The Cycling of Materials

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The Cycling of Materials

Objectives What will happen to the next ballpoint pen you buy? You will
probably use it until its ink supply runs out and then throw it
왘 List the three stages of the carbon
away. The plastic and steel the pen is made of will probably never
be reused. By contrast, materials in ecosystems are constantly
왘 Describe where fossil fuels are
located. reused. In this section, you will read about three cycles by which
왘 Identify one way that humans are materials are reused—the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and
affecting the carbon cycle. the phosphorus cycle.
왘 List the three stages of the nitro-
gen cycle.
왘 Describe the role that nitrogen-
The Carbon Cycle
fixing bacteria play in the nitrogen Carbon is an essential component of proteins, fats, and carbohy-
cycle. drates, which make up all organisms. The carbon cycle is a
왘 Explain how the excess use of process by which carbon is cycled between the atmosphere, land,
fertilizer can affect the nitrogen water, and organisms. As shown in Figure 10, carbon enters a
and phosphorus cycles. short-term cycle in an ecosystem when producers, such as plants,
convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into carbohydrates
Key Terms during photosynthesis. When consumers eat producers, the con-
carbon cycle sumers obtain carbon from the carbohydrates. As the consumers
nitrogen-fixing bacteria break down the food during cellular respiration, some of the car-
nitrogen cycle bon is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
phosphorus cycle Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis also
release carbon dioxide during cellular respiration.
Some carbon enters a long-term cycle. For example, carbon
may be converted into carbonates, which make up the hard parts
of bones and shells. Bones and shells do not break down easily.

Figure 10 왘 The Carbon Cycle

Carbon exists in air, water, soil, and
living organisms. What role do
plants play in the carbon cycle?

124 Chapter 5 How Ecosystems Work

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Over millions of years, carbonate deposits produce huge forma-
tions of limestone rocks. Limestone is one of the largest carbon QuickLAB
sinks, or carbon reservoirs, on Earth.
Make Every
Some carbohydrates in organisms are converted into fats, oils,
Breath Count
and other molecules that store energy. The carbon in these mole-
cules may be released into the soil or air after an organism dies. Procedure
When these molecules are released they can form deposits of coal, 1. Pour 100 mL of water from a
oil, and natural gas underground known as fossil fuels. Fossil graduated cylinder into a
250 mL beaker. Add several
fuels are essentially stored carbon left over from bodies of plants drops of brom thymol blue to
and animals that died millions of years ago. the beaker of water. Make sure
How Humans Affect the Carbon Cycle When we burn fossil you add enough to make the
solution a dark blue color.
fuels, we release carbon into the atmosphere. The carbon
2. Exhale through a straw into the
returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Cars, factories, solution until the solution turns
and power plants rely on these fossil fuels to operate. In the yellow. (CAUTION: Be sure not
year 2000, vehicles, such as the truck in Figure 11, were the to inhale or ingest the solution.)
source of one-third of all carbon dioxide emitted in the United 3. Pour the yellow solution into a
States. All together, about 6 billion metric tons of carbon a large test tube that contains a
year are released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. sprig of Elodea.
Natural burning of wood or forest fires combined with the 4. Stopper the test tube, and
burning of fossil fuels make up this 6 billion metric tons. About place it in a sunny location.
half of this carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere, so over a 5. Observe the solution in the test
tube after 15 minutes.
period of years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
sphere has steadily increased.
1. What do you think happened
Increased levels of carbon dioxide may contribute to global to the carbon dioxide that you
warming, which is an overall increase in the temperature of the exhaled into the solution?
Earth. What happens to the carbon dioxide that is not absorbed What effect do plants, such
by the atmosphere? Scientists estimate that over a billion metric as the Elodea, have on the
tons of carbon dioxide dissolves into the ocean, which is a car- carbon cycle?
bon sink. Plants probably absorb the remaining carbon dioxide.

Connection to Biology
The Rise of Carbon Dioxide
In the past 150 years, more than
350 billion tons of carbon have
been released into the air in the
form of carbon dioxide. The con-
centration of carbon dioxide
today has increased 30 percent
since preindustrial times. If the
present amount of carbon diox-
ide emission continues, this con-
centration will double by 2080.
Many scientists speculate that as
a result, Earth’s temperature may
rise by 3ºC.

Figure 11 왘 This truck releases

carbon into the atmosphere when it
burns fuel to operate.

