Sem 4 Syllabus

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Sem. H IV
Paper 1 Subjecet: Administrative Law
Total -4 credits/ 100
(25 marks for Internals & 75(Each Module consist of one eredit )
marks for
Objective: The purpose of this
paper is to make students
administrative law aware of various aspects ot
including quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial and other ministerial functions
administration andcontrol thereof. of

Module -1:Credit 1
1. Evolution, nature &
Scope of Administrative Law
Naturc, Scope and
From a Laisscz-Development Administrative Law
fair to a welfare state
b. Necd of Administrative law
Definitions & scope of Administrative Law
Relationship between Constitutional Law & Administrative Law
Evolution of Agencies for setlement of disputes between individuals &
1) Regulatory agencies in United States
) Conseil d' Etate
Tribunalization in America
g. Tribunals under Article 323-A & 323-B Of the
Indian ConstitutionRule of law &
its significance in India
h Separation of powers and its relevance in India
Administrative Law vis-å-vis privatization
Classification of functions of Administration

Module - II: Credit 1

.Legislative Functions of Administration
ii. Judicial
ii. Procedural
d. Sub-delegation
Unit-1: Judicial Functions of
a. Need for devolution of
adjudicatory authority on administration& their ad- hoc character
b. Nature of tribunals -Constitution, powers, procedures, appeal &rules of evidence
d. Principles of Natural Justice
i. Rule against bias
ii. Audi AlteramPartem
ii. Speaking Order or Reasoned decisions
iv Right to counsel
e. Rules of evidence no evidence, some evidence and substantial evidence

f. Institutional Decisions

Module -11I: Credit 1

1. Administrative Discretion and Judicial Control of Administrative discretion
A. Administrative Discretion
a. Need and its relationship with rule of law
b. Constitutional imperatives and exercise of discretion
c. Grounds of judicial review
i. Abuse of discretion
i. Failure to exercise discretion
d. Doctrine of legitimate expectations
B. Judicial Control of Administrative Action
ii.Court as the final authority to determine the legality of administrative action
ii.Locus standi
v.Res judicata
vi.Judicial review and its extent
C. Judicial Remedies
i. Statutory appcals
ii. Writs
ii. Declaratory judgments and injunctions
iv. Specific Performance &Civil Suits for Compensation
Module IV : Credit 1
A.Corporations, Public Undertakings & Grievance Redressel by informmal means
a) Corporations& Public UndertakingsState Monopoly- remedies
against arbitrary action or
for acting against public policy
b) Liability of public and private corporations departmental undertakings
c) Legislative & governmental control, Accountability Committee on Public
Estimate Committee etc. Undertaking,

B.Informal Methods of Settlement of Dispute and Grievance Redressel Procedure

1) Conciliation & mediation through social action groups
2) Use of media, lobbying & public participation
3) Public inquiries and commissions of inquiry
4) Ombudsman, Lok pal &LokAyukta
5) Vigilance Commission
6) Congressional & Parliamentary committees

Text books:
1. Principles of
Administrative Law -

M.P. Jain & S.N. Jain

2. Administrative Law -

I.P. Massey
1.Administrative Law - Wade
2. Lectures on Administrative Law -

C.K. Takwani
3.Administu ative Law-S.P.
4. Administrative Law - Saiyed

S. Administrative LaW- Kesari

Essential Case Law:
1. Ram Jawaya v. State of Punjab (AIR 1955 SC 549)
2. AsifHanneed v. State of J & K (AIR 1989 SC 1899)
3. A.N. Parasoraman v, State ofTamil Nadu AIR 1990 SC 40, (Administrative discretion)
4. State of Punjab v. V.K. Khanna, AIR 2001 SC 343 (Mala f+de cxercise of power)
5. State of Bombay v. K.P. KrishDan AIR 1960 SC 1322(irrelevant considerations
6. Shrilekha Vidyarthi v. State of U.P. (AIR 1991 SC 537) (Reasonnablenes)
7. Delhi Laws Act case, AIR 1951 SC 332
8. LachmiNarain v. Union of India AIR 1976 SC 714 (Modification)
9. A.V. Educational Society v. Govt. of A.P. Educational Department (AIR 2002 A.P.

348) (Judicial Control of delegated Legislation)

