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Atlas Shrugged Plot and Character Review

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Mowen The by-stander.

Owner of Amalgamated switc

Ellis Wyatt The man of the burning torch. Owner of Wy

The best banker the world ever saw.

Midas mulligan
New York

Ken Danagger Danagger Coals. Rearden's co-indus

Father of Science. Lives in Galt Gulch. D

Hugh Akston
Aristotle. Location: Galt's Gulch
Philosopher turned pirate for res
Ragnar Danneskjold
Hans of Iceland. Location: The S
Assistant and childhood friend of Dagny
Eddie Willers
Location: Taggart transcontinental.
Man of intellect. The best stude
Franscisco d'Anconia
of Dagny Taggart. Location: d'A
The main protagonist. Woman of pass
Dagny Taggart
the last to join the Galt's Gulch. locatio
The counterpart of Dagny. The last but
Hank Rearden
Rearden Mills
John Galt is the primary male hero of Atlas
John Galt
Location: Galt's Gulch

Floyd Ferris Proclaimed Man of science. Uses all his

Political Head. Head of all corruption.
Mr. Thompson
Harry.S.Truman. Location: Washington
Origin of Evil. He is the man who c
Dr. Robert Stadtler
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. Location

Wesley Mouch Economic Dictator. Humph. The title s

The man who sold his soul. He wante

James Taggart
dying. Dagny's brother. Location: Ta
Editor of The Future. He uses only i
Bertram Scudder

Atlas Shrugged The man who believed totally that w

Eugene Lawson
Connecticut, Washington.

Lillian Rearden Rearden's Wife. A Misanthrope. Hate

wner of Amalgamated switches. Location: Connecticut.

burning torch. Owner of Wyatt Oil. Leading customer of Dagny Taggart. Location: Colorado

banker the world ever saw. Quit when the Twentienth Century Motor was closed down. Location:

Coals. Rearden's co-industrialist. Location: Philadelphia

ence. Lives in Galt Gulch. Dedicated his life to the betterment of his three students. Based on
cation: Galt's Gulch
osopher turned pirate for rescue. Man of highest moral principles. The character is a tribute to the novel
s of Iceland. Location: The Sea, Galt's Gulch.
d childhood friend of Dagny Taggart. Tries to save Taggart Transcontinental till its last breath.
aggart transcontinental.
n of intellect. The best student of Hugh Akston. Owner of d'Anconia Copper. Childhood friend and ex-lover
agny Taggart. Location: d'Anconia Copper Mines, Galt's Gulch.
protagonist. Woman of passion, reason, determination and love. her office is her home. She was
join the Galt's Gulch. location: Taggart Transcontinental
erpart of Dagny. The last but one to join Galt's Army. He illustrates Rand's theory of Sex. Location:

primary male hero of Atlas Shrugged. Model of Objectivism. Epitome of Rand's Philosophy.

an of science. Uses all his power to destroy the producers. Location: State Science Institute

ad. Head of all corruption. Tries to break even all industrialist wealth. Model of President
uman. Location: Washington
of Evil. He is the man who chose not to help people with his intellect. He chose the side of evil. Model of
bert Oppenheimer. Location: State Science Institute
Dictator. Humph. The title says it all. Location: Washington

who sold his soul. He wanted the death of all industrialists so badly that he didn't mind himself
gny's brother. Location: Taggart Transcontinental
The Future. He uses only innuendos. No news is actually covered by him in 15 years. Location:

who believed totally that whatever the looters were doing was for the public good. Location:
cut, Washington.
Wife. A Misanthrope. Hates life and hates Rearden. Location: Philadelphia.
bute to the novel

riend and ex-lover

of evil. Model of
Lillian Rearden Rearden's Wife. A Misanthrope. Hate

Associated Steel, Owner. No order has b

Orren Boyle

Fred Kinnan Music Composer who hates melodies. P

Cherryl Wife of Jim Taggart. Commits suicide unable

Begins with Dagny Taggart trying to keep Taggart transcontinenta

Economic Depression surges and the 'Who is john Galt ?'phrase
The San Sebastian Line is constructed and d'Anconia mines are
Hank enters the plot. Hank and dagny try to save the only remainin
invention, Rearden Metal.
The State Science Institute ndenunciates Rearden Metal and te Ta
Ellis Wyatt deserts his company and sets fire to it. This is a never-e
Ken Danagger disappears and Dagny believes that a destroyer is
Directive 10-289, the most irrational and repressive law that states
no worker can quit a job, is issued by Wesley Mouch.
Dagny quits temporarily and gets a month's glimpse of the Galt's G
John Galt. A place where a man earns according to his ability.
Lillian blackmails Dagny to talk about reassurance to the public ab
country instead.
Franscisco destroys his mills and the government is under total ch
and riots seem to pickup everywhere.
Project X, a deadly sonic weapon of mass destruction is released
John Galt sabotages the government's final speech and delivers a
speech is 35 pages long in the book and is the essence of the wh
Wife. A Misanthrope. Hates life and hates Rearden. Location: Philadelphia.

eel, Owner. No order has been delivered without a delay or defect. The richest man in the

oser who hates melodies. Proclaims bad music helps you thrive. Location: New York.

art. Commits suicide unable to bear the monstrosity of her husband. Location: New York.

ep Taggart transcontinental alive from collectivism and statism.

'Who is john Galt ?'phrase becomes wild.
and d'Anconia mines are nationalised.
try to save the only remaining Rio Norte Line using Hank's new

es Rearden Metal and te Taggart stock crashes.

ts fire to it. This is a never-ending torch called the Wyatt's torch.
believes that a destroyer is at work.
d repressive law that states that no worker shall be hired or fired and
Wesley Mouch.
nth's glimpse of the Galt's Gulch, a haven for all producers started by
according to his ability.
eassurance to the public about directive 10-289, but she warns the

government is under total chaos. People die due to famine conditions

ass destruction is released.

final speech and delivers an ultimatum to the people of USA. The
nd is the essence of the whole book and Rand's philosophy.

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