Networking 1 Syllabus
Networking 1 Syllabus
Networking 1 Syllabus
Course PROF3
Course Networking 1
This course is to provide students with an overview of the concepts and fundamentals of
Course data communication and computer networks. Topics to be covered include: data
Descriptio communication concepts and techniques in a layered network architecture,
n communications switching and routing, types of communication, network congestion,
network topologies, network configuration and management, network model components,
layered network models (OSI reference model, TCP/IP networking architecture) and their
protocols, various types of networks (LAN, MAN, WAN and Wireless networks) and their
Prerequisi None
Co- None
Course Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for failing are:
Assessme Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations
nt Unexcused absences or more than 20% of required number of meetings per term
A failing academic standing and failure to take graded exams
Grading Quizzes / Assignment: 20 %
System Projects / Outputs: 30 %
Exams: 50 %
TOTAL: 100 %
1. Take on positions as I.T. leaders and/or embark on a research career in the field
Expectatio 2. Collaborate effectively in teams
ns from 3. Work effectively in the IT field to make a positive contribution to society
Remarks /
Annex A