MCQ For Mba III 305 Oscm Logistics

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The document discusses logistics principles, systems, transport modes, logistics service providers, warehousing and material handling systems.

Road freight transport, rail freight transport, sea freight transport, inland water way transport, air freight transports, and pipeline transport are discussed.

Contract logistics providers are responsible for the movement of goods and supply chain management processes.

MCQ for MBA Sem III 305 OSCM – Logistics Mgmt

1. The Principles of Logistics: Definitions & Significance of Logistics. Logistical System of Services
Elements of Logistics, Distinction between Procurement logistics, Production logistics & Distribution
Logistics, Service Level Logistics & Corporate Strategy, Supply Chain & Networks (7+2)
2. Logistics Systems: Logistical infrastructure, Basic Terminology, Types & functions, Transport
infrastructure & superstructure, Transport Routes & Transport networks, Logistics Real estate, Logistic
parks & freight villages, Information infrastructure & communication infrastructure, Telecommunication
infrastructure, Satellite systems & Satellite navigation (8+2)
3. Transport systems & logistics services: Transport Basics, Significance & Development, Modes of
transport technologies, Transport value & Transport affinity, Road Freight Transport, Rail freight transport
sea freight transport, Inland water way transport, Air freight transports, pipeline transport (8+2)
4. Logistics Service Providers: Carriers & Forwarders, courier, Express parcel & mail service providers
Systems, Service Providers & Contract Logistics Providers. IT in logistics, communication standards,
identification standards, Classification of IT in the fields of Inventory & Warehousing (7+2)
5. Warehousing handling & picking systems: Warehousing , handling & picking systems, Warehousing
Basics, Storage facilities, Static Storage Systems, Dynamic storage systems, Conveyors, Discontinous
conveyors, Continuous conveyors, Sorters, Packages, Loading units & Load carriers, Picking & Handling.
WHOrganisation, Inventory Stock & Provisioning mgmt. [5+2]


1. ____ is not a part of basic systems of codifications.

