Car Service XML Interface Specification-V1.0.0
Car Service XML Interface Specification-V1.0.0
developer’s guide
June 08
I. Document Control
II. Operations
II.1 CarCountryList
Get a list of available countries for car services containing their destinations and zones.
Request Response
Details: xsddocs/CarCountryListRQ.html xsddocs/CarCountryListRS.html
Schema: xml/CarCountryListRQ.xsd xml/CarCountryListRS.xsd
Example: xml/CarCountryListRQ.xml xml/CarCountryListRS.xml
If CarCountryListRQ/CountryCode is provided, only this country with all its destinations will
be returned.
If CarCountryListRQ/Destination is provided, all zones for this destination are returned.
II.2 CarInfoSet
Get the car offices, car groups and car special equipment available at a specific destination.
Request Response
Details: xsddocs/CarInfoSetRQ.html xsddocs/CarInfoSetRS.html
Schema: xml/CarInfoSetRQ.xsd xml/CarInfoSetRS.xsd
Example: xml/CarInfoSetRQ.xml xml/CarInfoSetRS.xml
Only first CarInfoSetRQ/Destination/ZoneList/Zone is taken in consideration.
II.3 CarValuedAvail
Get a list of available car services according to the requested parameters. The returned prices
are final prices.
Request Response
Details: xsddocs/CarValuedAvailRQ.html xsddocs/CarValuedAvailRS.html
Schema: xml/CarValuedAvailRQ.xsd xml/CarValuedAvailRS.xsd
Example: xml/CarValuedAvailRQ.xml xml/CarValuedAvailRS.xml
To get a list of available rental and return destinations use CarCountryList operation (see
To get a list of available car categories or special equipment use CarInfoSet operation (see
Only first CarValuedAvailRQ/RentalDestination/ZoneList/Zone is taken in
Only first CarValuedAvailRQ/ReturnDestination/ZoneList/Zone is taken in
Element/attribute Rule
Service/DateFrom/@time Mandatory
Service/DateTo Mandatory
Service/DateTo/@time Mandatory
Service/CarInfo/Code Mandatory
III.2 ServiceRemove
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for ServiceRemove, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.3 PurchaseConfirm
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for PurchaseCancel, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.4 PurchaseDetail
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for PurchaseDetail, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.5 PurchaseList
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for PurchaseList, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.6 PurchaseCancel
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for PurchaseCancel, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.7 CancelProtectionAdd
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for CancelProtectionAdd, please see HotelBeds XML Interface
III.8 CancelProtectionRemove
In this section you will see the particularities of this operation for Car service. If you want to
see the general specification for CancelProtectionRemove, please see HotelBeds XML
Interface Specification-v2.4.1.