Nature of Problem Based Learning

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Remember The Picture!

What is the color of the lamp?

How many books are there?
What is the hair color of
the boy?
How one
Give many students
problem or question
are there?
Given on the board
What color is the shirt
of the teacher?
Nature of
Raymond Macasling - BSED 3A
Nature of Problem-Based
1 2
is an approach that involves a It requires more than one answer
process of inquiry and solving or solution.
open-ended questions serves as
the main problem that the Learners are engaged in
learners will work on. collaborative tasks as they work
towards the solution to the
Nature of Problem-Based
3 4
Students learn several skills:
• solving
Learning activity is done in a • communicating
small group with each member • research
assigned a certain task to
accomplish. The End goal of PBL achieved in
the process:
• Target
• Learning competencies
Nature of Problem-Based

The Floor-covering Problem

You have been asked by your mother to
suggest a covering for the floor of your
study room. The room is rectangular and
measures 4.3 m by 3 m. There are three
ways to cover the floor. You can use a
carpet, mat or tiles, but they are of
different costs. Explain clearly and
mathematically your best choice and how
you arrive at your decision. Drawing
diagrams may make your explanation
Ali (2019)

• she d e s c r i b e d P B L a s a p r o c e s s t h a t i s u s e d
to identify problems with a scenario to
increase knowledge and understanding.

• she proposed the FIVE PRINCIPLES of PBL,

which may be considered by teachers in
planning or using the approach.
Five Principles of PBL
1 2 3

It is a power of Learning happens in a All groups have to

independent and self- group and the teacher participate equally.
directed learning. is a facilitator.
Five Principles of PBL
4 5

Students learn about

Materials such as data,
motivation, teamwork,
articles, can be used to
problem-solving, and
engagement with the task. solve the problem.
Give one Principles of
What Principle number?
“All groups have to participate equally.”

• proposed a SIX-STAGE PROCESS used in the

adoption of the online Problem-Based Learning.
Six-stage Process
Collecting & analyzing
S Identifying the problem - S3 information -
1 assigning group
current issues that do members to collect
not have just one answer information; posting what
or definite solution. they found and what they

S2 Brainstorming - S4 Synthesizing information

generate ideas; tackle
solving the problem
the problem through self-
through synthesized
directed questioning:
relevant data; knowledge
arouse students' intrinsic
Six-stage Process
S5 Co-building knwoledge -

presentation of the
solution to the learning

S6 Refining the outcomes -

giving of feedback and

suggestions by the
instructor to help
students improve;
learning from other
group's presentation
In what stage does
“Presentation of the solution to the learning
problem/issue” fall under?
Benefits of Problem-Based
(Ghufron & Ermawati, 2018)
Benefit 1 Benefit 2 Benefit 3

Promotes self- Reduces Increases

confidence students' students'
and motivation nervousness responsibility
during the in learning
learning process
Benefits of Problem-Based
(Ghufron & Ermawati, 2018)
Benefit 4 Benefit 5 Benefit 6

Makes Promotes Promotes self-

students easily problem-solving directed
learn the skills learning
sharing of
Benefits of Problem-Based
(Ghufron & Ermawati, 2018)
Benefit 7 Benefit 8 Benefit 9

Promotes Makes students Makes students

active learning explore many develop positive
learning attitude towards
resources learning
Benefits of Problem-Based
(Baresh, Ali, & Darmi, 2019)
• Enhances fluency in communication
• Improves grammar
• Increases comprehension
• Enhances good communications and
• Enhances self-confidence
• Increases range of vocabulary
The Study of Lin
• revealed statistically that the PBL
participants showed more
improvement in their reading
comprehension than the non-PBL
• The study further looked into the
PBL active English learning
attitudes of two groups.
The Study of Lin
• and found that the PBL participants'
"motivation intensity, their desire to
learn English, and communication
inside and outside the classroom
were significantly higher than those
of the NON- PBL group".
• PBL participants' active English
learning attitudes are significantly
related to their comprehension.
The Study of Lin
• Problem-Based Learning as an
approach to teaching and learning
does not only involve the learners
but also the teachers.
The Study of Markusic
and Sabljic (2019)

