Amaal For Layl

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Amaal for Laylatul Qadr

At this night, the affairs of the whole

year are decided and the angels and the
Greatest Spirit are descended by the
permission of Almighty Allah so as to
visit the Imam of the Age (i.e. Imam al-
Mahdi ‫)عليه السالم‬, have the honor of being
present before him, and provide the
destinies of all the beings before him.
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 2

General Acts for All the Nights of

Laylatul Qadr

• 2 Raka’ Salah

• Amaal of Qur’an

• Ziyarah of Imam Husain ‫ عليه السالم‬for the

Nights of Qadr

• General Dua for the Nights of Laylatul

Qadr – Dua ُ‫اللّهُمّ إِنّي أَمْسَيْت‬

• Dua Jawshan Kabir

• Dua Makarim ul-Akhlaq

• Munajat Taibeen

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• Dua Tawbah

• Dua Aafiya (Dua for Wellbeing)

• Munajat Imam Ali ‫عليه السالم‬

• Salaah of Ja’far Tayyar

Amaal Specific to the 19th Night of

the Month of Ramadhan

Duas Specific to 19th Night of the Month of


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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 4

Amaal Specific to the 21st Night and

Day of the Month of Ramadhan

• Duas specific for the night of 21st of the

Month of Ramadhan

• Martyrdom of Imam Ali ‫ – عليه السالم‬Recite

Ziyarah Ameenullah

• Dua after Fajr Salah on the 21st of the

Month of Ramadhan

• Ziyarah of Imam Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬on the 21st

Day of the Month of Ramadhan

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Amaal Specific to the 23rd Night of

the Month of Ramadhan

Recite Dua Hujjah (Dua Allahumma

Kun Li Waliyyik) as much as possible
tonight, while standing, sitting,
prostrating, bowing, etc.
Specific Duas for the 23rd night of the month
of Ramadhan

Common Duas for the Last 10 nights

of the Month of Ramadhan

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General Acts for All the Nights of

Laylatul Qadr

It is recommended to take a Ghusl on the

nights of Laylatul Qadr.

It is highly recommended to give Sadqa

(alms) on these nights.

It is highly advisable to spend the three

Qadr Nights with acts of worship. A
Hadith has it that one who spends the
whole Qadr Nights with acts of worship
will have all his sins forgiven even if
they are as many as stars, as heavy as
mountains, and as weighty as seawater.

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`Allamah al-Majlisi has mentioned that

the most favorable deed at the Qadr
Nights is to pray for Almighty Allah’s
forgiveness, to refer to Him, to pray for
the settlement of one’s worldly and
religious affairs as well as for one’s
parents, relatives, and brethren-in-faith;
the dead and the alive, and to pray for
sending blessings upon the Holy Prophet
‫ صىل هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬and his Household.

Reading some Fiqh rules is highly


`Allamah al-Majlisi has confirmed that

one should recite as much amount as
possible from the Holy Qur'an at this

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night and should also pray with the

supplications of the al-Sahifah al-
Kamilah al-Sajjadiyyah in general and the
supplications of Makarim al-Akhlaq and
al-Tawbah in particular.

It has been also narrated that when he was

asked about the best prayer that one may
say at the Qadr Night, the Holy Prophet ‫صىل‬
‫ هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬said, “Pray for Aafiya.” – Dua


The Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬used to awaken his

family members at the twenty-third night
of the month of Ramadhan (so as to
practice acts of worship) by splashing

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water on their faces.

Lady Fatimah al-Zahra' ‫سالم هاَّلل عليها‬, too,

used to prevent her family members from
sleeping at the twenty-third night of the
month of Ramadhan by reducing the
amount of food that she usually gave to
them and by making them sleep at day so
as not to be overcome by sleepiness at
night. She then used to say, “The actual
deprived is he who is deprived of the
good of this night.”

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Resorting (Tawassul) to
Ahlul-Bait ‫عليه السالم‬

The one who wants to be vigilant

throughout the night, must take refuge in
the sinless (ma'sum) - the one to whom
this night belongs - at the beginning of
that night, should stretch his hands
towards their generous threshold. With
persistence, supplicating in a polite and
soft manner, with words and content
arousing their sympathies, should
beseech them for bestowing upon him
the grace of being vigilant during this
night. Then he must surrender and hand
over all his existence, reason, heart, self,
virtues, deeds to them, and throughout the

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night, must be careful not to commit

anything which is not in harmony with
this surrender, because the one who
succeeds in it, certainly would have
achieved whatever he aspired for during
this night.

How to Bid Farewell to the Night of

Power (Lailatul-Qadr)

As was described for the other important

and esteemed nights, the Night of Power
(Lailatul-Qadr) should also be farewelled
exactly in the similar manner, i.e. at the
end of the night, one should resort
(tawassul) to the Impeccable ones (the
M'asumin ‫ )عليه السالم‬- to whom that night

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belongs - should submit his deeds and

worships to those exalted ones, with a
heart broken, with grief and shedding
tears, should request them to make those
deeds as righteous, and should intercede
with Allah (the Glorious, the Exalted), for
their acceptance, and thus making them as

The sanctity of the Qadr Days should be

considered by engaging oneself with acts
of worship, recitation of the Holy Qur'an,
and praying Almighty Allah. Through a
considerable series of narrators, it has
been narrated that the Qadr Days are as
holy as the Qadr Nights.

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2 Raka’ Salah for the Nights of

Laylatul Qadr

It is recommended to offer a two Rak`ah

prayer reciting at each Rak`ah Surah of
al-Fatihah once and repeating Surah of
al-Tawhid 7 times. After the
accomplishment of the prayer, the
following invocation should be repeated
70 times:

َ‫وبَإِل ْي ِه‬‫ت‬
ُ ُ ‫أ‬
َ ‫ه‬
‫َٱَّلل‬‫ر‬ ِ
ُ ْ‫أَ ْست غ‬
I implore for Allah’s forgiveness and I
repent before Him.

According to a Hadith reported from the

Holy Prophet ‫صىل هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬, Almighty Allah

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will forgive him who offers this prayer

and will forgive his parents before he
leaves his place.

Try to first be really repentant for serious

mistakes done, sincerely ask for
forgiveness either by: (a) recalling 70
different sins OR (b) feeling remorseful
for 10 sins of the 7 main organs: eyes,
ears, tongue, hands, mouth, stomach +
private parts OR (c) some particular
sins that you may have committed
repeatedly OR (d) recalling the variety of
punishments of different sins and finally
resolve NOT TO repeat them in the future,
then only can one realistically expect to
deserve the reward the Holy Prophet ‫صىل هللا‬

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has promised, “Whoever performs

‫عليه وآله وسلم‬

this act will surely be forgiven by the

Almighty even before he rises from his

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Amaal of Qur’an in the Nights of

Laylatul Qadr

It is recommended to open a copy of the

Holy Qur'an between one’s hands and
say the following:

(When opening the Qur’an and praying

for your needs with the intercession of the
Qur’an, realize that while the Qur’an is a
cure for spiritual illness, it only benefits
the pious ones and the evil doers are
deprived of its illumination. Thus increase
the chances for Qur’an intercession to
work on your behalf by earnestly
following the rulings of the Qur’an. )

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 17

ِ‫يه‬ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ّٰ
َ ‫الل ُه هَمَإّنَأَ َْسأَلُكَبكتابكَٱل ُْم ْن زلَوماَف‬
O Allah, I beseech You in the name of Your
revealed Book and that which is in it,

ّٰ ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ْ ْ ُ ْ ‫وف‬
‫س‬ ‫ْل‬
ْ ‫َٱ‬‫ك‬‫ؤ‬‫ا‬ ‫ْس‬ ‫أ‬
َ‫و‬َ ََ
‫ب‬ ‫ك‬‫ٱْل‬ َ‫ك‬
َ ‫َٱْس‬ ِ
‫يه‬ ِ
and Your Great Name and Your (other)
most excellent names are in it,

َ‫افَويُ ْرج ّٰى‬

ُ ‫اَي‬
َُ ‫وم‬
and in it there is that which warns and
gives hope,.

َ‫أَ ْنََتْعل ِِن َِم ْنَعُت قائِك َِمنَٱلنها ِر‬

to include me with those who have been
set free from the Hellfire by You.

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Then, one may implore Allah to fulfill

one’s desires.

It is recommended to put a copy of the

Holy Qur'an on the head and say the

(While placing the Qur’an on the head,

remind yourself that true salvation can
only be achieved by always keeping the
rules of Qur’an ahead of us to follow. The
fact that we put the Qur’an on our head is
a sign of respect and reverence. We
beseech Allah by the thaqalayn - the
speaking and the silent Qur'an (39:56) and
pray for the Aql (intelligence) to be

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completed so that it submits to the Quran

& acquires illumination from it.)

ِ‫آن‬ ِ ِ ّٰ
َ ‫الل ُه هَمَِبق َّٰهذاَٱلْ ُق ْر‬
O Allah, in the name of this Qur'an,

َ‫وِِب ِقَم ْنَأَ ْرس ْلتهَُبِ ِه‬

in the name of the one through whom You
sent it,

َ‫َم ْؤِم ٍنَمد ْحتهَُفِ ِيه‬

ُ ‫ل‬ِ ‫ك‬
ُ َ‫ق‬ِ ِ‫و‬
in the name of every believing individual
You have praised in it,

َ‫وِِب ِقكَعل ْي ِه ْم‬

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and in the name of their duties towards


َ‫ف َِِب ِقك َِم ْنك‬

ُ ‫فَلََأَحدَأَ ْعر‬
for no one knows their duties towards
You better than You do.

Then, one should repeat each of the

following ten times (with a copy of the
Holy Qur’an on the head):

(As you seek intercession of the

Almighty and the 14 Infallibles realize
that God is limitless in Mercy and
the Infallibles are pure agencies for the
distribution of divine mercy to all

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َُ‫بِكََيَا َّّٰلل‬
for Your sake, O Allah,

‫ِِبُح هم ٍَد‬
for the sake of Muhammad,

َ ‫بِعلِ ٍَي‬
for the sake of `Ali,
ِ ‫بِف‬
‫اطم َة‬
for the sake of Fatimah,

َ‫بِٱ ْْلس ِن‬

for the sake of al-Hasan,

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ِ ْ ‫بِٱ ْْلُس‬
for the sake of al-Husain,

ِ ْ ‫بِعلِ ِيَبْ ِنَٱ ْْلُس‬

for the sake of `Ali ibn al-Husain,

َ‫ِِبُح هم ِدَبْ ِنَعلِ ٍي‬

for the sake of Muhammad ibn `Ali,

ٍ ‫ِِب ْعف ِرَب ِنََُح‬

َ‫هد‬ ْ
for the sake of Ja`far ibn Muhammad,

َ‫ِِبُوس َّٰىَبْ ِنَج ْعف ٍر‬

for the sake of Musa ibn Ja`far,

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َ‫َموس ّٰى‬ ِ ِ ِ
ُ ْ ‫ب‬
‫ن‬ ‫َب‬‫ي‬ِ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬
for the sake of `Ali ibn Musa,

َ‫ِِبُح هم ِدَبْ ِنَعلِ ٍي‬

for the sake of Muhammad ibn `Ali,

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ْ ‫بِعل‬
‫ن‬ِ ‫َب‬‫ي‬ِ ِ
for the sake of `Ali ibn Muhammad,

َ‫بِٱ ْْلس َِنَبْ ِنَعلِ ٍي‬

for the sake of al-Hasan ibn `Ali,

‫بِٱ ْْلُ هج َِة‬

for the sake of al-Hujjah.

One should then pray Almighty Allah to

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fulfill one’s desires.

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Ziyarah of Imam Husain ‫ عليه السالم‬for

the Nights of Qadr

Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Mashhadi has

reported, through considerable series of
narrations, that Imam al-Sadiq ‫عليه السالم‬
said the following:

If you want to visit Imam al-Husain ‫عليه السالم‬

—on the Qadr Nights—you may come to
his holy shrine after you wash yourself
and put on the cleanest of your clothes.
When you stop at his tomb, you may face
it, making the qiblah direction between
your shoulders, and say the following:

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ِّٰ َ‫ول‬
َ‫ٱَّلل‬ ِ ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَبْنَر ُس‬
‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O son of Allah’s

َ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَبْنَأَ ِم ِريَٱل ُْم ْؤِمنِي‬

‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O son of the
Commander of the Faithful.
ِ ‫َٱلص ِديق ِةَٱلطه‬
َ‫اهرِة‬ ِ ‫سلمَعل ْيكََيَبْن‬
ُ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O son of the veracious,
immaculate lady

َ ‫اطمةَسيِد ِةَنِس ِاءَٱلْعال ِم‬

‫ي‬ ِ‫ف‬
Fatimah the Doyenne of the women of the

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ِّٰ َ‫يََيَأََبَعب ِد‬

َ‫ٱَّلل‬ َ ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَم ْوَل‬
‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O my master Abu-

َِّٰ َُ‫ور َْحة‬

‫ٱَّللَوب ركاتَُُه‬
So be upon you Allah’s mercy and

‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَنهكَق ْدَأَق ْمتَٱل ه‬

I bear witness that you performed the

َ‫وآت ْيتَٱل هزكاة‬

defrayed the poor-rate,
ِ ‫َوأَمرتَبِٱلْمعر‬
َ‫وف‬ ُْ ْ
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enjoined the right,

‫وَن ْيتَع ِنَٱل ُْم ْنك َِر‬

forbade the wrong,

َ‫هَتِلَوتِِه‬ ِ ‫وت لوتَٱل‬

َ ‫ْكتابَحق‬ ْ
recited the Book (i.e. the Holy Qur'an) as
exactly as it should be recited,

َ‫اد ِه‬
ِ ‫هَجه‬ َِّٰ َ‫وجاه ْدت َِِف‬
ِ ‫ٱَّللَحق‬
strove for the sake of Allah as exactly as
striving must be,

‫َُمت ِسباًَح ّٰه‬

َ‫َّت‬ ُْ ‫ٱْلذ ّٰى َِِفَج ْنبِ ِه‬
َْ َ‫وص ْبتَعل ّٰى‬
َُ ‫أََتكَٱلْي ِق‬

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and faced all troubles steadfastly for His

sake, seeking his reward, until death came
upon you.

َ‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَ هنَٱله ِذينَخال ُفوكَوحاربُوك‬

I also bear witness that those who
dissented you, those who fought against

َ‫وٱله ِذينَخذلُوكَوٱله ِذينَق ت لُوك‬

those who let you down, and those who
slew you

َ‫هبَٱ َْلُِم ِي‬ ِ ‫م ْلعونُونَعل ّٰىَلِس‬

ِ ِ‫انَٱلن‬ ُ
(all those) were accursed directly by the
Meccan Prophet.

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َّٰ ‫وق ْدَخابَم ِنَٱفَْت‬

And he who forges lies indeed fails to
attain his desire.

َ‫ٱَّللَُٱلظهالِ ِميَل ُك ْم َِمنَ ْٱْل هولِي‬

َّٰ َ‫لعن‬
َ‫و ْٱْل ِخ ِرين‬
May Allah curse those who wronged you
from amongst the past and the present

َ‫وضاعفَعل ْي ِه ُمَٱلْعذابَٱْلَلِيم‬
May Allah also double for them the
painful torment.
ِّٰ َ‫ول‬
َ‫ٱَّلل‬ ِ ‫أَت ْي تُكََيَم ْوَليََيَبْنَر ُس‬

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O my master and son of Allah’s

Messenger, I have come to you

َ‫زائِراًَعا ِرفاً َِِب ِقك‬

visiting you, acknowledging the standing
that you enjoy,

َ ِ‫ُموالِياًَ ِْل َْولِيائ‬

declaring my loyalty to those who are
loyal to you,

َ ِ‫اد ََيً َِْل ْعدائ‬

‫ك‬ ِ ‫مع‬
renouncing your enemies,

َ‫صراًَبِٱ ْْلُد ّٰىَٱله ِذيَأَنْتَعل ْي ِه‬

ِ ‫مست ْب‬
seeking to follow the true guidance that
you are following,

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َ‫عا ِرفاًَبِضلل ِةَم ْنَخالفك‬

and recognizing the deviation of those
who oppose you;
ِ ‫فٱ ْشف َعَِِل‬
َ ِ‫َع ْندَرب‬
‫ك‬ ْ
so, (please) intercede for me before your
You may then throw yourself on the tomb,
kiss it, put your cheek on it, move yourself
towards the place of the head, and say the

َ‫ض ِهَوْسائِِه‬ ِّٰ َ‫سلمَعليكََيَحجة‬

ِ ‫ٱَّللَِِفَأََر‬
ْ ُ ْ ُ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O Argument of Allah
in His lands and heavens.

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َ‫بَوجس ِدك‬
ِ ِ‫وحكَٱلطهي‬ ِ ‫ٱَّللَعل ّٰىَر‬
َ ّٰ َ‫ى‬ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫ص‬
ُ ُ ّٰ
ِ ‫ٱلطه‬
‫اه َِر‬
May Allah bless your immaculate spirit
and your pure body.

َِّٰ َُ‫يَور َْحة‬

َُ‫ٱَّللَوب ركاتُه‬ َ ‫سل ُمََيَم ْوَل‬
‫وعل ْيكَٱل ه‬
Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be
upon you, O my master.

You may again throw yourself on the

tomb, kiss it, put your cheek on it, move
yourself towards the place of the head,
and offer the two Rak`ah prayer of
Ziyarah after which you may offer any
possible amount of Rak`ahs.

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Ziyarah of Ali ibn Husain on the

Nights of Qadr

َ‫يَوٱبْنَم ْوَلي‬
َ ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَم ْوَل‬
‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O my master and son
of my master.

َِّٰ َُ‫ور َْحة‬

‫ٱَّللَوب ركاتَُُه‬
So be upon you Allah’s mercy and

َّٰ َ‫لعن‬
َ‫ٱَّللَُم ْنَظلمك‬
May Allah curse those who wronged you.

َّٰ َ‫ولعن‬
َ‫ٱَّللَُم ْنَق ت لك‬
May Allah curse those who slew you.

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َ‫وضاعفَعل ْي ِه ُمَٱلْعذابَٱْلَلِيم‬
May Allah double the painful
chastisement for them.

You may then pray Almighty Allah for

anything you want.

Ziyarah of Martyrs of Karbala for

the Nights of Qadr

َ ‫اَٱلص ِدي ُق‬

‫ون‬ ِ ‫سلمَعل ْي ُكمَأَيُّه‬
ْ ُ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O veracious ones.

َ ‫صابُِر‬
‫ون‬ ُّ ‫سل ُمَعل ْي ُك ْمَأَيُّه‬
‫اَٱلشهداءَُٱل ه‬ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O steadfast martyrs.

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ِّٰ َ‫يل‬
َ‫ٱَّلل‬ ِ ِ‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَنه ُك ْمَجاه ْد ُُْت َِِفَسب‬
I bear witness that you strove in the way
of Allah,
ِّٰ َ‫ب‬
َ‫ٱَّلل‬ ِ ‫وص ْبُُْتَعل ّٰىَٱْلَذ ّٰى َِِفَج ْن‬
acted patiently against harm for the sake
of Allah,

َ‫ي‬‫ق‬ِ ‫َّتَأََت ُكمَٱلْي‬

ّٰ ‫ه‬ ‫َح‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ول‬‫س‬ ‫ر‬ِ
‫ل‬‫و‬ََِ ّٰ
‫َّلل‬ ِ َ‫ونص ْحتُ ْم‬
ُ ُ ُ
and did sincerely for the sake of Allah and
His Messenger until death came upon you.
ِ ‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَن ُكمَأَحياء‬
َ‫َع ْندَربِ ُك ْمَتُ ْرزقُون‬ٌ ْ ْ
I bear witness that you are alive and are
being provided sustenance from your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 37

َ‫َوأَ ْهلِ ِهَأَفْضل‬ َّٰ َ‫فجزا ُك ُم‬

َ ‫ٱَّللَُع ِنَٱ ِإل ْسلِم‬
َ‫جز ِاءَٱل ُْم ْح ِسنِي‬
May Allah reward you with the best
reward of the good-doers on behalf of
Islam and its people

َ‫وَجعَب ْي ن ناَوب ْي ن ُك ْم َِِفَُم ِلَٱلن ِهع ِيم‬

and may He join us to you in the abode of
Ziyarah of Abbas ibn Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬for
the Nights of Qadr

َ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَبْنَأَ ِم ِريَٱل ُْم ْؤِمنِي‬

‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O son of the
Commander of the Faithful.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 38

َُ ِ‫صال‬
‫ح‬ ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكَأَيُّهاَٱلْع ْب ُدَٱل ه‬
‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O righteous servant
(of Allah)

َ‫َّللَولِر ُسولِ ِه‬

ُ ُ
ِ ‫ٱلْم‬
and obedient to Allah and to His

َ‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَنهكَق ْدَجاه ْدتَونص ْحت‬

I bear witness that you strove (in the way
of Allah), acted sincerely,

َ‫ي‬ ِ ‫َّتَأََتكَٱلْي‬
‫ق‬ ّٰ ‫وص ْبتَح ه‬
and tolerated (harm) until death came
upon you.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 39

َ‫ٱَّللَُٱلظهالِ ِميَل ُك ْم َِمنَ ْٱْل هولِي‬

َّٰ َ‫لعن‬
َ‫و ْٱْل ِخ ِرين‬
May Allah curse those who wronged you
from the past and the present generations

َ‫َوأَ ْْلق ُه ْمَبِد ْر ِكَٱ ْْل ِح ِيم‬

and may He send them to the lowest layer
of the blazing Hell.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 40

General Dua for the Nights of Laylatul

Qadr –
Dua ُ‫اللّ ُهمّ إِنّي أَمْسَيْت‬

ً‫تَلكَع ْبداًَداخرَا‬ ِِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه هَمَإّنَأَ ْمس ْي‬
O Allah, surely I am at this evening Your
passive slave;

ًَ‫كَلِن ْف ِسيَن ْفعاًَوَلَضرا‬ ِ

ُ ‫َلََأَ ْمل‬
I have no control of hurt or good to myself

ُ ‫ه‬ ‫ن‬
ْ ‫َع‬‫ف‬ُ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫ص‬
ْ َ‫وَ َلََأ‬
and I cannot drive back any evil from

‫أَ ْشه ُدَبِ ّٰذلِكَعل ّٰىَن ْف ِسي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 41

I testify to this against myself.

ِ ‫فَلكَبِض ْع‬
َ‫فَقُ هوِت‬ ُ ‫َوأَ ْع َِت‬
To You do I confess of my powerlessness
ِ ‫وقِله ِة‬
َ‫َحيل ِت‬
and my feebleness.

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬ ِ ‫َُم هم ٍدَو‬

ُ ‫آل‬ ُ ‫فص ِلَعل ّٰى‬
So, (please do) send blessings to
Muhammad and the Household of

َ‫َوأَ ِْْن ْز َِِلَماَوع ْدت ِِن‬

and fulfill what You have promised me,

َِ ‫َجيعَٱل ُْم ْؤِمنِيَوٱل ُْم ْؤِمن‬

‫ات‬ ِ‫و‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 42

as well as all the believing men and


َ‫ِمنَٱلْمغْ ِفرِة َِِف َّٰه ِذ ِهَٱللهْي ل ِة‬

that is Your forgiveness at this night,

َ ِ ‫َوأَ ْْتِ ْمَعل هيَماَآت ْي ت‬

and accomplish that which You have
conferred upon me,

َُ ‫يَٱل ُْم ْست ِك‬

‫ي‬ ُ
ِ ‫فِإِّنَعَب ُدكَٱل ِْم‬
‫سك‬ ْ
for I am Your slave—the poor, the

َ‫ي‬ ِ
‫ه‬ ‫ْم‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ري‬‫ق‬ِ ‫يفَٱلْف‬
ُ ِ
‫ع‬ ‫ه‬
‫ض‬ ‫ٱل‬
ُ ُ
the weak, the needy, and the humiliated.

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمََلَََتْع ْل ِِنََن ِسياًَلِ ِذ ْك ِركَفِيماَأَ ْول ْي ت ِِن‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 43

O Allah, (please) do not make me

negligent of the mention of You as regards
that which You have bestowed upon me,

َ‫َإل ْحسانِكَفِيماَأَ ْعط ْي ت ِِن‬

ِِ ً‫وَلَغافِل‬
do not make me inadvertent to Your
favors to me as regards that which You
have given me,

َ‫تَع ِِن‬‫أ‬
َ ‫ط‬
ْ ْ ْ‫ب‬ ‫َا‬‫ن‬ِ
‫ت‬ ‫اب‬ ‫ج‬ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ن‬ ِ
‫َم‬ً‫ا‬ ‫س‬ِ‫وَ َلََآي‬
do not make me despair of Your
responding to me, even if such response is

َ‫ِِفَس هراءَأَ ْوَض هراء‬

whether I be in prosperity, adversity,

َ‫َش هد ٍةَأَ ْوَرخ ٍاء‬

ِ ‫أَو‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 44

hardship, comfort,

َ‫أَ ْوَعافِي ٍةََأ ْوَبَلَ ٍء‬

wellbeing, ordeal,

‫اء‬ ٍ ‫أَ ْوَبُ ْؤ‬

َ ‫سَأَ ْوَن ْعم‬
misery, or bliss.
ِ‫اء‬ ُّ ‫يع‬
َ ‫َٱلدع‬ ِ ‫إِنهك‬
Verily, You are the Hearer of prayers.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 45

Specific Amaal for the 19th Night of

the Month of Ramadhan

It is recommended to repeat the following

invocation 100 times at the nineteenth
night of the Month of Ramadhan:

‫وبَإِل ْي َِه‬‫ت‬
ُ ُ ‫أ‬
َ‫و‬َ َ ِ
‫ّب‬‫ر‬َ ‫ه‬
‫َٱَّلل‬‫ر‬ ِ
ُ ْ‫أَ ْست غ‬
I implore for Allah’s forgiveness, my
Lord, and I repent before Him.

It is recommended to repeat the following

invocation 100 times at the nineteenth
night of the Month of Ramadhan:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 46

َ ِ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَٱلْع ْنَق ت لةَأَ ِم ِريَٱل ُْم ْؤِمن‬

O Allah, (please do) curse the slayers of
the Commander of the Believers.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 47

Dua Specific to the 19th Night- Dua

َ‫يَا ذَا َّالذِي كَان‬

It is recommended to recite the following


َ ،‫َيَذاَاله ِذيََكانَق ْبلََ ُك َِلَش ْي ٍء‬

O He Who has been always there before
all things,

َ ،‫ُُثَخلقََ ُك هَلَش ْي ٍء‬

And He then created all things,

َ ،‫ُُثَي ْب قىَوي ْفنََ ُك َُّلَش ْي ٍء‬

And He then stays while all things vanish.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 48

َ ،ٌ‫َيَذاَاله ِذيَل ْيسَك ِمثْلِ ِهَش ْيء‬

O He Whose like in not found at all

َِ ‫سماو‬
َ ،‫اتَٱلْعُلى‬ ‫ٱل‬ َ ِ
‫َِف‬‫س‬ ‫ي‬ ِ ‫ه‬
‫ه‬ ْ ‫وَيَذَاَال‬
‫ل‬ َ‫ي‬
َ ‫ذ‬
O He; neither in the highest heavens,

َ ،‫الس ْفلى‬
ُّ َ‫ي‬
َ ِ
‫ض‬ َ ََِ‫وَل‬
‫ِفَ ْاْلر‬
Nor in the lowest layers of the earth

َ‫وَلََف ْوق ُه هَنَوَلَََتْت ُه هَنَوَلََب ْي ن ُه هَنََإِ ّٰل َهٌَيُ ْعب َُد‬

َ ،ُ‫غ ْريَُه‬
Nor above them, nor beneath them, nor
there is between them any god that is
worshipped save Him.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 49

َ‫ىَعلىَإِ ْحصائَِِهَإِهََل‬
َ ‫لكََا ْْل ْم َُدََحْدَاًََلََي ْقو‬
َ ،َ‫أنْت‬
To You be the praise that none can count
save You,

ََ‫آلَ ُُم هم ٍَدَصل َةًََل‬

َِ ‫فص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَو‬
َ .َ‫ىَعلىَإِ ْحصائِهاَإِهََلَأنْت‬
َ ‫ي َْقو‬
So, please bless Muhammad and the
Household of Muhammad with the
blessings that none can count save You.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 50

Dua Specific to the 19th Night of

Ramadhan –
Dua ‫ل فِيمَا َتقْضِي‬
ْ َ‫اللّهُمّ اجْع‬

It is recommended to say the following


َ ‫ضيَوتُق ِد َُر‬
ِ ‫ٱجعل َِِفَماَت ْق‬ ََ
‫م‬‫ه‬ ‫ه‬ ّٰ
‫لل‬ ‫ا‬
ْ ْ ُ
O Allah, at the time of taking decisions
َ ‫وم‬ ِ ِ
َ ُ‫منَ ْٱْل ْم َرَٱلْم ْحت‬
that are inevitable

َ‫وِِفَماَت ْف ُر ُق َِمنَ ْٱْل ْم َِرَٱ ْْل ِك ِيم َِِفَل ْي ل ِة‬

‫ٱلْق ْد َِر‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 51

and rendering possible things and events

decisively, at the night of Qadr,

َ‫ِفَٱلْقض ِاءَٱله ِذيََلََيُردَُّوَ َلََيُب هد ُل‬

in the decisions that are neither retreated
nor altered,

َ‫اجَب ْيتِكَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

ِ ‫َح هج‬‫ن‬ ِ ‫أَ ْنََتْعل ِِن‬
ُ ْ
(please) write my name in the list of those
pilgrims of Your ‘Sacred House’

َ‫ٱلْم ْبُوِرَح ُّج ُه ُم‬

whose pilgrimage receive Your approval,

َ‫ٱلْم ْش ُكوِرَس ْعيُ ُه ُم‬

whose efforts are appreciated,

ُ ُ‫ٱلْمغْ ُفوِرَذُن‬
َ‫وُبُ ُم‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 52

whose sins are forgiven,

َ‫ٱل ُْمك هف ِرَع ْن ُه ْمَسيِئا ُُتُ ْم‬

and whose offenses are pardoned by You.

َ ‫ٱجع ْل َِِفَماَت ْقضيَوتُق ِد َُر‬

Decide from among the decisions that You

َ ‫أَ ْنَتُ ِطيلَعُ ْم ِر‬

to grant me long lifetime,

َ …‫وتُو ِسعَعل هي َِِفَ ِر ْزقِي‬

expand means of livelihood…

One may mention his desires after that.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 53

Dua Specific to 21st Night of the

Month of Ramadhan –
Dua ‫حلْما‬ِ ‫وَاقْسِمْ لِي‬

Al-Kaf`ami has quoted Sayyid Ibn Baqi as

saying that it is recommended to say the
following supplication at the twenty-first
night of the month Ramadhan:

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫َو‬‫د‬ٍ ‫م‬ ‫ُم‬ َ
‫ّٰ ُ ه‬َ
‫ى‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ص‬ ََ
‫م‬ ّٰ
‫ا ُه‬
O Allah, (please) bless Muhammad and
the Household of Muhammad

َ‫س ُّدَع ِِنََببَٱ ْْل ْه ِل‬ ‫َي‬‫ا‬

ً ‫م‬ ‫ل‬
ْ ِ
‫َح‬ ِ
‫َِل‬‫م‬ ِ
‫س‬ ‫ق‬
ْ ‫ٱ‬‫و‬
ُ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 54

and decide for me forbearance that blocks

the door to ignorance against me,

َ‫ىَْتُ ُّنَبِ ِهَعل هي َِم ْنَ َُك ِلَضلل ٍة‬

ً ‫د‬ ‫ه‬
ُ ‫و‬
guidance that You confer upon me against
any item of straying off,

َ‫س ُّدَبِ ِهَع ِِنََببَ ُك ِلَف ْق ٍر‬ ‫َت‬‫ن‬ّٰ ِ

‫غ‬ ‫و‬
affluence that blocks the door to all
poverty against me,

ِ ‫وقُ هو ًةَت رد‬

ٍ ‫َُُّباَع ِِنَ ُك هلَض ْع‬
َ‫ف‬ ُ
power due to which You repel any
weakness from me,

َ‫و ِعزاًَتُ ْك ِرُم ِِنَبِ ِهَع ْنَ ُك ِلَذُ ٍل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 55

might with which You honor me against

all humiliation,

َ‫وِرفْ عةًَت ْرف عُ ِِن َُِباَع ْنَ ُك ِلَضع ٍة‬

sublimity through which You exalt me
against all humbleness,
ٍ ‫َوأَمناًَت ردَُّبِ ِهَع ِِنَ ُك هلَخو‬
َ‫ف‬ ْ ُ ْ
security through which You protect me
against any fear,

َ‫وعافِيةًَت ْس َُتُِّن َُِباَع ْنَ ُك ِلَبَلَ ٍء‬

wellbeing by which You cover me against
any ailment,

ٍ ‫و ِع ْلماًَت ْفت ُح َِِلَبِ ِهَ ُك هلَي ِق‬


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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 56

knowledge due to which You open before

me all certitude,

ٍ ‫وي ِقيناًَتُ ْذ ِهبَبِ ِهَع ِِنَ ُك هلَش‬

َ‫ك‬ ُ
certitude due to which You remove from
me any doubt,

ََ‫ِفَ ّٰه ِذ َِهَٱللهْي ل َِة‬ ِْ َ‫ط َِِلَبِ ِه‬

َ ََِ‫ٱإلجابة‬ ُ‫س‬ُ ‫ب‬
ْ ‫َت‬‫اء‬
ً ‫ع‬ ‫د‬
ُ ‫و‬
‫ساع َِة‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬ ِ
‫ه‬ ِ
‫ذ‬ ‫وِِف َّٰه‬
prayer through which You expand Your
response to me at this very night and at
this very hour,

ُ‫ساعةََيَك ِر َي‬
‫ساعةَٱل ه‬
‫ساعةَٱل ه‬
‫ٱل ه‬
this very hour, this very hour, this very
hour, O All-generous,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 57

َ‫ش ُر َِِلَبِ ِهَ ُك هلَر َْح ٍة‬

ُ ‫وخ ْوفاًَت ْن‬
apprehension due to which You spread
over me all items of mercy,

‫وب‬ ُّ ‫ول َُِباَب ْي ِِنَو ْبي‬

َِ ُ‫َٱلذن‬ ُ ُ‫صمةًََت‬ ِ‫و‬
and shelter due to which You intervene
between my sins and me,
ِ ‫صومي‬
‫َع ْند َك‬ ِ ‫اَع ْندَٱلْمع‬
ِ ‫َّتََأُفْلِح َُِب‬
ّٰ ‫ح ه‬
so that I shall succeed in the view of the
Infallible ones with You,

ِِ ‫بَِر َْحتِكََيَأَرحمَٱل هر‬

َ‫اَحي‬ ْ
in the name of Your mercy, O most
Merciful of all those who show mercy.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 58

Dua Specific to the 21st Night of

Month of Ramadhan –
Dua ‫يَا مُولِجَ ال ّليْلِ فِي النّهَار‬

Shaykh al-Kulayni, in ‘al-Kafi’, has

narrated, with a complete series of
narrators, that the following supplication,
which is also narrated in ‘al-Muqni`ah’
and ‘al-Misbah’ yet with an interruption
in the series of narrators, should be said at
the twenty-first night of Month of

َ‫َمولِجَٱللهْي ِل َِِفَٱلنهها ِر‬

ُ ‫َي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 59

O He Who causes the night to enter into

the day,

َ‫وُمولِجَٱلنهها ِر َِِفَٱللهْي ِل‬

causes the day to enter into the night,

ِ ِ‫َُمْ ِرجَٱ ْْل َِيَ ِمنَٱلْمي‬

َ‫ت‬ ُ‫و‬
brings forth the living from the dead,

َ‫ت َِمنَٱ ْْل ِي‬

ِ ِ‫و ُُمْ ِرجَٱلْمي‬
and brings forth the dead from the living!
ِ ‫َيَرا ِزقَمنَيشاءَبِغ ِري‬
ٍ ‫َحس‬
َ‫اب‬ ْ ُ ْ
O He Who gives sustenance to whomever
He please without measure!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 60

‫َح‬ْ ‫َر‬‫َي‬ ََ ّٰ
ُ ‫ا‬ َ‫َي‬
O Allah! O All-beneficent!

َ‫يم‬ ِ‫َّللََيَر‬
‫ح‬ ُّٰ ‫َيَا‬
O Allah! O All-merciful!

َّٰ ‫َّللََُيَا‬
َ ُ‫َّلل‬ َّٰ ‫َّللََُيَا‬
َّٰ ‫َيَ ا‬
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

ّٰ ‫اءَُٱ ْْلُ ْس‬
َ ‫لكَ ْٱْل ْْس‬
To You are the Most Excellent Names,

‫الَٱلْعُ ْليا‬
َُ ‫َو ْٱْل ْمث‬
the most elevated examples,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 61

ِ ‫وٱل‬
َُ‫ْك ِْبَيءَُو ْٱْلَلء‬
greatness, and bounties.

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫َو‬‫د‬ٍ ‫م‬ ‫َُم‬‫ى‬
‫ّٰ ُ ه‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬‫ي‬ِ‫أَ َْسأَلُكَأَ ْنَتُصل‬
I beseech You to bless Muhammad and
the Household of Muhammad,
َ ‫َٱلسعد‬
ُّ ِ
‫َِف‬‫ة‬ِ ‫ل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ذ‬ ‫َه‬
ّٰ ِ
‫ِف‬ َ‫ي‬ ِ
ْ ‫َوأَ ْنََتْعل‬
include my name with the list of the
happiest ones,

َِ ‫َٱلشهد‬
‫اء‬ ِ ‫ور‬
ُّ ‫وحيَمع‬ُ
add my soul to the martyrs,
ِ ‫وإِحس ِاّن َِِف‬
َ‫َعلِيِي‬ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 62

record my good deeds in the most exalted


َ‫وإِساءِتَم ْغ ُفورًة‬
decide my offense to be forgiven,

َ‫اش ُرَبِ ِهَق ْلِب‬

ِ ‫َوأَ ْنَُتب َِِلَي ِقيناًَتُب‬
grant me certitude that fills in my heart

َ‫كَع ِِن‬ ‫بَال ه‬‫ه‬ِ ‫وإِي ماَنًَي ْذ‬
ُ ُ
and faith that removes doubt from me,

ِ ‫وتُر‬
َ‫ضي ِِن َِِباَقس ْمت َِِل‬ ْ
make me feel satisfied with that which
You decide for me,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 63

ِ ‫وآتِن‬
ُّ ‫اَِف‬
‫َٱلدنْ ياَحسن ًَة‬
grant us reward in this world

ًَ‫وِِفَ ْٱْل ِخرَِةَحسنة‬

and reward in the Hereafter,

َ‫وقِناَعذابَٱلنها ِرَٱ ْْل ِر ِيق‬

save us from the torment of the burning

ِ ‫وٱرُزقْ ِِنَفِيه‬
َ ‫اَذ ْكَركَو ُش ْكركَوٱل هر ْغبةَإِل ْي‬
‫ك‬ ْ
and confer upon us at this night Your
mentioning, thanking You, desiring for

َ‫َُم همداًَوآل‬
ُُ ‫ه‬ ‫َل‬‫ت‬‫ق‬ْ ‫ه‬
‫ف‬ ‫اَو‬‫م‬ِ‫َل‬‫يق‬ِ ِْ ‫َو‬
‫ٱإلَنبةََوٱلت ْهوف‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 64

َ‫سل ُم‬ ‫َٱل‬‫م‬ ِ

‫ه‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬‫ع‬‫َو‬‫ه‬ِ ‫ي‬ ٍ
‫ْ ُ ه‬ ْ ‫ُُم هم‬
turning to You, and success to that to
which You led Muhammad and the
Household of Muhammad, peace be upon
him and them.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 65

Dua Specific to 21st Night of the

Month of Ramadhan –
Dua َ‫أ ْشه ُدَأ ْنََلَإله‬
Sayyed ibn Tawus narrates in his book
Iqbal Amaal the following supplication
for the 21st Night of the Month of
Ramadhan from the Holy Prophet ‫صىل هللا‬
‫عليه وآله وسلم‬:

َ‫بِ ْس ِمَهللاَال هر َْح ِنَال هرِح ِيم‬

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent,
the Most Merciful

َُ‫أ ْشه ُدَأ ْنََلَإلهَإَِلهَهللاَُو َْحدهََُلَش ِريكَله‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 66

I bear witness that there is no God but

God. He is One and there are no partners
for Him

ُ ‫وأ ْشه ُدَأ هن‬

ُ‫َُم همداًَع ْب ُدهَُور ُسولَُه‬
I bear witness that Muhammad is His
servant and Prophet

َ‫وأ ْشه ُدَأ هنَا ْْلنهةَحقٌَّوالنهارَح ٌّق‬

I bear witness that Paradise is true and
Hell is true
ِ ‫ساعةَآتِيةٌََلَريب‬
‫َفيها‬ ‫وأ هنَال ه‬
And I bear witness that the Hour is sure
to come and there is no doubt about it

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 67

َ‫ثَم ْن َِِفَالْ ُقبُوِر‬

ُ ‫وأ هنَهللاَُي ْب ع‬
and that God shall resurrect the dead
from the graves

َُ‫بَرِّبََلَش ِريكَلهَُوَلَولدَله‬ ‫وأ ْشه ُدَأ هنَال هر ه‬

‫وَلَوالِدَل َُه‬
I bear witness that the Lord is my Lord.
There are no partners for Him. He has not
been born and nor shall He have a child.
ِ ‫الَلِماَي ِري ُدَوالْق‬
َ‫اد ُرَعلىَ ُك ِل‬ ُ ُ ‫وأ ْشهَ ُدَأنههَُالْف هع‬
‫ش ْي ٍَء‬
I bear witness that He does whatever He
Wills. He has Power over everything

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 68

ِ ‫صانِعَلِماَيري ُدَوالْق‬
َ‫اه ُرَم ْنَيشاءَُوال هرافِ ُع‬ ُ ُ ‫وال ه‬
َُ‫م ْنَيشاء‬
He can create whatever He wills. He is the
Subduer who can do what He wills! The
Exalter of whom He pleases!

َ‫يم‬‫ح‬ِ‫ادَالْغ ُفورَال هر‬ِ ‫كَورا ِز ُقَال ِْعب‬ِ ‫كَالْم ْل‬

ُ ِ
ُ ُ ُ
َُ ِ‫يمَا ْْلل‬
‫يم‬ ُ
Lord of Power (and Rule)! Provider of
Sustenance for the people! All-Forgiving,
Merciful! The Knowledgeable! The

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 69

َ‫أ ْشه ُدَأ ْشه ُدَأ ْشه ُدَأ ْشه ُدَأ ْشه ُدَأ ْشه ُدَأنهك‬
ِ ‫س ْي ِديَكذلِكَوف وقَذلِكَ َلَي ْب لُ ُغَالْو‬
َ‫اص ُفون‬ ْ
َ‫ُك ْنهَعظمتِك‬
I bear witness, I bear witness, I bear
witness, I bear witness, I bear witness, I
bear witness that You-my Master-are so
and much more and You are He whose
depth of Grandeur those who extol cannot

َ‫لىَُم هم ٍدَوآلِ ِه‬

ُ ‫الله ُه همَص ِلَع‬
O God, Please send your blessings on
Muhammad and His Household

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 70

ِ ُ‫و ْاه ِدِّنَوَلَت‬

َ‫ضلهِِنَب ْعدَإِ ْذَهديْ ت ِِن‬
Please guide me and do not let me be
deviated after having guided me.

