HND in Computing Networking Unit 2 Assignment 1 Sample
HND in Computing Networking Unit 2 Assignment 1 Sample
HND in Computing Networking Unit 2 Assignment 1 Sample
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to
make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please
also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding
Unit Learning Outcomes:
Task 1.2
a) What is a topology? Give a brief introduction about Logical and
Physical topologies including examples. (P2)
b) Identify what are the most suitable Logical & Physical topologies
for the given scenario. (D1)
Task 1.3
Identify the protocol structure models available in networking &
briefly explain how they work with comparisons. (M1)
Task 1.4
Define the protocols, their functions and identify the suitable protocols
for the given scenario. Explain for your selection. (D1)
Task 2.2
Discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant
networking software. (P4)
Task 3.3
Install & configure network services and applications of your choice.
Task 3.4
Conduct a test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and
analyse user feedback. (P6)
Task 3.5
Suggest a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. (D2)
Task 4.2
Conduct verification with e.g. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet,
SSH, etc. Record the test results and analyze these against expected
results. (P8)
Task 4.3
Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device
growth and the addition of communication devices. (M4)
Task 4.4
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
beyond the given specification. (D3)
Table of Contents
1 Task 01.........................................................................................................................1
1.3.2 OSI...............................................................................................................10
1.4.2 TCP/IP..........................................................................................................12
2 Task-02.......................................................................................................................14
2.3.A Server...........................................................................................................21
1 .............................................................................................................................29
3.4.1 Speed of the Network for local resources (File Sharing, printer)................41
4 Task-04.......................................................................................................................47
4.2 Conduct verification with. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH...........55
5 Gantt chart..................................................................................................................60
6 References..................................................................................................................61
7 Annexures..................................................................................................................63
Table of Figure
Figure 1 - LAN (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)..................................................................................1
Figure 13- The OSI model /TCP / IP model (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)....................................11
Figure 48- Speed of the Network for local resources (File Sharing, printer)....................41
Table of Table
Table 1-TCP / IP (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)................................................................................9
Table 5- IP Table................................................................................................................30
The LAN can be as small as a single home network installed in your home or small
office. Over time, the definition of LAN has evolved to include interconnected local
networks consisting of hundreds of devices installed in multiple buildings and locations.
(Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
Wireless LAN (WLAN) is a local area network that uses radio waves to transfer data
between wireless devices. In traditional LANs, the devices are connected to each other
using copper wires. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
The personal network (PAN) is a network that connects devices, such as mice, keyboards,
printers, smartphones and tablets within the domain of an individual person. All these
devices are assigned to a host and are often connected to Bluetooth technology. (Cisco
Netacad, n.d.)
Urban Network (MAN) is a network that runs on a large campus or city. The network
consists of different buildings connected through wireless or fiber optic networks. (Cisco
Netacad, n.d.)
A wide area network (WAN) connects to multiple smaller networks, such as local
Network standards
Furthermore, it has been identified that, it would be more effective if VLANs are
introduced to separate departments within the network as well as it would be also
effective if the backbone between the two buildings is made out of fiber optics cable.
1.2 Network topology
1.2.1 Type of Network topology
Logical topologies
The logical topology describes how hosts arrive in the middle and communicate on the
network. The two most common types of logical topology are transmission and transit. In
the broadcast topology, a host transmits a message to all hosts in the same network
segment. There is no order that hosts must follow to transfer data. Messages are sent
based on First In, First out (FIFO). (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
Physical topology
The physical topology determines how computers, printers and other devices
communicate with the network. Figure 6 provides a physical topology.
