Sodium Silicate

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Journal of Scientific Research & Reports

14(2): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JSRR.33641

ISSN: 2320-0227

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

The Effect of Sodium Silicate on the Behaviour of

Shotcretes for Tunnel Lining
Luigi Coppola1, Alessandra Buoso1, Denny Coffetti1, Patricia Kara2*,
Sergio Lorenzi1 and Franco D’Alessandro3
DISA, University of Bergamo, Dalmine (BG), Italy.
EMIB, Faculty of Applied Engineering, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
BASF C.C. Underground Construction, Treviso (TV), Italy.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author LC designed the study. Authors
AB, DC and FDA performed the statistical analysis and wrote the protocol. Authors PK and SL
managed the analyses of the study, the literature searches, wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2017/33641
(1) Luigi dell'Olio, School of Civil Engineering, Channels and Ports, University of Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain.
(2) Luigi Rodino, Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, Italy.
(2) Halil Görgün, Dicle University, Turkey.
(3) Leo Baldenegro, Center of Engineering and Industrial Development, Mexico.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 24th April 2017

Case Study Accepted 4 May 2017
Published 10th May 2017

Present case study investigates the rheological, mechanical and in-placing performances of fiber-
reinforced shotcrete manufactured with different fibers (steel, glass and polypropylene) and with
sodium silicate based set-accelerating admixture for tunnel linings. The study compares the
performances of concretes manufactured and fully compacted with those shotcretes which are
manufactured directly on the job-site. The influence of sodium silicate accelerator on mechanical
and rheological properties of fiber-reinforced shotcretes with respect to reference concrete were
evaluated. It was observed that: The addition of fibers does not influence slump and workability
retention with respect to reference concrete, independent of type and dosage of fibers; Spraying
and set accelerator dosage determined a decrease about of 10-30% in compressive strength
compared to that of concrete placed and vibrated without sodium silicate accelerator; The set-
accelerating admixture has negative effect on compressive strength of fiber-reinforced shotcrete

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JSRR.33641

Keywords: Sodium silicate based set-accelerating admixture; mechanical and rheological properties.

