FBS Module 2

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Home Economics
Food and Beverage Services
Quarter 1 - Module 2
Providing Link between Kitchen
and Service Areas

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics -
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Provide Link between Kitchen and Service Areas
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/s: Hannah Suzette P. Calunsag
Editors: Estrellita D. Bahalla
Reviewers: Nanette D. Soriano, PhD.
Grace T. Palahang
Management Team:
Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Randolph B. Tortola, PhD, CESO IV
Schools Division Superintendent
Shambaeh A. Usman, PhD.
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Dala Epra B. Magnaong, PhD.
Chief ES, CLMD
Neil A. Impogo, PhD.
Members: Elbert R. Francisco, PhD., Chief ES, CID
Mary Jane R. Cardente, PhD., EPS in Technology and Livelihood Education
Bienvenido U. Tagolimot Jr., EPS-ADM
Rejynne Mary L. Ruiz, PhD., LRMDS Manager
Jeny B. Timbal, PDO II
Sheila O. Bolasco, Division Librarian II

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Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon
Office Address: Fortich Street, Sumong, Malaybalay City
Telephone/Telefax: (088) 813-3634
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Website: depedbukidnon.net.ph
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Providing Link between Kitchen
and Service Areas

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and
or/universities. We encourage teachers and other education
stakeholders to email their feedbacks, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at
[email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education-Division of Bukidnon● Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Food and Beverage Services 10 Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on, Providing Link between Kitchen and Service Areas.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators from public to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

For the learner and for the Parents;

Welcome to the Food and Beverage Services 10 Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) Module on, Providing Link between Kitchen and Service Areas.
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn,
create and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies
that you as a learner is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the
relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic
success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
Table of Contents
Lesson 1- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
What I need to know 1
What I know 2
What’s In 3
What’s New 4
What is it? 4
What’s more 5
What I have learned 6
What I can Do 6
Assessment 7
Additional Activities 7
Lesson 2- Duties and responsibilities of the Food Service
What I need to know 8
What I know 8
What’s In 11
What’s New 12
What is it? 12
What’s more 14
What I have learned 14
What I can Do 15
Assessment 15
Additional Activities 17
Lesson 3- Cleaning and Clearing the Food Service Areas
What I need to know 17
What I know 18
What’s In 20
What’s New 21
What is it? 21
What’s more 22
What I have learned 22
What I can Do 23
Assessment 23
Additional Activities 24
Unit test 25
Answer Key 28
References 32
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
This will give you an idea of the skills or
What I Need to
Know competencies you are expected to learn
in the module.
This part includes an activity that aims
What I Know to check what you already know about
the lesson to take. If you get all the
answers correct (100%), you may
decide to skip this module.
This is a brief drill or review to help you
What’s In link the current lesson with the previous
In this portion, the new lesson will be
What’s New introduced to you in various ways such
as a story, a song, a poem, a problem
opener, an activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion
What is It of the lesson. This aims to help you
discover and understand new concepts
and skills.
This comprises activities for
What’s More independent practice to solidify your
understanding and skills of the topic.
You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.
What I Have This includes questions or blank
Learned sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the
This section provides an activity which
What I Can Do will help you transfer your new
knowledge or skill into real life situations
or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate
Assessment your level of mastery in achieving the
learning competency.
In this portion, another activity will be
Activities given to you to enrich your knowledge
or skill of the lesson learned. This also
tends retention of learned concepts.
This contains answers to all activities in
Answer Key the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References: This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

Like in any organization, communication and interpersonal skills are

very important in a food service in order to have a smooth,organized and
efficient operation.

At the end of the activities in this module, you are expected to:

 Define what is communication;

 Differentiate direct and indirect communication;and
 Follow the flow of communication in an organizational chart
What I Know

Pre Test
Direction: Arrange the letters to form a word.