َُّ ‫اديَالْم ْه ِد‬

.‫ي‬ ِ ‫إِنهكَأنْتَا ْْل‬
For surely, You are the Guide.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 71

Ziyarah Ameenullah

َ ‫ض َِه‬ ِّٰ َ‫سلمَعليكََيَأَ ِمي‬

ِ ‫ٱَّللَِِفَأَر‬
ْ ْ ُ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O trustee of Allah on
His lands

َ ‫اد َِه‬ ِ ‫وح هجتهَعل ّٰى‬

ِ ‫َعب‬ ُ ُ
and argument of Allah against His

َ ِ‫سل ُمَعل ْيكََيَأَ ِمريَٱل ُْم ْؤِمن‬

َ‫ي‬ ‫ال ه‬
Peace be upon you, O Commander of the

َ ‫اد َِه‬
ِ ‫هَجه‬ َِّٰ َ‫أَ ْشه ُدَأَنهكَجاه ْدت َِِف‬
ِ ‫ٱَّللَحق‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 72

I bear witness that you strove for the sake

of Allah as it ought to be striven,

َ ‫وع ِم ْلتَبِ ِكتابَِِه‬

acted upon His Book,

َ ‫َسننَنبِيِ َِه‬
ُ ‫وٱتهب ْعت‬
and followed the instructions of His

َ ‫ٱَّللَُعل ْي ِهَوآلَِِه‬
َّٰ َ‫صلهى‬
peace of Allah be upon him and his

َ ‫َجوا ِرَِه‬
ِ ‫ٱَّللَإِ َّٰل‬
َُّٰ ََ‫َّتَدعاك‬
ّٰ ‫ح‬
until Allah called you to be in His vicinity.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 73

َ ‫ف قبضكَإِل ْي ِهَبِٱ ْختِيا ِرَِه‬

So, He grasped you to Him by His will

َ ‫َوأَلْزمَأَ ْعدائكَٱ ْْلُ هج َة‬

and put your enemies under the claim

ِ ‫معَماَلك َِمنَٱ ْْلج ِجَٱلْبالِغ ِةَعل ّٰى‬

َ‫ََجي ِع‬ ُ
َ ‫خ ْل ِق َِه‬
although you have inclusive claims
against all of His creatures.

ِ ِ ِ
َ َ‫يَمطْمئنهةًَبقدرك‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫ٱجع ْلَن ْفس‬
ْ ‫الل ُه هَمَف‬
O Allah, (please do) cause my soul to be
fully tranquil with Your decrees,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 74

َ ِ‫اضيةًَبِقضائ‬
َ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ر‬
satisfied with Your acts,

َ ِ‫ُمولعةًَبِ ِذ ْك ِركَو ُدعائ‬

fond of mentioning and praying to You,

َ َ‫ُُِمبهةًَلِص ْفوَِةَأَ ْولِيائِك‬

bearing love for the choicest of Your
intimate servants,

َ َ‫ضكَوْسائِك‬
ِ ‫ُْمبوبةً َِِفَأَر‬
ْ ُ
beloved in Your lands and heavens,

َ َ‫ولَبلئِك‬
ِ ‫صابِرةًَعل ّٰىَنُ ُز‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 75

steadfast against the affliction of Your


ِ ‫شاكِرةًَلِفو‬
َ َ‫اض ِلَن ْعمائِك‬
thankful for Your graceful bounties,

َ َ‫ذاكِرةًَلِسوابِ ِغَآَلئِك‬
always bearing in mind Your incessant

َ َ‫ُم ْشتاقةًَإِ َّٰلَف ْرح ِةَلِقائِك‬

longing for the gladness of meeting You,

ِ ِ
َ َ‫ىَلِي ْومَجزائك‬
َّٰ ‫ُمت ز ِودةًَٱلته ْقو‬
supplied with piety for the day of Your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 76

َ َ‫سن َِنَأَ ْولِيائِك‬

ِ‫ُمست نهةًَب‬
pursuing the morals of Your intimate

َِ ‫ُمفا ِرقةًَ ِْل ْخل‬

َ َ‫قَأَ ْعدائِك‬
quitting the conducts of Your enemies,

َ َ‫اَِب ْم ِدكَوث نائِك‬

ِ ‫َٱلدنْ ي‬
ُّ ‫م ْشغُولةًَع ِن‬
and distracted from this world by
praising and thanking You.
The Imam ‫ عليه السالم‬then put his cheek on
the tomb and said:

ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫ه‬ ِ ّٰ
َ ٌ‫الل ُه هَمَإنَقُلُوبَال ُْم ْخبتيَإل ْيكَواْل َة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 77

O Allah, the hearts of those humbling

themselves to You are fascinated,
ِ ‫وسبلَٱل هر‬
َ ٌ‫اغبِيَإِل ْيكَشا ِرع َة‬ ُُ
the paths of those desiring for You are

ِ ‫اص ِدينَإِل ْيكَو‬

َ ٌ‫اضح َة‬ ِ ‫َوأَ ْعلمَٱلْق‬
the sings of those directing to You are

َ ٌ‫َوأَفْئِدةَٱلْعا ِرفِي َِم ْنكَفا ِزع َة‬

the hearts of those having recognition of
You are resorting to You,
ِ ‫اعيَإِليكَص‬
َ ٌ‫اعد َة‬ ِ ‫َوأَصواتَٱل هد‬
ْ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 78

the voices of those beseeching You are

mounting up to You,

َ ٌ‫َمفتهح َة‬‫م‬ ‫ْل‬ ََ

‫ة‬ِ ‫اب‬ ‫ج‬ ِ
ْ َ‫َوأَبْ واب‬
ُ ُْ
the doors of responding to them are wide

َ ٌ‫َم ْستجاب َة‬

ُ ‫ود ْعوةَم ْنََنجاك‬
the prayer of him who speaks to You
confidentially is responded,

َ ٌ‫وت ْوبةَم ْنَأََنبَإِل ْيكَم ْقبُول َة‬

the repentance of him who turns to You
modestly is admitted,

َ ٌ‫وع ْبةَم ْنَبك ّٰى َِم ْنَخ ْوفِكَم ْر ُحوم َة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 79

the tear of him who weeps on account of

fear from You is compassionated,

َ ٌ‫اثَبِكَم ْو ُجود َة‬

َ ‫ٱست غ‬َ ِ
‫ن‬ ‫م‬ِ‫ٱإلغاثةََل‬
ِْ ‫َو‬
the aid of him who seeks Your aid is

َ ٌ‫َٱست عانَبِكَم ْب ُذول َة‬‫ن‬ِ ‫م‬ِ‫ٱإلعانةََل‬

ِْ َ‫و‬
the help of him who seeks Your help is

َ ٌ‫َم ْنجزَة‬‫ك‬ ِ ‫و ِعداتِكَلِ ِعب‬

Your promises to Your servants are

َ ٌ‫َمقال َة‬
ُ ‫ك‬‫ال‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ٱس‬ ِ
ْ ‫وزللَم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 80

the slips of him who implore You to

excuse him are forgivable,

َ ٌ‫َُم ُفوظ َة‬

ْ ْ‫ك‬‫ي‬ ‫د‬ ‫َل‬‫ي‬ِ
‫ل‬ ِ
‫ام‬‫َوأَ ْعمالَٱلْع‬
the deeds of those who act for You are

َ ٌ‫َٱْللئِ ِق َِم ْنَل ُدنْكََن ِزل َة‬

ْ ‫َوأَ ْرزاقكَإِ َّٰل‬
Your sustenance to the creatures are
descending from You,

ِ ‫وعوائِدَٱلْم ِز‬
ِ ‫يدَإِل ْي ِهمَو‬
َ ٌ‫اصل َة‬ ْ
Your gifts for further conferrals are
reaching them,

َ ٌ‫وذُنُوبَٱل ُْم ْست غْ ِف ِرينَمغْ ُفورَة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 81

the sins of those imploring Your

forgiveness are forgiven,
ِ ‫وحوائِجَخَْل ِقك‬
ِ ‫َع ْندكَم ْق‬
َ ٌ‫ضيهَة‬
the requests of Your creatures are
granted by You,

َ ٌ‫َموفهرَة‬‫ك‬ ‫د‬ ِْ ‫سائِلِي‬

‫ن‬ ‫َع‬ ِ
‫وجوائ ه‬
the prizes of those begging You are

َ ٌ‫َمت واتِرَة‬ ِ ‫وعوائِدَٱلْم ِز‬

Your gifts for further conferrals are

َ ٌ‫َمع هد َة‬‫ي‬‫م‬ِ ‫وموٱئِدَٱلْمستطْ ِع‬

ُ ُْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 82

the dining tables for those seeking Your

feeding are prepared,

َ ٌ‫َم َْتع َة‬ ِ ‫ٱلظم‬

‫اء‬ ِ ََ‫اهل‬
ِ ‫ومن‬
and the springs of quenching their thirst
are brimful.

َ ‫َدعائي‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ‫ب‬ ْ ‫ٱستج‬
ْ ‫الل ُه هَمَف‬
O Allah, (so) respond to my prayer,

َ ‫وٱقْ ب ْلَث نائِي‬

accept my thanksgiving for You,

َ ‫ٱَج ْعَب ْي ِِنَوب ْيَأَ ْولِيائِي‬

and join me to my masters,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 83

َ ‫َُم هم ٍدَوعلِ ٍَي‬

ُ ‫ِِب ِق‬
[I beseech You] in the name of
Muhammad, `Ali,
ِ ‫وف‬
َِ ْ ‫اطمةَوٱ ْْلس ِنَوٱ ْْلُس‬
Fatimah, al-Hasan, and al-Husain.

َ ‫ِلَن ْعمائِ َي‬

ُّ ِ‫إِنهكَو‬
You are verily the only source of my

َ ‫اي‬
َ ‫َمن‬
ُ ‫وُم ْن ت ه ّٰى‬
the ultimate goal of my wishes,

َ ‫َم ْن قلِبَومثْ و‬
َ ‫اي‬ ِ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 84

and the target of my hope in my recourses

and settlement.
In the book of Kamil al-Ziyarat, the
following statements are added to this
form of Ziyarah:

َ‫ي‬ َ ‫أَنْتَإِ ّْٰلِيَوسيِ ِد‬

َ ‫يَوم ْوَل‬
You are verily my God, Master, and Lord.

‫اِ ْغ ِف ْر َِْل ْولِيائِنا‬

(Please) forgive our friend,

‫وُك ه‬
َ ‫فَعنهاََأ ْعدائ نَا‬
prevent our enemies against us,

َ َ‫َوأَ ْش ِغ ْل ُه ْمَع ْنَأَذاَن‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 85

distract them from harming us,

َ ‫َوأَظْ ِه ْرَكلِمةَﭐ ْْل َِق‬

give prevalence to the Word of Truth

َ ‫ﭐجع ْلهاَﭐلْعُ ْليا‬

ْ ‫و‬
and make it the supreme,
ِ ‫ضَكلِمةَﭐلْب‬
َ ‫اط َِل‬ ِ ‫َوأَ ْد‬
and frustrate the word of falsehood

َ َ‫اَﭐلس ْفل ّٰى‬

ُّ ‫ﭐجع ْله‬
ْ ‫و‬
and make it the lowliest.

ِ ٍ
ٌَ ‫إِنهكَعل ّٰىَ ُك ِلَشىءَقد‬
َ ‫ير‬
Verily, You have power over all things.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 86

Dua to be Recited After Fajr Salah

on the 21st of the Month of
This supplication has been mentioned by
Sayyed ibn Tawus in his book of Iqbal al-
Amaal from Imam Ja’far Sadiq ‫عليه السالم‬
who recited in Sijdah (Prostration):

َِ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُمقلِبَالْ ُق‬

َ ،‫لوبَو ْاْلبْصا َِر‬
There is no god save You, the
Transformer of hearts and sights

ْ َ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََخالِق‬
ِ ‫اْل‬
There is no god save You, the Creator of
the creatures,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 87

َ ،‫َبِلََحاج ٍةَفِيكََإِلي ِه َْم‬

While You do not need them.

ْ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُم ْب ِدئ‬

َ‫َاْل ْل ِق‬
There is no god save You, the Originator
of the creation.

ِ ‫صَ ِمنَم‬
َ ،ٌ‫لككَش ْيء‬ ُ ْ َُ ‫َوَلََي ْن ُق‬
And nothing of creation decreases any of
Your Kingdom.

َ ،‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتَََب ِعثَم ْن َِِفَاَلْ ُقبوِر‬

There is no god save You, the Resurrector
of those who are in graves.

َْ َ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُمدبِر‬

َ ،‫اْلُموِر‬ َ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 88

There is no god save You, the Manager of

all affairs.

َ .‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََد هَينَوجبهارَا َْْلبابِرِة‬

There is no god save You, the Master and
the most Omnipotent of all those who
claim omnipotence.
َِ‫ص ْخرة‬ ِ
َ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُُْم ِريَالْم‬
‫اءَِفَال ه‬
َِ ‫ص هم‬
َ ،‫اء‬ ‫ال ه‬
There is no god save You. It is You Who
causes water to flow in hard rocks.

َ ،‫هبات‬ َِ ‫يَالْم‬
ِ ‫اءَِفَالن‬ َ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُُْم ِر‬

There is no god save You. It is You Who

causes water to flow in plants.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 89

َ ،‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُمك ِونََط ْع ِمَالثِما ِر‬

There is no god save You, the Maker of the
flavors of fruits.

َ‫صيَعد ِدَاَلْقطْ ِرَوما‬

ِ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُُْم‬

َ ،‫اب‬
َُ ‫سح‬
‫َتْ ُ ه‬
‫ال‬ َ‫ه‬ُ‫ل‬‫م‬ِ
There is no god save You. It is You Who
keeps count of the number of the drops of
rain and what is loaded by the clouds.

َ‫صيَعد ِدَماََتْريَبِ ِه‬ ِ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُُْم‬

ِ ‫الرَيحَِفَا ْْل‬
َ ،‫واء‬ ِ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 90

There is no god save You. It is You Who

keeps count of the number of what the
wind carry in the air.

َ‫اَِفَالْبِحا ِر َِم ْن‬ ِ ‫َلََإِ ّٰلهََإِهََلَأنْتََ ُُْم‬

ِ ‫صيَم‬
ٍ ِ‫بَوَيب‬
َ ،‫س‬ ٍ ْ‫رط‬
There is no god save You. It is You Who
keeps count of what is there in oceans—
the wet and the dry.

ِ ‫بَِفَظُلُم‬
َ‫ات‬ ِ ‫َُم‬
ُّ ‫صيَماَي ُد‬ ُْ ‫َلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬
.‫ى‬ ِ ْ‫الْبِحا ِرَوِِفَأط‬
َ ‫باقَالثهر‬
There is no god save You. It is You Who
keeps count of whatever creeps in the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 91

darknesses of oceans and in the layers of

the earth.

َ ،‫أ ْسألُكََ َِب ِْْسكَالهذيَْس ْهيتَبِ ِهَن ْفسك‬

I beseech You by Your Name that You
have used for Yourself
َ ،‫َع ْندك‬ ِ ‫استأْث ْرتََبِ ِهَع ّٰلىَ ِع ْل ِمَالْغ ْي‬ ِ
ْ ‫أ‬ََ
Or You have stored for Yourself in the
hidden knowledge of You.

َ‫هاكَبَِِهَأح ٌَدَ ِم َْن‬

َ ‫َاس ٍمَْس‬
ْ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ك‬
ُ ِ
‫وأ ْسألُكَب‬
َ ،‫خ ْل ِقك‬
And I beseech You by every name that is
ascribed to You by any of Your created

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 92

َ‫يدَأَ ْوَأَح ٍد َِم ْن‬ ْ

ِ َ‫ِمنَنِ ٍبَأَو‬
ٍ ‫ص ِد ٍيقَأوَش ِه‬
ْ ْ
َ ،‫مَلَئِكتِك‬
Such as the Prophets, the veracious ones,
the martyrs, or any of Your angels.

َ‫ََب ِْْسكَالهذيَإِذاَ ُد ِع ْيتََبِ ِه‬

ِ ‫وأ ْسألُك‬
َ ،‫أج ْبت‬
And I beseech You by Your Name that You
answer anyone who beseeches You by it,

َ .‫وََإِذاَ ُسئِ ْلتَبِ ِهَأ ْعط ْيت‬

And You respond to anyone who asks You
by it.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 93

َ‫لىَُم هم ٍدَوأ ْه ِلَب ْيتِ ِه‬

ُ ‫وأ ْسألُك َِِب ِقكَع‬
َ ،‫صلواتُكَعل ْي ِه ْمَوب ركاتُك‬
And I beseech You in the name of the duty
that is incumbent upon Muhammad and
his Household—Your blessings and
benedictions be upon them—toward You,

َ ،‫وِِب ِق ِه ُمَالهذيَأ ْوج ْب تهَُعلىَن ْف ِسك‬

And by the duty that You have made
incumbent upon Yourself toward them,

َ ،‫ضلك‬ ِ ِ
ْ ‫وأن ْلت ُه ْمَب‬
And through which You granted them
Your favors,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 94

َ ِ‫لىَُم هم ٍدَع ْب ِدكَور ُسول‬

‫ك‬ ُ ‫ع‬ َ ‫ي‬
َ ِ
‫أَ ْنَتُصل‬
(please) bless Muhammad, Your servant
and Your Messenger:
ِ ‫ال هد‬
َ‫اعيَإِل ْيكََِبِِ ْذنِك‬
The caller to You by Your permission,
ِ ‫اط ِعَبي‬
ِ ‫َعب‬
َ ،‫اد َك‬ ِ ‫س‬
‫ه‬ ‫َال‬‫ك‬ ِ
‫اج‬ ‫ر‬‫س‬ِ ‫و‬
And Your incandescent lantern from
among Your servants

َ ،َ‫ضكَوْسائِك‬
ِ ‫ِِفَأر‬
In Your lands and Your heavens,

َ ،‫وجع ْلتهَُر َْحةًَلِ ْلعالمي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 95

And he whom You made mercy for the


َ ،َ‫نُ ْوراًَإِ ْستضاءََبَِِهَال ُْم ْؤِمنُون‬

And light through whom the believers
have obtained their light;

ِ ‫شرَنَِِبز‬
َ ،‫يلَثوابِك‬ ‫فب ه‬
He this conveyed to us the good tidings
about Your abundant reward

َ .َ‫وأنْذرَنََ ْاْللِيمََ ِم َْنَعذابِك‬

And also warned us against Your painful
ِ ‫أ ْشه َُدَأنهَهَق َْدَجاءََ َِب ْْل ِق َِمن‬
َ‫َع ْن ِدَا ْْل ِق‬ ْ ُ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 96

َُ ‫وص هدقَال‬
َ ،‫ْم ْرسلي‬
I bear witness that he carried to us the
truth from the True God, and he verified
the Messengers.

ِ ‫وأ ْشه َُدَأ هَنَاله ِذينَك هذبُوهَُذائُِقوَالْعذ‬

َِ ِ‫ْاْلل‬
And I bear witness that those who belied
him shall certainly taste the painful

َ ،ُ‫أ ْسألُكَََيَهللاََُيَاهللََُيَاهلل‬
I beseech You, O Allah; O Allah; O Allah;

َ ،ُ‫َيَرهَب َهََُيَرهَب َهََُيَرهَب َه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 97

O our God; O our God; O our God;

َ ،‫َيَسيِديََيَسيِديََيَسيِدي‬
O my Master; O my Master; O my Master;

،‫َيََم ْوَليَََيََم ْوَليَََيََم ْوَلي‬

O my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord.

َ‫داةَأ َْنَتُصلِيََعلى‬
َِ ‫أ ْسألُكََِفََه ِذ َِهَالْغ‬
‫َُم هم ٍَد‬ ِ ‫ُُم هم ٍدَو‬
ُ ‫آل‬
I beseech You in this early morning to
bless Muhammad and the Household of

ََ‫َوسائِلِ ْيك‬ ِ ‫وأ َْنََتْعلِنَ ِم َنَأوف َِرَ ِع‬

َ ‫بادك‬ ْ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 98

َ ،ًَ‫ص ْيبَا‬
And to include me with Your servants and
beseechers upon whom You confer the
most abundant of Your rewards,

َ ،‫تَ ِمنََالنها َِر‬ َِ ‫وأ َْنَْتُ هَنَعل هَيَبِفك‬

َ ِ ‫اكَرق ب‬
And to confer upon me with releasing me
from Hellfire,
ِ ‫َيَأرحمَال هر‬
َ .‫اَحي‬ ْ
O the most Merciful of all those who show

َ‫وأ ْسألُك َِِب ِم ْي ِعَماَسألْتُكَوماََلََْأ ْسألْك‬

،‫ِم ْنَع ِظ ْي ِمَجللِك‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 99

And I beseech You to settle for me all that

which I asked from You and also all that
which I did not ask from You; that which
belongs to Your splendid majesty,

َ ،‫ماَل َْوَعلِ ْمتَُهَُلسألْتُكََبِ ِه‬

That which I would ask from You if I knew

َ ،‫َوأَ ْه ِلَب ْيتِ ِه‬

َ ‫لىَُم هم ٍد‬
ُ ‫ع‬ َ ‫ي‬
َ ِ
‫أَ ْنَتُصل‬
(and I beseech You to) send blessings
upon Muhammad and his Household,

َ‫جَأَ ْولِيائِك‬
ُ ‫ر‬ ‫َف‬‫ه‬ِ ‫وأ َْنََتْذنََلِفر ِجَمنَبِفرِج‬
َ ،‫ص ِفيائِك َِم ْنَخ ْل ِقك‬ْ َ‫َوأ‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 100

And to permit the Relief of him whose

relief achieves the relief of Your intimate
servants and Your select ones from
among Your created beings,

َ ،‫وبِ ِهَتُبِْي ُدَالظهالِ ِم ْيَو ُُتْلِ ُك ُه ْم‬

And through whom You will terminate
and eradicate the oppressors.

َ ،َ‫بَالْعالمي‬
‫ه‬ ‫ََيَر‬‫ك‬ِ
‫ع ِج ْلَذل‬
(Please) hasten that, O the Lord of the

ِْ ‫َس ْؤِِلََيَذاَٱ ْْلل َِلَو‬

َ‫اإل ْكر ِام‬ ِ
‫ِن‬ ِ ‫وأ ْع‬
And (please) grant me my requests, O the
Lord of majesty and honor,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 101

ِ ‫الدنْياَو‬
َ‫آج َِل‬ ِ ِ‫ِفََج ْي َِعَماَأسألْتُكََل‬
ُّ َ‫عاج َِل‬
َ .‫ْاْل ِخرَِة‬
As regarding all that which I have asked
You from my needs for this worldly life
and the Hereafter.

َِ ‫ِل َِم ْنَح ْب ِلَالْوِر‬

َ ،َ ‫يد‬ ِ
‫بَإ ه‬
ُ ‫َهوَأقْ ر‬
ُ ‫َيََم ْن‬
O He Who is nearer to me than my life-

َ‫أَقِ ْلِنَعثْ رِت‬

(Please) overlook my slips,

َ ،‫وأقِ ْل ِِنَبِقض ِاءَحوائِ ِجي‬

And revive me through settling my needs.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 102

َ ،‫َيَخالِِقيَوَيَرا ِزقيَوَيََب ِعثِي‬

O my Creator; O the Source of my
sustenance; O my Resurrector;

َ ،‫وَيَ ُُْميِيَ ِعظ ِاميَو ِهيَرِم ْي ٌَم‬

O He Who shall give life to my bones
when they are rotten:

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬ ِ ‫لىَُم هم ٍدَو‬

ُ ‫َآل‬ ُ ‫ص ِلَع‬
(Please do) bless Muhammad and the
Household of Muhammad,
ِ ‫وَ ٱست ِجبَِِلَدعائِيََيَأرحمَالر‬
َ .َ‫اَحي‬ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ

And respond to my prayer; O the most

Merciful of all those who show mercy.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 103

Ziyarah of Imam Ali ‫ عليه السالم‬on the

21st Day of the Month of Ramadhan

This is the day on which Imam `Ali Amir

al-Mu'minin ‫ عل ل للل ل ليل ل لله السل ل ل ل ل ل ل ل للالم‬departed life as a
martyr. It is thus appropriate to visit his
holy tomb. These words can be considered
a form of visiting Imam `Ali ‫ عليه السل ل ل ل ل للالم‬on
this day. These words, quoted from al-
Kafi 1:454, are as follows:

َ‫هللاََُيََأََبََا َْْلسَ ِن‬ َ ِ‫َر‬

َ ََ‫َحك‬
May Allah have mercy upon you, O Abal-

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 104

ِ ِ ِ
ً‫لمَاًَ َوأَ َْخلَصَ َُه َْمََإيَا ََن‬
َ ‫َُكَْنتََأَ هَولََاَلْقَ َْوَمََإ َْس‬
You were the first of all in accepting Islam
and the most sincere of all in faith,
َِِّٰ‫َوأَشَ هَد َه َمَيَ َِقينَاًَ َوأَ َْخ َوفَ َه َم‬
َ‫َّلل‬ ُْ ُْ
And you were the firmest in conviction
and the most Allah-fearing,

َِ َ‫ول‬
َ‫هللا‬ َِ ‫ىَر َُس‬
َ َ‫ناءًَ َوأَ َْح َوطَ َُه َْمَعَل‬
َ َ‫َوأَ َْعظَمَ َُه َْمَع‬
‫ىَهللاَُعَلََْي َِهَ َو َآلَِِه‬
َ ‫صََله‬
And you were the most steadfast (against
ordeals for the sake of Islam) and the
most watchful for Allah’s Messenger—
peace be upon him and his Household,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 105

َ ِ‫صحَاَبَِِهَ َوأََفْضَلَ َُه َْمَمَنَ َاق‬

‫ب‬ َْ َ‫َوآمَنَ َُه َْمَعَلَىَأ‬
And you were the most careful for his
companions and you were endowed with
the most favorable merits,

ً‫َوأَ َْكَرمَ َُه َْمَسَ َواَبِقََ َوأََْرفَعَ َُه َْمَدََرجَ َة‬

And you were the foremost of everyone
else in everything, and the owner of the
most elevated rank,

َ‫ىَهللاَُعَلََْي َِهَ َو َآلِ ِه‬

َ ‫هللاَصََله‬ َِ ‫َوأَقَْ َر َُبُ َْمَ َِم َْنََر َُس‬
َِ َ‫ول‬
And you were the closest of them to
Allah’s Messenger—peace be upon him
and his Household,

ًَ‫ْسْتَاًَ َوَفِ َْعل‬

َ ‫َوأَ َْشبَهَ َُه َْمََبَِِهَهَ َْد ََيًَ َو َُخَلُقَاًَ َو‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 106

And you were the most similar to him in

guidance, morals, manners, and deeds,

َ‫َوأَ َْشَرفَ َُه َْمَمََْنَِزلَ َةًَ َوأَ َْكَرمَ َُه َْمَعَلََْي ِه‬
And you were the owner of the most
honorable position, and the most
respected (by Almighty Allah and His

َ‫اإل ْسلَِمَ َوعَ َْنََر َُس َولَِِهَ َوعَ َِن‬ ِْ َ‫هللاَُع َِن‬
َ َ‫اك‬
َ ‫فَجََز‬
َ .ً‫سَلِ َِميََخَ َْريَا‬
َْ ‫اَلْ َُم‬
May Allah reward you on behalf of Islam,
the His Messenger, and the Muslims with
the best rewarding.

َْ َ‫ق ِويْتَ َِحيََضَ َعُفََأ‬

‫صحَ َابَُُه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 107

You became stronger when his

companions became weak,

‫َوبَ َرَْزتََ َِحيََٱ َْستَكَاَنُوا‬

And you advanced when they

‫ضتََ َِحيََ َوهََنُوا‬

َْ َ‫َوَن‬
And you stood up (to face difficulties)
when they became showed weak-

َ‫ىَهللاَُعَلََْي َِه‬
َ ‫هللاَصََله‬ َِ َ‫ول‬َِ ‫َولََزَْمتََ َِم ْنَهَاجَََر َُس‬
َْ َ‫َو َآلَِِهََإِ َْذَ َُه َْمَأ‬
‫صحَ َابَُُه‬
And you abode by the course of Allah’s
Messenger—peace be upon him and his

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 108

Household—as they were his


‫َوَُكَْنتََخََلِيفَتَ َهَُحَقًََا‬
And you were truly his vicegerent.

َْ ‫ضَر‬
َْ ُ‫عَ َوََلََْت‬
َْ ‫ََلَْتَُنَاَِز‬
No one could ever compete with you or
vie with you in this position

َِ ‫َبَُِر َْغ َِمَاَلْ َُمَن َافِ َِقيََ َوغََْي‬

َ ‫ظَالْكافِ ِر‬
In spite of the existence of hypocrites and
the despise of the unbelievers,

َ .‫اس ِقي‬
ِ ‫صغ َِرَٱلْف‬ ِ ‫َوَُكَرَِهَٱ ْْل‬
ِ ‫اس ِدينََو‬
And the malice of the enviers and the
disgrace of the wicked ones.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 109

َِ َ‫فَ َُق َْمتَََبِٱ ْْل ْم َِر َِحيََف‬

You thus managed the matters when they
failed to do so

‫َونَطَ َْقتََ َِحيََتَتَ َْعتَ َعُ َوَٱ‬

And you spoke (the truth) when they

َِ َ‫َومَضََْيتَََبَِنُوَِر‬
‫هللاَإ َْذَ َوقَ َُف َوَٱ‬
And you carried on with the light of Allah
when they stopped.

َ ُ‫فَاتهَبَ َع‬
‫وكَفَ َُه َُد َوَٱ‬
As they followed you, they were guided
(to the true path),

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 110

ً‫له َْمَقََُنُو ََت‬

َُ ‫َوَُكَْنتََأَ َْخفَضَ َُه َْمَصَ َْو ََتًَوَ أَ َْع‬

You voice was the lowest (out of

politeness) and was the highest in

َْ َ‫َوأَقََله َُه ْمََكَلمَاًَ َوأ‬

ً‫ص َو َُبُ َْمََنُ َطْقَا‬
And you were the least in speaking and
the you were the most eloquent of them,

ً‫َوأَ َْك َبَُه َْمََرَأْ ََيًَ َوأَ َْشجَعَ َُه َْمَقََْلبَا‬

And you were the most apposite in
opinions and the most courageous,

َ َ‫َوأَشَ هَد َُه َْمَيَ َِقينَاًَ َوأَ َْحسَنَ َُه َْمَعَم‬

َ‫لًَ َوأَ َْعَرفَ َُه َْم‬
َ .‫بِ ْٱْلُ ُمور‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 111

And you were the firmest in conviction,

the best of them in deeds, and the most
learned in questions.

َِ ‫لدي َِنَأَ هَو ََلًَ َو‬

َ :ً‫آخرَا‬ َِ ِ‫سو ََبًََل‬ َِ ‫َُكَْنتََ َو‬
َُ ‫هللَيَ َْع‬
By Allah (I swear), you were the true
leader of the religion first and last:

ََ‫هاسَو ْٱْل ِخ َُرَ َِحي‬

َُ ‫ا ْْل هولََ ِحيََت ف هرقََٱلن‬
َِ َ‫ف‬
You were thus the first (of the enduring
ones) when the other people departed,
and you were the last (in steadfastness)
when they failed.

َُ َ‫َُكَْنتَََلَِْل َُم َْؤَِمَنِيََأَ ََبًََرَِحيمَاًََإِ َْذَص‬


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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 112

ًَ ‫َِعيَا‬
For the believers, you were merciful
father, as they were your dependants;

‫فَحَمََْلتََأَثَْقَالََمَاَعََْن َهَُضَ َعُ َُفوا‬

So, you carried the burdens that they
were too weak to carry,

َْ َ‫واَوَرعََْيتََمَاَأ‬َ َ‫َوحَ َِف َظْتََمَاَأَض‬
َ ُ‫اع‬
And you preserved that which they
forfeited, and you conserved that which
they neglected,

‫ٱجتمعُواَ َوعَلَ َْوتَََإِ َْذَهَلَ َعُوا‬ َ ِ ِ‫شهَرتََإ‬

ْ ْ َ ‫َو‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 113

And you prepared yourself for facing

those who allied (against Islam) and you
advanced when they were dismayed,

َ ُ‫َوصَ َْبتَََإِ َْذَأَ َْسَر َع‬

‫واَوأَ ْدَرَْكتََأَ َْوَتَرََمَاَطَلََبُوا‬
And you resisted when they hurried (in
absconding) and you achieved the goals
for which they fought,

َِ َ‫اََلَْ َْيت‬
‫سَبُوا‬ َ َ‫َوَنََلُواََبِكََم‬
And they tasted at your hands that which
they had not expected.

‫َُكَْنتََعَلَىَاَلْكَ َافَِِرينََعَذَا ََبًَصَبََاًَ َو ََنْبًَا‬

You were thus incessant and relentless
torment on the unbelievers

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 114

َْ ‫َوَلَِْل َُم َْؤَِمَنِيََعَمَدَاًَ َو َِح‬

And you were support and shelter for the

‫اَوفََُْزتَََِِببَ َائِها‬ َِ ‫َفُ َِطَْرتََو‬

َ ‫هللََبِنَ َْعمَ َائِ َه‬
Thus, I swear by Allah that you won its
bliss and gained its reward,

‫اَوذَهََْبتَََبِفَضَ َائَِلِهَا‬
َ َ‫َوأَ َْح َرَْزتََسَ َواَبِغَه‬
And you attained its merits and prevailed
on its worth.

َْ ‫جَتُكََ َوََلَْيََِز‬
َ‫ََلَْتَ َْفَلُ َْلَ َُح ه‬
Your argument was never weak and your
heart never deviated,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 115

َْ‫سكََ َوََل‬
َُ ‫بَنَ َْف‬ َِ َ‫فَب‬
َْ ُ ْ‫ص َريَتُكََ َوََلَْ ََت‬ َْ ُ‫ض َع‬
َْ َ‫َوََلَْت‬
‫َتُ َْن‬
And your sagacity was never feeble, and
your determination never cowered, and
you never betrayed.

‫ف‬ ِ ‫َُكَْنتََكٱ ْْلب َِلََلََ َُت ِرُك َهَُالْعو‬

َُ ‫اص‬
You were as firm as mountain, as storms
could never displace you,

َْ ‫َص‬ َُ ‫َأَ َِمنََالَنه‬:َ‫َوَُكَْنتََكَمَاَقَال‬
َ َِ‫اس‬
َُ ‫ِف‬
َ .َ‫اتَيَ َِدك‬
َِ َ‫َوذ‬
And you were as exactly as what was said
about you: People felt secure under your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 116

government and in what was entrusted

with you.

َ ًَِ‫كَقَ َِو ََي‬

َ‫ِف‬ َ ًَِ‫َضَ َِعيفَا‬:َ‫َوَُكَْنتََكَمَاَقَال‬
َ ِ‫ِفَبَدََن‬
َِ َ‫أَ َْم َِر‬
You were also as exactly as what was said
about you: modest in your body and
strong in carrying out the orders of Allah,
ِ َ‫سكََعَ َِظيمَاًَ َِعَْن َد‬
َ‫هللا‬ َِ ‫ِفَنَ َْف‬ َِ ‫َُمتَ َو‬
َ ًَِ‫اضعَا‬
Humble in yourself and enjoying a great
standing with Allah,

َ ِ‫لًَ َِعَْندََاَلْ َُم َْؤَِمَن‬

‫ي‬ َ ‫ضَجََلِي‬
َِ ‫كََبِريَاًَِفَ ْاْل ْر‬
Great in the earth and lofty in the view of
the believers.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 117

ََ‫ََلَْيَ َُك َْنَ ِْلح ٍَدَفِيكََم ْه ِم ٌَزَوَلَََلِقَ َائِ ٍَلََفِيك‬

‫مَ َغْمَ ٌَز‬
None could ever find fault with you, and
none could ever speak evil of you,

َ‫وَلََ ِْلح ٍَدَفِيكََمطْم ٌَعَوَلََ ِْلح ٍَدَ َِعَْندَ َك‬

َ .ٌ‫هَ َوادَ َة‬
And you never desired for anyone, And
you were never lenient (unfairly) to

َ‫َّت‬ ٌَّ ‫يلَ ِع ْند َكَق ِو‬

ٌَ ‫يَع ِز‬
َ‫يزَح ه‬ َُ ِ‫يفَال هذل‬
َُ ‫ض ِع‬
‫ال ه‬
‫َتْ ُخذََلَ َهََُِِب َِق َِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 118

The weak, humble one was strong and

mighty in your view until you give him
back his right,

َ‫يلَح ه‬ ٌَ ‫يزَ ِع ْند َكَض ِع‬
ٌَ ِ‫يفَذل‬ َُ ‫يَالْع ِز‬
َُّ ‫َواَلْقَ َِو‬
‫َتْ ُخذََ َِمَْن َهَُا َْْل هَق‬
And the strong, mighty one was weak in
your view until you take the others’ rights
from him.

َ .ٌ‫اء‬ َ َِ‫يبَ َواَلْبَ َِعي َُدَ َِعَْن َد َك‬

َ ‫ِفَذََلِكََسَ َو‬ َُ ‫َواَلْقََِر‬
The near and the remote were equal in
your view.

َِ ‫قَ َو‬
َ‫الرَفْ ُق‬ َِ ‫شََأَْنُكََا َْْل َُّقَ َو‬
َُ ‫الص َْد‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 119

You habit was to be right, honest, and


َ‫َوقَ َْوَلُكََ َُح َْك ٌَمَ َوحََْت ٌم‬

And your words were ruling and

َ‫َوأَ َْمَُر َكَ َِحَْل ٌَمَ َوحََْزٌم‬

And your custom was forbearance and

َ َِ‫َوَرَأَْيُكََ َِعَْل ٌَمَ َوعََْزٌَم‬

And your view was knowledge and
firmness in whatever you did.

َِ َ‫يلَ َو َُس َِهلََبِكَاَلْع‬

َُ‫سري‬ َ‫َوقَ َْدَ ََُنِجََبِكَال ه‬
َُ ِ‫سَب‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 120

Through you, the right path was taken

and the difficult was made easy,

َ ‫ينَ َوقَ َِو‬

َ‫ي‬ َِ ََ‫النِ َريا َُنَ َوا َْعَتدَلَََبِك‬
َُ ‫الد‬ َ َ‫ت‬َِ َ‫َوَأُ َطْ َِفئ‬
‫ون‬ ِ ُ‫َبِكََاإل َسلَ َمَوامل‬
َ ُ‫ؤمن‬ ُ ْ
Fires were also extinguished by you and
the religion became even at your hands,
and Islam and the believers because
mighty because of you,

َ‫َوسَبَ َْقتََسََْبقَاًَبَ َِعيدَاًَوأتْ ع ْبتََمَ َْنَبَ َْعدَ َك‬

‫تَعَبَاًَشَ َِديدًَا‬
You thus advanced in great strides and
stopped and curbed the wrongdoings of
those who came after you.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 121

َ ََِ‫تََرَِزيهََتُك‬
َ‫ِف‬ َِ َ‫فَجَلََْلتََعَ َِنَاَلَْبُك‬
َْ َ‫اءَ َوعَ َظُم‬
َِ َ‫سم‬
‫اء‬ َ‫ال ه‬
You are thus too lofty to be mourned and
the calamity (of losing you) was so
astounding for the inhabitants of the

ْ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ َْ ‫َوهَ هَد‬
ُ ‫تَ َُم‬
‫ت‬ َ
‫يب‬ َ
And this calamity undermined all people.

َِ ‫يهََر‬
َ‫اج َعُون‬ ِ‫فِإ هََنَِه‬
َِ ‫َّللَوإِ هََنَإِل‬
Surely, we are Allah's and to Him we shall
surely return.

َِ‫هللاَقَضَائَ َهَُوسََله َْمناَِه‬

َُ‫َّللَأَ َْمَره‬ َِ َ‫ضينَاَعَ َِن‬
َِ ‫َر‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 122

We succumb to Allah’s acts and to His

matters do we submit.

َ .ً‫سَلِمونَََِِبَِثَْلِكَأبَدَا‬ َِ َ‫ف‬
َِ َ‫وهللاَ ََلََْيُص‬
َْ ُ‫بَ َامل‬
By Allah I swear, the calamity of losing
you is the ever most catastrophic for the

َْ ‫َُكَْنتََلِ ْل ُم ْؤِمنِيََكَ َْهفَاًَ َو َِح‬

َِ ‫صنَاًَ َوقََُنهَةًََر‬
You were haven, shelter, and unshakable
fortress of the believers.

ًَ‫وعلىَالْكافِرينََ َِغَْلظَ َةًَ َوغََْيظا‬

And you were, at the same time, rude and
furious on the unbelievers.

ََ‫هللاَُبِنبِيِ َِهَوَلََحرمناَأ ْجر َكَوَل‬

َ ََ‫فأ ْْلقك‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 123

َ .‫أَضََلهناَبَ َْع َد َك‬

May Allah join you to His Prophet and
may He never deprive us of the reward of
our grief for you, and may He never
mislead us after you.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 124

Specific Amaal for the 23rd Night of

the Month of Ramadhan

Recite Surahs of al-`Ankabut (No. 29)

and al-Rum (No. 30). Imam al-Sadiq
‫ عليه السالم‬is reported to have said, “Anyone
who recites these two Surahs at this night
will be included with the people of
Paradise.” Recite Surah of al-Dukhan
(No. 44).

It is recommended to repeat Surah of al-

Qadr 1000 times.

