QAWhat Is Clinical Data Management

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What is Clinical

Data Management
Clinical Data Management is
involved in all aspects of
processing the clinical data,
working with a range of computer
applications, database systems to
support collection, cleaning and
management of subject or trial
• Clinical Data Management is the
collection, integration and validation of
clinical trial data

• During the clinical trial, the investigators

collect data on the patients' health for a
defined time period. This data is sent to
the trial sponsor, who then analyzes the
pooled data using statistical analysis.
• Review & approval of new drugs by
Regulatory Agencies is dependent upon a
trust that clinical trials data presented are
of sufficient integrity to ensure
confidence in results & conclusions
presented by pharma company
• Important to obtaining that trust is
adherence to quality standards &
• Hence companies must assure that all
staff involved in the clinical research are
trained & qualified to perform data
management tasks
Key Members
The Key members involved in Data Management:

• Project Manager /Data Manager

• Database Administrator
• Database Programmer / Developer
• Clinical Data Associate
Multidisciplinary Teams in Clinical Trials

1. Clinical Investigator 9. Ethics committee

2. Site coordinator 10. Regulatory affairs
3. Trial Pharmacists 11. Clinical Data Management
4. Biostatistician 12. Pharmacovigilance
5. Lab Coordinator 13. IT/IS personnel
6. Project manager 14. Clinical supply
7. Clinical Research 15. Auditor/Compliance
8. Monitor
Responsibilities of CDM
Study Setup
• CRF design and development (paper/e-CRF)
• Database build and testing
• Edit Checks preparation and testing
Study Conduct
• Data Entry
• Discrepancy Management
• Data Coding (using MedDRA and WHODDE dictionaries)
• Data review (Ongoing QC)
• SAE Reconciliation
• Data Transfer
Study Closeout
• SAE Reconciliation
• Quality Control
• Database Lock
• Electronic Archival
• Database Transfer
CDM Process Overview
Study Start Up Process Review

CRF design

Protocol Database


Activated database
ready to accept
production data
CRF Design/Review
A representation of the study as outlined in the protocol is made
(including CRF completion guidelines if necessary). Therefore a final
protocol needs to be available before this activity can be initiated.
CRF design usually takes about three rounds: First draft (rough without
detail but correct content), second draft (as good as we can get it) and
final version. We need input from our sponsor to correct draft versions
and to approve the final version.

• Traditional Paper Based Case Report Forms
• e-CRF (Electronic Case Report Form)- Study information directly
entered into computer.
Paper CRF e-CRF
How many CRFs do you need?
• Eligibility or Screening
• Randomisation
• Physical Exam / Vitals
• Medical History
• Follow-up Visit
• AE form/ SAE form
• Concomitant therapy form
• Laboratory test form
• Status Evaluation
Data Base Design
Data from a clinical trial will be
collected and stored in the CDMS
A database is simply a structured
set of data.
A collection of rows and columns.
MS Access, MS Excel
Oracle Clinical
Phaseforward InForm
medidata Rave
CRF Annotation
• An annotated CRF is generally defined as a
blank CRF with markings, or annotations,
that coordinate each data point in the form
with its corresponding dataset name.
• Essentially, an annotated CRF
communicates where the data collected for
each question is stored in the database.
• CRF Annotation is the first step in
translating the CRFs into a database
• CDM annotates the CRFs by establishing
variable names for each item to be entered.
• Reviewed by CDM and Statistician
Validation Checklist:
Edit specifications list describes in detail which data
shall be checked and queried if necessary. The
programming of the checks occurs according to this
list. Before the programming starts, the sponsor will
be asked to give approval of this list.
Test subjects are entered in the database to test the
entry screens and the programming. The exact
number of test subjects is not standard, but every
check has to pass and fail (negative and positive
proof) at least once.
Database set up and testing
Database setup and testing are always performed in a secure,
non study data environment (test site). Only when a database
has been reviewed and fully tested, will it be set in
‘production’, a separate environment where only study data
will be entered.
Changes in structure or programming will always first be
performed and tested in the non study data environment
before they are made effective in the ‘production’ database.
CRF Tracking
Logistic way if it is paper based study.
EDC-electronic data capture if it is e-CRF.
Data Entry

Data Entry
Data entry is a process of
entering/transferring data from case
report form to the Clinical Data
Management System (CDMS).
Data Entry: 1) Single data Entry
2) Double Data Entry
Discrepancy Management
Discrepancy management is a process of
cleaning subject data in the Clinical Data
Management System (CDMS), it includes
manual checks and programmed checks.
Trivial discrepancies are closed as per self
evident correction method or Internal
rulings and discrepancies which require
response from the site are queried by
raising Data Clarification Forms (DCF).
Medical Coding
The medical coding for a study is done as per
the project specific protocol requirement. The
dictionaries used for a study are:

Adverse Events: MedDRA (Medical Dictionary

for Regulatory Activities)
Medications: WHODD (World Health
Organization – Drug Dictionary)
SAE Reconciliation
• Serious Adverse Event (SAE)
data reconciliation is the
comparison of key safety data
variables between Clinical Data
Management System (CDMS)
and Sponsor PV. Reconciliation is
performed to ensure that events
residing in both systems are
Quality Control
• Quality Should be maintained for overall study by performing
Quality checks at intervals for all data points (Critical & Non-
Critical) prior to database lock.
• QC helps to ensure that all the data processed is accurate,
clean and Correct.
Database Lock
The database lock for a study is done to
ensure no manipulation of study data
during the final analysis.

Database lock for a study is done

once all data management activities are
completed. This includes the database
lock checklist which ensures the same.
Some of the activities included in
database lock checklist are All
discrepancies closed, DCFs received and
updated, coding complete, SAE
Reconciliation process complete etc.
• CDM is a vital vehicle in Clinical Trials to ensure:

• The Integrity & quality of data being transferred from trial

subjects to a database system
• That the collected data is complete and accurate so that
results are correct
• That trial database is complete and accurate, and a true
representation of what took place in trial
• That trial database is sufficiently clean to support statistical
analysis, and its subsequent presentation and
Importance of CMD
CDM has evolved from a mere data entry process to
a much diverse process today

• It provides data and database in a usable format

in a timely manner
• It ensures clean data and a ‘ready to lock’
CDM Professionals
• ICH.E6.5.5.1: Utilize qualified individuals
• Supervise overall conduct of trial (Project
• To handle and verify the data (Data
• To conduct the statistical analysis
• To prepare study reports (Medical Writer)
DM Role in Clinical Research
The data management function provides all data
collection and data validation for a clinical trial

Data management is essential to the overall clinical

research function, as its key deliverable is the data to
support the submission

Assuring the overall accuracy and integrity of the

clinical trial data is the core business of the data
management function
DM Role in Clinical Research
Data management starts with the creation
of the study protocol

At the study level, data management ends

when the database is locked and the
Clinical Study Report is final

At the compound level (of the drug), data

management ends when the submission
package is assembled and complete
Mission of CDM

Data Clarification

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