a. Alphabetical System b. Numerical System c. Colour Coding System d. None of the above
2. _______ and physical distribution are the two major operations of logistics.
a. Supply Chain Management b. Materials Management c. Logistics Management d. None of the above
3. Which of the following is not a component of 4PL?
a. Control Room (Intelligence) b. Resource Providers c. Information d. Recycling
4. Which of the following is not a part of Supply chain Management system?
a. Supplier b. Manufacturer c. Information Flow d. Competitor e. Customer
5. _________ includes design and administration of systems to control the flow of materials, WIP and
finished inventory to support business unit strategy.
a. Logistics Management b. Materials Management c. Bill of Materials d. None of the above
6. _______ is the time that elapses between issuing replenishment order and receiving the material in
a. Replenishment time b. Lead time c. Idle time d. None of the above
7. ________ is the task of buying goods of right quality, in the right quantities, at the right time and at
the right price.
a. Supplying b. Purchasing c. Scrutinizing d. None of the above
8. ________ is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.
a. Customer Service b. Product Management c. Purchase management d. None of the above
9. Buying according to the requirements is called ______
a. Seasonal Buying b. Hand to mouth buying c. Scheduled Buying d. Tender Buying e. Speculative Buying
10. The initial stage of the supply chain process is the _____________.
a. Sourcing Stage b. Organizing Stage c. Planning stage d. Directing Stage
11. The term supply chain management was first coined by ______.
a. Frankel & Paulraj b. Peter Drucker c. Keith Oliver d. Philip Kotler
12. In supply chain management, after planning, the next step involves ______________.
a. Developing b. Building a strong relationship with suppliers c.Sourcing d. All of the above
13. In Supply Chain Management, ATP stands for _________
a. Acquire Track & Perform b. Available To Promise c. Active Transport Protocol d. Access To Point
14. The purpose of supply chain management is to_______.
a. increase the production level b. manage and integrate supply and demand management c. enhance
the quality of a product and services d. provide satisfaction to the customer
15. ________is the primary activity of supply chain management.
a. Demand Management b. Supply Planning i.e matching assets with demand c. Analytics Workbench
d.All of the above
16. Another important purpose of supply chain management is to ___________.
a.make inventory readily available b. delight customers and suppliers c. create warehouses at various
locations d. to promote supply chain process
17. ________is mainly deals with all activities associated with the flow and transformation and
information of goods from the stage of raw material to the end user i.e. consumption.
a. Marketing Channel b. Production Line c.Supply Chain d.Inventory management
18. In supply chain management, Inspection, scrap and repair are examples of ________.
a. Societal Costs b.. External Costs c. Costs of dissatisfaction d.Internal Cost
19. ____________ is a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement
a. JIT b.Kaizen c. TQM d. Taguchi Map
20. EOQ stands for ____a. Electronic Obtained quantity b. Electronic Ordered Quantity c. Economic Order
Quality d. Economic Order Quantity
21. Organisations or companies manage their supply chains through _______.
a. Transportation modes b.The internet c.Information d. Skilled Operators
22. The concept and philosophy of supply chain management evolved or emerged in _______ a. The
1960s b. The 1970s c. The 1980s d.The 1990s
23. Full form of MRP in operations and SCM is ___________
a. Material Return Process b. Material Requirement Planning c.Machinery Repairing Planning
d.Material Retention Planning
24. The concept of supply chain management originated in ________________ discipline.
a. Production Management b. Logistics Management c.Marketing d. Operations Management
25. In operations & supply chain management, Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning __________.
a. Change for the better b. Continuous Performance c. Top-level quality d. Use of Kaizala app
26. According to Frankel, Bolumole, Eltantawy, Paulraj& Gundlach, (2008), these are the four
functions identified as foundational – operations, logistics, supply management, __________.
a. Marketing b.Production c. Materials d.Procurement
27. Positive long-term relationships between supply chain participants refer to ______
a.Supply chain management b. Partnerships c. Cooperations d. Co-alliances
28. Supply chain management is the management of the ____________.
a. Storage Raw Materials b. Flow of goods and services c.Fullfillment of order d.Satisfaction of customer
29. ______ is not a part of flows involved in supply chain management.
a. Information Flow b. Title Flow c. Physical Flow d.Virtual Flow
30. ___________ involve the transformation, movement, and storage of goods and materials.
a. Virtual Flow b.Physical Flow c. Title Flow d. Information Flow
31. A supply chain is a sequence of firms that perform activities required to ______
a. to facilitate wholesalers inventory selections create synergy in their training programs c. to find
products that are similar d. to create and deliver goods to consumer
32. Logistics mgmt is a SCM component that is used to meet except
a. customer demands through the planning b., control of information c. transportation and storage of
goods & services from origin to destination. D. Production
33. The principles of logistics include except a.Storage, warehousing & materials handling b. Packaging &
unitisation c. Inventory d. Marketing
34. A major element of logistics is transportation of goods- includes all modes of transport except a. road b.
rail c. sea d. purchase
35. Logistics is a
a. Manufacturing activity b. Tranportation of Goods c. Marketing d. HR
36. Availability of goods involves
a. having material to consistently meet cust’ requirement. b. marketing c. financial planning d.
37. Logistics performance includes except
a. Availability of goods b. Operational Performance C. Service Reliability d. Customer behaviour
38. Elements of Logistics include
a. Transportation network design b. Warehouse management c. Materials handling mgmt. d All of above
39. Procurement Logistics deals with
a. inbound logistics , b. in house logistics , c. outbound logistics d. all of above
40. Production logistics deals with
a. inbound logistics, b. in house logistics, c. outbound logistics d. all of above
41. Distribution logistics deals with
a. inbound logistics , b. in house logistics, c. outbound logistics d. all of above
42. Service Level Logistics provides customer satisfaction through a. providing sufficiently
high levels of service b. customer-specific service c. providing service-level agreement (SLA) d. all of
the above
