Ramadan Planner

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Meaning of Ramadan

Muslims throughout the world observe Ramadan, which is a holy month in Islam. It is a time
for fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection. Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from
dawn to dusk throughout Ramadan in addition to increasing their prayer and devotional
activities. The Islamic month of Ramadan, which is the ninth in the calendar, is seen as a
time for spiritual refreshment, contemplation of the Quran's lessons, and growth in faith.
Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, which coincides with the completion of Ramadan and the
beginning of the new lunar month, at the end of the month.

Meaning of Laylatul Qadr

For Muslims, Laylatul Qadr is the most revered night of the year. It is thought to have been
the night when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the first verses of the
Quran. Although the precise day of Laylatul Qadr is uncertain, it is thought to fall on one of
the nights with an odd number during the final 10 days of Ramadan. Many Muslims stay up
late in prayer and meditation on this night to beg Allah's mercy and blessings.

Meaning of Zakat ul Fitr

At the end of Ramadan, every Muslim is required to pay Zakat ul Fitr, a type of zakat. All
physically capable Muslims who have the financial resources to do so are required to do it.
Zakat ul Fitr is 2.5 kilos (5.5 lbs) of staple foods like wheat, barley, dates, or raisins that are
intended to be donated to the underprivileged. The purpose of the zakat Fitr is to show the
wealthy's appreciation for all they have received throughout the year by giving the less
fortunate the wherewithal to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

Meaning of Eid el Fitr

Ramadan, the month of fasting, comes to a close with the Islamic holiday of Eid el Fitr. The
10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Shawwal, which is when it is observed, begins on
that day. Family get-togethers, special meals, and presents are all part of the Eid el Fitr
celebration. Moreover, it is a time for introspection, prayer, and charity.
Review of Previous Ramadan
Ramadan Shopping List
Ramadan Goals/ Du’aa List In Shaa Allah
Eid el Fitr Meal Planner

Zakat ul Fitr Planner

Eid el Fitr Preparation List
Ramadan Daily Count
Whoever observes

during the month of

out of sincere

and hoping to attain

then all his past

will be

Ramadan Mubarak
Acts of Kindness during Ramadan

Call/text family and friends

Assist an old grandpa/grandma
Give charity to the needy
Serve at a homeless shelter
Make iftar for your neighbors
Help in the kitchen in making iftar at home
Give an honest compliment
Make someone laugh
Forgive everyone
Surprise someone with flowers
Buy a new thing and donate the old one
Pick up litter
Sweep the masjid once at least
Gift a Quran
Send a hamper to a loved one if you can afford
Show appreciation
Share a recipe
Pick up stones or dangerous objects out of the way
Make your parents smile everyday
Water a plant

Tick the box after you perform the act

Du’aa at the beginning of the Fast (suhoor)
‫و ِبَص ْو ِم َغ ٍد َّنَو ْيُت ِم ْن َش ْه ِر َرَم َض اَن‬
Wa bi saw mi ghaddin nawaytu min shahri Ramadan
I'm planning to observe the Ramadan fast tomorrow.

Du’aa at the end of the Fast (iftar)

‫الَّلُه َّم ِاِّنى َلَك ُص ْم ُت َو ِبَك امْنُت َو َع لْي َك َتَو ّك لُت َو َع ىل ِرْز ِق َك َاْف َط ْر ُت‬
Allahumma innee laka sum tu wa bika aman tu wa alaika
tawakkaltu wa ala rizqeeka aftartu
O, Allah! I fasted for You, I put my trust in You, I believe in You,
.and I break my fast with Your nourishment

Du’aa before meal

‫َذ َه َب الَّظ َم ُأ َو اْبَت َّلِت اْلُع ُروُق َو َثَبَت اَألْجُر ِإْن َش اَء ُهَّللا‬
Dhahabaz-zama’ wa abtallatil urooq wa thabatal ajri insha Allah
The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is
confirmed By Allah’s Wills

Du’aa after meal

‫اْلَحْم ُد ِلَّلِه اَّلِذي َأْط َع َم َنا َوَس َق اَنا َوَجَع َلَنا ُم ْس ِلِم يَن‬
Alhamdulillahil-lazee at’amana wa saqana wa ja’alana muslimeen
All praise and gratitude to Allah Who have given us drinks and“
food and ordained us as Muslims
Best time to suplicate
1. Last third of the night (Bukhari 1145)
2. In your sujood (Muslim 482)
3. Between the adhan and iqama (Tirmidhi 212)
4. At the end of every obligatory prayer (Tirmidhi 3499)
5. When it is raining (Abu Dawud 2540)
6. While traveling or breaking your fast (Tirmidhi)
7. After sending blessings to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
8. Tahajjud in the last 10 days of Ramadaan

