Pipes. Network Analysis Using The Hardy Cross Method - SI Units

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Network analysis using the Hardy Cross method [3], [4] and [5]

The water system shown in Figure 1 has the folowing data:

Table 1 Table 2
Junctions coordinates (m) Total number of houses in the system
Node x-coord y-coord z-coord (named as number of units Nu)
Reservoir A -30.5 365.8 76.2 Nu = 300
1 D 457.2 365.8 30.5
2 E 457.2 243.8 24.4 Average day unit demnad
3 F 457.2 0.0 41.1 q= 4315
4 G 228.6 0.0 24.4
5 H 0.0 0.0 42.7 Nº of junctions
6 I 0.0 243.8 24.4 Nj = 8
7 J 0.0 365.8 36.6
8 K 228.6 243.8 44.2 Maximum Day Factor
MDF = 1.75

Fire flow
FF = 6624

To see the original document, see

Pipes. Network analysis using the Hardy Cross method _Imperial units
or the youtube presentations [3], [4] and [5]

1.- Assign flow directions in the loops

2.- Water demand in each junction
A clockweise direction is assigned as positive
In the example the demands are defined
as follows
Average day demand in the system: AD
AD = Nu* q
NU = 300 units
q= 4315 lt/(day*unit)
AD = ### lt/(day*system)

Average minute demand: AmD

AmD = AD / (24*60)
AmD = 899 lt/(min*system)

Maximum day demand : MDD

AmD = 899 lLt/(h*system)
MDF = 1.75 -
MDD = 1573 lt/(min*system)

Assuming that all junction demans are

the same
Demand per Junction: DpJ
DpJ = MDD / Nj
MDD = 1573.31 lt/(min*system)
Nj = 8
DpJ = 197 lt/(min*junction)

5. Asign flow rates and flow directions to the pipes

Table 5
Balance in node K
Assigned flows and calculated Qik = Qk + Qkg + Qke
values Qk = 196.7
Let Balance in node E Qkg = 50
Qgf = QF/2 Qke + Qde = Qe + Qef Qke = 3410.6
Qf = 6821.1 lt/min Qde = Qe + Qef - Qke Qik = 3657
Qgf = 3410.6 lt/min Qe = 196.7
Qef = 3410.6 Balance in node H
Balance in node F Qke = 3410.6 Qih = Qh + Qhg
Qef = Qf - Qgf Qde = 196.7 lt/min Qh = 196.7
Qf = 6821.1 Qhg = 3557.2
Qgf = 3410.6 Balance in nodeD Qih = 3754
Qef = 3410.6 lt/min Qjd = Qd+Qde
Qd = 196.7 Balance in node I
Let Qde = 196.7 Qji = Qi + Qih + Qik
Qke = Qef Qjd = 393 lt/min Qi = 196.7
Qke = 3410.6 lt/min Qih = 3754
Balancein node G Qik = 3657
Let QHg + Qkg = Qg + Qgf Qji = 7608
Qkg = 50 lt/min QHg = Qg + Qgf - Qkg
Qg = 196.7 Balance in node J
FF = 6624.5 lt/min Qgf = 3410.6 QAJ = Qji + QJD
Qkg = 50 QJI = 7608
QHg = 3557 lt/min Q JD = 393
QAJ = 8001
QAJ = 0.133

6.- Tabulate flows obtained in Table 5 7.- Assign signs of flows, according Figure 4
(change the flow units to m /s)
Input information for the pipe running from thr re
system junction
Pipe ID D (m) C
A-J 0.2032 130

Table 6 Table 7

Pipe ID Q (m3/s) Pipe ID D (m) C

Note 1
JD 0.007 JD 0.2032 130
Loop DE 0.003 Loop DE 0.2032 130
JDEKI EK 0.057 JDEKI EK 0.2032 130
KI 0.061 KI 0.2032 130
IJ 0.127 IJ 0.2032 130

IK 0.061 IK 0.2032 130

Loop KG 0.001 Loop KG 0.2032 130
IKGH GH 0.059 IKGH GH 0.2032 130
HI 0.063 HI 0.2032 130

