Universidad de Manila Senior High School Department: One Mehan Gardens, Manila

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One Mehan Gardens, Manila


One Mehan Gardens, Manila

The Most Effective Marketing Strategy as Perceived by Grade 12 ABM Students in

Universidad de Manila S.Y. 2018-2019

A research paper presented to the Senior High School

Of Universidad de Manila

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for

The Quantitative Research

ABM 12-B
One Mehan Gardens, Manila


In the k-12 curriculum, senior high school students will study general subjects regardless
of their chosen career track or learning strand. This is similar to the general education subject
that college students usually take on their first or second year of college. In senior high school,
every academic track has their specialized subjects. These are the subjects that are unique to the
career track or learning strand that the student chose, similar to the major subject that colleges
have. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) is one of the given strands that a student
can take. K-12 is also an advance learning for students to be more prepared in college. Being
ABM students, you must open your mind about business because it is also one of the specialized
subjects you will take. In business you must think of a way in making your work stand out,
thinking of a way that will attract your customers, a marketing strategy. It is important for a
business to set marketing objectives because managers can then have targets for their work. And
it can done using marketing strategies, because through marketing strategy they can measure
more effectively the success or failure of their marketing strategies to achieve these objectives.
There are numerous marketing strategies but the researchers selected eight marketing strategies
that the entrepreneur can use in order to come up with a smart and unique plan. The first one is
the paid advertising which includes multiple approaches for marketing and traditional approach
like TVCs and print media advertising. Second is the Cause marketing which links the services
and products of a company to a social cause or issue. Third is the Relationship and this type of
marketing is basically focused on customer building. Fourth is the Undercover marketing, this
type of marketing strategy focused on marketing products while customers remain unaware of
the marketing strategy. Fifth is the Word of mouth, it is totally relies on what impression you
leave on people. Sixth is the Internet marketing also known as cloud marketing and it usually
happens over the Internet. Seventh is the Transactional marketing, sales is particularly the most
challenging work because even for the largest retailer, selling is always tough especially when
there are high volume targets. And the last one is the Diversity marketing which caters diverse
audience by customizing and integrating different marketing strategies. In this generation, as a
business owner, marketing strategies are very important because having it is like having a road
map. It will guide you in just about every business decision that you make. In short, your
marketing strategy will highlight the path you’re taking to achieve your specific objectives and
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the eight marketing strategies and to
determine which is the most effective strategy as perceived by Grade 12 ABM students in the
S.Y. 2018-2019 that can be used in planning their own business.

Research Questions:
1. What marketing strategy has the aspects to be the most effective?
2. What is the importance of knowing the most effective strategy?
3. How does the marketing strategies help in developing their business plan?
4. How does marketing strategies influence the students' view on business?
5. How can you improve a certain strategy for it to be effective?
6. What would the result of using this strategy model to run the business look like?

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the most effective marketing strategy as perceived by Grade 12
ABM students in Universidad de Manila in the S.Y. 2018-2019.
The respondents of the study are Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management
(ABM) students who have a background knowledge on business. Other strands are excluded for
they may not have a background knowledge on business.
Questionnaires will be used as a data gathering instrument. Data collected from the
survey will be tabulated to determine the most effective marketing strategy perceived by students
that will help in starting a business.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may provide insights on what marketing strategy may be the
most effective to attract customers to anyone interested in starting or improving their own
business. To the entrepreneurs, the results may provide information that may help on
understanding the importance of marketing strategies to a successful business.
To the future entrepreneurs, the study may provide knowledge on handling your own
business towards a successful business career.
To the other researchers, this research can be a source of another study or can be a basis
for future research that they will conduct.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Review of Related Literature

