!eria RPR Fy2017 11

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© Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, 2018

ERIA Research Project FY2017 No. 11

Published in October 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means electronic or mechanical without prior written notice
to and permission from ERIA.

The findings, interpretations, conclusions, and views expressed in their respective chapters are
entirely those of the author/s and do not reflect the views and policies of the Economic
Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, its Governing Board, Academic Advisory Council, or
the institutions and governments they represent. Any error in content or citation in the
respective chapters is the sole responsibility of the author/s.

Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted with proper acknowledgement.
Unless otherwise specified, the sources of figures and tables in this report are from the results
of the study.

This report was prepared by the working group on the ‘Study of the Formulation of Temburong
Eco Town Master Plan project in FY2017 in Brunei Darussalam’ under the Economic Research
Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Energy Project. Members of the working group, who
represent each participating ministry or department of the Government of Brunei Darussalam
and other organisations, discussed and agreed to use certain data and to orientation of this
master plan and development images in the plan. These may differ from the data and
methodologies normally used in each country. Therefore, the modelling results presented here
should not be viewed as official national analyses of the participating countries.


One of the most important policy issues in Brunei Darussalam, in which more than 60% of the
gross domestic product comes from oil and natural gas, is how to become a non-oil economy.

Temburong district, which will be connected with the capital Bandar Seri Begawan by a new
bridge in 2020, is expected to develop new industries (e.g. tourism). Most of the Temburong
district is still covered by primeval forests such as morass and tropical rainforest jungle, so it is
essential to achieve sustainable growth of the region through a balance of development and

This master plan proposes a next-generation eco-city model which balances development and
preservation by focusing on issues such as energy, life/work style, and tourism. We believe that
this plan could contribute to the vision of making Brunei a non-oil economy.

I hope this study can bring valuable insights to those involved in the Temburong district

Tetsushi Fujita


October 2018


This analysis was conducted by the working group under the Economic Research Institute for
ASEAN and East Asia. It is a joint effort of working group members from the following relevant
authorities in Brunei Darussalam:
⚫ Department of Electrical Services in Ministry of Energy and Industry
⚫ Temburong District Office in Ministry of Home Affairs
⚫ Department of Town and Country Planning, Department of Mechanical and Electrical, and
Public Works Department in Ministry of Development
⚫ Forestry Department and Heart of Borneo in Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism
⚫ Brunei National Energy Research Institute

I would like to acknowledge the support provided by everyone involved.

Masafumi Tanaka
Leader of the Working Group
October 2018


List of Figures .................................................................................................... vi

List of Tables ..................................................................................................... ix
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................ x
List of Project Members ................................................................................. xii
List of Counterparts in Brunei Darussalam ................................................... xiii
Executive Summary ........................................................................................ xv

Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 Analysis and Assessment of Current Conditions ............................................. 5

Chapter 3 Basic Concept and Assumptions for Preparation of Master Plan ................... 15

Chapter 4 Formulation of Master Plan for Development Hub ...................................... 30

Chapter 5 Concept of Energy Supply Management ...................................................... 51

Chapter 6 Sustainable Mobility System in Temburong District ..................................... 63

Chapter 7 Conclusion and Policy Recommendations .................................................... 73

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Study Area for the Basic Concept Plan ............................................................ 3
Figure 2.1 Sites of Main Development Project ................................................................ 5
Figure 2.2 Deforestation in Borneo Island ....................................................................... 6
Figure 2.3 Map of Proposed Heart of Borneo Area ......................................................... 7
Figure 2.4 Map of Temburong District ............................................................................. 8
Figure 2.5 Map of along Jalan Labu area ......................................................................... 9
Figure 2.6 Route of Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong Bridge ..................................... 10
Figure 2.7 Perspective Image of Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong Bridge ................. 11
Figure 2.8 Unconstrained Land in Temburong District .................................................. 12
Figure 2.9 Development Areas Proposed in Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025 ...... 13
Figure 3.1 Eco Master Plan Vision of Temburong .......................................................... 15
Figure 3.2 Temburong’s Eco-Friendly Innovation Informs Borneo Island ....................... 16
Figure 3.3 Diverse Communities in Temburong ............................................................ 17
Figure 3.4 Connection between Research and Local Life .............................................. 18
Figure 3.5 R&D and Educational Facility with Public Space ........................................... 19
Figure 3.6 Forest Creative Village .................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.7 Diagram of Carbon Neutral Development .................................................... 20
Figure 3.8 Agroforestry .................................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.9 Self-Sufficient Circulation .............................................................................. 21
Figure 3.10 Compact City ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.11 Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Temburong ............................................................. 23
Figure 3.12 Learning Activities in Forest Area ................................................................. 24
Figure 3.13 Learning Tourism Elements and Smart Technology Showcase ..................... 25
Figure 3.14 Future of Temburong .................................................................................... 26
Figure 3.15 Suitable Location for Development Hub ....................................................... 28
Figure 4.1 Rataie Residential Density ............................................................................ 30
Figure 4.2 Condition of Bangar Growth Centre ............................................................. 32
Figure 4.3 Central Area of Bangar Town ........................................................................ 33
Figure 4.4 Land Use Plan of Bangar Growth Centre ...................................................... 34
Figure 4.5 TCP Land Use Plan Proposal for Improvement ............................................. 35

Figure 4.6 Land Use Plan in Bangar Growth Centre ....................................................... 36
Figure 4.7 Condition of Central Area ............................................................................... 37
Figure 4.8 Location of Bustling Central Area ................................................................. 39
Figure 4.9 Creation of Bustling Central Area ................................................................. 39
Figure 4.10 Bustling Central Area .................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.11 Residential Density in Cairns, Australia ........................................................ 41
Figure 4.12 Labu Growth Centre Land Use Plan .............................................................. 44
Figure 4.13 Labu Estate Growth Centre Zoning Plan ....................................................... 45
Figure 4.14 Labu Estate Growth Centre Land Use Plan ................................................... 46
Figure 4.15 Labu Estate Growth Centre Conditions ........................................................ 47
Figure 4.16 Centre of Labu Estate Growth Centre ........................................................... 48
Figure 4.17 Labu Estate Growth Centre ........................................................................... 49
Figure 4.18 Public Space between R&D and University ................................................... 50
Figure 5.1 Economic Conditions in Brunei Darussalam ................................................... 52
Figure 5.2 Change in Energy Production Volume and Export Volume in
Brunei Darussalam ......................................................................................... 53
Figure 5.3 Change in Energy Consumption .................................................................... 53
Figure 5.4 Hydrogenation Plant in Brunei Darussalam and Dehydrogenation Plant in
Kawasaki ....................................................................................................... 55
Figure 5.5 System Configuration .................................................................................... 57
Figure 5.6 Hydrogen Production and Supply Facility ..................................................... 57
Figure 5.7 Proposed Renewable Energy Use in Brunei Darussalam ................................ 59
Figure 5.8 The Roadmap of the Realisation of Eco Town ................................................ 59
Figure 5.9 Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy Showcase in Gate Zone .............. 60
Figure 5.10 Effects of Introduction of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy ........... 61
Figure 5.11 Domestic and International Development of Hydrogen .............................. 62
Figure 6.1 Mobility Network of Temburong District ...................................................... 64
Figure 6.2 Condition of Gate Zone ................................................................................. 65
Figure 6.3 Gate Zone ...................................................................................................... 66
Figure 6.4 Mobility Hub Zone Design............................................................................... 67
Figure 6.5 Mobility Hub Zone ........................................................................................ 68
Figure 6.6 Nature Amusement Park Zone ...................................................................... 69
Figure 6.7 Agro Park Zone .............................................................................................. 70
Figure 6.8 Resort and Convention Zone ........................................................................ 71

Figure 6.9 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, Da Nang, 2017 ....................................... 71
Figure 6.10 Eco Residential Zone ..................................................................................... 72

List of Tables

Table 2.1 SWOT Analysis of Temburong District Development ................................... 14

Table 3.1 Temburong Population ................................................................................. 28
Table 3.2 Bangar Population ......................................................................................... 28
Table 3.3 Labu Estate Population ................................................................................. 29
Table 3.4 Labu Estate Tourist Population ..................................................................... 29
Table 4.1 Bangar District Housing Land Demand Forecasts to 2030 ............................ 31
Table 4.2 Bangar Growth Centre Primary School Land Forecasts to 2030 ................... 31
Table 4.3 Bangar Growth Centre Secondary School Land Forecasts to 2030 .............. 31
Table 4.4 Bangar Growth Centre Hospital Land Forecasts to 2030 .............................. 31
Table 4.5 Bangar Growth Centre Land Use Area .......................................................... 36
Table 4.6 Labu Estate Growth Centre Housing Land Forecasts to 2030 ...................... 41
Table 4.7 Labu Estate Growth Centre Primary School Land Forecasts to 2030 ........... 42
Table 4.8 Labu Estate Growth Centre Secondary School Land Forecasts to 2030 ....... 42
Table 4.9 Labu Estate Growth Centre University Land Forecasts to 2030 ................... 42
Table 4.10 Labu Estate Growth Centre Hotel and Convention Land Forecasts
to 2030 ........................................................................................................... 42
Table 4.11 Case Study of R&D Facilities ......................................................................... 43
Table 4.12 Labu Estate Growth Centre R&D Land Forecasts to 2030 ............................ 43
Table 4.13 Labu Estate Growth Centre Housing Land Forecasts to 2030 ...................... 46
Table 5.1 Oil and Natural Gas Reserves, Production, and Exports ............................... 52
Table 5.2 Brunei Darussalam Exports, 2016 ................................................................. 52
Table 5.3 Hydrogen Production Technologies Outline ................................................... 56