43. Service Level Logistics performance can be measured by except
a. KPI’s b. Returned Material Authorization c. Voice of the Customer (VOC) feedback d. Procurement
44. Corporate Strategy needs to be [SMART] means
a. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely b. smart , accurate, ready to use, training c. short,
accurate, reliable, temporary d. serviceable, manageable, allowed, rarely found, tentative.
45. Logistical infrastructure involve
a. transport infrastructure, b. suprastructures including the logistics locations & real estate c.
telecommunication infrastructure d. all of the above
46. Functions of the Ware House includes
a. storage & picking technology b. facilities as well as the corresponding info’ c. communication and
distribution systems d. all of the above
47. Hub & spoke networks have been set up by airlines for operations
a. in most efficient manner b. for central airports to less busy airports c. to lower cost d. all of the above
48. A logistics park is a.
a planned zone having distribution centers B. It provides geographical advantages in terms of accessibility
c. operational advantage for array of intermodal terminals d.all of the above
49. A freight village is has
a. cluster of support activities for freight distribution b. fueling stations, hotels / restaurants. C. It does not
require an adjacent intermodal terminal d. all of the above
50. Communication infrastructure includes
a. Telecommunication infrastructure b. Satellite systemsc. Satellite navigation d. GSM/GPS d. all of the
51. A transport system comprises of except
a. elements of goods transported b. mode of transport c. transport process d. customer orders
52. Future Transp’ Technologies will be changed through
a) Self-Driving Automobiles. b) High-Speed Rail Networks. c) Gyroscopic Vehicles d. all of the above
53. Transport value is a
a merged index describing different dimensions transport services. b. procurement method c.
marketing behaviour d.customer response
54. Transport affinity is
a. an index describing demand criteria, using same char’ as transp’ value b. customer preferences
c. performanceof production d. quality of production
55. Logistics performance indicators include
a Convenience b . Speed c. Safety d. all of the above
56. The transport cost can is minimal in a. Road Freight Transport b. Air freight c. by Sea freight d. By any
mode depending on volume, time etc
57. Inland water way transport, is most suitable for carrying a. light loads for small distances b . bulky goods
over long distances c. light loads for long distances d. none of the above
58. Air freight transports are beneficial when
a. time required is less b. to quickly transport limited cargo over longer distances c. incurs high costs d.
for inaccessible places e, all of above
59. Pipeline transport beneficial for except
a. liquid b gases c heavy solid material d. sewage disposal
60. Cable transport for steep gradients use
a. aerial tramway b. elevators c. escalators d. all of the above
61. Logistics Service Providers include
a. 3PLproviders b. Freight carriers c. Freight Forwarders d. all of the above
62. _______________system is required for tracking the goods couriered by service providers
a. Security & tracking b. Packaging service c. Financial service d. Customer service
63. Contract Logistics Providers
a. deal with only movement of goods b. movement of goods and SCM processes c. only loading
unloading of material d. transhipment
64. Logistics information systems used in every big company is
a. operationally efficient b. is error prone c. accurate and fast d. all of the above
65. ERP means
a. Enterprise retail pricing b. Enterprise resource planning c. Enterprise related partner. D. Enterprise
Resource plant
66. Communication standards use Global language of business to
a. identify b. capture c. use RFID to share information d. all of the above
67. The main benefits of a cloud IMS include
a) Real-time tracking of invent b. accessed from anywhere c.Cuts hardware expenses d. all of the above
68. WH management Systems WMS include
a. Standalone WMS b. Supply chain execution modules. c. Integrated ERP systems. D. all of the above
69. WH Ownership
a. Private WHs- b. Bonded WHs c. Field WHs c. Agricultural WHs: d. all of the above
70. Dynamic storage is the section of WH in which items are
a. consistently picked for order fulfillment. b. lying idle for long times c. slow moving items d. none
of these
71. Discontinous conveyors are a. reciprocating elevator b.continuous belt conveyor c. continuos Roller
conveyor d. all of the above
72. Continuous conveyors is a MH device that transports goods placed on it at a. constant speed b changing
speed d. accelerating continuously e. reciprocating
73. Sorters have ability to
a. automatic sort cargo b to identify difference packages c. remove from main line of flow to their group
d. all of the above
74. Packaging products depend on
a. Density of bulk matrls b ability to withstand exposure c. Chemical Char’ d Hazardous Cargo e all of
the above
75. Environmental Protection Packing means
a. Make thick packing b. use environmentally friendly material c. use heavy containers; d.none of
the above
76. Packages should be marked with except
a. content b.manufacturing process c. hazard security d. handling instructions
77. Material handling equipments include except a. Forklift trucks b. Conveyor belts c. Cranes d. Factory
78. The Roll of Packaging in Logistics includes
a.. Unitization b . Handling c. Stowability d. all of the above
79. WH picking sys include a.. Single order picking b. Batch picking- c. Voice picking d. all of the above
80. Handling systems can be :a. Manual b. Automatic c. Bulk d. Unit e. any of the above
81. WH functions for goods include a. Receipt b. Storage and preservation c. Issue – transportation e all of
the above
82. Determination of Requirements of material is done by a Deterministic methods b. Stochastic methods c.
Heuristic methods d. all of the above
83. Inventory Control is done by a. ABC analysis b. HML analysis c. Non moving items d. all of the above
84. Inventory Planning in (Q) system, an org’ perpetually monitors its inventory levels & places an order for
a. a fixed quantity (Q) when the inventory drops below a predetermined reorder point b. a fixed
quantity at any time c. a fixed quantity after a particular time which is fixed d. none of the above
85. Inventory Planning in (P) system, an org’ perpetually monitors its inventory levels & places an order for
a. a fixed quantity (Q) when the inventory drops below a predetermined reorder point b. a fixed quantity
at any time c. a fixed quantity after a particular time which is fixed d. a varying quantity depending on
consumption at fixed periods.
86. Provisioning of Goods includes a. Individual Procurement & Bulk Procurement b. Production
Synchronized Provisioning c. Just-In-Time Concepts d. all of the above

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