Adoption of Organic Farming

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Pacific Business Review International

Volume 12 issue 9 March 2020

Adoption of Organic Farming: Farmers' and Consumers' Perspective

Dr. Jigna Trivedi Abstract

Associate Professor, In India, Green Revolution Technology, has led to many fold increase
Shri Jairambhai Patel Institute of Business
in food grains production but has resulted in to many grey areas such as
Management and Computer Applications,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
soil degradation, water and environment pollution, decreasing soil
fertility etc. It is proven that organic farming, an alternative farming
system, can cure these problems of inorganic farming. The study is an
Dr. Bindiya Soni attempt to explore the organic farming practices in detail. The research
Professor, Anand Institute of Management,
is an extensive one covering the supply as well as the demand side of
Anand, Gujarat
organic farming. On supply side, the research analyses the current
agriculture practices of non-organic farmers of Anand and
Gandhinagar district and checks their preparedness to adopt organic
farming system. On demand side, the study examines the awareness
and willingness of the customers of both the district to buy organic
food as compared to normal food as per the extended theory of planned
behaviour (TPB). The findings suggested that the consumers of both
the districts were influenced by the subjective norms, perceived
control behaviour, knowledge, health consciousness, environment
consciousness and have positive intentions to buy organic food over
normal food.

Organic Farming, Agriculture, Environment, Biodynamic
JLE Classification: Q1 and Q2

Farming is an independent self-employment occupation, which is
either a feed or food for other sectors. Farmer is the father of the world
as he produces all the items needed by society for its substantiality
(Thaker and Thaker, 2006). Mother Nature has blessed India with
varied types of soil and climate, which has a capacity to produce
different varieties of food and non-food crops(Singh, 2014). India is a
country of villages inhibited by many farmers. In the early days of
Independence, there was no self-sufficiency because food for a day's
square meal was not available. It was viewed very negatively in the
eyes of International trade as India had to import food-grains. To
overcome the sorry state of affairs, it decided to import chemical
fertilizers instead of food-grains. Post-Independence was an
experimental period during which different types of chemical 53
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fertilizers were imported and used in the country. Big dams adopt diversification, innovation etc with the changing
were constructed to provide water to the farmlands. This times in order to survive (McElwee, 2006). If farmers are
led to the birth of the green revolution and India which was guided in the areas of primary agricultural techniques, the
a food deficit country turned out to be food exporting method of production, harvesting, processing,
country. Our traditional farming practices are five thousand wholesaling, retailing, financial services, transport,
years old based on very scientific principles. packaging promotion, and advisory services then only
Unfortunately, post-Independence Indian farmers have farming would turn out to be a cost-effective business
switched over to the inorganic farming under the wrong (Tripathiand Agarwal, 2015).The zero-based budgeting
temptation of increased production. Farmers received organic farming is an old concept practiced since the
transitory bumper production in short-time, all ancillary inception of the human civilization(Food and Agriculture
business dependent on agriculture also increased. Organization of the United Nations, 2016).
Administrators and specialists started imparting
Inorganic Farming and Loss to the Eco-System
knowledge to farmers (Thaker and Thaker, 2006 and
Mather, Waized, Ndyetabula, Temu, and Minde, 2016). Rachel Karson of US in 1962 explained the disadvantages
The shift has led to an increase in expenditure (Gupta and of chemical farming in his book (Silent Spring), by
Hussain, 2014). The compound annual growth rate of providing appropriate illustrations on how it harmed the
expenses in farming has been 4.2% over the years (Sunder, people and animals. Usage of inorganic chemicals and
2018). Presently, agriculture sector employs more than fertilizers leads to serious health issues for farmers like
50% of the total workforce and contributes around 17-18% dizziness when he sprinkles the medicine. Traces of
of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is anticipated that DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane (DDT) and Benzene
the percentage of agricultural workers to total workers Hexa Chloride (BHC) are noted in all edible items such as
would drop to 25.7% by 2050 from 58.2% in 2001. This wheat, pulses, rice, groundnut, butter and ghee. With
would be an alarming signal for the primary sector (Sunder, respect to the fundamental food-chain aspect it is also now
2018). identified in the milking animals. The human body faces
terrible health problems such as, headache, weakness,
Out of the total cultivable land only 5% to 10% area is
vomiting, tremor, nausea, tension, stomach-ache,
under organic farming. Very few organic Self-help Group
diarrhoea, perspiration, etc. Such poisonous chemical
(SHGs) at district level is formed, but are slow movers in
creates reproduction disorders, hormonal imbalance, affect
advocating organic farming. Non-government
the nervous system, cause different types of cancer and also
Organizations like 'PariyavaranShikshan Kendra', 'Jatan'
weakens the immune system (Thaker and Thaker, 2006;
and Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable
Sharma and Singhvi, 2017 and Kumari, Kumar, and Rao,
Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI) have actively
2014). Inorganic farming has penalized human beings and
contributed to the movement of organic farming (Thaker
Mother Nature in a very big way (Narayanan, 2005). Land
and Thaker, 2006 and OFAI, n.d.).
has become saline, its fertility has decreased, spoilage of
The study based upon the farmers' and consumers' land structure, decline in land porosity, decline in humidity
perspective attempts to understand the problems faced by level, increase in soil erosion, low return on investments,
the farmers related to non-organic farming and checks their increase in pest resistant mites, decrease in disease
awareness and preparedness to shift to organic farming. resistance in plants, death of helpful insects and small
Besides, by applying extended TPB, the study tries to harmful bacteria eater insects, increase in pollution (land,
understand the perception of the consumers towards water and air) are the negative outcomes on usage of
adoption and consumption of organic food. inorganic fertilizers (Savei, 2012 and International Society
of Organic Agriculture Research, 2012). It also resulted in
Literature Review
loss of natural food taste, consistent increase in production
The literature review is divided into various parts which cost, increase in labour cost, high mental stress, depletion
are discussed below. of natural energy sources, increase in water requirement,
decrease in land water-tables, reduction in the different
Rural Entrepreneurship
breed of crops that required less water, increase in weeds
Rural entrepreneurship is a dynamic concept emerging to etc (Aktar, Sengupta, and Chowdhury, 2009; Sharma and
build enterprises at the village level in the fields such as Chetani, 2017 and Food and Agriculture Organization of
industry, business and agriculture (Jayadatta, 2017). the United Nations, n.d.). Farmers and country both have
Farmers are treated as the biggest pillar of the rural become impoverished. Banks experienced difficulties in
transformation in terms of generating employment and recovery of agriculture loans, farmers slipped in huge debt
eradication of poverty (Sharmaet al, 2013).Farmers have to which created a sense of failure, disappointment, unrest