List of Abbreviations

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
AEMS area energy management system
Bt. bukit (hill or mount)
BSB Bandar Seri Begawan
CBD central business district
EIA environmental impact assessment
EMS energy management system
ERIA Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
EV electric vehicle
FCV fuel cell vehicle
FDI foreign direct investment
GDP gross domestic product
HEMS home energy management system
HEP hydroelectric power
HOB Heart of Borneo
IoT Internet of Things
JI. jalan (road)
Kg. kampong (village or village area)
LNG liquefied natural gas
MIPR Ministry for Industry and Primary Resources
MW megawatt
NER net enrolment ratio
P. pulau (island)
PE person equivalent
PV photovoltaic
P2G power to gas
Sg. sungai (river)
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
TCP Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Development

TDP Temburong district plan
WHO World Health Organization
ZEB net zero energy building
ZEH net zero energy house

List of Project Members

Masafumi Tanaka (leader), deputy general manager, Planning Department, Urban

Development Division, Nikken Sekkei Civil Engineering Ltd. (NSC), Japan

Kaede Watanabe (sub-leader, coordinator), senior civil engineer, Design Department, Urban
Development Division, NSC, Japan

Keigo Miyazawa, civil engineer, Planning Department, Urban Development Division, NSC, Japan

Takahiro Ogawa, senior consultant, Nikken Sekkei Research Institute (NSRI), Japan

Masashi Kawano, senior consultant, NSRI, Japan

Shigeru Kimura (organiser), special advisor to the President on Energy Affairs, Energy Unit,
Research Department, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

Muhd Nabih Fakhri Matussin, researcher, Renewable Energy and Climate Change, Brunei
National Energy Research Institute, Brunei Darussalam

List of Counterparts in Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Energy and Industry

Pengiran Jamra Weira bin Pengiran Haji Petra, deputy permanent secretary
(Power, Information Technology, and e-Government)
Muhammad Amir Sharifuddin bin Haji Ali
Noor Dina Zharina binti Haji Yahya
Nurnadia Nabillah binti Pengiran Haji Saiful Rizal
Sufina Raihani binti Haji Mohd Salleh
Hajah Maria Elena binti POKPS DP Haji Abdul Rahman
Abdul Matiin bin Haji Muhd Kasim
Asrul Sany bin Haji Mohammad Ali
Mohammad Abdul Muizz Faiz Hazwan bin Haji Mat Yassin
Department of Electrical Services
Freddie Stephen Tong

Ministry of Home Affairs

Temburong District Office:
Haji Mohd Azmi bin Haji Suhaili

Ministry of Development
Haji Marzuke bin Haji Mohsin, permanent secretary (Technical and Professional)
Dr. Nor Imtihan binti Haji Abdul Razak, deputy permanent secretary
Department of Town and Country Planning:
Awang Shahrom Azhar bin Haji Suhaimi
Hajah Shazwani binti Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Nor
Fatin Radziah binti Ramli
Hj Mohd Farid Faisal bin Hj Othman

Department of Mechanical and Electrical, Public Works Department
Rohaniyati binti POKLWDSP Haji Mohd Salleh
Normalini Alaini binti DP Haji Rosli
Noraqilah binti Adanan
Nur Hazwani Nadirah binti Ramli
Siti Nor Rafidah binti Hj Abdul Hamid

Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism

Wardi bin Haji Mohammad Ali, deputy permanent secretary (Tourism)
Forestry Department
Duratul Ain binti Haji Durani
Pengiran Mohd Iskandar bin Pengiran Aliudin

Heart of Borneo
Muhammad Safwan bin Haji Abdullah Bibi
Zaeidi bin Haji Berudin

Brunei National Energy Research Institute

Romeo Pacudan

Executive Summary

Brunei Darussalam’s ‘Wawasan Brunei 2035’ vision assumes a sustainable society for the future
and advocates a departure from oil dependence, development of human resources, creation of
new industry, and development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In Temburong district, tourism will increase with the opening of the new bridge from Bandar
Seri Begawan district in 2020.

To ensure compatibility between development and nature conservation, this project sets the
vision of a carbon-neutral society for wildlife preservation in Borneo. It proposes strategic
development through the following approaches or key words:
⚫ Living lab: diverse community, creative work and life style
⚫ Carbon-neutral: renewable energy, sustainable mobility system, sustainable
architecture/agroforestry, small economy
⚫ Learning tourism: feature of Temburong and Borneo, Showcase of Smart Tech

Based on the above vision, Bangar and Labu Estate was positioned as growth centres. Bangar
will have district office, hospital, market, and residential functions, as the centre of
administrative services in Temburong. This study proposes to improve the internal road and
new bridge connecting the two areas divided by the Temburong River, and to make the road in
front of the current commercial area along the river a pedestrian priority area to make it a
bustling riverfront.

Labu Estate will have university, research and development (R&D), hotel, convention, tourism
centre, and residential functions as the centre of education, R&D, and tourism. By clustering
universities, R&D, and houses in close proximity, we propose the formation of a diverse
community that fosters interaction and innovation.

The energy supply system’s medium-term target (by 2023) considers effective use of
photovoltaic and pilot renewable energy-based hydrogen as existing technologies and use of
Electric vehicle (EV) and Fuel cell vehicle (FCV). This study hopes that the above plan will be

publicised at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting as an eco town showcase.
The long-term aim (by 2030) is for the whole town to convert to low carbonisation.

Towards the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, which may be held in Brunei Darussalam in
2024, the development of the construction yard for the Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong
Bridge was positioned as a priority project named ‘Gate Zone project’. This carbon-neutral site
will be home to a mobility hub and tourism base, and will be one of the venues for the APEC

Chapter 1

1.1 Background and Objective

Temburong district is the easternmost part (daerah1 o rrunei Darussalam. It is an exclave–
detached land located in Malaysia, separate rom the rrunei mainland. Most o the area is
covered by tropical orest and morass.
In Temburong district, development needs such as tourism will increase with the opening o a
new bridge rom randar Seri regawan (rSr district in 2020. Most o Temburong district’s land
is included in the Heart o rorneo (HOr advocated by the World Wildli e Fund (WWF , so it is
important to achieve economic development that coexists with extensive wetland, jungles, or
ecosystems with abundant nature.
Demand or smart city and eco town development has been increasing, since these concepts
make a huge contribution to energy conservation in the business and commercial sector. rrunei
Darussalam’s ‘Wawasan rrunei 2035’ vision2 assumes a sustainable society or the uture and
advocates a departure rom oil dependence, development o human resources, creation o new
green industry, and development o small and medium-sized enterprises.
This project ormulates a nature- riendly eco town master plan or Temburong district. The
master plan considers the country’s development vision and ecological protection.

1.2 Rationale
The rationale o this study is based on the Temburong Eco Town Project Phase 1 and 2 studies,
which were discussed by the Economic Research Institute or ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA and the
Ministry o Energy and Industry.
The phase 1 study in 2015–2016 investigated the idea o turning Temburong district into an eco
town, with energy-saving technologies (e.g. buildings, automobiles, and smart-grids . the Phase
2 study in 2016–2017 estimated the electrical power that Temburong eco town would need; and
simulated the power generation, including a combination o diesel power, solar power, and
storage batteries. Although solar power and storage batteries could generate enough
uninterrupted power or Temburong eco town, without a diesel power source, the cost would

1 daerah is the principal administrative divisions o rrunei. The country is divided into our districts, consisting o
rrunei-Muara, relait, Tutong, and Temburong.
2 Wawasan rrunei 2035 is the vision o the nation toward 2035 announced by the Government o rrunei Darussalam
in January 2008. It aims to raise the quality o li e o its citizens, and trans orm rrunei rom an economy relying
heavily on oil and natural gas into a more economically diversi ied and dynamic social nation. Section 2.1 discusses
rrunei Vision 2035.

be quite high. There ore, this study suggests continuing to use diesel power and slowly shi ting
the balance toward solar power and storage batteries, with the expectation that the cost will
decrease in the uture.
This phase 3 study (2017–2018 o the Temburong Eco Town Project continues the master plan,
based on the recommendations or eco- riendly solar power and storage battery use described
in phases 1 and 2.

1.3 Study Method

This project comprised the ormulation o (i the basic concept plan and (ii the master plan or
the development hub.

(1) Formulation of Basic Concept Plan

(i) Collection, analysis, and evaluation of current conditions
- Collect material and data
- Analyse current natural, social, in rastructure and environmental conditions
- Evaluate site location, relationship with the surrounding district, potential or land use,
tra ic, in rastructure, environment, potential or sightseeing, research and development
(R&D , convention, etc.
(ii) Vision and goals
- De ine the vision and goals
- De ine the concept
(iii) Setting the planning framework for urban planning
- Set up the ollowing planning ramework based on the evaluation o current conditions and
the vision/goals/target:
+ Population–residential, working, and tourist
+ Urban unction to introduce–convention area, R&D, commercial, sightseeing, education,
medical, residence
+ Land use rame
+ Size/Scale o the acilities to be introduced
(iv) Selection of development hub (growth centre) location
- Select two areas or the development hub
- Set the scale and unction or each area.
(v) Prepare the zoning map

Figure 1.1: Study Area for the Basic Concept Plan

Study Area for the Basic Concept Plan

Source: Study team.