1. NICIOOMMUNCAT ________________
2. RTDCIE ________________
3. IRTDCIEN ________________
4. KLISSL ________________
5. LIANTOESRREP ________________
6. LUFSSUSCEC ________________
7. ETLBGIAN ________________
8. EIENTMECRFOR ________________
9. TEOSIIVP ________________
10. OIZGANIATNOR ________________
11. ORTTNAPIM ________________
12. SELUR ________________
13. KARN ________________
14. NORNEMTVEN ________________
15. ELOYEPME ________________
Communication and
1 Interpersonal Skills

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to;
1. define what is communication; and
2. differentiate direct and indirect communication.

What’s In
From the previous lesson, you learned the
importance of having a sufficient supply of service wares,
tools and kitchen equipment in a food service establishment.
In this lesson, you will learn the importance of
communication and interpersonal skills in an organization
and how it will help the operation to become smooth sailing.

Notes to the Teacher

As a teacher/facilitator you have to make sure that this will
empower the learners to obtain understanding on different tools,
utensils and equipment required in assembling egg dishes; correct
way on how to clean, sanitize and assemble tools required in
preparation of egg dishes.

What’s New

Let’s explore

Direction:Take a look at the organizational chart below and try to figure out
the flow of their communication.

1. What do you think is the flow of communication in this organizational

chart? horizontal or vertical and why?
2. Where does the communication start and where does it end?

What is It

Communication is the act of relaying a message or information to a

person or group of persons. It can be a one-way or two-way communication.
Communication can also be direct or indirect. Direct communication can be
verbal, meaning it is done by talking directly to a person or employee. Indirect
communication can be in the form of writing like memorandum.

The flow of communication can be vertical or horizontal. It depends

on the position occupied by the employee or workers. Vertical communication
takes place when an announcement of policies starts from the manager and
goes down to the head of units then to the rank and file. While in horizontal
communication, the head of the different units or even members of the rank
and file in the different units can communicate among each other on issues
and problems in order to resolve it.

In the organizational chart, it is the manager that occupies the
highest rank. He is the one who manages the whole operation.
Next in rank to the manager is the supervisor. The supervisor has
direct control of the three units such as the kitchen unit consisting of the chief
cook, assistant cooks and dishwashers. The dining unit consists of the
cashier, the counter girls, and waitresses; and the pantry consists of the
purchaser or marketer and the storeroom keeper.

Good interpersonal relation is a requirement for effective

communication. It means all the employees in the food service get along with
each other well. Each employee regardless of his/her rank in an organization
must behave in accordance to the policies and rules of the organization.

Successful manager inspires confidence to his employees. He should

consistent in his behavior especially in enforcing rules and regulations. One
technique to establish good relations with the employers and employees is
positive reinforcement. It is based on the assumption that human behavior is
determined by responses to stimuli like environmental conditions. A person’s
behavior is affected by changing the environment to which a person responds.
Example is a worker gets satisfaction when performing a successful task. The
feeling of satisfaction reinforces that person to do another more difficult task.

Tangible reinforcement like bonuses, prizes and other rewards are used in
food service while intangible reinforcement such as praises or words of
appreciation and encouragement also results to positive responses from

What’s More

Direction: Complete the Venn diagram below by writing down the differences and
similarities of direct and indirect communication

Cleaning Sanitizing

What I Have Learned

Directions: Fill in the blank to complete the sentence. Find the missing word/s
inside the box below.

vertical verbal relying control

horizontal confidence manager interpersonal relations

Tangible relaying writing good relations

1. Direct communication can be _______ by talking directly to the employees.

2. Communication is the act of imparting or ______ messages or information.
3. Indirect communication can be in ________ like through memorandum.
4. The _______ occupies the highest rank in an organization.
5. The supervisor has direct _______ and _________ on the three units of the
restaurant or any food establishment.
6. Effective communication requires good __________.
7. Successful manager inspires ________ in their employees.
8. Bonuses, prizes and other rewards are examples of __________.
9. Praise or words of appreciation and encouragement are examples of
10. The heads of the different units or members of the rank and file in the different
units can communicate between and among each other in __________

What I Can Do

At this point, you already know how important communication is

including the interpersonal skill in order to run a smooth and efficient
operation in an organization particularly in a restaurant.
As a future restaurant owner/ manager, explain in two paragraphs the
importance of giving positive and tangible reinforcements to your employees
in order to establish a good relationship.


