BCA in Data Analytics
BCA in Data Analytics
BCA in Data Analytics
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Program Outcomes
Sl No Description POs
1 Ability to apply the knowledge of basic mathematics, Computing PO1
fundamentals, and programming concepts.
2 Ability to identify, formulate and analyze real-life problems to PO2
provide software solutions.
3 Ability to design and evaluate the application solutions and process PO3
to meet the requirements of various problem domains.
4 Capable to devise and conduct experiments, understand and PO4
interpret data to provide well informed conclusions.
5 Skill to use the recent techniques, hardware and software tools PO5
necessary for computer applications.
6 Ability to demonstrate computing knowledge with professional and PO6
ethical responsibilities.
7 Exhibiting as a successful computer application professional with an PO7
ability of independent learning for continuous need based
8 Ability as a strong team player or a leader by demonstrating PO8
knowledge with good understanding of principles of computing,
finance and management.
9 Capable to understand, interpret, design and communicate complex PO9
computing activities to the computing community and society by
effective presentation and documentation.
10 Able to understand the impact of computer solutions by considering PO10
global, economical, legal, environmental and societal context.
11 Effective handling of real-time problems as an individual or a leader PO11
in multidisciplinary environment.
12 Ability to identify the opportunity and develop solutions through PO12
innovative techniques to create value and wealth as a successful
professional or an entrepreneur as per the societal needs.
PEO 3: High ethical & professional values and lifelong learning skills
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester - II
Type of the
Sl. No Course Code Course Name Credits
1 OBCA201 Data Structures using C++ Core 4
2 OBCA202 Foundation Mathematics –II Core 4
Professional Communication and Core /
3 OBCA203 4
Ethics Skill
4 OBCA204 Database Management System Core 4
5 OBCA205 Database Management System Lab Skill 2
6 OBCA206 Data Structure Lab Skill 2
Total 20
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester - III
Type of the
Sl. No Course Code Course Name Credits
1 OBCA301 Python Programming Core 4
OBCA302 Object Oriented Programming Using Core 4
3 OBCA303 Analysis & Design of Algorithm Core / Skill 4
4 OBCA304 Computer Networks Core 4
5 OBCA305 Python Lab Skill 2
6 OBCA306 Java Lab Skill 2
Total 20
Semester - IV
Course Type of the
Sl. No Course Name Credits
Code Course
1 OBCA401 Web Programming Core 4
2 OBCA402 Introduction to Numpy and Pandas Core 4
3 OBCA403 Software Engineering Core / Skill 4
4 OBCA404 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Core 4
5 OBCA405 Web Lab Skill 2
OBCA406 Programming Lab Using Python - - Skill 2
Numpy and Pandas
Total 20
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester - I
Variable separable, Homogenous, Reducible to homogenous, Linear, Reducible to linear
and Exact ODE’S. Application: Orthogonal Trajectories.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Develop basic knowledge of matrices and to solve system of linear equations.
CO3: Understand the concept of groups, rings and isomorphism for algorithms.
CO5: Solve first order with first degree ODE’S using standard methods.
4. David C Lay: Linear Algebra and its Applications , Cambridge University Press
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course objectives:
• A foundation from which they can appreciate the relevance and interrelationships of further
courses in the field. This course provides an insight into the general structures of operating
systems, database management systems, and computer networks.
• Operating System acts as a platform of information exchange between a computer's
hardware and the applications running on it.
• Database Management Systems have become a part of all computer-based systems
automating real word applications to handle data storage.
• Computer Networks deal with components and principles of networks and their protocols.
Introduction to computers: Characteristics of computers, Classification of Digital Computer
Systems: Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframes, Supercomputers. Anatomy of Computer:
Introduction, Functions & Components of a Computer, Central Processing Unit, Microprocessor,
Storage units, Input and output Devices. How CPU and memory works. Program execution with
illustrative examples. Introduction to microcontrollers.
Operating System Fundamentals: Operating Systems: Introduction, Functions of an operating
System, Classification of Operating Systems, System programs, Application programs, Utilities,
The Unix Operating System, Basic Unix commands.
