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EGR 2302 02 - Engineering Economics - Portal

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6/24/2021 Main Page | EGR 2302 02 - Engineering Economics | Portal

EGR 2302 02 - Engineering Economics 

About This Course

EGR 2302 FALL 2020

 (ONLINE Course with Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching Modes)
General Information
Instructor: Dr Ilham Kissani
Office: R 01 Bldg 7.
Phone: 2122.                                                                                                 
Email: [email protected]
Lectures (Section 01): MWF 11:00-11:50
Lectures (Section 02): MWF 12:00-12:50
Prerequisite: MTH1303
Co-requisite: None
Offered in Semester: 1 & 2
Credit Hours: 3 Hrs
Office Hours
From  12:00 From 12:00 APPOINTMENT
To        4:00PM To      4:00PM

Please honor these office hours and join regularly

This course is using ONLINE flipped learning teaching method, based on a combination of synchronous and
asynchronous teaching modes; having an asynchronous portion dedicated to reading/listening/watching course
material, done outside class time, when having a synchronous portion for practice/collaborative work/rhetorical
questions/discussions done within class time.
It is being hence taught partially on a self-learning basis; it uses:
Some animated presentations on specific chapters with audio commentary
Off-line reading material on each chapter
Excel based interactive templates for hands-on practical activities
Collaborative environments for enhancing student’s engagement
The course syllabus details:
The course description, the course learning outcomes, the educational material that will be covered by this
course, the assignments and the course schedule.
Materials, provided in support of the attainment of course learning outcomes, including lecture audio files
with notes, lecture slide files, supplemental materials (videos) and reference materials will be placed on
How we use insights to track student's progress, engagement & attendance to sessions & meetings. We
track what students have replied to and engaged with.
Breakout rooms - make it possible for small groups to meet within a larger one.
The use of Channels  — standard (available and visible to everyone) and private (focused, private
conversations with a specific audience)
Course Description
This course deals with the application of economic analysis models for making selection decisions between
alternatives of investment projects. It enables students to perform economic evaluation of various alternatives and
develop cost/revenue models for solving engineering problems.
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In particular we approach problem solving by considering the time value of money. In general, a dollar of revenue
or expense today is not equivalent to a dollar of revenue or expense years from now. Concepts in this class are
equally applicable to engineering, business and financial systems problems.
Required textbook
Engineering Economy 7th edition, by Leland Blank and Anthony Tarquin, 2011
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
 LO1 Understand the notion of time value of money, and the related concepts of present worth
(PW), future worth (FW), and annual worth (AW).
LO2 Use engineering economy factors to account for the time value of money. Use these
factors to represent the relation between the cash flows estimates occurring over time, and
to convert them to different time basis.
Use combined factors to deal with irregular series and shifted series; master the proposed
methods to convert all the cash flows estimates to either the same basis or to regular
series. Switch from the nominal rate to the effective rate and vice versa in estimating the
time value of cash flows.
LO3 Use properly the procedures of selection process when comparing different alternatives
and select the optimum alternative. Use different basis of comparison, namely, PW, AW,
FW, and ROR.
LO4 Evaluate public sector projects and use accurately the proposed procedures related the
benefit/cost ratio to compare different projects. Analyze the impact of inflation and
depreciation on the value of money. Reflect on STEEPLE analysis.
LO5  Use Excel Spreadsheets properly to solve engineering economics problems.
Course Assessment and Other Important Matters
1. Grading: The course will consist of two mid-term exams and a comprehensive final exam (out of 60%), and of
homework assignments including class attendance and participation (20%), and 20% for quizzes, making a
maximum earned total of 100%.
The grading system is as follows
2. Student’s efforts: Besides class hours, every student should devote at least 6 hours a week to grasp the content
of the book and the class notes, to work out the examples, and to do homework exercises. You are welcome and
highly encouraged to contact me during my office hours if you need any help with this class.
3. The purpose of the lecture notes is to help the students summarize the material presented in class only, and
cannot by any means substitute for regular attendance, active participation, and in-class note taking by the
4. Homework assignments will be posted each week in the portal and need to be submitted on the due date. In
general, the assignments will be given at the end of each chapter and be collected one week later. Solutions to the
homework problems will be discussed in class. It is your responsibility to obtain the assignments if you miss
class. If you cannot come to class on the day of submission of homework, have your homework turned in through
one of your classmates.
5. Quizzes will be given at the beginning of a new chapter. Each quiz will cover the content of 2 chapters.
6. Exams dates are set and will not be changed. The content/coverage of the exams may be altered to reflect the
rate of material presented in class. Makeup exams will not be given.
How to take TESTS ONLINE:
1- Each student based on the student code, chooses one single VERSION from the sheet provided, that associates
codes to versions.
2-Solve the problems provided under the selected version.
3-Scan and send your HANDWRITTEN work before DUE DATE. In case you face internet connexon issues
screenshot your answers from the portal as a backup.