(2) Formulation of Master Plan for Development Hub
This task is based on the preliminary development hubs selected in task 1.
(i) Detailed analysis and evaluation of current conditions
(ii) Detailed development concept and frame
(iii) Formulation of land use plan
(iv) Study of smart cities policy in this masterplan
- Study the way to create an ‘eco riendly city’ based on city development style and li estyles.
- Examine the introduction o smart energy such as solar energy and hydrogen gas or urban
in rastructure, e.g. electricity (energy , water, and transportation.
(v) Proposal of priority project

Chapter 2
Analysis and Assessment of Current Conditions

2.1 Brunei Vision 2035 (Wawasan Brunei 35)

Wawasan Brunei 2035 is the vision of the nation towards 2035 announced by the Government
of Brunei Darussalam in January 2008. It aims to turn Brunei into a nation widely recognised for
its quality of life amongst the top 10 nations in the world, its well-educated and highly-skilled
people, and a dynamic and sustainable economy–without relying heavily on oil and natural gas.
To realise this vision, the long-term development strategy and outline for policies served as the
guideline for the next 10 years’ development. Projects are identified based on the five-year
national development plan.
Figure 2.1: Sites of Main Development Project
Lugu: Meragang: Lambak Kanan Easet:
New technology Logistic, warehouse Food, medicine

Bukit Panggal: Agrotech Park: Pulau Muara Besar:

Renewable energy Agriculture, Food Petroleum processing
Petrochemistry, Oil gas
telecommunication Bandar Seri Begawan:
Financial center
Sg.Liang Industrial
Petro cmistry
Petroleum & Natural Tasek Merimbun: Ulu-Ulu:
Gas Ecotourism Ecotourism

Source: Study team.

In February 2017, the government announced the next phase of economic policies, reflecting
progress towards Wawasan Brunei 2035. These policies will (i) stimulate other industries to
overcome the dependence on oil and natural gas, (ii) implement measures to support domestic
entrepreneurs, (iii) implement incentives for small and medium-sized enterprises, and (iv) make
effective use of them when ASEAN Economic Community is established.

2.2 Heart of Borneo
2.2.1 Natural Environment of Borneo Island
The island of Borneo has one of the world’s most biologically diverse tropical rainforests, lying
just below the equator. It is thought to be home to about 5% of the species on earth, spanning
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. It is also one of the few living habitats of several endangered
large mammals as well as many unique species that cannot be seen elsewhere. The WWF
announced the discovery of 123 new species on this island since 2007 in its 2010 report.
However, Borneo is estimated to have lost about 50% of its forests in the second half of the 20th
century (Figure 2.2). Development activities such as plantation and lumber export have been
involved in the destruction of lowland in the tropical forests, which is flat terrain suitable for
development. Nevertheless, Brunei still has many untouched forests and the preservation of
these forests is not only significantly important for Brunei but also for the biodiversity of Borneo.

Figure 2.2: Deforestation in Borneo Island

Note: The red box denotes Brunei Darussalam.

Source: WWF Germany.

2.2.2 Sustainable Forest Preservation with Heart of Borneo
In coordination with the WWF, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei announced the HOB program in
2007, in which they promised to protect the island’s central area of about 220,000 square
kilometres (km2).
The mission of the HOB programme until 2020 is to (i) establish a protection area of 24 million
hectares (ha), (ii) prevent damage to all the valuable forests, (iii) promote alternative sustainable
long-term financial programmes that provide support for replacing deforestation activities to
local people and governments, and (iv) strengthen the ecosystem’s products and services.
The HOB contains about 58% of Brunei’s territory, including the mountainous region south of
Temburong district. According to the HOB plan, ecotourism promotion is leveraging the
untouched forests in Temburong district. The national park in Temburong district covers 50,000
square metres (m2), but tourists are only allowed on about 100 m2 (tower canopy area and
waterfall area), while the remainder is restricted to government officials.

Figure 2.3: Map of Proposed Heart of Borneo Area

Source: http://wwf.panda.org/knowledge_hub/where_we_work/borneo_forests/
© WWF-Indonesia/GIS Team.

2.3 Surrounding Context in Temburong District
2.3.1 Natural and Social Environment of Temburong District
Temburong is one of four districts in Brunei Darussalam. Situated in the easternmost district in
Brunei Darussalam, Temburong is the Sultanate’s second largest district, covering 1,304 km2. It
has a 1,000 m class mountain range in the south, hilly terrain in the centre that is 30–200 m
above sea level, and wetland in the north.

Figure 2.4: Map of Temburong District

Source: Borneo Bulletin Yearbook (2017).

Temburong district has a population of about 8,900 (2014), or about 2% of Brunei’s population.
It is divided into five sub-district (Mukim): Mukim Amo, Mukim Bangar, Mukim Batu Apoi, Mukim
Bokok, and Mukim Labu. Temburong District Office in Bangar Town is the administrative centre
and is administered by a district officer. Certain government departments have branches in the
district to accommodate citizens and residents in the area. Temburong District can be accessed
via the river or by land through Limbang District of Sarawak, Malaysia. This east–west main road,
Jalan Labu, also marks the edge of the northern swale land and the central hilly area (Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5: Map of along Jalan Labu area

Labu area


Jalan Labu

Source: Study team.

2.3.2 Opening of Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong Bridge
The Temburong Bridge Project is a 30-km dual two-lane highway crossing Brunei Bay that will
connect the relatively isolated district of Temburong to Brunei’s other three districts (Figures 2.6
and 2.7). The main objective of the project is to stimulate economic growth in Temburong district
by connecting it to the country’s airport and ports. The alignment crosses two navigation
channels, requiring two cable-stayed bridges–the Brunei Channel Bridge (145 m main span) and
the Eastern Channel Bridge (260 m main span).
The Temburong Bridge construction is expected to be completed by the end 2019.
Figure 2.6: Route of Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong Bridge

Source: Latest photos of Borneo’s longest bridge project in Brunei Darussalam.


Figure 2.7: Perspective Image of Bandar Seri Begawan–Temburong Bridge

Source: Borneo Bulletin Yearbook 2017.

Source: Temburong–Tranquility in Diversity, 2015.

2.4 Summary of Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025
2.4.1 Potential of Land Use in Temburong District
According to land use analysis by the Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of
Development (TCP), about 9% of Temburong district (about 12,000 ha) is unconstrained land for
new development (Figure 2.8).
Unconstrained lands are mainly located along Jalan Labu and the north–south Temburong River.
They are mainly occupied by old-growth forests.

Figure 2.8: Unconstrained Land in Temburong District

Source: Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Department, 2017, Proposed
Developments in Temburong district.

2.4.2 Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025
The Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025 projects the district population to reach 13,270 (low),
14,568 (medium), or 17,535 (high) by 2025. The proposed growth strategy identifies the
northwest area (including most of Mukim Bangar and part of Mukim Batu Apoi) and Labu area
(including part of Mukim Labu) as development areas.

Figure 2.9: Development Areas Proposed in Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025

Figure 2.1: Proposed Growth Strategy

Source: Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025.

2.5 Assessment of Current Conditions
The study conducted a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis
considering Temburong district’s surrounding environment (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1: SWOT Analysis of Temburong District Development
Helpful Harmful
【Strength】 【Weakness】
+Most of the area is in natural condition, +Small population, with very few roads or
without human intervention other infrastructure
+Almost no serious destruction of nature +Accessibility is still very limitedf, with
Internal origin

+A lot of the land is unused and suitable only Jalan Labu accessible by land or sea.
for development +No major industry
+Tourism, such as ecotourism, is already
+Administrative centre in Bangar is
controlled by central government
+Connected with larger market of
Malaysia by land
【Opportunity】 【Threat】
+Temburong Bridge, connecting with +Uncontrolled development, caused by
Bandar Seri Begawan, will be opened in the increasing population, could affect
2020 the environment.
+Wawasan Brunei 2035 aims to reduce oil +Climate change may have a significant
External origin

dependence, create new businesses, and impact

assist small and medium-sized +District might receive impact from
enterprises Bandar Seri Begawan and Malaysia’s
+Hydrogen manufacturing in Brunei has cities in the flow of resident population,
already started* market, employment
+Closely related region to Heart of +Development may threaten local people’s
Borneo. lifestyle

* Chapter 5, section 5.3.1.

Source: Study team.

Based on the SWOT analysis, this study proposes development policies that focus on maximising
strengths and potential as well as compensating for weaknesses.

Chapter 3
Basic Concept and Assumptions for Preparation of Master Plan

3.1 Vision and Approach Method

3.1.1 Vision
Temburong district will be a model next-generation eco city. As part of the rich ecosystem of
Borneo island, Temburong should represent an urban system where nature and human life co-
exist in harmony. Planning should include tourism, nature preservation, and other local elements.
Urban development to date has destroyed nature, local communities, and other historical
elements, but this project will seek to preserve these elements and create a harmonious balance
between them. To build such a sustainable ecosystem, this eco master plan focuses on the
relationship between urban development, preservation of local elements, and Borneo’s natural
environment. The vision is a ‘showcase of a carbon-neutral society for Borneo wildlife
preservation’ (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1: Eco Master Plan Vision of Temburong

Source: Study team.

