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o The
Land Beyond The v
4 Busted Doorframe 6
4 6
b by Matthew Cutter n
Credits & Acknowledgements
Additional Material: Shane Lacy Hensley, Timothy Brian Brown, Matt Forbeck
Editing: Jodi Black, Matthew Cutter, Piotr Koryś, Teller
Deadlands Brand Manager: Matthew Cutter
Art Director: Aaron Acevedo
Layout and Graphic Design: Matthew Cutter, Aaron Acevedo, Joel Kinstle
Cover Art: Wayne Miller
Interior Art: Johan Lindroos, Wayne Miller, Tamires Pedroso, Bryan Syme, Jon Taylor
Cartography: Alida Saxon
Author’s Dedication: To the memory of E. Gary Gygax, who showed us new worlds

Deadlands and Savage Worlds

Created by Shane Lacy Hensley

Savage Worlds, Deadlands: The Weird West, artwork, logos, and the Pinnacle
logo are © 2016 Great White Games, LLC; DBA Pinnacle Entertainment Group.
Savage Worlds, all associated characters, logos, and artwork are
copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.

Huntington’s World ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Camp Ace-High ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4

The Enchanted Forest ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8

Allies & Enemies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21

o v
4 Huntington’s World 6
b n
In 1876, Professor Thomas Huntington was working on a “trans-
dimensional displacement device” at his ranch house east of Salt
Lake City. Then a lab explosion blasted his house to flinders. All that
remained was a single doorframe, some charred floorboards, and
Huntington’s shadow burnt onto the floor.

In 1883, certain people take an interest in the ruins. The truth of

Huntington’s experiments is weirder than any of them guess...

back to when the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas were

THE STORY SO FAR the big bugs in the Americas.

As most of the City o’ Gloom’s mad scientists The Visitors

bent their addled minds toward solving the As told in Deadlands: The Last Sons, long ago
Weird West’s problems with amazing devices, South America’s native people were contacted
Tom Huntington was obsessed with a world no by alien creatures who arrived in a flying
one else could see. Vast realms lay just beyond saucer. These lizard-like beings, who call
human perception, he insisted, and he alone themselves s’suth, were mostly friendly; they
would access them and catalog their secrets. only occasionally incinerated crops or vaporized
His Trans-Dimensional Displacement Device loudmouth humans with their beams of crimson
took him very close to success. He cobbled flame. The locals mistook them for gods, raising
together a world of his own design—a small pyramids and carving lines through the jungles
one, but still its own domain—and laid the in their honor.
groundwork for a grand exploration of many Soon after creating a race of genetically
places and times. And that, amigos, is just about crossbred human-aliens, the “gods” departed in
where the roof fell in on poor ol’ Huntington. their saucer for worlds unknown. Their visit was
To understand what went wrong, we need part of a vast colonization project; they settled a
to go back a little further. And when we say “a “superior” race on each planet they found. But
little,” we mean 2,000 years or so. All the way it didn’t quite work out how they’d planned on

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

earth. Human uprisings broke the crossbreeds’ He built a Trans-Dimensional Displacement

hold on South America and drove them north. Device and used it to open a permanent portal to
In 1876, only a handful of the creatures the Hunting Grounds. Because the spirit world’s
remained, locked away in their lair inside Devils appearance conforms to the expectations of
Tower. By 1883, following incursions into their whoever views it, Huntington saw not a shadowy
realm by ornery human cowpokes (as told in place of inscrutable spirits, but a wondrous world
Deadlands: Fortress o’ Fear and The Last Sons), most of imagination: He found an enchanted forest.
of the alien beasties were dead and the rest had The scientist lost interest in the City o’ Gloom
degenerated into a savage race their forebears and the daylit sphere, focusing on the twilit world
would scarcely recognize. beyond the portal. He built another ranch house
But them aliens were loyal to their own, and almost identical to the first, and created a “Hall of
they had memories like elephants. With the best Doors” to visit myriad spaces and times using his
of intentions, they mounted a rescue mission. tiny pocket dimension as a stepping stone.
One fateful day, as Huntington fine-tuned and
Devils Tower or Bust modified his gizmo, a shockwave ripped through
After 2,000 years of progress, the aliens weren’t the forest realm. Something big had crashed into
interested in conquest. For one thing, they had it. The Trans-Dimensional Displacement Device
their own problems with other, far more bellicose surged with energy, and before Tom could shut
alien races. They needed to rally their people—all it down it exploded. His home was obliterated
their people—and that meant sending out ships and he himself vanished in a flash. Only the
to collect all the crossbreeds they’d scattered one busted-up doorframe—portal to another
across the galaxy so long ago. world—remained.
Their technology had improved, too. The Hellstromme Takes Notice
newest flying saucers could bend time and
space to cross vast distances in an eyeblink. To In 1879, word reached Darius Hellstromme that
do so they accessed a subspace realm called something strange was afoot out at Huntington
“hyperspace”—better known to you and I as the Ruins. Although the world’s preeminent mad
spirit world, or Hunting Grounds. The aliens scientist had his hands full of plots and ploys, he
set a course for Terra, homing in on a darkly had resources, manpower, and materiel—if not
shining beacon in Devils Tower. But as they attention—to spare.
approached, the beacon winked out. Proximity Hellstromme learned a few details about
alarms detected an obstruction in their path. the doorframe—a portal that accessed a place
Unable to change course, they smashed into it at beyond understanding—and assigned Dr. Sandy
unimaginable speed. Chivington (pronounced Shivington) to study it.
And there they stayed, from 1876 until the Chivington had made a name for himself helping
present day. to develop the ghost-rock bomb, so the bad
doctor both respected his intellect and sought
Huntington’s Fanciful Realm to banish him to a place where he might meet
an unexpected end. Hellstromme put several
Where most mad scientists focused on the
X-Squads at Chivington’s disposal, and had a
real world, Tom Huntington had his head in
makeshift camp and quonset hut erected over
the clouds, imagining fantastic realms and
the ruins to shield them from trespass and prying
their uncanny inhabitants. After reading Lewis
Carroll’s books Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
(1865) and Through the Looking Glass (1871), As of 1883, Chivington has sent two X-Squads
and other fanciful tomes, he set about creating through the portal. With the exception of trooper
a domain that emulated their details...a place Nell O’Halloran, neither returned. As the scientist
where human frailties and shortcomings didn’t plans his next move, entities from the other side
exist. of the busted doorframe set this tale into motion.

H untington ' s W orld

Spirits and Stranger Things superior posse or simply dealt a few good licks,
they run off with their tails firmly tucked.
Aliens weren’t the only visitors to Huntington’s
world. Before his untimely demise, the scientist • Jack Diamond: See page 24. He has a level of
created playing-card–like entities out of the odd Fatigue from Bumps and Bruises.
spirits he found. Little did he know, some of • Roustabouts (2 per hero): Use the Townsfolk
those spirits were actually manitous. profile in the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook,
Now the red and black cards are locked in but add Strength d8 and the Brawler Edge.
a battle to the death, with the black suits (the
manitous) determined to escape the Hunting Jack’s Story
Grounds into the City o’ Gloom. Only the Red Questioned by rescuers, Jack quavers,
King and Queen and their subjects stand in “Amigo—you wouldn’t believe me if I told
their way, but due to the aliens’ and X-Squads’ you.” But with a little gentle coaxing, he spins a
meddling they’re losing the battle to the stupefying tale:
malevolent manitous. In a desperate bid to “They call me Jack. Jack Diamond. I’m not
secure aid, the Red Queen sends an agent to visit from around here. The only reason I can even
the Weird West. talk to you is because a man—a great man—
made me this way.
THE SETUP “Do you know the old ruins east of Salt
Lake City? Years ago, Tom Huntington built
a doorway to another world. He made a whole
This adventure isn’t for a posse totally lacking
realm there. And he let us live in it too.
in grit, Marshal. Some cowpokes should be at
least Veteran Rank. ”Things were good. Then
the evil ones showed up,
If you run this adventure as part of Deadlands:
killing us off and hunting
Good Intentions, Jack Diamond might show up at
people to infest. Tom helped
Smith & Robards looking for help, or the posse
us fight them and drive
could meet him during a delivery. Otherwise,
them out.
Jack appears anywhere you like, Marshal:
the City o’ Gloom’s streets, “Then the
an alley in Junkyard, or snakes arrived.
in a nearby town. Ogden, Tom vanished,
Corrine, or Provo would leaving only a few
work nicely. of us. But now it’s
not just about us,
The first the heroes see
you see. Because
of Jack Diamond is a thin,
they want to escape
nervous-looking fellow in a
into this world.
fancy red suit—almost like a
gambler, if he escaped from a “So, amigos, what
traveling carnival. He wears a do you say? Will you
white, frilly shirt and a red tie. help me stop them?”
He gets punched in the face and If the buckaroos agree,
spits out a bloody tooth. At the Marshal, now’s the time to
moment, the roustabouts whose go on to chapter two.
money Jack swindled at the poker
table are beating him mercilessly.
The roustabouts are angry but
cowardly. Faced with a display
of strength by an obviously

o v
4 Camp Ace-High 6
b n
This chapter explores the environs of Huntington Ruins and the folks
dwelling there. Although there are a few secluded spots for a posse
to make camp and check the lay of the land, there are also some
bad-tempered dudes to throw a wrench in all the best-laid plans.