KE 0.057 KE 0.2032 130

Loop EF 0.057 Loop EF 0.2032 130
KEFG FG 0.057 KEFG FG 0.2032 130
GK 0.001 GK 0.2032 130

AJ 0.133 AJ 0.2032 130

Note 1. From Table 5, or Figure 4

8. Hazen Wiliams equations (metric system) [7]

1. 85
Hazen Williams equation for the L⋅v
flow velocity
h f =6 . 8⋅ 1. 85 1 .17 (b
C ⋅d
v =0 . 85⋅C⋅R0h .63⋅S 0. 54 Eq .(a ) .
Microsoft Equation
h f :friction pressure drop (m

L: pipe length (m)

Pipe length L m
v: fluid velocity (m/s )
Flow rate Q m3/s
Hazen Williams d:inside pipe diameter (m)
roughness coefficien C - C:Hazen William coefficient
Pipe diameter d m
Friction pressure loss hf m
Hydraulic radius Rh m
1. 85
Mean velocity v m/s L⋅v
Friction slope S m/m h f =6 . 8⋅ 1 .85 1. 17
C ⋅d
Hazen Williams empirical equation for friction head loss

The Hazen Williams equation was developed for water at

temperatures normally experienced in potable water
systems, for pipe diameters d >= 50 mm and within a
moderate range of water velocity v <= 3 m/s.
Hazen Williams equation f
1. 85
h f =1. 35⋅ ⋅Q Eq .( e ) circular pipe
A1 . 85⋅C1 . 85⋅R1h .166
v =0 .355⋅C⋅d 0. 63⋅S 0. 54
Microsoft Equation

9.- Iterations. Table 8

L 1 .85
r=10 . 626
C 1. 85
⋅d 4 .867
Eq .(e ) h f =r⋅Q Eq . (f )
r= 10.626 * L / ( C^1.85 * d^4.867 ) hf = r * Q^1.85

Input information for the pipe running from thr reservoir to the first system junction
Pipe ID D (m) C L (m) r Q (m3/s) h (m) R
(Eq.e) (Eq.f) (Eq.3)
A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 92.88 0.133 2.23 31.0

1 iteration
Pipe ID D (m) C L (m) r Q (m3/s) h (m) R
(Eq. e) (from Table 7) (Eq.f) (Eq.3)
JD 0.2032 130 457.2 1.40E+03 0.0066 0.128 36.089
Loop DE 0.2032 130 121.92 3.7E+02 0.003 0.01 5.339
JDEKI EK 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 -0.057 -3.48 113.164
KI 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 -0.061 -3.96 120.084
IJ 0.2032 130 121.92 3.7E+02 -0.127 -8.18 119.364
Sum -15.48 394.04

IK 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 0.061 3.96 120.084

Loop KG 0.2032 130 243.84 7.5E+02 0.001 0.00 3.334
IKGH GH 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 -0.059 -3.76 117.287
HI 0.2032 130 243.84 7.5E+02 -0.063 -4.43 130.962
Sum -4.23 371.67

KE 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 0.057 3.48 113.164

Loop EF 0.2032 130 243.84 7.5E+02 0.057 3.71 120.708
KEFG FG 0.2032 130 228.6 7.0E+02 -0.057 -3.48 113.164
GK 0.2032 130 243.84 7.5E+02 -0.001 0.00 3.334
Sum 3.71 350.37
Pressure loss per 1000 m

Table 9
Pipe ID D (m) C L (m) r Q (m3/s) h (m)
(Eq.1) (Eq.2) (Eq.f)
A-J A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 9.3E+01 0.133 2.23

1 iteration 12 iteration
DQ (m3/s)
Pipe ID D (mn) C L (m) Qadj(m /s) h (m) R
(Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4)
JD 0.2032 130 457.2 0.0486 5.198 198.0 0.0000
Loop DE 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0453 1.22 49.8 0.0000
JDEKI EK 0.2032 130 228.6 -0.0159 -0.33 38.4 0.0000
KI 0.2032 130 228.6 -0.0444 -2.20 91.7 0.0000
IJ 0.2032 130 121.92 -0.0848 -3.89 84.8 0.0000
Sum 0.00 462.6 0.0000