In the bus topology, each computer connects to a shared cable. The cable connects one
computer to another, like a bus line running through the city. The cable has a small cap
installed at the end called breakage. The term prevents signals from reoccurring and
causes network errors. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
In the ring topology, the hosts are connected in a physical loop or circle. Because there is
no beginning or end of the ring topology, the cable is not finished. The token travels
around the loop that stops at each host. If the host wants to send the data, the host adds
the data and the destination address to the token. The token continues around the loop
until it stops at the host with the destination address. The destination host removes the
data from the token. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
Figure 9- Star (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
The star topology or hierarchical topology is an astral network with an additional network
device connected to the main network device. A network cable is usually connected to a
single key, and many other keys are connected to the first adapter. Larger networks, such
as corporate networks or universities, use a hierarchical star topology. (Cisco Netacad,
Mixed topology is a combination of two or more basic layers of core networks, such as
star topology or circular topology. The advantage of the mixed topology is that it can be
implemented for several different network environments.
With all the precede topologies eluded, it is now vital to identify the suitable topology
that would suffice the network requirement of the Enclave Film company.
When building a LAN that meets the needs of a small or medium sized business like our
client, the implementation phase will more likely to be successful if we used a
hierarchical design model. Compared with other network designs, a hierarchical network
is at ease to manage and expand, which will be required within this SME eventually, and
problems are solved faster. So for the network design which I have chosen for Enclave
Film is Tree topology- Hierarchical Design
1.3.2 OSI
The OSI model divides network connections into seven distinct layers. Although there are
other models, most network providers are building their products today using this
framework. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
OSI Model
OSI Model Layer Description
Application 7 Responsible for network services to applications
Transforms data formats to provide a standard interface for
Presentation 6 the application layer
Establishes, manages, and terminates the connections
Session 5 between the local and remote application
Provides reliable transport and flow control across a
Transport 4 network
Responsible for logical addressing and the domain of
Network 3 routing
Data Link 2 Provides physical addressing and media access procedures
Defines all the electrical and physical specifications for
Physical 1 devices
Table 2 - OSI Model (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
The OSI model and the TCP / IP model are two reference models used to describe the
data connection process. The TCP / IP model is used specifically for the TCP / IP protocol
Figure 13- The OSI model /TCP / IP model (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
group and uses the OSI model to develop standard communications of equipment and
applications from different vendors.
The TCP / IP model performs the same process as the OSI model, but uses four layers
instead of seven. The graph shows how to compare the layers of the two models. (Cisco
Netacad, n.d.)
1.4 Suitable protocols for given scenario
1.4.1 Protocol is a set of rules
The protocol is a set of rules. Internet protocols are a set of rules that govern
communication within and between computers in a network. The protocol specification
specifies the format of the messages that are exchanged. The letter is also used to send
itself through the protocols of the mail system. Part of the protocol specifies where the
delivery address in the envelope should be written. If the delivery address is written in the
wrong place, the message cannot be delivered. (Ragan, 2017)
1.4.2 TCP/IP
Computers and computers connected to the Internet use a set of protocols called TCP / IP
to communicate with each other. The information is usually sent through two protocols,
TCP and UDP, as shown in the figure. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
2 Task-02
2.1 Network devices
2.1.1 Current Network devices
A router is a device that redirects data packets through networks. The router connects to at
least two networks, namely LAN, WAN, LAN and its ISP network. The routers are
located at the gateways, where two or more networks are connected. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
In networks, a device filters and redirects packets between parts of the LAN. The
switches operate in the data link layer (layer 2) and sometimes in the network layer (layer
3) of the OSI reference model therefore compatible with any packet protocol. Local
networks (LANs) that use switches to join switched LANs or, in the case of Ethernet
networks, are called Ethernet LAN switches. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
Network Server
Figure 18-
17- Business
Network Server
Server (Cisco
Netacad, n.d.)
A network server is a computer designed to act as a central repository and helps provide a
variety of resources, such as access to hardware, disk space, access to printers, etc. To
other computers on the network. (Cisco Netacad, n.d.)
Business Server
Wireless router
A wireless router is an electronic device that acts like a router, which means it sends data
from the Internet cable to a device, and a wireless access point so that this data can be
shared by wireless signals instead Cable. (Harwood, n.d.)
