Sensors: Industry 4.0 Towards Forestry 4.0: Fire Detection Use Case
Sensors: Industry 4.0 Towards Forestry 4.0: Fire Detection Use Case
Sensors: Industry 4.0 Towards Forestry 4.0: Fire Detection Use Case
Industry 4.0 towards Forestry 4.0: Fire Detection Use Case †
Radhya Sahal 1,2,∗ , Saeed H. Alsamhi 3,4 , John G. Breslin 1 and Muhammad Intizar Ali 5
1 Confirm SFI Research Centre for Smart Manufacturing, National University of Ireland Galway,
Galway, Ireland;
2 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Hodeidah University, Al Hodeidah 3114, Yemen
3 SMART 4.0 FELLOW, Software Research Institute, Athlone Institute of Technology, Athlone, Ireland;
4 Faculty of Engineering, IBB University, Ibb 70270, Yemen
5 School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland;
* Correspondence:
† This manuscript is extension version of conference paper: R Sahal, J. Breslin, M.I Ali, “On Evaluating the
Impact of Changes in IoT Data Streams Rate over Query Window Configurations”, Proceedings of the 13th
ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, ACM: New York, NY, USA, 2019;
DEBS ’19, pp. 262–263 .
Abstract: Forestry 4.0 is inspired by the Industry 4.0 concept, which plays a vital role in the next
industrial generation revolution. It is ushering in a new era for efficient and sustainable forest
management. Environmental sustainability and climate change are related challenges to promote
sustainable forest management of natural resources. Internet of Forest Things (IoFT) is an emerging
technology that helps manage forest sustainability and protect forest from hazards via distributing
smart devices for gathering data stream during monitoring and detecting fire. Stream processing is a
well-known research area, and recently, it has gained a further significance due to the emergence of
IoFT devices. Distributed stream processing platforms have emerged, e.g., Apache Flink, Storm, and
Spark, etc. Querying windowing is the heart of any stream-processing platform which splits infinite
data stream into chunks of finite data to execute a query. Dynamic query window-based processing
can reduce the reporting time in case of missing and delayed events caused by data drift.In this
paper, we present a novel dynamic mechanism to recommend the optimal window size and type
Citation: Sahal, R.; Alsamhi, S.H.; based on the dynamic context of IoFT application. In particular, we designed a dynamic window
Breslin, J.G.; Ali, M.I. Industry 4.0 selector for stream queries considering input stream data characteristics, application workload and
towards Forestry 4.0: Fire Detection resource constraints to recommend the optimal stream query window configuration. A research
Use Case . Sensors 2021, 21, 694. gap on the likelihood of adopting smart IoFT devices in environmental sustainability indicates a lack of empirical studies to pursue forest sustainability, i.e., sustainable forestry applications. So,
we focus on forest fire management and detection as a use case of Forestry 4.0, one of the dynamic
Received: 7 December 2020
environmental management challenges, i.e., climate change, to deliver sustainable forestry goals.
Accepted: 15 January 2021
According to the dynamic window selector’s experimental results, end-to-end latency time for the
Published: 20 January 2021
reported fire alerts has been reduced by dynamical adaptation of window size with IoFT stream
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
rate changes.
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
ms in published maps and institutio- Keywords: IoT; query; industry 4.0; stream processing; window size; forestry 4.0; internet of forestry
nal affiliations. things; forest fire detection; forest sustainability
a reliable solution. Some specific challenges that the IoT industry faces when it comes
to data-processing are (1) the retrieval and processing overheads for the huge amount
of heterogeneous streaming data generated from a large number of IoT devices, and (2)
the missing and delayed events due to unpredictability of data which affects the required
rapid response time in the IoT industry [1]. In particular, these IoT devices produce data
at a variable rate (e.g., unscheduled events) rather than at a fixed rate, which augments
the difficulties for data stream processing platforms to cope with such a sudden increase
in streaming rates [2]. Taming this massive streaming data is a very challenging task.
Mainly, the true vision of IoT can only be realized if the underlying technologies for stream
processing can handle large amounts of data. Realizing the necessity, recently, a few
stable and scalable have emerged to facilitate real-time building applications for IoT by
processing large IoT data at scale, such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Samza
and Apache Storm [3] etc. The rapid development of IoT has resulted in the emergence of
a few sophisticated query language tailor-made for performing analytics over streaming
data, such as Spark SQL, Flink Table API, KSQL, SamzaSQL, and StromSQL. All of these
streaming data queries are relying on the concept of windowing to convert continuous
infinite data streams into chunks of finite data sets sliced according to a pre-defined time
(e.g., minutes, seconds, milliseconds) [4].
Our previous work has addressed the study of the impact of changes in IoT data
streams rate over query window configurations [5]. Our evaluation results have indi-
cated a direct impact of any changes in stream rate and window size over the engines’
performance. For instance, consider a fire alarm detection query scenario that processes
two input data streams and observes their values at a fixed interval for any fire hazard
detection. Input streams/sensors are configured so that they change their stream rate
with the changing values (e.g., if the temperature rises beyond a certain threshold, data
observation rate is increased to ensure early detection of any fire event). Larger window
size facilitates streaming query engines for optimal processing of data with high velocity.
Still, it impedes the query engine’s performance due to large intermediate result size or
delay events. The smaller window size can lead to short-latency, but it misses events in
case of high stream rates. Therefore, a fixed window size will either impede the query
engine’s performance due to a large number of intermediate results or miss the detection of
fire events due to the small window size. One of the real use case of fire data monitoring is
forest fire detection. The forest managers have gradually accepted IoT forest environmental
monitoring technologies for taking forest inventory through remote IoT data collection [6].
The IoT-based forest fire monitoring data has the challenge of dynamic ecological changes,
i.e., climate change due to unpredictable streaming data. In particular, the timeliness of
acquired monitoring IoT data should be considered to avoid real-time data being affected
by sudden factors.
Internet of Forest Things (IoFT) is version revolution of IoT, which refers to the smart
devices distributed in forest for monitoring, management and fire detection and protection.
A big picture of the forest fire situation is depicted in Figure 1. As shown, the deployed IoFT
is used to monitor weather conditions (temperature, humidity, CO (Carbon Monoxide),
and CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)). The sensory weather data are collected and consumed by
Apache Kafka as a scalable message queuing system. The collected data (i.e., potential
fire events) is then sent to the query engine running on top stream processing platform.