IK 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0444 2.20 91.7 0.0000

Loop KG 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0252 0.82 60.4 0.0000
IKGH GH 0.2032 130 228.6 -0.0339 -1.33 72.8 0.0000
HI 0.2032 130 243.84 -0.0371 -1.69 84.1 0.0000
Sum 0.00 309.0 0.0000

KE 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0159 0.33 38.4 0.0000

Loop EF 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0579 3.84 122.7 0.0000
KEFG FG 0.2032 130 228.6 -0.0557 -3.35 111.3 0.0000
GK 0.2032 130 243.84 -0.0252 -0.82 60.4 0.0000
Sum 0.00 332.8 0.0

Pipe velocities
Table 11
Data from Table 7 and Table 9
Pipe Nº Di C L A Q v
m - m m² m /s m/s
A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 0.032 0.133 4.11
J-D 0.2032 130 457.2 0.032 0.049 1.50
D-E 0.2032 130 121.92 0.032 0.045 1.40
E-F 0.2032 130 243.84 0.032 0.058 1.79
F-G 0.2032 130 228.6 0.032 -0.056 -1.72
G-H 0.2032 130 228.6 0.032 -0.034 -1.04
H-I 0.2032 130 243.84 0.032 -0.037 -1.15
I-J 0.2032 130 121.92 0.032 -0.085 -2.61
K-I 0.2032 130 228.6 0.032 0.044 1.37
E-K 0.2032 130 228.6 0.032 0.016 0.49
G-K 0.2032 130 243.84 0.032 0.025 0.78

Table 12

From Tables 11 and 9

Pipe Nº Di C L A Q v hf
m - m m² m3/s m/s m/km
A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 0.0324 0.133 4.11 73.3
J-D 0.2032 130 457.2 0.0324 0.049 1.50 11.37
D-E 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.045 1.40 10.0
E-F 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.058 1.79 15.8
G-F 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.056 -1.72 -14.7
H-G 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.034 -1.04 -5.8
I-H 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.037 -1.15 -6.9
J-I 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.085 -2.61 -31.9
I-K 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.044 1.37 -9.6
K-E 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.016 0.49 -1.4
K-G 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.025 0.78 -3.4

Consumptions in nodes
(from Table 41)
Qj = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qd = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qi = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qk = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qe = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qh = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qg = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min
Qf = DPj + FF 6821.1 lt/min

System demand
SD = 8198 lt/min

Table 12 Obtained results

Pipe Nº Di C L A Q v hf
m - m m² m3/s m/s m/km
A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 0.0324 0.133 4.112 73.31
J-D 0.2032 130 457.2 0.0324 0.049 1.498 11.37
D-E 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.045 1.397 9.99
E-F 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.058 1.787 15.76
G-F 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.056 -1.719 -14.67
H-G 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.034 -1.044 -5.83
I-H 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.037 -1.145 -6.92
J-I 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.085 -2.614 -31.87
I-K 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.044 1.368 -9.62
K-E 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.016 0.491 -1.45
K-G 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.025 0.776 -3.37

The difference is due to the equations used.

Table 3
mber of houses in the system
s number of units Nu) Pipe diameters, Hazen-Williams constant
units and lengths

day unit demnad Pipe ID D (m) C L (m)

lt/(day*unit) JD 0.2032 130 457
DE 0.2032 130 122
EK 0.2032 130 229
- KI 0.2032 130 229
IJ 0.2032 130 122
m Day Factor
- IK 0.2032 130 229
KG 0.2032 130 244
GH 0.2032 130 229
lt/min HI 0.2032 130 244

KE 0.2032 130 229

EF 0.2032 130 244
FG 0.2032 130 229
GK 0.2032 130 244

AJ 0.2032 130 30

Note. Length could be obtained from Table 1

n each junction
4.- Assing flow values to the map
demands are defined 3.- Assign the fire flow to junction F With data from Table 4
Fire Flow
FF = 6624 Lt/min Source A
d in the system: AD J 196.7

