Class Xi HHW

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Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has
been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time.
1. Write an article on any two of these topics:
(A) Evils of Gender Discrimination
(B) India: a medical tourism hub
(C) Journalism as a career
(D) Value Education – A Remedy For Social Evils
2. Write a report on the following topics: (Any 2)
(a) How to overcome stress and anxiety
(b) Great Job Opportunity For Young Students
(c) Cultural Programme to Help Disabled
(d) Seminar to Prevent Cruelty Towards Animals
3. Read newspaper daily and write 2 new words per day with their synonyms and use them
in meaningful sentences.
4. Make a Power Pint Presentation on the following:
✓ Collect information related to King Tut and the Egyptian Civilization. (Roll No.
✓ Collect information related to the chapter ‘The Adventure’. (Roll no. 16-30)
✓ Make a PPT on The Landscape of the Soul’ (Roll no. 31-45)
✓ Make a PPT on Poem ‘Photograph’ (Roll no 46- 60)

Note: - All work to be done in the respective fair notebooks/registers.




NOTE : Do all questions in class work Register.

Q1 A survey of 515 television viewers, produced the following information; 285

watch football, 195 watch hockey, 115 watch basketball, 45 watch football and
basketball, 70 watch football and hockey, 50 watch hockey and basketball, 50 do
not watch any three games. How many watch all the three games? How many
watch exactly one of the three games?

Q2 Define following function and plot graph of each function:

Identity function , Constant Function, Polynomial Function ,Rational function ,

The Modulus Function , Signum function and Greatest integer Function .

Q3 If A = {1,3, 5, 7, 9}, B = {7, 9, 11, 13}, C = {13, 15} , D = {15, 17}.

Find (A B) (B C).and verify (A – B) (B – A) = (A B) – (A ∩B)

Q 4 Solve the following system of inequalities graphically :

𝑥 +2 𝑦 ≥100 ; 2𝑥 - 𝑦 ≤ 0 ; 2x + y ≤200 ; 𝑥 , 𝑦 ≥ 0

Q5 Let A= {1,2,3,4,5}.Let R be the relation on A defined by

{(a,b): a,b∈ A and b - a =1 } Write R in roster form ,domain and range .

Q-6 Revise All Topics taught in Class and complete Activity work.
DAV Public School Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Class –XI Physics
Holiday Homework 2021-22
Teacher: Sanjay Singh
Q 1 Explain the following indirect methods of measurement.
(i) Parallax method to find large distances.
(ii) Method to find size of molecule of oleic acid.
Q 2. What do you mean by errors, precession and accuracy. Then explain the types of errors.
Q 3 Write the uses and limitations of dimensions with examples.
Q 5. Derive the equations of motion by calculus method.
Q.6 Derive for the equation of projectile after defining it. The find
(i) Total time of flight.
(ii) Height of projectile.
(iii) Range of projectile
(iii) Two angles for same range.

1. Students have to revise the covered syllabus.

2. Holiday homework done in class work note copy.
DAV Public School Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Class –XI Chemistry
Holiday Homework 2021-2022
Teacher: Himmi Grover
Q 1 If two elements can combine to form more than one compound, the masses of
one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element, are in whole
number ratio.
(iv) Is this statement true?
(v) If yes, according to which law?
(vi) Give one example related to this law.
Q 2 The reactant which is entirely consumed in reaction is known as limiting
reagent. In the reaction
2A + 4B → 3C + 4D, when 5 moles of react with 6 moles of B, then
(i) Which is the limiting reagent? (ii) Calculate the amount of C formed?
Q 3 Two particles A and B are moving with the same velocity but wave length of
A is found to be double than that of B. What do you conclude?
Q 5 The density of 3M solution of NaCl is 1.25 g mL-1. Calculate the molality of
the solution.
Q.6 How can you apply green chemistry for the following?
(i) To control photochemical smog
(ii) To avoid use of halogenated solvents in dry cleaning and that of chlorine in
(iii) To avoid use of synthetic detergents
(iv) To reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel.
Practical: Learn the test of acidic radicals and basic radicals.
Note: Students have to revise the covered syllabus.
D.A.V. Public School Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad
Class- XI Subject: Biology Session (2021-22)
Holiday Homework
Q.1. Write the full form for the following code – ICVN, ICBN,
Q.2. How will a scientist go about the identification, nomenclature
and classification of a plant which he feels is a new species?
Q.3. Discuss different systems of classification briefly.
Q.4.Give a comparative account of classes of kingdom fungi on the basis
of mode of nutrition and mode of reproduction.
Q5. If you are given a specimen, what are the steps that you would
follow to classify it?
Q6. Differentiate between the following:-
(i) red algae and brown algae
(ii) liverworts and moss
(iii) homosporous and heterosporous pteridophyte
(iv) syngamy and triple fusion

NOTE: Holiday Homework is to be done in Biology note-book.





