Datafortress 2020 - Interlock Unlimited - Meta-Powers Unlimited

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Super Powers creation and rules for Interlock Unlimited.
Written by Deric Bernier ([email protected]), Cameron Jacobs, and Brandon Fleming

This is just one of many articles for the UPDATED 1-1-09

Interlock Unlimited System you can find on
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Superpowers are figured from the Luck Stat. The GM has control the Power requires. Magic cannot create a permanent effect.
over the amount of Power Points the characters Luck Stat will
CYBERNETICS: Using the Cyberpunk 2020 rules for Cybernetic
generate, depending on the type of Supers game he wants to run:
Enhancement (see the Interlock Unlimited Cyberpunk 2020
GAME LEVEL POWER POINT DISTRIBUTION Conversion Manual ) is allowable, so long as the setting supports
1. GUTTER LUCK = POWER POINT (PP) TOTAL it. However, effect from cybernetics such as Stat bonuses, or
2. STREET LUCK + LUCK = POWER POINT TOTAL armor values, do NOT stack with those given by Meta-Powers.
3. HIGH LUCK + LUCK x 5 = POWER POINT TOTAL Only the higher level of either counts. And if the Powers are
4. DEMI-GOD LUCK + LUCK x 10 = POWER POINT TOTAL somehow lost, through Power Negation or other situation, then the
5. CELESTIAL LUCK + LUCK x 20 = POWER POINT TOTAL cybernetics will revert to their original values.
GUTTER LEVEL: The lowest level, powers are minor BONUSES AND PENALTIES: In a supers campaign, use the
(Rocketeer and Doc Samson Levels) standard chart from Interlock Unlimited. However if the player
STREET LEVEL:Powers are still low in nature, but are a bit decides to create a character that has no powers at all (including
more effective (Daredevil and Black Condor Levels) psionics and magic, possibly cybernetics depending on setting),
HIGH LEVEL: This is the mid range of super power levels, then allow the character to use Luck to purchase bonuses without
(Wolverine and Most of the X-men, most of the Teen Titans) the usual necessary purchase of Penalties. And allow the character
DEMI-GOD: The Heavy hitting super powers levels (Justice 1 Bonus (per Game Level) which doubles the effect of the highest
League, Avengers, Thor, Superman, The Hulk, Apollo) maximum outcome. Purely human characters should also receive a
CELESTIAL: Those at this level are at the true God-like levels 10-point Starting Skill Point Bonus multiplied by Game Level.
(Beyonder, Galactus)
Players have complete control over how their character acquired
Suggested Optional Rule: To keep things a bit more balanced, their power and at what age it manifested, be it through radioactive
for every game level after Gutter, roll 1D6 to determine max exposure, technological device, mystic imbuement, genetic
number of individual powers a character can have. mutation, cosmic ray bombardment or whatever else they desire.
If the player chooses, he may always opt to take a lesser level of Players may choose when their characters power manifested itself,
power. However the GM should be very careful regardless of the and what it looks like when being used or activated. The
level of characters, not to oppose them with Antagonists of greater manifestation /origin of their powers should be discussed before
level than the character can possibly hope to overcome. Lifepath is rolled, so that Player and Gm may most effectively
Additionally, the character can use Power Points at a rate of 2 for work it into their Lifepath.
one from the other Stats. Unlike Luck the points used from these It is advisable, though not required, that players choose powers for
Stats are lost permanently so be careful, anytime a Stat drops their character that tie in to a common theme or source, or for
below 3 the character is considered disabled in that aspect (i.e. if powers with variable descriptions (like energy emission) describe
the characters INT drops below 3 they are considered to be the appearance and effect of those powers in relation to their other
mentally handicapped, the characters ATTR they are considered to powers. For instance, if a character has Chosen the Altered Form:
be disfigured or heavily scarred, their MA they require a Electricity power, then the obvious choice for an Energy Emission
cane/walker/wheelchair, etc... If the characters Stat drops to zero, power would be based off electricity. Tying their powers together
they are dead). If they use their power to overcome their disability, under a common theme gives the character an extra 10% Power
it has to be considered an activated power, and their civilian Points at character Generation.
identity will suffer the disability to full effect (such as the Donald
Blake with the crippled leg identity of Thor, or the onearmed Dr. Some characters will have a Prime Stat. This is a Stat that is tied
Curt Connors who regain his arm when he becomes the Lizard. directly to what the player considers his characters Primary power.
Some powers will function off a specific Stat, but have allowance
PSIONIC POWERS: Characters may choose to take Psionic to function off the Prime Stat.
Powers, which treat every Psionic ability differently, or they may
choose to use Psionics as presented in the Interlock Unlimited If characters decide to Lock their powers, then they may not take
Psionic Rules Add-On (Available free at Datafortress 2020). new powers later, though they can use earned PP to raise powers
When taking Psionics as individual powers no Psion Special they already possess. Choosing this option gives the character an
Ability is created, and each Level of the Psionic Skill costs 1 PP, extra 10% Power Points at game Start.
and can be used a number of times per day equal to half the Psionic IMPROVING POWERS: Whenever the GM awards IP, he
Skill unless the power lists it’s own number uses or duration.. should also award Power Points (PP) so characters may improve
Additional uses can be bought for 2 PP per use a day their powers, or take new ones. For a Gutter level campaign, 1-
MAGIC: If the character is Magical in Nature, he may choose to point per session is probably in order, 5 points per session for a
use the Interlock Unlimited Magic Rules Add-on (coming soon) or Street Level, 10 points for High, 20 points for Demi-God, or 30
instead of spending Power Points, the character may choose to points for a Celestial Level game. Of course this distribution is
convert Power Points into Spell Points. If this option is chosen the merely a standardized suggestion, the GM for you game will best
Magic User may use the Spell Points to cast any Power as a spell be able to determine a fair amount of PP for each session.
merely by spending the Power Points on it. If the Power does not Every fumble involving the use of a super power that results in
list a duration, then it’s duration becomes 1 round per point of property damage or damage to anyone other than the target results
COOL. The Time for Casting a power as a Spell will either be in the character losing 1d6 Humanity, if the fumble results in a
identical to what is listed, or take a full minute for every 20 points death this increases to 1d10
STANDARD POWERS Altered Form is a power that transforms the character into a no-
ADHESION: flesh-and-blood being. However unless specifically notated or as a
This power allows a character to stick to walls, crawl across weakness, the character is assumed to have complete control of his
ceilings, etc. The power comes in two forms, sticky on hands and body, and may make physical melee attacks by solidifying r
feet (or other appendages) which costs 5 points, or sticky all over condensing. GM’s should be open to interpretation as to how the
the body, which costs 10 points. At the base level for either power actually functions and what form the character with it takes,
version, the adhesive will support a weight equal to 1/4th the but at the same time the power must be consistent in its use and
character STR, by spending an additional 3 points the weight description for the individual. Character in Gaseous, Electric,
allowance becomes ½ the characters STR, 6 points allows for full Light, Liquid and Non-corporeal forms do not take damage from
STR, 12 points is double the characters STR, and 24 points is normal attacks, however anything which causes them to dissipate,
double that again. This power can function any way the user or separates parts of their bodies will damage them (though for an
desires, perhaps the adhesive surfaces are covered in suction cups, extra 10 points they gain the skill to re-absorb any lost parts, for 20
or tiny bristles, or maybe he seeps a glue like substance. additional points they can reform their body from any nearby
source of the same material at a rate of 1 part per 3). Changing
Optional Weakness – Genetic Residue: Whenever the character from a flesh body to an altered form takes 1 Full Combat Action.
use their power to adhere to something, they leave behind some A character may change into an altered form for a number of
type of visible genetic residue, not only can their trail be seen, but rounds equal to their COOL (or Prime Stat) And may do this a
it will hold their DNA as well, making it possible to identify them. number of times per day equal to their BOD). For an additional 20
Optional Weakness – Surface Specific: This power only works points this changes to minutes, and for 50 points the character can
on either friction or frictionless surfaces (must be chosen at remain in their altered form for so long as they are conscious.
character generation). Taking this weakness drops the PP cost by ANIMAL:
half. This Power allows the character to temporarily take the
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s form of a beast (type of beast chosen at character
Spiderman and Nightcrawler) generation). The 2-point version allows for a hybrid
version, humanoid with beast like features. The 5-point
AFFINITY (Animals, Languages, Plants, Minerals, version allows the character to actually take the form of a
Technology) beast of roughly the same size or weight as the character.
Spending 5 points on this power will allow a character to either Spending an additional 15 points on this power will allow
Speak to animals, or understand any language. The 10-point the character to take on the form of a number of beasts
version lets them choose between Plants, Minerals, or Technology. equal to his INT or EMP (chosen at character generation).
The character may Choose more than one thing to communicate Spending an additional 40 points on this power will allow
with, but they must spend the points on each. The power can work the character to become any beast he has personally
off the characters EMP or INT (must be chosen at character observed.
generation). The standard time it takes to learn to communicate
any new language, species, mineral type, or type of technology, is Optional Weakness – Bestial Side: When transformed,
10 hours listening to the target. For every point of INT or EMP the beast traits overcome their personality. The characters
(depending on which was chosen) the character removes one hour Mental as well as physical traits are altered as well. A
from the time it takes to learn how to communicate (If the character may make a will save to regain control suffering
character has higher than a 10, the time it takes to learn how to a negative modifier equal to the amount of points he has
communicate becomes lessened by 5 minute increments). Once spent on this power. If the save is failed, the beast will
the character has spent the required time learning to communicate, remain in control until the character sleeps or loses
he will be able to do so perfectly, as if he had a 10 in the necessary consciousness, though at GM discrepancy. The character
Language Skill. (For the purposes of this power, manufacturer will retain familiarity with his teammates, friends, and
defines different technologies). lovers; though will have to make an EMP save to stop
from seeing them as potential food or enemies. Taking
Optional Weakness – None: this weakness reduces the power cost by 5 points.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Cypher
HINT: Taking this power with Affinity: Animal and
from Marvel’s New Mutants, Marvels Swamp Thing, and Dr.
Animal Mimicry will allow the character to completely
become the animal he is transforming into, offering all
traits, natural abilities, and physical stats (REF, BOD,
MA). If taken at the 30 point level in addition to these
powers, and adding the SHRINK/ENLARGE power will
allow the character to become any animal of any size, from
housefly to great whale.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
Changeling from DC’s Teen Titans and Wolfsbane from
Marvel’s New Mutants.)