1. INTRODUCTION followed by a sharp reduction of mechanical

properties of concrete at later ages.
Sprayed concrete, or shotcrete, is used world-
wide to construct tunnels or underground For many years, fibers of different nature have
structures. The poured mix must set quickly in been used to reinforce shotcrete in tunneling
order to stabilize the structure [1-2]. The applications. Several research investigations
important basic requirements of shotcrete are have ascertained the significant effect of fiber
good adhesiveness, a low amount of rebounding, addition on ductility and punching resistance of
good shooting, and the quick formation of initial tunnel segments and shotcrete panels [8].
strength [3-4]. To meet these requirements, Currently, concrete is reinforced by using steel,
accelerators have become a fundamental glass, polypropylene or acryl-nitrile fibers and
additive in shotcrete to achieve appropriate initial carbon nanotubes in order to assess the stress
strength, reduce rebound, and suppress early level in reinforced concrete elements [9-13]. To
ground relaxation. This affects not only the early improve durability in severe conditions and to
strength of the shotcrete but also the favor replacement of temporary solutions
development of long-term strength, durability and requiring subsequent cuttings glass fibers and
thickness. Traditionally, shotcrete's quick-setting glass fabric solutions are used [8,14-16]. To
properties have been achieved by the injection of increase fire resistance and prevent explosive
high-alkaline additives at the spraying nozzle. spalling of concrete cover polypropylene fibers
Accelerating admixtures are composed of are used [17]. Compared with traditional steel
chemicals that influence the rate of cement mesh, fibers arrange themselves in three-
hydration, thereby shortening the setting time dimensional directions inside the cement matrix
and, in some cases, increasing the rate of early and they are able to absorb the tensile stress
strength development [3]. Set accelerators affect induced by shrinkage and thermal gradients.
both the C3A hydration (by interfering with the Therefore, fibers could limit crack width and
C3A – gypsum reaction) and the C3S hydration increase the energy absorption capacity
(aiding the dissolution of lime) [5-6]. However, (toughness) of the material [18]. In particular,
this method resulted in concrete with high fibers determine a considerable improvement in
porosity and density, low strength and durability, the post-cracking behavior of concrete [19].
and environmental concerns. Reference concrete fails suddenly once the
deflection corresponding to the ultimate flexural
Nowadays, shotcrete accelerators are classified strength is exceeded; On the other hand, fiber-
as silicate-, aluminate-, or alkali-free, cement- reinforced concrete continues to sustain
based minerals, depending on the main material considerable loads even at deflections
that is present. The sodium silicate accelerator considerably in excess of that of the reference
gives a rapid initial set and a slow final set, while concrete. So, compared to reference concrete,
the aluminate accelerator provides a slow initial fiber-reinforced concrete is tougher and more
set and a fast final set. Both types suffer the resistant to impact [18], permitting control of the
same deficiency of loss in strength and durability local detachment of tunnel linings [7,20-21].
over the long term. Furthermore, their strong
alkalinity may endanger workers and lead to The paper presents research results on
environmental contamination. Increasing the rheological and mechanical properties of
accelerator amount adds to the cost and also reference and fiber - reinforced shotcretes
increases the rebound ratio [1,7]. To mitigate manufactured with sodium silicate accelerator
these issues, alkali-free and cement-based and glass, steel and polypropylene fibers.
mineral accelerators (CMs) that are
environmentally friendly and provide good long- 2. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
term strength are now frequently used in
construction sites. Sodium silicate based 2.1 Materials
admixtures are more effective – in terms of set
acceleration - and cheaper than alkali-free Limestone Portland cement (CEM II/A-LL 42.5R)
products. For these reasons, sodium silicate according to EN 197-1 was used. The chemical
accelerators are widely used in tunnel linings. composition of cement is shown in Table 1.
However, a very fast increase of early strength Coarse-grained sand (40% of the total mass of
development in sodium-accelerated shotcretes is the aggregates) and crushed sand (25%) were

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017;; Article no.JSRR.33641

used as fine aggregates. In addition, crushed (GF) and polypropylene fibers (PF) were added
stone (max size 8 mm) was used as coarse to the mix. The main properties of fibers are
aggregate (35%). A sieve analysis of fine and listed in Table 4. The amount of fibers added to
coarse aggregates is shown in Table 2.
2 the concrete mixes is shown in Table 5. The
dosage by volume of steel and glass fibers is
Table 1. Chemical composition (% by mass) very similar; Consequently,, rheological and
of the cement (CEM II/A-LL
LL 42.5R) mechanical properties are directly comparable
establishing the efficiency of the two types of
LL 42.5R fibers. The dosage of polypropylene fibers is
Loss of ignition, % 0.88 lower than that used for the steel and glass fibers
SiO2, % 19.31 (about 37% and 39% lower, respectively). During
Al2O3, % 4.31 casting (at 1/5 and 4/5 of the placing), before the
addition of set-accelerating
accelerating admixture, the
CaO, % 61.08
workability and the density were evaluated in
MgO, % 2.38
order to investigate the fiber influence on
SO3, % 2.96 rheological properties
perties of the concrete. The fiber
Na2O, % 0.29 content and the shotcrete rebound were
K2O, % 0.86 measured according to EN 14488-7. 7.
TiO2, % 0.14
Fe2O3, % 2.28

Combined aggregate grading is presented in Fig.

1. A polycarboxylate-based
based superplasticizer with
dosage 1.4% vs. cement mass was used [6,22].
Sodium silicate accelerator was used as a set-
accelerating admixture. The dosage of sodium
silicate accelerator was in the range of 13% -
17% vs. cement mass and itt was added in the
nozzle during spraying. The w/c was equal to
0.44. Workability of reference concrete was
measured by slump test according to EN 12350-
2 and the consistency class required for the mix
was S5 (slump ≥ 220 mm). The composition of Fig. 1. Aggregates grading
reference concrete without fibers and set- set
accelerating admixture is shown in Table 3.