Dua Allahumma Kunli Walliyik

It is highly advisable to repeat the
following famous supplication as many

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 125

times as possible at this night:

ِ‫ا ّٰلل ُه همََ ُك َْنَلِولِيكَا ْْلُج َِةَابْ َِنَا ْْلس َن‬

O Allah: (please) be for Your
representative, al-Hujjah, son of al-

َ‫صلواتُكَعل ْي ِهَوعلىَآَبئِِه‬
Your blessings be on him and on his

َ‫ِفَ ُك َِلَساع ٍة‬

َ ‫ساع ِةَو‬
‫ه‬ ‫َال‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
now and at all times

(please, be his) friend and guardian

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 126

ِ ‫وقائِداًَوَن‬
And leader and helper

َ ‫ودلِي‬
‫لًَوع ْينًَا‬
And guide and watcher

‫ح هَّتَتُ ْس ِكنهَُأ ْرضكَط ْوعًَا‬

So that You shall allow him to prevail on
Your lands willingly

َ .ً‫وَ ُْتتِع َهَُفِيهاَط ِويل‬

And You shall make him enjoy it for a
long time.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 127

Supplications Specific to the 23rd

Night of the Month of Ramadhan

It is recommended to say the following


َ ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَ ْٱم ُد ْد َِِل َِِفَعُ ْم ِر‬

O Allah, (please do) prolong my lifetime,

‫َوأَ ْو ِس ْع َِِل َِِفَ ِر ْزقِي‬

expand my sustenance,

ِ ‫ص هح َِِل‬
‫َج ْس ِمي‬ ِ َ‫َوأ‬
make my body healthy,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 128

‫وب لِغْ ِِنَأَملِي‬

make me attain my hopes,

َ‫ٱُمُِِن َِمنَ ْٱْل ْش ِقي ِاء‬

ْ ‫ف‬ ََِ
‫اء‬ ‫ي‬ ِ
‫ق‬ ‫ش‬
ْ ْ ‫ت‬
‫ٱْل‬ َ‫ن‬ ِ
‫َم‬ ُ ْ ‫وإ‬
‫ن‬ ‫ك‬
ُ َ‫ن‬ْ ِ
and if I am written with the unhappy
ones, (please) erase my name from this

َِ ‫َٱلسعد‬
‫اء‬ ُّ ‫ن‬ ِ
‫َم‬‫وٱ ْكتُ ْب ِِن‬
write it with the happy ones,

َ ‫فِإنهكَقُ ْلت َِِفَكِتابِكَٱل ُْم ْن زَِل‬

for You have said in Your Book that You

َ :‫عل ّٰىَنبِيِكَٱل ُْم ْرس ِلَصلواتُكَعل ْي ِهَوآلِ ِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 129

to Your missioned Prophet, Your peace be

upon him and his Household:

َ‫تَو ِع ْندهََُأُ ُّم‬ ِ

‫ب‬ ‫ث‬
ُ ُْ ُ‫ي‬‫َو‬ ‫اء‬ ‫ش‬ ‫اَي‬ ‫م‬ َ ّٰ
ُ َ‫”يْ ُحو‬
َ “َ ‫اب‬ ِ ‫ٱل‬
ِ ‫ْكت‬
“Allah makes to pass away and
establishes what He pleases, and with
Him is the basis of the Book.”

It is recommended to say the following


‫ضيَوِِفَماَتُق ِد َُر‬
ِ ‫ٱجع َلَِِفَماَت ْق‬ ََ
‫م‬‫ه‬ ‫ه‬ ّٰ
‫لل‬ ‫ا‬
ْ ْ ُ
O Allah, among the matters that You
decide and make

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 130

َ ُ‫ِمنَ ْٱْل ْم َِرَٱلْم ْحت‬
from among the inevitable affairs

َ‫وِِفَماَت ْف ُر ُق َِمنَ ْٱْل ْم َِرَٱ ْْل ِك ِيم‬

and from among the wise matters that
You make distinct

َ ‫ِِفَل ْي ل ِةَٱلْق ْد َِر‬

at the Destiny Night

َ‫ِمنَٱلْقض ِاءَٱله ِذيََلََيُردَُّوَ َلََيُب هد ُل‬

from among the act that is neither
rejected nor altered,

َ‫اجَب ْيتِكَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

ِ ‫َح هج‬‫ن‬ ِ ‫أَ ْنَت ْكت ب ِِن‬
ُ ْ ُ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 131

(please) decide me to be with the pilgrims

to Your Holy House

ّٰ ‫ِِفَع ِام‬
at this year;

َ‫اَلْم ْبُوِرَح ُّج ُه ُم‬

those whose pilgrimage is admitted,

َ‫اَلْم ْش ُكوِرَس ْعيُ ُه ُم‬

whose efforts are praised,

ُ ُ‫اَلْمغْ ُفوِرَذُن‬
َ‫وُبُ ُم‬
whose sins are forgiven,

َ‫اَل ُْمك هف ِرَع ْن ُه ْمَسيِئا ُُتُ ْم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 132

and whose offenses and pardoned.

َ‫ضيَوتُق ِد ُر‬
ِ ‫ٱجعل َِِفَماَت ْق‬
ْ ْ‫و‬
Among the matters that You decide and

َ ‫أَ ْنَتُ ِطيلَعُ ْم ِر‬

(please) prolong my lifetime

‫وتُو ِسع َِِل َِِفَ ِر ْزقِي‬

and expand my sustenance.

It is recommended to say the following

supplication that is mentioned in the
book of ‘Iqbal al-A`maal’:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 133

َ‫َيََب ِطناً َِِفَظُ ُهوِرِه‬

O He Who is intrinsic though He is
ِ ‫وَيَظ‬
‫اهراً َِِفَبُطُونَِِه‬
O He Who is evident though He is

َ‫وَيََب ِطناًَل ْيسَيْف ّٰى‬

O He Who is intrinsic that is not missed!

‫ى‬ ِ ‫وَيَظ‬
َّٰ ‫اهراًَل ْيسَيُر‬
O He Who is evident but He cannot be

ٌ ‫ص‬ ‫و‬ ‫َم‬‫ه‬ِ ِ‫َيَموصوفاًََلََي ب لُ ُغَبِكي نُونت‬
ُ ْ ْ ْ ُ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 134

O He Who is described, but neither any

other described thing

ْ ‫وَ َلََح ٌّد‬

َ َ‫َُم ُدو ٌد‬
nor can any boundary attain His Being!

ٍ ‫وَيَغائِباًَغ ْريَم ْف ُق‬

O He Who is absent but not lost!
ِ ‫وَيَش‬
ٍ ‫اهداًَغ ْريَم ْشه‬
َ‫ود‬ ُ
O He Who is present but not witnessed!

َُ ‫بَف يُص‬
ُ ‫يُطْل‬
When He is sought, He shall be obtained,

َ‫ضَوماَب ْي ن ُهما‬ ‫ر‬

َ ‫ٱْل‬‫و‬َ‫ات‬‫او‬ ‫م‬ ‫س‬ ِ
‫وَلَْيْ ُل ْ ُ ه‬
‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬
ُ ْْ ُ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 135

ٍ ْ ‫ط ْرفةَع‬
and neither the heavens, nor the earth,
nor can anything that is between them be
empty of Him.

ٍ ‫َلََي ْدر ُكَبِك ْي‬

َ‫ف‬ ُ
He cannot be realized by asking ‘How is

ٍ ‫َوَلََِِب ْي‬
َ‫ث‬ َ ‫َوَلََيُؤيه ُنَ َِبيْ ٍن‬
His place cannot be identified by asking,
‘Where is He?’ or ‘What is His place?’

ُ ُ‫أَنْتَن‬
You are verily the light of all lights

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َِ ‫بَ ْٱْل ْرَب‬

َ‫ب‬ ُّ ‫ور‬
and the Lord of all lords.

َ‫أَحطْت َِِب ِمي ِعَ ْٱْلُموِر‬

You have comprehended all things.

ٌَ‫ُسبحانَم ْنَل ْيسَك ِمثْلِ ِهَش ْيء‬

Glory be to Him Whose like is

َ ُ‫ري‬
َ‫ص‬ ِ ‫س ِميعَٱلب‬
ُ ‫و ُهوَٱل ه‬
and He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing.

َ ُ‫ُسبحانََم َْنَ ُهوََ ّٰهكذاَوَلََ ّٰهكذاَغ ْريَُه‬

Glory be to Him Who is in this state and

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nothing else can be ever in his state.

Then, one may pray for settling his needs.

Recite the following supplication on

the 23rd Night of Ramadhan:

َ‫بَل ْي ل ِةَٱلَْق ْد ِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Grand Night

ِ ‫اعلهاَخ ْرياً َِمنَأَل‬

َ‫ْفَش ْه ٍر‬ ِ ‫وج‬
Who decided it to be better than one
thousand months!

َ‫بَٱللهْي ِلَوٱلنهها ِر‬

‫ور ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 138

O Lord of night, day,

َ‫َوٱَلْبِحا ِر‬ ِ ‫وٱ ْْلِب‬

َ ‫ال‬
mountains, oceans,

َ‫ٱْلنْ وا ِر‬ َ ‫وٱلظُّل ِم‬

َْ ‫َو‬
darkness, light,

َِ ‫سم‬
‫اء‬ ِ ‫ٱْل ْر‬
‫ضَوٱل ه‬ َْ ‫َو‬
the earth, and the heavens!

ُ ‫َيََب ِر‬
َ‫ئََيَ ُمص ِوُر‬
O Maker! O Fashioner!

‫َيَحنها ُنََيَمنها َُن‬

O All-tender! O All-favorer!

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‫َح‬ْ ‫َر‬‫َي‬ ََ ّٰ
ُ ‫ا‬ َ‫َي‬
O Allah! O All-beneficent!

ُ ‫ي‬
ُّ ‫َق‬‫َي‬ َ ّٰ
ُ ‫َيَا‬
O Allah! O Self-Subsisting!

َ‫يع‬ ِ ‫َّللََيَب‬
‫د‬ ّٰ
ُ ُ ‫َيَا‬
O Allah! O wonderful Originator!

َُ‫َّللََُيَا َّّٰلل‬
َّٰ ‫َّللََُيَا‬
َّٰ ‫َيَا‬
O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

ّٰ ‫اءَُٱ ْْلُ ْس‬
َ ‫لكَ ْٱْل ْْس‬
To You are the Most Excellent Names,

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‫الَٱلْعُ ْليا‬
ُ ‫ٱْل ْمث‬
َْ ‫َو‬
the most elevated examples,

ِ ‫وٱل‬
َُ‫ْك ِْبَيءَُو ْٱْلَلء‬
greatness, and bounties.

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫َو‬‫د‬ٍ ‫م‬ ‫َُم‬‫ى‬
‫ّٰ ُ ه‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬‫ي‬ِ‫أَ َْسأَلُكَأَ ْنَتُصل‬
I beseech You to bless Muhammad and
the Household of Muhammad,

َِ ‫َٱلسعد‬
‫اء‬ ُّ ِ
‫َِف‬‫ة‬ِ ‫ل‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ذ‬ ‫َه‬
ّٰ ِ
‫يَِف‬ ِ
ْ ‫َوأَ ْنََتْعل‬
include my name with the list of the
happiest ones,

َِ ‫َٱلشهد‬
‫اء‬ ِ ‫ور‬
ُّ ‫وحيَمع‬ُ

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add my soul to the martyrs,

ِ ِ ِ
َ‫وإِ ْحس ِاّن َِِفَعليي‬
record my good deeds in the most exalted

َ‫وإِساءِتَم ْغ ُفورًة‬
decide my offense to be forgiven,

َ‫اش ُرَبِ ِهَق ْلِب‬

ِ ‫َوأَ ْنَُتب َِِلَي ِقيناًَتُب‬
grant me certitude that fills in my heart

َ‫كَع ِِن‬
‫شه‬‫بَٱل ه‬‫ه‬ِ ‫وإِي ماَنًَي ْذ‬
ُ ُ
and faith that removes doubt from me,

ِ ‫وتُر‬
َ‫ضي ِِن َِِباَقس ْمت َِِل‬ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 142

make me feel satisfied with that which

You decide for me,

ِ ‫وآتِن‬
ُّ ‫اَِف‬
‫َٱلدنْ ياَحسن ًَة‬
grant us reward in this world

ًَ‫ٱْل ِخرِةَحسنة‬
َْ َ‫وِِف‬
and reward in the Hereafter,

َ‫وقِناَعذابَٱلنها ِرَٱ ْْل ِر ِيق‬

save us from the torment of the burning

ِ ‫وٱرُزقْ ِِنَفِيه‬
َ ‫اَذ ْكركَو ُش ْكركَوٱل هر ْغبةَإِل ْي‬
‫ك‬ ْ
and confer upon us at this night Your
mentioning, thanking You, desiring for

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 143

َ‫َُم همداًَوآل‬ ‫ه‬

ُُ ْ ‫َل‬‫ت‬‫ق‬ ‫ه‬
‫ف‬ ‫اَو‬‫م‬ِ‫ٱإلَنبةَوٱلت ْهوفِيقَل‬
َِْ ‫َو‬
َ‫سل ُم‬ ‫َٱل‬‫م‬ ِ
‫ه‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬‫ع‬‫َو‬‫ه‬ِ ‫ي‬ ٍ
‫ْ ُ ه‬ ْ ‫ُُم هم‬
turning to You, and success to that to
which You led Muhammad and the
Household of Muhammad, peace be upon
him and them.

Muhammad ibn `Isa, through his series of

narrators, has reported the Holy Infallibles
(a.s) as saying, “You may repeat the
following supplication at the twenty-
third night of Ramadhan in all states—
standing, sitting, prostrating... etc. It is
furthermore preferable if you repeat it all
over the month of Ramadhan whenever

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you have an opportunity and also all over

your lifetime. You may begin with
statements of glorifying Almighty Allah
and praying for sending blessings upon
the Holy Prophet ‫ صىل هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬and then say:

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَم ُك ْنَلِولِيكَٱ َْْلُج ِةَابْ ِنَٱ َْْلس ِن‬

O Allah: (please) be for Your
representative, al-Hujjah, son of al-

َ‫صلواتُكَعل ْي ِهَوعلىَآَبئِِه‬
Your blessings be on him and on his

َ‫ساع ِةَوِفَ ُكلَساع ٍة‬

‫ه‬ ‫َال‬‫ه‬ِ ِ

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now and at all times

ِ ِ
(please, be his) friend and guardian
ِ ‫وقائِداًَوَن‬
And leader and helper

َ ‫ودلِي‬
‫لًَوع ْينًَا‬
And guide and watcher

‫ح هَّتَتُ ْس ِكنهَُأ ْرضكَط ْوعًَا‬

So that You shall allow him to prevail on
Your lands willingly

َ .ً‫وُْتتِع َهَُفِيهاَط ِويل‬

And You shall make him enjoy it for a

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long time.

It is also recommended to say the

following supplication:

َ ،‫َمدب رَاْلُ ُموِر‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O the Director of all affairs;

َ ،‫َيََب ِعثَم ْن َِِفَال ُقبُوِر‬

O the Resurrector of all those in graves;

َ ،‫َُم ِريَالبُ ُحوِر‬

ُْ ‫َي‬
O He Who causes oceans to flow;

َ‫يدَلِد ُاود‬
ِ ‫َيَمليَاْل ِد‬

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O He Who made the iron pliant for

(Prophet) David;

َ ‫َُمم ٍد‬
َ… ِ ‫ىَُمم ٍدَو‬
ُ ‫آل‬ ُ ‫صلَعل‬
(Please) send blessings upon Muhammad
and the Household of Muhammad…

You may here mention your needs, and

then continue:
.‫الل ْي لةَالل ْي لة‬
This very night; this very night.

You may raise both your hands while

saying this supplication.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 148

Recite the following dua for the 23rd

Night of the Month of Ramadhan from
Sahifa Mahdi:

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ّٰ
َ‫َ ُُم هم َدَبْ َن‬،‫الل ُه همََ ُک َْنَلوليکََالْقائ َمَ اَب ْمرک‬
َ‫َعل ْي َِهَوََع ّٰلیَآَبئَِِهَافْض َُل‬،‫ا ْْلس َِنَالْم ْه ِد ِی‬
‫صل ه‬
‫ة‬ِ ‫ال ه‬
O’ Allah! Offer blessing and peace to be
Your guard who will establish Your affair,
Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Mahdi, may
the best blessing and peace be on him and
his forefathers

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 149

ََ‫َولِيًّاَو‬،‫ساع َِةَوََِ ِْفََ ُک َِلَساع ٍة‬‫ه‬ ‫ال‬ ََ

‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ذ‬ ‫ه‬
ّٰ ََ
َ ‫صرَاًَوََدلِْي‬
‫لًَوََ ُم اويِ ًدَا‬ ِ ‫حافِظًاَوََقائِ ًداَوَََن‬
at this particular time and other time, as a
guard, protector, leader, helper, evidence
and supporter

َ‫َوََ ُْتتِع َهَُفِ ْيَها‬،‫ح ّٰتیَتُ ْس ِکن َهَُا ْرضکََط ْو ًعا‬

ً ‫طُْو ََلًَوََع ْر‬
till You make Your Earth in subservient to
him, and make him have long and
extensive pleasure in it

ِ ‫وَََتْعل َهَُوََذُ ِريهت َهَُ ِمنََ ْ ا‬

َ ْ ‫اَلئِ هم َِةَالْوا ِرث‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 150

and including his offspring among the

inherited Imams.

ََ‫هصر‬‫ن‬ ‫ال‬ ََ
‫ل‬ِ ‫ع‬ ‫اج‬ ‫و‬ َ ،‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ب‬ ََ
‫ر‬ ِ
‫ص‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ان‬
ْ ‫و‬ََ
‫ه‬‫ر‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ن‬
ْ ‫ا‬ ََ
‫م‬‫ه‬ ‫ه‬ ّٰ
‫لل‬ ‫ا‬
ْ ْ ْ ُ ْ ُ ُ
‫ِم ْنکََع ّٰلیَي ِد َِه‬
O’ Allah, help him and to become
victorious through him, let the victory
come from You through his hand

ََ‫َوَل‬،‫هصرََل َهَُوالْف ْتحََع ّٰلیَو ْج ِه ِه‬ ْ ‫اجع َِلَالن‬

‫تُو ِج َِهَ ْاَل ْمرََاِ ّٰلیَغ ِْريَِه‬
let the help and victory come in his
presence, and don’t give this
responsibility to other than him.

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َ‫َح ّٰتی‬،‫هرَبَِِهَ ِديْ نکََوََ ُسنهةََنبِيِک‬ َْ ْ‫َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَاظ‬

ََ‫َلََي ْست ْخ ِفیََبِش ْي ٍَئَ ِمنََا ْْل َِقَُمافةََاح ٍَدَ ِمن‬
َ‫اْل ْل َِق‬
O’ Allah manifest Your religion and the
custom of Your Prophet through him, till
none of the fact is hidden due to the fear
of some Your creatures.

ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ
َ‫ِفَد ْولةََکرْي َةَتُع ُّزُبا‬ ِ ِ
َْ ََ‫بَال ْيک‬ ِ ِ ّٰ
َُ ‫الل ُه هَمَان َْیَا ْرغ‬
،ُ‫اَل ْسلمََوََاهل َه‬
O Allah, we ardently desire that You
confer upon us a respectful government

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through which You may give might to

Islam and its followers

َ‫َوَََتْعلُناَفِ ْي ها‬،ُ‫وََتُ ِذ َُّلَ ُِباَالنِفاقََوََا ْهله‬

َ‫الدع َِاةَالیَطاعتک‬
ِ ّٰ ُّ ََ‫ِمن‬
and humiliate hypocrisy and its people
and include us among those who invite
people to the obedience to You

َ‫ِفَالدنْ يا‬ِ ِ ِ ّٰ ِ
َْ َ‫َوََآتنا‬،‫والْقاد َِةَالیَسب ْي لک‬
ََ‫َوقِناَعذاب‬،ً‫ِفَ ْاَلٓ ِخرَِةَحسنة‬
َْ ََِ‫حسن َةًَو‬
َ،‫النها ِر‬

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and lead them to Your approved path.

Give us the good of this world and the
world to come and save us from the Hell

َِ ‫ضَعن‬
َ‫هاََج ْيعَما‬ ِ ْ‫َواق‬،‫ري ال هداريْ ِن‬
َْ ‫اَج ْعَلناَخ‬
‫بَفِ ْي ِهما‬
َُّ ‫َُِت‬
Gather for us all the good turns in the two
worlds, grant us all that You love in the
two worlds.

ْ ََ‫ِفَذالِک‬
ََ‫اْلِريةََبِر َْحتِکََو‬ َ َِ‫اجع َْلَلَنا‬
َ ْ ‫بَالْعال ِم‬
‫ي‬ َِ ‫يَر‬ ِ َ،‫منِکََِفَعافِي ٍة‬
َ ْ ‫آم‬

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And make them good for us with Your

blessing, Amen the Lord of the worlds.

َ‫َفِا هنََ ُک هَل‬،ُ‫ضلِکََوََي ُدکََالْم ال‬ َ َ

‫ن‬ ِ
ْ ْ ََ‫وََ ِز ْدَن‬
‫ف‬ ‫م‬
‫صَ ِم َْنَ ُم ْل ِک َِه‬ ٍَ ‫ُم ْع‬
َُ ‫طَي ْن ُق‬
Increase Your favour from Your full hand
on us. Every donor’s kingdom reduces

َ‫ِفَ ُم ْل ِکک‬
َْ َِ‫وعط اُاوکََي ِزيْ َُد‬
but Your donation increases Your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 155

Common Duas to be Recited on the

Last 10 Nights of the Month of

In ‘al-Kafi’, Shaykh al-Kulayni has

reported Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq ‫ عليه السالم‬as
saying: At the last ten nights of the Month
of Ramadhan, you may say the following

َ‫أَعُوذُ َِِبل ِلَو ْج ِهكَٱلْك ِر ِي‬

I seek the protection of the Majesty of
Your Honorable Face

ِ ‫أَ ْنَي ْن ق‬
َ ‫ضيَع ِِنَش ْه ُرَرمض‬

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against that the month of Ramadhan


َ‫أَ ْوَيطْلُعَالَْف ْج ُر َِم ْنَل ْي ل ِت َّٰه ِذ ِه‬

or dawn puts an end to this night

َ‫بَتُع ِذبُِِنَعل ْي ِه‬‫ن‬ ‫َذ‬‫و‬ ‫أ‬

َ َ‫ة‬ ‫ع‬ِ‫ب‬ ‫يَت‬ِ‫ل‬‫ب‬ِ‫ولكَق‬
ٌْ ْ ٌ
but there is still an offense or a sin for
which I am still liable and for which You
will punish me.

As a footnote in ‘al-Balad al-Amin’, al-

Kaf`ami has mentioned that Imam
Ja`far al-Sadiq ‫ عليه السالم‬used to say the
following at each of the last ten nights
of the Month of Ramadhan after the

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obligatory and supererogatory

(mustahab) prayers:

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَأَ ِدَعنهاَحقهَماَمض ّٰى َِم ْنَش ْه ِر‬

َ ‫رمض‬
O Allah, (please) help us fulfill the right of
the past days of the month of Ramadhan,

‫صريَنَفِ َِيه‬
ِ ‫وٱ ْغ ِفرَلناَت ْق‬
forgive us our shortcoming during it,

ًَ‫وتسله ْمهُ َِمنهاَم ْقبُوَل‬

receive it from us with acceptance,
ِ ‫وَلَتُؤ‬
‫اخ ْذَنَِبِِ ْسرافِناَعل ّٰىَأَنْ ُف ِسنا‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 158

do not blame us for our extravagance in

our affairs,
ِ ‫اَمنَٱلْمرح‬
َ‫ومي‬ ِ ‫وٱجع ْلن‬
ُْ ْ
include us with those upon whom mercy
is had,
ِ ‫اَمنَٱلْمحر‬
َ‫ومي‬ ِ ‫وَلََتْع ْلن‬
and do not include us with those deprived
(of the awards of Ramadhan).

He adds that Almighty Allah will forgive

him who says this supplication all the sins
that he has committed in the past days of
the Month of Ramadhan and will protect
him against sinning in the rest of it.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 159

In ‘Iqbal al-A`mal’ Sayyid Ibn Tawus

has narrated on the authority of Ibn
Abi-`Umayr on the authority of
Murazim that Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq
‫ عليه السالم‬used to say the following at each

of the last ten nights of the Month of


َ :‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِنهكَقُ ْلت َِِفَكِتابِكَٱل ُْم ْن زِل‬

O Allah, You have said in Your revealed

َ‫”ش ْه ُرَرمضانَٱله ِذيََأُنْ ِزلَفِ ِيهَٱلْ ُق ْرآ ُن‬

“The month of Ramadhan is that in which
the Qur'an was revealed,

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ِ ‫ات َِمنَٱ ْْلُد ّٰىَوٱلْ ُفرق‬

َ “‫ان‬ ٍ ‫هاسَوب يِن‬
ِ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ِ‫هدىَل‬
ْ ً ُ
a guidance to men and clear proofs of the
guidance and the distinction.”

َ ‫َح ْرمةَش ْه ِرَرمض‬

‫ان‬ ‫ه‬
ُ ْ ‫ف عظ‬
You have thus rendered great the sanctity
of this month of Ramadhan,

ِ ‫ِِباَأَنْ زلْتَفِ ِيه َِمنَٱلْ ُقر‬

َ‫آن‬ ْ
because You revealed the Qur'an in it,

َ‫صتهَُبِل ْي ل ِةَٱلْق ْد ِر‬

ْ ‫وخص‬
decided the Destiny Night to be in this
month exclusively,

ِ ‫وجع ْلت هاَخ ْرياً َِمنَأَل‬

َ‫ْفَش ْه ٍر‬
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and made it better than one thousand


َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَو ّٰه ِذ ِهَأَ هَي ُمَش ْه ِرَرمضانَق ِد‬

َْ ‫ٱنْ قض‬
O Allah, the days of the month of
Ramadhan are elapsing,

ْ ‫وليال ْ ه‬
‫م‬‫ر‬‫ص‬ ‫َت‬‫د‬ ‫َق‬ ِ
‫يه‬ ِ
its nights are also elapsing,
ِ ِ‫تََيَإِ ّْٰل‬
َ‫يَم ْنهَُإِ َّٰلَماَأَنْتَأَ ْعل ُمَبِ ِه‬ ِ
ُ ْ ‫وق ْد‬
َ ِ ‫ِم‬
while I have become in the state that You,
O my God, know better than I do,

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ْ ‫َوأَ ْحص ّٰىَلِعد ِد ِه َِمن‬

َ‫َٱْل ْل ِقَأَ َْج ِعي‬
and You can count it more precisely than
all the created beings.

َ ُ‫فَأَ َْسأَلُك َِِباَسَأَلكَبِ ِهَملئِكتُكَٱل ُْمق هرب‬

So, I beseech You in the name of that by
which Your favorite angels,

َ‫َوأَنْبِيا ُؤكَٱل ُْم ْرسلُون‬

Your missioned Prophets,

‫ون‬ ِ‫ص‬
َ ُ‫اْل‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ك‬ ‫اد‬ ِ
‫ه‬ ُ ‫و‬‫ب‬ ‫ع‬
and Your righteous servants have
besought You,

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫َو‬‫د‬ٍ ‫م‬ ‫َُم‬‫ى‬
‫ّٰ ُ ه‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬ ‫ي‬ِ
‫أَ ْنَتُصل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 163

to bless Muhammad and the Household of


َ‫كَرق ب ِت َِمنَٱلَنها ِر‬

‫َوأَ ْنَت ُف ه‬
release me from Hellfire,

َ‫وتُ ْد ِخل ِِنَٱ ْْلنهةَبر َْحتِك‬

allow me to enter Paradise by Your

َ‫ضلَعل هيَبِع ْف ِوكَوكرِمك‬

‫َوأَ ْنَت ت ف ه‬
confer upon me with Your pardon and
Your generosity,

َ‫وت ت قبهلَت ق ُّرِّب‬

accept my seeking of nearness to You,

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ُ ‫يب‬ ِ
‫ج‬ ‫وت ْست‬
respond to my prayer,
ِ ‫َٱْلو‬
َ‫ف‬ ْ ِ ِ
ْ ْ ْ َ‫وْتُ هنَعل هي‬
‫م‬‫و‬ ‫َي‬‫ن‬ ‫م‬ َ
‫ْل‬ْ َ
and bestow upon me with security on the
Day of Dread

ِ‫ِمنَ ُك ِلَهو ٍلَأَ ْعد ْدتهَُلِي وِمَٱل ِْقيام َة‬

ْ ْ ْ
against all the horrors that You have
prepared for the Resurrection Day.

َ ِ‫إِ ّْٰل‬
َ‫يَوأَعُوذَُبِو ْج ِهكَٱلْك ِر ِي‬
O my God, I seek the protection of Your
Noble Face

َ‫وِِبللِكَٱلْع ِظ ِيم‬
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and Your Great Majesty

‫ضيَأَ هَي ُمَش ْه ِرَرمضانَوليالِ َِيه‬

ِ ‫أَ ْنَت ْن ق‬
against that the days and nights of the
month of Ramadhan elapse
ِ ‫ولكَقِبلِيَتبِعةٌَأَوَذنْبَتُؤ‬
َ‫اخ ُذِّنَبِ ِه‬ ٌ ْ
while there is still a sin or an offense for
which You may punish me,
ِ ‫صه‬
َ‫اَم ِِنََلَْت غْ ِف ْرها‬ ‫أَ ْوَخ ِطيئةٌَتُ ِري ُدَأَ ْنَت ْقت ه‬
or a wrongdoing for which You want to
chastise me and You have not yet forgiven
them for me.,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 166

َ ‫سيِ ِديَسيِ ِديَسيِ ِد‬

O my Master! O my Master! O my Master!

َ‫أَ َْسأَلُكََيََلََإِ ّٰلهَإِهََلَأَنْت‬

I beseech You, O He save Whom there is
no god,

َ‫إِ ْذََلََإِ ّٰلهَإِهََلَأَنْت‬

since there is indeed no god save You,

ِ ‫إِ ْنَ ُك ْنتَر‬

‫ضيتَع ِِن َِِف َّٰهذاَٱل ه‬
َ‫ش ْه ِر‬
if You have been pleased with me in this

َ‫فٱ ْزد ْدَع ِِنَ ِرض ًى‬

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then (please) increase Your satisfaction

with me;

ِ ‫وإِ ْنََلَت ُكنَر‬

َ‫ضيتَع ِِن‬ ْ ْ
but if You have not been pleased with me,

َ‫ٱرضَع ِِن‬ ‫َف‬‫ن‬ َ

ْ َ‫ن‬ ِ‫ف‬
then (please) be satisfied with me from
this moment.

ِ ِ
َ‫َيَأَ ْرحمَٱل هراَحي‬
O most Merciful of all those who show

َّٰ ‫َيَا‬
َ‫َّللََُيَأَح ُدََيَصم ُد‬
O Allah! O One and Only! O Besought of

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‫َيَم ْنََلَْيلِ ْدَوَلَْيُول َْد‬

O He Who begets not, nor is He begotten,

َ َ‫وَلَْي ُك ْنَلهَُ ُك ُفواًَأَح ٌد‬

and none is like Him!

You may repeat the following invocation

as many times as possible:

َ‫سل ُم‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ِ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬‫ود‬‫او‬ ‫د‬ِ‫َل‬ ِ

‫يد‬ ِ
‫د‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ي‬ِ ‫َمل‬
‫ْ ه‬ ُ ْ ُ ‫َي‬
O He Who made the iron pliant for
(Prophet) David, peace be upon him!

َ‫بَٱل ِْعظ ِامَع ْنَأَيُّوب‬ِ ‫َٱلض ِرَوٱلْ ُكر‬ ِ ‫َيَك‬

ُّ ‫اشف‬
‫سل َُم‬ ِ
‫عل ْي ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 169

O He Who took off the harm and calamity

that afflict (Prophet) Job, peace be upon

َ‫سل ُم‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ِ

‫َمف ِرجَه ِمَي ْع ُقوبَعل ْي ه‬
ُ ‫أَ ْي‬
O He Who relieved the sorrow of
(Prophet) Jacob, peace be upon him!

َ‫سل ُم‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ه‬ِ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬‫َع‬‫ف‬ ‫وس‬‫َي‬‫م‬ِ ‫َغ‬‫س‬ ِ

‫ف‬ ‫َمن‬
‫ْ ه‬ ُ ُ ُ ‫أَ ْي‬
O He Who removed the grief of (Prophet)
Joseph, peace be upon him!

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬
ُ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫َو‬‫د‬ٍ ُ ‫ص ِلَعل ّٰى‬
‫َُم هم‬
(Please do) send blessings to Muhammad
and the Household of Muhammad

َ‫كماَأَنْتَأَ ْهلُهَُأَ ْنَتُصلِيَعل ْي ِه ْمَأَ َْج ِعي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 170

as exactly as You are worth blessing them


ُ‫وٱفْ عَ ْل َِّبَماَأَنْتَأَ ْهلَُه‬

do to me that which befits You,

َ ُ‫وَلَت ْفع ْل َِّبَماَأََنَأَ ْهلَُه‬

and do not do to me that which I deserve.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 171

Dua Jawshan Kabir


َ‫َح ِنَٱل هرِح ِيم‬ َِّٰ َ‫بِ ْس ِم‬

ّٰ ْ ‫ٱَّللَٱل هر‬
n the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent,
the All-merciful.
ُّٰ‫َّلل‬ ِ
َ ‫ٱْسكََيَا‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)1(

(1) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your

name: O Allah,
َُ ‫ّٰنََيَرح‬
‫يم‬ ُ ‫َيَر َْح‬
O All-beneficent, O All-merciful,

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َيَك ِريََُيَم‬

ُ ُ
O Most Generous, O Self-Subsisting,

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َ‫يمََيَق ِدي ُم‬ ِ ‫َيَع‬

O Greatest, O Eternal,

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َيَعلِيمََيَحلِيمََيَح‬
ُ ُ ُ
O All-knowing, O Forbearing, O All-

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but You!

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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َِ ‫ساد‬
‫ات‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬ ‫د‬ِ‫ي‬ ‫َس‬‫َي‬َ)2(

(2) O Master of masters,

َِ ‫َُميبَٱل هدعو‬
‫ات‬ ُِ ‫َي‬
O Acceptor of prayers,

َِ ‫َيَرافِعَٱل هدرج‬
O Elevator of rank,

َِ ‫ِلَٱ ْْلسن‬
‫ات‬ ‫َيَوِ ه‬
O Guardian of good deeds,

َِ ‫ٱْل ِطيئ‬
‫ات‬ ْ َ‫َيَغافِر‬
O Forgiver of evil deeds,

َِ ‫َم ْع ِطيَٱلْم ْسأَل‬

‫ت‬ ُ ‫َي‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 174

O Granter of requests,
ِ ‫َيَقابِلَٱلتهوَب‬
َ‫ت‬ ْ
O Acceptor of repentance,
ِ ‫صو‬
َ‫ات‬ ‫ْل‬
ْ ‫ٱ‬ َ‫ع‬
َ ِ ‫َيَس‬
O Hearer of sounds,

ْ ‫َيَع ِاَل‬
َِ ‫َٱْل ِفيه‬
O Knower of attributes,
ِ ‫َيَدافِعَٱلْبلِيه‬
O Repeller of calamities.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 175

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ين‬ِ ِ
َ ‫ََيَخ ْريَٱلْغافر‬)3(

(3) O Best of forgivers,

ِ ِ
َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْفاَتي‬
O Best of deciders,
ِ ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلن‬
َ‫هاص ِرين‬
O Best of helpers,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱ ْْلاكِ ِمي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 176

O Best of rulers,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱل هرا ِزقِي‬

O Best of providers,
َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْوا ِرثي‬
O Best of inheritors

َ ‫َيَخ ْريَٱ ْْل ِام ِد‬

O Best of praisers,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱل هذاكِ ِرين‬

O Best of rememberers,
َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱل ُْم ْن ِزلي‬
O Best of hosts,

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َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱل ُْم ْح ِسنِي‬

O Best of benefactors.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َُ ‫)ََيَم ْنَلهَُٱل ِْع هزةَُوٱ ْْلم‬4(

(4) O He to Whom is all glory and

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َُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱلْ ُق ْدرةَُوٱلْكم‬
O He to Whom is all might and

َ‫كَ َوٱ ْْلل ُل‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱل ُْم ْل‬
O He to Whom is all dominion and

‫َهوَٱلْكبِريَُٱل ُْمت عِال‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is All-great and All-exalted,

ِ ‫سح‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ئ‬ ِ
‫ش‬ ‫َم ْن‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O He Who creates heavy clouds,

‫َهوَش ِدي ُدَٱل ِْمحِال‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Mighty in prowess,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 179

ِ ‫يعَٱ ْْلِس‬
َ‫اب‬ ِ
ُ ‫َهوَس‬
‫ر‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is quick to reckon,
ِ ‫َهوَش ِدي ُدَٱل ِْعق‬
َ‫اب‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who metes out the severest
ِ ‫َح ْس ُنَٱلثهو‬
َ‫اب‬ ‫ه‬‫د‬ ِْ ‫َيَمن‬
‫ن‬ ‫َع‬
ُ ُ ْ
O He with Whom is the excellent
ِ ‫ْكت‬
َ‫اب‬ ِ ‫َيَمن‬
ِ ‫َع ْندهَُأَُ ُّمَٱل‬
O He with Whom is the Mother of

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)5(

(5) O Allah, Verily I beseech You in Your


‫َيَحنها ُنََيَمنها َُن‬

O All-loving, O All-Benefactor,

َ‫َيَد هَي ُنََيَبُ ْرها ُن‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 181

O Judge, O Proof,

ْ ‫َس ْلطا ُنََيَ ِر‬

َ‫ضوا ُن‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Sovereign, O Approver,

ََ‫َس ْبحَا ُن‬

ُ ‫َيَغُ ْفرا ُنََي‬
َ‫َم ْست عا ُن‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Forgiver, O Glorified, O Helper,

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْم ِنَوٱلْب ي‬
O Lord of favor and clear statement.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 182

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ‫)ََيَمنَت واضعَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَلعظمتِ َه‬6(
ْ ْ
(6) O He before Whose greatness
everything bows,

‫َٱستسلمَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍءَلِ ُق ْدرتَِِه‬

ْ ‫َيَم ِن‬
O He before Whose power everything
ِ‫َيَمنَذ هلَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَلِ ِع هزتَِه‬
ْ ْ
O He before Whose might

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 183

overshadows everything,

َ‫َيَم ْنَخضعَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍء َِْل ْي بتِ ِه‬

O He before Whose awesomeness
everything is humbled,

َ‫َيَم ِنَٱنْ قادَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍء َِم ْنَخ ْشيتِ ِه‬

O He for fear of Whom everything

َ‫ال َِم ْنَُم افتِ ِه‬

ُ ‫تَٱ ْْلِب‬
ِ ‫َيَمنَتش هقق‬
O He for trepidation of Whom
mountains burst asunder,

َ‫اتَ ِب ْم ِرِه‬
ُ ‫او‬ ‫م‬ ‫س‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ت‬ِ ‫َيَم ْنَقام‬
O He by Whose command the heavens
are raised,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 184

‫ضونََِبِِ ْذنَِِه‬
ُ ‫ر‬‫ْل‬
ْ ‫ٱ‬ َ‫ت‬ِ ْ َ‫َيَم ِن‬
‫ٱست ق هر‬
O He by Whose permission the [layers
of] earth settle down,

‫َيَم ْنَيُسبِ ُحَٱل هر ْع ُد َِِب ْم ِد َِه‬

O He Whose glory the thunder

َ‫َيَم ْنََلََي ْعت ِديَعل ّٰىَأ ْه ِلََمْلكتِ ِه‬

O He Who is never cruel to his

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 185

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ ‫َٱْلط‬
‫اَي‬ ِ
ْ ‫ََيَغافر‬)7(

(7) O Forgiver of sins,

ِ ‫َيَك‬
O Dispeller of tribulations,

َ‫َم ْن ت ه ّٰىَٱل هرجاَي‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Aim of hopes,

َ‫َُم ِزلَٱلْعطاَي‬
ُْ ‫َي‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 186

O Giver of abundant gifts,

َ‫َيَو ِاهبَٱ ْْلداَي‬

O Bestower of bounties,

َ‫َيَرا ِزقَٱلْباَي‬
O Provider of creatures,

‫اَي‬ ِ ‫َيَق‬
َ ‫اضيَٱلْمن‬
O Decreer of the terms of death,

‫َيَس ِامعَٱل ه‬
O Hearer of complaints,

َ‫َيََب ِعثَٱلْباَي‬
O Resurrector of the creatures,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 187

َ‫َمطْلِقَٱ َْلُسار ّٰى‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Freer of captives.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫)ََيَذاَٱ ْْل ْم ِدَوٱلثهن ِاء‬8(

(8) O Lord of praise and thanksgiving,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 188

َ‫َيَذاَٱلْف ْخ ِرَوٱلْب ه ِاء‬

O Lord of pride and eminence,

َِ ‫سن‬
‫اء‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ٱل‬‫َو‬‫د‬ِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْم ْج‬
O Lord of glory and sublimity,

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْع ْه ِدَوٱلْوف‬
O Lord of promise and fulfillment of

َ‫ٱلرض ِاء‬
ِ ‫َو‬َ ‫َيَذاَٱلْع ْف ِو‬
O Lord of amnesty and contentment,

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْم ِنَوٱلْعط‬
O Lord of favoring and gift,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 189

َِ ‫ص ِلَوٱلْقض‬
‫اء‬ ْ ‫َيَذاَٱلْف‬
O Lord of judgment and decree,

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱل ِْع ِزَوٱلْب ق‬

O Lord of dignity and eternity,

َِ َ‫سخ‬
‫اء‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ٱل‬‫َو‬ ِ
‫ود‬ ُ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْل‬
O Lord of magnanimity and liberality,
َ ‫هعم‬ ِ
ْ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْلَل َءَوٱلن‬
O Lord of boons and amenity.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 190

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)9(

(9) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your


َ‫َيَمانِ ُعََيَدافِ ُع‬

O Preventer of misfortune, O Repeller
of calamities.

