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YEAR: 1.2

Course: Advanced Diploma in Health Service Management




REG NO: 120-032123-22587

QTN: Assessment of Individual health needs.
When you are planning your care of a patient/client or family, what makes a good health
Ask the group to shout out an element in turn and agree as a group a common framework.
The trainer should then make the link between individual and community health needs
The trainer may need to challenge the group’s thinking and make sure that a holistic approach is
taken by including the following:
1. Patients’ perception of their needs
2. The views of carers and family members
3. Social and psychological needs as well as physical needs
4. Wider factors, positive and negative, that influence health (e.g. housing, income,
5. Involving other professionals in care.
It is also important that this framework follows a process of assessment, planning,
implementation and evaluation/reassessment.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.

Health needs assessment is the process of systematically collecting information to enable the
practitioner, team and policy-makers to identify, analyse, prioritize and meet the health needs of
an individual, family or population.

Health needs assessment can be undertaken at the level of an individual and family when
planning care and at the level of the community or district when planning health services and
public health programmes to improve the health of the population.

A good health assessment is a systematic, deliberative and interactive process by which nurses
use critical thinking to collect, validate, analyze and synthesize the collected information in order
to make judgment about the health status and life processes of individuals, families and

Qualities of a good health assessment

1. Accurate and timely health assessment provides foundation for nursing care and intervention.

2. A comprehensive assessment incorporates information about a client’s physiologic,

psychosocial, spiritual health, cultural and environmental factors as well as client’s
developmental status.

3. Data collection, documentation and evaluation of the client’s health status and responses to
health problems and intervention.

4. For a good health assessment all documentation should be objective, accurate, clear, concise,
specific and current.

5. Information gathered from health assessment should be communicated to other health care
professionals in order to facilitate collaborative management of clients and for continuity of care.

6. Client’s confidentiality should be kept.

Holistic health or holistic healing is a form of healing that looks at the whole person: body, mind,
and spirit.

When it comes to holistic health we are looking beyond the physical body and are addressing
physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.

All of the above 5 aspects of holistic health are what enables a person to truly live each day in
the healthiest, happiest way possible and if one area is compromised, most likely other areas will
be as well.
During physical assessment the physical signs and symptoms are easier to track and measure e.g.
Pain. Patient perception and involvement is so crucial when it comes to supporting the patient’s
physical health assessment and care.
Patient involvement in their care enables a more thorough report and clarifies patient condition.
Patient becomes part of the care team and can add important information and provides patient
with a sense of security knowing that everyone has the same information to ensure patient safety,
improve clinical effectiveness, and promote accountability
Patients' Perceived needs is affected by the;
 Patients' age. ...
 Patient education.
Patient involvement in their care enables a more thorough report and clarifies patient condition
and patient becomes part of the care team and can add important information and provides
patient with a sense of security knowing that everyone has the same information to ensure patient
safety, improve clinical effectiveness, and promote accountability
Below are practices that patient benefit from and can make a huge differences in a patient’s
overall well-being

 Sleep for 8 hours each night. This will allow your body to truly rest and repair from the day.

 Eat a nutrient-dense diet that is high in plant-based foods and organic/pastured animal products.

 Move your body for 30 minutes each day. While every person’s exercise routine will be
different, everyone can benefit from at least 30 minutes of movement each day.

 Limit processed foods and hydrogenated oils which are highly inflammatory and can increase the
risk of chronic disease.

 Do not smoke, and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

While often overlooked, patient’s emotional health is just as important as their physical health
assessment especially because their emotional health can affect their physical health if it is not
Ways you can support patient’s emotional health:

 The patient should Practice mindfulness and stress reduction habits that can help better manage
life’s daily stressors.
 Patients should keep a journal to record his/her thoughts and feelings. Use the journal to record
what they are grateful for as it can help bring positivity into times of stress.
Happiest people on earth have deep connections with their friends, family, and community. This
is often why religion is connected with happiness as it can provide a deep sense of community
and support, no matter what faith a person chooses.
Ways that can support patient’s social health:

 Make time for in-person connection. While technology has allowed for us to feel connected
more, research has shown that virtual connection still does not provide us with the same level of
happiness as an in-person connection does.