3.1.2 Approach Method
How should we approach building a sustainable ecosystem?
We used three methods to design Temburong district.
(1) Living Lab
(2) Carbon-neutral
(3) Learning Tourism

(1) Living Lab

Temburong district will be a ‘living lab’ of a carbon-neutral city. A living lab is a user-centered,
open-innovation ecosystem, often operating in a region, integrating concurrent research and
innovation processes within a public–private–people partnership.1
The concept is based on a systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and
innovation processes through the co-creation, exploration, experimentation, and evaluation of
innovative ideas and technologies in real-life cases. Temburong district will apply cutting-edge
eco-technologies to people’s lives and evaluate their contribution to an eco-lifestyle.
The style of Temburong district development itself will be a showcase of innovation, such as
future technology of energy and human lifestyles in the abundant forest, especially for the urban
development on Borneo Island.
Figure 3.2: Temburong’s Eco-Friendly Innovation Informs Borneo Island

Source: Study team.

1 LIVING LABs http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/20182/117542/S2E_Fiche_Living_Labs.pdf/994eafb3-


i) Diverse Community
Temburong will be the R&D flagship for Borneo’s wildlife preservation. Creating innovation via a
living lab will require interacting with various people to share regional issues and create solutions.
Collaboration will include researchers, entrepreneurs, local residents, and government staff, as
well as other sources of innovation.
Urban planning considers how to create diverse communities in terms of function and land use
plan as follows:



・Company office (R&D center)

・Office for start-up company

・Government office

・Public service
Figure 3.3: Diverse Communities in Temburong

Source: Study team.

ii) Creative Work/Life Style

To achieve innovation, workers in Temburong district must be creative. To make people creative,
it is important to have the opportunity to get various and cutting-edge information.
This study considers how to create these connections in daily life and aims to build a future
society in which different people live together, share values, and seek solutions to regional issues.
In urban planning, we propose (i) creating a place where research and local life meet; (ii) R&D

and educational facilities with public spaces; and (iii) a forest creative village, satellite R&D office
or unexplored region resort.

⚫ Creating a place where research and local life meet

Instead of separating new elements from established local components in urban development,
this study advocates embedding new elements within local life to lead to new discoveries and
encounters. This will encourage innovation and foster a plan–do–check–act (PDCA) cycle for the
resolution of regional issues, which will enable long-term giving back to the local community.

Figure 3.4: Connection between Research and Local life

Source: Study team.

⚫ R&D and educational facilities with public spaces

This study recommends developing facilities and spaces, mixed with research functions and
public services, as regional cores. One proposal of this public space is shown for Public Space
between R&D and University in Urban Design Image Labu Estate Growth Centre in Figure 4.18
- Create a gallery space, open to the community, for research activities in the laboratory.
- Establish contact points between R&D and local life, to establish a co-creative relationship

Figure 3.5: R&D and Educational Facility with Public Space

Source: Study team.

⚫ Forest creative village

A working environment surrounded by nature is stimulating for researchers and workers.
The forest creative village such as satellite R&D office or unexplored region resort, aims to
leverage the power of nature to foster innovation, discovery, and creativity.

Figure 3.6: Forest Creative Village

Source: Study team.

(2) Carbon-neutral
Temburong district will be the most advanced eco city in the world, aiming at zero carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions. This study proposes the following policies to balance circulation energy supply
and demand; (i) renewable energy, (ii) a sustainable mobility system, (iii) sustainable
architecture/agroforestry, and (iv) a small economy. The Dialogue of Carbon Neutral
Development is shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: Dialogue of Carbon Neutral Development

Source: Study team.

i) Renewable energy
Temburong district will be entirely powered by renewable energy. It will pioneer innovative
technology such as solar, wind, biomass, and hydrogen energy.

ii) Sustainable mobility system

People usually require a significant amount of energy to move around urban areas. We need to
consider a sustainable mobility system to minimise the energy consumption caused by
movement. For example, hydrogen-powered buses (CO2 zero) could bring tourists from BSB to
Temburong district and tourists could travel around in Temburong in hydrogen-powered
autonomous cars.

iii) Sustainable architecture and agroforestry

⚫ Sustainable architecture
To achieve zero CO2 emissions, the energy impact of housing and other facilities must be
minimised with a sustainable architecture system. Renewable energy, such as solar and hydrogen
power, are very effective for CO2 reduction. This study recommends introducing net zero
emissions houses or a house energy management system. Advanced technologies adapted to
Brunei’s climate will be introduced to the architectural system.

⚫ Agroforestry
Food production is one of the most important issues. A self-sufficient food production and
consumption system is crucial in the region. This study proposes agroforestry, a land use
management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or amongst crops or pastureland
(Figure 3.8). This helps balance food production and nature preservation.
Figure 3.8: Agroforestry

Source: Fruta Fruta. https://www.frutafruta.com/global/agroforestry/agroforestry.html,

“Agroforestry is a method of farming on lands devastated by logging and other activitiy that builds on
the example of natural ecosystems to enable a wide range of agricultural products to co-exist.”

iv) Small economy

In an era of unpredictable social change, a small regional flexible city which grows gradually
through self-sufficiency is in demand rather than a mega city built on a large amount of
investment (Figure 3.9).
Figure 3.9: Self-Sufficient Circulation

Source: Study team.

Various uses–housing and offices, shopping malls, and a university–can co-exist in one unit of a
small district. This creates a compact city and neighborhood community (Figure 3.10).
Figure 3.10: Compact City


Source: Study team.

Establish a new eco-friendly lifestyle for Temburong district, this study proposes a self-sufficient
city model with many elements of small unit circulation (e.g. circulation of industry, market,
energy or food).
With an advanced eco-friendly lifestyle, which does not exist in western countries or Japan,
Temburong district will establish itself as a brand name in advanced city environments in Brunei
and all of Southeast Asia.

Figure 3.11: Eco-Friendly Lifestyle in Temburong

Solar energy

Drone logistics

HEMS/AEMS Natural light

Electrical storage


AEMS = area energy management system, EV = electric vehicle, FCV = fuel cell vehicle, HEMS = home energy management system.
Source: Study team.

(3) Learning Tourism
In Brunei, it is the immediate goal to create a new industry ahead of natural resources, especially
development of the tourism industry is important. In Temburong, we propose not only
sightseeing just to visit but also incorporating learning and education as tourism resources with
the characteristics of the area. In other words, tourism here means learning about Borneo's
nature and the future.

i) Feature of Temburong and Borneo

Temburong has a rich natural environment, with mangroves and sea. Living in Temburong
permits access to the natural ecology and environmental problems, offering an abundant
learning environment. Both tourists and residents can improve their environmental awareness.
By changing the awareness and mindset of people living here, Temburong will become a truly
environmental city.
This study promotes the idea that humans are part of the species in the ecosystem. We want to
create a new eco-friendly lifestyle in Temburong which emphasises the co-living of humans and
other species, leading to a society that co-exists with Borneo’s great nature.

Figure 3.12: Learning Activities in Forest Area

Source: #GoTemburong Holiday Source: Borneo Insider’s Guide

Packages http://borneoinsidersguide.com/education-fun-come-together-sumbiling-
http://www.geekinwhite.com/travel eco-village-school-camp-brunei/

ii) Smart technology showcase
Temburong will symbolise smart technology, and tourists and locals will be able to discover
ecology through daily experience with advanced smart technologies.
As the base for ecological learning, we will build a resort high in the forest which will allow people
to immerse themselves in nature, away from hustle and bustle of daily life. The resort will offer
the rare experience to live in very close proximity with the forest and the creatures who live
there. This will attract many visitors with high awareness of the environment.
We will build many small individual structures to minimise destruction of the forest. This will
allow everyone to enjoy their stay while experiencing the true delights of the forest.

Figure 3.13: Learning Tourism Elements and Smart Technology Showcase

MICE = meeting, incentive, conference, and exhibition.

Source: Study team.

Figure 3.14: Future of Temburong


Source: Study team.

3.2 Target of Master Plan in Temburong District
To realise the vision and to avoid uncontrolled development by the private sector, this study
formulates a land use plan and urban design image in the master plan (Chapter 4).

The target year of the master plan is 2030, 10 years after 2020, when the world's first
international hydrogen supply will begin between Brunei and Japan, and the bridge connecting
BSB and Temburong will open. The short-term target will be 2024, when the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting will be held in Brunei.

3.3 Facilities to be Introduced

Based on the vision, goal and approach method and the Temburong District Plan, 2006–2025,
the main facilities to be introduced to the planning site are as follows:
- University, R&D
- Hotel, convention centre zone
- Hospital zone
- School zone
- Residential zone
- Commercial zone
- Public services zone
- Tourism zone

3.4 Selection of Suitable Location for Development Hub

Bangar and Labu Estate are positioned as growth centres, considering the new bridge that will
open between BSB and Temburong.
As shown in Figure 3.15, Bangar will have functions such as district office, hospital, market, and
residential, as the centre of public services. Labu Estate will have functions such as the university,
R&D, hotel, convention, tourism facilities, and residential, as the centre of education, R&D, and

3.5 Framework of Residential Population and Tourist Population

3.5.1 Framework of Residential Population
Considering the new bridge connecting BSB and Temburong, the development of Sultan Sharif
Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) and R&D, the annual population growth rate is projected at 5%.

Figure 3.15: Suitable Location for Development Hub

Source: Study team.

Table 3.1: Temburong Population

Item Amount
Population in 2016 (number of persons) 9,000
Growth rate (%) 5
Population in 2030 (number of persons) 17,819
Population growth (number of persons) 8,819
Source: Study team.