Post Test

Direction: Arrange the letters to form a word.

1. NICIOOMMUNCAT ________________
2. RTDCIE ________________
3. IRTDCIEN ________________
4. KLISSL ________________
5. LIANTOESRREP ________________
6. LUFSSUSCEC ________________
7. ETLBGIAN ________________
8. EIENTMECRFOR ________________
9. TEOSIIVP ________________
10. OIZGANIATNOR ________________
11. ORTTNAPIM ________________
12. SELUR ________________
13. KARN ________________
14. NORNEMTVEN ________________
15. ELOYEPME ________________

Additional Activities

Since, you now have a deep understanding about the utmost importance
of having a good communication and interpersonal relationship of the
manager and his employees and vice-versa, you are going to make a three-
paragraph poem entitled “ A Good Manager”. You can get the idea from the
previous lessons presented to you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is given to help
you master the learning competencies in TLE 10. The scope of this module
permits it to be used on different situations. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the subject.

In this module, you are expected to:

 Identify the duties and responsibilities of food service personnel;

 Enumerate the food service personnel in a food service establishment; and
 Explain why specific job requires specific duties and responsibilities.

What I Know

Let’s try this

Pre- Test

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. He is the over all in charge of the operations of the establishment.

a. food service manager c. storeroom keeper
b. purchaser d. assistant manager

2. This personnel prepares the daily, weekly and monthly financial reports.
a. food service manager c. storeroom keeper
b. purchaser d. cashier

3. This personnel takes charge of receiving orders, delivery of the foods on

the table of the customers, clearing up, and other tasks related to food
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

4. This personnel controls the quality of food stuff and their proper preparation
and storage.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

5. This personnel helps the manager or supervisor in directing, controlling,

and supervising personnel in the day-to-day operations.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

6. This personnel prepares the market list once or twice a week depending
on how often purchasing is done.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

7. This personnel arranges in their storage all incoming materials and

supplies and double checks their specifications.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

8. This personnel must posses competence, skill and adequate

experiences in preparing and cooking a variety of menus that will meet
the needs and desires of the customers.
a. cashier c. chief cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

9. This person should know how to operate a cash register or any type of
machine intended for the activity.
a. cashier c. chief Cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom Keeper

10. This personnel should carry plates or trays safely and transfer plates
with food safely and properly on the dining table.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

11. This personnel makes regular inventory of the stocks/ items.

a. cashier c. storeroom keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

12. This person checks the quality of food cooked according to customer
a. cashier c. chief Cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom Keeper

13. This person helps the chief cook in preparing and cooking the specific
food ordered by customers.
a. purchaser c. storeroom Keeper
b. assistant Cook d. waitress

14. This person checks the incoming materials and supplies as to quality,
weights, and specifications and reject those which do not meet the
specified requirements of the food service.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

15. This person plans the menu for the day, makes the necessary
adjustments on volume based on season, availability, and price with
the assistance of chief cook and purchaser.
a. cashier c. storeroom keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

Duties and Responsibilities of
2 the food Service Personnel
At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to;
1. identify the duties and responsibilities of food service personnel;
1. explain why specific job requires specific duties and

What’s In
From the previous lesson, you have learned the
importance of having good communication and interpersonal
skills for a smooth and efficient operation of the food
service.In lesson 2, you will learn the duties and
responsibilities of the food service personnel and their
specific qualifications.

Notes to the Teacher

As a teacher/facilitator you have to make sure that this will
empower the learners to obtain understanding on different tools,
utensils and equipment required in assembling egg dishes; correct
way on how to clean, sanitize and assemble tools required in
preparation of egg dishes.