Introduction to Database Management Systems: Database, DBMS, Why Database - File system vs
DBMS, Database applications, Database users, Introduction to SQL, Data types, Classification of
SQL-DDL with constraints, DML, DCL
Computer Networks: Data transmission media, Network types and Topologies, Network devices,
Network architecture, Application layer protocols, obtains essential system network information
using system tools: network interfaces and their addresses, active processes using network
communication. Basic network debugging: using trace route to discover route to a remote
computer, ping to check network connectivity.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Internet & Web Basics: Introduction, Features of Internet, Internet application, Services of
Internet, Logical and physical addresses, Internet Service Providers, Domain Name System. Web
Basics: Introduction to web, webpages and websites, web browsers, http/https, URL.
Course outcomes :
CO3: Illustrate databases, why databases are used, sql, datatypes in sql, introduction of queries
Programming in C Semester I
Course Code OBCA103 CIE Marks 30
SEE Marks 70
Credits 4 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• To develop skills in solving problems, to obtain knowledge about the structure of the
programming language C and to develop the program writing and logical thinking skill.
Problem Solving techniques: Introduction, Problem solving procedure, Algorithm: Steps
involved in algorithm development, Algorithms for simple problems: To find largest of three
numbers, factorial of number , check for prime number ,check for palindrome , Count no.of odd ,
even and zeros in list of integers. Flowcharts: Definition, advantages, Symbols used in flow
charts.Flowcharts for simpleproblems mentioned in algorithms. Psuedocode.
Introduction to C: Overview of C Program, Importance of C Program, Basic structure of a C-
program, Execution of C Program. Constants, Variables & Data types: Character set, C token,
Keywords & identifiers, Constants, Variables, datat ypes, Declaration of variables, assigning
values to variables, defining symbolic constants. Operators and Expression: Arithmetic,
Relational, logical, assignment, increment & decrement, conditional, bit wise & special operators,
evaluation of expressions, Precedence of arithmetic operators, type conversions in expressions,
operator precedence & Associativity, built in mathematical functions.
Managing Input and Output operations: Reading & writing a character, formatted input and
output. Decision Making and Branching: Decision making with if statement, simple if statement,
the if else statement, nesting of if … else statements, the else if ladder, the switch statement, the ?:
operator, the goto statement. Decision making and looping: The while statement, the do
statement, for statement, exit, break, jumps in loops.
Arrays: Declaration, initialization & access of one dimensional & two dimensional arrays.
Programs using one and two dimensional arrays- sorting and searching arrays. Handling of
Strings: Declaring &initializing string variables, reading strings from terminal, writing strings to
screen, Arithmetic operations on characters, String Handling functions, table of strings. User
defined functions: Need for user defined functions, Declaring, defining and calling C functions
return values & their types, Categories of functions: With/without arguments, with/without
return values. Nesting of functions
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Recursion: Definition, example programs. Storage classes: The scope, visibility & lifetime of
variables. Structures and union: Structure definition, giving values to members, structure
initialization, comparison of structure variables, arrays of structures, arrays within structures,
Structure and functions, structures within structures. Unions. Pointers: Understanding pointers,
accessing the address of a variable, declaring & initializing pointers, accessing a variable through
its pointer, pointer expression, pointer increments & scale factor, pointers & arrays, Pointer and
strings, passing pointer variables as function arguments. File Management- Create in Read/Write
and Append mode, copying file.
Course outcomes :
CO1: Describe the C Programming language which includes the structure of a C program, Tokens,
Expressions, Operators etc.
CO3: Construct the C programs that use pointers to access arrays and strings.
CO4: Illustrate the user defined functions to solve real time problems.
Course outcomes:
CO1: Describe the basic concepts of OS with different types of OS, different services along
with the various system calls
CO2: Interpret process management, various operations on process and Inter process
Part B:
Course outcomes :
CO1: Develop the C Program which includes the structure of a C program, Tokens, Expressions,
Operators etc.
CO3: Construct the C programs that use pointers to access arrays and strings.