Japan is known to be the world’s third largest economy. As a result, it continues to attract
international exporters and investors. Hirokawa, Shinichi and Wu, Tsai-ling decided to examine
the effective marketing strategies and how the marketing knowledge can be used to enter and
succeed in Japan. The researchers recommended to avoid common fit falls that many firms
experience when they entered japan such as an outdated perception and the characteristic that
will surely affect the market structure. Marketing managers must consider a changing social and
political environment.
Marchuk et al. (2014) conducted an analysis of marketing strategies of innovations. The
study highlights the comprehensive role of marketing strategies for innovations. Marketing
strategy is the crucial element of ensures diffusion of innovation. The purpose of marketing
strategy is to conduct market analyze, segment the market, develop marketing approach, right
product portfolio and finally marketing plan. The results show, the marketing analyze for
marketing strategy enable enterprises to go beyond the solely understanding of customer needs,
thus enabling them to develop unexpected innovations. Marketing strategies also help companies
to overcome barriers, associated with innovation commercialization. At the same time
innovations can be a trigger for new marketing methods and instruments.
This study was conducted by Sual, R; Ang, E; Jumbo-as, M; Macaspair, A; Ragondang,
Jr. A. to determine the Marketing strategies as predictors of competence of the selected
established food chains in Cagayan de Oro City. It determined the market mix, market
segmentation, and market attractiveness. As a result, the market attractiveness was rated high,
market mix and market segmentation was also rated high. On the other hand, distinctive
competencies, potential competitive advantage were rated moderate, from the findings selected
established food chains employ variety of marketing strategies to attract the customers, that
includes the live hand performance, accessibility of the location, quality of food and business
According to Huszagh , Sandra M. , Roxas , Juanito P. , Keck =, Kay L. survey of
marketing executives within randomly selected. Major firms in the Philippines investigates
firms. Marketing actions in response to stagflation caused by the 1990 Persian Gulf Crisis. A
central premises is that there will be differences in sensitivity to macroeconomics conditions
between industry sectors. Results shows that the manufacturing sector redirect pricing, product
and research development strategies more extensively than non-manufacturers. These differences
may be explained by the extent to which the industry sector is capital intensive in it’s formation
and operation. Empirically demonstrates the effects of macroeconomic conditions on firms
marketing practices and the relevance of the stagflation paradigm outside the United States
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Review of Related Study

Oxen Feldt (1958, p. 267) defined marketing strategy in two parts: “(1) definition of target
markets and (2) the composition of a marketing mix.” Oxenfeldt worked with Alderson’s
consulting firm and was heavily influenced by him. These two parts of a marketing strategy are
fundamental because customer targets represent the demand side of the market (see Robinson,
1933) on one hand, and the marketing mix represents the supply side of the market (see
Chamberlin, 1933) on the other. Over the decades, subsequent marketing thinkers have
continually embraced this two-part definition (McCarthy, 1960; Kotler, 1967; Enis, 1974; Lazer
and Culley, 1983; Cravens, 1987; Czepiel, 1992; Kerin and Peterson, 1993; Boone and Kurtz,
1998; Kotler and Keller, 2009, etc.), and there are no apparent challenges or disagreements with
it in the marketing literature.

Alfred Oxenfeldt (1958, p. 267) defined marketing strategy in two parts: “(1) definition of target
markets and (2) the composition of a marketing mix.” Oxenfeldt worked with Alderson’s
consulting firm and was heavily influenced by him. These two parts of a marketing strategy are
fundamental because customer targets represent the demand side of the market (see Robinson,
1933) on one hand, and the marketing mix represents the supply side of the market (see
Chamberlin, 1933) on the other. Over the decades, subsequent marketing thinkers have
continually embraced this two-part definition (McCarthy, 1960; Kotler, 1967; Enis, 1974; Lazer
and Culley, 1983; Cravens, 1987; Czepiel, 1992; Kerin and Peterson, 1993; Boone and Kurtz,
1998; Kotler and Keller, 2009,etc.), and there are no apparent challenges or disagreements with it
in the marketing literature.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2004), marketing is a societal and managerial
process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and values with others. Marketing is all about satisfying the needs and
wants of the people. Marketing management, on the other hand, is the process of satisfying
product demand and building profitable relationship with the market by providing them with
products with superior value and satisfaction. We need marketing strategies to fulfill this, if the
firms want to survive in the competitive world of business. (Marketing Strategies of Selected
Business Establishments in the City of Tarlac)
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

According to the study of Anne W. Wang’Ondu entitled “Marketing Strategies and

Customer Satisfaction” the study examined the relationship between the marketing strategies of
cost leadership and differentiation on firm performance specifically customer satisfaction. In
addition, it examined the various communication channels that can be utilized towards specific
customers. The specific objectives of this study were to measure the current level of firm
performance as evidenced by customer satisfaction and to suggest the marketing strategy and
advertising channel that would lead to enhanced performance of the firm.