What’s New

True or False

Direction: Write True if the statement is True and False if the statement is

_____ 1. Duties are tasks assigned to every group of the food service team.
_____ 2. Each personnel is accountable for finishing every task.
_____ 3. The higher the rank the greater is the responsibility assigned to
_____ 4. Specific jobs will result in doing the job effectively and efficiently.
_____ 5. Dishwasher and sanitation personnel do not need to have high

What is It

Specific jobs require specific duties and responsibilities. Thus, these

require personnel with specific qualifications to do the job effectively and
efficiently. The following are the various personnel in the food service

1. Food Service Manager

He is the overall in-charge f the operations of the establishment. He

should be meticulous about cleanliness, prompt service, good quality food,
and cost-saving techniques. Specific duties of the manager are the following:

A. Planning the daily operational tasks

 Conducts regular or special staff meetings on matters of daily operations,

etc. With the assistance of the supervisor.
 Plans the menu for the day, makes the necessary adjustments on volume
based on season, availability and price with the assistance of the chief
cook and purchaser.
 Oversees the preparation and service of meals and cleanliness and safety
of the kitchen, dining area and other areas with the assistance of the
 Controls quality of food stuff and their proper preparation and storage with
the assistance of the purchaser and storeroom.

2. The Assistant Manager or Supervisor

The assistant manager or supervisor helps the manager in directing,

controlling, and supervising personnel in the day-to-day operations. He or she
should possess intelligence like that of the manager. In the absence of the
manager, the assistant manager takes over the responsibility and monitors
the activities of the establishment.

3. Chief Cook

The chief cook must have the competence, skill, and enough experiences
in preparing and cooking a variety of menus. He advises other cooks about
readiness of item to be served. He also checks quality of food cooked
according to customers requests.

4. Assistant Cook

The assistant cook helps the chief in preparing and cooking the specific
food being ordered by the customer.He must be competent and
knowledgeable in preparing different kinds of food. The assistant cook must
be healthy, and relatively young of age to endure the long hours of hard work
in the kitchen.

5. Purchaser

The purchaser is the one who purchases all the materials and supplies
needed in the kitchen, dining room and other service areas. He or she
prepares the market list once or twice a week depending on how often
purchasing is done. A purchaser checks the incoming materials and supplies
as to quality, weights and specifications. He or she also rejects those which
do not meet the specified requirements of the food service.

6. Storeroom Keeper

A storeroom keeper arranges all the incoming materials and supplies. He

or she also double checks the materials and their specifications. He makes
regular inventory and reports these to the purchaser.This person also makes
daily report of the materials and supplies that come and go.

7. Counter Girls and Waitresses

These employees are in-charge of receiving orders, delivery of the food

on the table of the customers, clearing up and other tasks related to food
service. They should carry plates or trays and transfer plates with food safely
and properly on the dining table.They should also be physically and mentally
healthy with pleasing personality and have good knowledge on the the
different dishes offered by the food establishment.

8. Cashier

A cashier holds the sensitive position of handling cash collected daily. He

or she should know how to operate a cash register machine intended for the
activity. This person also prepares the daily, weekly and monthly financial

9. Other Employees

The dishwasher and the sanitation personnel need not have high
education qualifications. The important consideration is that they are highly
trained for the job and that they possess the skills and have a good attitude
toward their work.

What’s More

“ Great power comes with great


In your own words, please explain this famous quote from the
Spiderman movie in two sentences.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Write what you have learned by completing the statements below.
1. The manager is the ________ in-charge of the operations.
2. The dishwasher and the sanitation personnel do not need to have
_______________ qualifications.
3. In the absence of the manager, the assistant manager _____ ______ the
responsibility of overseeing the activities of the establishment.
4. A purchaser prepares the _____ ____ once or twice a week depending on
how often the purchase is being done.

5. The waitresses should carry plates or trays _____ and transfer plates
with food safely and properly on the dining table.
6. The chief cook checks the _______ of food cooked.
7. The assistant cook helps the _______ in preparing and cooking.
8. A cashier should know how to _________ the cash register.
9. A purchaser purchases all the _______ and _______ needed by the
kitchen, dining room, and other service areas.
10. The manager _______ the menu for the day.

What I Can Do

As a student, you also have responsibilities and duties that you have
to accomplished. You list 10 of these and evaluate if these responsibilities of
yours have been realized or not.