CO4: Design the user defined functions to solve real time problems.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
IT Lab Semester I
Course Code OBCA106 CIE Marks 30
SEE Marks 70
Credits 2 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Practical
Part A: Hardware
Part B: Software
Course outcomes :
CO2: Able to install operating systems such as windows, linux, dual booting, etc
CO3: Illustrate the activities using word processor, spreadsheets, presentation software, etc
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Introduction and terminology; Traversal of binary trees; Recursive algorithms for tree
operations such as traversal, insertion, deletion; Binary Search Tree
Graph terminology, Representation of graphs, path matrix, BFS (breadth first search), DFS
(depth first search), topological sorting, Warshall’s algorithm (shortest path algorithm.)
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course outcomes:
CO 1 : Identify different types of data structures, operations and algorithms
CO 2: Illustrate searching and sorting operations on files
CO 3:Demonstrate the working of stack, Queue, Lists, Trees and Graphs in problem solving
& implement all data structures in a high-level language for problem solving
Double and triple integrals, Evaluation of double integral by changing the order of
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the concepts of representations of relations and functions.
CO2: Develop knowledge of partitions, trigonometric and exponential of relations and
CO3: Understand the concept of representation of Hasse diagram and types of Lattices.
CO4: Develop the knowledge about Laplace transform and its applications. .
CO5: Understand the basic concepts of Multiple integrals in Cartesian and polar forms.
Definition of noise, classification of barriers, impact of technology, software for creating messages,
software for writing documents, software for presenting documents, transmitting documents,
effective use of available technology.
Active Listening and effective presentation
Introduction, types of listening, traits of good listener, active versus passive listening, implications of
effective listening.
Presentation purpose, analyzing audience and locals, organizing contents, preparing outline, visual
aids, understanding nuances of delivery, kinetics, proxemics.
Group communication, Research paper, Dissertations and Thesis
Group discussions, group discussions as part of selection process, meetings, conferences, research
paper, dissertation, and thesis.
Ethics for IT professional and IT users
Ethics in the business world, ethics in Information Technology(IT), IT professionals, ethical behavior
of IT professional, IT users.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course outcomes:
Course objectives:
• Explain the foundation in database concepts, technology, and practice.
• Define SQL programming through a variety of database problems.
• Demonstrate the use of concurrency and transactions in database
• Design and build database applications for real world problems
Introduction - Data Independence - The Three Levels Of Architecture - The External Level
- Conceptual Level - Internal Level - Client/Server Architecture- System Structure ,
Instance and schema, Data Models, Types of DBMS
Keys - CODD’s Rules, Design Issues -ER – Model –Attribute types- Weak Entity Sets -
Extended ER Features –ER to Relational Mapping, Structure Of Relational Databases
Normalization –Anomalies- Functional Dependency: Armstrong’s axioms- closure of a
relation and closure of attribute– Lossless decomposition-1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Boyce - Codd
Normal Form
The Relational Algebra -- Query Processing and Optimization Transaction Processing:
ACID properties, states of a transaction-Introduction to concurrency control
DDL, Constraints, LIKE, BETWEEN, Conjunction and disjunction, Order by, Group by,
Built in SQL functions- Set operations, Sub Queries-Joins-DCL – TCL- Views – Sequences
– Index PL/SQL Basics – Exceptions – Cursors - Stored Functions – Triggers
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Identify and define database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database using
CO 2: Demonstrate the Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation.
CO 3: Construct simple database systems & applications to interact with databases
1. The EMP detail databases has a table with the following attributes.
The primary keys are underlined. EMP (EmpNo: int, name: string, dob: date, Ph No: int)
a) Create the above table.
b) Remove the existing attributes from the table.
c) Change the date type of regno from integer to string.
d) Add a new attribute Date of Joining (DOJ) to the existing table.
e) Enter five tuples into the table.
f) Display all the tuples in student table.
