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Yovita Cinta R XI MIPA 1 (32) Daily Exam "Song": Refers To A/an

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Yovita Cinta R 3.

What can we conclude from the song

XI MIPA 1 (32) A. The singer is an infant.
B. The singer is a dreamer.
C. The singer cannot get what he
D. The singer is successful to reach his
Text for questions 1-5 idea.
Somewhere over the rainbow E. The singer ever to a land high way
Way up high, up.
There’s a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby 4. ‘Where troubles melt like lemon drops.’
Somewhere over the rainbow Which of the following expression can
Skies are blue, replace the word melt?
And the dreams that you dare to dream A. exchange D. become liquid
Really do come true. B. substitute E. increase in size
C. interchange
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far 5. Where does the singer hope her lover
Behind me. can meet him?
A. In the sky
Where troubles melt like lemon drops B. In a lullaby
Away above the chimney tops C. Behind him
That’s where you’ll find me. D. beyond the rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow E. upon the stars, above the chimney
Bluebirds fly. tops
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can’t I? Text for questions 6-10
Back For Good
1. ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ probably Sung by Take That
refers to a/an ….
A. place D. woman I guess now it’s time for me to give up
B. heaven E. drawing I feel it’s time
C. imagination Got a picture of you beside me
Got you’re lipstick mark still on your coffee cup
2. What is the song about? Got a fist of pure emotion
A. The singer’s position above the Got a head of shattered dreams
chimney. Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now
B. The singer wants to be like a flying
bluebird. Whenever I said, whatever I did I didn’t mean it
C. The singer’s hope to come to a land I just want you back for good
over a rainbow. Whenever I’m wrong just tell me the song and
D. The singer’s hope to reach I’ll sing it
something he wants to get. You’ll be right and understood
E. The singer’s expectation to come to
a land above the rainbow. Unaware but underlined I figured out this story
It wasn’t good
But in the corner of my mind I celebrated glory
But that was not to be
In the twist of separation you excelled at being
Can’t you find a little room inside for me 10. The fifth verse of the song above is
commonly called …
Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn’t mean it A. chorus D. verse
I just want you back for good B. refrain E. pre-chorus
Whatever I’m wrong just tell me the song and C. bridge
I’ll sing it
You’ll be right and understood Text for questions 11-15
Just Once
And we’ll be together, this time is forever Written by Mann, Barry/Well, Cynthia
We’ll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love I did my best but I guess my best wasn’t good
We will never be uncovered again enough
Cause here we are back when we were before
Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn’t mean it Seems nothing ever changes, we’ve back to
I just want you back for good being strangers
Whenever I’m wrong tell me the song and I’ll Wondering if we ought a stay or head on out
sing it the door
You’ll be right and understood Just once, can’t we figure out what we keep
doing wrong
6. Back for good means …. Why we never last for very long
A. return for a while What are we doing wrong
B. return forever Just once, can’t we find a way to finally make it
C. return and go again right
D. return and die To make the magic last for more than just one
E. return for a short time night
If we could just get to it, I know we could break
7. ‘Gog a head of shattered dreams’ (verse through it
1 line 6). I gave my all but I think my all may have been
The word shattered means …. too much
A. built D. stolen Cause Lord knows we’re not getting anywhere
B. renovated E. closed Seems we we’re always blowing whatever we
C. collapsed got going
And it seems at time with all we’ve got we
8. The tone of the song is …. haven’t got a prayer
A. sad D. hopeful Just once, can’t we figure out what we keep
B. glad E. woeful doing wrong
C. joyful Why the good times never last for long
Where’re we going wrong
9. ‘Unaware but underlined 1 figured out Just once, can’t we find a way to finally make it
this story’ (verse 3 line 1) right
The word figured out means …. To make the magic last for more than just one
A. narrated D. opened night
B. added E. kept I know we could break through it, if we could
C. explained just get to it
Just once, I want to understand
Why it always come back to good-bye E. The couple did not try any way to
Why can’t we get ourselves in hand admit to make their relationship better.
one another
We’re no good without each other 14. Observe the sentence quoted from the
Take the best and make it better song.
Find a way to stay together ‘I know we could break through it, if we
Just once can’t we find a way in finally make it could just get to it’
right What does the sentence mean?
Make the magic last for more than just one A. They got nothing.
night B. They got everything.
I know we could break through it, if we could C. They broke through to it, so that
just get to it they could get to it.
Just once D. They can just get to it because they
I know we ca get through it can break through it.
Just once E. They cannot get to it because they
cannot break through it.

