CPC Platform

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Erin O’Toole
THE HEALTH OF CANADIANS Leader of Canada’s Conservatives

1. A Detailed Plan to Secure Jobs and Economic Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
a. Beating COVID-19 through vaccination and testing, so we can fully reopen our economy . . 18
b. Taking immediate action to help the hardest hit sectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
c. Supporting small business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
d. Securing opportunity for women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
e. Making Canada the best place to invest and build a business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
f. Building infrastructure to get the economy moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
g. Unleashing innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
h. Increasing trade with free nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
i. Creating opportunity in all sectors of the economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2. A Detailed Plan to Lift Up Working Canadians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3. A Detailed Plan to Support Working Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4. A Detailed Plan to Lower Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5. A Detailed Plan to Tackle Home Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6. A Detailed Plan to Protect Canada from Future Pandemics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7. A Detailed Plan to Secure Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8. A Detailed Plan to Secure Accountability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
9. A Detailed Plan to Secure the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
10. A Detailed Plan to Tackle Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
11. A Detailed Plan to Secure Public Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
a. Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
12. A Detailed Plan to Secure the National Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
a. Defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
b. Standing Up for Our Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
13. A Detailed Plan to Promote Canada’s Interests and Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
a. International Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
14. A Detailed Plan to Secure the Future of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
15. A Detailed Plan to Secure the North. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
16. A Detailed Plan to Strengthen Our Immigration System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
17. A Detailed Plan to Make Our Federation Work for All Canadians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
a. Securing Equality, Health and Safety for Canadian Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
b. Breaking Down Barriers for Disabled Canadians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
c. A Strong Quebec in a United Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
d. Official Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
e. Ending the Mistreatment of Western Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
18. A Detailed Plan to Secure Jobs and Opportunity for Rural Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
19. A Detailed Plan For a Freer Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
20. A Detailed Plan to Support Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
21. A Detailed Plan to Strengthen Cultural Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
22. A Detailed Plan to Secure Tax Fairness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
23. Protecting social services by restoring Canada’s finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Authorized by the Chief Agent of the Conservative Party of Canada
What is Canada’s
Recovery Plan?
It’s a plan. A very detailed plan. You’ll probably notice ideas that you
haven’t heard from Conservatives like
That’s what Canada needs after the me before.
past year and half.
It’s time for Conservatives to take
The most important thing about a plan inequality seriously, because that’s
is that it’s about the future. becoming more of a problem in our
In this case, that means your future––
your personal and financial economic At heart, I’m an optimist. I’ve never
future. Your well-being and security. found looking back to be terribly usefully.
I know it’s a cliché, but I truly believe that
It is a plan to secure Canada’s recovery Canada’s best days lie ahead.
from the pandemic.
Canada is a community.
To get the economy back on track.
To bring back jobs. To get spending Our goal is the common good of all
back under control. Canadians: a society where everyone
can fulfill his or her potential.


To tackle high prices (especially home
prices) and fight inflation. Our goal is to release the human spirit
and potential of individual people,
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To get serious about the mental health families and groups.
JOBS ACCOUNTABILITY MENTAL COUNTRY ECONOMY To nurture, mobilize, and encourage
by recovering by enacting HEALTH by creating a by balancing To secure our independence from other generosity, individual talent, patriotism,
the 1 million jobs a new though our strategic stockpile the budget
countries for the things we need in an and sense of community.
lost during Anti-Corruption Canada of essential over the
the pandemic law to clean up Mental Health products and next decade. emergency.
within one year. the mess in Action Plan. building the And to provide the framework for a
Ottawa. capacity to So, while the plan is detailed, the more sensitive and powerful means of
manufacture priorities are actually quite simple. protecting and supporting the deprived
vaccines at home. and vulnerable.
Next, it’s a plan for all Canadians.
It’s one that puts working Canadians Thanks for reading,
at the front of the recovery.

Erin O’Toole
Leader, Canada’s Conservatives
Author, Canada’s Recovery Plan
Every Canadian deserves the security and dignity that comes
with a secure, stable, and well-paid job. Canada’s Conservatives
will enact a comprehensive jobs plan to get Canadians back to
work across the country.
• Take immediate action to help the hardest hit sectors, helping those
- including women and young Canadians - who have suffered the

• Rebuild main street by assisting small business and providing

incentives to invest in, rebuild, and start new businesses; and
• Create opportunity in all sectors of the economy and all parts
of the country.
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The last year has made clear the mental health crisis we face.
It’s time to make it clear that mental health IS health,
and to treat it properly.


Boost funding to the provinces for mental health care;
Provide incentives to employers to provide mental health coverage
to employees; and
• Create a nation-wide, three-digit suicide prevention hotline.


We must never again be caught as unprepared as we were when

COVID hit last year. Canada’s Conservatives will make Canada
more resilient, reduce our reliance on foreign countries like
China, and take seriously our responsibility to protect the
health of Canadians.
• Partner with pharmaceutical companies to increase production
of critical medicines and build domestic vaccine production
• Use procurements by government and those receiving government
funding to strengthen domestic production of PPE; and
• Overhaul and rebuild Canada’s National Emergency Stockpile
System to ensure we have the supplies we need be prepared at
all times for future threats.
Spending to protect Canadians in the pandemic was the right
thing to do, and Conservatives supported it. But we can’t pass
unsustainable debt on to future generations. Once the recovery
starts, we will need to get spending under control.
• Wind down emergency COVID support programs in a responsible
way as Canadians are vaccinated and the economy re-opens;
• Ensure that stimulus measures are targeted and time-limited to
avoid creating a structural deficit; and
• Get the economy growing again after years of slow growth under
the Liberals, so that we have the revenue to pay for the government
services that Canadians rely on.
Over the last year and a half, Canada’s unemployment rate has been among the highest in the G-7.
Millions of Canadians have lost their jobs, and many of them have struggled for months to find work.
The unemployment rate is compounded for young people just entering the workforce as well as for
women and racialized Canadians.

A Detailed Plan To Secure

Even worse, the Trudeau Government’s painfully slow vaccine roll-out allowed the more dangerous and
transmissible COVID variants to spread out of control into a third wave which necessitated lockdowns
and stay-at-home orders across Canada. Hundreds of thousands more Canadians lost their jobs as a

Jobs and Economic Growth result.

The number of Canadians who have been unemployed for more than six months is stuck near its highest
level ever. More and more people are spending months on end unemployed, making it hard for them to
get back on their feet. When people can find jobs, most are part-time.

We’re worried that millions of Canadian workers and small businesses are being left behind. It’s time for
a government with a jobs plan that will deliver for all Canadians.

The Liberals, NDP, and Greens and NDP don’t have a plan to get Canadians back to work. They’ve given
us the worst economy since the Great Depression. Even before the pandemic hit, Canada’s economy
had ground to a halt with zero growth at the end of 2019. Billions in investment and thousands of jobs
left Canada because of ideological Liberal policies and attacks on job creators. The Liberals, NDP, and
Greens have ruined the once-enviable finances of Canada with very little to show for it.

Our top priority is getting as many people back to work in good jobs, in every part of Canada, in every
sector, as quickly as possible. We will do whatever it takes to get people working and get the economy
back on track. Canada’s Conservatives got us out of the last recession—we’ll get us out of this one, too.

Our plan will also increase long-term economic growth. To create more good jobs and put our govern-
ment finances on a stable footing, we can no longer accept the slow growth of the last few years.

Canada’s Conservatives will protect the Canadian social contract. That means jobs and growth in every
sector in every part of the country. There are many working Canadians who haven’t kept up with the
economic growth and prosperity enjoyed by others for years. Canada’s Conservatives won’t allow areas
or sectors to be left behind.

Our detailed plan to get Canadians back to work includes will four major initiatives to create jobs:
• Canada Job S urge Plan: paying up to 50% of the salary of new hires for six months following
the end of CEWS.
• Canada Investment Accelerator: getting companies spending money and creating jobs by
providing a 5% investment tax credit for any capital investment made in 2022 and 2023,
with the first $25,000 to be refundable for small business.
• Rebuild Main Street Tax Credit: providing a 25% tax credit on amounts of up to $100,000 that
Canadians personally invest in a small business over the next two years, to get money flowing
into main street businesses and create jobs.
• Main Street Business Loan: providing loans of up to $200,000 to help small and medium
businesses in hospitality, retail, and tourism get back on their feet, with up to 25% forgiven.

The following pages provide details of our plan to create jobs by: the US and UK are months ahead of us in reopening. Fighting COVID and similar risks will continue to
• Beating COVID-19 through vaccination and testing to fully reopen our economy: The first step be vital to rebuilding the economy and will be our top priority.
in getting Canadians back to work and keeping them there is avoiding future lockdowns by
protecting Canadians from a fourth wave. Canadians will likely need booster shots to protect against COVID-19. We need to be ready for this.
• Taking immediate action to help the hardest hit sectors: The downturn has hit sectors like Canada’s Conservatives will implement a plan to ensure that Canada has faster and more consistent
hospitality, tourism, and airlines particularly hard, resulting in a recession that has hurt women access to vaccines and that we have rapid access to booster shots to deal with future variants.
and young people the most. We need to rebuild and get people back to work.
• Supporting small business: Small business is the engine of our economy. To rebuild, we will need We will:
thousands of new small businesses to fill the holes on our main streets. • Prioritize the signing of contracts for booster shots to ensure that Canadians are protected as
• Securing opportunities for women: The COVID crisis has exposed how precarious the position quickly as possible against new variants. We cannot afford to repeat Justin Trudeau’s failures
of women is in the Canadian economy. Long-term prosperity depends on women having the which left Canadians behind in vaccine procurement.
support they need to be full participants in Canada’s economy. • Accelerate homegrown development and production of vaccines by Canadian companies such as
• Making Canada the best place to invest and build a business: The Liberals, NDP, and Greens Providence Therapeutics, Sanofi, Medicago and others.
have actively driven investment out of Canada, and the results are clear: jobs and investment • Support the provinces by rapidly making available to them whatever logistical resources they
are going to the US and China instead of Canada. It’s time for that to change. need to deliver vaccines and booster shots to Canadians as quickly as possible.
• Building infrastructure to get the economy moving: A modern Canada needs modern
infrastructure: that means connecting all Canadians to high-speed internet and building the Protecting our most vulnerable and keeping our economy open will depend on testing and contact
transportation infrastructure that brings Canadian goods to market and Canadian workers to tracing. A year into the pandemic, we are still not using all the tools at our disposal to fight and contain
work. outbreaks. Under Trudeau’s watch, Canada has fallen behind. Canada’s Conservatives will get
• Unleashing innovation: Canadians are among the most innovative people on earth but, all too Canadians ahead.
often, Canadian innovators move to the U.S. to build their business or sell to foreign investors
with the deep pockets to fund growth. It’s time to make Canada the best place in the world to Canada’s Conservatives will implement a national rapid screening program to allow businesses and
start - and scale - an innovative business. public institutions to remain open in the face of future variants and protect our country. Trudeau’s
• Increasing trade with free nations: Canada is a trading nation. Millions of jobs depend on trade. failure to keep the variants out of Canada, after having almost a year to prepare, is one of his most
We need to pursue new trade deals - but we must focus on countries that share our values and profound failures. Conservatives have a plan to reopen and to remain open responsibly.
treat workers with respect.
• Creating opportunity in all sectors of the economy: Justin Trudeau has made it clear that he We will:
wants to phase out industries that employ millions of Canadians. It’s impossible to understand • Deploy rapid testing at all border entry points and airports to screen new arrivals.
why Trudeau would choose now, of all times, to make more Canadians unemployed. We can’t just ° Everyone entering Canada (by land as well as by air), irrespective of their vaccination
have a recovery for the downtowns of a few big cities. Canada’s Conservatives are focused on a status and whether they are considered an essential worker, will be required to take a
recovery that works for all Canadians. rapid test and possibly a PCR test upon arrival.
° Rapid testing will help screen out cases, while PCR tests will provide a higher level of
Beating COVID-19 through vaccination and testing, so we can fully reopen protection.
• Accelerate Health Canada approvals for rapid tests approved by the UK, the US, the EU,
our economy. Australia, New Zealand, Korea, and Taiwan. It is unacceptable that bureaucratic barriers have
kept these tests out of the hands of Canadians.
The first step in getting Canadians back to work is beating COVID-19, and the key to keeping Canadians
• Make at-home rapid tests readily available to all Canadians.
back at work is avoiding future lockdowns by protecting Canadians from a fourth wave.
• Immediately provide more rapid tests to provincial governments to allow them to conduct
screening, particularly at schools.
Canada’s Conservatives know that the government needs to work with the private sector, that we can’t
• Develop a clear, evidence-based strategy for re-opening our border with clear timelines and
rely on the Chinese Communist Party, and that we need to see the world as it really is. While we can’t
metrics. We will restore urgency, rationality, and consistency to border regulations.
rewind the clock and fix all of Trudeau’s deadly mistakes, we can ensure that we do everything we can,
• Quickly close the border to travellers from hotspots where new variants are detected.
now, to lead Canada out of this pandemic and reopen our economy.
° We will not allow new variants into Canada as Trudeau has done through his delays in
enacting border measures to protect Canadians.
We need to be prepared for whatever is next, including the emergence of new variants. As much as we
would like it to disappear, it’s likely that COVID will remain with us and almost certain that we will face
other pandemic risks. Liberal failures have kept our country and economy shut down while others like

18 19
Taking immediate action to help the hardest hit sectors To boost charitable donations, Canada’s Conservatives will also increase the disbursement quota for
charitable foundations to 7.5% to unlock billions of dollars built up tax-free in foundations and put this
It’s been a challenging year for Canadians, but the impact of COVID-19 hasn’t been felt equally by all. money to work to help Canadians.
As much as the Prime Minister may want us to believe that “we’re all in this together,” the reality is that
many better off white-collar workers have been able to work from home. Jobs lost by higher-income
workers have, for the most part, come back. Supporting Small Business

For younger and lower-income workers, however, the story is different. Youth unemployment has Small business has borne the brunt of the downturn. Across the country, hard-working women and
skyrocketed and stayed high. Lower-income workers - particularly those working in restaurants, hotels, men have lost their jobs. Entrepreneurs have been forced to close their businesses while watching
and other service jobs - have been devastated. Women have left the workforce at a much higher rate massive competitors like big box stores and online web giants stay open, make record profits, and pay
than men. huge dividends to their shareholders.

To get Canadians back to work, we need to focus on the hardest-hit sectors. From coast to coast, many main streets are hollowing out and are full of boarded-up storefronts and
For Lease signs. Small businesses are the backbone of the job market, with two-thirds of Canadians
Canada’s Conservatives will launch the Canada Job Surge Plan - paying up to 50% of the salary of net working for a small or medium-sized business. We need them to survive in the short term to thrive in
new hires for six months following the end of CEWS. the long term.
° The government will pay at least 25% of the salary of a net new hire, with the subsidy
increasing up to a maximum of 50% based on how long the new hire has been unemployed. It’s time to rebuild main street.
° The salary maximum will be the same as for CEWS.
° This will get Canadians back to work and particularly benefit the long-term unemployed. Bringing back these jobs and rebuilding main street will take money to reopen and rebuild businesses
that have struggled or closed their doors, not knowing if they will ever be able to reopen.
To support the hospitality and tourism sectors and help ensure that women and young workers share in
the recovery, Canada’s Conservatives will introduce a Dine and Discover Program: Canada’s Conservatives will give small businesses the support they need to get back on their feet by:
• Provide a 50% rebate for food and non-alcoholic drinks purchased for dine-in from Monday to • Launching the Main Street Business Loan to provide loans of up to $200,000
Wednesday for one month once it is safe to do so, pumping nearly $1 billion into this sector. ° The $60,000 Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan is too small for thousands of
• Launch the Explore and Support Canada initiative with a 15% tax credit for vacation expenses small and medium businesses.
of up to $1,000 per person for Canadians to vacation in Canada in 2022, helping our tourism ° Canada’s Conservatives will immediately offer a loan on similar terms but offering up to
sector get back on its feet. 4 months of pre-pandemic revenue up to a maximum of $200,000
• Eliminate the Liberal escalator tax on alcohol.
n We will forgive up to 25% depending on a company’s revenue loss.
• Making the first $25,000 of our Canada Investment Accelerator refundable for small business,
Canada’s Conservatives understand that the airline industry is essential for a united Canada, tying our providing a 5% investment tax credit for any capital investment made in 2022 and 2023.
massive country together and connecting us to the world. Under Justin Trudeau, Canada was slow to
support its airline industry to survive the downturn. Rebuilding main street will take investment to create new jobs by opening new businesses to fill the
• Canada’s Conservatives will help the airline sector rebuild and get Canadian pilots, flight gaps left by all those businesses that couldn’t survive Trudeau’s recession and the failure of his business
attendants, ground crews, mechanics, and all the other vital airline employees back to work. support programs.
° Support will be conditional on airlines agreeing to provide refunds to customers whose flights
they cancelled, ending layoffs, restoring regional routes, allowing travel agents to maintain Canada’s Conservatives will launch the Rebuild Main Street Tax Credit.
commissions collected for cancelled travel, and banning executive bonuses until the support • This will provide a 25% tax credit on amounts of up to $100,000 that Canadians personally
is repaid. invest in a small business over the next two years. This will give a strong incentive for Canadians
• We will also pass legislation implementing strong protection of passengers’ rights based on the to invest their money to help entrepreneurs rebuild our country.
EU system. Among other things, this will make it clear that passengers are entitled to full refunds • We will enable middle class investors to participate in the rebound while ensuring that those who
- not vouchers - when an airline cancels a flight and doesn’t offer an alternative. want to open new stores, restaurants, and other small businesses to get Canadians back to work
can get the investment they need.
Canadian charities and non-profits employ over two million Canadians and do essential work supporting
Canadian families. Never has their vital work been more evident than over the last year, as so many
Canadians have lost their jobs and needed assistance.

20 21
Canada’s Conservatives will also ensure that the Government of Canada stands behind Canadian Securing Opportunities for Women
workers. We will:
• Reform BDC to ensure that its loan programs are accessible to small businesses. Canada’s Conservatives believe that all Canadians deserve an opportunity to fulfill their full potential,
° This will include broadening BDC’s mandate to have it guarantee a portion of loans that especially women. Canada’s jobs recovery post COVID depends on it.
Canada’s banks make to small business, in the same way that CMHC guarantees mortgages.
A recent study by Scotiabank economics estimates that, before COVID, the employment gap between
• Look for ways to make it easier to start a business and reduce the time that entrepreneurs men and women stood at 8% or 500,000 Canadian women. This employment gap has increased because
spend dealing with government when they should be concentrating on their business. of COVID, as the pandemic has disproportionately impacted sectors with large female workforces.

• Fix the mortgage stress test to stop discriminating against small business owners, contractors COVID has reinforced gender inequality. Between February and October 2020, almost 21,000
and other non-permanent employees including casual workers. Canadian women left the labour force while nearly 68,000 men joined. Now, more than a year into the
pandemic, women who have left the workforce risk an erosion of skills which may further exacerbate
Addressing Credit and Debit Card Fees the gender wage gap that existed before the pandemic.

The last Conservative government introduced the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry Canada’s Conservatives have a comprehensive jobs plan that starts with taking immediate action to help
to protect consumers and small businesses. The current government has neglected to update the Code the hardest hit sectors - those where women have suffered disproportionately. Our policies - including
as technology has developed and new issues have emerged. Canada’s Conservatives will strengthen our Canada Job Surge Plan and our support for the tourism and hospitality sectors - will get women
the Code of Conduct to better protect consumers and small businesses from fraud and things like back to work and help combat gender inequality.
unwarranted chargebacks that can be devastating for them.
Child Care
Reforming the Canada Revenue Agency to Improve Treatment of Middle Class Canadians
and Small Business Canada’s productivity consistently lags our G20 counterparts. According to the IMF, increasing
women’s labour participation in the workforce could increase Canada’s productivity by 4% in the
Canadians from coast to coast are worried about an unaccountable and overly aggressive Canada medium term. As the Quebec example has shown, increasing child care affordability increases the
Revenue Agency. It seems like every day brings new stories of CRA overreach: denying disability tax number of women who choose to work outside the home.
credits to people with diabetes, refusing benefits to single mothers because CRA is not satisfied with
proof of separation, and auditing small businesses for tiny amounts while writing off large amounts Canada’s Conservatives will convert the Child Care Expense deduction into a refundable tax credit
owed by multinationals. covering up to 75% of the cost of child care for lower income families. This will increase the support that
lower income families receive by thousands of dollars per year and provide more assistance to almost all
Conservatives will ensure that CRA is responsive to the needs of Canadians, delivers quality service and families.
advice, respects small business, and focuses efforts on wealthy tax evaders and big corporations.
We will enable more women to choose to participate in the workforce. Canadian families are tired of
Canada’s Conservatives will: Liberal promises and inaction. Our flexible and comprehensive approach will help all families right away
• Make the Taxpayer Ombudsman an officer of Parliament with order-making authority; and offer extra support to those who need it most.
• Measure and report on the tax gap, in detail, by type of taxation and reason for the shortfall
(similar to the UK model) so that CRA resources can be allocated where the problems exist; Job Training to Create Opportunity
• Impose a duty of care (a legal obligation to a reasonable standard) on CRA;
• Launch a comprehensive review of Canada’s tax system to improve competitiveness, bring down Skilled trades in construction, energy and other industries face chronic employee shortages.
rates and simplify the rules; The construction industry alone may have as many as 100,000 unfilled jobs in five years as current
• Revise CRA’s penalties so that first-time problems or errors receive only minor fines, with employees retire.
increasing severity for repeat offenders;
• Create a “welcome to CRA” program and materials for new small businesses; and Canadian not-for-profit organizations like Build a Dream and Women Building Futures have programs
• Allow businesses with less than $60,000 in revenues to use simple cash accounting. especially designed to encourage women to pursue jobs in the skilled trades through training and
mentorship. Canada’s Conservatives will support these initiatives and ensure that women have the
training they need to pursue careers in the trades and other areas of the economy through our
comprehensive training plan.

22 23
We will ensure that women have the training they need for the jobs of today and tomorrow by Supporting Women Who Care for Their Aging Parents
supporting union and similar training programs and encouraging employers to invest in their workers.
We will also help bring women and New Canadians into the skilled trades. We will: Canada’s Conservatives know that the burden of caring for aging parents falls disproportionately on
• Double the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for the next three years to help create women and can be a deterrent to women remaining and advancing in the workforce.
more places for apprentices.
• Invest $250 million over two years to create the Canada Job Training Fund. The Fund will We will help the many Canadians who are taking care of their parents and help seniors avoid having to
provide grants to organizations including employers, apprenticeship training delivery agents, live in Long-Term Care homes by introducing the Canada Seniors Care benefit, paying $200 per month
unions, post-secondary institutions, and community organizations for projects that: per household to any Canadian who is living with and taking care of a parent over the age of 70.
° Give laid-off workers immediate access to training,
° Reach out to traditionally underrepresented groups, We will also take action to fix Long-Term Care and help seniors stay in their own homes as part of our
° Support the talent needs of small businesses, and comprehensive plan to help Canada’s seniors.
° Otherwise help workers get the training they need - focussing on areas where there are
shortages of skilled workers. Making Canada the best place to invest and build a business
• Create the Working Canadian Training Loan to provide low interest loans of up to $10,000 to
people who want to upgrade their skills. Canadians and Canadian businesses have money to invest, but they are choosing to save it up, put it into
real estate, or invest it abroad. The world’s most famous investor - Warren Buffett - pulled his money
Supporting Women Building Businesses out of Canada because of political risk - a risk normally reserved for countries like Venezuela.

A Conservative government will provide funding and support to enable women-led small businesses to To create jobs and get Canadians back to work, we need to attract investment. To do that, we need to
thrive. We will also cut red tape to make it easier to get a business off the ground, simplify the business- make Canada a great place to build a business.
use-of-home deduction to provide more significant tax advantages for people starting businesses from
their homes and allow new parents to start To get our economy growing faster and create good, stable jobs, Canada’s Conservatives will:
home-based businesses without facing any loss of parental leave income. • Introduce the Canada Investment Accelerator - providing a 5% investment tax credit
for any capital investment made in 2022 and 2023, with the first $25,000 to be
Stamping Out Sexual Harassment refundable for small business.
• Ensure a Level Playing Field for Canadian business and real competition - Job creation in
A safe and respectful workplace free from sexual harassment is essential for women to succeed in the Canada is held back when Canadians are blocked from starting and building businesses by unfair
workforce. The recent examples of harassment in the ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces underscore competition from market-dominant firms - some Canadian but many foreign. Canada’s
the difficulties women often face in the workforce. Conservatives will ensure a level playing field by:
° Making foreign tech companies pay their fair share of taxes, including sales tax and a
digital services tax representing 3% of the gross revenue in Canada if they don’t pay
The Government of Canada needs to lead by example - starting with the Prime Minister. It is unacceptable corporate income tax here; and
that this Prime Minister kept the leader of Canada’s military on the job for years and continued giving ° Giving Canada’s competition laws real teeth.
him raises when his government was aware of serious, credible accusations of sexual misconduct. n Executives of companies that fix prices or abuse their dominant positions should go to
prison, and companies that abuse their power should be broken up. Canada’s
Canada’s Conservatives will take real action to ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces - and the entire Conservatives do not confuse supporting free markets and supporting consumers with
federal government - are safe and respectful workplaces. We will start by ensuring that the investigation doing favours for big businesses, as the Trudeau Liberals have.
of sexual misconduct is done by investigators outside the chain of command. It is unacceptable that n For too long, Canadian governments have often rubber-stamped mergers that enrich
allegations against a superior need to be reported to someone who reports to that person and may share executives while hurting workers and consumers. It’s time for that to change. Canada’s
information with them. Conservatives will stand up to corporate Canada and reject mergers that substantially
reduce competition and lead to layoffs and higher prices.