3. The SALARY database of an organization has a table with the following attributes.
EMPSALARY (empcod:int, emp_name: string, dob: date, department: string, salary: real)
a) Create the above table.
b) Enter the five tuples into the table
c) Display all the number of employees working in each department.
d) Find the sum of the salaries of all employees.
e) Find the sum and average of the salaries of employees of a particular department.
f) Find the least and highest salaries that an employee draws.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Design and develop database objects, enforce integrity constraints on a database
using RDBMS.
CO 2: Illustrate the Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation.
CO 3: Construct simple database systems & applications to interact with databases
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester II
Data Structure Lab
Course Code OBCA206 CIE Marks 30
SEE Marks 70
Credits 2 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Lab
1. Write a menu driven C++ program to perform the following string operations
without using string functions: (i) String Length (ii) String Concatenation (ii) String
2. Write a C++ program to search for an element in an array using Binary search.
3. Write a C++ program to sort a list of N elements using Merge sort technique.
4. Write a C++ program to sort a list of N elements of integer type using Quick Sort
6. Write a C++ program to simulate the working of Towers of Hanoi problem for N
disks, print the moves taken by the problem using recursion.
7. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the working of a stack using an array. The
elements of the stack may be integers. Operations to be supported are 1.PUSH,
2.POP 3.DISPLAY. The program should print appropriate messages for STACK
overflow, Underflow.
8. Write a C++ program to implement the operations of a Queue using linked list.
Course outcomes:
CO 1 : Illustrate different types of data structures, operations and algorithms, searching and
sorting operations on files
CO 2: Design & develop the working of stack, Queue, Lists in problem solving &
implement all data structures
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Classes, modules and exceptional handling: Classes: Introduction, Member variables
and defining methods, constructor, destructor, data encapsulation, inheritances, multiple
inheritances, diamond problem solving technique of python. Modules inbuilt modules-
sys, random, time etc. import, from import, from import * Constructing packages role of
_init _.py. Exceptional Handling: The Try-exceptelse-finally block, the raise statement, the
hierarchy of exceptions, adding exceptions.
Database & GUI Programming: importing SQLite, connecting to database, creating table,
insert, select, update, delete. Drop tables, accessing and modifying tables through python.
Graphical user interfaces: event-driven programming paradigm, Tkinter module, creating
simple GUI: buttons, labels, entry fields. Dialogs: widget attributes – sizes, fonts, colors
layouts, nested frames
CO3: Construct classes, modules, packages and organization of modules and packages, GUI
1. Introduction to Programming Using Python‖, 1 st Edition, Liang Y. Daniel, Pearson, 2017
2. Python the complete reference ,Martin C. Brown,4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education
3. Python 3 Object Oriented Programming, 2nd Edition, Unleash the power of Python 3
Objects by Dusty Phillips , PACKT Publishing.
4. Python Object–Oriented Programming :Build robust and maintainable Object-oriented
python applications and libraries, Steven F. Lott, Dusty Philips,4th Edition, Packt
Publishing Limited; 2021
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course objectives:
• Understand the Java program structure, data types and statements.
• Learn the concepts of class, objects and methods using JDK tools.
• Explore concepts of inheritance, overloading and multi-threaded programming
• Explore the use built-in packages and create user-defined packages Applet
History and features of java, C++ Vs java, how java works, JAVA Program Structure, Java
Virtual Machine concepts, java platform overview, Primitive data types, variables and
constants, operators, expression statement- branching, looping and jumping, labeled
Classes, objects and methods: defining a class, creating object, adding variables and
methods, Constructor Instances, field and methods initialization by constructors, Types of
constructor, memory allocation and garbage collection, access methods Arrays, String and
String buffer classes.
Inheritance, Super class Subclass, basic types, using super keyword, abstract and final
classes, method overriding, dynamics method dispatch. Method overloading, Interface,
Thread, Thread Life cycle, Multithreading examples, Synchronized threading, Priorities of
Exception handling: fundamental, exception types, uncaught exception, throws, throw,
try-catch, finally, built in exception, creating your own exception, Packages, Built in
Packages, Creating your own Package, input/output-basics streams, Byte and character
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Applet programming-Local and Remote Applets, Applet Vs Application, creating and
executing java applets, inserting applets in a web page, java security, passing parameter to
applets, Aligning the Display, HTML Tags & Applet Tag, Getting Input from User.
