Nentir Vale Hex Crawl
Nentir Vale Hex Crawl
Nentir Vale Hex Crawl
Content % Chance
Artefact 00
Gate 81-00
Map 76-00
Monster 26-00
Traps 51-00
Tricks 51-00
Something Strange 34-00
1d20 Feature
1 A small bog. The water is poisonous; animal skeletons abound. Source of necrotic energy.
2 Strange mile-long, rune-carved ruts in the ground; from the air, they form a magic circle. Determine type
3 Massive tree on a small raised mound. Small hidden space beneath offers a convinient bolt-hole; 50%
chance occupied by gnomes.
4 Sinkhole. Kruthik caverns run beneath the ground. 50% chance of active kruthik hive.
5 Giant skeleton of unidentified, snake-like creature with all-too-human skull running along the ridgeline.
6 Tall grass (5' high) grows here.
7 Singing grass. If tread upon, it shrieks, triggering wandering monster roll.
8 Grab grass (see DMG pg 68).
9 Corpse grass (see Open Grave pg 171).
10 Large dolmens raised in a semi-circle, half-finished. Covered in grafitti.
11 Stone monolith with image of frowning human face. 50% can speak.
12 Violet fog covering the area, motionless even in the face of strong winds.
13 Forest of rotting wooden posts standing upright.
14 Ground covered in broken black-steel, rune-carved weapons. Skeletons of not-quite-human
creatures poke through the ground.
15 Iron cage with crow-pecked skeleton inside. Clutched in his bony hand is a personal letter; 50% chance
of directions to buried treasure hidden in message.
16 Pikes with impaled human heads on them, blood still warm.
17 Dry, dusty ground razed of vegetation. The air seems to suck moisture from the body.
18 Free-standing iron rune-carved door. Only visible from one direction.
19 Graveyard ringed by large marble blocks; an active undead ward is carved on the blocks. Undead are visible trapped
20 Mound of sun-bleached elven skulls.
1d20 Feature
1 Cliff faced carved with images of unknown gods.
2 Unnaturally smooth tunnels criss-crossing through hill; images of snakes and human sacrifice
engraved on walls and entrance.
3 Steps carved into the stone leading nowhere, each step carved with faded religious prayers and
spells. 50% chance of portal at the top.
4 Ever-present rainbow leading just beyond the next hill. 10% chance of
pot of gold; 90% chance of something horrible.
5 Natural rock pillar rising above the hills. Secret door leads to stairs climbing
the pillar.
6 Poisonous fog settles in the valley.
7 Bones poking through the earth; excavation reveals the hills are held up by giant rib cage, with
hollow space inside.
8 Black stone square on top of hill, actually top of ziggurat.
9 Mouth in side of cliff; devours whatever comes in reach of its grasping tongue.
10 Cultivated grapes naturally growing in even rows on top of hill. Wine made from them
produces mad dreams and visions. Resting place of corrupted
immortal dedicated to nature and agriculture.
11 Tiefling and dragonborn skeletons along with broken weapons and banners.
50% chance of devil still bound here.
12 Valuable gems in the rock; when removed from the area, they turn to normal stone.
13 Vein of copper/silver/gold running through the hills.
14 Large cave in top of hill that overlooks the area.
15 Bridge over dry streambed. 50% chance of trolls.
16 Stone way marker pointing to lost city in forgotten language.
17 Strong gusts of wind bellowing through the valley; the boundary between the world and the
elemental chaos is weak here.
18 Circle of white stones; shines for miles during a full moon. Characters
resting here during a full moon are stricken with moon fever.
19 Stairs that descend into a bottomless crevasse into the underdark.
20 Mushroom ring that teleports those standing within to random adjacent hex.
1d20 Feature
1 Great tree. Really massive. You wouldn't believe it.
2 Vines hang from the canopy and strangle those who walk through them.
3 Deep crater. In the middle is a hunk of meteoric rock. It pulses with evil
4 Skeletal trees ravaged by forest fire. 50% chance of animal spirits fleeing the
fire. If a fire is started here (in camp or during combat), a ghost attacks the
starter of the fire.
5 Two trees wedded together form a portal to the feywild. On the other side, two
eladrin skeletons lie on a bed of roses. A dagger and an empty vial
lie at their side.
6 Paved blocks poking through the undergrowth, remnants of an ancient road.
7 Air thick with blood-sucking insects; travel through here requires a check (DC Moderate) or
lose a healing surge. Any rest is impossible.
8 Stone fountain with images of dancing elves. Wine still flows.
9 Hobgoblin corpses hanging from the trees.
10 Moving trees that conspire to lead PCs who follow game trails to nearest monster (wandering
monster check).