The number of possible fire events varies drastically during the day, which causes a delayed
fire reporting to the forest department authority. The delay will also raise late alarms to
the forest department authority to send its firefighters and drones to the burning forest.
Therefore, the automation theme of Forestry 4.0 can lead to appropriate, timely action to be
taken from the forest department authority side. Applying adaptive window-based stream-
ing data analysis on forest fire data monitoring can provide early warning mechanisms to
reduce fire risks by sending quick decision-making responses.
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 3 of 36
Figure 1. Forest fire monitoring use case using weather sensors data (temperature, humidity, CO and CO2 ).
Sustainable forestry focuses on three impacts, i.e., economic (timber supply), ecological
(biological and resilience), and social sustainability (forests multiple-use and non-timber
products). The forest operations challenges are finding optimal management strategies to
predict the environmental, economic, and social performance of various services, processes
and productions. The concept of sustainable forestry is based on sustainable development,
which refers to maintaining biodiversity, capacity, productivity, vitality and relevant economic,
ecological and social operations impacts [7]. Furthermore, the authors of [8] discussed the
challenges of forest operations and the proposed Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)
framework that analyses the social, economic and environmental. Sustainable forestry fo-
cuses on three impacts, i.e., economic (timber supply), ecological(biological and resilience),
and social sustainability (forests multiple-use and non-timber products). Figure 2 illustrates
the importance of forest sustainability management for economic, social, and environmen-
tal. Balancing these impacts is a challenge for improving sustainable forestry in terms of
data availability, and quality [9,10]. The authors of [8] summarized the forest operations
sustainability impacts in details. Based on the above study, Figure 2 shows the effect and
the importance of using techniques solutions for improving Forestry 4.0. Forestry 4.0 aims
to bring forest value chain to work within Industry 4.0 parameters (connectivity, security,
and productivity, processing remotely). The authors of [11] discussed challenges regarding
wireless network availability and connectivity in forest in contrast to industries based on the
advanced IoFT, robotics, automation and autonomous technologies.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no dynamic stream processing system that
has been studied concerning the forest fire management and detection to manage the
unpredictable environmental conditions changes. The dynamic window-based selector
is particularly important and relevant for forest fire management and detection use case
because of its ability to adapt to the environmental changes in time. It can provide a timely
warning about fires by real-time monitoring streaming IoT data to detect the dynamic
environmental fire risks. To bring our research work to reality, we develop a data generator
to generate IoFT-based forest fire streaming forestry data with fluctuated change rates
simulated to rapidly changing in an ecological environment within forestry areas. Therefore,
it is sensible to state that our work presents an adaptive stream processing prototype for
Forestry 4.0 i.e., IoFT-based forest fire detection can automatically adapt the window size
according to several parameters and, thus, improve the performance of the underlying IoFT.
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 4 of 36
1.1. Contribution
The main contributions in this paper can be summarized as follows,
1. We elaborate Industry 4.0 towards Forestry 4.0, which has been proposed as research
initiatives in recent years. While most of the publications have focused mainly on the
digital technologies, we have focused on applying the automation theme by proposing
dynamic stream query processing using IoFT for forest fire detection use case.
2. We provide a flexible model proposing the ideal window type and size depending on
stream rates and application requirements. The proposed dynamic query window se-
lector can monitor various external factors including stream rate, resource constraints,
and application requirement to propose the most optimal window size and type for
a given query. It is also capable of detecting any in-efficiencies and re-deploy the
optimal query.
3. We identify and perform a real-world use case of Forestry 4.0 (i.e., forest fire detection
based on IoT data) to evaluate the dynamic window selector in the fire situation when
the stream rate suddenly changes i.e., weather sensor starts sending streaming data
in high rate.
2. Related Work
Traditionally, stream processing systems have managed the sudden changes in stream
rate by elastically increasing available resources, or by discarding part of the data streams
(i.e., load shedding) [12–14]. Much work on the potential of stream processing has been
carried out in recent years due to the growth in IoT. Our work tackles change of stream rates
and window-based stream processing, which are major challenges faced due to loosely
couple nature of IoT data streams. The research work of forest environmental management
and industry 4.0 including forest fire detection is discussed. Therefore, we divide the
existing work into the following categories:
For the stream processing adaptation, Cervino et al. have proposed an adaptive cloud-
based approach for provisioning virtual machines with respect to stream rate change [15].
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 5 of 36
The proposed approach periodically estimates the number of virtual machines required
to support the input stream data rate to maintain virtual machines overloaded and meet
processing latency. The adaptive stream rate for smart grid applications on clouds has been
studied to throttle the rate of generation of power events by smart meters [2].
Furthermore, one of the aspects of the fluctuated streams generated by various IoT
devices is the out-of-order events problem. Kun et al. have proposed a real-time query-
matching algorithm to generate queries when the number of event types is large and query
length is long by minimizing the overhead and reduce the response time [1]. The distributed
Platform for Elastic Stream Processing (PESP) has been introduced to deal with changing
rates of streaming data [3]. The PESP platform operates a cost-efficient stream processing
engines due to a flexible adoption of processing nodes.
With regard to query stream processing, STREAM, a Stanford’s data stream manage-
ment system, supports a large class of declarative continuous queries over continuous
streams and traditional stored data sets [16]. Das et al. have proposed a robust algorithm to
automatically adapt the batch size based on the data ingestion rates, variations in available
resources, and workload characteristics [17]. Zhang et al. have leveraged adaptive batch
sizing and block size to minimize the end-to-end latency of streaming system without prior
knowledge of workloads specification [18]. The authors proposed a heuristic algorithm in-
tegrated with isotonic regression to automatically learn and adjust batch size and execution
parallelism according to workloads and operating conditions.
There has been much work in the area of stream-processing based on querying win-
dows. SABER, a window-based hybrid stream processing system is proposed to adapt
scheduling strategy on CPU and GPU with respect to increasing of the share of queries [19].
SPECTRE (SPECulaTive Runtime Environment) is a framework for speculative processing
of multiple dependent windows in parallel [20]. The SPECTRE framework has addressed
the speculative processing concept to allow the execution of multiple versions of multiple
windows using different event sets in parallel. It has provided a probabilistic model to
process different window versions that have the highest probability to be correct.
Stream-processing based on sliding window has been extensively studied for different
aspects such as aggregations and anomaly detection. For aggregation, the DABA algorithm
has been proposed for incremental sliding window aggregation over stream data [21].