24 25
• Cut Red Tape - Every year it gets harder to build and grow a business and create jobs because Building infrastructure to get the economy moving
the government puts more and more barriers in the way. It is important to regularly review
regulations to eliminate any that are not serving the public interest. Building infrastructure creates jobs in construction, project finance and manufacturing. It also creates
more jobs by helping Canadian businesses get their products to market and helping Canadians get to
Canada’s Conservatives will: work or do their jobs from wherever they live. As technology continues to advance, the infrastructure
° Appoint a Minister Responsible for Red Tape Reduction tasked with introducing and of the future - broadband and 5G - will be increasingly critical to job creation.
passing at least one red tape reduction bill per year, eliminating unneeded or
counterproductive red tape. Unfortunately, the current government has spent all its time announcing and re-announcing the money
° Create an Office of Regulatory Best Practice with business members who evaluate the costs it planned to spend but has failed to get shovels in the ground.
of new regulation.
° Form Industry Councils (biotech, retail, etc.) that will provide recommendations on It’s time to put Canadians to work and start building the infrastructure our country needs.
world-leading regulation.
° Improving cost-benefit analysis of regulatory proposals by requiring consultation with Canada’s Conservatives will get Canadians working, putting shovels in the ground. We will:
industry so that regulators understand the true impact and consider lower-impact
alternatives to achieve the same result. • Immediately invest in critical projects that will put Canadians to work, cut commute time, and
° Fix the Impact Assessment process that is making it impossible to build major projects clean up the environment.
in Canada, based on the bipartisan Senate recommendations, and repeal Trudeau’s Tanker • Provide more flexibility to municipalities and First Nations. Under the Liberal government,
Ban. cities can only receive funding if they find a way to describe a project as “green infrastructure.”
° Create a Fast Track Certification Process that provides a faster path to approval for products This is holding up major economic projects like roads and airports and slowing down all projects.
that have already been approved in comparable jurisdictions.
• Overhaul the tax system - Canada’s complicated tax system is full of special rules that favour the • Scrap the failed Canada Infrastructure Bank and commit the money sitting unused on its books to
rich, big corporations and those with connections in Ottawa. Meanwhile, costs and complexity infrastructure projects that can strengthen our economy.
fall on the middle class and small businesses. Canadians cannot keep up with the complexity and ° We will continue already committed projects and return to the successful model used in the
cannot afford teams of accountants and lawyers to help them navigate the system. Canada’s last Conservative government of working in partnership with provinces, municipalities, and
Conservatives will: First Nations to encourage the use of Public-Private Partnerships.
° Appoint an expert panel tasked with reviewing the tax system and making recommendations
to make it simpler and fairer while improving Canada’s competitiveness to spur job creation. • Reprioritize the Investing in Canada Plan towards infrastructure projects that would have the
• Break down interprovincial trade barriers - We need to ensure that Canada lives up to the maximum benefit for economic recovery.
economic union first proposed in Confederation by removing interprovincial trade barriers with ° We will target projects that strengthen transit and trade, reduce congestion and gridlock, and
the help and participation of provinces. This will help unlock GDP growth when it is needed the advance economic reconciliation with First Nations. We will also reduce bureaucratic red
most to recover economically from COVID-19. tape in the application process so money can get out the door faster, to where it’s needed.
• Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Canada to High-Speed Internet by 2025 - As the
It’s time we come together to increase trade and business with our fellow Canadians. Canada’s last 18 months have made abundantly clear, high-speed internet is essential for Canadians to
Conservatives will: learn, work, and compete. The Trudeau government has moved much too slowly and put
• Convene a First Ministers Meeting on interprovincial trade and provide federal leadership to in place a cumbersome process with five different agencies and departments working on this
help move negotiations forward; one critical priority. This is why provinces such as Ontario and Quebec are moving ahead on
• Work with the provinces to increase standardization and mutual recognition of credentials to their own. The pandemic has exposed the digital divide in Canada that must be eliminated as
increase labour mobility within Canada and smooth the trade in services between provinces; quickly as possible.
• Introduce an Admitted Free Act clarifying federal intention with respect to interprovincial
trade and s.121 of the Constitution to provide modern context for the Supreme Court to

26 27
Canada’s Conservatives will accelerate the delivery of broadband from coast to coast to coast. We will: Improving Canada’s innovation programs so that they help innovators - and Canada
° Accelerate the plan to get rural broadband built.
° Speed up the spectrum auction process to get more spectrum into use and apply “use it or Innovators looking for assistance from the Government of Canada are confronted with a long list of
lose it” provisions to ensure that spectrum (particularly in rural areas) is actually developed, programs with complex requirements and extensive paperwork. Canada’s Conservatives will simplify
with auction revenue dedicated to our digital infrastructure plan. these programs and reform them so that they benefit Canada.
° Require that Huawei equipment not be used, to protect national security.
• Continue building the Trans-Canada Trail by providing $12.5 million per year in funding We will streamline and accelerate the SR&ED program. This important program is a badly broken
° The Trans-Canada Trail is a national ribbon that connects Canadians to nature, to each other, administrative nightmare that fuels an ecosystem of consultants and advisory firms instead of focusing
and to globally recognized tourism destinations such as Niagara Falls and Banff National Park. on research and development. Overall, 25% of SR&ED funding goes to consultants rather than
Development of this Trail will promote fitness and mental wellness, which will be critical in innovators. To fix it, we will:
the recovery from COVID-19. • Move administration from CRA to ISED and have the program administered by the same group
that administers the IRAP program;
Unleashing Innovation • Allow ISED to issue a certificate of allowable deductions which would then be accepted by CRA,
saving significant compliance paperwork and allowing innovators to focus on innovating instead
Canadians are among the most innovative people on earth. This year marks a century since Canadian of filling out forms; and
innovation gave the world insulin, saving millions of lives. We have one of the world’s most talented • Making it easier for software development to qualify for SR&ED.
workforces and towns and cities from coast to coast with an excellent quality of life. Canada has great
advantages that should make it the best place on earth to launch - and grow - an innovative business. We will then launch a review of all innovation programs at ISED and across the government to ensure
they are as simple as possible, to remove duplication, and to ensure that all innovation spending benefits
And yet, all too often, innovators run into barriers here. Canada’s Conservatives will clear these barriers Canada by:
away, unleashing innovation and creating jobs by investing in world-leading innovation: • Requiring that recipients demonstrate that intellectual property, production, ownership, and
profits are likely to stay in Canada;
Canada’s Conservatives will invest $5 billion over the next five years to fund programs aimed at making • Prohibit foreign state-owned entities or those with ties to foreign militaries from receiving
major advances in: funding;
• Use of hydrogen; • Requiring that all intellectual property developed with the support of the Canadian government
• Small Modular Reactors be held by a Canadian entity and that recipients agree to pay back the subsidy if they sell the IP
° Including funding the work being done in Ontario, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick on to a foreign buyer;
nuclear energy technology and the work being done in Alberta on applying SMR technology • Ending the payment of Canadian tax dollars to large foreign tech companies; and
to reduce GHG emissions in the resource sector; • Putting any money saved by no longer subsidizing foreign multinationals into increasing SR&ED
• Private sector innovation in the space sector; generosity for Canadian small business.
• Electric vehicle development and manufacturing, including electric trucks, micro-mobility,
batteries, and parts manufacturers; and Making Canada the best place in the world to finance - and scale - a tech start-up
• Pharmaceutical research and production.
Canada’s Conservatives will make it easier for entrepreneurs to finance an innovative business and raise
This investment will be managed by a new Canada Advanced Research Agency headquartered in the funding necessary to create jobs by:
Calgary, where it will take advantage of Alberta’s highly educated workforce and help diversify the • Introducing the use of flow-through shares for tech companies, based on the very successful
Alberta economy. model that has made Canada a leader in mining financing but avoiding the cost and complexity of
listing on an exchange;
Cutting taxes on innovation and making Canada a leader in patents • Exempt Canadian-controlled start-ups headquartered and with at least 2/3 of their employees in
Canada from the current plan to tax stock options.
Canada’s Conservatives will make Canada a low tax jurisdiction for innovation and new product ° Public company executives should pay their fair share - stock options cannot be a tax loophole
development by introducing a “patent box” regime to cut the tax rate in half on income earned from for the rich.
patents on innovative products developed here. ° At the same time, stock options provide an incentive for workers to join a risky start-up
instead of working at a stable job. We will ensure that tax changes don’t endanger this key
Recognizing the importance of protecting more Canadian innovation with patents, Canada’s tool, knowing that if Canada does so it will drive innovative companies to relocate elsewhere.
Conservatives will cover up to $10,000 of the administrative and legal costs of each of the first five
patents filed by any Canadian small or medium-sized business.

28 29
• Create a tax credit for buying from a Canadian start-up. Creating Jobs Through Expanding Trade with Free Nations
° Canadian innovators used to complain about the challenge of raising venture capital funding
here. These days, the world’s top VCs come here to invest because they know how talented Canada’s Conservatives will:
Canadians are. Yet our innovators still face a challenge scaling due to a lack of first sales to • Pursue a Canada-Australia-New Zealand-United Kingdom (“CANZUK”) agreement that could
Canadian customers who they can reference to grow their businesses internationally. include:
° This credit will encourage established Canadian companies to become the first customers for ° Free trade and flow of capital investment between the partners;
our innovative companies. ° Reciprocal freedom to study, live and work for citizens under expanded areas of labour
• Direct the Canadian government to finally start buying from innovative Canadian start-ups. coordination as agreed upon by all parties;
° Enhanced defence and security partnerships, including defence production agreements to
Creating jobs through Free Trade with Free Nations allow for shared procurement; and
° Expanded intelligence cooperation, especially in the areas of cyber-warfare, combatting
Canada’s Conservatives believe in the importance of trade agreements to open export markets and disinformation, and protecting critical infrastructure.
create jobs, but we also believe that trade agreements must also respect the interests of Canadian • Build deeper ties with India as part of an Indo-Pacific strategy, including:
workers and our country’s commitment to human rights, the rule of law, protection of the environment, ° Continuing to pursue free trade with India while concurrently pursuing an investment treaty
and respect for Indigenous Peoples. to expand upon Canadian strengths as one of the world’s largest investors in India.
• Leverage Canadian leadership in fintech by working to remove barriers for Canadian firms,
We do not promote free trade for the sake of free trade but instead believe in engaging international provide Canadian regulatory expertise and best practices, support cooperation against illicit
markets to create Canadian jobs, investment, and strategic partnerships. finance, and promote financial inclusion in developing regions.
• Seek to enlarge the CPTPP deal and pursue setting rules for digital trade through the CPTPP.
We will negotiate new agreements with free countries that safeguard workers’ rights and the • Advocate for the speedy conclusion of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA).
environment, rebalancing our trade priorities away from countries like China and towards the • Pursue a partnership with Africa’s Continental Free Trade in infrastructure, energy, and
Indo-Pacific and Africa. technology.

We will create jobs by helping Canadian exporters leverage existing agreements and expand their sales Creating Jobs by Helping Canadian Companies Expand Export Sales
Canada’s Conservatives will:
And we will ensure that our agreements - both bilateral and multilateral - provide us with the ability to • Launch a historic trade promotion effort connecting all aspects of Canadian industries with
protect and grow the critical industries that we depend on for the safety of Canadians. international opportunities.
• Animate the full potential of the Canada-UK trade deal, encouraging complementary strengths
Protecting Jobs and National Security for international joint ventures, employing more Canadians, advancing Canadian products and
services, and pursuing robust economic growth.
Canada’s Conservatives will: • Establish a trade accelerator connecting all sectors of the Canadian economy with EU
• Reform Canada’s procurement rules to create a vital national interest category that must be commercial opportunities, measuring progress in job creation and long-term economic projects.
sourced in Canada; • Assist Canada’s nuclear industry with pursuing sales of Canadian nuclear technology to help
• Create a strategy to repatriate and diversify supply chains to move them away from China. other countries reduce their GHG emissions.
• Protect Canadian intellectual property with a strengthened Investment Canada Act that • Engage countries in the Middle East, including by pursuing opportunities created by a warm
includes: Emirati-Israeli peace.
° A presumption against allowing the takeover of Canadian companies by China’s designated
state-owned entities; Creating opportunity in all sectors of the economy
° A reformed “net benefits” test to better account for the potential effects of a transaction on
the broader innovation ecosystem with a particular focus on protecting intellectual property We can’t just have a recovery for downtown Toronto.
and human capital;
° Automatic review of transactions involving sensitive sectors such as defence, artificial Canadian workers have suffered for the last five years from Justin Trudeau’s dislike of certain sectors of
intelligence, and rare earth minerals; and the economy and the families who depend on them. It’s time for a government that believes Canadian
° A mandatory national security review. workers - in all industries and regions of the country - deserve to share in the recovery.
• Withdraw from the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank.
Canada’s Conservatives will create opportunity in all sectors of the economy through our plan to create
jobs in industries neglected by the Trudeau Liberals.
30 31
Energy • Ensuring adequate pipeline capacity by
° Getting Trans Mountain built - despite Justin Trudeau’s rhetoric, the construction of
Canada’s Conservatives recognize the massive contributions that the energy sector and its workers the pipeline has faced numerous delays. We will get it built.
make to our country. Unlike Justin Trudeau, who wants to phase out the sector and its jobs, we will ° Ensuring that Canada does not lose the critical capacity provided by Line 3 and Line 5,
support the energy sector as a critical part of our economy. the loss of which would cause energy shortages in Ontario, increase the cost of energy,
and cost Canadian jobs.
Canada’s Conservatives will: ° Make pipelines that bring Canadian oil to export markets a priority
• Eliminate the unfairness of Trudeau’s Bill C-69. We will fix the Impact Assessment process n Unlike Justin Trudeau, who rolled over in the face of US cancellation of the project not
created by Bill C-69, basing our changes on the bipartisan recommendations made by the once but twice, first under President Obama and then again under President Biden,
Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment, and Natural Resources. Canada’s Conservatives understand that the Keystone XL pipeline is important for our
° Over the last six years, billions of dollars of investment have left Canada. national economy.
° We know that Canadian energy companies compete for investment with projects worldwide, • Canadians deserve a government that will fight for their interests, which is why
in countries with much lower environmental, labour, and human rights standards than ours. Canada’s Conservatives will make increasing energy export opportunities a
Canadians are rightly proud of these standards, which make our energy sector a world leader diplomatic priority in our dealings with the U.S. Government.
in ESG policy. They should be an asset in attracting job-creating investment, but investors will • Encourage Indigenous communities and resource development companies to work together
continue to stay away without a predictable and consistent Impact Assessment process. ° To promote mutually beneficial conversations between Indigenous communities and
° We need an assessment process that upholds best-in-class environmental standards and sets resource project proponents, we will provide $10 million per year to organizations that foster
clear expectations and timelines for environmental reviews so that investors have the collaboration and encourage partnerships between these two groups.
confidence and certainty they need to commit to major projects in our country. • Implement a federal LNG Export Strategy
° We will remove political interference from the review process and set clear timelines so that ° Canada is blessed with abundant supplies of clean and affordable natural gas and the clean
investors get a timely yes or no. electricity required to create the cleanest LNG in the world. With much of the world still
° Taking climate change seriously includes not letting critical GHG-reducing projects be held up reliant on coal-generated electricity, we should be boosting exports to grow our economy
by red tape and lengthy reviews. We will fast-track review of emissions-reducing projects to and contribute to a cleaner world. Projects like LNG Canada create jobs for Canadians while
get shovels in the ground. benefiting the world.
• End the Ban on Shipping Traffic on the North Coast of British Columbia. Justin Trudeau • Pass a Critical Infrastructure Protection Act to prevent protestors from blocking key
arbitrarily banned the export of Canadian oil from British Columbia’s coast against the expressed infrastructure
wishes of many local communities and Indigenous groups. ° Last year’s rail blockades demonstrated the importance - and vulnerability - of the
° Perversely, the ban applies only to Canadian oil, so Justin Trudeau has tied the hands of our infrastructure that ties our country together. Canada’s Conservatives will amend s. 431.2
industry while Alaskan crude continues to be shipped through Canadian waters and tankers of the Criminal Code to create an offence of interference with an infrastructure facility or a
bringing foreign oil continue to come and go in our east coast waters. public transportation system punishable by either summary conviction or indictment,
° We will end this political targeting of the Western Canadian energy industry, repeal C-48, and depending upon the severity of the offence. Peaceful protest is a fundamental right in Canada,
improve access to international markets. but respect for the rule of law means that illegal blockades that shut down critical
• Work with First Nations and other Indigenous groups to ensure they are partners in prosperity infrastructure, threaten access to vital supplies, or endanger lives cannot be tolerated.
and the development of our natural resources by creating a Canadian Indigenous Enterprise • Introduce a tax credit to rapidly accelerate the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and
Corporation. Storage technology in the energy sector and in important industries that have few alternatives to
° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market burning fossil fuels, like fertilizer and chemical production.
analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource ° The Liberals believe that we can only reduce our emissions by “phasing out” entire industries
projects and related infrastructure. and the jobs that provide a secure living for hundreds of thousands of Canadian families.
° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects. Conservatives appreciate that we can’t build a greener future if Canadians don’t have jobs.
• Implement a hydrogen energy strategy that rapidly increases the use of hydrogen - especially • Support Newfoundland and Labrador’s Offshore Oil Industry by investing $1.5 billion in an
green hydrogen - in Canada and builds our export capacity. offshore rebound fund to spur the continued growth of the offshore oil industry, creating jobs in
° Hydrogen holds the potential to create thousands of good new energy jobs across a sector that is critical to the province’s future.
Western Canada.

32 33
Mining • Protect family farms by ending unfair tax treatment
° The Trudeau Liberals defied Parliament by delaying the implementation of Bill C-208,
Canada’s Conservatives will: despite it passing with broad support, and clearly plan to repeal it if they win a majority. 
• Fix the Impact Assessment process created by Bill C-69, basing our changes on the bipartisan ° We will ensure that the sale of a family farm to a family member is not taxed at a higher
recommendations made by the Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment, and Natural rate than a sale to a stranger.
Resources. • Improve payment security for farmers and food processors by creating a statutory
° This will ensure that mining projects are held to world-leading environmental standards deemed trust for suppliers of perishable produce in bankruptcy and harmonize our regime
and that communities have a chance to be heard while not causing unnecessary delays in with that of the US to regain reciprocal protection under the U.S. Perishable Agricultural
providing approvals for important projects to go ahead, particularly those involving the Commodities Act (PACA).
mining of critical minerals. • Work towards greater harmonization of farm product regulations with our trading
• Implement a Critical Minerals Strategy to take advantage of Canada’s abundant resources of the partners, especially the United States.
minerals needed to power our clean energy future - creating jobs, supporting the Indigenous • Ensure our farm safety net programs are predictable, bankable, and manageable.
economy, contributing to a cleaner environment, and reducing global reliance on critical minerals • Implement a plan to tackle rural crime and ensure that farm families feel safe.
from China. • Amend existing laws to allow livestock owners to use local abattoirs, reducing both stress to the
° This will include adopting policies to facilitate the responsible exploitation and mining animals and the production of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from transportation to distant
of lithium. facilities and make permanent the temporary measures that allowed provincial authorities
• Support new Initiatives to recover critical minerals from historical mine wastes while to enable collaboration across provinces to use their provincial abattoirs for products that would
remediating the long-term environmental liabilities. move across provincial borders.
• Work to secure greater access to markets for our mining exports, including uranium exports to • Protect our food supply by implementing a food security strategy including:
responsible countries for use in civilian programs to curb emissions and empower economic ° Redirecting some federal agricultural research funding to partnering with the private
development. sector to develop methods to grow more crops in Canada year-round in greenhouses.
• Adopt a pan-Canadian low carbon aluminum purchasing policy. • Work with provinces, industry and the CBSA to develop a national strategy to deal with a
possible outbreak of African swine fever.
Agriculture • Reform Business Risk Management programs, particularly AgriInvest and AgriRecovery.
• Bring agricultural stakeholders together for a summit-like meeting with the Minister of
Canada’s farmers not only feed our cities but also supply good food to the world. With the global Agriculture to develop a way forward on insurance programs like AgriStability
population growing and getting richer, the need for trusted food sources will only get larger. We have • Modernize the Canada Grain Act and Canadian Grain Commission
an opportunity to boost exports and jobs in the agricultural sector if we get this right. COVID-19 has ° To support farmers, we will make sure that the Canada Grain Act (CGA) and Canadian
also demonstrated the vital importance of a strong agricultural industry to maintain our supply chains Grain Commission (CGC) align with modern agricultural practices, global
and ensure the food security of Canadians. market requirements, and the needs of our farmers.
° Agriculture has changed drastically in recent decades. Unfortunately, the regulation of
Canada’s Conservatives will: agriculture in Canada has not always kept up with the market. We will bring the CGA
• Respect and defend supply management for our dairy and poultry farms and ensure that and CGC in line with today’s standards in consultation with farmers.
farming families are engaged in any trade negotiations or programs impacting the sector • Implement an Agriculture and Agri-Food Labour Strategy
and that the Minister of Agriculture is at the table for those negotiations. ° To better support farmers and food processors, we will help make sure they have access to
• Open new markets for our livestock, grain, and oilseed producers in our free trade the workers they need. Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector is an economic powerhouse
negotiations. with a global reputation for safe, high-quality products. Many parts of this sector, however,
• Within our first 100 days in office, finalize compensation program for supply managed are hampered by chronic labour shortages across all skill levels. The Minister of Agriculture
processors under CPTPP and CETA and negotiate a compensation package for farmers and Agri-Food will develop a strategy for dealing with these labour shortages in close
and processors impacted by CUSMA. consultation with industry.
• Work with the US Administration to remove the CUSMA limits on Canadian exports of ° We will:
powdered milk to third-party countries and establish reciprocal norms to ensure that our n Recognize the need for international farm workers and facilitate their timely entrance
quality standards are respected. into Canada to work on Canadian farms.
• Work with the provinces to adopt a grocery supply code to deal with retailers’ abusive pricing n Develop a long-term strategy to attract skilled workers to the meat processing
and contracting practices against farmers, producers, and processors. sector, which is currently facing a 30,000 worker deficit that is putting Canada’s
° Certain grocery retail giants have imposed special fees and fines on suppliers. supply chains at risk and harming our long-term competitiveness.
° A code of conduct will guarantee Canadian consumers a reliable, affordable supply of food on • Extend “right to repair” to farm vehicles to provide farmers with choice on where to repair
their local grocers’ shelves. their vehicles.

34 35
Forestry • Prioritize stock assessments, stock recovery planning and enforcement of science-based
catch limits because these have been shown to be the most important predictors of
Canada’s forestry industry has struggled in recent years, but as an essential industry providing products well-managed fisheries. We will also ensure that stock recovery plans incorporate climate
that have been in high demand during the pandemic, they have been given some breathing room. change risks.
However, the problems facing the industry before 2020 have not gone away, so we must capitalize on • Strengthen the role of advisory bodies in fisheries management to enhance cooperation
this moment. Canada’s Conservatives see massive potential for the future of the forestry industry if between resource users and ensure that commercial, recreational, and cultural fishers
we take advantage of this moment to act strategically. Forestry is well-placed to be an important can all have confidence in management decisions.
contributor to the fight against climate change. Land management, sequestration of carbon into • Work collaboratively with Indigenous rights-holders and commercial harvesters to develop
long-lived wood products, and bioenergy are all pathways for this important industry to make a management plans which fulfill the rights recognized in the Marshall decisions, protect the
difference. However, if we are to realize these benefits, we must also ensure that the primary business sustainability of our fisheries, and ensure that coastal communities can continue to thrive.
is healthy. • Improve the Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation processes by:
° Ensuring that MPAs are focused on contributing to the sustainability of critical stocks;
Canada’s Conservatives will: ° Restoring meaningful public consultation to the MPA process; and
• Resolve the Softwood Lumber Dispute with the United States ° Exploring the feasibility of new models, such as dynamic MPAs, that will improve climate
° To ensure that our forestry workers are protected and treated fairly, we will work with the US change resiliency.
government to find a solution to this continuing dispute that Justin Trudeau has ignored. • Work with stakeholders, First Nations, and regional jurisdictions to implement ecosystem-based
Canadian lumber producers are paying tariffs of over 20 percent on exports to the US, costing fisheries management, including control of abundant predator populations which impact
the industry millions of dollars and shuttering mills across the country. commercial and SARA-listed species.
• Establish a Task Force on the Woodland Caribou • Update and strengthen DFO’s national aquatic invasive species program and ensure that the
° To protect the woodland caribou while ensuring that the forestry sector remains strong, we Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations are being implemented.
will establish a task force to work collaboratively with provinces and local communities to • Address illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, seafood fraud and ghost gear.
propose solutions sensitive to local expertise and management. • Restore community-based conservation initiatives like the Recreational Fisheries Conservation
• Protect our Forests from Pests Partnerships Program, provide more support for hatcheries, and support public conservation
° Forest pests are expected to become increasingly problematic due to climate change. education initiatives.
To control the species that pose a substantial threat to forest health, we will increase • Create a Canadian Seafood Development Agency to advance the sustainable growth of the
funding to control pest species in national parks and federal lands. sector
• Improve our Response to Wildfires ° The Agency will be responsible for developing a long-term strategy and sustainable growth
° We will invest in remote sensing and other technology that will improve the early plan in partnership with the provinces.
detection of wildfires and better predict fire behaviour • Work with governments and communities in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit
• Develop a Forestry Future Strategy Settlement Region to develop community-based marine fisheries, which will help create
° We will work with Provinces, Territories, and industry stakeholders to develop a vision employment and fight local and regional food insecurity.
for the future of forestry that includes pathways to helping fight climate change and ° For communities across Inuit Nunangat, oceans are an essential lifeline and source
the development of new wood technology and bioproducts. of food.

Fisheries Small Craft Harbours

Coastal communities rely on the Small Craft Harbours Program to maintain more than 10,000 commercial
Conservation and Community wharves in Canada. While they are found in all parts of the country, they are especially central to
Canada’s fishing communities feel beset by crisis. Many critical stocks are in trouble, new conflicts are communities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick.
arising, and many whose livelihoods are made on the water are feeling ignored and excluded. Resource Although these wharves are vital pieces of community infrastructure that support jobs and economic
users, whether Indigenous or non-Indigenous, commercial, or recreational, are feeling frustrated. opportunity, there has been no increase in permanent funding for years.
They want to leave well-managed, sustainable fisheries to future generations, yet they are now more
divided than ever and fearful for their future. There is no reason for this. What is needed now is unity A Conservative government will provide sustainable funding for small craft harbours by doubling annual
in a common purpose: restoring and maintaining healthy stocks that support commercial, recreational, funding.
and cultural fisheries. A Conservative government will restore calm and confidence to Canada’s fisheries
sector by respecting the importance of all resource users and putting conservation first. To do this, we

36 37
Pacific Salmon Strategy To accomplish this, a Conservative government will:
• Maintain the decision to remove salmon farms from the Discovery Islands, but model the
The iconic Pacific salmon species are part of the fabric of life for communities throughout British transition after the process that has been undertaken in the Broughton Archipelago to be
Columbia and are an essential part of BC’s marine and freshwater ecosystems. While some stocks are more respectful of local First Nations, communities, and workers;
robust, many are under threat. This has consequences for Indigenous peoples, coastal communities, • Assign responsibility for the management and sustainable growth of the sector to a
and commercial and recreational fishers, as well as to the health of BC’s rivers and streams and to department other than DFO so that DFO can be solely focused on enforcement;
endangered populations like the Southern Resident Killer Whales. • Create a modern Aquaculture Act that can help restore public confidence;
• Ensure the roles of DFO and the CFIA are clearly defined in the National Aquatic Animal
Building on the commitments already outlined above, we will develop a Pacific Salmon Strategy focused Health Program and adequately resourced;
on making measurable progress toward restoring at-risk stocks. This will include: • Strengthen monitoring requirements for salmon farms;
• Enforcing a strict timeline for the completion of stock assessments; • Develop, in consultation with industry, First Nations, communities and other stakeholders,
• Prioritizing funding for community-led habitat restoration or other projects that support a comprehensive Salmon Aquaculture Management Strategy that addresses both the risks
at-risk stocks; and opportunities of this sector; and
• Ensuring the Salmonid Enhancement Program is sufficiently resourced to support at-risk • Develop a tax incentive program for the development and adoption of technologies that
stocks; reduce contact between wild and farmed salmon.
• Increasing support for and engagement with Indigenous- and community-led hatchery and
enhancement projects; Manufacturing
• Implementing mass-marking programs at BC fish hatcheries and allowing mark-selective
harvest of salmon in BC’s sport fishery, protecting sensitive fish populations while maintaining The scramble to secure everything from PPE to vaccines has been a stark reminder of the importance of
the health of BC’s public fishery; domestic manufacturing capacity. When we outsource jobs - particularly to countries we can’t rely on in
• Creating a pinniped management plan that will address threats to at-risk stocks in a balanced an emergency - we put the health and safety of Canadians at risk.
way; and
• Identifying the likelihood of future threats due to climate change. Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Only pursue free trade agreements with free countries that respect workers’ rights and
Aquaculture maintain high environmental standards.
• Bring manufacturing of critical equipment like PPE and pharmaceuticals back to Canada by
The Conservative Party supports the sustainable development and growth of Canada’s world-leading ensuring that government and government-funded procurement of these essential products
aquaculture sector due to its ability to provide a solid economic base in coastal communities, create favours Canadian producers.
stable, long-term employment, and contribute to Canadian food security while succeeding as a leading • Rebuild our domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity.
Canadian export to global markets.
Defence Industries
Internationally, aquaculture is widely seen as an essential source of protein and a key component of
improving global food security. Many shellfish and finfish species are grown throughout Canada, and From the software that forms the heart of our warships to rapidly deployable field hospitals, Canadian
many First Nations have pursued aquaculture as a business that can support their communities and workers are world leaders at developing technology and equipment for our armed forces and those of
provide meaningful work for their members. our allies.

However, we also understand that salmon farming on Canada’s West Coast has been controversial and Canada’s Conservatives will:
that local communities are confused and torn by conflicting studies and claims. Further, we know that • Identify our key defence industry capabilities and invest in them; and
decisions made here could have ripple effects on the East Coast as well. • Re-evaluate the risk management measures in defence contracts that shift risk and
therefore control to contractors at the expense of selecting Canadian components.
Conservatives will not take an ideological position on this issue. We want the aquaculture industry to
succeed, but it is a simple fact that this sector can only grow as long as Canadians can have confidence
in our ability to protect wild salmon. Therefore, any decisions related to salmon aquaculture must be
based on robust science, guided by conservation, and be respectful of the communities and families
that rely on these jobs.

38 39
Under the Liberals, NDP, and Greens, economic and social divisions among Canadians have grown wider
– particularly between Canadians who are thriving and those who are struggling.

Canada’s Conservatives will create jobs through our Jobs Plan, providing stability to working Canadians.
We need a recovery for all Canadians in every sector, which our plan will deliver. We also need to make
work pay, make it more secure, and protect workers. That’s precisely what our plan delivers.

$1/hour Raise for Working Canadians

Canada’s Conservatives believe that it’s time to make work pay and help those most in need.

We will: double the Canada Workers Benefit up to a maximum of $2,800 for individuals or $5,000 for
families and pay it as a quarterly direct deposit rather than a tax refund at year-end.

This will put an average of an extra thousand dollars into the pockets of the most vulnerable workers,
helping three and a half million families put food on the table.

We will be giving someone making $20,000 per year a $1/hour raise.

