Central Electricity Authority: Grid Management Division 1

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Central Electricity Authority

Grid Management Division 1

Central Electricity Authority

Central Electricity Authority

(Technical Standards for Grid
Connectivity), 2007

regulations need amendments to

accommodate Renewables both at
above and below 33 kV level

Grid Management Division 2

Central Electricity Authority

These regulations apply to
 The Requester, (entity seeking grid connectivity)

 The user ( entity already connected to grid)



Grid Management Division 3

Central Electricity Authority

 Objectives of changes proposed are to
include the requirements of grid
connectivity of the renewable energy
resources seeking grid connectivity at
33kv and above as well as below 33kV

Grid Management Division 4

Central Electricity Authority

Proposed Major Changes In The

Existing Regulations For Grid
Connectivity Standards
 Part – II of the Schedule to be changed to include
generation from renewable energy sources with
separate Para on wind generators and generator with
inverter. (above 33 kV)
 For Distributed generation separate regulation has to
be made because of its separate technical
requirement (below 33 kV)

Grid Management Division 5

Central Electricity Authority

General connectivity standards

 The units shall be capable of supplying dynamically
varying reactive power support so as to maintain
power factor within the limits of 0.95 lagging to
0.95 leading.
 The units shall be capable of operating in the
frequency range of 47.5 Hz to 52 Hz and shall be
capable of delivering rated output in the frequency
range of 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz.

Grid Management Division 6

Central Electricity Authority

 The DC injection by the generator to the grid shall

not be more than 0.5% of full rated output at the
interconnection point.
Central Electricity Authority


 Every time the generating facility is

synchronized to the Electricity System,
it shall not-
 cause voltage fluctuation greater than ±
5% at the point of connection and
 Introduce objectionable flicker in the
electricity system.
Central Electricity Authority

Voltage ride through

 All wind farms connected at 66 kV and above
shall remain connected to the grid when
voltage at the interconnection point on any or
all phases dips to the levels depicted by the
thick lines in the following curve:



Where 0 30
3000 Time (mS)

 VT/Vn is the ratio of the actual voltage to the nominal system voltage at the
Central Electricity Authority

 Wind generating stations connected at 66 kV

and above shall have facility to control active
power injection based on the directions of
load despatch centres.

Grid Management Division 10

Central Electricity Authority

Grid Connectivity Standards

applicable to Distributed
Generation Resources (DGR):
Central Electricity Authority

 This regulation is for the DGRs being

connected to below 33 kV level.
Central Electricity Authority

General connectivity conditions:

 The applicant shall make a formal request to the
appropriate licensee for connection.
 The applicant shall be responsible for the planning,
design, construction, reliability, protection and safe
operation of its own equipment.
 Metering shall be as per prevailing CEA regulations
for metering.
Central Electricity Authority

 For DGRs already connected to the electricity

system on the date of commencement of
these regulations, the generating company
and the licensee of the electricity system shall
mutually decide the measures which can be
taken to meet the technical standards
specified in these regulations

Grid Management Division 14

Central Electricity Authority

Data communication

 The applicant and user shall furnish data as

prescribed by the appropriate licensee in a non-
discriminatory manner.
 The applicant and user shall provide necessary
facilities for communication and storage of data and
parameters as may be stipulated by the appropriate
licensee in a non-discriminatory manner.
Central Electricity Authority

 The appropriate licensee shall carry out the inter-

connection study to determine point of inter-
connection, interconnection facilities, modifications
required on the existing electricity system, the
maximum net capacity of the DGR at a particular
location, imbalance in the power flows that DGR may
cause, likely impact on the quality of service to

Grid Management Division 16

Central Electricity Authority

Coordination with Licensee

 The applicant and user shall coordinate with the

appropriate licensee on the issues including but not
limited to protection, safety, and metering.
 The Applicant shall comply with the Central Electricity
Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electricity
Supply) Regulations, 2010.
 Installation, operation and maintenance of the
equipment by the Applicant shall conform to the
relevant regulations specified by CEA.
Central Electricity Authority

Specific standards ( for DGRs):

 Provisioning of Over and under voltage trip functions

if voltage reaches above 110% or below 80%
respectively with a clearing time of 2 seconds
 Provisioning of Over and under frequency trip
functions, if frequency reaches 50.2 Hz and below
47.5 Hz with a clearing time of 0.2 seconds
 Harmonic current injections from a generating station
shall not exceed the limits specified in IEEE 519.
 The DC current injection not to exceed 0.5% of the
full rated output.
 Not to introduce flicker beyond the limits specified in
IEC 61000
Central Electricity Authority

 Provisioning of a voltage and frequency sensing and

time-delay function to prevent the DGR from
energizing a de-energized circuit and to prevent the
DGR from reconnecting with electricity system unless
system voltage and frequency is within the
prescribed limits and are stable for at least 60
Central Electricity Authority


 Provisions to prevent the DGR from contributing to

the formation of an Unintended Island, and cease to
energize the electricity system within two seconds of
the formation of an Unintended Island.
Central Electricity Authority


 In case any fault is detected by the electricity

system in the circuit to which DGR is connected,
the DGR shall cease to energize the circuit.
Central Electricity Authority

Synchronization issues

 Every distributed generating resource will be

equipped with automatic synchronisation device.
 Every time the generating station is
synchronised to the electricity system, it shall
not cause voltage fluctuation greater than ± 5%
at the point of connection
Central Electricity Authority

Grid Management Division 23

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