Scotty, which is window-based operator has been proposed for aggregation and discretiza-
tion [22]. The key idea of the Scotty operator is splitting the streams into non-overlapping
slices and computes shared partial aggregates per slice while supporting out-of-order
processing. For anomaly detection, a sliding window-based strategy has been used for
detecting faults over high dimensional streaming data [23]. In particular, the authors has
proposed ABSAD approach to select fault-relevant sub-spaces and then detect online faults
stream with time-varying characteristics using sliding window.
For IoT forest environmental monitoring, the researchers at Northeast Forestry Uni-
versity have researched a networking based intelligent platform by using the ZIGBEE
protocol to monitor their forest environmental factors in time with the new IoT technol-
ogy [6]. The ZIGBEE-based networking technologies has the advantages of low power
dissipation, low data rate, and high-capacity transportation, which makes it more suitable
for the design of the node of the forest environmental factors collection platform. In the
context of forest fire management, the research works are over-viewed in terms of the
satellite systems, optical cameras, and wireless sensor networks detection techniques [24].
The author has discussed several research experiment results and some market product
methods for better understanding the fire detection technique stated that each technique
has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency, accuracy, versatility, and other
key attributes. Haifeng et al. have proposed a fuzzy prediction algorithm implemented
by rechargeable wireless sensor network to assess fire risk and calculated the quantitative
potential fire risk [25]. The authors studied the weather variables including temperature
and humidity as input of the proposed fuzzy prediction using 24-h monitoring of whether
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 6 of 36
meteorological factors. They concluded that it is difficult to predict the occurrence of forest
fires accurately.
In the field of IoT-based applications and fire management, Faisal et al. have designed
a wireless sensor network using multiple sensors for early detection of house fires [26].
The authors have used the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) to avoid
false alarms and they have tested their system by simulating a fire in a smart home using
Fire Dynamics Simulator. For the IoT-based forest fire detection, the proposed work in [27]
provides new improvements such as the use of innovative IoT technologies and a data
treatment focused on the prevention, detection, activation of alarms and management of
operations for the extinction of fires. The authors have developed a system with secure com-
munication which has been configured for monitoring different variables of environments
including temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 and wind speed. Furthermore, the authors
of [28] addressed the techniques used for reducing pollution such as CO2 for improving
smartness application in the real world via collaboration of drone and IoT framework
applications. However, the authors of [29] presented the collaboration of smart IoT devices
and drone for improving emergency response.
However, some good research work has been carried out to the dynamic stream
processing and previous work has not comprehensively considered dynamic stream rate
and query windowing using an open knowledge base to recommend the proper window
configuration. According to the authors’ knowledge, no comprehensive work towards
Forestry 4.0 which exploits the capabilities of streaming data platforms to manage the forest
fire due to dynamic rapidly changing of the ecological environment. So, we proposed an
adaptive window selector to dynamically change window configuration to face stream
fluctuating. Then, we defined a real-world IoT-based use case, fire forest detection, as a
dimension of Forestry 4.0 using the power of streaming technologies to provide a timely
warning about fires by real-time monitoring streaming IoT data to detect the dynamic
environmental fire risk.
The wood resource is from the forest, making forestry important for economic, cul-
tural, and ecological. Based on industry 4.0, the authors of [30] introduced the concept
of forestry 4.0. they showed the implementation of forestry 4.0 with multi-domain
systems. The authors of [31] discussed the advantages and limitations of using IoT
for wood processing in industry. Many studies discussed industry 4.0 in several field
including economic and business [32], information sharing [33], technologies and ap-
plications [34], future trends [35] and industry 4.0 in the wood industry [36] (https:
// How-
ever, many studies have been done in connecting industry 4.0 and forestry 4.0 with the
help of advanced technologies such as IoT, Artificial intelligence, robots, vehicles and
etc. [37], industry 4.0 application to forestry [30], wood processing [31], digitization in
wood supply [38]. The authors of [39] discussed Internet of improving the forest sustain-
ability. Moreover, the authors of [40] introduced the framework of industry 4.0 from the
prospective of forest supply chain. The framework components were included system
intelligence, digital technologies, communication network infrastructure, collaborative
supply chain of forest.
Forest fire accident represents a common hazard that destroys the forest. Therefore,
giant trees were reduced drastically, which led to an unhealthy environment for human
beings and animals. The authors of [41] introduced IoT devices and cloud to produce
forest fire alert in case the fire is detected. Therefore, detecting fire is necessary to avoid
fire hazards in the forest and benefit from distributing IoT devices in forest areas. The
authors of [37] introduced optical remote sensing for early fire alert systems. The proposed
system architecture included spaceborne, airborne, and terrestrial to detect fire with a
high accuracy level. Smart IoT devices are implemented in smart systems to measure
CO2 emissions of different forest fire sources [42]. Furthermore, IoT devices are used for
designing efficient forest fires detection [43]. The summary of the related research work
has been presented in Table 1.
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 7 of 36
Ref. (Year) Focused Advantages Industry 4.0 IoT Forestry 4.0 Fire
Detection Social Ecological Economical Environmental
[44] (2018) Fuzzy logic for forest fire detection, - Enhancing emergency response time X X X
prevention based WSN - Estimating the forest fire risks
[30] (2019) Internet of things and digital twins - Improving connectivity of forestry 4.0 X X X X X
for improving forestry 4.0 and software center
- Improving the impacts including
[38] (2019) Digitization in wood supply X X X X X
social, ecological, economic,
and environmental
and decision centre and industry 4.0. Furthermore, applying the IoFT can monitor forest
environment impacts in real-time with intelligent platforms. The authors of [50] showed
many benefits of using the IoFT to improve Industry 4.0 via low data rate, transportation of
high capacity, low power consumption and efficient gathering data. Moreover, Internet of
trees is used to monitor and early fires detection (https://https://electronics360.globalspec.
