Appendices Appendix I: Survey Questionnare

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Respondent ID (To be filled by the researcher): _____________________


Dear Respondent,

This is a Questionnaire Survey to collect primary data to examine “Factors Causing Time
Overruns, Cost Overruns and Quality Problems In Small-Scale Irrigation (SSI) Construction
Projects In Ethiopia: A Case Of Agriculture Growth Program New SSI Construction

This survey questionnaire is to be filled by the respondents involved in the design, construction,
supervision and contract administration works of SSI projects. The responses will assist the
researcher in finding out how the factors in question affect time, cost and quality of construction
in SSI construction projects. The recommendations synthesized from the analysis of your
responses will assist in the improvement of project management of SSI construction projects
being carried out in the country.

As a participant in the implementation of AGP SSI projects, you have been selected to
participate in the study as one of the key respondents. So, I hereby humbly solicit your assistance
in filling the attached questionnaire. Your response from your wealth of experience will provide
vital information about the subject matter; and contribute to improvement of SSI construction
projects management. I assure you that this study is solely intended for research purposes. The
answer you provide will be kept confidential; only aggregate data will be presented in the written
report; and therefore, your privacy is guaranteed. Individual questionnaires will be kept only
until the research work has been moderated and seen by an external examiner; and will then be

If you have read this information and are willing to participate in this research, please indicate
your informed consent using the questionnaire below. Your prompt response in filling this
questionnaire will be appreciated. If you have any questions not answered in this introduction to
the research, please contact me using the following address. Thank you very much for your time
and collaboration. This questionnaire has two parts. The first part is used to collect the
background information about the respondents; and the second part of the questionnaire focused
on causes of construction time overruns\delays, cost overruns and quality shortfalls of SSI

Name: Yalew Belete Gobie

Email: [email protected], Mobile Phone: 0911988528



Instruction: Please indicate the right answer by ticking (√) in the appropriate boxes or by
writing/filling in the blank space as appropriate.

1. Gender: √ Female  Male

2. What is your age? Please write: __27_____________

3. What is your highest level of education?

 Primary Education  Secondary Education  Undergraduate √ Graduate  PhD

4. What is your institution involvement in the project?

 Owner-Client  Contractor √ Consultant

5. What is your current capacity (position)?

 Department Head  Team Leader  Project Manager

√ Supervision Engineer  Site Engineer  Office Engineer

6. What is your years of experience in irrigation and construction industry? ___5______years.


INSTRUCTION: In the following questionnaire are lists of possible factors causing time
overrun/time delay, cost overrun/cost increase and quality problems/quality shortfalls in SSI
construction projects. Please rate by writing the most appropriate importance level (1, 2, 3, 4 or
5 as defined in the following table) of each of the listed factors on causing overruns, and low
quality of works. The rating for Extremely High Important=5 implies that the factor has very
high significant influence or it is very critical; and Not Important = 1 implies that the factor has
no significant influence or not critical in causing time overrun, cost overrun or quality problems
of the project.

Not Important Low Important Medium High Important Extremely High

(NI) (LI) Important (MI) (HI) Important (EHI)
1 2 3 4 5

NI = 1 LI = 2 MI=3 HI = 4 EHI = 5
ID Factors Causing Time Overrun, Cost Overrun and Rating of Importance
Poor Quality Level
Time Cost Poor
1 Client Related Factors (Client's Responsibilities)
Overrun Overrun Quality
CL1 Inadequate experience, technical staffing and management skill by 5 5 5
CL2 Financial problems of Owner-Client to pay as per contract 4 5 4
CL3 Slow decision-making in design change, variation order, progress 5 5 5
payment approval and others by the Owner-Client
CL4 Unclear and unrealistic scope definition of work requirements in bid- 4 4 3
tender documents during bidding by Owner-Client
CL5 Frequent design changes by Owner-Client 5 4 3
CL6 Lengthy bidding process, delayed contract award and site handover 5 4 3
to contractors by Owner/Client
CL7 Issuance of the bid to the lowest price with no adequate investigation 5 5 5
of technical and financial capacity of the contractor by Owner-Client
CL8 Late issuance of approved contract documents, drawings, and BoQ 4 4 3
by Owner-Client
CL9 Errors, discrepancies and omissions in contract documents 4 3 4
(incomplete, inconsistent and inappropriate contract documents)