Let’s try this

Post- Test- Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. He is the over all in charge of the operations of the establishment.

a. food service manager c. storeroom keeper
b. purchaser d. assistant manager

2. This personnel prepares the daily, weekly and monthly financial reports.
a. food service manager c. storeroom keeper
b. purchaser d. cashier

3. This personnel takes charge of receiving orders, delivery of the foods on

the table of the customers, clearing up, and other tasks related to food
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

4. This personnel controls the quality of food stuff and their proper preparation
and storage.
c. cashier c. purchaser
d. manager d. waitresses

5. This personnel helps the manager or supervisor in directing, controlling,

and supervising personnel in the day-to-day operations.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

6. This personnel prepares the market list once or twice a week depending
on how often purchasing is done.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

7. This personnel arranges in their storage all incoming materials and

supplies and double checks their specifications.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

8. This personnel must posses competence, skill and adequate

experiences in preparing and cooking a variety of menus that will meet
the needs and desires of the customers.
a. cashier c. chief cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

9. This person should know how to operate a cash register or any type of
machine intended for the activity.
a. cashier c. chief Cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom Keeper

10. This personnel should carry plates or trays safely and transfer plates
with food safely and properly on the dining table.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

11. This personnel makes regular inventory of the stocks/ items.

a. cashier c. storeroom keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

12. This person checks the quality of food cooked according to customer
a. cashier c. chief Cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom Keeper

13. This person helps the chief cook in preparing and cooking the specific
food ordered by customers.
a. purchaser c. storeroom Keeper
b. assistant Cook d. waitress

14. This person checks the incoming materials and supplies as to quality,
weights, and specifications and reject those which do not meet the
specified requirements of the food service.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

15. This person plans the menu for the day, makes the necessary
adjustments on volume based on season, availability, and price with
the assistance of chief cook and purchaser.
a. cashier c. storeroom keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

Additional Activities

Answer the following questions:

1. As a future entrepreneur, what do you think will happen if there is no

definite task assigned to each person in the organization?

2. Do you agree when they say, “specific job requires specific duties and
responsibilities?, Yes or No? Why?

What I Need to Know

Cleaning and sanitizing are procedures in any food service operation

that require time, labor, energy, and chemicals. Proper and thorough cleaning
cleaning and sanitizing in a food service results in a maximum protection of
employees and customers.
I n this module, you are expected to:

 Observe precautionary measures and sanitary practices in handling food

and beverage

 Define what is cleaning and sanitizing;

 Follow the correct procedure in cleaning and sanitizing; and
 Explain the two methods of sanitizing surfaces.

What I Know

Pre- Test. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a two-step process that occurs when a cleaning agent like detergent

is put in contact with a soiled surface.
a. swabbing c. rinsing
b. cleaning d. spraying
2. It is a method of sanitizing the surface is exposed to a high heat long
enough to kill harmful microorganisms.
a. chemical Sanitizing c. heat Sanitizing
b. cleaning d. sanitizing
3. A method done immediately after cleaning.
a. rinsing c. sanitizing
b. spraying d. swabbing
4. It is the most significant agent that causes the spread of food borne
a. feet c. mouth
b. hands d. arm
5. These are defined as cleansing agents, solvents, or any substance that
will remove foreign or soiling material from surfaces.
a. soap powders c.solvents
b. abrasives d. detergents

Part II. True or False

Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

____ 6. Cleaning is done after sanitizing.

____ 7. Chemical sanitizing uses high heat.
____ 8. Hard water causes lime deposits.
____ 9. Abrasives can scratch soft surface.
____ 10. Pressure is applied when cleaning.
____ 11. Cleaning and sanitizing does not require labor and energy.
____ 12. Machines are used in cleaning and sanitizing.
____ 13. Chemical sanitizing is achieved in two ways.
____ 14. All food contact surfaces must be sanitized to lower the presence
of bacteria.
____ 15. Cleaning agents are formulated for general purposes.

Cleaning and Clearing the
3 Food Service Areas

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to;
1. differentiate cleaning and sanitizing; and
2. explain the two methods of sanitizing surfaces.

What’s In
From the previous lesson, you have learned about the
duties and responsibilities of the food service personnel. In
lesson 3, you will learn about proper hygiene in the food
service area.

