काटा जाता है , जैसा
िक नीचे दशाया गया है । खुलने के बाद यह कैसा unfolded? 81.(b) 82.(c) 83.(b) 84.(a)
िदखेगा? एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
खोलने पर यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा? 85.(c) 86.(b) 87.(a) 88.(d)

89.(d) 90.(c) 91.(d) 92.(d)

93.(c) 94.(a) 95.(b) 96.(d)

SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)
97.(d) 98.(c) 99.(b) 100.(d)

101.(d) 102.(c) 103.(c) 104.(a)

(a) (b) (a) (b)
105.(b) 106.(c) 107.(a) 108.(d)

109.(d) 110.(c) 111.(c) 112.(d)

(c) (d) (c) (d) 113.(a) 114.(d) 115.(a) 116.(a)

Q167. A paper is folded and cut as ANSWERS 117.(c) 118.(d) 119.(b) 120.(a)
shown in the following figures. How
will it appear when unfolded? 121.(a) 122.(b) 123.(d) 124.(b)
1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(b)
एक कागज को मोड़कर नीचे िदखाया गया है ।
खोलने पर यह कैसा िदखाई दे गा ? 125.(c) 126.(a) 127.(a) 128.(c)
5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(d)
129.(c) 130.(a) 131.(b) 132.(b)
9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(b) 12.(d)
SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 133.(a) 134.(d) 135.(d) 136.(c)
13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(a) 16.(a)
137.(d) 138.(c) 139.(d) 140.(c)

Paper Folding

141.(d) 142.(b) 143.(a) 144.(d)

145.(a) 146.(b) 147.(d) 148.(b)

149.(b) 150.(c) 151.(a) 152.(c)

153.(d) 154.(d) 155.(d) 156.(b)

157.(a) 158.(a) 159.(c) 160.(d)

161.(b) 162.(a) 163.(a) 164.(d)

165.(d) 166.(d) 167.(c) 168.(b)


Embedded Figure

EMBEDDED FIGURE/ Q5. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)

समािहत आकृित

Introduction of Embedded figure-

In this chapter, a figure (X) is given,
followed by four complex figures in
such a way that figure (X) is embedded
in one and only one of them. The student (a) (b) (a) (b)
has to select such figure in which figure
(X) is embedded./इस अ ाय म, एक आकृित
(X) िदया जाता है , उसके बाद चार जिटल
आकृितयां इस तरह से दी जाती ह िक आकृित (c) (d)
(X) उनम से एक और केवल एक म समािहत (c) (d)
होती है । छा को ऐसी आकृित का चयन करना Q6. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
होता है िजसम आकृित (X) समािहत िकया गया
Q2. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)

For example: In the following

questions, figure (X) is embedded in any
one of the four alternative figures (1),(2),
(3) ,(4).Find the alternate which contains
figure (X). /उदाहरण के िलए: िन िल खत ों (a) (b)
म, आं कड़ा (X) चार वैक क आं कड़ों (1), (2),
(3), (4) म से िकसी एक म समािहत है । िवक (a) (b)
का चयन कर िजसम आकृित (X) समािहत हो।
(c) (d)
Ex -1
(c) (d) Q 7. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)

Q3. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

Solution: (3) on close observation, we (a) (b)

find figure(X) is embedded in figure (3) (a) (b)
as shown below.

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q8. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q4. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

Select the option in which the given
figure is embedded. (Rotation is not
allowed)/उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम दी
गई आकृित अंतिनिहत है । (घुमाव की अनुमित (a) (b)
नहीं है ) (a) (b)

Q1. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)

Q9. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d)

Q14.CPO 15/03/2019(Morning) Q18.CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q10. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q15. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q19.CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q11.CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)

Q16. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) Q20. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q12.CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q17. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
Q21.CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Q13. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)

Embedded Figure

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q22. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening) Q30.CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q26.CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q31. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)

SSC CGL 2018 TIER I Q27. CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon)

