1a. Work Power Energy - Synopsis (1-29)
1a. Work Power Energy - Synopsis (1-29)
1a. Work Power Energy - Synopsis (1-29)
Negative work
Applications on work
Ø If a force is changing linearly from F1 to F2 over a
Ø When the magnitude and direction of a force varies displacement S then work done is
with position, then the work done by such a force F + F2
for an infinitesimal displacement ds is given by W = 1 S
uruur 2
dW = F .ds Ø
If a force displaces the particle from its initial
The total work done in going from A to B is uur
B uruur
position ri to final position r f then displacement
ur uur ur
WAB = ∫ F .ds = ∫ ( F cosθ ) ds vector is S = rf − ri .
In terms of rectangular components
r uur F
F = Fx iˆ + F y ˆj + Fz kˆ ; ds = dxiˆ + dyjˆ + dzkˆ S
x2 y2 z2
W= ∫ F dx + ∫ F dy + ∫ F dz
ur ur ur uur ur X
W = F .S = F . rf − ri )
Ø Work done in pulling the bob of mass m of a simple Ø A block of mass m is suspended vertically using a
pendulum of length L through an angle θ to vertical rope of negligible mass. If the rope is used to lift the
by means of a horizontal force F. block vertically up with uniform acceleration ‘a’,
work done by tension in the rope is
W = m ( g + a ) h (h= height)
If block is lowered with acceleration ‘a’, then
L-h θ T W = −m ( g − a )h
L Ø A uniform chain of mass M and length L is kept on
C 1
A smooth horizontal table such that th of its length
F n
is hanging over the edge of the table.
h mg The work done by the pulling force to bring the
B hanging part onto the table is
L− h h h
cos θ = = 1− ; = 1 − cos θ
h = L (1 − cos θ ) 2n L
Work done by gravitational force C.G n
W = −mgh = −mgL (1 − cos θ )
Work done by horizontal force F is W = FL sinθ
Work done by tension T in the string is zero.
Ø Work done by gravitational force in pulling a uniform W = n gh = n g 2n = 2n 2
rod of mass m and length l through an angle θ is
given by M
Mass of hanging part is
Ø A uniform chain of mass M and length L rests on a
θ 1
C.G smooth horizontal table with n th part of its length
h is hanging from the edge of the table. Work done in
C.G pulling the chain partially such that
th part is hanging from the edge of the table is
W = −mg (1 − cos θ ) , Where l is the distance given by W=
MgL 1 1
2 − 2
2 2 2 n1 n2
of centre of mass from the support. Ø A uniform chain of mass ‘M’ and length L is
Ø A ladder of mass ‘m’ and length ' L' resting on a suspended vertically. The lower end of the chain is
level floor is lifted and held against a wall at an lifted upto point of suspension
angle θ with the floor
Work done by gravitational force is
L G2
Wg = −mgh = −mg sin θ
2 l/4
θ L L L
h= + = = raise in centre of mass of
4 4 2
Ø A bucket full of water of total mass M is pulled by lower half of the chain .
using a uniform rope of mass m and length l. Work Work done by gravitational force is
done by pulling force W = Mgl + mg
l Wg = − g = −
2 2 2 4
mg F sin θ
FB h
Ø A body of mass ‘m’ is sliding down on rough inclined
plane of inclination θ . If L is the length of incline and
µK is the coefficient of kinetic friction then work done
W = m g|h = mgh 1 − d by the resultant force on the body is
1 N
Ø A body of mass ‘m’ is placed on a frictionless fk
horizontal surface. A force F acts on the body
parallel to the surface such that it moves with an
acceleration ‘a’, through a displacement ‘S’. The mg sin θ θ mg cos θ
work done by the force is
W = F S = maS (Qθ = 0 ) 0
Ø A body of mass ‘m’ is placed on a rough horizontal W = ( mgsinθ − f k ) L = ( mg sin θ − µ k mg cos θ ) L
surface of coefficient of friction µ . A force F acts
on the body parallel to the surface such that it moves = mgL ( sin θ − µ k cos θ )
with an acceleration ‘a’, through a displacement Ø A uniform solid cylinder of mass m, length l and
‘S’. The work done by the frictional force is radius r is lying on ground with curved surface in
contact with ground. If it is turned such that its
f = µ mg cos θ ; but θ = 0 0 circular face is in contact with ground then work
∴ f = µ mg cos0 = µ mg ⇒ W f = µ mgs
0 done by applied force is
Wnet = ( f + ma ) S = ( µ mg + ma ) S = m ( µg + a ) S
If the body moves with uniform velocity then
W = f S = µ mg S l
Ø A body of mass m is sliding down on a smooth
inclined plane of inclination θ . If L is length of l/2
inclined plane then work done by gravitational force r
N l l
L W = mgh = mg − r Qh = 2 − r
Ø A gas at a pressure P is enclosed in a cylinder with
a movable piston. Work done by the gas in
mg sin θ θ producing small displacement dx of the piston is
mg cos θ
Wg = F S = mg sin θ L
Ø A body of mass ‘m’ is moved up the smooth inclined
plane of inclination θ and length L by a constant
horizontal force F then work done by the resultant
force is
W = ( F cos θ − mg sin θ ) L
r ur ur ur ur
dW = Fdx = PAdx = PdV
Total work done by the gas during the change in its
Sol. Work done W = F .S ; W = F . rB − rA ( )
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
W= 2i+ 3 j−k. 6i− 4j +2k− 2i +4j −6k
volume from V1 to V2 is W = ∫ PdV
Work done by gravity on block m1 ,W1 = + m1gx O 6 10 14
Sol. Work done = Area under F - S curve.
Work done by gravity on block m2 ,W2 = - m2 gx
1 1
Work done by gravitational force on the W = × 6 × 4 + ( 4 × 4 ) + × 4 × 4 = 36J.