com/article/11399/internet-of-trees-early-detection-of-forest-fires/), and fight climate
change (
Forestry 4.0 concept, four research themes have been defined which, through their
distinct functions; the real environment, IoFT, the next-generation fibre supply chain, data
analytics [11]; as shown in Figure 3. For the real environment, the forest supply chains,
accurate information is needed on the amount and quality of fibre available, the physical en-
vironment in which operations will need to be deployed and the transformational outcomes
of the various phases of harvesting systems. In regards to forestry data-related technologies,
data are collected through remote sensing, satellites, drones or aircraft, imagery and LiDAR
3D cloud points, infrared cameras, high-resolution camera, etc. For the Internet of Forest,
the forestry industries face the most significant challenge regarding communicating in
remote areas with a high cost of satellite communication. Therefore, the Internet of Forest
which refers to various machines’ connectivity, is used as a collaborative system based
on real-time communication between machinery, infrastructures and digital devices to
control operations, even remotely. For the next-generation fibre supply chain theme, the ad-
vanced technologies will be required in harvesting systems to truly enable full Forestry 4.0
functionalities around connectivity, automation, and agility to upstream and downstream
changes in the supply chain. For automation, the production chain must be updated using
the latest technological developments, such as sensors, augmented reality devices, more
autonomous intelligent transportation systems (self-driving vehicles). For data analytics,
forest management’s decision-making process must take account of analyzing vast data
(such as geographical or geological data or those referring to wildlife biology). The forestry
data analyzing is beneficial to early inform and warn for risk analyses, accident statistics,
timber products supply chain, forest-damage, forest fire, etc. Forest fire is one of the
risks which has significant damage to the environment which motivates us to identify
and perform it as a real-world use case (i.e., forest fire detection based on IoFT data) as a
dimension of Forestry 4.0 using the power of streaming technologies. In particular, IoFT
streaming forestry data analysis can support and automate early warning systems that
ensure protection against forest fires around the clock have replaced forest workers and
volunteers doing duty on watchtowers. The summarized comparison of industrial research
in forest fire detection domain has been described in Table 2.
Based on the above, we try to build Forestry 4.0 in several layers based on [52].
Figure 4 illustrates the forestry layers, including smart devices layer, network layer, data
analysis layer and application layer. Each layer contains various devices, technology,
and technique to build smart Forestry 4.0 to be automated, digitalization and collaboration.
In the forest layer, forest world devices are used for sensing, monitoring, forest robots and
transportation robots. Network layer refers to advanced and emerged communication
technology such as 5G and 6G technology that can make the interaction between devices
reliable and without human intervention. Gathered data are processed in the data analyses
layer. People and employers can monitor Forestry 4.0 in the application layer.
Technologies Applications
Ref. (Year) Ref Highlighted Forestry 4.0 Industry 4.0 Fire
IoT WSN IoFT General Monitoring
[39] (2020) Internet of Things for Sustainable IoT and communication applications X X X
Forestry for sustainable forestry systems
Figure 5. Top 15 states based on wildfire acreage burned in 2018; NIFC 2019.
The year 2020 has been a year like no other due to COVID-19, which will change the
world forever. As the scientists, researchers, the World Health Organization, and social
communities fight the pandemic, another crisis is unfolding worldwide. Figure 6, (https://
depicts the forest fire outlooks in 2020 for May, June, July, and August, highlighting the
elevated risk in the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, and the Southwest throughout
the summer.
Substantially, a forest fire happens due to rapidly changing ecological environments
such as uncontrolled climate changes, making the forests unable to recover from devas-
tating consequences for the long-term. For example, the climate changes cause to change
the soil moisture and surface temperatures, making the soil becomes water repellent [55].
The forest department authorities’ enormous challenge is that the forests are usually remote,
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 13 of 36
Figure 6. Forest fire outlooks in 2020 for May, June, July, and August, highlighting the elevated risk in the Pacific Northwest,
Northern California, and the Southwest throughout the summer.
This issue has been a research interest for many years; many very well-studied solu-
tions are available out there to propose an effective way to minimize the damages caused
by the fires. Early detection of forest fires is the most attractive trend for the market and
research, making decision-makers take a fast appropriate reaction. There are several forest
fire detection techniques, and monitoring systems employed by authorities, including
human-based observation, satellite-based monitoring systems, optical camera-based moni-
toring systems and wireless sensor networks [24]. The human observation is inefficient due
to the error-prone. It provides an accurate forest fire prediction. As humans get fatigued by
time, their forest fire prediction will be inaccurate due to less considering environmental
impact, making it a non-reliable solution to reduce forest fire risks. The promoted satellite
monitoring systems suffer from severe limitations failing speedy and effective control for
forest areas. For example, the satellite systems may not be available for continuous-time to
cover the full regions within forests such as gaps in time when the satellite is not within
the field of view from certain regions or spots of the forest. On the other hand, the optical
camera-based monitoring systems are costly in building towers and communication infras-
tructure in the forests’ remote areas. Furthermore, the optical camera-based monitoring
systems may provide false alarms due to night vision and weather conditions such as
wind-tossed trees and cloud shadows that affect camera performance.
Recently, wireless sensor networks are considered the best available solution for
forest fire detection. They can provide all the required information that influences the
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 14 of 36
environment at any moment accurately. The wireless sensor networks are easily connected
and deployed in broad and inaccessible forestry areas. Accordingly, the researchers and
industries have shifted to IoT paradigm, which has been conducted in various fields.
For instance, the proposed work in [27] provides new improvements such as the use of
innovative IoT technologies and a data treatment focused on the prevention, detection,
activation of alarms and management of operations for the extinction of fires. The authors
have developed a system with secure communication configured for monitoring different
variables of environments including temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 and wind speed.
Lately, the forestry companies leverage the agility and power of the fourth industrial
revolution (i.e., Industry 4.0) towards Forestry 4.0 to utilize the IoT sensors capabilities
which send real-time streaming information to early detect wildfire.
Forest fires can happen due to climate change, and cause significant environmental
damages. So, we identified a forest fire detection use case as one of the dynamic envi-
ronmental management challenges. Several detection and monitoring systems are used
by authorities to detect the fire as fast as possible, and its exact localization and early
notification. As many IoT devices are working together to detect forest fire, the fire alarm
detection technologies can help support the decision-making process due to a rapidly
changing ecological environment. In particular, the generation of IoT streaming data
technology allows managers to establish a set of early warning mechanisms for the quick
response and decision making, together with having full use of the data on environmental
performance evaluation.