On the other hand in accordance to the study of Collins Nwakanma Amaze entitled “An
Analysis of Marketing Strategies of an Integrated Facility Services Company” Many service
companies in the world engage in providing more than one service to its customers. The
companies identify gaps, which must be filled in order to meet customers’ needs and they
endeavor to fill these gaps by offering a range of services to them. They identify weakness in the
market segment that are emerging, neglected or poorly served by competitors after which they
select a strategy using the marketing mix as a resource. Any organization that wants to be
successful in doing business needs to concentrate its resources on the greatest opportunities to
increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. This is true of service
companies. Marketing strategy therefore, is a long-term response to the changing environment
and involves fundamental decisions about how to match resources to that changing environment.

Although strategies provide a firm with a plan of action, the struggle does not end there.
A constant strife to implement the best strategy available, tweak it or integrate two or more
strategies together,are some of the things that need to be done. For all this to be viable the firm
needs to have a dedicated working unit. The marketers, the strategy makers as well as the
manager, before implementing or introducing new methods/strategies, need to remember what is
truly important for the long term benefit of the firm; the idea and needs of their customers.

Three Types of Marketing in Service Industries Areas

Internal marketing links company and employees. However it is also the most important part for
a service company. In addition, the authors mentioned that from a market approach to a
relationship approach is in accord with trend, moreover service company would be obliged to
massively invest in employee performance and quality, therefore it has a significant meaning for
the potential success of the company which is based on the - 12 - cornerstones in people’s
relations (Donaldsson & O’Toole, 2007, p.115) .For instance, Internal marketing is focused on
how to train staffs to engage in and innovate their services so that the employees can make
contacts with people and customers efficiently. In connection with internal marketing, it is
absolutely necessary for the employees to work hard in efforts to reach top satisfaction of the
customers. There is no doubt that the keynote of internal marketing is to make the company form
the customer-oriented conception so as to provide outstanding services for the customers.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

External Marketing links companies and their customers. Press Releases, Media Outreach, Trade
Shows, and User Events may be some of the activities that have been a part of annual marketing
mix. As Kotler, Wong, Saunders and Armstrong (2005) mentioned before, External marketing is
more crucial for the firm to send and receive the clear and correct signals from their customers.
Keller (2008) found that interactive marketing is exorbitant to deal with personal contact and
commit itself to the tasks that satisfy peculiar customers' requirements. In a word, Interactive
Marketing concentrates on direct interaction with potential buyers or purchasers via personal
activities of selling. For example, if a customer could receive extraordinary goods, especially the
product is tailor-made, he or she will feel satisfied during the whole process of purchase. Of
course, cost is a factor that firms have to take into account.

In Marketing Strategy, Orville C. Walker, Harper W. Boyd Jr., and Jean-Claude Larreche

identified marketing strategies for various marketing problems and activities such as new
markets, growth markets, mature and declining markets, and international markets. Their
marketing strategies included a plethora of specific marketing strategies for a host of situations:
pioneer strategy, follower strategy, fortress strategy, flanker strategy, confrontation strategy,
market expansion strategy, withdrawal strategy, frontal attack strategy, leapfrog attack
strategy, encirclement strategy, guerrilla attack strategy, divestment strategy, global strategy,
national strategy, exporting strategy, pricing strategy, channels strategy, and promotion strategy.