A grassy, overgrown track leads from

IN THE FOOTHILLS Huntington Ruins to the hilltop, where a low
concrete structure is embedded. Huntington
Huntington Ruins lie roughly five miles east of stored ghost rock, spare parts, and other raw
the City o’ Gloom, along a dirt road in the foothills materials here, alongside Infernal Devices he
of the Wasatch Mountains. The area features considered too dangerous to be near his Trans-
scattered stands of redwood and three prominent Dimensional Displacement Device.
hills. These days, the ruins are surrounded by an The bunker is long looted, all its treasures
armed Wasatch camp. At a glance they’re the stolen. Grass and weeds grow through cracks
only inhabitants, but looks can deceive. in the concrete, and the structure is overgrown
Consult the map on page 5 to see the general with vines and lichen. A staircase leads down six
layout. steps to a ghost-steel door wedged open with dirt
and gravel. This leads into the bunker’s single
Bunker Hill 15-by-15-foot chamber.
Rumors say this hill got its name from a passing A large black bear has made the bunker into her
similarity to the site of a famous Revolutionary den, filling one corner with brush and shredded
War battle. It was actually dubbed Bunker Hill redwood bark to act as a bed. If searchers explore
by Professor Huntington for the little-known the location, draw a card: On an Eight or higher,
structure he built atop it. the bear is home and unhappy to see visitors.
• Bear (1): See Bear, Large in Savage Worlds.

C amp A ce -H igh

sounds of a scuffle inside it, they join the fray in

Hunt’s Hill
the hope of liberating some Wasatch valuables.
The Scorpions and Outcasts aren’t Deseret’s Depending how that endeavor pans out, they
only outlaw gangs, but the Nauvoo Legion has might even follow heroes through the busted
hunted down most of them. Only the craftiest doorframe. In that case, complications abound!
and most careful bandits—like the Moss Gang—
“Dirty Dutch” Henry Moss: See page 25.
manage to elude the law.
He has a riding horse (see Savage Worlds).
The gang is named for its leader, Dutch Henry
• The Moss Gang (8): Use the Outlaw profile in
Moss. Dutch Henry cut his teeth in the Range
the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook. They also
Wars of Kansas and Colorado, lighting out for
ride horses.
Deseret when he’d notched his gunbelt with a
score or more kills. He cares only for himself and,
Potter’s Hill
to a lesser degree, his confederates. Henry shows
little mercy for targets of robbery; any victim The largest rise in the area, Potter’s Hill affords
who mouths off gets plugged full of lead. Dutch a commanding view of Camp Ace-High and the
Henry, or “Dirty Dutch,” has got a reputation to road leading to it. Aside from the remains of a
protect. long-ago campfire and some prairie dogs, the hill
is uninhabited.
The gang has a camp on Hunt’s Hill, sheltered
among the rocks so it can’t be seen from the road. For cowpunchers who prefer to bust in with
The Wasatch forces at Camp Ace-High keep most guns and gizmos blazing, Potter’s Hill has little
folks from snooping around the region, and the to recommend it. A more methodical group
gang escapes notice by only coming or going can establish a base camp here for a series of
under cover of darkness. They also avoid ghost- expeditions through the doorframe.
rock–propelled vehicles in favor of horses, which
keeps things nice and quiet.
Draw a card from
the Action Deck if the
posse explores Hunt’s
Hill. During the
daylight hours, the
camp is uninhabited
on any card higher
than a Five. At night,
the camp is only
empty if an Ace
or Joker is drawn.
There’s always a
guard posted if the
gang is at home,
but consider him an
Inactive Sentry.
Dirty Dutch and his
people have no use for
folks trespassing on
their hill. They shoot
first and don’t bother
with questions. If
they notice a posse
sneaking into Camp
Ace-High, or hear the

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe


The only structures in the camp are a quonset
Fear Level: 4 hut, small storage shack with a padlocked
door—inside is ghost rock, ammunition, food
From 1876–’79, what remained of Huntington’s
and water, and other supplies—and outhouse.
ranch house sat exposed to the elements. It’s a
Four large tents provide shelter for the troops. A
minor miracle the single standing doorframe
pair of Hellstromme Industries steam carriages
survived that long. Since mid-1879 it’s been
are parked beside the quonset hut.
sheltered by a quonset hut erected over it, which
is enclosed within tall, barbed wire fences. The The quonset hut has one entrance: a single
Wasatch rail warriors who inhabit the place call locked door facing the camp’s gate. Another
it by its code name, “Camp Ace-High.” X-Squad sentry stands just inside it at all times.
The camp covers a square area 50 yards on a It has a bowed roof (similar to the hangar
side, surrounded by a 12-foot-high fence topped and workshop in Hellstromme’s compound; see
with barbed wire. The only entrance is a wide, Deadlands: Good Intentions). The hut’s interior
swinging gate that faces the road. Four veteran is open, with the remnants of Hungtington’s
X-Squadders guard the gate at all times, and house—the doorframe and charred floorboards
they turn away everyone except employees of marked with Professor Huntington’s shadow—
Wasatch or Hellstromme Industries. They only at dead center. Several pieces of weird machinery
ask nicely once, Marshal—after that, they have (Infernal Devices calibrated to monitor the
orders to open fire on trespassers. portal’s emanations) stand around it, covered
with strange antennae and flashing lights.
• Veteran X-Squad Guards (4): See page 28.
• Veteran X-Squad Sentry (1): See page 28.

Chivington’s Obsession
Dr. Sandy Chivington never leaves the quonset
hut. He sleeps on a cot in the corner for about
four hours a day; the rest of his time is spent
in intense study at a table covered with papers
and diagrams. Among these scraps of cramped,
nearly illegible notes is a partial map of the forest
beyond the busted doorframe (see the player
handout on page 7).
Chivington was the only soul to see Jack
Diamond emerge from the portal and escape into
the night; he’s extremely concerned about what
this might portend, but hasn’t yet broken the
news to Dr. Hellstromme.

Bad Nell Gets Worse

The camp’s other notable inhabitant is Bad
Nell O’Halloran, the only person to have gone
through the portal and returned. Unknown
to Chivington and the troops, she’s not
really Nell anymore. After the rest of her
squad met a bloody end at the hands of
murderous cards and aliens on the other

C amp A ce -H igh

side, a manitou took possession of her body

and squashed her consciousness like a bug.
The real Nell is in there somewhere,
but the manitou is in the driver’s seat.
Chivington hesitates to send anyone else
through, preferring to wait until they know
more about the threat involved. So “Nell”
bides her time, waiting for an opportunity
to usher the rest of her foul kind into the
physical world.
Dr. Sandy Chivington: See page 23.
Bad Nell O’Halloran: See page 25.
• Veteran X-Squadders (6): See page 28.

Crossin’ Over
It’s up to your cowpunchers to determine
how they get into Camp Ace-High and
through the busted doorframe. Options
include trickery or disguise, creating a
diversion to draw the X-Squads away,
sneaking in with Jack Diamond’s help,
trying to discuss the situation logically with
Dr. Chivington, or just kickin’ in the front
door and fightin’ their way through.
Talking with Chivington isn’t likely to
lead anywhere good. His intial reaction
to a posse is automatically Hostile (see
Persuasion in Savage Worlds) and his loyalty
to Hellstromme is total. That said, if the
group uses Persuasion to raise his attitude
to Friendly or better, which is possible in
this situation because the doctor is grasping
at straws, he agrees to let the pistoleers
venture through on an exploratory journey.
In this case he shows them his partial map
of the forest (at right), suggests they watch
out for the malevolent living playing cards,
and insists they take Bad Nell O’Halloran
with them as a guide.
If the group fights their way in or is seen
sneaking through, Dr. Chivington sends a
team of five X-Squadders after them with
orders to shoot to kill and return as soon as
possible. If this is how it turns out, Bad Nell
stays in Camp Ace-High...hoping for more
of her kind to return.

o v
4 The Enchanted Forest 6
b n
Your intrepid investigators have made it, Marshal! They’ve crossed
over into the mysterious world beyond the busted doorframe. Here’s
where we describe the general environment, all the places and
beings a posse can encounter, and finish up with a few words about
what the buckaroos stand to win...or lose.

Time passes at the same rate in the forest as

GENERAL CONDITIONS in the real world: Eight hours spent beyond the
busted doorframe is the same span in the City
The small portion of the Hunting Grounds o’ Gloom. Should the group venture further into
beyond the portal was imprinted by Huntington’s the Hunting Grounds, time grows elastic.
consciousness when he discovered it. He saw See the sidebars on pages 9 and 10 for some
it as a whimsical enchanted forest, and with specific rules in play concerning the Hunting
his Trans-Dimensional Displacement Device Grounds and the use of arcane powers.
was able to solidify that appearance and render
it permanent. It’s become much darker and Physical Considerations
scarier since then, infected by the manitous’ dark
Most of the forest takes the form of grassy
clearings and the paths that connect them. The
Dudes who pass through the portal are environment is plentiful in oxygen, but very little
physically present in the enchanted forest with “sunlight” filters through the boughs above. Birds
all their gear. If they die in the enchanted forest, (actually bird spirits) chirp and croak in the trees,
they’re as dead as they would be in the real and the air is deathly still. A few locations are
world. But there’s some good news: Normal rocky, elevated, or swampy lowland as noted in
weapons—guns, knives, arrows, and so forth— the encounter descriptions. Overall it’s a gloomy
carried through the portal can affect creatures and oppressive place, sure to put sensitive types
that are normally only affected by magic. on edge.