5. Methodology
This section will describe our approach to investigate the dynamic stream query
processing using IoT-based forest fire detection use case. To do so, we will introduce The
importance of dynamic window sizing over IoT-based stream rate change and then two
data streaming pipelines, which are static stream rate and dynamic stream rate change (see
Figure 7). The data stream processing pipeline for static stream rate includes IoT streaming
data pipeline over Apache Flink (data collection, data processing, data output) and its
evaluation, described in Section 5.2 and Figure 8. Then, the dynamic query window-based
selector for stream rate change includes the problem of the dynamic streaming query and
the proposed dynamic window-based selector for streaming query (dynamic window
configuration algorithm), described in Section 5.3 and Figure 12.
5.1. The Importance of Dynamic Window Sizing over IoT-Based Stream Rate Change
As IoT streaming data is potentially never-ending, analyzing such data can be never-
ending as well. Therefore, the stream windowing concept is re-emerging and being used
in IoT-based data stream processing [4]. All stream queries are executed as multiple
executions of the same query over data within a single window. Hence, the repeated
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 15 of 36
execution of queries on changing data within the window is the major resource-intensive
task. Performing analytics (i.e., aggregation) over streaming data makes it further resource-
complicated, bringing the windowing function into further limelight. Hence, any stream
processing system’s performance depends on the configuration of windows, including
their type and size. A larger window size is used to facilitate streaming query engines for
optimal processing of data with high velocity to deal with higher stream rate. However,
the larger window size increases the latency between the input arrival time and output
generation in lower stream rate. Furthermore, a few external factors can also impede a
query engine’s performance, such as application requirements, resource configurations,
number and type of queries, etc. Therefore, it is of utmost necessity to maintain an optimal
windows size at the query deployment time and during the executions of queries over
the time. As the query static window configuration may cause unreasonable high latency
in case of low stream rate or a resource contention problem and/or violate workload
requirements in case of high stream rate.
However, due to multiple external and dynamic factors it is not possible to guarantee
an optimal window size and type which could be valid throughout the life-cycle of a
streaming query. Ideally, the stream query processor must cater to external factors such
as stream rate and resource availability to continuously monitor the performance and
recommend the alternative optimal solution as soon as it is available. Consequently, if
the stream processing platform is windowing that data for processing, the windows no
longer represent the data that actually tremendously arrived. In particular, alignment
of stream rates with window-based analytics is difficult, especially in cases where these
analytics are required for sending preventable emergency alerts to avoid downtime and
costly unplanned maintenance.
Indeed, not only the windowing configuration affects the stream processing system
performance, but also fluctuations of the incoming streaming data rate [20]. Consequently,
in this work, we will study the data drift in IoT typically faced by industrial data analytics,
and discuss Apache Flink stream processing windows. Flink stream query processing is
insufficient to execute the same continuous query on variable stream data (i.e., high-rate
and low-rate). Significantly, choosing the proper window size in terms of milliseconds,
seconds, or minutes according to stream rates is beneficial to avoid data drift problems
to meet analytics requirements such as latency constraints. We study different stream
rate scenarios with regards to window size such as (1) assigning small window sizes for
high stream rates to materialize enough tuples (sequences of values) to be joined and (2)
assigning large window sizes for low stream rates that could buffer enough tuples for
insightful joins. Then, we provide a flexible model to propose the ideal window type and
size depending on stream rates and application requirements.
In this paper, we performed an empirical study to showcase how constant window size
and type impede query engine performance whenever stream rate varies. We evaluated the
impact over the Flink query engine’s performance with changing stream rate while keeping
the window size and type constant. Advocating the need of adaptive stream query engine,
we proposed a dynamic query window size and type selector, which can monitor various
external factors including stream rate, resource constraints and application requirement to
propose the most optimal window size and type for a given query. The proposed solution is
also capable of detecting any in-efficiencies and re-deploy the optimal query. A real-world
use case of forest fire monitoring based on IoT data is selected to evaluate the dynamic
window selector in the fire situation when the stream rate is changed i.e., weather sensor
start sending data in high stream rate.
Figure 8. The workflow of data stream pipeline over Apache Flink consisting of three phases (1) data
collection (2) data processing and (3) data output.
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 17 of 36
Figure 9. Example of deployed join stream query on Apache Flink web dashboard including data
source and window operator using tumbling window for 1 min, i.e., 60,000 milliseconds.
5.2.3. Evaluating the Impact of Changes in IoT Data Streams Rate over Query
Window Configurations
In this section, we overviewed the evaluation of the impact of any changes in stream
rate and window configurations over the performance of a stream processing engine which
was addressed in our previous work [5]. In particular, we implemented an IoT data stream
pipeline over Flink to consume data from Kafka, ingest it into Flink, execute inner joins over
Flink query engine, and then send back the joined streaming result to Kafka be consumed
by other data sinks.
We conducted our experiments using two input data streams which are streamed
using Kafka and processed by Flink. Query results are stored in MongoDB as data sinks.
We evaluated three types of windows supported by Flink, namely tumbling, sliding,
and session. For the first input stream, we varied it to 10 different stream rates i.e., 60,
120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540, and 600 tuples per minute. For the second input
stream, we only produced one tuple per minute at a fixed rate. We assess the latency (time
consumed between the input arrival and output generation) using two window sizes; (1)
the small window size which is one minute denoted by 1-min, (2) the large window size
is five minutes denoted by 5-min. To consider the queue delay for Kafka, we calculated
the latency of window-based join queries executed on Flink as (1) Flink with Kafka (i.e.,
the time consumed between the event observed until the output is generated), denoted by
Flink w/Kafka and (2) Flink without Kafka (i.e., the time consumed between the event is
already ingested into Flink till the output is generated), denoted by Flink wo/Kafka.
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 18 of 36
As shown in Figures 10 and 11, Flink w/Kafka and Flink wo/Kafka latency of queries
increases linearly with the increase in stream rate for both 1-min and 5-min window sizes
for three window types. In particular, the Flink w/Kafka grows fast due to Kafka’s delay in
launching Flink Kafka consumers to consume the input streams and Flink Kafka producers
to send back the output stream to Kafka. However, the average latency of Flink w/Kafka
over 5-min window is longer than the 1-min because the ingested tuples (i.e., from the
first minute to the fifth minute) wait until the Flink window triggers its output. The larger
window size can result in large data size ingested into Flink, and when this large data is
processed, it incurs higher processing time/latency. Our evaluation confirms the impact
of dynamic stream rate or other factors over the query engine’s performance. However,
there is no one window size and/or type fitting all input stream rates. Our evaluation
strengthens the case for adaptive window type and size recommendation based on the
input stream rate variation.
