Nurse Patient Analysis Verbal Non-Verbal Verbal Non - Verbal Therapeutic Technique Analysis

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Nurse Patient Interaction


“doing so hot I
think and feel as
though people “The patient is
“Is this a new have called me “The patient Exploring delusional and
feeling for The Nurse is here to is fidgeting shows bizarre
you?” calm electrocute me and twirling movements
judge me put his hair” showing signs
me in jail or kill of paranoid
me electrocute schizoprenia”
me because of
some of the sins
I've been”

“must be very “it so scared I “The patient Exploring “The patient is

frightening for “The Nurse is can tell you that is fidgeting delusional and
you to feel” calmly pictures got a and twirling shows bizarre
listening” headache.” his hair” movements
with no facial
“Do you want to expression”

“Okay, when a “ The patient

sperm and an “The patient Broad is delusional
“Can you tell “The Nurse is egg go together showing Openings and are
me more calmly asking to make a baby. hand showing
about that question” Only one sperm movements bizarre
that picture goes up in while thoughts and
has a them. And explaining” movements
headache?” when they while talking
touched there's topics that
two contact don’t relate to
points that each other.”
touched before
the other two.
And that is
carried up into
the when they
fuse. It's like
nuclear fusion
fusion there's a
mass loss the
proton one heat
Nurse Patient Interaction

abstraction goes
up in the
electron spins
around comes
back down into
the proton to
form the mind
and the mind
can be reduced
to one atom.”
I would like you
At this point, “Nurse is to get me off a “The patient Exploring “The patient is
what would calmly asking” cigarette, give is fidgeting tense and
you like us to me dried out and twirling want to
do for you? cleaned up. So I his hair” relieve stress,
can go home and also
and get a job in showing
a bakery and go symptoms of
to medical paranoid
school. schizoprenia

“Thank you for “Nurse is “bout to get my “The patient Giving “The patient is
coming down. greeting the teeth Because is fidgeting Recognition showing
Morning, how patient while I'm nagging and twirling bizarre
are you?” trying to sit people I'm his hair” movements or
down” playing the akathisia “
game with my

every time in
My school that I “The patient Formulating a “The patient is
explanation is “Nurse is was going to do is smoking plan of action tense and
that you feel calmly so I would raise cigarette and angry and
that whatever answering the my hand and a is tense” showing
decision you question of colleague kid hostile
make, you're patient while would stab me behaviour
going to lose cross legs” in the back of which are the
here. And the neck. What symptoms of
maybe that's is your paranoid type
why it's so explained schizophrenia”
hard for you explanation for
to make that that guy? That's
decision. what you're
afraid to say.
What is your
Nurse Patient Interaction

explanation of
that? Cause you
can't say it.
The nurse is mean, gosh,
not asking “The nurse is scared, so I'm “The patient Silence “The patient is
question calmly silent not scared. is angry and showing
and listening. Well, there's tense while hostile
those playing fidgeting his behaviour to
In face to face Boogie Woogie hair” the woman”
position to the with
client me.
moderate eye one old dude
contact with green
teeth and I
couldn't think of
nothing to do so
I just reached
out and kicked
old green teeth
right in the
knee. You're not
scared. I won't

You realize this “The patient

i recommend “In face to is my mother is angry and Reflecting “The patient is
to give her a face position and I'm trying to tense while showing
chance to to the client keep her alive. fidgeting his hostile
listen to her? Maintains Now what do hair” behaviour to
moderate eye you what do the woman”
contact you what do
you recommend

The nurse is “The nurse is because I was “The patient Silence “The patient is
not asking calmly silent raped going to is angry and showing signs
question and and listening kindergarten tense while of delusions
is listening while about five showing and bizarre
maintaining times, okay. Let bizarre hand perceptions of
eye contact” me give it to movements” paranoid
you a different schizophrenia”
way. How long
has it been
since I dreamed
Nurse Patient Interaction

I was there and

hillbilly heaven?
How long is it
been since a
town without
pity for rape? So
how long has it
been since the
man who shot
Liberty valance?