A modem is a more interesting network device in our daily lives. If you have noticed
about yourself, you can get an Internet connection through a cable (there are different
types of cables) to your home. This cable is used to transfer our Internet data out of the
Internet world. (Whetstone, 2011)
Laptop Computer
Laptop Computers that y can carry with you and use in different environments. It includes
a screen, keyboard, trackpad or trackball, which acts like a mouse.
Desktop computer
A desktop computer is a personal computer that fits the desktop or below it. In general, it
consists of a projector, a keyboard, a mouse, and a horizontal or vertical shape factor
(tower). Unlike a laptop, a notebook, a desktop computer is designed to stay in one place
The Choice of devices for this network design Note has attached on the appendix section,
kindly refer appendix 1 section to find Choice of devices for this network design.
2.2 Interdependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software
Interdependence workstations and devices that have chosen to solve are critical. Most of
the devices in today's office environment in Sri Lanka are out of date or grouped without
further network assessments. To provide a more complete and comprehensive network,
the consultant decided to use the network environmental assessment delivery of the
structure due to the suitability of the hardware and workstations selected in the solution.
For the proposed solution to Enclave Film, the author chose the following types of
workstations to implement.
The Ethernet standard on which the proposed network is based on the following IEEE
The 7710 comes with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter compatible with the new 802.11w
technology, which is implemented here. When a workstation does not need to be
connected to a protocol, it is the most appropriate way for managers and IT staff.
With this network and interconnected devices, a workstation model chosen by the
consultant for a truly network scope. Therefore, the main recommendation of the writer to
proceed with the purchase of the workstation, the establishment and increase the
prospects of network.
To implement the solution discussed above, the organization requires specific hardware
and software solutions in the system. Some will be implemented using existing hardware
and software, while others will be purchased. Enclave film management has been
approved to make necessary purchases. The following are the articles and specifications
required for this requirement in Enclave Film.
Several types of devices will be needed for this implementation. Next, the types of
programs that the author will be willing to use are displayed. They are divided as such
System software
Security programs
There are several types of servers and are classified according to the type of work they
do, they are
Web servers
Mail servers
Application servers
File servers
Proxy’s servers
Real-time servers
The choose server has attached on the appendix section, kindly refer
appendix 2 section to find the choose server.
Enclave Films Company wants to improve the uses an email, a dedicated email server is a
good idea. And company needs to manage large amounts of shared documents/file, the
file exchange server will be the ideal choice. And also company need to domain server to
connect to domain in the network computers.
Before select the servers we should check these features have or not have in the server
what we selected.
Going wholesale to the cloud may be a very big step at the moment, but just adding to an
existing server expansion is not an option either. Being smart about purchasing server
capacity means understanding how your company uses data primarily. When you
understand this aspect of your business, choosing the right server is a clearer and less
risky job.
2.3.2 Identify the server types suitable for Enclave Films
Asus TS500 Server
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2600 v3 | Graphics: not available | RAM: as ordered Storage: no
vacancies Connectivity: 8 USB ports, VGA, PS2, 3 x Gigabit Ethernet | Dimensions
(width x depth x height): 22 × 54.5 × 45.5 cm
Like Super Micro, Asus is not known for its servers. In contrast, the Taiwanese company,
one of the largest suppliers in the world, is very popular for a wide range of consumer
products, including motherboards. The TS500-E8-PS4 is a 5U jogging tower server
ideally designed for dual use and server. It features the latest Intel® E5-2600 v3 Intel
Xeon, eight DDR4 DIMMs, six expansion slots, three 5.25-inch device slots and one
Bronze 500W 80 Plus power unit. There are four 3.5-inch SATA / SAS HDD
interchangeable ports and it can also be expanded to eight slots so that the hard drives
meet the flexible storage requirements. Server price is $280.00
In addition, with the Intel Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) 2.0
compatible with ASMB8-iKVM on the TS500, you can monitor, control and manage the
server remotely. Other key features include 10 SATA ports, one DVD player, six USB
ports, one PS2 VGA port and one of three Gigabit Ethernet ports. Note that this is an
abstract server. (Asus, n.d.)