T he E nchanted F orest

It’s dang near impossible to cut, blast, chop, or Wanderin’ Critters Table
otherwise pass through the forest: The branches
and undergrowth are objects with Toughness 12, d6 Item
and they regenerate almost instantly, growing 1 1d4 red cards (see page 26)
before one’s eyes to fill a damaged area in 1d4 2 1d6 s’suth soldiers (see page 27)
rounds. An hombre who somehow succeeds at 3 2d6 little people (see page 24)
making his way into a forested area soon finds
4 2d4 black cards (see page 21)
himself in a bad spot. The surrounding growth
5 Giant crow (see page 23)
closes in as the entangle power: Roll a d12 with a
Wild Die in place of an arcane skill roll. 6 1d4 dead X-Squad troopers

The forest muffles even loud noises. Generally,

Encounter Areas
sounds can’t be perceived beyond a given
numbered encounter area unless the listener Following are descriptions of all the forest’s
succeeds on a Notice roll at –4. In specific cases, points of interest. Refer to page 11 for a map of
the Marshal may decide a sound is loud enough the enchanted forest.
that it can be heard with a lesser penalty or even
automatically, but this should be reserved only 1. Huntington’s Cottage
for the loudest rackets. Heroes who step through the busted
Because the fly power doesn’t function, it’s doorframe in Camp Ace-High emerge from a
difficult for a group to figure out the layout similar rickety doorframe (actually the same one,
without effort. One method is to teleport to a co-located in both dimensions) standing in the
high limb within line of sight and look over the clearing, marked A on the map. The clearing is
canopy. Of course, an hombre with the sand to try dreary, quiet except for the chirping of songbirds,
it is welcome to climb a tree: This is a Climbing and empty but for a small cottage and outhouse.
roll with a +2 bonus for all the handholds and If Jack Diamond is with the posse, he instantly
branches on the way up. When a character
reaches a high spot, the Marshal should give the
player a quick look at the map on page 11. The Hunting Grounds
Although the forest is a realm of its own and
INTO THE WOODS separate from the Hunting Grounds, it’s
close enough for a few special conditions to
Intelligent denizens keyed to areas don’t apply.
usually leave their clearing or area, but they sure Fear: There’s no overall Fear Level to worry
do pursue saddletramps who rile ’em up. Some, about. Heroes still roll a Fear test when
however, may be found wandering through facing a critter with the Fear Special Ability.
Huntington’s world. Totem Spirits: If a shaman or other hero has
a totem spirit (as described in Deadlands:
Random Encounters The Last Sons), the spirit appears in physical
Whenever the posse sets out on one of the form in the enchanted forest.
trails that connect the various clearings, draw a Harrowed: As in the Hunting Grounds,
card from your Action Deck, Marshal. On a face in the forest a worm is on its home turf. A
card or higher, an encounter takes place. manitou makes Spirit rolls for Dominion
at +4. Each Fate Chip spent by the Marshal
Roll a d6 on the Wanderin’ Critters Table to grants two hours of control instead of one.
see what the cowpunchers meet. In the case of Spirits (including red and black cards)
dead X-Squad troopers (result #6), the corpses always sense the manitou’s presence, and
wear tattered Wasatch uniforms and may have good ones don’t like it one bit.
whatever remaining gear the Marshal wishes.

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

reassumes the form of a living playing card (see

Altered Magic the red card profile on page 26).
Cottage: The front door to this small, single-
Magic doesn’t work quite like heroes are story house is not locked. It has two rooms inside,
used to beyond the portal. Some changes are
and another unlocked door in the rear. The main
due to the forest’s proximity to the Hunting
Grounds, others because of its unique status room is a study with bookshelves lining the walls
as a “pocket dimension.” The only way to and a large table covered with open encyclopedia
learn about these conditions is by enacting volumes, reference books, and numerous papers
powers and seeing what happens. covered with notes and diagrams. There are also
pencils and strange writing implements that
Power Points: Because travelers are closer
to the spirits and the source of all magic, contain their own ink reservoirs (ballpoint pens,
Power Points replenish at twice the normal which won’t be invented for another five years).
rate. Hucksters may use their own Power A note on the table reads:
Points or deal a hand of cards as they wish;
there’s no chance of backlash and Jokers are Welcome visitors! I am ever so sorry to have
merely wild. (If a huckster takes advantage missed you. Please help yourself to whatever
of this too often, though, 1d4 manitous food is in the icebox and enjoy the wide selection
notice and seek out the “cheater”). my library offers. If you travel the forest paths,
beware the Clubs and Spades, for they are ill-
Device Trappings: Arcane casters whose
Trappings involve manufactured items tempered and mischievous in equal degree. That
(most mad scientists fit the bill) enact those said, the energies of those you defeat can provide
powers with a –2 penalty. However, the great benefits! Best wishes, Professor H
Gadgeteer Edge works as normal. A large grandfather clock stands against one
Powers: Most powers work normally, but wall, its pendulum swinging steadily (if the
some are altered as described or forbidden; posse remains here long enough, they find that it
the latter do not function at all. chimes reliably on the hour and half-hour).
Contact spirit world: Only the summoning The library holds a wide and surprising array
functions work. Other uses fail and the of tomes, including works of fiction by authors
Power Points are spent. such as Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll,
Detect/conceal arcana: Everything in H.G. Wells, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and
Huntington’s realm radiates strong magic; others. Success on an Investigation roll while
trying to detect or conceal any part of it is perusing the books discovers a full set of the
useless, but the Power Points are spent. Encyclopædia Britannica, dated 1907. Surely this
Drain Power Points: No target needed; it is a ruse of some kind, but anyone who takes
draws Power Points from the surroundings. a full day to read a volume increases a single
Knowledge skill or their Weird Science skill by
Exorcism: Works as normal, but the spirit a die type.
gains a +4 bonus to its Spirit roll.
The cottage’s second, smaller room is a
Teleport: Caster may only travel to a location
bedroom with single bed, nightstand, wardrobe,
in her line of sight. Other uses automatically
fail and the Power Points are spent. and a chest of drawers, stocked with clothing. On
the nightstand rests a small glass jar sealed shut
Zombie: Walkin’ dead raised with this with wax and inscribed with runes, containing
power are inhabited by manitous and have some kind of black smoke or gas. Success on a
Smarts and Spirit d8. They’re not obedient.
Knowledge (Occult) roll at –4 identifies it as
Forbidden Powers: Beast friend (there Huntington’s soul, sent here by a contingency
are no animals here, only spirits), burrow, plan enacted upon his death. It cannot see, hear,
divination, elemental manipulation (there is speak, or sense the world around it; the professor
no earth or water present; fire and air work is in limbo. If the jar is opened near a soulless
normally), farsight, fly, hunch, inspiration,
body or any being with the Construct Monstrous
sanctify, summon ally, trinkets, vision quest.