We will also double the disability supplement from $744 to $1,500. This will help almost 90,000 disabled









A Detailed Plan to Lift Up


Working Canadians

Protecting Canadian Workers During Recessions The construction mobility tax credit will allow workers to subtract up to $4,000 per year of temporary
relocation expenses (moving, temporary lodging) from taxable income. This will make it easier for
Canada’s Conservatives understand how a recession can be devastating for Canadian workers and their Canadian workers to go to where the work is.
families. When people are laid off and can’t find jobs, the government has to be there with the support
that families need. The challenge is to provide generous benefits without breaking the bank and hitting Supporting Workers
workers with soaring EI premiums. We recognize that Canadians want to work hard in a good job, but
they want to know that the government has their back in a crisis. Canada’s Conservatives will give workers a real voice and the support they need against major
multinational corporations. We will:
We will launch a Super EI that temporarily provides more generous benefits (75% of salary instead of • Give workers a seat at the table by requiring federally regulated employers with over 1,000
55%) when a province goes into recession (a 0.5% increase in the unemployment rate, as defined by the employees or $100 million in annual revenue to include worker representation on their boards
“Sahm Rule”). EI will return to normal levels once the recession is over, as evidenced by three months of of directors;
job gains. • Level the playing field between unions and multinationals by consulting with union leaders
and then implementing changes to the Canada Labour Code to remove barriers that prevent
Security for Gig Economy Workers unions from organizing large employers with a history of anti-labour activity;
• Work with unions to modernize the Canada Labour Code to provide more flexibility in working
Canada’s Conservatives recognize that millions of Canadians don’t qualify for Employment Insurance hours and working from home.
because they are gig workers, independent contractors, online platform workers, contract, on-call, and • Give unions standing at the Canada International Trade Tribunal to allow them to bring actions
temporary workers. Roughly 1.7 million people are engaged in independent, temporary work. They don’t on issues like dumping.
have the insurable hours and contributions of a typical employee. This means they have no safety net.
Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that our infrastructure spending benefits Canadian workers by
We believe that it’s time to make gig economy companies pay their fair share to give workers the requiring that equipment and materials for federally funded infrastructure projects be purchased from
protection they need. Canadian companies or those from countries with which we have agreed to mutually allow our workers
to supply each other’s infrastructure projects.
We will require gig economy companies to make contributions equivalent to CPP and EI premiums into • We will negotiate agreements with our traditional trading partners like the United States while
a new, portable Employee Savings Account every time they pay their workers. The money will grow ensuring that Canadian workers’ taxes don’t fund purchases from countries that abuse their
tax-free and can be withdrawn by the worker when needed. workers or shut out Canadian workers.

Supporting Workers Suffering from Illness Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that workers have the training they need for the jobs of today and
tomorrow by supporting union and similar training programs and encouraging employers to invest in
Canada’s Conservatives will increase EI sickness benefits to 52 weeks for those suffering from a serious their workers. We will also help bring women and New Canadians into the skilled trades. We will:
illness. • Double the Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit for the next three years to help create more
places for apprentices.
The current EI sickness benefit limit of 15 weeks is not enough for those undergoing treatment for • Invest $250 million over two years to create the Canada Job Training Fund. The Fund will provide
serious illnesses like cancer. We will ensure that ill workers receive the support they need to recover. grants to organizations including employers, apprenticeship training delivery agents, unions,
post-secondary institutions, and community organizations for projects that:
Helping Workers Who Have to Move Temporarily ° Give laid-off workers immediate access to training,
° Reach out to traditionally underrepresented groups,
Canada’s Conservatives will introduce a Construction Mobility Tax Credit to help with expenses ° Help tourism and hospitality workers who have been hit hard by the recession,
construction workers incur when they temporarily relocate for work. ° Support the talent needs of small businesses, and
° Otherwise help workers get the training they need - focussing on areas where there are
Workers often leave their homes and families to take on temporary contracts elsewhere and the costs shortages of skilled workers.
can be quite significant, averaging around $3,500 for a relocation. Some parts of Canada, often in rural • Create the Working Canadian Training Loan to provide low interest loans of up to $10,000 to
and northern regions, are struggling with a shortage of skilled construction workers, while in other people who want to upgrade their skills, empowering workers to determine what training they
regions tradespeople are facing unemployment. We want to accelerate investment in infrastructure need rather than having the government tell them.
that will create jobs and build a more productive, more connected Canada. To do that we need to help
workers get to where they are needed most.

42 43
Canadian employees deserve the opportunity to earn more than just a salary for their hard work. They
also deserve greater security in retirement. Canada’s Conservatives will increase employee ownership
of Canadian companies by establishing Employee Ownership Trusts, which provide a tax advantage
for company owners to sell to their employees. This will take the form of a reduction in capital gains tax
when the owner sells to a trust owned by the employees, enabling ownership to transfer to the people
who have partnered in building the business. We will also ensure that BDC makes financing available to
support these trusts.

Protecting Pensions

Workers should be able to rely on their pensions. Unfortunately, all too often, we have seen workers
forced to take big cuts to their pensions when, due to bad management or changes in the economy, the
company they work for goes bankrupt.

It’s time for the government to better protect pensions.

Canada’s Conservatives will change legislation to ensure that pensioners have priority over
corporate elites in bankruptcy or restructuring.

We will also better protect pensions by:

• Preventing executives from paying themselves bonuses while managing a company going through
restructuring if the pension plan is not fully funded;
• No longer forcing underfunded pension plans from being converted to annuities, something that
currently locks in losses and results in workers getting less money; and
• Requiring companies to report the funding status of their pension plans more clearly.
Strong families provide the bedrock of a strong society. Our goal is nothing less than to make Canada
the most family-friendly country in the world.

We recognize that the pandemic and recession have not affected all Canadians equally. Women have
disproportionately borne the brunt of unemployment and the cross-pressure of time at work and time

A Detailed Plan to Support

at home. Our policies will address this inequality with real help, not lip-service or grandiose schemes
that generations of Liberal politicians have promised with no understanding of the real needs of families.

Working Families Two principles will guide our action: the need to direct help to those who need it most and the
knowledge that every family is unique. A top-down, one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the answer. Parents
should decide what’s best for their families.

Supporting Families Through Better Funding for Child care

Canada’s Conservatives will support working families with children by providing increased funding for
child care. The recession has hit women hardest and set back the full integration of women in Canada’s
workforce. Allowing women to reach true equality in the workforce is impossible without child care.
Nobody should be prevented from getting back to work because they can’t afford child care.

Canada’s Conservatives will convert the Child Care Expense Deduction into a refundable tax credit
covering up to 75% of the cost of child care for lower income families. This will massively increase the
support that lower income families receive and provide more assistance to almost all families. We will
also pay out the deduction over the course of the year so that families do not have to pay the cost of
child care and then get the money back later.




Supporting Parents Through More Generous Maternity and Parental Leave

Canada’s maternity and parental leave programs play an essential role in enhancing equality and
strengthening our economy. To improve these programs, Canada’s Conservatives will allow those on
maternity and parental leave to earn up to $1,000 per month to enable them to stay connected to the
workforce and ease their return to work.

Supporting Expectant Parents

Canada’s Conservatives recognize that the cost of raising children continues to sky-rocket and the birth
of a child often brings a myriad of first-time costs for cribs, clothes, car seats and a range of other items
needed for the family. We will expand the Canada Child Benefit by allowing benefits to begin at the
7th month of pregnancy rather than at childbirth.

We also recognize how traumatic a miscarriage is. We will support parents who have experienced the
trauma of miscarriage by allowing them to receive three days of paid bereavement leave. Our rules
and programs are currently enforced in a cold and uncaring way that does not promote healing and
family wellness.

Furthermore, we will reform EI parental benefits to ensure that parents who lose a child are not
abruptly cut off from their benefits. Currently, EI parental benefits end immediately following the
death of a child, which is shocking enough without the government adding financial stress amid their
mourning. We will ensure that EI parental is extended for at least eight weeks following the death
of an infant.

We also recognize that the death of a child is particularly devastating for a parent. However, Canada’s
bereavement laws do not recognize this difference, as they treat the death of a child the same as the
death of another immediate family member. We will correct this by providing up to eight weeks of paid
leave from employment in the event of a child’s death or stillbirth.

Adoption Strategy

Canada’s Conservatives will create a National Adoption Strategy, including an awareness campaign to
promote adoption, and work with the provinces to ensure equal access to adoption for all children. This
will include:
• Supporting international adoption by working with other countries to align processes,
speeding and easing the adoption process;
• Creating an EI benefit for adoptive parents, modelled on EI maternity benefits; and
• Increasing the maximum a parent can claim under the Adoption Expense Tax Credit from
$15,000 to $20,000 and making the credit refundable.

The last few months have seen an alarming increase in prices. With inflation rising, families are
struggling to make ends meet. Canada’s Conservatives have a detailed plan to lower prices and
help families.

GST Holiday

To help families and help our hard-hit retail stores recover, Canada’s Conservatives will implement a
month-long GST holiday this fall. All purchases made at retail stores will be tax free for this month.

Lower Cellphone and Internet Bills

Canadians continue to pay some of the highest prices in the world for accessing the internet – both at
home and on their mobile phones. A few giant companies have too much power, and Canadians are
suffering for it.

It’s time for a government that takes the side of consumers.

Canada’s Conservatives will take real action to reduce how much Canadians pay for this essential part
of life. Our four part affordability plan includes:
• Accountability: Put consumers first and hold the big telecom service providers accountable for
anti-competitive behaviour and practices that hurt consumers.
• Competition: We will promote competition by:
° Allowing foreign telecommunications companies to provide services to Canadian customers,
provided that the same treatment is reciprocated for Canadian companies in that company’s
• Access: Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Canada to High-Speed Internet by 2025,
ensuring that all Canadians have reliable access to the Internet regardless of where they live.
• Investment: Promote investment in communications facilities by local and regional communities
and businesses. This will reduce local and regional dependence on national telecommunications

Lower Food Prices

Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that Canadians pay lower prices for food by:
• Increasing the maximum fine for price-fixing from $24 million to $100 million and introduce
criminal penalties for executives for price-fixing.
• Bringing in a tough code of conduct to protect suppliers and to promote grocery competition.

A Detailed Plan to
Lower Prices

Making Banking Affordable 

Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that Canadians get the banking services they need at a price they
can afford by:
• Bringing in legislation on open banking so that Canadians can connect with fintech companies
that can give provide a better offer for banking services such as a mortgage, line of credit
or credit card.
• Ordering the Competition Bureau to investigate bank fees.
• Requiring more transparency for investment management fees so that seniors and savers
don’t get ripped off.
° This will include requiring the banks to show investment returns net of fees. 

Reining in the Big Tech Companies

Canada’s Conservatives will create a technology task force within the Competition Bureau to examine
whether dominance and anti-competitive behaviour of big tech is damaging to Canadian industry.
We will examine how algorithms and data give big tech an advantage over Canadian business, as well
as how fintech and new technologies could foster improved competition.

Lowering Prices by Increasing Competition

Canada’s Conservatives will give our competition laws real teeth to prevent a few big companies from
dominating whole industries and pushing up prices. We will also stand up to corporate Canada and
reject mergers that substantially reduce competition and lead to layoffs and higher prices.
It’s time to face the fact: We have a housing crisis in Canada. Affording a home - to rent, let alone to buy
- is slipping out of reach of Canadians across our country. The primary cause is that supply simply isn’t
keeping up with demand. Governments have not let Canadians build enough housing to keep up with our
growing population. 

We need action - from all levels of government. We need to treat this like the crisis it is. Years of study
and delay will just leave more and more Canadians and newcomers trapped in inadequate or insecure
housing.  We need shovels in the ground building enough housing not just to keep up with but to get
ahead of population growth. We need to ensure that Canadians, first and foremost, can afford the
housing that we do have, keeping out foreign speculators, corruption, and laundered money that force up
prices. And we need to remove unnecessary roadblocks preventing Canadians from getting mortgages. 

Canada’s Conservatives have a plan to make housing more affordable.

To swiftly increase supply, we will implement a plan to build 1 million homes in the next three years.
To do so, we will:
• Leverage federal infrastructure investments to increase housing supply. We will:
° Build public transit infrastructure that connects homes and jobs by bringing public transit to
where people are buying homes; and
° Require municipalities receiving federal funding for public transit to increase density near the
funded transit;
• Review the extensive real estate portfolio of the federal government – the largest property
owner in the country with over 37,000 buildings – and release at least 15% for housing while
improving the Federal Lands Initiative;
• Incent developers to build the housing Canadians both want and need, by:
° Encouraging Canadians to invest in rental housing by extending the ability to defer capital
gains tax when selling a rental property and reinvesting in rental housing, something that
is currently excluded; and
° Exploring converting unneeded office space to housing.
• Continue the Conservative commitment to Reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples by
enacting a “For Indigenous, By Indigenous” strategy – long called for by Indigenous housing
advocates, who have been ignored by this Liberal government;
° Canada’s Conservatives are committed to putting a stop to federal paternalism and instead
partnering with Indigenous communities and empowering Indigenous Peoples with the
autonomy to meet their own housing needs.
• Enhance the viability of using Community Land Trusts for affordable housing by creating an
incentive for corporations and private landowners to donate property to Land Trusts for the

A Detailed Plan to
development of affordable housing.
° The incentive will mirror that which exists for donating land to ecological reserves.

Tackle Home Prices

To root out the corrupt activities that drive up real estate prices and put homeownership out of reach, To make mortgages more affordable, we will:
we will:  
• Encourage a new market in seven- to ten-year mortgages to provide stability both for first-time
• Implement comprehensive changes to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist home buyers and lenders, opening another secure path to homeownership for Canadians, and
Financing Act, and give FINTRAC, law enforcement, and prosecutors the tools necessary to reducing the need for mortgage stress tests.
identify, halt, and prosecute money-laundering in Canadian real estate markets • Remove the requirement to conduct a stress test when a homeowner renews a mortgage with
another lender instead of only when staying with their current lender, as is the case today. This
• Establish a federal Beneficial Ownership Registry for residential property. will increase competition and help homeowners access more affordable options.
• Increase the limit on eligibility for mortgage insurance and index it to home price inflation,
• Closely examine the findings and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into Money allowing those in high-priced real estate markets with less than a 20% down-payment an
Laundering in British Columbia, which is doing important work, and quickly implement opportunity at home-ownership.
recommendations at the federal level. • Fix the mortgage stress test to stop discriminating against small business owners, contractors
and other non-permanent employees including casual workers. 
To arrest and reverse the inflationary impacts of foreign buyers and speculation in the housing
market, we will ensure that housing in Canada is truly for Canadian citizens and residents first. The Canada’s Conservatives will never tax Canadians’ capital gains on the sale of their principal residence,
Liberals are on record stating, “we’re a very safe market for foreign investment but we’re not a great something many within the Liberal party are threatening to do.
market for Canadians looking for choices around housing.” This must change.
We need a real estate market that serves the interests of everyday Canadians: the young family who
needs more space for their kids, the recent university grad trying to find an apartment in the city, the
tradesperson moving to a new community for work, the retired empty-nesters wanting to downsize
without losing all their home equity to pay for an overpriced condo – all are underserved by Canada’s
lack of affordable housing options.  
We will:

• Ban foreign investors not living in or moving to Canada from buying homes here for a two year
period after which it will be reviewed.
• Instead, encourage foreign investment in purpose-built rental housing that is affordable to Canadians.

To address homelessness, we will:

• Re-implement the Housing First approach, which has been watered down by the current
federal government, to aid in the fight against Canada’s addictions crisis.
• Revise the federal government’s substance abuse policy framework to make recovery its
overarching goal. 
• Invest $325 million over the next three years to create 1,000 residential drug treatment
beds and build 50 recovery community centres across the country. 
• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health challenges and
addiction, such as land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous
communities as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions
treatment and prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs.

We know that we will face more COVID-19 variants in the years to come. We need to be ready.

Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that our country is ready to face future pandemics, including the
elevated risk of bioterrorism threats. Our goal is simple: be prepared and take rapid action to protect
the health of Canadians while avoiding long-term impacts on the economy and the mental health of

A Detailed Plan to Protect


We will call an immediate public inquiry to examine every aspect of the government’s pandemic

Canada from Future response. The inquiry will ensure that all lessons learned from the crisis are publicly aired, and
learnings can be immediately adopted. It will include all aspects of Canada’s pandemic preparedness

and response.

We will also work with our allies to support an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

Canada’s Conservatives will implement a Canada Emergency Preparedness Plan. The Plan will be
measured and updated annually, including by incorporating the findings of the inquiry.

Part 1: Making Canada resilient to threats

• Vaccine Research, Trials & Manufacturing Capacity
° Ramp up Canadian research and production capacity by making Canada one of the best
jurisdictions globally for pharmaceutical research and development and the
production of vaccines and medicines.
n We won’t allow Liberal regulation to drive pharmaceutical companies out of Canada
n We will follow the UK’s example by putting in place a sector strategy to grow the sector
in a well-thought-out way rather than just handing out money.
n We will also end the Liberal hostility to the pharma sector that has driven investment out
of Canada, left us near the back of the line for vaccines and risks leaving us at the back
of the line for new medicines. Instead, we will negotiate constructively with the industry
to reduce drug prices while providing long-term regulatory certainty.
° Overhaul Canada’s Pandemic Plan and preparedness to include domestic vaccine research,
trials development and manufacturing capacity and readiness - with a focus on novel vaccine
platforms, keeping and attracting the best minds in Canada, and ensuring secure access to
supply during pandemic scenarios - working with universities, the private sector, provinces
and territories, and international partner countries to build for the future; and
° Review Health Canada’s regulatory processes and the balance between Canada’s industrial,
health, and economic relationships with the global biomanufacturing sector in light of
Canada’s poor performance in accessing vaccines during COVID-19.

• Increasing Domestic Production of Critical Supplies

° Partner with pharmaceutical companies to increase production of critical medicines and
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Canada;
° Work with the United States to strengthen the North American supply chain for
pharmaceuticals to reduce our shared reliance on imports; and use procurements by
government and those receiving government funding to enhance domestic
production of PPE.

° Reinstate the tariff on imported PPE to recognize and secure the longevity of Canadian Part 2: Preventing pandemics
manufacturers of PPE. Canadian manufacturers have responded to the pandemic by • Addressing the Threat Posed by Animal Markets and Trade in Wild Animals
enhancing their capacities to produce PPE, and they deserve to compete within a fair ° Support and encourage the closure of poorly regulated wildlife markets globally that carry an
domestic market. A strong domestic manufacturing industry for PPE is a pillar of pandemic elevated risk of becoming sources for future pandemics;
readiness and ongoing resiliency. Canadian manufacturers are also at the forefront of PPE ° End the importation of and trade in wild or exotic animals and their products that carry an
innovation, seeking to address the environmental impact of the mass manufacturing of PPE. elevated risk of spreading zoonotic diseases.
• Prohibiting the export of deadly viruses to jurisdictions that cannot be trusted.
• Stockpiles, Lab Testing & Contact Tracing ° The government will create a list of these countries subject to the export prohibition
° Overhaul Canada’s National Emergency Stockpile System to ensure supplies are there to based on a national security assessment.
rapidly respond to infectious disease, bioterrorism, and similar threats, including ensuring the
security of supply for personal protective equipment, diagnostic reagents, and swab supplies, Part 3: Detecting and assessing threats
and adopting modern tracking systems to ensure supplies are used before they expire • Public Health Intelligence
and available when needed; ° Overhaul Canada’s public health intelligence-gathering systems, including restoring the
° Overhaul federal lab testing processes and the support PHAC provides for provinces and Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN) shut down by the Liberal government and
territories to markedly improve consistency and scaling of lab capabilities across Canada, strengthen the sharing of public health intelligence across the federal government and with
including the development of rapid testing capabilities at our borders, across our cities, in the provinces and territories.
rural and remote communities, and within long term care facilities; and ° Establish a threat-level warning system that uses data points and sources from our
° Fill the response gap left by Ottawa between lab testing and costly lockdowns by working overhauled public health intelligence-gathering systems to assign risk levels from a scale of
with Canadian infectious disease experts, provinces, and territories to develop 1-5 for Canadians when a new virus is detected.
evidence-based contact tracing systems for our borders and support public health efforts. ° Overhaul the federal government’s disastrous risk communications infrastructure,
Delaying and pushing unproven technologies on the provinces and territories over scientific including developing trusted mechanisms for communicating the real threat to
procurement processes allowed the virus the time to spread and undermined Canada’s social, Canadians of novel and emerging pathogens and rapidly changing information.
economic and health structures.
° Develop a national system for sharing data across jurisdictions on pathogen transmission,
immunity levels, and vaccination rates with transparent reporting requirements and
coordination among jurisdictions.

• New High Containment Laboratory Capacity and Infection Control Capacities

° Bolster our infectious disease and pandemic science infrastructure, research, and expertise,
through the development of new and novel high containment laboratory capabilities,
alongside the National Microbiology Laboratory, to rapidly identify the threat to Canadians
of novel and emerging infectious disease and bioterrorism agents, including by:
n Enhancing our basic scientific understanding of the transmission of novel pathogens in
built environments (notably, long term care facilities, hospitals, and other communal
settings) on different surfaces (e.g. nurse stations, medical equipment, doorknobs, retail,
and workplace surfaces) and the importance of infection control measures (e.g. masks,
hand washing);
n Supporting the development and testing of new infection control products/biomaterials,
safe and high-performance architectural designs, airflow systems, and isolation facilities
for the control of infectious diseases during regular times, and ensure Canada has the
rapid response capabilities – including issuing science-based public health guidelines for
front line workers and essentials services - during outbreaks and pandemics. Never again
should essential workers be left to their own devices or our economy simply be allowed to

60 61
Part 4: Countering the threat

• Scientific leadership
° Assign ultimate responsibility for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to a qualified
physician - public health expert with field and front line experience;
° Establish a set of actions corresponding to each level of risk in our new threat-level warning
system, including but not limited to when border measures will be implemented, when travel
should be restricted, and data-sharing requirements across jurisdictions.
° Develop a data-driven system of benchmarks for removing bans, restrictions, and
quarantines to provide certainty to businesses and their populations.
° Ensure adequate enforcement of these actions is undertaken and that monitoring both
internationally and domestically is consistent and ongoing.
° Restore the dual leadership role of the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, within the
Public Health Agency of Canada, so that infectious disease science and expertise drives our
domestic pandemic response and Canada once again is a global pandemic leader; and
° Overhaul Canada’s Pandemic Plan and preparedness to include a focus on infectious
diseases and bioterrorism threats rather than solely on “influenza,” which led to Ottawa’s
slow response and mishandling of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
° Maintain access security and stringent screening protocols for scientists granted access to
the Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg.

• Strengthening Health Canada

° Strengthen the department to ensure it can rapidly review crucial innovations like new
tests, treatments, and vaccines. With new variants on the horizon, we can’t afford the same
bureaucratic pace as in the past.
° Partner with the private sector rather than over-rely on government. We know that there
are some things best done by the private sector and will be faster to reach out for help.
° Work with the provinces to harmonize ICU training to ensure that ICU credentials are
transferable among jurisdictions so that that capacity can be bolstered in emergencies.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the cracks in our healthcare system and reminded us all of the
need to strengthen it. Canada’s Conservatives believe that the federal government should pay its fair
share. Under the last Conservative government, federal transfers to the provinces grew at 6% per year.
Unfortunately, in 2017, the Trudeau government cut this in half, putting lives at risk.

Canada’s Conservatives will take immediate action to restore health funding and to tackle the urgent
crises of mental health and addiction.

Secure, Predictable Funding

Canada’s Conservatives will meet with the Premiers within the first 100 days of forming government to
propose a new health agreement with the provinces and territories that boosts the annual growth rate
of the Canada Health Transfer to at least 6%. This will inject nearly $60 billion into our healthcare
system over the next ten years.

Treating Mental Health as Health - the Canada Mental Health Action Plan

Mental health and addiction were serious problems long before COVID hit. After a year of lockdowns
made them worse, these are crises that our government needs to address. Canadians are suffering and
dying. It’s time for real action - and a new approach.

Canada’s Conservatives will introduce the Canada Mental Health Action Plan that will:
• Propose to the provinces that they partner with us by dedicating a significant portion of the
stable, predictable health funding to mental health to ensure that an additional million Canadians
can receive mental health treatment every year;
• Encourage employers to add mental health coverage to their employee benefit plans by offering
a tax credit for 25% of the cost of additional mental health coverage for the first three years;
• Create a pilot program to provide $150 million over three years in grants to non-profits and
charities delivering mental health and wellness programming; and
• Create a nationwide three-digit suicide prevention hotline.

Supporting Canadians Suffering from Addiction

Canada’s Conservatives will treat the opioid epidemic as the health issue that it is. We believe that law
enforcement should focus on dealers and traffickers. The last thing that those suffering from addiction
should have to worry about is being arrested. Any interaction the government has with them should
focus on keeping them safe and helping them recover.

A Detailed Plan
To help more Canadians recover from addiction, Canada’s Conservatives will revise the federal
government’s substance abuse policy framework to make recovery its overarching goal. We will reorient
the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy towards ensuring that everyone suffering from addiction

to Secure Healthcare has the opportunity to recover and to lead a drug-free life and that all policies that fall under the
Strategy have the reduction of harm and promotion of recovery as their objectives.

To realize this goal, we will: • Protect the right of patients to choose to receive care in a MAID-free environment.
• Invest $325 million over the next three years to create 1,000 residential drug treatment beds • Require healthcare practitioners approving MAID requests (MAID accessors) to examine and
and build 50 recovery community centres across the country. consult directly with the patient before approving the request (with allowances made for
° This will give spaces to those who suffer from addiction, their families, and those who have virtually-enabled examination where required).
recovered where they can get the help they need and support each other. • Require MAID assessors to complete MAID assessor training to ensure full awareness of and
• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health challenges and addiction, compliance with laws and best practices around MAID.
such as land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities
as part of a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and We will also invest in palliative care.
prevention services in First Nations communities with high needs. • To help Canada become a place where all Canadians who suffer are offered relief, we will
• Partner with the provinces to ensure that Naloxone kits are available for free across Canada. double the direct federal investments in palliative care. The Canadian Hospice and Palliative
Care Association has estimated that under 30 percent of Canadians who need it have access to
Building on Canadian Leadership in Medical Isotopes palliative care services.

Canada began regular production of radioisotopes in 1947 and, since then, we have been one of the
world’s leaders in the development and application of nuclear medicine.

From treating cancers and other diseases to the sterilization of single-use medical devices, medical
isotopes save lives every day and protect healthcare workers worldwide. But Canada is losing its
leadership position in this critical area. Now is the time for the federal government to develop a National
Isotope Strategy to solidify our role as a global health care innovation leader and isotope superpower.

Canada’s Conservatives will develop and implement a National Isotope Strategy that will establish
a framework for cooperation in which governments, nuclear reactor and accelerator owners and
operators, and other stakeholders can work together to prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and
recover from disruptions of critical infrastructure and, most importantly, continue to move forward
with research and development of critical isotopes to improve people’s lives.

Supporting Canadians Who Are Suffering

Canada’s Conservatives believe that the Government of Canada should have appealed the Quebec
Superior Court decision on Medical Assistance in Dying. Instead, the Trudeau government passed a
vague law with no safeguards that devalues human life.

When it comes to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), Conservatives will:

• Reinstate the ten-day waiting period to make sure somebody does not make this decision at their
lowest point.
• Restore the requirement for two fully independent witnesses to ensure that a vulnerable person
is not being forced or coerced.
• Require that any discussion of MAID only occur if raised by the patient and prevent healthcare
workers from suggesting it to someone who is not seeking it. Canadians living with disabilities
report regularly being in situations where MAID is suggested to or pushed on them and report
how this undermines their sense of security in healthcare environments.
• Repealing the Bill C-7 provision allowing MAID for those with mental health challenges.
Require any patient receiving MAID to be informed/reminded immediately before receiving it
and given the opportunity to withdraw consent.

In 2006, in response to the Liberal Party Sponsorship Scandal, Conservatives brought forward the
toughest piece of anti-corruption legislation in Canadian history, the Federal Accountability Act.

Unfortunately, the current government has shown us that these rules didn’t go far enough. At the height
of the pandemic, the Liberals gave a billion dollars to a Liberal-friendly charity that awarded lucrative
contracts to members of their families. They accepted illegal gifts from organizations that lobby their
government. They interfered in the judicial process to help their well-connected friends. They don’t
believe the rules apply to them.

We need stricter laws to require ethics in government, prevent cover-ups, and ensure that lobbying is
adequately regulated.

Canada’s Conservatives will pass an Anti-Corruption Act to strengthen our legislation on ethics,
lobbying, and transparency.


Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Bring forward tough new changes to Canada’s ethics regime:
° Toughening the Conflict of Interest Act by expanding the monetary penalties to cover all
violations of the Act. Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau were both found to have behaved
unethically but faced no penalties for doing so. This needs to change.
° Increasing the monetary penalties in the Conflict of Interest Act from a maximum of $500
to a maximum of $50,000, with the fine to be proportionate to the severity of the offence and
the offender’s history and personal net worth.
° Amending the Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament to prevent Members of
Parliament from collecting speaking fees while serving in the House of Commons since
speaking to Canadians is a part of the job.


The minimum threshold for a lobby registration to be required was created to avoid creating an undue
burden on organizations that only had a one-off meeting with the government or met with government
officials infrequently.

Unfortunately, it has become clear that Liberal insiders have abused this rule to avoid registering their
lobbying contacts.

A Detailed Plan
Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Mandate full transparency by requiring all corporations and other organizations that lobby to
register and report their meetings; and

to Secure Accountability • Ban lobbying by an individual or entity on a matter that is the subject of a criminal proceeding,
to prevent a future Liberal government from repeating the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

A Conservative government will also fulfil the statutory obligations that this Liberal government has
long ignored by conducting long-overdue reviews of the Lobbying Act and Access to Information Act to
ensure that they are up to date and as strong as needed to earn the trust of Canadians.

Transparency: Ending Liberal Cover-Ups

Despite entering office with promises of transparency, this government has used all the tools at its
disposal to prevent Canadians from learning the truth about scandals like SNC-Lavalin. Canadians have
the right to know what their government is up to.

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Prohibit the application of non-disclosure agreements in circumstances where an individual is
disclosing information to a lawful authority or seeking medical assistance or legal advice.
° This would apply across all federally regulated enterprises as well as the government.

• Amend the Canada Evidence Act to ensure that Cabinet Confidence can no longer be used to
shield government insiders from criminal investigation.
° Where the government does not want to turn over information or allow the police to
interview an official, Cabinet Confidence would need to be asserted in writing by the Clerk of
the Privy Council with an explanation of the reasons that the government believes Cabinet
Confidence applies.
° The RCMP would then be able to apply to the Justice of the Federal Court to access
information protected by Cabinet Confidence.
n The information will be provided to the RCMP if there is a reasonable basis to believe an
offence has been committed and that the information is relevant to the investigation.
° This new application mechanism would set a high bar to protect the principle of Cabinet
confidence and to ensure that genuine Cabinet deliberations are protected. Cabinet
confidence is meant to ensure good government, not shield illegal behaviour. These
measures will safeguard our democracy against the whims of unscrupulous politicians.

• Fix Access to Information by giving the Commissioner of Information the power to make orders
to departments to release information promptly, to bring an end to the current government’s
practice of endless delays that makes a mockery of the law.
• Strengthen whistleblower protection by creating a strong federal legislative framework that will
enable workers to speak up about wrongdoing without fear of reprisal.
• Mandate that government departments, Crown Corporations, and those receiving public funds
publish more data in machine-readable formats using prevailing open standards.

Preventing Foreign Interference Through Greater Transparency

Canada’s Conservatives will pass a Foreign Agents Registry Act requiring individuals and companies
acting as agents of designated foreign principals (country, corporation, entity or individual) in a
political or quasi-political capacity including lobbying, policy development, advertising, and grassroots
mobilization to register. Requirements for disclosure would include the amount of payment, the nature
of the relationship, and the activities performed.

Protecting the environment has always been a core Conservative value. Our party was built by farmers,
hunters, and anglers – people who respect and live off the very lands and waters we need to conserve.

We all want a green future for our children.

A future of clean air, pure water, where Canada’s beautiful, wild spaces are protected. A future where
we create less waste and deal responsibly with the waste we do create.

That’s the future Canada’s Conservatives envision and will deliver for Canadians.

Canada’s Conservatives will take action to protect our environment.

Building Public Transit

We will immediately invest in projects that will put Canadians to work, cut commute times, and clean up
the environment.


Conservatives have a proud history of being strong proponents of conservation and have a strong
track record of creating parks and protecting critical habitats. In 2010, the previous Conservative
government committed to conserving 17% of terrestrial lands through protected areas and other
effective area-based conservation measures. As of January 2020, Canada had reached 12%.

We remain committed to reaching this target and will seek to increase our goal to 25%. However, we will
remain mindful that there is a significant risk in expressing our ambition strictly in terms of how much
area is protected. If we focus solely on area, we will tend to favour the creation of large parks in remote
areas and risk making it harder to protect our most endangered ecosystems, which predominantly lie in
the southern working landscape.

Protecting the southern working landscape presents many challenges but brings many benefits as well.
Much of the land is already in productive use, making it harder and more expensive to set aside, but
protecting this land is essential: it can significantly benefit local communities and is important for things
like flood and drought protection and carbon sequestration.

A Detailed Plan to
Secure the Environment

To conserve lands in all parts of Canada, including the southern working landscape, Conservatives will: • Reinstate the Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund
° To protect the vital natural resource that so many rely on and call home, we will reinstate the
• Reach the target of protecting 17% of Canada’s land and water and work towards 25% with a Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund.
focus on: ° Justin Trudeau cancelled the Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund in 2017. It funded over 200
° Using remote sensing to identify conservation gaps in the southern working landscape and community-based projects that restored fish and wildlife populations, planted thousands of
gather data that can be used to determine the potential for lands to provide ecosystem new trees, and reduced harmful sewage and waste dumping.
° Putting in place other effective area-based conservation measures in the southern working Tackle the Challenge of Plastic Waste
° Working with Indigenous communities to expand the creation of Indigenous Protected and We can all agree that we need to reduce the use of single-use plastics, minimize how much plastic ends
Conserved Areas (IPCAs) managed and stewarded by Indigenous Guardians; and up discarded, and keep plastic out of our oceans.
° Continuing to develop parks and protected areas in all parts of Canada.
The current government’s approach has been heavy on slogans but light on action. Declaring plastics
• Restore funding for the National Wetland Conservation Fund and the Recreational Fisheries “toxic” isn’t helping our environment but is driving jobs out of Canada. The last year has reminded us
Conservation Partnership Program, which Justin Trudeau cancelled. of the importance of domestic capacity to produce things like PPE. We need to ensure that we are
manufacturing things here - in as environmentally friendly a way as possible - while responsibly taking
• Support Wetlands and Watershed Protection Our wetlands, rivers, and lakes are essential to care of any waste we produce.
our quality of life. They provide us with drinking water, provide critical habitat for fish and
wildlife, and offer recreation opportunities. Rather than showy bans or declarations, Canada’s Conservatives will focus on reducing the use of
single-use plastics, ensuring that plastic products are produced in a more environmentally responsible
To support our wetlands, rivers, and lakes, we will: way, promoting a circular economy, and ensuring that plastic waste is responsibly recycled and never
° Support the completion of the Canadian Wetland Inventory; ends up in the ocean.
° Explore ways to protect wetlands on private lands; and
° Provide funding for watershed protection, including restoring funding for the clean-up Canada’s Conservatives will:
of Lake Simcoe and maintaining funding for the Great Lakes in Ontario and Lake Winnipeg • Ban the export of plastic waste
in Manitoba. ° To manage our plastic waste, rather than using other countries as dumping grounds, we will
ban the export of plastic waste unless the exporter shows that it will be recycled. In too many
• Create a powerful incentive for agriculture and forestry sectors to protect the environment and cases, the plastics Canada ships overseas to developing countries are not.
sequester carbon by allowing for greater creation of land-based offset credits. • Work with international partners to combat oceans plastic
° To meaningfully contribute to tackling ocean plastic, we must recognize that plastic is a global
• Invest an additional $3 billion between now and 2030 in natural climate solutions focused on problem and that much of the plastic that ends up in the ocean does so because developing
management of forest, crop and grazing lands and restoration of grasslands, wetlands, and countries cannot afford to manage plastic waste properly. Justin Trudeau’s refusal to face this
forests. reality has set back Canada’s efforts to be part of the solution. While there are good reasons
why Canada should do a better job of managing its plastic waste, it is not because we are a
Water Quality significant contributor to oceans plastic. Banning plastic straws in Toronto will have no impact
on plastics in the Pacific Ocean.
To clean up our waters and protect water quality, we will: ° Conservatives will focus on the real problem and work with international partners to ensure
• End Raw Sewage Dumping that Canada is making a meaningful contribution to practical solutions.
° To bring an end to the practice of dumping raw sewage into our lakes, rivers, and oceans, we • Improve value recovery from plastics
will work with provinces and territories and municipalities. Since taking office, Justin Trudeau ° We will work with provinces and territories to increase the recovery of clean energy products
has failed to protect our waterways from pollution. In one of its first acts, this government and other valuable by-products from existing plastics waste. Plastics waste is a problem, but it
allowed Montreal to dump 8 billion litres of raw sewage into the St. Lawrence River. is also a potential resource. Technology will allow us to turn plastics – even non-recyclable
° We will also tighten the rules on cruise ships in Canadian waters to align with Alaska’s rules plastics – into valuable products like chemicals and renewable fuels.
and prevent sewage & gray water dumping.

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Canada must not ignore the reality of climate change. It is already affecting our ecosystems, hurting our
communities, and damaging our infrastructure.

As the world continues to mobilize to meet this challenge, it will inevitably lead to change. This will
present challenges for Canada but also opportunities if we are smart. If we are to secure our future,
we must be prepared for both.

Increasingly, the world will be demanding cleaner products, and investors will be demanding to see real
efforts to lower emissions. Fortunately, Canada is well-placed to compete in this world. All it needs is
a government that is focused on helping Canadians succeed in every sector and in every region of the

We will fight climate change and protect the environment, but we won’t do it on the backs of working
Canadians or by hurting the economy. Canadians can’t afford Justin Trudeau’s carbon tax hike.

Canada’s Conservatives will meet our Paris climate commitment and reduce emissions by 2030, but
without the government taxing working Canadians and driving jobs and investment out of the country.

We recognize that the most efficient way to reduce our emissions is to use pricing mechanisms.
However, having a market-based approach means that we cannot ignore the fact that our integrated
North American partner - the United States - does not yet have a national carbon pricing system.
Further, the present state of global trade allows some of the world’s worst polluters to become free
riders to the detriment of Canadian workers. Any serious plan has to recognize these realities.

Carbon pricing should not result in Canadians sending billions of dollars of new tax revenue to the
government - revenue which it will be increasingly tempted to spend.

To reach our goal, we’ll work with the provinces to give Canada the best chance to be a leader in climate
action. We’ll bring the provinces together to discuss the next steps in climate action and how we can
work together to meet Canada’s goal. This is the plan we will put to the provinces as a federal partner.

Personal Low Carbon Savings Accounts:

Canada’s Conservatives will work with the provinces to implement an innovative, national, Personal
Low Carbon Savings Account. This will put a price on carbon for consumers without one penny going
to the government. It will be completely transparent and engage consumers in the process of building
a lower carbon future.

Canadians will pay into their Personal Low Carbon Savings Account each time they buy hydrocarbon-

A Detailed Plan to
based fuel. They will be able to apply the money in their account towards things that help them live a
greener life. That could mean buying a transit pass or a bicycle or saving up and putting the money
towards a new efficient furnace, energy efficient windows or even an electric vehicle.

Tackle Climate Change Canadian families and businesses have been trailblazers in the use of affinity or rewards programs and
have great expertise in both managing and using them. This program will operate similarly and may be
managed by a consortium of companies as the INTERAC system is.

We’ll scrap the consumer carbon tax backstop. Wherever carbon taxes have been tried, governments Lower Industrial Emissions
have been unable to resist the billions of dollars they bring in. This is true in Canada today, where the
Trudeau government is only returning to Canadians some of the revenue the carbon tax brings in - and Canada now has a working system to reduce carbon emissions from industry, built on the leadership of
where some Canadians, particularly farmers and those living in rural areas, are unfairly penalized. Justin provincial governments from coast to coast.
Trudeau has already broken his promise by increasing the carbon tax, so Canadians cannot trust that he
won’t be tempted to use the carbon tax revenue to fund his big government plans. We aren’t going to change the rules just for the sake of change. Justin Trudeau has already created far
too much regulatory uncertainty, driving investment and jobs away. We will minimize changes to rules
Our plan will ensure that all Canadians can do their part to fight climate change, in the way that that industry is already working with, so that we restore Canada’s reputation as a safe place to invest
works best for them, and at a carbon price that is affordable: starting at $20/tonne and increasing to and create jobs.
$50/tonne but no further. Even at this lower carbon price, we will ensure that this does not place an
excessive burden on low-income Canadians and will protect farmers by ensuring that they have Where we make changes, we’ll improve the system to achieve greater emissions reductions.
affordable options.
We’ll do this by proposing to the Biden administration minimum North American standards for key
Businesses that aren’t subject to the Output Based Pricing System but buy fuel will have a Small industrial sectors, backed up by border carbon adjustments to prevent leakage of emissions - and jobs
Business Low Carbon Savings Account that will operate similarly. - to countries with lower environmental and emissions standards like China. This will allow us to raise
standards for trade exposed sectors.
More Zero Emission Vehicles
Rather than choosing an arbitrary carbon price in advance, we’ll tie Canada’s industrial carbon price
Public transit is important, but let’s be realistic: Canada is a big, northern country, where for many to that of our biggest trading partners - the European Union and the United States, starting with those
people the idea of giving up a car and taking transit is simply impossible. Even in cities and suburbs, regions that have carbon markets and expanding as the U.S. creates a national market. This will ensure
most families cannot meet the challenges of work and parenting without one or more cars. That makes that we travel the path to our Paris targets together while reducing the risk that serious climate action
electric and hydrogen vehicles essential to meeting our climate goals. Canada’s Conservatives will go will just shift jobs out of Canada to competitor countries.
big on zero emission vehicles by:
• Introducing a zero emission vehicle mandate based on British Columbia’s, requiring 30% of light We will assess progress after two years and be prepared to set industrial carbon prices on a path to
duty vehicles sold to be zero emissions by 2030; $170/tonne by 2030, but only if the combination of adopting a price based on that of our major trading
• Working with the Biden administration to strengthen vehicle emission standards in partners and working with the U.S. on North American standards has not assured us that we are on a
North America; path to our Paris commitment.
• Investing in transmission infrastructure to bring clean energy to where it’s needed and ensure
that our electricity grid can support the growth in electric vehicles; More Renewable Natural Gas
• Investing a billion dollars in building out electric vehicle manufacturing in Canada, including
investing in battery production, parts manufacturing, micro-mobility solutions and electric We will introduce a Renewable Natural Gas Mandate, based on British Columbia’s policy, requiring
trucks; 15% of downstream consumption to be renewable by 2030.
• Investing a billion dollars in deploying hydrogen technology including hydrogen vehicles;
• Working with the U.S. to set a standard for charging and then add mandatory charging stations Capturing methane from organic sources such as farms and landfills reduces carbon emissions and
or wiring required for chargers to the national building code; creates a renewable source of energy. We will put in place a minimum requirement for 15% renewable
• Working with provinces, territories, and municipalities to encourage the inclusion of a minimum content in natural gas by 2030. That means the gas we use in our power plants, furnaces, water heaters,
number of EV charging spaces for new developments; dryers, stoves, and other gas appliances will have less impact on the environment, and the methane that
• Requiring that every building where the federal government has employees or offers services to is wasted from agriculture, sewage and landfills will be significantly reduced.
the public and provides parking to have a charging station by 2025; and
• Supporting improved electric vehicle battery repurposing and recycling in order to lower the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
environmental impact of these batteries and lower the cost of vehicles on the resale market.
We’ll finalize and improve the Clean Fuel Regulations to reduce carbon emissions from every litre of
gasoline (and other liquid fuels) we burn, turning them into a true Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

78 79
Our improvements will include: We will also recognize and build on the world-leading, sustainable practices of Canada’s agricultural and
• Basing our Low Carbon Fuel Standard on British Columbia’s policy to achieve a 20% reduction in forestry sectors by:
carbon intensity for transport fuels; • Recognizing and encouraging emissions-reducing practices like low/no till and 4R Nutrient
• Increasing the ability of the agricultural and forestry sectors to create land-based offset credits Stewardship.
by improving the carbon sequestration of agricultural lands and managed forests, and incenting • Establishing transparent and reliable standards for carbon credits associated with land
environmental protection in those sectors. This will generate emissions reductions at lower cost, management practices with the eventual goal of establishing a national carbon offset market.
and protect Canadian jobs; This market would link together existing compliance programs associated with federal and
• Allowing clean, carbon-neutral biomass energy, including wood waste or agricultural waste, to be provincial regulations.
eligible for carbon credits where appropriate; and • Exploring the use of incentives to preserve and enhance natural infrastructure on private lands
• Recognizing existing legislation for Land Use and Biodiversity (LUB) and harmonizing with that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation, with a particular focus on working
provincial rules. landscapes with downstream impacts on populated areas.
• Working with provinces, territories and the agriculture and forestry sectors to identify and
We will also pilot the use of Canadian renewable fuels by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), a major support ways in which the sectors can contribute to enhancing carbon sequestration.
user of fuel, with the goal of using CAF purchases to stimulate an increase in renewable fuel production • Investing in forest health and wildfire prevention and early detection.
in Canada. • Working with Indigenous communities including by expanding the creation of Indigenous
Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) managed and stewarded by Indigenous Guardians.
Carbon Capture
Carbon Border Tariffs
While electric vehicles are quickly growing in popularity, the truth is that the world will still be burning
oil and gas for decades to come. We can do our part for the planet by helping ensure that energy is We will stand up for Canada in the world by insisting that major polluters like China clean up their act.
produced as cleanly as possible. Canada’s energy sector has made massive progress in reducing its We won’t hurt Canada’s growth while the worst climate offenders do nothing.
impact on the planet and we’ll work with the industry to help them go further.
We will study the imposition of a carbon border tariff which would reflect the amount of carbon
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is a key part of what will allow our energy sector to emissions attributed to goods imported into Canada. Producers in countries with emissions reductions
become even cleaner and a major building block of the energy transition. mechanisms that are compatible with our own will be exempt. We will urge our American trade partners
to adopt this approach as well.
Canada’s Conservatives will introduce a tax credit to rapidly accelerate the deployment of CCUS
technology in the energy sector and in important industries that have few alternatives to burning “First Five” Policy for Deploying New Emissions Reduction Technology
fossil fuels, like fertilizer and chemical production. This tax credit will include an early mover bonus
for facilities that have CCUS in place before 2030. One of the significant barriers for deploying new emissions reduction technology is that early adopters
often pay higher costs as they learn how to apply the technology to real-world situations. To recognize
The Liberals believe that we can only reduce our emissions by “phasing out” entire industries and the this, we will provide tax relief to the first five facilities that use new technology that provides meaningful
jobs that provide a secure living for hundreds of thousands of Canadian emissions reductions and has a high cost to build.
families. Conservatives appreciate that we can’t build a greener future if Canadians don’t have jobs.
National Clean Energy Strategy
We will also invest in Direct Air Capture, a promising technology that captures carbon dioxide from
the air. Canada is a technology leader in this area. By partnering with Canadian innovators to secure We will develop a National Clean Energy Strategy that will include the following components:
Canadian leadership in this important area, we will reduce emissions in Canada and advance technology • Strengthening Canada’s Grid: a plan to build a cleaner, more resilient grid that is adaptable to
that Canada could soon be exporting to the world. regional conditions and priorities. This will include strategies for developing and expanding smart
grids, improving interties, increasing the use of mass storage, and developing and deploying new
In total, we are investing $5 billion in CCUS. clean energy technology such as nuclear, hydrogen and renewables.
• ESG-I Leadership: a serious approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is
Natural Climate Solutions increasingly an expectation of the global capital markets and Canada has become a world
leader in Indigenous (I) engagement and partnerships within the energy sector. Canadian ESG-I
We will invest an additional $3 billion between now and 2030 in natural climate solutions focused on leadership will help us demonstrate the leadership of our oil and gas sector with respect to
management of forest, crop and grazing lands and restoration of grasslands, wetlands, and forests. emissions intensity reduction, stewardship, and Indigenous partnerships as we strive to
These solutions can have multiple benefits: not only will they help sequester carbon, but they can also rebalance global trade and practices with respect to resources.
provide protection for communities and additional benefits for wildlife.

80 81
• Building a Hydrogen-Powered Future: a plan to explore how Canada can become a world leader Plus More
in the production of blue and green hydrogen, how hydrogen technology can contribute to a
low carbon future, and how Canada can build a foundation for taking advantage of hydrogen’s We’ll also take further actions to cut emissions by:
potential. • Creating an accelerated Impact Assessment process for projects that will reduce GHG emissions.
• Liquid Natural Gas Exports: thanks to our clean grid, Canada is able to make the lowest-emission • Investing a billion dollars in Small Modular Reactors, to get this zero emissions source of
LNG in the world. LNG can be used as an important transition fuel to replace coal as a source electricity and heat to the point that it starts to be deployed across the country, including in
of reliable base power, and to provide responsive back-up power for inconsistent renewables in the oilsands.
the absence of adequate grid storage. • Studying the potential for introducing new taxes on frequent flyers, non-electric luxury vehicles
• It can also be used as an important transition fuel for developing countries seeking to move away and luxury second homes to deter activities that hurt the environment.
from subsistence fuels like wood and dung. Our strategy will focus on exporting LNG while
ensuring that new facilities are electrified to reduce emissions. Canada’s Conservatives will take this plan to the provinces but, unlike the current government, we will
work with them, knowing that by doing so we’ll achieve more.
Clean Buildings Plan
As much as leadership begins at home, the truth remains that Canada only accounts for less than
There is a real opportunity to reduce our emissions in this sector because improving building efficiency 2% of global emissions. If we are going to pull our weight globally, we need to do our part to help other
leads to long-term cost savings and the emissions reductions tend to be durable. However, there are countries cut their emissions - particularly those not blessed with our wealth or resources. To do so,
challenges to realizing these benefits: the up-front costs are a significant barrier for many people, and Canada’s Conservatives will:
we don’t have enough people in the skilled trades to do these retrofits at the scale we will need by 2050. • Implement a Liquified Natural Gas export strategy to displace coal in electricity generation.
Using natural gas instead of coal cuts emissions in half, and countries across Asia are eager to
In order to kick-start building emissions reductions by 2030 and achieve significant, broad-scale buy Canadian natural gas. Red tape imposed by the Liberals means that massive projects like
reductions in building emissions by 2050, Conservatives will: Kitimat LNG are in danger of cancellation - hurting the planet and costing Canadian jobs.
• Provide a regulatory and financial framework that will facilitate Energy Savings Performance • Develop export markets for Canadian nuclear technology and uranium, to help countries
Contracting (ESPC). This is a model that involves the private sector in financing and generate more electricity with this zero emission energy source.
implementing retrofits and then being paid back through savings. Our program will be • Increase exports of our cleanest resources and products to replace items made with higher
modelled after the SOFIAC program in Quebec. pollution. For example, Canada produces aluminum more efficiently than the rest of the world
° We will work with provinces and territories to promote ESPC for government and publicly- and it will get even cleaner as Canadian producers continue to innovate. As we raise standards
funded institutional buildings, including a “2030 Bonus” that will provide an additional benefit at home, we have the opportunity to help the world while creating jobs here.
for those buildings that complete their retrofits prior to 2030. • Export Canadian emissions reduction technology around the world.
• Develop a Net Zero Foundations program to begin putting in place the building blocks required
to meet our net zero goals. This will include: Our plan has been independently analyzed by Navius Research
° Continuing to develop the building codes and standards necessary to support net zero
goals for both new builds and retrofits; Canadian leaders in quantifying the impacts of energy and climate policy, Navius simulated the expected
° Developing curriculum for trade schools and institutes that support building design outcome of our plan using a model that accounts for all economic activity in Canada.
and construction;
° Improving certification standards; and This model is used by most provincial governments and the federal government to assess the impact of
° Developing initiatives to pilot new technologies and solutions that will lower the cost and climate policy.
speed up the pace of retrofits, particularly residential retrofits.
• Work with provinces, territories, and applicable utilities to put in place a Residential Building Navius found that our plan would be expected to achieve substantially the same emissions reductions
Retrofit Initiative that will: by 2030 as A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy - the government’s December 2020 plan to
° Provide an “efficiency concierge” service for homeowners that acts as a one-stop-shop to meet our Paris commitment, while resulting in a boost to jobs and the economy.
access programs and information; and
° Apply lessons learned from technology pilots and from government, institutional and
commercial retrofits, to a residential context.

82 83
Dealing with the Impacts of Climate Change

It is critical that Canada do its part to reduce its emissions, both to live up to our international
commitments and to ensure that Canada is well positioned to succeed in a world where climate action
will be an important consideration in international trade. However, since Canada only produces less
than 2% of global emissions, we have to accept the fact that even if we reach net zero by 2050 we will “A CREDIBLE PATH TO MEETING CANADA’S
still have to deal with the effects of climate change.
Climate change increases the risks of fires, droughts, flooding, and extreme weather events. Canada - Michael Bernstein,
is already demonstrably feeling the impact of this given the fact that insurance payouts due to Executive Director, Clean Prosperity
environmental events – particularly flooding – have dramatically increased in the last 12 years. As a
result, homes are becoming harder to insure, costs for insurance are going up, and maximum payouts
are going down.

Canada’s Conservatives will build resiliency and better prepare Canada for the impacts of a changing “A SERIOUS PLAN”
climate by: - Nic Rivers,
• Appointing a national disaster resilience advisor to the Privy Council Office. Associate Professor, University of Ottawa and
° This office would be analogous to the National Security and Intelligence Advisor established
after 9/11 and would advise Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s Office, helping ensure that the Canada Research Chair in Climate and Energy Policy
government is prepared for future risks.
• Implementing a national action plan on floods, including establishing a residential high risk flood
insurance program to ensure all Canadians are financially protected while avoiding future
• Devising and implementing a national climate adaptation strategy that is: - Dale Beugin,
° Based on measurable targets;
° Addresses existing provincial concerns on flood readiness while leveraging private sector VP Research and Analysis,
solutions to reduce government exposure and spending; and Canadian Institute for Climate Choices
° Addresses wildfire and drought exposure in collaboration with farmers, ranchers, and
• Incorporating a mitigation and adaptation lens to the government’s infrastructure investments.
° Communities must be able to identify risks and be able to plan to address them. An
adaptation lens can include designing infrastructure to be resilient to extreme weather
events, but it also might include designing other infrastructure to protect against
known hazards. In either case, this will help communities be prepared in the event of an
• Working with provinces and territories to develop a natural infrastructure plan that includes:
° The development of a national standard to assess the value of natural infrastructure;
° A requirement that public sector accounting practices be updated to include a proper
valuation of existing natural infrastructure;
° Requirements to incorporate retention of natural infrastructure into community design; and
° Incentives for farmers and landowners to protect and restore natural infrastructure.
• Investing in technology that can improve the early detection of wildfires and better predict
their behaviour.

The most important job of any government is to keep Canadians safe.

Canada’s Conservatives understand the threats we face - from pandemics to forest fires, from terrorism
to rogue regimes, and from gang members to domestic abusers. We will protect Canadians and stand up
for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to defend us.

Canadians have a right to be free from crimes of violence and exploitation. A Conservative Government
will make this right a reality for the millions of Canadians who have been touched by crime.

But Canadians also demand that our prison system be more than a place to separate offenders from
society. Our correctional system must be one that actually corrects - and offers a pathway to a life
beyond crime.

We believe in the kind of deterrence that decisively separates those who have committed crimes
from their victims and potential victims. But we also believe in the potential of those who choose to
permanently turn from a criminal past and work towards a future respectful of the rights of fellow

Getting Tough on Domestic Violence

We have let people who commit domestic violence off with a slap on the wrist for far too long. This does
a massive disservice to their innocent victims who are left to suffer. It also puts the broader community
at risk. We have seen time and again that the criminals who commit acts of violence almost always start
by abusing their spouse or partner.

Canada’s Conservatives believe that we should impose tough sentences on those who assault their
spouse or partner while making it easier for victims to escape their abusers and rebuild their lives.

Canada’s Conservatives will protect victims by:

• Amending the Criminal Code so that it is an aggravating factor on sentencing for assault where
the victim is in a domestic or dependent relationship with the person.