2 2
system, Wg = m1g x − m2 gx
WE-4: When a rubber band is stretched by a
1 2
Wg = ( m1 − m 2 ) gx = (m1 − m2 ) g at
distance ‘x’, it exerts a restoring force of
2 magnitude F = ax + bx 2 , where a and b are
Qv 2 − u 2 = 2as constants. Find the work done in stretching
the unstretched rubber band by ‘L’.(JEE MAIN
( m1 − m2 ) g 2 t2
( m1 −m 2 ) g
Q a =
Wg =
2 ( m1 + m2 )
m1 + m2 Sol:The restoring force exerted by the rubber
Note: In this case work done on the two blocks band when it is stretched by a distance ‘x ’is
by tension is zero.
F = ax + bx 2 .
W = T ( x ) + T (− x) = 0
The small amount of work done on the rubber band
WE-1:A body is displaced from rA = 2iˆ+ 4 ˆj − 6kˆ( ) in stretching through a small distance ‘dx’ is
to rB = 6iˆ − 4jˆ + 2kˆ )
under a constant dW = Fdx = ( ax + bx 2 )dx
( )
The total work done in stretching the unstretched
force F = 2iˆ + 3 ˆj − kˆ .Find the work done. rubber band by ‘L’ is
ur r 2200
Fy = −mg $j ; ry = H max = u sin α ˆj
2 2
W = 20 × 10 × 8 = 1100 J
WE-9: A block of mass ‘m’ is lowered with the help
r r u sin α ˆ 2 2
W = Fy .ry = −mgjˆ .
2g )
of a rope of negligible mass through a distance
‘d’ with an acceleration of g/3. Find the work
done by the rope on the block?
W = − mu 2 sin 2 (α ) Sol:During lowering a block, tension in rope is
2 T = m ( g − a ) and S = d
WE-6: A 10 kg block is pulled along a frictionless
surface in the form of an arc of a circle of work done W = − m ( g − a) d
radius10 m. The applied force is 200 N. Find
g 2 mgd
the work done by (a) applied force and W = −m g − d =−
(b) gravitational force in displacing through 3 3
an angle 600 WE-10: If the system shown is released from rest.
Find the net workdone by tension in first one
second (g=10m/s2 )
0 r
r F
3 kg B
Sol: Work done by applied force W = Fr sin θ
A 2 kg
W = 200 ×10 × sin60 =200 ×10 × 0
= 1732 J m 2 − m1 3−2
2 Sol. a = g = 10 = 2m/s2
m + m 2 2 + 3
work done by gravitational force
2 m1 m2 g 2 × 2 × 3 × 10
W = − mgr (1 − cos θ ) T = = = 24N
m1 + m 2 2+3
W = −10 × 9.8 ×10 (1 − cos60 0 ) 1 2 1
for each block S = at = × 2 × 1 = 1m
1 2 2
W = − 98 × 10 1 − = − 490 J
2 ∴ Wnet = W1 + W2 = TS − TS = 0
P 2 = 2mK
Ø A particle is projected up from a point at an angle
' θ ' with the horizontal. At any time ‘t’ if ‘P’ is linear
momentum, ‘y’ is vertical displacement and ‘x’ is P2
horizontal displacement, then nature of the curves
drawn for KE of the particle (K) against these P 2αK
parameters are
i) K - y graph: Conservative and non - Conservative forces
K = Ki − mgy ; It is a straight line Ø If work done by a force around a closed path is
zero and is independent of path then the force is
said to be conservative force.
Ø Under conservative force F = − where U is
Potential Energy. U = dU = − uruu r
y ur
∫ ∫ F .dr
( F = Fx $i + F y $j + Fz k$ and
ii) K - t graph uur
dr = dxi$ + dy $j + dzk$ )
K = Ki − mg u y t − gt2
ur ∂u ∂u $ ∂u $
F = − $i +
∂x ∂y
Q y = u y t − gt 2 ; It is a parabola
2 Ex1: Gravitational force is a conservative force
Ex2: Elastic force in a stretched spring is a
conservative force
Non-Conservative Forces:
Ø If the work done by a force around a closed path is
not equal to zero and is dependent on the path
t then the force is non-conservative force
Ex:-Force of friction , Viscous force.
iii) K - x graph Ø Work done by the non-conservative force will not
be stored in the form of Potential energy.
gx 2
K = Ki − mg x tan θ − 2
Ø Potential energy is defined only for conservative
2u x forces.
g Spring force
Q y = ( tan θ )x − 2 x 2 ; It is also a parabola
2u x Ø Spring force is an example of a variable force which
K is conservative.
Ø In an ideal spring, the spring force Fs is directly
proportional to ‘x’. Where x is the displacement of
the block from equilibrium position. i.e.,
Fs = − Kx .The constant K is called spring
2 constant.
iv) K - P graph Ø The work done on the block by the spring force as
It is a straight line passing through origin the block moves from undeformed position
x = 0 tox = x1
1 2 1 2
W = K x1 − x2 = Kx1 − Kx 2
1 2 1
Approximate K.E. = mv = × 60 ×10 = 3000 J
2 2
Potential energy stored in a spring: Range of KE = 2000 J to 5000J
Ø The change in potential energy of a system W.E-14:Kinetic energy of a particle moving along
corresponding to a conservative internal force is
x r uur
a circle of radius ‘r’ depends on the distance
dU = −∫ F. dx , as KE = cs2 , (c is constant,s is displacement).