َ‫َيَرافِ ُعََيَصانِ ُع‬

O Elevating of ranks, O Fashioner,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 191

‫َيََنفِ ُعََيَس ِام َُع‬

O Benefiter, O Hearer,

َ‫َيَج ِام ُعََيَشافِ ُع‬

O Gatherer, O Intercessor,
ِ ‫اسعََيَم‬
‫وس َُع‬ ِ ‫َيَو‬
ُ ُ
O Magnanimous, O Increaser.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 192

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫وع‬ ِ
ْ ‫ََيَصانعَ ُك ِل‬
ٍَ ُ‫َمصن‬ )10 (

(10) O Fashioner of every fashioned

ٍ ُ‫َيَخِالقَ ُك ِلَُمْل‬
O Creator of every created thing,
ٍ ‫َيَرا ِزقَ ُك ِلَمرُز‬
َ‫وق‬ ْ
O Provider sustenance to every needy
ٍ ُ‫َيَمِالكَ ُك ِلََمْل‬
O Sovereign over all subjects,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 193

ِ ‫َيَك‬
ٍ ‫اشفَ ُك ِلَم ْكر‬
َ‫وب‬ ُ
O Dispeller of every hardship,
َ ‫َيَفِارجَ ُك ِلَم ْه ُم‬
O Comforter of every griever,
ٍ‫وم‬ ِ ‫َيَر‬
َ ‫احمَ ُك ِلَم ْر ُح‬
O Merciful to every sufferer,
ِ ‫َيََن‬
ٍ ‫صرَ ُك ِلَُمْ ُذ‬
O Helper of everything forsaken,

ٍَ ُ‫َيَساتِرَ ُك ِلَم ْعي‬

O Concealer of every blemished thing,
ٍ ‫َيَم ْلجأ ُك ِلَمطْر‬
َ‫ود‬ ُ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 194

O Shelter for every exile.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها َِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ت‬ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ََيَعُ هدتَع ْندَش هد‬)11(

(11) O my means in my hardship,

َ ِ ‫صيب‬
‫ت‬ ِ ِ‫َيَرجائ‬
ِ ‫يَع ْندَم‬
O my source of hope in my misfortune,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 195

ِ ‫َيَم ْؤنِ ِس‬

َ‫يَع ْندَو ْحش ِت‬ ُ
O my entertainer in my isolation,
ِ ‫احِب‬
َ ِ ‫َع ْندَغُ ْرب‬
‫ت‬ ِ ‫َيَص‬
O my companion in my alienation,
ِ ِ‫َيَولِي‬
َ ِ ‫يَع ْندَنِ ْعم‬
O my patron in my ease,
ِ ِ‫َغياث‬
َ‫يَع ْندَ ُك ْرب ِت‬ ِ ‫َي‬
O my aide at my agony,
ِ ِ‫َيَدلِيل‬
َ‫يَع ْندَح ْريِت‬
O my guide in my perplexity,
ِ ِ‫َغنائ‬
َ ‫يَع ْندَٱفْتِقا ِر‬
‫ي‬ ِ ‫َي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 196

O my fortune in my neediness,

‫ض ِطرا ِري‬‫َٱ‬‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ِ

ْ ْ ‫َيَم ْلجئ‬
O my shelter in my helplessness,

‫َع ْندَم ْفز ِع َي‬

ِ ‫َيَم ِع ِيِن‬
O my helper at my fears.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 197

َِ ُ‫)ََيَع هلمَٱلْغُي‬12(
(12) O Knower of the unseen,

َِ ُ‫َٱلذن‬
‫وب‬ ُّ ‫َيَغ هفار‬
O Forgiver of sins,

َِ ُ‫َيَستهارَٱلْعُي‬
O Concealer of defects,
ِ ‫َيَك‬
ِ ‫اشفَٱلْ ُكر‬
َ‫وب‬ ُ
O Expeller of agonies,
ِ ُ‫َمقلِبَٱلْ ُقل‬
َ‫وب‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Transformer of the hearts
ِ ُ‫َيَطبِيبَٱلْ ُقل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 198

O Healer of the hearts,

ِ ُ‫َمن ِورَٱلْ ُقل‬
َ‫وب‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Illuminator of the hearts,
ِ ُ‫َيَأنِيسَٱلْ ُقل‬
O Intimate of the hearts,
َ ‫َمف ِرجَٱ ْْلُُم‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Dispeller of anxiety,
َ ‫َمن ِفسَٱلْغُ ُم‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Liberator from grief.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 199

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)13(

(13) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

َ‫يل‬ ِ ‫َيَجلِيلََي‬
ُ ُ
O Majestic, O Virtuous,

َُ ‫يلََيَك ِف‬
‫يل‬ ُ
O Protector, O Patron,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 200

َُ ِ‫يلََيَقب‬
‫يل‬ ِ‫َيَدل‬
O Guide, O Guarantor,

َُ ِ‫َمن‬
‫يل‬ ‫ََي‬‫يل‬ ِ ‫َيَم‬
ُ ُ ُ
O Bestower of ascendancy, O Bestower
of blessings,

‫يل‬ ُِ ‫َيَم ِقيلََي‬

َُ ‫َُم‬ ُ ُ
O Excuser, O Acceptor of repentance.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 201

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ِ ِ ِ
َ‫ََيَدليلَٱل ُْمتحريين‬)14(

(14) O Guide of the bewildered,

ِ ‫َي‬
َ‫َغياثَٱل ُْم ْست ِغيثِي‬
O Rescuer of those who appeal,

َ‫ص ِرِخي‬
ْ ‫َيَص ِريخَٱل ُْم ْست‬
O Helper of the seekers of help,

َ ‫َيَجارَٱل ُْم ْست ِج ِري‬

O Aide of the seekers of aid,

ْ ‫َيَأمان‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 202

O Shelter of the fearful,

َ ِ‫َيَع ْونَٱل ُْم ْؤِمن‬

O Succorer of the faithful,
ِ ‫َيَر‬
O Merciful to the indigent,
ِ ‫َيَم ْلجأٱلْع‬
O Refuge for the disobedient,

َ ِ‫َيَغافِرَٱل ُْم ْذنِب‬

O Forgiver of the sinners,

َ‫ضط ِرين‬ ‫ْم‬

ْ ُ ْ‫َٱ‬‫ة‬ِ ‫و‬‫ع‬ ‫َد‬‫يب‬ ِ
ُ ‫َي‬
O Responder to the supplicants.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 203

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫ٱإل ْحس‬
َ‫ان‬ ِ ‫)ََيَذاَٱ ْْل‬15(
ِْ ‫ودَو‬ُ
(15) O Lord of magnanimity and
ِ ‫َوٱ َِْل ْمتِن‬
َ‫ان‬ َ ‫ض ِل‬
ْ ‫َيَذاَٱلْف‬
O Lord of grace and munificence,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 204

ِ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْل ْم ِنََ َوٱ ْْل م‬

O Lord of peace and security,
ِ ‫ٱلس ْبح‬
َ‫ان‬ ِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْ ُق ْد‬
ُّ ‫سَو‬
O Lord of holiness and glory,

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْلِ ْكم ِةَوٱلْب ي‬

O Lord of wisdom and clear statement,
ِ ‫ضو‬
َ‫ان‬ ْ ِ
‫ٱلر‬‫َو‬‫ة‬ِ ‫َيَذاَٱل هر َْح‬
O Lord of mercy and satisfaction,

َِ ‫ْبه‬
‫ان‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬‫َو‬‫ة‬ِ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْل هج‬
ُْ ُ
O Lord of argument and proof,
ِ ‫ٱلس ْلط‬
َ‫ان‬ ُّ ‫َو‬‫ة‬ِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْعظم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 205

O Lord of grandeur and sovereignty,

ِ ‫َيَذاَال هرأْف ِةَوٱلْمست ع‬
َ‫ان‬ ُْ
O Lord of kindness and succor,
ِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْع ْف ِوَوٱلْغُ ْفر‬
O Lord of pardon and forgiveness.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱَلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 206

َ‫بَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬ ‫َر‬‫و‬‫َه‬

ُّ ُ ْ ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)16(

(16) O He Who is the Lord over all


َ‫َهوَإِ ّٰلهَُ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the God of all things,
ٍ‫َيَمنَهوَخِالقَ ُك ِلَشي َء‬
ْ ُ ُ ْ
O He Who is the Creator of all things,

َ‫َهوَصانِ ُعَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the Fashioner of all things,

َ‫َهوَق ْبلَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who preceded all things in

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 207

َ‫َهوَب ْعدَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who subsists after all things,

َ‫َهوَف ْوقَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is above all things,

َ‫َهوَع ِاَلٌَبِ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who knows all things,
ٍ‫ادرَعلىَ ُك ِلَشي َء‬
ِ ‫َق‬‫و‬ ‫َه‬‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬
ْ ّٰ ٌ ُ ْ
O He Who is Powerful over all things,

َ‫نَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍء‬

ّٰ ‫َهوَي ْب ق ّٰىَوي ْف‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who subsists while all things

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 208

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬17(
(17) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

‫َمه ْي ِم َُن‬ ‫ََي‬‫ن‬ ِ‫َيَم ْؤ‬

ُ ُ ُ
O Securer of safety, O Protector,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 209

َ‫َمك ِو ُنََيَ ُمل ِق ُن‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Bestower of being, O Bestower of

َ‫َمه ِو ُن‬
ُ ‫ََي‬‫ي‬ُ ِ ‫َمب‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Manifester, O Facilitator,

َ‫َمزيِ ُن‬ ِ ‫ََم‬

ُ ُ ُ ‫َي‬
‫ََي‬‫ن‬ ‫ك‬
O Provider of place, O Adorner,

‫َم ْق ِس َُم‬ ‫ََي‬ ‫ن‬ِ‫َيَمعل‬

ُ ُ ُْ
O Proclaimer, O Distributor.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but You!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 210

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٌَ ‫َمق‬
‫يم‬ ِ ِ ِ
ُ ‫َم ْلكه‬
ُ ‫َهوَِف‬
ُ ‫ََيَم ْن‬

(18) O Everlasting in His Kingdom,

ٌَ‫َس ْلطانِِهَق ِدي‬ ِ

ُ ‫َهو‬
‫َِف‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O Eternal in His sovereignty,

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَهو َِِفَجللِ ِهَع‬

ٌ ُ ْ
O Greatest in His grandeur,

َ‫يم‬ ِ‫اد ِهَر‬

‫ح‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَهوَعل ّٰى‬
ِ ‫َعب‬
ٌ ُ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 211

O Most Merciful to His servants,

َ‫يم‬ِ‫َيَمنَهوَبِ ُك ِلَشي ٍءَعل‬

ٌ ْ ُ ْ
O Knower of everything,

َ‫يم‬ِ‫َيَمنَهو َِِبنَعصاهَُحل‬
ٌ ْ ُ ْ
O Forbearing to him who disobeys

ٌَ‫َهو َِِب ْنَرجاهَُك ِري‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O Magnanimous to him who puts his
hope in Him,

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َِفَص ْن ِع ِهَح‬

‫ك‬ ِ
ٌ ُ ‫َهو‬
َ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Wise over what He has

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 212

ِ ‫َيَمنَهو َِِف‬
ٌَ ‫َح ْكمتِ ِهَل ِط‬
‫يف‬ ُ ْ
O He Who is Subtle in His Wisdom,

ٌَ‫َهو َِِفَلُطْ ِف ِهَق ِدي‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Eternal in His Kindness.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهََإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 213

ْ ‫َف‬ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ى‬ ‫ج‬‫ر‬ ‫ي‬ َ
ّٰ ْ ُ ْ‫َل‬
َ َ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)19(

O He from Whom no hope is


entertained save by His Grace,

َُ‫َيَم ْنََلََيُ ْسأ ُلَإِهَلَع ْف ُوه‬

O He from Whom nothing is begged
save His Pardon,

َُ‫َيَم ْنََلََيُ ْنظ ُرَإِهَلَبُِّره‬

O He of Whom nothing is seen save His

َُ‫افَإِهََلَع ْدلُه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلََ ُي‬
O He from Whom nothing is feared
save His Justice,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 214

َُ‫َم ْل ُكه‬ ‫ه‬ ِ

ُ ‫ومَإ‬
‫َل‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلََي ُد‬
O He Whose sovereignty alone

َُ‫َس ْلطانُه‬ ‫ه‬ ِ

ُ ‫َيَم َْن َلََ ُس ْلطانَإ‬
O He Who alone has true authority,
‫تَ ُك هلَش ْيءَر َْحتَُُه‬ ِ
ْ ‫َيَم ْنَو‬
‫ع‬ ‫س‬
O He Whose mercy encompasses all

ُ‫تَر َْحتُهَُغضب َه‬

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَسب ق‬
O He Whose wrath is surpassed by His
ِ ‫َيَمنَأحاطَبِ ُك ِلَشي ٍء‬
َُ‫َع ْل ُمه‬ ْ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 215

O He Whose knowledge encompasses


َُ‫َيَم ْنَل ْيسَأح ٌدَ ِمثْ له‬

O He Who is without equal.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫)ََيَفارِجَٱ ْْل ِم‬20(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 216

(20) O Remover of anxiety,

ِ ‫َيَك‬
َ‫اشفَٱلْغ ِم‬
O Expeller of sorrow,
ِ ْ‫َيَغافِرَٱل هذن‬
O Forgiver of sins,

َِ ‫َيَقابِلَٱلت ْهو‬
O Acceptor of repentance,

ْ ‫َيَخِالق‬
َ‫َٱْل ْل ِق‬
O Creator of the creatures,

‫ادقَٱلْو ْع َِد‬
ِ ‫َيَص‬
O Truthful in promises,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 217

َ‫وِفَٱلْع ْه ِد‬
ِ ‫َم‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Fulfiller of promises,
ِ ‫َيَع ِاَل‬
َ‫َٱلس ِر‬
O Knower of secrets,
ِ ‫َيَفِالقَٱ ْْل‬
O Splitter of seeds,

َ‫َيََرا ِزقََٱ ْْلَنِم‬

O Provider of sustenance for the

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 218

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)21(

(21) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

ُّ ِ‫َو‬ ‫ََي‬ ‫ي‬ ِ
ُّ ‫َيَعل‬
O Most High, O Faithful,

َ‫ِنََيَملِ ُّي‬
ُّ ِ ‫َيَغ‬
O Independent, O Affluent,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 219

ِ ‫َيَح ِف ُّيََيَر‬
َ‫ض ُّي‬
O All-affectionate, O Agreeable

َُّ ‫َيَزكِ ُّيََيَب ِد‬

O Purifier, O Eternal,

ُّ ‫َيَق ِو‬
ُّ ِ‫يََيَو‬
O Mighty, O Patron.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 220

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ََيَم ْنَأظْهرَٱ ْْلميل‬)22(

(22) O He Who has shown only


َ‫َيَم ْنَسَت َٱلْقبِيح‬

O He Who has concealed the evil
(deeds of His servants)!
ِ ‫َيَمنََلَي ؤ‬
َ‫اخ ْذَبِٱ ْْل ِريرِة‬ ُْ ْ
O He Who has not censured for the
ِ ‫ك‬
َ‫َٱلس َْت‬ ِ ِ‫َيَمنََلَْي ْهت‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 221

O He Who has not exposed the hidden!

َ‫َيَع ِظيمَٱلْع ْف ِو‬

O He Who is Ample in pardoning!

َ‫َيَحسنَٱلتهج ُاوِز‬
O He Who is Excellent in overlooking!

‫اسعَٱلْمغْ ِفرَِة‬
ِ ‫َيَو‬
O He Who is Liberal in forgiving!

َ‫ٱلر َْح ِة‬

ِ ِ‫َيََب ِسطَٱلْيديْ ِنَب‬
O He Who opens His hands wide with

َ‫َْنو ّٰى‬
ْ ُ‫ل‬ِ ‫ك‬َ‫ب‬ ِ
‫اح‬ ‫َيَص‬
O He Who is present in all confidential

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 222


َ‫َم ْن ت ه ّٰىَ ُك ِلَش ْك ًو ّٰى‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O He Who is the ultimate objective of
all complaints!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫سابِغ َِة‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ة‬ِ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬
ْ ِ
‫اَٱلن‬ ‫َذ‬‫َي‬َ)23(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 223

(23) O Master of countless blessings,

‫اسع َِة‬
ِ ‫َيَذاَٱل هر َْح ِةَٱلْو‬
O Master of limitless mercy,

‫سابِق َِة‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬ ِ
‫هة‬ ‫ن‬ ِ
O Master surpassing all obligation,

‫َيَذاَٱ ْْلِ ْكم ِةَٱلْبِالغ َِة‬

O Master of perfect wisdom,

َ‫َيَذاَٱلْ ُق ْدرِةَٱلْك ِامل ِة‬

O Master of infinite might,
ِ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْل هج ِةَٱلْق‬
‫اطع َِة‬ ُ
O Master of the decisive argument,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 224

ِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْكرام ِةَٱلظه‬
O Master of the manifest honoring,

‫َيَذاَٱل ِْع هزِةَٱل هدائِم َِة‬

O Master of perpetual prestige,

‫َيَذاَٱلْ ُق هوِةَٱلْمَتِين َِة‬

O Master of great strength,

‫َيَذاَٱلْعظم ِةَٱلْمنِيع َِة‬

O Master of unsurpassable glory.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 225

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ ‫سماو‬ ِ
‫ََيَبديعَٱل ه‬)24(

(24) O Originator of the heavens,

ِ ‫َيَج‬
ِ ‫اعلَٱلظُّلُم‬
O Maker of darkness,
ِ ‫َيَر‬
ِ ‫احمَٱلْعب‬
O Merciful to the shed tears,
ِ ‫َيَم ِقيلَٱلْعث ر‬
َ‫ات‬ ُ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 226

O He Who oversees slips,

ِ ‫َيَساتِرَٱلْعور‬
َ‫ات‬ ْ
O Concealer of defects,

َِ ‫َُميِيَٱ ْْل ْمو‬

‫ات‬ ُْ ‫َي‬
O Reviver of the dead,
ِ ‫َيَم ْن ِزلَٱ ْْلَي‬
َ‫ت‬ ُ
O Revealer of signs,

َِ ‫َمض ِعفَٱ ْْلسن‬

‫ات‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Doubler of virtue,

َِ ‫سيِئ‬
‫ات‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ي‬ ِ
‫اح‬ ‫َيَم‬
O Eraser of vices,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 227

َِ ‫َيَش ِديدَٱلن ِهقم‬

O Severe in revenge.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬25(
(25) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 228

َ‫َمق ِد ُر‬
ُ ُ ‫َمص‬
‫ََي‬ ‫ر‬ِ
‫و‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Fashioner, O Preordainer,

َ‫َمط ِه ُر‬ ‫ََي‬‫ر‬ِ

ُ ُ ‫َمدب‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Planner, O Purifier,

‫َمي ِس َُر‬
ُ ُ ‫َمن‬
‫ََي‬ ‫ر‬ِ
‫و‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Illuminator, O Facilitator,

َ‫َم ْن ِذ ُر‬‫ََي‬
ُ ُ ُ‫ر‬‫ش‬ِ ‫َيَمب‬
O Giver of glad tidings, O Warner,

َ‫َمؤ ِخ ُر‬ ‫ََي‬

ُ ُ ُ ‫م‬ ِ ‫َيَمق‬
O Giver of precedence, O Postponer.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 229

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫بَٱلْب ْي‬
ِ‫تَٱ ْْلر َام‬ ‫ََيَر ه‬)26(

(26) O Lord of the Holy House,

َ‫ش ْه ِرَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

‫بَٱل ه‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the holy month,

َ‫بَٱلْب ل ِدَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Holy City,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 230

َِ ‫َٱلرْك ِنَوٱلْمق‬
‫ام‬ ُّ ‫ب‬ ‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Corner and the Standing-
Place (in Makkah),

َ‫بَٱلْم ْشع ِرَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Holy Monument,

َ‫بَٱلْم ْس ِج ِدَٱ ْْلر ِام‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Holy Mosque,

َ‫بَٱ ْْلِ ِلَوٱ ْْلر ِام‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of what is lawful and what is

َ‫بَٱلنُّوِرَوٱل َظهلَِم‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of light and darkness,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 231

َ‫هحيه ِةَوٱل ه‬
َ‫سلَِم‬ ِ ‫بَٱلت‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of greeting and salutation,

َ‫بَٱلْ ُق ْدرِة َِِفَٱ ْْلَنِم‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of strength over creatures.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها َِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 232

َ‫)ََيَأ ْحكمَٱ ْْلاكِ ِمي‬27(

(27) O Best of judges,

َ ِ‫ادل‬
‫ي‬ ِ ‫َيَأ ْعدلَٱلْع‬
O Justest of all the just,

َ ِ‫ادق‬
‫ي‬ ِ‫ص‬ ‫صدقَٱل ه‬
ْ ‫َيَأ‬
O Most Honest of all the honest,
ِ ‫َيَأطْهرَٱلطه‬
َ‫اه ِرين‬
O Purest of the pure,

َ ‫َٱْلِا ِلق‬
‫ي‬ ْ ‫َيَأ ْحسن‬
O Best of all creators,
ِ ‫َيَأسرعَٱ ْْل‬
َ‫اسبِي‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 233

O Quickest Reckoner,

َ ‫س ِام ِع‬
‫ي‬ ‫َيَأ ْْسعَٱل ه‬
O Best of listeners,
ِ ‫َيَأبصرَٱلن‬
َ ‫هاظ ِر‬
‫ين‬ ْ
O Most vigilant of the invigilators,

َ ‫شافِ ِع‬
‫ي‬ ‫َيَأ ْشفعَٱل ه‬
O Best of intercessors,

َ‫َيَأ ْكرمَٱ ْْل ْكرِمي‬

O Most honorable of all.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 234

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ِ
ُ‫ََيَعمادَم ْنََلََعمادَل َه‬

(28) O Support of the unsupported,

ُ‫َيَسندَم ْنََلََسندَل َه‬

O Holder of the holdless,

ُ‫َيَذُ ْخرَم ْنََلََذُ ْخرَل َه‬

O Supplier of those who lack supplies,

َُ‫َح ْرزَم ْنََلََ ِح ْرزَله‬

ِ ‫َي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 235

O Shield for the defenseless,

َُ‫َغياثَم ْنََلََ ِغياثَله‬

ِ ‫َي‬
O Aide of the aidless,

ُ‫َيَف ْخرَم ْنََلََف ْخرَل َه‬

O Pride of those without pride,

َُ‫َع هزَم ْنََلََ ِع هزَله‬

ِ ‫َي‬
O Honor of the honorless,

َُ‫َم ِعيَم ْنََلََ ُم ِعيَله‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Giver of Aid to the unaided,

َُ‫َيَأنِيسَم ْنََلََأنِيسَله‬
O Entertainment of the forsaken,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 236

ُ‫َيَأمانَم َْن َلََأمانَل َه‬

O Security of the unsecured.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
ِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬29(
(29) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 237

َ‫اص ُمََيَقائِ ُم‬

ِ ‫َيَع‬
O Protector, O Persistent,
ِ ‫َيَدائِمََيَر‬
َ‫اح ُم‬ ُ
O Eternal, O Merciful,

َ‫َيَس ِاَلََُيَحاكِ ُم‬

O Accorder of peace, O Judge!
ِ ِ
‫َيَعاَلََُيَقاس َُم‬
O Omniscient, O Distributor,

ُ ‫ضََيََب ِس‬
َ‫ط‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَقَاب‬
O Preventer, O Opener.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 238

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ْ ‫ََيَعاصمَم ِن‬
ُ‫َٱست ْعصم َه‬
)30 (

(30) O Protector of him who seeks His


َُ‫َٱس َْتَحه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫م‬ ِ ‫َيَر‬

O Merciful to him who seeks His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 239

َُ‫َٱست غْفره‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ر‬ِ‫َيَغاف‬

O Forgiver of him who prays His

َُ‫َٱست ْنصره‬
ْ ‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ر‬‫ص‬ِ ‫َيََن‬
O Helper of him who asks for His help,

َُ‫َٱست ْحفظه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ظ‬ِ‫َيَحاف‬

O Safeguard of him who seeks His

َُ‫َٱست ْكرمه‬
ْ ‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫م‬ِ
‫ر‬ ‫َم ْك‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Honorer of him who seeks His honor,

َُ‫َٱس َْتشده‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫د‬ ِ ‫َيَمر‬

ْ ُْ
O Guide of him who seeks His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 240


ُ‫صرخ َه‬ ْ ‫َيَص ِريخَم ِن‬

ْ ‫َٱست‬
O Giver of Aid to him who seeks His

‫َٱست عان َُه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ي‬‫ع‬ِ ‫َيَم‬

ْ ُ
O Helper of him who seeks His help,

‫َٱست غاث َُه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫يث‬ ِ ‫َيَم‬

ْ ُ
O Rescuer of him who seeks His

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلََإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 241

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ام‬ ِ
َُ ‫ََيَعزيزاًََلََيُض‬)31(

(31) O Powerful Who is never


َ‫َيَل ِطيفاًََلََيُر ُام‬

O Benign Who cannot be reached,

ُ ‫َيَق يُّوماًََلََي ن‬
O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 242

َُ ‫َيَدائِماًََلََي ُف‬
O Eternal Who never misses,

َُ ُ‫َيَحياًََلََي‬
O Ever-living Who never dies,

ُ ‫َيَملِكاًََلََي ُز‬
O Monarch Whose rule is endless,

ّٰ ‫ف‬
ْ ‫ي‬ َ‫َل‬
َ َ ِ
ً ‫َيََبق‬
‫ا‬ ‫ي‬
O Eternal Who is imperishable,

َ‫َيَعالِماًََلََ َْيه ُل‬

O Omniscient Who never forgets,

َ‫َيَصمداًََلََيُطْع ُم‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 243

O Independent Who needs no


‫ف‬ ْ ‫َيَق ِوَيًََلََي‬

َُ ُ‫ضع‬
O Mighty Who never weakens.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬32(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 244

(32) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:
ِ ‫َيَأح ُدََيَو‬
‫اح َُد‬
O Unique, O One,
ِ ‫َيَش‬
ِ ‫اه ُدََيَم‬
َ‫اج ُد‬
O Present, O Glorious,
ِ ‫َيَح ِام ُدََيَر‬
‫اش َُد‬
O Thanker, O Guide,

ُ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫ا‬‫و‬َ‫ََي‬‫ث‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيََب‬
O Resurrector, O Heir,

َ‫ارََيََنفِ ُع‬
ُّ ‫َيَض‬
O Harmful to the unjust, O Beneficial to

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 245

the just.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ٍ‫يم‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫ََيَأ ْعظمَم ْنَ ُكلَعظ‬)33(

(33) O Grandest of all the grand,

َ‫َيَأ ْكرم َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَك ِر ٍي‬

O Most Generous of all the generous,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 246

َ‫َيَأ ْرحم َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَرِح ٍيم‬

O Most Merciful of all the merciful,

َ‫َيَأ ْعلم َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَعلِ ٍيم‬

O Most Knowledgeable of all knowers,

َ‫َيَأ ْحكم َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَح ِك ٍيم‬

O Wisest of all the wise,

َ‫َيَأقْدم َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَق ِد ٍي‬

O Most Eternal of all eternal things,

َ‫َيَأ ْكب َِم ْنَ ُك ِلََكبِ ٍري‬

O Most Great of all the great,
ٍ ‫َيَألْطف َِمنَ ُك ِلَل ِط‬
َ‫يف‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 247

O Most Benign of all the benign,

ٍ ِ‫َيَأج هل َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَجل‬

O Most Magnificent of all the

َ‫َيَأع هز َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَع ِزي ٍز‬

O Mightiest of all the mighty.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 248

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َِ ‫ص ْف‬ ِ
‫ََيَكريَٱل ه‬)34(

(34) O Most Magnanimous in

overlooking sins,

‫َيَع ِظيمَٱلْم َِن‬

O Greatest Benefactor,

ْ ‫َيَكثِري‬
َ‫َٱْل ِْري‬
O Most Bounteous in goodness,

‫ض َِل‬
ْ ‫ْف‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ي‬‫د‬ِ ‫َيَق‬
O Eternal in grace,
ِ ْ‫َيَدائِمَٱللُّط‬
O Eternal in subtlety,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 249

‫َٱلص ْن َِع‬
ُّ ‫يف‬ ِ
‫ط‬ ‫َيَل‬
O Subtle in creation,
ِ ‫َمن ِفسَٱلْك ْر‬
َ‫ب‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Remover of anguish,

‫َٱلض َِر‬ ِ ‫َيَك‬

ُّ ‫اشف‬
O Healer of injury,
ِ ‫َيَمِالكَٱلْم ْل‬
َ‫ك‬ ُ
O Master of dominion,
ِ ‫َيَق‬
َ‫اضيَٱ ْْل ِق‬
O True Judge.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 250

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٌّ‫ِف‬ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫َهوَِفَع ْهدهَو‬
ُ ‫ََيَم ْن‬

(35) O He Who fulfils His promise,

ٌَّ ‫َهو َِِفَوفائِِهَق ِو‬

‫ي‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Strong in His fulfillment,

َ‫َهو َِِفَقُ هوتِِهَعلِ ٌّي‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is great in His strength,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 251

‫ر‬ ‫َق‬‫ه‬ِ‫َيَمنَهو َِِفَعُلُُّو‬
ٌ ُ ْ
O He Who is near everyone in spite of
His exaltation,

ٌَ ‫َهو َِِفَقُ ْربِ ِهَل ِط‬

‫يف‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is benign in His nearness,

‫ر‬ ‫َش‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ف‬ ْ‫َهو َِِفَلُط‬
ٌ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is noble in His benignity,

َ‫َهو َِِفَشرفِ ِهَع ِز ٌيز‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is powerful in His nobility,

َ‫يم‬ ‫ظ‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَهو َِِف‬

ِ ‫َع ِزِهَع‬
ٌ ُ ْ
O He Who is great in His almightiness,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 252

ِ ‫َِفَعظمتِ ِه‬
‫َُمي ٌَد‬ َ ِ ‫َهو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is glorious in His greatness,
ِ ‫َُم ِد ِه‬
‫ََحي ٌَد‬ ْ ‫َهو َِِف‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is praiseworthy in his glory.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 253

ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬36(

(36) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

َ‫َيَك ِاِفََيَش ِاِف‬

O Sufficing, O Restorer of health,

َ ِ ‫َيَو ِاِفََيَ ُمع‬

O Faithful, O Giver of wellbeing
ِ ‫اديََيَد‬
‫اع ي‬ ِ ‫َيَه‬
O Guide, O Summoner,
ِ ‫اضيََيَر‬
‫اضي‬ ِ ‫َيَق‬
O Judge, O Agreeable,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 254

‫َيَع ِاِلََيََبقِي‬
O High, O Eternal!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫)ََيَمنَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَخ‬37(
َُ‫اض ٌعَله‬ ْ ْ
(37) O He before Whom everything

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 255

ِ ‫َيَمنَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَخ‬

َُ‫اش ٌعَله‬ ْ ْ
O He before Whom everything is

َُ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍءَكائِ ٌنَله‬

O He to Whom everything belongs,
ِ‫َيَمنَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَموجو ٌدَبَِه‬
ُْ ْ ْ
O He to Whom everything owes its

َ‫يبَإِل ْي ِه‬ِ‫َيَمنَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَمن‬

ٌ ُ ْ ْ
O He to Whom everything returns,

‫ف َِم ْن َُه‬
ٌ ِ
‫ائ‬ ‫َخ‬‫ء‬ٍ ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك َُّلَش ْي‬
O He of Whom everything is afraid,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 256

َ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍءَقائِ ٌمَبِ ِه‬

O He to Whom everything owes its

َ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍءَصائٌِرَإِل ْي ِه‬

O He towards Whom everything

َ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك ُّلَش ْي ٍءَيُسبِ ُح َِِب ْم ِد ِه‬

O He Whom everything glorifies with

َُ‫لكَإِهَلَو ْجهه‬
ٌ ِ
‫ا‬ ‫َه‬‫ء‬ٍ ‫َيَم ْنَ ُك ُّلَش ْي‬
O He save Whose Face everything is

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 257

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫)ََيَم ْنََلَمف هرَإِهَلَإِل ْي َِه‬38(

(38) O He there is no retreat but
towards Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَم ْفزعَإِهَلَإِل ْي ِه‬

O He there is no place of protection

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 258

except with Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَم ْقصدَإِهَلَإِل ْي ِه‬

O He there is no right path except that
which leads to Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَمنج ّٰى َِم ْنهَُإِهَلَإِل ْي ِه‬

O He there is no shelter against Him
but with Him,

َ‫بَإِهَلَإل ِيه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْرغ‬
O He there is no inclination towards
anyone except Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَح ْولَوَلَقُ هوةَإِهَلَبِ ِه‬

O He there is no strength and vigor but
from Him,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 259

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْست عا ُنَإِهَلَبِ ِه‬

O He none is invoked for help but Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُت وهك ُلَإِهَلَعل ْي ِه‬

O He trust is not reposed in anyone but

َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْرج ّٰىَإ‬
O He hope is not entertained from
anyone except Him,

َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْعب ُدَإ‬
O He none is worshipped except Him!

َ‫ُس ْبحانَكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 260


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ ِ‫)ََيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْرُهوب‬39(

(39) O Best of those who are feared,

َ ِ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْرغُوب‬

O Best of those who are desired,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْمطْلُوبِي‬
O Best of those who are sought,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 261

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْس ُؤولِي‬

O Best of those who are entreated,

‫ين‬ ِ ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْقص‬

َ ‫ود‬ ُ
O Best of those who are longed for,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْذ ُكوِرين‬

O Best of those who are mentioned,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْش ُكوِرين‬

O Best of those who are thanked,

َ ِ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْحبُوب‬

O Best of those who are loved,

َ ‫َيَخ ْريَٱلْم ْدعُ ِو‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 262

O Best of those who are called on,

َ ‫َيَخ ْريَٱل ُْم ْستأْنِ ِس‬

O Best of those who are held in

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها َِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬40(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 263

(40) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

َ‫َيَغافِ ُرََيَساتُِر‬
O Forgiver, O Concealer [of defects]
ِ ‫اهرََيَف‬
َ‫اط ُر‬ ِ ‫ادرََيَق‬
ِ ‫َيَق‬
ُ ُ
O Mighty, O Supreme, O Creator,
ِ ‫َيَك‬
َ‫اس ُرََيَجابُِر‬
O Shatterer, O Joiner,
ِ ‫َيَذاكِرََيََن ِظرََيََن‬
َ‫ص ُر‬ ُ ُ
O Rememberer, O Observer, O Helper!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 264


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َّٰ ‫)ََيَم ْنَخلقَفس هو‬41(
(41) O He Who created and perfected,

َّٰ ‫َيَم ْنَق هدرَف هد‬

O He Who made everything to measure
and guided,

َّٰ ‫فَٱلْب ْلو‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَي ْك‬
O He Who removes misfortunes,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 265

َّٰ ‫هجو‬
ْ ‫َيَم ْنَي ْسم ُعَٱلن‬
O He Who overhears secrets,

َ‫َيَم ْنَيُ ْن ِق ُذَٱلْغ ْرق ّٰى‬

O He Who rescues the drowning,
ِ ‫َيَمنَي‬
َ‫نجيَٱ ْْل ْلك ّٰى‬ُْ
O He Who saves the distressed,

َ‫َيَم ْنَي ْش ِفيَٱلْم ْرض ّٰى‬

O He Who restores the sick to health,

َ‫ضحكَوأبْك ّٰى‬
ْ ‫َيَم ْنَأ‬
O He who makes laugh and weep,

‫َيَم ْنَأماتَوأ ْحيا‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 266

O He Who causes to die and restores to


َ‫يَٱل هذكرَ َوٱ ْْلُنْ ث ّٰى‬

ِ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَخلقَٱل هزْوج‬
O He Who has created pairs of male
and female!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 267

َُ‫ْبَوٱلْب ْح ِرَسبِيلُه‬
ِ ‫)ََيَم ْن َِِفَٱل‬42(
(42) O He Whose course is on land and
in oceans,

َِ ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ ْْلف‬

O He Whose signs are in the horizons,

َِ ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ ْْلَي‬

َُ‫تَبُ ْرهانُه‬
O He in Whose signs are undeniable
ِ ‫َيَمن َِِفَٱلْمم‬
َُ‫اتَقُ ْدرتُه‬ ْ
O He Whose might is exhibited in
causing death,
ِ ‫َيَمن َِِفَٱلْ ُقبوِر‬
‫َع ْبتَُُه‬ ُ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 268

O He Whose lesson is in graves,

‫َم ْل ُك َُه‬‫ة‬ِ ‫َيَمن َِِفَٱل ِْقيام‬

ُ ْ
O He Whose kingdom will be on the
Resurrection Day,
ِ َ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ ْْلِس‬
‫ابَه ْي ب تَُُه‬
O He in Whose reckoning of deeds is
His gravity,
ِ ‫َيَمن َِِفَٱل ِْميز‬
َُ‫انَقضا ُؤه‬ ْ
O He in Whose balance is His order,

‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ ْْلن ِهةَث وابَُُه‬

O He Whose paradise is the place of
His good reward,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 269

‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱلنها َِرَ ِعقابَُُه‬

O He Whose hell is the place of

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ون‬ ِ ْ ‫ب‬
َ ‫َٱْلائ ُف‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫ََيَم ْنَإل ْيهَي ْهر‬

(43) O He the frightened flee to Him,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 270

َ ُ‫َيَم ْنَإِل ْي ِهَي ْفزعَُٱل ُْم ْذنِب‬

O He sinners take shelter with Him,
ِ ‫َيَمنَإِل ْي ِهَي ْق‬
َ ُ‫ص ُدَٱل ُْمنِيب‬
‫ون‬ ْ
O He the repentant return to Him,
ِ ‫َيَمنَإِلي ِهَي رغبَٱل هز‬
َ‫اه ُدون‬ ُ ْ ْ ْ
O He the ascetics incline towards Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنَإِل ْي ِهَي ْلجََأَُٱل ُْمتحِريُون‬

O He the confounded seek shelter in

َ‫سَٱل ُْم ِري ُدون‬ِ‫َيَمنَبِ ِهَيستأْن‬

ُ ْ ْ
O He the desirous have affliction for

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 271

َ‫َيَم ْنَبِ ِهَي ْفت ِخ ُرَٱل ُْم ِحبُّون‬

O He lovers are proud of Him,
ِ ‫َٱْل‬
َ‫اطئُون‬ ْ ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَع ْف ِوِهَيطْم ُع‬
O He transgressors have wished for
His forgiveness,

َ ُ‫َيَم ْنَإِل ْي ِهَي ْس ُك ُنَٱل ُْموقِن‬

O He those who are sure in faith
receive consolation from Him,

َ‫َيَم ْنَعلي ِهَي ت وهك ُلَٱل ُْمت وكِلُون‬

O He those who trust Him rely on Him.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 272


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬44(
(44) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your

ُ ُ
O Friend, O physician,

َ‫يب‬ِ‫َيَق ِريبََيَرق‬
ُ ُ
O Near, O Supervisor,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 273

َ‫يب‬ ِ
‫ه‬ ‫َم‬
ُ ‫ََي‬ ‫ب‬ ِ
‫ي‬ ‫س‬ ‫َح‬‫َي‬
ُ ُ
O Reckoner to account, O Awful,

َ‫يب‬ ُِ ‫َمثِيبََي‬
ُ ُ ُ ‫َي‬
O Rewarder, O Acceptor,
ِ ‫َيَخبِريََيَب‬
َُ‫صري‬ ُ
O Aware, O All-Seeing!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 274

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٍ‫يب‬ِ ِ
َ ‫ََيَأقْ ربَم ْنَ ُك ِلَقر‬)45 (

(45) O Nearest of all,

ٍ ِ‫ب َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَحب‬
َ‫يب‬ ‫َيَأح ه‬
O Friendliest of all friends,
ِ ‫َيَأبْصر َِمنَ ُك ِلَب‬
َ‫ص ٍري‬ ْ
O Possessor Of greater insight than all

َ‫َيَأ ْخب َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَخبِ ٍري‬

O Most Aware of all,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 275

ٍ ‫َيَأ ْشرف َِمنَ ُك ِلَش ِر‬

َ‫يف‬ ْ
O Noblest of all the noble,

َ‫َيَأ ْرفع َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَرفِي ٍع‬

O Most Exalted of all the exalted,

َ‫َيَأقْ و ّٰى َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَق ِو ٍي‬

O Mightiest of all the mighty,

ٍَ‫ن َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَغ ِِن‬

ّٰ ‫َيَأ ْغ‬
O Most Independent of all,

َ‫َيَأ ْجود َِم ْنَ ُك ِلَجو ٍاد‬

O Most Generous of all,
ٍ ‫َيَأرأف َِمنَ ُك ِلَرُؤ‬
َ‫وف‬ ْ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 276

O Kindest of all those who are kind!

َ‫ُس ْبحانَكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٍ‫وب‬ ِ
َ ُ‫ََيَغالباًَغ ْريَمغْل‬)46(

(46) O Dominant Who is not


ٍ ُ‫صن‬ ‫َم‬‫ري‬‫َغ‬‫ا‬ ‫ع‬ِ
ْ ْ ً ‫َيَصان‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 277

O Designer Who is not made,

ٍ ُ‫َيَخِالقاًَغ ْريَُمْل‬
O Creator Who is not created,
ٍ ُ‫َيَمِالكاًَغ ْريََمْل‬
O Master Who is not enslaved,
ِ ‫َيَق‬
َ‫اهراًَغ ْريَم ْق ُهوٍر‬
O All-dominant Who is not dominated,

َ‫وع‬ ‫َم‬‫ري‬‫َغ‬‫ا‬ ‫ع‬ِ

ٍ ُ ْ ْ ً ‫َيَراف‬
O Exalter Who was not raised [by

ٍَ ‫َُم ُف‬
‫وظ‬ ‫ري‬‫َغ‬‫ا‬ ‫ظ‬ِ
ْ ْ ً ‫َيَحاف‬
O Protector Who needs no protection,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 278

َ‫صوٍر‬ ِ
ُ ْ ْ ً ‫َيََن‬
‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫ري‬‫َغ‬‫ا‬‫ر‬‫ص‬
O Helper Who needs no help,
ِ ‫َيَش‬
ٍ ِ‫اهداًَغ ْريَغائ‬
O Witness Who is not absent,

ٍَ ‫َيَق ِريباًَغ ْريَب ِع‬

O Near Who is not distant!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 279

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

(47) O Light of lights,

َ‫َمن ِورَٱلنُّوِر‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Illuminator of light,

O Creator of light

ُ ‫َي‬
O Planner of light,

َ‫َمق ِدرَٱلنُّوِر‬
ُ ‫َي‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 280

O Estimator of light,

َ‫َيَنُورَ ُك ِلَنُوٍر‬
O Light of all lights,

َ‫َيَنُوراًَق ْبلَ ُك ِلَنُوٍر‬

O Light that precedes in existence
every light,

َ‫َيَنُوراًَب ْعدَ ُك ِلَنُوٍر‬

O Light that will survive all lights,

َ‫َيَنُوراًَفَ ْوقَ ُك ِلَنُوٍر‬

O Light that is above every light,

َ‫ور‬ ِ ِ ِ
ٌ ُ ْ ‫َيَنُوراًَل ْيسَك‬
‫ن‬ َ‫ه‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ث‬ ‫م‬
O Light like of which there is no light.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 281

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ٌ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫َش‬‫ه‬‫ؤ‬‫ا‬
ُُ ْ‫ط‬‫َع‬‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)48(

(48) O He Whose gift is noble,

َ‫يف‬ ِ
‫ط‬ ‫َل‬‫ه‬ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ِ
ٌ ُ ُ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَف‬
O He Whose action is subtle,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 282

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَلطْ ُفهَُم‬

ٌ ُ ْ
O He Whose kindness is persistent,

‫َيَم ْنَإِ ْحسانُهَُق ِد ٌَي‬

O He Whose beneficence is eternal,

َ‫َيَم ْنَق ْولُهَُح ٌّق‬

O He Whose word is right,
ِ ُ‫َيَمنَو ْع ُده‬
َ‫َص ْد ٌق‬ ْ
O He Whose promise is true,

َ‫ض ٌل‬
ْ ‫َيَم ْنَع ْف ُوهَُف‬
O He Whose forgiveness is a grace,

‫َيَم ْنَعذابَُهَُع ْد ٌَل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 283

O He Whose chastisement is justice,

َ‫َح ْل ٌو‬ ِ
ُ ُ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
‫ه‬‫ر‬ ‫ك‬
ْ ‫َذ‬
O He Whose remembrance is sweet,

ٌَ ‫ضلُهَُع ِم‬
‫يم‬ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَف‬
O He Whose grace is universal.