• Adding a provision to the Criminal Code that specifies the offence is an indictable offence and
provides for a mandatory minimum penalty of two years where the Crown can show that an
offence of assault, assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm, or aggravated assault is part

A Detailed Plan

of a pattern of conduct with the victim, with the Crown required to give notice before trial of its
intention to seek this elevated sentence.

to Secure Public Safety

• Prohibiting those under peace bond or the subject of a protective order from possessing a Tackling Gang Violence
“firearm, crossbow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition,
prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such thing”. Canada’s Conservatives will tackle the gang violence that causes too many Canadians to live in fear by:

• Enacting Clare’s Law so that when police investigate a complaint of alleged domestic violence, • Hiring an additional 200 RCMP officers to combat gangs and the smuggling of guns and drugs.
they are required to notify the victim of the suspect’s relevant criminal history. ° The officers will be based in the GTA and the Lower Mainland and will help keep our
communities safe.
Canada’s Conservatives will support victims by:
• Establishing an entities list for criminal gangs.
• Making it easier for women fleeing domestic violence to hide their new location from their ° This would eliminate the requirement for Crown Attorneys to prove that an organization
abusers. is a criminal organization and would only require the Crown to prove that the accused is a
• Expanding the Canada Child Benefit by $500 per month per child for the first year and $250 per member of such an organization.
month per child for the second year for women with children living in women’s shelters to help
them transition to more long-term housing. • Amending the automatic detention provisions of the Criminal Code by adding:
• Creating a fund to incentivize educational institutions and private sector organizations to ° “with an offence in the commission of which violence was allegedly used, threatened or
partner with women’s shelters to provide career training for the women they serve. attempted and the accused had previously been convicted of for the benefit of, at the
direction of, or in association with, a criminal organization”.
Tackling Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
• Amending the Criminal Code so that usage of the same firearm by two separate individuals in
Canada’s Conservatives will: the commission of a crime would create a rebuttable presumption that a criminal organization
committed the offences.
• Strengthen human trafficking laws by making them consistent with the Palermo Protocol and
removing the requirement to prove that a trafficker exercised fear or intimidation over a victim. • Partnering with the private sector to create a Gang Exit Strategy program that will see the power
of the private sector harnessed to give offenders the opportunity to escape a cycle of violence
• Eliminate Preliminary Inquiries in cases of sexual assault to prevent the revictimization of and start fresh in a new location with gainful employment and the support needed to leave
individual victims, including children, who deserve our protection. behind a life of crime.

• Amend the Criminal Code to clarify that an offence takes place in Canada where, at the time • Working with partner organizations across the country to develop and expand programs to keep
of the offence, the victim was present in Canada. youth out of gangs.

• Implement legislation to ensure human traffickers serve consecutive sentences for multiple Combating Gun Violence by Keeping Guns out of the Hands of Criminals
human trafficking offences.
Canada’s Conservatives will go after gun smugglers by:
• Amend the Criminal Code by adding procuring offences to the list of designated offences that
may be subject to the forfeiture of proceeds of crime. This will ensure that those who profit • Cracking down on “straw purchasing” of firearms by:
off sexual exploitation can have their profits seized, the same as drug dealers or criminal ° Amending the Firearms Act so that an individual who, on three separate occasions during a
organizations. calendar year, transfers a firearm for financial consideration must have a firearms business
• Provide $100 million over five years to support training for non-provincial police forces in the ° Amending the Criminal Code to add the following aggravating factors on sentencing:
areas of: n The number of firearms transferred
° Sexual exploitation n Whether financial consideration was exchanged
° Cyber-security and online offences; and, n The amount of monetary consideration
° Investigation of sexual offences.

88 89
• Amending the Criminal Code provisions on unauthorized importing so that: • Amending the Firearms Act to authorize a hospital, mental institute, psychiatric clinic, or medical
° It is an aggravating factor on sentencing if more than one firearm is imported otherwise than professional to give notice to the Chief Firearms Officer if they provide treatment for a mental
under the authority of the Firearms Act illness to a person whom they reasonably believe possesses a firearm and may pose a danger to
° A mandatory minimum penalty of three years applies where the unauthorized importing themself or others.
occurs for financial consideration.
• Developing a suicide prevention strategy that encourages people – including legal firearms
• Supporting specialized enforcement against illegal firearms owners – to seek help when they need it.
° CBSA and RCMP, working closely with American authorities in the United States, will target ° The current system adds to the stigma associated with mental health and discourages
smuggling operations before illegal firearms reach the border, including by improving and firearms owners from seeking help.
expanding the RCMP contribution to the Integrated Border Enforcement Teams.
• Amending firearms laws to ensure that no administrative expiry could lead to criminal charges
Canada’s Conservatives have a plan to take action against criminal use of firearms by: or the seizure of a licence holder’s firearm(s).
° Until an expired licence is renewed, it would remain illegal for licence holders to acquire,
• Amending the Criminal Code provisions on possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose to by any means, new firearms or ammunition.
make it an aggravating factor on sentencing where an individual commits the offence while the
subject of a prohibition order under the Firearms Act and had previously been convicted of an Protecting Vulnerable Seniors
offence under that section or an offence against the person while in possession of a firearm.
° The offence will carry a sentence of from two to ten years. Canadians watched in horror last year as neglected seniors were left to fend for themselves as COVID
swept through some Long-Term Care homes. Those who shamelessly abandon or neglect our seniors
• Amending the Criminal Code provisions on the unauthorized possession of a firearm by imposing need to be held accountable.
a mandatory minimum sentence of two years if the person was the subject of a prohibition order
at the time of the events giving rise to the conviction or had been previously convicted of an Canada’s Conservatives will provide stronger protection for seniors by amending the Criminal Code
offence involving a firearm. provisions on failing to provide the necessities of life to make clear that the operator of a licensed care
facility shall be presumed to have a legal duty to the residents of that facility.
• Partnering with the Ontario Provincial Police to expand the Firearms Tracing and Enforcement
database nationally and taking steps to ensure that all crime guns are submitted for testing and Appropriate Sentences for the Most Serious Crimes
analysis and inclusion in this database.
Canada’s Conservatives will continue the appeal against the Quebec Court of Appeal decision reducing
Our focus will be on keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals. This contrasts with the Liberals, the sentence for the Quebec City Mosque murderer. If the law under which he was sentenced is
who have refused to take action against gangs while harassing hunters and sport shooters. Canada’s eventually struck down, we will introduce new legislation to ensure that multiple murderers face
Conservatives will improve the regulation of legal firearms to ensure that it is evidence-based and more severe sentences.
focuses on protecting public safety.
Protecting Critical Infrastructure
We will start by repealing C-71 and the May 2020 Order in Council and conducting a review of the
Firearms Act with participation by law enforcement, firearms owners, manufacturers, and members of Last year’s rail blockades demonstrated the importance - and vulnerability - of the infrastructure that
the public. We will then update legislation by introducing a simplified classification system and codifying ties our country together. Canada’s Conservatives will amend the Criminal Code to create an offence
it in law so that it is clear what types of firearms fit into each category and classification decisions can of interference with an infrastructure facility or a public transportation system punishable by either
be made quickly, and with the public and firearms owners having confidence that they are not arbitrary. summary conviction or indictment, depending upon the severity of the crime. Peaceful protest is a
The legislation will also - for the first time - contain definitions of currently ambiguous terms like fundamental right in Canada, but respect for the rule of law means that illegal blockades that shut down
“variant.” critical infrastructure, threaten access to vital supplies, or endanger lives cannot be tolerated.

Canada’s Conservatives will further update and improve our firearms legislation by: Tackling Rural Crime

• Mandating the automatic surrender to law enforcement of firearms where an individual has been Too many politicians and journalists who live in our big cities ignore, don’t understand, or simply don’t
charged with an offence against the person while requiring law enforcement to return the care about what is happening outside the major urban areas. The federal government needs to work
firearms if the charge is dismissed. with the provinces to combat the increasing problem of rural crime and ensure that families living in
small towns and rural areas feel safe in their homes and on their farms.

90 91
Canada’s Conservatives will add a sentencing consideration for courts based on evidence that an • Banning cosmetic testing on animals
offence was “directed at a property or person that was vulnerable because of their remoteness from ° Amending the Food and Drug Act and its regulations to implement a ban modelled on the
emergency services.” European Union ban.
• Addressing the links between violence against animals and violence against people
Fighting Online Incitement ° Providing $10 million per year to train judges and prosecutors on the links between violence
against animals and violence against people.
Canadians recognize the connection between incitement to violence, especially online, and acts of ° Increasing cross-reporting between animal welfare and child welfare agencies
violence in Canada and other countries. Conservatives will fight online incitement and hatred by clearly ° Adding animal cruelty as an aggravating factor in domestic violence prosecutions to go after
criminalizing statements that encourage violence against other people or identifiable groups. abusers who hurt their spouse by hurting their spouse’s pet
• Supporting pet owners fleeing violence by working with the sector to ensure that there are
Conservatives will also protect forms of speech, criticism, and argument that do not encourage violence. better options for women to leave abusive homes without having to abandon their pets
Tackling hate speech is too important to be left to human rights tribunals. Those who promote violence • Working with the Council of Ministers of Education to promote humane education as part of
need to be criminally prosecuted. education on the environment and sustainability
• Addressing the Threat Posed by Animal Markets and Trade in Wild Animals
Protecting Community Security ° Supporting and encouraging the closure of poorly regulated wildlife markets globally that
carry an elevated risk of becoming sources for future pandemics;
The recent rise of hate crimes has justifiably horrified Canadians, and action is needed. Canada’s ° Ending the importation of and trade in wild or exotic animals and their products that carry
Conservatives will: an elevated risk of spreading zoonotic diseases.
• Double funding for the Security Infrastructure Program;
• Simplify the application process and remove the need to demonstrate risk, which often means
that an institution has to experience a hate-motivated crime before being eligible for the
• Allow funding to be used for a broader list of expenses, such as paying security guards and
training volunteers.

Animal Welfare

Canadians love animals, now more than ever. Over the course of the pandemic, more and more
Canadians have made a pet a member of the family. Over half of Canadian homes now have a pet,
and 90% of them see the pet as a family member.

Yet, the surge of demand for pets from Canadians looking for companionship during the pandemic
has led to the growth of puppy mills and other unethical actors, taking advantage of Canadians’ love
for their pets. And too many pets are abused - with their abusers often going on to
harm spouses and children.

Canada’s Conservatives will protect animals and the humans who care for them by:
• Banning Puppy Mills
° Stopping unethical breeders and dealers from misleading the public by claiming to offer
rescue animals or pets bred humanely when that isn’t the case.
° Banning the importation of animals bred inhumanely.
° Strengthening CFIA’s ability to enforce current regulations and seize animals when imported
under poor welfare conditions.

Canadians are facing growing security threats. A global pandemic, great power rivalries, transnational
criminal organizations, terrorism, disinformation campaigns and cyber-attacks all pose ongoing threats
to Canadians.

Canada’s Conservatives will:

A Detailed Plan to Secure

• Mandate a Minister of National Security & Public Safety with securing Canadians from threats
by addressing data and cybersecurity, information operations, threats from foreign actors against
Canadian residents, extremist financing, space and surveillance, and industry and critical

the National Interest infrastructure.

• Protect Canadian democracy from foreign interference. The Trudeau government adopted
limited measures to address disinformation and influence operations before the 2019 federal
election. Those efforts ended with the election, and the government has not developed or
implemented a permanent strategy to address the long-term threat. Canada’s Conservatives
will recognize that information warfare and influence operations do not simply target our
election cycles but are a persistent threat to our entire democratic system.

To protect our democracy from foreign interference, we will:

° Establish a permanent task force to address foreign interference that will:

n Address disinformation and influence operations online and on our streets and will bring
together National Defence, Global Affairs, CSIS, CSE, provincial and municipal agencies,
civil society, social media platforms and media.
n Address threats from foreign actors against Canadian residents, including recently
reported operations against diaspora communities in Canada.

n Engage our allies and other democracies to monitor, detect, and expose foreign
disinformation attacks and threats from foreign actors.

° Pass a Foreign Agents Registry Act requiring individuals and companies acting as agents of
designated foreign principals (country, corporation, entity or individual) in a political or
quasi-political capacity including lobbying, policy development, advertising, and grassroots
mobilization to register. Requirements for disclosure would include the amount of payment,
the nature of the relationship, and the activities performed.

° Make it an offence for any entity that has spent more than $100,000 in a calendar year on
political activity of any kind (federal, provincial, or municipal) to receive foreign donations
of any amount.

° Amend the Elections Act to:

n Prohibit any entity that receives more than 2.5% of its total donations from foreign
sources during the year before the writ period from advertising during the writ period
or during the pre-election period.
n Create a positive obligation to trace all funds expended by an entity during a writ period
to Canadian sources.

• Enact reforms strengthening Canadian Law & National Security: Defence
° Canada’s Conservatives will act on an international consensus and implement legislation
to deter and sanction the use of innocent civilians as human shields that: All too often, we have taken our peace, security, and prosperity for granted. We no longer have that
n Empowers the government to impose sanctions on foreign states and foreign nationals luxury. Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that Canada is ready and able to defend our national
that take Canadians hostage. interests and protect our way of life.

n Requires the Government of Canada to communicate with the families of hostages, Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that Canada has a plan for the dangerous world we live in. Our
direct them to appropriate resources and support, and assist them in acquiring relevant defensive posture must account for increasing threats in the Arctic, along our coasts, in the sea, in
information from any foreign national or foreign state that is unwilling to share the the air and in the cyber domain.
information with the family directly.
Supporting The Men and Women of the CAF
n Provides a framework for multilateral and bilateral collaboration, recognizing that
like-minded countries must work together if we want the best possible chance of getting The sight of military members at Long-Term Care homes dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks was yet
our hostages back home safely. another reminder that the brave men and women of the CAF put their lives on the line to protect the
lives and safety of Canadians. We have a moral duty to stand firmly behind them and give them the tools
Allows the Minister of Foreign Affairs to offer monetary rewards and/or asylum for
and support they need.
foreign nationals who provide information leading to the release and repatriation of a
Canadian hostage, thereby incentivizing this critical local support and taking care of those Canada’s Conservatives will recognize that Canada’s most vital defence asset is its people by:
who help us. • Ending harassment and discrimination and making the CAF a better workplace
° Enhancing the participation of women, Indigenous people, and visible minorities through
• Help victims of terrorism rebuild their lives, starting with Ukrainian Airlines 752 families. proactive, targeted recruitment at the community level.
° Ensuring a respectful and professional workforce free from sexual misconduct and
• Update the Magnitsky Legislation and pursue Magnitsky Diplomacy by adopting many of the discrimination.
recommendations of Irwin Cotler, former Liberal Justice Minister, that the Trudeau Liberals ° Calling a public inquiry into harassment and discrimination in the Canadian Armed Forces and
have failed to accept, including: make immediate changes such as removing commanders’ access to their subordinates’
° Closing the gap between individuals and their accomplices - Canada’s Conservatives will medical files.
expand the scope of offenders listed under the Justice for Corrupt Foreign Officials Act to ° Ordering a service-wide independent investigation into sexual misconduct in the military.
include corporations directly involved in violations and secondary participants in human ° Introducing policies to ensure future complaints are made to an external, independent body
rights abuses. outside the chain of command.
° Making the CF and DND Ombudsperson an independent Officer of Parliament.
° Formalizing a role for the public and Parliament, providing more transparency and • Addressing the challenges of deployments and postings
encouraging the participation of Canadians. ° Being conscious of the heavy operational toll that tears military families apart and depletes
Canada’s ability to deploy, only deploy our forces when they have clear and achievable
° Creating a judicially monitored mechanism for transferring frozen assets to victims, allowing missions along with the appropriate resources needed to achieve them.
claims from individual victims and surviving family members of victims and ending the ° Lengthening postings where possible to enable families to put down roots.
exclusion of refugees. ° Working with the provinces to help ensure that the process of moving between provinces is
as seamless as possible for military families.
° Coordinating our use of sanctions with our allies to maximize the deterrent effect. • Prioritizing recruitment and retention, including an emphasis on retraining and skills
development to allow those willing to serve to continue to do so.
• Working with provincial governments to develop comprehensive job protection legislation
that shields reservists who leave their day job to deploy, since protecting your neighbours
should not cost you your job.
• Reviving the Regular Officer Training Program (ROTP) at civilian universities to provide
educational opportunities for youth serving their country.
• Harmonizing trade training in the Armed Forces with Red Seal Qualifications so that military
service becomes an incubator for skilled workers who can transition easily and productively
to the civilian economy.

96 97
Defend Canada Against Cyber Attacks Modernizing NORAD

Canada’s national security requires being prepared for the cyber warfare threats we face. The CAF Canada’s Conservatives will update and enhance the North Warning System as part of NORAD and
currently lacks the cyber capabilities it needs. extend it to protect the entire Canadian Arctic, including our Arctic archipelagoes.

To ensure we are prepared, Canada’s Conservatives will: Being a Trusted NATO Partner: Reinforcing the Cornerstone of Canada’s Defence Policy
• Finish standing-up a properly funded, equipped, and staffed Canadian Armed Forces Cyber
Command to defend Canada from cyber-attacks. NATO is the greatest defensive force on earth. Keeping it that way requires each member, including
• Emphasize reserve participation in CAF Cyber Command. Canada, to meet certain expectations and contributions.
• Establish closer collaboration between the private sector cyber industry and CAF Cyber
Command. Canada’s Conservatives will renew Canada’s commitment to NATO by:
• Develop capabilities for cyber operations. • Increasing spending on national defence to move closer to our 2% aspirations.
• Expanding Canada’s contribution to NATO Baltic Sea Air Policing and NATO’s Enhanced Forward
Presence in Latvia.
Defending our Arctic sovereignty • Intensifying Operation UNIFIER, Canadian Armed Forces’ military training and capacity-building
mission in Ukraine, supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons, and reinstating the provision of
With melting sea ice, we can no longer depend on Mother Nature to defend our North, whether from RadarSat imagery.
Russian territorial aggression or environmental damage from increased commercial traffic. Canada’s • Creating a NATO Centre of Excellence for Arctic Defence at the Resolute Bay CAF Training
Conservatives will: Centre to enhance cooperation and interoperability with allies.
• Expand the Canadian Rangers in number and mandate while making investments in their • Ensuring active Canadian participation in NATO training missions and NATO Centers of
preparedness, equipment, and training. Excellence in the areas of Cybersecurity, Strategic Communications, and Energy Security.
• Refurbish and expand our RCAF Forward Operation Locations and allow civil airport authorities
to co-locate and utilize runways. Defend Our Partners in the Indo-Pacific
• Complete the Nanisivik Naval Facility on Baffin Island and develop a new Arctic naval base at
Churchill, Manitoba that will make the Arctic more accessible to the Navy year-round and Increasing instability in the Indo-Pacific region is a security threat Canada can no longer ignore.
provide joint operation of these ports with local communities. Canada’s Conservatives will expand our current regional defence participation by joining the
• Deploy new autonomous vehicles for Arctic surveillance operations in the air and at sea as part Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad).
of a new Canadian sovereignty, deterrence, and detection strategy, with Bagotville as the main
site to host the Government of Canada’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft. Canada currently contributes several naval vessels to operations in the region, but we don’t have a
• Expand the RadarSat constellation and launch more low earth orbit satellites for voice at the table in the larger conversation around regional security taking place in the Quad.
telecommunications and defence in the Arctic.
The Quad is an informal strategic alliance between the United States, Japan, Australia, and India,
frequently referred to as the ‘Pacific NATO.’ Its purpose is to provide a counterbalance in the
Indo-Pacific to China’s growing authoritarianism, regional influence, and military expansionism to
preserve economic and national security in the region.

As a Pacific nation, it is in Canada’s interest to join our allies in securing the future of a peaceful

98 99
Investing in our Armed Forces and our Economy Canada’s Conservatives will:
• End the mess of two benefit systems - Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Veterans Affairs
Canada’s Conservatives will streamline defence procurement and expedite the acquisition of military Canada (VAC) - that do not work together and replace them with one streamlined system of
equipment desperately needed by the Canadian Armed Forces. benefits from enlistment through service and retirement.
• Ensure financial security & transition support for injured Veterans and their families.
Successful military procurement requires focused leadership at the highest levels of the Canadian • Streamline benefit adjudication & set performance targets to ensure that the benefits system is
government. To that end, Conservatives will appoint a Minister for Defence Procurement with real focused on helping our veterans rather than on outdated procedures.
power to make decisions. • Allow veterans and their families to direct their care and rehabilitation.
• Insist on care, compassion, and respect in every aspect of veteran services.
Additionally, Conservatives will take the politics out of procurement and will work across party lines by • Ensure that the benefits system is focused not only on compensation but on helping veterans
using the Standing Committee of National Defence for advice and input on future military procurement build meaningful careers through partnerships with universities, colleges, and businesses.
Specific measures that Canada’s Conservatives will take to honour the sacred trust include:
Canada’s Conservatives will prioritize the following procurements: • Empowering military doctors, who know the demands of service and the impact of injuries,
• Fast-track the selection of a new fighter jet to replace our aging CF-18s through the current to determine a service-related injury for all CAF and VAC purposes.
open competition and get the new fighter fleet into service as quickly as possible. ° No longer will one medical evaluation deny someone the ability to serve, and a separate
• Remain committed to the National Shipbuilding Strategy by proceeding with the Canadian assessment then deny them benefits.
Surface Combatants, icebreakers, Joint Supply Ships, and Coast Guard vessels. • Revising the concept of “universality of service” to be job-specific.
• While awaiting the completion of the two Joint Supply Ships, order the Obelix from ° The “everyone is a rifleman” concept is outdated and unsuited to the realities of modern
Chantier Davie to complement the Asterix and make Davie a full participant in the National warfare while leading to injured service members being pushed out and cut off.
Shipbuilding Strategy. ° Fitness categories will become job-specific, and those who wish to continue to serve after
• Begin the process to replace our aging Victoria-class submarines. injury will have the opportunity to retrain in an area where they can serve.
• Procure two armed, heavy icebreakers for the Royal Canadian Navy to contribute to our efforts • Ensuring a smooth transition for any CAF members who have to be medically released,
to “own our north” in the face of increased Russian and Chinese Arctic activity. including retaining them in the CAF until all the benefits and services from the CAF, VAC, and
Service Income Security Insurance Plan have been confirmed and put in place.
• Implementing the Lifelong Disability Benefit for moderately to severely injured veterans.
Standing Up for Our Veterans • Making a transfer to the reserves a practical and easy option and adjusting service requirements
to balance the need for training with the reality of adapting to the civilian workforce.
There is a sacred trust between Canadians and those brave soldiers, sailors, and aircrew who have put
° This will ease a regular force member’s transition and strengthen the reserves.
service before self.
• Ensuring that military families, especially spouses, are provided with sufficient support.
• Implementing a strategy to combat homelessness among veterans and explore the potential for
For our veterans, service meant putting the safety and well-being of the nation first. It meant families
using surplus military housing to provide housing for homeless veterans.
left alone, bodies punished in far-away lands and, for too many, injury or death.
• Covering the cost of PTSD service dogs for veterans and creating training standards for them.
• Empowering frontline VAC employees to adjudicate claims.
We owe it to them to recognize and fulfill our obligation -- our promise to take care of them if they are
• Completing the Afghanistan War Memorial.
injured in the service of our country and to help them and their families transition back to civilian life
• Funding educational initiatives that teach Canadians about veterans’ service and Canada’s place
when their service is completed.
in the world.
Justin Trudeau was elected on a promise to restore Veterans pensions and enhance Veterans benefits.
He has failed to do so. After making a cynical appeal for their support, he turned his back on our most
dedicated citizens.

It’s time for a government that truly cares about our veterans.

100 101
Canada’s foreign policy is more important now than it has been in a generation. How our national
leaders advance and defend the interests and values of Canada is no longer something we can ignore
or take for granted. Yet, for six years, the Trudeau government has presided over a Canada with
diminishing influence on issues that affect our prosperity and security.

Canada’s Conservatives will adopt a foreign policy that seeks new and strengthened alliances with
democratic allies and economic partners who share our values. We will face down the threat posed by
the Chinese Communist Party, standing with the Chinese people and promoting greater freedom for
them. We will be aggressive champions for human rights, dignity, and transparency.

Throughout the 20th century, Canada stood proudly as a leader among nations confronting evil and
tyranny wherever they existed. We will reclaim that legacy and rebuild our standing in this disrupted world.

Canada’s Conservatives will advance the national interests of Canada, with every decision on the
world stage prioritizing:
• The security and sovereignty of Canadians;
• The prosperity of our people and our partners; and
• The democratic values that define us.

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Establish a Canadian National Interest Council to implement our long-term security and
economic priorities and grow Canadian strategic and economic influence.

• Make the decisions that the current government has neglected, including updating the 2017
defence policy to the realities of a disrupted international order, investing in Canadian leadership
in the Five Eyes alliance, and strengthening ties with new and traditional allies.

• In cooperation with our Five Eyes allies, build Canadian capabilities to contribute to foreign
intelligence - focused on closing present gaps in understanding international threats of economic
coercion, digital threats, and foreign interference.

Canada’s Conservatives will be ready with a clear and focused plan for the international priorities of the
Canadian people. Our plan is divided into eight areas.

1. Canada’s Northern and Arctic Diplomacy

Shifting strategic interests and climate change are transforming issues related to the Arctic. Russia has
expanded its claim over the Canadian North and is building its military presence in the Arctic. China has

A Detailed Plan
developed significant Arctic marine capacity and aims to secure critical mineral interests.

Canada’s Conservatives will make capacity building, economic reconciliation, and sovereignty

to Promote Canada’s expression core priorities of our approach to the North.

Interests and Values

Our plan for the North includes significant investments in strengthening our presence, an economic
development plan that will develop our northern resources and the jobs that go with them, and a vision
for northern infrastructure that will connect our north to the rest of Canada and the world.

Canada’s Conservatives will partner with the US and NATO to prevent Russia and China from • Renew Canadian diplomacy at the Community of Democracies, establishing priorities that
dominating our Arctic and will invest in developing our presence in the Arctic. enhance democratic cooperation against rising authoritarians.
• This will include establishing a NATO Centre of Excellence for Arctic Operations, conducting
Arctic exercises alongside our allies, and securing the Canadian North from the seas to space. • Build new partners across Eurasia through the historic diplomatic relationship that
Conservatives achieved in the Canada-Ismaili Imamat Protocol of Understanding.
2. Canada and America - Friends and Partners in the World
Strengthening our Ties with La Francophonie
Our indispensable alliance with the United States has been neglected and is decaying, and the current
government has failed to update our economic and security partnership. Canada’s Conservatives will By mid-century, more than 700 million people worldwide will have French as their first language.
work with our US partners on critical issues, including North American energy security and energy Canada is a founding member of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), and we can
transition leadership, shared infrastructure on the border and the environmentally responsible play a leading role there.
pipelines beneath it, and a North American approach to accomplish health security and economic
recovery together. We will:
• Foster greater economic cooperation among democratic member countries of the OIF to help
To do this, Canada’s Conservatives will bring renewed and visible ambition to the success of a united this multilateral organization contribute to the realignment of global trade patterns following
Canadian-American partnership in the world. We will: the COVID-19 crisis.
• Facilitate trade and investment between Canadian companies and OIF countries to grow
• Deepen our strategic partnership with the United States in the sovereignty of our northern economic ties, particularly between Canada and Africa.
borders and shores, rising to the challenge posed by Russia and China’s Arctic military and e
conomic ambitions by pursuing a shared agenda of prosperity for the people of the north, Strengthening our Ties with the Commonwealth
environmental stewardship, and peace.
• Modernize NORAD to contend with shared threats from the seas to space, advance our shared Canada has been a member of the Commonwealth since its inception. The Commonwealth is an
interests across the Transatlantic alliance, and more closely partner in the world’s strategic association of 54 countries, most with historic links to the United Kingdom and home to over 2.4 billion
competition. citizens over five continents.
• Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the United States in providing leadership across the
Americas - promoting our interests and shared values with our partners in pandemic We will:
management, economic recovery, and resistance to global authoritarians. • Continue support for the Commonwealth of Learning. The Commonwealth of Learning is located in
Burnaby, British Columbia and focuses on empowering women and children, and reducing poverty
3. Principled Cooperation on the World Stage including at the United Nations, La Francophonie, and and inequality, by strengthening education in Commonwealth countries to provide affordable
the Commonwealth education to larger numbers of people using open, distance and technology-based learning

Canada’s Conservatives will replace virtue-signalling with a real international agenda dedicated to Leadership at the United Nations
advancing freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. We will:
• Work with our allies to address efforts by China, Russia, Iran, and others actively Canada’s Conservatives will prioritize Canadian interests and values at the United Nations, not pander
undermining democratic norms, institutions, and the rule of law. to the priorities of dictators and despots. We will:

• Advance the idea of an International Corruption Court to prosecute the world’s worst offenders • Oppose the world’s dictators, advocate for the most marginalized, and be a powerful voice for
who deny progress and democracy on the backs of the world’s most vulnerable. universal values.