In addition, Joseph P. Guiltinan and Gordon W. Paul, authors of Marketing

Management, outlined primary demand strategies and selective demand strategies. They also
developed product-line marketing strategies, including strategies for substitutes (line extension
strategies and flanker strategies) and strategies for complements (leader strategies, bundling
strategies, and systems strategies). The primary demand strategies included user strategies
(increasing the number of users) and rate of use strategies (increasing the purchase quantities).
User strategies were, in turn, divided into willingness strategies (emphasis on willingness to buy)
and ability strategies (emphasis on ability to buy). The rate of use strategies were divided into
usage strategies (increasing the rate of usage—such as brushing your teeth after each meal) and
replacement strategies (increasing the rate of use by replacement—such as replacing
your toothbrush every month).
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Theoretical Framework

“Strategic Marketing Management: Theory and Practice” (Alexander Chernev, 2019)

In the theory of Alexander Chernev, formulated the essence of marketing as a business
discipline and outlines an overarching framework for marketing management that serves as the
organizing principle for the information. It also discuss the role of marketing management as a
value-creation process, the essentials of marketing strategy and tactics as the key components of
a company's business model, and the process of developing an actionable marketing plan.
Pertaining to the development of a marketing strategy that will guide the company's tactical
activities. It focuses on three fundamental aspects of a company's marketing strategy: (1) the
identification of target customers, (2) the development of a customer value proposition, and (3)
the development of a value proposition for the company and its collaborators. The discussion of
the strategic aspects of marketing management includes an in-depth analysis of the key
principles of creating market value in a competitive context.
In marketing tactics, viewed as a process of designing, communicating, and delivering value.
The ways in which companies manage their marketing communication and the role of personal
selling as a means of persuading customers to choose, purchase, and use a company's offerings.
It explores the role of distribution channels in delivering the company's offerings to target
customers by examining the value-delivery process both from a manufacturer's and a retailer's
point of view. The strategies used by companies to gain and defend market position and address
the issues of pioneering advantage, managing sales growth, and managing product lines. The
process of developing new market offerings and the ways in which companies manage the
relationship with their customers.

“Valuing marketing’s contribution” (Doyle, 2000)

According to Doyle (2000) strategic marketing is the management process that seeks
to maximize returns to shareholders by creating a competitive advantage in providing,
communicating and delivering value to customers thereby developing a long-term relationship
with them. The specific contribution of marketing in the organization lies in the formulation of
strategies to choose the right customer, build relationships of trust with them and create a
competitive advantage . A marketing strategy consists of an internally integrated but externally
focused set of choices about how the organization addresses its customers in the context of a
competitive environment.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

“Polygraphy and Informatics” (Kotler, Ph., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wrong, V., 2003).
According to Kotler (2003) marketing strategy is marketing logic according to which the
business unit is marketing. Marketing strategy focuses on the target customers. The company
chooses a market, divide it into segments, select the most viable ones and consolidates its forces
in the service segment. The company creates a marketing mix, using the tools at its disposal:
product, price, distribution, sales support. In order to establish the best marketing plans and
carries them out. It carries out these activities by monitoring the environment and adapting to it.

“Strategic Market Relationships: from strategy to implementation”

(Donaldson, B., & O'Toole, T. 2007).
According to Donaldson & O'Toole (2007), They compared the major differences between the
traditional marketing and relationship marketing. Osarenkhoe & Bennani (2007) also support
Donaldson & O'Toole’s theory. Moreover, Kotler, Wong, Saunders & Armstrong (2005)
explained “pull marketing” and “push marketing”, comparing the difference of those two
conceptions. In this part we attempt to find out the differences of traditional and relationship
marketing, to explain how social media affects relationship marketing.
Secondly, Donaldsson & O’Toole (2007) described the importance of communication in
relationship marketing. Ward & Dagger (2007) stated that listening is a great start towards the
achievement of a competitive advantage in relation marketing. Social media is a good tool for
communication. As Donaldson & O'Toole (2007) mentioned that approaches of traditional
marketing theory could not possibly develop relationship with all customers, unless social media
marketing strategy changes it. In addition, (Wanga, T. C. and Linb, Y. L described six factors
that influence the company in executing network marketing. In this part we want to find out the
benefits that how social media help company’s communication with their customers to build a
good relationship.
Thirdly, with the help of the theory of Donaldson & O'Toole (2007) and Leverin & Liljander
(2006), the importances of communication about relationships are further emphasized.
Moreover, Kotler, Wong, Saunders & Armstrong (2005)’s theory describes three types of
marketing in service industries. Miller, Fabian, & Lin (2009) and other scholars state that social
media can help company build brand image and good relationship. We want to use those
literatures to find out what social media can do for relationship and how it works. Finally, we
will use Smitha (1991), Campbella (2010), Wittmann (2008), Shocker & Ruekert (1994), Wilson
(2008) and some other scholars’ theories to find out the collaboration between SMEs and large
firms. This is our thesis’s highlight. According to the empirical analysis, the result shows SMEs
could set up a long term relationship with large firm via social networking media.