Manic phase of bipolar disorder



-In face to face

tell me position to the okay it was four -Maintain Placing event The patient
something o'clock in the
about the
client morning
eye contact in time or has manic
events that -Maintains i was working out -Sitting in an sequence phase of
moderate eye for the olympic open leg bipolar
contact team position disorder and is
can you dig it?

-In face to face

why were you position to the because um well -Maintain Exploring The patient
doing that? i had this buddy
client who
eye contact seems to be in
-Maintains who got thrown -Sitting in an perpetual
moderate eye out of the place open leg motion with
contact where i position rapid speech.
was living and he
was supposed to
me in hallsville
it was four
o'clock in the
morning and
he didn't show up
so i figured that i
would work out
and then they got
me on a doc
question mark

what were you -In face to face running back and -Maintain Exploring The patient
forth basically
Nurse Patient Interaction

doing when position to the checking out the eye contact seems to be in
court you know
you were client checking out the
-Sitting in an perpetual
working out -Maintains moves that i'm open leg motion with
moderate eye going to position rapid speech.
contact do when i get
into the olympics

what makes because i'm a

damn good
you think -In face to face basketball
-Maintain Encouraging The patient
you'd be position to the player and i've eye contact expression has diffifculty
eligible for the client never done -Sitting in an sitting still and
olympics -Maintains nothing wrong open leg is talking fast,
in my life before
moderate eye and and uh position also showing
contact so i think i can - excessive symptoms of
make the olympic movement manic episode
which is
turning from
one listener to

what do you that's nothing big

think about all
-In face to face i mean that's just
-Maintain Encouraging The patient
those fights position to the hassles between eye contact comparison has difficulty
you've gotten client elementary kids -Sitting in an sitting still and
into ever since -Maintains i mean open leg is talking fast
you were what's that
in seventh moderate eye i mean maybe i position without a
grade contact got a swat here - excessive pause, also
in there movement showing
punching a kid in - nervous symptoms of
the face or laugh manic episode
something which is
that's nothing big
all right let's go
turning from
on so one listener to
i lost my train -In face to face a free agent and -Maintain Exploring The nurse cant
of see what bobby
position to the leonard
eye contact seem to keep
um do you client thought -Sitting in an up with the
have any plans -Maintains what kind of open leg patient rapid
for the future? moderate eye skills he thought i position speech,
had see
contact he's the indiana - excessive constant
pacers coach movement intelligible and
see um see i'm a - nervous unintelligible
free agent now
and laugh speech. And
and really that's the patient
being a nobody showing signs
nobody's looked
at me yet
of euphoria.
leonard hasn't
nobody has
i was going to
have my dad get
Nurse Patient Interaction

contact with
and if it's a
possibility that he
do it
because i'm a
damn good
player and i
should be on a

how were you -In face to face i was feeling -Maintain Exploring The patient
feeling when great
you were
position to the fantastic super
eye contact shows periods
playing client he was like the -Sitting in an of euphoria
basketball that -Maintains best open leg and false
night moderate eye feeling in the position sense of well
how would you world
describe it contact or next to the - excessive being, and the
best feeling in movement patient seems
the world - nervous to be
laugh exhausted.
-you can walk -In face to face all right i'm -Maintain The patient
around all getting a little bit
position to the cramped
eye contact Exploring shows periods
client -patient of euphoria
-Maintains -i'll walk around standing up and false
-were you
moderate eye -i'll check out the and walking sense of well
feeling more
self-confident contact around being, and the
than usual
oh heck yes like - excessive patient seems
when i was on movement to be
basketball court - nervous exhausted.
i felt like i could laugh
do anything
wanted me to do
except for
ridiculous like
like shooting a
half court shot
making it

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