In order to compare the influence of different Test panels with and without the addition of set
types and dosages of fiber reinforcement on accelerating admixture were manufactured to
rheological and mechanical properties of evaluate hardened concrete properties according
shotcrete with respect to reference concrete to EN 14488. The panels were manufactured by
ithout fibers: PL), steel fibers (SF), glass fibers spraying the set-accelerated
accelerated admixture in order

Table 2. Sieve analysis

analy of aggregates in shotcrete

Square mesh - mm Cumulative per cent passing [%]

Crushed sand Coarse-grained Crushed stone Total
(25%) sand (40%) (35%) (100%)
16.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
12.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
8.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
4.0 100.0 99.0 26.0 73.7
2.0 78.0 87.0 1.7 54.9
1.0 54.0 69.0 0.5 41.3
0.5 38.0 47.0 0.2 28.4
0.25 25.0 20.0 0.2 14.3
0.063 4.9 1.2 0.2 1.8

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JSRR.33641

Table 3. Composition and principal characteristics of reference concrete

Cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5R kg/m3 450

Water kg/m 200
Crushed sand kg/m3 410
Coarse-grained sand kg/m 650
Crushed stone (max size 8mm) kg/m3 575
Superplasticizer % vs c.m. 1.4
l/m 6.3
Entrapped air % 2.5
l/m 25
Water/Cement 0.44
Specific mass kg/m 2344

Table 4. Principal characteristics of fibers

Abbreviation Material Length – mm Diameter – mm l/d

SF Steel 33 0.55 60
GF Glass 40 1.6 25
PF Polypropylene 40 0.9 44

Table 5. Type and dosage of fiber added to reference mix

Mix Fiber type Specific mass Fiber dosage

kg/m3 kg/m3 l/m3
PL - 2341 - -
SF Steel 2394 38.2 4.4
GF Glass 2342 11.2 4.7
PF Polypropylene 2324 3.5 2.9

to evaluate the energy absorption capacity after any increase in water demand with respect to the
1, 7 and 28 days. For reference mix (without reference concrete for all the fiber-reinforced
fibers), a steel mesh (diameter: 6 mm; Spacing: mixes, independent of the type of fiber.
150 mm) was used as reinforcement. In order to Moreover, no slump loss was noticed at 1/5 of
avoid water evaporation the panels were the dumping (see Fig. 3).
immediately wet cured after casting. Afterward,
the specimens were cured on site conditions until
they were cored according to EN 14488-1:2005.
Three cylindrical specimens (d=100mm,
h=100mm, h/d=1) for each panel were obtained.
The density and compressive strength of the
hardened concrete at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days were
measured in accordance with EN 12390-2.


Fig. 2 shows the average values of density of

fresh concrete which were measured after 1/5
and 4/5 of the dumping, before the set-
accelerating admixture was added. Fig. 2. Density of fresh concrete vs. time

The values are similar for all the mixes, Fig. 4 shows the shotcrete rebound index and
independent of the type of fiber used. It can be the set-accelerating admixture dosage. The
noted that fibers do not determine any lower dosage of sodium silicate accelerator was
anomalous air entrapment. The target workability used for the steel fiber-reinforced shotcrete and
(S5 according to EN 206-1) was attained without the higher one for glass fiber-reinforced

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017;; Article no.JSRR.33641

shotcrete. The reference and the polypropylene without

out the sodium silicate accelerator,
reinforced shotcretes required a similar set-
set independent of the fiber reinforcement. The
accelerating admixture dosage (about 15%). The compressive strength at the age of 2 days is very
crete rebound varied between 18 and 35% similar for all the mixes.
for the mixes.