“Effective Management of Benchmarking Projects” (Ingman, L.C 1992)

According to Ingman (1992), strategic marketing is one of the functional strategies that
together constitute an overall business strategy. However, the importance of marketing strategy
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

is very high over all business strategy, Because of control of key marketing relationship with
organizations outside of the support function it delivery goods to the market and sales. The
overall (corporate and marketing) action program , including all elements of marketing complex
in order to clarify undertaking to set goals and objectives. This is a logical continuation of the
business plan that combines a number of interrelated decisions.
Marketing strategy has five elements it deals with where the organization plans to be active, how
it will get there, how it will succeed in the market place, what the speed and sequence of moves
will be and how the organization will obtain profits. The real lesson of a strategic marketing
philosophy is that better performing organizations recognize the basic and enduring nature of the
customer needs they are attempting to satisfy.

“Marketing Theory” (Sam Ashe-Edmunds, 2018)

Marketing is more of a science than its more creative counterparts--advertising, public
relations and promotions--but, despite its emphasis on research and number-crunching,
marketing still relies somewhat on a company’s best guesses as to what to do with the
marketplace data and information it generates. Understanding some basic marketing theories will
help your small business make more effective business decisions.
It consist of :
 Position
A basic marketing theory states that to maximize sales, a company must position its
products or services in the marketplace in such a way that consumers believe they need a
particular product for service or that a product or service they need has a particular
benefit. This is also known as creating an image or brand.
 Price
Choosing a price for your product or service depends on more than just knowing your
costs and desired profit margin. The perceived-value theory of marketing states that if
you price your product higher than your competitors', consumers may believe yours is
 Channel Marketing
Where you sell your product sends a message about your product and is a key marketing
decision. If you sell high-priced shoes in discount stores.
 Viral Marketing
A recent development in marketing theory centers around the effects of technology on
marketing products. Social networking is a relatively new form of communication; when
people discuss a product via email, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and other
electronic means, a product may “go viral,” or start to sell more units with no direct
advertising, public relations or promotions on the part of the company.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

“Product Value and Marketing Strategies. Market Modernization”

Liu Fang, Yan Jian-ren, 2007)

According to Liu Fang, Yan Jian-ren (2007) discusses the relationship of product value
and marketing strategy for example the noodle business: business marketing strategy for
achieving and enhancing product value is essential. They recognize the marketing strategies can
enhance product value (focusing on benefits), but how to upgrade are not theoretical arguments
and empirical analysis. Although some scholars have tried to study the relationship between
marketing strategy and value, but unfortunately, the existing value is mainly the demand value of
benefit / cost. The outbreak of financial crisis makes the social transformation, people from the
industrial society into the Commercial society, thus much-needed depth to excavate value,
restoring the true colors of the value. This study has an important guiding significance to the
investor of the entire value market.

Hypothesis of the Study

The research type of this quantitative research would be a survey type. Quantitative and
Descriptive type of research having a hypothesis where rejection and acceptance of the study was
shown below:
• Marketing strategy can serve as a crucial road map for the entire business. Social media is one
of the most effective marketing strategy since we are in the modern world, the researcher come
up with the idea that social media has the most impact in the business.
• Marketing strategy in terms of customer value, customer expectation, relationship to the
customer, and its service performance will not significantly affect the effectiveness and
efficiency of Universidad de Manila.
• There is importance in knowing the most effective marketing strategy of using a social media
in running a business.