• Pass legislation mandating an Office of Religious Freedom and Conscience to elevate Article 18 • Mandate an audit of all Canadian positions in multilateral institutions, clearly assessing the
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. national interests of Canada.
° Across the world’s fiercest conflicts, religious co-existence, extremism, and personal and
group identities are often the defining strategic fault lines. • Working with the US and other international allies, resist efforts to turn the International
° Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that the Office of Religious Freedom and Conscience Criminal Court into a political body.
provides advice to Canadian ministers on threats to international security, engages in
diplomacy to religious communities, and informs Canadian international development • Pursue reform of the UN Human Rights Council to prohibit gross human rights abusers from
programs to promote freedom, pluralism, religious co-existence, and tolerance. becoming members, engage regular emergency sessions to address human rights crises
worldwide, and stop the Council from unjustly singling out Israel.

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Promoting Human Rights Instead, our issue is with China’s communist government and leadership. The communist leadership
represents a clear and rising threat to Canadian interests – and our values. They’ve abducted our
Canada’s Conservatives began and led the fight for human rights in modern Canada, most notably under citizens, targeted our economy, and intimidated members of the Chinese Canadian community.
Conservative Prime Minister John George Diefenbaker.
For several years, Canada’s Conservatives have been the only party willing to state these obvious facts,
Diefenbaker was a lawyer who was passionate about human rights. He introduced Canada’s first law which have been confirmed by Canada’s closest allies and numerous reports from NGOs, academics,
protecting human rights, the Canadian Bill of Rights. He also radically reformed Canada’s immigration think tanks and journalists.
laws to substantially remove racial discrimination and passed a law allowing Indigenous Canadians to
vote in federal elections while maintaining their treaty status. His vision of full equality and inclusion for The Liberals, NDP, and Greens don’t take these threats seriously. Trudeau’s China policy has primarily
New Canadians needs to be advanced in every generation. been more concerned with improving business relations for well-connected Liberals than with
defending Canada’s interests and values.
This commitment to fundamental human rights is central to Canada’s Conservatives. To advance
human rights and democracy, we will: Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Dramatically revise supply chain legislation to meaningfully enforce Canada’s commitment not • Work with our allies to build a “coalition of democracies” with the goal of decoupling critical parts
to import products made with slave labour. of our supply chains from China.
• Make it a criminal offence for Canadians to go abroad to benefit from serious violations of human • As the Government of Canada, recognize the Uyghur genocide and encouraging our allies to do
rights, such as becoming complicit in organ trafficking through receiving an organ that has been the same.
forcibly harvested. • Ban imports that have been produced using forced and enslaved Uyghur labour.
• Place limits on the ability of the Government of Canada to grant waivers permitting those
complicit in or responsible for serious human rights violations to come to Canada. • End policies that grant special treatment to Hong Kong, recognizing that Beijing’s decision to
• Require the Minister of Foreign Affairs to table an annual report in Parliament outlining the work crack down on its autonomy eliminates the rationale for the special treatment.
of the government to protect and promote human rights and democracy; • Support the people of Hong Kong fighting for freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of
• Require the Government of Canada to maintain a public list of prisoners of conscience of law by:
particular concern, and create mechanisms by which citizens can petition to add names to ° Supporting a “Young Talents” program to encourage young people from Hong Kong to study
that list. in Canada.
• Create an International Human Rights Advisory Committee, with representation from a broad ° Waiving records of arrest, charge or conviction related to pro-democracy protests in
range of cultural and religious communities in Canada, advising the government on international Hong Kong when processing visas.
human rights issues. ° Providing documentation for those fleeing Hong Kong and seeking asylum in Canada who
• Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act to prevent Canadian cannot obtain documentation from Hong Kong authorities.
development assistance that undermines international peace and security. • Withdraw from the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
• Update the Sergei Magnitsky Law to allow Parliament and groups of citizens to directly petition • Ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G infrastructure and further investigate the company’s role in
the Minister to list officials under the law and require the Minister to respond in writing to providing surveillance capabilities that have been used against the Uyghur people and other per
petitions that have achieved a certain threshold of support. secuted minorities in China.
• Restore Canadian leadership in advocating for persecuted sexual minorities in the face of • Advise universities against partnerships with China’s state-controlled companies and
repression. The Trudeau government has dispensed with standing as strong allies of LGBTQ organizations and prohibit federal granting councils from participating in these partnerships.
advocates, bowing before authoritarians. A Conservative government will speak clearly and • Join the UK proposition for a Digital 10 to protect free societies’ data and cyber sovereignty.
confidently for the inalienable human dignity of LGBTQ people and deploy resources to help • Crack down on China’s foreign influence operations on Canadian soil by:
their activists. ° Making it clear to China’s diplomats that any involvement in intimidation or threats to anyone
in Canada provides grounds to be declared persona non grata and expelled from Canada;
4. Canada as a Pacific Nation ° Revoking visas of Chinese nationals identified by national security agencies as conducting
espionage or stealing intellectual property.
Standing Up to China’s Aggression ° Revoking the licenses of China’s state-run and state-controlled broadcasters that spread
We must stand up to the Communist government of China. Our quarrel is not with the people of ° Banning senior public office holders for five years after leaving office (including former Prime
China – part of an ancient civilization that has contributed much to humanity. We stand especially Ministers, Ministers, Clerks of the Privy Council, Deputy/Assistant Deputy Ministers and
with Chinese Canadians whose contributions to Canada are immeasurable and who are enduring an Ambassadors) from employment or contracts with China’s government or an entity
appalling rise in anti-Asian hate and discrimination. And we stand with Uyghur Muslims, Tibetans, controlled by China’s government. The ban would include doing work through a consulting or
Falun Gong practitioners, Hong Kongers, and Chinese Christians. law firm.

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• Use Canada’s Magnitsky sanctions law to sanction China’s worst human rights offenders. Across South Asia, with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and beyond, Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Grant asylum to mainland Chinese proponents of freedom and persecuted minorities, including • Promote economic growth and partnerships.
Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners and others. • Promote regional security and economic cooperation.
• Do everything to ensure that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is not a platform for China’s • Support financial transparency for all infrastructure and technological investments.
global propaganda. • Strengthen democratic resilience and civil society.

New Leadership Across the Indo-Pacific 5. Canada in the Middle East

The Indo-Pacific’s importance in the next century is clear. Significant change has occurred across the region, with nations discovering common cause in peace
and prosperity through the Abraham Accords. Across the region, Canada’s Conservatives will build and
While democracies like Australia, India, Japan, and the United States are forging security and economic advance a coherent agenda advancing Canadians’ security, prosperity, and values.
alliances across the region, the Trudeau Liberals are either nowhere to be found or recklessly damaging
Canada’s relationships with the region’s most important countries. Canada’s Conservatives will The Iranian regime has supported Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the
comprehensively advance Canadian objectives for the rules-based order and for the security and Houthi rebellion in Yemen, and Hamas in Gaza, creating the world’s worst conflict-driven humanitarian
economic interests of Canadians. disasters. Despite this, Justin Trudeau has failed to hold the Iranian regime accountable. Canada’s
Conservatives will:
We will take steps to join the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), a growing operational network • Hold the Iranian regime accountable for its reckless nuclear ambitions, malevolent state support
promoting regional security and protecting the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific. of international terrorism, and human rights violations.
• Impose Magnitsky sanctions on gross human rights violators.
In advancing the prosperity and security of Canadians through engagement with the Indo-Pacific region, • Fulfill the motion adopted by Parliament and designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity.
including the ASEAN nations, five pillars will define Canadian engagement: • Engage with Iranians promoting women’s rights, human rights, and democracy.
• Trade and Technology, including promoting the development of rules of free and open digital • Establish an international Cyrus Trust supporting good relations between the peoples of the
trade, advancing economic opportunities with trusted partners, and removing barriers for region in the areas of art, culture, academia, and civil society.
Canadian companies. • Demand justice and compensation for families of victims of downed Ukrainian Airlines flight
• Diplomacy, including ensuring that senior ministers regularly engage Canada’s Indo-Pacific PS752, applying Magnitsky sanctions and pursuing legal avenues against those responsible.
partners with clear goals, and establishing Vancouver as a hub for Quad economic cooperation.
• Strategic Cooperation, including adopting trade and investment policies that give democracies Canada’s Conservatives will always support Israel’s existence as a sovereign democratic Jewish state
priority in the Canadian trade strategy. with the right to self-determination and to live in peace and security. . To enhance the bilateral
° This will include greater practical cooperation with Taiwan, elevating Canada’s diplomatic relationship and support Israel in the region, Canada’s Conservatives will:
mission in Taipei to the “Canada House” and supporting Taiwan’s participation in multilateral • Set clear objectives to enhance economic, political, and security cooperation to benefit both
fora. countries.
° We will work with the US-Japan-Australia “Blue Dot Network” to advance Canadian • Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem.
economic and infrastructure partnerships for the region’s development. • Return Canada to its longstanding policy of not singling out Israel for criticism at the United
• Canadian Energy and Climate Solutions, including supporting Canadian energy and energy Nations and international fora.
transition leadership and a climate-conscious, clean alternative to the Belt and Road Initiative. • Combat the delegitimization of Israel, including opposing the denial of the 5,000 years of
• Security, including participating alongside our allies on freedom of navigation patrols, enhancing indigenous Jewish history throughout the Middle East.
information sharing, and pursuing joint training with Indo-Pacific partners. • Boycott Durban IV in September 2021.
• Oppose the International Criminal Court’s politicization and intrusion into bilateral
Canada and India share strong, historical bilateral relations. Canada is home to a large and vibrant Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
multi-ethnic and multi-religious Indo-Canadian community over a million strong. Canada’s • Promote and support regional initiatives that foster peace between Israel and its neighbours.
Conservatives will repair and restore ambition in Canada’s relationship with India by:
• Resuming free trade talks started under the previous Conservative government and derailed To support the aspirations of the Palestinian people and a two-state solution leading to a Palestinian
by Trudeau, and concurrently pursuing an investment treaty, to expand upon Canada’s strengths state, Canada’s Conservatives will:
as one of the world’s largest investors in India. • Support the current religious status quo surrounding Al-Aqsa / Temple Mount and recognize the
• Proposing regular joint security exercises with India as a critical partner in the Quadrilateral special role that Jordan plays in the safeguarding of Holy Sites in Jerusalem.
Security Dialogue. • Enhance aid in a targeted manner in the areas of governance and institutional capacity building
• Pursuing a long-term strategic nuclear energy and energy transition partnership. in support of eventual Palestinian statehood.
• Launching initiatives in technology, medicine, energy, and infrastructure to strengthen economic
security, with clearly articulated objectives.
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• Establish a Canada-Palestinian Territories Trust Account at the International Monetary Fund, with • Provide support for Ukrainian democratic reforms to increase transparency and accountability.
the objective of providing training and economic instruments upon the arrival of a two-state solution.  • Make greater use of Canada’s Magnitsky sanctions law to hold Vladimir Putin’s regime
• Invest in the economic empowerment of Palestinian women and support economic and civil accountable.
society projects and an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace.
• Expand trade initiatives and encourage economic cooperation between Canada and the 7. The Americas: Leadership Across Our Neighbourhood and Hemisphere
Palestinian territories and, following the establishment of a Palestinian state, negotiate a
separate free-trade agreement. Working across the Americas in cooperation with the United States and the Organization of American
• Following the successful negotiation of a final status agreement, upgrade Canada’s States, Canada’s Conservatives will restore principled leadership for development and stability. As we
representation to an embassy to a future Palestinian state. emerge from the global pandemic, Canada’s Conservatives will work to rebuild economic opportunities
and strengthen democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. We will:
Across the Middle East, Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Build on a record of engaging the world’s Muslim-majority nations that includes appointing • Stand with the people of our Central American neighbours against corruption, developing
Canada’s first Muslim Ambassador and first Ambassador to the Organization of Islamic pathways for more significant economic opportunities, and supporting their democratic and
Cooperation. geopolitical resilience.
• Expand support for the region’s vulnerable women, children and minorities with economic and • Nurture partnerships in the Caribbean, supporting disaster risk protection and emergency
democratic empowerment, education, and health as the basis for long term peace and security. management, establishing health security relationships, and strengthening cooperation on
• Establish strategic relations with the United Arab Emirates and across the Red Sea region. anti-money laundering and anti-piracy initiatives.
• Support the rebuilding of Beirut. • Establish strong ties with key allies across the region, including the Pacific Alliance, to build trade
opportunities for Canadian businesses, with stronger Pacific partnerships for economic growth.
6. Renewing Canadian Leadership in the Transatlantic Alliance • Confront encroaching authoritarianism threatening the peace and stability of our hemisphere,
including by supporting the peaceful restoration of democracy and human rights in Venezuela
As a founding member of the transatlantic alliance, Canada needs to show leadership in securing the and Nicaragua.
rules-based international order, defending shared interests, and updating the alliance. With new threats • Continue our longstanding commitment to stability and economic development in Haiti.
to Canadians emerging, Canada cannot act alone and must be an engaged partner in an alliance of • Support the people of Cuba in their push for the democracy and freedom they deserve.
nations determined to succeed against emboldened authoritarians.
8. Real Leadership in African Partnerships
Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Expand and deepen economic, political, intelligence, and security relations with the Baltic states Canada’s Conservatives will respond to Africa’s increasing strategic importance and economic potential
and Ukraine. by implementing a strategy for long-term engagement based on partnership, not condescension. The
• Restore Canadian eastern flank leadership within NATO on cybersecurity, energy security, and continent’s demographic vibrancy, economic growth, and strategic relevance demand a clear-eyed plan
combating disinformation. to advance Canadian interests.
• Support Belarusian and Russian civil society in their advocacy for freedom, democracy, human
rights, and the rule of law. Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Fully engage the African Continental Free Trade Agreement’s opportunities, particularly in
The bonds between Canadians and Ukrainians can never be broken. Canada was the first Western infrastructure, energy transition, technology, minerals, and food security partnerships.
nation to recognize Ukraine’s independence after the fall of the Soviet Union. The previous • Work with partners in supporting East Africa with data and infrastructure development.
Conservative government led international support for Ukraine after Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine • Pursue a security partnership with the African Union, focussed on delivering stability and
and annexed Crimea. Canada’s Conservatives will never recognize the illegal annexation of Ukrainian intelligence sharing in the Sahel.
territory. • Establish a long-term strategic outlook with key African nations like Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt,
Algeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Cote D’Ivoire and Morocco.
To show renewed leadership, we will:
• Allow visa-free travel for Ukrainians visiting Canada. International Development
• Expand Operation UNIFIER in Ukraine, Canada’s military training operation.
• Extend Operation REASSURANCE in Eastern Europe, Canada’s largest current international Canada’s Conservatives will introduce accountability to our international development assistance,
military operation. prioritizing the economic performance and growth of Canada’s development partners. We will reform,
• Restore the provision of RADARSAT-2 data to Ukraine, currently denied by the Liberals. not reduce, international development assistance - maintaining current aid levels while increasing the
• Provide Ukraine with defensive military aid, including enhanced Canadian assistance to NATO effectiveness of Canadian aid and expanding engagement with the Canadian development sector, the
training for Ukrainian armed forces. private sector, and diaspora communities.
110 111
Peace and Security Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Strengthen Canadian support for long-term agricultural development through partnerships,
While maintaining a clear commitment to delivering untied aid, Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that technology and information sharing, and training with producers in emerging economies.
our aid policy advances Canada’s national interests and values and delivers concrete results. We will • Identify, establish, and build coalitions in strategic locations worldwide that can cooperate on
prioritize regimes and states that confront corruption. developing a global network of food security infrastructure which Canadian organizations can
contribute to building and stocking.
• Canada’s Conservatives will align international development with Canadian peace and security
priorities. We will: Removing Barriers
° Ensure that Canadian development assistance will not advance the Communist Party of
China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Canada’s Conservatives will reform onerous “Direction and Control” regulation, ensuring accountability
° Amend the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act so that aid dollars do not for spending without requiring projects in developing countries to be directly controlled by Canadian
support the interests of hostile regimes. charities.
° Support young people at risk of radicalization through Canadian leadership that prioritizes • This change will allow Canadian organizations to develop respectful partnerships with
justice, democracy, and pro-pluralism education, as a defining feature of promoting organizations working on the ground in developing countries and reduce aid dependency by
development outcomes and improving global security. Canada’s Conservatives will: transferring administrative and control functions to empower local people and organizations.
n Proactively advocate for and invest in education programs that emphasize inclusion,
pluralism, and human rights, inspired by local narratives and traditions. Emergency Humanitarian Assistance
n Defund programs aligned against Canadian values (including those delivered by UNRWA
unless it is significantly reformed) and replace them with new education initiatives that Meeting short-term needs during disasters, Canada’s Conservatives will support innovation in
uphold universal human dignity, pluralism, and peaceful coexistence. humanitarian assistance, delivering the greatest quantity of life-saving goods at the lowest possible
n Partner with and scale local civil society to deliver leadership, integrity, and teamwork cost-per-unit, and intelligently supporting long-term recovery and growth. We will deploy a “Canadian
skills to young people. Innovation Relief” program to utilize Made in Canada solutions during international disaster response
n Support reforms in policing and justice systems that strengthen the rule of law, ensure the operations.
provision of justice to the world’s most marginalized, and provide the most vulnerable
with the security they require to better their conditions. New Tools in Development Finance, Innovation & Sustainable Growth

• As part of our efforts to advance justice, we will place a significant focus on combating Canada’s Conservatives believe that job creation is the best antidote to poverty and that economic
extremism, human trafficking and the use of child soldiers, and abolishing all forms of prosperity reduces international conflict. While maintaining a strong and clear commitment to
modern-day slavery. international development, Canada’s Conservatives are committed to partnering with Canadians
to create new tools that maximize economic growth. We will:
• We will launch strategic partnerships in international development with regional allies where
combined efforts and complementary strengths multiply impact. • Build markets and diaspora partnerships for poverty alleviation and economic development.
° This will include engagement with the Blue Dot and Clean networks in real and digital ° Canada’s Conservatives will partner with diaspora communities in Canada in financing and
infrastructure. improving development impact. This will involve scaling the development impact of
remittances, and the greater use of market-based financing vehicles.
• Canada’s Conservatives will legislate a $250 million allocation from Canada’s annual
International Assistance Envelope to build resilience in fragile democracies. This allocation will • End the fragmented manner in which the Liberals have managed our development finance
serve as a Canadian endowment for bilateral democracy programs, offering training, resources, institutions and instead consolidate Canada’s development finance by establishing a Canada
and support to those confronting authoritarians and fighting for the success of their Development Finance Corporation.
• Implement a “Post-Pandemic Compact for Growth Plan.” As the world emerges from the
Canadian Leadership on Global Food Security pandemic, now is the time to leverage investment, innovation and infrastructure around vaccine
distribution and long-term health security in the poorest, most disadvantaged regions of the
Addressing the food security needs of people worldwide is a critical part of international development world.
and security, requiring both short and long-term approaches. Canada’s world-class agricultural
producers can be indispensable partners for developing countries in humanitarian assistance,
experience, and technologies. We will prioritize establishing resilient and sustainable food supplies
for the most vulnerable.

112 113
Indigenous peoples and all Canadians should expect their government to recognize Indigenous and
treaty rights and to work together with Indigenous peoples as nation-to-nation partners to resolve
long-standing challenges. Recent events have illustrated the scale of the obstacles that Indigenous
peoples have faced throughout Canada’s history, and Canadians are more determined to move forward
with reconciliation than ever before. At this singular moment in Canada’s history, it is crucial that our

A Detailed Plan to
efforts are focused on durable solutions that make a real and meaningful impact on the quality of life
of Indigenous peoples.

Secure the Future of Canada’s Recent reports, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, have identified significant gaps in opportunity

Indigenous Peoples
and outcome between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. All levels of government need to engage
with Indigenous peoples to make meaningful progress in closing these gaps.

Canada’s Conservatives believe in building a true partnership to ensure a just and secure place for
thriving, self-determining Indigenous nations within the fabric of Canada. That starts with making
the recognition of Indigenous rights a top priority and that is the lens through which we will approach
all Indigenous issues. It also begins with making serious efforts to listen, learn, understand, and
demonstrate our enduring commitment through our actions.

Making Amends for Past Injustices

Canadians’ consciences were shocked at the revelation of unmarked graves at the sites of former
residential schools. These discoveries were a heartbreaking reminder of the pain Indigenous children,
their families, and their communities were subjected to. While the path of reconciliation is long and
difficult, we must act now to make amends for past injustices perpetrated by and on behalf of the
Government of Canada.

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Develop a comprehensive plan to implement TRC Calls to Action 71 through 76.

• Fund the investigation at all former residential schools in Canada where unmarked graves may
exist, including the sites where children have already been discovered.
• Ensure that proper resources are allocated for communities to reinter, commemorate, and
honour any individuals discovered through the investigation, according to the wishes of their
next of kin.
• Develop a detailed and thorough set of resources to educate Canadians of all ages on the tragic
history of residential schools in Canada.
• Build a national monument in Ottawa that honours residential school survivors and all the
children who were lost.

Prosperity through partnership
First Nations during the environmental assessment phase.
Recognition of Indigenous rights has been hard-won after decades of struggle by First Nations, Inuit, ° This will encourage early partnerships, allow the incorporation of traditional knowledge, and
and Metis people, both in the courts and through treaty negotiations. It has been a long and challenging build confidence in the assessment process.
journey as Canadians have sought to understand and give life to these rights. This journey is far from over. ° For clarity, such agreements will not be prejudicial to First Nations consultation.
• Supporting Indigenous Protected Areas that safeguard culturally significant areas without
Indigenous people want a say in what happens on their traditional territories. They want to be true alienating future benefits that may accrue to the impacted Indigenous community if used in a
partners in the responsible development of those lands, including through equity opportunities and way that maintains those safeguards.
timely access to capital to support their involvement. The Liberal government has paid lip service to this ° Support an Indigenous Guardians program that will support communities in developing and
partnership, but they have repeatedly failed to consult with First Nations and Territorial governments maintaining protected areas, among other things.
before cancelling projects and shutting down opportunities that would have directly benefited
Indigenous communities. Levelling the playing field

Canada’s natural resource industries have led the way in developing new ways to partner with First The success of Indigenous businesses is vital to the success of Canada. Indigenous businesses in Canada
Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples. Natural resource industries are significant employers of Indigenous can thrive and support healthy communities but face many barriers that are unique to Indigenous
peoples. In many regions, these industries provide the best chance for lifting rural, remote, and peoples, such as paternalistic legislation like the Indian Act, isolated communities, a lack of infrastructure,
isolated communities out of poverty. Many First Nations and other Indigenous rights holders have fewer networking opportunities, and the need for capacity building and community supports.
pioneered world-leading benefit agreements and equity partnerships with private companies that
have led to better projects and increased opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities To level the playing field and encourage Indigenous business success in Canada, Canada’s Conservatives
alike. will:
• Provide $4 million over three years in targeted funding for the hiring and training of local and
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) has affirmed the right regional economic development officers.
of Indigenous communities to pursue economic opportunities and benefit from the development of • In collaboration with municipal and First Nations organizations, promote mechanisms that foster
resources on their traditional territories. relationships between municipalities and neighbouring First Nations.
• Utilizing the existing infrastructure of Indigenous national organizations (NACCA & CCAB),
A Conservative government will respect and uphold these rights by: provide capacity building and business education to enhance and promote Indigenous business
• Working with Indigenous-led organizations, such as the First Nations Major Project Coalition, success and success stories.
the Indigenous Resource Network, the Indian Resource Council, the Canadian Council for • Develop an Indigenous Business Mentorship Program where Indigenous communities and
Aboriginal Business, the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers, the entrepreneurs can connect with and receive guidance from others who have succeeded.
National Coalition of Chiefs, and First Nations LNG Alliance, to support communities that wish • Modernize the First Nations Land Management Act to bring it more in line with the Framework
to become partners in good projects that meet high environmental standards. Agreement.
• Creating the Canadian Indigenous Opportunities Corporation that will support First Nations and • Commit $25 million to a national police support and community training program to reduce the
Inuit organizations seeking to purchase an equity stake in major projects. incarceration rates of Canada’s Indigenous communities.
° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market • Working with Indigenous community groups, establish a national working group in the Canadian
analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource and public service to encourage applications from Canada’s Indigenous communities.
infrastructure projects. • Improve opportunities for Indigenous businesses to receive government contracts by:
° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects across the country. ° Setting active targets and accountability mechanisms for departmental procurement officers.
• Requiring future governments to consult with Indigenous Communities before cancelling ° Ensuring procurement rules don’t unnecessarily exclude legitimate Indigenous businesses.
approved projects when they have signed or are negotiating benefit agreements or partnerships. ° Providing constructive feedback to unsuccessful bidders.
• Implementing Article 18 of UNDRIP by working with First Nations to develop a transparent ° Working with ISED, investigating new measures (or enhancing previous measures) through
process that communities can use to identify who represents them in consultations if it is to be the Industrial and Technological Benefits policy to increase Indigenous business involvement
someone other than elected Chiefs. in the defence and security industries.
• Working with First Nations and other Indigenous rights holders to develop a consultation
process that allows for more meaningful dialogue.
• Creating a streamlined environmental review process for major projects that partner with

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Pursuing Self-Determination Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Provide $1 billion over five years to boost funding for Indigenous mental health and drug
Canada’s Conservatives believe that service delivery on First Nation reserves is ultimately best treatment programs.
managed by First Nations themselves. Many successful models show that devolving control of service • Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health and addiction, such as
delivery to First Nations can work well. We have seen it work with education, health, and child and land-based treatment programs and programs delivered in Indigenous languages.
family services. • Support the development of mental health and drug treatment programs by Indigenous people
to develop capacity at the community level and allow for the delivery of culturally appropriate
We will: programs delivered in the appropriate Indigenous language.
• Increase Indigenous governance capacity by training young Indigenous leaders including through
the Institute of Corporate Directors. Introducing Stability to Urban Indigenous Assistance
• Empower the First Nations Finance Authority to monetize government funding, leveraging the
market to supercharge First Nations infrastructure. Canada’s Conservatives will negotiate longer-term funding contracts with urban indigenous
• Remain open to exploring innovative new models to fund and deliver social services and critical organizations to provide stability and better planning opportunities.
• Develop, in collaboration with Indigenous groups, a National Action Plan that addresses violence A Skilled Indigenous Workforce
against Indigenous women and girls.
• Consult with First Nations on overhauling the current funding models, with the goal of making it Indigenous economic development will mean increased opportunity for Indigenous people in the skilled
easier for First Nations to escape Third-Party Management, reducing red tape, and providing a trades. Unfortunately, there are several barriers that have led to an underrepresentation of Indigenous
clearer path with better incentives for moving towards block funding. peoples in these jobs.

Drinking Water Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Work with Indigenous groups, provinces, territories, and trade organizations to identify
The fact that many Indigenous communities still lack safe drinking water is a national shame. Clean water opportunities to increase access for Indigenous workers and youth to apprenticeship programs.
is essential to human health and well-being and making meaningful progress must be a priority for any • As part of our investment in jobs training, invest in trades training programs designed in
government. partnership with the private sector, Indigenous organizations, and provincial/territorial
governments to maximize opportunities for employment.
Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Recognize safe drinking water as a fundamental human right and end long-term drinking water Broadband in Rural Indigenous Communities
• Target high-risk water systems. Indigenous peoples living in rural and remote regions of Canada face a significant connectivity gap, even
• Work with Indigenous communities to find new approaches, such as regional or coalition-based compared to other Canadians living in rural and remote areas. Only 24% of households in Indigenous
governance, that will help ensure water systems investments are protected and continue communities have access to high-speed internet compared to 37% for rural households and 97% for
providing clean drinking water in the long term. urban ones. Because of this, Indigenous peoples will be significant beneficiaries of our plan to connect all
Canadians to high-speed internet by 2025.
Mental Health
However, Indigenous communities face additional challenges when it comes to navigating existing
Tragically, Indigenous people die by suicide at much higher rates than non-Indigenous people. Driven by broadband programs. For example, complex application processes pose a barrier to small, isolated
a combination of intergenerational trauma, poverty and many other factors, this ongoing crisis in mental communities. It can be more difficult for Indigenous communities to access the funding they need.
health has only been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To deal with these issues, Canada’s Conservatives will:
Addressing poverty and infrastructure gaps will help improve risk factors for mental health in the • Streamline application processes for Indigenous communities.
medium to long term, but there is no question that help is needed now. • Provide more support and develop more flexible funding arrangements.
• Provide technical support during the application process.

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Justin Trudeau has turned his back on Northern Canada. He has no northerners in his cabinet. He makes
unilateral decisions impacting northerners’ land, sea, and well-being without giving the territories a say
and without any meaningful consultation with Indigenous peoples and other northerners.

Canada’s Conservatives believe in empowering and supporting northerners while building the
infrastructure needed to truly realize the potential of the Canadian north.

