Rizal Worksheet

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Worksheet 1

“He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never get to his
destination” (Rizal). We Filipinos know that our national hero is Dr. Jose Rizal also known as his
real name José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. We know that he was an shot in
Bagumbayan. We only know that he died because of his love for our country. But only few of us
know what he had done, where he had been and how many sacrifices he had made for the sake of
our country's independence from the Spaniards. Rizal’s contribution for the freedom of our
country is well very well known to us Filipinos.
During Rizal childhood there was this story called the “ Foolish Butterfly” which his
mother selected to read, this story during Rizal childhood forehadowed how or what is going to
happen to him later on, supposedly the moral of that story was obedience, and the young
butterfly was burned and died because it disregarded the parental warning not to venture too
close to the alluring flame. Rizal envied the fate of the insects, that he saw the light was a fine
thing and it was worth dying for. Even on his early childhood Rizal already see’s what its like to
be a martyr. At Age four Rizal shed tears the first tears of real sorrow when her little sister died,
he realized that life is a constant struggle and he learned to meet disappointments and sorrows
with the tears in the heart and a smile on the lips. At age nine Rizal studied in Binan and also left
some of his maxims, such as “ Spare the rod and spoil the child”. “The letter enters the blood”,.
Rizal as like typical student also got bullied and got into a fight, this show that Rizal was a
normal student like us, later then Rizal was move to manila because he knew much as his master
in Binan school. Biñan had been a valuable experience for young Rizal. There he had met a host
of relatives and from them heard much of the past of his father’s family. His maternal
grandfather’s great house was there, now inhabited by his mother’s half-brother, a most
interesting personage. Jose during his school in Manila, change is surname to “Rizal” because
their family name “Mercado” was under suspicion of the Spanish authorities. Rizal on his first
weeks on the Ateneo was at bottom rank which was “externo, but later on rapidly progressed at a
higher rank he became “emperor”. Even at young age we already know Rizal enthusiasm to learn
and improve himself, he dedicated his time and money to learn rather than to waste time on other
things. When Rizal was studying at Ateneo, there was an anecdote that illustrated Rizal’ to help
the helpless at the risk of his own life. Rizal climb the high cathedral tower just to retrieved the
kite that was owned by Julio. There are a lot of scenario happened during Rizal that even it was a
minor situation, it already shows how Rizal is willing to help others at the dispense of his own
In Conclusion, Rizal’s life was a very typical filipino life it was not really that different
from how we imagined it to be, it was not because the environment is different, but because
Rizal was just built different. There are a lot of factors and impact that made Rizal what he is
now. First was his childhood. Rizal was raised very well, Rizal's parents combined educational
culture, family life, and local politics in a new sense of Filipino nationalism. He became one of
the best students. He was three years old when he could read, learn the alphabet, and pray.
Certainly, he was a genius. If we compare him with the children of this generation, he was
definitely different. He should play and doesn't have to worry about learning something like that
at this age, but he manages to understand and pass on what his mother taught him. Second was
his early education, how he excel in every area of classes, no matter what school he transfers to,
he just excels to all of them. Rizal was enthusiastic when it comes to education. His family also
are one of the factors that made him what he was, he grew in a very well family. He experienced
up and downs like a normal child like us. Overall Rizal was maybe a genius but he was also a
human just like us, he just thinks outside of the box and his perspective was very hero-like.
Worksheet 2

A toast delivered by Jose Rizal at a banquet in the Restaurant Ingles, Madrid, on the
evening of June 25,1884, in honor of Juan Luna, winner of the gold medal for his painting “El
Expoliarium,” and Félix Resurección Hidalgo, winner of a silver medal for his painting
“Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho”at la Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes de

José Rizal's speech was a toast to the triumph of Juan Luna's painting Spolarium. While it
is said that Luna's painting represented the hardships and circumstances of Filipino slaves under
the Spanish regime. However, with such a message, Rizal's approach was intelligent, emphatic,
and romanticized his surroundings, attracting the attention of his audience. It was a public
conversation that put Rizal in a most dangerous position. Whereas at that moment one wrong
word can lead to death. And yet Rizal was not afraid and was called as the reason for such a
gathering to celebrate an achievement that sheds light on dark society through painting. By
carefully and skillfully choosing his words, Rizal's message was deep, complete, and touched the
hearts of the audience. He also praised Hidalgo for his works, which revealed feelings of the
purest purity. He also acknowledges that the Philippines owes them a way that taught them our
language, but he too was embittered for the people to secure their position in possession of the
Philippines. He used metaphors and phrases that said changes that were coming. But the most
important and obvious part of his speech was that in he gave birth to the youth who can make a
great contribution to the country in the future. In general, Rizal's speech was profound and
radiated many different colors and emotions.
It was a message to superiors not to neglect Filipinos' right to education because they fear
that Filipinos may learn to defend

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