Interview Questions - Manual and DB Testing
Interview Questions - Manual and DB Testing
Interview Questions - Manual and DB Testing
Set - 2
Set -3
Set -4
Set -5
3.How much you rate on database testing from 1 to 5,based on the rating questions
will be asked
4.Difference between primay key & unique key
5.once you get new build what are the testing process you follow
12.Tell me one example why we go for sub queries & co-related sub queries
13.How you know what are the features to be delivered for particular release or
17.Tracebility matrix ?
Set - 6
2. Difference between Delete and Truncate: Delete is the option which we can get it
back by means of Rollback option
Truncate is a permanent delete which we can't get back.
Also Truncate = Delete + Commit
3. Sal columns, emp name 2 columns, write query to get second highest salary
Select * from emp where sal > (Select max(sal) from emp where sal<(Select max(sal)
from emp))
7. what is View?
View is an alternate structure of table, instead of giving the permissions to the
user on whole table structure,
we can give the part of the structure access or the combination of tables structure
is possible only with Views.
8. Is there any mandatory to have Primary and Foriegn key relation ship to perform
a join operation?
Not necessarily required to have Primary and Foreign key relationship to perform
join operation but it's necessary there should be some condition which is
similar to the above relationship. some query conditions like
Grade in between losal & hisal etc. doesn't contain the primary and foreign key
13. Highest sal earned by employee department wise and location wise
Dept wise: Select dname, sal from emp, dept where emp.deptid = dept.dept id and sal
> (select max(sal) from emp where sal < (Select max(sal) from emp))
Location wise: Select loc, sal from emp, dept where emp.deptid = dept.dept id and
sal > (select max(sal) from emp where sal < (Select max(sal) from emp))
Other way 2:
delete from <table_name> where rowid not in ( select min(rowid)
from <Table_name>
group by column1..,column2,...column3..column n)