Figure 10. The latency of Flink join using window size 1-min.
Figure 11. The latency of Flink join using window size 5-min.
a prototype of a dynamic window-based selector for stream query running over fluctuated
stream rate is also presented.
Figure 12. The prototype of a dynamic window-based selector for stream query running over
fluctuated stream rate consisting of three phases: (1) input identification; (2) window selection
processing and (3) query deployment.
Declaring the infrastructure specifications (i.e., CPU, memory and network band-
width) is essential for decision-making processes in query stream processing. A prior
knowledge of the available resources can help the query stream engine select the ap-
propriate query configurations and avoid resource limitation problems in the case of
unpredictable stream rates.
Window selection phase
The window selection phase contains three components i.e., stream monitor, knowl-
edgebase and dynamic window configuration algorithm.
Stream monitor includes monitoring systems to observe different input stream charac-
teristics, including its rate, schema and other relevant information. The stream monitor
builds statistics on the go for live stream jobs being executed by the query engine. Both
the input stream rate and the current status of live jobs help the optimizer to choose the
suitable window configuration whenever the stream rate fluctuates.
The knowledgebase contains the previous recommended window configurations of
different stream rates, including window type and size regarding the relationship between
the identified inputs, query workload requirements and infrastructure specifications. We
built the knowledgebase to get recommendations for window configuration regarding
workload requirements, including latency and data enrichment over stream rate changes.
More specifically, Figure 13 depicts the four-quadrant matrix model of window config-
urations, including type and size for low and high stream rates. The quadrant matrix
model represents the information extracted from the conducted experiments in the study in
Section 5.2.3. Two workload requirements are carried out on different stream rates which
are latency and data enrichment. To simplify the evaluated results shown on quadrant
matrix model (i.e., decision making tool), we scale the 10 generated input stream rates
into the following two categories (see Section 5.2.3); low stream rate which comprises of
first five stream rates i.e., 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300; high stream rate which comprises of
last five stream rates i.e., 360, 420, 480, 540, and 600. For example, suppose the end-user
application requires that results are produced with high stream data with higher latency
irrespective of stream rate. In that case, the recommended window configuration is sliding
with a large window size. Another example could be latency-sensitive scenarios where
the recommended window configuration must be tumbling window with small window
size. For the latency-sensitive cases and need a reasonable resulted data size, a sliding
window with small window size configuration can compromise on these two contradicting
requirements. On the other hand, in high stream data, the session window with large
window size configuration can significantly gain a feasible result size while maintaining
an acceptable latency. We built this knowledgebase based on our experiments, but it will
gradually evolve as more, and more complicated scenarios occur during various query
executions. This knowledgebase acts as the core component for the dynamic window con-
figuration algorithm and recommendation of the optimal query window configuration (see
Table 3).
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 22 of 36
Figure 13. The four-quadrant matrix model of stream query window-based configuration, i.e., type
and size concerning the workload requirements including data enrichment and latency.
Table 3. Recommended stream query window configurations for some use cases requirements i.e., latency and data enrichment.
Second, we track the current window size using live statistics (denoted as Window_
Size_Current) which indicates the configured window size for the current stream rate.
Algorithm 1 presents the core function that calculates the next window configuration in-
cluding window type and size based on the recommended window configuration fetched from
the knowledgebase. The input of the DWC algorithm is the Workload_Requirements_List
which identified by the use case. First, the algorithm identifies the stream type using the
get_Stream_Type function as shown in Line 6. The function of get_Stream_Type is used to
map the numerical values of stream rate to the high-level representations of requirements
within the built knowledgebase (e.g., stream rate = high). Secondly, the algorithm gets the
window type and size from the built knowledgebase based on the workload requirements
and stream rate type. Thirdly, for the window size, the algorithm decodes the high-level
representations of window size into numerical values to be used for new window configu-
ration. For the recommended large window size, the new window size will be increased.
For the small window size, the new window size is identified according to the StreamRat-
eChangeRatio stated on Line 14. The StreamRateChangeRatio is calculated based on the
last stream rate and the current stream rate. Therefore, the new window size is rationally
recommended based on the previous recommendation extracted from the knowledgebase,
the status of both of current stream rate and the last executed window size(s).
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 24 of 36
Deployment phase
In the deployment phase, the new optimized stream query will be deployed using
the selected window configuration based on the current stream job status, the stream rates,
the application requirements, and resource constraints. In doing so, the new query will be
deployed beside the current stream query (i.e., without killing the running query) and the
current query still runs until the new one is warmed up.
selector adapts the window size (i.e., increasing and/or decreasing window size according
to the fluctuating stream rates during day hours). To the best of our knowledge, there is no
open dataset of forest fire detection IoT based use case. The authors in [27] have developed
a system with secure communication which has been configured for monitoring different
variables of environments including temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 and wind speed.
They have taken into account Rule of 30 that considers zones characterized by temperatures
above 30 °C and humidity values below 30% as risk areas for forest fires. Authors in [25]
have considered the probability of forest fire changing with temperature.
Based on the proposed work in [25,27], we prepare a dataset having five weather sensors
including temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 , and wind speed. The dataset is generated
using Rule 30 to bring it close to reality, for example by showing temperature goes higher
during the noon, late afternoon and lower after midnight [27,56] (https://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Rule_30), (
elements.htm). However, the authors of [57] discussed the techniques and strategies for
greening IoT by reducing the pollution hazards. Furthermore, we use the standard European
Forest Fire Information System which describes the Forest Fire Danger Ratings into four
categories; Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red ( to define alert types
thresholds for each sensor (see Figure 14). Our assumption for data generation is that each of
the sensors remains in the thresholds defined for each alert type, e.g., when the temperature
is less than 30, humidity is always greater than 30 and so on (see Table 4 and Figure 15).
In particular, we assume there are 100 nodes installed to produce weather sensor
values (i.e., temperature, humidity, CO, and CO2 ) depending on the alert type threshold.
For example, for green, yellow, orange and red, there are 2, 6, 12, and 60 values per minute
sent from sensors respectively (see Table 5). The day is divided into different sections
depending on the alert type, and in total there are 8 h of green, 7 h of yellow, 6 h of
orange and 3 h of red. The rationale behind this assumption is that the midnight and early
minoring hours are less likely to fire occurrences, i.e., green alerts. In contrast, the noon
hours are the high probability for fire occurrence, i.e., red alerts. The sample of generated
data for the weather variables values is provided in Table 6.