Table 3.2: Bangar Population

(number of persons)

Item Amount
Population in 2017 2,395
Population in 2030 6,395
Source: Study team.

Table 3.3: Labu Estate Population
(number of persons)

Item Amount
Population in 2017 582
Population in 2030 4,582
Source: Study team.

3.5.2 Framework of Tourist Population

The tourism area should be expanded not only to Ulu Temburong National Park but also to
Perdayan Forest Recreation Park and Labu Estate. The target number of tourists is 400,000 per
Table 3.4: Labu Estate Tourist Population

Number of tourists
Area Activity
Canopy walk, camping, trekking,
Ulu Temburong National Park 500
fishing, kayaking
Perdayan Forest Recreation Park Boat tour 300
Nature amusement park, agro
Labu Estate 300
park, learning tourism
Total 1,100
= 400,000 people/year

Source: Study team.

Chapter 4
Formulation of Master Plan for Development Hub

This chapter proposes a framework, land use, and urban design image for the Bangar and Labu
Estate areas, which are identified as suitable locations for the development hub, based on the
vision, development policy, and framework for Temburong district in Chapter 3.

4.1 Master Plan of Bangar

4.1.1 Framework of Bangar
(1) Residential
Based on the predicted population of 6,395 in 2030, the assumed residential area is 213 ha
(Table 4.1). The average density of the residential area is 30 persons/ha, which is the same as
the residential density in Rataie, which is a standard suburban residential area in Brunei
Darussalam (Figure 4.1).
Figure 4.1: Rataie Residential Density


0 100m

Note: About 30 persons per hectare.

Source: Study team.

Table 4.1: Bangar District Housing Land Demand Forecasts to 2030
Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 6,395
Population density (persons per hectare) 30
Housing area demand (hectare) 213
Source: Study team.

(2) Education
Based on the predicted population of 6,395 in 2030, the assumed primary and junior high
school area in Bangar district is 2.5ha for Primary School land and 2.1ha for Secondary School
Land as shown in Tables 4.2 and 4.3.
Table 4.2: Bangar Growth Centre Primary School Land Forecasts to 2030

Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 6,395
Students (number of persons) 491*
Area per person (m2) 50
Area (hectare) 2.5
m2 = square metre.
* United Nations Population Division.
Source: Study team.

Table 4.3: Bangar District Secondary School Land Forecasts to 2030

Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 6,395
Students (number of persons) 428*
Area per person (m2) 50
Area (hectare) 2.1
m2 = square metre.
* United Nations Population Division.
Source: Study team.

Table 4.4: Bangar Growth Centre Hospital Land Forecasts to 2030

Item Amount
Population in 2030 (Temburong) 17,819
Demand for hospital beds (beds)* 71
Floor area per bed (m2) 200
Floor area (m2) 14,256
Gross FAR (%) 50
Area (m ) 28,511
m2 = square metre, FAR = Floor area ratio.
* 4 beds/1,000.
Source: Study team.

(3) Hospital
The hospital targets all Temburong district. Based on the predicted population of 17,819 in
2030, the assumed hospital area is about 3 ha (Table 4.4).

4.1.2 Assessment of Land Use of Current Condition and Current Land Use Plan by
Department of Town and Country Planning (TCP)
(1) Current condition
The central town of Bangar area is located along the Jalan Labu Bridge, which runs across the
Temburong River. Administrative and public facilities as well as residences are concentrated in
this area of about 1 km2. The town is surrounded by abundant forested areas. The south of the
town has mainly steep hills, so residences and public facilities are mainly located in the flat
land in the north as well as along the Jalan Labu road, and expand slowly from there. Access to
the Bangar area is mainly by land via the Jalan Labu road or by water via the fast ferry port in
the south of the town.
The current condition of Bangar area is shown in Figure 4.2 and 4.3.
Figure 4.2: Condition of Bangar Growth Centre

Ferry port Central area

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.3: Central Area of Bangar Town

Source: Temburong – Tranquility In Diversity, 2015.

Jalan Labu Bridge Inner road and buildings Residence

Source: Study team.

(2) Current land use plan by Department of Town and Country Planning (TCP)
The TCP developed the land use plan for Bangar growth centre is shown in Figure 4.4 and it was
proposed with the following key elements:

• Principal tourist node

• Provision of enhanced commercial area building in the current shopping and services
area at the centre of Bangar (3.2 ha of additional land)
• Retention of the east bank of Bangar as the administrative zone for the district
• Allowance for future expansion of the hospital at its existing site or relocation in a new
• Identification of land suitable for tertiary education campus
• Amenity improvement, such as riverside park, in Bangar

• Modern port facility in north-east Bangar
• Provision of green space within the settlement and environmental protection of the ridge
• Improvement in road circulation along Jalan Temburong and Jalan Labu
Figure 4.4: Land Use Plan of Bangar Growth Centre

Source: TCP (2017), Proposed Developments in Temburong District.

4.1.3 Proposed Master Plan in Bangar District

(1) Land use plan in Bangar
This study agrees with the key elements proposed in 2.1.2 (2) by the TCP regarding the
development of Temburong district. In addition, based on the vision and other elements
proposed in Chapter 3 for the entire Temburong area (e.g. dealing with the increasing traffic
volume in the future and the need for tourism facilities) from the perspective of eco-friendly
development as well as effective land use, this study proposes the following improvement and
enhancement of functionality (Figure 4.5, Figure 4.6, and Table 4.5).

1) Construct internal roads and bridges connecting both sides of the river
The Temburong River divides Bangar district and the Jalan Labu road is the only connection
between the two areas. Considering the increase in population and expansion in the logistics
sector, through traffic should be separated from inner-city traffic by constructing more inner
roads and bridges.

2) Arrange housing area based on demand

Despite the demand estimation of about 213 ha for housing, the TCP’s land use plan allocates
too much land for housing. This study believes that the current natural environment should be

preserved as much as possible. Housing areas in the lowlands in the north and the hills in the
south of the east side area of the Temburong River should be considered a reserve area to deal
with the long-term expansion of the urban area. This area should not be developed in the short

3) Locate schools in densely populated area in the west

Schools are located east of the Temburong River in the TCP’s land use plan. For convenient
commuting to school and traffic safety, this study proposes that schools be positioned in the
housing area west of the river.
The TCP plan sites the new university on the east of the river. However, because of the decision
from the Brunei authorities to establish the university in Labu Estate district, this study does
not include tertiary education facilities in the Bangar district land use plan.

4) Pedestrianise the roads along the Temburong River to create a bustling area
By pedestrianising part of the roads between the current commercial area and the Temburong
River, this study aims to make a bustling area with uninterrupted shopping space. This will
create an urban space for local residents and tourists to enjoy.

Figure 4.5: TCP Land Use Plan Proposal for Improvement

2) Arrange housing area

1) Construct internal roads and
based on demand.
bridges connecting both sides
(In the short term, these
of the river
areas should not be
developed as residential
3) Locate schools in densely and treated as reserved
populated area in the west areas in the future.)

4) Pedestrianise the roads along

the Temburong River to
create a bustling area

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.6: Land Use Plan in Bangar Growth Centre

Community facility and Government
Commercial use
Education (general)
Green Park Proposed bridge
Forest Future expansion area New proposed solar park
Growth centre boundary of hospital

Army base

Hospital (current)
Education (current)

Source: Study team.

Table 4.5: Bangar Growth Centre Land Use Area

Land Use Area
Residential 228
Community facility and Government 145
Commercial use 10
Education (general) 18
Industrial 34
Green park 9
Forest 345
Road 44
Water 22
Total 855
Source: Study team.

(2) Urban Design Image
The centre of Bangar district is mainly located in the downstream area near the Jalan Labu
Bridge. The left bank of the river is the commercial district and the right side has stately
administrative buildings. The current small population, with very few pedestrians or cars,
results in a peaceful neighbourhood. However, an increase in population and growing demand
from tourism are expected. Therefore, Bangar area will need to be prepared. The current
condition of central area along the Temburong river are shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7: Condition of Central Area

View from the Jalan Labu Bridge (downstream) Administrative area with Islamic building

Commercial district I Road in the commercial district along the Bangar

River (Jalan Pekan Bangar road)

Note: These images show the downstream area of Jalan Labu Bridge.
Source: Study team.

This central area across the Temburong River has significant potential to become a bustling
riverside space. This study proposes a space design that focuses on creating an area of about
500 m along the river, between the ferry port and the new bridge, to become the bustling
centre of Bangar district. This design will take into account the future expansion of the urban
area as well as the proposed new bridge construction plan.

Primary policies in space creation of the bustling central area
The primary policies of bustling central area are followings. (Figure 4.8 and 4.9)
• Revitalise the Bangar River and its riverside.
• Construct space for social exchange
• Improve accessibility
• Ensure safety and security

1) Construction of transit mall1 in front of the commercial centre on the left bank (part of
Jalan Pekan Bangar)
The Jalan Pekan Bangar road on the left bank is one of the main roads on the north–south axis
of the town’s inner city transportation. However, the road separates the commercial area and
the space along the river.
To avoid this separation when pedestrian and traffic volumes increase, and to create a
continuous bustling space from commercial facilities to the open space near the river, part of
the Jalan Pekan Bangar road will be converted to a transit mall. This will prioritise pedestrians
and public transportation (e.g. buses).