CL10 Unrealistic contract durations and requirements imposed in contract 5 5 5
documents by Owner-Client
CL11 Unnecessary interference by Owner during construction through 4 4 5
selection of labour, suspension of work, and unclear/unnecessary
CL12 Poor communication/coordination of stakeholders by Owner-Client 4 4 4
CL13 Low senior management commitment and support by Owner-Client 5 5 5
CL14 Inadequate monitoring, follow up and supervision by Owner-Client 4 4 4
CL15 Emphasis on quantity instead of quality by Owner-Client 5 5 5
CL16 Corruption, fraudulent practices and bribes by Owner-Client 5 5 5
CL17 Delayed right-off way (ROW)/land acquisition by Owner-Client 5 5 5
NI = 1 LI = 2 MI=3 HI = 4 EHI = 5
Time Cost Poor
2 Contractor Related Factors (Contractor's Responsibilities)
Overrun Overrun Quality
CR1 Inadequate Contractor Experience 5 5 5
CR2 Incompetent and insufficient technical staffs on site by contractor 5 5 5
CR3 Financial difficulties/problems during construction by contractor 5 5 5
CR4 Inappropriate construction work methods, and improper/inaccurate 5 5 5
planning & scheduling by contractor
CR5 Poor site management and inadequate inspection by contractor 5 5 5
CR6 Poor communication/coordination with owner-client, consultant and 5 5 5
community by contractor
CR7 Unethical behaviors (front loading, unrealistic bids, and extremely 5 5 5
low bids) focusing only for profit by contractor
CR8 Project start up delay (slow mobilization) by contractor 5 5 5
CR9 Misuse of mobilization advance payment by contractor 4 4 4
CR10 Poor risk management by contractor 4 4 4
CR11 Frequent rework due to mistakes, bad quality work (poor 5 5 5
workmanship) and nonconformance to standards & specifications
CR12 Lack of strong organizational culture and commitment by contractor 4 4 4
CR13 Delayed delivery of construction materials, labor force, and 5 5 5
equipment/machinery mobilized during construction by contractor
CR14 Use of unskilled and low productive labor force by contractor 4 4 4
CR15 Poor materials storage and handling in project site by contractor 5 5 5
CR16 Use of low-quality-low grade construction materials by contractor 5 5 5
CR17 Use of low grade, low productive, and improper 5 5 5
equipment/machinery by contractor
CR18 Frequent equipment breakdown, shortage of spare parts and lack of 5 5 5
timely maintenance

CR19 Corruption, fraudulent practices and bribes by contractor 5 5 5
CR20 Low capacity in construction quality management by contractors 5 5 5
CR21 Inadequate site visit & technical assessment of bid-tender documents 5 5 5
before bidding by contractor
CR22 Lack of commitment to instructions of consultant by contractor 5 5 5
CR23 Delay in submitting progress payment requests by contractor 4 4 4
CR24 Delay/reluctance in renewal of securities/guarantees by contractor 4 4 4
CR Delay in material testing 5 5 5
NI = 1 LI = 2 MI=3 HI = 4 EHI = 5
Time Cost Poor
3 Consultant Related Factors (Consultant's Responsibilities)
Overrun Overrun Quality
CT1 Inadequate consultant experience and capacity 5 5 5
CT2 Incompetent, unexperienced & inadequate technical staffs by 5 5 5
CT3 Poor communication with contractor and owner by consultant 5 5 5
CT4 Poor quality design documents due to inadequate and inaccurate site 5 5 5
investigation by consultant
CT5 Delay in producing design documents by consultant/modified 5 5 5
design/design modification
CT6 Unclear and inadequate details in drawings & specifications 5 5 5
CT7 Mistakes, omissions, errors and discrepancies in bid-tender 5 5 5
documents (specifications, drawings, BOQs) by consultants
CT8 Misunderstanding of owners’ design requirements by consultant’s 5 5 5
design team
CT9 Delayed decision making in approval of design changes, extra work 5 5 5
& variations, progress payment, and tests & inspections by consultant
CT10 Inadequate inspection, supervision and testing by consultant 5 5 5
CT11 Inadequate focus to quality management of work by consultant 5 5 5
Delay in rectifying defects and order (ማናጅመንት ጥቅል ስለሆነ መበተን 5 5 5
ከተቻለ በሚል ነው
CT12 Corruption, fraudulent practices and bribes by consultant 5 5 5
CT13 Unclear, slow and improper instruction by consultant 5 5 5
Delays in issuing a Certificate of Completion by consultant 5 5 5
NI = 1 LI = 2 MI=3 HI = 4 EHI = 5
Time Cost Poor
4 External Related Factors
Overrun Overrun Quality
Inconvenient government policies, regulations and laws 5 4 4
(Environment, Land, License procedures, Local material quarrying)
EX2 Delayed approval of local material quarrying & safeguard issues 5 5 5
EX3 Unforeseen conditions (site/ground condition, unseasonal rain) 5 5 5
EX4 Political instability and security problems 5 5 5
EX5 Late in getting electric power mainly for pump projects 5 5 5
EX6 Unavailability and monopoly of factory products in the market 5 5 5
EX7 Shortage of foreign currency 5 5 5
EX8 Inflation and unexpected price escalation of construction materials 5 5 5
EX9 Unreliable and unethical suppliers for construction equipment 5 5 5
EX10 Effect of religious, cultural and social factors 5 5 5

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