Pas Binggris Xi Ips 1

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Offering and Suggesting
Offer memiliki makna menawarkan suatu ide, sedangkan suggest bermakna
A. Suggest
       Suggest means to give a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for
someone’s consideration.
Suggestions are abstract and can be in form of solutions, advice, plan and idea. It can be
accepted or refused.
Social function
To facilitate interpersonal communication between different people
When we making is usually followed by giving advice. We will see the following example :
 You should try to learn English everyday.
  I think you should go home early.
  Why don’t you join an English club?
  You’d better wake up early.
  Let’s have dinner together.
  What about having a cup of coffee with me?
  How about going to the cinema?
  Don’t you think it would be a good idea to have a picnic this Sunday.
  If I were you, I’d call her.
  I suggest that you take a nap.
  You may want to try on this T-shirt.
  Perhaps you could take an umbrella with you.
  I strongly advise you to do more work out.
  I recommend that you get some rest.
  It’s better for you to sleep a little more.

Accepting Suggestions: Refusing suggestions:

 Thanks, I’ll do it.  No, I’d rather not.
  It sounds good.   I don’t think so.
  That sounds like a good idea.   I don’t feel like it.
  Thanks. It’s a good suggestion.   No, I don’t this it’s a good idea.
  I think you’re right.   What a bad idea!
  Why didn’t I think of that?

Look at the sentence structure to suggest something

Subjec Verbs Tha Object

t t

I suggest that he clean his room

We recommend that she read “The Hunger Game”

I propose that a report should be sent in

I put forward that we work together on this

We advise Tha he work hard


I advocate that we support them in every way possible

B. Offers
Offers means to give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift
or a trade.
Offers can be given in terms of food, money, solution, friendship or a bargain. It can be taken
or refused. 
Social function
        To facilitate interpersonal communication between different people
Offering Something
 Would you like something to drink?
 Would you like to go disco?
 Would you like to come along?
 Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
 Would you mind joining us?
 Would you like a cup of coffee?
 Shall I get you a bottle of water?
 Would you like to leave a message?
 What can I get for you?
 Won't you have a pancake?
 Do you want something to eat?
 Cheese sandwich?
 Chocolate?
 Have some
 Like one?
Accepting an Offer
 Thank you
 Yes, please
 I'd like it very much
 Thank you, I would ...
 That would be very nice
 I'm pleased to do that
 With pleasure
 Yes, I'd like some.
 Oh yes, I’d love to
 That sounds nice
 That’s very kind of you
    Refusing an Offer
 No, thanks
 Not for me, thanks
 No, I really won't thank you
 I'd like to, but I have ...
 I'm afraid I can't thanks anyway
 It would be a great pleasure to ... But I'm afraid I have
1. Offers
Making Accepting Declining
Offers Offer Offers
Can I help Yes, please. I It’s okay. I can
you? really do it myself.
appreciate it.
Shall I bring Thank you. It No, thank you.
you some tea is very kind of
Would you Yes, please. No, thanks. I
like another That would be don’t want
helping of lovely. another
cake? helping.
How about I Yes, please. Don’t worry. I
help you with That would be will do it
this? very kind of myself.
Can I take Thank you. I That’s alright.
you home? appreciate your I will manage
help. on my own.

Beberapa strukturnya menggunakan modal verb seperti contoh di bawah:

1. Would you look at my portofolio on this link?
2. Shall we take you home?
3. Could I offer you something?
4. Will you have a drink with me?
2. Suggestion
Making Accepting Declining
Suggestion Suggestions Suggestions
Let’s go to Yes, let’s go! No, thank you.
movies! I do not feel
like going.
Why don’t Alright. I will. Sorry. I think I
you do your will go out first
homework and then do my
before going homeworks.
How about Yes, let’s go. No, let’s just
going to It’s a good go to the club.
Anne’s place idea!
first and then
go to the
I think you Okay, if you Sorry, I can’t.
should go and say so.
forgive him.