2) Preservation of the landscape of the administrative area on the right bank

The administrative area at the foot of the bridge on the right bank has beautiful architecture
surrounded by nature. This landscape should be preserved as much as possible by avoiding
constructing with too much decoration.

3) Construction of river walk and recreation area

The study plans to build new boardwalks and open spaces on the walkway, along with resting
zones, for walking or using small mobility devices (e.g. wheelchairs and Segways) on both sides
of the river.

4) Introduction of river-related activities and sightseeing dock

The main ferry port, downstream from Jalan Labu road, is the terminal for high-speed, large
vessels used to travel to BSB and neighbouring countries. The study plans to introduce new
river-related activities in Bangar and Labu, along with a sightseeing dock in the transit mall area
in front of the commercial district on the left bank as well as the administrative area on the
right bank. These new docks will avoid the complication with the high-speed, large vessel
ferries and create a lively river space.

1 A transit mall is a street that restricts private cars and prioritises public transportation (e.g. buses, trams, light rail
transport, and taxis) and pedestrians. It is frequently introduced to revitalise town centres.

Figure 4.8: Location of Bustling Central Area

Riverside park
Internal road &
proposed 2nd bridge

Commercial &
Hotel zone

Pedestrian priority zone

(Transit mall) Government zone (current)
Sightseeing boat stand (proposed)

Ferry port (current)

Market (current)
To Malaysia

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.9: Creation of Bustling Central Area

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.10: Bustling Central Area

Source: Study team.

4.2 Master Plan of Labu Estate
4.2.1 Framework of Labu Estate
(1) Residential
Based on the predicted population of 4,582 in 2030, the assumed residential area is 229 ha and
the average density is 20 persons/ha (Table 4.6). In low-density residential areas like Cairns in
Australia (Figure 4.11 approx. 3,600m2 for one housing area), it will be possible to develop
residential areas with minimal impact on forest.

Table 4.6: Labu Estate Growth Centre Housing Land Forecasts to 2030
Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 4,582
Population density (persons per hectare) 20
Area (hectare) 229
Source: Study team.

Figure 4.11: Residential Density in Cairns, Australia


m = metre.
Source: Study team.

(2) Education
From the predicted population of 4,582 in 2030, the assumed area is 1.8ha for Primary School
land and 1.5ha for Secondary School, as shown in Tables 4.7 and 4.8. And landuse are for the
university is 310ha (Table 4.9).

Table 4.7: Labu Estate Growth Centre Primary School Land Forecasts to 2030

Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 4,582
Students (number of persons)* 352
Population density (number of persons per hectare) 50
Area (hectare) 1.8
* United Nations Population Division.
Source: Study team.

Table 4.8: Labu Estate Growth Centre Secondary School Land Forecasts to 2030
Item Amount
Population (number of persons) 4,582
Students (number of persons)* 307
Population density (number of persons per hectare) 50
Area (hectare) 1.5
* United Nations Population Division.
Source: Study team.

Table 4.9: Labu Estate Growth Centre University Land Forecasts to 2030
Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) is planned to be located at Labu Estate.
Item Amount
Area (hectare) 310
Students (number of people) 3,000
Source: Study team.

(3) Hotel, Convention Centre

The hotel targets tourists to Perdayan Forest Recreation Park and Labu Estate (Table 4.10).
Table 4.10: Labu Estate Growth Centre, Hotel, and Convention Centre Land Forecasts to 2030
Item Amount
Area (hectare) 20
Floor area (square metre) 20,000
Rooms (number) 200
Source: Study team.

(4) R&D
Based on Table 4.11, the study proposes a target of 3,000 R&D workers on 50 ha (Table 4.12).
Table 4.11 shows a case study of global R&D facilities. Many successful R&D facilities have
more than 3,000 workers.
In this master plan, the R&D area is proposed approx. 50ha. (Table 4.12)

Table 4.11: Case Study of R&D Facilities
Location Area Floor area Gross Working Floor area
(ha) (m2) FAR population (m2/person) Category
(%) (persons)
Research Park 283 991,515 35 23,000 43.1 ICT, biotechnology
Science Park 62 145,540 23 5,000 29.1
Singapore High-tech R&D, ICT,
50 400,000 80 10,000 40.0
Science Park I+II biomedical
electronics, green
Hong Kong
28.2 320,000 113 13,800 23.2 technology, ICT,
Science Park
Thailand Science materials,
32 264,000 82 3,000 88.0
Park electronics, software
Biomedical sciences,
One-North ICT, media, physical
200 5,000,000 250 138,000 36.2
(Singapore) sciences &
ICT = information and communication technology, FAR = floor area ratio, ha = hectare, m2 = square
metre, R&D = research and development, UK = United Kingdom, US = United States.
Source: Study team.

Table 4.12: Labu Estate Growth Centre R&D Land Forecasts to 2030
Item Amount
Area (hectare) 50
Gross FAR (%) 50
Floor area (m2) 250,000
Floor area per person (m2 per person) 80
Working population (number of persons) 3,000
FAR = floor area ratio, m2 = square metre.
Source: Study team.

4.2.2 Assessment of Land Use of Current Condition and Current Plan
TCP is studying the following Labu district land use plan.(Figure 4.12):
- UNISSA (about 300 ha=766 acre), an industrial zone, and a golf course are planned near
the border with Malaysia
- Housing is proposed to expand near the south of the growth centre boundary
- Dam and reservoir are planned to be constructed in the south of the housing area
- Water park is proposed, but the location is still unknown
- Agricultural land and forest reserve areas are also specified based on the current land

Figure 4.12: Labu Growth Centre Land Use Plan

Source: Proposed Developments in Temburong District (TCP).

4.2.3 Proposed Master Plan

(1) Zoning plan

Base on the TCP plan, we propose the following revised zoning plan(Figure 4.13)from
viewpoints: ‘creating a diverse community with interaction across the university, R&D,
residential’, and ‘building resorts to use Perdayan Forest Recreation Park’.
1) Form a community in which the university, R&D, and residential areas collaborate
In the current plan, land for the university is far from the town, so it is hard to form a symbiotic

relationship. By rearranging the university, R&D, and residential areas to be close to each other,
we can build a diverse creative community.
2) Form residential areas with excellent transport links
The current plan divides the housing area into three villages. By developing housing in between
the three villages to connect them, we can provide better service based on the optimisation of
public services and the effect of scale.
3) Set up priority projects
To advance the plan for Labu district, we need to set up priority projects which can become a
driving force for the development. This study proposes (i) a tourism hub, (ii) a convention
facility for the 2024 APEC meeting, and (iii) a facility for research in agriculture and tourism
using the construction yard for the bridge.

Figure 4.13: Labu Estate Growth Centre Zoning Plan

R&D=Research and development.

Source: Study team.

(2) Land Use Plan

This study proposes a land use plan for the university, R&D, and housing area based on the
zoning plan (Figure 4.14) (Table4.13).

1) Commercial area and public service area

A commercial area and a public service area, serving as a collaborating hub, will be located
between the R&D and housing area facing the river.

2) Inner city roads
We plan to build three inner city roads connecting the university, R&D, and housing area in the
southwest taking advantage of the geographical features.

Figure 4.14: Labu Estate Growth Centre Land Use Plan

R&D=Research and development.

Source: Study team.

Table 4.13: Labu Estate Growth Centre Housing Land Forecasts to 2030
Land Use Area (hectares)
Residential 297
Hotel/Convention centre 24
University 296
R&D/Industry 122
School 6
Commercial 21
Public service 10
Government use 19
Forest 1,664
Total 2,459
Source: Study team.

(3) Urban Design Image
The project site is covered by forests with small and mid-sized trees. The existing housing area
is also a low-density area surrounded by forests. A river passes through the forest and local
people use docks scattered along it (Figure 4.15).

Figure 4.15: Labu Estate Growth Centre Conditions

Existing housing area River and dock

Source: Study team.

Primary policy for space design

Based on the current conditions, the primary policy for space design is as follows.
- Preserve the current forests as much as possible, and restore and value forests during
- Integrate the river into daily life by locating riverside facilities facing the river or using the
- Prepare public spaces, such as parks and open spaces, to create exchange hubs

Urban design images are shown in Figure 4.16, 4.17, and 4.18.

Figure 4.16: Centre of Labu Estate Growth Centre

R&D = Research and development.

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.17: Labu Estate Growth Centre

BSB= Bandar Seri Begawan.

Source: Study team.

Figure 4.18: Public Space between R&D and University

Source: Study team.

Chapter 5
Concept of Energy Supply Management

5.1. Research Background and Objective

Brunei Darussalam has abundant reserves of natural resources such as oil and natural gas, but
its economy is excessively dependent on them. It plans to move away from a
resource-dependent economic structure to avoid a substantial effect on the domestic economy
from fluctuations in crude oil prices or a change in the intent of the countries to which the
resources are exported, and to prevent an increase in CO2 emissions.
To prevent global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (hereafter IPCC) is
leading the approach to decarbonising. As a global trend, the use of hydrogen energy has
received a lot of attention recently, in addition to the introduction of renewable energy
Since Brunei has many potential renewable energy sources and a great amount of hydrogen is
generated when oil and natural gas are refined, effective use of those energy resources is
This chapter will review the utilisation policy for renewable energy and hydrogen energy
resources, the introduction effect, roadmap, and so forth, considering the economy and energy
conditions in Brunei.