0 Find the force acting on the particle
dU = - (work done by the spring force)
1 2 2c
− Kx 2 1 Sol. KE = 2 mv = cs 2
⇒ v = s
dU = − ; U f − U i = Kx
2 2
dv 2c ds 2c
since U i is zero when spring is at its natural length at = = × =v
dt m dt m
∴U f = Kx2
2 2c 2c 2c
Ft = mat = mv = m s = 2cs
W.E-11:Two spheres whose radii are in the ratio m m m
1 : 2 are moving with velocities in the ratio
3 : 4. If their densities are in the ratio 3 : 2, mv 2
( 2cs ) +
Total force F = F t + Fc =
2 2
then find the ratio of their kinetic energies.
r1 1 v 1 3 ρ1 3
Sol. r = 2 , v = 4, ρ = 2 s2
2 2 2 F = 2 cs 1 +
1 2 1 14 3 2
K .E = mv = (V ρ ) v = π r ρ v
W.E-15: A rectangular plank of mass m1 and height
2 2 23
‘a’ is on a horizontal surface. On the top of it
3 2
KE1 ρ1 r1 v1 3 1 3
3 2
another rectangular plank of mass m2 and
= × × = × ×
KE2 ρ2 r2 v2 2 2 4 height ‘b’ is placed. Find the potential energy
of the system?
KE1 3 1 9 27
= × × =
KE2 2 8 16 256 m2
W.E-12:A particle is projected at 60 0 to the horizontal
with a kinetic energy ‘K’.Find the kinetic m1 a
energy at the highest point ?(JEE MAIN 2007)
1 2 Sol: Total potential energy of system U = U1 + U 2
Sol.Initial kinetic energy is K = mu
2 a b m1 b
The velocity at highest point v x = u cos θ . = m1 g + m2 g a + = 2 + m2 a + m2 2 g
2 2
kinetic energy of a particle at highest point WE-16: A rod of mass m and length L is held
1 1 K vertical. Find its gravitational potential
KH = mvx 2 = mu 2 cos2 θ = K cos 2 600 = energy with respect to zero potential energy at
2 2 4
the lower end?
1 2
Sol: Initial potential energy Ui = kx
Final potential energy U f = k ( x + y )
dy 2
1 1 2
Work done W= Uf - Ui = k ( x + y ) − kx
L L 0 2 2
L Where Kf and Ki are the final and initial kinetic
m y2 mgL
U = g = energies of the body.
L 2 0 2 Ø Work energy theorem is applicable not only for a
WE-17: A chain of length l and mass ‘m’ lies on single particle but also for a system of particles.
the surface of a smooth hemisphere of radius Ø When it is applied to a system of two or more
R > l with one end tied to top of the particles change in kinetic energy of the system is
equal to work done on the system by the external
hemisphere.Find the gravitational potential
as well as internal forces.
energy of the chain? Ø Work-energy theorem can also be applied to a
Sol. system under the action of variable forces, pseudo
(Rd θ) forces, conservative as well as non-conservative
R Applications of work-energy theorem:
θ dθ Ø A body of mass m starting from rest acquire a
y = Rcosθ
velocity ‘v’ due to constant force F. Neglecting air
Consider a small element of chain of width resistance.
dθ at an angle θ from the vertical 1 2
Work done =change in Kinetic energy = mv
m 2
The mass of the element dm = Rdθ Ø
l A particle of mass ‘m’ is thrown vertically up with a
speed ‘u’. Neglecting the air friction, the work done
The gravitational potential energy of the
by gravitational force, as particle reaches maximum
element du= (dm)gy
height is Wg = ∆ K = K f − K i
The gravitational potential energy of total chain
1 1 1
Wg = m ( 0) − m × u2 = − mu 2
l 2
R l
2 2 2
U = ∫ ( dm )gy = ∫ Rdθ g ( R cos θ )
Ø A particle of mass ‘m’ falls freely from a height ‘h’
0 l 0
in air medium onto the ground. If ‘v’ is the velocity
mgR 2 l
mgR 2 l with which it reaches the ground, the work done
U= [sin θ ]0R = sin by air friction is Wf and work done by gravitational
l l R
1 1
WE-18: A spring of force constant ‘k’ is stretched force Wg then , Wg + W f = 2 mv2 − 0 = 2 mv 2
by a small length ‘x’. Find work done in
Ø A block of mass ‘m’ slides down a frictionless
stretching it further by a small length ‘y’?
incline of inclination ‘θ ’ to the horizontal. If h is
the height of incline, the velocity with which body
WE-21:Two blocks having masses 8 kg and 16kg WE-23: In the below figure, what constant force
are connected to the two ends of a light spring. ‘P’ is required to bring the 50kg body, which
The system is placed on a smooth horizontal starts from rest to a velocity of 10m/s in moving
floor. An inextensible string also connects B 7m along the plane? (Neglect friction)
with ceiling as shown in figure at the initial
moment. Initially the spring has its natural p 0
length.A constant horizontal force F is applied 30
to the heavier block as shown. What is the 50 kg
maximum possible value of F so that lighter
block doesn’t loose contact with ground.
1 1
Sol: KE = mv 2 =W friction + Kx2
2 2
Sol: Applying work energy theorem for
1 1
⇒ × 2 × 42 = 15 x + × 10000 × x2 downward motion of the body W = ∆KE
2 2
⇒ 5000 x 2 + 15x − 16 = 0 mg sin θ ( x + d ) − f × l1 −
1 2
Kx = ∆KE
⇒ x = 0.055 m o r x = 5.5 cm 2
1 dU
20sin370 ( 5) − µ × 20cos370 ×5 − K (0.2) = 0 = 0 (or) slope of U-r graph is zero
2 dr
3. When displaced from its equilibrium position, a net
80µ + 0.02 K = 60 → (1) force starts acting on the body which moves the
For the upward motion of the body body in the direction of displacement or away from
1 the equilibrium position
− mg sin θ l2 + ( f × l2 ) + Kx 2 = ∆KE 4. PE in equilibrium position is maximum as compared
1 d 2U
−2 ×10sin370 ×1 −µ × 20cos370 ×1 + K ( 0.2) = 0
to other positions as 2 isnegative
2 5. When displaced from equilibrium position the centre
16µ − 0.02 K = − 12 → ( 2) of gravity of the body goes up
Adding equations (1) and (2), we get
96 µ = 48 ⇒ µ = 0.5
Now, use the value of µ in equation (1),
we get K = 1000 N/m.
