Minor Bebop Scale (Bebop Dorian Scale)

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Minor Bebop Scale (Bebop Dorian scale)

Dve su verzije:
Bebop Dorian scale (Dorian scale with an added major 3rd)
Ako ovu skalu sviramo od 4 tona, imamo 4th dominant bebop skalu, pa je npr. G minor bebop
scale ista kao i C dominant bebop scale. Obe skale imaju iste tonove, samo počinju s različite
pozicije. Možemo reći da je Dominant bebop skala 4th mod 1 verzije minor bebop skale ili
obratno, da je ova skala 5th mod Dominant bebop skale
Alternate Bebop Dorian scale (Dorian scale with an added major 7th)

Bebop Melodic Minor scale (Minor Sixth Diminished scale) - Barry Harris

Bebop Harmonic Minor scale (Bebop Natural Minor scale)

Harmonic minor scale with added b7 tone.
It contains all of the notes of both the harmonic minor scale and the natural minor scale
(Aeolian mode) of the same root.
It can be used on all three chords of a minor II-V-I progression. It is a mode of the bebop major
scale: for instance, the C bebop harmonic minor scale has the same pitches as the E♭ bebop
major scale.

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