5.2. Economic and Energy Conditions in Brunei Darussalam

5.2.1. Economic Conditions in Brunei Darussalam
In Brunei’s economy, resource prices fell broadly because of the worldwide financial crisis in
2008 and 2009, so economic growth was negative. In 2010, oil prices recovered and the
economic growth was positive in 2011. However, production of oil and natural gas did not
increase as much as expected in 2012 and 2013, so economic growth was negative. These are
shown in the Figure 5.1.
Oil prices declined steeply worldwide in 2015, and the fall continued in 2016, forcing Brunei’s
government to reduce the budget.

5.2.2. Energy Conditions

The latest values for reserves, production volume, and export volume of oil and natural gas are
in Tables 5.1. The relationship between production and export volume shows that most of the
production volume is exported.

Figure 5.1: Economic Conditions in Brunei Darussalam

0.8 20.0

[bilion 2010 USD]


0.6 15.0

0.4 10.0

0.2 5.0

1994 0.29
1993 0.28
1992 0.27
1990 0.26
1991 0.26

0.0 0.0

population GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Source: IEA, World Energy Statistics, 2018 : International Energy Agency


Table 5.1: Oil and Natural Gas Reserves, Production, and Exports
Type Item Details
Oil Reserves 1.1 billion barrels (2016)
Production 121,000 barrels/day (2016)
Export volume 130,000 barrels/day (2015)
Natural gas Reserves 300 billion cubic meters (2016)
Production 11.2 billion cubic meters (2016)
Export volume 8.3 billion cubic meters (2016)
Note: All amounts are approximate.
Source: MOFA, World Statistics, Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo: Statistics Bureau, Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications.

Table 5.2: Brunei Darussalam Exports, 2016

Type Details
Item Oil, liquefied natural gas. (approx. 88%); machinery and transport
equipment, etc. (approx. 5%); others (approx. 7%)
Export Japan (35.5%), Republic of Korea (13.8%), India (9.3%), Thailand (8.9%),
counterpart Singapore (6.6%)
Source: MOFA, World Statistics, Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo: Statistics Bureau, Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications.

Figure 5.2: Change in Energy Production Volume and Export Volume in
Brunei Darussalam
Energy production Net Exports
Energy production[Mtoe]

30.0 30.0
25.0 25.0

20.0 20.0
15.0 15.0
10.0 10.0
5.0 5.0
0.0 0.0



Mtoe = million tons of oil equivalent.
Source: IEA, World Energy Statistics, 2018 : International Energy Agency

On the other hand, energy consumption increases year after year. Figure 5.3 shows that the
energy consumption volume for industrial use remained flat while the energy consumption
volume for residential use increased. Brunei has seen a remarkable increase in losses and other
items since 2000, exceeding 10%, which indicates poor efficiency. However, this ratio exceeds
10% in all Southeast Asia countries.

Figure 5.3: Change in Energy Consumption

Industry Residencial
Residential Commercial and Public services Losses & other
5,000 5,000

Electricity Supply[GWh/y]
Energy consumption[GWh/y]

4,500 4,500
4,000 4,000
3,500 3,500
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
1,000 1,000
500 500
0 0













GWh = Gigawatt hours.

Source: IEA, World Energy Statistics, 2018: International Energy Agency

5.2.3. Target in the Future of Use in Energy
Brunei aims to reduce the amount of energy used in 2035 by 63% in comparison with the
business-as-usual scenario (BAU) of 2005. The Energy white Paper in Brunei by Energy
Department, updated in 2014, shows that the electricity-generating capacity of renewable
energy sources will account for 10% of total power generation by 2035.
With high levels of solar radiation, Brunei plans to promote the introduction of photovoltaic
power generation and replace diesel power generation in Temburong with photovoltaic power
generation by 2019. In parallel, the introduction of waste power generation will be promoted
as industrial waste has adverse effects because of the small size of the country.
Brunei encourages renewable energy sources, such as a photovoltaic power generation
demonstration project, and a feed-in tariff scheme (0.25BND/kWh) for renewable energy is in
place. As this scheme enables the government to buy electric power from local solar power
generation firms and ordinary households with solar panels, the promotion of introduction of
renewable energy is expected.

5.3. Latest Hydrogen Technical Trends

5.3.1. International Hydrogen Supply Chain Experimental Project
Brunei is an oil and gas producing country, and its economy is heavily dependent on the export
income of oil and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). However, a project has started that is to extract
hydrogen from by-product gas generated when gas is liquefied and to export all its hydrogen to
Japan. Use of this hydrogen is carbon-free.
In an attempt toward building an international hydrogen supply chain by 2020, which is
expected to be the next generation power source, the New Energy and Industrial Technology
Development Organization is conducting the experimental business of exporting hydrogen
from Brunei to Japan. Construction on the hydrogenation plant began on 21 April 2018 (Figure
The cost of transporting hydrogen is an issue in building a hydrogen supply chain. To store and
transport hydrogen, it needs to be compressed at about 700 atm (standard atmosphere: 1
standard pressure (1 atm = 101.325 kPa) ) or cooled to –252.9 degrees Celsius to become liquid.
Since these processes are expensive, more affordable technology and techniques for
transporting hydrogen in normal conditions need to be developed.

Figure 5.4: Hydrogenation Plant in Brunei Darussalam
and Dehydrogenation Plant in Kawasaki

Hydrogenation plant in Brunei Darussalam Dehydrogenation plant in

the coastal area of Kawasaki

Source: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.


5.3.2. Hydrogen Production Technology

The latest technical trends of hydrogen technology to date are summarised based on the
assumption that the hydrogen technology will be introduced to Brunei in the future. Hydrogen
production technologies are roughly divided into hydrocarbon-based hydrogen (by-product
hydrogen, natural gas reforming) and CO2-free hydrogen (utilisation of renewable energy).
Table 5.3 lists further-segmented categories.
In Brunei, hydrogen is produced by steam reforming, based on the gas generated by Brunei
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)'s plant. Hydrogen could also be produced using renewable energy
or biomass.

5.3.3. Hydrogen Energy Introduction Case

Advanced cases for hydrogen energy introduction are collected and summarised. The main
cases are shown below.
(1) Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch in Japan
As a popular model for an area without sufficient energy infrastructure, a hotel in Huis Ten
Bosch produces and stores hydrogen using surplus photovoltaic power in summer when the
days are long and generates power through fuel cells in winter. It uses the stored hydrogen to
supply electric power to the hotel building throughout the year.

Table 5.3: Hydrogen Production Technologies Outline
Practical viability
Item Stability Environment Economy
Depends on CO2 is emitted
Many types have production but there is no
Hydrogen as secondarily
already been volume of additional
by-product produced
introduced. original target environmental
products are
products. load.
established, and
CO2 is emitted
Fossil fuel production is
unless CCS is
reforming These have possible at
Stable and used.
already been comparatively
introduced and low price.
production is
are now in the CO2 is emitted More expensive
Water possible.
practical stage. during power than natural gas
generation reforming, but
unless CCS is comparatively
used. inexpensive.
Output may
established, but Generally
Water fluctuate
costs for power expensive
electrolysis depending on CO2 is not
generation using because
(renewable the type of emitted.
renewable renewable
energy) renewable
energy must be energy is used.
established but CO2 emission
Supply places Costs are high at
Biomass the problem is amount can be
are dispersed. present.
low-cost regarded as zero.
R&D stage
Heat Stable supply is depending on
decomposition possible. sources of heat
to be used.
Basic research
stage (current Depends on
CO2 is not
Photo catalyst conversion weather
efficiency is conditions.
about 0.5%.)
CCS = Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage, CO2 = carbon dioxide, R&D = research and development.
Source: Study team.

Figure 5.5: System Configuration

Source: Toshiba. Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corporation.


(2) Port Island in Kobe in Japan

Electric power and exhaust heat obtained from the hydrogen mixed-combustion gas turbine
are supplied to the main facilities of manufacturing industry in Kobe City. The hydrogen
mixed-combustion gas turbine supplies electricity (about one-quarter of the total electric
power of 4,500 kilowatts [kW] for four facilities and 15% of the annual electric power) and heat
(35% of the total heat demand and 55% of the annual heat demand).
Although the gas turbine outputs 1,800 kW (Maximum) using 100% utility gas, the output in
the case of hydrogen mixed combustion is reduced to 1,100 kW. Further, countermeasures
against NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) must be taken (spraying steam) during hydrogen mixed
combustion. The spraying spot should be adjusted to prevent a decrease in efficiency.

Figure 5.6: Hydrogen Production and Supply Facility

Source: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.

5.4. Proposal for Use and Application of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy in Brunei
5.4.1. Use and Application of Renewable Energy
Brunei is naturally rich in sunlight, rain, and forests, and this study assumes effective use of
those resources. The creation of new industries (domestic industries) instead of oil and natural
gas based business, and the diversification of energy sources (a combination of renewable and
hydrogen energy), are required in the future. Therefore, this study proposes a local energy
production model for local consumption, in combination with natural energy and the latest
low-carbon technology. The proposal is as follows:
• If it takes long to introduce the latest technology, the people should promote to change
daily life to eco lifestyle.
• Use of fossil fuel based energy will be reduced by using renewable energy
(photovoltaic generation) and promoting ZEH.
• Electric power obtained by photovoltaic generation will be stored and used for
households and electric vehicles.
• Residential waste, coconuts will be used for power generation and fuel for vehicles as
biomass energy.