Consumption at the nodes

lt/(day*unit) Table 4
lt/(day*system) Consumptions in nodes
Qj = DpJ = 196.7 lt/min I
Qd = DpJ = 197 lt/min 196.7
Qi = DpJ = 197 lt/min
lt/(min*system) Qk = DpJ = 197 lt/min
Qe = DpJ = 197 lt/min
Qh = DpJ = 197 lt/min
Qg = DpJ = 197 lt/min
lLt/(h*system) Qf = DPj + FF 6821.1 lt/min Source C H 196.7

lt/(min*system) System demand

nction demans are MDD = 1573 lt/(min*system)
FF = 6624 lt/min
SD = 8198 lt/min



Q [lt/min]
Source A 8001 393
J 196.7

Qk + Qkg + Qke 7608

I 3657 K 3410.6
lt/min 196.7 196.7

3754 50
lt/min Source C H 196.7 G 196.7
3557 3410.6

Qi + Qih + Qik Figure 4



ding Figure 4
Source A 0
or the pipe running from thr reservoir to the first J 196.7

L (m) r Q (m3/s) h (m) -0.127

30.48 0.133
(Eq.1) Note 1
I -0.061
L (m) r Q (m3/s) h (m)
Note 1 3754
457.2 0.007
121.92 0.003
228.6 -0.057
228.6 -0.061 Source C H 0.0
121.92 -0.127 3557

228.6 0.061 Figure 4 (repeated)

243.84 0.001
228.6 -0.059
243.84 -0.063

228.6 0.057
243.84 0.057
228.6 -0.057
243.84 -0.001

30.48 0.133

1. 85
h ⋅C⋅d
0. 63 Hazen Williams equation
8⋅ 1. 85 1 .17 (b) f 0. 54
C ⋅d v= 0. 54
(c) loss in a circular pipe
2. 8⋅L L
tion pressure drop (mfc ) h f =10. 626 1. 85 4 .867 ⋅Q
Microsoft Equation
3.0 C ⋅d
e length (m)
d velocity (m/s )
e pipe diameter (m) hf =10.626 * L * Q^1.85 / (C^0.85 * d^4.8
en William coefficient
Microsoft Equation
r=10 . 626
1. 85 C 1. 85⋅d 4 .867
6 . 8⋅ 1 .85 1. 17 (b)
C ⋅d r= 10.626 * L / ( C^1.85 * d^4.86

h f =r⋅Q1 .85
hf = r * Q^1.85
n Williams equation for the velocity of a
ar pipe
355⋅C⋅d 0. 63⋅S 0. 54 Eq .( f )
Microsoft Equation

Modification of (Eq.f) to allow for a n=

a copy-paste method for the next R=1. 85 ⋅abs ( h / Q ) (Eq . 3
∑ hL
IF(Q<0,-h*ABS(Q)^1.85,$r*ABS(Q)^1.85) ΔQ=− (Eq .4)
em junction
Qadj=Qinitial + ΔQ (Eq . 5 ) Microsoft Equation

2 iteration 3 iteration 4
DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m) DQ (m3/s) DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s)
3 3 3
R Qadj(m /s) h (m) R
(Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5)
0.0393 0.0458 4.67 188.483 -0.0007 0.0451 4.54 186.049 0.0026 0.0477
0.0393 0.0426 1.09 47.190 -0.0007 0.0419 1.05 46.534 0.0026 0.0445
0.0393 -0.0070 -0.07 19.040 -0.0007 -0.0170 -0.37 40.482 0.0026 -0.0158
0.0393 -0.0331 -1.28 71.383 -0.0007 -0.0446 -2.22 92.045 0.0026 -0.0437
0.0393 -0.0875 -4.12 87.099 -0.0007 -0.0882 -4.18 87.688 0.0026 -0.0856
Sum 0.29 413.20 Sum -1.18 452.80 Sum