Substantially, high wind speed promotes supplying more oxygen from the surround-
ing environment. Therefore it increases the fire at a fast rate. Consequently, the wind
speed, which probably has the most significant impact on a wildfire’s behavior, is the most
unpredictable factor. Due to wind speed’s unpredictability during a day, we could not
generate a wind speed stream using Rule 30 to be close to reality. We generate it within the
speed range; between 1 and 20 km per hour [58].
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 26 of 36
Figure 14. Average of sensor value per day generated using rule 30 and the corresponding alerts in
uni-sensor environment: (a) temperature (b) humidity (c) CO (d) CO2 .
Green Yellow Orange Red
Temperature <30 ◦ C ≥30 ≥37 ◦ C ≥40 ◦ C
Humidity >30% ≤30% ≤20% ≤10%
CO (ppm) <10 ≥10 ≥25 ≥50
CO2 (ppm) <350 ≥350 ≥2000 ≥5000
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 27 of 36
Table 5. The input and output stream rates per minute, the corresponding fire alert during day and
night hours for one node.
Fire Alert Type Hours Input Stream Rate Output Stream Rate
Green [0–4, 21–23] 2 4
Yellow [5–8, 18–20] 6 12
Orange [9–11, 15–17] 12 24
Red [12–14] 60 120
Table 6. Sample of weather variables values per day generated for one node using rule 30.
and wind speed stream. Since not only the pattern of weather sensors thresholds is used to
report the wildfires, the wind speed also is used to early notify the fires especially in case
of the wind excess the high range, i.e., 20 km/h.
For brevity and simplicity, we run our experiments by setting the data generator to
produce streaming data for 100 nodes within 24 min using the predefined stream rate of
24 h to make our experiments more tractable.
According to the listed experiments and the forest fire detection use case which
concerns timely danger rating alerts, we measure these matrices; (1) output stream rate
including the number of actual alerts, joined events/reported alerts, loss/missed alerts
for each alerting category, (2) timeline latencies including queuing time, processing time,
and end-to-end latency time (see Figure 16), (3) reduction of reporting time using dynamic
window selector. For the output stream rate, the actual alerts measure the expected
alerts resulted from join query based on the stream rate; the reported alerts measure the
Flink resulted joined tuples, the loss/missed alerts measure the alerts which pass their
time due to long waiting in Kafka queues. For the timeline latencies, the queuing time
measures the consumed times by Kafka in two intervals; the first interval is when the event
consumed from Kafka source (i.e., weather sensors) and the second interval is when the
joined events/reported alerts are sent from Flink until reported (i.e., stored into MongoDB).
The processing time measures when the event is ingested into Flink until the event was
sent to Kafka again. The processing time also includes Flink join processing time which
labels each event by the corresponding rating alert. The end-to-end latency time measures
the time from the event is generated until the event/alert is reported, e.g., sent to the forest
department authority.
with respect to the other alerts for all window sizes. The long latency of red alerts happens
by increasing of stream rate over larger window size.
Figure 17. Comparison of static experiments for 100 nodes with respect to the number the reported
events, the number of loss events and the end-to-end latency time.
Figure 18. Comparison of static and adaptive window sizes for queuing time, processing time,
end-to-end latency.
Considering the reality of the desired contribution, Figure 19a shows that our dynamic
window selector can adapt the window size according to time-varying input stream data
rates based on 24-h monitoring of weather conditions in the forestry areas. For afternoon
hours (i.e., 12, 13, and 14 o’clock) which are the most latency-sensitive for fire probabilities,
our dynamic window selector can achieve the highest reporting delay reduction relative
to the rest hours per day (see Figure 19b). Furthermore, Figure 19c shows the significant
end-to-end latency time, E2E, improvement relative to window size which leads to faster
alerting the forest department authority to protect the forests from fire spreading and
huge damages.
Figure 19. Dynamic experiment number 7. (a) Dynamic window size relative to input stream rate (b) dynamic window
size relative to reduction of reporting time for output alerts (c) dynamic window size relative to End-to-End latency time
improvement (E2ELatency).
believe that losing 85% of red alerts is still reasonable to provide a timely warning about
fires by using 15% of the expected alerts while reducing notification time to 74%. Finally,
our experimental results over the generated forest fire dataset confirm that the dynamic
window selector significantly reduces the end-to-end latency time for the reported fire
alerts by sending fast danger alerts even though there are many missed alerts during the
adaptation process.
Figure 20. Summary of end-to-end latency time improvement (E2E) and loss alerts ratios for each
alert type for adaptive window size experiment with respect to the static window experiment.
7. Discussion
To bring the static window size experimental investigation to reality, the weather
variables including temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 and wind, are considered relying
on the new technology of IoT, which can achieve 24-h monitoring of weather conditions.
From this experimental investigation, we learn that the large window size is suitable for
the low stream rate, which reports the green alerts in normal weather conditions. On the
other hand, the small window size which reports fast alerts is good for the high stream rate,
which leads to critical danger ratings (i.e., red alerts). In terms of forest fire detection, it is
a widely accepted view that relies on how difficult to detect forest fires accurately using
static streaming window configurations. Consequently, the window size needs to linearly
adapt according to the increasing stream rate to keep maintaining the critical alerts even
with a reasonable number of loss alerts that indicate forest fires. In particular, we need to
deploy a suitable dynamic streaming window configuration to maintain the weather data
changes’ stream rates to avoid the potential fires in the broad forestry areas, especially in
the summer season.
In summer times which are usually called fire seasons, more than 80% forest fire
occurred either in the spring or in the autumn with a slight increasing distribution due to
the drier weather conditions [25]. According to this work, the weather variables, including
temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 , and wind, are considered relying on IoT’s new technology,
which can achieve 24-h monitoring of weather conditions in forestry areas. The joined
streaming results, which are the alerts, can illustrate the relationships between the weather
alert thresholds and the wind speed. Therefore, based on the findings using our proposed
dynamic window-based selection system, the reported alerts are very time-sensitive in
case of high wind speed. In particular, in the autumn with the drier weather conditions,
the orange alerts should be considered red alerts in high wind speed, which strongly warns
of danger fires igniting. Consequently, our proposed dynamic window selection system
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 32 of 36
can inform the forest fire authorities about the forest fires that rely on different weather
conditions even not fire seasons.