Neutral equilibrium
Types of Equilibrium 1. Net force is zero
A body is said to be in translatory equilibrium, if net
ur 2.
= 0 or slope of U-r graph is zero
force acting on the body is zero i.e., F net = 0 dr
3. When displaced from its equilibrium position the
dU body has neither the tendency to come back nor
If the forces are conservative F = −
dr move away from the original position.
and for equilibrium F = 0 , 4. PE remains constant even if the body is moving to
d 2U
dU dU neighbouring points =0
so − = 0 or = 0 , ∴ At equilibrium position dr 2
dr dr 5. When displaced from equilibrium position the centre
slope of U-r graph is zero or the potential energy is of gravity of the body remains constant
optimum (maximum or minimum or constant)
There are three types of equilibrium Potential energy and Equilibrium
(i) Stable equilibrium (ii) Unstable equilibrium U
(iii) Neutral equilibrium. B
Stable equilibrium
1. Net force is Zero 1. A
2. = 0 or slope of U-r graph is zero x
3. When displaced from its equilibrium position, a net In the figure, at A :
retarding forces starts acting on the body, which dU d 2U
=0, and is positive
has a tendency to bring the body back to its dx dx 2
equilibrium position Thus at A the particle is in stable equilibrium.
4. PE in equilibrium position is minimum as compared dU d 2U
to its neighbouring points as At B; = 0 , and is negative
dx dx2
d 2U Thus at B the particle is in unstable equilibrium
dr 2 WE-25: In a molecule, the potential energy between
5. When displaced from equilibrium position the centre a b
of gravity of the body comes down two atoms is given by U(x) = − . Where
x12 x6
‘a’ and ‘b’ are positive constants and ‘x’ is the
distance between atoms. Find the value of ‘x’
at which force is zero and minimum P.E at that
Unstable equilibrium point. (JEE MAIN 2010)
1. Net force is zero
∴U f + k f =U i + k i ⇒ U+K=constant
The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy Sol. Conservation of energy b/w positions A and C
remains constant in any state.
Ø A body is projected vertically up from the ground. ( PEA )block + KE A = ( PEC )spring + KEC
When it is at height ‘h’ above the ground, its
1 2 1 2 2mgh
potential and kinetic energies are in the ratio x : y. If mgh + 0 = Kx + 0 ;mgh = Kx ; x =
H is the maximum height reached by the body, then 2 2 K
x h h x WE-28:A vehicle of mass 15 quintal climbs up a
= or =
y H −h H x+ y hill 200m high. It then moves on a level road
WE-26: A massless platform is kept on a light with a speed of 30ms −1 .Calculate the potential
elastic spring as shown in figure. When a sand
particle of 0.1kg mass is dropped on the pan energy gained by it and its total mechanical
from a height of 0.24m, the particle strikes the energy while running on the top of the hill
pan and the spring compresses by 0.01m. From −2
what height should particle be dropped to Sol. m = 15 quintal = 1500kg, g= 9.8ms ,h = 200m
cause a compression of 0.04m. P.E.gained,U=mgh =1500 x 9.8 x 200=2.94 x 106 J
0.1 kg
1 2 1
K.E. = mv = x 1500 x (30)2 = 0.675 x 106 J
2 2
Total mechanical energy
E = K + U = (0.675 + 2.94) x 106 = 3.615 x 106 J
WE-29: A particle is released from height H.At
certain height from the ground its kinetic
energy is twice its gravitational potential
energy. Find the height and speed of particle
at that height
Sol. K.E = 2PE But KE = TE – PE WE-31: The potential energy of 1 kg particle free
mg(H – h) = 2mgh; mgH = 3mgh to move along X - axis is given by
H x4 x2
⇒h= ; Also K.E = 2P.E , U (x) = − J. The total mechanical
3 4 2
energy of the particle is 2 J. Find the
1 2 H gH
mv = 2mg ⇒ v = 2 maximum speed of the particle.
2 3 3 dU
Sol:For maximum value of U, =0.
WE-30: A heavy flexible uniform chain of length dx
π r and mass λπ r lies in a smooth 4 x3 2x
semicircular tube AB of radius ‘r’. Assuming ∴ − = 0 or x = 0, x = ± 1.
a slight disturbance to start the chain in 4 2
motion, find the velocity v with which it will d 2U d 2U
emerge from the end of the tube? At x = 0, = − 1 and At x = ± 1, =2
dx 2 dx2
Hence U is minimum at x = ± 1 with value
1 1 1
C.G 2r/π U min = − = − J
4 2 4
1 9
Reference level Kmax + Umin = E or Kmax − = 2 or Kmax =
4 4
1 9 3
⇒ mv 2 = ⇒ v max = ms − 1
2 4 2
WE-32:Figure shows a particle sliding on a
Sol: frictionless track which terminates in a straight
horizontal section. If the particle starts slipping
from the point A, how far away from the track
will the particle hit the ground?
2 B
C.G 1.0 m
0.5 m
Sol: Applying the law of conservation of
Centre of gravity of a semicircular arc is at a mechanical energy for the points A and B,
1 2
from the centre . mgH = mv + mgh
π 2
v2 g
Initial potential energy Ui = ( λπ r ) g 2r g− = or v 2 = g ⇒ v = g = 3.1 ms − 1
2 2
After point B the particle exhibits projectile motion
−π r
Final potential energy U f = ( λπ r ) g with θ = 00 and y = − 0.5 m
2 Horizontal distance travelled by the body
When the chain is completely slipped off the tube,
2h 2 × 0.5
all the links of the chain have the same velocity v. R=u = 3.1× = 1m
1 2 1 g 9.8
kinetic energy of chain k = mv = ( λπ r ) v
From conservation of energy , Ø The rate of doing work is called power.