Volume 12 issue 9 March 2020

and violence (Thaker and Thaker, 2006; Qazi, 2017; hunger, non-dignity could be eradicated. People would be
Chahal, 2017 and Rana, 2018). self-employed and the country would progress in a true
sense. Present day youth should also be encouraged to
Sustainability throughOrganic Farming
become farm entrepreneurs (Down to Earth, 2017). The
Organic farming represents 'Gau-Seva', 'Dharti-Seva' and best practices to disseminate knowledge on organic
provides mankind with bountiful pure and fresh milk, farming would be through experiments, directions,
vegetables, grains, and fresh oxygen-rich air (Kumar, 2016 convention, seminar, travel, training, skit, local dialect
and Pawar, 2012).Countries like UK, Germany, Cuba, ('Bhavai'), songs, publication, radio talks, exhibitions etc.
Japan has endorsed organic farming. Bio-dynamic farming Interaction with experienced and experts should also be
based on astrological aspect was propounded by Rudolph promoted for removal of doubts (Kumar, 2016 and Pawar,
Stener in Switzerland. Organic farming is known by 2012).
different names such as 'Ecological Agriculture,
Modus Operandi for Organic Farming
Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Farming, and 'Rushi'
Farming (Thaker and Thaker, 2006 and Hansen, 1996). Practices such as proper mulching of farm waste, inter-
Organic farming relates to treating farm, village and natural cropping, mixed cropping, crop rotation, organic manure,
area as one, in such a way that the people including green manure, non-usage of inorganic fertilizers and
organisms dependent on the farm receive sufficient and pesticides, herbal pesticides, water conservation, usage of
nutritious food and other primary requirements. It is an indigenous, disease-resistant seeds etc are the pillars of
interdependent arrangement in which the land, water, air, organic farming. Gobar gas, fertilizer plot etc helps in
and plants are neither exploited nor polluted(Thaker and producing organic fertilizers. It is recommended that under
Thaker, 2006, Gurung, Sharma, and Dhalor, 2013and the trees bay, crops such as jute, Moong etc is
ICAR, n.d.). It is very vital to understand that the resources recommended. On the periphery of the farm, 'Subabul' and
which are available in plenty are to be kept at the central 'Gliricedi' biomass plants could be cultivated. In case of
level, and other resources should be synchronized with the nutrients deficiency, cost-effective solutions such as bon-
bountiful ones and it should be optimally used. mill, tobacco dust, droppings of the rooster and poultry,
residual cakes of Neem and castor, bacteria which can
Benefits and Dissemination of Organic Farming
directly absorb nitrogen from atmosphere and transplant in
The traditional practices of organic farming reduces the land and bacteria which can provide the essential
expenses, generate savings and also improve the land phosphorous to plants could be used in organic farming.
quality which would increase the yield (Thaker and Thaker, 'Khettalavadi' could be prepared so that the rainwater
2006; Njeru, 2015; Organic Farming Research Foundation, percolates in the farmland itself, which replenishes the
2012; Natturan, n.d. and Chait, 2018).Organic farming ground water table. Medicinal herbs like Aleovera, Neem
leads to a considerable reduction in usage of fertilizers etc could also be cultivated for enhancing
(50%), water (35%), seeds (5%) and labour (20%) (Kumar, income(Amujoyegbe, Agbedahunsi,Amujoyegbe, 2012
2016 and Pawar, 2012). Farmers practicing organic and Singhet al, 2013).
farming have expressed that yield has not reduced and
The live illustrations of farmers who practiced organic
profits have not declined due to organic farming. It is
farming and the eye-opener outcomes have been described
believed that if there is rural development and villages
in the Table.1.
become self-reliant then only poverty, grief, sorrow, 55
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