11 Stone altar on grassy lawn engraved with images of earthly delight.
Each settlement has a population and a small village, hamlet, or town. The
population in the settlement centre is 1d10x10+50.
1d30 Theme
1 Built among the ruins of an ancient city
2 Under seige
3 Mostly evil
4 Mostly lawful
5 Mostly chaotic
6 Controlled by an outside force
7 Cannibals
8 One sex/class wears concealing veils
9 Toiling for religious beliefs
10 Strange ritual prevents destruction
11 Money is considered worthless
12 Fatalistic
13 Friendly to outsiders
14 Run by wage-slaves
15 Magical pool
16 Obsessed with strange status
17 Insane wizard
18 Fighting arena
19 Demon/devil trapped beneath
20 Plague
21 Barbarian meeting ground
22 Guild-controlled
23 Cursed!
24 Under construction
25 Boom town
26 Built around big temple
27 Lycanthropes
28 Undead
29 Ghost town
30 Roll twice
Roll Terrain
1d6 Plains Hills Forest Mount. Swamp Moor Desert
1 Human Human Human Human Human Human Human
2 Human Human Human Dwarf Haflling Human Dragonborn
3 Human Dwarf Elf Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid
4 Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Lizard Humanoid Humanoid
5 Humanoid Humanoid Humanoid Monster Monster Monster Monster
6 Monster Monster Monster Monster Monster Monster Monster
1d8 Plains Hills Forest Mount. Terrain
Swamp Moor Desert Coast
1 Barb Barb Barb Barb Barb Barb Barb Brigand
3 Cultist
Cultist Brigand
Cavemen Brigand
Brigand Brigand
Cavemen Brigand
Brigand Brigand
Cavemen Brigand
Brigand Cultist
4 Dervish Cultist Cultist Cultist Cultist Cultist Cultist Pirate
6 Dervish
Baron Cultist
Outlaw Cultist
Outlaw Cultist
Outlaw Cultist
Cultist Cultist
Outlaw Dervish
Outlaw Pirate
7 Baron Outlaw Outlaw Outlaw Outlaw Outlaw Outlaw Pirate
8 Slaver Baron Baron Baron Outlaw Baron Baron Baron
9 Slaver Slaver Slaver Slaver Slaver Slaver Slaver Slaver
Roll Terrain
1 Plains Hills
Goblin Goblin Forest
Goblin Mount.
Goblin Swamp
Goblin Moor
Goblin Desert
Goblin Coast
2 Goblin Goblin Bullywug Goblin Bullywug Goblin Goblin Goblin
4 Goblin Kobold
Goblin Kobold Goblin
Goblin Goblin
Kobold Bullywug
Bullywug Kobold
Kobold Goblin
Kobold Kobold
5 Kobold Orc Kobold Kobold Kobold Orc Kobold Orc
7 Kobold
Orc Orc
Lycan Kobold
Kenku Kobold
Orc Kobold
Wererat Orc
Lycan Orc
Orc Orc
8 Orc Duergar Orc Orc Lizardmen Duergar Orc Lizardmen
10 Orc
Lycan Gnoll
Gnoll Orc
Orc Lycan
Duergar Lizardmen
Lizardmen Gnoll
Gnoll Lycan
Duergar Lizardmen
11 Gnoll Trog Lycan Trog Lizardmen Trog Gnoll Sahuagin
13 Gnoll
Gnoll Ogre
Oni Lizard
Lizard Ogre
Ogre Lizardmen
Trog Ogre
Oni Gnoll
Gnoll Sahuagin
14 Gnoll Troll Ogre Oni Ogre Troll Gnoll Ogre
15 Ogre Ettin Oni Ettin Troll Ettin Ogre Oni
16 Oni Giant Troll Giant Yuan-Ti Giant Oni Kuo-Toa
When a wandering monster is indicated or required, roll on the appropriate table to determine the
monster type. To determine the encounter level, use the level of the
area and modify it by rolling on the Random Level table.