ELASTIC: wide. If he jumps into a cars cigarette lighter however,
With this power the characters body becomes elastic, and he could go no further than the cars own electric system.
they are able to stretch parts or the whole of their body.
Optional Weakness – None:
The 1-point buy for this power allows a character to
stretch a specific part of his body (Fingers, toes, hair, GASEOUS:
neck, forearms, lower legs…) out to a range of one meter. This power allows a character to dissipate his physical
Every additional 2-points spent on this power increases form into that of a gas. The 5-point version of this power
that range by one meter to a maximum of 6 meters. The merely is a harmless gas, like a cloud, allowing the
5-point buy of this power allows the entire body to stretch character to travel at a rate equal to ½ his movement
out. The maximum stretch range is x3 the height of the (though if moving in the direction of a breeze he may
character, with a meter thrown on for every point spent. move at that speed. The character may also disperse
The character can stretch one part or his entire body to themselves to cover an area equal to his BOD in square
this distance, even flattening himself out like a blanket, meters. If bought at the 25-point level this gas may be
sail, or a net to engulf someone. At the 25-point buy the poisonous or have other properties (chosen at character
character can not only stretch and flatten himself, but he generation. With this power, unless the character is in an
can also assume any shape (using the Sculpture Skill). A air-tight environment they are never trapped.
gain for every point spent the character can stretch
Optional Weakness – Vulnerable to Dispersion: With
himself an additional meter to a maximum of 100 meters
this weakness, every meter beyond that allowed by his
(a human body does not have enough mass to retain
body the character is dispersed (such as by a strong wind)
control any further than that. The character he retains
will cause him 1d6 damage, and take him 1 round per
control over his body no matter what shape or the length
meter to pull himself back together. Until the character
he has stretched it, however for every meter he stretched
recombined, he will not heal the damage, and if he
his ability to lift is reduced by 5 kilograms. For every 1-
attempts to solidify himself he will be missing an
point spent the character receives a +1 to any checks
appropriate amount of body mass. (Without this power a
Athletics or Strength Feat regarding his ability to retain
character simply cannot disperse himself beyond his
his grip. For every 5 points spent on this power the
limit). Taking this weakness reduces the PP cost of the
character gains a +1 to all Grapple and Hold checks.
power by half.
Optional Weakness – Temperature Susceptibility:
HINT: Take this power with the Powers Altered Forms:
Because of the way the power works, temperature
Liquid, and Solid and take ranks in Chemistry, each at the
extremes have an extremely adverse effect on the
25-Level and may automatically gain the power to alter
character. If the character chooses Cold, then for every 5
their physical chemistry (requires Chemistry Skill) use
points below 60 the character takes a –1 to all physical
their body replicate any gas, solid, or poison.
actions, and a –2 to all actions involving the use of this
power. If the character is exposed to temperatures below (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
freezing without adequate clothing, he will freeze solid in DC’s Mist and Metamorpho of the Justice League)
a number of rounds equal to his BOD. If the character
chooses heat, then for every 5 degrees above 100 the LIGHT/SHADOW:
character will suffer a negative 2 to all physical actions, With this power the characters body transforms into pure
and at 120 degrees Fahrenheit he will begin melting into a light, the character may choose as per Altered Form
liquid goo in a number of rounds equal to his BOD. A Electricity what form this light actually takes. This is a 3-
character may choose either weakness for –5 to his PP point power. By spending 5 points on this power the
total for the power, or both for a negative 15. character can “pulse” their body like a strobe light,
causing anyone looking at them to roll a REF save or go
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include blind, for every additional 2 points spent the REF save
DC’s Elongated man, or Marvel’s Mr. Fantastic) difficulty gains a -1 modifier. Taking this power for 100
points allows the character to travel along light rays at the
This power transforms the characters body into pure speed of light, but it requires a full round to enter or exit
electricity (or some other type of energy including fire). this mode of travel.
The character may choose whether that body is a ball or Optional Weakness - None:
mass of electricity, maintains a humanoid shape, or even
the shape of animal or mythical beast. The standard Alternatively, this power can turn the characters body into
power costs 5 points, and anyone who comes into living shadow, allowing the character to travel through
physical contact with this form will describe the sensation darkness at the same rate of movement and for the same
as a tingling, like licking a nine volt battery. For every costs. This power also gives the character a +10 to all
additional 5 points the character spends on this ability, he stealth checks.
can generate a powerful electric charge in his body doing Optional Weakness – Light Vulnerability: Light
1d6 damage to anyone he touches or who touches him. If Damages the character. Candle light merely causes
the character spends an additional 25 points on this power discomfort, soft ambient or torch light causes them to
not only can he become pure energy, but he can travel on operate at –1 to all actions. Standard room light causes a –
any electrical current, such as through power lines merely 3 to all actions, shining a flashlight on them does 1d6
by jumping into any power source at a rate of 100 miles damage per round, the sun does 1d10. Taking this
per round, the limit he can travel is determined only by weakness removes half of the total PP cost for this power.
the size of the grid, so by jumping into a modern
household electrical outlet he can travel virtually world (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
Marvel’s Cloak from Cloak and Dagger)
LIQUID: points to change the armor gained from the Natural
In liquid form the character can travel at a rate equal to Armor (Minor) power to Hard instead of Soft.) The
his MA per round, or spread himself over a number of character will be able to ignore 20 points worth of heat or
meters equal to twice his BOD. The character can use his cold damage, and for every additional 2 points spent he
liquid form to travel with other liquids at the rate other can ignore 1 more point of heat or cold damage, though
liquids are moving, such as traveling downstream in a his surface may absorb the heat and burn anything or
river. The character may also disperse themselves to anyone he comes in contact with. In armored form, he no
cover an area equal to his BOD in square meters longer tracks Wounds, and instead has an SDP equal to
Normally a character with this power must choose one his wounds, ignoring Stun and Death saves while he is in
liquid to turn into (usually water) however by spending a armored form. This can be very dangerous however, as
total of 25 points the liquid may be poisonous or have SDP loss will transfer back to wounds when he reverts to
other values (Regardless the type of liquid must be chosen human form causing immediate Stun and Death saves
at character generation). With this power, unless the with modifiers appropriate to damage.
character is in a watertight environment they are never
Optional Weakness – Tactile Negation: A character
with this weakness cannot feel tactile Sensation while in
Optional Weakness – Vulnerable to Dispersion: With this form. He cannot tell hot, cold, pleasure, pain, rough,
this weakness, every meter beyond that allowed by his smooth, or pressure. He is at a –5 to all actions involving
body the character is dispersed (such as by a strong wind) these senses, and may not know the extenet of his own
will cause him 1d6 damage, and take him 1 round per damage or even if he is being attacked physically. Taking
meter to pull himself back together. Until the character this weakness reduces the total PP cost for this power by
recombined, he will not heal the damage, and if he half.
attempts to solidify himself he will be missing an
HINT: If a character with a solid form takes Regeneration
appropriate amount of body mass. (Without this power a
(Minor) he may attempt to re-attach pieces of himself that
character simply cannot disperse himself beyond his
have been removed before reverting to human again, healing
limit). Taking this weakness reduces the PP cost of the
him for 50% the SDP damage he took. However he must be
power by half.
exact (Sculpture or First Aid roll) or the piece will be either
HINT: Take this power with the Powers Altered Forms: re-attached improperly (causing broken bones, misaligned
Liquid, and Solid and take ranks in Chemistry, each at the arteries, or damaged organs when he reverts to flesh on a
25-Level and may automatically gain the power to alter the failed roll, resulting in and additional 50% to the wound)
characters physical chemistry (requires Chemistry Skill)
HINT: Take this power with the Powers Altered Forms:
use their body replicate any gas, solid, or poison.
Liquid, and Solid and take ranks in Chemistry, each at the
HINT: Alternatively, for 5 points this power could be used 25-Level and may automatically gain the power to alter their
to turn the character into a semi liquid or semi solid form physical chemistry (requires Chemistry Skill) use their body
such as loose sand, loose dirt, mud, pudding, etc… replicate any gas, solid, or poison.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
Marvel’s Sandman and DC’s Clayface) Marvel’s Colossus DC’s Stone Boy)
With this power the character has no physical body, A 10-point power that transforms the characters body into
appearing as a ghost. This is a 5-point power, and while a humanoid mass of vegetation. As vegetation the
in this form the character cannot touch or be touched by character does not suffer penalties from damage, nor does
anything in the physical realm, though he can be heard he take bleeding damage. For every additional 5 points
and seen. By spending 20 points on the power he may spent on this version of the power he may grow fruit,
solidify just enough for brief contact as a quick action, vegetables, flowers, etc… at a rate of 1 per day equal to
with another quick action required to de-solidify. The his COOL, or he may grow a vine at a rate equal to his
character can pass through matter, such as soft earth, COOL per round in meters, maximum length per day
wood and water, and for an additional 10 points can pass equal to his COOL x 5, able to hold a weight equal to the
through metal, ceramic and all natural (ie non-magical, characters Max Lift (for every ten kilograms he weakens
non-psionic, and non-meta enhanced) substances for as the vine by, it may grow an extra meter). The character
long as the character can hold his or her breath. can grow any fruit he has personally eaten, and has
control over the vines direction as they grow. A character
Optional Weakness – None:
with this power is vulnerable to any condition that effects
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include plants, such as herbicide, lack of water, lack of sunlight,
Marvel’s Shadowcat and DC’s Gentleman Ghost) and extreme temperatures.
SOLID (METAL, STONE): Optional Weakness – None:
With this 10-point power the characters body becomes a
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
mass of living metal or stone (or other solid substance).
Marvel’s Man Thing and DC’s Swamp Thing)
The substance must be chosen at character generation,
and it will increase his weight by 1d10x10 kilograms. He
gains an immediate +5 Natural Armor which counts as
Hard (he can add this to either Minor or Major Natural
armor, if he chooses minor he can Spend an additional 10

ANCESTRAL MEMORY: time period, -1 hour for every point of INT. Taking this weakness
With this power the character is somehow aware and has access to reduces the PP cost for this power to 1.
knowledge of one or more ancestors. It does not have to be a
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
blood relative, but instead could be a former mentor, or member(s)
Doctor Strange and DC’s Doctor Fate)
of a lineage of Metas with the name same name, fraternity, or duty,
this is up to the player to decide. For 2 points, the character is in ASTRAL/SPIRITUAL CONFINEMENT:
psychic or astral contact with one person, who can share With this 20-point power, anytime the character engages in an
knowledge advice and opinions with the character. For every astral or spiritual battle, they may attempt to confine their
additional 5 points spent the character gains another spectral ally. Consciousness or Soul. To do this, the character makes a
Alternatively, if the character decides to spend 10 points on 1 Teledominance check against the target, who resists with a Mental
mentor, he may create a full character sheet (devoid of equipment) Defense. Success means the target is trapped for a number of days
that he may give to the GM or with GM approval run as a equal to the characters INT. Spending 50-points on this power
secondary character. This mentor will not be able to accomplish lengthens the duration to weeks, spending 100 points lengthens the
any physical actions or communicate with anyone else (unless the duration of confinement to years and spending 200 points on this
character acts as a psychic anchor) but will be able to roll his own power lengthens the duration to Centuries. The nature of the
INT, EMP, and COOL based skills in order to advise the character. confinement can be chosen from 1 of 2 options. Option 1. Traps
the character on the astral plane, separating them from their body.
Optional Weakness – Mental Fragmentation: With this
They may attempt to break free and either return to their body or
weakness, the characters not only shares memories with his
find a host (see Body Snatch power) if their body is dead once
ancestors, but they also fight for domination over his will. Any
every 20 days –1 day per point of COOL (if the confinement lasts
situation that causes the character to roll a Stun Save at a negative
longer than days, the character may attempt this in terms of the
modifier, has a 50% chance of allowing one of the personalities
entrapment). Option 2 traps the Soul and body of the target in an
trapped within a characters ancestral memories to gain dominance
object (weapon, bottle, gem, etc..) If this option is chosen the
of the characters body if he failes an additional Cool save. The
Character may wield the object as though the object were bestowed
new personality will retain control of the characters body until the
with the Targets powers. The downside to this is, if the object is
body is forced to make another Stun Save, at which point the
destroyed, the confined target(s) is instantly freed and appears on
character may attempt to regain control. Taking this weakness
the spot.
reduces the PP cost of this power to by 75%.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
Wildstorm’s Doctor from The Authority) (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
With this 5-point Power, a character may Astrally Project himself, BESTOW POWER (Minor):
leaving his body behind and becoming an embodiment of his own With this 5-point power a character may bestow a non-living
ego. The astral projection will be either invisible or translucent object with power. To infuse an object with power the character
with a glowing outline the same color as the users Aura. The Astral must expend his own PP at a rate of 1 for 1. The character can
Projection itself cannot move or manipulate physical objects, or spend as many points as he wishes, on as many powers as he is
make any physical attack. However it can speak and be heard. The capable of using. The powers bestowed are permanent (unless the
Astral Projection can travel through solid objects, and has no need object is destroyed or rendered powerless by some outside force).
for air, even allowing it to travel into space. Projecting requires PP spent to infuse an object with power will be regenerated at a
total concentration, and any thing that touches the physical body rate of 2 per day of rest (one point per day if the character
stronger than a gust of wind will cause the user to make an undergoes strenuous activity). A character may only infuse an
immediate INT save at –2, or the projection is immediately broken object with one power at a time, though he may infuse an object
and the character will be dazed and disoriented for 1d6/2 rounds, with multiple powers separately. A character with diminished PP
unable to perform anything but a move action. A character can will suffer appropriate weakness to their own powers as it
Astrally Project himself instantly anywhere he has first hand regenerates. An object infused with powers will either bestow the
knowledge of, or he may move about in his astral form at a rate powers on anyone using it, or will radiate from the object itself
equal to his MA. An Astral Projection will last for a number of (chosen at infusion). Using this power requires a Full Combat
rounds equal to the Characters INT, after which the character must action per 5 PP bestowed on an object.
make a COOL Save, success renews his concentration, failure
Possible Weakness - Lifeline: With this weakness, any object the
immediately pulls him back to his physical body. While a
character bestows with power is so attuned to the character through
character is Astrally Projecting, they are unaware of what is
his life force, that if the object is destroyed, it will cause the
happening around their physical body, and leave it relatively
character to take damage equal to half the PP he spent on it.
defenseless. Psionic Powers can be used during Astral Projection,
and the Astral projection itself is susceptible to any Psionic powers (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include The
or powers that effect the INT, EMP, or COOL. Guardians from DC’s Green Lantern Corp)
Optional Weakness – Lost In The Ether: With this weakness,
every time a character Astrally Projects himself, he has a 10%
chance of not being able to return to his physical body. His ability
to Project has somehow weakened his bodies ability to maintain
it’s “spirit line”, and occasionally that line gets severed. An
Astrally Projected Character who is “lost” will have one of two
choices, he may try to find his way home from wherever his Spirit
is currently, and he may try to rejoin his body once per 14 hour