Notes to the Teacher

As a teacher/facilitator you have to make sure that this will
empower the learners to obtain understanding on different tools,
utensils and equipment required in assembling egg dishes; correct
way on how to clean, sanitize and assemble tools required in
preparation of egg dishes.

What’s New

Let’s explore

Direction. In your own words, write the meaning of the words, cleaning and
sanitizing in one sentence.


Your Own Your Own

Definition Definition

What is It

Cleaning is a two-way process. It occurs when a cleaning agent like

detergent is put in contact with a soiled surface. It is applied using a brush,
scrub or water spray for a period long enough to penetrate the soiled area,
then removes the soil by rinsing.
Examples of detergents are cleaning agents, solvents or any substance that
will remove foreign or soiling material from surfaces. On the list are soap
powders, cleansers, acids, volatile solvents, and abrasives.

Principles of Sanitizing

The process of sanitizing is done after cleaning. All food contacts surfaces
must be sanitized in order to lower the presence of harmful microorganisms to
safe levels. These contact surfaces are dinnerware, flatware, beverageware,
equipment and work surfaces in the kitchen.

1. Heat sanitizing- This is exposing the surfaces to a high heat long enough
to kill harmful microorganisms. It can be done manually or by a high-
temperature machine. The minimum temperature range necessary to kill most

harmful microorganisms is usually 162 degree Farenheit to 165 degree

2. Chemical Sanitizing- This is sanitizing through the use of chemicals. Over

heat sanitizing, chemical sanitizing saves energy. This method is achieved in
two ways. The first is through immersing. A clean object is immersed in a
sanitizing solution of the right concentration and for a specified length of time
usually one minute. The second method is by rinsing, swabbing or spraying
the object with sanitizing solution. The rinsing or spraying can be done
manually or mechanically using a machine. The three types of chemicals
commonly used in food service operations are chlorine, iodine, and
quaternary ammonium compounds. Study the table below;

What’s More

True or False

Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and write F if the statement is

_____ 1. Chemical sanitizing can be achieved in two ways: immersing and
rinsing and swabbing or spraying the object with sanitizing
_____ 2.The higher the temperature of the water used for cleaning, the faster
and more efficient the action of the detergent will be.
_____ 3. Different surfaces especially metals do not vary in the ease with
which they are cleaned.
_____ 4. Chlorine is an example of chemical sanitizer.
_____ 5. Heat sanitizing saves more energy than chemical sanitizing.

What I Have Learned

Sentence Completion

Direction: Complete the sentence by filling in the blanks with the missing
1. _______ in hard water can reduce the effectiveness of some detergents.
2. Sanitizing is done immediately after _____.
3. Soap can leave a ______ film.
4. Heat sanitizing is exposing the surfaces to a ______.
5. Chemical sanitizing can be achieved in ______ way/s.
6. Heat sanitizing can be done manually or by_________.

7. The higher the temperature of the water used for cleaning, the ________
and more efficient the action of the detergent.
8. Abrasive such as scouring can ______ soft surface.
9. Hard water can cause a _______ or leave a scale especially on the
10. Chemical sanitizing saves _______.

What I Can Do

As a student , what are the things that you should practice in order to
maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the school or in your home. List at
least 10.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.


Post Test
Part I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Let’s try this

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a two-step process that occurs when a cleaning agent like detergent

is put in contact with a soiled surface.
a. swabbing c. rinsing
b. cleaning d. spraying
2. It is a method of sanitizing the surface is exposed to a high heat long
enough to kill harmful microorganisms.
a. chemical Sanitizing c. heat Sanitizing
b. cleaning d. sanitizing
3. A method done immediately after cleaning.

a. rinsing c. sanitizing
b. spraying d. swabbing
4. It is the most significant agent that causes the spread of food borne
a. feet c. mouth
b. hands d. arm
5. These are defined as cleansing agents, solvents, or any substance that
will remove foreign or soiling material from surfaces.
a. soap powders c.solvents
b. abrasives d. detergents

Part II. True or False

Direction: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.