Power or average power is given by
2r −π r 1
λπ rg = ( λπ r ) g + ( λπ r ) v
work done
π 2 2 Pavg = , Power is a scalar
SI Unit: watt(W) (or) J/s, CGS Unit : erg/sec
2 π
0n solving we get, v = 2rg π 2 + Other Units : kilo watt, mega watt and horse power
One horse power (H.P)=746 watt
v |
nv ) n
speed v is F = v dm
and additional power (
dm F'
= dt = dt = n 2
as F = v ⇒ F
2 dm dm
required to drive the belt is, P = Fv = v dt
dt dt dt
∫ ds = ∫ m
x K
m ∫ vdv= ∫ 0
Integrating dx ;
integrating on both sides we get 0 0
v 2 K0
1 mv 2
S =
2P 2 3/2
. t + C2 ⇒ x =
2 m
= x
m 3 2 K0
Now at t = 0, S = 0 ⇒ C2 = 0
WE-36: Find the power of an engine which can
8P 3/2 draw a train of 400 metric ton up the inclined
S = t , ∴S α t 3/2
WE-37: A hose pipe has a diameter of 2.5cm and is Ø Velocity of the body at any point on the vertical
required to direct a jet of water to a height of
atleast 40m. Find the minimum power of the circle:
pump needed for this hose. 1 1
TE A = TE P ; mV12 + 0 = mV θ2 + mgh
Sol.Volume of water ejected per sec 2 2
Vq = V1 - 2 gh , but h = r (1 - cos q)
2 2 2
Av = π × 2 gh m 3 / s ; ∴ v = 2 gh
Vq = V1 - 2 gr (1 - cos q ) ; Vq = V1 2 -2 gr (1 -cos q )
2 2
1 If V2 is the velocity of the body at highest point
Mass ejected per sec is M = π d 2 × 2gh ρ Kg/s
4 ( q = 1800 )
Kinetic energy of water leaving hose / sec
V2 = V 1 - 2 g r (1 + 1)
= V 12 - 4 g r
1 1
K .E = mv 2 = π d 2 ×( 2 gh ) 2 ×ρ Tension in the string at any point :
2 8
= 8 × 3.14× ( 2.5× 10−2 ) × ( 2 ×9.8× 40) × 1000 =21.5KJ
1 2 3
Let Tq be the tension in the string when the string
makes an angle q with vertical.
WE-38: A body of mass m accelerates uniformly
from rest to velocity v0 in time t0 , find the mVq 2
instantaneous power delivered to body when Tq = + mg cos q
v Ø 1) At the lowest point q = 0 0 tension in the string is
velocity is 0 .
2 mV12
v0 mv0 TL = + mg (maximum).
Sol.Acceleration a = t ; Force F = t r
0 0 Ø 2) At the highest point q = 1800 .
v mv v mv m V2 2
Instantaneous power P= F . 20 = t 0 20 =
The tension in the string is TH = - m g (minimum)
0 2t0 r
Ø 3) When the string is horizontal, q = 900 , tension
Vertical circular motion with variable speed: 2
in the string at this position is T(h o r) =
Ø 4) The difference in maximum and minimum tension
in the string is
mV12 mV22
Tmax–Tmin= + mg - + mg
r r r
= (V12 - V22 ) + 2mg
V1 r
= ( 4 gr ) + 2mg = 4mg + 2 mg = 6 mg
Consider a body of mass ‘m’ tied at one end of a
string of length ‘r’ and is whirled in a vertical circle r
by fixing the other end at ‘O’. Let V1 be the velocity Ø 5) Ratio of maximum tension to minimum tension in
of the body at the lowest point. the string is
V2 mV12
+ mg V 12 + r g
= r 2 =
V 22 - r g
Tm i n mV2
- mg
TH Vhor Ø When the particle is at ‘P’
O Thor a) Tangential force acting on the particle is
θ Tθ Ft = m g sin q .
mVθ2 Tangential acceleration a t = g sin q
TL θ
mg cos θ b) Centripetal force acting on the particle is
mg æ mV 2 ö÷
Fc = ççç
V1 q ÷
A = Tq - mg cos q .
mg çè r ø÷÷
Centripetal acceleration ac = q
From the Law of conservation of energy
r total energy at point ‘A’ = total energy at point P
c) Net acceleration of the particle at the point
U A + KEA = UP + KEP
‘P’ is a = at2 + ac2 . 1 1
O + mV12 = mgh + mVθ2
d) The net force acting on the particle at point 2 2
‘P’ is F = Ft 2 + Fc2 1 1
m ( 5 gR ) = mgR (1 − cos θ ) + mVθ2
Ø Angle made by net force or net acceleration with 2 2
F a
centripetal component is f and tan f = F = a
5gmR 1
= mgR − mgR cosθ + mVθ2
t t
c c 2 2
Condition for vertical circular motion of 5gmR 1
a body − mgR + mgR cos θ = mVθ2
B 2 2
V2 mgR 1
[ 3 + 2cos θ ] = mVθ2
2 2
O Vθ = gR ( 3 + 2cos θ )
T1 Minimum tension in the string to just
A mg complete vertical circle:
mV22 Ø Let Tθ be the tension in the string when the string is
We know that 2T = − mg
r making an angle θ from lowest point
The body will complete the vertical circular path
when tension at highest point is such that
T2 ≥ 0 , − mg ≥ 0 ; V2 min = gr O
r Vθ
Hence the minimum speed at highest point to just
complete the vertical circle is gr P
From the law of conservation of mechanical energy θ
total energy at lowest point A = total energy at mg cos θ
highest point B mg sinθ mg
U A + KE A = UB + KEB mvθ2 m
Tθ = mg cos θ + = mg cosθ + gR ( 3 + 2cos θ )
1 1 R R
O + mV12 = mg ( 2r ) + mV22 = mg cos θ + 3mg + 2mg cosθ
2 2
1 1 = 3mg cos θ + 3mg = 3mg (1 + cos θ )
mV 2 = 2 mgr + mgr QV 2 = gr
2 1 2 Ø In case of non uniform circular motion in a vertical
5 plane if velocity of the body at the lowest point is
= mgr ⇒ V1 = 5 gr
2 less than 5gr , the particle will not complete the
For the body to continue along a circular path the circle in vertical plane, the particle may either
critical velocity at lowest point is 5gr oscillate about the lowest point or it leaves the circle
with out looping.
