Chapter 3a - Analysis of Tension Members

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Structural Steel Design

Course Code: CIVE324

Chapter 3:
Analysis of Tension Members – Part A
Textbook: Structural Steel Design, LRFD Method, Jack C. McCormack

Instructor: Eng. Sara Alattieh

Dr.Zaid Al-Sadoon, P.hD., P.Eng

Tension Structures
• Members are subjected to pure tension.
• Tensile stresses are uniformly distributed over the cross-sectional
area of the member.

• Martial is utilized in the most effective manner.

Tension Structures

• Tension members are found in

➢ Bridges and roof trusses
➢ Towers
➢ Bracing systems
➢ Cases where they are used as tie rods

• The design of tension members is very simple

and straightforward.
• No buckling problems are encountered as in the
case of compression members
SPAN 94.5 -378- 94.5 m
Tension Members
Structural steel members subjected to tension can be of different
▪ Circular Rods: Used frequently in the past, but occasionally now
only in bracing systems, light trusses and timber construction.
From practical perspective, it is difficult to connect the rods to
many structures.
▪ Cables: Commonly used in suspension bridges, cable stayed
bridges and roofs. Steel cables have high strength (from 200 to
250 ksi) and are made from special steel alloy wires that are cold
drawn to the desired diameter.
▪ Standard Sections: All the sections mentioned in Chapter 1 can
be used as tension members. Standard sections are stiffer and
easier to connect to other members.
Nominal Strength of Tension Members

The strength of a tension member can be governed by either:

▪ Yielding of the grosscross-section of the member away from the
connection, or
▪ Fracture of the effective net area at the connection (through the
1. Yielding of the Gross Cross-Sectional Area

Based on LRFD Specifications, when the strength of a tension

member is governed by general yielding of the gross cross-section of
the member ( such as the case of tension members without holes),
the nominal strength Pn of the member is given as:

Fy : Yield Stress of the Steel

Ag : Gross Cross Sectional Area of theMember
2. Fracture of the Net Area (Members with Holes)

Based on LRFD Specifications, For tension members with holes such

as with rivets or bolts,
▪ When the strength of the member is governed by fracture of the
effective area at the connection (through the holes), the reduced
area is referred as net area.

▪ There will be stress concentration due to the presence of the holes.

▪ Tensile stresses adjacent to the hole will be about 3 times
the average tensile stress on the net area.
▪ However, as each fiber reaches yield strain (εy= Fy/Es), its
stress becomes a constant Fy with continuous deformation
due to increasing load until finally all fibers have achieved or
exceeded the yield strain εy
Based on LRFD Specifications,
▪ When the strength of a tension member with holes is controlled
by a localized yielding resulting in a fracture of the effective
area, the nominal strength Pn of the member is given as:
Table 1:Applicable ASTM Specifications for Various Structural Shapes
The Net Area: An

▪ Notice that when fasteners such as rivets or bolts are used to

connect tension members there must be holes.

▪ The presence of holes reduces the total cross-sectional area

available to resist tensile stresses.

▪ It also reduces the strength of the member depending on the

size and location of the holes.

▪ The total cross- sectional area minus the holes is referred to as

the net area
Computation of the Net Area An

❖ The area of the hole is dealt with as a rectangular and determined

as follows:

For fasteners in standard

dh : Diameter of the
fastener + 1/8 in (3.2 mm)
tp: Plate thickness
Example 1

• Determine the net cross-sectional area for the tension member shown
Example 2

• Determine the net cross-sectional area of the 3/8 x8 – in plate shown below if it is
connected at its end by tow lines of ¾ in bolts.
Example 3

• Determine the net cross-sectional area of the tension member whose cross section
is depicted in the figure below:
For a WT 12x31 section the following properties can be
obtained from the Steel Design Manual
For a WT 12x31 section the following properties can be
obtained from the Steel Design Manual

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