Beberapa strukturnya ada yang seperti contoh di bawah:

1. I suggest that he does his homework.
2. We recommend you to go to the new restaurant.
3. I propose that a report should be emailed now.
4. I put forward that we work together in this big project.
5. We advise that he work hard
6. I advocate that we support this system until we find another leader.
Andy: Here. Have a cookie.
Bryan: Thanks.
Andy: Would you like some cake?
Bryan: No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Andy: How about a glass of coffee?
Bryan: Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee.
Andy: What will you have to drink?
Bryan: Manggo juice will be fine.
Andy: Would you like some more pie?
Bryan: Sure. It’s really good. Did you bake it yourself?
Andy: Can I get you some milk or something?
Bryan: Well, a glass of water would be okay.
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Mr Bean : Hello, Miss Smith. Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm just making some.
Miss Smith : Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.
Mr Bean : How do you take it?
Miss Smith : With milk and sugar please.
Mr Bean: Here you are.
Miss Smith: Thank you.
1. The underlined expression expresses ...
A. Offering something
B.Offering help
C. Accepting an offer
D. Declining an offer
E. Refusing an offer
Dany: Good morning Jane, do you want an ice cream?
Jane: Oh, great! ______, I'd love one.
Dany: Chocolate or Strawberry?
Jane: Chocolate, please.
2. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Yes please
B. No Thanks
C. Don't bother
D. Never mind
E. Not for me
Andy: Shall I carry your luggage to your apartmen?
Boby: Yes, please!
3.The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
A. Borrow
B. Bring
C. Drop
D. Dodge
E. Leave
Indry : The box you brought looks very heavy. ________
Putry : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Would you like me to help you?
B. Would I like to help me?
C. Would you like to help me?
D. Would you like to bring it for me?
E. Could you bring it for me?
Andry : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
Sintya : _________ It will very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
B. I’m really sorry. I already have my own plan
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. What a great idea!
E. Not for me, thanks
EXPRESSING OPINION adalah sebuah ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan
untuk menyatakan atau mengungkapkan sebuah pendapat.
ASKING FOR OPINION: Bertanya tentang sebuah gagasan, ide, pendapat kepada
orang lain.
GIVING AN OPINION: Memberikan sebuah gagasan, ide, pendapat kepada orang
Here some phrases of expressing opinion used for Debate and Discussion
Giving an Opinion
 In my opinion…
 In my experience…
 Speaking for myself…
 Personally, I think…
 I (strongly) believe that…
 I really feel that…
 If you ask me…
 Some people say that…
 Many/Most people think/believe that…
 Everybody knows that…
 According to scientists…
 The thing is that…
 The point is that…
Checking if they understand
 Do you know what I mean?
 Does it make sense?
 I don’t know if I’m explaining it correctly.
Explaining things better
 What I mean is…
 What I’m trying to say is that…
1. Introducing a point
 First of all I’d like to point out…
 The main problem is…
 The question of…
 Speaking of…
 What we have to decide is…
2. Enumeration of points
 First of all, I’d like to say…
 In addition to that…
 Moreover,…
 Furthermore,…
 Another example of this is..
 First, second, third…
 Finally,…
3. Expressing a personal opinion
 It seems to me that…
 I have the feeling that…
 I feel that…
 I’m absolutely convinced that…
 You can take it from me…
 I think/don’t think that…
 In my opinion,…
 Well, if you ask me…
 As I see it…
 The way I see it, …
 Personally, I believe/suppose/feel (that)…
 I’m convinced that…
Expressing pros and cons
 There are two sides to the question.
 On the one hand…,on the other hand…
 An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
 While admitting that…one should not forget that…
 Some people think that…,others say that…
4. Expressing pros and cons
 There are two sides to the question.
 On the one hand…,on the other hand…
 An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
 While admitting that…one should not forget that…
 Some people think that…,others say that…
5. Expressing doubt
 I’m not sure if…
 I’m not convinced that…
 I wonder if you realize that…
 I doubt that.
6. Expressing disagreement
 I don’t agree with you about…
 I can’t accept your view that…
 I’m of a different opinion…
7. Expressing support
 You’re quite right.
 That’s a very important point.
 You’ve got a good point there.
 I couldn’t agree with you more.
 You look the words right out of my mouth.
Giving reason
 The reason for this is (that)…
 I base my argument on…
 I tell you all this because…
8. Keeping to the point
 It would be more to the point if…
 Come to the point.
 That’s not the problem.
 What we are discussing is…
 …has nothing to do with my argument.
 That’s not relevant.
 Drawing conclusion and summing up
 The obvious conclusion is…
 Last but not least…
 The only alternative (left) is…
 The only possible solution/conclusion is…
 Summing up, I’d like to say that…
 In conclusion we can say that…
 To cut a long story short,…
 Just to give you the main points again,…
9. Fillers in conversation (used only in speaking)
 At the beginning of a sentence
 Um…
 Ok/ All right, …
 Well/ Well, anyway…
 So/ So then,…
 By the way,…
 At any rate…Anyhow…
 You know,…
 What I mean is…
 So…where was I saying? /where was I?
In the middle of a sentence (usually)
 I mean: This is, I mean, going to be challenging.
 I guess: Well, I guess the problem is that I’m tired.
 Kind of: This kind of makes sense
 Adverbs such as “absolutely”, “actually”, “really”, “sure”, “seriously”: I mean,
seriously, do you believe that?
adalah surat undangan dalam konteks resmi. Invitation Letter ini mempunyai format baku
yang harus kita gunakan saat membuat surat undangan formal ( Formal Incvitation Letter).
contoh Formal Invitation Letter atau Surat undangan resmi yaitu seperti: Surat undangan
pernikahan, Surat undangan wisuda, dan banyak lagi jenis undangan resmi yang ada disekitar
informal Invitation Letter digunakan dalam konteks tidak resmi. Tidak jarang surat undangan
ini hanya disampaikan melalui pesan singkat atau memo singkat kepada penerima.
contoh Informal Invitation letter adalah seperti: Undangan Pesta, Undangan ulang tahun,
undangan makan malam dan beberapa undangan tidak resmi lainnya.
1. Invitee: Siapa yang diundang
2. Body of invitation: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:
 Occasion: Undangan ini dibuat untuk acara apa
 Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
 Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan
 Place: Tempat yang diharapkan kehadirannya para undangan
3. Inviter: Siapa yang mengundang
Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada
seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang
melakukan tindakan.
 The passive voice is used frequently. (= kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan
siapa yang menggunakannya.)
 The house was built in 1654. (= kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang
 The road is being repaired. (= kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang
melakukan perbaikan.)