Section 2 The Cycling of Materials 125

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Figure 12 왘 The Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen could not be cycled in the The Nitrogen Cycle
atmosphere without nitrogen-fixing
All organisms need nitrogen to build proteins, which are used to
bacteria. What role do animals play
in the nitrogen cycle? build new cells. Nitrogen makes up 78 percent of the gases in
the atmosphere. However, most organisms cannot use atmo-
spheric nitrogen. It must be altered, or fixed, before organisms
can use it. The only organisms that can fix atmospheric nitrogen
into chemical compounds are a few species of bacteria known as
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. All other organisms depend upon these
bacteria to supply nitrogen. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are a cru-
cial part of the nitrogen cycle, a process in which nitrogen is
cycled between the atmosphere, bacteria, and other organisms.
As shown in Figure 12, bacteria take nitrogen gas from the air
and transform it into molecules that living things can use.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, shown in Figure 13, live within nod-
ules on the roots of plants called legumes. Legumes include
beans, peas, and clover. The bacteria use sugars provided by the
legumes to produce nitrogen-containing compounds such as
nitrates. The excess nitrogen fixed by the bacteria is released into
the soil. In addition, some nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in the soil
rather than inside the roots of legumes. Plants that do not have
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots get nitrogen from the soil.
Animals get nitrogen by eating plants or other animals, both of
which are sources of usable nitrogen.
Decomposers and the Nitrogen Cycle In the nitrogen cycle, nitro-
gen moves between the atmosphere and living things. After nitro-
Figure 13 왘 The swellings on the gen cycles from the atmosphere to living things, nitrogen is again
roots of this soybean plant are called
nodules. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as
returned to the atmosphere with the help of bacteria. These
shown magnified at right, live inside decomposers are essential to the nitrogen cycle because they break
the nodules of plants. down wastes, such as urine, dung, leaves, and other decaying
126 Chapter 5 How Ecosystems Work
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plants and animals and return the nitrogen that these wastes and
dead organisms contain to the soil. If decomposers did not exist,
much of the nitrogen in ecosystems would be stored in wastes, Topic: Nitrogen Cycle
corpses, and other parts of organisms. After decomposers return SciLinks code: HE4073
the nitrogen to the soil, bacteria transform a small amount of the
nitrogen into nitrogen gas, which then returns to the atmosphere
and completes the nitrogen cycle. So once nitrogen enters an
ecosystem, most of it stays within the ecosystem, cycles between
organisms and the soil, and is constantly reused.

The Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is an element that is a part of many molecules that
make up the cells of living organisms. For example, phosphorus is
an essential material needed to form bones and teeth in animals.
Plants get the phosphorus they need from soil and water, while ani- Geofact
mals get their phosphorus by eating plants or other animals that Minerals in Your Mouth
have eaten plants. The phosphorus cycle is the movement of phos- Phosphorus is the 11th most abun-
phorus from the environment to organisms and then back to the dant element in the Earth’s crust
environment. This cycle is slow and does not normally occur in the and occurs naturally as phosphate
in the mineral apatite. Apatite can
atmosphere because phosphorus rarely occurs as a gas. exist in igneous, metamorphic, and
As shown in Figure 14, phosphorus may enter soil and water sedimentary rocks as well as in your
in a few ways. When rocks erode, small amounts of phosphorus teeth and bones.
dissolve as phosphate in soil and water. Plants absorb phosphates
in the soil through their roots. In addition, phosphorus is added
to soil and water when excess phosphorus is excreted in waste
from organisms and when organisms die and decompose. Some
phosphorus also washes off the land and eventually ends up in Figure 14 왘 The Phosphorus
the ocean. Many phosphate salts are not soluble in water, so they Cycle Phosphorus moves from phos-
sink to the bottom of the ocean and accumulate as sediment. phate deposits in rock to the land,
then to living organisms, and finally
to the ocean.

Section 2 The Cycling of Materials 127

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Figure 15 왘 More than 30 per-
cent of fertilizer may flow with
runoff from farmland into
nearby waterways. Large
amounts of fertilizer in water
can cause an excessive growth
of algae (below).

Fertilizers and the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycles People

often apply fertilizers to stimulate and maximize plant growth.
Fertilizers contain both nitrogen and phosphorus. The more nitro-
gen and phosphorus that is available to a plant, the faster and big-
ger the plant tends to grow. However, if excessive amounts of
fertilizer are used, the fertilizer can enter terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems through runoff. Excess nitrogen and phosphorus in an
aquatic ecosystem or nearby waterway can cause rapid and over-
abundant growth of algae, which results in an algal bloom. An
algal bloom, as shown in Figure 15, is a dense, visible patch of
algae that occurs near the surface of water. Algal blooms, along
with other plants and the bacteria that break down dead algae,
can deplete an aquatic ecosystem of important nutrients such as
oxygen. Fish and other aquatic organisms need oxygen to survive.
Acid Precipitation We affect the nitrogen cycle every time we
burn coal, wood, or oil. When we burn fuel, a large amount of
nitric oxide is released into the atmosphere. Nitric oxide is a
harmful gas, and when it is released into the air, it can combine
with oxygen and water vapor to form nitric acid. Nitric acid can
dissolve in rain and snow, which contributes to acid precipitation.

SECTION 2 Review
1. Describe the three stages of the carbon cycle. CRITICAL THINKING
2. Describe how the burning of fossil fuels affects the 5. Making Comparisons Write a short paragraph
carbon cycle. that describes the importance of bacteria in the car-
bon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. What role
3. Explain how the excess use of fertilizer affects the does bacteria play in each cycle? WRITING SKILLS
nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle.
6. Applying Ideas What is one way that a person can
4. Explain why the phosphorus cycle occurs more slowly help reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmo-
than both the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. sphere? Can you think of more than one way?

128 Chapter 5 How Ecosystems Work

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