• Students will be encourage to build their own business and to make it successful in future.
• By collecting more ideas or theories that will improve the certain strategy.
• There are benefits that acquire in the business by using social media.

Assumption of the Study

The researcher assume that the research paper will help the entrepreneurs, future entrepreneur,
and other researchers in building their own business. The most effective marketing strategy is
using the social media. Social media is the most common tool of communication used by
everyone. The use of social media is relevant because it can be easily accessed using modern
technology like smart phones, which a lot of people have.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

• There are benefits of using a social media.

• There is a relationship between social media and business.
• Social media is always a profitable venture.
• It is important to know the effective marketing strategy to use in running a business.
• It is essential to know the different types of marketing strategy.
• There are many roles of social media that acquires the business customers.
• There is an affect using social media on business.

Definition of terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the following are hereby defined:

• ABM- Accountancy and Business Management.

• ABM Strand- It focuses on the basic concepts of financial management, business management,
corporate operations, and all things that are counted for. These strands designed as an
introductory course in accounting and business management where students are trained to think
logically and scientifically throughout their major and specialized subjects.

• Branding- refers to the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising

and distinctive design.

• Customer Demand- is a desire that causes a customer to buy a product. If customers buy the
products to satisfy needs, then needs provoke customers to buy products.

• Entrepreneur- One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

• Marketing- The activities that are involved in making people aware of a company's products,
making sure that the products are available to be bought.

• Marketing Strategy- A marketing strategy is a business overall plan for reaching people and
turning them into customers of the product or service that the business provides.

• Product Differentiation- Product differentiation is a marketing process that showcases the

differences between products. Differentiation looks to make a product more attractive by
contrasting its unique qualities with other competing products.

• Pull marketing- is an approach designed to draw customers to a brand through search engine
optimization (SEO) and other non-intrusive methods.

• Sales Revenue- it is an income from sales of goods and services, minus the cost associated with
things like returned or undeliverable merchandise.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Research Methodology
Research Design

This study used a descriptive survey approach of conducting research. It utilized the descriptive
survey. Descriptive type of research involves collection of quantitative information that can be
tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as score on a test (Glass and Hopkins,
1984). It assessed the characteristics of a successful business by using eight marketing strategies
as perceived by Grade 12 ABM students.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers used Grade 12 ABM students in Universidad de Manila as respondents of the
study. They are chosen for their enrolled strand, Accountancy, Business and Management which
has a curriculum of Marketing, and for their knowledge about business.

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a questionnaire made by the researchers to gather the needed data. The
draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based on the researchers ‘previous studies, researchers’
reading, published and unpublished theses relevant to the study.

In preparation of the instrument, the requirement in the designing of good data collection
instrument were considered. For instance, statement describing the situations or issues pertaining
was toned down to accommodate the knowledge preparedness of the respondents. In this way,
the instrument is authorized to obtain valid responses of the students.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers employed the following statistical treatment:

1. Weighted mean and standard deviation. It is used to find the average of the data gather. It is
also used to find the rate of every data gather in the student.

2. The weighted overall mean. It is used to know the overall mean of the data of the weighted
mean. It is also used to find the rate and interpretation of the data.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Universidad de Manila, formerly known as City College of Manila,
where this school offered Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand in the
Academic track of Senior High School. It is located at One Mehan Gardens, Ermita, Manila,
Philippines, 1000 and adjacent to the Liwasang Bonifacio, Manila City Library, and the Light
Rail Transit Central Terminal.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific
research problem regarding the most effective marketing strategy.

Table 1

Are you planning to put up a business in the future?

Statement Frequency Weighted


YES 48 0.96

NO 2 0.04
Overall Mean:

Table 2 reflects on how many respondents who has planning to put up a business in the
future and 48 of them answers yes and the remaining 2 answers no. The two items computed
means are 0.96 and 0.04. The overall mean of table two is 0.5.