T he E nchanted F orest

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

Ability, Huntington’s soul enters the body and beg for mercy. If Bad Nell O’Halloran is with the
animates it. Breaking or opening the jar without group, she opens fire on sight.
a suitable host within 8” causes Huntington’s A Persuasion roll or the presence of Jack
shadow form to dissipate and be lost forever. Diamond causes them to calm down and explain
Prof. Thomas Huntington: If Huntington what’s going on:
is placed within a suitable host, he has Smarts, “It’s the Clubs and Spades. They’ve gone
Spirit, Investigation, Notice, Repair, Taunt, and mad. They’re all mad here! You better watch
Weird Science at d12, the Arcane Background out for them, or they’ll bend your mind to their
(Weird Science) Edge, and several scientific will. Heaven knows what they’ve done with our
Knowledges at d10. He assumes the physical Kings and Queens.”
attributes and skills of a body he inhabits.
The cards refuse to leave the safety of their
2. Hall o’ Doors secluded clearing under any circumstances.
In this clearing stands a single-story structure • Red Cards (2 per hero): See page 26.
approximately 20 yards long and 10 feet wide.
There is an unlocked door at one end. 4. Round Hill
Inside is a dark hallway that takes up the A tall, steep-sided hill that rises above the
building’s full width. It is lined with doors on tree line fills this clearing. Simple success on a
either wall—10 on each side, evenly spaced— Climbing roll (+2) gets one to the summit. From
but oddly, none of the doors are visible on the there, the whole forest and its layout are visible;
building’s exterior. That’s because they access show that player the map on page 11.
other worlds and time periods!
5. The Ravine
The Hall of Doors was Huntington’s true
This area is dominated by a long, steep-walled
reason for creating this realm, and his crowning
slash in the earth that slopes downward from
achievement. He discovered that a strange effect
either end toward the center. At its deepest point
of proximity to the Hunting Grounds allowed
the walls on either side are close to 50 feet tall. A
him to construct myriad portals and use them to
narrow path runs along both sides of the ravine,
explore a bizarre variety of universes.
if the heroes don’t wish to descend into it. From
Use these doors to take your posse anywhere somewhere below comes the sound of periodic
you’d like them to go, Marshal. There’s no time gunshots, followed by loud cheers. Read the
travel involved, per se, but the portals can go to following if the heroes descend into the canyon,
any setting published by Pinnacle or that you or walk along either path to its center.
can imagine: Hell on Earth, Deadlands Noir, Lost
At the ravine’s bottom is a pair of black
Colony, the Deadlands of the Dark Ages, the world
playing cards, one the ten of Spades and the
of Rippers, Weird War One, East Texas University,
other the Jack of Clubs. They take turns firing
Weird Wars Rome, The Last Parsec, or even a
six-guns at the Queen of Diamonds, who’s tied
licensed setting like Lankhmar, The Sixth Gun,
up and slumped against the ravine’s north wall.
The Goon, or Savage Rifts®. Any door the group
A group of black cards behind the shooters cheers
goes through is apparent on the other side and
every time they take a shot. They’re competing to
remains where they left it...but getting back to it
see who can get closest without hitting her, but
may end up being the biggest challenge!
they’re pretty careless about that.
3. Cards on the Lam Jack Diamond insists the heroes do something
Several living playing cards—all Diamonds to rescue his queen. If Bad Nell is present, she
and Hearts—hide in the tall grass of this clearing. argues that it’s too dangerous and adds, “Besides,
Roll their Stealth opposed by the heroes’ Notice. who cares about a lousy playing card?”
If they’re discovered, they fall to their knees (or • Black Cards (2, plus 2 per hero): See page 21.
what passes for “knees” on a playing card) and • Red Queen: See page 26.

T he E nchanted F orest

5a. The Cave: The small, dark cave opens in startled s’suth put up a cursory fight with their
the bottom of the ravine. Anyone who enters it laser weapons, but flee to area #11 immediately
and walks for about a mile finds that it opens if one of them takes a wound.
into the Hunting Grounds. A buckaroo who goes • S’suth Soldiers (2): See page 27.
past that point is well beyond the adventure’s
scope; consult Deadlands: The Last Sons for more 9. Restorative Well
information or make it up on the fly, Marshal.
A well stands at the center of this small clearing,
6. Little People surrounded by a low stone wall and covered by
a wooden roof. A handy rope and pulley allow
This clearing is populated by nature spirits
the bucket to be lowered. The well water is cool
called little people. They’re generally helpful to
and refreshing. Moreover, anyone who drinks
anyone who asks nicely, and know just about
from it loses any Fatigue levels instantly, and has
everything about the forest and its inhabitants.
one wound healed per mouthful swallowed. The
Because Huntington’s perspective created
s’suth know of the well and its powers, and make
this entire place, they appear like traditional
use of it whenever needed.
Scandinavian gnomes: about as big as a bird,
with tiny boots, blue coats, red breeches, and
long white beards.
10. S’suth Command Post
Since they’ve been trapped here for going
These particular little people serve as
on seven years, the s’suth commandeered this
companions to moles, allowing them to burrow
clearing for use as their headquarters and staging
through the earth (their ability isn’t hindered by
area for expeditions into the woods. Their captain,
the prohibition that forbids the use of the arcane
Xyyzz’cor, spends most of his time here giving
orders and thinking up a plan to escape. Since a
• Little People (1 per hero): See page 24. few of their early exploration teams were waylaid
by black cards, manitous, and worse, they’ve
7. The Manitou Court curtailed most journeys into the woods. Contact
In this expansive clearing, the royal courts with a posse of curious buckaroos, however, tells
of Clubs and Spades are gathered with their Xyyzz’cor the situation must have changed. Soon
entourages. They’re manitous in card form, so he’ll send a search party to look for Huntington’s
they spend most of their time arguing about portal back to earth.
how to find and kill the red cards, how best to If you’ve chosen to develop the crashed
escape into the living world, or simply think spacecraft’s interior for your group to explore,
up arguments to counter whatever the other Marshal, Captain Xyyzz’cor has an access card
court says. When a group of shootists enters the with a blue and a red stripe on it (see The Flyin’
clearing, they quickly put aside their differences Saucer on page 16 for details). If you prefer to
and try to possess all the human minds they can. restrict the saddletramps’ access to the saucer’s
Black Queens (2): See page 22. interior, then Xyyzz’cor’s access card only has a
• Black Kings (2): See page 22. blue stripe on it.
• Black Cards (3 per hero): See page 21. Captain Xyyzz’cor: See page 28.
• S’suth Soldiers (2 per hero): See page 27.
8. Alien Sentries
A pair of saurian s’suth are stationed here, alert 11. S’suth Camp
for incursions by the malevolent playing cards Most of the s’suth non-combatants and
that infest the enchanted wood. The manitous youngsters dwell in the tall grass of this clearing,
can’t possess these creatures due to their alien hunting up food as needed and basking in the
brain makeup, but they’ve tried to attack them sun. The weather doesn’t ever change in this
and their spacecraft more than once out of sheer weird realm, so they have no need of permanent
meanness. Confronted with a human posse, the

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

shelters. Confronted with human intruders, they powers touches the stone, concentrates, and
flee in panic toward their flyin’ saucer. succeeds on an arcane skill roll at –4, she can
• S’suth Folk (4 per hero): See page 27. see any location she’s familiar with outside the
enchanted forest. She could look in on the posse’s
12. Crashed Spacecraft campsite on Potter’s Hill, the busted doorframe’s
surroundings in Camp Ace-High, or even her
The leading edge of the spacecraft, banged up dear old grandmaw back in Boise, Idaho. If a
and half-covered with rocks and rubble, juts into buckaroo visits some weird world via the Hall of
this clearing. A pentagonal opening allows entry, Doors (area #2), she can look there too.
but a single s’suth sentry is on guard at all times
(he has a blue-striped access card). If the shootists There’s no instruction manual or handy brass
venture inside, see The Flyin’ Saucer on page 16. plaque telling a body how to work the dang
thing. Arcane casters need to fiddle with it until
• S’suth Soldier (1): See page 27. they figure it out.

13. Viewing Stone 14. Forest Thing

A small pillar of stone and mortar about four This critter is an alien beast—a hungry maw
feet high stands at this clearing’s center, with a with tentacles—that escaped from the s’suth
large fragment of polished quartz set into its spacecraft and made its lair in this clearing. It
top. To most cowpokes, it’s just a rock, and not a hides just beneath the grassy earth, waiting to
very pretty one at that. To any character with an grab any animals that pass overhead with its
arcane background, it’s far more. long tendrils. A big, juicy human would be quite
Most divination-type powers don’t function a treat!
in the pocket realm. Huntington used his Alien Critter (1): Use the Desert Thing
advanced understanding of dimensional travel profile in the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook, but
to create the viewing stone, which circumvents this Wild Card specimen also has the Fear (–2)
those limitations. If a character with arcane Monstrous Ability.

unlucky hero sinks completely in three rounds
15. Dunce Cap Twins
unless extracted. With a successful Agility roll
For years, Dr. Manfred Stark—the City o’ (–2) he stops sinking any further and floats on
Gloom’s resident “Dr. Frankenstein”—has tried the soupy liquid. With a raise he reaches the edge
to create viable, intelligent life stitched together and crawls out. On snake eyes, the character is
from disinterred body parts. The problem is, Stark sucked under immediately and starts Drowning
is so far gone even he can’t remember how many (see Savage Worlds).
times he’s failed miserably in the endeavor. (See
Heroes who aid their sinking comrade need
Deadlands: Good Intentions for more on the mad
a successful Strength roll to drag him from the
scientist and his history.) The Dunce Cap Twins,
quickmud. On snake eyes they’re pulled in and
as Stark dubbed them before exiling them forever
begin to sink too, as above. Once a character is
from his presence, are by far his least intelligent
under the surface she cannot extricate herself
and must be dragged out by allies on the surface.
Leaving the master’s lab behind in 1878, they Finding the character requires success on a Notice
wandered east until they came upon Huntington roll (–2). Extricating a submerged character takes
Ruins and stumbled through the busted a Strength roll (–2).
doorframe. Finding themselves in a wondrous
All this would be life-threatening enough
realm of eternal sunshine, they decided to stay.
without outside interference. Unfortunately for
By now they’re familiar with the forest paths,
those who end up stuck in the mire, the giant
know the way to the well (area #9), and hunt
crow living in the nest above uses the quickmud
s’suth to eat.
like flypaper. Once prey becomes stuck, it’s a
The twins wear identical straw hats and simple matter to swoop down and pluck a tasty
overalls, and are stout with pot bellies. Confronted meal from the slime. Then the beastly bird flies
with a posse, they’re at first taken aback, but back to its nest to feed.
soon launch into a tirade of insults, finishing
• Giant Crow (1): See page 23.
each others’ sentences and trying to goad the
cowpokes into a fight. If a battle lasts more than 16a. Crow’s Nest: The giant crow’s nest is
five rounds, the giant crow that roosts in the trees difficult to reach, requiring a Climbing roll (–2).
above area #16 swoops in and attempts to carry It’s full of bones, human and s’suth skulls, and
off a random character. At the sight of the huge various items dropped by the many hapless
bird, the Dunce Cap Twins holler in terror and explorers who’ve stumbled into this weird realm
try to hide in the tall grass. over the years. If a muchacho digs through the
detritus and shed feathers and succeeds on
• Dunce Cap Twins (2): Use the Patchwork
a Notice roll, he finds a useful piece of gear or
Man profile in the Deadlands Marshal’s
loot. Roll 1d8 on the Random Items Table to
Handbook. They are Extras with the Clueless
determine what’s found.
and Illiterate Hindrances, and Taunt d10.
Random Items
16. Quickmud Mire
d8 Item
The trail leading to this area slopes downward
gradually, ending at the edge of a swampy mire 1 Laser pistol (see S’suth Weapons on page 18)
that fills the clearing. Another path is visible on 2 Bottle containing 3× greased lightning pills
the other side, and a character who scans the trees (see the Deadlands Player’s Guide)
above and succeeds on a Notice roll can see a 3 Ammo belt with 20× .45 bullets
massive nest of branches in the top of a towering 4 Loaded double-barrel shotgun
oak, nearly 50 feet off the ground. 5 Bowie knife in a scabbard
It’s not a just a swamp; it’s full of deep, sucking 6 Fully loaded Gatling pistol
mud. Make a Notice roll (–2) for the lead character 7 Leather sack containing $100 in gold specie
to detect the “quickmud.” Failure means he 8 Bottle containing 2× doses of restoration elixir
plunges in to his waist and begins to sink. The (see the Deadlands Player’s Guide)