Q23.CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q32. CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q28. CGL 06/06/19 (Evening)

Q24.CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d) Q33.CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)

Q29.CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q25. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q34. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening) Q42. CGL13/06/2019(Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q39.CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) (d)

Q35. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q43. CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q40.CGL 12/06/2019 (Evening)
Q36.CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)

(c) (d)


(a) (b)
(a) (b) Q44.CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q37. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening)

Q41. CGL13/06/2019(Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q45.CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q38. CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)

Embedded Figure

Q49. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q53.CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
Q46. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q50. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)
Q54. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
Q47. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q51. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning) Q55.CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q48. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q52. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) (d)

Q56. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q64. CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q57. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q.61CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q65.CHSL 10/7/19 (Evening)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q58. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

(Figure X) Q62 CHSL 09-July-19(Evening) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q66. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q59. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q63.CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (c) (d)

Q.67 CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)


Q.60 CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning) (a) (b)

Embedded Figure

(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d)

Q76. MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q72. MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

Q68. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q77. MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (a) (b)
Q73. MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)


(c) (d)
Q69.MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
Q78. MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q74. MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q70.MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Q79. MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q75. MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q71. MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q80. MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q89. MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)
Q85.MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q81.MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q90. MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)

Q86MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

Q82. MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q87. MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning) Q91. MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q83.MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Q88. MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q92. MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q84. MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)

Embedded Figure

Q101. MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q93. MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)
Q97. MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q102. MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q98. MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q94.MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon) (c) (d)

Q103. MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q99. MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q95. MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

(a) (b) Q104. MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q100. MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q96.MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

(a) (b) Q105. MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q 109. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)

Q113. CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q106. MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q 110 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)

Q114 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q107.MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q111 CPO 09/12/2019(Evening) (c) (d)

Q115 CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)


(c) (d)
Q108. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) (c) (d)
Q112.CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
Q116.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Embedded Figure

(c) (d) (c) (d) (a) (b)

Q117.CPO 12/12/2019(Morning) Q121 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)

Q125.CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q122. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening) (a) (b)
Q118 CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)

Q126.CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)

Q123. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)

Q119. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(a) (b) Q127. CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q120 CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)
Q124. CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q128. CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q129.CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
Q133. CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) Q137. CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (c)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(d) (c) (d)

Q130. CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning) Q134. CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (c) (d)

Q138.SCGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q131. CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q135. CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q139. CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q132. CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) Q136.CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning) (a) (b)

Embedded Figure

(c) (d)

Q140. CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q144. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)

(c) (d)

(a) (b) Q148.CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q141. CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q145. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Morning)

(c) (d)

Q149. CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q146. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Afternoon)
(a) (b)
Q142.CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Morning)

(c) (d)
Q150.CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Q147. CHSL 2019 18/03/20(Evening) (a) (b)
Q143. CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Afternoon)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q151. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Morning)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q155. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Afternoon)
Q159. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q152. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Afternoon) (c) (d)

(c) (d)

Q156.CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Evening) Q160. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q153. CHSL 2019 12/10/20(Evening)
Q157. CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Morning)
(c) (d)

Q161.CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q154. CHSL 2019 13/10/20(Morning) Q158.CHSL 2019 14/10/20(Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q162. CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Afternoon)

Embedded Figure

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(a) Q166.CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening) Q170. CHSL20-10-2020 (Morning)


(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Q163.CHSL 2019 15/10/20(Evening)
(c) (d)
Q167.CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)

Q171.CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q168.CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)
Q164. CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)


(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) Q172. CHSL20/10/2020 (Evening)
Q165. CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)
Q169. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)


(a) (b) (a) (b) (b)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q180. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)


(a) (b)
Q173.CHSL21/10/2020 (Morning)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q177.CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q181. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q174. CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q178. CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q182. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q175.CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)
CPO 2020 TIER 1

