V10.2.0 Release Notes: 1 Architectural Changes & Additions

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0 Release Notes
We are pleased to share the new and enhanced features of KnowledgeSync Version 10.2. If you are an existing user of
KnowledgeSync, please review these notes so that you become familiar with the differences between your current
installation and version 10.

1 Architectural Changes & Additions

The following changes to the KnowledgeSync architecture have been made:
• Saves application data in a Microsoft SQL Server database
• The application code is based on the .NET framework.
• Uses IIS as the web server
• Native SMS alerting
• Report generation via Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has been added.
• A more powerful chart design module has been added.
• A more powerful Visual Basic scripting tool has been added.
• Sending standard forms, charts, reports, and files via Secure FTP (SFTP) has been added.
• “Copy” and “Paste” buttons have been added to all applicable system components.
• KLF (KnowledgeSync Linking Function) creates Microsoft SQL Server “linked servers” in place of Microsoft Access
linked databases.

2 User Interface Changes/Additions

The following changes and additions to the KnowledgeSync user interface have been made:
• KnowledgeSync v10 replaces the previous Windows-based UI with a web browser-based UI. This applies to all
application modules.
• The “Navigator” and “Event Manager” modules have been replaced with a single “Event Designer” module.
• The new “Event Manager” module has been combined with the “Administrator” and “Monitor” modules so that
all three modules are available from a single browser-based UI.

3 Administration Module Changes

The following changes have been made in this release:
• Enabling/disabling KS servers, viewing current KS users, and viewing/correcting errors captured by KS servers are
done in the Monitor module (based on user authorizations).
• Role-based authorization (“Roles” & “Users”) has replaced KS “User” definitions.
• KS system cleanup options have been moved to the Admin option for Application Settings/Automated Cleanup.

4 Administration Module Functionality Added

The following functions have been added in this release:
• Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) has been added as a reporting option; Crystal Reports continues
to be supported.
• Native SMS Texting (Short Message Service) has been added thru integration with the vendor Twilio. Note that a
Twilio account must be created in order to use this feature.
• New file path control options for eventpaks, reports, attachments and scripts have been added under the Admin
option for Application Settings/Portal.

V2020-03-16 For Customer Use KnowledgeSync is an ECI Software Solutions, Inc. technology. 1
V10.2.0 Release Notes
• New database schema caching time and application inactivity time have been added under the Admin option for
Application Settings/Portal.
• New KS log file settings (e.g., location, style, size, etc.) have been added under the Admin option for Application
• New Email Response System (ERS) options have been added under the Admin option for Application
• New activity and error logging levels have been added under the Admin option for Application Settings/Engine
• New maximum retry attempts for failed events, emails, SMS and webcasts have been added under the Admin
option for Application Settings/Engine Modules.

5 Monitor Module Functionality Added

The following changes have been made:
• “Delete” and “Refresh” buttons have been added.
• Date-sensitive selection criteria have been added, including “today”, “this week”, “this month”, and user-entered
date ranges.
• Access to expanded triggered event details (tracked records, the event’s deliverables, and the email alert text, if
configured) are now accessed via the blue plus sign to the left of a triggered event.
• Email alert message text configured to use HTML formatting now shows the corresponding HTML output in the

6 Event Design Module Functionality Changed

The following functionality has been changed:
• The Visual Basic (VB) Scripting tool has been changed from Cypress Enable to WinWrap.
• The Chart Design tool has been changed from ChartDirector to HighCharts JS.
• The “Schedule This Now” option for events has been renamed to “Run Now”.
• The “Tables” and “Sorting” options for a query have been added to the “Columns” tab.

7 Event Design Module Functionality Added

The following functionality has been added:
• A RESTful web service API has been added; web services may be used as triggers for an event and they may be
used as actions that are executed once an event is triggered.
• OLE/DB has been added as a connection method for queries.
• .NET Provider has been added as a connection method for queries.
• When building a query, you can “search” for specific table and column names.
• Drag-and-drop is supported when selecting query and event components.
• Increased data control has been added to multi-query events with an option called “Use All Rows from First
Trigger” on the main event window.
• An event may be triggered by a combination of data returned from queries and from web APIs.
• An HTML editor has been added to the Email alert message design option.
• Webcasting includes a “Use Email Text” so that webcast will automatically use the same alert message content
specified in the “Email” tab of the event.

V2020-03-16 For Customer Use KnowledgeSync is an ECI Software Solutions, Inc. technology. 2
V10.2.0 Release Notes
8 Functionality Discontinued
The following functions have been removed in this release:
• Faxing (You can still fax using an email-to-fax service or connecting to a fax service using the REST API)
• Paging
• Instant Message alerts
• Twitter alerts
• The “Test This Now” option for events has been removed (use the new option called “Run Now” in its place).
• Alert acknowledgements

9 Known Issues
• If you have {BEGIN*REPEAT}/{END*REPEAT} tags in Email or Webcast alerts, from V9 or other previous versions,
the tags may not show correctly in the HTML editor.
Please note: Events containing these tags will still function as designed.
Workaround: When you edit an event with an HTML Email alert message, use the “Raw Message” tab of the
HTML editor to add {BEGIN*REPEAT} and {END*REPEAT} tags into the HTML where appropriate. These tags will
now show as custom HTML in the Raw Message tab as follows:
<tbody class="ks-repeat">
The repeated text will also be displayed in the Preview tab with a highlight. The highlight is for UI purposes only, it
will not appear in generated alerts.
• New lines in Plain Text alert messages are deleted when an event is saved.
Workaround: Add an extra new line when creating your alert message. As a best practice, always test the alert
message to ensure that the alert message looks correct, before setting a schedule on the event.

10 Installation Considerations
If KS V10.0.0 has been installed on a machine, it will need to be uninstalled before KS V10.2.0 is installed. Databases will
remain intact and all data will be upgraded in place. See the KnowledgeSync V10 Installation Manual for all installation
details about this and additional topics.

V2020-03-16 For Customer Use KnowledgeSync is an ECI Software Solutions, Inc. technology. 3

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