11. What is the main idea of the first 15. What moral lesson can we get from the
verse ? song?
A. It seems nothing ever changes. A. It is not necessary to keep our love.
B. They are back to being strangers. B. Keeping love needs a lot of energy.
C. They are back where we were C. We must do our best to keep our
before . love.
D. The singer effort was not successful. D. We must be strong minded to break
E. They ought a stay or head on out our love.
the door. E. We must keep our mind strongly,
without thinking of our couple.
12. What does the song tell us about?
A. A couple who has good Text for questions 16-21
relationship. Bridge Over Troubled Water Lyrics
B. A couple whose relationship goes
bad. When you’re weary
C. A couple who look for a way to Feeling small
divorce. When tears are in your eyes
D. A couple who does not have a right I will dry them all
nice time.
E. A couple who wants to let their I’m on your side
relationship break. When times get rough
And friends just can’t be found
13. What can we infer from the song? Like a bridge over troubled water
A. The couple is a happy couple. I will lay me down
B. The couple could improve their Like a bridge over troubled water
relationship. I will lay me down
C. The couple could not improve their
relationship. When you’re down and out
D. The couple really wanted to break When you’re on the street
their relationship. When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
18. ‘When you’re weary’. Which of the
I’ll take your part following expressions can replace the
When darkness comes word ‘weary’?
And pain is all around A. dry D. very tired
Like a bridge over troubled water B. prepared E. assembly
I will lay me down C. arranged
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver Girl, 19. Observe the following expressions.

Sail on by 1) I will dry them all
Your time has come to shine 2) I’m on your side
All your dream are on their way 3) When times get rough
See how they shine 4) I will lay me down
If you need a friend 5) Like a bridge over troubled water
I’m sailing right behind 6) And pain is all around
Like abridge over troubled water Which of the following expressions
show the eagerness of the singer to
I will ease your mind do something?
Like a bridge over troubled water A. 1), 2), and 3) D. 2), 3), and
I will ease your mind 5)
B. 1), 2), and 4) E. 3), 4), and
16. Observe the following exprssions. 6)
1) When you’re weary C. 2), 3), and 4)
2) I will dry them all
3) When times get rough 20. What moral lesson can we take from
4) When darkness comes the song?
5) I’m sailing right behind A. Love is bind.
6) When evening falls so hard B. Loving someone means making
Which of of the following are the ourselves a bridge.
expressions of personification? C. If we love someone, we must be
A. 1), 2), and 3) D. 2), 3), and ready to be a bridge.
5) D. Loving someone means we must be
B. 1), 2), and 4) E. 3), 4), and ready to help her/him.
6) E. If we love someone, we must be
C. 2), 3), and 4) ready to let her/him suffer.

