Evolution of Drug: A Historical Perspective Abdul Wadud P.V.V. Prasad M.M. Rao A. Narayana

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Journal Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol.XXXVI/- 2007.

pp 69 to 80


Abdul Wadud* P.V.V. Prasad** M.M. Rao***
& A. Narayana****
To trace out the first person who discovered the first medicine is
extremely difficult. Perhaps the origin of medicine and drug and its early
history has been lost in myths. The use of medicinal plants dates back not
only to human civilization but to ancient people also. Plants have been
crucial in sustaining human health and well being of mankind. The word
Drug, taken from French word Drogue which means Dry Herb, strongly
suggests that earliest drugs were taken out from plant sources. Earliest
people used to treat diseases by some unconventional methods, using plants,
animal products and minerals, of them plants were given priority. World's
ancient systems of medicine e.g. Chinese Medicine, Ayurvcds and Greek
Medicine, despite, having wider differences in their principles of treatment
agree upon the point, that disease is due to imbalance within the constituents
of the body and that the aim of treatment is to restore the balance with the
help of herbs. So, herbs played vital role in the development of Pharmacology
and Pharmacy. The splendid architect of today's advanced Pharmacology
was not built in a day, but its foundation stone has been laid on old base.
Pharmacology from its very beginning to the age of Chemotherapy and on
words, has traversed long voyage. In this article travelogue of the
Pharmacology has been discussed briefly.

Key words: Papyrus, Shamanistic medicine, Humors, Alchemy, Renaissance, Magic bullet
It is very difficult to trace out the first person on the earth who discovered the
first medicine. The origin of medicine and early history of its progress are lost in the
mythical stories. Dr. Ryan's assertion, "All medicine is derived from God, and without
His will, it can't exist or be practiced", is universal truth." Plants played key role in
therapeutics, which is evident from their use in all systems of medicine, for example,
Western Medicine, originated in Mesopotamia; Unani Medicine, originated in Greece;
Ayurveda, originated in India; Chinese Medicine, originated in China and many others.
In fact, the knowledge about the plants and their uses as drug came to us following the
oral transmission from generation to generation and then through papyrus, manuscripts,

* Research Officer (Unani), ** Assistant Director (Ay.), **** Director, Indian Institute
of History fo Medicine, Osmania Medical College Building, Putlibowli, Hyderabad
500095, *** Assistant Director (Ay.), Central Council for Research in Ayurveda &
Siddha, New Delhi-II 0058
70 Journal Ind. Inst. Hist.Med. Vol. XXXVII - 2007

printing and finally electronic storages." All theories relating to origin of medicine are
object of imagination and have mystical basis. The only fact is that when early man
would have fallen ill he would have discovered some remedy for his illness. Those
people's remains contain evidences of attempts at medical care. The most striking of
these are skulls with cut holes probably, to allow the disease to escape from the body.
Herbal medicine was also practiced from the earliest time which, can be seen in apes,
chewing herbs that are not part of their normal diet probably, for their medicinal effects."
From the earliest time, herbs have been crucial in the health of mankind. The remains of
herbs are not uncommon in ancient burials. A 60000 years old burial site excavated in
Iraq was found to contain eight medicinal plants, including Ephedra sinica, Stapf. which,
is still in use. I In ancient period diseases were supposed to be due to some supernatural
causes, hence, treated by some unconventional methods. Plants, animal products and
minerals remained in use from earliest time. Plants were given priority in treating the
patients. Apart from medicinal values, plants were considered to have souls. Even,
Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher considered that plants had Psyche. In many cultures,
some plants have been given ritual importance In Hinduism, many plants are sacred to
specific divinities, e.g. Bael tree (Aegle marmelos Linn.), is sacred to Shiva. The Doctrine
of signature shows that there was a connection between how plant looked God's
"signature", and used medicinally, e.g. Juglans regia Linn. looked like Brain tissue, so,
considered as Brain tonic. Native people of Andes in S. America believe in coca plant,
that it is a spirit and must be respected. Even, today many traditional societies believe in
Shamanistic medicine. In fact up until 20,h century every rural community had it's own
wealth folklore, but what was the origin of these folklore, there is no definite answer.
Observations coupled with trial and error, good and bad effects, eating of a particular
root, leaf or berry and watching of animal behavior might have been played roles in
identification of plants as drug. I