• They sought to establish the

teacher's attitudes on the problem-
based teaching literature.
• Their data revealed that PBL is an
"acceptable methodological
Role of technology In PBL
❑ These online tools will allow the learners to be actively connected
and engaged in the group task while monitoring their own
❑ The teacher acting as facilitator may also peep into the activities of
each learner thereby enabling him/her to give feedback at any
stage of PBL activity
Role of technology

Brower, Hedberg
and Kruswara ❑stress that technology is simply the
mediator for collaboration and
(2010) representation and that it is the
type of task and thinking process in
which students engage that
determine the quality of learning
Role of technology

Tambouris et al., 2012

❑Web 2.0 technologies are
characterize by collaboration, Role of
sharing and networking that technology
may facilitate and enhance
PBL Activities

Kung (2018)
❑Found that advanced
language learners had Web 2.0, term devised to differentiate the
post-dotcom bubble World Wide Web with
positive perception about the its emphasis on social networking, content
use of Web. 2.0 Technology generated by users, and cloud computing
in writing instruction. from that which came before.
Productivity Tools
❑ Such as those for
✓ writings,
✓ presentation,
✓ spreadsheets,
✓ calendars,
✓ organizers,
✓ citations, and others
are also available to assist learners and teachers in
accomplishing required task and outputs from a PBL
❖ This creative tool is
excellent for creating
There are free tools
digital posters and other
multimedia projects. than can be
FotoBabble downloaded for
❖ a tool used to record a
voiceover for an image in mobile phones,
a slideshow format. It’s
great for collaborative
projects telling a story of
laptops or desktops.
a photo or an event.

Makers Empire
❖ This is a great design and creation
tool that teachers and students can
use to be innovative and share
ideas with a vibrant community of
Things to remember when using the PBL approach

When using PBL, the PBL is about developing

learning competencies higher order thinking
must be primary skills; therefore,
consider together with taxonomy of objectives
the content and should be utilized to
performance standards ensure that you are
before the technology targeting the requires
integration outcomes.
Nature of
Project- Is an approach but has evolved
as a teaching method that
Based engages learners in a series of
planned tasks resulting to the
Learning generation of solutions to real-
world problems.
Project- It is a student-centered approach
as it takes into account the realm
Based of experiences and interests of
students. This method is based
Learning on John Dewey’s principle of
“Learning by doing” and
Vygotsky’s Constructivists
Theory of learning.
It is a collaborative learning
Project- For learners work on an
authentic task guided by
This problem reflects real
issues in their
Based an open-ended question.
Where each member has
community or the world
at large.
Learning an assigned role that will
contribute to the solution
of the problem that was
Learning is
beneficial in the
development of
various skills
❑ Using student feedback questionnaire
given to 99 students, it was revealed
that student’s knowledge of the topic
taken, searching review for the topic,
communication skills, data collection
SKILLS (Tiwari,
skills, and analytical and presentation
Arya, & Bansal, skills where enhanced.
❑ The researchers investigated the
effectiveness of using PrBL activities, in
the improvement of oral communicative
competencies of 44 Malaysian English
language learners.
(Bakar, Noordin,
and Rali,2019)
❑ There was a significant Difference in
mean scores for the following life Skills:
✓ Responsibility
✓ Problem solving
Development Of ✓ Self-direction
Skills ✓ Communication; and
(Wuddinger & ✓ Creativity Skills
Qureshi, 2015) IT was included that PrBL indeed a
promotes further Development of life
Based on the stated
input. It is your turn to
prepare for a potential
PrBL activity in your
Using Notetaking

Find A peer that you can

Step 1 work with this activity. Bring
out your k-12 curriculum in
English. Use any notetaking
app or tool for recording
your output.
Constructing key
outputs for PrBL
Using your k-12 curriculum in
Step 2 English, chose 3 learning
competencies for Different quarters,
identify the content standards and
construct key question that can
motivate students to engage in PrBL
Use this Table!
Quarter Learning Competency Content Open-ended
standard question
Group Sharing

Step 3 Assign who will share the

group output after 20 mins.
Nature of

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