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Modeling of leakage currents in high-κ dielectrics: Three-dimensional

approach via kinetic Monte Carlo

Article · February 2010

DOI: 10.1063/1.3310065

54 491

5 authors, including:

Alfred Kersch Uwe Schroeder

Munich University of Applied Sciences NaMLab GmbH


Paolo Lugli
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


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Modeling of leakage currents in high-␬ dielectrics: Three-dimensional

approach via kinetic Monte Carlo
Gunther Jegert,1,a兲 Alfred Kersch,2 Wenke Weinreich,3 Uwe Schröder,4 and Paolo Lugli1
Institute for Nanoelectronics, TU Munich, D-80333 Munich, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Munich, D-80335 Munich, Germany
Fraunhofer Center Nanoelectronic Technology, D-01099 Dresden, Germany
NaMLab gGmbH, D-01099 Dresden, Germany
共Received 11 December 2009; accepted 18 January 2010; published online 9 February 2010兲
We report on a simulation algorithm, based on kinetic Monte Carlo techniques, that allows us to
investigate transport through high-permittivity dielectrics. In the example of TiN/ ZrO2 / TiN
capacitor structures, using best-estimate physical parameters, we have identified the dominant
transport mechanisms. Comparison with experimental data reveals the transport to be dominated by
Poole–Frenkel emission from donorlike trap states at low fields and trap-assisted tunneling at high
fields. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3310065兴

In the most recent generation of metal-oxide- 共kMC兲 algorithm, we have carried out three-dimensional
semiconductor devices as well as in storage capacitors of 共3D兲 tunneling current simulations for metal-insulator-metal
dynamic random access memories high-permittivity 共high-␬兲 共MIM兲 structures with a high-␬ dielectric as insulator. kMC
dielectrics have replaced SiO2 as insulator material, since allows us to describe correctly the statistical dynamics of the
they allow higher capacitance densities and thus enable fur- MIM structure. Individual charge carriers are resolved,
ther downscaling. Unfortunately, high-␬ thin films typically whose pathway through the dielectric is tracked. In this way,
suffer from high defect densities, giving rise to trap states all relevant transport channels are accounted for concur-
that open up pathways for undesirable leakage currents. Es- rently. A 3D description of transport allows us the investiga-
pecially storage capacitors pose high requirements to the in- tion of arbitrary defect distributions, of spatially localized
sulating properties of the dielectric. Hence, further scaling phenomena 共e.g., the formation of percolation paths兲, and of
requires a detailed understanding of the transport across the influence of rough electrode/dielectric interfaces on the
these films. leakage current. Additionally, kMC offers the possibility to
Up to now, transport in the most established high-␬ ma- study transient phenomena, e.g., charge trapping or degrada-
terials, ZrO2 and HfO2, has been studied using simplified tion, which pose major problems in high-␬s.8
compact-models, e.g., Refs. 1 and 2. In ZrO2 transport was In the following, only electron transport is discussed,
assumed to be dominated by Poole–Frenkel 共PF兲 emission since for the investigated material combination, TiN/ ZrO2,
from traps. According to the standard-PF model 共SPF兲 the the valence band of the dielectric lies far below the Fermi
current density j is proportional to3 levels of the electrodes and also far below any defect state