Q179 . CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q183. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)

Q176. CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)

(c) (d)
Embedded Figure

17.(a) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(b)

21.(b) 22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(a)
(a) (b) 25.(a) 26.(d) 27.(c) 28.(d)
29.(c) 30.(d) 31.(c) 32.(a)
33.(a) 34.(a) 35.(a) 36.(c)
(c) (d)
37.(c) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(c)
Q184. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (a) (b) 41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(c)
45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(c) 48.(b)
49.(b) 50.(b) 51.(c) 52.(b)
(c) (d) 53.(c) 54.(d) 55.(c) 56.(d)
57.(b) 58.(c) 59.(a) 60.(c)
Q188.SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
61.(a) 62.(d) 63.(a) 64.(d)
65.(a) 66.(c) 67.(c) 68.(c)
(a) (b) 69.(d) 70.(c) 71.(c) 72.(d)
73.(a) 74.(d) 75.(a) 76.(b)
77.(c) 78.(c) 79.(d) 80.(b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b) 81.(b) 82.(a) 83.(c) 84.(c)
85.(d) 86.(c) 87.(d) 88.(a)
Q185. Select the option figure which is
(c) (d) 89.(b) 90.(d) 91.(a) 92.(c)
NOT embedded in the figure (X) given
below (rotation is NOT allowed). 93.(b) 94.(a) 95.(d) 96.(a)
िवक आकृित चुन जो नीचे िदए गए िच (X) म Q189.SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 97.(b) 98.(b) 99.(a) 100.(c)
ए ेडेड नहीं है (रोटे शन की अनुमित नहीं है )।
101.(b) 102.(d) 103.(b) 104.(a)
SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
105.(b) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(a)
109.(b) 110.(d) 111.(c) 112.(d)
113.(a) 114.(b) 115.(d) 116.(d)
117.(c) 118.(c) 119.(a) 120.(d)
(a) (b)
121.(b) 122.(d) 123.(d) 124.(c)
(a) (b) 125.(a) 126.(a) 127.(c) 128.(b)
(c) (d) 129.(a) 130.(d) 131.(b) 132.(d)
133.(b) 134.(a) 135.(a) 136.(c)
(c) (d)
Q190. SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening) 137.(b) 138.(b) 139.(c) 140.(a)
Q186.SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) 141.(a) 142.(b) 143.(a) 144.(a)
145.(d) 146.(b) 147.(a) 148.(c)
149.(b) 150.(c) 151.(d) 152.(a)
153.(d) 154.(d) 155.(a) 156.(a)
(a) (b) 157.(c) 158.(a) 159.(a) 160.(c)
161.(c) 162.(c) 163.(b) 164.(b)

(a) (b) 165.(b) 166.(c) 167.(b) 168.(c)

(c) (d)
169.(b) 170.(d) 171.(c) 172.(b)
173.(b) 174.(b) 175.(b) 176.(a)
(c) (d) 177.(b) 178.(a) 179.(b) 180.(d)
1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(c) 181.(a) 182.(d) 183.(a) 184.(c)
Q187. SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(d) 185.(a) 186.(d) 187.(a) 188.(a)
9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(b) 12.(a) 189.(b) 190.(d)
13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(b)
Figure Completion