With this power, a character is able to enter and control the body of This power allows a character to generate a kinetic field around
another sentient creature. Using this power to enter or exit a host themselves that amplifies and redirects kinetic force, in other
body is a Full Combat action. While the character is in the host words the character can bounce as if they were a rubber ball. At
body, he has full control over the body and all its natural weapons standard level this is a 5-point power, and every impact upon a
and powers that enhance physical actions, including anything character will move them a number of meters equal to half the dice
Governed by ATTR, BOD, REF, and MA. He does not control or value of damage they would have taken and/or at half
have access to the characters memories however, so he has none of speed/velocity. This power makes the character immune to impact
the host bodies skills. The character retains his own INT, TECH, damage, both from others and from its own use (though firearms
COOL, LUCK, and EMP (though if the host body has any and arrows will do half damage). Buying the power at 10 points
cybernetics or bioware which have reduced his Humanity, the will move the character a number of meters equal to the dice value
character will suffer the same Humanity loss for the duration of the of damage they take. Buying it for 20 powers multiplies the
time he is in the host body). Any Non-Natural or Stat-enhancing distance by 1.5, and buying it for 30 points multiplies it by 2. The
powers of the host body will not be known to the character unless character will move at the same speed of the object that impacted
he has knowledge of them beforehand or learns of them, in which him for half the distance, then drop in speed. A character cannot
case he has a 50/50 chance (possibly modified by character control his direction mid-bounce, but can affect the direction at
familiarity with similar powers) to use them. Psionic and Magical each impact. It is possible, if the character is in a confined space,
powers of the host cannot be used by the character. However the or has enough objects near by to generate massive speed and
character can use his own Psionic or Magic based powers, or any momentum. Every object or person the character bounces off will
of his own INT, EMP, or COOL based powers, but any of the take a damage equal to the weight and Speed of the character as
characters natural powers or powers derived from REF, BOD, MA, per the Interlock Unlimited Impact Damage rules.
or ATTR are unusable while in the Host body. To enter a host
Optional Weakness – None:
body, the character must first make a successful attack (chosen by
the character at generation from either grapple, punch, kick, or (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
ram) if the attack is successful the process starts. The Character Speedball from The New Warriors and Bouncing Boy From DC’s
and the Host immediately make opposed Will checks (As per Legion Of Superheroes)
Stability table of core rulebook) using COOL (or INT or EMP if
they are Prime Stats), If the Host wins the “Body Snatch” is
This power allows a character to strike at the weakest point of any
unsuccessful and the character is dazed at -3 to all actions for 1d6
object, the damage from the strike ignore SP and goes straight to
rounds. If the host loses the Body Snatch is successful. The
SP. For every 5 points spent on this power the character can
power costs 10 points, and a character can inhabit a host for a
ignore 5 points of SP. Every 10 SP a target possesses adds a +1 to
number of rounds equal to his COOL (or INT or EMP if they are
the difficulty to hit. This power cannot be used on living organic
Prime Stats) before the Host can renew the Will opposition in
objects or creatures.
attempt to regain control of his body (host failure indicates once
again the body is controlled for the power duration, host success Optional Weakness – None:
ejects the character and leaves him dazed for 1d6 rounds+the
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Rumiko
amount of points he failed his roll by). For every additional 10
Takehashi’s Ryoga Hibiki from Ranma ½)
points spent the character gains a +1 to his Will save for the
purposes of taking over and maintaining a host body. When 30 BURROWING:
points have been spent on the power, the duration becomes A 5-point power, this allows the character to move through earth at
minutes instead of rounds, at 60 it becomes hours, at 80 it becomes ½ their run speed. However they will not be able to move through
days, and at 100 it becomes weeks. At character generation, it solid stone metal or other dense objects will cause the character to
must be decided whether the Host remains conscious or dormant have to either find a different route, or stop him cold. Spending 10
while his body is being controlled. If the host remains dormant he points on this power allows the character to move at their full Run
cannot be communicated with at all, if he remains conscious the speed.
character can communicate with him telepathically and probe him
Optional Weakness – None:
if he has his own psychic powers. Any situation that causes the
character to make a Will save (such as taking damage) will (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Warner
automatically provoke an attempt by the host to eject the character. Bros Bugs Bunny)
Optional Weakness – Shared Vulnerability: With this weakness, COLOR CHANGE:
the character takes any damage the host does, and if the host dies, With this 1-point power the character can change the color of any
so does the character. This weakness reduces the PP cost of the non-living thing they touch for as long as they are touching it and a
power by half. number of rounds equal to their Luck afterwards. For 5 points the
character can make the color change permanent, with the
HINT: If the character has the psychic power Psychic Invasion, he
Paint/Draw skill they can use their fingertips as a paintbrush.
may use it to discover how to use the hosts powers before he
attempts to take control, or if the character elected to allow the Optional Weakness – None:
character to remain conscious and aware during a Body Snatching
he may even use it while he is in control of the body.
For every 2 Power Points spent a character can add 1 point to his
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s Reaction Total for the purposes of determining Combat Actions.
Shadowking from The X-men and DC’s Deadman)
Optional Weakness – None:

For every 3 points spent on this power the character can consume This power allows the character to generate a field of electro-
2kg of matter per day. A character can consume a maximum of magnetic energy around themselves that disrupts all electronics
1kg every 5 minutes. Every additional 3 points spent adds another around them. The range of the field is equal in Meters to the
1kg to the amount that can be eaten in 5 minutes. While the characters COOL, however the character can instead choose to
character doesn’t actually have to eat the matter, that is the most make this a “burst” effect (must be chosen at character generation)
common method. Regardless the character creates special which doubles the range and requires a Normal Combat action.
enzymes that allow the character to break down matter. As an The 1 point version of this power effects all unshielded electronic
added bonus every point spent on this power, weather increasing devices within range for 1d6 hours. The 2 point version of this
the total amount a character is able to consume, or in decreasing power doubles the range, the first half of the range disrupts
the time it takes him to consume it, allows him to bypass 1 SP electronics even through shielding for 1d6 hours, does 1d6 damage
worth of hardness. So a character who has spent 12 points on the to any living thing, and permanently disables activated electronics,
power can eat something with a hardness or armor rating of 12 the second half of the range functions as the 1 point power. For
points. It is advisable that a character that takes this power also the 3-point version the range triples, the first third of the range
takes as many immunity powers as possible. disrupts electronics even through heavy shielding for 1d6 hours,
has a 50% chance of destroying lightly shielded electronics (those
Optional Weakness – Weight Gain: This weakness causes the
that survive are disabled for 1d6 hours), destroys all unshielded
character to gain an approximate amount of weight equal to that
electronics, and causes 3d6 damage to anyone in range. The
ingested. For every 20 lbs ingested his MA drops and he suffers a
second range increment acts as the 2-point version of the power,
negative –1 to all Reflex based rolls. Taking this weakness
and the third range increment acts as the 1-point version. This
reduces the PP cost of the power by 50%.
power has a duration equal to the characters EMP in rounds, and
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s can be used an equal amount of times per day.
Matter Eater Lad from Legion Of Superheroes and Chunk from
Optional Weakness – None:
The Flash.)
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Polaris from the X-Men)
With this 5-point power the character is aware of another
dimension, that of the real world. He understands only that he is
being watched and occasionally may hear something the other
players or the GM say. For ten points the character may even
believe that another is controlling his every moment, every action,
and every thought. The character is aware of the Fourth Wall, and
may sometimes even attempt to direct commentary or performance
at it.
This power bestows a +1 to Awareness/Notice for every 3 Power
Points spent for the purposing of noticing and identifying
dangerous situations and threats.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Spiderman and DC’s Blue Beetle III)
With this power a character is able to change his shape to mimic
that of another person. At the 5-point level this power allows the
character to turn into mimic one person of roughly the same size
and weight and provides a +3 to disguise. For every additional
point spent the character can modify their height by an inch and
their apparent weight by 25lbs, and they gain an additional +1 to
Disguise (maximum of +20). Characters only get the full value if
they know the person they are imitating. If they are a casual
acquaintance they lose 1 point of their bonus, if they only have
video recording, they lose 2 points, if all they have are
photographs, they lose 3 points. However if they know the person
intimately, such as a very close friend, family member, or lover,
they get a plus +3.
Optional Weakness – None:
HINT: Use this power with Vocal Mimicry to create a perfect
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Mystique from The X-Men and Martian Manhunter From DC’s
Justice League)

EMOTIONAL DOMINATION: the power for 10 points lets the character ignore half of the chosen
With this 10-point Power, a character may influence the emotions type of damage, and buying it for 25 points lets him ignore 90% of
of others causing rage, fear, sadness, arousal, nervousness, sadness, the damage, absorbing it all but 10%. Power from an attack can be
happiness, or any other emotion. The power comes in one of two stored for a number of rounds equal to the characters Cool, and
forms (chosen at character generation). Heroes should take releasing the energy is a Normal Combat Action.
extreme caution using this power, as it can be considered evil, and
Optional Weakness – None:
some cases the equivalent of mental rape.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Sebastian Shaw and Bishop, and Wildstorms Winter)
The Touch version of Emotional Dominance is more
limited, but also more powerful. With this version of the ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION:
power the character may cause anyone in direct physical With this power, bought at 5 points, a character is able to adapt to
contact with them to feel one emotion of theirr choice per most any environment. With this power, in any environment the
round. Also, for every 2 points of INT the power gives a character finds himself in that provides a negative modifier
–1 modifier to the targets COOL save (or Psychic (extreme heat, cold, etc…) the modifier will lesson at 1 point per
Defense), failure indicates they feel the emotion so day. The 20 point version drops any negative modifiers by 1 point
strongly that it provides a +5 bonus to the character per hour, the 30 point version by 1 point per minute, and the 40
Perusasion/Fast Talk when dealing with the target. Using point version by 1 point per round. Provided the character can
the touch version of this power is a Normal Combat survive long enough to adapt to the environment, this will even
Action. Spending 40 additional points on this power protect the character against the most extreme environments, such
doubles the modifiers. as the crushing depths of the ocean floor, the vacuum of space, or
even the heat of the sun, though the character will have to find
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include
some other way to provide air, food, and water.
Wish from Wilsdstorm’s Stormwatch)
Optional Weakness – None:
Like the Touch version, except it affects anyone within (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
range. The range of this power is equal to the characters Darwin from the X-men)
INT in meters and grants its Modifiers to the targets
COOL save at –1 for every 4 points of INT and provides a
This power allows characters to speak with beings from another
+3 bonus to the characters Persuasion. Spending an
dimension or plane. The standard version is that this power allows
additional 10 points doubles the range of this power,
a character to speak with the dead, though other targets could be
Spending and additional 25 points increases the range by
chosen, such as an extra-dimensional Guru, a demon, or the like.
This is a 10-Point Power, and has a daily duration equal to the
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include characters INT or EMP (chosen at Character Generation) in
DC’s Psycho Pirate) minutes. Every additional 10 points spent on this power doubles
the duration. Beware, when speaking with a dead being, or being
from another dimension, the character will be susceptible to any
This 5-point power lets the character instantly know the emotions
Mental powers they may possess.
of any sentient creature they touch. Spending a 10 points on this
power lets them know the emotions of anyone with a radius = to Optional Weakness – None:
their EMP stat in meters. This bestows +2 to Human Perception.
Optional Weakness – Mirror Susceptibility: With this weakness, For every 10 points spent on this power, the character gains an
not only does the character knows the emotions, but their own extra appendage, usually an arm. Every extra appendage grants
emotions are overwhelmed to mimic those detected. In the case of and extra 5 points to the characters Reaction Total for purposes of
an aura effect, this will lead to the character feeling the strongest determining combat actions. If the character is ambidextrous, he
emotion in the area of power effect. This reduces the PP cost 50%. can use additional limbs with the same skill as his natural ones.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Megan Optional Weakness – None:
from Marvel’s Excalibur.)
(Popular examples of Characters with this power include Forearm
This power allows a character to absorb either (chosen at character
generation) Energy (lasers, electricity, plasma, fire, cold, etc…) or
This 5-Point power allows the character to perceive things a
Kinetic (bullets, arrows, melee attacks, etc..) attacks and rechannel
normal human would be unable to detect, such as radiation,
them, either into a ranged energy attack that deals half the amount
magnetism, magical residue, and the like. The character must
of die damage or into a physical attack that adds the full amount of
choose what type of anomaly he is able to detect, though he may
Die damage (this also must be chosen at character generation) to
also choose what sense he uses to detect it, including senses the
his melee attack.. Die damage as discussed is the amount of Die,
character has raised through Power Points. Range is equal to INT
and die type of the weapon used to attack the Character. For
or EMP x2 in meters.
instance if someone shot a character who had chosen Kinetic
absorption and Physical Attack with a .44 magnum handgun, (4d6 Optional Weakness – None:
damage) the character could then add 4d6 damage to his punch
attack. If Ranged Energy Attack is chosen the power
automatically generates a skill for use with the attack based on
either REF or his Prime Stat. The 5 point version of this power
requires that the user takes full damage from the attack, buying
This power allows the character to fly, and can be bought at 3 With this 5-point power a character can go without air a number of
levels. The 10-point version allows the character to fly as a bird, minutes equal to the BOD x3. By spending 10 points on this skill
or a plane. The character may move forward, up, down and left the amount of time increases to an hour. 25 points spent allows the
right, but may not move backwards or hover for more than one character to go indefinitely without breathing.
round, and requires its own skill based off REF. The 20-point
Optional Weakness – None:
version allows for flight like an insect or helicopter, allowing the
character to hover and move backwards, but still requiring its own (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
REF based skill. The 40-point version allows for perfect flight, Silver Surfer and DC’s Superman)
moving in all directions and hovering, it does not require it’s own
skill, but an Athletics check may be needed for difficult
At the 5-point level of this power, a character can go a number of
maneuvers, such checks may be made off the character Prime Stat.
days equal to his BOD without eating or drinking before suffering
This version also allows for flight in space, and allows the
the effects of starvation. 10 points lets the character go double this
character to “fly” underwater. Regardless of version, the character
time. At 25 points the character no longer needs to eat or drink.
can fly at the same Speed they run. For an additional point they
can double their speed while flying. Optional Weakness – None:
Optional Weakness – Flight Requires Motive Source: With this IMMORTALITY:
weakness the character is only able to fly through use of wings, jet This power slows or halts the aging process, depending on how
pack, or other motive means. Any damage taken to the motive many points are spent. Spending 5 Power Points on this power
source may hamper or end the characters ability to stay aloft. The allows the character to age 1 year for every ten years spent living
motive source can be Organic, Technological, or Mystical in after the power manifests itself. Spending 10 points allows the
nature. Organic wings can either be membranes expanding from character to age 1 year for every 50. Spending 25 points on this
the arms for a 50% PP reduction, or separate wings sprouting from power makes the character Immortal, from the moment this power
the shoulders that will be treated as 2 separate limbs for a 25% PP manifests itself, they will never age again, nor will they be effected
reduction. A technical motive source, such as a jet pack or rocket by any further bonuses or penalties for aging. It is important that
boots will have an SP of 10 and an SDP of 20 (for every five regardless of level bought, it is stated clearly during character
additional points spent both will raise by 10) and offers 10% PP generation the age of the character when this power manifested.
reduction. Mystic sources such as flying carpets or broomsticks
Optional Weakness – None:
will an SDP of 20 and confer the same PP reduction.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Vandal Savage)
Angel, DC’s Dawnstar, and Adam Strange)
This power makes the character immune to one type of threat
This power works in one of two ways, it either envelops the users
(Disease, Poison, Radiation, Heat, Cold). The type of threat
body, providing an SP of 5 for a number of rounds equal to the
immunity must be chosen at character generation. Buying the
character Prime Stat, or it creates a 1 meter by 1 meter “Shield” of
power for 5 points bestows a +5 to the characters Resist
Energy equal to SP:10 for an equal amount of time. In both cases
Torture/Drug skill. Buying it for 10 points makes the character
the armor is treated as hard. This power costs 2 points. Does not
completely immune to the chosen threat. The power can be bought
stack with Energy Field or Energy Bubble.
multiple times for different threats. The down side is that a
Optional Weakness – None: character immune to the threat also never receives its benefit, a
character immune to poison can’t get drunk, a character immune to
radiation can’t receive chemotherapy for cancer.
Somehow, the character is able to float gently to the ground from
any height, so long as they can catch a breeze (requires the Pilot: Optional Weakness – None:
Hangliding skill).
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Optional Weakness – None: Iceman from the X-men, and DC’s Infectia)
This 1-point power causes the characters body, or a specific part This 10-point power bestows the user with invisibility, making
(characters choice at Generation) to radiate a glow. The color of them unable to be seen by the human eye save for a slight glimmer
the glow will be any the character chooses, including rainbow (+6 to users stealth), The power requires the user to spend a full
effects. For 3 points the glow will vacillate between different action to use, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to their Cool,
colors, like a mood ring or a disco light. or until they or any weapon they are using comes into contact with
a sentient being. The power can be used a number of times equal to
Optional Weakness – None:
their stealth skill per day. Anything that allows a person to see into
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s other spectrums (such as thermograph, infrared, or ultraviolet) will
Dazzler and Dagger not be affected by this power. And if the user is in water or
precipitation the modifier to stealth drops to +3. Only the person
and the items he is holding or wearing when he becomes invisible
are affected. Anything he picks up afterwards will be visible and
be seen to float in the air. Spending 20 points doubles the Modifier.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Invisible Woman and DC’s Martian Manhunter)
The 5-point version of this power allows the character to jump With this power a character is able to manipulate the memories of
twice his normal distance. The 10-point version of this power another. First a successful Teledominance check must be made
raises the distance to x5. The 20-point version of this power raises against the targets Mental Defense (Or the target may make a Cool
it to x10. Spending a straight 50 points on this power allows the Save). 10-points spent on this power allows them to erase or alter
character to figure his distance in kilometers rather than meters. the memories a number of rounds into the past equal to their INT.
Spending 25 points changes this to minutes, 50 points changes this
Optional Weakness – None:
to hours, 100 points changes this to years, and 150 points changes
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s this to decades. Using this power takes a full round during which
Batroc Ze Leaper and The Incredible Hulk) time the character may do nothing else. For every advanced level
this power is bought at, the time it requires is x10 cumulative. It is
possible for a target to regain their memories, but it requires that
A 5-point power that allows a character to levitate up or down a
something happens which makes them seriously question their own
number of meters per round equal to their INT or MA (chosen at
memories or a related traumatic event.
character generation. This power does not allow for forward
motion, though an inventive character could equip himself with a Optional Weakness – None:
means of propulsion and steering, or possible use another power
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
for the same effect. In such a case, the Hang Gliding skill would
be used at a –3 modifier (though the GM may take this as a
suggestion and should be open to consideration of player MENTAL DEFENSE:
solutions). For every 2 points spent on this power a character is able to set up
defenses and strengthen their mind against mental or emotional
Optional Weakness – None:
attacks, giving them a +1 any saves to resist attacks that effect
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s INT, EMP, or COOL.
Optional Weakness – None:
This power replaces a characters arm with a tentacle, giving the
Spending 10 points on this power gives a range of kilometer and
character a +3 to all Grapple and Hold checks. The tentacle will be
extends the audio spectrum into the subsonic range, like a dog.
as long as the users arm, but for every additional 5 points spent on
Spending 25 points on the power allows the character to have a
this power the tentacle will increase in length 1 meter and provide
hearing range equal to the characters Awareness skill x their
an additional +3 to Grapple and Hold checks. If both arms are
Intelligence in Kilometers.
chosen the bonuses stack if the limbs are used simultaneously. The
user will still be able to use most simple tools and melee weapons, Optional Weakness – Sonic Overload: With this weakness the
but more complex items such as firearms would not be able to be character is extremely vulnerable to sonic based attacks, causing
used unless they were specifically made for such a task. If him either double damage, or double any modifiers.
someone chooses legs instead of an arm, they must choose both
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
legs. Doing so will give them 6 tentacles that will allow them to
Daredevil, Wildstorms Apollo, and of course, DC’s Superman)
have equal MA on land and in the sea, in addition to providing
them with +6 on all grapple hold, and sweep checks. Alternatively, META-VISION:
one could go the Snake or Merperson routes. The Snakeperson
option replaces their legs with a snake tail equal to x3 the standard
This 50 point power allows the character to see
height of the character, giving them the same bonuses to Grab,
everything as it truly is, it sees the Aura (see Psychic
Hold, and Sweep as the tentacles but also allowing the character to
Aura) of everyone and everything, it cannot be fooled by
constrict on a successful hold, doing 1d10+Str modifier in damage,
visual illusion, and it sees through all physical disguise.
or a tail swipe dealing the same amount of damage. If the
Merperson option is chosen, the characters legs are replaced with INFRARED/INFRAGREEN:
the tail of a shark, dolphin, or fish and his swim speed in times 3 For 5 points this power gives the user vision power into
his normal MA, but his land speed is reduced to 1. the infrared or infragreen spectrum.
Optional Weakness – None: LOW-LIGHT:
A 5-point power that enhances even the smallest amount
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
of ambient light. When active vision is black and white.
Lori Lemaris)
With this power, a character is able to use his own Luck to affect
The 5-point version of this power allows characters to see
any roll, not just his own, including rolls made by the GM, NPC’s
microscopic details as though they were looking through a
and other Characters. This power costs 10 points.
home microscope. The 20-point version allows character
Optional Weakness – Divine Providence: With this weakness, to see microscopic details as though looking through a
the character will only be able to use luck if the characters motives college microscope, the 50-point version as if through a
are altruistic. This weakness reduces the PP cost for this power by well funded hospital microscope, and the 100 point
2 points. version will allow characters to zoom in to atomic level as
through an electron microscope.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Longshot from The X-Men and DC’s Calamity King)

