Interview Questions - Manual and DB Testing

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Set - 1

1) Tell me about yourself.

2) Your past experience & Skills.
3) Testing life cycle you follow in your project?
4) Currently are you involved in review activity or Testcase design activity?
5) Explain the process you follow to review Testcase document and what are the
main aspects you look into while reviewing.
6) What are the Challenges you faced while analyzing requirements?
7) What are the steps you follow to report Defect?
8) Defect Life Cycle.
9) Say if you have raised couple of defects and all the defects raised are keep
on getting rejected by Development team.How do you act to this situation?
10) Do you have experience on UNIX?
11) Stored Procedure?
12) If you are running out of time to execute the how will you handle this
situation as a lead?
13) Explain the contents of Testplan and Teststrategy document.
14) What is the difference between Severity and Priority?
15) What is join and types of joins?
16) What is Cross Join and Full Join?
17) How do you ensure all the requirements are covered?
18) Are you okay to work on Testcase design and execution?
19) Are you okay to work on Shifts?
20) Any questions?

Set - 2

1)To a layman how u r gng to explain ur job

2)what are the metrics that u have prepared for Automation
3)what are the challenges that u have faced in real life and how did u handle it?
4)If u r taken for Automation and later we assigned Manual work - How u will feel

Set -3

1. What are DMLcommands

2. Difference betweeen Drop & Truncate
3. Define Sanity testing
4. Write functional test cases for compose functionality on gmail
5. Define Severity & Priority and provide different examples
6. SQL query on Like function
7. How do you perform build testing
8. Provide different fields while reporting a defect
9. Importance of regression testing
10.How do you ensure completing regression suite in a stringent timeline
11.Define Alter statement
12.Requirement tracebility
13.You have 2 days to complete testing and PM pushed another emergency CR in the
same release. What do you do.
14.Being a lead are you ready to write & execute test cases
15.About the project
16. About your self
17. Most critical defect you logged in your career
18. What are different types of testing performed
19. What are different types of applications support in your testing career.
20. How do you rate yourself in functional testing
21. how do you rate yourself in SQL
22. Do you know the roles and responsibilties of this open position
23. Do u have any questions.

Set -4

1. Pls go thru your profile

2. Difference between Test Strategy & Test Plan
3. Explain About Defect Management
4. Severity & Priority
5. Banking domain Concepts
6. Regression Testing Process & Requirements and how to identify the regression
test cases?
7. What are the main components considering during Review Process
8. 1500 high priority test cases are needs to be executed within two days with
two resource include you. And you have to release it with in Two days to the
client. How can you handle this situation?
9. Difference between DML & DDL commands with example:
10. Explain Severity & Priority with examples.
11. It�s observed that the testers in your team are performing tests on the
deliverable even after significant defects have been found. This has resulted in
unnecessary testing of little value because re-testing needs to be done after
defects have been rectified.
You are the test lead and going to update the test plan with recommendations on
when to stop testing. List the recommendations you are going to make?
12. Customer has reported severe defects in Daily balance report. The customer is
unhappy that the problem is not fixed even after a week.
What action you as a Lead will take to restore confidence of customer and ensure
that this will not happen in future?
13. Write a Query to delete Duplicate rows in a Table?
14. Write a Query to find out last 5(least)earners of the company?
15. Write a Query to display the employees whose joining of month and grade is
16. Explain Defect Status Report and Contents?
17. Difference between Truncate, Delete?
18. Explain Test Environment check list?
19. Explain test cases design for Cash Transactions?

Set -5

1.Tell me about yourself & your past experience

2.Current roles & responsibilities in your project

3.How much you rate on database testing from 1 to 5,based on the rating questions
will be asked
4.Difference between primay key & unique key

5.once you get new build what are the testing process you follow to find top 2nd highest salary

7.On what basis test cases/scenario's you will develop &

8.what is the need of peer review

9.what type of queries you used in your project

10.What type of statement is Select

11.what all are DML & DDL commands

12.Tell me one example why we go for sub queries & co-related sub queries

13.How you know what are the features to be delivered for particular release or

14.What type of application you are working on Window/Web Application

15.Have you ever worked on Toad software

16.What type of databases you worked on ?

17.Tracebility matrix ?

Set - 6

1.What is a risk & issue?