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7. A term project will be realized, which will be devoted to the economical analysis of some given investment of
their choice. The project is meant to put into practice some of the topics studied in this course and will be
perfumed by Excel. The project is allowed to be realized by teams of up to 2 students. 
8. Announcement: All announcements regarding course material, quizzes and exams will be made in class.
9. Regular attendance is essential. Students who miss a class are responsible of all the work, notes, handouts, and
assignments they miss. Please refer to the attendance policy section below. In order not to disturb the lecture,
the students should always join on time and avoid leaving the class early. Furthermore, everybody is asked to
keep cell phones off during class sessions (in ONLINE as in Face-to-face) and abstain from unnecessary and
unauthorized conversation.
10.Colleborative Environment
The purpose of the following information section is to help you be a more effective, more engaged, and
successful  student  when communicating via email,  chat room (class-based),   discussion rooms and breakout
rooms (group-based).
Analytics on Teams are used for tracking students’ academic progress and engagement in-class activities.
Added as a tab in class team channels, Class Insights collects several areas of student activity: Team
grades, assignment turn-in, questions answers, and file collaboration. Analytics on Teams are used for
creating an analytics dashboard showing that data in actionable graphs and other visuals.
Channels are used as dedicated sections within the Course team to keep conversations organized by
specific topics or projects. Files shared in a channel (on the Files tab) are stored in SharePoint.
Breakout rooms (Channels) - make it possible for small groups to meet within a larger one. They aim to
breaking into small groups for small periods within class time, do the assigned work and then return to the
larger group. We go each session to the breakout rooms to have students assigned a teamwork and to have
some chatting among team members and then come back to the main room for delivering the final work.
Course Outline
Week 1 Topics: Foundations of Engineering Economy Ch 1
Week 2  Topics: Factors: How Time and Interest Affect Money Ch 2

 Topics: Factors: How Time and Interest Affect Money Ch 2

Week 3  Practice
 Quiz1: Chp 1+2
Week 4  Combining Factors Ch 3
Week 5  Nominal and Effective Interest Rates Ch 4

 Nominal and Effective Interest Rates Ch 4

Week 6  Practice
 Quiz2: chp 3+4 // Talk STEEPLE
Week 7  Mid-term Exam I (1+2+3+4)
 Present Worth Analysis Ch 5

Week 8  Annual Worth Analysis Ch 6

 Excel Application 5+ Excel Application 6
Week 9  Quiz3(Chp 5+6) + Rate of Return Analysis Ch 7 (1)
 Rate of Return Analysis Ch 7(2)
Week 10  Rate of Return Analysis Ch 8
 Excel Application
Week 11  Quiz4 (Chp 7+8)
 EXAM II (5+6+7+8)
Week 12  Benefit/Cost Analysis Ch 9
 Effects of Inflation Ch 14
Week 13  Excel Application Ch9
 Quiz5: ch 9+14
Week 14  Depreciation Methods Ch 16
 Quiz6: Ch 16

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Week 15  Review
Final Exam
PS: Please note that the schedule is tentative and when necessary changes will be adapted appropriately.
Students conduct:
For students conduct related to attendance policy and other important matters, refer to:


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