The server that selected for this scenario is Asus TS500 Server
The reasons for select this server for Enclave Films company,
It is relatively cheap for the server, ideal for small and medium-sized companies
such as Enclave Films
It has an easy installation and requires minimal storage. And also an easy access
to the panel, which is fundamental for the resolution of computer problems
NOS is not yet installed, as the network consultant plans to use W2k12 SMB,
enough hardware requirements will suffice to satisfy the current server
requirements in Enclave Film.
There is always room for expansion. In the near future, storage and NOS can be
The brand also operates in a biosphere, where the provider is listed as DELL,
which has more experience in serving the servers.
With these features at hand, it is a strong belief that this server will be more
suitable for the network and server requirements in Enclave Film.
3 Task-03
3.1 Design Step-by-step plan and Network and blueprint
3.1.1 Design of Local Area Network and blueprint Step-by-step plan
With these requirements at hand, it is now imperative to design and implement the
solution for the Enclave Films.
As per the task which was apprehended by the client, the requirements of Enclave Films
is as follows
A domain server will be planted and the network will design as in the
client/server architecture, providing significant user privileges to certain users of
the domain, such as administrators, managers and executives of Enclave Film.
A FTP Server, DHCP server and a Backup Server and Mail Server will be assigned
to fulfill the generic requirements of the Enclave Film.
Wireless Access Point will be established in both the floors.
A Server-based Anti-virus solution will be provided for all the users for security
and integrity reasons of the network
The networking system will be implemented using the hieratical network design,
and abide its standards and procedures.
All the departments will be segmented to VLANs of each respective paradigm,
and will be assign certain.
The network will be taking classless subnet ip addresses range, the network will
be, where the subnet mask will be, and the wildcard mask will be
Dynamic IP Addresses will be assigned to each required user pool, using the
router DHCP Pool Service
A Software firewall will be implemented to limit both the internal and the
external threats
Physical Access to the server room will be prohibited unless authenticated
The LAN will abide the IEEE Standards of 802. Local area networking
technologies, and also will abide the protocols and rules of OSI reference
modeling standards, as well as the TCP/ IP Standard protocols.
Below, fill find the network design for the Enclave Film (PVT) Ltd. As well as followed
by the packet tracer implementation of the network. For more insightful details about the
packet tracer implementation, Please refer to the Attached of Blue Print for the respected
packet tracer file. Blue Print Network Design
The Cisco 1841 router provides improved standard capabilities while protecting customer
investments. The typical architecture is designed to provide the highest data transfer rate
and performance required to support simultaneous and secure applications. Most current
WIC cards, multiple floppy cards (data only), and advanced integration units (AIM) are
compatible with Cisco 1841
The Cisco 1800 series includes accelerated hardware encryption built into the
motherboard that can be enabled with an optional Cisco IOS security image. Hardware-
based encryption acceleration downloads encryption to provide improved performance
for IPSec 3DES and AES. With optional VPN integration, NAC Anti-Virus, Cisco IOS-
based firewall and IPS support, Cisco offers a robust, scalable and robust security
solution for small and medium-sized businesses and small businesses.
As companies increase their security requirements and integrated service needs, more
intelligent office solutions are required. The best-in-class Cisco 1800 Series architecture
is designed to meet these requirements for secure concurrent services at cable speed
performance. The Cisco 1841 router provides the opportunity to integrate the functions of
separate devices into a single, small, manageable solution remotely. By providing
integrated services, as well as high standard density and high performance, the Cisco
1841 delivers security, versatility, scalability and flexibility for multiple SME and SMB
applications and a premium customer service provider. The Cisco 1841 router easily
accommodates a wide range of network applications, such as secure access to branch
data, including NAC for virus protection, VPN, firewall protection, enterprise-class DSL,
IPS support, VLAN routing and serial device focus . The Cisco 1841 router provides
customers with the industry's most flexible, secure and adaptable infrastructure to meet
business requirements today and tomorrow for maximum protection. (Cisco, 2014)
3.2 Design and Calculate Ip address
3.2.1 Cisco Packet Tracer Design
3.2.2 Ip Addressing and Subnet Calculate
Sales Dep
It / Server Dip
Table 5- IP Table
3.3 Install and configure network services and applications
3.3.1 Install and configuration Domain Server.
Figure 33- Install and configuration Domain Server.
