Faculty of Law: Semester-Vi

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1. Sources of Law
a) Custom
b) Precedent
c) Legislation
d) Juristic Writing

2. Rights and Duties : Introduction; Analysis of Rights,

Classification of Rights, Creation and Extinction of Rights
3. Legal Personality : Nature of Legal Personality, Natural and
legal persons; Evolution of the notion of corporate personality;
Types of Incorporation, Theories of the nature of corporate

4. Possession : Introduction
Analysis and Theories of possession
Mediate and Immediate possession
Illustrative cases
5. Ownership : Introduction
a) Possession and ownership
b) Theories of property
c) Acquision of property (i) inter vivos and (ii) succession

Legal Philosophy including Theories of Justice

1. Concept of Law
2. Concept of Justice
3. Theories of Law and Justice with reference to following schools of Philosophy:

a) Realist

b) Idealist

c) Positivist

d) Liberal
e) Utilitarian

f) Marxist

g) Pragmatist

Books recommended:

1. A Hand book in Social Philosophy- Robert N. Beck

2. Political Ideologies – R.N. Berki

Law of Crimes-II
1. Abetment
2. Criminal Conspiracy
3. Sedition
4. Unlawful Assembly, Riot and Affray
5. Offences relating to Marriage
6. Culpable Homicide and Murder
7. Criminal force and Assault
8. Wrongful restraint and Wrongful confinement
9. Kidnapping and Abduction
10. Theft and Extortion
11. Robbery and Dacoity
12. Criminal Misappropriation and Criminal Breach of Trust
13. Cheating
14. Mischief
15. Forgery
16. Criminal Attempts

Property Law-II and Easement
Specific Transfer and The Indian Easements Act, 1982
Sale- Definition, Sale how made, Contract for sale
Rights and Liabilities of buyer and seller
Marshalling by subsequent purchaser
Mortgage - Definition and kind of mortgage. Difference between Mortgage and
Right of Redemption
Right to foreclosure or Sale
Doctrine of Marshalling
Doctrine of contribution
Lease - Definition, Duration of certain leases, Leases how made
Rights and liabilities of Lessor and Lessee.
Determination of Lease
Holding over
Exchange - Definition, Rights and Liabilities of parties.
Gift - Definition, Essentials elements
Revocation of Gift
Onerous Gift
Universal donee
Actionable Claims – Provisions relating to transfer
Easement- Definition, Nature of Easements
Kinds of Easements, Easement of Necessity and Quasi necessity
Modes of Acquisition of Easements- Grant, Prescription and Custom
Extinction, Suspension, and Revival of Easements
Licence - Definition, nature and essential features, Difference between
Easement, Licence and Lease

PAPER-V Land Laws including tenure and tenancy system


 Aims and objects of the U.P.Z.A.
 Salient features of the U.P.Z.A.
 Date of vesting and consequence of vesting.
 Some concepts connected with U.P.Z.A. e.g. Zamindari system,
Agricultural year, Asami of Taungya Plantation, Estate, Public utility Land,
Land Management Committee etc.
 Land tenure system under U.P.Z.A.
 Rights of various tenure holders, including mortgage and lease.
 Special Rule of transfer for S.C. and S.T. tenure holders.
 Succession of male tenure holder.
 Succession of female tenure holder.
 Wasiyat
 Ejectment of Trespasser and effect of Non-ejectment.
 Surrender and abandonment.
 Right of division.
 Extinction of interest
 Revenue and rent
 Land revenue and procedure for realization of arrears of land revenue.
 Constitution and function of Gram Sabha
 Constitution and function of Gram Panchayat
 Revenue Officer and revenue court.
 Board of Revenue.
 Record of rights, distinction of Khasara and Khatauni, Mutation, Correction
 Boundary marks and Boundary disputes.


U.P. REVENUE CODE 2006 (U.P.ACT NO. 8OF 2012)

 Objects and reasons of U.P. Land Revenue Code 2006

 Some Important Concepts(Definition: Abadi, Grove Land, Gaon Fund and
Gram Sabha, Taungya Plantation, Bhumi Prabandhak Samiti etc.)
 Revenue Officer and Revenue Court.
 Board of Revenue.
 Boundaries and Boundary Marks: (Boundary Marks And Boundary
 Record of Right, Distinctions of Khasara and Khatauni , Mutation ,
Correction proceeding , Kisan Bahi.
 Composition and Function of Bhumi Prabandhak Samiti,
 Existing Land Tenure System (Bhumidhar with transferable rights,
Bhumidhar with nontransferable right, Asami & Government Lessee).
 Rights of Various Tenure Holders, including their Right to Mortgage and
 Rule of transfer for SC & ST Tenure Holders.
 Succession of Male Tenure Holder.
 Succession of Female Tenure Holder.
 Wasiyat
 Ejectment of Trespasser and effect of non_ejectment.
 Surrentder and Abandonment
 Right of Division
 Revenue and Rent
 Land revenue and Procedure for realization of arrears of land revenuie
Reference Books:
1. Justice S.D. Singh- U.P. Zamindari Abolition Act 1947
2. Justice B. Malik- Ceiling and Regulation Act 1976
3. B.P. Srivastava- U.P. Zamindari Abolition Act
4. S.M. Hussain- U.P. Zamindari Abolition Act
5. S.P. Srivastava- Law of Zamindari Abolition
6. Surendra Malik - Panchayati Raj Act 1947
7. S.P. Srivastava- U.P. Land Revenue Act 1901
8. R.R. Maurya- U.P. Land Law