Respect for Northerners

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Complete devolution, beginning by allowing the territories to set their borrowing limits instead
of Ottawa arbitrarily setting limits.
• Ensure that decisions about development in the north will be made by northerners, not by
° This will include allowing northerners to decide on the level of development and the
opportunities they want, such as responsibly unlocking Canadian oil and natural gas for
export to European and Indo-Pacific markets.

Building the Northern Economy

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Give each of the territories their fair share of federal training funds and revive mine training in
Nunavut, in partnership with mining companies, to increase employment of Inuit in mining.
• Work with the territories, local Indigenous communities, and Parks Canada to find opportunities
to build the eco-tourism economy at our Northern parks.
• Work with governments and communities in Nunatsiavut, Nunavut, Nunavik, and the Inuvialuit
Settlement Region to develop community-based marine fisheries, which will help create
employment and fight local and regional food insecurity.
° For communities across Inuit Nunangat, oceans are an essential lifeline and source of food.

Supporting Life in the North

Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Double the residency deduction, which has not increased since 2016, to recognize the rising cost
of living in the north, boost the basic amount in the intermediate zone to match the northern
zone, and add the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland, new parts of northern Saskatchewan,
and new parts of north-western B.C. to this zone.
• Implement a Northern Housing Strategy built on:

A Detailed Plan
° Providing the territories with their fair shares of federal housing funding;
° Ensuring that funding is stable and predictable; and
° Working with Indigenous groups including the Inuit, and with resource companies investing in

to Secure the North the north to ensure that housing gets built.
• Support innovative approaches to address the crises of mental health and addiction, such as
land-based treatment programs developed and managed by Indigenous communities as part of
a plan to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate addictions treatment and prevention
services in First Nations communities with high needs.
• Improve Nutrition North so that it achieves the goal of ensuring that northerners have access to
affordable healthy food.

Canada’s Conservatives recognize that work doesn’t mean a 9 - 5 office job for many people in the north. To protect our Arctic sovereignty, we will:
That’s one of the reasons why our child care plan emphasizes flexibility for parents, in contrast to the • Expand the Canadian Rangers in number and mandate while making investments in their
Liberal one size fits all approach that will shut out anyone who doesn’t fit their model. preparedness, equipment, and training.
• Refurbish and expand our RCAF Forward Operation Locations (FOL) and allow civil airport
Our Vision for Northern Infrastructure authorities to co-locate and utilize runways.
• Complete the Nanisivik Arctic naval facility on Baffin Island and develop a new Arctic naval base
Canada’s Conservatives have a vision for a Canadian north that is connected to the rest of our country at Churchill, Manitoba that will make the Arctic more accessible to the RCN year-round and
and the world. Realizing the potential of our north - and the jobs and opportunity for northerners that provide joint operation of these ports with local communities.
will come with it - requires a generational investment in infrastructure. • Deploy new autonomous vehicles for Arctic surveillance operations in the air and at sea as part
of a new Canadian sovereignty, deterrence, and detection strategy, with Bagotville as the main
We will ensure that the territories receive their fair share of infrastructure funding by reserving a site to host the Government of Canada’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems
funding envelope for them that accounts for the high construction cost in the north. We will address • Expand the RadarSat constellation and launch more low earth orbit (LEO) satellites for both
the Northern infrastructure gap in housing, telecommunications, transportation, energy, and climate telecommunications and defence in the Arctic.
change preparedness.

Our plan for northern infrastructure includes:

• The Grays Bay Port and Road Project, connecting Nunavut and NWT, via
° a 230 km all-weather trunk road connecting a Port at Grays Bay to an existing ice road from
Yellowknife via the Northwest Territories diamond mines; and
° The only deep-water port on the Northwest Passage to (seasonally) connect to the national
highway system.
• The Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Line, an Inuit-led project that will deliver renewable energy and
broadband service to underserved remote communities while enabling the region’s mining
sector to flourish.
• Completing the Tuktoyaktuk road and port and pursuing an Arctic Gateway policy across the
Canadian North.
• A large-scale project to provide clean power to the Yukon, developed in partnership with the
Government of the Yukon.

Defending the Canadian North

Canada’s Conservatives will not forsake our northern peoples or cede an inch of our Arctic sovereignty.
Over the past years, Russia has refurbished and built over 30 Arctic bases, 14 operational airfields,
16 deep-water ports, and over 50 new military icebreakers. The Chinese government has also increased
interest in the Arctic. All while the Liberal government has marginalized Canada’s Northern
communities from accessing opportunities toward their development.

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Strengthening Canada’s Immigration System

Nowhere on earth is there more equality of opportunity, embrace of diversity, or success for newcomers
than Canada. In a dangerous world, Canada remains a beacon of the best humanity has to offer,
providing safety and opportunity to all. We are a country determined to measure success not on a

A Detailed Plan
person’s faith or family name but on the merit of their abilities, the promise they possess, and on their
determination to succeed.

To Strengthen our Canada’s Conservatives are the party that ended racial discrimination in Canadian immigration, the
party that streamlined processes for refugees and persecuted minorities, and the party that ensured

Immigration System
that those who arrive on our shores have the greatest chance to succeed. There will never be a
circumstance in which Canada’s Conservatives will fail to stand beside Canadian immigrants. There will
never be a time when the immeasurable contributions of newcomers to our national life will be forsaken.

Canada emerged from the Global Financial Crisis as an exceptional success story, with an immigration
system that was the envy of the world and with an expanding middle class. While economic polarization
led to political upheavals and trade deals for the rich in the rest of the world, Canada’s ten-fold
expansion of international trade created widespread opportunity. That is the record of Canada’s

In a post-pandemic economic recovery, Canadian immigration must once again be rooted in our
democratic values and inclusive, successful economic growth worthy of a rebuilding and rising nation.
It is not enough to simply set immigration levels without a plan. Worse, it is plain wrong to stoke
anxieties in vulnerable communities, a cynical art that the Trudeau Liberals have perfected. The
Liberals prioritize politics over nation-building. Their words have not matched their deeds, and their
failures are shown by the absence of meaningful results.

To secure Canada’s future and restore Canada as the model immigration system for the world, we need
to rebuild a robust immigration system that:
• Welcomes the best and brightest from around the world to fill critical gaps and robustly grow our
• Offers refuge to heroic human rights defenders and those fleeing persecution who would enrich
our national life.
• Strengthens Canadian families by uniting them with their loved ones.

Canada’s Conservatives will implement bold and necessary solutions to the key challenges facing our
immigration system to meet these objectives.

Addressing Administrative Backlogs Strengthening Credential Recognition

Canada’s Conservatives will tackle administrative backlogs by: Canada’s Conservatives will immediately launch a Credential Recognition Task Force to develop new
• Creating an efficiency mechanism, where those waiting for their application to be reviewed can timely and appropriate credential recognition strategies.
pay a fee for expedited processing.
° All revenues from this expedited processing fee will be directed towards hiring additional One area this task force will study is credential pre-qualification – allowing people in other countries to
people to streamline processing wait lines even more. acquire Canadian-standard proficiency through accredited institutions overseas or distance learning
° Those unable to afford the expedited processing fee will benefit from significantly shortened with Canadian institutions.
waits, directly resulting from increased immigration processing capacity.
° This will dramatically speed up processing times, delivering improved outcomes at no Family Reunification
additional cost to the taxpayer.
• Working to identify underutilized resources and ensure that our processing capacity is used to Conservatives support compassionate measures to assist in reuniting families. Parents and
its full potential. grandparents are important members of the family, providing social and financial support to their
• Simplifying and streamlining application processes, reducing red tape, and eliminating family members, especially in education and child care. After failing for years to clear the significant
duplication. backlogs in applicants to the family reunification stream, the Trudeau Liberals introduced an
ineffective and unfair lottery system that immigrants and communities have widely criticized.
Fixing a Broken Visitor Visa System
Canada’s Conservatives will reverse course and make the system work by:
Canadians are frustrated by delays and the seemingly arbitrary denial of visitor visas to people who • Scrapping the Trudeau Liberals’ family reunification lottery.
want to attend important family events in Canada. The reality is that a systemic failure to deter • Replacing it with a system combining a first-come, first served principle with weighting to
bogus asylum claims and ineffectiveness at enforcing deportation orders have created paralysis among prioritize applicants on criteria such as providing child care or family support, and language
Trudeau Liberals - who continue to fail in issuing visitor visas in a timely and fair way. proficiency.
• Investing additional resources to ensure that applications are processed more rapidly.
Canada’s Conservatives recognize the essential interconnectedness of a well-ordered asylum system
focused on the most vulnerable, an effective immigration enforcement system, and enabling Canadians Super Visas
to invite friends and family to visit for important occasions. We will work to fix these problems by:
• Increasing the capacity of the Immigration and Refugee Board to hear asylum claims without Canada’s Conservatives recognize that many New Canadians want to bring family members to join them
delay. here in Canada. Not all of those family members will wish to reside in Canada permanently or can be
• Strengthening integrity and enforcement overall. accommodated through the existing parents and grandparents program.
• Exploring mechanisms to pursue a more generous and fairer visa system for visitors by including
more enforceable commitments to abide by the terms of their visitor visa. While continuing to support the parents and grandparents program, Canada’s Conservatives will
significantly expand the super visa program. We will:
Innovation, Efficiency, and Cultural Sensitivity • Allow family members of Canadians to come and live in Canada for up to five years without
permanent status, renewing their stay for additional time, where appropriate, provided that
Canada’s Conservatives will take the following steps to modernize and enhance the fairness of they purchase health insurance.
immigration processing: • Allow those coming to Canada on a super visa to purchase health insurance from the government
• Moving the technological infrastructure of immigration online and recording all interactions of their province or territory on a cost-recovery basis where the provincial or territorial
between immigration officers and applicants to help ensure oversight, fairness, and government wishes to offer this option.
• Introducing technology to speed application vetting by immigration officers. Pathways to Permanence
• Increasing cultural awareness training and using remote meeting technology to match applicants
with immigration officers who best understand the cultural context of the applicant. Many people - international students and temporary foreign workers, for example - arrive in Canada
• Letting applicants correct simple and honest mistakes in an application within a set amount with aspirations to one day become Canadians. Many often develop relationships and attachments that
of time. will increase their desire to stay after their work or study term.
° Currently, if a person makes an error in an application, the application is rejected, and the
person is required to re-submit the application entirely.

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Canada’s Conservatives will create pathways to permanence for those already living and working Reforming Canada’s Broken Refugee System
in Canada, so long as they are prepared to work hard, contribute to the growth and productivity of
Canada, and strengthen our democracy. It does not make sense to attract the best and brightest, Overwhelming evidence now proves that privately-sponsored refugees are more likely to succeed than
provide them training and knowledge, and then force these people - with all their potential - to leave. publicly-sponsored ones, even after they have been in Canada for a long time.

Canada’s Conservatives will continue to support settlement services for newcomers, especially for the Government data proves that even a decade after privately sponsored refugees arrive, they earn more
most vulnerable. and depend less on the government than those who come through government sponsorship. Privately
sponsored refugees receive critical social and cultural support which allows them to adapt to a new
Advancing Canada’s Interests environment and learn how to succeed in a new economy. Ideological Liberals persist, nonetheless, in
limiting private sponsorship at the expense of less effective government refugee sponsorship.
Immigration does not just serve newcomers and their families. It also supports employers seeking to
fill vital skill gaps and assists the public through the provision of essential public services. Accordingly, Canada’s Conservatives will address this structural incoherence that hurts refugees. We will:
Canada’s immigration policies must match Canadian priorities. • Replace public, government-assisted refugee places with more private and joint sponsorship
places. All refugees arriving in Canada will do so under private or joint sponsorship programs,
Canada’s Conservatives will prioritize and streamline immigration that directly secures the health with exceptions in cases of emergency or specific programs (such as the human rights defenders
of Canadians as we work to strengthen our health system. This includes new measures to attract program discussed below).
healthcare workers, especially in priority areas and regions. ° This does not mean a reduced financial commitment to refugee sponsorship or lower overall
numbers of protected persons. It means that public dollars will be directed through joint
Canada’s Conservatives will rework the Temporary Foreign Workers Program to better align it with sponsorship programs where newcomers benefit from community support and the better
domestic needs and to protect workers - both those already living in Canada and those wishing to come outcomes associated with private sponsorship.
here to work. ° Moving from “private” and “public” sponsorship streams to “private” and “joint” sponsorship
streams ensures every refugee family arriving in Canada will do so with a group of dedicated
To reduce duplication and ease the application process, Canada’s Conservatives will create a trusted and motivated Canadians, ready to make them feel welcome.
employer system so that companies do not have to constantly re-apply to the program. We will: ° This also ensures that private sponsors will not always have to bear the full costs of
• Work collaboratively with provinces, unlike the top-down Trudeau Liberals, to harmonize federal sponsorship, allowing them to help more refugees.
and provincial systems, making life simpler for businesses. • These changes will revolutionize the experience of compassionate organizations conducting
• Establish clear standards and timelines for Labour Market Impact Assessment processes, private refugee sponsorship. Sponsors will spend more time helping people in distress with more
including options for fee-based expedited visas when necessary. government support and less government hassle.
• Revise how regions are zoned to ensure rural areas and tourism hotspots are not coupled
with urban hubs. When it comes to financial allocations for joint sponsorships, Conservatives will prioritize the following
To ensure that those who enter Canada as low-skilled workers, as justified by concrete labour market • Support delivered to the most vulnerable.
data, are treated fairly, Canada’s Conservatives will establish a path to permanence. We will do so by • Support delivered through sponsorship agreement holders with a demonstrable track record of
allowing employers to sponsor applications for permanent residency. Immigration is good for the successfully integrating refugees.
economy, good for jobs, and good for people who have chosen to come to Canada. • Support delivered through a new, specialized, “human rights defender” stream, welcoming
human rights advocates such as notable Hong Kong protestors who are particularly vulnerable
We will continue to monitor the Temporary Foreign Workers Program to ensure that it achieves its in their home country as a result of their willingness to stand up for the rights of others.
intended results and is resistant to abuse. The Program must support Canadian businesses with genuine
labour needs while ensuring Canadian citizens and permanent residents - including new immigrants - Canada’s Conservatives have a proud record of assisting the world’s most vulnerable refugees, including
get the first crack at jobs in our country. our pioneering assistance to LGBTQ+ people, especially from Iran, who would otherwise face a death
Recognizing that provincial governments have a better sense of their region’s needs, Canada’s • Canada’s Conservatives will make the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Project a permanent
Conservatives will work with provinces and territories to expand their influence over economic government program. We will work with LGBTQ+ organizations in Canada to encourage and
immigration to their region. Where there is a clear economic need and provinces have demonstrated facilitate greater participation by these organizations in refugee sponsorship, and we will lead a
they can retain existing immigrants, we will work with provinces to expand their provincial nominee global network of free countries to assist the world’s persecuted sexual minorities.

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Finally, when it comes to refugees, Canada’s Conservatives understand that there are inadequacies in
the international legal definition of a refugee.

That definition considers someone a refugee if they face persecution AND have already crossed a
national border into another country. However, it does not adequately designate internally displaced
people, or those extremely vulnerable to ongoing persecution but who have not crossed a national
border or fall outside the UNHCR definition.

Therefore, Canada’s Conservatives will:

• Allow private sponsorship of the most vulnerable victims of persecution directly from their
country of origin.
• Work with Canadian communities to create a specific program to allow direct private
sponsorship of persecuted religious and sexual minorities.

Securing Our Border

To restore the integrity of our immigration system, Canada’s Conservatives will end illegal border
crossings and unofficial points of entry like Roxham Road.

More than 50,000 illegal border crossers have entered Canada from the United States since 2017.
Justin Trudeau’s failure to deal with this problem has cost the immigration system $1.6 billion, diverting
critical resources away from the world’s most vulnerable.

The Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the United States is based on the principle that
an asylum seeker should stake their claim in the first safe country in which they land. Therefore, no one
should be making an asylum claim in Canada if they are coming from the United States. However, this
agreement contains a loophole that means people can make an asylum claim if they are coming from the
US if they are not crossing at a legal port of entry. This violates the intent and the spirit of the agreement
and undermines confidence in our immigration system.

We will close the loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement to end illegal border crossings. We will
end the practice of the RCMP and the CBSA acting as unofficial welcoming committees, assisting with
illegal crossings.

To further strengthen the integrity of our borders, Canada’s Conservatives will work with the US to set
up joint border patrols at and near high traffic points on the land border. These will be modelled on the
successful Canada-US “Shiprider” border patrols on the Great Lakes. They will deter illegal crossings
and redirect people to official points of entry for processing.

Canada’s Conservatives will also forward deploy Immigration and Refugee Board judges to common
arrival points to expedite asylum hearings in straightforward cases. All asylum seekers will continue to
have the right to a hearing. We will make it less attractive to enter illegally and will support those who
are fleeing violence and persecution to seek refuge in Canada legally.

Canada’s Conservatives believe that Canada is the greatest country on earth. From coast to coast to coast,
Canadians have built a fantastic country. We have overcome differences in language and culture and our
massive geography - turning each of these into advantages. There is much for all of us to be proud of.

And yet, as we honour the past - including those who built our great country - we recognize that there is

A Detailed Plan to
always work to do. Canada’s Conservatives are committed to ensuring that ALL Canadians can share in
the opportunity and prosperity that our country enjoys.

Make our Federation Work Securing Equality, Health and Safety for Canadian Women

for All Canadians Canadian women deserve a real plan for a healthy, safe, and equal opportunity to secure their future.
Canada’s Conservatives will take action to end gender inequality, address the gender pay gap, protect
the fundamental right to personal safety for all women and ensure that all women have access to the
health care they need.


The reality is that women in Canada experience barriers to equality of opportunity throughout their
lives. Canadian girls, as they approach adolescence, experience higher levels of abuse and violence and
greater declines in mental health and confidence than boys do. This can be partially attributed to the
specific challenges they face related to harmful gender stereotypes and sexualization. Similarly, senior
women in Canada experience higher levels of abuse, violence, and poverty than men. Other forms of
discrimination and marginalization can exacerbate these challenges.

As has been shown recently by in-depth research published by the Globe and Mail and others, the
gender pay gap is still a reality in the Canadian workforce. Whether they are lawyers or skilled trade
workers or work in many other jobs, women often earn less than their male counterparts.

This must change. Corporate Canada needs to step up, and the Government of Canada needs to lead
by example. Canada’s Conservatives will implement a comprehensive plan to secure opportunities for
women, including:
• Boosting support for child care and those caring for ageing parents,
• Ensuring women have the training they need to pursue careers, including non-traditional careers
like the skilled trades, and
• Helping women start and build businesses.

Canada’s Conservatives will take more steps to increase opportunities for women, including:
• Implementing a national mentorship strategy for women of all ages, including adolescent girls,
to prepare them for and give them access to networks that will position them for senior
leadership roles across corporate Canada and civil society.
• Seeking out qualified female candidates for federal appointments.
• Requiring federally regulated corporations and federally mandated organizations to implement
formal recruitment plans to seek out qualified female candidates for senior leadership positions.

Canada’s Conservatives will stamp out the culture of sexual harassment that persists in too many
federal government institutions, including the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP. We will ensure
that the Government of Canada serves as an example for the country of a safe and respectful work
We will also crack down on the use of non-disclosure agreements to hide wrongdoing. Breaking Down Barriers for Canadians Living with Disabilities
Health One in five Canadians lives with a disability. They need our support – to live full lives and participate
fully in society, including in the workforce. Canada’s Conservatives have a plan to break down the
Canada’s Conservatives have a comprehensive plan to improve our healthcare system, including barriers faced by Canadians living with disabilities.
increasing health transfers to the provinces after years of slow growth under the Liberals.
Doubling Disability Support in the Canada Workers Benefit
We will address the mental health crisis through our Mental Health Action Plan, helping Canadians get
the help they need. A disproportionate number of disabled Canadians are working part-time or for low wages.

We will tackle the opioid epidemic and help Canadians struggling with addiction. Canada’s Conservatives will double the Disability Supplement in the Canada Workers Benefit from
$713 to $1,500, providing a major boost to lower-income disabled Canadians on top of our increase in
We will support maternal and newborn health and extend paid leave for women who suffer miscarriage the Canada Workers Benefit.
or stillbirth.
The most help will go to families where one member has a disability. We will help them achieve the
A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion. security and financial independence they deserve.

Gender-based violence continues to be an urgent issue. COVID has accelerated this trend. Statistics
Canada reports that cases of domestic violence increased by over 54% between mid-March and early SARAH IS A DISABLED CANADIAN EARNING $14,000 PER YEAR AT A RETAIL STORE:
July last year. These statistics are even worse for marginalized women. • SHE WILL RECEIVE $2,800 OF THE BASIC CANADA WORKERS BENEFIT PER YEAR, UP
For far too long, we have let people who commit domestic violence off with a slap on the wrist. This does • SHE WILL ALSO RECEIVE A $1,500 DISABILITY SUPPLEMENT INSTEAD OF $713.
a massive disservice to their innocent victims who are left to suffer. It also puts the broader community • IN TOTAL, SHE WILL RECEIVE $4,300 UNDER THE CONSERVATIVE PLAN, MORE THAN
at risk. We have seen repeatedly that the criminals who commit attacks of violence almost always start DOUBLE WHAT SHE RECEIVED UNDER THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM. 
by abusing their spouse or partner.
Canada’s Conservatives believe that we should impose tough sentences on those who assault their • THEY WILL RECEIVE $5,000 OF THE BASIC CANADA WORKERS BENEFIT, WELL ABOVE
spouse or partner while making it easier for victims to escape their abusers and rebuild their lives. THE $1,900 THEY RECEIVED UNDER THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM.
Canada’s Conservatives will get tough on abusers by strengthening the Criminal Code to ensure that • THAT’S A BOOST OF $6,500 FOR THIS FAMILY
they are punished and prevented from continuing to hurt their victims.
We will also help those who have suffered rebuild their lives. We will help them get career training • THEY WILL RECEIVE $3,700 OF THE BASIC CANADA WORKERS BENEFIT, FAR MORE
and hide their new location from their abuser, and we will boost Canada Child Benefit funding going to THAN THE $458 THEY RECEIVED UNDER THE PREVIOUS PROGRAM.
mothers fleeing violence to help them obtain permanent housing. • ON TOP OF THAT, THE FAMILY WILL RECEIVE THE $1,500 DISABILITY SUPPLEMENT.
Full details can be found in our justice plan, which also details how we will crack down on illegal guns and
fight human trafficking.

Securing Compassion for Senior Women

Too many senior women in Canada live in poverty, face threats of violence, and do not have the means
to age with dignity. A Conservative government will develop a national strategy to address poverty and
violence in senior Canadian women.

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Making Work Pay It’s time for pragmatic and responsible leadership, which will reach out to Quebecers and offer them a
new pact based in particular on respect for the Québec nation and the French language, the economic
Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that going to work never costs a disabled person money – as is too development of our regions and the security of our communities.
often the case today. The complex web of programs in place today means that someone can lose more
than a dollar – in benefit cuts and higher taxes – for every dollar they earn by working. This means that Here for the Québec Nation
for many disabled Canadians, the harder they work, the poorer they become.
Canada’s Conservatives will:
This is simply wrong. • Build on the previous Conservative government’s historic recognition of the Québec Nation.
• Remain open to the development of new administrative agreements with the government of
We will overhaul the complex array of disability supports and benefits to ensure that working always Québec to promote decentralized federalism.
leaves someone further ahead. And we will work with the provinces to ensure that federal programs are • Negotiate with the Québec government to simplify tax preparation and work towards a single
designed to work with provincial programs to achieve this result. income tax return for Québec taxpayers while protecting Canada Revenue Agency jobs in the
This will augment the effect of our increase to the Canada Workers Benefit, which will help make work • Give greater autonomy to Québec over immigration. This will include:
pay for disabled Canadians by boosting the benefits of work. • Revisiting the Canada Québec Immigration Accord to give more powers to
Québec over immigration to ensure that a higher proportion of immigrants settling in
Boosting the Enabling Accessibility Fund Quebec speak French, including in the family reunification category.
• Providing full compensation for the housing of asylum seekers who crossed into Québec
We will provide an additional $80 million per year through the Enabling Accessibility Fund to provide: illegally at border passages like Roxham Road and Lacolle and enforcing the Safe Third
• Additional incentives for small business and community projects to improve accessibility. Country Agreement to put an end to such crossings.
• Grants and support for all types of accessibility equipment that disabled Canadians need to work. • Giving Québec more input into the assignment of temporary foreign workers to
• Enhancements to existing programs that will get more disabled Canadians into the workforce. particular regions and their pathways to permanent residency to address critical labour
shortages that the Trudeau Liberals have failed to address.
Making it Easier to Qualify for the Disability Tax Credit and Registered Disability Savings Plan • Respect the jurisdiction of the Québec National Assembly by neither intervening in nor providing
federal funding to support legal challenges to Law 21.
To give more Canadians with disabilities access to financial support, we will reduce the number of hours • Limit federal spending powers in Quebec’s fields of jurisdiction and ensure that provinces can
required to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) and the Registered Disability Savings Plan from opt out of new federal programs and initiatives in the area of health with full, matching
14 to 10 hours per week. compensation.
• Make annual federal transfers for social programs unencumbered by restrictive conditions.
In 2017, Justin Trudeau took away the support that thousands of Canadians relied on when he changed • Develop a plan for a return to balanced budgets without cutting transfers to the provinces.
how Canadians qualify for the Disability Tax Credit and the Registered Disability Savings Plan. To some, • Respect the Constitution Act of 1867 by applying a non-intervention approach to internal affairs
this credit was worth thousands of dollars. Conservatives joined diabetes advocates to successfully fight within Québec’s fields of jurisdiction.
back against this tax grab. • Ensure that Québec will never be under-represented in the House of Commons when new
parliamentary ridings are created.
Our changes will save a disabled person made eligible for the tax credit or their family an average of • Give Radio-Canada a separate and distinct legal and administrative structure to reflect its
$2,100 per year. distinct mandate of promoting francophone language and culture.
° The Board of Directors of the reformed Radio-Canada will include representatives appointed
Making it easier to qualify for the tax credit will also make it easier to qualify for the RDSP, which by the Government of Québec and representation of francophone minority communities
provides up to $3,500 per year in matching grants for Canadians with disabilities. outside Québec.
° Radio-Canada will:
A Strong Québec in a United Canada n No longer charge user fees for its online streaming services or operate branding services
like Tandem in competition with private francophone media.
After six years of the centralizing federalism and irresponsibility of Justin Trudeau, it’s time for real n Provide increased content representative of francophone communities outside Québec.
change. Quebecers want and deserve a federal government that wants to collaborate with them, rather
than the paternalistic approach of the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau.

136 137
Here for the Regions of Quebec Official Languages
Canada’s Conservatives will: Canada’s Conservatives will:
• Build digital infrastructure to connect all of Québec to high-speed internet by 2025 • Work with the Government of Québec to apply the French Language Charter to federally
° As the last year has made abundantly clear, high-speed internet is essential for Canadians regulated businesses operating in Québec.
to learn, work, and compete. The Trudeau government has moved much too slowly, as can • Table, within our first 100 days in government, legislation modernizing the Official Languages
be seen by Quebec moving ahead on its own. It is unacceptable that a third of Quebeckers in Act.
rural and remote areas still lack high-speed internet access. We will put a stop to the endless ° The Liberals haven’t acted in six years, and Canada’s francophone minorities have waited long
delays and become a true partner to the provinces, delivering broadband from coast to coast. enough.
° Canada’s Conservatives will: ° The new legislation will:
n Coordinate federal investments with the program recently announced by the Government n Increase the powers of the Official Languages Commissioner.
of Québec. n Give Treasury Board the authority and responsibility for ensuring the application of the
n Speed up the spectrum auction process to get more spectrum into use and apply “use it Act across federal departments.
or lose it” provisions to ensure that spectrum (particularly in rural areas) is actually n Create an Official Languages administrative tribunal to deal with citizen complaints.
developed, with auction revenue dedicated to our digital infrastructure plan. n Include stronger positive obligations in Part VII of the Act.
n Require that Huawei equipment not be used, to protect national security. n Create more robust mechanisms for the consultation of Official Language minorities.
• Work in partnership with the Government of Québec in promoting the Saint-Laurent Project, a • Create a new $30 million per year budgetary envelope to provide federal funding to minority
maritime strategy for Quebec’s economic development comprising the creation of ten innovation francophone post-secondary institutions such as Université de Moncton, the University
zones. of Alberta’s Campus Saint-Jean, and the Ontario French University and participate
• Adopt a government purchasing policy on low carbon footprint materials, including low-carbon significantly in their future financing, in collaboration with the provinces.
aluminum. • Increase support for francophone primary and elementary education via the Official Languages
• Adopt a pan-Canadian low carbon aluminum purchasing policy. in Education Program to reflect demographic growth in the minority francophone student
• Deploy new autonomous vehicles for Arctic surveillance operations in the air and at sea as part population.
of a new Canadian sovereignty, deterrence, and detection strategy, with Bagotville as the main • Increase francophone immigration outside Québec to ensure that the demographic weight of
site to host the Government of Canada’s remotely piloted aircraft. francophone minorities will be maintained.
• Strengthen maritime safety by renewing our fleet of icebreakers in partnership with the Davie • Adopt an official French version of the 1867 British North America Act, for which only the
shipyard, to be designated as a full partner within the National Shipbuilding Strategy. English version currently has official status.
• Provide financial assistance to ensure that smaller regional airports remain open and that routes
to remote and rural areas continue to operate.
Ending the Mistreatment of Western Canada
• Invest $100m in a specific regional development funding program to support the economic
transition of former mining communities.
The current government’s disregard for Western Canada, which sometimes crosses the line into
• Ensure rapid compensation of victims of Pyrrhotite.
outright hostility, has pushed Canada to the brink of a national unity crisis. This government simply
• Implement a Critical Minerals Strategy to take advantage of Canada’s abundant resources of the
does not understand or respect the West.
minerals needed to power our clean energy future - creating jobs, supporting the Indigenous
economy, contributing to a cleaner environment, and reducing global reliance on critical minerals
Canada’s Conservatives will end Trudeau’s practice of pitting one part of the country against another
from China.
and treating provinces differently based on whether they think they can win their votes. Canada’s
° This will include adopting policies to facilitate the responsible mining of lithium.
Conservatives will govern for all Canadians, which means treating Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
and British Columbia with respect.