The use of plants as drug, dates back not only to civilization but to early people
also. Parts of the plants, such as roots, leaves, fruits, flowers etc., were used as food.
Harmless parts were kept in the category of food, while harmful parts were discarded.'
Nevertheless the adverse effects of the plants paved the way for the evolution of drug,
e.g., purgative effects of "Rhubarb", was tested for treatment of constipation. Plants or
parts of the plants, which proved extremely fatal, were considered to be poison. On the
basis of this differentiation, edible things were classified as food, drug and poison. The
Evolution of Drug:A Historical Perspective - Abdul Wadud et al. 71

word, Drug, taken from a French word, Drouge, meaning, Dry herb, suggests that the
earliest drug was obtained from plant. source. As civilization grew form 3000 B.e. on
words, in Egypt, India and China, plants were used in more sophisticated forms and
written accounts of them were made. The awareness about conventional medicinal
plants began in Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome.? The Egyptian "Ebers papyrus"
of 1500 B.e., is the earliest and oldest surviving example of medical text, about 20
meter long, describing many disease and remedies including over 700 drugs and 800
medicine recipes, instruction for mixing up medicines into ointments, poultices, uses
and their acrions." Though many of drugs had little effects, but some are still familiar
to day e.g., Opium, Cannabis, Myrrh, Garlic and Castor etc. In India, the Vedas written,
thousand of years earlier are series of Hindu text, probably, based on much older stories,
also contain rich herbal materials and disease including herbal remedies, prayers and
magic rituals." The Vedas were followed by Charka in about 700 Be. The Ayurvedic
medical treatise, Charaka Samhita, includes details of around 350 herbal medicines. I
Indians were aware of anti-leprotic action of Chalmugra; tonic property of Amla and
sedative property of Asgandha. The Vedic medicine was practiced by about 1000 Be.
After this new school of medicine, still based on Vedas, but taking ideas from Buddhism
and other systems of medicine, started in India, known as Ayurveda. By about, AD.l 000,
final version of Charaka Samhita was written. In A.D. 1000, Islamic Physicians brought
new medical practices to India, and in AD. 1500 Europeans brought western medical
ideas to India. An other traditional system, the Chines Medicine developed over thousand
of years without outside influences, is as old as other systems. Nei Ching, an ancient
medical work by Huang Ti. has been written in about 200 Be. Shen Nong 2700 Be.
discovered herbal medicine and described some important drugs, e.g. Cheng Sheng, an
anti-malarial drug along with 365 different medicinal plants. These three ancient
civilizations and their medical systems differing widely from each other, all consider the
disease due to imbalance within constituents of body and that the aim of treatment is to
restore balance with the help of herbs."
Modem concept of medicine has its origin in 500 Be.Medicine, in this period
began to separate from spiritual and magical world. Hippocrates (460-370 Be.), the
Greek, Father of Medicine, considered the illness due to natural causes and felt that
medicine should be given without ritual connection. He, for the first time, gave scientific
approach to the art of healing and librated it from the clutches of dogmatism and opened
72 Journal Ind. Inst. Hist.Med. Vol.XXXVII - 2007

doors for more scientifically based researches, but he too believed in humors. His theory
of humors survived to 1800s, in Western Medicine. Latter on Aristotle, gave a
classification system to animals. His pupil, Theophrastus suggested the idea of
classification of plant kingdom. 2 He systemized knowledge of herbs and plants, describing
their medicinal values. The Greeks were most civilized from where Greek Medicine
emerged, which latter became Greek-o-Arab Medicine, that is presently known as Unani
Medicine. The famous Greek School at Alexandria, remained center for medical teaching,
even after, Romans conquered the Greeks. They followed the ideas of Greeks in medicine
and employed most Greek doctors, one of them is Claudius Galen, who moved to Rome
in AD.162, had profound influence on development of herbal medicine. He was so
influential that his writings were accepted for 1500 years. Hippocratic Theory inspired
him, but unlike other Greeks, he believed in experimenting." He described the methods
of preparation of drugs from plants and animals. He stated that plant products provide
essential elements for health. People followed his ideas for centuries. In fact, his work
was base for compilation of Materia Medica, on the basis of sources, dosages
identification, and indication and contra-indication of drugs.
The period 300 Be.-600 AD. was foundation of major herbal trade. By 2nd century
Be., Europe, China, and India were already set for trade. Trade routes between these
countries favored exchange of knowledge about herbs. The trade and interest in herbal
drugs was based on the same line as mentioned in ancient records. It was Dioscoridos,
(1 st Century A.D.), a Roman botanist, some say, Greek physician, who wrote the first
herbal, De-Materia Medica, known as, Kitab al-Hashais, in Arabic. He was the first
person to take botany in its applied form, following which, science of Pharmacy
developed.' De-Materia Medica is a milestone in the science of Pharmacology and
Pharmacy. Dioscoridos's intention was to present an accurate and authentic work on
herbal medicine, and he was successful. This text contains about 600 herbs, which
influenced the Western Medicine and was principle source of reference until 17th century.
It was translated in many languages, like Arabic, Persian, English and Hebrew etc. In
AD. 512, De Materia Medica became first pictured herbal containing nearly 400 color
illustration. I
In the middle ages, Folk Medicine was also practiced and this would have meant
nothing to do with traditional systems of medicines of India, Greek and China. The folk
people had sophisticated knowledge of plant drugs. This folk remained also unaffected
Evolution of Drug:A Historical Perspective - Abdul Wadud et al. 73