1. Manjeet Pvt. Ltd. Is a reputed company manufacturing computers. The company is

earning a considerable profit. Both the proprietors and the employees are putting their
best efforts to make good quality products available to the customers at a low price,
paying its shareholders a good amount of dividends and the employees a reasonable
remuneration. This contributes to the successful operations of the business. With
increased profits over time, the company’s foundation becomes strong, and it earns a
good reputation in the society. It utilise its profits to finance its growth and expansion
Explain the role of profit in business of Manjeet Pvt. Ltd. By quoting the lines from
above para.
2. ‘ only sale or exchange of goods and services for the profit is business.’ Do you agree
with the statement? Give reason in support of your answer

3. Ganga Ltd. Is a popular company manufacturing water coolers. Its product is very much
liked by people in the market. The traders are in a race to become the company’s
distributors. The company had been earning huge profits for many years. However, in the
year 2018, the company’s half yearly report shows a great decline in company’s profit.
The top management is worried about this. A team of specialists from outside is
appointed to solve this serious problem. After a thorough examination, the specialists
presented the following reasons for the decline in profits of the company.
i) Increase in competition and charge in taste of the consumers.
ii) Theft of cash and goods by the employees.

Identify and explain the two causes of decline in profits.

4. MVT Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Deals in constructing building, bridges, roads and dams by
using cement, steel, bricks and wood. There are 1000 employees in all working in this
company. The managing director of the company, Mr. Shyamsunder, takes full care of
the quality of the work done. Recently, the company got a contract of constructing five
big buildings, two bridges, one long road and one dam. The company has got a special
division also, which owns one hundred trucks. These trucks are used for transporting
goods on hire. This division is working quite successfully under the supervision of the
divisional manager, Radhika Dasi.
Identify and state two types of industrial activities from the above para by quoting lines.
5. Shreya and vrinda joined together and established a partnership firm dealing in electronic
goods. Each one of them looks after one particular department. They had made it certain
that every Saturday they would hold a meeting and share the information on the activities
of their respective departments. In one of their meetings, they discuss about some key
areas on which they should focus their attention. Shreya says, “ we should focus on
increasing the number of product and profits.” On the other hand, Vrinda says, “ we
should keep clear of the anti social activities like adulteration, hoarding and profiteering,
and contribute to the benefits of the society like opening charitable dispensary,
educational institution, etc.
What are the objectives of business Shreya and Vrinda focusing on? Explain




1. Production at a factory had to stop for a week due to labour strike. The
owner estimated the loss of production and the likely loss of profit arising
out of station. He directed the accountant to record the loss in the boss of
account. Is the owner correct in recording the likely loss? Give reasons.
2. Recording the transactions and events correctly and preparing financial
statements are the only objective of accounting. Do you agree?
3. An infrastructure building highways has a contract to construct road of 25
kms. The project is likely to be completed in 4 years. It has approached a
bank seeking finance. The bank has requested them to prepare projected
yearly accounts whereas the company has argued that since the project shall
be completed in 4 years, projected accounts should be prepared for the end
of the project. Is the company correct in its view? Give reason.
4. Rahul, the proprietor of M/s. R.K. & Co. purchased an air conditioner and
installed it at his residence. The payment was made by issuing a cheque
from the account of M/s. RK & CO. The accountant debited the drawings
account with the amount whereas Rahul is of the view that is should be
debited to the Fixed Assets. In your view who is correct and why?
5. Vijay, a consultant, during the financial year 2017-18 earned Rs.
4,00,000.out of which he received Rs. 3,50,000. He incurred an expense of
Rs. 1,70,000 out of which Rs. 40,000 are outstanding. He also received
consultancy fee relating to previous year Rs. 45,000 and also paid Rs.
20,000 expense of last year.
You are required to determine his income for the year if:
i) He follows cash basis of accounting
ii) He follows accrual basis of accounting.