 I noticed that a window had been left open.

 Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
 All the cookies have been eaten.
 My car has been stolen!

Pasif Aktif

A great deal of meaning is conveyed by a A few well-chosen words convey a great

few well-chosen words. deal of meaning.

Our planet is wrapped in a mass of gases. A mass of gases wrap around our planet.

Waste materials are disposed of in a variety The city disposes of waste materials in a

of ways. variety of ways.
Pasif Aktif

Pasif Aktif

"A Hard Day's Night" was written by the The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's Night".

The movie ET was directed by Spielberg. Spielberg directed the movie ET.

This house was built by my father. My father built this house.

To clean, passive voice

Subjek + to be + past participle + sisa kalimat


Simple present

The house is cleaned every day.

Present continuous

The house is being cleaned at the moment.

Simple past

The house was cleaned yesterday.

Past continuous

The house was being cleaned last week.

Present perfect

The house has been cleaned since you left.

Past perfect

The house had been cleaned before they arrived.


The house will be cleaned next week.

Future continuous

The house will be being cleaned tomorrow.

Present conditional
Subjek + to be + past participle + sisa kalimat

The house would be cleaned if they had visitors.

Past conditional

The house would have been cleaned if it had been dirty.


The house must be cleaned before we arrive.

Passive voice dengan infinitive

Kalimat pasif infinitive digunakan setelah modal kata kerja (modal verb), dan kata kerja
lainnya biasanya diikuti oleh infinitive.


 You have to be tested on your English grammar.

 John might be promoted next year.
 She wants to be invited to the party.
 I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
 You may be disappointed.


Exposition adalah tulisan atau pidato utamanya bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi
atau untuk menjelaskan. Sehingga, analytical exposition text adalah teks bahasa Inggris
yang isinya adalah argumen logis dari penulis mengenai sebuah masalah yang perlu

THE PURPOSE OF THE ANALYTICAL exposition text is to persuade the reader that
there is something which needs an attention. Tujuan dari jenis teks ini adalah untuk
mempengaruhi pembaca bahwa ada sesuatu yang perlu mendapat perhatian.
Sumber Belajar Kemdikbud, struktur umum analytical exposition adalah sebagai berikut:
Thesis: bagian awal teks adalah thesis, yaitu penjelasan topik masalah dan opini dari penulis.
Argument: bagian ini memaparkan argumen-argumen yang mendukung opini penulis.
Reiteration: bagian akhir teks adalah reiteration yang berupa penulisan kembali thesis yang
atau opini dari penulis. Biasanya bagian ini diawali dengan From the fact above… (dari fakta
di atas…), Therefore… (maka dari itu…), In conclusion… (Kesimpulannya…), dan lain-lain.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah simple present tense
Argumen diawali dengan firstly, secondly, thirdly, dan seterusnya.
Frase untuk mengakhiri teks berupa from the fact above, therefore, dan lain-lain.
In the Analytical exposition text, the generic structures will be Thesis, Arguments, and
Reiteration, but on
Hortatory Exposition text, the generic structures are Thesis, Arguments, and

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