5.4.2. Roadmap Showing Achievement of Eco Town

This study created feasible medium- and long-term goals for an eco town in Brunei and future
achievement targets. In the medium term (by 2023), the main purpose is to use existing
resources aggressively and reform consciousness (eco lifestyle). Effective use of photovoltaic and
renewable energy-based hydrogen as existing technologies and the use of EV can be considered.
It is hoped that this plan will be publicised at the APEC meeting as a showcase eco town. In the
long term (by 2030), the aim is for the whole town to convert to low carbonisation instead of
only the facility, in combination with biomass energy and EMS. It is aimed to build towns that do
not emit CO2 by introducing the latest technologies in the future.

Figure 5.7: Proposed Renewable Energy Use in Brunei Darussalam

Light Rain

PV rainforest Forest
Power generation

Net Zero Energy House Sugarcane
Cassava Coconut

EV General waste

Bioethanol Biodiesel oil

Food Eco life style
Saving energy by IoT

Biomass power Vehicle & Truck


Source: Study team.

Figure 5.8: The Roadmap of the Realisation of Eco Town

Source: Study team.

5.4.3. Proposal of Energy Model Zone in Temburong District
In consideration of the study results until now, the area will be developed based on renewable
and hydrogen energy in Temburong district.

Figure 5.9: Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy Showcase in Gate Zone
(The entrance of Temburong district)
FC mass-transit Bus

Rooftop PV
FC station
Biomass plant

Energy management system

Bioethanol fuel
from coconuts field


FC Trailer from
oil refinery

*ZEB by using PV, biomass, etc.

Source: Study team.

5.5. Effects Expected by Introduction of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy
The effects of using oil and natural gas continuously or introducing renewable energy and
hydrogen energy are summarised in Figure 5.10. Renewable energy and hydrogen energy are
expected to create effects such as a reduction in CO2, job creation, and an economic ripple
Hydrogen energy will be expanded throughout Brunei to full scale in the short term, and an
increase in exports of hydrogen to the main export countries for oil and natural gas in
Southeast Asia as well as Japan can be expected in the medium and long term. The Summer
Olympics and Paralympics will be held in Tokyo in 2020 and Tokyo plans to showcase itself as a
hydrogen-based town. Therefore, it is desirable to make the best use of this opportunity.

Figure 5.10: Effects of Introduction of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy

Source: Study team.

Figure 5.11: Domestic and International Development of Hydrogen

Source: Study team.

Chapter 6
Sustainable Mobility System in Temburong District

6.1 Mobility Network in Temburong District

6.1.1 Basic Concept
As a model of a carbon-neutral society, Temburong district aims to build an eco-friendly as
⚫ Suppression of traffic volume:
- Control entry of vehicles from Temburong Bridge
- Promote carpooling system
- Introduce public transportation
- Encourage a new logistics system, such as drones, that does not depend on vehicles
⚫ Prioritisation of transport devices with small environmental loads:
- Develop traffic regulation that gives priority to Electric vehicle (EV) or Fuel cell vehicle (FCV)
- Introduce transportation device that does not depend on automobiles, such as electric
⚫ Introduction of various transport devices to activate ecotourism:
- Introduce various transportation devices such as autonomous vehicles, boats, buses, taxis,
electric motorcycles, and bicycles.

6.1.2 Mobility Network in Temburong district

• Tourists from BSB, such as the Empire Hotel, BSB airport, or the central business district (CBD)
visit Temburong via hydrogen-powered mass-transit bus through Temburong bridge.
• Tourists travel around Temburong district in non-carbon vehicles such as community buses,
boats, and taxis.
• In future, only non-carbon cars will be permitted to drive in Temburong district. This also aims
to control the traffic volume (internal-combustion engine cars, buses, and trucks) passing
through Temburong from Sabah to Sarawak State in Malaysia.

Figure 6.1: Mobility Network of Temburong District

Wide area network

Empire Hotel



Mass transit bus

Bangar Mobility-hub
Bus terminal/ Road side station
Community bus
Waterway traffic

Network within Temburong district

to BSB to BSB


Agricultur area Mobiity hub


to Ulu resort

Source: Study team.

6.2 Proposal of Gate Zone
The bridge construction yard (50 ha) at the end of Temburong bridge in Labu district has high
development potential. It is supposed to be covered with tropical rainforest or agroforestry when
construction in finished.
Figure 6.2: Condition of Gate Zone

Note: The construction yard covers about 50 hectares.

Source: Study team.

We propose developing this area as the gate zone of Temburong district, comprising five zones:
(i) mobility hub zone, (ii) nature amusement park zone, (iii) agro park zone, (iv) resort and
convention zone, and (v) eco residential zone.
This land will become a tourist hub and showcase of new energy and mobility.

Figure 6.3: Gate Zone

Source: Study team.

6.2.1 Mobility Hub Zone
A mobility hub is a place where hydrogen-powered buses, electric cars, autonomous cars,
electric boats, and bicycles are connected. Tourists arriving in Temburong from BSB via hydrogen-
powered bus can transfer here to other means of transportation such as electric cars,
autonomous cars, electric boats, and bicycles to go to other tourist spots.
With the travel plaza here, tourists can enjoy many services such as accessing tourism
information, booking tours and accommodation, and using the hydrogen supply station (Figures
6.4 and 6.5).

Figure 6.4: Mobility Hub Zone Design

Source: Study team.

Figure 6.5: Mobility Hub Zone

Source: Study team.

6.2.2 Nature Amusement Park Zone
The restored forest will become the Nature Amusement Park. An adventure land and water park
will be planned here. The construction of the Nature Amusement Park aims to create a new
tourist destination in Temburong to encourage longer visit such as staying more than two nights
(Figure 6.6).
Figure 6.6: Nature Amusement Park Zone

Source: Study team.

6.2.3 Agro Park Zone
The Agro Park will be constructed to promote food self-sufficiency. We plan to construct an
agricultural research institute, plant factory, and agricultural test site as well as introduce
photovoltaic and biomass plants as energy facilities. We aim to improve production in agriculture
by linking surrounding agricultural lands like the existing one in the west (Fig.6.1). We also plan
to attract tourists by building a tourist firm and organic restaurant as part of the learning tourism
ecosystem (Figure 6.7).
Figure 6.7: Agro Park Zone

Source: Study team.

6.2.4 Resort and Convention Zone
The zone facing the river is the Resort and Convention Zone. We expect this to become a tourist
hub for Labu district sightseeing and Perdayan Forest Recreation Park. This resort consists of
hotel and convention facilities. The convention centre should be one of APEC's venues at the
meeting to be held in Brunei in 2024. As the venue of APEC, the power source of this hotel will
be hydrogen fuel cells to help promote the potential of hydrogen to each APEC country (Figure
Figure 6.8: Resort and Convention Zone

Source: Study team.

Figure 6.9: APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, Da Nang, 2017

Source: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

6.2.5 Eco Residential Zone
The Eco Residential zone is planned next to the Resort and Convention zone. Eco Residential is a
diverse community that is home to people working at the gate zone, energy and transportation
workers, agricultural researchers, and employees in the service industry. With the introduction
of smart technology, such as renewable energy and sustainable architecture, Eco Residential will
become a living lab (Figure 6.10).

Figure 6.10: Eco Residential Zone

Source: Study team.

Chapter 7
Conclusion and Policy Recommendations

7.1. Conclusion
This study set the vision of a ‘showcase of a carbon-neutral society for Borneo wildlife
preservation’, introducing the latest technology for a carbon-neutral and new work and life
style that can also encourage the local community.
In the master plan, Bangar will have the function of district office, hospital, market, and
residential area, as the centre of administrative services; and Labu Estate will have the
university, R&D, hotel, convention centre zone, tourism centre, and residential area, as the
centre of education, R&D, and tourism. This study proposed a land use plan and perspective
image for these two development hubs.
For energy supply and demand, to realize the Brunei eco town, we have formulated feasible
mid- to long-term targets, assuming the introduction of high-end energy-efficiency architecture
and hydrogen energy.
For the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting to be held in Brunei in 2024, we proposed the
development of the site of the construction yard of the BSB-Temburong Bridge (50 ha) as the
priority project, and proposed a specific development image as the gate zone.

7.2. Policy Recommendations

In this study, we proposed the following policy-related recommendations:
⚫ The master plan will be based on the policy of the Temburong district plan, 2006–2025,
drawn up by the Ministry of Development (MOD), and will be revised to respond to changes
in the social situation or surrounding environment.
⚫ Concepts such as smart technology, development of tourism, or convention centre zone will
be adapted in setting the vision; and the urban functions and technologies which may be
necessary for them will be introduced in the master plan. This master plan will contribute to
the promotion of the Wawasan Brunei 2035 national vision.
⚫ In the eco city in particular, eco friendly technology such as renewable energy or hydrogen
gas will be introduced aggressively, so that this project can be a showcase of new energy
technology in Brunei Darussalam–pioneering the advent of a hydrogen society, which is
expected in the future.
⚫ By promoting energy conservation of buildings built in Temburong district, it will contribute
considerably to a reduction in electricity demand.
⚫ This report was prepared by the working group on the Study of the Formulation of

Temburong Eco Town Master Plan Project in FY2017 in Brunei Darussalam under the
Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia Energy Project. Therefore, the data
used for this report and the consultations made are limited compared with the normal
master plan. In the process of application, further coordination is needed with each relevant
organisation, such as the TCP, as well as detailed examination and adjustment, as necessary.


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