0.0114 0.0331 1.28 71.383 0.0108 0.0446 2.22 92.045 0.0017 0.0437
0.0114 0.0228 0.68 55.517 0.0108 0.0243 0.77 58.703 0.0017 0.0247
0.0114 -0.0479 -2.53 97.853 0.0108 -0.0371 -1.58 78.702 0.0017 -0.0353
0.0114 -0.0512 -3.05 110.416 0.0108 -0.0404 -1.97 90.217 0.0017 -0.0386
0.0114 Sum -3.63 335.17 Sum -0.55 319.67 Sum

-0.0106 0.0070 0.07 19.040 0.0093 0.0170 0.37 40.482 0.0014 0.0158
-0.0106 0.0463 2.53 101.321 0.0093 0.0555 3.55 118.359 0.0014 0.0570
-0.0106 -0.0674 -4.77 130.836 0.0093 -0.0581 -3.63 115.359 0.0014 -0.0567
-0.0106 -0.0228 -0.68 55.517 0.0093 -0.0243 -0.77 58.703 0.0014 -0.0247
Sum -2.85 306.71 Sum -0.47 332.90 Sum
Residual pressure at the junctions

Table 10
hfk Pressure losses between node A and
m/(1000m) Coordinates (ft) DEL the selected node

73.3 Node i x-coord y-coord z-coord ELA - ELi

ft ft ft ft
Reservoir A -100 1200 76.2 AJ
hfk D 1500 1200 30.48 45.72 AD
m/km E 1500 800 24.384 51.816
11.37 F 1500 0 41.148 35.052 AF
10.0 G 750 0 24.384 51.816
-1.4 H 0 0 42.672 33.528
-9.6 I 0 800 24.384 51.816
-31.9 J 0 1200 36.576 39.624
K 750 800 44.196 32.004

3.4 from Table 1 Column with the elevation diff
-5.8 referred to the elevation of th

Flow rates solution Q (m3/s)

Source A 0.049
0 J 196.7

I 0.044 K
196.7 196.7

0.037 0

Source C H 196.7 G 196.7


Results from [3], expressed in SI units Results from [3] in Imperial un

Pipe Nº Di C L A Q v hf Pipe Nº
m - m m² m3/s m/s m/km
A-J 0.2032 130 30.48 0.0324 0.133 4.112 73.610 A-J
J-D 0.2032 130 457.2 0.0324 0.049 1.498 11.254 J-D
D-E 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.045 1.397 9.889 D-E
E-F 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.058 1.787 15.603 E-F
G-F 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.056 -1.719 -14.520 G-F
H-G 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.034 -1.044 -5.773 H-G
I-H 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.037 -1.145 -6.850 I-H
J-I 0.2032 130 121.92 0.0324 0.085 -2.615 -31.549 J-I
I-K 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.044 1.368 -9.523 I-K
K-E 0.2032 130 228.6 0.0324 0.016 0.491 -1.432 K-E
K-G 0.2032 130 243.84 0.0324 0.025 0.776 -3.333 K-G

g flow values to the map

a from Table 4
196.7 D

196.7 196.7

G 196.7 6821.1 F

Figure 3

Q [lt/min]

196.7 D



6821.1 F

Q [m3/s] 4

196.7 D


K -0.057 E
0.0 0.0


G 0.0 0.0 F

Figure 4 (repeated)

n Williams equation for friction

n a circular pipe
0. 626 1. 85 4 .867 ⋅Q1 .85 Eq .(d )
C ⋅d
Microsoft Equation

6 * L * Q^1.85 / (C^0.85 * d^4.86 (Eq. d)

0 . 626 Eq .( e )
C 1. 85⋅d 4 .867
10.626 * L / ( C^1.85 * d^4.867 (Eq. e)

=r⋅Q1 .85 Eq . (f )
Microsoft Equation
Microsoft Equation

r * Q^1.85 (Eq. f)