Table 2
If you answered yes, What marketing strategies are you familiar with?
Statements Frequency Weighted Mean
Paid Marketing 22 0.44
Cause Marketing 5 0.1
Relationship Marketing 30 0.6
Undercover Marketing 2 0.04
Word of Mouth Marketing 18 0.36
Internet Marketing 29 0.58
Diversity Marketing 4 0.08
Transactional Marketing 16 0.32

Overall Mean: 0.315

One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Table 3 shows on what marketing strategy they are familiar with and the most answer is
Relationship Marketing that is answered by 30 respondents that has a mean of 0.6 and the least
familiar to the respondents is the Undercover Marketing that is answered by 2 respondents and
has a mean of 0.04.

Table 3

Would these strategies can help your aspiring business?

Statement Frequency Weighted Mean

YES 48 0.96
NO 2 0.04
Overall Mean: 0.5

Low 0 0
Moderate 17 0.34
High 31 0.64
Overall Mean: 0.326

Table 4 shows on what the respondents think to those marketing strategies if it can help
them on aspiring business, out of 50 respondents 48 answered YES and 2 answered NO and the
respondents who answered yes choose moderate and high with a rated mean of 0.34 and 0.64
with a total of only 0.98 because there are 2 respondents who answered NO.

Statement Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Making a business 8 0.16 5 0.1 11 0.22 8 0.16 18 0.36
plan without
knowing the eight
strategies there will
be a good outcome.
In using this 32 0.64 17 0.34 1 0.02 0 0 0 0
strategies can help
the business to
increase a
The marketing 32 0.64 16 0.32 2 0.04 0 0 0 0
strategy can help in
developing a
business plan
because it has a
information or
0.48 0.253 0.9 0.5
Overall Mean: 0.12

The table 5 shows how the marketing strategies help in developing a business plan. Most of the
respondents said that statement number 1 is never true with a weighted mean of 0.36 but some
also said that it is sometimes true with a weighted mean of 0.22. In statement number 2 the
respondents said that its always true with a weighted mean of 0.64 and some said that its just
often true with a weighted mean of 0.34 and the last statement was said to be always true by the
respondents with a weighted mean lof 0.64 and other respondents said it is often true with 0.32
weighted mean.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Table 4

How does marketing strategies influence the students view on business?

Statement Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

I will enhance my knowledge 34 0.68 15 0.3 1 0.02 0 0 0 0
about starting and running a
new business.
I am very confident to solve 28 0.56 14 0.28 8 0.16 0 0 0 0
business problems because of
the marketing strategies I
I am interested to learn 31 0.62 15 0.3 4 0.08 0 0 0 0
business topics because I
have knowledge about
marketing strategies.
Overall Mean 0.62 0.29 0.08

Table 4 shows how the marketing strategies influence the students view on business. In
statement number 1 the respondents agreed that it is always true with a weighted mean of 0.68,
statement number 2 was also said to be always true with a weighted mean 0.56 and few said that
it is often true. Lastly in statement 3 the respondents agreed that it is always true with a weighted
mean of 0.62.

Table 5

How can you improve a certain strategy for it to be effective?

Statement Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

I can improve a certain 30 0.6 18 0.36 2 0.04 0 0 0 0
strategy by means of
critically analyzing it.
I will always apply this 29 0.5 17 0.34 4 0.08 0 0 0 0
marketing strategy so 8
that it will be effective.
I will research and 32 0.6 15 0.3 3 0.06 0 0 0 0
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

gather an information 4
about a certain strategy
in business.
Overall Mean: 0.6 0.34 0.06

Table 5 shows how can certain strategy can be improved to be effective in the first
statement the respondents said that its always true with a weighted mean of 0.6 and often true
with a 0.36 weighted mean. In the second statement they said that its always true with a weighted
mean of 0.58 and often true with 0.34 weighted mean and last statement is said to be always true
with a weighted mean of 0.64 and often true with 0.3 weighted mean in overall mean its said that
the statement three is the best way to improve a certain strategy.

Table 6

How important is knowing the most effective strategies?

Statement Frequency Weighted Mean

Extremely important 35 0.7
Important 15 0.3
Not really 0 0
It is not ended 0 0
Overall Mean: 0.25

Table 7 shows how important it is to know what the most effective strategies among the
eight marketing strategies is. The respondents think that it is extremely important as the choice
gets a scale of 0.7 and some of the respondents choose the it is important as it gets a weighted
mean of 0.3 and there is a 0 as no one of the respondents think that it is not really important, or it
is not needed.