j ⬀ F ⫻ exp −再 1
k BT

关ED − 冑e3F/共␲⑀0⑀opt兲兴 , 共1兲
relevant for the transport. Thus, hole current as well as popu-
lation of traps out of the valence band are negligible. Inside
the electrodes, acting as electron source/sink, the electron
distribution follows Fermi–Dirac statistics. Within the dielec-
where ED is the trap depth measured from the conduction
tric, electrons are treated as discrete particles with a defined
band edge, F is the electric field, and ⑀opt the optical permit-
energy, whose trajectory is simulated. At time t the system
tivity of the dielectric. However, good fits to experiments
state is given by the spatial distribution of electrons in the
could only be achieved by using unrealistic values for mate-
simulated volume of the dielectric. Transport across the di-
rial parameters, especially for ⑀opt. This is due to the fact that
electric occurs via a series of processes depicted in Fig. 1. As
the picture of charge transport is incomplete. Only charge
soon as an electron enters the conduction band 关either by
carrier emission from traps is described, while the injection
tunneling 共i兲 or PF emission 共vi兲兴, it will be collected at the
from the electrodes into the traps is neglected. A tunneling-
counter electrode very quickly. The transport time within the
assisted Poole–Frenkel 共TAPF兲 conduction mechanism has
been suggested for HfO2 共Ref. 4兲 that incorporates the injec-
tion step. However, the TAPF model only considers homo-
geneous trap distributions and does not take into account
that, by applying an electric field, the trap energy becomes a
function of the trap position. Furthermore, competing trans-
port channels like detrapping of electrons via quantum me-
chanical tunneling are not considered.
These restrictions may be lifted by employing Monte
Carlo 共MC兲 techniques, which have proven to be a versatile
tool for transport simulations.5–7 Using a kinetic Monte Carlo FIG. 1. Schematic band diagram of a MIM structure with applied voltage U.
Possible charge transport mechanisms: 共i兲 direct/Fowler–Nordheim tunnel-
ing, 共ii兲 thermionic emission, 共iii兲 elastic/inelastic tunneling into and 共iv兲 out
Electronic mail: [email protected]. of traps, 共v兲 trap-to-trap-tunneling, 共vi兲 PF emission.

0003-6951/2010/96共6兲/062113/3/$30.00 96, 062113-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

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062113-2 Jegert et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 062113 共2010兲

conduction band is negligible with respect to the time needed

by the tunneling processes. For the simulations a kMC algo-
rithm, as proposed by Gillespie,9 has been adopted, which
RCD = 冕E

NC共E⬘兲f C共E⬘兲P共E⬘兲c MP共E⬘兲dE⬘ , 共4兲

may be outlined as follows: 共I兲 The simulation is initialized for trapping of an electron under phonon emission and

at time t = 0 by specifying an arbitrary electron distribution. ⬁
共II兲 A list of all possible single-electron transitions and their inel
RDC = NC共E⬘兲关1 − f C共E⬘兲兴P共E⬘兲e MP共E⬘兲dE⬘ , 共5兲
individual rates R is set up and the cumulative transition rate E
Rtot = 兺Nj=1R j is calculated, where N is the number of possible
transitions. The transition probabilities are computed by for detrapping under phonon absorption, with
normalizing the corresponding rates against the cumulative ⬁
3 2 2 2
transition rate. 共III兲 Employing standard MC sampling c MP共E⬘兲 =
បEg 2mdi p=0
兺 ␦共E⬘ − Ep兲Lp , 共6兲
techniques,10 the time increment, i.e., the time the system
stays in that state, is determined and the system time is up-
dated. The algorithm randomly selects a transition and ex- e MP共E⬘兲 = e−共E⬘−E兲/共kBT兲 ⫻ c MP共E⬘兲, 共7兲
ecutes it with the appropriate probability. 共IV兲 Poisson’s
equation is solved in the simulation region, since most of the respectively. Here, NC is the density of states in electrode
rates depend on the electrostatic potential, which is modified C, and c MP共e MP兲 is the capture 共emission兲 rate. rD
by the charge displacement. By repeating steps 共II兲–共IV兲 = ប / 冑2mdiED is the localization radius of the trapped
electron transport through the dielectric is simulated until a electron,15 Eg denotes the band gap of the dielectric and L p is
steady state is obtained, and leakage current is calculated by the multiphonon transition probability.14 E p = E + pប␻, where
counting the electrons that reach the anode in a given time ␻ is the phonon frequency in the one-mode approximation,
interval. The algorithm itself is only a stochastic procedure and p is the number of phonons. Assuming 3D deltalike de-
and does not contain any information about the involved fect potentials, the rates for elastic defect-defect transitions
physics. The quantum mechanical models for the different were calculated from15,16
transport mechanisms, shown in Fig. 1, are wrapped in the el
RDD = ␯ ⫻ exp关− 2rDD/rD兴. 共8兲
transition rates. They will be presented in the following.
Both electrodes emit/absorb electrons. These can either ␯ is a typical phonon frequency, i.e., about 10 Hz and rDD

tunnel directly to the counter electrode, or they can be in- the distance between the defects. Inelastic multiphonon tran-
jected into the conduction band of the dielectric by thermi- sitions between two defects were treated according to
onic emission or at high electric fields by Fowler–Nordheim Ridley.17 The rate for a transition involving p phonons with
tunneling. The corresponding net rate RT was derived from energy ប␻ is
the Tsu–Esaki formula for the tunnel current density jT,11
using RT = jT ⴱ A / e MP