10. M/s Atlar Cycle Industry Ltd. v. State of Haryana (Legislative Control)
11. GovindLalChagganlLal Patel v. The Agriculture Produce Market Committee (AIR
1976 SC 236) (Procedural Control)
12. Kiran Gupta v. Stale of U.P. (AIR 2000 SC 3299) (Delegated Legislation)
13. Indian National Congress (1) v. Institute of Social Welfare (AIR 2002 SC 2158)
(Classification of Administrative Action)
14. A.K. Kraipak v. Union of India (AIR 1950 SC 150)
15. HiraNath v. Rajendra Medical College (AIR 1973 SC 1260)
16. Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (AIR 1978 SC 597)
17. S.N.Mukherjec v. Union of India (AIR 1990 SC1986)
(With eflect from the Academic Scssion 2008-2009) 51
18. KumaonMandal Vikas Nigam v. Girja Shankar Pant (AIR 2001 SC 24) (Natural
Justice, Test of Bias)
19. State ofU.P. v. Johrimal (AIR 2004 SC 3800) (Judicial Review) Johri Mal
20. Sayed Yakoob v. RadhaKrishan (AIR 1974 SC 477) (Writ Jurisdiction)
21. ShriAnadiMuktaSadguru Trustv. V.R. Rudani (AIR 1989 SC 1607) (Mondemus)
22. R.K. Singh v. Union of India (AIR 2001 Delhi 12) (Mandemm)
23. KanhaiyalLalSethia v. Union of, India (AIR I1998 SC 365) (Judicial review
cannot be on policy malters)

Paper 2- Subject: Family Law II

Total-4 credits/ 100 marks (Module I consistofone eredit Module 2 consisit of3 Credit)
(25 marks for Internals & 75 marks for External)

Objective: The objective of the paper is to apprise the students with the laws relating to
family matters.

Module I Credit 1
. Marriages and Kinship
a. Introduction to Family Law

b.Sources of Family Law
i.The Shruti and Smrities
ii.Customs and Usagec
ii.Judicial Decisions

b. Types of Family

c. Schools of Hindu Law

ii. Dayabhaga
ii. Banaras School
iv.Mithili School
v.Dravid School
vi.Maharashtra School

2.Customary practices and State regulation.

ii.Live-in Relationship
ii.Child marriage

2. Joint Family system in Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools

i.Karta of joint family
ii.Partition of Properties
ii.Alicnation of Property
iv.Separate Property and Coparcenary properties

3. Processes of social change in India: sanskrilization, westernization, secularization,

modernization, industrialization and urbanization.

i.Constitution, power and functions

ii.Administratíon of gender Justice

Module II Credit 3

Uniform Civil Code

i. Religious pluralism and its implications

. Connotations of the directive contained in Article 44 of the
i. Impediments to the formulation of the Uniform Civil Code
iv. The idea of
optional Uniform Civil Code

The Hindu Marriage Act,1955

The Hindu Succession Act, 1956

The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956

The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act,1956

The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens
Act, 2007
The Family Courts Act, 1984

The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006

Recommended Reading-
1) Paras Diwan- Hindu Law (1998)
2) Mulla--Hindu Law
3) Kusem, Marriage and Divorce Manual (2000)
4) Machanda S.C. Law and Practise of Divorse in India
5) P.V. Kane, History of
Dharmasutras Vol.2, Pt.I at 624-632 (1974)
6) A.Kuppuswami (ed.) Mayne"'s Hindi Law and
Usage Ch.4 (1986)
7) B.Sivramayy's, Inequalities and the Law
8) K.C.Daiya, Population control through family planning in India, "Indian Journal
of Legal Studies",85 (1979)
9) J.D.M. Derret, Hlindu Law, Past and Present
10) J.D.M. Derret, Death of Marriage Law
11) A.A.A. Fyzee, Outline of Muhammedan Law (1998)
12) A.M. Bhattacharya, Muslim Law an d the Constitution (1994),Eastern Law House

Paper 3-Subject: Land Laws

Total-4 credits/ 100 marks (each Module consists
(25 marks for Internals & 75 marks for Externals)
of two credit)

Objective: The object of this paper is to focus on land reforms besides land
proceduresenunciated in the Act of 1894and the rent laws.

Module I: Credit 2

1) Central Legislation inter alia to include
2)Land Acquisition Act, 1894
3)Indian Registration Act,1908
4) Environmental Protection Act, 1986

A.State Legislation
interalia to include
Land Revenue Code 1966
2)Bombay Tenancy & Agricultural Lands Act 1948
3)Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act 1969
4 )Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority Act 1976
5)Maharashtra Agriculture Land Ceiling Act 1961
6)Maharashtra Stamp Act

B.Land Acquisition Act

1) Definitions
2) Acqusition S. 4 to 17
3) Reference to Court S. 18 to 28A

C. Indian Registration Act

1) Compulsory Registration of Documents S.17
2) Optional Registration of Documents S. 18
3) Time for Registration of Documents S.23
4) Delay in Registration of Documents S.25
5) Time from which Regd documents operate S.47
6) Effect of Non-Registration of Documents required to be registered.49

D.Environmental Protection Act 1986

$3 and Concept of CRZ- Coastal Regulation Zone

E.MLRC 1966
1) Use of Land S.41 to 53A
2) Record of Rights S.147 to 167
3) Appcals, Revision and Review S.246 to S.259
4) Special Provisions for Land Revenue in the City of Bombay S.260 to 307

Module II:Credit 2
A. Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act 1948
1) Definitions
2) Restriction on Transfer Agricultural Lands S.63 to 66