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 284

ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬49(

(49) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your
ِ ‫َيَمس ِهلََيَمف‬
َ‫ص ُل‬ ُ ُ ُ
O Facilitator, O Explicator,

‫َمذلِ َُل‬
ُ ‫ََي‬‫ل‬ُ ِ ‫َيَمب‬
‫د‬ ُ
O Alterer, O Humiliating of the proud,

‫َمن ِو َُل‬
ُ ‫ََي‬ ‫ل‬
ُ ِ
‫ز‬ ‫َمن‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Degrader, O Benefactor,

َ‫َُم ِز ُل‬ ِ ‫َيَم ْف‬

ُْ ‫ض ُلََي‬ ُ
O Munificent, O Giver to excess,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 285

‫َُم ِم َُل‬
ُْ ‫َيََمُْ ِه ُلََي‬
O Grantor of respite, O Virtuous!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها َِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َّٰ ‫)ََيَم ْنَي ر ّٰىَوَلَيُر‬50(
(50) O He Who sees but is not seen,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 286

َ‫َيْل ُق‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَيْلُ ُقَوَل‬
O He Who creates and is not created,

َّٰ ‫َيَم ْنَي ْه ِديَوَلَيُ ْهد‬

O He Who guides and is not guided,

َ‫ي‬ ‫َي‬
ّٰ ُْ ‫َل‬‫يَو‬ِ‫َيي‬
ُْ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who receives to life and is not
brought to life,

َ‫َيَم ْنَي ْسا ُلَوَلَيُ ْسا ُل‬

O He Who questions and is not

َ‫َيَم ْنَيُطْ ِع ُمَوَلَيُطْع ُم‬

O He Who feeds and does not eat,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 287

َ‫ارَعل ْي ِه‬
ُ ‫ََي‬
ُ ‫َل‬
َ ‫َو‬ُ‫ري‬ ِ
ُ ‫ن‬
ْ ‫َم‬‫َي‬
O He Who gives protection and is in no
need of protection,

َ‫ضيَوَلَيُ ْقض ّٰىَعل ْي ِه‬

ِ ‫َيَمنَي ْق‬
O He Who judges and against Whom no
judgment is passed,

َ‫َيك ُمَعل ْي ِه‬

ُْ ‫َي ُك ُمَوَل‬
ْ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who commands but is not

‫َيَم ْنََلَْيلِ ْدَوَلَْيُول َْد‬

O He Who begets not nor is He

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َ‫وَلَْي ُكنَلهَُ ُك ُفواًَأح ٌد‬

and there is none like unto Him!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫يب‬ ِ ‫)ََيَنِ ْعمَٱ ْْل‬51(

(51) O Best reckoner,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 289

َ‫يب‬ِ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلطهب‬
O Best physician,

َ‫يب‬ ِ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱل هرق‬

O Best guardian,

‫ر‬ ‫ٱلق‬ َ‫م‬ ِْ ‫َيَن‬
O Best near one,

َ‫يب‬ ِ ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلْم‬

ُ ُ
O Best responder,

َ‫يب‬ِ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱْلب‬
O Best friend,

َ‫يل‬ ِ ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلك‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 290

O Best surety,

َ‫يل‬ِ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلوك‬
O Best protector,

َ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلْم ْو َّٰل‬

O Best master,
ِ ‫َيَنِ ْعمَٱلن‬
O Best helper.

َ‫ُسَْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬
Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 291

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ِ
َ‫َس ُرورَٱلْعارفي‬
ُ ‫ََي‬

(52) O Joy of saints,

َ‫نَٱل ُْم ِحبِي‬

ّٰ ‫َم‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Desire of friends,

‫ين‬ ِ ‫َيََأنِيسََٱلْم ِر‬

َ ‫يد‬ ُ
O Friend of seekers,

َ ِ‫هواب‬
‫ي‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َٱلت‬‫يب‬ِ‫َيَحب‬
O Friend of penitents,

َ‫َيَرا ِزقَٱل ُْم ِقلِي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 292

O Provider of sustenance to the poor,

َ ِ‫َيَرجاءَٱل ُْم ْذنِب‬

O Hope of sinners,

َ ‫يَٱلْعابِ ِد‬
‫ين‬ ِ ْ ‫َيَقُ هرةَع‬
O Coolness of the worshippers' eyes,

َ‫َمن ِفسَع ِنَٱلْم ْك ُروبِي‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Remover Of the sufferers' pain,
ِ ‫َيَمف ِرجَع ِنَٱلْمغْم‬
َ‫ومي‬ ُ ُ
O Dispeller of the sorrows of the

َ‫َيَإِ ّٰلهَٱ ْْل هولِيََ َوٱ ْْل ِخ ِرين‬

O God of the first and the last

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 293


َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)53(

(53) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

‫َيَربهناََيَإِ ّْٰلنَا‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 294

O our Lord, O our God,

َ‫َيَسيِدَنََيَم ْوَلَن‬
O our Chief, O our Master,

ِ ‫َيََن‬
O our Helper, O our Protector,

‫َم ِعين نَا‬ ‫اََي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫يل‬ِ‫َيَدل‬

O our Guide, O our Aide,

‫َيَحبِيب ناََيَطبِيب نَا‬

O our Friend, O our Physician!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 295

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
ِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ‫بَٱلنهبِيِيَ َوٱ ْْلبْ را َر‬
‫ََيَر ه‬)54(

(54) O Lord of the prophets and the


َ‫َٱلص ِد ِيقيَ َوٱ ْْل ْخيا ِر‬

ِ ‫ب‬ ‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the righteous and chosen

‫بَٱ ْْلن َِهةَوٱلنها َِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of paradise and hell,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 296

ِ ‫َٱلصغا ِرَوٱل‬
َ‫ْكبا ِر‬ ِ ‫ب‬ ‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the young and the old,

َ‫وبَوٱلثِما ِر‬
ِ ُ‫بَٱ ْْلُب‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of grains and fruits,

َ‫بَٱ ْْل َْنا َِرَ َوٱ ْْل ْشجا ِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of rivers and trees,

َ‫صحا ِريَوٱل ِْقفا ِر‬

‫بَٱل ه‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of deserts and wastelands,

َ‫بَٱلْبا ِريَوٱلْبِحا ِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of lands and seas,

‫بَٱللهْي ِلَوٱلنهها َِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 297

O Lord of night and day,

َ‫بَٱ ِْإل ْعل َِنَ َوٱ ِْإل ْسرا ِر‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the manifest and the hidden!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٍ ِ ِ
ُ‫ََيَم ْنَن فذَِفَ ُكلَش ْيءَأ ْم ُرَه‬

(55) O He Whose command operates in

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 298

ِ ‫َيَمنَْلِقَبِ ُك ِلَشي ٍء‬
‫َع ْل ُم َُه‬ ْ ْ
O He Whose knowledge encompasses

َُ‫تَإِ َّٰلَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَقُ ْدرتُه‬

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَب لغ‬
O He Whose control extends to

‫ادَنِعم َُه‬
ُ ‫ب‬ ِ
‫ْع‬‫ل‬ ‫يَٱ‬ ِ
‫ص‬ ‫َي‬
ُْ ‫َيَم ْنََل‬
O He Whose bounties cannot be
counted by His slaves,

َُ‫َٱْللئِ ُقَ ُش َْكره‬

ْ ‫َيَم ْنََلَت ْب لُ ُغ‬
O He Whose creatures cannot
adequately thank,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 299

ُ ‫ه‬ ‫ف‬
ْ َ
‫ْل‬ْ ‫ٱ‬ َ‫ك‬ُ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫َيَم ْنََلَتُ ْد‬
O He Whose grandeur cannot be
comprehended by the intellects,

ُ‫امَ ُك ْن ه َه‬
ُ ‫الَٱ َْْل ْوه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَت ن‬
O He Whose reality cannot be acquired
by imaginations,
ِ ‫َيَم ِنَٱلْعظمةَُوٱل‬
َُ‫ْك ِْبَيءَُ ِردا ُؤه‬
O He Whose garb is majesty and

َُ‫ادَقضاءه‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَي ُردَُّٱل‬
‫ب‬ ‫ْع‬
O He Whose judgment cannot be
reversed by His slaves,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 300

َُ‫َم ْل ُكه‬ ‫ه‬ ِ

ُ ‫َم ْلكَإ‬
‫َل‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْنََل‬
O He Whose alone is the kingdom,

َُ‫َيَم ْنََلَعطاءَإِهَلَعطا ُؤه‬

O He Whose alone is the gifts!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 301

َ‫)ََيَم ْنَلهَُٱلْمث ُلََٱ َْْل ْعل ّٰى‬56(

(56) O He for Whom are noblest

‫اتَٱلْعُ ْليا‬
ُ ‫ف‬ ِ
‫َٱلص‬ُ‫َيَم ْنَله‬
O He for Whom are excellent

َ‫وَل‬ُ ‫و‬َ ََ
ّٰ ْ ُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱ ْْل‬
‫ْل‬ ‫ٱ‬
O He Who is the Master of the beginning
and the end,

َّٰ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُجنهةَُٱلْمأْو‬

O He Who is the Master of the abode of

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 302

َّٰ ‫تَٱلْ ُك ْب‬
َُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱ ْْلَي‬
O He to Whom are great signs,

ّٰ ‫اءَُٱ ْْلُ ْس‬
َ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱ ْْل ْْس‬
O He to Whom are beautiful names,

َ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱ ْْلُ ْك ُمَوٱلْقض‬
O He to Whom is order and judgment,

َ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱ ْْلواءَُوٱلْفض‬

O He Who rules over the atmosphere
and the expanse,

َّٰ ‫شَوٱلثهر‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱلْع ْر‬
O He Whose is the Lordship of the
Throne and the earth,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 303

َ‫اتَٱلْعُل ّٰى‬
ُ ‫سماو‬
‫َيَم ْنَلهَُٱل ه‬
O He Who is the Master of the high

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)57(

(57) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 304

Your name:

ُ ‫َيَع ُف ُّوََيَغ ُف‬
O Pardoner, O Forgiver,

ُ ‫ورََيَش ُك‬
ُ ُ‫َيَصب‬
O Patient, O Appreciator,

ُ ُ‫وفََيَعط‬
ُ ‫َيَرُؤ‬
O Kind, O Sympathetic,

ُ ‫ولََيَو ُد‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْس ُؤ‬
O Besought, O Amiable,

ُ ‫وحََيَقُ ُّد‬
َ‫وس‬ ُ ُّ‫َسب‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Most Glorified, O Most Holy!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 305

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫س‬
‫ماءَعظمتَُُه‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬ ِ
‫َِف‬‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)58(
(58) O He Whose greatness is in the

ِ ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ َْْل ْر‬

O He Whose signs are on the earth,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 306

َُ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَدَلئِلُه‬

O He Whose proofs are manifest in

َُ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱلْبِحا ِرَعجائِبُه‬

O He Whose wonders are in the seas,

ِ ‫َيَم ْن َِِفَٱ ْْلِب‬
O He Whose treasures are in the

‫َُثهَيُِعي ُد َُه‬ ْ َُ‫َيَم ْنَي ْبدََأ‬

ُ ‫ٱْل ْلق‬
O He Who originated creation which
then returns to Him,

َُ‫َيَم ْنَإِل ْي ِهَي ْرِج ُعَٱ َْْل ْم ُرَ ُكلُّه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 307

O He towards Whom is the return of

every matter,
‫َيَم ْنَأظْهر َِِفَ ُك ِلَش ْيءَلطْف َُه‬
O He Whose kindness is evident in

َُ‫َيَم ْنَأ ْحسنَ ُك هلَش ْي ٍءَخلقه‬

O He Who makes best everything
which He has created,

‫َٱْللئِ َِقَقُ ْدرتَُُه‬

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَتص هرف َِِف‬
O He Whose authority is wielded over
all creatures!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 308


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َُ‫)ََيَحبِيبَم ْنََلَحبِيبَله‬59(
(59) O Friend of him who has no friend,

َُ‫َيَطبِيبَم ْنََلَطبِيبَله‬
O Physician of him who has no
ُِ ‫َُميبَم ْنََل‬
َُ‫َُميبَله‬ ُِ ‫َي‬
O Responder to him who has no

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 309


َُ‫َيَش ِفيقَم ْنََلَش ِفيقَله‬

O Affectionate to him whom none
holds in affection,

َُ‫َيَرفِيقَم ْنََلَرفِيقَله‬
O Comrade of him who has no

َُ‫َم ِغيثَله‬‫ََل‬
ُ ْ ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫يث‬ ِ ‫َيَم‬
‫غ‬ ُ
O Helper of him who has no helper,

َُ‫َيَدلِيلَم ْنََلَدلِيلَله‬
O Guide of him who has no guide,

َُ‫َيَأنِيسَم ْنََلَأنِيسَله‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 310

O Associate of the forlorn,

ِ ‫احمَمنََلَر‬
َُ‫احمَله‬ ِ ‫َيَر‬
O Merciful to him on whom no one has
ِ ‫احبَمنََلَص‬
َُ‫احبَله‬ ِ ‫َيَص‬
O Companion of him who has no

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 311

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ْ ‫ََيَكاِفَم ِن‬
ُ‫َٱست ْكف َاه‬
)60 (

(60) O Sufficer of those who seek


َُ‫َٱست ْهداه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ي‬ ِ ‫َيَه‬

O Guide of who seek guidance,

َُ‫َٱست ْكله‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫لئ‬ ِ‫َيَك‬

O Protector of those who seek

َُ‫َٱس َْتعاه‬‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ي‬ ِ ‫َيَر‬

O Granter of concession to those who

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 312

seek concession,

ْ ‫َيَش ِاِفَم ِن‬

ُ‫َٱست ْشف َاه‬
O Healer of those who seek cure,

َُ‫َٱست ْقضاه‬
ْ ‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬‫ي‬ ِ
‫اض‬ ‫َيَق‬
O Just to those who seek justice,

ْ ‫َمغْ ِِنَم ِن‬

ُ‫َٱست غْن َاه‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Bestower of wealth to those who
seek wealth,

ُ‫َٱست ْوف َاه‬

ْ ‫ن‬ِ ‫َم‬ ِ
ُ ‫َي‬
O Fulfiller of promises to those who
seek fulfillment,

ْ ‫َمق ِويَم ِن‬

ُ‫َٱست ْقو َاه‬ ُ ‫َي‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 313

O Granter of strength to those who

seek strength,

َ ‫َٱست ْو‬ ‫َيَوِ ه‬
ْ ‫ِلَم ِن‬
O Aide of those who seek aid!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬61(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 314

(61) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

َُ ‫لقََيَرا ِز‬
‫ق‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَخ‬
O Creator, O Provider of sustenance,
ِ ‫َيََن ِط ُقََيَص‬
َ‫اد ُق‬
O Creator of speech, O Truthful,

َُ ‫لقََيَفا ِر‬
‫ق‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَف‬
O Splitter, O Separator,

‫َيَفاتِ ُقََيَراتِ َُق‬

O Breaker, O Combiner,

‫َيَسابِ ُقََيَس ِام َُق‬

O Foremost, O Most High!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 315

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ ‫بَٱللهْيلَوٱلنهه‬
‫ار‬ ِ‫)ََيَمنَي قل‬62(
ُ ُْ
(62) O He Who changes night and day,
ِ ‫َيَمنَجعلَٱلظُّلُم‬
َ‫اتَ َوٱ ْْلنْ وار‬ ْ
O He Who has created darkness and

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 316

ِ ‫َيَمنَخلق‬
َ‫َٱلظ هلَوٱ ْْل ُرور‬ ْ
O He Who has bestowed shade and

‫َيَم ْنَس هخرَٱل ه‬

‫ش ْمسَوٱلْقم َر‬
O He Who has brought into subjection
the sun and the moon,

‫َٱْل ْريَوٱل ه‬
َ‫ش هر‬ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَق هدر‬
O He Who has ordained virtue and

َ‫َيَم ْنَخلقَٱلْم ْوتَوٱ ْْلياة‬

O He Who has created death and life,

ْ ُ‫َيَم ْنَله‬
َ‫َٱْل ْل ُقَوَ ٱ َْْل ْم ُر‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 317

O He Who has made the body and the

ِ ‫َيَمنََلَي تِ ِخ ْذَص‬
ًَ‫احبةًَوَلَولدا‬ ْ ْ
O He Who has neither taken a wife nor
begotten any child,
ِ ‫يك َِِفَٱلْم ْل‬
َ‫ك‬ ٌ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫َيَم ْنَل ْيسَلهَُش‬
O He Who has no partner in His
ُّ ‫َيَم ْنََلَْي ُكنَلهَُوِِلٌّ َِمن‬
َ‫َٱلذ ِل‬
O He Who has no friend among the

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 318


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ين‬ ِ ‫)ََيَمنَي ْعلمَمرادَٱلْم ِر‬63(

َ ‫يد‬ ُ ُُ ْ
(63) O He Who knows the desire of the

َ ِ‫صِامت‬
‫ي‬ ‫َيَم ْنَي ْعل ُمَض ِمريَٱل ه‬
O He Who knows the conscience of the

َ‫َيَم ْنَي ْسم ُعَأنِيَٱلْو ِاهنِي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 319

O He Who hears the cries of the weak,

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَي ر ّٰىَبُكاء‬
O He Who sees the lamentation of the

‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ج‬ِ‫ائ‬‫و‬‫َح‬‫ك‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَيْل‬
O He Who satisfies the needs of the

َ‫َيَم ْنَي ْقب ُلَعُ ْذرَٱلتهائِبِي‬

O He Who accepts the excuse of the

َ ‫صلِ ُحَعملَٱل ُْم ْف ِس ِد‬

‫ين‬ ْ ُ‫َيَم ْنََلَي‬
O He Who does not correct the actions
of the mischievous,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 320

َ‫يعَأ ْجرَٱل ُْم ْح ِسنِي‬ ِ ‫َيَمنََلَي‬

ُ ُ ْ
O He Who does not ruin the good
reward of the virtuous,

َ‫وبَٱلْعا ِرفِي‬
ِ ُ‫َيَم ْنََلَي ْب عُ ُدَع ْنَقُل‬
O He Who is not absent from the mind
of the Gnostics,

َ ‫َيَأ ْجودَٱ َْْل ْجو ِد‬

O most Magnanimous of all those who
show magnanimity!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 321

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ‫اء‬ ِ
َ ‫ََيَدائمَٱلْب ق‬)64(

(64) O Eternal in survival,

ِ‫اء‬ ُّ ‫َيَس ِامع‬
َ ‫َٱلدع‬
O Hearer of prayers,

َ‫اسعَٱلْعط ِاء‬
ِ ‫َيَو‬
O Liberal Bestower,

َ‫َٱْلط ِاء‬
ْ ‫َيَغافِر‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 322

O Forgiver of sins,

َِ ‫سم‬
‫اء‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫يع‬ ِ
‫د‬ ‫َيَب‬
O Fashioner of the sky,
َ ‫َيَحسنَٱلْب‬
O Best tester of trials,

َ‫ََجيلَٱلثهن ِاء‬
ِ ‫َي‬
O Most Praiseworthy,

َ‫سن ِاء‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫ي‬‫د‬ِ ‫َيَق‬
O Eternally Sublime,

َ‫َيَكثِريَٱلْوف ِاء‬
O Greatest fulfiller of promises,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 323

َ‫َيَش ِريفَٱ ْْلز ِاء‬

O Best Recompenser!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬65(
(65) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 324

َُ ‫هارََيَغ هف‬
‫ار‬ ُ ‫ت‬ ‫َس‬‫َي‬
O Best concealer of defects, O Best

ُ ‫ارََيَجبه‬
ُ ‫َيَق ه‬
O Most dominant, O Supreme,

َ‫ارََيََب ُّر‬
ُ ‫َيَصبه‬
O Most patient, O Most virtuous,

ُ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ َ ‫ََي‬‫ار‬
ُ ‫ت‬ْ‫َُم‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Best chooser, O Best opener,

ُ ْ ُ ُ ‫َيَن‬
‫َت‬‫ر‬‫َم‬ ‫ََي‬‫اح‬ ‫ه‬
O Blower of winds, O Bestower of

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 325

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ ِ ‫)ََيَم ْنَخلق ِِنَوس هو‬66(

(66) O He Who created me and
perfected me,

َ‫َيَم ْنَرزق ِِنَورهَبِّن‬

O He Who provided me with

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 326

sustenance and nurtured me,

َ‫َيَم ْنَأطْعم ِِنَوسق ِاّن‬

O He Who provided food for me and
quenched my thirst,

َ‫َيَم ْنَق هرب ِِنَوأ ْدَنِّن‬

O He Who brought me near Him and
brought me most nigh,

َ ِ ‫َيَم ْنَعصم ِِنَوكف‬

O He Who protected me and kept me in

َ ِ ‫َيَم ْنَحفظ‬
O He Who saved and guarded me,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 327

َ ِ ‫َيَم ْنَأع هزِّنَوأ ْغن‬

O He Who honored me and enriched

َ‫َيَم ْنَوفه ق ِِنَوهد ِاّن‬

O He Who helped and guided me,

َ‫َيَم ْنَآنس ِِنَوآو ِاّن‬

O He Who befriended me and
sheltered me,

َ ِ ‫َيَم ْنَأمات ِِنَوأ ْحي‬

O He Who causes me to die and
revivifies me!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 328

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ‫َيقَُّٱ ْْلقهَبِكلِماتَِه‬
ُِ ‫)ََيَمن‬67(
(67) O He Who maintains truth by His

َ‫اد ِه‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَي ْقبلَٱلتهوبةَعن‬

ِ ‫َعب‬
ْ ْ ُ ْ
O He Who accepts repentance from His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 329

َ‫ولَب ْيَٱلْم ْرِءَوق ْلبِ ِه‬

ُ ُ‫َيَم ْنَي‬
O He Who stands between man and his

َ‫شفاعةَُإِهَلَِبِِ ْذنِِه‬
‫َيَم ْنََلَت ْن ف ُعَٱل ه‬
O He without Whose permission
intercession has no benefit,

َ‫َهوَأ ْعل ُم َِِبنَض هلَع ْنَسبِيلِ ِه‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who knows well who is astray
from His path,

َ‫َْلُ ْك ِم ِه‬
ِ ‫َيَمنََلَمع ِقب‬
ُ ْ
O He Whose order no one can reverse,

‫َيَم ْنََلَرادهَلِقضائَِِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 330

O He Whose judgment no one can

ِ‫َيَم ِنَٱنْ قادَ ُك ُّلَشي ٍءَ ِْلم ِرَه‬
ْ ْ
O He Whose arrangement is obeyed by

َ‫تَبِي ِمينِ ِه‬

ٌ ‫اتَمطْ ِوهَي‬ ‫َيَم ِنَٱل ه‬
ُ ‫سماو‬
O He in Whose Right Hand the heavens
shall be rolled up,

َ‫رىَب ْيَيد ْيَر َْحتِ ِه‬‫ش‬

ً ُْ‫َب‬‫ح‬‫َي‬ِ
‫س‬ ‫ر‬
ْ ‫َي‬
ُ ‫ن‬ْ ‫َم‬‫َي‬
O He Who sends forth the winds
bearing good news before His mercy!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 331


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫)ََيَم ْنَجعلَٱ َْْل ْرض َِمهادًَا‬68(

(68) O He Who has made the earth

ًَ‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱ ْْلِبالَأ ْوَتدا‬

O He Who has made the mountains
ِ ‫ش مس‬
ًَ‫َسراجا‬ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱل ه‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 332

O He Who has made the sun a lamp,

ً‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱلْقمرََنُورَا‬
O He Who has made the moon a light,

ًَ‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱللهْيلَلِباسا‬
O He Who has made the night a

ً‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱلنههارَمعاشَا‬
O He Who has made the day for
seeking livelihood,

ً‫َسبا ََت‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱلن ْهوم‬
O He Who has made sleep a rest,

‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱل ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 333

O He Who has made the sky a canopy,

ً‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱ َْْل ْشياءَأ ْزواجَا‬

O He Who has created things in pairs,

‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱلنهار َِم ْرصادًَا‬

O He Who has made hell an ambush,
barking for the sinner!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 334

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)69(

(69) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

َ‫يع‬ ِ ‫َْسيعََيَش‬
‫ف‬ ِ ‫َي‬
ُ ُ
O All-hearer, O Acceptor of

َُ ِ‫يعََيَمن‬
‫يع‬ ِ‫َيَرف‬
O Sublime, O Invincible,

َُ ‫يعََيَب ِد‬
‫يع‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَس‬
O Swift, O Originator,

َُ ‫َيَكبِريََُيَق ِد‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 335

O Great, O Omnipotent,
ُِ ‫َيَخبِريََي‬
َُ‫َُمري‬ ُ
O Knowing, O Supporter!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها َِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ََيَحياًَق ْبلَ ُكلَح ٍَي‬)70(

(70) O Ever-living preceding every

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 336

living being,

َ‫َيَحياًَب ْعدَ ُك ِلَح ٍي‬

O Ever-living succeeding every living

َ‫يَل ْيسَك ِمثْلِ ِهَح ٌّي‬

َ ‫َيَح ُّيَٱله ِذ‬
O Ever-living, like unto Whom there is

َ‫َيَح ُّيَٱله ِذيََلَيُشا ِرُكهَُح ٌّي‬

O Ever-living Who has no living

َ‫اجَإِ َّٰلَح ٍي‬ ‫ت‬ ‫َي‬

ْ ‫يََل‬ ِ
‫ذ‬ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ي‬ُّ ‫َح‬‫َي‬
O Ever-living Who is not dependent on
any living being,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 337

َ‫يتَ ُك هلَح ٍي‬ِ ِ ‫ه‬

ُ ُ ‫َيَح ُّيَٱل‬
‫ي‬َ‫ي‬ ‫ذ‬
O Ever-living Who causes every living
being to die,

َ‫َيَح ُّيَٱله ِذيَي ْرُز ُقَ ُك هلَح ٍي‬

O Ever-living Who provides
sustenance to every living being,

َ‫ثَٱ ْْلياة َِم ْنَح ٍي‬

ِ ‫َيَحياًََلَي ِر‬
O Ever-living Who has not inherited
life from any living being,

‫يَييِيَٱلْم ْوت َّٰى‬ ِ

ُْ ‫َيَح ُّيَٱله‬
O Ever-living Who quickens the dead,
ِ ُ‫َيَح ُّيََيَق يُّومََلََتْ ُخ ُذه‬
َ‫َسنةًَوَلَن ْوٌم‬ ُ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 338

O Ever-living, O Self-Subsistent,
Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
‫ََيَم ْنَلهَُذ ْك ٌرََلَيُ ْنس َّٰى‬)71(

(71) O He Whose remembrance is not


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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 339

َ‫ورََلَيُطْف ّٰى‬
ٌ ُ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُن‬
O He Whose light is not extinguished

َ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُنِ ْع ٌمََلَتُع ُّد‬

O He Whose bounties are countless,

ُ ‫كََلَي ُز‬
ٌ ‫َم ْل‬
ُ ُ‫َيَم ْنَله‬
O He Whose grandeur is perpetual,

َ‫َيص ّٰى‬
ُْ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُث ناءٌََل‬
O He Whose praise does not admit of

ُ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُجل ٌلََلَيُكيه‬

O He Whose glory is not framed,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 340

ٌ ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُكم‬
َ‫الََلَيُ ْدر ُك‬
O He Whose perfection cannot be

َ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُقضاءٌََلَيُر ُّد‬

O He Whose order is not rejected,

‫اتََلَتُب هد َُل‬
ٌ ‫ف‬ ِ
‫َص‬ُ‫َيَم ْنَله‬
O He Whose attributes do not change,

َُ‫وتََلَتُغ هري‬
ٌ ُ‫َيَم ْنَلهَُنُع‬
O He Whose aspects do not alter!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 341

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ي‬ ِ
َ ‫بَٱلْعالم‬
‫ََيَر ه‬)72(

(72) O Lord of all the worlds,

ِ ‫َيَمِالكَي وِم‬
ِ‫َٱلدي َن‬ ْ
O Master of the Day of Judgment,

َ ِ‫َيَغايةَٱلطهِالب‬
O Ultimate Goal of the seekers,

َ‫َٱلل ِجي‬
‫َيَظ ْهر ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 342

O Refuge of the seekers of shelter,

َ ِ‫َم ْد ِركَٱ ْْلا ِرب‬

‫ي‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Overtaker of the fugitive,

َ ‫صابِ ِر‬
‫ين‬ ‫بَٱل ه‬ ِ
ُّ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who loves the patient,

َ ِ‫هواب‬
‫ي‬ ‫بَٱلت ه‬ ُِ ‫َيَمن‬
َُّ ‫َي‬ ْ
O He Who loves the repentant,

َ ‫بَٱل ُْمتط ِه ِر‬

‫ين‬ ُِ ‫َيَمن‬
ُّ ‫َي‬ ْ
O He Who loves those who make
themselves pure,

َ ِ‫بَٱل ُْم ْحسن‬

‫ي‬ ِ
ُّ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who loves the good-doers,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 343

َ ‫َهوَأ ْعل ُمَبِٱل ُْم ْهت ِد‬

‫ين‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who knows best the guided!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَ ِإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬73(
(73) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 344

ُ ِ‫ف‬‫َر‬‫َي‬ ََ
‫يق‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَش‬
O Affectionate, O Companion,

َ‫ط‬ ِ
ُ ُ ُ ‫َيَح‬
‫ي‬ ‫َُم‬‫ََي‬ ‫ظ‬‫ي‬ ِ
O Protector, O Encompasser,

َ‫يث‬ ِ
ُ ُ ُ ‫َم‬
‫غ‬ ‫َم‬‫ََي‬‫يت‬ ِ
‫ق‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Provider of sustenance, O Aide of
seekers of aid,

َ‫َم ِذ ُّل‬
ُ ‫ََي‬‫ز‬ُّ ِ ‫َيَم‬
‫ع‬ ُ
O Honorer, O Humiliating,

‫َم ِعي َُد‬ ِ

ُ ُ ‫َم ْب‬
‫ََي‬‫ئ‬ ‫د‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Creator, O He Who causes to return!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 345

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫َض ٍد‬
ِ ‫َهوَأح ٌدَبِل‬‫ن‬
ُ ْ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)74(

(74) O He Who is single and without


َ‫َهوَف ْرٌدَبِلَنِ ٍد‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Unique and is Peerless,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 346

ٍ ‫َص ْم ٌدَبِلَع ْي‬

َ‫ب‬ ْ ‫َهو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Independent and without
any defect,
ٍ ‫َهوَ ِوتْ رَبِلَك ْي‬
َ‫ف‬ ٌ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who Single without condition,
ٍ ‫اضَبِلَح ْي‬
َ‫ف‬ ٍ ‫َهوَق‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who judges without injustice,

َ‫بَبِلَوِزي ٍر‬
ٌّ ‫َهوَر‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the Lord without

َ‫َهوَع ِز ٌيزَبِلَذُ ٍل‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Mighty without disgrace,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 347

َ‫ِنَبِلَف ْق ٍر‬
ٌّ ِ ‫َهوَغ‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Rich without any need,

َ‫كَبِلَع ْزٍل‬ ِ
ٌ ‫َهوَمل‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the King that is not

َ‫فَبِلَشبِ ٍيه‬
ٌ ‫ص َو‬
ُ ‫َهوَم ْو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Whose attributes are matchless!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but You!

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 348

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ِ ِ ‫ه‬ ِ
َ‫فَللذاكرين‬ ِ
ٌ ‫ََيَم ْنَذ ْك ُرهَُشر‬)75(

O He Whose remembrance is an

honor for those who remember Him,

‫َيَم ْنَ ُش ْك ُرهَُف ْوٌزَلِل ه‬

َ‫شاكِ ِرين‬
O He Whose gratitude is success for
the grateful,

َ ‫َع ٌّزََلِ ْلح ِام ِد‬

‫ين‬ ِ ‫َيَمنََحْ ُده‬
ُ ْ
O He Whose praise is the pride of the

َ‫َيَم ْنَطاعتُهَُْناةًََلِ ْل ُم ِط ِيعي‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 349

O He the obedience to Whom is

salvation for the obedient,

ٌ ُ‫َيَم ْنََببُهَُم ْفت‬
O He Whose door is open to the

َ ِ‫اض ٌحََلِ ْل ُمنِيب‬

‫ي‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَسبِيلُهَُو‬
O He the path leading to Whom is clear
for the repentant,
ِ ‫َيَمنَآَيتُهَب رها ٌنَلِلن‬
َ‫هاظ ِرين‬ ُْ ُ ْ
O He Whose signs are proofs for the

َ‫َيَم ْنَكِتابُهَُت ْذكِرَةٌََلِ ْل ُمت ِهقي‬

O He Whose Book is advice to the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 350

ِ ‫ومَلِلطهائِ ِعيَوٱلْع‬
َ‫اصي‬ ٌ ‫َيَم ْنَ ِر ْزقُهَُعُ ُم‬
O He Whose provision is for the
obedient and disobedient alike,

َ‫يب َِمنَٱل ُْم ْحسنِي‬ِ

ٌ ‫َيَم ْنَر َْحتُهَُق‬
O He Whose mercy is close to the

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 351

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ْ ‫ََيَم ْنَت بارك‬ )76(

(76) O He Whose name is glorious,

ُ‫اَلَج ُّد َه‬

ّٰ ‫َيَم ْنَت ع‬
O He Whose honor is exalted,

َُ‫َيَم ْنََلَإِ ّٰلهَغ ْريُه‬

O He except Whom there is no deity,

ُ‫َيَم ْنَج هلَث نا ُؤَه‬

O He Whose praise is great,

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَت ق هدس‬

ُ‫تَأ ْْسا ُؤَه‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 352

O He Whose names are sacred,

ُ‫ومَب قا ُؤَه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَي ُد‬
O He Whose existence is eternal,

ُ‫َيَم ِنَٱلعظمةَُُبا ُؤَه‬

O He Whose glory is His ornament,
ِ ‫َيَمنَٱل‬
َُ‫ْك ِْبَيءَُ ِردا ُؤه‬ ْ
O He Whose greatness is His covering,

ُ‫ََتْص ّٰىَآَل ُؤَه‬

ُ ‫َيَم َْنََل‬
O He Whose favors are countless,

ُ‫َيَم ْنََلَتُع ُّدَن ْعما ُؤَه‬

O He Whose bounties cannot be

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 353

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَ ِإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬77(
(77) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

َ‫ي‬ ِ ‫َيَم ِعيََيَأ‬

ُ ُ ُ
O Helper, O Trustworthy,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 354

َ‫ي‬ ِ
‫ت‬ ‫َم‬‫ََي‬‫ي‬ ِ
ُ ‫َمب‬
ُ ُ ‫َي‬
O Manifest, O Powerful,

‫يََيَر ِشي َُد‬

ِ ‫َيَم‬
O Firm, O True Guide,
ِ ‫َي‬
ِ ‫ََحي ُدََي‬
‫َُمي َُد‬
O Praiseworthy, O Glorious,

َ‫َيَش ِدي ُدََيَش ِهي ُد‬

O Strong, O Witness!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but You!

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 355

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ‫يد‬ ِ ِ
َ ‫ََيَذاَٱلْع ْرشَٱلْمج‬)78(

(78) O Lord of the Glorious Throne,

َِ ‫س ِد‬
‫يد‬ ِ
‫َيَذاَٱلْق ْو ه‬
O Lord of right words,
ِ ‫َيَذاَٱل ِْف ْع ِلَٱل هر ِش‬
O Lord of wise deeds,
ِ ‫ش ِد‬
َ‫يد‬ ِ ْ‫َيَذاَٱلبط‬
‫شَٱل ه‬
O Lord of severe punishment,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 356

َِ ‫َيَذاَٱلْو ْع َِدَ َوٱلْو ِع‬

O Lord of promise and threat,

َ‫ِلَٱ ْْل ِمي ُد‬

ُّ ِ‫َهوَٱلْو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is guardian and the most

‫الَلِماَيُ ِري َُد‬

ٌ ‫َهوَفْ عه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the mighty doer of
whatever He wills,

ٍَ ‫يبَغ ْريَُب ِع‬

‫يد‬ ِ
ٌ ْ‫َهوَق‬
‫ر‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is near and not far,

َ‫َهوَعل ّٰىَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَش ِهي ٌد‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Witness to everything,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 357

ِ ِ‫َهوَليسَبِظَ هلٍمَلِ ْلعب‬

َ‫يد‬ ْ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is not the least cruel to his

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫ََيَم ْنََلَشريكَلهَُوَلَوزير‬)79(

(79) O He Who has no partner and no

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 358


َ‫َيَم ْنََلَشبِيهَلهَُوَلَن ِظري‬

O He Who has no equal and no match,

َِ ِ‫سَوٱلْقم ِرَٱل ُْمن‬

‫ري‬ ‫َيَخِالقَٱل ه‬
ِ ‫ش ْم‬
O Creator of the sun and the bright

َ‫سَٱلْف ِق ِري‬
ِ ِ‫َمغْ ِِنَٱلْبائ‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Enricher of the poverty stricken,

َِ ‫ص ِغ‬
‫ري‬ ِ ََ‫َيَرا ِزق‬
‫ٱلط ْف ِلَٱل ه‬
O Provider of sustenance to small

َ‫ش ْي ِخَٱلْكبِ ِري‬ ِ ‫َيَر‬

‫احمََٱل ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 359

O Merciful to the very aged ones,

َ‫َيَجابِرَٱلْعظْ َِمَٱلْك ِس ِري‬

O Joiner of broken bones,

َ‫فَٱل ُْم ْست ِج ِري‬

ِ ِ‫َٱْلائ‬
ْ ‫ص مة‬ ِ ‫َي‬
O Protector of the frightened shelter
ِ ‫اد ِهَخبِريَب‬
ٌَ‫صري‬ ِ ‫َهوَبِ ِعب‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is All-Aware and All-Seeing
of his servants,
ِ ٍ
ٌَ ‫َهوَعل ّٰىَ ُك ِلَش ْيءَق َد‬
‫ير‬ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Powerful over everything!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 360

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫)ََيَذاَٱ ْْل‬80(
ِ‫ودَوٱلنِع َم‬ُ
(80) O Lord of magnanimity and
ِ‫َيَذاَٱلْفض ِلَوٱلْكرَم‬
O Lord of favors and generosity,

َ‫َيَخِالقَٱلله ْو ِحَوٱلْقل ِم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 361

O Creator of the Tablet and the Pen,

َ‫َيََب ِرئَٱل هذ ِرَوٱلنهس ِم‬

O Creator of ants and men,

َ‫سَوٱلنِق ِم‬
ِ ْ‫َيَذاَٱلْبأ‬
O Inflictor of punishment and
ِ ‫َم ْل ِهمَٱلْعر‬
َ‫بَوٱلْعج ِم‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Inspirer of the Arabs and the non-

َ‫ض ِرَ َوٱ ْْلَِل‬

ُ ‫َٱل‬‫ف‬ ِ
‫اش‬ ‫َيَك‬
O Expeller of pain and grief,
ِ ‫َيَع ِاَل‬
َ‫َٱلس ِرَ َوٱ ْْلِمَ ِم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 362

O He Who knows secrets and

ِ‫تَوٱ ْْلرَم‬
ِ ‫بَٱلْب ْي‬
‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of the Ka`bah and the Sacred

‫َيَم ْنَخلقَٱ ْْل ْشياءََ ِمنََٱلْعدَِم‬

O He Who has created everything out
of nothingness!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهََإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 363

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)81(

(81) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:
ِ ‫اعلََيَج‬
‫اع َُل‬ ِ ‫َيَف‬
O Doer, O Creator

‫َيَقابِ ُلََيَك ِام َُل‬

O Acceptor, O Perfect,
ِ ‫اصلََيَو‬
َ‫اص ُل‬ ِ ‫َيَف‬
O Separator, O Connector,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 364

َ‫لب‬ ِ‫اد ُلََيَغ‬

‫ا‬ ِ ‫َيَع‬
O Just, O Dominant,

َ‫ب‬ ِ ‫َيَطِالبََيَو‬
ُ ُ
O Pursuer, O Generous!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 365

‫)ََيَم ْنَأنْ عمَبِط ْولَِِه‬82(

(82) O He Who bestows through His

َ‫ود ِه‬
ِ ‫َيَمنَأ ْكرم َِِب‬
ُ ْ
O He Who honors through His

َ‫َيَم ْنَجادَبِلُطْ ِف ِه‬

O He Who rewards out of His
ِ‫َيَمنَت ع هززَبِ ُق ْدرتَِه‬
O He Who is Almighty through His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 366

‫َِب ْكمتِ َِه‬

ِِ ‫َيَمنَق هدر‬
O He Who predestines with His

‫َيَم ْنَحكمَبِت ْدبِ ِريَِه‬

O He Who judges with His planning,

‫َيَم ْنَدبهرَبِ ِع ْل ِم َِه‬

O He Who decrees with His knowledge,

َ‫َِب ْل َِم ِه‬

ِِ ‫َيَمنََتاوز‬
O He Who excuses with His

َ‫َيَم ْنَدَن َِِفَعُلُ ِوِه‬

O He Who is near us in spite of His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 367


َ‫َدنُ ِوِه‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْنَعل َِِف‬
O He Who is exalted despite His

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َُ‫)ََيَم ْنَيْلُ ُقَماَيشاء‬83(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 368

(83) O He Who creates whatever He


َ ‫َيَم ْنَي ْفع ُلَماَيش‬
O He Who does whatever He wishes,

َُ‫َيَم ْنَي ْه ِديَم ْنَيشاء‬

O He Who guides whomever He
ِ ‫َيَمنَي‬
َُ‫ض ُّلَم ْنَيشاء‬ ُْ
O He Who leaves astray whomever He

َُ‫بَم ْنَيشاء‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَي ع‬

ُ ُْ
O He Who punishes whomever He

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 369

َُ‫َيَم ْنَي غْ ِف ُرَلِم ْنَيشاء‬

O He Who forgives whomever He

َُ‫َيَم ْنَيُِع ُّزَم ْنَيشاء‬

O He Who honors whomever He

َُ‫َيَم ْنَيُ ِذ ُّلَم ْنَيشاء‬

O He Who dishonors whomever He

َُ‫َيَم ْنَيُص ِوُر َِِفَٱ َْْل ْرح ِامَماَيشاء‬

O He Who fashions in the womb as He

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 370

َُ‫صَبِر َْحتِ ِهَم ْنَيشاء‬

ُّ ‫َيَم ْنَيْت‬
O He Who chooses for His mercy
whomever He wishes!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ِ
ً‫ََيَم ْنََلَْي تهخ ْذَصاحبةًَوَلَولدَا‬)84(

(84) O He Who has neither wife nor

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 371


ًَ‫َيَم ْنَجعلَلِ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَق ْدرا‬

O He Who creates everything in a fixed

‫َح ْك ِم ِهَأحدًَا‬
ُ ِ
‫َِف‬‫ك‬ُ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْش‬
O He Who has no partner in His rule,

ًَ‫َر ُسل‬‫ة‬ ‫ك‬ِ‫َيَمنَجعلَٱلْملئ‬

ُ ْ
O He Who appointed angels as
ِ ‫َيَم ْنَجعل َِِفَٱل ه‬
ً‫سماءَبُ ُروجَا‬
O He Who made constellations in the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 372

ً‫َيَم ْنَجعلَٱ ْْل ْرضََق رارَا‬

O He Who made the earth a place of

َِ ‫َيَم ْنَخلق َِمنَٱلْم‬

O He Who created man from water,
‫َيَم ْنَجعلَلِ ُك ِلَش ْيءَأمدًَا‬
O He Who fixed a period for
ِ ‫َيَمنَأحاطَبِ ُك ِلَشي ٍء‬
ًَ‫َع ْلما‬ ْ ْ
O He Whose knowledge encompasses

ًَ‫َيَم ْنَأ ْحص ّٰىَ ُك هلَش ْي ٍءَعددا‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 373

O He Who knows the number and

quantity of everything!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)85(

(85) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 374

ِ ‫َيَأ هو ُلََي‬
َ‫َآخ ُر‬
O First, O Last,

َ‫اه ُرََيََب ِط ُن‬

ِ ‫َيَظ‬
O Manifest, O Hidden,

َ‫َيَب ُّرََيَح ُّق‬

O Virtuous, O Right,

َ‫َيَف ْر ُدََيَ ِوتْ ُر‬

O Single, O Unique,

َ‫َيَصم ُدََيَس ْرم ُد‬

O Independent, O Eternal!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 375

Glory be to You! There is no god but


‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

ِ ٍ
َ‫ََيَخ ْريَم ْع ُروفَعُرف‬)86(

(86) O Best recognized of all the

ٍ ‫َيَأفْضلَم ْعب‬
‫ودَعُبِ َد‬ُ
O Best Worshipped ever be

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 376

‫َيَأج هلَم ْش ُكوٍرَ ُش ِك َر‬

O Greatest of those to whom thanks
are due,

‫َيَأع هزَم ْذ ُكوٍرَذُكِ َر‬

O Most remembered of all who are

‫ََح َد‬ ٍ ‫َُمم‬

ُِ ‫ود‬ ْ ‫ى‬ّٰ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ْ ‫َأ‬‫َي‬
O Most praiseworthy of all those who
are praised,

ٍ ‫َيَأقْدمَموج‬
O Eternal Existent Who is sought,
ٍ ‫َيَأرفعَموص‬
ِ ‫وفَو‬
َ‫صف‬ ُ ُ ْ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 377

O Highest of those who are praised,

ٍ ‫َيََأ ْكبَم ْقص‬
ِ ُ‫ودَق‬
‫ص َد‬ ُ
O Greatest of the purposes which are
striven for,

‫َسئِ َل‬ ٍ
ُ ‫َيَأ ْكرمَم ْس ُؤ‬
O Most liberal giver Who is requested,

‫وبَعُلِ َم‬
ٍ ُ‫َُمب‬
ْ ‫َيَأ ْشرف‬
O Noblest Friend who is known!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 378

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ِ

(87) O Friend of those who weep,

َ‫َيَسيِدَٱل ُْمت وكِلِي‬

O Refuge of those who trust in Him,

َ‫ضلِي‬ ِ ‫َيَه‬
ِ ‫اديَٱلْم‬
O Guide of the misguided,

َ‫ِلَٱل ُْم ْؤمنِي‬

‫َيَوِ ه‬
O Master of the faithful,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 379

َ‫َيَأنِيسَٱل هذاكِ ِرين‬

O Friend of worshippers,

َ‫َيَم ْفزعَٱلْم ْل ُهوفِي‬

O Shelter of the sorrowful,

َ ِ‫ادق‬
‫ي‬ ِ‫ص‬ ِ ‫َيَم‬
‫نجيَٱل ه‬ ُ
O Redeemer of the truthful,
ِ ‫َيَأقْدرَٱلْق‬
َ ‫اد ِر‬
O Mightiest of all,

َ ‫َيَأ ْعلمَٱلْعالِ ِم‬

O most Knowledgeable of all beings!