FIGURE COMPLETION / Q5. Study the given pattern carefully

आकृित संकलन and select the figure that will complete
the pattern given in the question figure.
(c) (d) िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
Introduction of figure completion -
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
in this type of problems, a figure or a Q2. Study the given pattern carefully गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
matrix, containing a set of figures and select the figure that can replace the
following particular sequences or pattern question mark (?) in it.
is given, in which a part, generally a िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
quarter, is left blank. this problem figure उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
is followed by four alternative figures. गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)
The candidate is required to select the
one which best fits into the blank space
of problem figure so as to complete the
original pattern./इस कार की ो म, एक (a) (b)
आकृित या एक मैिट , िजसम िवशेष अनु म MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon)
या पैटन के बाद आकृित का एक सेट होता है ,
िजसम एक िह ा, आमतौर पर एक चौथाई,
खाली छोड़ िदया जाता है । इस के िलए चार (c) (d)
(a) (b)
वैक क आकृित दी जाती है । उ ीदवार को
मूल पैटन को पूरा करने के िलए के आकृित के Q6. Study the given pattern carefully
र थान म सबसे अ ा िफट होने वाले िवक and select the figure that will complete
का चयन करना होता है । (c) (d) the pattern given in the question figure.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
Ex - 1 Q3.Study the given pattern carefully and उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
select the figure that will complete the गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
pattern given in the question figure.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Sol : (a)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q7. Study the given pattern carefully
Q4. Study the given pattern carefully and select the figure that will complete
and select the figure that will complete the pattern given in the question figure.
the pattern given in the question figure. िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
Q.1 Study the given pattern carefully उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
and select the figure that will complete उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
the pattern given in the question figure. गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q8. Study the given pattern carefully Q11. Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
and select the figure that will complete and select the figure that will complete उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
the pattern given in the question figure. the pattern given in the question figure. गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon)

MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon) MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q15. Which answer figure will complete

(c) (d)
the pattern given in the question figure.
Q9. Study the given pattern carefully िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
and select the figure that will complete Q12. Study the given pattern carefully उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
the pattern given in the question figure. and select the figure that will complete गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और the pattern given in the question figure.
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q16. Which answer figure will complete

(c) (d) (c) (d) the pattern given in the question figure.
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
Q10. Study the given pattern carefully Q13.Which answer figure will complete
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
and select the figure that will complete the pattern given in the question figure.
the pattern given in the question figure. िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(c) (d) Q17. Which answer figure will complete

the pattern given in the question figure.
(c) (d)
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
Q14. Which answer figure will complete
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
the pattern given in the question figure.
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

Figure Completion

MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)

MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q18. Which answer figure will complete Q21. Which of the following option
the pattern on the question figure? Q24. Which answer figure will complete
figures will complete the pattern in the
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और the pattern given in the question figure.
figure given below.
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए कौन सी उ र आकृित आकृित म िदए गए
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। पैटन को पूरा करे गी।
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening) MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)

Q19. Study the given pattern carefully (c) (d)

Q25. Which answer figure will complete
and select the figure that will complete
the pattern given in the question figure
the pattern given in the question figure. Q22. Which of the following option
कौन सी उ र आकृित आकृित म िदए गए
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और figure will complete the pattern in the पैटन को पूरा करे गी।
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए figure given below?
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) Q26. Which answer figure will complete
the pattern in the question figure?
Q20. Which answer figure will complete
Q23. Which answer figure will कौन सी उ र आकृित आकृित म िदए गए
the pattern given in the question figure. पैटन को पूरा करे गी।
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और complete the pattern given in the
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए question figure.
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d)

Q30. Study the pattern carefully and Q33. Select the correct option to
select the figure that will complete the complete the following pattern.
(c) (d)
pattern given in the question figure. िन िल खत पैटन को पूरा करने के िलए सही
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और िवक का चयन कर।
Q27. Select the correct option to
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
complete the following pattern. गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
िन िल खत पैटन को पूरा करने के िलए सही
िवक का चयन कर।

MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)

MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q34 Which answer figure will complete

the pattern in the question figure?
(c) (d) (c) (d) (Rotation is not allowed)
आकृित म कौन सी उ र आकृित पैटन को
Q.28 Which answer figure will complete Q31. Which answer figure will complete पूरा करे गी?
the pattern given in the question figure. the pattern in the question figure?
कौन सी उ र आकृित आकृित म िदए गए (Rotation not allowed)
पैटन को पूरा करे गी। आकृित म कौन सी उ र आकृित पैटन को
पूरा करे गी?

MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)

MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning) MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q35 Which answer figure will complete

(c) (d) the pattern in the question figure?
Q32 Select the correct option to उस िवक का चयन कर िजसम दी गई आकृित
complete the following pattern. अंतिनिहत है ।
Q29. Which answer figure will complete
िन िल खत पैटन को पूरा करने के िलए सही
the pattern in the question figure?
िवक का चयन कर।
आकृित म कौन सी उ र आकृित पैटन को
पूरा करे गी?

MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)

MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)

MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure Completion

Answer Figures:
Q36 Which answer figure will complete
the pattern in the question figure?
(Rotation is not allowed) (c) (d)
आकृित म कौन सी उ र आकृित पैटन को CHSL 2019 19/03/20(Morning)
पूरा करे गी? Q39. Study the given pattern carefully (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)1
and select the figure that will complete
the pattern given in the question figure. ANSWERS
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा। 1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(a)
MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(a)

9.(d) 10.(a) 11.(b) 12.(a)

MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) 13.(b) 14.(c) 15.(a) 16.(a)

(a) (b)
17.(c) 18.(b) 19.(b) 20.(a)

(a) (b) 21.(a) 22.(d) 23.(a) 24.(a)

(c) (d)
25.(d) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(a)
Q37. Which answer figure will complete
the pattern in the question figure? (c) (d) 29.(a) 30.(c) 31.(a) 32.(d)
आकृित म कौन सी उ र आकृित पैटन को
पूरा करे गी? 33.(d) 34.(d) 35.(a) 36.(b)
37.(d) 38.(a) 39.(b) 40.(c)
Q40. Select the answer figure that when
placed in the blank space of the question 41.(a)
figure will complete the pattern.
MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी आकृित
को पूण करे गा ?

(a) (b)

(c) (d) CHSL 2019 17/03/20(Evening)

Q38. Study the given pattern carefully

and select the figure that will complete
the pattern given in the question figure. (a) (b)
िदए गए पैटन का ानपूवक अ यन कर और
उस आं कड़े का चयन कर जो आकृित म िदए
गए पैटन को पूरा करे गा।
(c) (d)

Q41.Select the answer figure that when

placed in the blank space of the question
figure will complete the pattern. /
MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon) िन िल खत म से कौन सा िवक दी गयी आकृित
को पूण करे गा ?
Question Figure

(a) (b)

Mirror Image


(c) (d)
The image that is formed in the mirror of Q6. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning)
an object is called the mirror image of (a) (b)
the object. In this, the image of the
object which is near the mirror is formed
first in the mirror and the image which is (c) (d)
away from the mirror is formed later in
the mirror./िकसी व ु का दपण म जो Q2. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning)
ितिब बनता है उसे व ु का दपण ितिब
कहते है । इसम जो व ु दपण के नजदीक होती है
उसकी छिव दपण म पहले बनती है तथा जो दपण
से दू र होती है उसकी छिव दपण म बाद म बनती (a) (b)
है ।
I.e -
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q7. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q3. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

English Alphabet in mirror image:

(a) (b)
[a] (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q 8. CPO 13/03/2019(Evening)
Q4. CPO 12/03/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)
[a] (b)

Numbers in mirror image:

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q5. CPO 13/03/2019(Morning) Q9.CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)

Now, see the above table carefully and

solve the questions:


Q1. CPO 12/03/2019(Morning) (a) (b) (c)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q19.CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)


(a) (b)
Q10. CPO 14/03/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)

Q15. CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q20. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)

Q11.CPO 14/03/2019(Evening) (a) (b) MOUNTAIN

E8t4g9C (a)

(a) (c) (d) (b)

Q16.CPO 15/03/2019 (Evening) (c)

BKUCL31 (d)
Q21. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Q12. CPO 14/03/2019(Evening)


