08 - RPO in Nucleonic Gauges
08 - RPO in Nucleonic Gauges
08 - RPO in Nucleonic Gauges
Radiation Protection Officer in Nucleonic Gauges/ Industrial Radiography
The aim of the Course is to familiarize participants with radiation health physics and
radiation protection program by providing insights into:
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Basic physics and mathematics used in radiation protection
1.3. Interaction of radiation with matter
1.4. Sources of radiation
Introduction To Radiation And Radioactivity, Chart Of Nuclides, Concept Of
Alpha Decay, Beta Decay, Positron Emission Decay And Electron Capture Decay,
interaction of radiation with matter – Photo-Electric Effect and Compton
Scattering, Background Radiation.
Practical exercise:
Problem Set – Individual or Group Solving Exercise
2.1. Quantities and units
2.2. Dosimetry calculations and measurements
2.3. Principles of radiation detection and measurement
Activity, Half-life and Decay Rates of Radioactivity Material, Relationship
between Exposure, Absorbed Dose and Dose Equivalent, Principle behind
working of radiation detectors
Practical exercise:
Problem Set – Individual or Group Solving Exercise
3.1. Effects of radiation at the molecular and the cellular level.
3.2. Deterministic effects
3.3. Stochastic somatic effects
3.4. Stochastic hereditary effects
3.5. Effects on the embryo and fetus
3.6. Epidemiological studies and issues
3.7. The concept of radiation detriment
Effects of radiation at the molecular and the cellular level Acute and Chronic
Dose, Somatic Effect, Genetic Effect and Teratogenic Effect, Deterministic
effects, Non Stochastic and Stochastic Effects on human cells and body, Effects
on the embryo and fetus, Linear quadratic model adopted by ICRP
(International Commission of Radiation protection) to understand the
stochastic nature of radiation induced cancer.
4.1. Conceptual framework
4.2. The role of international organizations in radiation protection
4.3. The development of safety culture
Conceptual frame work, IAEA & ICRP, Three Basic guidelines suggested by
ICRP for Radiation Protection (International Commission of Radiation
Protection), Time, Distance and Shielding (ALARA), Gamma Ray Point Source
Equation, Calculation involving shielding of gamma rays, Backscattering,
Concept of Neutron Shielding
Practical exercise:
Problem Set – Individual or Group Solving Exercise
5.1. Legal framework for radiation protection and the safe use of radiation
5.2. Regulatory system
5.3. Assessment of the effectiveness of the regulatory programs
Legal frame work for radiation protection and safe use of radiation sources,
Role of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), ICRP (International
Commission of Radiation Protection), FANR (Federal Authority of Nuclear
Regulation), Regulatory Compliance as per FANR regulation, Record and Book
6.1 Assessment of occupational exposure due to external sources of
6.2 Assessment of occupational exposure due to intakes of radionuclides
▪ Effective Dose Equivalent external (EDEx)
▪ Committed Dose Equivalent (CDE) and Committed Effective Dose
Equivalent (CEDE) for Internal Dose (cont)
▪ Radiation Detector and principle behind working of Radiation Detectors
1. Six Region Curve
2. Ionization chambers
3. Proportional Counters
4. Geiger-Muller Detectors
5. Scintillation Detectors
▪ Dosimeters (Principle and Function)
1. Film Dosimeter
2. Pocket Dosimeter
3. TLD Dosimeter
4. OSL Dosimeter
5. Proton Recoil Track Dosimeter
▪ How to read and analyze the dosimeter reports
▪ Record keeping for individual monitoring
7.1. Organization and management
7.2. Methods of protection and the safe use of radiation sources; optimization
7.3. Individual and workplace monitoring
7.4. Health surveillance
7.5. Potential exposures
7.6. Protection against occupational exposure in nuclear gauges
Sealed Source Design and Testing, Leak Testing of Radioactive Material,
Maintaining ALARA in the facility, Dose Limits and Potential exposure for
different industries mentioned above , Surveys and Workplace Monitoring for
different industries mentioned above, Protection against occupational
exposure in nucleonic gauges
Problem Set :
Individual or Group Solving Exercise for surveys in workplace
8.1. Sources of exposure of the public
8.2. Responsibilities and organization
8.3. Safe transport of radioactive material
8.4 Safety of radioactive waste
8.5. Environmental dose assessment
8.6. Source and environmental monitoring
8.7. Consumer products
8.8. Dose assessment
8.9. Monitoring of public exposures
Levels of Radiation Based on natural Background and consumer products, Safe
transport of radioactive material, Safety during transportation of radioactive
material and wastes, Safety and Security of Radioactive Source during storage,
TENROM, radiological dose Assessment and monitoring public exposure
Problem Set :
Individual or Group Solving Exercise for surveys in workplace.
9.1 General principles and types of events
9.2. Basic concepts for emergency response
9.3. Basic concepts for emergency preparedness for radiological emergency
9.4. Overview of assessment and response in a radiological emergency
9.5 Communication with the public
All points as stated above will be covered
Mr. Anshul Handa, certified in “Applied Health Physics”, Department of Energy, Oak Ridge - USA,
carries more than ten years of experience in the field of Radiation Safety and Protection. As a
Radiation Protection Instructor, he has been conducting Radiation Safety Protection course
worldwide for a global population across the globe and have certified more than 400 employees
in a top industry.
Mr. Anshul has been appreciated by Global Regulatory Compliance manager of Schlumberger (oil
and gas Industry) for conducting successful and feedback received from the participants. His
recommendation can be viewed in below link of LinkedIn site.