Answer the following questions:

1. “Scarcity and Choice go together”. Explain the statement
2. Distinguish between an inferior good and a normal good. Is a good which is inferior for
one consumer also inferior for all the consumers? Explain.
3. Draw a Production Possibility Curve. Explain what does a point below this curve
4. For labourers working under MGNREGA Government has increased minimum
employment from 100 to 150 days. How will this affect real and potential level of
5. Explain how the demand for the good is affected by the price of its substitute goods.
Give examples
6. Explain why does demand curve slopes downward?
7. Distinguish between expansion of demand and increase in demand with the help of
What will likely be the impact of large scale outflow of foreign capital of PPC of the economy
and why?
D.A.V. Public School Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Holiday Home Work [2021-22 ]
Class – XI
Subject – Physical Education

Practical file

1. Choose any one sports and game and write down

following :-

(a).Write down its History, measurement , a neat

clean diagram.

(b).Write down its fundamental skills and


(c). Write down the latest rules and regulation.





1. Write an article to be sent to the press (leading newspaper/local

dailies) containing details about the youth festival. Your articles
should outline the following points:-
- Objective behind holding the festival .
- Unique features.
- Event highlight.
- Indirect benefits to students organizing/ participating in events.
- Name of important personalities/guests.
2. Movie review:
- Name of the movie
- Director of the movie
- Cast
- Storyline
- Theme
- Music
- Action
- Direction
Using the above notes write your movie review approximately in
250 words.Read it carefully make the required changes.
D.A.V Public School, Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad
Holiday Home Work, Session 2021-22
Class XI, Subject: Computer Science

QA) Do following question in class note book

Toipic: Basics of Boolean Algebra
Question 1:
Express the OR operator in terms of AND and NOT operator.
Question 2:

Question 3:
Which gates are known as universal gates? Why?
Question 4:
State and verify Associative law using Truth Table.
Question 5:
Draw the equivalent logic circuit for the following Boolean experession :

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
State and define principle of duality. Why is it so important in Boolean Algebra?
Question 2:
Write the equilent boolean expression for the following logic circuit.

Question 3:
Write the equilent boolean expression for the following logic circuit.

Question 4:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 5:
Name the law shown below & verify it using a truth table.

Question 6:
Obtain the Boolean Expression for the logic circuit shown below.

Question 7:
Verify the following using truth table:
(i) X+0=X
(ii) X+x’=1
Question 8:
Obtain the Boolean Expression for the logic circuit shown below.

Question 9:
State Demorgan’s law. Verify one of them using truth table

Question 10:
Draw a logic circuit for the Boolean expression

Question 11:
Obtain the boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below:
Question 12:
Verify the following using Boolean Lawas:
Question 13:
Verify the following using Boolean Lawas:
Question 14:
Obtain the Boolean Expression for the logic circuit shown below:

Question 15:
Verify the following using truth table:
(i) X.X’=0
(ii) X+1=1
Question 16:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 17:
State and prove Distribution law
Question 18:
Name the law shown below & verify it using a truth table.
Question 19:
Write the Boolean Expression for the result of the Logic Circuit as shown below:

Question 20:
Correct the following boolen statements:

Question 21:
Write the Boolen Expression for the result of the Logic Circuit shown below:

Question 22:
Verify the following using Boolen Laws
Question 23:
Verify the following using Boolen Laws x’+y’z = x’y’z’+x’y’z’+x’yz+x’y’z+xy’z
Question 24:
State and prove De-Morgan’s laws in boolean algebra.
DeMorgan’s theorem states that:
(i) (X+Y)’=X’.Y’
(ii) (X.Y)’=X’+Y’
Question 25:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:
Question 26:
Verify the following using truth table:
Question 27:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 28:
Verify the following using truth table:
Question 29:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 30:
State abd cerify De-Morgan’s laws algebraically
Question 31:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 32:
State and algebraically verify Absorption law
Question 33:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 34:
Represent the expression X’.Y+Y’.Z+Z’X using NAND gates
Question 35:
Write the equivalent expression for the following logical circuit:

Question 36:
Verify the following algebraically.
Question 37:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Question 38:
Verify the following algebrically:
Question 39:
Write the equivalent boolean expression for the following logic circuit:

Q B) Make a PPT on any one of the following Topics:

i. Computer Memory
ii. Computer hardware devices
iii. Number System
iv. Encoding Scheme
v. Boolean gate
vi. Boolean laws
vii. Truth table

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