Microsystems and Micro Electronics

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It is a well-recognized fact that microelectronics is one of the most influential technologies of the twentieth century.
The boom of the microelectromechanical systems industry in recent years would not have been possible without the
maturity of microelectronics technology. Indeed, many engineers and scientists in today's MEMS industry are
veterans of the microelectronics industry, as the two technologies do share many common fabrication technologies.
However, overemphasis on the similarity of the two technologies is not only inaccurate, but it can also seriously
hinder further advances of microsystems development. We will notice that there are significant differences in the
design and packaging of microsystems from that of integrated circuits and microelectronics. It is essential that
engineers recognize these differences and develop the necessary methodologies and technologies accordingly. Table
1 summarizes the similarities and differences between the two technologies.

Table 1
S.No. Microelectronics Microsystems (silicon based)
1. Uses single crystal silicon die. Silicon compounds. Uses single-crystal silicon die and a few other
and plastic materials, such as GaAs, quartz, polymers, and
2. Transmits electricity for specific electrical Performs a great variety of specific biological,
functions chemical, electromechanical, and optical functions

3. Stationary structures May involve moving components

4. Primarily 2-D structures Complex 3-D structures
5. Complex patterns with high density over substrates Simpler patterns over substrates
6. Fewer components in assembly Many components to be assembled
7. IC die is completely protected from contacting Sensor die is interfaced with contacting media
8. Mature IC design methodology Lack of engineering design methodology and
9. Large number of electrical feedthroughs and leads Fewer electrical feedthroughs and leads
10. Industrial standards available No industrial standards to follow
11. Mass production Batch production or on customer-needs basis
12. Fabrication techniques are proved and well Many microelectronics fabrication techniques can
documented. be used for production
13. Manufacturing techniques are proved and well Distinct manufacturing techniques
14. Packaging technology is relatively well established Packaging technology is at the infant stage
We may observe from the table that there are indeed sufficient differences between the two technologies. Some of the more
significant differences between these two technologies are:
1. Microsystems involve more different materials than microelectronics. Other than the common material of silicon, there
are other materials such as quartz and GaAs used as substrates in microsystems. Polymers and metallic materials are
common in microsystems produced by UGA processes. Packaging materials for microsystems include glasses, plastic,
and metals, which are excluded in microelectronics.
2. Microsystems are designed to perform a greater variety of functions than microelectronics. The latter are limited to
specific electrical functions only.
3. Many microsystems involves moving parts such as microvalves, pumps and gears. Many require fluid flow through the
systems such as biosensors and analytic systems. Micro-optical systems need to provide input/output t i/0) ports for
light beams. Microelectronics, on the other hand, does not have any moving component or access for lights or fluids.
4. Integrated circuits are primarily a two-dimensional structure that is confined to the silicon die surface, whereas most
microsystems involve complicated geometry in three dimensions. Mechanical engineering design is thus an essential
part in the product development of microsystems.
5. The integrated circuits in microelectronics are isolated from the surroundings once they are packaged. The sensing
elements and many core elements in microsystems, however, are required to be in contact with working media, which
creates many technical problems in design and packaging.
6. Manufacturing and packaging of microelectronics are mature technologies with well-documented industry standards.
The production of microsystems is far from that level of maturity. There are generally three distinct manufacturing
techniques, as will be described in the lectures to follow. Because of the great variety of structural and functional
aspects in microsystems, the packaging of these products is indeed in its infant stage at the present time.
The slow advance in the development of microsystems technology is mainly attributed to the complex nature of these systems.
As we will learn that there are many science and engineering disciplines involved in the design. manufacture, and packaging of
micro systems.
It is fair to say that microsystems, are a major step toward the ultimate miniaturization of machines and devices, such as dust-size
computers and needle-tip-size robots, that have fascinated many futurists in their seemingly science fiction articles and books.
The current microsystem technology, though it is at a relative early stage, has already set the tone for the development of device
systems in nanoscale for this new century. [A nanometer (nm) is 10-9 meter.] The maturity of nanotechnology will certainly result
in the realization of much of the superminiaturized machinery that engineers and scientists have fantasized at the present time.
According to Webster's dictionary, the word miniature means a copy on a much reduced scale. In essence, miniaturization is an
art that substantially reduces the size of the original object yet retains the characteristics of the original (and more) in the reduced
copy. The need for miniaturization has become more prominent than ever in recent decades, as engineering systems and devices
have become more and more complex and sophisticated. The benefits of having smaller components, and hence a device or
machine with enhanced capabilities and functionalities, are obvious from engineering perspectives:
 Smaller systems tend to move more quickly than larger systems because of lower inertia of the mass.
 The minute sizes of small devices encounter fewer problems in thermal distortion and vibration because resonant
vibration of a system is inversely proportional to the mass. Smaller systems with lower masses have much higher
natural frequencies than those expected from most machines and devices in operations.
 In addition to the more accurate performance of smaller systems, their minute size makes them particularly suitable for
applications in medicine and surgery and in microelectronic assemblies in which miniaturized tools are necessary.
 Miniaturization is also desirable in satellites and spacecraft engineering to satisfy the prime concerns about high
precision and payload size.
 The high accuracy of miniaturized systems in motion and dimensional stability make them particularly suitable for
telecommunication systems.
Miniaturization is the only way to have new and competitive engineering systems Performing multifunctions with manageable
The process of miniaturizing engineering systems is an ongoing effort by engineers. We have witnessed many of the results in
consumer products with much better performance but much reduced size. Such products include hair dryers, cameras, radios, and
telephone sets. We will see from the following examples how these efforts have produced even more staggering results in other
fundamentally important engineering products in the last 50 years. There is no doubt that with the rapid development of
microsystem technologies, such process will be accelerated at an even more spectacular rate.
Perhaps the foremost example of miniaturization began with the development of integrated circuits in the mid-1950s. A ULSI
chip the size of a small finger nail can contain 10 million transistors. Microprocessors of similar size can now perform over 300
million operations per second. The advances in IC and microprocessor technologies have led to a spectacular level of
miniaturization of complex digital electronics computers. Two engineers. J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, publicly
demonstrated the first general purpose electronic digital computer called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator) in 1946 at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. The U .S. Army during
World War II originally funded this project. This U-shaped computer was 80 ft long by 8.5 ft high and several feet wide. Each of
the twenty 100digit accumulators was 2 ft long. In total. ENIAC had 18.000 vacuum tubes.

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