16b. Narrow Path: This path winds down a
steep slope through the swampy forest until it
opens on the Hunting Grounds. Pistoleers taking
this path could be in a heap of trouble, though— The s’suth smashed into Huntington’s pocket
the trail is slick with mud. Anyone who fails an realm at this spot, and the sorely damaged ship
Agility roll at –2 slides down the slope and is spit hasn’t moved since. We provide a portion of the
out into the wilds of the spirit world. Rescuing ship’s interior here, but most of it is beyond this
that poor hombre is up to his companions; what adventure’s scope. That said, we also provide a
happens next is up to the Marshal. Flyin’ Saucer Template (page 29) if you’d like to
flesh out the rest of the ship for exploration.
17. The Red Court General Information: The ship’s interior
The tattered remains of the Hearts’ and floors, walls, and doors are made of a strange
Diamonds’ entourages huddle here, trying to metal the heroes have never before encountered
hide from the manitous. They react to characters (Toughness 20). Other items and areas may
with suspicion and fear unless Jack Diamond incorporate plastic—the s’suths’ access cards, for
accompanies them, or the heroes have rescued example—another invention beyond the group’s
the Queen of Diamonds (see area #5). If the party ken. Hallway ceilings are about two yards high.
can raise their attitude to Friendly or Helpful Ceilings in the ship’s rooms are slightly higher, at
with a Persuasion roll, one red card per posse about three yards.
member joins the group as an allied Extra; give The air inside the ship has an acrid, smoky
these characters to the players to run. odor to it but is breathable by humans without
• Red King (1): See page 26. much trouble. It is slightly noxious, however. For
each hour the posse spends in the interior, they
• Red Cards (2 per hero): See page 26.
must succeed on a Vigor roll at +2 or sustain a
18. Alien Graveyard level of Fatigue (which can Incapacitate, but not
kill). Fatigue gained in this way fades at a rate of
The s’suth used this small clearing to inter one level per hour of exposure to fresh air.
their fallen compatriots in graves. But no longer:
If you choose to fill in the rest of the ship’s
After the dark energies of the Hunting Grounds
interior, Marshal, remember that the saucer is
seeped into the bodies, they rose from the earth
basically lodged in the pocket dimension’s solid
as walkin’ alien deaders. They stay here unless
barrier, with the back half jutting out into the
provoked, in which case they pursue living prey
Hunting Grounds. Investigators who reach the
as far as their rotting legs can carry them.
saucer’s rear viewports look out upon a truly
• Walkin’ Dead S’suth (2 per hero): Use the extraordinary vista: the shadowy vastness of
S’suth Soldier profile on page 27, but add the the spirit world, with brightly lit phantoms and
Undead Monstrous Ability: +2 Toughness, horrifying creatures flitting through its dark fog.
+2 to recover from Shaken, called shots do no
Access Cards: Every door inside the ship is
extra damage.
a pentagonal gate that irises open and closed.
Beside each is a reader where an access card can
19. Hunting Grounds
be swiped. A blue-striped card opens only the
This path winds on for nearly a mile before it doors colored blue on the map, and a card with
reaches the Hunting Grounds. This, however, is blue and red stripes opens doors of both colors.
the path used by manitous to enter Huntington’s Other, more highly restricted areas (with their
forest. Travelers who enter the Hunting Grounds own colors) may exist if the Marshal likes.
by this route find themselves in terrible danger,
Technology: The s’suth make use of highly
surrounded by a veritable swarm of evil spirits.
advanced tech that could be disruptive or
• Lesser Manitou Swarms (2): See page 24. downright damaging to a Weird West campaign.
• Manitous (1 per hero): See page 25. The Marshal should decide whether the s’suth
technology functions only in Huntington’s

T he E nchanted F orest

pocket realm (in which case it stops working as books can be extremely helpful in fleshing out
soon as it passes beyond the busted doorframe), the saucer’s unmapped areas.
or continues to work back in the City o’ Gloom.
In either case, a posse that brings back weird 1. Environmental Purifier
technology and brags about it soon finds itself The ship’s pentagonal entrance opens into
pursued by agents of Hellstromme, Smith & this room. Set into the center of the floor is a flat,
Robards, and Brigham Young. They all wish to circular yellow panel surrounded by a bluish-
secure such items for their own study. gray metal ring. The panel’s surface is made of a
S’suth Patrols: Alien patrols move through smooth substance that resembles glass.
the ship, keeping an eye out for living playing The circular panel is an environmental purifier.
cards and other critters from Huntington’s wood. When a s’suth stands at its center, it hums loudly
Whenever the group moves into a new hallway and emits a visible energy field that purges all
or encounter area inside the ship, draw an Action surface and internal toxins, bacteria, parasites,
Card. On a face card or higher, the buckaroos run particles, and so forth from the creature’s body.
into a patrol of two s’suth soldiers (page 27); if In game terms, it removes any poison, disease,
the Marshal draws a Joker, it’s a security robot foreign organisms, or other impurities from a
(page 27). s’suth’s system. It continues to function as long
as a living creature stands on it.
Encounter Areas
However, the purifier is specifically calibrated
The following entries refer to the Flyin’ Saucer for s’suth and dangerous to humans, whose
map below. If the Marshal has access to the Science physiology is quite different. A human who
Fiction Companion and The Last Parsec: Core, those stands on the panel suffers wracking pain and
2d12 damage per round of exposure. Anyone who

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

reaches into the field to pull out an Incapacitated 4. Staging Area

companion suffers 2d6 damage per round.
S’suth troops wait here to be deployed after
2. Spacesuit Storage gearing up. Two long, metal benches sit at the
center of an otherwise empty chamber. Pictures
This room holds racks of spacesuits in a
of famous saurian leaders and warriors decorate
range of sizes, and helmets to go with them.
the walls to provide inspiration.
To a resident of the Weird West, they resemble
highly advanced diving suits. They’re made to 5. Weapons Locker
accommodate s’suth (so there’s room for a tail)
but a human could wear one in his or her size This room holds a variety of laser weapons,
without much trouble. grenades, and gyrojet weapons, with locked
crates (Toughness 14) full of ammuntion and
3. Mess Hall energy packs. The weapons are all designed
for s’suth: Although a cowpoke can tell they’re
This chamber has tables and weird-looking
weapons with a simple Smarts roll, it’s a lot
chairs with a wide slot down the back of each
harder to actually make them work with the
(to fit a s’suth’s tail). Cabinets hold tubes of
business end pointed in the right direction.
nutritional paste, which is tasty and sustaining to
the aliens but poisonous to humans. Figuring out how to use a given piece of s’suth
weaponry is a Dramatic Task (see Savage Worlds)
Anyone eating the food here must roll Vigor
using Smarts or Weird Science (player’s choice)
(–4). On a success the glutton merely feels awful
at –4. There’s not necessarily a time limit, but it’s
for 1d4 hours; on a failure he suffers a –2 on
assumed the heroes don’t have all day to mess
all Trait rolls for 2d6 hours from nausea and
around with items inside the ship. If the player
retching. Suffice to say that’s the last time your
draws a Club during the five-round process—
cowpokes partake of alien food.
indicating a Complication—and fails that roll, the

S’suth Weapons
Weapon Range Damage RoF AP Shots Weight
Fragmentation Grenade 5/10/20 3d6 1 — 1 .25
Notes: Heavy Weapon, Large Burst Template.
Gyrojet Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 1 10 10 3
Notes: Heavy Weapon, ammunition weighs .5 lbs per 10 shots.
Gyrojet Rifle 24/48/96 2d6 1 10 30 10
Notes: Heavy Weapon, ammunition weighs 1 lb per 10 shots.
Laser Pistol 30/60/120 2d6 1 2 50 2
Notes: Semi-Auto, Energy pack .25 lbs, +2 Vigor vs Bleeding Out, may overcharge for +1d6
damage but if Shooting die is a 1 then one-round recharge time is required.
Laser Rifle 24/48/96 3d6 3 2 100 8
Notes: Min. Str d6, Three-Round Burst, Semi-Auto (no recoil), energy pack .5 lbs, +2 Vigor vs
Bleeding Out, may overcharge for +1d6 damage but if any Shooting die is a 1 then one-round
recharge time is required.
Laser Submachine Gun 15/30/60 2d6 4 2 100 4
Notes: Semi-Auto (no recoil), energy pack .5 lbs, +2 Vigor vs Bleeding Out, may overcharge for
+1d6 damage but if any Shooting die is a 1 then one-round recharge time is required.