Fig. 3. Slump vs. time Fig. 5. Density of hardened concretes and

shotcretes after 28 days

The positive effect of set-accelerating

accelerating admixture
is equal to the negative effect due to the increase
in porosity as a consequence of spraying. After
28 days, shotcretes with sodium silicate
accelerator show lower compressive strength,
between 25 and 45% less ess than that of vibrated
concrete without set-accelerating
accelerating admixture. In
particular, a minor decrease (about 25%) is
observed for steel fiber shotcrete, manufactured
using the lowest set-accelerating
accelerating admixture
dosage. The greatest gap in the compressive
trength was detected for glass fiber shotcrete,
Fig. 4. Set-accelerating
accelerating admixture dosage and containing the highest set-accelerating
accelerating admixture
shotcrete rebound dosage. It can be seen that the compressive
strength values depend on set set-accelerating
accelerating admixture and the spraying admixture dosage rather than on type and
operation determines a reduction of density in dosage of fibers. However, wid widespread
the range 2-6%
6% with respect to the mixes without experience in the industry has shown that
sodium silicate accelerator, which were poured different fiber types display very different levels
and vibrated independent of curing time and type of rebound, commonly fibers are added to
of fibers (see Fig. 5). It can be noticed that the improve tensile/flexural strength and post post-
density of hardened mix is substantially equal or cracking behavior. Bond strength was not
higher than that of the reference shotcrete measured in this study. In ge general terms,
without fibers. considering that the reduction of compressive
strength due to spraying is about 5% for each
Fig. 6 summarizes the compressive strength percent decrease in density and taking into
values as a function of time for concretes (placed account that the density reduction is about 2 2-6%,
and vibrated) and shotcretes
hotcretes (sprayed) without the reduction of compressive strength due to
and with the set-accelerating
accelerating admixture, spraying should be about 10-30%. 30%. So, if the
respectively. After 1 day, the compressive compressive strength decrease is between 25
strength of shotcrete with the addition of set-set and 45%, the set-accelerating
accelerating admixture effect
accelerating admixture is higher (50 to 85%) than on reduction of mechanical properties is about
that of poured and vibrated concrete mixes 15%.

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017;; Article no.JSRR.33641

punching behavior is for steel reinforced

shotcrete than for fiber-reinforced
reinforced shotcrete. This
could be explained by the fact that the shotcre
behavior in punching tests depends not only on
the fiber type and dosage, but also on the matrix
quality, a continuous steel mesh or short fibers.
In this research, a hypothesis, that the addition of
accelerating admixture has caused a
worsening of matrix quality and consequently a
reduction of the bonding between fibers and
shotcrete, could be investigated in further
research. The toughness behavior and the
energy absorption of fiber-reinforced
reinforced mixes have
decreased. The difference between fiber fiber-
forced and steel mesh reinforced shotcretes
a) increased.

Fig. 7. Deformation energy vs. time


Fig. 6. Compressive strength vs. time for 4. CONCLUSION

poured and vibrated specimens
cimens (a) and for
set accelerated and sprayed (b) This paper presents research results regarding
the use of different fibers (steel, glass and
The results of punching tests (see Fig. 7) are polypropylene) in reinforced shotcretes
shown in terms of deformation energy of the manufactured with a sodium silicate based set set-
panels manufactured: with set-accelerated
set accelerating admixture for tunnel linings. The
admixture shotcretes containing fibers and with influence of sodium silicate a accelerator on
the set-accelerated
accelerated admixture reference concrete mechanical and rheological properties of fiber
reinforced by a steel wire mesh (diameter: 6 mm; reinforced shotcretes with respect to reference
spacing: 150 mm). Results indicate that fibers do concrete were evaluated. Based on the results of
not guarantee the same performance as steel this experimental investigation, the conclusions
mesh. In fact, after 1 day, the shotcrete are as follows:
reinforced by steel mesh exceeds the minimum
value of 500 Joules required by the standard. By 1. The addition of fibers does not influence
trast, this value is attained using steel, glass slump and workability retention with
and polypropylene fibers only at the age of 28 respect to reference concrete (PL),
days. It is important to underline that the independent of type and dosage of fibers.
polypropylene fibers shotcrete mix was 2. The density of hardened shotcrete and
manufactured with a fiber dosage (2.9 l/m3) lower compressive strength at the age of 28 days
than that used for steel fiber ber and glass fiber decreases when adding set set-accelerating
shotcretes (respectively 4.4 and 4.7 l/m3). In admixture. After 28 days, shotcretes with
conclusion, results pointed out that the better sodium silicate accelerator show

Coppola et al.; JSRR, 14(2): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JSRR.33641

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medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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