PAPER-VI Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation

 Basic Principles:
i) Meaning of Interpretation and Construction
ii) Intention of the Legislature
iii) Statute must be read as a whole in its context
 Basic Rules of Interpretation:
i) Literal Rule
ii) Golden Rule
iii) Mischief Rule
 Internal Aids to construction
i) Different parts if Statutes and their aid in interpretation with
special reference to Preamble, Illustration, Definition or
Interpretation clause, Proviso and Schedules
ii) Noscitur A Sociis
Ejusdem generis
Expressio Unis Est Exclusio Alterius
Casus Omissus
 External Aids to Interpretation
i) Reports of Commissions and Committees
ii) Proceedings in Parliament
iii) Statement of Objects and Reasons
iv) Precedents
v) Dictionaries
vi) Text-Books and Encyclopedias
 Interpretation of Taxing and Penal Statutes
 Interpretation of Remedial Statutes
 Repeal and Amendment of Statutes
 Mandatory and Directory Provisions
 Interpretation of the Constitution
 Special Rules for Interpretation of Constitution
i) Presumption of validity
ii) Liberal interpretation
iii) Stare-decicis- whether applicable in constitutional matters
iv) Doctrine of Implied Powers
v) Doctrine of Occupied Field
vi) Doctrine of Pith and Substance
vii) Doctrine of Colourable Legislation
viii) Theory of Basic Structure of Constitution
 General clauses Act, 1897
i) General Definitions
ii) General Rules of construction

Reference Books:
1. Maxwell - Interpretation of Statutes
2. G.P. Singh - Principles of Statutory Interpretation
3. Markandey Katju & S.K. Kaushik - N.S. Bindra’s Interpretation of Statutes
4. Jagdish Swaroop – Interpretation of Statutes

Revised Course Approved by Board of Baccalaureate Studies in Law dated
04.04.2016 for session 2016-17 to onwards.

Land Laws including tenure and tenancy system

Uttar Pradesh Revenue Code 2006(U.P. Act no.8 of 2012)

 Objects and reasons of U.P. Land Revenue Code 2006
 Some Important Concepts(Definition: Abadi, Grove Land, Gaon Fund and
Gram Sabha, Taungya Plantation, Bhumi Prabandhak Samiti)
 Revenue Officer and Revenue Court.
 Board of Revenue.
 Boundaries and Boundary Marks (Boundary Marks and Boundary Dispute).
 Record of Rights, Distinctions of Khasara and Khatauni, Mutation,
Cottection Proceeding, Kisan Bahi.
 Composition and Function of Bhumi Prabandhak Samiti.
 Land Tenure System.
 Rights of Various Tenure Holders, including their Right to Mortgage and
 Rule of Transfer for SC & ST Tenure Holders.
 Succession of Male Tenure Holder.
 Succession of Female Tenure Holder.
 Wasiyat
 Ejectment of Trespasser and effect of non-ejectment
 Surrender and Abandonment
 Right of Division
 Revenue and Rent
 Land revenue and procedure for realization of arrears of land revenue.



Public International Law
 Nature, Origin and basis of International Law
 Sources of International Law
 Relation between International Law and Municipal Law
 Recognition of States
 Acquisition and Loss of Territory
 Extradition
 Asylum
 Diplomatic Agents
 Nationality
 Law of sea
 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes

Reference Books:
1. Oppenheim - International Law
2. Starke’s - International Law
3. H.O. Agrawal - International Law and Human Rights
4. S.K. Kapoor - International Law
5. S.K. Verma - International Law
Company Law

 Meaning of Company, Definition, Incorporation

Effects of Incorporation- Doctrine of Legal Personality and Lifting the Veil
Advantages and Disadvantages of incorporation
Liability for Pre-incorporation Contracts
 Kinds of Companies: Public and Private
 Memorandum of Association: Its meaning and importance, Object
clause, Doctrine of ultravires, Effect of ultravires transaction
 Articles of Association: Meaning and importance, Distinction between
Memorandum and Articles, Doctrine of Indoor Management
 Prospectus: Meaning and contents; Civil and Criminal Liability for false
statements in the prospectus
 Shares: Meaning, Nature and kinds, Share Capital, Difference between
Share and Debenture
 Directors: Appointment of Directors, Duties of Directors, Position and
Powers of Directors, Removal of Directors
 Meeting of Company: Statutory meeting, General meeting and Extra-
Ordinary general-meeting, Requition of meeting
 Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement. Meaning, purpose,
conditions and Methods
 Winding up of Companies: Meaning, Kinds and consequences of
winding up

Recommended Books:
1. Company Law by Avtar Singh
2. Company Law by Kailash Rai
3. Cases and Material on Company Law Hicks, Andrew
4. Company Law by R.K. Bangia


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