Critical velocity at any point on the vertical circle: Condition for oscillating about the
lowest position:
1) If 0 < VL < 2 gr , in this case, velocity becomes
R-h θ T θ Vθ zero before tension vanishes and the particle
oscillates about its lowest position with angular
θ amplitude 0 0 < θ < 90 0
1 mg
Note: If 0 < VL ≤ 2 gr then the particle oscillates
such that 00 < θ ≤ 900 0
without looping:
Ø If 2 gr < VL < 5gr . the particle is not able to u m M
complete the vertical circle, it goes to certain height Ø A nail is fixed at a certain distance ‘x’ vertically
and leaves the circular path (90o < θ <180o ) below the point of suspension of a simple pendulum
while leaving the circular path T = 0 but V ≠ 0 of length L. The bob is released when the string
Ø The angle made by the string with downward vertical makes an angle θ with vertical. The bob reaches
when the tension in the string becomes zero is given the lowest position then describes a vertical circle
2 V 2 whose centre coincides with the nail. Then
by cos θ = − L L ( 3 + 2cos θ )
3 3 gr
Ø The height at which the tension in the string becomes xmin =
VL 2 + gr
zero is given by h =
Ø When car moves on a concave bridge of radius
L o
θ v
mg cos θ Concave Bridge
+ mg cos (1800 )
60 mVC2
Reaction force at C = R3 =
m × 2gR
= − mg =mg
∴ R1 : R2 : R3 = 7 : 4 : 1
Sol.Velocity of bob at lowest position WE-41: A heavy particle hanging from a fixed point by
a light inextensible string of length l is projected
V = 2 g l (1 − cos θ )
horizontally with a speed of gl .Find the speed
= 2 g × l (1 − cos60 ) = 2 g = gl ..(1)
of the particle and the inclination of the string to
2 the vertical at the instant of the motion, when the
Let ‘d’ be the distance of nail from the tension in the string is equal to the weight of the
point of suspension. The bob will have to
complete the circle of radius r = l − d
Oblique Collision:
Ø It is the collision in which the velocities of the
T colliding bodies are not confined to same straight
θ B
line before and after collision.
Sol: Ø Oblique collision may be two dimensional or three
h u mg cos θ dimensional.
u = gl A
Ø When a particle hits elastically and obliquely another
mg sin θ stationary particle of same mass, then they move
Let T = mg at an angle ‘θ ’as shown in the perpendicular to each other after collision.
figure and h = l (1 − cos θ ) à (i) Types of Collision:Based on conservation of
kinetic energy collisions are classified into
Applying law of conservation of mechanical energy (i) Elastic Collision (ii) Inelastic collision
between the points A and B, Elastic Collision:It is the collision in which both
momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
we get m ( u − v ) = mgh
1 2 2
Forces involved during collision are conservative
2 in nature
Here u = g l à (ii)
Ex.1. Collision between atomic particles.
and v 2 = u 2 − 2 gh à (iii) 2. Collision between two smooth billiard balls.
3. Collision of α particle with nucleus.
mv 2 Inelastic collision:It is the collision in which
Further T − mg cos θ = (T = mg)
l momentum is conserved but not kinetic energy. Some
or all the forces involved during collision are non
v 2 = g l (1 − cos θ ) à(iv) conservative.
From equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) Ex: Collision between two vehicles.
we have g l (1 − cosθ ) = gl − 2 g l (1 − cosθ ) Perfectly inelastic collision:
Ø It is the collision in which the colliding bodies stick
2 2
−1 together and move as a single body after collision.
cosθ = 3 ; θ = cos Ø In perfectly inelastic collision the momentum
3 remains conserved but the loss of kinetic energy is
gl maximum.
From equation (iv) v = Ex: A bullet is fired into a wooden block and
3 remains embedded in it.
Collisions Line of impact:The line passing through the
Ø The strong interaction among bodies involving common normal to the surfaces in contact during
exchange of momentum in a short interval of time impact is called line of impact. The force during
is called collision. collision acts along this line on both bodies.
Ø During collision bodies may or may not come into Ex 1: Two balls A and B are approaching each
physical contact. other such that their centres are moving along line
Ex: In the collision of α particle with nucleus, due CD.
to coulombic repulsive forces α particle is scattered Line of impact and
away without any physical contact. A line of motion
Ø Based on the direction of motion of colliding bodies,
collisions are classified into C D
(i) Head on or one dimensional collision A
(ii) oblique collision Head on Collision
Ex 2: Two balls A and B are approaching each
Head on (or) one dimensional collision other such that their centres are moving along dotted
Line of impact and lines as shown in figure.
A line of motion B
C D Line of motion
B of ball B
Ø It is the collision in which the velocities of the A
colliding bodies are confined to same straight line
before and after collision.
Oblique collision
Sol:Mass of bullet = m and speed = v. WE-45: n elastic balls are placed at rest on a
Mass of the ball M and fractional mass of the ball m1 smooth horizontal plane which is circular at
According to law of conservation of linear the end with radius ‘r’ as shown in the figure.
momentum m m m
mv+0= ( m+m1 ) v1 + ( M-m1 ) v 2 The masses of the balls are m, , 2 ,........ n −1
2 2 2
Where v1 = final velocity of the respectively. Find the minimum velocity that
should be imparted to the first ball of mass
(bullet + fractional mass)
‘m’ such that the ‘ nth ’ ball will complete the
mv- ( M-m1 ) v 2
v1 = vertical circle.
( m+m1 )
WE-43: Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are 1 2 n r
moving with velocities 1ms −1 and 3ms −1
respectively in opposite directions. If the
bodies undergo one dimensional elastic Sol:Let speed to be imparted to the first ball be v0 .