َ‫َٱْل ْل ِقَأ َْج ِعي‬

ْ ‫َيَإِ ّٰله‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 380

O God of the entire Creation!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫ََيَم ْنَعلَف قهر‬ )88(

(88) O He Who is high and dominant,

َ‫َيَم ْنَملكَف قدر‬

O He Who is masterful and powerful,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 381

َ‫َيَم ْنَبطنَفخب‬
O He Who is hidden and aware,

َ‫َيَم ْنَعُبِدَفشكر‬
O He Who is worshipped and who
ِ ُ‫َيَمنَع‬
َ‫صيَف غفر‬ ْ
O He Who is disobeyed and yet

‫َيَم ْنََلََتْ ِو ِيهَٱل ِْفك َُر‬

O He Whom thoughts cannot

‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْد ِرُكهَُبص ٌَر‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 382

O He Whom eyes cannot see,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيْف ّٰىَعل ْي ِهَأث ٌر‬

O He from Whom nothing is concealed,

َ‫َيَرا ِزقَٱلْبش ِر‬

O Provider of Sustenance to mankind,

َ‫َمق ِدرَ ُك ِلَقد ٍر‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O He Who ordained all destinies!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 383

ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)89(

(89) O Allah, verily I beseech You in

Your name:

ُ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫ََب‬‫ََي‬ ‫ظ‬
ُ ِ
O Protector, O Maker,

ُ ‫ئََيََب‬
‫ذ‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَذا‬
O Creator, O All-generous,

َُ ِ‫ِجََيَفات‬
‫ح‬ ُ ‫َيَفار‬
O Revealer, O Victorious,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 384

َ‫فََيَض ِام ُن‬ ِ

ُ ‫َيَك‬
O Disclosers, O Guarantor,
ِ ‫َي‬
‫َآم ُرََيََن ِهي‬
O Commander, O Prohibiter!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 385

ُ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ب‬‫ي‬ ‫ْغ‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫م‬
ْ ُ ْ ْ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ ‫َي‬‫ََل‬‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)90(

(90) O He besides Whom no one knows

the secrets,

َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬ ِ
ُ ‫َٱلسوءَإ‬
‫َل‬ ُّ ‫ف‬ُ ‫ص ِر‬
ْ ‫َيَم ْنََلَي‬
O He besides Whom no one drives
away calamities,

َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬ ِ ْ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيْلُ ُق‬

ُ ‫َٱْل ْلقَإ‬
O He besides Whom no one creates,

َُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَي غْ ِف ُرَٱل هذنْبَإِهَل‬

O He besides Whom no one forgives

ُ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ة‬ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬ِ ِ
ْ ُّ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُت‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 386

O He besides Whom no one perfects

the bounties,

َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫وب‬‫ل‬
ُ ‫ق‬ ِ
ُ ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُقل‬
ْ‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ب‬
O He besides Whom no one transforms

ُ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ر‬‫م‬ ِ
ْ ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُدب‬
‫ْل‬ْ ‫َٱ‬‫ر‬
O He besides Whom no one manages
‫ه‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُن ِز ُلَٱلْغ ْيثَإ‬
O He besides Whom no one sends
down rain,

ُ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ق‬‫ز‬
ْ ِ
‫َٱلر‬‫ط‬ُ‫س‬ ‫ب‬
ْ ‫َي‬‫ََل‬‫ن‬ْ ‫َم‬‫َي‬
O He besides Whom no one increases

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 387


َ‫َهو‬ ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
ُ ّٰ ْ َ‫ى‬ ‫ت‬‫و‬‫ْم‬
‫ل‬ ‫يَٱ‬ِ
ُْ ‫َيَم ْنََل‬
O He besides Whom no one revives the

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫َٱلضعف ِاء‬
ُّ ‫َم ِعي‬
ُ ‫َي‬َ)91(

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 388

(91) O Helper of the weak,

َ‫احبَٱلْغُرَب ِء‬
ِ ‫َيَص‬
O Companion of the strangers,
َ ‫َٱْل ْولِي‬
ْ ‫صر‬ِ ‫َيََن‬
O Helper of [His] friends,

َِ ‫َٱْل ْعد‬
‫اء‬ ِ
ْ ‫َيَق‬
O Overpowerer of the enemies,

َِ ‫سم‬
‫اء‬ ِ
‫َيَراف ه‬
O Elevator of the sky,

َ‫ص ِفي ِاء‬ ِ

ْ ْ ‫َيَأن‬
O Genial to the chosen ones,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 389

َِ ‫َٱْلتْ ِقي‬
‫اء‬ ْ ‫َيَحبِيب‬
O Friend of the pious,

َ‫َيَك ْن زَٱلْ ُفقر ِاء‬

O Treasure of the indigent,

َ‫َٱْل ْغنِي ِاء‬

ْ ‫َيَإِ ّٰله‬
O Lord of the rich,
َ ‫َيَأ ْكرمَٱلْ ُكرم‬
O Most benign of all!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 390

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ٍ‫)ََيَكافِياً َِمنَ ُك ِلَشي َء‬92(
ْ ْ
(92) O He Who is self-sufficient from

َ‫َيَقائِماًَعل ّٰىَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

O He Who watch over everything,

ٌَ‫َيَم ْنََلَ يُ ْشبِ ُههَُش ْيء‬

O He nothing is like unto Him,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 391

ٌَ‫َم ْل ِك ِهَش ْيء‬

ُ ِ
‫َِف‬‫د‬ُ ‫ي‬ِ
‫ز‬ ‫َيَم ْنََلَ ي‬
O He nothing extends His Kingdom,

ٌَ‫َيَم ْنََلَيْف ّٰىَعل ْي ِهَش ْيء‬

O He from Whom nothing is hidden,

ٌَ‫ص َِم ْنَخزائِنِ ِهَش ْيء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَين ُق‬
O He nothing decreases His treasure,

ٌَ‫َيَم ْنَل ْيسَك ِمثْلِ ِهَش ْيء‬

O He nothing is like unto Him,
ِ ‫َيَمنََلَي عزبَعن‬
ٌَ‫َع ْل ِم ِهَش ْيء‬ ْ ُ ُْ ْ
O He nothing can hide from His

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 392

َ‫َهوَخبِريٌَبِ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍء‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is All-Aware,

َ‫تَر َْحتُهَُ ُك هلَشَ ْي ٍء‬ ِ

ْ ‫َيَم ْنَو‬
‫ع‬ ‫س‬
O He Whose mercy extends to

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 393

ِْ ِ‫)َا ّٰلل ُه هَمَ ِإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬93(

(93) O Allah, verily I beseech You in
Your name:

َ‫َمطْ ِع ُم‬ ‫ََي‬‫م‬ِ

ُ ُ ‫َم ْك‬
‫ر‬ ُ ‫َي‬
O Honorer, O Provider,

‫َم ْع ِطي‬ ‫ََي‬

ُ ُ ُ ‫م‬ ِ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O Bestower of bounties, O Giver,

َ‫َم ْق ِِن‬
ُ ‫َمغْ ِِنََي‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Enricher, O Impoverisher,

ُْ ‫َم ْف ِِنََي‬
ُ ‫َي‬
O Destroyer, O Reviver,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 394

ِ ‫ضيََيَم‬
‫نجي‬ ِ ‫َيَمر‬
ُ ُْ
O Satisfier, O Redeemer!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫)ََيَأ هولَ ُك ِلَشي ٍءَو‬94(
َُ‫آخره‬ ْ
(94) O First of all things and Last of

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 395

َُ‫َيَإِ ّٰلهَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوملِيكه‬

O God of all things and Master of them,

‫بَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوصانِع َُه‬

‫َيَر ه‬
O Lord of everything and its Fashioner

‫َيََب ِرئَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوخِالق َُه‬

O Creator of everything and its Maker,
ِ ٍ
‫َيَقابِضَ ُك ِلَش ْيءَوَبسط َُه‬
O Controller of everything and its

‫َم ْب ِدئَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوُم ِعيد َُه‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Origin of everything and its Return,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 396

َُ‫نشئَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوُمق ِدره‬

ِ ‫َيَم‬
O Originator of everything and its

‫َمك ِونَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَو ُُم ِول َُه‬

ُ ‫َي‬
O Creator of everything and its

َُ‫َُميِيَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَوَُمِيته‬

ُْ ‫َي‬
O Reviver of everything and Maker of
its death,

‫َيَخِالقَ ُك ِلَش ْي ٍءَووا ِرث َُه‬

O Author of everything and its

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 397

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

َ‫)ََيَخ ْريَذاكِ ٍرَوم ْذ ُكوٍر‬95(

(95) O Best Rememberer and

َ‫َيَخ ْريَشاكِ ٍرَوم ْش ُكوٍر‬

O Best Appreciator and Appreciated,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 398

ٍَ ‫َيَخ ْريَح ِام ٍدَو ُْم ُم‬

O Best Praiser and Praised,
ِ ‫َيَخ ْريَش‬
ٍ ‫اه ٍدَوم ْشه‬
َ‫ود‬ ُ
O Best Witness and Witnessed,

َ‫َيَخ ْريَد ٍاعَوم ْدعُ ٍو‬

O Best Caller and Supplicated,
ٍ ‫يبَو ُُم‬
َ‫اب‬ ُِ ‫َيَخ ْري‬
ٍ ‫َُم‬
O Best Responder and Responded,

ٍ ِ‫سَوأن‬
َ‫يس‬ ٍ ِ‫َم ْؤن‬
ُ ‫َيَخ ْري‬
O Best Comforter and Counselor,

ٍ ِ‫بَوجل‬
َ‫يس‬ ِ ‫َيَخريَص‬
ٍ ‫اح‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 399

O Best Friend and Companion,

ٍ ‫َيَخ ْريَم ْقص‬
ٍَ ُ‫ودَومطْل‬
‫وب‬ ُ
O Most Desired and Sought,
ٍ ِ‫َيَخ ْريَحب‬
ٍ ُ‫يبَو ُْمب‬
O Most Affectionate and Loved!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 400

َ‫يب‬ ِ
‫َُم‬‫اه‬ ‫ع‬ ‫نَد‬ ‫م‬ِ‫َل‬‫و‬‫َه‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َي‬َ)96(
ٌ ُُ ُ ْ
(96) O He Who is the Answerer of one
who prays to Him,

َ‫يب‬ِ‫ب‬ ‫َح‬‫ه‬‫اع‬ ‫ط‬ ‫َأ‬‫ن‬ ‫م‬ِ‫َيَمنَهوَل‬

ٌ ُ ْ ُ ْ
O Friend of one who obeys Him,

ٌ ُ ْ ‫َهوَإ‬
‫ر‬ ‫َق‬‫ه‬‫ه‬‫ب‬ ‫ح‬‫َأ‬‫ن‬ ‫َم‬‫َل‬
ّٰ ِ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is close to one who loves

َ‫يب‬ِ‫َهو َِِب ِنَٱستحفظهَُرق‬

ٌ ْ ْ ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O Protector of one who seeks

ٌَ‫َهو َِِب ْنَرجاهَُك ِري‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 401

O He Who is Generous to one who

hopes Him,

َ‫يم‬ِ‫َيَمنَهو َِِبنَعصاهَُحل‬
ٌ ْ ُ ْ
O Hw Who is Forbearing to one who
disobeys Him,

َ‫يم‬ ِ‫َيَمنَهو َِِفَعظمتِ ِهَر‬

ٌ ُ ْ
O He Who is Merciful in spite of His

َ‫يم‬ ‫ظ‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَهو َِِف‬

ِ ‫َح ْكمتِ ِهَع‬
ٌ ُ ْ
O He Who is Great in His Wisdom,

ٌَ‫َهو َِِفَإِ ْحسانِِهَق ِدي‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is Eternal in his

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 402

َ‫يم‬ِ‫َيَمنَهو َِِبنَأرادهَُعل‬
ٌ ْ ُ ْ
O He Who is Aware of one who seeks

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
َ‫ٱْسك‬ِ ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫َالل ُه هَمَإّنَأ ْسألُكَب‬)97(

(97) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 403


َ‫ب‬‫غ‬ِ ‫َيَمسبِبََيَمر‬
ُ ُ ُ ُ
O Primal Cause, O Creator of desire,

َ‫ب‬‫ق‬ِ ‫َيَمقلِبََيَمع‬
ُ ُ ُ ُ
O Changer, O Inflictor,

ُ ‫َُم ِو‬
َ‫ف‬ ُ ‫بََي‬ِ‫َيَمرت‬
ُ ُ
O Organizer, O Frightener,

َ‫َمذكِ ُر‬ ‫ََي‬‫ر‬‫ذ‬ِ ‫َُم‬

ُ ُ َُ ‫َي‬
O Warner, O Reminder,

َُ‫َمغِري‬‫ََي‬ ‫ر‬‫خ‬ِ ‫َيَمس‬

ُ ُ ُ
O Subjector, O Displacer!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 404

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!
ِ ‫)ََيَمن‬98(
‫َع ْل ُمهَُسابِ ٌَق‬ ْ
(98) O He Whose Knowledge is eternal,
ِ ‫َيَمنَو ْع ُدهَُص‬
َ‫اد ٌق‬ ْ
O He Whose Promise is true,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 405

ِ ‫َيَمنَلطْ ُفهَظ‬
َ‫اه ٌر‬ ُ ْ
O He Whose Benignity is manifest,

ٌَ ‫َيَم ْنَأ ْم ُرهَُغِا‬

O He Whose Command is overruling,

َ‫َُمك ٌم‬‫ه‬ ‫اب‬ ‫ت‬ِ

ُْ ُ ُ ‫َيَم ْنَك‬
O He Whose Book decisive,

َ‫َيَم ْنَقضا ُؤهََُكائِ ٌن‬

O He Whose Judgment is inevitable,
ِ ُ‫َيَم ْنَقُرآنُه‬
‫َُمي ٌَد‬ ْ
O He Whose Qur'an is glorious,

ٌَ‫َمَْل ُكهَُق ِدي‬

ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 406

O He Whose Kingdom is eternal,

ٌَ ‫ضلُهَُع ِم‬
‫يم‬ ْ ‫َيَم ْنَف‬
O He Whose Favor is common to all,

َ‫يم‬ ِ ‫َيَمنَعر ُشهَع‬

ٌ ُ ْ ْ
O He Whose Throne is great!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 407

َ‫)ََيَم ْنََلَي ْشغلُهَُْسْ ٌعَع ْنَْسْ ٍع‬99(

O He-the listening to one individual

does not prevent Him from listening to

others simultaneously,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيْن عُهَُفِ ْع ٌلَع ْنَفِ ْع ٍل‬

O He-the doing one thing does not
prevent Him from doing other things

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُ ْل ِه ِيهَق َْو ٌلَع ْنَق ْو ٍل‬

O He-the speech of one person does
not make Him needless of the
simultaneous speech of others,

َ‫َسؤ ٍال‬‫ن‬ ‫َع‬ ٌ

‫ال‬‫ؤ‬‫َس‬ ِ
ُ ْ ُ ُ ُ ‫َيَم ْنََلَيُغل‬
‫ه‬ ‫ط‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 408

O He-one request does not make Him

forgetful of other requests,
ٍ‫َيَمنََلَيجبهَشيءَعنَشي َء‬
ْ ْ ٌ ْ ُُُ ْ ْ
O He-the sight of one thing does not
prevent him from seeing other things

َ ‫احَٱل ُْملِ ِح‬

‫ي‬ ُ ‫ْل‬
ْ ِ‫إ‬ َ‫ه‬
ُ ‫م‬ِ
ُ ْ ُ‫َيَم ْنََلَي‬
O He-the plaintive cries of those who
weep and lament do not bother Him,

َ ‫َمر ِادَٱل ُْم ِري ِد‬

‫ين‬ ُ ُ‫َهوَغاية‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the ultimate Aim of the
efforts of the saints,

‫ي‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫َمنت ه ّٰىَهمَٱلْعارف‬
ُ ‫َهو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 409

O He Who is the Goal of Gnostics,

ِ ‫َمنت ه ّٰىَطل‬
ُ ‫َهو‬
ُ ‫َيَم ْن‬
O He Who is the Goal of His seekers,

َ‫َيَم ْنََلَيْف َّٰىَعل ْي ِهَذ هرةً َِِفَٱلْعال ِمي‬

O He from Whom not a single particle
in the worlds is hidden!

َ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأنْت‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 410

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

‫ََيَحليماًََلَي ْعج َُل‬)100(

(100) O Forbearing Who does not make


َ‫َيَجواداًََلَي ْبخ ُل‬

O Generous Who is never a miser,

َ‫ف‬ ِ
ُ ْ ُ ً ‫َيَص‬
‫ل‬ ‫َي‬‫ََل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ق‬ ِ
O True Who never breaks the promise,

َ‫َيَو ههاَبًََلَي ُّل‬

O Munificent Who never regrets,

َ‫ب‬ ِ
ُ ْ ُ ً ‫َيَق‬
‫ل‬‫غ‬ ‫َي‬ ‫ََل‬ ‫ا‬
‫ر‬ ‫اه‬
O Dominant Who is never

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 411


ُ ُ ً ‫َيَع‬
‫وص‬‫َي‬‫ََل‬‫ا‬ ‫يم‬ ِ
O Great Who is indescribable

َ‫يف‬ ِ
ُ ‫َيَع ْدَلًََل‬
O Just Who is never oppressive,

‫َيَغَنِياًََلَي ْفت ِق َُر‬

O Bounteous Who is never rapacious,

ْ ‫َي‬‫ََل‬ ِ
ً ‫َيَكب‬
O Great Who does not become small,

َ‫َيَحافِظاًََلَي غْف ُل‬

O Protector Who does not neglect!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 412

َ ْ‫ُس ْبحانكََيََلَإِ ّٰلهَإِهَلَأن‬

Glory be to You! There is no god but You!

‫ٱلْغ ْوثَٱلْغ ْوث‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief.
ِ ‫خلِص‬
َِ ‫ناَمنَٱلنها ِرََيَر‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ
Protect us from the Fire, O Lord!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 413

Dua Makarim ul Akhlaq


َ‫اَّللَال هر َْح َِنَال هرِح ِيم‬

َِ‫بِ ْس َِمَ ه‬
In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful,
the All-compassionate
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
ِ ‫ٱإلي‬
َ‫ان‬ َ ِ ‫وب لِ َْغَِبِِي‬
َِْ ََ‫اّنَأ ْكمل‬
cause my faith to reach the most perfect

َِ ‫يِنَأفْضلََالْي ِق‬
‫ي‬ َ ِ ‫اجع َْلَي ِق‬
make my certainty the most excellent

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 414


َ ِ‫َوبِعمَلِيَإ‬،‫ات‬
َ‫َل‬ ِ ‫َلَأ ْحس َِنَالنِيه‬ َ ِ‫وٱنْ ت َِهَبِنِيه‬
َ ِ‫تَإ‬
‫ٱْل ْعمِا َل‬
َْ َ‫أ ْحس َِن‬
and take my intention to the best of
intentions, and my works to the best of

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هم‬

O Allah,

َ‫وفِ َْرَبِلُطْ ِفكََنِيهِت‬

complete my intention through Your

َ‫حَِِباَ ِعند َكَي ِق ِيِن‬

َْ ‫وص ِح‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 415

rectify my certainty through what is with


َ‫حَبِ ُق ْدرتِكََماَفسدََ ِم ِِن‬

َْ ِ‫صل‬
ْ ‫وَ ٱ ْست‬
And set right what is corrupt in me
through Your power!
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َُ ‫ٱإل ْهتِم‬
َِْ َ‫ِن‬ َ ِ ‫وَ ٱ ْك ِف‬
َ ُِ‫ِنَمَاَي ْشغل‬
spare me the concerns which distract

َ ُِ‫سأَل‬
‫ِنَغدَاًَع ْن َُه‬ َ ِ ‫است ْع ِم ْل‬
َْ ‫ِنَِِباَت‬ ْ‫و‬
employ me in that about which You will

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 416

ask me tomorrow,

َ ِ ‫غَأ هَي َِميَفِيماَخل ْقت‬

َُ‫ِنَله‬ َْ ‫است ْف ِر‬
And let me pass my days in that for
which You hast created me!

َ‫ِفَ ِر ْزقِك‬
َ َِ‫ِنَوأ ْو ِس َْعَعل هَي‬
َ ِِ‫وا ْغن‬
Free me from need, and expand Your
provision toward me,

َ ِِ‫َوَلََت ْفت‬
َ‫ِنَ َِبلنهظ ِر‬
And tempt me not with ingratitude!
ِ ‫ِنَ َِبل‬
َ‫ْك ِْب‬ َ ِ‫وأ ِع هز‬
َ ِ ‫ّنَ َوَلََت ْب تلِي‬
Exalt me and afflict me not with pride!

َ‫ب‬ َ ِ‫ّنَلكََ َوَلََتُ ْف ِس َْدَ ِعبِاد‬

ِ ‫تََبِٱَلْعُ ْج‬ َ ِ‫وعبِ ْد‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 417

Make me worship You and corrupt not

my worship with self-admiration!

َُ‫ريَ َوَلََْتْح ْق َه‬ ْ َ‫ي‬

َْ ‫اْل‬ َ‫هاسَعلىَيد ه‬ َِ ‫وأ ْج َِرَلِلن‬
‫َبِٱَلْم َِن‬
Let good flow out from my hands upon
the people and efface it not by my
making them feel obliged!

َ‫ٱْل ْخل ِق‬ َ ‫ِلَمعِا‬

َْ َ‫ِل‬ َ َِ‫ب‬
َْ ‫وه‬
Give me the highest moral traits

‫ِنَ ِمنََٱَلْف ْخ َِر‬ ِ ‫وا ْع‬

َ ِ ‫ص ْم‬
And preserve me from vainglory!
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 418

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his


َ ِ ‫هاسَدرج َةًَإِهََلَحططْت‬
َ‫ِن‬ َِ ‫ِفَالن‬ َ َِ‫ِن‬
َ ِ ‫َوَلََت ْرف ْع‬
‫س َيَ ِمثْ لها‬
َِ ‫ِعندََن ْف‬
raise me not a single degree before the
people without lowering me its like in
ِ ‫ِلَ ِعزَاًَظ‬
َ ََِ‫اهرَاًَإِهََلَأ ْحدثْت‬
َ‫ِل‬ َ َِ‫ث‬َْ ‫وَ َلََ َُتْ ِد‬
‫س َيَبِقد ِرها‬ َِ ‫ِذلهَةًََب ِطن َةًَ ِعندََن ْف‬
And bring about no outward exaltation
for me without an inward abasement in
myself to the same measure!
َِ ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هو‬
ٍ‫آلَ ُُم هم َد‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 419

O Allah, bless Muhammad and

Muhammad's Household,

ٍَ ‫ىَصِا‬
َ ،‫لَ َلََأ ْست ْب ِد َُلَبِ ِه‬ َ ِ ‫ومتِ ْع‬
ًَ ‫ِنَ ُِبُد‬
give me to enjoy a sound guidance which
I seek not to replace,

َ ،َ ‫وط ِريق َِةَح ٍَقََلََأ ِزي َُغَع ْن ها‬

a path of truth from which I swerve not,

َُّ ‫ونِيهَِةَر ْش ٍَدََلََأ ُش‬
And an intention of right conduct in
which I have no doubts!

َ،‫ِفَطاعتِك‬ َ ًَِ‫يَبِ ْذل َة‬َ ‫ّنَماََكانََعُ ْمَِر‬َ ِ‫وع ِم ْر‬

َ ِ‫ض‬
َ‫ِن‬ ْ ِ
‫ب‬ ‫ق‬
ْ ‫ا‬ ‫ف‬ َ ِ
‫ان‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ه‬
‫ش‬ ‫ل‬ِ
‫ل‬ ََ
ً ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬‫ر‬ ‫م‬ َ‫ي‬
َ ِ
َ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬ َ‫ان‬
َ ‫ك‬ ََ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬‫إ‬ِ‫ف‬
ْ ْ ُْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 420

َ‫َأ َْو‬،‫ِل‬ ‫إ‬ َ‫ك‬

َ ‫ت‬ ‫ق‬
ْ ‫م‬ َ ‫ق‬
َ ِ
‫َق ْبلََأنَيه ْسب ُ ه‬،‫إِل ْيك‬
َ‫ي ْست ْح ِكمََغضبُكََعل هي‬
Let me live as long as my life is a free gift
in being You, but if my life should
become a pasture for Satan, seize me to
Yourself before Your hatred overtakes
me or Your wrath against be becomes

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هم‬

O Allah,

‫صل ْحت ها‬ ‫أ‬ ََ‫ه‬

‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫ِن‬ِ ِ َ‫اب‬
‫م‬ َ ِ
ْ ُ ُ ً ْ َ‫ع‬
‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ََ
‫ة‬ ‫ل‬‫ص‬ ‫خ‬ َْ ‫َلَتد‬
deposit in me no quality for which I will
be faulted, unless You settest it right,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 421

َ ،‫سنت ها‬
‫ه‬ ‫ح‬ ََ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ا‬ ِ
‫ُب‬ ََ
‫ب‬ ‫ه‬
‫أ‬ ََ
ً ‫ب‬ِ‫ئ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ع‬
َ َ‫َل‬
َ ‫و‬
no flaw for which I will be blamed,
unless You makest it beautiful,

‫ِفََنقِص َةًَإِهََلَأ ْْت ْمت ها‬

َ‫وَ َلََأُ ْك ُروم َةًَِ ه‬
And no deficient noble trait, unless You
completest it!

َِ ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هو‬

‫آلَ ُُم هم ٍَد‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and
Muhammad's Household,

‫ِْنَ ِم َْنَبُغْض َِةَأ ْه َِلَال ه‬

‫شنانََالْمحبهَة‬ َ ِ ‫وأبْ ِدل‬
and replace for me the animosity of the
people of hatred with love,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 422

َ ،‫وِم َْنَحس َِدَأ ْه َِلَالْب غْ َِيَالْمودهة‬

the envy of the people of insolence with

َ ،‫حَالثِقة‬ ‫وِمنَ ِظن َِهةَأ ْه َِلَال ه‬

َِ ‫صل‬
the suspicion of the people of
righteousness with trust,

َ ،‫يَالْوَلية‬ َْ َ‫وِم َْنَعداوَِة‬

َ ْ ‫ٱْل ْدن‬
the enmity of those close with

َِ ‫ٱْل ْرح‬
َ ،‫امَالْمبهة‬ َِ ‫وَِم َْنَعُ ُق‬
َ ‫وقَذ َِو‬
َْ َ‫ي‬
the disrespect of womb relatives with

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 423

َ ،‫ُّصرة‬
‫ن‬ ‫ال‬ َ‫ي‬
َ ِ
‫ب‬‫ر‬ ‫ق‬
‫ٱْل‬ ََِ
‫َلن‬ ‫ذ‬ ِ
ْ ْ ‫و‬
‫خ‬ ََ
‫ن‬ ِ
the abandonment of relatives with help,

َ ،‫ص ِحيحََال ِْمق ِة‬ ‫ت‬ َ‫ين‬

َ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫ا‬‫د‬ ‫ْم‬‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ َ َ
‫ب‬ِ ‫ح‬ََ
‫ن‬ ِ‫و‬
ْ ُ ُ ْ
the attachment of flatterers with love set

َ ،‫وِمنَ هرَِدَال ُْملبِ ِسيََكرمََال ِْع ْشرِة‬

the rejection of fellows with generous

َِ ‫وِمنَ همرارَِةَخ ْو‬

َْ ََ‫فَالظهالِ ِميََحَلَوة‬
And the bitterness of the fear of
wrongdoers with the sweetness of

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 424

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ َِ‫اجعل‬
َ ،‫ِلَيدَاًَعلىَمنَظلم ِِن‬ ْ‫و‬
appoint for me a hand against him who
wrongs me,

َ ،‫ولِسا ََنًَعلىَم َْنَخاصم ِِن‬

a tongue against him who disputes with

َ ِ‫وظفرَاًَِِب َْنَعاند‬
And a victory over him who stubbornly
resists me!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 425

َ ،‫ِلَم ْكرَاًَعلىَمنََكايدِّن‬
َ َِ‫ب‬
َْ ‫وه‬
Give me guile against him who schemes
against me,

َ ،‫ضطهدِّن‬
ْ ‫وقُ ْدرَةًَعلىَم َِنَا‬
power over him who oppresses me,

َ ،‫وت ْك ِذيبَاًَلِمنَقصب ِِن‬

refutation of him who reviles me,

َ ِ‫وسلم َةًََِمهنَت وعهد‬

And safety from him who threatens me!

َ ،‫ِنَلِطاع َِةَمنَس هددِّن‬

َ ِ ‫ووفِ ْق‬
Grant me success to obey him who
points me straight

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 426

َ ِ‫وُمتاب ع َِةَمَ َْنَأ ْرشد‬

And follow him who guides me right!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ‫ّنَ ِْل ْن‬

َ ِ‫وس ِد ْد‬
and point me straight to

َ ،‫ُّص ِح‬
ْ ‫ن‬ ‫ل‬ ِ
‫َب‬ ََ
‫ِن‬ِ ‫ه‬
‫ش‬ ‫غ‬ َ‫ن‬
َْ ‫م‬ َ‫ض‬
َ ِ
‫ر‬ ‫أُعا‬
resist him who is dishonest toward me
without counsel,
ِ ِ‫ّنَ َِبل‬
َ ،‫ْب‬ َ ِ‫يَم َْنَهجر‬
َ ‫وأ ْجَِز‬
repay him who separates from me with

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 427

gentle devotion,

َ ِ ‫وأُثِيبََم َْنَحرم‬
َ ،‫ِنَ َِبلْب ْذ ِل‬
reward him who deprives me with free

َ ،‫لصل ِة‬ َ ِ ‫وأُكافِئََمنَقطع‬

ِ ‫ِنَ َِب‬
recompense him who cuts me off with
ِ َ‫َلَحس َِن‬
َ ،‫الذ ْك ِر‬ َ ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫ِن‬ِ ‫اب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫غ‬
ْ ‫ٱ‬ ََ
‫ن‬ِ ‫م‬ َ‫لف‬
َ ِ‫وأُخ‬
oppose him who slanders me with
excellent mention,

َ ،‫وأ َْنَأ ْش ُكرََا ْْلسنة‬

give thanks for good,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 428

‫سيِئ َِة‬
‫ه‬ ‫ال‬ ََ
‫ن‬ِ ‫ع‬ َ‫ي‬ ِ
‫ض‬ ‫وأُ ْغ‬
And shut my eyes to evil!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ ِ‫صِاْل‬
‫ي‬ َ ِ ِ‫وحل‬
‫ِنَِِِب ْلي َِةَال ه‬
adorn me with the adornment of the

َ‫ِنَ ِزينةََٱَلْ ُمت ِهقيََِِف‬

َ ِ ‫وألْبِ ْس‬
And clothe me in the ornaments of the
god-fearing, through:

َِ ‫ب ْس‬
َ‫طَالْع ْد ِل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 429

spreading justice,

َ‫وكظْ َِمَالْغ ْي ِظ‬

restraining rage,

َ‫وإِطْفَا َِءَالَنهَائِرِة‬
quenching the flame of hate,

‫وض َِمَأ ْه َِلَالْ ُف ْرق َِة‬

bringing together the people of

َ‫ي‬ َِ ‫حَذ‬
ِ ْ ‫اتَالْب‬ َِ ‫صل‬ ِ
ْ ‫وإ‬
correcting discord,

‫شا َِءَالْعا ِرف َِة‬

َِ ْ‫وإِف‬
spreading about good behavior,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 430

َ‫َتَالْعَائِب ِة‬
َِْ ‫وس‬
covering faults,

َِ ِ‫ول‬
َ‫يَالْع ِريك ِة‬
mildness of temper,

َ‫اح‬ َِ ‫وخ ْف‬

ِ ‫ضَا ْْلن‬
lowering the wing,

ِ َ‫وحس َِن‬
beauty of conduct,

ِ ‫الر‬ َِ ‫و ُس ُك‬
ِ َ‫ون‬
gravity of bearing,

َِ ‫و ِط‬
‫يبَال ُْمخالف َِة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 431

agreeableness in comportment,

‫ضيل َِة‬
ِ ‫َلَالْف‬
َ ِ‫س ْب َِقَإ‬
‫وال ه‬
precedence in reaching excellence,

ُّ ‫وإِيثا َِرَالتهف‬
‫ض َِل‬
preferring bounteousness,

َ‫هعيِ ِري‬‫الت‬ َ‫ك‬

َِ ‫وت ر‬
ْ ْ
refraining from condemnation,

َِْ ‫ٱإلفْضِا َلَعلىَغ‬

‫ريَال ُْم ْست ِح َِق‬ َِْ َ‫و‬
bestowing bounty on the undeserving,

َ‫والْق ْو َِلَ َِب ْْل َِقَوإِ َْنَع هز‬

speaking the truth, though it be painful,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 432

َ ِ‫ريَوإِنََكثُرََ ِمنَق ْو‬

‫ِلَوفِ ْعَلِي‬ ْ َ‫استِ ْقل َِل‬
َِْ ‫اْل‬ ْ‫و‬
making little of the good in my words
and deeds, though it be much,

َ ِ‫ش َِرَوإِنَق هَلَ ِمنَق ْو‬

‫ِلَوفِ ْعَلِي‬ ‫استِ ْكثا َِرَالْ ه‬
And making much of the evil in my
words and deeds, though it be little!

َ‫وأ ْك ِم َْلَذلِكََِِل‬
Perfect this for me through

َ ،‫بِدو َِامَالطهاع ِة‬

lasting obedience,
ِ ِ
َ ،‫ومَا ْْلماعة‬
َ ‫ولُُز‬
holding fast to the community,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 433

َِ ْ‫َوُم ْست ْع ِمَلِيَال هرأ‬،‫ضَأ ْه َِلَالْبِد ِع‬

َ‫ي‬ َِ ْ‫ورف‬
َِ‫ال ُْم ْخَت‬
And rejecting the people of innovation
and those who act in accordance with
original opinions.

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ َُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ ،‫ت‬‫ب‬ ِ ‫ك‬ََ
‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫ي‬ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ َ ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫اجع َْلَأ ْوسعََ ِر ْزق‬
ُْ ‫ه‬ ْ‫و‬
appoint for me Your widest provision in
my old age

َ‫ت‬ ‫ب‬
ُ ْ ِ
‫ص‬ ‫ن‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫ِف‬ِ ِ
‫ىَقُ هوت ه‬
َ َ ‫وأقْ و‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 434

And Your strongest strength when I am


َ ،‫ِنَ َِبلْكس َِلَع َْنَ ِعبادتِك‬

َ ِ ‫وَ َلََت ْب تلِي‬
And try me not with laziness in worship
of You,

َ ،‫وَ َلََالْعم َىَعنَسبِيلِك‬

blindness toward Your path,

َِ ‫ضَ ِْلِل‬
َ ،‫فَُمبهتِك‬ َِ ‫وَ َلََ َِبلتهع ُّر‬
undertaking what opposes love for You,

َ ،‫وَ َلََ ُُمامع َِةَمنَت ف هرقََع ْنك‬

joining with him who has separated
himself from You,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 435

َ‫اجتمعََإِل ْيك‬ ََ
‫ن‬ِ ‫م‬ َ‫ة‬
َِ ‫وَ َلََمفارق‬
ْ ُ
And separating from him who has joined
himself to You!
ِ ِ ِ
‫ولَبكََعندََال ه‬
َ ،‫ض ُرورة‬ َُ ‫ص‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫ِنَأ‬
َ ‫اجع ْل‬
ْ َ‫الل ُه هَم‬
O Allah, make me leap to You in times of

َ ،‫وأ ْسألُكََ ِعندََا ْْلاج ِة‬

ask from You in needs,

‫عَُإِل ْيكََ ِعندََالْم ْسكن َِة‬

َ ‫وأتض هر‬
And plead to You in misery!

َ ،‫ت‬‫ر‬ِ
‫ر‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ض‬‫ا‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫ري‬ ‫غ‬ِ
‫ب‬ ََ
‫ة‬ِ ‫ان‬ ‫ع‬ِ‫ت‬ ‫س‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ُْ ُْ ْ ْ ْ ‫وَلَت ْفت‬
‫ٱإل‬ َ
‫ب‬ ََ
Tempt me not to seek help from other

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 436

than You when I am distressed,

َ ،‫ت‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اف‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬ِ

‫إ‬ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫ري‬ ‫غ‬ َ‫ل‬ِ
‫ا‬‫ؤ‬‫س‬ ِ ْ ِ
ُ ْ ْ ْ ُ ُ ََ‫وَ َل‬
‫ل‬ ََ
ِ ‫ض‬ُ‫ْل‬ ‫َب‬
to humble myself in asking from
someone else when I am poor,

َ‫ت‬ ‫ب‬
ُ ْ ِ
‫ه‬ ‫ار‬ ‫ذ‬ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫ون‬‫د‬ُ َ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ َ‫َل‬
َ ِ‫إ‬ ََ
‫ع‬ِ ‫ر‬
ُّ ‫هض‬
‫ت‬ ‫ل‬ ِ
‫َب‬ ََ‫وَ َل‬
or to plead with someone less than You
when I fear,

ََ‫فأ ْست ِح َُّقَبِذلِكََ ِخ ْذَلنكََوم ْن عك‬

َ‫وإِ ْعراضك‬
for then I would deserve Your
abandonment, Your withholding, and
Your turning away,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 437

ِ ‫َيََأرحمََال هر‬
َ‫اَحي‬ ْ
O Most Merciful of the merciful!