 Patient should get involved in their local community. Whether this is through their church, local
volunteer organizations, clubs, or programs at their kids’ school — getting involved in their local
community is one of the best ways they can support their social health and improve happiness.

 Setting boundaries with people in their life that may increase stress or bring about toxic energy.
Also do not be afraid to walk away from friendships and relationships that are negatively
affecting your health.

 Carers and family member involvement

When we consider patients holistically, it is important not to forget about the carers and family
members. This means giving thought to the impact a carer can have on a patient’s experience, as
well as understanding how taking on the role of a carer can impact that person too. The patient’s
ability to manage a disease, as well as holistic needs, can be influenced heavily by the presence
of a carer; however, carers may face many challenges in being an effective partner in disease
Spiritual wellness does not necessarily mean that you need to become religious, although the two
often have overlapping practices and principles. Instead, patient’s spiritual health should focus
on how you are connecting with their inner soul and the greater world around them.
Ways patient can support their spiritual health:

 Spend time in nature

 Spend a few minutes each day meditating

 If they are religious, take the time to practice their faith

The last aspect of holistic health is the mental health, which often overlaps with both patient’s
emotional and physical health. The big distinction between patient’s mental and emotional health
though is that while their emotional health refers mostly to their daily mood and emotions,
patient’s mental health refers to cognitive abilities that affect how their brain functions.

The psychosocial assessment helps the nurse determine if the patient is in mental health or a
mental illness state. Mental health is a state of well-being where there is the ability to deal with
the typical stresses of life, works productively, and contribute to their community.

Mental illness may modify reality, influence daily living, or harm judgment. Mentally ill
individuals often have a reduced ability to cope with society, maladaptive behaviors, and a
reduced ability to function.
Ways that you can support patient’s mental health:

 Always keep their mind active by seeking out learning opportunities and problem-solving
practices that challenge the brain.

 Consumption of nutrient-dense foods that are high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will
help reduce overall inflammation and support cognitive function.

 Avoid excessive drinking, smoking, and consuming recreational drugs.

 Improve gut health with gut-healing foods like bone broth and prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods.
Since the brain is directly connected to the gut a healthy gut is essential for a healthy mind.

During care health personal involvement makes them feel involved in developing a health plan
and they will be more committed to putting it into action. It is therefore important that all those
who will be involved in using the health care plan of the patient are also involved in the health
needs assessment process. For the nurse this means collaborating with other professionals.
Nurses will also need to agree with their employers on the flexibility and autonomy to change
their work patterns according to the needs identified through the community needs assessment

Given that patient participation causes improved health outcomes, enhanced quality of life, and
delivery of more appropriate and cost effective services, if patients are regarded as equal partners
in healthcare, they would actively participate in their own health care process, and more carefully
monitor their own care.

Factors that influence health

These include things like housing, financial security, community safety, employment, education
and the environment. These are known as the wider determinants of health.

Not all these factors are directly under patient’s control, but are part of the place you grow up,
live and work.

Social exclusion
People can feel socially excluded for a number of different reasons. Factors may include poverty,
old age, mental ill-health or a physical or learning disability.

This exclusion can have an effect on their health and ability to fulfil their full potential. We’re
working hard to tackle social exclusion and help make health fairer for everyone.
Poor quality housing can have a huge impact on health. It can make existing health conditions
worse, cause injuries and prevent people from reaching their full potential.
Helping young people achieve their potential from an early age, including getting qualifications
plays a vital role in making sure they are healthy in later life.
Employment plays a big role in health as it provides financial stability, promotes independence
and is known to protect against physical and mental health problems. We’re working to provide
people with as much support to get into work as possible.
Good local planning can actively support the health of individuals and the communities in which
they live, work and play.
In a largely rural community, transport plays an important role in helping people get to school,
work and leisure facilities, as well as health services.

While most people have access to a car, some people don't and therefore public transport plays
an important role in connecting people.

1) Community health needs assessment, an introductory guide for the family health nurse in
Europe, World Health Organization – 2001.
2) Factors that influence health: An introduction: 5 Living and working conditions -
OpenLearn - Open University - K311_3
3) Health inequalities: An introduction Chapter 5 Inequalities and ethnicity: evidence and
intervention H. Bradbury and T. Chandola

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