by revolutionary forces of history. 1 Though, Greek Medicine suffered a major setback

with the decline of Roman Empire, but during the period of Byazantine Empire, Greek
and Roman works on medicine were collected and some works were translated into
Persian and Syrian. At the same time, Arab Empire was expanding and growing. The
Arabs conquered Persia and Syria. In the beginning the preferred their own systems but
latter they turned to Greek ideas and put it into Arabic, which were latter translated into
Latin, and used in European medical schools from 1200A.D.Thanks to Arabic culture
(AD.500-l300) in which the remains of Greek and. Roman were preserved. The spread
of Islamic culture lead to establishment of medical schools .The Arabs were interested
in alchemy. They experimented to find many drugs. They also developed methods of
purifying chemicals. They were expert in Pharmacy and mixing herbs. Their relation to
India and China made them to have wide range of knowledge of herbs. Avicenna (A.D
980-1037), the author of Cannon of medicine, is most famous Arabic scholar. Among
the Arabic scholars many were Persian, Jews and Christians, living with in Arab empire.
Razhes was Persian, who compiled huge medical compendium, Alhawi. Arab pharmacists
compiled long list of herbal remedies. Some have described more than 3000 different
drugs. The techniques for extractions of active parts (Distillation), introduced by
alchemist, led to establishment of modem pharmaceutics. Many drugs of modem age
are synthetic or version of plant extract. On the other hand the T" century B.C., was a
golden period of herbal medicine in India. Establishment of Nalanda University and
other medical centers attracted thousands of students for learning Ayurveda. Scholars
recorded medical achievement, developed hospitals and established herbal gardens. The
Arabs worth special mention, because it was Greek-Arab-Medicine, which affected
Western Medicine.We will come to know how Western Medicine (Greek Medicine)
later changed in Arabian Medicine. In fact the system of medicine which, we call,
Arabian Medicine, was Greek Medicine, modified by various factors and rehabilitated in
Arabic Script". Its foundation was laid by translation of Greek Medicine in Golden
Period (750-850.A.D.) The Greek-o- Arab Medicine is now known as Unani Medicine.
Modem medicine is Greek Medicine, which developed in Europe after Renaissance.'
The Arabian medicine means the body of medical doctrine enriched in books
written in Arabic, mostly of Greek Origin. With decay of Greeks, the reliable source of
Greek wisdom is Arabian medicine from which Europe developed scientific ideas.' The
greatest contribution of Arabs to medical science was in Pharmacology. The word
74 Joumallnd.lnst.Hist.Med. Vol.XXXVII - 2007

Drug, it self, has its origin in Arabic. Alcohol, Alkali, Syrup, Sugar, and many other
terms have their roots in Arabic. Benzoin, Camphor, Saffron, Myrrh, Musk, Senna and
many more drugs are of Arabian origin. Alchemy (Chemistry) intimately, is associated
with Pharmacology. The Arabs invented methods of Distillation, Sublimation, Crystillation
and other processes familiar to chemists of today." If the Arabs did not invest their
valuable time in search of potable gold, they could have done more useful works. Jabir
Ibn Hayan is the father of Arabic Alchemy. Another genius among Arabs is Al-Biruni
who, in fact was one of greatest cultural historian, but deserves to be recalled the father
of Arabic Pharmacy. Al-Biruni is the first in Islam and perhaps in any culture to trace
the history of Apothecary art. He gave systemic, clear, rational and objective interpretation
of definition of Pharmacology. He apposed majority of pharmacists of his time who
were blind followers of what the others say. He emphasized on practical training of
pharmacy rather than study of books. I I Besides, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Arabs
contributed in Pharmacology to a wide extent, which is evident from many Arabian
scholars. Firdaws al-Hikrnat (Paradise of Wisdom) by Rabban Tabri; al Hawi (Liber
continent) by Rhazes; al-Qanoon- fi-al- Tibb (the Cannon of Medicine) by Avicenna, Kitab
al-Jarni-li-Mufradat-al-Advia-wal Aghdhia (the Corpus Simples) by Ibn Baitar;Tadhkirah
(the Memorial) by Antaki- and many others are living examples of Arabian contribution
towards Pharmacology":" In the later days a large number of books were compiled by
Unani scholars, but most are replica of one another. By Arabian medicines means the
contribution of those who knew Arabic and translated Greek works in Arabic.Some
historians by a contrivance intension named it Arabic Medicine to distinguish it from
Greek Medicine, which later changed in Modern Medicine after renaissance.
Up to the late 13th century medicine in Europe was practiced on the basis of
Greek writings rather than practice. After that, there was a period of renaissance that
lasted from 1400 A.D.-1600 A.D. People in this period experienced the most terrible
condition, the world has ever seen. From the mid 14th century onwards, Plague killed
millions of people, known as Black Death. Plague was not the only disease to strike the
people. Besides, Syphilis and Leprosy were common. European doctors were not
successful to combat these diseases, especially that of Plague. For these diseases no
herbal or mineral drug was available. The old treatment was some times worst than
disease itself. Europeans raised questions on old writings and started revising ancient
medical texts. One of important European figure of 17th century was Paracelsus (1493-
Evolution of Drug:A Historical Perspective - Abdul Wadud et al. 75