َ‫ِفَرْو َِعي‬ ‫اجع َْلَماَيُ ْل َِقيَال ه‬

َ َِ‫ش ْيطا َُن‬ ّٰ
ْ ‫ا ُه‬
‫م‬ ‫ه‬ ‫لل‬
ًَ‫ ِذ ْكرَا‬، ‫ِنَوا ْْلسد‬ َ ِ ‫ِنَوالتهظ‬ َ ِ ‫ِمنََالتهم‬
َ‫َوت ْدبِريَاًَعلى‬،‫ِفَقُ ْدرتِك‬
َ ًَِ‫َوت ف ُّكرَا‬،‫لِعظمتِك‬
َ ،‫ع ُد ِوك‬
O Allah, make the wishing, the doubt,
and the envy which Satan throws into
my heart a remembrance of Your
mightiness, a reflection upon Your
power, and a devising against Your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 438

ٍَ ‫انَ ِمنَله ْفظ َِةَفُ ْح‬

َ‫شَأ َْو‬ َ ِ ‫ىَعلىَلِس‬ َ ‫ومَاَأ ْجر‬
َ‫ضَأ َْوَشهاد َِةََب ِط ٍَلَأو‬ ٍَ ‫ه ْج ٍَرَأ َْوَش ْت َِمَ ِع ْر‬
ِ ‫بَ ح‬
َ‫اض ٍَرَأ َْوَمَا‬ َِ ‫بَأ َْوَس‬ َِ ‫اِ ْغتِي‬
ٍَ ِ‫ابَ ُم ْؤِم ٍَنَغَائ‬
َ ،‫أ ْشبهََذلِك‬
Make everything he causes to pass over
my tongue - the indecent or ugly words,
the maligning of good repute, the false
witness, the speaking ill of an absent
man of faith, or the reviling of one
present, and all things similar—

َ ،‫نُطْقَاًَ َِب ْْل ْم َِدَلك‬

a speech in praise of You,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 439

َ‫ِفَالثهنَا َِءَعل ْيك‬

َ ًَِ‫وإِ ْغراقَا‬
a pursual of eulogizing You,
ِ ‫ِفَْتْ ِج‬
‫يد َك‬ َ ًَِ‫وذها ََب‬
an excursion in magnifying You,

َ ِ‫و ُش ْكرَاًَلِنِ ْعمت‬

a thanksgiving for Your favour,

َ ِ‫وا ْعَِتافَاًَِبِِ ْحسان‬

an acknowledgment of Your beneficence,

َ ِ‫وإِ ْحصَا َءًَلِ ِمنن‬

And an enumeration of Your kindness!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 440

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his


َ‫َوَلََأُظْلم هَنَوأنتََ ُم ِطي ٌَقَلِل هدفْ َِعَع ِِن‬

let me not be wronged, while You canst
repel from me,

َ‫ضَ ِم ِِن‬ ِ ‫َوَلََأظْلِم هَنَوأنتََالْق‬

َِ ‫اد َُرَعلىَالْق ْب‬
let me not do wrong, while You are
powerful over holding me back,

َ‫ضله هَنَوق َْدَأ ْمكن ْتكََ ِهداي ِت‬

ِ ‫َوَلََأ‬
let me not be misguided, while You are
able to guide me,

‫َوَلََأفْ ت ِقر هَنَوِم َْنَ ِع ْن ِد َكَ ُو ْس َِعي‬

let me not be poor, while with You is my

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 441


‫يَوِم َْنَ ِع ْن ِد َكَ ُو ْج َِدي‬

َ‫َوَلََأطْغ ه‬
let me not be insolent, while from You
comes my wealth!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هم‬

O Allah,

‫ت‬ ِ
َُّ ‫َلَمغْ ِفرتكََوف ْد‬
َ ِ‫إ‬
I come to Your forgiveness,

َ ِ‫وإ‬
ُّ ‫َلَع ْف ِو َكَقص‬
I go straight to Your pardon,

ُ ‫ق‬
ْ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬
ْ ‫ا‬ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫ز‬ ‫او‬
ُ ‫َت‬ َ‫َل‬
َ ِ‫إ‬‫و‬
I yearn for Your forbearance,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 442

ُ ‫ق‬
ْ ِ
َ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ض‬ ِ
ْ ‫وب‬
And I trust in Your bounty,

َ‫ِلَمغْ ِفرتك‬
َ َِ‫ب‬ ِ ‫يَماَي‬
َُ ‫وج‬ َ ِ ‫وليسََ ِع‬
ُ ْ
but there is nothing with me to make me
warrant but Your forgiveness,

‫ِفَعمَلِيَمَاَأ ْست ِح َُّقَبَِِهَع ْفو َك‬

َ ََِ‫وَ َل‬
nothing in my works to make me merit
but Your pardon,

َِ ‫تَعلىَن ْف‬
َ‫سيَإِهََل‬ َ َِ‫وما‬
َُ ‫ِلَب ْعدََأ َْنَحك ْم‬
ْ ‫ف‬
And nothing on my behalf after I judge
my soul but Your bounty,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 443

‫فص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
ّٰ ‫وت ف ه‬
‫ض َْلَعل هَيَالل ُه هَم‬
O Allah, bestow Your bounty upon me!

َ ‫ِنَ َِب ْْلُد‬

‫ى‬ ِ ‫وأ‬
َ ِ ‫نط ْق‬
make my speech be guidance,

َ ِ ‫وأ ْْلِ ْم‬

َ ‫ِنَالتِ ْقو‬
inspire me with reverential fear,

‫تَ َِهيَأ ْزكى‬

َ ِ‫ِنَلِله‬
َ ِ ‫ووفِ ْق‬
give me success in that which is most

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 444

َ ِ ‫است ْع ِم ْل‬
‫ِنَِِباَ ُهوََأ ْرضى‬ ْ‫و‬
And employ me in what is most pleasing
to You!
ِ ‫ه‬ ِ
‫ّبَالطريقةََال ُْمثْ ل َى‬
َ َ‫ك‬
َْ ُ‫اسل‬ ّٰ
ْ َ‫الل ُه هَم‬
O Allah, let me tread the most exemplary

َُ ‫ِنَعلىَ ِملهتِكََأ ُم‬

‫وتَوأ ْحَيا‬ َ ِ ‫اجع ْل‬
And make me live and die in Your creed!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َِ ‫ِنَ َِب ِْإلقْتِص‬

‫اد‬ َ ِ ‫ومتِ ْع‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 445

give me to enjoy moderation,

َ ،‫سد ِاد‬ َ
‫ِنَ ْ ْ ه‬
‫ال‬ َ ‫ه‬‫أ‬ ََ
‫ن‬ ِ
‫م‬ َ ِ ‫اجع ْل‬
make me into one of the people of right
ِ ‫وِم َنَأ ِدلهَِةَال هرش‬
َ ،‫اد‬ ْ
the proofs of right conduct,

َِ ‫وِمنَصِا َْلِيَال ِْعب‬

And the servants of righteousness,
ِ ‫ِنَف وزََالْمع‬
َ ،‫اد‬ ِ
ْ ْ‫و ْارُزق‬
And provide me with triumph at the
place of Return
ِ ‫وسلمةََال ِْمرص‬
َ‫اد‬ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 446

And safety from the Ambush!

‫الل َُه هَم‬
O Allah,

‫صهَا‬ ِ‫سيَماَ ُيل‬

َِ ‫ُخ َْذَلِن ْف ِسكََ ِمنَنه ْف‬
take to Yourself from my soul what will
purify it

َ ،‫صلِ ُحها‬ ‫ي‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ َ‫ي‬َ

‫س‬ِ ‫ف‬
ْ ‫ه‬
‫ن‬ َ‫ن‬ ِ
‫م‬ َ‫ي‬‫س‬
َِ ‫ف‬ ‫ن‬ِ
ْ ‫وأبْ َِقَل‬
And leave for my soul that of my soul
that will set it right,
ِ ‫سيَهِالك َةًَأ َوَت ْع‬
‫صمهَا‬ َِ ‫فِإ هَنَن ْف‬
for my soul will perish unless You
preservest it!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 447

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هم‬

O Allah,

ُ ِ
‫ز‬ ‫ح‬ ََ
‫ن‬ْ ِ َ ِ‫أنتََعُ هد‬
You are my stores when I sorrow,

َ‫ت‬ ِ ََ
‫ن‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ي‬َ
ُ ْ ُ ْ ‫وأََنْتََ ُمنتج‬
‫م‬‫ر‬ ‫ح‬
You are my recourse when I am

ُ ‫ث‬
ْ‫ر‬ِ ‫ك‬
ُ ََ
‫ن‬ْ ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫ت‬ ِ ‫اث‬ ‫غ‬ِ‫ت‬ ‫اس‬
ْ ‫وب‬
َ ِ
from You I seek aid when troubled

َ ،‫ف‬
ٌ ‫ل‬‫خ‬ َ‫ات‬
َ ‫ف‬ َ ‫ا‬‫ه‬ ِ
َ ‫د‬ َ
and with You is a substitute for
everything gone by,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 448

َ ،‫ح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ص‬َ‫د‬

َ ‫س‬ ‫ف‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ِ‫ول‬
a correction for everything corrupted,

ٌَ‫وفِيمَاَأََنْك ْرتََت غْيِري‬

a change from everything You is
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ،‫ف ْامنُ َْنَعل هَيَق ْبلََالْبل َءََبلْعافية‬
So show kindness to me with well-being
before affliction,

َ ،‫بَ َِب ْْلِد ِة‬

َِ ‫وق ْبلََالطهل‬
wealth before asking,
ِ ‫ضل َِلَ َِبل هرش‬
َ‫اد‬ ‫وق ْبلََال ه‬
right conduct before misguidance;

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 449

َِ ‫ِنَم ُؤونةََمع هرَِةَال ِْعب‬

‫اد‬ َ ِ ‫وا ْك ِف‬
suffice me against the burden of shame
toward the servants,
ِ‫اد‬ ِ َ َِ‫ب‬
َ ‫ِلَأ ْمنََي ْوَمَالْمع‬ َْ ‫وه‬
give me security on the Day of Return,
ِ ‫ِنَحسنََا ِإلرش‬
َ‫اد‬ ِ
ْ ْ ُ ‫و ْامن ْح‬
And grant me excellent right guidance!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ‫ِنَبِلُطْ ِفك‬
َ ِ ‫وا ْدرَأَْع‬
repel from me through Your gentleness,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 450

َ ِ‫ّنَبِنِ ْعمت‬
‫ك‬ َ ِ‫وا ْغ ُذ‬
feed me through Your favour,

َ ِ ‫صلِ ْح‬
ْ ‫وأ‬
set me right through Your generosity,

َ ‫ص ِنع‬
‫ك‬ ُ ِ
‫ب‬ َ‫ّن‬
َ ِِ
‫و‬ ‫ودا‬
heal me through Your benefaction,

َ ‫ِفَذر‬ َ ِ‫وأ ِظله‬
َ َِ‫ِن‬
shade me in Your shelter,

َ ِ ‫وجلِ ْل‬
َ ‫ِنَ ِرض‬
wrap me in Your good pleasure,

َ ،‫ورَ ِْل ْهداها‬ َ ِ ‫ووفِ ْق‬

َْ ‫ِنَإِذاَا ْشتكل‬
َُ ‫تَعل هَيَ ْٱْلُ ُم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 451

And give me success to reach the most

guided of affairs when affairs confuse

‫الَ ِْل ْزكاها‬ َِ ‫وإِذاَتشاُب‬

َُ ‫تَ ْٱْل ْعم‬
the purest of works when works seem

‫تَٱل ِْمل َُلَ ِْل ْرضاها‬

َِ ‫وإِذاَت ناقض‬
wa idha tanaqadhatil-milalu li-ar-dhaha
and the most pleasing to You of creeds
when creeds conflict!
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

‫ْكفاي َِة‬
ِ ‫ِنَ َِبل‬
َ ِ ‫وت ِو ْج‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 452

crown me with sufficiency,

َ‫ِنَ ُح ْسنََالْ ِوَل ِية‬

َ ِْ‫و ُْس‬
place in me excellent guardianship

‫ص ْدقََا ْْلِداي َِة‬

ِ َ‫ِل‬
َ َِ‫ب‬
َْ ‫وه‬
give me to guide correctly ,

َ‫سع ِة‬ َ ِِ‫وَ َلََت ْفت‬

‫ِنَ َِبل ه‬
tempt me not with plenty,

‫ِنَ ُح ْسنََال هدع َِة‬

َ ِ ‫و ْامن ْح‬
grant me excellent ease,

َِ ‫وَ َلَََتْع َْلَع ْي‬

make not my life toil and trouble,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 453

‫وَ َلََت ُرهَدَ ُدعَاَئِيَعل هَيَردًَا‬

And refuse not my supplication in
ِ ََ‫ّنََلََأ ْجع َلَلك‬
‫ضدًَا‬ َ ِ‫إ‬ِ‫ف‬
for I make none rival to You

‫وَ َلََأ ْدعُ َْوَمعكََنِدًَا‬

And I supplicate none with You as equal!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
ِ ‫سر‬
َ‫ف‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ال‬ َ‫ن‬
َ ِ
‫م‬ َ ِ ‫و ْامن ْع‬
hold me back from prodigality,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 454

ِ ‫ص ْنَ ِرْزقِيَ ِمنََالتهل‬

َ‫ف‬ ِ ‫وَ ح‬
fortify my provision against ruin,

َ‫تَ َِبلْبك َِةَفِ ِيه‬

َ ِ ‫ووفِ َْرَملك‬
increase my possessions through
blessing them,

‫بَفِيماََأَُنِْف َُقَ ِم ْن َُه‬

َِ ِ‫ّبَسبِيلََا ْْلِداي َِةَلِ ْل‬
َ َِ‫ب‬ ِ ‫وأ‬
َْ ‫ص‬
And set me upon the path of guidance
through piety in what I spend!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َِ ‫ٱإل ْكتِس‬
َ ،‫اب‬ َ ِ ‫وا ْك ِف‬
ِْ ََ‫ِنَم ُؤونة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 455

And spare me the burden of earning,

َ‫اب‬ َِْ ‫ِنَ ِم َْنَغ‬

ٍ ‫ريَٱ ْحتِس‬ َ ِ ْ‫و ْارُزق‬
provide for me without reckoning,
ِ ‫فلَأ ْشت ِغلََع َْنَ ِعبادتِكََ َِبلطهل‬
َ ،‫ب‬
lest I be distracted from Your worship
through seeking

َِ ‫صرََتبِع‬
ِ ‫اتَالْم ْكس‬
َ‫ب‬ ْ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ل‬
َ ِ
‫م‬ ‫وَلَأ ْحت‬
And carry the load of earning's ill

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هم‬

O Allah,

َ‫ب‬ ‫ل‬
ُ ‫ط‬
ْ ‫أ‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫م‬
َ َ‫ك‬
َ ِ
‫ت‬‫ر‬‫د‬ْ ‫ق‬
ُ ِ
‫ب‬ ََ
‫ِن‬ِ ‫ب‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ط‬
ْ ‫أ‬ ‫ف‬
ُ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 456

bestow upon me what I seek through

Your power

َ‫ب‬ ‫ه‬‫ر‬‫أ‬ َ‫ا‬‫ه‬َََِ‫ّنَبِ ِع هزتِك‬

‫َم‬ َ ِ
‫ر‬ ِ ‫وأ‬
ُ ْ ْ
And grant me sanctuary from what I fear
through Your might!
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ ،‫ص َْنَ َو ْج َِهيَ َِبلْيسا ِر‬

َُ ‫و‬
save my face through ease,

َِ ‫وَلَت ْب ت ِذلََْج‬
َِْ ِ‫اهيََب‬
َ‫ٱإلقْ تا ِر‬
And demean not my dignity through

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 457

َ ،‫فأ ْس َْت ِزقََأ ْهلََ ِر ْزقِك‬

lest I seek provision from those whom
You hast provided

َ‫وأ ْست ْع َِطيَ ِشرارََخ ْل ِقك‬

And ask for bestowal from the worst of
Your creatures!

َ ،‫تَِِب ْم َِدَم َْنَأ ْعط ِاّن‬

َ ِ‫فأفْ ت‬
And Then I would be tried by praising
him who gave to me

َ‫وأُبْ تليَبِذَِمَمنَ همن ع ِِن‬

afflicted with blaming him who held
back from me,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 458

َِ ‫اإل ْعط‬
‫اءَوالْم ْن َِع‬ َُّ ِ‫وأنتََ ِمنَ ُدوَنِِ َْمَو‬
ِْ َ‫ِل‬
wa anta min dunihim wali-yul-ia'-ta-i wal-
While You— not they— art patron of
giving and holding back

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلِ ِه‬

O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ ،‫ِفَ ِعباد ٍة‬ ِ َ‫ِن‬

َ ًَِ‫ص هح َة‬ َ ِ ْ‫و ْارُزق‬
And provide me with soundness in

َ ،‫ِفَزهاد ٍة‬
َ ًَِ‫وف راغَا‬
detachment in renunciation,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 459

ٍ ‫استِ ْعم‬
َ ،َ ‫ال‬ ِ ِ
ْ ً ‫و‬
‫ِف‬ ََ
‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫ع‬
knowledge put into action,
ٍ ‫ِفَإِ َْج‬
َ‫ال‬ َ ًَِ‫وورعَا‬
And abstinence in measure!
ِ ِ ِ ِ ّٰ
‫الل ُه هَمَا ْختمَبع ْفو َكَأجَلي‬
O Allah, seal my term with Your pardon,
ِ ِ ِ َ َِ‫وح ِق َْق‬
‫ِفَرجَا َءَر َْحتكََأمَلي‬
verify my expectation in hoping for thy

‫اكَ ُسبَُلِي‬ َِ ُ‫وس ِه َْلَإَِلََبُل‬

َ ‫وغَ ِرض‬
smooth my paths to reach Your good

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 460

َ ِ‫َجي َِعَأ ْحوا‬

‫ِلَعمَلِي‬ َ َِ‫وح ِسن‬
ِ َ‫ِف‬
And make my works good in all my
ِ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَص َِلَعلىَ ُُم هم ٍَدَ هوآلَِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ‫اتَالْغ ْفل ِة‬ َ َِ‫ِنَلِ ِذ ْك ِر َك‬

َِ ‫ِفَأ ْوق‬ َ ِ ‫ون بِ ْه‬
Incite me to remember You in times of

َ‫ِنَبِطاعتِكََِفَأ هَيَِمَال ُْم ْهل ِة‬

َ ِ ‫است ْع ِم ْل‬
employ me in Your obedience in days of

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 461

َ ‫َلَُمبهتِكََسبِي‬
ًَ‫لًَس ْهلة‬ َ ِ‫ِلَإ‬
َ َِ‫ج‬
َْ ‫و ْاَن‬
open a smooth road for me to Your love,

َ‫ٱْل ِخرِة‬ َْ ‫ِلَ ُِباَخ‬

ُّ َ‫ري‬
َْ َ‫الدنياَو‬ َ َِ‫أ ْك ِم َْل‬
And complete for me thereby the good of
this world and the next!

ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ّٰ
َ‫الل ُه هَمَص َلَعلىَ ُُم هم َدَ هوآلهََكأفْض َلَما‬
ََ‫صلهْيتََعلىَأح ٍَدَ ِم َْنَخ ْل ِقكََق ْب ل َهَُوأنت‬
‫ُمص ٍَلَعلىَأح ٍَدَب ْعد َُه‬
O Allah, and bless Muhammad and his
Household the best You hast blessed any
of Your creatures before him and wilt
bless any of them after him,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 462

ًَ‫ٱْل ِخرَِةَحسنة‬ َ ِ‫الدنْ ياَحسن َةًَ هو‬

َْ َ‫ِف‬ َ َِ‫وآتِنا‬
ُّ َ‫ِف‬
And give to us in this world good, and in
the next world good,

َ ِ ِ‫وق‬
‫ِنَبِر َْحتِكََعذابََالنها َِر‬
And protect me through Your mercy
from the chastisement of the Fire!

ََ‫َو ُهوََعل ْيك‬،‫إِنهكََعلىََ ُك َِلَش َْي ٍَءَق ِد ٌير‬

ٌَ‫ي ِسري‬
You are powerful over everything, and
that is easy for You!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 463

Munajat Taibeen

َِ ‫َح ِنَٱل هرِح‬

َ ‫يم‬ َِّٰ َ‫بِ ْس ِم‬
ّٰ ْ ‫ٱَّللَٱل هر‬
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent,
the All-merciful

َ ِ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَأَلْبس ْت ِِنَٱ ْْلطاَيَث ْوبَمذله‬

My God, offenses have clothed me in the
garment of my lowliness,

َ َ‫وجلهل ِِنَٱلتهباعُ ُد َِم ْنكَلِباسَم ْسكن ِت‬

separation from You has wrapped me in
the clothing of my misery!
ِ ‫َوأَماتَق ْلِبَع ِظيم‬
َ ِ ‫َجناي‬
َ‫ت‬ ُ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 464

My dreadful crimes have deadened my


َ ‫فَأَ ْحيِ ِهَبِت ْوب ٍة َِم ْن‬

so bring it to life by a repentance from

َ َ‫َيَأَملِيَوبُغْي ِت‬
O my hope and my aim!

َ ِ ‫َس ْؤِِلَوُم ْن ي‬
َ‫ت‬ ُ ‫وَي‬
O my wish and my want!

َ ً‫َسواكَغافِرَا‬ ِ ُ‫ف و ِع هزتِكَماَأَ ِج ُدَلِ ُذن‬

ِ ‫وّب‬
By Your might, I find no one but You to
forgive my sins

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 465

َ ً‫وَ َلََأَر ّٰىَلِك ْس ِريَغ ْريكَجابِرَا‬

and I see none but You to mend my

َِ ‫تََبِٱ َِْإلَنب ِةَإِل ْي‬

َ‫ك‬ ُ ‫وق ْدَخض ْع‬
I have subjected myself to You in
repeated turning,

َ ْ‫تََبِٱ ََِْل ْستِكان ِةَلدي‬

َ‫ك‬ ُ ‫وعن ْو‬
I have humbled myself to You in

َ ُ‫فِإ ْنَطر ْدت ِِن َِم ْنََببِكَفبِم ْنَأَلُو َذ‬

If You cast me out from Your door, in
whom shall I take shelter?

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 466

َ ُ‫َعنَجنابِكَفبِم ْنَأَعُو َذ‬

ْ ِ
‫ِن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫د‬
ْ ‫د‬‫َر‬‫ن‬ْ ِ
If You repel me from Your side, in whom
shall I seek refuge?
ِ ‫َوٱفْتِض‬
َ ‫احي‬ َ ‫ف واَأَسفاهُ َِم ْنَخ ْجل ِت‬
O my grief at my ignominy and disgrace!
ِ ‫يَوٱجَِت‬
َ ‫احي‬ َ ِ ‫وواَْلفاه َِمنَس‬
ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ
O my sorrow at my evil works and what
I have committed!
ِ ْ‫أَ َْسأَلُكََيَغافِرَٱل هذن‬
َِ ِ‫بَٱلْكب‬
َ ‫ري‬
I ask You, O Forgiver of great sins,

َِ ‫وَيَجابِرَٱلْعظْ ِمَٱلْك ِس‬

َ ‫ري‬
O Mender of broken bones,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 467

ِ ‫أَ ْنَُتب َِِلَموبِق‬

َ ‫اتََٱ ْْلرائِ َِر‬ ُ
to overlook my ruinous misdeeds

َ ‫سرائِ َِر‬
‫ه‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬ َ ِ
‫ات‬ ‫ح‬ ِ
‫اض‬ ‫وت ْس َُتَعل هيَف‬
and cover my disgraceful secret

َ ‫وَ َلََ ُتْلِ ِِن َِِفَم ْشه ِدَٱل ِْقيام َِة‬

At the witnessing place of the
Resurrection, empty me not

َ َ‫ِم ْنَب ْرِدَع ْف ِوكَوغ ْف ِرك‬

of the coolness of Your pardon and

َ ‫يلَص ْف ِحكَوس َِْت َك‬ ِ ‫وَ َلََتُ ْع ِرِّن َِمن‬

ِ ‫ََج‬ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 468

and strip me not of Your beautiful

forbearance and covering!

ِ ُ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَظلِ ْلَعل ّٰىَذُن‬

َ َ‫وّبَغمامَر َْحتِك‬
My God, let the cloud of Your mercy cast
its shadow upon my sins

ِ ُ‫َوأَ ْر ِس ْلَعل ّٰىَعُي‬

َ َ‫وّبَسحاب ََرَأْفتِك‬
and send the billow of Your clemency
flowing over my faults!

َ ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَه ْلَي ْرِج ُعَٱلْعَْب ُدََٱْلبِ ُقَإِهََلَإِ َّٰلَم ْو‬

َ ُ‫َله‬
My God, Does the runaway servant go
back but to His master?
ِ ‫ََيريهُ َِمنَسخ ِط ِهَأَح ٌد‬
َ ُ‫َسو َاه‬ ِ
ْ ُ ُ ‫أَ ْمَه ْل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 469

Or does anyone grant sanctuary to him

from His anger but He?

َِ ْ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَإِ ْنَكانَالنهد ُمَعل ّٰىَٱل هذن‬

َ ً‫بَت ْوب َة‬
My God, if remorse for sins is
ِ ‫فِإِّنَو ِع هزتِك َِمنَٱلن‬
َ َ‫هاد ِمي‬
I—by Your might—am one of the
ِ ‫وإِ ْنَكانَٱ ََِلستِغْفار َِمنَٱ ْْل ِطيئ ِة‬
َ ً‫َحطهَة‬ ُ ْ
If praying forgiveness for offenses is

َ َ‫فِإِّنَلكَ ِمنَٱل ُْم ْست غْ ِف ِرين‬

I am one of those who pray forgiveness!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 470

َ َ‫َّتَت ْرض ّٰى‬

ّٰ ‫َبَح ه‬
ّٰ ‫لكَٱلْعُ ْت‬
You have all right to admonish me until
You may be well pleased!

َ َ‫بَعل هي‬‫ت‬ َ‫ي‬‫ل‬‫َع‬‫ك‬ِ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَبِ ُق ْدرت‬

My God, through Your power over me,
turn toward me,

َ ِ ‫فَع‬
َ ‫ِن‬ ‫ع‬
ُ ْ ‫ٱ‬ َ ِ
‫ِن‬ ‫َع‬‫ك‬‫م‬ِ ‫ل‬
ْ ِِ
through Your clemency toward me,
pardon me,

َ ِ ‫وبِ ِع ْل ِمك َِّبََإِ ْرفُ ْق‬

َ ‫َّب‬
and through Your knowledge of me, be
gentle toward me!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 471

ِ ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَأَنْتَٱله ِذيَف تحتَلِعب‬

َ‫ادكََبَبًَإِ َّٰل‬ ْ
َ ‫ع ْف ِو َك‬
My God, You are He who has opened a
door to Your pardon

َ :‫ْس ْهي تهَُٱلت ْهوبةَف ُق ْلت‬

and named it 'repentance'; so, You said,

َ )ً‫صوحا‬ ‫َن‬‫ة‬
ً ‫ب‬‫و‬ ‫ت‬ ََِ ّٰ
‫ٱَّلل‬ َ‫َل‬
ّٰ ِ
ُ ْ
“Repent to Allah with unswerving
ِ ‫َد ُخولَٱلْب‬
َ‫ابَب َْعد‬ ُ ‫فماَعُ ْذ ُرَم ْنَأَ ْغفل‬
َ ‫ف ْت ِح َِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 472

What is the excuse of him who remains

heedless of entering the door after its

َ ‫ب َِم ْنَع ْب ِد َك‬

ُ ‫ن‬
ْ ‫ه‬
‫ذ‬ ‫َال‬‫ح‬ُ‫ب‬ ‫َق‬‫ان‬ ‫َك‬‫ن‬ْ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ي‬ِّٰ
‫ْل‬ ِ
My God, it is true that the sins of Your
servant are ugly;
ِ ‫ف ْليحس ِنَٱلْع ْف َوَ ِمن‬
َ ‫َع ْن ِد َك‬ ْ ُ ُْ
But, let Your pardon be beautiful.

َ ‫إِ ّْٰلِيَماَأََنَ َِب هو ِلَم ْنَعصاكَف تُ ْبتَعل ْي َِه‬

My God, I am not the first to have
disobeyed You, and You turned toward
him with pardon,

َ ‫وت ع هرضَلِم ْع ُروفِكَف ُج ْدتَعل ْي َِه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 473

or to have sought to attain Your favor,

and You were munificent toward him.

َ ‫ضط َِر‬ ‫ْم‬

ْ ُ ‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬ َ‫يب‬ ِ
ُ ‫َي‬
O Responder to the distressed!

َ ‫لض َِر‬ ِ ‫َيَك‬

ُّ ‫اشفَٱ‬
O Remover of injury!

َِ ِ‫َيَع ِظيمَٱل‬
َ ‫ْب‬
O Great in goodness!
ِ ‫َيَعلِيماً َِِب‬
ِ ‫اَِفَٱ‬
َ ‫لس َِر‬
O Knower of everything secret!

َ ِ ‫ََجيلَٱ‬
َ‫لس َِْت‬ ِ ‫َي‬
O Beautiful through covering over!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 474

َ ‫ودكَوكرِمكَإِل ْي‬
َ‫ك‬ ِ ‫ت َِِب‬
ُ ْ ْ ‫َإ‬
ُ ‫ع‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ش‬
ْ ‫ت‬ ‫س‬ِ
I seek Your munificence and Your
generosity to intercede with You,

َ‫ك‬ ُِّ ‫ت َِِبنابِكَوت ر‬

َ ْ‫َحكَلدي‬ ُ ‫وت و هس ْل‬
I seek Your side and Your showing
mercy to mediate with You,

َ ‫َدعائِ َي‬ ِ
ُ ْ ‫فَٱ ْست‬
So, grant my supplication,

َ ‫بَفِيكَرجائِي‬ ِ
ْ ‫وَ َلََ ُتي‬
disappoint not my hope in You,

َ ِ ‫وت قبه ْلَت ْوب‬

accept my repentance,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 475

َ َ‫وك ِف ْرَخ ِطيئ ِت‬

and overlook my offense,

َ َ‫ِِبنِكَور َْحتِك‬
through Your kindness and mercy,
ِِ ‫َيَأَرحمَٱل هر‬
َ َ‫اَحي‬ ْ
O Most Merciful of the merciful!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 476

Dua' al-Tawbah


َ‫َاَّللَال هر َْح ِنَال هرِح ِيم‬

ِ‫بِس ِم ه‬
In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the

ِ ِ
َ‫تَالْواصفي‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه هَمَََيَمنََلََيص ُفهَُن ْع‬
O Allah, O He whom the depiction of the
describers fails to describe!

ِ ‫وَيَمنََلََ َُيا ِوُزهَُرجاءَال هر‬

َ‫اجي‬ ُ
O He beyond whom passes not the hope
of the hopers!

َ‫يعَلديْ ِهَأ ْج ُرَال ُْم ْح ِسنِي‬

ِ ‫وَيَمنََلََي‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 477

O He with whom is not lost the wage of

the good-doers!
ِ ‫وَيَمنَهوَمنت هىَخو‬
َ‫فَالْعابِ ِدين‬ ْ ُ ُ ْ
O He who is the ultimate object of the fear
of the worshipers!

َ ‫َهوَغايةَُخ ْشي ِةَال ُْمت ِهق‬

‫ي‬ ُ ‫وَيَم ْن‬
O He who is the utmost limit of the dread
of the god-fearing!

َ ،‫وب‬ ُّ ‫امَمنَتداول ْتهَُأيْ ِد‬

ِ ُ‫يَالذن‬ ُ ‫هذاَمق‬
This is the station of him whom sins have
passed from hand to hand.

ْ ُ‫وقادتْهَُأ ِزهمة‬
َ ،‫َاْلطاَي‬
Offenses' reins have led him on,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 478

‫است ْحوذَعل ْي ِهَال ه‬

َ‫ش ْيطا ُن‬ ْ‫و‬
And Satan has gained mastery over him.

َ ،ً‫صرَع هماَأم ْرتَبِ ِهَت ْف ِريطا‬

‫فق ه‬
He fell short of what You are commanded
through neglect

َ ،ً‫وت عاطىَماََن ْيتَع ْنهَُت ْع ِزيرا‬

And he pursued what You are prohibited
in delusion,

َ ،‫اه ِلَبِ ُق ْدرتِكَعل ْي ِه‬

ِ ‫كا ْْل‬
like one ignorant of Your power over him,

‫ض ِلَإِ ْحسانِكَإِل ْي َِه‬

ْ ‫َف‬‫ر‬ِ ِ
‫ك‬ ‫ْمَْن‬
َُ ‫أ ْوَكال‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 479

or one who denies the bounty of Your

beneficence toward him,

َ ‫ح هَّتَإِذاَا نَْفتحَلهَُب‬
َ ،‫ص ُرَا ْْلُدي‬ َ

until, when the eye of guidance was

opened for him

َ ،‫بَٱَلْعمي‬ ِ‫تَعََْنهَُسحائ‬
ْ ‫ع‬ ‫ه‬
‫ش‬ ‫وت ق‬
And the clouds of blindness were

َ ،ُ‫أ ْحصىَماَظلمَبِ ِهَن ْفسه‬

he reckoned that through which he had
wronged himself

َُ‫وف هكرَفِيماَخالفَفِ ِيهَربهه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 480

And reflected upon that in which he had

opposed his Lord.

َ ،ً‫صيانِِهَكبِريا‬ ِ ‫ف رأىَكبِري‬
He saw his vast disobedience as vast

ًَ‫َُمالفتِ ِهَجلِيل‬ ِ
ُ ‫وجل‬
And his great opposition as great.

َ ،‫َمؤِملًَلهك‬
ُ ‫فأقْ بلَ َْنوك‬
So he turned to You, hoping in You

َ ،‫ُم ْست ْحيِياً َِمنك‬

And ashamed before You,

َ ،‫وو هجهَر ْغب تهَُإِل ْيكَثِقةًَبِك‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 481

and he directed his beseeching toward

You, having trust in You.

َ ،ًَ‫فأ همكَبِط ْب ِع ِهَي ِقينا‬

He repaired to You in his longing with

َ ،ً‫وقصدك َِِب ْوفِ ِهَإِ َْخلَصا‬

And he went straight to You in fear with

َ ،‫وعَفِ ِيهَغ ْريُك‬ ‫ط‬‫َم‬‫ل‬ِ ‫ك‬َ‫ن‬ ِ

ٍ ُ ْ ُ ُ‫ق ْدَخَلََطمعُه‬
‫م‬ ‫َم‬
His longing was devoid of every object of
longing but You,

‫اك‬ ِ ُ‫َُم ُذوٍر َِم ْنه‬

َ ‫َسو‬ ِ ِ
ْ ُ ُ‫وأفْ رجَرْو َعُه‬
‫ل‬ ‫ك‬َ‫ن‬ ‫َم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 482

And his fright departed from every object

of fear but You.

َ ،ً‫َمتض ِرعا‬
ُ ‫فمثلَب ْيَيديْك‬
So, he stood before You pleading,

َ ،ً‫َمتخ ِشعا‬‫ض‬
ُ ِْ ‫ر‬َ
ْ َ‫َل‬ِ‫وغ همضَبصرهَُإ‬
his eyes turned toward the ground in

‫ل‬ ِ
ًَ ‫َمتذل‬‫ك‬ِ
‫ت‬‫ز‬‫ه‬ ِ ِ‫وطأْطأَرأْسهَُل‬
his head bowed before Your might in

َُ‫َم َْنَ ِس ِرِهَماَأََنْتَأ ْعل ُمَبِ ِه َِم ْنه‬

َِ ‫وأب ثهك‬
ُ ‫ُخ‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 483

he revealed to You in meekness those

secrets of his which You knowest better
than he;

ًَ‫شوعا‬ ‫خ‬ َ‫ا‬ ‫صىَْل‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َأ‬‫ت‬‫ن‬

َ ‫اَأ‬
َ ‫َم‬‫ه‬ِ ِ
‫ب‬‫و‬‫ن‬ ‫ذ‬ََ
‫ن‬ ِ
ُ ُ ْ ‫وع هدد‬
ُُ ْ ْ
he numbered for You in humility those
sins of his which You countest better than

َ‫است غاثَبِك َِم ْن‬

he sought help from You
ِ ‫ع ِظ ِيمَماَوقعَبِ ِه َِِف‬
َ ،‫َع ْل ِمك‬
before the dreadful into which he has
fallen in Your knowledge,

َ ،‫َح ْك ِمك‬
ُ ُِ
‫َِف‬‫ه‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ض‬ ‫اَف‬ ‫َم‬‫يح‬
ِ ِ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 484

and the ugly which has disgraced him in

Your judgment: the sins

َ ،‫ت‬
ْ ‫ب‬ ‫ه‬‫ذ‬ ‫اَف‬ ‫ُت‬
ُ ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬
‫ذ‬ ‫َل‬‫ت‬ ‫ر‬
ْ ْ‫ب‬ ‫د‬‫َأ‬ ٍ
‫وب‬ ‫ن‬
ُُ‫ذ‬َ‫ن‬ ِ
whose pleasures have turned their backs
and gone

ْ ‫م‬ِ
‫ز‬ ‫ل‬ ‫اَف‬ ‫ُت‬
ُ ‫ا‬‫ع‬ِ‫تَتب‬
ْ ‫وأقَام‬
and whose evil consequences have stayed
and stuck fast.

َ ،ُ‫َلََيََُْن ِك ُرََيَإِْلِيَع ْدلكَإِ ْنَعاق ْب ته‬

He will not deny Your justice, My God, if
You punishest him,

ِ ‫َوَلََيست ْع‬
َُ‫ص ُمَع ْفوكَع ْنهَُإِ ْنَعف ْوتَع ْنه‬ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 485

nor will he consider Your pardon great if
You pardonest him and hast mercy upon

َُ‫بَالْك ِريَُاله ِذيََلََي ت عاظ ُمه‬ ُّ ‫ِْلنهكََال هر‬

َِ ‫بَالْع ِظ‬
‫يم‬ ِ ْ‫غُ ْفرا ُنَال هذن‬
for You are the Generous Lord for whom
the forgiveness of great sins is nothing

‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَف هاَأَنَذا‬

O Allah, so here I am:

َ ،‫َم ِطيعاًَ ِْل ْم ِر َك‬‫ك‬‫ت‬ ‫ئ‬ ِ

ُ ُ ْ ‫ق ْد‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 486

I have come to You obeying Your


َ ،‫َالدع ِاء‬
ُّ ‫فِيماَأم ْرتَبِ ِه َِمن‬
for You commanded supplication

ِْ َ‫دتَبِ ِه َِمن‬
َ،‫اإلجاب ِة‬ ‫ُمت ن ِجزاًَ هو ْعدكَفِيماَوع ه‬
ُ ‫إِ ْذَت ُق‬
َ :‫ول‬
And asking the fulfillment of Your
promise, for You are promised to
respond. You are said:

َ )‫بَل ُك ْم‬ ِ ‫(اُ ْدعُوّنَأ ْست‬

“Supplicate Me and I will respond to you.”

ِ‫آله‬ ٍ
َ ‫ىَُم همدَو‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه هَمَفصلَعل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 487

O Allah, so bless Muhammad and his


‫ِنَِِبغْ ِفرتِكَكماَل ِقيتُكَِبِِقْ را ِري‬

َ ِ ‫والْق‬
meet me with Your forgiveness just as I
have met You with my confession,

َ‫ت‬ ‫ع‬
ُ ْ ‫ض‬‫اَو‬‫م‬ ‫َك‬ ِ
‫وب‬ ‫ن‬
ُ ُّ
‫الذ‬ َ‫رع‬
ِ ِ
‫ا‬ ‫و ْارف ْع ِِنَعنَ همص‬
‫لكَن ْف ِسي‬
lift me up from the fatal infirmities of sins
just as I have let myself down before You,

َ‫ام‬ ِْ َ‫اس َُْتِّنَبِ ِس َِْتكَكماََتنه ْي ت ِِنَع ِن‬

َِ ‫ٱإلنتِق‬ ْ‫و‬
َ ِ ‫ِم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 488

And cover me with Your covering just as

You are shown no haste to take
vengeance on me!

َ‫ت َِِفَطاعتِكَنِيهِت‬ِ ّٰ
ْ ‫ا ُه‬
‫ب‬ ‫ث‬‫و‬ ََ
‫م‬ ‫ه‬‫لل‬
O Allah, make firm my intention to obey
ِ ‫وأح ِكم َِِف‬
ِ ‫َعبادتِكَب‬
َ‫صريِت‬ ْ ْ
strengthen my insight in worshiping You,

ََ‫ٱْل ْعمِالَماَت غْ ِس ُلَبِ ِهَدنس‬

َْ َ‫ووفِ ْق ِِنَإَِل‬
َ‫اْلطاَيَع ِِن‬
give me the success of works which will
wash away the defilement of offenses,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 489

َ‫َُم هم ٍدَعليِ ْه‬

ُ ‫ك‬ِ
‫ي‬ ِ
‫ب‬ ‫َن‬‫ة‬ِ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ِ
‫م‬‫َو‬ ‫ك‬ِ
‫ت‬‫ه‬‫ل‬ ِ
‫ىَم‬ ‫وت وفهِِنَعل‬
َ ِ ‫سلَ ُمَإِذاَت وفه ْي ت‬
‫ِن‬ َ‫ال ه‬
and take me when You takest me in the
creed of Your prophet Muhammad (upon
him be peace).
ِ ‫ا ّٰلله هَمَإِِّنَأتُوبَإِليك َِِفَمق ِاميَهذ‬
‫اَمن‬ ْ ُ ُ
O Allah, I repent to You in this my station

َ ،‫وّبَوصغائِ ِرها‬
ِ ُ‫كبائِ ِرَذُن‬
my sins, great and small,

َ ،‫اط ِنَسيِئ ِاتَوظو ِاه ِرها‬

ِ ‫وب و‬
my evil deeds, inward and outward,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 490

‫تَوحو ِادثِهَا‬ ِ ِ‫وسوا‬

َ ِ‫لفَزهَل‬
my lapses, past and recent,

َ ،‫صي ٍة‬
ِ ‫ثَن ْفسهُ َِِب ْع‬ ِ
ُ ‫ت ْوبةَمنَ ََلَ ُي‬
with the repentance of one who does not
tell himself that he might disobey or

َ‫ض ِم ُرَأنَيهعُود َِِفَخ َِطيئ ٍة‬

ْ ُ‫َوَلََي‬
secretly think that he might return to an

َ‫َُمك ِمَكِتابِك‬
ُْ ِ
‫يَِف‬ِ‫وق ْدَقُ ْلتََيَإِْل‬
You are said, My God, in the firm text of
Your Book, that
ِ ‫إِنهكَت ْقبلَالتهوبةَعن‬
ِ ‫َعب‬
‫اد َك‬ ْ ْ ُ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 491

You acceptest repentance from Your


َِ ‫سيِئ‬
‫ات‬ ‫وت ْع ُفوَع ِنَال ه‬
pardonest evil deeds,

َ‫هوابِي‬ ُّ ‫وَُِت‬
‫بَالت ه‬
And lovest the repenters,

َ‫فاقْ ب ْلَت ْوب ِتَكماَوع ه‬

so accept my repentance as You are

َ‫فَعنَسيِئ ِاتَكماَض ِمنت‬

ُ ‫وا ْع‬
pardon my evil deeds as You are

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 492

‫ب َِِلَُمبه تكَكماَشر ه‬
َ‫طت‬ ‫ج‬ِ ‫وأو‬
ْ ْ
And make obligatory toward me Your
love as You are stipulated!