Course Outcomes:
CO 3: Construct simple GUI interfaces for a computer program to interact with users
Brute Force Method: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Sequential Search, Brute-Force String
Matching, Exhaustive Search, Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search. Decrease and
Conquer: Insertion Sort, Topological Sorting, Algorithms for Generating Combinatorial
Objects, Decreaseby-a-Constant-Factor Algorithms.
Divide and Conquer: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Tree Traversals and Related
Properties, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication. Space and Time Tradeoffs: Sorting by
Counting, Input Enhancement in String Matching, Hashing. Dynamic programming:
Binomial Coefficient, Principle of Optimality, Optimal Binary Search Trees, Knapsack
Problem and Memory Functions, Warshall’s and Floyd’s Algorithms.
Greedy Technique: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
Huffman Trees. Limitations of Algorithm Power: Lower-Bound Arguments, Decision
Trees, P, NP and NP Complete Problems.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Back Tracking: n Queens problem,
Hamiltonian Circuit Problem, Subset-Sum Problem. Branch-and-Bound: Assignment
Problem, Knapsack Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem.
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Describe computational solution to well known problems like searching, sorting etc.
1. Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, 3rd Edition,
Pearson, 2012
2. Horowitz, Sahni, Rajasekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, 2/e,
Universities Press, 2007.
3. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin:, 2rd Edition,
2009. Pearson.
4. Computer Algorithms/C++, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahni and Rajasekaran, 2nd Edition,
2014, Universities Press
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course objectives:
• Comprehend the transmission technique of digital data between two or more
computers and a computer network that allows computers to exchange data.
• Explain with the basics of data communication and various types of computer
• Demonstrate Medium Access Control protocols for reliable and noisy channels.
• Expose wireless and wired LANs.
Definition and concept of networking transmission modes. Transmission media, Internet
working, Connecting devices, Adapters. Routers, evolution of Network Technology,
Standards and protocols, Introduction to Analog signals, Digital signal, Modulation and
Demodulation, OSI Reference Model-Layered structure, function of each layer, protocol
Switching-Message. Packet, and Circuit Switching, Multiplexing – FDM, TDM WDM,
SONNET, Cellular network, satellite network, IEEE 802 STANDARDSCSMA/CD,
TOKEN BUS, TOKEN RING, FDDI. Routing algorithms — Distance Vector routing, Link
state routing, TCP/IP- Overview. Architectures, functions of each layers and protocol, IP
addressing, subnet and subnet mask, IP addressing-classes, IPV4 IPV6.
Bootstrap protocol, DHCP, mobile IP, DNS, Telnet, SMTP HTTP. SNMP, FTP. ATM
network, ATM Architecture, BISND reference model. ATM applications, Data link control
— Line discipline, Flow control, Error control. Encryption — Convention Encryption,
Conventional Encryption Model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques,
Simplified DES. Block Cipher Design Principles. Block Cipher Modes of Operation.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Cryptography, Public key encryption and hash functions ,public key cryptography,
principles of public key cryptosystems, The RSA algorithm, Message Authentication and
Hash functions, Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message
Authentication Codes, MAC Algorithm, Hash Function algorithms, Secure Hash
Algorithm, IP Security
Network Security at various layers, Secure-HTTP. SSL, PSP, authentication Header, Key
distribution protocols. Digital Signature, Digital Certificate, Security protocols, Levels of
security. Virus and Worms related threats. Malicious programs, firewall. Design
principles, Wifi, Bluetooth, Infrared.
Course Outcomes:
CO 3: Explain data link layer protocols and network security at various layes.