Q17. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

[a] (b)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q22. CPO 16/03/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
Q13. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
(c) (d)
Q18. CPO 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(a) (b)
(d) (c) (d)
Q14. CPO 15/03/2019(Morning)
Q23. CGL 04/06/2019 (Morning)

Mirror Image

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q24. CGL 04/06/2019- afternoon (c) (d) (a) (b)

Q28.CGL 06/06/2019(Evening)
(c) (d)

Q33. CGL 10/06/2019(Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Q25. CGL 04/06/2019 (Evening)
Q29. CGL 07/06/2019 (Morning)
(c) (d)

Q34. CGL 10/06/2019(Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Q30. CGL 07/06/2019(Afternoon) (c) (d)

(d) Q35. CGL 11/06/2019 (Morning)

Q26. CGL 06/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q31. CGL 07/06/2019(Evening)
Q36.CGL 11/06/2019(Afternoon)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q27.CGL 06/06/19 (Afternoon) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q32. CGL 10/06/2019 (Morning)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q37. CGL 11/06/2019 (Evening) Q46.CHSL 2/7/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(c) (d)
Q42. CGL 13/06/2019(Afternoon) Q47. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Evening)
Q38. CGL 12/06/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q48. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Morning)
Q43.CGL 13/06/2019(Evening)
Q39. CGL 12/06/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q44. CHSL 01-July-19(Evening)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q49.CHSL 3-7-2019 (Afternoon)
Q40. CGL12/06/2019(Evening)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Q45. CHSL 2/7/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
Q50. CHSL 3-7-2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) (a) (b) (a)

Q41. CGL 13/06/2019(Morning)
(c) (d) (c)

Mirror Image

(d) Q56. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
Q51. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)
(b) Q62. CHSL 09-July-19(Evening)
Q57. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Morning)
Q.52 CHSL 4-7-2019 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)

(a) (a)
(b) (c) (d)
(c) (c) Q63.CHSL 10-July-19 (Morning)
(d) (d)

Q53. CHSL 4-7-2019 (Evening) Q58.CHSL 8-7-2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (c) (d)

Q64. CHSL 10/7/19 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)

(c) (d) Q59. CHSL 8-7-2019 (Evening)

Q54. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Morning) (a) (b)


(b) (c) (d)

Q65. CHSL 10-July-19(Evening)

(a) (b) Q60. CHSL 09-July-19 (Morning)

(a) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
Q55. CHSL 5-7-2019 (Afternoon) (c) (d)

(d) Q66. CHSL 11/7/2019 (Morning)

Q61. CHSL 09-July-19 (Afternoon)


(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(c) (d)

Q67 CHSL 11/7/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Q76. MTS 06/08/2019(Afternoon)
Q72. MTS 05/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) (d)

Q.68 CHSL 11/7/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b) .
(c) (d)
(c) (d)

(c) (d) Q77. MTS 06/08/2019 (Evening)

Q73. MTS 05/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Q69. MTS 02/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d) (c) (d)

Q70. MTS 02/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q74. MTS 05/08/2019 (Evening) Q78. MTS 07/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q71. MTS 02/08/2019 (Evening) Q75. MTS 06/08/2019 (Morning)
(c) (d)

Q79.MTS 07/08/2019 (Afternoon)

Mirror Image

Q87. MTS 13/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q88.MTS 13/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q84. MTS 09/08/2019 (Morning)
Q80.MTS 07/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Q89. MTS 13/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q81. MTS 08/08/2019 (Morning) Q85. MTS 09/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a)




Q90. MTS 14/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q82. MTS 08/08/2019 (Afternoon) (a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q86. MTS 09/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q91. MTS 14/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (b)

(c) (d) (c)

Q83. MTS 08/08/2019 (Evening) (d)

(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q92. MTS 14/08/2019 (Evening)

(c) (d)
(a) (c) (d)
Q97. MTS 19/08/2019 (Afternoon) Q101. MTS 20/08/2019 (Evening)