T he E nchanted F orest

item breaks and is useless. If the Complication 12. Barracks

roll is failed and the result is 0 or less, the weapon
goes off and deals its full damage to whoever’s This large chamber has bunks and metal
fiddling with it (or everyone in range, in the case footlockers to accommodate around 20 s’suth
of a grenade). soldiers, and several solar lamps. Only a few
troops are present; the rest are at the s’suth
The table on page 18 tells you all the gory command post with their captain (see page 13).
details of the s’suths’ various weaponry and
munitions. Only armor-piercing ammuntion is • S’suth Soldiers (1 per hero): See page 27.
available for the gyrojet weapons, and all the
13. Reactor Leakage
technology here is subject to the limitations set
out for the Marshal on page 16. A searing, acrid odor assaults the nostrils as
soon as buckaroos enter this area. This large
6.–7. Wardrobes room’s lights flicker, lending an oppressive
These rooms hold various items of s’suth feel to the surroundings. Most of the floor is
clothing and headgear. It’s not much use to obscured by a pool of sickly green liquid, leaked
human beings, but any cowpoke who drapes from ruptured hyperspace reactor core elements
himself in these robes and jumpsuits gains a +2 to above and below.
Persuasion attempts to disguise himself against There’s already a sickening taint to the air (see
s’suth detection. It’s not entirely convincing close page 16), but in this area it’s far worse. For each
up, but might fool the aliens at a distance (5” or round the cowpokes spend in this room, they
more distant). must succeed on a Vigor roll at +2 or sustain a
level of Fatigue (which can Incapacitate, but
8. Waste Disposal not kill). As with elsewhere inside the ship, this
This is the aliens’ outhouse. It takes a Smarts Fatigue fades at a rate of one level per hour of
roll at –4 for posse members to puzzle out what fresh air exposure.
the strange bowls, tubes, and machinery in this The green liquid is shallow at its edges, but
room are used for. deepens to six inches as a character heads toward
its northeastern extremity. Anybody walking
9. Lieutenant’s Quarters through it is in trouble; the sludge is acidic,
The s’suth officer on duty dwells here, keeping dealing 1d10 damage per round to anything in
things in line while Captain Xyyzz’cor handles contact with it.
operations outside the ship. He’s actually a lazy
sort, and tends to stay in his room watching 14. Cell Block
holovids whenever he can get away with it. The Sodbusters who are captured by the s’suth
room contains a bunk, desk, chair, and solar inside the ship or in Huntington’s forest end up
lamp. here, locked in one of the 22 cells in this long
• S’suth Lieutenant: Use the S’suth Soldier hallway. There are no bars; each cell is secured
profile on page 27, but he has Smarts d8, with a force field (Toughness 20) when occupied.
Knowledge (Battle) d8, and Throwing d8. For the purposes of this adventure, all the cells
are empty. But if the Marshal has access to the
10.–11. Sergeants’ Quarters Science Fiction Companion, the cells could contain
Here’s where the two s’suth squad any number of alien species. These beings, if
commanders on duty dwell. Only one of them freed, would be extremely grateful and loyal to
is present, however (in area #11). Each room the buckaroos who cut them loose.
contains a bunk, desk, chair, and solar lamp.
15. Navigation Database
• S’suth Sergeant: Use the S’suth Soldier
The hallway leading to this area is filled with
profile on page 27, but he has Vigor d10,
caustic reactor liquid, per area #13. But for those
Toughness 9 (2), and Knowledge (Battle) d6.
who reach its sanctuary, a treasure trove of

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

information is available. Computer banks and

holographic maps display countless systems in
the known galaxy at the touch of a few keys. A
Smarts or Weird Science roll at –4 is needed to Huntington realized the manitous’ threat
activate the system, but after that the universe is early on, and set things up the way they are to
an egghead’s oyster. restrict spirits’ access to the real world. The red
cards—that is, nature spirits—can pass through
16. Hover Tube his portal at will, but they don’t typically want to.
A hexagon-shaped tube at the center of The manitous, though—they want to enter
this room is covered by an anti-gravity field. the physical world by hook or by crook, and
A cowpoke has only to leap up into it or drop they’re devious about it. Manitous that enter the
below to access the ship’s two addtional decks. pocket dimension through any one of its various
A habitation level is above, and an engineering connections to the Hunting Grounds are turned
level below. Neither is detailed for the purposes into black cards, but their number is limited to 26.
of this adventure, but we provide you with a Those cards have to possess a living being (per
blank flyin’ saucer map template on page 29 if their Possession Special Ability, detailed on page
you want to open up these areas for your posse’s 22) to go through the busted doorframe. There’s
exploration, Marshal. There are more s’suth—and no reasoning with the Clubs and Spades; they
far weirder things—on both decks for the posse seek only to spread fear and chaos.
to tangle with. This room is guarded by a security
robot that attacks intruders immediately. Wasatch Entanglements
• Security Robot (1): See page 27.
Dr. Sandy Chivington is a self-preserving
snake of a man. Even if he witnesses the posse
sneaking or shooting their way into the busted
doorframe, under no circumstances does he try
to stop them. He’s more likely to hide under his
cot until the coast is clear.
Once the group goes through the portal,
though, he sends a five-man X-Squad in pursuit.
In that case, his troops’ first goal is to kill the posse.
Their second objective is to secure any magical
or technological assets from which Hellstromme
might benefit, and return them to Salt Lake City.
If Hellstromme profits, so does Chivington.

Resolving the Issue

Ultimately, the best way to solve the “problem”
of the busted doorway is to return to the physical
world and knock it down or otherwise destroy
it. Doing so severs the link with Huntington’s
forest and the Hunting Grounds forever. That
said, your caballeros might want to pass the site
to Smith & Robards’s control or take command
of it themselves. With access to Huntington’s
Hall of Doors, myriad worlds and times are open
for exploration and exploitation by enterprising
heroes. The outcomes depend on you and your
group, Marshal.

o v
4 Allies & Enemies 6
b n
To wrap up this oddity of a tale, we present the various critters and
folks a posse meets along the way. They’re organized alphabetically,
by last name in the case of mundane folks.

Wild Cards are marked with a handy marshal’s badge to distinguish

them from the Extras.

the Poker Hands and Power Points Table in the

Black Card
Deadlands Player’s Guide.
The black suits—Clubs and Spades—are
Whoever strikes the killing blow gets the
the form manitous take when they enter
Power Points. The player has the option of taking
Huntington’s pocket dimension. They look like
the points immediately (e.g., killing a Black Ace
huge, anthropomorphic cards slightly taller than
to get 1 Power Point) or saving up defeated cards
a man, wielding swords made of paper. They are
to form a better hand (e.g., Two Pairs to gain 4
almost perfectly flat.
Power Points). Jokers are wild. Hand the defeated
Set aside an extra Action Deck, with the black cards to the player when she earns them, and take
suits and red suits in separate piles. When the them back when they’re spent. A poker hand of
posse encounters a group of these creatures, deal Flush or better replenishes all the caster’s points.
out cards to see which specific beings are present.
Non-casters can benefit from this effect as
Spirit Combat: In typical Hunting Grounds well. For a dude with no Arcane Background,
combat, any buckaroo—not just Harrowed— any poker hand up to and including Two Pairs
can Count Coup on defeated spirits or bind can be “spent” to instantly recover from Shaken,
them into service. This works a little differently or remove one level of Fatigue. Hands of Three-
within Huntington’s realm. Inside the pocket of-a-Kind through Flush can be spent to remove
dimension (and in the Flyin’ Saucer, should all Fatigue or instantly heal one wound. Hands
heroes encounter cards there for some reason), of Full House through Five-of-a-Kind heal two
defeated cards grant the victor arcane energy per wounds. A Straight Flush heals all wounds and