1.85 Shared pipes

For example, shared pipes shown in green cells
In this case, the adjusted flow will be
Qajd(EK) = Qini(EK) + DQ(EK) - DQ(KE)

iteration 5 iteration 6 iteration

DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m) DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m)
3 3
h (m) R R R
(Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3)
5.04 195.125 0.0005 0.04819 5.12 196.696 0.00026 0.04845 5.17 197.588
1.18 48.981 0.0005 0.04491 1.20 49.404 0.00026 0.04517 1.21 49.644
-0.32 38.075 0.0005 -0.01595 -0.33 38.421 0.00026 -0.01593 -0.33 38.384
-2.14 90.524 0.0005 -0.04431 -2.19 91.574 0.00026 -0.04431 -2.19 91.571
-3.96 85.484 0.0005 -0.08516 -3.92 85.100 0.00026 -0.08490 -3.90 84.882
-0.21 458.19 Sum -0.12 461.19 Sum -0.03 462.07

2.14 90.524 0.0010 0.04431 2.19 91.574 0.00026 0.04431 2.19 91.571
0.79 59.347 0.0010 0.02508 0.82 60.222 0.00026 0.02510 0.82 60.255
-1.44 75.559 0.0010 -0.03429 -1.37 73.648 0.00026 -0.03404 -1.35 73.180
-1.81 86.907 0.0010 -0.03757 -1.72 84.896 0.00026 -0.03731 -1.70 84.404
-0.33 312.34 Sum -0.08 310.34 Sum -0.04 309.41

0.32 38.075 0.0006 0.01595 0.33 38.421 0.00024 0.01593 0.33 38.384
3.72 120.929 0.0006 0.05759 3.80 122.049 0.00024 0.05783 3.83 122.480
-3.46 112.957 0.0006 -0.05610 -3.39 111.905 0.00024 -0.05586 -3.37 111.499
-0.79 59.347 0.0006 -0.02508 -0.82 60.222 0.00024 -0.02510 -0.82 60.255
-0.21 331.31 Sum -0.08 332.60 Sum -0.03 332.62

Pressure losses between node A and

the selected node Residual pressure
DP Presidual = DEL - DP
ft ft psi
AJ + JD 7.4 38.3 16.6

AJ+JD+DE+EF 12.5 22.6 9.8

Column with the elevation difference

referred to the elevation of the junction A


196.7 D

0.016 E


6821 F


Results from [3] in Imperial units

Di C L A Q Q v hf
in - ft ft² gpm ft3/s fps ft/kft
8 130 100 0.349 2113.672 4.709 13.491 73.61
8 130 1500 0.349 769.782 1.715 4.913 11.25
8 130 400 0.349 717.829 1.599 4.582 9.89
8 130 800 0.349 918.489 2.046 5.863 15.60
8 130 750 0.349 883.464 -1.968 -5.639 -14.52
8 130 750 0.349 536.629 -1.196 -3.425 -5.77
8 130 800 0.349 588.582 -1.311 -3.757 -6.85
8 130 400 0.349 1343.890 -2.994 -8.578 -31.55
8 130 750 0.349 703.355 1.567 4.489 -9.52
8 130 750 0.349 252.613 0.563 1.612 -1.43
8 130 800 0.349 398.789 0.889 2.545 -3.33
7 iteration 8 iteration 9
DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m) DQ (m3/s) DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s)
3 3 3
R Qadj(m /s) h (m) R
(Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5)
0.0 0.04852 5.19 197.832 0.00003 0.04855 5.19 197.938 0.00001 0.04856
0.0 0.04524 1.22 49.710 0.00003 0.04527 1.22 49.739 0.00001 0.04528
0.0 -0.01594 -0.33 38.396 0.00003 -0.01594 -0.33 38.395 0.00001 -0.01594
0.0 -0.04436 -2.20 91.664 0.00003 -0.04437 -2.20 91.673 0.00001 -0.04437
0.0 -0.08483 -3.89 84.822 0.00003 -0.08480 -3.89 84.796 0.00001 -0.08479
Sum -0.01 462.42 Sum 0.00 462.54 Sum

0.0 0.04436 2.20 91.664 0.00004 0.04437 2.20 91.673 0.00002 0.04437
0.0 0.02515 0.82 60.351 0.00004 0.02515 0.82 60.362 0.00002 0.02516
0.0 -0.03391 -1.34 72.955 0.00004 -0.03388 -1.33 72.890 0.00002 -0.03386
0.0 -0.03719 -1.69 84.167 0.00004 -0.03716 -1.69 84.099 0.00002 -0.03714
Sum -0.01 309.14 Sum 0.00 309.02 Sum