1541), who rejected Galenic theories. He told ," I have not borrowed from Hippocrates,
Galen or anyone else". He wrote," Having acquired my knowledge, from the best
teacher, that is, by experience and hard work". Paracelsus was a driving force in the
future development of Chemistry, Conventional Medicine and Herbal Medicine. By the
end of 16th century, Paracelsus had become the superman of new Chemical Medicine.
In those days importance of vital force was being diminished and medical understanding
of bodily functions, on the basis of biochemical level was gaining ground. In the beginning
the renaissance was a rebellion against Arabism.'? Paracelsus started the campaign of
reform by burning the works of Gallen and Avicenna. The renaissance indicates the
movement of Europe, which divides the medieval period from the modem period.' It
does not mean that renaissance totally discarded the herbal drugs rather than it started
more scientific based uses of herbs. From the 16th century onwards, isolated drugs
were developed from herbal sources. The discovery of medicinal value of Foxglow
(Digitalis purera) is a case when traditional herbal knowledge led to major advance in
medicine. From early 19thcentury,chemical laboratory became versus nature. No doubt,
important drugs like Morphine, Cocaine, Curare and many others are plant products.
Isolation of Morphine from Opium (Papaver somniferum), Salicylic acid (Aspirin) from
white willow bark (Salix alba)etc. separated the Herbal Medicine from Biomedicine.
Understanding of mechanism of action, dosage formulation etc. brought the era of
synthetic drugs. Synthesis of drugs like Phenacetine, Aspirin, Procain, Anaesthetics,
Sedatives and Hipnotics were centrifugal point.The Pharmacology expanded beyond
previous boundaries and became rational rather than trial and error. Physics, Chemistry,
Biochemistry and other branches of science played key roll in the development of modem
Pharmacology. 13. 18
Despite, tremendous advancement in the science of drug, it was nothing but
production of fast acting drugs that give symptomatic relief to the patients. There was
no magic bullet, which could eliminate the cause of infective diseases. i.e microorganisms.
It was not until first half of 20th century, when an era of Chemotherapy resulted in the
discovery of antimicrobials, which proved great blessings to mankind. Though, some
antimicrobials were known to man for centuries. Fungi, grown on shoes and moulded
curd on boiled soya were used for wounds." Ancient Greeks used male fern and
Chenopodium as intestinal anthelmintics. But in true sence, Pasteur's work, Ehrlic's
idea, Dogmak's experiment and Fleming's discovery are strongest stimuli in uprising
76 Journal Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol. XXXVII - 2007