17. What does the song tell us about? 21. ‘Like a bridge over troubled water’
A. A bridge over troubled water. What does the expression mean?
B. A girl who does not have a friend. A. The singer across a bridge with
C. A ship which is sailing behind a girl. his/her darling.
D. A sincerity and readiness to help B. The singer positions himself/herself
someone’s lover. as a bridge.
E. Someone’s struggle to win his C. The singer walks through rough
lover’s love, by making a bridge. water with his/her darling.
D. The singer builds a monument like a
bridge for his/her lover.
E. The singer positions himself/herself C. For people who work hard.
as a helper for his or her lover. D. For the dying planet.
E. For everything that is a live.
Text for questions 22-26
A Dying Planet 26. Why does the singer feel sorry?
Sung by Joe Walsh A. Because he works on the planet.
Is anyone out these? B. Because he does not tell the truth.
Does anybody listen or care anymore? C. Because he lies.
We are living on a dying planet, D. Because he cannot speak.
We’re killing everything that’s alive, E. Because he tells the truth.
And anymore who tries to deny it
Wears a tie
Text for questions 27-29
And gets paid to lie Demis Rousses: RAIN AND TEARS
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet, Rain and tears all the same
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth, But in the sun you’ve to play the game
And this is for everybody trying to save it When you cry in winter time
These songs are for you, too. You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
Is anymore out there How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
22. What kind of planet are we living now? Rain and tears all the same
A. Dying Planet But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
B. good planet Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
C. beautiful planet Rain and tears in the sun
D. nice planet But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
E. lovely Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
23. Who are people who deny that they Rain and tears all the same
have killed living things? But in the sun you’ve play the game
A. People who listen that song.
B. People who wear a tie and get to 27. Which one of the following statements
paid to lie. is implied in this song?
C. People who live near the singer. A. The writer’s lover treats him well.
D. People who work in the town. B. The writer’s lover often expresses
E. People who sell tie and T-shirt. her sadness.
C. The writer has got his expectation
24. ‘And gets paid to lie’. The word “gets from his lover.
paid” means …. D. The writer of the song feels sure
A. buy with money with his love.
B. pay someone E. The writer feels that his love story
C. receive money for work complete will have a happy ending.
D. sell with low prices
E. promote completely 28. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in
my heart there’ll never be a sun”. The
25. For whom does the singer wrote the phrase “my heart there’ll never be a
song? sun” means that the writer …..
A. For people who study hard. A. will always feel sad
B. For people out there. B. will feel sure in his heart
C. will have his heart be with bright E. We have to pick a good time to
life have a a partner.
D. will feel so faithless all the time
E. will get very tired all his life 31. In your opinion, what does the singer
mean, when he says ‘I can count on you
29. The word ‘rain’ in this song refers to …. like 4, 3, 2?
A. autumn time A. A friend can’t share the story.
B. spring time B. We can be free to be ourselves with
C. winter time a friend.
D. summer time C. We will be good without friend.
E. rainy season time D. We won’t tell our daily experience
with a friend.
Text for questions 30 and 31 E. A friend will always stay by us in a
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of darkness and sorrow.
the sea
I’ll sail the world to find you Text for questions 32 and 33
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you Smile though your heart is aching
can’t see Smile even though it’s breaking
I’ll be the light to guide you Where there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
Find out what we’ve made of If you smile through your fear and sorrow
When we are called to help our friends in need Smile and maybe tomorrow
(Chorus) You’ll see the sun come shining through for you
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I’ll be there 32. The message of the song is ….
And I know when I need it A. Be happy and smile
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2 B. Don’t hide your problem by smiling
And you’ll be there C. Life is not easy to live
Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do oh D. The smile brings both joy and
yeah ooooooh, oooohhh yeah yeah sorrow
E. Smiling makes our life easy
(Verse 2)
If you’re loos in and you’re turn in and you just 33. “Smile and maybe tomorrow” means
can’t fall asleep that ….
I’ll sing a song beside you A. life is always changing
And if you ever for get how much you really B. smile is always just for you feel
mean to me happy
Everyday I will remind you C. life needs people to smile forever
You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry D. smile is everything for us
I’ll never let go E. smile is easy to do
Never say goodbye
Text for questions 34-36
30. What is the moral value of the song? Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are
A. We don’t need a friend. closed
B. We can’t be with a friend forever. So you could open one that leads you to the
C. We need a friend to share our perfect road
sadness and happiness. Like a lightning bolt, your heart blow
D. We will survive without friend And when it’s time, you’ll know
You just gotta ignite the light A. The people of Argentina do not
And let it shine mourn their leader’s dead.
Just own the night B. The song writer doesn’t want to cry.
Like the Fourth of July C. People in Argentina have to keep
their promise.
34. What is lesson is given by this song? D. The people should not keep the
A. Be confident and hard work distance.
B. Learn from other if you want to E. People should be happy of their
succeed leader’s dead.
C. Try to compete with
D. Life is party
E. Try to make our life shining 39. “Even when it is rainy all you ever do is
35. “Maybe you’re reason why all the doors shine
are closed You on fire, you a star just like Mariah”
So you could open one that leads you to This sentence means that ….
the perfect road” A. the writer thinks that he wants to
It means …. be superstar
A. Finding the problem is the key B. being superstar is his dream to be
B. The doors are provided for the C. the writer tells that his lover is very
writer important for him
C. To start something better needs D. Mariah is a star that always shines
patience E. The writer can’t live with Mariah
D. Not only talk but action
E. We have to try best 40. Read this lyric!
“Cause you only need the light if it’s
36. For whom the song is suitable for? burning low”
A. All women who need motivation What does the lyric of remind of?
B. All men who need motivation A. Everything must be everlasting.
C. All people who have weakness B. Everything must be defended.
D. All people who need motivation C. Everything id needed as it is.
E. The singer herself D. No one can’t live forever.
E. Always ready for losing anything.
Text for questions 37 and 38
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina

Don’t Cry For Me Argentina Good Luck

The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don’t keep your distance

37. The song is about ….

A. lovers D. woman’s right
B. freedom E. world peace
C. nationality

38. The message of the song is ….

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