A 5-point power that allows characters to see into the This 1-point power changes the characters physical form in some
distance as though looking through a pair of binoculars. small way. Perhaps their hair turns green, perhaps they develop
A 20-point version of this power allows characters to see scales. The character looks abnormal but does not provides any
as though looking through a telescope. 50 points allows advantage or disadvantage. The alteration can be hidden, and the
the character to see as if through a powerful telescope. character will still pass for human under normal observation.
Spending 100 points on this power allows them to see as
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
if looking through an observatory telescope. This power
Doctor Samson , and DC’s Fire of Checkmate)
works with all vision enhancements except Microscopic.
Every 2 points spent on this power bestows a natural Armor equal
This power costs 5 points and allows characters to view
to SP:1, this armor is considered Soft (power does not stack with
the world in therm-optic vision.
Natural Armor Major). The maximum SP this will provide is 25.
Optional Weakness – Pain: With this weakness, the character
This 20-point power allows the character to see through
will still be just as protected, however they will feel pain as
walls, clothing and skin like an x-ray machine revealing
normal. Every attack that hits will force a stun save for an amount
only extremely dense matter such as metal and bones.
of damage equal to that of half the total rolled on the attack. Such
Spending 50 points on this power allows a character to
damage is purely stun, and can cause a character to lose
fine to it in such a way as to see layer by layer, such as
consciousness. This weakness reduces the PP cost of this power
seeing through clothes to a body underneath, or seeing
by half. This weakness can be taken for any power that provides
through the sides of a briefcase to read the papers inside.
Armor value. A lesser version is available that causes the character
This power works with Telescopic vision.
to take the damage save at 25%, and reduces the PP cost by 25%.
Optional Weakness – Lack Of Normal Vision: With this
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
weakness, this power, or powers, become the characters only
Luke Cage)
means of visual sense. Taking this weakness reduces PP cost for
any vision based powers (except Telescopic/Microscopic) by half. NATURAL WEAPONS (DEFENSIVE):
This power gives the character a natural defensive weapon, such as
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Malibu’s
spikes covering their body like a hedgehog or sharp scales like on a
Night Man and DC’s Hitman)
shark. For every 5 points spent on this power the character
META-VOICE: receives a +1 to all Grapple and Hold checks, and Grapple and
Hold checks also deal 1D6/2 Damage and an additional 1D6/2 to
all Ram attacks (maximum of 3d6 damage and +6 to skill rolls).
This power costs 5 points and lets the character raise his
Anyone attempting to physically attack or restrain the character
voice as though speaking through a loudspeaker. For 20
must first make a REF save with a negative modifier equal to –1
points the characters vocal volume will be as loud as
for every 5 points a character has spent on the power, or suffer the
through a concert speaker. For 50 points the character
damage. For an additional 10 points (does not count towards
can speak so loud that he does 2d10 to anyone within ten
negative modifier) these spikes can be extendable/retractable. If
meters (If the character takes enough from this to render a
the character has also taken the Venom power, then he may choose
limb useless or destroyed they are permanently deaf),
it to affect this power, coating the natural defense with venom.
anyone within 30 meters will have to make a save as
though a flashbang grenade has gone off or be deafened Optional Weakness – None:
for 1d6 minutes. shatters all glass within 50 meters and
he can be heard for a mile. For 100 points, his voice will
This power grants the user a natural weapon with a length of 1inch,
be as loud as a nuclear explosion, able to be heard for 10
usually fangs or claws, though other options such as protruding
miles and will shatter all glass for 5 miles, Do 5d10 to
bones, horns, natural spurs, or if the character has a tail, a stinger
anyone within 50 meters do 2D10 damage to anyone
are also viable choices. For a type of attack (Strike/Punch/Kick)
within ½ mile. Anyone within 1 mile will have to make a
this power will bestow 1d6/2 damage (bladed or bludgeoning, must
save as though a flashbang grenade has gone off or be
be chosen at Character generation) damage to their attack roll. The
deafened for 1d6 minutes.
power costs 2 Power Points, and for every additional 4 points spent
SUBSONIC: the natural weapon will increase 1d6/2 in damage and increases the
A 5-point power that will allow the character to vocalize length of the natural weapon by one inch. The maximum a natural
at subsonic and ultra-high range. weapon can achieve is 5d6. Providing there is realistically room in
the appendage, by spending 5 additional points, the weapon can
become retractable; extending/retracting is considered a quick
With this power a character is able to mimic the voice of
action. If the character has taken the Venom power, he may use it
another person perfectly. The power costs 3 points and
to affect this power, coating his natural weapons in a toxin.
provides a +2 bonus to Disguise. Every additional 2
points spent provides a further +1 to disguise, maximum Optional Weakness – Extension Damage: This weakness gives
of 10 (Bonus triples if on the phone or through other non back 3 PP, and only works on Natural weapons that can be
visual means of contact.) extended/retracted. Every time the character extends their natural
weapons, they do themselves 1d6/2 points of damage.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Wolverine, and Wildstorm’s Swift of The Authority)