7.1. Challenges
In this paper, we present a novel dynamic query window-based processing system
to recommend the optimal window size and type based on the dynamic context of IoFT
applications. Regarding improving forestry 4.0 environmental sustainability, real-time
network connectivity of IoFT devices and decision making will enhance forest resources to
be continuously managed and monitored. Management of forestry 4.0 will be easy due to
reducing resource damages and wastes, while harvesting will be coordinate to minimize
gas emissions. Autonomous IoFT devices, vehicles and robots will improve safety and
also working environment. There are more complex queries with complex operations, e.g.;
multiple streams join since such cases/scenarios are non-trivial to solve and may consider
for future work. Furthermore, The delay of reporting time in case of missed and delayed
events could be reduced by identifying the optimal amount of resources to satisfy the
required processing delay under specific stream rate change [59]. In integration with other
adaptive streaming techniques, other adaptive techniques such as adaptive load shedding
for windowed stream joins [13] and dynamic batch sizing [17] can be integrated with our
proposed dynamic windowing based on stream rate change for industrial applications.
For stream processing platforms, the streaming data processing results should be on-the-
fly to support alerting applications that process new data at the speed with which it is
generated. Event streams are potentially unbounded, infinite sequences of records and
unpredictable that represent events or changes in real-time. Consequently, the in-memory
stream processing platforms must be both fast and scalable to handle billions of tuples every
second. Memory consumption is one of the scalability challenging aspects that affect stream
processing performance, especially for alerting applications, i.e., publishing notifications
to subscribers. The existing research of adaptive windowing lacks solutions that consider
memory consumption with the variable stream rates generated from the event sources
(e.g., applications and sensors) and the critical destinations such as an alerting system.
Regarding our proposed system, changing the window size can reduce the trade-offs with
memory consumption. For example, assigning small window sizes for high stream rates
helps avoid data drift problems (i.e., memory crash) and meet analytics requirements
such as latency constraints. For further investigation, we plan to address the bottleneck
and performance problems briefly due to memory consumption during streaming data
processing [60].
7.2. Opportunities
We believe that the proposed system has taken a number of steps in this direction.
Furthermore, the future work will take us much closer to comprehensive solutions for
variable size windowing over IoT-based stream rate change. Moreover, the proposed
system able to manage the sudden large change in stream rate to establish a set of early
warning mechanisms for the quick response for critical-latency applications. Gathering
data and producing accurate alert of fire detection in Forestry 4.0 requires to distribute
a massive number of smart devices and efficient processing techniques. Real-time fire
detection and management alert is a critical issue for improving Forestry 4.0 application
implementation. Therefore, this issue should be given high consideration to improve
treating with a real situation and supporting needed real remedies to situations in real-time.
Furthermore, distributed several kinds of smart devices could be used to monitor the
forest fire. Heterogeneous smart devices gather different data. Applying a multi-model for
gathered data is also a critical issue for forest fire detection and management.
Transmission gathered data for long-distance is a critical issue for improving Forestry
4.0 monitoring. Therefore, processing gathered data locally should be taken into consid-
eration for improving forest situation in real time. Another solution, drone technology
may be taken into consideration as edge station for gathering data from closed distance to
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 33 of 36
smart devices efficiently and line of sight [61,62]. Furthermore, drones can process data
nearest to smart devices and take action based on an algorithm implemented by using deep
learning and store in the drone. in this case, drones can produce alerts of fire detection in
forests. On the other hand, there is an opportunity to use edge technology to improve the
economy and manage wood production (i.e., drone edge intelligence for gathering data
from IoFT devices).
8. Conclusions
Industry 4.0 is gaining advantages from the implementation in different domains.
Therefore, the transformation of Industry 4.0 towards Forestry 4.0 in the forest domain
appears inevitable. The advantages of this transformation will significantly improve the
social, environmental and economical. Therefore, Forestry 4.0 is a promising sector of
Industry 4.0 to make a real sustainable revolution. We applied a dynamic window configu-
ration recommendation techniques to handle variable stream rate and build an optimal
query execution plan. This approach shows a significant enhancement on stream query
optimization. Furthermore, it presents additional modules, such as input stream monitor-
ing and creates an open knowledge base. This addition plays a vital role in evaluating the
optimal window configuration. Regarding forest fire detection and management by using
IoFT, we describe how IoFT generates streaming datasets for a rapidly changing ecological
environment. The forest fire dataset is evaluated using static and dynamic window sizes
configurations. The proposed dynamic window size selector shows its superiority to send
timely alarming alerts by adapting window size based on the sudden stream rate changes.
Forestry 4.0 has a bright and exciting future. In the future, the extent of this work will
be in the augment our approach within top distributed stream processing platforms. Build
an open knowledgebase/knowledge graph storing statistics of IoT devices’ performance.
Their stream rates can be utilized by multiple platforms and applications to build robust
and adaptive IoT applications. Memory consumption and connectivity among smart IoFT
devices are the limitation of our proposed approach. It will be our future direction to
improve sustainability impacts and manage fire detection before it occurs. On the other
hand, improving dynamic selectors to predict future environmental risks will help identify
and detect risk before it occurs by collecting large dataset from high input stream rates and
then applying powerful predictive analytics techniques such as deep machine learning.
Moreover, the combination of deep learning and blockchain technology can be used in
order to improve processing, resource utilization and connectivity among smart IoFT
devices. Blockchain is a decentralized technology for smart devices and makes decisions
locally instead of sending data to the center for analysis. While, deep learning can be
implemented in smart contracts to process data locally and make decision making based
on historical storage data in blockchain to produce fire alert immediately.
Author Contributions: R.S.: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Soft-
ware, Writing–original draft, Writing–review & editing. S.H.A.: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Formal analysis, Writing–review & editing. J.G.B.: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Investiga-
tion, Project administration, M.I.A.: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration,
Supervision. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research has emanated from research supported by a research grant from Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant Number SFI/16/RC/3918 (Confirm), and Marie Skłodowska-
Curie grant agreement No. 847577 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No Data available online. For further query email to corresponding
author (,
Acknowledgments: This work has emanated has emanated from research supported by a research
grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant Number SFI/16/RC/3918 (Confirm),
Sensors 2021, 21, 694 34 of 36
and Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847577 co-funded by the European Regional
Development Fund.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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