2.Examle for one high priority and low severity defect
3.regression & re testing
4.Write test cases for composing an e- mail in yahoo?
5.Requiremnts for designing a car?
6.Write a Query to delete Duplicate rows in a Table
7.Test plan & test strategy difference
8.What are the main components considering during Review Process
9.Importance of regression testing
10.In your build out of 10 test cases 7 test cases are failed what you will do, you
will accept build or reject why?
11.Test case review how you will do?
12.Explain test cases for ATM Transactions
13.Risk mitigation
14.Do u have any question

Set - 7 - DB Questions asked by Wellsfargo Leads

Database questions and Answers:

1. DML Commands are: Insert, Update, Delete:

Commands syntax:
Insert into <Table Name> values <val1,val2,..valn>
Update <Table Name> Set <expression> where <Condition>
Delete from <Table Name> where <Condition>

2. Difference between Delete and Truncate: Delete is the option which we can get it
back by means of Rollback option
Truncate is a permanent delete which we can't get back.
Also Truncate = Delete + Commit

3. Sal columns, emp name 2 columns, write query to get second highest salary

Select * from emp where sal > (Select max(sal) from emp where sal<(Select max(sal)
from emp))

4. TCL commands in Oracle

TCL command are: Select, Commit, Rollback

5. what is the deference between Inner Joins and Outer Joins?

Inner Joins are the joins in which the resultant set would be fetched by taking the
matching records based on the condition.
Outer joins are the joins in which the resultant set would be fetched by taking the
matching records and also the non-matched records from either Left or Right table,
based on that Left/Right we will decide the join as Left outer Join and Right outer

6. what is the deference between Union and Joins?

Union is the resultant set which would fetch records from both the tables and also
if there are duplicates, it will fetch only one record. For Union, the number of
data fields(columns) and the data types should be the same in both the tables

7. what is View?
View is an alternate structure of table, instead of giving the permissions to the
user on whole table structure,
we can give the part of the structure access or the combination of tables structure
is possible only with Views.

8. Is there any mandatory to have Primary and Foriegn key relation ship to perform
a join operation?
Not necessarily required to have Primary and Foreign key relationship to perform
join operation but it's necessary there should be some condition which is
similar to the above relationship. some query conditions like
Grade in between losal & hisal etc. doesn't contain the primary and foreign key

9. How do you perform Database testing?

Database testing can be performed in most scenarios to ensure that the data is
flowing properly at backend.
This will fulfill the purpose of finding out the root cause of issues instead of
giving the opportunity to developer to find it.
Also there will be such applications which will not contain any user interface to
validate all fields. Also from front end interface we can only check
few fields but it will store many other fields including the front end fields in
the database, so it can be validated only when we are proper with database testing.

10. how to retrive top 3 salaries?

We can retrieve the top or highest salaries(or any other fields) by means of three
i. By using Nested sub queries finding top 3 salaries:
Select * from emp where sal > = (Select max(sal) from emp where sal < (Select
max(sal) from emp where sal< (select max(sal) from emp)))
ii. By using corelated subquery:
Select * from emp e where 3 > (Select count(distinct(sal)) from emp where e.sal <
iii. By using Order by and Rownumber(in Oracle)
Select * from (Select * from emp order by sal desc) where rownum > =3
in SQL Server
Select top(3) from emp order by sal desc

11.what are DML comands?

DML commands are :
Insert: Insert into <Table> values <vals>
Update: Uptade <Table> Set <Expression> where <Condition>
Delete: Delete from <Table> where <Condition>

12.what are the DCL commands?

DCL commands are:
1. Select
2. Commit
3. Rollback

13. Highest sal earned by employee department wise and location wise

Dept wise: Select dname, sal from emp, dept where emp.deptid = dept.dept id and sal
> (select max(sal) from emp where sal < (Select max(sal) from emp))
Location wise: Select loc, sal from emp, dept where emp.deptid = dept.dept id and
sal > (select max(sal) from emp where sal < (Select max(sal) from emp))

14. Write a Query to delete Duplicate rows in a Table?


Tricky way: Let�s say we have to delete duplicate rows in Table X

a. Create one more table say Y with the same structure as that of X
b. Insert all the records from the table X to table Y
c. Drop table X
d. Rename table Y as X (Rename SQL: Rename table Y to X)

Other way 1: Using Rowid and Key_Values:

SELECT min(rowid) FROM table_name B
WHERE A.key_values = B.key_values);

Other way 2:
delete from <table_name> where rowid not in ( select min(rowid)
from <Table_name>
group by column1..,column2,...column3..column n)

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