This 5-point power grants the user a natural weapon with a length This 10-point power allows a character to get glimpses into the
of 1inch that the character can “launch” from their body, like a future. The information gleaned from these Glimpses into the
porcupines quills. The power has a range of 5 meters and one future is often very vague, but sometimes quite clear. The
natural ranged attack weapon at 1D6/2. For every additional 5 character may act to change the possible outcome. For every
points spent, the range increases by 5 meters and the damage by additional 10 points spent on this power the Glimpse into the
1d6/2 to a maximum of 4d6 and 50 meters. A character can also Future becomes stronger and more defined. The closer in time a
spend an additional 10 points, allowing him to launch a barrage of Glimpse shows, the clearer the image. For instance a character
Ranged natural weapons, the number of projectiles equal to the may get a Glimpse one round in the future that tells them another
characters BOD per round, each at the current range and damage. character will be killed when they open the door by a masked
This power uses the characters Cast from either Brawl/Melee or gunmen who will shoot them with small caliber weapon. But a
Martial arts. The character will regenerate his natural weapon after glimpse into a year from now may only reveal that a great disaster
using it every 10 rounds. For every additional 10 points spent on is going to happen somewhere. In such cases it would not become
this power, this time is reduced by 1 round. Alternatively, if the uncommon for a character to revisit a Glimpse, as they get nearer
Venom power is also taken this power can give the character a gas to the moment it happens, more and more details will emerge.
or poison attack, such a skunks spray or a Cobras Spit. Usually a character has no control over when a Glimpse is going to
occur, it may be while they are asleep, or it may come upon them
Optional Weakness – None:
out of nowhere (in other words at GM discretion, though Psionic
OBJECT CONTROL: Skill level should have a bearing on frequency of glimpses).
This 5-point power is a lesser, and specific form of telekinesis. However if the character enters a deep meditation he may try to
With this power the user can control one specific object, directing force a Glimpse. Attempts to receive a Glimpse are given a +1 per
its path at will, up to his max throw distance. The object must be every 10 points spent on the power to a character check, with a
less than 20 kilograms, and be no larger than a manhole cover. GM determining Difficulty based on time from event, and scale of
Use of this power is considered a Full Combat Action. The power the event (in relation to how it will effect either the character).
automatically generates its own skill (if a weapon is chosen the Getting a glimpse of the future takes a full round or more
character can choose to use the appropriate skill), based off the (depending on the length of the events in the glimpse)
characters Prime Stat ((INT or COOL) to control the object and
Optional Weakness – Damned Destiny: With this weakness the
attack. The character must be able to see the object he controls.
character knows when they are going to die, and they know
Optional Weakness – None: absolutely nothing will prevent it. This weakness comes in three
versions. For a 5-point reduction, the character just has visions of
their own death but no specifics. For a 25% reduction in PP cost
With this power a character can cause blindness or deafness to a
for the power, Roll 1d6, this is how many years from the characters
target. The 5-point version is a touch that causes blindness or
age at generation the character has to live. For a 50% reduction in
deafness (chosen at character generation) for a number of rounds
PP cost, roll 1d6, the character has months, not years.
equal to their COOL stat (or Prime Stat). The 10-point version
creates a field around the character equal to their COOL (Or Prime (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Destiny
Stat) in meters and affects anyone in range. from Marvel Comics)
Optional Weakness – None: PSYCHIC INVASION:
This 10-point power lets a character read minds, forcing their way
into their targets memories and extracting information. The
This 5-point power allows the character to choose one type of
Character makes an Interrogation at +1 opposed by the target
material and temporarily infuse it with the properties of another
making a Resist Torture (or Mental Defense). Character success
The alteration of an objects properties will only last for as long as
means he gleans an answer of one word per point of INT. Success
the character is in direct contact with it, or one of many pieces of
by more than 10 points means he is able to discern the exact details
identical material used to make up a larger object, and one round
of the information he seeks. Heroes should take extreme caution
after. The following example is mean to be taken as a guide::
using this power, as it can be considered evil, and some cases the
Paper to Steel: This variation uses paper and temporarily equivalent of mental rape. Every additional 10-points grant a +1 to
gives it the hardness of steel, allowing the character to create the Interrogation check (Max 20) and a +1 to the word limit per
melee weapons, including blades, out of pieces of paper. This point of INT.
power requires the use of the Origami skill to craft the desired
Optional Weakness – Specific Thought: With this weakness no
item out of cloth. Layered sheets of paper can be used to
questions are asked, instead the power works the same for every
create armor, or to give SDP to objects created from it. Every
target. The character chooses one question the power asks at
sheet of standard paper equals 1 SP and 2 SDP. Paper used to
character generation, such as “What are you most afraid of”.
create armor will count as hard, and for every SP:5 it provides
Taking this weakness drops PP cost of the power to 1-point, as
there will be a –1encumbrance penalty. Through the use of
well as additional PP cost for purpose of gaining the +1 to
origami, melee weapons and the like can be created from
Interrogation. Answer is revealed by mental image.
multiple pieces of paper. Even more difficult items are
possible, like paper airplanes large and strong enough to carry (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Mirage
a person (using Hang Gliding skill). The easiest use of this from the New Mutants by Marvel Comics)
power is to use a sheet of paper as a makeshift knife.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Paper
from R.O.D. and Ryoga Hibiki from Ranma 1/2)
PSYCHIC LINK: additional 20 points on this power at any level, the powers stolen
This 2-point power creates a Psychic link between the character will remain with the character indefinitely, or until new ones are
and one other chosen person or animal (chosen at character chosen. Additionally, Spending another 20 points on this power
generation). It allows the character to communicate telepathically. allows a character to steal powers from more than one target. If
If one person with a psychic link dies or undergoes immense pain, the Point Value of powers being stolen are roughly equal to or
it forces a Stun save on the other person sharing the link. Failure under the Current Power Point Value the Power Thief controls then
results in unconsciousness for 1d6 rounds. Characters can be the transfer is easy and painless. However if the Power Point
psychically linked to more than one person, each new link must be Value of the Target is significantly higher (more than 50 Power
purchased separately. Points) then the character and the target must make opposed Will
checks with the character suffering a -1 modifier for every 50
Optional Weakness – Corsican Link: With this weakness,
Power Points has less than the target. If he fails he must make an
characters not only share communications, but also physical
immediate Stun save with a negative modifier equal to the amount
sensation including intense pleasure and pain. What effects one
of points he lost the opposed roll by or be rendered unconscious
person will equally affect whomever he is bonded too, both
from the unbearable agony of trying to absorb more power than he
characters take damage equally and if one dies the other must
could contain for 2d6 minutes.
make a death save as well.
Optional Weakness – Inherit Weakness: By taking this
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include members
weakness, in addition to stealing another’s powers, the character
of Marvels New Mutants and DC’s Justice League)
also steals any Weaknesses the target has. Taking this weakness
PSYCHOMETRY: reduces the power cost by half.
This 20-point power allows the character to read the past of an
HINT: By spending 5 points on the Power Negation power as
object. It will allow the character to automatically see the faces of
well, when a power is “Stolen”, for the duration of the Powers
the last 2 people to own the item. By making a Awareness/Notice
effect the target the power came from will no longer have access to
skill check it will allow other information to be gleaned, such as
the stolen powers, and must make a –5 Stun Save (per 10 points
the persons name and any major events that occurred while holding
spent) or be unconscious for 1d6 rounds, however if the target
the item. Traumatic events will always resonate the strongest,
makes the save no powers are stolen
though details may be hazy. The skill check modifier is +1
difficulty for every owner previous to the target the character (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
wants information on, so if the character wants to find out more Rogue from the X-Men)
information about the 6th owner of an item, the difficulty would be
+5. A modifier may be given in the characters favor if the event REINCARNATION:
was traumatic, or the owner had such a strong bond with the item, This 20-point power allows the character to be Reincarnated every
such as the Spear Of Longinus, or Anastasia’s Teddy Bear, in time they die, with all their memories intact. The Reincarnated
which case a character would instantly gain +5 to the check. character will appear as if by magic, 24 hours after the character
dies, somewhere in the world at random. The new characters
Optional Weakness – None: body will be 5d10+5 years of age and be naked (consult Interlock
Unlimited Age rules for possible effects). The character has a 50
This power allows a character to completely negate the Meta- percent chance of returning as the opposite sex. Chosen at
Powers (including Magic and psionically based powers, but not character generation, the character will have to re-roll one random
technologically granted ones) of others. The 5-point version of stat (chosen on a D10 a roll of ten means stats say the same) or
this is a touch that negates the powers of the target for a number of switch one of his powers for a new one. A 40-point version of this
rounds equal to the characters COOL (or Prime Stat). Activating power allows the character to fore-go one of the effects (age
the power in a touch requires only that there is skin-to-skin contact. difference, gender change, Stat/Power change). A 60-point version
The 10-point version generates a field around the character equal allows the character to come back exactly the same. Spending an
to their COOL (or prime stat) in meters and the effect ends when additional 20-points at any level allows the character to choose
targets pass beyond the range. Spending an additional point on the exactly where he-reappears after death.
Touch version doubles the duration of the effect, while spending Optional Weakness – None:
an extra point the Field version doubles the range.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Optional Weakness – None: Shade the Changing Man and Solomon Grundy)
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Leech REGENERATION:
from Marvel’s X-Men) This 5-point power allows the character to Regenerate Damage at a
rate equal to their BTM per day. The 10-point version of this skill
This power allows a character to temporarily take Meta-Powers raises the rate of healing to an hourly basis, and the 30-point
from someone else (Magic and Technology based powers do not version of the power improves the rate to every minute.
apply) Merely by touching them (Normal Combat Action). At the Optional Weakness – None:
10-point buy of this power a character can steal one power from
someone else at a time, for a duration equal to his Cool (or Prime (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Stat). By spending 20 points the character can take a number of Wolverine and Deadpool, and DC’s Deathstroke the Terminator)
powers equal to 1/3rd of his COOL (or Prime Stat) for the same
duration. By spending 30 points the character can take a number
of powers equal to his COOL (or Prime Stat) for a duration equal
to his COOL. Spending 50 Points allows the character to take all
the powers of an individual opponent, or a number of Powers equal
to twice his Cool for double the duration. By spending an
This 5-point power lets the character sense Metapowers in others. For every 4 points spent, a character may raise the limit of a skill
It has a radius range equal to the characters EMP+INT. Every by 1. He must still use IP to raise the skill, but it will no longer
additional 10 points spent on this power doubles the range. cap at 10. (Max 20)
Optional Weakness – None: Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Caliban of the Morlocks) Bullseye and DC’s Mr. Fantastic)
This 6-point power generates a field of silence around a character, By spending 1 Power Point on this power, the character can swim
completely silencing anything within range. The fields range is at a speed equal to his Run. Spending 2 Power Points allows the
equal to the characters COOL (or prime stat) in meters. character move double his Run speed in the water. With this
power, the character can not only propel himself through the water,
Optional Weakness – White Noise: By taking this weakness, the
but also “jump” 1 meter for every 10 meters per round of speed he
silence is actually white noise, and though no one inside the area of
can travel provided he has at least a distance equal to the distance
effect can hear anything, anyone outside the area of effect can hear
he wishes to leap to build up speed.
everything that would carry that far. Taking this weakness reduces
the power cost by half. Optional Weakness – None:
SONAR/RADAR SENSE: (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
With this power the character develops a built in sonar or radar Orca)
sense, allowing him to see the shape of things and the speed and
direction that any objects are traveling. With this power, the
This power gives the character a useable tail. Each type of tail
character sees 3 dimensional shapes, but cannot see color at all.
costs 5 points, and types can be mixed to include one, all or any
The images will also give a hint as to relative density allowing the
mix of the variations. The tail will reach the characters knees, but
character to guesstimate between hard and sturdy objects as
can be extended at a rate of 1 increment for 1 point.
opposed to weak or flimsy or hollow spaces. This is a 5-point
power with a conic range equal to the characters INT in meters. 1. Prehensile (like a possum or some reptiles and monkeys,
For every additional 10 points spent on this power the range this tail can be used to grip objects, hold up the character,
doubles. etc… it has a Lift rating equal to ½ that of the character.
Optional Weakness – None: 2. Muscled (like a lizard or large reptile) this tail is thick and
muscled; it has a STR equal to the character and does as
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
much damage as a kick. It can be used to make tail
Daredevil and DC’s Aquaman)
swipes and sweeps (Using the characters Sweep attack) .
3. Swimming Tail, this tail is fined to aid in swimming, it
This power allows the character to increase a Stat point. Every
adds 10% to the characters Swim speed and gives him a
Power Point spent on this power allows for a 1-point increase to a
+2 to all water based maneuver checks.
maximum of 20. Multiple Stats can be raised, each must be paid
for separately. Every Stat point increase also grants 1 Skill Point. Optional Weakness – None:
Optional Weakness – None: TELEDOMINANCE:
This power lets the character psionically implant commands into
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
their target. The more specific command the easier it will be for
Captain America and DC’s Deathstroke the Terminator)
the character to follow. Taking this power will automatically
SUPER SENSES: generate its own skill at 1 level per 10 points spent on this power.
This power increases the ability of one type of sensory perception Implanting a Psionic command is done by making an opposed roll
(Sights, Smell, Taste, Touch, Hearing). In effect every 4 points using the characters Teledominance Skill against the targets Resist
spent on this power bestows a +1 (Maximum of 20) to any Torture (or Psychic Defense). If successful the character may
Awareness/Notice checks made using that sense. Multiple senses implant one command for every 20 points spent on the power..
can be enhanced, but each must be paid for separately. However if the target is ordered to do something that would cause
him pain or hurt someone else, he may, at the moment he is
Optional Weakness – Super Sensitivity: With this weakness, the
attempting to perform said task, make a COOL save at a –1 for
chosen Sense becomes overly acute, anything relating to that sense
every point he lost the roll to resist by. After a number of days
a normal person would find uncomfortable, is twice as bad for the
equal to the characters skill level, or under extreme circumstances
character. Any attacks or situations that target that sense such as
such as a loved one pleading with him, he may also make the save
Flash attacks on someone with enhanced vision, or a Sonic attack
with the same negative modifier in effect. Heroes should take
against a character with enhanced hearing, doubles all effects.
extreme caution using this power, as it can be considered evil, and
Taking this weakness reduces the total PP cost of power by half.
some cases the equivalent of mental rape.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Optional Weakness – None:
Daredevil and DC’s Wolfwood from Justice League Elite)
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Hector Hammond and Marvels Jason Wyngarde)

This power allows the character to use his mind to move and This power compels a target to tell the truth. For every 5 points
manipulate objects. Taking this power will automatically generate spent on this power the character receives a +2 to all Human
its own skill at 1 level per 10 points spent on this power. For every Perception, Interview, and Interrogation rolls. For a straight 50
level of skill the character may move or manipulate and object points, anyone targeted by the power MUST answer honestly any
equal to his INT multiplied by his Skill level in Kilograms. questions asked of them. The target does not have to volunteer
Moving, manipulating, or positioning an object requires the information, but he cannot willingly lie.
character to make a Telekinesis skill check. The character can
Optional Weakness – None:
move an object a number of meters per round equal to his INT+ his
Skill Level. A character can also make attacks with these objects, (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
by simply hurling them or by using the appropriate weapon skill Wonder Woman *though use of her Magic Lasso*)
and adding his Intelligence instead of his Reflex. Telekinesis will
also allow a character to assemble parts of an object or machine
This power gives the character one bodily fluid (such as blood,
faster, a character can assemble or disassemble a number of parts
saliva, etc…) a poisonous effect. For 5 points the poison is
equal to their Skill + Intelligence per round.
considered mild, for 15 points the poison is considered strong and
Optional Weakness – None: for 30 points the poison is considered powerful. Multiple bodily
fluids may be affected, however each must be bought separately.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Acid May also be chosen instead of poison.
Marvel Girl of the X-Men and Grifter of Wildstorm’s Wildcats)
Optional Weakness – None:
This power allows the character to know the general direction of (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
any person or object he has had physical contact with. Every 10 Poison Ivy and Marvels New Universe character Scuzz from DP7)
points spent on this power increases the range by 1 Kilometer. Use
of this power requires the character to spend a full round (no other
This 15-point power generates a field around a character. Anyone
actions allowed) to focus on their target.
within range of the field will immediately begin to suffer dizziness
Optional Weakness – None: and be at a –5 to all REF and TECH based rolls and movement
attempts, must make a –2 resist torture drugs check or become
violently nauseas (can take no action but movement) for 1d6
This Power allows a character to communicate mentally with
rounds after they have cleared the field, and will in general not be
others. For every 10 points spent on this power a character may
having a good time. The field’s range is equal to the characters
mentally communicate with 1 person regardless of physical
COOL (or prime stat) in meters. Spending 40 points on this power
doubles the range and all modifiers.
Optional Weakness – None:
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Charles Xavier of the X-men and Saturn Girl of DC’s Legion Of
Count Vertigo)
With this power a character can create a very sticky organic
This 5-point power that allows the character to Teleport anywhere
webbing, used to set traps, ensnare opponents, as a swing line, or
within line of sight. He may take his COOL x 200 in kilograms
even as a bungee. For 5 points the web will be somewhat elastic
and may Teleport a number of times per day equal to his INTx2.
and be able to support 400 kilograms and have a range equal to
Optional Weakness – None: 1/4th the characters throw. For 10 points the web will hold 800
kilograms and have a range equal to half the characters throw. For
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
20 points the webbing will hold 1600 kilograms and have a range
Nightcrawler and DC’s Ambush Bug)
equal to the characters throw distance. For every 10 points spent
TROLL BLOOD: after this, add 500kg and ½ the characters base distance. The
This power is a mix of Multiplicity and Major Regeneration and webbing will dissolve completely or turn into hair thin cobwebs
cost 25 Power Points. With it, any piece of a character that is 1d6 hours after use. Shooting the web as a swing line is a Quick
severed grows a self aware and independent duplicate of the Combat Action, setting up a snare, creating a web, or doing
Character at a rate of 1lb per day per point of BOD. Buying this something more complex takes 1Full Combat Action per square
power for 40 points allows that rate to increase to per hour. These foot.
duplicates will have the same memories and natural abilities as the
Optional Weakness – None:
character, and will be naked. They may or may not be friendly to
the character (50% chance) and are to be treated as NPC’s and not (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
under the characters control. Spiderman)
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Lobo *before he was neutered by Vril Dox*)

Tiered powers are bought in levels at a cost of the current level similar to how Skills are purchased through IP. In other words, raising a Tiered
Power from Level 3 to Level 4 would cost 3 points. Unlike skills however this cost is present at character generation as well as through earned
Power Points.

Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PP Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total PP Cost 1 2 4 7 11 16 22 29 37 46

ADVANCED REGENERATION: even the head. At Tier 9 the regrowth levels increase to per
This power heals the character of all damage, including limb loss. minute, and at Tier 10 the character will completely regenerate
It heals a number of points per day equal to the characters BTMx2 themselves so long as one drop of blood remains.
up to the 3rd Tier, starting at the 4th Tier the healing rate becomes
Optional Weakness – None:
per hour, at the 7th level the healing rate becomes per minute, at
Tier 10 the healing rate becomes per round. During Tiers 1-4, (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
severed limbs will re-grow at a rate of one inch per day, at Tiers 5- Lizard)
9 this rate increase to per hour and includes vital organs and
ANIMAL MIMICRY: Double, Triple and Quadruple. At the 5th Tier the
This power allows the character to mimic the natural ability of any distance increments change to Kilometers with the 6th, 7th,
animal he is within proximity of. It will give them the base ability 8,th and 9th Tiers again Doubling, Tripling, and
only, and not be taken from specific animals. For every Tier level Quadrupling the distance. At the 10th tier, the character
the range of the power increases at a rate equal to the characters can Teleport anywhere. When teleporting, the character
EMP x Tier level in meters. At level 5 the range increases to can bring up to 10 times his COOL stat in kilograms
increments of kilometers. For every point of EMP the character multiplied by the Tier Level. The character can only
can mimic one animal ability, though the abilities do not have to teleport to places he knows, or has a clear image of (such
come from the same animal. The duration will last so long as the as live video feed). Teleporting blind is possible, but very
character is in proximity to the animal plus a number of rounds dangerous. Anytime a character Teleports with out
equal to Tier level plus COOL. At the 5th Tier this durations knowing the exact spot he is traveling to (which must be
changes to hours, and At 10th Tier the Animal Mimicry has no free of any solid object) he takes the chance of teleporting
duration limit, though the limit of powers is still in place. With into an object and instantly fusing with it. If a character
this power the character could give himself the strength of an Bear, does fuze with an object he immediately gets to make a
the borrowing ability of a worm, the swimming capability of a REF saving throw, success means the teleport fails and
dolphin. The animal must be natural for the character to mimic its the character remains in his original location, a failure
abilities, in other words the character will receive no abilities from means his is permanently fuzed with the object. If the
Meta enhanced animals, Magical Beasts, or Mechanical constructs. object is small roll a location, as normal, the limb rolled is
permanently fuzed to the object and useless, if head or
Optional Weakness – Animalistic Mind: This weakness imposes
torso are rolled, the character dies instantly. Teleportation
a penalty to INT, Cool or EMP based actions on the type of
is considered a Full-Action and can be used a number of
creature the character is mimicking. –1 for Simian Creatures, -2
times equal to the characters INT + Power Tier Level x 2
for Higher Mammals such as bears, dogs, and cats, -3 for Lower
per day.
Mammals such as rodents (birds fall into this category as well), -4
for Reptilian and other cold blooded creatures, -5 for most insects 2. EXTRA DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL:
and arachnids, -6 for hive mind insects such as bees and ants. For This use of the power allows a character to travel to
a 25% reduction in cost for the power the character may choose another dimension or world. For every tier level they
which Stat this Weakness effects. The character may choose to purchase of this power, they may remain in the other
take the weakness for two or even all three stats, for each of the world or Dimension for an equal period in days, at Tier 3
three stats chosen the PP cost for the power is reduced by 25% for this becomes Weeks, at Tier 5 it becomes Months, at Tier
a max of a 75% decrease in PP cost. 8 it becomes Years, and at Tier 10 it becomes Indefinite.
This power require a full round to activate, and will open
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
a portal for a number of rounds equal to the characters
Animal Man)
Tier level. The amount of weight a character can take
BESTOW POWER (Major): with him is the same as that listed for Major
Every Tier of this power allows the character to bestow part of Teleportation. The character must know the Dimension
their own power to a number of individuals or objects equal to or World he is traveling too, and this power will put at a
their Prime Stat + Tier level. By sacrificing their own PP from random location on the surface of the planet or dimension.
their total, thus weakening themselves, they are able to infuse If the Character also has Major Teleportation he or she
others with their own meta power at an equal rate. They can may choose their exact destination on the planet or
sacrifice as many PP as they like, and give it all to one target or dimension, providing of course they are familiar with it.
multiple targets. Unlike the minor version of this which only The character can use this power once per week for every
effects objects, this version does not regenerate the points, though Tier he has purchased.
the character may choose to take them back at any time. The
standard version of this only allows the target to receive PP and
With this power a character has access to a small extra
apply them to powers the Character possesses, however spending
dimensional space he can use for storage. The amount of
any additional 25 points will allow the bestowed PP to be spent on
weight the space can contain is equal to the characters
any power the target wishes to put it in.
LUCK x100 in kilograms multiplied by the Power Tier
Optional Weakness – None: Level x 100. At Tier 10 the space becomes infinite. The
opening of this space can be any size the character
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
chooses, but once chosen it will remain that size for good.
Galactus and DC’s Shazam)
The opening can also be on any object that has enough
EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL ACCESS: surface space for the opening. Popular choices include
With this Power characters can access another dimension, this bags, chests, walls, cloaks, even on the characters body.
power is manifested in one of three ways which must be chosen at
Optional Weakness – Hostile Territory: The dimension the
creation. All three varieties can be chosen for the same character,
character has access is inhabited with hostile creatures, every time
but they must pay separately for each. If the character does choose
they travel to this dimension there is a 10% chance per round they
more than one manifestation of this power, it should be assumed
will be present and attack. This weakness reduces the power cost
that they are somehow connected and come from the same source.
by 25%.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
For each Tier of this power bought, the character is able
Magick of the New Mutants and Cloak of Cloak and Dagger)
to teleport by stepping through dimensional rifts, folding
space around themselves. At the first tier of purchase the
Character can teleport a number of meters equal to their
Intelligence. At the 2nd,, 3rd, and 4th Tiers the distances
With this power a character can control the elements of Fire Earth This power allows the character to control the water
Wind, and Water. A character may choose more than one, but around him. He can create whirlpools, waterspouts,
must pay separately for each. Elemental Domination requires a waves, part the sea, and even direct the flow of water into
Prime Stat of INT, COOL, or EMP. an attack. For every Tier of this power purchased, the
character can control 2 square meters of water with a
range of 5 meters away from himself. All uses of this
This power allows the character to control the earth and
power are a Full Combat Action. If the character uses the
rock around him. He can create earthquakes, open
power to cause a waterspout, it will cause 1d6/2 damage
fissures, change the density of the ground turning it harder
per Tier to anyone it hits, and anyone sucked into a water
or softer, even creating a “wave” of dirt and rock. For
spout or whirlpool will be subject to submersion and
every Tier of this power purchased, the character can
drowning rules and suffer a –1 penalty per Tier to all
control 2 square meters of earth and stone with a range of
actions due to the violent spinning and low visibility. The
5 meters away from himself. All uses of this power are a
character can part deep water with this power, he must do
Full Combat Action. If the character uses the power to
so in a line, and choose how deep and long the part is to
cause an earthquake, the quake will cause 1d6 damage per
the maximum allowable depth (determined by Tier
level to any structures, and cause any living thing in that
Level), The water will part at a rate of one meter per Tier
spot to make an Athletics roll with a negative modifier
per round, and will close at the same rate. If the character
equal to the Users power tier to remain standing. If the
creates a wave, the wave height and length will be
character decides to use the power to open up a fissure, he
determined by the Tier level of the power, it will move
must do so in a line, and choose how deep and long the
equal to the Characters MA, and it will do 1d6 damage
fissure is to the maximum allowable depth (determined by
per Tier level to whatever it crashes into. If the character
Tier Level), The fissure will open at a rate of one meter
desires, he may ride this wave as though her were surfing
per Tier per round, and will close at the same rate. If the
by making a Cool check or by using the Skate/Surf skill,
character creates a “wave” of earth, the wave height and
with a modifier of +1 for every Tier. With this power the
length will be determined by the Tier level of the power,
character may also direct a gout of water, increasing or
it will move equal to the Characters MA, and it will do
decreasing its pressure to make a 1d10 Pier Tier attack,
1d10 damage per Tier level to whatever it crashes into. If
like the spray from a fire hose. The character cannot
the character desires, he may use ride this wave as though
create water, though if a source of water, such as a faucet
her were surfing by making a Cool check by using the
or fire hydrant is near, he can cause it to burst by building
Skate/Surf skill, with a modifier of +1 for every Tier.
up pressure. This Power does not have to effect water, it
FIRE: may effect any liquid, though the liquid must be chosen at
This power allows the character to control the elemental character generation. For an additional 30 points, the
force of Fire. He can shape it, increase or decrease it’s power can be adjusted to control ALL liquid.
size, and direct its path. For every Tier the character
control 2 square meters of fire with a range of 5 meters
With this power the character holds dominion over the
away from himself. The character can increase the size of
levels of wind. They can make Stronger or Weaker, and
the fire to it’s maximum, or decrease it to the point of
can make it blow from any direction, even creating
extinguishing it. The character may shape the fire into
whirlwinds and tornadoes. For every Tier of this power
any form her desires up to its size limit, though more
the range of their powers effect increases by their COOL
complex shapes require the Sculpture skill. He may
+ Tier Level x 10 in meters. With in this range, the
attack with the fire, doing 1d6 burning damage per TIER
character can move the level of wind one category in
by sending a gout of flame to cover the target, or by
either direction equal to their COOL per round. Using
gathering the fire into a ball and launching it at a target at
this power requires a Normal Combat Action, and the
a range equal to his Tier x 10 in meters. He may also
duration will last for 1d6+ Tier Level in rounds from the
spread the fire out, decreasing the damage for more
last wind shift before the wind begins returning to normal
coverage. The character may keep the fire burning
at a rate equal to the Cool + Tier level in minutes. This
without fuel, however once the character has left the
power can be used to fly by basically lifting and guiding
range of effect, any fires will burn themselves out
the character and/or anyone the character targets within
normally. Having this power automatically makes one
range, the Speed will be equal to the Tier Level plus the
immune to Fire and Heat while it is active, even as far as
Prime Skill.
allowing it to cover the characters own body, coating him
in a heath of flame providing him limited armor form WIND INCREMENT CHART
bullets and melee weapons (the fire surrounding a Still Breeze Light Medium Strong F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
characters body will stop 5 points of damage per Tier Wind Wind Wind
from a fired projectile, if the damage does not get HINT: Use this power with Elemental Domination: Wind,
through, the object melts or burns up before hitting) and Temperature Manipulation, and Energy Emission to gain complete
allow the character to add the flame damage (ID10 per mastery over the weather.
Tier) to his melee attacks.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Storm of the X-Men, DC’s Red Tornado of the Justice League, and
Eclipse Comics Elementals)