Level Modifier
1 -2 1d00 Encounter 1d00 Encounter
2-3 -1 01-02 Ants 01-02 Bats
4-11 +0 03-04 Bats 03 Basilisk
12-15 +1 05-06 Bears 04-05 Bear
16-17 +2 07-08 Beetles 06-07 Beetle
18-19 +3 09-10 Behemoth 08-09 Boar
20 +4 11-12 Bulette 10-11 Centipede
13-14 Cambion 12 Deva
PLAINS 15 Chimera 13 Devil
1d00 Encounter 16 Cyclops 14-15 Displacer Beast
01-04 Ankheg 17-18 Dark One 16 Doppelganger
05-08 Ants 19 Demon 17 Dragon
09 Basilisk 20 Deva 18-20 Drake
10-12 Behemoth 21 Devil 21 Drider
13-15 Bulette 22-23 Doppelganger 22-23 Drow
16-18 Cambion 24 Dragon 24-25 Dryad
19 Demon 25-26 Dragonborn 26-27 Eladrin
20 Deva 27-29 Drake 28-30 Elf
21 Devil 30-33 Dwarf 31-32 Ettercap
22-24 Doppelganger 34-35 Duergar 33 Firbolg
25-27 Dragonborn 36 Ettin 34-35 Gnome
28 Dragon 37 Galeb Duhr 36-40 Goblin
29-33 Drake 38-39 Gargoyle 41-42 Hag
34-39 Gnoll 40-41 Giant 43-45 Half-Elf
40-44 Goblin 42-45 Gnoll 46 Half-Orc
45 Gorgon 46-50 Goblin 47-48 Hawk
46 Grey Render 51-53 Griffon 49-51 Human
47 Griffon 54 Half-Elf 52-55 Kobold
48-50 Halfling 55-57 Half-Orc 56-57 Krenshar
51-53 Half-Elf 58-59 Harpy 58 Lamia
54-56 Half-Orc 60-64 Human 59-60 Lycanthrope
57-59 Hawk 65-66 Kenku 61 Oni
60-62 Horse 67-70 Kobold 62-64 Orc
63-69 Human 71-72 Krenshar 65-66 Owlbear
70-72 Hyena 73 Manticore 67-69 Panther
73-76 Kobold 74-75 Minotaur 70 Quickling
77-78 Krenshar 76-78 Ogre 71-72 Rat
79-81 Ogre 79-80 Oni 73-74 Satyr
83-84 Oni 81-85 Orc 75 Shambling Mound
85-89 Orc 86-87 Rat 76-78 Snake
90-92 Rat 88-89 Stirge 79-81 Spider
93-94 Tiefling 90-91 Tiefling 82-83 Spriggan
95-00 Wolf 92-93 Troglodyte 84-85 Tiger
94-95 Troll 86 Treant
96-00 Wolf 87-88 Troll
89 Unicorn
90-94 Vine
95-99 Wolf
00 Wood Woad
1d00 Encounter SWAMP MOOR
01-02 Bats 1d00 Encounter 1d00 Encounter
03-05 Bear 01-03 Basilisk 01 Ankheg
06-07 Beetle 04-08 Beetle 02 Ants
08-09 Cambion 09-11 Behemoth 03 Basilisk
10 Cyclops 12-17 Bullywug 04-06 Bats
11-12 Dark One 18-19 Cambion 07 Bear
13 Demon 20-24 Centipede 08-09 Beetle
14 Deva 25-29 Crocodile 10 Behemoth
15 Devil 30 Demon 11 Bulette
16-17 Doppelganger 31 Devil 12-13 Cambion
18 Dragon 32 Dragon 14 Centipede
19-20 Dragonborn 33 Dragonborn 15 Chimera
21-25 Drake 34-39 Drake 16 Cockatrice
26-29 Dwarf 40-41 Ghoul 17-19 Dark One
30-32 Duergar 42-44 Goblin 20 Demon
33-34 Elemental 45-46 Hag 21 Deva
35-36 Ettin 47-49 Halfling 22 Devil
37-38 Galeb Duhr 50 Hafl-Orc 23-24 Doppelganger
39-40 Gargoyle 51-52 Hydra 25 Dragon
41-42 Giant 53-55 Kobold 26 Dragonborn
43-48 Goblin 56-62 Lizardfolk 27-29 Ghost
49-50 Goliath 63-64 Oni 30-32 Ghoul
51-52 Half-Elf 65-67 Orc 33-35 Gnoll
53-54 Half-orc 68-72 Rat 36 Gnome
55-56 Harpy 73-77 Snake 37-39 Goblin
57-58 Hawk 78-82 Spider 40 Halfing
59-61 Human 83 Tiefling 41 Half-Elf
62-66 Kobold 84-85 Troglodyte 42 Half-Orc
67-68 Manticore 86-87 Troll 43 Hawk
69-70 Minotaur 88-92 Vines 44-46 Human
71-73 Ogre 93-94 Will-o’-Wisp 47 Kenku
74-75 Oni 95-96 Wolf 48-50 Kobold
76-81 Orc 97-99 Yuan-Ti 51-52 Lycanthrope
82-84 Rat 00 Cockatrice 53-54 Ogre
85 Roc 55-56 Oni
86-88 Stirge 57-59 Orc
89-90 Tiefling 60 Owlbear
91-92 Troglodyte 61 Rakshasa
92-93 Troll 62-64 Rat
94-98 Wolf 65-66 Scorpion
99-00 Wyvern 67-69 Shadar-Kai