Du’aa for the first 10 days

‫َي ا َح ُّي َي ا َق ُّي و ُم ِب َر ْح َم ِت َك َأ ْس َت غ ي ُث‬
Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyum bi rahmateeka astagheesu
The Everliving, The Eternal, I beg Your assistance through
Your benevolence.
‫َّر ِّب ٱ ْغ ِف ْر َو ٱ ْر َح ْم َو َأ ن َت َخ ْي ُر ٱ ل ٰ‌َّر ِح ِم ي َن‬
”Rabbigh fir war ham wa anta Khairur-Rahimeen“
O my Lord forgive and have mercy and you are the most merciful

Du’aa for the second 10 days

‫أ ْس َت ْغ ِف ُر َهللا َر ب ي ِم ْن ُك ِل َذ ن ٍب َو أ ُت و ُب إ َل ي ِه‬
“Astaghfirul-laha Rabbee min kulli zambin wa-atubu
I turn to Allah, who is my Lord, and ask Him to pardon
my misdeeds.

Du’aa for the last 10 days

‫َا ل َّل ُه َّم ِج ْر ِني ِم َن ا ل َّن ا ِر‬
”Allahumma ajirni minan-naar“
)O Allah Save me from the hellfire (jahanam

‫َع ِّن ي‬ ‫ُف‬ ‫َف‬

‫ا ل َّل ُه َّم ِإ َّن َك َع ُف ٌو ُت ِح ُّب ا َع َو ا ْع‬
‫ْف‬ ‫ْل‬
Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa afu annee
You are the Forgiver, O Allah, and You love to pardon, so
pardon me.
Prayer Tracker
According to Aishah, Allah's Messenger declared that whomever
consistently performs twelve Rak'ah of Sunnah (prayer), Allah will build a
dwelling for him in Paradise.
According to 'Ali, the Prophet used to pray two rak'ahs before the 'Asr
prayer. Abdul Dawood
His past sins will be forgiven if he observes the optional prayers (Taraweeh
prayers) during Ramadan with sincerity of faith and the prospect of
receiving reward.
By Al Bukhari

Quran Tracker
Plan different acts of worship around the times of prayer, for instance,
reciting two pages of the Qur'an before and after each fardh prayer (1 juz
every day).

Pre-Ramadan Checklist

▫️Read books/articles or listen to lectures to prepare for Ramadan.

▫️Prepare list of Du'a.
▫️Set goals for worship - prayers, recitation of Qur'an, dhikr.
▫️Set aside money to be given for daily charity and ideally list for whom.
▫️Cut bad habits.
▫️Go on a "Technology diet". Focus on Al Qur'an and Sunnah. Get rid
distractions (cellphone,social media..)
▫️Clean your house.
▫️Prepare daily menu for Ramadan. Be moderate.
▫️Buy groceries.
▫️Complete Eid Fitri shopping prior to Ramadan.
According to Abu Huraira, the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Ramadan has arrived, a blessed month in
which Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, has
commanded you to fast. Every devil is
chained up, the gates of the heavens are
opened, and the gates of hell are shut. It
contains the night of Allah, which is superior
to a thousand months; whoever is bereft of it
is truly deprived.
Sunan an-Nasai
According to Abu Huraira, Allah's
Prophet (may peace and blessings be
upon him) stated, "Except for fasting,
which belongs to Me and for which I will
reward them, all the works of Adam's
sons (people) are for them, according to
Allah. A person who is fasting will
experience two pleasures: one when he
breaks his fast and the other when he
meets his Lord, at which point his fasting
will have brought him joy."
[Al Bukhari]
Day Juz/Surah From Ayat To Ayat
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection
Prayer Daily
Tracker checklist
Fajr Morning Adhkar

Dhuhr Evening Adhkar

’Asr Istighfar (say Astagfirullah)

Maghrib Daily du’aas(suhoor/iftar..)

Isha’a Random acts of kindness

Taraweeh Shukr (say Alhamdulillah)

Tahajjud Deed of the day

Read the Qur’an

Iftar & Suhoor Meal Planner
Iftar Suhoor

On a scale of 1 to 5 How Did My Day Go?

How can I make tomorrow better?

Daily Reflection

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