With this power, the character can release a powerful blast of Similar to Energy Field, this power creates a protective bubble of
energy. The Type of Energy must be chosen at Character energy. The bubble protects against pressure and vacuum, and
Generation. Typical energy types include heat, cold, wind, psychic provides an SP of 5 for every Tier level. The bubble measure 2
energy, laser, sonic, radiation, plasma, water, , etc. The type of square meters for every Tier level and can hold a weight in
power may or may not have secondary effects or applications that kilograms equal to the character Prime Stat x Tier Level x 100 and
can be purchased via Power Points as separate powers. The will last for a number of hours equal to the Prime Stat plus Tier
character must also state at character generation how this Energy Level. Generating the bubble is a Full Combat Action. The
Emission is applied, either in a directed blast, a cone, or an character does have options. The character can modify the size,
explosion. Depending on the Energy Emission Effect (see table shape, and SP of the bubble. A character can decrease the SP and
below), it may require a To-Hit roll, in this event, the Power will weight limit to make a platform disc for carrying something, or
automatically generate a new skill on the players sheet that starts increase the SP and create a shield by decreasing size and weight
out equal to the characters Power Tier. However this new skill can limit. The formula is: 2 Square Meters = 5 SP = 100kg
be raised normally via earned IP during the game, and no further
Optional Weakness – None:
infusion of Power Points into the Power will effect the new skill.
This new skill will be tied to whatever the Character has chosen as (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
his Prime Stat, and will act off that in the same way that a Weapon Invisible Girl and DC’s Green Lantern)
Skill works with REF. Regardless of effect chosen, a character
may always choose to do minimum damage. A character may also
With this power a character can heal damage for a number of
choose to do less damage in die increments in order to save on
points equal to their PRIME stat. They can use this power on
Damage Points. The number of uses this power has is equal to the
themselves or any other living creature, and spread the points from
character Tier Level x Prime Stat. Once a character has used these
a heal out as needed. They can do this a number of times per day
points he must wait until the points regenerate at a rate of Tier
equal to their Power Tier Level x 3. Using the power is a full
Level + Stat per hour. What the power looks like is completely up
action, during which time the character can do nothing else in the
to the player.
round except a move at half MA. However once "charged" the
ENERGY DAMAGE RANGE EFFECT character can hold the "charge” of healing energy for a number of
EFFECT INCREASE INCREASE PER DURATION rounds equal to his Cool, and release it as a Quick Combat action,
PER TIER TIER or direct it as a blast to hit someone a distance away equal to their
Large Blast 1D10 5 Meters Instant Tier level x 2 in meters. Using the healing charge in such a manner
(Single burst) * only bestows half the number of points healed. If the character is
Ray (continuous 1D6 10 Meters Full Full Round
forced to make a stun save for any reason (such as taking damage)
beam)* Round + @
Cone (or spray) 1D10+5 1 Meter Full Round
and fails, the stored healing charge is lost and wasted. They can
Burst (explosion)# 2D10 Radius 1 Meter Instant exceed or boost their healing limit by actually spending their own
or 1d6 or ½ Meter health at a ratio of 1 point of personal health for 5 points of healing
Aura (continuous 1D6/2 1 Meter 5 Rounds (a character cannot use this aspect of the power on themselves).
emission)% Per Tier
Upon reaching the 10th Tier of this power level, a character may
* If this Effect is chosen the Character Automatically gets the skill to
attempt to raise someone from death. Doing so requires that the
use this power at a level equal to his Power Level at Generation.
# This effect works in one of two ways, which must be chosen at
user has performed no healing that day, to bring someone back
Character Generation. 1. is an Explosion centered on the character expends all uses of a power per day for a number of days equal to
and emanating out in a 360 degree radius (if option 1 is chosen the the amount of days the target has been dead. This use of the power
character is immune from his own explosion), or 2. The character uses can be used in concert with other characters with the same power,
his power to “Charge” an item and can use it as either a thrown allowing them to add their powers together, expending them
weapon that detonates on impact or as a time bomb with a fuse equal equally for a target who has been dead longer than the spell would
to his Power level x3 in seconds (Skill in Brawl/Melee or a Martial allow. If more than ten users of this power work together, the ratio
Art is required and works off REF as normal. changes to weeks instead of days. Use of the power in this fashion
% This Effect requires no skill to use and is a field that emanates instantly costs the character using it and the target it effects 1d6
continuously from the Character in a 36 degree radius, it may be
points of humanity. Target must agree to come back.
turned on or off as a Quick Action and can operate up to 5 rounds per
tier level before a Cool Save must be made to maintain the effect each
round. (If they take this power and take the Dangerous Exposure feat Optional Weakness – Life Trade: With this weakness, a
they receive 1 extra Power Point) character takes half the damage he heals in others, literally
taking the pain himself. This weakness drops the power cost
Optional Weakness – None: by 75%.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Cyclops the X-Men and DC’s Black Canary of the Birds Of Prey) Healer of the Morlocks)
This power creates a Force Field around the characters body, the
field has an SP equal to the users Prime Stat x the Tier level of the
power. By spending 2 extra points at the first Tier, the field will
also provide the character with air and protect them from pressure
and vacuum. Generating an energy field is a full combat action.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Green Lantern) 19
This power allows the character to create an illusion. For every This power allows the user to make duplicates of themselves. For
Tier the illusion becomes harder to differentiate from reality, every Tier of this power bought the character can have 1 duplicate
providing a –2 per Tier to a visual check by anyone attempting to active. The duplicate is exact to the character at the time of
interact with the illusion, at Tier 2 the illusion can also create duplication, including their clothing and gear (Non-meta or magic
sound, at Tier 4 it can create smell, at level 6 it can create touch at items only). Any wounds the duplicate suffers will not effect the
Tier 8 it creates taste. Each Tier also increases the illusions Character until he reabsorbs the duplicate, at which point the
maximum size at a rate equal to the characters Prime Stat + their characters suffers 1 point of damage for every 10 points the
Skill (Paint/draw/ Disguise/ perform, or Persuasion, chosen at duplicate took. If the Duplicate dies, the character immediately
character Generation) x their Tier level in centimeters, changing to takes 1d10 damage and must make a stun save at –1 for every
Meters at Tier 3, and Kilometers at Tier 8. By sacrificing one or Duplicate that has been killed within 24 hours. Bringing forth (and
more aspects of the illusion (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste), the reabsorbing) a duplicate is a Full Combat Action. Duplicates
size of the illusion will change by a ratio of x5. themselves can bring forth more Duplicates, though these would
still count against the Characters max limit of duplicates.. There is
Optional Weakness – One Theme Power: With this weakness,
no time limit for the duplicate, and they can be re-absorbed
the character may only cast an illusion adhering to a theme. Such
immediately no matter where they are. Only with GM approval
as targets worst fear, or their most sought after prize, or their
can this power be upgraded in the following ways. 1. By spending
greatest love, or buildings, or something as simple as themselves.
3 Power Points, upon re-absorption, the user will gain the
Taking this weakness drops the PP cost of this power by half.
memories of the duplicates last 24 hours. 2. By spending 2 Power
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s Points, the amount of duplicates a character can have active at a
Mirage of the New Mutants) time doubles.
MASS MANIPULATION: Optional Weakness – Unique Duplicates: With this weakness,
With this power a character may increase or decrease their own the duplicates have their own personalities, distinct from the
weight. For every Tier of this power purchased, the character may character. The personalities will be exactly the same at the time of
increase or decrease their weight a number of kilograms equal to duplication, but the longer the duplicate exists, the more
their Prime Stat (or BOD) multiplied by the tier level per round. independent he will come, possibly even refusing to rejoin with the
character. For every day the duplicate exists, he gains a +1 to a
Optional Weakness – None:
Resist Torture roll that he can use to oppose a characters
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s Intimidation or Persuasion to rejoin (the duplicate cannot use Luck
Harry Leland of the Hellfire Club) on this roll). If this weakness is taken then the character must
Touch a duplicate to re-absorb him. This weakness gives a 25%
power cost reduction.
With this power the character can move and shape ferrous metals.
For every Tier of this power the character can control a number of Optional Weakness – Temporal Duplicates: By taking this
kilograms of ferrous metal equal to the characters Prime Stat (INT, weakness, the duplicates a character manifests are actually the
EMP, or COOL only) multiplied by his current Tier Level. Items character themselves, from moments in there own future. If one of
under his control can be lifted or thrown (at a rate per round equal these duplicates dies, then the player rolls 2d6. The result is how
to his Tier + Prime Stat in meters) or shaped. Shaping metal into many months the character has left to live. Roll 3D10 to determine
anything other than basic shapes requires the Sculpture skill. exact day of the month. Taking this weakness reduces the power
Throwing a metallic object as an attack is done as a Brawl/Melee cost by 50%
attack, however the character uses his Prime Stat instead of his
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
REF. If the metallic object is embedded in another substance, then
Triplicate Girl of the Legion OF Superheroes)
the character can attempt to rip it free, for every Tier of power the
character can ignore 10 points of SP or SDP to do so. For an extra NATURAL ARMOR (Major):
50 points, this power will even allow the character to target metal For every Tier of this power a character purchases, they gain 10 SP
through shielding, such as the iron in a characters blood, doing so of Natural Hard Armor.
requires a Full Combat Action and is an attack mae with the Prime
Optional Weakness – None:
Stat and a new skill that automatically generates called Magnetic
Surgery (which can also be used for first aid rolls), the character (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
may choose to do 1d6 damage per Tier of internal organ damage, Juggernaut and DC’s Etrigan)
this ignores any armor the character may be wearing (unless it
specifically protects against the effects of magnetism, such as
being shielded against EMP). The power has a range equal to the
Prime Stat multiplied by the Tier in meters. At 4th Tier the amount
in Kilograms a character may manipulate Is doubled, and at 8th
Tier, it is Tripled.
Optional Weakness – Interference: The character interferes with
any electronic device they touch. No electronic device will work
for the character. Digital watches, computers, video games, radios,
phones, cybernetics, any electronics the character touches will
become useless for as long as the character remains in physical
contact. This weakness reduces the cost of this power 10%.
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Magneto, and DC’s Doctor Polaris)
With this power a character holds dominion over the levels of This power increases the physical Beauty of the character as
precipitation in the air. Depending on the temperature, theyan though the ATTR was increased, affecting all bonuses to
make it rain, snow, sleet, hail or end any of the aforementioned interpersonal skills. However the actual ATTR Stat does not
precipitation effects. Unless they are in an area absolutely devoid increase for the purposes of skill resolution and saves.
of humidity (such as space) they may increase or decrease the level Additionally, each Tier grants a +1 bonus to all interpersonal
of precipitation. For every Tier of this power the range of their resolution checks, and forces a Cool save at a –1 per Tier for any
powers effect increases by their COOL + Tier Level x 10 in creature with EMP Stat who wishes to attack or do them harm.
meters. With in this range, a character can move the level of
precipitation one category in either direction equal to their COOL Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
per round. Using this power requires a Normal Combat Action, Beauty Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and the duration will last for 1d6+ Tier Level in rounds from the Optional Weakness – None:
last precipitation shift before the weather begins returning to
normal at a rate equal to the Cool+Tier level in minutes. (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include the Greek
PRECIPITATION INCREMENT CHART Goddess Aphrodite and Marvel’s Starfox)
Clear Drizzle Light Medium Heavy Downpour/ Deluge/
/ Flurry Precip. Precip. Precip. Blizzard Whiteout
This power increases the Humanity of the character as though the
Optional Weakness – None: EMP was increased, affecting the characters total Humanity
(Tip: Use this power with Elemental Domination: Wind, Score.. However the actual EMP Stat does not increase for the
Temperature Manipulation, and Energy Emission to gain purposes of skill resolution and saves. Additionally, each Tier
complete mastery over the weather.) grants a +1 bonus to all interpersonal resolution checks, and forces
a Cool save at a –1 per Tier for any creature with EMP Stat who
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s wishes to attack or do them harm.
Storm of the X-men and Rainmaker of Wildstorms Gen-13)
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ROT: Charisma Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This power allows the character to instantly decay any matter they
comes in contact with. The character must choose to be able to Optional Weakness – None:
effect organic or inorganic matter at character creation. For every (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Jenny
Tier of this power the character can effect 5lbs. of matter every Sparks of Wildstorms Authority)
round. Metal rusts, Stone crumbles, wood rots, flesh decays. For
double the cost, this power disintegrates anything, organic or SUPER COORDINATION:
inorganic. This power increases the Hand Eye Coordination of the character
as though the REF was increased, affecting the number of skills
Optional Weakness – None: points (ala character generation with one caveat, REF based skills
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s cost normal amount, non-REF based skill cost 3 points for every
Wither of the New X-Men) level below ten on the requisite stat) a character receives.
SIZE ALTERATION: However the actual REF stat does not increase for the purposes of
Every Tier of this power bought allows the character to grow or skill resolution and saves.
shrink (must be chosen at character generation) 1 increment size Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(according to Interlock Unlimited core rules size chart), however Coordination 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
this power extends into the micro- and macro-scopic ranges Multiplier
beyond what is listed in the chart, though following the same
progression. Spending an additional 20 points will allow the Optional Weakness – none:
character to choose both, but growing and shrinking must be (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
bought separately, although if the character decides beforehand the Deathstroke and Midnighter of Wildstorms Authority)
10 increment or less limits, he may move up and down that scale
for the price of one (such as if he chose to limit his growth/shrink SUPER DEXTERITY:
from tiny to giant). Shrinking and growing bestow the effects This power increases the Manual Dexterity and Technical Ability
listed on the chart, however for 25 points, when shrinking they of the character as though the TECH was increased, affecting the
may retain their normal strength down to Tiny size, reducing it by number of skills points (ala character generation with one caveat,
10% for every increment after that. It takes one round per TECH based skills cost normal amount, non-Tech based skill cost
increment to increase or decrease in size, though spending an 3 points for every level below ten on the requisite stat) a character
additional 20 points will change the time limit to a Normal Combat receives. However the actual TECH stat does not increase for the
Action per Increment. purposes of skill resolution and saves. Additionally, for every Tier
of this power taken the character can perform one extra non-
Optional Weakness – Set Size: With this weakness a character combat action per round.
may only grow or shrink to one certain size chosen at character
generation. The size may be any size the character could achieve Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
in one round, but he may not deviate from that. Taking this Dexterity Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
weakness reduces the cost of this power by half.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Giant
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Man and Wasp of Marvel’s Avengers and DC’s Atom of the
Max Mercury)
Justice League)