70-73 Skeleton
74-75 Skull Lord
76-77 Spectre
78-79 Spider
80 Spriggan
81 Sprite
82 Stirge
83-84 Tiefling
85-86 Troll
87-88 Vampire
89-91 Wight
92-94 Wolf
95-97 Wraith
98-00 Zombie
DESERT 16-17 Doppelganger
1d00 Encounter 18 Dragon
01-03 Ants 19-23 Dragonborn
04-06 Bats 24-25 Drake
07-09 Beetle 26-27 Elemental
10-11 Behemoth 28-32 Ghost
12 Behir 33-34 Ghoul
13-15 Bulette 35-39 Goblin
16-18 Cambion 40-42 Half-Elf DUNGEON
19 Demon 43-44 Half-Orc 1d32 Encounter
20 Deva 45-47 Harpy (1d4+1d8)
21 Devil 48-49 Hawk 1.1 Ants
22 Doppelganger 50-54 Human 1.2 Beetles
23 Dragon 55-59 Kobold 1.3 Beholders
24-28 Dragonborn 60-69 Kuo-Toa 1.4 Carrion
29-33 Drake 70-71 Oni Crawlers
34-35 Elemental 72-76 Orc 1.5 Centipedes
36-37 Ghoul 77-79 Rat 1.6 Chaos
38-47 Gnoll 80-89 Sahuagin shards
48-52 Goblin 90-92 Shark 1.7 Chokers
53-54 Half-Elf 93-97 Tiefling 1.8 Cockatrice
55-56 Half-Orc 98-00 Wolf 2.1 Darkmantles
57-58 Hawk 2.2 Destrachan
59-63 Human UNDERDARK 2.3 Dimensional
64-66 Hyenas 1d00 Encounter Marauders
67-69 Kobold 2.4 Ettercaps
70-71 Ogre 2.5 Fell taints
72-73 Oni 2.6 Foulspawn
74-78 Orc 2.7 Grells
79-80 Rakshasa 2.8 Gricks
81-82 Rat 3.1 Grue
84-86 Scorpion 3.2 Myconids
87-89 Snake 3.3 Oozes
90-92 Spider 3.4 Otyugh
93-94 Stirge 3.5 Owlbears
95-99 Tiefling 3.6 Rats
00 Wolf 3.7 Rust
COAST 3.8 Scorpions
1d00 Encounter 4.1 Shambling
01 Beetle Mounds
02-03 Behemoth 4.2 Slaad
04-06 Cambion 4.3 Slimes
07-09 Chuul 4.4 Spiders
10-12 Crocodile 4.5 Stirges
13 Demon 4.6 Troglodytes
14 Deva 4.7 Vine Horror
15 Devil 4.8 Xorns
Monument 1
1d20 Relic 1
1 Dawn of the
2 Creation of
Servant Races
3 Meddling of the
4 The Dawn War
5 The Gods Rejoice
6 The Golden Age
7 The Age of
8 Recent History
9 Current
10 Beyond Time or
DM’s Choice
1d20 Settlement 1
5 The burnt-out shell of a round keep, a vulture on top watching all who approach.
6 An abandoned farmstead. A fire still burns in the fireplace, and the food that's been
served is still warm.
7 A skeletal tower made of glass and steel, half-buried in the ground.
8 An old fort infested with rot grubs.
9 A large hollowed-out mushroom, rotting away from the inside out.
10 Three towers of white marble standing empty, windows shaped like the crescent moon.
11 A ruined Greek-style temple, stone guardians still standing vigil, a large, shining golden statue
of a forgotten god still standing inside.
12 A pleasant farming village, overgrown with spiderwebs glistening in the daylight.
13 A western-style town, the main street now a wound in the earth, a coal fire burning below.
14 An old, cruelly slouching farmhouse and barn, withered scarecrow in the fields.
15 A keep of dwarven construction, its stones pulled out and cast aside by pairs of giant
16 A grey structure poking out of the side of the hill, its artificial stone walls rounded,
covered in pockmarks.
17 A town built around a graveyard, a headless statue in the middle.
18 Sturdy stone houses covered in a violet mist.
19 A village surrounded by a large artificial wall with no entrance. A
strange sign, made of faded-yellow with three black blades set around a black circle, is
painted on the wall in many places.