Course Outcomes:
CO 3: Illustrate simple GUI interfaces for a computer program to interact with users
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Java Script: Overview of JavaScript; Object orientation and JavaScript; General syntactic
characteristics; Primitives, Operations, and expressions; Screen output and keyboard
input; Control statements; Object creation and Modification; Arrays; Functions;
Constructor; Pattern matching using expressions; Errors in scripts; Examples
Java Script and HTML Documents: The JavaScript execution environment; The
Document Object Model; Element access in JavaScript; Events and event handling;
Handling events from the Body elements, Button elements, Text box and Password
elements; The DOM 2 event model; The navigator object; DOM tree traversal and
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Dynamic Documents with JavaScript: Introduction to dynamic documents; Positioning
elements; Moving elements; Element visibility; Changing colors and fonts; Dynamic
content; Stacking elements; Locating the mouse cursor; Reacting to a mouse click; Slow
movement of elements; Dragging and dropping elements. XML: Introduction; Syntax;
Document structure; Document Type definitions; Namespaces; XML schemas; Displaying
raw XML documents; Displaying XML documents with CSS; XSLT style sheets; XML
Processors; Web services.
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Discover HTML and CSS syntax and semantics to build web pages.
CO 3: Construct Client-Side Scripts using JavaScript and Server-Side Scripts using PHP to
generate and display the contents dynamically.
1. Robert W Sebesta, “Programming the World Wide Web”, 4th Edition, Pearson
Education, 2008.
2. Web Programming By Chris Bates , Wiley Publications
3. HTML5 Black Book by Dreamtech
4. 4. Angular JS By Krishna Rungta
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
IPython: Beyond Normal Python: Help and Documentation in IPython, Keyboard Shortcuts
in the IPython Shell, IPython Magic Commands, Input and Output History, IPython and
Shell Commands, Errors and Debugging.
Introduction to NumPy: Understanding Data Types in Python, The Basics of NumPy
Arrays, Computation on NumPy Arrays: Universal Functions, Aggregations: Min, Max, and
Everything In Between.
Computation on Arrays: Broadcasting,Comparisons, Masks, and Boolean Logic,Fancy
Indexing, Sorting Arrays, Structured Data: NumPy's Structured Arrays
Data Manipulation with Pandas: Introducing Pandas Objects, Data Indexing and Selection,
Operating on Data in Pandas, Handling Missing Data, Hierarchical Indexing
Combining Datasets: Concat and Append, Combining Datasets: Merge and Join,
Aggregation and Grouping, Pivot Tables, Vectorized String Operations, Working with Time
Series, High-Performance Pandas: eval() and query(),Further Resources.
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Describe the working of Ipython
CO 2: Summarize the application using NumPy and Array
CO 3: Apply the application for using Pandas and datasets
1. Python Data Science Handbook by Jake Vander Plas
2. Allen B. Downey, “Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist‘‘, 2nd
edition,Updated for Python Shroff/O‘Reilly Publishers, 2016
3. Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, ―An Introduction to Python – Revised
and updated for Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd., 2011.
4. Shai Vaingast, “Beginning Python Visualization Crafting Visual Transformation
Scripts”, Apress, 2nd edition, 2014. 6. Wes Mc Kinney, “Python for Data
Analysis”, O'Reilly Media, 2012.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester IV
Software Engineering
Course Code OBCA403 CIE Marks 30
SEE Marks 70
Credits 4 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Use modern tool to create dynamic diagrams to represent the design for the given
• Draw class diagram , analyse the different types of association that exists as per the
given problem and represent them using UML notations.
• Analyse the given system to identify actors, use cases to design use case diagrams
for the given problem using RSA/open source tool.
• Design the static/dynamic models to meet application requirements of the given
system and generate code (skeleton) using the modern tool.
Introduction: Software Products and Software process, Process models: Waterfall modal,
Evolutionary Development, Bohemia’s Spiral model, Overview of risk management,
Process Visibility, Professional responsibility. Computer based System Engineering:
Systems and their environment, System Procurement, System Engineering Process,
System architecture modelling. Human Factors, System reliability Engineering.
Requirements and Specification: The requirement Engineering Process, The Software
requirement document, Validation of Evolution of requirements, Viewpoint – oriented &
method based analysis , system contexts , Social 7 organizational factors . Data flow ,
Semantic, Objects, models , Requirement Specification, Non functional requirement.