Open and Respectful Federalism

Canada’s Conservatives believe that the federal government should work with the provinces as partners
instead of dictating to them. As the Alberta Court of Appeal recently opined, “The federal government is
not the parent; and the provincial governments are not its children.”

Under Prime Minister Trudeau, federal-provincial meetings have ceased to be two-way discussions and
have simply become opportunities for the Prime Minister to lecture the Premiers. This has caused
frustration from coast to coast, but nowhere more than in the West.
138 139
Canada’s Conservatives are the party of the Constitution. We understand that the division of powers Support for Western Canadian Jobs
means that the provinces and the federal government are co-equals in their own spheres and that each
deserves the latitude to make its own decisions about policy in its own areas of competence. Instead Canada’s Conservatives recognize the enormous and essential contributions that the energy sector
of bullying and lecturing the provinces, a Conservative government will listen to them, address their and its workers make to our country. Unlike Justin Trudeau, who wants to phase out the sector and the
priorities, and respect their autonomy in areas of provincial jurisdiction. hundreds of thousands of workers across Canada who depend on it, we will treat the energy sector as
the key driver of Canada’s economy that it is.
Canada works best when Ottawa stops talking down to the provinces and, instead, sits down with them
and listens to what they have to say. Canada’s Conservatives will restore open and respectful federalism Canada’s Conservatives will:
and treat the provinces as true partners in Confederation. • Eliminate the unfairness of Trudeau’s Bill C-69. We will fix the Impact Assessment process
created by Bill C-69, basing our changes on the bipartisan recommendations made by the
Fiscal Fairness Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment, and Natural Resources.
° Over the last six years, billions of dollars of investment have left Canada.
Albertans are generous people. They have contributed more than $600 billion to the rest of the country ° We know that Canadian energy companies compete for investment with projects worldwide,
since 1967 and an average of more than $20 billion a year over the last decade. When times were good, in countries with much lower environmental, labour, and human rights standards than ours.
they didn’t begrudge this help for other parts of the country that weren’t as fortunate. Canadians are rightly proud of these standards, which make our energy sector a world leader
in ESG policy. They should be an asset in attracting job-creating investment, but investors will
But times have changed. Even as their economy has suffered over the last seven years, Albertans have continue to stay away without a predictable and consistent Impact Assessment process.
continued to be net contributors to the national economy. It is only fair that the rest of Canada be there ° We need an assessment process that upholds best-in-class environmental standards and sets
for Alberta, just as Alberta has always been there for them. clear expectations and timelines for environmental reviews so that investors have the
confidence and certainty they need to commit to major projects in our country.
Now that Alberta is hurting, Albertans quite reasonably expect the rest of the country, including the ° We will remove political interference from the review process and set clear timelines so that
federal government, to be there for them financially and help them get a fair price for their energy investors get a timely yes or no.
products on global markets. ° Taking climate change seriously includes not letting critical GHG-reducing projects be held
up by red tape and lengthy reviews. We will fast-track review of emissions-reducing projects
We will add fairness to Equalization by adopting the Equalization and Transfers Fairness Act as a to get shovels in the ground.
government bill and passing it as quickly as possible. This will add transparency to Equalization. • End the Ban on Shipping Traffic on the North Coast of British Columbia.
° Justin Trudeau arbitrarily banned the export of Canadian oil from British Columbia’s coast
The Trudeau government tinkered with the Fiscal Stabilization Program but did not go far enough. against the expressed wishes of many local communities and Indigenous groups.
Real change is needed so that the program fulfills its purpose of providing meaningful help when a ° Perversely, the ban applies only to Canadian oil, so Justin Trudeau has tied the hands of our
sudden and unexpected financial blow hits a province’s economy. industry while Alaskan crude continues to be shipped through Canadian waters and tankers
bringing foreign oil continue to come and go in our east coast waters.
In 2019, Canada’s premiers unanimously endorsed a proposal to reform the Fiscal Stabilization ° We will end this political targeting of the Western Canadian energy industry, repeal C-48,
Program, including by lifting the cap on payments, reducing the revenue reduction thresholds to qualify, and improve access to international markets.
and applying the changes retroactively. • Work with First Nations and other Indigenous groups to ensure they are partners in prosperity
and the development of our natural resources by creating a Canadian Indigenous Enterprise
Canada’s Conservatives will implement these changes. We will ensure that provinces like Alberta, Corporation.
but also Saskatchewan and Newfoundland and Labrador, which experienced significant reductions ° Based on the Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation, it will apply rigorous market
in resource revenues over the last seven years, receive retroactive compensation. analysis to guarantee loans to Indigenous groups so they can invest in natural resource
projects and related infrastructure.
For years, Western Provinces have not received a proportional share of federal funding for university ° We will provide an initial $5 billion of capital for investment in projects.
research and cultural programs. Canada’s Conservatives will end this bias against Western Provinces • Implement a hydrogen energy strategy that rapidly increases the use of hydrogen - especially
and ensure that all parts of our country are treated fairly. green hydrogen - in Canada and builds our export capacity.
° Hydrogen holds the potential to create thousands of good new energy jobs across
Western Canada.

140 141
• Ensuring adequate pipeline capacity by
Getting Trans Mountain built - despite Justin Trudeau’s rhetoric, the construction of the pipeline
has faced numerous delays. We will get it built.
° Ensuring that Canada does not lose the critical capacity provided by Line 3 and Line 5, the loss
of which would cause energy shortages in Ontario, increase the cost of energy, and cost
Canadian jobs.
° Make pipelines that bring Canadian oil to export markets a priority
n Unlike Justin Trudeau, who rolled over in the face of US cancellation of the project not
once but twice, first under President Obama and then again under President Biden,
Canada’s Conservatives understand that the Keystone XL pipeline is important for our
national economy.
• Canadians deserve a government that will fight for their interests, which is why
Canada’s Conservatives will make increasing energy export opportunities a diplomatic
priority in our dealings with the U.S. Government.
• Encourage Indigenous communities and resource development companies to work together
° To promote mutually beneficial conversations between Indigenous communities and resource
project proponents, we will provide $10 million per year to organizations that foster
collaboration and encourage partnerships between these two groups.
• Implement a federal LNG Export Strategy
° Canada is blessed with abundant supplies of clean and affordable natural gas and the clean
electricity required to create the cleanest LNG in the world. With much of the world still
reliant on coal-generated electricity, we should be boosting exports to grow our economy
and contribute to a cleaner world. Projects like LNG Canada create jobs for Canadians while
benefiting the world.
• Pass a Critical Infrastructure Protection Act to prevent protestors from blocking key
° Last year’s rail blockades demonstrated the importance - and vulnerability - of the
infrastructure that ties our country together. Canada’s Conservatives will amend s. 431.2
of the Criminal Code to create an offence of interference with an infrastructure facility
or a public transportation system punishable by either summary conviction or indictment,
depending upon the severity of the offence. Peaceful protest is a fundamental right in
Canada, but respect for the rule of law means that illegal blockades that shut down critical
infrastructure, threaten access to vital supplies, or endanger lives cannot be tolerated.
• Introduce a tax credit to rapidly accelerate the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and
Storage technology in the energy sector and in important industries that have few alternatives
to burning fossil fuels, like fertilizer and chemical production.
° The Liberals believe that we can only reduce our emissions by “phasing out” entire industries
and the jobs that provide a secure living for hundreds of thousands of Canadian families.
Conservatives appreciate that we can’t build a greener future if Canadians don’t have jobs.

Senate Reform

If a province chooses to hold Senate elections, Canada’s Conservatives will appoint Senators chosen
through this process.

Canada’s Conservatives understand the importance of rural Canada and have seen how the current
government has ignored rural Canadians. We will ensure that rural Canadians have their voices heard
and their concerns addressed. Whether they live in rural Nova Scotia, or rural Saskatchewan, or a
remote community in Northern Ontario, or anywhere else in the country, the interests of our rural
populations must never be ignored by urban politicians.

Our jobs plan will create jobs across rural Canada - not just in big cities. We will get Canadians back to
work from coast to coast and restore hope.

We will also take several specific steps to help rural Canadians, including:
• Building digital infrastructure to connect all of Canada to High-Speed Internet by 2025
° As the last year has made abundantly clear, high-speed internet is essential for Canadians
to learn, work, and compete. The Trudeau government has moved much too slowly, as
can be seen by provinces such as Ontario and Quebec moving ahead on their own. Far too
many Canadians still lack high-speed internet. We will put a stop to the endless delays and
become a true partner to the provinces, delivering broadband from coast to coast.
° Canada’s Conservatives will:
n Get rural broadband built over the next four years.
n Speed up the spectrum auction process to get more spectrum into use and apply use it
or lose it provisions to ensure that spectrum (particularly in rural areas) is actually
developed, with the auction revenues dedicated to our digital infrastructure plan.
n Require that Huawei equipment not be used, to protect national security.
• Appointing a Minister of Rural Affairs to Cabinet.
• Setting aside a portion of federal infrastructure funds for projects in rural areas.
• Ensuring that Canada’s tourism strategy supports rural tourism and encourages Canadians and
visitors from around the world to explore remote parts of the country, including the hidden gems
that are off the beaten path.
• Significantly reducing the amount of money the government spends on advertising with big
foreign tech companies like Twitter and instead directing federal ad dollars to Canadian media,
including the regional media that keep rural communities connected.
• Tackling rural crime by adding a sentencing consideration for courts based on evidence that an
offence was “directed at a property or person that was vulnerable because of their remoteness
from emergency services.”

A Detailed Plan to
Secure Jobs and Opportunity
for Rural Canadians
Canada’s Conservatives began and led the fight for human rights in modern Canada, most notably under
the great Conservative Prime Minister John George Diefenbaker. We will continue to champion human
rights for all Canadians by:

• Conscience Protection
° We will protect the conscience rights of healthcare professionals. The challenges of dealing
with COVID-19 have reminded us of the vital importance of health care professionals - the
last thing Canada can afford to do is drive any of these professionals out of their profession.
° We will also encourage faith-based and other community organizations to expand their
provision of palliative and long-term care.

• Promoting Free Speech on Campus

Universities and colleges should be bastions of free-flowing debate and ideas, and our country is
stronger when they are.
° We will work with the provinces and territories to ensure that public post-secondary
institutions accommodate the range of perspectives that make up Canada through a
commitment to free speech and academic freedom.

• Ending the Discriminatory Blood Ban

° Trudeau promised to end the blood ban but has failed to do so. This is a human rights issue
that is long overdue. We will finally end it.

• Banning conversion therapy

° Conservatives have been clear in our opposition to conversion therapy and attempts to
forcibly change a person’s sexual orientation.
° We will implement the ban promised by the Trudeau Liberals but repeatedly delayed by
them for political reasons.
° Using the Justice Department’s explanatory language about the intention of the ban, we will
clarify that the ban does not criminalize non-coercive conversations, giving comfort to
parents and others who fear that legitimate conversations might be criminalized.

• Protecting Data Privacy

° Canada’s Conservatives believe that digital data privacy is a fundamental right that urgently
requires strengthened protection through legislation and enforcement.
° Canadians must have the right to understand and control the collection, use, monitoring,
retention, and disclosure of their personal data.
° We will pass strong legislation to protect privacy more effectively than the current
government’s weak Bill C-11.

A Detailed Plan
for a Freer Canada

Support for Canada’s Seniors

COVID-19 has been devastating for Canada’s seniors and has shown for all to see the failures of
our Long-Term Care system. With an ageing population and Canadians living longer, we have had
shortages of Long-Term Care beds for years. COVID has shown us how deadly those shortages, and
the overcrowding they bring, can be.

Canada’s Conservatives have a plan to help seniors stay in their own homes, improve the quality of
Long-Term Care, and maintain financial security for seniors by ensuring that their pensions are secure.

Helping Seniors Stay in Their Own Homes or Live with Their Kids

As Canada’s population ages, the demand for Long-Term Care is skyrocketing. One way that we can help
ensure that those who need care get it is to ensure that those who wish to stay in their own homes or
live with relatives can do so. More and more Canadians are looking to stay in their own home as they age
or live with their kids. Canada’s Conservatives want to help people be able to make this choice.

Canada’s Conservatives will help Seniors Stay in their Own Homes by:
• Amending the Home Accessibility Tax Credit by increasing the limit from $10,000 per dwelling to
$10,000 per person.
• Allowing seniors or their caregivers, including their children, to claim the Medical Expense Tax
Credit for home care instead of only allowing them to claim attendant care if they live in a group

Canada’s Conservatives will help the many Canadians who are taking care of their parents and help
seniors avoid having to live in Long-Term Care homes by:
• Introducing the Canada Seniors Care Benefit, paying $200 per month per household to any
Canadian who is living with and taking care of a parent over the age of 70.

Fixing Long-Term Care

We will invite the provinces to work with us to develop a set of best practices for Long-Term Care
homes. Like the National Building Code, this will provide guidance for provinces without intruding on
their jurisdiction. However, we will work with all those provincial governments who want to commit to
this important project and encourage all provinces to incorporate the results into provincial law.

A Detailed Plan
to Support Seniors

In the meantime, we will help seniors receive the care they need by:
• Fixing Long-Term Care
° Canada’s Conservatives will devote $3 billion of infrastructure funding over the next three
years to renovate Long-Term Care Homes in all provinces and territories across Canada
to improve the care that residents receive. We will encourage partnerships with private
non-profits that have historically provided a significant amount of Long-Term Care.
• Boosting the Number of Personal Support Workers
° COVID-19 has made clear that Canada lacks Personal Support Workers - those who do the
hard work of every day of caring for seniors living in Long-Term Care homes, retirement
homes, or their own homes.
° Canada’s Conservatives will help meet the need for Personal Support Workers by:
n Providing priority in immigration programs to those who can work in Long-Term Care
or homecare.
n Promoting these careers through immigration and refugee settlement programs.

Making Work Pay for Our Seniors

Canada’s Conservatives will double the Canada Workers Benefit up to a maximum of $2,800 for
individuals or $5,000 for families and pay it as a quarterly direct deposit rather than a tax refund at
year-end. This will help seniors who choose to continue working past retirement to give themselves
a bit more income. It will provide a $1/hour raise for low-income seniors include many who choose to
work part-time to supplement their retirement income.

Protecting Pensions
Workers should be able to rely on their pensions. Unfortunately, all too often, we have seen workers
forced to take big cuts to their pensions when, due to bad management or changes in the economy, the
company they work for goes bankrupt.

It’s time for the government to better protect pensions.

Canada’s Conservatives will change legislation to ensure that pensioners have priority over corporate
elites in bankruptcy or restructuring.

We will also better protect pensions by:

• Preventing executives from paying themselves bonuses while managing a company going through
restructuring if the pension plan is not fully funded.
• No longer forcing underfunded pension plans from being converted to annuities, something that
currently locks in losses and results in workers getting less money.
• Requiring companies to report the funding status of their pension plans more clearly.

Canada’s Conservatives believe in supporting Canadian culture and creating a level playing field
between Canadian businesses and foreign web giants.


Canada’s Conservatives will repeal Liberal Bill C-10, which gives too much power to regulators while
failing to provide businesses with the clear guidelines they need to operate. We will replace it with
legislation that updates the Broadcasting Act to deal with the realities of an increasingly online market
and the need to provide businesses with certainty and consumers with choice.

Our alternative approach will:

• Require large digital streaming services like Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video to
reinvest a significant portion of their Canadian gross revenue into producing original Canadian
programming, of which a mandated proportion must be French language programming.
° If they fail to do so on their own in a given year, they will be required to pay the difference
into the Canadian Media Fund.
° The proportion chosen will vary based on the nature of the streaming service and would be
determined based on the best practices of other jurisdictions, such as those in Europe and
Australia, as well as the nature of the Canadian market.
° Content reinvestment requirements will also recognize and incentivize partnerships with
Canadian independent media producers.
• Exempt the content Canadians upload onto social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and
Tik Tok from regulation in order to protect free speech.
• Streamline and reduce the regulatory burden placed on conventional Canadian broadcasters
and cable companies, including CRTC license fees and Canadian Media Fund contribution
requirements, with the loss in revenue to be compensated by a portion of the revenue from
the new digital services tax.
° This will include abolishing CRTC Part II license fees.
° The health of the Canadian cultural sector depends on the continued viability and success
of its private broadcasters. Conventional Canadian broadcasters and cable companies have
experienced significant losses in subscribers and revenue in recent years due to the rise of
online streaming services.

Canada’s Conservatives will also conduct a full review of the mandate of the CRTC to ensure that it
better reflects the needs of Canadians and doesn’t prevent Canadian broadcasters from innovating and
adapting to changes in the market.

CBC and Radio Canada have made important contributions to Canada over the past 84 years. While

A Detailed Plan
parts of it remain as relevant as ever, including Radio Canada, CBC Radio, and CBC North, many
question whether CBC’s English TV continues to live up to its mandate. There are also concerns that
CBC’s online news presence is undermining the viability of Canadian print and online media, reducing

to Strengthen Cultural the diversity of voices available to Canadians.

Canada’s Conservatives will: Canada’s Conservatives don’t believe that the solution is for the government to provide direct funding
• Give Radio-Canada a separate and distinct legal and administrative structure to reflect its to hand-picked media outlets, something that undermines press freedom and trust in the media.
distinct mandate of promoting francophone language and culture while maintaining its funding
and providing for continued sharing of resources and facilities where applicable. Instead, we will secure a level playing field for Canadian media, ensuring that Canadians are paid fairly
° The Board of Directors of the reformed Radio-Canada would include representatives for the content they create while encouraging the creation of more Canadian media and culture.
appointed by the Government of Québec and representation of francophone minority
communities outside Québec. Canada’s Conservatives will:
° Radio-Canada will: • Introduce a digital media royalty framework to ensure that Canadian media outlets are fairly
n No longer charge user fees for its online streaming services or operate branding services compensated for the sharing of their content by platforms like Google and Facebook. It will:
like Tandem in competition with private francophone media. ° Adopt a made in Canada approach that incorporates the best practices of jurisdictions like
n Provide increased content representative of francophone communities outside Québec. Australia and France.
• Protect CBC Radio and CBC North. ° Include a robust arbitration process and the creation of an intellectual property right for
• Review the mandate of CBC English Television, CBC News Network and CBC English online news article extracts shared on a social media platform.
to assess the viability of refocusing the service on a public interest model like that of PBS in the ° Ensure that smaller media outlets are included, and that the government won’t be able to
United States, ensuring that it no longer competes with private Canadian broadcasters and pick and choose who has access to the royalty framework.
digital providers. • Introduce a Digital Services Tax representing 3% of gross revenue in Canada to make web giants
pay their fair share.
Protecting Canadians from Online Hate while Preserving Free Speech • Significantly reduce the amount of money the government is spending on advertising with big
foreign tech companies like Twitter and instead direct federal ad dollars to Canadian media,
Conservatives condemn and will always oppose the dissemination of hate speech, speech that incites including community weeklies, regional media, and ethnic media.
violence and sexually abusive material. Canada’s Conservatives will combat the growing presence of • Recognize and correct the adverse economic impact for creators and publishers from the
online sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and extremist groups. uncompensated use of their works in a manner consistent with the unanimous recommendations
of the Heritage Committee of the House of Commons Report in 2019.
We believe that this can best be done by using the Criminal Code and our criminal justice system. • End Trudeau’s $600 million media bailout. While we support Canadian media outlets, they should
not be directly receiving tax dollars. Government funding of “approved” media undermines press
To better protect Canadians, Canada’s Conservatives will: freedom, a vital part of a free society.
• Fight online incitement and hatred by clearly criminalizing statements that encourage acts of • Conduct a review of federal book publishing policy to enhance the commercial viability of
violence against other people or identifiable groups. Conservatives will also protect forms of Canada’s independent publishing sector.
speech, criticism, and argument that do not encourage violence.
• Provide $25 million to law enforcement to allow them to follow up more rapidly and investigate Celebrating Canadian Heritage
online threats of violence, hate speech, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and disinformation
campaigns by foreign governments or extremist groups. Conservatives believe in the importance of commemorating our past. Canada has a rich heritage as one
• Create a stronger legal duty for social media platforms to remove illegal content, such as content of the world’s oldest constitutional democracies which needs to be more effectively highlighted and
that incites violence. taught to future generations. Unfortunately, many of our public monuments and heritage buildings are
in a state of disrepair.
What we do not support are restrictions on legitimate freedom of speech. Free speech, freedom of
expression, and a free press are fundamental tenets of Canadian law and Canadian democracy. We will That is why Canada’s Conservatives will:
oppose government censorship of material that is not criminal in nature merely because some may find • Create a new Canadian Heritage Preservation Fund to provide a total of $75 million in grants to
it to be offensive. ​​​Consequently, we have opposed Justin Trudeau’s attempt to create a national speech municipal governments over the next five years for the repair and restoration of historical
regulator for social media. Unlike the Liberals, we will not use the power of government to censor those monuments, statues, and heritage buildings.
we disagree with. • Continue to support efforts to maintain Canada’s national monuments.
• Ensure the prompt completion of the Canadian Monument to the Victims of Communism.
Protecting and Ensuring the Independence of Canadian Media

Canadian media is in crisis. The loss of digital advertising revenue to American tech giants like Google
and Facebook is putting local newspapers out of business, costing Canadian jobs, and undermining our
ability to tell local, Canadian stories.

154 155
The wealthy, big U.S. tech companies, and large multinationals will always have a voice.

Canada’s Conservatives will stand up for those who don’t have a voice today: working and middle-class
Canadians, New Canadians, small businesspersons have been hit doubly hard by the COVID crisis.
They’ve suffered disproportionately, far more than those with greater means.

A Detailed Plan Helping them rebuild and get back on their feet will require that those who have been largely insulated
from the economic damage of the pandemic do more.

to Secure Tax Fairness Canada’s Conservatives will ensure that the burden of getting our economy back on track and delivering
essential public services does not fall upon those who have been hurt the most.

We will provide more funding to the Canada Revenue Agency, increasing to $750 million per year,
to fund stronger enforcement of taxation for multinational firms, taxation of large corporations,
international taxation, and other tax evasion. This cost will be more than made up for by the increase
in compliance, leading to an increase in how much the government collects of what it is owed.

Going after Wealthy Tax Cheats

The Trudeau Liberals recently admitted that their high-net-worth compliance program had failed to
prosecute even one person over the last six years. Under Justin Trudeau, the Canada Revenue Agency
continues to go after small businesses while ignoring those rich enough to pay for expensive lawyers
and accountants.

Canada’s Conservatives will fix this program and ensure that the wealthy pay their fair share.

Making Foreign Multinationals and Big Tech Companies Pay Their Fair Share

While Canadian small businesses have suffered over the last year, major American tech companies like
Amazon and Google have made record profits - while paying next to no tax on the money they make in
Canada. It’s time for fairness.

Canada’s Conservatives will make foreign tech companies pay their fair share of taxes including sales tax
and a digital services tax representing 3% of their gross revenue in Canada if they don’t pay corporate
income tax here.
More broadly, Canada’s Conservatives will work with the Biden Administration and other international
partners to crack down on multinational tax avoiders to ensure they pay their fair share.

But that doesn’t mean giving up sovereignty over our tax system. Canadians and Canadians alone
determine our nation’s domestic tax policy and rates. Canada’s Conservatives strongly disagree with
the Trudeau Liberals signing onto a global minimum tax rate at the G-7. We’re worried about the impact
it could have on tax advantages we provide to Canadian innovators, cleantech companies and small
businesses. The Liberals have now abandoned their promise to cut the tax rate for cleantech, and they
are happy to find an excuse to raise taxes. Only Canada’s Conservatives are looking out for Canadian

Spending to protect Canadians during the pandemic is the right thing to do, and Conservatives have
supported it. But we can’t leave unsustainable debt for future generations.
Once the recovery starts, the Conservatives will get spending under control.

A Detailed Plan
As Canadians are vaccinated and the economy re-opens, we will wind down emergency support
programs responsibly.

to Secure Social Services We will ensure that stimulus measures are targeted and time-limited to avoid a structural deficit.
And we will get the economy growing again to secure the revenue needed to pay for the government
services Canadians depend on. Restoring Canada’s finances requires getting back to robust economic
growth of 3% or more per year, which is the goal of our jobs plan.

The deficit soared to $354 billion in 2020-21, which seems daunting. But it’s much easier to develop a
road back to balance when we consider the three components of the deficit:
• $30 billion of pre-existing deficit: the amount by which spending exceeds revenues in a “normal”
economy growing at 1.6%.
• $70 billion from automatic stabilizers: government revenues dropped due to the recession,
as companies and individuals see their income drop and therefore pay less tax. At the same time,
government expenses for Employment Insurance and other social support programs
have increased.
• $250 billion in COVID-19 emergency spending: This includes $80 billion for CERB and
$82.3 billion for the wage subsidy (CEWS), the GST and Canada Child Benefit top-ups, funding
for provinces and healthcare and approximately 70 other spending measures.

As we implement our jobs plan, we will get Canadians back to work, meaning lower unemployment and
higher tax revenues for the government. As we do so, we will also wind down the emergency spending in
a responsible way. 

Our plan for Secure Jobs and Economic Growth will therefore reduce the deficit by almost 90% by
repairing the economy. 

There will be some costs along the way - incentives and other spending to get Canadians back to work.
This spending is time-limited and designed to kickstart the economy. The highest level of spending will
be in year one, with spending on these stimulus measures winding down over five years. This short-term
spending represents most of the cost of our plan and will directly reduce the deficit by reversing the
automatic stabilizers.

A crucial part of our plan is a set of new investments in Research & Development, high-speed internet
access, and tax measures such as the patent box. These will have long-term benefits to the economy,
making us more competitive and generating more future tax revenues. That is why our priority is to
get businesses rebuilt and investing again and get people back to work.

That’s the way to reduce the deficit.

The jobs and the economic recovery come first and then the deficit will come down and the emergency
spending won’t be needed.

Because of the severity of the financial situation we face, we have limited the significant ongoing
spending measures in our plan to a few critical priorities:
• Healthcare: Boosting the rate of growth of health transfers to the provinces after the Trudeau
government cut it.
• Help for Seniors: Providing ongoing support to seniors to help them stay in their own homes or
live with their family members, to deal with the crisis in Long-Term Care. 
• Help for Working Families: Doubling the Canada Workers Benefit to make work pay and help
those most in need. 

By limiting ongoing spending to a few key areas and increasing economic growth, we will eliminate the
deficit within the next decade in a responsible way. 

As we do so, we will look for ways to achieve savings by making government more efficient. For example,
over the last year we have learned a lot about the ability of many jobs to be performed remotely. Leading
Canadian companies like Shopify have announced plans to move to remote work being the default.
Canada’s Conservatives will apply this policy to as many jobs in the federal public service as possible -
reducing office expenses while improving quality of life by giving public servants in many roles the
ability to choose to work from home. Flexible office space could allow public servants to work on-site
when appropriate.

Canada’s Recovery Plan
has been costed internally
and is currently being
reviewed by Canada’s
Budget Office,
whose costing will
be included in
subsequent editions.

erinotooleCPC @erinotooleMP @erinotoole cpcpcc

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