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

removes all Fatigue from a character. (Arcane Special Abilities:

casters can opt for the healing option if they like.) • Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card but
Strength d6, Vigor d6 don’t inflict appreciable damage.
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, • Paper Cut: Str+d6+1, AP 2. Although his
Stealth d6, Taunt d4 sword is made of paper, the Black King slices
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 deeply into flesh and armor alike.
Special Abilities: • Possession: As an action, the Black King can
take control of a human’s mind. This works like
• Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such the puppet power but costs no Power Points. If
as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card but the card succeeds, it vanishes into the victim’s
don’t inflict appreciable damage. head. As with the puppet power, forcing the
• Paper Cut: Str+d4+1, AP 2. Although their subject to commit acts that run counter to his
swords are made of paper, the black cards slice or her nature allows another roll to resist; with
deeply into flesh and armor alike. success the card is expelled and reappears
• Possession: As an action, a black card can take 1d12” away in a random direction. Black cards
control of a human’s mind. This works like that take over humans attempt to enter the
the puppet power but costs no Power Points. If physical world through Huntington’s portal at
the card succeeds, it vanishes into the victim’s the soonest opportunity. A card expelled from
head. As with the puppet power, forcing the a character’s mind in the real world manifests
subject to commit acts that run counter to his as a manitou (see page 25).
or her nature allows another roll to resist; with • Size +3: The Black King stands even taller and
success the card is expelled and reappears wider than his subjects.
1d12” away in a random direction. Black cards • Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly
that take over humans attempt to enter the flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and
physical world through Huntington’s portal at do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls.
the soonest opportunity. A card expelled from
a character’s mind in the real world manifests • Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper can
as a manitou (see page 25). be a liability. The Black King suffers double
damage from fire and flame-based attacks and
• Size +2: Black cards stand taller and wider powers.
than a human.
• Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly Black Queen
flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and
The King may be big and tough, but the Black
do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls.
Queen rules the roost. When angered, she is truly
• Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper can be terrifying in aspect.
a liability. Black cards suffer double damage
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
from fire and flame-based attacks and powers.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Black King Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d8, Intimidation d8,
Stealth d6, Taunt d10
The Black King is similar to his subjects, but
bigger, tougher, and meaner. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Special Abilities:
Strength d8, Vigor d8 • Fear (–2): Seeing the Black Queen enraged—
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d6, Intimidation d8, and she’s always angry—provokes a Fear test
Stealth d6, Taunt d4 at –2.
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 • Fearless: The Black Queen is immune to Fear
and Intimidation.

A llies & E nemies

• Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such Cha: 0; Grit: 2; Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card Hindrances: Curious, Dementia (Paranoia)
but don’t inflict appreciable damage.
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science),
• Paper Cut: Str+d6+1, AP 2. Although her Gadgeteer, New Power, Power Points, Scholar
sword is made of paper, the Black Queen slices (Enginering, Physics)
deeply into flesh and armor alike.
Powers: Burst (Ice Gun), contact spirit world
• Possession: As an action, the Black Queen can (Spirit Lens), detect/conceal arcana (Etheric Sensor
take control of a human’s mind. This works like Array). Power Points: 25
the puppet power but costs no Power Points.
If she succeeds, she vanishes into the victim’s Gear: Spare parts, toolkit, fancy suit, top hat.
head. As with the puppet power, forcing the
subject to commit acts that run counter to his Crow, Giant
or her nature allows another roll to resist; with The great crow that roosts in Huntington’s
success the Queen is expelled and reappears forest is as big as an elephant. It’s almost always
1d12” away in a random direction. If the Black hungry, so it frequently flies above the treetops
Queen takes over a human she attempts to seeking prey below. It can snap at targets with its
enter the physical world through Huntington’s beak, or flap its wings to hover in place and fight
portal at her soonest opportunity. A card with its claws.
expelled from a character’s mind in the real Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
world manifests as a manitou (see page 25). Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
• Size +2: The Black Queen is taller and wider Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12+4, Stealth d8
than a human.
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 14
• Strong Willed: The Black Queen adds +2
to Intimidation and Taunt rolls, as well as Special Abilities:
attempts to use her Possession ability. She has • Beak: Str+d10, AP 2.
a +2 bonus to resist Tests of Will. • Claws: Str+d8. If the crow hits with a raise, the
• Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly target is Grappled (see Savage Worlds). When
flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and the crow grabs a victim, it flies back to its nest
do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls. to feed (see page 15).
• Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper • Flight: Pace 10”.
can be a liability. The Black Queen • Large: Attackers gain a +2 bonus
suffers double damage from fire and to hit the giant crow.
flame-based attacks and powers.
• Size +6: The great crow is as large
Dr. Sandy Chivington as a fully grown elephant, with a
30-foot wingspan.
Dr. Chivington was hand-selected to
• Swoop: If the crow
study the busted doorframe due to
swoops to attack from at least
his expertise with other dimensions.
50 feet), it gains +4 damage.
He’s loyal to Hellstromme but not a
willing combatant unless he’s defending • Weakness (Trinkets):
his life; he developed the Chivington Ice Crows love shiny things. If a
Gun to flash-freeze water and foodstuffs. handful of coins, glass baubles,
or a similar item is tossed
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
through the bird’s line of
d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
sight, the giant crow must
Skills: Driving d4, Guts d6, Knowledge succeed on a Smarts roll
(Engineering) d8, Knowledge (Physics) or chase after it for one
d10, Notice d4, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Weird round.
Science d10

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

• Small: Due to their tininess, attackers subtract

Jack Diamond
–2 from attempts to hit little people.
In the real world, Jack Diamond appears as a
• Vanish: When little people are startled, they
young, thin man with red hair and freckles. He
have the ability (as a free action) to vanish into
wears a garish red suit. In fact, he’s a red playing
even the smallest bit of their particular natural
card made flesh. If he returns to Huntington’s
aspect. These little people vanish into the soil.
world through the busted doorframe he resumes
Vanished little people reemerge whenever and
his red card form and has their special abilities
wherever they choose.
(see below), with these stats.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Manitou
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Manitous are the Reckoners’ elite troopers.
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Gambling d12, Culled from the millions of damned souls
Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth imprisoned in the Deadlands, they are given
d8, Streetwise d8, Swimming d6 a shot at freedom in return for serving the
Charisma: +4; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 Reckoners’ desires. Some ride a soul back into
its dead corpse and become Harrowed, while
Hindrances: Cautious
others remain in the Hunting Grounds to drive
Edges: Attractive, Charismatic wandering ancestor spirits into the Deadlands.
Gear: Knife (Str+d4), fancy red suit. Manitous are invisible in the physical world.
In the Hunting Grounds they look like whatever
Little People they want, and subtle fear is out, hombre. They’re
The most common and numerous nature off duty and ready to rip a traveler limb from
spirits are known as little people. Different types limb in the spirit world.
of little people serve all the forces of nature: They tend to target the weakest of a group
fire, earth, wind, water, and animals. They are first, forming out of shadow-stuff, dust, even
generally helpful to those who ask nicely, but the surrounding landscape. They can look like
they are also easily distracted and scared. whatever they want, and it’s always horrifying.
Little people look like small, delicate humans. As soon as a manitou defeats a person or spirit
The ones in Huntington’s forest are bearded and in combat in the Hunting Grounds, it attempts to
hairy, kin to burrowing moles. They have the flee back to the Deadlands with the soul in tow.
ability to vanish deep into the Hunting Grounds On the other hand, while a defeated manitou
when frightened. might be compelled to service, they can’t be
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, consumed. For one thing, a manitou would
Strength d6, Vigor d6 rot a person’s soul from the inside out (or take
possession of the body), and for another, they
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Stealth
already belong to the Reckoners.
d12, Taunt d10
Pace: 4; Parry: 8; Toughness: 3 Manitou, Lesser (Swarm)
Special Abilities: These are the lowliest of the manitous—small
• Coup (Burrow): The consumer of a little predators and bullies with vicious tempers. They
person’s essence gains the ability to burrow as travel in packs.
the power once per day, using Spirit for the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
arcane skill roll and costing no Power Points. Strength d6, Vigor d8
• Burrow: These little people can use the burrow Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Intimidation d6,
power at will, for no Power Points, rolling Stealth d6, Taunt d4
Spirit instead of an arcane skill.
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
• Size –2: Little people are only as big as birds.

A llies & E nemies

Special Abilities: manitous do Str+2d6, or Str+3d6 with a raise.