Table 7

The following benefits that the most effective strategies should have.

Statements Frequency Weighted Mean Rank

Increases visibility of 37 0.74 1
your brand
Develops lasting 34 0.68 2
relationship with
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Improves brand 33 0.66 3

Creates loyalty and 37 0.74 1
Helps you to build 23 0.46 5
Positions your 17 0.34 7
business as an expert
Generate traffic to 12 0.24 8
your site
Opens a channel of 24 0.48 4
Helps your costumer 24 0.48 4
Helps your costumer 20 0.4 6
more through
provides value with
no strings attached
Overall Mean:

The table 8 shows the following benefits that the most effective strategies should have,
and the respondents think that increasing the visibility of your brand and creates loyalty and trust
will be the best benefits. They get the same scale of 0.74 and the second benefit 1, developing
lasting relationship with audience as it gets 0.65 scale and the third benefits it is improve the
awareness of the brand as it gets of 0.66 The fourth benefits as perceived by the Senior High
School Students are it will open a channel of communication and helps your customer more
though as they get the same scale of 0.48. The fifth benefits is it helps you to build authority as it
gets 0.46 and the sixth benefits is it helps the Customer more though as gets of 0.4 and the last
and second to the last is positives your business as an expert as it gets 0.34 and the last one to
generate traffic to your business as it gets of 0.24 scale.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

Table 9

Strategy that has the potential to have those benefits stated in table 9 and can be the most

Statements Frequency Weighted Mean Rank

Paid Advertising 13 0.26 3
Cause Marketing 6 0.12 6
Relationship Marketing 28 0.56 1
Undercover Marketing 6 0.12 6
Word of Mouth 11 0.22 4
Internet Marketing 27 0.54 2
Transactional 13 0.26 3
Diversity Marketing 8 0.16 5

TOTAL: 0.28

The table 9 shows what is the most effective marketing strategy based on the table
number 9 stated benefits. The respondents think that the relationship marketing is the most
effective strategy as its get of 0.56 weighted mean and the second effective strategy is the
Internet marketing as its gets 0.54 weighted mean and the next strategy is the paid advertising
and transactional marketing as they get the same weighted mean 0.26 next is the word of mouth
strategy that gets a weighted mean of 0.22 while the diversity marketing gets 0.16 weighted
mean. Lastly the cause marketing and undercover marketing has a least weighted mean of 0.12.
One Mehan Gardens, Manila

One Mehan Gardens, Manila

The Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter outlines the summary of findings and the discussions of the research findings. The chapter
also presents the conclusions of the study and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

 The overall purpose of this study is to determine the most effective marketing strategy as
perceived by ABM students in Universidad de Manila.
 The validated questionnaire served as an instrument of the study.
 Descriptive statistics using percentages, means and standard deviation we’re used. The data
we’re subjected to analysis and synthesis to come up with specific and integrated results.


From the analysis it was found out that:

Most of the ABM students in the Universidad de Manila consider putting up a business in the future.

Most of the ABM students in the Universidad de Manila are familiar with the different marketing
strategy. Relationship marketing is the most familiar marketing strategy and Undercover marketing
strategy is the least familiar. The ABM students of Universidad de Manila consider marketing strategy as
one of the most effective way to become successful in building a business. Most of the ABM students in
the Universidad de Manila agreed that marketing strategy is extremely important in creating a business.


Future Entrepreneurs. This is highly recommended for the students who will take the Accountancy,
Business and Management and will be future entrepreneurs. The study can help them to use the most
effective marketing strategy in their own business. The most effective marketing strategy can help them
to be successful in their business.

Entrepreneurs. This study is recommended to the entrepreneurs for their business. The study can help
them determine which marketing strategy will be the best for them for their business. This can also help
them gain more customers by implementing their chosen strategy.

Other Researchers. The study is also recommended to the future researchers who will have the same
study or different study. This study will be a source of another problem of a study or can be replicated
using additional variables in another setting or with different respondents.

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