Figure40-Install andand
41 - Install configuration Domain
configuration Server.
Domain Server.
Figure 42- Install and configuration Domain Server.
Figure 47- Install Application Software
Figure 44- Install Application 46- Install Application Software
3.4 Analyses user feedback.
With the user analysis, the conclusions which has being made are being published using
the pie chart for the report. The designer software which the writer has being used is
Microsoft Visio. And the data is collected to create these pie charts are being stated with
the user feedback forms.
3.4.1 Speed of the Network for local resources (File Sharing, printer)
According to the comments, 85% of the comments were positive. Most customers are
satisfied with the network solutions and systems provided by the consultant. Some
problems with network integrity, as well as lack of another server operating system to
authorize work
Based on these analyzes, the author requested that another server be installed for backup
and other mandated services in Enclave. . Since all other sections, except the leasing
section, requested another server to reduce traffic by the end of the month to delete
records. As a network administrator, the author plans to deploy other servers on the
company's network. This should be done as a future planning of the infrastructure with
the network. Therefore, the installed and available server installation process is highly
considered with Enclave Film Management.
Each maintenance task can be performed at a standard frequency or on a specific basis for
your environment. These tasks include:
Keep in mind that many maintenance tasks are performed in Real Time. We use our IT
management and control systems to automatically generate alerts based on predefined
thresholds or known error situations that are then run by the network maintenance when
they occur.
Server Access
Monthly 9:00am 1 hours No Impact to Business
Data Base
Monthly 10:00am 1 hours No Impact to Business
Transaction Logs
Deployment Schedules
Hardware upgrades
will take the system
being updated down
Scheduled/ Schedule
Hardware for the time of the
On d/On Unknown
Deployments upgrade. All Hardware
Demand Demand
upgrades will occur
during the affected
systems down time.
Some server roles need
Scheduled/ Schedule
to restart sever. It
server roles On d/On Unknown
means server will
Demand Demand
down for 5-10 minutes
Table 6- Maintenance Schedule
4 Task-04
4.1 Implement a networked system based design
Figure 2- Configuration
Figure Ip Address
59- Configuration for Pc’s for Pc’s
Ip Address
Test Case Id 2
Test Case Id 3
Figure 70- Test Case Id 3
Test Case Id 4
With the proposed optimization system for Enclave Film, it is necessary to update
the network reliability, sustainability, availability and scalability of the proposed
To improve network quality, the author requests potential expenditures for this
network after one year of implementation.
With the current network sufficient with the network and management range,
with the proposed extensions must meet these most basic prerequisites.
The current network cables are CAT6 Ethernet cable, which will not be sufficient
for future network. Therefore, the author strongly points to the transition to fiber
optic cables, which will support the large bandwidth size
4.4 Evaluate work and justify valid conclusions
This task has been subject to considerable research, fact-finding and comparisons. By
nature, we had to design and implement laws to protect networks, standards and data,
while this must also be possible for global standards. I must thank the E-soft task team for
delivering such a difficult but interesting task.
When I planned the structural design of this task, I had difficulty dealing with the tasks
individually, as they were tangled and strange. But I discovered that the error was in me,
because I took the entire task as one, when I had to do the opposite. Luckily, my subject
teacher explained to me during the feedback session, then I thought about the idea of each
task approach separately, and everything went smoothly. I tried to use as simple terms as
possible and reduced the use of abbreviations in reports unless they were mandatory.
