Time Allowed: 1 Hour Full Marks: 35: Answer To Question No. 1 Is Compulsory and Answer Any Two Questions From The Rest

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August 2021


Time Allowed: 1 hour Full Marks: 35

Answer to Question No. 1 is compulsory and Answer any two questions from the rest.

1. Answer the following questions (any ten): 10  2 = 20
(i) The ozone-friendly refrigerant R-134a contain ______________ chlorine atom.
(ii) In Electrolux refrigerator-
(a) ammonia is absorbed in hydrogen (b) ammonia is absorbed in water
(c) ammonia evaporates in hydrogen (d) hydrogen evaporates in ammonia

(iii) In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/s and the latent heat added is 20 kJ/s.
The sensible heat factor for the process will be-
(a) 0.3 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.67 (d) 1.5

(iv) The centrifugal compressor are generally used for refrigerants that require-
(a) Small displacements and low condensing pressures
(b) Large displacements and high condensing pressures
(c) Small displacements and high condensing pressures
(d) Large displacements and low condensing pressures.

(v) In winter air conditioning, the air is-

(a) Heated and dehumidified. (b) Heated and humidified.
(c) Cooled and humidified. (d) Cooled and dehumidified.

(vi) When DBT=WBT=DPT, then the air is said to be____________.

(vii) A water–cooled condenser operates at a ____________condensing temperature than an air-cooled


(viii) In a vapour compression refrigeration plant, the effect of superheating the vapour before suction to
(a) increases work of compression
(b) increases heat rejection in the condenser
(c) may increase or decrease C.O.P. depending upon the refrigerant used
(d) all of the above.

(ix) Capillary tube is not used in large capacity refrigeration system because-
(a) cost is too high (b) capacity control is not possible.
(c) it is made of copper. (d) required pressure drop cannot be achieved.

(x) The evaporator generally used in home freezers, ice cream cabinets etc. is-
(a) plate evaporator (b) finned evaporator
(c) shell and tube evaporator (d) tube-in-tube evaporator
(xi) Environment protection agencies advise against the use of Chloro-Fluoro-Carbon (CFC) refrigerants
(a) These react with water vapour and cause acid rain.
(b) These react with plants and cause green house effect
(c) These react with oxygen and cause its depletion
(d) These react with ozone layer.

(xii) Which of the following are the desired comfort conditions in an air-conditioning system?-
(a) 220 C DBT and 90% RH. (b) 250 C DBT and 50% RH.
(c) 15 C DBT and 75% RH. (d) 150 C DBT and 40% RH.

2. A Carnot refrigerator requires 1.1 kW per ton of refrigeration to maintain a region at low
temperature of - 300C. Determine:
(i) C.O.P. (ii) higher temperature of the cycle (iii) Heat rejected in kJ/min from the system and
Also calculate the C.O.P. of the device if used as a heat pump. 7.5

3. What are the effects of suction vapour superheat on the performance of a vapour compression
refrigeration cycle? Explain with the help of P-h and T-s diagram. 7.5

4. An ammonia refrigerator works between -100C and 380C. The vapour being dry at the end of
isentropic compression. There is no under-cooling of liquid ammonia, and the liquid is expanded
through a throttle valve after leaving the condenser.
Calculate (i) Power per TR (ii) C.O.P. 7.5

Following properties of NH3 are given:

Temp Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour Specific
(0C) Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy Entropy volume of
(kJ/kg) (kJ/kg) (kJ/kgK) (kJ/kgK) vapour (vs)
-10 -808.71 487.76 5.5257 10.4539 0.41949
38 -581.57 526.77 6.3111 9.8742 0.08817

5. a) What are the desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant?

b) Determine the chemical formula or name of following refrigerants: R-113, R-717, C2HCl2F3

6. A refrigerating machine using air as the working fluid on closed Bell Coleman cycle operates
under the following conditions. Refrigerator temp= 150K, cooler temp= 300K, the air temp at the
entry of the refrigerants is 40K less than the refrigerator temp. Pressure in refrigerators= 1 bar,
a) Refrigerating effect.
b) Net work.
c) COP of the machine.

7. a) What are the advantages of multi-stage compression over single stage compression?
b) What do you understand by hermetic sealed compressor? Give its advantages. 3.5+4

8. Define the following terms: Dew point temperature, relative humidity, degree of saturation,
sensible heat factor, wet bulb depression. 5x1.5=7.5

9. What do you mean by cooling and dehumidification? Show the process on Psychrometric chart and
state the changes in DBT, WBT, RH, specific humidity and specific enthalpy. 7.5

10. a) Classify air-conditioning system.
b) Explain the procedure of drawing RSHF and GSHF line in Psychrometric chart. 3.5+4

11. In a heating application, moist air enters a steam heating coil at 100C, 50% R.H. and leaves at 300C.
Estimate the following:
(i) Sensible heat transfer if the mas flow rate of air is 100 kg/sec.
(ii) Wet bulb temperature of the heated air
(iii) Steam flow rate if the steam enters in saturated condition at 1000C and condensate
leaves at 800C. 2.5x3


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