20 A rich city with paved streets, stone houses, cobbled roofs, towers made of glass and still
shining in the light; surrounded by five tall rune-carved pillars of a curious black steel.
1d20 Technology
1 The steel skeleton of a large, winged creature; within its head sits the skeleton of a man dressed
in a leather cap with goggles.
2 A rusting iron tower. Within, strange creatures float in vats filled with green ooze.
3 The rusted hull of a steel freighter.
4 A farm of giant three-bladed steel windmills.
5 An array of thin black glass, set in a grid pattern on a steel frame, always moving to face the
6 A few miles of monorail track, raised about 20 feet off the ground.
7 A crumbling stone aqueduct, water spilling off into a muddy pool on the ground.
8 An area where the air is warm. Within this zone there's a rusted metal hatch that
leads down to a massive dynamo, still spinning.
9 A town entombed in a glass dome.
10 A field of oil wells belching smoke and flame.
11 A large factory built for automating human sacrifice.
12 A large mining shaft supported by artificial stone. Within rots all sorts
of strange materials, exuding noxious vapours.
13 A tower made of steel and glass that extends into the heavens. Attached
to the tower is a massive platform. Surrounding the platform, on the ground, are
skeletal steel cranes. The whole thing is reminiscent of a loading bay
in a harbour.
14 A geodesic dome made of gleaming bronze, lifted off the ground via a single thin pillar.
The pillar is inscribed with eldritch runes.
15 A ship made of rusted iron, lying on its side.
16 Tall steel skeletons, connected by thick cables.
17 Long and wide roads, connected in strange ways, made out of one single strip of artificial
18 A massive dam, its floodgates open.
19 A steel tower, one side shorn off, its skeleton revealed.
20 A reactor powered by a mini black hole.
1d20 Building
1 A crumbling stone fort of dwarven make; all defenses are directed towards the inner keep.
2 A long stone wall running for miles.
3 A great pit carved out of the ground. The sides of the pit are lined with
4 A tower overgrown with a strange ochre lichen. Emits a sickly-sweet smell.
5 The shell of a burnt-out castle.
6 An elven watch-fort in a single large tree. Skulls hang from the
7 A squat ziggurat made of blocks carved from green schist. Overgrown with
exotic vegetation not native to the region.
8 20' tall support pillars for a structure long since devoured by time.
The pillars hold images of strangely familiar faces.
9 A ruined communal bathhouse, its waters a pea-soup colour smelling of brimstone.
10 A stone fort of human make, defaced with images of foul gods.
11 The crumbling remains of a great stone labyrinth.
12 Abandoned homes carved into a cliff face. No path or stair leads to their
13 A homestead charred from fire. Blood and entrails cover the outer walls.
Broken weapons, shattered shields, and bits of armour are strewn around the site along with
fur, tooth, and claw.
14 The remains of a broken dam.
15 A small stone hut, actually the top of a tower.
16 A ring of marble towers. They do not have an obvious entrance. Each has a
window near the peak shaped in one of the moon's phases.
17 Abandoned wooden apartments stacked precariously upon each other, built in the rib cage of
a fallen monstrosity.
18 An amphitheatre, its seats stained with blood, a great swath of destruction leading out
from the broken stone altar on the stage.
19 A mausoleum carved out of a single block of basalt, the heavy stone blocking the
entrance broken in two from a heavy blow.
20 An abandoned library, its treasures left waiting to damn the foolish with their knowledge.
1d20 What in the...?
1 A garden of flowers with fingers for petals and eyes in the centres.
2 A series of stone archways scattered across the land.
3 A fountain belching forth ooze and pus.
4 A large iron pillar, sending bolts of lightning into the sky.
5 A hollowed-out, giant-sized copper foot.
6 An empty wooden shack and stand with a sign declaring "Relief - 1 GP".
7 An ornate platform raised on two giant-sized marble hands.
8 An abandoned house made of water.
9 A boarded-up well.
10 An abandoned house made of flesh.
11 Rusted iron posts hammered into the ground in a grid-like pattern.
12 A stack of carefully-placed stones reaching 100' into the air.
13 A statue garden, all the statues unfinished.
14 A dock on dry land.
15 A wooden cabin hanging from the sky by a thin cord of silver.
16 A house filled with life-sized dolls.
17 A deep hole in the ground; down the hole lies a farmhouse.
18 A copper bathtub.
19 A free-standing chimney and fireplace; nothing else around it.
20 A small orchard of golden apples, stinking of rot.