Every Tier of this power adds one box to each wound category. This power increases the STR of the character as though the BOD
This also has the effect of raising the number of points of damage was increased, effecting Lifting Capacity, STR bonus to damage,
able to be taken in a single attack before a limb is considered and BTM. However the actual BOD Stat does not increase for the
disabled or destroyed/severed by 3 points each every Tier. purposes of skill resolution and saves.
Optional Weakness – None: Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include EC Strength Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Comic’s The Tick and Majestic of Wildstorm) Optional Weakness – None:
SUPER IQ: (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
This power increases the IQ of the character as though the INT was Superman and Marvels Incredible Hulk)
increased, effecting the number of skills points (ala character
generation with one caveat, INT based skills cost normal amount, SUPER WILL:
none intelligence based skill cost 3 points for every level below 10 This power increases the Willpower of the character as though the
on the requisite Stat) a character receives. However the actual INT COOL was increased, for the purposes of all Saves (except Death)
stat does not increase for the purposes of skill resolution and saves. regardless of Stat. However the actual COOL Stat does not
increase for the purposes of skill resolution.
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IQ Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
WILL Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Optional Weakness – None:
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Thinker and DC’s Braniac 5 of the Legion of Superheroes) (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
This power increases the amount of Luck points a character has to TEMPERATURE MANIPULATION:
spend as though the LUCK was increased.. However the actual Every Tier of this power allows the character to change the
LUCK Stat does not increase for the purposes of skill resolution temperature in an area equal to the characters Tier Level + Prime
and saves or the amount of Power Points a character receives. A Stat at a range of 10 degrees per round per tier level. Using this
maximum of the character actual Luck stat + the Tier Level of the power is a Normal Combat Action.
power can be spent on each use. Exception: If character chooses to Optional Weakness – None:
expend all his luck points for the day on a single action, the result
is not only successful, but results in the best possible outcome. (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Pyro and DC’s Killer Frost)
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Luck Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
With this power a character may control any vegetation in the area,
Optional Weakness – None: even seeds and spores. For every tier of this power bought a
character can make any plant within range grow (or move in the
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
case of vines and branches) at a rate of 1 meter x tier level per
Domino of X-Force)
round. The range of this power begins with touch, and becomes
SUPER SPEED: field around the character equal to Tier Level + Prime Stat (usually
This power increases the Speed of the character as though the MA Empathy) per round till the 5th Tier, at which point the range
was increased, effecting their Run, Leap, and Swimming Speeds. doubles every tier. Providing the plant is strong enough a
However the actual MA Stat does not increase for the purposes of character can have it use its branches to lift objects and make
skill resolution and saves. attacks. A plants STR bonus will be equal to its SDP. A plant can
only make Brawl/Melee attacks and will do so at the level of the
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Charcter (If the character has a Martial Art the plant will have a
Speed Multiplier 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Brawl/Melee equal). Commanding a plant to take any action
Optional Weakness – Super Metabolism: Character must including grow requires a Normal Combat Ation, however if they
consume a number of kg of food equal to their tier level per hour have this power AND Plant Affinity at equal levels, the plant will
or immediately begin suffering starvation effects at an advanced follow commands but act on its own whereby it can attack or
rate changing stagees by hour instead of by day. move. Any action a plant takes on its own takes up the full round
and if the plant is removed form the characters effective range, all
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s effects cease.)
Flash and Impulse and Marvel’s Quicksilver)
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy)

Its possible for powers to increase after Tier Ten, at this point the powers take on Demi-God Status, and each tier level past 10 ads a decimal
point to the effect of the power. In other words, a power like Super Speed becomes multiplied by 100 instead of 10. Die effects become
increase as normal, but gain 2 die increments each level. Touch attacks become Range attacks as under the energy emission rule.
Some powers are only available at the Demi-God Level. The Tiers for Demi-God Level Powers are:
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PP Cost 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Total PP Cost (DemiGod Tier) 10 20 40 70 110 160 220 290 370 460
Total PP (Standard Tier) 56 67 79 92 106 121 137 154 172 191
For every Tier of his power, a character may transmute the matter At the 1st tier of this power a character can move forwards or
of one object with a weight equal to the characters Prime Stat backwards in time 1 round per level of Prime Stat or INT. At the
(INT, EMP, or COOL only) x the Tier level divided by 2. At 4rth 2nd tier this becomes minutes. At the 3rd tier it becomes hours, at
Tier they no longer divide by 2, and at 8TH tier they double. By re- the 4th tier it becomes days, at the 5th Tier it becomes an weeks, at
arranging the molecules of an object they may turn it into anything the 6th tier it becomes months, at the 7th Tier it becomes a months,
else, such as turning water into wine, wood into gold, cement into 8th Tier years, 9th Tier a decades, and at 10th tier it becomes
jelly. A character cannot transmute non-organic material into centuries.
living matter. Not can they create mechanical objects, though they
Optional Weakness – None:
can create the individual pieces of a mechanical object and later
assemble them. (Popular examples of Characters with this Power include DC’s
Metron and Waverider)
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s
Molecule Man and DC’s Firestorm)

Beyond Demigod Levels there are the Celestial Levels, where yet another decimal is added. Die effects such as for damage become multiplied
by 100. Some powers are only available at the Celestial Level. The Tiers for Celesitial Level Powers are”
Tier Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PP Cost 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Total PP Cost (Celestial Tier) 100 200 400 700 1100 1600 2200 2900 3700 4600
Total PP Cost (DemiGod Tier) 560 670 790 920 1060 1210 1370 1540 1720 1910
Total PP (Standard Tier) 211 232 254 277 301 326 354 381 409 438
This Celestial level power allows a character to literally manipulate the laws of space and time. For every Tier of this power, the character can
alter reality to his will at a range equal to the total PP cost in meters. Range doubles at 4th Tier, and Triples at 7th. At 10th Tier the character can
manipulate reality across the entire solar system.
Optional Weakness – None:
(Popular examples of Characters with this Power include Marvel’s Beyonder and Franklin Richards )

WEAKNESSES. These are side effects of a characters powers, some are merely superficial, other scan be quite vicious. Weaknesses
reduce the cost of power points, or may grant extra power points. In some cases a character may choose at character generation how
many powers a specific standard weakness apply too, in this circumstance the weakness only reduces the Power Cost to that specific
power. If the character chooses to have a Standard Weakness affect all his powers, he may reduce the listed cost of his PP total,
however some Standard powers only effect powers of a certain type. There is no limit to the number of weaknesses a character may
take. Regardless of how low the Power Point cost is taken due to Weaknesses, Every power must cost a minimum of 1-point.

activated a characters ability to use their powers is limited to a character becomes permanently disabled, they may choose to
specific amount of time. For a 5-point reduction to the characters either lose a sense (Vision, Hearing, Speaking) or a Stat drops to
total power cost the time limit is equal to their BOD or Prime Stat 1D2 (chosen from MA, BOD, REF, or INT). This Weakness
in hours. Dropping the time limit to minutes ups the PP cost reduces the total Power Point cost by 50%.
reduction to 25%. Dropping the time limit to rounds reduces the
total PP cost by 50%.
TIME – This weakness only effects characters with 3 or more
ACTIVATION OF POWERS IS REQUIRED: The characters separate powers, and reduces the total PP cost by 25%.
power is not on all the time, some magic word, device, piece of
DANGEROUS EXPOSURE - The characters power makes them
technology, or circumstance, must be activated before their powers
dangerous to be around. Maybe they give off radiation, or their
manifest. Their powers are not inherent, and can be stripped away
touch burns, or possibly they breath a poison gas. Regardless they
by removing them from the item or situation that grants them.
are denied physical or intimate contact, as it might hurt or even kill
The 1st level of this power is the broadest, like Juggernaut those they care about. This weakness Should be in some way
touching the ruby of Cyttorak, or Superman gaining his related to the characters power, and will not only prevent him from
powers from our Yellow sun. The powers may be touching people, but he will take a -1 penalty to any empathy
removed by eliminating exposure to the item or situation, based saves due to his feelings of isolation.
but doing so is very difficult. This reduces the cost of any
For a 5 point power cost reduction the danger could be
or all powers that have this weakness by 5%
controlled or contained, such as Cyclops and his ruby
quartz glasses,
The 2nd level of this Weakness means the power is simple
to activate, or comes from a situation, chemical or device For a power point reduction of 20% the danger is harder
that is common or a character can replicate themselves , to control, but by wearing a special bodysuit the character
Like Donald Blake striking his cane on the ground to can at least know basic human contact, like Rogues
become Thor, Bruce Banner getting angry, Werewolf By powers,
Night only being able to use his powers at night, Billy
For a PP reduction of 50% points there is no means to
Batson saying Shazam, Elongated Man having to drink
control the danger, anyone getting within 5 feet of the
Gingold, or Jesse Quick visualizing the speed-formula:
character will suffer ill effects (usually 1d6 damage from
3x2(9YZ)4A. This reduces the cost of any or all powers
some manifestation of their power) anyone touching them
that have this weakness by 10%.
may die (x3 damage)
The 3rd level of this Weakness means the power comes
DISFIGUREMENT - The characters power has altered them
directly from an item, such a green lanterns ring, or Iron
physically. If their powers must be activated, then they must
Mans armor. Separate the item from the user and they are
choose whether this Weakness effects them while their powers are
powerless, furthermore, anyone else who gains control of
either activated or deactivated. If they choose both, add +5%
the item now possesses that power. This reduces the cost
reduction to their power cost.
of any or all powers that have this weakness by 25%.
Taking the 1st level of this Weakness means they are
slightly scarred or have suffered a minor physical
Weakness the activation of the characters power reduces one of his
mutation, and take a -2 to their ATTR. This reduces the
stats. The stat must be chosen at Character Generation from INT,
total power costs by 3 points
REF, COOL, BOD, MA, or EMP. The character may choose more
than 1 stat, each additional stat chosen adds 10% to the total Power At the 2nd level of this Weakness the disfigurement is
Cost Reduction. This weakness only works with powers that must much more severe, they look like a freak, they loose -5
be activated and that raise a different Stat (or Stat-like effects such points to ATTR (to a min of ATTR 1) and are at an
as Super Strength or Super Speed). additional - 2 to all social skills when meeting or
addressing new people. This reduces the total cost of
At the 1st level of this Weakness the Stat drops to 8, The
powers by 10 points
Power Point cost reduction is 10%
At the 2nd level of this Weakness the Stat drops to 5. The At the third level of this power the character is hideously
PP cost reduction is 25% deformed, like a mutant burn victim with skeletal
At the 3rd level of this Weakness the Stat drops to 2, much elephantitus, or a Brundlefly... ATTR drops to 1, and they
like the classic HULK SMASH. The PP cost reduction are at a -5 to all social skills, the character makes babies
becomes 50% cry, and anyone with a cool below 5 stomach who looks
at the character for the first time has a 25% chance of
vomiting. This reduces the total power cost by 20 points
POWER CANNOT BE TURNED OFF – This weakness only SPECIFIC VULNERABILITY - The character has a specific
applies to touch or ranged powers that have a detrimental effect to vulnerability to something, Characters can take multiple
others. Taking this weakness gives an automatic 50% PP cost weaknesses, at different point values. The base weakness is merely
reduction to the specific power. A power that cannot be shut off that anything made of, or coated with that vulnerability, can bypass
cannot be controlled, and will harm friend, foe, and innocent any Meta-Defenses,
bystander alike.
At the 1st Level of this weakness it is something rare, like
POWER IS HARD TO CONTROL- Every time the character magic to Superman, This reduces the cost of any or all
uses or manifests their power, they must make a -1 cool save, powers that have this weakness by 5 points.
failure indicates a roll on the fumble chart. The standard level of
At the 2nd level of this weakness it is something common,
this Weakness reduces the PP cost of the power by 5 points. This
like Mon-El to lead. This reduces the cost of any or all
Weakness only effects powers that require a skill to use. For a
powers that have this weakness by 10%
10% reduction to power cost the save becomes –3, and for 25%
power cost reduction the save becomes negative –5. At the 3rd level it is something everywhere, like Sentinel
to wood or the Green Lantern Corps to the color Yellow.
This reduces the cost of any or all powers that have this
With this weakness a character must manually recharge their
weakness by 25%
powers from an outside source. For a power cost reduction of 5
points this outside source is readily available (such as the sun, For an additional 5% reduction to the PP cost the
water, electricity, sound, or kinetic energy). For a 50% reduction it vulnerability itself is detrimental to the character, like
is something rarer, such as a mystic power battery, or immersion Kryptonite to Superman. Removing their powers or
into a sacred pool. Taking this weakness replaces any natural making them sick (BOD, COOL, MA and REF Stats drop
regeneration of Power Use or Duration effects that center on the 50%).
Increasing the cost reduction to 50% makes the
SECRET IDENTITY IS NOT SO SECRET - The characters vulnerability fatal to the character doing an automatic 1
true identity is public knowledge, this weakness simply reduces the point of damage to the character per round of exposure.
total point cost for all powers by 5 points, but can have detrimental
The character may also determine the level of exposure
effects. Their REP instantly goes to 10, people everywhere
required to affect their character.
recognize them, they have a wikipedia page with their full name,
address, and the names of their friends and relatives listed, and For a 10-point reduction in power cost it has to
they are plastered all over tabloids. On the other hand, they may be in physical contact with the character or the
get free stuff out of it, like endorsement deals, and have women manifestation of their power,
waiting in line for them.
For a 25-point reduction in PP cost the
vulnerability must be with a number of meters
equal to their BOD. Direct Physical contact
causes 2 points of damage per round.
For a 50-point reduction in PP cost, the
vulnerability must be within a number of meters
equal to x2 BOD. At half this distance the
character takes 2 points of damage per round,
and direct physical contact causes 3 points of
damage per round.

A bit of last minute advice: A superhero RPG should be all about creativity, particularly when it comes to powers. If players want to
modify a power to better suit their needs, the GM should always consider this. If the players wishes to modify a power in a way that
makes it more powerful feel free to set limiters, either by a higher point cost, or narrowing the powers scope or imposing an
appropriate weakness. If the player wants to limit and specify the scope of a power, by all means work with them, and perhaps allow
them to get a discount on the PP cost, or give them a few Extra PP for limiting themselves in the name of creativity. Not a single one of
these powers are etched in stone, nor are we foolish enough to think we could have covered any and every possibility with superpowers.
What we HAVE done is provide a guide by example of how to define and balance any power you do think up.

(Created and written by Deric Bernier, Cameron Jacobs, and Brandon Fleming, all images by Deric Bernier,)

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