0.0 0.01594 0.33 38.396 0.00003 0.01594 0.33 38.395 0.00001 0.01594
0.0 0.05790 3.84 122.617 0.00003 0.05793 3.84 122.671 0.00001 0.05794
0.0 -0.05578 -3.36 111.370 0.00003 -0.05575 -3.35 111.318 0.00001 -0.05574
0.0 -0.02515 -0.82 60.351 0.00003 -0.02515 -0.82 60.362 0.00001 -0.02516
Sum -0.01 332.73 Sum 0.00 332.75 Sum
iteration 10 iteration 11 iteration
DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m) DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m)
3 3
h (m) R R R
(Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3)
5.20 197.971 0.000004 0.04856 5.20 197.984 0.000001 0.048565 5.20 197.989
1.22 49.748 0.000004 0.04529 1.22 49.751 0.000001 0.045287 1.22 49.752
-0.33 38.396 0.000004 -0.01594 -0.33 38.396 0.000001 ### -0.33 38.396
-2.20 91.682 0.000004 -0.04437 -2.20 91.684 0.000001 ### -2.20 91.685
-3.89 84.788 0.000004 -0.08479 -3.89 84.785 0.000001 ### -3.89 84.784
0.00 462.58 Sum 0.00 462.60 Sum 0.00 462.61

2.20 91.682 0.000005 0.04437 2.20 91.684 0.000002 0.044375 2.20 91.685
0.82 60.372 0.000005 0.02516 0.82 60.374 0.000002 0.025159 0.82 60.375
-1.33 72.863 0.000005 -0.03386 -1.33 72.854 0.000002 ### -1.33 72.850
-1.69 84.070 0.000005 -0.03714 -1.69 84.060 0.000002 ### -1.69 84.057
0.00 308.99 Sum 0.00 308.97 Sum 0.00 308.97

0.33 38.396 0.000004 0.01594 0.33 38.396 0.000001 0.015937 0.33 38.396
3.84 122.689 0.000004 0.05795 3.84 122.696 0.000001 0.057947 3.84 122.699
-3.35 111.301 0.000004 -0.05574 -3.35 111.295 0.000001 ### -3.35 111.292
-0.82 60.372 0.000004 -0.02516 -0.82 60.374 0.000001 ### -0.82 60.375
0.00 332.76 Sum 0.00 332.76 Sum 0.00 332.76
12 iteration
DQ (m3/s) Qadj(m /s) h (m) DQ (m3/s)
(Eq. 4) (Eq.5) (Eq. f) (Eq.3) (Eq. 4)
0.000000 0.048566 5.20 197.990 0.000000
0.000000 0.045288 1.22 49.753 0.000000
0.000000 ### -0.33 38.396 0.000000
0.000000 ### -2.20 91.685 0.000000
0.000000 ### -3.89 84.783 0.000000
Sum 0.00 462.61

0.000001 0.044375 2.20 91.685 0.000000

0.000001 0.025160 0.82 60.376 0.000000
0.000001 ### -1.33 72.849 0.000000
0.000001 ### -1.69 84.056 0.000000
Sum 0.00 308.97

0.000000 0.015937 0.33 38.396 0.000000

0.000000 0.057948 3.84 122.700 0.000000
0.000000 ### -3.35 111.292 0.000000
0.000000 ### -0.82 60.376 0.000000
Sum 0.00 332.76
Delta Q


[1] Analysis of water supply distribution networks
Mohsin Siddique


[3] Hardy Cross Part 1

by Kenneth Lamb

[4] Hardy Cross Part 2

by Kenneth Lamb

[5] Hardy Cross Part 3

by Kenneth Lamb

[6] Hardy Cross method for solving pipe network problems

I. Nengah Diasta

[7] www.piping-tools.net
Pipes. Flow rate and pressure loss equations_Manning_HazenWilliams_DarcyWeisbach

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