I feel it would be better if I had used less time to create and develop the network, because
they themselves are an independent field of expertise. The effects and social documents
are correct to the point of knowledge and knowledge, but I believe that the actual design
of the network would be wiser, if I cited it from my environment, rather than referring to
it from research and meditation on the Internet. Special. Security effects were modified in
the context of customization, and the network design was adapted from case studies that
declared similar requirements. Documenting the task took longer than expected by the
author. Some tasks are intertwined so that the writer must follow different writing and
documentation methods. The main problem faced by the writer is time management for
designing, implementing and documenting the network. Apart from that, he insisted that I
had produced a true and well-established project
5 Gantt chart
February 2018 March 2018 April 2018
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2nd 3rd 4th 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Task 01
Task 02
Task 03
Task 04
6 References
Asus, n.d. Asus. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 March 2018].
Whetstone, N., 2011. Computer-based Audio using streaming devices, and USB DAC's.
Available at:
[Accessed 15 March 2018].
7 Annexures
7.1 Appendix 1
Cisco 1841-K9 Router
The router is responsible for connecting two different logical and logical networks. The
routers are connected to a chain in a WAN or a local area network (LAN) called a jump in
the chain. The work of the router is very simple since the router of a LAN or WAN finds
the IP address of the next hop (the next router) and the data is sent to and so on. D-Link,
TP-Link, Link-Sys, Cisco and Aztec are some of the best-known router manufacturers.
Routers are two main types of DSL routers and Wi-Fi routers. Almost all users, banks,
institutions, universities and end users use routers to connect to the Internet or to
interconnect their virtual private networks through the Internet.
For this solution, there are many advantages that the writer took into account with the
Cisco router that he chose in other brands and products. In the following table, the
features are listed through the benefits of this router.
Supports more than 30 modules and interface cards, including WAN (WIC) and
Multiflex (VWIC) network cards (to support data only on the Cisco 1841 router)
and Advanced Integration Units (AMS)
Accelerate encryption of embedded devices
Provides a cryptographic accelerator as a standard built-in device that can be
enabled with optional Cisco IOS software for 3DES and AES.
Offers a range of enhanced security performance features with optional 3DES
VPN acceleration card or AES encryption
A wide virtual memory
Provides 64 MB of Flash and 256 MB of synchronous dynamic memory (SDRAM)
to support the simultaneous deployment of services
Ethernet ports dual Ethernet high speed and dual Ethernet
Helps enable connection speeds of up to 100BASE-T Ethernet without the need
for cards and modules
Allows LAN fragmentation
Cisco IOS 12.3T, 12.4, 12.4T and later feature sets • Supports Cisco 1841 router
starting with Cisco IOS Software 12.3T
Helps enable integrated solutions while supporting the latest service quality
based on Cisco IOS software, bandwidth management and security features
Integrated standard power supply
provides easy installation and administration of the management platform
The work of the network hub is very different from the switch. The advance in the
switches is that they have a switching table in them that makes the network safer and
faster. The difference is between the technology and the technique through which the data
is sent. The adapter has the ability to store the MAC address of the computers so that the
data is sent to the desired point only instead of being sent to each point. (Cisco, 2017)
Cyberoam Firewall is available as a firewall and UTM firewall. It provides a deep and in-
depth examination of network packages, applications and user security. Cyberoam
Firewall protects organizations from DoS, DDoS and Spoofing IP attacks.
The personal security system Cyberoam Level 8 allows employee-based policies and an
interface to create policies in all functions, providing ease of administration and high
security with flexibility
A piece of computer that allows the connected computer to connect to the network.
RJ45 is a standard type of connector for network cables. Generally, you see RJ45
connectors with cables and Ethernet networks. The RJ45 connectors have eight pins
connected by the two cables to an electrolytic cable surface. The regular RJ-45 pins
define the order of the individual cables required when connecting the connectors to the
Several other types of connectors are very similar to the RJ45 and can be easily mixed
together. The RJ-11 connectors used with telephone cables, for example, are slightly
smaller (than the RJ-45 connectors). A shortcut for the Jack-45 recorder, an eight-wire
connector commonly used to connect computers to local area networks (LANs),
especially Ethernets. The RJ-45 connectors are similar to the RJ-11 connectors used
everywhere to connect telephone devices, but they are somewhat wider.
