Genius Security Service Quotation
Genius Security Service Quotation
Genius Security Service Quotation
To :
Kind Attn :-
With reference to the personal & telephonic discussion you had with the undersigned in
subject, pleased to deloy the same on the following terms &condtions
Uniform/ Mat
We will be responsible for providing uniforms and batons to all our security personal.
Terms of Payments
We shall submit our bills each 1st of every month which must be paid by crossed cheque or
draft infavour of “GENIUS SECURITY SERVICE” and payable on any bank of Vadodara
PAYMENT OF SALARY TO SECURITY STAFF: Genius Security Service will pay the
salary to the Guard only on receipt of payment from the client. i.e collect and pay policy.
Please note that you cannot directly or indirectly employ any of our security personnel in your
organization, without the consent and confirmation of our authority signatory of company. In
case you wish to employ our security personnel on consent and confirmation authorized person,
you have to pay our Agency Charges as Per Company Rules.
The Contract is for a period of one year from the date of signing of the contract , and thereafter,
giving one month’s notice I Writing by either side can terminate the same. If no notice in writing
is received within one month by either side on the expiry of the contract, the contract
automatically stand valid for a further period of the one year or years. On the expiry of the said
notice period we shall withdraw our security personnel from your site only on the full payment
of all our dues.
A detailed security of the area of responsibility is carried out before mounting our security
personal. Guidance of our valuable client is obtained. A security plan is prepared suitable
security personal are selected and trained briefed collectively. And individually handing taking
over with previous security agency is carried out and the responsibility is taken over peacefully
smoothly and quietly.
As per requirement of the Govt. and our client all documents are prepared and maintained
The security staff will be appointed by us with your approve valuable our direct contract and supervision
however the standing order of your esteemed organization will have to be obeyed. To carry out work in your
organization smoothly you will provide unnecessary stationary, furniture, torch ,with cell to be used of inside
No employment will be offered by you to any of our personal for any post at anytime After completion of one
calendar month the payment of our bill by cheque on or before 1 st day of each month will be highly appreciated.
Checking Monitoring
Proper day and night checks are carried out at least once a week. Surprise checks. Visits by our
staff and a report there of is submitted to the client. A constant monitoring. Quick reaction and
corrective measures are assu. red.
If chance is given. We can assure you sir our agency can prove to be the best source of defence
against all odds and advertiseties . It will be our pleasure and pride to be associated with your
honour and your esteemed organization for rendering the best efficient prompt dedicated and
since services and close co- operation. “Your Security Is Our Responsibility”
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services at all times.
Yours faithfully,