Imd Methodology
Imd Methodology
Imd Methodology
By Suzanne Rosselet-McCauley
Government Efficiency (73 criteria) Extent to which government policies are conducive to competitiveness:
Public Finance, Fiscal Policy, Institutional Framework, Business
Legislation and Societal Framework.
Business Efficiency (70 criteria) Extent to which the national environment encourages enterprises to
perform in an innovative, profitable and responsible manner:
Productivity and Efficiency, Labor Market, Finance, Management Practices
and Attitudes and Values.
Infrastructure (108 criteria) Extent to which basic, technological, scientific and human resources
meet the needs of business:
Basic Infrastructure,Technological Infrastructure, Scientific Infrastructure,
Health and Environment and Education.
Each year we conduct a survey to quantify issues related to But growth formulas may have shortcomings. The average
competitiveness for which there are no hard statistics, or for annual growth rate fails to reveal the real extent of changes, as
data that are available with a time lag. The survey is an in-depth it flattens or inflates year-to-year growth rates. For example,
123-point questionnaire sent to top- and middle management an average growth rate over two years might be calculated
in the 55 economies covered by the WCY. The distribution at 15 percent, while in reality there was 5 percent growth
reflects a breakdown of industry by sectors: Agro/Extracting, between the first and second years, and 25 percent between
Industry/Manufacturing and Services/Finance. In order to be the second and third years. The average annual growth is used
statistically representative, we select a sample size which is only when data vary widely in the middle years of a period, and
proportional to the GDP breakdown of economic sectors of less widely between the first and last years of the period. It is
the economy. also used in cases where it is impossible to combine negative
and positive initial and final values. This approach gives a more
In 2008, we had 3,960 executives respond to the survey for accurate picture than does the compound rate under these
an average of approximately 72 per country. The target list is circumstances.
determined by IMD and has been developed over many years
with the collaboration of our Partner Institutes worldwide.
Confidentiality is ensured and the list is revised and updated Deflated values
every year. The questions only concern the country in which
the executives work and have resided for the past year; The following formula is used when calculating real growth
therefore, the results refl ect widespread knowledge about rates from nominal values, because it takes into account
each economy and draw on the wealth of their international cumulative inflation (e.g. real growth in Private Final
experience. Consumption Expenditure). The final deflated value is then
used to obtain the annual real growth rate.
The respondents assess the competitiveness issues by
answering the questions on a scale of 1-6, with the response Taking a 5-year time span as an example:
1 generally indicating a negative perception and 6 indicating
the most positive perception.The WCY calculates the average Deflated final value (i = inflation rate):
value for each economy, then the data is converted from a
1-6 scale to a 0-10 scale. Finally, the survey responses are value 2008
transformed into their standard deviation values, from which § i 2004 · § i 2005 · § i ·
the rankings are calculated. ¨1+ ¸ × ¨1+ ¸ × ... × ¨1+ 2008 ¸
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