Software Prototyping: Prototyping in software process, Prototyping techniques, User
interface prototyping. Software Design: Design Process, Design Strategies, Design
Quality, System Structuring control models, Modular decomposition, Domain Specific
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Object Oriented& function oriented design: Objects, object Classes and inheritance Object
identification, An object oriented design example, Concurrent Objects, Data flow design
Structural decomposition, Detailed Design, A Comparison of design Strategies. User
interface design: Design Principles, User System interaction, Information Presentation,
User Guidance, Interface Evaluation.
Software Verification and Validation : The testing Process , Test Planning & Strategies,
Black Box , Structural, interface testing , Program inspections , Mathematically based
verification, Static analysis tools, Clean room software development. Management Issues:
Project management, Quality management, Software cost estimation, Software
Course outcomes:
CO 3: Apply the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
practice, design, implement, verify, validate, implement, and maintain software systems or
parts of software systems
2. Michael Blaha, James Rumbaugh: Object Oriented Modelling and Design with UML,2nd
Edition, Pearson Education,2005.
3. Roger S. Pressman: Software Engineering-A Practitioners approach, 7th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill.
4. Stephan R. Schach, “Object oriented software engineering”, Tata McGrawHill,2008
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Course objectives:
• Define multi-dimensional data models.
• Explain rules related to association, classification and clustering analysis.
• Compare and contrast between different classification and clustering algorithms
Introduction: Introduction to Data Mining-Types of Data and Patterns Mined-
Technologies Applications-Major Issues in Data Mining. Introduction to Data
Warehousing: Basic Concepts and Techniques
Knowing about Data-Data Preprocessing: Cleaning– Integration–Reduction–Data
Transformation and Discretization
Mining Frequent Patterns: Basic Concept – Frequent Item Set Mining Methods -Apriori
and FP Growth algorithms -Mining Association Rules
Classification and Predication: Issues – Algorithms- Decision Tree Induction - Bayesian
Classification –k Nearest Neighbor - Prediction - Accuracy- Precision and Recall
Clustering: Overview of Clustering – Types of Data in Cluster Analysis – K Means and K
Medoid, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
Course outcomes:
CO 1: Identify data mining problems and implement the data warehouse
CO 2: Explain association rules for a given data pattern.
CO 3: Simulate between classification and clustering solution
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
1. Create a Web page by making use of the following tags : Headers, Linking and
2. Create a Web page that will have the following: Frames, Unordered Lists, Nested
and ordered Lists
3. Create a Web page Layout with Tables and all its attributes
4. Create a Web page that will have Application form (Forms) , make use of Image
Maps and Tags
5. Create an External Style Sheet that defines the style for the following tag : H1, H2,
Body , P, Li .
6. Create an Internal Style Sheet that defines a style for Positioning elements & setting
the background (color / image)
7. Create a Style Sheets that defines the style with class method , Id method , make use
of DIV and Span TAG
8. Write a JavaScript program to Demonstrate the use of Variable , message box , and
9. Write a JavaScript Program to demonstrate Functions (predefined / user defined)
10. Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate Event Handling
11. Object Creation and modification in JavaScript
12. Write a PHP program to demonstrate GET and POST method of passing the data
between pages
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Illustrate HTML and CSS syntax and semantics to build web pages.
CO 3: Experiment Client-Side Scripts using JavaScript and Server-Side Scripts using PHP
to generate and display the contents dynamically.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
(State University of Government of Karnataka Established as per the VTU Act, 1994)
Semester IV
Programming Lab Using Python - Numpy and Pandas
Course Code OBCA406 CIE Marks 30
SEE Marks 70
Credits 2 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination nature (SEE) Lab
using matplotlib
4. Write a Python program to demonstrate the generation of linear regression models.
6. Write a Python program to demonstrate Time series analysis with Pandas.
Course Outcomes:
CO 1: Demonstrate the working of Ipython with the applications of NumPy and array
CO 2: Illustrate the application for using Pandas and datasets