ِ ‫ولكََيَر‬
To You, my Lord, belongs
ِ ‫شر ِطيََلََأعُود َِِفَم ْكر‬
َ‫وهك‬ ُ ْ
my stipulation that I will not return to
what is disliked by You,

‫ك‬ ِ ‫وضمِاّنََلََأرِجع َِِفَم ْذم‬

َ ‫وم‬ ُ ْ
my guarantee that I will not go back to
what You blamest,

ِ ‫وع ْه ِديَأ ْنَأ ْهجر‬

ِ ‫ََجيعَمع‬
َ‫اصيك‬ ُ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 493

And my covenant that I will stay away

from acts of disobedience to You.

َ‫ت‬ ‫ل‬
ْ ِ
‫م‬ ‫اَع‬ ِ
‫َِب‬‫م‬ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ ‫َأ‬ ‫ك‬‫ه‬
‫ن‬ ِ
‫إ‬ ََ
‫م‬‫ه‬ ‫ه‬ ّٰ
‫لل‬ ‫ا‬
ُ ُ ْ ُ
O Allah, You knowest better what I have

َ‫فا ْغ ِف ْر َِِلَماَعلِ ْمت‬

so forgive me what You knowest
َ‫اص ِرفْ ِِنَبِ ُق ْدرتكَإَلَماَأ ْحب ْبت‬
ِ ْ ‫و‬
And turn me through Your power to what
You lovest!

َ ،‫اتَق ْدَح ِفظْتُ ُه هن‬ ‫ع‬ِ‫ب‬ ‫َت‬‫ي‬ ّٰ

ٌ ‫ا ُه ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫ع‬‫و‬ ََ
‫م‬ ‫ه‬‫لل‬
O Allah, counted against me are claims
that stay in my memory

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 494

َ ،‫اتَق ْدَن ِسيتُ ُه هن‬ ِ

ٌ ‫وتب‬
and claims that I have forgotten,

َ ،‫ام‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ َ ‫َل‬

َ َ‫ت‬ِ ‫ه‬
‫ل‬ ‫َا‬‫ك‬ِ‫وُكلُّ ُه هنَبِع ْين‬
while all of them remain in Your eye that
does not sleep

‫و ِع ْل ِمكَاله ِذيََلََي ْنسى‬

and Your knowledge that does not forget!

َ،‫طَع ِِنَ ِوْزرها‬ َْ ُ‫احط‬ ‫َو‬،‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ل‬‫ه‬ ‫اَأ‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ ِ
‫َم‬‫ض‬ ِ
ْ ْ ْ ْ ‫فع‬
َ‫ص ْم ِِن َِم ْنَأ ْن‬
ِ ‫َوا ْع‬،‫فَع ِِنَثِْقلها‬ ِ
ْ ‫وخ‬
‫أُقا ِرف َِمثْ لها‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 495

So, compensate their owners, lighten

their load upon me, lift up their weight
from me, and preserve me from
approaching their like!

‫ه‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫ه‬ ِ ّٰ
َ‫الل ُه هَمَوإنهََُلََوفاءَِلََبلت ْهوبةَإ ََل‬
َ ،‫صمتِك‬ ِ
ْ ‫ب‬
‫ع‬ ِ
O Allah, but I can not be faithful to my
repentance without Your preservation,

َ ِ‫َاْلطاَيَإِهََلَعنَقُ هوت‬
‫ك‬ ْ ‫استِ ْمساك َِّبَع ِن‬
ْ ََ‫َوَل‬
nor can I refrain from offenses without
Your strength.

‫ف ق ِوِّنَبِ ُق هوٍةَكَافِي ٍَة‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 496

So strengthen me with a sufficient


‫صم ٍةَ همانِع ٍَة‬

ْ ِ
‫ع‬ ِ
‫ب‬ َ ِ
‫ِن‬ ‫ه‬
‫وت ول‬
And attend to me with a defending

ِ ٍ ُّ ّٰ
َ َ‫الل ُه هَمَأياَع ْبدََتبَإل ْيك‬
O Allah, if any servant repents to You,

َ ،َ ‫اس ًخَلِت ْوبتِ ِه‬ ِ‫ب‬

ِ َ‫َعندكَف‬ ِ ‫وهو َِِف‬
ِ ‫َع ْل ِمَالْغ ْي‬ ُ
while in Your knowledge of the Unseen he
will break his repentance

َ‫وعائِ ٌد َِِفَذنْبِ ِهَوخ ِطيئتِ ِه‬

and return to his sin and offense,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 497

َ‫فِإِّنَأعُوذَُبِكَأ ْنَأ ُكونَكذلِك‬

I seek refuge in You lest I be like that!

َ‫اجَب ْعدهاَإَِل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ح‬ ‫أ‬ َ ‫َل‬

َ َ‫ه‬ِ ‫فاجعلَت وب ِتَه ِذ‬
ُ ْ ْ ْ ْ
َ ،َ ‫ت ْوب ٍة‬
So make this my repentance, a repentance
after which I will need no repentance,

َ‫وجبةًَلِم ْح ِوَماَسلفَوال ه‬
َ‫سلَم ِةَفِيما‬ ِ ‫َم‬
ُّ ً‫ت ْوبة‬
َ‫ب ِقي‬
and a repentance which will obligate the
erasing of what has gone by and safety in
what remains!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 498

‫ا ّٰلل َُهمَإِِّنَأ ْعت ِذ ُرَإِل ْيك َِم ْنَج ْهلِي‬

O Allah, I ask pardon from You for my

‫َسوءَفِ ْعلِي‬‫ك‬‫ب‬ ِ ‫وأست و‬

ُ ُ ْ ْ
And I ask You to disregard my evil acts!

ًَ‫ف ََر َْحتِكَتط ُّوَل‬

ِ ‫ضم ْم ِِنَإَِلَكن‬
ُ ْ ‫فا‬
So join me to the shelter of Your mercy
through graciousness

‫ل‬ ُّ ‫اس َُْتِّنَبِ ِس َِْتَعافِيتِكَت ف‬

ًَ ‫ض‬ ْ‫و‬
And cover me with the covering of Your
well-being through bounteousness!

ِ ِ ِ
َ‫وبَإل ْيكَمنَ ُكلَماَخالَف‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ُ‫الل ُه هَمَوإّنَأت‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 499

َ ،‫إِرادتك‬
O Allah, I repent to You from everything
opposed to Your will

َ ،‫نَُمبهتِك‬
‫أ ْوَزالَع ه‬
or far from Your love

ِ ‫ِمنَخطر‬
َ ،‫اتَق ْلِب‬ ْ
—the thoughts of my heart,

ِ ‫وْلظ‬
َ ،‫اتَع ْي ِِن‬
the glances of my eye,

ِ ‫و ِحكاَي‬
َ ،‫تَلِس ِاّن‬
the tales of my tongue with

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 500

ِ ‫ىَحيِاْل‬
َ‫اَمن‬ ِ ‫ت وبةًَتسلم َُِباَ ُك ُّلَجا ِرح ٍةَعل‬
ُ ْ ْ
َ ِ‫تبِعات‬
a repentance through which each bodily
part will by itself stay safe from ill
consequences with You

َ‫افَال ُْم ْعت ُدون َِم ْنَألِ ِيم‬

ُ ‫اَي‬‫ه‬ ِ
‫ََم‬‫وَتْم ُن‬
and remain secure from Your painful
penalties feared by transgressors!

َ ،‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَف ْارح ْمَو ْحدِتَب ْيَيديْك‬

O Allah, so have mercy on my being alone
before You,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 501

َ‫وو ِجيبَق ْلِب َِم ْنَخ ْشيتِك‬

the pounding of my heart in dread of You,

َ ِ‫ض ِطرابَأ ْرك ِاّن َِم ْنَه ْي بت‬

‫ك‬ ْ ‫وا‬
the trembling of my limbs in awe of You!

َ‫َاْلِْز ِي‬ ِ ‫ف ق ْدَأقام ْت ِِنََيَر‬

ِ ُ‫بَذُن‬
ْ ‫وّبَمقام‬
َ ،َ ‫بِِفنائِك‬
My sins, My God, have stood me in the
station of degradation in Your courtyard.
ِ َ‫تََلَي‬
َ ،‫نط ْقَع ِِنَأح ٌد‬ ُّ ‫ك‬ ‫نَس‬‫إ‬ِ‫ف‬
If I remain silent, none will speak for me;

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 502

‫شفاع َِة‬
‫تَ ِب ْه ِلَال ه‬ ُ ‫وإِنَشف ْع‬
ُ ‫تَف ل ْس‬
if I seek an intercessor, I am not worthy
for intercession.

ٍ‫َُم هم َد‬ ِ ٍ
ُ ‫ىَُم همدَ هوآل‬ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه هَمَصلَعل‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ‫وش ِف ْع َِِفَخطاَييَكرمك‬
make Your generosity intercede for my

‫وعُ ْدَعلىَسيِئ ِاتَبِع ْف ِو َك‬

follow up my evil deeds with Your

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 503

ِ ِ‫َوَلَََتْ ِزِّنَجزائ‬
َ ِ‫يَم ْنَعُ ُقوبت‬
repay me not with the punishment that is
my proper repayment,

َ‫طَعل هيَط ْولك‬

ْ‫س‬ُ ْ‫واب‬
spread over me Your graciousness,

‫وجلِ ْل ِِنَبِ ِس َِْت َك‬

wrap me in Your covering,

َ‫يل‬ِ‫وافْ عل َِّبَفِعلَع ِزي ٍزَتض هرعَإِلي ِهَعب ٌدَذل‬

ٌ ْ ْ ْ ْ
َ ،ُ‫ف رَِحه‬
And do with me what is done by a mighty
man, when a lowly slave pleads to him
and he shows him mercy,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 504

َُ‫أ ْوَغ ٍِِنَت ع هرضَلهَُع ْب ٌدَف ِقريٌَف ن عشه‬

or a rich man when a poor slave submits
himself and he raises him to wealth!
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ّٰ
َ‫الل ُه هَمََلََخفريَِلَمنكَف ْلي ْخف ْرّنَع ُّزك‬
O Allah, I have no protector against You,
so let Your might be my protector!

َ‫ضلُك‬ ‫َف‬ ِ
‫َِل‬‫ع‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫َف‬‫ك‬‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ِ‫إ‬ َ ِ
‫َِل‬ ‫يع‬ ِ
‫ف‬ ‫َوَلََش‬
ْ ْ ْ ْ
I have no intercessor with You, so let Your
bounty be my intercessor!

‫وق ْدَأ ْوجَل ْت ِِنَخطاَييَف ْليُ ْؤِم ِِنَع ْف ُو َك‬

My offenses have set me quaking, so let
Your pardon give me security!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 505

ِ ‫فماَ ُك ُّلَماَنط ْقتَبِ ِهَعنَجه ٍل َِم ِِنَبِس‬

َ‫وء‬ ُ ْ ُ
َ ،‫أث ِري‬
Not all that I have said rises up from my
ignorance of my evil footsteps

‫انَلِماَسبق َِمنَذ ِم ِيمَفِ ْعلِي‬

ٍ ‫َوَلََنِسي‬
or forgetfulness of my blameworthy acts
in the past,

‫ل ِكنَلِت ْسم ْعَْسا ُؤكَومنَفِيها‬

but in order that Your heaven and those
within it

‫ضكَوم ْنَعل ْي ها‬

ُ ‫وأ ْر‬
And Your earth and those upon it

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 506

َ ،‫تَلك َِمنَالنهدِم‬
ُ ‫ماَأَظْه ْر‬
may hear the remorse which I have
professed to You

‫تَإِل ْيكَفِ ِيه َِمنَالت ْهوب َِة‬

ُ ْ‫وْلأ‬
and the repentance through which I have
sought asylum with You.
ِ ‫ف لع هلَب عضهمَبِر َْحتِكَي رَح ِِن َِمنَس‬
َ‫وء‬ ُ ُ ْ ُ ْ
َ ،‫م ْوقِ ِفي‬
Then perhaps one of them, through Your
mercy, may show mercy upon my evil
ِ ‫َالرقهةَُعليَبِس‬
َ ،‫وءَحِاِل‬ ِ ‫ه‬ ‫ك‬
‫ر‬ ‫د‬
ْ ‫ت‬
ُ َ‫و‬ ‫أ‬
ُ ‫ه‬ ُ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 507

or be seized by tenderness for my evil


َ‫َهيَأ ْْس ُعَلديْك َِمن‬

ِ ‫ف ي نال ِِن َِم ْنهَبِد ْعوٍة‬
َ ،‫ُدعائِي‬
There may come from him for my sake a
supplication to which You give ear more
than to my supplication

َ ،‫َعندك َِمنَشفاع ِت‬

ِ ‫أوشفاع ٍةَأوك ُد‬
ْ ْ
or an intercession surer with You than my

َ ،‫ت ُكو ُن َُِباَْن ِات َِم ْنَغضبِك‬

through which I may be delivered from
Your wrath

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 508

َ ‫وف ْوِزيَبِ ِرض‬

and attain to Your good pleasure!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِنَيه ُك ِنَالنهد ُمَت ْوبةًَإِل ْيكَفأَنَأََنْد ُم‬


َ ‫هاد ِم‬
‫ي‬ ِ ‫الن‬
O Allah, if remorse is a repentance toward
You, then I am the most remorseful of the

ِ ‫َالَت ُكَلِم ْع‬

َ‫صيتِكَإَِنبةًَفأَنَأ هو ُل‬ ‫وإِنَيه ُك ِن ْه‬
َ‫ال ُْمنِيبِي‬
If refraining from disobedience is a
turning back to You, then I am the first of
those who turn back!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 509

َ‫وبَفِإِّن‬ ُّ ِ‫َحطهةًَل‬
ِ ُ‫لذن‬ ِ ‫وإِنَيه ُك ِنَاإلستِغْفار‬
ُ ْ
َ ‫لكََ ِمنَال ُْم ْست غْ ِف ِر‬
If praying for forgiveness alleviates sins,
surely I am one of those who pray for
Your forgiveness!

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَفكماَأم ْرتَ َِبلت ْهوب ِةَوض ِمنتَالْقبُول‬

O Allah, as You are commanded
repentance and guaranteed acceptance,

َ‫ٱإلجابة‬ ‫ه‬ ِ ُّ ‫وحث ثْتَعلى‬
َْ َ‫َالدعاءَووعدت‬
as You are urged supplication, and
promised to respond,

‫َُم هم ٍَد‬ ِ ٍ ُ ‫فص ِلَعل‬

ُ ‫ىَُم هم ه‬
‫آل‬ ‫و‬َ‫د‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 510

so also bless Muhammad and his


َ‫َاْل ْي ب ِة َِمن‬
ْ ‫َوَلََت ْرِج ْع ِِنَم ْرِجع‬
َ ‫واقْ ب ْلَت ْوب ِت‬
َ‫هر َْحتِك‬
accept my repentance, and return me not
to the returning place of disappointment
in Your mercy

َ ،‫ابَعلىَال ُْم ْذنِبِي‬

ُ ‫هو‬
‫ه‬ ‫َالت‬‫نت‬ ‫َأ‬‫ك‬‫ه‬
‫ن‬ ِ
Surely, You are Ever-turning toward the
ِ ‫وال هرِحيم ََلِ ْلخ‬
َ ِ‫اطئِيَال ُْمنِيب‬
‫ي‬ ُ
All-compassionate toward the offenders
who turn back!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 511

َ‫َُم هم ٍدَكما‬ ِ
‫آل‬ ‫و‬
ُ ‫ُه ه‬َ‫د‬ٍ ‫م‬ ‫ىَُم‬‫ل‬‫َع‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫ص‬ ََ
‫م‬ ّٰ
‫ا ُه‬
‫هديْ ت ناَبَِِه‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
Household just as You are guided us by

‫اَاستنق ْذتناَبَِِه‬ ‫م‬ ‫َك‬‫ه‬ِ ِ‫ىَُم هم ٍدَ هَوآل‬

ُ ‫وص ِلَعل‬
Bless Muhammad and his Household just
as You are rescued us through him!

َ‫َُم هم ٍدَصَلَةًَت ْشف ُع‬ ِ ٍ ُ ‫وص ِلَعل‬

ُ ‫ىَُم هم ه‬
‫آل‬ ‫و‬َ‫د‬
َ ‫لناَي ْومَال ِْقيام ِةَوي ْومَالْفاق ِةَإِل ْي‬
Bless Muhammad and his Household with
a blessing that will intercede for us on the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 512

Day of Resurrection, the day of neediness

toward You!

َ‫َو ُهوَعل ْيك‬،‫إِنهكَعلىَ ُك ِلَش َْي ٍَءَق ِد ٌير‬


ٌَ ‫ي ِس‬
You are powerful over everything, and
that is easy for You!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 513

Dua Aafiyaat
ِ‫ىَُم هم ٍدَ هوَ ّٰالَِه‬ ّٰ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه همَصلَعل‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his

َ ‫نَعافِي ت‬
‫ك‬ ِْ ‫وَالْبِ ْس‬
clothe me in Thy well-being,
ِْ ‫وَجلِ ْل‬
َ ‫نَعافِي ت‬
wrap me in Thy well-being,

َ ِ‫نَبِعافِيت‬
‫ك‬ ِ ‫وَح‬
ِْ ‫ص‬
fortify me through Thy well-being,

َ ِ‫نَبِعافِيت‬
‫ك‬ ِْ ‫وَاكْ ِرْم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 514

honour me with Thy well-being,

َ ِ‫نَبِعافِيت‬
‫ك‬ ِْ ِ‫وَا ْغن‬
free me from need through Thy well-

َ‫وَتص هد ْقَعل هىَبِعافِي تك‬

donate to me Thy well-being,

َ ‫ََلَعافِي ت‬
‫ك‬ ِْ ‫ب‬ْ ‫وَه‬
bestow upon me Thy well-being,

َ ‫نَعافِي ت‬
‫ك‬ ِْ ‫وَافْ ِر ْش‬
spread out for me Thy well-being,
ِْ ‫صلِ ْح‬
َ‫ََلَعافِي تك‬ ْ ‫وَا‬
set Thy well-being right for me,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 515

ُّ ‫نَوَب ْيَعافِي تك َِِف‬

َ‫َالدنْ ياَو‬ ِْ ‫وََلَتُغ ِر ْقَب ْي‬
‫ْاْل ِخرَِة‬
and separate me not from Thy well-being
in this world and the next!
ِ‫ىَُم هم ٍدَ هوَ ّٰالَِه‬ ّٰ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه همَصلَعل‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
ِْ ِ‫وَعاف‬
and make me well with

ًَ‫عافِيةًَكافِيةًَشافِيةًَعالِيةًََن ِمية‬
a well-being sufficient, healing, sublime,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 516

ِْ ‫عافِيةًَتُولِ ُد‬
‫َِفَبدِنَالْعافِي َِة‬
a well-being that will give birth to well-
being in my body,

َ‫َالدنْ ياَو ْاْل ِخرِة‬

ُّ ‫عافِية‬
a well-being in this world and the next!

َ‫و ْامنُ ْنَعل هى‬

Oblige me through

َ‫لصح ِةَو ْاَل ْم ِن‬

ِ ‫َِب‬
health, security,

َْ ِ‫نَوَبد‬
‫ن‬ ِ ‫سلم ِة َِِف‬
ِْ ْ‫َدي‬ ‫وال ه‬
and safety in my religion and body,
َ‫َب‬ ‫ل‬
ْ ‫َق‬ ِ
ْ ِ
‫ص‬ ‫ْب‬
‫ل‬ ‫َا‬‫و‬
ْ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 517

insight in my heart,
ِ ‫وَالنهف‬
ِْ ‫اذ‬
َ‫َِفَاُُم ْوِر ْى‬
penetration in my affairs,

َ‫َاْل ْشي ِةَلك‬

ْ ‫و‬
dread of Thee,

َ‫ف َِم ْنك‬

ِ ‫َاْلو‬
ْْ ‫و‬
fear of Thee,

َ ِ‫نَبِ ِهَ ِم َْنَطاعت‬

‫ك‬ ِْ ‫وَالْ ُق هوِةَع ّٰلىَماَام ْرت‬
strength for the obedience which Thou
hast commanded for me,

‫ك‬ ِ ‫بَلِماََن ْي ت ِنَع ْنهُ َِمنَم ْع‬

َ ِ‫صيت‬ ِ ‫ا‬ ‫ن‬ِ‫َاَل ْجت‬
ِْ ‫و‬
ْ ْ
and avoidance of the disobedience which
Thou hast prohibited for me!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 518

َ‫ا ّٰلل ُه همَو ْامنُ ْنَعل هى‬

O Allah, oblige me through

َ‫َِب ْْل ِجَوَالْعُ ْمرِة‬

the hajj, the umra,

َ‫وَ ِزَيرَِةَق ِْبَر ُس ْولِكَصلواتُكَعل ْي ِهَو‬

َ‫ر َْحتُكَوَب ركاتُكَعل ْي ِهَوَع ّٰلىَ ّٰالِ ِهَوََ ّٰا َِل‬
َ ِ‫ر ُس ْول‬
and visiting the graves of Thy Messenger
(Thy blessings, mercy, and benedictions
upon him and upon his Household) and
the Household of Thy Messenger (upon
them be peace)

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 519

‫عل ْي ِه ُمَال ه‬
َْ ِ ‫سل ُمَاب ًداَ هماَابْ ق ْي ت‬
for as long as Thou causest me to live,
ِْ ‫ِ ِْفَع ِامى َّٰهذاَو‬
ٍَ ‫َِفَ ُك ِلَع‬
‫ام‬ ْ
in this year of mine and in every year,

ّٰ ‫اجع ْل‬
and make that

‫م ْقبُ ْوًَلَم ْشكُْوًرا‬

accepted, thanked, and

َ‫م ْذ ُك ْوًراَلديْك‬
mentioned before Thee
ِ ‫م ْذ ُخور‬
‫اَع ْند َك‬ًْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 520

and stored away with Thee!

ِ ‫وَانْ ِط ْق َِِبم ِدكَوَ ُش ْك ِركَو‬
َ‫َذ ْك ِركَو‬ ْ
ِ ِ ِ
َْ ‫ُح ْس ِنَالثهنآءَعل ْيكَلس‬
Make my tongue utter Thy praise, Thy
thanksgiving, Thy remembrance, and Thy
excellent laudation,

ْ ‫َق‬‫ك‬ِ‫َديْن‬ ِ ‫وا ْشرحَلِمر‬
ِ ‫اش ِد‬
ْ ْ
and expand my heart toward the right
goals of Thy religion!
ِْ ‫وَا ِع ْذِنَْوَذُ ِريه‬
Give me and my progeny refuge from
‫ِمنَال ه‬
َ‫ش ْي ّٰط َِنَال هرِج ْي ِم‬
the accursed Satan,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 521

َ‫سآ هم ٍةَوَا ْْلآ هم ِةَوَالْعآ هم ِةَو‬ ‫َال‬‫ر‬ِ ‫َش‬‫ن‬ ِ

‫ه‬ ْ ‫و‬
‫الَّل هم َِة‬
the evil of venomous vermin, threatening
pests, swarming crowds, and evil eyes,
ٍ ‫و َِمنَش ِرَ ُك ِلَش ْيط‬
َ‫انَم ِريْ ٍد‬ ْ
the evil of every rebel satan
ٍ ‫وَ ِمنَش َِر ُك ِلَس ْلط‬
‫انَعنِْي ٍَد‬ ُ ْ
the evil of every refractory sovereign,
ٍ ‫و َِمنَش َِر ُك ِلَم َْت‬
‫فَح ِف ْي ٍَد‬ ُ ْ
the evil of everyone living in ease and
ٍ ‫و َِمنَش َِر ُك ِلَض ِع ْي‬
َ‫فَ هوَش ِديْ ٍد‬ ْ
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 522

the evil of everyone weak or strong,

ٍ ْ‫و َِم َنَش ِرَ ُك ِلَش ِري‬
ِ ‫فَ هوَو‬
َ‫ض ْي ٍع‬ ْ
the evil of everyone born high or low,

َ‫و َِم ْنَش َِر ُك ِلَص ِغ ٍْريَوَكبِ ٍْري‬

the evil of everyone small or great,
ٍ ْ‫و َِم ْنَش ِرَ ُك ِلَق ِري‬
َ‫بَ هوَب ِع ْي ٍد‬
the evil of everyone near or far,

َ‫و َِم َْنَش ِرَ ُك ِلَم ْنَنصبَلِر ُس ْولِكَو ََِل ْه ِل‬

ِْ ََ‫ب ْيتِ ِهَحر ََبَ ِمنََا ْْلِ َِنَو‬
َِ ْ‫اَلن‬
‫س‬ ًْ
the evil of everyone, jinn or man, who
declares war on Thy Messenger and his

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 523

ِ ‫و َِمنَش ِرَ ُك ِلَدآبهٍةَانْتَ ّٰا ِخ ٌذَبِن‬

‫اصيتِها‬ ْ
and the evil of every crawling creature
that Thou hast taken by the forelock!

َ‫َم ْست ِق ْي ٍم‬

ُّ ٍ
‫اط‬‫ر‬ ِ
‫ىَص‬‫ل‬ّٰ ‫َع‬‫ك‬‫ه‬
‫ن‬ ِ
Surely Thou art on a straight path.
ِ‫ىَُم هم ٍدَ هوَ ّٰالَِه‬ ّٰ ِ ّٰ
ُ ‫الل ُه همَصلَعل‬
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
ِ ِ
َْ ‫اصرفْهَُع‬
‫ن‬ ‫َف‬
َ ٍ
‫َء‬ ‫و‬ ِ ِ
ْ ْ ُ ْ ‫وَم ْنَاراد‬
ٓ ‫س‬ ‫ب‬ َ‫ن‬
and if someone desires ill for me turn him
away from me,
ِْ ‫وا ْدح ْرَع‬
‫نَم ْكره‬
drive away from me his deception,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 524

ِْ ‫وا ْدراَْع‬
‫نَش هره‬
avert from me his evil,

َ‫ََن ِرِه‬
ْ ‫َردهَك ْيده َ ِ ِْف‬
send his trickery back to his own throat,

َ‫اجع ْلَب ْيَيديْ ِهَس ًّداَح َّّٰت‬

and place before him a barricade, so that
Thou mayest
ِْ ‫تُ ْع ِمىَع‬
blind his eyes toward me,
ِ ‫ص همَعن‬
‫َذ ْك ِر ْىَْسْحه‬ ِ ُ‫وَت‬
deafen his ears toward my mention,

‫َد ْونَاِ ْخطا ِر ْىَقَ ْلبه‬ ِ

ُ ‫وَتُ ْق‬
‫ل‬ ‫ف‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 525

lock his heart toward recalling me,

ِْ ‫َتْ ِرسَع‬
silence his tongue against me,

‫وَت ْقمعَراْسه‬
restrain his head,
ِ ‫وَتُ ِذ هل‬
‫َع هزه‬
abase his exaltation,

‫وَتكْ ِسرَجبُْوته‬
break his arrogance,

‫وَتُ ِذ هَلَرق ب ته‬

abase his neck,

‫وَت ْفسخَكِب ره‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 526

disjoint his pride,

ِ ‫وَتُ ْؤِمن ِن َِمن‬
َ‫ََج ْي ِع‬ ْ ْ
and make me secure from all

َ‫ض ِرِهَوََش ِرِه‬

his injury, his evil,

َ‫ه ِزَِهَوََل ْم ِزِه‬ ‫و‬

َ َ‫ه‬ِ
ْ ‫وَغ ْم ِز‬
his slander, his backbiting, his fault

َ‫وَحس ِد ِهَوََعداوتِِه‬
his envy, his enmity,

َ‫وَحبآئِلِ ِهَوََمصآئِ ِد ِه‬

his snares, his traps,

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 527

َ‫وَر ْجلِ ِهَوََخ ْيلِ ِه‬

his foot soldiers, and his cavalry!

ِ ِ ‫ه‬
ٌَ ْ‫انكَعزيْ ٌزَقدي‬ِ
Surely Thou art Mighty, Powerful!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 528

Munajaat Imam Ali


َ ‫ا ّٰلل ُه هَمَإِِّنَأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلم‬

َ ‫ان‬
O Allah, I beseech You for security

َ ‫ون‬
َ ُ‫َوَلََب ن‬ ٌ ‫ي ْومََلََي ْن ف ُعَم‬
َ ‫ال‬
on the day when neither wealth nor sons
will avail

ٍَ ِ‫بَسل‬
َ ‫يم‬ ٍ ‫َٱَّللَبِق ْل‬
‫إِهََلَم ْنَأَت ّٰى ه‬
except him who comes to Allah with a
heart free from evil.

َ ‫ضَٱلظه ِاَلَُعل ّٰىَيديَِْه‬

ُّ ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومَي ع‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 529

And I beseech You for security on the day

when the wrongdoer gnaws his hands,

ِ ‫تَمعَٱل هر ُس‬
َ ‫ولَسبِي‬
َ ً‫ل‬ ُ ‫ذ‬
ْ ‫ه‬
‫َٱت‬‫ولََيَل ْي ت ِِن‬
ُ ‫ي ُق‬
saying: Ah, would that I had chosen a way
together with the Messenger of Allah.

َ‫فَٱل ُْم ْج ِرُمون‬

ُ ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومَيُ ْعر‬
َ ‫اه َْم‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫ب‬‫يم‬ ‫س‬
And I beseech You for security on the day
when the guilty shall be recognized by
their marks;

ِ ‫ف ي ْؤخ ُذَبِٱلنهو‬
َ ‫اصيَوٱْلَقْد َِام‬ ُ
so, they shall be seized by the forelocks
and the feet.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 530

َ ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومََلََ َْي ِزيَوالِ ٌدَع ْنَول ِد َِه‬

And I beseech You for security on the day
when a father shall not make any
satisfaction for his son

َ ً‫َهوَجا ٍزَع ْنَوالِ ِد ِهَش ْيئَا‬

ُ ‫َوَلََم ْولُو ٌد‬
nor shall the child be the maker of any
satisfaction for his father.

َِّٰ َ‫إِ هنَو ْعد‬

َ َ‫ٱَّللَح ٌّق‬
Surely, the promise of Allah is true.

َ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومََلََي ْن ف ُعَٱلظهالِ ِمي‬

َ ‫م ْع ِذرُُتُ َْم‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 531

And I beseech You for security on the day

on which their excuse shall not benefit the

َ ‫َسوءَُٱل هدا َِر‬ ‫َو‬‫ة‬

ُ ‫ن‬ ‫ع‬‫ه‬
ُ ْ ُ ْ ‫وْلُ ُمَٱلل‬
‫م‬ ‫ْل‬
and for them is curse and for them is the
evil abode.

ٍ ‫سَلِن ْف‬
َ‫س‬ ٌ ‫ف‬
ْ ‫َن‬‫ك‬ُ ِ
َ َ‫م‬‫و‬ْ ‫ي‬ َ‫ان‬
َ ‫م‬ ‫ٱْل‬
ْ َ‫ك‬‫ل‬
ُ ‫أ‬
َ َ
ْ ‫أ‬
َ ً‫ش ْيئَا‬
And I beseech You for security on the day
when no soul shall control anything for
another soul

ََِِّٰ‫وٱْلَ ْم ُرَي ْومئِ ٍذ‬

َ ‫َّلل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 532

and the command on that day shall be

entirely Allah’s.

َِ ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومَي ِف ُّرَٱلْم ْرءُ َِم ْنََأ ِخ‬

َ ‫يه‬
And I beseech You for security on the day
when a man shall fly from his brother,

َ ‫َوَأُِم ِه‬
َ ‫َوأَبِ َِيه‬
his mother, his father,
ِ ‫وص‬
َ ‫احبتِ ِهَوبنِ َِيه‬
his wife, and his children.

َِ ِ‫َٱم ِر ٍئ َِم ْن ُه ْمَي ْومئِ ٍذَشََأْ ٌنَيُغْن‬

َ ‫يه‬ ْ ُ‫ل‬
‫ل‬ِ ‫ك‬ِ
Every person of them shall on that day
have an affair, which will occupy him.

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 533

َ ‫َوأَ َْسأَلُكَ ْٱْلمانََي ْومَي ودَُّٱل ُْم ْج ِرَُم‬

And I beseech You for security on the day
when the guilty one

َ ‫ابَي ْوِمئِ ٍذَبِبنِ َِيه‬ ِ ‫لوَي ْفت ِد‬

ِ ‫يَم ْنَعذ‬ ْ
will fain redeem himself from the
chastisement of that day by sacrificing his

َ ‫َوأَ ِخ َِيه‬ ِ ‫وص‬

َ ‫احبتِ ِه‬
his wife, his brother,

َ ‫صيلتِ ِهَٱلهِتَتُ ْؤ ِو َِيه‬

ِ ‫وف‬
the nearest of his kinsfolk who gave him

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 534

َِ ‫َُثهَيُ ْن ِج‬
َ ‫يه‬ ِ ‫ض‬
ُ ً‫ََجيعا‬ َْ َ‫وم ْن َِِف‬
ِ ‫ٱْل ْر‬
and all those that are in the earth, wishing
then that this might deliver him.

َ َ‫لَإِ هَناَلظ ّٰى‬

َ‫ك ه‬
By no means! Surely, it is a flaming fire,

َ‫ى‬ ِ ِ‫ن هزاعةًَل‬

َّٰ ‫لشو‬
sagging by the head.

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫َوأََنَٱلْع ْب ُد‬
َ ‫أَنْتَٱلْم ْو َّٰل‬
You are the master and I am the slave;

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 535

َّٰ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْع ْبدَإِهََلَٱلْم ْو‬

َ ‫َل‬
and who can have mercy upon a slave
except the master?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫وك‬
َُ ُ‫َوأََنَٱلْم ْمل‬
َ‫ك‬ ِ
ُ ‫أَنْتَٱلْمال‬
You are the Lord and I am the servant;

َُ ِ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْم ْملُوكَإِهََلَٱلْمال‬

and who can have mercy upon a servant
except the lord?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 536

O Master! O my Master!

َُ ِ‫َوأََنَٱل هذل‬
َ ‫يل‬ َ ‫أَنْتَٱلْع ِز ُيز‬
You are the Almighty and I am the

َُ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل هذلِيلَإِهََلَٱلْع ِز‬

َ ‫يز‬
and who can have mercy upon the
humble except the Almighty?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ‫ق‬ َ ‫َٱْلالِ ُق‬

َُ ‫َوأََنَٱلْم ْخلُو‬ ْ ‫أَنْت‬
You are the Creator and I am the created

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 537

َ ‫ٱْلالِ َُق‬
ْ َ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْم ْخلُوقَإِهََل‬
and who can have mercy upon a created
being except the Creator?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫َوأََنَٱ ْْل ِق‬

َ ُ‫ري‬ َ ‫يم‬ ِ ‫أَنْتَٱلْع‬
You are the All-great and I am the trivial;

َُ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱ ْْل ِقريَإِهََلَٱلْع ِظ‬

َ ‫يم‬
and who can have mercy upon the trivial
except the All-great?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 538

O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫يف‬
ُ ‫ض‬ِ
‫ع‬ ‫َوأََنَٱل ه‬
َ‫ي‬ ُّ ‫أَنْتَٱلْق ِو‬
You are the All-powerful and I am the

َُّ ‫ض ِعيفَإِهََلَٱلْق ِو‬

َ‫ي‬ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ه‬
and who can have mercy upon the weak
except the All-powerful?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫َوأََنَٱلْف ِق‬
َ ُ‫ري‬ ُّ ِ ‫أَنْتَٱلْغ‬
َ ‫ِن‬
You are the All-wealthy and I am the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 539

َُّ ِ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْف ِقريَإِهََلَٱلْغ‬

َ ‫ِن‬
and who can have mercy upon the needy
except the All-wealthy?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫سائِ َُل‬
‫ه‬ ‫َٱل‬‫َن‬‫أ‬
َ ‫ط‬ِ ‫أَنْتَٱل ُْم ْع‬
You are the Donor and I am the beggar;

َ ‫سائِلَإِهََلَٱل ُْم ْع ِطي‬

‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ه‬
and who can have mercy upon a beggar
except the Donor?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 540

O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫ت‬ ِ
ُ ‫َوأََنَٱلْمي‬
َ ‫أَنْتَٱ ْْل ُّي‬
You are the Ever-living and I am the

َ َ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْميِتَإِهََلَٱ ْْل ُّي‬

and who can have mercy upon a mortal
except the Ever-living?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ِ‫أَنْتَٱلْباق‬
َ ِ ‫يَوأََنَٱلْف‬
َ ‫اّن‬
You are the Everlasting and I am the

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 541

َ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْفَ ِاّنَإِهََلَٱلْباقِ َي‬

and who can have mercy upon an
evanescent being except the Everlasting?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫َوأََنَٱل هزائِ َُل‬

َ ‫أَنْتَٱل هدائِ ُم‬
You are the Eternal and I am the

َ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل هزائِلَإِهََلَٱل هدائِ َُم‬

and who can have mercy upon a
perishable being except the Eternal?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 542

O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫أَنْتَٱل هرا ِز ُق‬

َ َ‫َوأََنَٱلْم ْرُزو ُق‬
You are the Provider of sustenance and I
am the sustained;

َُ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْم ْرُزوقَإِهََلَٱل هرا ِز‬

and who can have mercy upon a sustained
being except the Provider of sustenance?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫يل‬ ِ ‫َوأََنَٱلْب‬
‫خ‬ َ ‫اد‬
ُ ‫و‬‫ْل‬
ْ ‫َٱ‬‫ت‬‫ن‬
ْ ‫أ‬
You are the All-magnanimous and I am
the miser;

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 543

َ َ‫اد‬
ُ ‫و‬‫ْل‬
ْ ‫ٱ‬ ََ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫يل‬ ِ
‫خ‬ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْب‬
and who can have mercy upon a miser
except the All-magnanimous?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫أَنْتَٱل ُْمع ِاِف‬

َ َ‫َوأََنَٱل ُْم ْب ت ل ّٰى‬
You are the Healer and I am the subject to

َ ِ ‫َوه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ُْم ْب ت ل ّٰىَإِهََلَٱل ُْمع‬

َ ‫اِف‬
and who can have mercy upon the sick
except the Healer?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 544

O Master! O my Master!

َ ‫ص ِغ‬
َ ُ‫ري‬ َ ُ‫أَنْتَٱلْكبِري‬
‫َوأََنَٱل ه‬
You are the All-big and I am the tiny;

َ ِ‫ص ِغريَإِهََلَٱلْكب‬
َ ُ‫ري‬ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ه‬
and who can have mercy upon a tiny
being except the All-big (Lord)?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َُّ ‫ض‬
َ ‫ال‬ ‫يَوأََنَٱل ه‬
َ ‫اد‬ِ ‫أَنْتَٱ ْْل‬
You are the Guide and I am lost;

َ‫ي‬ ِ ‫الَإِهََلَٱ ْْل‬

َ ‫اد‬ ‫ضه‬ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ه‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 545

and who can have mercy upon a lost one

except the Guide?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫وم‬
ُ ‫َوأََنَٱلْم ْر ُح‬
َ ‫ّٰن‬
ُ ‫أَنْتَٱل هر َْح‬
You are the All-beneficent and I am the
object of Your mercy;

َ َ‫ّٰن‬
ُ ‫َح‬ْ ‫ر‬
‫ه‬ ‫ٱل‬ ََ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫وه َْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْم ْر ُحومَإ‬
and who can have mercy upon the needy
for mercy except the All-beneficent?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 546

َ ‫َوأََنَٱل ُْم ْمتح َُن‬

َ ‫َٱلس ْلطا ُن‬
ُّ ‫أَنْت‬
You are the Superintendent and I am the

ُّ َ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ُْم ْمتحنَإِهََل‬

َ َ‫ٱلس ْلطا ُن‬
and who can have mercy upon a tested
except the Superintendent?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ ِ‫َوأََنَٱل ُْمتح‬
َ ُ‫ري‬ َ ‫يل‬ ِ‫أَنْتَٱل هدل‬
You are the Director and I am the

َُ ِ‫َوه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ُْمتحِريَإِهََلَٱل هدل‬

َ ‫يل‬
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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 547

and who can have mercy upon a

perplexed one except the director?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َُ ِ‫َوأََنَٱل ُْم ْذن‬

َ‫ب‬ َ ‫ور‬
ُ ‫أَنْتَٱلْغ ُف‬
You are the All-forgiver and I am the

َ َ‫ور‬‫ف‬ ‫ْغ‬
‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬ ََ‫ه‬
‫َل‬ ِ
‫إ‬ َ‫ب‬ِ
‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱل ُْم ْذن‬
ُ ُ
and who can have mercy upon a sinful
except the All-forgiver?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 548

َ َ‫وب‬‫ل‬‫غ‬ ‫ْم‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫َن‬‫أ‬
َ ‫ب‬ ِ
‫ال‬ ‫ْغ‬
‫ل‬ ‫َٱ‬‫ت‬‫ن‬ ‫أ‬
ُ ُْ ُ ْ
You are the Dominant and I am the

َُ ِ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْمغْلُوبَإِهََلَٱلْغال‬

and who can have mercy upon an
overcome one except the Dominant?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

َ َ‫وب‬
ُ ُ‫َوأََنَٱلْم ْرب‬
َ‫ب‬ ُّ ‫أَنْتَٱل هر‬
You are the Raiser and I am the raised;

ُّ ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُمَٱلْمَ ْربُوبَإِهََلَٱل هر‬

َ َ‫ب‬

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 549

and who can have mercy upon a raised

one except the Raiser?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

ِ ‫َٱْل‬
َ ‫اش َُع‬ َ ُ‫أَنْتَٱل ُْمتكِب‬
ْ ‫َوأََن‬
You are the All-superb and I am the

َ ُ‫ب‬ ِ ‫ٱْل‬
َ ِ‫اشعَإِهََلَٱل ُْمتك‬ ْ َ‫وه ْلَي ْرح ُم‬
and who can have mercy upon a
subservient except the All-superb?

َ ‫يََيَم ْوَل‬
َ ‫م ْوَل‬
O Master! O my Master!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 550

َ َ‫إِ ْرَحِِْنَبِر َْحتِك‬

(Please do) encompass me with Your

ِ ‫وٱرضَع ِِن َِِب‬

َ َ‫ودك‬ُ ْ
and be pleased with me out of Your

َ ِ‫ضل‬
َ‫ك‬ ْ ‫ف‬‫َو‬‫ك‬‫م‬ِ‫وكر‬
nobility, and favoring.

ِ ‫َيَذاَٱ ْْل‬
َِ ‫ودَوٱ ِإل ْحس‬
َ ‫ان‬ ُ
O Lord of magnanimity, benediction,

َِ ‫ٱمتِن‬
َ ‫ان‬ ِ‫وٱلطهو ِلَوٱل‬
ْ ْ

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 551

conferral of bliss, and blessing,

َ َ‫بِر َْحتِكََيَأَ ْرحمَٱل هراَحي‬
in the name of Your mercy, O most
Merciful of all those who show mercy!

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Amaal of Laylatul Qadr 552

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