• Bite/Claws: Manitou swarms are like hordes An Incapacitating wound delivered in this
of angry spirit weasels. Each round they fashion tears a limb from its socket.
hit automatically and cause 2d4 damage to • Size +2: Manitous stand about eight feet tall
everyone in a Medium Burst Template. Apply when in humanoid shape.
damage to the least-armored location.
• Camouflage: Manitou have the ability to blend “Dirty Dutch” Henry Moss
into their surroundings—literally. Anyone They don’t call him “dirty” for nothin’. Henry
encountering a manitou must succeed on a Moss has little regard for any human life but his
Notice roll opposed by the manitou’s Stealth own, and he hasn’t bathed in months. He’s too
or be surprised (see Savage Worlds). busy looking out for easy opportunities. Moss
• Fear: A manitou swarm is cause for a Fear test. has a scraggly beard and icy blue eyes.
• Split: Lesser manitous have enough sense to Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
split into two smaller swarms (Small Burst Strength d8, Vigor d10
Templates, Toughness –2) when their foes Skills: Fighting d8, Gambling d6, Intimidation
split up. d8, Notice d6, Riding d8, Shooting d8, Stealth
• Swarm: Parry +2. Cutting and piercing d6, Survival d6
weapons do no appreciable damage. Area-​ Cha: –4; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
effect weapons work normally, and a character Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Wanted
can stomp to inflict his Strength in damage
each round. Edges: Combat Reflexes, Improved Hip-
Shooting, Quick Draw, Marksman, Reputation,
Manitou Speed Load
These are the Reckoners’ shocktroops when Gear: Double-action Colt Peacemaker (Range
they go to war in the Hunting Grounds. Manitous 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1), double-barrel
are extremely creative in their cruelty. shotgun (Range 12/24/48, Damage 1–3d6, RoF
1–2), 20× shotgun shells, 50× .45 bullets, Bowie
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
knife (Str+d4+1, AP 1), $45.
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d10, Intimidation d10, “Bad Nell” O’Halloran
Persuasion d10, Stealth d8, Taunt d6
Bad Nell was bad enough before a manitou
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 took over her mind; now she’s worse. She came
Special Abilities: up as a particularly ruthless member of her
• Bite: Str+d6. X-Squad. These days she bides her time, waiting
for the rest of her no-good kind to swarm out of
• Camouflage: Manitou have the ability to blend Huntington’s portal.
into their surroundings—literally. Anyone
encountering a manitou must succeed on a Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Smarts roll opposed by the manitou’s Stealth Strength d8, Vigor d10
or be surprised (see Savage Worlds). Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d8,
• Fear (–1): The sight of a manitou provokes a Notice d6, Repair d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6,
Fear check (–1). Throwing d8

• Rend: A manitou’s favorite tactic is to literally Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
rip its foes in half. If two manitous successfully Hindrances: Enemy (Rail Warriors), Mean
Grapple a single foe, they can act in concert to Edges: Brave, Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll!,
tear him apart. The manitous make a single Speed Load
cooperative Strength roll, opposed by the
victim’s Strength. If they’re successful the

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

Gear: Gatling shotgun (Range 12/24/48, • Paper Cut: Str+d4+1, AP 2. Although their
Damage 1–3d6, RoF 2), 20× shotgun shells, swords are made of paper, red cards can slice
Bowie knife (Str+d4+1, AP 1), chewing tobacco, deeply into flesh and armor alike.
10× dynamite sticks, 100× matches, $45. • Size +2: Red Kings stand taller and wider than
a human.
Red Card
• Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly
Red cards are nature spirits transformed flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and
by the particular properties of Huntington’s do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls.
domain. They’re typically good-natured but their
• Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper can be a
motivations are largely inscrutable to humans.
liability. Red cards suffer double damage from
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, fire and flame-based attacks and powers.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Red Queen
Knowledge (Hunting Grounds) d6, Stealth d6 The Red Queens can be imperious and
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 demanding at times, but compared to her Clubs
Special Abilities: and Spades counterparts she’s downright sweet.
• Paper Cut: Str+d4+1, AP 2. Although their Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
swords are made of paper, red cards can slice Strength d6, Vigor d6
deeply into flesh and armor alike. Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6,
• Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such Knowledge (Hunting Grounds) d6, Stealth d6
as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card but Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
don’t inflict appreciable damage. Special Abilities:
• Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly • Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such
flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card but
do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls. don’t inflict appreciable damage.
• Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper can be a • Paper Cut: Str+d4+1, AP 2. Although their
liability. Red cards suffer double damage from swords are made of paper, red cards can slice
fire and flame-based attacks and powers. deeply into flesh and armor alike.

Red King • Strong Willed: The Red Queen adds +2 to

Intimidation and Taunt rolls. She has a +2
The red Diamonds and Hearts each have a bonus to resist Tests of Will.
king, larger and tougher than the rest of their
• Two-Dimensional: Cards are almost perfectly
kind but kindly and generous.
flat. When they turn sideways to a viewer and
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, do not move, they gain +2 to Stealth rolls.
Strength d8, Vigor d8
• Weakness (Fire): Being made of paper can be a
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, liability. Red cards suffer double damage from
Knowledge (Hunting Grounds) d6, Stealth d6 fire and flame-based attacks and powers.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities: Security Robot
• Hardy: Additional Shaken results don’t cause These automated devices patrol the hallways
the Red Kings a wound. of the s’suth spacecraft seeking intruders. They
• Immunity (Piercing): Piercing weapons such
as arrows and bullets punch holes in a card but
don’t inflict appreciable damage.

A llies & E nemies

are programmed to attack anyone whose life • Weakness (Cold): S’suth receive a –4 penalty
signs don’t register as s’suth, and move by means to resist cold environmental effects, and suffer
of tracked wheels. +4 damage from cold or ice-based attacks.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Strength d4, Vigor d4
S’suth Soldier
S’suth soldiers are drilled in military tactics
Skills: Notice d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
and endurance, fighting to defend their people.
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 8 (4)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Gear: The robot has two laser SMGs rather than Strength d8, Vigor d8
arms. Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 4.
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d6, Shooting
Each gun has 100 shots.
d8, Stealth d8
Special Abilities:
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
• Armor +4: Additional plating.
Hindrances: —
• Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken, no
additional damage from called shots,
immune to disease and poison.
• Sensor Suite: +4 Notice vs sound, motion,
chemicals, radiation, and electrical fields
up to 500 yards distant.

The s’suth are a cold-blooded, reptilian
race that originated in a faraway star system
(but not the Faraway of Deadlands: Lost Colony).
They originally visited Terra to colonize it with
a superior, human-s’suth crossbreed species, but
more recently returned to rally their forces in the
face of interstellar war.

S’suth Folk
Most s’suth are untrained in the ways of war,
simply seeking better lives for their families
despite being trapped in a strange dimension.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d4, Notice d6, Stealth
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: —
Edges: —
Special Abilities:
• Bite: Str+d6.
• Keen Senses: S’suths’ lizard tongues can
“taste” the air, giving them +2 to relevant
Notice rolls.

D eadlands : T he L and B eyond the B usted D oorframe

Edges: Combat Reflexes active exploration. After all, if the heroes made
Gear: S’suth soldiers wield laser pistols (Range it into the forest there must be some way to get
30/60/120, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), rifles out again. The prospects of repairing the flying
(Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d6, RoF 3, AP 2), saucer and rendering it spaceworthy are slim, so
or laser submachine guns (Range 15/30/60, he’s ready to entertain the notion that he and his
Damage 2d6, RoF 4, AP 2). people must settle for their own territory in the
Weird West.
Special Abilities:
If the heroes are able to communicate with
• Bite: Str+d6. Xyyzz’cor by some means, they find him proud
• Keen Senses: S’suths’ lizard tongues can yet reasonable. If the cowpokes were to ingratiate
“taste” the air, giving them +2 to relevant themselves to the saurian captain and explain the
Notice rolls. situation in terms he can understand, he might
• Weakness (Cold): S’suth receive a –4 penalty prove a valuable and powerful ally against the
to resist cold environmental effects, and suffer manitous.
+4 damage from cold or ice-based attacks. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
X-Squad Trooper, Veteran Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d8,
Some X-Squadders survive their first brush Knowledge (Battle) d8, Notice d8, Shooting d10,
with New Science technology and become even Stealth d8, Throwing d8
tougher. These hardened men and women serve Cha: 0; Grit: 3; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
at Hellstromme’s most sensitive installations. (2)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Hindrances: —
Strength d8, Vigor d10
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Brave, Combat
Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d8, Intimidation d8, Reflexes, Command, Elan, Marksman, No
Notice d6, Repair d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6 Mercy, Quick Draw, Tactician, Two-Fisted
Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 Gear: 2× laser pistols (Range 30/60/120,
Hindrances: Enemy (Rail warriors), Mean Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), gyrojet rifle (Range
Edges: Brave, Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll!, 24/48/96, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 10), 4×
Speed Load fragmentation grenades (Range 5/10/20,
Damage 3d6, RoF 1, LBT), knife (Str+d4), body
Gear: Mixed Gatling weapons, flamethrowers. armor (Armor +2, torso).
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
• Weird Science: Half of all veteran are equipped • Bite: Str+d6.
with an Infernal Device weapon; they gain
one power with a Trapping of the Marshal’s • Keen Senses: S’suths’ lizard tongues can
choice, and d10 in the requisite skill. “taste” the air, giving them +2 to relevant
Notice rolls.
Captain Xyyzz’cor • Weakness (Cold): S’suth receive a –4 penalty
Captain Xyyzz’cor once believed he and his to resist cold environmental effects, and suffer
crew would escape from the strange dimension +4 damage from cold or ice-based attacks.
they found themselves trapped in. Now he’s not
so sure. Xyyzz’cor isn’t evil by any means, but
he feels responsible for his people’s predicament
and will do whatever it takes to extricate them.
Confronted with newcomers to Huntington’s
forest—the posse, most likely—the captain
alters his “wait and see” attitude to one of

A llies & E nemies



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