2 ⫻ exp − S共2n + 1兲 −
⫻ RRid . 册 共9兲

冋 册
冢 册冣
− Et n = 共exp关共ប␻兲 / 共kBT兲兴 − 1兲−1 is the phonon occupation number

1 + exp
AmekBT ⬁ k BT and S denotes the Huang–Rhys factor. Evaluation of RRid is a

RT = P共Et兲ln dEt , cumbersome task. Details on this issue and useful approxi-
2␲ ប 0
2 3
− eU − Et mations can be found in Refs. 17 and 18. Finally, trapped
1 + exp
k BT electrons can escape from defect states by PF emission,3 i.e.,
共2兲 field-enhanced thermal emission into the conduction band,
with rate19
whereas A denotes the capacitor area and P共Et兲 is the trans-
mission coefficient for electrons with transversal energy Et,
calculated in the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation.
RPF = ␯ ⫻ e−ED/kBT 再 1

2 关1 + 共␤ − 1兲e 兴 +
冎, 共10兲

whereas ␤ = 冑Ze3F / 共␲⑀0⑀optkB2 T2兲 and Z is the charge of the

In the band gap a dispersion relation as proposed by Wein-
berg has been assumed 关see Ref. 12, Eq. 共11兲兴, leading to a
tunneling mass that is strongly reduced compared to the band left-behind defect.
masses. The Fermi level of the cathode was set to zero 共see Figure 2 shows a comparison of the simulation results
Fig. 1兲. Alternatively, electrons can tunnel into traps, either with experimental leakage data of a TiN/ ZrO2 / TiN capaci-
elastically or inelastically via multiphonon transitions. Elas- tor structure. 9 nm of ZrO2 were grown by atomic layer
tic tunneling into a defect D occurs with rate13 deposition 共TEMAZ, O3兲 at 275 ° C on silicon wafers coated
with chemical vapor-deposited 共CVD兲 TiN 共TiCl4 , NH3兲,

冉 冊
grown at 550 ° C. The top TiN electrode was deposited at
1 me 2.5
450 ° C by CVD. Current measurements were carried out
RCD = ⫻ f C共E兲 ⫻ P共E兲, 共3兲
3ប冑ED mdi with a Keithley 4200 parameter analyzer.20 For electric fields
lower than about 1.5 MV/cm measured currents were of the
where f C共E兲 denotes the Fermi distribution in electrode C, order of picoamperes, i.e., below the measuring sensitivity.
evaluated at trap energy E. Due to the applied bias, E is The dotted lines show the best fit via the SPF model, see Eq.
position-dependent. mdi is the effective electron mass in the 共1兲. A good fit at low fields could only be achieved assuming
dielectric material and E1 is the total energy of the electron an optical permittivity of ⑀opt = 2, which is far below the ex-
in the metal electrode 共see Ref. 13兲. The rate for inelastic pected value of 5.6.21 Otherwise, the calculated slopes of the
multiphonon transitions between electrode C and a defect D leakage current would be too low. The failure of the SPF
at energy E was computed using14 model is due to the fact that it neglects carrier injection into
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062113-3 Jegert et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 062113 共2010兲

assisted tunneling 共TAT兲 takes place 共see inset Fig. 2兲, lead-
ing to a reduced temperature dependence of the current. For
increasing temperature this transition shifts to higher fields,
since PF conduction has a more pronounced temperature de-
pendence then the nearly temperature-independent TAT. TAT
is not considered in the SPF model, which thus underesti-
mates the current.
In summary, a kinetic Monte Carlo approach toward the
3D modeling of leakage currents in high-␬ dielectrics has
been presented. Simulation results have been compared to
experimental data of TiN/ ZrO2 / TiN capacitor structures and
a model for the transport has been deduced that, in contrast
to standard models, does not invoke unphysical parameters
like extremely low optical permittivities. Leakage current
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