Q93. MTS 16/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(a) (b) Q98.MTS 19/08/2019 (Evening)
Q102. MTS 21/08/2019 (Morning)

(c) (d)

Q94. MTS 16/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q99.MTS 20/08/2019 (Morning) Q103. MTS 21/08/2019 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)

Q95.MTS 16/08/2019 (Evening)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
(c) (d) Q100. MTS 20/08/2019 (Afternoon)
Q104. MTS 21/08/2019 (Evening)
Q96. MTS 19/08/2019 (Morning)

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Mirror Image


(c) (d) Q109. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning) (c) (d)

Q105. MTS 22/08/2019 (Morning) Q113.CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)


(a) (b) (c)
(a) (b)

Q114. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q110. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)
Q106. MTS 22/08/2019 (Afternoon)

[a] (b)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(c) (d) (c) (d)
Q115. CPO 11/12/2019(Evening)
Q107. MTS 22/08/2019 (Evening) Q111. CPO 09/12/2019(Evening)



[a] (b) (d)
(a) (b)
Q116. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q112.CPO 11/12/2019(Morning)
SSC CPO 2019 TIER I (b)
Q108. CPO 09/12/2019(Morning)

Q117. CPO 12/12/2019(Morning)
(a) (b)

Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)

(a) B (b) C (c) A (d) D

(c) (d)
Q122.CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
(a) (b) Q126.CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d)
Q118. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)
(a) (b) (d)
Q127.CGL 4/3/2020 (Morning)
(c) (d)

Q123. CPO 13/12/2019(Evening)
Q119. CPO 12/12/2019(Evening)



Q128. CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)

[a] (b) (c)


(c) (d) Q124. CGL 3/3/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)
Q120. CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

(c) (d)
(b) Q129.CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)

Q125.CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)

Q121. CPO 13/12/2019(Morning)

(a) (b)

Mirror Image

Q138. CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)

Q130. CGL 5/3/2020 (Morning)

(c) (d)
Q134. CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
Q139.CGL 9/3/2020 (Morning)
Q131. CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Q135.CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) Q140.CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Q132.CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) (c)

(c) (d)
Q141. CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
Q136.CGL 7/3/2020 (Morning)


(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (d)
Q142.CHSL 17/03/2020(Morning)
Q133. CGL 6/3/2020 (Morning) Q137.CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)


(a) (b)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (a) (b)

Q143. CHSL 17/03/2020(Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q147. CHSL 18/03/2020(Evening)
Q151.CHSL 12/10/2020(Morning)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b) (a) (b)

Q144. CHSL 17/03/2020(Evening)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

Q152. CHSL 12/10/2020(Afternoon)

Q148.CHSL 19/03/2020(Morning)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (b)

(c) (d)

Q145. CHSL 18/03/2020(Morning) (c) (d) (c)

Q149.CHSL 19/03/2020(Afternoon) (d)

Q153. CHSL 13/10/2020(Morning)
(b) (a) 9 5 6 4 3 7
(c) (b)
(d) (c)

(d) (b)
Q146. CHSL 18/03/2020(Afternoon)
Q150.CHSL 19/03/2020(Evening) (c)


Q154. CHSL 13/10/2020(Afternoon)

Mirror Image

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d) Q159.CHSL 15/10/2020(Morning)
Q155. CHSL 13/10/2020(Evening) Q163.CHSL16/10/2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q156. CHSL 14/10/2020(Morning)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q160.CHSL 15/10/2020(Afternoon)
Q164. CHSL16/10/2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d)

Q157. CHSL 14/10/2020(Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(a) (b)

Q161. CHSL 15/10/2020(Evening)

(c) d)

(a) Q165. CHSL19/10/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b) (b)



(c) (d)
Q162.CHSL 16-10-2020 (Morning)
Q158. CHSL 14/10/2020(Evening) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

Q166. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Afternoon)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

(a) (b)
Q171. CHSL20/10/2020 (Afternoon) Q175. CHSL21/10/2020 (Evening)