Category 1
o These are used in telephone lines and a low speed data cable.
Category 2
o These cables can support up to 4 megabits per second.
Category 3
o This cable supports up to 16 megabytes per second and is used mainly at
10 Mbps.
Category 4
o These are used for long distance and high speed. It can withstand 20mps.
Category 5
o This is the highest rating for the UTP cable and can support up to 100
UTP cables consist of 2 or 4 pairs of twisted cables. 2-pair cable Use the RJ-11 connector
and the 4-pair cable Use the RJ-45 connector
With these big differences, it is necessary to understand the data transmission rate through
this type of cables, in order to make a careful evaluation of Enclave Film
With this analysis, the author decided to use the Cat6 cable system for Enclave Films.
Wi-Fi is usually one or more of the wireless access points of contact points are distributed
to support Wi-Fi coverage area of your own. Business networks also install APs typically
in all their office areas. While most households require a router a wireless device (AP) to
cover the real area, many of which businesses can use. It may be to determine the ideal
locations for a place to install a set of difficult task access points even for network
professionals due to the need to cover reliable signal distances.
The Precision Group is one of the oldest working class families on this tour, dating back
to the late 1990s. Since then, much has changed with a large amount of computing,
storage and memory capacity. Precision 7910 is the most powerful and scalable
workstation of the company, which allows to use dual Xeon CPUs, up to four graphics
cards and even liquid cooling to keep things going.
Dell is one of the few companies that combines its endpoint security solutions that
combine protection against malware, authentication and encryption. It is also one of the
few providers that sends legacy technology (PCI, Serial, PS2) by default. Do not be
fooled by the basic price (around £ 2,000). Once fully charged, the price is expected to
increase twenty times.
7.2 Appendix 2
Proxy Server
In general, these servers are located between a Web browser and a server that is usually
outside the Internet room, where it is filtered and helps meet initiator requests or queries,
as well as connections to share. It acts as a gateway by receiving and retransmitting
requests from the other simplification server so that the other server works in the shortest
possible time, improving server performance.
Web servers
A web server is a server that allows all website data to be received by the browser. This is
done by connecting to a disk that contains specific data that the client is looking for; this
information cannot be obtained from a disk to a Web page without this type of server.
This transfer is possible thanks to the use of programs called protocols; in this case, the
protocol responsible for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Servers in real time
These servers are servers that make chat possible; allow to relay information at the touch
of a button. They are also responsible for services such as instant messaging and have the
ability to carry many of these messages or chats at the same time and deliver them on
time, instantly. These servers are constantly running and used in many mobile
applications, computer programs and the Internet.
FTP may be the oldest in the world of Internet Protocol (IP). It is the protocol that allows
the safe transfer of files over the Internet in the form of a Web page to another, from e-
mail to e-mail and the like. This type of protocol is what led to the design and coding
protocols, such as HTTP and languages such as HTML and XHTML.
Open source servers take the liberty of all other open source software and form an
essential part of data exchange across the entire IT infrastructure, but are mostly open
source operating systems such as Apache and Linux.
These servers are the latest in the market and have the ability to perform many tasks,
including monitoring other servers and storing data. They are hypothetical, and therefore
they work on the web and help maintain the integrity of online data for most websites
now because they save space and money.
With this type of server, there are many server operating systems on the market, which are
Mac OS Servers
Solaris servers
Linux servers
Windows Servers
P2 5-8 The impact of topologies, and the bandwidth and
Explain the impact of network topology, communication and communication requirements identified
bandwidth requirements.
Compare common networking principles and how protocols 9-10 effectiveness on the network discussed
P3 14-19 Networking devices and server types discussed
server types.
M2 21-23 A suitable server range with regard to the
Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a requirements of the system is identified
LO 1 & LO2
Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol 25-28 through an evaluation
LO3 : Design efficient networked systems
analyze user feedback.
LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems
M4 58 Enhancements recommended for the system
D3 58-59
A good reasonable critical evaluation done