Consider the impact between the first two balls and
collision, the body of mass m 1 comes to v1 andv2 be the velocities of balls 1 and 2 after
rest.Find the ratio of m 1 and m 2 the impact respectively.
According to law of conservation of linear
Sol. u1 = 1 m / s , u 2 = -3m/s,v1 = 0
m1- m 2 2m 2 momentum mv 0 =mv1 + v 2 → (1)
v1 = u1 + u2 2
m1 +m2 m1 +m2 According to law of conservation of kinetic energy
m − m2 2m2 1 1 1m 2
(− 3) mv0 = mv1 + v 2 → ( 2 )
2 2
0= 1 1+
m1 + m2 m1 + m2 2 2 2 2
m1 7 4
m1 − m2 = 6m2 ; m1 = 7m2 ; m = 1 Solving equations (1) and (2), we get v2 = v0
WE-44: Two identical balls A and B are released 4
from the positions as shown in the figure. They Similarly, for nth ball vn = v0 → ( 3 )
collide elastically on the horizontal portion.
For the n ball to complete the vertical circular
The ratio of heights attained by A and B after
collision (neglect friction) motion vn = 5gr → ( 4)
A From equations (3) and (4), we have
n-1 n-1
B 4 3
4h v 0 = 5gr ; v 0 = 5gr
h 3 4
450 600 Coefficient of restitution
Ø Newton introduced a dimensionless parameter
Sol.As mass of two balls are equal, they exchange their called the coefficient of restitution (e) to measure
velocities after collision. the elasticity of collision. It is defined as the ratio of
the relative velocity of separation to the relative
uA 2
uA = 2 gh , uB = 2g ( 4h) = 8gh ; h A = =h; velocity of approach of the two colliding bodies
2g r r
Relative velocityof separation v 2 -v1
vB 2 sin2 600 9h 13h e= = r r
hB = h + = h+ = Relative velocityofapproach u1 -u 2
2g 4 4 Ø This formula is applied along the line of impact. Here
(Q( v B ) 2 − uB2 = −2 gh ⇒ vB 2 = uB2 − 2gh ⇒ vB 2 = 6gh ) the velocities mentioned in the expression should
be taken along the line of impact.
hA 4 For a perfectly elastic collision e = 1
hB 13 For an inelastic collision o < e < 1
For completely inelastic collision e = 0
= ë û =
2 h é1 + e ù 2 (1 + e )2 u cos α = vcos β .......(1)
ê ú By def of coefficient of restitution we get
g êë 1 - e úû
eu sin α = vsin β − (2)
Ø Average velocity of the ball during its entire
journey is given by from (1) and (2) , tan β = e tan α
Netdisplacement tan β
Average velocity = Totaltimetaken tanα =
gh (1- e)
On squaring eq (1) and (2) and adding we get
= = v 2 = u 2 ( cos2 α + e 2 sin 2 α )
2h é1+ e ù 2 (1 + e)
ê ú
g êë 1- e úû v = u cos2 α + e 2 sin2 α
1−e 2 m1 + m2
For perfectly elastic collision e = 1 and R1 = ∞ WE-46: Ball 1 collides with an another identical
9) The maximum height reached by the ball before 1st ball 2 at rest as shown in the figure. For what
value of coefficient of restitution e, the velocity
u 2 sin 2 θ ( u sin θ )
collisions is H 1
= =e H
Sol.Here m1 = m2 and u2 = 0 Sol : Let ‘u’ be the velocity of ball before collision.
Speed of the ball after collision will become
1+e 1− e
After collision, v2 = u & v1 = u v = u2 sin2 θ + e2 u2 cos2 θ
2 2 2 2
+ − u u 5
1 e 1 e = + = 8 .u
Given v2 =2v1 ; u = 2 u 2 2 2
2 2
\ Fraction of KE lost in collision
1+e = 2 – 2e ; 3e = 1; e = 1 1
3 mu 2 − mv2 2
WE-47: A body ‘A’ with a momentum ‘P’ collides = 2 2 v 5 3
1 = 1 − =1 − =
with another identical stationary body ‘B’ one mu 2
u 8 8
dimensionally. During the collision, ‘B’ gives 2
an impulse ‘J’ to the body ‘A’ . Then the WE-50: Two equal spheres A and B lie on a smooth
coefficient of restitution is horizontal circular groove at opposite ends of a
Sol : From the law of conservation of linear momentum, diameter. At time t = 0 , A is projected along the
groove and it first impinges on B at time t =T1
m1 u1 +m2 u2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 and again at time t = T2 . If ‘e’ is the coefficient of
mu + m(0) = mv1 + mv2
Þ P – P1 = P2 where P2 = J, (given) restitution, find the ratio of T
v2 -v1 mv 2 -mv1 P2 -P1 1
\ u -u
e= =
P t=T v 1
1 2 1
P2 -( P - P2 ) 2 P2 - P 2 J - P 2 J A
= = = = -1 A
u 1 u =0 2
WE-48: A ball of mass m collides with the ground
at an angle a with the vertical . If the collision
lasts for time t, the average force exerted by πR
Sol : T1 = ...... (1)
the ground on the ball is : (e =coefficient of u1
restitution between the ball and the ground)
v2 − v1
= e ⇒ v 2 − v1 = eu1
Time taken for A to collide with B again is
2 πR 2πR
T2 − T1 = ⇒ T2 − T1 = .... (2)
u v2 − v1 eu1
α T2 2 + e
from (1) and (2), T = e
Sol : Impulse = change in linear momentum. WE-51: After perfectly inelastic collision between
eu cos α two identical particles moving with same speed
in different directions, the speed of the
combined particle becomes half the initial
u sin α u sin α speed of either particle . The angle between
the velocities of the two before collision is
Sol : In perfectly inelastic collision between two particles,
linear momentum is conserved . Let θ be the angle
u cos α u cos α between the velocities of the two particles before
(Before Collision) (After Collision) collision. Then
mucos α (1 + e )
\ Ft = m ( eucos α + ucos α ) or F = P 2 = P12 + P22 + 2 P1 P2 cos θ or
WE-49: A ball strikes a horizontal floor at an angle
θ = 45 0 with the normal to floor.The
2 m v = mv 2 + mv 2 + 2 m v m v cos θ
coefficient of restitution between the ball and ( ) ( ) ( )( )
the floor is e = 1/2 . The fraction of its kinetic 1
energy lost in the collision is or 1 = 1 + 1 + 2 cosq or cos θ = − ; (or) θ= 1200
WE-52: A bullet of mass ‘m’ moving with velocity
‘u’ passes through a wooden block of mass Y
M = nm as shown in figure. The block is resting
on a smooth horizontal floor. After passing V1 h
through the block, velocity of the bullet
becomes ‘v’ . Its velocity relative to the block is 3) t
O t1 2t1 3t 1 t
m -V1
u M=nm
Sol : Let v' be the velocity of block. Then from V1
conservation of linear momentum. h
t1 3t 1
u − v 4) O t
mu = mv + mnv' (or) v' = 2t1 4t1
n -V 1 t
\ velocity of bullet relative to block will be
u − v (1 + n ) v− u Sol: When ball strikes the surface its velocity
v r = v − v' = v − =
n n will be reversed so correct option is (3).