the Chemotherapy. Pasteur and Joubert were the first to recognize the potential of
microbial products as therapeutic agent." In 1877 they published their observations,
that some microorganisms could be capable of inhibiting the growth of Anthrax bacilli
in Urine. Later on series of reports on the subject were presented. Tindal, 1881; Emmerich
1887, and Buchard, 1889 reported similar actions. But the history of modem rational
Chemotherapy did not begin until the use of Dye-Intermediate. Paul Ehrlic developed
the idea that Aniline dye could selectively kill the bacteria, stained by it, and thus, he
introduced the term Chemotherapy. 14. 16 He, in this way, pioneered the scientific approach
to drug discovery. He also standardized experimental dosages with concept of minimal
lethal dosages. He assumed the production of maximally parasytotropic and minimally
organotropic antimicrobials.'? His dreams proved true, because now we have much
selective antimicrobials. Dogmack's discovery of Sulphonomide (1935) brought the
Chemotherapy one more step ahead. Fleming (1928) established the term Antibiosis. He
was a proposser for research of more antimicrobials. His discovery of Penicillin led to
the discovery of other antimicrobials like Chloramphenical, streptomycin and Chlor-
tetracycline etc. In the 20,h century Pharmacology became truly scientific when
experiments confirmed the usefulness and uselessness of drugs. Shot-gun prescriptions
became of bygone era." Understanding of chemical structures of drugs, pharmacological
actions and toxic effects made the scientists able to produced more useful drugs. The
idea of structure - activity relationships (SAR) resulted into many new drugs, and toxic
effects were also minimized by this technique.' Modem pharmacology entered into new
field where antibiotics, vaccines and other drugs are being produced by Biotechnology.
It is to be noted that, this article is not aimed to a specific or particular system of
medicine rather than it covers the historical background of evolution of drugs. Here it
would be justified to give a brief account of sources of drugs. The traditional systems
are entirely based on drugs from plant, animal and mineral origin, but the Modem system
of Medicine covers other sources too. Irrespective of different systems of medicine,
we can classify the sources of drugs into more or less six groups-plants, animals,
minerals, synthetic, Biotechnology and Human gene therapy."

Plant Source
Plants always remained important source of drugs for all systems of medicine.
In traditional systems, parts of the plants or whole plant is used as drug, but in Modem
system of Medicine isolated active principles are used. Alkaloids, found in plants, are
land mark in the history of Pharmacology. Reserpine, Atropine and Morphine etc. are
Evolution of Drug:A Historical Perspective - Abdul Wadud et al. 77

few examples. Other principles, like Glycosides and Glucosides etc. are also used.
Digoxin, a cardiac glycoside, is milestone in the history of pharmacology. Chemical
structures of these active principles provide basis for semi-synthetic drugs, having
different actions. Important drugs used in Modern system of Medicine, are debts of
Animal source
Animals always sacrificed them selves in uprising the Pharmacology to fame,
because they have not only been used as drug sources, but in experiments also to up
grade researches for new drugs. In traditional systems animals or their parts or products
are used as drug. Hormones, like Insulin and Thyroxin etc. were first obtained from
animal sources.
Minerals, Synthetic Source, Biotechnology and Human gene Therapy
In traditional systems, minerals are extensively used as drug in inorganic forms,
but in Modern system of Medicine, minerals are not used alone, instead, have been
replaced by synthetic organic compounds, which is the largest of source of drugs.
Nowadays laboratory has become actual means of drugs. A comparison between old
and modern Pharmacology will impart beneficial. Traditionalists claim that natural drugs,
when, used in crude forms, exert beneficial effects only, and side effects are counter
acted by other substances present in that particular drug. Although, such substances
and their mechanism of action are to be known yet. The Innovatives say that synthetic
drug prepared on the basis of SAR, are safer than natural compounds, as harmful parts
could be removed by this technique. The authentication of traditionalist may be proved
by tea and coffee. Both have same amount of Caffeine, but coffee is more stimulant
than tea, because the later has more tannin, which renders the absorption of caffeine.
This may prove the hypothesis, but it may not always be true rather than such substances
may hinder the action of active constituents making the drug less effective. Modern
Pharmacology has adopted new techniques. Antibiotics, vaccines and other drugs are
being produced by Biotechnology and Human gene therapy has been instituted in genetic
The stepwise evolution of the drugs shows that from the beginning of traditional
therapy to the age of modern therapy, Pharmacology has long voyage. With emergence
of Modern system of Medicine, some political expediency divided the drug into modern
78 Journal Ind.lnst.Hist.Med. Vol. XXXVII - 2007

and traditional system Needless, to say that modern Pharmacology is nothing but a
developed form of traditional Pharmacology. It is offshoot of old systems especially
that of Greek Medicine or Unani Medicine. Be, it art, literature or science, all have
preliminary forms, that with passages of time reach the destination. Past with all its
particulars imbibes in the present and the present with all its possibilities continuously
changes in future. The factors of the past become logical base of present, which with
present decides the direction of future. This is true for Pharmacology too. The traditional
systems of medicine have a treasure of drugs, which is neither a succession nor a
compendium of hypothesis. It came up after exhaustive researches based mainly on
clinical observation. The Modern system of Medicine on the other hand has opened
many doors of more scientifically based researches, while traditional systems are bound
to the principles made centuries ago, due to which these systems are lagging behind. If
the followers of traditional systems of medicine bring small change in their ideas,
methodology and adopt today's scientific parameters, their systems would be in a position
to rationalize and convince the scientific world.

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80 Journal Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol.XXXVII - 2007

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