____ 6. Cleaning is done after sanitizing.

____ 7. Chemical sanitizing uses high heat.
____ 8. Hard water causes lime deposits.
____ 9. Abrasives can scratch soft surface.
____ 10. Pressure is applied when cleaning.
____ 11. Cleaning and sanitizing does not require labor and energy.
____ 12. Machines are used in cleaning and sanitizing.
____ 13. Chemical sanitizing is achieved in two ways.
____ 14. All food contact surfaces must be sanitized to lower the presence
of bacteria.
____ 15. Cleaning agents are formulated for general purposes.

Additional Activities

Direction: List at least five things that you do when cleaning and sanitizing your
kitchen tools and equipment.



Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. He is the over all in-charge of the operations of the establishment.

a. food Service Manager c. storeroom Keeper
b. purchaser d. assistant Manager

2. This personnel prepares the daily, weekly and monthly financial reports.
a.food Service Manager c. storeroom Keeper
b.purchaser d. cashier

3. This personnel takes charge of receiving orders, delivery of the foods on

the table of the customers, clearing up and other tasks related to food
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

4. This personnel controls the quality of food stuff and their proper preparation
and storage.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

5. He is the over all in-charge of the operations of the establishment.

a. food Service Manager c. storeroom Keeper
b. purchaser d. assistant Manager

6. This personnel helps the manager or supervisor in directing, controlling

and supervising personnel in the day-to-day operations.
a. manager c. assistant manager
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

7. This personnel prepares the market list once or twice a week depending
on how often purchasing is done.
a. manager c. assistant Manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom Keeper

8. This personnel arranges in their storage all incoming materials and

supplies and double checks their specifications.
a. manager c. assistant manger
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

9. This personnel must posses competence, skill and adequate
experiences in preparing and cooking a variety of menus that meet
the needs and desires of the customers.
a. cashier c. chief cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

10. This person should know how to operate a cash register or any type of
machine intended for the activity.
a. cashier c. chief cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

11. This personnel should carry plates or trays and transfer plates with food
safely and properly on the dining table.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

12. This personnel makes regular inventory of the stocks /items.

a. cashier c. storeroom Keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

13. This person checks the quality of food cooked according to customer
a. cashier c. chief cook
b. purchaser d. storeroom keeper

14. This person helps the chief cook in preparing and cooking the specific
food ordered by customers.
a. purchaser c. storeroom Keeper
b. assistant Cook d. waitress

15. This person checks incoming materials and supplies as to quality,

weights and specifications and reject those which do not meet the
specified requirements of the food service.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

16. This person plans the menu for the day, makes the necessary
adjustments on volume based on season, availability, and price with
the assistance of chief cook and purchaser.
a. cashier c. storeroom keeper
b. manager d. waitresses

17. It is a two-step process that occurs when a cleaning agent like detergent
is put in contact with a soiled surface.
a. swabbing c. rinsing
b. cleaning d. spraying

18. This person plans special promotions or sales.

a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

19. This person makes contact with other persons or companies for
promotions or advertisement.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

20. He does daily, weekly or monthly report on the status of the business.
a. cashier c. purchaser
b. manager d. waitresses

Sentence Completion Letter Arrangement
Lesson 1
Answer Key
True or False Pre- Test/Post
Lesson 2
Answer Key
Sentence Completion
minerals B
cleaning C
greasy C
high heat B
two D
high temperature True or False
faster T
scratch T
9. lime deposit F
10. energy F
Lesson 3
Answer Key
Multiple Choice
Answer Key

Atkins, Susan. 2002. How to Choose Wine. Great Britain: Octopus Publishing

Axler, Bruce H. 1999. Food Service. A Managerial Approach. Lexington,

Massachusetts: D.C. Health and Company

Basbas, Leonora D. et al. 2007. Learning & Living in the 21 st Century III. Manila:
REX Book Store, Inc.

Basbas, Leonora D. et al. 2007. Learning & Living in the 21 st Century IV. Manila:
REX Book Store, Inc.

Basbas, Leonora D. et al. 20214. Learning & Living in the 21st Century IV. Manila:
REX Book Store, Inc.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

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