WE-53: A block of mass 0.50Kg is moving with a Ballistic pendulum :
speed of 2.00 m/s on a smooth surface. It strikes It is an arrangement used to determine the velocities
another mass of 1.00 kg and then they move of bullets .A log of wood of mass ‘M’ is suspended
together as a single body. Find the energy loss by a string of length ‘l’ as shown in the figure. A
during the collision (JEE MAIN 2008) bullet of mass ‘m’ is fired horizontally into the
Sol: From LCLM, m1u1 + m2u2 = ( m1 + m2 ) v wooden block with a velocity ‘u’
2 −1 Case I : Let the bullet gets embedded in the block and
0.50 × 2 + 1 ×0 = ( 0.5 + 1) v ⇒ v = ms system rises to a height ‘h’ as shown in the figure.
1 1
∴ Energy loss ∆KE = 2 m1u1 − 2 ( m1 + m2 ) v
2 2
2 θ
( 0.5) ( 2) − (1.5 )
1 1 2
∆KE = = 0.67 J
2 2 3
WE-54: Consider a rubber ball freely falling from
a height h = 4.9 m on a horizontal elastic plate. M
Assume that the duration of collision is h
negligible and the collision with the plate is m u M
totally elastic. Then the velocity as a function From the law of conservation of linear momentum
m1u1 + m2u2 = ( m1 + m2 ) v
of time and the height as a function of time
will be; (JEE MAIN 2009)
V Y mu
mu + 0 = ( m + M ) v ⇒ v = .......(1)
h KE of the system after collision is given by
1) KE = ( m + M ) v 2
PE at highest point = ( m + M ) gh
t t1
From LCE, ( m + M ) v = ( m + M ) gh
Y 2
V 2
V1 v 2 = 2 gh( or )v = 2 gh ....(2)
h From (1) and (2) velocity of the bullet
2) t M +m M +m
O u= 2 gh = 2 gl (1 − cos θ )
-V1 t m m
Loss in KE of the system = K E 1 − K E 2
1 1
mu 2 − ( m + M ) v 2
∆KE = Tangential axis
2 2
1 m 2u 2
∆KE = mu − ( m + M )
2 X
2 ( m + M )
m1 m2 Normal
∆ KE =
1 mM 2 axis
2 m + M
Case II : v1 v2
If the bullet emerges out of the block with β1 β2
velocity ‘v’ then
mu = mv + MV Where V = 2 gh m1 m2
WE-55: A pendulum consists of a wooden bob of
mass ‘m’ and of length l . A bullet of mass m 1 is
From law of conservation of linear
fired towards the pendulum with a speed v1
momentum along x-axis:
and it emerges out of the bob with a speed v1 .
3 m1u1 cos θ1 + m2u2 cos θ2 = m1v1 cos β1 + m2 v2 cos β2
Find the initial speed of the bullet if the bob
just completes the vertical circle. Along y-axis:
Sol: From the Law of conservation of momentum m1u1 sin θ1 + m2u 2 sin θ2 = m1v1 sin β1 + m2 v 2 sin β 2
v m 2v Coefficient of restitution
m v = m1 v1 − 1 or v = 1 × 1 v cos β1 − v 2 cos β2
3 m 3 e=− 1
u1 cos θ1 − u2 cos θ 2
To describe a vertical circle v = 5gl
WE-56:Two billiard balls of same size (radius r)
m 2v m 3 5gl and same mass are in contact on a billiard
hence 5gl = 1 × 1 ⇒ v1 = ×
m 3 m1 2 table. A third ball also of the same size and
mass strikes them symmetrically and remains
Collisions in two dimensions (oblique at rest after the impact. The coefficient of
collisions) restitution between the balls is
1. A pair of equal and opposite impulses act along
common normal direction.Hence,linear momentum
of individual particles changes along common θ
normal direction. u
2. No component of impulse acts along common Sol: :
tangent direction. Hence, linear momentum (or)
linear velocity of individual particles remains v
unchanged along this direction. r 1
sin θ = = ; \ θ = 30 0
3. Net impulse on both the particles is zero during 2r 2
collision. Hence, net momentum of both the From conservation of linear momentum
particles remain conserved before and after collision u
in any direction. mu = 2mvcos30 0 or v=
4. Definition of coefficient of restitution can be applied
relative velocity ofseparation
along common normal direction. Now e =
u1 u2 relative velocity of approach
θ1 θ2 in common normal direction
v u/ 3 2
Hence, e = 0
= =
m1 m1 ucos30 u 3/2 3