(c) (d)

Q167. CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d)
(b) (c) (d)
Q172.CHSL 20/10/2020 (Evening)
(c) Q176. CHSL26/10/2020 (Morning)

Q168.CHSL 19-10-2020 (Evening)

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) Q177.CHSL26/10/2020 (Afternoon)

(c) (d)
(c) (d)
Q173. CHSL 21/10/2020 (Morning)
Q169. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning)


(a) (b) (b)

(a) (b)
(c) (d) (c)

(c) (d) Q174. CHSL21/10/2020 (Afternoon) (d)

Q170. CHSL 20-10-2020 (Morning) Q178.CHSL26/10/2020 (Evening)

Mirror Image

Q183. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning) (b)

(a) (b) (c)

(c) (d)
Q188.SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
Q179. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)

(a) (b)
Q184. SSC CPO 24/11/2020 (Morning)

(d) (c) (d)

Q189. SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)

Q180.SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Morning)


(c) (a) (b)

(d) (c) (d)
(b) Q185. SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) Q190. SSC CPO 25/11/2020 (Evening)


Q181 SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) (a)


(c) (a) (b)

Q186. SSC CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) (c) (d)

1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(d)

Q182. SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Evening) (a)
5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(d) 8.(a)
(b) 9.(c) 10.(b) 11.(b) 12.(b)
13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(a) 16.(b)
17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(a)
(d) 21.(a) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(c)

Q187.SSC CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) 25.(d) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(c)

(a) (b) 29.(b) 30.(b) 31.(a) 32.(c)
33.(a) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(c)
(a) 37.(a) 38.(a) 39.(c) 40.(b)
(c) (d)
Pinnacle SSC Reasoning

41.(d) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(a)

45.(b) 46.(c) 47.(d) 48.(c)
49.(a) 50.(b) 51.(d) 52.(d)
53.(b) 54.(b) 55.(c) 56.(b)
57.(a) 58.(b) 59.(a) 60.(b)
61.(d) 62.(b) 63.(c) 64.(d)
65.(b) 66.(c) 67.(a) 68.(c)
69.(a) 70.(b) 71.(b) 72.(d)
73.(c) 74.(a) 75.(b) 76.(c)
77.(b) 78.(b) 79.(c) 80.(c)
81.(b) 82.(a) 83.(c) 84.(c)
85.(b) 86.(a) 87.(d) 88.(c)
89.(d) 90.(b) 91.(c) 92.(b)
93.(b) 94.(d) 95.(c) 96.(c)
97.(c) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(a)
101.(c) 102.(a) 103.(b) 104.(d)
105.(d) 106.(a) 107.(c) 108.(b)
109.(c) 110.(d) 111.(a) 112.(b)
113.(d) 114.(d) 115.(c) 116.(c)
117.(b) 118.(b) 119.(d) 120.(c)
121.(d) 122.(d) 123.(c) 124.(a)
125.(d) 126.(d) 127.(d) 128.(a)
129.(a) 130.(d) 131.(b) 132.(b)
133.(c) 134.(d) 135.(d) 136.(d)
137.(b) 138.(a) 139.(a) 140.(a)
141.(d) 142.(a) 143.(d) 144.(c)
145.(a) 146.(b) 147.(a) 148.(c)
149.(b) 150.(b) 151.(d) 152.(a)
153.(a) 154.(a) 155.(b) 156.(c)
157.(c) 158.(c) 159.(a) 160.(c)
161.(d) 162.(d) 163.(b) 164.(c)
165.(b) 166.(b) 167.(b) 168.(d)
169.(b) 170.(b) 171.(d) 172.(a)
173.(c) 174.(b) 175.(d) 176.(b)
177.(b) 178.(b) 179.(d) 180.(d)
181.(c) 182.(b) 183.(c) 184.(a)
185.(c) 186.(c) 187.(d) 188.(b)
189.(d) 190.(b)


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