B.Maharashtra Agricultural Land Ceiling Act, 1961

1)Definitions and
2)S.I to S.11

C.Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1909
Definition- Control of Development S.43 to 51-Unauthorised
Development S.52 to 58- Land Acquisition S.125 to 129
Definition- Repairs and Reconstruction of Dilapidated Buildings S.74 to 103- Acquisition of
Cessed Properties: Chapter VIlIA

E.Development Control Regulation, 1999 ( Mumbai)

Concept FSI (Floor Space Index) -Concept of TDR( Transfer of Development Rights)

Text books:
1) Land Acqusition Act-Sarkar
2) Registration Act- Sanjecv Rao
3) Environment Act -M.C. Mehta
4) MLRC-Gupte and Dighe
5) B.LA Lands Act-Gupte
6) MRTP Act -Gupte and Dighe
7) MHADA- Barc Act

8) D.C. Regulation -Shruti A. Desai

Paper 4 Subject : Women & Law (Optional Paper)

Total-4 credits/ 100 marks (each Module consists of two credit)

(25 marks for Internals & 75 marks for Externals)

Objective: The paper aims at creating awareness as to importance and role of women in society
through the medium of law. It also focuses on women welfare laws.

Module I: Credits 2

A. Introduction
1. Status of Women
a) Global Perspective
b) Women in India
i) Pre Independence Period
ii) Post Independence Period

Intemational concerms & Conventions

Constitutional Provisions relating to Women

B. Personal Laws& Women
1. Sex inequality in Inheritance
a) Feudal Institution of Joint Family
b) Women's Inheritance Position under different personal

2. & Guardianship
a) Right of yomen to adopt a child under different personal laws
b) Problem of yomen Guardianing
3.Marriage& Matrimonial Remedies under different personal laws

Module I1- Credits 2

A. Criminal Law
1. Offences relating to Marriage
2. Outraging modesty of Women

B. Social Legislations
1.Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act
2.Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act
3.Dowry Prohibition Act

C. Women & Employment

1. Equal Remuneration Act
2.Factories Act
3. Matemity Benefits Act
4. Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Work place Act

D. Protection & Enforcement Agencies

1. Courts
2. Commissions

1. Law relating to Women -

Dr. SayedMaqsood
2. Law relating to Women -

Dr. S.C. Tripathi

3. Law relating to Women - Mamta Rao

4. Women and Law -

Prof. NomitaAggarwal
5. Women and Law Dr. ManjulaBatra
6. Law- G.P. Reddy
Women and

Paper 4-Subject: Banking Law (Optional Paper)

Total-4 credits/ 100 marks (each Module consists of two credit)
(25marks for Internals & 75 marks for Externals)
Objective -This paper is to acquaint the students with the tools and techniques of
banking law.

Module-I :Credits2
1.Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
Incorporation, Capital, Management and Business of Banking Company, Central Banking
function ofReserve Bank of India, Collection and furnishing of
Credit Information, Control of
Reserve Bank.of India over Nonbanking Institutions and Financial Institutions, Credit Control by
Reserve Bank of India, General provisions and
2. Banking Regulation
Act, 1949
Concept ofBank Functions of Banks, Classification of Banks, Relationship between
Bank and Customer, Control by
govermment and it agencies, Management of Banking
On account and audit, Reconstruction and reorganization of banking companies, Suspension and
winding up of business of banking companies, Social control over banking, Banking
Recent Trends in Banking:
Automatic Teller Machine and Internet Banking, Smart
Credit Cards, Banking Frauds.
Module- Il:
1.Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
Definition and characteristic of Negotiable
Instruments, Types of Negotiable Instruments,
Definition and Essentials of Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange and Cheque, Liabilities and
Capacity of Parties of Negotiable Instrument, Holder and Holder in due course, Transfer and
Negotiation of Negotiable Instrument.
2.Crossing of Cheques and payment, Dishonour of Cheques, Presentment and Payment,
Noting and Protest of Negotiable Instrument, Endorsement
Definition, Essential of a valid endorsement and its kinds.
Debt recovery tribunal-constitution and functioning.
Rolc of SEBI in controlling financial institutions.

1. Bashyam and Adiga, The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1997
2. M.IL. Tannen, Jannen's Banking Law & Practice in India, 2000
3. Dr. Avtar Singh, Negotiable Instrument Act.
4. S.N. Gupta, The Banking Law in Theory & Practice, 1999
5. Sharma and Nainta, Banking Law & Negotiable Instruments Act
6. Dr.NilimaChandiramani -

Law of Negotiable Instrument: Basic

7. MukharjeeT.K. Banking Law and practice.
Paper 5- Subject: Practical Training- II
Total- 4 eredits/ 100 marks
(Modulel3 credits and2 consists of leredit)
Module I:
Credits 3
1.Public Interest Lawyering

ZLegal Aid
3.Para Legal Service, Para Legal Training & Legal Literacy
4.Benefits of Law Fim
5.Case Comment

Module II: Credit 1


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